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Stress Stressors are something which stresses you.

Examples: Change Lack of control Relationships Demands

Fight or flight refers to the response of either fighting or running away. Effects of stress: Psychological states: Likely to lead to anxiety, anger, depression Physiological states: body changes like sweat, adrenaline rush, increased heart rate. Behavioural changes: smoking, alcohol, social behaviour Illness: convincing evidence that on-going stress links to poor health

The bodys response to stress involves two major systems: One for acute stressors (sudden) like a personal attack or chronic stressors (on-going) like a job. CNS- spinal cord and brain- responsible for thoughts and conscious controlled and reflex behaviour Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Controls the functions that we have no conscious control over such as digestion, heart rate. Split into 2: -Sypathetic and Parasypathetic branches. Sympathetic (SNS): Responsible for stress response e.g. increased heart rate Prepares body for flight or fight

Parasympathetic: Returns body to normal after threat has passed

Hypothalamus controls the bodys reaction to stress. Pituitary gland controls the release of hormones from a number of other glands and organs in the body. Adrenal gland- split into medulla and cortex. Medulla- responsible for secretion of adrenaline during acute stress. Cortex-responsible for secretion of cortisol which is released in response to chronic stress.

ACUTE STRESS: SYMPATHOMEDULLARY PATHWAY (SAM) Hypothalamus controls stress response Leads to arousal of ANS (sympathetic branch) which causes. Adrenal medulla to secrete Adrenaline which causes flight or fight Effects of adrenaline: Dilated pupils Increased heart and breathing rate Digestion stops Converts glycogen to glucose in liver

When threat is perceived to be over, the parasympathetic branch tells the body to relax and return to normal state of activity. CHRONIC STRESS: PITUITAIRY ADRENAL SYSTEM (HPA Axis) Hypothalamus perceives threat and releases CRF which causes the. Pituitary gland to secrete ACTH which stimulates the Adrenal cortex which secretes Cortisol which helps maintain the steady supply of blood Pituitary adrenal system is controlled by a negative feedback loop- when cortisol levels rise, the pituitary senses this and the production of ACTH is subdued and cortisol production falls.

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