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Name : Mira Andriyani NPM : 1206249933 / FIK Essay Outlining

Serious Problem in Jakarta

I. Introduction Thesis Statement : There are three serious problems that occurred in Jakarta, namely traffic
jam, public transport, and flood.

II. Body A. Paragraph 2 topic sentence: Traffic jam in Jakarta. 1. Cause of traffic jam in Jakarta. 2. Location in Jakarta which always jammed. 3. The impact of traffic jam in Jakarta. B. Paragraph 3 topic sentence: Public transport in Jakarta. 1. Condition of public transport in Jakarta. 2. Crime that often occur in public transport. 3. Public transport drivers do not obey the traffic rules. C. Paragraph 3 topic sentences: Floods in Jakarta. 1. Floods always occurred in Jakarta when the rainy season comes. 2. Cause of the flood that occurred in Jakarta. 3. The impact of the flood in Jakarta.

III. Conclusion Government and The Public must work together to overcome the serious problems that occurred in Jakarta.

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