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Class IIIrd No of students: 28 Time of lesson: 45 minutes Level: e!inners Te"t#oo$: %a& A'ead ( Lesson: Part A )nit * +,o- man& dinosaurs./ S$ills: Listenin!0 readin!0 s1ea$in!0 -ritin! Lesson aims Co!nitive o#2e3tives: ( to 3ount 3orre3tl& from (4(5 2 to use vo3a#ular& related to animals 6-ild animals7 * to understand t'e 1lural +s/ Affe3tive o#2e3tives: (- to 3reate a -arm atmos1'ere in order to offer t'e #a3$!round for smoot'0 eas& 3onversations #et-een tea3'er and students 24 to ma$e students 3onfident in t'emselves -'en s1ea$in! a forei!n lan!ua!e *4 to intera3t in order to develo1 s$ills Intera3tion: 4 T4 Ss 4 Ss4T 4 Ss4Ss 4-or$in! !rou1 Tea3'in! te3'ni8ues: 4 3onversation 4 dialo!ue 4 e"er3i3es 4dedu3tion Tea3'in! aids: te"t#oo$0 #la3$#oard0 3oloured 3'al$0 1osters0 'andouts0 1i3tures0 3oloured 3ards9

Nr9 (

Sta!e of lesson

Tea3'er/s a3tivit&

Students/ a3tivit&



C'e3$in! attendan3e

4 T9 3'e3$s attendan3e +%'o/s a#sent toda&./

4 Ss ans-er +: is a#sent toda&9



2 %arm u1

T as$s Ss to loo$ at t'e 1oster and to 3'oose five -ords and t'en to 3'oose five num#ers9

Ss -rite on t'e ta#le t'e num#er and t'e -ord0 1a&in! attention to t'e +s/ 1lural9



C'e3$in! 'ome-or$ and 3'e3$in! 1revious $no-led!e

4 T9 3'e3$s t'e 'ome-or$ and 3orre3ts mista$es

Ss read t'e 'ome-or$ and 3orre3t t'e mista$es in t'eir note#oo$s


;eadin! S1ea$in!

Introdu3in! of nematerial

T -rites on t'e ta#le t'e ri!'t order 6num#er03olour0noun 7 and as$s t'em to loo$ at t'e 1i3tured and -rite in t'e note#oo$s 9 T translates t'e un$no-n -ords

Ss loo$ at t'e 1i3tures and des3ri#e t'e animals9 T4Ss S1ea$in!

Ss -rite t'e translation of t'e un$no-n -ords T4Ss S1ea$in!

5 Pra3ti3e T as$s Ss to read aloud t'e te"t and 'el1s t'em to translate it9 Ss read t'e te"t and -rite t'e translation of t'e un$no-n -ords in t'e note#oo$s T Ss ;eadin! %ritin! Listenin!



T as$s students to solve an e"er3ise from t'e 3ourse #oo$ -it' dinosaurs

Ss solve t'e e"er3ise orall&9 If 1ro#lems in doin! it0 Ss -rite it on t'eir note#oo$s9




T !ives 'ome-or$9 %rite as man& -ords as &ou 3an in t'e 1lural form T re-ards t'e Ss -'o ans-ered durin! t'e lesson and !ives t'em mar$s9 T uses t'e evaluation 3'art9

Ss -rite do-n -'at t'eir 'ome-or$ is T4Ss


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