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Scanlons Rules for Success

High School Biology
Class Rules
1. When class time begins, you should be ready to begin. Upon entering the classroom, go to your seat and start the days warm-up. This will help you start to focus for the days lesson. 2. Show respect for yourself, others and personal property. Be considerate of others who are trying to learn. This will make class run smoothly and make learning fun for everyone. f you !orrow something from a classmate, !e careful while using it and return it !efore class is over. f you need to !orrow something from me, will !orrow something valua!le from you until the end of class. This will ensure we !oth get our materials !ack. . !e prepared for class. Be in charge of yourself and !ring your own materials. f you come prepared, there will !e fewer interruptions, and you can start working right away. " omplete homework#pro$ects#la!s on time. This will ensure you understand the lessons and will give you enough time to prepare for tests. ". #articipate and use class time wisely. Be a part of the class and !e productive. %e can all learn from each other and participating will help you practice what is !eing taught. Being productive will make class time efficient. $. %o food or drin&s. This is for your safety. %e will handle dangerous su!stances that could make you sick if consumed. '. (a)e a positi)e outloo&. Be in control of your emotions. &ont give up on !eing positive !ecause it will take you places youve only dreamed of.

Conse*uences +if rules are not followed,

'. ). +. /. 1. (er!al %arning *ne-on-one discussion with me ,arent communication -letter, e-mail or phone call. 0eferral to ,rincipals office ,arent-Teacher "onference

'. ). +. /. 2ood grades (er!al#written praise "hance for e3tra credit 4nowledge for the future

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