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* Reading corner *

This is an area where we have classroom meetings,

mini lessons, and independent reading.
In our classroom, the
students are able to have
their own desks: to keep all
their important folders,
pencils, textbooks and
personal items. I will also
arrange the desks in groups,
this way students are able to
work together if they need
extra help.
*Literacy Library*
ll the books are color!coded
with a level sticker and
indicated what basket it
belongs to. This is so students
are able to recogni"e what
books they should be reading
to match their level at that
* #lass $chedule *
Its very important
to make sure the
students know
what%s on the
agenda for the
day. This way
they know what
they should be
doing at all times.
&ach day a different student is able to lead us in a
review of what we learned the pervious day. This helps the
students get refreshed and ready to learn the new material.
'$tar of the (eek)
&ach day of the week we will have an exciting event to
honor the '$tar of the (eek.
*onday: The student of the week will present their '$tar of the week) poster.
Tuesday: +arents will be able to write a letter explain to the class how special their
child is to them. This may be done in several ways, poems, videos, funny stories, etc. I then
will read it during our class meetings.
(ednesday: The student will bring in their favorite book and read it to the class.
Thursday: If possible, the parent-s. will /oin their child in the cafeteria for lunch. If they
aren%t able to make it, I will provide the children with a special lunch that day.
0riday: t the end of the week the child is recogni"ed by their classmates and is given a
'$tar of the (eek) certificate.
* +roblem solving meetings *
1n (ednesday, after lunch, I will have my class meet at our
gathering place to discuss how the classroom is running. t this time,
students may bring up anything that is bothering them about our
classroom. s a class we come up with the best solution to the
problem. I tend to try and stay out of the conversation and let the
students work together to figure it out2

* *rs. Tomlinson%s *ini &conomy *
t the start of the school year my students will fill out /ob
applications. The entire school year will be like the working world.
They will get paid 345 per week for doing their /ob. They will have
to pay taxes, utilities, and rent. There will also be an opportunity to
buy health insurance, in case they are out sick. 1nce a month they
will have an opportunity to 'go shopping) in our class store with the
money they have earned or they may choose to save it for the
following month. In the items included to buy are coupons that cost
367. They can also put their money together and buy class coupons
that cost 357.
This coupon entitles you to
sit at the teacher%s desk
for one day.
This coupon entitles you to use the teacher8s
chair for one day.
This coupon entitles you to sit
by a friend for one day.
This coupon entitles you to use the computer
during silent reading for one day.
This coupon entitles you to pick your own
partner for a pro/ect.
This coupon entitles you to
read a story of your choice
to the class.
367.77 367.77
This coupon entitles you to work on the reading
rug for one day.
This coupon entitles you to sit in the rocking
chair for one day.
This coupon entitles you to print for one
This coupon entitles the class
to have free time instead
of silent reading.
This coupon entitles the class to have show
and tell.
This coupon entitles the class to have an extra
long recess.
This coupon entitles the class to have an
extra recess.
This coupon entitles the class
to pick their own partners
for a pro/ect.
This coupon entitles the class to one pa/ama
This coupon entitles the class to one hat day.
This coupon entitles the class to have outdoor
silent reading.
The 9ife 9ong :uidelines
These are the guidelines that are practiced and demonstrated in our school
community everyday. If a student decides not to go by these guidelines they
must fill out an incident report explain what they did and how they are going to
fix it. It must be singed by the teacher and parent and brought back the next
To act in a manner that makes one worthy of trust and confidence.
To be honest about things and feelings with oneself and others
Active Listening
To listen with the intention of understanding
No ut !owns
Never use words" actions and#or body language that degrade" humiliate" or dishonor others
ersonal $est
To do one%s best given the circumstances and resources
To encourage learning in a child, a teacher must be an instrument
of inspiration and not a tool of torture. To be able to gain and
keep the attention of children, a teacher must be enthusiastic
and focused. To have children want to learn, a teacher must be
positive and motivating. teacher must believe in themselves as
well as their students.
*aintaining a safe environment for children to learn in is
essential in a classroom. I will do this by making sure the
students know that when others are talking or sharing they will
be listening and being kind. #hildren need to be able to feel like
they can share things and be comfortable.
In order to get the attention of our students I have decided to
use a wind chime. The wind chime will be located by our desk.
(henever I need to get the students to look up and listen to us,
I would lightly hit the chime. The students then would know to
look up at me for the following directions. The students would
understand that the wind chime can only be used by the teacher.
#lassroom Rules
;e prepared,
;e respectful,
;e productive, and
;e safe.
#lassroom +rocedure
6. (ait to be greeted by teacher before entering the classroom.
4. (hen greeted, walk into the classroom and mark hot or cold
<. (alk to your desk and put your chair down.
=. Take out your agenda and copy the day%s plan.
5. >o your morning work. If finished early read silently.
?. @ou may sharpen your pencil, get a drink of water, or get any
need supplies at any time. -unless told otherwise.
A. If the bathroom is in the classroom you may also use that at
any time. If it is not then you must ask permission.
B. If a visitor comes in the room keep on doing you work unless
otherwise told.
C. t the end of the day make sure your area is picked up, daily
assigned chores are completed, and you have everything you
need to take home with you.
67. DE& 0FG 9&RGIG:2
(hile in the hall:
*y arms are folded, I am standing straight and tall, I am
looking at the person in front of me, I am Huiet in the

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