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9.1 Synopsis

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This module intends to help course participants to revise and analyse the features and structures of a paragraph and to write cohesive and coherent paragraphs. 9.2 Learning Outcomes Read and identify different text types. Use correct and appropriate language structures in writing an essay. Write a well-reasoned and coherent essay. Assess own language progress through peer evaluation.

9.3 Topic Framework Content

WR&T& ) "&**+R+ T T+,T T-%+.

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+,%$.&T$R9.4 What are the i!!erent te"t types # They are academic text, narrative text, descriptive text, expository text and argumentative text. These different text types express different intentions and messages to readers.

Academic text presents and discusses formal academic topics and issues. arrative text - presents fictional events ! a story

"escriptive text - descri#es the item ! event ! issue in detail



- presents facts on the 1how1 and 1why1 of an event and process

Argumentative - presents and discusses arguments pertaining to a topic or issue

A'T&0&T- 2

Read samples of different texts #elow and then fill in Ta#le A. "iscuss the features and structures of each text type during class interaction . 3ecturer facilitates discussion. Text 2

$ow to %e uce the %e ness o! &imp'es Fast

/ore than pimples what annoys many women is their visi#ility. The dar4 red color of the pimples ma4es carrying them even more difficult. To 4now what you can do to lessen the redness of pimples fast, you will have to go through this article. %imples are something every woman hates having and tries to hide #y putting on n num#er of layers of ma4eup. 5ut those stu##orn red pimples 6ust refuse to get concealed and pop out at most opportune moments when you o#viously do not want them to #e seen. 5ut you 4now them, they are 6ust going to #e there ruining your entire loo4. 5ut. there is one way out of this pro#lem now. -ou can reduce the redness of these pimples and ma4e your s4in and face a little more presenta#le. There are various commercial products which guarantee to reduce the redness. 5ut, remem#er that not all of them would suit your s4in type or would wor4 effectively on the type of pimples you have. /oreover, such products also carry the ris4 of causing more infections and redness to your s4in and pimples. And hence it is always advisa#le and smart to go for natural remedies that you can try at home to get rid of at least the redness of the pimples fast. To get an idea a#out those remedies, read further.

Text 7

Politeness theory Brown and Levinsons politeness theory, or rather one aspect of it, provides a solid explanation for much of the language used by the men in the study. Brown and Levinson argue convincingly that every competent adult member of society has a public self-image known as a face, which consists of two facets! a negative and a positive face. "ace is said to be tied up with, notions of being embarrassed or humiliated#thus face is something that is emotionally invested, and that can be lost, maintained, or enhanced, and must be constantly attended to in interaction. Text 8

& 6ust love to read Tun /ahathir1s #oo4 9A "octor in the :ouse;. The way it has #een written is simply awesome. The descriptions and emotions presented are so vivid that & can actually visuali<e myself as one of the eyewitness to the events and controversies. The idea to write the #oo4 itself is 6ust self-explanatory. -ou could actually feel his frustrations and 6u#ilations #etween the lines though he may not have written them explicitly. Text = .ince the time of federation, Australia has #een a constitutional monarchy with the >ueen of the United ?ingdom as its head of state. :owever, today many Australians are @uestioning whether this form of government is still relevant or appropriate and are suggesting that we move towards the esta#lishment of a repu#lic. The @uestion of whether we maintain the monarchy is not merely a legal detail #ut is intrinsically lin4ed to the way we perceive ourselves as a distinct nation of people with its own identity and culture. As a result, the issue is a very controversial one and has attracted a lot of de#ate. Text A Bane slowly tiptoed to the window and what she saw there gave her a shoc4 of her lifeC .he saw "avid, her would #e-hus#and holding "iandra in his arms and "iandra loo4ed so forlorn and sad. 5ut that was not important. Their eyes and their movements told her more. Ta#le A


T+,T T-%+.




(CT)*)T+ 2

,-'earning . Fin ing )n!ormation

The class is divided into A groups. +ach group is assigned a text type. +ach group then surfs the internet ! find materials to find the following D *eatures and structures of each text type :ow to write the text )roup presentation +ach group presents their findings and lecturer facilitates class discussion (CT)*)T+ 3 Chain Writing

The class is divided into A groups. +ach group select a different text type and #rainstorm for the following Dthe Topic /ain ideas ! points The introductory paragraph Then on a mah6ong paper, each group writes the introductory paragraph. When this is done, the mah6ong paper is passed to the group sitting on the right. The next group continues writing the next paragraph or development of the text. This continues till all the text types are completed.

(CT)*)T+ 4 /iscussion The class displays the A completed texts around the class )allery Wal4. +ach group fill in Ta#le 5 #elow. 3ecturer facilitates discussion.


TA53+ 5

T+,T T-%+


.TR+ )T:.
E &nclude features and structures which are written ! presented clearlyF

W+A? +..+.
E&f any. /ay include features and structures which are not foundF


1 http233en.wikipe ia.org3wiki3Te"t4type 7 http233www.rea writethink.org3c'assroom-resource 3''swise3wor s3rea ing3typeso!te"t3 = http233teachingeng'ish4a''.wor A httpD!!www=.caes.h4u.h4!acadgrammar!essay



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