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Xiao Yang Prov.

Vocabulary Journal: Week 2 Slavery (n): the condition of a slave; bondage. Slavish (adjective), slavishly (adverb), slave (verb), Death (n): the end of the life of a person or animal. Dead (adjective), deadly (adverb), dying (verb) Trade (n): the activity of buying, selling, or exchanging goods within a country or between countries. Trading (adjective), trading (verb), Reformation (n): when something is completely changed in order to improve it. Reform (adjective), reformed (verb), Nationalism (n): the desire by a group of people of the same race, origin, language etc to form an independent country. National (adjective), nationally (adverb), nationalize (verb), Week 3 Socialism (n): an economic and political system in which large industries are owned by the government, and taxes are used to take some wealth away from richer citizens and give it to poorer citizens. Social (adjective), socially (adverb), socialize (verb), Conference (n): a large formal meeting where a lot of people discuss important matters such as business, politics, or science, especially for several days. Confer (verb), Capitalism (n): an economic and political system in which businesses belong mostly to private owners, not to the government. Capital (adjective), capitalize (verb), Industrial (adjective): relating to industry or the people working in it. Industrious (adjective), industriously (adverb), industrialize (verb), Company (n): a business organization that makes or sells goods or services. Companion (verb), companionable (adjective), Week 4 Absolute (adjective): complete or total. Absolutely (adverb), absolutism (noun), Scientific (adjective): about or related to science, or using its methods.

Xiao Yang Prov.104-AC3

Scientifically (adverb), science (noun), Classical (n): belonging to a traditional style or set of ideas. Classic (adjective), classically (adverb), classic (noun), classicize (verb) Enlightenment (n): the act of enlightening. Enlightened (adjective), enlightening (verb) Parliamentary (adj): of or pertaining to a parliament or any of its members. Parliament (noun), parliamentarily (adverb)

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