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Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Which of the following factors makes life on earth possible? a. the earth's orbit is the correct distance from the sun b. the amount of oxygen present in the atmosphere is not too little or too much c. temperatures remain relatively stale despite an increased amount of energy emitted from the sun d. an ozone layer exists due to the evolution of plants e. ll of the above. !. "he fossil record is incomplete because a. not all fossils have been found. b. some fossils have decomposed. c. some life forms left no fossils. d. ll of these answers. e. #one of these answers. $. %ou are a fossil hunter. Which of the following are you least likely to find in a fossil? a. bone b. leaves c. teeth d. muscle e. shells &. Which of the following is false? 'oevolution a. occurs when interacting species exert selective pressures on each other. b. occurs between plants and the herbivores that eat them. c. may play a role in the evolution of camouflage. d. leads to competitive relationships. e. ll of these answers. (. )ver the course of time* the change in the gene pool of one species may lead to the change of the gene pool of another species. "his process is called a. coevolution. b. microevolution. c. convergent evolution. d. macroevolution. e. diversifying natural selection. +. Which of the following events have forced species to adapt to environmental conditions or go extinct? a. drastic heating and cooling of the earth b. meteorites and asteroids hitting the earth c. upheaval of the earth's crust d. a and b only e. ll of the above. ,. n ecological niche includes all of the following except a. the nutrient relationships with other species. b. the location where a species lives. c. the types of resource re-uirements. d. the range of tolerance to different physical and chemical conditions. e. the types of competitors.















.. "he process in which one species evolves into a variety of species is called a. coevolution. b. microevolution. c. divergent evolution. d. macroevolution. e. diversifying natural selection. /. hummingbird would be considered a specialist species because a. it can only eat one certain type of food. b. it can live in a variety of habitats. c. it can tolerate a wide range of temperatures. d. )nly a and c are true. e. ll of the above are true. 10. 1eographic isolation is least likely to give rise to a. reproductive isolation. b. speciation. c. convergent evolution. d. divergent evolution. e. microevolution. 11. 2arwin's description of macroevolution as an accumulation of steady* small evolutionary changes is best described as a. dynamic e-uilibrium. b. a steady state hypothesis. c. a punctuated e-uilibrium hypothesis. d. a gradualist model of evolution. e. natural selection. 1!. 1ould's view of macroevolution as long periods of relatively little change interrupted by short periods of relatively rapid change is best described as a. dynamic e-uilibrium. b. a steady state hypothesis. c. a punctuated e-uilibrium hypothesis. d. a gradualist model of evolution. e. natural selection. 1$. 3atterns of speciation and extinction are least likely to be affected by a. climatic changes. b. continental drift. c. meteorites crashing into the earth. d. changes in the weather. e. human activity. 1&. 4iodiversity is believed to be the result of a. divergent and convergent evolution. b. speciation and extinction. c. speciation and coevolution. d. extinction and coevolution. e. divergent evolution and coevolution. 1(. 5eatures of weather include all of the following except a. temperature. b. barometric pressure. c. wind direction. d. ozone concentration.

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e. precipitation. "he rain shadow effect refers to a. more light on the windward side of mountain ranges. b. more light on the leeward side of mountain ranges. c. drier conditions on the windward side of mountain ranges. d. drier conditions on the leeward side of mountain ranges. e. wetter conditions on the windward side of mountain ranges. 6icroclimates are least likely to be produced by a. mountains. b. bodies of water. c. cities. d. flat plains. e. sand dunes. "he most probable chain of cause and effect contributing to patterns of earth's biomes is a. 7ncoming solar energy and the earth's geometry create climate patterns which create air and ocean currents that create biome patterns. b. 7ncoming solar energy and the earth's geometry create air and ocean currents that create climate patterns that create biome patterns. c. 7ncoming solar energy and the earth's geometry create climate patterns that create biome patterns that create air and ocean currents. d. ir and ocean currents determine incoming solar energy and the earth's geometry which create climate patterns that create biome patterns. e. ir and ocean currents determine incoming solar energy that create climate patterns which create biome patterns. 7n its broadest sense* geographical perspective helps us to understand ecology by helping us to make connections a. between abiotic and biotic factors. b. in time and space. c. between temperature and precipitation. d. between weather and climate. e. between time and weather. "he two most important factors determining the climate of an area are a. temperature and ocean currents. b. precipitation and light. c. temperature and precipitation. d. light and temperature. e. ocean currents and light. 1enerally* the limiting factor that controls the vegetative character of a biome is a. light. b. precipitation. c. nutrients. d. soil type. e. temperature. 'limate and vegetation vary with a. latitude only. b. altitude only. c. latitude and altitude. d. latitude and longitude. e. altitude and longitude.

____ !$. "he biome most likely to be found on the top of a very tall tropical mountain is the a. desert. b. tundra. c. grassland. d. temperate deciduous forest. e. savanna. ____ !&. %ou are going on a scientific expedition from the e-uator to the #orth 3ole. s you leave the coniferous forest behind* you anticipate next exploring a. gases captured in the ice. b. the fall leaves of #ew 8ngland. c. patterns of cone design in coniferous trees. d. the role of lichens and mosses in boggy ecosystems. e. germination patterns of tall9prairie grasses. ____ !(. "rees of wet tropical rain forests tend to be a. succulent plants. b. broad9leaf evergreen plants. c. broadleaf deciduous plants. d. coniferous evergreen plants. e. coniferous deciduous plants. ____ !+. Which of the following are examples of deciduous plants? a. maples and oaks b. algae and seaweed c. beech and spruce d. pines and cedars e. fir and hemlock ____ !,. Which of the following is not characteristic of some desert plants? a. widespread* shallow root systems b. deep root systems c. large leaves that droop in the bright sunlight d. succulent leaves or stems e. becoming dormant during dry periods ____ !.. Which of the following is not characteristic of the tropical desert? a. low diversity b. humid conditions c. low productivity d. few grazing animals e. dry conditions ____ !/. 7f you were exploring a desert ecosystem* which of the following species would you least expect to find? a. creosote bush b. maple tree c. saguaro cactus d. prickly pear e. :oshua tree ____ $0. 7f you were a National Geographic reporter assigned to cover large herds of grazing* hoofed animals* where would you most likely ;ourney? a. arctic tundra b. tropical forest c. deciduous forest d. savanna

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e. taiga "he ____ is located in 8urope. a. veldt b. steppes c. savanna d. pampas e. taiga rctic tundra is perhaps earth's most fragile biome because of a. low rate of decomposition. b. shallow soil. c. slow growth rate of plants. d. bitter cold. e. ll of these answers. 3lants of the arctic tundra are adapted to a. moderate temperatures* lack of sunlight* and constant high winds. b. freezing temperatures* lack of water* and variable winds. c. freezing temperatures* lack of sunlight* and constant high winds. d. freezing temperatures* lack of water* and bright sunlight. e. freezing temperatures* lack of water* and lack of sunlight. %ou visit the 6useum of #atural <istory. "he curator shows you a burrow9dwelling small animal with thick fur. %ou predict that the animal came from the a. temperate grasslands. b. desert. c. tropical forest. d. arctic tundra. e. taiga. ____ can convert grasslands into desert. a. )vergrazing b. =rban sprawl c. 4arbed9wire fencing d. )ccasional short droughts e. #one of these answers %ou are an ecologist on location in chaparral country. %ou would be surprised to find a. fires. b. very wet winters. c. evergreen shrubs. d. scrub oak. e. ll of these answers. "he primary limiting factor of the rain forest is a. water. b. soil nutrients. c. temperature. d. light. e. wind. 3hilodendrons and other office plants are most likely to come from which of the following layers of the tropical rain forest? a. emergent layer b. canopy c. shrub layer

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d. ground layer e. understory 6ost of the nutrients in the tropical rain forests are found in the a. living organisms. b. large rivers. c. deep* rich soil. d. thick atmosphere. e. shallow soil. Which of the following modes of pollination would you least expect to find in a tropical rain forest? a. butterfly b. bird c. bat d. wind e. insect Which of the following is not appropriate to use in describing a tropical rain forest? a. rapid decomposition b. rich soil c. stratified d. highly diverse e. low nutrient soil Which of the following is false? "emperate deciduous forests a. change significantly during four distinct seasons. b. are dominated by a few species of broadleaf trees. c. have trees that survive winter by dropping their leaves. d. have nutrient9poor soil. e. have nutrient rich soil. nimal species of the temperate deciduous forest often confine their life activities to a particular layer within the forest. Which of the following species* however* would be considered a >commuter> between the canopy and the forest layer? a. hawk b. fox c. woodpecker d. s-uirrel e. eagle 7f you were to make a census in a temperate deciduous forest in the =nited ?tates* the most likely dominant mammal species would be a. deer. b. bear. c. fox. d. wildcat. e. coyote. "rees with needlelike leaves that are kept year round are especially abundant in which biome? a. tundra b. tropical rain forest c. coniferous forest d. temperate deciduous forest e. taiga "here are fewer species in the coniferous forests than in the deciduous forests because few species can survive the

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a. bright sunlight. b. excessive moisture. c. alkaline soils. d. winters* when soil moisture is frozen. e. hot summers. 'one9bearing trees are characteristic of the a. taiga. b. tropical rain forest. c. temperate deciduous forest. d. savanna. e. desert. <umans have effected coniferous forests by a. clear9cutting for lumber. b. hunting predators. c. large9scale mining. d. ll of these answers. e. #one of these answers. 7f you are walking through a forest dense with oak and hickory trees and thick with leaf litter underfoot* you would probably assume you are in a a. tundra b. tropical rain forest c. coniferous forest d. temperate deciduous forest e. taiga 7f you find yourself in an extremely cold area covered primarily with spruce* fir* and cedar trees* you are most likely in a a. tundra b. tropical rain forest c. coniferous forest d. temperate deciduous forest e. taiga Which of the following biomes has been most disturbed by human activities? a. tundra b. tropical rain forest c. coniferous forest d. temperate deciduous forest e. taiga <umans impact the world's forests by a. clearing them for agricultural purposes. b. driving off9road vehicles and causing erosion. c. polluting forest streams. d. building cities. e. ll of the above. "hriving coral reefs re-uire a. cloudy water. b. cool water. c. dissolved oxygen and nutrients. d. salinity that fluctuates with the tides. e. cold water.

____ (&. 3opulations of organisms living in a-uatic life zones may be limited by a. access to light. b. nutrient availability. c. dissolved oxygen. d. ll of these answers. e. #one of these answers. ____ ((. )xygen in the water varies widely because of a. number of producers. b. number of decomposers. c. temperature. d. number of consumers. e. ll of these answers. ____ (+. "he ma;or types of flora and fauna found in a-uatic ecosystems are determined primarily by a. temperature b. salinity c. p< d. dissolved oxygen e. light ____ (,. @ooplankton are a. primary consumers. b. secondary consumers. c. tertiary consumers. d. a and b only. e. a* b* and c. ____ (.. %ou are scuba diving in the tlantic )cean and find a new diatom you classify as phytoplankton. )ne piece of your supporting evidence for this classification is that you found the diatom in the a. euphotic zone b. bathyl zone c. profundal zone d. disphotic zone e. benthic zone ____ (/. )ceans cover about ____ of the earth's surface. a. (0A b. +0A c. ,0A d. .0A e. /0A ____ +0. "he ocean zone that covers the continental shelf is the a. estuary. b. coastal zone. c. littoral zone. d. benthic zone. e. abyssal zone. ____ +1. "he ecosystems with the world's highest net primary productivities per unit area are found in the a. euphotic zone. b. abyssal zone. c. bathyal zone. d. coastal zone. e. benthic zone.

____ +!. 8stuaries and coastal wetlands are important for all of the following reasons except a. spawning and nursery grounds for marine fish and shellfish. b. filtering out waterborne pollutants from swimming and wildlife areas. c. breeding grounds for waterfowl. d. providing coral for limestone production and the tourist trade. e. habitat for alligators. ____ +$. Which of the following trees is characteristic of tropical coastal wetlands? a. cypress b. coconut c. mangrove d. palm e. live oak ____ +&. 7n terms of biodiversity* the tropical rain forest is to land environments as ____ is to water environments. a. the abyssal zone b. the bathyal zone c. the euphotic zone d. the coral reef e. the benthic zone ____ +(. Besearchers have estimated that more that more than ____ of the world's mangrove forests have been destroyed by human activities. a. 1C& b. 1C$ c. 1C! d. !C$ e. $C& ____ ++. "he least appropriate use of coastal wetlands is for a. spawning and nursery grounds. b. condominiums and disposal of landfill waste. c. food production. d. recreational diving. e. educational activities. ____ +,. "he best long9range strategy to reduce beach erosion is a. building groins. b. preventing development on beach areas or allowing development only behind protective dunes. c. importing sand. d. extensive building on barrier beaches. e. building seawalls. ____ +.. "he deepest part of the ocean is the a. abyssal zone. b. euphotic zone. c. estuary zone. d. bathyal zone. e. benthic zone ____ +/. 6ost photosynthesis in the open sea occurs in the a. euphotic zone. b. abyssal zone. c. bathyal zone. d. coastal zone.

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e. benthic zone. 2epressions in the land that can be filled with water to form lakes may be formed by a. glaciation. b. earth-uakes. c. volcanic activity. d. erosion. e. ll of these answers. 7n lakes* large numbers of decomposers are found in the a. limnetic zone. b. benthic zone. c. littoral zone. d. profundal zone. e. abyssal zone. 7n lakes* the nutrient9rich water near the shore is part of the a. limnetic zone. b. benthic zone. c. littoral zone. d. profundal zone. e. abyssal zone. Dakes that have few minerals and low productivity are referred to as a. autotrophic. b. eutrophic. c. oligotrophic. d. mesotrophic. e. oligomesotrophic. temperate lake is most likely to show thermal stratification and restriction on mixing of surface and deeper waters during the a. winter. b. spring. c. summer. d. early fall. e. late fall. biologist studying biodiversity would most likely conduct research at aEanF ____ lake. a. autotrophic. b. eutrophic. c. oligotrophic. d. mesotrophic. e. oligomesotrophic n ecologist would expect to find a thermocline in a temperate lake in a. spring and summer. b. spring and fall. c. summer and winter. d. fall and summer. e. fall only. Dake overturns bring a. oxygen and nutrients to the surface. b. oxygen and nutrients to the lake bottom. c. oxygen to the surface and nutrients to the lake bottom. d. oxygen to the lake bottom and nutrients to the surface.

e. oxygen to the surface. ____ ,.. 7n which zone of a river would you most expect to find plants adapted to attach to rocks? a. first b. second c. third d. benthic e. fourth ____ ,/. ll of the following would be considered seasonal wetlands except a. flood plains b. bottomland hardwood swamps c. prairie potholes d. cypress swamps e. #one of the above. ____ .0. Which of the following illustrations does not match the accompanying ecological concept. a. 'oral reefs have high biodiversity. b. 8stuaries have high productivity. c. 2issolved oxygen is a primary limiting factor in the upper layer of a stratified lake. d. "he open ocean is the least productive of a-uatic life zones. e. Dittoral zones have high biodiversity. True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. ____ .1. 6utations are sometimes beneficial. ____ .!. ?elective breeding is a method of artificial selection. ____ .$. When local environmental conditions change* species may become extinct through background extinction. ____ .&. #atural ?election relies on three truths* one of which is based on genetic mutations. ____ .(. 8xtinction is the permanent loss of genetic diversity. ____ .+. 6utations must occur for biological evolution to happen. ____ .,. 1eographic isolation and reproductive isolation are the two processes that affect the number and types of species on earth. ____ ... 2eciduous forests are typically located at higher altitudes than coniferous forests. ____ ./. "he concentration of greenhouse gases and the average temperature of the atmosphere have an inverse relationship. ____ /0. "undras are generally colder than chaparrals. ____ /1. "he rainshadow effect explains why the leeward side of a mountain range will have semiarid and arid conditions. ____ /!. :ack rabbits* diamondback rattlesnakes* collared lizards* and prickly pear cacti are biotic components tropical deserts. ____ /$. 2riving cars* using fossil fuels for electricity* and deforestation all lead to an increase in dioxide in the atmosphere. ____ /&. 4iomes are affected by ocean currents and water flow.

____ /(. "he two types of a-uatic life zones on earth are freshwater life zones and coastal life zones. ____ /+. "he euphotic zone is that region of the ocean ;ust below the limit of light absorption. ____ /,. ____ //. lgae flourish most abundantly in the bathyal zone on the ocean. lake's profundal zone has less oxygen than it's littoral zone. ____ /.. Water in the floodplain zone is generally warmer and slower than water in the transition zone. ____ 100. Dotic bodies of freshwater* such as lakes and ponds* have less oxygen in the euphotic zone than do lentic bodies. Completion Complete each statement. 101. ____________________ have no leaves and can store water and synthesize food in their tissue in order to survive in very dry climates. 10!. ____________________ is the main reason tundras form many shallow lakes and ponds* as well as keeping methane gas locked in the soil. 10$. ____________________ are essential portions of watersheds because they serve as the liaison between land and water resources. 10&. -uatic plants would most likely not be found in aEanF ____________________ because of the light depravation.

10(. ____________________ is determined by environmental factors including temperature* sunlight* dissolved oxygen* and available nutrients. 10+. 6ost people would probably prefer swimming in aEanF ____________________ lake because they are clear and very little a-uatic life. 10,. "he ____________________ in marine systems in the most susceptible to human interference. 10.. "he ____________________ in marine systems has the highest productivity per unit area* primarily because of nutrients and sunlight. 10/. -uatic life zones such as streams and rivers are also called ____________________. 110. )rganisms living in the ____________________ must have adaptations to survive the impact of waves and live in both dry and wet conditions. Matching

____ 111. )n the global air circulation and biomes figure* choose the letters that represent tropical deciduous forest and grasslands. ____ 11!. )n the global air circulation and biomes figure* choose the letter that represent moist air rising* cooling* and forming precipitation. ____ 11$. )n the global air circulation and biomes figure* choose the letters that represent tropical deciduous forest. ____ 11&. )n the global air circulation and biomes figure* choose the letter that represents cool* dry air falling. ____ 11(. )n the global air circulation and biomes figure* choose the letter that represents moist air rising and forming precipitation.

____ 11+. )n the downhill flow of water figure* choose the zone containing wider* lower elevation streams. ____ 11,. )n the downhill flow of water figure* choose the zone containing mountain headwater streams. ____ 11.. )n the downhill flow of water figure* choose the zone containing rivers that empty into the ocean.


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#?G '

3"?G 1

275G 2

")3G 5reshwater Dife @ones

TRUE/FA SE .1. .!. .$. .&. .(. .+. .,. ... ./. /0. /1. /!. /$. /&. /(. /+. /,. /.. //. 100. #?G #?G #?G #?G #?G #?G #?G #?G #?G #?G #?G #?G #?G #?G #?G #?G #?G #?G #?G #?G " " " 5 " " 5 5 5 " " 5 " " 5 5 5 " " 5 3"?G 3"?G 3"?G 3"?G 3"?G 3"?G 3"?G 3"?G 3"?G 3"?G 3"?G 3"?G 3"?G 3"?G 3"?G 3"?G 3"?G 3"?G 3"?G 3"?G 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 275G 275G 275G 275G 275G 275G 275G 275G 275G 275G 275G 275G 275G 275G 275G 275G 275G 275G 275G 275G 6 8 2 6 2 8 6 6 8 8 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 8 8 6

C"MP ETI"N 101. 10!. #?G ?ucculent plants 3"?G 1 #?G 3ermafrost 275G 8 275G 8

3"?G 1 10$. #?G Wetlands

3"?G 1 275G 6 10&. #?G eutrophic lake 10(. 10+. 10,. 3"?G 1 275G 2 #?G -uatic biodiversity 3"?G 1 #?G oligotrophic 3"?G 1 #?G coastal zone 275G 6 275G 8

3"?G 1 10.. #?G coastal zone 10/. 110.

275G 8

3"?G 1 275G 8 #?G lotic systems 3"?G 1 275G 8 #?G intertidal zone 3"?G 1 275G 8

MATC!IN# 111. 11!. 11$. 11&. 11(. 11+. 11,. 11.. #?G #)"G #?G #?G #)"G #?G #?G 3"?G 2 is also correct. 1 3"?G 4 3"?G ' is also correct. 5 3"?G 8 3"?G 1 1 1 1 1 275G 6 275G 6 275G 6 275G 6 275G 6 275G 6 275G 6 275G 6 )4:G Dabeling )4:G Dabeling )4:G Dabeling )4:G Dabeling )4:G Dabeling )4:G Dabeling )4:G Dabeling )4:G Dabeling

#?G 4 #?G #?G '

3"?G 1 3"?G 1 3"?G 1

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