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1.The study of science that focus on the atmosphere, climate, and weather

a. Astronomy

b. Meteorology

c. .Biology

d. Geology

2.Which of the following does not take place in the water cycle?


3.In the carbon cycle, carbon is found in _______.

a.the atmosphere
b.the soil organisms
d.all of the above

4. Where does the energy that powers the water cycle come from?

a. plants

b. animals

c. electrical outlets

d the sun

5. It is the process in which carbon atoms continually travel from the atmosphere to the
Earth and then back into the atmosphere.

a. water cycle

B. Hydrologic cycle

c. Carbon cycle
6. Three main types of rock are

a.  drack, pumice, basalt


b. cashable, sandstone, limestone

c. Metamorphic, sedimentary, igneous

d. Conglomerate, slate, obsidian

7. Which series of processes changes rock from one type to another?

a.) photosynthesis

b.) deposition

c.) rock cycle

d.) water cycle

8. Which path must a rock take once it is in the rock cycle?

a. From sedimentary rock to metamorphic rock

b. From igneous rock to sedimentary rock

c. Magma cooling into igneous rock

d. Any path in the rock cycle since no rock travels the same path through the rock cycle

9. Which of the following is used for the determination of the position of celestial body?

a. Coordinates

b. Zenith

c. nadir

d. aimer

10. Select the part of the sun that is visible to humans.

a. core
b. chromosphere
c. corona
d. photosphere
11. These are little irregularly shaped metal or mineral boulders that circle the sun.
a. stars

b. asteroids

c. Meteors

d. Planets

12. These are massive balls of heated gas that can generate their own light.

a. comets

b. sun

c. stars

d. asteroids

13. These are space objects that are drawn into our atmosphere by the earth's gravity.

a. Galaxies

b. meteors and meteorites

c. comets

d. asteroids

14. These are huge clusters of stars that are bound together by gravity.

a. Galaxies

b. asteroids

c. comets

d. Stars

15. These are the atmosphere's partner in determining the physical climate of the planet. is a vast heat storage space that retains heat from solar radiation longer than the

a. Atmosphere

b. Oceans

c. land

d. Biosphere

16. It shields life on Earth from incoming ultraviolet (UV) radiation, keeps the globe warm
through insulation, and prevents temperature extremes between day and night.
a. Thermosphere

b. stratosphere

c. atmosphere

d. oceans

17. It is a spherical rocky body with a tiny metallic core that orbits Earth in a somewhat
eccentric orbit.

a. moon

b. galaxies

c. asteroids

d. meteors

18. It is a close relationship between organisms of different species in which at least one of
the organisms’ benefits.

a. Organisms

b. living organisms

c. symbiosis

d. Competition

19. It is a relationship between living things that depend on the same resources. The
resources may be food, water, or anything else they both need.

a. Organisms

b. living organisms

c. symbiosis

d. Competition

20. It explains the flow of energy and nutrients in an ecosystem.

a. food chain

b. food web

c. Producers

d. consumer

21. A food chain is a series of relationships between members of an ecosystem so that

_________ can be transferred between them.

a. food

b. sunlight

c. energy

d. water

22.  A food chain always begins with an autotroph. This kind of organism, such as a plant, is
one which can produce organic material from inorganic substances. This is done with a
series of chemical reactions inside the organism, done with the help of energy from _______.

a. water

b. the sun

c. the soil

d. the air

23. After the first producer, the next members of the food chain will be consumers.
Consumers must eat __________ ______________ to survive.

a. Sunlight
b. water
c. other organisms
d. none of the above
24. Producers are called ______________________, while consumers are called

a. herbitrophs

b. carnitroph

d. decomposers

c. autotrophs

25. How do decomposers help other organisms in an ecosystem?

a. They break down dead organisms and add nutrients back to the soil that plants use.
b. They use the sunlight to make their own food that other organisms eat for energy.

c. They help disperse seeds for plant growth.

d. decomposers do not help other organisms in ecosystem.

26. An animal that eats both plants and animals is called _____

a. omnivore
b. food web
c. food chain
d. herbivore

27. The living and nonliving things that interact in an environment is called a(n) _____
a. consumer
b. ecosystem
c. producer
d. food web

28. An organism that makes its own food is a ___

a. autotroph

b. heterotroph

c. consumer

d. food chain

29. the star around which the earth moves and that provides light and heat for the earth

a. sun

b. asteroids


d. comets

30. Where does the energy that powers the water cycle from

a. plants

b. animals

c. electrical outlets

d. sun

31. What is the only thing on nature that can be solid, liquid or gas ?
a. helium

b. water

c. oxygen

d. hydrogen

32.What are the three stages of water cycle ?

a. evaporation ,condensation ,precipitation

b.condensation,precipitation ,hibernation

c. precipitation , dehydration , evaporation

33. Which of the following given objects is not a celestial object?

a. stars


c. aircraft


34. Which of the following statements is/are false regarding the only natural satellite of Earth?

(a) It is our nearest neighbour in the Universe. (b) There are craters and mountains on the
moon. (c) There is atmosphere on the moon like Earth. (d) Moon appears similar every day.

a. only a and b

b. only b

c. only a and c

d. only c and d

35. why are stars not visible during day time ?

a. they go deep inside

b. the sunlight is so bright during the day that we are unable to see the stars

c.They travel to the place where it is night

d.none of these

36.  Which of the following celestial bodies revolves around the planets?

a. sattelites

b. comet

c. meteorite
d. asteroid

37. Which of the following planets appears to be red in colour?

a. mars

b. Jupiter

c. Uranus

d. Neptune

38. Satellites are objects that revolve around 

a. sun

b. moon

c. planets

d. none of these

39. Most of the asteroids are found between ...

a. mars and Jupiter

b. mars and earth

c. venus and Jupiter

d. Saturn and Uranus

40. Which one of the following is also known as shooting stars?

a. planet
b. moon
c. comets
d. meteors

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