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Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of Old Hutton and Holmescales Parish Council held on Wednesday 2 nd April, 201 at Coc!

lea 140402-1 Present Steve Capstick (Chairman), John Heap, Ian Riddin , R!th Ri 140402-2 "po$o ies none 140402-% P$annin "pp$ications a) P$annin app$ication S&'2014'02(2 ) It *as decided to s!pport the princip$e o+ the erection o+ a ne* sta#$e #!i$din and trainin area to +aci$itate an e,!ine #reakin and trainin #!siness at Cock$ea- .he Parish Co!nci$ *ishes to s!pport this $oca$ #!siness in the parish and !nderstands that the pro/ect *i$$ #e considered a ain in an app$ication +or +!$$ p$annin permission#) It *as reported that the +o$$o*in p$annin appea$ has #een made and that the P$annin Inspectorate *i$$ dea$ *ith it thro! h *ritten statements0 S&'201%'04%( ) erection o+ a sin $e *ind t!r#ine at 1$d Cro+t- .he Parish Co!nci$ ori ina$$2 ave no o#/ection to this p$annin app$ication +o$$o*in the castin vote o+ the chairman *hen the vote *as tiedHo*ever, at this meetin there *as !nanimo!s opposition to the appea$ and it *as reso$ved to *rite to the P$annin Inspectorate to e3p$ain the reasons +or this vie*, the dead$ine +or comments #ein 14-04-2014c) "pp$ication S&'2012'054(, the erection o+ three *ind t!r#ines at 6i$$in ton &ake, *as ca$$ed in #2 7C&8 on 190%-2014 and *i$$ #e determined #2 the P$annin Inspectorate at a p!#$ic in,!ir2- .he dead$ine +or comments to #e s!#mitted to the P$annin Inspectorate is 12-0(-2014- .he Parish Co!nci$ reso$ved0 i.o #e a mem#er o+ the 7a$es 8ate*a2 8ro!p *hich is #ein +ormed to ive o#/ectors: vie*s and to #e represented #2 a #arrister- .his decision does not o+ itse$+ commit the Parish Co!nci$ to an2 e3pendit!reii.o send a $etter to the P$annin Inspectorate to o#/ect to the p$annin app$ication"rth!r Ro#inson, parish c$erk, 1ver ;$ea<e, 1$d H!tton, 6enda$, &"5 0&= .e$ephone ) 01(%9-42(9(( e-mai$ ) ohpc$erk> mai$-com ***-o$dh!tton-or -!k , John Shorrock and "rth!r Ro#inson (c$erk)

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