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By M.Srinivasan

JULY 2011


ATM - Any Time Money turns into Any Time Murder! FADE IN EXT.DESERTED STREET - NIGHT Wide Angle shot of the bank ATM in middle of the lane, where many shops are closed at that time of night. ATM is the only lit space in the whole street. The GUARD slowly keeps moving to and fro and finally on the verge of sitting on a stool before the ATM premises. A young GIRL rushes towards him from nowhere, which he is yet to notice until she stops hurriedly before him. The GIRL takes few moments to get her breadth back, while the guard is wondering about the scenario. She starts crying and breathing heavily, pleading the guard for help, guard is confused at the situation, as he glances to check around, there is no one except them. GIRL Please let me hide inside the ATM for few minutes, as she was returning from her work, GIRL (contd) On her way few men started following and passing lewd comments at her. GIRL (contd) (Sobbing) She angrily hit one of them, took off, Unknown of her destination, She was being chased by few men The GUARD with slight hesitation sees the crises, politely allows her to hide inside the ATM for few minutes, meanwhile he walk down the street and check out and come back. 1st Slide Shot - She thanks him, slowly walks into the ATM and hides. (Slow Fade)

2nd Slide Shot - The GUARD allows her, walks down the street from the ATM with his Stick & Torch. (Slow Fade) 3rd Slide Shot - Simultaneously a car slows down before the ATM, a middle aged MAN walks towards the ATM. (Slow Fade) Continuous Shot The MAN walks in use the ATM unknown of the GIRL hiding inside the ATM. Few moments as there arent any commotion both inside and outside the ATM FADE OUT FADE IN Close up shot of the ATM, the GIRL calmly steps out, checks out both sides of the street, with no one at her sight; she walks into the dark without any rush, slow and steady. (She didnt wait for the guard to return) Wide Shot: The GIRL walking away slowly on the ride side, The GUARD walking towards the ATM from the left side. In few moments, the GUARD from his check out walks back towards the ATM. He slowly opens the door of the ATM, calls out the GIRL and he is shocked to find a MAN lying unconscious on the floor with the GIRL missing from the scene. He tries to wake up the man, he checks around the man, he could blood oozing from the mans head and he panics. He moves back, could find the empty lying wallet (presumably the unconscious mans), he could also sense money has been withdrawn with the pay slip also lying by it. Within few moments of the chaos, he could figure the whole scenario, assuming all the while he had been played as the victim, rather the girl, who seemed for help, which he shouldnt, thats already a late thought. He walks out and takes out his mobile and call out for help.

GUARD Sir, there has been an accident inside the ATM, Kindly rush up, a mans bleeding to death! FADE OUT


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