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Artifact: page formative assessment for grade 5 Math

Date: Nov. 2013

Topic: Differentiated assessment created by each student for him or herself Description of the experience: Pre-assessed students knowledge of measurement and measuring tools Asked students to identify the appropriate measurement unit for various sized items Taught students how to convert between large and small measurements Taught students how to multiply and divide whole and decimal numbers by 1000 For the assessment, students were allowed to choose their numbers to their math problem Professional Standards: Commitment to Students and Student Learning: Treat students equitably and is sensitive to factors that influence individual student learning. Professional Practice: Use appropriate assessment in planning for and responding to the needs of individual students. Trust: Embody fairness, openness and honesty with students. What I learned from this experience: Some students are intimidating by math and are more comfortable performing mathematical operation on certain numbers Assess for the learning process, not the small details In my classroom programming, I will: Foster positive math attitudes and confidence by allowing students to define math problems appropriate for their individual level Use on-going mini assessments to follow student progress and identify areas of student struggle

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