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Sample of Best Work

Name: Hannah Ipock Date: April 9, 2014 Grade level: 9th Class the sample was completed in: P.E. (First semester) What were the major steps and activities that summarize what was created/ accom pi ished?

We worked toward exceeding in the five tests that were required which are: flexibility (sit-and-reach), upper body strength (push-ups), trunk lift, and abdominal (curl-ups). We warmed up every day and did the stretches that were needed to let us get better for our tests which are listed above.

Explanation of personal growth, including description of new skills learned.

Starting from the beginning of the year, it was a lot more difficult doing these exercises and being accurate at them. More toward the end of the semester, I had gotten a lot better and was surprised with my results. We worked harder and harder until the test was taken, and even after the tests, we still worked on keeping our physical education at a high standard.

Explanation of how your new skills apply to your future. (ie. Job, college, technical skills, future learning in the class.)

Being able to move quickly and get around to a certain extent is a skill that is important to certain jobs and are needed. It is also Important to keep my health up throughout my life time and I can use my learned skills to keep my body active and in a healthy eight zone.

Description of challenges and obstacles, modifications/responses you used to generate success.

Even though I passed four-fifths of my fitness gram, it wasn't all easy. I had had to work hard. I took breaks, I hadn't felt good every day, and I wanted to quit. But the most of the class and I pushed through it and it all paid off in the very end.

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