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Christopher Hernandez

522 Cravens Ave. San Antonio, TX, 78223 EDUCATION G.W. Brackenridge High Schoo ! San Antonio, TX #an$% 11 &'#% 4.0 Te"as A#$ Uni%ersit&! Co((e)e Station, Te*as ,ache(or o- , siness A!ministration in Acco ntin) .vera(( &'#% 3.0 CO$$UNIT' SE()ICE School Volunteer! &./. ,rac$enri!)e 0i)h Schoo( 4o( nteere! -or over 100 ho rs o- maintenance to im3rove the schoo(. King William Parade/Fair! San Antonio, TX /or$e! as a mem5er o- the c(ean- 3 cre6 ! rin) an! a-ter the event. First Saturday! San Antonio, TX .r)ani7e! an! (e! a month(8 c(ean- 3 cre6 6ith 9:CA. The Raul Jimenez Thanksgiving Dinner! San Antonio, TX 're3are! Than$s)ivin) !inner -or home(ess 3eo3(e in the !o6nto6n area. ACTI)ITIES ational !onor Society! &./. ,rac$enri!)e 0i)h Schoo( . t o- the man8 6ho a33(ie!, < 6as se(ecte! to 5ecome a mem5er o- this 3resti)io s or)ani7ation to re3resent the schoo( an! set an e*am3(e -or c rrent an! - t re st !ents. Foot"all Team! &./. ,rac$enri!)e 0i)h Schoo( As a mem5er o- the -oot5a(( team, < (earne! the im3ortance o- res3onsi5i(it8 an! har! 6or$. < !e!icate! over 15 ho rs o- m8 time a 6ee$ an! he(3e! raise! - n!s -or the or)ani7ation. D#$%, &./. ,rac$enri!)e 0i)h Schoo( As a mem5er o- this or)ani7ation, < (earne! ho6 to 5etter mana)e m8 mone8 an! (ive on a 5 !)et. <n ret rn, < 6o (! he(3 )ive 5ac$ to the comm nit8 58 !oin) comm nit8 service an! other tas$s. E*+E(IENCE &a"ysitting! San Antonio, TX 1or 50= ho rs a 6ee$, < 6o (! coo$ an! care -or m8 nieces an! ne3he6s. 9eve(o3e! a sense o- res3onsi5i(it8 an! creativit8. S,I--S >no6(e!)ea5(e in sma((-sca(e 5 !)etin), - n!raisin), an! )enera( maintenance. 210-420-0092 hernchris210@neo.tam .e!

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