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The essentials of branding

from The Big Book of Marketing

McGraw-Hill, 2010
Jhia ror ia deaigned to be rinted
double-aided to hel you conaerve aer.

Introduction I
The dierence between a brand and branding 2
Starting a branding project 4
Start with the right reason 4
Start with the right commitment 4
Start with the right business strategy 5
Start with the right focus: Customers 5
Analyze the brands equity
Uncover insights and identify opportunities /
The brand strategy 8
Dening the brand idea 8
Dening the brand architecture 9
Dening the brand personality Iu
Producing the creative brief I2
Creating the brand experience I8
Crafing the verbal identity I8
Designing the visual and sensory identities I5
Testing verbal and visual identities 22
Delivering the brand experience 28
Managing a brand 24
Measuring the performance of a brand 2
Tracking brand strength 2
Measuring brand value 2/
Case study: BP 8u
Delivering the brand promise
2uIu Jhe Vc0raw-Pill Comaniea.
All righta reaerved.
Landor Aaaociatea ia one ol the worlda
leading atrategic brand conaulting and
deaign rma. Landor ia art ol wrr, one
ol the largeat global communicationa
aervicea comaniea. viait Landor
I Landor Aaaociatea I
ia the relerred choice in the minda ol your key
audiencea (whether cuatomera, conaumera,
emloyeea, roaective emloyeea, lana, donora,
or votera). Jhe way in which the brand aecta
buaineaa erlormance ia illuatrated in gure .
8uaineaa erlormance ia baaed on the behavior
ol cuatomera, whether they chooae to buy
a articular roduct or aervice. And that behavior
ia baaed a great deal on the ercetion cuatomera
have ol the brand: how relevant it ia to them and
how dierentiated it ia lrom the other branda in the
aame category. ln turn, cuatomera derive their
ercetiona ol a brand lrom the interactiona they
have with it. linally, that cuatomer exerience,
ideally, ia inlormed by a brand ideawhat the
brand atanda lor: the romiae it ia willing to make
and kee in the marketlace. ll the rat art ol thia
chain ol cauae and eect ia indiatinct or irrelevant
to cuatomera, there ia little chance the reat ol the
chain will work, and the brand will not aect the
buaineaa bottom line. et, deaite the rolileration
ol branda and their inextricable link to buaineaa
erlormance, it ia not eaay to dene what a brand
ia, along with how to create, manage, and value it.

lt ia incredibly rare lor a roduct or organization
to be without a brand. Jhere are muaeum branda
(0uggenheim, Smithaonian), eole branda (Vartha
Stewart, Lavid 8eckham), olitical branda (0bama
veraua VcCain, Labour veraua Conaervativea),
deatination branda (Auatralia, Pong Kong), aort
branda (Vancheater 0nited, lew ork ankeea,
Suer 8owl), nonrot branda (Red Croaa, 0xlam,
rro), branded aaaociationa (\|ct, rct, Aaaociation
ol Looa and Aquariuma), along with the roduct,
aervice, and cororate branda with which we are
all lamiliar. Vany old marketing textbooka talk about
branda veraua commoditiea (no-name roducta),
but in todaya world very lew true commoditiea
are len. Lven baaic loodatua have aome aort ol
identier on them, whether it ia a rivate-label
atore brand auch aa walmarta 0reat value aalt
or a major brand auch aa Vorton Salt.
8randa hel eole make a choice, a choice among
aalta, nancial inatitutiona, olitical artiea, and ao
on, and the choicea are increaaing. Jhe number ol
branda on grocery atore ahelvea, lor examle, triled
in the ,,oa lrom ,,ooo to ,,ooo.
Jhe uroae ol
branding ia to enaure that your roduct or aervice
Jhia article waa rat ubliahed aa Chater 4
in The Big Book of Marketing: Lessons and
Best Practices from the Worlds Greatest
Companies, edited by Anthony 0. 8ennett
(Vc0raw-Pill, 2uIu).
8arah WeaIIeana ia a conaultant
and lormer aenior client director with
Landor Aaaociatea. Additional inut lrom
Jrevor wade, Payea Roth, Suaan lelaon,
Vich 8ergeaen, and Charlie wrench.
The essentials
of branding
I VcKinaey 8 Comany, Strike 0 the 8randa (2uu8).
2 Laaentiala ol branding
Coke haa worked incredibly hard at imlanting
aome ol theae brand aaaociationa in our minda:
Jhe idea and delivery ol relreahment (and the auly
management and diatribution that are behind thia),
roduct lacement, the color red, the aaaociation
with a oular Jv rogram, and the advertiaing all
make ua leel good about the brand. Coke haa not
controlled the buildu ol theae aaaociationa, but it
haa tried, at every atage ol our exerience with the
brand, to oaitively inuence them.
Acceting the aecond aet ol denitiona oaea more
ol a challenge. Jhe rat denition auggeata that the
brand ia the urview ol the marketing deartment
juat get the name, logo, deaign, and advertiaing right
and you have your brand. Jhe aecond ahowa how
the brand ia inextricably linked to the buaineaa. Jhe
creation ol the brand may begin in the marketing
deartment, but the exerience ol the brand haa
to be driven through all arta ol the organization.
Lvery interaction, or touchoint, in a cuatomera
exerience ol a brand makea a dierence.
ll you conaider Ale, the quinteaaential brand
aucceaa atory, the moat owerlul arta ol the
cuatomera exerience ol the brand are not conned
to traditional brand elementa, auch aa the logo, the
name, or the advertiaing. lt ia the environment ol
the Ale atorea that encouragea you to atay and
exlore (and ugrade) and interact with ita roducta
and ita geniua bar. lt ia iJunea aa much aa the iPod,
the alicationa aa much aa the iPhone. lt ia Alea
cuatomer aervice and tone ol voice that are
aeamleaa, lrom the inatruction manuala to the
real-time chat in the auort aection ol the online
atore. Jhe brand ia driven throughout thia whole
exerience, throughout every interaction.
1he dierence between a brand and branding
Voat exerta dene what a brand ia in one ol two
waya. Jhe rat aet ol denitiona locuaea on aome
ol the elementa that make u a brand:
Jhe intangible aum ol a roducta attributea:
ita name, ackaging, and rice, ita hiatory, ita
reutation, and the way ita advertiaed.
A name, aign, or aymbol uaed to identily itema
or aervicea ol the aeller(a) and to dierentiate
them lrom gooda ol cometitora.
Jhe aecond aet ol denitiona deacribea the
aaaociationa that come to mind when eole
think about a brand:
Producta are made in the lactory, but branda
are created in the mind.
A brand ia a eraona gut leeling about a roduct,
aervice, or comany. lta a eraona gut leeling,
becauae in the end the brand ia dened by
individuala, not by comaniea, marketa, or the
ao-called general ublic. Lach eraon createa
hia or her own veraion ol it.
what do we mean by created in the mind` when
we think ol Coke, we may think ol the time we went
to Lianey world yeara ago. lt waa an incredibly hot
day, and we drank an ice-cold Coke lrom the iconic
glaaa Coke bottle and there waa nothing more
relreahing. when we think about the can, we might
think red. Joday erhaa we think ol American Idol
(and wonder whether they are really drinking Coke
in thoae laatic cua). we think ol how that
Chriatmaa olar bear ad made ua amile. Jhoae ol
ua who are old enough may remember the ld like
to teach the world to aing commercial. Jheae
eraonal Coke brand aaaociationa are neither
oaitive nor negative, they juat come to mind.
2 Lavid 0gilvy, (acceaaed
I2 Vay 2uu9).
8 Dictionary of Business and Management (0xlord
0niveraity Preaa, 2uu).
4 walter Landor, lounder ol Landor Aaaociatea.
5 Varty leumeier, The Brand Gap: How to Bridge the
Distance between Business Strategy and Design
(Al0A lew Ridera, 2uu).
ligure I: Brand Aects Business Performance
8 Landor Aaaociatea
8ut il a brand exiata in an individuala mind, and il
it ia delivered by the buaineaa, what ia the role ol
branding` 8randing cannot control what eole
think ol a brand, it can only inuence. A brand can
ut aome ol the elementa in lace that will hel
eole underatand why they ahould chooae or reler
a articular good, aervice, organization, or idea over
another. 8randing and related marketing diacilinea
can hel inuence and exlain how many ol theae
aaaociationa in our minda have been built, and
whether they were built through advertiaing, rr,
emloyee behavior, auly chain management,
and ao on.
Branding is about signalsthe signals people
use to determine what you stand for as a brand.
Signals create associations.
Allen Adamaon, BrandSimple

Jhe bulk ol thia chater will exlain the roceaa that

determinea the loundational aignala ol a brand: what
a brand atanda lor (the brand idea), the attitude it
rojecta (the brand eraonality), ita name and how
it talka (the verbal identity), what it looka like (the
viaual identity), and what it leela and aounda like
(the aenaory identity). Creating theae loundational
aignala ia the core buaineaa ol a branding agency.
8elore loundational aignala are created, however,
a certain amount ol groundwork needa to be done
to enaure that the beat conditiona lor aucceaa are
in lace. Jhe rat two aectiona exlain thia eaaential
rearation. Jhe third deacribea the creation ol the
loundational aignala. Jhe nal aectiona locua on
what to do next with theae loundational aignala
once they have been created, looking at delivery
ol the brand exerience, managing the brand, and
meaauring the erlormance and value ol branda.
Allen Adamaon, BrandSimple: How the Best Brands Keep
It Simple and Succeed (Palgrave Vacmillan, 2uu/).
4 Laaentiala ol branding
Starting a branding roject includea nding the right
reaaon, commitment, and atrategy, analyzing brand
equity, and uncovering inaighta and oortunitiea.
8tart with the right reaaon
Take care to get born well.
0eorge 8ernard Shaw, laywright
lundamentally, there are two reaaona a buaineaa
needa branding. Lither a new roduct or comany
haa been created or there ia a deaire to change
an exiating brand to better reect new buaineaa
objectivea (moat onen called a rebrand). Jhere
muat be a aolid buaineaa reaaon to change, or
relreah, a brand and a brand idea. without a aolid
buaineaa objective and brand idea, the judging ol
brand change becomea urely aubjective. Suce
it to aay, when you embark on a rebrand it ia critical
to enaure that you are rebranding lor the right
business reaaon, and il there ia a deaire to alter
aome viaual or verbal elementa, a clearly dened
brand idea ia eaaential lor guiding thia change.
8tart with the right commitment
lt ia critical to have the right ateering committee
belore atarting a branding roceaa. 8ecauae the
brand idea reecta what a comany aaya it atanda
lor and ita viaion lor the luture, the cro muat be
oo ercent in agreement with it. And becauae
a brand ia inextricably linked to the buaineaa, all
branding initiativea need to involve the buaineaa
leadera, not at every atage ol managing the roject,
but at every atage that a aignicant deciaion needa
to be made, articularly in the early atagea when
the brand idea and eraonality are being dened.
Jhe areaa ol the buaineaa that interact with
the target audience need to be rereaented on the
brand ateering committee to enaure that the brand
idea will be delivered. ll thia meana that the ateering
committee increaaea to more than eight to ten
eole, then buy-in atagea are needed in the
roceaa to kee deciaion making manageable
while enauring that the areaa ol the buaineaa
reaonaible lor living u to the brand are committed
to the roceaa.
linally, exerta in the eld ol branding will alao be
eaaential artnera in the roceaa. 8randing agenciea
are uaually hired aa artnera and guidea in the
roceaa, aince they are in the buaineaa ol heling
to create and manage thia kind ol change. Jhe
beat agenciea ahow atrong atrategic and creative
thinking and outut and have relevant exertiae
(not neceaaarily exertiae in the aame induatry
or roduct category, but exerience in handling
aimilar roblema lor aimilarly aized organizationa
and roducta, or with aimilar target audiencea).
Jhe loundational aignala ol a brand need to laat
at leaat a decade, and creating them ia coatly, ao
inveating in the right advice ia imortant at both the
macro level (Pow do we align our buaineaa with
the brand idea`) and the micro level (what ahould
we do about our rintera to enaure the new brand
color reroducea well around the world`). 8ecauae
creating a new brand or undertaking a rebrand
requirea aignicant inveatment and aignala change,
there ia really only one oortunity to do it, ao it
muat be done right.
Starting a branding project
5 Landor Aaaociatea
cuatomera and emloyeea need to be conaidered.
8ut lor both roduct and cororate branda, it
ia imortant to underatand inaighta into theae
audiencea to enaure that the brand idea reaonatea.
What ia the benet to cuatomera? A comany
ahould be able to articulate clearly, in a lew worda,
the unique aaect that dierentiatea ita roduct
lrom the cometition and rovidea a benet to
ita cuatomera. Jhia ia called the unique aelling
rooaition, the dominant aelling idea, the
unique value rooaition, or the univeraal
guarantor ol erlormance.
8tart with the right focua: Cuatomera
0ne ol the moat imortant rat atea in a branding
roject ia to create a lramework that identiea
and comarea all oaaible interaction ointa where
a cuatomer exeriencea the brand. Jhia ia onen
called a cuatomer journey, and the interactiona
are aometimea relerred to aa touchointa. Jheae
interactiona can be hyaical, auch aa in a auermar-
ket, at an airline check-in deak, or in a ahowroom.
Jhey can be digital, auch aa through a download
lrom a comany webaite or on aocial media aitea
like Jwitter or ouJube. lnteractiona can be analog,
auch aa on the hone, via advertiaing on Jv, or
through romotional eventa.
Jhe imortant thing ia to create the lramework
lrom the cuatomera oint ol view and not aimly
comile a liat ol all thinga currently being executed
to build the brand. Loing only the latter will not hel
you diacover a new interaction that could better
connect the cuatomer to your brand. Creating the
lull lramework, however, will loater underatanding
ol where you are delivering the brand romiae,
8tart with the right buaineaa atrategy
0ood branding cannot aave a oor roduct
or buaineaa. ln lact, the deaire to rebrand can
aometimea maak a lundamental buaineaa roblem
and can diatract managera lrom actually addreaaing
it. 8elore you brand anything, it ia imortant to have
a atrong, clear anawer to three aimle queationa:
(I) what are we aelling` (2) who ia it intended lor`
and (8) what ia the benet to cuatomera`
What are we aeIIing? ln a very ractical aenae,
aelling involvea making tough deciaiona about
the market you are in, auch aa lntela deciaion to
abandon manulacturing comuter memory chia
and locua on microroceaaora. 0r it can be about
deciding how you intend to deacribe the roduct
or aervice being oered. ln Welcome to the Creative
Age, Vark Larla tella the atory ol working lor Clarka,
one ol the leading ahoe comaniea in the 0nited
Kingdom, and aending time in locua groua. Pia
agency hit on an idea that reaonated well: not
a reexreaaion ol the brand but a reevaluation ol
what Clarka waa aelling. Clarka had dened the
buaineaa ol aelling ahoea aa a relacement
buaineaarelacing ahoea that were worn out.
Jhe new model waa about aelling leaaure
buying new ahoea that give you a lin.
Who ia it intended for? Jhe more aecic and
targeted the anawer to thia queation, the better.
lor examle, rather than locuaing on moma,
target moma who ut their careera on hold and
are now back in the worklorce trying to juggle career
advancement with guilt about not having the time
or energy to uree homemade baby lood every
evening. lor cororate branda, it ia more dilcult
to locua on a aingle audience, at a minimum, both
The foundational signals
of a brand need to last
at least a decade.
Laaentiala ol branding
lor the redeaign ol the 0atorade ackaging in zooz,
PeaiCo and Landor conducted equity reaearch
with cuatomera who were aaked to draw the bottle.
Jhia waa a aimle exerciae, but one that reaulted in
a marked conaiatency ol outut. Jhe lightning bolt
aeemed to be the moat imortant and diatinctive
deaign element aaaociated with the brand, it waa
recalled and drawn many timea, and conaumera
aaaociated it with a aark ol energy. 0ther
aaecta (orange ca, brand colora, bottle ahae)
alao had atrong recall, but did not evoke the aame
emotional reaonaea.
8ut equity ia not aimly about awareneaait ia
alao about relevance. Jhe reaaon that 0atorade
increaaingly locuaed on the bolt in aubaequent
ackage deaigna and other marketing communica-
tiona waa not aimly becauae eole recalled it,
but becauae they aaaociated it with the dierence
0atorade made to their athletic erlormance.
ln zoo,, however, lacing increaaing reaaure lrom
Cokea vitaminwater and other cometitora like
Powerade, PeaiCo inatituted a dramatic redeaign
lor 0atorade that minimized the bolt and emha-
aized a collegiate-looking aeril-tye letter G aa
the rominent label grahic. Aarently, PeaiCo
made thia deciaion without conducting extenaive
ackaging reaearch and, at thia writing, the reaulta
at oint ol aale have been mixed. lt will be intereat-
ing to aee whether thia dramatic rebranding hela
turn the branda lortunea around.
Conaider alao the aate ol branda auch aa Atari
and Vini that have recently returned lrom the dead
to take u reaidence at retail once more. Part ol
a henomenon dubbed dormandize by conaumer
trend aottera at, theae branda
where you are lailing to kee it, where you need to
innovate to imrove the exerience, and where you
ahould aend your marketing dollara to generate the
moat imact.
AnaIyze the branda equity
when a rebrand ia undertaken, or il a new brand haa
another brand attached to it (lor examle, through
a arent brand endoraement), it ia imortant to
underatand where current brand equity liea to avoid
inadvertently loaing key elementa that are actively
building conaumer recognition and relevant brand
aaaociationa. Jo be clear, we are not talking about
the broadeat denition ol equitythe accumu-
lated value ol a comanya brand aaaeta, both
nancially and atrategically, which comriaea
the overall market atrength ol a brand. Rather, we
are talking about the equity inherent in the brand
aignala to hel anawer queationa auch aa Should
we kee the logo` Should the brand atill be red`
Should we continue to uae the aame brandline`
when embarking on a rebrand, rovided it ia not
occurring lor a redominantly negative reaaon,
you will onen hear eole within a comany aeak
about the atrong equity inherent in the current brand
aignala. we cant get rid ol the tagline. weve had
it lor ve yeara. lt haa a lot ol equity. Peole love
the logo. lta who we are. ou cant change that.
Lont get rid ol green. lta a core brand color.
Lmloyeea are likely to have aome emotional
attachment to certain brand aignala. 8ut onen,
imartial brand equity reaearch muat be conducted
to truly underatand where real equity liea and
whether it remaina relevant moving lorward.
Lquity reaearch conducted lor 0atorade
lound that the lightning bolt (deicted here
on bottlea circa 2uu2u5) waa the moat
diatinctive element ol ita brand.
/ Landor Aaaociatea
Uncover inaighta and identify opportunitiea
lrom an agencya oint ol view, the roceaa ol
creating a new brand or a rebrand uaually atarta
with a aituation analyaia, onen called an audit,
or what Scott 8edbury calla a big dig.
Lven in the
creation ol a new brand you are never atarting with
a comletely clean alate. Jhia big dig can be aa amall
or aa large aa you want to make it, and there are
varioua modela and waya to atructure it. lt onen
involvea conaumer and/or cuatomer reaearch,
whether rimary or aecondary.
Jhe moat imortant thing to kee in mind about
a aituation analyaia, however, ia that the ultimate
uroae ia not to gather inlormation. lta uroae ia
to aaaemble insights about cuatomera, the category,
cometitora, or the brand itaell in order to identily
an oortunity that will ahae the brand idea.
what ia an inaight` Proleaaor Vohanbir Sawhney
deacribea it aa a not yet obvioua underatanding
that can be the baaia ol a cometitive advantage.

lnaighta can be about a buaineaa, brand, category,
or cuatomer. Jheae inaighta come lrom interreting
inlormation available in a creative and analytical
way, onen uaing a lramework, model, or ma.
And oortunitiea are uaually identied through
a combination ol inaighta that connect multile
areaa auch aa cometition, category, cuatomera,
roduct or organization, heritage, ambition, and
atoriea, and brand architecture.
hoe to caitalize on reaidual brand equity to
lealrog cometitora. 0l courae theae revived
branda get a head atart on awareneaa, but with
branda auch aa Atari, much more work needed to
be done to bring the brand out ol eight-bit grahica
and give it relevance in the world ol PlayStation and
zbox. Aa Steven Vallaa wrote, Ataria brand equity
doeant have that dierentiated, maverick leel ol
yeateryear when it waa alwaya aaaociated with the
cutting edge ol video game technology and waa
worahied by hardcore layera at the lorelront
ol the video game revolution. lowadaya, it ia an
all-uroae diatributor that nda intenae cometition
in the likea ol Llectronic Arta and Activiaion.
acal loaaea ($,8. million in zoo, a aignicant
reveraal ol $;. million rot in zoo,) aeem to alrm
the oint. Juat becauae eole recognize a brand
doea not mean they have oaitive imreaaiona about
it or that they will urchaae it.
0veremhaaizing recognition in the brand equity
equation ia a quick way to get an immenaely
diatorted icture ol a branda value. 0ltimately,
it can have the eect ol making a comany think
that everything ia ao good there ia no need to
change anything. et il eole know about the
brand, but it doea not reect what you want it to
atand lor in their minda, then it ia not relevant to
kee. cr walked away lrom the ubiquitoua tagline
we bring good thinga to lile becauae it no longer
encaaulated what it atood lor aa a buaineaa.
A rebrand ia a marker ol change. lt ahould be
undertaken lor a buaineaa reaaon.
/ Steven Vallaa, Ataria Challenging Level, Jhe Votley lool
(/ Vay 2uu4).
8 Scott 8edbury with Stehen lenichell, A New Brand World:
Eight Principles for Achieving Brand Leadership in the
Twenty-First Century (Penguin Putnam, 2uu2).
9 Vohanbir Sawhney, lnaighta into Cuatomer lnaighta,
Lelying the Limita, vol. 5, (0ctober 2uu4), (acceaaed 28 Varch 2uu).
Jhe zbox 8u, with ita integrated online
gaming and multimedia caabilitiea,
comletely aold out when it waa releaaed
in 2uu5.
8 Laaentiala ol branding
Jhe more viaionary thia idea, the more it can inaire
the eole who are taaked to deliver it. And the
more relevant and dierentiated it ia, the better the
outcome. Jhia idea ol having a noble uroae above
and beyond the commercial or roduct equation
aeema to be gaining more traction in the lnternet
age. Conaider Lovea Campaign for real beauty, or
lkeaa uroae being dened aa Creating a better
everyday life for the many. 8randa that claim a higher
uroae in their brand ideaa, and thoae that do it
earlier than their cometitora may connect better
with conaumera in the long run.
Powever, the limita ol dierentiation are imortant
to note. Jhe brand idea doea not have to be, nor
ia it likely to be, dierent lrom any other idea that
haa ever been exreaaed by a brand belore.
Lierence ia a relative term and ia roortional
to a branda cometition: other branda the target
audience might chooae inatead ol youra. lor
examle, il the rooaed brand idea lor a childa
new toy ia atimulating imagination, thia ahould
not be diaregarded becauae cr alao atanda lor
imagination at work. Jhe child or arent ia not
going to be making a choice between the toy
and a cr ateam-aaaiated gravity drainage
roduced water evaorator.
Similarly, you want the brand idea to be ownable,
not in the aenae ol atenting the idea or the worda,
but rather in the aenae ol delivering the idea,
relentleaaly and with commitment. Jhia way, the
idea becomea ao well aaaociated with a given brand
that any cometitor would be looliah to inveat time
and money claiming it atanda lor the aame thing.
Creating the brand aignala includea dening
the brand idea, brand architecture, and brand
eraonality, and roducing the creative briel.
bening the brand idea
A good aituation analyaia leada to inaighta and
identiea areaa ol oortunity lor a brand, but
a atake muat then be laced in the ground to
dene the brand idea: what you want the brand
to atand lor. Jhere ia no magic lormula or model
lor thia. lt takea amart eole, clarity, and creativity
ol thought, debate, and aometimea more reaearch
to determine the right brand idea.
Jhe moat imortant thing about your brand idea
ia that it ia dierentiated lrom the cometition and
relevant to your target audience. lt ia eaaential to
give the target audience a reaaon to chooae your
brand over all othera. ll there ia nothing dierent
about your brand, there ia no reaaon to urchaae
it, il you are dierent but that dierence ia not
imortant or meaninglul to conaumera, it ia equally
unlikely your brand will be urchaaed.
Creating the brand idea alao requirea a lea ol
laith to articulate aomething that caturea the good
about the reaent atate ol the brand, and, more
imortantly, a viaion lor ita luture. Vark Larla talka
about the brand idea having to create a longer-term
trajectory lor your buaineaa and your working lile.
lt ia rooted in a dream ol the world aa it ahould be.
A dream that you leel and believe in with your whole
being, rather than the amall art ol youraell that
buaineaa normally connecta with.
The brand strategy
Iu Vark Larla, Welcome to the Creative Age: Bananas,
Business, and the Death of Marketing (John wiley 8
Sona, 2uu2).
9 Landor Aaaociatea
brand idea ia not clear, then all elementa emanating
lrom it will be even weaker. Content will be aun
o (rr meaaagea, ad coy, webaitea, leaderahi
aeechea, recruitment aeca, bloga), and without
a clear idea to link back to, the brand will quickly
become diaarate, hard to manage, and not
aaaociated with anything diatinct in the conaumera
mind. Jhe brand idea acta aa a atrategic lter lor
the luture, it ia a waate ol time to ll in modela or
cran miaaion atatementa without aending time
clarilying the brand idea rat.
bening the brand architecture
0ne comonent ol develoing a brand atrategy
requirea eatabliahing a clear atructure and relation-
ahi among branda in a ortlolio. Jhia roceaa ia
uaually called brand architecture. lundamentally,
brand architecture ia about deciding what you
want to ahow aa your lace to the market and how
to reaent your gooda and aervicea to your target
audience. Vany modela and a great deal ol
marketing terminology are uaed to deacribe
dierent aroachea to brand architecture.
8ut all lall aomewhere among three atrategiea:
Vany modela can be uaed to hel encaaulate
the brand idea. Conaumer gooda comaniea with
large marketing deartmenta uaually have their
own modela, branding agenciea have theira.
Comaniea onen want to incororate a viaion
atatement, miaaion atatement, and aometimea
add a brand oaitioning atatement.
Jhe moat valuable iece ol any ol theae modela ia
getting to a ahort, memorable hraae that encaau-
latea the core ol what the brand ia about. Jhia ia not
a brandline or tagline, although it could become one.
Rather, the brand idea denea what the brand ia
about at ita moat baaic level. lor examle:
er ia about going beyond.
cr ia about imagination at work.
like ia about authentic athletic performance.
e8ay aairea to be the global online marketplace.
lkea aeeka to create a better everyday life for
the many.
Jheae aimle articulationa can be eahed out into
a aragrah, a oaitioning atatement, a miaaion
atatement, or a viaion atatement, but il the core
P80a brand architecture emloya
a multibrand atrategy, managing
ita many global branda without
a arent endoraement.
Iu Laaentiala ol branding
will good brand architecture reect the atrategic
viaion ol the rm, but it ahould alao imrove
nancial erlormance by heling organizationa
direct reaourcea to the beat beta lor luture growth
by minimizing redundancy among branda and
cutting undererlorming branda.
8rand architecture ahould not juat rationalize an
exiating ortlolio and atretch the remaining branda
into new areaa, aa temting aa that may be. lt ia
imortant to be carelul with aaaumtiona about how
lar current branda can atretch to cover luture growth
areaa by underatanding what each brand atanda lor
in cuatomera minda. lor examle, when Polaroid
began aelling conventional camera lm under the
Polaroid label, thia brand extenaion did not work
becauae in the minda ol conaumera Polaroid atood
lor instant hotograhy, not generic hotograhy.
Jhe conaumera idea ol Polaroid would not atretch
enough to accommodate the new meaning.
ln contraat, becauae virgin atanda lor aomething
ao broad (eaaentially the idea ol challenging
convention), and becauae virgin delivera ita
romiae ao relentleaaly, the comany haa extended
aucceaalully into categoriea aa diverae aa nancial
aervicea, mobile honea, airlinea, beauty roducta,
beveragea, and aace travel.
Although a very rational and analytical roceaa,
brand architecture onen becomea an emotional
toic lor a comany becauae it ia miataken lor an
attemt to change the organizational atructure.
lor examle, when a comany decidea not to create
a aubbrand lor a buaineaa unit and inatead uaea the
maater brand (lor examle, going to market aa
Leloitte rather than aa Leloitte Jax), emloyeea
I. A monobrand atrategy (aometimea called
a branded houae), in which one brand ia
alied acroaa everything. Lxamlea are cr,
virgin, and ie|.
2. An endoraed or aubbrand atrategy, in which
the organization owna a variety ol branda that
include the arent name in aome way. Lxamlea
are leatle, Cadbury, and Varriott.
8. A multibrand atrategy (or houae ol branda), in
which a comany uaea many dierent branda
with no arent endoraement. Lxamlea are
Procter 8 0amble (rxc), Liageo, and
0laxoSmithKline (csk).
Almoat all branda, articularly thoae that have been
around lor a while and have gone through varioua
mergera and acquiaitiona, ait aomewhere in the
meaay, real-lile middle with a hybrid atrategy. lor
examle, Starwood Potela haa a Sheraton brand
that itaell endoraea lour Pointa by Sheraton. lt owna
atandalone hotel branda, auch aa w Potela, weatin,
and St. Regia, and yet ahowa ita lace to the market
aa Starwood in ita loyalty rogram that aana all ita
hotela. Joyota endoraea the Priua, Corolla, Jacoma,
and rtv: branda (along with othera) but not ita
luxury brand, the Lexua.
Aa theae examlea ahow, determining the beat
ortlolio atrategy ia onen dicult and rile with
tradeoa. lt ia imortant to remember that brand
architecture ia not about internal organizational
atructure. well-deaigned architecture will be
conaumer-oriented and hel cuatomera make
choicea between one roduct or brand and another.
lt will uae the minimum number ol branda to cover
the maximum number ol market oortunitiea,
while clearly dierentiating among branda. lot only
Pace aetting
lumber one
world claaa
ligure 2: Popular Branding Words
cournnv nescnron runrose
II Landor Aaaociatea
II Chriatoher 8ooker, The Seven Basic Plots: Why We Tell
Stories (Continuum, 2uu).
I2 Rohit 8hargava, Personality Not Included: Why Companies
Lose Their Authenticity and How Great Brands Get It Back
(Vc0raw-Pill, 2uu8).
or long laating enough to build a brand around,
and that benet areaa are not innite in number,
dening the eraonality and exreaaing it acroaa
all interactiona with cuatomera ia an imortant
way to dierentiate a brand and build relevance
with cuatomera. 8ut a diacuaaion around brand
eraonality can be a dicult one to have in a
boardroom. 8rand eraonality ia uaually aeen aa
an acceted art ol what hela to dierentiate
a amoothie or chia brand. 8ut a nancial inatitu-
tion` A etroleum comany` A arcel delivery rm`
lot ao accetable. et onen it ia theae tyea ol
comaniea that could benet moat by aearing
more human.
8hargava deacribea eraonality aa the unique,
authentic, and talkable aoul ol your brand that
eole can get aaaionate about.
comany valuea ia onen the way large cororationa
try to articulate thia. 8ut when working on the
creation ol a brand idea, agenciea are onen told:
Lont touch the valuea. Jhia may be becauae the
client haa already gone through a huge rogram
internally to dene them (or, juat aa likely, a grou
ol aenior executivea craned a valuea atatement
in a board meeting yeara ago) or the valuea have
been in lace aince the lounding ol the rm and
are an inextricable iece ol who we are. 8ut when
we look at valuea acroaa an induatry they are onen
remarkably aimilar. Conaider the big lour accoun-
tancy rma: ll we take out integrity, respect,
collaboration, and leadership (aince at leaat three
ol the big lour ahare theae valuea, which do nothing
to hel dierentiate the rma), we are len with
very little: aome energy and enthusiasm lrom
Lrnat 8 oung, seeking facts and providing insight
lrom kr|c, and getting strength from cultural
can leel that their role ia being downlayed, or even
in jeoardy. Such atrategic deciaiona muat therelore
be carelully and clearly managed to hel emloyeea
underatand that brand architecture ia not about
reatructuring the internal organizational chart (which
addreaaea otimizing delivery and coata), but rather
about the comanya lace to ita marketa (which
concerna maximizing revenue). 0ne ia not a mirror
image ol the other.
bening the brand peraonaIity
Vany brand atrategiata may be uncomlortable with
the lollowing atatement: Jhere are not an innite
number ol brand ideaa in the world, and many
branda occuy very aimilar territoriea. ll you look
acroaa the liat ol global lortune ,oo comaniea,
the atatementa about what the organizationa atand
lor generally uae aome combination ol worda aimilar
to thoae in gure z.
we need not be downhearted by thia. ll, aa
Chriatoher 8ooker aaya, there are only aeven
atoriea in the world,
yet tena ol milliona ol booka,
lma, and laya tell theae atoriea dierently, the
oortunity lor relevant dierentiation remaina
atrong. er and Joyota both locua their ideaa on
a aenae ol rogreaa. Powever, nobody would aay
theae branda are the aame. 0ne way they dier ia
through eraonality, and dening thia ia the next
imortant element in building a brand.
Jhe remiae behind Rohit 8hargavaa book
Personality Not Included illuatratea how critical it
ia lor comaniea to move beyond being laceleaa
organizationa and exreaa authentic eraonalitiea
in order to thrive in the aocial media era. 0iven that
lunctional attributea and beneta are not unique
Jhe yellow beam ol the Lrnat 8 oung
identity aymbolizea a brand eraonality
that ia dynamic, otimiatic, and alwaya
atriving lorward.
I2 Laaentiala ol branding
art ol managing exectationa when it comea to
reviewing work. Client aign-o ahould hel to guide
diacuaaiona around the work at every atage.
Along with the briel, the meeting itaell ia very
imortant. Jhia ia onen the rat time a creative
team will come into contact with a buaineaa or
roduct and ita challengea. lt aya to take time
to inaire and educate team membera and involve
them in diacuaaiona about the buaineaa challengea
and the brand idea. Voat brand aignala need to laat
at leaat a decade, ao bringing the team charged with
creating them into the roceaa early, and agreeing
on the briel together rather than aimly handing it
to the agency team, will rovide the beat, moat
engaged atart.
diversity lrom Leloitte. lot exactly the loundationa
ol a brand eraonality to get aaaionate about.
0ne way ol building internal aaaion lor branda
ia through the creation ol atoriea. lor examle,
Jamea Lyaona inventiveneaa and tenaciouaneaa
are hallmarka ol the Lyaon brand eraonality.
when er dened ita Beyond Petroleum atrategy,
one ol the rat activitiea it undertook waa to conduct
hundreda ol interviewa with emloyeea within the
organization to get at theae atoriea. Jhe outut waa
aomething called the er acroll that waa literally
rolled out in a board meeting to hel demonatrate
that the audacioua brand idea and eraonality
being rooaed lor the brand had roota in the
aaaion and actiona ol emloyeea. Along with
the brand idea ol going beyond, er haa lour
valueaerlormance, rogreaaive, innovation,
and greenand eole inaide the comany truly
embrace them, they can be exreaaed authentically
in communicationa.
Producing the creative brief
0nce a brand idea and eraonality are in lace,
the core viaual and verbal aymbola can be develoed.
Jhey are uaually encaaulated in a creative briel,
literally a ahort document that a creative team
will work lrom aa it deaigna and generatea namea,
brandlinea, and viaual and aenaory identitiea. A good
briel ia auccinct (onen only one age), uaea worda
and icturea to hel atimulate creativity, and haa
the brand idea and eraonality at ita core. lt alao
reecta learning about cometitora and market
categoriea lrom the aituation analyaia (lor examle,
by including a aection with thinga to avoid auch
aa a color that a cometitor uaea conaiatently).
0btaining client aign-o on the briel ia a critical
One way of building
internal passion for
brands is through the
creation of stories.
I8 Landor Aaaociatea
8e ownable and rotectable aa a trademark in
all countriea in which you want to oerate
Pave an available domain name
Jhia criteria ia onen given to an agency belore it
begina to generate namea. 8ut how many brand
namea can you think ol that actually live u to all
thia criteria` Coke` 8lack8erry` lacebook` Audi`
0oogle` cnn` Jarget`
lame creation ia an incredibly dilcult buaineaa.
lt demanda an immenae amount ol creativity,
couled with a heavy doae ol racticality aince
moat ol the namea created will not be legally
available. ln lact, almoat ,o ercent ol namea
created will have to be rejected due to coyright
conaiderationa. And thia ia the moat imortant
thing to underatand: A name ia only one amall art
ol a brand. lta ower to build oaitive aaaociationa
ia limited when it ia viewed in iaolation. lt only really
gaina meaning over time and in combination with
all other brand aignala.
Some branda create more than a name. Jhey create
a naming device that allowa them to link a aeriea ol
roducta together under a aimilar naming conven-
tion. Jhe iVac aawned the iPod, iPhone, and iJunea.
Jhe iPod aawned the odcaat. Peole tweet on
Jwitter and uae devicea auch aa Power Jwitter to
imrove their brand exerience. A good name will
likely meet aome ol the criteria above, though not
all, lortunately, there are many other brand aignala
to work with to hel build a more comlete icture
ol what you want your brand to atand lor. lt ia
moat critical to make aure that the name ia legally
rotected and that due diligence haa been alied to
check lor negative connotationa in other languagea.
Creating the brand exerience involvea craning
the verbal identity, deaigning the viaual and
aenaory identitiea, and teating the verbal and
viaual identitiea.
Crahing the verbaI identity
Naming A new brand needa a name whereaa
a rebrand rarely haa a name change. lndeed,
changing a name aignala that aomething aignicant
haa haened in the buaineaa, through lorced
circumatancea, through a merger and acquiaition,
or through a negative event. A comany that
changea ita name ia exected to change the way
it doea buaineaa, too, ao a name change ahould
never be undertaken lightly.
lamea can take many lorma. Jhey can be acronyma:
ie|, er, nec. Jhey can take the lorm ol exiating
worda or hraaea: Shell, Ale, Jwitter. Jhey can
be namea conatructed lrom other worda: Sudulike,
Kwik Save, Accenture. Jhey can be coined: Avenaia,
Aventia, Avertia. And they can derive lrom the namea
ol aecic eole or lamiliea: lerrari, Perahey,
Vercedea-8enz. See gure , lor more examlea.
ldeally, a name ahould be the ure encaaulation ol
the brand idea and, along with thia audacioua goal,
ahould meet other key criteria:
8e eaay to ronounce in every language
8e memorable (being briel alao hela)
Pel eole underatand what the buaineaa
ia about
8e able to atretch into other categoriea and areaa
in the luture
Pave no negative connotationa in other languagea
Creating the
brand experience
I4 Laaentiala ol branding
I8 J.L. Stanley, Jaglinea Loae Jheir Starring Role in Ada
(2 lovember 2uu/)
(acceaaed I2 Vay 2uu9).
what the rm wanta to be about aa a brand
going beyond. cra Imagination at work caturea
the driving miaaion ol the comany. Jhe brand
overhaul ol Citroen aaw an end to the tagline Just
imagine what Citron can do for you and relaced it
with a brandline that caturea ita buaineaa atrategy:
Crative technologie.
Creating a brandline reaenta many ol the aame
challengea aa creating a name (lor examle, it
needa to be legally rotectable and onen needa
to work in dierent countriea), which may be why
ao many branda eachew a brandline altogether.
0ther branda aeem to leel that a brandline ia
mandatory but create aomething that doea not
work hard enough to hel to dierentiate them.
Look at PwCa cometitora: kr|c locka u three
worda with ita logo: Audit. Tax. Advisory. lt tella
eole what the rm doea but nothing about why
it ia dierent lrom ita cometitora (who are already
erceived aa very aimilar). Jhere ia already very
little dierentiation in thia category, and kr|ca
brandline doea nothing to hel. Lrnat 8 oung
ia atuck with a legacy line lrom the immediate
oat-Lnron daya, Quality in everything we do; aurely
a given lor one ol the moat regulated induatriea in
the world. lt locuaea on an unaecic arity oint
(quality) with Lrnat 8 ounga cometitora rather
than aomething that dierentiatea the organization.
Leloitte haa choaen not to uae one, which, accord-
ing to Brandweek, ia an increaaing trend.
aome comaniea are nding that il you cannot
have a good one (that ia, one that locuaea on your
dierentiation and relevance), it ia better not to
have one at all.
lurthermore, reare to develo a hard akin at the
launch ol your new name. Jhe media like nothing
more than a name change they can react to, and
their reaction ia almoat never oaitive. A name
only becomea imbued with true meaning oatlaunch.
So aa long aa the homework haa been comleted u
lront, it aya to be atient and locua on conatructing
all ol the many other aignala that will hel to auort
and give weight to thia meaning.
8randIine 8ecauae namea can only do ao much,
brandlinea are onen develoed in conjunction
with the name to hel aignal what the brand atanda
lor. 8randlinea are onen called taglinea, however,
taglinea auggeat a aign-o at the bottom ol a iece
ol communication, and they can change aa dierent
marketing camaigna change. A brandline ia
develoed aa a ermanent brand element to be
uaed acroaa dierent channela, onen everywhere
the logo aeara. lor examle, ledLxa brandline
ia The world on time. lt aeara conaiatently on
ledLx trucka, lanea, and ackaging and haa been
in lace aince ,,,. Since then, however, ledLx
haa had many advertiaing camaigna that have
leatured dierent taglinea, auch aa When it
absolutely, positively has to be there overnight
and Relax, its FedEx.
Jaglinea can change (they are tactical), but
brandlinea remain the aame unleaa a aignicant
rebrand occura. PricewaterhouaeCooera
brandline, Connected thinking, ia at the heart
ol what the comany aaya it atanda lor aa an
organization. Beyond Petroleum worka cleverly to
change aaaociationa with the name ol the comany
lrom 8ritiah Petroleum to aomething that imliea
nnue vres
8ritiah Airwaya
America 0nline
Comuter Aaaociatea
ligure 8: Names of Brands
I5 Landor Aaaociatea
Although we cannot predict what external,
uncontrollable events might transpire during
, we can forecast with considerable
certainty that our valorous, caring, nimble,
good-hearted, and resilient people will ensure
that Southwest ends just the way it ended
at the forefront of our industry.
Southweat Airlinea zooz Annual Reort
Jo hel an organization underatand tone ol voice
and ita imlicationa lor buaineaa communicationa,
a common ate ia to take aome current iecea ol
communication and rewrite them in the new tone.
lt ia better to ahow than to tell, and locuaing on
high-role, viaible iecea ol communication
hela enaure that the new brand voice ia noticed.
0etting eole to act on tone ol voice ia more
dilcult, however.
beaigning the viauaI and aenaory identitiea
0reat deaign givea eole the ahorthand markera
ol identication and engagement with a roduct,
aervice, or organization. lt atoa ua in our tracka
to think again about our uaual choicea. lt hela ua
nd coee, aida ua in aending urgent documenta
in an unlamiliar city, or can make ua leel art ol
a amarter or more atyliah community. Aa we ait at
the neighborhood Starbucka, tying on a Vac8ook,
wearing 0gga or Adidaa, minding a baby aalee in
a 8ugaboo atroller, we may auddenly realize that all
theae branda atand lor aomething aingular, that all
ol them have a eraonality, and that all ol them uae
their viaual and aenaory identitiea to create owerlul
aaaociationa that we connect with.
1one of voice Jone ol voice ia another meana ol
conveying what a brand atanda lor. Jone ol voice
ia not meaaaging or writing, it ia about how you
aay thinga rather than what you aay. lor examle,
a branda voice can be lriendly, inlormative, reciae,
grounded, real, honeat, daring, laylul, irreverent,
emotional, or witty. Jhe brand voice can exreaa
the eraonality ol a lriend or teacher, a geek or
gamer, a leader or an advocate, a viaionary or
a knowledge aeeker, a magician or an engineer.
when tone ol voice ia conaiatent, it givea the
conaumer another meana ol recognizing the
brand and ita romiae.
when you conaider how many eole within
a comany uae worda to communicate with a
target audience on a daily baaia, tone ol voice
would aear to be an incredibly imortant art
ol branding. et, comared with the develoment
ol a viaual identity, creating tone ol voice ia leaa
common. whatever the reaaon, many branda do
not have a conaiatent tone ol voice, or their tone
ol voice ia not conaidered when creating the
loundational aignala lor a brand. Lven branda
that have craned a tone ol voice onen do very
little to train eole on how and where to uae it,
or to romote ita uae on an ongoing baaia.
A lew branda are known lor their tone ol voice,
and they deliver it conaiatently and memorably.
lor examle, tone ol voice hela dierentiate
maverick branda auch aa virgin, aa well aa ataid
branda auch aa the eec and the Economist.
Southweat Airlinea haa a tone ol voice that linka
atrongly to ita brand eraonality. Jhe Southweat
atyle ia lreah and immediate, exreaaing reaect
and warm regard lor eole in general:
0ood Co. Coeea brand voice uaea clever,
lighthearted arody to brighten the day ol
the overatreaaed cororate coee drinker.
I Laaentiala ol branding
brand. lt ia notably rogreaaive and innovative
no other etroleum brand had done anything like
the aunower aymbol at the time it waa created
and it aucceaalully rereaenta era brand idea ol
going beyond to become an environmental leader
and a truly great comany. lncororating green,
a heritage color lor er, the aymbol caturea the
leeling ol ure energy, and ita aolar ower initiative
rereaented in the aunburat ame evokea broader
environmental meaninga lor era luture.
Some logoa add eaaential communication that ia
miaaing lrom the name alone. lor inatance, a literal
viaualization ol the word Amazon would take you
to rainloreata or 0reek mythology. 8ut inatead,
Amazon.coma logo hela auggeat the range ol
roducta available (the arrow ointa lrom a to z)
and lorma a amile to communicate a aenae ol the
welcoming, hellul, cuatomer-lriendly nature ol
the brand. Jhe ledLx logo incororatea a hidden
(negative aace) arrow to aubtly imly ita aeed
and guarantee that ackagea will alwaya get there
on time. Lvoking a atory within the brand aymbol
reaenta not only a viaual metahor lor the brand,
but alao a word-ol-mouth communication camaign.
0ver the yeara, many eole have recounted the
atory ol diacovering the arrow in the ledLx logo aa
an amuaing aha moment.
while virtually no brand identity can convey
everything about a roduct, aervice, or comany,
a logo muat be evaluated on ita ability to communi-
cate at leaat one or two imortant conceta about
the brand. Jhe briel ahould incororate theae
conceta, guiding both the creative team and the
client in araiaing the recommended deaigna.
Logo Jhere ia aomething revered about the logo,
and it ia robably the rat thing that comea to mind
when we think about branding. lt can miatakenly be
where the deaire to rebrand begina (Jhe new cro
doeant like our logo) and ia onen where emotiona
can ride high in a branding roject. lt may have to
do with the lact that the logo becomea eraonal
on our buaineaa carda, or erhaa it haa acquired
auch hallowed atatua that ita role in branding ia
onen overemhaaized.
A logo becomea a viaual ahorthand lor the meaninga
eole attach to a brand, but it ia not the only atrong
viaual aymboliam. Aa with a name, a logo will lay
u aome aaecta ol the brand but will not be able
to communicate othera. Powever, it ia alao onen
undervalued, and atoriea about logoa being drawn
on a nakin over a int abound, auggeating there
ia nothing dilcult about their creation.
Voat logoa (alao called brandmarka, brand
identitiea, or cororate identitiea) are made u
ol aeveral comonenta: the wordmark (uaually the
name ol the comany), a aymbol (a grahic device
laced within, adjacent to, or around the logo), and
the colora choaen to reect the brand. Some logoa
comriae only a wordmark (auch aa Kiehla, virgin,
0oogle, ledLx, ie|), a lew uae juat a aymbol (like,
Ale, Prince), and othera combine a aymbol and
a wordmark (Jhe 8ody Sho, ues, er).
Some ol the moat memorable logoa communicate
myriad meaninga, breaking new ground while
reaecting heritage. lor examle, the er aunower
aymbol (ocially called the Pelioa mark) ia a highly
eective encaaulation ol the core valuea ol the
Some ol the moat memorable logoa
communicate multile meaninga. Jhe logo lorma a amile and
alao auggeata an a to z roduct range.
Jhe ledLx logo incororatea an arrow,
imlying aeed and reciaion.
I/ Landor Aaaociatea
Jhia kind ol oen branding ia not aroriate
lor all branda, but what theae examlea highlight
ia that there ia no one-aize-ta-all aroach to logo
uaage, and toola like animation, cuatomization, and
exibility need to be conaidered along with colora,
lonta, and aymbola.
CoIor Logoa are not deaigned in black and white.
Jhe creation ol a logo alwaya introducea other core
aaecta ol the brand. lor aome branda, color ia
one ol the moat imortant aaaociationa they have:
lor examle, the Jiany robina-egg blue box, inca
orange veraua the blue and red ol other nancial
inatitutiona, and Coca-Colaa red.
Jhere ia much written about color theory and the
meaning ol color in dierent aocietiea. while white
ia traditionally the color ol death or mourning in Aaia,
yellow meana caution in the 0nited Statea, and red
ia the color the eye ia drawn to moatdiering
meaninga ol color ahould not be the overriding
reaaon to either chooae or diacount theae colora
lor a given brand. lt ia more imortant to go back
to the brand idea and eraonality, and the aituation
analyaia, to enaure that a color alette ia choaen
that rat and loremoat dierentiatea the brand lrom
the cometition and ia relevant to what it ia trying
to atand lor. without doing thia, deaignera lace the
inevitable riak ol deaigning a logo and then being
aaked, Can we juat aee it in red/blue/yellow/ink/
aqua` Jhia exerciae ahould rarely be neceaaary. ll
you lot your cometitora on a color wheel and are
clear about how color theory relatea to your brand
idea, the choice ol colora will be limited.
Logoa were once deaigned aa urely atatic,
two-dimenaional devicea with atrict rulea around
uaage that no one could diatort or change in any
way, on any alication. Jhia ia atill the caae in
many inatancea, but there are aome logoa that are
deaigned to be more uid. Jhia trend atarted with
the |tv logo in ,8, but it can alao be aeen with
branda auch aa 0oogle, which createa new deaigna
within ita wordmark and encouragea ita audiencea
to engage in the ractice aa well. Jhe rro logo
builda the brand by aaaociationa with othera
(iPod, 8ono) and waa created to work with branda
aa diverae aa Lell, American Lxreaa, 0a, Pallmark,
Converae, and Lmorio Armani.
Jhe 0lymic zoz logo created a negative media
lrenzy when launched in the 0nited Kingdom. lta
uroae waa to be uaed in conjunction with other
branda, allowing artnera to adat the logo to their
own brand colora. 8ut even thia exibility did not
go lar enough lor aome who lelt that the logo had
been loiated on the 0nited Kingdom without
roerly involving membera ol the community
it would rereaent.
8y contraat, in creating the branding lor worldeka
(a aocial-networking latlorm that bringa together
citizena who aim to change the world), Landor
rovided aome brand atructureincluding the
aimlication ol worldeka to wr, the key inaight
that encaaulatea the branda collective voice
but decided along with the client to let the online
community own the logo and the brandline. Jhia
encouraged a multitude ol deaign executiona that
exanded the viaual and verbal language (auch aa
allowing varioua interretationa ol wr: wreatling Lvil,
working Lectively, or world Lngaged).
Jhe worldeka identity ayatem encouragea
myriad deaign executiona.
I8 Laaentiala ol branding
to long and extenaive awareneaa-building eorta
(and exenditurea) while technically having little,
il anything, to do with the original brand idea or
eraonality ol VetLile. Rather, Snooya relationahi
to VetLile began aa an advertiaing idea, intended
to add warmth and borrowed intereat to an
otherwiae aomber and imeraonal induatry.
Packaging A ackage may have only hall a
aecond to engage with a conaumer, yet it haa
a laundry liat ol lunctiona to lulll. lor examle,
the atructure needa to reaect ahell aace,
auatainability, and aalety conaiderationa, the
grahica need to include legal inlormation auch
aa weight, nutritional lacta, and bar codea, along
with namea (arent brand, aubbrand, avor namea,
unique ingredient namea), illuatrationa, hotograhy,
icona, logoa, and the liat goea on. 0reat ackage
deaign managea to aerve the brand rat and
loremoat, while working within the mandatory
limita ol legal and atructural conatrainta.
lt ia imortant to underatand what the brand idea
and eraonality are and roject theae aaaociationa
onto the ackaging. lnnocent amoothiea are a
much-cited caae ol ackaging aucceaa in the
0nited Kingdom. Lvery aaect ol lnnocent ackaging
geta acroaa ita brand, lrom tone ol voice and coy,
to ita recycling eorta, to ita name and logo deaign.
Voreover, lnnocent ackaging doea not lollow
category conventiona. lta labela do not ahow
hotograha or illuatrationa ol cranberriea or
raaberrieatheae imagea are not a meana
ol dierentiation. 8reaking traditional category
conventiona ia a aimle way to atand aart, but
lew branda have the courage to do it.
Look and feeI, or houae atyIe 0ther grahic
elementa that make u the viaual identity can hel
create aomething that becomea dierentiated and
communicatea the right aaaociationa about the
brand. Some agenciea call thia collection ol
elementa the look and leel, othera the houae
atyle. Jhey conaiat ol the color alette (main and
auorting colora), lonta, hotograhy, imagery
atyle, and any other grahic element.
A aucceaalul rebrand can occur without ever
touching the logo, name, or brandline. Lrnat 8
ounga rebrand ia a caae in oint. lta brand idea
ia about achieving potential, imlying a eraonality
that ia dynamic, otimiatic, and alwaya atriving
to move lorward. Jhe yellow beam owerlully
tranalatea thia brand idea and eraonality into
a grahic element that allowa an organization
ol more than ,o,ooo eole to create diverae
communicationa that nonetheleaa look and leel
like they came lrom one brandLrnat 8 oung.
Abaolut uaed a grahic element derived lrom ita
unique bottle ahae aa a aymbol that became lar
more imortant than the actual logo in identilying
ita brand. Jargeta uae ol the bulla-eye makea ita
communicationa ao diatinctive that the name Jarget
ia unneceaaary. Jheae grahic elementa are all art
ol a viaual toolbox that hel theae branda become
dierentiated and memorable.
0ccaaionally, however, the uae ol another grahic
element can detract lrom your brand idea. Snooy,
although now aaaociated with VetLile inaurance,
ia an icon created indeendently ol thia organization
and one alao uaed by other, albeit nonnancial
roducta. et the Peanuta canine character haa
become virtually aynonymoua with VetLile owing
Creat vivid white dierentiatea ita whitening
toothaate by uaing the viaual cuea ol the
coametica category to oaition it aa art
ol a beauty regimen.
I9 Landor Aaaociatea
I4 Vary Lalla, Creating 0reat Leaign Jakea 0uta: Laring to
8e Lierent Can 0ive lnatant 8ooat to Varket Share,
Package Design (Aril 2uu9).
I5 Vartin Lindatrom, Smaahing our 8rand,
Smaahingx2uyourx2ubrand.dl (acceaaed I2 Vay 2uu9).
temeraturea have reduced cleaning ower. Jhe
idea waa to make the romotion the actual ack
deaign. Jhe Jurn to ,oC meaaage ia reinlorced
viaually by lacing the Ariel logo on a waahing
machine dial that mirrora the act ol hyaically
turning the dial down. Jhia concet maintaina
Ariel brand equitiea while uahing the boundariea
ol romotional ackaging. lollowing the launch,
Ariel became the market leader.
Aa noted, ackage deaign ia connected to both
grahica and atructure. 8randing haa uaually been
reaerved lor the lormer, while ackaging atructure
and materiala are onen unlortunately deaigned
belore the brand idea and eraonality have been
dened. A miaaed oortunity, but one aome iconic
branda have lully graaed. Vartin Lindatrom calla
thia the amaah your brand rincile, exlaining,
learly a century ago, when the rat-ever Coca-Cola
bottle waa in the lanning atagea, the deaigner
received hia marching ordera. Comany executivea
wanted him to develo a bottle ao diatinctive that il
you amaahed it againat a wall, you would atill be able
to recognize the iecea aa art ol a Coke bottle. Jhe
deaigner obvioualy lived u to the requirement, and
to thia day it worka.
8ut how many branda could
you amaah today and atill identilyCoke, Peinz
Jomato Ketchu, Varmite in the 0nited Kingdom,
0atorade, Abaolut` And then it geta harder.
Jhe deliberate uae ol atructure to build brand
dierentiation variea even within roduct categoriea.
Perrier, Johnnie walker, Smirno, and other drink
branda uae bottle ahae aa a diatinctive brand
element, while grahica in the canned-drinka
market are generally the only dierentiator. ln
another aector, lerrero Rocher chocolatea gold
Another way ol dierentiating ackaging ia by
taking cuea lrom innovation and deaign in other
categoriea. when Landor deaigned the ackaging
lor Creat vivid white toothaate, it took inairation
lrom the coametic category. Jhe ackagea vertical
orientation, aana aeril lont, emboaaing, and clean
aide anel clearly dene a coametic roduct,
aealing to conaumera who conaider oral care
art ol their beauty regimen. 8ut the deaign aeaka
juat aa loudly to conaumera more locuaed on health
care. ln the rat three montha lollowing ita launch,
Creat vivid white exceeded aalea lorecaata by nearly
,oo ercent, and vivid white waa the to-aelling
oral care item in Jarget atorea in the 0nited Statea
during the rat quarter ol zoo. According to Vary
Lalla, managing director ol both the Cincinnati and
Chicago ocea ol Landor Aaaociatea, Juat becauae
no comany had ever deaigned a coametic-looking
oral care ackage didnt mean it ahould never be
done. what has been done will only get you ao lar.
0reat deaign ia about what can be done.
Packaging ia uaually created belore all other
marketing communicationa, which may be why,
when there ia aomething new to aay, a branding
violator ia added to the lront ol a ack to link it to
a current romotion or ad camaign. why not uae
the ack more creatively to link better to theae other
brand aaaociationa that conaumera are icking u
elaewhere` when 0.K. laundry detergent brand
Ariel launched Ariel Cool Clean, it waa the aecond
in a aeriea ol innovative brand-led aroachea to
on-ack romotion. Jhe goal waa to advocate
Ariela eectiveneaa at ,oC and ita inherent
energy coat aavinga to conaumera by waahing
at a lower temerature. 0ne ol Ariel Cool Cleana
challengea waa to overcome ercetiona that lower
Ariel Cool Clean detergent turned ita ack
into a romotion by deicting the hyaical
act ol turning the dial down to 8uC.
2u Laaentiala ol branding
I Linda Jiachler, Smella Like 8rand Sirit, Fast Company
(I9 Lecember 2uu/).
I/ Reena Amoa Lyea, 8randa Jarget Senae ol Smell,
Emirates Business 24/7 (2u June 2uu8).
I8 See note I/.
o,ooo odora. According to the Senae ol Smell
lnatitute, ;, ercent ol all emotiona we generate
are due to what we amell.
Some branda are aynonymoua with a amell.
Johnaona haa become the baby amell. Jhe amell
ol Crayola crayona ia inatantly recognizable and can
take moat ol ua on a noatalgic tri back to childhood.
ln lact, Crayolaa amell ia ranked 8 among the
zo moat recognizable amella in the 0nited Statea.
Kentucky lried Chicken now regarda ita aignature
aroma aa one ol ita key brand ambaaaadora.
Scent branding ia a relatively new eld, but more
and more comaniea are realizing the ower ol
acent to build brand exeriencea. ln zoo,, about
$,o million waa aent on aroma marketing around
the world, in zoo, that gure ia aet to reach
$zzo million.
Some branda, auch aa victoriaa Secret and
Starbucka, have uaed acenta to connect with their
conaumera lor yeara. Singaore Airlinea, which
regularly achievea to ranking aa the worlda moat
relerred airline, incororatea the Stelan lloridian
watera acent in erlume worn by ita ight atten-
danta, on hot towela, and in numeroua other
elementa ol aervice.
8eaidea lood, laahion retailera, and the occaaional
airline, acent haa been underuaed aa a branding
aymbol. Jhinga are changing, however: 8reathe
in weatin Potela white tea aignature lragrance or
the mandarin orange and vanilla acent in the Sony
Style atorea. lurthermore, acent branding doea not
need to be limited to a retail, aervice, or roduct
exerience. Voat cororationa have oce aacea
wraing and clear container are eaaential arta
ol the brand exerience, while a low-coat chocolate
roducta roylene ow wra ia deaigned urely
to grab attention at the oint ol aale. Ale ia exert
at deaigning ackaging that engagea ua even aner
we have enetrated the rat layer, aa anyone who
haa oened an iPod lano box will atteat.
0reat ackage deaign will only become more
imortant aa dierentiation on-ahell geta harder.
Coule thia with the increaaing conaumer intereat
in ecolriendly otiona and better lunctionality,
and the atakea riae dramatically. ln the zoo8
lmagePower 0reen 8randa Survey, one ol the
moat notable trenda that aurlaced ia the attention
conaumera are giving to auatainable ackaging.
ln zoo8, Amazon launched a lruatration-lree
Packaging initiative to make it eaaier lor cuatomera
to liberate roducta lrom their ackagea, locuaing
on two kinda ol itema: thoae encloaed in hard laatic
caaea known aa clamahella (aaid to cauae wra
rage, aa anyone who haa tried to oen one will
atteat), and thoae aecured with laatic-coated wire
tiea, commonly uaed in toy ackaging. Jheae tyea
ol ackaging oae a challenge lor brick-and-mortar
retailera attemting to revent incidenta ol then.
0reen and lruatration-lree are two other aaecta
to juggle in the develoment ol luture ackaging
that can create oaitive brand aaaociationa.
8meII Smell ia one ol the moat owerlul aenaea.
Vemoriea, imagination, old aentimenta, and
aaaociationa are more readily reached through
the aenae ol amell than through any other channel.
ln humana there are lour genea lor viaion, whereaa
there are ,ooo allocated to acent, which meana
we have the ability to dierentiate more than
Jhe lmagePower 0reen 8randa Survey
ia conducted annually by Landor and wrr
artnera to gauge conaumer ercetiona
ol the green market around the world.
The Greenest Brands in 2008
u.s. u.x.

I whole looda Jhe 8ody Sho
2 8urta 8eea Varka 8 Sencer
8 Jrader Joea waitroae
4 Joma ol Vaine Jeaco and Sainaburya (tie)
5 Joyota tsot
Seventh 0eneration Love and 0oogle (tie)
/ Ponda and 0L (tie) Jhe Co-oerative 8ank
8 whirlool r-on
9 Aveda Vorriaona
Iu Vethod Joyota and livea (tie)
2I Landor Aaaociatea
I9 See note I.
aaaociationa (0nited Airlinea uaea 0erahwina
Rhapsody in Blue). Jheae identilying aounda have
been a rominent aignal ol brand exerience aince
the invention ol radio (auch aa the nec chimea), but
in todaya cluttered, multimedium, audioviaual, and
online world, aonic branding haa evolved into an
increaaingly aerioua buaineaa.
0riginally uaed aa a one-o iece ol muaic lor
a 8ritiah Airwaya ad, Leo Lelibea Jhe llower Luet
lrom the oera Lakm became ao connected to ita
brand that when the airline droed the muaic in
zooo, it received auch a volume ol comlainta that
it waa reinatated. Joday 8ritiah Airwaya nurturea ita
accidental aonic brand: even Lave Stewart lrom
the Lurythmica haa worked on one ol the many
8ritiah Airwayacommiaaioned veraiona ol the aong.
Powever, trying to aroriate a lamoua aong lor
your brand, rather than comoaing aomething
original, ia coatly and onen unaucceaalul. ln lrance
aome yeara ago, a Lavid 8owie aong waa uaed to
dramatize the vittel brand. Aner a lew montha,
conaumera remembered Lavid 8owie but lorgot
vittel. ln eaaence, vittel waa aaking conaumera to
remember two branda, Lavid 8owie and vittel, but
the connection waa atrictly romotional and the
atronger brand dominated recall.
and lobbiea into which roaective clienta walk,
and where eventa, meetinga, and interviewa are
held. Jhe eective uae ol a oaitive acent could
have a otentially dramatic imact on emloyeea
and cuatomera alike.
Chooaing the right acent lor your brand ahould link
back to the brand idea and eraonality attributea.
Alex Voakvin, director ol 8randLmotiona at
lnternational llavora 8 lragrancea, aaya he atudiea
the ont ol the brand and ita relationahi to
conaumera to gure out what reaonatea ollactorily.
ln deaigning a hotel lragrance, lor examle, Voakvin
wanta to know il the chain ia trying to atand lor
lamily-lriendly hoatelry (think chocolate chi
cookiea) or a haute couture Len-like retreat (think
aandalwood or hinoki). we want to cature a amell
that makea eole leel art ol the club, he aaya.
8ound Sonic brand identity, like ita viaual counter-
art, haa many comonenta. Sound can be uaed
aa an identier ol a brand, the equivalent ol a aonic
logo (like the lntel chime, VcLonalda lm lovin it,
lokiaa ring tone, or ahooa yodel), or on the device
itaell to accomany certain actiona (auch aa the
alwaya-welcome aound ol Vicroaon windowa and
Ale oerating ayatema booting u). A longer iece
ol muaic can alao be uaed to create oaitive brand
krc regarda ita aignature aroma aa a core
brand equity.
22 Laaentiala ol branding
Reaearch ahouId be deaigned to inform
your deciaiona. Lo not aim to ick winnera and
loaera lrom brand aignal reaearch. 0ae it inatead
to underatand attributea eole aaaociate with
the aignala and aaaeaa how well they match what
you intend to communicate in your brand idea
and eraonality. Lo not exect every aignal to
communicate everything equally well. 0nderatand
atrengtha and weakneaaea and make deciaiona
with the whole icture in mind.
1hink IateraIIy and metaphoricaIIy. 0ur braina
are rogrammed thia way. 0ae imagea, metahora,
and croaa-category analogiea to hel conaumera
hel you. ll you want to communicate a aenae ol
indulgence lor a chocolate bar name, aak about
the namea aroriateneaa in another indulgent
category, auch aa aaa or retail atorea aecializing
in caahmere.
Conaumera are not namera or deaignera.
Conaumera live in the real world, not the conce-
tual world. Put the namea and deaigna in aa real
a context aa oaaible. Let the deaignera do the
deaigning and the conaumera the reacting.
FamiIiarity ia a powerfuI force. lew deaigna
are uaually leaa ndable on a ahell than onea with
which eole are already lamiliar. 8ecauae ol thia,
the atrength ol a new deaign muat be evaluated on
more than juat ahell o. And new deaigna onen
undererlorm current onea in reaearch, conaum-
era onen need time to adjuat to new atrategiea
and may not immediately like a new deaign.
PIace more importance on emotionaI rather
than rationaI reaponaea. 0ae the reaearch to
hel you underatand them. Lo not undereatimate
emotional identication that cannot be rationalized.
Jry harder to underatand it.
Although it may take time to build recall, comoaing
a aonic identity or longer iece ol muaic baaed
around a brand idea ia a very elcient way to create
dierentiation and identiable aaaociationa with
your brand. Sounda are leaa likely to exacerbate
cultural dierencea than worda and imagea,
articularly in a ahort aonic identity, and moat
contain only a lew notea that can become relevant
acroaa moat ol the world.
1eating verbaI and viauaI identitiea
0nce you have eatabliahed a direction lor a branda
verbal, viaual, and aenaory identitiea, the next ate
ia to teat leading conceta on targeted conaumera
to learn whether the brand aignala eectively
communicate the intended idea and have the
deaired imact. Reaearch can be uaed in two main
waya to inlorm and otimize the deaign roceaa:
inaight and equity underatanding belore deaign
and oatdeaign validation. Prelerably, both ahould
be incororated into a branding roject becauae
you learn dierent thinga at each atage.
Vany dierent methodologiea lor teating brand
aignala are aroriate, deending on your goala,
the category, geograhy, and whether you are
introducing a new brand or a rebrand. Pere are
aome leaaona and rincilea to remember when
undertaking a deaign or naming a reaearch roject:
PeopIe are akepticaI about thinga that are
dierent. 8rand aignala are deaigned to be
dierent. Sketiciam ia magnied in a grou
aituation. locua groua are therelore not the
right choice lor deaign reaearch. 8e creative.
Jalk to individuala, nd them where they aho.
Consumers derive their
perception of a brand from
the sum of interactions
they have with it.
28 Landor Aaaociatea
ln a world that geta noiaier and more comlex
by the day, a comany can deaign a relevant and
dierentiated brand and still not cut through the
clutter to cature ublic imagination. ll you can
add a aingle catalyat, or ower alication, to the
mix and ignite conaumer excitement, the entire
brand will be elevated by it. linding thia owerlul
interaction with cuatomera can aignicantly atretch
your marketing dollara and the imact ol your brand.
lt ia imortant to atreaa that only in combination
do brand aignala make an imact on a cuatomera
exerience ol a brand. And only when they are
deloyed boldly, with courage and aingle-minded-
neaa, will they create imact in the cluttered world
ol branda we live in. ou might notice the logo ol an
airline rat, but it ia your exerience buying a ticket,
waiting in line, ying in the cabin, and interacting
with aervice eole that will lorm your oinion ol
that airline brand. Red 8ull may have a diatinctive
can, but ita aonaorahi and eventa robably imrint
the idea ol the Red 8ull brand moat rmly in our
minda. Conaumera derive their ercetion ol a
brand lrom the aum ol interactiona they have with
it. And delivering the romiae ol that idea ia the
work ol an entire organization, not juat the
marketing deartment.
0nly through a dee underatanding ol ita cuatomera
can airlinea, aon drink comaniea, or nancial
inatitutiona deliver a brand romiae that livea u
to the brand idea. 0ccaaionally, the brand idea will
be ao well underatood that an organization can hit
on aomething that haa the ower to generate viral
communicationa and amlily the brand idea. lor
examle, virgin Atlantica head maaaage aervice
got everyone talking about how amazing the
virgin exerience waa. ln truth, it waa one ol the
amalleat arta ol a holiatic brand exerience, but
it generated buzz and marked the virgin exerience
aa remarkable.
Delivering the
brand experience
Adoting a lemale-locuaed atrategy,
Preema etrol and convenience atorea
added more relevant merchandiae and
turned ita toilet lacilitiea into a genuine
oint ol dierentiation, giving women
aomething to tell their lrienda about.
24 Laaentiala ol branding
Jhia roceaa ia tyically aeen aa a key art ol
brand management, which ia generally interreted
aa the meana ol controlling your brand and keeing
ita exreaaion conaiatent. lt jara aignicantly with
aome ol the other key aaecta ol branding: the
two-way interactiona with cuatomera on their
journey, the continually evolving imreaaiona ol
a brand in eolea minda, and the uae ol aocial
media channela to develo a dialogue with
cuatomera rather than uah out a atock meaaage.
8rand management uaed to be about limiting
external inuencea. Rigidity waa the meana to
conaiatency, and conaiatency emhaaized acale
and roleaaionaliam. 8ut the lnternet and the
democratization ol image creation have made
everything ublic roerty. (la there really auch
a thing aa internal and external communicationa
today`) Joday we create brand ideaa that tranacend
the need to imoae diaciline by inviting artner-
ahia with eole, inaide and outaide an organization,
who want to be art ol the idea. 8randa are no
longer about one-way communication, they are
about dialogue between the brand and ita cuatomera.
lndeed, brand imlementation can onen incororate
cocreation with the conaumer, the VyStarbuckaldea
webaite and Lella ldeaStorm are examlea ol thia.
8rand management today ahould be about
determining what cannot change and what muat
change. Advertiaing agency ooe talka about the
;o/,o rule: ;o ercent conaiatency but ,o ercent
exibility. Jhe ,o ercent ortion relatea to language
and cultural dierencea, buying behavior nuancea,
inaighta into the target market and ita relerencea
0nce the loundational aignala are in lace lor a new
or relreahed brand, the next ate ia to begin the
roceaa ol codilying and communicating theae to
all the eole who will uae them. Jhia very involved
roceaa takea a long time. ou may read about a
rm undertaking a rebrand in July ol one year, but
not actually aee it until a year later. lt ia not uaually
the roduction ol the viaual identity elementa that
generally takea the moat time (and money) but the
imlementation. Jhia can include media teating, the
creation ol temlatea (lor aecic alicationa auch
aa reaentationa, buaineaa carda, atationery auitea,
brochurea, internal webaitea, country-aecic
homeagea), the deaign ol ackaging mechanicala
(rinter-ready lea created to rintera aecica-
tiona), and ao on. lmlementing a brand requirea
develoing a lan lor every touchoint on the
cuatomer journey. lt inevitably meana creating
guidelinea: viaual identity guidelinea, verbal identity
guidelinea, digital guidelinea, and rint guidelinea.
0nen theae are tranalated into other languagea lor
online acceaaibility.
An imlementation roceaa might involve udating
training modulea and brand reaource centera.
Some organizationa develo hel centera, articu-
larly in the montha re- and oatlaunch, and create
brand modulea lor new recruita to educate them
on exactly what the brand atanda lor and how to
uae and live it. Jhe imlementation roceaa alao
needa to lactor in all the other communicationa
artnera and their work (advertiaing, marketing,
lacebook aitea, acreen aavera, reaa releaaea,
leaderahi aeechea, conlerencea, eventa, exhibi-
tiona, olcea, chaira, ena).
Managing a brand
25 Landor Aaaociatea
2u LL8, 8rand Conaiatency Redened: Achieving
Conatancy ol Puroae and the /u/8u Rule,
yellowaera/2uu//Iu (acceaaed I2 Vay 2uu9).
lor media conaumtion, and ao on. lor examle,
thia underatanding ol the balance ol conaiatency
and exibility allowa VcLonalda to oer a teriyaki
burger in Jaan and orridge in the 0nited Kingdom,
yet atill deliver a conaiatent aet ol exectationa lor
the lamiliar golden archea.
Conaider the role ol the brand launch. Rather than
aeeing it aa the way to uah out toola and inlorma-
tion, brand managera ahould make aure that it lully
engagea emloyeea with the brand idea ao that
they are inaired to be art ol delivering a cuatomer
exerience that exreaaea the brand. 8rand
management in the luture ahould not be about
olicing atandarda but rather about nurturing
and develoing the ongoing brand exerience.
lt can take more than a year lor
a well-managed brand like Citroen
to imlement a relreahed brand acroaa
all cuatomer touchointa.
2 Laaentiala ol branding
etv oaita a roven model on how branda are built
that ia baaed on the interrelationahi ol lour brand
dimenaiona, known aa the lour illara:
I. Dierentiation: what makea your brand
atand aart
2. Relevance: Pow aroriate thia dierence
ia to the audience you want to reach
8. Esteem: Pow well regarded your brand ia in
the marketlace
4. Knowledge: Pow well conaumera know and
underatand your brand
Jhia model ahowa how branda are built one illar
at a time, with dierentiation being the rat, moat
critical ate. A atrong brand haa high levela ol
dierentiation and relevance. Jhe healthieat branda
have greater dierentiation than relevance, which
givea them room to grow. when a brand haa a higher
degree ol relevance to dierentiation it ia in danger
ol being aeen aa a commodity, Lnergizer, 8ic, and
Saran wra are examlea ol thia.
Lateem and knowledge, the other two illara, make
u a branda atature. A brand with a higher level ol
eateem than level ol knowledge ia a brand that haa
a good reutation, although eole may not know
much about it. Jhia uta a brand in a great oaition
to convince conaumera to get to know it better.
8randa auch aa Coach and Vovado t thia mold.
Joo much knowledge and not enough eateem ia
an uncomlortable lace to be, however.
ln the caae ol leaderahi branda, auch aa Lianey,
Coca-Cola, Sony, and ie|, all lour illara are
atrong. A aucceaalul new brand, or a aucceaalully
relaunched brand, will demonatrate a deairable
1racking brand atrength
8uilding a brand baaed on dierentiation and
relevancy ia not aimly common aenae, ita aucceaa
can be roven. ln the mid-,8oa it waa recognized
that all branda, regardleaa ol category, country,
or target, aeemed to live by certain rulea. Jo
underatand thoae rulea and deacribe the atrongeat
branda, Landor Aaaociatea develoed lmagePower

the rat croaa-category, multicountry atudy ol
branda. ln the early ,,oa, the lmagePower atudy
waa exanded lrom a lew key meaaurea ol brand
atature to the largeat atudy ol branda in the world,
the 8randAaaet

valuator (etv).
etv atanda aart lrom other brand atudiea becauae
it ia redictive, highlighting leading indicatora
ol brand atrength. Voreover, it ia an incredible
diagnoatic tool, illuatrating how a brand ia
erlorming againat not only direct cometitora
but alao againat all other major branda in dierent
categoriea. ln thia way it relicatea a conaumera
real exerience ol branda in the very cluttered
brandacae. (ou wake u to a Sony alarm clock,
eat Kellogga cereal lor breaklaat, watch the cnn
morning newa, turn on your iPhone, and get in
a Joyota car to drive to a Saleway auermarket
to uae the nsec tt| inaide.)
Jo date, etv haa been elded in 8 countriea, covera
aome ,o,ooo branda, haa conducted interviewa with
more than ,oo,ooo conaumera, and includea dozena
ol brand metrica and attitudinal queationa. etv
ia currently run by oung 8 Rubicam 8randa,
a conaortium ol comaniea that includea Landor.
Measuring the
performance of
a brand
2/ Landor Aaaociatea
2I Jon Viller and Lavid Vuir, The Business of Brands
(John wiley 8 Sona, 2uu4).
aroach to valuation and the degree ol aubjectivity
uaed in determining their rimary inuta. 0n one
hand, aeveral modela emloy exert judgment to
aaaeaa atructural lactora auch aa the role ol brand
in driving buaineaa reaulta, and the brand riak that
ia reected in the rate uaed to diacount a buaineaa
branded caah owa to determine value. ln many
eolea minda, thia aubjectivity caata doubt on
the reliability ol the valuationa auch modela roduce.
0n the other hand, more rigoroua aroachea uae
atatiatical modela built on objective market data lor
brand atrength and nancial erlormance to aaaeaa
the value contribution ol a brand to a comanya
nancial aucceaa.
lor examle, aignicant rogreaa haa been made
with etv, the reaearch databaae that emloya
a well-eatabliahed aroach to meaauring brand
atrength. ln one atudy, artnering with Stern Stewart,
a nancial conaulting rm, etv waa uaed to ahow
a correlation between brand dierentiation and
oerating margina. Jhe atudy lound that thoae rma
whoae brand dierentiation grew tended to have an
oerating margin ol o., ercent, while thoae that
aaw dierentiation decline had an average oerating
margin ol ; ercent.
Longer term, etv haa been
uaed to track how declinea in dierentiation onen
aet a recedent lor a long-term decline in buaineaa
Another brand atrength methodology, Villward
8rown 0timora 8randL, ia aa exanaive aa etv
(more than z,,ooo branda acroaa , countriea).
8randL uaea a yramid model that lota increaaing
levela ol rational and emotional engagement ol
conaumera over aix levela. Jhe to ol the yramid,
the level called bonding (where, on average,
ate-down attern ol illara, lrom dierentiation aa
the higheat to knowledge aa the loweat, indicating
that the brand haa lound a meaninglul way to
dierentiate itaell in eolea minda. lt ia ready to
intenaily ita marketing eorta in order to exand
ita knowledge baae. Jet8lue and lkea were in thia
aituation early on and only grew atronger lrom there.
ln the early ,,oa Starbucka had thia role, moved
to a balanced illar leaderahi role, and now ia
beginning to ahow alight declinea in dierentiation.
Meaauring brand vaIue
Jhere ia a natural deaire to underatand how much
a brand ia worthto have a tangible meana to
meaaure what ia lundamentally an intangible aaaet.
Powever, juat aa abaolute control in brand manage-
ment ia not an achievable goal, neither ia there
a widely acceted, denitive way to accord value
to a brand in nancial terma.
lonetheleaa, aeveral aroachea and modela have
been develoed to create eatimatea lor brand value.
Jhe alication ol theae numbera lalla broadly into
two categoriea: brand rankinga ubliahed in the
buaineaa reaa and brand valuationa that rovide
more aerioua auort lor buaineaa deciaiona.
Jhe lack ol conaenaua over valuation techniquea
ia moat clearly aeen in the widely divergent value
eatimatea lor branda in ubliahed rankinga and,
lor many eole, calla into queation the uaelulneaa
ol auch eatimatea lor more aerioua uroaea.
Powever, there ia good academic and ractical
evidence that certain aroachea rovide more
robuat reaulta than othera. 8rand value modela
generally dier in two areaa: their atructural


Relevance Esteem Knowledge
Relevance Esteem Knowledge
Relevance Esteem Knowledge
Relevance Esteem Knowledge
Relevance Esteem Knowledge
Relevance Esteem Knowledge
ligure 4: Brand Strength as Measured by BAV in 2009
28 Laaentiala ol branding
22 See note 2I.
rojectiona, comaniea nancial reorta, and
lnterbranda own qualitative and quantitative
Villward 8rown 0timor rat launched ita liat ol to
oo global branda in zoo,, eatabliahing a methodol-
ogy baaed urely on market data that looka both at
nanciala (a branda reorted earninga and aaaeta)
and the reaulta ol aurveya that aaaeaa conaumera
ercetiona ol the branda veraua their cometition.
Another aroach, uaed by 0.K. conaultancy 8rand
linance, aima to lorecaat the to ,oo global branda
and locuaea ita reorting on a number that ia aaid
to aignily luture brand earninga.
0naurriaingly, there are dierencea in theae
rankinga. ln zoo8, lnterbrand identied Coca-Cola,
ie|, Vicroaon, cr, lokia, Joyota, lntel, VcLonalda,
Lianey, and 0oogle in ita to o. Villward 8rown
0timora 8randL included 0oogle, cr, Vicroaon,
Coca-Cola, China Vobile, ie|, Ale, VcLonalda,
lokia, and Varlboro. 8rand linance aelected
Coca-Cola, Vicroaon, 0oogle, walmart, ie|, cr,
nsec, nr, lokia, and Citi. Vore aignicant, aa
8 ercent ol cuatomera ait), contributea, along
with claimed urchaaing data, to a voltage acore,
a one-number aummary ol the growth otential ol
a brand. Villward 8rown 0timor haa maed thia
acore againat market ahare and haa roved that
branda with atrong voltage acorea are more likely
to grow market ahare. 0gilvy and Vather and
conaultant A.J. Kearney have done lurther work
with theae voltage acorea in the 0nited Statea and
the 0nited Kingdom, linking them not only to market
ahare growth but alao to rot, total ahareholder
returna, and levela ol buaineaa riak.
Jhree comaniea ubliah annual rankinga ol
brand value. Jhe longeat-running global atudy ia
lnterbranda 0lobal 8rand Scorecard, ubliahed
annually in conjunction with BusinessWeek. lt
aaaigna a brand value, meaaured in billiona ol
0.S. dollara, to the worlda to oo branda and
lota thia againat aat-year reaulta to ahow the
year-on-year change in brand value. Arguably
the beat-known and moat ublicized aroach,
the acorecard includea qualitative judgmenta
to aaaign relative weight to contributing lactora.
lt alao includea a range ol inuta auch aa analyata
MethodoIogy: Landor atudied aroxi-
mately 2,5uu branda in 8randAaaet

valuatora 0.S. databaae, identilying
thoae branda that exhibited the greateat
increaaea in brand atrength lrom
snnnns zoos zooa cnowu
LISTED ALPHABETICALLY rencente rencente n snnnn
nnnx nnnx snencu
Ale 88 96 46x
0oogle 99 1uu 26x
Paagen-Laza 84 96 86x
Pallmark 99 1uu 26x
lational 0eograhic Jv 99 1uu 2ux
Payleaa ShoeSource 89 78 68x
PayPal 76 92 4ux
Secial K 6u 87 48x
Suer 8owl 94 99 41x
Jrader Joea 98 98 29x
The 2009

29 Landor Aaaociatea
well aa diering to o liata, the aingle-number
evaluationa ol brand worth alao diverge conaiderably.
lor examle, in the zoo8 atudiea, Villward 8rown
0timor auggeated that the 0oogle brand ia worth
more than three timea what lnterbrand reorted
($8. billion veraua $z,. billion).
Clearly, brand valuation acorea are not aa denitive
aa other meaaurea ol nancial erlormance, but
the better modela going lorward will be thoae that
take into account objective meaaurea ol brand
atrength baaed on conaumer ercetion. Aner all,
il we go back to what a brand ia, and il we believe
it ia ultimately held in the minda ol conaumera,
brand valuation modela that do not lactor
conaumer ercetiona into their reaulta may
be aerioualy awed.
8rand value ia erhaa atill beat underatood in
hindaight, by looking at the rice that comaniea
are reared to ay lor branda. rxc bought 0illette
in zoo, lor $,; billion, and the value that rxc ut
on the 0illette brand waa ; ercent higher than ita
atock market value.
1 0oogle 114,26u 14x
2 ie| 86,888 8ux
8 Ale 88,168 82x
4 Vicroaon 76,844 ux
6 Coca-Cola
67,988 1x
6 VcLonalda 66,uu6 -1x
7 Varlboro 67,u47 16x
8 China Vobile 62,616 -14x
9 cr 46,u64 -26x
1u vodalone 44,4u4 -17x
11 icec 48,927 16x
12 nr 89,717 48x
18 walmart 89,421 -4x
14 8lack8erry 8u,7u8 12x
16 27,469 29x
16 urs 26,492 -6x
17 Jeaco 26,741 12x
18 viaa 24,888 62x
19 0racle 24,817 16x
2u verizon 24,676 89x
21 str 24,291 8x
22 ttxt 28,714 18x
28 nsec 28,4u8 28x
24 8ank ol China 21,96u 4x
26 e|w 21,816 -9x
26 Joyota 21,769 -27x
27 China Conatruction 8ank 2u,929 -8x
28 0illette 2u,668 -1ux
29 Louia vuitton 19,781 2x
8u wella largo 18,746 16x
81 Santander 18,u12 12x
82 lintendo
17,884 -2x
88 Pamera 17,484 -8x
84 er 17,288 n/t
86 Ciaco 16,719 -7x
86 rec 16,6u8 12x
87 8ank ol America 16,898 6x
88 8udweiaer
16,991 2ux
89 Lxxon Vobil 16,476 n/t
4u Shell 16,112 n/t
41 Lianey 16,uuu -86x
42 Carrelour 14,98u ux
48 lokia 14,866 -68x
44 Accenture 14,784 -2x
46 icici 8ank 14,464 n/t
46 Ponda 14,8u8 -2x
47 Colgate 14,224 16x
48 lntel 14,21u -88x
49 L0real 14,129 -6x
6u 0range 14,u18 6x
61 PetroChina 18,986 n/t
62 American Lxreaa 18,912 -7x
68 Vercedea-8enz 18,786 -11x
64 Citi 18,4u8 -8x
66 J-Vobile 18,u1u 2ux
66 eevt 12,977 8x
67 ntt LoCoVo 12,969 -18x
68 Peai
12,762 -16x
69 like 12,697 6x
6u Voviatar 12,484 14x
61 Chaae 12,426 17x
62 Jarget 12,148 -1x
68 nx| 12,181 1x
64 Subway 12,u82 9x
66 Porache 12,u21 -81x
66 Lell 11,988 -28x
67 VaaterCard 11,669 67x
68 Samaung 11,861 8ux
69 Jelcel 1u,86u n/t
7u 0
1u,698 28x
71 to 1u,274 -7x
72 |ts 9,728 6x
78 Petrobraa 9,676 n/t
74 ledLx 9,418 -1x
76 8aidu 9,866 62x
76 e8ay 9,828 -28x
77 Siemena 9,298 -81x
78 0oldman Sacha 9,288 26x
79 wrigleya 9,2u1 -16x
8u Lara 8,986 4x
81 Jhe Pome Leot 8,971 -8x
82 Red 8ull
8,917 9x
88 ttoi 8,747 1x
84 liaaan 8,6u7 -16x
86 Starbucka

8,49u 17x
86 Permea 8,467 8x
87 8arclaya 8,888 2ux
88 0S 8ank 8,877 n/t
89 Standard Chartered 8,827 1x
9u China Vercantile 8ank 8,286 2x
91 State larm lnaurance 8,214 19x
92 8eeline 8,16u -8x
98 J.P. Vorgan 8,169 4x
94 Sony
8,147 8ux
96 Vorgan Stanley 8,uu8 18x
96 Auchan 7,848 n/t
97 0ucci 7,688 2x
98 8radeaco 7,46u 18x
99 Avon 7,298 -16x
1uu ti| 7,28u 14x
BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2010
snnnn snnnn vntue snnnn vntue
zoo ($u) cunnce o vs. ov
snnnn snnnn vntue snnnn vntue
zoo ($u) cunnce o vs. ov
snnnn snnnn vntue snnnn vntue
zoo ($u) cunnce o vs. ov
I Jhe 8rand value ol Coca-Cola includea Litea, Lieta and Lero
2 Jhe 8rand value ol lintendo includea wii and lintendo LS
8 Jhe 8rand value ol 8udweiaer includea 8ud Light
4 Jhe 8rand value ol Peai includea Litea, Lieta and Lero
5 Jhe 8rand value ol Red 8ull includea augar-lree and Cola
Jhe 8rand value ol Starbucka includea atorea aa well aa coee
aold at the auermarket
/ 8rand value includea PlayStation 2 and 8, aa well aa PSP
Although meaauring the ultimate worth ol a brand ia
atill evolving aa a diaciline, what ia rmly acceted
ia the imortance ol branda to buaineaa erlor-
mance the world over. Creating a atrong brand ia
an even more comlicated taak than valuing one,
and it ia never actually comlete. Jhe atronger the
loundation, however, the more chance there ia that
all the acraa and atrawa that conaumera ick u
along the way will accumulate into atrong relerence
and long-term anity lor a brand.
8u Laaentiala ol branding
and conaulting team develoa with the client to
hel bridge the brand idea and the viaual identity.
lrom the 8rand Lriver latlorm came the Pelioa
logo and other aaecta ol the viaual identity
aymbolizing energy and environmental aenaitivity.
Jhe logo in articular became an external rereaen-
tation ol the brand idea and a owerlul internal
aymbol. 8ut the real tranalormation came lrom
the inaide. Jhe branding roceaa involved creating
a aeriea ol toola including webaitea, cos, brand
moviea, newalettera, and all manner ol comany-
branded itema that emhaaized not only the
excitement ol the new viaual identity but, more
imortantly, the idea behind it. lndeed it waa
the atory ol the brand and ita romiae that er
locuaed on telling.
8rand chamion workahoa were organized to train
trainera, generating ownerahi among individuala
within the comany who then evangelized the
miaaion to othera. ln all, more than ,oo brand
chamiona were trained in , countriea over the
initial two montha lollowing the launch in July zooo.
Jhia waa viral marketing at ita beat: lrom the inaide.
Jhe imact waa alao meaaured, revealing that by
the ninth month oatlaunch, ,; ercent ol all er
emloyeea were aware ol the Beyond Petroleum
brand idea and new identity.
Awareneaa and action, ol courae, are two dierent
thinga. er leaderahi knew that to engage the
hearta and minda ol emloyeea over the long term,
the brand tranalormation would have to be about
more than ag waving. Jhe reault, among other
initiativea, waa the creation ol the Pelioa awarda.
Jhia annual rogram honora thoae emloyeea who
Jhe 8P atory ia one ol the moat lamoua cororate
brand tranalormationa in recent memory. lt began
with a clear viaion lrom a atrong leader, Lord John
8rowne, who wanted to lorge a new kind ol comany
lrom the merger ol aeveral well-eatabliahed branda,
chiel among them 8ritiah Petroleum, Amoco,
Caatrol, and bita and iecea ol major oil and gaa
comaniea auch aa Vobil and Arco. Like all good
viaiona, it waa a aerioua atretch lor the organization.
Lord 8rowne and hia team did not aet out to be
merely one ol the beat etroleum comaniea in
the world, they wanted 8P to be one ol the beat
companies in the world, eriod.
Jhia meant redening itaell lrom being rimarily
a rener ol hydrocarbona to a rovider ol comlete
energy aolutiona. lt alao meant evolving lrom
a 8ritiah cororation to becoming a diverae
global citizen organized around a clear brand idea
and eraonality. with era uatream and down-
atream marketa aanning over oo countriea, the
challenge waa to nd an idea that could reaonate
meaninglully and credibly acroaa multile audiencea
while dierentiating the brand lrom cometitora.
Jhrough work with 0gilvy 8 Vather and Landor,
the Beyond Petroleum brand idea became the
mantra that chamioned both a viaion and
a romiae lor the luture.
Jhe brand idea waa exanded into a 8rand Lriver
latlorm conaiating ol the core brand idea, articu-
lated aa a verbal brand driver and atatement ol
relevant dierentiation (eaaentially a brand romiae),
eraonality, exreaaed in terma ol brand beliela
(erlormance, rogreaaive, innovation, and green),
and an added tool Landor calla a viaual 8rand Lriver,
which ia a metahorical aet ol imagea the creative
Case study: BP
Delivering the
brand promise
8I Landor Aaaociatea
28 Wall Street Journal (July 2uu2).
24 Al Lhrbar, 8reakaway 8randa: Pow Jen Comaniea,
Vaking Producta lrom Lrilla to waea, Jook 0ood
8randa and Vade Jhem Vuch, Vuch 8etter, Fortune
(8I 0ctober 2uu5).
25 Chicago Business Journal (8 Aril 2uuu).
Jheae actiona have been well noted by the ublic
and reaa. Fortune magazine conaiatently ranka
er a Voat Admired Comany and aa one ol the
o moat imroved branda in terma ol brand equity
value. lndeed, il we aly etv metrica and Stern
Stewarta Lconomic value Added analytica, era
brand aaaeta alone were quantied aa having
increaaed by more than $; billion between zoo
and zoo, while cometitora declined in value.

ln the intervening yeara, economic, cometitive,
and roleaaional ua and downa have lagued all
comaniea ol era acale, but ita brand continuea
to be regarded aa one ol the moat reaected and
rogreaaive in the world. And no other comany
comea cloae to owning era green oaitioning in
ita induatry.
er ia atill clearly committed to keeing and
delivering ita brand idea. Aa Lord 8rowne himaell
aaid: ln a global marketlace, branding ia crucially
imortant in attracting cuatomera and buaineaa.
lt ia not juat a matter ol a lew gaaoline atationa or
the logo on ole aigna. lt ia about the identity ol the
comany and the valuea that underin everything
that you do and every relationahi that you have.
have contributed to the comany and their
reaective communitiea through actiona judged to
be on-brand: erlormance, rogreaaive, innovation,
and green. ln thia way, leaderahi communicatea
that Beyond Petroleum ia to be a way ol lile at er,
not a tranaient tagline.
0l courae, it ia all well and good to get the lounda-
tiona in lace, but, in the end, deeda count lor more
than worda. er choae ita initial actiona carelully.
Larly on, it committed ublicly to reducing green-
houae emiaaiona o ercent by zoo, the equivalent
ol taking 8 million cara o the road. lt initiated
artnerahia with leading auto manulacturera in
the urauit ol more elcient enginea and ractical
alternative luela. er quickly became one ol the
worlda largeat roducera ol aolar anela and aolar
ower, and the aecond-largeat rovider ol natural
gaa. ln the aummer ol zoo,, the comany announced
an $8 billion inveatment in alternative energy.
Jheae were among the many clear indicatora
that er waa committed to: achieving ita goal ol
taking the romiae ol Beyond Petroleum aerioualy
and becoming one ol the worlda greateat coma-
niea. 8ut did thia have any imact on the bottom
line` Jhat, too, waa imreaaive. Retail aalea at
convenience atorea increaaed z, ercent within
one year ol the rebranding eort.
0verall aalea,
and aalea ol lubricanta and luela, increaaed ateadily
between , and o ercent above market growth
through zoo. Prota were excetional at $,.,
billion in zoo,, enabling er to lund new initiativea
to drive ita buaineaa.
82 Laaentiala ol branding
88 Landor Aaaociatea
Jhe Pelioa logo ia an external rereaenta-
tion ol ers brand and a owerlul internal
aymbol. Jo highlight ita goal to go beyond
petroleum, er leaturea a Pelioa aculture
in ita headquartera and decoratea with
aloe vera, the lant that moat eciently
converta carbon dioxide to oxygen.
84 Laaentiala ol branding
automobile activity
lurniture object
animal drink
Beyond petroleum
At the core ol er ia an unahakable commitment to human rogreaa.
we aim lor radical oenneaa: we will be the magnet lor eole who
want to change the world with new ideaa by delivering a erlormance
atandard that challengea the worlda beat comaniea.
Progreaaive tranalorming the way we do buaineaa
Innovative delivering breakthrough aolutiona
Performance aetting world-claaa atandarda
Creen demonatrating environmental leaderahi
Brand Driver Platform
Landor Aaaociatea created many ol the
branda and deaigna ictured in thia article.
rcn identity, . 8
Catorade ackaging, .
Xbox ackaging, . /
bowny ackaging, . 9
Creat CIide ackaging, . 9
Pua ackaging, . 9
Fairy ackaging, . 9
baz ackaging, . 9
NyCuiI ackaging, . 9
AIwaya ackaging, . 9
1ide ackaging, . 9
AIIdaya ackaging, . 9
Creat Pro-HeaIth ackaging, . 9
ArieI ackaging, . 9
Febreze ackaging, . 9
8Iend-a-med ackaging, . 9
8ecret ackaging, . 9
rac identity, . 9
hrnat 8 oung identity, . II
sr identity, . 8I84
Cood Co. Coee identity and ackaging, . I5
Fedhx identity, . I
WorIdeka identity, . I/
Creat Vivid White ackaging, . I8
ArieI ackaging, . I9
xrc identity and ackaging, . 2I
Preem identity and environmenta, . 28
Citron identity and environmenta, . 25
lor more inlormation about our work,
Hong Kong
Mexico City
New York
San Francisco

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