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Artisans' Village 423-215-2019

Business Feature
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 31, 2 13 Contact: Michael Short, Leah Short Arti!an!" #illa$e %%%&%%%& arti!an!'illa$e(centurylin)*net

Fair Trade Comes to Tri-Cities Area

John!on City, Tenn*& +hat i, the -oney you !.ent coul/ chan$e !o-eone"! li,e0 +hat i, 1here you !ho..e/ coul/ !a'e the 1orl/0 That i! e2actly the attitu/e you 1ill ,in/ at Arti!an!" #illia$e in /o1nto1n John!on City, Tenn* 3Leah, an/ I, 1e 1ant .eo.le in Ea!t Tenne!!ee to un/er!tan/ that they are -ore than a con!u-er,4 !ay! o1ner Michael Short* 35i$ retailer"! !ee u! 6.eo.le7 a! a !tati!tic, they ha'e -illion! u.on -illion! o, /ollar! !et a!i/e in their a/'erti!in$ 8u/$et,$n, to ,i$ure out ho1 they can $et u! to 8elie'e thin$! a8out the 1orl/ that they 1ant u! to 8elie'e*4 Chan$in$ ho1 .eo.le 'ie1 the 1orl/ i! a 8i$ .art o, 1hat Arti!an!" #illa$e /oe! throu$h ,air tra/e initiati'e!* So 1hat i! ,air tra/e0 Fair tra/e can 8e!t 8e !u--e/ u. 8y a li!t o, ten .rinci.le! that in/i'i/ual! 1ho en$a$e in ,air tra/e, 1or) an/ li'e 8y* 1* Create o..ortunitie! ,or the econo-ically /i!a/'anta$e/ 2* Maintain a relation!hi. o, tran!.arency an/ accounta8ility 3* 9ro-ote tra/in$ .ractice! that are !ocially, econo-ically, an/ en'iron-entally ,air ,or the 1or)er! an/ .ro/ucer! :* 9ay-ent o, re$ionally rele'ant ,air 1a$e! %* De-an/ that no chil/ la8or or ,orce/ la8or 8e u!e/ in the .ro/uction o, .ro/uct! ;* En,orce !trict non/i!cri-inatory .ractice! re$ar/in$ a$e, race, $en/er, &-ore&

.olitical a,,iliation!, an/ <I#=AIDS !tatu! >* En!ure 1or)in$ con/ition! that are clean, !a,e, an/ honor hu-an /i$nity o, all 1or)er! an/ .ro/ucer! ?* See) to 8uil/ .ro/uction ca.acity throu$h or$ani@ational trainin$ an/ !)ill 8uil/in$ A* 9ro-ote the ai- o, Fair Tra/e a! a 'ehicle to 8rin$ a co--on Bu!tice to the -ar$inali@e/ 1 * E!ta8li!h an/ .ro-ote the u!e o, en'iron-entally ,rien/ly .ro/uction .ractice!* One o, the Arti!an"! that !u..lie! Arti!an!" #illa$e i! Jhon!on Au$u!tin, a cut -etal arti!an ,ro<aiti* The el/e!t o, 11 chil/ren, Au$u!tin 1a! !till in !chool 1hen he learne/ the tra/e a,ter hi! ,ather le,t the country* 3I nee/e/ to learn !o-ethin$ Cto earn an inco-eD4 he !ai/* +hen !.ea)in$ o, the cut -etal in/u!try in the to1n that he li'e! in, Croi2 /e! 5ouEuet!, Au$u!tin !ay! 3E'en a..rentice! can -a)e enou$h to $o to !chool, or to care ,or their chil/ren i, they are .arent!*4 3Fou are -ore than a con!u-er, you are an i-a$e 8earer,4 !ay! Michael, $i'in$ the air o, hi! 1or/! an al-o!t Su.erhero li)e Euality* 3In our 8u!ine!! .lan that 1e ha'e 8een /oin$ i!, rai!in$ a1arene!!, an/ ha'in$ an e/ucation .iece to it 6the !tore7 8ecau!e not a lot .eo.le )no1 a8out ,air tra/e, an/ 1e reali@e/ that the e/ucational .iece ha! to 8e a .art o, our 8u!ine!!,4 an!1ere/ Leah Short 1hen a!)e/ a8out Local Co--unity i-.actG Euic)ly a//in$ that Arti!an!" #illa$e ha! !.o)en at Churche!, in cla!!roo-!, an/ are ea$erly antici.atin$ -ore interaction 1ith the co--unity a! a -ean! to e/ucate .eo.le a8out ,air tra/e .ractice!* 5y the en/ o, the year Arti!an!" #illa$e ho.e! to ha'e a 1e8 .re!ence, to /o -ore !.ea)in$ en$a$e-ent!, an/ $ettin$ -ore in'ol'e/ in local colle$e co--unitie!* The local Fair Tra/e retailer i! .artnere/ 1ith Ten Thou!an/ #illa$e!, SERR#, Rain8o1 Tree, an/ EEual E2chan$e* HHH

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