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Paper Title (use style: paper title)

Subtitle as needed (paper subtitle)

Authors Name/s per 1st Affiliation (Author)
Dept. name of organiation (Line 1 of Affiliation - optional)
Name of organiation ! a"ronyms a""eptable (line 2)
#ity$ #ountry (line 3)
name%&y."om ' optional (line 4)
Authors Name/s per (nd Affiliation (Author)
Dept. name of organiation (Line 1 of Affiliation - optional)
Name of organiation ! a"ronyms a""eptable (line 2)
#ity$ #ountry (line 3)
name%&y."om ' optional (line 4)
AbstractThis electronic document is a live template. The
various components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] are
already defined on the style sheet, as illustrated by the portions
given in this document. D !T "#$ #%$&'()
&*(+(&T$+#, #,-.)#, + -(T* '! ,"+ T'T)$ +
(.#T+(&T. (Abstract)
Index Terms&omponent, formatting, style, styling, insert.
(key words)
). )NT*+D,#T)+N (HEA!"# 1)
All manus"ripts must be in -nglish. These guidelines
in"lude "omplete des"riptions of the fonts$ spa"ing$ and related
information for produ"ing your pro"eedings manus"ripts.
Please follo. them and if you ha/e any 0uestions$ dire"t them
to the produ"tion editor in "harge of your pro"eedings (see
author!1it message for "onta"t info).
This template pro/ides authors .ith most of the formatting
spe"ifi"ations needed for preparing ele"troni" /ersions of their
papers. All standard paper "omponents ha/e been spe"ified for
three reasons: (1) ease of use .hen formatting indi/idual
papers$ (() automati" "omplian"e to ele"troni" re0uirements
that fa"ilitate the "on"urrent or later produ"tion of ele"troni"
produ"ts$ and (2) "onformity of style throughout a "onferen"e
pro"eedings. 3argins$ "olumn .idths$ line spa"ing$ and type
styles are built!in4 e&amples of the type styles are pro/ided
throughout this do"ument and are identified in itali" type$
.ithin parentheses$ the e&ample. P5-AS- D+ N+T
*-!AD6,ST T7-S- 3A*8)NS. Some "omponents$ su"h as
multi!le/eled e0uations$ graphi"s$ and tables are not
pres"ribed$ although the /arious table te&t styles are pro/ided.
The formatter .ill need to "reate these "omponents$
in"orporating the appli"able "riteria that follo..
)). T9P- ST95- AND :+NTS
;here/er Times is spe"ified$ Times *oman or Times Ne.
*oman may be used. )f neither is a/ailable on your .ord
pro"essor$ please use the font "losest in appearan"e to Times.
A/oid using bit!mapped fonts. True Type 1 or +pen Type
fonts are re0uired. Please embed all fonts$ in parti"ular symbol
fonts$ as .ell$ for math$ et".
))). -AS- +: ,S-
The template is used to format your paper and style the
te&t. All margins$ "olumn .idths$ line spa"es$ and te&t fonts
are pres"ribed4 please do not alter them. 9ou may note
pe"uliarities. :or e&ample$ the head margin in this template
measures proportionately more than is "ustomary. This
measurement and others are deliberate$ using spe"ifi"ations
that anti"ipate your paper as one part of the entire pro"eedings$
and not as an independent do"ument. Please do not re/ise any
of the "urrent designations.
)<. P*-PA*- 9+,* PAP-* =-:+*- ST95)N8
=efore you begin to format your paper$ first .rite and sa/e
the "ontent as a separate te&t file. >eep your te&t and graphi"
files separate until after the te&t has been formatted and styled.
Do not use hard tabs$ and limit use of hard returns to only one
return at the end of a paragraph. Do not add any 1ind of
pagination in the paper. Do not number te&t heads?
the template .ill do that for you.
:inally$ "omplete "ontent and organiational editing before
formatting. Please ta1e note of the items .hen
proofreading spelling and grammar.
A$ Abbre%iations and Acrony&s (Headin' 2)
Define abbre/iations and a"ronyms the first time they are
used in the te&t$ e/en after they ha/e been defined in the
abstra"t. Abbre/iations su"h as )--- and S) do not ha/e to be
defined. Do not use abbre/iations in the title or heads unless
they are una/oidable.
($ )nits
,se either S) or #8S as primary units. (S) units are
en"ouraged.) -nglish units may be used as se"ondary
units (in parentheses). An e&"eption .ould be the use
of -nglish units as identifiers in trade$ su"h as @2.A!
in"h dis1 dri/eB.
A/oid "ombining S) and #8S units$ su"h as "urrent in
amperes and magneti" field in oersteds. This often
leads to "onfusion be"ause e0uations do not balan"e
dimensionally. )f you must use mi&ed units$ "learly
state the units for ea"h 0uantity that you use in an
Do not mi& "omplete spellings and abbre/iations of
units: @;b/m
B or @.ebers per s0uare meterB$ not
B. Spell out units .hen they appear in te&t:
@. . . a fe. henriesB$ not @. . . a fe. 7B.
,se a ero before de"imal points: @C.(AB$ not @.(AB.
,se @"m
B$ not @""B. (bullet list)
*$ E+uations
The e0uations are an e&"eption to the pres"ribed
spe"ifi"ations of this template. 9ou .ill need to determine
.hether or not your e0uation should be typed using either the
Times Ne. *oman or the Symbol font (please no other font).
To "reate multile/eled e0uations$ it may be ne"essary to treat
the e0uation as a graphi" and insert it into the te&t after your
paper is styled.
Number e0uations "onse"uti/ely. -0uation numbers$
.ithin parentheses$ are to position flush right$ as in -0. 1$
using a right tab stop. To ma1e your e0uations more "ompa"t$
you may use the solidus ( / )$ the e&p fun"tion$ or appropriate
e&ponents. )tali"ie *oman symbols for 0uantities and
/ariables$ but not 8ree1 symbols. ,se a long dash rather than a
hyphen for a minus sign. Pun"tuate e0uations .ith "ommas or
periods .hen they are part of a senten"e$ as in
+ = . (1)
Note that the e0uation is "entered using a "enter tab stop.
=e sure that the symbols in your e0uation ha/e been defined
before or immediately the e0uation. ,se @-0. 1B or
@-0uation 1B$ not @(1)B$ espe"ially at the beginning of a
senten"e: @-0uation 1 is . . .B
$ ,o&e *o&&on -istakes
The .ord @dataB is plural$ not singular.
The subs"ript for the permeability of /a"uum C$ and
other "ommon s"ientifi" "onstants$ is ero .ith
subs"ript formatting$ not a"ase letter @oB.
)n Ameri"an -nglish$ "ommas$ semi!/"olons$ periods$
0uestion and e&"lamation mar1s are lo"ated .ithin
0uotation mar1s only .hen a "omplete thought or
name is "ited$ su"h as a title or full 0uotation. ;hen
0uotation mar1s are used$ instead of a bold or itali"
typefa"e$ to highlight a .ord or phrase$ pun"tuation
should appear outside of the 0uotation mar1s. A
parentheti"al phrase or statement at the end of a
senten"e is pun"tuated outside of the "losing
parenthesis (li1e this). (A parentheti"al senten"e is
pun"tuated .ithin the parentheses.)
A graph .ithin a graph is an @insetB$ not an @insertB.
The .ord alternati/ely is preferred to the .ord
@alternatelyB (unless you really mean something that
Do not use the .ord @essentiallyB to mean
@appro&imatelyB or @effe"ti/elyB.
)n your paper title$ if the .ords @that usesB "an
a""urately repla"e the .ord @usingB$ "apitalie the @uB4
if not$ 1eep using!"ased.
=e a.are of the different meanings of the homophones
@affe"tB and @effe"tB$ @"omplementB and
@"omplimentB$ @dis"reetB and @dis"reteB$ @prin"ipalB
and @prin"ipleB.
Do not "onfuse @implyB and @inferB.
The prefi& @nonB is not a .ord4 it should be Doined to
the .ord it modifies$ usually .ithout a hyphen.
There is no period after the @etB in the 5atin
abbre/iation @et al.B.
The abbre/iation @i.e.B means @that isB$ and the
abbre/iation @e.g.B means @for e&ampleB.
An e&"ellent style manual for s"ien"e .riters is gi/en by
9oung EFG.
<. ,S)N8 T7- T-3P5AT-
After the te&t edit has been "ompleted$ the paper is ready
for the template. Dupli"ate the template file by using the Sa/e
As "ommand$ and use the naming "on/ention pres"ribed by
your "onferen"e for the name of your paper. )n this
"reated file$ highlight all of the "ontents and import your
prepared te&t file. 9ou are no. ready to style your paper4 use
the s"roll do.n .indo. on the left of the 3S ;ord
:ormatting toolbar.
A$ Authors and Affiliations
The template is designed so that author affiliations are not
repeated ea"h time for multiple authors of the same affiliation.
Please 1eep your affiliations as su""in"t as possible (for
e&ample$ do not differentiate among departments of the same
organiation). This template .as designed for t.o affiliations.
1) .or Author/s of 0nly 0ne Affiliation (Headin' 3)1 To
"hange the default$ adDust the template as follo.s.
a) ,election (Headin' 4)1 7ighlight all author and
affiliation lines.
b) *han'e "u&ber of *olu&ns1 Sele"t :ormat H
#olumns HPresets H +ne #olumn.
c) eletion1 Delete the author and affiliation lines for the
se"ond affiliation.
2) .or Authors of -ore than 2wo Affiliations1 To "hange
the default$ adDust the template as follo.s.
a) ,election1 7ighlight all author and affiliation lines.
b) *han'e "u&ber of *olu&ns1 Sele"t :ormat H
#olumns H Presets H +ne #olumn.
c) Hi'hli'ht Author and Affiliation Lines of Affiliation 1
and *opy this ,election$
d) .or&attin'1 )nsert one hard return immediately after
the last "hara"ter of the last affiliation line. Then paste do.n
the "opy of affiliation 1. *epeat as ne"essary for ea"h
additional affiliation.
e) 3eassi'n "u&ber of *olu&ns1 Pla"e your "ursor to the
right of the last "hara"ter of the last affiliation line of an e/en
;e suggest that you use a te&t bo& to insert a
graphi" (ideally 2CC dpi$ .ith all fonts embedded)
be"ause$ in an 3S; do"ument$ this method is
some.hat more stable than dire"tly inserting a
To ha/e non!/isible rules on -&ample of a
figure "aption. (fi'ure caption) your frame$ use the
3S;ord pull!do.n menu$ sele"t :ormat H
=orders and Shading H Sele"t BNoneB.
numbered affiliation (e.g.$ if there are fi/e affiliations$ pla"e
your "ursor at end of fourth affiliation). Drag the "ursor up to
highlight all of the abo/e author and affiliation lines. 8o to
:ormat H #olumns and sele"t @( #olumnsB. )f you ha/e an
odd number of affiliations$ the final affiliation .ill be "entered
on the page4 all pre/ious .ill be in t.o "olumns.
($ !dentify the Headin's
7eadings$ or heads$ are organiational de/i"es that guide
the reader through your paper. There are t.o types: "omponent
heads and te&t heads.
#omponent heads identify the different "omponents of
your paper and are not topi"ally subordinate to ea"h other.
-&amples in"lude A"1no.ledgments and *eferen"es and$ for
these$ the "orre"t style to use is 4Headin' 56. ,se 4fi'ure
caption6 for your :igure "aptions$ and 4table head6 for your
table title. *un!in heads$ su"h as @Abstra"tB$ .ill re0uire you
to apply a style (in this "ase$ itali") in addition to the style
pro/ided by the drop do.n menu to differentiate the head from
the te&t.
Te&t heads organie the topi"s on a relational$ hierar"hi"al
basis. :or e&ample$ the paper title is the primary te&t head
be"ause all subse0uent material relates and elaborates on this
one topi". )f there are t.o or more sub!topi"s$ the ne&t le/el
head (upper"ase *oman numerals) should be used and$
"on/ersely$ if there are not at least t.o sub!topi"s$ then no
subheads should be introdu"ed. Styles named 4Headin' 16$
@Headin' 26$ 4Headin' 36$ and 4Headin' 46 are pres"ribed.
*$ .i'ures and 2ables
Pla"e figures and tables at the top and bottom of "olumns.
A/oid pla"ing them in the middle of "olumns. 5arge figures
and tables may span a"ross both "olumns. :igure "aptions
should be belo. the figures4 table "aptions should appear
abo/e the tables. )nsert figures and tables after they are "ited in
the te&t. ,se the abbre/iation @:ig. 1B in the te&t$ and @:igure
1B at the beginning of a senten"e.
,se I point Times Ne. *oman for figure labels. ,se
.ords rather than symbols or abbre/iations .hen .riting
figure!a&is labels to a/oid "onfusing the reader. As an
e&ample$ .rite the 0uantity @3agnetiationB$ or
@3agnetiation$ 3B$ not Dust @3B.
)f in"luding units in the label$ present them .ithin
parentheses. Do not label a&es only .ith units. )n the e&ample$
.rite @3agnetiation (A/m)B or @3agnetiation JAEm(1)GKB$
not Dust @A/mB. Do not label a&es .ith a ratio of 0uantities and
units. :or e&ample$ .rite @Temperature (>)B$ not
$ .ootnotes
,se footnotes sparingly (or not at all) and pla"e them at the
bottom of the "olumn on the page on .hi"h they are
referen"ed. ,se Times I!point type$ single!spa"ed.
To help your readers$ a/oid using footnotes altogether and
in"lude ne"essary peripheral obser/ations in the te&t (.ithin
parentheses$ if you prefer$ as in this senten"e).
Number footnotes separately from referen"e numbers$ and
in supers"ripts. Do not put footnotes in the referen"e list. ,se
letters for table footnotes.
TA=5- ). TA=5- T9P- ST95-S
Table &olumn *ead
Table column subhead Subhead Subhead
"opy 3ore table "opy
a. Sample of a table footnote. (table footnote)
:ig. 1. -&ample of a figure "aption. (fi'ure caption)
<). #+P9*)87T :+*3S
9ou must submit the )--- -le"troni" #opyright :orm
(-#:) as des"ribed in your author!1it message. T7)S :+*3
3,ST =- S,=3)TT-D )N +*D-* T+ P,=5)S7 9+,*
The preferred spelling of the .ord @a"1no.ledgmentB in
Ameri"a is .ithout an @eB after the @gB. A/oid the stilted
e&pression$ @+ne of us (*. =. 8.) than1s . . .B )nstead$ try
@*. =. 8. than1sB. Put appli"able sponsor a"1no.ledgments
here4 D+ N+T pla"e them on the first page of your paper or as
a footnote.
5ist and number all bibliographi"al referen"es in L!point
Times$ single!spa"ed$ at the end of your paper. ;hen
referen"ed in the te&t$ en"lose the "itation number in s0uare
bra"1ets$ for e&ample: E1G. ;here appropriate$ in"lude the
name(s) of editors of referen"ed boo1s. The template .ill
number "itations "onse"uti/ely .ithin bra"1ets E1G. The
senten"e pun"tuation follo.s the bra"1et E(G. *efer simply to
the referen"e number$ as in @E2GB?do not use @*ef. E2GB or
@referen"e E2GB. Do not use referen"e "itations as nouns of a
senten"e (e.g.$ not: @as the .riter e&plains in E1GB).
,nless there are si& authors or more gi/e all authorsM
names and do not use @et al.B. Papers that ha/e not been
published$ e/en if they ha/e been submitted for publi"ation$
should be "ited as @unpublishedB ENG. Papers that ha/e been
a""epted for publi"ation should be "ited as @in pressB EAG.
#apitalie only the first .ord in a paper title$ e&"ept for proper
nouns and element symbols.
:or papers published in translation Dournals$ please gi/e the
-nglish "itation first$ follo.ed by the original foreign!language
"itation EOG.
E1G 8. -ason$ =. Noble$ and ). N. Sneddon$ @+n "ertain integrals of
5ips"hit!7an1el type in/ol/ing produ"ts of =essel fun"tions$B
Phil. Trans. *oy. So". 5ondon$ /ol. A(NF$ pp. A(L'AA1$ April
1LAA. (references)
E(G 6. #ler1 3a&.ell$ A Treatise on -le"tri"ity and 3agnetism$ 2rd
ed.$ /ol. (. +&ford: #larendon$ 1IL($ pp.OI'F2.
E2G ). S. 6a"obs and #. P. =ean$ @:ine parti"les$ thin films and
e&"hange anisotropy$B in 3agnetism$ /ol. )))$ 8. T. *ado and 7.
Suhl$ -ds. Ne. 9or1: A"ademi"$ 1LO2$ pp. (F1'2AC.
ENG >. -lissa$ @Title of paper if 1no.n$B unpublished.
EAG *. Ni"ole$ @Title of paper .ith only first .ord "apitalied$B 6.
Name Stand. Abbre/.$ in press.
EOG 9. 9orou$ 3. 7irano$ >. +1a$ and 9. Taga.a$ @-le"tron
spe"tros"opy studies on magneto!opti"al media and plasti"
substrate interfa"e$B )--- Transl. 6. 3agn. 6apan$ /ol. ($ pp.
FNC'FN1$ August 1LIF EDigests Lth Annual #onf. 3agneti"s
6apan$ p. 2C1$ 1LI(G.
EFG 3. 9oung$ The Te"hni"al ;riterPs 7andboo1. 3ill <alley$ #A:
,ni/ersity S"ien"e$ 1LIL.

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