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Early Childhood Special Education Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Melanie Sabo Grade Level: Pre-K

Lesson: Silly Putty
Unit of Study: Liquids and Solids
Goal of Lesson (Common Core State Standards/Division of Early Childhood where appropriate)
Scientific thinking.
C.ST.1. Asks questions and makes predictions based on observations and manipulation of things and events in the

a) Uses senses to gather, explore, and interpret information.

b) Manipulates and observes objects in his or her surroundings to develop conclusions.

c) Makes observations and describes changes in objects, living things, and natural events in the environment.

e) Asks why, how, and what if questions and seeks answers through experimentation and investigation.

f) Makes predictions based on background knowledge, previous scientific experiences, and observations of objects and events
in the world

Physical Properties
C.PP.6 Acquires knowledge about the physical properties of the world.

a) Describes, compares, and categorizes objects based on their properties.

Objectives: Students will be able to identify liquids and solids.

Pre-Assessment: I determined what to teach based on the students likes. After observing them for a couple of weeks, I saw
they where a very hands on group.

Post-Assessment: During the closing circle one teacher will be collecting data on data sheet. (See Chart Below).

Materials: 1 cup Elmers Glue, Cup Water, 1 Teaspoon Borax, Measuring Cups, Mixing Bowls, Spoon, Sand

Use of Technology: For this activity I will not be using Technology.

To make easier:
Abe will be asked a question during whole group activity.

To make harder:
Child will have to create a list of many different liquids and solids.
Child will be the fist one to share what we did today.

Abe will have assistance when touching the Silly Putty.

Seating Configuration/Use of Physical Space: Whole Group, Small group, Whole Group

Teaching roles and collaboration:
Assistants Roles: Support teacher with management and engagement during whole groups and mini lesson, help teacher with all
transitions, each staff member will lead a small group.

Classroom Management: Each teacher will have a set job prior to the lesson and know where they need to be. During whole
group they will sit on the outside of the circle assessing children where needed. After, they will break off into small groups and
each teacher will take a table.

Engagement of students/anticipatory set/Motivation: I will allow the students to feel the materials as I show them the
materials. For example, when I ask, is water a liquid or solid? then after I have poured it in to the bowl I will pass it around
for them to feel it.

Connection to Previous lesson/Prior Knowledge: For most of the students I will be introducing the concepts of liquids or

Lesson Presentation: Hi Friends, today we are going to talk about liquids and solids. Does anyone know what a liquid is?
(Children raise hand to answer.)Do we think water is a liquid or solid? (Show the children a pitcher filled with water and pour
it into a bowl.) Children answer: yes. Would you guys like to feel the water? YES! I am going to pass around the bowl of water
and you guys could all feel it and tell me if you still think it is a liquid. Next, we have sand. Who thinks sand is a liquid or a
solid? (I will pour the sand into another bowl). Children will answer, solid. Thats right, sand is a solid. Do we know any liquids
that could turn into a solid? (Children will answer). Those are all good guesses. I think when we make a cake that some liquids
turn into a solid after we bake it. Do you guys want to find out what other liquids could turn into a solid? Children will answer,
YES! Okay so today we are going to make silly putty.

But first we need to all stand up and reach to the sky to pick some apples. What color apples are you picking? Okay now that
we got our apples we need to use are arms or legs to mash them. You guys think we could do that? YES! Okay now that we
have picked and mashed our apples, when I call your name you can go to the table.
Estimated Time:15 minutes

Guided Practice/Active Involvement/Small group work/Independent Practice:
Who is ready to make silly putty? The children will all say, ME!! To start, we first we need one cup of glue. As I pour the glue
into the measuring cup I will ask, who thinks the glue is a solid or a liquid? Everyone will say, Liquid. Very good. One child
will pour the glue into the bowl. Next, we need to decide what color we want to make our silly putty. Everyone will get to vote
one time. Who would like Blue, who would like Green, who will like Yellow, and who would like red? After the votes are in
the color that gets the most likes will be the one we use. One student will add the winning color into the bowl. Now we will mix
the coloring into the Glue. Next, we need a cup of water. Is water a liquid or a solid? The children will call out, liquid. I will
ask one student to help me pour the water into a cup. Next, we need teaspoon of Borax. Does borax look like a solid or a
liquid? The children will call out, Solid. Very good friends. Lets add the borax to the water. Lets now add the water and
borax mixture to the glue mixture and watch what happens. Mixing it together its starting to become a solid. Who will like to
play with some? The children will all get a piece of silly putty and have time to play with it.
Estimated Time:15 minutes

Final Summary/Closure:
Could someone come up and tell me what we did today? (Child comes up.) Today we looked at liquids and solids. Was the
water a liquid or a solid? Children will answer, liquid. What about the sand? Children will answer Solid. Should we look
what happened when we mix the sand together? Children will answer, yes. I pour the water into the sand and then allow all
the children too look and touch what happened. What does it feel like? (Children answer how it feels. Did the water we
poured in turn into a solid? Children will answer, NO.
Estimated Time:5 minutes

Extension: Students will have to place their hands in a bag and decide if what they are touching is a liquid or solid without
looking inside. (All materials used will be safe to touch.)

Assessment Outline
Students Name Did Student identify is water is a liquid
or a solid?
Did student identify is sand is a liquid or

Silly Putty

1 Cup Elmers Glue
Cup water
1 teaspoon Borax
Food coloring

Mix Elmers glue and food coloring into a bowl
Mix warm water and borax in a different bowl or cup.
Add water and borax mixture to the glue and mix.

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