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MY CREDO - Principles for a Summer Middle School Principal

The success of our school is built upon a committed value driven staff.
Remind yourself to look at our collaboratively developed mission
statement and goals. Reflect on what you are doing to develop and
build the culture of our school; a place where all students are wel-
comed and encouraged to do their best. We must always be positive
role models for our students as they look to us to lead the way. Re-
member by building character and a positive attitude that it is as im-
portant as developing young minds.

Academic Growth
As we work together to ensure the academic development of each our
students remember to seek innovative ways to teach our diverse
learners. Work together in professional learning teams and share
ideas. Discuss strategies youve tried and find ways to reach our most
challenging student. Use data to look for trends and ways to enhance
your teaching to ensure success for all learners. Find ways to incor-
porate a balance of both summative and formative assessment to
strengthen your pedagogy.

Always maintain a consistent and fair behavior policy. Even on those
most challenging days you need to remember to act professionally.
When we are most stressed remember to take a deep breath, use our
sense of humor, and know tomorrow will be a better day. It is when
we are facing our greatest adversity we grow professionally. Our stu-
dents deserve our patience, compassion and dependability.

Be an active evaluator in our school. Do we provide quality instruction
that is effective? Is it a safe learning environment? What can you do
to get involved? Everyone has the ability to lead. Be innovative and
think about ways we can work together to make things better. When
you get up in the morning be excited to teach knowing you have the
power every day to build life long learners and the ability to make a
difference in the world.

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