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Identify the classes from the requirements provided below.

An MIS software for XYZ Limited

There are 170 field stations to collect Malaria patients information. 170 field stations are located in
170 Upazillas and havin 170 field officers to ather field level data. The data that the field officers
need to collect are !
"atient#s name
"atient#s ae
"atient#s se$
"atient#s address
%uration of the disease
Medication ta&en
'urrent condition
The field officers will collect the data from the field operators (each of the Upazilla will have )
operators*+ and send the information throuh a web interface to the 'entral %atabase ('%,* located at
the %ha&a station. -ll the communications to the '%, must be authenticated.
The "ro.ect Manaer ("M* will be able to query the '%, for eneratin reports+ such as
-e roup vulnerable to malaria
-rea vulnerable to malaria
"atient condition /s %isease duration
0ffect of Medication in the course of time
,ased on those reports+ "M should be able to send Upazilla wise decisions to the field officers that
need to be ta&en throuh the MI1 software.
Unimportant23eneric diarams can be avoided all toether (4or e$ample+ -uthentication 1ystem
or 'ollection of %ata from the field operators need not be analyzed*.
3ood 5uc&666

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