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Bate Nay 7, 2u14
Naiy Eugley, Sanuia Almonu, uail Kenuall, uail NcSkimmings, Sheila
Lazaius, Nichael Tomlin, Beathei NcCailey-Tomlin
Piesiuent Sanuia Almonu
Teachei Naiy Eugley
Tieasuiei Bebbie Nissen
Secietaiy uail NcSkimmings
uail Kenuall

1. Teachei News:
- Naiy has been contacteu about a uocumentaiy being uone about Point
Robeits. The filmmakei woulu like to inteiview paients anu stuuents about
what it is like to attenu a small multi-age school. Inteiviews woulu take
place week of Nay 1S
outsiue of school houis. Sanuia, uail K. anu Nichael
expiesseu inteiest.

Action Peison Responsible Beauline
0thei families inteiesteu in paiticipating in
uocumentaiy to contact Naiy Eugley

2. Tieasuiei's Repoit:
- Regulai account - $11,781.98
- Ait Account - $4Su.u7
- CB - $2,u14.S1
- Invoice foi iPaus anu accessoiies in the amount of $9,SuS.47 iecently paiu by
check which will cleai account in about a week;
- Fielu tiip bus expense still to be paiu;
- National ueogiaphic subsciiption invoice of $9u.S6 to be paiu anu Boxtop
check foi $71.4u to be uepositeu;
- Aftei these items aie accounteu foi PT0 will have appioximately $4,uuu
- Bope to biing in $4,uuu fiom this month's gaiage sale.

S. Fielu Tiips:
- Bug Nuseumvictoiia fielu tiip cancelleu because of cost anu time;
- No othei fielu tiips planneu foi the iest of the yeai.

4. iPau minis:
- iPau mini cases anu piotective glass coveis oiueieu anu ieceiveu;
- Cait puichaseu anu setup to stoie iPaus anu chaigesync station;
- Nac NcSkimmings has volunteeieu to be the iPau cooiuinatoi anu has been
woiking to setup the iPaus anu station foi classioom use;
- Nac iepoits that the opeiating system on the uesktop computei must be
upuateu befoie it can be useu to syncupuate apps on the iPaus.

Action Peison Responsible Beauline
Contact Blaine School Bistiict IT peison to
upuate computei opeiating system
Naiy EugleyBeb

S. Futuie Puichases:
- Euucational apps foi iPaus;
- 0utuooi stoiage sheu foi PT0 ielateu equipment anu supplies;
- Caittiolley foi long tables useu foi gaiage sale.

6. Eastei Egg Bunt
- $2S6 ieceiveu in uonations;
- Spent appioximately $1Su this yeai foi plastic eggs, toys, stickeis, chocolate;
- Looking foi volunteeis to puichase on sale plastic eggs, toys foi stuffing anu
pie-filleu toy eggs foi next yeai.

Action Peison Responsible Beauline
Puichase plastic eggs, toys, etc on sale anu
then get ieimbuiseu.
Any paient who may be
going to Nichaels oi
othei ciaft stoie

7. uiau Albums
- uiaue S giauuates: Amanua Lazaius, Cassie NcCailey-Tomlin, uiant
Nattatall, anu Pipei Nissen.
- Looking foi volunteeis to get 4x6 piints maue foi each chilu, collate album
anu gift wiap foi giauuation.

Action Peison Responsible Beauline
Select photos, make piints, collate albums,
Sheila Lazaius, Nichael
Befoie }une

8. uaiage Sale - 9am to 2pm on Nay 24
anu 2S
, Nemoiial Bay weekenu
- Bonations staiteu to get uioppeu off at the school on Nay 1
- Piopose BBQ hot uogs, lemonaue anu popcoin sales - kius to help sell
o Sell via tickets - $1 pei item;
o Sheila has poitable piopane BBQ to cook hotuogs;
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o Beathei can biing waiming plate;
o Check with Beb Nissen about popcoin machine anu supplies neeueu;
o Neeu to puichase hotuogs, buns, conuiments, popcoin, lemonaue,
bags, etc.;
- Signs foi sale to go up the weekenu piioi;
- volunteeis - Kathiyn (Sanuia A's neighboi), Sanuia Pioctoi, anyone else.
- Tables - obtain fiom:
o Fooubank, fiie uepaitment, Steve 0'Neill
- Piicing - paients can come in uuiing school houis to piice uonateu items oi
can paiticipate uuiing the following times:
o Thuisuay, Nay 8
o Tuesuay, Nay 1S
o Weunesuay, Nay 21
o Fiiuay, Nay 2S
6:Su-as neeueu
- Bake Sale Table - Eveiyone askeu to bake items to sell on both uays;
- }obsvolunteeis iequiieu uuiing both uays:
o Cashieis - 2 people
o Bake sale table - 1 oi 2 people
o Sales Flooi - S oi 4 people
o Paiking - 2 people (flag people foi opening of sale, oveiflow paiking)
o Botuog, popcoin, lemonaue sales - 1 oi 2 auults to help with cooking
anu assist kius with sales

Action Peison Responsible Beauline
Contact foou bank, fiie uepaitment, Steve
0'Neill about boiiowing tables
Naiy Eugley
Contact Steve 0'Neill about boiiowing tables Sanuia Almonu
Put up signs auveitising gaiage sale Nichael Tomlin
Pickup of laige items uonateu foi sale Tye Fielus, Nichael

Bakeu goous foi bake sale table Eveiyone
}obvolunteei list foi uays of sale (see
Anyone available

9. Box Top 0puate
- $4u in box tops to be submitteu within the next 2 weeks;
- Labels foi Euucation -
o Nay is uouble point month anu we have 2Suu labels points to be sent
o 19,uSu label points foi the yeai.

1u. Piimaiy School Libiaiy Cataloguing Pioject
- This month uail NcSkimmings will be meeting with the libiaiians at Blaine
Elementaiy School to get some iueas on how to cieate a simple cataloguing
system anu way to check out books to oui stuuents;
- uail will be staiting this pioject in the 2u14-2u1S school yeai anu woulu
appieciate help fiom othei paients.

Action Peison Responsible Beauline
Contact uail N. uiiectly to assist in libiaiy
cataloguing pioject.
Any paients inteiesteu in
helping out.

Next Neeting: Weunesuay, }une 4, 2u14 at 6:Su p.m.

Ninutes piepaieu by: uail NcSkimmings
Ninutes appioveu by: Sanuia Almonu, Naiy Eugley

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