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Yarelis Daz Rohena

INGL 3201 L03

Narrative Paragraph
Final Draft
Date Submitted: May 19, 2014

My Most Embarrassing Moment
One day, approximately six or seven years ago, I was at The Outlets in Canvanas with
my family, and something very embarrassing happened to me. After an hour of walking around
the mall, we got hungry and decided to go to the food court. First of all, we picked a table and
my dad stayed there while my mom, my sisters and I got our food. I ordered rice, beans and
chicken at La Estrella. Then, I went back to the table, sat down, and instead of taking off my
handbag, I moved it to the side while it still hung from my neck. When I was done eating, I was
going to take my tray to the nearest trash bin, and thats when it happened. I didnt notice that
my handbag got caught under the chair somehow, and as soon as I stood up the chair fell back,
generating an extremely loud noise. After that, I looked around and almost everyone was staring
at me. Next, I had no other option than picking the chair up and sitting back down. My family
wouldnt stop laughing at me, and I felt very embarrassed. When we all stood up, I made sure
my handbag wasnt caught on the chair again. Then, we took our trays to the trashcan and
walked around the mall a little bit more. After this incident, when we were on our way back
home, they would keep retelling the story over and over again. It definitely was my most
embarrassing moment ever.

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