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The Sob Sister


Interesting, that was the first thing that comes in my mind when I
read the Title of the short story “The Sob Sister”. There are questions
about why is it entitled like that? What was it all about? And in order for
me to get answers to those questions in my mind, I have to read the
selection, so I did.

At first, I didn't understand the story so that I read it again and try to
analyze it. Then, as I critically analyze every sentences in the story, I
started to understand it. And I have noticed that the news article beside
the story is related to the story The Sob Sister. Therefore, I found out
things in the article that I haven't found out in the story.

The short story was dangling but the thoughts are there. But, as a
reader, I am curious of what have happened and what are the reasons of
the man killed the woman he loves knowing that he loves him. I also
wanted to know if who that man to a girl’s life was. And if I would only
base on the short story, those questions of mine would be still
unanswered. Thanks to the news article beside the short story.

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