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Comic Books

Project Evaluation:

Name: ______________________ Class Hour ______________________

Partial points Full points
Class time was used properly and
the student displayed positive
classroom behavior, effort, and
participation. (+10)

Page (+15) At least five neatly
drawn panels, on final draft
paper , fully inked, fully
colored, with dialogue or
thought balloons, no stick
figures, Story line meets
appropriateness guidelines.
And uses the proper layout for
the style of the comic.

Self evaluation completed. (+5)
using full sentences

Character +10cartoon characters
are original and creative. The
characters took some effort and
challenged the student.

Cover (extra credit 5pt possible )
included all required elements,
price, on final draft paper
,barcode, issue number, title of
comic not written in basic
handwriting large scale drawing
of the main character, fully
colored ,fully inked and neatly
completed .

Total Points: ______/ 40

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