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Definition of patrol

1. The act of moving about an area especially by an authorized and trained person or group, for purposes
of observation, inspection, or security.
2. A person or group of persons who perform such an act.
a. A military unit sent out on a reconnaissance or combat mission.
b. One or more military vehicles, boats, ships, or aircraft assigned to guard or reconnoiter a given area.

Etymology of the word police

1660s, "action of going the rounds" (of a military camp, etc.), from French patrouille "a night
watch" (1530s), from patrouiller "go the rounds to watch or guard," originally "tramp through
the mud," probably soldiers' slang, from Old French patouiller "paddle in water," probably
from pate "paw, foot" (see patten). Compare paddlefoot
Police in the ancient time
Egyptians- first people to use police dogs on patrol
Vigiles of rome- at the time of emperor augustus , these men are formed to fight fires
Medjays these are secret police in ancient Egypt

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