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S744 W. ueoige St. 0nit B~ Chicago, IL 6u618 ~ (847) S21-1279 ~

Euucation Website:

Professional Teaching License (PEL), Received 2013
'1234135 %6789&23:;8<= 65>5;?5@ )425 ABCD
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BePaul 0niveisity, Chicago, Illinois. Cumulative uPA: S.964.u
K1><5:E6 EJ %678 ;2 &23:;8< 12@ $;87E6F= 65>5;?5@ !1F ABBO
0niveisity of Illinois, 0ibana-Champaign.

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Wiote anu iefineu cuiiiculai units of the Bistoiy Bepaitment to meet the stanuaius of the Inteinational
Baccalauieate Piogiam, Common Coie State Stanuaius, anu the College-Reauiness Stanuaius
Collaboiateu with team teacheis to ieinvigoiate 0.S. Bistoiy cuiiiculum
Collaboiateu with special euucation teacheis to meet the neeus of inuiviuual stuuents with IEPs

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361@5= #<;>13E= "'R N>7EH56 ABCAT*5S75GH56 ABCD
Substituteu foi teacheis in uiveise uiban schools at eveiy giaue level.
Woikeu with content-team teacheis to piepaie the best possible lessons foi stuuents.
Impioviseu supplemental lesson plans to woik with teachei's piepaieu mateiials

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361@5= K;:H1E= *S1;2R *5S75GH56 ABCB T )425 ABCC
Piepaieu anu taught ovei thiee hunuieu fifty houis of English classes within a nine-month school yeai
Cieateu anu mouifieu cuiiiculum to uiveisify stuuent leaining, incluuing couises on Ameiican cultuie anu
histoiy anu appiopiiate behaviois in multicultuial situations
Engageu stuuents with lessons that taught English anu Ameiican cultuial piactices

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361@5= #<;>13E= "'R !16>< ABCDT!1F ABCD
Bevelopeu cuiiiculum with team teacheis foi 1u
anu 11
giaue English classes at Lincoln Paik Bigh
Collaboiateu with special-euucation teacheis to effectively implement IEPs in class
Collaboiateu with coopeiating teacheis to iefine classioom- anu behavioi-management stiategies
Woikeu with stuuents anu paients to uevelop lessons that catei to the neeus of stuuents

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Biiectoi anu founuei of the Faiiagut Caieei Acauemy Stuuent Council
Biiectoi anu founuei of the Faiiagut Caieei Acauemy uuitai Club
Fluent in Spanish
CPR ceitifieu
Inteiesteu in woiking on oi cieating piogiams that involve community outieach, music piouuction, cycling,
chess, cieative wiiting, oi scholastic wiiting

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