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Potato Skins Serves 4 to 6

6 small to medium sized russet baking potatoes (total 3 pounds)

Olive Oil
Canola Oil
Kosher Salt
Freshly Ground epper
6 strips o! "a#on
$ oun#es Grated Cheddar Cheese
% Green Onions& thinly sli#ed& in#luding the Greens o! the Onions
'( Clean potatoes& rub them )ith olive oil& and bake in the oven at $** degrees !or about an hour
until the potatoes are #ooked through(
%( +hile the potatoes are #ooking& #ook the ba#on strips in a !rying pan on medium lo) heat !or
'*,'- minutes& or until #risp( .rain on paper to)els( /et #ool( Crumble(
3( 0emove the potatoes !rom the oven and let #ool enough to handle( Cut in hal! horizontally( 1se
a spoon to #are!ully s#oop out the insides& reserving the s#ooped potatoes !or another use&
leaving about 2 o! an in#h o! potato on the skin(
3n#rease the heat o! the oven to $-* degrees( "rush the Canola Oil all over the potato skins&
outside and in( Sprinkle )ith salt( la#e on a baking ra#k in a roasting pan( Cook !or '*
minutes on one side& then !lip the skins over and #ook !or another '* minutes( 0emove !rom
the oven and let #ool enough to handle(
$( 4rrange the potato skins skin,side do)n on the roasting pan( Sprinkle the insides )ith !reshly
ground bla#k pepper& #heddar #heese& and #rumbled ba#on( 0eturn to the oven( "roil !or an
additional % minutes& or until #heese is bubbly( 0emove !rom the oven( 1se tongs to pla#e
skins on a serving plate( Sprinkle )ith green onions(

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