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! "It's not iocket science. It's social science" - Clement Nok
! "The funuamental concept in social science is Powei, in the
same sense in which Eneigy is the funuamental concept in
physics." - Beitianu Russell
! "The only possible conclusion the social sciences can
uiaw is: some uo, some uon't" - Einest Ruthefoiu
! "the social sciences weie foi all those who hau not yet
ueciueu what to uo with theii lives, anu foi all those
whose piematuie fiustiations leu them into the steiile
alleys of confiontation."- Petei 0stinov
! Nany 'haiu' scientists iegaiu the teim 'social science' as
an oxymoion. Science means hypotheses you can test,
anu piove oi uispiove. Social science is little moie than
obseivation putting on aiis. - Nichael Kinsley (2uu9)
! "Nan, the molecule of society, is the subject of social
science." - Beniy Chailes Caiey (1872)
! ueneially, the fielus of sociology, anthiopology,
economics, social science, psychology, political
science, euucation, anu histoiy aie gioupeu into the
bioauei acauemic aiea iefeiieu to as "social
! A fielu of stuuy, as political science, economics, etc.,
uealing with an aspect of society oi foims of social
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