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Selected verses
Compiled Dr.V.Vishwaraja.MD(AM)
for a Project-Liaison of Reliions
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Fargard 1 : Sixteen perfect lands created by Ahura a!da" and as #any plagues created by
Angra ainyu
In this chapter its saying god crated many lands (16) and they were oppressed by sins, this is
the duality that is in world, good and evil started from the beginning. In bible also w can see
that there is good and bad the duality, the male and female duality, the yin and yan duality
hence all world is nothing but duality, only god alone is above duality.
Fargard $ : yths %f &i#a
Ahura a!da answered" #he fair $ima, the good shepherd, % holy &arathushtra' he was the
first mortal, before thee, &arathushtra, with whom I, Ahura a!da, did converse, whom I
taught the (eligion of Ahura, the (eligion of &arathushtra.
Ahura a!da answered" +#here are uncreated lights and created lights. #he ,ommentary has
here the following Avestan -uotation" +#he uncreated light shines from above. all the created
lights shine from below.+ #he one thing missed there is the sight of the stars, the moon, and
the sun, and a year seems only as a day.
% a/er of the material world, thou 0oly %ne' 1ho is he who brought the (eligion of
a!da into the 2ara which $ima made3 Ahura a!da answered" +It was the bird 4arshipta,
% holy &arathushtra'+
% a/er of the material world, thou 0oly %ne' 1ho are the 6ord and the aster there3
Ahura a!da answered" +7rvatat8nara, % &arathushtra' and thyself, &arathushtra.+
#his chapter mainly deals with how the creatures have been created.
Fargard ' : The Earth
% a/er of the material world, thou 0oly one' 1hich is the second place where the 9arth
feels most happy3 Ahura a!da answered"+It is the place whereon one of the faithful erects a
house with a priest within, with cattle, with a wife, with children, and good herds within. and
wherein afterwards the cattle continue to thrive, virtue to thrive, fodder to thrive, the dog to
thrive, the wife to thrive, the child to thrive, the fire to thrive, and every blessing of life to
+#hen let people learn by heart this holy saying" :;o one who does not eat, has strength to do
heavy wor/s of holiness, strength to do wor/s of husbandry, strength to beget children. <y
eating every material creature lives, by not eating it dies away.:+
% a/er of the material world, thou 0oly one' 1ho is the fifth that re=oices the 9arth with
greatest =oy3 Ahura a!da answered" +>It is he who /indly and piously gives (#he Asho8dad
or alms. #he brac/eted clause is from the 2endidad ?ada.) to one of the faithful who tills the
earth,@ % ?pitama &arathushtra'
+0e who would not /indly and piously give to one of the faithful who tills the earth, %
?pitama &arathushtra' ?penta Armaiti will throw him down into dar/ness, down into the
world of woe, the world of hell, down into the deep abyss (,on=ectural translation.).+
+In the same way the (eligion of a!da, % ?pitama &arathushtra'cleanses the faithful from
every evil thought, word, and deed,as a swift8rushing mighty wind cleanses the plain (+Brom
chaff+). +?o let all the deeds he doeth be hence forth good, % &arathushtra'a full atonement for
his sin is effected by means of the (eligion of a!da.+
Fargard ( : )%ntracts and %ffenses
*e that does not restore a loan to the man who lent it, steals the thing and robs the man (:0e
is a thief when he ta/es a view not to restore. he is a robber when, being as/ed to restore, he
answers, I will not:).#his he doeth every day, every night, as long as he /eep in his house his
neighbour+s property, as though it were his own.
If men of the same faith, either friends or brothers, come to an agreement together, that one
may obtain from the other,either goods, or a wife, or /nowledge, let him who desires goods
have them delivered to him. let him who desires a wife receive and wed her. let him who
desires /nowledge be taught the holy word,
Curing the first part of the day and the last, during the first part of the night and the last, that
his mind may be increased in intelligence and waD strong in holiness. ?o shall he sit up,in
devotion and prayers, that he may be increased in intelligence"he shall rest during the middle
part of the day, during the middle part of the night, and thus shall he continue until he can
say all the words which former Aethrapaitis have said.
Cown there the pain for that deed shall be as hard as any in this world" to wit, the deed of a
man, who /nowingly lying,confronts the brimstoned, golden, truth8/nowing water with an
appeal unto (ashnu and a lie unto ithra.
Fargard + : ,urity la-s
% a/er of the material world, thou 0oly %ne' Coes fire /ill3 Ahura a!da answered" +Bire
/ills no man" Asto8vidhotu binds him,and, thus bound, 2ayu carries him off. and the fire
burns up life and limb. 1hen he goes away, it is by the will of Bate he goes.+
+#his is the best, this is the fairest of all things, even as thou hast said, % pure >&arathushtra@'+
1ith these words the holy, Ahura a!da re=oiced the holy &arathushtra"+Furity is for man,
neDt to life, the greatest good, that purity,% &arathushtra, that is in the (eligion of a!da for
him who cleanses his own self with good thoughts, words, and deeds.+
% a/er of the material world, thou 0oly %ne' #his 6aw, this fiend8destroying 6aw of
&arathushtra, by what greatness, goodness,and fairness is it great, good, and fair above all
other utterances3
Ahura a!da answered" +As much above all other floods as is the sea 2ouru8/asha, so much
above all other utterances in greatness,goodness, and fairness is this 6aw, this fiend8
destroying 6aw of &arathushtra.
+As high as heaven is above the earth that it compasses around,so high above all other
utterances is this 6aw, this fiend8destroying 6aw of a!da. +>#herefore@, he will apply to the
(atu, he will apply to the ?raosha8vare!. whether for a draona8service that should have been
underta/en and has not been underta/en. or for a draona that should have been offered up
and has not been offered up. or for a draona that should have been entrusted and has not
been entrusted.
Ahura a!da answered" +;o more than a frog does whose venom is dried up, and that has
been dead more than a year. 1hilst alive,indeed, % ?pitama &arathushtra' such a wic/ed,
two8legged ruffian as an ungodly Ashemaogha, directly defiles the creatures of the good
spirit, and indirectly defiles them.
+1hilst alive he smites the water. whilst alive he blows out the fire. whilst alive he carries off
the cow. whilst alive he smites the faithful man with a deadly blow, that parts the soul from
the body. not so will he do when dead.
+1hilst alive, indeed, % ?pitama &arathushtra' such a wic/ed,two8legged ruffian as an
ungodly Ashemaogha robs the faithful man of the full possession of his food, of his clothing,
of his wood, of his bed, of his vessels. not so will he do when dead.+
+0e ma/es himself a viaticum unto the world of the wic/ed,into that world, made of
dar/ness, the offspring of dar/ness,which is Car/ness+ self. #o that world, to the world of
0ell,you are delivered by your own doings, by your own religion, % sinners'+
Fargard . : ,urity la-s
+If several healers offer themselves together, % ?pitama &arathushtra' namely, one who heals
with the /nife, one who heals with herbs, and one who heals with the 0oly 1ord, let one
apply to the healing by the 0oly 1ord" for this one is the best8healing of all healers who heals
with the 0oly 1ord. he will best driveaway sic/ness from the body of the faithful.+
+0e who should pull down Ca/hmas, even so much thereof as the si!e of his own body, his
sins in thought, word, and deed are remitted as they would be by a Fatet. his sins in
thought,word, and deed are undone.
+;ot for his soul shall the two spirits wage war with one another. and when he enters
Faradise, the stars, the moon,and the sun shall re=oice in him. and I, Ahura a!da, shall
re=oice in him, saying" : 0ail, % man' thou who hast =ust passed from the decaying world into
the undecaying one':+
Fargard / : ,urity la-s
+An Athravan shall first go along the way and shall say aloud these victorious words" :$atha
aha vairyo" 8 #he will of the 6ord is the law of righteousness. +:#he gifts of 2ohu8mano to the
deeds done in this world for a!da. +:0e who relieves the poor ma/es Ahura /ing.
+:4em8na ma!da" 8 1hat protector hast thou given unto me, % a!da' while the hate of the
wic/ed encompasses me3 1hom but thy Atar and 2ohu8mano, through whose wor/ I /eep
on the world of righteousness3 (eveal therefore to me thy (eligion as thy rule' +:4e
verethrem8=a" 8 1ho is the victorious who will protect thy teaching3 a/e it clear that I am
the guide for both worlds. ay ?raosha come with 2ohu8mano and help whomsoever thou
pleasest,% a!da'
% a/er of the material world, thou 0oly %ne' If a man voluntarily commits the unnatural
sin, what is the penalty for it3 1hat is the atonement for it3 1hat is the cleansing from it3
Ahura a!da answered" +Bor that deed there is nothing that can pay, nothing that can atone,
nothing that can cleanse from is a trespass for which there is no atonement, for ever
1hen is it so3 +It is so if the sinner be a professor of the (eligion of a!da,or one who has
been taught in it. +<ut if he be not a professor of the (eligion of a!da, nor one who has been
taught in it, then his sin is ta/en from him, if he ma/es confession of the (eligion of a!da
and resolves never to commit again such forbidden deeds
In the same way the (eligion of a!da, % ?pitama &arathushtra'cleanses the faithful from
every evil thought, word, and deed,as a swift8rushing mighty wind cleanses the plain. +?o let
all the deeds he doeth be henceforth good, % &arathushtra'a full atonement for his sin is
effected by means of the (eligion of a!da.+
Ahura a!da answered" +#he man that lies with man/ind as man lies with woman/ind, or as
woman lies with man/ind, is the man that is a Caeva. this one is the man that is a worshipper
of the Caevas, that is a male paramour of the Caevas, that is a female paramour of the
Caevas, that is a wife to the Caeva. this is the man that is as bad as a Caeva, that is in his
whole being a Caeva.this is the man that is a Caeva before he dies, and becomes one of the
unseen Caevas after death" so is he, whether he has lain with man/ind as man/ind, or as
% a/er of the material world, thou 0oly %ne' If he find trees on his way and the fire ma/e
him sub=ect to a penalty, what is the penalty that he shall pay3 Ahura a!da answered" +Bour
hundred stripes with the Aspahe8astra,four hundred stripes with the ?raosho8charana.
+#his is the penalty, this is the atonement which saves the faithful man who submits to it, not
him who does not submit to it. ?uch a one shall surely be an inhabitant in the mansion of the
Fargard 10 : F%r#ulas recited during the pr%cess %f cleansing
:for purity is for man, neDt to life, the,greatest good, that purity, % &arathushtra, that is in the
(eligion of a!da for him who cleanses his own self with good thoughts,words, and deeds.:
+a/e thy own self pure, % righteous man' any one in the world here below can win purity
for his own self, namely, when he cleanses his own self with good thoughts, words, and
Fargard 11 : Special f%r#ulas f%r cleansing several %b1ects
Zarathushtra as/ed Ahura a!da" +% Ahura a!da' most beneficent spirit, a/er of the
material world, thou 0oly %ne' 0ow shall I cleanse the house3 how the fire3 how the water3
how the earth3 how the cow3 how the tree3 how the faithful man and the faithfu lwoman "
how the stars3 how the moon3 how the sun3 how the boundless light3 how all good things,
made by a!da, the offspring of the holy principle3+
Ahura a!da answered" +#hou shalt chant the cleansing words,and the house shall be clean.
clean shall be the fire, clean the water, clean the earth, clean the cow, clean the tree, clean the
faithful man and the faithful woman, clean the stars, clean the moon, clean the sun, clean the
boundless light, clean all good things, made by a!da, the offspring of the holy principle.
+?o thou shalt say these victorious, most healing words. thou shalt chant the Ahuna82airya
five times" :#he will of the 6ord is the law of righteousness,:. +#he Ahuna82airya preserves
the person of man" +:$atha ahu vairyo" 8 #he will of the 6ord is the law of righteousness,:.
+:4em8na a!da" 8 1hat protector hast thou given unto me, % a!da' while the hate of the
wic/ed encompasses me3:. +:4e verethrem8=a" 8 1ho is the victorious who will protect thy
teaching3:. +:4eep us from our hater, % a!da and Armaiti ?penta':.
Fargard 1+ : 2egarding certain sins and %bligati%ns
*ow many are the sins that men commit and that, being committed and not confessed, nor
atoned for, ma/e their committer a Feshotanu3
Ahura a!da answered" +#here are five such sins, % holy &arathushtra'It is the first of these
sins that men commit when a man teaches one of the faithful another faith, another law, a
lower doctrine,and he leads him astray with a full /nowledge and conscience of the sin" the
man who has done the deed becomes a Feshotanu.
Fargard 1/
+0e who sleeps on throughout the night, neither performingthe $asna nor chanting the
hymns, worshipping neither by wordnor by deed, neither learning nor teaching, with a
longing for(everlasting) life, he lies when he says, :I am an Athravan,:do not call him an
Athravan, % holy &arathushtra'+ thus said Ahuraa!da.
+0im thou shalt call an Athravan, % holy &arathushtra' whothroughout the night sits up and
demands of the holy 1isdom, whichma/es man free from anDiety, and wide of heart, and
easy of conscienceat the head of the ,hinwad bridge, and which ma/es him reach thatworld,
that holy world, that eDcellent world of Faradise.
+(#herefore) demand of me, thou upright one' of me, who amthe a/er, the most beneficent
of all beings, the best /nowing,the most pleased in answering what is as/ed of me. demand of
me,that thou mayst be the better, that thou mayst be the happier.+
Fargard 13
+Invo/e, % &arathushtra' my Bravashi, who am Ahura a!da,the greatest, the best, the fairest
of all beings, the most solid,the most intelligent, the best shapen, the highest in holiness,and
whose soul is the holy 1ord' +Invo/e, % &arathushtra' this creation of mine, who am Ahura
&arathushtra as/ed Ahura a!da" +% thou, all8/nowing Ahura a!da' thou art never asleep,
never intoDicated, thou Ahura a!da' 2ohu8mano gets directly defiled" 2ohu8mano gets
indirectly defiled.the Caevas defile him from the bodies smitten by the Caevas" let 2ohu8
mano be made clean.+
+0e shall recite a hundred Ashem vohu" :0oliness is the best of all good" it is also happiness.
0appy the man who is holy with perfect holiness': +0e shall chant two hundred Ahuna8
2airya" :#he will of the 6ord is the law of righteousness. #he gifts of 2ohu8mano to the deeds
done in this world for a!da' 0e who relieves the poor ma/es Ahura /ing.: +0e shall wash
himself four times with the gome! from the oD,and twice with the water made by a!da
% a/er of the material world, thou 0oly %ne' 1here are the rewards given3 1here does
the rewarding ta/e place3 1here is the rewarding fulfilled3 1hereto do men come to ta/e the
reward that,during their life in the material world, they have won for their souls3
Ahura a!da answered" +1hen the man is dead, when his time is over, then the wic/ed, evil8
doing Caevas cut off his eyesight.%n the third night, when the dawn appears and brightens
up, when ithra, the god with beautiful weapons, reaches the all8happy mountains, and the
sun is rising"
+#hen the fiend, named 2i!aresha, % ?pitama &arathushtra,carries off in bonds the souls of
the wic/ed Caeva8worshippers who live in sin. #he soul enters the way made by #ime, and
open both to the wic/ed and to the righteous. At the head of the ,hinwad bridge, the holy
bridge made by a!da, they as/ for their spirits and souls the reward for the worldly goods
which they gave away here below.
+#hen comes the beautiful, well8shapen, strong and well8formed maid, with the dogs at her
sides, one who can distinguish, who has many children, happy, and of high understanding.
+?he ma/es the soul of the righteous one go up above the 0ara8bere!aiti.above the ,hinwad
bridge she places it in the presence of the heavenly gods themselves
+7p rises 2ohu8mano from his golden seat. 2ohu8mano eDclaims":0ow hast thou come to us,
thou 0oly %ne, from that decaying world into this undecaying one3:
+Iladly pass the souls of the righteous to the golden seat of Ahura a!da, to the golden seat
of the Amesha8?pentas, to the Iaro8nmanem, the abode of Ahura a!da, the abode of the
Amesha8?pentas,the abode of all the other holy beings.
#his chapter says about the punishment in hell and the happiness in heaven
*%ly Zend Avesta 4 5h%rda Avesta 617
iscellane%us sh%rt prayers
Ashem 2ohu (invocation of Asha)
0oliness (Asha) is the best of all good" it is also happiness. 0appy the man who is holy with
perfect holiness'
Sr%sh 8a1
9n the name of Iod , ay the bounteous miraculous power and glory of %hrma!d the lord
increase. ay it (i.e. the prayer) reach ?rosh, the righteous, the vigorous, whose body is the
command, having a hard weapon, powerful of weapon, the lord of the creations of %hrma!d.
I am contrite for all sins and I desist from them, from all bad thoughts, bad words and bad
acts which I have thought, spo/en or done in the world, or which have happened through
me, or have originated with me. Bor those sins of thin/ing, spea/ing and acting, of body and
soul, worldly or spiritual, o %hrma!d' I am contrite, I renounce them. 1ith three words I
distance myself (from them).
*%ly Zend Avesta 4 5h%rda Avesta 6$7
:hr#a!d &asht 6*y#n t% Ahura a!da7
ay Ahura a!da be re=oiced' ay Angra ainyu be destroyed by those who do truly what
is the foremost wish (of Iod). I praise well8thought, well8spo/en, and well8done thoughts,
words, and deeds. I embrace all good thoughts, good words, and good deeds. I re=ect all evil
thoughts, evil words, and evil deeds. I give sacrifice and prayer unto you, % Amesha8?pentas'
even with the fullness of my thoughts, of my words, of my deeds, and of my heart" I give
unto you even my own life. I recite the +Fraise of 0oliness"+ +Ashem 2ohu" 0oliness is the best
of all good. 1ell is it for it, well is it for that holiness which is perfection of holiness'+
Ahura a!da answered" +%ur ;ame, % ?pitama &arathushtra' who are the Amesha8?pentas,
that is the strongest part of the 0oly 1ord. that is the most victorious. that is the most
glorious. that is the most effective.
Ahura a!da replied unto him" +y name is the %ne of whom -uestions are as/ed, % holy
&arathushtra' +y second name is the 0erd8giver +y third name is the ?trong %ne +y
fourth name is Ferfect 0oliness. +y fifth name is All good things created by a!da, the
offspring of the holy principle. +y siDth name is 7nderstanding. +y seventh name is the
%ne with understanding. +y eighth name is 4nowledge. +y ninth name is the %ne with
+y tenth name is 1eal. +y eleventh name is 0e who produces weal. +y twelfth name is
A07(A (the 6ord). +y thirteenth name is the most <eneficent. +y fourteenth name is 0e in
whom there is no harm. +y fifteenth name is the uncon-uerable %ne. +y siDteenth name is
0e who ma/es the true account. +y seventeenth name is the All8seeing %ne. +y eighteenth
name is the healing %ne. +y nineteenth name is the ,reator. +y twentieth name is A&CA
(the All8/nowing %ne).
1orship me, % &arathushtra, by day and by night, with offerings of libations well accepted I
will come unto thee for help and =oy, I, Ahura a!da. the good, holy ?raosha will come unto
thee for help and =oy. the waters, the plants, and the Bravashis of the holy ones will come unto
thee for help and =oy.
+I am the 4eeper. I am the ,reator and the aintainer. I am the Ciscerner. I am the most
beneficent ?pirit. +y name is the bestower of health. my name is the best bestower of health.
+y name is the Athravan. my name is the most Athravan8li/e of all Athravans. +y name is
Ahura (the 6ord) +y name is a!dau (the all8/nowing). +y name is the 0oly. my name is
the most 0oly. +y name is the Ilorious. my name is the most Ilorious. +y name is the Bull8
seeing. my name is the Bullest8seeing. +y name is the Bar8seeing. my name is the Barthest8
+y name is the Frotector. my name is the 1ell8wisher. my name is the ,reator. my name is
the 4eeper. my name is the aintainer. +y name is the Ciscerner. my name is the <est
Ciscerner. +y name is the Frosperity8producer. my name is the 1ord of Frosperity. +y
name is the 4ing who rules at his will. my name is the 4ing who rules most at his will. +y
name is the liberal 4ing. my name is the most liberal 4ing.
+y name is 0e who does not deceive. my name is 0e who is not deceived. +y name is the
good 4eeper. my name is 0e who destroys malice. my name is 0e 1ho con-uers at once. my
name is 0e who con-uers everything. my name is 0e who has shaped everything. +y name
is All weal. my name is full weal. my name is the aster of weal.
+y name is 0e who can benefit at his wish. my name is 0e who can best benefit at his wish.
+y name is the <eneficent %ne. my name is the 9nergetic %ne. my name is the most
<eneficent. +y name is 0oliness. my name is the Ireat %ne. my name is the good ?overeign.
my name is the <est of ?overeigns. +y name is the 1ise %ne. my name is the 1isest of the
1ise. my name is 0e who does good for a long time
<estow on him riches... ((ecite ?r<A.) +Ashem 2ohu" 0oliness is the best of all good....+
*aft A#ahraspand &asht
#o Ahura a!da, bright and glorious, and to the Amesha8?pentas.#o 2ohu8ano. to Feace,
whose breath is friendly, and who is more powerful to destroy than all other creatures. to the
heavenly 1isdom, made by a!da, and to the 1isdom ac-uired through the ear, made by
A-erdad &asht
Ahura a!da spa/e unto ?pitama &arathushtra, saying" +I created for the faithful the help, the
en=oyments, the comforts,and the pleasures of 0aurvatat. 1e unite them with him who
would come up to thee as one of the Amesha8?pentas, as he would come to any of the
Amesha8?pentas, 2ohu8ano, Asha82ahishta,4hshathra82airya, ?penta8Armaiti, 0aurvatat,
and Ameretat.
Aogemaideca usmahica visamadaeca >$)1.A@ (+1e come, re=oice, and submit+).(Farsi
translation") I come, I accept, I resign.
(Farsi gloss") I come into this world, I accept evil, I resign myself to death.
?hato8manau vahishto8urvano (+1ith the mind in =oy and the soul in bliss+)"(Iloss") In =oy is
he who realises the wish of his soul.
And whoever has had this for his main ob=ect, or has been the source of this benefit, that from
him should flow prosperity and =oy, and from him should flow no harm and no pain. And
there is a passage in which the soul says to the body"
Aad mam tanvo ithye=anguhaiti manya manangha humatem. % thou, my perishable body,
thin/ good thoughts with thy mind'
Aad mam tanvo ithye=anguhaiti hi!va mruidhi hu/htem. % thou, my perishable body, spea/
good words with thy tongue'
Aad mam tanvo ithye=anguhaiti !astaeibya vare!a hvarestem shyaothanem. % thou, my
perishable body, do good deeds with thy hands'
I created, % ?pitama &arathustra' the stars, the moon, the sun, and the red burning fire, the
dogs, the birds, and the five /inds of animals. but, better and greater than all, I created the
righteous man who has truly received from me the Fraise of Asha in the good (eligion.
<ut without any reason men adhere to that evil guide, Fassion, created by the demons. so that
they do not thin/ of Bate,
And by the bent of their nature they forget death.
#hey do not /eep in mind the wor/ing of #ime and the transientness of the body,
#hey ever go wandering about on the way of desire,
#hey are tossed in doubt by evil Fassion,
#hey clothe themselves with spite, in the course of strife, for the sa/e of vanishing goods.
#hey are intoDicated with pride in their youth,
And shall be full of regrets at the end of their time.
(death) 0ow then is it that men ta/e no provisions for that unavoidable =ourney,
%n which one must go once for all, for all eternity3
,him aoshanghau aoshanguhaiti astem isaiti tanva, /im uruna, /im fra!ainti, chim va
gaethahvo mahr/athem3 0ow is it that a mortal can wish for another mortal the annihilation
of his body (that his body should be no more), or of his soul (that his soul should be damned),
or death for his children or for his cattle (that his cattle should perish), if he has sense enough
to /now that he himself is mortal3
Anamare!hdi/o !i asti havai mare!hdi/ai. Bor he is pitiless to himself (he does not pity
himself) and none of the others shall pity him.
<lind are all those who, on this earth, do not follow the religion, do not benefit the living, and
do not commemorate the dead.
%iuim tad va .... ayare a=asaiti, ?pitama &arathushtra' aeva va /hshapa (+Bor there comes a
day, % ?pitama &arathustra' or a night+). #here comes a day, % ?pitama &arathustra' or a
night, when the master leaves the cattle, or the cattle leave the master, or the soul leaves that
body full of desires.
<ut his virtue, which is of all eDistences the greatest, the best, the finest, never parts from a
Ayare amithnaiti =uye tanush frayaere ayan bavaiti hubadhro hupaiti!nato, adha apare ayan
du!hathrem (+9very day the living man ought to thin/ that in the forenoon he is happy and in
credit. in the afternoon disgrace may come+). 9very day every living body ought to thin/ (for
that may happen any day)" in the forenoon I am happy, rich, in credit (that is to say, well
treated by the /ing).
And every day other people eagerly wish him evil. that he should be torn away from his
palace, that he should have his head cut off and his wealth sei!ed upon. 9very day the living
body is thrown for food to the birds that fly in the empty s/y.
#his is the way of things on this earth.
Ceusgdatayau fraeshta drvanto du!daungho (+It is ignorance that ruins most people, those ill8
informed+). It is ignorance that ruins most people, those ill8informed. both amongst those who
have died, and those who shall die.
$ahmad hacha naechish bungayad aoshanguhatam mashyanam (+Brom whom not one of
mortal men can escape+). Brom whom not one of mortal men can escape. no one has escaped
to this day, and no one will escape hereafter.
;oid aethrapatayo, noid danhupatayo, noid sasevishtau, noid asevishtau (+;either
aethrapaitis, nor chiefs of countries, neither well8doers, nor evil8doers+). ;either the herbed
(the obedan obed), nor the chief of the country (the 4ing of /ings), neither well8doers, nor
;oid usyastacho, noid niya (+;either those who run up, nor those who go down+). ;either
those who run up (those who fly in the empty s/y), li/e 4ahos. with all his strength and
/ingly glory, he could not escape from Astivihad.
;or those who go down deep (who hide themselves under the earth), li/e Afrasyab the #ur/,
who made himself an iron palace under the earth, a thousand times the height of a man, with
a hundred columns.
In that palace he made the stars, the moon, and the sun go round, ma/ing the light of day.
In that palace he did everything at his pleasure,
And he lived the happiest life.
1ith all his strength and witchcraft, he could not escape from Astivihad.
#o every one comes the unseen, deceiving Astivihad,
H1 bis
Aad mraod Ahuro a!dau" dush/hratum apairi gaetham athravayad gatham. >#his
incomplete -uotation is found only in the Fahlavi transcription, with a corrupt paraphrase as
follows" +%hrma!d said, :#he man without intelligence (that is, with a bad intelligence) ... who
has not sung the Iathas (that is, who has not performed the sacrifice. cf ;irang. )1) has no
good renoun on this earth nor bliss in heaven (cf. 21, 22)...:+@
$atha drvau gaom isti, uta drvau aspem isti, uta drvau maeshinem yavanghem isti" #he
wic/ed ac-uire cattle, the wic/ed ac-uire horses, the wic/ed ac-uire sheep and corn. but the
wic/ed tyrant does not ac-uire a store of good deeds.
?ee/ ye for a store of good deeds, % &arathushtra, men and women' for a store of good deeds
is full of salvation, % &arathustra'
Fasnush gavo, pasnush aspa, pasnush ere!hatem !aranim, pasnush naro chiryo ta/hmo" (Bor)
the oD turns to dust, the horse turns to dust, silver and gold turn to dust, the valiant strong
man turns to dust. >the bodies of all men mingle with the dust. 1hat do not mingle with the
dust are the Ashem8vohu which a man recites in this world and his almsgiving to the holy
and righteous@.
ay the blessed one have Faradise as his portion'
As to the righteous man who has come to this ban-uet, who has shared this ban-uet, may he
for each step get nearer to the bright Faradise, the all8happy Iarothman, by twelve hundred
1hen he is approaching it, may his merits increase'
1hen he is leaving it, may his sin be uprooted'
ay righteousness and goodness prevail'
ay his soul enter the Iarothman'
I am one of the righteous. Atha =amyad" ay it happen according to this wish of mine'
0umatanam. All the good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, done or to be done, here
or elsewhere, we sei!e upon and we transmit them, that we may be in the number of the
*adh%<ht Nas<
&arathushtra as/ed Ahura a!da" +% Ahura a!da, most beneficent ?pirit, a/er of the
material world, thou 0oly %ne'+1hat is the only word in which is contained the glorification
of all good things, of all the things that are the offspring of the good principle3+
Ahura a!da answered" +It is the praise of 0oliness (Asha" the Ashem 2ohu), % ?pitama
+0e who recites the praise of 0oliness, in the fullness of faith and with a devoted heart,
praises me, Ahura a!da. he praises the waters, he praises the earth, he praises the cattle, he
praises the plants, he praises all good things made by a!da, all the things that are the
offspring of the good principle.
+Bor the reciting of that word of truth, % &arathushtra' the pronouncing of that formula, the
Ahuna 2airya, increases strength and victory in one+s soul and piety.
Ahura a!da answered" +It is that one, % holy &arathushtra' that a man delivers in the last
moments of his life, at the same time professing good thoughts, good words, and good deeds,
and re=ecting evil thoughts, evil words, and evil deeds.+
&arathushtra as/ed Ahura a!da" +% Ahura a!da, most beneficent ?pirit, a/er of the
material world, thou 0oly %ne'+1hen one of the faithful departs this life, where does his soul
abide on that night3+Ahura a!da answered"
+It ta/es its seat near the head, singing the 7shtavaiti Iatha and proclaiming happiness"
:0appy is he, happy the man, whoever he be, to whom Ahura a!da gives the full
accomplishment of his wishes': %n that night his soul tastes as much of pleasure as the whole
of the living world can taste.+
And the soul of the faithful one addressed her, as/ing" +1hat maid art thou, who art the
fairest maid I have ever seen3+
And she, being his own conscience, answers him" +% thou youth of good thoughts, good
words, and good deeds, of good religion, I am thy own conscience'+9verybody did love thee
for that greatness, goodness, fairness, sweet8scentedness, victorious strength and freedom
from sorrow, in which thou dost appear to me.
+#he first step that the soul of the faithful man made, placed him in the Iood8#hought
Faradise.+#he second step that the soul of the faithful man made, placed him in the Iood8
1ord Faradise.+#he third step that the soul of the faithful man made, placed him in the Iood8
Ceed Faradise.+#he fourth step that the soul of the faithful man made, placed him in the
9ndless 6ights.+
&arathushtra as/ed Ahura a!da" + % Ahura a!da, most beneficent ?pirit, a/er of the
material world, thou 0oly %ne'+1hen one of the wic/ed perishes, where does his soul abide
on that night3+
Ahura a!da answered" +It rushes and sits near the s/ull, singing the 4ima Iatha ($)6), %
holy &arathushtra'+:#o what land shall I turn, % Ahura a!da3 #o whom shall I go with
praying3:+%n that night his soul tastes as much of suffering as the whole of the living world
can taste.+
+% a/er' how do the souls of the dead, the Bravashis of the holy %nes, manifest themselves3+
Ahura a!da answered" +#hey manifest themselves from goodness of spirit and eDcellence of
I praise good thoughts, good words, and good deeds and those that are to be thought,
spo/en, and done. I do accept all good thoughts, good words, and good deeds. I do renounce
all evil thoughts, evil words, and evil deeds.
I proffer to you, % Amesha ?pentas, sacrifice and prayer, with thought, with word, with deed,
with >my@ being, with the very life of my body.
&asna 1
I announce (and) carry out (this $asna) for the creator Ahura a!da, the radiant and
glorious, the greatest and the best, the most beautiful (3) (to our conceptions), the most firm,
the wisest, and the one of all whose body is the most perfect, who attains 0is ends the most
infallibly, because of his Asha, to him who disposes our minds aright, who sends 0is =oy8
creating grace afar. who made us, and has fashioned us, and who has nourished and
protected us, who is the most bounteous ?pirit'
>e worship the ,reator Ahura a!da with our sacrifice, and the <ountiful Immortals who
rule aright, and who dispose of all aright.
&ASNA 1$
I profess myself a a!da8worshipper, a &oroastrian, having vowed it and professed it. I
pledge myself to the well8thought thought, I pledge myself to the well8spo/en word, I pledge
myself to the well8done action.
&ASNA 1(
9 will come to $ou, % $e <ountiful Immortals' as a praiser and a priest, and an invo/er and
sacrificer, as a memori!ing reciter and a chanter, for $our sacrifice and homage, which are to
be offered to $ou, the <ountiful Immortals, and for our dedication and sanctification. (yea, for
ours) who are the holy prophets (destined to benefit the saints).
&ASNA 1=
And we worship the former religions of the world devoted to (ighteousness which were
instituted at the creation, the holy religions of the ,reator Ahura a!da, the resplendent and
glorious. And we worship 2ohu anah (the Iood ind), and Asha 2ahishta (who is
(ighteousness the <est), and 4hshathra8vairya, the 4ingdom to be desired, and the good and
bountiful Armaiti (true piety in the believers), and 0aurvatat and Ameretat (our 1eal and
And we worship all waters and all plants, and all good men and all good women. And we
worship all these $a!ads, heavenly and earthly, who are beneficent and holy.
&ASNA 1.
And we worship ount 7shi8darena which is a!da8made and shining with its holiness,
and all the mountains shining with holiness, and of abundant glory, and which a!da made .
And we worship the good and pious prayer for blessings,
&ASNA 13
As the Ahu is eDcellent, so (is) the (atu (one who rules) from the righteous %rder, a creator of
mental goodness and of life+s actions done for a!da. and the 4ingdom (is) for Ahura which
to the poor shall offer a nurturer.)
&arathushtra as/ed of Ahura a!da" % Ahura a!da, #hou most bounteous ?pirit' ma/er of
the corporeal worlds, the holy %ne' which was that word which #hou did+st declare to me, (2)
which was before the s/y, and before the water, before the earth, and before the cattle, before
the plants, and before the fire, and before the holy man, and the Cemon8gods (the Caevas),
before the 4hrafstra8men, and before all the incarnate world. even before all the good
creatures made by a!da, and which contain (and are) the seed of righteousness3
#hereupon Ahura a!da said" It was this piece, the Ahuna8vairya, % ?pitama &arathushtra'
which I pronounced as thine
before the s/y, and before the waters, before the land, and before the cattle and the plants,
and before the fire, Ahura a!da+s son, before the holy man, and before the Caevas, and
4hrafstra8men, and before the entire corporeal world, even before the good creatures made
by a!da, which contain (and are) the seed of righteousness.
And whoever in this world of mine which is corporeal shall mentally recall, % ?pitamaJ
&arathushtra' a portion of the Ahuna8vairya, and having thus recalled it, shall undertone it,
or beginning to recite it with the undertone, shall then utter it aloud, or chanting it with
intoning voice, shall worship thus, then with even threefold (safety and with speed) I will
bring his soul over the <ridge of ,hinvat, I who am Ahura a!da (I will help him to pass
over it) to 0eaven (the best life), and to (ighteousness the <est, and to the lights of heaven.
And the more bountiful of the two ?pirits (Ahura) declared to me (&arathushtra) the entire
creation of the pure, that which eDists at present, that which is in the course of emerging into
eDistence, and that which shall be, with reference to the performance and reali!ation +of the
actions of a life devoted to a!da.+
And this word is the most emphatic of the words which have ever been pronounced, or
which are now spo/en, or which shall be spo/en in future. for (the eminence of) this utterance
is a thing of such a nature, that if all the corporeal and living world should learn it, and
learning should hold fast by it, they would be redeemed from their mortality'
And +as+ (the worshipper has) here spo/en it forth, when he has thus +appointed+ the +6ord
and regulator,+ so (by thus reciting these authoritative words), he ac/nowledges Ahura
a!da (as prior to, and supreme) over, those creatures who have +the mind+ as their first. +As+
he ac/nowledges 0im as the greatest of them all, +so+ he assigns the creatures to 0im (as to
their originator).
As he undertones the third sentence, he thereby announces that +all the amenities of life
appertain to the +good+ a!da, (and come) from 0im. As he recites +da!da manangho,+ +the
creator of mind,+ he ac/nowledges 0im as superior and prior to mind. and as he ma/es 0im
the one who indicates (the truth) to mind, (saying) +manangho of mind,+ which means that by
this much he ma/es 0im (its director), and then he ma/es 0im +the lord of actions.+
0e who is the best (of all) Ahura a!da, pronounced the Ahuna8vairya, and as 0e
pronounced it as the best, so 0e caused it to have its effect, (0e, ever) the same, (as 0e is).#he
evil one at once arose (to oppose 0im), but 0e (Ahura) repelled that wic/ed one with 0is
interdict, and with this repelling renunciation" ;either our minds are in harmony, nor our
precepts, nor our comprehensions, nor our beliefs, nor our words, nor our actions, nor our
consciences, nor our souls'
And this saying, uttered by a!da, has three stages, or measures, and belongs to four classes
(of men as its supporters), and to five chiefs (in the political world, without whom its
efficiency is marred), and it has a conclusion ending with a gift. (Kuestion.) 0ow are its
measures (constituted)3 (Answer.) #he good thought, the good word, and the good deed.
(Kuestion.) 1hat is the thought well thought3 (Answer.) (It is that which the holy man
thin/s), the one who holds the holy thought to be before all other things (Kuestion.) 1hat is
the word well spo/en3 (Answer.) It is the athra ?penta, the bounteous word of reason.
(Kuestion.) 1hat is the deed well done3 (Answer.) It is that done with praises, and by the
creatures who regard (ighteousness as before all other things. 2*. (Kuestion.) a!da made a
proclamation, whom did 0e announce3 (Answer.) ?ome one who was holy, and yet both
heavenly and mundane. (Kuestion.) 1hat was 0is character, 0e who made this sacred
enunciation3 (Answer.) 0e who is the best (of all), the ruling one. (Kuestion.) %f what
character (did 0e proclaim him the coming one)3 (Answer.) As holy and the best, a ruler who
eDercises no wanton or despotic power.
&ASNA $(
And this plant of the Baresman, (and) the tirnely Prayer and the recollection and practice of the good
Mazdayasnian Faith, and these wood-billets, and the perfme, thine, the Fire!s, " Ahra Mazda!s son#
and all ob$ects which are Mazda-made, and which ha%e, and are, the seed of &ighteosness, these we
offer and present'
($ea,) we present these hereby to the <ountiful Immortals who rule aright, and who dispose
of all aright, the ever8living, ever8helpful, who abide with the Iood ind (of the 6ord and of
0is fol/)'
&ASNA $/?
I who have set my heart on watching over the soul, in union with Iood #hought, and as
/nowing the rewards of a!da Ahura for our wor/s, will, while I have power and strength,
teach men to see/ after (ight.
#he wise whom thou /nowest as worthy, for their right (doing) and their good thought, for
them do thou fulfill their longing for attainment. Bor I /now words of prayer are effective
with $e, which tend to a good ob=ect.
I would thereby preserve (ight and Iood #hought for evermore, that I may instruct, do thou
teach me, % a!da Ahura, from thy spirit by thy mouth how it will be with the Birst 6ife.
&ASNA '0?
;ow I will proclaim to those who will hear the things that the understanding man should
remember, for hymns unto Ahura and prayers to Iood #hought. also the felicity that is with
the heavenly lights, which through (ight shall be beheld by him who wisely thin/s.
0ear with your ears the best things. loo/ upon them with clear8seeing thought, for decision
between the two <eliefs, each man for himself before the Ireat consummation, bethin/ing
you that it be accomplished to our pleasure.
;ow the two primal ?pirits, who reveal themselves in vision as #wins, are the <etter and the
<ad, in thought and word and action. And between these two the wise ones chose aright, the
foolish not so.
#hen truly on the (world of) 6ie shall come the destruction of delight. but they who get
themselves good name shall be parta/ers in the promised reward in the fair abode of Iood
#hought, of a!da, and of (ight.
If, % ye mortals, ye mar/ those commandments which a!da hath ordained 88 of happiness
and pain, the long punishment for the follower of the Cru=, and blessings for the followers of
the (ight 88 then hereafter shall it be well.
&ASNA '1?
#o him shall the best befall, who, as one that /nows, spea/s to me (ight+s truthful word of
1elfare and of Immortality. even the Cominion of a!da which Iood #hought shall increase
for him.
About which he in the beginning thus thought, :let the blessed realms be filled with 6ight:, he
it is that by his wisdom created (ight. (#hose realms) that the <est #hought shall possess
those dost #hou eDalt, % a!da, through the ?pirit, which, % Ahura, is ever the same.
I recogni!e #hee, % a!da, in my thought, that #hou the Birst art (also) the 6ast 88 that #hou
art Bather of 2ohu anah. 88 when I apprehend #hee with mine eye, that #hou art the true
,reator of (ight, and art the 6ord to =udge the actions of life.
1hen #hou, % a!da, in the beginning didst create the Individual and the Individuality,
through #hy ?pirit, and powers of understanding 8 when #hou didst ma/e life clothed with
the body, when (#hou madest) actions and teachings, whereby one may eDercise one+s
convictions at one+s free8will.
#hen lifts up his voice the false spea/er or the true spea/er, he that /nows or he that /nows
not, (each) according to his own heart and mind. Fassing from one to another Armaiti confers
with the spirit in whom there is wavering.
1hatever open or whatever secret (acts) may be visited with punishment, or whether a
person for a little sin demands the highest punishment, 88 of all this through Asha #hou art
aware, observing it with #hy flashing eye.
1hosoever cometh over to the (ighteous, far from him hereafter shall be long age of misery
(and) dar/ness, ill8food, and crying of woe. #o such an eDistence, ye followers of the 6ie, shall
your own ?elf bring you through your (own) action.
,lear it is to the man of understanding, as one who has reali!ed it with his thought. 0e
upholds Asha together with good Cominion by his word and deed. 0e will be, % a!da
Ahura, the most helpful helper to #hee.
&ASNA '$?
Bor ye have brought it to pass that men who do the worst things shall be called beloved of the
Caevas, separating themselves from Iood #hought, departing from the will of a!da Ahura
and from (ight.
#hereby ye defrauded man/ind of happy life and immortality, by the deed which he and the
<ad ?pirit together with <ad #hought and <ad 1ord taught you, ye Caevas and the 6iars, so
as to ruin (man/ind).
&ASNA ''?
According as it is with the laws that belong to the present life, so shall the Ludge act with
most =ust deed towards the man of the 6ie and the man of the (ight, and him whose false
things and good things balance (in e-ual measure).
1hoso wor/eth ill for the liar by word or thought or hands, or converts his dependent to the
good 88 such men meet the will of Ahura a!da to his satisfaction.
#hat ?pirit of #hine, a!da, together with the comfort of the ,omrades #wain, who advance
the (ight, let the <est #hought bring through the (eform wrought by me. ?ure is the support
of those twain, whose souls are one.
All the pleasures of life which thou holdest, those that were, that are, and that shall be %
a!da, according to thy good will apportion them. #hrough Iood #hought advance thou the
body, through Cominion and (ight at will.
(ise up for me, % Ahura, through Armaiti give strength, through the holiest ?pirit give
might, % a!da, through the good (ecompense, through the (ight give powerful prowess,
through Iood #hought give the reward.
&ASNA '(?
,an they be true to thee, % a!da, who by their doctrines turn the /nown inheritances of
Iood #hought into misery and woe >usheuru3@. I /now none other but you, % (ight, so do ye
protect us.
#he man of understanding has instructed (people) to cling to action of this Iood #hought,
and to the 0oly Fiety, creator, comrade of (ight 88 wise that he is, and to all hope, % Ahura,
that are in thy Cominion, % a!da.
&ASNA '+?
#hat, therefore, would we choose, % Ahura a!da' and thou, % (ighteousness the
beauteous' that we should thin/, and spea/, and do those thoughts, and words, and deeds,
among actual good thoughts, and words, and actions, which are the best for both the worlds.
&ASNA '=?
1e therefore bow before #hee, and we direct our prayers to #hee with confessions of our
guilt, % Ahura a!da' with all the good thoughts (which #hou dost inspire), with all the
words well said, and the deeds well done, with these would we approach #hee.
&asna '. 44
And we worship 0im under 0is name as 6ord, to a!da dear, the most beneficent (of
names). 1e worship him with our bones, and with our flesh, (with our bodies and our life).
And we worship the Bravashis of the saints, of holy men, and holy women.
And (ighteousness the <est do we worship, the most beauteous, the <ountiful Immortal and
that which is endowed with light in all things good.
And we worship the Iood ind (of the 6ord), and 0is ?overeign Fower, and the Iood Baith,
the good law of our thrift, and Fiety the ready mind (within #hy fol/)'
&asna '/
% ye waters' now we worship you, you that are showered down, and you that stand in pools
and vats, and you that bear forth. (our loaded vessels3) ye female Ahuras of Ahura, you that
serve us (all) in helpful ways, well forded and full8flowing, and effective for the bathings, we
will see/ you and for both the worlds'
#herefore did Ahura a!da give you names, % ye beneficent ones' when 0e who made the
good bestowed you. And by these names we worship you, and by them we would ingratiate
ourselves with you, and with them would we bow before you, and direct our prayers to you
with free confessions of our debt. % waters, ye who are productive, and ye maternal ones, ye
with heat that suc/les the (frail and) needy (before birth), ye waters (that have once been)
rulers of (us) all, we will now address you as the best, and the most beautiful. those (are)
yours, those good (ob=ects) of our offerings, ye long of arm to reach our sic/ness, or
misfortune, ye mothers of our life'
&asna (0
%f this do #hou #hyself bestow upon us for this world and the spiritual. and now as part
thereof (do #hou grant) that we may attain to fellowship with #hee, and #hy (ighteousness
for all duration.
&ASNA ('?
To each several man, to whom a!da Ahura ruling at his will grant after the (petitioner+s)
will, I will after his will that he attain permanence and power, lay hold of (ight 8 grant this, %
Fiety, 8 the destined gift of wealth, the life of the Iood #hought,
and it shall be for him the best of all things. After his longing for bliss may one be given bliss,
through the provident most holy spirit, % a!da, even the blessings of Iood #hought which
thou wilt give through (ight all the days with =oy of enduring life
ay he attain to that which is better than the good, who would teach us the straight paths of
blessedness in this life here of the body and in that of thought 8 true paths that lead to the
world where Ahura a!da dwells 8 a faithful man, well8/nowing and holy li/e thee, %
#hen shall I recogni!e thee as strong and holy, % a!da, when by the hand in which thou
thyself dost hold the destinies that thou wilt assign to the 6iar and the (ighteous, by the glow
of thy Bire whose power is (ight, the might of Iood #hought shall come to me.
As the holy one I recogni!e thee, a!da Ahura, when I saw thee in the beginning at the birth
of 6ife, when thou madest actions and words to have their meed 8 evil for the evil, a good
destiny for the good 8 through thy wisdom when creation shall reach its goal.
And &arathushtra himself, % Ahura, chooses each one of thy holiest ?pirit, % a!da. ay
(ight be embodied full of life and strength' ay Fiety abide in the Cominion bright as the
sun' ay Iood #hought give destiny to men according to their wor/s'
&ASNA ((?
#his I as/ #hee, tell me truly, Ahura 8 as to prayer, how it should be to one of you. % a!da
Ahura, might one li/e thee teach to a friend such as I am, and through friendly (ight give us
support, that Iood #hought may come to us.
#his I as/ #hee, tell me truly, Ahura 8 whether at the beginning of the <est 9Distence the
recompenses shall bring blessedness to him that meets with them. ?urely he, % (ight, the
holy one, who watches in his spirit the transgression of all, if himself the benefactor of all that
lives, % a!da.
&ASNA (+?
9 will spea/ forth" hear now and hear/en now, ye from near and ye from far that desire
(instruction). ;ow observe this in your mind, all of you, for he is revealed. ;ever shall the
false #eacher destroy the ?econd 6ife, the 6iar, in perversion by his tongue into evil belief.
I will spea/ of the ?pirits twain at the first beginning of the world, of whom the holier spo/e
thus to the enemy" :;either thought, nor teachings, nor wills, nor beliefs, nor words, nor
deeds, nor selfs, nor souls of us twain agree:.
0im thou shouldst see/ to eDalt with prayers of piety, him that is called a!da Ahura for
ever, for that he hath promised through his own (ight and Iood #hought that 1elfare and
Immortality shall be for us in his Cominion strength and perpetuity in his house.
1hoso therefore in the future lightly esteemeth the Caeva and those mortals that lightly
esteem him 8 even all others save that one who highly esteemeth him, 8 unto his shall the holy
Caena of the future deliverer, as lord of the house, be friend, brother or father, % a!da
&ASNA (.
For his holy ?pirit and for <est #hought, deed, and word, in accordance with (ight a!da
Ahura with Cominion and Fiety shall give us 1elfare and Immortality.
#he best (wor/) of this most holy ?pirit he fulfills with the tongue through words of Iood
#hought, with wor/ of his hands through the action of Fiety, by virtue of this /nowledge" he,
even a!da, is the Bather of (ight.
#hrough this holy ?pirit, a!da Ahura, and through the Bire thou wilt give the division of
good to the two parties, with support of Fiety and (ight. #his verily will convert many who
are ready to hear.
&ASNA (/?
2iolence must be put down' against cruelty ma/e a stand, ye who would ma/e sure of the
reward of Iood #hought through (ight, to whose company the holy man belongs. 0is
dwelling place shall be in thy 0ouse, % Ahura.
&ASNA (3?
And this let Iood #hought hear, % a!da, let the (ight hear, do thou also listen, % Ahura,
which men of the brotherhood, what noble is it according to the 6aw who brings to the
community fame.
&ASNA +1?
6et your ears attend to those who in their deeds and utterances hold to your words, Ahura
and (ight, to those of Iood #hought, for whom thou, a!da, art the first teacher
#hus the ?elf of the 6iar destroys for himself the assurance of the right 1ay. whose soul shall
tremble at the (evelation on the <ridge of the ?eparator, having turned aside with deeds and
tongue from the Fath of (ight
$our blessings shall ye give us, all that are one in will, with whom (ight, Iood #hought,
Fiety, and a!da (are one) according to promise, giving your aid when worshipped with
<y Fiety the man becomes 0oly. ?uch person advances (ight through his thin/ing, his words,
his action, his ?elf. <y Iood #hought a!da Ahura will give the Cominion. Bor this good
Cestiny I long.
&ASNA +'?
#hen let them see/ the pleasure of a!da with thoughts, words, and actions, unto him praise
gladly, and see/ his worship, even 4ava 2ishtaspa, and &arathushtra+s son, the ?pitamid,
with Brashaoshtra, ma/ing straight the paths for the (eligion of the future Celiverer which
Ahura ordained.
&ASNA ++
#hat which Iathas (may) be to us, which are our guardians and defenders, and our spiritual
food, yea, which (may) be to our souls both food and clothing, such are these Iathas to us,
guardians, and defenders, and (spiritual) food, even such they are, both food and clothing to
the soul.And (may) they be to us (for this our offering) abundant givers of rewards, and =ust
and righteous ones, for the world beyond the present, after the parting of our consciousness
and body.
And we worship the Fraises of the $asna which were the production of the ancient world,
those which are (now) recollected and put in use, those which are now learned and taught,
those which are being held (in mind, and so) repeated, those remembered and recited, and
those worshipped, and thus the ones which further the world through grace in its
advance.And we worship the part(s) of the Fraises of the $asna, and their recitation as it is
heard, even their memori!ed recital, and their chanting, and their offering (as complete).
And we worship the Fraises of the $asna which were the production of the ancient world,
those which are (now) recollected and put in use, those which are now learned and taught,
those which are being held (in mind, and so) repeated, those remembered and recited, and
those worshipped, and thus the ones which further the world through grace in its
advance.And we worship the part(s) of the Fraises of the $asna, and their recitation as it is
heard, even their memori!ed recital, and their chanting, and their offering (as complete).
&asna +/ 44
And in this worship will we abide, % Ahura a!da' and with =oy. In this worship do we
eDercise our choices. and to it will we approach, and to it will we belong. yea, to revering
worship will we confide our settlements and persons for protection, and for care, for
guarding, and for oversight, to such worship as is the praise of such as $ou.A#0(A.
&asna =0
In order that our minds may be delighted, and our souls the best, let our bodies be glorified
as well, and let them. % a!da' go li/ewise openly (unto 0eaven) as the best world of the
saints as devoted to Ahura,
And accompanied by Asha 2ahishta (who is (ighteousness the <est), and the most beautiful'
And may we see #hee, and may we, approaching, come around about #hee, and attain to
entire companionship with #hee' And we sacrifice to the (ighteous %rder, the best, the most
beautiful, the bounteous Immortal'

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