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About this class: Introduction to Literary Studies

Ms. Spencer
Phone: 617-299-9293
*Please call/text before 9pm

1st quarter: August 27
-November 7

quarter: November 10
-January 30

quarter: February 2
- April 10

quarter: April 13-June 18

Class Culture

E-Cubed has a zero-discrimination policy and this class has a zero-discrimination
policy. Every student has the right to feel welcome, safe, and supported by every
member of this community. One of our class mottos is that if you are not part of the
solution then you are part of the problem. This means that if you see or hear
discriminatory behavior around you it is your responsibility to speak up for what is
fair and just. Your classmates are your resources and I am your resource. Remember
that I am here for you, I believe in you, and I care about you no matter what. There is
nothing you have done or could ever do to stop this from being true.

Required Materials - Due Friday, August 29th

*All Materials can be purchased from any dollar store

*Please let me know privately if you are unable to purchase any or all of these
materials and I will make sure you get what is needed.

1. A Binder
2. Binder Dividers
3. College Ruled lined paper
4. 5 Pencils
5. 2 pens

Optional but recommended:
1. Academic Planner
2. Pencil Case
3. Small pencil sharpener or extra led if using mechanical pencils

Grading System:

You will receive a grade for each quarter based on the criteria below

Class Participation: 25%
Homework: 25%
Major Assignment 1: 25%
Major Assignment 2: 25%


Quarter 1:

Unit 1: Think Again

Essential Question: What influences how you act?

Cluster 1: Find out how beliefs can affect people
Cluster 2: Find out how people get to where they want to go
Cluster 3:Find out how easily people can be fooled

Required Readings: Excerpts from Facing the Lion: Growing up Maasai on the
African Savanna, Bronx Masquerade

Midterm Assessment: Embedded Assessment 2: Writing an Argumentative Essay

Quarter 2:

Unit 2: Family Matters

Cluster 1: Explore the Science behind family resemblances
Cluster 2: Learn about the impact of family meals
Cluster 3: Read about how behavior of parents can make a difference

Required Readings: Excerpts from Jane Eyre, Walking with Stars, To Kill a

Final Assessment: Embedded Assessment 2: Write a Style Analysis Essay

Other Assessments: Quizzes, group project, individual presentation

Required Curriculum: Edge and Springboard


1. We will respect and honor ourselves, each other, and our space
2. We will use appropriate, supportive language
3. We will follow instructions the first time that they are given
4. We will come to class ready to learn
5. We will speak one at a time

Negative Consequences

1. 1
warning (name on the board)
2. 2
warning (name on the board with a check mark)
3. Stay after school for a conference (2 checks)
4. Stay after school for a conference and a phone call home (3 checks)

Positive Consequences

1. Extraordinary Acts will be written on a sticky note and posted publicly for
the community to see. The following day we will share out.
2. Positive letters written home every week to parents
3. Awards at the end of each quarter

Severity Clause (resulting in removal from class)

Any physical action, or verbally abusive action, as well as if a student is the
possessor of drugs, alcohol, illegal substances, or forbidden materials will result in
immediate removal from class.
Classroom Procedures

Getting students attention:

1. Teacher says Ago
2. Student says A me
3. Stop what you are doing, mouth closed, eyes on Ms. Spencer
4. Repeat

Starting Class:

1. Enter quietly and take your seat
2. Place homework on the upper left hand corner of your desk
3. Take out your binder and open to the tab labeled Do Now
4. Begin work on the Do Now for the day
5. When finished wait for the next instruction from Ms. Spencer

Do Now:

1. Locate the Do Now prompt written on the board
2. Open your binder to the tab labeled Do Now
3. At the top of your paper write the date
4. Copy the question if necessary
5. Work silently until next instruction

Daily Homework:

1. Place your homework at the upper left hand corner of your desk
2. Wait for teacher to come by and collect or check for completion
1. If homework has not been collected place it back in your binder
under the tab labeled homework


1. Attendance will be taken at the same time that homework is being
2. If you come in after attendance has been taken then you will be
considered late

Late to Class
1. Go to the Absent Folder and find the current day
2. Collect necessary papers. If there were any papers already passed
out then they will be in that folder.
3. At the end of class, stay in your seat and place homework on the
upper left hand corner. I will come and check it as well as answer
any questions.

Passing out Papers
1. Papers will be passed down the row horizontally
2. The last person to receive them will place the extras in the
Absent Folder under that day of the week


1. Raise your hand in a fist
2. Wait for either a head nod (meaning yes) or a head shake
(meaning no) from Ms. Spencer
3. If you receive a head shake (no) and it is an absolute emergency
hold up your red help card
4. Wait for a head nod yes from Ms. Spencer

Absent Students:

1. At the start of class go to the Absent Folder
2. Take all the handouts for the day(s) that you missed
3. The following day hand in all homework that you missed in the
upper left hand corner along with homework due for that day.
Failure to do so results in a homework grade of zero.

Late Homework:

1. If you were absent the previous day follow the absent student
procedure to hand in any missed homework
2. If homework is late for any reason other than an absence or
special circumstance communicated with Ms. Spencer then that
homework is marked as a zero.

Late Major Assignments:

1. Major assignments (papers, projects) will be collected the same
way that homework is collected. It should be placed on the upper
left hand corner of your desk at the start of class
2. If you know that you will not make a due date let Ms. Spencer
know in advance and we will make a plan of action that works
for you
3. If you wake up the day that a paper is due will be absent because
of illness let Ms. Spencer know before the start of your class
period that day and we will make a plan of action that works for
4. If you have not communicated with Ms. Spencer about a major
assignment being late then for every day it is late your grade will
be taken down by half a letter grade.


1. Return any classroom materials to their place
2. Put your belongings away in your bag
3. Throw away your trash
4. If you were late place your homework on the upper left hand
5. Wait for Ms. Spencer to dismiss you

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