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Fernie Colin

Professor Anthony

SED 464

September 26, 2020

Classroom Rules and Procedures


Beginning of Class

One minute before class starts I will stand by the classroom door and prompt students to

line up. They will always line up in alphabetical order (we will practice this the first week of

class) so I can easily hand back graded assignments as they come through the door. Once they

are quiet and paying attention to me, I will allow them to go inside the classroom.

 They must remain lined up in the back of the room until I dismiss them to their seats.

Once I am by my computer, students will take a seat as I call their names, allowing me to take

attendance while they do so. There will be a seating chart that they must follow. As soon as they

reach their desk, students must quietly take out all their working materials for the class period.

Once everyone is sitting down with their tools ready, they can put their backpacks away on a

designated shelf. Students must place their homework on the corner of their desk so I can pick it

up while they do bell work.

Managing Student Work

 Collecting homework: Once students sit down in their places and are settled with all the

materials they will need for the class, homework assignments will be placed on their desk

in front of them and I will go around the classroom picking it up while they do bellwork
 Handing back work: prior to entering the classroom, students will be lined up in

alphabetical order outside the door. After grading assignments, I will organize them in

alphabetical order so they are ready to be handed back to each student. As they walk into

the classroom, I will hand back their graded work.


Before transitioning to another activity, I will give students 1 minute to wrap up and get

ready for the next one.. Give them 20 seconds to put what they’re not going to need anymore

away and 30 seconds to get ready for the next activity. Students have to listen for instructions

before getting out of their seats. Once they do, it must be in an orderly fashion. 

Student Absences/Late Arrival

 Absences: students will learn about responsibility in my class. We will have a Work

Covered calendar in one of our bulletin boards in the classroom. At the end of each day I

will write what pages in our textbook were covered and any assignments that were

completed that class period. It will be the student’s responsibility to check this calendar

and contact me with any questions they have to complete the assignments they missed.

They will be given 2 days to make up the work they missed for full credit if their absence

was excused (I just need a note from their parents or a call to the office). 

 Late Arrival: if students come in after I let everyone into the classroom, they must wait

by the door until I ask them to take a seat. If they don’t have a tardy slip they will talk to

me after class and explain why they were late.

Late Work
If work is late because of an excused absence, the student will have two days after the

due date to turn in the assignment for full credit. After that student will lose 5 points per day.

Assignment must be turned in no later than one week after the due date.

Unexcused late work will lose 5 points each day, and can be late a maximum of one



Grades in my class will be determined by the following factors:

 Assignments: in-class work, journal responses, chapter reviews, and homework


 Quizzes & Tests: This grade will be based on reading quizzes and tests on grammar. No

Final Exam will be assigned.

 Essays/Projects: Students will be informed of the value of these tasks when they are


 Participation: Students will receive participation points each day. They will have one

point for attending class, being prepared with all the materials they need, behaving

properly, and participating in discussions.

Plans for Communicating with Parents

At the beginning of the school year parents will be asked to fill out a contact sheet where

they will provide their contact information, and also be notified that I will reach out to them if

needed (for example, if a student exceeds the two warnings mentioned in the Consequences

section). I will ask them to fill out, sign, and return the contact sheet on the first day of class. 

I will create a monthly newsletter for parents, informing them of upcoming events and

major assignments. They can choose whether it is emailed to them or delivered by their student.
The newsletter will contain my contact information so they can reach me with any questions

regarding their students and my class, or if they need to meet with me so discuss their student’s

progress in the classroom.

Parents will be allowed to volunteer in the classroom. They can sign up to sit in class for

a class period and see what material is being covered, or how their child is doing. They can only

sit in once a month. In addition, I will schedule parent-teacher conferences after each report card

so I can inform them how their child is developing in the classroom. 

End of Class

5 minutes before class ends I will let students know it's time to start wrapping up. I’ll give them

1 minute to finish writing and save their progress, and to start cleaning up their desks. Once all

their materials are piled up in front of them (laptops closed, pens put away, notebooks and

textbooks closed) I will dismiss them to get their backpacks.

The last 30 seconds of class are for the students to finish packing their backpacks, push in

their chairs, make sure they are not leaving anything behind, and stand behind their desks

waiting quietly for my instructions. Once the entire class is quiet and ready to go, they will be

dismissed. They can only leave the room if I dismiss them, not when the bell rings. However, it

is my responsibility to manage my class time correctly and respect my students’ time. It is

always important to let them go at the appropriate time, unless a special circumstance prevents

that from happening. 

Rules and Consequences

Classroom rules are needed to establish a safe and organized classroom environment that

gives each student the opportunity to learn and develop successfully. Setting rules and
consequences also allows the teacher to teach. That is, they keep the proper conditions with

minimal distractions and wasting of time.

Rules  Consequences

Beginning of the day * If a student doesn’t follow procedures

1. Be on time or distracts the class
2. Line up outside the classroom in 1. First offence: verbal warning
alphabetical order 2. Second offense: student will stay
3. Once inside the classroom, wait until your after class to make sure there is
name is called to take your seat no trash left behind and all desks
4. Take out class materials quietly and put are clean
backpacks away.  3. Third offense: Call home 
5. Place homework on the corner of your desk 4. Fourth offense: Referral to the
Rationale: Being late to class interrupts the teacher
and the class, while also affecting the student
because they miss class time, therefore it is
important to be on time. 
It is important to follow procedures and do things
in an orderly fashion in order to keep the classroom
working properly.

Coming in Late 1. If a student has no tardy slip, they

1. Enter classroom will stay after class and explain
2. Stand by the door why they were late.
3. Wait until I ask you to take a seat 2. If student doesn't wait quietly by
4. Turn in tardy slip on your way to your desk the door and distracts the class
1. First offense: student will
Rationale: When students arrive late to the stay after class to make
classroom, not only do they miss valuable class sure there is no trash left
time, they also distract the rest of the class. It is behind and all desks are
important for the student who is late to come in clean
quietly into the room and disturb the class as little 2. Second offense: Call
as possible. home 
Guidelines must be set so students don’t just barge 3. Third offense: Referral to
into the classroom. the office

Cellphones 1. First offense: verbal warning

1. Cellphone must be turned off and put away 2. Second offense: phone will be
in your backpack at all times taken away and returned at the
end of class
Rationale: It is important for students to focus all 3. Third offense: Student will stay
their attention on what is going on in the after class to make sure there is
classroom. Phones are a major distraction, and no trash left behind and all desks
having access to them during class is far from are clean
 and having access to their cellphones during class *If a student continues to use their phone
time deviates their focus. Therefore, it is important in the classroom, they will be required to
that they be put away   Phones are a major turn in their phone at the beginning of
distraction  class and pick it up once it ends.

General Classroom Rules 1. First offence: verbal warning

1. Be kind, polite, and respectful 2. Second offense: student will stay
2. Come to class with all materials after class to make sure there is
3. Follow directions no trash left behind and all desks
4. Raise hand and wait to be called on to are clean
speak 3. Third offense: Call home 
5. Be mindful of others, don’t distract your 4. Fourth offense: Referral to the
classmates office

Rationale: Being respectful to other students is

necessary to establish a safe learning environment
where students will feel like they belong.
It is important for students to bring all their
materials to class. By not doing so they miss
valuable class time trying to look for/borrow tools
to work with. They also distract other students that
did have all their materials.

Positive Consequences

I believe it is important to watch out for good behavior in the classroom. If a student is

following rules and procedures and behaving extraordinarily well, they will receive MissCo

tickets. These will allow them to “purchase” certain privileges in the classroom, such as

homework passes (with restrictions), 5 minutes of reading, specific seats, etc.

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