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Power - State - Culture

- Legal/Rational
- Expertise
- Charisma is not substainable, need to supplement with legal/rational and expertise

Assumption if power is delegated we will be efficient. But is it really the case?
Weber: everything has a function, everything is rationalised

We look at the function, not the person

Internalize - compliance, the higher the internalization, the higher the compliance. Vice
Pancpticon - gaze, surveillance, self-policing
Practices, techniques of power
Private troubles and public issues

State - Govt- People
Institution - economical, political, social

1) Developmental Authoritarian State (Newly Industralized Economies)
2) Welfare state
it promotes market as a very inflential sphere
3) Democractic state
4) Capitalist State- Marxist Perspective (State Capitalist) Alienation
5) Pluralist/ Elitist

Civil Society (Autonomous space to give people their sense of power)
Humanitarian aid

Your tutor may divide the DG into 4 or 5 groups. Each group may be assigned one or
two of the following questions:
1. We tend to think of power as originating from someone with authority or who is an
authority. Is this an adequate view of power?

2. How would you conceptualize the modern state? Discuss with examples.

3. Is culture in anyway related to power?

4. Is there such a thing as a national culture? Discuss with reference to a country you are
familiar with.

5. Discuss how culture can be both constraining and enabling.

6. This symbol is found worldwide. It suggests that globalization produces a
homogenization of cultures across the globe. Do you agree? Discuss with reference to
this and two other examples.

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