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The bullying; a big social problem.

Granados Arceo Jorge Rodrigo.

Bullying is any form of psychological, verbal or physical abuse occurred between
two or more people. Statistically, the dominant type of violence is emotional and
mostly occurs in the classroom.
The causes of bullying may reside in the educational models that expose children,
in the absence of values, limits, rules of coexistence, receive some form of
punishment through violence or intimidation and learn to solve problems and
difficulties with aggression to demonstrate to society a mask of their fears.

An aggressive child shows this behavior within their family relationship with an
environment of care and lack of emotional ties, there may be situations in which
abandonment by a parent , children living with taxation authority . It also comes
with children living in constant pressure to make progress in their personal

In a school with lack of security, order, discipline, and no coordination among
teachers, tutors and managers is an important factor for school violence. Other
reasons are the absence of limits, the practice of values the lack of prevention of
aggressive conduct and the environment in which the event takes place.

The best way to prevent this situation is the sharing of the values that have been
inculcated by family and which are learned from the interaction with the society.
Maybe in the future people can acquire a fundamental value for our cohabitation:
humanity. Because ... why are we so selfish? We do not notice that we are human
beings and that each one of us represents a unique, valuable and beautiful
opportunity in this that we can call: life.

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