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Atoms and Isotopes Worksheet

1. Fill in the table with the correct information.
Isotope Isotope
Atomic # Protons Electrons Netrons
+. Describe the $eneral arran$ement of sbatomic particles in the atom.
,. What contribtion did these scientists make to atomic models of the atom0
a. Dalton
b. 1homson
c. 2therford
/. What is the isotope notation of the element that has an atomic nmber of +/ and a mass nmber of -+0
-. What part of the atom contains practicall# all its mass0
&. 3ow do the isotopes of an element differ0 3ow are the# the same0
4. Which element contains the lar$est nmber of netrons per atom0
a. 'ismth%+1) b. Polonim%+1) c. Astatine%+1) d. Astatine%+11
(. Fill in the followin$ table.
Isotope Isotope
Atomic # Protons Electrons Netrons
1- 1-
-, 4/
,& /(
,/ /-
5. .alclate the a6era$e atomic mass of chlorine if its isotopes and 7 abndances are as follows. 8how
all work.
9ass of Isotope 7 abndance
,&.5&-5) +/./4
,/.5&((- 4-.-,

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