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Response to Intervention

Grade Level Team Preparation

In preparation for your grade-levels scheduled RTI meeting, please be prepared to share and
discuss the following information with the support team.

Celebrations of Success (5 7 minutes)
Each grade level team member should select one student who has shown exceptional growth,
academically/socially/both and be prepared to share this students success with the team.

Guiding Questions (5 7 minutes)
What skill area(s) have you been focusing on during your intervention block? How were
students selected?
What instructional strategies/interventions have you been attempting?

Data (15 minutes)
Please bring copies of assessment data for each member of the RTI support team.
How have you measured student progress?
Summarize Grade Level/Group progressWhat trends do you see? Are you satisfied
with the growth youre seeing?

Focus on individual students (20 minutes)
Who are the bubble kids? What extra supports might you be able to provide them to
get them up to standard?
Who are the students of greatest concern? Are there adjustments that might be able to
be made to better support them?

Next Steps (10 minutes)
What skills/areas will your team be targeting for the next 7 weeks?
What instructional strategies/interventions will you provide?
How will you measure student progress in these areas?
How can the team support you in this work?

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