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Questions 1 5 (5marks)

Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

Pilih perkataan yang terbaik dan isikan tempat kosong.

1. My mother _______________ my dress last night.
a. sew
b. sewed
c. sewn
d. sewing
2. The thieves broke into her house and ____________ all her jewellery two nights ago.
a. steal
b. stealing
c. stole
d. stolen
3. The light _________________ out last night, so we ______________ some candles.
a) go, light
b) went, light
c) went, lighted
d) go, lighted
4. When I _______________ my bag last year, it ______________ me fifty ringgit.
a. buy, cost
b. bought, costs
c. bought, cost
d. buy, costs
5.We _______________ a lot of fish yesterday, but we _______________ not
_______________ any of them.
a. catch, did eat
b. caught, did ate
c. caught, did . eat
d. caught, did . eating

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