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Magical Moebius Cowl ASAP

by Stephanie Jones

- 1 Hank of Madelinetosh ASAP yarn
- US 13 (9 mm) 36 inch circular needles
- Tapestry Needle
- Stitch Marker

This is a great introduction to Moebius knitting and the perfect way
to show off your beautiful Madelinetosh ASAP yarn with a quick knit.

Stephanie Jones 2014
Before casting on, please go on Youtube and watch Cat Bordhis video
CAT BORDHI Intro to Moebius Knitting from beginning to end.
You will use her instructions to cast on and knit the first row.

Gauge: in stockinette, a 3 square is 8 stitches wide and 11.5 rows tall


Using Cat Bordhis Magical Moebius cast on, CO 60 stitches
(this will mean 60 stitches on the needle and 60 on the cable)

Place Marker and Join for Knitting in the Round (making sure the cable only
crosses once).

Rounds 1 and 2: Knit
Rounds 3 and 4: Purl

Repeat rounds 1 4 3 more times, for a total of 16 rounds.

BO as follows: K2tog, slip the stitch back onto the left needle

Weave in your ends and enjoy your Magical Mobius Cowl!

Once you get the hang of this cast on, youll be knitting
these up for all your friends in no time at all.

Stephanie Jones 2014

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