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~Meeting Minutes~

I. Call to Order
Jen Benzing called to order the meeting of West Manheim PTO at 6:35pm.

II. Roll Call
The following persons were present Jen Benzing, President; Robyn Nicholson, Vice
President; Mandi Peltzer, Secretary: Stephanie Jennings, Treasurer; Principal, Brian Cromer,
3 teachers and 8 parents.

III. Principals Report
Mr. Cromer discussed the STAR card program and the STAR rules. This is our
schools second year and we have reached our first school wide goal of 1500 STAR
cards! The reward to the students for this is a field day which is scheduled for the
following week. The next STAR card goal is reaching a total of 3000.
Parent visitation went well and Mr. Cromer thanked all who took time to come in a
see their children in school. Mr. Cromer also thanked Mrs. Cherry for arranging the
fire assembly for kindergarten, first and second grade students. The students really
enjoyed the fire boats and the water safety presentation. Also discussed were
parent/teacher conferences and having parents complete the parent online survey
when finished with conferences. Parents can use the computers in the lobby or
complete the survey on our school website.

IV. Current Events Update
a. OctoberFest- overall profit was estimated at $2237.03. We sold over $1000 in
presale tickets and sold over 200 tickets at the door. Chick Fila presale was a big
hit so we will continue this in the future and order more for sale the day of the
b. Race for Education- Friday, October 31
All mailers will be out by the end of the
week, some have already been sent back with donations. An email will be sent
out this week asking for volunteers. Volunteers can meet outback at a sign in table
at 7:45am. We have asked that Friday be wacky day for the students to make it
easier for them to run. Winners of the tablets, limo lunch, Toys R US gift card
and whipped cream pie toss will be announced during morning announcements.
c. Spirit Wear- October 1
October 17
The sale has ended and orders are being
d. Fall Book Fair- Week of November 10
. Set up will begin afterschool on the
. Shannon is setting up the book fair schedule now and will email anyone
who has interest in helping. The book fair will also be open from 5pm-6pm on

Bed Time Story Night. The PTO will buy each student K- 2
grade a $6 or less
book and every 3
grader an $8 or less book.
e. Poinsettia Sale- Sold during the month of November and pick up will be at our
December PTO meeting.
f. Shoppers Room- Budget $2000. We will need volunteers to help with
personalized ornaments and gifts. Any ideas for teenage boys would be greatly

V. General Events Update
a. Market Day- $104.82 was made last month
b. Box Tops-prizes were awarded for the first collecting, next collection is end of
c. Campbells Labels-new playground balls were purchased

VI. Treasurers Report
a. Account balance as of 10/21/14 is $28,459.93

VII. New Business
a. Shawn Harlacher- Director of South Western Food Service talked about the
program at our meeting and answered any questions that the parents had.
b. 5
Grade Dutch Apple Trip- June 2
Les Miserables has been cancelled, any
ideas for another trip?
c. Parent/Teacher Conferences- Dinner will be ready by 2:30pm on Thursday
October 23
for teachers
d. Other items- Dr. Rupp spoke at a meeting about customized learning- students
entering into high school will receive a laptop for the duration of high school.
Next year students entering into middle school will get laptops. Thinking about
upper grades of elementary school in the future.

VIII. Adjournment
Jen Benzing adjourned the meeting at 7:52 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Mandi Peltzer

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