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Frontcourt: A+

So the plan from here is getting the

ball to Mike Tisdale and Mike Davis.
Or so it should be. They combined
for 51 points and 28 rebounds.
OK, it didn’t come against a typical
rough-and-tumble Big Ten team.
Nevertheless, this was a dominating
Backcourt: B-
The Illini gave up too many 3-pointers
on the perimeter. That’s how North-
western plays the game, with plenty
of back cuts and dribble handoffs.
Bench: C-
After coach Bruce Weber went primar-
ily with a six-man rotation, Bill Cole
provided the only real boost from the
Overall: B
When you can win a game after
Northwestern took 84 shots, went 16-
for-47 from the 3-point line and lost
only three turnovers, exhale and enjoy
it. This was a wild one, perhaps a sign
that the next two months are going to
be rough in the Big Ten. After adding
a third win against teams in the two
major polls, Illinois gets another shot
at a ranked team Saturday against
Gonzaga in Chicago.

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