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Visayan-English Dictionary

a abakahn


a, The letter A in Visayan is pronounced as

in Spanish, except when it has a cut short,
abrupt sound, which can be learned only by
hearing, e.g. btchild.
a, Ah, Oh, Well, Why. A, am gid in. Ah,
that is it, certainly. A, ikw gal ang
nagabt. Oh, it is you, that have come. A,
bayi (pabayi) lang ang mga bt dir.
Well, leave the children there alone. A,
pagkalut sang kon kapalran! Oh, how
unfortunate I am! A, ind ka magsapk
sin. Why, dont take any notice of it. (cf.
-a, A suffix of verbs that have a passive in on. This suffix occurs in the following
1.) The passive impersonal imperative.
Buhta in. Do this. (bhat, buhton).
Higugma kag tahra (da) ang mo
giniknan. Love and respect your parents,
(higgma, higugman; thud, tahron,
2.) The passive negative past. Wal nya
pagbuhta in. He did not do this. Wal ni
la pagtumna ang la katungdnan. They
have not fulfilled their duties, (tman,
3.) The passive negative present. Sa karn
wal na nya pagamha inng bnglid. He
now no longer tills this slope, (um,
mhon). Tungd sang kadamun sang la
mga ph, wal na nla pagaispa, knd
ginasokb na lang sa pasungn. Owing to
the great quantity of their mangoes they no
longer count them, but measure them by
the bushel. (sip, ispon). Nga man nga
wal mo pagapatindog ang halgi? Why
are you not setting up the post? (pa,
tndog, tindogn).

-a, An exclamation of sorrow, anguish or

the like. A-a, kon am in ang pangabh,
mayo na lang nga mamaty ak! Ah, if
life is such, it would be better for me to die!
A-a, ano na man in! Maan na lang ak!
Alas, what does this mean! What shall I do
a-, Pooh! Whew! Foh! Faugh! Now then!
Fie! An expression employed to prevent
others from touching things they should
not. A- in! Dont touch that. Keep off.
Pooh, its filthy! Now then, keep away from
ab, Ah! Oh! Alas! Ab, ang ya sin nga
katahm! Oh, the beauty of it! Ab,
kangon gid in! Alas, what a pity! (cf.
ab, (B) Oh! Ah! Really? Truly? Is it so,
indeed? Ab, matod in? Ah, is it really
true? Can it be so? Nabton ko ang is ka
makalilpay nga baltAb? I have
received some joyful news.Have you,
really? (cf. ab, abw).
ab, (B) The back, shoulder-blades,
scapula; the breast of a bird, especially of a
fowl; to carry on the back, put on the back.
Ibutng mo inng bayong sa ab sang
karabw. Put this bag on the buffalos
back. Toktok ang ab sang mank. Chop
up the breast of the chicken. Ginpaab ak
nya sa pagtabk sa sub. He carried me
on his back across the river. Pabhan mo
si. Get hold of his back. Grasp him behind
by the shoulders. (cf. likd, taldtud;
dghan, ptso; tbong, patbong).
ab-a, aba, Ah! Oh! Alas! Indeed! (cf.
ab, ab, abw).
b-ab, To eat or bite off a piece: to
undermine and carry off, wash away (of
water). Ab-ab lang ang tinpay kag ang
mabilin nga inab-abn ihtag mo sa mo
mnghud. Just bite off a piece of bread,
and give the remainder to your younger
brother (sister). May katalgman nga ababn sang sub ang pngpang. There is

danger that the river will undermine and

carry off its banks. Ind mo pag-ipab-ab
ang krne sa id. Do not let the dog snap
at the meat. (cf. p-ap, kbkab, kdkad,
abd, (Sp. abad) Abbot, superior of an
abadsa, (Sp. abadesa) Abbess,
superioress of an abbey.
abadya, (Sp. abadia) Abbey, (cf.
konbnto; baly nga ginapy-an sang
mga pryle nga benediktno ukn sang
mga mdre nga benediktnas).
abga, The shoulder; to shoulder, carry
on the shoulder. Dlha lang in sa abga
mo or abagha lang ini. Carry this on your
shoulder. Malpad ang ya abga or
malpad si sing abga. He has broad
shoulders, (cf. pangabga).
abagnhan, One with strong or broad
shoulders, broad-shouldered, (cf. abga).
bak, To follow in quick succession.
Nagabak gid lang ang uln. The rain
pours down at short intervals, one shower
or squall following another in quick
succession, (cf. abkabk which is more in
abak, (Sp. abaca) The hemp-plant;
hemp-fibre; hempen, made of hemp.
Panpton nga abak, kalt nga abak,
etc. Hemp-cloth, hemp-rope, etc. (cf.
abk-abk, Dim. and Freq. of bak, To
follow in succession one thing close upon
another, chase each other, come one
behind the other. Abw, nagaalabk-abk
gid lmang ang mga nagasalk. Why,
visitors are coming up one behind the other
(in great numbers). Nagaabk-abk gid
karn ang la mga kalisd. At present their
difficulties are following one upon another
or their troubles overtake one another, (cf.
abakahn, One who has plenty of, is
rich in, hemp; containing hemp-plants,

abkan abir
suitable for a hemp-plantation. Baklod
nga abakahn. A hill covered with hempplants or suitable for growing hemp.
Banklan si, kay abakahn kayo. He is
wealthy or influential, because he owns
large hemp-plantations.
abkan, A small fish of a reddish colour.
ban, To finish, take away or off (a loom
or the like). Abna ang kon hblon sa
madal nga sarng mahm. Get my cloth
off the loom as soon as possible. Ginban
sang sub ang mon dt. The river has
washed away our land. Abnon mo na ang
ya nga balayon, kay nagt-gon si nga,
kon maban na, ipadal sa ya sa waly
ldan. Finish the cloth for making dresses,
for she ordered it to be sent to her at once,
when it was ready. Abni ak sing duh ka
patdyong. Get me off the loom two native
skirts, i.e. cloth sufficient for two such
skirts called patdyong. Dl makaban
ang sub sinng um, kay may pngpang
nga dngl. The river cannot carry (wash)
away this farm-land, for its bank is of hard
sandstone. Naban na ang ttlo ka blan
sa napl nga inogbulth nya sa
kolhyo. Three months have gone by
already of the ten he has to study at college.
Ginban nya ang dak nya nga
mnggad sa mga kalingwlingwan kag
waly puls nga mga kahinguyngan. He
spent his great wealth on diversions and
useless extravagance. (cf. hingpus,
hingaps, kh, bhin, b-ab, etc.).
bang, To take within range or sweep (of
fire, etc.). Sang pagkasnug sang baly ni
Fulno nabang man ang mon baly.
When N.N.s house burned down, our
house also was involved. Kon may snug
nga malapt sa plsa, may katalgman
nga abngon man sang kalyo ang
simbhan. If a fire breaks out near the
public square, there is danger that the
church may also come within its
destructive range. (cf. nas, mid).
abng, (B) Greediness, avarice, cupidity,
covetousness; to be greedy or desirous of
getting a larger share than others. Ind ka
magpangabng. Dont be greedy. (cf.
pangunyd, hkug, kgud,
abng-bang, A tree well known for its
beautiful leaves and large pods. These
latter contain a great number of winged
seeds that look like butterflies
abng-bang, (B) To help, assist, aid,
succour, lend a helping hand. Abngabngi si. Help him. Render him
assistance. Lend him your aid. (cf. tbang,
abanko, (Sp. abanico) Fan; to fan.
Abanikhi ak, mam, kay magn-ot. Fan
me mother, for it is sultry. Kuyab ak
sang mo abanko. Fan me with your fan.
Paabanikhi ang mga bista, kay mabhot
kayo. Provide the visitors with fans, for it

Visayan-English Dictionary
is very close. (cf. kuyb, kuluyb, kuruyb,
abno, (Sp. habano) A cigar, especially
one made by machinery, and sold by
tobacconists (in contradistinction to the
pioksa home-made cigar, rolled by hand
for private use). Bkli ak sing duh ka
abno nga taglim ka sentims. Buy me
two cigars of five centavos each. Ind ak
makayon sang abno kay matb-ang;
ginapasolab ko gid ang pioks, kay labng
masug. I do not like cigars sold by
tobacconists, for they are too mild; I much
prefer home-made cigars, because they are
very strong, (cf. tabk, tabak, pioks).
abansda, (Sp. avanzada) Exposed, open
(to the wind), (cf. bong, bansda).
abo, An expression of joy, surprise,
astonishment, admiration, sorrow, grief
and pain. Oh! Ah! Alas! Hurrah! Abo,
katahm sin nga daw lngit! Ah, how
beautiful! How like heaven! Abo nga
pagkamakalol-oy sang kon karn nga
kahimtngan! Oh the wretchedness of my
present condition! May dak nga snug
kahpon sa Ilnglong kag madm nga
mga baly nga dalgk ang nagab.
Abo! There was a great fire yesterday in
Iloilo and many large buildings were
burned to ashes.Oh, really! Ah, this is a
terrible news! (cf. ab).
bas, (Sp. haba) A kind of beans.
bat, To follow, go after (frequently with
the meaning implied of summoning or
calling back). Abta si. Follow him (and
tell him to come back). Summon him.
Ipabat ko si sa kay Hos. I shall send
Joseph after him. Ibat mo ang bt sa ya
ily. Take the child after its mother.
Paabti si Andres sa kay Pdro or ipabat
si Andres sa kay Pdro. Order Peter to go
after or call Andrew. Nagpabat si sa
kon sing kabyo. He sent a horse after
me. (cf. pas, sund; tawg).
abt-bat, Dim. and Freq. of bat. Also:
to follow up, follow from place to place.
Ginabtbat sang mga pols ang makwat
tbtub nga la madakp (nadakp). The
police followed the thief from place to place
till they caught him. Abt-abton nnyo
ang duh ka pamatn-on nga nagtabany
tbtub nga nyo makt kag iblik nnyo
dir sil nga duh. Follow the two young
people that have eloped till you find them
and bring the two of them back here. (cf.
abt-abt, To follow closely without
going beyond, be barely sufficient; just
enough without anything to spare, living
from hand to mouth. Ginaabtabt gid
lang ang mon pagkon. We just manage
to live from hand to mouth. The food we
can procure is hardly enough to keep us
alive. Ang mon kinitan abtabt gid
lang sa mon pangabh. Our earnings are
barely enough for our living.
abw, See abo, ab.

aby, (B) To join, enter, associate with,

take to, mingle. Nagaby na si sa
pagkapnday, pagkamangangawy, etc.
He has now taken to carpentry, has cast in
his lot with the soldiery, etc. D mo
pagiaby ang nglan sang Dis sa mga
sugilnon nga kalibutnon. Do not mingle
the name of God in worldly conversation.
Ind mo pagbyan ang mga dmatrung.
Do not join with, associate with, wicked
men. Aby si. Join him. Become his
companion or associate. Ipaaby mo ang
mo nga ank sa mga kaupdnan nga
mayo sing pamatsan. See that your
child associates with companions of good
behaviour. (cf. bian; byan).
aby-aby, Dim. and Freq. of aby.
Also: to meddle, put ones nose in,
interfere. Ind ka magabyaby sin nga
mga butng. Dont meddle in those things.
Dont put your nose in such matters. (cf.
pahilabt, pasilabt, pakt-arakng).
abyan, Liable to fall under a spell by
which a benefit is changed into its opposite
evil. Ind mo pagsinggann ang bt nga
matmbok si, kay bs abyan. Dont tell
the child that it is fat, because it might fall
under an evil spell (and become lean or
sick). N.B. This is a superstition. It is likely
that after abyan sang swang is
bdan, See abdto hem.
abelyna, (Sp. avellana) Hazel-nut,
hazel; light brown, of the colour of a hazelnut.
bhan, Pabhi, pabha, etc. from abto
put on the back, etc.
bi, For instance, for example; to imagine,
think, say. Hunhunon ta, bi, nga. Let
us imagine, for example, that. Kon
magmasakt ikw, bi, nhon mo? If you
should get sick, say, what would you do?
An, bi, ang mahanab kon? What do
you think will happen, if? Also used
ironically and sarcastically, especially in the
phrase: Abi mo? Do you really think so?
implying that he who thinks so is quite
wrong, very imprudent, foolish, and the
ab-bi, Greetings, salutations, regards;
to greet, salute, shake hands with; to treat
or receive hospitably. Ginapadal ko sa
nyo ang kon ab-bi. I send you my
regards. Sa la nga tann ang kon
pagab-bi kag pagthud. To all of them I
tender my greetings and respect. Ab-abha
si. Salute him. Shake hands with him.
Treat him well or hospitably. (cf. alw,
ttap, tmyaw, tmiaw).
bian, Friend, comrade; to be friends. Si
mayo ko gid nga bian. He is my best
friend. Nagabian sil. They are friends.
Magabinay kam. Be friends.
abir, (Sp. aviar) To provide for a journey,
get things ready; to invite, treat to
refreshments, etc. Abiah si. Provide him
with provisions. Invite him. Sn-o ang

Visayan-English Dictionary
nagabir sa mo? Who invited you? (cf.
pablon; gda, hgad, kngay, dpit).
abibr, (Sp. avivar) To urge, stimulate,
animate, enliven, quicken, rouse. Abibah
si. Urge him to greater exertions. Rouse or
stimulate him. Abibah ang la trabho.
Put some liveliness, animation,
energy, into their work.
abierto, (Sp. abierto) Open, accessible,
affording free entrance or passage. Abierto
ang bintn, algyan, etc. The window is
open, the passage is free, etc. (cf. nabksan
from buksto open, etc.).
abl, (Sp. hbil) Capable, especially with
regard to procreation. Mostly applied to
domestic animals.
abl-abl, Dim. of abl. Rather capable.
abl-abiln, See abl-abl id. Often also
used in connection with men of loose
morals: Lecher, fornicator, whoremonger;
lewd, unchaste, lecherous.
abilay, Shawl; to cover the shoulders, (cf.
ably, abrgo, knop).
abilidd, (Sp. habilidad) Ability, capacity,
expertness, talent, mastery, knowledge,
dexterity. Wal si sing abilidd sa am
nga palangakan. He has no capacity for
such an office, (cf. kasngkul, lam,
kabtik, taks, tinn-an).
biog, To move to and fro, to swing, to
rock. See hbiog, hbyog, id.
abiogn, A swing. See habiogn,
habyogn, halabiogn id.
abr, (Sp. haber) Property, assets. (cf.
pagkabutng, mnggad).
abr, (Sp. a ver) Let us see. Let us have a
try. Ho, abr, kon makabhat ka sin.
Yes, let us see, whether you can do that. (cf.
tan-awn ta, ipakt mo, tilawn ta, etc.).
abisr, (Sp. avisar) To advise, send notice,
notify, inform. Nagabisr ka sa ya? Did
you inform him? Magslig ka sa kon,
magaabisr gid ak sa ya. Trust me, I will
certainly notify him. N.B. Abisr seems to
be in use only in the active voice; for the
passive abso is commonly used.
abso, (Sp. aviso) Notice, information; to
give notice, to send word, to notify, to
inform. Abso! Notice! Attention! Abishi
si sang kamatyon ni Fulno. Inform him
that N.N. is dead. Paabishan mo si sang
pagabt dir sang ya amy or ipaabso
mo sa ya nga nagabt dir ang ya amy.
Send him word (through somebody else) of
the arrival here of his father or that his
father has arrived here. (cf. balt,
pahibal, pasyod, palam, paman,
pandam, paman, etc.).
abitsulas, (Sp. habichuela) Frenchbeans, kidney-beans in general.
blang, (B) Width, breadth, to widen,
broaden, to make wide or wider. Sdto
nay makitd ang dlan, karn nagblang
na. Formerly the road was narrow, now it
has widened. Ginblang nla ang plsa.
They widened the public square.

abibr abno
Ginpablang nla ang plsa. They have
had the public square widened. Soga ang
pnday nga ablangn nya ang lamsa.
Order the carpenter to make the table
wider. Naablangn ak sinng takd. This
shutter (door, etc.) is too broad for me, or
appears to me to be very broad or too
broad. (cf. lpad).
blaw, (B) Affability, friendliness;
sociability; to be or become affable;
friendly, sociable. Nagblaw si karn. He
has become affable or sociable now.
Naablawn ak sa ya. He seems to me to
be very friendly. Ipakilla ko sa mo si
Fulno, kay sa waly duhdha
pagaablawn ka gid sa ya. I will
introduce N.N. to you, for without doubt
you will find him very sociable, agreeable,
affable. (cf. bgno, mabinugnhon;
kablaw, kaablwan, mainablwon, etc.).
ably, (B) Shawl, covering for the
shoulders and back; to use or wear a shawl.
Tan-aw yanng babye nga nagaably.
Look at that woman wearing a shawl.
Pagaablayn ko gid inng bunng. I will
certainly work this yarn up into a shawl.
Iably lang inng hbul, kay mtugnaw.
Just use this blanket as a shawl, for it is
cold. Ablay ang bt, agd ind mapsmo
sa matgnaw nga hngin. Put a shawl
around the child, lest it should catch a cold
in the chilly air. Paablay sil. Provide
them with shawls. Put some shawls at their
disposal, (cf. abrgo, knop).
blay, To lean, put ones arm or hand,
on anothers shoulder. (cf. gbay).
ab, (B) An exclamation denoting
aversion, horror, contempt, emphatic
denial or negation. Fie! Pshaw! Whew!
Pooh! Ab, butg in. Pshaw, thats a lie!
Ab, nd ak magpti sin. Fie I dont
believe that. Ab, pagkamalulod sinng
id nga paty kag indlan! Pooh what a
horrible stench is coming from this dead
and wormy dog. (cf. ab, abw).
ab, Ash, ashes; to treat with ash, apply
ashes, use ashes; to turn into or become
ashes. Aboh ang psud sang bt. Treat
the babys navel with ash. Nagab ang
mon baly sa kalyo or ginab sang
kalyo ang mon balay. The fire burned
our house to ashes. Abohn mo ang
pnggan kag bso, agd makh ang
kadnlug. Clean the plate and glass with
ashes, so that the greasy dirt may be
removed. Ang ab nga ginpt-in sa ton
mga gtang sa dlaw nga Mirkoles de
Sensa (Ceniza) am ang ab sang mga
plua (ramos) nga nabendithan sang
dlaw nga Domingo de Rmos. The ashes
with which our foreheads are marked on
Ash-Wednesday are the ashes of the palms
blessed on Palm-Sunday. Dl mo pagipaab sa ya inng mga tuln-an, kay
bisn duman na may kapuslnan pa.
Dont let him burn these books, for, though

they are old, they are still of use. (cf.

bo, A kind of small fish, growing to about
six inches in length, and supposed to be
very lazy and sleepy; hence its name is
often used to describe lazy and sleepy folks
that are slow at their work, etc. Dw bo
si. He is like an bo i.e. he is very lazy.
Kabo sa mo! How lazy you are! Dw bo
ka gid. You are just like an bo. bo gid
ang gw ta. The result of our undertaking
is, was, or will be a complete failure.
ab-abo, Dim. of ab. A small bo or any
other fish somewhat resembling an bo; a
little lazy or indolent.
ab-bo, Dim. of ab. Of an ash colour,
ash-coloured, grey, ashy pale. Ang but ko
kanon ang pho nga ab-bo na. I like to
eat mangoes that are ash-coloured i.e.
nearly ripe, Ang ya kl kag saptos abbo. His hat and boots are grey.
ab-abhon, Ash-coloured, ashy pale,
gray. (cf. ab-bo).
bog, See biog, hbiog, hbog id.
abogdo, (Sp. abogado) Lawyer,
attorney-at-law. (cf. mananbang,
abohn, Fire-place, hearth; kitchen, (cf.
dapg, digamohn, luluton).
abohn, Ashy, full of, covered with,
ashes. Abw, abohn gid ang lo mo. Oh,
your head is covered with, full of, ashes.
Ang mank nga abohn am ang nagtlog.
The grey hen is the one that laid the egg.
abokdo, A kind of orange-tree. (cf.
kahl, naranhta).
abonr, (Sp. abonar) To advance, loan, let
have, allow, on credit. Abonah ak
nay sing napl ka pisos. Advance me ten
pesos. Iabonr lang nay sa kon inng
mga saptos. Let me have these boots on
credit. Ipaabonr lang sa ya ang ya mga
kilinahanglnon. Let him have on credit
whatever he needs, (cf. patang,
bong, On the windward side, not under
the lee, open or exposed to the wind; to be
or become exposed to the wind, etc. Ang
kon hult bong sa amhan. My room is
open to the north wind. Ginaabngan sang
habgat ang mon kaln-an. Our
refectory or dining-room is exposed to the
south wind. Sdto nay nalpdan sang
kawyan ang kon kwrto, pang karn,
kay nataps na ang kawyan, nagbong
sa hngin. Formerly my room was
sheltered behind bamboos, but now that
the bamboos are cut down, it has become
exposed to the wind, (cf. mbiopen to the
rain; abansda).
abngho, Anger, exasperation; to be or
get angry, exasperated, excited. May
abngho or nagaabngho si Fulno. N. N.
is angry.
abno, (Sp. abono) Manure, fertilizer; to
manure. Abonhi ang um. Manure the

abordo abt-but
field. Ipaabno ko sa mo ang kon um,
kon makasugtnay kit sa nahanungd
sang ishol ko sa mo. Ill let you manure
my field, if we can come to an agreement as
to how much I have to pay you in wages,
(cf. lambn).
abordo, (Sp. aburrido) Worried, vexed,
uneasy, disturbed, upset; to be,
become, worried, etc. Tungd sin gn
nagabordo ak. Just on that account I got
upset. Ginpaabordo ak sinng kasb.
That lawsuit worries me. Nagpaabordo si
sa kon. He vexed or worried me. (cf.
palibg, palntong sang lo).
abrto, (Sp. abrto) Abortion,
miscarriage; monster. (cf. hr-as).
aby, Bent, curved, warped; to bend, to
curve, to warp, kink. Ang mga
manuglagar nagalagr sang khoy son
sang ya aby. The sawyers are sawing the
tree according to its curve. Nagaaby ang
kalt, ang mga solras, ang bnk, etc.
The rope is kinked, the floor beams are
warped, the bench is sagging in the middle,
etc. Butang ang bnk sing duh pa ka til
sa tung, agd nga ind magaby. Add
two legs to the middle of the bench, so that
it may not sag or bend. (cf. tboy, ly-on).
aby-aby, (B) Dim. of aby: Also A
primitive cradle or hammock made of a
blanket, an old skirt or the like. Ang bt
nagakatulg sa aby-aby. The baby is
sleeping in the make-shift hammock. (cf.
dyan, duyn-dyan).
abyon, (B) Abyon without prefix is not
in use; paabyon is employed in the sense
of: To accede to ones wish, do ones
bidding, let one have his will or way.
Paaboyni si. Let him have his will. Let
him do as he may see fit. Let him please
himself. Ipaabyon ko lang sa mo inng
mga sging nga ginapangy mo. Ill let
you have these bananas you ask for.
abrasta, To hug, clasp, take, in
ones arms. Nagaabrasitahy sil. They
are walking arm in arm. (cf. haks, pgus,
abrso, (Sp. abrazo) Embrace, clasping,
hugging; to embrace, clasp, hug, press to
ones bosom. Sang pagabt nya sa balay
ginabrashan si sang ya nga ily. When
he arrived home, his mother clasped him to
her bosom. Ind si magpaabrso. She
does not allow herself to be embraced.
Nagabrasohy sil. They embraced each
other. (cf. haks, pgus).
bri, (Sp. abrir) To unlock, unfasten, open;
to begin, commence, said of schools,
classes, sessions, meetings, etc. Abrihi ang
purta, ang bintn, etc. Open the door,
the window, etc. Naabrihn na ang mga
klse. Classes have commenced. Ang
makwat wal makabri sang kha. The
thief could not unlock, open, the safe.
Kon wal ka sing ybi nga ikabri sa
ganhan, bingkal na lang. If you have no

Visayan-English Dictionary
key that can unlock the door, simply burst
the door in. (cf. buks).
abrigna, (Sp. abrir, gana) Stimulant,
appetizer, hors doeuvre, anything taken
before a meal to whet the appetite.
abrgo, (Sp. abrigo) Shawl; to use a shawl,
etc. Abrighi si. Put a shawl on her, cover
her with a shawl. Ang mga babye,
nagapangabrgo. Women wear shawls. (cf.
ably, knop).
abrl, (Sp. abril) April. (cf. Kilng).
abriltas, (Sp. abrir, latas) Can-opener,
abrista, See abrasta.
absolbr, (Sp. absolver) To absolve,
acquit, declare free. A, kon am in, nd
ak makaabsolbr sa mo. Oh, if that is so,
I cannot absolve you. Absolbeh si.
Absolve him. Give him absolution. (cf.
patwad, lus, pasylo).
absolusyn, (Sp. absolucin)
Absolution, acquittal. (cf. pagpatwad,
absulto, (Sp. absuelto) Absolved,
acquitted, declared free. Also used as a
verb. Ginabsueltohn si sang hukm. He
was acquitted by the judge. (cf. pinatwad,
luws, lus).
absrdo, (Sp. absurdo) Absurdity,
nonsense: absurd, nonsensical, foolish. (cf.
pagkabang, purikot, waly syod;
binang, linko, tinnto).
btan, For abutn from abtto arrive.
btik, Dexterity, adroitness, skill,
quickness, expertness in invention or
execution; to be or become expert, adroit,
dexterous, skillful. Bisn pa gn ang
bndul nga to kon maghnas sing may
kapsan magabtik. Even a slow man, if he
practises diligently, will become dexterous.
Abtik ang pagsult. Try to write quickly.
Naabtikn gid ak sang iya nga pagtah. I
was much impressed by her skill at sewing.
bud, A plant with medicinal properties.
abd, (B) Hem, edge; to hem, or edge
garments by doubling and sewing. Abdi
ang kamista ko or butangn mo sing
abd ang kon kamista. Hem my shirt.
(cf. sidsid, pil, pod, dble).
abula, (Sp. abuela) Grandmother. (cf.
lang, yang, way, bay).
abulo, (Sp. abuelo) Grandfather. (cf.
lang, yong, lak).
abkan, A kind of sea-shell. (cf.
pakinhson, bskay, mngay, sigy, bli,
lamprong, tipy, bdyong).
abkay, To ruffle, rumple, disturb the
surface of; to rummage. (cf. balkhay,
abnda, (Sp. abundar, abundante)
Abundant, plentiful, amply sufficient, more
than enough, enough and to spare,
abounding; to abound, be abundant, etc.
Abnda na or nagaabnda na ang humy.
There is plenty of rice now. Naabundahn
na kit sang ton pangabh. We have

now plenty to live upon. Mawat karn ang

sd, pang magaabnda man liwn
kunna. Fish is now scarce, but it will be
plentiful again. (cf. bugn, dagy,
dags, ya, ya).
bung, abng, To intercept, stop, catch
(by crossing ones way, or the like).
Pinaabngan (Pinaabungn) sil nya sa
mga to. He had them caught by his men.
He ordered his men to catch them. (cf.
dakp, lipt, bngan).
abusr, (Sp. abusar) Misuse, abuse; to
misuse, abuse. Nagabusr si sang
kalwan sang ya t. She abused the
generosity of her aunt. Ayw pagabusah
ang ya kayo. For Gods sake, dont abuse
her goodness. Ginabusahn nla ang ya
kallot. They took advantage of his
abso, (Sp. abuso) Abuse, wrong-doing,
impropriety, reprehensible conduct, bad
custom; to abuse, beguile, cheat, misuse. A,
abso gid in. Oh, that is a bad custom. Ah,
that is very improper. Dl mo
pagabushan ang mo isigkato. Dont
cheat your fellow-man.
abt, To arrive, come to, reach, to appear
on the scene. Sn-o pa ikw magabt?
When did you arrive? Sn-o ikw
magaabt? When will you come? Abutan
ko ikw karn sa mo balay. I will come to
see you presently at your home. Inabutn
si sing dak nga kahdluk. Great fear
came over him. An ang ginapaabt mo?
What are you waiting for? Paabutn ta pa
ang koryo kag ugling magpal. Let us
wait for the mail to come in and then go
home. Maglakt ka na sing madsig, agd
makaabt pa ikw ddto sa napt-ud nga
tkn. Now, walk quickly, that you may
reach there at the appointed hour.
but, To reach, come up with, overtake,
catch up with. Abton ko ikw karn. I
shall soon overtake you. Dalgan ka, agd
dl ka mabut kag sungyon sang
karabw nga simarn. Run, lest the wild
buffalo should catch and toss you. Bs
mabut mo pa si sa dlan. Possibly you
may overtake him yet on the road. Nagabt
gid si, pang wal makabut sang misa.
He arrived, indeed, but too late for hearing
Mass. (Literally: , but he could not
reach Mass).
abt-abt, Freq. of abt. Also: Following
one another in quick succession, (cf. abkabk).
abt-but, Freq. of but. To come and
go, pass off and on; to come within reach,
to reach nearly, but not quite. Nagaabtbut sa ya ang balatan. The disease
attacks him periodically or in frequent fits.
Ang knding ginaabt-but na sang id
nga nagalags. The goat is being nearly
caught up to by the pursuing dog. Ang tub nagaabt-but dir sinng baybyon
tbtub sa tungtng sin nga bgsok.

Visayan-English Dictionary
The high tide on this beach usually rises to
about the middle of that post.
bw, To make or scramble for, gather,
collect, lay up. See hbw id.
byan, See bian id.
abyasin, (Sp. aviacin) Aviation,
aeronautics. (cf. lupd).
abyrto, byog, abyogn, See
abirto, biog, abiogn.
da, (Sp. hda) Fairy.
ad-da, To receive in trust, to acquire
with the prospect of ultimate ownership, to
have some property provisionally settled on
oneself during the lifetime of the testator
(especially applied to lands distributed to
their children by parents with the
stipulation that the parents retain the
ownership as long as they live, and may at
any time change the previous
arrangement). Nagaad-da si sinng (or
ginaad-da nya in nga) bntud
smtang (mintras) buh ang ya
giniknan. This enclosed field is in his
possession or administration during the
lifetime of his parent (with the promise of
ultimate ownership after the death of his
parent). Ginpaad-adahn nya ang ya
mga ank sing mga dt. He distributed
some lands among his children.
d-ad, To cut in thin slices, to slice with a
frame-set knife. Ad-ad ang kamti. Slice
the sweet potato. Id-ad ak nay sinng
mga pattas. Kindly slice these potatoes
for me.
d-ad, To reject food, slobber, slubber,
drivel, slaver, let food slowly flow from the
mouth (as babies often do). Ind mo
pagadadn ang kn-on. Do not slobber
your food. Ind mo pagadadn ang sging.
Dont slobber and spit out, the banana.
d-ad, To gossip, divulge or let out
secrets, give full rein to the tongue. Ind mo
pagad-adn ang mga ting sang mo
isigkato. Dont let out your neighbours
ad-adn, A slicer, a frame-set knife for
slicing potatoes, radishes, tomatoes and the
like, (d-ad).
adrna, A singing bird. (Perhaps from the
Sp. alndralark).
dat, Acridity, pungency, sharpness,
bitterness; to be or become sour, sharp,
bitter, hot, biting, acid, pungent, acrid. Ang
nagakon sing bnga nga lnghod sang
kabgaw maadtan. He who eats unripe
fruit of a pomelo tree will find it very bitter.
Ang sabr sinng kabgaw nagpadat
sang kon dl. The taste of this pomelo
was like acid on my tongue. Naadtan ang
tutnlan ko. I feel a biting in my throat.
(rat id.).
adbert, adbertr, (Sp. advertir) To
advise, give warning, instruct, give notice,
call attention to. Adbertih si sin. Bring
it to his notice. Notify him about it. Call his
attention to it. Ginadbert nya ak

bw ga
nga. He sent me word that. He
advised me to. (cf. tngga, tngkaw,
palam, pahibal, abso, paabso).
adelantdo, (Sp. adelantado)
Progressive, advanced, modern; fast (of a
watch). (cf. mainuswagn, matn-ad;
adelantr, (Sp. adelantar) To promote,
ameliorate, introduce progressive methods
or modern inventions; to advance, put on.
Adelantah ak nay sing kwrta.
Advance me some money. Paadelantah
ang taknan (relh) sing napl ka
minuto. Put on the clock ten minutes. Kon
magadelantr ikw sa kon sing napl
ka mngmang magakosinro mo ak. If
you advance me ten pesos I am willing to
become your cook.
adlpa, (Sp. adelfa) The rose-bay,
adems, (Sp. ademas) Moreover, further,
besides. (cf. lbut pa, kapn pa).
dgaw, A tree, whose leaves and flowers
are supposed to possess cough-curing
ad, Give me. Hand me. Let me have a
look. Ad, tan-awn ko. Bring it here, Ill
have a look at it. Ad, kon in. Hand that
to me, it is mine. Ad ang lpis sang kon
tod. Give me my brothers pencil. (ad is
probably a contraction of dlha
dirBring it here).
adkdik, Dandruff, scurf, scurfiness.
adikdikn, Full of dandruff, scurfy, one
affected with dandruff.
adng, A term of endearment used in
addressing that class of effeminates known
as ag: Deary! My dear!
ading, A large ship; the ark (of Noe).
adis, (Sp. adios) God bless you. God
speed you. Good-bye. Farewell. Also used
as a verb, mostly with pa. Nagpaadis
si sa kon or ginpaadiosn nya ak. He
bade me good-bye. Ihtag mo in sa ya
nga ipaadis ko sa ya. Give him this from
me as a farewell keepsake. (cf. palam).
adisyn, (Sp. adicion) Addition,
extension, increase. (cf. sma, dgang).
dlaw, Sun; day; daylight; to be or
become daylight; to pass or spend a day.
Nagabtlak na ang dlaw. The sun is
rising. Adlaw na; lakt kit. Its daylight
now; let us go. Kon magdlaw (umdlaw)
na, pagadaynon ta ang ton paglakt.
When daylight appears, we will continue
our march. Sa suld sang duh ukn ttlo
ka dlaw mapamanl ak. Within two or
three days Ill depart for Manila.
Naadlawn kit ddto. We passed a full
day there. Naduhan kit ka dlaw ddto.
We spent two days there. Sa dlaw nga
Mirkoles. On Wednesday. Sang naglgad
nga dlaw nga Mirkoles. Last
Wednesday. Mayo nga dlaw. Good day.
Good morning. Adlaw nga inugpusa kag
inugpamud sa krne. A day of fasting and

abstinence. Sang is sin nga mga dlaw

nga naglil-gad. One of these last
days. Sa tann nga dlaw. Every
adlw-dlaw or adlwdlaw, Daily,
every day.
adlwon, Full daylight after sunrise.
Adlwon na, bngon kam. Its full day,
rise. Its bright daylight. Get up.
administrasyn, (Sp. administracin)
Administration, management. (cf.
dulumalhan, talatapn).
d, (B) To caress, fondle, pet, play with.
(cf. dl, l).
d, (H) To shake, swing, brandish,
flourish (a weapon, or the like). (cf.
barumbda, tsay).
adbi, (Sp. adobe) Mud-bricks, sun-dried
bricks, adobe.
adbo, (Sp. adobo) A dish of meat cut up
or sliced and mixed with vinegar and
various spices; to make or serve adbo.
Adobha ang bboy. Work the pork up
into adbo. Bkli ak sing krne, kay
adobhon ko sa panyga. Buy me some
meat, for I am going to prepare from it a
dish of adbo for dinner. Anhon mo inng
krne?Adobhon ko. What are you going
to do with this meat?I am going to make
adbo of it. Adobhi ang mga bista. Treat
the visitors to a dish of adbo. Makahbalo
ka magadbo? Do you know how to
prepare adbo? Anhon mo inng
lnggaw?Iadbo ko sa krne. What are
you using this vinegar for?I am going to
use it for a dish of adbo.
addos, To glide, slide, slip down. (cf.
dhog; dals-us, alg-og).
adorasyn, (Sp. adoracion) Adoration,
worship. (cf. pagsmba sa Dis).
adrno, (Sp. adorno) Adornment,
ornamentation, decoration, embellishment;
to ornament, adorn, embellish, decorate.
Butang sing mga adrno ang simbhan
or adornoh ang simbhan. Decorate the
church. Inng pngpung nga blak
iadrno ko sa tulungtngan sa tung sang
balatonn. With this bunch of flowers Ill
adorn the table in the middle of the
reception-room. (cf. pun).
dtang, The forehead. (cf. gtang).
dto, That, that there; it is there. Ang dto
ddto. The one that is there. Adto ang mo
kl. There is your hat. Ang mo kl dto
ddto. Your hat is over there. (cf. ydto,
aduna, (Sp. aduana) Custom-house;
customs-duty, toll, tax, import duty.
adudlay, A large earth-worm, dewworm (larger in size than the lalgo).
dy, A contr. of tardyonirascible,
irritable, getting angry on the slightest
provocation. (cf. pikn).
ga, Morning, from near sunrise to midday; to be or become morning. Kana sang
ga. This morning. Bus sa ga.

ag-ga gay
Tomorrow morning. Kon magga or
umga na. When morning
comes. Duhdha gid kon
maagahn pa ang masakt. It is very
doubtful, whether the sick person (man,
woman or child) will live until tomorrow
morning. Naagahn kam sa alipokpokn
sang bkid. By morning we were on the top
of the mountain. Mayong ga. Good
morning. Mapaga ak anay kag ugling
malakt. Ill wait till morning and then
start. Naagahn sil sang kinnta, sinut,
panah, lags sa makwat, etc. They sang,
danced, sewed, pursued the thief, etc. the
whole night through till morning.
ag-ga, Every morning, regularly in the
morning. Ag-ga or sa ag-ga makt
mo si sa ya sulultan. Each morning you
will find him at his writing desk.
ag-ga, Of a morning, every morning.
(cf. agag, agahn).
ag-ag, Rather late in the morning. (cf.
hapnhapnrather late in the evening).
gad, To serve, especially applied to
prospective husbands serving for their
betrothed. Nagapanggad na si ddto. He
is serving there for his betrothed. May
batsan sil nga ang mga lalki
manggad or magpanggad sa baly
sang la pangasw-on (nga la pangaswan). They have the custom that the men
should serve in the house of their intended
wives (of their future parents-in-law). The
Freq. panggad is mostly used; gad
without the prefix pang occurs in
agd, Notwithstanding, in spite of, still,
but yet, contrary to what one would expect,
in defiance of all one would be led to
believe. Nagpaninguh si gid sa
pagmnggad, agd namsmus si. He
made great efforts to get rich, and yet he
became very poor. Agd ginamlign ko
ang kon pagtikng sa madnlug nga
dlan, tapt gn nakadpyas ak.
Although I carefully picked my steps on the
slippery road, yet I slipped. Agd
ginahingabt ang Snta Iglesia sang ya
mga kaway, tapt gn nagadgang ang
mga tumulo. In spite of the fact that Holy
Church is being persecuted by her enemies,
her faithful adherents increase. Agd
nahlug ak. In spite of all I fell down.
Agd napaty si! Yet he died! Who would
have thought that he would die! (cf. tapt,
agd-gad, Freq. of gad. Also: To wait
for, expect. Ind ka magdgay dir, kay
agd-agdon ko ikw sing ditay nga
oras lmang. Dont tarry there long, for I
will wait for you only a short while. (cf.
angn-angn, hult).
g-ag, To separate, cull, pick, weed out.
Ag-ag ang mga bat sa bals. Pick out
the stones from among the sand. Ag-agi
ang saburn sang hilamn. Weed out the
grass from the plot of rice-seedlings. Ig-

Visayan-English Dictionary
ag ak nay sang mga hot sa humy.
Please gather the empty ears from among
the rice-grains. Inag-agn mo na sang
mga lnsang ang sinapyo? Have you
picked out the nails from among the
agahn, Morning tuba or palm-wine
collected from the coconut-palms in the
morning. (cf. haponntuba gathered in
the afternoon or evening).
agahn, Morning-, what is done, or takes
place, in the morning. (cf. ga).
agk, Cock, rooster. (cf. sulg, mank;
sumalyhawa young cock).
gak, To support, help along invalids or
sick persons, etc.; to help, assist, succour in
straits or difficulties. Agka si. Help him
along. Ipagak si sa mo sologon. Let
your servant lend him support. Order your
servant to help him along. Ginagak sil
sang la mga byan. They are being helped
along in life by their friends. Agkon ko si
sa pagtabk sa sub. I will lead him by the
hand whilst crossing the river. (cf. aguby,
tytoy, blig, tbang).
agk, Also: a coward, poltroon, etc. See
matlaw, talawn.
agk-ak, A squawk, shriek, squeal, an
outcry (as of a cock when caught, or the
like); to squawk, etc. (cf. tingak, iygak,
aglon, Lord, master, employer, boss, (cf.
agm, To cope with, be able to perform or
accomplish, to manage. Agamn ko gid
inng trabho. I will readily undertake to
perform this work. Makaagm ikw sin?
Can you cope with that? Can you manage
that? (cf. gap).
agm-agm, Dim. and Freq. of agm.
Also: to take a firm hold of, do (handle,
manage) well (carefully).
gao, To seize, take by force, usurp,
snatch away from another. Ind mo
pagagwon ang ya sang ibn. Do not
take what belongs to another. Gingaw
nla ang ya dt. They took the land away
from him by force. Inagwan ak nla
sang kon bntud nga ddto sa baklod.
They seized my plot of enclosed farmland
there on the hill. Agwa sa ya ang
binngon. Snatch the bolo away from him.
Ang mga bt nagaingaw sang tinpay.
The children are fighting or scrambling for
the bread. Tabga inng id nga malyag
maggaw sang bboy sa bt. Drive off
this dog that wants to snatch away the pork
from the child. Ingaw nga hyup, bt,
etc. Stolen cattle, a kidnapped baby, etc.
gao, Prepossessing, charming,
captivating, attractive and hence having
many admirers, clients or customers, being
much sought after or resorted to. Agao nga
dalga, magtoton, manugblong,
buluthan, etc. A charming young lady, a
favourite teacher, a doctor much in request,

a school or college that attracts many

pupils, etc.
gap, To cope with, manage, be able to
perform or accomplish. Agpon mo lang
in. Do your best to cope with it. Try to
accomplish it. (cf. agm, gahs).
agp, To rise early, be early at work, to do
early in the morning, anticipate. Agap ang
pagardo. Be early at the ploughing. Rise
early in the morning for the ploughing.
Agap ang pagbhat sin. Do it early in
the morning. Ginaagapn nila ang
pagpangt sing mga tuln-an, bisn
madgay pa ang pagbuks sang mga
buluthan. They are already looking for
books, though the opening of the schools is
still a long while off. (cf. pamka).
agp, Also: Early, premature, too soon,
untimely. Agp nga kamatyon.
Premature (untimely) death. (cf. lb-as,
hilw, hinl, kuys).
ags, Petroleum, kerosene. (cf. gas id.).
gas, To close, heal, form scabs (said of
small-pox, measles and other diseases
affecting the skin). Ang but nagagas na.
The small-pox is forming scabs, is slowly
healing. Ginaagsan na ang bt sang
tpgas (tpdas, tgpas), but, etc. The child
is now recovering from measles, small-pox,
ags-ags, A kind of grasshopper, (cf.
ags-gas, Dim. of gas. To begin
healing, start to form scabs, be on the way
to recovery.
gaw, See gao.
agw, Usurper; one who takes (or is
accustomed to take) things by force;
highhanded, overbearing, violent. (cf.
agw-agawn, What is to be or should
be snatched from or saved at once. Sang
pagabt nmon ddto wal na si sing
pangalibtan kag agwagawn gid si.
When we arrived there he was already
unconscious and it was high time for us to
try to save him. (cf. gaw, hingagawn,
gay, To trickle, dribble, run down in
drops, flow slowly and gently. Nagagay
ang mapat nya nga lh kag nagatl sa
ya kamt. Her bitter tears are trickling
down and dropping on her hand. Inng
kalisd nagpagay sang ya mga lh.
That trouble brought tears into her eyes.
Ang masakit nga bt ginapaagyan sing
madm nga mga lh sang ya ily. The
sick child is being much wept over by its
mother. Nagbswang na ang ya hubg
kag naggay ang nn. His boil burst and
the pus flowed out. Nagpangabdlay si
sing tm sa nit nga ang masulg nga
blhas naggay sa tann nga mga
buhbh sang ya pnit. He worked very
hard in the heat of the sun, so that streams
of perspiration poured from all the pores of

Visayan-English Dictionary
his skin. (cf. tubd, tl, talabirs,
tululgay, lig).
agy-ay, Decomposition, rottenness,
decay, blight, produced by the action of
small worms, vermin, insects, parasites
(both vegetable and animal), the decayed
parts frequently being turned into powder.
Also used as a verb. May agy-ay or
ginaagy-ay ang khoy, bugs, tp,
salg, etc. The wood, rice, board,
floor, is worm-eaten. Igtong na lang
ang inagy-ay nga khoy. Use the wormeaten timber for firewood. Ang kadis
inagay-ayn na man. The black peas have
also become infested with blight.
gb, Dumb, mum, silent, taciturn
(applied to persons who habitually talk
little, and rarely allow themselves to be
drawn into a conversation, but particularly
said of those, who on being questioned or
asked an explanation keep a sullen or
stubborn silence). Agb nga to. A very
taciturn man. Inng bat gb gid. This is
a very stubborn child from whom it is
difficult to get an answer to questions.
Kagb sa mo. How stubborn you are!
Have you lost your tongue! Ind ka
magingb or magpakagb. Dont
pretend to be deaf and dumb. Dont act as if
you could not speak. (N.B. gb is related
to ap, but in speaking of persons afflicted
with dumbness ap only is used and
never gb).
gbat, To follow, go after. (cf. bat).
gbaw, Dismay, alarm, terror,
consternation; something that inspires fear
or creates a panic; fearful, terrific. (cf.
gbay, To put ones arms on or round
anothers shoulder. Nagalakt sil nga
nagaagbaynay. They are walking with
their arms round each others shoulders.
Agbay si. Place your arm on his shoulder.
Ind ka maggbay sa ya. Dont put your
arm on his or her shoulder. Paagbayn mo
ang masakt. Let the sick person put his
arm on your shoulder. Sa dak nga
kakhas naggbay si sa kay Fulna,
apang dyon si nya sinmbag kag
sinkway. With great boldness he put his
arm on Miss N.N.s shoulder, but
immediately he received a slap from her
and was repulsed with contempt.
gbon, (H) Fine ashes, cigar-ash; to be
converted into ashes. Ang kon abno
naggbon na. My cigar is converted into
ashes. Pil ka abno ang ginagbon mo sa
is ka dlaw? How many cigars do you
convert into ashes in the course of one day?
(cf. ab).
gboy, A kind of tree with leaves spotted
with green and white.
gda, To invite, to ask or request ones
presence. Agdah si. Invite him. Gingda
mo na ang tann mo nga mga byan?
Have you invited all your friends? Ang ton
pista pagaagdahn ko sing madm nga

agy-ay agnya
mga Pr. I shall invite many priests to
assist at our feast. I shall request the
presence of many priests at our feast. Ari
na ang mga ingda. The invited guests are
now here. Nalipatn nya sa paggda
snday Pedro. Paagdahn ko si sa la or
ipagda ko sil sa ya. He forgot to invite
Peter and his friends or Peter and his
family. Ill make him invite them. Padlhan
ko si kuntn sing sult nga igda ko sa
ya, pang wal gn ak kasyod kon
din si nagapuy karn. I should like to
send him a letter of invitation, but I do not
know where he is staying at present. (cf.
abir, hgad, kngay.)
gdan, gdang, Useful, serviceable, of
use, worth something, capable, reliable. (cf.
gud, puls, ywat, yd).
gdaw, A kind of tree. See dgaw.
gday, Slowness, weakness, laziness; to
do slowly,leisurely,lazily, to be slow at
work, dilatory in execution, dull of
understanding. An ang ginagday mo?
Why do you work so slowly? Ind ka
maggday sa pagbra or ind mo
pagagdayn ang pagbra. Dont be lazy at
work. (cf. hnay, lgway, lgday,
lamnday, luy, bndol, pkok).
agdayn, Slow, lazy; dull, stupid, slow of
understanding. Agdayn si sa pagton sa
paghmbal sing iningls. He is slow in
learning to speak English. (cf. mahnay,
malagway, etc.).
gdom, A kind of shrub with rather dark
leaves. Hence: to darken, be or become
dark. Naggdom ang ya guy, kay
nagasngon. His face is darkening, for he
is angry. Nagpagdom si sang ya guy.
He darkened his face to the colour of
gdom. He glowered.
agu, geu. Fine soot, smoke blacks,
lampblack. (cf. agy, gyu, id.).
agw, gew, See agu, geu, id.
gh, A small tree much used for fences.
ghon, Compass, mariners compass.
ag, Soft, effeminate, not manly, said of
men with feminine voice and manners,
gi, Passage, trace, incident, event; to go
by, pass by, pass through. Ang mga gi kag
biln sang sal. The traces and remains of
sin. Ang mga gi sang ya kabh. The
incidents of his life. Kon maggi ka dir,
hapti kam. If you pass this way, visit us.
Ind ka makagi dir, kay nakodaln ang
um. You cannot pass through there, for
the field is fenced in. Ang dlan nga la
gingyan (ginaghan). The road over
which they passed. Igi ak sinng tulnan sa kay Fulno. Kindly hand this book
over to N.N. in passing. Bus gyon ko
ikw. Tomorrow Ill call for you in passing
(and take you along). Bus gyan ko ikw.
Tomorrow Ill visit you on my way.
Pagyon mo kam sa mo um. Let us pass
through your field. Dl mo pagpagyan sa
la ang ton um. Dont allow them to pass

through our field. Wal pa ak kagi

(makagi) ddto. I have never been there
yet, I have had no occasion to pass that
way, I have not seen or passed that place at
ag-gi, Passing, transitory, transient,
going by or through occasionally; to pass by
occasionally, to visit now and then.
ag-g, Dim. of ag. A little effeminate,
ag-agin, See the foregoing ag-g.
agd-gid, Similar, like, resembling; to
resemble, to be like or similar. Nagaagdgid sil sing pamatsan. They resemble
each other in their ways or behaviour.
Agid-agda sil, kon nagaparho ang la
dgway. Compare them to see, whether
their shape is the same. Inng baly, agdgid sa mon. This house is something like
ours. (cf. nggid, anggd-nggid).
agigsil, The temple (of the head). (cf.
agigsing, The temple, the part of the
head between the ear and forehead. (cf.
aghis, A kind of small shell-fish.
agl, Small, undersized, stunted. See aglagl.
gila, (Sp. guila) Eagle.
agl-agl, Stunted in growth, undersized,
lean and weak; to become stunted, etc.
Agl-agl nga to. An undersized person.
Nagagl-agl si sa balatan. He became
stunted through illness. (cf. ar-ar).
agl-agiln, Stunted, kept back or
checked in growth, underdeveloped.
aginldo, (Sp. aguinaldo) Christmas box,
Christmas present; Msas de Aguinldo
Solemn Votive-Masses celebrated early in
the morning from the 16th. to the 24th. of
agip, A firebrand, a partly burning or
smouldering piece of wood.
agron, A kind of tall grass with sharpedged blades.
ags-is, The mange, scab or itch of dogs
and other domestic animals.
agis-isn, Mangy, scabby, itchy;
pertaining to the mange called ags-is.
agsod, To follow one after another, to
succeed regularly. Agisda (-ra) or
iagsod ang mo mga buluhatn. Perform
your tasks one after another. Do your
various duties in regular order. Paagisda
(-ra) ang mga bt. Make the children
follow in line, one behind the other. (cf.
sund, dasn, abk-abk. N.B. The plural
form alagsod is more in use).
glot, A harsh sound of creaking or
grating; to creak, to grate. Ang bals
nagaglot sa ng[pon. Sand grates on the
teeth. Ang bals nagapaglot sang
ngpon. Sand makes the teeth grate. (cf.
grot id.).
agnya, A kind of vine and its stem used
for binding purposes and wickerwork.

agogling gud
agogling, The humble-bee or bumblebee.
agho, A kind of tree.
agohs, Shunning work, avoiding labour,
lazy, slothful; to be or become lazy, slothful,
indolent, averse to work. Mostly used with
pa- in the meaning of: to shirk or avoid
work, to perform lazily. Ind ka
magpaagohs sang pangabdlay or ind
mo pagpaagohosn ang pagpangabdlay.
Dont be lazy or indolent at your work.
Dont work lazily. Ang mga matmad
nagapaagohs sang pangabdlay. Lazy
people are averse to hard work. (cf. tmad,
amd, gol).
agk-ok, A plant, whose tender shoots
are edible.
gol, Lazy, indolent, slothful; to be lazy,
indolent, slothful. Ind ka maggol. Dont
be lazy. Ind mo pagaglan ang pagtman
sang mo mga katungdnan. Dont be
indolent in the performance of your duties.
agl-agl, Dim. of gol. A little lazy,
somewhat indolent. Agl-agl nga to. A
rather lazy fellow. Inng kalyo agl-agl
lng. This fire burns dull,does not burn
agoln, Lazy, indolent.
agng, A trickster, sneak, cheat, thief in a
small way; to trick, cheat, deceive, obtain
under some plausible pretext. Ginagng
nya ang kon pyong. He deprived me of
my umbrella by a mean trick. Agong ang
ya kl or agongi si sang ya kl. Get
hold of his hat by some stratagem. Likaw
ang mga agng kag makwat. Avoid
sneaks and thieves. (cf. dy, lmbong,
tkas, takb, kwt, lg-it).
gong, A native drum, gong, soundingplate.
agonas, (Sp. agonia) Agony, deathstruggle, death-rattle; knell, death-bell,
passing-bell; to knell, toll the bell. Sin-o
ang ginaagonisan? Whom is the passingbell ringing for? Paagonisi si. Have the
passing-bell rung for him.
agonisr, (Sp. agonizar) To agonize,
struggle between life and death, to be in the
death-agony. Ang nabadlisn kag nabiatikohn kana nagaagonisr na, kon.
They say, that the one who received
Extreme Unction and Viaticum a short
while ago is now in his agony.
agp-op, Mouldiness, mustiness, mould.
Also used as a verb. Inng tinpay may
agp-op or ginaagp-op. This bread is
mouldy. Ind ak kayon sang tinpay
nga inagp-op or inagop-opn. I do not
like to eat musty or mouldy bread. Ind mo
pagpaagp-opn ang tinpay, kn-on,
dlse, etc. Do not let the bread, rice,
sweetmeats, etc. become mildewed or
agp-opn, Musty, mouldy, mildewy,

Visayan-English Dictionary
ags-os, A kind of snail similar to
tamburuk and tibtbo.
agsto, (Sp. agosto) August. (cf.
agy, An exclamation of pain and
suffering. Agy, kasakt sinng hubg ko.
Oh, dear me. Oh, the pain of this boil of
mine! Agy, daw sa dl na ak makabats
sinng kahpd. Oh, dear, I can hardly
stand this pain any longer. (cf. aragy).
agoykoy, A small crab living in holes in
the sand on the beach.
gpang, A hank of yarn or thread. Also
used as a verb. Agpang ang binlung nga
blak sang blak. Make up the spun cotton
into hanks. Bunng nga ingpang. Yarn in
hanks, yarn by the hank. (cf. labg).
agrikultr, (Sp. agricultor) Farmer,
husbandman. (cf. mangungma).
agrikultra, (Sp. agricultura) Farming,
agriculture. (cf. pangma).
agrimensr, (Sp. agrimensor) Landsurveyor.
agronomsta, (Sp. agrnomo) A writer
on agriculture; rural inspector or overseer;
husbandman, farmer. (cf. mangungma).
grot, See glot id. Even in Hiligynon
grot seems to be more commonly used
than glot.
agrt, A boaster, braggart, exaggerator;
boasting, bragging, exaggerating talk.
Agrt gid si; laks na man ang agrt nga
ya singid. He is a great braggart; his
exaggerations are really too much. Ind ka
magsgid sang mo agrt. Dont boast.
Dont tire other people with your boastful
talk. (cf. br, hkal, hdak, hmbug,
wkal, etc.).
gsa, To work anothers fields for part of
the produce. Agsa ko lang inng um. I
work this farm only as a tenant. Sn-o ang
ginaagsahn mo? Who is the owner of
your leasehold? Ang agsadr ko am ang
nagagsa sang kon dt. My tenant is
the one who works my farm. Ginapagsa
nya ang ya dt sa is ka salalgan nga
agsadr. He let his land on lease to a
trustworthy tenant. Kon may lyag ka
ipagsa ko sa mo ang kon um. If you
like, Ill let you have my farm in tenure by
lease. Agsah si. Become his tenant. Take
his land in tenure by lease. Take some of
his land on lease.
agsadr, The one to whom a field is let or
leased for part of the produce, a lessee,
tenant, leaseholder.
gsap, To chip, trim, dress, hew,
wood by cutting or splitting off small
pieces. Agsap ang khoy. Dress the wood
by chipping. Ingsap nga khoy. A chip,
splinter, of wood. Ang mga ingsap sang
kawyan ginapamak sa kalyo.
Bamboo-trimmings are useful for lightning
or kindling a fire. Igsap ak nay sinng
khoy. Please trim this piece of wood for
me. Nagtnl na ang inagsapn nga

halgi. The post that was trimmed has

become smooth. Paagsap ang pnday
sinng halgi. Let the carpenter trim this
post. (cf. spsap).
gsik, To fly off, scatter, spray, splash,
bespatter. Sang pagb-al ko sang khoy
ang mga ingsap naggsik sa malay.
When I split the wood, the chips flew to a
distance. Naagsikn ak sang lnang. I
got bespattered with mud. Ind ka
magpalapt dir, kay bs maagsikn ka
sing binlbig nga bat. Dont go near there,
for you may be hit by a flying piece of stone.
Paagsik ang bat. Let the stone-chips fly.
(cf. sang, sik, pok, lsik).
gt, Blackish, black, negro-black. Abw,
dw gt ang bt. Oh, the child is as
black as a negro. Din ka man maggt?
Where did you become so black? Naagtan
gid ak sinng ti. I consider this Negrito
very black. (cf. ta, id.).
gtang, (H) The forehead, brow, front.
(cf. dah id.).
gt, (B) To go to, etc. See kdto id.
gto, (B) See gtto go to, etc. (cf.
aguhi, (Sp. aguaje) Tidal wave; the wake
of a ship; sea current, stream; impetus,
impetuosity, vehemence; to gather force,
increase, augment. Nagaaguhi pa ang
hblag ni Fulno. N.N.s movement
(agitation, scheme, policy) is still gathering
agubraw, A common shrub, whose
leaves are made use of to keep off or drive
away bugs.
aguby, To support, guide, help along
persons who cannot walk well by
themselves; to assist people in their
necessities. Agubay inng ping. Help
along this lame person. Iaguby ak nay
sinng masakt nga bat. Please support
this sick child for me. Ipaaguby ko lang
inng makalol-oy nga tiglang sa mga
mdre. Ill get the nuns to take care of this
poor old man. Makaaguby ka sa ya? Can
you help him along? Ginaguby nmon
si, kay malya si maglakt. We helped
him along, as he had little strength to walk.
agd, That, in order that, so that; agd
nd or agd dllest, in order that not.
Magton kam, agd maglam. Study,
that you may become learned. Basha ang
tuln-an sing matalupngdon, agd mo
masyran ang ginabsa mo. Read the
book with attention, in order that you may
understand what you read. Kpti ang
alobybay, agd nd ka mahlog. Keep
hold of the handrail, lest you should fall
down. Amlig ang pagdal mo sinng bso,
agd dl mabong. Carry this glass with
care, in order that it may not break. N.B.
The particle nga is frequently added to
agd (agd nga, agd nga dl, etc.), but it
may be left out without change of meaning.
gud, Use, usefulness, utility, advantage.
Wal gid si sing gud. He is quite useless.

Visayan-English Dictionary
Ang kon plma wal na sing gud. My
pen is of no use any more. (cf. puls).
agd-agd, Dim of gud. Ditay lang
ang agd-agd sinng to. This man is not
of much use.
gum, To obtain, reach, enjoy the
possession of, gain, get, acquire, reap. Ang
mga matrung magagum or
magahigum kunna sang himy sa
lngit. The just will finally enjoy the glory
of heaven. Pagaagman ko gid ang bnga
sang kon ginkabudlayn. I shall surely
reap the fruit of my labours. Ipagum mo
sa ya ang g nga blus. Grant him a
fitting reward. Paagma si sang mo
kamt. Let him feel your hand i.e. strike,
box, slap, hit him. Inagman na nya ang
ya nga ginhndum sang madm nga
mga tig. He has now reached the goal
desired for many years. (cf. dngat,
agum-a, A kind of fish that is frequently
cut in two, salted and dried in the sun.
Agum-a nga pinkas. Salt agum-a.
agmud, To murmur, grumble,
complain; to coo; to chirp. (cf. gmud,
agnta, To wheeze, be short of breath.
Kon mamursa ka sa paghkwat sinng
bat, magaagnta ka. If you exert yourself
much in lifting this stone, you will gasp for
agnto, See agnta id.
agurng, A term of endearment used
towards persons that are older than the one
who addresses them.
agurng, (In olden times) Chief, lord,
master, Sir. (cf. dt, gino).
agr, To moan, sigh, sob, etc. See
iyagr, aguyng, iygak, bkh).
gus, To clean or scrape with a sharpedged tool. Agsi ang owy. Clean the
rattan. Scrape the rattan smooth and clean.
Owy nga inagsan. Clean, trimmed or
dressed rattan ready for binding or weaving
purposes. Igus ang binngon sa sin nga
linyas nga kawyan. Scrape this piece of
split bamboo clean with the bolo.
agutl, Resentment, grudge, ill-will,
antipathy; to have, entertain,
harbour, a grudge, etc. May agutl or
nagaagutl si sa kon. He has a grudge
against me. (cf. aligtgot, kasb-ot).
agutng, Decay, rottenness,
decomposition, caries of the teeth. Ang
kalawg bulng sa agutng. The kalawgplant is a remedy for decaying teeth.
agutingn, Pertaining to, or suffering
from, decaying teeth. Ang agutingn nd
magkon sing dlse, kay magabsug ang
ya ngipon. One suffering from decayed
teeth should not eat sweets, for it will give
him tooth-ache.
aguyng, A moan, groan, sigh; to moan,
groan, sigh. Nagadgw si, nagaaguyng
kag nagahp ang ya ginhwa. He is

agd-agd ahw
retching (as if about to vomit), groaning
and breathing with difficulty. (cf. agy,
aragy, bkh, ugayng).
gwa, (Sp. agua) Water; perfume, scented
water, scent. Ano nga gwa ang mo
ginagmit? What sort of scent do you use?
(cf. tbigWater for drinking, cooking and
washing is nearly always called tbig or
tb, whilst the term gwa is almost
exclusively applied to perfumes). (cf.
agwda, (Sp. aguada) To get or fetch
water (especially with two tins suspended
from a pole carried over the shoulder).
Agwda ka or magagwda ka sing tbig
sa sub kag dlha dir. Fetch water from
the river and bring it here. Agwadhi ak
sing tbig sa madal, kay ilt ko sa
panyga. Fetch me some water at once, for
Im going to use it for cooking the dinner.
(cf. sg-ub).
agwadahn, Vessel for fetching or
carrying water, water-bucket.
agwadr, (Sp. aguadr) Water-carrier.
Hy, agwadr, agwadhi ak sing tbig
sa mo agwadahn. Hello! Water-carrier
fetch me some water in your bucket.
agwhi, See aguhi.
agwnta, (Sp. aguantar) To bear,
tolerate, suffer, let pass, put up with. Dw
dl na ak makaagwnta sin. I seem not
to be able to bear it any longer. Anhon mo,
knd magagwnta lang? What can you
do, but suffer it patiently? Agwantah
lang! Just bear it with resignation! (cf.
bats, ntus).
agwantdo, (Sp. aguantdo) Robust,
strong with great powers of resistance to
fatigue, pain and stress; one who can stand
or bear much, one suffering patiently or
with fortitude. Agwantdo si sa tung
sang tann nga pagpangabdlay kag
kalisdnan. He bears up bravely in the
midst of all fatigues and difficulties. Dro
si kaagwantdo. He can stand very much.
He is able to bear, support, a good deal.
agwardinte, (Sp. aguardiente) Brandy;
alcohol; any strong spirituous liquor.
agwsa, (Sp. guasa, guason) Lively,
cheerful, good-humoured; to be lively or of
a cheerful disposition; to flow freely; to
exude, to break forth, particularly applied
to matter or pus oozing out of a wound,
ulcer or boil. Ang komd nga to dl
agwsa. A man inclined to retirement and
silence is not of a lively disposition.
Nagaagwsa na ang hubg. Pus is now
flowing from the tumour. Ginapaagwsa
nla ang hubg. They are using remedies to
cause the pus to flow from the tumour.
Paagwasha ang hubg. Make the tumour
(by pressure, etc.) discharge its matter.
Ipaagwsa ak nay sang kon hubg sa
l-og. Kindly remove the matter (by
pressure, poultices, etc.) from the tumour
on my neck. Si Fulno dro gid kaagwsa

sa ya mga sugilnon. N.N. is very cheerful

in his talk. N.N. is a chatterbox.
agwson, A very poisonous snake,
growing to the thickness of a mans arm,
living mostly in the jungle and looking for
its prey, wild chickens, etc., at night-time.
It is quite dangerous to meet an agwson,
for instead of gliding away it often attacks
persons coming upon it.
agwatto, Procurer, pimp, go-between.
(cf. bgaw).
gyu, agy, See agu id.
ah, An exclamation: Ah! Oh! (cf. a).
ah, To beseech, ask fervently, insist on
obtaining some favour, importune. Nagah
si sa kon sing bulng sa pils. He asked
me insistently for some medicine for the
wound. Ginahan ak nya sing ditay
nga humy, kay nawd-an si. He
earnestly begged a little rice of me, for he
had run short of it. Dil matod nga ak
am ang nagah sa la, knd, hinono
gn, sil nagpangy sa kon. It is not
true that I importuned them, but, on the
contrary, they asked me.
hag, To choose, select, pick out. (cf. gag, rag, pl, no).
ahng. Daring, boldness; to be or become
daring, bold, impertinent. Nagahng si
gal or ginahangn nya gal! Was he
really so bold! Magahng ka lang sa
pagkh sing lub or ahang lang ang
pagkh sing lub. Pluck up courage and
take a coconut. (cf. ahs, dahs, khas).
hao, Newly harvested rice. Karn may
hao na nga ginatg-ang. There is new rice
now being cooked or there is now new rice
to cook. Ang hao dl makad. New rice
does not swell much (when boiled).
ahs, See ahng, khas id. Ahas
(pangahas) lang ang pagbuks sang
ganhan. Open the door boldly.
aht, To do something prematurely,
before the regular or proper time or even
against ones inclination. Ahat lang ang
pagpp sang ph. Pluck the mango,
even though it is not yet quite ripe.
Ginaaht nla ang sging nga lnghod.
They are eating unripe bananas. Ahatn
mo ang but mo sa paglakt, bisan nd ka
malyag. Make up your mind to go,
although you do not like to. Masakt karn
ang ya solksolk, kay man ginaht nya
ang mga sirig-wlas nga hilw. Of course
he has stomach-ache, he has eaten green
aht, Compelled, constrained, forced,
obliged, against ones will, nolens volens;
sudden, premature. (cf. plit).
haw, See hao.
ahw, Pure, unmixed, genuine; all,
complete, entire, without exception. (cf.
lnlun, lubs, tnay, lnsay, puls,

ahw aklito
ahw, (Probably from the Sp. ajado)
Spoiled, crumpled, rumpled. Ahw nga
by. A crumpled jacket.
ahy, Ah! Oh! Alas! Ahy, nga
pagkawaly plad! Alas, bad luck! Ahy,
pagkalisd sang kon malut nga
kapalran nga dw waly paaliwnsan!
Oh, the wretchedness of my fate from
which there is no escape!
hay, See ahy id.
h, Milt, spleen, (cf. y).
ahedrs, (Sp. ajedrez) Chess.
Nagahmpang sil sang ahedrs. They are
playing chess.
ahnsya, (Sp. agencia) Agency, an
agents office; pawnbrokers shop, an
agents or commissioners bureau,
especially one for the advancing of money
on pledges or for buying second-hand
ahnte, (Sp. agente) Agent, actor,
minister, commissioner. (cf. manugttap,
tulugynan, manugpalpnag).
ahg-ahg, To treat with neglect, to
disregard, pay no attention to, to ignore,
take no heed or account of, to put aside
contemptuously. Ginaahg-ahg nla ang
mga mank. They are neglecting their
stepchildren. Ahg-ahig lang in. Simply
ignore it or treat it with contempt or pass it
over without notice. (cf. ihg-ihg id.; ihd,
pabay, paby; tmay).
ahti, (Sp. ajete) Young garlic; leek.
ahto, A kind of odoriferous flowering
hog, To wash, rinse, pour water over
something or somebody, and the like.
Ahgi ak sing tbig. Pour water over me.
Ihog ang tbig sa lo ko. Pour the water
over my head. Ahga ang kon likd sang
tbig. Pour water over my back. May
inughog ikw? Have you a scoop or vessel
for pouring out liquids? Sang la
pagpalgos sa sub nagahogy or
nagahognay sil. When they took a bath
in the river they poured water over each
other. (cf. bb).
hos, (Sp. ajo) Garlic; leek. Butang sing
hos or ahsi ang krne. Put some garlic
with the meat.
ahs, To tease, to stroke or caress a child
against its will, to pat or fondle a child
averse to such handling till it cries, gets
angry or runs away. Ahos si. Tease him.
Ipaahs mo sa ya ang bt. Let him tease
the baby. Nagmasakt ang bt kay inahs
ni Fulna nga swang. The baby got sick,
because the witch N.N. had caressed it or
had teased it. (cf. ult, tiw-taw, lahglhog).
ahy, An exclamation to draw anothers
attention: Hey! Hello! Ahoy! Ahy, hulat
ak nay. Hey, kindly wait for me. Ahy!
kam dir! Kumar kam dir kag bulgan
nnyo kam. Hello, you there! Come here
and help us! (cf. hy).


Visayan-English Dictionary
aihda, aihdo, (Sp. ahijada, ahijado)
Goddaughter, godson. (cf. ank, ihda,
ire, (Sp. aire) Air, atmosphere; liveliness,
cheerfulness, sprightliness; gracefulness,
elegance in manner, bearing, carriage, etc.
ka, To sell well, be much in demand, be
much sought after. Nagka karn sa
Ilonglong ang ph, sging, sd kag
mank. At present mangoes, bananas, fish
and chickens are much in demand in Iloilo.
Sang tig nga tinalkdan mawat ang
pamaligyon sang sibkaw, pang nin
nagka na. Last year the market for
sibkaw-wood was dull, stagnant, but now
it is much in demand. (cf. maka, kaka,
mabkal, bkal, gaw, ds).
k-ak, To tear off, to bark, to strip (a tree
of its bark). Ak-ak ang pnit sang khoy.
Strip the bark off the tree. Ak-ak ang
khoy sang ya pnit. Strip the tree of its
bark. Pnit nga ink-ak. Bark torn or
pulled off. Khoy ngga inak-akn. A tree
stript of its bark. (cf. bkbak).
akl-akl, To bubble, to seethe; to throb.
Nagabukl na ang tbig, kay nagaaklakl na. The water is boiling now, for it is
bubbling. Nagaakl-akl ang tutnlan ko.
My throat throbs. Ind mo pagbak-itn ang
tsarra, knd paakl-akal nay ang
tbig sing mayo. Dont take the tea-kettle
off the fire, but let the water first boil
akso, (Sp. acaso) Chance, coincidence,
casualty; by chance, perchance, perhaps,
maybe, mayhap, possibly. (cf. bs, yhan,
aksya, (Sp. acacia) Acacia-tree.
aky, (B) Darling. A term of endearment
used towards small girls, sweethearts,
daughters, daughters-in-law and other near
female relations. Din si aky? Where is
darling? Ihtag in sa kay aky. Give this
to darling. (cf. nday, gngging, nna, nn,
nning, pngpung; the corresponding
masculine terms are nnoy, tt, tt).
kiat, To challenge, provoke, defy, invite
to a combat. Akiat si. Defy him.
Challenge him. Ikiat ko sa ya inng
binngon. I will challenge him with this
bolo. (cf. kyat id.).
akd, Pal, chum, comrade, friend,
companion. (cf. atd).
akd, Also: Selfish, close-fisted, stingy; to
be or become stingy, etc. (cf. mot, dalk,
hkug, makiya, akt).
akg, (H) Angry, wroth, irate, furious,
exasperated, in arage,passion.
kig, (H) Anger, ire, wrath, rage, passion,
choler, fury, indignation; to be or make
angry, become angry, irate, wroth,
wrathful, furious, indignant. Ind ka
magkig or mangkig. Dont be angry. T,
kon may sal ang bt mo akgi kag
hanta. Well, if your boy is at fault, show
him your displeasure and give him a

whipping. Ind mo si pagakgan, kay dl

si am ang may sal. Dont be angry with
him, for he is not the one to blame. Ind ka
nay maghmbal sa ya, kay bs makig
si. Dont talk to him now, for he may get
angry. Inakgan nya gid ang mon
paglats sa ya nga talmnan. He flew in a
rage, because we had cut straight across his
klab, To bite, snap, tear with the teeth.
(cf. kagt, kub, tukb, p-ap).
kli, A kind of tree and its timber much
used for building purposes.
aklihs, To shun, shrink from, draw back,
avoid being touched or taken hold of.
Nagaklihs si sa kon. He shrank from
me, drew back from me. Aklihis si. Shun
him. Avoid him. Dont go near him.
Paaklihis si aky mo sa kay Fulno.
Order or tell your darling girl to keep away
from N.N. (cf. lkaw, likw, kuyw).
kmol, Crustiness, thickness; to thicken,
to harden, become crusty, to crust or
incrust, said of dirt, dusty perspiration on
the body, too much starch on clothes and
the like. Nagkmol sa ya nawng ang
blhas kag bulng. Perspiration and dirt
incrusted his face or his face was coated
with sweat and dust. May duh ukn ttlo
ka bhin sang kon by nga ginpakmol
sang mamumunk sang almidn. My
dress was coated with starch in two or three
places by the washerwoman. Kabskug
sinng pak nga naakmoln sang
almidn! Oh, the stiffness of this overstarched sleeve! (cf. dkmol, dmol, pol).
ak, The first person singular of the
personal pronoun: I. Sn-o ikw?Ak?
Ho.Ak am si Fulno. Who are you?
I?YesI am N.N. Ak am ang nagbhat
sin. I did it, I was the one who did it. Ak
sing kon or aky kon wal sing lbut
sin. I, for my part or as far as I am
concerned, have nothing to do with that.
Ak am ang am sa gihpon. I am He
who is ever the same, I am who am, (Sum
qui sum).
k, To be able to, to be capable of, to have
the power or ability; to undertake, to
assume the responsibility for. Ginaakan
ko ang pagbhat sin. I undertake to do
that or I am ready to accept the
responsibility for that. Ginak or
ginaakan ko inng sayp. I accept all the
blame or responsibility for this fault. Ind
si makak sa pagpatigyon sin. He is
not capable of accomplishing that. (cf.
kak, makak; gahm, sarng, agm,
aklito, (Sp. aclito) Acolythe, altar-boy,
mass-server. Aklito ko si. He is my
acolythe. Nagaklito si. He became an
acolythe. He was an altar-boy. He served
mass. Makahibal ikw magaklito? Do
you know how to serve mass? Do you know
how to serve as an altar-boy?

Visayan-English Dictionary
kon, My, mine; by or through me; sa
konme; to, on, upon, from, away from,
towards, in, at, into me. Ang kon kl. My
hat. Akon in nga baly. This house is
mine, belongs to me. Yan nga um
kon gid. That field is my own, belongs to
me alone. Dl kon in nga tuln-an. This
book is not mine or does not belong to me.
Akon ginhm in. This was done by me, I
did it. Akon si pagaluasn. Through me
he will get free, I will free him. Wal si
paghiggma sa kon. He has no love for
me, does not love me at all. Kon sa kon
lang wal ak sing kabilinggan. As far as I
am concerned I have nothing against it.
Nagapalapt si sa kon. He is coming
towards me, is approaching me. Sa dak-
nga katstis ginhm nya in sa kon. He
did this to me very maliciously. Ktub sang
paghaln nya dir sa kon tbtub nin
wal ko si makt. Since he went away
from me until now I have not seen him. Sa
kon bnt nd na si magblik sa kon.
In my opinion he will not return to me any
more. Kon ks-a dumngat sa kon ang
masub nga panghunhna. Now and
then sad reflections come upon me. (cf.
nkon, ko; mo, nmo, mo; ya, nya;
mon, nmon; ton, nton, ta; nyo,
nnyo, la, nla).
N.B. The difference between the use of
kon and nkon, ko is as follows:
1) in the meaning of a possessive pronoun
kon is put before and nkon, ko are
put after the word they respectively qualify,
e.g. Ang kon id. Ang id nkon (ko). My
dog. Ang kon amy tiglang na. Ang
amay nkon (ko) tiglang na. My father is
now old.
2) in the meaning of a predicative adjective
kon is always used and never nkon or
ko. Akon in nga pnggan or In nga
pnggan kon. This plate is mine, belongs
to me. Dil kon in nga ph or In nga
ph dl kon. This mango is not mine,
does not belong to me.
3) in the meaning of a personal pronoun
with the preposition s, kon is used
exclusively and never nkon or ko e.g.
Ginhtag nya in sa kon. He gave that to
me. Nagsmbag si sa kon. He hit
(boxed) me.
4) in the meaning of by me, through me
as a personal agent kon always stands
before the verb and can only be used, if the
verb is not negatived. Akon ginbhat in.
This was done by me. Sa waly duhdha
kon si pagaduwon. Of course, he will
be visited by me i.e. I will pay him a visit.
Dl bal matod nga kon si
nabayran? Isnt it true, that he was paid
by me i.e. that I paid him? Nkon and
ko, if employed in such sentences, take
their place invariably after the verb:
Ginbhat ko (nkon) in. Sa ualy
duhdha pagaduwon ko (nkon) si.

kon alb-ab
Dl bal matod nga nabayran ko
(nkon) si?
But if the verb is negatived kon cannot
be used; nkon or ko must then be
employed and be placed between the
negative adverb and the verb: Wal ko
(nkon) pagbuhta in. This was not done
by me. Dl ko (nkon) malipatn in. I
cannot forget it. Ind ko (nkon)
malngkang inng bat, kay mabg-at gid.
I cannot move this stone, for it is very
heavy. Ind pa nkon (nd ko pa) mapyan ang bg-o ko nga baly, kay wal ko
pa (ual pa nkon) pagbutang sing mga
galamitn nga kinahnglan. I cannot live
in my new house yet, because I have not yet
put in the necessary furniture. Wal ko
(nkon) si pagagdah kag nd man
nkon (nd ko man) si pagagdahn, kay
malin si sing pamatsan. I neither
invited him nor will I invite him, because
he has vicious habits.
5) in sentences where the verb is preceded
by a quasi-auxiliary or by adverbs of time
or place like sarng, but, din, dir, dir,
sn-o pa, etc. nkon or ko should be
used before the verb, even if the latter is
not negatived, e.g. Sarng ko mabhat in.
I can do it. But ko mnon inng bino. I
wish or like to drink this wine. Sn-o ko pa
(sn-o pa nkon) mapatndog ang bg-o
nga baly? When shall I be able to build
the new house? Din ko (nkon) makt
ang kwrta? Where can I find the money?
The foregoing examples and rules are
applicable to all personal and possessive
pronouns, mo, ya, mon, ton, nyo, la
following kon and nmo, mo, nya,
nmon, nton, ta, nnyo, nla following
nkon, ko.
kon, To appropriate or acquire for
oneself in the first person. Aknon ko inng
dt. Ill appropriate this land, Ill make
this land my own. Ginkon ko lang in. I
appropriated this for myself.
kra, To pout, to sulk, to say A, Hem
and the like in ill-humour, or in rejecting a
favour, or refusing a kindness. An ang
ginakra mo? Why are you so sulky? What
causes you to pout or sulk? Ginhatgan ko
ikw sing duh ka blog nga ph kag
nagkra pa ikw? I gave you two mangoes
and still you are discontented?
kta, (Sp. acta) Records, documents,
minute-book, written protest.
kto, (Sp. acto) An act. Is ka kto sang
pagto. An act of faith. (cf. bhat,
bubuhton, buluhatn).
akl-akl, Coarse, rough, badly done (of
work); thoughtless, careless. (cf.
dakldakl, dagldagl).
akl-akl, To fondle, pet, take on ones
knees (children, etc.). (cf. okl-kol).
kup, To take under ones care, to receive
hospitably or kindly, to give board and
lodging to, to shelter, feed and clothe.
Ginkup nya ak sing mahigugmon. He

received me kindly, charitably, hospitably,

supplying all my needs. Akpa sing mayo
inng makalol-oy nga to. Receive this
poor fellow in all kindness. Take good care
of this wretched man. Ipakup ko lang
inng makilmos sa mga punon. I will
hand this beggar over to the care of the
authorities. (cf. sagd, sappo, tbang).
aks, All persons included in, or
belonging to, the same household,
members of a family, (cf. panimaly).
akt, Selfish, stingy, etc. See akd.
kyat, See kiat.
al, Pull! Haul! Now then! Hello! An
exclamation used in animating workmen,
in enforcing attention and the like. Al na
kam nga tann! Now then, pull all
together! Al ikw dir, haln ka. Hello!
you there, clear out. (cf. hal id. and the
more usual form; perhaps from the Sp.
al, A Tagala, a Tagalog woman, (tagla
alag, The waxing moon, near full-moon.
(cf. paugsarn).
al-l, To hesitate, be in doubt, be
undecided. Nagaal-l si sa pagsuld or
ginaal-alan nya ang pagsuld. He
hesitates to enter (cf. alg-ag, alnglang, duhdha).
ala-aswa, Concubine, an unmarried or
illegally married woman. (cf. araaswa,
ala-asendra, ala-asendro,
(derived from the Sp. hacendera,
hacendero) The female (male) owner of a
comparatively small farm; a farmer on a
small scale.
alba, (Perhaps from the Sp. alabar) To
beseech, ask in prayer, to call on God or the
Saints in prayer. The Freq. pangalba is
usually employed. Nagapangalba kam
sa mo. We beseech you.
Ginapangalba nmon sa mo nga.
Ginapangalabhan nmon ikw
nga. We beseech thee or we call on
thee, that. (cf. pangamy, pangy,
pangad, panawg).
alab-ab, Moderate warmth, tepidity,
lukewarmness; to be or become warm,
lukewarm, tepid. Ang alab-ab sang
ggma, sang slak sang dlaw, etc. The
(mild, soft) warmth of love, of the rays of
the sun, etc. Ang spas nga manit kana,
nagalab-ab na. The soup that was hot a
while ago is lukewarm now or has become
tepid. Paalaba-ba lang ang tbig, nd
mo pagpainton gid. Make the water only
lukewarm, do not make it quite hot.
Naalaba-ban ang ya nga dghan sang
matm-is nga handumnan. His heart
waxed warm with sweet recollections.
Padlhi ak sing sa ka bso nga tsa nga
maalab-ab. Get somebody to fetch me a
glass of lukewarm tea.
alb-ab, See alab-ab id.


albri lam
albri, (H) Anything used for the purpose
of opening, a key, etc. Also: The plural form
of bri (Sp. abrir) Din ang albri? Where
is the key? Ang mga lampitw nagalbri
sang tann nya nga mga bal. The
detectives opened all his boxes, (cf. lybi).
alabrhan, (H) The point or place where
something is opened; key-hole, (cf. bri).
alab-ab, Leavings, sediment, dregs,
lees, admixtures; offspring, progeny. Ang
alab-ab sang tbig. The sediment of
water. Ang alab-ab or inalab-ab sang
to. The progeny or offspring of a man.
Also used as a verb. Nagalab-ab ang
tbig. The water has formed a sediment.
Ginaalabu-ban ak sang tbig sa suld
sinng wang. The water in this cistern
contains too much sediment for me or it
appears to me that the water in this cistern
is mixed with sediment. (cf. lbuddregs
of wine, tub, vinegar, etc.; lgtok
sediment in a tube, tobacco-pipe, etc.;
halab-ab id.).
alabu-bon, Mixed with sediment,
turbid, etc. (cf. alab-ab).
albut, (H) To follow one thing or work
after another. Also: The plural form of
but. Smtang nga buh kit dir sa
ibbaw sang kalibtan ang mga kabdlay
kag kalisd magaalbut gid sa waly
langn-langn. As long as we are living in
this world labours and difficulties will
follow one another without ever coming to
an end. Nagalbut sil sa ya sa sub.
They overtook him at the river, (cf. abtabt, abk-abk).
alabtan, (H) Place of arrival, goal, end
to be reached or come to. (abt).
alabton, One subject to periodical fits,
especially said of idiots, maniacs, lunatics
with lucid intervals of some duration, but
liable at any moment to fall back into their
former mental derangement. (but, abt).
alabwan, (H) Store, stock, hoard,
capital, assets. (cf. bw, halabwan,
alabynon, One to bebefriended,
made friends with,treated with kindness
and consideration. (cf. byan).
lad, Fence. (cf. korl, kodl).
ald-ad, To chat and laugh
immoderately, to tell stories, or let out
secrets, with much laughing and joking.
An na man ang ginald-ad mo ddto?
What pleasant stories did you tell there?
Nagainald-ad sil sang mga ting ni
Fulno. They have unbridled tongues when
they talk about the secrets of N.N. Ind ka
magald-ad sinng mga butng. Dont
give your tongue full rein in talking of those
things, (cf. d-ad, of which ald-ad is not
merely the plural form).
aladlwan, (H) Anything to be paid for
by daily labour. Ang aswa nakakh sing
krne nga aladlwan sang ya bna. The


Visayan-English Dictionary
wife took some meat, which her husband
will pay for by his daily work. (cf. dlaw).
alagd, To wait for another to follow or
come up with on the road; to wait dinner or
the like. Ang madsig maglakt
magalagd sa mahnay! The fast walker
should wait for the slow one! Hy, alagad
(-ar) ak nay. Hey! Wait for me. (cf.
hult, agd-gad, angn, angn-angn).
algad, To serve. Magalgad ka sa ya
baly. Serve in his house. Alagri si.
Serve him. Become his servant or
employee. (cf. gad).
algad and alagd, Servant; employee.
Kit nga tann mga algad sang Dios. We
are all servants of God. Ang mga algad or
alagd sang pangolohn. The employees
of the government, government employees.
alg-ag, Hesitating, doubtful, timid, shy;
to be or become doubtful, etc. Nagaalgag ang but ko sa pagsult sa ya, kay
bs magasngon. I am afraid to write to
him, for he may get angry, or he may take it
ill. Ind ka magpangalg-ag, knd
dayna lang ang mo igahmbal. Dont be
shy or dont hesitate, but continue what
you have got to say. Nagapangalg-ag si
magsuld, kay bs akgan. He hesitates to
enter, for he may possibly meet with an
angry reception. (cf. al-l).
alagarn, (H) Place where, or person for
whom, one works; work, job, employment.
(cf. palamgnan).
algian, (H) Passage, thoroughfare,
transit, road, way, path, track. (gi;
algyan id.).
alaglang, (H) Old, yellow leaves,
attached still to the plant, but about to fall
off; old, withered, dry, sear, sere, said of
leaves. Ang alaglang nga dhon madal
madgdag. The dry leaves will soon fall to
the ground.
alagsod, (H) A much used plural form of
agsodto follow one the other in regular
order or succession.
alagt-it, A bird like a lark with white
breast and white down on the inside of its
alagng-ong, A small tree, whose fruit is
much liked by ravens and other birds.
algyan, (H) See algian.
alhas, (Sp. alhajas) Jewels, jewelry;
adornments, trinkets, etc. made of the
precious metals with or without stones.
alak-ak, Spread, distributed, dispersed
over a large area with considerable
distances between; to be spread or
distributed, etc. Alak-ak or nagaalak-ak
ang mga hyop sa latagn, ang mga glum sa lngit, etc. The cattle are scattered
over the open country, the clouds are
distributed over the sky, etc. Alak-ak gid
lmang ang mga baly ddto sa baklod.
The houses there on the hill are widely
spaced. (cf. atk-atk).

lak, alk, Wine, arrack, arack. (cf.

alakpa, (Sp. a la capa) For appearance
only, for politeness sake, coldly formal, not
heartily or sincerely. Gingda man ak
nya, ho, pang alakpa lang. He invited
me also, yes, but only to keep up
appearances. Nagtmbong man si, pang
alakpa lang, dl huthut. He put in an
appearance too, but in a coldly formal way,
not with right goodwill. (cf. pasamstra,
pakulhaw id.).
alakyo, Buffoon, jester, merry-andrew,
clown; to act the clown, crack jokes,
converse wittily, utter pleasantries.
Ginalakayhan ak nya. He made me
laugh with his pleasantries or he acted like
a clown in my presence. (cf. bilyko,
payso, trso, pskin).
alakik, To laugh aloud, burst out
laughing, to guffaw. (cf. talngkaw,
halkhak, ark-ok, ark-ik).
alakon, What is to beundertaken,
taken charge of,seen to,attempted,set
about; duty, responsibility, burden (to be
shouldered). (cf. k; palangakan,
katungdnan, tulumnon, buluhton).
alkre, (Sp. lacre) Sealing-wax.
l-al, To get loose, to peel or scale off, as a
piece of bark, skin, flesh, etc. Nagl-al na
ang kogn sang kon but. The scabs of my
smallpox have now fallen off. Lauyha ang
krne tbtub nga magl-al sa tl-an. Boil
the meat till it comes loose from the bone.
Al-al or paal-al ang pnit sang mank.
Boil the chicken till the skin comes away.
alalgo, Worm, dew-worm. (cf. lalgo,
alalamn, That is to, should, can,
be studied or learned; knowledge, wisdom,
experience (to be gained, gathered,
acquired, obtained). (cf. lam).
alalpok, To splash, slap, emit a sound as
of spattering, splattering (cf. pok,
allpak, To splash, turn over with a flop,
as sods in ploughing or the like.
Nagalingpak lmang ang mga sk-ay
nga nagaallpak kon in nga karabw
am ang nagagyud sang dro. If this
buffalo draws the plough the sods turn over
with a flop. (cf. klab, balskad; pok,
lam, (H) Knowledge, wisdom, learning;
to be or become wise, learned, to know.
Wal si sing lam. He has no learning,
has had no education. Pisni ang pagton
mo, agd maglam ka. Study with
application, that you may become learned
or well educated. Sdto nay wal si sing
tinn-an, pang karn naglam na gid
si. Formerly he had no schooling, but now
he is quite learned. Ind kam mangid sa
ya sin, kay maalman man nya sa olhi.
Dont tell him that now, for he will get to
know it later on all the same. Paalmi si.

Visayan-English Dictionary
Tell him or warn him beforehand. An ang
mo naalman? What do you know? What
have you learned? Ginpaalman nya kam
nga dan nga maabt ang manuguss sa
am nga dlaw. We were warned by him
long before, that the inspector would come
on such a day. Ipalam sa ya nga nagub
ang tytay. Send him word that the bridge
is broken down. (cf. kalam, malam,
kinalam, kinadman, man).
almag, (H) Must, mould, mustiness,
mouldiness, mildew. (cf. agp-op).
almag, The phosphorescence of
alamg, Flash, spark, sparkle,
scintillation, glittering, glistening, said of a
fire-fly, of the scales of a fish, or the like;
phosphorescence. (cf. almag).
alamagn, (H) Attractive, having an
attraction, alluring, enticing. Ang kalmay
alamagn sang mga suby. Sugar is an
attraction for ants. (amg).
alamgon, (H) Musty, mouldy, mildewy.
(cf. almag; agp-opn id.).
alamagn, (H) Attracted, allured,
enticed; to be allured or enticed, etc. Ang
mga suby alamagn sang kalmay. Ants
are attracted by sugar. (cf. amg).
almak, (H) Light and easily inflammable
material, kindling. (cf. mak, pamak).
alm-lam, (H) To coax, wheedle, cajole,
persuade by flattery, gain by soft words,
ingratiate oneself with, and the like. Almalmi ang id. Be nice to the dog. Coax the
dog. Ginalm-alman nya si, agd
magsksi sa ya. He coaxed him to testify
on his behalf. Ind si magpaalm-lam.
He is not amenable to flattery. Ipaalmlam sa ya ang id. Let him make friends
with the dog. (cf. uns, uts, odt,
alman, Learned, wise, clever, intelligent,
erudite, possessing knowledge. (cf.
malam, manginalmon).
almbre, (Sp. alambre) Wire.
alamlaw, To doze. See alumilaw.
alamlgan, (H) Delicate, to be handled or
looked after with care; anything to be
treated or guarded with caution and
circumspection. (mlig; cf. alandman).
alamotn, (H) Contribution,
subscription; anything for which
contributions or alms are required or
solicited. (cf. mot; byad, balyran,
tkay, lims, lilimsan, lilmsan).
alampan, (H) Oratory, chapel, place of
prayer and worship; room or furniture used
for prayer. (cf. ampo).
alamsa, (Sp. a la musa) To the Muse!
An expression frequently used in
connection with games, cardplaying,
feasting, etc. and signifying the last game
or round before the parties rise or disperse.
Butangn ta pa sing alamsa. Let us have
a last round in honour of the Muse.
Nagaalamsa na sil. They are now having

almag lap
the last round or drink in honour of the
lan, Rancidity, rankness of taste or smell;
to become rancid, rank, strong-scented,
turn bad, said of fats, oils, bacon and the
like. Naglan na gal ang tosno. After all
the bacon has gone rancid. Naalnan ak
sang bnga. I became dizzy from chewing
betelnut. Amlig ang mantka, agd nd
maglan. Take care of the lard, lest it
should turn bad.
alandman, (H) Delicate, precious, to be
handled with care or caution. Ang tann
nga mga butng nga mahaps mabong
ukn dolktan sang bulng alandman. All
things easily breakable or liable to be soiled
should be treated with care. (cf. ndam;
alamlgan, talatapn).
alang-ang, A slight cold, catarrh, a
touch of fever. May alang-ang si or
ginaalang-ang si. He has a slight cold.
Inalang-ang ak. I contracted a slight
cold or catarrh. (cf. alng-ang id.).
alng-lang, Neither fish, flesh nor
fowl; untimely, inconvenient, immature,
not quite qualified or capable; to lack
maturity, timeliness, qualities or conditions
required. Ang mga ph alng-lang pa.
The mangoes are not quite ripe yet. Alnglang pa ang timpo. The time is not
convenient yet, the weather is still
unreliable,not quite suitable. Inng bat
alng-lang pa sa pagbth. This child is
too young to go to school. Also used as a
verb. Dl mo pagalng-alngon ang
pagabt mo dir. Dont arrive here too late.
Ginalng-alngan ak sa pagdaw sa
nyo, kay. I was prevented from paying
you a visit, because. Kalit ang
pagpal, agd dl ka maalng-alngan
sang uln. Make use of the first
opportunity to go home, lest you should be
detained by the rain.
alng-alangnon, Untimely,
inopportune, inconvenient, premature;
remiss, slack, negligent, careless, falling
short of what is required. (cf. alnglang,
alng-ang, (B) A trivial cold or slight
fever. See alang-ang id.
alngay, (H) The much used plural form
of ngay. Also used adverbially: sing
alngayequally, in the same manner,
without difference, favour or distinction.
Ginlmsan sil nya sing alngay sing
tagnaplo ka dak. He gave them an alms
of ten centavos each without distinction.
Ginablang kag ginasagd nya ang mga
mank kag ang mga sumod niya nga
ank sing aln[g]ay gid. He looks upon as
equal and takes equal care of his
stepchildren and his own children. (cf.
salma, parho).
alanghlan, (H) A shrub with very
odoriferous flowers.
alanglan, See alanghlan.

alangngi, A very tender vine often seen

climbing bamboo, etc.
alngkon, (H) Godson or goddaughter to
be. May alngkon ikw? Have you a child
to hold (for baptism or confirmation)? Are
you going to be godfather or godmother to
somebody? Sn-o ang tagbt sang
alngkon mo? Who is the parent of your
godchild-to-be? (cf. ank; aihda, aihdo).
alangn, Immature, young, untimely, etc.
See alngalangnon.
alanhon, (H) Rice to be harvested, rice
ripe and ready to be reaped. (ni).
alnion, (H) See alanhon, alnyon.
alantson, (H) Bearable, tolerable,
supportable; to be suffered, tolerated,
borne with. Dw sa dl na alantson in.
That is scarcely to be tolerated any longer.
Ang ya balatan makl nga blngon,
pang alantson, kay dl gid man mabgat ang ya pagbt. His disease is difficult
to cure, but it is bearable, for he is really
not seriously affected. (cf. ntus;
balatasn, palas-non).
alnyon, See alnion, alanhon id. from
nito harvest rice with the kayg.
alo, A slight affection of the skin which
becomes a little swollen and inflamed or
covered with rash. Walking barefoot
through dense underbrush, coming barearmed in contact with branches, etc. is
frequently quite sufficient to contract this
inflammation on the exposed parts of the
skin. The alo is the lightest of all skindiseases and can easily be cured. Also used
as a verb. May alo si or ginaalo si. He
is affected with alo. Inalo si or
inalaon si. He contracted the skindisease alo. Inalaon si sa ya nga
btkon. He got an attack of alo on his
arm. (alw id.).
alo, To treat, offer to visitors tobacco,
cigars, materials for betelnut chewing, a
drink, etc. Ialo sa la inng mga abno or
alao sil sinng mga abno. Offer them
these cigars. Alaon ko sil sa baly. Ill
entertain them at home. Ialo ak sa la
sang malm-on nga ddto sa hult. Please
offer them the materials for betelnutchewing that are there in the room. (cf.
ammato give food to, offer estables,
etc.; alw id.).
alo-lao, To go to meet, to receive.
Nagalo-lao sil sa Ginong Obispo.
They went out to meet the Bishop. Aloaloa si. Go and meet him. Ipaalo-lao
sa ya inng pil ka to. Send out these few
men to meet him (at some distance). (cf.
sgat; alw-law id.).
lap, The last cleaning of rice before it is
washed and got ready for the kettle; to
clean rice after the two siftings called
tahp and sisg respectively. Alpi ang
bugs. Clean the rice. Separate from the
rice all admixtures (that should not be
boiled together with the clean, properly
hulled rice). Ilap ak nay sinng bugs.


alp-lap alhbi
Please clean that rice for me. Ipalap ang
bugs sa bt. Get the servant to clean the
rice. Wal si sing inalpan. He has no
clean rice.
alp-lap, Freq. of lap. The phrase
Wal si sing alp-alpan means: He is
so busy that he is unable to cope with the
work. Literally: he has no clean rice in the
house (being unable to attend to that on
account of having much other work).
alp-ap, White spots on the skin,
especially on the arms and legs. May alpap ang ya btkon. His arm has white spots
on it. Inalap-apn ang ya batis. His calf
is covered with white spots.
alp-apn, Pertaining to alp-ap; one
who has white spots on his skin. (cf. alpap).
alaptan, (H) Measuring one fourth or
quarter; a measure for the fourth part of.
Pulakn nga alaptan. A measure
containing one fourth of a gantang. (cf.
talatlhanmeasuring one third).
alapgot, Hardship, trial, difficulty; hard,
trying, difficult; to be or become hard, etc.
Alapgot karn ang pangabh Life at
present is trying, (cf. lapgot id. and the
more usual form).
alaplag, (H) To disperse, spread,
separate, (said of crowds, clouds, smoke,
etc.). Ang as nagaalaplag. The smoke is
dispersing. Ang mga to kon maggw sa
simbhan magaalaplag sa madal. The
people, when they come out of church, will
soon disperse. Alaplaga ang mga bt,
hyup, etc. Make the children, the cattle,
etc. spread, or separate, in different
directions. (cf. alplag, lpnag, lpta).
alplag, (H) See alaplag id. Alaplag or
paalaplag ang mga karnro. Disperse
the sheep. Ipaalplag mo ang mga
knding sa kay Pdro. Get Peter to
disperse the goats. Ang pagkakristino
nakaalplag na sa bg-os nga kalibtan.
Christianity has now spread throughout the
world. Ydtong baklod naalaplagn sing
madm nga kahaypan. That hill has
many farm animals scattered over it.
alapogn, (H) A lime kiln (poglime).
alapogn, (H) Fit for, capable of,
being made into lime; to be converted into
lime (for betelnut chewing, building
purposes, etc.). Bat nga alapogn. Stones
convertible into lime. Many shells like
those of the gi, tamburk, tibtbo, aws,
etc. are alapogn for betelnut chewing.
(cf. pog).
alapogn, Also: Good-for-nothing, no
use, of no avail, a useless person, an old
spinster, or the like. (cf. pog).
alaputn, (H) Goal, end, termination of a
journey, resting place, abode. To nga
wal sing alaputn. A man that has
nowhere to go to, to stop at or live in, a
man without settled abode. Kon may
malums sa ilay sang sub inng bhin
sang bybay am sing masam ang


Visayan-English Dictionary
alaputn sang bngkay. If someone
(drowns) is drowned further up (in) the
river, this part of the beach is quite
frequently the place where the corpse is
washed ashore. (cf. put, aptan).
las, To wind up, coil. Alsa ang ps.
Wind up the rope. Ilas ak nay sang
kalt. Please, coil up the rope for me. Kon
nd ka makahibal maglas sang kble
ipalas mo lang in sa kay Pdro. If you
dont know how to wind up the cable, get
Peter to do it.
als, (Sp. as) The ace in cards, the card or
die with a single pip.
alasgas, The south-east wind (cf.
alaslan, (H) Roasting-spit. Buhti ak
sing alaslan. Make me a roasting-spit. (cf.
asl; aslan, arsal, araslan).
alaslon, (H) Fit for roasting or that is to
be roasted on a spit. Krne, mank, bboy,
etc. nga alaslon. Meat, chicken, pork, etc.
that is to be roasted on a spit. (cf. asl,
alasaw, (H) To be married, wedded, in
wedlock. Nagaalasaw or
nagaalasawahy sil. They are married,
they are living in wedlock, they are
husband and wife. Ang mga magalasaw.
Married people, (cf. aswa, asaw).
alasnan, (H) Place where salt is kept,
salt-cellar, (asn).
alasogn, (H) Suitable for fattening and
sterilization; to be fattened and sterilized,
applied chiefly to sows. (sog).
alashan, (H) Chimney, funnel, hole for
the escape of smoke. (as).
alasyon, (H) Capable of an explanation
or to be explained,exposed. (soy).
alt, A small fish-basket; any other small
basket with wide meshes to let water pass
through or flow off easily.
alatasn, (H) A water channel that can
be drained for catching fish by the method
of tas, (which see).
alatasn, (H) Fish to be caught by
draining away water and leaving them
stranded. (tas).
altay, A disease manifesting itself by
trembling and great dizzines; chickens are
particularly liable to, and often die of, this
disease. May altay or ginaaltay ang
mank. The chicken has been,is attacked
by altay. Also: a swelling and
inflammation of the eyelids. (cf. artay
alatyon, alatayn, One suffering
from altay.
alatipann, Attention, care, that is to be
attended to,taken care of. (cf. atipn).
altpan, (H) Anything to be roofed in,
put under a roof. (atp).
altpon, (H) Any kind of roofing material.
alatubangn, That is to be, should
be, can be, faced (met, confronted);

prospect, future. (cf. atbang;

alw, alw-law, See alo, alo-lao.
alawayn, (H) Battlefield, field of
combat, scene of a fight. (way).
alawayn, (H) Motive of, cause of,
reason for, a quarrel or fight; anything
fought for, or worth a fight. Ano ang nyo
alawayn? What are you fighting about?
lay, Stiffness, tiredness; to be or become
stiff and tired from a long walk, overwork
or the like, said especially of limbs and
muscles. Naglay ang ya pa. His leg has
become stiff. Naalayn ak. I am stiff and
tired. Metaphorically: Ginaalayn ak
sinng mga bt. I am getting tired of,
disgusted with, these children. (cf. kpoy,
koty, pol).
aly-ay, To carry in, support with,
ones arms, a child, sick person or the like,
the person carried or supported assuming a
leaning or half-lying position. Ginaaly-ay
nya ang masakt nya nga ily. She
supports with her arms her sick mother.
Alay-ay ang bt. Carry the baby in your
arms. Ialy-ay ak nay sinng pilasn.
Kindly support this wounded man with
your arms. Paaly-ay si sang masakit.
Let him support the sick person.
alypan, (H) Asylum, refuge, shelter.
alba, (Sp. alba) Alb.
albasya, (Sp. albacea) Testamentary
executor, one appointed to execute a last
will and to see that all its provisions are
complied with.
albno, (Sp. albino) An albino, an
abnormally white person usually with pink
eyes and very light hair. This absence of
pigment is also found among animals, birds
and fishes, (cf. buky).
lbum, (Sp. album) Album.
albtra, A kind of medicinal plant and its
seeds taken as a remedy against stomachache. (Perhaps from the Sp. almorta
alehandrya, (Sp. alejandria) A beautiful
flowering plant; a kind of rose.
alensyno, Clever, skilful, expert, adept.
(cf. ansyno, antgo, anad, sagd, batd).
lgo, (Sp. algo) Something, somewhat.
My lgo dir. There is something behind,
some secret or the like. May lgo si sa
kay Fulna. He is somewhat in love with
algodn, (Sp. algodon) Cotton, cotton
cloth, cotton thread. (cf. blak, brak;
algwasl, (Sp. alguacil) Sheriff, bumbailiff, bailiff, under-bailiff, any other
judiciary official below a judge; an armed
patrol or guard.
alhebr, (Sp. lgebra) Algebra.
alhbi, (Sp. aljibe) A water-tank or
reservoir, especially one used for storing

Visayan-English Dictionary
lhom, (H) Not burning well, that does
not soon catch fire, difficult to light, said of
green wood, wet leaves, tobacco, cigars, etc.
Also used as a verb: to be or become
difficult to light, etc. Alhom kayo inng
abno. This cigars burns very badly.
Naalhomn si sang kon abno. He
could not light the cigar I gave him, or he
had difficulty in lighting my cigar. D mo
pagpaalhomn ang tabk. Be careful
with the tobacco, lest it should get wet,
burn badly or be difficult to light, (cf.
al, Liked, appreciated, cherished; attached
to, partial to; to like, etc. Al ko gid inng
kl, tuln-an, pagkon, etc. I am partial
to this hat, this book, this kind of food, etc.
Ginal or ginapakal ko gid inng mga
saptos. I like these boots very much. Dw
sa dl gid matahm in, pang ginl mo.
This does not seem to be nice at all, yet you
liked it. Alon mo na lang ang bg-o nga
hugo nga ginhtag sa mo ni ty mo.
Just try to be contented with the new suit
that aunt gave you. (cf. lyag, palngg,
yon, wli, pakamahl).
al-l, Dim. of the foregoing. To consider
rather nice, etc.
l, al-l, Also: Prominent, foremost,
the best (of a kind). (cf. lutw, tnggas,
lias, To fly off, to fly out in all directions
from a hole or receptacle, as rice grains
from the mortar, if pounded unskilfully.
Magalias ang humy sa lusng kon
ttwon sing bikwlon. Rice-grains will fly
off in all directions from the mortar, if
pounded awkwardly. D mo pagpaaliasn
ang humy. Dont let the rice-grains
scatter. Dont send the rice-grains
scattering or flying off in all directions.
Sang pagbay ni Fulno naaliasn ang
salg sing madm nga binto nga
humy. When N.N. was pounding rice,
many grains flew out and scattered over the
floor. (cf. lyas, id.; sik, gsik, sang;
lwak, lyakto spill (of water, etc.);
wiskto sprinkle, splash).
alibhod, See bughodrubbish, refuse.
alibkaw, The quite ripe betelnut that is
preferred for chewing. Malyag ak
magmam sang alibkaw. I like to chew
ripe betelnuts.
aliblay, A kind of very savoury fish.
alb-lib, A circular arrangement around
a common axis as the steps of a winding
staircase; arranged in such fashion; to
arrange in a circle around a common
centre. Albalba ang paghang sang
klon. Arrange the leaves in a circle, when
you line the bottom of the rice-kettle.
Albalbi sing mga dhon sang bur ang
tabungs, kon maggkut ka sang humy
nga bilinhon. Close the tabungs-basket
with bur-leaves arranged in a circle, when
you tie up the rice to be preserved as seedgrain.

lhom all
alibngbang, Butterfly; a tree with
beautiful leaves resembling butterflies.
albhon, A shrub whose leaves possess
cough-curing properties.
alibir, (Sp. aliviar) To mitigate, alleviate,
ease, relieve, to afford relief. Ang am nga
bulng nagalibir sa bt. That medicine
has given some relief to the child. (cf.
hagnhgan, pahagn-hgan).
albio, (Sp. alibio) Belief, ease, mitigation,
alleviation; consolation, comfort. (cf.
bulng, tbang, paaliwnsan, utwsan).
alibgbog, A slight headache, vertigo,
dizziness and pain in the head. Also used as
a verb. Nagaalibgbog ang lo ko. My
head feels giddy. Ginaalibgbog ak or
may alibgbog ak. I have a slight
alibtbot, A shrub, whose leaves are a
remedy for headache and whose juice is
made use of as a remedy against punctures,
cuts and bruises from thorns, splinters,
sharp stones, nails, etc. Butang sing
alibtbot ang kon pilas. Put some
alibtbot-juice on my wound.
alibubungn, See alibungn.
alibgos, Wart; blister, pustule, pimple.
(cf. kalnggo, lp-ok).
alibungn, The ridge of a roof and the
like. (cf. bulubungn, bubungn,
ibubungn from bubng, bobng).
alibnung, To be giddy, dizzy, confused,
upset. (cf. lngin, alignung, libg,
alibtdan, Half-boiled, half-cooked, not
properly cooked, the inside remaining
hard, especially applied to all kinds of
tubers like potatoes, ube, banyan, etc. (cf.
alibtud, Core, centre; lowest depth. Sa
alibtud sang kalibtan. In the very centre
of the world. Sa alibtud sang inpirno. In
the lowest depth of hell.
albyo, See albio.
alig, The fat, the soft and most savoury
part of a crabs meat, especially applied to
the alimngo-crab. Only well developed
crabs have alig.
aligiann, Having much alig; rich,
wealthy, well-to-do, influential. (cf.
bangklan, manggran, manggarnon).
algmat, To remain awake, watch, keep
vigil, stay up waiting for somebody, etc.
Aligmat ak tbtub nga magabt ak.
Stay awake for me till I come. Magalgmat
kam. Keep vigil. Stay awake. (cf. pulw).
aligng-ong, See alagng-ong id. Also:
alignung, aliglung, id.
aligtgot, Resentment, ill feeling,
grudge, anger, animosity, umbrage, pique,
ill, bad, blood, ill-will, to bear, owe,
a grudge, harbour or nurse resentment, to
be angry, have an ill feeling. May aligtgot
si sa kon. He has a grudge against me.
Ind mo si pagaligotgotn. Dont bear
him any resentment. Nagaaligtgot si sa

kay Fulno, kay wal nya pagtumna

ang ya ginsad. He has an ill feeling
against N.N. because he did not fulfil his
promise. (cf. kig, snggud, sngon).
aligot, (H) Regret, grief or pain caused
by the want or loss of something; to miss,
regret, feel the loss of, be sorry for the
absence or loss of. A, ginaaligoton
(ginaaligotohn) ko gid ang pnggan nga
nabung! Oh, I am so sorry for the broken
plate! Madm nga mga giniknan
nagaaligot sang galasthon sa
pagpaton sa la mga bt. Many parents
regret the expense of providing instruction
for their children. (cf. nglin, ngsul,
aliglung, To be dizzy, giddy, confused,
upset. (cf. libg, lngin, lingn, gmon,
alignung, Confused, upset; to confuse,
worry, upset. (cf. lngin, lingn, aliglung).
aligyann, Having much alig, etc. See
alhid, Side, edge, border; to pass along
the side of, to go in a parallel line along the
border of, to take a side-track. Magalhid
lang kam sa pngpang. Just pick your
way along the bank. Kon madm ang
lnang sa dlan sarng kam makaalhid
sa is ka bnas. If there should be much
mud on the road, you can take the footpath
at the side of it. Metaphorically:
Nagapangalhid si sa mga kadalagkun.
He avoids contact with high-class folks,
holds aloof from them, keeps his distance
in their presence.
alikabt, To rise, soar, fly aloft, mount
upwards as on wings (said of wind, dust,
etc.). (cf. alintab).
alikya, Gay, sprightly, cheerful, cheery,
merry, good-humoured; to be or become
gay, etc. Alikya nga nawng. A gay
expression. Sdto nay masub si, pang
karn nagalikya na si. Formerly he used
to be sad, but now he is cheerful.
Naalikayhan ak sang ya pangguyhon.
His face impressed me with its cheeriness.
(cf. naynya, manaynya).
alkdik, Dandruff, scurf. See adkdik id.
aliks, A skin disease. See ariks id.
alikisn, One affected with aliks. (cf.
alikmo, A kind of crab. (cf. alimngo).
all, To nourish, nurture, rear, bring up,
foster, take good care of, look after with
kindness and consideration. Alila sing
mayo ang bt, ang masakt, ang
pilasn, etc. Look well after the baby, the
sick person, the wounded man, etc. Iall
ak nay sinng makalol-oy nga to.
Kindly take upon yourself the care of this
poor fellow. Si San Hos dl sumod nga
amy ni Hesukrsto, knd amy nga
manugall lmang. St. Joseph was not the
real father of Jesus Christ, but only his
foster-father. Ginall nya ang lo nga


alli alingg-ngog
bt sbong sang sumod nya nga ank.
She brought up or reared the orphan-child
as if it were her own daughter. (cf. sagd,
batit, sappo).
alli, A loan contract, the loan to be paid,
mostly at usurious interest, in agricultural
products; to borrow money on such a
contract. Kon nd ka magbyad sing tb,
nd ka makaalli. If you are unwilling to
pay interest, you cannot get a loan.
Nagsilng si sa kon nga pagapaalilhan
ikw nya sing napl ka mngmang kon
magbyad ka sa ya sing num ka psong
nga humy sa tubs. He told me that he
will lend you ten pesos, if you will pay him
six bushels of rice at the harvest-time.
Ipaalli lang sa ya ang ttlo ka
mngmang nga ya kinahnglan. Just
lend him the three pesos he needs. Sing
masam ang mga manugpaalli nagasokt
sing laks nga tb. Very often moneylenders on an alli-contract charge
exorbitant interest. (cf. tang, hulm,
lngit; ngkat).
alling, (H) A wheel. Also used as a verb.
Alilngi ang kro or butang sing alling
ang kro. Put a wheel to the cart. (cf.
ruda; arring).
alma, (B) The hand. Pagpangalmato
handle, handle roughly, come to blows, etc.
Ind ka mangalma sa ya or nd mo si
pagpangalimhon. Dont touch him. Dont
strike him, handle him, roughly. (cf.
alim, (B) To take in hand, to handle or
take care of. Alimahn mo gn inng mga
bt. Take care of these children, then.
Ialim ak nay sinng mga bt. Lend
me a hand, please, in taking care of these
alimngo, A crab, much esteemed for
food, the aligyann in particular being
much in demand. (cf. kasg).
alimtok, Mountain-leech, black and
white in colour, a little smaller than the
ordinary leech. (cf. lnt).
alimbhon, A variety of coconut. See
limbhon, libhon.
alimbukd, To bubble, froth, foam,
seethe; a bubble, foam, froth.
Nagaalimbukd ang tbig sa bubn. The
water in the bathing-hole is bubbling. May
alimbukd ang tbig sa wang. The water
in the cistern is frothy or foamy.
Paalimbukar (-ad) ang tbig. Make the
water bubble (by stirring, throwing stones
into it, etc.). (cf. bukl, akl-akl).
alimbyug, Black, blackish, brown, dun,
swarthy, swart, swarth, dark, especially
applied to fowls, but also to the coloured
races of men. Ang mga buky kag
alimbyug. The whites and blacks, the
white and dark-coloured races. (cf.
ilmilm, kayumngg).
alimbuyungn, A whirl, eddy,
whirlpool, vortex, a rapid circular current


Visayan-English Dictionary
of air or water. (cf. byungto revolve or
turn round).
alimdyas, A plant whose seeds are often
made up into necklaces or used as beads.
alimkon, A bird; a kind of wild pigeon.
alimsan, A fish similar to the haron,
but smaller.
alimpapw, Superficial, on the surface,
not deep, not from the heart, hypocritical,
insincere, cool, merely formal; careless,
perfunctory, negligent. Abw, alimpapw
gid lang ang pagtman mo sang mo
katungdnan. Why, you are very negligent
or careless in the performance of your
duties. Alimpapw lang ang ya nga
pagsmba. He goes to church only to keep
up appearances. (cf. halimpapw,
salimpapw, pakulhaw).
alimpsong, A hollow, a shallow
depression in the soil, in a floor, etc.;
hollow, depressed, lower than the
surrounding ground; to be or become
depressed, etc. Tpana ang mga bokldbklod kag tampokn mo ang mga
alimpsong, agd magsalma ang dt.
Lower the mounds and fill in the hollows in
the ground, that the land may become
level. (cf. limpsong, liban, lpyak).
alimplus, The top, crown, apex, of
the head; the whorl or tuft of hair on top of
the head, any other whorl of hair on the
scalp, a cowlick, lines on the finger-tips,
lines in the palm of the hand, etc.
alimplus, See alimbuyungn
whirlpool, eddy.
alimprus, See alimplus id.
alimgtaw, To sleep restlessly or
brokenly, awake frequently and at short
intervals, sleep only a little at a time;
restless, broken, (of sleep). Nagalimgtaw
ang bt nga masakt. The sick child slept
restlessly. Alimgtaw gid lmang ang ya
katulgon. His sleep was very restless, he
slept but little, he awoke every now and
again, (cf. bgtaw; alumlaw).
alimnaw, To be struck speechless, to
become speechless and breathless from a
sudden shock, to yell or scream in sudden
fear, anger or pain and lose speech and
breath immediately afterwards for a short
time, or even die on the spot without
recovering either; to be affected with a
choking fit. Ang bt nagaalimnaw. The
child has a choking fit. D mo
pagpaalimunwon ang bt. Dont give
the child a choking fit. D mo pagbuhton
in, kay bs magaalimnaw si. Dont do
that, for he may get a choking fit. (cf.
himnaw, id. and the more common form
in use).
alimnaw, To disappear suddenly or
unexpectedly, to melt away; to vanish, be
missing. Nagalimnaw gid lang ang kon
isullat sa tulungtngan sang kon
sulultan. My pen was missing from the
table in my writing office. Bantay inng
mga ph, agd nga nd magalimnaw.

Watch these mangoes, lest they should melt

away or disappear. (cf. limnaw id. and
more in use).
alimwgas, To spread, scatter, disperse;
to run away, flee. (cf. plag, tl-as).
alinynay, Mild, soft, gentle. (cf. hnay,
alugynay, nagynay).
ling, Aunt; fostermother; dear old
woman, kind soul. This term seems to have
been borrowed from the Tagalog dialect,
(cf. t, ty, dar, mnding, bboy).
aling, To watch, guard, see to, pay
attention to, supervise, attend to, as
mothers to their children, shepherds to
their flocks, hosts to their visitors, etc. Ang
bakro nagaaling sang mga karabw.
The cowherd is tending the buffaloes.
Alingah ang mo mga bt. Look after
your children. Ind ak makahaln, kay
nagaaling ak sang akn mga bista. I
cannot get away, because I have to attend
to my visitors. Ialing ak nay sang kon
mga eskula. Kindly watch my pupils or
my classroom for a while. (cf. bntay,
libng, alim).
alingg-ngag, A little deaf, hard of
hearing; to be a little deaf, have ones sense
of hearing slightly impaired. Alinggngag
si. He is slightly deaf. Sang is ka simna
manting pa si, pang karn
nagalinggngag na. A week ago he could
still hear well, but now he is a little deaf.
Sn-o pa ikw magalinggngag? When
did you have your sense of hearing
impaired? Ginaalingagngagn ak sa ya.
He seems to me to be slightly deaf.
alinggngag, Also: The palate. (cf.
tngon, idilmdim, ngalgngag).
alingsa, Noise, hubbub, clamour,
disturbance; disturbing, trying or tiringly
noisy, even if not very loud; to be or get
noisy, said of children in school, of people
talking and laughing during a discourse, in
a theatre, meeting or the like. Alingsa nga
kaghud! Kaalingsa sinng mga to.
What a noise! How noisy these men are.
Naalingashan ak sa ya. He became a
nuisance to me on account of the
disturbing noise he made. Ind kam
magalingsa. Dont make a noise. Dont be
noisy. (cf. aling-ut id.).
aling-ut, See alingsa id.
alingut, Also: Sultriness, stuffiness,
close heat; to be or become sultry, etc. (cf.
gn-ot, bhot; indahng).
alingyo, A small, wasp-like insect with a
very painful sting. (kamalyo, mangalyo
alngit, alingt, Resentment, grudge, illwill, ill-feeling; to resent, nurse
resentment, bear a grudge. (cf. aligtgot,
kig, gulut-non).
alingg-ngog, Dulness, dizziness in the
head, want of alertness or keenness, from
loss of sleep, after too heavy a meal or
excessive drinking or the like; dizzy, dull,

Visayan-English Dictionary
confused; to feel or become dizzy, lack
keenness, etc. Alinggngog ang lo ko or
nagalinggngog ang lo ko. My head feels
dull. Butang sing hinbra ang ya tub sa
pagpaalinggngog sa ya. Put some gin
into his palm-wine to make his head reel.
(cf. lngin, lingn).
alinsso, The tender central part or core
of the edible marrow of the coconutand
buri-palm (bud) as well as of the tip of the
banana-blossom (bad). Any similar
tender core.
alinsnud, To follow in succession,
succeed one another. (cf. sund).
alintab, The rising of clouds of dust, the
splashing or spraying of water and the like;
to rise (of dust), to splash, spray (of water,
etc.). Ang yb-ok nagaalintab sa hngin.
The dust is rising in clouds on account of
the wind. Ginapaalintab ang yb-ok sang
hngin. The wind raises the dust in clouds.
Paalintaboh ang tbig sa lnaw. Make
the water splash in the quiet pool. Ang
tbig magaalintab kon balngan mo sing
bat nga dak. Water will splash, if you
throw a big stone into it. Natabnan ang
mon mga panpton sang yb-ok, kay
naalintabohn kam bangd sang
mamdlus nga hngin. Our clothes got
covered with dust, because it rose in clouds
around us due to the strong wind. Abi,
ipaalintab ak sang tbig, kay malyag
ak magtn-aw. Well, cause the water to
splash, for I should like to see it.
alintag, A step, rung or round of a
ladder; a stair of a flight of stairs or of a
staircase; to do something step by step,
leisurely, with pauses, with delays,
interruptions or intervals. Ang hgdan
sang mon baly may napl ka alintag.
The ladder of our house has ten steps. Ind
ka magalintag kon magsgid ka sin sa
ya, knd daynon mo gid ang mo
paghmbal. Dont use broken, hesitating
language, when you recount that to him,
but tell him what you have got to say in a
coherent manner. Ginalintag nla ang
pagpatndog sang baly. They built the
house slowly, step by step. (cf. halngtang,
halntang id.).
alnton, To transfer, hand over, deliver to,
hand down; come down to, be conveyed or
transferred. Ang ya sin nga margtas
nagalnton sa ton sa sugd-sgid sang
mga ml-am. The history of that episode
came down to us through the oral tradition
of the old people. Ialnton ang bal sa
baly. Transfer the box to the house or
convey the box home. Ginalnton
(ginpaalnton) ko ang kon kasangkpan
sa baly. I transferred my equipment to
the house. Ginpaalintonn kit sang ton
mga giniknan sang la nga mnggad.
Our parents handed down to us their
property. Ang mga Apstoles
nagpaalnton sa ton sing madm nga
mga kamaturan nga wal masult sa

alinsso aliwna
sntos nga ebanhlyo. The Apostles
handed down to us many truths that were
not written in the gospel.
aliplok, (H) A spark of fire, particles of
fire emitted by bodies in a state of
combustion. Ang aliplok nagalupd
(nagatabg). The sparks are flying. Ang
mon baly nadktan sang is ka
aliplok. Our house was set on fire by a
alipalk, (H) To emit or send off sparks,
to spark, sparkle. Ang kalyo
nagaalipalk. The fire is giving off sparks.
D mo pagalipalokn (pagpaalipalokn)
ang kalyo. Do not cause the fire to send
up sparks. Ind mo pagabrihn ang purta
nga malapt sa dapg, kay nagaalipalk
ang kalyo. Do not open the door near the
fire-place, for the fire is throwing off
sparks. Ang mga atp nga kgon madal
masnug kon alipalokn sang kalyo.
Thatches of kogon-grass will soon burn, if a
spark of fire alights on them.
alipas, To haste, hasten, hurry, bustle,
be in a hurry, make haste. Nagaalipas sil
sa pagpal, kay bs maulann. They are
in a hurry to go home, for they may be
caught in the rain. An gid ang
ginaalipas mo? Why are you in such a
hurry? Paalipasahn mo si sa pagpakar.
Urge him to come here quickly. (cf. dal,
kalt, dsig).
alipat, A kind of poisonous plant.
aliptpat, To drop asleep, to fall asleep
unintentionally, to fall into a reverie when
in company, to lose by day-dreaming the
thread of conversation, to go woolgathering. A person in this condition, if
spoken to and recovering his wits, will as a
rule apologize with a phrase like this:
Dispensah ak, nakaaliptpat ak or
Dispensah ak, naalipatpatn ak.
Pardon me, I forgot myself. Pardon me,
my thoughts were wandering or I was
distracted. Excuse me, I was not listening,
aliptwon, Stubborn, undisciplined,
turning a deaf ear to, unheedful,
unheeding. (cf. batingglan, dmannggol).
alipokpokn, Ridge, top, point, summit,
crest, highest part of a mountain or hill,
etc. (cf. putokputokn).
alipudwn, The top of the head, the part
of the head just above the forehead, the
anterior part of the skull.
alipngot, Rage, fury, wrath, passion,
great resentment, frenzy of anger or
revenge, exasperation; to be wild with rage
or resentment, to fly into arage,passion,
etc. May alipngot si or nagaalipngot
si tungud nga ginbutangbutngan si
sang mga to. He is wild with rage at
having been slandered by the people.
Ginaalipngtan nya ang paglibk sa ya.
He very much resents detraction.
Ginalipngtan nya ang mga naglibk sa
ya. He felt great resentment against his

detractors. Ginsmbag ko si kay

inalipngot ak. I struck him because my
blood was boiling.
aliptan, The anus; the fundament. (cf.
aliptuk, Ridge, crest, top (of a wave,
etc.); eddy, whirlpool, (cf. alimplus,
alimbuyungn; alipokpokn,
aliptus, Land lying between two
branches of a river.
lis, To fight, come to blows. Naga-lis or
nagaalisy ang mga bt. The boys are
fighting, have come to blows. Alsi si!
Fight him! Ilis ko sa ya ining bastn. Ill
fight him with this stick. Ind ka manglis
sa mga bt nga magamy. Dont fight,
quarrel with, small boys. (cf. rnis,
als, An exclamation: Go away! Take
yourself off. Withdraw! (cf. haln).
alsbong, Odour, smell, scent, perfume,
emanation, vapour emanating from the
ground, flowers, etc.; to smell, give off a
smell, to exhale, be odoriferous. Anno nga
alsbong ang ginabtyag ko dir? What
kind of smell do I notice here? An ang
nagapangalsbong? What is smelling?
Abw, nagapangalsbong ka ba! Ah, how
strong you smell of scent! (cf. sbong,
sbung, sungw).
alis, (Sp. hlice) Screw-propeller, screw,
propeller. Also verb. Ang to nga nahlug
sa bapr naalis kag natud ang ya pa.
The man that fell overboard was caught by
the propeller and had a leg cut off.
alsngaw, Vapour, steam arising from the
soil, emanation, effluvium, exhalation,
miasma, steam, etc.; to give off vapour, to
exhale. Nakahk-on ak sang alsngaw
sang dt. I inhaled the vapours arising
from the soil. Ang dt nga uhw, kon
maulann, magaalsngaw kag
magaalsbong (magapangalsbong). The
thirsty soil, if rained upon, gives off
vapours and odours. (cf. sbung, sbong,
sungw, alsbong).
alsto, (Sp. alistar) Ready, prepared, fit
for, equipped; to prepare, get ready. Alisto
na kam sa paglakt. We are now ready to
march. Kon alsto na kam nga tann,
malakt na kit. If you are all ready, we
will go now. Alistoh ang mga dall-on
(dallhon). Get ready the things to be taken
along or to be brought along. Alistoh kam
sing balnon. Make ready for us some
provisions for the journey. Ialsto ko pa
ang kon malta, kay dlhon ko sa bus. I
am going to get my hand-bag ready, for Ill
take it along tomorrow. (cf. hmos, hkot,
hwat, man).
lito, (Sp. hlito) Breath; vapour,
emanation, exhalation, effluvium.
aliwna, Width, breadth, wideness,
broadness, spaciousness; to be or become
wide, broad, spacious, (cf. hanhay, lwag,


aliwnag alghog
aliwnag, Advanced dawn of day,
clearness, brightness, light diffusing itself
just before the rising of the sun. Also used
as adjective and verb. May aliwnag na.
The morning light is here already.
Aliwnag na ang kalibtan. The world (is
filling) is being filled with the light
preceding the rising of the sun.
Nagaaliwnag na ang kalibtan. The
morning light is diffusing itself over the
world. (cf. bnag, ban-ag, bangbnag).
aliwnay, To be wide, spacious, etc. See
aliwnos, aliwans, (B) To move, stir;
to get free, go about freely. Ind ak
makaaliwnos. I cannot move about freely,
I cannot stir. (cf. hlag, gho, etc.).
aliwnsan, Loophole, escape, refuge,
help, salvation, (aliwnos; cf.
paaliwnsan, dalngpan, alypan).
aliwas, To be excited, be anxious, be in a
hurry. (cf. alipas).
aliwatn, The wrist. Taknan nga sa
aliwatn. A wrist-watch, wristlet-watch.
alkabla, (H) (Sp. alcabala) Commerceexcise, excise-duty; to subject to payment
of duty, exact or collect excise-duty. Skta
ang alkabla. Collect the excise-duty.
Ginaalkabalhan ang mga balalgy.
Merchandise is subject to excise-duty. (cf.
arkabla, buhs).
alkabalro, (Sp. alcabalero) Taxgatherer, revenue-officer, (cf. arkabalsta).
alkampr, (Sp. alcanfor) Camphor.
alkansya, (Sp. alcanca) Money-box,
especially a money-box made out of
bamboo, or out of a coconut shell.
alkil, (H) (Sp. alquilar) Rent, payment
for the lease of a house or shop and the
like; to take on lease, to rent, lease. Pil
ang alkil sang baly mo? What is the rent
for your house? Alkilahn mo lang inng
baly sing tagnaplo ka mngmang ang
blan. Simply rent this house for ten pesos
a month. Ipaalkil ko inng baly. I will let
this house on lease. Paalkilah ak sang
mo baly. Let me have your house on
lease. Ind ak magalkil sinng hult, kay
laks kamahl. I wont take this room on
lease, because it is too dear. (cf. hinkay).
alkitrn, (Sp. alquitran) Tar, liquid pitch.
lma, (Sp. alma) Soul, spirit of man; head,
directing influence. (cf. kalg; lo).
almanki, (Sp. almanaque) Almanac,
calendar, time-table. (cf. kalendryo).
almasn, (Sp. almacen) Shop, store;
storage, shed, go-down, store-room: barn,
store-house or out-house for farmproducts, etc. (cf. tinda; tambbo,
almndra, (Sp. almendra) Almond;
almond-shaped precious stone or diamond.
almidn, (Sp. almidon) Starch; to starch.
Ginalmidonn nya ang kon by. sing
laks. She starched my jacket overmuch.
Ialmidn ak sang kon by. Please


Visayan-English Dictionary
starch my jacket for me. Ipaalmidn ko sa
mamumunk ang kon by. I will get the
washerwoman to starch my jacket. Ang
mga panpton nga inalmidonn
mabskog. Starched clothes are stiff.
Panpton nga alalmidonn. Clothes to be
starched. (cf. amidl, armidl).
almirnte, (Sp. almirante) Admiral.
almirs, (Sp. almirez) A kitchen mortar, a
small mortar. (cf. lubakn, lusngricemortar. The pestle of an almirs is called
balyo, baryo, that of a lusng hl-o).
almohda, (Sp. almohada) Pillow,
bolster, cushion to sit on, or to rest ones
head upon. (cf. ulnan).
almohadn, A large cushion or pillow.
lmon, A kind of tree and its commercial
timber; a kind of sugar-cane.
almornas, (Sp. almorranas) Piles,
l. Act of endearment, caressing,
fondling; to caress, fondle, pet; to give
children something to eat, treat with great
kindness or tenderness. Ala ang bt.
Caress the baby. May tinpay ak nga il
ko sa bt. I have some bread for the baby.
Ali ang bt sing matm-is. Treat the
baby to some sweetmeats. (cf. dl,
l, Inlet, creek, channel (of sea-water).
al-l, Dim. and Freq. of l. To caress
rather often or repeatedly, to caress now
and then. (cf. har-hr, dal-dl).
alobybay, Handrail, railing to hold
oneself by, balustrade. Also used as a verb.
Alobaybay ang hgdan sang mo baly.
Make a handrail for the ladder leading up
to your house. Inng hgdan wal sing
alobybay. This ladder has no handrail.
Naalobaybayn ang la nga pntaw. Their
kitchen balcony is surrounded by a
balustrade. Mangaloby-bay kam kon
manug. Keep your hand on the handrail
when you go down-stairs.
Nagapangalobybay na ang bt. The
baby is already learning to walk or making
its first steps by keeping itself up or
supporting itself by holding on to a chair, a
wall, etc. (cf. gaby, gabayn).
alobaybayn, Handrail, balustrade. (cf.
gabayn, alobybay).
alobhod, A tree, whose slightly sour
leaves are made use of to flavour meat and,
specially, fish.
alb-ob, To dip in, to fill by dipping.
Ialb-ob lang ang bayng sa sub. Just
dip the bayng into the river and fill it.
Alob-ob ang agwadahn sing tbig. Fill
the bucket with water by dipping. Ipaalbob ang bayng sa kay Pdro. Let Peter dip
the bayng into the water and fill it. (cf.
sg-ub, agwda).
alob-ob, A heat-bath; to give or
administer a heat-bath, to cause to perspire
by means of live coals placed in a pan
underneath a person sitting or standing

and closely wrapped up to the chin.

Ginaalobo-ban nmon si. We are giving
him a heat-bath. Nagahmos ak sing
bagahn nga inugpaalob-ob sa ya. I am
getting ready a brasier for administering a
heat-bath to him.
alg, A Tagalog. (cf. taglog; ala
Tagala, a Tagalog woman).
alogad, Silly, childish, senile, doting,
pertaining to the second childhood of old
people. (cf. uliann, ayopka, tstso,
urumnon, payan, batan).
alogn-gan, To postpone, procrastinate,
tarry, put off, delay; tarrying, delaying, etc.
The verb is frequently used with pa-. Dl
kam magpaalogn-gan or maginalogngan sa pagslhig sang hult. Dont put off
sweeping the room. Ginalogn-gan nya
ang pagkdto ddto kag tungd sin wal
si makabut sang tbad. He put off going
there and as a consequence came too late
for the dinner or banquet. Ind si
magpaalogn-gan sa pagsaky pa Manl
or nd nya pagialogn-gan ang
pagsaky pa Manl. He will not postpone
his trip to Manila. Alogn-gan si sing
pamatsan. He is inclined to procrastinate,
put things off. (cf. palntang; agpto
alogs-gas, Full, complete (of payment);
well done, thorough, perfect, faultless (of
work); full, of the best, of a high order (of
crops, etc.); to be or perform well, to
become or make blameless, etc. Ang
humy nga pinatubs ko sang is ka tig
alogs-gas gid, pang ang pinatubs ko
sa karn nga tig tm kaupahn. The
rice I harvested last year was splendid, but
the one I harvested this year is full of
blighted ears. Abw alogs-gas gid ang
ginbyad ko sang ginbalgy mo sa kon
kag karn ang kon ibalgy angkatn mo
lang! Just think of it, I paid you cash in full
for what you sold me and now you would
like to get on mere credit what I have to sell
to you! Mayo gn kon si ang
magapatndog sang baly, kay alogs-gas
si sing pangbra. It is well, indeed, if he
builds the house, for he is thorough in his
work. Kon alogas-gasn ang nyo trabho,
alogas-gasn ko man ang igashol ko sa
nyo. If you perform your work well, I, on
my part, will pay you a generous wage.
Ginalogas-gasn ko si sa pagbyad. I
paid him cash in full.
alghog, A running line, any rope or
string, attached by means of rings or a
channel, through which it passes, to a
garment, curtain, fishing-net or the like;
any other material used in a similar way
and for the same purpose; to attach or
provide such a rope, etc. Aloghog ang
pury mo. Put a running string to your
short breeches. Ialghog ang ps. Put the
cord through its channel (or rings, as the
case may be). Ialghog ang alghog sa ya
nga aloghogn. Thread the cord through

Visayan-English Dictionary
the rings, blocks, tubes, hem, etc.
Ginpakbit nla ang kmbong sa lbid
nga. inogalghog (inalghog). They hung
up the curtain on a running rope. (cf.
halghog id. and the more usual form).
aloghogn, The channel, tube, groove,
rings and the like through which an
alghog is passed. (cf. haloghogn id.).
alg-og, To glide or slide down a rope or
pole, using chiefly the hands in doing so.
Nagalg-og lang si. He just slid down.
Alog-og ang kalt. Glide down the rope.
Metaphorically: to go away or leave
secretly, go down by stealth or unnoticed.
Sa tpus ang panihpon nagalg-og lang
si. After supper he just slipped away, left
without the knowledge of those in the
house. (cf. kalg-og id.).
alokab, The shell of eggs, turtles, crabs,
etc. (cf. olokab id.).
alk-lok, To run after each other, one
trying to catch, the other to escape, (as is
often done by children at play). Nagaalklok sil. They are chasing, running after,
each other. (cf. lags, lagsany).
alk-alk, Desultory, rambling, passing
from one thing or work to another and not
completing any; to work by fits and starts,
to do something in a desultory manner.
Alk-alk nga pangbra in. That is a
poor, jerky way of working. Abw, natpus
na gal ang baly nga ginalk-alk nla sa
suld sinng lim ka tig. Why! They have
actually finished the house at which they
have been busy by fits and starts these last
five years. Ind mo pagpaalk-alokn ang
mga to sa la trabho. Dont allow the
men to slacken at their work. (cf. alnglang).
alla, A small, coarsely woven basket
made of buri-leaves, etc. and serving chiefly
as a hen-nest or receptacle for various
fruits and garden-produce. From the
smallness and low value of an alla it has
become a synonym for: trifle, a small
matter, of little concern, etc. Alla lang in
sa mo. That is only a trifle for you. Such a
thing matters little to you.
lom, (H) A mole, a small, black (or even
white) spot or pimple, never larger than a
wart. It is indelible, being a birthmark.
Larger protuberances, even if accidentally
acquired, are called bokl and more
extensive moles of various discolorations
are known as kalh, karh. (cf. long,
rong id.).
lom, A tree, whose bark is superstitiously
worn by some in the form of a collar round
the neck as a supposed remedy against
various ills and diseases, especially against
alm, Dark, dim, dimmed, tarnished,
lack-lustre, having lost lustre or shine; to
be or become dark, to lose lustre or
whiteness, said of metals, skin, surface of
furniture and the like. (cf. ilm, itm).
alm, See lhom. (cf. arm).

aloghogn alsaprma
alomplan, A kind of creeper with
acidulous leaves that are used as
condiment. (cf. alupdan).
lon, Fire, blaze, conflagration. (cf. snug,
long, A mole. (cf. lom, rong).
alng-ong, To know, understand. (cf.
inalng-ong; hibal, syod, to).
aln-on, (B) To wind and double yarn or
thread on a reel. Alon-on inng is ka
gpang nga bunng. Wind up and double
this hank of yarn. Inng bunng alon-onn
(ialn-on) ko sa alon-onn. This yarn I am
going to wind up and pair on the doublingmachine. Ialn-on mo ak nay sinng
bunng. Kindly double this yarn for me on
the doubling machine.
alon-onn, (B) A device for winding up
and doubling or pairing yarn for weaving
purposes, a doubling-machine or doublingreel.
alp, A plug, peg, bung, wedge driven into
an object from underneath or behind; a
boss, stud, knob. (cf. halp id. and more
commonly used).
lop, To plug, bung up, stop up a hole by
means of a pin, bolt, wedge or the like
driven in from inside or from underneath
the object to be plugged or mended. Alpi
ang lusng. Plug the rice-mortar. Ilop ko
inng khoy sa lusng. I am going to stop
up the hole in the rice-mortar with this
piece of wood. (cf. hlop; for the cork or
stopple of a bottle sngsung is to be
alp, The lid or cover at the bottom of a
portable fish-trap made of wickerwork.
alphop, (B) To cook or boil only a small
quantity of rice, especially by means of the
nglit, a much smaller rice-pot than the
klon. Alophop ak. Cook a little rice for
me. Paalophop ak. Get somebody to boil
a little rice for me. Kon mga sarng
ialphop mo ak nay sing ditay nga
bugs. Kindly cook a small quantity of rice
for me. (cf. halphop id. and more in use).
alop, A rice-cake made of rice-flour
mixed with sugar and coconut-meat,
wrapped up in banana-leaves and boiled.
(cf. bagdbod).
alophon, Materials got ready or required
for the making of a rice-cake called alop.
alopnpin, Half-full grains, particularly of
rice. (cf. umyaw, amyaw).
alop-op, Dense mist, fog, vapour, cloud.
Also used as a verb. May alop-op or
nagaalop-op. There is a mist. It is misty,
foggy, cloudy. Nagapangalop-op or
naalopo-pan ang bkid. The mountain is
covered with, shrouded in, clouds. (cf.
mbon, pangnud, glum).
alor, (H) Arrowroot, (cf. aror, sag).
alosusu, aloswsw, A kind of worm
or caterpillar that is very injurious to

alt, (H) Very short-haired, shaved or with

the hair cut extremely short; to cut the hair
very short, to shave. Alot ak sang kon
bohk. Cut my hair very short. Mangalt
ak sang kon bngot. I am going to shave
off my beard. Mapaalt ak nay sa
manuggnting. I am going to have my hair
cut very short by the barber. Ipaalt mo
ang mo bngot sa barbro. Get your
beard shaved off by the barber. (cf. bulg).
aly, A young or small turngan, tulnganfish.
loy, A pretended sickness; to feign
sickness, pretend to be ill, to malinger,
simulate some illness. Aloy lang inng ya
balatan. That sickness of his is a mere
imposture or sham. Ind ka magloy. Dont
pretend to be sick. Ginloy lang nya
inng balatan. He merely simulated that
disease. Iloy mo lang nga masakt ang
lo mo. Simply pretend to have a headache.
aloyn, Pretending to be ill, simulating a
disease. Aloyn nga to. One who pretends
to be ill.
alpahr, (Sp. alfajor, alaju) A kind of
crisp bread or biscuit, often mixed with
almonds, honey, sugar, etc.
alpka, (Sp. alpaca) Alpaca, the animal as
well as the thin, light fabrics made from its
soft, silky wool.
lpan, For alpan from lopto stop,
plug, etc.
alpargtas, (Sp. alpargata) Sandals or
shoes made of cloth and having thick
hempen soles.
alpilr, (Sp. alfiler) Safety-pin; pin in
general. (cf. sibt, kirkol, turbok, espelr).
alpmbra, (Sp. alfombra) Floor-carpet,
altar-carpet, rug. (cf. bang).
lpot, Strumpet, whore, harlot, prostitute,
(cf. pta, bigon, pattot, bighaln,
lsa, (Sp. alza, alzar) A rise in price; the
raising of merchandise, money, etc. on
credit; to raise, lift, hoist; to get on credit.
Ang tann nga mga balalgy sa almasn
sinng komersynte lsa gid lmang sa
Ilng-long or ginlsa gid lmang nya sa
Ilng-long. All the goods on sale in the
store of this merchant are (were) obtained
by him on credit from Iloilo. Alsah pa gid
ang khoy sing ditay. Raise the wood yet
a little. Alsah inng lugr sang mga bat.
Remove the stones from this place. Alsah
ang tngug mo. Raise your voice to a higher
pitch. Ilsa ak nay sinng lta nga
tbig. Please lift this can of water for me.
Alsahn mo gid nay ang barha kag
ugling ipanhtag (ipanghtag). First cut
the cards and then deal them out. (For an
increase in wages and the like pask is
to be used. Napasakan ang ya shol. His
wages have been raised).
alsaprma, (Sp. alzaprima) A lever for
raising loads.


altr mak
altr, (Sp. altar) Altar. Altr nga mayr.
High-altar. Main altar. Altr nga minr.
Side-altar. (cf. halarn, misahn).
lto, (Sp. alto) Stop! Halt! A military term.
alubksan, The waist; the place where a
native skirt called patdyong is fastened
or secured; the securing, fastening of a
patdyong (by tucking in one end at the
waist), (cf. ulubtan, ubt).
alugak, Loose, slack, not tight, not well
secured. (cf. halugak, halg, halug,
hugk, talungkak).
alugyan, A bamboo-mat, square, either
quite flat or, more frequently, with the
edges turned up a little, used chiefly to
catch the chaff when newly pounded rice is
tossed in the kallaw to separate the rice
from the chaff. Kon tphan ang binay
islud ang alugyan. When you toss the
rice free from the chaff, place the alugyan
underneath, (cf. lugyan id.).
alugynay, Slow, gentle, soft, mild, not
quick, not impetuous, not impulsive;
chronic, not acute (of disease); to be or
become slow, gentle, mild. Ang mga
balatan nga alugynay. Chronic diseases.
Nahlug si sa bintn, pang wal si
masamri, kay nagalugynay ang
pagtup nya sa dt nga mahmok. He
fell out of the window, but was not hurt, for
his fall was soft on the loose earth.
Alugynay gid lmang ang ya nga
pagpangt sing kabuhin. He earns his
livelihood with difficulty. His earnings are
coming in but slowly. (cf. anany, inany,
hnay, nagynay).
alugbti, A creeper, whose soft shoots are
aluk-it, Empty, deprived of contents,
said of husks and pods, especially the
emptied kamunsel husks; empty-headed,
stupid, brainless. (It is to be noted that the
aluk-it are still attached to the plant, but
empty through the action of birds or
vermin. Otherwise empty pods are called
pak, the general name for the exterior
coating of fruits, as: skin, husk, pod, peel,
alulakb, Eyelid. (cf. ilalakb,
ilalangb); klayeyebrow; amimilk
eyelash; kalimutweyeball; tato (sang
mat)pupil (of the eye).
lum, Mole. See lom.
alm, See alm.
alumlaw, (H) Very light, not deep, easily
to be awakened from, with half-closed eyes,
said of sleep. Nagkatulg ikw?Ho,
pang alumlaw lang ang kon panlug.
Did you sleep?Yes, but I was only dozing,
my sleep was very light. (alamlaw id.).
alumlaw, Also: To burn dimly, give a
feeble light (of a lamp, etc.). (cf.
kirwkirw, kirtkirt).
alung-og, Tastelessness, insipidity,
vapidness, staleness, flatness; to be or
become tasteless, vapid, stale, etc. Kon


Visayan-English Dictionary
madgay nga dl masag-ahn ang
wang, magaalung-og ang tbig. If a
cistern is not cleaned out for a long time,
the water becomes stale. Ind mo
pagpaalunga-ogn ang tbig. Dont allow
the water to become vapid.
alunga-g, Tasteless, stale, vapid,
stagnant; not well done, underdone,
insufficiently or badly cooked, performed
carelessly or negligently. Alunga-g nga
pangbra. Careless work. Alunga-g nga
ting-ang. Insufficiently or badly cooked
alungy, An insistent request,
solicitation, petition; to importune, to ask
earnestly, to solicit, petition, request.
Alungay in sa kay nnay. Ask mother
for it. Alungay sa kay nnay mo ang
sbong sin nga hampangnan. Ask your
mother for a plaything like that. Ialungy
mo ak sa kay ttay nga tugtan nya ak
sa pagkdto sa Ilnglong. Please ask
father for me to let me go to Iloilo.
Inalungayn nla ak sinng mga ph.
They kept asking me for some of these
mangoes. Ginalungayn nya si ttay
tbtub nga nakadngat si sang ya
ginahndum. He begged hard of father till
he obtained his wish. (cf. ah, pangy).
alungyngay, To hang or droop loosely,
to fall or break down in a heap, to sink or
drop to the ground in great weakness.
Nagalungyngay si nga daw mapaty.
She sank to the floor as if about to die.
Wal nya pagluat ang pagblbal sa ya
kon wal si magalungyngay kag
magpaalumtay sa salg. He would not
have desisted from giving him more blows,
if he had not dropped to the floor and
pretended to be dead.
aluntag, Step, rung, round (of a ladder),
stair (of a flight of stairs). (cf. alintag).
aluntagn, To do something slowly, step
by step, in several stages or in successive
parties. Nagaluntagn ang mon
paglakt. We walked quite slowly or our
party broke up on the march into several
alupdan, A kind of creeper with
acidulous leaves that are edible.
alusman, A kind of grass that is often fed
to pigs; a kind of purslain, purslane.
lwag, Width, wideness, breadth,
broadness, spaciousness; to be or become
spacious, wide, large, extensive, broad.
Naglwag na inng sla, kay ginsol nla
ang dngding. This reception room has
become large, for they have set back the
partition-wall. (cf. blang, lpad, lway,
hanhay, whag).
lwak, Spilling, spilth; to spill. Kon
uygon ang bso, magalwak ang tbig.
If the glass is shaken, the water will spill.
Ind mo pagpaalwakn ang tbig sa pitsl.
Dont spill the water out of the pitcher.
Naalwakn ang lamsa sang tbig. The
water was spilt on the table. (cf. lyak id.).

lwan, Liberality, munificence,

generosity, open-handedness, bounty,
bounteousness; to be or become generous,
liberal, open-handed, munificent,
bounteous, bountiful, free. Mamot
(manot) si sdto nay, pang karn
naglwan na. He used to be stingy, but
now he is quite generous.
lway, Width, breadth, wideness,
broadness, extensiveness, largeness,
spaciousness, ampleness, amplitude; to be
or become wide, broad, large, spacious,
extensive, ample, roomy. (cf. lpad,
sngkad, lwag, aliwna, aliwnay,
hanhay, blang).
alygan, A sieve, (cf. aygan, araygan,
lyak, To spill. See lwak id.
lyas, To fly off in all directions, etc. See
lias id.
ma, (Sp. ama) Housewife, mistress,
landlady, proprietress. (cf. aglon, tagya).
Also shortened from the Sp. ama de
amd, Lazy, indolent, slothful; to be or
become lazy, indolent, slothful, slack. Ang
amd nga to am ang is ka to nga
may katmad. A lazy man is one who has
the vice of sloth. Ind ka magamd. Dont
get lazy. Wal si makapasr sa ya
grdo, kay nagamd si sa pagton. He
could not pass his grade, because he was
too lazy to study. Naamadn si sa
pagsmba. He is (was) too lazy to go to
church. (cf. tmad, gol, agohs, ligy,
mag, Attraction, enticement, allurement,
inducement, lure. Ang krne mag sang
id. Meat is a lure for dogs. Ang mga blak
mag sang putykan. Flowers attract bees.
amg, To be attracted by, to be drawn
towards. Ang mga ragrga nagaamg
sang sug. The insect ragaraga seeks the
light or is drawn towards the light. Ang
bt nagaamg sa ya ily. The child
clings to, desires to be with, its mother.
Paamag ang id sing krne. Attach the
dog to you by giving him some meat. Inng
dlse iamg (ipaamg) ko sa bt. These
sweets Ill use to draw the child towards
me. Ang pamulkan ginaamagn sang
mga alibngbang. The flower-garden
allures the butterflies. Inng to nagaamg
lang sang kinaya, dl sang kaayhan
sang bnwa. This man is working for his
own profit, not for the good of the town.
amahn, The large beads of a rosary, the
Our Father beads.
mak, Easily lighted material, as
shavings, dry leaves, grass, etc. used to
start or kindle a fire. Pamak is generally
used, also as a verb. Mangt ka sing mak
or pamak. Look for some kindling.
Paamki ang kalyo. Put some easily
lighted material on the fire. Ipamak ko
inng luky. Ill use as kindling these dry
coconut leaves. Pangiti sing pamak

Visayan-English Dictionary
inng mga rm kag ttdan mo. Go in
search of something to set fire to this refuse
and burn it up.
amkan, Bamboo matting used for drying
rice, copra, etc. in the sun. Also for
partition walls, ceilings, floor-carpets, etc.
amalnhig, One who appears after death
and haunts houses, etc.; a ghost, spectre,
phantom, spirit, shade, wraith, spook,
apparition; to appear after death, to haunt.
Nakt bal nnyo ang amalnhig? Have
you seen the apparition? Si Fulno, kon,
nagaamalnhig sa ya baly. N.N., they
say, is haunting his house. May amalnhig
inng baly. This house is haunted by a
spectre. Ind ka magpti sinng mga
ginasugdsgid nga mga amalnhig.
Dont believe the stories about people who
are said to have risen from the grave or
who appear in, haunt, houses. (cf.
amamnhig, malnhig, marnhig).
amamkol, A kind of edible mushroom,
often found in banana groves.
amamnhig, (H) See amalnhig id.
man, To prepare, get, make, ready,
make preparations for. Magman ka sa
paglakt. Get ready for the march.
Nagman ka na sa pagkonpesr? Have
you prepared for confession? Mangman
ka! Be prepared! Be careful! Beware!
Amna ang kon higdan. Make my bed.
Amni ak sing pagkon. Prepare me
some food. Naman na ang tann.
Everything is ready. Iman ko inng hbul
sa bista. I am going to prepare this blanket
for the visitor. (cf. hmos, hkot, hwat).
man, To add, superadd, throw in, give
something in addition to what has been
bought or is contracted for. Amni ak sing
is ka gaml nga humy. Add one handful
of rice gratis or give me one handful of rice
over (in addition to my share for
harvesting, etc.). Iaman mo sa kon inng
is ka blog nga sd. Let me have this fish
too (in addition to the fish I have bought,
etc.). Also used as a noun. Wal sing
man? Is there no gratis-addition? May
ditay gid man nga man kon
matambingn mo ang byad. There is a
little more thrown in, if you pay spot cash.
(cf. tmba, dgang).
amn, (B) For a, man. Dl ka magpti
sa ya, kay amn butign si. Dont believe
him, for he is certainly a liar.
amng, Father, parent. (cf. amy, ttay,
tay, pa, pap).
amng-amng, Like a father, etc. Dim.
of amng.
amno, (Sp. a mano) Quits, square, paid
in full, given into the hand; to settle,
square, pay in full. Amno na kit. We are
now square. Nakaamno na ak. I have
settled my debt. Naamanhan ko na ikw.
I have now paid you in full. Iamno ko
karn sa mo inng duh ka mngmang. I
am now paying you the last two pesos of
my debt. (cf. kbis, mpas, tmbas).

amkan amby
amansebdo, (Sp. amancebado) One
living in concubinage.
amapla, (Sp. amapola) The poppy.
amarnhig, (B) See amalnhig id.
amargso, (Sp. amarguera) A cucumberlike vegetable with a bitter taste. The
sampalya belongs to the same class, but is
much smaller.
amarlyo, (Sp. amarillo) Yellow; gold,
golden, colour of gold. (cf. dalg, darg).
amt, To start slowly, do leisurely,
gradually, to do little by little or step by
step, to commence. Nagaamt sang nit
ang dlaw. The sun begins to get hot.
Nagaamt si sang nwang. He is slowly
getting thin. Amatn ta na ang trabho.
Let us now begin to work, let us now go to
work. Ginamt nmon ang paglakt. We
walked quite leisurely or slowly.
amt-mat, Little by little, step by step;
to do slowly, gradually, leisurely, etc.
Nagpadsig bal kam sang nyo
paglakt?Wal, knd amt-mat lang.
Did you walk quickly?No, quite slowly.
Amt-amton nnyo ang pagardo.
Plough slowly, little by little. Naamtamtan gid nmon sa pagbakl ang
kalmay. We bought sugar only in small
quantities at a time.
amt-amt, Slowly, step by step. See
amt-mat. (cf. hinyhnay).
amtong, (B) Pigsty. (cf. tngkal).
amy, (H) Father; to call one father.
Amy ko si. He is my father. Ang Amy,
ang Ank kag ang Espritu Snto am
ang ttlo ka Persnas nga disnon. Father,
Son and Holy Ghost, these are the three
divine Persons. Ang Amy nmon. The
Our Father. Amay si. Call him father.
Ginamy nya ak. He called me father.
Ginapakaamy nya ak. He treats me as
if I were his father. (cf. ttay, tay, pap,
amy-may, Stepfather; foster-father. Si
San Hos amy-may ukn amy nga
manugall ni Hesukrsto. St. Joseph was
the foster-father of Jesus Christ. (cf. tatyttay).
amyaw, Rice not quite full and not quite
empty, rice that at winnowing comes to lie
between the chaff (up) blown far off and
the full grains falling down straight
(timgas). (cf. umyaw id. and the more
usual form, alopnpin).
amynon, (H) Fatherly, paternal. (cf.
amy, inamy, tintay).
mba, To sing, chant, troll, choir. Mayo
si magmba. She is a good singer.
Makahibal ka magmba sinng bg-o
nga kalanthon? Do you know how to sing
this new song? Ginambahn nya kit
sang ya matm-is nga pagpanngug. She
sang to us in her sweet voice. Kon mo
ambahn inng kalanthon kon
pagapdan sa pino ang mo ambahnon.
If you sing this song I will accompany you

on the piano. Imba ak sin. Sing this for

me, please. (cf. knta).
ambhan, Song, hymn, festive song,
vocal music, chant, canticle, lay, ditty; to
sing hymns, to praise in song.
Nagaambhan sil or nagaknta sil sing
mga ambhan. They are singing hymns.
Magambhan kit sa Dis or ambahnan
ta ang Dis. Let us sing hymns to God. Al,
iambhan ta sa Mahl nga Brhen inng
kalanthon. Now then, let us sing this song
in praise of the Blessed Virgin.
ambahnon, Singing, chanting, song,
hymn, (mba; kalanthon).
mbak, (B) To jump down; to drop or fall
down, as water over a precipice, etc. Ang
tbig nagambak sa busy. The water falls
down over the precipice. Ang bt
nagmbak sa sub humaln sa pngpang.
The boy jumped into the river from the
bank. Ambak ang bat ddto. Jump down
on that stone there. Ambak lang. Just jump
down. Paambak si Fulno. Make N.N.
jump down. Inng sub may madm nga
pambak. This river has many waterfalls or
cataracts. Paambakn ta ang sub, bs
may madakp nga sd. Let us put a
barrier across the river, perhaps we may be
able to catch some fish. (cf. tmbto
jump up straight, to rebound from the
floor; lmpat, lksoto leap, jump,
mban, A polypus, especially a polypous
tumour in the mucous membrane of the
ambann, Pertaining to, or affected with,
a polypus in the nose. Inng to
nagahmbal sbong sang is ka
ambann. This man talksas if he had a
polypus,as if his nostrils were stopt up.
mbas, To cost much, be expensive,
costly, cause greater outlay as compared
with something else. Mambas ang ni
sang sa glab. Harvesting rice with the
small rice-cutter called kayg is more
expensive than harvesting with the sickle.
Sa sbung sin nga trabho mambas ang
shol nga indlaw sang sa pkiaw. For
such work daily wages are more costly than
a contract for the whole. Nagmbas ang
gsto nmon tungd sang pat ka bt
nmon nga ddto sa kolhyo. Our expenses
were greater on account of our four
children at college. Naambasn sil sang
gsto sa karn nga tig, kay naginilslis
lang sil sang minasakt. They had larger
outlay this year, for they fell sick one after
another. Inng klse sang paglt
mambas. This kind of cooking is
expensive. (cf. hkug).
amby, (B) I dont know. Din si ttay
mo?Amby kon din si karn. Where is
your father?I dont know where he is
now. Also used as a verb. Ind ka
magamby kon pangkotn ikw. Dont say
I dont know when you are asked. (cf.
ambt, man by).


mbi mlig
mbi, Open or exposed to the rain; to
enter, come through, said of rain being
driven in by the wind through an open door
or window or the like. Nagambi ang uln.
The rain is coming in. Ang mon kaln-an
ginaambihn sang uln. The rain is
coming into our dining room. Ang kon
kwrto mbi sa uln. My room is exposed
to the rain. Kon mamdlus ang hngin
maambihn ka dir sang uln. If the wind
is strong the rain will drive in here where
you are. (cf. bongopen to the wind).
amblay, A shawl or cover for the
shoulders; to cover the shoulders and back,
put round the shoulders. Iamblay lang
ang pnyo mo. Just cover your shoulders
with the shawl. Ambilay ang likd mo sing
hbul. Put a blanket round your back. Ang
mga babye nagaamblay or
nagapangamblay. Women cover their
shoulders with shawls. (cf. ably, ablay,
abrigo, knop, talkdong).
ambisyn, (Sp. ambicion) Ambition,
covetousness, an eager or inordinate desire.
(cf. hnggab, hingam, bug, lyag).
mbit, Participation, share, part; to
participate, have a part or share in. Ho,
magambit gid ak sin nga bnh. Yes, I
shall certainly get a share of that seedgrain. Paambit ak sin nga bnh. Let
me have a share of that seed-grain. Ho,
kon malyag ka, ipambit ko sa mo ang
is ka psong sinng bnh. Yes, if you
wish, Ill let you have a bushel of that seedgrain. Ang tann nga mga to malyag
magmbit (maghimbit,
magpanghimbit) sang lngit. All men
wish to get a place in heavenorto
participate in the joys of heaven.
Naambitn ko man ang mayo nla nga
kapalran. I also participated in their good
luck. Paambit sa ya inng mga ph. Let
him have a share of these mangoes, (cf.
yap, m, bhin, lbut).
mbo, (Sp. ambo) A combination of two
numbers in loto (lotto).
mbo, Mouse, rat. (cf. ilag, balbaw,
mb, To insist on, importune, ask for,
beg to be allowed to do something. (cf. ah,
sakr, panakr).
ambohng, To snort, blow air through
the nose in anger or discontent, to grumble,
murmur, complain. Ind ka
magambohng. Dont grumble. An ang
mo ginaambohng? Why are you
murmuringorcomplaining? Ind mo
ak pagambohongn. Dont murmur
against meorin my presence, (cf.
psngato blow air through the nose as an
angry buffalo does).
mbon, Dense mist, fog, vapour, haze,
clouds on mountains, etc.; also used as a
verb. Naambonn ang mga bkid sing
madmol. The mountains are densely
enshrouded in clouds. May mbon ang
bkidornagapangmbon ang bkid.


Visayan-English Dictionary
The mountain is covered with clouds. (cf.
alop-op, gl-um, dmpug).
mbong, Loveliness, prettiness,
attractiveness; self-respect, tact, modesty;
to be or become nice, pretty, lovely, selfrespecting, tactful, modest, etc.
Magmbong ka sa mo kagawin. Try to
be modest in your behaviour. Be tactful in
your manners. Ginmbong nya gid ang
ya pamsti (pagnag). She was very
properly dressed, took care to have her
clothes neatly arranged. Ambong ang mo
paglakt. Be modest or well-mannered in
your way of walking. Si Pedro
naambongn sa kay Pulna, pang si
Hos wal maambong sa ya. Peter was
well impressed by the bearing of Miss N.N.,
but Joseph was not well impressed by her
manner. Nagmbong na inng bt. This
child has grown quite pretty. (cf. nyag,
gayn, tahm, mah; gdang, lgdong).
ambt, (H) I dont know, I am not aware
of it, I know nothing about it. Din si
Fulno?Ambt. Where is N. N.?I dont
know. Ambt kon sa din si nagkdto. I
dont know where he went to. Nagambt
si sa kon. He answered me with: I dont
know. Ind ka magambt
ormagpangambt kon pangkotn ikw.
When you are asked dont say: I dont
know. (cf. amby, ilm).
ambt sa mo (ya, la, kay Fulno,
etc.). I leave it all to you (him, them, N.N.,
etc.). Do what you like. You ought to know.
It rests with you. You should know your
own mind. I leave it to your (his, their,
N.N.s) judgment. (cf. suml sa mo).
ambulnsya, (Sp. ambulancia)
Ambulance, field hospital; a stretcher or
vehicle to convey the wounded or sick to a
amblung, A tropical plant, from whose
berries an excellent mucilage is obtained
and whose roots yield tapioca; a cassava
plant. (cf. balnghoy, kamotingkhoy).
amendo, (Sp. a menudo) Little by little,
retail; to retail. (cf. utyuty).
Amerik, (Sp. America) America.
amerikna, (Sp. americana) A mans
coat, American or European style. (cf.
ameriknhon, (Sp. Americano)
American, an American citizen; pertaining
to America or to American customs and
amerikno, See ameriknhon.
ami, Second harvest, secondary harvest,
harvest after the main or principal harvest.
The ami usually falls between the months
of December and March, seldom later, the
main crop within the months of April and
December. Also: To plant a second crop,
etc. May am kam?Ho, ang nanyan
nmon ginamihn nmon. Have you got a
second crop?Yes, where we harvested our
rice there we planted a second crop (of

corn, beans, etc.). Iam ko inng mas. I am

going to plant this corn as a second crop.
Mangam kam?Ho, kon maguln
mangam kam. Will you plant a second
crop?Yes, if it rains, we will.
amidl, Starch. See almidn, of which
amidl is a corruption, but is often used.
amg, Chum, pal, friend, shortened from
amgo and used very familiarly and often
also ironically or sarcastically. Si amg ko
Ipng. My friend Philip. Ihtag mo in sa
kay amg Tiby. Give this to our friend
Toribio. Nahisyran na ni amg Lis
nga. Our good friend Luis (our opponent
or adversary) is most likely aware of the
fact that(cf. atd, akd, idl, byan,
amga, (Sp. amga) A female friend; to be
(female) friends. Nagaamigahy sil. They
are friends, (cf. byan, bbay).
amgo, (Sp. amgo) A male friend; to be
(male) friends. Mayo ang la
pagamigohy. They are good friends.
Nagpakigamgo si knt sa kon,
pangHe would have liked to become my
friend, but. Amighon ko si. Ill make
him my friend. Mahrup ko si nga amgo.
He is an intimate friend of mine. (cf. amg).
amhan, The Northwind.
amimilk, (H) The eyelashes. (cf. mirk,
amnhan, The North. (cf. amhan; nrte).
aminhnon, Northern, boreal, arctic,
septentrional; inhabitants of the northern
hemisphere, people living in the North, (cf.
mion, Fragrance, sweet smell, agreeable
odour, perfume, scent; to be or become
fragrant, sweet-smelling, scented,
odoriferous. Inng matahm nga blak
wal sing mion (kamion). This beautiful
flower has no scent. Nagmion na ang
hult tungd sinng mga blak. The room
became fragrant on account of those
flowers. Naamionn ak sin nga blak,
pang si Fulno nabahon. I like the smell
of this flower, but N.N. dislikes it. Ang
kalabnan sang mga blak nga dir sa
mon pamulkan nagapangmion. Most
of the flowers in our garden are fragrant.
(cf. kamion, mamion, pangmion,
myon, hamt, humt).
amirspis, A small bird.
amto, (Sp. amito) Amice, a square of
white linen worn by a priest on the
shoulders below the alb.
mlig, Care, attention, caution; to handle
with care, to guard well or be careful with.
Amlig ang bg-o nga knke. Handle the
new lamp with care. Ginamlign nya ang
ya panpton, agd nd mabulingn. He
was careful with his clothes, lest they
should become soiled. Imlig ak nay
sin. Please take care of this for me.
Paamlign mo sa ya ang mga bso, agd
nga dl mabong. Tell him to handle the

Visayan-English Dictionary
glasses with care, lest they should be
broken. Ipamlig sa ya ang tann nga
mga galamitn sa baly. Let him look
carefully after all the furniture in the house.
(cf. ndam; kamlig, mainamlgon).
am, Monkey, ape. Ang kon mo may
duh ka am nga am ang ginbalgy sa
ya ni Fulno. My master has two monkeys
that were sold to him by N.N.
am, To tighten or straighten by pushing
and pulling, (as a loom (terl), so that the
cloth to be woven may be even and
smooth). Amo ang terl. Tighten the
mo, (Sp. amo) Employer, master, lord,
boss; proprietor, owner. (cf. alagarn,
palamgnan, gino, tagya).
am, (H) The same, that. Angam
ang. He, whoAm in. This is the
same i.e. this is it. Am gid in. This is the
very same. This is it exactly. Ang
matinumnon nga to am ang
pagabalsan. The obedient man is the one
who will be rewarded. The obedient man
will be rewarded. Inng id am ang
naglags sa ya. This is the dog that
pursued him. This dog pursued him. Kon
am in. If that is so, if that is or be the
case. Wal man ak magapti sin,
pang am gid ang ya nga ginsilng. I do
not believe it, but that is what he really
said, (cf. imw).
mo, To be the same, continue in the same
state. The phrase nd magkalamo
means; It will not be the same, implying a
great change (mostly for the worse).
m, (B) To be, get, procure, share
in, the same kind of a thing. Amon ko
inng mga sging, kay yon ko. I will get
the same bananas, for I like them. I will get
a share of these bananas, for I like them.
Ami ak sinng mga sh. Let me have
some of these banana suckers. Ipam ko
sa mo ang is ka psong sinng bnh. Ill
let you have a bushel of this seed-grain.
Paami or paama ak sinng mga ph.
Get me some of those mangoes (through
somebody else).
am-mo, (H) Dim. of am. To be about
the same, to resemble, be something like.
Ang tung sinng linggnay
nagakaammo sa tung sang linggnay
sa mon bnwa. The sound of this bell is
nearly the same as that of the bell in our
town. Ammo sil nga duh sing
kataasn. They are both of about the same
height. (cf. agd-gid, anggd-nggid).
am-m, Dim. of am. Also: A game at
cards. Nagaamm sil
ornagahmpang sil sang amm.
They are playing the game called amm.
mog, Very touchy, extremely sensitive,
thin-skinned, crying upon the least
occasion, etc. Amog nga bt. A very
touchy child. Also: to be or become touchy,
etc. Sn-o pa ikw magmog? When did
you become so touchy? Since when are you

am mpag
so sensitive? Naamgan kam sa ya. We
consider him, very touchy. Ind ka
maginmog. Dont be over-sensitive. Ind
ka magpatm sang mo pagkamog.
Dont go too far in your sensitiveness. (cf.
bingt, pawkan).
amolw, (B) To keep vigil, watch, keep or
remain awake, to watch over or by.
Nagamolw sil sa masakt or
ginamolawn nla ang masakt. They
watched by the sick person during the
night. Iamolw ak nay sinng masakt
nga bt. Please watch over this sick child
for me. Ipaamolw ko ikw sa ya. Ill let
you watch by him during the night (cf.
pulw, algmat).
amolt, To harm, damage, injure, spite, do
mischief to. Ind ka magamolt sa kon
ornd mo ak pagamolitn. Dont do me
any harm. Dont harm me. Ginamolitn
nla ang ya mga tanm. They did damage
to his plants out of spite. Sarsr ang mga
paht nga la gingmit sa pagamolt sang
ya pangabh. They used various means
to make his life miserable. Madm nga
mga pagbutngbtang ang la ginamolt
sa ya. They resorted to many calumnies in
order to harm him. Inamolitn nla ang
ya kalubihn. They spitefully damaged his
coconut-plantation. (cf. dut, tstis,
amolgmon, A rapacious bird very
dangerous to chickens, etc., in appearance
like an owl, but having small eyes. (cf.
amma, A present or gift of food and
drink, hospitable entertainment, a treat; to
entertain, regale, treat, give food and drink
to, etc. Iamma ko sa ya inng mga
sging. Ill give him these bananas as a
present. Amomha si sing mayo. Treat
him well. Nagamma sil sa mon sing
dagy nga kalan-non. They treated us to
plenty of delicate viands. Ihtag mo sa ya
inng duh ka blig nga sging nga
tigylo sang krne nga inamma nya sa
kon. Give him these two bunches of
bananas in return for the meat he gave me.
Malwan si sing kamt sa
pagpangamma sa mga nagadaw sa ya.
He is open-handed in his treatment of
visitors. (cf. alw).
amomkol, An edible mushroom. See
amamkol id.
amomnggo, A bird of prey like the
amolgmon with the only difference that
the latter is spotted white and black, whilst
the amomnggo is spotted white and red.
amomtol, A sort of leprous cancer,
starting at the fingers or toes and slowly
eating away whole members of the body.
amomotoln, Pertaining to amomtol,
one affected with amomtol.
mon, (H) Our, ours, excluding the
person spoken to; of, by or through us; sa
monus, to, from, at, on, upon, etc. us.
(cf. nmon, kon).

amr, (Sp. amor) Love; amresloveaffairs, gallantry, love-stories. (cf. ggma,

paghiggma, kahaggma).
amorkpok, A bird of prey, a kind of
hawk. (cf. amolgmon).
amorkpok, A meteor, shooting-star,
meteorite, aerolite, aerolith; an evil spirit
believed to exercise great authority over
other evil spirits.
amortik, Bat (cf. mrtik, kolknit,
kolpnit, etc.).
mot, Contribution, mite, offering,
donation; subscription; to contribute,
subscribe, donate, pay a share, donate in
common with others, etc. Magmot kam.
Contribute. You should contribute. Amti
nnyo ang simbhan. Contribute for the
church fund. Imot inng duh ka
mngmang sa mga nasungan sang la
baly. Contribute these two pesos for the
benefit of those whose houses were burned
down. Amtan nnyo nga ttlo ang kon
bboy. The three of you should put your
money together and buy my pig. May mga
pamot sa madm nga kinahnglan.
Contributions are solicited for many needs.
Paamta si sing madm kay
manggarnon man si. Get him to
contribute a good amount, for he is rich.
Madm ang wal pa makahtag sang la
mot. Many have not yet paid their
contributionorsubscription. Paamti sa
mga pumuly ang ton hospitl. Get the
townspeople to give something in aid of our
hospital. (cf. alamotn, umalamt; byad,
balyran; tkay).
amy, A term of endearment used when
talking to a monkey (am). (cf. my, mymy).
amy, Grammatically incorrect, but often
used and even printed for am ang. Ang
timan sang Snta Cruz nga amy ibw
mo sa mon. The sign of the Holy Cross
made use of by Thee as the instrument for
our redemption.
moy, A holy man or person, a saint, the
picture of a saint; father, priest, any
revered person.
amoyng, (B) To stay, live, take up ones
abode. Nagaamoyng sil sa um. They
are living at their farm. Ipaamoyng ko
ang kon masakt nga bt sa nyo baly
sa um, agd magyo ang ya balatan.
Ill let my sick child stay with you at the
farm, in order that it may recover from its
sickness. Ang mon baly am ang
naamoyongn sang pilasn. Our house it
was in which the wounded man took up his
abode. Paamoyong inng makalol-oy
nga babe sa mo baly. Allow this poor
woman to stay at your house. (cf. lntad,
mpag, A prominent place, a foremost,
reserved or special seat; to choose a
prominent seat, to sit in the front row, take
a top seat; to show off, give oneself airs.
Pampag is mostly used. Dir sil sa


amphan nad
mpag. They are there in the front row.
Ind ka magpampag. Dont take a top
seat. Dont sit in the front row. Dont show
off or be ostentatious. Nagapampag gid
si. She is carrying herself proudly or
showing off. Dl mo pag-ipampag
yanng mga to. Do not place those men
in the front row. Hnd na ang sya nga
igapampag ko sa Senyr Obispo. The
chair is now ready which I will place in a
prominent position for His Excellence.
amphan, A kind of fish, larger than a
mpat, (B) Why, how, for what reason?
(cf. nga, ndot).
ampyo, (Sp. amparar) Help, assistance;
to help, assist, lend a hand. Ampayhi si
sa ya mga buluhatn. Help him in his
work. Inng kro pti karabw iampyo
ko sa ya sa paghkot sing bat. I will
assist him to carry stones with this cart and
buffalo. Paampayha sa ya ang mo
sologon. Let your servant help him or lend
him a hand. (cf. blig).
ampl, A coarse saddle-cloth, saddlepad, often only an old sack or blanket used
instead of a saddle by farmers riding on
buffaloes, cows or horses; to use such a
saddle-cloth. Nagaampl si sing sko.
He is using a sack as a saddle-cloth.
Ampili ang bka. Put a saddle-cloth on
the back of the cow. Paampili ang
karabw. Order someone to put a saddlecloth on the buffalo. Inng dan nga hbul
iampl ko sa kabyo. I will make use of
this old blanket as a saddle-cloth for the
horse. (cf. sya).
mpin, Favour, sympathy, support, help,
partnership; supporter, sympathizer,
helper; to take sides with, to help or
support. Wal si sing mpin. He has noone to support him, or he has no-one to
back him up. Kon wal ka sing mpin nd
ka makadag. If you have no help you
cannot win. Inng pnyo ilmpin ko sa
bt nga blang impin sa hngin. Ill
wrap the child up in this cloth as a
protection against the wind. Ampin si.
Support him. Back him up. Itpyok ko ang
tann ko nga mga ginsakpan nga
ipampin ko sa mo. I will hand over all my
followers to your support. Sn-o ang
nagmpin sa ya? Who gave him a
backing? (cf. pin).
mpis, (B) A Philippine womans skirt; to
use or wear such a skirt. Nagampis si
sing pul. She wears a red skirt. Ampis si.
Put a skirt on her. Paampis si. Make
somebody put a skirt on her or provide her
with a skirt. Ampisn ko lang inng hbul.
Ill make a skirt of this blanket, Ill make
this blanket serve as a skirt. Impis mo ang
mpis. Put on your skirt. Ind ka na
magbistdo, knd magmpis ka gid. Dont
wear a short dress any more, but put on a
skirt. (cf. patdyong, tpis).


Visayan-English Dictionary
mpit, To call to, call by name, draw ones
attention by pronouncing his name in a
loud voice. Ampit si. Call him. (cf.
tawg, snggit).
mpit, An act or speech of insolence or
contempt, insult, affront; to insult, affront.
(cf. mpit id. and the more usual form).
mp, Prayer, petition, request, to pray,
beseech, ask, beg, petition, request.
Nagamp ak, or ginamp ko nga. I
pray, that. Imp mo ak sa Dis. Please,
pray to God for me. Ginaampon ko ikw
nay sinng duh ka mngmang nga kon
tang tbtub nga makt ko ang ikabyad
sa mo. I beg of you to wait a little with
regard to those two pesos I owe you till I
find the money to pay you with. Amp ka
sa hukm, bs kalo-yan ikw nya.
Petition the judge, may be he will have
compassion with you. Mangmp ak. I
surrender; I give in; I ask for mercy. (An
expression often used by one beaten at
wrestling, boxing or the like). Ginmp ko
sa ya in, pang wal nya pag-ihtag sa
kon. I asked him for it, but he did not give
it to me. (cf. pangy, pangamy,
pakiloy, ah, etc.; magalmp
intercessor, patron).
amlya, (Sp. amollar) To ease off, shift a
little; to go to, to go. Usually paamlya is
employed. Din ka mapaamlya? Where
are you going to? Din ka magpaamlya?
Where have you been? Where are you
coming from? (cf. kdto, pakdto).
amumklid, Fungus, mushroom,
toadstool. (cf. amomkol, amamkol).
myon, Fragrance, etc. See amin.
-an, A suffix which goes to form nouns,
adjectives, and verbs, and conveys the
fundamental meaning of the place where.
Note: This meaning is very clear in placenames, e.g. Batonthe place where there
are stones, from batstone; Balsanthe
place where there is sand, from bals
sand; Tigbwanthe place where there is
tgbaw-reed, from tgbawreed, etc.
NOUNS: 1) Likana turning, a lane, from
likto turn aside; Tuburna spring,
source, from tubdto trickle; Lapakna
treadle, from lpakto tread, etc.
2) The suffix -an in conjunction with the
prefix ka- goes to form abstract and
collective nouns, e.g. Kasugtnan
agreement, from sugtto agree;
Kakahyanforest, trees, from khoy
tree, wood; Kabatanchildren, from
btchild, baby; Katahanmen,
mankind, from toman; Kabulyhan
habit, custom, from buyto accustom,
ADJECTIVES: Isgannbrave, powerful,
from sugto be or become brave;
Manggranrich, wealthy, from
mnggadwealth, property; Gamhnan
mighty, powerful, from gahmmight,
power; Pahanone who possesses many

mango-trees, from pha mango-tree,

VERBS: -an goes to form what is called
the passive in -an, and denotes:
1) the place where an action (expressed by
the root) is performed, e.g. Ang
alipokpokn sinng baklod
pagapatindogn ko sang bg-o ko nga
baly. I will build my new house on the top
of this hill. (patndogto erect, build).
Am in ang lugr nga linbngan nla sa
kay Fulno. This is the place where they
buried (the body of) N.N. (lubngto
2) the person for whose benefit, or to whose
detriment, an action (expressed by the
root) is performed, e.g. Ginbuhtan nya
ak sing aslan. He made a roasting spit
for me. (bhatto make). Ind mo si
paghiman sing malin. Dont harm him.
(hmto do, with malinto do harm).
3) an impression, affection, sensation,
mental state, or the like, e.g. Natahumn
ak sin. That impressed me with its
beauty. That appeared to me quite nice,
(tahmto be or become nice, beautiful).
Nalas-ayn ak sa ya. I am disgusted with
him. He is abominable to me. (ls-ayto
be or become insipid). Nagin-otn ak. I
feel it sultry. (gnotto be or become
sultry). Ginaitumn ak sinng by. This
dress (jacket)looks black to me,is too
black for me. (itmto be or become
black), etc.
N.B. It should be borne in mind that the
context alone can determine the exact
meaning of -an. Naadlawn akto
quote only one examplemeans: Full
daylight was (came) upon me. But in
connection with what may precede or
follow this phrase can be translated in
various ways, e.g. I stayed till (late in the)
morning. I continued to do something
without interruption till the sun stood high
in the heavens. I arrived in bright
daylight (and cametoo late,too soon,
in time). I passed part of the day, or a full
day, etc. Hence the translations given in
this dictionary are not exclusive of other
na, Information, news. (Now obsolete;
see pakinato inquire, ask).
na, (B) His, her, hers, its. See ya, nya.
Ana gid di nga sal. (ya gid inng sal).
This fault is undoubtedly his.
nad, To practise, exercise, accustom to,
train, break in, perform regularly or
habitually. Anra ang batsan mo nga dl
ka na magpamuyyaw. Try to get the
habit of not using profane languageor
acquire the habit of not cursing and
swearing. Nanad na ak dir sinng lugr.
I am now accustomed to this place. Ind
ak manad sinng lugr. I cannot
accustom myself to this place. Naanran
ornandan ko na inng lugr. I am now
familiar with, accustomed to, this place.

Visayan-English Dictionary
Ipanad ko sa mo inng karabw nga
simarn. Ill hand this wild buffalo over to
you to be trained or tamed. Magpanad ka
sin nga trabho. Try to exercise,
practise, accustom yourself to, this kind
of work (cf. hnas, sgad, batd).
and, Experienced, practised, expert,
adept, well versed in, accustomed, trained,
broken in. (cf. sagd, batd).
and-nad, Dim. of nad. Ginaandnad nya ang ya ginhwa sa pagtabak.
He is gradually contracting a habit of
anags, A kind of tree and its edible fruit,
from which the kernel protrudes as in the
anhaw, A kind of palm.
ank, Child, son, daughter; godson,
goddaughter; to give birth to, to bear a
child, to be delivered of a child, to bring
forth; to be godfather or godmother to a
child at baptism or confirmation. Nagank
si sing is ka lalki. She gave birth to a
male-child, she was delivered of a boy.
Inng bt ginank ni Fulna. This child
was born of N.N.orN.N. was godmother
to this child. But ko ipaank sa mo inng
bt. I should like you to be godfather
(godmother) to this child. Mangank si
sa Sbado. He will be godfather on
Saturday. Anka (ngka) inng bt. Be
godfather (godmother) to this baby. Ang la
mga inank. Their children or offspring.
Ankorinank si sang is ka
panimaly nga lutw. He was of noble
family, of good family. (cf. bt;
ank-nak, Foster-child, an adopted son
or daughter.
anamn, Lath, small board or slip of
wood nailed to the rafters and supporting
the roofing; a rib, purlin. (cf. hawk).
anm-anm, Caution, circumspection,
wariness; to be careful, wary, to beware, be
cautious, act with circumspection or
precaution. Anm-anam gid ang
paglpak mo sa pntaw, ky bs
magub. Be careful how you walk on the
kitchen-balcony, for it may give way.
Anm-anam gid inng tytay sa mo
paglakt. Walk cautiously over this bridge.
(cf. ndam, tagm).
n-an, A kind of tree.
anany, Quiet, noiselessness, tranquillity;
quiet, gentle, tranquil, noiseless; to do
quietly or noiselessly, perform without
bustle. Anany ka sa pagbngon mo, agd
nd makibt ang mga nagakatulg. Rise
quietly, lest the sleepers should be startled.
Ananay ang paghkwat sang klon,
agd nd mabong. Lift the pot slowly
(carefully), so as not to break it. Ianany
ak nay sa paghkwat sinng masakt
nga to. Please, lift this sick man gently.
(cf. hnay, mahnay, inany, alugynay).
anno, (H) What; of what kind, condition
or quality; What? Of what kind? What is

and ankdota
the definition, explanation or meaning
of? Anno ang pagkalwat? What is
Communion? What does Communion
mean? Makahibal ikw kon anno ang
pagkalwat? Do you know what
Communion is? Can you give a definition
or explanation of the meaning of
Communion? (cf. nno, an; an and
anno are often used promiscuously,
though they are not quite identical in
meaning; an refers simply to the thing
itself or asks its name, whilst anno
inquires into the real aim, purpose,
explanation or definition of a thing
together with its qualities, use, utility, etc.
An in? What is this? What is the name of
this? What do you call this? Anno in?
What kind of thing is this? What are the
qualities, use, purpose, utility, etc. of this?
anno pa, Quite frequently this means:
(and) as is (was) to be expected, naturally,
consequently, of course, as a matter of
course. Hubg si kag madnlug ang
dlan, anno pa nakadpyas si kag
nahlug sa pngpang sang sub. He was
drunk and the road slippery; consequently
he slipped and fell down the bank of the
annoy, (H) A contraction that stands for
anno ang. Like the similar contraction
amyam ang it is grammatically
incorrect, but not infrequently employed.
Annoy sal? What is sin?
nao, Deluge, flood; to deluge, flood. Dw
manao. It looks as if a deluge is coming.
(cf. naw id.).
nas, The reach, sweep or range of fire
over dry grass, leaves, shrubs etc., as in
jungle-burning (kaingn); to overrun,
sweep over, said of fire. Inng dt ingyan
sang nas. This land was overrun by fire.
Kon may kaingn dir maansan man
inng dt. If a kaingn-fire is started over
there, this land also will be overrun by the
naw, See nao.
nay, White ants, termites. (cf. llidthe
queen of white ants).
nay, First, before something else; Wait a
little! Have a little patience. Kindly. Be
good enough to. Please. Makdto pa ak
nay ddto. First Ill go there. Hult nay.
Wait a little. Anay! Have a little patience!
Wait a little! Bulgi ak nay. Kindly help
me. Anay pa. Forbear still a little. Tabngi
ak nay, kon mga sarng. Be good
enough to help me, if possible.
-nay, A suffix denoting reciprocity.
Nagahigugmanay sil. They love each
other. Nagsondnay sil. They followed
one another. At times nay is shortened
to -ay. Nakasugatay sil. They met
each other. Nakakitay sil. They saw each
nda, (B) Their, theirs. Anda di nga
nig. (Ila inng lub). This coconut is
theirs, belongs to them. (cf. la).

andadr, (Sp. andador) A kind of babycarriage on rollers or small wheels made

use of in teaching little babies to walk.
ndak, To boast, brag; boasting, bragging.
Nagandak sil sing tm. They are
boasting too much. (cf. hgak, wkal, etc.).
ndam, Caution, wariness, carefulness,
prudence, circumspection; to be cautious,
to beware, to be careful, wary, circumspect.
Andam ang pagkapt sang bso, agd
nd makapals sa kamt mo. Grasp the
glass carefully, lest it should slip out of your
hand. Andam inng bso. Handle this
glass with care. Paandam sa la inng
karabw, kay palasngay. Let them
beware of this buffalo, for it tosses. Indam
ak nay sinng bso. Kindly take care of
this glass for me. Inandamn nla gid ang
sngsing, agd nd madl. They were
very careful with the ring, lest it should be
lost. Ipandam ko sa mo inng taknan. I
entrust this watch to your care. Andam ka!
Beware! Be on your guard! Look out! (cf.
anm-anm, tagm).
andmio, (Sp. andamio) Gangplank,
gangway, gangboard, a narrow framework
or platform for the passage of vehicles and
pedestrians; scaffold; to use or apply a
gangboard, etc. Butang sing andmio ang
barto. Place a gangplank on the ferryboat.
Andamioh ang algyan. Put a gangplank
where the people pass. Iandmio ko inng
tp. Ill use this board as a gangway.
Andamioh inng khoy. Make a gangway
out of this wood. Paandamiohn mo sa la
ang sakayn, agd makask ang mga
sumalkay. Let them put a gangway to the
boat, that the passengers may be able to go
on board. (cf. latayn).
ndan, For anran from nadto
accustom, practise, etc.
andna, (Sp. andana) File, line, row, tier;
to walk in file or line. Ang mga solddo
nagaandna. The soldiers walk in file.
Paandanha sil. Make them, or let them,
march in line. (cf. das, kro).
ndas, (Sp. andas) A bier, litter or
stretcher with shafts; a pedestal for a
statue, fitted with shafts for carrying in a
procession. (cf. ndras id.).
ndo, (Perhaps from the Sp. andar) One
go, push, jerk, toss or pull; to take, lift,
pull off, with a jerk, etc. Andoh ang
barha. Lift the cardortake off one card
after another from the pack. Is lang nya
ka pagndo (ndo) ang is ka pnggan
nga laya. He just gulps down in one go a
plateful of boiled meat. (cf. glpe, hinl).
ndot, (B) How? Why? How is that? How
was that? Andot haw? Why? How was (is)
that? (cf. nga, mpat, tungd sa an,
ndras, See ndas.
ankdota, (Sp. ancdota) Anecdote,
story, yarn. (cf. sgid, gi, tab, ingyan,


ang ngkat
ang, The definite article: The. Ang baly.
The house. Ang khoy. The tree or wood.
In many instances the Visayan language
uses the definite article where it is left out
in English, e.g. Ang Dis, ang lngit, ang
pagkalwat, ang bdlis, ang Manl, ang
Amerik, ang pagkalipt, etc. God,
heaven, Communion, Extreme Unction,
Manila, America, forgetfulness, etc. (cf. si).
ang Pretending to be deaf, stubborn,
acting as if not hearing; to be or become
stubborn, etc. Ang nga bt. A child that
pretends not to hearoris stubborn.
Ginaangan kam sa ya. We consider him
stubborn, we get the impression that he
merely pretends not to hear. (cf. gb).
ang, Half-witted, idiot, (cf. hng,
baling, balingg, tipangg).
ang, A small fish, very small tabys-fish;
small fry.
angn, (B) To wait for, to expect. Angan
ak sing ditay nga hras. Wait for me a
little while. Inng kn-on iangn ko sa kay
ttay. This cooked rice I am keeping in
expectation of fathers coming.
Nagaalipas ak sa pagpal, kay
ginaangn ak nla sa pagpanyga. I am
in a hurry to get home, for they are waiting
for me to come to dinnerorare waiting
dinner for me. (cf. hult).
angn-angn, Dim. of angn. To wait a
little, etc.
ng-ang, To stammer, to stutter;
stammering, stuttering. Nagang-ang si
kon maghmbal. He stammers when he
talks. Ind ka magng-ang sing tm. Try
not to stammer so much. (cf. ggo; piht,
ngay, Match, equality, suitability,
propriety, fitness; matched, equal, suitable,
proper, fit, adapted, proportioned; to be
well matched, equal, suitable, fit, etc.
Waly ngay nga kalpay. A joy or
pleasure that has no equal. Inng by
ngay gid sa mo. This jacket fits you well.
Dl ngay in. That is not proper, is
unharmonious, is out of proportion, etc.
Dl magngay sa mo inng kl. This hat
does not suit, fit, you. Inng bt
maangayn gid sinng bistdo, dug, etc.
That short dress, colour, etc. will suit this
girl very well. (cf. ny).
angayn, Fit, fitting, proper, suitable,
right. (cf. anyan).
angy-ngay, Dim. of ngay. Also: To
compare. Angy-angya sil nga duh
kon nagaparho ang la kataasn.
Compare the two of them to find out
whether they are equal in height. Angyngay ang la guy, ang dug sang la
by, etc. They have pretty much the same
face, the colour of their jackets is about the
same, etc. (cf. anggd-nggid).
ngg, Petting, fondling; to pet or fondle.
Angga ang bt. Pet the child. (cf. dl;


Visayan-English Dictionary
anggan, A pet child, a child spoilt by too
much fondling or indulgence. (ngg).
nggid. Likeness, similarity, resemblance,
similitude; like, similar, resembling; to be
like or similar to, to compare with. Wal
sing nggid sa la nga duh. There is no
resemblance between the two. Anggid sil
nga duhornaganggid sil nga duh.
The two of them resemble each otheror
are like each other. Ang kpid naganggid
gid. The twins are very much like each
otherorvery much alike. Inggid (but
better ipanggid) inng estampta sa is,
kay tan-awn ko kon parho sil.
Compare this picture with the one there,
for I want to see, whether they are alike or
resemble each other. Paanggid ang
patdyong ko, kon maghabl ka sang m.
Imitate or copy my skirt, when you weave
one for yourself. (cf. agid-gid).
anggd-nggid, Dim. of nggid. Nearly
alike, something like, similar, resembling a
little, etc. (cf. agd-gid, apt-pit).
nggot, To get used to take proper food,
to get a liking for, or to relish, proper food,
applied especially to a baby or to a young
animal just weaned. Sang na inng tnday
nagdolodmgot (nagdolodnggot) lang
sang hilamn, pang karn nagnggot na
sa hallbon. Formerly this calf used only to
nibble at the grass, but now it is beginning
to graze. Bisn lutasn na inng bt, kay
manggot na sa pagkon sing kn-on.
There is no harm now in weaning this baby,
because it already likes to eat rice.
anggy, An exclamation of pain and grief.
Oh, dear me! (cf. aragy, agy).
nghaw, To look out of a window, watch,
observe, gaze out, thrust out or pop out
ones head, to visit, inspect, oversee,
superintend. Anghaw kon sn-o ang r
sa idlum. Pop out your head and see who
is down there. Anghaw kam dir sa slong
sang baly. Look down at us here
underneath the house. Inghaw sa mon
ang mong nawng. Show us your face.
Wal ka gid magnghaw sa byan mo
nga nagmasakit. You have not visited your
friend who has fallen sick. (cf. gwa, law,
lntaw; bsta, bista, daw).
anghw-nghaw, Dim. and Freq. of
nghaw. Anghwanghaw kam dir,
agd makatdl ka sa mon sa paghkot
sin sing mayo. Visit us over there that
you may show us how to arrange it well.
nghit, Goats smell; to smell like a goat
or buck. Ginabahon kam dir sang
nghit. We are annoyed here by a smell like
the smell of a goat. Ang knding
naganghit. The goat stinks. Naanghitn
ak sang katsr. I smell the goatish smell
of a katsr (a kind of fieldmouse or rat
with an obnoxious smell). Ginaanghitn
kam dir. We smell a goat here.
nghod, A term of endearment usually
addressed to Negritos: Friend, deary, my

dear man. Anghod, din ka makdto

(magt)? Friend, where are you going to?
nghol, The smell of perspiration; to
smell of perspiration. Ginaangholn ak
sang mo mga mdyas. I notice the smell
of your socks. Naganghol ikw, kay wal
ka pagpalgos. You smell of perspiration,
because you never take a bath.
ang, (B) So-and-so. Ang ang. Mr. (Mrs.)
So-and-so. See kwan.
angil, See anil, aling. Angilah ang
mga bt. Watch, look after, the
angingpot, (H) The fire-bug, firefly, (cf.
aninpot, ipt-pot).
ngka, To please oneself, do as one likes,
eat, drink, etc. as much as one likes.
Angkahn lang nnyo ang pagkon, kay
manmit kag dagy. Eat as much as you
like, for the food is good and plentiful. (cf.
ngkab, A snap, bite; to snap, bite, seize
suddenly with the teeth. Ginngkab si
sang id. He was bitten by the dog.
Angkab si. Snap him. Angkab lang sing
ditay inng ph. Just take a bite of this
mango. Hpus ka, kay kon dl ipangkab
ko ikw sa kon id. Be silent, otherwise
Ill get my dog to bite you. (cf. ikb, nkib,
kbkib, ktkit, b-ab, p-ap, t-ot).
ngkag, (B) The peeled off layers or folds
of a banana-stem or other stalk similar to it
in construction. (cf. tinb-an, pas,
ngkak, A kind of reddish pepper-like
seasoning for fish, etc.
ngkas, To ride behind someone else, to
accompany somebody on the same riding
animal, bicycle, automobile, etc. Angkas
nnyo nga dun ang kon kabyo. Ride on
my horse, the two of you, one behind the
other. Ginangkasn nla ang kon
karabw. They rode on my buffalo.
Ingkas lang ang bakg. Simply take the
basket along (on horseback, etc). Ingkas
mo ak sinng bakg. Please take along on
the back of the buffalo, etc. this basket.
But ka magngkas? Would you like to get
up behind me? Paangkas ak. Let me get
up behind you. Let me accompany you.
Ginpangkas nya ak sa ya karabw. He
allowed me to get up behind him on the
back of his buffalo.
ngkat, An open seam, a joint, a chink or
crack; to get loose, to loosen, to prise apart,
to form chinks or cracks, to lose connection
with, said of seams, junctures, joints and
the like. Nagngkat ang kinitan sang
lamsa. The joints between the boards of
the table opened. Ginpangkat sang
pnday ang tp sa (ya) kinitan. The
carpenter forced the board loose at its joint.
ngkat, (B) Buying on credit,on
account,on tick; to obtain on credit, to
buy on account. Angkat ak sing duh ka
metros nga kko. Get me on credit two
meters of white cloth. Angkat lang in.

Visayan-English Dictionary
Just buy it on credit. Ipangkat sa kon
inng bunng. Let me have this yarn on
credit. Angkat man ak sinng saptos,
kay hulatn ko man ikw sa pagbyad
tbtub sa laps ang pista. Take also these
boots from me on credit, for I am willing to
wait for your payment till after the feast.
Paangkat lang ak sin. Simply give me
that on credit. (cf. the foregoing ngkat;
the connection between the two is obvious.
They are really the same term, whose first
meaning is to get loose seams, etc. and
whose secondary meaning is to get loose
merchandise, etc. i.e. to get or obtain on
ngkat, To challenge, etc. See kyat,
ngkob, The beater or handle attached to
the reed in a loom and used to beat the weft
closely up against the web.
ngkod, Incisor, front-tooth, (cf. sgmit
eyetooth, canine; bg-anggrinder, molar
tooth; panokwisdom-tooth).
ngkon, From ank.
ngkon, To acquire, take or get
possession of, appropriate.
Magapaninguh gid ak sa pagngkon
sin nga dt. I will make great efforts to
get possession of that land. Angkon lang
in. Just make it your own. Ipangkon ko
sa mo inng bka, kon magbyad ka sa
kon sang matrung nya nga bil. Ill let
you have this cow, if you pay me a fair price
for it. Ginngkon nya ang sal. He took
the blame upon himself.
ngkop, To close well, to shut or lock a
door, etc. properly. Angkop ang ganhan,
ang ba-l, talamwan, etc. Lock the door,
trunk, window, etc. Bs nga wal si dir
sa ya hult, kay nangkop ang mga
bintn. Perhaps he is not in his room, for
the windows are shut. (cf. ser, dpat,
hom, hup).
ngkwa, (B) Whats his name. What dye
call it. A thingummy, thingumbob. (cf.
ngkwan, angkwn, See ngkwa id.
nglit, A small cooking-pot used chiefly to
boil small quantities of rice in. (cf. alphop,
halphopto cook a little rice, mostly done
in the nglit).
anglt-nglit, Dim. of nglit. Anything
resembling a small cooking-pot. The phrase
nagaanglt-nglit sil nga duh is often
used in connection with quarrelling
couples, cooking and eating their meals
ang, (B) See ang.
angd, (B) Yet, still, at this or that time,
thus far, hitherto. War angd tna
magabt. (Wal pa si magabt). He has
not come yet. (cf. pa, gihpon).
angl, (B) Close-fisted, miserly, selfish,
greedy. (cf. hangl, hkug, mot, mag).
angl-angl, Dim. and Freq. of angl.
See hangl-hangl id.

ngkat annaw
angl-angl, Botched, bungled, clumsy,
not welldone,performed,wrought,
cooked; etc.; to docarelessly,lazily,
clumsily, to bungle, botch. (cf. agl-agl,
balotang, bstos, barghal, barbal,
angt, To join, tie, fasten, bind, connect.
Angta (angot) ang higt. Join the ends of
the string. Angti ang tmb sang kalt.
Fasten the bucket to the rope. Iangt ang
is ka ps sa is. Connect one cord with
the other. Angta ang kalt. Splice the rope.
(cf. higt, gid, bngot, bangt, gos,
ngot, To follow close, cling, stick,
adhere, to; to bewith,connected
with,attached to. Ang bt nagangot sa
ya ily. The child clings to its mother.
Ginaangtan sinng ank ang ya ily sa
bisn din si magkdto. This child follows
its mother wherever she goes. Ipangot mo
ang bt sa ya ty. Let the child be
with, remain near, its aunt.
Nagaangtnay (nagaalngot,
nagaalalngot) sil nga tann. They are
all united, attached to, connected with,
one another. (cf. amg, tbid, nung).
ngrus, The smell of a goat. (cf. nghit).
ngso, (B) The smell of urine; to smell of
urine. Naangsohn ak sang rabans. The
smell of the radishes seemed to me like that
of urine. (cf. pngsot, pnsot).
ngsod, The smell of the armpit; to smell
of the armpit. Naangsorn ak sang ya
blhas. His perspiration smelt (smelled) to
me like the smell of the armpit.
angsodn, (B) One who suffers from
strong smelling armpits.
angsorn, (H) See angsodn id.
ngtan, For angotn from angtto
fasten to, etc.
ngtod, The smell of burned or scorched
food. See ntod, antos.
nhel, anhl, (Sp. angel) Angel, a
heavenly spirit; a small child that dies
before coming to the use of reason.
anhl-nhel, Dim. of nhel. Anything
bearing some resemblance to an angel as
commonly pictured, especially used with
regard to children representing angels at
the Sugatn on Easter Sunday.
anhelto, Another Dim. of nhel; a small
nhing, The late, defunct, deceased. Si
nhing Hos. The late Joseph.
nhon, From an. Anhon mo? What can
you do? Anhon mo in? What shall you (will
you) do with it? How are you going to use
(handle, treat) this (it)?
ni, The rice-harvest; to harvest rice by
means of a small rice-cutter called a
kayg. Magani kam sa bus. We will
harvest rice tomorrow. Ania or nya ang
humy mo, kay glang na. Harvest your
rice, for it is ripe. Inng talmnan sang
mas ginnian or ginnyan ko sang duh

ka blan. I got a crop of rice from this

corn-field two months ago. Mangni or
manganhan pa kam. We are going to
work at harvesting rice. Ind mo
pagpaanhon ang mga to sa dlaw nga
Domngo kon waly kabangdnan nga
dak. Dont order, permit, the people
to harvest rice on Sunday without grave
reason. Ginpani ko sa la ang tung sang
kon humy kag ang tung ginpaglab ko
sa la. I let them harvest one half of my rice
with the rice-cutter (kayg), and one half I
ordered them to cut with the sickle. Ind na
nkon pag-ipani sa to ang kon
talmnan, knd ipaglab ko lang, kay
pagahimslan ko man ang dagmi. I will
no longer permit the harvesters to cut the
rice on my field with the kayg, but I will
order them to cut it with the sickle, for then
I shall get some profit out of the straw as
well. (cf. alnyon, alanhonrice to be
anb, A layer, stratum, course (of bricks,
etc.); a sheet, board; pile, stack; to arrange
by laying one thing on top of another, said
of leaves, sheets, boards and the like. Anib
ang mga papl, tuln-an, tp, etc. Lay the
papers, books, boards, etc. nicely one on
top of the other. Ianb ang mga tp sa
idlum sang balyoranib ang idlum
sang baly sang mga tp. Put the boards
neatly one on top of the other on the
ground-floor of the house. (cf. kamda).
anbong, A kind of palm. (cf. anhaw).
anla, A hive; a cluster or swarm of bees,
etc. May duh ka anla sang putykan
dir. There are two swarms of bees over
anil, To watch, supervise, etc. See aling
anlaw, A kind of tree somewhat
resembling a balyong, but less valuable
for building purposes.
anilwan, Full of, having many,
anlyo, (Sp. anillo) A small ring, hoop,
circular band. (cf. sngsing).
animl, (Sp. animal) Animal, beast, brute;
dunce, blockhead, a brutal fellow. (cf.
spat, hyup).
nimas, (Sp. nimas) The ringing of the
churchbell in memory of the Souls in
Purgatory. The usual time for the ringing of
this bell is at 8 oclock p.m.
nimo, (Sp. nimo) Life, energy, will
power; understanding, reason. Wal si
sing nimo. He has no energy. He lacks
understanding. (cf. kabh, kapsan,
kasug; kalibtan, pangalibtan).
annas, The flame, blaze, flare, of a
fire. Abw, katas sang annas. Oh, how
high the flames are shooting up! (cf.
sblab, bwal, nas).
annaw, Picture, reflection of a mirror,
model, type; to look into a mirror, to keep
before ones eyes, to study as a model or


anng ntad
type to be imitated, etc. Pangannaw is
mostly used for the verb. Mangannaw ka
sa ya. Study and imitate him. Ikw ang
dyon ko nga ginapanganinwan. I have
your picture constantly before me. Si gid
ang kon ginapanganinwan. He is my
model. (cf. pangannaw,
anng, (B) An exclamation of joy, wonder
or surprise. Anng, nagabt ka gal! So you
have really come. What a surprise! Kay sino inng baly nga ts?Kay Fulno.
Anng! Whom does that brick-house belong
to?It belongs to N.NIs that so? I am
astonished to hear it. (cf. abw, ab,
aningl, Echo; to hear an echo.
Ginaaningl ko ang matm-is nya nga
tngug. I hear the echo of his (her) sweet
voice. (cf. aninngal).
aninngal, Echo, repercussion,
reverberation; to echo, reecho, to
reverberate, etc. Sa sin nga lugr may
aniningalorsa sin nga lugr
nagaaninngal ang tngug. In this place
there is an echoorsounds are here
aninpot, (H) Fire-bug, fire-fly. (cf. iptpot, angingpot).
anno, Shadow, outline, trace, silhouette,
often used as a figure of speech. Wal ak
sing anno sa paglakt dir. I have not the
shadow of a thought or intention of going
there. Wal sing anno ang timpo nga
magauln sa madal. It does not look at all
as if it were going to rain soon. (cf.
lndong; tnd).
anpay, A whitlow. See tpay.
anra, See anlabee-hive.
nis, (Sp. anis) Anise, anise-seed.
ant, Flayed, peeled; fleeced; one who has
lost heavily in gambling, speculation, or the
like. (cf. nit).
nit, To flay, to peel or strip off the skin,
etc. Anti ang karabw. Flay the buffalo.
Anta ang pnit. Strip off the skin. Init sa
inhaw nga bka inng binngon. Use this
bolo to flay the slaughtered cow. (cf. k-ak,
bkbak, pak).
anto, Superstitious practices, ceremonies
and sacrifices; to make use of or perform
superstitious rites. Ind ka magpti sinng
mga anto nga wal sing naigon. Dont
believe in those superstitious practices that
are so nonsensical. Ginanithan nla si.
He was subjected by them to superstitious
rites. (cf. diwta, babylan, disdos).
nkla, (Sp. ancla) Anchor; to anchor.
Ihlug ang nkla. Drop or cast anchor.
Batka ang nkla. Hoist anchor. Anklah
ang bapr. Anchor the steamer. (cf.
an, What; what?; Also used as a verb.
Bisn an or bisn kon an. Whatever,
whatsoever. An man ang ya sin nga
kahulgan? What is the meaning of that?


Visayan-English Dictionary
An in? What is this? Ginaan mo ang
id? What are you doing to the dog? Anhon
mo? What will, can you, do? Paan
kam dir? How are you there? How are
you getting on there? Maan kam? What
do you want? Nagaan kam dir? What
are you doing here? (cf. anno).
no, (Sp. ano) Anus. (cf. kalipunt,
kiliputn, palamus-nan).
no, To claim, lay claim to, appropriate,
take possession of; to choose, select, prefer.
Ind ka magno sang dl mo. Dont
appropriate what does not belong to you.
Nga man, nga anhon mo ang ya sang
ibn? Why are you laying claim to what
belongs to another? Ginno nya ang dt
ni Fulno. He took N.N.s land. Nga man
nga nagapangno ka? Why are you
claiming everything? (said of one who
claims everything that has no apparent
owner). An bal ang mo anhon, ang
lngit ukn ang inpirno? What will you
choose, heaven or hell? (cf. ngkon; pl).
nod, To float, glide or swim along the
surface of a fluid, to carry off (of liquids).
Ginnod sang sub ang kon dt. The
river carried off my land. Andam ang im
nga khoy nga malapt sa sub, kay bs
anron (andon) sang sulg. Look after
your timber lying near the river, for it may
be carried off by the current. Ang kawyan
nga pulnton ginapanod sa sub.
Bamboos for fish-traps are floated down
the river. Ipanodorpaanra
(paanda) ang khoy. Float the wood. Get
the wood down by floating. Paanri
(paandi) ang tbig sing kawyan. Throw
a bamboo in to float on the water. (cf.
utw-taw, lutw, ktaw).
ank. Well cooked, boiled till soft. Ank
nga kn-on, lnk, kamti, etc. Rice boiled
till soft, a well cooked jackfruit, thoroughly
done sweet potatoes, etc.
nok, To boil soft, to cook well, especially
said of all kinds of tubers and vegetables.
Tnki ak sing kamti kag ankon mo.
Boil some sweet potatoes for me and cook
them well. Ginanok nya na ang mga
pattas, kay nakasyod si nga nd gid
ak kayon sang talangknon nga lat
ukn alibtdan. She now boils the potatoes
properly, for she knows, that I do not at all
like tubers that are overdone or underdone.
annang, A tree whose fruit yields a
sticky, viscous juice from which mucilage is
annas, A tree with edible fruit.
anng, (B) An exclamation used to
emphasize a statement: Why! Surely!
Certainly! There is no doubt about it. T,
kon am in nga wal ka paghgud sa
pagton, nd ka makabton sing prmyo.
Anng! Ind bal? Why, if you wont study
diligently, you wont receive a prize. That is
certain! Is it not?
anono, A kind of banana whose fruit is
not round, but has rather sharp ridges with

flat surfaces between. (cf. sb-a, sging;

katsla, mordo, tndal, pkol, lishan).
nos, Phthisis, consumption, tuberculosis;
to give or cause consumption. May nos
si or ginanos si. He has consumption.
Innos si. He is consumptive. (cf. s-as).
anosn, Consumptive, phthisical. (cf. asasn).
any-noy, (B) A large and deep
mudhole, puddle (as on the level parts of a
road during the rainy season, etc.). (cf.
danw, tigl-ub, lingglhub).
ansyno, (Sp. anciano) Old, aged,
ancient, stricken in years; clever, expert,
experienced. (cf. alensyno id.).
nsyas, (Sp. ansia, ansiar) Eagerness,
anxiety, desire for; to be eager, anxious, to
desire, hanker after or crave; want; to
dissemble or hide ones eagerness, to refuse
or decline only apparently. May nsyas si
sa pagton, paglakt, paghaln, etc. He is
anxious to study, to walk, to go away, etc.
Nagansyas si sa pakigway. He is eager
for a fight. Ansyas ang pagbtok mo sa
ya. Show that you are eager to oppose him.
Insyas mo sa ya inng bastn. Use this
stick to show him that you are quite ready
to fight him. Nagnsyas si, ugi
nakayon man sin. He apparently
refused, but in reality he liked it. Ind ka
magnsyas, kay nakasyod man ak, nga
malyag ka magtmbong ddto. Dont
hide your eagerness, for I know well
enough that you wish to be present there.
(cf. hnggab, lyag, pangaby, himlat;
bisy-bsyo, bir-br, ind-nd).
ansys-nsyas, Dim. of nsyas.
Ginaansys-nsyas nya ang pagbton
sinng dlot pang sa pagkamatod
nagawli si gid sin. He declines for mere
appearance sake to accept this present, but
in truth he wants it very much. (cf. birgbrg; bisy-bsyo, etc.).
nta, To smell of scorched or burned food;
the smell of burned food. (cf. ngtod,
ntod, antos).
ant, Tame, domesticated, broken in,
trained, (cf. mnso).
ant, To tame, train, break in,
domesticate. Anta ang karabw nga
simarn. Train or tame the wild buffalo.
Gamta inng bolobd nga int mo sa
ilhas. Make use of this poultry-food to
tame the wild chicken. Sa mabot nga
paht mant man ang len, Under wise
management even a lion can be tamed. (cf.
pahagp; nad, buy; ruml).
ntad, Distance, separation, difference; to
make room, give way, yield space. Malay
ang ntad. The distance is great or far.
Malay sil sing ntad. They are far
asunder. Antar (ad) ang sya. Put the
chair farther away. Antar nnyo ang lugr.
Make room. Intad ang mga hinaly.
Space what is hung on the line farther
apart. Magntad kam. Give way. Make
room. Ipantad sa ya ang mga nalbhan

Visayan-English Dictionary
nga hinaly. Let her space farther apart
the washed clothes hung on the line. Ang
ya nga sinabt malay sing ntad sa
patd. His answer is beside the mark i.e.
his answer is vague, evasive.
antray, Distance, separation, interstice,
interval; to be distant (separate, away) one
from another. Lim ka tpak ang la
antray. Nagaantray sil sing lim ka
tpak. There is a distance (an open space)
of five feet between them. They are spaced
five feet apart. (cf. ntad, bl-ot).
ntaw, Visible from afar, prominent. (cf.
ntay, To move, to transfer ones
residence, go to live somewhere else, to
carry or transport to some other place.
Nagntay kam sa um sang tigtalnum.
During the planting-season we lived at the
farm. Intay ang mga kasangkpan sa
bnwa. Transfer your outfit to the town.
Kon matpus ang ni mantay kam
liwn sa bnwa. After the rice-harvest we
shall move to town again. Antayi ang um
mo sa baklod, kay mayo sa mo lwas
ang pagpuy mo didto. Go to live at your
farm on the hill, for staying there is good
for your health. (cf. lton).
antdoto, (Sp. antidoto) Antidote,
counter-agent, counter-irritant, counterpoison; preventive means applied to
counteract vice, error and evil in general.
(cf. bulng, lalng, tpn, pugng,
antgo, (Sp. antiguo) Old, experienced,
cunning, clever, full of tricks and resources,
one who is an old hand at the game, one
who knows the ropes. Antgo si
magsugl, magsot, magtokr,
magpankas, etc. He is an experienced
gambler, a clever dancer, a skilful musicplayer, a cunning sneak, etc. (cf. and,
band, btik, batd, sagd, lsto,
antikrsto, (Sp. Antecristo) Anti-christ.
nting, To be or become keen of hearing,
to hear well. Bungl si sdto nay, pang
karn nagnting na. He was deaf before,
but now he hears well. Naantingn ak
sinng to. This man hears and
understands me at once. (cf. kanting,
antng-nting, Amulet, charm, any
object worn in the belief that it possesses
mysterious powers. Ind ka magpti kag
nd ka magdal sa lwas mo sinng
ginatawg nga antng-nting. Dont
believe in, and dont wear on your body,
those things called amulets. (cf.
antihos, (Sp. anteojos) Spectacles, eyeglasses, glasses; to use or wear spectacles.
Nagaantihos or nagapangantihos si.
He wears spectacles. Mangantihos ka kon
manah ikw, kay madulm na ikw sing
mat. Use eye-glasses when you sew, for
your sight has grown weak.

antray ohog
ntip, The pole that passes through the
end of the web and is fastened by ropes to
the body of the weaver in a primitive kind
of weaving without the use of a loom.
Nowadays nearly every household has a
loom, called tidl or terl, a corruption of
the Sp. telar. (cf. tip, purogan).
antipra, (Sp. antiparras) Spectacles,
eye-glasses, glasses. (cf. antihos,
antiptiko, (Sp. antiptico) Repugnant,
repulsive, antipathetic.
antipatya, (Sp. antipatia) Antipathy,
repugnance, aversion. (cf. kalsay, katak;
kasb-ot, agutl, gulut-non, aligtgot).
antpodas, (Sp. antpodas) Antipodes;
persons whose likes and dislikes, etc. are
diametrically opposed, people of contrary
Antiplo, A town near Manila famous for
a much venerated shrine of the Blessed
Virgin. Sistma Antiplo. A kind of privy.
antpona, (Sp. antfona) Antiphony,
antiydo, (Sp. anteado) Buff, buffcoloured.
ntod, (H) See ant-os, ngtod.
ntong, The smell of burning feathers,
bones, paper, or the like; to emit such a
smell. Nagantong ang blbul kon irotn.
Burning feathers emit a peculiar smell
called ntong. Naantongn ak sang papl
nga nasnug. I smell (smelt) the smell of
burning paper.
ant-os, The smell of burning or
scorching food; to emit such a smell.
Nagaant-os ang ting-ang. There is a
smell of burning coming from the boiling
rice. Ginaanto-osn ak sang tinla. It
seems to me that the vegetables are being
scorched. (cf. ngtod, nta, ntod, all
having the same meaning).
antor (B) Timidity, bashfulness,
shyness: to be timid, bashful, shy, afraid.
Nagaantor si sa paghmbal. She is too
shy to speak out. Ind ka magantor sa
pagsuld dir. Dont be afraid to come in.
(antul, antul id.).
antul (B) Shy, bashful, etc. See antor
antulihw, A kind of bird. (cf. tulihw).
antul, antul, See antor id.
ntus, To bear, suffer, undergo.
Magntus ka sin sing mapailbon. Bear
this patiently. Hnt kay ginhm mo in,
antus na man ang slot. Well, as you did
it, suffer the punishment now as well. D
masysay ang mga kasakt nga ginntus
sang Aton Gino. The sufferings borne by
Our Lord cannot be described. (cf. bats,
angut, Torch; fuse; flambeau; light,
lantern. (cf. sars, sug).
num, Six.
anungba, A white-winged moth. (cf.
subsba, sugbsgba).

anwng, Buffalo. (cf. krbaw, karabw).

nyag, Prettiness, beauty; comeliness; to
be or become pretty, nice, comely,
beautiful. Kay nakuhan sing hgk
nagnyag na gid ang hult. Because the
dirt had been removed the room became
quite beautiful. Naanyagn ak sin. I
consider that nice. (cf. tahm, gayn, ayyo, dlig, mbong).
nyan, nyon, From nito reap rice.
anyl, (Sp. ail) Indigo, a blue vegetable
dye, extensively used by Filipino women for
colouring garments.
nyo, (Sp. ao) Year. (cf. tig).
ny, Fitting, agreeable, proper, pleasing;
to be or become fitting, etc. Any sa ya
inng byornagany sa ya inng
byorginaanyon si sinng by.
This jacket fits him (or her) well. (cf. g,
bgay, ngay).
anyan, Fit, suitable, proper, adapted.
Anyan si sa pagpangma gid lmang,
kay wal si sing lyag sa pagton. He is
only fit for working on a farm, for he has no
liking for study. Anyan gid si sa
pagkahokm. He is qualified to be a judge.
Anyan gid si sin nga by. She looks
nice in that dress. (cf. ny, angayn).
o, (aw), An exclamation denoting
surprise, used by people who have
forgotten some important incidents in a
story, etc. and then, when somebody else
jogs their memory, suddenly recollect the
whole. Almost involuntarily they will then
say: Aw! Ah, yes! Oh, now I remember! Ah,
sure, now I recollect it all! Aw, gi ko man
gal. Ah, if that is so, I am also for it. I was
under a wrong impression; I now change
my opinion.
o-o, (w-w), The hoot of an owl. Ang
hun sang bkaw o-o. The cry of the
owl is o-o.
ohang, (whang), To lean or hang out
of a window or the like, so as to be in
danger of falling in a moment of
forgetfulness. Ind ka magohang sa
talamwan. Dont lean out of the window.
Ind mo pag-iohang ang mo lwas, kay
bs mahlug ka. Dont lean out too far, for
you might tumble down. Sang paglubs
sang ktay ginohang nya ang ya lwas
sa bintn kag nagtingk-ub kag nahlug.
When the parade passed by he leant out of
the window, lost his balance and fell. Kon
wal nya pagaohang ang ktay, wal
man si mahlug. If he had not stretched
himself too far out to see the parade, he
would not have tumbled down.
ohog, whog, To look about searchingly
or curiously, stretching ones neck in order
to get a better sight of things. Aohog kon
an ang suld sang aparadr. Peer into
the cupboard to find out what is in it.
Iohog ang lo mo, agd makakt ka sing
mayo. Stretch your neck, that you may be
able to see well. Ind ka magohog. Dont
look about curiously.


oto apnas
oto, Automobile, auto, motorcar. Also
used as a verb. Nagpaoto kam. We came
or travelled by automobile. Ipaoto ang
masakt nga to kag dlhon mo sa
hospitl. Put the sick man in an automobile
and take him to the hospital.
aotorisr, (Sp. autorizar) To authorize,
approve, empower, recognize.
Ginaaotorisahn sang gobirno ang mon
eskwla. Our school is recognized by the
government. (cf. pakamayo, tgut,
aotorisasyn, (Sp. autorizacin)
Authorization, recognition, approval. (cf.
tgut, pahangut, pagpakamayo).
ap, Mute, dumb; silent, mum, speechless;
to be or become dumb. Nagap si sa
hinl. He was suddenly struck dumb. Ang
mga ap nagainap. The dumb (deaf and
dumb) talk by signs and gestures.
Gininapan ak nya. He talked to me as
one deaf and dumb, (by signs and
gestures). Nagainap gid lang si Fulno
dir sa higd. N.N. just keeps silent there
in the corner. Naginap si. He talked by
signs and gestures. He said nothing.
Makahibal ikw mag-inap? Do you
know how to talk like the deaf and dumb?
Can you converse by signs and gestures?
(cf. gb).
aphan, To be speechless with wonder or
surprise, to be bewildered, to be at a loss
what to do or where to turn on account of
so many things claiming attention.
Ginaphan ak sang madm nga mga
bnga nga nadgdag sa khoy. I was at a
loss what to do on account of the great
amount of fruit that fell from the tree
(wishing to gather it all up at once).
Ginaaphan si sang madm nga
pagkon. He is quite perplexed by the
plentiful supply of food (wishing and
unable to partake of so many dishes at the
same time). (cf. ap).
pal, The handle, haft, grip, hilt of a bolo,
knife, sword, etc; to provide with a handle,
etc. Apli ang kon binngon. Fit a handle
to my bolo. Mapapal ak nay sa pnday
sang kon binngon. I will first go to the
carpenter to have a handle put on my bolo.
Ipal ak nay sang kon binngon.
Please fit a handle to my bolo.
apn, A full-grown locust. (cf.
palakkwana young locust beginning to
grow wings, but not yet able to fly; trika
young locust with newly grown wings, able
to fly, but not far; lksoa young locust
without wings, only capable of hopping
along the ground). Also used as a verb
figuratively. Abw, nagalapn gid lang
ang mga dumulaw ddto! Why, the
visitors there were as numerous as locusts!
Dl nnyo pagapann ang pagkon. Dont
fall upon the meal like locusts.
pang, But, on the other hand, yet, still.
Mayo ang kalam, pang lab nga
mayo ang matrung nga pangabh.


Visayan-English Dictionary
Wisdom or learning is good, but an honest
life is better. Matahm man kuntn in,
pangThis would be nice, yet. Ari na
ang napt-ud nga dlaw, pang wal sia
magabt. The appointed day is here, but he
has not come. Kon sa is ka bgay matod
gid man in, pang lab pa gid nga
matod nga. If, on the one hand, that is
perfectly true, still, on the other, it is truer
yet to say, that. Si magatmbong ddto,
pang ak nd. He will be present there,
but not I. (cf. pro).
p-ap, To bite off a piece, to eat by snaps
and snatches, to devour fruit greedily
without taking the trouble of peeling it
beforehand, etc. Ap-ap lang ang ph
pti bkal. Just devour the mango together
with its stone by biting off a small bit at a
time. Ap-ap sing ditay ang tinpay. Take
a small bite out of the bread. Ind ka
magp-ap (mangp-ap) sang mo
ginakon sbung sang is ka id. Dont
snap at your food like a dog. (cf. b-ab,
ikb, nkib, kbkib, etc.).
apapar, A plant often seen growing
under mango-trees or other trees.
aparadr, (Sp. aparador) Cupboard,
wardrobe, chest of drawers, case or
inclosure with shelves, side-board, dresser,
aps, Premature, untimely; to do
something prematurely, before the proper
time, too soon. Ginaps nla ang paglgos
sang bt. They gave the baby a bath too
soon. Dl nnyo pagapasn ang pagtub
sang sging. Dont cut down the banana
prematurely i.e. before its fruit is ripe. (cf.
aps, To cut off near the root or close to
the ground. Apasn mo ang paggnting
sang kon bohk. Cut my hair very short.
Apas ang pagtaps sang khoy. Cut off
the tree near the ground. Tud nga
inapasn. A stump cut close to the ground
i.e. a short stump. (cf. sop).
pas, (H) To follow, go after. See bat.
Apsa, apsi, ipas, etc. abta, abti,
ibat, etc.
aps-pas, Dim. and Freq. of pasto
follow. (cf. ilglog, sundsnud).
pat, Four. Apat ka to. Four men.
Apatn mo in. Divide it into four parts,
quarter it.
apt-apt, A plant that in its leaves
resembles a four-leafed clover. Hence the
name from patfour.
pdo, Gall, bile.
apdohn, Bilious.
apelr, (Sp. apelar) To appeal. (cf.
pask, dangp).
apelydo, (Sp. apellido) Family-name,
apndise, (Sp. apndice) Appendix,
supplement. (cf. dgang, kasgpon).
apendistis, (Sp. apendicitis)

pgas, To be difficult of passage, sore of

throat, etc. Nagpgas ang ya tutnlan.
His throat is sore, so that he has difficulty
in swallowing. Naapgasn ang tutnlan ko
sang bnga nga maplod. My throat
became quite rough from eating an unripe
betelnut. (cf. pgot, spnot, pn-ot).
pgot, To be difficult of passage, as
wheels over deep loose sand or through
mud, walking through sticky mire, unripe,
astringent or acrid fruit through the throat,
and the like. Nagpgot ang dlan. The
road has become quite sticky. Ang kro
mapgot nga butngon sang karabw kay
nalubng sa lnang. It is difficult for the
buffalo to pull the cart for it has stuck in
the mud. Naapgotn bal ikw sinng
bnga?Wal ak maapgot, knd
natanlasn gid ak. Did you experience
some roughness in the throat from eating
that fruit?No I didnt experience any
roughness, on the contrary I could swallow
it quite easily. (cf. spnot, pgas).
apin, Opium. Ind ka magypyup sang
apin, kay malin in sa lwas pti kalg.
Dont smoke (literally suck in) opium, for
it is bad for body and soul. Manugsi sang
apin. An opium-smoker, opium-eater. (cf.
apyn id.).
apd, To join, combine, put or fit together;
to involve, implicate. (cf. mpon, smpon,
dpat, g; mid, dalhig).
aphis, Maggot, larva, worm, grub,
especially that kind bred in putrid meat,
musty flour and other food-stuffs.
apit, Near, close, together, tight,
crammed. (cf. ipt, ipit, gutk, gut).
apke, (Sp. a pique) On the point of,
impossible for lack of time or opportunity,
too late, past mending, etc. Ind na ak
makahinggaw sa pagtah sang mo by,
kay apke na. I cannot finish sewing your
jacket, because there is not time enough.
Daw sa dl na makitan sing bulng ang
ya balatan, kay apke na ang ya
pagbt. It is now almost impossible to
cure him, for his disease is too far gone.
aplat, The fatty tissue growing between
the head and the belly of certain kinds of
fish and much esteemed as a delicacy.
pin, Help, assistance, backing, aid,
support, succour; to take sides with,
support, back up, help, aid, succour, assist.
Apni ak. Take sides with me. Back me up.
Help me. Ang mga giniknan
masigapiny sa la mga ank nga
nagailinway. The parents, partial to their
own, are siding with their children in their
fight with one another. Wal si sing pin.
He has none to back him up. Nakadag
si, kay ginapnan si sang mga
mamumugn, He won, because the
workers supported him. (cf. mpin).
apnas, (Sp. apenas) Trying, difficult;
scarce; to be trying, etc. Apnas ang
pangabh karn. Life at present is trying.
Apnas ang kwrta. Money is scarce.

Visayan-English Dictionary
Naapinsan ak gid sang kwrta sa karn
nga tig. This year I am in great difficulties
for lack of money. (cf. lapgot, wat, kl,
lisd, hn).
apipngig, The under-jaw. (cf. pngig).
apirahn, (B) A cocks comb. (cf.
pirahn, padng, parng).
apt-pit, Nearly the same, nearly alike,
resembling; to resemble. Apt-pit ang la
kataasn, panlakt, dug, dgway, etc.
orapt-pit sil sing kataasn, etc. They
are nearly the same in height, in their way
of walking, in colour, in figure, etc.
Nagaapt-pit ang pangrte sang la
guy. Their features are nearly alike. (cf.
agd-gid, anggdnggid, ammo).
aptong, A tree yielding a timber much
used for building purposes.
aplag, To spread, extend, etc. See
alaplag. Nagaaplag ang mga knding
sa latagn, sa hallbon, etc. The goats are
spreading over the open field, the pasture,
plag, See aplag, alaplag, alplag id.
Aplag inng hallbon sang mga knding.
Scatter the goats over this grass-land.
Paaplag ang Sntos nga Pagto. Spread
the Faith.
plod, Sourness, bitterness, acridity,
acidity, acerbity, sharpness; to be or
become sour, bitter, acrid, acid, acerb,
biting, etc. Ginaaplodn (orn) kit sang
kalabnan sang mga bnga nga lnghod.
Most unripe fruits are bitter to us.
Naaplodn ak sinng kamnsil. This
camunsel-fruit is too acrid for me or the
eating of this camunsel-fruit has given me
an acid taste in my mouth.
ap, Grandchild, grandson, granddaughter; ap sa thudgreat-grandchild;
ap sa tingy-tngaygreat-greatgrandchild. (cf. kaapohngrandchildren).
p, Grandfather. (cf. yong, lang).
pog, Lime; to be converted into lime.
Nagpog na ang mga bat sa alapogn.
The stones in the lime-kiln are now
reduced to lime. Apga ang mga olokab.
Make lime of the shells. Pintah ang padr
sing pog. Whitewash the wall with lime.
apogn, A vessel or receptacle containing
lime, particularly the small box or shell in
which lime is kept for betel-nut-chewing.
(cf. alapognlime-kiln).
apgon, Chalky, limy, containing, full
of, lime. (cf. pog).
aphap, (B) To stroke or touch lightly, to
move the hand along with a light touch.
Apohpi ang bt. Stroke the baby. Batd
si magaphap sa mga to. He is an
expert at stroking men down i.e. at coaxing
them, gaining them over to his side. (cf.
haphap id.).
aphap-aphap, (B) To coax,
bamboozle, blarney, humbug, persuade,
wheedle, use soft soap, ingratiate oneself
with, treat with sweet and kind words; to

apipngig ardo
stroke very lightly. Ginaphap-apohpan
nya ang mga pumill sing matm-is nga
mga plong kag makalulyag nga mga
tg-an. He coaxed the electors by sweet
words and attractive promises. Iaphapaphap sa ya inng blbul. Stroke him
with this feather.
pok, To fly or jump off as a chip of wood,
stone, etc. Naapkan ak sang napngas
nga bat. I was struck by a flying piece of
stone. Ditay lang ak apkan sang bat.
The flying stone nearly hit me. Nagpok
ang ingsap nga khoy sa malay. The
chip of wood flew far. Inpok ang
napngas nga bat. The chip of stone was
sent flying off. Inapkan si sang is ka
bhin sang rekamar nga naglupk. He
was hit by a piece of the mortar that burst.
(cf. sik, gsik, sang, lyas).
pok, Eczema of the face, an eruptive skin
disease, often starting at the corners of the
mouth and spreading rapidly.
apk-apk, Light, small rain, drizzle,
dribble, mizzle, scotch mist; to rain very
lightly in small fine drops, to drizzle,
dribble, mizzle. May apk-apk or
nagaapk-apk. It is raining very lightly.
(cf. talthi, tarthi, dabdab).
apokn, Eczematous, pertaining to,
affected by, the skin disease called
pol, To swarm, cluster, mass, to be thick,
dense, close together, hang together in
clusters. Nagapol gid lang ang mga lsg
sa kalmay. The sugar is swarming with
red ants. Red ants have invaded the sugar.
A mass of red ants are attacking the sugar.
Nagalpol gid ang mga bnga sinng
lmboy. The fruit of this lumboy-tree
grows in dense clusters.
pong, To gather, collect, come together;
roost. (cf. dguk, gubk, hlon).
apro, (Sp. aforro) Lining; the lining of
apt, Dandy, coxcomb; stuck-up, proud,
haughty, aping the manners of high-class
folks. (cf. dayw, bugaln,
poy, Great-grandfather, greatgrandmother.
apritda, (Sp. fritada) A dish of meat
with sauce thickened with flour.
apritdo, (Sp. apretado) Tight, close;
close-fisted, close, stingy, niggardly,
miserly; difficult, hard to bear, miserable.
(cf. gutk, mapot; lapgot, malisd).
ptan, pton, From putto arrive, come
apungngo, Stalk, stem on which a
flower or fruit grows. (cf. pungngo).
apnta, (Sp. apuntar) To aim at, to point
out; to baste, tack, sew provisionally with
long stitches. Apuntah gid nay kag
tahin. Make a basting first and then sew.
Figuratively: Ginaapuntahn si sang

nos. He is in the first stage of

apuntr, To baste, tack, to sew by hand
with wide stitches previous to sewing by
machine. Apuntah nay kag makinahn.
Baste first and then machine. (cf. halthot).
apur, (Sp. apurar) To hasten, make
haste, hurry, be quick, do quickly, push on
with. Apurah ang pagpatndog sang
halgi. Get the post put up quickly.
Magapur ka sa ya sa pagpal. Urge him
to go home at once. Apurah sil sa
paghaln. Get them to leave soon. (cf.
alipas; dal).
pus, (B) To end, finish, complete, bring
to a close; ended, finished, completed, done
with, at an end. Apsa in. Finish this. Apus
na. Finished. Thats the end of that. (cf.
tpus id.).
put, To reach the end of a journey, reach
the goal, arrive at, make, gain, come to a
stop, come to rest. Wal si makaput sa
alaputn. He could not reach the goal. Ang
bngkay sang nalums sa sub nakaput
sa baybyon. The corpse of the one
drowned in the river came to rest on the
beach. Maninguh ka gid, agd maaptan
mo ang alipokpokn sang bkid. Try by all
means to reach the top of the mountain.
(cf. abt, dngat, lmbut).
aptan, A place tostay,stop at,go
to,live in, a settled abode or residence.
Wal si sing aptan. He has no settled
abode, he has nowhere to go.
apyn, Opium. (cf. apin id.).
apyanro, (Notice the Spanish suffix) An
opium-eater, opium-smoker.
ra, (Sp. ara) Altar-stone. Usually snto
r, (H) There, there is. Ar in dir.
There it is. Ar bal si Fulno sa ya hult?
Is N.N. there in his room?
araaswa, See alaaswa, oloaswa, id.
arabl, (Sp. arrabal) A large village or
town, subject to the municipality of another
town. Many places that are arrabales now
have had their own municipal government
in Spanish times.
arabn, A kind of rice. (cf. kalbad,
lbang, tabw, ramy, makn, kalany,
pilt, kalmpit, kanamg, kotsym, bisy,
arabtay, (B) To be at ease or rest, feel
comfortable, etc. Mostly used with a
negative. Ind si maarabtay tbtub nga
matpus inng gam. He cannot rest, will
not feel easy, till this trouble is over. (cf.
libtay id.).
ardo, (Sp. arado) Plough; to plough.
Aradha ang talmnan. Plough the field.
Bus aradhi si Fulno. Tomorrow you
will plough N.Ns. land. Inng karabw
iardo ko sa bus. I will use this buffalo for
ploughing to-morrow. Ipaardo ko inng
talmnan sa to or paaradhan ko inng


aradohn argay
talmnan sa to. Ill get somebody else to
plough this field for me. (cf. sk-ay, dro).
aradohn, What is to be ploughed. May
aradohn pa ikw? Have you still some
land to be ploughed?
rag, To select, choose, seek out and
collect, especially applied to picking out the
best or ripest fruit or grain from among the
rest, as beans, monggo, rice, etc. Arga
ang baltong. Pluck the ripe beans. Argi
inng humy. Gather from this rice-field
the ripest ears. Manulon pa kam nay
kag marag (magarag) sing kadis. First
we will look for vegetables and select the
best kadis-peas. (cf. g-ag, pl).
aragy, An exclamation of pain and
suffering; to complain loudly of pain, etc.
Ind ka magaragyormagpangaragy
sing tm. Do not complain excessively by
constantly crying out aragy. (cf. ary
rak, A sound or noise as of many,
pattering, clattering, bickering, a medley of
voices or sounds; to sound, make a noise or
movement as of many at the same time or
in quick succession. Ang bals nagarak
sa sim. The sand is pattering loudly on the
zinc. Naarkan gid kam sang mga lis sa
gra. During the war bullets constantly
whirred about us. Ginpaarkan ang mon
baly sing mga bat sang mon matstis
nga kaway. Our spiteful enemy made our
house resound with the number of stones
he threw. (cf. brak).
ram, armag, aramgon, (B) See
lam, almag, alamgon id.
aramidl, (B) A corruption of almidn,
which see.
aramn, Contented, at ease, satisfied, (cf.
libtay, arabtay, dalamnon).
arandlya, (Sp. arandela) The socket-pan
of a candlestick; embroidered fringes,
ruffles of a shirt and the like.
arng, To let simmer, cook slowly over a
low fire; to simmer, boil or bubble gently;
to warm something near or at the fire.
Naarangn na ang ting-ang? Has the
cooked rice been left simmering for some
time over a low fire? Iarng mo in sa
kalyo or paarang in sa kalyo. Warm
this at the fire. Ginpaarangn nya ang
tinpay. She warmed the bread.
Magpaarng ka, kay matgnaw. Warm
yourself, for it is cold. Nagapaarng si
sang ya kamt sa kalyo. He is warming
his hands at the fire. Ipaarng mo sa
sologon ang bhaw. Let the servant warm
the cold rice. (cf. arng-ing, bagng,
bang-bang, alabab, nit).
aranghran, (B) See alanghlan.
arang-ang, (B) Playful, frolicsome,
sportive, frisky, full of sprightly humour.
(cf. sdya, hingyaw; masdya).
arngo, To stand, bear, suffer, be able to
endure (especially the smell of bad odours).
Ind ak makaarngo sang kabah sinng


Visayan-English Dictionary
paty nga idornd ko maarngo ang
kabah sinng paty nga id. I cannot
stand the stench of that dead dog. (cf.
bats, ntus, ro).
aranbal, (Sp. almibar) Thin, freelyflowing molasses. (cf. arnbal).
arnka, (Sp. arrancar) To attack,
particularly applied to sudden or swift
aggression. Arankah si! Go for him!
Attack him. Sang nagatndog ak dir
ginarnka ak nya sa wal sing bisn
kon an nga kabangdnan. When I was
standing there he rushed at me and
attacked me without any cause whatsoever.
Nga man nga nagarnka ka sa ya? Why
did you so suddenly attack him? (cf.
sorso). In gambling: To take a card and
turn it face up.
arnya, (Sp. ara) Chandelier, a circle of
candles or lights branching out from a
common stem and suspended from above.
aro, An exclamation of joy and glad
surprise. Aro, kadm sang sging! Oh,
how lovely, what a lot of bananas! Aro, ri
na dir si ttay! Oh, how jolly! Father is
aro-aro, Dim. of the foregoing aro. Si
Pdro, kon tigangn mo sing is ka
gntang nga bugs, marut nya sang
kon.Aro-aro, nd ak magpti. If
you boil a ganta of rice for Peter, he will eat
it all up:Oh! You dont say so! I cant
believe it!
ar-od, (B) To scrape or scoop out, as
coconut meat from the shell. See urod, the
more usual form. (cf. kugd, kokd, tild,
arpal, arapl, (B) A piece of wood
suitable for shaping into the handle of a
bolo or the like; to handle, manage, cope
with. Ind ak makaarapl sang tann ko
nga buluhatn. I cannot cope with all my
work. (cf. pal; agm, gap).
araptan, (B) See alaptan id.
ras, (Sp. arras) Dowry; coins which the
bridegroom gives to the bride at a marriage
arsal, (B) Roasting-spit. See araslan,
alaslan, aslan id.
araslan, (B) Roasting-spit. (cf. arsal,
aslan, alaslan).
arasn, The place where the essential
marriage ceremony, viz. the giving of the
consent, is performed. (cf. ras).
arasn, (B) Order, system, propriety,
proper arrangement. War ti arasn ang
(Wal sing kahusayn (kasamputnan)
ang la) prosesyn, panokr, pamgting,
etc. nnda. There is (was) no order in their
procession, music, ringing of bells, etc.
art, (B) Untidy, dirty, filthy, grimy,
slovenly, slipshod; to be or become untidy,
etc. Sdto mambong si, karn nagart
na or art na si. Formerly she used to be
neat, now she is or has become slovenly.

(cf. damk, sprat, rsm, rigm, hgk,

rat, (H) See dat id.
artay, (B) See altay.
arw, See aro.
arw-arw, See aro-aro.
ary, An exclamation of joy, pleasure,
surprise, pain. Ah! Oh! How nice! (cf.
arw, arw-arw, abw, kananks,
araygan, (B) A sieve. See alygan id.
ary-ary, Dim. of ry. Also: To receive
or welcome with pleasure, to show ones
pleasure by signs, to ingratiate oneself by
manifestations of affection, as a cat purring
on ones lap, a dog fawning on its master,
children desirous of obtaining a favour
from their parents, etc. Ang bt
nagapangary-ary sa ya ttay. The
child is welcoming its father with joy.
Nagaary-ary si sa kon, segro, kay
but si pahulamn sing kwrta. He is
paying me great attention, for the reason,
no doubt, that he wants to borrow money
of me. (cf. pangil-il).
rbol, (Sp. arbol) Tree. (cf. khoy).
rbol de pugo, (Sp. arbol de fuego)
Fire-tree. (cf. kabalyro).
ardl, (Sp. ardid) Astuteness, cunning,
artifice; a ruse, an astute clever lie, sharp
practice, a cunning misleading of others; to
play a trick on, to mislead, to contrive by
cunning or by clever stratagem. Ginardl
lang nya in. He did (said) that only to
mislead others. Ardil si. Play him a trick,
deceive him by a ruse. Iardl mo sa ya in.
Play that trick on him.
ardilso, (From the Sp. ardid) Clever,
cunning, astute, tricky, tricksy, misleading
others by an artifice or under plausible and
specious pretexts. (cf. antgo).
areglr, (Sp. arreglar) To regulate,
arrange, settle. (cf. hsay).
arglya, (Sp. argolla) Rings, also called
stirrups suspended by ropes, for athletic
ri, (H) Here, here is. Ari ak. Here I am.
Ari si dir. He is here. (cf. yri, rgya,
don, dnhi).
ara, (Sp. arriar) An expression used
frequently by men directing the lifting of
heavy loads. When the latter have been
raised sufficiently for placing them where
desired, they shout: AriaLet loose.
Let go. Slacken the rope! Arihi ang
kalt. Slacken the rope. (cf. tugk, hugk,
laby, tboy, arya).
ar-ar, Stunted, backward in growth, not
growing well, undersized, short in the
straw; to be or become stunted, etc.
Nagar-ar ang mas, kay wal maulan.
The corn was backward, did not grow well,
for lack of rain. (cf. agl-agl, ari-koty).
argay, To woo, to court, be nice to. Si
Fulno nagaargay sa kay Mara

Visayan-English Dictionary
orginaargay si Mara ni Fulno. N.N. is
courting Mary. (cf. lgay, paaynyon).
ark-ik, To laugh heartily; a merry, jovial
laugh, merriment. (cf. ark-ok, talngkaw,
halk-hak. See also kdlawto laugh,
smile, in general).
ariks, A skin disease, resembling prickly
heat but itching more, and, consequently,
causing much greater discomfort, (cf.
arikisn, Pertaining to ariks, one
affected by ariks. (cf. kagidkirn).
arikoty, Under-developed, stunted,
injured in growth; to be or become stunted,
etc.; not well made or done. Arikoty nga
to. A man of very low stature, below the
normal size. Arikoty nga trabho. Clumsy
work, a bungling performance.
Nagarikoty ang talng, kamtis, kamti,
tabk, etc., kay laks ang nit kag klang
ang uln. The egg-plants, tomatoes, sweet
potatoes, tobacco-plants, etc., were injured
in growth by too great heat and lack of rain.
(cf. ar-ar, agl-agl).
armo, (Sp. arrimar, arrimo) To rely upon,
shelter oneself behind, ask for help or
recommendation, be backed up by.
Arimhon mo si Fulno, kon malyag
ikw nga ya ikw tabngan. Ask N.Ns
assistance, if you wish to be helped,
backed up, by him. Iarmo mo ak sa
ya. Please, ask him to back me up. Wal
kam sing arimhan. We have nobody to
help us. The Freq. pangarmo is more used
in the active tense. Mangarmo ka sa ya.
Get his recommendation. Shelter yourself
behind him. (cf. dangp, ayp).
arimhan, Protection, patronage,
support, shelter, backing-up, pull. Kon
wal ka sing arimhan, nd ka
makadngat sang mo nga ginahndum.
If you are without support, you will be
unable to reach the goal of your desires. (cf.
arna, (Sp. harina) Flour.
arna, (Sp. arena) Sand, (cf. bals).
arng-ing, To warm, heat, cook over a
low fire, etc. Arng-ing ang tinpay nga
dan. Warm the stale bread. Iarng-ing
ak nay sing ditay nga sd nga inasl.
Warm for me, please, a little baked fish.
Paaring-ing ak sin. Warm this for me.
(cf. arng).
arring, (B) See allingwheel.
arisgdo, (Sp. arriesgadorisky, daring)
An adept at making money, accepting
profitable contracts, taking part in
enterprises that yield a margin of profit;
pushing, enterprising, acute, keen, astute,
shrewd, clever, go-ahead, go-getter.
Arisgdo si nga to. He is a clever dealer,
a successful, enterprising man. (cf.
pumalatkang, mabkas).
arsgal, (Sp. arriesgar) In the Visayan
language this term has almost completely
lost its original meaning to risk, dare,

ark-ik aron
venture and now commonly signifies: to
gain, make a profit, derive a pecuniary
advantage from various enterprises, to
make a bargain, buy, purchase.
Nakaarsgal ak sa kon punt sing is ka
gats ka mngmang. I had a clear profit of
one hundred pesos from my fish-trap.
Mangarsgal ak. I am looking out for
money, for something to yield me a profit.
Arisgal ak sing kl. Get me a hat. Buy
me a hat (at a bargain). (cf. patikng,
aritmtika, (Sp. aritmtica) Arithmetic.
artos, (Sp. arete) Ear-ring; to use, wear
or put on, ear-rings. Nagaartos or
nagapangartos si. She wears ear-rings.
Aritsi ang bt. Put ear-rings on the girl.
Paaritsi si. Provide her with ear-rings.
Let ear-rings be put in her ears.
ariwarng, To frown, contract the brows,
to look cross, to glower, express displeasure
or anger by ones look. Nga man nga
nagaariwarng ikw? Why are you
frowning? Why do you look so cross? An
ang ginaariwarng mo? Why are you
frowning? What are you frowning at? (cf.
lrong, ksdong, sngon, snggud,
arya, See ara.
rka, (Sp. arca) Arkof Noe,of the
covenant; chest, box, coffer, safe, trunk,
casket. (cf. bal, kha, suldlan).
arkabla, (B) Excise duty. See alkabla.
(cf. buhs).
arkabalsta, A collector of excise duty.
See alkabalro. (cf. magbubhis),
arkiln, (Sp. alquilon) Hirer, one who
hires out anything; anything for hire, as a
vehicle, etc. (cf. hinkay, hilinakayn,
gsa, pagsa).
arkitkto, (Sp. arquitecto) Architect. (cf.
arkitektra, (Sp. arquitectura)
rko, (Sp. arco) Arch; bow (of a violin,
etc.). (cf. balitk, balik).
arlekn, (Sp. arlequin) Harlequin, clown,
buffoon. (cf. alakyo).
armda, (Sp. armada) Navy, fleet,
squadron, warships, (cf. sakayn,
rmas, (Sp. arma) Weapon, arms. (cf.
armasn, (Sp. armazon) Mounting,
frame, framework, skeleton; hull, hulk (of a
armidl, Starch. (cf. amidl, almidn).
armonya, (Sp. armonia) Harmony,
concord. (cf. sinnt, g, ngay, bgay,
bagy, hilong, hilithog).
armnyo, armonyn, (Sp. armonio)
arnbal, (Sp. almibar) Thin, freely-flowing
molasses in the initial stage of the process
of sugar-milling. 1.) inutsthe watery
juice squeezed out of the sugar-cane. 2.)

arnbalvery thin molasses containing

much water. 3.) laswthickening
molasses, syrup of the consistency of light
honey. 4.) pultthick molasses nearing
the stage of crystallization or hardening.
The pult, very sticky and viscous, is taken
from the cauldron and put into troughs,
where by cooling and stirring it slowly
hardens or crystallizes to the finished, but
unrefined, product of sugar. This last stage
of the process of sugar-milling is called
pagaskar sang pultto turn the pult
into sugar. See under askar. 5.) askar,
rnika, (Sp. rnica) Arnica, a medicinal
rnis, Fight, quarrel; to fight, quarrel,
come to blows. Si Hun kag si Pdro
nagaarnsay. Peter and John are fighting,
have come to blows, are quarrelling. (cf.
hbag, lis).
ar, Leprosy. May ar si or inar si. He
has leprosy. (cf. aron).
arad, (B) To stuff, cram in (food), eat
much. Ginarodan nmon ang pagkon
sa mon pknik. We ate much at our picnic.
Ind mo pagiarad ang kn-on. Dont stuff
in the rice so greedily.
ar-aro, ar-ar, (B) To play with,
fondle, dandle, pet, caress. Aroarha
(arara) ang bt. Play with the baby.
Fondle the child. (cf. l, dl, ngg).
arba, (Sp. arroba) A measure for liquid
and dry goods, in weight about twelve
arogy, See aragy id.
arhal, (B) A joker, jester, one who talks
ridiculous nonsense exciting laughter.
Arhal si nga to. He is full of fun. He is a
great joker. The verb is inarohl.
Nagainarohl si sa kon or
ginainarohaln nya ak. He is telling me
funny stories (recounting some of his jokes
to me). (cf. harhal id.).
ark-ok, (B) To laugh heartily, but not
boisterously. An ang ginaark-ok mo?
Why are you laughing so merrily? Inng
sgid taks nga arkokn. This story
deserves a good laugh. (cf. arkik, halkhak, talngkaw, kdlaw, yhum).
arl, See arhal id. The verb is inarl.
arma, (Sp. aroma) Aroma; a kind of
fragrant plant.
ron, Blaze, fire. See lon. (cf. kalyo,
rong, (B) Mole. See long, lom.
rong, See ron.
arod, (B) To press or squeeze against
something hard. Iarod si sa dngding.
Press him against the wall. Arodi (ri)
ang dngding sang ya lo. Squeeze his
head against the wall. (cf. orod id.).
aron, Leprous, affected by leprosy,
pertaining to leprosy. (ar).


aror asinda
aror, (Sp. arrurruz) Arrowroot; the flour
and starch obtained from that plant. (alor,
arrong, A circular protection for young
plants made of coconut-leaves, of the
stripped off layers of banana-stems and the
like; to provide such protection for plants.
Arorngi ang mo mga tanm, agd nga
nd magly. Protect your plants, or else
they will wither.
ars, (Sp. arroz) Rice, especially hulled
rice. (cf. humy, play, pray, bugs).
arosra, (Sp. arroz) Rice-mill. (cf.
bulugasn, galingn sang bugs).
art, (B) Voluble, glib, swift of speech;
close, near together; to speak swiftly,
volubly, glibly, flippantly, rapidly, to pour
out words, talk fast. Art nga to. A rapid
talker. Art ang ya hmbal. He talks fast.
Nagart si sang iningls. He talked
English very fluently. Nagaart si sang
bisn kon an ang ya nga ginasgid. He
talks very quickly no matter what he is
saying. Ginart nya ang paghmbal. He
(purposely) spoke very fast. N.B. For the
verb, inart is more in use than the simple
art. Nagainart sil. They are talking
very quickly. Ginainart nla ang la
sugilnon. They are holding an animated
conversation. (cf. gart).
ary, An exclamation of pain and
suffering: Oh, dear me! The verb is
pangaryto cry out in pain, etc. to repeat
ary, ary, when in pain or distress. (cf.
aragy, arogy, hary, panghary).
rpa, (Sp. arpa) Harp; lyre.
arsnico, (Sp. arsnico) Arsenic:
artamsa, (Sp. artemisa, artemisia) A
plant much used for medicinal purposes;
wormwood, mugwort.
rte, (Sp. arte) Art, skill; artifice.
artemsa, See artamsa id.
artkulo, (Sp. artculo) Article. (cf.
artsta, (Sp. artista) Artist; artisan,
dancer. (cf. makiambngon; bailarna,
arad, (B) To spit out, eject from the
mouth. (cf. lad, urad).
arukahk, (B) To volunteer, to do
somethingof ones own free will,of
ones own accord, to move, stir, work
without being told or without waiting for
orders. Nagarukahk si sa pagtgang,
bisn wal pa magabt si nnay nya. She
boiled rice without waiting for the arrival of
her mother. Ak lang nga is ang
nagaarukahk sa baly, kay tann sil
nagamalasakt. I alone am up and working
in the house, for all the rest are ill. (cf.
arm, (B) Not easily inflammable, slow
burning, difficult to light; to burn badly,
smoulder. See lhom.


Visayan-English Dictionary
arm, Dark; tarnished; to darken,
blacken, lose lustre, tarnish. See alm id.
Ang bulwan wal pagarm, pang ang
tumbga nagaarm. Gold does not lose its
lustre, but pinchbeck does. (cf. itm).
rus, (B) Sufficient, enough; fit, proper; to
be sufficient or fit, etc. Arus na. Enough.
Thats sufficient. Ind marus ang ya nga
pamsti. Her way of dressing is not proper.
(cf. bastnte, tman, g, ngay; hrus,
arygan, (B) A sieve. (cf. alygan,
aygan, araygan id. from aygto sift).
sab, To eat anything and everything that
comes ones way, not to be particular as
regards food, to be omnivorous. Sang na
mapid si, karn nagsab na. She used
to be very particular about her food, now
she is ready to eat anything. In a figurative
sense, especially applied to women, it
means to follow the manners of prostitutes,
receiving and accepting anybody. (cf.
masab, kasab).
asdo, (Sp. asado) Roast meat, roast beef.
asahr, (Sp. azahar) The orange or lemon
flower; flowers used to decorate the head of
a bride.
sak, To jump, fly, to a distance, as
chips of wood or the like; to bang, patter,
clatter, (cf. sik; brak).
asl, (Sp. asar) To roast, particularly to
roast on a spit. Asal ang mank. Roast the
chicken. Inasl nga mank. Roast chicken.
Asal ang masakt sing mank. Roast a
chicken for the sick person. Iasl ak nay
sinng mank. Please roast this chicken for
aslan, (H) Roasting-spit, roasting-jack.
Buhti ak sing aslan. Make me a
roasting-jack. (cf. alaslan, arsal,
araslan id. From asl).
asl-sal, To sew quickly, make long or
wide stitches. Ind mo pagasl-aslon ang
pagtah sang kon by. Do not make long
stitches when you sew my dress. (cf.
sang, To jump, dart, fly off (as chips of
stone, etc.). Nagsang ang binkbok nga
bat sa malay. The crushed stone flew off
to a great distance. Naasngan ak sing
bals, tbig, lnang, etc. I got bespattered
with sand, water, mud, etc. D mo
pagpaasngon ang bat. Dont send the
chips of stone flying in all directions. (cf.
sik, pok, lyas).
s-as, Consumption, tuberculosis,
phthisis; to cause consumption, be
consumptive, etc. May s-as si or ginasas si. He has consumption. Gins-as or
ins-as si. He was attacked by, infected
with, consumption. (cf. nos).
as-asn, Consumptive, phthisical,
tubercular, tuberculed. (cf. anosn).
aswa, Wife, spouse, a married woman
whose husband is alive; to take a wife,
marry, wed, espouse. May aswa si. He is

married or has a wife. Sn-o ang

pangasw-on mo? Whom are you going to
marry? Who is your wife to be? Si Pdro,
kon, mangaswa sa bus. Peter, they say,
is going to be married tomorrow. Aswa
ko, batna inng sngsing kag inng ras
nga tnd sang ton pagaswa. My wife,
accept this ring and this dowry in token of
our wedlock. (Part of the marriage
ceremony), (cf. pangaswa; pagbnato
take a husband).
asaw, To be husband and wife, have
marital relations. Nagaasaw or
nagaasawahy sil. They are married, are
husband and wife. Ang mga magasaw.
Married folks, wedded couples.
asw-saw, Drizzle, mizzle, light rain.
(cf. dabdab, talthi, apkapk).
sdan, From sodto lend a hand, etc.
asite, (Sp. aceite) Oil, olive oil. (cf. lna,
aseitra, (Sp. aceitera) Oil-cruet, oil-jar.
aseitras, Oil-casters.
aseitnas, (Sp. aceitunas) Olives.
asendra, (Sp. hacendera) A female
farmer, etc. (cf. asendro, mangungma).
asendro, (Sp. hacendero) Farmer, landowner, planter, agriculturist on a large
scale. (cf. mangungma).
asra, (Sp. acera) Side-walk, pavement;
row of houses along both sides of a street.
(cf. dlan, dalayndaynan; kbay,
asro, (Sp. acero) Steel.
sgad, See skad id.
as-as, (Sp. asi, asi) So-so, indifferent,
middling, mediocre; of no special value,
ordinary, of the common run; to do lightheartedly, carelessly, thoughtlessly. Dl si
as-as nga to. He is no common man. He
is better than the average. Sa pagpatndog
sing mayo nga baly dl g ang is ka
as-as nga pnday, knd kinahnglan
ang is ka pnday nga sampton. Not
every common carpenter is fit for the
erection of a good house, but an
experienced or skilful one is required.
Ginas-as mo lang ang pagtokd sa
matas nga bkid. You ascended the high
mountain quite light-heartedly, you went
up the high mountain as if it were an
as-as, To decline, refuse apparently. (cf.
bisybsyo, indnd).
as-si, To be aware of, know,
understand, comprehend. Wal ka gn
kaas-si sang kabangdnan; nga man
nga mangkig ka sa mon? You do not
even know the reason; why, then, are you
angry with us?
asbar, (Sp. acibar) Aloe; aloes used as a
purgative; the juice of the sabila-plant (Sp.
zabila, zabida).
asinda, (Sp. hacienda) A farm on an
extensive scale, large landed property,
plantation. (cf. palangmhan).

Visayan-English Dictionary
asg, An exclamation denoting loathing,
abhorrence, aversion and detestation. Asg!
Nasty! Filthy! What a stench! How ugly!
asg, To despise, abhor, insult grievously,
abominate. Sn-o ang nagasg sa mo?
Who insulted you? Ginaasign nya ang
am nga batsan. He abominates such
habits. (cf. ngl-ad, tmay, lod).
sik, See gsik, pok, sang. Naaskan
ak sang tbig. I got splashed with water.
aslo, (Sp. asilo) Asylum, refuge;
protection, shelter, (cf. dalngpan,
alypan, sp-an).
asn, Salt; to salt. Asin ang sd. Salt the
fish. Iasn inng pdyot nga asn sa
mank. Season the chicken with these few
grains of salt.
asnan, Place where salt is distilled from
sea-water or dug from a mine; salt-works,
rock-salt mine.
asinn, Salty, salt, saline, impregnated or
mixed with salt.
asistnsya, (Sp. asistencia) Attendance,
actual presence; assistance, aid, help,
succour. (cf. atbang, tmbong, bylog;
blig, tbang).
skad, Soreness: to be or become sore of
throat. Nagskad ang tutnlan ko. My
throat became sore. (cf. sgad id.).
askwla, (Sp. escuadra) Square,
carpenters square; knee-tie, angle-tie,
angle-iron; in the form of a square; to
form, resemble, a square. (cf. eskwla,
slang, The chin. (cf. solng, sgang).
slum, Sourness, bitterness, sharpness,
tartness, acidity; to be or become sour, to
sour, make sour. Nagslum ang bno. The
wine has gone sour. Inng bnga wal gid
sing slum. This fruit has no tartness at all.
Aslum ang mank, pang dl mo
pagaslumn. Mix something sour with the
chicken, but do not make it quite sharp.
Pagapaaslumn ko gid inng ditay nga
tub, kay buhton ko nga lebadra. I will
let this little palm-wine get sour, for I am
going to make yeast of it. Inng is ka
kutsra nga lnggaw islum ko sa sd. I
will season the fish with this spoonful of
aslman, Sour, of a sour taste, applied
especially to some fruit contrasted with
sweet varieties of the same fruit. Aslman
nga smbag, kabgaw, etc. A sour
tamarind, a sour pomelo, etc. (cf.
sno, (Sp. asno) Ass, donkey; dunce, fool.
as, Smoke, fume, reek; to smoke, emit
smoke, to fume, reek; to fumigate, smoke
out. Paslpa ang pablo, kay nagaas.
Turn the wick down, for it is smoking. Dl
mo pagpasablabn ang kalyo, kndi
paasoh lang. Dont cause the fire to flare
up, but let it simply smoulder. Paasoh
(paswi) ang baly. Fumigate the house.
Fill the house with smoke.

asg atdo
sod, To strike in, add a hand to, to do
something together with another in quick
turns as one helping another to pound rice,
workmen felling a tree or trimming wood
by alternate blows, etc. Asod without any
other qualification mostly means: to help
another pound rice by alternate blows of
the pestles. Asdi (asdi) si mnang mo.
Help your elder sister to pound rice. Asdi si
mnong mo sa pagtaps sang khoy. Help
your elder brother to fell the tree (by giving
alternate strokes of the axe, now on this
side, now on the other side of the tree). Ang
pagsod sa pagknta malin, sa
pagbsbas kag pagbay mayo. To strike
in after another in singing (out of unison) is
bad, but for dressing timber or pounding
rice it is the proper or right thing to do.
Ginsdan nla nga duh sang kig si
Fulno. They, both of them together,
vented their anger on N.N.
sog, To make sterile, sterilize, especially
applied to sows; to become sterile.
Nagsog ang mon nayn. Our sow
became sterile. Paasga ang nayn mo.
Sterilize your sow (by fattening, etc.).
Paasgan ko gid inng tngkal sang kon
nayn. I will sure enough sterilize my sow
(by fattening) in this pigsty.
ashas, (B) To pump in air, to inflate
with air. Asohsi ang gma sang bisiklta.
Pump air into the bicycle-tyre. Pump up
the tyre of the bicycle. (cf. hashas id.).
asohasn, (B) Air-pump, pair of bellows.
(cf. hasohasn).
asohasnan, (B) Stithy, smithy, anvil.
(cf. hasohasnan, landasn).
soy, Explanation, clear statement; to
explain, expound, make clear, relate
distinctly. Asya in sing mayo. Explain
that well. Asyi ak sin. Explain this to
me. Isoy ko sa mo ang nahanab. I am
going to relate to you what happened. Kon
ikw nd makasyod sin, sarng ko
ikasoy sa mo. If you dont understand it,
I can explain it to you. (cf. sysay).
soy, Use, usefulness, result, advantage.
An ang soy sang kinahnglan mo?
What is (was) the result or advantage of
your application? A, wal gid sing soy
ang kon pakil-oy sa ya. Ah, there is
(was) no use my applying to him. (cf. gud,
asplto, (Sp. asfalto) Asphalt, a kind of
bitumen or mineral pitch; to asphalt, cover
with asphalt. Naaspaltohan na inng
dlan. This road is now asphalted.
aspirna, (Sp. aspirna) Aspirin.
sta, (Sp. hasta) Till, until; even, not even.
Hulat ak sta sa las des. Wait for me till
ten oclock. Asta sa katapsan. Till the
end. To a finish. Ginpkan sang bgyo ang
tann nga mga tanm sta ang mga
dalgk nga khoy. The hurricane levelled
all plants with the ground, even large trees.
(cf. tbtub).

suang, A wizard, witch, one that

practises witchcraft, a sorcerer, magician,
enchanter, one supposed to be in league
with the devil and capable of doing harm by
spells and enchantments; the devil.
(swang id.).
asgi, (Sp. azogue) Mercury, quick-silver,
match-point, match-end, phosphorus.
askar, (Sp. azucar) Sugar; to make sugar
including all the operations in the final
stage of the process of sugar-milling,
transferring the pult (the sugar-cane-juice
that has become thick and sticky through
evaporation) from the cauldron to a flatbottomed trough and stirring it there with
special shovels, till ready for drying and
packing. Asukra na lang ang pult. Turn
the pult into sugar. Asukri ak sing is
ka kw nga pult sa madal, kay may
kinahnglan ak sin. Turn me a
cauldronful of pult into sugar at once, for
I need it. Iaskar ak nay sinng pult.
Please turn this pult into sugar for me. (cf.
arnbal; kalmay).
asl, (Sp. azul) Blue, azure, sky-blue; to
colour or dye blue. Ginasl nya ang by
ko. He dyed my jacket blue. Dl mo
pagasuln ang patdyong. Dont dye the
skirt blue. Ipaasl ko inng kolr nga
pindpud sa kon by. I will use this dyepowder to dye my jacket blue.
asnto, (Sp. asnto) Affair, business; case
in court, lawsuit; also adverb: with regard
to, concerning. Asnto sinWith regard
to that. As to that. (cf. butng;
nahanungd, nahatungd).
aspre, (Sp. azufre) Sulphur.
asusna, (Sp. azucena) The white lily.
swang, See suang.
ta, See gt id. Kata sa mo. How black
you are.
at, See ta id.
t, Sepia, the black fluid of thesquid,
atbay, Shoring, shoring material,
temporary props, supports, lining; to shore
up, to line, to prop, support temporarily.
Atabyi ang bubn. Line the water-hole.
Iatbay ko inng pnit sang bur sa wang
nmon. I will use this bark of the buripalm to line our well with. Atabyon ko
ang pnit sinng bur. I will make shoring
or lining of the bark of this buri-palm.
atd, To separate from, set apart, expose.
The Dim. atd-atd is mostly used.
atd-atd, Dim. and Freq. of atd. Also:
Spread out, spaced, not close together, not
near to each other. (cf. put-put, atkatk).
atdo, (Sp. atado) Tied, bound; a bundle
or heap; a certain measure, particularly
used in selling small fish. Nakabakl ak
sing duh ka atdo nga bilng-bilng,
balingn, etc. I have bought two measures
of bilng-bilng, balingn etc. N.B. Fish
are often arranged for sale in little heaps to


atakdo atitirs
suit the dealer and his customers. The size
of the heap may range from a handful to a
hatful, and the price of each heap may vary
from two centavos to half a peso, according
to the quantity and quality of the fish. (cf.
duln; tmpok).
atakdo, (Sp. atacado) Attacked,
assailed, assaulted (by robbers, etc.);
infected (by disease, etc.). (cf. dngg,
dinngg; arnka, sorso, inarnka,
atakr, (Sp. atacar) To attack, fall upon,
assail, assault, be aggressive, to affect,
infect. Ginatakr ak sang mga buyng,
sang balad, etc. I was attacked by the
robbers, by dysentery, etc.
atk-atk Spaced, spread out, not joined,
not united, not together, not close to each
other; to be or become separate or
segregated from one another, etc. Sdto
makit ang mga baly sinng bryo, karn
nagatk-atk na. Formerly the houses in
this village were close together, now they
are widely spaced. Ginatk-atk nla ang
mga baly. They spread the houses out
singly with considerable distances between
them. Atk-atk gid lmang dir ang mga
ph, dl gid pinnsok. Mango-trees here
are to be met with only one here and there,
not in groups. Mayo gid ang pagpaatkatk sang mga baly nga kawyan kag
np, kay kon gutk sa minur kag may
kalyo mamid sil nga tann. Houses
made of bamboo and thatched with np
should be spaced far from one another, for
if they are close together within a village
and a fire breaks out they will all be
involved (in the calamity). (cf. atd-atd,
put-put, malak, issa).
atke, (Sp. ataque) An attack, assault,
onset; fit (of a disease); to fall upon, attack,
assault, assail. Atakha si. Attack him. (cf.
sorso, dksol, dmhag).
tang, A beam or thick plank cutting
across a bamboo-floor in an ordinary native
house. Nearly every main room in houses
with bamboo flooring has an tang in the
middle, rising to about one inch above the
atng, (B) To put, place. Iatng in dir.
Put it there. Atang ang masakit sing
tbig. Put some water near the sick person.
(cf. butng).
atngan, Having an tang or more than
one, as in the case of large rooms with
bamboo-flooring. Ang baly ni Gabno
atngan, ang ya ni Andres dl. Gabinos
house has a plank across the middle of the
floor, Andres has none. (cf. tang, atng).
tas, A method of catching fish by
draining off the water; to drain a riverchannel, to strand fish by draining off the
water. Ang kanl ginatas, ang sd
ginaatsan. The channel is drained, the
fish is caught by draining off the water.
Atsi ak sing sd. Catch fish for me by
draining off the water. Mangtas kit. Let


Visayan-English Dictionary
us go fishing by the tas method. Itas ak
nay. Please take my place at fishing by the
method called tas.
ats-tas, Dim. and Freq. of tas. Also:
To run after, to follow, to be constantly
behind. Ang ily nagaats-tas sa ya
bt nga nagakmang. The mother is
constantly behind her baby that is crawling
along the floor. (cf. abt-bat, lags-lgas,
t-at, To be able to stand the taste of
something sour, bitter, pungent or acrid.
Ind ak makat-at sang kadat sinng
bnga sang kabgaw. I cannot stand the
sourness of this pomelo. Atat gid ang
kadat sinng bulng. Force yourself to
stand the bitterness of this medicine. Ind
ka makat-at sin. You cannot stand that
taste on account of its sharpness. (cf. t-it,
ro, bats).
atatlo, (H) A caterpillar, worm;
particularly a caterpillar that is very
injurious to some plants like dgmay,
kadis, etc. Atatlo sang sklsilkworm.
atatro, (B) See atatlo.
atatyog, Of no use, useless,
unprofitable, no good; to be of no use, etc.
Atatyog nga to, bt, etc. A useless man,
bad boy, etc. (cf. wal sing puls, wal
sing gud, wal sing soy, waly syod,
atatayg, See atatyog id.
aty, The liver.
atyan, Having a big liver; brave, bold,
courageous, unafraid, fearless, undaunted,
intrepid. (cf. masug, mattum, isgann,
makhas, etc. in the sense of not being
easily scared).
aty-tay, Quagmire. See haty-htay.
aty-tay, The best or central part of a
thing; core, marrow; palm of the hand, sole
of the foot, (cf. tung, alibtud; tok;
plad, dap-dap).
atemya, A kind of fruit tree.
atendr, (Sp. atender) To attend to, look
after, take care of, pay attention to.
Atendeh ang mo mga katungdnan.
Attend to your duties. Atendeh ang m
asinda. Look after your plantation.
Iatendr ak nay sinng kwrto, kay may
kadton ak. Please keep an eye on this
room for a while, for I have to go out. (cf.
ttap, sapk, aling, bntay, balka,
ripra, dipra).
atensyn, (Sp. atencin) Attention, heed.
Atensyn! Attention! Take care! (cf.
talmdan, tagm, ndam, pamt).
thag, Clearness, distinctness; to become
or make clear, distinct. Athag ak sin.
Make that clear to me. Nagthag na ang
ya sult, hmbal, pamtlang, etc. His
writing, speech, pronunciation, etc. has
become clear. Athag ang mo paghmbal.
Speak clearly, distinctly. Ithag mo gid sa
ya and dak ko nga kinahnglan. Explain

to him clearly my great need. (cf. snag,

soy, sysay; tgdas; pasyod).
ti, Negrito, a member of the dark-skinned
tribes living in the mountains; a beggar,
mendicant, from the fact that the Negritos
often leave their mountains and come
down to the plains to beg alms. Also used
as a verb. Daw ti ikw. You are like a
Negrito. You are an awful beggar. Nagti
ka gal? Have you become a Negrito? (said
of one who is dark from long exposure to
the sun or who is very dirty, etc.).
at, To sack, rob, steal, plunder. Ginat nla
ang bnwa. They sacked the town. Dl
nnyo pagatin (pagatihn) ang bryo.
Dont plunder the village. Ang mga buyng
nagapangat. Brigands rob and steal. Ind
kam magpangat. Dont rob and steal like
brigands. Inng bnwa inatin (inatihn)
sang mga buyng sang duh na ka tig.
This town was partly plundered by robbers
two years ago.
at-ti, Dim. of ti. Resembling a Negrito
in blackness, etc.; dark, blackish. Mas nga
at-ti. Dark maize, black corn.
atd, Pal, friend, chum, mate, constant
companion, (cf. akd, idl).
atmon, A kind of wild melon or
cucumber, edible but not very savoury.
atingayn, (B) The little finger. (cf.
kumalngking, tingy-tngay, tingayn).
atig, A pedlar, huckster, hawker, petty
dealer, travelling salesman, chapman,
atitis, (Probably from the Spanish
achiote, achote) Arnotto, annatto, a spicetree and its fruit giving a peculiar taste and
reddish colour to soup or to a sauce; bixa
orellana. (cf. estiwtis, tiwtis id.).
tip, See ntip id.
atiplo, The earwig. Nasohtan si sing
atiplo. An earwig crawled into his ear.
atipn, Care, attention; to take care of,
attend to, manage, look after. Atipan ang
mga dinpit. Attend to the invited guests.
Iatipn ak nay sinng mga bt. Please
take these children under your care for me.
Ipaatipn mo ang mga bt sa kay
Fulna. Hand the children over to N.N.s
care. (cf. ttap, ripra, etc.).
atiplong, Short and twisted, checked in
growth, diseased (of hair). Atiplong nga
bohk. Short and twisted (diseased) hair.
Panggabta ang atiplong sa lo ko. Pull
out the stubby hair of my head.
atipyong, A fainting fit, a light swoon.
Also used as a verb. Ginaatipyong si.
She has a slight fainting fit. Inatipyong
si. She swooned, fainted. (cf. lipng,
lpong, lngin, lingn).
tis, The custard-apple, tree and fruit. The
fruit resembles a pine-cone.
atitirs, (Sp. titerero, titiritero) A puppetplayer, puppet-showman, a clown, a fool.
Dw atitirs si. He is like a puppet-player
or acts like a fool.

Visayan-English Dictionary
atlta, (Sp. atleta) Athlete; acrobat.
atltiko, (Sp. atletico) Athletic.
atmspera, (Sp. atmsfera) Atmosphere,
air. (cf. hngin).
to, The key, end, point of a thread, rope,
etc. (cf. tbong, tngkap).
to, To see the point, to understand, to
grasp. Ind si kato sin. He cannot see
the point. He does not understand it.
Makato ikw sa pagpangt sang to
sang bunng? Can you find the key of the
yarn? (cf. hibal, syod, balintnod, etc.).
at, That, that there. Ind at ang baly ni
Fulno. That is not N N.s house. (cf. dto,
at-to, Dim. of to. To understand a
little, etc. Ginpaat-to sil nga dan sang
la mga giniknan ktub sang magamy
pa sil. When they were still quite small
their parents gave them a hint (that they
were intended for each other).
atg, Glans penis: vesicul seminari;
spermatic chord; testicles. (cf. uld).
tok, To dam or dyke (a river); to make a
low fence or barrier. Atki ang sap
(sp). Dam the brook. Build a small dam
or dyke across the channel of the brook. (cf.
pnud; kodl).
atli, Glue, gum, mucilage; paste. (cf.
tomo, (Sp. tomo) Atom.
ton, Our, ours (including those
addressed); sa tonus; to, from, on,
at, towards, (cf. nton, ta;
atp, Roof; to roof, roof in, cover with a
roof, make a roof. Atpi (atop) ang baly.
Put a roof on the house. Iatp inng kgon.
Use this kogn-grass as roofing-material.
Atp nga sim. An iron roof. (cf. altpan,
atotli, Ear-wax.
toy, (B) To thicken, condense, coagulate,
inspissate (of liquids). Ang lasw nagtoy
na. The molasses has become thick.
Gintoy (ginpatoy) nla ang sabw. They
made the sauce thick. Atya ang spas.
Make thick soup. (cf. lapyot).
aty-toy, (B) Dim. and Freq. of toy.
Atyatya ang spas. Make the soup a
little thicker. Naatyatyan ak sinng
gtas nga kondensda. This condensed
milk is a little too thick for me.
tpan, From atproof, etc.
atrka, (Sp. atracar) To approach,
overtake; overcome, lay low, break down.
Wal sil makaatrka sang am nga
taltug. They could not break down that
palisade. Atrakha si. Lay him low. Knock
him down.
atrs, (Sp. atras) Backward, backwards,
behind; to go behind, move backwards,
leave or go away. Magatrs gid ikw! Get
back! Go away! (cf. sol, isdg, idg).
atrasdo, (Sp. atrasado) Late, too late,
behindhand, behind time, belated, tardy;

atlta way
slow (of a clock, watch). Atrasdo ang
pagabt mo. You are late. You came,
have come, too late. (cf. kuligt, kuliht,
atrasr, (Sp. atrasar) To be, do, late,
to postpone, put off. Nagatrasr si sing
duh ka tkn (ras) sang ya pagpal sa
baly. He went home two hours too late.
Atrasah sing ditay ang ras mo.
Postpone a little the time you appointed.
Ind mo si pagpaatrasahn. Dont cause
him to be late. Dont retard him. (cf.
atrasdo, kuliht, olhi, olih).
atrl, (Sp. atril) Lectern, ambo, book-rest,
music-stand. (cf. bulutngan (sang tulnan), tulungtngan).
atsra, (Probably from the Sp. echar en
escabeche) Pickles.
tsi, (H) Sneezing, sternutation; to sneeze.
Naatsihn nya ang ya pnyo. Nangtsi
(nagtsi) si sa ya pnyo. He sneezed into
his handkerchief. (cf. pangtsi, bahan).
tsoy, Use, usefulness, advantage, benefit.
Wal gid si sing tsoy. He is of no use, is
a good-for-nothing. (cf. dlpot, gud,
atbang, The position directly before a
person or thing, front, face; to face, stand
before, confront. Sa atbang mayo si,
pang sa likd malibkon. In ones
presence he is fair-spoken, but behind
ones back he is given to detracting.
Magatbang ka sa ya. Present yourself
before him. Stand before him. Face him.
Atubnga si. Face him. Confront him.
Paatubnga si Hos sa kon. Make Jos
appear before me. Paatubnga si Hos sa
kay Andres. Tell Jos to go over to Andrew
(to keep him company, talk to him, etc.).
Ipaatbang ko si sa mo. Ill present him
to you or make him appear before you. (cf.
atubng, To benext,near,coming.
Sa pitudlaw nga nagaatubng. The
coming week. Sa blan nga ginaatubng.
Next month. (cf. atbang).
atubngan, Facing, position in front of,
foreground, vis-a-vis. Sa ya atubngan. In
his presence. In front of him. Sa
atubngan sang baly. Before, in front
of, the house. (cf. tamparn).
atubangn, The sexual organ, especially
of the male.
atubangn, That will appear or happen
soon, the near future. Karn sa atubangn
magapatndog ak sing bg-o nga baly. I
am about to erect a new house.
atr, A term of contempt. Fool, ass, idiot.
Dw ikw ang atr. You are (act) like a
fool. (cf. bang, mang, tampuhw,
kalndong, kol-kol, etc.).
atutyo, Small, slight, dwarfish; pygmy,
dwarf (of males), (cf. katityasmall,
undersized (of women).
atuty, A small mouse, a baby mouse
whose eyes are not yet open. (cf. gitng).

w, See o.
w, A kind of fish.
w, Mercy, compassion, pity,
commiseration, sympathy; to have
compassion, to pity, feel for, have mercy
on, be compassionate. Nagakawa, ak sa
ya. I pity him. Ginakaawan nmon ang
malut nya nga kapalran. We
sympathize with him in his bad luck.
Maw kit sa ya! Let us have pity on
him! (cf. l-oy; mainawon, maawon;
aw-w, Dim. and Freq. of w. Ind
mo pagawawon ang bt, kay
magahib gid lang. Dont speak so very
compassionately to the child, for it is
certainly going to cry.
wak, awk-wak, To overflow, spirt
out, spill, exude, ooze. (cf. lwak, was,
bswit, pswak, tubd, gay, lig).
wang, (B) Well, cistern, pithole for
bathing or drawing water, water-hole. Also
used as a verb. Ginawngan nmon ang
apn. We dug pits for the locusts (to kill
and bury them in), (cf. bubn; bubn and
wang are used promiscuously in some
places, but more generally bubn means
a water-hole near a river, etc. for bathing
purposes, and wang a well or cistern for
drawing water for household purposes).
was, An overflow; to overflow, escape or
spill over the rim, said chiefly of liquids.
Nagawas ang tbig sa lta or ang lta
ginaawsan sang tbig. The water is
overflowing the can. Awas may also mean:
a pollution. Pawas sang lwas
Masturbation; to cause pollution. (cf.
awt, Occupation, business, engagement,
work, anything that detains; to keep busy
or engaged, to hinder from doing or
attending to something else. May awt
ak. I have some task to perform, some
work in hand (and, consequently, I beg to
be excused). Ginawt ak nya. He kept
me occupied, hindered me from attending
to something else. D mo ak pagawatn.
Dont hinder or interrupt me. Inng
trabho iawt ko sa mo. Ill give you this
work as an interruption to your present
engagement. Awat sing malp-ot nga tin
ang mong buluhatn. Interrupt for a
moment your present occupation. Allow
your time to be encroached upon for a
while. Awt man lang in. That was only
an interruption, was of no avail, to no
purpose, was a complete failure. Ind ka
magkdto ddto, kay awt man lang ang
mo pagkdto. Dont go there, for your
going there will be only a waste of time. (cf.
kaawtan, mainawton, libng).
wat, Of use, worth something, etc. See
ywat. (cf. yd, pangunyd,
w-w, See o-o.
way, Fight, battle, struggle, conflict, fray,
strife, contention, tussle, scuffle,


whag yo
scrimmage, encounter, fighting,
quarrelling, war, combat; to fight, quarrel,
come to blows, go to war, etc. Nagaway
sil. They are fighting or quarrelling.
Nagakaway sil. They are enemies. Dl
kam mag-inway or mag-ilinway.
Dont fight or quarrel amongst yourselves.
An ang ginawyan nnyo kahpon sang
hpon? What were you quarrelling about
yesterday evening? Awyon ko gid si. I
am certainly going to fight him. Tpus na
ang dak nga way sa Orpa. The great
war in Europe is finished. (cf. kaway,
kaawyan, kaawayn, mangangawy,
lis, rnis, bag, bngig, bangginay,
whag, To be or become wide, spacious,
roomy, extensive, (cf. lway, hanhay,
hw-ag, lpad).
whang, whog, See ohang, ohog.
aws, The male of the tamburk or tibtbo, a snail with an elongated spiral shell.
The snail is edible and its shell is often used
to make lime for betelnut chewing.
aw-wo, The rope in the form of a sling
or loop attached to the shafts of a cart, rig,
etc. and passed under the neck of an ox for
fastening the yoke. (cf. kalambsay).
awg, A spell or enchantment believed in
by the superstitious, and supposed to make
one remain within a rather narrow circle,
unable to go far away; spell-binding. Also
used as a verb. Ginbutangn nya sing
awg ang ya karabw. He cast a spell on
his buffalo (so that the buffalo should not
be able to go far astray). Naawogn ang
makwat. The thief had a spell put on him
(in order that he should be unable to
escape to a place far away). Naawg si
sang balkblik. He is bound to come back
again, he is forced to go to and fro, he is, as
it were, spell-bound and keeps returning to
the same place. (cf. lmay, lumy).
wot, (B) Toughness, hardness, tightness,
immovability; to move with difficulty, to be
hard, difficult, to deal with. Nagwot
na ang tinpay nga dan. The stale bread
has become hard. Ginwot nla ang
sngsung sa botlya. They made the cork
fit very tight in the bottle. Sang tingdlaw
mahaps ang pagbuks sinng ganhan,
pang karn, kay tinguln na, nagwot.
In the dry season it was easy to open this
door, but now in the rainy season it is
difficult. Naawtan ak sa paggbut
sinng lnsang. It was a hard job for me to
draw out this nail. Ginawtan ak sinng
to sa pagpahylosa ya. I had great
difficulty in bringing that man over to my
point of view. Inng krne mawot. This
meat is tough. (cf. tg-a, hnit, hugt,
wto, awtorisr, awtorisasyn. See
oto, aotorisr, aotorisasyn.
y, An exclamation of surprise, joy,
sorrow, or pain. Ah! Oh! Aye!


Visayan-English Dictionary
-ay, (Short for -anay) A very frequently
used suffix denoting reciprocity or an
action by many, e.g. pilasy, pinilasy
(plasto wound); bukary, binukary
(bkadto open, disclose); hikayy,
hinikayy (hkayto disparage, criticize);
hikawy, hinikawy, (hkawto envy,
spite); agawy, inagawy (gawto
snatch, take); sultay, sinultay (sultto
write); minulayy (mlayto carp, cavil,
run down); tabany, tinabany (tbanto
run away with), etc. etc.
ay-ay, The neap-tide, lowest tide.
ay-ay, Scarce, rare, uncommon, seldom
seen, seldom met with, hard to get; to be or
become scarce, etc. Ay-ayornagaayay ang sd sa karn nga tig. This year
fish is scarce. (cf. wat, hn).
ayd, (B) Well, good, cured, in good
condition; to get well, be cured, etc.
Nagayd ron tna?Hod, ayd ron
tna. Has he got well?Yes, he is cured
now. (cf. Nagyo na si?Ho mayo na
aydan, (B) To get on well in life, to
prosper, make progress from a material
point of view, to be well off. Nagaaydan
ron si Fulno. N.N. has got on well lately.
Sa karn nga tig nagaaydan ang
kahimtngan ni Fulno. N.N. is better off
this year. (cf. kaayohn, not to be
confounded with kaayhanbenefit, etc.).
ayd-yad, (B) Fine, nice, pretty,
beautiful, charming, handsome, comely,
good-looking. Abw kaayd-yad ba! By
Jove! How beautiful! (cf. maay-yo,
matahm, madlig, magayn,
mambong, manyag).
ayg, Sifting, a shaking movement like
that of a hand-sieve in action; to shake up
and down or to and fro like a sieve; to sift,
screen, riddle. Ayag ang up. Sift out the
rice-chaff. Ayag ang aygan. Shake the
sieve. Iayg ak nay sinng up. Please,
sift out the chaff for me.
aygan, A sieve, screen, riddle. (cf.
alygan, araygan, arygan id. and all
words derived from ayg).
ayg-yag Dim. and Freq. of ayg. To
shake up and down, move to and fro.
yam, (B) Dog. (cf. id).
aym, To send a dog after, pursue with a
dog. Ayam ang mga knding. Send a dog
after the goats. Iaym ko inng id sa mga
bboy. Ill pursue the pigs with this dog.
Pagpangaymto hunt with dogs.
aym-aym, A kind of large, black ant.
aym-yam, (B) Dim. of yam. Also:
Gossip, go-between, procurer, pimp. Also
used in depreciation of election-agents and
the like. (cf. bgaw, agwatto; ilg-ilg).
ayo, A prohibitive particle: You must
not. You shall not. Dont by any
means. Ayo, paghima in. Oh, dont
do that. Beware of doing that. Ayo,
pagbayi ang mong mga giniknan. Ah,

you must never forsake your parents. (cf.

nd (gid), dl nga ms-a).
yao, Satisfaction, sufficiency, enough; to
satisfy, come up to the mark, fill up what is
short, be sufficient or enough. Makayao
bal ang is ka psong nga humy sa
num ka to sa is ka blan?Abw, nd
gid, hlus gn nga makayao sa la ang
pat ka psong. Will one bushel of rice be
sufficient for six men for one month?Oh,
no, by no means; four bushels will scarcely
be sufficient for them. Klang pa ang pit
ka gntang sa is ka psong; ayoa lang
inng pit ka gntang. There are still seven
gantas short of one bushel; just add seven
gantas to make the measure complete.
Magkh ka lang sing ditay nga humy
sa kon tambbo, pang nd mo
pagayoon nga is ka psong. Take a little
rice from my granary, but do not take a
whole bushel. Kon magkdto ikw sa
malay nga mga bryo maayoan ka sa
paglakt. If you go to far villages you will
get quite enough of walking.
yap, Participation, share, portion; to
participate, share in, have a share in,
partake, get a share or part of. Kon but ka
magyap sin. If you like to get a share
of that. Paaypa ak sin. Let me have
part of this. Aypi ak sin. Get me,
provide me with, a portion of this. Kon
malyag ka ipayap ko sa mo inng duh
ka barta nga tinpay sang napl nga
binakl ko. If you like Ill let you have these
two bars of bread of the ten I bought. (cf.
mbit, m).
ayt, Challenge, provocation, defiance; to
defy, challenge, provoke. Ayat si. Defy
him. Challenge him. Ayat si sang
binngon. Challenge him with the bolo.
Balngan ko ang ya baly sing mga bat
sa pagayt sa yaornga iayt ko sa
ya. Ill pelt his house with stones to
provoke him. (cf. kiat).
yaw, ayw, See yao, ayo.
y-ay, To spread out before, show,
display. Ginayayn nya ak sang ya bgo nga hugo. She showed me her new
dress. (cf. ldlad).
yhan, Perhaps, may be, mayhap,
possibly, by chance. Also used as a verb.
Ind ka magayhn-yhan, kay kon
matod, matod. Dont say perhaps,
perhaps, for if it is true, it is true. (cf.
dmlag, bs, kaby).
y, Milt, spleen, (cf. h).
yo, (H) To be or get well, recover, to get
cured or healed; to mend, emend, amend,
improve, make good or better. Ang masakt
nga bt nagyo na. The sick child is
cured or has recovered. Inng bulng
nagpayo sang yang balatan. This
medicine cured his sickness. Ayha ang
mo mga batsan. Mend your manners.
Improve your behaviour. Ginyo si sang
manogblong. The doctor cured him.
Kayoto mend, repair. Kaayha in.

Visayan-English Dictionary
Repair this. Mend this. Sn-o ang
nagkayo sang mo baly? Who repaired
your house?
ay, Pet name, familiar name, as known
amongst friends and relatives. Ipng am
ang ay ni Filpe. Iping is the pet name of
Philip. (cf. hay id.).
ay, To ask, request. Nagay si kay
ttay nga malakt sa Ilng-long. He
asked father to be allowed to go to Iloilo.
(cf. pangy).
ay, Haggling, higgling, bargaining,
beating down the price of; to haggle, higgle,
bargain, beat or knock down the price, ask
for less than charged. Barto man lang in;
nga nga nagaay pa gid ikw? This is
really cheap; why then do you still haggle?
Ayo sa ya inng hnero, kay masido
kamahl. Try to beat down his price for
this cloth, for it is too dear. Ayo si sing
bisn lim ka dak lmang. Make him
lower the price even if by only five
centavos. Wal sing ay dir sa mon,
knd ang tann nga mon balalgy may
bil nga napt-ud. There is no haggling
with us, for all we sell has a fixed price.
ay-ay, (H) Pretty well, a little
improved in health or behaviour, to be a
little improved or better, etc. Ay-ay na
si or nagay-ay na si. She is doing
pretty well now. She is a little better now.
ay-yo, (H) Rather nice or beautiful; to
be a little improved in looks. Ay-yo si
or nagaay-yo si. She is pretty.
Naayayhan ak sa ya. She appears to
me to be rather good-looking.
yod, A very obscene expression denoting
the act of copulation. (cf. it, iyt).
ayd-yod, Freq. of yod; also a kind of
yon, Towards, in the direction of, near,
in the vicinity of. Din yon ang baly mo,
sa bkid yon ukn sa bybay yon?
Where about is your house, near the
mountains or near the sea? Tndog ka
ddto yon. Stand over there. (cf. nyon,
dmpit, dapt).
ayn, The principal hand, the hand one
works with most; ones strong point. An
ang ayn mo? To lang?To kag wal.
What is your principal hand? Are you only
right handed?I am both rightand left
handed. Ayn nla ang br. Gossip is
their strong point.
ayp, Now and then used instead of
paayp. Ginayp (ginpaayp) nya si
Fulno. Headopted N.N.,took care of
N.N. See the following ayp.
ayp, One under the care and protection
of another, a ward, proteg, one who is
given shelter and protection; to seek refuge,
look for shelter and protection, seek an
asylum, etc., as orphans, or the like. Ayp
nla si. He is their ward, proteg. Ang
mga mol nagaayp sa mga
manggarnon. The poor look for help to
the rich. Paypa (paayop) ak, kon mga

ay bbay
sarng. Grant me shelter and protection, if
possible. Ipaayp ko sa ya inng
makalol-oy nga to. I will give this poor
man into his care. Ydtong lo nga bt
nga ginpaayp nya ginblang nya nga
sumod nga ank nya. That orphan boy,
whom he had taken pity upon, he treated as
if he were his own son. (cf. alypan,
ayopka, (B) Very childish, silly, foolish,
out of ones wits, senile, particularly
applied to old people in their second
childhood. (cf. tstso, alogad, uliann,
urumnon, payan).
ypan, ypon, etc. from ayp.
ayda, (Sp. ayuda, ayudar) Help, aid,
succour, assistance; enema, clyster; to help,
assist; to administer an enema. Ayudah
si. Help him. Ginaayudahn nya ang
tagumatyon. She is assisting the dying
person (by saying the prayers for the dying,
etc.). Notice the accent in the following:
Ayudhi si. Administer him an enema.
(cf. blig, tbang, aguby; kalya,
ayudnte, (Sp. ayudante) Assistant,
adjutant, aide-de-camp; helper, partner.
(cf. kabay, kablig, katmbang, binang).
ayno, (Sp. ayuno) Fast, fasting; to fast.
(cf. pusa; pamudabstinence).
ayp, See ayp.

b, The letter B in Visayan has the same

sound as in English. Being a labial it has a
natural affinity with M and if the prefix
pan- is joined to any word beginning with a
b, that b is changed into m, e.g. bhat
becomes pamhat instead of panbhat;
bnak becomes pamnak and the verbal
noun and adjective formed from the latter
is mamumunk; bwpamw
mamamw, etc. Very frequently the
prefixes ha- and hi- produce the same
change, e.g. bilhamil; blbulhimlbul,
ba, Placed in the beginning of a sentence
or alone as an exclamation ba with a
rather long drawn-out a, denotes a
negation, non-conformity, aversion,
contempt or dislike. Bah! Pshaw! Pooh!
Whew! Ba, nd ak magpti sin. Pshaw, I
dont believe that. Ba, dw sa butg in.
Pooh, that sounds like a lie.
ba, An exclamation placed usually at the
end of a sentence after an adjective and
giving that adjective a superlative value:
Indeed! Really! Very much so! Truly!

How! Abw, inng baly dak ba! By

Jove, look at this house, how large it is!
Inng balaligyan maka ba. What a lot of
people deal at this shop!
bak, Crushed, squeezed and broken. (cf.
bak, To crush, squeeze out of shape,
crumple, break by pressure, said especially
of bamboo, tubes, pipes and the like.
Nabak ang kawyan. The bamboo has
been crushed. Inng is ka pn nga
kawyan nabakan sing madm nga
mga layn sang pagbgyo. Many fullgrown bamboos of this clump were crushed
and broken by the hurricane. Ipabak lang
sa alling inng kawyan. Simply crush
this bamboo under the wheel (by letting a
cart pass over it, etc.). Dl mo pagbakon
ang kawyan. Dont crush the bamboo. (cf.
bang-bang (B) To warm up, get warm
by taking a hot drink, food, etc. Bangbangi ang mo solksolk sing ditay nga
kn-on sa wal pa ikw magsgud sang
pagpangabdlay. Warm your stomach
with a little rice, before you start your
work. Mainm ak sing manit nga tsa sa
pagbangbang sang kon solksolk. I
am going to drink hot tea to warm my
stomach. Imna inng bno, kay
magapabangbang sang mo solksolk.
Drink this wine, for it will warm you up. (cf.
bas, (Sp. bajar) To diminish, lessen; to
drop, expel, remove. (cf. bhas, dgdag,
bhin, pahaln).
bab-an, bb-an, Gossip, chatterbox.
(cf. bura-n, wakaln, palahmbal,
palasgid, etc.).
bb, bb, Mouth. Mapsan si sing
bb. She is a great chatterbox. Pamb,
pambto talk much, tell stories, let out
secrets. Ind ka magpamb. Dont talk too
much. Dont let out secrets. Sin-o ang
namb sin? Who told that, who blurted
it out?
babe, Woman, female. See babye id.
(cf. babayhna).
babeng bhat, Spinster, old maid;
woman, female; belonging to the fair
(weaker) sex. (cf. babe, babayhna,
babknit, Dim. of babe, but also applied
to girls, especially in contempt. Nalgyo
ang babknit sa tpus na nya
mapanghaby ang mga hampngan sang
ya mga kapud. The naughty girl ran off
after throwing away the toys of her
companions. (cf. mabknit id.).
baban, A tropical tree and its edible
fruit, soursop, bullocks heart. (cf.
gwaban id.).
babagon, Foul, rotten, spoilt (of eggs,
etc.; cf. bog).
bbay, (B) Used only of, or amongst,
females: Friend, playmate, constant


babye bag
companion, bosom-friend, intimate; to be
friends, or constant companions.
Nagabbay or nagababaynay sil. They
are very intimate or constantly together.
(The relative term for males is akd, atd,
babye, Woman, female. Id nga
babye. A bitch. Karnro nga babye.
Ewe. Kabyo nga babye. Mare. Ang mga
babye mapgaw. Women are weak. Dw
babye si. He is like a woman i.e. fickle,
unmanly, etc. (babe id.).
babayn-on, Effeminate, womanish,
feminine in a depreciative sense. Ang mga
lalki nga babayn-on sing batsan
talamayn. Effeminate men are
babayhna, Woman, female (familiar or
even contemptuous). (cf. babe, babknit,
babylan, Sorcerer, wizard, magician,
one versed in superstitious practices. Also
used as a verb. Ginbabaylann sang
babylan ang masakt nga bt. The
sorcerer practised his art or performed his
enchantments over the sick child.
Ginpababaylann sang ily ang ya
masakt nga bt. The mother got a
conjurer to perform his superstitious rites
over her sick baby. Ang babylan kon
magbinabylan mahaw sing mank ukn
bboy kag mapatkptik sa pnggan.
When the conjurer performs his
superstitious rites he kills a chicken or pig
and repeatedly strikes a plate. Nakakon
si sing bboy nga binabaylann. He ate
some pork that had been subjected to
superstitious rites.
bbha, A large rent or hole, a gaping
wound, gash; to make a gash or rent. May
bbha ang likd nya, kay ginlab ni
Fulno. He has a gaping wound on the
back, for he received a gash from N.N.
Ginbbha nya ang by ko. He tore a
large hole in my jacket. Ginbabhan nya
ang ya likd. He made a gaping wound in
his back. Ibbha sa likd nya ang mo
binngon. Give him a gash on the back
with your bolo. (cf. wng-wang).
bboy, Pig, swine, pork. Ginhaw nla ang
bboy nga pinatmbok. They killed the
fattened pig. Makayon gid si sang
bboy. He likes to eat pork very much. (cf.
binboypiggish, swinish).
baby-baby, A kind of blackish vermin
that is often found on trees, underneath
stones and the like; an oniscus, slater,
wood-louse, sow-bug.
bda, (Sp. barra) An iron bar, crowbar; an
iron dibble. (cf. bra id.).
badho, (Sp. badajo) The clapper of a
bdang, To practise, inure, train,
accustom to, make used to. Nabdang na
si sa pagtabak, pag-inm sing bno,
paghmbal sing iningls, etc. He is now
accustomed to smoke, to drink wine, to


Visayan-English Dictionary
speak English, etc. Nabadngan ko na
inng lugr, inng mga buluhatn, etc. I
am now used to this place, to this kind of
work, etc. Ipabdang mo si sa pagsut sa
kay Fulna. Let her learn to dance under
N.N.s instruction. Nagsutl ang bt, kay
wal sing nabadngan ang pagkastgo
sang ya ily. The child turned out badly,
because her mother had no method in
punishing her. (cf. nad, hnas).
badng, Accustomed, inured,
experienced, trained, used to. (bdang; cf.
and, batd).
bdbad, To wind up, to put on a reel; to
unravel, disentangle, solve, clear up.
Badbar (-ad) ang bunng. Wind the
yarn on a reel. Ibdbad ak nay sinng
bunng. Kindly wind up this yarn for me.
Makabdbad ka sin? Can you solve this?
Can you translate it or clear it up? Badbar
(-ad) sing ditay inng is ka labg nga
bunng. Unwind a small part of this hank
of yarn. Put a small part of this hank of
yarn on the reeling-machine.
badbadn, Reeling-machine, a wheel for
winding up or unwinding yarn, thread or
the like; a reel, spool, bobbin.
badbarn, (H) See badbadn id.
bdh, (B) Fear, awe, dread; fear mingled
with respect or reverence; to influence by
fear, reverence or respect, to awe. Wal gid
si sing ginabdh. He is not afraid of
anything or anybody. (cf. hdluk, sapk,
blhot, ban, panagubli).
bading, bdiang, A tropical plant with
very large leaves. Daw bading ang
dulnggan nya. His ears are as large as
badiang leaves, a saying applied to one
who likes to be praised.
badiw, A kind of bird; the golden oriole,
badiw, bdiaw, Light yellow; to be or
become light yellow. Ang ya bestdo nga
dalg sdto nay nagbadiw na. Her dark
yellow frock has turned light yellow.
Nabadiawn ak sinng hnero. This cloth
has a too light yellow colour for me. (cf.
dalga darker yellow, orange-yellow).
badiwkaw, A kind of bird, whose
name is suggestive of its colour and cry. (cf.
badiwtingg, A kind of bird, whose
name suggests both its yellow colour and
its cry. (cf. badiwkaw).
badidy, Lullaby; girl, sweetheart,
darling (used humorously).
badidy, See badidy. Also: boy, young
man, lover, sweetheart.
badl, A fire-arm, musket, rifle; to shoot
with a fire-arm; to beat, drub, thrash,
strike, swinge. Badil si. Shoot him. Give
him a thrashing. Ibadl ang bldok mo.
Shoot off your revolver. Ginbadl nya ang
buyng. He shot the brigand. D mo si
pagbadiln sing tm. Dont beat him too
much. (cf. lthang; lmpus, blbal, lmba,

bkol; badl is probably derived from the

Spanish barril).
bdlak, To sparkle, shine, glisten, glitter,
flash, twinkle. (cf. sdlak, slak, sl, nggat,
igpt-gpat, kipt-kpat).
bdlan, From bald for baludn. To be
caught, overrun, overtaken, struck,
washed, by waves. Nabdlan si. He was
caught in a storm. He was overtaken,
detained, delayed, by a flood or bad
weather. Daw ginabdlan si means: He
is in a great hurry, (as if running for his life
before pursuing waves, or the like).
bdlis, Anointment, unction; the
sacrament of Extreme Unction; to anoint,
salve, treat with an unguent; to administer
Extreme Unction. Badlis si. Anoint him.
Pabadlis si. Have him anointed.
Pabadlisn mo ang masakt nga to. Have
Extreme Unction administered to the sick
man. Ibdlis in sa ya. Anoint him with
that. (cf. hso, hdhid, plhit, hplas, etc.).
bdlit, A line, stroke, sign or mark with a
pencil, pen or the like; to line, sign, mark
with a stroke of the pen, brush, etc. Badlit
or badlit ang papl sang mo plma. Mark
the paper with a stroke of your pen. Ibdlit
ang lpis sa khoy. Mark the wood with
the pencil. Inng papl nabadlitn sing
ttlo ka kris. This paper has been marked
with three strokes. Dl mo pag-ipabdlit
ang papl sa mga bt. Dont permit the
children to make lines on the paper. Ind
mo si pagpabadlitn sang papl. Do not
allow him to make lines on the paper.
Anhon mo kon am in ang bdlit sang
plad mo? What can you do, if such is the
streak in your fate? Ang ya mga klay dw
bindlit sang is ka tigdug. Her eyebrows
are (were) like the strokes of a painters
brush. (cf. kris, krit, kurt, kdlit, etc.).
bdl, Phlegm. May bdl si prme. He
is constantly troubled with phlegm.
bdlon, A kind of fish.
bdlong, To point out a fault or mistake,
to correct, expostulate with. Badlong si.
Correct him. Ind si magpabdlong. He
does not listen to corrections or
admonitions, (cf. tdl; bsolto
reprimand, etc. is a much stronger term
than bdlong).
badlon, Pertaining to phlegm, full of
phlegm, troubled with phlegm, phlegmatic.
bd, Banquet, feast, entertainment,
social gathering, celebration. (cf. tbad).
bdwan, From the obsolete bal. See
nabdwaninkling, understanding.
badyng, See bading id.
badyw, See badiw id.
bga, A live coal, glowing cinder, burning
piece of charcoal; also verb: to light.
bag, The lungs.
bag, (B) Quarrel, dispute, squabble,
words, high words, altercation, bickering;
to quarrel, wrangle, fall out, squabble, have
words with, etc. Ang mga bt nagabag.

Visayan-English Dictionary
The boys are quarrelling. May ginbag ak
kahpon. I had a quarrel with somebody
yesterday. Nga man nga ginbag mo si
Hos? Why did you quarrel with Jos?
Ginbag ko si, kay kinh nya ang kon
kasng. I quarrelled with him, because he
had taken my spinning-top. Ind mo si
pagbagan tungd sinng ditay nga
butng. Dont pick a quarrel with him for
this small matter. Pabaga si Andrs kag
si Hos. Make Andrew and Jos quarrel
with each other. Ipabag si Hos sa kay
Andrs. Make Jos pick a quarrel with
Andrew. (cf. say, basbis).
bagas, A kind of weed, very injurious to
bag-bga, Dim. of bga. May bagbga pa sa idlum sang ab? Are there
still any live coals under the ashes?
bag-bag, A dish, particularly of small
sun-dried fish, roasted in a pan containing
live coals; to roast fish in live coals.
Bagbagah ang tabagk. Roast the
tabagk-fish in a pan filled with live coals.
Ang mon sd-an kana balingn nga
binagbag. The side-dish of our last meal
consisted of sun-dried fish roasted in a pan
with live coals. (cf. bga).
bag-bg, bag-bag, (B) Dim. and
Freq. of bag. To quarrel or fight a little, to
have a tiff, to bandy words. Inng mga
magasaw prme gid lang nagabagbg
sa la baly. This married pair are always
disagreeing at home. (cf. suysay).
bagahn, Brazier, an open pan for
burning wood or coal. (bga).
bagkay, A kind of very light bamboo,
smaller even than that called blo.
bagng, To warm, to heat, make red-hot.
Ginbagng sang manugslsal ang
salslon. The smith made the iron red-hot.
Nabagng na ang gnga. The roasting-pot
is hot. Bagang nay ang gnga sa wal
pa ikw magsnlag sang mas. Heat the
roasting-pot first before you roast the corn.
Ang ggma nagabagng sang ya
tagiposon. Love warms his heart.
Ibagng ak nay sing is ka naht nga
salslon. Kindly make a piece of iron redhot for me. Bagang ak sing gnga, kay
magasnlag ak sing mas. Heat a
roasting-pot for me, for I am going to roast
some corn. Ginabagng si. He is getting
hot, i.e. he has fever, as a forerunner of
some serious disease like smallpox,
measles, etc.
bagng, (B) Five centavos, a five-centavo
piece, nickel, penny. (cf. bakd, sinkhon).
bg-ang, Grinder, molar tooth, double
tooth. (cf. ngkod, etc.).
bagngan, A kind of rhinoceros beetle
that is very injurious to coconut
plantations, etc.; a leaf-miner.
bagni, A heroic deed, heroism.
baganhan, Hero; heroic.

bagas bagt
bg-as, The scar of a cut; pock-marks, the
pits of smallpox; to trim or dress by cutting
off small pieces, to raze mounds. Bag-as
ang khoy sang dldag. Dress the wood
with the adze. Ibg-as ang wsay sa
khoy. Use the hatchet to trim the wood.
Nagsalma na ang plsa, kay nabag-asn
ang mga bokldbklod kag natampokn
ang mga limpsong. The public square is
level now, for the mounds have been razed
and the holes filled up. May bg-as ang ya
nawng. His face is marked (pitted) with
small-pox. (cf. bs-bas).
bagso, (Sp. bagazo) Fruit-peel pressed
dry, especially sugar-cane crushed and
deprived of its juice, bagasse. (cf. sip).
bag-asn, Scarred, marked, pitted,
pertaining to smallpox, pock-marked. (cf.
butihn, hanggan).
bgat, A kind of ghost believed in by the
superstitious. It is supposed to appear in
various strange shapes.
bagt, A long slender pole of bamboo,
bl, bagkay or the like.
bagt-bagt, A centipede that is
considerably larger than the ordinary
bagtnan, The South. (cf. habagtnan).
bagatnnon, Southern, situated in the
South. (cf. habagatnnon).
bgay, Manner, method, kind, class, way;
fit, proper, suitable, adapted; to fit, adapt,
tune, harmonize. Bagya ang mga
kwrdas. Tune the strings. Ibgay ak
sang kon gitra. Kindly tune my guitar.
Dl bgay sa mo inng kl. This hat does
not fit you. This hat does not suit you.
Duh ka bgay ang pagpangurs, hmpit
kag lktud. There are two ways of making
the sign of the cross, the complete and the
short one. Ang sal may duh ka bgay,
mortl kag benil. There are two kinds of
sins, mortal and venial. Himsi si sing
pagkon nga bgay sa is ka dumulaw
nga dunggnon. Prepare some food for
him fit to be placed before an honoured
visitor. Bagyi ang mo mnggad kag
kalam sing mayo nga batsan. Cultivate
a demeanour in keeping with your wealth
and knowledge or learning. (cf. ngay,
ny, g, sb).
bagy, Harmony, symmetry,
melodiousness; tuned, harmonious. Inng
ssta dl bagy or inng ssta wal sing
bagy. This guitar is not tuned. Ang pino
ni Fulno dl na bagy, kay dgay na nga
wal pagbagya. The piano of N.N. is now
out of tune, because it has not been tuned
for a long time. (cf. libgonout of tune;
unharmonious, flat).
bagybay, The neck-feathers of a cock.
(cf. kuys, lwi, blbul).
bgay sa, Concerning, referring to, with
regard or reference to, with respect to.
Iblik ko na ang kon hmbal bgay
sa. Ill now come back (return) to say a

few things more concerning. Ang ya

pagkhas bgay sa paglpas sang
kasogon. His audacity with regard to
violating (breaking) the law. (cf.
nahanungd, nahatungd).
bagu, Spoilt, rotten, decayed, putrid,
tainted (of foodstuffs); to get spoilt, etc. (of
food-stuffs). Nagbagu ang sd, kn-on,
tinla, etc. The fish, rice, vegetable dish,
etc. spoiled. Ind mo pagpabageun
(pagpabagewn) ang sd. Do not allow
the fish to go rotten. (cf. pn-os, bng-og).
bagw, See bagu.
bghak, Stupid, silly; dull, backward. (cf.
bulk, pkok, kagng).
bghot, To cut off a piece at a time of the
suk, that is, the coconut flower in order to
get tub. Baghot ang suk. Cut off a piece
of the suk. Ibghot ak sang suk. Kindly
tap the suk for me. May lub ikw nga
sarng mabaghotn? Have you any
coconut-palms that can be tapped for tub?
Ho, pang nd ak magpabghot sin,
kay but ko himslan ang kpras. Yes, but
I will not allow them to be tapped, for I
wish to utilize the copra. Ipabghot mo sa
kon or pabaghotn mo sa kon inng
napl ka pn nga lub mo. Let me tap
for tub these ten of your coconut-palms.
bg-id, To rub, strike, as a match, to rub
two pieces of bamboo, etc. together in
order to make fire. Bag-ir (id) ang
psporo. Strike the match. Bag-ir ang
kha sang psporo. Strike the match
against the box. Bag-ir ang kawyan
tbtub nga magkalyo (magkalay). Rub
the bamboo till it takes fire.
bag-dan, A match; any contrivance to
make fire by friction. (bg-id).
baging, (B) Cheek, the side of the face.
(cf. psngi).
bagins, A trail, footpath, track, (cf.
bnas, daln-dlan, algyan).
bgio, Typhoon, cyclone, tornado,
tempest, hurricane, storm, wind with heavy
rain; to be stormy, to blow or rage (of a
typhoon). Nagabgio ang kalibtan. A
typhoon is raging or a hurricane is blowing
(over the earth). Nabagiohn kam sa
bapr. We were caught by a hurricane on
board the steamer. Nalsa na ang ikaduh
nga tnd, kay magabgio, kon. The
second storm-signal has been raised, for a
hurricane is approaching, they say.
bag-ran, See bag-dan id.
bags, A shark; a greedy, artful fellow, a
sharper, shark, cheat, crook. (cf. kgtong).
bagt, Uninjured, unscathed, untouched;
to escape uninjured, to be unharmed or
unscathed, to come away free or
untouched. Ind ka makabagt. You will
not be able to escape unharmed. Din ka
man makabagt sa kon? Where can you
escape me? Bagt! Missed! Not hit! Bagt
si. He is untouched. This expression is
often used in games, where the main point


bgkos bgtis
consists in an agility or adroitness in
obtaining ones object without being
touched or hit by the opposing party. Dir
lang sa mon bnwa wal gid sing
makabagt sa ya sa paghmpang sang
ahedrs. Here in our town there is certainly
no one that can beat him at chess. (cf.
bgkos, Belt, girth, girdle, cincture. See
wgkos, wklos, pha.
bglot, To gnash ones teeth. See bgrot
id. Even in Hiligynon bgrot is more
commonly used than bglot.
bgnas, Nearly ripe; to be nearly ripe,
approach ripeness, particularly said of
plums and the like. Nagbgnas na or
bgnas na ang serigwlas. The plums are
now nearly ripe. Nabagnasn na ang
serigwlas. The fruit is ripening on the
plum trees.
bgnos, To strip, split, separate fibre (of
hemp, etc.). Bagnos ang lnot. Strip the
hemp. (cf. kig).
bag, Will, head, soul, brain. Wal gid in
sa bag ko. That never entered my head.
Kayon ang bag nya sa um, kay
nagtmbok si ddto. He likes to live at the
farm, for he got fat there. (cf. bngog,
bg-o, New, novel, fresh; recent, late,
modern, just out, recently; to make new, to
renew. Bg-o gid inng kl ko. This hat of
mine is quite new. Bg-o pa lang si
magabt. He has just arrived. Bg-o pa
lang sil malmbus. They have left only a
short while ago. Bag-oh ang kodl.
Renew the fence. Inng kawyan ibg-o ko
sa kodl. This bamboo Ill utilize in
renewing the fence.
bag-bag, The string, line, cord of a
fishing rod. (cf. hapn; tigdawn,
bg-od, To rub two stones together, to
crush or pulverize, between two stones or
against a stone. Ginabag-orn ang bat
nga buky sing binkbok nga buky
tbtub nga magpno kag ihnis sa ngpon.
The crushed white stone is rubbed between
two white stones till it becomes fine
powder, and can be used to clean the teeth
with. Ang taybong ginabg-od sa bat
kon unawn. The tayobong-root is rubbed
against a stone to rid the pulp of juice.
Ibg-od mo ang taybong sa bat. Rub the
tayobong-roots against a stone.
bag-dan, (B) Stone against which
something is rubbed or crushed to powder;
a millstone, grindstone. (cf. bag-ran).
bagdbod, A dish of rice-flour mixed
with sugar and coconut meat. (cf. alop).
bag-han, New, novel, fresh,
inexperienced, green, green-horn; modern,
new-fangled. (cf. bg-o).
bag-ohnon, See bag-han. Also: A
person of modern times; a modernist.


Visayan-English Dictionary
bagk. Rotten, putrid; old, useless; dull,
stupid; to be or become rotten, etc. (cf.
gabk, gark, dunt; bagt, balt, gubt;
pkok, kagng, kalng).
bagkbok, A shower of rain; to fall in
showers, to rain heavily. Kon ks-a sa
hinl lang nagabagkbok ang uln. Now
and then there is a sudden heavy shower of
rain. (cf. bnok, bkbok, pkpok).
bagl, The skull; any skull-like vessel, as
e.g. the rough shell of a coconut opened
slightly at the top and used for cleaning
purposes. (If the coconut-shell is scraped
smooth, it is called hungt); brain, mind,
head, soul. Butang sing bagl ang tmba.
Place a skull on the catafalque. Wal gid
in sa bagl ko. That never entered my
head, never disturbed my thoughts, never
bothered or troubled me. (cf. bag,
bngog, lo, panumdman).
bgol, To strike with the head, to strike or
knock heads together, to push head against
head. Nagabagoly sil. They are butting
or striking head against head. Ginabgol
nla ang la lo. They are knocking their
heads together. (cf. pkol).
bgol, A game with stones played by
children. The principal object is to hit
certain marked stones with other stones
thrown from a distance or dropped from
the hand; to play bgol.
baglbol, To crowd upon each other, to
follow one upon another in quick
succession, applied to persons,
undertakings, troubles, difficulties, etc.
Nagabaglbol gid ang mga to sa
simbhan. The people in church are very
crowded. Nagabaglbol
ornagabinaglbol ang kon mga
buluhatn, kalisd, etc. My duties,
troubles, etc. are following one upon
another without interruption. (cf. abkabk, abt-abt: surumbl, liningghot,
lingghot, ulkad (kad).
bagn, (Sp. vagn) Wagon, railway
bagnbon, Alluvial sediment, soft mire,
slime, mud deposited by flowing water.
Binagonbonn sang sub ang binngon.
The river buried the bolo under mudor
covered the bolo with sand. (cf. bnbun).
bagngon, A kind of sea-snail.
bagong, Pickled fish, pickles, fish
steeped in brine or pickle. (cf. ginams).
bagong, A kind of sea-snail. (cf.
bag-ran, (H) See bag-dan id.
bagt, (B) Rotten, foul, spoilt; old,
useless, worn out. (cf. balt, bart).
bagotlos, (B) Young and tender leaves
of tobacco, bananas, etc.
bagtbot, A kind of vine or creeper.
bgras, A scratch, slight injury to the
skin. Ang ya guy may bgras
ornabagrasn. His face is scratched. (cf.

bgrong, A dull, heavy sound, a drone,

hum, boom, toll; to emit a dull or heavy
sound, to drone, hum, boom, toll, as a large
bell; to hoot (of a steamer). Nagabgrong
ang linggnay. The bell is tolling. (cf.
sigbung, hgung, hagnghung).
bgrot, To gnash ones teeth, to grind the
teeth, to strike or dash the teeth together in
anger or pain. Ang yw nagabgrot. The
devil gnashes his teeth. Ind mo ak
pagbagrotn. Do not gnash your teeth at
me. Bagrot lang ang ngpon mo. Just
grind your teeth. Ang am nga balt
nagpabgrot sa ya sa dak nga kakig.
That news made him gnash his teeth in
great anger. (cf. bglot, which, however, is
seldom used).
bgsang, To strike edge against edge.
Ind nnyo pagbagsangn ang nyo mga
binngon. Dont strike your boloes
together, edge against edge.
bgsat, Bug, bed-bug; to beinfested
with bugs,buggy. Binagsatn inng ktre.
This bed is full of bugs. (cf. bksat id.).
bagsatn, Pertaining to bugs, buggy, full
of bugs. (cf. baksatn id.).
bgtas, To leave the water, to lie on wet
or muddy ground near the waters edge,
said especially of some fishes like the
harona sort of mud-eel. Gindakp
nmon ang haron, kay nagbgtas. We
caught the haron-fish, for it had left the
bgt, To be or get public. The simple
bgt is ordinarily not used. See pabgt
to publish, make public or known.
bgtik, To harden and get brittle, as dry
mud and the like. Nagbgtik ang lnang.
The mud has hardened. Nabagtikn sa
sing lnang sa ya mga panpton. Some
mud got dry and hard on his clothes.
Nagbgtik ang kalmay sa kalh. The
sugar in the pan is overdone i.e. has dried
and hardened to the point of emitting a
smell of scorching or burning.
bgting, Bell, tocsin; the ringing of a bell;
to ring a bell, to sound the tocsin. May
kampanryo sil, pang waly bgting.
They have a belfry, but no bells. Waly
bgting kana sang ga. This morning
there was no ringing of bells. Ibgting or
bagting ang linggnay. Ring the bell.
Ginbgting nya ang bgting nga dak.
He rang the big bell. Bagting ang
bulunygan. Ring the bell for the baptism
or for the one to be baptized. Ibgting ak
nay sang orasyn. Ring the Angelus for
me, please. Pabagtingn, kon, sang
pannoy ang mga kalaslon sing ttlo ka
basl. The godfather, it is rumoured, will
have three peals of bells rung in honour of
the marriage couple. (cf. linggnay; bsal,
basl, repke, rimti, prut).
bgtis, A kind of mud-eel, living in rivers
and fields, especially rice-fields. (cf.

Visayan-English Dictionary
bgtol, To beat, strike a drum or the like.
Bagtol ang bmbo. Strike or beat the
drum. Ibgtol sa bmbo inng pedso nga
kawyan. Use this piece of bamboo to beat
the drum with. Bagtol ang mga msiko
sang bmbo, agd magtpon. Beat the
drum for the musicians to gather.
bgtong, (B) To bundle together, to wrap
up in ones apron or other convenient part
of ones dress. Bagtong ang tinpay.
Wrap up the bread (in your apron, the
lower part of your skirt, etc.). Bagtong ang
tampon mo sang tinpay. Wrap your
apron around the bread. Wrap the bread up
in your apron. Bingtonga bundle. N.B.
A bingtong is always wrapped up in, and
somehow fastened to, ones dress, as an
apron, the lower part of the skirt, a loose
jacket, etc.; if a bundle is entirely separate
from the body, it is not called a bingtong,
but pinuts; in Hiligynon, however,
bingtong and pinuts are often used
promiscuously. (cf. bntal).
bagunw, A kind of bi that grows to a
great height, if it is kept covered with earth.
bgyo, Typhoon. See bgio.
bgyo-bgyo, The month of October,
from the fact that destructive typhoons
mostly occur during this month as far as
the southern Visayan islands are
concerned. (cf. oktbre).
bagy, (B) Spoilt, rotten, etc. See bagu,
bah, A swell on a river, freshet, spait,
spate, flood, inundation, rising of water in a
stream; to swell, etc. Nagbah ang sub.
The river was swollen,was in spate.
Nabahan kam. We wereovertaken by
the flood,kept by the flood (so that we
could not come, etc.). Wal sil magabt,
kay binahan sang sub nga wal gid
makatabk. They did not come, because
the river ran so high that they could not
bah-bah, Dim. and Freq. of bah. A
small inundation, a slightrise,flood,
bhad, To sharpen a pencil or the like. (cf.
bahg, A loin cloth; to wear only a loincloth. Ind ka magbahg, knd magpury
ka gid. Dont go out in a loin-cloth, but
wear at least short breeches. Bahag lang
yanng hnero. Simply use that cloth as a
cover for your loins. Pabahag si. Have a
loin-cloth put on him. Provide him with a
loin-cloth. Ang mga mananggte
nagabahg. Tuba-gatherers wear loincloths.
bahl, Stale, flat, sour, of yesterday,
applied to palm-wine or toddy; stale, of
yesterday, old, applied to meat and other
food-stuffs; to get stale, etc. Ang tub nga
nakh sa hpon kag naagahn
ginatawg nga bahl. Tuba gathered in
the afternoon and left over till next
morning is called bahl. Dl mo

bgtol bah-ol
pagpabahaln ang tub. Dont let the
palm-wine go stale or sour. Krne nga
bahl. Yesterdays meat.
bahnd, Treasure, valuables. (cf.
bahandinon, Rich in treasures,
valuable, precious.
bahandon, Precious, rich, costly,
something to be treasured. Nagapanapt
sil sang labng bahandon nla nga mga
panpton. They dressed themselves in
their costliest garments. (cf. bahnd;
mahl, bildhon).
bahan, (B) To sneeze. Nagbahan si.
He sneezed. Ind mo ak pagpabahaonn.
Dont make me sneeze. Ind mo ak
pagbahaonn. Dont sneeze at me. (cf. tsi,
bhas, (Sp. baja, bajar) Dropped,
expunged, from the list, expelled,
removed, separated from. Bhas na si. He
has now been dropped from the list. Bhas
na si sa buluthan, sa polisya, etc. He
has been expelled from the school,
dismissed from the police-force, etc. (cf.
dgdag, tngtang; pahaln).
bhaw, (H) Cold rice, cold food; to
become cold (of food); to be cold or
indifferent (as regards religion, etc.). May
bhaw kam? Have you any cold rice? Ang
kn-on nagbhaw na. The rice has got
cold. Pamhawto breakfast, eat cold
food, from the fact that the rice taken at
breakfast has usually been cooked the day
before. (cf. kpog; thaw, bgnaw).
bahw-bahw, Small red ants that are
often to be found on cold rice; hence the
bahy, A kind of plant and its fruit used
for medicinal purposes.
bahayn, Pertaining to bahy, like
bahy, said of grains of rice, etc. that are
spotted white and red.
bh, A wooden dibble, a pointed stick or
stake used for digging. Agh and sibkaw
are the woods mostly used for making
dibbles. (cf. tagda dibble with an iron
bah-bh Dim. of bh. A small dibble;
anything resembling a dibble; hard,
stubborn, brazen, shameless (from the fact
that only hard wood is suitable for a
bah-bahan, Shameless, etc. See
bhin, Part, division, lot, share, portion;
to divide, make parts of, share out, separate
into pieces, lots or parcels. Pil ang mo
bhin? How much is your share or part?
Bahna in. Divide this. Bahni si Fulno
sing is ka bhin. Let N. N. have one share.
Apportion to N.N. one share. Ginbhin
nya ang ya mnggad sa pat ka prte.
He divided his property into four parts.
Ibhin ak nay sinng duh ka psong
nga humy sa tagpat ka gntang kag

ishol sa mga mamumugn. Kindly divide

these two bushels of rice into heaps of four
gantas each, and pay it out as wages to the
bhin, Ministry, department, division,
office, bureau. Bhin sang way. Ministry
of War. Bhin sang katnl. Bureau of
bahn-bhin, Dim. of bhin. To divide
into parts of various sizes, to divide or
share out unequally. Malpad kayo ang
ya mga palangmhan, pang dl bilg,
knd binhinbhin. His plantation is very
extensive, though not in one stretch, but
distributed in several lots.
baht, (B) To remove from the fire, etc.
See bk-it. Bahit ang kalh. Take the
pan off the fire. Bahit si sing is ka
kalh. Take one pan off the fire for him.
Ibaht ak nay sang klon nga may
tinla. Kindly remove (for me) from the fire
the pot containing the side-dish.
bh, Smell, odour, scent, perfume,
aroma, whether good or bad. S bh sang
mo gwa makilla ko ang nglan. I know
the name of the scent you use by its smell.
(cf. panimhto smell).
bah, A stench, stink, an obnoxious or
offensive smell; stinking: to stink, emit an
offensive smell. Anno nga banh ang
ginabtyag ko dir? What sort of stench do
I notice here? Ban na inng sd. This fish
smells bad already. Ang binro nagabah.
Pickled fish has a strong smell. Nabahon
kam sang ilag nga paty. We were
annoyed by the stench coming from the
dead rat.
bho, (Sp. bajo) Bass (voice, score, singer,
player and instrument or chord).
bah-bah, A kind of plant.
bahg, Mixed food or provender; wash,
swill; to eat or give to eat mixed foods, to
mix rice with sauce and vegetables and the
like; to feed dogs, give pigs their swill, etc.
Bahog si sing sd, ulutann kag sabw.
Give him a mixture of fish, vegetables and
sauce. Binahogn mo na ang bboy? Have
you given the pig its swill? Ibahg inng
up sa bboy. Put this rice-chaff into the
pigs wash. Bahog ang id. Give the dog its
food. Feed the dog. (cf. damg, lakt,
sakt, sm).
bahl, To be or become thick, stout,
plump, large in circumference; thick, stout,
plump; coarse (of cloth). Abw, nagbahl
na si Fulno! By Jove, N.N. has grown
stout! Nabaholn ak sa ya. I was
surprised at his stoutnessorhe
appeared to me to be stout. Bahl nga to,
bahl nga hnero. A stout man, coarse
cloth. Ginabaholn ak sinng hnero;
ipakt mo sa kon in dir. This cloth is
too rough or too coarse for me; show me
that one over there. (cf. dak).
bah-ol, A fish that somewhat
resembles the tulngan.


bah-slong bkas
bah-slong, Literally: The odour or
smell of pitch. Often used figuratively in the
meaning of: relation, connection or
influence. Wal gid ak bisn bah-slong
sa ya. I am not at all related to him. I am
not even a connection of his.
bhot, Annoyance, disgust, aversion; to
get annoyed, disgusted or dissatisfied.
Nagabhot ang ginhwa ko. I am a little
disgusted. Nabahtan ak sinng
pangabh. I have an aversion to this kind
of life. I dislike this manner of life. (cf.
tak, sm-od).
baht-ol, A kind of fish. See bah-ol
bhoy, A witch, hag, sorceress,
enchantress; a ghost; to haunt, put a spell
of fear upon somebody. Si Fulno nagapti
gid nga kagb-i ginbhoy si. N.N. really
believes that last night he was visited by a
ghost. Bahya si Fulno. Do something
secretly and suddenly to frighten N.N. (cf.
pamhoya scarecrow).
bahlay, Cold sweat or perspiration. Also
used as a verb. Ginabahlay ang masakt.
The sick personis wet with cold
perspiration,has broken out into a cold
bahunsta, (Sp. bajonista) One who
plays, or performs on, the bassoon, a
bassoonist, bassoon-player.
ba-bi, A dish of ground rice mixed with
sugar and coconut-meat. (cf. bay-bye).
bid, (B) Corner, angle, nook, back-yard,
ground at the side and back of a building.
Ibutng mo ang sya sa bid or pabada
(ira) ang sya. Place the chair in the
corner. Sa bid sang sub. At the bend of
the river, in the angle formed by the bend
of the river. Ang bid sang baly. The
grounds immediately attached to a house,
except those in front of it. (cf. higd,
pamsud, dok, sok, bint).
bid, To sharpen, grind, hone, whet. Bara
(bada) ang kotslyo. Sharpen the knife.
Ibid ak sang kon binngon. Kindly
whet my bolo for me. (cf. patalm, balt,
thad, bhad).
baidn, (B) Hone, whetstone, grindstone, oil-stone. (cf. bairn, balaltan).
bil, Hard, sharp, dry clods of mud,
painful to walk over with bare feet.
bailarna, (Sp. bailarina) Dancer. (cf.
sumalat; sut).
bile, (Sp. baile) A dance, a ball; to dance.
Ind ka magbile. Dont dance. Nagbile
si kagb-i He danced last night. Baileh
si. Dance with him (her). Ind nnyo
pagbailehn ang buluthan. Dont dance
in the school-house. Ind nnyo
pagpabailehn ang buluthan. Dont
organize balls in the school-house. (cf.
byle, sut).
bilo, Change, barter, exchange; to
change, exchange, interchange, barter,
swap. Ginbailohn nya ang ya karabw


Visayan-English Dictionary
sang bka ni Fulno. He exchanged his
buffalo for N.N.s cow. Ibilo ak nay
sinng lpis sa lpis ni Fulno. Kindly
exchange this pencil for N.Ns pencil. Ibilo
ko inng lpis sa plma ni Fulno. I will
exchange this pencil for N.N.s pen.
Bailoh ang duh ka kabyo sa karwhe.
Change the places of the two horses on the
carriage i.e. put the near horse on the off
side. Bailoh inng duh ka pl ka
mngmang nga papl. Give me change for
this twenty peso note. Ang tann nga mga
kahul kag kasub sang mga matrung
mabilo kunna sa kalpay kag himy.
All the trials and sorrows of the just will
later on be changed into joy and glory. (cf.
bine, A friend, companion, intimate
(among females; cf. bbay id.). The
correlative term for males is: idl, akd,
bairn, (H) Hone, whetstone, grindstone, oil-stone. (cf. baidn).
bis, Dispute, argument, discussion,
altercation; to argue, dispute, discuss,
quarrel. Ind kam magbis. Dont dispute.
Ginabasan nla ang pagpatndog sang
bg-o nga baly. They are discussing the
erection of the new building. Basa si
Fulno. Argue with N.N. Ibis ak nay sa
ya. Please, argue with him for me. (cf.
say, bag).
bas-bis, Dim. of bis. To talk over,
examine, discuss a question, etc. Sa karn
ginabasbasan nla sa palatuknpagbult-an ang hgn ni Fulno. At
present they are discussing in the
legislative assembly N.N.s proposition or
motion. Sa wal na sing pagbasbis
ginpakamayo nla ang am nga
pagbult-an. Without any further
discussion they approved that law. (cf.
bka, (Sp. vaca) Cow, ox, cattle. Bka nga
gatasn. A milch cow. (cf. trobull, steer;
bak, Hemp. (cf. abak id.).
bak, Straddling, sitting astride, walking
with legs wide apart.
bk, To straddle, to sit or walk or stand
with the feet wide apart, to sit astride. Si
Fulno nagabk. N.N. straddles in his
walk or walks with his legs wide apart. Ang
mga bak nagabk. Those that straddle
walk with their legs wide apart. (cf.
bak-bka, A footstool.
bak-bka, A game played by children.
One goes down on all fours and another
rides on his back. Also used as a verb.
Bak-bakha si. Make him walk on hands
and knees and ride on his back.
bakbka, Dim. of bka. Anything
resembling a cow; also: a kind of vermin.
bak-bka, To treat or punish someone,
as if he were an ox. Kon magbhat ka sin,

bakbakhon ka ni ttay. If you do that

you will be soundly thrashed by Father. (cf.
tartri, bnal, etc.).
bakg, A kind of bamboo basket used by
porters or carriers.
bakg, To get annoyed, lose ones
patience, chafe and fret at delays.
Nagabakg ang ya but, kay si Fulno
wal pa magabt. He is annoyed, because
N.N. has not come yet. Ginabakg ko sil. I
am annoyed with them for keeping me
waiting so long.
bakhan, Rich in cattle, having or
possessing many head of cattle. (cf. bka).
bkak, A lie, a story, an untruth, a fib,
prevarication; to lie, tell stories or untruths,
prevaricate. Ginbkak lang nya in. That
was a story invented by him. D mo si
pagbakkan. Dont tell him lies. Ind mo
pag-ibkak in sa ibn. Dont tell those
lies to others. (cf. butg; N.B. bkak and
bakkon seem to have been taken over
from the Cebuano dialect).
bakkon, A Liar, fibber, story-teller;
lying, telling stories or untruths,
untruthful, unreliable. Bakkon si nga
to. He is a liar. (cf. bkak, butign).
bkal, Being much in demand, selling
well; to be much resorted to or much in
demand, to sell well. (cf. ka).
bkal, The stone of the mango fruit. (cf.
bkal, Sap-wood, alburnum, the outer and
softer layer of wood in timber, easily
recognized by its lighter colour. (N.B.
Heart-wood, the inner and harder part is
called tugs. Bkal and tugs
together, without the bark, are called
bakl, To buy, purchase. Bklon ko in. I
am going to buy this. Bkli si sing is ka
kasng. Buy him a top. Batna inng
kwrta nga ibakl mo sing kl. Take this
money to buy a hat with. Nakabakl ak
sing duh ka bka nga tagkapiton ka
psos. I bought two cows for seventy pesos
each. Ibakl mo ak sing ditay nga
bugs. Kindly buy me some rice.
bkal, Also: Tartar, salivary calculus. (cf.
kk, tingw).
bakaln, A door-post, an upright post,
especially one in a partition wall; studding.
Also used as a verb. Bakalan ang dngding
sing lim ka bakaln. Put five uprights into
the partition. (cf. pagtod).
bakalw, (Sp. bacalao, bacallao) Codfish.
bakng, To straddle a little, to walk with
steps or legs rather far apart, but not so
much as bk.
bakart, A game of cards, baccarat.
bakris, Scratch, abrasion; to scratch,
abrade, chafe. (cf. bklis, bkris, pk-ad,
bkas, Energy, industriousness; to be
active, industrious, assiduous, diligent.
Nagabkas si sa tann nya nga trabho.

Visayan-English Dictionary
He is diligent in the performance of all his
tasks. Baksi ang mo trabho, kay kon
dl magtum ikw. Be industrious at your
work or you will go hungry. (cf. psan,
bkas, To join or associate with in trade,
be a partner in business,in games, etc.
Nagabkas si sa kay Fulno sa sugl, sa
komrsyo, etc. He is N. N.s partner in
gambling, in commerce, etc. Baksan ko
ikw sa mo palangitn-an. Ill join you in
your business. Baksi ak. Associate with
me. Join me.
bkat, To tighten, to be or make tight
(strained, close). (cf. hugt, dapt, tning,
bakt, Tight, taut, close, stretched. (cf.
hugt, tanng).
bakatn, The wild pig. (cf. talunn;
bakayw, A kind of rice.
bk-bak, To strip off (as bark etc.).
Bakbak ang pnit sang khoy. Strip off
the bark of the tree. Bakbak si sa
lungn. Force her away from clinging to the
coffin. Bakbak ang khoy. Bark the tree.
Ibkbak mo inng binngon sa khoy. Use
this bolo for barking the tree. (cf. k-ak).
bkbak, Also: to beat, drub, give one a
hiding, punish severely. (cf. tartri,
tortro, bakbka, bnak, lab, pkas).
bkhaw, A kind of mangrove, often seen
in swamps along the beach.
bkhay, To dig, to dig out, make holes in
the ground with any pointed instrument, as
a bh, tagd, sadl, etc. Bakhay ang
dt, banyan, etc. Dig the earth, dig out
the banyan-root, etc. Bakhay ak sing
banyan. Dig out a banyan-root for me.
Inng tagd ibkhay mo sa dt. Use this
iron-pointed dibble to dig up the earth
with. (cf. kli, sadl, tubng).
bkh, Grief, sorrow, lament,
lamentation, wail, complaint, plaint, groan,
moan, sigh; to sigh, groan, moan, lament,
grieve, wail, complain, mourn, weep.
Ginabakhon nya ang kamatyon sang
ya ank. She grieves over the death of her
child. Nagapanngis kag nagabkh sil,
kay napaty ang la ily. They are weeping
and sighing, because their mother has died.
D mo pagpabakhon ang mo mga
giniknan. Do not grieve your parents.
Ydto ddto ang pagbkh kag
pagbingrot sang mga ngpon. There is
(was, will be) weeping and gnashing of
teeth. (cf. sub, tngis, hib, hy,
bkhon, (B) Swaddling-cloth, swaddlingband, swathing-clothes. (cf. lmpin, bkong).
baka, To agree, pull well together, get
along with, understand one another. Kon
ang aswa magbolobaka sa bna, dl
knt mapot ang la pagkahmtang. If the
wife would live in harmony with her

bkas bkol
husband, their life would not be a hard one.
(cf. hilithog, hiligyon).
baka, (From the Sp. vaquilla) Young of
cattle; calf, heifer, bullock.
baki, bki, Clog, patten; to use or
wearclogs,pattens. Nagabaki si. He
wears clogs. (cf. krtso, ktso).
bkiaw, bakiw, To raise, lift, hold up.
Ibkiaw or bakiaw ang kamt mo. Hold
up, raise, your hand. Binkiaw nya
ang ya kamt. She lifted her hand. (cf.
byaw, bayw).
bak-bk, To divide into shares or
portions, to portion out, (particularly said
of meat or fish for sale); to ponder or weigh
well, think it over. Bakbakon mo ang mo
but agd nd ka matm-an sang kalisd.
Ponder or consider everything well that you
may not be overwhelmed with difficulties.
Bakbaka ang krne, sd, etc. Divide the
meat, fish, etc. into portions (of about equal
size), (cf. bhin, huly, prti;
timbngtmbang, sibsb, bingbnag,
bkid, A rough basket usually made of
buri-palm leaves and used in the collection
of the rice-harvest. An ordinary bkid
contains about two bushels.
bkid, To stow, to make all snug, to
arrange compactly, so that the objects
arranged may occupy little space, to pack
closely. Bakra (da) ang mga sging,
ph, etc. Pack the bananas, mangoes, etc.
close. Bakri ang tabungs sang mga
sging. Arrange the bananas well in the
tabungs-basket. Binkid nga ph. Well
packed, or closely packed, mangoes.
bakd-bakd, Dim. of bkid. Also: Dry
earwax; a wasps nest. (cf. atotol).
bakil, Sloping, slanting, downhill, falling,
said of fields or parts of them, where water
will flow off readily. Bakil nga talmnan.
A sloping rice-field. (cf. bnglid, bnhay).
bakng, A small sea-shell often used by
children at play, similar to bskay;
somewhat yellow, yellowish (of eyes, etc.).
bakntol, (B) To carry, bear on ones
shoulders or on the hip. Bakintol inng
bayong nga kalmay. Carry this sack of
sugar. (cf. dal, ps-an, tbong; abga).
bakras, See bakris.
bakro, (Sp. vaquero) Cattle-driver,
cowherd, herdsman.
bkit, A fern whose fronds (leaves)
resemble the tail of a cat. (cf. bkwit).
bk-it, (H) The removal of cooked food
from the hearth or fire-place; to take off the
fire, remove cooked food from the fireplace. Bak-it ang ting-ang. Take the
boiled rice off the fire. Ibk-it ang klon.
Take the pot off the fire. Bak-itn mo sil
sing is ka klon. Take one pot off the fire
for them. (cf. baht id.).
bakta, (Sp. baqueta) Ramrod, rammer;
full, crammed, stuffed, filled to bursting,
(of baskets, trunks, cases, stomach, etc.).

bakya, Calf, heifer, bullock. See baka.

bakya, To agree, pull well together, etc.
See baka.
baklw, See bakalwcodfish.
baklw, A kind of rice. (cf. arabn).
bklay, The wandering or crossing over
mountains, hills, etc.; to cross, pass over
heights. Ginbklay nla ang matas nga
bkid. They crossed the high mountain.
Baklay ang baklod. Cross the hill.
Ibklay ak sinng mga patdyong sa
Hmtik. Kindly take these skirts along over
the hills to Antique.
bklid, Fetter, shackle; to bind, tie, fetter,
shackle, secure. (cf. gpus, gaps).
bklis, A slight scratch, laceration, as of a
thorn, briar, etc.; to scratch, lacerate, injure
the skin, etc. Nabklis ak. I got a little
scratched. Nabaklisn ak sang smsim sa
kon btkon. The bamboo-branches
scratched my arm. Dl mo ak
pagbaklisn sang sibt. Dont scratch me
with the pin. (cf. bkris, pklis, barkas).
bklon, bklan, etc. See bakl.
bklos, Belt, girdle, cincture. (cf. wklos
bknal, To swell out, be protuberant,
bulge, protrude, (as a full pocket or the
like). Nagabknal ang ya blsa. His
pocket bulges. Nabaknaln ang ya blsa
sang kamnsil. His pocket is stuffed with
kamunsel-fruit. D mo pagpabaknaln ang
mo blsa sing laks, kay bs mags.
Dont stuff your pocket too tight, for it
might be torn. Kon mga sarng, tanaw
kon may pling ang kon mat, kay may
nagabknal sa suld. Kindly have a look
whether there is a speck in my eye, for
something is stirring or swelling within it.
bknit. To nudge, pinch, pluck, pull or
touch lightly with thumb and forefinger.
Baknit si. Pinch him. Baknit ang
btkon nya. Pluck his arm. (cf. pknit,
khit, kblit).
bknot, To strike, beat, thrash, cudgel,
drub, trounce, flog, castigate, cane, give one
the stick. (cf. bkol, hnot, lmpus, lmba,
pkpok, hmpak).
bakd, (B) A five-centavo piece, a nickel.
(cf. bagng).
bkog, The backbone of a fish. (cf. bakg,
bokg; skagsmall fish bones).
bakg, See bkog. (cf. bokg id. and the
more usual form).
bakokng, A kind of malignant ulcer, a
carbuncle that frequently attacks the legs of
children and heals but slowly.
bakko, An insect with a very obnoxious
smell, a sort of large bug varying in size and
colour. Some are as large as a cockroach.
bkol, (B) To cudgel, cane, thrash, beat,
trounce, whip, flog, strike with a rod, whip
or the like. Bakla si. Give him a beating.
Ibkol sa ya inng bilogn. Strike him
with this cane, rod. Kon nd ka magpti sa
kon, ipabkol ko ikw sa kay ttay mo. If


bakl balahbo
you dont listen to me, Ill hand you over to
your father for a thrashing. (cf. bnal,
hnot, lmpus, etc.).
bakl, To stew, to cook in a bamboo-joint,
especially poultry, with various ingredients.
Bakol ang mank. Stew the chicken in a
bamboo-joint. Bakol ak sing mank.
Stew a chicken or me. Ibakl ak nay
sinng mank. Please, stew this chicken for
me. Kinawtan si nla sang ya blon
nga binakl. They stole his stewed chicken,
which he had brought with him as
provision on his trip.
baklod, Hill, mound, rise, hillock, down,
any small eminence or elevation. Ang kon
karn nga pinamhaw sarng
makapabklay sa kon sa pit ka baklod.
With the breakfast I have taken I can walk
over seven hills. (cf. bkidmountain;
bk-ong, Shroud, winding-sheet;
swaddling-cloth, swathing-clothes; to
enshroud. (cf. bkhon).
bakng, bkong, A kind of lily.
bkris, To scratch, lacerate, etc. See
bklis id.
bksat, (H) Bug, bedbug. (cf. bgsat id.
N.B. This term seems to have been
introduced by the Chinese).
baksatn, (H) Pertaining to bugs; buggy,
full of bugs. (cf. bksat).
baksiw, baksw, Awkward, clumsy,
ungainly, gawky. (cf. bikwlon).
bktin, (H) A small or young pig. (cf. idk,
udk, urk).
bkud, Strength, firmness, stability,
stoutness; to be or become strong, firm,
stout, sturdy. Nagbkud na ang mon
baly, kay ginkayo sang pnday. Our
house is now strong, because the carpenter
has repaired it. Bakron (don) mo ang
pagpatndog sang baly. Build the house
strong. Ipabkud sa pnday ang mo
baly, agd nd mapkan sang bgyo.
Get a carpenter to strengthen your house,
or it will be blown down by a hurricane. (cf.
lg-on, pg-on).
bkud, An artificial canal in a river
narrowing towards the end and provided
there with a fish-trap. (cf. pailg id.).
bkuna, (Sp. vacuna) Cowpox, vaccine
virus; to vaccinate. Sn-o ang nagbakna
sa imo? Who vaccinated you?
Ginabakunhan karn ang mga kabatan
sa mga buluthan, kay nagapamut. The
children at school are being vaccinated at
present, for there is an epidemic of
smallpox. Ipabakna ang mo mga ank
sa manugblung, agd nd maltnan
sang but. Get your children vaccinated by
the doctor, lest they should be infected with
smallpox. Kalit ang pagpabakna, kay
ang mga nabakunhan tumalgsa gid
lmang madunggon sang but. Get
vaccinated in time, for those that are


Visayan-English Dictionary
vaccinated are rarely attacked by smallpox.
(cf. sibt, pasibt).
bakunwa, A fabulous large snake or
dragon believed to devour the moon at the
time of an eclipse; eclipse of sun or moon.
Ang blan ginalmon, kon, sang
bakunwa. The moon, they say, is
swallowed by the bakunwa. (cf. eklpse).
bkwa, A kind of raven. (cf. uwk).
bkwit, A kind of evergreen decorative
plant. (cf. bkit).
baky, bky, See baki, bki.
bkyas, Rock, stone; rocky, stony, barren
(of soil).
bkyaw, See bkiaw.
bla, (Sp. bala) A bullet, shot, ball,
cartridge. (cf. lis).
bal, An interrogative particle. Sn-o bal?
Who? An bal in? What is this? Ambt
kon matod bal in ukn butg. I dont
know whether it is true or not.
bl, Fortune, good luck. Pablto risk,
trust to ones good luck, venture.
Nagapabl gid lmang si. He has
confidence in his good luck. (N.B. Bl is
now obsolete, but occurs in the following
balan, Blessed, happy, glorious, beatific.
(cf. bulhan).
balanon, Blessed, blissful, happy,
beatific, glorious; holy, saintly, spiritual,
mystic. (cf. balan, bulhan;
kalibutnonworldly, earthly, sensual).
balb, balab, A kind of rattan. (cf.
balbad, (H) To brandish, wave, flourish,
to shake to and fro. Ibalbad mo ang
binngon. Brandish the bolo. Balabdan
(ran) ko sil sang lipk. I will shake the
piece of bamboo at them. (cf. laby-lbay;
balbag, Athwart, across, in the way; to
lie or lay across, to thwart, standin the
way,in ones path. Balabgi ang dlan
sing kawyan. Put a bamboo across the
road. Ibalbag inng khoy sa ganhan.
Place this piece of wood athwart the door.
Ind ka magbalbag sang mayo nga
paninguh sang ibn or nd mo
pagbalabgan ang mayo nga paninguh
sang ibn. Do not thwart or impede the
good that others try to do. (cf. pamalbag).
balabag, An anglers line. (cf. palapag
bal-bla, Anything resembling a ball;
rolling; to roll. Ihaby ang bla sa la sing
balbla. Send them up a ground ball.
balbal, To marvel, wonder, be amazed,
be struck with wonder, be surprised or
astonished. Nagabalbal gid ak sang
kadsig sang mo kabyo, sang kadgay
sang mo bra, etc. I am surprised at the
swiftness of your horse, at the length of
time you are at your work, etc. Ind ka
magbalbal kon nd kam magabt sa
gilayn, kay mabdlay man ang dlan.

Dont be astonished, if we do not come at

once, for the road is difficult. Daw
nabalbal ak sang ya nga pangon. I
marvelled at the way he attacked the food.
He surprised me with the amount he ate.
bal-bal, (B) A small basket without
balbaw, Mouse, rat. (cf. ilag).
balabwan, (B) Full of rats, infested with
rats. Lugr nga balabwan. A place
infested with rats.
balabwon, (B) Pertaining to rats;
infested with, or full of, rats. (cf.
balding, A small tub or bucket to carry
toddy or palm-wine in. Usually two are
carried, slung at the ends of a pole.
baladlsan, One sufficiently ill to be
given the Sacrament of Extreme Unction
(bdlis). May duh ka baladlsan
(baradlsan) dir sinng minur. There
are two persons to be anointed there in that
blag, To bar, block the way, stop,
interrupt, lay obstacles in the way, etc.
Balgi si. Block his way. Ind ka
magblag sa kon. Dont put any obstacles
in my way. Iblag sa ya inng sya. Put
this chair in his way. Dl nnyo
pagbalgan ang kon sugilnon. Dont
disturb or interrupt my conversation. (cf.
upg, balbag, pamalbag, dpag,
bl-ag, A file; to file. Bal-ag ang lagr.
File the saw. Ibl-ag ak nay sang kon
lagr. Please file my saw.
balagahn, (H) Live coals, furnace,
brazier. (cf. bga).
balaghay, balagahy, To flow,
stream, pour, issue (of blood, perspiration,
etc.). (cf. lig, gay, saghay).
balagangn, balagngan, Oven,
stove, furnace, hearth. (cf. bagng, dapg,
sun-adn, dalnghan, lulutun).
balagy, A vegetable creeper whose
young fruit is edible.
balgbag, Across, athwart, in the way.
See balbag id.
balghan, A trough (for feeding pigs,
dogs, etc.). (cf. bahg, balahogn,
balghan, dalamugn).
balgon, A long, pliable, toughroot,
stem,tendon of a creeper or other plants,
used as a rope.
balagtsan, A discussion, disputation,
debate, a literary entertainment, poetical
competition, meeting, where the
conversational language is preferably a
native dialect. (cf. bgtas).
balagtngon, Anything that can be rung
or is to be rung, as a bell. (cf. bgting).
balagbay, The fruit-stalk of the coconut
palm. (cf. balaybay).
balahbo, Small fine hairs or feathers,
down. (cf. blbul).

Visayan-English Dictionary
balahogn, A trough, especially a feeding
trough for pigs and dogs. (cf. bahg;
balhos, Wrapping; to wrap up. Balahsi
sing papl ang lbro. Wrap the paper
round the book. Ibalhos ak sinng lbro.
Kindly wrap up this book for me. (cf.
barhus, puts).
balahb, Known, public, notorious,
spread, rumoured (said of news, etc.); to
get known, become public, etc.
Nabalahb in sa bnwa. That became
known in town, they got wind of itorit
was rumoured in town. Ind ka makatgo
sin, knd mabalahb gid sa olhi. You
cannot hide that, for finally it will get
knownorthe news of it will spread.
balailhan, Dancing-hall, dancing-room,
dance-hall, ball-room. (bile).
balaisn, Controversy, difference;
something that is to be debated or
discussed; debatable, disputable, open to
question, subject to contention or
controversy; place where something is
debated, etc. (cf. bis).
balka, Care, concern, solicitude, great
interest; to take care of, be concerned for or
about something, to look well after, be
solicitous for. Nagakabalka si sing
mayo sang tann nga mga butng sa
suld sang baly. She attends with great
care to everything within the house. Ind
mo pagkabalk-an ang nahanungd sa
kon. Dont concern yourself about what
belongs to meoris my business.
Igkabalka ak nay sinng mga bt.
Please take care of these children for a
while. (cf. ling, ttap; ripra, bntay,
balka, The leaf-like sheath at the bottom
of a bamboo branch where it springs from
the stem.
balakng, To spread the feet and legs
wide apart in standing, sitting or lying.
Nagabalakng si sa ganhan. He is
standing at the door with his feet wide
apart. Ibalakng or balakang ang til mo.
Straddle your legs. Alng-lang man nga
balakangn ko ang tann nga buluhatn.
It is impossible for me to do all the work.
(Literally: it is impossible for me to stretch
my legs astride all the work, to bestride all
the work. (cf. bak, bakng, barakng).
balakhon, (H) Lamentable, grievous,
deplorable, to be grieved at; grief, sorrow,
weeping. (cf. bkh, hilibon).
balk, To poise, to weigh in the hand, to
judge or guess the weight of an object by
holding it and moving it up and down.
Balaka ang bgs sang krne. Weigh the
piece of meat in your hand. Ginbalk nya
ang kabug-atn sang bomby. He tried
the weight of the onions in his hand.
Figuratively: to balance, match. Ang bna
nga mapntas kag ang aswa nga
mahnay nagabalk. The rough husband
and the gentle wife compensate for each

balahogn balngit
other. Ginabalk sang Dis ang mga
batsan sang magasaw. God balances
the qualities of married folk.
balking, (H) To raise, or lift up a little,
clothes such as the skirt, the cassock or the
like. Balaknga ang patdyong mo, kay
madlum ang sub. Raise your skirt a
little, for the river is deep. Magbalking ka
sang sotna mo, agd nd mabas. Lift
your cassock a little, lest it should get wet.
(cf. kalkos, kolkosto tuck up the
trousers or the like; barking).
balklan, (H) Shop, store, emporium,
stall, booth, place where things are sold.
Kon may balklon ikw magkdto ka sing
na sa kay N.N., kay mayo gid in nga
balklan. When you have to buy anything
go first to N.N., because that is a very good
place to buy. (cf. bakl, balklon,
balklon, (H) That is to be or can be
bought, things to be purchased. (cf. bakl).
balakl, Stick, cane, rod, cudgel, club. (cf.
bkol, ballbal, bulunl).
balakoln, (H) One who deserves or is to
be beaten. (bkol; cf. halanotn,
balakoln, (H) To be stewed or fit for
stewing. Mank nga balakoln. A chicken
to be stewed (usually in a bamboo-joint).
(cf. bakl).
ballang, See barrang, ballaw.
balalasahn, That is to be shuffled (as
cards, etc.). (cf. balasahn, balsa).
ballaw, A cover or lid made of palmleaves. It is chiefly used on tuba-containers
(balding) to prevent the tuba from
spilling when being carried to the market.
balalyan, (H) Place or site where a
house is to be built. Dt nga balalyan.
Residential area, building ground. (cf.
baly, balalyon).
balalyon, (H) Material for building a
house, building material. (cf. baly,
balyan, balayn, balalyan, balayn,
ballbal, (H) Cane, stick, rod, cudgel, (cf.
blbal, barlbal).
balalhgon, (H) Printing, that is to be
printed. (blhag).
balalgy, (H) Things for sale,
merchandise, wares, goods, commodities.
(cf. balgy).
balaligyan, (H) Place where things are
sold, shop, store, emporium, stall, booth.
balaligyon, (H) Merchandise, etc. See
balaltan, (H) Hone, whetstone;
stimulant, incitement, instigation, (balt).
ballkan, (H) A receptacle for powdered
mangrove-bark (tungg) called balk,
which see. Also: Toddy or palm-wine fresh
from the palm and still unmixed with
balk. Din ang ballkan? Where is the
receptacle containing the tungg

(mangrove-bark)? Inng tub ballkan pa.

This palm-wine is to be mixed still with
balk. (cf. balalokn).
balalokn, (H) See ballkan, balokn).
balalunn, Provisions for a trip, etc. (cf.
balmbud, (H) String, cord, twine, rope,
etc. used to wind around an object; to wind
or twist round. Din ang ps nga
balalmbud? Where is the cord for winding
or coiling round? Nagabalmbud sil sang
ps sa halgi. They are winding the cord
around the post. Balambur (ud) ang
halgi sing ps-i. Coil a rope around the
post. Ibalmbud ang ps sa halgi. Wind
the cord round the post. (cf. barmbud,
sabd, smbud, salmbud, smbad,
balan, (H) A crack, chink, split, fissure;
to crack, form a chink or fissure. May
balan or nagbalan ang tbo sang knke,
ang kristl sang bintn, ang klon, etc.
The lamp-chimney, the window-pane, the
cooking pot, etc. is cracked. (cf. litk, hirs).
balnak, A kind of fish.
balanw, (H) Pool, puddle, waterhole,
depression (in roads, fields, etc.). (cf.
baln-ay, A kitchen-ledge for pots, pans,
etc.; a kitchen-shelf.
balndra, To practise, drill, apply oneself
to, be diligent. Kon mabalndra si,
magamayo si nga manugtah,
manugknta, etc. If she applies herself, she
will become a good seamstress, singer, etc.
(cf. hanshnas, bnggad, sgad).
blang, To throw, fling, hurl, cast, pitch,
chuck, toss, send at, pelt, stone. Balnga
si sing bat. Throw a stone at him.
Ginblang nla ang hal sing mga bat.
They pelted the iguana with stones.
Balngi ang am sing tinpay. Toss some
bread to the monkey. Iblang inng bat sa
bboy. Throw this stone at the pig. (cf.
haby, pilk).
balng, A club, bat. (cf. blang; palakg).
balangann, Ambush, ambuscade,
trench, hiding place (for lying in wait for);
one to bewaylaid,ambushed,attacked
from a hiding place. (cf. bngan,
balangw, The rainbow, iris.
balangyo, An insect with a painful
sting. (cf. kamalyo, alingyo,
balng-balng, The pin that passes
through the kaw-t (a small rope) and
connects the traces with the plough. (cf.
paly, tunng).
balanggan, Ambush, etc. See
balangann. (cf. bngg).
balangis, (H) A grin, leer; to grin, leer.
(cf. lngs, rngs).
balngit, (H) The span of the
outstretched thumb and forefinger, the
distance between the tip of the extended


balangtaw balatan
thumb and that of the extended forefinger;
to measure with the thumb-and-forefinger
span. Skla ang kalaparn sang hnero
sang mo balngit or balangta ang
kalaparn sang hnero. Measure the
breadth of the cloth with your thumb-andforefinger-span. Balangti pa sing is.
Measure an additional, add one,
thumb-and-forefinger span. (cf. dngaw
the span or space from the point of the
middle-finger to that of the thumb, when
both are stretched apart).
balangtaw, A small crocodile, alligator.
balngk, To cut open, cleave, cut in two,
lay bare with a strong blow from an edged
tool, to split with a sharp instrument.
Balangka ang lub. Split the coconut.
Ginbalngk nya sang binngon ang lo
ni Fulno. With his bolo he cleft N.N.s
head. Ibalngk ak nay sinng duh ka
blog nga lub. Kindly split, cut open,
these two coconuts for me. (cf. buk,
balngon, (H) A kind of very savoury
banana. (cf. barngon, manghdan).
balngtan, (H) Pasture, ground where
animals, tied to a long tether, may graze.
Inng dt wal nmon pagamha, knd
ginagmit lang nga balngtan sang
hyup. We are not tilling this piece of
ground; we are using it as pasture only. (cf.
baln, Magnetism; magnet. (cf.
batbalnloadstone, lodestone).
balanon, Magnetic; attractive, alluring.
balansgon, (H) Praiseworthy, laudable,
commendable. (cf. bnsag, dalaywon,
balnse, (Sp. balance) Balance;
equilibrium, symmetry, equipoise; to
balance, poise; to shift, change, transfer
from place to place, arrange methodically,
so as to have symmetry or equilibrium, to
keep in equipoise. Ginabalnse na liwn
ang mga Pr sang disesis sa Hro. The
priests of the diocese of Jaro are again
being shifted or transferred from one place
to another. Ind mo pagbalansehn ang
mga galamitn sa sla. Do not shift the
furniture in the drawing-room. Ginbalnse
nla ang mga balalgy. They shifted their
wares or removed them from their
customary places and put them up
somewhere else in the shop. (cf. tmbang,
balntak, Bamboo, bolo, or the like,
woven into the walls or partitions of a
building. The bamboo is flattened into
broad strips and the weaving is done
(usually) not upright and across, but
diagonally. Also verb: to make or apply
balntak. Ang balntak, kon mayo ang
trabho, matahm nga tulkon. Balntak
weaving, if well done, is beautiful to look
upon. Balantak ang idlum sang
talamwan. Place balntak-work under
the window. Balantak ang pagdngding.


Visayan-English Dictionary
Weave the partitions in balntak-fashion.
Dngding nga binalntak. Sides or
partitions woven in the manner of
balntak. (cf. rrato weave baskets,
mats, etc.; tdtadto flatten bamboo, etc.
for balntak-work).
balntang, Symmetry; balance;
proportion; to be symmetrical,
harmonious, well proportioned, well setup, balanced. Nagakabalntang ang ya
dgway. His figure is well proportioned.
(cf. kamalntang).
balntik, An insect often found in sweet
potatoes, etc. It causes the infected part to
become very bitter and unpalatable.
Kamti nga binalntik. Sweet potatoes
infested with the insect balntik.
balantik, A kind of grass used against
tooth-ache, etc.
balantikn, Pertaining to balntik,
infected or spoilt by balntik.
balantiton, One who has to represent,
or to play the role of, a Chinaman. (cf.
balantgon, (H) Deserving to be known
or celebrated, to be proclaimed, worthy of
fame and recognition, praiseworthy. (cf.
bntug, balansgon).
balntyong, A kind of small fish, whitish
in colour.
balnyos, (H) Ointment, salve, unguent,
anything used for rubbing into the skin to
ease pain. (cf. bnyos).
balad, (H) Dysentery. May balad si or
ginabalad si. He has dysentery.
bal-on, (B) A small basket without
handles. (cf. bal-bal).
balraw, Dagger, poniard, stiletto, knife.
(cf. dga, punyl).
bals, (H) Sand. (cf. bars).
balsa, (Sp. barajar) To mix or shuttle
cards. Balasha ang barha. Shuffle the
cards. Balashi ak sing barha. Shuffle a
pack of cards for me. Ibalsa ak nay.
Please, shuffle for me.
balasahn, Reading matter, periodical,
magazine, newspaper, paper, etc. (bsa);
cards to be shuffled. (cf. balsa).
balsan, To bespeak, speak to, warn,
forewarn, inform beforehand of a secret
plan, a hidden scheme and the like.
Ginbalasnan nya sil nga. He told
them beforehand that. Balasni si
sin. Warn him of that. Give him a hint of
that or inform him of it beforehand.
Binalasnan nla ang paghwid kag
pagbuks sang ya nga mga sult. They
agreed or conspired to retain and open his
correspondence. Ibalsan mo ak sa ya
sinng ton ginkasugtnan. Kindly inform
him of this our agreement. Ipahibal mo sa
ya in, agd mabalasnan si sang tann
nga taks nya buhton. Report this to
him, that he may know what he should do
or that he may be aware of everything and
can make his arrangements accordingly.

bals-balson, (H) Sandy, not fertile,

barren (of soil).
balsbas, Oblique, diagonal, not vertical
or horizontal, slanting; to be, become or
make diagonal, etc. Ang balsbas dl
tndog. What is oblique is not vertical.
Balasbasn mo ang pagtakd sang lso sa
kon by. Fasten the ribbon obliquely
across my jacket. Wal nya pagtadlung
ang pagardo, knd ginbalsbas nya. He
did not plough straight across the field, but
diagonally, from corner to corner.
Ibalsbas inng lso sa pak sang kon
by. Put this ribbon aslant across the
sleeve of my jacket.
balaskugy, See baskugya kind of
balasoln, (H) Blameworthy,
reprehensible, (bsol).
balasn, (H) Sandy, full of, or mixed
with, sand. Balasn nga tinpay, sd,
krne, mnggo, etc. Bread, fish, meat,
monggo, etc. full of, or mixed with, sand.
Balasn nga dt. Sandy soil.
bals-on, (H) That is to be wetted or
soaked in water. Bals on sa palgos.
Bathing-dress, costume for a bath or swim.
(cf. bas).
balasbas, Out of pocket, without ready
cash, short of cash for the present; to be or
become short of cash, etc. Balasbas or
ginabalasbas ak karn. At present I am
out of pocket or I have no ready cash for
the moment. Nabalasbas ak, kay
madm ang kon gingastohn. I ran
short of cash, for I had to spend a great
deal. Nagbalasbas si sa suglan. He ran
out of cash at the gambling table.
balasbas, Careless, desultory, botched,
bungled, not well done or made, scamped.
Balasbas ang pagbhat sang pnday
sang kon lamsa. The joiner botched my
table. (cf. bstos, manl, balotang).
balt, A kind of mollusk or shell-fish.
balatan, (H) Uterus, womb. (cf. bt;
tin, tiyn, tagungkan).
balatn-an, (H) Uterus, womb. (cf.
balatngan, Day-bed, couch, sofa,
anything suitable for lying upon. (cf.
batng; higdan, higdaann).
baltas, Galaxy, Milky Way.
balatsan, Place of suffering; the
purpose or object, for which one suffers.
balatasn, balatson, (H) Bearable,
tolerable; sufferable; endurable; to be
suffered or borne with. (bats).
balti, A kind of tree believed by the
superstitious to be haunted by ghosts.
balatigon, (H) Feeling, sensation,
sentiment, emotion. (cf. btiag).
balatan. Disease, illness, sickness,
infirmity, ailment, complaint, disorder,
malady, distemper, morbid condition. (cf.

Visayan-English Dictionary
balatin, To have a disease, besick,
ill,infirm,unwell,indisposed. Ang
mga nagabalatin. Those that are sick, the
infirm, sick people.
balatibt, A lattice, lattice-work, network in bamboo, wood, stone, iron, etc.; to
make lattice-work, to lattice, interlace,
interweave. Ibalatibt inng kawyan.
Make lattice-work of this bamboo.
Balatibat ang ibbaw sang hgdan.
Surround the landing at the top of the
stairs with lattice-work. Balatibat ang
mo pagrra. Make lattices in your wickerwork.
baltik, The constellation Orion.
baltik, A covered pit set with sharp
spikes; a kind of trap with a spring attached
to a sharp-pointed spike which pierces the
victim that steps on the trap. Naglikw sa
syak kag sa baltik kambak. He avoided
the sharp pegs and jumped down into the
spiked pit, i.e. he fell out of the frying pan
into the fire. Gindakp nla ang talunn sa
baltik. They caught the wild pig in the
balatikl, Anything that jams, squeezes
or wedges an object so that it can be drawn
out or removed only with great difficulty.
Ind ka makahnus sinng kawyan, kay
may balatikl. You cannot pull out this
bamboo, for it is wedged in. (batikl).
balatonn, (H) Reception-room, place
where visitors, etc. are received. (bton).
baltong, (H) Vegetables, especially peas
and beans. (cf. hntak).
balad, (H) See baladdysentery.
balw, (B) An interrogative particle
having the meaning of: How can you think
so? Do you imagine that, unless?
Would one do this or act in such a way, if it
were not? Balw makdto ak ddto,
kon wal ak sing kinahnglan? Do you
imagine I would go there, unless I had a
good reason? Balw tagon ko in kn nd
kon? Can you think that I would hide or
keep this, unless it were mine? (cf. bal).
balw, Pitch, tar, bitumen, resin, rosin,
asphalt; the pitch of the aptong tree; to
pitch, tar, asphalt. Balaw ang klid sang
parw. Cover the sides of the outrigger
with pitch. (cf. slong, alkitrn, asplto).
balw, Spotted, variegated; a fowl spotted
black and white. (cf. barw).
baly, House, home; building, dwelling,
abode; nest, breeding place, shell of a snail,
of a turtle, etc. Din ang baly mo? Where
is your home? An nga baly ang
ginadaynan mo dir? What house are you
staying at here? Ang baly sang nay. The
nest of termites, a white ants nest. Ang
baly sang pawkan. The shell of a
tortoise, tortoise-shell.
blay, To start building a house,
commence the erection of a building; in
baseball: to make a home-run. Nagablay
sil. They are starting to build a house.

balatin blhag
Balya ang baly. Commence building the
house. Nagblay na sil sing makaduh.
They have made two home-runs already.
balayd, (H) Cash in hand for payment,
ready money. (cf. byad).
balayn, Bedstead; the frame of a bed, of
a picture, etc. Nabutangn na ang ktre
sing balayn, pang wal pa sing salg.
The bedstead has been set up, but as yet is
without the bed itself. (cf. baly, balyan,
balyan, A large piece of wood, a rafter,
especially the length of timber that rests on
the wall and reaches to the roof-tree or
ridge. The laths or stringers (hawk,
anamn) are nailed horizontally across the
baly-blay, Dim. of baly. Hut, hovel,
shack, tent, any small dwelling or living
quarters; anything resembling a house.
balybay, Parable, simile, similitude,
figure of speech, comparison, discourse in
figures and comparisons; poetry; poem.
Also used as a verb: to liken to. Binalybay
nga hmbal. Poetical speech, a discourse in
figures or parables. Binalybay. What has
been expressed in parables, figures, etc.; a
balydan, (H) Debt, liability, account,
score, what one owes or what is to be paid
for. (byad, balyran).
balye, Relation between the parents of
married people, the parents of the husband
being ang mga balye to the parents of
the wife and vice versa; to be related in that
way. Nagabalye sil. They are the parents
of husband and wife respectively.
balyhan, (H) A small mortar. (cf.
almirs, lubakn; bay).
balyhan, (H) Obligation, duty, to
pound rice. Inng to may balyhan pa sa
kon. This man is under an obligation to
pound rice for me. (cf. bay, balyhon).
balyhon, (H) To be pounded, set apart
or allotted as food, said of rice in contradistinction to bilinhonrice to be
preserved as seed-grain. (cf. bay,
balynon, (H) Domestic. See balayn.
balyo, (H) A pestle, especially one for a
small mortar like almirs. (bay; baryo
id.; cf. hl-othe large pestle for pounding
balaybay, (H) The fruit-stalk of the
coconut-palm, betelnut, etc. (cf. baraybay
balayn, Domestic, domesticated,
accustomed to live in a house, applied to
domestic animals like cats, dogs, poultry,
etc. Applied to persons it means one who is
much attached to the house, living nearly
always within and going out but rarely,
home-loving, stay-at-home. (baly).
balyong, A tree valued for the timber it
balyong, Also: the drumstick tree.

balayon, (H) Cloth fit, suitable, or

specially chosen, for making jackets or
outer dresses. (by).
balyran, (H) See balydan id.
balayrnan, (H) See balyran. Madm
ang ya balayrnan. There are many
things he has to pay for.
blbag, To shatter, splinter, crush,
fracture, break an arm,bone,bamboo,
or the like. Balbag ang kawyan. Crush
the bamboo. Nablbag ang tl-an sang
batis nya, kay nagyan sang ruda sang
is ka mabg-at nga kro. His shin-bone
was shattered, for the wheel of a heavy
wagon passed over it. Ginblbag sang mga
solddo nga romnhon ang mga tl-an
sang duh ka makwat. The Roman
soldiers broke the bones of the two thieves.
blbal, To cane, drub, flog, thrash, give
one the stick, cudgel, club, beat with a stick
or cudgel. Balbal si. Club him. Iblbal
mo sa ya inng bastn. Beat him with this
stick. Ind ka magblbal sa ya sing laks.
Dont beat him too much. (cf. bkol,
lmpus, hnot, bnal, etc.).
blda, (Sp. baldar) A physical defect
remaining after an illness or accident, a
permanent injury, impairment. (cf.
balddo, (Sp. baldado) Crippled,
maimed, permanently injured, impaired,
physically defective after an illness or in
consequence of an accident.
blde, (Sp. balde) Pail, bucket.
baldokn, (Sp. baldaquin, baldaquino)
Baldachin, baldaquin, a canopy over a
throne, altar, etc.
baldsa, (Sp. baldosa) A fine, square tile,
especially for flooring; flag-stone, flat
ble, (Sp. vale) A credit-note, chit; to be
worth, to cost. Ang kusg ni Pdro ble
ttlo ni Hun. Peter is three times as
strong as John. Inng baly ble is ka lbo
ka mngmang. This house is worth a
thousand pesos. Balhi lang ang balklon
mo. Just sign a credit-note for the goods
you wish to buy. Buy on tick.
balensyna, (Sp. valenciana) Rice mixed
with sausages, meat, vegetables, etc. and
various spices, prepared in many different
styles. Also: point-lace, i.e. lace wrought
with a needle; a kind of sewing or stitching.
balu, bleu, To transform, change into
something else, turn into, transmogrify.
Ang khoy nabalu nga bat. The wood
was changed into stone. Ang aswa ni Lot
nabalu nga asn. Lots wife was turned
into salt. (cf. blyo, blhin, balw).
balw, blew, See balu.
blhag. To print, impress. Balhag ak
sing is ka gats nga panggda. Print for
me one hundred invitation-cards.
Nablhag na ang lbro nga ya sinult.
The book he wrote is now in print.
Ipablhag mo sa kon balhgan ang mo


balhgan balikd
mga balalhgon, kay balhagn ko ang
tann nga kinahnglan mo sing mahpid
kag sa kubs nga bil. Let my printingpress do all your printing, for I will print
everything you need in good taste and at
low cost. (cf. imprnta).
balhgan, Printing-press, printing-office.
(cf. blhag; balalhgonwhat is to be
printed, printing).
blhas, Sweat, perspiration; to sweat,
perspire, make to perspire. Ginablhas
ak. I am perspiring. An na man in,
wal ka gn pagbalhas sang mo
pangabdlay kag but ka magpahay na?
What is the meaning of this. The work you
have done has not caused you any
perspiration and you wish to take a rest
already? Binlhas (ginblhas) si sang
madsig nga paglakt. Walking fast made
him perspire. Nagatalabirs gid lmang
ang blhas sa ya nawng. The
perspiration is streaming down his face. (cf.
bahlaycold perspiration, as in some
fevers, in death-agony, etc.
blhin, Change, alteration,
transformation, transfiguration,
transmutation; to change, alter, become
different from what one was before,
transform, transfigure, transmute,
metamorphose, transmogrify. Nagblhin
ang ya dgway. His form or figure
changed. Magablhin gid ang dug sang
mo by kon maulann. The colour of
your jacket will change, if it gets wet with
rain. Ind mo pag-ibutng inng bno sa
nit, kay bs mablhin kag mathaw.
Dont place this wine in the heat, for it
might change its flavour and lose strength.
Dl nnyo pagbalhinn ang am nga
pagbult-an. Dont change that law. Dont
alter or modify the provisions of that law.
(cf. balu, bylo).
blhog, Immature, half-ripe, unripe,
green, not yet properly developed, said
especially of rice and corn. Blhog pa ang
mais, humy, etc. The corn, rice, etc. is not
ripe yet. (cf. lnghod, mnghud).
blhong, (H) To swell a little, be slightly
swollen. Nagablhong ang kon tdl. My
finger is slightly swollen.
blhot, To regard, have consideration for.
This term seems to be used almost
exclusively in the following or similar
phrases: Ind mo na ak ikablhot or wal
na ikw pagblhot sa kon. You dont
respect me any longer, you have no regard
or consideration for me any more. (cf.
brhot, ban, tah, panagubli).
bl, To fracture, rupture, break without
severing, to bend or twist so as to break,
but without tearing off entirely. Nabl ang
ya btkon. He broke his arm. Ginbl nya
ang alobaybayn sang hgdan. He broke
the handrail of the ladder or stair. Bala
ang sang sang khoy nga nagablag
(sang) sa dlan. Bend back and twist the
branch that obstructs the road.


Visayan-English Dictionary
bal, (H) Broken, fractured, ruptured, bent
or twisted so as to be unable to return to
the former position. Utd gid ang ya nga
btkon?Dl, knd bal lang. Is his arm
entirely cut off?No, only broken so as to
hang down loosely.
balbad, (H) Pretext, explanation, excuse,
pretence, false plea, subterfuge, often just a
story got up for the occasion; to find an
excuse, to explain away, to have a pretext
or story ready, to tell lies in order to get out
of a scrape and the like. Ind ka
magbalbad sang mo sal. Dont try to
excuse your fault. An ang balbad mo?
What excuse or pretext have you got? Ind
mo ak pagbalibran. Dont try to find
excuses with me. Dont tell me stories.
Dont try to explain. Nagabt si sa baly
sa pagpakigkt sa mo; bs wal na
ikw sing ikabalbad sa ya. He came to
the house to see you; consequently you
cannot excuse yourself any longer.
Pabalibra ak. Excuse me. Ibalbad mo
ak. Kindly excuse me, find an excuse for
me. Ginbalbad nya ang uln. He put it
down to the rain. (cf. butg, mal, pasni).
bal-bl, A kind of plant.
balibd, To wind, roll, twine, twist round,
encircle, enwreath, wreath round. Ang
kalt nabalibd sa sngay sang karabw.
The rope is twisted round the buffalos
horn. Ibalibd ang ps sa halgi. Twine the
string round the post. (cf. sabd,
balmbud, etc.).
blid, A kind of melon. (cf. sandya,
balghot, To bind, fasten, lash, knot, tie
with a knot. Balighot ang ps, dl mo
pagbalon. Fasten the cord with a knot,
not with a loop or bow. Ibalghot inng ps
sa pinuts. Tie the parcel with this string.
Ibalghot mo ak sin. Bind this for me.
Ang plak ya binalighotn sang ya
pnyo. He tied the money in his
handkerchief. (cf. higt, bal).
balighotn, A knot, especially a knot in a
handkerchief containing coins, material for
betelnut chewing, or the like.
balgy, Selling, sale; to sell, dispose of by
sale. Nagabalgy ka sin? Are you selling
this? Tagpil ang pagbalgy mo sinng
mga lpis? For how much each do you sell
these pencils? Ginabalgy mo in? Do you
sell that? Ibalgy mo sa kon inng mga
saptos. Sell me these boots. Ibalgy mo
ak sin. Kindly sell that for me.
Nabaligyan kam ddto sinng bka. This
cow was sold to us there. Ginbaligyan
nla kam sin. They sold it to us. (cf.
patbto sell land: baklto buy).
balihwog, Bolt, bar, cross-bar: latch.
(cf. pintl).
blik, To come back, return, go back to the
place one came from. Nagblik si sa
Ilng-long. He went back to Iloilo. Balkon
mo ang malta nga nalipatn ko. Go back
and fetch the handbag I forgot. Balki si

Hos. Return to Jos. Ginblik nya ang

plak nga ya ginhulm. He returned the
money he had borrowed. Iblik mo na ang
lbro ko. Now at last give me back my book.
Ipablik lang in sa ya. Just send that
back to him. Binalkan nya ang mon
baly, kay bangd sang bah wal si
makatabk sa sub. He came back again to
our house, for on account of the freshet he
could not cross the river. Binalkan pa gid
sang id ang ditay nga krne nga ya
nabiln. The dog went back again to the
little meat he had left. (cf. l, bulta,
balikk, To spread the legs apart,
straddle, stand astride. (cf. balakng).
balkas, (H) Scratch, excoriation,
abrasion; to excoriate, scratch, lacerate,
tear, chafe, wound the skin. Nabalkas ang
kon btkon sang smsim. My arm got
scratched by the bamboo-branches.
Ginbalkas nya ang kon guy sang sibt.
He scratched my face with the pin.
Nabaliksan ang kon psngi; ambt kon
an ang nakabalkas. My cheek got
scratched; I dont know what caused the
scratches. Andam ka dir, kay bs
mabaliksan ka sang tunk (dgi). Be on
the lookout there, for you may get injured
by the thorns. (cf. bklis, lsgis).
balikw, A very slender bamboo. Its stem
is non-hollow or solid like rattan, and
climbs trees, etc. like a vine.
balikawng, Loins, haunch.
balikawng, Also: Hip, hipbone, femur,
thighbone, thigh, hip-joint; buttock, rump.
balik-awt, Clumsy, awkward, gawky,
without grace or skill; to be clumsy, etc.
Nabalik-awotn ak sa ya. To me he
appears very clumsy. I consider him
awkward. (cf. baksiw, bikwlon).
balk-blik, To go or pass to and fro,
backwards and forwards, back and forth, to
return again and again. An man ang
ginabalk-blik mo dir? Why do you go
there so often? Ginbalkbalkan ko na ang
ya baly sing makalim, pang wal si
gihpon dir. I have been five times to his
house; but he was not there.
balkda, balkdan, balkdi, etc. See
balikdto look back, etc.
balkd, To go aside, turn away, change
ones direction, go out of ones way in order
to avoid meeting somebody one does not
like to confront. Nagbalikd si sa kon.
He turned off the road to avoid me.
Ginbalikdon nya si Fulno. He changed
his direction so as not to meet N.N.
Ginpabalkd nya si Fulno. He caused
N.N. to turn off in another direction. (cf.
likw, aklihs).
balkd, To abstract, take off, hide,
appropriate, carry off. See salkd.
balikd, To turn ones head and look back,
to look behind; to revert to, be concerned
about, have ones mind engrossed. Balkda
si. Look back at him. Ind ka magbalikd

Visayan-English Dictionary
sa simbhan. Dont look behind you in
church. May ginabalkdan ak sa baly. I
have something at home that engrosses my
mind, that turns my thoughts towards
home. Ibalikd ak nay sang kon mga
bt. Kindly look after my children for me.
An ang ginabalkdan mo? What makes
you thoughtful? What is on your mind?
What are you concerned about? An ang
ginabalikd mo? What are you looking back
for? Why are you turning your head and
looking back?
balk, To curve, bend, form into the
shape of an arch. (cf. tik, lik, balikk).
balik, An arch; a curved stick or wire,
anything formed into the shape of an arch.
(cf. balitk, balikk; rko).
balikk, A circular bend or curve an
arch; to be bent in a circle, to forman
arch,a ring,coil,hoop,wreath, to curl
or be rolled up. Nagabalikk ang mga
mn-og, lalgo, bnga sang kamnsil, etc.
Snakes, dew-worms, kamnsilpods, etc.
coil themselves up. Ginapabalikk nla
ang bt. They are bending the baby in a
circle, i.e. grasping the baby by the ankles
and shoulders and bringing its feet in
contact with its head, as often done in play.
(cf. balk, balik).
baliktot, balikott, Contortion,
twisting of the limbs; to writhe, to twist the
limbs, as when suffering from cramp, cold,
great fear and the like. Nagabaliktot si.
He is contorting his limbs. Ginabaliktot
nla ang la mga lwas sa dak nga
katgnaw. They are writhing on account of
the great cold. Pasilnga ang bka, d mo
si pagpabalikototn sa uln. Put the cow
under shelter, dont let her shiver with cold
out in the rain.
balikw, balkw, (B) Upside down,
inverted, overturned; to overturn, to turn
upside down, invert. Balikwa ang bat.
Turn the stone upside down. Inng lugr
ginabalikwan nla sang mga bat. They
overturned the stones in this place.
Ibalikw ak sinng tp. Kindly turn this
plank over for me. (cf. balkwat, balskad,
balikwng, balkwang, (B) See
balkwat, See balikw id.
balil, (H) A kind of fish.
balla, (H) A kind of reed (slud) in a
weaving loom similar in shape to the
backbone of the balilfish.
balli, A kind of tobacco, so named after
the town of Barili, Cebu, where it is
extensively grown.
balling, To flap the hand, shake the hand
loosely to and fro or up and down.
Balilnga ang kamt mo. Flap your hand.
Pabalilnga ang kamt sang bt. Cause
the babys hand to flap (in play). Balilngi si
ttay mo. Wave your hand to your father.
(cf. pamypay).

balk balsa
balnd, To move, roll, or turn in all
directions; to bewilder with questions, etc.
Ginbalindon sang masakt ang ya nga
ktre. The sick person is constantly moving
or turning on the bed. D mo si
pagbalindon. Do not keep turning him.
Ginbalnd ang testgos sang abogdo.
The lawyer plied the witness with many
questions. (cf. pasibdsbud).
baling, Stupid, dull, daft, simple,
deranged, half-witted; to be or become
stupid, etc. Baling nga to. A half-wit,
one not quite right in his mind. Sdto
mayo man si, pang karn nagbaling.
Formerly he used to be quite normal, but
now he has become deranged, half-witted.
Nabalingahn ak sa ya. I got the
impression that he was not quite normal.
(cf. balingg.)
balingg, See baling. Sn-o pa ikw
magbalingg? When did you go daft?
When did you have your head (brain)
turned? (cf. tipangg).
balingas, To have bloodshot eyes, to
look fierce, have fiery or glaring eyes, to be
half-blinded by passion, heat or
excitement. Ang panluk sinng to
nagabalingas. The eyes of this man are
fiery, glaring, blazing. Sang pagkasyod
nya sin, nangkig si kag dyon
nagbalingas ang ya mga mat. When he
heard this, he got angry and his eyes
immediately became inflamed with fury or
balingy, A kind of river-crab. (cf.
balnghoy, The cassava plant from which
tapioca is obtained. (cf. kamotingkhoy).
balingg, Not quite vertical, leaninginclined, slanting; to lean a little, be
inclined, etc. Kana matdlung pa ang
halgi, karn nagbalingg na. A while ago
the post was straight, now it has inclined a
little. Pabalingig ang halgi. Slant the
post a little. (cf. hily, taling, talingg,
balngkat, See balikw, balkwat.
balingkkok, A kind of tree-snail with a
beautifully coloured shell.
balingn, (H) Small (sun-dried) fish. Also
used as a verb. Ang gun, balin kag
tabagk ginabalingn sing masam.
Gun, balinand tabagk-fish are often
dried in the sun. (cf. bog).
balin, A kind of small fish often dried in
the sun.
balinnas, (B) Water in which rice has
been washed before being boiled. (cf.
kinils, binalnas).
balinsasayw, A small bird living in
almost inaccessible rocks. Its nest is much
sought after for medicinal purposes. Ang
mga ti nagabalgy sing mga pgad
sang balinsasayw. The Negritos sell nests
of the bird called balinsasayw.

balnsay, To roll over and over, turn

somersaults, as in falling down-stairs, etc.
to play with stones, marbles, etc., as
children do. Nagbalnsay si sa hgdan.
He turned a somersault down the stairs.
Pabalinsay si sa pngpang. Roll him
down the river-bank. Ang mga bt
nagahmpang sang balnsay. The boys are
playing at turning somersaultsorare
playing (with stones, bskay, etc.) the
game called balnsay. (cf. balntong,
balintotk, bansl).
balintawk, (From Balintawk, a town
near Manila). A kind of coloured cloth,
chiefly used as head-dress for women or as
a neck-tie for men. Kdong nga
balintawk. A womans head-dress of such
balntong, To turn a somersault; a
somersault. Makahibal ikw
magbalntong? Do you know how to turn a
somersault? Sagd si magbalntong. He
is an expert tumbler, acrobat, an adept at
turning somersaults. (cf. balnsay).
balintotk, To turn a somersault. See
balntong, etc.
balintad, To turn several successive
somersaults; to gallop fast (of horses). Ang
kabyo nagabalintad. The horse is
galloping. Pabalintuar (ad) ang
kabyo. Gallop the horse. Make the horse
run fast. Mayo gid si magbalintad. He
is a fine tumbler, acrobat. (cf. balnsay,
balintnod, To grasp, understand,
comprehend, know. Wal ak
makabalintnod sang ya nga hmbal. I
could not understand what he said. (cf.
hibal, to, syod, hntup, hangp).
balintwad, See balintad.
blio, (B) To barter, exchange, swap,
swop. Ginbaliohn ko ang kon karabw
sang is ka bka. I exchanged my buffalo
for a cow. Baliohn ko ang kon kl sang
mo lbro or Iblio ko ang kon kl sa mo
lbro. I will exchange my hat for your book.
Ginblio nya ang ya bboy sa kon
tnday. He swapped his pig for my calf. (cf.
bilo, bylo, blyo).
balig, A kind of neckcloth or collar worn
by Philippine women; to wear or use such a
neckcloth. Inng babe nagabalig. This
woman wears a neckcloth. Baliog lang
inng hnero. Just make a neckcloth of this
stuff. Baliog si. Put a neckcloth on her.
Pabaliog si. Provide her with a neckcloth.
Ginbalig nya ang kon balig. She wore
my collar.
baling, Confinement, restraint; to
confine, restrain ones liberty, drive into a
corner, shut up, fetter, shackle, secure, etc.,
so as to prevent an escape. (cf. bnsok,
hnong, lkup, baln-ok, bkot, sod, sid,
gpus, etc.).
balsa, (Sp. baliza) A buoy; a piece of
bamboo, a branch of a coconut palm, or the
like, stuck in the sand in shallow water as a


balisbsan balt
guide for fishing smacks, etc. (cf. bya;
balisbsan, The eaves of a roof.
balisng, Squinting; cross-eyed; to squint,
look askance. Balisng or nagabalisng si.
He squints (cf. libt).
balskad, Upside down, inverted; to turn
upside down, invert, turn topsy-turvy.
Balskad in. This is upside down. This is
putting the cart before the horse. Baliskar
(ad) ang pnggan. Turn the plate upside
down. Baliskar ak sing is ka tpa nga
nagatngtung sa bga. Turn over for me a
slice of dried meat lying on the coals. D mo
pagbaliskarn ang mo mga buluhatn.
Keep order in your work or in the
performance of your duties. Dont do first
what should be done last or vice versa.
balskog, Vertebra, spine, backbone,
vertebral column: anything that stiffens or
strengthens. Butang inng hnero sing
balskog. Sew or add some stiffening to this
cloth, (lest it should flap or hang loosely).
(cf. bskug, tskug).
balsw, Upside down, topsy-turvy; to
turn over,upside down,round,up. (cf.
balskad, sul).
balt, To whet, grind, sharpen, hone, put
an edge on; to incite, urge, set on. Balit
ang labha (nabha). Sharpen the razor.
Ibalt ak nay sang kon nabha. Please,
sharpen my razor for me. Ind mo si
pagbalitn sa pagpakigway. Dont incite
him to fight. (cf. bid).
balt, News, information, notice,
communication; to notify, inform, report,
communicate. An ang mga balt nga
bg-o? What is the latest news? May balt
bal? Is there any news? Nabalitan kam
sang kamatyon ni Fulno. We were
informed of N.N.s death. Ginbalitan
kam nla sang mayo nga pagabt nla
ddto. They notified us of their safe arrival
there. Ibalt mo sa la ang kamatyon ni
Fulno or ibalt mo sa la nga napaty si
Fulno. Inform them of the death of N.N.
or that N.N. is dead. Ginpabalitan sang
Dis ang mga manugbntay sang mga
hyop sing is ka nhel. God sent a
message to the shepherds through an
Angel. Pinabalitan nya kam sa is ka
hatud-duls sang mayo nya nga
kapalran. He sent us word by telegram of
his good luck. (cf. pahibal, pasyod,
balt-ad, (B) Stubborn, disobedient,
unheeding, refractory, unruly, wilful,
perverse, self-willed; to be or become
stubborn, etc. Balt-ad nga to, bt, etc. A
stubborn person, child, etc. Ind ka
magbalt-ad. Dont be stubborn. Ind mo
ak pagbalit-arn. Dont be stubborn with
me. Inng bt mayo sdto, pang karn
nagbalt-ad. This child used to be good
before, but now it has become refractory or
wilful. Ind ko si pagbatnon, kay
nabalit-arn ak sa ya. I will not receive


Visayan-English Dictionary
him, for he is too unruly for me. (cf.
batingglan, d mannggol, kabaln).
balt-ad, (H) To fall on ones back,
tumble down, tilt, go, turn, topple,
over. (cf. tikhy, tingky, kay).
balitdhan, A vine, whose fruit is used as
a remedy against intestinal worms.
baltan, Hone, strop, razor-strop. See
balaltan id.
balitng, Anything that tightens, stiffens,
clasps, holds something together: brace,
clamp, clasp, manacle, shackles; the piece
of wood on either side of a hammock. (cf.
balskog; bnting; pngkog).
baltaw, An action-song, singing and
dancing combined, a song accompanied by
expressive gesticulations; to sing an actionsong, etc. Nagaknta sil sing baltaw.
The are singing an action-song. Nagasut
sil sing baltaw. They are dancing to a
baltaw, An exclamation of surprise or
wonder. Baltaw, pagkatahm, pagkatas
kag pagkadak sinng baly! Look, how
beautiful, how high and how large this
house is!
balitk, A stick, rod, piece of iron, etc.
bent to form an arch; an arch. (cf. balik,
baltw, To raise, lift; to turn over. (cf.
balsw; hkwat, lsa).
balkn, (Sp. balcon) Balcony. (cf.
pntaw, palyas).
blo, Widow, widower. Also used as a
verb. Blo si. She (he) is a widow (a
widower). Nablo si or nahm si nga
blo. She (he)became a widow
(widower),was bereaved of her husband
(of his wife). Ang pagkablo. Widowhood.
bl, Alarm, warning, signal or notice of
danger from fire, thieves, water, etc.; to
give a danger-signal or warning. May bl
nga. The alarm is given that.
Ipabl (ibl) mo sa bnwa nga dir
sinng minur nagakalamtay ang mga
hyop. Send warning (give warning) to the
town, that here in this village the domestic
animals are dying off. Binalan or
ginbalan sang bg-os nga bnwa ang
am nga nahatab. The whole town was
alarmed over that event. (cf. pandam,
bal, A slip-knot, running knot, noose, a
bow; to tie in a loop or bow, so as to make it
easy to open. Balo ang paghigt. Tie with
a slip-knot. Ibal ak nay sinng pinuts.
Kindly tie up this parcel for me in a noose.
bal, To know, etc. Now obsolete. See
hibal. (cf. nabdwan).
balk, Powdered mangrove bark, put into
toddy to make it ferment. Also used as a
verb. Ang tungg ginabalk sa tub.
Powdered mangrove-bark is put into palmwine.

balokn, A vessel or receptacle for

containing powdered mangrove-bark.
(balk; cf. balalokn).
balk-an, The bladder. See balkhan id.
balk-han, balkhan, (H) The
bladder. (cf. bark-an id.).
balkoy, A severe cough resembling
croup. Also used as a verb. May balkoy
ang bt or ginabalkoy ang bt. The
child has a bad cough. (cf. barkoy id.).
ballon, (H) A roll; to roll up. Balolna
ang bang. Roll up the mat. Iballon ak
nay sinng amkan. Kindly roll up this
bamboo-mat. Balolni ak sing is ka
sigarlyo. Please roll me a cigarette. (cf.
loln, lasto coil or wind a rope, etc.).
baln, (Sp. balon) A bale of paper (24
reams); foot-ball. Bkli ak sing is ka
baln nga papl. Buy me a bale of paper.
(cf. buls).
blon, Provisions or food-supplies for a
journey; to take provisions along.
Nagblon ak sing tpa. I took dried meat
along for the trip. Balna inng kn-on.
Take this cooked rice with you for the
journey. Balni si sing pinkas. Give him
dried salt fish along as a provision for the
journey. Pabalni si sing pinkas.
Provide him with dried salt fish for the trip.
Ipablon ko sa la inng bgs nga krne. I
will give them this piece of meat along for
the trip.
balnas, (B) To wash rice (bugs)
previous to boiling it. Balonsi ang bugs.
Wash the hulled rice. Ibalnas ak sinng
bugs. Please wash this rice for me. (cf.
balinnasthe water in which rice has
been washed; kils id.).
baln-balonn, The craw or crop of a
fowl. (cf. btse).
bl-ong, To check, curb, hinder, stop, etc.
See pl-ong.
balnos, A creeper, whose juice is used
like the juice from the bark of salangkgi
to oil the hair and clean the scalp. Its fruit
looks like an apple or orange, but is
uneatable and only employed by children to
play ball with.
balt, Vapid, stale, bad, rotten; ugly,
nasty. Itlog nga balt. A rotten egg.
Tabk nga balt. Bad tobacco. (cf. bart).
bl-ot, An insertion; a stripe or streak,
something put in between; to stripe or
streak, to put in between. Ang pugwa nga
maitm bal-ot sing madalg. Put some
yellow stripes into the black woof. Bal-otn
mo ang pul, put, kag dalg sa mo
paghabl. Weave into the cloth at regular
intervals red, white and yellow stripes.
Ibl-ot ang itm sa put. Put black streaks
into the white cloth or put in alternate
stripes of black and white. (cf. gray
balt, Pickled fish. (cf. bagong,

Visayan-English Dictionary
balta, (Sp. balota) Ballot, vote; ballotform.
balotang, Not well done, underdone,
parboiled, not sufficiently cooked (of food);
healing slowly (of ulcers, etc); desultory,
unsatisfactory (of schooling, education,
etc.). Also used as a verb. Inng kn-on
balotang. This rice is not sufficiently
cooked. Ang bakokng balotang. The
carbuncle called bakokng is slow in
healing. Balotang gid lmang ang ya
panon. His schooling was very desultory
or quite insufficient. Dl mo
pagpabalotanogn ang pagtg-ang. Dont
only half-cook the rice. (cf. angl-angl,
bal-t-bl-ot, Striped, streaky, showing
various lines of colours. Bal-t-bl-ot ang
smay sang ya by. His jacket is striped.
His jacket shows lines of various colours.
(cf. lablabvariegated, dyed in different
colours; to alternate (of colours).
baltbot, To pull up, raise or lift out of
water, mud or the like. Balotbot ang bt
sa lnang. Pull the child out of the mud.
Ibaltbot ak sa madal sang bt sa sub.
Please, pull the child out of the river at
once. (cf. btak).
blsa, (Sp. balsa) Raft, ferry-boat; to
make or use a raft, ferry-boat. Nakatabk
kam sang sub sa is ka blsa. We were
able to cross the river on a raft. Balsah
ang mga kawyan nga pulnton. Make a
raft of the bamboos for making fish-traps,
and float them down the river. Balsah si
Fulno sing kawyan. Float some bamboo
raft-wise down the river for N.N. Iblsa
ak sinng mga bl. Float these bolocanes raft-wise down the river for me.
blsamo, (Sp. balsamo) Balsam, balm.
balsro, (Sp. balsero) One who works a
raft or float; one who floats bamboo, etc.
down a river; a ferry-man.
balurte, balwrte, (Sp. baluarte)
Bulwark, defence, stronghold, fortress, fort;
trench. (cf. trintsra, palalpdan,
bald, A wave, billow, surge, swell, surf,
breaker, comber, beach-comber, ripple; to
be ruffled, be a little rough (of the sea); to
rise and roll (of waves). Karn dalgk
ang mga bald. Now there are heavy waves
(white horses) on the sea. Nagabald ang
dgat. The sea is rather rough,is choppy.
Nabdlan sil sa dgat. They had rough
weather on the sea. (cf. bdlan, hanl).
blud, A kind of bird of the size of a
blud, To be wavy, corrugated, show wavy
lines, be bent in the form of a wave.
Nagablud ang ya kamt, inng
talmnan, etc. His hand, this field, etc. has
wavy lines on it.
blud, Field near a river, plantation in the
immediate neighbourhood of a stream. (cf.

balta bna
blud, A kind of shrub or decorative plant
with beautiful large leaves.
bald-blud, Dim. and Freq. of bald.
Also: Wavy, shaking to and fro, oscillating,
waddling; to waddle, rock, toddle or totter
along. Nagabald-blud si sa dlan. She
is toddling along the road. Bald-blud
ang ya paglakt. He walks unsteadily,
sways to and fro.
baldnon, Wavy, undulating, rising and
swelling or rolling, as waves; of the colour
of waves,of the sea, sea-green.
balghan, (H) A receptacle used for
carrying food to pigs, etc. It usually consists
of a piece of bamboo from two to three feet
long. (cf. bahg, balahogn, balghan,
balkag, The long bristles on the neck of
a pig.
baluks, To separate, put asunder, tear
away from. (cf. bulg; tmbag).
balkhay, To rummage, ransack, turn
over in search of, to look for something
amongst a number of other things. Ind mo
pagbalk-hayn ang kon mga uls. Do
not rummage amongst my clothes. Balkhay gid ang ya nga malta, kay bs ang
mong by yr sa suld sin. Ransack
his handbag, for maybe, your jacket is in
there. Ibalk-hay ak nay sinng mga
panpton, kay ginamyom ko nga yr
man dir ang kon pnyo nga nadl.
Kindly search these garments thoroughly,
for I guess that my missing handkerchief
will be found amongst them.
balnd, Change, transmutation,
transformation, metamorphosis; to
transform, change, turn, fish into
meat, cats into birds, wood into stone, etc.
A superstitious belief has it, that the
swang can do such things. Ang sd
nabalnd sa krne. The fish was changed
into meat. Nabalundon si sing krne. He
had some transformed, or mysterious meat
placed before him. Binalundon si sing
sd. He was given mysterious fish
(something transformed into fish). Ang
kurng ginbalnd sang manogbalnd sa
pspis. The wizard turned the cat into a
bird. (cf. blhin, blyo, bylo).
balng, (B) Tipsy, drunk, fuddled,
boozed, intoxicated: to become or make
drunk, etc. Nabalng si. He got drunk.
Ind mo si pagpamnon sing laks nga
bno, kay mabalng si. Dont give him too
much wine to drink, for he will get tipsy.
Ginbalng nla si. They made him drunk.
Inng bno matb-ang; nd makabalng
sa mo. This wine is light: it will not
intoxicate you. (cf. hubg, lingn).
balnggay, A kind of tree whose leaves
are boiled and eaten. Many Philippine
homes have one or more of those trees
planted near. (cf. kamalnggay id.).
baln-ok, (B) To shove, thrust, impel; to
drive into a corner, keep at bay. Ibaln-ok
si sa dngding. Push him against the wall.

Am in ang padr nga ginbalun-okn

nya sa kay Fulno, kag pinaltkan sang
ya lo. This is the wall against which he
thrust N.N. and cracked his skull. (cf.
tuld; bnsok, baling).
blus, Answer, reply, rejoinder, response,
retort, return, reward, recompense,
remuneration, requital, guerdon; to
answer, return, pay back, reward,
recompense, requite. Balsi ang ya sult.
Answer his letter. Balsi (bsli) ang ya
kal-oy sa mo sa mayo nga pagtbang
sa ya mga kalisd. Return his mercy to
you by assisting him whole-heartedly in his
difficulties. Iblus mo sa ya inng is ka
blig nga sging sa duh ka sandya nga
ya ginpadal sa kon. Give him this
bunch of bananas in return for the two
melons he sent me. An ang sarng ko
ikablus sa mo? What return can I make
you? How or wherewith can I repay you?
Kon ak nd makablus sa mo ang Dis
am ang magablus sa mo. If I cannot
make you a fitting return, God will do so.
Balsan kam sang Mahl nga Dis. May
God reward you. Binalsan (ginbslan,
binslan) ak nya sing malin. He made
me a bad return. Iblus mo ak nay
sning sult ni Fulno. Please answer this
letter of N.N. for me. Ginbalsan
(Ginblus) nya sing pil ang pagtmp sa
ya ni Fulno. He paid back twofold the
slap he received from N.N. (cf. timals).
balskay, To rummage, etc. See
balkhay id. Baluskay ang mo korbta
sa bal. Search for your tie in the trunk.
Sn-o ang nagbalskay sangkon
pinuts?Ang mo pinuts ginbaluskayn
(binaluskayn) sang mnghud mo sa
paguss kon may binakl ikw nga dlse.
Who rummaged my parcel?Your parcel
was searched by your younger brother to
find out whether you had bought some
balut-i, (B) The dregs of coconut oil. (cf.
balyot, Sack, bag, pouch, wallet. (cf.
plhuk, bayong, pyo, sko).
blyo, To change; transform. (cf. bilo,
bylo, balu; blhin).
blyog, balyg, Collar. See balig. id.
bmos, (Sp. vamos) Let us go. Bmos na
kit. Let us go now. Bmos na sa
pagpangabdlay, sa punsyn, sa bile, sa
baly, sa pagpangsd, etc. Let us go to
work, to the banquet, to the ball, home,
fishing, etc. (cf. kdto, lakt, pnaw).
bna, Husband, a married man, whose
wife is alive; to take a husband, to join a
man in wedlock. Sn-o man ang banhon
mo? Whom then are you going to marry?
Ayw pagbanha ang is ka lalki nga
wal sing pagto. Beware of marrying a
man without faith. Kon magbna ka, pilon
mo ang is ka lalki nga mayo sing
pamatsan. If you marry, choose a man of
good behaviour. Ind ka magpabna sang


bn bang
mo ank sa is ka lalki nga matmad.
Dont give your daughter in marriage to a
lazy fellow. (cf. pamna, pangaswa;
bn, (B) Opinion, guess, surmise,
thought; to think, guess, opine, surmise.
Ginabn ko nga magauln karn sa
hpon. I guess it will rain this afternoon.
Sa kon bn nd si makatabk sa sub,
kay may bah. In my opinion he cannot
cross the river, because it is in flood. (cf.
ban, (B) To respect, revere, reverence,
venerate, defer to, honour, show
consideration or regard for. Bana ang
mo mga giniknan. Honour your parents.
Ginaban nya inng to. He respects this
man. Ind mo na ak ikaban. You have no
consideration or respect for me any more.
Tungd sa an man nga wal na ikw
pagban sa kon? Why do you no longer
show any consideration for me? (cf. blhot,
thud, tah, panagubli).
banag, Daybreak, morning-light,
aurora; to dawn, to get light. Wal na
kinahnglan sing sug, kay may banag
na or nagabanag na. There is no need
any longer to burn a lamp, for daylight is
appearing. (cf. bangbnag, sanaw).
banab, A beautiful flowering tree.
ban-bn, Dim. and Freq. of bn.
Guinabanbn ko nga . I rather think
that . Sa kon banbn . In my
opinion . Ind ka magbanbn sinng
mga butng, kon nd ka kahibal. Dont
express an opinion on such things, unless
you know or are sure.
ban-bna, A paramour, lover, one who,
without being entitled to it, assumes the
rights of a husband. (cf. lalki, kallot).
band, (B) Accustomed, practised,
experienced, expert. (cf. batd, and,
badng, sagd).
bang, A small shell-fish.
banagn, A kind of lobster, crayfish,
crawfish; a vine. Its roots are boiled, and
the resulting concoction is taken as a
remedy against stomach-ache, skin
diseases, etc.
bang-bnag, See banag, aliwnag.
Nagabangbnag naormay bangbnag na. Day is now breaking. The
morning light is glimmering.
banl, To lift up and fling down, to take or
raise up and throw to the ground, to take
hold of and hurl to the floor. Ibanl mo si
sa kalg. Take hold of him and fling him
into the ditch. Sa dak nga kakig
ginbanl nya si Fulno sa salg. In great
exasperation he seized N.N. and threw him
to the floor. Inng bh am ang
ginbanaln (binanaln) nya sa kay
Fulno. This is the hole into which he flung
N.N. (cf. pilk, haby, tuld, tklod).
banal, A bird of prey that resembles a
hawk owl. (cf. manal).


Visayan-English Dictionary
bnas, A trail, path, foot-path, track; to be
worn into a trail or path. May bnas dir?
Is there a trail or foot-path? Inng lugr
nagbnas sa dalyon nga gi sang to.
This place has been worn into a track by
the constant passing of men. (cf. bagins).
bansa, A kind of shrub with small rosecoloured flowers.
banta, A panel, the portion of a partition
contained between two uprights. Ang
dngding nga sa gintlan sang duh ka
bakaln ginatawg nga banta. The
partition between two upright posts is
called banta.
bantad, A bird much esteemed for its
savoury meat; in size it is about equal to a
bant-bnat, (B) To take physical
exercise, to set ones limbs in motion.
Ibantbnat ang lwas mo. Exercise your
body. Bantbanta ang lwas kag
kaugatn mo. Give exercise to your body
and muscles. Ang to nga wal
pagbantbnat magabalatin sa madal.
A man that does not take any physical
exercise will soon fall sick. (cf. baytbyat
bante, A kind of shrub whose beautiful
branches and leaves, when separated from
the stem, keep their green colour for a long
time without fading. Consequently they are
well adapted for decoration.
banal, See banal.
bn-aw, Crystal gazing, crystal vision,
divination by means of a magic mirror
called ban-wan; to practise crystal gazing,
look (superstitiously) into the ban-wan.
Ang babylan nagabn-aw sa ya nga
ban-wan. The wizard or sorcerer is
looking into his magic mirror,practising
crystal gazing. (cf. ban-wan).
ban-wan, A magic mirror used for
crystal gazing or crystal vision; a piece of
mirror, crystal, glass, any reflecting
substance into which the wizard looks in
order to discover the thief, whereabouts of
a lost article, etc. (cf. bn-aw).
banwog, A high-priced black coral; it is
found in various shapes, often resembling a
walking stick.
banyan, A vegetable creeper with edible
banayw, A spider with a jet-black body
and marked with a red spot. It has a very
severe and poisonous sting that is even
more painful than the sting of a scorpion.
banayn, (B) Shivering, quivering, shaky,
trembling; to shiver, quiver, shake,
tremble, etc. Banayn ang ya nga kamt.
His hand is trembling. Kon mabdlay ang
mo kamt kag dyon mo itsmug sa
matgnaw nga tbig, magabanayn. If
your hand is tired and you plunge it at once
into cold water, it will shake. (cf. pri).
bnban, A kind of shrub used for
medicinal purposes.

bnbin, To pull out, pluck out, hairs

by means of a thread or string, to beautify
the hair or eyebrows by removing a few
straggling hairs. May bg-o na man nga
pamatsan nga ang mga lalki
magpabnbin sang la nga gtang kag
klay. There is now a modern fad that men
should beautify their foreheads and
eyebrows by removing straggling hairs.
Malam ka magbnbin? Do you know how
to pull out hairs by means of a thread?
bnda, (Sp. banda) Band; a belt or scarf
worn diagonally across the chest by highplaced military or civil officers and the like;
a music-band, a brass-band.
bandha, (Sp. bandeja) Waiter, tray,
plate or small dish for serving biscuits,
sweetmeats, materials for smoking and the
bandehdo, (A Philippine derivative
from bandha). A large plate or dish for
serving food to several persons.
bandra, (Sp. bandera) Banner, flag,
pennon. (cf. hayhay).
bandra espanyla, (Sp. bandera
espaola) A kind of plant that somewhat
resembles maguey or agave.
bndi, A kind of candy (sweet) made of
unrefined sugar and shreds of coconut
meat or peanuts. Also called bukyo,
especially if peanuts are not used, but only
sugar and coconut meat.
bnd, A small, wide-meshed basket, a
fish-basket; a fruit-basket. (cf. alt;
kupitn; dawn).
bndo, (Sp. bando) Notice, edict, public
announcement; to announce, publish,
make public or inform the public by means
of a town-crier called bandolro.
Ginbandohn kam sang bandolro. We
were informed by the town-crier.
bndog, (B) To stir, move, make an
impression upon. Ind si mabndog. He is
not to be moved, one cannot move him or
change his mind. Awt lang ang tann
nga mga lygay sa ya, kay nd ka
makabndog sa ya. All admonitions given
to him are in vain, for you cannot move
him. (cf. nk, ngk, lgid, lngkang).
bandolro, (Sp. bandolero
highwayman) Town-crier, a menial officer,
who announces various orders and
regulations by going from street to street
and shouting out aloud what he has got to
bandurya, (Sp. bandurria) Bandurria,
bandore, a musical instrument somewhat
like a lute.
bang, An earthen water-pot, water-jar,
bang, To like, be pleased with, enjoy; to
entertain, amuse. Nagakabang sil sang
sugilnon. They enjoy conversation.
Ginbangahn nla ang pagtmbong sa
mon belda. They enjoyed being present
at our theatrical entertainment. Bangah

Visayan-English Dictionary
ang mga bista sang sugilnon tbtub nga
malt ang pagkon. Entertain the visitors
with conversation till dinner (food) is
ready. (cf. wli, lyag; lpay, lingw).
bang, An idiot, fool, simple, one that is
very forgetful, absent-minded, easily
cheated or imposed upon by others. (cf.
kolkol, etc.).
bngag, To crack, form fissures (said of
the soil). Nagbngag ang mon talmnan.
Our field has cracks in it. Nabanggan ang
humy sa talmnan, kay dgay na nga
wal maguln. There are cracks in the
ground under the rice in the field, because
it has not rained for a long time. Patubign
mo dyon ang talmnan, agd nga nd
magbngag. Keep the field constantly
under water or water the field constantly,
lest it should form cracks. (cf. litk, balan,
bangg, Cracked, full of fissures, (said of
the soil).
bangl, A handful; to take a handful, eat
by handfuls. Ibangl ang kn-on. Eat the
rice by handfuls. Bangal (bangal) ang
bb nya sing kn-on. Put a handful of
rice into his mouth. (cf. haml, dapl).
bngan, To ambush, lie secretly in wait
for. Nagbngan si sa kon. He lay in wait
for me. Nabangnan or binangnan si.
He was ambushed. Nakabat si nga may
nagabngan sa ya; tungd sin nd si
magpal. He heard that somebody was
lying in wait for him; therefore he would
not go home. (cf. bngg).
bng-aw, To become stale, tasteless,
insipid, to rot, spoil, go bad (applied
especially to food), (cf. pn-os, bagu).
bng-aw, Also: to foil, baffle, thwart,
frustrate; to fail, be foiled, etc. Nabng-aw
(Nagkabng aw, nagkalabng-aw) ang
(Nabang-awn sil sang) la mga
hndum. They failed to reach the object of
their desires. Their hopes were
bngbang, To widen by digging, to dig
away earth, etc. Bangbangn mo ang
lblub, agd magsngkad ang dlan.
Widen the hollow or narrow passage by
digging, in order that the road may become
broader. Ginbangbangn nla ang bh,
kay makitd. They widened the hole in the
ground, for it was too narrow. Ibngbang
inng tagd sa pngpang sang sub. Make
use of this iron-pointed dibble to dig away
the earth from the river-bank.
Ipabngbang inng bh. Get this hole
widened. Ang mga kaminro
nagabngbang sang baklod sa higd
sang dlan. The road-menders are digging
away the side of the hill near the road. (cf.
bkhay, kli).
bngbang, A kind of dish prepared in the
form of vermicelli or spaghetti.
bngdan, Cause, reason, motive, pretext,
ground, foundation. Madm si sing mga
bngdan. He has many motives or

bang bangs
pretexts. Ang sakt sa lo am ang ya
bngdan nga nd si makabra. His
headache is the cause of his not being able
to work. (bangd).
bngday, To lie one above or across
another in irregular fashion. To place one
above or across another. Ibngday inng
halgi sa kawyan. Lay this post on the
bamboo. Bangday ang kawyan kag ang
halgi. Lay the bamboo and the post one
upon the other. Ayha ang pagbngday
sang gatng, agd nd maglunga-g ang
ting-ang. Dont lay the fire anyhow, lest
the rice should be badly cooked. (cf.
bngg, The part between the kitchen
and house in Philippine houses, a passage
on the level of the floors of two houses,
making one large house of the two; a crossroad.
bngg, To ambush, lie in wait for.
Bangga si. Ambush him. Ginbanggan
or binanggan si sang mga buyng. He
was waylaid or beset by robbers in hiding.
(cf. bngan id.).
bnggad, to accustom, to train, practise,
break in. Banggar (ad) ang kon
torte nga karabw sa paggyud sang
karsa. Train my young buffalo to draw the
sled. Ibnggad ak nay sinng kabyo sa
pagbtong sang kalsa. Kindly train for
me this horse to pull the rig. Nabnggad
na si sinng pangabdlay. He is now
accustomed to, or practised in, this kind of
work. (cf. nad, nnas, glit).
bnggan, For banogn from bangto
swell, etc.
bngg, To break or tear off a branch at
its juncture with the main stem or tree.
Ginbngg sang mga bt ang sang nga
in. This branch was torn off by the
children. Dl nnyo pagbanggin sing
sang inng khoy, kay bs maglmpaw.
Dont break off whole branches from this
tree; it might wither. Ibngg ak nay
sinng sang. Kindly break off that branch
for me. (cf. sngg id.).
bangginay, To quarrel, dispute,
wrangle, have words, altercate, bandy
words. (Literally: to tear branches off each
other). Nagabangginay sil. They are
bandying words, are quarrelling amongst
themselves. (cf. bag, say).
bnggit, To disagree, differ with, bicker,
bandy words, have words with, wrangle,
have a difference with, quarrel, altercate.
(cf. bag, bis, say, way, bngig).
bnggos, To rub rather hard with a stone
or the like. Ibnggos sa kon likd inng
bat. Rub my back with this stone.
Banggos ak sang lugd. Rub me down
with the rubbing-stone. Binanggosn nya
ang kon likd sing buky. He rubbed my
back with a bit of limestone. (cf. bnyos,
hlot; kskisto scrape).
bang, The other, opposite, further,
side of something obstructing the view, as

the further side of a screen, partition,

house, mountain, lake, sea, etc. Sa bang
sang. On the other side of (the house,
mountain, etc., according to the context).
Ang ya baly dto ddto sa bang sinng
baklod. His home is there behind that hill.
(cf. likd, pihk, tabk).
bang, To do a thing with only one hand,
do a thing one-handed, carry with one
hand. Ginbang lang nya ang malta. He
just carried the handbag with one hand
(without changing over to the other).
Dmug kit, bang lang ang kon. Let us
wrestle, I to fight with only one arm.
Bangi si. Fight him one-handed.
bang, -bang The fiddler-crab, a kind of
crab remarkable for its unequal claws, one
being much larger than the other,
especially in the male.
bngig, Quarrelling, quarrel, wrangle,
dispute, altercation, bickering, high words;
to quarrel, etc. Nagabngig or
nagabanggay sil. They are quarrelling.
May gnbngig ak. I had a quarrel with
someone. A, pabangga lang sil. Well,
just let them quarrel or fight it out amongst
themselves. (cf. bnggit, say,
bangginay, bag, etc.).
bangg-bngig, Dim. and Freq. of
bngig. To differ, disagree, have a slight
bngil, To prop, support, put in, or under,
something a prop or wedge of wood, stone,
etc. in order to heighten, tighten or steady
things. Bangli ang til (kahg) sang
lamsa, agd magtdlong. Prop up the
foot of the table, that it may stand straight.
Ibngil ko inng khoy sa lamsa. Ill prop
up the table with this piece of wood, (in
order to steady it, raise it on one side). Dl
mo pagbanglan ang aparadr sing is ka
bangl nga madmol, ang is ka manips
tman na. Dont put a thick wedge under
the cupboard; a thin one is quite sufficient.
(cf. psak, pilwedge).
bangl, A prop or wedge for the operation
called bngil.
bangild, banglid, Slope, hill. (cf.
bnglid, baklod, bnhay).
bangirt, To grin, show ones teeth. Ind
ka magbangirt. Dont grin. Ginbangiritn
(binangiritn) nya ak. He grinned at me.
Pabangirit si. Make (let) him grin. A,
pabangirit lang d si. Well, just let him
stand grinning there. (cf. ngirt, lngs,
rngs, balangis, ngurngr).
bangs, Fierceness, ruffianism, brutality,
truculence, ferocity, cruelty, violence,
inhumanity; to be or become ferocious,
inhuman, ruthless, brutal, fierce, cruel, to
act fiercely, etc. Nagbangs si. He got
fierce. Nabangisn ak sa ya. I consider
him violent. He is too violent for me. Ind
ka magbangs sa kon or nd mo ak
pagbangisn. Dont act the ruffian with
me. Dont talk fiercely to me. Dont treat
me so cruelly. (cf. bars, pntas).


bngka bang
bngka, Satiety, surfeit, disgust; to do as
one pleases, do to ones hearts content; to
surfeit, glut. Ginabangkahn gid lang nla
ang bboy. They are glutting themselves
with pork. (cf. ngka, knkan; tak, smod, sum, tbal).
bngkag, Bulky, cumbersome: to be
awkward to carry on account of size or
shape, though light in weight. Nagbngkag ang pinuts, kay naghugk ang ya
nga higt. The parcel became awkward to
carry, because its string came loose.
bngkal, A kind of tree and its timber of a
yellowish colour.
bngkat, A kind of open-work basket
used for stowing away table-ware, clothes,
bngkaw, A lance, spear. Ang klid sang
Aton Gino hinandusn sang bngkaw ni
Longno. The side of Our Lord was pierced
by the lance of Longinus.
bangkw-bngkaw, A kind of dragonfly, damsel-fly. (cf. tumbktmbak).
bngkay, A corpse, dead body, cadaver.
bngkil, Eye-tooth, tusk of a boar,
elephant, walrus, etc. (bnkil id.).
bangklan, Possessing tusks, having large
tusks; wealthy, influential, rich. (cf.
manggran, aligiann).
bangkilng, A kind of tree with edible
bngkit, To nibble, gnaw, bite off; to
diminish, take from; cut off. Sa suglan
binangkitn si nla sing pat ka
mngmang. At the gaming table they took
four pesos from him, i.e. won them from
him. (cf. hng-it, kbkib, bhin).
bngk, bngko, See bnk, bnko
bench; bank.
bngkong, Curved, bent, crooked, said
especially of a carriers pole; to be or make
curved, to curve, bend. Hilkhilka ang
tuangtuangn tbtub nga magbngkong.
Bend the carriers pole till it stays curved.
Ginbngkong nya ang ya tuangtuangn.
He curved his carrying-pole. (cf. tik, lik,
balik, balitk).
bnglad, A kind of shrub.
bnglid, A slope, rise, gently rising
ground, incline, aclivity, declivity; sloping,
slanting, not level (of ground). (cf. bnhay,
bngl, The fibre of buri-leaves used for
making mats, hats, etc. (cf. bnl id.).
bngog, Head, will, thought, mind, soul,
inclination. Wal gid in sa bngog ko.
That never entered my head, is not or was
not to my liking, etc. Wal gid sa bngog
ko inng mga kalipyan. Such
amusements do not appeal to meorI
would not even think of assisting at such
diversions. (cf. bag, bagl, lo, klag).
bng-og, Decomposition, putrefaction,
rottenness: to decompose, putrify, rot,
spoil, go bad so as to be unpalatable or
unfit, said of food. Nagbng-og ang kn-


Visayan-English Dictionary
on. The rice spoiled. Nabng-og ang la
punsyn, kay wal magabt ang mga
ingda. Their banquet got spoilt, because
the invited guests did not put in an
appearance. Nabang-ogn kam sing is
ka bgs nga krne. One of our pieces of
meat became putrid. Ind mo pagpabangogn ang sd. Dont allow the fish to go
bad. (cf. bagu, pn-os).
bngol, Very tall, large, big, gigantic,
huge, towering, immense. Bngol nga to,
khoy, karabw, bat, etc. A very tall man,
a very large tree, a very big buffalo, a very
bulky or large stone, etc. (cf. dak,
hnggud, bahl).
bngon, To rise, get up from a lying
position. Bngon kam, kay dlaw na. Get
up, for it is bright daylight. Bumngon ka
na. Now then, get up. Bangna ang
masakt. Raise or lift up the sick person.
Pabangna si. Make him rise. Order him
to get up. (cf. tndogto stand, stand up,
rise from a sitting position; bnkras).
bangn, The principal external
abdominal blood-vessels, the right and left
epigastric artery.
bangn-bngon, A cart-pole, carriageshaft, thill.
bngot, To tie, bind, lash, fasten with a
rope or string. Ibngot ang karabw sa
halgi sing serdo. Tie the buffalo close to
the post. Bngti (bangti) ang halgi sang
kabyo. Tie the horse to the post. Ibngot
ak sang karabw sa halgi. Please tie the
buffalo to the post for me. Ang karabw
nga nabngot sa bgsok nakabh. The
buffalo that was tied to the stake got loose.
(cf. higt).
bangt, Any rope or string-like material
used for binding or tying. An ang
pagbngot mo kon wal ka sing bangt?
How can you tie, if you have nothing to tie
bngrus, A kind of fish growing to about
a foot in length and much esteemed as
bngrus, To rub, knead, massage.
Ibngrus ak nay sang kon likd.
Kindly rub my back. (cf. bnggos).
bngtan, etc. See bngot, bangt.
bngt, A kind of bamboo without
bngto, A small piece, as a grain of sand,
rice, corn, etc.; to roast corn. (cf. binngto,
bntuk, binntuk).
bangd, Reason, motive, cause; used in
the passive voice with the meaning: to
place the responsibility upon, to put
forward as a pretext or reason, to lay the
blame upon and the like. May tungd kag
bangd si sa pagbhat sin. He had the
right and sufficient cause to do that.
Ginabngdan nya ak, nga ak am ang
may sal. He makes me responsible by
saying that the fault was mine.
Ginbngdan nya si Hos sang

pagkabung sang pnggan. He laid the

blame for the broken plate on Jos. Ind mo
pagipabangd sa ibn ang mga sal nga
mo gid ginbhat. Dont make others
answer for the sins you have committed
yourself. (cf. bngdan, kabangdnan).
bangd, On account of, by reason of, due
to, because. Bangd sin . Therefore
. Bangd sang ya katmad sa
pagpangabdlay napto si. On account
of his being too lazy to work he became a
bankrupt. Wal ak makakar sang
simna nga tinalkdan, bangd nga
nahilntan ak. I was unable to come here
last week, because I had a cold or influenza.
Bangd sang madmol nga uln nd kam
makapal karn. Due to the heavy rain we
cannot go home now. (cf. tungd, kay).
bnhaw, To rise from the dead, to raise to
life again. Si Hesukrsto nabnhaw sing
mahimayon. Jesus Christ rose glorious
from the dead. Ginbnhaw sang Dis si
Lsaro. Lazarus was raised by God from
the dead. Pagabanhawn gid sang Dis
ang tann nga mga to sa katapsan sang
kalibtan. God will certainly raise all men
from the dead at the end of the world. Ind
ka makapabnhaw sing karabw nga
paty na. You cannot raise to life again a
dead buffalo. Ang kaadlwan sang
pagkabnhaw. The day of the
Resurrection. Ang Domngo sang
Pagkabnhaw. Easter Sunday, the Sunday
of the Resurrection.
bnhay, A rise in the ground, a very
moderate slope, incline; sloping slightly,
not steep; to slope, become or make
sloping. Banhay ang pngpang nga
hndog. Cut the steep river-bank into a
gentle slope. (cf. bnglid; pnhay).
bnhog, To get loose or lose connection
with, to fall or slip off; become separate
from, as a thread from a needle, a rope
from a pulley, and the like. Nabnhog ang
hlo sa dgum. The thread slid from the
needle. Dl mo pagpabanhogn ang kalt
sa mutn. Dont let the rope slip off the
pulley. Nabanhogn ang sngsing sang
ps. The cord slipped out of the ring. (cf.
pals, pdlusto slip out of the hand, etc.).
bnhot, A kind of shrub whose strongfibred bark is much employed in the
making of ropes.
bnhul, Swelling, friction, chafe; chafed,
swollen, hard, stiff callous; to chafe,
harden, be or become swollen, etc. (cf.
bang, A mat for a bed, carpet for a floor,
etc.; to carpet, use, place, or put down a
mat or carpet. Magbang ka kon magtlug
ikw. If you go to sleep, lie on a mat.
Banig ang salg. Put a mat on the floor.
Ibang lang inng hbulsa ktre. Just use
this blanket as a mat for the bed.
Pagabanign ko gid inng mga dhon
sang bur. I am going to make a mat of
these buri-palm leaves. Ibang ak nay

Visayan-English Dictionary
sinng ktre. Kindly put a mat for me on
this bed. Ang is ka dak nga bhin sang
dlan nabanign. A great part of the road
was covered with mats.
bang, To be plentiful, abound, cover the
ground, etc., as with a carpet. Ang katl
nagabang gid lang sa likd sang bt.
The skin-disease called katl has spread
all over the childs back.
baniht, Careless and negligent in the
execution of orders, lazy, indolent; to be
unmindful of orders, to be lazy or careless.
Ind ka magbaniht kon sogon. Dont be
careless in carrying out an order, if you
receive one. Dont be lazy, if you are
ordered to do something. Baniht nga to.
A careless, lazy, negligent fellow.
Nabanihotn ak sa ya. He seems to me
to be very negligent. (cf. amd, tmad,
gol, agohs, ligy, tamarn, etc.).
banik, To lie about in heaps, in disorder,
higgledy-piggledy. Nagabanik gid lang
dir ang mga lalbhan. The clothes to be
washed are lying about here higgledypiggledy. (cf. hl-id, ln-ok, dm-ok).
banklan, (B) A piece of split bamboo or
wood, a splinter. (cf. binklan, banslak,
linyas, lipk).
banlad, To spread, open, unfold. (cf.
buld, ldlad).
bani-l, (B) To jam, press, squeeze or pin
against something or between something.
Nabani-l ang kon til sang gamt sang
khoy. My foot got jammed in between the
roots of the tree. Ginbani-l nya ang kon
til sa salg. He pressed my foot firmly
against the floor. Bani-ol ang bboy sa
psud sang kodl. Pin the pig into the
corner of the fence. Ginbani-l nya ang
bboy sa dngding sang ya bagt. He
pressed the pig against the partition-wall
with his pole. (cf. ipt, lgpit, bnsok;
arod, orod).
banslak, (B) Splint, splinter, lath, split
piece of wood, of bamboo, etc. See
banklan id.
bnka, (Sp. banca) A kind of boat, larger
than a parw, and without outriggers.
Also: A game of cards; the keeper of the
bank, banker (in gaming).
bnkil, Tusk, eye-tooth. See bngkil id.
bankte, (Sp. banquete) Banquet, feast,
repast, celebration, festivity. (cf. tbad,
bd, punsyn, pagkon).
bankya, (Probably from the Sp. banca).
To help or join another in any work or
undertaking, to contribute part of the
expenses or capital involved in any scheme.
Bankiyhi ak sa paggsto sinng baly
nga kon ginapatndog. Help me to defray
the expenses for the house I am having
built. Ibankya sa kon ang mong bka,
agd nga nd matm-an sang trabho
ang kon karabw. Assist me with your ox,
lest my buffalo should be overworked.
Ginbankya nya sa kon ang is ka gats
ka mngmang sa kon komrsyo. He

bang bnt
helped me in my business with a
contribution of one hundred pesos. (cf.
blig, tbang, mot, bylog).
bnk, bnko, (Sp. banco) Form,
bench; bank. Bnko Postl. Postal Savings
Bank. (cf. bngk, bngko).
bankolt, The fine covering of a grain of
rice, usually of a dark or reddish colour.
bankolitn, Pertaining to, or affected
with, bankolt, said of rice-kernels with the
bankolt, or part of it, still adhering to
them, as often happens, unless the rice is
pounded very thoroughly.
bnlas, Desert, sand. (cf. bals).
bnl, The fibre of buri-palm leaves. See
bnl id.
banng, -bng, To change from side to
side, do or carry something alternately in
the right and the left hand, behind or in
front, on this side or that side, and the like.
Ginbang-bng nya ang malta. He
carried the handbag now in his right hand
and now in his left. Bang-bangin mo ang
paghalk sa bt or bang-bangin mo
ang bt sang halk. Give the baby a kiss
on both cheeks.
bang, Hawk. (cf. salagywan).
bang, (B) A swelling, tumour, ulcer; boil;
to swell, etc. Nagbang ang ya nga pgsa.
The boil on his back has increased in size.
Nabnggan (nabanogn) ang kamt ko.
My hand is swollen or has become swollen.
Binnggan ang batis ko sing bakokng.
My calf became swollen on account of the
carbuncle called bakokng. Inng hubg
mo magabang pa tbtub nga
magbswang. This boil of yours will swell
more before it bursts. (cf. hubg, buklong,
bangon, banogn, Like a hawk,
pertaining to a hawk; having grey and red
spots, spotted grey and red. (cf. bang).
bnok, (B) To be quiet, silent, not to stir
or move. Mostly used with pa.
Nagapabnok gid lang si bisan nhon
mo sang kig. He just keeps silent, though
you are angry with him, scold him, etc. (cf.
bnol, (B) To keep quiet, silent, make no
stir. Like bnok mostly used with pa. (cf.
bnok, pabnok, pabnol),
bansda, (Sp. avanzada) Exposed to the
wind, etc. nd mo pagabrihn ang
bintn, kay bansda sa hngin. Dont
open the window, for the wind will blow in.
(cf. bong, abansda).
bnsag, Nickname, sobriquet; to
nickname, call by a nickname. Ang bnsag
nya bktot. His nickname is
hunchback. Ind ka magbnsag sa ya or
nd mo si pagbansagn. Dont call him
by a nickname. Bansag si sing ping.
Give him as nickname the lame. Ibnsag
mo sa ya bakro. Nickname him
cowherd. (cf. pdi, pdy).

bnsag, Praise, exaltation,

commendation, encomium, eulogy,
panegyric, approbation, a tribute of
gratitude or homage; to praise, extol, exalt,
commend, laud, belaud, eulogize,
panegyrize, magnify, glorify, think highly
of. Nagbnsag si sa kay Fulno, sang ya
baly, sang ya batsan, etc. He praised
N.N., his house, his character, etc.
Ginbnsag nya ang la nga pagpun sang
simbhan. He praised, lauded, highly
approved of, their decoration of the
church. Bansag ang la nga
pagpangabdlay, kapisann, kabtik, etc.
Glorify their work, commend their zeal,
praise their dexterity, etc. Nabansagn si
bangd sang ya nga kinalam
(kinadman). He became famous for his
learning. On account of his learning he
waswell-known, highly appreciated. (cf.
dyaw, salog, bntug, hangd, killa).
bansgon, Highly esteemed or
appreciated, thought highly of,
commendable, laudable, worthy of praise,
famous. (cf. balansgon).
banslan, Rudder. (cf. timn).
bnsi, A kind of small fish.
bnsil, A cog, tooth, sprocket, in a wheel;
a false tooth; to insert a tooth or cog, to fill
a tooth, make an artificial tooth. A
lnglang na inng galingn, kay
napngas ang madm nga bnsil. This
mill or machine does not work well any
longer, because many cogs are broken off.
Bansiln mo ang kon ngpon. Fill my
tooth. Make me an artificial tooth. Ang
dentsta nagbnsil sang kon ngpon. The
dentist filled my tooth or made me an
artificial tooth. Bulwan ang ibnsil mo sa
kon ngpon. Fill my tooth with gold or
make me a gold tooth.
bnsok, To drive into a corner, drive to
the wall, surround, keep at bay. Ginbnsok
nmon ang us sa lblub. We surrounded
the deer in the narrow defile. Bansok ang
bboy nga talunn sa gab. Drive the wild
boar into the hole and surround him.
Bansok ang lblub sang bboy. Try to get
the pig into the narrow passage. Ibnsok
ang bboy sa lblub. Drive the pig into the
narrow defile. (cf. lkup, baling).
bansl, To turn head over heels, fall
down headlong or head foremost, turn
upside down, invert. Nagbansl si sa
hgdan. He fell headlong down the stairs.
Ginbansl nya ang bt. He turned the
baby upside down (in play). Bansula ang
kawyan, halgi, bastn, etc. Turn the
bamboo, the post, the stick, etc. upside
down. (cf. sul, balskad, balntong,
balintotk, balnsay, etc.).
bnt, Opinion, guess, surmise,
conjecture; to opine, think, guess, surmise,
conjecture. Sa kon bnt or bolobnt
. In my opinion . Ginabnt nya
nga ang duh ka gntang nga bugs g
sa panyga sang napl kag pat ka to.


bant-bnt bnyos
He thinks that two gantas of hulled rice are
sufficient for fourteen persons to eat at
dinnerorare enough to feed fourteen
persons at dinner. Banta sing mayo ang
tbig sang ginatg-ang. Guess well the
quantity of water required for the rice you
are going to boil. Binnt nla nga kon
sumaky sil sa uto, makadngat sil sa
Ilng-long sa suld sang is ka tkn.
They thought that, if they rode in an
automobile, they would reach Iloilo within
an hour. (cf. bn, banbn, hunhn).
bant-bnt, Dim of bnt. Ind ka
magbantbnt knd usison mo nay
ang matod. Dont venture a guess, but
first find out the truth.
bntal, (H) To bundle or wrap up, tuck in.
Bantal ang tinpay, ang mga blak, ang
kapyas, etc. Tie up the bread, the flowers,
the papayas, etc. in a bundle. Bantal
(ibntal) ang tinpay sa mo patdyong.
Wrap up the bread in your skirt. Bantal
ang mo tampon sing tinpay. Tuck some
bread in your apron. (cf. bgtong, puts).
bantl, Announcement, information,
news, publication, promulgation,
notification; to announce, publish, give out,
inform, promulgate, advise. Ibantl
(Ipabantl) sa bnwa ang nahanab.
Announce (have announced) in the town
what happened. Binantalan kam sang
pagabt sang panglo-pud. We were
informed of the arrival of the Provincial
Governor. Bantali sil sang bg-o nga
kasugun. Promulgate amongst them the
new regulations. Announce to them the
latest orders. Ind ka magbantl sing
butg. Dont publish lies. (cf. abso,
pahibal, lwag, pabalahb, palnog,
bantalan, A kind of large fish growing
to about two metres in length. It is much
used as food, though it is not very savoury.
This fish has several names according to its
growth and size. pk-an and pant are
used for the same fish, when quite small,
and when nearing its full size, respectively.
Bantalan is the full-grown specimen.
bntang, (B) Level, flat, smooth, even,
plane, plain, having no mounds or hills; to
be level, etc. Bntang nga lugr in dir
nga wal sing baklod. This is a level place
here without hills. (cf. tpan, salma).
bntay, Watch, guard, observer; to watch,
guard, observe, supervise, take care of, look
after, keep an eye on. Bantay ang kon
baly. Guard my house. Take good care of
my house. Bantayn mo lang ak ddto sa
nhan. Just keep on the look-out for me
there further ahead. Binantayn nya ang
la mga gho. He observed, watched their
movements. Ibntay ak ddto sang kon
karabw, mas, humy, etc. Watch for me
there my buffalo, maize, rice, etc.
Manugbntay si sang mga hyop, sang
mga karnro, etc. He is a herdsman or
cowherd, a shepherd, etc. Anhl nga


Visayan-English Dictionary
manugbntay. Guardian Angel. (cf.
panlag, tid, panid).
bantyan, Guard-house, observation
post, look-out, station. An man ang puls
sang is ka bantyan kon wal sing
bntay? What is the use of an observation
post without look-out. (bntay).
bntil, To squeeze and twist, to compress
and contort, to knead between the knuckles
of the foreand middle-finger; anything
that contracts, compresses by twisting.
Bantil ang ya btkonorbantil si sa
ya btkon. Squeeze and twist his arm.
Binantiln nla ang kabyo sa bibg, kay
pagamarkahn nla. They have twisted the
horses lip, for they are going to brand it.
Ibntil inng ps sa bibg sang kabyo.
Use this string to twist the horses lip with.
Markah na lang ang kabyo, kay may
bntil na ang ya bibg. Now then mark or
brand the horse, for the twisting cord is on
its lip. Bantil ang kon likd, kay
ginaskmat ak. Kneadormassage my
back thoroughly, for I suffer from
rheumatic pains there. (cf. lknit).
bantling, A kind of very hard stone,
usually of a blackish or brown colour, a sort
of flint; very hard, difficult to make an
impression upon. Inng to bantling gid
sing tagiposon. This man is truly flinthearted.
bantilngon, Pertaining to, as hard
as, bantling.
bnting, To tie down, brace, fasten
together by means of ropes, chains, etc.
Banting ang atp sing kalt. Tie down the
roof with a rope. Ang kalt ginabnting.
The rope is used for bracing. Ibnting ang
kalt sa mga kawyan. Bind the bamboos
together with the rope or use the rope for
binding the bamboos. (cf. angt, higt,
bantt, Nickname for a Chinaman (used
humorously or in contempt).
bantlid, To tumble or roll down
headlong or head foremost, to roll or turn
over several times, to fall down head over
heels. Andam ka, kay bs magbantlid ka
sa hgdan. Take care not to fall headlong
down the stairs. Nagbantlid si sa
pngpang, sa dululhgan nga pl-as, etc.
He tumbled head over heels down the
river-bank, the steep incline, etc. (cf.
bansl, balnsay, blid, buldbuld,
bantolnaw, Ebony.
bntot, Slow, sluggish; to be slow. (cf.
bndul, hnay, pkok, gday).
bntud, A field or enclosure on high or
raised ground: a clearing, piece of land
cleared of wood for cultivation.
bantdan, A small, harmless snake.
bntug, Famous, well-known, public,
prominent; to become or be well known; to
be or make public, to blazon. Nabntug sa
bnwa ang madm nga pinatubs nya.

His rich harvest became well known in

town. Nabantugn sil tungd sang la
pagtabany. They became a topic for
conversation for having run away together.
Nabantugn inng lugr tungd sang
madm nga ph. This place is famous
for its many mango-trees. Ipabntug mo sa
bnwa nga . Make it known in town
that . Nagbntug ddto ang ya nglan.
His name there became famous. (cf.
bntuk, A small roundish piece of
anything, as a grain, seed, kernel or the
like. (cf. bngto, binngto, binntuk,
banttut, A toy-whistle, made of the
leaflets of the coconut palm, or the like. (cf.
tartut, turtud, turtuk).
banyo, A tree and its valuable timber.
bnwa, Town, city, municipality, state,
common-wealth, public weal; citizens,
electors, inhabitants; to become a town.
Ang bnwa nga natahan nya . The
town in which he was born . His native
town . Ang bnwa am ang
magahukm sin. The citizens will sit in
judgment over that. Ang kaayhan sang
bnwa wal pagakabalk-i sang ibn nga
mga poltiko. Some politicians do not
bestow any thought on what is for the good
of the state or common-wealth. Panglobnwa. Municipal President. Ulo-bnwa.
Principal city, capital. Inng arabl
nagbnwa na. This large village has now
become a township or municipality. (cf.
pngsud, pud, puk, arabl, bryo,
banwahnon, Pertaining or belonging to
a town, civic, etc. (bnwa; cf.
bany-bnya, To see-saw, teeter, move
or shake up and down, rise and fall, stand
up and sit down in quick succession; a
punishment meted out to children by
making them stand on one leg, cross their
arms, etc.
banydas, (Sp. baada) A kind of soft
banyg, Rascal, rogue, wretch, villain;
bad, wicked; mean, vile, villainous. (cf.
lampingsan, tampalsan, hurng).
bnyo, (Sp. bao) Bath, bathing; bathingtub; bathing-place. (cf. paligosn).
bnyos, (Sp. bao) Ointment, salve,
unguent, leaves, etc. used as a plaster for
rubbing in or massaging; massage; to rub
in, to massage. Nagbnyos ak sang
dhon sang by sa kay Fulno. I rubbed
N.N. with by-leaves. Ibnyos mo inng
mga dhon sang patni sa batis sang
masakt nga to. Rub the calf of the sick
man with these leaves of the patni-peas.
Banyos ang kon likd. Kindly rub or
massage my back. Ibnyos ak nay sang
likd sang masakt ko nga bt. Please
massage the back of my sick child. An ang
ibnyos mo? What are you going to use for

Visayan-English Dictionary
massaging? Binanyosn nil ang ya pa
sing alkohl. They rubbed his leg with
alcohol. Mapabnyos ak. I am going to be
massaged or to get somebody to rub or
massage me. (cf. hplas, haplas, bntil,
dapydpay, bnggos, hlot).
ba, A kind of small tortoise, turtle. (cf.
ba-bo, Dim. of ba. Also: The instep,
the forepart of the upper side of the human
foot near its junction with the leg; the
projecting knob on a Philippine plough,
where the sandgan is joined to the
kabyo of the dro, ardo (plough).
The knob is somewhat like the shell of a
small tortoise. Hence the name.
b-og, (B) A small fish often salted and
dried. (cf. balingn, ug, lamay, binuld).
ba-g, Gray, grey, of a dull colour; to be
or become grey. Bag ang ya nga by.
His jacket is grey-coloured. Nabag ang
ya delrgo. His trousers have gone grey or
have faded (through use or age).
b-og, Bad, foul, rotten, said of eggs,
especially of those having a dead chicken
inside; to spoil, become rotten or foul, to go
bad (of eggs). Figuratively: unsuccessful, to
no purpose; to be or become a failure.
Nagbog ang tlog. The egg is bad. Mga
tlog nga bog. Rotten eggs. Bog nga to.
An unsuccessful man, one who is unlucky
or meets with failure. Nagbog ang la nga
katuyon. Their plan or intention was not
carried out, came to naught, was shelved,
etc. Nabagan gid sil sang la nga
ginkasugtnan. Their agreement was of
short duration,did not last long,was
soon forgotten.
bog, A decaying or rotten nail, claw,
hoof, etc. that is about to fall off; to decay,
rot (of a toe-nail, etc.).
ba-ng, A kind of creeper with edible
b-os, A deep boil or ulcer, particularly
one in the groin or arm-pit.
b-ot, (B) To be on good terms, have
friendly intercourse with, treat in a friendly
way; friendly intercourse, amicable
relations. Wal sil sing b-ot or wal sil
pagb-ot or wal sil pagba-oty. They
are not on good terms with each other.
Ginba-otn ak nla sing mayo. They
received me,treated me, kindly,were
very good to me. (cf. kup, ab-bi, blaw,
hrup, hilithog, hiligyon, hibot).
bapr, (Sp. vapor) Steam-boat, steamer,
ocean-liner. (cf. sakayn-hlas).
bar, (Sp. varar) To run aground, to run
on sand in shallow water, be stranded (said
of ships). Nagbar or nabar ang bapr.
The steamer ran aground. Andam ang mo
pagdal sang sakayn, agd nd
magbar. Be careful in steering the boat,
lest it should run aground. D mo
pagpabarahn ang bapr. Dont run the
boat aground. Figuratively: Nabar kam

ba barw
kahpon sa igtub. Yesterday we were
stranded on the other side of the river.
bra, (Sp. vara, barra) Yard, yard-stick;
crowbar, iron bar. (cf. bda).
barbad, See balbad, laby-lbay.
baradlsan, (B) See baladlsan id.
bargb, (B) To quarrel, altercate, fight,
wrangle, squabble. (cf. bag, say, way,
banggbngig, timtma).
baragbon, (B) Cause, reason or origin
of a quarrel or fight. (cf. bag, alawayn).
barghal, Coarse, rough, not fine, not
well made or done. Barghal nga pagrra,
paghabl, pagsapyo, pagtah, etc. Rough
or coarse wickerwork, weaving, planing,
sewing, etc. Also used as a verb.
Ginbarghal mo ang pagbhat sinng
lamsa. You made a rough job of this table.
(cf. barbal, bstos, b-ul, patarsak,
burghal, etc.).
baragok, (B) Very fat, very stout, obese,
covered with, or buried in, fat; to be very
fat. Nagabaragok ang ya nga log,
psngi, etc. His neck, cheek, etc. is a mass
of fat. A, si Fulno baragok gid. Yes, N.N.
is very fat indeed. (cf. matmbok, ribok,
barha, (Sp. baraja) A pack of cards;
card-playing. Nagahmpang sil sang
barha. They are playing cards.
barahn, The measure of a yard, a yardstick. (bra, Sp. vara).
barhus, (B) To wrap up, etc. See
balhos id.
brak, Murmur, rattle, clatter, crackle, a
sound as of many voices, a quick succession
of little noises, patter; to patter, to sound or
make a noise, as of many voices, shots,
falling stones and the like. Nagabrak ang
sinnlag sa gnga, ang mga tgbaw sa
sub kon ttdan, etc. What is roasted in the
pot, the reeds in the river-bed, if burned,
etc. crackles (crackle). Kon ttdan inng
kaingn, magabrak ang mga tinaps nga
sibkaw kag kawyan. When these forestclearings are burned the felled sibkaw
and bamboo crackle. Ginpabarkan ak
nla sing bat. They pelted me with a
rattling shower of stones. Ipabrak inng
bals sa la baly or pabarki sinng bals
ang la baly. Make their house resound
with the noise of this sand thrown at it.
Nabarkan ak gid sinng to kon
maghmbal. This man is too garrulous for
me when he talks. Pabarki si sang
pamngkot, agd nga nd si makasabt.
Ply him with many questions in quick
succession, so that he cannot answer.
Nagpabrak si sang ya mga rebentadr
sang paglgad sang nbia. He let off his
crackers, when the bride passed by. (cf.
barka, (Sp. barraca) Barrack, barracks;
hut, cabin; shop, restaurant, a public house
or place where food and drink are sold. (cf.
kamlig, tinda, pnda, talangwyan).

barakng, See balakng.

bark-bark, Dim. and Freq. of brak.
To patter, murmur, rattle, clatter, crackle,
and the like.
barking, (B) To tuck up the skirt, etc.
See balking id.
barlbal, (B) Cane, stick, etc. See
ballbal id.
barlkan, (B) See ballkan, balalokn id.
and all from balk.
barmbad, (B) To wind or twist round,
etc. See balmbud id.
barandlya, (Sp. barandilla) Railing,
balustrade, handrail. (cf. alobaybayn).
brang, An evil spell producing sickness;
to cast an evil spell upon. Ginbrang si
sang manugbrang. The sorcerer cast a
spell of sickness upon him. (cf. hiwt).
barangy, A boat worked by oars; a ward
of several families; a settlement, colony,
district, village, borough of a town presided
over by a freeman (timwa), kabeslya or
barnggay, See barangy.
barngon, (B) A kind of very savoury
banana. See balngon id.
barrang, An addition to the rim of a
basket so as to increase its capacity; to
apply such an addition (composed of paper,
leaves, mats or the like). Bararngan mo
ang bakg. Add some suitable material to
the rim of the carriers basket to increase
its capacity. (cf. ballang).
bars, (B) Sand. See bals.
barsag, Lying about in disorder; to be in
disorder, higgledy-piggledy, mixed up; to
lie about in confusion. Nagabarsag dir
ang sngkap sang pnday. The tools of the
carpenter are lying about here in disorder.
Ind mo pagpabarasgon ang mga butng
nga yr sa lamsa. Do not disarrange or
disturb the things on the table. (cf. dm-ok,
lm-ug, wsag).
baratan, (B) Uterus, womb. See
balatan id. (bt).
baratngan, (B) See balatngan
couch, etc.
barto, (Sp. barato) Cheap, low-priced,
costing little; to be, become or make cheap,
to cheapen. Ginabarto nla ang
pagbalgy, kay kon mahaln, wal sing
mabakl. They are selling cheap, for if they
sell dear, nobody will buy. Barathon mo
ang pagbalgy sin. Sell it cheap.
Barathi ak sing ditay nga dag mo.
Give me a little of the stake you won.
Nagbarto na ang humy, kay mayo ang
patubs. Rice has gone down in price, for
the harvest is good. (cf. mahldear).
bara-d, (B) See bala-d, balad
barw, Spotted, dotted, marked with
various colours, having variegated dots or
spots; to be or become spotted, etc. Ang
pis nagbarw sang pagnut sang ya


barw bas
blbul. The chicken turned out spotted
after losing its down. (cf. kmbang).
barw, A very poisonous snake, so called
from its spotted skin.
barw-braw, Dim. of barw. Having a
few spots, a little variegated.
bary-bray, To be stiff, benumbed; to
fill, crowd, confuse. Nagabary-bray ang
kon likd. My back is quite stiff.
Nagbarybray sa ya painno ang
mamngaw nga hndum kag masub nga
hunhn. Sad reflections and dreary
thoughts beset his mind. (cf. lay, bnhod).
barydan, (B) Payment, etc. See
balyran, balayrnan, byad.
baraybay, (B) See balaybay id.
barywon, (B) Rice to be pounded. See
balyhon id.
brba, (Sp. barba) Beard, whiskers.
Patuba ang mo brba. Let your beard
grow. Grow a beard. (cf. bngot).
barbban, Bearded, whiskered, one with
a large beard. (cf. bungton, bungtann).
barbro, (Sp. barbero) Barber, haircutter. (cf. manuggnting).
barbn, (Sp. barbon) Bristly, hairy, fullbearded. (cf. bungtann).
baru, A plant, whose fibre is used for
making mats and the like.
barw, See baru.
brho, See blhotto respect.
brhong, See blhongto swell.
br, (B) See blto break.
bar, (B) See balbroken.
barkas, (B) See balkasto scratch.
bariktot, See baliktotto contort (the
barl, (Sp. barril) Barrel. (cf. tong).
barna, (Sp. barrena) An auger, gimlet,
drill, brace and bit; to bore, drill, holes
with an auger, etc. Barinhi ang tp. Bore
a hole in the plank. Ibarna ak nay
sinng khoy. Please drill a hole for me in
this piece of wood. (cf. barno).
baringy, A river-crab. See balingy.
barno, (Sp. barreno) A large auger; fig.:
Bad humor, ill temper. Kon umabt ang
ya barno, nd mo si pagsurhon. When
he is in a bad mood, dont contradict him.
barinhon, One subject to frequent fits of
ill temper, irascible, choleric. (cf.
kutskuts, tardyon, pikn).
brio, (Sp. barrio) Village hamlet. (cf.
barra, (B) See ballareed (of a loom).
barir, (B) See balila kind of fish.
barri, A kind of grass and its seeds. The
latter, when ripe, come off readily and cling
to clothes, etc. Also used as a verb. Andam
ka sa paggi dir kay madm ang barri.
Beware of passing there, for there is much
barri-grass. Balaknga ang mo sotna,
kay kon dl mabarirhan. Raise your
cassock, for otherwise it will become full of
barri-seeds. Binarirhan ang kon
delrgo, mdyas, etc. My trousers, socks,


Visayan-English Dictionary
etc. got stuck full of barri-seeds. (cf.
bars, Fierceness, violence, brutality,
inhumanity, ruffianism, truculence; to be
or become fierce, violent, ferocious,
inhuman, cruel, ruthless. (cf. bangs,
bart, To sharpen, etc. See balt.
barta, (Sp. barreta) Anything in the
shape of a bar or cake, as a loaf of bread, a
cake of soap, etc.
bariws, Hit, struck, at a tangent; to
glance off, to fly off at a tangent; to miss,
stray. (cf. salipd, talibs).
barklyo, (Sp. barquillo) Rusk, a kind of
crisp, biscuit-like bread; a thin rolled wafer.
barns, (Sp. barniz) Varnish, lacquer; to
varnish, lacquer. Barnis ang aparadr.
Varnish the cupboard.
barogok, (B) Very fat, etc. See
baragok id.
brok, Tinder.
barkhan, (B) The bladder. Balkhan id.
barkoy, (B) See balkoy id.
barng, Smock, a Philippine outer
garment worn by men, a sort of jacket
gathered in tucks at the rather close-fitting
collar. The barng is now seldom used, as
new styles replace the old ones.
barng-barng, Strong, fierce, violent,
tempestuous; to blow fiercely, etc. (of
wind). Barngbarng or
nagabarngbarng ang hngin. The wind
blows fiercely. (cf. mdlus).
barngbong, (B) A shoot, a sprout from
a stock, stem or trunk; to shoot or sprout
from a cut branch or trunk. Inng ph,
dldul, etc. nga nataps sang is ka tig
may barngbong na. This mango, cottontree, etc. that was cut down last year, has
sprouted anew. Madm nga mga khoy
kon tpson magapamarngbong. Many
trees, if cut down, will sprout again from
the stump or trunk. Yanng aksya
nagabarngbong na. That acacia is putting
forth new shoots from its trunk. (cf.
barr, Bent, crooked, twisted, huddled
up; to bend, curve, wriggle, writhe, wince,
squirm, huddle up, cringe, crouch, fall
down in a heap. Nagbarr si sa salg
tungd sang mabskug nga tndak nga
ya nabton. He fell down in a heap on the
floor from the violent kick. (cf. sikrott,
buldbuld, ligdligd, singkort,
bart, Bad, insipid, stale, rotten, mouldy,
applied chiefly to tobacco and cigars; ugly,
bad-complexioned (of persons). Bart nga
tabk. Bad or rotten tobacco. Bart ang
ya nga guy. His face is ill-conditioned,
ugly, unsightly. Sa kadaann nagbart
inng mga abno. These cigars have
spoiled through being kept too long. (cf.

barto, (Sp. baroto) A small boat, dugout, without outriggers, propelled by

paddle or oars and employed in the
conveyance of passengers and freight to
and from large sea-craft; an open ferryboat with outriggers, employed for the
crossing of rivers and the like.
barbal, Coarse, rough, mean, not fine,
not well made, ill-done. (cf. barghal).
barukn, The bladder. (cf. balkan,
balkhan, barkhan.
barumbda, To shake to and fro, wave,
brandish, flourish; to walk about aimlessly,
to wander about, to go from place to place,
as if looking for something. An ang
ginabarumbda mo sang mo bastn? For
what reason are you flourishing your stick?
Ibarumbda ang mo bastn, kay
madulm. Swing your stick (in front), for it
is dark. Ind ka magbarumbda dir sa
suld sang baly. Dont wander about here
in the house. Nagabarumbda gid lang
sil sa bnwa. They just stroll aimlessly
about the town. An pa man ang
ginabarumbda mo, kay ri na ang tann
sa lamsa? What are you still fussing
about; everything is already on the table?
bsa, To read, scan, glance through,
lookthrough,over, pore over. Matmad
si magbsa. He is too lazy to read.
Nakabsa ak sang ya sult or nabsa ko
ang ya sult. I read his letter. Dl mo
pagbashon ang mga lbro nga malut.
Dont read bad books. Ipabsa mo sa ya
inng sult. Give him this letter to read.
Bashi ang masakt nga to sinng tulnan. Read this book to the sick man. Abw,
daw to ka nga wal pagbsa sang mga
bg-o nga balt. Well, you seem to be a
man who does not read the latest news.
(Note the accent in the two following
examples). Daw to si nga wal sing
nabasahn. He appears to be a man who
has read nothing i.e. knows nothing, has
had no education. Masnsun mabasahn
nton sa mga pamantalan nga . We
often find or read in the newspapers that
. (cf. balasahnreading-matter, etc.).
bas, Moisture, humidity, dankness,
damp, dampness, wet, wetness; moist,
damp, wet, soaked, dank, humid; to make
or become wet, to drench, etc. Nabas ang
kon til. My foot got wet. Ginbas nya
ang kon pnyo. He made my
handkerchief wet. Bs-a ang lampso.
Soak the mop in water. Bs-i ang it sang
mank sa salg. Clean up with water the
chicken-dung on the floor. Pahran mo
lang ang lamsa sing trpo nga mamal,
dl mo pagbs-on. Just wipe the table with
a dry cloth, dont use water. Bins-an nya
ang ya kamt sing ags, agd makh
ang dgt sang pnta. He wetted his hand
with petroleum, in order to get out the
paint-stains. Likaw ang uln, agd dl ka
mabas kag mapsmo. Avoid the rain, lest
you should get wet and catch a cold. Ang

Visayan-English Dictionary
hubg nya nga mayo na gid nagbas na
man. His ulcer that was quite healed before
is now suppurating (wet) again. Nagbas
na man ang mga mat sang ily sang
pagkabat nya nga may nagsmbit sang
nglan sang ya ank nga bg-o lang
napaty. The mothers eyes became wet
(filled with tears), when she heard someone
mentioning the name of her child that had
recently died. Knding nga binas
(nabas) sang uln. A goat that has been
drenched by rain. (cf. malto be dry,
bas-bas, Dim. of bas. A little wet, etc.
bas-bsa, Cooked rice warmed up
again with the addition of a little water; to
put water into cooked rice. Basbasha
ang kn-on. Put some water into the rice
and warm it. (cf. lingawrice boiled in
much water and stirred about till it gets
very soft and porridge-like; hinnggup
cooked rice mixed with water, but not
warmed up again).
bas-bsa, Dim. of bsa. To read a little
or now and then. Wal gid si
pagbasbsa sa baly. He never reads at
home. Wal si nabasbasahn. He has
read nothing, he is not well-read, has
studied nothing.
basg, Hollow, dull, not resonant,
cracked, said of sounds, as of a broken or
cracked bell and the like; to emit a dull,
hollow sound. Ang tung sang linggnay
nga bung basg. The sound of the broken
bell is dull. Nagbasg ang tung sang
linggnay, kay nabung. The sound of the
bell has become dull, for it is cracked.
Nabasagn ak sang ya nga tngug. His
voice struck me as dull.
bsag, To break, crush, smash, crack,
shatter to pieces. (cf. busag).
basg, Smashed, shattered, broken,
crushed (of bones, boxes, etc.).
basg-lo, Brainless, silly, stupid, brainsick, crotchety, crazed, fantastic. (basg,
basl, A peal of bells, festive ringing of
bells. May basl karn sa las dse. There
will be a full peal of bells at twelve oclock.
(cf. ripke).
bsal, To ring a peal of bells. Basla ang
linggnay. Ring a peal of bells. Basli ang
mga kalaslon sing maktlo. Ring three
peals for the marriage couple. Binaslan
nla sing masdya ang pagabt sang
Senyr Obspo. They celebrated the arrival
of the Bishop by a joyful peal of bells. (cf.
bs-an, bs-on, etc. From basto be
or make wet, etc.
bsas, (Sp. baza) A trick (at cardplaying); a round of cards.
bass, (Sp. baza) To make or win a trick
in card-playing, to win; to beat, overcome,
outdo, subdue. Wal kam makabass sa
mon. You did not win a trick from us. Ind

bas-bas bastnte
ka makabass sa ya sa sugilnon, sa
hmpang, etc. You cannot beat him at
conversation, at play, etc. (cf. dag).
bsbas, To cut, hew, trim, dress, chip
wood to a shape or size required. Basbas
ang khoy. Dress the wood. Ibsbas and
dldag sa khoy. Trim the wood with the
basbson Robust, vigorous, strong, ablebodied, active. Kalm-an na ka tig ang
ya nga edd, pang basbson pa si. He
is fifty years old, but quite vigorous still Si
Fulno basbson pa sa ya. N.N. is still
more robust than he.
bse, (Sp. base) Base, basis, base of
operation, stronghold. (cf. hkmung, ton:
bsi, A kind of very strong, intoxicating
beer made from rice. (cf. pangs).
bs, Perhaps, perchance, maybe, mayhap,
peradventure. Bs pa lang. May it be so.
Let us hope so. Bs nga nd kit
makatabk, kay madmol ang uln kana.
Maybe we cannot cross, for there was heavy
rain a while ago. (cf. yhan, dmlag).
bsia, (Sp. vacia) Idle, lazy, disengaged,
unoccupied (particularly applied to
females). Oy, bsia, silhig ang salg. Hey,
you lazy (fellow) girl, sweep the floor. (cf.
matmad, ligoyn).
bsia, basi, (Sp. vaciar) To empty, pour
out. Ibsia ang tbig, sgbot, etc. Pour out
the water, empty out the sweepings, etc.
Ginbsia nya sa bintn ang suld sang
palanggna. He poured the contents of the
wash-basin out of the window. Basiah sing
manit nga tbig ang id. Pour hot water
over the dog. Ibsia ak nay sang suld
(und) sinng bakg. Kindly empty this
basket for me. (cf. l, bb, hoh).
bsiaw, basiw, (B) Watery, thin; to
thin out, become or make thin or watery, to
water. Nagbsiaw ang tnta, gtas, etc.
The ink, milk, etc. has become watery.
Basiaw ang almidn. Thin the starch. Put
more water in the starch. Ibsiaw mo ak
nay sinng lingaw sa masakt nga bt.
Please make this rice-porridge very thin for
the sick child. (cf. lniaw, lngiaw, lasw).
bsil, A firm, hard spot, as a hard road,
hardened soil, hard sand on the beach, etc.
(cf. the following bsil).
bsil, Any hardened or dry matter sticking
to, or wedged in between, other objects; to
harden, thicken, incrust. Nagbsil ang
lnang sa ya by. The mud hardened on
his jacket. (cf. bgtik, tg-a, tgdas, mal).
bs-il, To guess, surmise, opine, suppose,
think. (cf. bn, bnt, my-om, lgpat).
basn, (Sp. bacn) Basin; chamber pot,
stool. (cf. suldlan (sya)
bs-ing, A small measure or quantity (of
silk, damask thread, etc.). Is ka bsing
nga skl. A skein of silk. A little silk

baso, basyo, (Sp. vacio) Empty,

vacant, void, blank, hollow, unoccupied,
containing nothing; a clean empty glass or
plate. May basyo kam? Have you a clean,
empty glass (plate)? (cf. waly und,
waly suld; punfull).
bskug. Stiffness, brittleness, strength;
rigidity; to be or become stiff or brittle; to
be or become strong, vigorous. Nagbskug
ang kon by, kay natm-an sing
almidn. My jacket is stiff, because it has
been overstarched. Sa waly duhdha
magabskug ang ya lwas sa um. No
doubt, he will get strong again on the farm.
Nagbolobskug na si liwn. He is now
quite strong again. (cf. tskug, balskog,
baskugy, A small river-lobster similar
to, but a little larger than, the lob-lbo.
bslan, baslnay, etc. from blusto
answer, return.
bslay, Arrow, prick, dart, pointed shaft.
Ang bslay sang ggma. Loves arrow. (cf.
baslaynon, Sharp, pointed,
penetrating, piercing; charming,
captivating. Yuhm nga baslaynon. A
captivating smile. (cf. bslay).
bso, (Sp. vaso) Glass, tumbler; vase.
bso, (Sp. bazo) Spleen, milt. (cf. y,
bs-o, Hash; mincedmeat,fish,
vegetables; to mince, hash, chop up.
Basoh ang mank. Chop up the chicken.
Bas-oh ak sing mank. Chop up a
chicken for me. Ipabs-o ko in sa mo. Ill
let you make hash of this. Kayon ikw
sang bboy nga bins-o? Do you like
minced pork? (cf. tktok).
bas-bso, To deliberate, think things
over, consider. Ginabas-bso ko kon an
ang himon ko. I am considering what to
do. Bas-basha nay ang mo bubuhton.
Deliberate first on your undertaking. (cf.
hun-hn, painno).
bas-bso, Dim. of bso. Anything
resembling a glass or tumbler.
bsol, Blame, reprimand; to scold, chide,
blame, reprimand, reproach, give one a
talking to. Basla si. Reproach him.
Reprimand him. Binsol nya ak. He chid
me, blamed me. Ipabsol ko sa mo inng
bt nga sutl. I hand this naughty boy
over to you for a talking to. Nagabasoly
or nagabasolnay sil. They are
reproaching each other. (cf. bdlong,
bsta, (Sp. bastar) Enough, sufficient,
satisfying. Bsta na ang hmbal mo. That
will do, you have talked quite enough. (cf.
tman, bastnte).
bastnte, (Sp. bastante) Sufficient,
enough, satisfactory; to be sufficient, etc.
Bastnte na in. It is quite sufficient. This
suffices. This will do. (cf. tman, hsto).


bastidr bat-bt
bastidr, (Sp. bastidor) Embroideryframe, rod for curtains, hangings,
decorations, etc. (cf. alghog, balayn,
pngkog, balskog, blog).
bastn, (Sp. bastn) Stick, cane, rod;
walking-stick; to cane, beat with a stick,
give the stick. Baston si. Give him the
stick. Give him a caning. (cf. sngkod;
bilogn, nw, tagson).
bastn ni San Hos, The staff of St.
Joseph, a kind of decorative plant with
beautiful greenand redspotted leaves.
bstos, (Sp. basto) Rude, boorish,
caddish, uncultured; rough, coarse,
unrefined, not well made or done, botched.
Bstos nga to. A low, mean, boorish
fellow, a cad, a bumpkin. Bstos nga
hnero. Coarse or rough cloth. Bstos nga
batsan. Unrefined, rude, bad manners.
(cf. barghal, b-ul, manl, barbal).
basra, (Sp. basura) Sweepings, manure,
dirt, refuse, rubbish, night-soil, dust-cart,
street-cleaning; sewage, sewerage, ordure.
(cf. sgbot, hgk, rm, lamawn).
bsya, See bsialazy (especially of
bsyaw, See bsiaw.
bta, (Sp. bta) Night-shirt, night-gown.
(cf. kamisn).
bt, Child, baby, boy, girl, son, daughter;
serving-boy, servant; to bear a child, give
birth to a child, be delivered of. Nagbt
si. She gave birth to a child. Nabt si sa
Igbars. He was born in Igbars. Sa dl
madgay magabt inng bka. This cow
will now soon calve. Ang mga bint.
Offspring, progeny. Pil ang ya mga bt?
How many children has she? (cf. ank, to,
inank, etc.).
bat, Uncle. (cf. t, ty).
bat-bt, Dim. of bt. Also: servantboy, serving-boy, servant-girl, serving-girl,
maid. (cf. sologon, hinptan).
bat-bta, To apportion, divide,
distribute, hand out, give out, dole out.
Batbatha ang kn-on. Dole out the rice
(equally to all), (cf. katkta).
batd, A kind of plant yielding an edible
grain; millet.
btak, To pull upwards, to raise, lift,
hoist, draw or pull aloft. Batka ang blde,
ang bayng, etc. Draw or pull up the pail,
the bamboo water-container, etc. Batki
ak sing kawyan. Pull up a bamboo for
me. Ibtak ak nay sinng sko. Kindly
lift this sack for me. Binatkan na ang
atp sing sin. They hauled up to the roof
some sheets of zinc. Batki (pabatki) ang
bt sang ya nga dungn, agd magyo.
Raise (have raised) the childs tutelary
ghost or genius, that it may get well. (This
is a superstitious phrase).
batakn, Pulley, block, crane; any
contrivance for lifting, drawing or pulling
upwards. (btak).


Visayan-English Dictionary
batakn, A frame-work with a hole or slot
through which bamboo, bl, rattan, etc. is
passed when dressing or cleaning it for
weaving purposes. (cf. talapgohn).
bt-al, To bulge, swell out, be stuffed full.
Nagabt-al ang ya nga blsa. His pocket
bulges, is full. Guinpabt-al nya ang ya
blsa sang bukka. He stuffed his pocket
with ripe kamnsel-fruit. Ind mo
pagpabat-aln ang sko sing tm, kay
bs mags. Dont cram the sack too much,
for it might burst. (cf. bknal).
btang, (B) To lie down sick, lie up, be
sick, stay in, keep ones, bed on account
of some illness. Nagbtang na si sang
pil ka dlaw. He has kept his, remained
in, bed for several days.
batng, btang, (B) To lie down. Ang
bt nagabatng sa sbak sang ya ily.
The child lies in its mothers lap.
Pabatnga si sa ktre. Let him lie down
on the bed. Ind mo pagpabatngon ang
khoy dir. Dont put the wood down here.
Dont lay the wood here. (cf. hgd).
batng-btang, (B) Dim. and Freq. of
batng. To rise and lie down alternately, to
be a little sick, feel indisposed.
Nagabatngbtang si, kay malya ang
ya lwas. She rises and lies down again,
for she is weak.
batn-on, Childlike, infantine, infantile,
juvenile, boyish, girlish, pertaining to
children, natural of a child. Batn-on nga
kalpay. Childlike pleasure. Batn-on nga
balatygon. Simple, natural,
unsophisticated sentiment (as of a child).
(cf. bt, batan; payan).
batan, Young, youthful, pertaining to
children, etc. See batn-on.
btas, To turn to refuse or scrap,
especially applied to metals. Ang kalyo
nagbtas sang salslon. The fire burned
the iron to scrap. Ang salslon nabtas or
bintas sang kalyo. The iron was burned
to scrap by the fire. Ind mo pagbatson sa
kalyo inng sin. Dont allow this zinc to
pass through fire and become useless.
bats, To bear, suffer; sustain, tolerate,
put up with; stand. Makabats ka sin?
Can you stand that? Hnt, kay ginhm
mo in, batas na man ang g nga slot.
Very well then, as you have done that,
suffer now the fitting punishment.
Ginbatsorbinats ko ang tann nga
kahul. I bore all hardships. Ind na ak
magbats sang nyo pagginhud dir. I
will not put up any longer with the noise
you make. (cf. ntus, ro, agwnta).
batsan, Custom, manner, habit,
practice, character, usage, ways, way of
going on, use, convention. (cf. pamatsan,
kagawin, kabuy, kinaanran).
batasnon, Patient, suffering,
forbearing: bearing pain, trial or trouble
without murmuring. (cf. bats,
mapinailbon, mainantson).

bt-aw, A kind of peas, similar to patni.

btbat, To explain, show, expose,
interpret, translate. (cf. pamtbat, ptpat;
syod, wan, hud, sysay).
btbat, To foliate, beat into a leaf or thin
foil. Bintbat nga bulwan. Gold leaf. (cf.
sgyad, pangyad).
bathl, God. This term seems to be of
Tagalog origin. (cf. Dwa, Dis).
bt, To feel, have sensation, suffer.
Mabg-at kayo ang ya nga pagbt. He
is very seriously ill or suffers much. An
ang ginabt mo? What do you feel? What
is ailing you? Ginbt ko ang kasakt sa
dghan ko. I felt a pain in the chest. (cf.
btiag, btyag).
bat, To hear, catch the sound of.
Nakahat ak nga . I heard that .
Sa malay nd ka makabat sang tung
sang linggnay. From far away you cannot
hear the sound of the bell. Kon mabatin
mo ang am nga sugd-sgid nd ka
magpti, kay lnsay nga mga butg. When
you hear such rumours dont believe them,
because they are pure lies. Note the accent
in the following: Ang lupk sang palpok
(rekmra) baton sa labng malay nga
minur. The detonation of a mortar can be
heard in the farthest village. (cf. dungg,
pamt, bat-bt, binat-bt).
bat, (Sp. batir) To beat, stir up, as an egg,
milk, dough, land in harrowing, etc. Batih
ang tsokolte. Beat up the chocolate.
Batihn mo ang talmnan. Harrow the
field. Sn-o sa nyo ang malam magbat
sing mayo sinng sinm (mskla) sa
pagbhat sing mamn? Which of you
knows how to beat this mixture well for
making a cake?
bat, (Sp. batea) A large wooden basin or
trough, a wash-basin. (cf. baty id.).
btiag, To feel, sense, perceive, become
aware of, notice, have a sensation, suffer,
be indisposed or ill. Tungd sang laks
nga pagdmug mo karn pagabatiagn
mo gid sa bus ang kasakt sang lwas
mo. On account of your wrestling so much
you will surely ache all over tomorrow.
May ginabtiag si. He is indisposed, feels
a little ill. Sa hinl nakabtiag ak sing
dak nga kasakt sa kon klid. Suddenly I
felt great pain in the side. Ipabtiag mo
ang ltigo sa matmad nga karabw.
Give the lazy buffalo a taste of your whip.
Kon matod ang mo ginasilng
magabtiag si nnay sing dak nga
kalpay. If what you say is true, mother will
feel very glad. (cf. btyag, bt).
batiy, A kind of creeper with very bitter,
uneatable fruit.
bat-bti, Dim. of bat. To beat or stir
slightly, etc. Also: to boil sugar, dissolve
sugar in boiling water.
bat-bt, Dim. of bat. Also: Hearsay,
rumour; gossip; to know by hearsay. May
bat-bt sa bnwa nga . There is a

Visayan-English Dictionary
rumour current in town that .
Ginabatbt nga masuld ang mga
buyng sa bnwa. It is being rumoured
that the robbers will enter the town. (cf.
bat-bti, See butngbtong id. Kayon
ka sang batbti? Do you like to eat the
candy called bat-bti?
batd, Experienced, proficient, skilled,
well versed, good at; to be or become
expert, etc. Batd nga to. An expert or
skilful man. Batd si sa trabho. He is
skilled in work. Nagbatd si or nahm si
nga batd. He became an expert. Batid si
sa pagkapnday. Make him proficient at
carpentry. (cf. sagd, and, hans, lsto,
batidr, (Sp. batidor) An egg-beater, an
instrument for beatingeggs,cakedough,chocolate, etc. (cf. bat).
batis, The calf of the leg. (cf.
busgbusugn, puspusun).
btik, See mtiknews, information.
batk, See matkto hear, get to know.
batikl, To squeeze, wedge, press,
jam, in, to hold fast or in place by a
projection, jut or jag so as to make it
difficult to move or pull out an object. Inng
kawyan ginabatikaln sang ibn nga
mga kawyan. This bamboo is jammed in
between other bamboos. (balatikl).
batkbtik, See matkmtik,
pamatikbtikto investigate, watch, spy.
batikla, (Sp. baticola) Crupper, the strap
that passes under a horses tail and
prevents the saddle from slipping forward.
batiklon, The gizzard, maw, chief
stomach of a bird. (cf. kolokotn,
korokotn id.; btse, balonbalonnthe
craw, crop).
batl, (Sp. batelejo) A sailing boat of the
size of a lorcha.
batn-batn, To walk quickly, hurry,
haste, hasten, scurry, step briskly, run.
Paypay si, agd magbatnbatn. Beckon
him to walk quickly. Ang id
nagabatnbatn kon makt nya ang ya
aglon. The dog runs, when he sees his
master. (cf. daldl).
bting, To grasp another just above the
ankle and jerk up his foot so as to throw
him or break his resistance. Batngi ang
bboy. Get hold of the pigs leg. Batngi
ang ya til. Grasp him by the small of the
leg and jerk up his foot. (An expression
often used in wrestling).
batng-batingn, That part of the leg
just above the ankle, the small of the leg.
batingglan, Stubborn, perverse, dogged,
sullen, sulky, obstinate, mulish,
disobedient, wilful, self-willed, unyielding,
strong-headed, pig-headed; to be or
become stubborn, etc. Sn-o pa ikw
magbatingglan? When did you become so
stubborn? Sdto mayo si nga bt,

bat-bti baty-baty
pang karn nagbatingglan. He was a
good boy before, but now he has become
wilful. (cf. dmannggol, balt-ad,
baton, Audible, capable of being, loud
enough to be, heard. (bat).
batsta, (Sp. batista) Batiste, fine
batit, Nursing, care; to nurse, rear, bring
up, take good care of children, of invalids,
of the sick, etc. Batitih ang bt sing
mayo. Take great care of the baby. Nurse
the baby well. Ibatit ak nay sinng bt.
Please look after this baby for me.
Ginbatitorbinatit nya sing
mabinalk-on ang masakt nga bt. She
nursed the sick baby with great solicitude
or concern, (cf. sappo, sagd, ttap,
batits, A kind of small clam.
baty, See batA wooden trough, tub,
bat, Stone, rock; to stone. Batoh ang
id. Throw a stone at the dog. Ginbat
(binat) nya sil, ang baly, etc. He
stonedthem,the house, etc. Kon nd ka
malam magsip baton (batohn) mo
lang. If you dont know how to count, use
stones for the purpose. Kuhi ang dlan
sinng mga bat. Take those stones off the
road. Inng dt madm sing bat. This
is stony soilorthere are many stones on
this land. Bat nga madlak
(batngmadlak). A precious stone,
diamond. (cf. dakl-dkalgravel; bals
bto, A complete thing, a whole, a piece of
anything round or cubical in shape, as an
egg, ball, coconut, brick, etc. (cf. blog, bo,
bt, To resist, oppose, go against,
disobey, be refractory, answer back,
contradict, rise against. Bati si. Resist
him. Oppose him. Ginbatan (binatan)
nya ak. He made a stand against me. He
answered me back. (cf. btok, smpung,
batbaln, Magnet, loadstone,
batbalanon, Magnetic, charming,
attractive, alluring, captivating.
batbantilngon, Hard, flinty, stony,
stone-hearted, obdurate, cruel, pitiless. (cf.
bat, bantling; matg-a, mabangs).
bat-bto, The kidneys, reins.
bat-bto, Dim. of bat. Also: To use
small stones, fill or line with pebbles or the
like. Batbathi ang bubn. Cover the
bottom of the water-hole or bathing place
with pebbles.
bat-bat, Dim. of bat. Also: to do a
little at a time, pick up here and there, read
and spell at the same time, do falteringly or
haltingly, do or let do by turns and the like.
Ginbatbat sil sang Pr sang mga
tks. The Parish-Priest picked out several

questions from the catechism for them to

answer one by one. Nagabatbat si sa
pagbsa. He reads with difficulty,
falteringly, stumbling over syllables, etc.
batbuslak, Marble.
btog, The yolk, the yellow of an egg.
batohn, Full of stones or rocks, stony,
rocky. (bat).
btok, (H) Against, opposed to, contrary
to. Btok in sa but sang Dis. That is
against the will of God. Btok in sa
mayo nga batsan. That is contrary to
good manners. May pagbult-an btok sa
(panugl) sugl or pagsugl. There is a
law against gambling. (cf. kntra).
btok, (H) To resist, oppose, etc. See bt
id. Ind ka magbtok. Dont resist. Dont
answer back. Dl mo pagbatkan ang mo
mga giniknan. Dont disobey your
parents. Dont oppose your parents. Ibtok
sa ya nga katarngan ang mo. Put
forward your argument against his. (cf.
bt, kntra, smpung, pamalbag).
bt-ol, Having a large stone and little
pulp, said of fruits like plums, lmboy and
the like; figuratively: dull, stupid, having
little brains; to be or become dull, etc.
bat-lan, Dull, stupid; having a large
stone, but little pulp (of fruit).
batolng, A kind of basket used chiefly in
marketing fish; it is usually four-cornered
at the bottom and round at the top and in
size equal to an ordinary bakg.
bton, To receive, accept, take.
Nakabton ka sang kon sult? Did you
receive my letter? Ho, nabton ko. Yes, I
received it. Batna inng reglo. Accept
this present or gift. Ibton mo ak sin.
Kindly accept (and guard) that for me.
Nabton ko ang plak nga mo ginpadal
sa kon sa koryo. I have received the
money you sent me by mail. Ihtag ko
kuntn sa ya inng tuln-an, pang nd
si magbton. I should like to give him this
book, but he will not take it. Ginabton
sang Dis sing maloly-on ang mga
pangamy sang mga mahinulslon. God
mercifully receives the prayers of the
contrite. Pangasw-on kuntn ni Fulno
si Fulna, pang ang ya sin nga
giniknan nd magbton sa ya. N.N.
would like to marry Miss N.N., but her
parents will not accept him (as their sonin-law). (cf. balatonnreception-room:
daw, dwat).
batng, (B) Hammock. (cf. dyan,
duyndyan, abyaby).
batngmadlak, For bat nga
madlaka diamond, brilliant.
baty-baty, (B) To take or pick up
things one by one, to do the same thing
over and over again in succession, repeat
the same action many times. Batybatoy
lang ang pagplut sinng mga bat. Pick
up those stones one by one. Ibatybaty
ang pagtanm sinng mga gtuk. Plant


btse byad
these seedlings one by one. Batybatoy
(Batybatoy) sa pagkh inng mga
kawyan. Take these bamboos away one
by one.
btse, (Sp. bache) Hole, mud-hole, a bad
patch in a worn-out road. (cf. bh,
buhbh, balanw, lingghub,
lingglhub, danw).
batsilr, (Sp. bachiller) Bachelor, single,
unmarried; one who has taken a degree
below that of Master of Arts at a university;
self-opinionated, conceited. (cf. ly-aw,
pamatn-on: bugaln, apt,
batungdan, Monument (of stone:
literally: old stonebat nga dan).
batnhan, See butnhan, manohn.
batta, (Sp. batuta) A conductors baton,
presidents hammer, mace; wand; rule,
sway. May ikasngkol si sa pagdal sang
batta. He is capable of directing affairs, of
filling a leading position. Dak ang
ginakalanlanan kon sn-o (an) nga to
ang nagakapt sang batta. It makes a
great difference, what sort of man holds
sway or has the controlling power. (cf.
gahm, panglo, dumla, pasund,
uluyatn, kalptan).
btwan, A kind of creeper, whose fruit
and leaves are edible and taste sour like
those of the alupdan.
btyag, See btiag.
batyy, See batiy.
bag, Grey, old. (bag id.).
bal, (Sp. baul) Trunk, box, case,
travelling-case. (cf. kabn, kha, soklban,
tampp, suldlan).
bul, Rough, not well made or done,
botched, bungled, scamped; to do ,
make , perform , something,
act, unseemly, unsightly, in a coarse way,
to make merely a rough outline. Bala lang
nay ang larwan kag ugling limpiohn
mo. First shape out the statue roughly and
then trim it. Bul nga pamnday, panult,
etc. Rough carpentry, careless writing, etc.
Bul nga inobrahn in. That is (was)
rough work, not beautiful or fine work. (cf.
barghal, barbal, manl, bstos,
aklakl, dagldagl).
bal-bul, Anything which somewhat
resembles a box or trunk.
bal-bal, Dim. and Freq. of bul
coarse, etc.
bautisr. (Sp. bautizar) To baptize,
christen. Sn-o ang nagbautizr sa mo?
Ginbautisahn ak ni Pr Fulno. Who
baptized you?I was baptized by Father
N.N. (cf. bnyag, bulunygan,
bautsmo, (Sp. bautismo) Baptism,
christening. Sertipko sang Bautsmo.
Baptismal certificate, certificate of Baptism.
(cf. bnyag).
bautistryo, (Sp. bautisterio) Baptistery.
(cf. bobohn).


Visayan-English Dictionary
bwa, A kind of ghost, elf, goblin, believed
in by the superstitious and supposed to
assume preferentially the shape of a wild
chicken called ilhas. (cf. tumo, bgat,
katw, kamkam).
bwal, To curb, check, prevent, restrain,
prohibit, stop. (cf. pugng, sagng, put,
bw-an, A portable fish-trap, larger than
a tan, but smaller than a pta.
bwang, A vegetable, whose bulb
resembles garlic and whose leaves are
similar to the leaves of onions.
bw-as, Sterile, unprolific, childless.
barren, impotent, used of both sexes, but
mostly applied to women; to be or become
barren, etc. Si Fulna (nag) bw-as. N. N.
(has become barren) is barren.
bwas, See bw-as. Also: Diminution,
lessening, decrease; to diminish, lessen,
decrease. (cf. bhin).
bw, To redeem, reclaim, deliver, free,
save, set at liberty, liberate, release. Bawa
si. Deliver him, free him. Ginbw kit ni
Hesukrsto sa sal kag sa inpirno. Jesus
Christ redeemed us from sin and hell.
Ibw mo inng plak sa mo dt. Use this
money to reclaim your land. Nabw si sa
kamt sang ya mga kaway. He was
saved from the hands of his enemies. Kon
mga sarng, ibw ak sang kon um
nga ginprnda ko. Please, if possible,
reclaim for me the land I mortgaged. Kon
nd ka magbyad sang mo nga tang sa
naptud nga dlaw, nd mo na mabw
ang sngsing nga ginprnda mo. Unless
you pay your debt on the day assigned, you
will not be able to redeem your pawned
ring. Ang mga Mros nabawan na, kon,
sing duh sang la mga binhag. It is
reported that two of the captives led away
by the Moros have been freed. (cf. tubs,
lus, gwad).
bw-ing, Isolated, far away, lonely,
desolate, deserted; to be or become lonely,
etc. Ang bw-ing nga lugr dl dan sang
to. An isolated place is not often visited by
man. Nagbw-ing inng minur, kay wal
na pagaestar sang to. This small village
became desolate, because people do not
live here any longer.
bawd, (B) Unsteady, shaky, wobbly,
swinging to and fro, rocking, not firm; to be
unsteady, etc. (cf. wding, bayd).
bwod, An arch, curve; to curve, arch,
bend. (cf. balitk).
bwog, A bunch of coconuts growing on
one stalk. Inng is ka bwog may napl
ka lub. There are ten coconuts in this
bunch. (cf. dwog).
bawg, Shadoof, shaduf, picotah,
counterpoised sweep, a long beam
swinging up and down on an axle used to
draw water from a cistern or well. At one
end of the beam the tmb (pail or bucket
for drawing water) is attached and at the

other end the pamat (counterpoise,

counterbalance). The pin or axle on which
the beam turns is called the paly. Ang
bawd nagask-panug. The shadoof is
moving up and down.
bw-og, Foul, rotten, stale,
contaminated, fetid, putrid, polluted, said
especially of water. Bw-og nga tbig. Foul
water. Nagbw-og ang tbig. The water
has become fetid or polluted. (cf. alungag,
bawg-bwog, Any kind of lever
resembling a shadoof.
bay, (B) Shortened form of bbay. Bay,
din ka makdto? Where are you going to,
my dear?
bay, (B) A particle often added to a
negative answer to a question and probably
a contr. of bal. Din si Fulno?Man
bay. Where is N.N?How do I know? i.e. I
dont know where he is. (cf. ambt a).
bay, An asseveratory or corroborative
particle: certainly, surely, what do you
mean, no doubt, or the like. Akon in bay.
Nagdmdum ikw nga mo? This certainly
belongs to me. Did you think it was yours?
by, (B) To leave, quit, abandon, desert,
forsake, relinquish, give up, let, leave,
alone. Daw sa nd si makaby sang
malut nya nga kinaanran. It seems as
if he cannot give up his evil habits. Bayi
lang in. Leave that alone. Dont meddle
with that. Ind mo si pagbayan dir nga
is lang. Dont leave him there alone or all
by himself. Ind mo pagpaby-an
(pagpabayan) ang mong mga giniknan
sa la nga katigulangn. Dont forsake
your parents in their old age. A, gal,
binayan nya ak nga wal si maghult
sa kon? Well now, he has left me in the
lurch and has not waited for me? (cf. by).
by, (B) Anything given up, left off or
discontinued. By ko na ang paginm
sing mga ilmnon nga makahulbug. I
have given up taking intoxicating drinks.
By na nya ang sugl. He does not
gamble any more. He has given up
gambling. (cf. by).
baybas, (Sp. guaybo, guayaba) The
guava-tree and its fruit.
bay-bay, (B) Abandoned, neglected,
not cared for. (cf. biy-biy).
byad, Payment, settlement,
disbursement, expenditure, outlay; to pay,
settle, spend, disburse. Magbyad ka sang
mong tang. Pay (you must pay) your
debt. Sa wal sing byad or sa waly
byad. Without payment; gratis, free. Kn
nd ka magbyad sa ya karn, nd ka
makatang sa ya liwn. If you dont pay
him now, you cannot get a loan from him
again. Bayri na si sang duh ka
mngmang nga ginhulm mo. Pay him
now the two pesos you borrowed. Ibyad
mo sa ya ang napl ka mngmang nga
tang mo sa ya. Pay him the ten pesos you
owe him. Ang mga komersynte malyag

Visayan-English Dictionary
sang mga sk nga may batsan sa
pagbyad sing tmbing. Dealers like
customers that habitually pay cash.
Nakabyad ka sang relh nga nabton mo
gkan sa Manl?Ho, dgay na nga
binayran ko ydto. Have you paid for the
watch you received from Manila?Yes, I
paid for it long ago. Wal pa ak sing
ikabyad sa mo. I have not yet got the
means with which to pay you. Sa madal
ukn sa madgay magabyad gid si sing
mahl sang ya nga sinypan. Sooner or
later he will pay dearly for his mistakes.
Pabayra (da) si. Make (let) him pay.
by-ad, To keep the head proudly erect,
to expand ones chest and throw the head
slightly back, to strut, walk with pomposity
or affected dignity. Ind ka magby-ad kon
maglakt. Dont hold your head proudly
erect when you walk. Ginapaby-ad nya
ang ya nga lwas. He carries himself
proudly with his nose in the air. Ind mo
pagiby-ad ang mo nga lwas kon
maglakt ukn magpngk ka. Do not
assume a haughty air when you walk or sit.
(cf. by-od, l-ad).
by-ad, A kind of sea-shell. (cf.
lamprong, tipy).
bayg, Fork, bifurcation, crotch; the
tendons, muscles and folds of skin near the
crotch of an animal. (cf. sakng).
bayi, An old song or tune, a chanty: to
hum a tune. Nagsaky si sa ya karabw
nga nagabayi. He sat on his buffalo
humming a tune.
bayakt, A kind of wide-meshed basket
standing on four short legs used as a
wastepaper basket, as a receptacle for
soiled linen, etc. (cf. piakt, soklban,
bayt-byat, To take physical exercise.
Ibaytbyat mo ang mo nga lwas. Take
physical exercise. Exercise your body. (cf.
bantbnat, untnat).
bayw, Brother, sister-in-law.
bayw, To raise, lift, put up, elevate.
Ibayw or bayaw ang mo kamt. Lift up
your hand. Bayaw sang kamt mo nga
to ang mo nga pagsmp. Raise your
right hand for the oath you are going to
take. Ginbayw nya si sa kisam. He
lifted him up to the ceiling. (cf. lsa, btak,
bkyaw, hkwat, plut).
byaw, To exalt, raise spiritually, lift up
ones heart, etc. Ginbyaw sang Dis ang
mga Sntos sa dak nga himy kag
kadunggnan. God has exalted the saints
to great glory and honour. Ibyaw or
baywa ang mo hunhn kag
tagiposon sa lngit. Lift up your thoughts
and heart to heaven. (cf. dyaw, salog,
bayawn, A small basket used chiefly for
winnowing rice in the open. It is similar to
a tagakn.
bayw-byaw, A bamboo bench as
often used in Philippine houses and boats;

by-ad bendisyn
a raised bamboo floor or platform for
treading out rice, known also as linasn
and ppag.
bybay, The sea-shore, beach, strand,
coast, sea-side.
baybyon, The foreshore, beach, strand,
that part of the sea-shore that is washed by
the tide. (cf. bybay).
bay-bye, A dish of ground rice mixed
with sugar and coconut-meat. (cf. babi
bayn-on, Effeminate, unmanly,
womanish. (cf. ag; babayn-on).
byhan, byhon, bywan,
bywon, etc. From bayto pound
byhon, Form, shape, figure, appearance,
guise, outline, species. Yr dir si
Hesukrsto sa byhon sang tinpay. Jesus
Christ is present there under the species of
bread. Ang manunlay nagpalapt sa ya
sa byhon sang is ka byan. The tempter
approached him in the guise of a friend. (cf.
bayhnan, Shapely, handsome, pretty,
good-looking, of good appearance.
bay, Grandmother. (cf. yang, lang,
way, lla, abula; lakgrandfather).
byle, See bileto dance, etc. (cf. sot).
bylo, See biloto change, exchange,
swap, swop.
by, A Philippine upper garment for men
and women, dress for the upper part of the
body, bodice, jacket. The by is a piece
of dress of very many different kinds and
styles, but all agreeing in one point, namely
that they serve as an outer covering of the
upper part of the body.
bay, To pound or hull, especially rice, by
means of a wooden mortar (lusng) and a
pestle (hl-o). Bywa or bayoh ang
humy. Pound the rice. Bywi or bayoh
ak sing is ka psong nga humy. Pound
for me a bushel of rice. Ibay ak nay
sinng is ka gntang nga humy. Kindly
pound this gantang of rice for me. Humy
nga binay. Rice that has been pounded.
(cf. lbak, tot; gm, dsdas, lg-as).
byo, (Sp. bayo) Bay, yellowish white
(horses). Ginbalgy ko ang kon kabyo
nga byo. I sold my bay horse.
bay-byo, The pulse, the beating or
throbbing of the pulse. Mask ang tmb
sang kon baybyo. My pulse is beating
very fast.
bay-by, Dim. of by. Something
resembling a by; dress or garment for a
doll, for a scarecrow, etc.
by-od, To walk erect with head thrown
back in ostentation. Ind mo pagbay-odn
(orn) ang mga to. Dont walk with
your head held high in front of the people.
(cf. by-ad, l-ad).
bayg, (B) Long-faced, fiddle-faced,
horse-faced, one with a long face; to be or
become long-faced. Bayg si nga to. To

si nga mabayg sing pangguyhon. He

has a long face.
bayko, A hardwood tree and its valuable
bayng, A piece of thick bamboo of about
three or four yards in length and used for
fetching water from a well or river, bamboo
water-tube. (cf. salagban).
bayok, The mumps, inflammation of the
salivary glands, with swelling along the
bayon, See balayon. Mahl ang byad
ko sinng mga bayon. I paid a lot for this
cloth (for a suit of clothes, for a dress,
jacket, etc.).
bayong, A bag, sack, jute-bag, especially
such as are commonly used to pack
unrefined sugar in.
bayd, Unstable, unsteady, not firm,
shaky. This term seems to be very seldom
used and, if used, is mostly employed in the
form nd mabayd. Inng baly, halgi,
etc. nd mabayd. This house, post, etc.
cannot be shaken, is not shaky, i.e. is firm,
strong. (cf. bawd, wding).
bywan, From bay, (cf. byhan).
beatlya, (Sp. beatilla) Fine linen; a kind
of thin, transparent cloth.
bebern, (Sp. beberron) Tippler, booser,
drunkard; nozzle of a babys feeding-bottle,
(cf. palahbug; lulutgtan, solopspan).
bka, (Sp. beca) Scholarship, pension,
yearly payment of a boarder in a college,
seminary, etc. Tagpil ang bka? How
much is the yearly pension of a full
bla, (Sp. vela) Candle, taper. (cf.
belda, (Sp. velada) Evening
entertainment, drama, play, soire. (cf.
palagwon, talan-won, hmpang,
belasyn, (Sp. velacin) Vigil, wake,
prayers and entertainments at night after a
persons death, often lasting for many
successive nights, regularly nine nights.
Also: The nuptial Mass and ceremony of
veiling the bride and bridegroom. (cf.
pulwan; blo).
blo, (Sp. velo) Veil; the veiling of the
bride and bridegroom during the nuptial
Mass; to veil. Himsa ang mga blo nga
iblo sa bus sa ttlo ka kalaslon. Get the
veils ready for the three couples that are
going to be married tomorrow. Ang mga
blo nga nabelhan na sang na nla nga
pagpakasl nd na mabelhan. Widows
that received the nuptial blessing at their
first marriage cannot receive it again. (cf.
tabn, knop, takurng).
bendisyn, (Sp. bendicin) Benediction,
blessing; the blessing of a woman after
childbirth; to bless. Magmp kit sa Dis
agd ya bendisyonn ang ton mga
talmnan. Let us beseech God to bestow
His blessing on our fields.


bendta bgkis
Nagpabendisyn si Fulna kana sang
ga. N.N. went this morning to receive the
blessing after childbirth. (cf. bendta).
bendta, (Sp. bendito, a) Blessed; to bless.
Tbig nga bendta. Holy water.
Nabendithan ang mo rosarto? Has your
rosary been blessed? Mapabendta
(mapabendisyn) ak. I am going to be
blessed or to receive the blessing after
benditahn, Holy-water basin, holywater stoup, where people bless themselves
on entering a church.
bendto, (Sp. bendito) Blessed, saint:
simpleton, silly, fool. Is si ka bendto. He
is a fool or simpleton.
bentha, (Sp. ventaja) Advantage,
benefit, vantage-point, superiority; to be in
a better position or condition, to have the
advantage of. May bentha si sa kon sa
paglakt, kay manwang si kag nd
paghapon sa madal. He has the
advantage of me in walking, because he is
lean and does not soon run short of breath.
(cf. ikayo, kinayo).
bentn, (Sp. ventana) Window,
casement. (cf. talamwan, gawng).
brbo, (Sp. verbo) Verb. (cf. bhat).
brde, (Sp. verde) Green; immodest,
indecent, applied to talk, pictures, writing.
(cf. hilw; bstos, malw-ay, mahgk).
berdigy, Green. See brde, hilw.
berdgo, (Sp. verdugo) Executioner.
ber-bri, Beri-beri. (cf. blbil).
brso, (Sp. verso) Verse, line of poetry,
poetical language. (cf. binalybay,
bsa, bes, (Sp. besar) A kiss, buss; to
kiss, buss, salute with the lips, especially to
kiss the hand. Pdre, mabsa ak? Father,
may I kiss your hand? Besah si ttay mo.
Kiss your fathers hand. Pdre, pabesah
ang mga bt. Father, let the children kiss
your hand. Ipabsa mo sa ya ang mo
kamt. Let him kiss your hand.
Nagasngon ang kon ty kag nd na si
magpabsa sa kon. My aunt is cross and
does not allow me any more to kiss her
hand. (cf. halk).
bto, (Sp. veto) Veto, prohibition,
interdict; to veto. Bethi ydto. Veto it.
Nabethan nya ang am nga pagbultan. He vetoed that law. (cf. skway,
pamalbag, duml).
bid-ad, Holding ones head erect, etc.
See bidbad, lad, lidlad, by-ad.
bid-bad, To strut, walk about proudly
with head thrown back; to walk about idly
or aimlessly, promenade or go from place
to place for lack of serious occupation. Tanaw yanng bugaln nga nagabidbad
sa dlan. Look at that proud fellow who
walks on the road with his head thrown
back. Ig lang sa ya ang bidbad. Ig
lang si sang bidbad. He is only fit for
promenading or for walking about idly. He


Visayan-English Dictionary
does nothing but strolling, sauntering. (cf.
by-ad, lid-lad; barumbda,
bihe, (Sp. viaje) Tour, trip, journey,
travel, voyage; to tour, travel, make a trip.
(cf. panglagyaw, panglaguywan,
panglaktan, paliwlwa).
bak, To split. Bika ang khoy,
kawyan, etc. Split the wood, the bamboo,
etc. Biki sil sing khoy. Split some wood
for them. Ibak mo ak nay sinng khoy.
Kindly split this piece of wood for me. (cf.
bal, bs-ak, lak; phak).
bik, Split. Bik nga khoy. Split wood.
(cf. bil, pihk).
bal, To split. Bila ang galatng. Split the
firewood. See bak id. (cf. bs-ak, phak,
bil, Split. See bik. Bil nga galatng.
Split wood, firewood, kindling.
binda, (Sp. vianda) Viands, victuals;
comestibles, food, provisions, (cf. blon,
pagkon, kaln-on, sd-an, dpl,
bitiko, (Sp. vitico) Viaticum; to give
Viaticum to a dying person. Nabiatikohn
na si or nabton na na ang bitiko. He
has received viaticum.
baw, b-aw, A spring, pool, puddle of
clear water; clear, pure (of water). Tbig
nga baw. Pure water (from a well, cistern,
spring, etc.).
biy-bay, Ridicule, joke, chaff, derision,
banter, fun; to make fun of, poke fun at,
ridicule, deride, twit, quiz, chaff, laugh at,
rally, banter, crack jokes at anothers
expense. Ind mo pagbiy-biyon ang
kon nglan. Dont make fun of my name.
(cf. tiwtaw, lahglhog, uslt; mpit,
pasipla, ulig, ulgyat, yagut).
bba, (Sp. viva) Long live! Hurrah!
bbi, A large, tame duck. (cf. gakt).
bbin, bibin, Edge, rim, border of a
well or cistern; the inner wall or lining of a
well, shoring.
bb, bb, Edge, rim, side, bank, shore,
beach. (cf. bgki, bibin).
bibg, The lip; rim, edge of a glass, of a
cup, etc.
bibgne, Awful, terrible, shocking,
tremendous; disgusting or horrible to hear
of or look at. (cf. makabibgne).
bibngka, A cake made of rice-flour
mixed with coconut meat, sugar, etc., and
baked. (cf. ptothe same, but boiled).
bibnka, See bibngka.
bibt, To raise and lower the various
heddles in a loom, when weaving a design
in different colours; to makejusi,
variegated cloth, to weave various designs.
Bibit. Raise the heddle. Malam ka
magbibt? Do you know how to work
various designs on a hand-loom?
bbo, (Sp. vivo) Lively, animated, hustling,
daring, audacious, energetic, vivacious. (cf.
mabkas, mapsan, makud, mapntok,

lsto, alsto, mabtik, sagd; batd, and,

bda, (Sp. vida) Life; to live, work for a
livelihood, keep oneself, maintain oneself.
An ang ginabda mo sa tinguln? What
do you do for a living during the rainy
season? (cf. kabh, pangabh, pangt).
bid, To stop a hole or leakage in a pot or
other vessel with plaster, thick paint,
cement, etc. Bida ang gorgorta, kay may
balan. Plaster the water-cooler, for it has
a crack. Ibid inng is ka hkup nga
simnto sa alhbi. Stop the leak in the
water-tank with this handful of cement.
Ibid ak sinng lta, kay nagatubd.
Kindly plaster this can, for it leaks. (cf.
plhit, dkdok, sngsung, tbon,
bidhon, Livelihood, maintenance,
sustenance; work, job, employment. Wal
si karn sing bidhon. He is at present
out of work, has no job or remunerative
employment. (cf. bda, pangt,
palamgnan, alagarn, palangitn-an).
bdang, A kind of very light Philippine
cloth or gauze, used chiefly for pillowcases, linings, nets, decorative purposes,
and the like.
bidhann, Having plenty of roe or spawn,
said of fish. (cf. bhod).
bding, (English beading) Beading; to
bead. Malam ka bal magbding? Do you
know how to bead? Ho, kon may
bilidingn. Yes, if there is any beading to be
done. Kon am in, bidngi inng by ko.
If that is so, bead that jacket (blouse, dress)
of mine. (cf. ganslyoto crochet, knit).
bdlan, bdlon, From bildto inspect,
look at.
bidyw, A spear, harpoon. (cf. bngkaw
birde, See brdegreen.
birnes, (Sp. Virnes) Friday, Birnes
Santo. Good Friday. Ang mga dlaw nga
birnes sa Kuarsma. The Fridays in Lent.
bg, Harlotry, whoredom. Pagpamg
To practise harlotry; act as a prostitute. (cf.
bg, A variety of dgmay.
bigon, Harlot, strumpet, bad woman,
courtesan, whore, bawd, prostitute. (cf.
lpot, pattot, puta, bighaln).
bghal, See bg.
bighaln, See bigon.
bg-id, To rub against, strike (as a match,
etc.). See bg-id.
bgki, Rim, edge, border, bank, margin. Sa
bgki sang sub. On the bank of the river.
(cf. bint, bibg, pngpang).
bigkl, Knot in bamboo, from which the
branches (smsim) spring. (bikl id.).
bigklan, Knotty, gnarled. (biklan id.).
bgkis, Girdle, bandage, usually made of
yarn; to gird or bandage. Bigkis ang bt.
Bandage the baby. Ibgkis inng bunng

Visayan-English Dictionary
nga mapul. Bandage with this red yarn.
(cf. lgas, wgkos).
bgne, To overawe, terrify, astound, stun
with fright. Sugri si sang bg-o nga
natab nga nakabgni sa tann nga mga
to nga nakabat. Tell him of the recent
event that filled all men, who heard of it,
with awe. Sang pagtn-aw nya sang dak
nga pils sinng makalol-oy nga to
bingne (nabignehn) si. When he saw
the large wound of this poor fellow he got a
shock. Nabgne (Binignehn) si sang
buya. He was terrified by the crocodile.
(cf. lgne, sgne, lgna, rgna).
bigl, bgol, Hardened, caked; to
harden, become caked. Nagbigl ang
lnang sa ya panpton. The mud
hardened on his clothes. Nabigoln ang
kon delrgo sing pnta. My trousers are
(were) stiff with dry paint or some paint
has hardened on my trousers. (cf. pol,
kmol, bgtik, pgol, pghol).
bigl-bigl, Dim. of bigl. Biglbigl
inng ulnan. This pillow is full of small
hard lumps. Biglbigl ang lala- sa
dlan. The mud on the road is slightly
hardened or caked. (cf. bilgbilg).
bigng, To warp, twist, pull, put, out
of shape. Ang kalabnan sang mga tp
nagabigng sa nit. Most wooden boards
warp in the heat of the sun. Nagbigng ang
khoy sa dngding. The wood in the
partition-wall warped. Bigong or
pabigong ang lta. Crumple or batter the
can. Bigong ang kwrta sa klid. Turn
down the edge of the coin.
bigte, (Sp. bigote) Mustache.
bgsang, See bg, bghal.
bigsangn, Harlot, strumpet, prostitute,
whore. (cf. bigon, bighaln, etc.).
bgs, Grasp, grip; rough handling; to
grasp, grip, handle roughly, use rudely, to
beat or thrash. (cf. gaml, pangamt).
bgtas, To break, snap, sever, part, fall
asunder, put asunder. Ind gid si
magpaubg, bisn mabgtas (bigtasn)
ang mahrup nla nga paghilibyanay. He
will not yield, even though their friendly
relations should be broken off. (cf. bgt,
tud, bngkas).
bhag, A captive, prisoner; a cock killed in
the cockpit; the remains of a repast, food
left on the table after a banquet, etc.; to
capture, takecaptive,prisoner, lead into
captivity. Bihgi sil bisn sing is lmang
sa la. Capture at least one of them. Ang
mga Mros sdto nay nagpamhag
(nagbhag) sing madm nga mga
Bisay. The Moros formerly led many
Visayans into captivity. Nabhag ang ya
tagiposon. His heart was captivated.
bihg-bhag, Dim. of bhag. Also: A
childrens game The hen and the hawk.
Nagahmpang sil sang bihg-bhag.
They are playing The hen and the hawk.

bgne blang
bihng, A large rent, tear, hole, aperture,
in garments; torn, rent or open in such a
way as to expose the skin. (cf. gis,
bhang, bihng, To discover, to open,
tear, rend, clothing so as to expose the
skin. Amlig ang pamngk mo, kay bs
mabihangn ikw. Be careful in sitting
down, lest you expose yourself.
Figuratively: Katkathon mo sing mayo
ang mga kaln-on kag ilmnon nga
natigna sa mga bista, kay bs
makulngan kag bihangn kit. Portion
out well the food and drinks prepared for
the visitors, for otherwise we may run short
and be put to shame. (cf. bklang, gs,
bhod, Roe, spawn, eggs of fishes. (cf.
bhon, A kind of Chinese vermicelli, very
slender and white. (cf. mki, mswa, pnsit,
bik, A kind of creeper, a wild vine and its
fruit. Its grapes are small and not very
bik, Potsherd, a piece of broken crockery;
broken (of jars, pots, etc.).
bik, Straddling; standing, sitting or
walking with the legs wide apart. (cf. bak).
bk, To straddle, to spread the legs wide
apart when sitting, standing or lying. Ind
ka magbk. Dont spread your legs so wide
apart. Ginbk nya ang ya pa. He
spread his legs out. Ind mo pagbikon ang
mo pa. Dont spread your legs. Klang
kayo ang mo nga pagthud, kay
nagbk ka sa atubngan sang mga bista.
You are wanting very much in politeness
towards visitors, for you spread your legs in
their presence. Ind mo sil pagbikan
liwn. Dont spread your legs again before
themorin their presence. (cf. bk).
bik-bk, To open and close the legs a
number of times in succession.
bikk, See bk.
bkal, To argue, debate, discuss, engage in
a discussion or argument. Biklon mo si
sa tungd sang mayo nga batsan. Argue
with him about good manners. Biklan ta
ang bg-o nga pagbult-an nahanungd
sa mga kalaslon. Let us debate about the
new law referring to marriages.
Nagabikaly sil sang mga kaayhan kag
kalanan sang gobirno nga ameriknhon.
They are discussing the good and bad
points of the American Government. (cf.
bkat, To open, force, press,
asunder, tear or pull apart (a purse or the
like). Bikta ang tinpay. Pull the loaf
asunder. Ibkat ak nay sang kon blsa,
kay ak nd makabkat sin. Kindly open
my purse for me, as I cannot force it open.
Bikta ak sang polgwan, kay pasdlon
ko ang mank. Open the mouth of the
chicken-basket for me, for I am going to

put in the cock. (cf. blad, hmladto

open, unfold).
bikl, See bigkl id.
biklan, Knotty, knobby, knarled, gnarled,
applied especially to bamboo. (cf. bigklan).
bkis, Bandage, binding material. See
bgkis id.
bknol, To move about, be up and busy, to
be stirring, to stir one self, to be active. Ind
na si makabknol. He cannot move about
any more, he is unable to do any work.
Hlus na gn si makabknol gkan sa
kabdlay, balatan, katigulangn, etc. He
can scarcely move any longer on account of
being tired, sick, old, etc. Makabknol pa
si maglgaw?Ind na gid; pirme lang
si nagahgd. Can he still walk about?
Not at all; he is bed-ridden. (cf. tknol,
bkrat, To tear, rend clothing, etc.
Nabkrat ang kon by. My jacket was
torn. Bikrat lang ang kko. Simply tear
the white cloth asunder. Bikrat ak sing
duh ka bra sinng hnero. Tear off for
me two yards of this cloth. Ginkptan nya
ak sa likd kag binkrat nya ang kon
by. He grasped me by the back and tore
my coat. (cf. pkrat, gs, phak, bbha).
bikwlon, Clumsy, awkward, gawky,
ungainly, clownish, uncouth. Bikwlon ang
ya nga paghmbal. His talk is uncouth.
He talks in a queer way. Bikwlon ang ya
nga paggho. His movements are clumsy
or ungainly. Bikwlon nga to. A gawk. An
awkward, clumsy fellow. (cf. baksiw,
bla, (Sp. vela) Candle, taper. (cf. bla,
blad, To open; unfold (a book or the like).
Bilra (da) ang tuln-an. Open the
book. Bilri ak sang lbro. Open the book
for me. Ginablad mo lang ang lbro nga
wal mo pagbasha. You are holding the
book open without reading it. Binilran
nya ang ltok sang ya mga panpton. He
spread or displayed his clothes on the table.
(cf. hmlad, buld, ldlad; bkatto force
asunder, etc.).
bilho, (H) The spike of a plant, as that of
the sugar-cane, of the tgbaw-reed, etc. (cf.
birho; budiwithe spike of maize, etc.).
bilh, A disease of the ear. (cf. ilg).
blang, As, like, as if, as it were, as though,
as much as to say. Blang tud ko si. He is
my brother, as it were. Sagurn ko si nga
blang ank ko. I shall take care of him, as
if he were my son. (cf. daw, sbung).
blang, To consider as, esteem as, judge,
estimate, think, hold, take for, look upon
as. Nagblang si sa ya nga makwat. He
took him for a thief. He looked upon him as
a thief. Bilngon mo si nga ty mo.
Consider him (treat him as) your uncle.
Ginblang nla ak nga manugblung.
They looked upon me as a doctor. Ind mo
si pagbilngon nga malut, kon wal mo


bilngg bilg
masayri. Dont pronounce him bad,
unless you know for certain. Nalgyo si,
kay wal na si makabats sang malin
nga pagblang nla sa ya. He ran away,
because he could not stand any longer their
bad treatment of him. (cf. hunhn,
bilngg, To imprison, put in prison, jail,
gaol, incarcerate, confine, lock up.
Bilanggo ang makwat. Put the thief in
prison. Binilngg nla ang buyng. They
incarcerated the robber. Ipabilngg mo
ang tigtamplas sa mga pols. Get the
police to lock up the criminal. Ang mga
binilngg. Prisoners. Ibilngg ang
nadakp sa madal, agd nd makabh.
Put the captive in jail at once, lest he
should escape. Inng baly ginbilanggon
nla sang mga nabhag. They confined the
captives in this house. (cf. hnong).
bilanggan, Prison, jail, gaol, place of
confinement. Nasentensiahn si sing
ttlo ka tig sa bilanggan. He was
sentenced to three years imprisonment.
blas, (Sp. vela) Candle, taper, dip. Is ka
blas. One candle. N.B. Compare: Is ka
mtrosone metre; is ka sntosa saint,
etc., the Sp. plural form being often used
for the Visayan singular. (cf. bla, bla,
bils, Brother-in-law, sister-in-law. Unlike
bayw, the term bils is strictly
confined to the husbands and wives (not
otherwise related to each other) of two (or
more) sisters or brothers respectively. (cf.
birs; bayw).
bilt, Vulva; the genitals of a woman. (cf.
pokk, pklo, puty, py).
bilag, A kind of shell-fish. (cf.
blay, A screen, partition, curtain; shelter.
(cf. bimbo, kmbung, kansl).
blbig, To notch, nick, to strike or break
off a piece, as of crockery, glass-ware, etc.
Nabilbign ang klon. The cooking pot had
a piece broken off. Bilbig ang pnta sang
aws. Strike off the point of the awis-shell.
Bilbig ang binlbig. Break the potsherd.
(cf. bnting, pngas).
blbil, See berbri.
bilbiln, See berberhon.
bil, Price, cost, worth, charge; to be worth,
cost, be the price of. Pil ang bil sin? How
much is this? Nagabil sing duh ka psos.
It costs two pesos. Pil ang pagpabil mo
sin? How much do you charge for this?
Pabilih si sing ttlo ka salap sinng
kl. Charge him (Have him charged) one
peso and fifty centavos for that hat.
Pinabilihn ak nla sing tm. They
overcharged me. Bilihn mo kon pil ang
gsto mo nga ibyad sin. Name the price
you would be willing to pay for that. Ang
humy nga sdto nagabil sing mamsos
ang psong nagabil karn sing pat ka
psos. The rice that formerly cost one peso


Visayan-English Dictionary
a bushel now costs four pesos.
Nagabalgy kam sa kubs kag pt-ud
nga bil, pang tmbing ang byad. We
sell at a cheap and fixed price, but on a cash
basis. (cf. kabilihnan).
biliko, (Sp. bellaco) A jester, joker,
clown, buffoon. (cf. trso, alakyo,
bilbid, bilibd, The Bilibid-Prison in
Manila. Also used as a verb. Bilibid si.
Send him to Bilibid. Ind mo pagbuhton
in, kay mapabilbid ikw kon madakp
ka. Dont do that for if you are caught, you
will be put in Bilibid.
bilbiton, A kind of tree. (bulibiton id.).
bilbod, To sprinkle, strew, scatter, as
grain, flowers or the like. Bilibri (di)
ang mank sing humy. Scatter some ricegrains to the chickens. Ibilbod sa mung
ang is ka pdyot nga mas. Scatter a little
corn for the hen. Binilibran nla ang
larwan sang Mahl nga Brhen sing
madm nga mga blak. They strewed the
statue of the Blessed Virgin with many
flowers. (cf. bbod, sbwag, warwag,
sbud, sb-og).
bild, To look at something held in the
hand, to handle, examine, inspect.
Nakabilid ak sang bg-o nga hnero nga
kko sa tinda kag sa kon bnt dl
mayo nga klse sang hnero ydto. I
inspected the new white cloth in the shop
and according to my opinion it is not a
good kind of cloth. Bdla in kon yon mo.
Look at this and see, whether you like it.
Bdli ak sang mga patdyong nga
ginabalgy ko, kay bs may mauynan
ka. Examine the skirts I keep for sale,
perhaps there are some to your liking. (cf.
mtad, sulng, mullong, tn-aw, tluk).
bildhon, Worth inspecting, precious,
dear, costly, expensive; high-priced. (cf.
mahl, haml).
bildlan, Place where something is seen or
viewed, etc.; table, list, roll, catalogue,
synopsis. (cf. bild).
bildlon, That is to be seen or viewed;
worth while seeing, remarkable,
noteworthy, notable, noticeable. (cf.
biligsan, That is to betaken hold of,
handled roughly,treated rudely,taken to
task, etc. (cf. bgs).
bilihagn, One who is to be or should be
captured; one who is an easy prey to. (cf.
blik, (H) To twist or double threads,
especially threads of different colour. Bilka
ang bunng nga maput kag mapul.
Twist the white and the red yarn together.
Bilki ak sing bunng nga maput kag
maitm nga hsto sa is ka by. Double
white and black yarn sufficient for a jacket
for me. Binlik nga by. A jacket made of
doubled threads in various colours. (brik

biln, (H) The rest, remainder, remains,

remnant, what is left over or behind; to be
left over etc. Pil ang ginbyad mo sinng
biln nga hnero? How much did you pay
for this remnant of cloth? Ang gi kag biln
sang mga sal. The traces and remains of
sin. Pil ka psong ang nagakabiln pa
ddto? How many bushels are left there
still? Am na lang in ang nabiln? Is this
all that is left? (cf. saln, tur).
blin, Order, command, commission,
injunction; to order, enjoin, command, give
an order to, direct, dispose, rule; pablin
to remain; stay, be left behind. An ang
blin mo? What is (was) your order? May
igablin ikw sa Ilng-long? Have you an
order for Iloilo? Bnli (for bilni) ang mo
tud nga padlhan nya ak sing is ka
pres nga mayo nga saptos. Order your
brother to send me a pair of good boots.
Magpablin ka sa baly. Stay (remain) at
home. Mapablin ikw sa baly? Are you
remaining at home? Shall you stop at
home? Ginpablin si sa baly ni nnay.
Mother left him at home or told him to stop
at home. Ipablin si sa baly. See to it
that he stops at home. (cf. tgon, sg,
sl, biln).
bilng, (H) A sharp sudden pain, a stitch;
to have or suffer a stitch. Nagabilng ang
klid ko. I have a stitch in the side.
Nabilingn ang kon batis or nabilingn
ak sa kon batis. I have a cramp in the
calf of my leg. (birng id.).
bilinhin, bilinhon, (H) To be kept or
reserved as seed-grain. (bnh).
bilinldan, (H) A receptacle for the
particles of rice called bnlud.
bilitayn, (H) Gallows, gibbet, anything
used for hanging up things. (cf. btay).
bilitayn, (H) A person or thing that is to
be or should be hung up or hanged.
blo, Veil. See blo.
blog, Line, wire, string, rope, for drying
clothes upon. Ihaly sa blog ang kon
by nga humg sa blhas. Hang on the
line my jacket that is wet with perspiration.
(cf. salablyan, ps, almbre).
blog, One piece or article, a whole,
particularly applied to things that are
roundish or cubical. (cf. bto, bo, bok).
bilg, Whole, entire, complete, integral,
full, all together, no part missing; solid, not
hollow; to make or form a whole, etc.
Lwas kag kalg am ang nagabilg sa
to. Body and soul form the whole man.
Ginkabilogn sang mga pumuly ang la
nga pndut. The inhabitants were all
united for the celebration of their feast.
Bilogn mo ang tsokolte, dl mo
pagtabliyahn. Make the chocolate up in
roundish lumps, not in tablets or slabs.
Ibilg ak nay sinng senslyo ko nga
salap. Kindly give me a salap for these
fifty centavos. Ginkabilogn nla ang am
nga sult. They wrote that letter in
commonorthey all agreed to despatch

Visayan-English Dictionary
that letter. Nagbilg ang duh nla ka
tagiposon. Their two hearts were as one.
Ginhatgan nya ak sing is ka ph nga
bilg. He gave me a whole mango. (i.e. not
only part of it).
bilg-bilg, Dim. of bilg. Also: lumpy,
clumpy, full of small knots or clusters; to
form small lumps, etc. Nagabilgbilg
inng almidn. This starch is lumpy.
bilogn, Cane, cudgel, rod, stick
especially a stick of rattan.
bilng-bilng, A kind of small, flat fish
much liked for food.
blos, (Perhaps from the Sp. velo, velero)
A small sailing boat. Ind ka magsaky sa
is ka blos. Dont embark in a small
blwa, To sprain, dislocate, put out of
joint. Nablwa ang ya nga til. His foot
was sprained. D mo pagbilwahn ang ya
abga. Do not dislocate his shoulder. Ind
ka magmbak dir, kay matas kag bs
mablwa ang mo pa. Dont jump down
there, for it is deep and you might sprain
your leg. (cf. slp).
bilyko, See bilikoa jester, etc.
bilyansko, (Sp. Villancico) Christmas
carol. (cf. dagon).
bilyr, blyar, (Sp. billar) Game of
billiards; billiard table; to play billiards.
binabye, Effeminate, female-like,
especially applied to a cock with the habits
of a hen. (cf. babye, binabay).
binabay, Pertaining to, fit for,
proper for, women; womanly, feminine,
woman-like. By nga binabay. A waist,
bodice, womans shirt. (cf. inng-nang,
binabylan, Superstitious, credulous,
pertaining to practices and observances of
those that believe in wizards, sorcerers,
conjurors, etc. Binabylan nga batsan.
Superstitious practices or observances.
binboy, Piggish, swinish, hoggish, after
the manner of swine. (cf. bboy).
binagy-bgay, Tuned; harmonious; to
tune, harmonize, arrange harmoniously; to
reconcile contradictions, bring about peace
and friendship, restore order. (cf. bgay,
bing-bnag, To consider, ponder,
balance; to apportion, arrange well. Bingbingon mo ang mo hunhn sa ttlo ka
bhin. Consider well three points. (cf.
painno, hunhn, bas-bso,
paliblbo, panmdum; bahnbhin).
bingtong, (H) A parcel, package,
bundle, anything wrapped up in an apron,
skirt, blanket, etc. (cf. bgtong, pinuts).
binaklany, Buying, commerce,
business; to buy, etc. (cf. bakl).
binakl, Anything (especially chicken)
cooked or stewed inside a joint of bamboo.
(cf. bakl).

bilg-bilg bnda
binkol, Beaten, whipped, flogged. (cf.
binalangkan, (B) Cut in two, halved,
split asunder, cloven. Binalangkan nga
nig (lub). A coconut split open. Split
coconut husks. (cf. balngk, binalk-an).
binalangkan, Place where something is
split; crack, split, fissure. (cf.
binalntak, Wickerwork with weavers
that pass alternately over two spokes and
under two spokes. (balntak).
binalatng, A variety of bananas.
binalybay, Parable, similitude; poem,
poetry; to use poetical language. Hmbal
nga binalybay. A figure of speech.
Poetical expression. Pagsermn nga
binalybay. Preaching in the form of
parables. Ang mga binalybay nga sinult
ni Fulno matahm. The poems written by
N.N. are beautiful. Mabtik si
magbinalybay. He is an adept in the use
of poetical language (whether spoken or
written). (cf. balybay).
binalighotn, Bound up in a knot, said
particularly of a handkerchief or the like
with knots for holding money or other
small articles. Nadl ang ya pnyo nga
binalighotn sing ttlo ka mngmang. She
lost her handkerchief with three pesos tied
up in it. (cf. balighot, binugksan,
binaligyay, Selling, dealing, commerce.
Ang binaklany (pag binaklany) kag
binaligyay (pagbinaligyay). Buying and
selling. (cf. balgy).
binalnas, Water in which rice has been
washed. (cf. balnas, balinnas).
binalk-an, Cut open, split in two; one
half of an empty coconut shell together
with its husk; coconut husks. (cf. buk,
binalnd, Bewitched, transformed,
changed by a spell into something else. (cf.
binang, (B) Mate, helper, assistant. (cf.
kabay, blig, kablig, katmbang).
binangg-bngig, To altercate, quarrel,
bandy words cf. bngig, say).
binngon, The Philippine long knife
carried in a scabbard on the hip by
workmen. The scabbard or case is called
tagb (cf. blo, pint, sintong,
sandk, ginnting, talibng, klis,
sndang, utk).
binngto, A full grain; a piece or whole of
something cubical in shape; full roast
maize-grains that have not burst in the
process of roasting. Malyag ka magdom
sang binngto? Do you like to eat (chew)
roast corn? (cf. binlog, binntuk).
binnhaw, Raised to life, raised up. (cf.
binntuk, A grain; a piece or whole of
something roundish or cubical in shape.
(cf. binlog, binngto, binto, iys, uys).

binarta, A full bar; in bars, by the bar.

Nakabakl ak sing habn nga binarta. I
bought some soap in bars. (barta).
binryo, Rural, village-like; by villages.
Batsan nga binryo. Village customs.
Rural manners. (cf. bryo).
binryo, (Sp. binario) Binary, double,
consisting of two parts; in music: 2/4 time.
binaslany, Reciprocity, mutuality; to
reciprocate, do mutually. (cf. blus).
binstos, Rough, uncouth, unpolite,
impolite, uncivil, unmannered, coarse,
uncultured; mean, low, immodest,
indecent, foul, obscene. Binstos nga
hmbal, panguls, pangabdlay, etc.
Unpolite talk, a very ordinary or inferior
way of dressing, rough work, etc. Ang
binstos nya nga batsan. His rude
manners. Binstos gid ang ya nga
ginngsal. He used very foul language. (cf.
bstos, manl, barbal; damk, sprat,
mahgk, malway).
bint, Children, offspring, progeny,
family, descendants; childish, infantile,
puerile, kiddish, babyish, pertaining to
childhood, silly. (cf. bt, inank,
inalabab; pnayan, uliann, ayopka,
alogad, tstso, urumnon, etc.).
binatasn, Custom, manner, usage,
demeanour, behaviour. (bats; cf. batsan,
pamatsan, kinaanran, kinabatsan,
binatasn, To accustom oneself to,
acquire the habit of, become familiar with.
Gintudlon nya si sa pagbinatasn sa
pagtawg sa ya nga ily. She taught him
(to accustom himself) to call her mother.
(cf. batsan).
binat-bt, News, information, hearsay,
report, rumour, advice, word. Wal sil
sing binatbt kon sa din si karn. They
have no word as to his present
whereabouts. (cf. bat).
binto, A complete or full piece, grain,
etc.; in full roundish pieces, by the piece.
(bto; cf. binlog, binngto, etc.).
binatbat, Small stones, pearls, beads
or the like. (cf. bat, batbat).
binayary, Payment, paying, settling of
debts, squaring of accounts, etc. (cf.
bn-bin, To neglect, pay no attention to,
become estranged from, disregard,
abandon, take no account of. Ginabnbin
nya ang ya mga mank. She neglects her
stepchildren. Ind mo pagbinbinn ang
mo mga parinte. Dont become estranged
from your relatives. (cf. plhi, skway,
pahmak, ahgahg, paby).
bnda, (Sp. venda) Bandage; to bandage,
bind up. Bindah ang pils. Bind up the
wound. Ginbindahn nla ang ya hubg
sa btkon. They bandaged the ulcer on his
arm. Ibnda inng bhin sang hnero sa
ya nga pils sa pa. Use this piece of cloth
to bind up the wound on his leg. Ibnda ak


bindonggda binog
nay sang kon kamt. Kindly bandage
my hand. (cf. higt, bgkis).
bindonggda, Tripe.
bindnggo, The paunch, the stomach of
cattle. (cf. bingwang).
binras, (Sp. vinajera) Wine and watercruets as used at Holy Mass; a vial or small
bottle for holding wine, etc.
bing, The tiny stalk by which grain is
fastened to the ear.
bingahn, Pertaining to or mixed with
bing. Wal ak makakon, kay bingahn
ang kn-on. I could not eat, for the rice was
full of bing.
bngat, To unfold, open, stretch asunder.
Bingta ang bibg, bb, blsa, etc. Open
the lips, mouth, purse, etc. Ibngat ak
nay sang bb sang masakt nga bt,
kay itl-og ko sa ya inng lingaw. Kindly
open the sick boys mouth, for I am going
to feed him with this rice-porridge.
Nabingtan ak sang kon blsa. Sn-o
ang nagbngat? My purse has been opened
by somebody. Who opened it? (cf. bkat).
bingw, Jagged, nicked, notched,
indented, having one or more teeth
missing; wanting, lacking, one or more
teeth. (cf. pings).
bngaw, To jag, notch, nick, indent, knock
or draw out a tooth and the like.
Ginbngaw sang amy ang ngpon sang
ya ank. The father pulled out his sons
tooth. Mabngaw ang lagr kon maggi
sa is ka bat. The saw will have teeth
broken off, if it passes over a stone.
Bingwi si sing is ka ngpon. Deprive
him of a tooth. Bingwa ang ya nga
ngpon. Draw his tooth. (cf. pngas, blbig).
bingawn, Notched, jagged, nicked,
having one or more teeth missing. (cf.
binggr, (Sp. vengar) To challenge,
provoke. (N.B. Scarcely, if ever, has this
term the Spanish meaning of avenging,
taking revenge). Binggah si Fulno.
Challenge N.N. Ginbinggr nya ak. He
provoked or challenged me. Sgad
(nagasgad) si paminggr. He is always
ready to throw out a challenge. Hpus ka
lang; nd ka magbinggr sa ya. Be quiet
now; dont provoke him. (cf. kyat).
bnggid, To disagree, separate, fall out,
quarrel, fight. (cf. bngig, say, simng,
sipk, sbag, way, bulg, sl-ag).
bnggis, To bind, tie, lash, fasten, fetter.
(cf. bgkos, lgos, higt, bgkis, bngot,
ngot, angt, gos, balghot, bal).
bnggit, Stye (in the eye). (cf. bntug).
bnghal, A snarl, growl; to snarl, growl, as
a dog: to bark at. Figuratively: Bininghaln
ak nya. He shouted (barked) at me. (cf.
snggit, tghol, lhay).
bingg, Out of the vertical line, out of the
perpendicular, not quite straight, sloping,
slanting, leaning, slightly inclined; to slope,


Visayan-English Dictionary
lean, slant, rake, incline. (cf. balingg,
bingt, Crying easily, cry-baby, peevish,
cross, fretful, over-sensitive, emotional,
especially said of children that fret and cry
without apparent reason. (cf. mog,
bngka, See bibngka, bibnka id.
bngka, Edge, rim, border, bank. (cf.
bgki, gding, bnka, bint).
bngkal, To break in a door, etc., to force
an entrance. Bingkal ang ganhan. Break
in the door. Bingkal sil sing is ka
purta. Force open one door for them.
Ibngkal ak nay sinng purta, kay
nawd-an ak sang lybi. Kindly burst
open this door for me as I have lost the key.
(cf. bngkal).
bngkas, To fray, fret, chafe, become
loose and torn. Nagakabngkas ang mga
ninaht sinng hener. The threads of this
cloth are getting loose and broken. (cf.
bngkit, See bnkit.
bngkol, A knob, protuberance; the hipbone prominent in a horse, ass, etc. (cf.
bokl, pskil).
bngkong, To warp, twist out of shape.
(cf. bigng).
bnh, Seed, seed-grain; any small hard
particle, as of sand, salt, sugar, etc. Also
verb. Binhin ko gid inng humy. I am
going to preserve this rice as seed-grain.
(cf. lso; bilinhon, iys, uys, binngto,
binntuk, binto).
bnhod, Numbness, pins and needles, loss
of feeling; to be benumbed, have pins and
needles. Nagabnhod ang batis, btkon
ko, etc. My calf, arm, etc. is benumbed.
Nabinhorn (odn) ak sang kon pa. I
lost all feeling in my leg.
bin-ak, Split, etc. See bin-al id.
binil, (Sp. venial) Venial, easily
pardoned, pardonable, excusable, light,
small (of sins or faults), (cf.
binal, Split, cloven. Binal nga khoy,
kawyan, etc. Split wood, bamboo, etc.
binklan, (B) A splinter, a piece of split
wood or bamboo. (cf. banklan, banslak).
binilngg, Prisoner, convict, inmate of
a prison, one who is serving his time. (cf.
prso, bilngg, bilanggan).
binilasyn, Pertaining to a wake, fit or
proper for a wake. Puls gid lang
binilasyn ang mo kalanthon. All your
songs are only fit for a wake. (cf. belasyn,
binlog, Full, complete, a whole piece of
any roundish or massy body. (blog; cf.
bins-ak, Split, cloven, parted. (cf. binak,
binal, bs-ak).

binisay, Visayan, pertaining to the

Visayan language, customs, manners of life,
etc. (bisay).
bint, (B) Edge, rim, border, margin side,
corner, any place away from the centre or
middle. Pabintto put or place on or go to
the edge of, etc. Mapabint lang kam. Just
place yourselves at the outer edge. Sa bint
sang baly, sub, dlan, etc. At the side of
the house, river, road, etc. Pabinit
(pabnti) ang hnero sing tah. Sew the
cloth at the edge or selvedge. Pabnta
(pabinit) ang sya. Put the chair to the
side of the room near the wall, away from
the centre, etc. according to the context. (cf.
bb, bgki; higd, hilt).
bnka, See bngka.
bnkit, To tie, fasten, secure, bind
together; to gather, collect. Nagabnkit sil
sang la mga bt. They are gathering their
children together. Nagbnkit (nagbilnkit)
sil sang la mga pinamakl. They
collected and bound together the things
they had bought. (cf. tpon; bgkos).
bnlan, bnli, etc. From blinto
enjoin, etc.
bnlud, Small particles of hulled rice. Ind
masal-otn sing bnlud ang il sugilnon.
One cannot put in a tiny particle of rice,
when they converse together i.e. they
chatter so much and so quickly, that one
has no chance to put in a word. (cf.
bin, To stew inside a closed receptacle
surrounded by water in such a way, that no
water comes in contact with what is being
stewed. Binoh lang ang paglt sang
mank. Stew the chicken. (cf. bakl with
the difference that in bakl water comes in
contact with what is being stewed).
bno, (Sp. vino) Wine, brandy, cognac,
whiskey, gin, spirits in general; hence it is
often necessary to ask, what kind of bno
is meant. (cf. lak).
binobokn, The empty shell of an egg,
snail, mussel, etc. (cf. alokab, olokab).
bindo, (B) Salted, pickled, put into
brine, salt. Bindo nga sd, ph, etc. Salt
fish, mangoes, etc. (cf. binro, bdo).
binkbok, Ground, crushed, pulverized,
powdered, mashed. Binkbok nga bugs,
kamti, mas, etc. Ground rice, mashed
sweet potatoes, crushed corn, etc. (cf.
binkot, Shut up, inclosed, confined,
segregated; living in a religious community
secluded from the outer world. (cf. bkot).
binolnbon, Wound on a spool; by the
spool; a spool, reel, bobbin. Binolnbon
nga bunng. A spool of yarn. Yarn by the
spool. (cf. bolnbon, polndan).
binog, (B) Roasted, baked, at a fire
or over live coals. Binog nga mas, sd,
kamti, etc. Popped corn (pop-corn),
bakedfish,sweet potatoes. (cf. bog,
inhaw, singba).

Visayan-English Dictionary
binro, (H) See bindo.
bint, To strike the ground or floor with a
pointed instrument, as with the point of a
stick, dibble, pole or the like. Sang
pagbint ko sang tagd nag ang kon
til kag naplas. When I thrust down the
dibble my foot was hit and wounded. Ibint
mo ang tagd sa dt. Dig the dibble into
the ground. Binot sang bastn mo inng
bh. Poke your stick into this hole.
Bininotn nya ang hal sang ya bra. He
stuck the point of his crowbar into the
bnsol, The sharp spines on the back of a
pgi-fish (thornback).
bnta, (Sp. vinta) A small boat,
particularly used by the Moros of
Mindanao for fishing, commerce or even
piratical excursions.
bnta, (Sp. venta) Sale, selling; roadside
inn, hostel. (cf. pamaligyon;
bnta, (Sp. venta) An easy score, easy to
get or hit (in billiards and the like).
bntan, From bintedge, border, etc.
bntay, A fishing net of moderate size,
larger than a lya and smaller than a
tsintsro. Pagpamntayto catch fish
with the bntay-net. (cf. pkot, sngya).
bntay, A long ear-ring.
bntig, To break, twist, knock,
snap, off a piece or the extreme point of a
thing. Bintig nay ang bagngon kag
ugling supsupn. First break off the end
of the shell of the bagngon-snail and then
suck it out.
bnting, Heddle, heald (of a weaving
bintiry, (Probably from the Sp.
aventurero) Adventurer; youth, bachelor,
love-swain, knight-errant.
bntol, A small portable trap for catching
crabs, shrimps, etc. (cf. pamntol).
bintsa, (Sp. ventosa) Cupping-glass; to
cup, apply a cupping-glass. Bintoshi ang
ya likd. Apply a cupping-glass to his
back. (cf. tndok).
binang, Foolish, absurd, idiotic,
imbecile, fatuous, drivelling, weak-minded,
feeble-minded, soft, crazy, stupid, addlepated; after the manner of fools, like a fool.
(cf. bang, linko, tinnto).
bindngan, Texture, textile, home-spun,
fabric, cloth woven from spun threads. (cf.
blung, brung).
bingkos, Bundled together, in a bundle,
parcel, bale, batch, lot, pack, set, by the
bundle, packet, package, parcel, fagot, etc.
Bingkos nga khoy. A fagot (faggot) of
firewood. Nakabakl ak sing tabk,
lnot, etc. nga bingkos. I bought some
tobacco, hemp, etc. in bundles or by the
bundle. (bgkos).
binugkosn, Bundle, package, parcel;
bundled up, tied together, made up in a

binro bir
bundle; knot; place where something is
tied. (cf. binalighotn, bgkos).
bingwang, The stomach of cattle,
horses, sheep, goats and the like; the
bingway, A tress, tuft, lock, small knot,
clump or bunch of flexible things, as hair,
thread, strings, etc.; protruding, projecting,
coming forth, sticking out, hanging out.
Ginbklan mo bal ak sing bunng nga
bingway? Have you bought some skeins
(small hanks) of yarn for me? Binun si
kag bingway ang ya mga tini. He was
stabbed and his bowels protruded. (cf.
binuhah, To spend lavishly, to
squander, waste, be a spendthrift. (cf.
binhat, A work, a creation, creature,
somethingdone,made, handiwork,
production, product, fabric, performance.
(cf. bhat).
binuhtan, Work occupation, doings,
deeds, acts, performance. (cf. bhat,
binukdnon, Pertaining to mountaineers,
totheir speech,their customs,their
manner of living, etc.; rude, boorish,
uncultured, uncultivated, rough, uncouth,
clownish; a yokel, bumpkin, clown, country
lout. (cf. bkid, bukdnon).
binuld, Spread, dried (in the sun); sundried fish. (cf. ug, lamay, balingn).
binlan, In, by, the month, monthly;
monthly wages or salary. Pil ang binlan
mo? What is your monthly salary? (cf.
blan, bulnblan).
binlig, A full bunch of bananas, in
bunches, by the bunch. Magbakl ka sing
sging nga binlig. Buy some bananas by
the bunch. (blig).
binuligy. To assist or help one another.
Magbinuligy kam. Help each other.
binlung, (H) What has been spun,
thread, yarn, silk, cotton, twist. (blung).
binuls, A whole piece, roll, bale, suit or
the like; by the bale, roll, etc. Wal sil
pagbalgy, knd sa binuls gid. They
dont sell anything, except by the whole
piece, roll, etc. (buls).
binunlan, One that has been whipped.
Ang id nga binunlan nalgyo. The dog
that was whipped ran away. (bnal).
binnga, Fruit, result, outcome, issue,
upshot, consequence, end, culmination,
consummation. (cf. bnga).
binunygan, Christian or baptismal
name; a Christian, one that has been
baptized or christened. Sn-o ang
binunygan mo? What is your baptismal
name? (cf. bnyag, bulunygan).
binurigl, binurgal, Noisy, rowdy,
boisterous; to be noisy, etc. Nagabinurigl
sil. They are rowdy, boisterous. (burigl).

binuslany, Alternation, performance by

turns, succession by turns; to alternate,
interchange, do one after another or turn
and turn about. (cf. buls, bulsblus).
biolta, (Sp. violeta) The violet; violet
bioln, (Sp. violn) Violin. Ang bioln
ginagolt ukn ginarabl sang rko. The
violin is played by a bow pushed and pulled
to and fro.
biolinsta, (Sp. violinista) Violinist;
bimbo, Screen. (cf. kansl, palipd,
bir, (Sp. virar) To wind, turn, twist, open
or close with some force, applied to screwnuts, hinges, etc.; to tack, veer, wear, put
about, said of ships. Birah ang bisgra
nga kipt. Pry (prize) open the closed
hinge. Ginbir nla sang biradr ang lo
sang dirskas nga dan. They turned the
screw-nut of the old screw with the
monkey-wrench. Birah ang lyag. Shift
the sail. Birah ang dawdwan. Crank the
engine (by hand). (cf. wrik, wlik, lbag,
bir-bra, Dim. and Freq. of bir
bir-br, The fine, thin ligaments in
animal organisms. (cf. lantlnittendon,
biradnde, (Sp. redondo) A small round
biradr, A screw-wrench, screw-key,
monkey-wrench, spanner. (cf. bir).
birho. (B) See bilhothe spike of
sugar-cane, etc.
birkra, To sit or lie down with legs
drawn up and spread far apart. Ind ka
magbirkra. Dont sit (lie) down with your
legs drawn up and spread far apart. (cf.
bk, bk).
brang, A kind of Philippine gauze. See
birs, Brother-in-law, sister-in-law. See
bils. (cf. bayw).
birw, A kind of shrub that yields an
acidulous fruit.
bray, A regatta; to celebrate a regatta.
Nagabray sil sa pagpadungg sang
pista ni San Hun Bautsta. They are
holding a regatta in honour of the feast of
Saint John the Baptist. (Probably from the
Sp. virar).
birg-brg, To refuse apparently or
merely outwardly, to hide ones real liking
for something, etc. See bisybsyo, ind-nd, birbr, ist-sti id. Nagbirgbrg ka,
ug-i naglsti ka man sinng dlse. You
refused to take that sweetmeat, yet you
really wanted it very much.
birg-ri, birgori, A kind of Philippine
brhen, (Sp. virgen) Virgin. Ang Mahl
nga Brhen. The Blessed Virgin. (cf. lay).
bir, A kind of plant similar to the takins;
also: a species of wild fig.


biribke btay
biribke, (Sp. berbique) A carpenters
brace, a wimble, augur, gimlet.
brik, To twist, etc. See blik.
birl, (Sp. viril) Monstrance.
birna, (Philippine Sp. virina) A small
candlestick, socket, or receptacle for a
candle, especially for candles around
sacred images; globe, glass shade for
candles. (cf. gwardabrsa).
birng, See bilng id.
bro, Lamp-soot, lamp-black. Also used as
a verb. Nabirhan ang tbo sang knke.
The lamp-chimney got black with soot. (cf.
agy, agu).
bir-br, To joke, jest, talk or act
playfully; to refuse or decline apparently, to
simulate a dislike or aversion. (cf.
tiwtaw, lahglhog, org-org;
bisybsyo, birgbrg, ind-nd).
birtd, (Sp. virtud) Virtue.
bis, (Sp. vez) Time, times; now and then,
occasionally. May bis kag may bis
. At one time , at another time .
Is ka bs. Once. Duh ka bis (bsis). Twice.
(cf. bsis id.).
bis, (Sp. besar) To kiss (the hand); a kiss.
Bisah ang ya nga kamt. Kiss his hand.
(cf. bsa id.; N B. Bis and bsa are mostly
used for kissing the hand, halk for kissing
the face, etc.).
bisgra, (Sp. bisagra) Hinge, butt.
bs-ak, To cleave, split. Bis-ak ang
khoy. Split the wood. Bis-ak ak sing
gatng. Split some firewood for me. Ibs-ak
ak nay sinng khoy. Kindly split this
wood for me. (cf. bal, etc.)
bisn, Though, although, even though,
even if, notwithstanding. Ind na si
makatuln bisn lingaw lang. He cannot
swallow any more, even rice-porridge.
Matmad si magbra bisn mahl ang
shol. He is too lazy to work, even if wages
are high. Bisn si sn-oorkon si sn-o
nga to. Any man, whoever he be. Hnd
si magkon sing bisn kon an lang. He
is ready to eat anything. Bisn daw an
man . Whatever . However (great,
small, etc.) . (cf. mskin).
Bisay, Visayan, a native of the Visayan
Islands. Ang mga Bisay. The Visayans,
the Visayan people. (cf. Bisy id.).
bsbol, Baseball.
bisiklta, (Sp. bicicleta) Bicycle, bike.
bsio, (Sp. vicio) Vice; vicious, naughty,
unruly, disobedient, defective, out of order.
(cf. bsyo id.).
bisi-bsio, Dim. of bsio. (cf.
bisihan, Naughty, vicious, unruly,
difficult to manage. (cf. bisyhan id.).
bsis, (Sp. vez, veces) See bis. Napl ka
bsis. Ten times. May bsis nga mathag
ang ya hmbal kag may bsis nga nd si
makatsngaw. At times he talks quite
distinctly, and at times he cannot
pronounce (say) a word. (cf. maka).


Visayan-English Dictionary
bista, (Sp. visita) A visitor, guest: to visit,
pay a visit, call upon, go to see, examine,
inspect. Madm ang mga bista sa baly
karn. There are many visitors in the house
at present. Bisithi si ty mo. Visit your
uncle. Nabisithan nya ang masakt nga
bt. He paid a visit to the sick boy.
Bisithi (bisthi) ang humy kon madm
ang mga mya. Go and inspect the ricefield to see whether there are many mayabirds there. Pabisithi (pabisthi) si sa
mdiko. Let a doctor examine him. (cf.
daw, bsta).
bisto, (Sp. besito) A little kiss; a kiss on
the mouth or face; to give a kiss on the
mouth or face. Bisithi si or hatgi si
sing bisto. Kiss his face or mouth. Give
him a kiss. (cf. halk, bis).
bisktso, (Sp. biscocho) Biscuit, biscuitlike bread, rusk.
bskwit, Biscuit.
bslak, To cleave, split; a piece of split
wood or bamboo, etc. (cf. bs-ak, banslak,
bslug, A depression, shallow hole, lowest
part of a rice-field, etc. (cf. nalupyakn,
alimpsong, libang).
bs, Lid, cover, especially an earthen lid
for a pot or jar; to cover with a lid. Butang
sing bs ang klon or bisi ang klon. Put
a lid on the cooking-pot. Ibs in sa bang.
Put this as a lid on the water-jar. (cf. lon,
tklub, takp).
bs, Plate, dish. (cf. pnggan).
bispers, (Sp. vsperas) Vespers; eve (of a
feast). (cf. tughapn).
bsta, (Sp. vista) Eye-sight, sight, vision,
view, scene, vista, landscape, panorama;
the trial or hearing of a case in court,
appearance of the parties in court; to
examine, investigate, view, see, inspect.
LargabstaLong-sightedness. (Sp.
cortavista, largavista). (cf. bista; kt, tnaw; uss, panguss).
bste, (Sp. viste) Clothes, garments,
wearing apparel, robes; to wear clothes, etc.
Nagabste si sing mahl nga mga
panpton. She is wearing costly apparel.
Ind ka magbste nga sbung sang is ka
prnsipe. Dont dress yourself up like a
prince. Ginbistehn nya ang larwan
sang Mahl nga Brhen. She robed the
statue of the Blessed Virgin. Pabisteh si.
Provide him with clothes. Clothe him or
her. (cf. uls, panpton, nag).
bistdo, (Sp. vestido) Well dressed, well
groomed, wearing a new or fresh suit of
clothes; short clothes, a frock for a girl.
Bestdo si gid. He is well dressed, indeed!
Nagabistdo pa si. She is still wearing
short clothes or girls frocks. Ang bistdo
ngay sa mga bt. Short dresses are for
young girls.

Bisy, Visayan. Bisy man si. He is also

a Visayan. He is also a native of the Visayan
Islands. (cf. Bisay id.).
bisy, A kind of rice. (cf. arabn).
bsyo, (Sp. vicio) Vice, bad manners, evil
conduct, naughtiness; to be vicious,
naughty, bad, wicked; to refuse, be
disobedient, be out of order (of machines
etc.). Wal si sing mga bsyo. He has no
vices. Ind ka magbsyo kon sogon. Dont
be disobedient when you are ordered to do
something. Nagabsyo si kon kais. Now
and then he is naughty, stubborn.
Ginbisyohn nya ang pagkon. He was
naughty at mealtime. He disturbed the
meal by his bad manners, by quarrelling or
the like. (cf. bsio id.).
bisy-bsyo, Dim. of bsyo. Also: To
refuse pettishly a favour or gift, to be
unwilling to do or accept something, to
behave petulantly, peevishly. (cf. birbr,
indnd, birgbrg, bisibsio).
bisyhan, Vicious, naughty, petulant,
peevish, pettish, fretful, bad, of evil
customs or habits. Bisyhan nga bt. A
naughty boy, a wilful child, a bad girl. (cf.
bit, A tree belonging to the cinchona
family and yielding quinine. The roots and
bark are often boiled, and the resulting
bitter liquid is taken as a febrifuge and
btad, To open, unfold, spread out. Bitra
(da) ang lbro. Open the book. Bitri
ak sinng lbro. Open this book for me.
(cf. blad, htad, hmlad).
bitna, A kind of fishing-net similar to,
but smaller than, tsintsro. Pamitnato
catch fish with the bitna.
btas, To tear, rend, split or break open,
applied especially to the circumference of
apertures. Nabtas ang ilng sang
karabw. The ropehole in the buffalos
nose tore through. Ind mo pagbitson ang
bh sang dgum. Dont break the eye of
the needle. Nabitsan ang dalnggan nya
sang artos. Her ear was split by the earring tearing through. (cf. tud, bgras,
bits, Mutilated, injured by having
something rent or broken off; fissure, rent,
mutilation. Ang karabw nga may bits
ginatawg nga bits nga karabw. A
buffalo with a torn nose is called a splitnosed buffalo. (cf. utd).
btay, To hang, suspend, string up. Bitya
ang sging, kahn, etc. Hang up the
bananas, the box, etc. by means of a string.
Ginbityan nla ang khoy sang knding
nga inantan na. They hung up to the tree
the flayed goat. Ibtay ak nay sinng
bakg nga may und nga tinpay. Kindly
hang up for me this basket filled with
bread. Nasentensiahn si sang hukm
nga bityon. He was sentenced by the
judge to be hanged.

Visayan-English Dictionary
bitayn, Gallows, gibbet, etc. See
bilitayn id.
bity-btay, Dim. and Freq. of btay. To
hang up loosely or for a short while, to
hang up and take down repeatedly.
btbit, To carry in ones hand (a handbag
or the like). Bitbit ang pinuts. Carry the
parcel in your hand. Bitbit ak sing duh
ka lta nga salmn kag maglakt kit.
Take along for me in your hand two tins of
salmon and let us go. Ibtbit ak nay sang
kon saptos. Kindly carry my boots in
your hand. (cf. dal).
bt, To feel a burning pain, to smart as
when exposed to great heat, or when eating
anything sharp, hot or pungent, and the
like. Nagabt ang pnit ko. My skin smarts
as if scorched. Ind ka magkon sing
katmbal, kay magabt ang dl mo.
Dont eat chili, for your tongue will smart.
Ginpabt sang piminta ang bibg ko. The
pepper made my lips burn.
bit, A burst grain of roasted corn; a film
on the eye. (cf. but id.).
bt, Clatter, rattle, volley; to rattle, clatter.
(cf. rak, brak).
bitk, Flea.
bitikn, Full of fleas, pertaining to fleas.
btin, To draw, pull, lift, haul, up,
hoist, to snatch with a swift motion. Bitna
ang bt. Lift up the child. Ang bt nga
putt ginabtin sa sg-ang. A stunted child
is lifted by its chin. (A superstitious belief
has it, that in this way the child is made to
grow well). Bitni ak sing is ka bayng.
Draw up for me one bamboo container of
water. Ibtin ak nay sinng bal. Kindly
lift or haul up this box for me. Ginbtin
nya ang sotna nya sang pagtabk nya
sa sub. When he crossed the river he
raised his cassock. (cf. btak, lsa, hkwat;
balking. N.B. hkwat is used more for
lifting heavy loads, btin for light
bitn, A kind of large snake, living mostly
in trees. It swoops down and hauls up its
victim; hence the name. (btin).
bitn-btin, Dim. and Freq. of btin. To
raise slightly, etc. Also: To tuck up,
raise, clothes slightly in order to be able
to walk fast. (cf. balking).
btlag, A piece of split bamboo or wood, a
splinter. (cf. binklan, lipk).
btlig, A film on the eye, cataract. (cf.
bitlign, Filmy, having a film, affected
with a cataract in the eye. (cf. kulpon).
bit-bto, A kind of ear-ring in the form
of a number of small beads or balls
fastened together.
bitg-bitg, See bilgbilglumpy, etc.
btok, An intestinal worm. (cf. btos id.).
bitkon, Pertaining to, afflicted with,
intestinal worms, one that has worms.

bitayn bg-oy
bitla, (Sp. bitola) Measure, model,
sample, muster. (cf. huluran, solkban).
bitn, (Sp. betun) Shoe-blacking, polish;
to shine, polish, black, a shoe, etc.
Biton or biton ang kon mga saptos.
Shine, polish, my shoes. Ibitn ak nay
sang kon mga saptos. Kindly polish my
boots for me. Makahibal ka bal
magbitn? Do you know how to shine
shoes? (cf. limpiabtasa boot-black).
biton, Star, orb, planet.
btos, See btokan intestinal worm.
bitson, See bitkon. (btosbtok).
bits-btso, Small, round, crisp bread, a
small roll of bread.
bitsoky, A sort of roll (of bread) of a
roundish or oblong form.
by, That is given up, left off, abandoned,
deserted, relinquished, got rid of; to leave,
abandon, relinquish. By ko na in nga
pagkon. I have now given up eating such
things. By ko na ang pagbile. I have left
off dancing, given up dancing. Ind mo
pagbiyan ang bt sa baly. Dont leave
the baby at home. (cf. by id.).
biy-biy, Neglected, abandoned, left
alone. Biybiy nga bt. A neglected
child, one not cared for or looked after. (cf.
biy-bya, To carry, bring, to. Din
mo man in biybiyhon? Where are you
taking that to? Ind mo pagbiybiyhon
ang bt sa malay. Dont take the baby
far. (cf. daldla).
biyy, To nurse, rear, bring up. Sang
nawd-an ak sang kon mga giniknan
si am ang nagbiyy sa kon. When I
was bereaved of my parents it was she that
took care of me. Ang bt nga lo
ginbiyayan sang ya nga t. The orphan
child was reared by its aunt. Ibiyy ak
sinng bt nga wal na sing ily. Kindly
look after this child that has no longer a
bbeda, (Sp. bveda) Vault, arch, ceiling.
(cf. kisam).
bbo, To baptize without ceremonies, to
confer baptism in articulo mortis. Binbo
nga bt. A child baptized in danger of
death. Bobha ang bt. Baptize the child
(in danger of death). Ipabbo mo ang mo
bt nga yr sa katalgman sang
kamatyon sa is ka to nga malam
magbbo. Hand your child that is in
danger of death over to a man who knows
to baptize.
bb, bb, To pour out or over. Ib-b
ang ts, tbig, etc. Pour out the tea, water,
etc. Bobi si sing tbig. Pour water over
him. Ginboban (Ginbbon) nla sing
manit nga tbig ang id nga nakakwat
sang krne. They poured hot water over
the dog that stole the meat.
bbod, To scatter, strew, throw,
grain or the like to chickens, etc. Bobri
(di) ang mank. Scatter some food for

the chickens. Binobran ko ang mank

sing ditay nga humy. I threw a little rice
to the chickens. (bbud id.).
bobd, Chicken-food, anything like grain,
etc. thrown to poultry and the like. (cf.
bubd, bolobd id.).
bbog, A kind of tree growing to a large
size and believed by the superstitious to be
the abode of tumo, bgat, dwndi,
kamkam, etc.
bobohn, Baptismal font; any place
where water is poured out. (bbo).
bobn, Well, water-hole, bathing-hole
near a river. (cf. wang).
bobng, Material used to cover a top, an
edge, rim; to put on the top or end of, to
edge, to rim. Ibobng ang sin sa atp. Put
the corrugated iron on the roof. Bobong
(bobong) ang atp sing sin. Ridge the roof
with galvanized iron. Bobong ang pak
sang kon by. Put an edging round the
cuff of my jacket sleeve. (bubng id.).
bobongn, Ridge, edge, top, rim.
(bobng; bubungn).
bboy, (B) Aunt. (cf. t, ty, dar,
mnding; ling).
bdbod, To bind the rim or edge,
especially of wickerwork, with rattan or
other material. Bodbororbodbor
(od,od) ang bakg. Put a rattan rim
round the top of the carrier-basket.
Ibdbod inng owy sa amkan. Edge the
bamboo mat with this rattan.
bdbod, To get or make salt from seawater by pouring the sea-water over
smooth sand letting it dry and repeating
the process till the sand becomes
thoroughly saturated with salt. This sand is
then collected in a heap; more water is
poured upon it and the outflow, thick with
salt, is poured into bamboo troughs to dry
in the sun. Crystallized salt is the result,
which, scooped out and collected, is then
ready for use or sale. Nagabdbod sil sa
baybyon. They are making salt from seawater on the beach.
bodga, (Sp. bodega) Store-room, warehouse; retail-grocery; hold of a ship. (cf.
bdhon, Full of mucus (of the nose),
running at the nose, snotty (vulgar). (cf.
bdo, To salt, pickle, put in brine. Bodha
ang sd, ph, etc. Pickle the fish, mango,
etc. Ibdo ak nay sinng bgs nga sd.
Kindly pickle this piece of fish for me.
Bodhi ak sing tloy. Salt down some
sardines for me. Bindo (binro)salted
(pickled) fish. (cf. bro, asn, gams).
bg-an, bg-on, etc. From bogto
roast, bake, broil, over live coals.
bg-oy, A childrens game played with
stones or marbles. The one who hits with
his marble those of his opponent scores a
point, but when he misses, the opponent
gets his innings; to play with marbles or


bg-oy blo
stones the bg-oy game. Ang mga bt
nagabg-oy. The boys are playing marbles.
bg-oy, Well matched; to be well
matched, have about equal advantages and
disadvantages, said especially of wrestlers,
boxers and the like. Nagabg-oy ang mga
nagadulmug. The wrestlers are well
bg-oy, A toss-up; to toss up sea-shells,
marbles, stones, coins, etc. at the beginning
of a game to decide who gets the first
bohwi, Whirlwind, cyclone, water-spout,
bohd, Mucus, snivel, snot. Pahri ang
bohd mo. Wipe your nose. Ind mo
pagsnghon, knd pahran mo ang bohd
mo sang pnyo. Dont use your fingers to
remove the mucus from your nose, but
wipe it off with a handkerchief. (cf.
bohk, Hair, tresses. Also used as a verb.
Ind kam mabohk sa sugilnon, kay
dalyon gid lang ang nyo sugilnon nga
waly ntat. One cannot (put in a hair) get
a word in edgeways when you talk together,
for you talk on without interruption or
bohk-bhok, Filaments, down, hairlike threads; awn, beard, especially the
hair-like filaments growing out of the top of
the maize-cob, pubes.
bohokn, Hairy, full of hairs, pubescent.
See bkhon. Wal si magkon sin nga
sd-an, kay bohokn. He did not partake
of that side-dish, because it was full of
hairs. (buhokn id.).
bhos, The tough, leathery sheath at the
bottom of betelnut-branches. (cf. balkaa
similar sheath at the bottom of bamboobranches; sukthe sheath surrounding
the flowerbud of the coconut palm).
bhot, Sultriness, closeness, heat; to be or
become sultry, close, hot, stuffy, stifling.
Nagabhot ang timpo. The weather is
close, sultry, the heat is stifling. Nabohtan
gid ak sang nit. I felt the close heat very
much. (cf. gn-ot).
boikotyo, Boycott: to boycott. (cf.
bokabulryo, (Sp. vocabulario)
Vocabulary, lexicon, dictionary. (cf.
bka de pto, bokpto, bka y
pto, (Sp. boca de pato) A pair of pincers,
nippers, tongs, pliers, (cf. kmpit).
bokdo, (Sp. bocado) A mouthful: the bit
in a horses bridle.
bokl, (Sp. vocal) Oral, vocal, spoken:
voter, member of a governing body or
board; vowel. Ang tersr bokl. The third
member of a Provincial Board. Dagmit
ang katapsan nga bokl. Put the accent
on the last vowel.
bkbok, A borer insect as well as the
wood-dust produced by its action.


Visayan-English Dictionary
bkbok, To crush, powder, grind, mash,
pulverize, comminute, break, bruise,
pound, reduce to fine particles. Bokbok
ang bugs. Powder the hulled rice. Bokbok
ak sing ditay nga mas nga kinokt.
Grind some corn for me. Binkbok nga
baltong. Mashed beans. Ibkbok mo ak
nay sinng dalgdog nga ipamnyos ko.
Kindly crush this dalgdog-fruit for me, as
I wish to rub myself with it. Figuratively:
Natungtng nmon ang dlan nga
mapailnglong kag bokbokn kam sang
uln. We had covered about half the
distance on the road leading to Iloilo, when
we were overtaken by a pelting shower of
rain. (cf. ss, tt, mm, lum, pus).
bkhon, Hairy, mixed with, full of,
hairs,filaments. Bkhon nga tinapay,
kn-on, spas, etc. Bread, rice, soup, etc.
mixed with filaments. (cf. bohk, bohokn).
bklod, A small or low hill, mound,
hillock, elevation, knoll, hummock, (cf.
bakloda large hill; bkida mountain:
bnglida slope).
bokld-bklod A little hilly, uneven,
bumpy, up and down. Bokldbklod inng
dlan, salg, etc. This road, floor, etc. is
uneven, is full of little bumps and hollows.
bklon, Knobby, knotty, bumpy, having
one or more hardbumps,
protuberances,swellings. Ang may bokl
ginatawg nga bklon. That which has a
knob is called knobby. (cf. bokl).
bok, Knot, joint, especially in a bamboo.
bok-bko, Knuckle, ankle, wrist-bone,
knob, boss, stud.
bkod, (B) To take up, grasp, with
ones fingers, to eat with ones fingers. Ang
kn-on ginabkod. Rice is eaten with the
fingers. Ang mga Amerikno nd
makakibal magbkod. The Americans do
not know how to eat with their fingers.
Ibkod lang ang kn-on, kay wal kit
sing kutsra. Simply eat the rice with your
fingers, as we have no spoons. (cf. hngit,
haml, dap, tim).
bokd, (B) A little, as much as one can
take up with his fingers. (cf. hungt, haml,
dapl, tim).
bokg, (H) A small fish-bone; to stick in
the throat, obstruct the throat. Nabokg
ak sang skag sang sd. A fish-bone
stuck in my throat. (cf. skag).
bokg, (H) Vertebra, spine, backbone,
especially in a fish; anything that stiffens or
strengthens. (cf. balskog).
bokg, (B) Width, breadth of cloth, etc.
Inng hnero makitd sing bokg. This
cloth is narrow in width.
bokogn, Full of small bones. (cf.
bokohn, Knobby. (bok: cf. bklon).
bkol, The bud of a flower; a young, small
bokl, Knob, hard protuberance, stud,
boss, bump, hard swelling. (cf. bokbko).

bkon, To fill a narrow space, be enclosed

or shut up within narrow limits, hang or
hover about. Nagabkon ang as sa suld
sang kosna. The smoke fills the whole
kitchen. Nagbkon ang kaugt nya sa
suld sang ya dghan. Anger filled his
breastorhis rage was smothered in his
breast (without exploding). Ind mo
pagpaboknan sing as ang kwrto. Dont
allow the room to be filled with smoke.
Pinaboknan sang kalyo ang baly sing
as. The fire filled the house with smoke.
bokn, (B) No, not, not that, not so, it is
another, it is otherwise. Bokn ti imw ri.
No it is not so. No, not that one. (cf. dl
am in).
bokn-bkon, (B) Improper, wrong,
unbecoming, bad. Boknbkon ang mo
patga. Nagasinutl ka gal? What you did
was wrong. Are you really so wicked?
bokng (B) Wrinkle, crease: to wrinkle,
crease, be uneven, full of creases, wrinkled.
Nagabokng ang apro. The lining is full
of creases. Kaayha ang pagtah sang
kwlyo, agd nd magbokng. Alter the
sewing of the collar, so that it may not
wrinkle. Ind mo pagpabokongn ang
apro sang mo sya. Do not let the lining
of your gown get creased. (cf. kubng,
bkot, To shut up, imprison, confine,
isolate, segregate, lockup,in, pen, coop
up. Bokta ang bboy kag patambokn
mo. Shut up the pig and fatten it. Bokti
ak sing duh ka bboy, kay ihwon ko sa
suld sang duh ka blan. Shut up and
fatten for me two pigs, for I am going to
slaughter them within two months. Mga
mdre nga binkot. Cloistered nuns.
Bokta si sa ya hult nga nd si
makagw. Lock him in his room, so that he
cannot go out. Ginpabkot nla si sa
bilanggan. They had himlocked up,
incarcerated,confined in prison,
imprisoned,sent to prison,put in
prison. (cf. hnong, bilngg).
bktot, A hunchback, humpback,
crookback. Ang to nga may dak nga
bokl sa likd ginatawg nga bktot. A
man with a hump on his back is called a
hunchback. (cf. bgtot).
bokwann, Knobby, knotty. Bokwann
nga kawyan, tub, tdl, etc. Knotty
bamboos,sugar-cane,fingers, etc.
bla, (Sp. bola) Ball; cylinder, roller in a
bolnte, (Sp. volante) Fly-wheel.
blas, Semen humanum; genitale virile.
Pamlasto use the expression blas in
anger or contempt, to shout blas at
somebody. (cf. bilt and pamiltthe
corresponding terms for the female sex).
bolkn, (Sp. volcan) Volcano.
blo, (Sp. bolo) The Philippine large knife
called binngon, bolo.

Visayan-English Dictionary
bl, A kind of very light and slender
bolobyhon, Mediocre, middling,
ordinary, indifferent, average, passable,
tolerable, pretty, fair, not so bad, so-so,
satisfactory, neither large nor small,
neither ugly nor beautiful, neither very
good nor very bad. (cf. byhon, gwa),
bolobd, (H) Chickenfood, poultryfood, anything to be fed to poultry. (cf.
bobd, bbod).
bolk, A spotted, variegated surface;
spotted, dapple, variegated with spots. Ang
leoprdo bolk. The leopard is spotted.
Mank nga bolk. A spotted chicken. (cf.
bolk, Not good, of inferior quality or
workmanship; dull, backward. Ang mga
gintotn-an nga bolk. Dull or backward
pupils. (cf. balt, bart; pkok).
bololghot, (H) To be overwhelmed with
work, be very busy, unable to cope with all
the work. Daw sa nd ak makalis sang
kon mga panpton, kay nagabololghot
ak. I have scarcely time to change my
clothes, for I am overwhelmed with work.
Nagabololghot lang ang kon mga
buluhatn. My work is overwhelming, I
cannot cope with all I should do.
bolnbon, To wind, roll (round or on a
spool, etc.). Bolnbona ang bunng.
Wind the yarn on a spool. (cf. binolnbon;
plon, plon).
blsa, (Sp. bolsa) Purse, burse, pocket,
money-bag. Kastgo in sa blsa. That is a
drain (lit.: punishment) on the purse. (cf.
bmba, (Sp. bomba) A bomb; a pump; to
pump. Ibmba ang bmba sa wang.
Work the pump at the cistern or well.
Bombah ak sing tbig. Pump up some
water for me.
bombardo, (Sp. bombardeo)
bombardro, (Sp. bombardero)
Bombardier, drummer.
bombardno, Tenor-horn, euphonium.
bomby, Onion. (cf. sebyas, bwang).
bomby, A man from Bombay, India; an
Indian. Ang mga komersynte nga
bomby. Merchants from India. Hindu
(Hindoo) merchants.
bombro, (Sp. bombero) Fireman,
member of a fire-brigade; a pumper, one
whose duty it is to work at a pump;
bomblya, (Sp. bombilla) Hand-lantern;
globe: bulb (of electric light).
bmbo, (Sp. bombo) A drum: to drum,
beat a drum. Bomboh (bagtol) ang
bmbo. Beat the drum. Bomboh ang mga
msiko, kay may asistnsya. Beat the
drum to call the musicians together, for
their assistance is required. (cf.
garagadng, tambr).

bl bte
bo, A piece of anything roundish or
cubical, applied to eggs, various kinds of
fruit, stones, etc. (cf. blog, bt, binto,
bok, binntuk, binngto).
bog, (B) To roast, bake, broil, over
live coals. Bg-a (boga) ang kamti. Bake
the sweet potato. Bg-i (bogi) ak sing
krne, sd, sging, mas, etc. Roast some
meat, fish, bananas, corn, etc. for me.
Ibog ak nay sinng mas. Kindly roast
this corn for me. Mas nga binog, und
nga binog, etc. Roastcorn,meat, etc.
(cf. haw, sgba).
bok, See bo id.
bon-bon, A small box or receptacle
with a lid, especially applied to receptacles
of various shapes and sizes made of
bamboo or of buri-leaves.
borngkol, Loosely fitting and out of
shape, misshapen, said of footwear; pieces
of leather, etc. tied to the foot instead of
boots; sandal. Borngkol kayo ang ya
mga saptos. His shoes are very ill-fitting.
brda, (Sp. bordar) Embroidery; to
embroider. Bordah ang pnyo ko.
Embroider my handkerchief. Ibrda mo
ak sin. Kindly embroider that for me.
Ind mo pagtahin, knd bordah gid.
Dont sew, but embroider. (cf. pamugtkpgtak).
bordhi, (Sp. bordada) Tack, the tacking
of a ship; to wear ship, tack a ship, to put
about; to go to and fro, roam about to no
purpose. (cf. pakdto-pakar, sarabnda,
bordn, (Sp. bordn) A large bass-string
in musical instruments; the chief vein on
the right and left extremities of the human
body; the burden or refrain of a song. Ang
ugt sa klid ginatawg nga bordn. The
vein at the side is called bordn. Bordn de
las curdas. A game often indulged in at a
wake. (Sngsing papanwa, palibtlibta
sa hr kag rina, etc. Pass the ring, send it
round to the King and Queen, etc.).
borkl, (Sp. broquel) Dangling earrings.
Artos nga borkl. Ear-rings with a
dangling pendant.
brlas, (Sp. borla) Fringe, tassel, tuft.
brnos, (Perhaps from the Sp. burro)
Foolish, silly, stupid, but mostly used in
joke, not in contempt. Abw, to nga
brnos ikw! or Abw, kabrnos sa mo!
What a silly (donkey, goose) you are!
br, To mumble, murmur, mutter,
grumble, utter indistinct complaints, talk
or complain in a low tone, be pensive, to
brood over wrongs suffered, difficulties to
be overcome, etc.; to hiss, fizz, bubble. May
batsan si sa pagbr. He has the habit
of muttering and grumbling. Ind ka
magbr tungd sang ditay nga kalisd.
Dont murmur and complain on account of
a small trouble. (cf. sr, bog, burtbrut,
aklakl, sindakl).
bro, See bdoto salt fish.

bro, (Sp. burro) A game of cards.

borobonk, (B) (Probably a corruption of
the Sp. mueca) Doll, puppet. (cf.
molomunyka, munmn).
borobonka, (B) See borobonkdoll,
bor-br, Dim. and Freq. of br. Also:
to simmer, bubble: fizz, hiss.
bork, (B) See bolk.
bork-brok, Dim. and Freq. of bork,
bork-bork, The cry of a hen. (cf.
kkak, katkkatkcackle; karakatk,
born, (Sp. borron) Blot, blur, stain,
smudge: to blot, blur, run, as ink on old
paper or on blotting paper. Nagaborn ang
tnta sa papl. The ink is blurred on the
paper. Naboronn ang papl sang tnta.
The paper was blotted with ink.
born, Stout and short, thickset, stumpy.
(cf. bdul, pudl).
brong, To blow or puff up or out, to
inflate. Ang hngin nagabrong sang
hbul, lyag, etc. The wind inflates the
blanket, fills the sail, etc. Ang hbul, lyag,
etc. ginabrong (ginaborngan) sang
hngin. The blanket, sail, etc. is being
puffed out by the wind. (cf.
brong, (B) To spin, etc. See blung,
bort-brot, See bor-brto bubble,
simmer, hiss.
bsbos, Operation, dissection, surgery; to
dissect, cut open, operate upon, perform
the caesarian operation. Bosbos ang bt
sa klid sang ya nga ily. Perform the
caesarian operation. Bosbos ang ya klid.
Cut him open at the side. Ibsbos inng
kotslyo. Use this knife for the operation.
Nabsbos na ang ya apndise. His
appendix has been cut out. Binsbos sang
mdiko ang ya apendistis. He was
operated upon by the surgeon for
bosna, (Sp. bocina) Fog-horn, horn,
trumpet, hoot, toot, whistle, loud warning
signal; to toot, hoot, blow the whistle,
sound the horn (of an automobile, etc.). (cf.
hun, syak, pto).
btas, (Sp. bota) Boot, shoe, footwear. (cf.
saptos, sapn, buttos).
btbot, To draw or pull out; to pretend to
extract an alleged splinter, stone, etc. from
a persons body in superstitious practices.
Ang babylan, kon, nagbtbot sing bat,
ingsap, binklan, etc. sa batis ni Fulno.
The wizard, it is said, took out a stone, chip,
splinter, etc. from the calf of N.N.s leg.
Ginbotbotn or binotbotn sang babylan
ang masakt nga bt sing ttlo ka bat.
The wizard removed three stones from the
sick boys body.
bte, (Sp. bote) Small boat, skiff, canoe,
gig, dory.


bot bdlay
bot, See but id. (cf. dgsing).
botka, (Sp. botica) A drug store, an
apothecarys shop, a chemists shop.
botikryo, (Sp. boticario) Druggist,
apothecary, chemist.
botikn, (Sp. botiquin) Medicine chest.
botlya, (Sp. botella) Bottle.
botn, (Sp. botn) Spatterdash, spats,
leggings, gaiters.
btkon, Arm, forearm; to take by the arm.
Ginbtkon nya ak kag dlhon sa higd.
He took me by the arm and led me into a
cornerordragged me aside.
bto, (Sp. voto) Vow, voice, vote, suffrage;
to vote. Botha si Fulno sa
pagkapanglo-bnwa. Vote for N.N. as
Municipal President. (cf. panad, sad;
pl, pil).
bot, Brood, clutch, hatch, young ones,
applied to birds; to breed, get, have or
produce young ones. Ang mung nga bolk
am ang nagbot sinng mga pis. The
spotted hen is the one that hatched these
chickens. Bg-o pa lang nabot inng mga
pis. These chickens were hatched only a
short while ago. Wal pa mabot ang mga
tlog sinng mung. The eggs of this hen
are not yet hatched. Ang mga binot. The
brood, young ones, young birds, chickens.
Ipabot inng mga tlog sa mung. Let
these eggs be put under the hen. Pabotoh
(pabtwi) ak sinng duh ka tlog sang
pto sa mo mung. Have these two ducks
eggs hatched by your hen. Put these two
ducks eggs under your hen.
botl, The mother-louse. (cf. kto,
kaymad, lus).
botn, (Sp. botn) Button. (cf. botnes,
ptyong, ptyong).
botnes, (Sp. botn) Button, stud. (cf.
ptyong, ptyong).
btoy, To be full to bursting point, to
throb as a sign of a near discharge from
boils, ulcers, swellings, etc. Nagabtoy ang
kon hubg. My swelling throbs as if it
were well-nigh bursting. (cf. bknal).
boy, See buytied below the waist,
slovenly, etc.
bya, (Sp. boya) Buoy, life-buoy, (cf.
byboy, To complain of ingratitude or the
bad return made for benefits, to remind
one of all the good done to one and the bad
recompense received, to expostulate or
remonstrate with. Ang bt ginbyboy
sang ya ily. The child was taken to task
by its mother for its ingratitude. Boyboy
si. Expostulate with him. Reprove him for
his ingratitude or remonstrate with him
about the wrongness of his conduct. (cf.
by-on, A fat, protuberant stomach.
boy-nan, Having a fat, protuberant
stomach, pot-bellied. (cf. by-on).
brsa, (Sp. braza) A fathom, two yards,
six feet. (cf. dup).


Visayan-English Dictionary
brso, (Sp. brazo) Arm, especially the
upper arm; arm of an arm-chair and the
like. (cf. btkon, btkon, halambyan).
brilynte, (Sp. brillante) Brilliant;
diamond. (cf. bat nga madlak),
brndis, (Sp. brindis) Drinking ones
health; a toast.
brskas, (Sp. brisca) A game at cards.
bras, (Sp. broa) Biscuit, cracker. (cf.
brokdo, (Sp. brocado) Gold or silver
brtse, (Sp. broche) Brooch; clasp; locket.
b, The soft pulp or meat of a sprouting
coconut; a kind of malignant tumour;
prolapsus uteri.
bad, Increase, augmentation, progeny,
offspring; to augment, increase, multiply.
Ang kalabnan sang mga kgaw
nagabad sa tm nga kadsig. Most of
the microbes multiply very rapidly. Inng
tbig nabudan (naburan) sing madm
nga lud. Many worms have been bred in
this water. Ang mga bksat kag bitk dl
makabad sa to nga matnlo sing lwas
kag panpton. Bugs and fleas cannot breed
on a man that keeps his body and clothes
clean. Am in ang ginaburan sang mga
bboy. This is the place where pigs are
raised. Am in ang ginapaburan ko sing
mga bboy. Here I am breeding pigs. (cf.
pamad, buluarn, pabuluarn).
bud-ad, To burst, split, open, said of
rice, peas, beans, corn, etc., when cooked;
also adjective; burst open. Nagbud-ad
ang baltong, mnggo, kn-on, etc. The
beans, monggo, rice, etc. have burst whilst
cooking. Bud-ad nga kn-on. Rice that
bursts when cooked. (cf. but, bsdik).
bag, To stir or move about crawly-mauly
(mawley), higgledly-piggledly, to jumble,
jostle, make a confusing noise or stir (as
bees in a hive, ants near an anthill, etc.).
(cf. surumbl).
buk, Slice, portion, share, division (of a
pomelo, orange, or the like). (cf. tild).
bang, A lunatic, fool, idiot, ass, etc., etc.;
to be or become a fool, stupid, etc., etc.
Sn-o pa ikw magbang? Since when did
you become such an ass? Ind mo
pagbungon ang mo nga kasbung. Dont
make a fool of your fellow-man. (cf. kl,
tampuhw, kalndong, etc.).
N.B.Bang appears to be of Chinese
bung-bung, Dim. of bang. Not quite
right in his mind, not quite normal, not in
ones proper senses, etc., etc. (cf. buangt,
kl, tampuhw, etc.).
buangt, A little crazy, half-witted,
simpleton, weak-minded.
buangn, Foolish, crazy: pertaining to,
proper of, like, a fool.
buon, Pertaining to b, affected with
b, which see.

bus, (H) To-morrow. Bus sa ga. Tomorrow morning. Bus sa hpon. Tomorrow afternoon or evening. Bus
orsa bus mapamanl ak. To-morrow
Ill go to Manila. (cf. harm-an).
bay, To flow abundantly (of blood, tears,
perspiration, etc.). (cf. bgwak, bswit,
busawk, butarg, tululgay, talabirs).
bay, Crumpled up, partially molten and
twisted iron after a fire; to be or become
crumpled, etc. through fire. Abw,
nagbay na gal ang sin. Alas! I find that
the roofing-iron has been crumpled and
buya, Crocodile, alligator, cayman,
caiman. (cf. balangtaw).
bubn, Well, cistern; waterhole, bathinghole. (cf. wang).
bbud, bubd, See bbod, bobd.
bubuhton, That is to be or should be
done; an act of. Bubuhton sa Pagto. An
act of faith. (bhat).
bubng, bubungn, See bobng,
bdhaw, Faded, having lost its colour.
Nagbdhaw sa tm nga bnak ang ya
by nga maitm. On account of too much
washing his black jacket faded. Bindhaw
na ang ya sya nga mapul sdto. Her
skirt that was red before has now faded.
bdh, Betrayal, treachery, foul play,
treason, perfidy, perfidiousness; to betray,
be false to, be faithless, disloyal.
Ginbudhin ni Huds ang Aton Gino. Our
Lord was betrayed by Judas. Ind ka
magbdh sa mo isigkato. Dont be false
to your neighbor. Ginalaman ko ang
pagtman nya sin sa waly bdh ukn
balbad. I expect him to execute that
without treachery or excuse. Andam ka
sinng to, agd dl ka mabudhin nya.
Beware of this man, lest he play you false.
(cf. lub).
budhin, budhon, Treacherous, false,
faithless, disloyal, foresworn: traitor,
betrayer. (cf. mabdh, malub).
bdhon, Snivelling, sniveller, one who
has a constant running at the nose. (bohd;
budiwi, The spike of some plants, as
that of maize: the fruit of the buri-palm.
budiaw. To have or form a spike
(budiwi) of flowers.
buding, bdiong, Trumpet, horn,
bugle, sea-shell, conch that may be blown
as a horn.
bdlang, A kind of long, reed-like grass,
also called bugng.
bdlay, Fatigue, hard work, toil,
drudgery; to tire, require great exertions.
Kon magkli ka sing bubn pagabudlayn
ka gid. If you dig a water-hole you will get
very tired. Ginbdlay or bindlay nya
ak. He tired me out, he required much
work or great exertions from me. Ind mo
si pagbudlayn (pagpabudlayn) sing

Visayan-English Dictionary
tm. Dont overwork him. Dont tire him
out. Ginpangabudlayn ko sing dak ang
pagpatndog sinng baly. I had much
work and trouble in putting up this house.
Ind ka magdal sing kahkaw sa
kinabudlayn sang ibn. Dont envy others
what they get by much exertion. (cf.
pangabdlay, ly, ry, pul, kpoy,
bdl, Protruding (of eyes); to protrude,
stand out. Nagabdl ang ya mga mat
orbdl si sing mat. His eyes are
protruding. He is pop-eyed.
bdl, See the following bdloy.
bdloy, The tip or end of tubers and other
roots. Ginbus nya sang kon bisn pa
ang mga bdloy sang bi. He finished
even the root-tips of the bi (uvi yam).
bdngan, From blung, brungto spin;
to admire, be astonished, etc.
bdol, A kind of jelly fish.
budng, (B) Taciturn, silent, of few
words, not talkative, uncommunicative,
shy, bashful, timid, retiring, keeping aloof
from others out of caution or timidity.
Budng nga to. A taciturn or timid man.
An ang ginapabudng mo? What makes
you timid? Why are you so reserved or
retiring? Ind ka magpabudng. Dont be
shy or timid, (cf. komd, mahpus).
bdul, Stocky, stumpy, thickset, fat, stout,
low in stature, but large in circumference;
to be or become thickset, etc. Bdul nga
to. A thickset, stocky, stout man.
Nagbdul si. He has grown stout.
Nabudlan ak sa ya. He appeared to me
to be rather corpulent. (cf. pudl, tipngk,
karibd, karibud).
budywi, budyng, See budiwi,
bulta, (Sp. vuelta) Return, coming back;
to return, come back, retrace ones steps.
Sn-o man ikw magabulta? When are
you coming back? Nakabulta si? Has he
returned? Sa pagbulta mo dlhan mo ak
sing tinpay. On your return bring me
along some bread. Huy, sapir, bueltahn
mo ak karn. Hi. chauffeur, come back
and fetch me soon. Ho, pahulamn ko
ikw sinng malta, pang ipabulta mo
sa kon sa madal. Yes, Ill lend you this
hand-bag, but mind and have it returned to
me soon. Ari na ang malta nga ginbulta
(ginpabulta) nya. Here now is the
handbag he brought (sent) back. Naglakt
si sa Ilnglong kana sang ga kag
nagbulta si sinng hpon. He walked to
Iloilo this morning and came back this
afternoon or evening. (cf. blik, pal,
panumbalk, gpot).
buelt-bulta, To go, walk or pass to
and fro, be coming and going repeatedly.
An ang ginabueltbulta mo? What are
you walking to and fro for? Why are you
coming and going so often? (cf. balkblik).
buenabsta, (Sp. buena vista) A fine
view; a kind of ornamental plant of various

bdl bgaw
shapes and sizes and all with beautiful
leaves, found in almost every housegarden.
buno, (Sp. bueno) Good, well, all right.
Buno, tpus na. Good, thats all. Buno,
lakt na kit. All right, let us go. (cf.
bug, To belch forth, spit out, as a
volcano; to chew betelnut, spit it into the
hand, rub it and then apply it as an
ointment to a child, etc. to protect it against
catching a cold, stomach-ache or the like.
Ang bolkn nagbug sing mga bat nga
natnaw sa kanit. The volcano threw out
molten stones. Bugah ang bt sing
minam. Rub the baby with chewed
betelnut. Ipabug mo sa ya ang mo bt,
kay si nagamam. Hand your baby over
to her for a rubbing, for she is chewing
betelnut. Nagsakt ang tiyn sang bt,
kay wal nla pagbugah. The child got a
stomach-ache, because they did not
massage it with chewed betelnut.
bg, A kind of whitish, soft sandstone.
(cf. dngla darker kind of sandstone).
bug-bg, bug-bug, Dim. of
bg. Like white sandstone: full of such
sandstone. Inday, batna ak, kay
malpad ang kon dt; bisn bugbug,
pang kargdo sa pask. Sweetheart,
accept me, for my lands are extensive; they
may be full of white sandstone, but they are
watered by irrigation.
bughay, To flow over, overflow, flow
out,off. Nagabughay ang tbig. The
water overflows. Sang pagtokd ko sinng
baklod nagbughay gid lang ang kon
blhas. When I ascended that hill, my
perspiration flowed in streams.
Ginpabughay nla ang tbig sa
talmnan. They caused the water to flow
over the field. Pabugahya ang tbig. Let
the water floworcause the water to flow.
Pabugahyi ang humy sing tbig. Flood
the rice-field. (cf. saghay, was, lig,
bughod, Rubbish, dirt, refuse,
extraneous matter (as mixed with fish in a
fishing net, etc.). (cf. alibhod, sgbot,
bugl, Pride, haughtiness, vainglory,
arrogance, loftiness, insolence, overbearing
conduct. Wal si sing bugl. There is no
pride in him. Pagbinugl, pagpabuglto
be proud. Ind ka magpabugl. Dont be
proud. Ang mga nagabinugl talamyon.
Proud people are contemptible. (cf. dayw,
bugaln, Proud, overbearing, insolent,
haughty, lofty, vainglorious, stuck-up,
puffed up.
bugaln, See bugaln. Also: To be or
become proud, etc. Ind ka magmpon sa
mga bugaln, kay bs magbugaln ka
man. Dont associate with the proud lest
you should become proud yourself.
Nabugalonn ak sa ya. He is too stuck-

up for me. He appears to be showing off.

(cf. matinaastason).
bugn, Plentiful, abundant, galore: to be
abundant, etc. Nagabugn na ang
kwrta, humy, sd, etc. Money, rice, fish,
etc. are now plentiful. Nabuganan kam
ddto sang pagkon. We had plenty to eat
there. Sang is ka tig nagbugn ang
pinatubs. A year ago the harvest was
abundant. (cf. dagy, dags, abnda).
bugng, A reed-like grass. See bdlang.
bugany, A frequent loose stool: to have
a frequent loose stool as people suffering
from dysentery or diarrhoea.
Nagabugany si. He has a frequent loose
stool. (cf. lupt, panlibng).
bugs, Hulled rice; pimple; to hull or be
hulled (of rice). Nagbugs na ang humy
sa lusng. The rice in the mortar has been
hulled. Ang duh ka psong ginbugs ko
sa pndut. I had two bushels of rice hulled
for the feast. Bugas inng is ka gntang.
Pound or hull this ganta of rice. Bugas ak
sing napl ka gntang sa mga
dumulaw. Hull me ten gantas of rice for
the visitors. Ginabugasn ak ni Fulno. I
am supplied with hulled rice by N.N.
Binugs mo na ang pilt nga sulumann
kag ilibusn? Have you hulled glutinous
rice for making sman (cooked rice mixed
with sugar and the juice of coconut-meat)
and bus (rice mixed with the juice of
coconut-meat, wrapped up in coconutleaves and boiled)? May ttlo ka bugs si
sa guy nya. He has three pimples on his
face. (cf. humy, playunhulled rice:
kn-oncooked rice).
bugs-bgas, Dim. of bugs. Also:
Young, small fruit of the betelnut palm.
bugasn, Pertaining to rice, full of rice;
pimpled or spotted as if with rice-kernels,
especially said of diseased pork looking as
if a great number of rice-kernels were
imbedded in it. Ind ak makayon sang
bboy nga bugasn. I do not like to eat
spotted pork.
bg-at, Weight, heaviness,
ponderousness, heftiness; to be or become
heavy, weighty, ponderous, hefty. A,
nagbg-at na ang bboy. Well, the pig has
become heavy now. Nagbg-at na ang
krga ko, kay nagbnhod ang kon abga.
My load feels heavy, because my shoulder
is benumbed. Nabug-atn ak sin. That
was too heavy for me. Ind ka magpabgat sang mo lwas kon mapatbong ka.
Dont let yourself be a dead-weight, when
you are carried on a mans shoulders. Fig.:
Ind ka magpabg-at sang pangabh
sang mo mga giniknan. Dont be a
burden to your parents. Nagbg-at na
kayo ang ya pagbt. His condition has
become very serious. He is very
dangerously ill. (cf. tgbong).
bgaw, To drive or scare away. Bugwa
ang mank, pspis, knding, etc. Drive
away the chickens, birds, goats, etc.


bgaw bgras
Bugwi ang ug sang mank. Scare the
chickens off the dry rice. Ipabgaw sa bt
ang mga knding sa hardn. Let the boy
drive the goats out of the garden.
Binugwan nla ang humy sang mga
mya. They scared the maya-birds off the
rice-field. Ibgaw ak nay sinng mga
mank. Please, drive off these chickens. (cf.
tbug, way, pahaln).
bgaw, Pimp, procurer, bawd, gobetween, (cf. agwatto).
bugw, Anything used (as a stick, whip,
etc.) for driving away or scaring off an
animal, or the like. (cf. bgaw).
bugy, Gift, present, donation, favour; to
make a gift or donation. Ginbugayn si
sang Mahl nga Dis sing madm nga
mga grsya. He had many graces
bestowed upon him by God. Ang mga
bugy sang Dis nga Espirit Snto. The
gifts of the Holy Ghost. Ginbugy sang
Dis sa ton ang Sntos nga Pagto. God
granted us the gift of Holy Faith. Inng
makalilpay nga tab bugy sang Dis sa
mo. This joyful event is a favour sent you
by God. (cf. htag, dlot, dlut, reglo).
(N.B. bugy is almost exclusively used for
supernatural gifts or favours received from
buggatan, Prominent, outstanding,
excelling, excellent, surpassing, the best (of
a kind). (cf. lgting, tnggas, lutw, all,
bgh (B) To open, cut open. Bugha ang
lub. Cut open the coconut. Bugha ak
sing is ka lub. Cut open for me one
coconut. Ibgh ak nay sinng lub.
Kindly open that coconut for me. (cf. buk,
bghat, Relapse; to suffer a relapse, fall
sick again. Andam ka, agd nd ka
mabghat. Take care, lest you have a
relapse. Si Fulno nga bg-o pa lang
magyo sa balad nabghat na, kay wal
si magmlig sing mayo sang ya lwas.
N.N. who has lately recovered from
dysentery has had a relapse, because he did
not take good care of himself. (cf. lkmat).
bugtbugt, To flow or trickle in small
and frequent quantities, said of light rain,
urine, diarrhoea, or the like.
Nagabugtbugt ang kalibtan. It rains a
little at frequent intervals. It is showery
bgkos, A bundle, parcel, fagot, faggot,
bale, package, anything tied together with a
string; to tie, bind together, fasten with a
string, make a bundle or parcel of. Bugkos
ang ps, khoy, pinuts, etc. Tie the rope,
the wood, the parcel, etc. Bugkosi ak sing
khoy nga pil ka naht. Make me a
bundle or fagot of a few sticks of wood.
Ibgkos ak sang kon kwrta sa mo nga
pnyo. Please, tie up my money in your
handkerchief. Gatng nga binugkosn.
Firewood made up in fagots or bundles.
Ang is ka bgkos nga khoy, kawyan


Visayan-English Dictionary
nga linyas, tub, tabk, etc. A bundle of
wood, of split bamboo, of sugar-cane, of
tobacco-leaves, etc. (cf. bgtong, puts;
bingtong, pinuts).
bgn, Revelation, inspiration; to reveal,
inspire. Ang bgn (ni) kay San Hun. The
revelations of St. John. The Apocalypse.
Ginbugnan sang Dis si San Hun
Ebanhelsta sing madm nga mga
butng nga ting. God revealed to St.
John the Evangelist many hidden things.
Ginbgn sang Dis sa mga Sntos ang
madm nga mga palaabton. God
revealed to the Saints many future
happenings. Nabugnan ang mga
manunlat sang Bblia. The writers of the
Bible were inspired.
bgnak, To pour down, fall, drop, flow (of
rain, tears, etc.; cf. bnok, pgnak, tgnak,
bgnaw, Cold, chill, chilliness, coolness;
frigidity, freshness; to be or become cool,
fresh, frigid, chilly, keen, bleak, raw,
nipping, piercing, bitter, biting, cutting,
chill. Ang tbig nagbgnaw sa bang. The
water has cooled in the water-jar.
Ginpabgnaw nla sa hngin ang tbig
nga innit. They cooled the hot water in the
fresh air. Ipabgnaw mo ak sinng kap,
kay nd ak kayon sang kap nga laks
kanit. Kindly cool this coffee for me, for I
do not like coffee that is too hot.
Nabugnawn ak sinng hngin. This
wind is quite refreshing. I feel
(comfortably) fresh in this wind.
Nagabgnaw na ang ya ggma. His love
is growing cold. (cf. tgnaw, lamg, ramg,
bgnay, A kind of tree with edible fruit;
its wood is not of much use, except as
firewood, and for making rice-mortars.
bgno, To speak to, be on speaking terms
with, converse with, have social relations
with, make friends with, make it up. Wal
na gid sil magbugnohnay sinng duh
ka simna nga naglilgad. They have not
spoken to each other for the last two weeks.
Magbgno ka sa ya or bugnoh si. Speak
to him. Converse with him. Humaln sang
pagsay nla sdtong is ka dlaw wal
gid sil magbugnohnay. Since their
quarrel the other day they have not spoken
to each other. Wal na sil
pagbugnohnay. They are not on speaking
terms any more. (cf. tmyaw,
pakigpulngplong, hmbal, abbi).
bgnos, To gather, collect, remove,
take away, withdraw, live coals or
firewood, so that a fire may not burn
brightly. Bugnos ang gatng. Take the
firewood off the fire. Bugnos ang tingang. Withdraw the firewood from under
the freshly cooked rice. Din ka
maghaln?Sa digamohn, kay
nagbgnos ak sang ting-ang. Where do
you come from?From the kitchen,

because I have taken the firewood from

under the boiling rice.
bgnot, To tear, pull, wrench,
drag, out with some force. Bugnot ang
ya bohk. Pull out his hair. Bugnot si
sing is ka bknit nga bohk. Tear out a
pinch of his hair. Ginbgnot nla ang dl
sang bka nga inhaw. They wrenched out
the tongue of the slaughtered ox. Ibgnot
mo ak sinng hal sa bh. Please, drag
that iguana out of the hole for me. (cf.
hbnus, hnus, gnut; lk-ad; lkat;
gbut, hlbot).
bug, A large-sized kind of maize that
requires a rather long time to ripen
(hudynan). The smaller kind (munhan)
ripens quicker.
bug (B) Short; brief, curtailed; to
shorten, become short. Ginbug ko ron
ang mo sol, slnga.Hod, mayd man,
pay pabugo pa gid ti sngka pulgda. (cf.
Ginlp-ot ko na ang mo pak, tan-aw.
Ho, mayo man, pang palip-ot pa gid
sing is ka pulgda). I have shortened your
sleeve, look here.Yes, all right, but
shorten it by one inch more. Bugo ang
pagtud sang tp. Cut the plank short.
Bug nga bnko, kalt, sult, etc. A short
bench, rope, letter, etc. Bugon mo ang
sol sang kon by. Shorten the sleeve of
my jacket. Make a short sleeve for my
jacket. (cf. lp-ot).
bugl, See bulgshort-haired, closecropped, etc.
bugl-bugl, Lumpy, full of little lumps,
covered with lumps, rough. (cf. biglbigl,
bg-ong, Fat, having plump cheeks, fatfaced. (cf. baragok).
bug-ngan, Of fat, plump, cheeks,
having puffy cheeks; a kind of large, fat
bg-os, Whole, entire, complete; to do
something fully, completely, thoroughly.
Ang bg-os nga panimaly. The entire
family. Sa bg-os nya nga kusg. With all
his strength. Bug-os ang mo hunhn
nga sa Manl ka makdto. Make up your
mind fully, that you will go to Manila. Bugos si sang mo pagtbang. Assist him
with right good will. Give him all the help
you canorthat he needs. Ibg-os mo
ang paghtag sang mo dt sa mo nga
ap, kay wal man ikw sing ank nga
buh. Give all your land to your grandson,
as you have no son living. (cf. tann, bilg).
bgras, To break off, snap asunder, part,
as a string or the like. Nabgras ang kalt
nga nahigt sa blsa (nahgtan sang
blsa). The rope to which the ferry was
attached snapped in two, parted. Bugras
ang hlo. Break off the thread. Bugras ak
nay sang ps sinng pinuts. Kindly
break the string of this parcel. Sa dak nga
kasub daw sa mabgras ang mga naht
sang ya tagiposon. On account of great
sorrow her heart-strings are almost

Visayan-English Dictionary
breaking. Ang kalt mabgras sa
nagamayn. The rope will snap where it is
thinnest. (cf. tud, tgp, lgtas, bgt).
bgrit, Boaster, braggart, bluffer; to
boast, brag, vaunt, bluff. Daw si Bgrit ka.
You are a veritable braggart. Ind ka
magbgrit (magpabgrit). Dont boast.
Ind mo pagipabgrit ang ditay mo nga
pagkasampton. Dont brag about your
little accomplishments. Ginpabgrit nya
ang ditay nya nga tinn-an. He boasted
of his little learning. Ind mo si
pagpabugritn (pagbugritn). Dont boast
in his presence. (cf. hmbug, hdak, br-it,
wkal, etc.).
bgrong, Full-bodied, fleshy, fat,
corpulent, stout, obese; to be or become
stout, etc. Nagbgrong si. He grew stout.
(cf. bg-ong).
bugrngan, Very fleshy, very fat, doublechinned, very plump as to the cheeks. (cf.
bgsak, To put, throw, chuck, down
with some force, drop violently. Ind nnyo
pagibgsak ang bal, knd ibutng sing
mahnay. Dont drop the box with violence,
but put it down gently. Ginbgsak
(pinsdak) nya ang bayong kag
nabung ang mga botlya sa suld. He
threw the bag down and the bottles inside
broke. Bugsak ang id sing bat. Throw a
stone down on the dog (with some force).
(cf. psdak, pgsak).
bgsay, An oar, paddle, scull; to strike
the water with an oar, to paddle, scull.
Bugsay ang tbig. Beat the water with the
oar. Bugsay ang bte. Row the boat.
Ibgsay ak sing ditay nga tin sinng
bte. Please, row this boat for me for a
short time. Paan ang pagdngk nnyo,
sa bgsay ukn sa lyag? How did you
reach land, by means of oars or sails?
bgs, A part, share, division, piece,
small heap of meat, fish, etc.; to divide,
portion out, cut in parts, make small heaps
of. Bugso ang krne sing wal ka atdo
nga mamsos. Cut the meat in eight pieces
of a peso-worth each. Bugso ak sing ble
pistas sinng atdo. Cut me off a peseta
worth of that piece. Ibgs ak nay sinng
sd. Kindly cut up this fish for me.
Binugson nya si sing ble salap. He
cut him off a piece worth fifty centavos. (cf.
hw, gult, gray, giry; doln, atdo,
bgsok. Stake, post, upright, driven into
the soil for a fence, etc.; to drive into the
soil, plant a post and the like. Bingsok na
nla ang bgsok. They have driven the post
into the ground. Bugsok sing halgi inng
bh. Set up a post in this hole. Ibgsok
mo ak nay sinng kawyan. Kindly drive
that bamboo into the ground for me.
Nagbgsok sil sing Krus sa ibbaw sang
linbngan. They planted a cross above the
grave. Ang solr nga pagapatindogn nla
sang bg-o nga baly nabugsokn na sing

bgrit bhay, buhy

wal ka halgi. The ground on which they
are going to erect the new house has
already eight posts set up in it.
bgtas, To break, snap (of ropes, etc.).
(cf. lgtas, lgtas, bgras, bgt, tud).
bgtas, To harm, injure, weaken,
enfeeble. Nabugtasn si sa gtum,
trabho, haw, etc. He was weakened by
hunger, work, thirst, etc. Ind mo
pagbudlayn ang bka sing tm, kay
bs mabugtasn. Dont give your ox too
much work to do, lest he should come to
bgtaw, Awake, waking; to wake,
awaken, get up, rise, open ones eyes after a
sleep, be aroused from sleep. Nakabgtaw
(nagbgtaw) na si?Ho, kay
ginpabgtaw ko si. Is he awake now?
Yes, for I woke him. Bgtaw ka, kay dlaw
na. Wake up, for it is bright day.
Pabugtaw si. Wake him. Ginbugtawn
nya ydtong ghud. He waswaked,
roused, by that noise. He woke up at that
noise. Ipabgtaw ak nay sa ya. Please
wake him for me. Bugtaw sa bus ang
paggalng sang tub. Rise tomorrow in
time for the milling of the sugar cane. Rise
very early tomorrow morning for the
milling of the sugar cane. (cf. mat,
pamka, agp).
bgt, (B) Brother, sister; to be brothers
or sisters. Nagabulgt sil. They are
brothers, they are sisters, they are brother
and sister. Nagpakigbgt si sa kon. He
treated me as a brother. (cf. tud).
bgt, To break, snap, part, sunder. Ind
mo pagbugton ang ps. Dont break the
string. Ginbgt nla ang talikal. They
broke the chain. Ind mo paghgton ang
kalt sing tm, kay bs mabgt. Dont
tighten the rope too much, for it may snap.
Nabugton kam sing kalt sang pl. Our
rigging parted. Nabugton ak sing is ka
gta. One of my traces snapped. (cf.
bgras, tud, tgp, lgtas, lgtas).
bgtong, A kind of shrub similar to
bgtong, Only, solitary, exclusive, only
specimen of the kind. Ang bgtong nga
Ank sang Dis. The Only Son of God.
bgtot, Hunchback, humpback,
crookback; to be or make oneself very
small, bend low, back down, show fear, be
intimidated. (cf. bktot).
bugtoti, A kind of shrub and tree.
bgtoy, Remiss, slack, not tight, not taut,
loose, sagging; to be or become slack, etc.,
to linger, tarry. (cf. tugk, halg,
bgwak, To flow freely, flow in a
streamlet, flow profusely (of menorrhagia,
etc.). Nagabgwak ang dug sa ya pils.
The blood is flowing copiously from his
wound. (cf. bswit, busawt, busawk;
talabirs, tululgay).

bgwal, To thrust, jab, stick, stab, prick,

lunge at with an upward motion. Ibgwal
ang bagt sa hal nga dir sa dngding.
Jab the pole against the iguana there on the
wall. Bugwal si. Lunge at him from
below. (cf. dgdug, hrog; bngkol,
bgway, To come forth, protrude.
Nagbgway ang tini sang binun. The
bowels of the stabbed man protruded. (cf.
gway, gway).
bgway, A small measure or quantity of
thread or yarn. (cf. bs-ing, bknol).
buh, (B) Wasteful, squandering,
extravagant, thriftless, unthrifty, prodigal,
improvident. Buh nga to. A spendthrift.
buhah, See buh. Buhah si nga to.
He is a squanderer, spendthrift, prodigal,
(cf. madh, mainuskon,
bhang, Opening, gap, break, breach in
adam,dyke,embankment,levee, etc.;
to open, breach a dam, etc. Buhngi ang
kahn sang humy. Make a gap in the
bank of the rice-field. Ginbuhngan nla
ang pnud sa sub. They made a breach in
the river-dyke. Ibhang ak sinng pnud.
Please, open this dyke for me. Nagasupn
gid lang ang tbig dir, kay wal sing
buhangn. The water, naturally, collects
here, for there is no outlet.
buhangn, A breach, gap, opening,
in a dam, etc.
buht, Done, accomplished, performed,
made. Buht na ang baly. The house is
now finished, built. (cf. humn, tpus).
bhat, Deed, work, performance, act,
action; to do, make, perform, accomplish,
execute, fashion, turn out. Buhti ak sing
delrgo, bal, binngon, etc. Make me a
pair of trousers, a trunk, a bolo, etc. Ibhat
mo ak sing kl. Kindly make a hat for
me. Inng lugr, kon, pagabuhtan nla
sing is ka dak nga baly. In this spot, it
is said, they are going to build a large
house. Sn-o ang nagbhat sin?Ak
am ang nagbhat.Nga man nga
ginbhat mo? Who did that?I did it.
Why did you do it? Usison mo sing
mayo ang mga binuhtan sinng to.
Inquire well into the doings of that man.
Inng mga khoy ibhat ko sa kon baly.
These trees Ill make use of to build myself
a house. Ind ka magbhat sin. Dont do
that. (cf. hm, tga). Figuratively: Bhat
na kon ginapalan ka sang sgad lngkod.
Stand up and move about, if you are getting
cramped from sitting long.
bhat, Verb. (cf. nglan, butngnoun).
buhayn, A kind of creeper with edible
bhay, buhy, (B) Long protracted (of
time); to tarry, to be or remain long, etc.
Bhay na nga. It is long since.
Nagbhay ka sa pagbakl sin. You were a
long time buying this. Nabhay na nga


buhy-bhay bukka
naghaln si. It is a long time since he left.
Nabuhyan (nabuhayn) ak sa mo
ddto. You tarried a long time and let me
wait there. Ind na mabhay kag
magaabt ang tinguln. It will not be long
before the rainy season is here. (cf. dgay).
buhy-bhay, (B) Dim. of bhay. A
rather long time, during a considerable
space of time. Buhybhay ang paghult
nya tbtub nga nadngat nya in nga
palangakan. He had to wait quite a long
time before he got that position.
Buhybhay ang ya pagntos sang
balatan. He had to suffer from the disease
a considerable time. (cf. dugydgay).
buhy-buhy, (B) Presently, shortly, at
once, in a moment, in, within, a short
time. Karn buhybuhy haptan ko ikw.
I shall presently call upon you. I shall visit
you soon. Karn buhybuhy maabt ang
koryo. The mail will be in shortly, within a
short time. (cf. dugydugy).
buh, Alive, live, living, quick, existent, not
dead; to live, be alive; to live, stay, reside,
have ones abode or residence, remain.
Buh nga to. A live man. A vigorous,
energetic, alert, active man. A live wire.
Ang mga buh kag ang mga minaty. The
quick (living) and the dead. Buh pa si
Fulno?Ho, buh pa si. Is N.N. still
living?Yes, he is living still. Ktub sang
pagsuld nya sa pagkamnha nagkabuh
pa si sing napl ka tig. From the time
of her entrance into the order she lived ten
years. Ang pagkabuh (pagkinabuh) nla
sa la um matwhay kayo kag
malinng. Theyare living,live,have
lived, a very happy and quiet life at their
farm. (cf. bh; patydead; puy, lntad,
amoyng, estr).
bh, To bring back to life, raise to life,
resuscitate, revivify, revive, restore to life;
to be or getfree,loose, to escape from
confinement; to free, release, liberate, let
go; to support, sustain, maintain. Buhon
mo ang bt ko, kay kon nd, ambt sa
mo. Bring my baby back to life, for if not, I
dont know what will happen to you.
Ginbh liwt sang Aton Gino si Lsaro.
Lazarus was raised to life again by Our
Lord. Nakabh ang bboy sa tngkal. The
pig got out of the sty. Buhi (by-i) ang
mga bka sa buhin. Let the cattle roam
about free, loose, in the pasture.
Ginbuhan sang bt ang pspis sa hwla.
The boy let the bird out of the cage.
Nabuhan na ang mga gintotn-an, ang
mga binilngg, etc. The students have
beendismissed,given leave to depart
(from the school), the prisoners have been
set free, etc. Buhi (by-i) ang binngon.
Release your hold on, drop, the bolo.
Biny-an (binuhan) nya ang tuln-an.
He dropped the book. Si am ang
nagabh sa ya mga giniknan. He is the
one that supports his parents. (cf. bnhaw,
lus, gw; sagd, aguby).


Visayan-English Dictionary
buhin, Pasture, open field where
domestic animals may graze and roam
about free. (cf. bury-an).
bhin, Diminution, reduction, deduction,
subtraction, lessening; to lessen, diminish,
reduce, deduct, subtract, take off.
Nagaamt-amt sang bhin ang humy.
The rice is slowly getting less. Nakabhin
si sang arna. He took off some flour.
Ginbuhnan nya ang swldo sang ya
mutstso, kay matmad, kon. He
lowered, docked, the wage of his servant,
for he is lazy, he says. Buhni ang bil sin,
kay tm kamahl. Lower, cut, the price of
this, for it is too dear. Ibhin mo ak sing
is ka psong nga humy sa ya prte nga
lim ka psong, kay may tang si sa
kon. Please, deduct one bushel of rice
from his share of five bushels, for he is in
debt to me. Inng tambbo nga may
humy wal pa sing bhin. This ricegranary has not yet been touched (no rice
has been taken from it). Nabayran ko si
sa waly bhin. I paid him in full (without
haggling on my part or remission on his).
(cf. pakuls, paist, padtay, patik, kpus,
buhs, Tax, duty, tribute, toll, license;
impost; to pay a tax, etc. Nakabuhs ikw
sang sdula, contribusyn teritoryl, etc.?
Have you paid your cedula-tax, land-tax,
etc.? Ho, bg-o pa lang ak magbuhs
sin. Yes, I paid it only a short while ago.
Ginbuhisn nla ang id. They paid their
dog-license. Inng kwrta ibuhs ko sa
kon gantngan. Ill use this money to pay
the tax on my ganta-measure. Ginbuhs ko
na ang pat ka mngmang sa kon
sdula, kay nagparekrgo sil sa kon (or
naparekargohn ak nla) tungd sang
kon pagkamorso. I have paid the four
pesos for my cedula, for they charged me
double on account of my being
behindhand,in arrear,my not providing
myself with a cedula in due time.
bh, Hole, aperture, orifice, depression,
cavity, hollow, opening; to make a hole, etc.
Buhi inng tp, lta, kahn, dt, etc.
Make a hole in this plank, tin, box, ground,
etc. Binuhan na nla ang bulugskan
sang baly. They have already made the
holes in the ground on which the houseposts are to be set up. Ibh ak nay sing
is ka lta nga gtas, kay ilakt ko sa
kap. Will you, please, open a tin of milk
for me, because I wish to mix it with the
coffee. Pagwa ang hal sa ya bh. Get
the iguana out of its hole.
buh-buh, A small hole, shallow
depression, perforation, pore. Ang mga
buhbh sang pnit. The pores of the
buh-buh, A number of small holes;
full of small holes, perforated, riddled. Ang
by mo buhbuhormadm sing
buhbuh. Your jacket is full of small holes.

buhokn, One that has thick, bushy hair;

hairy, shaggy, hirsute. (cf. bukhann).
buhokn, See bohokn.
buist, busit, Ill-starred, unlucky;
luckless, unfortunate, miserable, out of
luck; to be or become unfortunate, etc.
Nagbuist ang ya pangabh. His life
became miserable. Ind ka magbna sa
kay Fulno, kay bs mabuisitn ikw.
Dont marry N.N., for you may be
miserable with him. Nabuisitn sil sa
karn nga tig sa la nga pangma, kay
ditay gid lmang ang la pinatubs. They
were unlucky this year with their farming
for their harvest was very small indeed. (cf.
waly swrte, malut sing plad
orsng kapalran, etc.).
buk, To open, cut open. Bk-a (buka)
ang lub. Open the coconut. Bk-i ak sing
is ka lub. Open a coconut for me. Ibuk
ak nay sinng lub, kay mnon ko ang
butng. Please, cut this coconut open for
me, for I wish to drink the coconut-milk.
(cf. balngk).
buk, To break open, burst (of an ulcer or
the like). Ang hubg nga ginpapl sang
manugblung nagbuk liwt. The ulcer
that was cured by the doctor has broken
open again.
bkad, To open, disclose, unfold, undo,
discover. Bukra (da) ang pinuts.
Undo the parcel. Bukri (di) ak sing
is ka kha nga abno. Open a box of
cigars for me. Ibkad mo ak nay sing is
ka pakte nga sigarlyo. Kindly open for
me a packet of cigarettes. (cf. hbad, buld,
bukd, Flower, blossom, bloom; to flower,
bloom, blossom. Nagabukd na ang
bkong. The bacong-lily is flowering. (cf.
bskad, pamskad, bukdkad,
bukdkad, To blossom, bloom; flower.
Sa blan sang Myo madm nga mga
blak nagabukdkad (nagapamukdkad).
In the month of May many flowers are in
full bloom. (cf. bukd).
bkag, Dishevelled, rumpled, loose,
unkempt, shaggy; to be or become
dishevelled, etc. Nagabkag ang mo
bohk. Your hair is dishevelled. D mo
pagpabukgon ang mo bohk. Dont
rumple your hair. Nagabkag si, kay
mabskug kayo ang almidn sang ya
mga panpton. He cuts an awkward figure,
because his clothes are starched too much.
(cf. bukgkag, pgpag, burungyngay).
bukgkag, See bkag, pgpag,
burungyngay. Nabukgkag inng
bunng. This yarn has become entangled.
D mo pagpabukagkagn ang bunng.
Dont let the yarn become entangled. To
nga bukgkag. A man who has his ideas in
disorder, one with an ill-regulated mind.
bukka, The eggs of crabs. Those of the
alimngo crab are much esteemed as food.

Visayan-English Dictionary
bukka, The ripe, burst-open pods of the
camunsel tree; to become ripe, burst open
(of the camunsel-fruit). Nagabukka na
ang kamnsil. The camunsel-fruit is
bursting open. Waly ngay ang kasdya,
ang kamnsil kon mamnga, ang mga
soltro kag dalga nagaalgaw sang
bukka. There is no pleasure equal to the
time when the kamunsel-fruit ripens; when
young lads and maidens fight for the burstopen fruit.
bukl, Bubble, froth, foam; to seethe,
bubble, froth, boil. Nagabukl na ang
tbig. The water is boiling. Sa timpo sang
klera mnon mo ang tbig nga pinabukl
kag pinabgnaw sa bang. During an
epidemic of cholera you should drink water
that has been boiled and cooled in a waterjar. (cf. aklakl, sindakl; bl).
bukals, Rough of speech, rough-spoken,
coarse of manners; to be or become rough,
buklong, (H) To swell, become
swollen,bloated,inflated, to puff up,
blow up. Ang balkhan sang bboy kon
hypan (huyupn) sing kagngking
magabuklong. A pigs bladder, if blown
up by means of a bamboo tube, will become
a balloon. Ginkagt si sang kamalyo sa
psngi kag nagbuklong. He was stung in
the cheek by a kamalyowasp and it
swelled up. (cf. hbok, kad).
buklw, To issue, come forth, spill, flow
over. Nagabuklw ang tbig. The water is
being spilled or is flowing over.
Nagbuklw ang ya lway. Saliva flowed
from his mouth (in a stream). Dl mo
pagpabukalwan ang tinla. Dont spill
the sauce of the side-dish. Pabukalwa ang
bso sing ditay nga tbig, agd magtnl
ang ya bibg. Spill a little water from the
glass, so that its edge may become clean.
Pinabukalwan nla ang lamsa sing
tnta. They spilt some ink on the table. (cf.
lwak, lyak, lyas, lyak).
bk-an, A tree-worm, grub or larva often
found on trees. (cf. tamlok).
bukna, (Sp. boca) Mouth of a river. (cf.
gibwangn, gibungn).
bk-an, bk-on, etc. From bukto
cut open, etc.
bukrong, (B) To puff up, blow up, etc.
See buklong.
buks, To open, unfold, unclose, make
open, remove any fastening or obstruction
from, as to open a door, a box, a case, etc.;
to begin, commence, open (a school, a
bridge, parliament, etc.). Bukas ang
panten. Open the mortuary niche.
Binukasn (binksan) ak sang ganhan
sang batbt. The servant boy opened the
door for me. Ibuks ak sinng purta,
bal, bintn, etc. Please, open this door,
box, window, etc. for me. Sa bus nga
dlaw pagabksan ang buluthan. Tomorrow the school will be opened. Classes
will commence (begin) to-morrow.

bukka bulg
Nabksan na ang bg-o nga tytay. The
new bridge is now open (to traffic, etc.). (cf.
buks, Open, agape. Buks nga sult. An
open letter. (cf. nabksan from buks).
bukatd, Summit, crest, top; hill,
mountain. (cf. putkputokn, aliputokan;
bkid, baklod, pukatd).
bukatorn, High, steep, hilly,
mountainous. (cf. bukatd).
bkaw, Owl, night-owl.
buky, A kind of soft white stone; blond,
white, whitish; albino. May mank ak
nga buky kag alimbyug. I have white
and black chickens. Ang mga buky kag
alimbyug. The black and the white races.
(cf. put, albno, lgt).
buky, Coconut candy, cake of unrefined
sugar mixed with shreds of coconut meat.
(cf. bndi).
bukhann, Covered with hair, very hairy,
having much hair, hirsute, shaggy. (cf.
bohk, bohokn).
bkhay, To divide, partition, part; to
rummage; a division, share, part. (cf.
abkay, balskay, balkhay; bhin).
buk, To open a little a parcel, envelope,
curtain, etc. in order to find out what is
inside or behind. Buki kag usison mo kon
an ang suld sang pinuts. Open the
parcel a little and see what is inside. Binuk
or binukin nya ang sbre sang kon
sult. He partly opened the envelope of my
letter. Buki ak sang kortna. Open the
curtain a little for me. (cf. tuk).
bkid, Mountain. (cf. baklodhill).
bukdnon, Mountaineer, pertaining to
mountaineers or people living in the
mountains, coarse, rough, uncultured,
stupid, boorish, clownish, uncouth.
bukik, To open, turn aside, part (as the
hair when looking for lice). Bukiki ang
mga pinand sang tuln-an. Turn the
leaves of the book. (cf. buk, busksik,
buskad, buld, htad).
bukiks, Low, mean, boorish, uncultured,
unrefined, ignorant. (cf. bukdnon, manl,
burghal, bstos, waly, tinn-an,
bukskis, See bukiks.
bklad, To open, unfold, spread out, as a
blanket, the contents of a parcel and the
like. Buklar (ad) ang hbul, pnyo,
etc. Unfold the blanket, handkerchief, etc.
Buklar ak sing hbul nga ginabalgy
mo, kay kon yon ko bklon ko. Spread out
one of the blankets you are selling, for if it
is to my liking I shall buy it. Ibklad ak
nay sinng pnyo. Kindly unfold this
handkerchief for me. (cf. blad, hmlad,
bklang, (B) A rent, tear, hole, especially
in womens dresses. (cf. bihng).
bklas, To snatch, tear away, grasp and
pull suddenly, seize with a sudden or swift
motion. Ginbklas sang id ang krne nga

kon ginbtbit. The dog snatched away the

meat I was carrying in my hand. Ind mo
pagbuklasn ang mga butng nga
ginahtag sa mo, knd batnon mo sing
mahnay. Dont snatch things given you,
but receive them gently, without haste.
Ibklas ak nay sang hbul nga
nasably sa almbre. Kindly pull down for
me the blanket hanging on the wire. (cf.
bklas, Indistinct, not clear (of speech);
to speak indistinctly. (cf. samt).
bkles, (Sp. bucle) Parting of the hair.
bklon, See bklonknobby, etc.
bknit, To take hold of with the thumb
and foreor middlefinger, pinch, pluck.
Ginbknit gid lang nya ang bt. He just
took hold of the child with his thumb and
finger (and pulled it along). Ind mo
pagbuknitn ang kon by. Dont finger
my jacket. Buknit si sa pak sang ya
by. Pluck the sleeve of his jacket. Ibknit
ak sa ya nga dulnggan. Please pinch his
ear. (cf. pknit).
bknol, A small measure of yarn or
thread, a skein. Ang is ka labg may
napl ka bknol. A hank has ten skeins.
(cf. marhas).
buk, Knuckle; joint, knot. (bok id.).
bk, (B) To say, think, intend, plan,
utter. Nagbk si nga sa bus makdto
si sa Ilnglong. He intends to go to Iloilo
to-morrow. Ginbukan nya ang pagdaw
sa ya nga ty, pang wal si magdaw
sa ya. He said he would pay a visit to his
aunt, but he did not visit her. Ginabk
nla nga . They gave out that . They
intend to .
bukohn, Knotty, knobby. See bokwann
bksan, bksi, etc. From buksto open.
bksing, (English: boxing) Boxing.
bkya, A sea monster, a giant octopus.
(cf. kugta).
bla, (Sp. bla) Bull, papal bull.
bl, Foam, froth, spume; to foam, froth,
spume (at the mouth). Nagabl ang bb
sang pak. The frog emits froth from the
mouth. (br id.).
bla, Fortune, luck. (Obsolete; bulhan,
etc. are derived from it), (cf. bl).
buld, To spread out, especially to dry in
the sun. Bulad or bular ang humy, ang
hbul, etc. Spread out the rice, the blanket,
etc. Bular ang amkan sing humy.
Spread some rice on the bamboo-mat.
Ibuld ak sang kon by, kay nabas.
Please put out my jacket to dry (in the sun),
for it is wet. (cf. ldlad, blad, banlad).
buladr, (Sp. volador) Kite. Palupar or
patgba ang mo buladr. Fly your kite.
(cf. pinak, sapspi, sinngula).
bulg, Blind in one eye, one-eyed, but also
used to imply total blindness. (cf. lamn,
buttotally blind).


blag blhang
blag, To deprive of one eye. Nablag
ang ya nga mat. He lost one eye, became
blind in one eye. Nagblag si sang mat
sang id. He deprived the dog of one eye.
Ginblag nya ang mat sang knding. He
blinded the goat in one eye.
bulg, To sever, separate, divorce, part,
sunder, put asunder. Bulagn nnyo ang
nyo nga paghilngug. Break off from
living together. Magbulgay kam.
Separate from each other. Ginbulg
(ginpabulg) nla ang duh ka bt nga
nagaway. They separated the two fighting
boys. Bulag ang lalki, kay wal kam
makasl. Separate from your paramour,
for you are not married. Ang ginmpon
sang Dis nd pagbulagn sang to. What
God has joined together, let no man put
asunder. Sa pagbulgay nagagkan ang
kalmot. Separation begets forgetfulness.
Out of sight, out of mind.
bulagw, Bright red, yellowish; blond,
golden, light and fair (said of hair, eyes,
complexion, etc.).
bulags, One having blue eyes, blue-eyed.
bulgn, Blind in one eye, wanting,
lacking, an eye, one-eyed. (cf. bulg).
bulgsak, To drive in, ram in, force
down; throw down with some force. (cf.
pulgsak, bgsak, psdak).
bulhan, Happy, blessed, blest, beatified,
blissful, felicitous, fortunate, lucky,
favoured; to be or become happy, etc. Sa
ulhi nga mga dlaw magabulhan ka gid,
kon magkabuh ka sing matrung. You
will finally become very happy indeed, if
you lead a good life. (cf. balan, palran).
bulahn, (B) Anything set apart or kept
for another; to set apart, put aside, reserve,
keep for. Bulahin inng is ka pnggan
nga kn-on sa kay ttay. Keep this plate of
rice for father. Bulahin si nnay sing
mamn. Set some cake apart for mother.
Ibulahn ak nay sing duh ka blog nga
ph, kay malyag ak magkon sin sa
bus sa ga sa kon pamhaw. Please
keep two mangoes for me, because I wish
to eat them tomorrow morning at my
breakfast. (cf. tigna, blin, tur, saln).
bulah (H) A disease of the ear that
causes an evil-smelling discharge. (cf. ilg).
bulhug, To stumble into, step in, fall
into a hole, or the like. (cf. bulug, tdag,
tdag, tsak, ldag).
blak, Flower, blossom, bloom; to flower,
blossom, bloom. May blak na or
nagapamlak na ang kalatstse. The
calachoche has flowers, is flowering.
blak, Cotton, cotton-plant. (cf. dldul,
bulk-blak, Dim. of blak. Also:
Anything resembling a flower; flower of
speech, flowery (of speech).
bulklak, A decorated comb as worn in
the hair by a bride or by a girl on some
festive occasion.


Visayan-English Dictionary
bulknit, To snatch or seize with a rapid
motion of the hand, to grab, to grasp
suddenly or with great swiftness. Bulaknit
ang ya lpis, husy, relh, etc. Snatch her
pencil, comb, watch, etc. Ginbulknit nya
ang kon pnyo sa plhuk ko. He snatched
the handkerchief out of my pocket.
Ginbulaknitn ak nya sang kon kl.
He suddenly took away my hat. (cf. bklas,
sbnit, bulkwit).
bulkwit, To snatch, catch, seize, lay hold
of, grab, take up, with great swiftness. Ind
mo pagbulakwitn ang bt. Dont snatch
up the baby with such suddenness.
Binulkwit nya ang klon upd ang tingang kag nalgyo. He caught up the pot of
boiling rice and made off. (cf. bulknit;
bulalkaw, Meteor, falling-star,
shooting-star. (cf. bululkaw).
bullo, A shell fish that is a little larger
than a bskay.
bullo, A kind of hard, variously coloured
bulaly. Dull, stupid, backward, slow. (cf.
ggo, bngaw, pkok, bghak, bulk,
bulaly, A kind of shell-fish. (cf. bull).
blan, Moon, month. Also verb.
Nabulnan ak ddto. I was there a full
bl-an, bl-on, etc. From bulto take.
buln-blan, Monthly, every month: to
do something regularly every month.
Nagabulnblan si magkonpesr. He
goes to confession every month. (cf.
buln-buln, A kind of plant that causes
a severe itch, when its spores are brought
in contact with the skin; a kind of small
fish. (cf. npay, kalahs).
bulng, A cock-spur, the small knife
fastened to the cocks natural spur in cockfighting.
blang To participate in cock-fighting, to
cock-fight, bet or wager on a cock-fight,
cause a cock to fight in the cockpit. Din si
Fulno?Ddto sa bulangn, nagablang.
Where is N.N?He is there in the cock-pit,
cock-fighting. Ind mo pagiblang inng
mank, kay alnglang pa. Dont fight this
cock in the cockpit, for its training is not
complete yet, it is too young, etc. Ind
nton pagbulngon ang ton mank. We
will or must not let our cocks fight each
other. Pasampok prme ang duh ka
mank, agd mahnas, kay kon mahnas
na iblang ta sil sa pndut sang bnwa.
Get the two cocks to try their strength
against each other constantly in order to
make them expert, for if they are up to it we
will fight them in the cockpit on the townfestival.
bulangn, A cock-pit. Wal na kam sing
bulangn sa mon bnwa, kay tam
katas sang buhs. We have no longer a

cockpit in our town, for the license-tax is

too high.
bulnon, Pertaining or referring to the
moon; moonlit, moon-blind, purblind, not
seeing well, dim-sighted. Bulnon ang
gb-i sang pagabt nmon dir. It was a
moon-lit night, when we arrived here.
Inng to nd makabsa, kay bulnon ang
ya panluk. This man cannot read, for his
sight is dim.
blas, See blas, tros.
bulsog, To fall down, fall (break)
through a floor, etc.; to stumble in, step in,
put ones foot in. (cf. bulug, hlug,
dgdag, tdag).
bulsot, See bulsog.
bulug, To stumble, step, fall, into a
hole, a mud-pool, etc. Mangalkos ka sang
mo srwal, kay lunngon ang dlan, kag
ndam ka, agd nd ka makabulug sa
danw. Tuck up your trousers, for the road
is muddy, and be careful not to step into a
puddle. (cf. tdag, tdag).
bulw, To throw or cast an evil spell over,
to make sick by an evil spell, said by the
superstitious to exist in various secret
places and mountain recesses. Kon
magkdto ka sa marit nga lugar hpus ka
lang, kay, kon dl, bulawn ka kon
mabululwon (bululwon) ka. If you go to
a haunted place, keep quiet, lest a spell of
sickness be cast upon you, if you are liable
to be influenced by spells. Binulw si,
kon, kay nagsnggit sa tlon. He became
sick through a spell, they say, because he
shouted in the jungle.
bulw, A kind of fish.
bulw, Jaundice, icterus; biliousness.
bulwan, Gold. Bs-og nga bulwan.
Pure gold, solid gold.
bulawnon, Golden, gilt, made of gold,
shining or precious like gold.
bulw-blaw, A kind of creeper.
blbug, To strike, beat against, etc. See
blbul, Fine hair, down, feathers. (cf.
bulblan, Covered with feathers or fine,
soft hairs, downy; feathery.
bulbuln, Hairy, downy, feathery.
bldok, (Perhaps from the English
bulldog) A kind of revolver; a special
breed of swine.
blgon, Having an entirely white eyeball.
blhang, To push through, to force ones
way through, pass unceremoniously
through or in front of others. Sang
nagasugilnon kam nagblhang si sa
tung nmon. As we were talking he rudely
passed between us. Ginblhang nya ang
mga bista. He unceremoniously pushed
through the visitors. Binlhang sang bah
ang pn sang tytay. The current forced
its way through the bridge-head. Dl mo
pagbulhangn ang prosesyn. Dont cut

Visayan-English Dictionary
through, walk or pass across, the
procession. (cf. luhng).
blhit, To boast, brag, swagger. (cf.
hmbog, bgrit, br-it, wkal).
blhot, To emit puffs of smoke or air with
some noise, to whiff, puff, fizz, fizzle. Wal
maglupk ang kmara (kmra,
rekmara) knd nagblhot lang. The
mortar did not detonate, but simply fizzled
out. (cf. burhot id.).
blhug, To throw (a spear or lance); to
push, pull, drag. Ginblhug (binlhug) ak
nya sa idlum. He pushed or dragged me
bul, The back, seat, croup, rump,
fundament, buttock: the bottom of
anything. (cf. likd, taldtud).
bli, A red and white spotted sea shell, a
larger kind of bskay. (cf. bskay,
mngay, sigy).
bli, To polish, make glossy, make shiny.
Bulha ang patdyong ko. Put a gloss on
my skirt. Patdyong nga binli. A kind of
glossy skirt. A patdyong that has been
starched and made glossy by beating. (cf.
hning, silng, sl).
bli, To roll (cotton for spinning, etc.).
Bulha ang blak, agd ton pamdngon.
Make the cotton up in rolls, that we may
spin it. (cf. dli, ballon, loln).
bli, To cover with paste or paint, to
plaster, paste over, daub, smear, spread,
overspread, overlay, coat. Bulha ang slyo
sang taybong. Cover the stamp with
taybong-paste. Ind mo pagbulhon inng
papl sing pintra. Dont daub this paper
with paint. Bulhi ang by sing pog.
Smear some lime on the by-leaf. Ibli
ak nay sinng sbre. Kindly put some
paste on this envelope. Ibli inng is ka
pdyot nga pog sa by. Spread this
pinch of lime on the by-leaf. (cf. plhit).
bulibiton, A kind of tree. (cf. bilibiton).
bulibiton, A kind of starfish.
bulbud, To encircle, coil, wind,
twist, put, around; to entangle.
Nabulibran (binulibdan) si sang kalt.
He became entangled in the rope. (cf.
blid, To fall down and roll over, to
tumble or drop down in a heap. Nagblid
si. He fell and rolled over. Andam ka,
agd nd ka magblid. Look out, lest you
should tumble over. (cf. lgid).
buld-buld, Dim. of blid. (cf. ligdligd).
blig, A whole stem of bananas having
bunches of bananas along it.
blig, To help, assist, aid, lend a hand,
give a helping hand, do or work jointly with
another. Bulgi ak. Help me. Binulgan
nya si sa pagardo. He helped him to
plough. Nagabuligy, nagabulignay or
nagabinuligy sil. They are co-operating,
helping each other. Ipablig ko sa mo ang
kon sologo-n. Ill let my servant assist
you. Kon nd si nnyo pagbulgan nd si

blhit bulugskan
makatpus sang ya nga olobrhon. He
cannot finish his work, unless you come to
his assistance. Kay ginbulgan mo ak sa
pagpatndog sang kon baly
pagabulgan ko man ikw sa pagpatndog
sang mo. Because you assisted me in
building my house I will also help you in
erecting yours. (cf. tbang).
blig Helpmate, help, helper, aid,
assistant, auxiliary. (cf. kablig,
bulkat, To open, unfold, press open. (cf.
bkat, burkat).
bullaw, A kind of thornless bamboo with
white, yellow and green stripes, striped,
streaky like the bullaw-bamboo. (burraw
bulinw, A small white fish. Ang ya mga
tdl daw bulinw. Her fingers look like a
bulinao-fish, i.e. they are white and
bulng, (H) Stain, dirt, smudge; to stain,
smudge, soil, dirty, mess, begrime, sully.
Nabulingn si sang bulng sang kalh.
He was smudged with soot from the pan.
Ind mo pagibulng inng bro sa nawng
sang bt. Dont blacken the face of the
baby with that lampblack. (cf. msing,
hgk, dgt, burng).
bulnga, Eggs of fishes, roe, spawn,
especially of the alimsan, tabngk, etc.
(cf. burnga, bhod).
bulng-bulngon, (H) A little dirty or
soiled, rather dirty.
blingn, (H) Soiled, dirty, grimy,
smudged, begrimed, stained, dirtied,
messed, sullied. Bulingn ikw; palgos
ka. You are dirty; take a bath. Bulingn
ang kamt mo, segro nangot ka sa
klon. Your hand is dirty; surely you have
been groping in the kettle. Bulingn nga
panpton. Soiled linen, clothes to be
washed, the wash, clothes for the wash.
(buringn id.).
bulingt, Displeased, morose, stern,
annoyed, dark-browed, vexed, put out,
sulky, gloomy, glum, offended; to frown,
scowl, knit ones brows, pull a sour face,
lower, lookangry,offended, to pout,
sulk. Ind ka magbulingt. Dont make
such a sour face. Ginbulingotn ak nya.
He frowned at me. He gave me an angry
look. He looked darkly at me. (cf. sulingt,
suringt, snggud, kolisw, korisw,
blit, To spot, speck, spatter, stain, soil,
fleck with some adhesive matter. Nabultan
ak sang lnang. I was covered with mud.
Ang pintra nagblit sang kon delrgo.
The paint spotted my trousers. Ind mo
pagiblit ang sabw sa ya nga by.
Dont spatter his jacket with sauce. (cf.
bulng, msing, hgk).
blkat, To perplex, confuse, crossexamine, bewilder by putting many
disconnected questions and the like.
Ginblkat (ginbulktblkat) sang abogdo

ang testgo. The lawyer tried to bewilder

the witness, cross-examined the witness.
Iblkat ak sang pinahyag sinng to.
Cross-examine that man for me. Try to
make him contradict his statements by
putting many questions to him in quick
succession. (cf. pt-aw, lth, lktaw).
bulkt-blkat, Dim. of blkat.
Bulktbulkat si kon matod ang ya nga
ginpahyag. Put him some perplexing
questions to see whether what he declared
is true. (cf. pat-wpt-aw, luthlth).
bl-o, The fat tissue near the ovary and
oviduct in hens.
blto, (Sp. bulto) A piece of luggage, case,
trunk, box: a carved or chiselled image or
statue; anything bulging; a measure that
holds two bushels of rice.
buluadn, Place where animals are bred.
(cf. bad, buluarn).
bulugas, To disintegrate; to disperse.
Nagbulugas ang mga buyng sang
pagabt sang mga solddo. The brigands
fled or dispersed, when the soldiers arrived.
(cf. bulusag, bulwgas, bulwsag).
buluarn, (H) See buluadn id. (cf.
bulusag, See bulugas, bulblag.
bulblag, (H) To separate, part, scatter,
leave, disjoin, disband, fall away, disperse.
Nagbulblag na ang mga pamatn-on,
kay tpus na ang dmug. The young
people have dispersed, for the wrestling is
over. (cf. burblag, bulg).
bulubungn, (H) The ridge of a roof, etc.
(cf. bubungn, alibungn).
bulg, (B) Short-haired, close-cropped: to
cut the hair short, to crop the hair close.
Bulug ang bohk ko. Cut my hair short.
Bulug si sang ya bohk. Cut his hair
short. Mapabulg ak. I am going to have
my hair cut. Ibulg inng gnting sa ya
nga bohk. Use this pair of scissors to cut
his hair short. Ibulg ak nay sang kon
bohk. Kindly give me a close crop. (cf.
bulg, Dull, blunt, not sharp, not cutting
well. (cf. mahbul).
bl-ug, A painful swelling of the testicles.
bl-ug, A kind of bi.
bulughay, (H) See balaghay.
bulugsan, (H) A receptacle, tin, basket
or the like, where hulled rice is kept for the
use of a family. (cf. bugs).
bulugasn, (H) A rice-mill, a rice-hulling
machine. (bugs).
bulugasn, (H) Rice to be hulled and
prepared for food. (cf. bilinhongrain to
be reserved as seed).
bulgkyog, (B) Short-cropped, having
ones hair cut short, close-cropped. (cf.
alt, bulg).
bulugskan, (H) A hole, place or piece of
ground into which a post or stake is to be
driven for a house, bridge, fence, etc.


buluhatn bumullig, bumululg

buluhatn, (H) Place where something is
made, work-shop. Buluhatn-tinpay. A
bakery. Buluhatn-saptos. A shoemakers. Buluhatn-kl. A hat-makers
shop. (cf. bhat: pbrika).
buluhatn, buluhton, (H) That is to
be done, duty, task, work, obligation. (cf.
bhat, buhton).
buluhinn, (H) What is to be, or should
be, diminished, decreased. (cf. bhin,
buluhinn, (H) Diminution, decrease;
the part, number or amount that is to be
taken from a larger whole.
buluhsan, (H) What is to be, or should
be, taxed, a thing on which a tax has to be
paid; tax, duty, impost, levy. (cf. buhs).
bulk, See bolk.
bulksan, (H) What is to be, or should
be, opened, as a door, school, road,
parliament, etc. (cf. buks).
buluksngan, An enclosed place where
boxers try their skill, price-ring, boxing
ring. (cf. bksing (Engl. boxing)).
bulukutn, Enclosure, pen, den, place
where a person or an animal is confined.
(cf. bkot).
bululkaw, Meteor, meteorite, shootingstar, falling star. (cf. bulalkaw,
bululwon, (H) Liable to fall under a
spell of sickness, amenable to spells. (cf.
bulw, mabululwon).
bullngan, (H) Hospital, medical
bureau, sanitary station, clinic, office,
office-hours, of a physician. (cf. bulng).
bullngon, (H) A patient, sick person.
(cf. bulng).
bulunakn, (H) Laundry, place or room
where clothes are washed. (bnak).
bulunl, (H) Rod, whip, stick, ridingcrop, cudgel, club, cane. (burunl id. and
both from bnalto strike, beat, thrash).
bulunngon, That is to bespun,made
into thread or yarn; fibre, yarn, thread.
Blak nga bulunngon. Cotton for
spinning. (cf. bunng).
blung, (H) To spin, rotate, turn round
swiftly; to admire, be astonished, surprised.
Nagablung sil sing blak. They are
spinning cotton. Nablung ak nga wal
si magabt. I was surprised that he did
not come. (cf. brung id.).
bulng, Medicine, physic, simple, drug,
potion, draught, treatment, nostrum,
remedy for a wound or disease; to doctor,
heal, physic, cure, apply a remedy, treat a
patient, give medicine. May bulng ikw
sa pils? Have you a remedy for a wound?
Ibulng mo sa ya inng ilmnon. Give this
draught to him as a remedy. Blnga si.
Give him medicine. Heal him. Treat him.
Mapabulng si sa Ilnglong. He is going
to see a doctororto get treatment in
Iloilo. Ipabulng ko si sa hospitl. I shall
send him for treatment to the hospital. Sn-


Visayan-English Dictionary
o ang nagabulng sa ya? Who is treating
him? Sa tann nga mga balatan may
bulng, pang sa kamatyn wal. For all
bodily ills there is a remedy, but none for
death. (Pamulngthe Freq. of bulng).
bulungn, (H) A spindle, spinningwheel. (blung: burungn id.).
bulungton, A disclosure,
notification, declaration, publication,
manifestation, to be made; that is to be
disclosed, etc. (cf. bungt).
bulungkawayn, A kind of tree.
bulunygan, One to be baptized, a
catechumen. Pil ang mga bulunygan
sang is ka Sbado? How many baptisms
were there on the Saturday before last? Sno ang bulunygan mo? Whom are you
going to baptize? (cf. binunygana
Christian; Christian or baptismal name).
buluran, Gossip, chat, idle talk; to
gossip, etc. (cf. br, bura-n).
bulurdhan, What is to be embroidered;
embroidery. (cf. brda, palamugtkan).
blus, The first onrush of water in a
flooded river, a sudden rise of water; also
used as verb. Nabulsan kam. We were
overtaken by the flood. Dal kam sa
pagtabk, agd nd kam mabulsan. Be
quick in crossing the river, that the flood
may not come upon you.
buls, To take anothers place, to succeed,
substitute, take ones turn. Magbuls ka sa
ya sa pagardo. Now, take his place in
ploughing. Sn-o ang nagbuls sa ya?
Who succeeded him? Sa pitudlaw nga
mabuls. Next week. Bsli (bulus) si sa
pagdal sang bakg. Take his place in
carrying the basket. Nagbuslnay sil
magbtbit sang malta. They carried the
handbag by turns. (cf. tl-us, salli).
buls, A bale, full piece, roll of cloth or the
buls, Dried leaves of the buri-shoot
(gbos sang bur) used for making mats.
bulsblus, Alternately, by shifts, by
turns, turn and turn about, to do by turns,
take turns, to alternate. Magsmba kam
sing bulsblus. Go to church by turns.
Nagbulsblus sil magbayorsa
pagbay. They took turns at pounding rice.
Bulsbulsan ta ang pagdal sang bakg.
Let us carry the basket turn and turn about.
Bulsbulson mo ang itm kag put sa
pagsmay sang kon by. Make black
and white stripes alternate in the design for
my jacket or dress.
bulsbsan, Surgery, operation;
operating room; person to be operated
upon. (cf. bsbusto cut open, dissect).
buluswngan, Aperture, orifice, fistula,
outlet (of a wound for the discharge of pus,
etc.). (cf. bswang).
bulutngan, (H) Anything on which an
object may be put or placed. Bulutngan
sang ab. An ash-tray. Bulutngan sang
botlya. Bottle-stand. (cf. butng).

buluthan, A place of reunion, where

visitors come together; a school. (cf.
bulutlkan, Sunrise; East. (cf. btlak).
bulutungn, What is to be, or should be,
pulled or drawn, property to be confiscated:
seizable, liable to be seized, taken or
confiscated. (cf. btong).
buluyayawn, (H) Strong language,
reproaches, insults, cursing and swearing,
vile or opprobrious terms, raillery;
deserving a curse, execrable. (buyyaw).
blwag, See blwang.
bulwgan, An opening, a breach.
bulwgas, To disintegrate, fall to pieces,
be smashed, be shattered; to disperse. (cf.
ws-ag, busag).
blwang, To open or breaka dam,a
bank,a dyke,a levee; to make a gap in a
dyke. Sn-o ang nagblwang sang pnud?
Who made the breach in the dyke?
Ginblwang sang tbig ang pask. The
water made a gap in the irrigation dam.
Bulwang ang kahn sa tungtng sang
talmnan. Make an opening in the dyke
near the middle of the field. (cf. bhang,
bulwsag, See bulwgas.
blwat, To wrenchtear, drag, pull,
out by force. Nablwat ang ya nga
btkon. His arm was wrenched out, (was
entirely separated from the shoulder).
Bulwat ang pkpak sang mank nga
inhaw. Tear the wings off the chicken that
has been killed. Iblwat mo ak sang pa
sang mank. Please pull off the chickens
leg for me. Nablwat ang bul sang lta,
klon, etc. The bottom of the tin, kettle, etc.
was torn out.
blya, (Sp. bolear) To pull, drag, by
jerks, to jerk, push to and fro. Bulyah ang
pang tbtub nga masngg ang sang.
Push and pull the hooked pole till the
branch breaks off the stem. Ginblya nya
ang kon btkon tbtub nga nangkig ak
(tbtub nga nadal nya ak). He pulled
my arm till I got angry (till he made me go
along with him).
blya-blya, Dim. of blya.
Ginabulyablya ang bt sang ya nga
ily. The child is being pulled, dragged,
along by its mother. Bulybulyah gid ang
balgon tbtub nga mabgt. Jerk the
stem of the creeper till it breaks.
bumalkal, A buyer. (cf. bakl).
bumalntay, (H) Guard, sentry,
sentinel, watcher, observer, look-out.
bumalsa, Reader. Ang mga bumulsa.
The reading public. (cf. bsa).
bumalton, Recipient, receiver. (cf.
bumulksing, A boxer. (cf. bksing).
bumullig, bumululg, Helper,
assistant, etc. (cf. blig, kablig).

Visayan-English Dictionary
bumulth, (H) School-boy, school-girl;
student, scholar. (cf. bth).
bun, (B) Loosely twisted or twined,
having loose strands: to twine loosely.
Inng kalt bun. This rope is loosely
twisted. Buna ang paglbid sang kalt.
Twist the strands of the rope loosely. (cf.
polt, portfirmly twisted, twined
bn-a, To make audible exertions or
efforts, as of one suffering from a hard
stool and having difficulty in evacuating.
bn-ag, (H) Birth, delivery; to bring to
light, give birth to, be delivered of.
bnak, To wash by beating water-soaked
clothes. Bunki ang panpton ko. Wash
my clothes. Panpton nga binunkan.
Washed clothes. Ibnak ak sang kon
pnyo. Kindly wash my handkerchief. (cf.
bnak, Also: to beat, drub, club, thrash,
punish severely. (cf. bkbak, tartri, etc.).
bnal, To strike, beat, thrash, whip, flog,
scourge, flagellate, birch, cane, drub, lash,
swinge. Bunla si. Thrash him. Bunli si
sa likd. Give him a flogging on his back.
Ibnal mo ak nay sinng bt mo, kay
nangwat si sing kurta nga bli napl
ka sentims. Please give this child of yours
a beating, for it has stolen ten centavos.
Ibnal sa kabyo inng smsim. Use this
bamboo-branch to beat the horse with. (cf.
hnot, lmps, etc.).
bnal, Also: to strike a ball, etc. Bunla
ang bla. Strike (hit) the ball.
bunng, Yarn, thread. Bunng nga
ingpang. Yarnin hanks,by the hank.
(cf. hlo).
bunyag, Open, simple, honest, truthful,
true, candid, straightforward, veracious,
sincere, frank, outspoken, ingenuous,
artless, unreserved; kind-hearted, openhearted. Bunyag gid si sing pamatsan.
He is very simple-hearted, simple-minded.
(cf. bunyon).
bunyon, Straight, upright, erect, right,
not bent, not curved; of equal diameter
throughout, not tapering; mild, gentle, soft,
simple, artless, guileless. Bunyon ang ya
lwas kag tang ang ya gtang. His body
is straight and his forehead erect. (cf.
tdlong, tans, bunyag, bungyon).
bnbun, Detritus, soft sand or mud near
or under water, slime, mire. (cf. bagnbon;
bndak, To thrust, dig, stick, jab,
lunge, strike, with the butt-end of a
lance,rifle,stick, etc. Bundak si sang
bastn. Thrust at him with the end of the
stick. Ibndak sa hal ang bagt. Jab the
iguana with the pole. Ang ibulndak sang
bngkaw. The butt-end of the lance. (cf.
bgsak, pdag, psad, psdak,
pundkpndak, bay, tot, dgkal,
dgdug, hrog).

bumulth bnghay
bndul, Slow in any way, dull, stolid,
deliberate; to be or become slow, etc.
Bndul nga to. A slow man. Bndul si
magbsa, maglakt, magpangabdlay,
etc. He is slow at reading, walking,
working, etc. Nabunduln ak sinng to.
This man is too slow for me. (cf. hnay,
lgday, pkok).
bnga, Fruit; benefit, result, effect,
consequence, issue. (cf. pamnga,
bnga, The betel-nut palm and its fruit.
Bnga sang bnga. The fruit of the betelnut palm.
bungd, Bald, hairless: to be or become
bald. Bungd nga to. A bald man. Sn-o
pa ikw magbungd?Sang pagmasakt
ko nagbungd ak. When did you become
bald?When I was sick I became bald. (cf.
bngag, A hole or cavity in a tree made
by insects.
bungagn, bunggon, Full of holes,
having rotten parts and cavities, said of a
worm-eaten or insect-infested tree.
bunglngal, To be a chatterbox, to prate,
prattle, chatter, talk glibly or flippantly.
bungalnglan, Indiscreet, one who talks
without restraint, letting out secrets, etc.; a
great chatterbox. (cf. buran, hadakn).
bunglon, A kind of grass often
cultivated and fed to horses, etc.; zacate.
(cf. kmpay, sakte).
bungn-bungn, To gush, jet,
squirt, spirt, out, (as water from a
fountain). Nagabungnbungn ang tbig
sa tuburn. The water gushes out of the
fountain. (cf. smpit).
bungn-bungann, Place where water
gushes or spirts out, fountain, source. Sa
bungnbungann sang tuburn. At the
very fountain-head, at the very place where
the water gushes out of the ground.
bungng-arw, Prickly heat. (cf.
bungng-nit, alw).
bungangnit, Prickly heat, a slight skindisease. (cf. bnga, nit).
bungansso, bunganss, The whale.
(cf. balyna, dyong).
bungt, (B) To utter, give expression to,
tell, speak out, say, come out with. Ibungt
mo ang mo kinahnglan. Say what you
want. Bungat ak sang mo nga
ginapangy. Tell me plainly what you are
asking for. Ginbungt nya sa kon ang
ya nga katuyon. He told me of his
intention. (cf. tikb, silng, plong, etc.).
bngaw, An empty coconut, betel-nut or
the like; to be or become dull, brainless;
idiot, fool, dunce, a brainless fellow. Ang
mga bngaw wal sing puls. Empty
coconuts are of no use. Ind ka
magbinngaw. Dont act as if you had no
bungy-bngay, The mane of a horse.

bungyngay, Dishevelled, rumpled, in

disorder, disarranged (of hair, etc.). (cf.
bkag, burungyngay).
bungyon, Straight; simple; not
tapering. See bunyon.
bungyon, Not tapering, of equal
diameter throughout (of a tube, pipe, cigar,
etc.). (cf. piysan, paysantapering),
(bunyon id.).
bng-bung, Very full, brimful, crammed,
full to overflowing; to fill to overflowing, to
be or make very full. Bungbung ang
gantngan. Fill the gantang-measure
brimful, full to overflowing.
bng-bung, (B) Punch; to punch, strike
with the closed fist as with a hammer. Ind
mo si pagbungbungn. Dont punch him.
Ibngbung mo ak sin. Please hammer
this with your fist. (cf. mol, smbag,
bngbung, Also: to prolong the eaves of
a roof as a protection against the sun or
rain, to attach any kind of awning to the
border of a roof.
bngday, To dangle, flow, to fall, hang
down, loose, said particularly of hair.
Pabungday lang ang bohk mo. Simply
let your hair hang down loose.
Nagabngday ang ya bohk. Her hair
hangs down loose. Ind ka magpabngday
sang bohk mo. Dont let your hair down.
bungdyan, Dangling, flowing,
hanging, falling, down free, not bound
up, not done up, said especially of hair; to
dangle, etc. Nagabungdyan (bungdyan)
ang ya bohk or Nagabungdyan
(bungdyan) si sang ya bohk. She
wears her hair hanging down free. Her hair
is not bound up. (cf. bngday).
bngga, To jump at, charge, pounce,
swoop down, upon, make a dash for, but
without actually touching the victim.
Ginbngga ak sang am, id, bboy, etc.
The monkey, dog, pig, made a jump at me.
Bunggah si sa pagphug sa ya. Jump
at him in order to intimidate (frighten)
him. Binngga sang talonn ang
mangangyam. The wild pig charged the
bnggit, A childrens game played with
shells; to play at bnggit.
bngg, To throw, shove, thrust,
push against, something hard with some
force. Ibngg si sa dngding. Push him
against the wall. Binunggon ang lamsa
sang ya lo. He knocked his head against
the table. Nabngg si sa bat. He was
shoved against the rock. (cf. sngg,
bngg, Also: Collision; to collide.
Nagbunggay (nagbunggonay,
nagbinunggay) ang duh ka trak. The
two trucks collided. (cf. sngg, lngg).
bnghay, Troop, drove, division, sect,
party; to form a division or party, etc. Ang
mga pumuly sinng bnwa


bnghay, bunghyan buntaln

nagabnghay sing ttlo ka partdo. The
inhabitants of this town form three parties.
Ang bnghay nga makiharinon kag
makiangyon. The royalist and the
democratic party.
bnghay, bunghyan, See bngday,
bung, Hare-lipped. See sung, ong.
bungl, Hare-lip; hare-lipped. (cf. ong,
sung, ng, sng).
bngka. An attack, onset, shock,
collision, joining battle, first impact; to
attack, come together or meet in combat, to
fight a battle, engage in a quarrel or
dispute. Sang na nga bngka sang way
nga malapyut naplas si. In the first
opening of the hand-to-hand battle he was
wounded. Ginbngka ak nya sa dak
nga kakig. He attacked me with great
fury. Ind mo si pagbungkahn. Dont
attack him. Dont be the aggressor against
him. Ktub sang pagdeklarr nla sang
gra nadgay pa tbtub nga
nagbungkahnay sil. From their
declaration of war it was a long time till
they joined battle, (till they engaged in
actual fighting).
bngkag, To demolish, destroy,
dismantle, pull down, take down.
Bungkag ang baly. Pull down the house.
Dl mo pagbungkagn ang kro nga
napunihn, kay may kinahnglan pa ak
sin. Dont dismantle the decorated car, for
I need it again. Bungkag ak sing is ka
sya nga dan, kay himon ko nga
balayn sang is ka kwdro. Take to
pieces an old chair for me, because I am
going to make a picture-frame of it.
Ibngkag mo ak nay sang entabldo.
Please take down the stage. (cf. gub,
bngkag, Also: to undo something for
the first time, as to deflower a virgin, to go
to confession for the first time, or the like.
bngkag nga tlog, An egg that is not
quite fresh, the white and the yolk being
bngkal, To force an entrance, break in,
smash in, break open, a door, etc. See
bngkal id.
bungklas, (H) To rise, stand up,
suddenly, unceremoniously. An ang
ginabungklas mo? Why are you rising so
suddenly? Nagbungklas si (binungklas
si) sang pagkakt nya sang mn-og. He
rose quickly on seeing the snake. Ind mo
pagbungkalsan kag pagbayan ang mga
bista. Dont rise so unceremoniously and
leave your visitors alone. (cf. bngon,
bungkt-bngkat, (B) See bulktblkat.
bngkol, To prod, push, poke, thrust
against, dig, jab, with the point of a
stick, pole, or the like. Bungkol ang
ganghan sang hl-o. Push the door to,


Visayan-English Dictionary
push the door open, with the rice-pestle.
Ibngkol ang hl-o sa ganhan. Push at
the door with the end of the rice-pestle. (cf.
bntal, tmbok).
bngkos, A package, bundle; to pack,
bundle up, wrap, make, up in a bundle.
Bungkos ang panpton mo. Tie your
clothes up in a bundle. (cf. bgkos,
balhos, bgtong, puts).
bngkoy, Large-headed, thick-headed,
chuckle-headed, with a swollen or big head
out of proportion to the size of the body;
blockhead, numskull, fool.
bngkras, (B) To rise, stand up, get on
its legs, from a lying or sitting position,
chiefly applied to animals. Daw sa nd na
makabngkras inng kabyo. It seems that
this horse cannot rise any more.
Pabungkras ang karabw. Make the
buffalo get on its legs. Ginbungkrasn kag
ginlags sang id ang knding nga
nagsuld sa pamulkan. The dog rose and
chased the goat that had entered the
garden. Bngkras ka. Get up. (Applied to
persons bngkras is considered
impolite). (cf. bngon).
bnglay, A bunch, bundle, package, load
(of cogon-grass, etc.). (cf. bgkos, klo).
bngot, Beard, whiskers.
bungton, Bearded, whiskered, having a
beard. (cf. bungtann).
bngsad, To strike, tap, the floor with
the point of a stick or the like. Ind mo
pagbungsarn (adn) ang salg sang
mo bastn. Dont tap the floor with the
point of your stick. Ibngsad ang mo
bastn sa salg. Strike the point of your
stick against the floor. (cf. psdakto
throw or drop with some force).
bngsod, An ant-hill, a little mound.
bngsod, To punch, etc. See bngbung.
Bungsor (od)bungbung.
bungtann, Bearded, whiskered, with a
beard. (cf. bungton).
bngug, Mind, head, brain. (cf. bag,
bungl, Deaf, hard of hearing, without
hearing; to be or become deaf, lose ones
hearing. Nagbungl si. He became deaf.
He lost his hearing. Ind ka
magpakabungl. Dont pretend to be deaf.
Dont act the deaf man. (cf. ong).
bungl, A piece of bamboo, or the like,
with the small end cut off.
bungl, To cut off piece by piece, cutin
pieces,in lengths. Bungul sing mga
ptdan ang tub. Cut the sugar-cane in
pieces for planting. (cf. pnggul).
bngyud, High ground, plateau; island.
(cf. bntud, bngsod, bklod, pol).
bni, A skin disease, tetter, ringworm. (cf.
bni, bun, To divulge, spread, make or
become public, get abroad, etc. (cf.
balahb, buygyag, bantl, lpta).

bunt, Angle, hook (fish); to angle, hook.

Bunit inng haron. Hook this mud-eel.
Isd nga nabunt (binunt). A fish that has
been hooked (caught by hook). Ipamunt
inng kon bunt. Go and fish with this
fishing-line of mine. Pamuntto fish with
line and hook. Pamunit inng lnaw, kay
madm sing sd. Angle with line and
hook in this quiet water, for there is plenty
of fish in it. (cf. salit).
bnkras, (B) See bngkras.
bnlak, The stalk of plants that are
composed of various layers like the bananastalk. (cf. tinb-an, pas, ngkag).
bnlaw, To rinse, lave, finish washing or
bathing by the use of clean, fresh water.
Bunlaw na lang ang bt, kay nagakrug
na sa katgnaw. Finish off bathing the
child by pouring fresh, clean water over it,
for it is trembling with cold. Nakapalgos
na ak kag mamnlaw na lang ak. I have
taken a bath and now I am going to rinse
myself with clean water. Ibnlaw inng
tbig nga matnl sa mga panpton nga
linbhan. Use this clean water for rinsing
the wash.
bnlaw, A medicinal plant.
bnlot, To draw, pull, drag, pluck,
lug, out with some force, to extract,
wrench, tear, out. Bunlot ang blbul
sang mank. Pluck the chicken. Ginbnlot
nya ang dl sang bboy, ang gamt sang
khoy, etc. He tore out the pigs tongue, the
tree-root, etc. (cf. bgnot, hnus, hbnus,
bun, To stab, prod, stick, pierce, with a
sharp instrument. Bn-a si. Stab him.
Bn-i si sa klid. Stab him in the side.
Ibun ang bngkaw sa bboy. Use the
lance to stick the pig with. Ang binun
kahpon natabangn sa madal kag
nalus na sa katalgman sang
kamatyon. The one who was stabbed
yesterday was given assistance at once, and
is now out of danger of death. (cf. labto
smite, slash).
bunan, The inclosure in a fish-trap
(punt) where the fish are caught and
killed, often by spearing them. (bun).
bnok, Heavy, pouring, drenching rain; to
rain heavily. Nagabnok ang uln. The
rain is falling heavily. It is pouring. (cf.
bagkbok, bkbok).
bunt, (H) The fibre of coconut husks
used for making doormats, etc.; the net-like
integument at the bottom of the leaves of
some palms.
bnoy, Drunk, fuddled; to be or become
fuddled, drunk. (cf. hubg, lingn, balng).
bntal, See bngkol. Buntalbungkol.
bntal, A kind of grass whose fibre is used
for hat-making, etc. Kl nga bntal. A hat
made of the fibre of buntal-grass.
buntaln, A place or side of a thing open
to blows, thrusts, waves, etc. Ang buntaln
sang sub. The bank or side of a river

Visayan-English Dictionary
where the current is swiftest. Ang buntaln
sang sakayn. The side of a boat beaten
against by the waves. The weather-side
opposite the lee-side. (cf. bntal).
bntis, In an advanced stage of childbearing. See bntit.
bntis, Small tweezers for pulling out
hairs, etc.
bntit, Pregnant, near delivery, big with
child; to be pregnant, be (big) with child at
such a stage, that the true state of affairs is
quite noticeable. Bntit si, nd na
matg. She is evidently with child; it
cannot be hidden any longer. Nagabntit
si. She is big with child. Pinabntit si ni
Fulno. She was with child by N.N. (cf.
bsong, mbdus, smbol, bntis, bsyad).
bntud, Full, stuffed, crammed, replete,
bloated, distended; to be full, etc.
Nagabntud ang bsong ko. My stomach
is (or feels) full. Ind ka magkon sin, kay
bs nd makayon ang solksolk mo
kag mabuntudn ka. Dont eat that, for it
may not agree with your stomach and you
may become full of wind (flatulent).
bntug, A stye in the eye, a small
inflammatory tumour on the edge of the
eye-lid. (cf. sng-it, bnggit).
bntug, To bite, strike, said of snakes.
Binntug ang karabw sang mn-og. The
buffalo was bitten by a snake. Andam ka,
agd nd ka pagbuntugn sang mn-og.
Take care, lest you should be bitten by the
snake. (cf. kagtto bite in general:
sugdto sting (of insects).
bntul, To throw to the ground, throw
another on his back (as in wrestling).
Buntul si. Throw him. Binntul
orginbntul nya si Fulno sa salg. He
threw N.N. on his back on the floor. Tilaw
si kon makabntul ka sa ya. Try him to
see whether you are able to throw him.
bnyag, Watering, spraying, sprinkling;
baptism, christening; to water, spray,
sprinkle; to baptize, christen. Bunyag ang
mga tanm. Sprinkle, water, the
plants. Inng bt wal pa mabunyag.
This child has not yet been baptized.
Ibnyag inng tbig sa talng. Sprinkle
this water over the egg-plants. Binunyagn
nga bt, tanm. A baptized baby, a
watered plant. (cf. bautisr).
bog, To be pensive, sad, downcast,
despondent, thoughtful, moping, dejected,
heavy-hearted, down-hearted, down-inthe-mouth, melancholy. An ang ginabog
mo? What are you despondent about?
Prme lang si nagabog. He is always
downcast. (cf. br).
bupnda, (Sp. bufanda) A cloth worn
round the neck, a muffler, comforter. (cf.
ably, amblay, knop).
br, To talk much, prate, prattle, be
loquacious, to chatter. Ind mo pagburon
ang mga waly puls nga halambalnon.
Dont be always wagging your tongue in
useless conversations. Ind mo ak

bntis bros
pagburan sinng mga kabutign. Dont
din these lying stories into my ears. An na
man ang ya nga ginbr dir? What was
he prating about again over there?
br, (B) See blato foam (at the mouth
etc.); foam, froth.
bur, A childrens game played with
dalgdogor bgtongseeds.
buran, A chatterbox, prater, prattler,
babbler. (cf. dilan, baban, hambalro,
hadakn, wakaln).
bur-bra, To hurry, quicken, hasten,
urge to be quick. Burburha ang mga
bt, agd magbulth, kay sa madal na
lang mabksan ang klse. Tell the children
to make haste to school, for class will open
very soon. (cf. apur, daldl).
bur-bur, bur-br, Dim. and Freq.
of brto chatter, etc.
burghal, Coarse, rough, not fine, mean,
low, uncultured. (cf. manl, bstos,
barghal, barbal, bul, bukskis).
burags, (B) Faded, chafed, fretted;
destitute (of hair). (cf. bdhaw; ugs).
burgwit, To spirt, spurt, squirt (said
especially of the evacuations of one
suffering from diarrhoea). (cf. bugany,
brak, (B) See blakcotton, etc.
buraknta, Ill-humoured, bad-tempered,
hot-tempered, quick-tempered, irascible,
choleric, testy, touchy, quarrelsome; a
termagant, an irascible, angry, excited
woman, an ill-humoured female, a great
and troublesome chatterbox. (cf. br,
buran; pikn, kutskuts, tardyon,
buranghgan, To be veryloud,
outspoken,lively (on every occasion,
whether joyful or sad); to be a great talker
or chatterbox. (cf. br, buran).
burngkol, See borngkol. Also: Clogs,
coarse slippers, boots with large, unsightly
burngos, Beard, whiskers. (cf. bngot).
burangson. Bearded, whiskered, with a
beard. (cf. bungton, bungtann).
burntoy, Pregnant, big with child
(during the last stage of child-bearing).
Burntoyornagaburntoy na ang
bsong nya; madal na lang magabt
si. She is big with child; she will soon give
birth. (cf. smbol, bsyad, bntis, bntit,
mbdus, bsong).
burskal, Rough, unchecked,
unrestrained, unbridled (of speech); to talk
without restraint, have an unbridled
tongue. Ind ka magbinurskal. Dont talk
without restraint. Bridle your tongue. (cf.
burw, (B) To take to oneself, to grasp,
grab, appropriate. Buraw lang ang tann.
Just grab all for yourself. Ind mo
pagburawn ang tinpay, knd hatgan
mo man ang mga tud mo. Dont grab all
the bread for yourself (Dont hog all the

bread), but give some to your brothers. (cf.

pangunyd, hugkom, ngkon, karipn,
braw, To makesleepy,drowsy, to
overcome by sleep. Nagpulw si kagb-i,
bs binraw si nga dlaw na magmat.
He was up all last night; therefore he was
overcome by drowsiness, and rose very
bray, To scatter grains or poultry-food to
chickens, etc. (cf. bbod).
brhot, To fizz out, etc. See blhot.
bur, A kind of large palm.
burgal, Very noisy, boisterous, rowdy; to
be very noisy, etc. An ang ginaburgal
nnyo? Why are you so boisterous? Ind
kam magburgalormagbinurgal.
Dont make a racket. Dont be rowdy. Ind
ak nnyo pagburiglan. Dont disturb me
with your noise. (cf. ghud, galng,
burghul, Noise, din, racket, uproar; to be
noisy, rowdy, uproarious, boisterous; also
adjective: boisterous, etc. (cf. burgl)
burkat, To open, pull asunder, draw
apart, unclasp, as a purse, etc. Burikta
ang mga ilalakb sang ya mat kag
usison mo kon sa din ang pling. Press
his eyelid open and see where the mote is.
(In an obscene senseaperire vulvam; cf.
bkat, buskad, busksik).
buriknta, A termagant, etc. See
burnga, See bulngaroe, spawn.
buringt, See bulingtto frown, etc.
burraw, See bullawa kind of thornless
br-it, Boasting, bragging; a boaster,
braggart, bluffer; to boast, bluff, brag,
swagger. (cf. kabr-it, blhit, wkal,
hdak, agrt).
brnil, burnl, (Sp. bruir) To polish,
burnish, shine, clean, cleanse. Burnil ang
kandelro, ang mga saptos, etc. Polish
the candlestick, the boots, etc. (cf. plug,
hning, bitn, nsnis, nsnus).
burnlyo, (Sp. bruidor) Polish; stirring
rod; leather-beater.
burka, Row, riot, noise, trouble,
disorder, tumult, excitement; to be
turbulent, noisy, excited, cause a
commotion, etc. May burka, kon,
kagb-i. Nakabat ka? There was some
excitement (brawl, riot, tumult, or the like)
last night. Did you hear it? An ang la
ginaburka (ginabinurka)? Why are they
so excited? What is their trouble? Ydtong
hitab naburokhan sing dak. That event
caused great excitement. (cf. ghud,
buroknta, A termagant, etc. See
bros, To distend, bloat, cause flatulence
or cramps in the stomach by taking
beverages in too large quantities, or with
food with which they do not agree. Binros


burblag bs-og
si. He is suffering from flatulence. Kon
magkon ka sng mas nga binog nd ka
maginm sing tub nga laks, kay bs
burson ka. When you eat roast corn dont
drink too much toddy, for it may give you
cramps in the stomach. (cf. grus. N.B.
bros and grus are often used
promiscuously, but bros is properly
used of an indisposition caused by drinking
too much, whilst grus applies to an
indisposition caused by eating too much).
burblag, (B) To disperse, etc. See
burughay, (B) To flow copiously or
profusely, said of tears, perspiration, etc.
Nagaburughay gid lang ang ya nga
blhas. He is pouring with perspiration.
(cf. balaghay, talabirs, tulalgay, gay,
lig, was).
burugsan, (B) A receptacle for keeping
hulled rice. (cf. bulugsan).
burg-on, (B) Fit to be roasted; nearly
ripe (of corn, etc.). Mas nga burg-on.
Corn that isnearly ripe,fit to be roasted.
(cf. bog).
buruhatn, (B) See buluhtonwork,
burulghot, (B) To be overwhelmed with
work. See bololghot.
burulwon, (B) See bululwon.
burunl, (B) Whip, etc. See bulunl.
burungyngay, (B) Dishevelled. See
bungyngay. (cf. bkag, bukgkag,
brung, burungn, (B) See blung,
brus, See bros.
brus, Small blisters, as those raised by
prickly heat, by nettles, by the hairs and
seeds of some plants or the like. (cf. gros).
burusnggal, (B) Packed, stuffed,
crammed, chock-full, choke-full; slovenly,
untidy, fastened carelessly (of a skirt, etc.).
Burusnggal ang pamatdyong nya. She
fastens her skirt untidily, carelessly.
Burusanggal lang ang ubt mo. Fasten
your skirt anyhow (by tucking in the upper
end of the patdyong very quickly and
burusngsang, (B) See burusnggal).
burt-brut, To bubble, hiss, boil,
seethe. (cf. aklakl, sindakl, br,
bury-an, (B) An open pasture, etc. See
busag, To smash, shatter, burst, split,
tear to pieces. (cf. gub, ws-ag, lglag,
bs, bsa, (H) Therefore, for that
reason, on that account. Inng hnero
mahl, bs nd ak magbakl sin. This
cloth is dear, therefore I will not buy it.
Nagulan, bs wal ak makakar. It
rained and for that reason I could not


Visayan-English Dictionary
busl, (Sp. bozal) Muzzle, bit of a bridle;
to bridle, muzzle. Busal ang kabyo. Put
the bit in the horses mouth. Pabusal ang
kabyo. Provide the horse with a bit. (cf.
busalan, Charming, enchanting, a spellbinder, one possessing powers or influence
over others; a famous man, a hero.
busalinon, Bewitching, charming,
fascinating, captivating, enchanting; brave,
intrepid, heroic.
busngsang, To be crammed, stuffed,
tight, choke-full, chock-full; Also adjective:
crammed, etc. Nagabusngsang ang suld
sang blsa mo. Your pockets are stuffed
with things. Ind mo pagpabusangsangn
ang blsa mo, kay bs mabkrat. Dont
cram the pocket, for it may burst.
Nabusangsangn ang sko sang
kamnsil. The bag is crammed, bursting
with, choke-full of, chock-full of, the
fruit of the camunsel-tree. (cf. bknal, btal, gutk).
bsaw, A vegetable poison; the poisonous
juice of some plants like kyus, tmb,
kamotingkhoy, etc. Also verb. Ind ka
magkon sin, kay bs mabsaw
(buswon) ikw. Dont eat that or you may
get poisoned. Bs-on ang tmb nga
kindkid (kinhad) kag pg-an, agd
makh ang ya bsaw. Soak the sliced
bamboo-shoot in water and squeeze it to
press out the poison.
busawk, To spirt, jet, squirt, flow out
with some force, as water from a tap, blood
from an open artery, etc. Nagabusawk
gid lang ang dug. The blood is spirting
out in a stream. (cf. butarg, bswit,
busawt, Dim. of busawk. To spirt
slightly, splutter, gurgle.
busy, A precipice, cliff, scarp, steep
mountain side, cataract, water-fall, abyss.
bsbus, To cut open; perform the
Caesarian operation, etc. See bsbos.
bsdik, To split, burst open, applied to
crammed sacks, stuffed pockets, too tight
clothes, etc. Nabsdik ang sko. The sack
burst open. Abw, kabusg ang kon, daw
sa mabsdik ang tiyn ko. Why, I am so
full, that my stomach feels like bursting. Sa
laks nga paghingam mabsdik ang
sko. Through too much greed the sack will
burst open, i.e. too much greed leads to
misery and poverty.
bsgan, bsgon, From busgto be
full, satisfied, etc.
buskad, To part, press, pull, apart,
said of hair when searched for lice, etc., to
open, unclasp, a purse, etc. Busikra
ang mo pyo. Open your purse. (cf.
burkat, busksik, bkat).
busksik, See buskad id. Also: to be
curious. (cf. buss).
buslak, A hard lime-stone, marble.

busisw, An affection of the urinary

organs, causing a person to urinate
frequently, but very little at a time.
Ginabusisw si. He has the infirmity
buss, buss, Curious, inquisitive;
prying; to be curious. Buss nga to. A
curious or inquisitive man. Ind ka
magbuss or magbinuss. Dont be
curious. (cf. kutkuthon).
bskad, (H) To open out, spread, expand,
extend, unfold. Ibskad or buskar ang
pnyo. Open the handkerchief. Ginbskad
ko ang panpton, kay nabas. I spread out
the clothes, for they had become wet.
Nagabskad ang blak. The flower opens.
(cf. bkad, bukd, buk).
bskag. See bskad id.
bskay, (B) Small sea-shells, often used
by children at play. (cf. sigy, mngay,
bsla, To remonstrate with, expostulate
with, ask an account of, investigate,
demand an explanation of ones conduct,
etc. Buslah si sang ya nga ginhm. Ask
him to explain his doings. (cf. skn,
bslan, From buls. Bsli si sa pagdal
sang bakg. Take the basket away from
him and carry it yourself.
bslo, Prolapsus ani; prominent, goggling
(of eyes); to be prominent (of eyes), to
protrude (of the anus, etc.). Bslo ang ya
mga mat. His eyes are prominent, he has
goggle eyes. Nagabslo ang ya nga
ginbut. His anus is (hic et nunc)
bslog, To throw, thrust, fling,
down missiles from above. Buslog si sang
hl-o. Hurl the rice-pestle down at him.
Ibslog yanng kawyan sa id. Throw
that piece of bamboo down at the dog.
Binuslogn nya ak sang ya bastn. He
flung his stick down at me.
bslot, (H) Hole, aperture, opening, rent,
gash, fissure, burst, tear. (cf. lubt, tohk,
bh; though these terms are used
promiscuously for any kind of hole, still
they do not properly mean the same thing.
Tohk should be used for a hole made by a
piercing instrument, bh for holes in the
ground, bslot and lubt for holes in floors,
sacks, baskets, etc.) To make a hole, break a
hole through something. Nabslot ang
tabg, ang sko, ang pinuts, etc. The riceharvesting basket, the sack, the parcel, etc.
has a hole in it, has had a hole broken
through it.
buslutn, Full of holes. Bakg nga
buslutn. A carriers basket that is full of
holes. (cf. bslot; tohktohk).
bso, (Sp. buzo) A diver.
bs-og, Pure, unadulterated, unalloyed,
undefiled; solid, not hollow. (cf. lubs,
bilg, bg-os, tnay, lnsay, pro, hmpit).

Visayan-English Dictionary
busn, (Sp. buzn) Post office box, box
for receiving letters, letter-box, letter-drop,
drop-box. Ihlug ang sult sa busn. Drop
the letter into the letter-box (cf. suldlan
sang sult).
bsto, (Sp. busto) A bust.
bus, To detect, find out, discover (tricks,
cheating, malversations, etc.). (cf. sap).
busg. Cramp in the stomach; to cause
pain or cramps in the stomach, etc.
Gindngg si sang busg. He had an
attack of cramps in the stomach. To nga
binusg. A man that has stomach cramps.
Ang bang, ngpon, etc. nagabusg. The
ulcer, tooth, etc. causes pain, gives
agonizing pain. Binsgan si. He is
suffering from cramps.
busg, Filled, replete, satiated, satisfied,
not hungry; to fill, stuff with food, satisfy
ones hunger. Busg pa ak. I am not
hungry. Nabusg na ak. I have eaten
quite enough. Ind ka magkon sing
busg. Dont eat to repletion or satiety.
bsug. Very smarting, agonizing,
excruciating, painful. Ang kagt sang iwwi tm kabsug, kag ang kindtan
magabusg gid. The sting of the scorpion
is very painful and the place bitten by it
gives great anguish.
busug-busugn, The calf of the leg. (cf.
batis, pusupusun.
bsuk, Throw, drive, plunge, hurl,
fling, cast, into. Ginbsuk nya ang ya
lthang sa tbig. He threw his rifle into the
water. (cf. bgsak; pilk).
bsung, (B) Stomach, abdomen; uterus,
womb; to be pregnant, be with child.
Nagabsung si. She is pregnant, is with
child. Masakt ang bsung ko. I have
stomach-ache. (cf. tin, tiyn, solksolk).
busngan, (B) One with a fat or
protuberant stomach, pot-bellied; big with
child, pregnant. (cf. boy-nan).
bswak, To gush out, spirt, flow out in a
stream. (cf. busawk, bswit, pswak).
bswang, To break or burst and
discharge, said of swellings and ulcers.
Nagbswang na ang bang ko. My ulcer
has burst and discharged its matter.
Butang sing bulng ang kon pgsa agd
magabswang sa madal Put some
medicine on the ulcer on my back to make
it break soon. Ginpabswang nla ang
pgsa. They forced the ulcer on the back to
break and discharge, they made the ulcer
bswit, To spurt, spirt, jet, squirt, gush
forth. See busawt, busawk.
bsyad, Near delivery, big with child, (cf.
burntoy, smbol, hyad, mbdus).
bsyad, To fasten loosely, secure untidily
(ones dress, especially applied to a
patdyong). (cf. buy).
but, Blind, sightless; to become totally
blind. Nagbut na si? Has he gone

busn butg
quite, totally, blind? Has he quite lost
his sight? (cf. lamn).
but, (B) Full, filled, replenished, charged.
But na ang lta. The can is full. Sang
pista but gid ang simbhan sang mga
to. On the feast-day the church was quite
filled with people. (cf. pun).
bt, (B) To fill, charge, replenish. Buta
ang bso. Fill up the glass. Ginbt nya
ang kon bso sing tnto. He charged my
glass with red table-wine. Ibt mo ak
sinng bso. Please fill this glass for me. (cf.
but-bta, Blindmans buff.
Nagahmpang sil sang butbta. They
are playing blindmans buff. Sn-o ang
butbta? Who is the blind man? (cf.
but-bt, Dim. of but. Nearly full; to
nearly fill.
butd, Dark brown, dun-colored, brown
turning nearly black.
butdo, Full, satisfied, satiated, replete,
not hungry. (From but with a Spanish
butka, (Sp. butaca) A comfortable,
commodious chair, a good seat in a theatre,
butakl, A boar, especially one that is
kept for breeding purposes. (cf. nayn
sow; idk, orkpiglet).
but-nan, Prudent; wise, intelligent;
well-behaved, modest, docile. (cf. but;
bt-an, bt-on, etc. From butwill,
butng, Thing, entity, object, transaction,
matter, circumstance, event, anything that
exists or is conceived to exist, as a separate
entity; substantive, noun (grammar). Am
in ang is ka butng nga . This is a
thing (an entity, object, etc.) that . (cf.
walnothing; bhatverb; nglan
name; noun).
butng, To put, place, lay. Ibutng mo
ang lbro sa lamsa. Put the book on the
table. Butangi ang lamsa sing pagkon.
Put some food on the table. Ginbutangn
kam nla sing madm nga mga kalisd.
They brought many troubles upon us,
caused us many difficulties. (cf. atng,
butng-btang, Slander, calumny,
libel; to slander, calumniate, libel, backbite.
D mo pagbutngbutngan ang mong
isigkato. Slander not your neighbour. D
mo pagibutngbtang sa ya in. Dont
bring that false accusation against him. (cf.
libkto detract).
butnhan, A missile thrown by hand and
used in various games. (cf. batnhan,
mno, manohn).
butnwan, (B) To drop, let fall. Andam
ka, kay bs mabutnwan mo ang
pnggan. Be careful not to drop the plate.
Ind mo pagibutnwan ang pnggan.

Dont be careless and drop the plate. (cf.

dgdag, hlug).
butarg, (B) To gush, jet, spurt, spirt,
squirt, stream. Nagpmbo si Fulno kag
nagbutarg gid lang ang dug sa ya
ilng. N.N. bled from the nose and the
blood streamed out. Nagabutarg ang
tbig sa tuburn. The water leaps from the
spring in a jet. (cf. smpit, busawk,
busawt, bswit).
buts, (B) Weaned. (cf. luts).
btas, (B) To wean. Bintas na ang bt.
The child is weaned. Butsa ang bt.
Wean the child from the breast. (cf. ltas).
bth, To visit, frequent; go to school.
Butho ang masakt, ang buluthan, ang
mong ty, etc. Visit the sick person, go to
school, pay a visit to your uncle, etc.
Nagabth si sa mon dir sing makais
sa tgsa ka simna. He visits us here once
a week. Ibth ak nay sang kon nnay.
Please pay a visit to my mother. (cf. daw,
but, (H) Small-pox. (cf. bg-as, hngg).
but, To frolic, play, gambol, jump about,
as dogs, children, etc. Nagabut or
nagabulut ang mga bt. The children are
frolicking. (cf. hmpang, hingyaw, sipl).
but, Cracked, split open, burst; to pop,
burst with a sound, as maize when roasted
in a pan, etc. Nagbut ang mas. The maize
burst. Pabuti ang mas. Let the maize
burst. Pop the corn. But ka magkon sing
but sang mas? Do you like to eat popped
corn? (cf. bit).
but, A film on the eye, cataract. (cf. bit;
btlig, klap).
btiag, To tell others, make public, let
out, betray, secrets, divulge. Ind mo
pagibtiag ang mga sekrto. Do not
divulge secrets. Ibtiag sa la ang ya nga
ginhmbal. Tell them what he said.
Ginbtiag nya ang la kasugtnan nga
ting. He announced their secret
agreement. (cf. bantl, pahibal,
pahyag, pabntug, pabalahb).
but-bt, Dim of but. To pop, burst, said
of corn, etc., when roasted.
butg, A kind of white pimple or small
swelling. Madm ang butg nga nagtb
sa ya lwas. Many white pimples
appeared on his body. (cf. pnggod).
butg, A lie, falsehood, untruth, deception,
invention, fabrication, perversion of the
truth, prevarication, fib; to lie, tell lies,
misstate, misrepresent, belie, pervert,
distort, prevaricate, palter, shuffle, fence,
mince the truth, invent, fabricate, trump
up, concoct. Ind ka magbutg. Dont tell
lies. Ind mo ak pagbutign. Dont lie to
me. Ind mo pagibutg sa ya ang imo nga
ginhm. Dont tell him lies about what you
did. Ginbutg lang nya in. He simply told
a lie about that. Butg gid in; nd ak
magpti. This is certainly a lie: I dont
believe it. (cf. bkak).


butgis buy
butgis, Lies, untruths, invented stories.
Butgis lang ang ya nga singid. What he
told were mere stories, inventions,
fabrications. (cf. butg).
butign, A liar, prevaricator, story-teller,
fibber; lying, misleading. (cf. butg).
butihn, (H) Pock-marked, pitted with
the scars of small-pox, suffering from
small-pox. (cf. but; bag-asn, hanggan).
butn, (Sp. botn) Buskin, brogue,
halfboot; gaiter, spatterdash; booty of war,
spoils. (cf. buttos).
butngting, Very full or satisfied after
partaking of a hearty meal; to be full,
satiated, gorged, glutted. Butngting na
ak. I have eaten my fill. Nagabutngting
na ak. I am quite full. Pabutingting ang
bsung mo. Eat your fill. (cf. busg).
btiog To jump, spring, strike (as a
snake). Ang mn-og nagbtiog sa kon,
pang wal makabut. The snake made a
jump at me, but did not reach me.
Binutiogn kag binntug si sang is ka
mn-og. A snake struck at him and bit him.
butti, A small poisonous fish; a balloonfish. It has the peculiarity of becoming
inflated or distended like a balloon, when
attacked or caught and brought out of the
water. Hence it is often used to designate
fat, stout, fleshy, large-bellied people. Daw
butti si. He is as fat as an inflated buttifish.
buttos, (Sp. bota, botito) Small boots or
shoes; childrens footwear.
btkon, Arm. See btkon id.
btl, (B) To cause loathing or nausea, to
nauseate, turn ones stomach, make ones
stomach queasy. Ang tmbok nagpabtl
sa kon. The fat turned my stomach.
Binutlan ak sinng bboy. That pork
upset my stomach,made me feel queasy.
(cf. sm-od, sum, tak, dgw).
btlak, To rise (of the sun). Nagbtlak na
ang dlaw. The sun has risen. Nabutlakn
kam sang dlaw sang r kam sa
alipokpokn sang bkid. The sun rose
when we were on the top of the mountain.
Ind pa ak maglakt, knd mapabtlak
pa ak nay sang dlaw. I will not go yet,
but will wait for the rising of the sun. (cf.
mur, dilg; subng).
btlig, A pimple. (cf. butg, bugs,
btlog, Protruding, prominent, shining,
blazing, lustrous (of eyes); to have
protruding eyes, etc. Nagabtlog ang ya
mga mat. His eyes are lustrous.
Ginpabtlog nya sa kon ang ya mga
mat. He looked at me with blazing eyes.
He glared at me. (cf. bdl).
bt, Membrum virile. (cf. pist, pity).
butk, A bundle or bunch tied together, as
of vegetables, tobacco-leaves, etc. (cf.
bgkos, bngkos).
butk, To make, force, (an animal,
etc.) to lie down on its side. Ibutk ang


Visayan-English Dictionary
karabw, kay markahn ta. Force the
buffalo down on the ground, for we are
going to mark or brand it. Butok inng
lugr sang karabw. Force the buffalo
down in this place.
butk-btok, Dim. of butk. Also: to be
constantly at it, do much, be diligent,
assiduous. Ind ka magbutkbtok sang
kdlaw, hib, kon, bra, etc. Dont laugh,
weep, eat, work, etc. so much. Butkbutki
ang pagtah. Be very diligent in sewing. (cf.
kud, psan, bkas).
butng, Coconut milk, the liquid contents
of a fresh coconut; in some places the
butng includes also the meat. Magainm
kit sing butng. We are going to drink
coconut milk. Magakon kit sing butng.
We are going to eat coconut meat.
Makayon ak gid maginm sang butng
sang lub nga limbhon. I like very much
to drink the milk of the limbhon-coconut.
btong, To draw, pull, tug. Butnga ang
kalt. Pull the rope. Ginbtong nla ang
kble. They pulled the cable. Ibtong ak
nay sinng ps. Kindly pull this string for
me. (cf. gyudto drag; tuldto push;
dusto shove).
bt-ong, A dish of rice wrapped in
banana leaves and stewed. (cf. bus).
btong, Also: Foreclosure; to foreclose (a
mortgage), to seize, confiscate, sequestrate,
layhold of,claim to, bring under the
hammer. (cf. pamtong).
butng-btong, Dim. and Freq. of
btong. Also: A kind of sugar-candy. It is
made from thick molasses and repeatedly
drawn out till it turns white. Hence the
btse, (Sp. buche) Crop, craw, maw, first
stomach in chickens. (cf. baln-balonn;
kolokotn, batiklonthe gizzard).
btse, A kind of cake made from flour.
btud, Not well cooked, said especially of
rice, if too little water has been used. (cf.
alibtdan; balotang).
butd, (H) Swollen, inflated, bloated,
distended; to be or become bloated,
distended, suffer from wind or flatulence.
Nagabutd ang bsung ko. My stomach is
full of wind. I am suffering from flatulence.
(cf. bntud).
butng, A kind of bamboo. (cf. gutng).
btw, To emerge, to rise to the surface
from under water. Nalums si, kay
nagslum kag wal na makabtw. He
drowned, for he dived and did not rise to
the surface again. (cf. twas, btwas).
btwas, To raise, bring up, to the
surface; to rise to the surface. Butwas ang
tan nga gintgub ko kahpon. Take out
of the water the small fish-trap I put there
yesterday. (cf. btw).
btyag, btyog See btiag, btiog.
bul, The heel. (cf. sik, tikd).
bul, (B) To take, fetch, bring, carry away,
take along with. Bl-a ang plak. Take the

money. Sn-o ang nagbul sang pnggan?

Who took away the plate? Bl-i ak sing
tbig. Bring me some water. Bl-i ang
alhbi sing tbig. Take some water from
the tank. Ginblan or binl-an ak nla
sing humy. They took some rice from me.
Ind ka magbul sin kon waly tgut
sang tagya. Dont take that without
permission of the owner. Ibul mo ak
ddto sang kon pinuts. Kindly fetch me
my parcel from there. (cf. kh).
bung, Broken, smashed, shattered to
bits, dashed to pieces, broken into
fragments (said of glass, pottery, etc.).
bung, To break into fragments, dash to
pieces, shatter to bits, smash. Nabung
ang klon. The rice-pot was broken into
fragments. Ind mo pagbungon ang
garpa. Dont break the decanter.
Nabungan kam sing ttlo ka pnggan.
We had three plates broken or three plates
of ours were smashed. Binung nla ang
tbo sang knke. They broke the lampglobe, lamp-chimney. Nabung ang ya
dungg, pagkadalga, etc. His reputation
was severely injured, her good name was
lost, etc.
but Will, intention, mind, reason,
understanding, intelligence; to will, want,
desire, wish, intend, direct, do as one
pleases, set ones heart upon. An ang but
mo? What is your will, intention? What do
you want? Inng bt wal pa sing but.
This child has not yet come to the use of
reason. Mayo si sing but. He has good
intentions, has a kind heart. Ang but ko
nga magmayo ang kon ank. It is my
wish that my child should become good.
Ginabt-an nya ang tann nga
kadaptan sa suld sang baly.
Everything in the house is subject to his
will or direction. Bt-a na lang si. Now,
just accept him (as your bridegroom).
Ginbt-an nya ang pagpun sang
simbhan. He directed, looked after,
superintended, the decorating of the
church. Naggaw si sang kon dt, kay
ginbut nya. He took possession of my
land, because he had set his heart on it.
Btok in sa kon but. That is (was)
against my wishes (cf. kabubt-on).
but, To quicken, hasten, the ripening
of fruit by wrapping it up in leaves or the
like and putting it in a sheltered place.
Buta ang sging. Quicken the ripening of
the bananas by the but-method. Ibut ak
nay sing mga ph. Kindly ripen some
mangoes for me by the but-method. Inng
tabungs am ang pagabutan ko sing
mga ph. I shall use this basket for
quickening the ripening of mangoes.
but, Also: to be about, be on the point of.
Sang but simamaty,magsaky pa
Manl, etc. When he wasabout to die,
on the point of embarking for Manila, etc.
buy, (B) Loose, not well tied or fastened,
tied below the waist; to come loose, etc.

Visayan-English Dictionary
Buy ang ya nga patdyong. Her skirt is
loosely tied. Nagbuy ang ya patdyong.
Her skirt came loose. Ginpabuy nya ang
ubt sang ya nga patdyong. She loosened
the fastening of her skirt. Ind mo
pagpabuyan ang mo nga patdyong.
Dont loosen your skirt. (cf. laby, halg).
buygyag, To show up, expose, tell
others, betray, divulge, make public, bruit
about. Ind mo pagibuygyag yanng
mga butng. Dont tell everybody such
things. Ginbuygyag nya ang
kasaypnan ni Fulno. He exposed in
public N.N.s mistakes. (cf. btiag, btyag,
by-an, See buhan from bhto escape,
get free, get away. By-i ang mga bka. Let
the cattle roam about free. By-i ang lbro.
Put the book away. Let go the book. Release
your hold on the book. Biny-an nya ang
kon kamt. He let go my hand. He
unclasped my hand.
buyn-byan, To neglect, postpone, put
off, procrastinate, disregard, pay no
attention to. Dl mo pagbuynbuynan
ang mo mga tulumnon. Dont neglect the
performance of your duties. (N.B. This
term is mostly used with the prefix pa-.
Nagpabuynbyan si sa pagkompesr.
He neglected, put off, going to
confession. Pinabuynbuynan nya ang
pagtman sang ya mga katungdnan. He
shirked doing his duty. (cf. patumby,
pahmak, palntang, pasaliptpot).
buysyas, To publish, divulge, etc. See
buyyaw, Cursing, swearing, foul,
strong, bad, vituperative, language,
malediction, malison, imprecation,
vituperation, scurrility; to abuse in strong
language, curse, swear, imprecate, scold
severely in opprobrious terms.
Nagabuyyaw si sa ya nga bt. She is
giving her child a good scolding.
Ginbuyyaw nya ak. He cursed and
swore at me. Ind mo si pagbuyaywon.
Dont abuse him in scurrilous language.
Dalyon gid lang sil nagapamuyyaw
dir sinng baly. In that house over there
they are always scolding. (cf. panloy,
panoly; pangr, pamlag, pamsa,
pamulgso, pyas).
byhan, (H) bywan, (B) From buy
to accustom, inure.
byla, Grandmother. (A corruption of the
Sp. abuela).
byla, To pull, drag, push, etc. See blya,
bylog, To accompany, go along with; to
sympathize with, share in. Buylog si.
Accompany him. Ginbuylogn kam nla sa
mon mga kalisd. They sympathized with
us in our difficulties. Madm nga mga
isigkabanwahnon ang nagbylog sa la
kasub. Many of their townsmen shared in
their sorrow. Ibylog ang mo hunhn
sa mo trabho. Let your thoughts go along

buygyag d
with your work i.e. attend to your work. (cf.
by, A kind of vine and its leaves. The
latter are chewed together with the
buy, To accustom, inure, habituate, form
a habit. Nabuy na si dir. He is now
accustomed to the life, the work, there,
he is now acclimatized. Nabuy si sa
paginm sing mga ilmnon nga
makahulbug. He is in the habit of taking
intoxicating liquors. Pabyhon
(Pabywon) mo si dir. Get him to feel at
home there. (cf. nad, hnas).
by, A parcel or bundle of flax, wool,
cotton, etc. put on a distaff for spinning; to
bundle, make a bundle of; to knock down,
floor, lay (lie) down in a heap, huddle up.
buy-byo, Dim. of buy, mostly
constructed with pa. Ind ka
magpabuybyo sang inm sing bno.
Dont get in the habit of taking strong
liquors. Pabuybuyha na nga dan ang
pagbulg mo sang mo giniknan, kay kon
kslon ikw bayan mo man. Try to
accustom yourself to living away from your
parents, for if you marry you have to leave
them in any case.
byok, To bend, curve, incline, cause to
lean; be prone to, have apropensity for,
tendency towards,leaning to,
bias,bent,set,turn,warp. Buyka
ang lipk. Bend the piece of split bamboo.
Ginbyok nla ang sang sang khoy.
They bent the branch of the tree. Mahaps
ang pagbyok sang kandl. It is easy to
bend a candle. Nabyok na si sa malut
nga batsan. He is now inclined to evil
ways, is prone to, has a propensity for,
vicious habits. Sang ulhi nabyok ang ya
hunhn sa Dis. Finally his thoughts
were turned to God. Ibyok mo ak sinng
banslak. Kindly bend this lath for me.
by-on, buy-nan, See by-on, boynan.
byot, To grasp firmly, cling to, hold fast,
clutch, grip. Buyti si. Cling to him. Ang
bt nagbyot sang btkon sang ya
amy. The child clung to its fathers arm.
Binuytan nya ang gamt sang khoy.
He held fast to the root of the tree. (cf.
kpyot, kapt).
buytan, Hold, grasp, grip; something to
hold on to, an advantage or superiority of
any kind. Wal gid ak sing buytan sa
ya. I have no hold on him. I have no
influence with him. (cf. byot; kalptan).
buyg, A wasp.
buyn, Foolish, ill-mannered; ungrateful.
buyng, Robber, highwayman, brigand,
freebooter, bandit, marauder.
byung, To spin, rotate, turn, go round,
as a wheel on its axle. Ang ruda
nagabyung. The wheel is turning.
Pabuynga ang galingn sang mas. Set

the maize-millgoing,in motion.

Ipabyung ak sinng alling. Kindly turn
this wheel for me. Ang mga bt
nagapabyung sang la mga kasng. The
boys are spinning their tops. (cf. tyub,
buyy, Ignorant, uneducated, boorish.
(cf. pkok, kagng, waly tinn-an, dl
malam, binukdnon, umnhon, etc.).

c, This letter was formerly used after the

manner of the Spanish c. It had a k
sound before a, o, u, l, r, and at the end of
syllables and words and an s sound
before i and e.
In conformity with modern usage k and
s are employed in this dictionary instead
of c, except in the spelling of some foreign
expressions. Even words of foreign origin
are now quite frequently adapted to suit the
modern Visayan orthography and terms
like consul, acacia, concejo, etc. become
knsul, aksya, konsho, etc. Hence words
written with c under the old spelling will
be found in this dictionary under k or s.
All historic and sentimental reasons that
can be brought forward for the letter c
have apparently no weight with the present
generation, whose ideals are uniformity,
standardization and practical results in
preference to other considerations.

d, The letter D in Visayan is pronounced as

in English. D after various prefixes such as
pan-, hi-, ha-, etc. is very frequently either
elided, or changed into N, e.g. panhon
(dhonleaf); panlap (dlapto lick);
hinangt (dngatto reach); hanmdum
(dmdumto remember), etc.
D followed by a suffix is often (especially in
Hiligynon) turned into R, e.g. tahron,
katahurn, matinahron (thudto
respect); ginsugran (sgudto
commence); palabuarn (badto breed),
etc. See also padngparng;
daddar; tdungtrung;
tudkturk, etc.


da dagndan
da, A particle without very definite
meaning. It stands for dawas, perhaps;
for taso, then, now, well; for danso
it is, indeed, really, now you have got it,
now you understand it, etc.
d, (H) There, over there, that there. Am
in d. That there (is it). (cf. dir, din).
dab, To flame, blaze, flare up. (cf.
dad, (B) May it be so, would to God
that, it were well, if, etc. (cf. rad,
ran, knt, kuntn, nt, untn).
dan, Old, ancient, antiquated, used,
worn, out of date or fashion, behind the
times, primitive, archaic. Dan na inng
baly. This is an old house. Ginhmbal ko
in sa mo nga dan. I told you this before
or long ago. Mga dan na kit sa
kalibtan. We are a long time in the world,
are getting old. Ang Dan nga Katpan.
The Old Law or Testament. Sa wal pa nga
dan . Beforehand, before it happened
or came about . Wal sil magpahibal
sin sa kon nga dan, knd karn lang.
They did not tell me that before, but only
now. Sang dan nga mga tinig dan man
ang mga batsan. In ancient time there
were also ancient customs. Ang dan ko
nga panpton. My old or worn out clothes.
(cf. duman, ml-am, tiglang, sdto
nay, kinargto, sindto, minl-am).
dan, (B) May (Might) it be so, etc. See
dad. (cf. rad, ran, knt, untn).
day, A lump or clod of earth. (cf. pug,
dab-dba, dab-dab, To flame,
blaze, flare up, be on fire. Nagadab-dba
(nagadabdab) ang kalyo. The fire is
flaring up. The flames of fire are shooting
up. Padabdabha ang kalyo. Stir the
fire, make it burn bright. Padabdabhi
ang klon sang kalyo. Make the fire burn
well under the rice-kettle. Ipadabdba
ak sinng kalyo. Kindly stir this fire for
me. (cf. dab, sblab; har-har,
dbdab, To flare up, etc. (of fire). See
dabdba. Ang kalyo kon hypon
(huypon) sing mabskug magadbdab.
Fire, if blown strongly, will blaze.
dab-dbo, dab-dab, (H) Mizzle,
drizzle, light rain; mizzly, drizzly; to drizzle,
fall in small drops. Nagadabdbo or may
dabdbo. It drizzles. There is a light rain.
Uln nga dabdab. Drizzly rain, mizzle.
(cf. talthi, tarthi, apkapk).
dbok, (H) To light, kindle, a fire.
Dabka ang kalyo. Light the fire. Dabki
ak sing kalyo sa dapg. Kindle a fire for
me on the hearth. Idbok mo ak sing
kalyo sa digamohn kay magatg-ang
ak. Please kindle a fire for me in the
kitchen, because I am going to boil rice. (cf.
dig; tngab, panngab).
dabk, (H) Fire, flame; burning, blazing,
afire, on fire. May dabk sa idlum sang


Visayan-English Dictionary
baly. There is a fire under the house. Ang
dabk sang kalyo. The flame of fire. (cf.
dabokn, Hearth, fire place, stove,
cauldron, boiler, kettle. (cf. dapg, abohn,
sun-adn, digamohn, luluton).
dabng, Stunted, not growing to
maturity, not ripening; to become stunted,
etc. Ang humy nga gintnum nmon
sang Hlyo nagdabng, kay wal sing
uln. The rice we planted in July was short
in the straw, because there was no rain. (cf.
ar-ar, agl-agl).
dbong, Dense foliage; to be shady, leafy,
thick with leaves, dense with foliage. Ang
ph nagadbong. The mango-tree is
thickly set with leaves, is shady.
Padabnga ang khoy sa pagpuld sang
iya mga sang. Make the tree grow thick
foliage by pruning its branches. (cf. gp).
db-ot, To make a long arm, stretch out
ones arm, to reach something hanging on a
peg or the like. Dab-ot ang by sa
lnsang. Reach down the jacket from the
nail. Dab-ot ak sinng blak sa khoy.
Reach up and pluck me this flower from the
tree. Malyag si magkh sang estmpa
sa dngding, pang nd si makadb-ot.
He would like to take down the picture
from the wall, but he cannot reach it. Idbot mo ak sa madal sinng mga panpton
nga hinaly sa salablyan, kay magauln
sa dl madgay. Please take in at once
those clothes hanging on the line, for it is
coming on to rain. (cf. lmbut, dngat).
dad, Aunt. (cf. dar, t, ty; bat
dd, (B) To eat, take food. Dada ang
sging. Eat the banana. Ipadd sa ya
ang kn-on. Give him the rice to eat. (cf.
kon, lad).
dad, A young mud-eel, a small haron.
ddol, (B) To use recklessly, handle
without regard or consideration, treat
roughly. Ginddol gid lang nya ang bg-o
nga mga saptos sa mga kabatohn. He
wears his new boots quite recklessly in
places where there are rocks. Ind ka
magddol sang ditay mo nga bt sa
mabdlay nga dlan. Dont take your
small child along over difficult roads. Ind
mo pagdadlon kn din ka makdto ang
bt nga may hilnat, knd iblin mo si
sa baly. Dont take with you wherever you
go the child with the cold, but leave it at
home. Ginddol nya sa lnang ang
matahm nya nga sinlas. He dragged his
beautiful slippers (regardlessly) through
the mud. (cf. gnoy, gyud).
dadl-ddol, (B) Dim. and Freq. of
ddol. Ginadadlddol nya ang kro nga
ya ginhulm. He is using roughly the cart
he borrowed.
det, Peace, friendliness, amity, concord,
harmony, amicableness, good social
relations; to be at peace with, have good
social relations, be on good terms with, etc.

Kon magdatay kam masdya kam. If

you live together in peace you will be
happy. Wal sing det sa sin nga baly,
dalyon gid lang sil nagasulay. There is
no peace in this family, they are always
quarrelling. Dati si Fulno. Be friendly
towards N.N. Make peace with N.N. D mo
pagdatan ang mga malut sing
pamatsan. Dont enter into friendly
relations with men of bad habits. (cf.
dga, (Sp. daga) Dagger, poniard, stiletto.
(cf. w, sndang, pint).
dg, Clay, clayey soil.
dg, A sacrifice to idols; human sacrifice;
the killing and eating of pigs, chickens, etc.
by the superstitious; to sacrifice to idols or
in superstitious practices. Dkpa ang
knding, kay idg sa minahn
(dulangn). Catch the goat, for we will
sacrifice it for the success of the mine. Ang
la pndut gindagan nla sing duh ka
bboy. They sacrificed two pigs at their
feast. (cf. hlad).
dag, A victim, sacrifice, immolation. (cf.
dg, hlad, hinlad).
dagang, Scarlet, bright red, glaring red,
visible from a great distance; to be scarlet,
be of a bright red colour, be conspicuous,
be visible from afar. (cf. dagngdang).
dagas, To murmur; purl; sough, etc. See
dagnas. (cf. hugnas).
dag-dg Dim. of dgclay. Also:
Wet, moist, damp, dank, humid, well
watered. (cf. bas, mabas, dgn).
dag-dagon, Wet, etc. See dag-dg
daghay, To flow or boil over. (cf.
daghay, (B) A rumbling sound caused
by wind in the intestines, borborygmus,
borborygm; to emit such a sound, to have a
barking stomach. Nagadaghay ang ya
solksolk. His stomach is rumbling. (cf.
dagok, dghob, dagob, dagbdub).
dagldal, To clatter, rattle, rumble, as a
cart over stones or the like. Ang kro
nagadagldal sa kabatohn. The cart is
clattering over the stony ground. Ind mo
pagpadagaldaln ang kro, knd ilikw
mo si sa mga bat. Dont make the cart
rattle so much, but keep it off the stones.
Dl mo ipagi ang kro sa mga bat,
agd nd magdagldal. Dont drive the
cart over stones, lest it should rattle. (cf.
kadlkadl, rungkdul, tumbtmb,
dagldagl, dagldol).
dagmi, Straw, especially rice-straw.
dagnas, Murmur, babble, purl, the
noise of rushing water; to murmur, rush,
babble, purl, run by noisily (of water); to
sigh, sough, whistle, moan, howl (of wind;
to rustle (of dry leaves, etc.). (cf. dagas,
dagndan, A fence of horizontal split
bamboo fastened to posts about a yard

Visayan-English Dictionary
apart; to make such a fence. Dagandan
ang sa idlum sang baly, ang
pamulkan, etc. Make a dagndan-fence
around the lower part of the house, around
the flower-garden, etc. Dagandan inng
mga kawyan. Prepare this bamboo for a
dagndan-fence or make a dagndanfence of it. Idagndan inng mga
kawyan. Use this bamboo for making a
dagndan-fence. Din si ttay mo?
Nagadagndan si sang talmnan. Where
is your father?He is making a dagndanfence round the field. (cf. sklata fence of
vertical split bamboo).
dagndan, To step quickly down a
ladder, run quickly down-stairs. (cf.
dagangblan, March, the month of
March. (cf. mrso).
dagngdang, Bright red, scarlet, etc. See
dagang id. Nagadagang gid
(nagadagngdang gid) ang ya by,
bisn kon tan-awn sa malay. Her dress
is conspicuously red, even if seen from a
great distance.
dagangkhoy, February, the month of
February. (cf. pebrro).
dgas, (B) To gather fruit with pole and
hook, to hook and shake down fruit. The
kalawt is mostly used for the purpose,
which, in plucking mangoes, etc. that might
be injured in falling, has a little sack or bag
(dawn) attached, into which the fruit
drops. Dagsa ang mga ph. Pluck the
mangoes with pole and hook. Dingas nya
ang dldul. He collected the pods from the
cotton-tree with pole and hook. (cf. dgus
dags, Fallen, dropped from the tree,
wind-fall (of fruit).
dagas, To run over, knock down. Ang
bt nahlug sa hgdan, kay gindagas
sang id. The child fell down-stairs, for it
was knocked over by the dog. (cf. dalas).
dags, Plentiful, abundant, galore; to be
or become plentiful, etc. Ang sd dags
or nagadags karn. Fish is abundant at
present. (cf. dagy, bugn, abnda).
dagsan, See dagnas.
dagasnan, The channel of a river, that
part of a river-bed which the river occupies
when the water is not in flood. (dagnas,
dgat, Sea, ocean, main, deep, salt water.
(cf. lawd).
dagt, To make seasick. Ginadagt ak. I
am seasick. Ang madagatn dagatn gid,
bisn hagnhgan ang lingglnggi sang
sakayn. One very liable to get seasick will
get seasick, even if the boat should roll only
a little.
dagtnon, Pertaining to, of the, sea,
coloured like the sea, sea-green, (dgat).
dgay, To show, expose, display, exhibit,
bring forth, produce, set out or forth, put
out, place so as to be seen. Idgay ang

dagndan dagl-dagl
mga pagkon, ang mga balalgy, etc. Put
the food on the table, display the
merchandise, etc. Dagyi ak sing mga
lpis. Show me some pencils. (cf. kyang,
dg-ay, See padg-ayto indulge,
humour, let one havehis will,his own
dgay, To rise, go to the head, said of
alcoholic liquors or the like. Nagdgay na
sa ya lo ang tub. The toddy has gone to
his head.
dgay, A furrow-slice, the soil turned up
by the plough, especially when ploughing in
wet soil.
dagy, Plentiful, swarming, teeming,
etc. See dags, bugn. Dagy or
nagadagy na ang humy. Rice is now to
be had in abundance.
dagyday, Straight on, in an even or
continuous line; to do something in
straight or regular lines, (when rubbing,
massaging, etc.); to rush, roar, murmur in a
continuous flow (of water), (cf. dalyday).
dg-dag, To let fall, drop, tumble or
plump down. Ind mo pagdagdagn ang
pnggan. Dont drop the plate. Nadgdag
ang martlyo sa lamsa. The hammer fell
off the table. Dagdag ang id sing bat.
Drop a stone on the dog. Idgdag sa kon
ang bla. Throw me down the ball.
Dagdag si sa listhan. Drop him from
the list. (cf. hlug, tktak).
dghob, A rolling, rumbling, echoing
sound, a boom, reverberation; to emit such
a sound, to boom, rumble, roll, thunder,
bellow, roar. Ang dagob nagadghob.
The thunder rolls. Ind mo
pagpadaghobn ang mo tngug. Dont
speak with a hollow voice. Dont bellow or
roar. (cf. dagbdub, daghay).
dgi, See dagy, dags, bugn
plentiful, etc.
dgiaw, To work, help in work
without wages,for nothing,without
Nagadgiaw sil sa pagpatndog sang
ermta. They are working without wages at
putting up the chapel. Gindagiawn nla
ang baly sang kalaslon. They worked
without pay at building the house for the
marriage couple. Dagiaw ak sing duh
ka dlaw sa pagbra sa simbhan. Help
me by working at the church two days
without pay.
dgil (B) Speech, utterance, what one
says; to speak, say, tell. Ang dgil nya nga
. He said that . An ang ginadgil
mo? What are you saying? Dagli si. Tell
him. (cf. hmbal, plong, silng, sgid).
dagng, To improve, pull through, come
round, get well, get better, heal, said of a
wound or a disease. Nagdagng ang ya
pils, balatan, etc. His wound got better,
his sickness left him, he got over his

dagng-dagng, Dim. and Freq. of

dagnit, Gentle, tender, soft, warm (of
wind or the like). Hngin nga dagnit. A
gentle breeze. Also: A sharp, harsh, grating
sound; to crack, creak. (cf. ragnit).
dagint, (B) To be, do, at ones
leisure,in no hurry, perform slowly, take
ones time, step by step. Dagint na kit.
Let us now be on the move. I think we must
be going now. (A polite leave-taking). An
man gid ang ginada-ginotn mo ddto?
Why are you going so slowly there. (cf.
bndul, amt-amt).
dagnot, (H) See dagint. Madm
kuntn ang mon mga ph, pang
nadagintan nmon sang kon. We
should have many mangoes, but we have
been dipping into them.
dgit, To pounce, swoop down, upon,
to clutch or grab (after the manner of a bird
of prey). Ang mon pis gindgit sang
salagiwan. Our chicken was pounced
upon by the hawk. Nadagtan kam sang
salagiwan sing duh ka mank. The
hawk seized two of our chickens. (cf.
dgkut, To stick to, adhere to, be glued
to. (cf. dkot, dokt, pilt).
dgmay, A vegetable plant.
dgmit, To acquire a habit or custom of,
be used to, be quick at, be an old hand at,
be good at, to be addicted to, fall into the
way of. Ind ka magdgmit sa
paghmbalornd mo pagdagmitn
ang paghmbal sing mga plong nga
malw-ay. Dont get into the habit of using
bad language. Magdgmit ka sa
pagtrabho sing mapsan kag
mabinalkon. Accustom yourself to work
diligently and carefully. (cf. hnas, nad,
btik, buy).
dgmit, Emphasis, stress, accent; to
emphasize, accentuate, stress, put an
accent on. Ang katapsan nga bokl nga
nadagmitn. The last accentuated vowel.
Dagmit ang a. Put the accent on the a.
dgmit, To act impulsively, do something
carelessly or thoughtlessly, act on the spur
of the moment. (cf. hinal, tabins).
dgn, Wet or rainy season, time free
from drought; to have no lack of rain. (cf.
dagns, dgnas, To scour, rub, scrub.
Dagnas ang salg. Scrub the floor.
Idagns ak sinng salg. Kindly scrub
this floor for me. Dinagnasn na nla sing
mayo ang salg sang balatonn. They
have scrubbed well the floor of the
reception room. (cf. lampso).
dagl-dagl, To rattle, clatter. See
dagldal, kadlkadl.
dagl-dagl, Desultory, careless,
negligent; to perform carelessly, etc.
Gindagldagl mo lang ang pagplntsa


dagldol dahlan
sang kon by. You ironed my jacket very
carelessly. (cf. dakldakl).
dagldol, See dagldagl.
dg-on, For daugn from dag.
dg-on, (B) Season, year, date, epoch,
period, term. (cf. panahn, tig).
dagn-dgon, (B) To step out, walk
briskly, walk with quick steps. Nagadagndgon si sa ya paglakt. He is walking
with rapid strides. Dagndagna ang mo
pagtikng. Hasten your steps. Quicken
your pace. (cf. daldl).
dagok, A rumbling, rolling sound;
borborygmus, borborygm; to emit such a
sound. Abw, kabskug sang dagok sang
tin mo! Oh, how loud your stomach is
rumbling! (cf. dghob, dagbdub,
dags, To throng, swarm, move in
crowds. See dalags.
dagtdot, Debris, refuse, rubbish, weeds,
roots, small pieces of wood, etc. lying on
the beach. (cf. dgs).
dagtdot, A continuous, steady, but not
very heavy, rain; to rain a long time, but
not in heavy showers, to rainsteadily,
without a break.
dagtdot, A kind of grass; a weed
growing in barren soil; barren, waste.
dgp, To fall prone, to fall face
downwards. Nakadgp si. He fell on his
face. He fell prone on the ground.
Padagpa si. Throw him down on his
face. Dagpa si. Throw yourself down on
him. (cf. dsm).
dgpak, Matting coated with pitch added
to a dug-out to give the boat depth,
weather-board; keel, bottom, hold (of a
vessel). Sinuld sang tbig ang sakayn
nga may dak nga bh sa dgpak sa
idlum. The water entered the ship through
a large hole in its side (below the waterlevel).
dgp To rap, fillip: to tap, pat. (cf. lgp).
dgras, To be thoughtless, act recklessly
or without reflection. (cf. dals, dgmit,
tabins hinal).
dgs, Drift-wood: to drift, float, carry,
bear, afloat. Ang tbig nagadgs sang
khoy. The water carries along the wood.
Kon may bah madm nga mga khoy
ang ginadgs sang sub sa bybay.
When there is a flood, much wood drifts
down the river to the beach. Inng mga
khoy puls gid mga dings sang
paglubs sang bgyo sang tinalkdan nga
blan. All this wood wasdrifted,floated,
here, when the storm passed last month.
(cf. rrok).
dgsang, To fester, suppurate, gangrene,
become septic or infected, to gather or form
pus, discharge matter. Nagadgsang ang
ya hubg, pils, etc. His boil, wound, etc.
is festering.
dgt, Stain, blot, blotch, splash, smut,
smudge, grime, spot, smear, daub, smirch,


Visayan-English Dictionary
blemish; to stain, blot, mar, foul, etc. Ang
dgt sang sal. The stain of sin.
Nadagtan si sing lnang, tnta, etc. He
got stained with mud, with ink, etc. Idgt
mo sa yang by inng tnta. Stain his
jacket with this ink. Ang kalg sang Mahl
nga Birhen wal madagta sang sal nga
panublin. The soul of the Blessed Virgin
was not stained by original sin. Dinagtan
nya ang kadunggnan sang ya
panimaly. He besmirched the honour of
his family. (cf. msing, bulng, hgk).
dagtan, Stained, blotched, sullied,
slurred, soiled, contaminated, polluted. (cf.
dgt; bulingn, mahgk).
dagbdub, To rumble, boom, etc. See
dghob. Ang mga bagn sang perokarl
nagadagbdub. The railway wagons are
rumbling past.
daguls, To wear out by constant use, etc.
See dagumk, saguly, sarabg. Also: To
take without ceremony, make use of
another mans property without his
permission. (cf. lmang, lbni, kh, bul).
dagldul, See dagldol.
daguldlan, A kind of small fish, also
called dnglay (when very small) and
dalupan (when full-grown).
dgum, Needle.
dagumk, To use up, wear out, spoil by
frequent use. Dagumak lang ang bg-o
mo nga saptos. Just wear out your new
boots. Ind mo pagidagumk inng
matahm mo nga bestdo. Dont spoil this
beautiful frock of yours by too frequent use.
(cf. pasaburt, pasaburk, patyang,
saguly, sarabg).
dag-nan, Seasonable, seasonal,
ripening,happening, being done, in
due time or season. Humy nga dag-nan.
Rice ripening in its proper season. (cf. dgon).
dagndun, Straight on, plain, without
any special design (of weaving); to weave
straight on, make plain cloth or simple
wicker-work; hence: to perform quickly,
expeditiously, carelessly. (cf. padagndun).
dagn, Boom, reverberation, rumbling,
etc. See dghob, dagok, daghay,
dagbdub, dagob).
dagob, Thunder; boom, roar, rolling,
peal, reverberation; to thunder, etc. May
dagob or nagadagob. It thunders. Thats
thunder! Dak ang dagob, dalgk ang
mga dagob. The thunder-clap is (was)
loud, the peals of thunder are (were) loud.
(cf. dagn, dghob, etc.).
dagtdut, See dagtdot.
dgway, (H) Form, figure, image,
likeness, appearance, outline, shape,
species, conformation, cut, contour, look,
aspect, phase, seeming, guise, semblance.
Sa dgway sang . In the form,
figure,etc., of . Sa idlum sang
dgway sang tinpay kag bno nga
nakonsagrahn nahmtang ang matod

nga lwas kag dug ni Hesukrsto. Under

the species,appearances,forms,etc. of
consecrated bread and wine there is
present the true body and blood of Jesus
Christ. (cf. byhon).
dgy, dgyaw, See dgi, dgiaw.
dgyang, To make merry, etc. see
dh, To cook. See rh, lt, digmo.
dahk, To dare, presume, make bold to,
venture, take the liberty of, be
froward,bold. Ind ka magdahk sa
pagkdto ddto. Dont you dare to go there.
(cf. dahs, ahs, ahng, khas).
dahk-dahk, Dim. and Freq. of dahk.
dahl Haughty, insolent, proud of speech,
overbearing, impudent, arrogant,
bumptious, overweening; to talk proudly,
make oneself important, take, put, on
airs. Ind ka magdahl sa mo nga
paghmbal. Dont talk so proudly. Dont
take, put, on airs. (cf. bugl, hdak,
hmbog, wkal, ndak).
dahldahl, Dim. and Freq. of dahl.
Also: A mean fellow, a rascal.
dhan, To invite, think of, treat with
consideration. Ang mga dinhan kag
dinpit. The invited and bidden guests. (cf.
gda, hgad, kngay, dpit).
dahn-dhan, To be quick, make haste,
put ones best foot forward; to quicken,
hasten. Dahndahna ang mo paglakt.
Walk faster. An gid ang
ginadahndahnan mo sa paglakt? Why
are you walking so fast? Gindahndahnan
nya ang ya pagtikng. He quickened his
pace, hastened his steps. (cf. dagndgon,
daldl, haknhkon, dahngdhang).
dahng-dhang, See dahndhan.
dahs, To dare, presume, venture, be
bold, intrepid, audacious, venture some,
cheeky, impertinent, have thenerve,
cheek,pluck,hardihood. Gindahasn
nya ang pagsuld sa kwrto nga wal
nay magpanktok. He dared to enter the
room without knocking. Also adjective. (cf.
khas, dahk, etc.).
dah, (B) Forehead, front, brow. (cf.
gtang, dtang).
dhig, To implicate, etc. See dalhig. (cf.
dahl, To use as a pretext, to pretend, put
forth as an ostensible reason; to impute.
(cf. mal, pasni; pahanungd,
dahlan, Pretext, sham, pretence. Sa
dahlan nga . Under the pretext of .
Dinahiln lang nya in kag ang ya nga
dahlan am . He put that forth as an
ostensible reason (motive) and his pretence
(claim) is . N.B. Dahl and dahlan
seem to be of Tagalog origin. (cf. balbad).

Visayan-English Dictionary
dahil, A kind of coconut palm. It is
smaller than the ordinary variety. (cf.
dah, (H) To receive, accept, take from,
take hold of. Nagdah sil sang la
diplma. They received their diplomas.
Idah ak sin. Kindly accept that for me.
(cf. daw, dwat, dwhat, bton).
dahg, Shoot, tendril (of a vine, creeper,
dhog, To slide, glide, skid, skate, slip,
move or shoot along. Magdhog ka sa
kalt, lapgsan, etc. Slide down the rope,
the may-pole, etc. Ipadhog lang ang
khoy sa bnglid. Simply slide the tree
down the incline.
dahg, dhog, Sliding, skidding,
skating; selling well, much in demand.
Dahg gid ang mon mga ph, sging,
etc. Our mangoes, bananas, etc. are selling
well. (cf. dhog; mabkal, makain the
sense of selling well).
dahl-dahl, (B) Pretty well, rather
much, satisfactory, average, tolerable; to be
pretty well off, to do or act in a satisfactory
manner. (cf. bolobyhon, dawdaw,
hingnhingn, gwa).
dhon, Leaf, petal, blade, frond. Ang mga
dhon. Leaves, foliage, leafage.
dahn-dahn, A kind of green insect;
mantis, prayer fly, praying mantis.
dhop, (B) To urge, occupy, keep busy,
ply with work, give much to do. Dahpa
ang to sa pagbra. Keep the man busy at
work. Gindhop nya ak sa pagardo, sa
pagbyad sang kon tang, etc. He urged
me to plough vigorously, to pay my debt at
once, etc. (cf. sk).
dahm-dhum, To think about, muse
upon, reflect upon, imagine, ponder. An
ang ginadahmdhum mo? What are you
thinking about? Wal na ak sing
pinadahmdhum (ginapadahmdhum)
sa ya. I have now no longer anything to
remind me of him. I have no reason to
occupy my thoughts with him. I know
nothing of his present whereabouts. (cf.
hunhn, dmdum, panmdum).
dahmon, Idea, thought, inkling. Wal
gid si sing dahmon. He knows nothing
about it. Its none of his business. He hasnt
an inkling or idea of it. (cf. dahmdhum,
di-a, To drift, float; bear, carry. (i.e.
water bears,carries). Gindi-a sang
bald ang sakayn nga nalnud sa bint
sang bybay. The waves floated the
foundered boat to the water-edge. (cf.
dai-han, Shore, beach, water-side,
coast, sea-side, strand. (cf. bybay,
dig, (B) To light, kindle, ignite. Daga
ang kalyo. Light the fire. Dagi ak sing
kalyo. Kindle a fire for me. Idig mo ak

dahil dakp
nay sang kalyo sa dapg. Please kindle
the fire on the hearth for me. (cf. dbok).
dag, (B) Kindled, lighted. (cf. dabk).
dagon, Christmas-song,carol,waits;
to sing Christmas-carols, etc. Nagaknta
sil sing dagonornagadagon sil.
They are singing Christmas-carols.
(Formerly there was a custom of lighting
fires along the road for the carol-singers,
hence the name dagon from digto
dal, (B) To train, discipline; form, ground,
habituate, familiarize with, prepare, coach;
qualify. Dail si. Train him. Gindal ko si
gid sa pagpangma. I prepared him well
for the work of a farmer. Idal ak nay
sinng bt sa pagpangabdlay. Please do
me the favour of making this boy used to
work. (cf. hnas, nad).
dit, Peace, etc. See det.
daitoln, Press, pressure, grip, firm
grasp, clamp, vise. (datol).
datol, da-tol, To put or place on
(upon), to push, press, compress, squeeze,
crush. (cf. dt-ol, dt-og).
dakl-dkal, Gravel, pebbles, small
stones. Lktan mo ang semnto sing pit
ka prte nga dakldkal kag ttlo ka
prte nga bals. Mix the cement with
seven parts of gravel and three parts of
dakldakl, To bubble, boil, seethe, hiss,
fizz. (cf. aklakl, sindakl, sr, br,
dkdak, To provide amply with, give
much or plenty of anything. Dakdak si
sing mga pagkon. Give him plenty to eat.
Dinakdakn ak nya sing lygay. He gave
me a long instruction, a lengthy harangue,
a long admonition. Ind mo si
pagdakdakn sing trabho, kay bg-o pa
lang si nagyo sa balatan kag malya
pa si. Dont give him much work to do, for
he has only just recovered from a sickness
and is still weak. Idkdak lang sa ya inng
mga buluhatn. Simply let him tackle these
jobs. Keep him busy working at these jobs.
dak, A dark-coloured or black spot, as
often seen on the skull of a new-born
infant; dandruff, scurfiness. (cf. adkdik).
dkin, (B) To gather up, collect, bring,
get, put, lump, draw, scrape,
rake, together. Dakna ang mga linagr.
Gather the sawdust. Dakni ak sang mga
tis nga nadgdag sa khoy. Collect for
me the atis-fruit fallen from the tree.
Dinkin na sang mga bt ang mga
panpton nga nabuld sa nit. The
children have gathered up the clothes
spread in the sun. (cf. tpon, tingb).
dakn-dkin, (B) Dim. and Freq. of
dkin. Also: To be quick, hasten, hurry, do
quickly or with despatch. Dakndkin ka sa
paglaktordaknkna ang mo
paglakt. Quicken your pace, walk quickly.
(cf. daldl, dagndgon, haknhkon).

dkmol, Thickness; to thicken, become

thick, said of flat substances like boards,
sheets, clothes, etc. Dakmol ang paghm
sing bibnka. Make the bibinca-cakes thick.
Ind mo pagdakmoln ang pagtpa sang
krne, knd nipisn mo lang. Dont cut
thick slices of meat, but carve thin ones.
Utdon mo ang tp sa nadakmoln. Cut
the board at its thick part. (cf. dmol).
dkot, To stick, adhere to (as mud,
plaster, glue or the like). Nagdkot sa
tngon ko ang kalamayhti. The
kalamayhti stuck to the roof of my
mouth. Padakta ang slyo sa sbre. Stick
the stamp on the envelope. Ginpadaktan
ni Fulno ang kon delrgo sing lala. N.
N. daubed my trousers with mud. Ipadkot
inng papl sa puerthan. Paste this paper
on the door. (cf. pilt, dokt).
dak, (H) Large, great, big, important,
vast, massive, ample, voluminous, huge,
bulky; to be or become large, etc. Dak nga
to. A great man. Dak nga butng. An
important thing. Nagdak na ang bt.
The child has grown big. Daku ang kon
bhin sang tinpay. Increase my share of
the bread. Gindak nla ang baly nga
sdto nay ditay. They enlarged the
house that formerly was so small. Padaku
ak sing is ka blog nga bboy, kay kon
dak na pagabklon ko sa mo. Raise a pig
for me, for when it is of a good size, I will
buy it from you. Ang lswa am ang ya
nadk-an (nadakun). He was reared or
brought up on vegetables. (cf. hnggud,
dak, (B) Flame, light. Ang dak sang
kandl. The light of the candle. (cf.
dak, (H) A large copper coin, now out of
circulation; a one-centavo piece.
dakl-dakl, Careless, heedless,
indifferent, inattentive, unmindful
slovenly, hurried, negligent, routine,
perfunctory, off hand, without proper care
or attention; to scamp, perform carelessly,
etc. Dakldakl nga pangbra. Careless,
slovenly work. Ind ka mag dakldakl sa
pagpangad. Dont pray distractedly,
without attention. Ind mo
pagdakldakuln ang mo trabho. Dont
perform your work in a hurried or careless
manner. Gindakldakl gid lang sang
pnday ang pagbhat sang lamsa, The
carpenter made the table in a careless
manner, too quickly. Nagadakldakl gid
lang si sang ya mga katungdnan. He
scamps the performance of his duties. (cf.
dakp, To catch, snare, trap, capture,
take, seize, get hold of, hook, nab, arrest,
lay hands on. Dkpa ang makwat. Catch
the thief. Dkpi ak sing pspis. Snare a
bird for me. Idakp ak nay sang kon
bboy nga nakabh sa tngkal. Kindly
capture for me the pig that has got out of
the sty. Ipadakp ang kabyo nga


dal dalann
nagsuld sa kon talmnan. Get someone
to seize the horse that has entered my field.
Nadakp na ang buyng. The robber was
arrested. Padkpa na lang si sa mo. Just
let yourself be caught by him. (cf. hnong;
kapt, kpyotto catch hold of; but-to
catch up with).
dal, (H) Anything carried, brought,
taken, conveyed or transported; to carry,
transmit, bring, take, along, bear,
convey, transfer, transport, cart, ship;
support; to influence, gain over to ones
side, persuade. An ang ginadal mo?
What are you carrying,bringing,taking
along? Din mo in (dl-on) dlhon?
Where are you taking that to? Dlhi ak
sing is ka bso nga tbig. Bring me a
glass of water. Padlhi ak sing is ka
pres nga saptos. Send me a pair of
boots. Ipadal sa ya in. Send him this.
Pinadal nya in sa kon. He sent me this.
An ang dal mo? What is it you are
bringing (taking) with you? Daw sa nd
mo si madal. You will scarcely be able to
move, influence or persuade him.
Pinadlhan nya ak sing sult gkan sa
Manl. He sent me a letter from Manila.
Nagabt na dal sang sakayn ang khoy
nga binakl ko. The wood I bought has
now arrived by boat. Dinal nya ang kon
kl. He brought my hat. Makadal ka
sin? Can you carry or transport this?
Nagabton na si sing binlan nga duh
ka pl ka mngmang dal ang pagkon.
He is receiving now twenty pesos a month
and his board. (dar id.).
dla, (H) To bear fruit; to be pregnant, be
with child, be big with child. Ang lub
nagadla (nagadal) na sing bkol. The
coconut palm is now bearing fruit.
Nagadla si. She is with child. (cf.
pamnga; mbdus, bsung, smbol,
bntis, dra).
dal, (H) To formpus,matter, to
suppurate, gather, fester, discharge
purulent matter. Nagadal ang ya hubg.
His boil is festering. Nagdal ang
dalnggan sang bt, kay tinohgan.
There was a gathering on the childs ear,
because it was pierced. (cf. dgsang).
dal, Also: To manage, cope with; to
guide, regulate; to drive (an automobile,
dalag, A nipa-swamp, a morass
overflowed by tidal water, a tidal swamp.
(cf. katnggan, kanipan).
dal-dla, (H) Dim. and Freq. of dal.
dala-dalahn, (H) One who can be
moved, influenced, carried along or drawn
over to ones side or point of view.
dalg, (H) Yellow, orange colour; to be or
become yellow. Nagdalg ang ya nga
by. His jacket turned yellow. (cf. darg).
dalga, (H) Maid, maiden, lass, lassie,
girl, miss, damsel, young lady, unmarried
female, virgin, colleen. Dalga nga lan.


Visayan-English Dictionary
An old spinster. (cf. dalagta, darga,
dumalga, hinalag).
dalgan, To run, rush, dart, dash,
scamper, bolt, tear along, scud, scour,
scurry, fly, race. Dalgan ka
ordalagna. Run. Dalagni ang pn
sang khoy. Run to (towards) the treestump. Padalagna ang kabyo. Make the
horse run. Gallop the horse.
dalg-an, A winning chance, advantage,
superiority; anything that assures the
victory or guarantees the desired outcome.
dalagngan, Conspicuous, famous,
prominent, outstanding, in the front row or
rank; mighty, strong, powerful, brave,
heroic; a hero. (cf. isgann, gamhnan,
lutw; busalan).
dalg-dalg, dalg-dlag, (H) Dim.
and Freq. of dalg. Also: A kind of bird;
kind of fish.
dalaglon, Saying, maxim, adage, saw,
proverb, aphorism, apothegm,
apophthegm, refrain; conversation. (cf.
dgil; sugilnon, hurubton).
dalagta, (H) Dim. of dalga with a Sp.
diminutive suffix. Dalagta is mostly used
in connection with girls between 13 and 16
years of age. (cf. dumalga; hinalag).
dalgk, (H) The plural form of dak
large, great, etc.
dalagmton, (H) That is to be, or should
be, practised, emphasized, accentuated,
paid quick attention to, etc. (cf. dgmit).
dalg-on, (H) Conquerable,
surmountable, vincible, superable; that is
to be, or can be, overcome; stake, premium,
reward, guerdon, prize to be won. (cf.
dalags, (H) To swarm, throng, move
about, as a crowd. (cf. dags).
dalgsay, To happen upon, cometo,
upon, chance upon, appear. (cf. dalng,
dalagyan, (H) A place of abundance or
plenty; abundant, plentiful. (cf. dgy;
madm, dags, dagy, abnda).
dalhig, To involve, implicate, drag into,
take in. Nadalhig kit nga tann sa sal
ni Adn. We were all involved in the sin of
Adam. Gindalhig ak nya sa kasb. He
implicated me in the lawsuit. Dalahga si.
Implicate him. Sn-o ang nagdalhig sa
mo sa sinng malut nga bhat? Who
involved you in this bad deed? (cf. mid,
dalahmdahmon, (H) Memorable,
worthy to be recorded or written about;
reverie, meditation, reflection, musing. (cf.
dalakdkan, That is to be wellprovided
for,looked after; a good position, a wellpaid occupation, a remunerative
employment, or the like. (cf. dkdak).
dalkpon, (H) That is to be, or should be,
caught. Makwat nga dalkpon. A thief to

be apprehended, arrested or caught. (cf.

dalalon, dalalon, (H) Lovable,
amiable, attractive, pleasing; that is, or
should be, cherished, petted, caressed. (cf.
dalamgohnon, (H) Dream, sleep;
vision, shadow, man in the moon, castle in
the air, vagary, fiction, utopia. (dmgo)
dalmh, To act rashly, impulsively, do
light-heartedly, perform thoughtlessly. Ind
ka magdalmh sa pagsk sa baly ni
Fulno, kay bs kgton ka sang ya id.
Dont light-heartedly enter the house of
N.N., for his dog may bite you. (cf. dals,
tabins, patarsak).
dalamugn, (H) Feeding-bowl, trough,
swill-basin. (damg; cf. balahogn).
dalamnon, Lingering, tarrying,
stopping; delaying, staying on, protracting
ones stay, remaining at peace, having ones
mind at rest. Ind ak dalamnon dir, kay
may bista ak sa baly. I cannot tarry
here, for I have visitors at home. (cf.
daramnon, darmnon, ogknan).
dlan, Road, street, way, course, route,
track, pathway, causeway, highway,
thoroughfare, path, passage. (cf. bnas,
bagins, algyan).
daln, Line, row, tier. Is ka daln nga
mas. One row of maize (on the cob). Pil
ka daln ang is ka kayn? How many
rows of corn are there on a cob? Wal si
magsult sa kon sing bisn is ka daln.
He did not write me a line. (cf. dinaln).
dalndan. See dagndan.
dalndan, To descend quickly, hurry
down stairs,down a ladder, fly down
stairs. Nagdalndan si sa pagpanug. He
went down quickly. Nagadalndan si sing
dalyon kon manug. He always goes
down the stairs in a hurry.
dalandann, (H) Naughty, wayward,
frivolous, restless, fidgety, very lively. (cf.
harshars, diwal-ogn, darndarn,
dalng, To happen, chance, come to a
place (for the first time). Nakadalng si
dir kahpon. He happened to come here
yesterday (for the first time). (cf. tplang).
dalng-dlang, Dim. and Freq. of
dalng-dlang, To lose oneself, lose
ones way, miss the road, take a wrong
turning, stray, go astray. Nagdalngdlang
sil sa paglakt. They lost their way on
their walk. (cf. talngtlang).
dalngpan, (H) Refuge, asylum,
sanctuary, shelter. (dangp; cf. aptan,
paaliwnsan, sp-an, alypan).
dalann, Road, etc. See dlan. Ind ka
mahdluk magkdto ddto, kay madm
ang mga to nga nagalakt sa am nga
dalann. Dont be afraid to go there, for
there are many people walking on the same

Visayan-English Dictionary
dalara, dalara, Sun-kissed or suncoloured clouds, as often seen at sun-rise
and sun-set.
dalapitn, A guest (to be invited); one
that is to be, should be, is worthy of the
distinction of being, invited. (cf. dpit).
dalapgan, Hearth, fireplace, kitchen,
stove. (cf. dapg, digamohn, luluton,
dalarohn, Arable, tillable (of soil; cf.
dals, To be quick, precipitate, impulsive,
thoughtless, impetuous, hasty. Ind ka
magdals sa paghmbal. Dont be
precipitate of speech. Gindals gid nya
ang pagbhat sin. He did thaton the
spur of the moment,under the first
impulse or impression,in thoughtless
haste. (cf. dal, tabins).
dalas, Collision, impact; to collide, run
into, run against something with force,
cause an impact, knock down. Gindalas
si sang wto. He was knocked down by
the automobile. Andam ka, agd dl mo
si pagdalasan. Be careful not to run into
him. (cf. dagas).
dlat, Nonsense, bosh, twaddle; to prate,
prattle, talk nonsense. Hingay na sang
dlat sang mo sugilnon. Stop this kind of
bosh. Dont talk such nonsense. (cf. br,
lsang, damprat, wkal, etc.).
dlaw, To visit, to pay a visit of
condolence. (draw id.).
dalwat, (H) To buy cereals, especially
rice or corn. Dalawta ang bugs ko. Buy
my hulled rice. Dalawti ak sing is ka
gntang nga bugs. Buy me a ganta of
hulled rice. Ind ka makadalwat dir sing
humy, kay wal sing makapadalwat.
You cannot buy rice here, because nobody
can sell it. Idalwat ak nay sing ttlo ka
gntang nga mas. Please buy for me three
gantas of corn. Inng psos idalwat mo
sing mas. This peso is for buying corn.
This peso is to buy corn with. Wal ak
sing ikadalwat. I have no means to buy
rice (corn, etc.) with. Padalawta ak sang
mo humy. Sell me your rice.
dalwdaw, To extend, stretch out, creep
along the ground, as creepers. Ang bik
nagdalwdaw. The bica-vine has spread
over the ground. Nagadalwdaw ang mga
gbos sang mga balgon. The shoots of
the vines are creeping along the ground.
dalawhton, (H) Obtainable, receivable;
wages, earnings; chance, scope. (cf.
dwhat, dalayhton).
dalawdaw, A kind of bird. (darawdaw
dalay-han, (H) Beach, sea-shore, coast,
strand, sea-side. (cf. di-a, dy-a, bybay,
dalayn-daynan, (H) Promenade,
walk, esplanade, park for recreation and
promenading. (dayndyan).

dalara, dalara dalikt

dalyap, A kind of Philippine orange tree
with small fruit, whose sour juice is pressed
out and made use of for cleaning the hair
and scalp, for taking stains out of clothes,
and the like. Butangn mo sing dalyap
ang mo by agd magtnl. Apply
dalyap to your jacket to clean it.
dalaywon, (H) Praiseworthy, estimable,
meritorious, laudable, commendable.
dalayawn, (H) Amenable to flattery,
one who likes to be flattered or praised;
pompous, self-important. (dayw, apt).
dalyday, To stroke, rub, massage
slowly,gently,in even, regular strokes,
plain, simple (of speech). Idalyday ak
nay sang kon likd, kay ginaskmat
ak. Please rub my back gently, for I have
rheumatic pains. Dalyday
ordinalyday nga hmbal. Prose, plain
(not poetical) speech. (cf. dagyday).
dalayhton, Obtainable, etc. See
dalawhton. (cf. dyhat).
dalyon, (H) Pl. form of dyon.
Nagdalyon sil sa kon baly. They
stayed at my home. Also adjective:
Continuous, constant, persevering; always.
Dalyon gid lang nagaghud inng mga
bt. These children are always so noisy.
dalayonn, (H) Residence, house, inn,
hostel, hostelry, lodging-house, hotel,
lodgings, any place where one can stay or
remain for sometime. (cf. dyon).
dldag, An adze; to use or apply an adze.
Daldag ang khoy. Use an adze to trim
the wood. (cf. wsayhatchet).
dldal, To carry or take along with, push
on, push into, involve, implicate. Gindldal
si sang kusg nga nd makt. He was
carried along by an unseen force. Ind mo
si pagdaldaln. Dont involve or implicate
him. Nadldal si nga wal sing sal. He
became implicated through no fault of his.
(cf. mid, dalhig).
dldal, To beat against, strike upon, push,
impel, force on, shove, drive (said of wind,
waves, etc.).
dlhag, To creep, crawl, wriggle, along
the floor, as small children not yet able to
walk. Ang bt nagadlhag sa salg or
ang salg ginadalhagn sang bt. The
baby is crawling along the floor. (cf. god,
wos, hwos),
dlhag, To slip, skid, slide sideways. (cf.
daln-as, dpyas, wrik).
dlhay, Landslide, a portion of land that
falls down from the side of a hill, of a steep
river-bank etc. usually due to the
undermining effect of water; diminution,
lessening, decrease; to cave in, fall down,
crumble. (cf. tphag, hun, kadalhyan).
dlhit, Fear, apprehension, dread,
misgiving, trepidation, funk; to be fearful,
to dread, fear, frighten, fill with
apprehension. May dlhit si or

ginadalhitn si. He is full of dread. He is

filled with apprehension. Nagadlhit ang
ginhwa ko. I am afraid. An ang
nagapadlhit sa mo. What makes you
afraid? What is frightening you? Padalhit
si. Make him afraid. Intimidate, scare,
alarm, him. Ipadlhit mo sa ya in.
Make use of thatto put fear into him,to
dismay, terrify, him. (cf. hdluk).
dlhog The edible shoots and tender
leaves of vines or creepers, particularly of
the baltong (hntak).
dlhog, To be slippery, etc. See dnlug.
dlhon, (H) For dalahn from dalto
bring, etc. (cf. dl-on).
dal, To be quick, prompt, fast, swift,
speedy, rapid; to hasten, hurry, skurry,
make haste, quicken, speed up, accelerate.
Tungd sa an nga nagadal ikw? Why
are you in such a hurry? Nagdal si sa
pagpal, kay masakt si nnay nya. He
hurried home, because his mother is sick.
Dali! Be quick! Hasten! Make haste!
Gindal nya ang pagsult sa kay Fulno.
He wrote N.N. without delay. Dinalin nla
ang baly sang trabho. They set to work
on the house with despatch, without delay.
Padali ang ya paglakt. Tell him to walk
dlia, (Sp. dalia) Dahlia, a kind of flower.
dliang To be sludgy, muddy, slushy, wet
and soft, (as mud or the like). Nagadliang
ang lnang, llang, etc. The mud, the
pickled fish, etc, is wet and soft.
dal-dl, Dim. and Freq. of dal. An ang
mo nga ginadaldloran ang
ginadaldalin mo? Why are you in such a
hurry? What is the reason of your haste?
dlig, (B) To be or become nice, beautiful,
fine, good. Nagdlig na inng ph. This
mango-tree has grown into a fine specimen.
Nadalign ak sinng simbhan, pang
ang kon mga kaupdnan wal pagdalig
sin. I considered this church beautiful, but
my companions did not think so. Note the
accent. Padalga ang mga pun. Make the
decorations attractive. (cf. tahm, nyag,
yo, gayn, mbong).
dalgdig, (B) To flow, run freely, stream,
sweep along, (said of water). Ang tbig
nagadalgdig. The water is flowing.
Padaligdig ang tbig sa kon um or
padaligdig ang kon um sing tbig. Let
the water flow over my field. (cf. lig).
daliht, See dalikt, which is the more
usual form.
dalh, dalih, To fall down, crumble
away, etc. See dlhay, s-os).
dalhig, (B) To flow, etc. See dalgdig, lig.
dalikt, To find time, do at once or
promptly, perform without delay. Ind ak
makadalikt sa pagdaw sa nyo. I have
no time to pay you a visit at once. Dalikat
ang mas ddto, kay malapt ang uln. Be
quick with the corn there, for the rain is
near. Dalikat ak sa pagbakl sing ttlo


dalkdik damk
ka abno. Buy me quickly three cigars. (cf.
dalkdik, To walk along the border, walk
at the side of. (cf. alhid).
dalkdik, Dandruff. See adkdik, alkdik.
dalimas, (B) To form pus, gather,
discharge matter, etc. See dgsang, dal.
Nagdalimas ang ya pils, hubg, etc.
His wound festered, his boil gathered to,
came to, a head, etc.
dalimos, A gust, flaw, flurry, blast (of
wind); a fit of anger or passion. (cf. uns).
daln-as, To slip, slide, skate, skid.
Nakadaln-as ak. I slipped. Padalin-as
si. Make him slip. Ang kadnlug sang
dlan nagpadaln-as sa kon. The
greasiness of the road caused me to slip.
Pinadaln-as ang wto sang uln. The rain
caused the automobile to skid. (cf. dpyas).
dalngag, A prickle, spine, spur, sharp
thorn or prick sticking out of the ground,
sharp, prickly shoots near the ground
peculiar to some creepers and very painful
to the bare foot, if accidentally trodden
dalp, Rock, cliff, crag; headland; rocky
dalipngut, Rage, passion; to fly into a
rage, etc. See alipngot, id.
dalsay, Strong in every sense. Dalsay
nga bno, baly, to, khoy, bat,
balatigon, ggma, etc. A strong wine,
house, man, tree, stone, feeling, love, etc.
Nagdalsay ang ya kabubt-on. His
resolution strengthened. (cf. mabskug,
masug, maprus, hmrus, matg-a,
mapg-on, mabkud, malg-on, maksug,
dlit, Poison, venom, bane, (especially of
animals like snakes, scorpions, certain
fishes and insects), (cf. hilpoison that
contaminates food or drink).
daltan, Poisonous, venomous, baneful.
Mn-og nga daltan. A poisonous snake.
dl, To fondle, dandle, pet, caress, treat
tenderly. Dala ang bt. Fondle the baby.
Idl ak sinng bt. Please pet the baby.
(cf. l, arr, ngg).
dal-dl, Dim. and Freq. of dl. Also:
To flatter, cajole, coax, wheedle.
dald, dald, The first swelling or a
rising of a river coming down-stream after
a heavy rain, first onrush of a flood or
freshet, the crest of a flood; to swell, rise,
become flooded (of rivers, etc.).
Nagadald ang sub. The river is rising.
Dal kam sa pagtabk, kay may dald
sa ilay. Be quick in crossing, for there is a
flood coming down from further up river.
Nadaldon kam. We were overtaken by
the flood. (cf. blus).
dalgdog, A kind of thorny shrub; its
fruit. (cf. bgtong).
dalogdogn, A place where dalgdog
growsora field overgrown with


Visayan-English Dictionary
dalhog, To slide, glide, slip, skid,
down achute,waterfall,hill-side, etc.
Ang khoy nagdalhog lang sa
dululhgon. The tree slid down the slope.
Ipadalhog lang ang mo karsa. Let your
sledge slide down. Padalohgi ak sing is
ka naht nga kawyan. Slide down for me
one piece of bamboo. Ind mo pagidalhog
ang khoy sa bnglid, kay bs malitk.
Dont slide the timber down the incline, for
it may split. (cf. dhog).
dalk, Greedy, gluttonous; a glutton,
gourmand; to be or become greedy, etc.;
pagdinalkto gorge, over-eat oneself,
gourmandize, stuff oneself with food, eat
greedily, voraciously, ravenously. Dalk
nga bt. A greedy child. Mahnay si sa
pagkon sdto nay, pang karn
nagdalk. He used to eat slowly, but now
he has become greedy. Nagadinalk si sa
pagkon. He eats ravenously. (cf. kgud).
dl-ok, A blister, pustule; to form
pustules, blister, raise blisters. Nadalokn
ang kon kamt. My hand was blistered.
Dinal-okn ang ya nga dl sang laks
nga pog sang malm-on. His tongue was
blistered by too much lime being mixed
with his betelnut chew. (cf. lp-uk).
dl-on, (H) From dal. (cf. dlhon id.).
dlpot, (B) Use, usefulness,
profitableness, (cf. gud, agdagd, puls,
soy, kapuslnan).
dalkut, (H) See barri id.
dlum, Depth, profundity, deepness: to
deepen, make, become, deep.
Nagdlum ang lblub tungd sang
madmol nga uln. The defile deepened on
account of the heavy rain. Ginpadlum nla
ang bh. They dug the hole deep.
Padlma (Padalma) ang bh sang
lusng. Deepen the cavity of the ricepounding mortar. Ginpadlman
(Pinadlman, Pinadalman) nya ang
am nga butng sang ya painno. He
thought profoundly over it. He pondered
long and deeply over that matter.
Nagapadlum si sang ya nga painno.
He is thinking deeply, profoundly. (cf.
nbawto be shallow, etc.).
dalndun, See padalndunto carry,
push, along.
dalng, (B) To frown upon, scowl at, look
darkly at. Ind ka magdalng
(magpadalng) sa kon or nd mo ak
pagdalungn (pagpadalungn,
pagpadlngan). Dont scowl at me. N.B.
The Caus. form padalng is more in use.
(cf. lrong, pasblong, pamdlat).
dalngdung, A feeble, mild, soft,
light, as the light of the moon; to
shinemildly,feebly. N.B. The Freq.
panalngdung is commonly used.
dalnggan, (H) Ear, sense of hearing,
organ of hearing, audition; ear (of a pot or
kettle, etc.); handle, loop, grip, any
projecting part from the side of a thing. (cf.

talnga, dulnggan, idulngug, dungg;

kalptan, uluyatn, buytan).
dalnghan, (B) Hearth, open fire-place
for cooking purposes. (cf. dapg).
dalpang, The mallow, a kind of plant.
dalupan, A small white fish with a
flattish body, resembling somewhat the
daluppan, To be confluent, meet each
other, flow together, said especially of boils,
eruptions, pimples, small-pox, etc.
Nagadaluppan ang ya mga hubg. His
boils are confluent, are so near together
that they merge into one another.
Nadalupapnan ak sang kon mga
hubg. My boils ran together.
dalupngan, A fresh-water fish. It is flat,
and grows to a length of about five inches.
dl-us, To singe, scorch, burn; to harm,
injure (in general). (cf. ps, snug; dut).
dalus, To scratch, excoriate, strip the
skin from, scrape off, abrade, rub open,
tear off a piece. Nakasngg ak sa is ka
bat kag nagdalus ang pnit sang kon
btkon. I stumbled against a stone and
some of the skin of my arm was scraped off.
dalus, To become worse through heat,
applied to wounds, ulcers, etc. Nagdalus
ang ya nga pils. His wound became
worse on account of the heat.
dals-us, To glide, slide, skid,
down, etc. See alg-og id. Nagdals-us
lang si sa kawyan. He simply slid down
the bamboo. Gindalus-usn nya ang
halgi. He slid down the post. (cf. kals-os).
daltang, To be muddy, sludgy. See
dliang id.
dalws, A large pan, kettle, bowl, used
for boiling purposes, but not quite as
capacious as a kw.
dlyang, dalyng, See dliangto be
slushy, etc.
dam, To overcome, beat, conquer, etc.
See dag, bagt. Ind ak kadam sa ya sa
sngka. I cannot beat him at the game of
sngka. (sngkaa game played with
dma, (Sp. dama) Lady, gentlewoman,
dame; game of draughts or checkers; to
play draughts,checkers. Mahmpang
kit sang dma. Let us play draughts.
Damhi si. Play a game of draughts with
him. Idma ta lang inng mga dakldkal.
Let us use these pebbles as draughtsmen.
damgan, A kind of small fish.
damahn, A draught-board, checkerboard; queen in the game of draughts. (cf.
damahuna, (Sp. damajuana) Demi
john, carboy, large wicker-bottle containing
about twenty quarts.
damk, Slovenly, dirty, untidy, slatternly,
sluttish, bedraggled, draggletail; to become
slovenly, etc. Sdto sang dalga pa si
mahpid si kayo, pang karn, kay
kasda na, nagdamk. Formerly, when

Visayan-English Dictionary
she was single, she used to be very tidily
dressed, but now that she is married, she
has become a slattern. (cf. sprat).
damn, To talk in ones sleep.
Ginadamn (Nagadamn) si. He talks in
his sleep. Ginadamn si sang ya nga
sugilnon kana. He is repeating in his
sleep his conversation of a short while ago.
(cf. smat).
damng, (H) A spider.
damng-dmang, (B) Dim. of damng.
Also: Anything resembling a spider.
damso, (Sp. damasco) Damask, figured
silk stuff; a kind of very thin and
transparent cloth; fine thread or yarn.
dmgo, A dream; to dream. An ang
dmgo mo or an ang gindmgo mo?
What was your dream, what did you
dream? Gindmgo nya ang ya
pagkabt. He dreamt of his childhood.
Gindmgo lang nya in. He merely
dreamt it. It is only his fancy. (cf.
dmgot, To begin to eat or graze, start
taking other food than milk, said of a baby
and of a young animal. Nagadmgot na
ang bt, tnday. The baby, the calf, is now
commencing to take other food than milk.
(cf. lnggot).
dmhag, To fallheadlong,on ones
face,head foremost,head first,
prone,heels over head,head over heels.
Nakadmhag si. He fell head foremost.
Dinamhagn ak nya. He fell on me
prone. (cf. dgp, dsm, sukmod,
dmhag, To fall upon, attack with ones
arms, etc. See hmag.
dmhuy, To lick, lap, draw or pass the
tongue over, take in with the tongue. (cf.
dlap, lklak).
damhyan, damhuyn, That is to be
licked or taken in with the tongue. Wal
gid sil sing damhyan (damhuyn). They
have nothing to eat.
damg, Cold, stiff; to be or become cold.
Nagdamg na ang minaty. The corpse
has become cold. Damg na si. He is cold
and stiff. (cf. ramg).
daml, Savour, taste, relish; to relish,
taste. (cf. lalm, dmdim).
damlhay, To be preoccupied, engrossed
so as to neglect ones personal appearance,
have no time to attend to dress or
convention on account of overwork, etc.
Nagadamlhay gid lang si. He is so
engrossed that he pays no attention to
dress. He neglects his appearance, is
slovenly or carelessly dressed.
damil, Quick, fast, indistinct (of speech);
to speak fast and indistinctly, babble,
gabble, jabber. Damil ang ya nga hmbal
or damil si sing hmbal. His speech is
fast and indistinct. Nagadamil si kon
maghmbal. He speaks indistinctly. Wal
ak makasyod sang ya nga gindamil. I

damn damt-dmot
could not understand his babble, jabber.
(cf. gart).
damlit, Farewell, valediction, goodbye,
leave-taking; to take ones departure, take
ones leave, say adieu, bid goodbye.
Nagdamlit (nagpanamlit) si sa kon.
He took his leave of me, said goodbye to
me. Nagpamanl si nga wal gn
magdamlit sa kon. He went to Manila
without saying goodbye to me. (cf. paadis,
damlmil, Crust, clot, daub, plaster of
mud or dirt on clothes, etc.; to be or
become encrusted; plastered, clotted,
daubed, with mud or dirt. Ang buling mo
sa log nagadamlmil. The dirt on your
neck is quite thick. (cf. kmol, pol).
damlot, See damlmil. Nagadamlot gid
ang lnang sa nawng sang bt. The
mud on the childs face is quite thick. Ind
ka magpadamlot sang mo by. Dont let
your jacket become covered with dirt.
damisg, A pile of grain, heap of rice,
collection of cereals, rice or other cereals
gathered in a heap; to collect grain in a
heap, etc. Sn-o ang nagdamisg sang
humy? Who put (heaped) the rice
together? Damisag ang humy, agd nd
maglpta. Gather the rice in a heap so that
it may not be dispersed. Ang tambbo am
ang ginadamisagn sang humy. The
rice-shed is the place in which rice is stored
(in a heap). (cf. tmpok, tmpi, tpon).
damsol, A kind of small fish.
damt, Frequented, much resorted to,
haunt of many, visited by many; to
frequent, haunt, resort to, visit often. Dl
gid damt sang to inng lugr. This place
is but seldom visited by human beings.
Nagadamt si sa mon baly. He is a
frequent visitor at our house. He often calls
on us. (cf. dan, gamt).
dmla, To anoint, oil, sparingly, apply
only a little oil, ointment, pomade, etc.
Damlah lang sing lna ang mo bohk.
Put on your hair just a little coconut oil. (cf.
hso, hplas, bnyos).
dmlag, Perhaps, possibly, perchance.
Bus dmlag. Possibly to-morrow. Tomorrow perhaps. (cf. bs, yhan, turn).
dmlag, The day after to-morrow, two
days hence.
dmlag, To appear on the scene, visit,
chance upon. Nakadmlag si sa mon
kagb-i. He came to us (for the first time)
last night. (cf. dalng, tplang).
dmlot, To suck (ones finger, etc.). Ind
ka magdmlot, kay malw-ay. Dont suck
your finger, it is unbecoming. Ind mo
pagdamlotn ang mo tdl, kay mahgk
nga batsan in. Dont suck your finger,
for it is a dirty habit. (cf. ypyup, syup,
spsop, ltgot).
dam, (B) To clean, wash, wipe (ones
face). Damo ang nawng mo. Wash your
face. Dinamon mo na ang mo psngi

sang tbig? Have you wiped your cheeks?

(cf. panghilm-os).
dm (H) To be, become, many,
augment in numbers, increase, multiply.
Nagdm ang mga to, hyop, etc. The
people, cattle, became numerous. Kon but
ka nga magdm ang mo mga byan,
tabngan mo sing maloly-on ang mga
nalsdan. If you wish to have many friends,
compassionately assist those that are in
trouble. Dama ang mga mamumugn,
bat, kawyan, etc. Increase the number
or get a large number of workmen, stones,
bamboos, etc. Nadaman or nadm-an
ak sing mga ph sa karn nga tig. This
year I had many mangoes.
damg, Wash, mash, swill, food for
animals especially mixed food as given to
pigs and dogs; to feed animals, particularly
pigs and dogs. Idamg na lang inng knon nga pn-os sa id. Just give this stale
rice to the dog. Nagtmbok gid ang ya
bboy, kay dinamogn nya sing madm
nga mas. His pig got very fat, for he gave it
much corn. Padamog ang id. Get
somebody to prepare the food for the dog.
(cf. dalamugnfeeding-trough,bowl)
damkol, To lie about in disorder, pellmell, put in a disorderly way, disarray,
jumble, litter, mess, huddle, muddle,
higgledy-piggledy, topsy-turvy.
Nagadamkol gid lang ang ya mga
panpton. His clothes are lying about in
great disorder. Husya ang mo panpton
sa malta, nd mo pagdamoklon.
Arrange your clothes neatly in the handbag,
dont throw them in anyhow, higgledypiggledy. (cf. dm-ok, hl-id, lghit, hbon).
damkol, A scuffle, tussle, broil, fray,
shindy, confused fight or tumult; to scuffle,
tussle, fight tumultuously or confusedly.
Nagadamokoly sil. They are having a
free fight. Tambag ang mga bt nga
nagadamokoly. Separate the boys that
are quarrelling, scuffling, mixing in a fight.
(cf. pakigway nga malapyot).
dmol, Thickness (of a board, sheet, etc.);
to be or become thick. Nagdmol ang
bnbun dir, kay nagbah ang sub
kagb-i. There is quite a thick layer of
alluvial sand here, because the river was in
flood last night. Utda ang tp sa
nadamlan. Cut the plank at its thickest
part. Ginadamlan ak sinng hnero. This
cloth is too thick for me or appears to me
rather thick. (cf. madmol, kadmol,
damt, Any sort of vegetable. Bisn an
lang nga damt ginakon nya. He eats
any kind of vegetable. An nga damt ang
ginatigna mo sa ton panihpon? What
are you preparing for our supper in the way
of vegetables? (cf. tan, ulutann, lswa).
damt-dmot, Dim. and Freq. of
damt. Also: To collect, gather (vegetables,


dmpal dangp
ones thoughts or ideas, etc.). (cf.
dmpal, To beat, strike, slap, etc. See
dapl, smpal, smpay.
dmpi, Near, hard by, close to, in the
vicinity of; towards; in the direction of. (cf.
dapt, dmpit, nyon, lapt).
dmpig, Help, aid, assistance, succour,
support; to help, aid, succour, support,
assist, side with, take sides with, take the
part of, vote for, second, lend a hand,
render assistance. Dampig si. Go to his
help,assistance. Side with him. (cf. dpig,
mpin, pin, blig).
dmpit, See dpitto invite.
dmpit, Towards, in the direction of. See
dapt, nyon, yon, dmpi.
dmpon, To join, associate with, etc. See
dmpug, A dark cloud, shadow;
phantom, anything the presence of which
intimidates or inspires fear; to pursue,
follow or be present at (ready to take sides
or interfere), dispirit, discourage, daunt,
check. Wal sil makamy-om nga sa
malay nagapahyag na ang maitm nga
dmpug sang kalisd. They could not
guess that in the distance a dark cloud of
impending trouble was appearing.
Nagdmpug si sa la nga pagsay,
pakigway, etc. He was present (and acted
as a check) on their quarrelling, fighting,
etc. Dampug sil. Go after them. Pursue
them. Be present at their meeting (in order
to daunt them, interfere if necessary, etc.).
(cf. gl-um, pangnod; tgpa, tmbong;
lags, phug).
dmpug, Of extraordinary size or
strength, terrific, enormous, gigantic, huge.
May napl pa lang kag ttlo si ka tig,
pang daw dmpug na. He is only thirteen
years old, but looks like a giant.
dampgan, Overshadowing, lowering,
threatening, terrible, fearful, awful, terrific,
gigantic; of evil omen or impending
misfortune. (cf. dmpug; makahahdluk,
makakulgmat, makalilsang).
damprat, Foolish talk, nonsense; to
utter nonsense, talk like a fool, drivel,
prate, prattle. Ind ka magdamprat. Dont
talk nonsense. An na man ang ya
gindamprat? What bosh or trash did he
utter this time? (cf. lsang, br, lamd,
dm, dam, damg, damkol, (H)
etc. See dm, dam, damg, damkol,
damulga, Any female animal nearing
the age of bearing. (cf. dumalga).
damli, To soil, dirty, mess, muss,
besoiled, dirtied, messed, mussed, stained.
Nagadamli gid ang ya mga panpton.
His clothes are very dirty. (cf. blit,
damlit, hgk, dgt, msing, tp-ing,


Visayan-English Dictionary
damlit, (H) To stain, soil, etc. See
damli, blit, etc. Nadamultan ak sang
lnang. I was covered with mud.
dan, An exclamation of frequent use
equivalent to: Yes, that is it. Here you are.
Now you have got itorhave understood
it. So it is. So far so good. Now you see the
point. Didnt I tell you. (cf. t, t, n).
dnag, dn-ag, To be light or clear, to
shine, etc. See snag.
dnas, To drag, draggle, pull, haul. (cf.
gnoy, gyud, btong).
danw, Pool, puddle, piece of swampy
soil, small collection of water in a hole or
depression as seen after a heavy shower of
rain; to form puddles or pools.
Nagadanw ang tbig sa dlan or ang
dlan ginadanawn sang tbig or may
mga danw sa dlan. The water is making
puddles on the road.
dndan, To weave plain cloth without
cross-stripes and consequently without the
necessity of changing the colour of thread
in the shuttle; the method of weaving
without cross-stripes. Ang paghabl nya
sang patdyong dndan gid lmang. Her
weaving of the skirt is (was) done without
cross-stripes i.e. just straight on, quickly.
Dandan lang ang paghabl, agd
madsig. Simply weave the cloth straight
on without cross-stripes, so that it may
soon be finished. (cf. dalndanto fly
dangl, Dull, blunt (of edged tools). (cf.
hbul, mahbul, uml).
dangl, Fool, ass, simpleton, ninny,
booby, zany, goose, gaby, nincompoop,
looby. (cf. tampuhw, kalndong, kl,
kloy, kolkol, mang, bang, lko,
tnto). Dangl si. He is a fool. Dinangl
gid lang ang ya nga singid. What he said
was bosh, he talked nonsense.
dngas, To strike, blow, beat, upon
with full force (said of wind, etc.). (cf.
bong, dnggas, dngkal, ysyas,
dngat, To reach, obtain, acquire, get at,
receive, take hold of, win, procure, secure,
gain. Makadngat ka bal sin or
madangtan mo bal in? Do you think
you can obtain, secure, that? Am na
in ang makalol-oy nga kahimtngan
nga dinangtan nya. That is the pitiable
plight he is reduced to. Idngat mo ak
sin. Kindly obtain this favour for me. Wal
si makadngat sang ya katuyon. His
plan did not succeed. Buhta in tbtub sa
mo madangtan. Do this according to the
best of your abilities. Do it as well as you
can. (cf. lmbut, db-ot, mbit).
dngaw, The span of the hand between
the tip of the thumb and the tip of the
middle-finger. (cf. balngitthe span
between the tip of the thumb and the tip of
the fore-finger).

dangw, To swim; ford a deep river, etc.,

using ones arms and hands somewhat like
an oar in alternate strokes on the left and
dangw-dngaw, Dim. of dngaw.
Also: A kind of insect that is not poisonous;
a wasp-like insect.
dng-dang, Bright, conspicuous, visible
from a far distance, gaudy, garish, showy,
flaunting, glaring, flaring, vivid; to be
bright, etc. Nagadngdang ang ya by,
ang mga blak sinng khoy, ang dug
sang ya baly etc. His jacket is of a bright
colour, the flowers of this tree are very
showy, the colour of his house is visible
from a great distance, etc. (cf. dagang,
dagngdang, dngg).
dngg, See dngdang.
dnggas, To blow or beat upon with full
force, drive against without obstruction,
said of wind. Ang hngin nagadnggas
sang baly. The wind strikes the house
with full force. Ang mon kamlig sa um
ginadanggasn sang hngin. Our field-hut
is being buffeted by the wind. (cf. bong).
danggsan, Open to the wind,
unsheltered, having no screen or windbreak, exposed to the wind. Ang mon
baly danggsan. Our house is exposed to
the wind. (cf. dngkal).
dnggot, To be weaned, begin to take
solid nourishment. See dmgot id.
dnghos, To be busy, have much to do,
be much occupied, have ones hands full,
have ones time taken up with. Ang mga
to karn nagadnghos sang tnum.
People at present are busy planting rice.
(cf. dlup, sk).
dngkal, To be open or exposed to (rain,
wind, heat, etc.). Ang mo hult
ginadangkaln sang nit. Your room is
exposed to the heat of the sun. (cf. bong,
dangklan, A kind of tree.
dnglay, A kind of small salt-water fish.
dang, To remain near or at the side of,
watch, tend or be constantly present at a
sickbed or the like. Ind ka magsgad
dang sa masakt nga to. Dont be always
near the sick man. Ang bt nagadang sa
ya ily nga nagamasakt. The child is
constantly tending or watching her sick
mother. (cf. tang).
dngog, Scales, scab, scurf, forming on
wounds or ulcers, during the healing
process. Hugsi ang dngog sang mo
but. Bathe the scabs of your smallpox. (cf.
dangl, See padangl.
dngtan, etc. From dngatto reach,
obtain, etc.
dangp, To takerefuge,covert,
sanctuary,shelter, seekan asylum,
safety,protection,relief, have recourse
to, approach, go to, for help. Dngpi
si. Go to him for protection. Have

Visayan-English Dictionary
recourse to him. Nagdangp si sa kon.
He took refuge with me, came to me for
help. Dinngpan sang masakt nga to
ang hospitl. The sick man sought relief in
the hospital. Ipadangp mo ang lalng sa
hospitl. Have the injured man seen to at
the hospital. (cf. yop, pakitbang).
dangsal, To use profane, indecent,
language; to prate, prattle. (cf. nglngal,
ngsal; dpak, bstos).
dngyas, A fish-basket. (cf. alt,
dan, (B) Frequented, often visited,
resorted to; to resort to, frequent, haunt.
Ang dan dir makasyod sin. Those who
often come here know that. Ang mga
nagapangma nagadan sa tinda.
Farmers often visit the shop, store or
market. Magdan ka sa bnwa. You should
often come to town. (cf. damt).
dnlag, To come to for the first time, to
chance, happen, etc. Nga man nga
nakadnlag ka dir? How did you chance
to come here? (cf. dalng, dmlag).
dnlak, To be soft and flabby as fatty
animal tissues, to be slippery, flaccid.
Nagadnlak ang tmbok sang bboy. Pork
fat is soft and flabby. (cf. dnlug).
dnlug, Slipperiness, greasiness; to be or
become slippery, greasy. Nagdnlug ang
dlan tungd sang uln. The road has
become slippery on account of the rain.
Padanlug ang lapgsan, agd mabdlay
ang pagsk. Make the pole greasy, so that
it may be hard to climb. Nadanlugn ak
sinng dlan. This road is too slippery for
dn, See padnto tell stories, lies, etc.
dn-ok, To shove, push, thrust, throw.
Idn-ok si sa kalg. Push him into the
ditch. (cf. baln-ok, tuld, tklod, ds-og).
dap, Snubnosed, flatnosed, simous. (cf.
kulap, kurap).
dap-dap, The sole of the foot. (cf.
dpal, A hand breadth, a palm, the width
of the palm of the hand or of the four
dapl, A handful; to eat by handfuls; to
slap with the open hand or palm. Idapl
lang ang kn-on. Just eat the rice by
handfuls. Ihtag mo sa ya ang is ka
dapl nga kn-on. Give him a handful of
rice. Hpus ka; kay kon dl dapaln ko
ang bb mo. Be silent or I will slap you on
the mouth.
dpat Fit, meet, due, right, proper,
becoming, that should or ought to be done
as a moral obligation, frequently to be
translated simply with: should, ought; to
fit, adapt, use, apply, befit, beseem,
become, behoove, be right, be ones due, be
expected, be the proper thing to do. Dpat
ka magbhat sin. You should do it. You
ought to do it. In g kag dpat. That was
(is) fit and proper or as it should be. Dl

dangsal dplas
gid dpat in. This certainly is not
becoming,proper,the right thing to do.
This is wrong entirely. Idpat nmo in sa
mo kinahnglan. Apply this to your need.
Dapti sing salg ang mo kosna. Have a
floor laid down in your kitchen. Gindpat
nya ang ganhan sing mayo. He closed
the door altogether. Gindpat sang
pnday ang ganhan sing mayo. The
carpenter fitted the door well. Dapta ang
puerthan. Shut the door close. (In this last
sense cf. ngkop, hop, hom) Gindpat
nya ang sa ka plntsa nga sin sa atp.
He put a sheet of galvanized iron on the
roof. (cf. g, ngay).
dpat, Use, usefulness, advantage. Wal
gid sing dpat inng mo sugilnon. What
you saidis of no use,serves no good
purpose. To nga waly dpat
(daptdapt). A useless man, a good-fornothing, loafer, idler. (cf. soy, tsoy,
gud, agdagd, puls).
dapt, Fitted, adapted, accommodated,
furnished or trimmed with, adjusted,
closed well, joined well. (cf. dpat).
dapt-dapt, Dim. of dpat
usefulness, etc. (cf. agdagd).
dpaw, A small insect often to be found in
hens nests and causing a peculiar itch, if it
gets on human skin. Also verb. Butang
sing dgaw ang pugarn sang mo
mank, agud nd pagabutn sang dpaw
or agd nd pagdapwan. Put some
adgaoleaves into your hens nests, so that
the dpao-insect may not infest them.
dapy, The hawk, any rapacious hawklike bird, a bird of prey. (cf. bang).
dapy-dpay, To rub or massage lightly,
apply gentle friction, stroke. (cf. dalyday.
dp-dap, A kind of tree with red flowers.
Its wood is worthless even for fuel.
dpgan, For dapogn, etc. from dapg
to smell.
dp, To hang on to, hold on to, keep near,
take hold of ones arm. Gindp ko gid si.
I kept near him, hung on to him, held fast
to his arm. (cf. yat, btkon).
dpia, To waft, bear, carry, along (of
wind). Ang hngin nagadpia sang
kahumt sang mga blak sa mon baly.
The wind wafts the fragrance of the flowers
to our house. (dpya id.).
dap-dp, Dim. and Freq. of dp.
Nagadap-dapay sil nga duh. The two
of them are walkingarm in arm,side by
side,hand in hand.
dap-dp, To applaud, clap hands, strike
the palms of the hands together. (cf.
palkpak, pamalkpak).
dpig, To help, aid, assist, second, stand
by, side with, be a partner, associate or
auxiliary; companion, mate, partner,
second. Dapgi si. Second him. Stand by
him. Sn-o ang dpig mo? Who is your
partner or companion? (cf. dmpig, pin,

dapg, A pair, couple, brace, two of the

same class or kind, as a pair of gloves, cuffs,
ear-rings, etc. Dapg nga artos. A pair of
dp-ig, Oppression, vexation, distress; to
compress, oppress, vex, pinch. (cf. dapig,
dapog, dapol; ipt, ipip, lgpit).
dapig, See dp-ig. Ginadapig sil sang
la mga kaway. They are being hard
pressed by their enemies.
dapog, To press, squeeze, oppress,
trouble, put in straits. (cf. dp-ig, dapol).
dapol, To push, press, squeeze, crowd,
shove, wedge against. Ind mo ak
pagdapilan. Dont push or press against
me. Gindapol ak nya sa dngding. He
squeezed or wedged me against the wall.
(cf. dp-ig, arod, orod).
dpios, dapis, To slip, stumble, fall to
the ground by making a false step or
through slipping. Nakadpios ak sa bat
nga lumton. I slipped on the mossy stone.
(cf. dpias, daln-as).
dpiot, To hold fast to, cling to, hang on
to, grasp (as children the skirt of their
mother or the like). Ang bt nagadpiot
sa patdyong sang ya ily
orginadapiotn sang bt ang
patdyong sang ya ily. The child is
holding fast to its mothers skirt. (cf.
kpyot, kapt, yat).
dapt, Hard by, near, close by, close at
hand, in the direction of, towards, close to,
adjoining, adjacent. Din dapt ang mo
baly? Sa amnhan dapt ukn sa
bagtnan? Whereabouts, in what
direction, is your home, towards the
North or South? (cf. yon, nyon).
dpit, To invite, call to, request ones
presence or company; to lead by the hand,
guide, help along a road or the like. Dapta
si. Invite him. Dapti ang kalaslon sang
is ka bnda nga msika. Engage a band
for the marriage-feast. Idpit ak nay sa
ya. Please invite him for me or in my
name. Sa tann nga mga dinpit ditay
lmang ang mga nagtalmbong. Of all
those that were invited only a few attended.
Dinaptan nla ang la pndut sing
madm nga mga Pr. They invited many
priests to assist at their feast. Gindpit
nya ang bt. He led the baby or child by
the hand. Dapta inng tiglang nga to sa
ya paglakt sa dlan. Help this old man
along the road. Guide, lead, support
him on his way along the road. (cf. gda,
kngay, hgad).
dplak, Flat; to be flat; to drop flat to the
ground. (cf. hplak; dap, kurap).
dplak, A kind of bird.
dplang, To splutter, sputter. Ang kon
plma nagadplang. My pen is
spluttering. Ind mo pagdaplangn ang
mo plma. Dont make your pen splutter.
dplas, To smear, plaster, over, coat,
daub, surface, give a coat of paint or


dplay darn-darn
plaster, anoint with salve, ointment or the
like. Daplas sing brnis ang kwdro. Coat
the frame with varnish. Give the frame a
coat of varnish. Gindaplasn nya ang ya
likd sing by. He plastered his back with
buyo-leaves. Idplas inng pnta sa
lamsa. Use this paint to paint the table.
Dinaplasn nya ang ya hubg sing
tmbal. He put a medicinal plaster on his
ulcer. Daplas ang padr sing pog. Whitewash, lime-wash, the wall. (cf. hplas,
dmla, plhit).
dplay, To lie, lean, sit, on another
as children on the hip or on the lap of their
mothers. Ang bt nagadplay sa dghan
sang ya ily. The baby is lying on the
breast of its mother. Ginadaplayn sang
bt ang ya ily. The child sits astride on
its mothers hip. Daplay si. Rest at his
dpl, (B) Meat, fish, poultry, etc. as sidedishes to rice; to have or eat such sidedishes. An ang gindpl nnyo sa
panyga? What side-dish have you got or
prepared for dinner? Idpl mo inng sd
sa panihpon. Prepare this fish as a sidedish for supper. Dapli ang kn-on kay
mals-ay, kon wal sing darpl. Provide
a side-dish for the rice, for without a sidedish it is unpalatable. Padapli ak sing
krne. Get me some meat as a side-dish to
rice. Nagdpl si sing mank sang
pagpanyga nya kana. He had or ate a
chicken when he took his dinner a short
while ago. (N.B. Bread, biscuits, pies, tarts,
etc. are called kalan-non; vegetables in
general are called tan in H and lswa in
B; cf. darpl, sd-an, ikon).
dpl, To join, attach to, connect with,
associate with. (cf. mpon, smpon, aby;
dplos, To slip. See dpios, dpias, dalnas. Nakadplos ak sa salg, tp,
kawyan, etc. I slipped on the floor, on the
plank, on the bamboo, etc. An ang
nakapadplos sa mo? What made you
dplus, To smear over, plaster, salve, etc.
See dplas, daplas, hplas.
dpnan, (B) See dponto join, etc.
dp, To come upon, attack, invade,
approach, gather around, beset. Ang mga
suby nagdp sa kon. Ants invaded,
attacked, me. Kon may paty nga spat
ang mga id kag lud magadp. When
there is a dead animal, dogs and insects
will gather and attack it. Dinapan sang
mga suby ang tnga nga paty. The dead
cockroach was beset by ants. (cf. amg,
palapt, tpon, dpon).
dapg, Hearth, fireplace; kitchen. (cf.
dalnghan, digamohn, lulutun).
dapg, (B) Smell, odour, scent,
emanation, exhalation, fume, redolence; to
give out or emit an odour, to smell, be
redolent, etc. Inng bno may dapg nga
gas. This wine smells of petroleum. Inng


Visayan-English Dictionary
bno tnto nagadapg sing tanday. This
red table-wine has a smell of tanday. Ang
dapg sinng mga bt dw knding.
These children smell like goats.
Nakadapg ak sang pagsnlag sang
kap. I smelled the roasting of coffee.
Nadpgan ko ang hos nga mo kinon. I
smelt the garlic you had eaten. (cf. bh,
panimh, snghot, pannghot).
dpol, See kmol, polto coat with,
dpol, To tire, fatigue, exhaust, spend,
weaken, enfeeble, weary, knock up.
Ginadpol ak sang paglakt, sang
pangabdlay, etc. I am getting tired of
walking, am fatigued with work, etc.
Dinpol ak. I became weak, feeble,
exhausted, jaded, done up. (cf. kpoy, ly,
daplas, To apply asalve,ointment,
plaster, etc. to rub, stroke, scratch.
Dapolsa ang hubg, ang btkon, etc. Put
a plaster on the boil, the arm, etc. Dapolsi
si sa likd. Put a plaster on his back.
Idaplas inng bulng sa ya pils. Use
this medicine to treat his wound. (cf.
hplas, haplas, hmpul, tmbal, dplas;
aphap, klot).
dpon, (B) To join, unite, associate with,
to lay, put, lump,hang, clap,
together. Idpon mo ang kon bka sa mo
nga karabw sa pagpahlab. Take my cow
along with your buffalo to the pasture.
Dpni (dapni) ang ya bugs sang mo,
kay ya tig-angn sa panyga. Put your
rice with his, for he is going to boil it for
dinner. Dinapnan kit nla sa ton
kalpay. They joined us in our merriment.
Ind mo pagpadapnan ang mo bt sing
kaupdnan nga malut. Dont permit your
child to associate with bad companions. (cf.
mpon, smpon, tingb, dp).
dapn, To do jointly with somebody else
(using his tools, etc.). Nagdapn ak sang
kon talahon sa ya nga baly. I did my
sewing together with her in her house
(using her sewing machine, etc.). (cf.
daplay, To stroke, caress, fondle,
dandle, wheedle, cajole, coax. (cf. aphap,
haphap, daldl).
dp-ung, To cast, throw, heap,
put, on the fire. Idp-ung na lang sa
kalyo inng gabk nga khoy. Throw this
rotten wood on the fire. Dap-ung ang
kalyo sinng mga ingsap. Feed the fire
with these chips. Cast these chips on the
dpya, dpyos, dpyot, See dpia,
dpios, dpiot.
dar, Aunt. (cf. t, ty, mnding).
dar, (B) See dal;to fester, etc.
Nagadar ang talnga sang bt, kay
natohgan sang artos. The childs ear is
festering on account of the ear-ring hung
from it.

dar, (B) See dal. Drha, drhi,

etc.dlha, dlhi, etc.
dra, (B) See dlato bear, etc.
darakan, (B) To prattle, prate, gab,
gabble, rattle on, talk much, be loquacious,
garrulous, so that nobody has a chance to
put in a word. Nagadarakan si. He talks
incessantly, is a great chatterbox.
Gindaraaknan nya ak tbtub sa katak
or tbtub nga natk-an ak. He rattled on
till I got sick of it. (cf. br).
darba, Uneasiness, anxiety, worry; to be
or become uneasy, etc. Hingay sang
darba, kay nd man mabg-at ang
pagbt sang mo ank. Do not worry, for
your son is not seriously ill. (cf.
darabhan, Uneasy, worried, fluttered,
nervous, anxious, disturbed, having
misgivings or apprehensions. Also verb.
Darabhan si (nagadarabhan si)
tungd sang balatan sang ya amy. He
is worried over the sickness of his father.
Darabhan (ginadarabhan si) sinng
tab. He is made uneasy by that event. (cf.
darba, dalamnon, darmnon, nd
malibtay, etc.).
darg, (B) Yellow, gold colour, golden. (cf.
dalg, amarlyo).
daraglon, (B) See dalaglon id.
darak-non, (B) The thumb. (cf.
kamomo, kumalgk).
darkot, (B) A kind of plant.
darmhak, Naughty, wicked, rude;
uncultured, unpolite, uncivilized; mean,
dirty; to be or become naughty, etc. (cf.
damk, sprat, bstos).
daramhay, To neglect ones personal
appearance, etc. See damlhay id.
daramlay, See daramhay, damlhay id.
daramli, Unable to pronounce distinctly,
muttering, mumbling, talking
unintelligibly; to pronounce very
defectively, etc. (cf. piht, ht-on, ptl,
knl, damil).
darmnon, (B) See dalamnon.
daramprat, (B) To talk glibly,
flippantly,lightly, be a great chatterbox,
(cf. damprat, lamd, lsang, br,
wkal, hdak, etc.).
daramnon, (B) See dalamnon.
darn, To cause, bring on, a fit,
especially a fit of insanity, produce a
recurrence of mania. Ginadarn na man
ang bang. The lunatic is having one of his
fits again. Ind mo si paghambaln, kay
bs darann si. Dont talk to him, for he
may get another fit of madness.
darn-darn, Naughty, restless, illmannered, mischievous, troublesome,
misbehaving, always ready for mischief and
never quiet; to be naughty, etc.
Nagadarndarn gid inng mga bt.
These children are very mischievous,
naughty, noisy, troublesome or the like.
Ind ak nnyo pagdarndarann. Dont

Visayan-English Dictionary
disturb me with your noise or mischief.
Darndarn nga bt. A lively, restless,
troublesome child. (cf. harshars,
dingkalogn, diwal-gan, karandagn).
drap, To rave, talk nonsense, be
delirious. (cf. dlat, lsang, damprat,
sla, wkal, br).
daraplang, Blot, grime, dirt, stain,
blotch; to stain, etc. Nagdaraplang ang
pnta sa delrgo mo, kay nagpngk ka sa
is ka sya nga bg-o pa lang napintahan.
You have got some paint on your trousers,
because you sat down on a newly painted
chair. Nadarapalngan ang ya by sang
dug. His jacket was stained with blood.
(cf. dgt, mnsa, blit, msing).
darpl, A side-dish. See dpl.
draw, To pay a visit of condolence on
occasion of death in a family. Gindarwan
kam nya, kay naptyan kam. He paid us
a visit of condolence, for we were bereaved.
Magdraw ka sa laor darwi sil. Pay
them a visit of condolence. (cf. dlaw).
darawdaw, A kind of bird. Daw
darawdaw ikw. You are like a
darawidaw-bird, i.e. an incessant talker, a
great chatterbox.
dary, To impart fear, to scare, alarm,
startle, raise apprehension, excite or
inspire fear. Ginadary si kay mahdluk
man ikw. He is getting scared, because
you also show fear. Ind ka magpti kag
nd ka magpaklb sinng mga sgid nga
maabt ang mabskug nga lnog, kay kon
ikw makulban ang ibn darayn man.
Dont believe, and dont be alarmed at,
those stories about a violent earthquake
that is to happen soon, for if you become
nervous about it, others will be afraid also.
darri, To induce, persuade, move, coax,
wheedle, cajole, talk over, (mostly used
with a negative). Ind mo si madarri sa
pagpahulm sa mo sing kwrta. You will
not be able to coax him into lending you
money. Ind ka makadarri sa ya sa
pagkdto ddto. You wont be able to get
him to go there.
daros, A severe, continuous cough. Also
verb. Ginadaros si. He is constantly
coughing, has a severe cough. (cf. balkoy).
drwa, (B) Two, twain, couple, brace,
pair. (cf. duh).
darwampl, (B) Twenty, score. (cf.
duh ka pl).
das-das, To act-thoughtlessly,lightheartedly,foolishly,impetuously; to
walk noisily over boards, stamp the feet on
the floor, etc. (cf. dals, dasdas, tabins,
hinal; dsdas, ysyas, pundgpndag,
dsay, To be quick, swift, fast, rapid,
speedy, expeditious, do quickly, hasten,
make haste. Dasya ang mo paghmbal.
Speak faster. Come to the point quickly. (cf.
dsig, dal, btik).

drap datng-datng
dasy-dsay, Dim. and Freq. of dsay.
Ginadasydsay nya ang ya paglakt,
pagardo, etc. He walks, ploughs, etc.
rather quickly. (cf. daldl, dasg-dsig,
ds-das, Second rice-pounding; to pound
rice a second time; to strike, beat, rush
upon. Dasdas ang ginm nga humy.
Pound a second time the rice that has been
pounded for the first time. Figuratively:
Gindasdasn nya ak sing buyyaw. He
cursed and swore at me most violently.
Dasdas si sing bsol. Give him a sound
scolding. (cf. ysyas).
dasi, To put, impose, upon, trick,
cheat, swindle, defraud, deceive, bluff. Ind
ka magdasi sa akonornd mo ak
pagdasian. Dont cheat me. (cf. dy,
lmbong; lg-it, agng).
dsig, To be quick, do something with
speed or promptness, hasten, etc. Dasga
ang paglakt mo. Walk quickly. Quicken
your pace. Gindsig nya ang ya trabho.
He performed his work with despatch.
Nagadsig na si sang ya pagtikng. He
is now stepping out briskly, walking fast.
(cf. dsay).
dasg-dsig, Dim. and Freq. of dsigto
be quick, etc.
ds-il, To injure, lacerate, etc. See ds-il.
dskan, dskon, From daskto cram,
dsm, (H) To fall prone, fall on ones
face. Nakadsm si. He fell on his face.
(cf. dgp, dsm, sukmod).
dsmag, To attack, fall upon, strike,
fell, throw, to the ground. Dasmag si
kag ibutk. Fall upon him and get him
down. (cf. dmhag, hmag).
das, To risk, hazard, venture, chance,
expose oneself, to rush into danger without
reflection, be rash, foolhardy, reckless,
thoughtless, temerarious. Ind ka magdas
sa mga karabw nga nagasngay. Dont
be foolhardy going near buffaloes that are
fighting. The Dim. and Freq. dasdas is
more in use.
das-das, Dim. and Freq. of das. Kon
magdasdas ikw magkdto ddto ambt
kon an ang mahanab sa mo. If you are
reckless enough to go there, I dont know
what will happen to you.
ds-og, To impel, push, poke, shove,
thrust, crowd, wedge, squeeze. Ginds-og
ak nya sa dngding. He squeezed me
against the wall. Ids-og lang sa higd ang
mga panpton nga mahgk. Shove the
soiled clothes into the corner. Dasog lang
ang ktre sang mga ulnan. Just poke the
pillows into the bed. (cf. ds-og).
dask, To cram, ram, wad, stuff, fill, pack,
press, squeeze, in. Dasok ang suld
sang malta. Pack the contents of the
suitcase tight. Dski (for dasok) ang
ulnan ko sing dldul, kay but ak sang

matgdas. Stuff the pillow tight with

cotton, for I like a hard one.
dasn, Following, subsequent, coming
after; to ensue, succeed, follow as a
sequence or in succession; to come
after,later,next, etc. Magadasn ka
bal sa kon sa pagkdto sa Ilonglong?
Shall you follow me later in going to Iloilo?
Nagadasony sil. They are following each
other. Dasn sin . After this .
Ipadasn mo sa ya ang kro. Send the
cart after him. Ang ktay dinasonn
(dinsnan) sang is ka matahm nga
belda. The parade was followed by a
beautiful entertainment, play. (cf. sund).
dta, (Sp. data) Expense, expenditure,
outlay, out-go, disbursement; to expend,
spend, pay out. Idta ko lang inng is ka
blig nga sging sa kon tang sa mo. I
will give you this bunch of bananas as part
payment of my debt to you.
dta, Use, usefulness, worth. To nga
may dta. A useful man. To nga wal
sing dta. A worthless fellow. (cf. gud,
puls, soy).
dt, To extend, abound, prolong, last
long, spread over a long time or large
district. Nagdt kahpon ang mon
sugilnon ddto sa la baly. Our
conversation yesterday at their house
lasted a long time. Nagadt karn ang
pagdinayay sa pagpiniliy. Nowadays
cheating is very common at elections.
datg, A wide valley, a plain, extensive
grounds. (cf. latagn, wayng, patg).
datagn, See datg.
dt-an, dt-on, From dutto injure,
dtay, (B) To scream, shout, yell, howl (as
children). Ang bt nagadtay. The baby
is screaming. Ind mo pagpadatyon ang
bt. Dont make the baby scream. (The
form datydtay is more in use).
daty-dtay, Dim. and Freq. of dtay
to scream, etc.
dtdat, To stand, endure, be able to put
up with, make head against. Kon
mabskug ang mga bald, ang barto nd
makadtdat sa bybay. When the waves
are high, the (small) boat cannot make the
shore. Katm sang asn sinng spas;
nd ak makadtdat sa pagkon. This
soup contains too much salt; I cannot eat it.
(cf. sarng, bats; t-at, t-it).
dtilis, (Sp. datil) Date, date-palm, a kind
of tree with cherry-like fruit.
datng, To obtain, receive. Nagpal na
ang bt, kay nakadatng sing tinpay.
The boy went home after receiving some
bread. (cf. bton).
datng, Well versed, experienced, expert.
(cf. batd, sagd, etc.).
datng-datng, To step out, walk
briskly,nimbly,quickly. Nagadatngdatng si. He walks briskly. (cf. daldl,


dt dyday
dt, (Sp. dato) Chief, chieftain, especially
among the Moros; title of a high dignitary
in Oriental countries.
dt-og, (H) To put, place, set, upon
(as on a block or some similar support).
Idt-og ang log sang mank sa tapaln,
kag labon. Place the chickens neck on the
block and chop it through. Kon magbal
ikw sing gatng, dat-og inng khoy.
When you split firewood, lodge it on this
piece of timber. (cf. dt-ol id.).
dt-ol, See dt-og. Nadat-oln si sing
mabg-at nga khoy. A heavy piece of
timberfell upon him,pressed him
down,crushed him.
dt-on, A plate, a dish. (cf. pnggan,
dag, To overcome, win, be victorious, be
superior, master, defeat, lick, conquer,
vanquish, put down, overthrow, outdo,
rout, gain the ascendancy or mastery of, get
the best of, get the upper hand, get over
difficulties; gain, winnings; conquered,
vanquished, etc. Sn-o ang nagdag? Who
won? Who came out victorious? Dg-on ko
ikw sa trabho. I can beat you at work.
Gindag nya ak. He overcame me. He
defeated me. Dg-a si sa pagsult. Prove
yourself his better at writing. Ang pagbsa
sang iningls am ang pagdag ni Pdro
sa kay Hos sang sil ang nagpadag-nay
(sang la pagpadag-nay). In English
reading Pdro showed himself superior to
Jos, when the two of them were
competing. Makapil nagdag si? How
often did he win? Pil ang dag mo? How
much did you win or gain? Sn-o sa la nga
duh ang dag? Which of the two lost or
was beaten?
dal-dal, Stunted, kept back in growth,
underdeveloped; to be or become stunted.
(cf. arar, aglagl).
dup, To become hollow, etc. See gop,
ghuk, guk.
dap, Hollow, cavity. See gap, gahk,
d-up, To join the hands; to applaud, clap
the hands. (cf. tokp, palkpak,
dut, To injure, hurt, harm, damage,
impair, spoil, mar, doharm,mischief,
cause detriment. Nagdut si sa kon or
gindatan (gindt-an) nya ak. He did
me an injury. He caused me loss or
damage. (cf. hlit, lut).
daw, Like, as, similar to, as it were, as if,
about, resembling, having the semblance
of; it seems, appears, may. Inng khoy
matg-a nga daw salslon. This wood is as
hard as iron. Daw butg ang ya nga
ginsgid. What he said seems to be untrue.
Daw sa dl na ak makabats sin. It
appears to me that I can stand that no
longer. Daw sa magadag si. It looks as if
he may win. Kon daw sa wal gid ikw
sing lyag sa pagdaw sa iya, . If you
really shouldnt like to pay him a visit, .


Visayan-English Dictionary
Daw lngit. Like heaven. (cf. sbung,
blang, nggid, apt-pit).
dwa, A kind of grain resembling Indian
corn; millet. (cf. batd).
daw-daw, Satisfactory, middling,
pretty well off, rather well to do, having
enough, neither rich nor poor. (cf. dirdir, aydayd, hingnhingn, mayo
daw-nay, To give and take, reciprocate,
exchange, interchange; salute one the
other, shake hands with. (cf. daw,
dw-an, dw-on, etc. From dawto
accept, receive, take.
dwat, To accept or receive something
from the hand of another. Dawta in, kay
ginadhol ko sa mo. Accept this, for I am
offering it to you. Take this, as I am holding
it out to you. (N. B. dwat has often also
the meaning of receiving something
unpleasant or injurious, to get it, catch it.
Nakadwat si sang slot, balatan, kr,
etc. He was punished, contracted a disease,
got a scolding, etc.). (cf. dwhat, daw).
dawt, To relish food again, begin to eat
again, get back ones appetite. (cf. hawt).
dawt, A kind of shell-fish.
dawatn, A receptacle, especially the
bamboo receptacle used in the collection of
toddy from the coconut palms. Ang suld
sang sald ginawan sang mananggte sa
ya nga dawatn. The palm-wine collector
empties the contents of the vessel attached
to the fruit-stalk of the coconut palm into
his collecting-receptacle. (cf. kawt, pask).
dawt-dawt, Dim. and Freq. of dawt.
(cf. hawthawt).
dwdaw, To turn round, spin, whirl,
twirl. (cf. byung, tyub, tyog).
dawdwan, Machine, engine, mill. (cf.
dwdaw; galingn, pbrika).
dwhat, To receive, etc. See dwat,
daw, db-ot. Dawhat in. Take hold of
this. Receive this in your hand.
dwi, To fish with rod, line and hook,
catch fish (in the sea). (cf. pamunt,
dawn, A small basket used in gathering
various fruits as kadis, man, maize,
mangoes, etc.
daw, To take hold of with ones hand,
accept, receive. See dwat, dwhat. Dw-a
in. Take this in your hand. (cf. dah).
dwog, The fruit-stalk of a coconut palm.
Inng is ka dwog may napl ka lub.
This fruit-stalk is bearing ten coconuts. (cf.
balaybay, bwog).
dawg, Vine-shoots or branches going off
in all directions; to creep, spread or extend
over the ground, said of vine-shoots or the
like. Nagadawg na ang kamte or may
dawg na ang kamte. The sweet-potato is
pushing its runners along the ground.
dy, Trick, cheat, wile, cheating, trickery,
fraud; to cheat, trick, do, diddle, take in,

defraud, overreach, swindle, impose,

practise, play, put, palm, foist,
upon. Nagdy si sa kon or gindayan
nya ak. He cheated me. He defrauded
me. He played a trick on me. Ginaan mo
pagdy (An ang ginady mo)? What
tricks are you up to? (cf. dasi, limbong).
dy-a, See di-ato drift, etc.
dya, (B) That, that there. (cf. di, ri, ra,
in, yan).
dayg, Visible, manifest, public, open,
exposed, perceptible, discernible, apparent;
to be or become manifest, etc. Nagdayg
na ang baly, kay gintaps nmon ang
ph nga naglipd nay. The house is now
visible, for we have cut down the mangotree that hid it before. Dayg in. That is
clear, manifest, known publicly, apparent.
dayhan, day-han, See dai-han
beach, etc.
dayn, To walk or stroll about,
promenade, saunter; to take out for a walk,
give an airing to. Nagadayn si sa plsa.
He is taking a stroll in (on) the public
square. Ginadayn sang ily ang ya bt,
kay nagahib. The mother is taking the
baby out for a walk, for an airing, because it
is crying. (cf. lgaw).
dayn-dyan, Dim. and Freq. of dayn.
Ind ka magsgad batng, knd
magdayndyan ka. Dont be always lying
down, but take a walk. (cf. lagw-lgaw).
dyaw, To praise, exalt, extol, esteem,
appreciate, magnify, glorify, make much of,
speak well of, honour, admire, laud, think
or speak highly of. Daywon ang Dis.
Praised be God. Blessed be God.
Ginadyaw nla ang bg-o nga simbhan.
They are full of praise for the new church.
Daywa si, kay dalaywon. Honour him,
for he is worthy of honour. Gindyaw ko
si, kay nakasyod ak nga dalayawn
si, kag inihwan ak nya sing mank
kag ginpainm sing tub. I flattered him,
because I knew that flattery goes down with
him, and he killed a chicken for me and
gave me some toddy to drink. Idyaw sa
ya ang ya bg-o nga baly, ang ya
kalam, etc. Speak well of his new house,
of his learning, etc. Gindyaw nla si
tungd sang madm nya nga
pagkasampton. They exalted him on
account of his many accomplishments. (cf.
dayw, Dandy, coxcomb, fop, dude,
masher, exquisite, swell; to be or become a
dandy, etc., to deck oneself out for show,
dress ostentatiously. Nagadayw si, kay
dalagta na. She is dressing herself for
show, because she is now growing out of
her girlhood. Abw, kadayw gid sa ya!
Why, he is quite a dandy! (cf. padayw).
dyday, To form, follow, keep, in
line, standin a row,in file,in rank,
walk in Indian file. Nagadyday ang mga
to sa prosesyn. The people in the
procession are keeping in line. Dayday

Visayan-English Dictionary
ang mga bt. Draw up the children in
line. Dayday ang bint sang dlan sang
mga eskwla. Make the school-children
stand in a row at the side of the road.
Padayday ang mga bt. Make the
children form in line. (cf. das, andna,
daydayn, daydyan, Place for a lineup, where people or things are formed in
lines or rows. (dyday).
dyhat, To receive, obtain, lay hands on.
(cf. dwat, dwhat; bton, dngat).
dayk, Salt-fish, salted fish. (cf. ginams,
llang, pats, lamay).
dyon, Continuous, permanent, lasting,
perpetual, eternal, at all times, evermore,
constantly, always, everlastingly; to
continue, go on with, last, stay for some
time, lodge, sojourn, visit or call upon for
an extended period, spend some time.
Dyon ang kabh sang kalg, umalgi
ang ya sang lwas. The life of the soul is
eternal, that of the body transitory. Sa
dyon nga nit nagly ang madm nga
mga tanm. On account of the long
drought many plants withered. Dayna
ang mo pagbsa, paglakt, hmbal, etc.
Go on with your reading, your march, your
speech, etc. Magdyon ka dir sa mon.
Stay here with us for a time. Din ang
ginadaynan mo? Where are you staying?
Kon magsaky ka pa Manl sarng mo
madaynan ddto ang kon t. When you
go to Manila, you can stay at my uncles
there. Dyon gid lang ang paghib sinng
bt. This baby is always crying.
dayn, To carry out, go on with, perform,
execute, accomplish; fulfil, put into
execution, realize, get or go through a
business. (cf. tars).
dy-us, To slip, make a false step.
Nakady-us si sa latayn kag nahlug sa
tbig. He slipped on the gangplank and fell
into the water. (cf. daln-as, dpyas).
debosyn, (Sp. devocin) Devotion,
piety. Mangad ka sa may debosyn. Pray
debto, (Sp. devoto) Devout, pious,
religious, devotee. (cf. madebosynon,
dedl, (Sp. dedal) Thimble.
deklamr, (Sp. declamar] To declaim,
recite. Gindeklamr nya ang is ka
matahm nga binalybay. He recited a
beautiful poem. (cf. pamtlang, pamlong).
delna, (Sp. lna) Woollen, of wool,
flannel. (dilna id.).
delrgo, (Sp. de largo) Long trousers,
pantaloons, pants, breeches, small-clothes;
to wear trousers, etc. Nagadelrgo na
inng bt. This boy is wearing long
trousers already. Kon magbklay ka sa
baklod nd ka magdelrgo, knd
magpury ka lang. If you go over the hill,
dont wear long trousers, but knee-

daydayn, daydyan digla

breeches, knickerbockers, shorts. (cf.
srwal, panteln, pury).
demasydo, (Sp. demasiado) Too much,
excessive, more than enough, exceeding,
beyond proper limits. (cf. masydo, lmag, laks, dro, tm, sk, sbra).
depkto, (Sp. defecto) Defect,
imperfection, blemish, fault. (cf. samd,
kasamarn, kakulngan, sayp, sal,
balatan, tork, kinalin).
dependinte, (Sp. dependiente)
Dependent, subject to, inferior to, menial;
servant, employee. (cf. sologon, skup,
ginsakpan, ayp, batbt).
dertso, (Sp. derecho) Right, justice, law;
due, recompense, fee. (cf. tungd,
katarngan; balyran).
dertsos, (Sp. derechos) Rights,
privileges, customary fees or dues for
official services. (cf. balyran).
deskrga, (Sp. descarga) The
unloading, unlading, of a ship;
discharge, volley; to unload, unlade,
lighten, discharge cargo; to discharge, let
off (a rifle, etc.). (cf. palsad; palupk).
desmyo, (Sp. desmayo) Swoon, faint,
fainting fit, syncope, collapse; to swoon,
faint, collapse, becomeinsensible,
unconscious,destitute of feeling, lose
consciousness, go off in a faint, lose ones
senses. Naabutn si sing desmyo or
nadesmyo si. He fainted. (cf. lpong,
desras, (Sp. deshora) Inopportune,
untimely, ill-timed, at an unseemly hour,
not the proper time, inconvenient time. (cf.
alng-lang, disras).
despus, (Sp. despus) Afterward, later,
then, next. (cf. dasn, sang, sa tpus na, sa
ubs na; ogling).
destno, (Sp. destino) Destination,
appointment, allocation; destiny, doom,
fate, lot, fortune, chance. (cf. kapalran,
swrte, plad, kadton).
d, No, not, not so. (cf. dl, nd, bokn).
d-, A negative prefix similar to the English
in- and un-, e.g. dhmpit not perfect,
imperfect; d mahinulslonnot contrite,
impenitent; dmadampgonnot helping
or supporting, impartial; dtgutnot
allowed, not permissible, illicit, forbidden;
dsonnot according to, irrelevant;
dmapahaylhonnot easily won over,
unshaken, unyielding; dmahm
impossible; dmabsaillegible;
dmamaltyonnot mortal, immortal;
dmadinulntonnot subject to decay,
imperishable, indestructible;
dmapinadalhonnot easily carried along
or swayed, unswayed, unswerving;
dmainandmonnot careful,
unconcerned; dmagdangimmodest;
dmatnlunclean; dmabats
intolerable, etc. etc.
da, (Sp. da) Day, date, datum. (cf. dlaw,

di, This, that. Imw di. That is it. (cf.

ri, in, in).
da, (B) Here, here is. (cf. don, dnhi, dir,
ri, rgya).
diabtis, (Sp. diabetes) Diabetes.
diblo, (Sp. diablo) Devil, satan, demon.
(cf. yw).
diadma, (Sp. diadema) Diadem, crown.
(cf. purng, korna).
diagnsis, (Sp. diagnosis) Diagnosis. (cf.
diagrma, (Sp. diagrama) Diagram.
dialkto, (Sp. dialecto) Dialect, form or
idiom of a language peculiar to one place
distinguishing it from the same language
spoken in other parts of the country,
provincialism. (cf. hmbal, plong,
dilogo, (Sp. dilogo) Dialogue.
diamnte, (Sp. diamante) Diamond,
brilliant; adamant. (cf. batngmadlak).
dimetro, (Sp. dimetro) Diameter.
din, (B) There; that (one). (cf. dir; in,
di, ri).
dina, (Sp. diana) Reveille; a band
marching and playing through the streets
at early dawn; to play a reveille.
dibunas, (Sp. de buena suerte) Lucky,
fortunate, propitious, auspicious,
successful. (cf. palran, usit, ysit;
dimlas (busit)unlucky, etc.).
dibho, (Sp. dibujo) Design, drawing,
sketch, plan, map, chart, delineation,
outline, projection, representation,
elevation, ground-plan; to draw, sketch,
make an outline,draft (draught), of etc.
Gindibho nya ang larwan ni . He
drew the picture of . Magdibho ka
sing baly. Make a plan for a house.
dd-an, For dilan from dl. Nadd-an si
sang plad, sang mnggad, sang lngit,
etc. Fate was unkind to him, he was not a
favourite of, was not favoured with,
wealth, heaven was against him, etc.
ddi, (B) To bathe, lave, give a bath to; to
take a bath. (cf. lgos, dgos, palgos,
ddis, The civet of the civet cat; the very
malodorous scent of the fox due to a
secretion of a gland near the base of the
foxs tail.
ddto, There, yonder, over there; there is
(was, are, were, etc.). Adto ddto. That
there. Madm ang sd ddto. There is
(was) much fish there. Magkdto ka ddto.
Go there. Dl in, knd ydto ddto. Not
that one, but the one over there.
dita, (Sp. dieta) Diet, prescribed or
regulated food for a sick man, for an
invalid, etc.; daily allowance for officials
travelling by order of the government, daily
salary or extra-allowance for some special
digla, (Sp. de gala) In full dress, arrayed
as for a feast or some solemn gathering,
festive, in gala dress; to wear festive


digmo dilma
apparel. Nagadigla si. He is in gala
dress. (cf. dikumpotk, mahpid, mahpig).
digmo, To arrange, prepare, get ready,
set to rights or in order, especially applied
to all work in a kitchen. Digamha ang
mga pnggan. Arrange the plates. Put the
plates in their proper place. Digamhi ak
sing panyga. Get some dinner ready for
me. Idigmo ak sang sngkap sa
digamohn. Please tidy up the kitchen
utensils for me. Ipadigmo sa kay Hos
ang mga pagkon. Let Joe look after the
food. Sn-o ang nagdigmo sang kon
pnyo nga nalipatn ko dir sa ibbaw
sang lamsa? Who took away (and kept for
me) the handkerchief I forgot there on the
table? (cf. lt, rh; hmos).
digamohn, Kitchen, fireplace, hearth.
(cf. kosna, lulutun).
dg-as, To make, become, fine, pound
or grind well. Usnga sing mayo ang mo
ginakon, agd madg-as kag mahaps
matnaw sang mo solksolk. Chew your
food well that it may be properly ground
(between your teeth) and become easy to
digest. (cf. lg-as, rg-as).
dignidd, (Sp. dignidad) Dignity, high
rank or station, honour, excellence. (cf.
kadunggnan, pagkatalahron, dungg,
dgos, To bathe, wash, lave, give a bath to,
wash by pouring water over the body.
Digsa ang bt, bboy, etc. Give the
baby, the pig, etc. a bath. Digsi inng
pasungn sang id. Wash the dog in this
trough. Idgos ak nay sang kon bboy.
Please wash the pig for me. (cf. lgos, rgos,
dgra, To deter, intimidate, scare,
frighten, cow, daunt. (cf. ddl, tkba).
dgw, To belch, eructate, retch, strain, as
in vomiting. Ind ka magdgw. Dont
belch. Ind mo ak pagdigwan. Dont
belch in my presence. (cf. kghad,
digwk, (B) To belch, etc. See dgw.
dihl, To loll, hang out the tongue. See
dhlmon, Invisible, unseen. (dl, hilm).
dhok, To move, stir, budge, waggle,
wriggle, writhe, squirm, twitch, twist, show
life by motion. Nagadhok pa ang lud nga
mo pinp. The worm you crushed is
wriggling still. Padihka si. Make him
move. (cf. lhok, hos, hwos, hlag, ltok).
dhon, To make, produce, manufacture,
(especially said of earthenware). Dihni
ak sing napl ka klon. Make ten ricepots for me. (cf. bhat, hm, patubs).
dhon, To divide, part, distribute into
heaps things that are loosely connected.
Dihna ang bugs, tinpay, arna, etc.
Divide the rice, bread, flour, etc. Dihni
ak sing balingn nga bli pistas. Give me
twenty centavos worth of the fish called
balingn. Idhon mo ak nay sinng


Visayan-English Dictionary
ginams nga kon ibalgy. Kindly divide
into little heaps this salt fish, which I am
going to sell. (cf. dlon, bhin).
dihn-dhon, Dim. and Freq. of dhon.
Dihndihna ang krne kag ibalgy sing
bings. Divide the meat and sell it by the
piece. (cf. bahnbhin).
diht, To run eagerly after, covet, desire,
seek or try to obtain, hanker after. Ang
kwrta ko lang am ang ginadiht mo.
You are only after my money. Dihot ang
plak sang mastro, kay kana nakabton
si sang ya binlan. Try to get some
money from the teacher, because a short
while ago he drew his monthly salary. Ind
mo pagdihotn sing laks ang mga
kalingwlingwan. Dont go in too much
for pleasure. (cf. lags).
dhut, Means, resource, contrivance. (cf.
din, Where? There, where . Which of
? Din ka makdto? Where are you
going,going to? Din ka magkdto?
Where did you go to? Where have you
been? Din ang baly mo? Where is your
home? Sa bisn din. Anywhere, in any
place. Bkli ak sing lim ka abno sa
bisn din nga ginabaligyan. Buy me five
cigars at any shop. Kon sa din ang
kalmay magatilpon ang mga suby.
Where there is sugar, ants will gather. Sa
mnggad kag dungg, din ang mo
anhon? Between wealth and honour, what
will you choose? Din na ang kon kl?
Where is my hat? Din na (dn-a) si?
Where is he now? Ang panimaly nga sa
din nagahr ang paghidit . The
household or family in which (where) peace
reigns . Din sinng duh ka balt ang
matod? Which of the two reports is true?
Din sinng duh ka butng ang dpat ko
pagpasulabhon? Which of these two
things should I prefer?
dik, A call used in many parts to attract the
attention of pigs or to call them together at
feeding time or the like. (cf. dkan, idk).
dkal, To prattle, prate, be a chatterbox; to
boast, brag. (cf. wkal, br, hdak).
dikaln, Chatterbox, chatterer. (cf.
buran, wakaln, hadakn, palahmbal).
dikals, To be in a hurry, hasten, hurry,
make haste, be prompt or quick.
Magdikals ka gid sa pagpal kon
magbgting ang orasyn. Come home at
once when the Angelus bell rings.
Nagadikals si sa pagpanyga. He is in a
hurry to get his dinner. (cf. dal, alipas).
dikl-dikl, Gravel. (cf. dakldkal,
grbas, ormign).
dk-dik, To say dik, when calling the
pigs together.
dkdik, To pound the dikdikna mixture
of bugs and ps.
dikdikn, Rice that has been pounded,
but not so thoroughly but that it still

contains some unhulled grains called

ps; a mixture of bugs and ps.
dikdikonn, The receptacle containing a
mixture of bugs and ps.
dikn, A ring of braided straw, etc. See
likn, kalangn.
dklan, From dikl.
dikl, To shove, pushaway,aside; to
gainsay, deny. Ang am nga kamaturan
nd madklan kag nd mabalabgan.
That truth cannot be denied (gainsaid) and
cannot be twisted. (cf. sikl; dl).
diksionryo, (Sp. diccionario)
Dictionary, vocabulary, lexicon. (cf.
dkta, (Sp. dictar) To dictate. Ikw ang
masult, ak ang magadkta. You write, I
will dictate to you. Diktah na ak, kay
hnd ak sa pagsult kon an ang mo
igatgon. Now dictate to me, for I am
ready to write down whatever you wish to
dikumpotk, In full dress, arrayed as for
a solemn occasion, spick-and-span. (cf.
dl, The tongue; to lick with the tongue.
Mapsan ang la mga dl. Their tongues
are very busy. They are great gossips. Ang
ya dl waly tl-an. His tongue is
unbridled. Literally: His tongue is boneless.
Ang mga babye nga matalwis sing dl
mabtik magbuygyag sang mga ting
sang la isigkato. Sharp-tongued women
are quick to let out the secrets of their
neighbours. Ind ka magdl sang mo
kamt, kay malw-ay. Dont lick your
hand, for it is not a nice thing to do.
Gindilan sang id ang pnggan. The dog
licked the plate. Ngangah kag ipadiwl
ang dl mo. Open your mouth and put out
your tongue. (cf. dlap).
dil-an, Longtongued, having a large
tongue; very talkative, a gossip, chatterbox,
one who has the gift of the gab. (cf. buran,
bab-an, wakaln, etc.).
dilg, To rise, appear, (said of the sun,
etc.). Nagadilg na ang dlaw. The sun is
rising. Ginadilagn sang dlaw ang
kalibtan. The sun is rising on the world.
(cf. btlak, subng, mur).
dilamon, Things to be had or bought in
the way of food, drink, clothes, etc. Wal
sing dilamon dir. There is nothing to be
had here for love or money.
dilna, (Sp. de lana) Woollen, made of
wool, flannel. Panpton nga dilna.
Woollen garments. Mdyas nga dilna.
Woollen socks or stockings. (cf. pranla).
dlap, To lick, lap, draw the tongue over.
Ind ka magdlap sang mo tdl. Dont
lick your finger. Dinilpan sang kurng
ang yahng. The cat licked the bowl. (cf.
dilma, (Sp. dilema) Dilemma, perplexity,
quandary, predicament. (cf. itltal).

Visayan-English Dictionary
dilgdo, (Sp. delgado) Thin, lean, lank,
slender, gaunt, emaciated, fine, light.
Dilgdo nga to. A lean person. Dilgdo
nga skl. Fine, thin silk. (cf. manwang,
kalamant, kant, magamy, maggmay,
pno, manips).
dl, (H) No, not, nay; to say no, deny,
negative, gainsay, interdict, prohibit,
forbid, proscribe, ban, bar, debar, disallow,
forefend, refuse permission. Dl am in.
That is not it. Inng baly dl kon. This
house is not mine. Dl ka maglam, kon
dl ka magton. You will not become
learned, unless you study. Nagdl si. He
said no. He refused. He would not.
Ginadilan ang pagdpl sa salg. Spitting
on the floor is prohibited. Idl sa ya ang
pagsuld dir or dili si sa pagsuld dir.
Forbid him to enter here. (cf. nd).
diligamohn, (H) Kitchen, hearth,
fireplace. (cf. lulutun, dapg, digamohn,
abohn, kosna).
dilihonn, (H) Manufactory, factory,
workshop. (cf. dhon, buluhatn).
dilihonn, (H) Earth, clay (for pottery,
crockery); manufacture, industry, trade,
output. (cf. dhon, dilihonn, palatbson).
dl nga ms-a, (H) Never, on no
account, not at all.
dl nga mugs, (H) See dl nga ms-a
diling-dngon, Material for partitionwalls. Tdtad nga dilingdngon. Bamboo
laths or slats to be woven into a partitionwall. (cf. dngding).
dmasip, Countless, innumerable,
without number, unnumbered, untold,
numberless, incalculable. (d, sip).
dimlas, (Sp. de mala suerte) Unlucky,
unfortunate, ill-fated, ill-starred, hapless,
out of luck, hard lines, (cf. dibunas
lucky, etc.).
dimals, Unfortunate, unlucky, ill-fated,
disastrous; to be unfortunate, etc. (cf.
dmannggol, Headstrong, stubborn,
unyielding, obstinate, obdurate, self-willed,
unheeding, deaf to admonitions,
commands or advice, tenacious, perverse,
refractory, dogged. (cf. dmawding).
dmasbi, Unknown and unknowable,
inexplicable, unfathomable; innumerable.
(d, sbi; dmasysay, dmatngkad,
dmasysay, Inexplicable,
unaccountable, mysterious. (cf. d, sysay).
dimt, To attract, draw, induce, win, win
over, propitiate, conciliate, gain over,
attach to, entice, allure, charm, fascinate,
captivate, cause a liking for, coax, wheedle,
cajole, Nadimt na si sang kon sang
tinpay. He has now a liking for eating
bread. He has taken to eating bread.
Ginpadimt nya ang id ni Fulno sa
pagkar dir. He enticed N.N.s dog to
come here. Inng bunglon ipadimt ko sa

dilgdo dinumtnay
karabw nga bg-o pa lang nkon
mabakl. I am going to win the attachment
of the buffalo I bought lately with this
green fodder. Padimat gid ang kurng,
agd nd na magblik sa ya nga
ginhalinn. Make it worth while for the cat
to stay with you, lest it should return
whence it cameorlest it should go back
to where it came from. Makapadimt gid
sa ya dir ang mayo nga hngin. The
good air there will please (conciliate) him.
Nadimt si sang bile, sang saky sa
wto, etc. He likes to dance, to travel by
automobile, etc. (cf. amg, l, ma, lyag,
yon, wli, ynggaw).
dmatrung, Unjust, wrong, dishonest,
inequitable, not right, unfair, injurious,
wicked, bad. (d, matrung).
dmatngkad, Unfathomable,
bottomless, inscrutable, impenetrable,
incapable of being sounded or measured.
(d, tngkad).
dmawding, Firm, unshakeable;
stubborn. (cf. dmannggol).
dmdim, To taste, try the taste of, bring in
contact with the tip of the tongue.
Dmdimormagdmdim ka lang sin kon
an ang ya sabr. Try the taste of this.
Dimdim in kon kayon ka sin ukn nd.
Taste this and see whether you like it or
not. Dinimdimn ko yanng sabw,
pang nd ak makayon (sin). I tasted
that sauce, but I dont like it. Nadimdimn
ko na inng bulng kag napaitn ak
(sin). I tasted this medicine and found it
bitter. (cf. tilw).
diml, To taste, experience, profit from,
get or receive a benefit or advantage. Wal
gid ak makadiml sang pinatubs
nmon, kay ginbyad gid lmang sa kon
tang. I have not derived any advantage
from our harvest, because it has all gone
towards paying my debt. Wal gid ak
kadiml sang mo kwrta, kn-on,
kalmay, etc. I never had the least benefit
from your money, rice, sugar, etc. Your
money, etc. never did me any good. I never
profited by your money, etc. i.e. you never
gave me any money, rice, sugar, etc. (cf.
dmdim, tilw, puls).
dmus, Bathed, laved, washed;
smothered; to bathe, etc. Sang pagabt
nya sa baly nadmus si sa halk sang
ya mga byan. When he arrived at the
house, his friends smothered him with
kisses. (cf. dgos, lgos).
dn-a, dna, For din na. Dn-a (Dna)
si? (Din na si?) Where is he now?
dinagas, Murmur, purl, etc. See
dagas. (cf. hugnas, dagnas).
dinagbdub, A noise like thunder;
thunderous, rolling, rumbling; to thunder,
etc. (cf. dagbdub).
dingyang, Cheer, merriment, gaiety,
mirth, hilarity, joy, pleasure, merrymaking; cheerful, jolly, merry, gay; to make

merry, frolic, be full of glee, enjoy oneself.

(cf. sdya, sngya, hingyaw).
dinahm-dhum, Thought, idea;
inkling; sign, indication. Wal in sing
dinahmdhum. There is not the least sign
of it. (cf. dahmdhum, dahmon).
dinaln, A line, verse, etc. See daln.
dinalyday, Prose, plain speech, the
ordinary spoken or written language. (cf.
dalyday; binalybaypoetry, poem).
dinalk, To be greedy. Ind ka
magdinalk. Dont be greedy. Nagdinalk
sil sa pagkon kag nagmungmng.
They were greedy and ate ravenously. (cf.
dinamk, Nasty, dirty, slovenly,
slatternly; indecent, obscene; to act or
speak in a vile, abominable way. (cf.
damk, sprat, bstos, mahgk,
dinamta, (Sp. dinamita) Dynamite; to
dynamite. Nadinamithan ang tytay. The
bridge was blown up with dynamite.
dinut, Decidua, deciduous membrane
discharged at childbirth; meconium, the
first matter discharged from the bowels of a
newborn infant.
dinayay, Cheating, committing fraud,
etc. (said of many persons). (cf. dy).
dinayndyan, To promenade, ramble,
take a stroll, etc. See dayndyan.
dngding, Wall, partition, division-wall,
inside wall, partition-wall; to build,
erect, put in, provide with, partitionwalls, etc. Magdngding ka sang mo baly
or dingding ang mo baly. Provide your
house with partition-walls or inside-walls.
Gindingdingn nla ang kon hult. They
partitioned off my room.
dnggal, Leanness, thinness, weakness;
lean, meagre, weak; to be or become lean,
etc. (cf. hgpis, nwang, lya, lamant,
dinghlay, To drop, trickle, flow. (cf.
gay, talabirs, tululgay, lig).
dngl, A kind of dark sand-stone.
dingt, Stinginess, meanness,
niggardliness, parsimony, miserliness,
penuriousness; to be stingy, miserly, close,
parsimonious, chary. Ind mo pagidingt
sa ya ang mo pagthud. Dont begrudge
him signs of respect. Ind ka magdingt sa
mo pagkon. Dont stint your food.
Nadingotn ak sa ya. I consider him
stingy. To me he seems to be close-fisted.
(cf. mot, not).
dingtnon, Selfish, egoistic, covetous,
miserly, stingy. (cf. dingt, mamot,
manot, masip).
dnhi, (H) here. (cf. dir, ri, don, rgya,
dinuagn, (H) Painting; picture. (cf.
dinumtnay, Mutual hatred, hatred of
each other; to hate each other. (cf. dumt).


diktok dispta
diktok, Crushed sea-shells, as often
found on the beach.
Dis, (Sp. Dios) God, the Deity. (cf. dwa,
dis-dos, A heathen deity, idol, false
god. Ang pagsmba sa mga dis-dos.
Idolatry, worship or adoration of idols.
disnon, Divine, godlike, pertaining to
divinity. (cf. diwnhon, diwn-on).
dit, (H) Small, little, etc. See ditay. (cf.
tik, gamy).
ditay, (H) A little, trifle, morsel, snack;
small, little, tiny, wee, scant, meagre, bit,
petty, diminutive, few; to diminish,
decrease, lessen, be or become small, etc.
Nagditay inng bnwa. This town has
become small. Diotya ang pagbutng
sing kalmay sa kap. Put only a little
sugar into the coffee. Ditay man lang ang
mga to nga nagtalmbong. There were
only a few people in attendance. Ditay
nga butng. A small, trifling or
unimportant matter. Ditay nga to. A
small or uninfluential man. Ditay na lang
. Almost, nearly, close upon, well nigh,
all but . Nadiotyan gid lang si (sa
pagkahlug) nga mahlug sa busy. He
nearly fell into the abyss. Ginditay nla
ang baly. They made the house smaller.
Ginpakaditay nla in. They made light of
it. They considered it a trivial matter. (cf.
dtik, dit, dtay, dting, gamy, tik, ist).
ditay, Half a centavo. Ttlo ka ditay.
One centavo and a half.
dit-dak, Unreasonable,
unconscionable, without proportion, for
any trivial or paltry reason. Dit-dak
mangkig si. He is apt to get wildfor
any trivial matter,without any apparent
ditdit, Dim. of dit, ditay. Slight,
rather little, somewhat small, etc.
diotng, Small, little, tiny. (cf. dit,
ditay, ik, tik, ist, etc.).
dipha, (Sp. de paja) Of straw, made of
straw. Kl nga dipha. A straw-hat. (cf.
dipra, (Perhaps from the Sp. deparar) To
attend to, see to, look after, pay attention
to, take notice of; make arrangements or
preparations for. Wal si magdipra sin
or wal nya pagdiparha in. He has not
attended to it, has made no arrangements
or preparations for it. Diparha sing
mayo ang ya guy kon killa mo ukn
nd. Look well at his face to see whether
you know him or not. (cf. ripra, ttap,
tluk, hmos, hwat).
dipernsya, (Sp. diferencia) Difference,
dissimilarity, dissimilitude; controversy,
quarrel. (cf. kalanlin, kalanlanan,
ginakatuhyan; say, bis, bag, bngig,
dpias, To slip, make a false step. (cf.
dpias, daln-as).


Visayan-English Dictionary
diplma, (Sp. diploma) Diploma; bull,
patent, credential, title, testimonial. (cf.
ttulo, kalig-onn, paslig, pamatod).
dpyas, See dpias.
dir, (H) There; there is. Dir or r dir
ang mo tuln-an. Your book is there, (cf.
din, r, yr, ddto, but dir denotes a
lesser distance than ddto).
dir-dir, (H) Rather well to do, but not
rich; having a moderate living or income.
Inank si sang is ka panimaly nga
may dirdir. He is the scion of a rather
well-to-do family. (cf. daw-daw).
drham, Fear, apprehension,
nervousness, perturbation, trepidation,
timidity; to be apprehensive, in trepidation
or fear, to wince, shrink, flinch, blench,
tremble. May drham si or ginadrham
si. He is afraid, apprehensive, in
trepidation. Nagadrham ang ya ginhwa
(solksolk). He is nervous, afraid.
Ginadrham ak kon mangilt. I am afraid
of lightning. (cf. hdluk, klb).
dir, (H) Here; here is (was). Kar ka dir.
Come here. Ang by mo dir or ri dir.
Your coat is here. (cf. don, dnhi, rgya).
diringyngoy, (B) Not good, of a bad or
inferior kind, left or rejected, (as things left
over after the good ones have been chosen).
Ind ka magbakl sing mga ph nga
diringyngoy. Dont buy left-over
dirskas, (Sp. rosca) Screw.
disgrsya, (Sp. desgracia) Accident,
misfortune, mishap; meet with an accident,
be unlucky or unfortunate, make a false
step, (often applied to girls becoming
pregnant out of wedlock). Nadisgrsya si.
She has lost her honour. She has been
unfortunate. (cf. busit, malut nga
disgsto, (Sp. disgusto) Disgust,
repugnance, dislike, aversion, displeasure;
to disgust, offend, dislike, displease, annoy,
vex, bother, fret, irritate, tire, try the
patience of, have a grudge against.
Nagadisgsto ak sa ya. I am disgusted at
him. Ginpadisgsto nya ak. He annoyed
me, caused me displeasure. Ind mo si
paghatgan sing disgsto. Dont cause
him annoyance or displeasure. Wal ak
mangkig kag wal man ak magbtyag
sing disgsto sa ya tungd sang ya nga
ginhm. What he did neither made me
angry nor did it cause me annoyance. (cf.
ls-ay, kals-ay).
disimbre, (Sp. diciembre) December.
(cf. pnglut-dak).
disg, To sift rice, etc. See sisg. (cf.
disimulr, (Sp. disimular) To pardon,
excuse, condone, overlook, let pass. Kon
mga sarng disimulah lang in. Please,
excuse it, pardon it. (cf. patwad, pasylo,

diskrso, (Sp. discurso) Discourse,

declamation, recitation, speech, oration,
harangue; to deliver a speech, discourse or
allocution, declaim, recite, expatiate, hold
forth. Sn-o ang nagdiskrso, an ang ya
gindiskrso kag sn-o ang ya nga
gindiskursohn? Who spoke, what did he
say and to whom did he address himself?
(cf. pamulngplong).
diskurshan, Place, room, stage or
platform for a discourse, etc.
diskusyn, (Sp. discusin) Discussion,
debate; to discuss, debate, (cf. bis, spol;
say, way, bag, sumpkil,
ds-og, To push, jostle, shove, etc. See
ds-og id. Nagadis-ognay ang mga bt
sa bnk. The boys are jostling each other
on the bench. (Dis-og, ids-ogdas-og,
disras, Untimely, etc. See desras. (cf.
dispnta, (Sp. espantar) To scare,
frighten, daunt, terrify, intimidate; to
chastise, beat. Gindispnta nya ang ya
bt, kay tm kasutl. She gave her boy a
thrashing, because he was very naughty.
dispnto, (Sp. espanto) Shock,
consternation, fright, horror, dismay; to
dread, stand aghast, be appalled, horrified,
dismayed, shocked; to terrify, cause
consternation, etc. (cf. kuys, hanguys,
kgmat, kibt, lsang).
disprate, dispartis, (Sp. disparate)
Nonsense, absurdity, extravagance,
blunder, slip, mistake, stupidity;
superstition, superstitious belief or
practice, (cf. binang, binabylan, waly
puls, waly syod).
dispnsa, (Sp. dispensa) Pantry, larder,
store-room. (cf. palanagon, palatipign).
dispnsa, (Sp. dispensa) Dispensation,
pardon, excuse, indulgence, exculpation,
remission; to dispense, excuse, exonerate,
forgive, to take no notice of, wink at,
pardon. Dispensah ak. Pardon me.
Excuse me. Mangy ak sing dispnsa. I
ask for forgiveness, pardon or dispensation.
(cf. patwad).
dispensasyn, (Sp. dispensacion)
Dispensation. (cf. dispnsa).
dispus, See despus.
dispnti, (Sp. despuntar) To sew well,
sew with fine, machine-like stitches.
Dispuntih lang ang hnero, kay wal kit
sing mkina sa tah. Stitch the cloth well,
because we have no sewing machine. (cf.
dispta, (Sp. disputa) Dispute, argument,
discussion, controversy, debate, plea,
polemics; to dispute, discuss, argue, etc.
Nagadisputahnay sil. They are arguing
with each other, are having a discussion.
An man ang nyo nga ginadisputahn?
What are you arguing about? What is the
point of your debate? (cf. basbis).

Visayan-English Dictionary
distnsya, (Sp. distancia) Distance,
remoteness, farness, interval of time or
space. (cf. kalayon, kalawign).
distrto, (Sp. distrito) District, ward,
precinct, region, territory, province. (cf.
puk, pud; hilt, kahigarn).
dit, Cinchona, chinchona; Peruvian bark,
quinine. (cf. bit).
dtay, (H) Small, etc. See ditay, dit.
dtik, See ditay.
dtil, Clitoris, glans clitoris. (cf. git, lidt,
tig, tnggil).
dting, (H) Small, little, etc. See ditay.
dwa, God, deity. (cf. bathl, dis).
diwl, A kind of sea-shell.
diwl, To loll, put out, hang out, the
tongue. Nagadiwl ang dl sang id sa
kahp. The dog is hanging out its tongue
panting for breath. Ngangah ang mo
bb kag padiwal ang mo dl. Open
your mouth and put out your tongue. Ind
mo si pagpadiwaln. Dont put out your
tongue at him (in derision or the like).
diwal-gan, Naughty, mischievous, etc.
See darndarn, dingkalogn,
harshars, karandagn.
diwnhon, Divine, godlike, pertaining to
the deity or divinity. (dwa).
diwn-on, See diwnhon. (cf. disnon).
diwasng, See diwal-gan.
diwta, Idol, idolatry, fetish, fetishism; to
serve idols, practise idolatry, worship a
fetish. Ind ka magdiwta. Dont serve
idols, dont practise idolatry. (cf. disdos).
diwathan, Idolater, heathen, pagan;
idolatrous, heathenish.
diwwong, Reeling, stumbling,
tottering; to reel, stumble, totter, as a
drunken person, or the like. (cf.
paniwding, dulngdling).
dway, To feel out of sorts, be near
vomiting, be queasy, squeamish, qualmish.
Nagadway ang kon solksolk. I am sick
at stomach, my stomach is out of sorts. (cf.
dbla, Cigar (rolled). (cf. abno, koldo,
dbla, doblr, (Sp. doblar) To double; to
roll, especially applied to tobacco. Doblah
ang tabk. Roll the tobacco. Doblah ak
sing ttlo ka naht nga tabk. Roll three
cigars for me. Idbla mo ak nay sinng
is ka manso nga tabk. Kindly roll for
me into cigars this bundle of tobaccoleaves. (cf. pil; ballon).
dble, (Sp. doble) Double, duplicate,
twofold, twin; to double, twin, duplicate,
reduplicate, bifold, turn down, tuck under.
Dobleh ang kalt. Double the rope. (cf.
dd, To stick, stab, especially in the
throat as when killing a pig. Doda ang
bboy. Stick the pig. Dodi ang bboy sa
tutnlan. Stab the pig in the throat.
Metaphorically: Nadd ang ya ginhwa.

distnsya doktr
She was scared, got wiser through
experience. (cf. in this sense ddl).
dgi, (B) Thorn, prick, prickle, barb, spike,
spine, point; to prick, scatter, strew
with, thorns, etc. Nadgi ang til ko. My
foot was pricked by a thorn. Sn-o ang
nagdgi sang dlan? Who strewed the
road with thorns? Who scattered thorns on
the road? Gindoghan (gindgian) nla ang
kodl sang pamulkan. They put thorns in
the garden-fence. Inng kamnsil idgi ko
sa dlan sa bint sang kon um, agd
nd masdlan sang mga hyup. These
camunsel-branches with their prickles I
will put on the road near the edge of my
field, so that animals cannot enter. (cf.
syak, dalngag, tunk).
doghon, (B) Thorny, prickly, spinous,
barbed, bristling with thorns. Doghon nga
kahykahy, dlan, baklod, etc. A thorny
shrub, a road strewn with thorns, a hill
covered with thorns, etc. (cf. tunukn).
dgmon, A sows bed or litter; to build or
make a sows litter. Nagdgmon ang bboy
sa idlum sang mon baly. The sow made
her bed underneath our house.
Gindogmonn sang bboy ang idlum
sang tambbo. The sow made her litter
under the granary.
dgsan, (B) To be angry, flare up; scold,
abuse, upbraid, blow up, give expression in
strong language to ones excited feelings.
Ind ka magdgsan. Dont flare up. Dont
get exasperated. Gindogsann nya ak.
He gave me a good scolding. (cf. kig, kr,
pangr, pamsa, pamulgso,
dgsing, To nudge, touch slightly, stroke,
play with as in flirting or the like. Ind
kam magdgsing. Dont nudge each
other. Ang mga bt nagadgsing. The
children are nudging each other in play. (cf.
kblit, kolokblit, khit).
dgwak, A stork-like bird; a kind of tall
heron, crane. (dgwak id.).
dhol, To pass, reach, tender, offer, hand,
give into anothers hand (from some
considerable distance or whenever the
receiver has a difficulty to reach, or cannot
reach, what he needs, himself). Idhol sa
kon ang sndang. Pass me the knife. Kon
ddto ka na gn sa sang sang kamnsil
idhol ko sa mo ang singt. When you are
there on the branch of the camunsel-tree I
will hand you the pole and hook. Dohli
ak sing pnggan, binklan, etc. Hand me a
plate, a piece of split bamboo, etc.
Ginadohlan nya ang pnday nga r
dir sa hgdan sang martlyo. He is
handing up the hammer to the carpenter
there on the ladder. Dawta ang tuln-an
nga ginadhol sa mo. Take the book that
is held out to you. Pumalapt ka sing
ditay, agd makadhol ak sa mo sang
lnsang. Come a little nearer that I may be
able to hand you the nail. (cf. tnghol,
htag, entregr).

dohl, To stick in the gullet, obstruct the

passage in the throat; an obstruction or
something sticking in the oesophagus. May
dohl si or ginadlhan si. He has
something sticking in his throat. Nadlhan
si sang (sing) bokg. A large fish-bone
stuck in his gullet. Ginadohl ang ya
ginhwa. His breathing is impeded or
obstructed. He breathes with great
difficulty. (cf. doln, duln).
dkdok, To press, force, wedge,
slip, plug, sandwich, in between, to
introduce, thrust in, elbow ones way in.
Idkdok inng lbro sa mga lbro sa
estnte. Wedge this book in among the
books in the book-case. Dokdok sing blak
sang blak ang mo gwb. Plug some
cotton into your hollow tooth. Sang mon
pndut madm gid nga mga to ang
nagtalmbong nga daw nd ka
makadkdok sa simbhan. At our feastday very many people attended, so that it
looked as if you could not elbow your way
into the church or that you could scarcely
get into the church. Gutk na inng trak,
nd ka na kadkdok. This truck is full; you
cannot squeeze in any more. (cf. sksok,
dtdut, ltlot).
dok, See dukto bow, incline, the
dokl, To knuckle, strike, push, jerk,
punish, with the knuckles. Dokol si.
Knuckle him. Dokol si sa ya tangkg.
Knuckle him on the nape of his neck.
Andam ka, kay kon ya ikw makt
dokoln ka gid nya. Be on your guard, for
if he sees you, he will knuckle you.
dokl-dokl, Dim. and Freq. of dokl.
Ang mon sakristn mabtik gid
magdokldokl sa mga aklito nga
nagsayp. Our sacristan is an adept at
knuckling acolythes that make mistakes.
dokl-dkol, To show signs of life, move
or push against the sides of the womb,
applied to embryos. Nagadokldkol ang
bt sa tiyn sang ya ily. The child is
moving in the womb of its mother.
dokt, To stick, adhere to, etc. See dukt.
dkoy, To walk with a stoop. See dkoy.
dksol, (B) To advance upon, draw near,
close in upon, approach, march upon, come
to close quarters, attack, assault, assail.
Doksol si. Pitch into him. Attack him.
Ang mga solddo nga nagakontrahnay
nagadoksolnay na. The opposing soldiers
are now coming to close quarters, are now
advancing against each other. Kon may
kinahnglan ka sa ya dumksol ka, nd
ka magkahdluk. If you want him,
approach him, dont be afraid. (cf. palapt,
tlus, sl-ot, sorso, sarso).
dktan, From doktto stick to.
doktr, (Sp. doctor) Doctor, physician,
medical man, practitioner, professor,
learned man, one who has received a
degree from an university; wiseacre, a


dokumnto dsis
would-be wise person. (cf. manugblung;
dokumnto, (Sp. documento)
Document, paper, deed, record. (cf. kaligonn).
dl, (H) To lose, etc. See dl.
dolodomngo, Every Sunday.
Nagasmba si sing dolodomngo. He goes
to church every Sunday. (dorodomngo
dologsnon, Quarrel, ill-temper, cause
or origin of a heated discussion or quarrel,
explosion; irritating, exasperating, exciting,
causing ones blood to boil. (dgsan).
dolktan, (H) Liable to beadhered,
clung,stuck, to. Mga butng nga
dolktan sang kalyo. Things that are
easily kindled or set on fire,
combustible,burnable. (cf. dokt).
dlon, To separate, set apart, limit,
delimit, demarcate, set bounds to, define,
circumscribe. Dolna ang mas sa humy.
Separate the corn from the rice. Dolni
sing kawyan ang kon um sa um sang
ibn. Make a bamboo paling between my
field and the field of others. Idlon ko inng
mga ksla sa kon hardn. I will use these
casla-plants to make a boundary round my
garden. (cf. bulg, sipk).
doln, Part, division, share, separate
piece. (cf. atdo).
doln, To stick in the throat, etc. See
dohl. Nadnlan si sang skag sang sd.
A small fish-bone stuck in his throat.
dolnan, Boundary, limit, partition,
border, frontier, (dlon; cf. kadulnan).
dlot, Gift, present, offering, boon, grant,
donation, favour; to make a gift of, give a
present, bestow upon, present with, offer,
proffer, tender, donate. Sn-o ang nagdlot
sin sa mo? Who gave you that as a
present? Idlot mo sa ya inng pnya.
Offer him this pine-apple. Gindoltan nya
ak sing madm nga mga ph. He
made me a gift of many mangoes. An nga
dlot ang nabton mo? What kind of
present did you receive? Dolti sing blak
ang Mahl nga Brhen. Offer some flowers
to the Blessed Virgin. Ang kalaslon
nadoltan sing madm nga mga butng.
The marriage-couple were given many
presents. (cf. htag, reglo, tgr, ta,
dolt, Penetrate, pierce, etc. See dult.
dlse, (Sp. dulce) Sweetmeat, dessert;
preserved fruit, jam, jelly, sweet, candy.
(Any sugared dish may be called a dlse;
cf. matm-is, marmis; hingndang,
dolws, A large basin, cauldron, etc. See
dalws id.
domngo, (Sp. domingo) Sunday, the
Lords day.
domin, (Sp. domino) Dominoes; to play
the game of dominoes; domino, a hooded


Visayan-English Dictionary
robe worn for disguising or masquerading
dom, To clench, grind, gnash, ones
teeth, etc. (cf. dum, dom, kdom).
don, (Sp. don) Don, squire, esquire, Sir.
Equivalent to Mr. in English, but used only
before Christian names, as Don Alfonso.
don, (B) Now, already. (cf. na, ron,
dn-an, From donto mark, etc. (dnan, id.).
donr, (Sp. donar) To donate, bestow,
grant, make a gift of. Gindonr nya sa
simbhan ang is ka bintn
orgindonahn nya ang simbhan sing
is ka bintn. He donated to the church
one window. Idonr mo lang in sa
hospitl. Make a gift of it to the hospital.
(cf. dlot, htag, tgr).
donasyn, (Sp. donacin) Gift, donation,
present, grant, offering, boon, favour,
bestowal. (cf. dlot, bugy, htag, reglo).
dondnay, A kind of small bird.
donslya, (Sp. doncella) Single woman,
young lady, unmarried female (cf. dalga).
do, (Sp. do) Duet; to sing a duet.
Nagado sil. They are singing a duet.
dog, An out-of-the-way place, corner,
nook. See lok, sok, tok, dok, hilt,
dok, Corner, place away from the center,
recess, nook, out-of-the-way place. (cf.
dol, Cork, stopple, stopper, plug, bung,
spike; to cork, stopple, etc. Doli ang
botlya. Cork the bottle. (cf. sngsung).
dol, Sucker, offshoot, shoot, (as of the
pagtpat-tree, etc.).
dol, To establish firm contact with,
compress, press down, exert pressure
upon. Ind makadol ang ya til sa salg,
kay may hubg. He cannot put his foot to
the floor, for itis swollen,has a boil or
ulcer. (cf. dot).
dom, To munch, crunch, craunch,
cranch, grind, chew noisily between the
teeth, gnash. Malyag ka magdom sing
mas nga sinnlag? Would you like to
grind some roast corn,parched corn,
pop-corn, between your teeth? Dm-a
(doom) ang lmbok, mas nga sinnlag,
etc. Eat some lmbok, roast corn, etc.
Ginadom lang nya ang ya ngpon sa
kakig. He is gnashing his teeth in anger.
(cf. dom).
don, (B) Here, hither, present, at hand,
etc. (cf. dir, dnhi, rgya).
don, Mark, brand, blaze, sign, tick,
notch, impress, imprint, stigma; to
impress, mark, stamp, brand. Idon mo sa
papl ang tmbre. Stamp the paper with
the seal. Dn-i (doon) ang papl sang mo
kumalgk. Mark the paper with your
thumb-print. Gindn-an nla ang karabw
sing so. They branded the buffalo with the
customary mark.

dong, To land, anchor, arrive, stop, halt;

take up ones abode, be a guest or stranger.
(cf. dgh; dumolong).
dot, To come into physical contact with,
feel, touch, handle, finger, fumble. Wal
si makadot sa kon. He did not touch
me. Padt-i (padoot) ang mo tdl sang
ya tdl. Bring your finger in contact with
his. Nagadot-nay ang duh ka
pilewpilewn sang kawyan. The tops of
the two bamboos are touching each other.
Padt-a inng tp sa is. Join this board
to the other, (so that they may be closely
connected). Ind ka magdot or
magpadot sa ya. Dont touch him. Dont
approach so near as to touch him. (cf.
dordo, (Sp. dorado) Gilt, of gold,
coloured gold, golden. (cf. bulawnon).
dorr, (Sp. dorar) To gild. Dorah ang
klis. Gild the chalice. Dorah ang klis sa
suld. Gild the inside of the chalice. Idorr
inng unsta sa klis, sngsing, etc. Use this
doubloon to gild the chalice, ring, etc.
dorodomngo, (B) Every Sunday.
(dolodomngo id.).
dorg, To be at the side of, parallel to, not
in front or behind; to attack on the flank or
side, join sides. Ayn nya ang pagdorg
kon magdmug si. He is expert at
attacking one from the side, when he
wrestles. Dorog si. Join sides with him.
Fight on his side. (cf. dulg, hlid).
dorg, A field at the bottom of a valley or
near a river-bed. (cf. blud).
dorg, Unevenness, roughness, elevation,
inequality. Madm sing dorg ang ya
hinblan. The cloth woven by her is full of
inequalities or irregularities, full of little
lumps, nodes or the like.
dorogsnon, (B) Quarrel, etc. See
dors, Turned-up (of eyes); to have
turned-up eyes. Nagadors ang ya mga
mat or dors si sing mat. His eyes are
turned up, have an upward squint.
Nagadors ang mat sang bt nga
ginaabt sang masoswlo. A child in a
convulsive fit turns up its eyes.
dsdos, Close, tight, pressed together,
closely woven; to push, shove, impel, put
close to, make tight, bring near together.
Dsdos nga panpton. A closely woven
garment. Dosdos ang paghabl. Weave
closely or tightly. Idsdos si sa dngding.
Push him against the wall. Put him close to
the wall. Gindsdos nya ak sa kodl. He
shoved me close against the fence. (cf.
tuld, ds-og, ds-og).
dosl, (Sp. dosel) Canopy, baldachin, dais
with canopy.
dosna, (Sp. docena) Dozen.
dsis, (Sp. dosis) Dose, potion, draught,
mouthful, small quantity of medicine taken
at a time. (cf. lb-ok, hungt, tl-og).

Visayan-English Dictionary
dte, (Sp. dote) Dowry, dower, marriageportion; endowment.
dtol, Tick, a blood-sucking insect often
found on buffaloes, etc. (cf. tol).
dotl-dotl, Dim. of dtol; any thing
resembling a dtol.
dotl-dtol, An ingrowing toe-nail,
agnail, hangnail, an overgrowth from the
side of a finger-nail or toe-nail causing
great pain.
dydoy, Straight stripes or lines in cloth,
especially in jusi and pia. (cf. smay).
dug, Colour; form, figure, outline,
appearance, shape; to colour. Ang ya by
naduagn (dinuagn) sing mapul. Her
dress was coloured red. (cf. kolr, pinta;
dgway, byhon).
dul, Surfeited, completely satiated,
stuffed, sated, gorged, glutted, crammed,
replete, near vomiting; to feel nausea, be
glutted, etc. Nagadul ang ginhwa ko. I
am nearly vomiting,have no appetite any
more,am full to the brim. (cf. dway).
dul-dul, Dim. and Freq. of dul.
Nagaduldul na si, kay busg. He has
no longer any appetite, for he has eaten his
fill. (cf. duyduy).
dus, (B) To develop beautifully, grow
handsome, become lovelier,better.
Nagadus na ang bt, kay nagdak. The
child is growing beautiful and tall. (cf.
dlig, tahm, mah, hingnhingn,
dus-dus, (B) Dim. and Freq. of dus.
To grow rather handsome, become a little
better, etc.
daw, To visit, pay a visit to, call-at,
upon, drop in, look in, look up someone,
pay ones respects to. Duwa ang mo
byan. Pay a visit to your friend. Wal pa
gid si magdaw sa mon. He has not yet
visited us, has not yet called on us.
Gindaw nya ak sa Manl. He called
upon me in Manila. Idaw mo ak sa ya.
Do me the favour and visit him. (cf. hpit,
sr-aw, sy-aw, dlaw, draw).
dbla, See dblato double; to roll
(cigarettes, etc.). (cf. pil, ballon).
dbok, To join a group, be present at,
come together, associate with, go to, assist,
take part in, put in an appearance.
Madm nga mga to ang nagadbok,
nagadulbok. Very many people are
present, are taking part, are joining.
Nadubkan sing madm nga mga
dumulaw ang mon pndut. Many
visitors came to our feast. Our feast was
attended by many visitors. (cf. dgok id.).
dda, (Sp. duda) Doubt, misgiving,
suspense, demur, scepticism, mistrust,
hesitation, suspicion, scruple, qualm,
question, query; to doubt, diffide, distrust,
mistrust, suspect, demur, question.
Nagadda ak kon matod in ukn nd.
I am in doubt as to whether it is true or not.

dte dgi, dughon

Ginadudhan ko si. I have my doubts,
misgivings, about him. (cf. duhdha).
ddl, To get wise by experience, beware a
second time, dread or fear to repeat an
action. Nagakaddl na si sa
pagpangwat. He is now afraid of stealing,
he will not easily steal again. Ginadudlan
na nya ang pagpangwat (pagpanakb)
sing mga sging. He will think twice before
stealing bananas again. Hanta si sa
pagpaddl sa ya, agd nd si
mangahs sa pagbhat sing am liwn.
Give him a whipping to scare him, so that
he may not dare to do such a thing again.
dg, Sap, juice, the watery part of plants,
fruits, etc. (cf. tagk).
dugan, Juicy, sappy, full of sap or fluid.
dug-dug, Dim. of dg.
dug-dga, Infirmity of purpose,
evasion, wavering, hesitation, demur; to act
irresolutely, etc., but mostly constructed
with a negative particle and hence having a
positive meaning: Resolutely, thoroughly,
vigorously, without hesitation or wavering
of purpose. Ginhnot nya si sa waly
dugdga. He gave him a good thrashing.
Ind mo pagdugdughan ang paghkot
sing humy, ang paghkwat sing bat,
etc. Carry rice, lift stones, etc., with right
good will. (cf. hugbhgab).
dgang, Addition, augmentation,
increment, increase, accretion, accession,
supplement, complement, codicil; to add,
augment, increase, superadd, subjoin,
accrue, superpose, superimpose, throw in
or on (as an addition). Nagadgang pa
ang bah sang sub. The flood of the river
is still on the increase. Nagadgang gid
lmang ang ya mga kalisd. His
difficulties are becoming more numerous.
Dugngi ang sd-an. Increase the quantity
of the side-dishes. Gindugngan nla ang
mga mamumugn, agd madal matpus
ang dlan. They have added more
workmen, in order that the road may be
finished soon. Dugngi ang asn sa spas.
Put more salt in the soup. Idgang mo
lang inng duh ka naht nga kawyan sa
is ka gats nga binakl ko sa mo. Just
add these two pieces of bamboo to the
hundred I bought from you. Dugngan pa
sang kosinro ang tbig sa klon?Ho,
padugnga si, kon but si magdgang
sang tbig. Shall the cook put more water
into the rice-kettle?Yes, let him put in
more, if he likes to increase the quantity of
water. May dgang pa? Is there still
something to be added? Gindgang pa gid
nya ang pil ka dinaln sa kon sult. He
added a few lines, a postscript, to my
letter. (cf. tb, man, tmba, tmban).
dgay, (H) Long (of time); to spend a
long time, last long, endure, abide, prolong,
protract, tarry, linger, drag on, draw out,
put off, procrastinate, delay. Nagdgay si
sang ya pageskwla ddto. He prolonged
his schooling there, was going to school

there for a long time. Nadgay ka ddto?

Were you there long? Dugya ang
paglmon mo sa mon. Stay with us for a
long time. Ind mo pagdugyon ang
pagpadal sa kon sing sult. Dont be
long in sending me a letter. Gindgay nya
ang blus. He put off answering for a long
time. Dgay na gid in. That was ages ago,
a very long time ago. (cf. bhay; malwig).
dugy-dgay, (H) Dim. of dgay.
Rather long, quite a long time.
Dugydgay ang pagpuy nya sa
Manl. He lived quite a long time in
Manila. Dugydgay ang la pagbats
tbtub nga nadngat nla ang
katawhyan. They had to struggle a long
time before they could live at ease. (cf.
dugy-dugy, (H) Dim. and Freq. of
dgay. Presently, shortly, within a short
time or while; at short intervals, almost
continuously, very often. Dugydugy
karn maabt ang koryo. The mail will be
in shortly now. Dugydugy pa lang nga
nalmbus si. He left only a short while
ago. Ang dugydugy nga pangkig dl
mayo sa lwas. To be very often excited
by anger is not conducive to health (is not
good for the health). Dulon mo ang
malut nga batsan sang dugydugy
nga pagkahubg. Try to rid yourself of the
bad habit of getting drunk so frequently.
(cf. dgay, dugydgay, buhybuhy).
dg-dug, To thrust, stab, stick, jab,
pierce with an upward motion. Idgdug
inng bagt sa hal sa kisam. Jab this
bamboo-pole against the iguana on the
ceiling. Dugdug ang kolknit sang linyas
nga kawyan. Make a thrust at the bat
with the piece of split bamboo. (cf. stsut).
dghal, To thrust, push, drive, impel,
poke, (particularly with a downward
motion), (cf. dgkal).
dghan, The chest, breast, bosom,
thorax. (cf. ab, ptso).
dughann, Broad-chested, having a
broad chest.
dughnan, A kind of small fish.
dghat, To poke, stir, excite; to thrust,
push. (cf. dgdug, dldug, dghal,
dgh, Guest, visitor, stranger, foreigner;
to stay (for a short time only), drop in, look
in, call in ones way, pay a hurried visit.
Nagdgh lang si dir. He went there for
a short stay only. He just paid a hurried
visit. (cf. dong).
dgh, To fall or light by chance, to trip,
stumble. Nga nga may lsgis ikw sa
btkon?Kay nakadgh ak sa kanl.
Why is your arm scratched?Because I
stumbled into the ditch. (cf. tdag).
dgh, A kind of fish that resembles a
dgi, dughon, See dgi; doghon
thorn; thorny.


dugng duksa
dugng, To be close by, attached to,
alongside of, joined to. Ang ya kasub kag
kaimoln dinuging (nadugingn) pa sing
balatan. To her trouble and poverty there
was added illness. (cf. ping, dulg, dorg,
dgkal, To thrust, stick, stab, pierce, run
through, with a downward motion, as with
a shovel, dibble, spear, lance, etc. Dugkal
sang kawyan ang mn-og nga r sa
bh. Stick the bamboo into the snake in
that hole there. Idgkal sa hal ang tgad.
Run the iguana through with your dibble.
(cf. hrog, dgdug, stsutto stick, etc.
with an upward motion; dghal, dghat).
dgmal, To use often or frequently, wear
out by constant use. Ginadgmal nya lang
ang malahlon nga mga panpton. He
wears out his expensive clothes by constant
use. He is always wearing his best clothes.
Ind ka magdgmal sang mo saptos nga
bg-o. Dont wear your new boots often.
(cf. gnoy, gmit, dagumk, saguly).
dgman, A kind of under-water rivermoss and sea-weed. (cf. lmut, agulman).
dgmok, To crush, break by pressure or
incumbent weight, to reduce or grind to
powder, pulverize, comminute, triturate.
Ind mo pagdugmokn ang pnggan,
botlya, glbo, tbo, etc. Dont crush the
plate, bottle, globe, lamp-globe, etc.
Idgmok mo ak nay sinng bat, kay
ihnis ko sa kon ngipon. Kindly grind this
stone to powder for me, for I wish to use it
to clean my teeth. Am in ang
gindugmokn nla sang lo sang mn-og.
Here they crushed the snakes head. (cf.
pus, lum, lamsot).
dgmon, See dgmonpigs litter.
dug, Blood, gore; to bleed, stain or mix
with blood. Ang ya nga pils nagdug
sing tm. His wound bled terribly.
Nadugon ang kon by. My jacket was
stained with blood. Gindugo-n sang
kosinro ang tinktok nga bboy. The cook
mixed the minced pork with blood, put
some blood into the minced pork. Ari (dir)
ang is ka botlya nga dug sang bboy;
idug in sa tinla. Here is a bottle of pigs
blood; mix it with the sauce or broth.
dgok. See dbok join, go to, take
part in, assemble, etc. Nadugkan
nadubkan. (cf. gubk, tmbong).
dg-on, To put, place, upon, etc. See
dt-og, dt-ol. Dug-ondat-ol.
dugon, Bloody, gory, full of blood,
blood-stained, sanguinary, ensanguined.
(cf. dug).
dgpan, From dpag. Nadgpan ang ya
painno. His mind is (was) distracted.
dgs, A variety of conger-eel.
dgs, A passer-by, traveller; tramp,
loafer, idler. (cf. dgh, hurng, tiygtiyg).
dugs, Honey; the best, sweetest or most
delectable part of a thing, nectar, mead.


Visayan-English Dictionary
dgus, (H) To gather fruit with hook and
pole, etc. See dgas. Dugsa ang dldul.
Pluck with pole and hook the capsules of
the kapok-tree. Dugsi ak sing ph.
Pluck some mangoes for me. (cf. sngit,
dugsnon, Honeyed, full of honey,
sweet, delightful. Dugsnon nga hmbal.
Words full of compliments or tenderness.
dgwak, Crane; stork. (dgwak id.).
dgyon, To gather, assemble, attend,
assist, put in an appearance. (cf. dguk,
gubk, tmbong, tpon, tingb).
duh, (H) Two; a couple, couplet, pair,
deuce, twin, twain, brace; to duplicate. (cf.
duh-dha, Doubt, indecision, wavering,
vacillation, hesitation; to doubt, hesitate,
waver, be undecided, be in a dilemma,a
quandary,suspense, to vacillate, to
question. Sa wal sing duhdha .
Doubtless, without doubt . Ind ka
magduhdha sin. Have no doubt about
this, be sure of this. An pa ang
ginaduhdha mo? What are you still
hesitating, vacillating, doubting about?
Why are you still wavering? An ang
ginaduhduhan mo? What is it you are
doubtful of or undecided about? Segurha
gid ang mo hunhn, nd mo
pagduhduhon. Be firmly convinced,
dont permit any doubts to enter your
mind. Wal na nkon pagaduhduhi ang
ya sin nga kamaturan, pang
nagaduhdha pa ak kon mabut bal
ukn nd ang pagpasilabt sa am nga
mga butng. I do not any longer doubt the
truth of it, but I am still undecided as to
whether it is prudent or not to interfere in
such things. Duhdha na gid kon maabt
pa si karn, kay gb-i na. It is very
doubtful whether he will come now that it
is dark.
duh ka pl, Twenty, a score. (cf.
duh-snko, (drwa-snko), Two
(eggs or the like) for five (centavos). N.B. In
similar phrases the Visayan numeral
expresses the quantity bought or sold, and
the Sp. numeral denotes the amount to be
duh-ttlo, A contract obliging a
borrower to pay 50% interest in kind or
money, e.g. 3 bushels of rice for 2 bushels
or 3 pesos for 2 pesos that he has
duhw, A kind of flat fish.
duh, Very weak, in a state of collapse,
almost collapsing from debility; to
languish, decline, fail in strength, become
frail, weak. Duh si. He is very weak.
Nagduh si, kay naggi sa balatan. He
became very weak, for he had been through
an illness. (cf. lya, lumng).

duh, Class, kind, variety, sort, division;

to classify, divide, distribute, tabulate. (cf.
bhin, pnig, sr, bgay).
dhon, To divide, partition, etc. (cf.
dhon, duhna, duhnidihna, dihni).
duhng-dhong, To come to a halt or
stop, to rest, loiter, linger, tarry, (cf.
dhoy, A gentle breeze, puff, whiff,
zephyr; sigh, suspiration, wail, plaint,
moan; to blow gently, to sigh, sough, moan,
lament, etc., but mostly used in composite
form. An ang ginapangandhoy mo?
Why are you sighing or moaning? An
ukn sn-o ang ginapanganduhyan mo?
For what or for whom are you sighing? (cf.
dpoy; bkh).
duhy-dhoy, Dim. and Freq. of dhoy.
(cf. dupy-dpoy).
dk, A quick downward motion of the
head from drowsiness, a nod; to let the
head sink,drop,bend, from
drowsiness, to incline the head in sleep, to
nod. Nagadk si. He is nodding (from
sleepiness). Dl ka magdk sa suld sang
lygay or dl mo pagdukan ang
paglygay sang Pr. Dont sleep during
the sermon of the Parish Priest. Dinukan
gid lmang sang madm nga mga
tumalmbong ang ya pamulngplong,
kay tm kalwig. Many of those that
were present fell asleep during his
discourse, because it was very long. (cf.
tuy; dukto bow the head).
dkal, to prate, prattle, chatter, babble,
talk much, brag, boast. Ind ka magdkal
sang mga waly puls nga mga butng.
Dont prattle so much about trivial things.
Ind kam maglamd sing malut nga
mga plong sa nyo nga pagdkal (mga
dinkal). Dont interlard your talk with bad
or indecent expressions. (cf. wkal, br,
hdak, lsang, nglngal).
dkan, A call for bringing pigs together at
feeding time, etc. Also used as a verb.
Dukna ang mga bboy. Call the pigs
together by shouting: Dkan, dkan!.
Idkan ak sang kon bboy, kay
damogn ko. Please call my pig, for I am
going to feed it. (cf. dik, dk-dk, idk).
dkar, (Englishdog-cart) A kind of
uncovered calesa, a roofless rig.
dukasng, Restless, naughty, etc. (cf.
harshars, darndarn, diwasng,
diwal-gan, dingkalogn, etc.).
dkaw, To venture abroad, walk abroad
under difficulties, as at night, during rain
or in a storm, to brave or defy the elements.
An ang ginadkaw mo? Why are you
braving the elements? Why are you walking
out at such a time or in such weather? (cf.
kdaw, id.).
dkduk, To press, force, squeeze in, etc.
See dkdok.
dke, (Sp. duque) Duke.
duksa, (Sp. duquesa) Duchess.

Visayan-English Dictionary
dklong, Pain, cramps (in the stomach);
to be painful, cause pain, especially in the
stomach; a passing fit of stomach-ache.
Nagadklong ang solksolk ko. I have
stomach-ache. (cf. sakt, ktoy).
dkmil, To lie on or upon, as children on
their mother, or the like. Ind pagdukmil
si nnay mo, kay nagakatulg. Dont lie
upon your mother, for she is sleeping.
Dukmil si nnay mo, agd magmat. Lie
down close to your mother to wake her up.
(cf. dulg, hlid, idg).
duk, To incline, bow, bend, the
head, to bow, make abow,reverence,
obeisance. Iduk or duko ang mo lo.
Bow your head. Duko si sang mo lo sa
pagthud sa ya. Incline your head out of
respect for him. (cf. kub, kbkub; dk
to nod in sleep).
dkot, What sticks or adheres to; rest,
remnant. Ang dkot sang ribk. The
scattered remnants of the revolutionary
army. Pandkot, pangdkotto behave
like scattered remnants, make
depredations, etc.
dukt, Rice, etc., that sticks to the side of
a kettle or the like.
dukt, To stick, adhere to (as plaster,
paste, glue, gum, or the like). Ang slyo
nagadukt sa sbre. The stamp adheres
firmly to the envelope. Nagdukt ang
lnang sa kon by. The mud stuck to my
coat. Sn-o ang nagpadukt sinng papl
sa ganhan? Who pasted this paper on the
door? Nadktan ang kon delrgo sang
pog. My trousers were plastered with
lime. Padkta sing m-yo inng abso,
kay nagakbal. Paste this notice on well,
for it is not smooth. Ipadukt sa dngding
inng estmpa. Paste this picture on the
wall. (cf. pilt, dokt id.).
dukt, A skin-disease, a kind of herpes or
eczema. (cf. ariks, kagdkid, itp,
bungang-nit, katl, alp-ap, adk-dik,
pantpant, kabyaw, impne, bakokng,
alw, tabukw, updupd, guls-glos,
dkoy, To walk with a stoop, slouch, bend
the body forwards and downwards, to be
bent. Nagadkoy na si Fulno, kay
tiglang na. N.N. is quite bent as he walks,
for he is old. (cf. droy, kub).
duky-duky, Dim. and Freq. of dkoy.
Nagadukyduky si sang ya buluhatn.
He goes about his work with a stoop.
dktan, From duktto stick, adhere to.
(dktan id.).
dl, (H) To lose, miss, mislay, suffer the
loss of, incur, meet with, experience,
a loss, to deprive, get rid off, divest,
dispossess, oneself of. Ind ka magdl
sang lybi or nd mo pagdulon ang
lybi. Dont lose the key. Nadl ang lybi.
The key got lost,is lost. Nadulan ak
sang lybi sang kon hult. I lost,
mislaid, the key of my room. Dula ang

dklong dli
mga batsan nga malut. Rid yourself of
your bad manners. Nakt ko na ang lpis
nga mo nga gindl. I have found the
pencil you lost. Kon magkadl ang mo
mnggad madulan ka man sang
pagkabyan sang madm nga killa mo.
If you should suffer the loss of your wealth
you will also be deprived of the friendship
of many of your acquaintances. Ang dlaw
nagaamtamt na sang dl sa katndan.
The sun is now slowly disappearing in the
West. Ang nawd-an sing paglum
madulan sang tann nga kalpay sa
pangabh. One deprived of hope loses all
joy in life. (cf. wal, alimnaw).
dul, Spittle, saliva, expectoration; to spit,
expectorate. Ind ka magdul dir. Dont
spit here. Gindulan nya si. He spat on
him. Ginadilan ang pagdul dir. Spitting
is prohibited here. (cf. dpl).
dul-dl, Dim. and Freq. of dl. Also:
Disappearing, melting away, changing
imperceptibly from one into the other; to
melt, dissolve, into each other. Duldl (nagakadul-dl) gid ang dug
sang balangw, tipy, etc. The colours of
the rainbow, of a sea-shell, etc. melt,
dissolve, into each other. (cf.
dulg, To leave, separate, go away, escape.
(cf. bulg, simng, sipk, palgyo).
dulg, Unsuited, disagreeing,
inharmonious, not fit, discordant,
discrepant, unbefitting, unbecoming, at
odds with, out of keeping with,
disproportionate; to disagree, be out of
harmony or proportion, be at variance
with, etc. Ang ya by nagadulg sa ya
delrgo. His coat or jacket does not go with
his trousers. Ind mo pagdulagn
(pagpadulagn) ang mo digamohn sa
baly. Dont put up a kitchenout of
proportion to,not in harmony with,
the style of your house. (cf. libgon, sihg).
dulhot, To baste, tack, sew with long or
wide stitches. (cf. aslsal, halthot,
harthot, tah).
dl-ak, To peel, strip, flake, scale,
off, take off in thin layers. Naps si kag
nadl-ak ang pnit sa ya btkon. He was
scorched and the skin peeled off his arm.
Nadul-akn ang kon batis, kay
liniswahn ni Pdro sing manit nga tb.
The skin of my calf came off in scales, for
Peter had poured scalding water over it. (cf.
l-al, k-ak, bk-bak, klab, ukb).
dlang, An earthenware plate, plate,
dish, lid for covering pots and pans,
made of pottery.
dulng, To dig up, excavate, unearth,
mine. Inng lugr ginadulangn sing
bulwan. Gold is being mined in this place.
Dulng ka sang, dulang ang,
manggad nga nagakatulg sa idlum
sang dt. Dig up the wealth hidden
(Literally: that is sleeping) below the soil.

dulngan, dulangn, Mine. Dulangn

sang bulawn, dulangn-bulwan. A
Gold-mine. Dulangn-karbna coalmine. (cf. mna, minahn).
dult, Awl, brad-awl, sprig-bit; to use or
apply an awl, make a hole with an awl.
Magdult ka sang bint sang amkan kon
magbdbod ka. Pierce the edge of the
bamboo-mat with an awl, when you make a
rattan-rim around it. Dulat ang saptos
kon magtah ka sang pnit. Perforate the
boots with an awl, when you sew the
leather. Dl mo pagdulatn, knd sbtan
mo lmang, ang dulnggan sang bt kon
bityan mo sing artos. Dont pierce the
girls ear with an awl, but only with a
needle or pin, when you are going to hang
an ear-ring in it.
dulw, A kind of plant somewhat similar
to the kalawg and sagngsagng; a sort of
crocus or saffron; its roots yield a yellowish
dl-ay, Clod, lump, mass (of earth, etc.).
(cf. pug, pghol, day).
dldug, To thrust, stab, push, impel,
make a lunge (upwards), throw up, throw
away. Ginadldug gid lang sinng to ang
ya kwrta sa suglan. This man throws
his money away on the gambling table.
Duldug sang sngkud mo ang hal. Make
a lunge at the iguana with your stick. (cf.
dgdug, hrog, dgkal).
duldugn, Stem, stalk, flower-stem; the
fruit-stalk of the banana-plant, especially
that part of it to which the cluster of
bananas is attached. (cf. ilipon, kultlan).
dldul, See dldugto thrust, etc.
dldul, The kapok-tree, cotton tree;
cotton of the kapok-tree. (cf. blak, brak).
dlgan, From dulgto lie down side by
side, etc.
dlhug, To descend, walk, get, go,
down a slope or inclined plane, go downhill. Sn-o ikw magadlhug sa bnwa?
When shall you come down to town?
Nagdlhug na si sa bkid? Has he come
down from the mountain? Has he
descended the mountain? Padulhug si.
Make him come down (the slope). Dulhug
ak dir. Come down to me here. (cf.
tokdto go up, ascend).
dulhgon. Descent, declivity, slope
downhill. (cf. dululhgon, dululhgan).
dli, To roll up cotton into small bundles
before spinning it into threads. Dulha ang
blak sang blak nga napapk na, kay
kon pagapamurngon. Roll up into
bundles the cotton that is beaten, for I am
going to spin it into threads. Dulhi ak
sing blak. Get me some cotton ready for
spinning. Ikw ang magadli sang blak,
ak ang magapamrung. You will roll up
the cotton into small bundles and I shall
spin it. Idli ak nay sinng blak sang
blak. Please roll this cotton for me. (cf.


dli duls
dli, To lie on or upon. See dkmil.
dling, To be unsteady, swing or sway
about as a drunken person, tumble or
stumble along, stagger, reel, titubate,
zigzag. Nagadling si. He is unsteady on
his legs. Ind nnyo si pagpadulngon
sang bno. Dont make him reel or stagger
with wine. Ginpadling si sang laks nga
tub. He was made unsteady by too much
toddy or palm-wine. (cf. is-si).
dling, Squinting; open-eyed; to squint.
(cf. balisng, libt, krhat).
dulng-dling, Dim. and Freq. of dling.
To take irregular steps, stagger slightly, to
be a trifle unsteady on ones legs. (cf.
dl-is, To scratch, scrape, excoriate,
injure, lacerate. (cf. bklis, pkris, dsil,
duls, Meteor. (cf. amorkpok,
dlis. A kind of small fish.
dult, Black and sticky, dark and wet,
especially said of low grade cane-sugar or
third and fourth class muscovado. Dult
nga kalmay. Dark-coloured and sticky
cane-sugar. Also used as a verb. Ind mo
pagdulitn sa is ka tig ang mo
kalmay. Dont produce low-grade sugar
next year.
dlit, To soil, dirty, etc. See blit id.
dul, A puncture, small hole or wound
caused by a prick or the like, especially in
the head; a hairless or (in the case of birds)
a featherless spot on the head; baldspotted; to puncture, nick, notch, dent.
Gindlwan sang ya kasng ang kon. He
dented my top with his, my top was
notched by his. Padlwi ang kon kasng
kon makapadul ikw. Nick my top, if you
can. Dul nga mank. A chicken with a
bald spot on the head. (cf. bungd, klbo,
upw; ds-il, dsngal).
duly, See padulyto be heedless, etc.
dlud, To trickle, ooze out, dribble, exude,
issue, distil. Nagadlud ang gtas or
ginaduldan (ginadulran) si sang
gtas. The milk is trickling out. (cf. tubd,
tl, gay).
dlug, To stop, stand, come to astand,
rest,standstill, put up at, draw rein, halt,
cease to advance. Nagdlug si sa
atubngan sang kon baly. He stopped
in front of our house. Ginpadlug nya ang
salkyan sa tupd sang simbhan. He
drew up the vehicle before the Church.
Padulgi sang wto ang ya baly. Stop
the auto at his house. Padulga dir ang
trak, kay malsad ak. Stop the truck
here, for I wish to get out. Sa din
magadlug ang trak? Where will the truck
stop? Sa din magapadlug ka sang trak?
Where will you stop the truck? Ipadlug
inng gam sa mga punon. Let the
authorities put a stop to that annoyance or
disturbance. Ind mapadlug ang lakt


Visayan-English Dictionary
sang dlaw. The sun cannot be stopped in
its course. (cf. pra; tyodto stand, stop
dulg, (H) To join sides with, to stand,
lie down, side by side, be close together.
Si Hos nagadulg sa kay Andrs. Joseph
is close by the side of Andrew. Dulug
(dlgi) si kag sikdan tbtub nga
magbalskad (mabntul). Press him to
your side and push against him till he
tumbles on his back. Nagadulgnay
(nagadulugnay) sil. They are close
together. (cf. dorg, hlid).
dulg-dlug, Dim. and Freq. of dlug.
dulg-dulg, Dim. and Freq. of dulg.
dulugukn, (H) Meeting, gathering,
congregation, convention, assembly; goal,
place or occasion requiring ones
attendance or presence. (cf. dguk).
duluhon, That is to bedivided,
classified,distributed, etc. (cf. duh).
dululngon, (H) Ore, minerals to be
mined, the output of a mine; industrial
output (in general). (cf. dulng;
dululhgan, (H) Declivity, downward
slope, descent; path or place of descent.
dululhgon, (H) Descent, downhill road,
incline, act of passing, marching,
travelling, from a higher to a lower level.
(cf. dululhgan, dulhgon).
dululugn, (H) Terminal, terminus,
stoppage, stop, halt, end, station, goal,
destination, close; place to stop at. (cf.
dulm, Darkness, blackness, night,
gloom, murk, dusk, obscurity, obfuscation,
dimness, indistinctness; to darken, become
dark, getdusky,dim,obscure,
gloomy, to come onnight,dusk, etc.
Nagadulm na. It is growing, getting,
dark. Nagadulm na ang kalibtan. Night
has fallen. Padlma (padulum) ang hult.
Darken the room. Padlmi ak. Surround
me with darkness. Ang am nga hitab
nagpadulm sang ya painno. That
event cast a gloom over his thoughts.
Nalgyo si sa pitpit nga dulm sang
kagab-hon. He ran away at dead of night.
Dinlman (nadlman) ang ya
panghunhn. His mind became clouded.
His ideas grew confused. (cf. itm, ilm,
duluman, (H) Old, ancient, etc. See
dan, duman.
dulumalhan, (H) Management,
administration, direction, administrative
office. (dumla).
dulumdmon, (H) Memory,
recollection, retrospect; memorable, to be
remembered, worth remembering, worthy
ofremembrance,commemoration. But
si malgyo sinng dulumdmon. He
would like to escape the recollection of this.

Ang is ka dulumdmon gid nga tab. A

very memorable event. (dmdum).
dulmtan, (H) Hateful, odious, exciting
dislike or repugnance, causing aversion or
antipathy, noisome, abominable, execrable,
detestable, repugnant, repellent,
disgusting. (dumt).
dlun, See dlon.
duln, See doln.
dlung, Direction, destination, steering;
prow; to go in the direction of, come
towards, proceed to, approach, draw near,
make for or towards. Nagadlung
(nagapadlung) si dir. He is on his way
here. He is approaching or drawing near.
He is coming hither. An ang dlung mo?
Where are you going? What is your
destination? Idlung ang sakayn pa
Manl. Direct the boat towards Manila.
Ginadulngan nla ang katndan. They
are steering west.
dl-ung, To bring, take, to, transfer,
transmit, convey, transport, carry, bear,
post, ship, mail. Idl-ung mo in sa
Ilnglong. Take or carry that to Iloilo.
Ipadl-ung mo in sa Ilnglong. Send
that to Iloilo. Dul-ung ang kon baly
sinng bg-o nga bal. Convey this new
trunk to my home. Dinul-ungn nla kam
sing is ka gats ka blog nga ph. They
brought us a hundred mangoes. (cf. hatd,
dulngan, Goal, end, termination,
destination; port, haven, harbour. (cf.
dulngan, dulungn, Together, at the
same time, simultaneous, concomitant,
concurrent, contemporaneous; to do
together, actin concert,concomitantly
concurrently, etc. Nagdulngan sil sa
paglakt. They set out together. They
marched off at the same time. (cf. dngan,
dulnggan, (H) The ear, auricle, lug. (cf.
dungg, dalnggan, talnga).
dulungkan, Harbour, port, haven;
shelter, asylum, home. (cf. dngk,
dlup, (H) To be very busy, occupied,
with, have no time, work hard at, be hard at
work, be brisk, keepmoving,on the
move. Ginadulpan nla ang atp sang
baly. They are hard at work putting a roof
on the house. Nagadlup sil sang ardo.
They are fully occupied with ploughing.
Dulpi ang mo mga buluhatn. Be brisk
in performing your duties. (cf. sk,
duluplan, (H) Spittoon. (cf. dpl,
duls, Fine wire as used for flowermaking or the like.
duls, Gust, blast, squall, gale, strong,
stiff, breeze; blowing strongly, etc. (of
wind); to blow strongly. Nagaduls ang
hngin. It is blowing a gale. Gindulusn

Visayan-English Dictionary
kam sang hngin sa sakayn. We had a
stiff breeze while we were on the boat. (cf.
mdlus, uns).
dult, Mark, impression, penetration,
stamp, notch; to mark, blaze, penetrate,
leavea mark,trace,notch, to indent,
notch, pierce. Nagdult ang ngipon sang
id sa batis sang bt. The dogs teeth left
a mark on the calf of the childs leg.
Padtla ang tigb sing mayo. Drive the
chisel in well. Gindtlan sang kagt sang
lukn ang kon kamt. The claws of the
lobster imbedded themselves in my hand.
Ipadult ko inng tigb sa kahy. I will
drive this chisel to mark, indent, the
dlut, Gift, present, etc. See dlot.
dulutn-on, Worldly, earthly, material,
of the earth, pertaining to the earth,
sensual, materialistic. (cf. dt, dutn-on,
duluws, Cauldron, large pan. (dolws
dm, To bother, pester, molest, trouble,
aggravate. Nakahibal ka nga waly
kwrta si nnay, kag nagadm ka gid
sang pangy. You know that mother has
no money, yet you are always pestering her
with requests for it.
duman, Old, olden, of old, of yore,
antique, old-time, long in use, of long
standing, time-worn, ancient. Duman gid
inng kansyn. This song is a very old one.
(cf. dan, kinargto, minl-am, sindto).
dumla, (H) To manage, lead, conduct,
direct, govern, supervise, be in charge of,
regulate, administer, overlook,
superintend, have control of. Ikw ang
magadumla, kam ang magatrabho.
You will give directions, and we will do the
work. Dumalhi sil sing mayo. Govern
or direct them well. Idumla ak nay
sinng mga mamumugn, kay ak sing
kon may kadton pa. Please supervise
these workmen for me, because I have to go
elsewhere. Ipadumla ko sa mo ang kon
mga sinkup. I will hand over to your
management my dependents. Mapto gid
lang sil sa la palatikngan, kay wal
nla pagadumalhi sing mayo. They will
surely go bankrupt in their business,
because they do notconduct,
manage, it well. Ang mga manugdumla
kag ang mga ginadumalhan. Rulers and
dumalga, (H) A female animal nearing
puberty. The corresponding term for
human beings is dalagta.
dumalgk, (H) Large, tall, great, big.
Dumalgk sil sing kalwat. They come
of a race of tall men. They belong to a
family-line of tall people. Their ancestors
were tall. (cf. dak, dalgk, lntiog).
dumalgkut, (H) Sticky, viscous,
adhesive. (cf. dgkut).
dumalgs, (H) Carrying driftwood, etc.
(cf. dgs).

dult dmug
dumalla, (H) Porter, carrier, bearer;
driver, coachman, chauffeur. (cf. dal).
dumalmpig, (H) Partner, party-man,
associate, helper, assistant, supporter. (cf.
dumalmpon, (H) One who joins; guest,
visitor, foreigner. (dumalpon id.).
dumalpon, (H) See dumalmpon. (cf.
dmpon, dpon).
dumalyaw, (H) Praiser, extoller,
votary, devotee, magnifier, exalter. (cf.
dumalyon, (H) Continuing, continuous,
permanent; one who stays for a
considerable space of time; lodger, boarder,
guest. (cf. dyon).
dumalayn, See dumalyona guest,
dumr, (Sp. domar) To train, tame, break
in, domesticate. Makahibal ka bal
magdumr sang kabyo? Do you know
how to train horses? Ho, kay madm na
ang kon gindumr. Yes, for I have trained
many before this. Dumah inng simarn
nga karabw. Tame this wild buffalo.
Ipadumr ko sa mo ang kon kabyo,
kay ak nd makadag sa ya. I will let
you break in my horse, for I cannot subdue
it. (cf. nt).
dumargkul, (B) Tall, great, etc. See
dmdum, To think, remember, recollect,
bear in mind, recall, cogitate, reflect,
consider, reason, ponder, muse, take into
consideration, bethink oneself, bring or call
to mind, collect ones thoughts, revolve in
the mind. Dumdum in. Remember that.
Ind ka kadmdum sin? Can you not
recollect that? Dont you remember that?
Idmdum ak sang kon mga mank
karn sa hpon, kay ak wal dir. Kindly
think of my chickens this evening, for I
shall not be here. Ipadmdum mo sa ya
ang ya ginsilng. Remind him of what he
said. Nadumdumn ko karn . I
recollect now . Padumdum si sang
ya nga ting-an. Put him in mind of his
promise. Recall to him his promise. Wal
ak kadmdum sin. I did not think of it.
Nagdmdum ak, nga nd ka na gid
magabt. I thought you would never come
again. (cf. hunhn).
dmdum, Small glass pearls or glass
beads or similar decorations of glass used
in necklaces, on skirts, tops of slippers and
the like. Abw, ang sinlas nya napun
(nabt) sang dmdum! Why, her slippers
are entirely covered with glass beads!
dumdman, Thought, memory,
recollection, concern, solicitude. Wal na
gid si dumdman sa mon. He does not
think of us any longer. He does not even
remember us, has no concern for us. (cf.
duml, (H) To interdict, forefend,
proscribe, refuse, withhold, bar, ban,

forbid, prohibit. Nagduml si sa mon sa

pagpamakg sang kabgaw. He forbade
us to throw sticks at the pomeloes. Ind ka
magduml sin sa ya. Dont refuse him
that. Ginadumilan kam sa pagsuld sa
ya hult. We are not allowed to enter his
room. (cf. dl, lih, nd, ng).
dum, To chew noisily, munch, crunch,
craunch, champ, as when eating roast corn
or the like; to clench, grind, gnash,
ones teeth. (cf. dom, dom, kdom,
dm-ok, A small heap of stone put in a
river in order to catch shrimps, lobsters,
crabs and the like; to form a heap, lie about
in a heap or in disorder. Magdm-ok ka sa
sub, kay ton pagabungkagn sa blan
sa Enro, kon may suld na. Build some
stone traps in the river, for we will take
them down in January, and see if they have
anything in. Gindm-ok nla ang mahgk
nga mga panpton sa higd. They piled up
the soiled clothes in the corner. Nagadmok gid lang dir ang ya kasangkpan. His
tools are here lying about in heapsorin
utter disorder. Dum-ok ang ktre sang
mga ulnan. Put the pillows in a heap on
the bed. Inng sub madm sing dm-ok.
This river has many stone traps in it. (cf.
dumolong, Stranger, foreigner,
outsider, not belonging to a place, not
native or indigenous. (cf. dong).
dm-on, From dom, domto munch,
dmpug, To knock, hit, box, with
the fist, to pommel, to have a bout of
fisticuffs, thump, maul, box, punch, cuff,
buffet. Dumpug si. Box him. Dumpug
si sa ya likd. Punch him on the back.
Gindmpug nya ak kag kon si
ginbalsan. He hit me and I returned the
blow. Idmpug sa ya inng pitsokwrno.
Give him a blow with this cestus. (cf. mol,
smbag, pp, papk, bngbung).
dmpul, To dull, blunt, take off the point;
to become dull or blunt, said of pointed
instruments and tools. Nagdmpul ang
dult, ang pya sang kasng, ang
bngkaw, etc. The awl, the point of the
spinning top, the point of the lance, etc. has
become blunt. Ind mo pagdumpuln ang
lpis. Dont blunt the pencils point. Sn-o
ang nagdmpul sang kon dgum? Who
broke off the point of my needle? (cf.
kmpul, hbul, dupl).
dmug, Wrestling; to wrestle, grapple,
struggle, scuffle. Magdmugordmug
na kam. Wrestle now. Start wrestling.
Dumga si. Wrestle with him. Grapple
with him. Dumgi si. Get him to fight a
wrestling bout with you. Ang mga waly
sing tinn-an nagapti gid sil nga kagbi gindmug sang swang si Fulno. Silly
folks actually believe that last night the evil
spirit wrestled with N.N. Madm nga
mga pamatn-on ang magatmbong kon


dm-ug dungkl-dngkul
may dmug. Many young fellows will
attend if there is wrestling.
dm-ug, To lie down with bent legs as
animals do. See luk, lp-ug id.
dumugn, Wrestling ground. (cf.
dumulong, Stranger, foreigner. See
dums, To drown; to smother. (cf. lums
id. and the usual term).
dumt, Hatred, hate, spite, odium,
antipathy, aversion, spleen, acrimony,
detestation, animosity, enmity; to hate,
abominate, detest, bear malice. May dumt
si sa kon. He has a spite against me. He
bears me malice. Nagadumt si sa kon
orginadmtan nya ak. He hates me.
Ipadumt mo sa ya ang malut nga
batsan. Teach him to detest bad habits.
Nagadumtnay sil. They hate each other.
Ginbtyag ko ang is ka dak nga dumt
sa ya, pang gintg ko lmang. I felt a
great detestation for him, but kept it
hidden. (cf. kiganger; aligtgotspite,
resentment, grudge; kahs, kahkaw
envy, grudge, spite; kaslaghot blood,
rage, ill feeling).
dun, To be punctual, be in time, be there
at the proper moment, in the nick of time,
just in time. Nakadun si sa la pagsgud
sang rosryo. He was there when they
started saying the rosary. Wal ikw
makadun sang pagbuks nmon sang
klse. You were not there when we opened
the class. Tungd sa an nga, wal ka
makadun sa prosesyn sang mon
pndut? Why didnt you come in time for
the procession of our Feast?
dun, Together, at the same time. (cf.
dun, Nature, a necessary quality; natural
to. (cf. kinatb).
dunk, Common, vulgar; old, worn out; to
be common, etc. (cf. lunk; gubt).
dn-an, From donto mark, brand, etc.
(dn-an id.).
dundnay, A kind of small bird.
(dondnay id.).
dngan, Meeting, encounter, rendezvous,
coming together, gathering.
dungn, Together, at the same time,
simultaneous, coincident. Dungn ang la
paghaln dir. They left (will leave) here
together. Dungn gid inng dagob kag
pangilt. The flash and thunder were
simultaneous. (cf. dngan, kadngan,
talidngan, talirungn).
dungn, dngan, To be or do together
or at the same time, be coeval or
concomitant, do simultaneously or in
concert, perform in unison, to synchronize.
Nagadungn sil sa pagbth. They are
going to school together. Gindungn sil
sang trankso. They had influenza at the
same time. Dungan nnyo ang kalabsa
kag lngk sa paglnud sa klon. Put the


Visayan-English Dictionary
squash and jackfruit into the kettle
together. Dungann ta ang bat sa
paghkwat. Let us lift the stone all
together. Dungann ta ang paghkwat
sang bat. Let us raise the stone in unison,
like one man. Dungann nnyo ang
pagbngon sa bus sa pagardo. Rise
together to-morrow morning for the
ploughing. (cf. dungn, kadngan).
dungn-dngan, The temple (of the
dungngo, To droop, drop, the head
or hands in a lazy manner, to beidle,
indolent,dispirited, languish. (cf.
dungngok, panimk, pakuribng,
pamugpug, paligy, pabnol,
patwhay, bog).
dungngok, To stand by, be present,
look on, be an idle spectator, loaf, loiter.
An ang ginadungngok mo dir? Why are
you loitering here? What is the reason of
your presence,being,standing about
here? What are you doing here? Palay ka,
nd ka magdungngok dir. Go away,
dont loiter here. Gindungangkan sang
mga bt ang paghaw nmon sang
bboy. The boys looked on when we killed
the pig. (cf. tmbong, tarorng;
dungs. Having a turned-up nose.
Dungs siordungs ang ya nga
ilng. He has a turned-up nose. (cf. ungs).
dngas, To turn up ones nose, to sniff; to
look for, seek, search out, try to find. Kon
wal si sing tabk magadngas gid si.
If he has no tobacco he is sure to look for
some. (cf. sghap, sgap, lghap, ngas).
dngdung, To rain heavily and
continuously, to rain for a long time with a
clouded sky and frequent squalls at short
intervals. Dyon gid lang nagadngdung
ang kalibtan. It rains continuously. Sa
blan nga mabuls pagadungdungn na
man kit sa waly duhdha. Next month
we are sure to have a long spell of rainy
dngdung, To put or lay heads together.
Nagadngdung sil sang la lo
ornagadungdungnay sil sang la lo.
They are putting their heads together, the
head of one touching that of the other.
dnggan, From dunggto hear, etc.
dunggnan, Honourable, respectable,
estimable, reputable, full of honour and
dignity, distinguished, famous, wellknown, of high esteem or repute, of good
repute. (dungg).
dunggnon, Worthy ofhonour,
respect,esteem, to be honoured, meriting
distinction, honourable. (cf. dungg,
dunggnan, talahron, talahon).
dnggas, A skin disease, a kind of
eczema or herpes attacking large parts of
the skin and spreading rapidly. Also used
as a verb. May dnggas si
orginadnggas siorginadunggasn
si. He has the skin-disease dnggas.

Sang tig nga tinalkdan dinunggasn

ang ya bt sang ddto si sa um, pang
karn mayo na si. Last year his child
had the skin-disease dnggas, when he
was staying at his farm, but now it is well
again. Ind ka magsgad bog sa mahgk
nga mga danw kay bs dunggasn
ikw. Dont wade through dirty mudpuddles, for you may get the skin-disease
dnggas. (In the dnggas the pustules,
eruptions and excoriations are thickly
spread over considerable portions of the
skin and so near together that there is
scarcely a healthy spot left between them.
The head, cheeks and chin, especially of
children, seem to be most liable to contract
dnggas). (cf. dukt).
dngg, To attack, assail, fasten on, take,
afflict with, strike, lay low, get hold of, (said
of a disease). Nagdngg sa kon ang
trankso. Influenza got hold of me.
Gindngg si sang but. He was attacked
by small-pox. Andam ka, kay bs
pagadunggon ka man sang klera. Be
careful or you may also fall a victim to
cholera. Dinngg si sang balad. He
was laid low with dysentery. He took sick of
dysentery. He had an attack of dysentery.
He had,was down with, dysentery.
(cf. sngk, skr, tapk, abt).
dngk, To land, make port, arrive in
port, put into, attain, gain, port,
obtain ones object. Magdngk kit sa
madal, kay daw maabt ang bgyo. Let
us make for port at once, for it looks as if a
storm were coming. Kana sang ga
nagdngk ang bapr. The steamer
arrived in port this morning. Padungka
oripadngk ang sakayn. Put the vessel
into port. Padungka sil sa bybay, kay
but sil maglsad. Effect a landing for
them on the beach, for they wish to
disembark. Nakadngk na si sa
palangakan nga ya ginhndum nga
dan. He has now finally obtained the
office he has aspired to so long.
Pinadungkan nla sang sakayn ang
am nga bhin sang pul. They put the
vessel ashore at that part of the island. (cf.
dungkan, Port, harbour, haven,
landing; goal, end, termination, fulfilment.
dngkul, A piece of rather thick, stout
fire-wood, often used to keep the fire alive
for a long time and to rekindle the fire
without the use of matches, a log, yule-log;
to put a large piece of wood or a log on the
fire. Dungkul ang kalyo. Put a log of
wood on the fire. (cf. agip).
dungkuln, A log, a large piece of firewood.
dungkl-dngkul, Dim. of dngkul.
Also: to lie like a log.
Nagapandungkldngkul si; sa kon
bnt may ginabtyag si nga balatan. I
think he is ill; he lies there so quietly (like a

Visayan-English Dictionary
dnglay, To bend, incline, droop, get soft
and pliable (as a candle from heat). Kon
manit gid ang timpo, magadnglay ang
mga kandl. If it is very hot, the candles
bend. Nadunglayn ang pnggan nga
napatindogn sang kandl. The candle
bent over the plate on which it stood.
Padunglay ang lo mo. Incline, bow,
bend, your head. (cf. dplay, tabul,
dngon, A kind of hardwood tree and its
valuable timber.
dungg, Fame, repute, reputation, name,
renown, celebrity, notoriety, notability,
glory, distinction, mark, figure; also used as
a verb: Ginapadnggan ta ang mga
Sntos. We venerate the Saints.
Magpadungg ka sa ya. Honour him.
Respect him. Ang mo dungg
nagapangy sin. Your reputation
requires that. Hptan mo ang imo dungg.
Guard your honour. Keep your name
unsullied. (cf. kadunggnan).
dungg, To hear, overhear, catch (by
hearing), get to know by hearsay.
Nakadungg ka nga ? Have you heard
that ? Nadnggan mo ang natab sa
Manl? Have you heard what happened in
Manila? Dnggi ak kag pamati. Hear me
and listen. Ipadungg mo sa ya inng
kon mga plong. Bring these words of
mine to his knowledge. See that these
words of mine reach his ears. (cf. bat).
dungk, To incline ones head forward,
look down, bend, bow, the head.
Dungk ka or magdungk ka. Incline your
head. Gindungukn ak nya sang ya lo.
He bowed his head to me. Idungk or
padunguk ang lo mo. Bow your head.
(cf. duk, tamd, kub).
dungl, Very poor, pauper, indigent,
destitute, penniless, needy, necessitous,
distressed, straitened, pinched, penurious;
to be or become very poor, suffer great
privations, etc. Dungl si nga to, kay
abtabt gid lmang kag kams-kams
ang ya pagkon. He is very poor, for he
really lives only from hand to mouth. (N.B.
Dungl supposes a greater degree of
poverty than either mol or pbre).
dungl-dungl, Dim. of dungl. Poor,
needy, reduced, embarrassed,
impecunious, straitened, living in reduced
dngul, dunguln, See dngkul,
dungkulna log, etc.
dnut, To decay, rot, spoil, putrefy,
decompose, corrupt; to become or make
soft. Nadnut ang khoy sa dt. The
wood rotted in the ground. Padunta lang
sa dt inng khoy. Just let this wood rot
in the ground. Dunta ang lingaw,
kamti, sging, etc. Make the rice-porridge
soft, let the sweet potatoes, the bananas,
etc. get very soft. Naduntan ang mon
baly sing duh ka halgi. Two posts of our
house have become rotten. (cf. gabk).

dnglay durin
dunt, Rotten, putrid, spoilt, decaying,
corrupt; soft, overripe. Dunt nga khoy.
Rotten wood. Dunt nga lngk. An
overripe jack-fruit. Dunt nga batsan.
Depraved habits. (cf. gabk).
do, duk, dol, dum, dun,
dut, See do, dok, dol, dom, don.
dong, To visit, migrate to, another
place. See dong. Ang mga nagdong
ddto. Those who went to live there. (cf.
dumulonga stranger, immigrant).
dup, The length of a mans outstretched
arms from finger-tip to finger-tip; a
fathom, two yards; to stretch out ones
arms, to fully extend the arms, to measure
something with outstretched arms.
Nagadup si. He is stretching out his
arms. Magdup ka or dup ka. Extend
your arms fully. Gindup nya ang khoy.
He measured the timber with outstretched
arms. Dpha or dupah ang tp kon daw
an ang ya sin nga kalb. Measure the
board with your outstretched arms to see
how long it is. Nagdup ang Aton Gino sa
krus or gindupahn sang Aton Gino ang
krus. Our Lord stretched out his arms on
the cross. Dphi (dupah) ak sing lim ka
dup nga lbid. Measure out for me ten
yards of string. Idup ak sinng kalt.
Kindly measure for me this rope with your
outstretched arms.
dupg, (B) Distracted, preoccupied, busy.
Wal ko mabalsi ang mo sult kay
dupg ak kayo. I could not answer your
letter, because I was so busy. (cf. lupg).
dpag, (B) To detain, interfere with, balk,
meddle with, preoccupy, prevent, foil,
baffle, hamper, trammel, obstruct,
handicap. Ind ka magdpag sa kon sang
laks nga sugilnon. Dont detain me with
excessive talk. Wal pa gn
makapanyga kam, kay nadpag kam
sang mon hamblay. We have not even
had dinner yet, because we were
preoccupied with our conversation. Ind
mo ak pagdupgon, kay mask ang
kon mga buluhatn. Dont hamper me,
dont interfere with me, for I have much
work to do. But ak magkdto ddto
kahpon, pang gindpag ak ni Fulno. I
wanted to go there yesterday, but N.N.
prevented me. (cf. awt, lpag,
dpak, Bad language, obscene talk, dirty,
foul, smutty, indecent, impure
conversation; to use bad, filthy, obscene,
dirty, etc. language. Ind kam magdpak.
Dont use foul language. Gindupkan nya
ak, pang sa madal kon si
ginpnggan. He uttered obscenity in my
presence, but I soon stopped him. Inng
mga to dalyon gid lang nagadinpak.
These men are constantly using foul
dphan, From dupto extend the arms,

dpias, A false step, skid, skidding, slip,

slide, glide; to make a false step, to skid,
slide, glide, slip; to err, fall into error.
Nakadpias ak sa salg nga nabutangn
sing esprma. I slipped on the floor that
had been rubbed with tallow. Am in ang
kon dinupiasn. This is the place where I
slipped. Padupias si. Make him slip.
Cause him to slip. (cf. dpios, daln-as;
dpl, (H) Spittle, saliva, rheum, sputum;
to spit, eject spittle, expectorate. Ind ka
magdpl dir. Dont spit here. Ind mo
pagduplan ang salg, kay may
duluplan. Dont expectorate on the floor,
for there is a spittoon. Dpl ka sang
minam mo or idpl mo ang mo
minam. Spit out the betel-nut juice. Sn-o
ang nagdpl dir? Who spat here? (cf.
dul, dur; ladto spit out unpalatable
food, etc.).
duplan, (H) Spittoon. (cf. duluplan,
dplay, To bend, droop, become very
weak or exhausted, languish, become
enfeebled. Nagdplay si sa gtum. He
became very weak from hunger. (cf. lya;
dplo, (Sp. duplo) Double, twice as much;
to double, duplicate. Duploh ang kalt.
Double the rope. Idplo ak sang psta.
Bet me two to one. Duploh ak sing psta.
Bet me twice as much. (cf. pil).
dpoy, A gentle breeze, etc. See dhoy,
dpr, See dpl.
dupl, Blunted, dull, obtuse, having the
point broken off or its sharpness gone; to
take off the point, to blunt or make dull; to
become blunt or dull. (See dmpul id.
Gindupl, dupulgindmpul, dumpul).
dupy-dpuy, A slight breeze, light
wind; to blow softly (of wind).
Nagadupydpuy ang hngin. The wind is
blowing softly. Gindupydupuyn kam
sng hngin sa bybay. On the shore we
were fanned by a gentle breeze.
dpyas, See dpiasto slip.
dr, (B) See dl id.
dur, (B) See dul, dpl, id.
durr, See dorr id.
durr, (Sp. durar) To last, endure. Inng
baly pamdo gid, segro magadurr
sing kalm-an ka tig. This house is very
strong, it will certainly last fifty years. (cf.
dgay, bhay).
dray, To tickle, titillate, make to itch.
Durya ang bt, agd magkdlaw.
Tickle the baby to make it laugh.
Ginadray ang kon lo sang kt. Lice
are making my head itch. Duryi si sa til.
Tickle his foot. (cf. kalm).
durin, A tropical tree and its fruit, which
is very enticing to eat, but has an offensive


dro dwl-dwl
dro, (Sp. duro) Many; very, much. Dro
nga mga to. Many people. A great
multitude. Dro kasakt. Very painful. (cf.
tm, laks, lm-ag, rak, madm).
durok-non, (B) The thumb. (cf. daraknon, kamomo, kumalgk).
droy, To walk with bent shoulders as old
people, walk about with a stoop, to duck,
stoop down, lower the head. Nagadroy
si nga daw mbok. He walks about like a
quail. Droy ka, kay masot ang dlan.
Stoop low, for the road is overgrown.
Durya ang paglakt mo, kay nagabyok
ang mga sang sang khoy. Bend down as
you walk, for the branches of the tree are
hanging down low. (cf. dkoy, kub, duk).
durgas, Contrivance, means,
machination. (cf. pahitht, patga, etc.).
durumlpog, (B) To succeed one
another, follow in quick succession.
Nagadurumlpog lang ang mga kalisd.
One trouble succeeds another. Difficulties
are coming on in quick succession. (cf.
abkabk, albut, dulngan).
drup, See dluphave much to do, be
very busy, etc.
durupran, Spittoon. (cf. duluplan,
durr-an, duplan).
durr-an, (B) See durupran.
dusk, Bruised, contused, abraded (skin),
grazed, lacerated, excoriated, wounded
with some blunt-pointed instrument.
dsak, To injure, hit, wound, bruise,
abrade, excoriate, graze, scratch, lacerate,
take the skin off with a blunt-pointed tool
or the like. Kon magkli ka sing kamti,
andamn mo nga nd madsak. If you dig
sweet potatoes, be careful not to injure
them. Idsak inng tgad sa lo sang
mn-og. Crush the head of the snake with
this dibble. Sn-o ang nagdsak sinng
talng? Who bruised this egg-plant? Ho,
kalhon (klyon) mo lang ang mga
pattas, pang nd mo pagduskon. Yes,
dig out the potatoes, but do not bruise
them. (cf. ds-il, pk-ad, bklis, kdlit).
dsdus, To push, shove, etc. See dsdos.
ds-il, To scratch, scrape, lacerate, wound
slightly so that part of the skin or bark
comes off. Nads-il ang kon btkon sang
smsim. My arm got scratched by the
bamboo-branches. Ang dgi nagds-il
sang kon tdl. The thorn wounded my
finger. Ind ka maggi dir sa kasot, kay
bs dus-iln (mads-il) ikw. Dont pass
there through that undergrowth, for you
may get scratched. Ginds-il sang tud ang
batis ko. The calf of my leg was grazed by
the tree stump. (cf. dsak, etc.).
dusng, Stain, slur, blemish. See dgt,
msing. Ggma nga wal sing dusng.
Pure, unsullied love.
dsm, To fall prone, fall on ones face.
(cf. dsm, dgp; sukmod).


Visayan-English Dictionary
dsmug, To assault, assail, attack, rush,
fall, upon. (cf. sorso, dsmag, dmhag,
dsngal, To lacerate, wound, injure,
burst, split. Also: thicklips, one who has
thick lips like a negro. (cf. ds-il, ds-il;
dus, To push, impel, shove, thrust. Ind
mo ak pagidus. Dont push me.
Nagadusonay ang mga bt. The boys
are pushing each other. Ginduson nya
ak sang ya kamt. He pushed me with
his hand. Duso or idus ang ganhan,
agd madpat sing mayo. Push the door,
that it may close well. (cf. dsdos, ds-og,
ds-og, tuld, tklod).
dus-btong, Push and pull; at random,
haphazard; chanceful, risky.
ds-og, To thrust, impel, shove, push,
press upon, squeeze against. (cf. ds-og,
tuld, tklod, orod, lgpit).
dt, (H) The earth; earth, soil, ground,
loam, clay, marl, mould, dirt; field,
territory. (cf. lp).
dutn-on, (H) Earthly, material, bodily,
corporeal, pertaining to this world, made of
earth or clay. Ang ton kabh nga dutnon umalgi gid lmang. Our earthly life is
merely passing. (cf. dulutn-on).
dtdut, To plaster, seal, calk, caulk, plug,
cement, stuff up cracks, stop chinks or
cracks with paper, cloth, thick paint,
plaster or the like. Idtdut inng papl sa
kinitan sang tp. Put this paper into the
crack between the boards. Duddut ang
litk sing alkitrn. Close the split with tar.
Dinutdutn nla ang mga bh sing
semnto. They plastered the holes with
cement. (cf. dkduk, dkdok, sksok,
dtlan, etc. From dultto pierce, etc.
duk, Out-of-the-way place, nook, corner.
See dok.
duy-duy, To be completely full or
satisfied, have no appetite any longer,
loathe food on account of having already
eaten ones fill, eat without relish.
Nagaduyduy si, kay busg na. He eats
without relish, for he is full already. (cf.
dwldwal, dway, butngting, tak).
dyan, A hammock; to use a hammock,
swinga hammock,in a hammock.
Magdyan ka lang dir. Just lie down in
that hammock. Duyna ang bt. Put the
baby in the hammock and swing it. Idyan
ak nay sang bt. Kindly rock the baby
in the hammock for me. Am in ang
abyaby nga ginaduynan sa bt. This
is the make-shift hammock in which the
baby swings.
duyn, To walk, take a stroll, go, pass,
by. See dayn id.
duyn-dyan, Dim. of dyan. A small
hammock, anything resembling a
hammock. (cf. abyaby).

dyaw, To influence, carry along,

persuade, induce, prevail upon, make to
act, decide. Gindyaw ak sang kon mga
byan sa pagkdto sa sut. I was prevailed
upon by my friends to go to the dance.
Nadyaw ang ya but sa pagbth, kay
nagabth man ang ya pakais. He was
induced to go to school by the fact that his
first cousin is going to school also. (cf.
gar, gnya).
duyw-dyaw, Dim. and Freq. of
dy, Dejected, sad, melancholy, pensive,
moody, sorrowful, cheerless, dismal,
unhappy, mournful, gloomy, spiritless; to
be sad, etc. Ktub sang kamatyon sang
ya ily nagady si sing dyon. Since
the death of her mother she is always
melancholy, dejected. (cf. bog).
dy, To sit or stand still, be motionless,
stop, remain standing, cease to proceed,
halt, station oneself, take ones stand. Ind
ka magdy sa tung sang dlan. Dont
remain standing in the middle of the road.
Ind mo pagduyan ang ganhan sang
bodga. Dont stand in the shop-door.
Magdy ka dir. Stand here. (cf. ty-od).
dyong, A young whale; the dugong of
the Indian ocean, a mammal that
resembles a whale. (cf. bunganss,
duyng-dyong, To go to and fro, back
and forth, go in search of, ramble or roam
within a rather narrow circle; to loiter,
tarry, idle away the hours. (cf.
lagwlgaw, landlndo, etc.).
dyug, To incline towards, lean towards,
be attracted, have a mind to, be in favour
of, have a liking for, be disposed to, feel
inclined to, to like doing. Nagadyug ang
ya but sa pagtmbong sa belda. He is
inclined to go to the play. Ind mo
pagpaduygon ang ya but sa malut
nga batsan. Dont allow him to become
addicted to bad habits. (cf. byok).
duyg, Inclined, attached, attracted,
having a liking for, allured. (cf. hily, buy,
bhag; ynggaw, dimt).
duyg-duyg, duyg-dyug, Dim.
and Freq. of dyug. Also: to shake, stagger,
reel, tremble with weakness, walk
unsteadily. Nagaduygduyg si sang
pagtndog nya, kay malya pa si tungd
nga bg-o lang si nagyo sa balatan.
When he stood up he shook with weakness,
for he is still feeble on account of his late
illness. (cf. dulngdling).
dwl-dwl, See duldulto surfeit,
glut, etc.

Visayan-English Dictionary

e, The Visayan language has a vowel-sound

that is neither that of Spanish e nor of
Spanish i, but occupies a position
somewhere between the two. Consequently
this sound is represented sometimes by e
and sometimes by i, even in spelling the
same word, e.g. babye, babe, babyi,
babi; bebngka, bibngka; bgne, bgni,
In choosing between the two vowels i has
a better claim to recognition than e, for
the following reasons:
1) The full open sound of e is never heard
in Visayan, whereas i is often very clearly
and sharply pronounced.
2) Whilst it is true that in many words the
sound, of which we have spoken, is vague,
yet as a rule it approaches i more nearly
than e.
The conclusion is that i can always be
used, and that e might without loss be
abolished from the Visayan Alphabet.
The following words under e are given,
because, although they are of Spanish
origin, yet they are frequently used in
ebanhelsta, (Sp. evangelista)
ebanhlyo, (Sp. evangelio) Gospel,
evangel, good tidings.
bano, eban, (Sp. bano) Ebony. (cf.
edd, (Sp. edad) Age, epoch, time, period;
to be so many years old, to be the age of so
many years. Mayr de edd si, menr de
edd si. He is of age, he is a minor. Pil ka
tig ang mo edd?or simplyPil ang
edd mo? How old are you? What is your
age? Nagaedd na si sing napl ka tig.
He is ten years old. (cf. panuign,
edn, (Sp. eden) Eden, paradise. (cf.
edisyn, (Sp. edicin) Edition, issue,
publication. (cf. bantl, gw, blhag).
editr, (Sp. editor) Editor, publisher,
author. (cf. manunlat, magsuslat,
edukr, (Sp. educar) To educate, instruct.
Magedukr ka sing mayo sang mo mga
bt or edukah sing mayo ang mo mga
bt. Educate your children well. Inng
kolhio ginaedukahn sing madm nga
mga pamatn-on. Many youths are being
educated in this college. (cf. tdl, paton).
edukasyn, (Sp. educacin) Education,
instruction, training, good breeding,
politeness, polished manners. Wal si
sing edukasyn. He is lacking in good
breeding. (cf. tinn-an, kinalam).

e emptso
he, (Sp. eje) Axle, axis, axle-tree, shaft on
which a wheel turns.
ehmplo, (Sp. ejemplo) Example, type,
instance, pattern, model, precedent,
standard, prototype, paradigm, guide,
specimen. (cf. palanganinwan, solndan,
eherssyo, (Sp. ejercicio) Exercise;
retreat; to exercise. Ehersisyoh ang lwas
mo. Exercise your body. (cf. bantbnat,
hanshnas, baytbyat, untnat).
ehrsito, (Sp. ejercito) Army, military
force. (cf. mangangawy, kinabn sang
mga mangangawy).
eklpse, (Sp. eclipse) Eclipse; to eclipse.
May eklpse ang blan sa is ka blan or
may eklpse sang blan sa is ka blan or
magaeklpse ang blan sa is ka blan.
There will be an eclipse of the moon next
month. Sang duh ka tig (sang may duh
na ka tig) nageklpse sing bg-os ang
dlaw. Two years ago there was a total
eclipse of the sun. (cf. bakunwa).
eksmen, (Sp. examen) Examination,
disquisition, inquisition, inquiry, search,
investigation; to examine, search, inquire
into, investigate, question.
Pagaeksamnon pa ikw ukn naeksmen
ka na? Have you still to undergo an
examination or have you been examined?
Examna si sa iningls. Examine him in
English. Examnon mo sing mayo ang
mo mga sal sa wal pa ang
pagkonpesr mo. Make a good
examination of conscience before going to
confession. (cf. sanghran, panguss).
eksposisyn, (Sp. exposicin)
Exposition, exhibition. (cf. pakt,
ekstremaunsyn, (Sp. extremauncin)
Extreme Unction. (cf. bdlis).
ektrea, (Sp. hectrea) Hectare, a
measure of surfaces (a hectare contains one
hundred ares or ten thousand square
elstiko, (Sp. elstico) Elastic; an elastic
band or ribbon. (cf. lstiko, yayt,
mayayt, luytyat).
elegnte, (Sp. elegante) Elegant, stylish,
tasteful, graceful, refined, cultured,
polished. (cf. lntip, hmpit, matahm,
sampton, manyag, magayn,
makawiwli, makalulyag).
eleksyn, (Sp. eleccin) Election, poll,
vote, referendum, ballot; to choose, select,
pick out. Dyon gid lang ya
ginaeleksyonn ang ya mga agsadr. He
is constantly picking out his tenants i.e. he
constantly changes his tenants, choosing
one in place of another. (cf. piniliy, pl,
elktor, (Sp. elector) An elector, voter,
one entitled to vote in elections. (cf.
elktriko, (Sp. elctrico) Electric,
electrical. (cf. kils).

elektrisidd, (Sp. electricidad)

Electricity. (cf. kils).
elektromotr, (Sp. electromotor) An
electric motor.
elemnto, (Sp. elemento) Element. (cf.
lalm, bhin, smbug).
elepnte, (Sp. elefante) Elephant. (cf.
elokwnte, (Sp. elocuente) Eloquent,
embahda, (Sp. embajada) Embassy,
legation; message, errand. (cf. tiglaws;
balt, pasyod, pahibal).
embahadr, (Sp. embajador)
Ambassador, legate, delegate. (cf. tiglaws,
embalsamr, (Sp. embalsamar) To
embalm. Embalsamah ang bngkay ni
Fulno. Embalm the corpse of N.N.
Naembalsamr na ang ya bngkay. His
corpse is already embalmed.
embrgo, (Sp. embargo) Embargo,
seizure, attachment; sequestration of goods
and chattels; to serve an attachment, seize,
sequestrate. Naembrgo ang ya nga dt.
His land was embargoed, had an
attachment served. Embargoh ang ya
mga hyup. Put an embargo on his cattle.
(cf. btong).
embarkasyn, (Sp. embarcacin)
Embarkation, navigation; ship or vessel of
any size. (cf. sakayn).
embornl, (Sp. embornal) Scupper-hole;
ditch, canal, gutter, culvert, drain, outlet
for water; to make a ditch, drain, etc.
Embornal ang baly mo. Make a ditch
around your house. Inng duh ka barl
nga semnto iembornl ko sa kon
pamulkan. With these two barrels of
cement I am going to make a water-drain
in my garden. (cf. kalg, ilign, ililign).
embdo, (Sp. embudo) A funnel; to use
or apply a funnel. Embudhi ang botlya,
agd dl magwas ang ags. Use a funnel
for the bottle, lest the petroleum should be
spilt. Iembdo in sa prsko. Use this as a
funnel for the flask.
embste, (Sp. embuste) Fib, lie, fiction,
artful tale, fraud, imposition, cheating. (cf.
butg, dy, lmbong, balbad, lg-it,
agng, pasn, mal).
embustro, Liar, tale-bearer, tale-teller,
tell-tale, impostor, cheat, trickster,
hypocrite, dissembler. (cf. butign,
madinayon, etc.).
empke, (Sp. empaque) Packing; to pack.
Empakha ang kalmay. Pack the sugar.
Iempke inng mga bayong sa kalmay.
Use these sacks of matting to pack the
sugar in. (cf. puts, balhos, bgtong).
empanda, (Sp. empanada) Meat-pie,
anything baked in paste.
emptso, (Sp. empacho) Indigestion,


empine, empne eskapulryo

empine, empne, (Sp. empeine) A
cutaneous disease, tetter or ringworm,
chiefly attacking the scalp, neck and throat.
emperadr, (Sp. emperador) Emperor.
(cf. hr).
emperatrs, (Sp. emperatriz) Empress.
(cf. hr).
empesr, (Sp. empezar) To begin,
commence, start, initiate, enter upon.
Empesah na ang mo trabho. Start your
work. Nagempesr na kam sang
pagtnum? Have you started planting rice
yet? Dgay na nga ya ginempesahn sing
trabho ang ya bg-o nga baly, pang
tbtub karn wal nya matpus. He
commenced work on his new house a long
time ago, but up till now he has not been
able to finish it. (cf. umpis, sgud,
empledo, (Sp. empleado) Employee,
office-holder, office-bearer. (cf. sologon,
emplo, (Sp. empleo) Employment,
office, occupation, engagement, business.
(cf. palamgnan, palatikngan,
palangakan, kahimtngan, alagarn).
emprentda, See imprentdaa
emprsa, (Sp. empresa) Undertaking,
enterprise, venture, engagement. (cf.
palatikngan, emplo, etc.).
empresryo, (Sp. empresario)
Contractor; manager of a circus, theatre,
cinematograph, etc.).
engwas, (Sp. enaguas) Undershirt,
enno, (Sp. enano) Dwarf, pigmy, midget,
manikin; cretin, idiot. (cf. pott; bang,
buangt, kl, etc.).
endonr, (Sp. endonar) To make a gift or
present of, to present with, donate, give.
(cf. reglo, htag, dlut, donr, bugy).
endno, (Sp. endono) Gift, present,
donation, alms. (cf. htag, etc.).
enemgo, (Sp. enemigo) Enemy,
adversary, opponent, antagonist; inimical,
hostile. (cf. kaway, kasmpung, kntra).
enro, (Sp. Enero) January. (cf. ulalng).
enkhe, (Sp. encaje) Lace-making, lace,
fine needle-work; embroidery; to make
lace, do fine needle-work, embroider.
Enkahhi ang by ko. Put some lace on
my frock. Ginenkahhan nya ang kon
pak. She has put some lace on my sleeve.
enkantdo, (Sp. encantado) Enchanted,
charmed, haunted, bewitched, under a
spell, under the influence of magic, or of
the devil. (cf. lmay, lumy, bhag).
enknto, (Sp. encanto) Enchantment,
charm, spell, incantation, magic,
fascination, bewitchment; to put a magic
spell upon, bewitch, charm, fascinate,
haunt. May enknto, kon, sa ydto nga
baly. They say that that house is haunted.
(cf. brang, awg, tutu, rit, etc.).
enkantohnon, See enkantdo.


Visayan-English Dictionary
enkargdo, (Sp. encargado) One who is
in charge, care-taker, manager, director,
agent. (cf. manugttap, manugdumla,
tulugynan, panglo).
enpermra, (Sp. enfermera) Nurse,
female attendant in a hospital, infirmarian.
(manugttap, manugmlig,
manugbntay, sang mga masakt).
enprmo, (Sp. enfermo) Sick, infirm,
diseased, ill, patient, inmate of a hospital.
(cf. masakt).
ensalda, (Sp. ensalada) Salad; to make
a salad, put in vinegar. Ensaladha ang
kapyas. Make a salad of papaws.
Ensaladhi ak sing lim ka ph. Work
five mangoes up into a salad for me.
Iensalda ak nay sin. Kindly prepare
for me a salad of that.
ensyo, (Sp. ensayo) Rehearsal,
preparatory practice, exercise; to rehearse,
practise. (cf. hnas, hanshnas).
entabldo, (Sp. entablado) A board floor,
stage, platform. (cf. tabldo).
entinde, (Sp. entender) To understand,
know, see, grasp, comprehend, realize,
make out, perceive, take. Makaentinde
ikw sin? Do you understand this? Wal
si makaentinde sang mo nga
ginhmbal. He could not comprehend or
grasp what you said. He could not
understand what you said. Nabton ko ang
mo sult kag naentiendehn ko ang
kontendo. I have received your letter and
have understood its contents. Entiendeh
nay sing mayo ang ya nga ginsilng,
kag ugling mangkig ka sa ya. First try
to comprehend well what he said; then (if
you think there is reason) get angry with
him. Dl ka magpakitarakng sa mga
butng nga wal mo maentiendeh. Do not
meddle with things you know nothing
about. Entiendeh nga . You are to
understand that . You may take it that
. Kon wal ikw makaentinde sang
ibn nga mga ginabsa mo, pangkot
lang ak. If you cannot make out some of
the things you are reading, just ask me. (cf.
syod, hibal, lam, man, to,
balintnod, hangp, hntup).
entiro, (Sp. entierro) Funeral, burial,
exequies, funeral rites, interment,
entombment, sepulture. (cf. lubng).
(Snto entiroStatue of dead Christ).
ntra, (Sp. entrar) To go in, enter, come
in; to participate, share, partake,
join, take part, in. Entrah ang
pagkamsiko. Become a musician. Join the
musicians. Entra ka. Come in. Nagntra
ka man sa pagdmug? Did you take part in
the wrestling? Ind ka magpantra sa mo
baly sang mga balasahn nga malin.
Dont permit bad reading-matter to enter
your home. (cf. suld; aby).
entrda, (Sp. entrada) Entrance,
opening; entre, entrance-fee, admission.
Wal gid sing entrda inng babye. This

woman is above reproach. This woman

does not admit undesirable visitors.
entradlya, (From the Sp. entrar)
Intruder, trespasser, meddler; to interfere,
trespass, intrude, meddle with. Ind mo
pagentradilyahn ang mga butng nga
wal ka sing lbut. Dont interfere in
things that dont concern you. Haln kam
nga mga entrandlya. Take yourselves off.
You have no business in here.
entregr, (Sp. entregar) To deliver, hand
over, reach to, give to, convey. Ientregr
mo sa ya inng sult. Give him this letter.
Ginentregahn mo si sang ya nga
linbhan? Have you delivered to him his
wash? Wal si magentregr sa kon sang
ginsilng mo. He has not handed over to
me what you mentioned. Sa waly
duhdha magaentregr si sa mo sin
sa bus. Doubtless he will hand it over to
you to-morrow. (cf. tnghol).
entrems, (Sp. entrems) Intermezzo,
interlude, side-dish; humbug; to provide an
interlude, etc.; to joke, play the fool, fill up
the time, be in a playful mood; to spoil,
corrupt, dishonour, flirt with.
Nagaentrems gid lang ikw? You are
surely only joking? Ginentrems si Fulna
ni Fulno. Miss N.N. was deceived by Mr.
entreswlo, (Sp. entresuelo) Messanine,
entresol, gallery.
entyro, See entirofuneral, etc.
erhe, (Sp. hereje) Heretic.
ertiko, (Sp. hertico) Heretical.
ermna, -o, (Sp. hermana, -o) Sister,
brother; lay-sister, lay-brother; member of
a confraternity. (cf. tud, bgt; ily,
mdre, relihiso).
ermta, (Sp. ermita) A small church,
village church, chapel. (cf. simbhan).
ermitnyo, (Sp. ermitao) Hermit.
esnsya, (Sp. esencia) Essence; extract,
tincture, excerpt.
esgrma, (Sp. esgrima) Fencing; to fence,
practise fencing.
eskabtse, (Sp. escabeche) Fried fish
mixed with vinegar and spices.
eskndalo, (Sp. escandalo) Scandal,
opprobrium, shame, filth, obscenity,
indecency; commotion, tumult, row,
squabble, hubbub, rumpus, scrimmage,
embroglio, fracas, uproar; to be
scandalous; be rowdy, turbulent, a
disturber of the peace, etc. Ind ka
mageskndalo. Dont create a scandal.
Dont cause a scene. Dont be rowdy. Dont
kick up a row. (cf. gam, ghud, kinagl,
kagarokn, kinagbot).
eskandalsa, -o, (Sp. escandaloso, -a)
Scandalous, shameful, filthy, obscene;
rowdy, turbulent, causing atumult,
eskapulryo, (Sp. escapulario)
Scapulary, scapular.

Visayan-English Dictionary
eskarlta, (Sp. escarlata) Scarlet, red
cloth; a kind of red flower.
eskarlatna, (Sp. escarlatina) Crimson
fabric; scarlet-fever.
eskna, (Sp. esquina) Corner, angle;
street-corner, turning. (cf. likan,
eskba, (Sp. escoba) Brush, scrubbingbrush, broom, besom, floor-brush; to use
or apply a brush. Eskobhi ang lamsa,
salg, etc. Scrub the table, floor, etc. with a
scrubbing-brush. Ieskba ak nay sang
kon sotna. Please brush my cassock for
me. (cf. slhig).
eskr, Score, number of points gained in a
game; to score. (English).
eskotda, (Sp. escotado, escotadura)
Low neck, decollet; a low cut in the neck
of a dress. (cf. wngwng sing log).
eskribno, (Sp. escribano) Clerk,
especially the clerk of a court of First
eskribinte, (Sp. escribiente) Clerk,
writer, amanuensis, secretary, scribe.
eskrto, (Sp. escrito) Writing, written
document, writ, brief, deed. (cf. sult,
kasultan, kalig-onn).
eskrpulo, (Sp. escrpulo) Scruple,
perplexity, doubt, hesitation arising from
fear of doing wrong.
eskrupulsa, -o, (Sp. escrupulosa, -o)
Scrupulous, nice, particular, fastidious,
meticulous, perplexed, hesitating through
fear of doing wrong; delicate of conscience,
finical, finicking, finikin, strait-laced,
prudish, prim, squeamish.
eskultr, (Sp. escultor) Sculptor, carver.
eskultra, (Sp. escultura). Sculpture,
eskwdra, (Sp. escuadra) Navy, seaforce, naval strength, squadron. (cf. mga
sakayn nga inugway, sakaynway).
eskwla, (Sp. escuadra) Square,
carpenters square, etc. (cf. askwla,
eskwla, (Sp. escuela) School-house,
school; school-children; to go to school.
Mageskwla kam. Go to school. Din
ikw nagaeskwla? Where do you go to
school? Madm ang mga eskwla dir.
There are many schools or school-children
here. Katb ko si kag nageskwla kam
sing dungn. He is of the same age as
myself, and we went to school together. D
mo pagpaeskwelahn ang mo bt sa
mga eskwelhan nga waly pagto. Dont
send your child to a school without
religion. (cf. bth, buluthan,
eskwelhan, School-house, school. (cf.
espda, (Sp. espada) Sword, sabre,
falchion, scimitar, brand, rapier, side-arm.
(cf. binngon, talibng, sandk,
ginnting, klis).

eskarlta estudynte
espnto, (Sp. espanto) Fright, affright,
shock, consternation, dread, fear, alarm,
terror, dismay. (cf. kakgmat, kalsang,
kahdluk, kuys, kibt, panguys).
Espnya, (Sp. Espaa) Spain. (cf.
espanyl, (Sp. espaol) Spaniard;
Spanish, Iberian. (cf. katsl, kinatsil).
esprago, (Sp. esparrago) Asparagus.
espho, (Sp. espejo) Mirror, lookingglass; used also loosely of a window-pane;
model, type; to use or look into a mirror.
Espehi ang mga mat mo. Look at your
eyes in the mirror. Ginespehan nya ang
ya nawng. He looked at his face in the
looking-glass. Prme gid lang si
nagapangespho. She is constantly looking
in the mirror. Ind ka magpangespho sing
laks. Dont look in the mirror too much.
Daw espho gid si sang dalga. She is a
model maiden, a mirror of maidens. (cf.
salamng, palanganinwan, huluran).
espelr, (B) Safety-pin; piece of bamboo,
etc. used as a safety-pin. (cf. sibt, alpilr).
(Sp. alfiler).
espernsa, (Sp. esperanza) Hope,
expectation, expectancy, confidence,
reliance, trust, bright prospect,
reassurance, hopefulness. (cf. lum, slig).
esprma, (Sp. esperma) Mineral or
vegetable wax; candles of such wax; to use
or apply such wax. Espermah ang plntsa,
agd nd matoktokn. Rub the
smoothing-iron with wax, lest it should
become rusty. Ginespermahn nla ang
salg, agd magsilng. They waxed the
floor to make it bright. (cf. tlo, tro).
espa, (Sp. espia) Spy, detective. (cf. tktik,
espirit, (Sp. espritu) Ghost, spirit, soul;
energy, animation; consciousness. Ang
Espirit Snto. The Holy Ghost. Wal na
si sing esprit. He is spiritless, soulless,
inanimate, unconscious, has no energy left.
(cf. kalg).
espirituhnon, Spiritual, not material,
incorporeal, ghostly, pertaining to the soul
or spirit. (cf. kalgnon).
espnha, (Sp. esponja) Sponge.
esponsles, (Sp. esponsales) Espousals,
betrothal, troth, plight, engagement,
marriage-compact. Ang pagentregr sang
sngsing am ang tnd sang la nga
esponsles. The giving of the ring is the
sign of their betrothal. (cf. katpan).
espula, (Sp. espuela) Spur, goad, prick.
estdo, (Sp. estado) State (territory);
state (condition of life), especially the
married state, wedlock, matrimony, also
used loosely of husband, wife. Also verb.
Naestdo na ang mo mga bt? Are your
children married? Patigayna agd
maestdo sil. See to it that they marry.
(cf. pngsud; kahimtngan, kabtngan,

estmpa, (Sp. estampa) Picture, print,

painting, representation, icon. Also used as
a verb. Paestampah ang mo sla. Hang
your reception room with pictures (cf.
larwan, dinuagn).
estampta, (Sp. estampta) A small
estandrte, (Sp. estandarte) Standard,
banner, flag, insignia, streamer, colours.
(cf. hayhay).
estnke, (Sp. estanque) Pond, basin,
reservoir; kind of torch. (cf. lnaw; sars,
estnte, (Sp. estante) Stand, shelf,
bookcase, bookstand, cabinet. (cf.
bulutngan, tulungtngan, sang mga
estr, (Sp. estar) To stay, live, inhabit,
remain, lodge, reside, settle, put up at, have
or take rooms at, dwell, abide. Din ka
nagaestr? Where do you live? Pil ka tig
na ang pagestr mo dir? How many years
have you lived here? Magaestr pa ikw
dir sing madgay? Are you staying here
still for long? Din ang ginaestarn mo?
Where is the house you live in? Iestr mo
ak nay sing pil ka dlaw sa baly.
Please stay at my home for a few days to
oblige me. Ho, estarn ko ang kon
tang sa mo. Yes, I will remain as long as
my wages pay my debt to you. Estar lang
ang tang mo sa kon. Stay with me (i.e.
serve me) till your debt to me is paid (by
the wages you would get, if I did not keep
them back). Paestar si sa mo baly. Let
him reside or lodge at your house. (cf.
puy, lmon, lntad, pngk, amoyng,
ul, buh).
estasyn, (Sp. estacin) Station. Ang
mga estasyn. The Stations of the Cross.
(cf. dululugn).
estatto, (Sp. estatuto) Statute, law,
ruling, act, order, ordinance, decree,
enactment. (cf. sg, kasogon, pagbultan, palatkdan).
estimdo, (Sp. estimado) Esteemed,
respected, valued, dear. Estimdo ko nga
byan. My dear friend. (cf. talahron,
talahon; tinathud, ginathudfrom
estiwtis, Arnotto; bixa orellana. See
atitis, tiwtis.
estla, (Sp. estola) Stole, a vestment worn
by a priest at a religious function.
estrelydo, (Sp. estrellado) Fried (of
eggs); egg-slice, turnover.
estrbo, (Sp. estribo) Stirrup. Also verb.
Estribhi ang kabyo. Provide the horse
with stirrups. Paestribhi ang sya. Have
stirrups attached to the saddle.
estrnke, (Sp. estrenque) A stout rope of
bass or bast; a torch. (cf. sars estnke).
estudynte, (Sp. estudiante) Student,
alumnus, learner, pupil, scholar. (cf.
bumulth, gintotn-an).


estdyo frto

Visayan-English Dictionary

estdyo, (Sp. estudio) Study, learning,

attainment, erudition; to study learn,
imbibe, gain, gather, acquire,
knowledge, acquaint oneself with.
Magestdyo ka sing mayo. Study well,
diligently. Estudyohn mo sing mayo ang
mo karra. Study well for your career,
prepare yourself well for your profession.
Ginaestudyohn pa sang mga mdiko ang
bulng sa ar. Doctors are still trying to
find a remedy for leprosy. (cf. lam, ton).
etr, (Sp. eter) Ether.
etsra, (Sp. hechura) Form, figure,
manner, appearance, semblance, look,
exterior aspect. Often used contemptuously
or sarcastically: Nonsense, bosh, twaddle;
impertinence, cheek, etc. Etsra nya sin!
What impertinence! What cheek! (cf. tsri,
sri, hitsra, hitsri).
eukaristya, (Sp. eucarista) Eucharist,
Blessed Sacrament, Holy Communion.
Kongrso EukarstikoEucharistic
exmen, See eksmenexamination, etc.
examinn, (From the Sp. examen)
Register or list (as a help for an
examination); syllabus.
exkomulgr, (Sp. excomulgar) To
excommunicate, anathematize.
exkomunyn, (Sp. excomunin)
Excommunion; anathema.
xtra, (Sp. extra) Besides, in addition to,
supplementary to, something over and
above the agreement or stipulation, extra.
(cf. dgang, pasah).
extraordinryo, (Sp. extraordinario)
Extraordinary, special, exceptional,
abnormal, anomalous, peculiar, out of the
common, unusual, uncustomary,
unwonted, uncommon, fantastic,
grotesque, outlandish, exotic. (cf. pasah,
makatilingla, makatalanhg).
extremaunsyn, Extreme Unction. See

f, There is no sound in the Visayan

language corresponding to the letter f.
When it occurs in a foreign word, it is
pronounced by Visayans p, except, of
course, in the case of the educated Visayan,
by whom it is pronounced correctly. The
following words have become part of the
Visayan language, and are often written
with an f.
fbrica, (Sp.) Mill, works, factory,
manufacturing plant; goods made in a


factory. (cf. galingn, dawdwan,

fja, (Sp.) Band, bandage, belt, girdle,
sash. (cf. pha, wklos, wgkos).
falsificacin, (Sp.) Falsification,
falsificadr, (Sp.) Forger, counterfeiter,
falsificr, (Sp.) To forge, falsify,
flso, (Sp.) False, wrong, untrue;
spurious, fictitious, not authentic. (cf.
kulir; butg, butign).
flta, (Sp.) Fault, deficiency, defect,
omission, default, want, lack, failure; to fail
to, neglect, commit a fault, to default, not
to fulfil ones promise, not to perform ones
duty. Ind ka magflta sa pagsmba sa
mga Domngo kag Festa. Dont miss going
to Church on Sundays and Feast-days.
Nagflta si sa pagtman sang ya nga
katungdnan. He neglected to fulfil his
duties. (cf. sayp, sal; lpas, lpas).
fma, (Sp.) Fame, reputation, renown,
report, rumour, name. (cf. dungg,
famlia, (Sp.) Family, household, kith and
kin. (cf. panimaly).
famso, (Sp.) Famed, renowned, well
known, famous. (cf. dunggnan, kinilla,
lutw, bntug, bansgon).
fanga, (Sp.) Half a bushel (of rice, etc.).
farl, (Sp.) Lamp; light, especially a
hurricane lamp. (cf. sug, sol).
favr, (Sp.) Favour, kindness; to oblige,
favour, do a favour. Nagfavr si sa kon.
He did me a favour. Favr ang hngin. The
wind is favourable.
fcha, (Sp.) Date, to date. Fechahn mo
ang sult. Date the letter. (cf. dlaw;
panahn, dg-on).
feligrs, (Sp.) Parishioner. (cf. skup).
ferocarl, (Sp. ferrocarril) Railway,
fiadr, (Sp.) One going or giving bail or
surety for another, bondsman, guarantor,
surety, security. Fiadr gn, pagadr. The
one that goes bail is the one that pays.
finza, (Sp.) Bail, surety, security,
guarantee, pledge.
fista, (Sp.) Feast, Feast-day; to celebrate
a feast, especially the Feast of the Patron
Saint of a place. Ginfiestahn nla ang
kaadlwan sang mahl nla nga Patrn.
They celebrated the Feast of their Patron
Saint. Mamista ka man? Are you also
going to the feast, will you too take part in
the feast? (cf. pndut).
fho, (Sp.) Fix, fixed, firm, secure, stable.
(cf. mapg-on, malg-on, mabkud; pintud, pt-ud).
filosofa, (Sp.) Philosophy.
filsofo, (Sp.) Philosopher.
fltro, (Sp.) Filter. (cf. salan).
fno, (Sp.) Fine, nice, well made or done,
elegant, beautiful, delicate, tasteful,

exquisite, refined, polite, polished, dainty.

(cf. mayo, matahm, manyag,
magayn, makawiwli, makalulyag;
manmit; magamy).
frma, (Sp.) Signature, sign, mark, sign
manual; name of a firm, business, house,
concern; to sign ones name, subscribe.
Wal nya pagfirmah ang sult. He has
not signed the letter. Pafirmah si. Make
him sign.
firmamnto, (Sp.) Firmament, sky,
heaven, heavens, welkin, vault or canopy of
heaven. (cf. lngit).
fiscl, (Sp.) Fiscal, prosecutor, attorney
on behalf of the Government; the
amanuensis of a Parish Priest, Parish clerk.
Fiscl ProvincilProvincial Fiscal. (cf.
manunmbung (puodnnon)).
fiscala, (Sp.) The office of the fiscal;
place where a fiscal works.
flte, (Sp.) Freight, freightage, cartage,
carriage, conveyance, shipment. (cf.
flio, (Sp.) Folio, leaf of a book, size of a
book-leaf. (cf. pnid).
fnda, (Sp.) Hotel, inn, restaurant, alebouse, public-house, eating-house, hostel,
hostelry, tavern, hospice.
fndo, (Sp.) Bottom, depth, furthest end
or rear part; capital, funds, stock,
wherewithal; to provide capital, get funds
together. Sn-o ang nagfndo sinng bg-o
nga palatikngan? Who provided the
capital for this new business? Ginfondohn
nla ni Gabno inng almasn. Gabino and
his friends furnished the capital for this
shop. (cf. sadsran, pahunn).
fongrafo, (Sp.) Phonograph.
frma, (Sp.) Form, shape, figure, mould,
cast; wafer, host; model, type, pattern. (cf.
dgway, byhon; kahalimbw,
forml, (Sp.) Formal, polite, methodical;
steady, sedate, reliable, trustworthy.
formalidd, (Sp.) Formality; politeness,
etiquette; discretion, prudence.
fortna, (Sp.) Fortune; a kind of cactus
that bears beautiful flowers. (cf.
fsforo, (Sp.) Match, friction match,
lucifer. (cf. bag-dan, lag-ton).
frile, (Sp.) Friar; monk; religious,
member of a religious order.
franla, (Sp.) Flannel, woollen cloth,
cloth made of wool or a mixture of wool
and cotton. (cf. dilna).
frankyo, (Sp. franqueo) Postage;
fray, Contr. of fraile and used before the
proper name of a Friar, e.g. si Fray
Antnio. Father Anthony, Brother
frsa, (Sp.) Strawberry.
frto, (Sp.) Fried; to fry. Frithi ak sing
mank. Fry a chicken for me.

Visayan-English Dictionary
frontl, (Sp.) Frontal of an altar, frontal,
antependium. (cf. atubngan).
fulle, (Sp.) Bellows, a pair of bellows. (cf.
fursa, (Sp. fuerza) Force, strength,
might, vigour; coercion, compulsion; to
force, compel, etc. (cf. kusg, kabkud,
kabskug, kapg-on, kalg-on, paksug,
plit, lgus, pursa).
funcin, (Sp.) Function, ceremony; feast,
entertainment, social party, banquet,
dinner, repast. (cf. tbad, bd, belda,
belasyn, tinipntpon, katipnan, etc.).
fnda, (Sp.) Case, slip, pillow-slip, pillowcase. (cf. puts, balhos).
fusl, (Sp.) Musket, rifle, gun; to shoot
with a rifle. Fusil si. Shoot him. (cf.

g, The letter g in Visayan is pronounced

hard as in the English words gad, get,
goggle, gut, etc.. The combination ng has
a nasal sound very like ng in the English
word singer. (cf. letter n).
g, Woa!, an exclamation used to halt a
horse. (cf. hig; harw).
ga, Often stands for naga. Galakt si
nagalakt sihe walks.
gab, To low, bellow, moo (of cattle); to
weep, cry, blubber. Ginagaban sang bka
ang ya nga tnday nga nahaw. The cow
is lowing mournfully for her calf that was
slaughtered. A, inng bt dyon gid lang
nagagab. Why, this baby is constantly
crying. Ind mo ak paggaban kon
mamaty ak. Dont weep for me when I
die. Pagaba ang bt, agd makabat
ang ya nga loy kag magpal sa madal.
Make the baby cry so that its mother may
hear it and come home at once. Pagaba
lang ang bt tbtub kon sn-o matpus
ang ya hilibon. Just let the baby have its
cry out. Hpus ka lang, nd ka maggab.
Be quiet, dont cry. An na man ang
ginagaborginagaban mo? What are
you weeping for this time? (cf. hib, tngis,
hibubn-ot; gab is properly used in
connection with an animal, and the word
sounds rather rough and impolite when
used in connection with a human being,
though colloquially it is often employed).
gang, To heat, make hot, warm (by
putting near a stove or fire). Ganga ang
kamt mo, kay matgnaw. Warm your
hands, for it is cold. Gingang nya ang
ya mga til nga nabas tbtub nga
nagmal. He warmed his wet feet till they

frontl gbing
became dry. Gangi ak sing dan nga
tinpay, bhaw, etc. Warm up for me some
stale bread, cold rice, etc. Igang mo ak
nay sing sd-an. Heat for me, if you
please, some side-dish. Ipagang mo sa
manuglt inng tpa. Get the cook to heat
up this dried meat. Paganga si sang ya
mga kamt. Let him warm his hands. Ind
mo ak paggangan sing kn-on nga
bhaw, kay but ak kon sang
mabhaw. Dont warm the cold rice for
me, for I like to eat it cold. (cf. panit,
bangbang, arng, arng-ing).
gan-gan, (B) Abatement, decrease,
mitigation; to diminish, ease, lighten, make
less; to be or become tolerable, bearable,
easier to bear or carry. Nagagangan na
ang ya mga kalisd. His difficulties are
now beginning to decrease, are abating.
Gangana ang ya llan, kay ditay pa
si. Lighten his load, for he is small yet. (cf.
gb, To cut or scratch with a sharp
bamboo, with a splinter, or the like; to mete
out punishment, chastise, requite, punish,
castigate (of Divine Providence);
retribution, divine punishment, requital,
chastisement, castigation, divine vengeance
or justice. An ang nakagb sa mo?
Ginb ak sang kawyan. What gave you
this scratch?I was scratched by a
bamboo. Nagb ang kon kamt sang
binal nga khoy. My hand was cut by a
piece of split wood. Ind kam magbhat
sin, kay bs magaban kam. Dont do
that, for you may receive divine retribution.
Sa waly duhdha ang Mahl nga Dis
magagb sa la kunna. Doubtless God
will mete out to them later on a fitting
punishment. Ang mga Hudyo gingaban
sang dug sang Aton Gino. The Jews had
the blood of Our Lord visited on them. Sa
madal kon sa madgay magaabt gid sa
tann nga mga makasasl ang gb
sang Dis. Sooner or later all sinners will
meet with a condign punishment from God.
(cf. bklis; kastgo, blus, spat).
gabng, More than half-full; to fill more
than half-full. Inng bso nagabng sang
tbig. This glass is more than half-full of
water. Inng gantngan gingabng nla
sing humy. They filled this ganta more
than half-full with rice. Ind mo
paggabangn ang bso sing bno. Dont
fill the glass more than half-full with wine.
Ind mo si paghatgan sing humy nga
gabng sa panga. Dont give him more
than half a fanega of rice.
gabra, gabar, (Sp. gabarra) Lighter,
barge, small boat.
gbaw, The difference in price between
values exchanged; to pay or make up the
difference in price or value of two things
exchanged for each other. Pil ang gbaw
mo sa ya nga karabw? How much
difference in value did you pay him for his
buffalo? Igbaw mo sa kon kro duh ka

pl ka psos. Pay me twenty pesos as

difference in value for my cart. Baylohn ta
lang ang ton mga bka, kay gabwan ko
ikw kon pil ang ipagbaw mo. Let us
exchange our cows, for I am ready to pay
you what difference in value you may ask
for. Nabton mo ang kwrta nga
gingbaw nya sa mo kabyo? Have you
received the money he paid for your horse
as the difference in value? Kon malyag
ikw magbalgy sa kon sang mo bka,
ibyad ko sa mo ang kon bboy kag
katlon ka mngmang nga gbaw. If you
are willing to sell me your cow, I am ready
to pay you for her my pig and a balance of
thirty pesos.
gaby, To hold on to, cling to, clutch,
grip, grasp, fasten upon, seize, get,
lay, take, catch, lay fast, take firm,
hold of, keep oneself up by. Ginabayn
nya ang kawyan. He took hold of the
bamboo. Gabay ang kawyan, agd nd
ka malums. Keep yourself up by the
bamboo, lest you drown. Gabayn mo sing
mayo ang alobaybayn, agd nd ka
mahlug sa hgdan. Grasp the handrail
well, lest you should fall down the ladder.
Gaby ka sa khoy nga nagalutw, agd
nd ka malums. Cling to the floating
piece of wood, lest you should drown. (cf.
kapt, kpyot, yat).
gabayn, Support, life-buoy, anything
held or clung to for protection or security,
as a floating spar in water, a handrail or the
like. (cf. gaby; uluyatn, kalptan).
gbhay, Brindled, brinded, brownand
black spotted, with patches of brown
intermingled with patches of a darker
colour; to be or become brownandblack
spotted. Naggbhay gal ang bboy nga
sdto maitm. So, the pig that formerly
was black has become brownandblack.
gbi, A kind of dgmay with large roots.
gb-i, (H) Night, nightfall; to get,
grow, dark, become night. Mayong gbi. Good evening. Good night. Dal kam sa
pagpal, agd nd kam magabihn. Go
home quickly, lestyou should be
benighted,you should be overtaken by
night,night (darkness) should overtake
you. Naggb-i na kag wal pa si
magabt. It is quite dark, and he has not
arrived yet. Nagab-ihn kam ddto tungd
sang uln. We spent the night there on
account of the rain. (cf. kagab-hon).
gabgab, (B) A plant, anything, that
resembles gbi; similar to, like, gbi.
gabi, (B) Night. See gb-i.
gbing, To move or influence without
much ado, obtain a favour at short notice,
prevail upon easily. Ind ka makagbing
sinng to sa pagtbang sa mo. You
cannot easily get this man to assist you.
Gingbing ko gid si sa pagblig sa kon.
I prevailed on him at once to help me.
Tilawn mo lang si, pang sa kon bnt
nd mo si magbing sa pagpahulm sa


gabng-gbing gahd-ghud
mo sing kwrta. Just have a try at him,
but in my opinion you will be unable to
induce him to lend you any money. (cf.
gabng-gbing, Dim. and Freq. of
gbing. Ind mo si magabnggbing sa
mga butng nga btok sa ya nga
kabubt-on. You cannot coax him to do
things he has set his face against. (cf.
gbnot, To tear, pull, out, eradicate;
to unsheath. (cf. gbut, hlbot).
gabk, Rotten, decayed, decomposed; to
rot, become rotten, etc. Nagabk na inng
solras. This crossbeam has become rotten.
Gabk na ang khoy sa atp sang mo
baly. The wood in the roof of your house
is rotten. An, ginapagabk mo lang inng
khoy dir?Ho, pagabukn ko na lang,
kay wal na man sing puls. What! Are
you letting this timber rot here?Yes, I am
just letting it rot, for it is no longer of any
use. Nagabukn ang pamsud sang baly.
The corner of the house is decaying. (cf.
dnut, dunt).
gb-ul, (B) Half-cooked, underdone, not
properly cooked, not well done, especially
applied to peas and beans; to be
underdone, etc. Gb-ul pa ang kadis kag
ginbaht mo na. The cadios-beans are hard
still, and yet you have taken them off the
fire. Nagab-uln ak sinng mga baltong.
These beans are too hard for me. Ind mo
pagpagab-uln ang mga patni, knd
lagon mo sing mayo. Dont cook the
beans insufficiently, but boil them well. (cf.
alibtdan, lgdos, balotang).
gabn, To keepsnug,close,dark,
conceal, cover, keep out ofview,sight,
hush up. Maggabn ka sin. Keep it secret.
Ginagabunn nya ang kahuly-an sang
ya nga byan. He covers with silence his
friends disgrace. Gabun si sang ya nga
ginhm. Hush up what he has done.
Igabn mo ak sang kon pagplas sang
ya nga karabw. Please say nothing about
my having wounded his buffalo. (cf. tbon,
tg, hingabn, hinabn).
gbut, To pull, weed, root, pluck,
grub, up, draw out, extract, eradicate.
Gabta ang mga gmhon. Pull up the
weeds. Igbut ak nay sinng hilamn.
Please pluck up this grass for me.
Lunglunga nay inng lnsang nga
mawot kag ugling gabton mo. Shake
this firm nail first to and fro and then draw
it out. Nagabtan ang nakawan sang
mga eskwla sang tann nga barri. The
school-children weeded out from the Public
square all bariri-grass. Gabti ak sing
gtuk sang kamtis, talng, etc. Pull up by
the roots for me some tomato, eggplantseedlings, etc. (cf. lkat, hlbot).
gdgad, Use, usefulness, utility,
advantage, benefit, profit, purpose; trouble.
An ang gdgad mo sa pagkdto ddto?
What is the use of going over there?


Visayan-English Dictionary
Makdto sil didto sa pagpangt sing
gdgad. They are going there to look for
trouble. (cf. dlpot, gud, soy, puls;
gam, kagarokn, glgal).
gdgad, To bait, badger, nag at, make a
butt or laughing-stock of, pillory, hold up
to ridicule or contempt, criticize
malevolently, expose one to the contempt
of bystanders so as to make him angry or in
order to pick an open quarrel with him.
Gingdgad nya ang kakulngan ni
Fulno tbtub nga nangkig si. He spoke
of N.N.s shortcomings till he got angry.
Ind mo paggadgarn (adn) ang sal
sang mo isigkato. Dont always harp
upon your neighbours fault. Ind ka
maggdgad sang kasaypnan ni Hos kay
awt man lmang, kay si ya
mapainubson kag nd magbtok ukn
magkig. Dont constantly bring up Joss
failings against him, because it is of no use,
for he on his part is humble and will not
make opposition or get angry about it. (cf.
gdlas, A scratch, etc. See gdras.
gady, Incompetent, useless, worthless,
inept, inefficient, unfit, below the standard.
Gady nga abogdo, manundl,
mangungma, etc. A lawyer of low
attainments, an incompetent teacher, an
indifferent farmer, etc. Also verb.
Naggady na si nga panglo-bnwa. He
has become unfit to be Municipal
President. Nagadoyn ak sa ya. To me
he appears to be a worthless fellow. (cf.
hsl, kabs, kulabs, wal sing gud,
waly puls, mnus).
gdras, A scratch, abrasion, bruise; a cut,
gash, laceration, ragged wound; to scratch,
wound, hurt, injure, cut, gash. Si Fulno
sing ya bisn gdras, wal. N.N. was not
hurt at all, had not even a scratch.
Nagdras sing malb ang ya pa. His
leg wasbadly hurt,gashed,severely
cut. (cf. kdlas, gdlas, bklis, pkris, pkad, plas).
gdy, Elephant; monster, huge beast (in
gga, See under ggo.
gg, Insistence, persistency,
importunacy, pertinacity. (cf. paggto
insist, importune).
ggmay, gagmy, To be small, etc. See
ggo, (Sp. gago) Stuttering, stammering,
having an impediment in ones speech;
lacking intelligence, not quite right in ones
mind. (cf. ng-ang, piht, knl, ht-on;
buangt, kulngkulng, kolkol; etc.).
N.B. In speaking of females, gga is often
ghab, Gain, profit, return, proceeds; to
gain, profit, make (money) on. Pil ang
ghab mo sa bboy nga ginbalgy mo?
How much did you gain on the pig you
sold? Gingahban ko ang sd sing ttlo
ka psos. I made three pesos on the fish.

Kon bklon mo in dir kag ibalgy mo

ddto, sarng ka makaghab sing lim ka
psos. If you buy this here and sell it there,
you can make a profit of five pesos. Wal
sing ghab sa am nga balgy. There is
no gain in such merchandise. It does not
pay to handle such merchandise. (cf.
gannsya, lhab, ghi, splid,
ghi, (Sp. gaje) Pay, wages, salary; profit,
advantage, benefit, earnings, fees,
perquisites. (cf. shol; ghab).
ghid, To clean ones eyes, take out or
removedust,a grain of sand,a mote,
etc. from the eye, from a wound or the like
by means of a soft, bent material suitable
for the operation. Ighid mo inng
pungngo sang dhon sang ksla sa mo
mat, agd makh ang pling. Use this
leaf-stalk of the casla-plant to clean your
eye with, so that the mote may be taken
away. Gahra (da) ang kon mat nga
napun (nabt) sing yb-ok. Remove the
dust from my eye, for it is full of it. (cf.
kolkog, kwhi, khit).
gahgah, (B) The best, or least
objectionable, amongst a number of bad,
spoilt or worthless objects.
ghit, To clear a road through dense
undergrowth, cut or hack ones way
through, open a passage through a jungle.
Gahti ak sing dlan. Clear a road for me.
Sn-o ang nagghit sing algyan dir?
Who was it that cleared a passage here?
Ighit ang binngon sinng masot nga
lugr. Use the bolo to cut a way through
this jungle. Dak ang ya pagbats kag
madm nga kabudlyan ang ya nga
gingyan sa pagghit sing dlan sinng
bg-o nga palatikngan. He had to suffer
much and go through much fatigue in
opening the way for this new enterprise.
gah, Familiar name, pet name (amongst
relations and friends). (cf. hay, ay;
ghud, Noise, boisterousness, din,
uproar, racket, hubbub, hullaballoo,
clatter; row, disorder, trouble; to be noisy,
make a noise, etc. Ind kam magghud or
maggalhud. Dont make such a noise.
Ginahran (dan) ak nya. He
disturbed me with the noise he made. He
was noisy in my presence or within my
hearing. Pagahra lang ang mga bt.
Just let the boys make some noise. Ang
manuglygay nga dl nla yon
pinagahran nla sing lta. They made a
noise with tin-cans to disturb the preacher
they did not like. Ginagahran kag
ginagmwan ang bnwa sang duh ka
bnghay nga nagasampkay. The town is
in a hullaballoo and is much disturbed by
the fighting of the two opposing factions.
(cf. galng, gam, gark).
gahd-ghud, Dim. and Freq. of ghud.
Ang mga bt nagaginahdghud. The
boys are rather noisy.

Visayan-English Dictionary
gahk, Hollow, deep, sunken; a hollow,
hole, sinus, fistula. (cf. ghuk).
ghuk, To become hollow, form a cavity,
sinus or fistula, said of an ulcerating
wound, of rottenness in timber, etc.
Nagghuk ang ya pils. His wound
formed a deep, festering cavity. Ang mrka
sang karabw nagkaghuk (naghuk),
kay indlan. The brand on the buffalo
became deep, for it became infested by
worms. (cf. bh, gwb, gab, gkab).
gahm, Power, might, authority, control,
rule, command, supremacy, right, warrant,
dominion, sway, sovereignty; to govern,
administer, preside over, have power, hold
sway, etc. Sn-o ang nagagahm dir? Who
is in authority here? Gmhi (gahum) ang
mo, nd ka magslig sa ibn. Manage
your own affairs, dont put reliance on
others. Pagmha (pagahum) si sang
mo dt. Let him look after your land.
Gmhi kag pnggi ang mo mga
kailbgon. Keep in subjection and repress
your passions. Igahm ak nay sang
kon panimaly, kay ak kon
mapamanl. Kindly look after my
household, for I am going to Manila.
Naggahm si sing ttlo ka tig. He
governed for three years. Ginagahumn
sil sang mga mapigson nga dumulong.
They are being ruled by oppressive
strangers. Andam ka, agd nd ka
magahumn sang mga kaduyugn nga
malut. Be careful, lest evil inclinations
should overpower you. Ang tann nga
gahm nagagkan sa Dis. All authority
comes from God. (cf. k, dumla,
panglo, ttap; gamhnan,
makagaghum; palangakan,
gahs, (B) To undertake, deal with, be
able to, have capacity for, be capable or
competent, tackle, master, accomplish,
overcome, outdo, manage. Makagahs ka
bal sinng bat nga halakwton?Ho,
sarng ko magahs in. Can you tackle this
stone that is to be lifted?Yes, I can tackle
it. Kon wal ak sing blig nd ko
magahs ang tann nga mga buluhatn
sa suld sang baly. Without help I am
unable to perform all the house-work.
Gahus lang ang mo trabho. Do your
best to get your work done (without outside
help) Nagahs nya gal ang paghkwat
sang mabg-at nga halgi. After all he was
able to lift the heavy post. Naghunhn
si nga ya magahs si Fulno sa dmug,
pang nagsayp si. He thought he could
beat N.N. at wrestling, but he was
mistaken. Dugngi ang mga
mamumugn, agd makagahs sil sa
pagpatndog sang tytay sa suld sang is
ka simna. Increase the number of
workmen, so that they may be able to set
up the bridge within a week (cf. agm,
gakm, gakm, k, sarng).

gahk galn
gi. But, still, yet, though,
notwithstanding. Ginpaabt ko si karn,
gi wal man si makaabt. I expected
him at this time, but he has not turned up.
(cf. ibgo, igi, ugi).
gid, To bind, fasten, tether, hitch or lash
to, secure, picket, moor, make fast to, tie to.
Igid ang kalt sa bgsok. Fasten the rope
to the stake. Gingid nla si sa is ka
halgi. They bound him fast to a post. Igid
ang karabw sa kodl. Tether the buffalo
to the fence. Gari (di) inng bgsok
sang mo kabyo. Tie up your horse to this
stake. Sn-o ang naggid sang kon id sa
hgdan? Who tied my dog to the ladder?
Pagabt ko dir nagid na si. It was tied
when I arrived here. (cf. higt, bngot).
gakm, The span of the hand; to span,
clasp, grasp, encircle with the hand; to cope
with, be able to do, be capable of
performing. Gakam ang kon btkon,
kay tan-awn ko kon makagakm ikw
sin. Clasp my arm with your hand, for I
wish to see whether you can span it.
Igakm ak nay sang mga hilimosn sa
dgamohn. Kindly undertake to look after
the things to be prepared in the kitchen.
Makagakm bal si sin? Is he able to
cope with this? Gakamn ko gid, kon
malyag ikw, ang mong aradohn. I will
undertake to do your ploughing, if you like.
(cf. gakp, gakm, gaml, gahs, agm,
gakp, See gakm.
gkid, To rope, cord, bind. See gkut id.
gakd-gkid, Dim. and Freq. of gkid.
gakd-gakd, Dry ear-wax, cerumen. (cf.
gakt, A kind of bird; wild duck.
gkit, To string or bind together, fasten
one to another. Ginkit nga kawyan.
Bamboos fastened together. Gakta ang
mga kawyan nga pulnton, kay ipanod
ko sa sub. String together the bamboos for
the fishtrap, for I am going to float them
down river. (cf. gkid, gid, gkut; higt,
gakm, See gakm id.
gkud, The base of a tree, the trunk or
stem of a tree near the ground, where the
roots branch off; the great, mighty,
influential, rich people of a place. Sn-o ang
mga gkud sinng bnwa? Who are the
most influential men in this town? (cf.
kadalagkun, kadaragkuln).
gkut, A bundle or package tied together
with a string, especially applied to rice
corded or roped in the field, a sheaf. (One
gkut is equal to one tabungs or,
discounting the ears, to about one bushel of
threshed rice); to tie, bind, fasten with a
string or rope, to rope or cord, to sheaf.
Gakti ang humy sa tabungs. Bind the
rice in the tabungs-basket. Igkut ak
sang bnh nga humy. Please sheaf the
seed-rice. Gakti ak sing humy nga

bilinhon. Bind a bundle of seed-rice for

me. Igkut inng ps sa pinuts. Tie the
parcel with this string. (cf. puts, balhos,
gakt, Rope, cable, mooring (cables and
anchors). (cf. gkut).
gla, (Sp. gala) Gala, full dress, dress worn
on solemn occasions; premium, present,
reward, pay; to reward, give a present or
tip, offer a premium or payment. Inng
mga bt nagapagla sa pagknta kag
pagsut. These children sing and dance for
presents. Kon mon kam satan, pil ang
igla nnyo sa mon? If we dance for you,
how much will you give us? Gingalhan
nya sil sing tagpistas. He made them a
present of twenty centavos each. (cf. htag,
reglo, tgr, ta, byad, shol).
galaangn, Fireside, hearth, oven, stove.
(cf. gang).
galb, (H) Sickle, reaping-hook. (cf.
glabto cut with a sickle).
glab, (H) To cut with a sickle, reap.
Galba ang hilamn. Cut the grass with a
sickle. Dl mo pagiglab ang kotslyo sa
hilamn. Dont use the knife as a sickle in
cutting down the weeds. Galbi ang
humy, kay laks katas. Cut off the tops
of the rice with a sickle, for it is too high.
Galbi ang kabyo sing sakti. Reap some
zacate-fodder for the horse. Iglab mo ak
nay sinng mga gmhon. Please cut down
these weeds with the sickle. Ipaglab lang
sa ya inng hilamn nga ipakon nya sa
bka. Let him cut this grass with the sickle
to feed his cow.
glab, (H) The method of reaping rice
with the sickle. (cf. nito cut off the riceears with the kayg).
galabyan, (H) Life-buoy, etc. See
gal-gla, Dim. and Freq. of gla. Also:
To dress or line with mortar, decorate,
beautify. Galagalhi ang tabrya sing
semnto. Line the slabs with cement.
galahd, (H) Feather, brush or other
instrument used to remove a foreign body
from the eye, anything used to perform the
action of ghid. (cf. gmi).
galalngon, (H) Grist, that is to be milled
or ground. May galalngon pa ikw nga
tub? Have you any more sugar to be
milled? Mas nga galalngon. Corn to be
ground. (cf. galng).
galamitn, (H) Equipment, utensils,
furniture, outfit, gear, implements, tackle,
appliances, tools, apparatus. (cf. gmit;
galn, (Sp. galan) Gallant, courtier, ladies
man; spruce, natty, dressy, well dressed,
neat and trim; to be gallant, smart, dapper;
to be bright, conspicuous, visible from afar.
Galn si. He is a gallant. He is spick and
span, neat and trim, etc. Nagagaln ang
ya bste. Her dress is very conspicuous,
bright, glaring, visible from a far distance.


galans galytas
(cf. knang, dang, dagngdang; hpig,
galans, Knife, any sharp-edged tool
used for cutting. (cf. garans, urutp,
sndang, kotslyo; gans).
galangn, A tree with sour, edible fruit.
(cf. garngan).
galng-galng, A kind of rice-cake. (cf.
galasthan, (H) Expenses, things to be
paid for, things requiring outlay or
expenditure. (cf. gsto; balyran,
galasthon, (H) Expenditure,
wherewithal, money or other assets in
hand. (cf. hilinguyngon).
galatng, (H) Fuel, fire-wood, kindling
wood, firing, faggots. (cf. gatng).
glaw, A spiked entrance. See graw.
galawhan, galawahn, (H)
Observation post, lookout, window or any
other position from which one can see who
is below or passing by. (cf. gwa).
galawhnon, (H) Anything set with
spikes, hence: acrimony, difference,
dissension, quarrel, wrangle, controversy.
(cf. glaw),
galawin, (H) Usual, customary;
accustomed, used to, practised in. (cf.
galbanisdo, (Sp. galvanizado)
Galvanized, electroplated.
glgal, Use, advantage, usefulness, avail,
etc. See gdgad.
glgal, Trouble, molestation,
exasperation consequent on some request,
an adverse criticism or the like; to trouble,
look for trouble. Ind ka mangt sing
glgal. Dont look for trouble, dont do
that, lest you should give offence or create
difficulties for yourself. (cf. gdgad).
glh, (B) To take charge of, tackle,
handle, perform, execute, work with ones
own hands, put ones hand to, accomplish
with actual personal labour. Sn-o ang
nagglh sang paghaw sang bboy? Who
killed the pig? Who actually performed all
the work in connection with the killing of
the pig? Galho lang ang mga hilikotn sa
simbhan sa pndut. Take charge
personally of all the preparations in the
Church for the feast. Iglh ak sinng sd
sa paglt. Kindly cook this fish for me
yourself (in person). Ginglh ni Fulno
ang ilibusn. N.N. personally got ready all
the requisites for making a dish of bus.
Kon mal-oy ka, galhon mo lang ang
tann nga mahgk sang masakt. For
mercys sake, undertake all the work of
cleaning the sick person. (cf. agm, gap,
gaml, gakm, gakm, gml, hml).
glhom, (H) A silhouette, phantom, a
dim, shadowy, obscure outline or figure, an
indistinct form seen in the dark; dim,
undefined, ill-defined, blurred; to glimpse,
show in vague outline. Sang paglakt


Visayan-English Dictionary
nmon sang las dse ang gb-i sa
Ilnglong may nakt kam nga is ka to
nga nagaglhom sa higd sang dlan.
When we were walking at twelve oclock at
night to Iloilo, we caught a glimpse of a
man at the side of the road. (cf. dgway,
gal, Really! Can that be! Is that so!
Indeed! Fancy that! You dont say so! Who
would have thought it! Din ka makdto?
Sa Manl.Sa Manl, gal. Where are
you going to?To Manila.To Manila,
indeed? I am surprised to hear it. Sn-o ang
tagya sinng malpad nga dt?Si
Fulno.Si Fulno, gal! Who owns these
extensive grounds?N.N.N.N., I couldnt
have guessed it.
gling, Milling, especially the milling of
sugar-cane. Sn-o matpus ang nyo
gling? When shall you finish your milling?
(cf. galng).
galng, To mill, grind, pulverize, reduce to
powder, powder, comminute, crush, put
through a mill or between grinding stones.
Sn-o kam magagalng sang nyo tub?
When shall you mill your sugar-cane?
Galing ak sing ditay nga mas, humy,
kap, etc. Grind for me some corn, rice,
coffee, etc. Igalng ak nay sinng is ka
gntang nga kap. Please, grind this
ganta of coffee for me. Kay wal ak
sing galingn nga kon kaugalngon,
ipagalng ko lang ang kon tub sa
galingn ni Fulno. As I have no sugarmill of my own, I will have my sugar-cane
put through N.N.s mill. (cf. gling).
galingn, Mill, machine; grinding-stone,
grindstone. Galingn-tub. A sugar-mill.
Galingn-humy. A rice-hulling machine.
(cf. galng, gling, galalngon, dawdwan,
galt, (H) To habituate, etc. (cf. glit).
glit, (H) To get into the habit or knack of,
accustom to, inure, exercise, habituate,
train, allure, entice, tempt. Galta si sa
paginm sing ditay nga tub. Accustom
him to drink a little toddy. Ginglit niya
ang mank sa pagsmpok. He trained the
cock to fight. Naglit na si sa pagkon
sing bus. He is now accustomed to eating
bus. Ind mo si paggalton sa
paghmpang sang barha. Dont induce,
entice, allure, tempt him to play cards.
Dont get him into the habit of playing
cards. (cf. nad, hnas, bnggad, pabuy,
galt, (H) To provoke, excite, nettle, sting,
enrage, exasperate, tease, irritate, make
angry. Ind mo ak paggalitn. Dont make
me angry. Gingalt nya ang kon id nga
nagalok sa bid. He teased the dog that
was lying in the corner. Ind ka maggalt
sinng karabw, kay magasngay
(magapanngay). Dont enrage this
buffalo, for he will strike with his horns. (cf.

galt-galt, (H) Dim. and Freq. of galt.

To tease a little, irk, weary, disturb, bore;
incite, provoke. (cf. tuld, sgyot, sdyot).
gal, A ladleful; to lade, ladle, dip, spoon
or draw out with a ladle or dipper, scoop
up. Ang manuglt nagagal na sang
tinla. The cook has begun to ladle out the
side-dish. Glwi (galoh) ak sing is ka
gal nga kn-on, spas, sabw, etc. Give
me a ladleful of rice, soup, broth, etc. Igal
ak nay sinng tinla nga natigna sa
mga dumulaw. Please ladle out this sidedish for the visitors. Ginlwan ak ni
Fulno sing krne nga laya. N.N.
scooped out for me some boiled meat. Ind
ka magsabt, kay bs maglwan man
ikw. Dont say a word or you may catch it,
(receive a scolding or the like). (cf. sark,
gal-gal, To tease, vex, irritate, annoy.
Ind mo si paggalgaln, kay makig
gid si. Dont tease him, for he will get
gal-glo, gal-gal, Dim. and Freq.
of galto ladle, dip out, etc.
galn, (Sp. galn) Gallon, liquid measure
containing four quarts; galloon, braid,
trimming, strips as used in uniforms, etc.,
as a mark of distinction or simple
decoration; to provide or furnish with
galloons, etc. Galon ang ya pak sing
duh ka galn. Put two stripes or galloons
on his sleeve. Galonn ko lang inng
hnero nga mapul. Ill just make galloons
of this red cloth. Ang is ka lta nga ags
may lim ka galn. One can of petroleum
contains five gallons.
gl-um, Cloud, mist, vapour, haze, fog; to
be or become cloudy, misty, hazy, foggy,
overcast, etc. Naggl-um ang kalibtan.
The sky is overcast with clouds. Nagalumn ang lngit, dlaw, etc. The heavens
are, the sun is, covered with clouds. (cf.
mbon, alopop, pangnod, dmpug).
gal-umn, Cloudy, lowery, lowering,
gloomy, overcast; pertaining to clouds.
galng, To shorten, cut short, cut back.
Galung ang bohk nga nyon sa gtang
sinng bt, kay nagatbon sang ya mga
mat. Cut back the hair on the forehead of
this child, for it covers its eyes.
galng, (B) Noise, din, uproar, racket,
hubbub, hullaballoo, clatter,
boisterousness; to make a din, noise, etc.
Ind kam maggalng. Dont make a noise.
Ind ak nnyo paggalungn. Dont disturb
me with your noise. Pagalung lang sil.
Let them make a noise. Dlha ddto sa
nhan ang mga knding kag id, kay
ipagalng sa la katipnan. Take the goats
and dogs over there to disturb their
meeting with the noise. Pagkagalng
sinng mga bt! How boisterous those
boys are! (cf. ghud).
galytas, (Sp. galleta) Hardtack, shipbiscuit; a small vessel or pan.

Visayan-English Dictionary
gm, To cut, scratch, graze, slit,
slash, gash, slightly, lacerate with a
splinter, a sharp piece of bamboo, etc. (cf.
gm, To fell, cut down, particularly
applied to bamboo. Gama ang kawyan.
Cut down the bamboo. Gami ak sing
napl ka naht nga kawyan. Cut down
ten pieces of bamboo for me. Igm inng
binngon sa kawyan. Cut the bamboo
down with this bolo. Igm ak sinng
pat ka naht nga kawyan. Kindly cut
down for me these four pieces of bamboo.
(cf. puld, pkan).
gman, Liking, pleasure, inclination,
attraction; intention, care, thought, mind,
will, intent, resolve. Wal si sing gman
nga maglakt ddto. He has no intention of
going there. He does not care to go there.
May gman si sa pagbakl sang kon
bka. He wants, wishes, would like,
to buy my cow. (cf. ty, katuyon, bag,
bagl, thoy, gna, tman).
gamy, To become or make small, thin,
slender, fine, delicate, little, tiny, slim, to
thin, pare down, whittle. Naggamy ang
prno sa laks nga tktok. The bolt
became quite slender through excessive
rust. Gamay ang binklan. Thin down the
piece of split bamboo. Ipagamy ko sa mo
inng mabahl nga bastn. Ill hand over
to you this big stick and you will make it
slender. Ang kalt nabgras sa
nagamayn. The rope snapped where it
was thin. (ggmay).
gmbal, To be or become bulky, awkward
to carry. (cf. bngkag, mabngkag,
gamhnan, Mighty, powerful, potent,
puissant, ruling, commanding, holding
sway, reigning, governing. (cf. gahm).
gmhon, Weed; any useless, injurious or
obnoxious plant.
gamt. Frequented, resorted to, etc. (cf.
damt, dan).
gamt, Tool, instrument, utensil,
implement, tackle, gear, equipment, outfit,
appliance, apparatus. (cf. galamitn,
gmit, To employ, use, make use of, resort
to, apply, avail oneself of, utilize. Gamta
lang ang kon lagr. Use my saw. Gamti
ang d sing ltigo, agd magpalgyo.
Use the whip on the dog so that it may run
away. Gamta ang pyong, kay nagauln.
Use the umbrella, for it is raining. Gamtan
mo si sing bastn, kon magsutl. Give him
the stick, if he gets naughty. Gingmit nya
ang kon ardo sa ya nga um. He used
my plough for his field. Ipagmit mo sa
kon ang mo karabw sa pagardo sa
bus. Permit me to make use of your
buffalo to-morrow for ploughing. Gingmit
nya ang ya palangakan sa
pagmnggad. He availed himself of his
official position to enrich himself. Gamta

gm gng-gang
ang timpo sing mabot. Employ your
time wisely.
gmla, gmlon, etc. See under gaml.
gml, To perform in person, tackle (it)
oneself, etc. See glh id. Gamlon
gam, See gam.
gaml, To grasp, grip, clasp, span,
encircle with the hand; to cope with, be
able, competent, capable of. Gmla
(gamol) ang btkon ko, kon makagaml
ka sin. Encircle my arm with your fingers,
if you can. Span my arm, if you can. Ind
nya magaml in. He is not capable of
doing that. (cf. gakm, etc.).
gamn, Disappointment, balk, check,
defeat or failure ofexpectation,hope,
wish,desire,intention; to disappoint,
balk, baffle, dash ones hopes, fail one,
frustrate ones expectations, leave in the
lurch, defeat of expectation, etc. Nagamn
si, kay but si kuntn magsaky pa
Manl, pang wal si makahaln dir,
kay nagmasakt si nnay nya. He suffered
a disappointment, for he would have liked
to embark for Manila, but could not get
away from here, because his mother fell ill.
D mo ak pagpagmnon
(pagpagamonn). Dont leave me in the
lurch, dont fail or disappoint me. Sn-o
ang nagpagamn sa mo? Who was the
cause of your disappointment?
Ginpagamn ak ni Fulno. N.N. brought
my hopes or expectations to nothing.
gamt, Root; to take root, become rooted,
put forth roots. Naggamt na ang gtuk
sang tabk. The tobacco-seedling has
taken root. Ipagamt mo sa tagipos-on
nya ang mayo nga batsan. Make good
habits take root in his heart.
gmsa, gmson, etc. See under
gamsto salt, pickle.
gam, Disturbance, row, riot, trouble,
disorder, tumult, fracas, affray, melee,
uproar, squabble, brawl, commotion; to
cause a disturbance, etc., throw into
confusion, take away peace or tranquillity.
May gam sil sa la baly. There is some
disorder or commotion in their home. Ind
kam maggam or magginam dir sa
mon. Dont disturb us here. Dont
interrupt our peace or tranquillity.
Ginmwan nya ang bnwa. He caused a
commotion in town. Inng duh ka to
may dak nga gam. These two men are at
loggerheads, are having a serious fight or
quarrel between themselves. Pagmwa
(pagamuh) lang sil, kay wal man sing
puls kon mo sil husyon, kay nd sil
mamt. Just let them fight it out, for it is
of no use to try to mediate, as they wont
listen to you. An ang
nanginkabangdnan sinng gam? What
is the origin or cause of this riot? (cf.
gark, ghud, galng, gbat).
gams, To salt, brine, steep in brine,
pickle. Gmsa (gamus) ang hpon. Salt

down the hipon-fish. Gmsi (gamus) ak

sing ttlo ga gntang nga tabagk. Pickle
for me three gantas of tabagac-fish. Igams
ak sinng bboy. Please salt and pickle
this pork for me. Ipagams ko sa kosinro
inng is ka bgs nga krne. Ill get the
cook to salt down this piece of meat. (cf.
asn, llang, pats).
gamsa, (Sp. gamuza) Chamois; shammy
skin, leather made from the skin of the
chamois or of other antelopes.
gna, (Sp. gana) Appetite, relish, mind,
inclination, leaning, wish, desire, liking for.
Wal ak sing gna sa pagkon. I have no
appetite for food. May gna si sa. He
has a liking or inclination for. (cf. yon,
lyag, gman, gin, kaduyugn, kabyok,
kabug, tman, wli, l, ma).
gannsya, (Sp. ganancia) Gain, profit
return, proceeds; winnings; to gain, profit,
make on, make pay. Naggannsya si sing
pat ka psos. He made a profit of four
pesos. Ginganansyahn ak nya sing
ttlo ka pistas. He had a a gain of sixty
centavos from me. Ind ak malyag nga
maggannsya ka sa kon sa bgay nga
dl matrung. I do not like you to get a
profit out of me by unfair methods. (cf.
gbaw, splid; kasaplidnan).
gans, Insipid, tasteless, savourless,
mawkish, watery, wishy-washy (applied
especially to fruits and vegetables). Inng
kalabsa gans or magans. This squash
is insipid. (cf. marabtasty).
gnas, Appetite, relish, etc. See gna.
gnas, To cut, hack, cleave,
through, sever, sunder. Gansa ang pn.
Cut the mesh. Cut through the net-work.
(cf. tud, bgt, top; galans, garans).
gans, Severed, sundered, cut
through,asunder, cloven. (cf. gnas,
gndo, Sign, mark, indication, token,
presage, prognostic, omen. Wal sing
gndo ang kalibtan nga magauln
karn. There is no indication that it is
going to rain presently. Wal man si sing
gndo nga mapamanl. There is no sign
that he is going to Manila. (cf. anno,
tnd, timan, gman, ty, pt-in).
gnga, An earthen roasting pot with an
opening in its side, used mostly for roasting
coffee, rice and corn.
gng-gang, To heat or warm near a
stove or fire. Ganggang ang kamt mo.
Warm your hands. Ignggang ang til mo
sa kalyo. Warm your feet at the fire.
Ganggang ang by mo sa kalyo tbtub
nga magmal. Dry your jacket at the fire.
Si Fulno nagagnggang
(nagapagnggang) sang ya kamt sa
kalyo. N.N. is warming his hands at the
fire. Gingnggang nya ang tinpay nga
dan. He toasted the stale bread. (cf.
bagng, gang, arng, bangbang,


gnggong garal
gnggong, Large, tall, big. (cf. dak,
lntyog, hnggud; gnggong seems to be
of Chinese origin).
ganghan, Door, gate, gateway,
entrance, exit, portal, postern, wicket. (cf.
gawng, purta, puerthan, ganhan).
gnghal, Clumsy, stupid, foolish,
awkward, dull, slow. (cf. pkok, kagng,
bikwlon, pungg, mang, tangadl,
tipangg, bngaw, tampuhw, etc.).
ganhan, Door, etc. See ganghan.
gn, Certainly, surely, of course,
therefore, for that very reason, naturally,
there you are, quite clear. Am gn. Of
course, that is it. Ginhambaln ko gn si
sinng mga butng. As was to be expected,
I talked to him about those matters.
Nagsilng ak gn nga . I certainly
said that . (cf. ngn).
gn-it, To pinch, twist, pull (ones nose,
ear, hair, etc.). Gan-it ang ya dalnggan.
Pinch his ear. (cf. gnit).
gnit, To pull, drag, tear at, rumple, tousle
(ones hair, etc.); to twist, pinch (ones ear,
etc.). Dl mo pagganton ang ya bohk.
Dont rumple his hair. (cf. gn-it, gurnit,
btong, gulpat, kospad, gurmus).
gant, Tough, stiff, rigid; to stiffen,
toughen, make rigid or inflexible. But
mostly used in the form pagant with the
meaning: to be stubborn, tenacious,
refractory, unyielding, unbending, hard to
manage, difficult to deal with, to make
objection to, offer resistance to. Inng bt
nagapagant sa ya ily, kay nd si but
magpal. This child objects to go with its
mother, for it does not want to go home.
Ind ka magpagant, kon twgon ka sa
pagpakar dir. Dont be stubborn when
you are called to come here. Dlhon ko gid
ikw ddto, bisn magpagant ikw. I will
take you there, even though you offer
resistance. Ang makwat nga nadakp
nagpagant sa pols. The thief that was
caught resisted the police. Sang pagkdto
nmon sa Manl pinaganotn kam nya
sa dlan, kay nd si but magupd sa
mon. When we went to Manila he became
refractory on the road, for he did not wish
to go with us. Ind mo pagpaganotn ang
mo ily, kon sogon ka nya nga
magpal. Dont be naughty disobeying
your mother, if she orders you to go home.
(cf. wot, hnit).
gnoy, To draggle, drag, draw or pull
along. Ind mo pagganyon ang bt, kay
malay ang mo kadton. Dont drag your
child along, for you have a long distance to
go. Gingnoy gid lang nya ang ya
patdyong sa lnang nga wal nya
pagbalaknga. She just draggled her skirt
through the mud instead of tucking it up.
(cf. gyud, dal, sagmboy, sgnoy).
gnsa, (Sp. gansa) Goose.
gnsal, Noise, din, racket, uproar,
boisterousness; to be noisy, set up a din,
make adin,racket,noise, etc. Dalyon


Visayan-English Dictionary
gid lang ang la nga paggnsal dir. They
are constantly making a racket here.
Ginansaln ak nla sa idlum sang baly.
They annoyed me with their boisterousness
underneath the house. (cf. ghud, galng).
ganslyo, (Sp. ganchillo) A little hook, a
crochethook, crochetneedle.
gnso, (Sp. ganso) Gander. (cf. gnsa
gnso, (Sp. gancho) A hook; a hair-pin,
(cf. ganslyo).
gntang, A ganta, a quantity equal to
1/25 of a psongbushel.
gantngan, A measure containing one
gnya, To like, wish to have, desire, fancy,
long for, take to, go in for, be attracted by
or pleased with, hanker after. Nagnya ak
sinng by. I like (or am pleased with) this
jacket. Kon makt mo ang ya bg-o nga
baly magnya ka gid. When you see his
new house, you will certainly like it very
much. Ganyah (paganyah) si sa
pagbakl sinng mga saptos. Make him
fancy and buy these boots. Ginpagnya ko
si sa pagupd sa kon. I persuaded him
to accompany me. Nagnya si sa
pagsugl. He has taken to gambling. He
has gone in for gambling. (cf. lyag, gna,
gnyat, See gnya.
gnyat, To grasp, take, catch, hold of,
grip, seize, clasp, etc. Ganyat ang bastn.
Catch hold of the stick. (cf. kapt, kpyot,
gp, To droop, bend, hang down, as the
branches of a tree, etc. Ang mga sang
sinng khoy nagagp. The branches of
this tree droop. Nagkatulg kam sa
hndong sang is ka madbung nga ph
kag sang paghngin sing mabskog
nagapan kam sang ya mga sang. We
were sleeping in the shadow of a dense
mango-tree and when the wind blew
strongly its branches bent down low over
us. (cf. dbung, gway, kway).
gpas, To fell, cut down. Gapsa ang
khoy. Cut down the tree. (cf. taps).
gpas, (Sp. gafas) Spectacles, eye-glasses;
to wear or use spectacles. Inng to
nagagpas or nagapanggpas. This man
wears spectacles.
gaps, Talon, fang, claw, nail; a clutch,
clench, firm grip, grasp. Ang kail nga pis
pinilsan sang matstis nga mga gaps
sang is ka mabangs nga salagywan.
The poor chicken was wounded by the cruel
talons of a ferocious hawk.
gp, A breaking bydoubling up,
bending,folding; to break by bending, etc.
Gingp sang hngin ang humy. The rice
was bent and broken by the wind. Gapa
ang amkan. Break the bamboo mat by
doubling it up. Gapi ak sinng banslak.
Break this piece of split bamboo for me.
Kon may bgyo madm nga mga tmb

nga lawsan ang magp. If there is a

storm many tall bamboo shoots will be bent
and broken. (cf. bl, gpik).
gap-gp, Dim. and Freq. of gp.
Gapgapa ang sin tbtub nga matud.
Bend the zinc to and fro till it falls apart.
gplang, A slice of meat, or the like. See
palng id.
gap, Dust, grit. (cf. yb-ok).
gap-gap, Dim. of gap. Pahri ang
gapgap sa tulungtngan. Wipe the dust
off the table. Dust the table.
gaps, Fetter, shackle, manacle, gyve,
bonds, chain, handcuff, string, cord;
fettered, bound, shackled, etc.
gpus, To bind, tie, fetter, trammel,
pinion, handcuff, gyve, shackle, manacle,
chain, put in bonds. Gapsa ang ya mga
kamt. Bind his hands. Gingpus nla ang
bboy, kay dlhon sa tinda kag ibalgy.
They have trussed up the pig, for they are
going to take it to the market to sell it.
Gapsi ak sinng mga mank nga
binakl ko. Tie the legs (of some) of these
chickens I bought. Igpus ak sinng mga
mank. Please tie the legs of these chickens
for me. Gindakp sang pols ang makwat
kag gindal nla sa bnwa nga nagpus
ang ya mga kamt. The police caught the
thief and brought him handcuffed to town.
(cf. higt, gid, bngot).
gar, (B) To allure, entice, induce,
persuade, prevail upon. Nagar si sa
pagbile. He was enticed to dance.
Gingar si sa pagtmbong sa la pknik.
They prevailed upon him to assist at their
picnic. Garah si sa pagupd sa ton.
Persuade him to come along with us. (cf.
garabhan, Anxious, afraid, upset,
nervous, fearful of grave consequences on
account of a small matter, of a slight illness,
etc. Garabhan si kayo, kay bisn
ditay lang ang balatan sang ya ank
nagapanglb sing dal. She is very easily
upset, for even if her child is but slightly ill,
she is trembling all over with fear. (cf.
darabhan, garaphan).
garabyan, (B) See galabyan,
gabayn, alobybay, gaby.
garagadng, A kind of small frog. (cf.
mnwit, mnl, pak, pnk). A small
drum, tambour. (cf. tambr, tambl). Not
up to the mark or standard, imperfect, not
very good, defective. Ang orksta nga in
garagadng gid lang. That orchestra is not
very good, (does not play well). (cf. klang,
dl mayo, mnus).
gar-gra, To stroll, roam about,
saunter; converse, have social relations
with. (cf. higla, higra).
garhe, (Sp. garage) Garage, a shelter for
garal, Ladle, scoop, dipper, large spoon.
(cf. kalndus, lug, gal).

Visayan-English Dictionary
garmp, Thoughtlessness, carelessness;
rash, hasty, happy-go-lucky, listless,
heedless, without consideration for the
consequences, without distinction or
difference; to do in a happy-go-lucky way,
etc. Ginagarmp gid lang nya ang am
nga by sa mga dlaw nga pista kag sa
matagdlaw. She uses the same dress
without distinction on feast-days and workdays. Garampa lang sil nga tann sang
am nga trto. Just treat them all alike
without distinction. Ind nnyo
paggarampan ang pagslhig. Dont
sweep perfunctorily. (cf. salma,
pasalipkpak, pasapayn, pasaburk,
pasipkpak; dagumk, saguly).
garans, Knife, especially one used for
cutting meshes, repairing nets, etc. (cf.
urutp, galans, sndang, kotslyo,
garantsa, (Sp. echar granos) To waste,
squander, spend freely, be prodigal, lavish,
thriftless, extravagant; spendthrift,
improvident. Garanatsah lang ang plak
mo, kon am ang but mo. Waste your
money, if such is your will. Ang buhah
nga to am ang nagagarantsa. The
spendthrift squanders money. Napto si,
kay gingarantsa gid lang nya ang
kwrta. He became bankrupt, because he
spent money too freely. (cf. grantsa,
garntsa, hinguyng, sik).
grang, Small thorns, pricks, spines,
points of prickles, as on the leaf-stalks of
the buri-palm, etc.
garngan, See galangn.
garng-grang, Dim. of grang.
Madm sing garnggrang inng tanm.
This plant is covered with sharp prickles.
garansang, A kind of small bird.
garnyon, (Sp. garan) A jackass, the
male of the ass; wild, noisy, mischievous,
rude. Inng bt daw kabyo nga
garnyon. This boys isas wild as a
jackass,is very noisy,is boisterous,is
always up to tricks.
garpa, (Sp. garrafa) Carafe, decanter.
garaphan, Easily troubled or upset. See
garabhan, darabhan.
garapta, (Sp. garrapata) Tick, sheeptick. (cf. kalapta, id.).
garaptan, Common property, in
common, joint, that belongs to several
persons in common. Garaptan nla inng
kalubihn. This coconut plantation is their
joint property, belongs to them in common.
(cf. gurptan, gurput).
garapn, (Sp. garrafon) A large decanter
or carafe; carboy, demijohn.
gars, Rough, unpolished, provincial,
uncultivated, uneven, rude, rustic, not
smooth; to be or become rough, etc. Gars
nga hnero, papl, lamsa, hmbal, etc.
Rough cloth, paper, a rough table, rude or
coarse speech, etc. (cf. magars).

garmp gastr
graw, The opening in a lobster-pot or
other kind of trap. The animal can enter,
but cannot get out owing to points around
the opening that turn inwards. (glaw id.).
gary, Saying, saw, proverb, maxim,
dictum, aphorism, truism, adage, motto,
epigram. (cf. hurubton).
gary-gary, Dim. of gary.
garbnso, (Sp. garbanzo) The chick-pea,
tare, garvance, dried peas.
grbo, (Sp. garbo) Elegance, ease,
distinction, dignity, graceful carriage or
demeanour; to have or show elegant airs or
gracefulness; show off, pretend, put on airs,
give oneself airs, assume superiority, be
pretentious, natty, genteel. Garboh si.
Show him your graceful bearing. Ind ka
magpagrbo. Dont be ostentatious, dont
show off. Sang pagkitay nmon but si
magpagrbo sa kon. When we met she
wanted to impress me with her elegance.
(cf. are, padayw, kiykay, kisyksay,
garbso, (Sp. garboso) Elegant, spruce,
spick and span, natty, dapper, genteel,
graceful; ostentatious, giving oneself airs,
displaying elegance of manner, etc. (cf.
elegnte, dikumpotk, hpig; agrt,
hmbug, hdak, apt, bugaln, etc.).
gar-gri, (B) To provoke, tease, urge on,
incite. (cf. galt, gart, sdyot, tuld).
gring, (B) See ugling id.
gring, garng, (B) See gling, galng
gars, Severe, cruel. See bars.
gars, Restless, lively, naughty; to be or
become restless, etc. Gars nga bt, to,
etc. A naughty boy, a restless man, etc. (cf.
harshars, darndarn).
garta, (Sp. garita) Sentry-box, guardhouse, observation-post. (cf. bantyan).
gart, gartgart, (B) See galt,
galtgalt id.
garntsa, To spend to no purpose, to
waste. (cf. garantsa, grantsa).
gar-gar, A talker, chatterer,
chatterbox; glib, garrulous, loquacious,
talkative, talking at random, rambling in
ones conversation, voluble in ones speech,
unreliable, untruthful; to prattle, chatter,
babble, talk without consideration or
without scruple as to whether a thing is
true or not. Gargar nga to. A great
talker, chatterbox. Ind ka maggargar.
Dont talk at random. Gingargarohn ak
nya. He talked to me in a careless,
thoughtless manner. (cf. tardag, wkal,
hdak, br, etc.).
gark, Rotten, decayed, etc. See gabk,
gark, Riot, commotion, turbulence,
tumult, turmoil, uproar; to disturb, cause a
commotion, etc. See gam. Ginagarokn
ang bnwa. The town is in an uproar.
gart, Near together, dense, thick,
packed, crowded; voluble of speech. Gart

nga pagtnum. Close-set rice-planting.

Inng kalubihn gart kayo. This coconut
plantation is too thickly set. Gart ang ya
nga hmbal. He talks very quickly or
volubly. (cf. kit, sortsot).
garti, (Sp. garrote) Garrote;
strangulation, throttling; a fit or swoon; to
strangle, throttle; cause a fit or swoon. (cf.
kug; lipng).
garotlyo, (Sp. garotillo) Quinsy, croup,
inflammation of the tonsils, windpipe and
other organs of the throat.
gargad, To insert ones finger,a
feather,a piece of wood, etc. into a small
apperture with a boring motion, dig, bore,
probe. Ind mo paggarugron (don)
sang mo tdl ang mo dalnggan. Dont
dig your finger into your ears. Garugri
sing lipk ang buyg sa bh. Prod with a
piece of wood the wasp that is in the hole.
Igargad inng blbul sa ilng mo tbtub
nga mangtsi ka. Put this feather up your
nose till you sneeze. (cf. kalkog, kolkog,
gas, (Sp. gas) Petroleum, kerosene, lampoil. (cf. ags).
gsa, (Sp. gaza) Gauze, very thin, fine and
transparent cloth; incandescent mantle of a
gsod, A kind of tree with bitter fruit used
for medicinal purposes.
gsod, gasd, To give a rough answer,
show displeasure at being ordered to do
something, object to or complain of an
order received from a parent, superior, etc.
Ind ka maggsod (maggasd). Dont
answer back. Gingsdan nya si nnay
nya. He spoke roughly to his mother. (cf.
stsat, pantsat, btok, sabt, panabt).
gasolna, (Sp. gasolina) Gasoline, petrol.
gspang. Roughness (of skin); to be
rough (of skin). (cf. kspang).
gsta, (Sp. gastar) To sell, get rid of,
dispose of. Gingsta nya ang tiglang
nya nga karabw. He sold or got rid of his
old buffalo. Gastah lang in. Get rid of it.
Dispose of it by sale, or the like. (cf.
gastdo, (Sp. gastado) Spent, worn-out,
old, useless, threadbare. Gastdo nga
by. An old jacket. Gastdo nga kro. A
worn-out cart. Gastdo na ang gma. The
rubber (tire) is worn-out. (cf. dan, ulasn,
lum, uml, gurbhay, gursnay, gsbat,
gastr, (Sp. gastar) To spend, disburse,
lay out, expend, pay; consume, use up,
wear out, make the worse for wear, waste,
squander. Nagastr na ang prno. The
iron bolt is worn thin. Gingastr nya ang
madm nga plak sa wal sing puls. He
spent much money to no purpose. Ind mo
paggastahn sing laks ang mga
kalingawlingwan. Dont spend money
extravagantly on diversions. Pil ka galn
nga gasolna ang igastr mo sa is ka


gsto gway
pagpakdto-pagpakar? How many
gallons of gasoline do you use up in one
round-trip? (cf. gsto, hinguyng).
gsto, (Sp. gasto) Expense, outlay,
expenditure, disbursement; to spend,
expend, disburse, pay out. Pil ang gsto
(ginagsto) mo sa is ka simna? How
much do you spend weekly? Gingastohn
ko na sing duh ka lbo ka psos ang bg-o
ko nga baly kag wal pa mahumn. I
have spent two thousand pesos on my new
house, and it is not finished yet. Maggsto
ka sing pil ka gats ka psos kag sarng
mo mailsan ang atp nga kgon sing
sin.Ho, matod man, pang wal ak
sing ikagsto. Spend a few hundred pesos
and you can change your cogon-roof for
one of galvanized iron.Yes, quite true, but
I have not got the wherewithal. Batna in
nga igsto sa imo nga hinkay. Take this
to pay your fare. (cf. uyng, hinguyng,
gastso, (Sp. gastoso) Lavish, prodigal,
thriftless, improvident, extravagant,
wasteful; expensive, costly, (cf. mhal,
buhah, buh, mambas, kostso).
gat, The juice of the coconut extracted by
pressure. When boiled it becomes coconut
gtas, Milk; to milk. Gtas nga
malapyut, gtas nga malngyaw.
Condensed milk, liquid milk. Ginagatsan
inng bka, karabw, etc. This cow,
buffalo, etc. is being milked, is a milch cow,
a milch buffalo. Maggtas ka sinng
karabw or gatsi inng karabw. Milk
this buffalo. Igtas ak any sinng
knding. Kindly milk this goat for me. (cf.
gatasn, Milch, giving or yielding milk.
Gatasn nga bka. A milch cow.
gatlyo, (Sp. gatillo) The trigger of a gun.
(cf. piltkon).
gto, (Sp. gato) A male cat, tom-cat;
money-bag; cock, hammer, trigger of a gun.
(cf. kut, kurng; pyo, suldlan-plak;
gatng, Firewood, fuel. (cf. galatng,
gtong, To use as fuel, etc. Igtong inng
khoy sa kalyo. Use this wood as fuel for
the fire. Gatngi ang ting-ang. Put some
fuel under the boiling rice. Ginagtong na
lang nla ang mga halgi sang dan nla
nga baly. They are now using the posts of
the old house for firewood. Ipagtong ko
na lang inng kodl nga gabk sa
digamohn. Ill order this rotten fence to
be used as fuel in the kitchen. (cf. almak,
gtud, Curse, malediction, expletive,
imprecation, anathema; to curse, damn,
execrate, swear at, imprecate. An ang
gtud nya sin! What damned nuisance is
this! Wal pa paggtdi sang Dis inng
to! Isnt this man an abomination in the
sight of God! Gtdan ikw, kon nd ka


Visayan-English Dictionary
maghpus. Curse you! If you dont keep
silent. Gtud! Damn it all! A curse upon it!
The deuce take it! (N.B. Gtud is often used
as a merely emphatic exclamation like
yw, lnt, ymat).
gats, Hundred; century. Is ka gats ka
to. One hundred men. Is ka gats ka
tig. One hundred years. A century.
Napl sa gats. Ten per cent. (cf.
ginatsby the hundred, hundreds,
gad, An oar, paddle, scull. (cf. bgsay).
gud, To oar, row, paddle, scull, propel by
means of oars. Gari (di) ang sakayn.
Row the boat. Igud ang bgsay sa barto.
Use the oar to propel the ferry-boat. Igud
ak nay sinng bte. Kindly row this boat
for me. Sang pagpalapt sang bgyo
gingaran (ginaran) nla kam sa tman
kadsig pa dungkan. When the storm
approached they rowed us very swiftly into
(towards) the harbour. (cf. bgsay).
guk, gak, Hollow, hole, cavity, etc. (cf.
ghuk, gahk id.).
gul, To shout, vociferate, yell, bellow,
roar, talk very noisily. Ang mga bt
nagagul or nagaginul sa nakawan
sang bnwa. The children are very noisy in
the public square. Ind mo ak paggalan.
Dont shout at me. Gul ka. Shout. Gali
si, kay nd si makabat kon nd mo
pagigul ang mo tngug. Shout at him, for
he cannot hear you, unless you raise your
voice to a roar. (cf. gal, snggit, guy).
gal-gul, Dim. and Freq. of gul.
gang, Figment, chimera, fancy,
phantasm, phantasy, creation or coinage of
the brain, visionary project, building castles
in the air; to talk about visionary projects,
etc. Ind ka maggangormagginang.
Dont build castles in the air. Dalyon gid
lang sil nagaginang. They are
constantly talking about visionary projects.
Gingaungn ak nya. He told me of his
rose-coloured schemes. Pagaung lang
si, kay si ya malyag magginang, kag
kit ton malyag man magpamt sang
ya nga pagginang. Let him speak of his
imaginary plans and accomplishments, for
he likes to build castles in the air, and we
also like to listen to him speaking about
such schemes. (N.B. ginang is more in use
than gang).
gap, The removable lid-like bottom of a
portable fish-trap, such as bw-an, pta,
gup, gap, A hollow; to cave in, etc. (cf.
ghuk, gahk, guk, gak, dup, dap).
guy, To shout, etc. (cf. gul, gal,
snggit, turayw, pugas).
gwa. Somewhat, rather, middling,
considering, mediocre, passable, tolerable,
not very much or excellent, but still
somehow satisfactory under the
circumstances. Komsta ka man karn?
Mayo na ak gwa. How are you now?I
am pretty well. Mayo na man ang mo

palatikngan?A, dl mayo gid, pang,

ho, mayo na gwa. Is your business
running very well now?Oh, no, not very
well, but, yes, passably well. Malpad
gwa ang mo um. Your field is rather
wide. Madm gwa ang nagtalmbong.
A rather large crowd attended. (cf.
gwa, To observe, look at, view, gaze at,
eye, keep an eye on, watch from a window
or the like. Gawha kon sn-o ang sa
idlum. Look out and see who is below.
Igwa ak kon sn-o ang nagamba dir
sa hgdan. Kindly look out and see who is
singing on the stairs. Dyon lang si
nagagwa sa bintn sa mga umalgi sa
idlum. She is always looking out of the
window to watch the passers-by below.
Magbulsblus kam maggwa sa
gawng sa mga nagalubs sa dlan kag
kon nyo makt si Fulno pahapta si
dir. Watch in turns from the window the
passers-by on the road, and if you see N.N.
invite him up here. Gawhi sing sug ang
to dir sa atubngan sang baly. Take a
light and observe the man there in front of
the house. Ginawhan nya sing paslak
ang makwat. He watched the thief by
means of a flashlight. (cf. bntay, tid,
whog, whang, nghaw).
gwad, To get at a price, to recover,
redeem, a pawn, to replevy, replevin, pay
off amortgage,a debt on a mortgage,
claim something lost from the finder.
Gawra (gawda) ang mo dt nga
naprnda sa kay Fulno sing kalman ka
mngmang. Pay off the debt on your land
mortgaged to N.N. for fifty pesos. Gawri
ak sang artos nga naprnda ni nnay sa
ahnsya. Redeem the ear-rings for me
which mother gave as security at the pawnbrokers. Igwad mo ak nay sinng
kalubihn. Please reclaim for me this
coconut plantation. Ari ang napl ka
psos nga igwad mo sang mo karabw.
Here are the ten pesos to redeem your
buffalo. Magagwad ak kuntn sang
kon bboy nga gindakp sang pols,
pang wal ak sing ikagwad. I would
reclaim my pig caught by the police, but I
have not got the amount necessary.
Maggwad ka sa madal sang mo sdula.
Buy your cedula quickly. (cf. tubs, bw).
gawahn, Watchtower, observation
post, look-out, window. (cf. gwa).
gwak, Hole, cavity, hollow, etc. See
gwhak id. (cf. ghuk, gahk, etc.).
gawng, Door, gate, gateway, portal, exit,
entrance; window, look-out. (cf. ganhan,
ganghan, purta, puerthan; gawahn,
talmbwan, talamwan, bintn).
gwas, Except, without, not including,
excluding, exclusive of, to the exclusion of.
(cf. lus).
gway, The tentacles of the octopus and
of similar animals.

Visayan-English Dictionary
gway, Anything that hangs down or
dangles freely, as hair, tendrils, fringes,
tassels, etc.; to hang down, dangle. Ang
gway sang komta. The comets tail.
Nagagway ang ya bohk sa gtang. Her
hair hangs down over her forehead. Isblay
mo inng is ka bgkos nga lnot sa ktre,
pang nd mo (paggawyon)
pagpagawyon ang ya nga tngkap. Put
this bundle of hemp on the bed, but do not
allow the ends to hang down. Pagawyi
lang ang likd sang bt sang ya bohk.
Just let the girls hair hang down her back.
(cf. kway, kbit).
gawy-gway, A tree whose leaves and
flowers are edible and whose juice is very
useful for plastering cracks in earthen pots,
gawy-gway, gawy-gawy, Dim.
and Freq. of gway. Any slight, slender
appendage dangling in the air or hanging
down freely and loosely. (cf. kawykawy,
gwgaw, A tiny branch, twig, sprig.
Banggi ak sing gwgaw sinng khoy.
Break off for me a few twigs from this tree.
(cf. smsim).
gwhad, To stretch out ones arm in
order to get hold of something, make a long
arm, reach for, try to get hold of. Gawhar
(had) ang pnggan. Stretch out your
arm and get hold of the plate. Igwhad ak
sinng bso. Reach me that glass. Gawhar
ak sing is ka gult nga laya nga r sa
bandehdo. Pass me a slice of boiled meat
from the large dish. Gawhar ak sing is
ka bso nga bno, kon makagwhad ka
sang botlya. Give me a glass of wine, if you
can reach the bottle. Ipagwhad sa ya
ang larwan sa dng-ding. Let him reach
down the picture on the wall. Let him take
down the picture from the wall. (cf. dbot).
gwhak, Hollow, hole, cavity, trace, said
of what has been taken from a heap of rice,
sand, corn or the like; to delve or dig into,
scoop a hole in, make encroachments or
inroads on a heap of ashes, flour, rice, etc.
Nabsdik ang sko kag ang ya suld nga
humy nagwhak. The sack burst open
and a hollow was made in the rice it
contained. Sn-o ang naggwhak sinng
tmpok nga humy? Who encroached on
this heap of rice? Who delved into this riceheap? Huy, mga bt, nd nnyo
paggawhakn ang tmpok nga bals.
Hello, you boys there, dont scoop holes in
the sand-heap. Ginawhakn ni Fulno
inng tmpok nga bals, kay ya kinuhan
sing is ka lta sa ags. N.N. dug into this
sand-heap, for he took away an oilcanful.
Gingawhakn sang makwat ang kon
pog. The thief made a hole in my lime. (cf.
ghuk, etc.).
gw, Custom, manner, behaviour, habit,
inclination, propensity, character. Ang ya
mga gw malinormalin si sing

gway ghay
gw. He has bad habits. (cf. batsan,
kinaanran, kostmbre).
gw, Face, cheek. (cf. guy,
pangguyhon, nawng, psngi, baging).
gawd, Band, cord, string, tie, fetter,
fastening, bond, ligature, fraenum
(frenum), anything that retains or holds
something in place. Ang bt gingutban
sang ya gawd. The babys umbilical cord
(navel string) was severed or divided. (cf.
hawd, higt, tabd).
gyo, The commencement of labour,
approach of travail or labour; to feel the
approach oflabour,travail,
confinement; to cause, to have,
stomach-ache. (cf. ktoy).
gay-gyo, Dim. and Freq. of gyo and
more in use than gyo. Nagagaygyo na
ang ya tiynorginagaygyo na si.
She feels the approach of labour.
gayn, To be or become comely, pretty,
nice, fair, beautiful, handsome. Naggayn
na ang altr, kay napunihn sing
madm nga blak. The altar was made
beautiful, for it was decorated with many
flowers. Nagayonn ak gid sin. I like this
very much or I consider it very nice. (cf.
tahm, ayyo, nyag).
gayd, Real, true, perfect, thorough; very,
verily, truly, really, in very truth, in truth,
of a truth, in fact, forsooth, in sooth,
absolutely, thoroughly, utterly, quite,
wholly, perfectly. Ang ya nga kasug am
ang is ka kasug nga gayd. His bravery
was bravery indeed. Patha ak, kay ang
ginasilng ko sa mo matod nga gayd.
Believe me, for what I am telling you is
absolutely true. (cf. gid).
gra, (Sp. guerra) War, warfare, combat,
hostilities, fighting; to war, go to war, fight,
wage war. Nagagraornagagerahy
sil. They are at war. Gingra sang mga
Insik ang mga Hapn. The Chinese fought
the Japanese. An ang la ginagerhan?
What are they fighting or waging war for?
What is the reason why they are at war? (cf.
way, inway).
g, (B) An exclamation of (mostly joyful)
surprise. Gi, tulka in. I say, look at this.
Gi, kanmit sin. Why, this tastes fine. Ari
na dir si ttay, g! Father is here, hurrah!
(cf. kananks, arw, ihm). Interrogative:
Really? Indeed? Nagkdto ka ddto, g?
Did you go there, indeed? Ho, nagkdto
ak ddto.Gi, gi? Yes, I went there.You
dont say so? Really? (cf. gal).
ga, (Sp. guia) Guide, leader, conductor,
rule, guard. (cf. manugtytoy,
manugmnd, manugbntay;
pagsolndan, palanganinwan, etc.).
gab, A small hole, hollow, cavity, recess.
Ang mga ilag nagapgad sa mga gab
sang padr. The rats build their nests in
the holes of the stone wall. Also verb: Ind
kam maggab sang padrornd
nnyo paggiban ang padr. Dont make

holes in the wall. (cf. bh, ghuk, gahk,

ga, g, gi, gi, (B) Come here.
Present yourself. Contr. of pnaw rgya,
gt rgya. (cf. kar ka dir).
gin, Liking, desire, craving, longing,
hankering after, avidity, keenness. May
gin si sa pyan. He has a craving for
opium. (cf. lyag, bug, hnggab,
ynggaw, himlat, hndum).
gibungn, River-mouth. See gibwangn
gbwang, To mingle the waters with, join,
flow into (of rivers). Inng sap
nagagbwang sa sub, kag ang sub
nagagbwang sa dgat. This brook joins
the river, and the river flows into the sea.
gibwangn, The mouth of a river, or its
junction with another river.
gd, Very, truly, in truth, in very truth, of a
truth, really, indeed, certainly, surely, in
fact, forsooth, in sooth, sheer, perfectly,
absolutely. Dak gid nga baly. A very
large house. Masakt gid in. This is very
painful. Matod gid in. It is perfectly true.
Am gid in. That is it, exactly. Magkdto
ka gid ddto. Be sure to go there. Go there
without fail. (cf. gayd).
gding, Edge, rim, border, cant, an
external or salient angle. (cf. bibg, bint,
gih, An irregular hole, gap, opening or
apperture in a roof, floor, partition or the
like; to make such a hole. Sin-o ang
naggih sang dngding? Who made that
hole in the partition? Ind mo paggihan
ang salg. Dont make holes in the floor.
Nagasuld ang uln, kay may gih gal
ang atp. The rain comes in, for the roof,
sure enough, has a hole in it. (cf. kinitan,
ngkat, tohk, bslot, lub).
ghab, To breakopen,in,through,
etc. See ghab.
gihpon, (H) Ever, constantly, always,
evermore, continually, perpetually, at all
times or hours. Ari kam sa mayo nga
lwas nga sbung sang sa gihpon. We
are in as good health as ever. Inng to
nagatmbong sa gihpon sa bulangn.
This man is always at the cock-pit. Si
Fulno nagatmbong pa gihpon sa
bulangn. N.N. is still at the cock-pit. (i.e.
he has been there for some time and is
there yet). Komsta man ang masakt?
Am gihpon. How is the sick person?
The same as ever. Kon madmol ang lan
may bah sa gihpon. Whenever there is a
heavy rain, the river rises. (cf. dyon,
dalyon, prme).
ghay, Tear, rent, fissure, hole (in
garments, etc.); to rend, tear, etc. May
ghay ang ya nga byornaghay ang
ya nga by. His jacket is torn. An ang
nagghay sang mo nga by? What was it
that tore a hole in your jacket? Ind mo
paggihyon ang ya nga by. Dont tear
his jacket. Gihyi ang ya nga by sa


ghit gimw
likd. Tear his jacket at the back. (cf. gs,
ghit, To move, remove, budge, change the
place of, shift to another position, transfer,
shift, push or pull along the ground without
lifting or carrying the object. Gihta ang
sya. Shift the chair. Bulgi ak sa pagghit
sinng mabg-at nga tulungtngan. Help
me to move this heavy table to another
position. Kon magslhig kam sang hult,
gihti sang lamsa inng lugr. When you
sweep the room, shift the table to this
place. Ighit ak nay sinng mga sya, kay
may bista nga maabt. Kindly arrange
this chairs in another position, because
visitors are coming. Gihti ak sinng sya.
Move this chair for me. (i.e. move it
towards me or away from me according to
circumstances). (cf. pasylo).
giht, See ghit.
giht-ghit, Freq. of ghit. To move
repeatedly, shift. Ind nnyo
paggihtgihton ang mga bngk sa
buluthan. Dont be always moving the
school-benches about.
giht-giht, Dim. of ghit, giht. To move
a little, shift slightly. Giht-gihit ang
lamsa. Move the table just a little. Wal
nla magiht-giht ang bat, kay tm
kabg-at. They could not budge the stone,
because it was too heavy.
gho, Movement, motion, stir, sign of life;
to move, stir, budge, shake to and fro,
writhe, wriggle, twitch, squirm, give signs
of life. Wal na si sing gho. He does not
stir any longer, he is quiet now. Wal na
si sing gho nga makdto sa bnwa sa
bus. He does not show any sign that he
will go to town to-morrow, he has
apparently no intention of going to town
to-morrow. Ind na si makagho, kay
tiglang man si kayo. He cannot move
(stir) now, because he is very old. Giha
(gihha) ang ya btkon agd
magbgtaw. Shake his arm to rouse him
from sleep. Igho ang lwas mo. Shake
yourself. (cf. hlag, hblag).
gih-gho, Dim. and Freq. of gho.
Igihgho ang abga mo. Move your
shoulder a little. (cf. hulghlag).
gkab, Cave, cavern, hollow in the ground,
den, applied as a rule to cavities larger than
a gab and smaller than a kwba (Sp.
gkam, Rice sticking to the bottom of a
cooking pot. Ang kn-on nga nagadukt
sa klon ginatawg nga gkam. The rice
that sticks to a kettle is called gkam. (cf.
rka, rkam).
gkan, From, out of, derived from,
originating from, resulting or proceeding
from; to come, result, be derived from.
Gkan sa katmad nagmol si. Through
laziness he became poor. Sil nga duh
naggkan sa am nga panimaly. Both of
them came from the same stock or family.
An ang mo nga gingiknan


Visayan-English Dictionary
(ginagiknan)? What stock or family do
you come from? (what is your origin?) Kon
sa karn nga mga tinig madm nga
mga pamatn-on malut sing pamatsan,
nagagkan in sa la nga pagtun sa mga
buluthan nga wal sing pagto. If many
young people nowadays misconduct
themselves it is due to the fact that they are
attending godless schools. Nabton ko ang
is ka balt gkan sa Manl. I have
received news from Manila. (cf. haln,
gkas, To cut lengthwise, diminish the
width or breadth of, to narrow, separate a
part from. Ang pagbhin sang kalaparn
sang hnero, papl, tp, etc. ginatawg
nga paggkas. To lessen the width of cloth,
paper, planks, etc. is called paggkas.
Giksi ang papl sing duh ka pulgda.
Cut two inches off the width of the paper.
Giniksan ko inng papl, kay tm
kalpad sa kon makinlya. I cut this
paper for it was too wide for my typewriter.
Sa mahbul nga sinsl nd ka makagkas
sing mayo sang sin. With a blunt cold
chisel you cannot cut the galvanized iron
well. Giksa inng bhin sang papl. Tear
off this part of the paper.
giks, Part, bit, parcel, portion, section,
fraction, division, piece taken off a whole,
plot of ground divided off from a field. Is
ka giks nga dt. A plot of ground. Is ka
giks nga hnero. A piece of cloth (cut
from a larger piece). (cf. bhin).
gikasn, A part that is to be separated or
taken from a whole; coupon, section of a
ticket. (cf. giks).
gkos, The traces, the rope connecting a
draught-animal with the plough, harrow or
the like. (cf. gta).
gilng, (H) To cut off, sever, especially
applied to the ears. Gilang ang
dalnggan sang bboy. Cut off the pigs
ears. Gilang ang bboy sing is ka
dalnggan. Cut off one ear of the pig.
Igilng mo ang binngon sa ya
dalnggan. Cut off his ear with the bolo.
Igilng mo ak sang dalnggan sang
bboy nga inhaw, kay makayon ak
sin. Please cut off the ears of the pig that
has been killed, for I like to eat them.
gilng, (H) Having ones ears cut,
lopped, off; to cut, lop, off. To nga
gilng. A crop-eared man. (cf. galng).
gilayn, (H) Without delay or
interposition, at once, forthwith,
immediately, instantly, suddenly, straightaway, directly, off hand, on the spur of the
moment, out of hand, on the spot,
promptly, with dispatch, without an
interval of rest. Sang pagabt nya dir
nagsk si gilayn sa mon baly. When
he arrived here he at once came to our
home. Sa tpus ang prosesyn gilayn
magasgud ang Msa Myor. After the
procession High Mass will begin at once.
Magdalgan ka ddto, kuhon mo ang

kon koryo sa madal, kag gilayn dlhon

mo dir. Run over there, get my mail
quickly and immediately bring it here.
Magpahay ka nay, nd ka maglakt sa
gilayn. Take a rest first, dont go on
immediately. (cf. dyon, lgi, laglgi).
glhum, To suppose, guess, surmise,
think, expect, imagine, assume, take for
granted. Gingilhum nla nga . They
guessed (thought, calculated, surmised,
etc.) that . (cf. my-om, lgpat,
gilihon, What is to , can , should
, ought to , be moved or shifted;
movable. (cf. gho).
gilinhw-an, The windpipe, trachea. (cf.
gl, The compound form panagl is
mostly used; to glean, gather what is left on
the field after the harvest or the like. Ang
mga babe nagapanagl sing humy sa
innyan. The women are gleaning the ears
left on the rice-field. Panagila ang sinl
nga humy. Gather the rice that has been
left. Ginpanagilan nla ang bg-os nga
innyan. They gathered the leavings from
the whole rice-field. (cf. panl).
glok, (H) Fine, prickly hairs or down on
various grasses which cause an unpleasant
irritation, if they come in contact with the
skin; paleae, chaff. Also verb: Nagilkan
ang kon btkon kag batis sang bugng.
The prickly hairs of the bugng-grass clung
to my arms and legs. (cf. grok).
gilkon, Full of, pertaining to, glok
prickly hairs, down.
gm-ang, Miry, muddy, sludgy, slushy,
soiled with soft or watery mud, muddied,
wet and dirty; to be or become wet and
dirty, etc. Gm-ang ang dlan, kay
naguln. The road is muddy (slushy) on
account of the rain. Naggm-ang ang salg
sang kon hult, kay nagsuld si Fulno
nga mabas kag mahgk ang ya
saptos. The floor of my room was
muddied, because N.N. entered with his
wet and dirty boots. (cf. rang, rsm,
hgk, bulng, msing).
gimw, To stick out, project, protrude, be
visible, appear. Sa baly ni Fulno may
nakt ak nga lo nga nagagimw sa
gawng, pang wal ak makasyod kon
kay sn-o ydto. At N.N.s house I saw a
head at the window but I do not know who
it was. Sang mon pagbalikd sa bnwa
nga mon tinalkdan wal na sing
pamaly nga sarng nmon makt knd
ang atp gid lmang sang kampanryo
nga nagagimw. When we looked back at
the town we had left we could not see a
single house, but the roof of the belfry was
still visible. (cf. gitb, girm).
gimw, The form pagimw is mostly
used in the meaning of: to peer or peep
slyly or stealthily out of a window, etc.,
drawing back ones head at once, if seen by
others. Nagapagimw si sa bintn. She

Visayan-English Dictionary
is peeping out of the window, (taking care
not to be seen). Ind ka magpagimw, kay
twgon ka nga ba nga nagaslup sa ya
baly kon makt ka sang to. Dont peep
through openings, for, if you are seen,
people will call you a turtle withdrawing
into its shell. Ginpagimawn nya ak sa
gih. He peeped at me through a hole.
Ipagimw ang lo mo. Put your head out
cautiously and look about. (cf. tik,
lngling, plok, plok, tid, panid).
gimw-gmaw, Dim. and Freq. of
gimw. Pnggi ang malin mo nga
kaduyugn sa pagpagimwgmaw. Curb
that tendency you have to peep and peer.
gmik, Fold, bend, crease; to crease by
folding or doubling, etc. Nagmik ang kon
malta, kay tinungtungn nla sing
mabg-at nga krga. My suitcase was
quite crushed, for they had put heavy
baggage on top of it. Ind mo paggimkon
ang bakg ko. Dont bend my basket out of
shape. Gimki ang amkan sa psud. Fold
and crease the bamboo-mat in the corner.
Sn-o ang naggmik sang sin? Who bent
the sheets of galvanized iron? (cf. gpik,
gp, bl).
ginbut, Protrusion of the bowels. Ang
ginbut sang bt ginl ni nnay nya.
The childs protruding bowel was put back
by its mother. (cf. gbutto pull out).
ginaestarn, Place where one stays or
lives, abode, residence, dwelling, quarters,
home. Din ang ginaestarn mo? Where
do you live? Where have you been put up?
Where are you staying? (cf. estr; pulyan).
ginaghan, Incidents, occurrences,
events, episodes in ones life, experiences,
what one has gone through. Ang mga
ginaghan sang Aton Gino. The events in
the life of our Lord. (cf. gi; tab,
pinaniran, pinanilgan).
ginagtum, Hungry, feeling hunger,
famine-stricken. Ginagtum ak. I am
hungry. (cf. gtum, gutm).
gingyan, See ginaghan.
ginhab, Breath; stomach; life. (cf.
ginhwa; solksolk; kabh; ghab).
ginhud, Noise; to be noisy, etc. See
ghud, ginalng.
ginaka-, A verbal prefix denoting the
present passive of intransitive verbs, e.g.
ginakalipyan ko in. I am glad of it. I
enjoy this.
ginakatuhyan, Difference, variation,
dissimilarity, unlikeness, distinction. Ang
ginakatuhyan sinng duh ka butng
am . The difference of these two
things is . (cf. thay; kalanlanan).
ginalng, Noise, obstreperousness;
boisterousness; to be noisy, rowdy,
obstreperous, boisterous. (cf. galng,
ginams, Pickles, especially pickled fish.
(cf. gams, llang, pats).

gimw-gmaw gin
gnang, Lady, Madam, Mrs., wife. (cf.
ginoMr.; gningMiss).
ginars, Liveliness, hilariousness, noisy
mirth; to be noisy, rowdy, lively, mirthful.
(cf. gars).
gint-an, Containing, mixed with, the
juice of coconut meat; a dish prepared from
rice and mixed with the juice of coconut
meat. (cf. gat).
ginats, By the hundred, hundreds,
hecatomb. (cf. gats).
ginatuy, Sleepy, drowsy. Ginatuy si.
He is sleepy. (cf. tuy).
ginahaw, Thirsty. Ginahaw sil. They
are thirsty. (cf. haw, uhw).
ginang, To build castles in the air. See
ginaw, To behave oneself, deport oneself.
Nagaginaw si sing mayoormayo
ang ya nga pagginaw. He is behaving
himself well, (his behaviour, customs,
manners, demeanour, habits are good. (cf.
gindt-an, Place of contact, union,
meeting, junction, juncture; the horizon.
(cf. dot).
gngaw, A fish of the size of a tulngan.
gingw-gingw, To frolic, play, sport,
disport, spend ones leisure in play. (cf.
hmpang, sipl, hingyaw).
gngging, A darling (female). (cf. aky,
nday, nna, nning, bbay).
gnggon, A kind of cotton cloth chiefly
used for making trousers; gingham.
gngham, See gnggon.
gng, Blade, lamina, leaf (of plants,
especially of herbs and grasses).
gingiknan, Origin, beginning, source,
start, commencement. (cf. gkan).
gin-, gina-, Particles prefixed to verbs
and denoting the Perfect and Present
Passive respectively, e.g. silngto say.
Ginsilng (ginasilng) nya nga . It has
been (is being) said by him that .
ginharan, Kingdom, realm, domain. (cf.
ginhawan, Breathing system, organs of
breathing; breath, air.
ginhwa, ginhw, Breath, life,
respiration, inhalation and exhalation of
air; feeling, sensation, consciousness; to
breathe, respire. Nabgt ang ya
ginhwa. The thread of his life snapped
(i.e. he died). Nagalat ang ya ginhwa.
He is feeling out of sorts. Nawdan si
sing ginhwa. He lost consciousness.
Mabdlay ang ya pagginhwa, kay
ginapung-utn si. It is difficult for him to
breathe, because his nostrils are stuffed up.
Daw sa dl ak makaginhwa dir. I can
scarcely breathe here.
ginhw-an, See ginhawan. (cf.
giniknan, Parent, parents. (cf. gkan;

ginikannhon, Parental. (cf.

gning, Young lady, maid, maiden, girl,
lass, single woman, Miss. (cf. gnang,
ginka-, A verbal prefix denoting the
perfect passive of intransitive verbs. See
ginaka-, the corresponding prefix for the
ginkamunan. Start, beginning,
commencement, origin, source; initial.
ginkamunonan, See ginkamunan.
(cf. pn, pamn, kamunan).
gino, Lord, master, boss; gentleman, Mr.
(cf. gnang, gning).
gn-ot, Sultriness, closeness, stuffiness (of
heat and air); to be or become close, sultry,
etc. Naggn-ot karn ang dlaw. The day
has turned sultry. Nagin-otn kam ddto
sa punsyn, kay gutk. We were in a close
atmosphere there at the social gathering,
because it was too crowded. Kon mamista
ka sa bnwa pagagin-otn gid ikw, kay
madm nga mga to ang magatmbong
sa msa. If you assist at the Feast in the
town you will certainly feel the close heat,
as many people will go to hear Mass. Sa
blan sa Myo magagn-ot gid ang
timpo. In the month of May it certainly
will be very hot. (cf. bhot).
ginskpan, See ginsakpan.
ginsakpan, Subjects, dependents,
subordinates; members of a society or
confraternity, etc. (cf. skup, sinkup).
ginsng-an, Intersection, junction,
cross-road, point or centre from which
branches radiate, as the branches of a tree
from the main stem, side roads from the
main road, the tributaries of a river from
the principal stream or the like. (cf. sang).
ginsugran, (H) Beginning, start,
commencement, inception. (cf. sgud;
ginkamunan, gingiknan).
gintapan, Horizon, everything in sight
or under ones observation. (cf. tap, tup).
gintotn-an, Disciple, pupil, student,
scholar. (cf. ton; magtotonteacher).
gintng-an, Centre, midst, middle, midpoint. (cf. tung).
ginumn-gmon, Complication,
confusion, disorder; complicated, confused,
disordered; to put in, be in, confusion
or disorder. (cf. gmon).
ginnting, A kind of war-knife, large
bolo. (cf. sintong, sandk, binngon,
gintlan, Between, that is between or
wedged in. Sa gintlan sang baly kag
sang digamohn. Between the house and
kitchen. (cf. ult).
gob, Hole, hollow, cavity. Gibi gibi. (cf.
giohnan, The sky, heavens, firmament,
welkin; atmosphere.
gin, (Sp. guion) Ensign, standard,
gonfalon, gonfanon, but especially the


ging-gong git
ensign carried before the Blessed
ging-gong, Stir, motion, movement,
sound. (cf. litklitk, lihklihk,
kinuyngkyung, kuyngkyung).
gos, To move, stir, jostle, brush against,
show life by motion. Ind kam maggos.
Dont move. (Dont jostle each other). Ind
mo ak paggisan. Dont jostle (or brush
against) me. Sang nagasult ak ginisan
ak nya kag nagdplang ang kon
plma. Whilst I was writing he brushed
against me and my pen spluttered. (cf.
wos, hos, yos, hlag).
gis-gos, Dim. and Freq. of gos.
gpak, To break by bending or twisting,
cause to give way under a superimposed
weight, fracture. Sn-o ukn an ang
naggpak sang mo pa? Who or what
broke your leg? Nahlug si sa karabw
kag nagpak ang ya btkon. He fell off the
buffalo and broke his arm. Nagipkan si
sang ya batis. He had his leg broken.
Gingpak sang trak ang solras sang
tytay. The truck broke the cross-beams of
the bridge. (cf. bl).
gipk, Broken, fractured; a fracture,
break. Gipk ang ya pa. His leg is
fractured. Inng to nd makapanrabho,
kay gipk si. This man cannot work, for
he has a broken arm (or leg). Andam ka
dir sa pntaw, kay may bhin nga gipk,
bs mahlug ka. Be careful there on the
kitchen balcony, for part of it is broken and
you may fall through. (cf. bal).
gphang, A kind of rice-bread or ricebiscuit, as often sold by Chinese merchants.
The name seems to indicate its Chinese
gp, A small roll or bundle of hemp-fibre
made ready for weaving.
gpik, Crease, bend, fold; to crease, etc.
Gipka-gimka. See gmik.
girmon, At peace with oneself, being at
ones ease, having a quiet heart or mind,
enjoying tranquillity. Ind si girmon
tbtub nga magyo ang ya masakt nga
bt. She will have no peace of mind till
her sick baby recovers. (cf. dalamnon,
darmnon, ogknan).
gray, To tear or cut in strips, make
stripes or streaks of. Girya ang sd,
krne, etc. Cut the fish, meat, etc. in strips.
Giryi ak sing is ka giry nga bboy.
Cut me off a strip of pork. (cf. kirs).
giry, A strip, stripe, streak, an oblong
piece. Pil ka giry nga bboy ang dal
mo? How many strips of pork have you
brought with you? (cf. kirs).
grhom, See glhom.
gir, A crack, cleft, fissure, rift, split; to
crack, split, cleave, rive, etc. Naggir ang
glbo sang knke. The lamp-globe cracked.
Naggir ang ya delrgo sa thud. His
trousers have split at the knee. (cf. litk,


Visayan-English Dictionary
gir-gir, Not prominent, of the common
run, small, obscure, uninfluential, ordinary.
Girgir nga to. A common man, an
ordinary citizen. The man in the street.
Ang mga girgir sang bnwa. The
common townsfolk, the ordinary
inhabitants of a town, the obscure
members of a community (as distinct from
the more prominent members). (cf.
girigta, (Probably a corruption of the Sp
negrita). A term of contempt for women: a
worthless, despicable or dissolute woman.
(cf. hirigta).
girigityw, girigtyaw, A kind of bird
whose name resembles its cry; to flirt,
attract notice, show off, try to make a good
impression on others or to impose on them.
Tulka yanng mga dalga nga
nagagirigityw. Look at those coquettish
girm, To stick out, hang out, project,
protrude, stand out a little so as to become
visible to the eye. Nagagirm ang pnyo sa
ya nga blsa. The handkerchief is sticking
out, hanging out, a little from his
pocket. Pagirim sing ditay ang pnyo
sang mo kamisadntro. Let the cuff of
your shirt show a little. (cf. gitb, gimw).
girnldas, (Sp. guirnaldas) Garland,
wreath, festoon.
grok, (B) Chaff, paleae, fine prickles on
grass, etc. See glok.
girm, Dark, cloudy, lowering, murky,
gloomy, overcast; obscure, to be or become
dark, etc. Nagagirm ang kalibtan. The
sky is becoming dark (or cloudy).
Naggirm ang ya nawng sa laks nga
patal. His face has become swarthy from
much exposure to the sun. Girm ang
pnit sang ya btkon. The skin of his arm
is browned. (cf. ilm, itm, gom, gnum).
gis, (Sp. guisar) To bake, to baste, fry or
prepare with any kind of fat. Gisah ang
mank sa mantk. Fry the chicken in lard.
Gisah ak sing is ka bgs nga krne.
Prepare me a piece of meat. Igis ak nay
sinng sd. Kindly fry this fish for me. (cf.
gisdo, (Sp. guisado) Ragout, fricassee,
anything prepared or cooked by the use of
fat, lard, butter or olive-oil.
gisng, Rough, sharp, raspy, rasping, not
smooth, painful or harsh to touch, ragged.
(cf. gsrang).
gisntes, (Sp. guisantes) Sweet-peas.
gisw, A fish much esteemed for food; a
young or small balnak-fish. (cf. gusw).
gs, To tear, slit, split, rend, break
asunder, make a hole in. Gisa lng inng
sult. Tear up this letter. Sn-o ang naggs
sinng papl? Who tore this paper?
Nagisan ang psud sang ya nga by.
The corner of his jacket was torn. Ang mga
bt batd gid maggs sang panpton.
Boys have a genius for tearing clothes.

Inng hnero matngting; nd mags

(magkags) sa madal. This kind of cloth
is strong; it will not tear soon. (cf. ghay).
gis, Torn, rent, slit, split, ragged, full of
holes; rent, fissure, split, slit, tear, rift, hole
(in garments, etc.). Gis (nags, nagkags)
ang byo mo. Your jacketis torn,has a
hole in it. (cf. gs).
gsing, The temple (of the head). (cf.
agigsing, dungndngan).
gisng-gisng, The temple of the head.
(cf. agigsing, dungn-dngan).
gisng-gisingn, Grey-haired about the
temples; to grey (gray), become white (of
the hair near the temples).
Nanggisnggisingn (Naggisnggisingn)
na si. He (She) is grey-haired. He (She)
has turned gray (near the temples or
forehead). (cf. ban, buky, put).
gisin, Torn, rent, ragged. Ientregr mo
ang gisin mo nga delrgo sa manugtbas
agd ya kaayhon. Hand your torn
trousers over to the tailor for mending. (cf.
gska, To be or become harsh, severe,
cutting, sharp, biting, incisive, trenchant
(of speech). (cf. sug, pads, pars).
gsok, (Sp. guijo) A kind of tree and its
valuable timber.
gsrang, Harsh, ragged, rough to the
touch. See gisng id.
gitra, (Sp. guitarra) Guitar. (cf. rabl,
git, See ditl.
gitb, To stick out, hang out, protrude or
project a little, so as to become visible.
Nagagitb ang ngwas (engwas) nya.
Her petticoat shows a little below her skirt.
Pagitib lang ang pablo, nd mo
pagpaulbohn gid. Let the lamp-wick just
project a little, but do not turn it up too
high. Pagitib ak sang mo barha. Let
me see a little of your card. Gumitb na ang
dlaw sa sidlangn. The sun is already
visible in the east, has risen a little above
the horizon in the east. (cf. girm, mur,
gitng, A small mouse, young mouse. (cf.
gitng-gting, Dim. of gitng. Also: the
first sprout or shoot of cereals and grasses.
(cf. gbos).
gtlon, Used mostly in the form
panagtlonto swallow with some effort,
try hard to swallow. Magpanagtlon or
managtlon ka sinng bulng. Make an
effort to swallow this medicine.
Panagitlon lang ang lway mo, nd mo
pagidpl sa salg. Swallow your saliva,
dont spit it out on the floor. (cf. tuln).
git, To break, disjoint, put out of joint,
dislocate, disunite, by twisting a finger or
the like. Nagit ang ya tdl. His finger
was broken at the joint. Gingit nya ang
tdl ni Fulno. He broke (by twisting) the
finger of N.N. Gingiton nya si Fulno

Visayan-English Dictionary
sing is ka tdl. He twisted and broke one
of N.N.s fingers. He dislocated one of
N.N.s fingers. (cf. lw-as, slp).
gw, To separate or cut off part of
something, take off a piece. Giwa lang
ang is ka pun sang mo dt kag
ibalgy mo, kon wal ka sing kwrta.
Stake off a piece of your land and sell it, if
you have no money. (cf. gkas).
giw, A piece, bit, portion, part, parcel,
share, division. (cf. gw; giks, gikasn,
bhin, gult, bgs, kus, pun).
giw-os, giwos, Dearth, famine,
misery, trouble, hard lines, straitened
circumstances. (cf. hiwos).
gway, To protrude, stick out, hang out.
Nagagway ang mga tini sang binun.
The intestines of the man that has been
stabbed are hanging out. (cf. diwl, gway,
giyn, A liking for, inclination, desire,
craving. (cf. gin).
gld, (B) A kind of dgmay that is usually
fed to pigs. (cf. kald).
glbo, (Sp. globo) Globe, ball, sphere, orb;
globular lamp-shade. (cf. maniplon,
glria, (Sp. gloria) Glory, honour, fame,
renown, blessedness, beatitude, bliss;
heaven. (cf. himy; purng;
kabulahnan; lngit).
gloriso, (Sp. glorioso) Glorious,
excellent, blessed, blissful. (cf.
gobernadr, (Sp. gobernador) Governor.
Gobernadr Probinsyl. Provincial
Governor. (cf. panglo-pud).
gobirno, (Sp. gobierno) Government,
management, direction of affairs, sway,
control; to govern, direct, hold sway. Sn-o
ang nagagobirno sang baly mo, kay
wal ikw ddto? Who manages your
household at present, as you are not there?
Ginagobiernohn sil sing mayo. They
are well ruled, (under good government or
management), (cf. pangulohn,
dulumalhan, dumla, panglo; gahm,
gdgod, To go insearch of,quest of,
search for, look for, pursue, be on the trail
of, follow up. Godgor (od) ang bt.
Search for the boy. Igdgod ak nay sang
kon bboy nga nakagw sa tngkal.
Kindly go after my pig that has escaped
from the sty. Gingdgodorgindgod si
sang ya nga amy, kay wal si
magpal sa tkn sang panyga. His
father was looking for him, because he did
not come home at dinner-time. Ang mga
buyng ginagdgod sang mga solddo sa
bkid. The robbers are being pursued by
the soldiers in the mountains. Ang id
nagagdgod sang talunn sa talnan. The
dog is on the trail of the wild pig in the
jungle or forest. (cf. bat, sghap, dngas,

gw god
ggo, gg, A kind of tree and its bark.
The latter is used like salangkgi for
cleaning the scalp and hair.
glgol, To saw off, to cut by moving the
cutting instrument to and fro, like a saw.
Golgol ang log sang mank. Cut off the
chickens neck. Iglgol ako nay sang log
sang gnsa, kay ak kon mahdluk
magglgol sin. Please cut off the gooses
neck for me, for I am afraid to do it.
Gingolgoln si sang manugblung sa
pa. The physician cut into his leg. Am in
ang gingolgoln sang buyng sang log
sang makalol-oy nga to. This is the
place where the brigand cut the poor
fellows throat. (cf. golt, gort).
gl, (H) To thrust, poke, put, stick or
introduce ones finger, arm or anything fit
for the purpose into a hole, crack, fissure,
etc. Igl ang kamt mo sa bh. Put your
hand in the hole. Gingolan nya sang
bastn ang hal sa bh. He poked his
stick against the iguana in the hole. Gola
sang binklan ang gwb sang khoy, kay
daw may mn-og sa suld. Poke the
bamboo into the hollow of the tree, for it
looks as if there is a snake inside. Si Snto
Toms but maggl sang ya tdl sa gi
sang lnsang sa kamt sang Aton Gino.
St. Thomas wished to put his finger into the
hole made by the nails in Our Lords hands.
(cf. gr).
glob, (H) To cut, trim, crop, clip, dock,
lop, shear (hair, grass, a hedge or the like).
Golba sang gnting ang bohk sang
bt, kay nagagway sa ya gtang. Trim
with a pair of scissors the childs hair, for it
hangs down over its forehead. Golbi si
sang ya bohk. Clip his hair. Iglob sa
kgon inng gnting, kay nagalabw sa
balisbsan sang atp. Use this pair of
shears to cut off the cogon-grass, because it
sticks out beyond the eaves of the roof.
Malam ka magglob sang kog sang id?
Do you know how to dock a dogs tail?
Pagolbi ang kabyo sang ya
bungybngay. Have the horses mane
golb, (H) A fold, crease, especially one in
the skin due to fatness.
gologgma, Dim. of ggma. A small or
slight love-affair.
golt, (H) A cutlet, rasher, fillet, piece,
slice, part cut off; to slice, cut in pieces.
Gtli ak sing ttlo ka golt nga krne
sang bka. Cut me off three slices of beef.
Gtla ang lbid. Cut the string. Igolt
inng kotslyo sa bboy. Use this knife to
carve the pork with. Panggtla ang bka.
Cut up the beef into slices. (cf. gort,
glpe, (Sp. golpe) Bang, whack, thwack,
wallop, buffet, blow, stroke, hit, knock, jolt,
jog, jerk, shock; a sudden mishap, fit,
accident or action. Sing (Sa) glpe. All at
once, suddenly, all of a sudden,
unexpectedly, without preparation or

premonition, with great force or impetus.

Ginakgan nya si sing glpe kag
gintklod. All at once he got angry with him
and pushed him aside. Napaty si sing
glpe. He died suddenly, quite
unexpectedly. Also verb: Ginglpe nya
ang pagdksol sa kay Fulno. He suddenly
or impetuously attacked N.N. Golpeh ang
paglmpus sang wsay sa khoy. Swing
the axe with all your might against the tree.
In nga bt nagaglagl, kay may glpe.
This boy was stunted in growth on account
of an accident. (cf. hinl, hinal; lmpus,
blbal; samd).
golpeda, golpiyda, (Sp. golpeadura)
Blow, beating, percussion, knock, stroke;
all at once, in one go, etc. See glpe.
Ginkon nya ang is ka km-aw nga
lingaw sing (sa) is gid lang ka
golpeda. He ate a large bowlful of riceporridge in one go. (cf. ndo).
gma, (Sp. goma) Celluloid. Ang kon
husy gma. My comb is made of celluloid.
gma, (Sp. goma) Rubber; rubber-tyre.
Naglupk ang gma. The tyre burst, blew
gmi, (B) A small, slender piece of wood
or bamboo, sliver, splint, splinter.
gmok, To squeeze or compress so as to
crush or break. Nagmok ang tlog. The
egg was crushed. Gomki ak sinng bat.
Crush this stone for me. Igmok mo ak
nay sinng bat nga buky, kay kon
pagabkbokn kag ihnis sa ngpon ko.
Please crush this white stone for me, for I
am going to powder it and clean my teeth
with it. Ind mo paggomkon ang olokab
sang alimngo. Dont break the sea-crabs
shell. (cf. dgmok, lum, pus, rbsak,
gomn. Entangled, disordered,
complicated, dishevelled, rumpled,
disarranged, jumbled, topsy-turvy, all
mixed up.
gmon, To entangle, disarray, dishevel,
ravel, tousle, rumple, upset, put in
disorder, become entangled or
complicated. Naggmon ang bunng. The
yarn became entangled. Ind mo
paggomnon ang ya tingak nga lnot sa
tagakn. Dont upset the hemp she
arranged nicely in the basket. Gingmon
nya ang hlo nga skl. She entangled the
silk. Gomni ang ya lnot. Tangle some of
her hemp. Gomna ang ya lnot. Tangle
her hemp. Nagagmon na gid ang la
pagsinalay. Their community life is quite
upset. Naggmon ang ya lo. His brain
reeled. His thoughts were thrown into
confusion. (cf. bkag, bukgkag,
sarabusb, tingkarg).
gnggong, Fool, ass, idiot, dolt, crazy
fellow. (cf. bang, lko, kl, tampuhw,
bngaw, pkok, etc.).
god, Hollow, hole, cavity. Sa god sang
khoy nakt ko ang mga tlog sang pspis.


gom gbot
In the hollow of the tree I saw the birds
eggs. (cf. gwb, gab).
gom, To be or become cloudy, overcast,
lowering, gloomy, overspread with clouds,
dark. Nagagom na ang kalibtan. It is
getting dark. (cf. gnum, girm).
gom-gom, Dim. and Freq. of gom.
gong, To fasten, secure, tie. (cf. gos,
gop, The door or lid at the bottom of a
certain kind of fish-trap. (cf. gap id.).
gos, String, band, rope, cord, thong, line,
guy; to tie, bind, fasten with a string, lash,
string, rope. Igos mo inng kalt sa tud.
Tie this rope to the stump. Gosi sing ps
ang gkut nga humy. Bind the bundle of
rice. Gosa ang kalt. Fasten the rope.
Igos ak sang pinuts. Kindly tie up the
parcel for me with string. Makalmbut ka
bal sa paggos sang pugwa sa kbong
sang bgsok? Can you reach high enough
to bind the cross-piece to the top of the
paling? Naglslos ang gos. The rope got
loose. (cf. higt).
got, To get or sink into a hole, ditch or
the like, to be ditched, to descend, go down.
Ang alling sang la trak nakag-ot sa
embornl kag mabdlay kayo ang
pagpahaln. The wheel of their truck got
into the ditch and it was difficult to get it
out. Andam ka, nd mo pagigot sa bh
ang kro. Take care not to drive the cart
into the hole.
got-got, Dim. and Freq. of got. Ang
wto naggotgot sa mga nadalman
sang dlan. Now and again the automobile
had to pass through deep holes on the road.
gra, (Sp. gorra) Cap, bonnet.
grdo, (Sp. gordo) Fat, stout, plump,
corpulent, obese, fleshy. (cf. matmbok,
matbnol, mabahl, baragok,
grdo, To take or use something that
belongs to another with the intention of
giving it back. (Only used amongst friends).
Gingrdo lang nya ang kon pypay. She
merely borrowed my fan. Ind mo
paggordohn ang ya sang ibn. Dont
take what belongs to others. (cf. ngkon,
kh, bul; karipn, lmang, lbni;
gulmni, kulmi).
gorgorta, (Sp. gorgorita) A water-cooler
made of earthenware; a narrow-mouthed
jar or pot for cooling water.
gro, (Sp. gorro) Cap, coif. (cf. gra).
gr, (B) To thrust or stick in, etc. See
gr, To hiss, bubble, effervesce, fizz,
fizzle, sing, froth, foam, gurgle as rice when
nearly boiled, a soda-water bottle on being
opened or the like. Nagagr na ang tingang. The boiling rice is hissing (i.e. is
nearly cooked). Magagr ang serbsa kon
bksan ang botlya. Beer fizzes when the
bottle is opened. (cf. br, sr).


Visayan-English Dictionary
gorogot, (B) To distrust, mistrust, be
skeptical as to, question, doubt the fairness
or justice of. Nagagorogot ang kon but
sang pagbhin nla sang mas. I suspect
unfairness in their division of the corn. (cf.
gorogotng, A partially developed egg in
a hens ovary.
gorng-grong, A kind of plant with
medicinal properties.
gort, (B) To cut, etc. See golt.
gso, (Sp. gozo) Joy, pleasure, glee,
merriment, mirth, gladness, gaiety,
cheerfulness; verses sung in honour of a
Saint. (cf. himy, kalpay).
gsok, Rib.
gta, Yoke; the rope or traces attaching a
harrow, plough, etc. to a draught-animal.
(cf. sngkaw; gkos).
gta, (Sp. gta) A drop of liquid. Gtas
amrgas. Bitters. (cf. tol).
gots, Cracked, split, chapped; to crack,
split, form fissures, chap. Naggots ang
pnit sang ya til tungd sang laks nya
nga pagtnum. The skin of his foot became
full of cracks on account of his working too
long at planting rice. Nagotasn ang ya
kamt sa tm nga paglab. Too much
clothes-washing chapped her hands. (cf.
litk, bngag).
gtgot, To get hot, exasperated, excited,
vexed, annoyed, cross, provoked,
aggravated, irritated, enraged, angered.
Nagagtgot ang but ko sinng to. I am
vexed (exasperated) with this man.
Gingotgotn ak nya. He was very angry
with me. (cf. aligtgot, kig, slag, ugt,
pangnit, sabt).
gtgot, To notch, nick, mark, whittle,
incise, grave, groove, flute, blaze (a tree),
snick. Gotgot ang lpis mo kag hgtan
sing lbid agd nd madl. Cut a notch
in your pencil and tie a string to it, so that
it may not be lost. Igtgot inng kotslyo sa
bastn mo. Whittle your stick with this
knife. Igtgot ak nay sinng pask.
Please mark this bamboo tuba-vessel for
me. (cf. mrka, tnd, bdlit, kdlit,
grbas, (Sp. grava) Gravel. (cf.
grbe, (Sp. grave) Grave, serious,
dangerous, mortal, fatal, deadly, critical.
Ang masakt grbe na. The sick personis
now seriously ill,is in danger of death. (cf.
sugng, mabg-at, tagumatyon).
grdo, (Sp. grado) Grade, class, degree,
quality, attainment, category. (cf. bgay;
tig, halngtang).
grma, (Sp. gramo) Gramme, gram.
grma, (Sp. grama) A medicinal plant:
grama-grass, dogs grass, couch grass,
creeping cynodon.
gramtika, (Sp. gramatica) Grammar.
(cf. lantiplong).

grna, (Sp. grana) Scarlet cloth; scarlet

granda, (Sp. granada) Pomegranate;
hand-grenade, shell.
grantsa, To waste, etc. See garantsa.
grno, (Sp. grano) Pustule, pimple;
tumour, boil, ulcer, carbuncle.
grapinyra, (Sp. garapiera) Ice-box,
refrigerator, ice-cream freezer, wine-cooler.
grsa, (Sp. grasa) Fat, suet, grease,
dripping, lard. (cf. tmbok).
grsya, (Sp. gracia) Grace, divine
assistance; gracefulness. (cf. bugy;
kagayn, kanyag).
grsyas, (Sp. gracias) Thanks. Thank
you. (cf. salmat).
gratipikasyn, (Sp. gratificacin)
Gratuity, fee, tip, reward, remuneration,
gift. (cf. htag, dlut, reglo).
grtis, (Sp. gratis) Free, gratis, gratuitous,
for nothing, without reciprocity or
equivalent return. (cf. sa wal sing byad).
grka, (Sp. greca) Fret, Grecian fret;
ornamental trimmings on garments, etc.
grpo, (Sp. grifo) Faucet, cock, tap, spigot.
grusa, (Sp. gruesa) A gross. (Napl kag
duh ka dosna).
grumte, (Sp. grumete) Sailor, mariner,
sea-faring man, blue-jacket, tar, Jack-tar,
seaman. (cf. sakaynon).
gu, See gw.
gal, g-al, To shout, talk loudly,
vociferate, be noisy (of voices). Ind kam
maggalormagginal. Dont talk so
loudly. Dont shout so much. (cf. gul,
snggit, turayw, guy).
gul-gal, Dim. and Freq. of gal.
gub, To destroy, demolish, undo, pull,
break, to pieces, pull down, break up,
knock down, reduce to ruins, raze to the
ground, tear down. Gb-a (guba) lang
ang dan mo nga baly. Pull down your
old house. Gb-i ak sinng gabk nga
tngkal. Break up for me this rotten pigsty.
Nagb-an si sang kisam kag naplas ang
ya pa. The ceiling collapsed and he was
wounded in the leg. Igub ak sinng dan
nga padr. Please knock down this old wall
for me. (cf. bngkag, rngg).
gubn, Together, in common, general.
Gubn sil nagabt dir. They came here
gubn, Decision. (cf. pamtbat).
gbat, War, revolution, upheaval, great
disturbance; to fight, wage war, storm, fall
upon, assault, attack, assail, rush or
advance upon, pitch into, dash at. Gubta
si. Attack him. Gingbat nla ang bnwa.
They took the town by storm. (cf. gbut).
gubt, Old, worn-out, useless, ruined, in
ruins, reduced to ruins. Gubt nga by.
An old, worn-out jacket. (cf. gbat;
gastdo, lum, ulasn, gun).
gbot, To be uneasy, restless, anxious, full
of anxiety, perturbed. Used chiefly in the
form kinagbot. Nagakinagbot ang mga

Visayan-English Dictionary
to, kay may snug. The people are uneasy
(walking about anxiously or in fear),
because there is a conflagration. May
kinagbot sa bnwa. There is some
restlessness (uneasy feeling) in the town.
(gbut id.).
gbuk, gubk, To attend, go to, gather,
come together, assemble, assist, be at,
congregate, collect, be present at. (cf.
dguk, tmbong, tpon).
gbut, Uneasiness, perturbation; strife,
revolution, war; to make trouble, cause an
uproar, go to war, etc. (cf. kagbut, gbot,
ggma, Love, affection, attachment,
fondness, tenderness, charity, regard,
consideration, infatuation. (cf. higgma,
haggma, kahaggma).
ghab, To break in or through, make an
opening or hole through an outer covering,
wrapping or partition, so as to get at what
is behind, to pierce, perforate. Guhbi ang
malndog, dngding, ganhan, etc. Make a
hole in the rice-container, the partitionwall, the door, etc. Sn-o ang nagghab
sang kurng sang mank? Who broke
open the poultry-pen? Ginuhban sang
manugblung ang bsung ni Fulno, kay
ya ginuss ang samd sa suld kag
kuhon. The doctor cut open N.N.s
stomach to find out what was the cause of
the trouble and removed it. (cf. ghab).
guhd, To cut off near the ground or
roots, cut off close so as to leave the
shortest possible stump. Guhar (ad)
ang kawyan nga pulnton. Cut down
close to the ground the bamboos for
building fish-corrals. Guhar ak sinng
mga psug, kay ibgsok ko sa kodl. Cut
down these bamboo-stumps for me and cut
them level with the ground, for I am going
to use them as fence-stakes. (cf. pasop).
ghak, To burst open, split, crack.
Naghak ang sko kag nakagw ang
kprak. The sack burst open and the copra
fell out. (cf. bsdik).
guhk, Burst open, cracked, split, rent,
ripped, riven, rift. (cf. ghak).
gukm, A handful, what can be grasped
between the thumb and fingers, applied to
objects the ends of which protrude from the
hand; to grasp, grip, clench, clutch within
thumb and fingers. Gukom ang bastn,
lipk, kamti, etc. Grasp the walking stick,
the piece of split bamboo, the sweet potato,
etc. Gukom ak sing duh ka gukm nga
bunng. Take up two handfuls of yarn for
me. (cf. gakp, gaml, gakm, gakm).
gkop, The calyx or calycle, cup-shaped
sepals on the peduncle of some plants. Ang
talng my gkop. The eggplant has a
gl, Noise, racket, boisterousness,
commotion, alarm, tumult; to be noisy, etc.
Ind kam maggl or magginl. Dont
make such a noise or disturbance.
Nagaginl kam nga daw pnk. You

gbuk, gubk gnaw

are making a noise like a lot of frogs. (cf.
gul, gal, ghud, gnsal, galng, gam).
gul-gl, Dim. and Freq. of gl
noise, etc.
gulman, An edible sea-grass. Lktan mo
sing ph ang gulman, kay manmit.
Mix the gulman with mangoes, for it
tastes well. (cf. agulman).
gulmni, To take without much ado,
seize, appropriate. (cf. lbni, kulmi,
gulng, (B) To shout, scream, yell.
Gulang si. Shout to him. (cf. gul, gal,
guy, turayw, snggit, pagas, pugas).
glang, (H) Old, ripe, ready to be plucked
or harvested; to be or become old or ripe,
ripen, mature. Glang na ang humy mo;
anha (nya) na lang. Your rice is ripe;
harvest or reap it. Nagglang na inng
mga sging, bs tb-on mo kag ibalgy.
These bananas are ripe now; therefore cut
them and sell them. Ind mo nay
pagpopon inng mga ph, knd
pagulnga gid. Dont pick these mangoes
yet, but let them ripen well. Pagulngi ak
sing ttlo ka blog nga talng, kay binhin
ko. Let three egg-plants mature for me, as I
wish to use them for seed. (cf. lt;
gulng-glang, gulng-gulng, (H)
Dim. of the foregoing glang. Nearly ripe,
etc. Nasamlang ko ang is ka to nga
gulnggulng. I met an elderly man, a
person neither old nor young, a middleaged man.
glay, guly, See gray, guryto be
straight; line, streak, etc.
gulily, Part, piece, share, portion,
division, cut, cutlet, strip. (cf. giry, giks,
bhin, bgs, gult, kushos).
gulnat, (H) To twist, wring. Gulinta
ang ya dalnggan. Twist his ears. Igulnat
ak sang dulnggan sinng sutl nga bt.
Please twist the ears of this naughty boy.
(cf. gulpat, guspad, kuspad).
gulpat, To pinch, twist (ones ears, etc.).
(cf. gulnat).
gl, glob, gulb, gult, (H) See
gl, glob, golb, golt.
gulu, guluw, Plural forms of gu,
gwto go out, come forth, etc.
gulumron, (H) A grumble, growl, illnatured complaint, muttering; to grumble,
growl, murmur, mutter with discontent,
make ill-natured complaints, (cf. gmud,
kmud, kulumron, ngrab).
glung, (B) To trim, cut off a little of,
the hair. (cf. gnting, bulg, alt).
glung, A wheel; any circular frame or
disk. (cf. alling, arring, ruda).
glus, (H) Rash, eruption, cluster of small
pustules or pimples; to form pustules, etc.;
to begin to bear fruit, said especially of
cereals that grow their grains in clusters.
May glus si sang ariks. He is covered
with pustules of (the skin disease called)

ariks. Nagaglus na sa ya lwas ang

bungang-nit. Prickly heat is breaking out
in patches on his skin. Nagaglus na ang
mas ko sa kaingn. The corn on my land
that I cleared by burning is beginning to
form cobs. (cf. grus).
guls-glus, (H) Dim. and Freq. of
glus. Also: Impetigo, an itchy skin disease
with eruptions of pustules in clusters.
gult, To cut, slice, etc. See golt.
gulut-non, (H) Grudge, antipathy,
resentment, animosity, pent-up hatred, ill
will due to envy or a sense of injury. (cf.
gurut-non, gut, agutl, aligtgot,
kasb-ot, dumt).
guluwan, (H) Exit, outlet, escape, way
of departure, passage out of a place, egress.
(cf. gw).
guluyron, (H) Worthy of, fit or
suitable for, beingdrawn,dragged,
pulled,hauled,transported; what is to
be drawn, etc. (cf. gyud).
gm, To pound (rice) for the first time,
start the rather lengthy process of
pounding rice by hand. Guma ang
humy. Pound the rice (for the first time).
Gumi ak sing is ka lusng nga humy,
kay kon dasdasn. Pound for me a
mortar-full of rice, as I am going to pound
it the second time. Igm ak nay sinng
humy sa lusng. Kindly start pounding
the rice in the mortar. (cf. bay, dsdas,
tot, lg-as, rg-as).
guma, A kind of fish that is often cut,
salted and dried in the sun.
gumalhum, Powerful, holding sway,
mighty, influential, authoritative;
authorities, those in power. (cf. gahm,
gamhnan, makagaghum).
gumt, Resentment, indignation,
dudgeon, strong displeasure or aversion, a
deep sense of injury, grudge. (cf. aligtgot,
gunt, gulut-non).
gmi, (B) Splinter, etc. See gmi.
gmud, (B) To murmur, grumble,
complain, be discontented. (cf. kmud,
agmud, ngrab, gulumron,
gumul, One who goes out, etc.; actor,
actress, stage player. (cf. gu, gw).
gna, Scythe; sickle. (cf. galb, glab).
gun, Wasted, worn out, spent, useless.
(cf. gubt).
gunt, Indignation, resentment, dudgeon.
See gumt. (cf. gulut-non, aligtgot,
gnaw, To go oneself or personally on an
errand, go or come in person, dare, risk,
venture (a voyage, etc.). A, ikw gid ang
nagagnaw, haw! Why, are you actually
going (coming) yourself! Naggnaw ikw?
Nga man nga wal ka magsg sa ibn?
Did you go yourself? Why didnt you send
somebody else? (cf. kdaw, dkaw,


gnda grob
gnda, To shake, jolt, jerk, bump. (cf.
gnda, To deteriorate, wane, decline,
worsen, fall off. Nagagnda na ang lwas
nya, kay tiglang na man si. His bodily
strength is declining now, for he is getting
old. Naggnda ang mga palatikngan
tungd sang kawat sang plak. Business
has declined on account of the scarcity of
money. Kon mnus ang patubs,
magagnda ang komrsyo. If the harvest
is bad, commerce will fall off.
gng-an, Prominent, well known; expert,
an old hand, well practised, experienced,
etc. Gng-an nga pnday, manuglto,
manunon, etc. An expert carpenter, cook,
teacher, etc. (cf. and, batd, gkud,
kadalagkun, lutw, bntug).
gnghaw, Insipidness, vapidity,
rottenness; to taste and smell bad, decay,
go bad, rot, get stale, to be on the turn,
vapid or insipid, be tainted, contaminated,
spoilt, (particularly of fish). Naggnghaw
ang pinkas nga guma. The salt guma
has become stale. Amlign mo ang
pagbdo, kay kon dl magagnhaw ang
sd. Be careful in salting fish, for
otherwise it will spoil or go bad. Ind mo
pagpagunghawn ang bantalan. Dont
allow the bantalan-fish to lose its flavour.
(cf. gnhaw id.; hur, lb-ok).
gn-gun, (B) To yield, cede, give way,
move, stir, budge. Inng bat nd
magngun sa kabg-at. This stone will not
budge, it is so heavy. Ind ka na
makadkdok, kay nd magngun sa
kagutk ang mga katahan sa suld sang
simbhan. You cannot squeeze in, for the
people in church are so crowded that there
is no room left.
gnhat, (B) Relapse; to relapse, to have,
suffer, a relapse, fall sick again.
Nagnhat si, kay nagpangabdlay si
sing laks nga bg-o pa lang nagyo sa
balatan. He had a relapse, for he worked
too hard, although he had only just
recovered from an illness. (cf. bghat).
gnhaw, To rot, spoil, etc. See gnghaw
gnit. To break hemp, scutch, to separate
fibre by beating, tear in strips, strip. Gunta
ang bur, mag, lnot, etc. Strip (or break)
the buri-stalk, the agave (maguey), the
hemp, etc. Gunti ak sing ttlo ka paklng
nga bur, kay idpat ko sa tambr. Tear
three buri-stalks in strips for me, as I am
going to use them for the scaffolding.
Ignit ak nay sing is ka paklng.
Please tear a stalk into fibres for me. (cf.
lknit, lknit).
gunt, Stripped, scutched, torn, broken up
(of hemp, etc.); old, torn, useless (of
clothes, etc.).
gun, A small fish resembling the
balin. Ang gun, balin, kag tabagk
ginaasinn sing masnsun kag ibuld.


Visayan-English Dictionary
The gun, balin, and tabagk-fish are
often salted and sun-dried.
gnting, Shears, a pair of scissors; to
shear, clip, cut with a pair of scissors.
Gunting ang kon bohk. Cut my hair
with a pair of scissors. Gunting ang kon
bohk. Trim my hair with a pair of scissors.
Ignting ak nay sang blbul sinng
karnro. Kindly clip the wool from this
sheep. Kindly shear, fleece, this sheep.
Gunting si tt. Cut the little boys hair.
Mapagnting ak sa barbro. I am going
to the barber to have my hair cut, to have a
hair-cut. Sa sinng mahbul nga gnting
nd ka makagnting sing mayo. With
this blunt pair of scissors you cannot cut
well. (cf. alt, bulg).
gnting, Shears, a hoisting apparatus
consisting of two or more poles tied
together at the top from which depends the
tackle. (cf. salagnting).
gnum, To be or become dark, leaden,
cloudy, overcast, lowering. Nagagnum
ang lngit. The sky is overcast, lowering, is
getting dark or cloudy. (cf. gom, girm).
gnut, To pull or draw out with a jerk, to
jerk out, tug or tear at, extract, pluck,
pick, wrench, out. Gunta ang pintl
sa ganhan. Shoot back the door-bolt.
Gunti ak sang kapulngan sa estnte,
kay may kinahnglan ak sa madal. Get
me the dictionary from the book-stand, for
I need it at once. Ignut ak sang kog
sang hal sa bh. Please pull the tail of
the iguana that is in the hole. Ind ak
makagnut sang hunshnus sang
aparadr, kay mawot. I cannot pull out
the drawer of the cupboard, for it is stuck
fast. (cf. hbnus, hnus, tbnus, bngkas,
gunt-gnut, Dim. and Freq. of gnut.
Also: A drawer (of a cupboard or the like).
(cf. hunshnus).
gub, To fill, pervade, occupy completely,
leave no vacant space, particularly applied
to sounds and odours. Ang ya nga tngug
naggub sang malpad nga simbhan.
His voice filled the large church. (cf. tugb,
gud, gom, gop, gos, got, See
god, gom, gop, gos, got.
gpak, See gpak.
gupk, See gipk.
gphal, State of being dry and difficult to
swallow, roughness; to be or become dry,
etc. Also applied to roughness of skin or the
like, but chiefly to food. Inng pagkon
wal sing gphal (kagphal). This foodis
easy to swallow,is not rough or difficult to
swallow. Naggphal inng tinpay. This
bread is dry and difficult to swallow.
Kagphal sang mo pnit! How rough your
skin is!
gp, Crease, bend, fold, etc. See gpik,
gmik. Gupagipka, gimka.

gpud, (B) To cut down, chop down, fell,

lay low. Gupda (ra) inng mga khoy.
Fell those trees. Gupdi ak sing ttlo ka
pyhod. Cut down for me three payhodtrees. Igpud ak sinng ph. Kindly cut
down this mango-tree for me. Nagupdan
inng talmnan sing ttlo ka dldul. Three
kapok-trees have been cut down in this
field. Igpud inng wsay sa lub. Use this
axe for felling the coconut palm. (cf. puld,
taps, pkan).
gupd-gpud, Dim. and Freq. of gpud.
gra, See gra.
gurbon, To grasp and tear out grass,
hairs or the like, pull, pluck, weed,
out. A, karn gurabnon ko ang bohk mo.
Ah, now Ill tear your hair out. Gingurbon
nla ang hilamn sa hardn. They pulled
up the grass in the garden. Gurabni si
sing bohk. Pluck out a few of his hairs.
Igurbon ak sinng mga gmhon. Please
pull up these weeds for me. Ipagurbon sa
mga bt ang dalkut. Let the boys weed
out the dalukut-grass. (cf. gurput).
gurmos, To rumple, tousle (the hair,
etc.); to grasp and pull (with the hand). (cf.
hmrus, hmgud, gurnit, gn-it).
grang, (B) See glang.
gurng, (B) To sit down, take a seat.
Pagurang ang mga bista. Invite the
visitors to sit down. (cf. pngk, lngkod).
gurnit, (B) To twist, pinch, ones
ears, etc. (cf. gulpat, kospad, kulpat).
gurptan, (B) Joint, in common;
property owned in common by several
persons. (cf. garaptan).
gurput, (B) To grasp, seize, clutch, hold
fast to. (cf. kapt, kpyot, ngkon).
gury, Stripe, streak, line, coloured
threads in stripes. Pil ka gury ang (sa)
suld sang is ka smay? How many
threads are there in one stripe?
gray, To be straight, upright, vertical,
perpendicular, from top to bottom.
Nagagray ang smay sang ya by. The
stripes in his jacket are upright (run from
top to bottom).
gury-gray, Dim. and Freq. of gray
to stripe, etc.
gury-gury, Dim. of gurya stripe,
gurbhay, Dilapidated, frayed, the worse
for wear, torn, old, shabby, stained and
soiled, deteriorated or injured by wear; to
be frayed, etc. Gurbhay na ang kon
delrgo. My trousers are old and worn out.
Naggurbhay ang ya pury sa dyon nga
paggmit. His shorts are worn out by
constant use. (cf. gursnay, gsbat, gubt,
gurnat, gurpat, To twist, etc. See
gulnat, gulpat).
gursnay, Old, torn, useless, etc. See
gurbhay, gsbat.
grob, (B) To crop, trim, etc. See glob.

Visayan-English Dictionary
grung, Pail, bucket, vessel for drawing
water or other liquids; a helper, abettor,
procurer. (cf. tmb, tampulingn, pask;
kablig, mangangapn).
grus, (B) Pustule, etc. See glus.
grus, Indisposition caused by overindulgence in eating; to swell, dilate,
distend, the stomach, cause flatulence.
Ang laks nga pagkon sing mas kag
paginm sing tub naggrus sa ya.
Excessive eating of corn and drinking of
toddy distended his stomach. Ind ka
magkon sing laks, kay bs magursan
ka. Dont eat too much, for you may suffer
from wind in the stomach. (cf. bros).
gurs-grus, (B) Impetigo; a kind of
skin-disease that spreads in clusters of
pustules. (cf. gulsglus).
gurut-non, See gulut-non.
gusb, To insist on, press, be persistent or
peremptory. (cf. pats, pagusb, pagg,
gs-ab, To bite, snap, nip, gnaw, champ,
manch, crunch, craunch, nibble (a bone or
the like). Gingus-abn sang id inng tlan. The dog has gnawed this bone. Hal,
gus-ab lang sing mayo ang mo by,
kay madm ang plak mo nga
inugbalakl! You just bite the sleeve of
your jacket, as you have so much money to
buy (a new) one! (sarcastically said to
children biting their sleeves in anger or
disappointment). Ipags-ab lang sa id
inng mga tl-an. Give these bones to the
dog to gnaw. Andam ang id, kay daw
but si maggs-ab sang mo puspusun.
Beware of the dog, for he looks as if he
means to nip you in the calf of the leg.
gusng, Split, burst open, pop; to burst
(as some kinds of peas and beans, when
boiled in water, etc.). Nagagusng na ang
mnggo. The monggo is bursting. Lndi na
sing talng, kay gusng na ang mnggo.
Now put in some egg-plant, for the monggo
has burst, (i.e. is properly cooked).
Pagusang nay ang mnggo; nd mo
nay paglndan sang dhon sang
balnggay. First let the monggo burst; do
not put in the balunggay-leaves before. (cf.
lusng; but).
gusno, (Sp. gusano) Worm, grub,
caterpillar, maggot. (cf. lud, atatlo).
gusw, A young or small balnak-fish.
See gisw id.
gsbat, Worn out, old, torn, etc. See
gurbhay, gursnay.
guspad, To pinch, twist (the ear, etc.).
See gulnat, gulpat; gusipda,
gusipragulipta, etc.
gusd, Dense, near together, thickset,
crowded, crammed, packed, rammed, to be
crammed, etc. Gusd nga kalubihn. A
close-set coconut plantation. Gusd ang
pagpamnggas nnyo sang mas. You
planted your corn too thickly. Naggusd

grung gyud
ang humy. The rice was crowded. (cf.
gsto, (Sp. gusto) Zest, relish,
contentment, pleasure, liking,
complacency, whim, fancy, caprice, delight;
to like, care for, etc. Nagagustohnay sil.
They like each other. Pagustoh lang sil.
Let them do what they like. Pagsto lang
ikw. Please yourself, or: Do what you like.
Gsto ko man kuntn ang pagtmbong
ddto, pang si nnay nd malyag. I
would like to be there with you, but mother
does not wish it. (cf. lyag, wli, yon).
gtab, (B) To cut off, sever, separate,
divide, part (transitive). Gutba na sa
hinabl ang is ka patdyong. Cut off
from the woven cloth sufficient for one
skirt. Gutbi ak sing is ka delargohn.
Cut off for me a piece sufficient for a pair of
trousers. Igtab sa kalt inng kotslyo.
Cut the rope with this knife. (cf. tud).
guts, To crack, chap, split. See gots.
gtib, To get or take a piece from; obtain a
favour. Ind mo paggutban ang tinpay.
Dont break a piece off the loaf. Ind ka
makagtib sinng toornd mo
magutban inng to. You cannot easily
prevail on this man to assist you. (You
cannot get a favour from this man). (cf.
darri, gbing; bhin).
gutng, Decay of the teeth. See agutng.
gutingn, See agutingn.
gtlab, To chop off, cut through, sever.
See gtrab id.
gtl, To notch, nick, indent, mark, incise.
Gutlo ang kawyan, tp, bastn, etc.
Notch the bamboo, plank, stick, etc. Igtl
inng kotslyo sa lpis mo. Mark your
pencil with this knife. (cf. gtgot).
gt, (B) To chop or cut up a bunch of
onions or the like. Guta ang sebyas. Cut
up the onion-stalks small. Guti ak sing
tagbang. Chop up (cut up) for me some
tagbang. (cf. kas, kyas, gult, tktok).
gut, (B) Tight, compressed, packed,
crammed, rammed, jammed, close
together, crowded; to be tight, etc. (cf.
gtrab, To chop or cut off with a knife,
with a pair of scissors, etc. Gutrab ak
sing duh ka bra sinng hnero. Cut off
for me two yards of this cloth. Gintrab
nya ang ps. He cut the line. (cf. gtab,
gtuk, A seedling, sapling, a plant to be
transplanted. Gtuk sang tabk, replyo,
talng, kamtis, etc. Tobacco, cabbage,
egg-plant, tomatoseedlings, etc.
gutk, Tight, compressed, etc. Naggutk
ang mga to sa suld sang simbhan;
ornagutukn ang simbhan sang mga
to. The people in church were closely
packed together,orthe church was
crammed with people. Bisn dak ang
simbhan gutk pa gihpon kon dlaw
nga pista. Although the church is large,

yet it is not large enough on the day of the

town-feast. (cf. gut).
gutm, Hungry, famished, starved, unfed,
fasting, underfed, weakened through lack
of food.
gtum, Hunger, starvation, famine,
want, dearth, scarcity, of food; to
cause hunger, etc. Ginagtum ak. I am
hungry. Pagagtmon ka gid sa dlan kon
magkdto ka sa malay. You will certainly
get hungry on the road, if you go far. Ang
pagpangabdlay nagpagtum sa ya. The
work made him hungry. Ginapagtman
nya ang ya kabyo. He is keeping his
horse on a hunger-diet. Kon sa plak mol
sil, matod, pang kon sa pagkon
mayo ang la kahimtngan, kay wal
sil sing gtum. They are poor in money,
that is true, but as regards food they are
well off and there is no famine amongst
them. Kon am ang baly nga mo
ginadaynan nd ka gid magtum, kay
mainamomhon sil kayo. If you stay at
that house you will surely not go hungry,
for they are very hospitable.
gtung, (B) To cut off branches, shrubs,
small trees, etc. for firewood. Gutnga ang
sibkaw. Cut fuel from the sebucao-plant.
Gutngi inng khoy. Cut some firewood
off this tree. Igtung lang ang kon
binngon sa gh. Use my bolo to cut the
gutng, A kind of thornless bamboo; a
kind of plant with large prickly leaves. The
leaves are used as a remedy for wounds.
guy, (H) Face, facial expression, mien,
visage, countenance; aspect; cheek;
audacity, temerity, shame. Ang ya guy
maitm. His face is black. Kon magkdlaw
si ang duh nya ka psngi nagapakt
sang magtmbang nga yupk sang ya
guy nga makawiwli tulkon. When she
smiles her two cheeks dimple in a way
pleasant to look upon. Si Fulno may guy
sa pagbutngbtang sa ya sa likd kag
waly guy sa paguts sa ya sa
atubngan. N.N. has the face to slander
him behind his back and is not ashamed to
flatter him in his presence. (cf.
pangguyhon, nawng, uyahn,
guy-gya, (B) Diversion, relaxation,
amusement; to divert oneself, to relax, to
amuse, distract, oneself. (cf.
guyahn, Face, countenance. (cf. guy).
guykab, A kind of crab that is smaller
than a katng-crab.
gyguy, To drag, trail, haul, pull along
the ground, carry along. (cf. gyud,
btong, gnoy, dal).
gyud, Pulling, tugging, hauling, haling,
dragging, lugging, trailing, traction; to
haul, drag, pull, hale, tug, trail along the
ground. Maggyud na kit sang mga
kawyan nga pulnton. Let us now haul in
the bamboos for the fish-corrals. Guyda


guyd habg-hbig
(yra) ang kawyan. Drag the bamboo
along the ground. Ginagyud lang nya
ang kla sang ya sya. She is trailing the
train of her gown along the floor. An ang
igyud mo sa khoy? Bka, ukn
karabw? How will you haul in the wood?
By means of an ox or a buffalo? Paguydi
(yri) ak sa la sing sa ka gats ka
blog nga kawyan. Let them haul in for
me one hundred pieces of bamboo.
Ipagyud ko sa karabw inng halalgyon.
Ill make the buffalo tug this tree that is to
be made into a post. (cf. gnoy).
guyd, A kind of coconut-palm that does
not grow very tall. Hence the name from
gyudto trail, pull along the ground. (cf.
gyum, A kind of small, black ants, that
are a great nuisance, for they seem to be
everywhere and will attack all sorts of foodstuffs.
gw, That is outside, exterior, outward,
without, external, on the surface,
superficial, apparent, forthcoming; upshot,
outcome, result, final issue, conclusion; to
go or come out, appear, show, make ones
appearance (on a stage, etc.). Makan bal
in? An bal ang gw sin? Where will
this end? What will be the final outcome?
Sa gw. Outside. Sa gw sang baly, sang
bnwa, sang Iglsya Katlika, etc. Outside
the house, the town, the Catholic Church,
etc. Gw (maggw) kam. Go outside. Go
away. Come forth, appear on the scene,
make your appearance on the stage, or the
like. Ang am nga talanwon pagagwan
ni Fulno. That play will have N.N. as an
actor. N.N. will appear in that play. Pagwa
sil sing matahm nga snta. Show them a
fine reel (film). Pagwa ang mga bt.
Make the children go outside. Send the
children away. Pagwa na kam sang
belda. Start the play. Raise the curtain.
Let the curtain be raised. Mayo sil sa
gw, pang malin sa suld. Outwardly
they appear to be good, but their intentions
are bad. Ginpagw nla ang tann nga
wal magbyad sang inogsuld. They
put outside,put out,turned out,
expelled, all those that had not paid the
entrance-fee. Ind si makagw sa ya
hult, kay ginlyabihn ko ang ganhan sa
gw. He cannot leave his room, for I have
locked the door from the outside. N.B.
Instead of pagwan, pagwan, etc.
pagwon, pagwan, etc. are also used,
especially in (B). (cf. lus, haln, bh,
gw, Also: edition, issue (of a paper, book,
gwb, Hollow, cavity, hole, said especially
of rotten wood; decayed teeth, or the like.
Inng khoy may gwb sa suld. This tree
is rotten inside, is hollow. May gwb ang
ya ngpon. His tooth ishollow,


Visayan-English Dictionary
gwaban, (Sp. guanabano, guanabana) A
tropical tree and its edible fruit, bullocks
heart, soursop. (cf. baban).
gwabn, Hollow, rotten, decaying. (cf.
gwnta, To bear, suffer, etc. (cf.
agwnta, bats, ntus, ro).
gwntes, (Sp. guantes) Gloves.
gwardabrsa, (Sp. guardabrisa) A glass
shade for candles. (cf. birna).
gwrdya, (Sp. guardia) Guard, watch;
body of armed troops for defence or
protection. Gwrdya sibl (guardia civil).
Rural police. (cf. bntay).
gwarnisyn, (Sp. guarnicin) Harness,
gears, traces of mules and horses, complete
equipment for a ridingor draughthorse;
garrison (of soldiers).
gw-suld, Coming and going, in and
out; to come and go alternately, to pass
each other, some entering, some leaving (a
shop, church, place of entertainment or the
gwaybas, (Sp. guyaba, guyabo) The
guava-tree and its fruit. Hala sang
gwayba (Jalea de guyaba). Guava jelly.
(cf. baybas).

h, This letter is always aspirated in

ha, An interjection or exclamation: Ha!
well! why! Ha, ha, makakaldlaw gid in.
Ha, ha, that is indeed ridiculous.
ha, An interrogative particle expressive of
doubt, inquiry or slight surprise. Eh! Ind
ka magpangkig, ha? You will not get
angry, will you? Dont get angry, eh?
Nagkdto ka ddto, ha? You went there,
didnt you? Did you actually go there?
Often used colloquially. Ha? I beg your
pardon. What did you say? I didnt
understand you.
ha-, A prefix denoting a chance
coincidence, reciprocity or separation, but
used mostly for euphonys sake without any
apparent change of meaning. (cf. hi-).
hagum, To obtain, enjoy the possession
of. (cf. gum, higum).
hb, To be or become long. See lb id.
habgat, The south or the southwest
wind, simoom, simoon, sirocco. (cf.
amhan, kanway, tgpo, lasgas,
saltan, tmug).
habagtnan, The South. (cf. bagtnan).
habagatnnon, South, southern. (cf.

habl, Inflamed, reddish, yellowish,

swollen and red; coloured, ripe, ripening,
turning red or yellow. Habl na ang
hubg. The tumour isred and swollen,
nearly ripe. Habl na ang mas. The corn
isyellowing,getting ripe. (cf. pul,
dalg, lt, grang).
habl, hbal, To be inflamed, become
red and swollen; to ripen, redden, change
colour. Naghabl ang kindtan sang id.
The place bitten by the dog became
inflamed. Nahabaln na ang mas ko sa
talmnan. My corn in the field is ripening.
Ind mo nay paglung-on ang mas, knd
pahabaln mo gid. Dont pluck the corn
yet, but let it first ripen fully. (cf. hbok).
habl-hbal, Dim. and Freq. of habl.
Ginahablhablan na ang mga sirigwlas.
The plums are ripening. Many plums are
beginning to change colour.
hbas, (Sp. haba) A tumour, particularly a
tumour in the palate of a horse.
hbas, To chafe, fret, excoriate, wound,
injure. (cf. pla, gdras, pk-ad, bklis,
pkris, tas).
hbay, To strike, beat, knock, down
or over with a sweeping motion. Habya
lang ang kodl. Just knock the fence down.
Ginhabyan nya kam sang masik nga
kgon, agd maghaps ang mon paggi
dir. He beat down the dense cogon grass,
in order to make it easy for us to pass.
Ihbay mo ang mo bastn sa mga
gmhon nga nagabalbag sa dlan. Beat
down with your stick the weeds in the
middle of the road. Ihbay mo ak nay
sinng mga tgbaw, kay ipagi ko ang
kon kngga. Please beat down that tigbaw
reed, because I wish to pass with my cart.
(cf. hpay, hily).
haby, Struck or beaten down. (cf. hbay,
hbhab, To eat like an animal, putting
ones mouth into the food or into a plate
without the use of a spoon. Habhab lang
ang kn-on sbung sang is ka id. Just
eat your food like a dog. Hinabhabn ang
ya nga sinm sang id. The dog took a
mouthful of food from his plate. Habhab
lang ang pnggan. Put the plate to your
mouth. Ihbhab ang bb mo sa pnggan.
Put your mouth to the plate. (cf. b-ab,
lklak, dlap).
hbig, To take with, invite, lead to,
induce, request ones presence or
companionship. Ind mo ak paghabgon
sa malut. Dont take me with you for an
evil purpose. Dont induce me to do
something bad. (cf. dpit, gda, hgad,
kngay, dhan, dal).
habg-hbig, Dim. and Freq. of hbig.
Nagahabghbig si sa kon kon sa din
si magkdto. He takes me with him
wherever he goes. Ginahabghbig gid
nya si Fulno sa tann nga mga pknik.
He brings N.N. with him to every picnic.
Habghabga si sa pagupd sa ton, kay

Visayan-English Dictionary
masinadyhon si sa katipnan. Invite
him to accompany us, for he is so cheerful
in society.
hablhabl, To hang down loosely,
dangle. (cf. kablkabl, kawykawy).
hbiog, To rock, move, shake,
swing, to and fro. Habiog ang dyan.
Swing the hammock. Habiog ang bt.
Rock the baby. Ihbiog ak nay sang
duyndyan, agd maghpus ang bt.
Kindly rock the cradle for me to quieten the
baby. (cf. biog, hbyog).
habiogn, A swing, hammock, anything
suspended and used as a swing. (cf.
abiogn, halabiogn, dyan, batng).
hblog, To rock, swing, dangle. (cf.
hbiog, hbog).
hblon, Anything to be woven, as yarn,
thread, silk, cloth, etc. (cf. hablto
hbnus, To snatch, draw, pull,
jerk, out rather quickly, take hold of with
a jerk or with a swift pulling motion.
Habnus inng pil ka skdap nga gabk
sang amkan kag ilsan mo sing mga bgo. Pull out these few rotten slips from the
bamboo mat and replace them with new
ones. Habnus ang dngding sing is ka
tdtad. Pull off a td-tad-strip from the
partition-wall. Ihbnus ak nay sinng
linyas nga kawyan sa kodl. Please pull
this piece of split bamboo out of the fence.
Ihbnus ak sing pil ka naht nga lnot
nga talagakn, kay kon sugponn kag
tagkon. Please jerk a few hemp-fibres (off
the line) and give them to me, because I am
going to connect them and arrange them
neatly. (cf. hnus, gnut, bngkas, tbnus).
hb, To surfeit, glut, cloy, cause loathing
by eating to excess or, especially, by eating
food that contains much fat or sugar.
Nabb ang ginhwa ko sang pagkon,
kay busg na ak. I feel an aversion to
food, for I am completely satisfied. Ang
laks nga dlse nga ya kinon naghb
sang ya ginhwa. The sweets he has eaten
to excess have cloyed him. (cf. tak, sum,
hbog, (B) To swing, rock. See hbiog.
hbok, To loosen, inflate, blow up, swell
up, distend, become soft and bulky.
Nagahbok ang ya hubg. His boil is
swelling. Pahabka ang dt maglbut sa
kamtisorpahabki sing dt ang
kamtis. Loosen the earth around the
tomatoes. Ginpahbok nya ang balokn
sang bboy. He blew up (inflated) the pigs
habkon, habokn, Swelling,
distending; swollen, inflated, distended;
proud, haughty, over-bearing, stuck-up. (cf.
hb-on, To throw down in a heap or in
disorder. Ind mo pagihb-on sa salg ang
mo mga nag. Dont throw your clothes
on the floor. Hab-on lang ang salg sang
mo lalbhan. Just throw your dirty linen

hablhabl hdluk
on the floor. Ginhb-on nya ang ya mga
panpton sa higd. He threw his clothes in
a heap in the corner. (cf. hl-id, dm-ok).
habn, (Sp. jabon) Soap; to soap, use or
apply soap. Habon gid ang pnyo kon
lbhan mo. Soap the handkerchief well
when you wash it. Manghabn ka kon
manghinw ikw. Use soap when you
wash your hands. Ihabn ak sinng mga
pnggan, kay tinlon ko. Please put some
soap on these plates, for I am going to clean
them. Hugsan mo nay sing manit nga
tbig ang pnit kag ugling habonn.
Clean the skin first with hot water and then
apply soap.
habng-hbong, A screen, shelter,
canopy, blind, jalousie, shade, curtain,
awning to keep off the sun; to put up a
screen, etc. against the sun or the like.
Butang sing habnghbong ang bintn.
Put a blind on the window. Screen the
window against the sun. Ihabnghbong
ak sang bintn, kay maslak kayo ang
dlaw. Kindly put a shade on the window,
for the light of the sun is quite dazzling.
Habnghabngi kam, kay manit. Draw
the blinds, for it is hot. Habnghabngon
ko lang inng hbul. Ill just use this
blanket to keep off the sun. (cf. hndong,
habt, Worn-out, used-up, exhausted,
dead-beat, done-up; to wear out, etc. Habt
na gid ak sa laks nga pagpangabdlay.
I am now quite worn out by hard work.
Habt na ang delrgo ko. My trousers are
frayedorthe worse for wear. Ind mo
paghabotn ang bg-o mo nga uls. Dont
wear out your new clothes. Ginahabt gid
lang nya ang lwas nya sa wal sing
puls nga trabho. He is wearing himself
out with useless labour. Nagahabt ang
ginhwa ko. I am becoming exhausted.
Habt nga hblon. A frail, fragile, warp or
an old, worn-out cloth. (cf. gubt, rabant,
rabt, gursnay, gsbat, pulins, kulir,
haby, (H) To throw, fling, cast, hurl,
shoot, pitch, toss, chuck. Ihaby sa kon
ang is ka naht nga tabk. Throw me a
cigar. Haboy ak sing bla. Pitch me a
ball. Ginhaby ak nya sing madm nga
mga bat, pang wal si makag sa
kon. He flung many stones at me, but did
not hit me. (cf. pilk, blang).
hbug, See hbog.
hbug, To fling, hurl, throw; throw away.
(cf. haby, pilk).
hbul, To be, become or make blunt, dull
(said of edged or pointed tools, etc.).
Naghbul ang binngon. The bolo has
become blunt. Ind mo paghablon ang
tigb. Dont blunt the chisel.
hbul, Blanket, rug. (cf. kpay).
habl, To weave (cloth). Hbla in. Weave
this. Hbli ak sing duh ka pnid nga
pny. Weave me two handkerchiefs.
Ihabl mo ak nay sang kon hblon, dl

sang ya sang ibn. Please weave (into

cloth) my materials first and not those of
others. Malam ka bal maghabl? Do
you know how to weave? Ho, kay ang
kon nnay bntug nga manughbul, kag
ya man ak gintudlon sang tann nga
bgay sang halblon. Yes, for my mother
was a well-known weaver and she taught
me all kinds of weaving. (cf. lla, rrato
weave wicker-work).
habl, Blunt, dull, not cutting well (of
edged tools; cf. hbul).
habs-habs, To blow, howl, strike or
beat against (of wind, etc.). (cf. hagnus,
dldal, smpay, mdlus, uns, huyp).
haby, To drop down in a heap,
collapse, be huddled up. (cf. by).
hbw, To seize, grasp, take, grab,
much of, be eager to get, scramble or make
for, make a run at, struggle to obtain, rush
upon. Ginhbw lang nla ang krne sa
ilihawn, ang humy sa alnyan, etc.
They rushed upon the meat at the
butchers, upon the rice in the harvest-field,
etc. Ind kam maghbw sang tinpay
ornd nnyo paghabwan ang tinpay.
Dont make such a scramble for the bread.
Din si nakahbw sing plak kay
manggarnon si karn? Where did he
pick up the money, for he is rich now? (cf.
kka, kh, gaw, tpon, karipn).
hbyog, habyogn, See hbiog,
hdak, To prate, prattle, babble, jabber,
gabble, twaddle, chatter; rattle on, vaunt,
boast, brag. A, nagahdak lang si. Ah, he
just talks for the sake of talking. Ind mo
pagihdak inng mga waly puls nga
butng. Dont twaddle about such silly
things. Ginhdak nya sa kon ang ya
mga ginaghan. He boasted to me of what
he had gone through. Ginhadkan nya
ak tbtub nga nasum-orn ak. He
rattled on at me till I got sick of it. (cf.
wkal, br, hmbog).
hadakn, A chatterbox, boaster,
braggart; garrulous, loquacious, glib,
flippant. (cf. wakaln, buran).
hdal, To dull, blunt, take off the edge; be
or become blunt. Hal, hadla ang
lanstas ko. Hey, take the edge off my
pocket-knife. Naghdal ang binngon, kay
ginpagi mo sa bat. The bolo is blunted,
for you passed it over a stone. (cf. hdal,
hdkan, From halk for halukn. (cf.
hgkan, hrkan).
hdluk, Fear, fright, timidity,
apprehension, anxiety, diffidence,
consternation, alarm, dismay, dread,
terror, awe, funk, scare, panic; to fear, be
apprehensive, etc. Ind ka magkahdluk.
Dont be afraid. Have no fear.
Ginakahadlukn ko si. I am afraid of him.
Ipahdluk sa ya inorpahadluk si
sin. Overawe him with this. Nahadlukn
sil. They were scared, dismayed. Dl mo


had hgn
igkahdluk ang am nga mga butng.
Dont get alarmed over such things.
Pahadluk si. Make him afraid.
Nagakahdluk sil nga . They are
apprehensive of . They are afraid, lest
. (cf. thap, drham, klb, lsang,
had, (B) To kiss. (cf. halk).
hdok, Wave, billow, surge, swell, roller,
breaker, white horses; to form breakers,
etc. May hdok sa subornagahdok
ang sub. The river is choppy.
hdoy, To roam, loaf, ramble, saunter,
walk about idly, take a stroll, idle. Ig lang
ikw sang hdoyordalyon lang ikw
nagahdoy. You are a loaferorYou are
always idling.
hady-hdoy, Dim. and Freq. of hdoy.
Nagahadyhdoy lang sil. They are just
roaming, loitering or walking about idly.
Hadyhdoy lang ikw kay wal ka man
sing palamgnan. Take a stroll as you have
no job. (cf. hagyhgoy, lagwlgaw,
landlndo, tiygtiyg).
hdug, To prattle, vaunt, boast, brag, be
very loquacious, etc. (cf. hdak, hgak,
wkal, br).
hgad, (H) To do often or customarily.
(cf. sgad, sli).
hgad, To invite, persuade, request,
tempt, induce, bias, move, bringover,
around, allure, entice, askto come,
assist,to take part in. Hagda (ra) si
sa paghpit dir. Invite him to call here.
Ginhgad ak nya sa pagtmbong sa
bulangn. He tempted me to go the cockpit. Hagdi (ri) ak sing mga to nga
magablig sa kon olobrhon. Get some
men to help me in my work. Hinagran
nla ang la bd sing madm nga bista.
They invited many guests to their banquet.
Ihgad ak nay sa ya. Please invite him
on my behalf. Ind ka maghgad sa ya sa
pagdguk sa mga kalingwlingwan nga
malut. Dont entice him to take part in
harmful diversions. (cf. gda, kngay,
dpit, dhan).
hgak, See hdak. Ind ka maghgak.
Dont prattle, boast or brag. Ginhagkan
ak nya sang ya kalam. He boasted to
me of his learning. Pahagka lang si. Get
him to bragorLet him rattle on.
hagakn, Chatterbox; boaster, braggart;
boasting, bragging, vaunting. (cf.
hgal, To grasp, take hold of, cling to (as a
child clings to its mother).
hgal, To gasp, pant for breath. Sa laks
nga dalgan nagahgal ang id. Too
much running makes a dog pant for breath.
(cf. hgkal, diwl).
hagla, See higla, higracompanion,
friend, etc.
hgan, To lighten, ease, alleviate, relieve,
moderate, allay, assuage, temper, make or
become less burdensome or heavy, abate.


Visayan-English Dictionary
Hagna ang ya pangabdlay. Lighten his
work. Give him less work. Nahagnan si
sa ya mga buluhatn, kay ginbulgan si
ni Fulno. His duties were made lighter, for
N.N. helped him. Naghgan na ang
kasakt, kay nagbswang ang hubg. The
pain has abated, for the ulcer has burst.
Ang bulng nga gindpat sang mdiko
nagpahgan sang kon balatygon. The
medicine applied by the doctor eased my
hagnas, To murmur; rustle. See
hugnas id.
hagn-hgan, Dim. and Freq. of hgan.
Also adjective: Lightened, eased, bearable,
sufferable, supportable, tolerable,
endurable. Masakt pa ang pils mo?
Ho, pang hagnhgan na. Is your
wound still painful?Yes, but it is bearable
now. (cf. gangan).
hgap, To look for, forage, go in search
(of eatables, etc.). Nagahgap si sang ya
pagkon. He is looking for something to
eat. Hagpi ak sang kon panyaghon.
Get me some dinner. Look out for some
dinner for me. Ihgap ak nay sing sd,
kay igasd-an ko. Please look for some fish
for me; I want to eat it as a side dish.
Ginahgap ko ang kon ginhwa. I am
trying to get back my breath (after a swoon
or fainting fit, etc). Ginahgap ko lang ang
pagtah, kay wal ak sing antehos. I am
sewing by touch, because I have no
spectacles. (cf. lghap, sghap, sgap).
hgas, To waste, wear out, growlean,
thin,weak,faint (of body, voice, etc.).
Nagahgas na ang ya tngug. His voice is
weakening. Ang malwig nga
pakigplongplong nagpahgas sang ya
tngug. The lengthy discourse made his
voice grow faint. Nakahgas ang ya
lwas. He grew thin, wasted away. (cf. kgas).
hags, Wasted, worn-out, lean, thin, lank,
gaunt, skinny, emaciated. (cf. manwang,
mahgpis, mahgwos).
hagshas, To draw, pull, draggle, shuffle,
push noisily along a floor (as shuffling the
slippered feet, etc.). (cf. sagdsud).
hagw, Weak, thin, soft, faint (of voice).
Naghagw ang ya tngug. His voice
became weak. (cf. hgas).
hagy, To air, give things an airing, take
things out (from boxes, cupboards, etc. and
spread them in the open air, lest they
should spoil), set out, bring forth, show
openly. Ihagy inng mga panpton. Give
those clothes an airing. Hagay ang mga
dhon sang tabk. Spread the tobaccoleaves in the open air. Hagay ak sinng
mga mas. Spread these corn-cobs in the
air for me. Ihagy ak nay sinng mga
uls. Kindly air these clothes. (cf. buld,
hway, kyang).
hgbas, To cut, mow, down grass,
shrubs and the like. Hagbas ang mga

gmhon. Cut down the weeds. (cf. taps,

hgbong, Shadow, shade, obscurity,
gloom, umbrage, murk, dusk; to be or
become shadowy, dark, etc. May hgbong
sa pihk sang baly. There is shadow
behind the house. Mapaslong kit sa
baly ukn makdto lang kit sa hgbong
sang khoy? Shall we enter a house or shall
we just go under the shade of a tree?
Nagahgbong ang kalibtan kon madm
ang gl-um. It becomes dark if there are
many clouds. (cf. hndong, lndong,
hron, lmbung).
hgdan, Stair, staircase, stairway, ladder,
flight ofstairs,of steps, step-ladder; to
apply or use a ladder. Hagdan ang baly
mo. Provide your house with a flight of
steps. Ihgdan ko inng khoy sa kon
baly. Ill use this wood to make stairs for
my house. Ginhagdann nla ang baly
sing tp, agd maghaps ang pagsk.
They made a stair of planks to their house
to make it easy to go up. Din ang hgdan?
Where is the ladder?
hagdnan, Staircase, place where the
stair or ladder is attached; entrance. Din
ang hagdnan sang nyo baly? Where is
the entrance to your house? (cf. hgdan).
hgd, To touch, feel, handle, stroke,
caress, fondle. (cf. tndog, khit, hkap,
kblit, kml, kmlot, hlam, hkam).
hagd-hgd, Dim. and Freq. of hgd.
Also: to pet, fondle, play with. (cf. ar-ro).
hghag, To shake, remove by shaking or
agitating. Ihghag ang hilamn tbtub
nga madgdag ang dt. Shake the
(bunch of) grass till the earth drops from it.
hghag, Interstice, opening, loose
connection, separation at seams; loosely
connected or woven, not well joined, far
apart; to weave loosely, etc. Abw, dalgk
ang mga hghag sang mo salg!
Goodness me, how far apart your flooring is
spaced! Haghag ang paghabl sinng
hnero. Weave this cloth loosely. (cf.
hayghag, malak, lak).
hgkal, To pant, gasp for breath with the
tongue sticking out. Ginpahgkal ang id
sang talunn. The wild boar made the dog
pant. (cf. hgal).
hgkan, From halkto kiss. (cf.
hdkan, hrkan).
hgkot, Dregs, sediment; to adhere or
stick to. (cf. dgkut, dokt, pilt).
hgmak, To fall down prone, head
foremost, headlong, head first, fall on ones
face. Nakahgmak si. He fell down
foremost. Itklod si sa likd, agd
maghgmak. Push him from behind so
that he may fall on his face. (cf. dsm,
dgp, sukmod).
hgmuk, To soften, mollify, ease. (cf.
hlmok, hagnhgan).
hgn, Proposal, motion, bill; to propose,
purpose, intend. Hgn nga pagbult-an.

Visayan-English Dictionary
A bill to bebrought in,introduced, a
project of law.
hagnya, See agnya.
hgnop, To inspire fear, cause a feeling of
uneasiness, to haunt. Nagakahgnop sil
sdtong baly, ky may amarnhing,
kon. They are afraid of that house,
because, they say, it is haunted by a ghost.
Nahagnopn ak. I feel uneasy, nervous,
apprehensive. Ginakahagnopn sang ibn
inng lonk, kay may tumo, kon. Some
are afraid of (coming near) this mangrove,
for, they say, it is inhabited by goblins. (cf.
hdluk, drham, klb).
hg, To tire out, fatigue, weary, wear out,
exhaust. Haga si sa trabho. Tire him
out with work. Ginhg si sang
pagtnum. He was exhausted from
planting rice. Ihg ko sa ya inng
trabho. Ill give him this tiresome job.
Patrabahhon ko si tbtub nga mahg
si. Ill make him work till he becomes
tired-out. (cf. bdlay, ly, luy, pul).
hag, Tired, fatigued, weary. (cf. luy,
hgok, To snore. Nagahgok si kon
nagakatulg. He snores when he sleeps.
Hgokormaghgok ka, agd ang
nagask maghunhn nga nagakatulg
ka na. Snore, so that the one who is coming
up may think you are already asleep. Ind
mo si pagpukwon knd pahagka lang
si. Dont awaken him, but just let him
snore on. (cf. hulgok, hurgok).
hg-on, To buy up, buy wholesale,
contract for all that is for sale. Ginhg-on
ko ang ya sging. I bought up his
bananas. Ginhag-onn ko si sang tann
nya nga sging. I made a contract with
him for all his bananas. Ihg-on ak sang
ya kamti. Kindly buy up for me his sweet
potatoes. Ipahg-on mo sa kon ang mo
kalmay, nd mo nay pagibalgy sa
ibn. Let me have all your sugar; dont sell
it to others. (cf. sgib).
hagnoy, A medicinal herb.
hg-os, To be lean, etc. (cf. hgwos,
nwang, hgpis).
hagyhgoy, To loaf, roam, loiter,
ramble. See hadyhdoy.
hgpis, To be or make lean, thin, slender,
skinny, gaunt, lank. Naghgpis ang lwas
nya. He has grown slender. Pahagpis si
sa pangabdlay, kay laks katmbok sa
ya. Make him thin by work, for he is too
fat. (cf. hgwos, nips, nwang).
hgpok, To be or make crisp, crimp,
friable, short. Naghgpok inng kinhad
nga tinpay. These slices of bread have
become crisp. Pahagpok ang pnit sang
letsn. Let the skin of the roast pig turn
into crackling.
hgrak, To snore, breathe with difficulty
due to stuffed nostrils or the like. (cf.
hulgok, hurgok).

hagnya hkad
hgrak, The death-rattle; to breathe
heavily in agony. Malapt na ang hgrak
nya. His death-rattle is approaching.
Madal na lang mauts ang ya ginhwa,
kay nagahgrak na si. He will soon
breathe his last, for the death-rattle has
begun. (cf. ting).
hgrok, To croak, emit a low hoarse
sound as of a frog or raven; a croak. (cf.
kl, kalkal).
hagbhub, Echo, reverberation,
repercussion; a low, heavy, rumbling
sound; to echo, reecho, reverberate,
rumble, boom, thunder, roar. (cf.
dagbdub, hagnghung, lghong).
hagbhub, Moist, well-watered; to be or
become moist, etc. (cf. lang).
hagubhban, Moist, well-watered soil.
(cf. lang, longasg).
hgud, To oil, anoint, grease, rub in fat,
tallow, etc. Hagda (ra) nay ang
hnero, agd maghaps ang pagtah. Rub
some fat into the cloth, that it may be easy
to sew. Ginhgud nya ang hblon sing
tro, kay kon dl maspnot ang pagsod
sang ngkub. She first rubbed tallow into
the materials for weaving, for otherwise it
is difficult to beat the weft up to the web
with the reed. Metaphorically: to waste,
misspend, wear out. Nagahgud lang si
ddto sang ya nga dlaw, panpton, etc.
He merely wastes his time there, wears out
his clothes, etc. (cf. plhit, hplas; sik,
hagk, One who snores; one that growls,
grumbles or utters ill-natured complaints.
hguk, To snore. See hgok.
haguk, Loose, slack, not tight. (cf. halg,
halungkak, hugak, tugk).
haglut, To whizz, fizz, bubble; to throb,
drum, din, sing, ring. Nagahaglut ang
dalnggan ko sa gtum, sa nit, etc. There
is a ringing in my ears on account of
hunger, the heat, etc. (cf. hagrut).
hagmhum, To hum, coo; rumble, roll,
boom. Nakabat ak sang hagmhum
sang mga bald. I heard the rumbling of
the waves. (cf. hgung).
hgung, To hum, coo, rumble, roll, boom.
Nagahgung ang mga kanyn sa malay.
The cannons are booming in the distance.
(cf. hagnung).
hagnghung, A dull, rumbling sound,
boom, rumble, rolling; to emit such a
sound. (cf. hgung, hagnung,
hagnoy, To drone, buzz, hum, chirp; to
roll, rumble. (cf. hun, hagmhum).
hagnung, To hum, roll, boom, emit a
dull, rolling, rumbling sound.
Nagahagnung ang dak nga linggnay.
The big bell is booming. (cf. hgung,
hagnus, The howling, noisy blowing of
wind; to blow, howl, whistle, shriek,
scream, screech (of wind). May hagnus

sang hngin nga ginapamatin ko. I hear

the howling of the wind. Nagahagnus ang
hngin. The wind is blowing strongly. (cf.
uns, mdlus).
hagot, Low, sunk, sunken; hard, trying,
difficult. (cf. got; lapgot).
hagp, To be tame, domesticated, broken
in, gentle, meek, docile. Naghagp na ang
ilhas. The wild chicken has become tame
now. Pahagup ang simarn nga
karabw, bka, etc. Tame the wild buffalo,
cow, etc. Pahagup ak sinng perko.
Tame this parrot for me. Ipahagp ko sa
mo inng kabyo, kay nd ak
makasarng. Ill give this horse to you to
train (break in), for I cannot do it. (cf. nt,
hagrut, hagurt, See haglut.
hags See hg-os.
hgut, To straighten, smooth, squeeze
empty (by passing through the hand a wire,
string, gut, piece of cloth, etc.). Hagta ang
tini tbtub nga maggw ang hgk.
Squeeze the guts to remove the dirt.
hgwos, To become lean, thin, etc. See
hgpis, hgas, nwang, hg-os.
hgy, Sign, gesture; to gesticulate, make
signs and gestures; to swing, move (the
arms, legs, etc.; cf. hgyon).
hgyon, To swing ones arms to and fro.
Nagalakt si nga nagahgyon. He walks
with swinging arms. Ginahgyon nya ang
to, pang ang wal wal, kay nagabtbit
sang malta. He is swinging his right arm,
but not his left, because he is carrying his
suit-case. (cf. hyon).
hgyon, Gesture, sign; indication,
intention, plan. (cf. ty, tnd, timan).
hagyn-hgyon, Dim. and Freq. of
hgyon. Also: Gesture, gesticulation.
hha, To say ha-ha, to guffaw, laugh
aloud. (cf. halkhak, talngkaw).
hh, To strip, tear off; disembowel (an
animal). Hha ang pnit sang khoy.
Take the bark off the tree. Strip the tree of
its bark. Hha ang bka sang ya tini.
Disembowel the cow. (cf. k-ak, bkbak,
han, Where, at, or in, what place? (cf.
din, kan).
hkab, To desire vehemently, crave, yearn
for, hanker after, long for, be bent upon,
wish for, like to. Nagahkab gid si sa
pagtn-aw sang sne. She likes very much
to see the motion-picture. Ind ka
maghkab sin. Dont hanker after that.
(cf. hnggab, wli, lyag, bug, hngyo,
hndum, pangaby, yon).
hkad, To take out the contents of, empty
a box or the like, remove from a receptacle.
Hakda ang kon uls sa bal, kay
inanyan. Take my clothes out of the
trunk, for they have been attacked by white
ants. Hakdi (ri) ak sang kn-on sa
klon. Empty the rice out of the kettle for
me. Ihkad ak nay sang suld sang


hkal hal
kon malta. Kindly take the things out of
my suit-case. (cf. skadto ladle or scoop
out rice from the pot, etc.).
hkal, To talk big, vaunt oneself, brag,
boast, prattle, talk proudly of ones
achievements, be a great chatterbox. Ind
ka maghkal. Dont talk big. Hinaklan
ak nya. He talked to me with great selfassertion. Ihkal mo lang ang agrt mo
kon nagadmdum ka nga madm ang
mga bang nga magapti sang mo nga
hmbug. Go on with your foolish chatter if
you believe there are many simpletons that
will give credence to your silly stories. (cf.
hdak, hmbug, etc.).
hakaln, Boasting, bragging, vaunting;
chatterbox; braggart. (cf. hadakn,
wakaln, buran).
hkbut, To flick, strike, beat. Ihkbut ang
mo bastn sa ya nga taldtud. Beat him
on the back with your stick. (cf. hplik,
hnot, bnal, etc.).
hkhak, To eat like an animal. Ind mo
pagihkhak ang mo bb sa pnggan
sbung sang sa ka bboy. Dont put your
mouth to the plate like a pig. (cf. hbhab).
hkhak, To cut in small pieces, chop up.
Hakhak ang skwa kag idamg sa
bboy. Chop up the banana stump and feed
it to the pig. (cf. tktok).
hakd, (B) To scoop out rice from a kettle,
etc. Kon maghakd ka sang ting-ang, mo
nay kalikdon (ron). When you scoop
out the boiled rice, stir it up first with the
ladle. Patakdla ang klon, kalikdon mo
ang kn-on kag hakidn (irn). Lean the
kettle, stir the rice with the ladle and scoop
it out. Ihakd ak nay sang ting-ang sa
klon. Please take out the boiled rice from
the pot. (cf. skad).
hklap, To cover with, spread upon,
superpose, overlay, plate, veneer, coat.
Haklap ang lamsa sing mantl. Cover
the table with a cloth. Ihklap ang mantl
sa lamsa. Spread the table-cloth on the
table. Ang hklap sang husy nya
bulwanorang ya husy nahaklapn
sing bulwan. Her comb is plated with
gold. (cf. tklap).
hkl, Inhalation; to inhale, breathe in,
draw in. Haklo lang ang as, kon
malyag ka, pang ak sing kon
magahaln na sa digamohn. Breathe the
smoke, if you like, but I for my part will get
out of the kitchen. Haklo ang tub nga
mahamt sang romro. Inhale the scent of
the fragrant rosemary. (cf. hkon, syup).
hkmal, To bite, seize or tear with the
teeth. Ginhkmal sang id ang batis ko.
The dog bit the calf of my leg. (cf. kagt,
hak-hk, To challenge, defy, provoke,
dare. (cf. ngkat, kyat, hkyat).
hk-on, To breathe, sniff or suck in
through the nose. Ihk-on or hak-on ang
kahamt sinng insynso. Sniff the
fragrance of this incense. (cf. hkl).


Visayan-English Dictionary
hakn-hkon, To despatch quickly,
work under pressure, work against time,
perform or work with despatch, be anxious
to do something quickly. Ginhaknhkon
nya ang ya buluhatn. He performed his
work with great dispatch. Ginahaknhkon
nla ang la mga kaway, kay ginapannaw nla nga dan ang la nga pagdag.
They are anxious to fight their enemies, for
they are convinced that they will overcome
hkpon, From hkupto scoop up with
the hands.
hkroy, Used mostly in the compound
form panghkroy, panhkroyto moan,
complain, sigh, heave a sigh, groan, wail,
bewail, mourn, lament. Ind ka
manghkroy sing laks. Dont lament too
much. Pinanghakroyn nya ang
kamatyon sang ya ily. He bewailed the
death of his mother. Ginpanghakroyn
nya ak, agd tabngan ko si. He
besought me with sighs to come to his
assistance. (cf. bkh).
hakb-hakb, To palpitate, thump,
pulsate, throb, hammer, race, beat quickly
or violently; palpitation, etc.
Nagahakbhakb ang ya tagiposon sa
kahdluk. Her heart throbs violently with
fear. Kon kulban ak dyon ang
hakbhakb sang dghan koordyon
nagahakbhakb ang dghan ko. When I
am scared my heart begins at once to
palpitate. (cf. pitk, kubkub).
hkug, To need, cost, want, use up,
consume or take much, be greedy of, be
expensive. Ind ka maghkug sang ikon.
Dont finish too much of the side-dish.
Ginhkug nya ang paginm sang bno
kag nahubg. He took too much wine and
got drunk. Hinakgan gid nya ang
pagkon sing bboy. He gorged himself
with pork. Inng paghmos mo sang talng
nagahkug sang mantk. Your
preparation of the egg-plant in this way
takes a lot of lard. (cf. mbas).
hakugn, Avaricious, greedy, covetous,
voracious, ravenous, gluttonous; a glutton,
gourmand, gormandizer; expensive, costly.
(cf. hkug; mambas).
hakl, The compound form panhakl,
panghakl is mostly used. To plead,
beseech, implore, complain, lament, cry out
in grief or sorrow, ask with tears. Ind ka
magpanghakl sing laks, kay nhon mo?
Ang karabw nga paty nd na
mabnhaw. Dont lament too much, for
what can you do? The dead buffalo will not
rise again. Ginpanghakuln ak nya sa
pagpahulm sa ya sing kwrta. He
implored me with tears to lend him some
money. Nagapanghakl kam sa mo .
We beseech thee . We are crying out to
thee . (cf. hkroy, bkh, pakiloy,
hkul, To bered and swollen,
bruised,suffused with blood. Naghalkul

ang la mga nawng. Their faces were red

and swollen. (cf. habl, hang).
hk-um, To sniff, etc. See hk-on.
hkup, A (double) handful; to take up,
ladle out with one hand or with the two
hands put together. Hkpa (hakpa) lang
inng bals, kag isuld sa kahn. Just
scoop up this sand with your hands and put
it into the box. Hkpi ak sing ttlo ka
hkup nga balingn. Get me three
handfuls of small dried fish. Ihkup ak
sinng mga sgbot nga sinlhig. Kindly
take up in your hands these sweepings. Sno ang nagkh sing is ka hkup nga
mas, kay hlmon gid nga hinkpan inng
tmpok? Who has taken a (double) handful
of corn, for it is apparent that this heap has
been encroached upon with hands put
together? Ihkup inng papl sa ti sang
kurng. Use this paper to take up the cats
haks, An embrace, hugging; to embrace,
hug, clasp in ones arms, cuddle, press to
ones bosom. Hksaorhksi si.
Embrace him. Sang pagabt nya sa baly
hinksan (hinakusn) si sing hugt sang
ya nga ily. When he arrived at his home
his mother pressed him closely to her
bosom. (cf. pgus, abrso).
hkut, Cartage, carriage, conveyance,
portage, porterage, freight; to carry, cart,
ship, transport, bear, convey, fetch, bring,
take, in successive loads. Hakta inng
mga bat sa baly. Cart these stones to the
house. Sn-o ang magahkut sang mo
humy? Who will bring in your rice?
Hakti ak sinng mga napl ka psong
nga humy sa kon tambbo. Carry these
ten bushels of rice to my granary. Din
sil?Nagahkut sil sing khoy nga
halalgyon sang kon baly. Where are
they?They are hauling in the wood for the
posts of my house. Ihkut ko inng
karabw sa humy. Ill use this buffalo to
fetch the rice. Ihkut ak sinng tmpok
nga kawyan sa kon um, kay himon
ko nga kamlig. Kindly transport this pile
of bamboo to my field, for I am going to
build a hut with it. (cf. dal, dl-ung).
hkwat, To raise, lift, heave, hoist, take
up from the ground. Hakwat inng bat.
Lift this stone. Hakwat ang dlan sinng
mga bat. Take those stones off the road.
Ind si makahkwat sinng bat, kay
laks kabg-at. He cannot lift that stone, it
is too heavy. Ipahkwat lang inng bat
nga mabahl sa mo nga mnong, kay
ikw nd makasarng. Let your elder
brother lift that stone, for you cannot do it.
(cf. plut, ghit, nk, lsa; gkatto take
up a corpse).
hkyat, To challenge, defy. (cf. kyat,
hal, An exclamation to invite attention.
Hello, halloo, halloa, hullo, hi, hey, now
then, or the like. Hal, lakt na kam. Now
then march. Hal, pamurs kam nga

Visayan-English Dictionary
tann. Hi! Put all your strength into it, all
of you. Hal, haln kam. Quick now, clear
hla, To shout hal. Kon halhon ang
mga bt magahyab sil. If one shouts
hal to the boys, they will scamper off.
Halha ang mga bt nga nagaginhud
sa atubngan sang baly. Shout hal to
the children making a noise in front of the
house (and drive them away).
hal, (B) To be very loquacious, prate,
prattle, talk nonsense. Ind ka maghal
sing laks. Dont prattle so much. (cf. br,
nglngal, hdak, etc).
hlab, (H) To graze, crop or eat grass,
pasture, browse. Ang mga karnro
nagahlab sa latagn. The sheep are
browsing in the field. Ginhlab sang mga
bka ang mon mga mas. The cattle were
eating our corn. Pahalba (pahlba) ang
mga karabw. Put the buffaloes out to
grass. Drive the buffaloes to pasture.
Pahalbi (pahlbi) lang ang bunglon
sang mo kabyo. Just let your horse graze
in the zacate-field. Pasture your horse in
the zacate-field.
halb, Long. See malb.
halblan, A loom, hand loom; weaving.
(cf. halblon).
halblon, (H) Weaving, weaving
materials, things to be woven into cloth.
Nakabakl ak sing ttlo ka gpang nga
bunng nga halblon. I bought three
hanks of yarn to be woven. Pil ka
patdyong ang halblon mo? How many
skirts have you to weave? (cf. habl).
halabab, halab-ab, (H) Sediment;
offspring, etc. See alab-ab id.
halabwan, (H) Assets, the wherewithal,
etc. (cf. alabwan, hbw).
halabyogn, (H) A swing; place where a
swing is. (cf. hbyog, habyogn).
hlad, Offering, sacrifice, donation, gift,
present, grant, oblation, immolation; to
offer, sacrifice, bestow, grant, confer,
donate, immolate, give. Haldi (ri) ang
Dis sang mo paghiggmaorihlad
mo sa Dis ang mo paghiggma. Offer to
God your love. Ginhalran nla ang Mahl
nga Brhin sing madm nga mga blak.
They offered many flowers to the Blessed
Virgin. Ang Sntos nga Msa am ang
labng malahlon nga hlad. The Holy
Mass is the most precious sacrifice. Ang ya
pangabdlay kag ang ya kabh hinlad
nya sa hiniggma nya nga natuban. He
gave his work and life for his beloved native
country. Nahlad na ang ya tagiposon,
nd na si makahlad sin sa ibn. Her
heart is already bestowed upon someone,
she cannot offer it to another. (cf. htag,
halagyan, Place where things are
spread or set out, as a table, shelf, ledge,
board, etc. (cf. hagy).

hla halngdon
halaguns, To howl, roar, blow strongly
(of wind); to rush, run, pass by so swiftly as
to cause a current of air. (cf. hagnus,
halaguyn, (H) To rush, run, scamper,
come near or go away from with quick
steps. Nagahalaguyn ang mga knding
kon tabgon. The goats scamper off, when
they are driven away. Kon singgitn mo
ang mga bt hal, haln kam
magahalaguyn sil. If you shout to the
boys Hi! Be off! they will quickly take to
their heels. Nagahalaguyn dir ang mga
bt, kay nakabat sil nga may tbad.
The children rushed here, for they had
heard that there was a banquet. (cf.
halhad, To make a lunge at, strike at,
brandish, flourish, swing to and fro. (cf.
harhad, tsay, d).
halkhak, A guffaw, loud laugh, a
burst, peal, roar, shout, of laughter;
to guffaw, shout, roar, with laughter,
etc. Nga man nga nagahalkhak ikw?
Why are you laughing so much? Kay
halakhaknorhalalakhakn gid ang
ginsgid nya. Because what he said
deserves a hearty laugh. Ang am nga tab
hinalkhakn nla nga tann. When that
happened they all burst into peals of
laughter. (cf. talngkaw, harkhak,
arkok, arkik, hha).
halak, Unskilful, badly done or made,
botched, bungled, mean. Halak ang
pagbhat nla sinng aparadr. They have
made this cupboard badly (or roughly). (cf.
hilak, bstos).
halakotn, Place to which something is
hauled; anything used for hauling,
dragging, pulling (as a cart, truck, tractor,
etc.). (cf. hkot).
halakotn, That is to be hauled, carried,
conveyed, etc. (cf. hkot).
halkson, (H) Worthy to be embraced,
what is or should be accepted, received and
cherished. (cf. haks).
halakwton, (H) That is to, can,
should, be lifted or taken up. (cf.
halalabn, halalban, (H) Field of
grass, meadow, grazing ground, grass land,
pasturage, pasture land. (cf. hlab,
halalbon, halalabn, (H) Browse,
grass, fodder, herbage. (cf. hlab,
halalran, (H) Person or object on whose
behalf a sacrifice, etc. is made. (cf. hlad).
halalarn, (H) Altar, place of worship or
sacrifice. (cf. halarn).
hallban, (H) See halalban id.
hallbon, (H) See halalbon id.
halalgyon, (H) Tree, wood, or any other
material to be used for posts. (cf. halgi).

halalgyon, That is to be made into a

post, material (wood, iron, etc.) for posts.
(cf. halgi).
halalnan, Origin, source, birth, root,
cause, anything that starts, or gives rise to,
something else. (cf. haln).
halalungn, What is to be, should
be,cherished,treated with care,
handled cautiously; risky, dangerous,
perilous, hazardous, requiring caution,
worthy of great attention or watchfulness.
(cf. hlong, alamlgan, alandman).
halambalnon, (H) Chat, talk,
conversation. (cf. hmbal; halamblon,
hambr, sugilnon).
halamblon, (H) See halambalnon.
halambyan, (H) An arm-rest, the arm
of a chair. (cf. hmbuy).
halmlan, (H) Salt fish, pickled meat or
the like to be mixed with halaml, which
see. Anything that is to be, or should be,
desalted before it is eaten. (cf. haml,
halampngan, (H) Campus, playground, playing-field, recreation ground;
play, game; toys, playthings. (cf.
halampangnan, (H) See
halampngon, (H) Play, game;
playthings, toys.
halmpul, (H) Plaster, unguent, salve,
ointment, poultice or the like applied
externally as a remedy against various
diseases and injuries. (cf. hmpul;
halaml, Rice porridge, gruel, ground
maize, etc. used to desalt pickled meat or
fish. (cf. haml, hmlan, halmlan).
halanasn, That is, can, should be
practised or trained. Mga mangangawy
nga halanasn. Recruits. Soldiers in
training. (cf. hnas).
halan-yan, Beam-roll, warp, cloth to be
woven on a loom. (cf. hn-ay).
halandumnan, (H) Memorial,
recollection, remembrance, reminder,
keepsake, souvenir, memento. (cf.
halandmon, (H) Memorable, worthy to
be remembered, recorded or cherished in
thought, to be kept in mind with gratitude.
(cf. hndum).
hlang, To be sharp, pungent, biting (of
taste; cf. khan, hrang).
halangarn, (H) To be looked up to, etc.
See halngdon.
halngdon, (H) Worthy to be looked up
to, high, exalted, great, praiseworthy,
respectable; honourable, excellent. Ang
halngdon nga panglo-pud. His
Honour, the Provincial Governor. Ang
halngdon nga panglo-pngsud. His
Excellence, the Governor General. (cf.
hangd, halangarn).


halngpon hlin
halngpon, That is to beguessed,
understood,inferred,implied, difficult
to understand. (cf. hangp).
haln, Near, nigh, close, at hand. (cf.
lapt, malapt).
halnig, (H) A covering or inside lining in
the bottom of a kettle or pot to prevent
food from burning or sticking. (cf. hang,
hlap, Cover, film. (cf. klap).
halpad, (H) Wide, broad, spacious; to be
wide, etc. See lpad, malpad.
halplas, (H) Salve, ointment, unguent,
liniment. (cf. halmpul, talmbal,
halaponn, (H) Roost, perch, chickenhouse, pole or rod to perch upon (for
chickens, etc.). (cf. hapn).
halpon, halapn, Covered with a film;
dim, not clear. Halapn ang mat
(panluk) nya. His sight (eyes) is (are)
dim. (cf. kulpon, harpon).
halarn, (H) Altar. (cf. halalarn).
hlas, A kind of sharp-edged grass. (cf.
halasohasn, (H) A pair of bellows. (cf.
halasohasnan, (H) Smithy, stithy,
anvil. (cf. asohasnan).
halason, (H) Soft, pliant, one amenable
to flattery, easilycheated,tricked,
cajoled,wheedled,imposed upon. (cf.
halatagn, One to whom something is to
be given; beneficiary, recipient. (cf. htag).
halatudanduls, Telegraph office, place
where telegrams are received or
despatched. (cf. hatd, duls, hatudduls).
halw, To be anticipative of something
unfavourable, fearful of what may be
coming, in dread, apprehensive, fearful,
faint-hearted, timid, timorous, shy, easily
taking fright. Napaty gal s Fulno?
Ho, naghalw ak nga dan sdtong ya
balatan waly sapayn sang pagsilng
sang madm nga sa madal magayo
si. So, N.N. is dead?Yes, I had a
presentiment (was in dread, saw it coming)
at the time he contracted that disease,
though many were of the opinion that he
would recover soon. Ginhalawn nla ang
am nga mga ph, kay, kon, maslum,
pang am tapt ang narut sang bakl
sa tinda. They thought those mangoes
would not sell, because they were suspected
of being sour, yet they were bought up to
the last on the market. Nagahalw si sa
pagtabk sa sub, kay may bah. He is
afraid to cross the river, for it is in flood.
Ind ka maghalw sa pagpanysay sa ya
sang mo kinahnglan. Dont be shy to
explain to him your need. Naghalw
(hinalw) si sang pagkakt nya sang
kabskug sang lwas ni Fulno nga nd
na si but magdmug sa ya. When he
saw the strong build of N.N. he was so


Visayan-English Dictionary
intimidated that he would not wrestle with
him. (cf. hdluk).
halwhaw, To marvel, wonder, be
amazed, astonished, spell-bound, stunned
dumb-founded, staggered, surprised.
Nagahalwhaw ak sang kadm sang
ya nga kinon. I was amazed at the large
amount of food he took. Ginahalawhawn
nya ang kadak kag katahm sang baly.
He is astonished at the size and beauty of
the house. Kon makt mo ang simbhan
ni San Pdro sa Rma pagahalawhawn
mo gid ang dmasip nga mga kamahlan
sa suld sin. If you see Saint Peters
Church at Rome you will marvel at the
innumerable precious things there. (cf.
blung, tingla).
halwig, Long, lasting, extended,
protracted, prolonged, lingering, dragging
on, spun out, drawn out (of time). (cf.
lwig, malwig).
haly, To put on a string or line, hang out
to dry (clothes, etc.). Ihaly (halay) ang
mga linbhan. Hang the washed linen on
the line. Halay inng ps sang mo mga
panpton tbtub nga magmal. Hang
your clothes on this line till they are dry.
Kuha sa madal ang mga hinaly nga
uls, kay malapt na lang ang uln. Take
the clothes off the line at once, for it is
coming on to rain. (cf. sblay, halyhay).
halyan, Clothes-line, rope, string, long
pole, on which clothes are hung out to dry.
(cf. haly, blog, sablyan, salablyan).
halayon, (H) Weeping, crying, shedding
tears, sighing; to weep, cry, shed tears,
lament; that is to be wept over (as a corpse,
etc.). (cf. hy, balakhon, hilibon).
haly-hlay, Dim. and Freq. of haly
to suspend from, etc.
halyhay, Plural form of hyhayto
sigh, mourn, etc.
halyhay, To suspend from a horizontal
pole, throw over a bar or rod, hang, tie or
sling to a spar; that which is suspended.
Ihalyhay ang mga mas, tabk, etc.
Hang the corn-cobs, tobacco-leaves, etc. on
a pole. Nagahalyhay sil sing mas sa
idlum sang atp. They are hanging corncobs on poles under the roof. Ang mga
bagt, gh, etc. ginahalayhayn sing
masnsun sang mga mas sa idlum sang
atp sang mga baly. Bamboos, aghopoles, etc. are often used for hanging up
maize-cobs under the roof of houses. May
duh pa sil ka halyhay nga mas sa la
baly. They have still two rows of corncobs hanging in their house. (cf. haly,
halay, To be far, distant, etc. See hilay,
hala, (Sp. jalea) Jelly.
hlhag, To space apart, etc. Ginhlhag
nla ang mga tp sa salg, kay
nakulngan sil sing khoy. They spaced
the planks apart on their floor, because
they were short of wood. (cf. hghag).

hlhal, With a protruding lower lip,

having a prominent lower lip. To nga
hlhal. A person with a projecting lower
lip. Ind k magpahlhal. Dont pout, dont
stick out your lower lip. (cf. hlhil, smbil).
hal, Hello, hey, etc. Hal, nagabt na si
ttay! Hal, ginbklan nya ak sing bg-o
nga by! Oh, Father has arrived! Oh, he
has bought a new jacket for me! (cf. hal).
hli, To shout hal. Halha ang mga
bt. Shout hal to the boys (to scare
them off or the like). (cf. hla),
hl-id, To litter, throw down, spread,
scatter, in disorder. Ihl-id lang sa bid
ang mahgk nga panpton. Just throw
your dirty linen in the corner. Ind ka
maghl-id sang mga papl sa salg. Dont
litter the floor with those papers. Hal-id
(ir) ang pamsud sang hult sinng
mga ulnan. Throw these pillows in the
corner of the room. (cf. dm-ok, hb-on).
haldhid, Rim, edge; something very
small, little, puny, tiny, diminutive, wee,
miniature, minute, insignificant (as
compared with something else). Wal gid
bisn sa haldhid lang sang mga kaskit
sa Purgatryo ang mga kaskit dir sa
kalibtan. The pains in this world are
beyond compare less than those in
Purgatory. (cf. lndong, dmgo; sdsid).
halgi, (H) Post, pillar, column, shaft,
support, upright; to use, make or provide a
post, etc. Halgya inng pyhod. Make a
post of this pyhod-tree. Ihalgi ko inng
kamnsil sa kon baly. I am going to use
this camunsil-tree as a post for my house.
Pagahalgyan ko ang kon kamlig sing
khoy. Ill put up wooden posts for my hut.
Ang mga hinalgi sang is ka balasahn.
The columns of a newspaper.
halimbw, Instance, simile,
comparison, example, illustration, parable,
exemplification; to use or explain by means
of a simile, etc. Maghalimbw ka sang
mo nga ginsgid. Explain your statement
by an example. Halimbawi ang mo nga
ginhmbal. Make what you have said clear
by a simile. (cf. tlad, katlad, sbung,
daw, ngay, anggdnggid).
halimbawan, Model, pattern, type.
halimpapw, Superficial; careless,
negligent; a hypocrite. (cf. alimpapw,
haln, To leave, depart, go away, take
oneself off. Haln kam. Go away. Clear
out. Pahalinn mo si. Dismiss him.
Discharge him or send him away. Am in
gn ang ginhalinn sang la nga kasb.
That was the origin of their law-suit. Din
ka maghaln? Where do you come from?
Ang mga namk am ang ginahalinn
sang madm nga balatan. Many
diseases are due to mosquitoes. Kana gid
lang si makahaln. He departed only a
short while ago. (cf. way, lmbus, lakt).
hlin, To change the place of, remove or
move to another place, shift. Halna ang

Visayan-English Dictionary
mo baly sa um. Remove your house to
the farm. Ginhlin nya ang lamsa. He
shifted the table. Pagahalnon ko ang kon
karabw. I am going to take my buffalo to
another place. Ihlin ak sang kon bka
sa um. Kindly put my cow in another part
of the field.
hlin, Cultivated land reclaimed from a
river-bed or from a hill-side by levelling,
especially in the neighbourhood of a rill or
brooklet. Ginpatmnan nya sing kakw
ang hlin. He planted cacao-trees on the
land that was formerly a river-bed. (cf.
dorg, bludland near a river).
halngtang, A step, stair, round, rung of
a ladder. (cf. halntang, alintag).
haln-hlin, Dim. and Freq. of hlinto
move, shift. Ind mo paghaln-halnon ang
aparadr. Dont keep moving the cupboard
about from place to place. Also: going from
place to place, migratory, nomadic,
wandering, roving.
halntang, See halngtangrung, step.
halp-ot, Short; to shorten. (cf. lp-ot,
hlit, Injury, harm, perdition, ruin,
destruction; to damage, injure, spoil,
impair, harm, destroy, cause irreparable
loss or damage. Naghlit si sang ya
kabhorginhaltan nya ang ya
kabh. He spoilt his life. Ind mo
paghaltan ang kon mga tanm. Dont
damage my plants. (cf. dut, tstis,
hlmok, To soften, mollify, make flexible,
pliable, limber, or supple. Ginhalmokn
nya ang tabk nga kigs. He softened
the brittle, dried-up tobacco-leaves.
Ipahlmok mo sa tabk inng mga dhon
sang lmboy kag gawygway. Use these
lumboy and gawaygaway-leaves to make
the tobacco soft (flexible).
hal, The iguana, a large lizard.
hl-o, Rice-pestle.
halon, A mudfish. See haron id.
hlob, To soften or make flexible through
heat. Hlba (halba) ang dhon sang
by. Make the buyo-leaf warm and soft.
Hlbi ak sing by, kay ibnyos ko sa
hubg. Make a buyo-leaf warm and soft for
me, because I am going to rub the swelling
with it. Ihlob ak nay sinng dhon sang
sging, kay iputs ko sa kon alophon.
Kindly soften this banana-leaf, for I am
going to use it to wrap round the rice for
rice-cakes (called alop). (cf. lhob).
halb, Passed through heat, having been
exposed to and softened by heat. (cf.
halghog, A running string, etc. See
haloghogn, See aloghogn.
hal-hlo, Dim. of hal. Anything that
somewhat resembles an iguana.
halkhok, Grunting; to grunt. Ang bboy
nagahalkhok. The swine grunts.

hlin hlus
Ginahalokhokn ak sang bboy. The pig
grunted at me. (cf. harkhok).
haln, Shadow. (cf. hron, hndong,
lmbung, lndong).
hlong, To handle with care, treat
tenderly, prize, appreciate, cherish.
Halngi ang bt. Treat the baby tenderly.
Nabong ang glbo, kay wal nya
paghalngi. The lamp-globe broke,
because he did not handle it with care. (cf.
mlig, ttap, pakamahl, utitd).
halp, A stopple, stopper, plug; boss,
stud. (cf. alp, halp).
hlop, To plug, stopper, stopple. (cf.
halphop, (B) To cook only a small
amount of rice. See alphop.
halthot, To sew, stitch, mend, do
needle-work, ply the needle, make small
stitches very near together by hand-sewing.
Halothot lang ang hnero, kay wal kit
sing mkina. Sew the cloth by hand,
because we have no sewing-machine. (cf.
hlug, To throw, hurl, fling, launch, spear,
lance, pierce. (cf. hrog).
halg, Loose, not tight, moving freely; to
loosen, get loose. Ang pak sang ya
kamista halg. His shirt-sleeve is loose.
Ang sngsing mo halg sa kon tdl. Your
ring is too big for my finger. Naghalg ang
hwak sang ya srwal, kay nagnwang
si. The waist of his trousers became too
wide for him, because he had got lean.
Pahalug gwa ang paly sa bh. Make
the bolt fit a little more loosely into the
hole. Ipahalg ko sa sapatro inng mga
saptos, kay gutk sa kon til. Ill get the
shoemaker to widen these boots, for they
are too tight for my feet. (cf. tugk, hugk).
halug, Loose, slack, not tied or fastened
well, shaky, unsteady, not tight; to be loose,
etc. Ang ya paghigt sang karabw
halug-. He tied the buffalo loosely.
Naghalug ang higt sang bakg. The
fastening of the basket came untied.
Haluga ang paghigt, nd mo
paghgton. Tie loosely, not tightly. (cf.
halg, halugak, halungkak).
halugak, Loose, slack, etc. See halug.
halugw-an, To fail, lose, have ones
hopes dashed; to balk, frustrate, prevent,
baffle. (cf. lugw-an).
halg-halg, Dim. and Freq. of halg.
Pahalghalugn mo inng sngsing kay
gutk sa ya nga tdl. Enlarge this ring a
little, for it is too tight for her finger.
halgut, To pull, draw, tug, haul,
down. Halugta ang ps, agd magsk
ang hayhay. Pull the rope down, so that
the banner may go up. Ihalgut ak sinng
kalt nga nagasblay sa tambr. Kindly
pull down for me that rope hanging from
the scaffold. Halugtan mo ang mutn
sang kalt, dl ang kawyan, kay matas
ang kalt sa bok sang kawyan. Draw

the rope down over the pulley, not over the

bamboo, for the rope will be chafed by the
halk, (H) Kiss, buss, osculation; to kiss,
give a kiss. Haluk (hdki, hgki) si. Kiss
him. Ginhalukn si ni nnay nya. His
mother gave him a kiss. Pahaluk si ttay
mo. Let your father kiss you. Ind ka
magpahalk. Dont allow yourself to be
kissed. Ipahalk ang bt sa ya nga ty.
Give the child to its aunt to be kissed. (cf.
bis, bisto, hark; had).
halmhum, A slight cold or fever.
Ginahalmhum si. He has a slight fever.
He suffers from a cold. (cf. lgnat, hilnat).
halmhum, (B) To hatch, sit on eggs,
produce young ones by incubation,
incubate. Inng mung nagahalmhum
sing napl kag wal ka tlog. This hen is
hatching eighteen eggs. Ipahalmhum mo
inng mga tlog ko sa mo mung. Get
these eggs of mine hatched by your hen.
(Put these eggs of mine under your hen).
(cf. lmlum).
halng-halng, Very stingy; selfish,
greedy. (cf. hanglhangl).
halungkgay, halungkagy, To
clink, chink, tingle, ring, tinkle, jingle.
Nagahalungkgay ang senslyo sa ya
blsa. The small change is jingling in his
pocket. Pahalungkagay
(Pahalungkagya) ang mo kwrta. Jingle
your money. (cf. lungkgay).
halungkak, Loose, etc. See halg,
halug, halugak. Also: Half-hearted,
careless, insincere, not with right good will.
Halungkak gid lang ang paggda nya
sa kon. He invited me only as a matter of
form (for mere appearance sake, with no
real heartiness). Halungkak nga trabho.
Bungling performance, careless, botched,
clumsy work. (cf. pasamstra, alakpa,
halimpapw, salimpapw, pakulhaw).
halungktay, To continue without a
break or interruption; to draw out or
prolong a conversation, talk long, have a
long chat. Nagahalungktay na ang la
sugilnonorginapahalungktay nla
ang la sugilnon. They are having or
enjoying a long chat. Halungkatya lang
ang nyo hambr. Just keep on talking.
Naghalunktay ang la sugilnon. They
had a long chat or conversation.
halnhun, To swallow, gulp down,
ingurgitate without chewing. Halunhon
lang ang sutnghon. Simply swallow the
sutnghon. (cf. tuln, sb, sibd).
halp, Stud, boss, gold-foil, decorations
made of gold or silver, gilding, silvering;
precious stone set in a ring, etc. (cf. alp,
halp, tmpok).
hlup, See hlopto plug.
hlus, (H) Scarcely, hardly, barely, only
just, with difficulty. Hlus ak
makaginhwa. I can scarcely breathe.
Hlus si nakabton sang sult, dyon si
naglakt. When he received the letter, he


hals hamli, hamil

went off at once. Hlus si nakaabt sa
baly nabgt ang ya ginhwa. He had
barely reached home, when he expired.
Hlus magbgting ang linggnay dyon
kam magbngon. As soon as the bell
rings, rise at once. Hlus nmon
madumdumn in. We can scarcely
remember it. We have almost forgotten it.
(cf. hrus).
hals, (H) To feel empty, hungry,
famished. See hlwos id.
hlus, Also: almost, nearly, well nigh.
halusn, (H) Scarcely, with difficulty,
only just, only with great effort. Halusn
si makalakt, makatokd, etc. He can
walk, climb, etc. only with difficulty. Ang
masakt nga to halusn makapngk.
The sick man can scarcely sit up. (hlus).
halthut, To sew, stitch, do needle-work,
ply the needle, mend clothes. Ind si
makahibal, bisn na lmang
maghalthut sing mga by. She does not
even know how to mend a torn jacket. (cf.
halthot id.).
hlwos, (B) To have a sinking sensation
due to hunger or exhaustion, feel hungry,
exhausted, famished. Nagahlwos ang
solksolk ko. My stomach is empty. (I feel
hungry). Nahalwosn ak. I am famished.
Nagahlwos ang ginhwa ko kon
magdmdum ak sang kon bt ddto,
kay bs kon an ang matab sa ya. It
makes my flesh creep to think of my child
there, for something might happen to him
(her). (cf. hals; hlab, hrab).
hlwot, A medicinal plant.
hmag, To fall upon, attack, grapple with.
Naghmag si sa kay Fulno
orginhmag nya si Fulno. He fell upon
N.N. (cf. sorso, arnka).
hmak, To slight, think little of, treat with
disrespect, ignore, disregard, despise, not
to heed, pay no attention to, have no
consideration for. Ginahamkan nla ang
mga sg sang Dis. They are not heeding
Gods commandments. Ind ka maghmak
sang ya mga lygay. Dont slight his
admonitions. Dont despise his advice. Ind
mo pagpahamkan ang mayo nga
batsan sa mo nga panimaly. Dont
permit good conduct to be disregarded in
your home. (cf. pahmak which is more in
hamk or hmak, Of little value,
thought little of, of slight consideration,
disregarded, ignored. Hamk nga to. A
man of little consequence.
haml, A handful; to eat with ones hand,
using the hollow of the hand to carry food
to the mouth. Ihaml lang ang kn-on.
Just eat rice from the hollow of your hand.
Hamal si sing is ka haml nga kn-on.
Put a handful of rice into his mouth.
Hamal ang bb nya. Put a handful to
his mouth, i.e. Give him a slap on the
mouth. Hatgi ak sing is ka haml. Give


Visayan-English Dictionary
me a handful. (cf. dapl; bkod, bokdto
eat with ones fingers).
hamat, Having or bearing many
children, fecund, prolific, teeming, of great
fecundity. (bt).
hamy, To become or be thin, lean,
emaciated, chiefly said of the face or
cheeks. Nagahamy ang ya nga guy.
His face is becoming thin. Naghamy ang
ya psngi sa laks nga pagpadayw kag
sa mnos nga pagkon. Her cheeks have
fallen in on account of too much vanity and
too little food. (cf. nwang, hgpis,
hamy-hmay, Dim. and Freq. of
hmbad, A modern term for million. (cf.
hambdan, A millionaire. (cf. ramkan).
hmbal, Speech, say, talk, locution,
parlance, utterance; language, expression,
oral communication, discourse; to say,
speak, talk, utter. An ang hmbal nya?
What did he say? Naghmbal si
nahanungd sa pagpangma. He spoke
about farming. Ind ka maghmbal sing
sbung sin. Dont talk like that.
Hambaln mo si sang ton nga
ginkasugtnan. Talk over with him our
agreement. An ang ihmbal ko sa ya?
What shall I say to him? Hambal si
tungd sinng mga butng, agd
mahibalon mo ang ya lyag. Speak to
him about those things, that you may know
what he wants. Hambaln mo si sing
mayo gid. Speak to him in a very friendly
way, verycivilly,politely,
genially,gently. (cf. plong, silng, kon,
dgil, hambr, sgid).
hambalmbong, Fine speaking,
rhetoric, oratory, eloquence. (cf. hmbal,
hambalnon, Talk, chat, converse,
conversation, interlocution, collocution,
confabulation, discourse, dialogue, parley,
palaver. (cf. halambalnon, sugilnon,
hambalra,o, A great talker, prattler,
gossip, chatterbox, boaster, braggart. (cf.
baban, wakaln, buran, palasgid,
dilan, hadakn).
hambr, Talk, conversation, chat,
gossip; to have a conversation, etc. (cf.
sugilnon, hambalnon).
hmbil, To attach to, cover with, envelop,
clothe. (cf. tbon, tklub, takp).
hmbog, Chatterbox, prattler, braggart,
boaster; to talk much, be very loquacious,
boast, brag, vaunt, etc. Dl ka
maghmbog. Dont talk so much. (Dont
brag). Ginhambogn ak nya sang ya
pagkasampton. He boasted to me of his
accomplishments. Ind mo si
paghambogn, kay btok sa ya ginhwa
ang tann nga hmbog. Dont boast to

him, for boasting is his pet aversion. An

na man ang ihmbog nya sa mon? What
next will he boast of to us?
hmbuy, To put, place, rest, lay,
support, ones arm upon. Hmbuy or
maghmbuy ka sa kon abga. Put your
arm on my shoulder. Ihmbuy ang btkon
mo sa halambyan sang sya. Rest your
arm on the arm of the chair. Hinambuyn
nya ang lamsa. He laid his arm on the
hmgud, To strip small flowers or leaves
off the stalk by passing them through the
closed hand or fingers. Hamgur (-ud)
lang ang balnggay, kay ilnud ko sa
tinla. Strip the balunggay-leaves, for I am
going to put them into the sauce (stew).
Hamgur ak sing dhon sang
gawygway. Strip me some
gawygway-leaves. Ihmgud ak sing
pil ka blak sang kadenadeamr. Please
strip off for me some flowers of the cadena
de amor.
hmham, To take hold of, grasp, seize,
grab, clutch, usurp, annex, take possession
of, encroach upon. Ind mo paghamhamn
ang ya sang ibn. Dont lay your hands
upon things belonging to others.
Ginhamhamn nya ang talmnan ni
Fulno. He encroached on N.N.s field.
Ginpasol nya ang kodl kag
hinamhamn nya sing duh ka bra ang
kon pamulkan. He moved the fence back
and annexed two yards of my garden. (cf.
haml, Any soft material used to sit or lie
upon, as a cushion, hassock, bolster and
the like.
hmil, To use or provide a soft support, to
cushion, to pillow. Ginahmil nya ang
ulnan sa ya nga likd. He is using the
pillow as a support for his back. Hamli si
sing hbul sa likd. Have her back propped
up by a blanket. Hamlan mo ang
pulungkan sing almohda. Place a
cushion on the seat. Hamlon ko lang inng
kgon. Ill use this cogon-grass as a soft
support. Ginhmil nya ang kon by. He
used my jacket as a bolster. May haml
kam sa ktre? Have you anything to put
on the bed as a mattress? Ho, ihmil mo
lang inng hbul. Yes, just use this blanket
as a mattress. (cf. hampl, ampl).
haml-ay, To nurse, look after, attend to,
take care of a child, a sick person and the
like. Ginahaml-ay nya si nnay. She is
attending to mother. Hamil-ay si ttay
mo. Take care of your father. Ihaml-ay
ak sinng mga bt. Please take care of
these children for me. Maghaml-ay ka sa
masakt. Look after the sick person. (cf.
ttap, sagd).
haml, Chosen, select; precious. (cf. pl,
pinl; hamli).
hamli, hamil, Precious, valuable, dear,
costly, expensive, high-priced. (cf. bildhon,
mahl, malahlon, bil).

Visayan-English Dictionary
hamitn, Border, rim, edge (of cloth,
etc.). (cf. bint, bgki).
hmlan, From haml. (cf. halmlan).
hml, To handle, finger, thumb, stain by
touch. Ind mo paghamlon ang gtas.
Dont touch the milk. Ginhamlon sang
bt ang dugs. The child put its finger in
the honey. (cf. kmlot, kml, hm).
hmlok, Mosquito. (cf. namk, lamk).
hmno, (B) To put away, put by, secrete,
stow away, hide, conceal, reserve, put out
of sight. Hamnoh ang kon lbro. Put my
book away, hide it. Hamnoh ak sang
kon lbro. Hide my book for me. Ihmno
mo ak sang kon lbro. Kindly keep my
book safe. May ginhmno kam nga sdan nga nabilin? Have you put by any sidedishes that remained over? (cf. tg).
hm, To soil, spoil, dirty, defile, tarnish,
harm, contaminate (by touch or contact
with), make impure, etc. as the food on a
plate off which one has eaten. Ind mo
paghamon ang kn-on. Dont touch the
rice. Ginhm nya ang kn-on sa kon
pnggan. He touched the rice on my plate.
Ind mo pagihm ang mo tdl sa
binahg. Dont put your finger in the food
(mixed on the plate). Inng dalga nahm
na. This girl has lost her honour. (cf.
ham, Spoilt, impure, tainted, defiled,
tarnished, contaminated by touch, etc.
Ham nga pagkon. Food made impure by
having been touched by somebody. Ham
nga babe. A woman that lost her honour.
ham, To kiss, particularly said of kissing
among near relatives. Si nnay nagham
sa kon. Mother kissed me. Ginhamon si
sang ya nga ty. His aunt gave him a
kiss. Pahamo si ttay. Let father kiss you.
Ipaham ang bt sa ya nga ty. Hand
the baby to uncle that he may give it a kiss.
(cf. halk, bsa, bisto).
hm-og, Damp, dank, wet, moist, humid;
to be damp, etc. Naghm-og ang ya uls
sa uln. Her clothes became damp in the
rain. (cf. hamg).
hamkon, To fold or roll up, make up in
a bundle or roll (clothes, mats, etc.)
Hamokna ang mo by, delrgo kag
hbul. Roll up into a bundle your jacket,
trousers and blanket. Hamokni ak sang
kon patdyong. Fold up my skirt.
Ihamkon mo ak nay sang mga
panpton nga nagakalbit sa dngding.
Fold and roll up for me, please, the clothes
hanging on the wall. (cf. ballon, bgtong,
puts; balhos, hpin).
hamn, (Sp. jamon) Ham.
hamn-hmon, (B) Cover, curtain,
screen, blind. Butangn nnyo sing
hamnhmon ang gawng, agd nd
kiton ang mga nagasulugl. Screen the
window (door), so that the gamblers may
not be seen. (cf. lipd, kmbung, bimbo,

hamitn hamulng
hamok, Deep, profound, dead,
heavy, sleep; sound or fast asleep, in a
sound sleep, somnolent, lethargic. Hamok
gid ang kon pagkatulg kagb-i. Last
night I slept very well. Nahamokan sa (sa
katulgon). He fell into a profound sleep.
(cf. hamok).
hamy, To run ones hand down the face
as after a swim or bath. Ang bt nga
nagslum naghamy sang ya nawng
sang pagbtw nya. The boy that dived
into the water ran his hand over his face on
coming to the surface. Ihamy ang plbos
sa nawng mo. Rub the powder over your
face with your hand. Hamoy ang nawng
sang bt sing tbig, kay mahgk. Wash
the babys face with water, for it is dirty. (cf.
lm-os, hilm-os, hunw, hinw, hgas).
hamy-hmoy, A very small fish. (cf.
hmpak, Beating, thrashing, whacking,
etc.; to beat, thrash, whack, drub, cane,
strike, lash, flagellate, flog, whip, scourge,
trounce, birch. Hampak si. Beat him.
Whip him. Hampak si sa likd. Give him
a flogging on his back. Hinmpak si ni
nnay nya. His mother gave him a
beating. Ginhmpak ang Aton Gino sing
mabangs sang mga mapntas nga
solddo. The cruel soldiers scourged Our
Lord severely. (cf. bnal, lmpus, lmba,
hmpang, Sport, play, frolic, recreation,
game, gambling; to play, sport, frolic,
romp, gamble. Hmpang
ormaghmpang kam. Play. Din kam
magahmpang? Where shall we play?
Hampang lang nnyo ang sagw. Just
play in the drawing room. Hampang ang
kurng. Play with the cat. Nagahmpang
sil sang barha. They are playing cards.
They are gambling. Pahampang lang ang
mga bt sa plsa. Let the boys play on the
public square. Daw hmpang gid lang in
sa mo. This is mere play for you. This is
very easy for you. Ginhmpang lang nya
in. He just made sport of it. He made a
joke of it. (cf. sipl).
hampngan, A toy, plaything, gew-gaw,
hampng-hmpang, Dim. and Freq. of
hmpang. Nagahampnghmpang sil
sang poltika. They are playing at politics.
hmpas, To strike or beat against; to
attack. (cf. dmpal, hmpak).
hampl, Saddle-cloth, saddle-pad.
Hinampilan nya ang kabyo. He
saddled the horse. (cf. ampl).
hmpul, A healing ointment, unguent,
salve, plaster, poultice, embrocation; to
poultice, put on a plaster, salve, etc.
Hampul si sing mga dhon sang patni.
Apply patani-leaves to him. Hinampuln
nya ang hubg sing arma. He treated
the boil with a plaster prepared from the
aroma-plant. Ihmpul sa ya inng by.

Apply to him these buyo-leaves. (cf.

hmrus, (B) Strong, stalwart, sturdy,
strapping, athletic, muscular, brawny,
sinewy, powerful, robust, well-built, wellknit, well set-up. (cf. maprus, mabskug,
mabkud, isgann, kusgann, masug).
hmrus, To pluck or tear off with some
force, strip off leaves, flowers, etc. by
passing them swiftly through the closed
hand, wrench or drag off. Hamrus ang
dhon sang balgon. Strip the leaves off
the vine. Hamrus ak sinng mga blak.
Pluck for me those flowers. Ginhmrus
lang nya ang hilamn. He clutched the
grass and tore it away. (cf. hmgud).
hmtak, A kind of beans. (cf. hntak,
hmtang, To put, place. (cf. butng,
hmtang, Firm, stable; level smooth; to
be stable, level, etc. Hmtang na ang la
baly. Their house is strong now.
Hmtang ang salg, plsa, etc. The floor,
public square, etc. is level. Hmtang na
ang la pagpuy ddto. Now they are living
there for good, permanently. Sa hmtang
sang . Instead of . In place of .
hmtong, Full-grown, developed, strong,
mature. Hmtong nga to, hyup, etc. A
mature, full-grown man, beast, etc. Sa am
nga pagpangabdlay naghmtong ang
ya lwas. In that laborious occupation his
body developed to maturity.
hamg, Wet, damp, dank, moist. See
haml, To desalt, diminish,
counteract, lessen, moderate, the
salty taste of pickled meat or fish by adding
gruel, porridge or the like; any substance
used for the purpose of desalting, as
ground corn, gruel, rice-porridge, etc.
Hamul (Hmli) ang inasinn nga krne
sing mas. Add some corn to the salt meat
to make it palatable. Kon nd mo nay
paghamuln (paghmlan) inng binro,
daw sa nd ka makat-it. Unless you first
mix something mild with this salt fish, you
will scarcely be able to stand its sharp taste.
An ang ihaml mo sa ginams? What will
you add to the pickled fish (to counteract
its briny taste)? (cf. halaml, halmlan).
hamulg, To separate from, leave,
relinquish, go away from. (cf. bulg).
hamulk, Bearing flowers, blooming,
flowering, full of flowers, in flower,
blossoming, in blossom. (cf. blak,
himulk, palablak).
hamullong, To look at narrowly,
inspect, view. (cf. mullong).
hamulng, Expert in cock-fighting;
trained for, accustomed to, the cockpit. Mank nga hamulng. A game-cock.
(cf. blang, bulng).


hamul-won hans-hnas
hamul-won, Molave, a hard-wood tree
and its highly esteemed timber. (himulwon id.).
hamulg, Having, producing, large
bunches, productive, fruitful, said
especially of bananas. (cf. blig).
hamult, hamlit, To besmear,
besmirch, dirty, soil, sully, bedaub. (cf.
hamuls, To utilize, take the opportunity,
profit by. (himuls id).
hamungy, Fruitful, plentiful, fertile;
happy, felicitous, blessed. Hamungy nga
tig, kaorasn, kahimtngan, etc. A happy
year, a blessed hour, a prosperous position
or condition of life, etc. Nahamungayan
sil karn sa la pangabh. At present
they are living quite happily. (cf.
kahamungayan, mahamungayon).
hamok, Sweet, delicious, balmy,
profound, sound, deep, (said of sleep).
Hamok gid ang kon katulgon kagb-i.
Last night I slept very well. Ibantbnat
mo ang mo kaugatn, kon but ka
mahamukan sa mo katulgon. Exercise
your body, if you wish to enjoy profound or
restful sleep. (cf. kahamok, mahamok,
hamot, Sweet, deep, profound,
delightful (of sleep). See hamok, hamok.
hamot, To be pleased or gratified;
pahamotto please, gratify, delight, show
affection or good will. Magpahamot ka sa
mo isigkato. Try to please your
neighbour. Pinahamt-an nya si Fulno.
He showed good will to, tried or wished
to please, N.N. Ginahamtan sang
Mahl nga Dis ang mga pangamy
sang mga matrung. God is pleased with
the prayers of the just. Nagakahamot sil
sin. They like it, are pleased with it. Taks
nmo igkahamot in. You should (ought
to) be pleased with it. (cf. but, hamt-ay).
hamt, Fragrance; perfume, odour, sweet
smell, agreeable scent, fine aroma;
fragrant, odoriferous, scented, aromatical;
to smell sweet, be fragrant, odoriferous,
redolent of, etc. Hamt nga habn, gwa,
etc. Scented soap, fragrant perfume, etc.
Wal sing hamt inng plbos. This
powder is not scented. Naghamt na ang
mga ph. The mangoes have now begun
to give out their delicious odour. Pahamut
ang bal mo. Sprinkle some scent in your
trunk. (cf. humt, mion).
hm-ut, (H) To excite laughter, make fun,
be or make hilarious, entertain pleasurably.
Nahm-ut kam sang ya sugilnon. We
laughed heartily at what he said. We
listened with pleasure to his story. (cf.
makahalm-ut, kalaham-utn).
hamutng, To put, place. (cf. butng,
hamutway, Separated from the rest,
isolated; to be segregated, isolated, alone.
Nagahamutway ang la baly. Their


Visayan-English Dictionary
house is isolated,stands alone,has no
near neighbours. (cf. sm-ong, lgwin,
hamt-ay, To agree, like, please,
each other. Ang id kag ang kurng wal
gid sing paghamt-ay,nd gid
maghamt-ay. Dogs and cats dont like
each other. (cf. hamot, himt-ay).
hmyang, Exposed, in full sight or view,
laid out; to be laid out, be exposed to view.
Hmyang na sa lamsa ang mga
pagkon. The eatables have been placed on
the table,are spread on the table.
Ipahmyang mo ang pagkon sa ltok.
Put the food on the table. Nagahmyang
si dir sa salg. He lies there on the floor
in full view of everybody. (cf. kyang,
butng, y-ay).
hmyang, To lie supine or face upward,
lie on ones back, lie in state (of corpses).
Ang paty nagahmyang sa lamsa sa
balatonn. The dead person is lying in
state in the reception room.
Ginpahmyang nla ang paty sa salg.
They laid the dead man face upward on the
floor. Ipahmyang nnyo ang bngkay sa
lamsa. Put the corpse face upward on the
table. (cf. hayng, kay, kayng, kyang).
hamyngon, To lie postrate.
Nagahamyngon si sa salg nga paty
na. He lies lifeless on the floor. (cf.
han, (B) An interjection or exclamation:
Ah! Oh! Look! See! Quite frequently han
is attached like a suffix to demonstrative
pronouns and adverbs of place, e.g. rahn,
riahn, diahnthis one; that one;
rugyahnhere, over here; rugtohn
there, over there, etc.
han, To get ready to strike, make as if to
strike, threaten with uplifted arm or
weapon. Ginhan nya ak nga huyapn.
He threatened to slap me. Ginhanan nya
ak sang ya binngon. He made as if to
strike me with his bolo. Ihan sa ya ang
mo bastn. Threaten him with your stick.
han, To suspect, etc. See han.
hanab, To come to pass, occur, chance,
happen, fall out, turn out, take place, befall.
Nahanab nga . It happened that .
Ang nahanab sa ibn sarng man
mahanab sa ton. What has befallen
others may also happen to us. Sang
pagabt ko ddto nahanabon ak sang
la pagilinway. When I arrived there they
happened to be fighting among themselves.
(cf. tab).
hnag, Dawn, soft, dim light. See bnag.
hang-hnag, Dim. and Freq. of hnag.
See bang-bnag.
hangub, Filling or covering all, spread
everywhere, pervading, prevailing, full; to
fill or cover everything. Hangub na ang
kagab-hon. Its full night. Darkness covers
the whole land. (cf. tgub).

han-han, Dim. and Freq. of han.

Also: to make, be, ready to (act, etc.).
hanhay, Gentle, mild, soft, zephyr (of
wind). (cf. mahnay, kannay,
dupydpoy); wide, spacious, open, clear
of obstruction, large (of a field, room, etc.
cf. malpad, malway, masngkad); to be
mild, blow softly; to be spacious, etc. Ang
hngin hanhay or nagahanhay. A gentle
breeze is blowing. Hanhay nga hult. A
large, spacious room.
hanhon, Leafy, covered with, full of,
leaves. (cf. dhon).
hanl, Sudden, unexpected. See hinl.
hanal, To act impulsively, etc. See hinal.
hanmbong, Presentable, decorous,
genteel, well-bred, well-behaved, polished,
refined, admissible in society, etc. (cf. ha-,
hn-an, From han, hanto suspect,
hano, hanwo, Populous, peopled, full
of people, densely populated. (cf. to,
hnap, To seek, look or search for.
Hanpa ang lpis ko. Look for my pencil.
Hanpi ak sang karabw nga nadl.
Find for me the lost buffalo. Ihnap ak
nay sang kon tuln-an. Kindly try to
find my book. (cf. sghap, sgap, lghap,
hnas, To drill, train, exercise, practise,
rehearse, habituate, become familiar with,
familiarize, make used to, accustom, inure
to, break in to. Hansa ang mga bt sa
pagsult. Practise the children in writing.
Ginhnas nya ang mank sa pagsmpok.
He trained the cock for fighting. Hansi
ak sang kon karabw sa pagdro. Do
me a favour and break in my buffalo to the
plough. Kon mapsan ikw maghnas sin
mabtik ka sa dl lang madgay. If you
practise that diligently you will soon
become skilful at it. (cf. nad, sgad, sli,
buy, bnggad, balndra, glit).
hans, Expert, trained, drilled, exercised,
practised, well versed in, habituated,
inured to, familiarized with, accustomed to,
clever at, a dab hand at. (cf. and, batd,
hans, To be weary, exhausted, tired out,
fatigued, done or knocked up, prostrated,
spent. Ind mo ak nay paghambaln,
kay nagahans ang ginhwa ko. Dont
talk to me now for I am quite done up.
Nahanasn ak sang kon ginhwa
kahpon sing hpon sa laks nga
pagtnum. Yesterday evening I was quite
tired out with the long bout of riceplanting. (cf. ly, kpoy, pul).
hans-hnas, Dim. and Freq. of hnas.
Kinahnglan nga gayd nga
hanshanson mo gid ang pagsult, kon
may hndum ikw sa pagsuld sa
pagkamamantl. It is indispensable for
you to practise writing constantly, if you

Visayan-English Dictionary
wish to enter the profession of a newsreporter.
hanas-hanasn, Place for exercise,
drill-hall, drilling-ground, field for practice.
hn-aw, To root up and plant somewhere
else, transplant, remove and set in a
different place, transfer to another soil.
Han-aw ang gtuk sang kamtis.
Transplant the tomato-seedlings. Ihn-aw
ang mga gtuk sang replyo. Root up and
transfer to another soil the cabbageseedlings. (cf. hnulto transplant
seedlings together with the seedling-pot).
hanwo, Populous. See hano.
hn-ay, The amount of cloth to be woven
at a time on a loom, a loom, as much cloth
as is prepared for weaving on the warping
board, length, weave.
hanyak, Wide, spacious, etc. See
hanyap, Hanyap nga lugr, hult,
um, etc. A large space, a spacious room,
an extensive farm, etc. (cf. hanyak,
hnd, Ready, predisposed, willing, fain
to, minded to, inclined to, in the mood to,
not loth to, nothing loth, prepared, in
readiness, fit for immediate use or service;
to make or get ready, etc. Hnd ak sa
pagtman sang kon an ang igasg mo. I
am ready to do whatever you may
command. Ihnd ang mga bso kag
pnggan sa panyga. Get the glasses and
plates ready for dinner. Handa si sing
tbig, labadr kag tulya. Prepare for him
water, a wash-basin and a towel. Ginhnd
nla ang tann sa go kag napt-ud nga
tkn. They had everything ready at the
proper and appointed hour. Hnd ka bal
sa pagbhat sin? Are you willing to do
that? Hnd si sa tann. He is ready or
prepared for everything. (cf. hmos, tigna,
man, patigyon, lsto).
hnda, To drive, urge on, impel,
stimulate. Handah ang karabw sang
bulunl. Urge on the buffalo with the whip.
Ihnda sa mga knding ang mo bastn.
Use your stick to set the goats in motion.
Ginhnda nya ang mga bka. He drove
the cattle onward. (cf. hla).
hand-hnd, Dim. and Freq. of hnd.
Ginahandhnd na nla ang tann nga
kilinahanglnon sa dlaw nga
inogpakasl sang la nga bt. They are
now preparing everything necessary for
their daughters (sons) wedding day.
hndal, To offer for sale, sell (second
hand), put up for sale, look for a buyer, try
to dispose of (jewelry, watches, pictures,
furniture, etc.). Ihndal mo ang mo mga
artos sa ahnsya. Offer your ear-rings to
the pawnbroker. Ginhandaln nya ak
sang ya rloh. He wanted me to buy his
watch. Kon malyag ka gid maghndal
sang mo pulsras, ihndal mo sa g kag
matrung nga bil. If you really wish to

hanas-hanasn hngd
dispose of your bracelets, sell them at a fair
and honest price. (cf. tnyag, hngdal).
handl-hndal, Dim. and Freq. of
hndal. Nagahandlhndal sla sing mga
pahumt, mga estmpa kag nagakasarsr nga punpni sa lwas. They are
selling perfumes, pictures and various
cosmetics. (cf. hangdlhngdal id.).
hnday, To lie upon, etc. See bngday,
hnd, To consent, etc. See hngd,
hndog, Steep, sheer, scarped,
precipitous, almost vertical, upright,
standing on end, abrupt; to be or make
steep, etc. Hndog nga hgdan. A steep
ladder or stair. Hndog nga bat. A
precipitous rock. Pahandog ang hgdan.
Set up the ladder nearly upright. Ginban
sang sub ang bnglid kag ang pngpang
naghndog. The river has washed away the
incline and the bank has become sheer. (cf.
tndog, pl-as).
hndok, Inflated, bloated, distended,
blown up, puffed up, flatulent, full of wind;
to be or become full of wind, etc. Hndok
or nagahndok ang ya bsung. His
stomach is full of wind. (cf. hbok, bntud).
hndong, (H) Shadow, etc. See hron,
lndong, lmbung.
hndum, Thought, desire, longing,
expectation, looking forward to, wish; to
think much about, desire, long for, want to,
look forward to, cherish, be desirous of.
Dak ang ya hndum nga magtun si
kag maglam. He has a great desire to
study and become learned. May hndum
ikw nga magkh sing ttulo? Have you
in mind to get a title? Ho, dgay na nga
ginhndum ko in. Yes, I have cherished
that thought for a long time. Ginahndum
nya ang pagkdto sa Manla. He wants to
go to Manila. Handum ang kalol sang
mo nnay. Cherish the memory of your
mothers kindness. (cf. dmdum, painno,
hun-hn, himlat, tigy-tgay).
handumnan, Remembrance, reminder,
memento, memorial, souvenir, keepsake.
(cf. halandumnan).
hndus, To spear, spit, lance, stick,
harpoon, bore or thrust through, pierce or
stab with a pointed weapon, perforate, put
a spear through, etc.; overhand; to
overhand (in sewing). Handus ang hal
sang matalwis nga bh. Pierce the iguana
with the sharp-pointed dibble. Hinandusn
sang is ka bngkaw ang klid ni Hess.
The side of Jesus was pierced by a lance.
Ihndus ang mo dga sa log sang
talunn. Thrust your dagger into the wild
pigs throat. Ginhndus sang pols ang ya
bngkaw sa bboy. The policeman put his
lance through the pig. (cf. dult, lpus,
laps, bun).
hng, A dunce, idiot, fool, simpleton,
half-wit, zany, buffoon, gaby, noodle, looby,
booby, nincompoop, ass. (cf. kl, bngaw,

tampuhw, kalndong, kalng, kagng,

hangd, To lift up, raise ones eyes to,
look up to in reverence. Maghangd ka sa
Dis. Look up to God. Ihangd ang mo
mga mat, tagipuson, etc. Lift up your
eyes, heart, etc. Tam gid ang paghangd
sa ya sang ya mga ginasakpan. His
followers look up to him with very great
respect. His followers think too much of
him. (cf. byaw, tngl, tungkaw,
hangg, Stupid, dull. (cf. hng,
balingg, tipangg, tnghag, tangadl,
hang-hng, Dim. and Freq. of hng.
Also: To gape at, to gaze or stare at with
open mouth, be dumb-founded, greatly
astonished, lost in wonder, aghast. (cf.
hangl, To listen, overhear, eavesdrop, be
within ear-shot. Ind ka maghangl sang
mon sugilnon. Dont listen to our
conversation. Ginhangaln nya sil sa
tg. He secretly overheard their talk.
Hangal ang la halambalnon kon an.
Try to overhear what they are talking
about. (cf. tingd).
hangl-hangl, Dim. and Freq. of
hangl. (cf. tingdtingd).
hangw, Fear, apprehension, misgiving,
diffidence, timidity; to be afraid,
apprehensive, shy, timid, nervous, daunted,
in dread, to boggle at, flinch, shrink,
from, blench, funk, falter, waver. Ind ka
magkahangw. Have no fear.
Nagakahangw, ak magsk (sa
pagsk) sa matas nga kampanryo. I
am afraid to ascend the high belfry. Ang la
ginakahangw am ang . What they
are apprehensive of is . (cf. hdluk).
hangawy, Martial, warlike; a warrior,
fighter; gamester. (cf. way).
hangw-hngaw, To look about,
observe, stroll or roam about out of
curiosity. Maghangwhngaw ka ddto.
Go there and see for yourself. (cf.
bantybntay, tulktluk, tan-wtn-aw,
panid, etc.).
hngbas, To cut grass, etc. See hgbas,
hngdal, To offer for sale, etc. See hndal
hangdl-hngdal, See handlhndal.
hngd, To consent, assent, give,
yield, nod, assent, acquiesce, concede,
fall in with, agree, accede, comply with,
approve, grant, give ones consent.
Hangdo na lang ang ya ginapangy.
Just comply with his request. Hangdo ak
sang kon ginakinahnglan sa mo. Grant
what I need from you. Hinangdon man
nya ang la nga ginbhat. Moreover he
had given his consent to what they did. Ind
ka gid maghngd sin. Dont acquiesce in


hngg hang
it. Dont agree, or yield your assent, to such
a thing. (cf. tngd, sugt, tgut).
hngg, (B) Smallpox. May hngg si
or ginahngg si. He has smallpox.
Hinngg (ginhngg) si. He had,
contracted, was afflicted with,
smallpox. (cf. but).
hnggab, To desire, wish for, crave,
hanker after, yearn for, be wishful of, covet,
have a fancy for, set ones heart upon, be
bent upon. Ind mo paghanggabn ang
wal sing lwas. Dont wish for what does
not exist, for what cannot be had. Dont cry
for the moon. Ind ka maghnggab sa
pagkdto (magkdto) sa Amrika, kay
wal ka sing kwrta. Dont entertain the
desire of going to America, as you have no
money. Si Pdro nagahnggab gid nga
magdmug sa kay Hos. Peter is anxious
to wrestle with Jos. Ang ya ginahnggab
am gid lang ang pagmnggad kag
pangalpay. What he has set his heart
upon is wealth and pleasure. (cf. bug,
hngyo, hingam, himlat, hndum,
hanggan, (B) Pock-marked, pitted with
smallpox. (cf. butihn).
hnggud, (B) Large, tall, big, huge, vast,
sizable, ample, spacious, capacious,
voluminous, bulky, massive, massy, great;
to be or become large, etc. Naghnggud na
ang tnday sang karabw. The calf of the
buffalo has grown big. Hanggud ang
kon bhin, ang bslot, etc. Give me a
large share, make a wide hole, etc.
Pahanggud ang bboy kag ibalgy mo
kon hnggud na. Let the pig get big and
sell it when it is full-grown. Ipahnggud ko
sa mo inng tnday. Ill give you this calf to
rear. Hnggud nga baly, to, bat, etc. A
large house, man, stone, etc. (cf. dak,
mabahl, matas, malpad, hanhay).
hnggup, To soak in water, to steep, mix
with water (and salt), put in soak.
Hanggup ang kamtis. Put the tomatoes
in water. Hanggup ak sing kn-on. Mix
me some cooked rice with water. Malyag
ka magkon sing hinnggup nga
rbanos? Do yon like to eat radishes
steeped in water? (cf. hlum, hrum,
lgum, lnud, lakt).
hnghang, Foothold, nick, notch, step
cut in a tree, particularly in a coconut palm
to facilitate climbing; to cut such steps.
Maghnghang ka sang lub. Cut steps in
the coconut palm. Ginhanghangn nla
ang lub sing duh ka pl ka hnghang.
They cut twenty notches in the coconut
hanglid, Wide, having a broad side;
sidewise, lateral, sideways. (cf. klid).
hangilng, Having a large nose, longnosed, nosey. (cf. ilng).
hngin, Wind, air, draught, breeze,
squall, puff, gust (of wind); atmosphere,
climate; to be windy, etc. May hngin or
nagahngin. The wind is blowing. It is


Visayan-English Dictionary
windy. Ginhangnan kam sing mabskug
sang pagbklay nmon sang bkid. We
encountered a strong wind, when we
crossed the mountain. Pahangni ang
humy. Winnow the rice. Magpaliwlwa
ka sa lan nga hngin. Spend your holiday
in a different climate,in different
surroundings. (cf. uns, duls, bgyo,
buhwi, mdlus, dupydpoy).
hangnan, hanginn, Well ventilated,
airy, breezy, windy, exposed to the wind.
(cf. hngin, hangnon).
hanginra, A lying, bragging boastful
woman. (cf. hngin, and the Sp. suffix -era,
hanginro, A windbag, boaster, braggart,
noisy pretender, one telling invented
stories, liar. (cf. hadakn, agrt, bgrit,
butign, wakaln, hmbog, hanginra).
hangnon, Windy, breezy, pertaining to
the wind. (cf. hngin).
hanginn, A windbag, etc. See
hanginro, hanginra. Also: Proud,
haughty. (cf. bugaln).
hanginm, A drunkard, booser, tippler;
to drink much, tipple, boose. (cf. inm,
palanum, hubg, balng, lingn).
hng-it, To nibble, gnaw, bite off piece by
piece. In nga bt sa gihpon may
ginahng-it nga kalan-non. This child
has always something to nibble at (cakes,
pastry, biscuits, etc.). (cf. ktkit, png-os).
hngkat, To challenge, defy, provoke.
(See kyat, ngkat).
hngkob, Spar, purlin, roof-spar,
particularly one for supporting a lngkubroof.
hang, To smell, sniff, scent, nose a smell
or odour. Maghang ka sang kahamt
sinng blak. Smell the fragrance of this
flower. Hangoh ang gwa kon mayo.
Take a sniff at the perfume to see whether
it is pleasant. Ginhangohn nya ang
botlya kon bno sa msa ukn bno tnto.
He smelled the bottle to find out whether it
contained Mass-wine or red table-wine.
Ang id nagahang sang gi sang talunn
kon maggdgod sin. The dog scents the
track of the wild boar when he is in search
of it. (cf. snghot, pannghot, panimh,
dapg, panapg).
hngos, To wheeze, puff, gasp for breath,
pant, breathe heavily or with difficulty. Kon
magdalgan ka sing sbung sin
magahngos ka sa dl madgay. If you
run like this you will soon be out of breath.
Ginpahngos si ni Fulno nga naglags
sa ya. N.N. in his pursuit made him gasp
for breath. Nagahngos si
ornagahngos ang ya ginhwa. He is
out of breathorhe is panting. (cf. hp).
hangl, Close-fisted, miserly, penurious,
parsimonious, near, close, venal, niggardly,
sordid, mercenary; to be close-fisted, etc.
Ind ka maghangl. Dont be stingy or
niggardly. Nahanguln ak sa ya. I got

the impression that he was miserly. (cf.

mot, dingt).
hangl-hangl, Dim. and Freq. of
hangl. Hanglhangl nga to. One who
is rather stingy, close-fisted, (cf. mamot).
hangp, To catch the meaning of,
comprehend, understand, fathom, grasp,
take, make out, guess rightly, see through.
Ang makahangp humangp. Let him who
can understand it. Hngpa (hangup) ang
ya sin nga kahulgan. Try to catch the
meaning of that. Ginhangp ko gid ang ya
nga hinmbal. I understood very well what
he meant to say. Maghangpnay kam.
Try to understand each other. (cf. hntup,
syod, balintnod, to, hibal, tngkad).
hanguys, To be in a state of fear,
perturbation, trepidation, terror, agitation,
to be all of a tremor, be shocked or greatly
surprised, to shiver, tremble, shake, make
ones hair stand on end. Nahanguys si
sang pagkabat nya sin. He was shocked
when he heard this. Nahanguyusn si
sang balt nga napaty sa hinl ttay
nya. He was taken aback by the news that
his father had suddenly died.
Pinanghanguyusn si sang bgyo. The
hurricane made him greatly afraid. (cf.
hdluk, kgmat, lsang, krug, kuys,
klb, drham).
hngy, To desire, crave, long for, hanker
after, wish, etc. (cf. hnggab, hngy,
hingam, lyag, himlat).
hnhan, To set, settle down, subside,
become adjusted, applied especially to
food. Naghnhan or nahnhan na ang ya
kinon. The food he took has settled now.
Pahanhan ang pinanyga mo. Let your
dinner settle first. Tman na ang
pagpahnhan ta, bs maglakt na kit.
We have now had sufficient rest after the
meal, therefore let us go on. Pumahnhan
sil sing ditay nga tin kag pumadyon
sang la pagdro. They rested a short while
after the meal and then continued
han, (B) To whisper, say or speak with
bated breath, in muffled tones, hiss
through clenched teeth, breathe to,
murmur, mutter. Ihan mo lang sa kon
ang mo kinahnglan. Just tell me what
you want in a whisper. Hanih or hnyi ak
sang mo kinahnglan. Whisper to me
your need. (cf. hutk).
hanb, To stack, pile. Hanib ang mga
khoy. Pile (stack) the wood. (cf. anb,
hang, To cover or line the bottom of a
kettle or pan with leaves or the like to
prevent the food from sticking. Ihang sa
klon inng dhon sang sging. Line the
kettle with this banana-leaf. Ihang ak
nay sang klon, kay matgang ak.
Kindly line the rice-pot with leaves, for I
am going to boil rice. Hanig ang nglit
sing luky. Put some coconut leaves into
the small cooking-pot. (cf. bang).

Visayan-English Dictionary
han-hni, Dim. and Freq. of han.
Nagahanhni gid sil, wal sing
duhdha nga may sekrto sil. They are
speaking very low, surely there is some
secret between them. Ind mo pagpurusn
ang hmbal mo, knd ihanhni mo lang
sa kon ang nahanab. Dont speak in a
loud voice, but just tell me quietly what
happened. (cf. hutkhtik).
hanp, To stack, pile, etc. See hanb, anb.
hnip, To arrange, put in order, regulate.
Hanpa ang panpton. Arrange the clothes
neatly. (hsay, kalging).
hnlud, To strike inward, affect the
interior parts, attack the inside, said of
diseases, etc. Nahnlud ang katl sang
bt, kay ginhplas nla sang lna. The
childs eczema struck inward, because they
rubbed it with coconut-oil. (cf. ha, suld).
hnlud, To be wide, extensive, broad,
spacious, open (of a countryside, etc.). (cf.
hanyak, hanhay, etc.).
hnlug, Slippery, etc. See dnlug.
hnluk, See hnlug.
hnluk, Mosquito. (cf. hmlok, namk,
hnod, To float, etc. See nod.
hnog, To bruise, contuse, cause a weal,
bruise, contusion. Ind mo pagdagdagn
ang ph, kay mahnog. Dont drop down
the mango, for it will be bruised. Ind mo
paghangon ang tis. Dont bruise the
custard-apple. Ginhlug nya ang ph
kag ginhnog (nahnog, nagkahnog). He
threw the mango down and bruised it (and
it was or got bruised). (cf. lnog).
hang, Bruised, injured, harmed,
contused, suffused with blood; bruise, weal,
contusion; spoilt, defiled, rotten. Hang
nga dalga. A girl that has been corrupted,
deprived of her virginity. (cf. hnog;
hanogn, To be a, excite, pity. Am
in ang makahanogn. Thats a pity. (cf.
hank-hank, Soft, yielding easily, not
strong; to give way easily to pressure, be
soft or yielding, as wet soil, a shaky floor,
the soft bones of a baby, etc.
Nagahankhank ang salg, kay gabk
na ang ibn nga mga solras. The floor is
shaky, for some of the floor-beams are
rotten. Mahdluk ak magtikng sa
pngpang, kay hankhank. I am afraid to
step on the river bank, for it easily gives
way. (cf. hmok, lm-ok, ym-ok).
hanklog, Pity, commiseration,
condolence, sympathy, tenderness,
mildness, compassion, clemency; to pity,
commiserate with, condole with, take pity
on, be tender, mild, compassionate.
Nagakahanklog ak sa ya. I pity him.
Ginakahanklog ko ang ya malisd nga
kahimtngan. I am touched at his sad
condition. (cf. hinklog, w, loy, ngr-o).

han-hni hansb
hanpoy, White, whitish (especially of
cadios-peas), Inng mga kadys madm
sing hanpoy. These cadios-peas contain
many white ones.
hnot, To strike, whip, cane, thrash, flog,
beat, trounce, etc. Hpus kam, kay kon
dl parehhon ko kam nga tann sang
hnot. Be quiet, or I will punish you all
equally. Hanta si. Give him a whipping.
Hanti si sa likd. Flog him on the back.
Ihnot mo sa ya inng sinlas. Beat him
with these slippers. (cf. bnal, hmpak,
hant-hnot, Dim. and Freq. of hnot.
Ind ka magsli hanthnot sa mga bt
tungd sang ditay gid lmang nga
sayp. Dont constantly beat the children
for mere trifles, (for the slightest faults).
hntak, A kind of beans. (cf. hmtak,
hntal, To stack, pile up, make a pile of
(wood, etc.). Hantal ang khoy. Stack the
wood. Hantal ak sinng gatng. Make for
me a pile of this firewood. Ihntal ang
khoy sa idlum sang baly. Stack the
wood under the house. Ihntal ak nay
sinng mga halgi sa bodga. Please pile up
these posts in the store-room. (cf.
hnti, hnt, Why, well, surely then, in
consequence. Hnti, kay nahm mo in,
antus na man ang slot. Well, as you did
that, now bear the punishment. Hnti, kay
sohlan ikw, magpangabdlay ka na.
Surely you should work now that you are
being paid for it. (cf. snglit).
hntub, Damp, moist, difficult to light,
not easily inflammable; to be or become
damp, etc. (cf. ht-ob, lhom, malhom,
hntup, An idea, a thought, concept,
conception; to understand, comprehend,
know, conceive, fathom, make out. Ind si
makahntup sang hmbal nga iningls.
He cannot understand English.
Nahantupn ko ang la nga katuyon. I
could make out what their intention was.
Ginhntup nya gal ang ton kasugtnan,
kay naningdtingd si sa tg sang ton
sugilnon. He actually knew of our
agreement, for he secretly listened to our
conversation. Ang am nga hntup
nagpalibg sang ya lo. That thought
worried him. (cf. hangp, hibal, syod,
handl, Large-fingered, having long or
large fingers. (cf. tdl).
hangut, To permit, allow, consent to,
authorize, approve; permission, consent,
etc. Kon wal sing hangut (pahangut)
sang mga punon . Without
permission, approval or authorization of
the superiors . (cf. tgut, pahangut).
hanl, Ground-swell, undulation of the
ocean; ripple, small wave or billow; wavy,
rippled, ripply; to ripple, be slightly ruffled;
to cluster, move in waves, in a bunch or

group. Hanl (nagahanl) ang dgat. The

sea is swelling. Nagahanl gid lmang ang
mga lus sa lo sinng bt. There are
literally masses of nits on the head of this
child. Hanl si sing bohk (Nagahanl
ang ya bohk). Her hair is wavy or ripply.
(cf. bald; pnsok).
hanl-an, Bony, etc. (cf. hinl-an, tlan).
hanlhnul, Dim. and Freq. of hanl.
Nagahanlhnul ang ya bohk. Her hair
is wavy.
hanmdum, To bear in mind, remember,
think frequently of. Maghanmdum ka
sin. Bear this in mind. Remember this. (cf.
hanumdman, Keepsake,
remembrance, etc. See handumnan,
hanumg, A wrestler; to wrestle
(professionally). (cf. dmug).
hanungd, To refer to, belong to, be
relevant, appertain to, bear upon, touch,
affect, have to do with, be ones business.
In nga mga butng nahanungd sa mga
punon, sa pagkamanugdumla, sa
simbhan, etc. Those things belong to the
office of an administrator, are the business
of the authorities, are part and parcel of the
Church, etc. Inng bhin mahanungd sa
kay Fulno. This share belongs to N.N. Sa
nahanungd sin wal ak sing lbut. As
regards that, I have no interest in itor
nothing to do with it. Ind mo
pagipahanungd sa ibn ang mo
kasaypnan. Dont put on others the blame
for your own faults. Ang mga
mapainubson nagapahanungd sang
tann nga mga kaayhan sa mahl nga
Dis, pang ang mga bugaln sa la nga
kaugalngon. The humble refer all good
things to God, but the proud to themselves.
(cf. tungd).
hn-us, A stroke, cut, lash; to throw,
push, poke, knock, thrust; strike, beat.
Ihn-us in sa bid. Throw this into the
corner. Ginhn-us nya si sa dngding.
He thrust him against the wall. (cf. banl,
lmba, lmpus, haby, pilk; blbal,
bkol, hnot).
hans, (B) Thin, slender, tenuous; to be
or make thin, tenuous, slender, to whittle
down, pare down. Naghans ang kawyan
sa paggus. The bamboo became slender
through trimming. Bal-ag ang salslon
tbtub nga maghans. File the iron till it
becomes thin. Hanus inng bastn. Make
this stick slender. Pahanus ak sing
linyas nga kawyan. Get for me some
thin pieces of split bamboo. Ipahans ko sa
mo inng paly, kay gutk sa bh. Ill get
you to pare down this wooden peg, for it is
too thick to fit the hole. (cf. gamy).
hansb, Pity, commiseration, sorrow,
grief, sympathy, condolence; to take,
have, pity on, commiserate, condole with,
be sorry for. Nagakahansb ak sin


hnyan, hnyon hpnig

(Ginakahansb ko in). I am sorry for it.
Ginakahanusbon nla sing dak ang
makaloloy nga kahimtngan ni Fulno.
They are full of sympathy with the sad
condition of N.N. They are very sorry for
N.N.s sad plight. Dl mo igkahansb in.
Dont grieve over it. Dont be sorry for it.
(cf. hinklog, hanklog, w, loy, sub).
hnyan, hnyon, etc. From hanto
whisper, etc.
hom, To shut, close (a door, window,
etc.). Hama ang ganhan. Close the door.
Ginhom mo sing mayo ang bintn?
Have you closed the window well? (cf.
hop, ngkop, dpat, ser).
han, (B) To suspect, lay the blame on,
impute to, tax with, attribute or charge to,
inculpate, incriminate, twit. Ind ka
maghan sing malin sa ya. Dont suspect
him of evil-doing. Ginahn-an
(ginahaonn) si nga si am ang
nagkwat. He is suspected of having stolen
it. Ind mo paghn-an sing sal ang mo
isigkato kon wal mo masayri sing
matod. Dont impute a fault to your
neighbour, unless you are sure about it.
Ind mo pagihan sa ya ang kwrta mo
nga nadl. Dont cast suspicion on him
with regard to your money that was lost.
(cf. bangd, pabangd, pahanungd,
han, mkmok, suml).
hon, A vat-full or cauldron-full of sugar;
the last stage of sugar-milling; to stir, mix,
move about with shovels, etc. the nearly
finished product of sugar-milling. Hana
ang kalmay. Stir the sugar (in the vat,
cauldron or tub). Hani ak sing is ka
hon nga kalmay. Get ready for me one
vat-full of sugar.
hop, To shut, close well (a door, window,
etc.). Hapa ang ganhan. Shut the door.
(cf. hom, dpat, takd, ser).
hap, Closed, shut. (cf. hop).
hap, To prostrate oneself, fall or lie
downflat,prone,face downward,on
ones stomach; to prostrate, lay low, fell.
Nagahap si. He is lying down flat, prone
or prostrate. Pahapa (pahp-a) si. Lay
him down face downward. Hapa (hp-i)
ang bngk. Lie down prostrate on the
bench. Hinp-an nya si. He prostrated
himself (humbled himself) before him. (cf.
yab, dgp, dsm, hplak, hgmak,
hap-hp, hap-hap, Dim. and
Freq. of hap. Also: to be very submissive,
humble oneself, solicit help with great
deference or the like.
hp-an, From hapto prostrate oneself.
hapw, Superficial, on the surface;
passing, insincere; to skim, take off the
surface. Hapaw ang kn-on sa klon.
Take out of the kettle the top layer of rice.
Hapawn mo ang hgk sa tbig; or:
hapawn mo ang tbig sang hgk. Take
the scum off the surface of the water.
Ihapw ang kutsra sa gtas sa pagkh


Visayan-English Dictionary
sang latb. Dip the spoon a little into the
milk to take off the cream. Hapw gid lang
ang mo pagdro; padtla gid ang ardo.
You are ploughing only the surface; press
the plough down deep. Hapw man lang
ang ya kalam. His learning is merely
superficial (not deep or thorough). (cf.
salimpapw, pakulhaw).
hapw-hpaw, Dim. and Freq. of
hpay, To bend low, incline, bow down,
flatten. Ang humy ginahpay sang
hngin. The rice is being bent by the wind.
Hapya ang tgbaw, agd maghaps ang
ton paglgad. Bend down the tgbawreeds, that we may pass easily. Nahapyan
ang kon talmnan sang humy sa
mamdlus nga hngin. The rice on my
field is beaten down on account of the
strong wind. Pahapya ang bohk mo.
Flatten down your hair. (cf. hily).
hapy, Bent low, inclined, flattened to the
ground. (cf. hpay).
hapy-hpay, Dim. and Freq. of hpay.
Nagahapy-hpay ang hngin sang mas.
The windis swaying the corn,is making
the corn bow down.
hpd, A sensation of great pain, a smart,
an acute, sharp or biting pain; to smart,
cause a sharp or acute pain (by the stroke
of a whip, etc.). Nagahpd inng pils ko.
This wound of mine is smarting.
Ginahapdin si sang kagt sang id. He
is in great pain from the dogs bite. Ind mo
pagpahapdin ang ya pils kon tambaln
mo. Avoid causing his wound to smart,
when you apply remedies. Kon haplikn ka
sang ltigo magahpd ang lbhag. When
you receive a flick of a whip the weal
smarts. (cf. sakt).
hpdus, To chafe, fret, hurt, make or be
sore (of hands, eyes, etc.). Naghpdus ang
kon til sa laks nga paglakt. My feet are
sore on account of so much walking.
Nahapdusn ang kon til, kay gutk ang
saptos ko. My feet have become sore,
because my boots are tight. Ang pagbay
nagpahpdus sang ya kamt. Pounding
rice chafed his hands. Pinahpdus sang
pling ang kon mat. The mote made my
eye sore. (cf. hpd).
hapl-hpil, Lean, thin, gaunt, slender,
spare, emaciated. (cf. lapl-lpil, nwang,
hapn, Wrapping, covering, cover; to
wrap, cover, envelop. Hapin sing papl
ang gis sang mo pnyo, kay sdlan ko
sing asn. Cover the torn part of your
handkerchief with paper, for I am going to
fill it with salt. Ihapn inng papl sa mo
tuln-an. Wrap your book up in this paper.
Make a cover or jacket for your book with
this paper. Ginhapinn nla sing mayo
ang mga mdyas nga la pinadal sa kon
sa koryo. They wrapped the socks up well
which they sent me by mail. Ihapn ak
nay sinng mga panpton. Please wrap

up these clothes for me. (cf. balhos,

hpit, To drop in, visit, call upon; to
strike, graze, touch. Hpit ka nay dir sa
mon? Wont you come up for a moment?
Ginhaptan nnyo si Pr Luks ddto sa
Ilnglong?Wal kam makahpit sa ya,
kay nagdal kam sa pagpal. Did you call
on Father Lucas in Iloilo?No, we could
not call on him, for we were in a hurry to
get home. Ang ya baly hinpit sang lnt
kag nasnug. His house was struck by
lightning and burnt to the ground. Ang is
ka trk humpit sang ya nga sko nga
natngday sa talmbwan sa tman
kabskug nga tbtub ang mga tl-an sang
ya abga nagkalut gid. A passing truck
grazed his elbow, which was resting on the
window, with such force that his shoulder
was dislocated. (cf. sk, daw; salapy).
hplak, To fall or drop flat on the ground,
lie on ones stomach, lie prone. Naghplak
ang tagt sa salg sang pagkahlug nya
haln sa kisam. The lizard dropped flat on
the floor when it fell from the ceiling. Sang
nagakatulg ak nahaplakn ak sing
tok. When I was asleep a gecko dropped
flat on me. Ang bt nagahplak sa salg.
The baby is lying on its stomach on the
floor. Pahaplak lang ang bt sa salg.
Just lay the baby flat on the floor. (cf. hap,
dsm, etc.).
hplas, To dab, smear, put on, overspread
with something unctuous or adhesive,
salve, rub in an ointment or the like.
Haplas si sing lnggaw. Rub him with
vinegar. Ihplas sa ya inng lna. Rub this
coconut-oil on him. May inoghplas kam
sa skmat? Have you any ointment for
back-ache? (Metaphorically: Hinaplasn
nya si sing mga hmbal nga matm-is.
He rubbed him down with soft words. He
softsoaped him). (cf. plhit, haplas;
aphap, uns, odt, etc.).
hplay, To lean upon, rest against, repose
upon (the lap or breast of a mother, etc.).
(cf. dplay).
hplik, A kind of Filipino folk-dance.
hplik, To give a smart blow with
anything supple, flick or flip a whip or the
like; a flick, cut, stroke (of a rod, whip,
etc.). Ihplik ang mo ltigo sa likd sang
kabyo. Give the horse a flick of your whip
on the back. Nga man nga naghplik ka
sa ya sang mo kamgo?Tungd kay
nahaplikn man ak nya sing lnang.
Why did you hit him with the string of your
top?Because he threw mud at me. (cf.
hplit, tplik).
hplit, See hplik.
hplos, To dab, smear, etc. See hplas,
hpnig, To pile one thing above another
in regular order, stack (leaves, sheets,
boards, etc.). Hapnig ang mga dhon
sang by, tabk, etc. Arrange the
buyo, tobacco-leaves etc. neatly in a pile.

Visayan-English Dictionary
Hapnig ak sinng mga papl. Put those
papers together in a pile for me. Ihpnig
ak nay sinng mga rebsta nga
nagadulm-ok. Please pile up neatly those
reviews lying about in disorder. Ihpnig
nnyo ang mga tp sa idlum sang baly.
Stack the boards underneath the house. (cf.
hntal, kamda, anb).
hp, Shortness of breath; to cause to
pant, puff, gasp for breath. Ginahp ak
orginahp ang ginhwa ko. I am out of
breath. Ginpahp nya ak sa paglakt.
He made me pant for breath walking. Kon
magtokd ka sa matas nga bkid hapon
ka gid. If you ascend a high mountain you
will surely pant for breath. Ang paghkwat
sang bat nagpahp (naghp) sa kon.
Lifting the stone made me pant. (cf.
hmpok, pngh, pung).
hp-og, Brittle, crumbly, fragile, friable;
to be or become brittle, etc. Ang humy
nga mabas kon tumpihn magahp-og.
Wet rice, if collected into a heap (stack),
will get brittle. Sang tig nga tinalkdan
hp-og gid ang mo humy; nd mo
pagpahap-ogn sa karn nga tig. Last
year your rice was very brittle; dont let it
become brittle this year. (cf. tapk,
haphap, To stroke, fondle, let the hand
glide softly over (the skin or the like).
Hapohpa si. Stroke him. Hapohpi si
sa btkon. Stroke him on the arm. Malam
si maghaphap sa mga to. He knows
how to please the people. (cf. aphap;
klot, dl).
hap-hp or hap-hap, Dim. and
Freq. of hpshort of breath.
hpon, Afternoon, after dinner, evening,
nightfall, eventide, decline or close of day;
to be or turn evening, etc. Karn sa hpon.
This afternoon or evening. Pahway lang
kam nay, pang kon maghpon na
daynon nnyo ang pagdro. Take a rest
now, but when it gets towards evening
continue your ploughing. (N.B. Hpon
includes all the time between noon and
sunset or the ringing of the Angelus-bell;
after the Angelus has been rung gb-i
starts). (cf. kahponyesterday).
hapn, To roost, perch, rest for the night.
Ang mga mank nagahapn kon hpon.
The chickens come home to roost in the
evening. Tan-aw ang pspis nga
nagahapn sa pilewpilewn sang
kawyan. Look at the bird perching on the
extreme tip of the bamboo. Pahapon ang
mga mank sa halaponn. Get the fowls to
roost in the chicken-house.
hapn, (Sp. Japon) Japan; Japanese.
hapn, A kind of thread or string much
used by anglers as lines for their fishingrods. This kind of string seems to have
come originally from Japan; hence the
haponnon, Japanese.
hapons, (Sp. japones) Japanese.

hp harawahw
hapn-hpon, Every evening, of an
evening. (Sa) Hapnhpon
nagapaliwlwa si sa baybyon. Every
evening he takes a stroll on the beach. (cf.
hapn-hapn, Rather late in the
evening, nightfall. Nno ang ras sang ya
pagabt?Wal ak makatn-aw sa
taknan, pang hapnhapn na. At what
oclock did he arrive?I didnt look at the
watch, but it wasabout nightfall,at the
close of day,late in the afternoon. (cf.
hapnhpon; agaglate in the
hapy-hpoy, To lean upon, rest for
support; leaning upon, resting. (cf. sndig).
hapy-hapyon, Supporting oneself by
leaning or resting on something, relying on.
haplas, To anoint, rub in, dab, etc. See
hplas. Also: to stroke, rub gently;
ingratiate oneself with. (cf. haphap,
haps, To be easy, facile, manageable,
require but slight effort. Papa nay ang
lnsang, agd mahaps ang paggbut.
Strike the nail first with the hammer, that it
may be easy to draw out. Naghaps na ang
pagbtong sang kngga, kay binutangn
sing sbo. It is now quite easy to pull the
cart, for it has been greased. Ginahapusn
ak sin. This is quite easy for meorThis
seems to me to be easy. Ang pagbinuligy
nagapahaps sang pangabh. Mutual
help makes life easy. (cf. huls).
hpyot, To be famished, weak, hungry,
have an empty stomach. Nagahpyot ang
kon solksolk. I am famishedorMy
stomach is empty. Nahapyotn si. He
became exhausted from want of food. (cf.
spyot, hlwos, hlab, hrab).
hr, Queen. (cf. rina; hrking).
harhad, A thrust, lunge, to lunge, make
a thrust or pass at, let drive at, strike at,
threaten with, use physical force.
Nagharhad si sa kon sang ya bastn.
He struck at me with his stick. Ind mo ak
pagharahdan (ran) (don) sang
binngon. Dont lunge at me with your
bolo. Iharhad sa ya ang tagd mo. Strike
at him with your dibble (iron-pointed). (cf.
hndus, barumbda).
har-har, Crackling (of a brightly
burning fire, etc.); to crackle; to be elated
with joy, excited with passion. Ang kalyo
nagaharhar. The fire is crackling. Ind
mo pagpaharaharahn ang kalyo. Dont
make the fire crackle. Nagaharhar si
sa kalpay,sa kakig. Heis elated with
joy,excited with anger).
harkay, A strong wind, gale, storm. (cf.
hngin, uns, bgyo).
harkhak, To guffaw, to laugh loudly. (cf.
harna, (Sp. jarana) Serenade; to

hrang, (B) Sharp, hot, biting, pungent,

peppery, acrid, acerb, burning the tongue;
to be acrid, pungent, acerb, etc. (of taste).
Ak sing kon sa gihpon ginaharngan
sang katmbal, pang ang ibn nga
nanad na sa pagkon sin wal
pagaharngi. I myself always feel the
burning taste of chili, but others that are
accustomed to eat it do not find it hot. (cf.
khang, khan).
harng, (B) To snuffle, to speak with the
nostrils stuffed-up or clogged.
Nagaharng gid lang si. He speaks with
stuffed-up nostrils, or: as if his nostrils
were obstructed. Ind ka magharng,
knd iskma nay ang sp-on sa pnyo
mo kag maghmbal ka sing mathag.
Dont snuffle, but wipe your nose first with
your handkerchief and speak distinctly. (cf.
haransta, Serenader. Hinaranhan si
sang mga haransta. The serenaders gave
her a serenadeorserenaded her.
harn-on, Royal, regal, majestic,
imperial, august; superb, exalted, lofty,
excellent. (cf. hr, hr, harinon).
harpon, (B) Having a film or cataract on
the eye. (cf. kulpon).
harapn, (B) See halapn, the pl. form of
hapnto perch, roost.
hararkon, (B) The eyelid, the rim of the
eye, the skin surrounding the eye and
including the eyelids. Nagpul ang ya
hararkon sa laks nga hib. Her eyes
have become red through excessive
weeping. (cf. ilalakb, ilalangb).
hras, A kind of grass with sharp-edged
leaves. (hlas id.).
hr-as, (B) Miscarriage, embryo,
immature foetus (fetus); abortive,
miscarried; to miscarry, have or cause a
miscarriage, to commit abortion. Naharsan (Nahar-asn) ang ily. The mother
suffered a miscarriage. Ang pagkahgmak
sang babe am ang naghr-as sang bt.
The fact that the woman fell flat on the
ground caused abortion. Nahr-as ang
bt. The child was born prematurely. (cf.
hwhawfully developed, mature).
hras, hr-as, A kind of hardwood tree
and its timber, called by many hr sang
mga khoy on account of its great
strength and resistance.
hars-hars, Naughty, restless, rude,
impolite, full of lively animal spirits,
unmanageable; to be naughty, etc. (cf.
darndarn, etc.).
harw, Whoa! an expression used to stop
draught-animals, particularly buffaloes.
harawahw, Having a thin, weak, feeble
voice; to be thin, etc. (of voice).
Harawahw ang ya tngug. His voice is
weak. Nagharawahw ang ya tngug
gkan sa balatan. His voice has become
feeble through illness. (cf. paragw).


hary-hray ht-hat
hary-hray, To loaf, roam, stroll about
idly. (cf. landlndo, ladyldoy,
lagwlgaw, tiygtiyg, etc.).
hardn, (Sp. jardn) Garden. (cf.
hardinro, (Sp. jardinero) Gardener. (cf.
hrga, A menial servant contracted for by
the year at low wages, often only a few
bushels of rice. (cf. hinptan, sologon,
batbt, alagd, mamumugn).
hr, King, potentate, monarch, liege lord,
suzerain, sovereign, ruler, royalty; to be a
king, to rule, reign, hold sway, govern,
domineer. Sn-o ang nagahr sa nyo?
Who is your King? Who rules over you?
Ginharan sil sdto ni N.N., pang karn
ginaharan sil sang ya ank. Formerly
they were governed by King N.N., but their
present King is N.N.s son. Pahara si sa
karnabl. Make him King of the carnival.
Hari kam sa pista. Be our King for the
Feast-day. (cf. ginharankingdom;
harinon, Royal, kingly, sovereign,
ruling, monarchic, supreme, fitting, or
pertaining to, a king; imperialistic,
imperious, domineering, masterful.
har-hr, A petty King, chief, chieftain,
headman; a kind of entertainment presided
over by a chosen King. Nagahmpang sil
sang har-hr. They are playing the
King game. Si Fulno am ang harhr
sinng minur. N.N. is the ruler of this
village,is the most influential man in this
village. Sn-o ang ginpl nnyo nga
harhr? Whom did you choose as your
King for the entertainment? (cf. panglo).
harpo, (B) To gather, collect, amass,
bring, get, put, draw, scrape,
lump, together; to accumulate. Ginharpo
nya ang tann nga mga patd nga
sinuld sa ya plhuk. He collected
(gathered) all the stakes and put them in
his pocket. Haripha ang mga tuln-an.
Gather the books together. Iharpo ak
sang kon humy sa um. Please gather
together my rice in the field. (cf. hirpo,
karipn, tpon).
hrkan, etc. (B) From hark (halk) to
kiss. (cf. hdkan, hgkan).
haron, A kind of mud-fish found in ricefields. (cf. halon).
hrog, To thrust or push with a pointed
instrument, spear, stick, pierce, stab (from
below), thrust upwards. Harga si sang
bagt. Make a lunge at him (from below)
with the (slender) pole. Hargi ang hal sa
solksolk nga r sa khoy. Pierce the
belly of the iguana there on the tree. Ihrog
sa ya ang mo bngkaw. Thrust your
lance into him (from underneath). (cf.
dgdug, hndus, harhad, tslok).
harhal, Joker, jester. See arhal.


Visayan-English Dictionary
har-har, To speak or act very quickly
and hence recklessly, carelessly,
thoughtlessly. (cf. gargar).
har-hr, har-hro, To fondle, play
with, caress, pet. (cf. dl, arro,
hark, (B) See halkto kiss, etc.
hark, (B) Bruised, contused, swollen,
having suffered a blow. Hark ang ya nga
gtang. His forehead is bruised and
swollen. (cf. hang, torakn).
hrok, (B) To bruise, contuse, injure by
beating, etc. Sn-o ang naghrok sang mo
mat? Who gave you that black eye?
Hinrok or ginhrok nya ang kon
abga. He bruised my shoulder. Sang
pagkulb sang wto ang ttlo ka
sumalkay nagkalahrok. When the
automobile turned turtle the three
passengers received bruises. (cf. hnog).
harkhok, See halkhokto grunt.
hron, (B) Shadow, shade. (cf. hndong,
hrothot, To sew, patch, mend. (cf.
halthot, halthut).
harthot, To guzzle, quaff, to drink in
long and copious draughts, gulp down.
Harthot lang inng tub nga sa bso.
Swallow this glass of toddy at one draught.
(cf. tyhong).
hary, Oh! Alas! etc. See aragy, ary.
hary-hary, A very common shrub
with small rose-coloured flowers arranged
in clusters.
harpuy, A light breeze, slight wind,
zephyr. (cf. dupydpoy).
hrus, Hardly, with difficulty, scarcely.
The phrase kon hrus pa means: Times
(conditions, circumstances, etc.) are very
hard, trying, difficult, driving one almost to
despair, or the like. (cf. hlus).
hs, Much in demand, well resorted to;
to be much in demand, sell well. Hs
(naghs) ang pamaligyon sa tinda ni
Fulno. The goods for sale at N.N.s store
are much in demand. (cf. ka, bkal,
has-hs, A kind of fish; a kind of
hsang, The gills of a fish.
hasendro, Farmer, planter. (cf.
hasinda, Farm. (cf. asinda).
hsl, Useless, good-for-nothing,
unserviceable, unreliable, tricky, cheating,
cunning; to trick, fool, cozen, defraud,
beguile. Hsl nga to. A useless man, a
trickster, a good-for-nothing, a wastrel. (cf.
hs, agng, lg-it).
hs, To trick, cheat, beguile, etc. Dl mo
si paghason. Dont cheat (or trick) him.
Dont play a trick on him. (cf. hsl).
hashas, To pump in air. (cf. ashas).
has-hs, Dim. and Freq. of hs.
has-hso, See ashas, hashas.

haso-hasohn, Bellows, air-pump. See

haso-hasohnan, Smithy, anvil, forge.
See asohasnan.
hask, The small tuft or bundle of usually
three or four seedlings set in the same hole
in rice-planting.
hsok, To plant the hask, set the riceseedlings in the soil. Ihsok ang sbud sa
talmnan. Plant the rice-seedlings in the
hsong, (B) To gasp, pant, blow, puff, to
labour for breath, to be out of breath,
exhausted. An ang ginahsong mo? Why
are you out of breath? (cf. hp, hngos,
hmpok, pung).
hspe, (Sp. jaspe) Jasper; colour of
hsta, Until, etc. See sta, tbtub.
hatas, High, etc. See tas, hitas,
hatab, An event, happening, incident; to
happen, come to pass, chance, fall out.
Nabatab nga . It chanced that . It
came to pass that . Nahatabun ak
dir sang pagmasakt sang ya nga ily. I
happened to be here, when his mother fell
sick. (cf. tab, hitab, hanab).
htag, (H) A gift, present, donation, boon,
presentation; to give, make a gift of,
present with, confer upon, bestow, assign,
grant, award. Ihtag mo in sa kon. Give
that to me. Hatgi inng makilmos sing
lim ka dak. Give this beggar five
centavos. Ginhatgan nya kam sing
tagis ka ph. He presented us with one
mango each. Madm nga mga kaayhan
ang sarng mahtag sa bnwa sang am
nga pagbult-an. Such a law could confer
many benefits upon the commonwealth.
Ind ak makahtag sin sa mo, kay dl
kon in. I cannot give you that, because it
does not belong to me. Hatgan mo ak
sang kon ginpangy. Grant me my
request. (cf. ta, tgr, tg, bugy, dlut,
htal, To be very talkative, be a
chatterbox. (cf. hdak, br, hmbog,
nglngal, etc.).
hataln, A chatterbox. See hadakn,
buran, etc.
haty-htay, A bog, quagmire, morass,
marsh, swamp, fen, quicksand,
(dangerously soft soil where one may sink
and lose ones life).
htdan, From hatdto convey, transfer,
ht-hat, To gin cotton, card wool or flax,
comb out the seeds of cotton. Hat-hat ang
blak sang blak kag papakn. Gin the
cotton and beat it out. Hathat ak sing
blak sang blakormaght-hat ka sa
kon sing blak sang blak. Gin for me
some cotton. Ihthat ak nay sinng
blak sang blak. Please gin this cotton for
me. (cf. kig).

Visayan-English Dictionary
hat Well, consequently, etc. See hnti id.
ht-ob, Damp, etc. to be damp, etc. See
hntub, lhom, etc.
htok, To prick, hurt, sting, punch holes
in, wound on the surface with any sharp or
pointed instrument. Ind mo paghatkon
ang ltok. Dont punch or cut holes in the
table. (cf. dsak, ds-il, bkris, bh, krit,
hatk-hatk, Dim. and Freq. of htok.
Hatkhatok ang by kag itmbal mo sa
hubg. Bruise the by-leaf and put it on
the boil.
hatk-hatk, Bruised, wounded,
punctured, lacerated, torn, full of (covered
with) wounds or holes. (cf. pilasn, hang,
lang, buhbuh).
htol, (B) To take or bring with. Din mo
hatlon ang bt? Where are you taking
the baby? An ang ginahtol mo? What are
you bringing with you? Ginhatlan nya
ak sang kon saptos. He brought me my
boots. (cf. dal, ddol, hatd).
hatl-htol, (B) Dim. and Freq. of htol.
(cf. daldla).
ht-om, To divine, guess, surmise,
assume, presume, suppose. Ginaht-om ko
nga magauln karn sa hpon. I think it
will rain this afternoon. (cf. my-om, stum, pakt, hangp, lgpat).
ht-on, Tongue-tied, having an
impediment in ones speech, unable to
speak clearly; to speak indistinctly, etc.
Nagaht-on si kon maghmbal. He has
an impediment in his speech. (cf. piht,
hatd, To take there, convey, carry,
transfer to. Ihatd mo in ddto. Take that
there. Carry that over there. Htdi (hatud)
si sinng mga sging. Hand these
bananas to him. Ginhatd mo na ddto sa
kay Fulno ang mga saptos nga ya
gintgon?Wal pa ak makahatd sin,
kay mask ang trabho ko karn, pang
pagaihatd ko gid in ddto sa bus sa
ga. Have you taken the boots to N.N., as
ordered by him?No, I could not take
them there as yet, for I am very busy at
present, but I will certainly deliver them
there to-morrow morning. (cf. dal, htol).
hatudduls, Telegram. (A modern term;
cf. hatd, duls).
hatd-kawt, Radiogram, message
transmitted by radio. (A modern term; cf.
hatd, kwat).
hat-hat, Short, lacking, insufficient,
not covering all the needs, etc. See
hawthawt. (cf. kabs, kulbus, klang,
haw, (B) An interrogative or exclamatory
particle added to the end of a sentence in
the meaning of: Why, wherefore, for what
reason, well, how is that, explain yourself,
or the like. Wal ka maggham, haw? Why
did you not cough (to make your presence
known, etc.)? Wal ka magasult, haw?

hat hawt-hawt
Why are you not writing? Explain yourself.
Wal mo pagtumna ang ginsg ko sa
mo, haw? What is the reason that you did
not carry out my order? (cf. nga, tungd
sa an).
hw, To make room or way, open a
passage, clear the course, give way, leave an
open space, let pass. Hw kam, kay
magagi ang trak. Make room, for the
truck will pass. Hawan nnyo ang
algyan sa tung sang simbhan. Leave
the passage free in the middle of the
Church. Hawi ak sang mga to, kay
magalubs ak. Get the people out of the
way, for I am going to pass.
haw, (B) Dirt, filth, uncleanness, foul
admixture (in food, drink, etc.). May haw
inng tb sa bso; nd mo pagmnon.
There is some dirt in this glass of water;
dont drink it. (cf. hgk, bulng, ra-ng).
haw, To contemn, disdain, scorn,
despise, vilify, abominate, treat as of no
consideration. Bs kon hawan lang nla
kit. Perhaps they will treat us with
contempt (scorn).
hwad, hw-ad, To takeout of,away
from, liberate, extricate. (cf. hwas, lus,
hwag, A great flow of blood (in
connection with childbirth); puerperal
hemorrhage. Also verb. Nahawgan si
kag napaty. She died of puerperal
hemorrhage. Ginahawgan si. She is
suffering from puerperal hemorrhage.
hw-ag, Wide, roomy, spacious,
extended, extensive, ample; to be wide, etc.
(cf. lpad, hanhay, lway).
haw-haw, To get exhausted, feel
empty (of stomach). Nagahawhaw ang
ginhwa ko, kay ginagtum ak. I am
getting quite exhausted, for I am hungry.
hwak, The waist, waistline; to grasp by
the waist. Hawka (hawki) si. Grasp
him by the waist.
hawk, Purlin, lath, roof-spar, rib,
hwan, To clear, clean (of obstructions).
Hawni ang idlum sang baly, kay
madm ang mga rm. Clean up
underneath the house, for there is much
rubbish there. Nahawnan na ang ptyo
sang hilamn. The cemetery is now free of
grass, (i.e. the grass has been cut down or
pulled out by the roots). Ihwan inng
binngon sa plsa. Use this bolo to clean
the public square with.
hawn-hwan, Dim. and Freq. of
hwan. Hawnhawni inng dt sang
mga gmhon. Clean this place a little of its
hwas, hw-as, To take out or off,
deliver from, extract, remove, extricate, set
free. Hawas ang tann nga mga
galamitn sa balatonn kag lampashan
mo sing mayo ang salg. Remove all
furniture from the reception room and mop

the floor well. Sn-o ang naghwas sang

mga lbro sa ltok? Who took the books off
the table? Ila si ginhwas sa kalisd.
They delivered him from difficulties.
Hawas (ihwas) ak sang kon malta
nga r sa hult, kag dlhon mo dir.
Kindly get for me my suitcase there in the
room, and bring it here. (cf. kh, lus).
hawt, To get back ones appetite, have a
renewed zest for food, relish or take proper
food again. Ang masakt nga to
nagahawt na sa pagkon. The sick man
has recovered his zest for food. (cf. dawt).
hawt-hawt, Dim. and Freq. of hawt.
To eat again a little, etc. Also: To be
nervous, get afraid, tremble.
Nagahawthawt ang kon ginhwa sa
pagtluk sin nga bt nga nagapatib sa
hgdan. It makes me tremble to see that
child in danger of falling from the ladder.
hway, To be exposed to view, set forth,
displayed in public, set out. Nagahway na
ang mga pagkon sa lamsa. The food is
set out on the table. Pahawya ang is ka
botlya nga bno. Bring out a bottle of
wine. Pahawyi ak sing is ka lta nga
dlse. Show me a tin of sweets. (cf. dgay).
hawy, Exposed, open, visible, in full
view, set out. (cf. hway).
hwhaw, Formed complete, properly
developed, not premature. Sa lim kam
nga magultud ttlo ang hwhaw duh
ang hr-as. Of our five brothers and sisters
three were born properly developed and
two prematurely. (cf. hr-asto miscarry).
hwid, To retain, keep possession of,
withhold, restrain, keep back. Hawdi
(ri) in. Retain this. Ginhawdan nya
ang duh ka mngmang. He kept back the
two pesos. Ihwid mo ak sin. Kindly
retain that for me. Ind ak makahwid sa
ya. I cannot restrain him.
hawd, Band, bond, fetter, shackles,
string, anything that retains or holds back.
(cf. gawd, higt, tabd).
hawt, To hook, catch or fasten with a
hook, hang on to, depend from. (cf. kawt,
kwit, ngot, sng-at).
hwla, (Sp. jaula) A cage, bird-cage. (cf.
hawng, Shadow, shade; overshadowed,
in the shade, shaded; to overshadow, keep
in the shade. Nahawongn sang ph
inng mga tanm kag nagarikoty. These
plants were overshadowed by the mangotree and were stunted in their growth. Yr
si dir sa hawng. He is over there in the
shadow (shade). (cf. hulng, hndong,
lndong, hron).
hawt-hawt, Too little, not enough,
short, insufficient, lacking, wanting.
Hawthawt inng mga tp sa salg,
inng hnero sa is ka trno, etc. These
planks are not sufficient to cover the floor,
this cloth is not enough for a suit, etc. (cf.
klang, kabs, kulbus, higshigs).


hay hbag
hay, (B) For, because. See kay id.
hy, To weep, cry, grieve. Nagahy si.
She is weeping. (cf. hib, tngis).
hy, To lay out a corpse. Ihy ang
minaty. Lay out the corpse. Ang paty
nahy na sa ktre. The corpse is now laid
out on the bed. (cf. hmyang).
hay, Laid out, dressed and exposed to
view in a becoming posture, said of corpses.
hyab, The first grass-shoots appearing
on dry soil after a rainfall.
hy-ad, To lay out a corpse, etc. See hy,
hayg, Open, clear, manifest, obvious,
evident, revealed, in public view; without
secrecy or concealment. Hayg in sa kon.
This is clear to me. (cf. dayg).
hyag, To be or become manifest, etc.
Nagahyag na ang dlaw, kay wal na
sing gl-um. The sun is clearly visible now,
as there are no longer any clouds.
Ipahyag mo in sa ya. Show that to him.
Make that clear to him. Ginpahaygan
nya ak sang ya nga katarngan. He
showed me his reason, (made his argument
clear to me). Pinahaygan na ak sang
kamaturan sin. The truth of this is now
made clear to me. (cf. hayg).
hayghag, Interstice, etc. See hghag.
hayhay, Flag, banner, standard, colours,
ensign, pennon, pennant. (cf. bandra.)
hayng, Facing upwards, lying on ones
back; to face upwards, lie on ones back.
Nagahayng si sa salg. He is lying (face
upwards) on the floor. Naghayng si sa
bnk. He lay on the bench face upwards
orHe lay on his back on the bench.
Pahynga ang bt. Turn the baby with its
face upwardorLet the baby lie on its
back. (cf. kay, kayng).
haynghag, To gape, to raise ones head
and open ones mouth in surprise or the
like, look up in astonishment. (cf. hayng,
tukhyaw, pamalng).
hayt, Soft, pliable, elastic, supple, not
stiff, able to be extended, ductile, flexible,
extensible, extendible; to stretch, pull,
make soft or pliable. Hayat ang kalt,
mdyas, saptos, etc. Stretch the rope,
socks, boots, etc. (cf. nyat).
hayt, Stale, old (of bread, etc.).
hayt-hayt, Dim. and Freq. of hayt.
Somewhat supple, flexible, extendible, etc.
Hayathayat ak sinng mga saptos, kay
gutk sa kon. Stretch these boots a little
for me for they are too tight for me.
hayw, To make as if to strike, to lift up
ones arm, a weapon, stick or the like (as if
to strike). Ihayw ang mo kamt. Lift up
your hand. Hayaw (Hayaw) si sang
mo bastn. Threaten him with your stick
orBrandish your stick (before) at him.
Ind mo paghayawn (paghayawn) sang
mo kamt ang mo giniknan. Dont raise
your hand against your parents. Ginhayw


Visayan-English Dictionary
nya sa kon ang ya binngon. He raised
his bolo at me. (cf. bayw, tukhyaw).
hyhay, To sigh, mourn, utter a plaint,
wail, fret, sob. (cf. bkh).
hyhay, To lay or lie down straight,
horizontally. Ind mo paghayhayn ang
mo pamatng, knd bangli sing ulnan
ang lo mo. Dont lie down quite straight,
but place a pillow under your head.
hylo, To attract, take ones fancy, please,
draw towards, allure, induce. Nahylo ak
sinng dug. I am pleased with this
colourorI like this colour. Ginahylo
ak sinng mga bulk. I am attracted by
these flowers. Pahayloh si. Draw him
over, (win him by persuasion). Ipahylo
mo sa ya inng karabw, agd nga ya
bklon. Convince him of the good qualities
of this buffalo, that he may buy it. Ang bt
ginpahylo nla sang tinpay, agud nga
nd magupd sa ya ily. They gave the
baby some bread to induce it not to
accompany its mother.
hay, Familiar name, pet-name, term of
endearment; to use a pet-name, etc.
(among relatives and friends). Ginahay sa
ya ang Ipng sa lugr sang Felpe. He is
familiarly called Ipng instead of Philip.
Ginahayon si sing Imngornga
Imng. His pet-name is Imng (Maximo).
Amboy am ang hay ni Pblo (sang
nglan nga Pablo, sang Pblo). Amboy is
the familiar name for Paul. (cf. bnsag
hy-og, Moderately sloping, not too
steep, slightly inclined, declivous; to slope
moderately, make a slope. Hy-og nga
dlan, pngpang, baklod, etc. A
moderately sloping road, river-bank, hill,
etc. Hay-og ang bnglid nga pl-as. Make
the slope less steep. Ginhy-og nla ang
pngpang nga hndog. They made the
steep bank slope down gently. (cf. bnhay).
hyon, To swing the arms in walking. Ang
kalabnan sang mga to nagahyon kon
nagalakt. Most men swing their arms
when walking. Ihyon ang mga btkon
mo. Swing your arms to and fro. (cf.
hayn-hyon, Dim. and Freq. of hyon.
(cf. hagynhgyon).
hyop, A domestic animal (chiefly
buffaloes, cattle and horses); live-stock.
hayb, A small open hut or tent. (cf.
hayb-hyub, Dim. of hayb. Any kind
of tent or shelter without walls. (cf.
henerl, (Sp. general) General, common;
general (of an army).
hnero, hener, (Sp. genero) Cloth,
stuff, textiles. (cf. hinabl).
hpe, (Sp. jefe) Chief, head, leader,
superior, commanding officer. Hpe sang
polisa. Chief of Police. Si am ang hpe

sang bhin sang katnl. He is Chief of the

Bureau of Health. (cf. panglo).
hrba, (Sp. hierba) Grass, herb; an
aromatic plant. (cf. hilamn).
herbabka, herbabak, A kind of
grass with round, botton-like seeds.
herbabuna, (Sp. hierbabuena) Mint,
peppermint: a medicinal plant.
hermosa vija, (Sp.) A kind of plant.
Hesukrsto, (Sp. Jesucristo) Jesus
Hess, (Sp. Jesus) Jesus.
hi-, A prefix identical in meaning with ha-,
e.g. higgma, haggma.
hi, An exclamation of disgust, anger, or the
like. Hi, kagam sinng mga bt! Oh,
how troublesome those children are! (cf.
ha, An exclamation expressive of disgust
or surprise; also used to draw attention. (cf.
hi, hoy, huy, hal).
hiabt, To come to, arrive at (by chance,
accidentally). Naghiabt si sa is ka
masub nga kahimtngan. He came to a
sorry plight. Wal pa maghiabt ang
sugilnon nla nahanungd sinng mga
butng. Their conversation has not yet
touched on those subjects. Si Pdro kag si
Antnio but gid makigway, pang
tbtub karn wal sil gihpon
maghiabuty. Peter and Anthony are
anxious for a fight, but up till now they
have not met. Bs pa lang nga
mahiabutn mo ang mo ginahndum. Let
us hope that you may be able to reach the
goal of your desires. (cf. abt, hibut).
hibut, To reach, overtake, come up,
come together, catch up with. Nagahibut
(nagahiabuty) ang la mga ph. They
have a continuous supply of (ripe)
mangoes, (cf. but).
higi, To pass by accidentally, come upon,
go by (by chance). (cf. gi).
higum, To obtain, etc. See gum,
his, Decoration, embellishment,
adornment, finery, trinket, jewel, jewelry,
jewelery; to adorn, decorate, embellish,
array, beautify, clothe with more than
ordinary elegance. Sn-o ang naghis sang
altr nga mayr? Who decorated the
High-Altar? Sn-o ang magahis sang
larwan ni Mara Santsima? Who will
decorate the Statute of the Blessed Virgin?
Nahiasn si sing bulwan kag madm
nga mga bat nga madlak. She was
adorned with gold and many glittering
stones. Ihis mo sa ya inng kadna pti
medlya nga bulwan. Put this chain and
gold medal on her as an adornment.
Ginhiasn nla ang nbya sing madm
nga mga alhas. They decked out the bride
with many jewels. (cf. pun).
hbag, Dissent, discord, disagreement,
quarrelling, altercation, fighting, falling
out; to dissent, disagree, quarrel, altercate,

Visayan-English Dictionary
fight, fall out. Nagahbag sil. They have a
disagreement. Sn-o ang ginhbag mo
kahpon sing hpon, kay nabatin ko ang
maprus mo nga pamuyyaw? Whom did
you quarrel with last evening, for I heard
your loud abusive language? (cf. say,
sbag, way, bangginay, pas).
hibl-an, For hibalon from hibalto
know, etc.
hibal, (H) To know, be aware of,
understand, comprehend, be cognizant of,
be acquainted with. Makahibal ikw sin?
Do you know or understand this?
Ginahibalon (ginahibl-an) ko nga . I
know that . Nahibalon (nahibl-an)
ko nga . I knew that . (cf. syod,
to, hntup, hangp, entinde, balintnod,
hbalo, See hibal id.
hibalonan, (H) Wise, learned, clever,
erudite, full of knowledge, lettered, wellinstructed, well-informed, pundit. (cf.
hibal; manginalmon).
hib-ot, To be friendly or sympathetic,
treat well, like each other, be on good
terms. Nagahib-ot gid inng duh ka
bt. These two children like each other
very much. (cf. hrup, byan, b-ot).
hbas, Excoriation, bruise, abrasion; to
excoriate, chafe, fret, rub open, bruise,
abrade. May hbas ang ya dalnggan kag
ilng gkan sa antehos. His ears and nose
are chafed by his spectacles. Nahibsan
ang ht nya sa laks nga paglakt, kay
matmbok si. His thighs got chafed on
account of too much walking, for he is fat.
(cf. tas, pk-ad).
hibt, Oblique, crooked, out of alignment,
unsymmetrical, awry, askew, aslant, out of
line, not parallel; to be out of alignment,
etc. Ind mo pagpahibatn ang terl. Dont
put up the loom crooked. Naghibt ang
mga halgi sinng baly. The posts of this
house are not in line, are out of alignment.
(cf. balingg, talingg, etc.).
hib, To cry, weep, sob, pule, whimper,
blubber. Ang bt nagahib. The baby is
crying. Ind ka maghib. Dont weep. Bisn
mamaty ak wal man sing magahib sa
kon. Though I should die no one will shed
tears over me. Pagahibin ko gid ikw kon
mamaty ka. I shall certainly weep for you,
when you die. Ang am nga balt
nagpahib sa ya. That news made her cry.
(cf. tngis, gab, hy).
hb, hbo, To oil, anoint, salve, plaster,
rub in a liquid, cover with oil, fat, lard, etc.
Hibaorhibi si sing lna. Rub him
with coconut-oil. Ihb sa ya skmat inng
baselna. Use this vaseline for his backache. (cf. hplas, haplas, plhit).
hbok, To move, stir, wriggle, writhe,
squirm, budge, flutter, palpitate, quiver,
show life by moving. Nagahbok ang lud
sa dt. The worm is wriggling on the
ground. Pahibka inng mn-og, kay tanawn ta kon napaty na ukn wal pa.

hibl-an hgk
Stir this snake that we may see whether it is
dead or not. (cf. hlag, bok, etc.).
hibk-hibk, hibk-hbok, Dim. and
Freq. of hbok. May mga pitkptik nga
nagahibkhibk sa sinng tbig. There are
wriggling mosquito larvae in this water.
Also: to pulsate, throb, palpitate, (cf.
hulghlag; baybyo, kib-kb).
hibubn-ot, To sob, sigh convulsively.
Ginhibubun-otn ak nya
orNaghibubn-ot si sa kon
atubngan. He sobbed in my presence.
Ginahibubun-otn nya ang kamatyon
sang ya nga ily. With sobs and sighs she
mourns the death of her mother. (cf.
bkh, tngis, hib, sub).
hbyok, A kind of palm. See hdyok id.
hidet, Peace, calm, tranquillity, concord,
harmony; to be at peace, live tranquilly, be
on friendly terms with. Ginahidatan na
sil sang la mga kaping. They are now
living at peace with their neighbours.
Nagahidaity sil. They are living in
harmony. Himy sa Dis sa kahits-an
kag paghidit sa mga to nga mayo sing
kabubt-on. Glory to God in the highest
and peace to men of good will. (cf. dit,
linng, hsay, twhay).
hdal, To blunt, dull, take off the edge.
Ind mo paghidlon ang kon binngon.
Dont blunt the edge of my bolo. (cf. hbul,
hidl. Blunt, dull, obtund, obtuse, not
cutting well. (cf. mahbul).
hidapdpan, July. (cf. Hlyo).
hdhid, To rub, anoint, salve, oil with.
Hidhid (ir) si sing baselna. Rub him
with vaseline. Ihdhid inng lna sa ya nga
lo. Rub his head with this coconut-oil. (cf.
hplas, bdlis, hb, etc.).
hdlaw, To like to see, recognize. Ang
bt malam na maghdlaw. The baby
now begins to recognize people and is glad
to see acquaintances.
hdlaw, Desire, longing, yearning after,
homesickness, nostalgia; to wish to see
absent friends, home, etc., long, yearn
after, have at heart, feel home-sick.
Ginakahidlawn si sang ya nga ily. His
mother longs for him. Nagakahdlaw si
sa pagtn-aw sang dt nga ya
natahan. He wishes to see the place of his
birth. He is home-sick for his native land.
(cf. mahdlaw, kahdlaw; himlat, lyag).
hidmdum, To remember, think of,
recollect. (cf. dmdum, hilinumdman).
hidyk, hdyok, A kind of palm
resembling the coconut palm in its fronds,
but quite different as to its fruit.
hig, Whoa! An expression used in
stopping or halting a horse or other animal.
(cf. ga).
higd, (H) Side, edge, rim, border, corner,
verge, margin, outskirts, place away from
the center. Sa higd sang dlan. At the
side of the road. Nagapanghigd sil sa

dlan. Nagalakt sil sa higd sang

dlan. They are walking at the side of the
road. Sa bisn din nga higd.
Anywhere. In any out-of-the-way place.
(cf. bint, bid, hilt, sok, tok, dok,
pamsud, bgki, bb).
higl, Lust, lewdness, unchastity,
uncleanness, impurity, immodesty,
indecency, impudicity, carnality, salacity,
lechery, lasciviency, lasciviousness,
obscenity, lubricity; to be or become lewd,
lecherous, unchaste, impure, lustful,
immodest, indecent, unclean, carnal,
salacious, lascivious, obscene. Ind ka
magpahigl. Dont be lewd. (cf. lag, bg,
bghal, bgsang).
higla, (B) Social intercourse,
companionship, companion, chum, friend,
pal; to have social relations, be friends,
come together in social life, take a walk,
stroll. Higla ko si. He is my chum. Sa la
nga paghigla. In their social
intercourse. (cf. higra; sinalay, hrup,
atd, ibba, maw).
higra, (B) See higlasocial relations,
etc. (cf. gargra).
hgd, (H) To lie down, lay oneself down,
go to bed, stay in bed, take ones bed, keep
ones bed, go to sleep, pass the night.
Maghgd ka. Lie down. Naghgd sil
ddto. They slept there (passed the night
there). Pahigda ang bt sa ktre. Lay
the baby down on the bedorLet the
baby sleep on the bed. Ihgd ang kasakt
sang mo lo. Lie down to ease (take away)
your head-ache. Higda lang ang kon
ktre. Just lie down on my bed. (cf. batng,
higdan, (H) Bed, couch, sleeping
accommodation; that is suitable for lying
down upon. (cf. hgd).
higdanan, (H) See higdan id. Also:
Sleeping room, bedroom, dormitory. (cf.
tulugn, tululugn).
hgin, To cleave, split, rend, tear, sunder,
break asunder (cloth, etc.); open a way
through a crowd, make a passage.
Naghgin ang kon dan nga by, kay
ginpapk sing laks sang labandra. My
old jacket was torn, because the
washerwoman beat it too hard. Higna ang
mga to sa dlan, kay magi ang trak.
Part the people on the road for the truck
will pass. Naghgin ang mga to sa dlan
sang paglubs sang prosisyn. The people
on the road cleared the way when the
procession passed. (cf. hw).
hgk, Dirt, muck, filth, defilement, taint,
uncleanness, dung, excrement, impurity,
obscenity; to dirty, defile, soil, sully. D mo
paghigkon ang salg. Dont dirty the
floor. Nagakahgk ak sin. I loathe or
abhor that. I consider it dirty.
Ginapakahgk ko in. I consider that
filthy, (repulsive, nauseating).
Ginakahigkon ko in. I have a horror or


hgmaw hilapt
loathing of such things. (cf. lw-ay, bulng,
msing, dgt, tp-ing).
hgmaw, Captivation, charm, relish of
new things or experiences; to please,
charm, captivate (of novelties, etc.).
Nagbugaln si, kay nahgmaw sang ya
mnggad. He became proud, for he tasted
the pleasure of newly found riches.
Nagakahgmaw si sang pagkon sing
ph. He enjoys eating mangoes. (cf.
higmw, Charmed, captivated by new
things or experiences, pleased with the
novelty of. (cf. hgmaw).
hgong, A dull sound, hum, boom,
rumble, reverberation, echo; to hum, etc.
(cf. hgung, hagnghung).
higng-hgong, Dim. and Freq. of
hgop, To sip, sup, suck up (with the lips).
Higpa lang ang sabw. Just sip the
sauce. Higpi lang ang sabw. Have a sip
at the sauce. (cf. spsop, syup, ypyup).
higt, Band, bond, string, cord, rope, tape,
any binding material; to bind, tie, secure,
fasten with a string, etc. Ihigt ang kabyo
sa bgsok. Hitch the horse to the stake.
Hgti (higot) ang kabyo sing kalt. Tie
the horse with a rope. Ihigt mo inng ps
sa kon pinuts. Use this string to bind up
my parcel. (cf. gid, bngot, bangt,
gpus, gos).
higgma, To love, have affection for, be
in love with, hold dear, be enamoured of,
cherish. Maghiggma ka sa Dis lab sa
ngatann. Love God above all things.
Higugma ang mo giniknan. Love your
parents. Ginahiggma si sing dak sang
ya ily. His mother holds him very dear.
Ang mnghud am ang nahigugman gid
sang ya amy. The youngest son is very
much loved by his father. Ihiggma lang
sa ya inng mga sging. Give him these
bananas as a token of affection. (cf.
haggma id.).
higshigs, Too little, too small, short,
lacking, not enough, below the standard,
less than is needed or required; to be too
little, grow less, etc. (cf. kabs, kulbus,
hh, To laugh, titter, giggle, snicker. (cf.
kdlaw, yhum, lmh, talngkaw,
harkhak, ark-ik).
hkam, To grope, feel ones way, as a blind
man or as in the dark. Hikma kon din
ang ganghan. Grope about and find
where the door is. Ang mga to kon gb-i
nga madulm nagahkam
(nagapanghkam). Men on a dark night
grope and feel their way. Naghkam ak sa
pagsk sa hgdan. I groped my way up
the stairs. (cf. hlam, hram, kpkap,
hkap, To touch, feel, grasp, palpate,
fumble, handle, finger, bring ones hand in
contact with. Hikpa si. Touch him.
Hikpi si sa lo. Touch him on the head.


Visayan-English Dictionary
Ginhkap nya ang kon btkon. He
touched my arm. (cf. kapt, yat).
hkaw, Envy, spite, grudge, ill-will,
malice, malevolence, gall, venom, spleen,
rancour, virulence; to envy, spite, grudge,
covet, harm out of spite, bear malice. Ind
ka maghkaw sang ya sang ibn. Dont
covet things belonging to others. Ind ka
magpanghkaw. Dont be envious.
Ginahikwan ak nya. He envies me. Ind
mo si paghikwan sang ya mga tanm.
Dont damage his plants out of spite.
Hinikwan si sang babylan. The wizard
harmed him out of malice. (cf. hs, tstis).
hkay, To find fault with, disdain, hold in
contempt, scout, flout, contemn, despise,
scorn, slight, belittle, make light of,
criticize, scoff at, sneer at, disparage, vilify;
vilification, disparagement, act of
undervaluing or depreciating, scorn,
contempt, contumely. Ind ka maghkay
sang mga binuhtan sang ibn. Dont
disparage the doings of others. Ginhikyan
si nla sang ya pangnta. They found
fault with her singing. Ihkay mo sa ya
ang ya nga kadayw. Chide her for her
vanity. Ginhkay nya sa kon ang
madm nga maspnot nga
halambalnon. He poured bitter scorn
upon me (abused me) with many harsh
words. (cf. mlay, tmay).
hiklo, A kind of fish.
hikt, To see, notice (by chance,
accidentally). (cf. kt).
hkog, To hang oneself, commit suicide,
(by hanging, shooting, etc.). Naghkog
(nanghkog) si Huds. Judas hanged
himself. Sa karn nga mga tig
nagadgang ang hinikogy. At present
suicide is on the increase.
hkot, To prepare, get ready, make
arrangements, take previous measures to
secure a certain result, bring about. An
ang mo nga ginahkot? What
arrangements are you making? Hikta ang
panyga, bale, pknik, etc. Get dinner
ready, make arrangements for the dance,
the picnic, etc. Hikti ak sing sd. Get
some fish ready for me. Ihkot ak sang
kon malta. Please prepare my suitcase.
Sn-o ang naghkot sinng mga pun? Who
arranged these decorations? (cf. hwat,
hlab, (H) To have an empty stomach, feel
a sinking sensation in the stomach on
account of hunger, fear, excitement or
shock. Nagahlab ang ginhwa ko; or:
ginahilban ak sa laks nga kagtum. I
am weak from hunger, (my stomach feels
quite empty, I am exhausted). Magkon
kam nay sing mayo, agd nd kam
mahilban sa dlan. Eat well that you may
not become exhausted on the way. (cf.
hrab id.; hawhaw).
hilbong, Dense, shady, thick (of foliage).
(cf. dbong, rbong).

hilabtra, Meddlesome, interfering,

intruding, officious. (cf. hilabt,
hilabt, To meddle, interfere, participate,
take part in, put ones nose in. Ind ka
maghilabt sinng mga butng. Dont
take part in such things. Dont meddle in
those matters. Pahilbta si sa sinng
panublin nga dt. Let him have a share
in this hereditary land. Ang Mahl nga
Brhen wal paghilbti sang sal nga
panublin. The Blessed Virgin had no part
in original sin. (cf. lbut; pasilabt, pakitarakng).
hilabtay, To be at ease, tranquil, etc.
See arabtay, libtay.
hlad, Slope, incline, hill. (cf. bnglid,
bnhay; baklod).
hilgis, To trim, cut off thorns, small
branches, etc. Hilgsi (hilagsi) ang
kawyan. Strip the branches and thorns
off the bamboo, trim the bamboo. Ihilgis
inng binngon sa kamnsil, sibkaw,
dalgdog, etc. Use this bolo to trim the
camunsel, sebucao, dalogdog, etc. (cf.
hilgus, See hilgis.
hlak, To cherish, miss or regret the loss
of, be sorry to part with, hold dear, set
great store by. Wal si magkahlak sang
ya nga plak sa am nga mga butng. He
did not regret spending money for such
things. Ginakahilkan nya ang ya bg-o
nga baly. He takes great care of his new
home. Pagkahilkan mo ang mo bg-o
nga trno. Treat your new suit of clothes
with care. (cf. hlung, nglin).
hilk-hlak, Dim. and Freq. of hlak.
Nagakahilkhlak si sang ya kwrta
sbung sang is ka mamot. He guards his
money like a miser.
hilak, Bad, desultory, no good. (cf.
hlam, (H) To grope, etc. See hkam.
hilamn, Grass, weeds, herbage, shrub;
to weed, pull out. Hilamon inng mga
tanm, kay wal sing puls. Pull up these
plants, for they are of no use.
hilamonn, Overgrown with grass, grassland; fit for growing grass.
hilamonn, Grassy, full of grass.
hilnat, Cold, catarrh, slight fever; to
cause a cold, etc. May hilnat si
orginahilntan (ginahilantan) si. He
has a cold. Kon magkon ka sing mga
butng nga btok sa solksolk mo
pagahilnton (hilanton) ka gid. If you
eat things injurious to your stomach you
will surely suffer from catarrh.
hlap, To slice, cut in slices. (cf. lplap).
hilapt, (H) To approach, to near, come
near, draw near; have sexual intercourse
with. Nagahilapt na ang tagalni. The
rice-harvest season is now drawing near.
Hilapit si. Approach him. Pahilapit si
sa kon. Make him approach me. Order

Visayan-English Dictionary
(permit) him to come near me. (cf. lapt,
hils, To have or cause a tingling, tickling,
creepy feeling; to annoy, bother, vex.
Nagahils ang ya lwas. He has a creepy
feeling. Ang bt nd makatulg, kay
ginahils. The child cannot sleep, because
its skin tickles. Ginahils ak sinng mga
hmbal. Such talk annoys me.
hilasn, Nervous, excited, vexed,
sleepless. (cf. hils).
hilw, Raw, uncooked, crude (of fruit,
meat, etc.); green (of colour); to be raw, etc.
Hilw nga sd, krne, etc. Raw fish, meat,
etc. Nahilawn ak sang mo lint. What
you cooked is too raw for me. Ang hilw
nga dug sang mga dhon. The green of
the leaves. Hilw nga pagkdlaw. A
mirthless laugh. (cf. ls-aw, pakulhaw).
hilw, Sudden, unexpected, premature.
Hilw nga kamatyon. Premature death.
A sudden, unexpected death. (cf. agp,
hinl, kuys).
hilw, Light, clear, bright (of colour); to
be or become light, etc. (cf. ltdark,
deep (of colour).
hilwas. Right of matrimony; fornication;
to fornicate, use the right of matrimony,
have sexual intercourse. Naghilwas si.
He committed fornication. (cf. lwas).
hily, Out of the perpendicular or vertical
line, leaning, inclined, bent, lopsided,
slanting; to lean; incline, slant. Tadlung
ang hily nga halgi. Straighten the
leaning post. Inng khoy nagahily pa
bagtnan. This tree inclines towards the
south. Ginhily sang hngin ang mon
baly. The wind caused our house to lean.
Ginahily sang hngin ang mga kawyan.
The bamboo is being bent by the wind. (cf.
hpay, hapy, tik).
hilay, (H) To be or go far away, travel
far. Nagpahilay si sa kon. He went far
away from me. Ind ka magpahilay. Dont
go far. Ipahilay mo sa mo mga bt ang
malut nga mga balasahn. Remove far
from your children bad reading matter.
Ipahilay mo si sa mo baly. Send him
far away from your home. Nagahilayay
ang la bnwa. Their home-towns are far
away one from the other. (cf. lay).
hlhil, Drop-lipped. Hlhil nga to. A man
with a hanging under-lip. Naghlhil si. He
became drop-lipped (cf. hlhal).
hilibut, (H) To reach, catch up with. See
hiliban, (H) Things to be wept over, fit or
deserving to have tears shed over. (cf. hib).
hilibon, (H) Weeping, act of crying. Wal
pa gihpon matpus ang ya hilibon. Her
weeping is not over yet.
hlig, To pour out a liquid (from a bottle,
etc.). Hilga ang tbig sa bayng. Pour the
water out of the bayng. Hilgi ak sing
is ka bso nga bno. Pour out a glass of
wine for me. Ginhilgan nya ang kon

hils hl-o
kpa sing bno. He poured wine into my
hiligynon, The dialect of Iloilo; to speak
that dialect. Nagahiligynon na si, kay
naghgd kagb-i sa Mhon. He speaks
the dialect of Iloilo now for last night he
slept in Mohon. (This sarcastic remark is
often applied to people from the interior
who, after but a short stay in Iloilo, pretend
to speak Hiligynon).
hiligugmon, (H) Lovable, amiable, to
be loved, much appreciated or cherished,
worthy of ones affections. (cf. ggma).
hilikayn, (H) Fit to be scorned or
disparaged, reproachable, censurable,
blamable, reprehensible, contemptible,
faulty, blameworthy. (cf. hkay).
hilikayn, (H) Disparaging language,
finding fault with, depreciating, criticizing
adversely, etc. (cf. hkay).
hilikotn, (H) Things to be prepared or
arranged, preparations, arrangements,
measures to be taken. (cf. hkot).
hililign, (H) Any vessel into which a
liquid is to be poured. (cf. hlig).
hililong, (H) The plural form of
hilongto be together; to pull together.
hilimbsan, A fishmongers table or stall,
place where fish is scaled and cleaned; fishrefuse, fish-scrap; place where one is
watched,sounded,under observation.
(cf. hmbis, hilimbson).
hilimbson, That is to be scaled, etc. (as
fish); one to besounded,probed,
investigated. (cf. hilimbsan).
hilimosn, (H) Place where preparations
are going on, arrangements are made or the
like. (cf. hmos).
hilimosn, (H) Preparations,
arrangements to be made, things to be got
ready or prepared for a certain purpose. (cf.
hkot, hmos; hilikotn).
hilmot, (H) To forget. (cf. lmot, lipt).
hilimptan, Place where something is to
beperfected,given the last touch. (cf.
hmpit, lalantpan).
hilimpton, That is to be perfected, etc.
(cf. hmpit, hilimptan).
hilmson, (H) See hilimosn id.
hilinagon, What is to be (should be)
hidden,concealed,kept secret or out of
sight; secret, concealed, hidden; venereal.
Mga balatan nga hilinagon. Venereal
diseases. (cf. tg, hing).
hilinakayn, (H) Rent, payment for rent
or hire. (cf. hinkay).
hilng, To furbish, polish, brighten, to
shine, glisten, be glossy or lustrous, have a
bright surface. (cf. hning, silng, sl,
hilingabt, (H) Something expected or
ready for a future occasion, especially
applied to new clothes for a feast, etc. May
hilingabt ikw sa pskwa? Have you a
new suit ready for the feast-day? (cf. abt).

hilingagawn, (H) See hingagawn,

agw-agawn. (cf. gaw).
hilingapusn, (H) Anything near
completion, that is to be finished or
completed. (cf. pus, tpus).
hilinguhan, (H) Efforts, endeavour,
desire, aspiration; worthy an effort,
desirable, worthy to be striven for. (cf.
kh, tingh).
hilinguyngon, (H) Expenses, outlay,
money to be spent or paid out. (cf. uyng,
galasthon, balyran, balayd).
hilnis, hilins, Polish, polishing powder;
dentifrice. (cf. hnis).
hilinlwan, (H) The slough or cast skin
of a snake. (cf. hilun).
hilinumdman, (H) Memorandum;
souvenir. (cf. hidmdum; handumnan).
hiliphpan, (H) Amenable to bribes; one
who is easily bribed or suborned. (cf.
hilirih, (H) Plural form of hirihto
titter, giggle; guffaw. Naghilirih sil sang
kdlaw. They laughed heartily. (cf. hh).
hilisaysyon, What is to be explained,
elucidated or enlarged upon; explicable,
explainable. (cf. hisysay, sysay).
hilt, Side, border, rim, corner, edge, outer
limit, out-skirts, out-of-the-way place. (cf.
bint, higd, bid, dok).
hilt-hilt, Dim. of hilt. Also: Common,
mean, ordinary, not prominent,
inconspicuous, unknown. To nga hilthilt. An unknown, common, ordinary man.
One of low origin. (cf. girgir, witwit).
hilithog, (H) To agree or pull well
together, etc. See hithog.
hiliton, (H) To fit or agree well.
Nagahiliton gid ang la pagginaw. Their
dispositions agree well together.
Maghiliton kam sang nyo nga batsan.
Try to make your manners agreeable to
each other. Maghilitoony kam. Pull well
together. Make an effort to be agreeable to
one another. (cf. ton; hilithog, hilisa,
hish, hiligyon, etc.).
hilitpul, To agree, pull well together. (cf.
hiligyon, (H) To unite, cooperate, pull
together. (cf. gyon; binuligy, hilithog,
hilung, (H) To be united, to agree or pull
well together. (cf. hilong, hish,
hilisa, (H) Work together, be one, unite,
cooperate, agree well together. (cf. us,
hiliwan, Place where something is cut
up; shambles, butchers stalls. (cf. hw).
hiliwatn, (H) Preparations, things to be
made ready. (cf. hwat; hilimosn,
hl-o, Mutual help, cooperation; to help
each other, cooperate, first finishing
together the work of one and then that of
the other party. Hil-oh ak sa


hil himlad
pagpatndog sang kon baly. Help me to
build my house (and I will help you later
on). Nagahil-ohnay sil sa pagtnum.
They help each other in planting their rice.
(cf. binuligy, etc.).
hil, Poison, venom, dope, drug, bane,
virus; to poison, envenom, contaminate.
Ginhilon nla, kon, ang wang. It is said
that they contaminated or poisoned the
well. Ihil inng aspre sa mga ilag.
Poison the rats with this sulphur. (cf. dlit).
hlo, (Sp. hilo) Thread, silk, twist, twine,
filament; to twist, make into thread. Hilha
inng ss. Twist these buri-palm fibres
into ropes. Hilhi ak sinng lnot, kay
himon ko nga ps. Twist into thread for
me these hemp-fibres, for Ill make a cord
of them. Ihlo ak nay sinng bnhot.
Please make thread for me out of these
fibres of the banhot-bark. (cf. lbid, lbag).
hl-ob, To complete, finish, terminate,
bring to a close, get through, make an end
of, have done with (of planting, tilling,
etc.). Makahl-ob bal kam sang nyo
tnum karn sa hpon? Shall you be able
to finish your rice-planting this afternoon?
Ginhl-ob nla kana ang la talmnan. A
short while ago they finished planting their
fields. Mangabdlay kam sing mapsan,
agd mahl-ob ang kon talmnan sa
karn nga dlaw. Work hard, so that
planting may come to an end on my field
to-day. Hl-ob na ang tnum. Riceplanting is now finished and done with. (cf.
tpus, hingpus).
hlod, To move, stir, wriggle, fidget. Ang
masakt nga bt nagahlod sa ktre. The
sick child is tossing in the bed. Ihlod ang
mo lwas. Stir yourself. Pahimyong
kam, nd kam magsgad sang hlod. Be
quiet, dont fidget. (cf. hwod, hwos, wos).
hild-hlod, Dim. and Freq. of hlod. Ang
atatlo nagahildhlod sa dhon sang
khoy. The caterpillar is wriggling on the
leaf. (cf. hiwd-hwod).
hild-hlod, To rub the skin, clean
oneself well (as after bathing).
Manghildhlod ka nay kag ugling
magtkas. Rub yourself clean before you
leave the waterorFirst clean yourself
well and then come out of the water.
hlok, To bend, curve, incline, deflect, flex,
arch, bow. Hlba ang mo husy, agd
mahaps nga hilkon. Heat your comb,
that it may be easy to bend. Abw, nd gid
mahlok ang lwas nya, kay laks
kabskug. Why, one cannot bend his body,
for he is too strong (or too stiff). Hilki ak
sinng hilimon ko nga tuangtuangn.
Bend for me this piece of bamboo which I
am going to make into a carriers pole. (cf.
hilk, Bent, curved. (cf. hlok).
hilk-hlok, Dim. and Freq. of hlok.
Hilkhilka ang tuangtuangn tbtub nga
magbngkong. Bend the carriers pole
again and again till it becomes properly


Visayan-English Dictionary
curved. Ginhilkhlok nya ang bastn nga
tik tbtub nga magtdlung. He bent back
the crooked stick till at last it remained
hilnghilng, A snooze, nap, doze, short
sleep; to snooze, nap, take a nap, doze,
sleep a little. (cf. pahilnghilng).
hilong, To be together, meet, gather; to
like, like each other, agree well; to travel
together. (cf. tpon; sah, hish, hrup,
upd, hithog).
hils, To scald, burn (with a hot liquid,
steam); to corrode (with a strong acid, or
the like). (cf. lswa).
hils, A kind of be with a long and
straight root. It is much liked on account of
its agreeable taste.
hlot, Massage, kneading, rubbing; to
massage, knead, rub. Hilta ang kon log.
Massage my neck. Ginhlot nya ang bt.
He massaged the child.
hilm, Manifest, clear, obvious,
perceptible, discernible, apparent, visible,
open; to observe, notice, advert to, be
aware of, perceive, be clear or manifest.
Nakahilm ikw sang ya nga kakig,
mga gho, etc.? Did you notice his anger,
his movements, etc.? Ginhlman
(ginhilumn) ko ang ya nga nawng nga
nagnwang. I observed that his face had
become thin. (cf. kt, tn-aw, tluk,
panlag, st-um, etc.).
hlum, hilm, To guess, surmise,
suppose, conjecture, presume, assume,
dare say, believe. Ginahlum ko nga . I
guess that . (cf. my-om, pakt).
hilmhum, To brood, sit, hatch (of a
hen). Ang mung nagahilmhum sang ya
mga tlog sa pugadn
orginahilumhumn sang mung ang ya
mga tlog sa pugadn. The hen is hatching
her eggs in the nest. (cf. lmlum).
hilngos, A kind of very strong tobacco
that is seldom smoked, but often chewed
with betelnut. (Hilngos is a town in Leyte,
where that tobacco mostly comes from;
hence the name).
hilngug, Cohabitation, common
household; to live together, cohabit, dwell
together, live as husband and wife.
Nagahilngugornagahilungugy na
sil. They are living together.
Ginhilunggan nya si Fulna sa suld
sang duh ka tig. He cohabited with N.N.
for two years. Ind mo pagipahilngug ang
mo bt sa kay Fulno. Dont permit your
daughter to live with N.N. (cf. upd,
hilun, To cast the skin, slough, shed (of
snakes, some kinds of crabs, etc.). Ang mga
mn-og nagahilun sa tgsa ka tig.
Snakes cast their skins every year.
Ginhilunohn (ginhilnwan) sing
madm nga mga mn-og ang idlum
sang salg sang simbhan. Many snakes
cast their skins underneath the floor of the

hlwak, To tire, exhaust, weaken through

hunger, fatigue, etc.; to shrink, become thin
or lean. Nagahlwak ang tiyn ko
orginahilwakn ak. I am exhausted (am
getting weak or tired out). Mamhaw ka
sing mayo, agd nd maghlwak ang
solksolk mo, kon magtokd kit sa
bkid. Take a good breakfast, lest you
should become exhausted when we ascend
the mountain. Naghlwak ang ya lwas,
kay nagmasakt si. He has become lean,
for he has been sick. (cf. hlab, kpus,
hilwk-hlwak, Dim. and Freq. of
hlwak. Mapahay ak nay, kay
nagahilwkhlwak na ang kon
solksolk. I am going to take a rest, for I
am rather exhausted (my stomach is
hlway, Well-ordered, well-arranged,
well-regulated, untrammelled, free to act
(of ones mind, thoughts, government,
etc.). Ang pagpadgay ni Sr. Hlway kag
ni Bukgkag. Conversation between a man
of a well-regulated mind and one with
disordered ideas. Hlway nga pangolohn.
A free, independent government.
hilyan, Straight, upright. (cf. hlo;
hm, To get chafed, a little red or
inflamed. Nagahm ang ht sang bt
kay matmbok. The babys groins are
chafed; it is so fat. Haplas ang bt sing
baselna, agud nd paghiman. Rub some
vaseline on the babys skin, lest it should
become chafed. (N.B. hm is particularly
applied to getting chafed between the
thighs or in the groins). (cf. hbas, tas,
himan, To be aware of, know of, have
mutual knowledge of. Wal sil
maghiman (maghiliman) sin. They
were not aware of that fact. (cf. man,
himabyan, The month of May. (cf.
himkas, himaks, To endeavour,
make efforts, do ones best, strive. (cf.
himklang, Having large leaves or
branches, especially said of palms. (cf.
himal, (H) To get or become dry,
exsiccated, sear, withered, have all
moisture withdrawn. Nagahimal
(naghimal) ang kawyan, humy, by,
etc. The bamboo, rice, buyo-leaves, etc. are
slowly drying up (have become dry). (cf.
mal, ly, lay, layng).
himlad, To practise palmistry, tell a
persons fortune by the lines and marks of
the palm. Malam si, kon, maghimlad.
He is, they say, an expert in palmistry.
Ginhimalran si sang manughimlad
sang ya nga kapalran. The palmister
told his fortune from the lines of his palm.
Himalri (di) si kon an ang ya

Visayan-English Dictionary
swrte. Tell his fortune from the lines of his
palm. (cf. plad, kapalran, pasimpald).
himals, To run aground, strand; meet
with failure or misfortune. (cf. bals
himalut, To curse, accurse, imprecate,
damn, anathematize, confound, wish or
invoke some evil upon. Ginahimalut sang
mga yw ang mga matrung. The devils
curse the just. Ind ka maghimalut sa kay
bisn sn-o, bisn sa mo mga kaway. Do
not curse anybody, not even your enemies.
Ind mo paghimalatan (ton) ang mo
bt. Dont curseorinvoke evil on your
child. (cf. panghimalut, lut).
himlay, To start building a house, lay
the foundation of something, begin,
commence. (cf. blay).
himaly, To take formal possession of a
new house, celebrate a house-warming. (cf.
baly, blay).
himal, himl, To form scabs, heal,
become sound, be cured (of wounds, ulcers,
burns, etc.). Nagahimal na ang kon
pils. My wound is now healing.
Ginahimalin na si sang ya nga katl.
His katl is being cured,is getting well.
(cf. pl, pal).
himal, To break out afresh, open again,
become worse (of wounds, boils, etc.).
Nagahimal ang ya nga katl, kay
kinlot nya. His katl is getting worse,
because he has been scratching it.
Naghimal ang ya nga pils sa til, kay
nasntok sang is ka banklan. The wound
on his foot broke out afresh, for it received
a sharp knock from a piece of wood. (cf.
himalng, To die out, be nearly
extinguished (of a fire, a candle, etc.; cf.
himlus, himals, To give or return tit
for tat, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a
tooth, to avenge, take vengeance, retaliate,
requite, revenge; retaliation, vengeance,
revenge, paying back in ones own coin.
Ind mo paghimalsan ang nagtstis sang
mo mga tanm. Dont retaliate on the one
who spitefully harmed your plants. Ind ka
maghimlus sang malin nga ginhm sa
mo sang ibn. Do not take revenge for the
evil done you by others. Akon ang
paghimals, plong sang Gino.
Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord. (cf.
blus, timals).
himn, Often, frequent, general, usual,
customary; to do customarily, usually,
frequently, generally, as a rule, (cf.
masam, masnsun).
himn-hman, or himnhimn,
Dim. and Freq. of himn. Himnhimn
ton mapanilgan. Quite frequently
we may observe. (cf. imnimn).
himnsag, To praise, extol, laud, honour,
glorify, eulogize, acclaim, commend, make
known, spread ones fame, speak well of.
Himansag si sang mayo nya nga

himals himosag
binuhtan. Give him praise for his good
deeds. Himansag si. Extol him. (Spread
his fame). (cf. bnsag, bntug).
himnwa, Management of public affairs;
to govern, rule a commonwealth,
administer a township, state, etc., take part
in politics or the administration of public
affairs. (cf. bnwa, pamnwa).
himsang, A very busy time, the busy
season of any undertaking; to be the busy
season of (sugar-milling, rice-planting,
etc.). Nagahimsang na gid karn ang
tnum, ni, gling, etc. This is now the
busiest time of rice-planting, harvesting,
sugar-milling, etc. (cf. sk, dlup).
himat, Blood relationship, family
members, lineal descendants and
ascendants; to be related by blood, come of
the same stock, etc. (cf. bt).
himatrung, To justify oneself, declare
oneself innocent. (cf. trung, matrung).
himatyan, The place where someone
has died. Magdaw kit sang himatyan.
Let us visit the house of the dead. (cf.
paty, naptyan).
himatayn, The waning moon, the last
quarter of the moon. (cf. paty).
himt-on, (B) To know where to look for
or lay ones hand on a thing, take from a
known place. Himat-on lang ang mga
sging dir sa aparadr. Just take the
bananas there in the cupboard.
Makahimt-on ka bal sang tinpay dir
sa bakg sa kon kwrto? Can you find the
bread there in the basket in my room?
Gintg ko ang mamn sa bal, pang
hinimat-onn gid sang mga bt. I had
the cake hidden in the trunk, but still the
children knew where to find it. (cf. mat).
himatod, To believe to be true, be
convinced of, swallow, take in, be assured
of, assent to, give credence to.
Nagahimatod si sang ginsgid ni
Fulno. He believes what has been told by
N.N. Ind ka maghimatod sang mga
sugilnon sinng mga hmbug. Dont
believe the stories of those braggarts.
Ginahimatod nya ang ginakon nga
mga tumo sa bbog. He is convinced of
the rumour that there are ghosts in the
bobog-tree. (cf. tod, pamatod).
himaw, To reclaim, redeem, save,
recover, win back; to avenge, take revenge.
himy, Honour, glory, bliss, happiness;
to be in bliss, enjoy glory, felicity or
happiness. Ang mayo nga mga bt am
ang himy sang mga giniknan. Good
children are the glory of their parents.
Nagahimy sil karn kay nakadag sa
kasb. They are quite happy now, for they
have won the lawsuit. Maghimy ka. Be
happy (blessed).orEnjoy bliss or
felicity. (cf. kalpay).
hmbis, Scale (of a fish, etc.); to scale,
strip or clear of scales, scrape off the scales;
to see, have a look at, examine.

Nagahmbis si sang sd. He is scraping

off the scales of the fish. Himbis ang sd.
Scale the fish. Ihmbis ak nay sinng
bngrus. Kindly scale this bangrus-fish for
me. Ginahimbisn (ginapanghimbisn)
sang mga giniknan ang to nga but
mangaswa sa la bt. The parents are
scrutinizing the man that wants to marry
their daughter.
hmbon, To assemble, gather, collect,
foregather, come together. Ang mga
pamatn-on kon gb-i gn nga masnag
ang blan nagahmbon sa kinursan sang
dlan. The young people on moonlight
nights come together at the cross-roads.
Himbon sil sa baly. Gather them
together in the house. Himbon ak sing
duh ka pl ka mangangan, kay ipani
ko sa la ang kon alnyon. Gather for me
twenty rice-harvesters, for I will get them
to reap my rice crop. (cf. tpon, dguk,
hinubnhbon, mpon, talampyuk).
hmil, To feel, touch, pass ones hand or
finger over, fumble, finger, handle. Himli
si sa lo kon an ang kanit nya. Feel his
head, how hot it is. Himla ang hnero kon
mayo. Feel the cloth to see whether it is
good. Ind ka maghmil sa kon. Dont
touch me. Ginhmil sang manugblung
ang ya nga plso. The doctor felt his
pulse. Hinimlan si sang manughlot sa
gtang. The masseur massaged his
forehead. (cf. hkap, tndog).
hm, To make, do, act, perform an act,
deed or work, execute, accomplish. Ind
mahm in. That is impossibleorthat
cannot be done. Ginhm nya in. He did
(made) this. Wal mo paghima ang kon
nga sing. You have not executed my
order. Ginhiman ak nya sing malin.
He injured meordid me some wrong
orharmed me. Pagahimon ko gid ang
mo nga tgon, bisn mabdlay ang
trabho. I will surely carry out your order,
even if the work is tiresome. Makahm
ikw sin? Can you do that? (cf. bhat).
hmos, To get ready, prepare, see to, look
after, make arrangements for, get in shape.
Himsa ang panyga, ang kasangkpan,
ang mga tuln-an, etc. Get dinner ready,
see to the equipment or tools, look after the
books, etc. Himsi ak sing panihpon.
Prepare supper for me. Ihmos ak sang
kon hult. Put my room in order. (cf. hko,
himosag, Plentiful, in full bloom or
swing, flourishing, in the pink of condition;
to thrive, flourish, prosper, run well, be in
full bloom or swing, make progress, be
prosperous. Nagahimosag ang ya edd.
He is in his prime. Nagahimosag ang ya
nga komrsyo, pangabh, palangitn-an,
etc. His business is running well, his life is
prosperous, he earns much, etc.
Nagahimosag na liwn ang pangoler.
Cholera is again on the increaseor
causing great havoc. Naghimosag ang ya


hmpit hn
nga kapalran. His condition was
prosperousorFate smiled on him. (cf.
hamungy, dagy, bugn, abnda,
hmpit, Perfect, complete, faultless, exact,
precise; to perfect, bring to perfection, etc.
Naghmpit ang ya pagginaw sa kolhyo.
His manners have become perfect at
college. Himpitn mo ang mo pagsult.
Make your writing perfectorTry to write
a very good hand. Ihimpit mo ak sang
kon sult sa Snyor Obspo. Please see
that my letter to the Bishop is perfect.
Nagapahmpit si karn sang ya nga
pagton. He is now adding the finishing
stroke to his studies. Nahimpitn ak sin.
This seems perfect to me. (cf. lntip, bgos, sampton).
hmpok, To pant for breath, gasp, breathe
hard (as one tired out). Sang pagtokd
nya sa bkid nagdlug kag naghmpok
si sing makadm. When ascending the
mountain he often stopped and gasped for
breath. (cf. hp).
himpk-hmpok, Dim. and Freq. of
hmpok. Nagahimpkhmpok si sa
kabulsgon. He is short of breath on
account of having eaten so muchorhe is
panting on account of having an overloaded
himd-os, To exert oneself, make great
efforts. (cf. panikasg, paningh,
pamurg-ot, himg-os, himumg-ot,
himugas, See himosag.
himgo, Ground roast corn. Ang mas
nga sinnlag kon mabkbok ginatawg
nga himgo. Corn that has been roasted
and then ground is called himgo.
himgo, Also: Ground rice mixed with
sugar and coconut meat. (cf. bay bye,
himg-os, To exert oneself. See himdos.
himg-ot, See himd-os, mg-ot,
pamurs, pamursa.
himgt, To break, snap; to breathe ones
last, break (of the thread of life). Tambong
ak sa kon paghimgt. Assist me when I
breathe my last. (cf. bgt).
himgtoy, To exert force, make great
efforts. See himd-os, etc.
himulg, To separate from, etc. See
hamulg, bulg.
himulk, Bearing flowers, in flower, in
bloom, full of flowers, flowering,
blossoming, blooming. (cf. blak,
himlat, (H) To wish or strive to obtain,
seek to attain, contend for, try hard to,
endeavour, make efforts to gain an object.
Nagahimlat si sa pagton tbtub nga
maglam gid. He is striving to study till he
becomes very learned. Ginhimultan nya
sing dak ang pagkdto sa Amrika. He
made great efforts to go to America.


Visayan-English Dictionary
Himulti ang pagkh sinng bnga sa
sinng matas nga sang sang ph. Try
to get hold of that fruit on that high branch
of the mango-tree. Ihimlat ak sa
pagkh sinng pgad sang pspis sa
balisbsan sang atp. Please get me that
birds nest from the eaves of the roof.
Maghimlat ka sa pagsund sa gihpon
sa dlan sang katarngan. Do your best to
walk always on the road of righteousness.
(cf. tingh, paninguh, himg-ot, himdos, etc.).
himul-won, Molave. (cf. hamulwon).
himlbul, To pluck, clean of feathers
(chickens, etc.). Maghimlbul ka sang
pspis nga la ginpusl. Pluck the bird they
shot. Himulbul ang mank. Pluck the
chicken. Ihimlbul mo ak nay sinng
pbo. Please clean this turkey of its
feathers. (cf. blbul).
himuligt, To frown, sulk, scowl, be
offended, cross, angry. (cf. bulingt,
kolisw, snggud, sngon, ksdong,
lrong, ariwarng).
himlso, To feel the pulse. Himulsoh si.
Feel his pulse. (cf. plso).
himlung, To speak, say, utter, etc. See
himulngon, (H) Words, speech, say; to
speak, say, express in words.
Naghimulngon si sa ya nga
kaugalngon sing sbung. He spoke to
himself as follows. He soliloquized as
follows. (cf. plong, hmbal,
himuls, To be of use, serviceable, usable,
remunerative, gainful, advantageous; to
avail oneself of, take advantage of, make
use of. Ang mga mahkug nagahimuls
sang mga kalisd sang ibn, agd sil
makamnggad. Selfish men take
advantage of the difficulties of others in
order to enrich themselves. Inng mga
mank nd mahimslan (mahimulusn),
kay may balatan. These chickens are of no
use, for they are diseased. Wal man nya
paghimsli ang plak nga ya nabton,
kay nadl gid lang sa ya bal. The
money he received availed him nothing, for
it just disappeared from his box.
Pagahimslan ko gid inng dan nga mga
khoy. I shall certainly make good use yet
of this old lumber, (it will bring me yet
some advantage or profit). Ginahimslan
nya sing dak inng mga tanm sa bkid.
He derives much profit from these plants
on the mountain. (cf. puls).
himumg-ot, To make great efforts. (cf.
himd-os, mg-ot, etc.).
himumgt, See himgtto expire.
Nagahimumgt na ang ya ginhwa. He
isexpiring,is in his last agony.
himnaw, To have a choking fit. See
himung, Fruit-bearing, laden with fruit.
Khoy nga himung. A fruit tree. (cf.

himngot, To pull, pluck, tear out (hairs

growing on the chin, etc.). (cf. bngot,
himun, To fill, replenish, make full. Ang
am nga tab naghimun sang solkban
sang ya nga kalisd. That event filled up
the measure of his troubles. (cf. pun).
himnong, To be quiet, noiseless, silent.
See himyong, pahimyong, pahimnong.
himot, To please, etc. See hamot.
himurs, To apply force, use strength,
make efforts, work hard, be active. (cf.
himtad, To look at narrowly, scrutinize,
inspect carefully, examine thoroughly by
ocular inspection. Himutdi (ri) sing
mayo ang mga tigbat, kon ikw ang
nagabsa. Look well at the letters, if you
are the reader (or when you read).
Maghimtad ka sang sult. Examine the
letter carefully. Ihimtad mo ak nay
sang pils sang karabw, kay bs may
lud sa suld. Please inspect carefully the
buffalos wound, for maybe there are
worms inside. Ginhimutdan nya sing
madgay ang larwan sang ya nga ily.
He looked attentively for a long time at the
picture of his mother. Nakasayp ka sa
pagtokr, kay wal mo paghimutdi ang
mga nta. You made a mistake in playing,
because you did not look carefully at the
notes. (cf. mullong, tn-aw, tluk).
himutng, To put, place, etc. (cf. butng,
hmtang, hamutng, kahimtngan).
himt-ay, To like each other, etc. See
himutg, To belie, give the lie to, deny the
truth of, gainsay, contradict anothers
statement, contravene, negative, impugn,
traverse, rebut. Nagahimutg si sang
ginsmbung sa ya. He denies what he was
accused of. Ginhimutign nya ang singid
ni Fulno. He contradicted the story told
by N.N. (cf. butg).
himyas, To use strong language, chide,
scold, abuse loudly, vituperate; to
expostulate with, remonstrate. (cf. pyas,
pamyas, pamlag).
himyong, Quiet, noiseless, soundless,
silent, still, stilly, hushed; to keep quiet
orstill, make no stir or noise, keep calm,
remain quiet. Himyong (pahimyong)
kam. Hush! Keep quiet. Dont make a
noise. Naglinng na ang plsa, kay
nagahimyong ang mga bt. The public
square is quiet now, for the boys have
stopped making a noise. (cf. himnung id.).
hn, To be scarce, difficult to encounter
or obtain, scanty, scant, scarcely
obtainable, hard to get; rare, scarce. Hn
ornagahn karn ang kwrta. Money is
scarce at presentorThere is a dearth of
cash at present. Sang tig nga tinalkdan
naghn ang sd. Fish were difficult to
come by last year. Nahinan na kit sing
mga ph sinng pil ka tig nga

Visayan-English Dictionary
naglilgad. During these last few years we
had difficulty in getting mangoes, (they
were so scarce). (cf. wat).
hinblus, Nephew, niece.
hinb, To chance, happen, come to pass,
meet, befall. (cf. tb; tab, hitab).
hinabn, To cover, shield, protect. Ang
am nga paht la ginhinabn sa dak
nla nga sal. Such means they made use
of to cover their guilt. (cf. tbon).
hinabl, Woven materials, cloth, texture,
fabric, textile fabric. (cf. hnero, tehdo).
hinag, hing, To hide, conceal, keep
secret, cover with silence. (cf. tg, tinag,
likm, llong, hinabn).
hinagnoy, Hum, humming, chirping,
singing; to hum, chirp, etc. See hagnoy.
Ang hinagnoy sang mga pspis. The
humming (singing) of birds. (cf. hun).
hini, To clean intestines of their
contents. Nagahini si sang kasdlan
sang bboy. He is cleaning the pigs
intestines. Hinahan mo inng kasdlan,
kay itigna ko sa panyga. Clean these
entrails (guts), for I am going to prepare
them for dinner. (cf. ti).
hinak, (H) To approach, come near, to
near, be almost or nearly. Sang pagsuld
nmon sa bnwa nagahinak sa ikapl
ka tkn. When we arrived in town it was
nearly ten oclock. (cf. sk; hinangt).
hinkay, Lease, rent, fare, charges,
travelling ticket, transportation fees,
payment for hire, etc.; to hire, lease, pay for
rent or the like. Pil ang hinkay? What is
the fare? Hinakyi ang kabyo ko kon
malyag ka. Hire my horse if you like. Ang
balsro nagapahinkay sing tagpistas sa
kda to. The ferry man charges twenty
centavos for each person. Ginpahinkay
ak nya sing tm, tungd sin wal
man ak magsaky sa ya nga wto. He
charged me an exorbitant fare, therefore I
did not hire his automobile. Ang hinkay
sa pagpakdto kag pagpakar nd
magklang sa duh ka pl ka psos. The
ticket for the journey to and froorthere
and back, will not cost less than twenty
pesos. (cf. saky).
hink-hink, Breathless, panting,
gasping, for breath. (cf. hingkhingk,
himpkhmpok, hp, mahp, pung).
hinak, (H) A hair-wash, hair-lotion,
prepared from vegetable or mineral
substances and used to clean the hair and
scalp; to apply such hair-wash, clean the
hair or scalp. Kuha ang hinak, kay
manghinak ak. Fetch the hair-wash, for I
am going to clean my scalp. Ginhinakihn
si sang ya ily. His mother cleaned his
scalp with hair-wash. (cf. dak).
hinakt, To feel pain, uneasiness or
mortification at the sight of anothers wellbeing or success, envy, spite, begrudge, be
sore on account of, harbour a grudge or illwill, be pained at. Nagahinakt si sa kon.

hinblus hinanglid
He envies me. Ginahinakitn ko nya,
kay mayo ang kon pinatubs kag
makl-aw ang ya. He harbours ill-will
against me, because I had a good harvest
and he a poor one. Ind ka maghinakt
sang mga kaayhan sang ibn. Dont envy
the good things of othersorDont be
vexed at the sight of the prosperity of
others. (cf. sakt; hingabt).
hinalabab, Offspring, etc. See
inalabab. (cf. kabikhan).
hinalag, (H) To reach the age of
girlhood, be or become a maiden.
Naghinalag ang kon bt kag mapaty.
My daughter reached the age of maidenhood and died. (cf. dalga).
hinalagn, Unexpectedly, suddenly, etc.
See hinl, hingalg.
hinalgk, To grow up, grow tall, grow
into manhood. (cf. dak, dalgk).
hinalngday, To decline, set, go down
(of sun, moon, stars).
hinal, To act rashly, impulsively; to
happen suddenly, unexpectedly.
Nahinalin si sang balatan kag
napaty. He suddenly fell ill and died. (cf.
dal, hinl).
hinl, Sudden, unexpected, instant,
abrupt, hasty, all at once, thoughtless,
unpremeditated, on the spur of the
moment, without reflection, temerarious;
to do something under a sudden impulse,
act thoughtlessly, rashly. Sa hinl gid
lmang natmba si kag napaty. All at
once he dropped down dead. Ind ka
maghinl maghmbal. Dont talk under
the impulse of the moment (without
reflection). Patawra ak, kay nakahinl
ak maghmbal sang dli nagakag.
Pardon me, for under the impulse of the
moment I have spoken improperly. Sa
hinl kon si nakt sa tung sang mga
to. Suddenly I saw him in the midst of the
people. (cf. dal).
hinalgi, (H) Made into posts or columns,
after the manner of posts, etc.; column (of a
hinal, Pertaining to or like an iguana; to
act like an iguana. Nagahinal si. He acts
like an iguana, (acts as if he were deaf).
May batsan si nga hinal. He behaves
like an iguana. (cf. haliguana).
hinalp, To set, go down (of sun, moon,
etc.). Naghinalp na ang dlaw. The sun
has set. Nahinlpan kam sang dlaw
sang mon paglakt. The sun went down
whilst we were on our way. (cf. slup,
hinalp, Having set or gone down (of sun,
moon). Hinalp na ang blan. The moon
has set. (cf. slup, tund).
hinlup, Plugged; embossed, studded. (cf.
hlop, hlup).
hinm, To exceed reasonable limits, do
to excess. Nahinm-an sil sang bsol.

They were scolded more than they

deserved. (cf. tm).
hinmbad, Millions, by the millions. (cf.
hmbad, rinamk).
hinambaln, An oral agreement,
understanding or promise, unwritten, by
word of mouth. Wal si sing hinambaln.
He does not keep his wordorhis oral
promises or agreements are unreliable.
Salalgan ang to nga may hinambaln.
Trustworthy is the man, who is as good as
his word. Also: Perf. passive of hmbal.
Hinambaln ko si. I spoke to him (about
hinmbit, To mention, refer to, name,
allude to, bring forward, give out, relate.
Ind ka maghinmbit sang am nga mga
butng. Dont mention such things.
Nahinambitn nya ak sang ya bka nga
binalgy. He mentioned to me that his
cow was sold. (cf. smbit).
hinm-is, To take pleasure in, delight in,
gloat over; drink something sweet.
Mahinm-is kit sing is ka bso nga
tub. Let us drink a glass of sweet toddy.
Ginahinam-isn ko ang nahanab. I am
delighted at the way things have turned
out. (cf. tm-is, panm-is).
hinmpas, Struck; attacked. (cf.
hinmpung, To reach, come to, arrive at,
make. (cf. smpung, abt, sp-ong,
smput, dngat).
hinmput, To draw near, approach, come
towards, move in the direction of the
speaker. Nagahinmput na si. He is
drawing near. Ginhinamputn ak nya.
He approached me, came towards me. (cf.
dmput, smput, abt, palapt).
hinankit, Pain, grief, sorrow, trouble.
Wal na si sing hinankit. He has no
longer any grief or pain. (cf. skit, sakt).
hinanarm, (B) To like, be attached or
addicted to, have a craving for.
Nagahinanarm si sang sut. She likes
dancing very much. (cf. dimt, ynggaw,
lyag, wli).
hinnday, hinngday, To lie upon or
across, to lean upon. (cf. tngday,
bngday, hinalngday).
hinangt, To reach, come to, amount to.
Nagahinangt na sa lim ka lbo ka
mngmang ang ya nga ginhinguyng. He
has already spent five thousand pesos. (cf.
hinnggup, Soaked in salt and water.
Nakakon ak sing hinnggup nga
kamti, kn-on, etc. I ate some tomatoes,
rice, etc. soaked in salt and water. (cf.
hinangban, Arms, weapon. See
hinanglid, Trimmings, shavings, a part
taken from the side of a thing. (cf. klid,


hinngput hingam
hinngput, To arrive, reach, come to. (cf.
sngput, smput, abt).
hinpal, To slap, strike; to revile, rail at,
curse and swear, use strong language. (cf.
hinaps-taps, Towards the end, near
completion, nearly finished, almost
complete; extreme, consummate; to be
nearly finished, etc. (cf. tpus,
talipuspusn, hingaps).
hinarkhak, Loud laughter, merriment;
to guffaw, laugh heartily. (cf. harkhak,
talngkaw, ark-ik).
hinaramy, A kind of tree whose bark is
used for medicinal purposes.
hinarya, The language of mountaineers
or of people living in districts away from
the coast-line; pertaining to that language;
pertaining to the customs and manners of
mountaineers; to speak that language.
Nagakalanlin ang hinarya kag ang
hiligynon. The language of the mountains
and that of Iloilo are different. Malam ka
bal maghinarya? Do you know how to
speak the dialect of the mountains?
Naghinarya si sa kon
orginhinarayhan ak nya. He spoke to
me in the mountain-dialect. Dir sinng
lugr hinarya ang hmbal. Here in this
place the mountain-dialect is spoken. (cf.
hinirya id.; lay, ilay, binukdnon).
hins, Much in demand, selling well,
having a ready sale, much called for, to sell
well, sell off quickly, etc. Hins
(nagahins) ang bkal sa tinda ni
Fulno. The goods for sale in N.N.s shop
are much in demand. (cf. hs, bkal, ka).
hint, Stretched, smoothed out, open. See
hnat, To stretch out, smooth, hold tightly
to, open, (a book, cloth, paper, etc.), unfold,
straighten out. Hinta ang hnero. Stretch
out the cloth, smooth it out. Hinti ak
sang kon by nga yok. Smooth out my
creased jacket. Dalyon lang si
nagahnat sang barha sa adlw-dlaw
nga tann. He opens the cards every day,
(i.e. he is always playing at cards).
Palabsa gid si; dyon lang nya
ginahnat ang lbro. He is an omnivorous
reader; he always keeps a book open before
him. (cf. htad).
hinw, (H) To wash the hands.
Nakahinw ka sang mo kamt? Have you
washed your hands? Maghinw ka nay
sang mo kamt kon magkon ka. Wash
your hands before you eat. Hinaw ang ya
kamt. Wash his hands. Pahinaw si
sang ya kamt. Let him wash his hands.
Ihinw inng tbig sa mo kamt. Wash
your hands in this water. (cf. hunw,
libnaw, ribnaw, panghinw).
hinawhaw, Small or trifling matters,
little things, easy work. Wal gid si sing
mga mahg nga pangabdlay, knd
mga hinawhaw gid lmang. He has no


Visayan-English Dictionary
heavy work, but only easy jobs. (cf.
hnay, Slow, leisurely, gentle; to do slowly,
leisurely, tenderly, gently, etc. Hnay!
Slowly! Be careful! Hnay ka! Go slow! Be
careful! Hinya lang ang mo paglakt.
Walk slowly. Ginhnay nla ang trabho.
They worked slowly. Ang kabyo
nagahnay na, kay nabdlay. The horse
goes slowly now, for it is tired. Hinya ang
paghkwat sang masakt. Lift the sick
man tenderly, gently, slowly, carefully. (cf.
bndul, pkok, etc.).
hiny-hnay, Dim. and Freq. of hnay.
Hinyhnay lang kam. Go slow. Be on
your guard. Take care. Gently. Take your
hinayn, (B) Pause, rest, interruption,
stop, interval, intermission, cessation,
breathing spell. Wal sing hinayn ang ya
nga pagknta, pangabdlay, paglgaw,
etc. He is constantly singing, working,
walking to and fro, etc. He sings, etc.
without a pause. (cf. langn, put).
hinbra, (Sp. ginebra) Gin; also (loosely)
brandy, cognac, whiskey, any strong
alcoholic liquor.
hinte, (Sp. jinete) Rider, horseman;
jockey. (cf. mangangabay).
hingban, To finish (weaving, etc.).
Nakahingban ka na sang kon
delarghon? Have you finished the cloth
for my trousers? Pil ka trno ang mo
ginhingban? How many suits of clothes
have you finished weaving? Mahingabnan
mo bal ak sang kon trno sa suld
sinng pitudlaw? Can you finish (weaving)
my suit of clothes this week? Ind ak
makahingban sang mo hblon sa suld
sang is ka blan. I cannot get your cloth
off the loom within a month. (cf. ban).
hingabn, To conceal, hide, keep away
from notoriety, etc. See hinabn id. (cf.
hingabt, To draw or come near, be
about to arrive, to persecute, pursue,
molest, harass, perplex, annoy, distress, be
after; strive, seek to obtain. Ang mga
matrung ginahingabt sing masam
sang mga malut. The just are often
persecuted by the wicked.
Ginbutangbutngan nla si sing sal sa
paghingabt sa ya. They slandered him in
order to harass him. Ind ka maghingabt
sa ya. Dont persecute him. Ang id
nagahingabt sang knding. The dog is
after the goat. (cf. abt).
hingbut, To arrive in time, appear at the
right moment, reach at the proper time.
Wal si makahingbut sa msa. He did
not arrive in time to hear Mass. (cf. but).
hingdlan, From hinglan.
hinggaw, To reach the goal, terminate,
complete, finish, get ready, dispatch.
Sarng ka makahinggaw dir sa las
dse? Can you be here at twelve oclock?
Hingagwon mo ang kon talahon sa

bus. Finish (or dispatch) my sewing tomorrow. Ginhinggaw nya ang baly sa
wal maguln. He reached home before it
rained. Hingagwa ang koryo. Try to
reach the mail (i.e. be there when the mail
comes in). Makahinggaw ka bal sin
tbtub karn sa hpon? Do you think you
can finish it this evening? (cf. gaw; tpus,
hingagawn, See agwagawn,
hilingagawn id.
hingk-hingk, Out of breath,
breathless, panting, gasping for breath. (cf.
hp, hmpok, pngh, pung).
hingalban, To get, take, covet,
more than others, desire a larger share, be
very selfish, outdo others, take the greater
part of. Nagahingalban si sa pagkh
sang humy. He is taking more than his
share of rice. Ind ka maghingalban sang
sugilnon. Dont take upon yourself the
largest share of the conversation.
Hingalabni si sang sgid. Try to surpass
him in talking. Ginhingalabnan nya ang
ya mga tud sang mnggad nga binlin
sang la mga giniknan. He overreached
his brothers in getting the largest share of
the property left by their parents. (cf.
labn; pangunyd, panginywat).
hinglag, (H) To mind, pay attention to,
notice, observe. Sa wal lmang
mahingalgi napkan si kag napaty.
Suddenly he collapsed and died. (cf. klag,
hingalg, (H) Unnoticed, unobserved,
suddenly, without much ado, unexpectedly;
repeatedly, at short intervals, again and
again, but always in surprise. (cf. hinl;
hinglan, (H) To name, give a name, call
by name. D mo paghingalnan
(ngdlan) ang nglan sang Dis kon
wal sing kabangdnan. Dont pronounce
the name of God without reason.
Ginahingdlan (ngalnan) si kay
Hunornga Hunornga si Hun.
He is called John. His name is John. Sn-o
ang ipahinglan mo sa mo bt? What
name will you give your child? How will
you have your child named? (nglan,
hingalyo, To burn brightly or fiercely,
blaze, be in a blaze, be ablaze, take,
catch, be on, fire, be in, be enveloped
in, flames. Nagahingalyo na ang baly.
The house is enveloped in flames. (cf.
hingalt, To be quick, do at once,
anticipate, do with despatch, hurry, take
the first opportunity. (cf. kalt).
hingalp, To set, go down. (cf. hinalp,
hingam, To covet, desire, crave, long
for, want very much, be engrossed by;
strive, make efforts. Ind ka maghingam
sang ya sang ibn. Dont covet what
belongs to another. Ind mo

Visayan-English Dictionary
paghingamohn ang ya nga bhin. Dont
hanker after his share. Ginhingam nya
inng mga ph. He longed for these
mangoes. Nagahingam na lang si sang
sut nga wal na magadmdum sang ya
mga kaupdnan. He is so absorbed in
(engrossed in) dancing that he no longer
even thinks of his companions. (cf. bug,
hingn, Of some use, rather useful or
important, satisfactory; to be of some use
or importance, be rather well off. Wal
man hingn ang kon pagkdto ddto, kay
wal ko si maabti. My going there was
of no use, for I did not see him (find him at
home). Wal gid hingn ang pagdal ko,
kay naulann man ak. My hurry was of
no avail, for I was caught in the rain all the
same. Sdto nay mol gid si, pang
karn naghingn na ang ya
pagkabutng. He used to be very poor, but
now he is rather well off, (has quite a little
property). (cf. gud, puls).
hingn-hingn, Dim. and Freq. of
hingn. Hingnhingn ang la pangabh.
They are living pretty comfortably, (are
rather well to do, are neither poor nor very
hinganban, Arms, weapon.
hingangon, To regret, etc. See hingon.
hingan, One who eats much; voracious,
omnivorous, insatiable, glutton, gourmand,
greedy-guts. (cf. kon, pangon).
hingpsan, hingpson, The end, etc.
See hingapusn, hingapusn.
hingp-us, To commit suicide (by
hanging). Naghingp-us si. He
committed suicideorHe hanged
himself. (cf. hkog).
hingapusn, The end, termination,
completion, last touch, finish. (cf. tpus,
hingpus, hingaps, To end, finish,
complete, terminate, conclude.
Makahingpus ka sang kodl tbtub
maghpon? Can you finish the fence by
this evening? Hingapsa ang mo sult,
diskrso, etc. Finish your letter, discourse,
etc. Hingapsi na ak sang kon mga
saptos, kay dgay na man ang paghult
ko. Please finish the boots for me, because I
have been waiting for them a long time.
Ihingpus ak nay sang atp sang baly.
Please finish first the roof of the house for
me. (cf. tpus; hinggaw).
hingapusn, See hilingapusn id.
hingawy, Fighter, warrior, soldier. (cf.
way, hangawy).
hingyaw, To supply what is wanting, fill
up deficiencies, pay remaining debts, make
up for what is short. Sn-o ka
makahingyaw sang mo nga tang?
When shall you be able to pay the
remainder of your debt? Ginhingaywan
na ak nya sang ttlo ka psos nga
nabiln pa sang ya tang. He has now

hingn hning
paid me the three pesos he still owed me.
Hingaywi si sang napl ka naht nga
kawyan. Let him have the ten pieces of
bamboo still due to him. (cf. yaw).
hingy, Petition, request; to ask,
request, petition, solicit. (cf. pangy,
hngg, (B) To pass the night, lie down to
sleep. (cf. hgd).
hingik, To clean the teeth of tartar; to use
a tooth-pick. (cf. kk, palanghingik, ting,
hinglid, To dress or trim the side of a
thing. (cf. klid).
hinglin, To cherish, be attached to, be
loath to part with, regret the loss of, guard
or keep carefully. Ginahingilnan
orginahingnlan gid nya ang bg-o nya
nga rloh. He likes his new watch very
much. Dl mo paghingnlan ang
paghinguyng sing plak sa ton pndut,
agd magsdya. Dont spare expense for
our feast-day, that it may be a pleasant
affair. Ginhingnlan nya sing dak ang
sngsing nga nadl. She very much
regrets the loss of the ring. (cf. nglin,
hlak, kanglin).
hing, Sniff; to sniff, snuffle. Sngha ang
sp-on mo, nd mo pagihing. Wipe your
nose, dont sniff. Ind ka maghing, kay
malw-ay. Dont sniff, because it is a dirty
hingd-hingd, Snout, proboscis, trunk
(of pigs, elephants, etc.).
hingko, hingok, To manicure, trim
and clean the finger-nails. (cf. kok).
hingto, To look for lice, try to catch lice
(with ones fingers). Nagahingotohnay
(hingotonay, hingot-nay, hingotwnay) sil. They are searching each other
for lice. Hingothi, (hingoti, hingt-i,
hingtwi) si. Search his hair for lice. (cf.
kto, kto, kotl).
hngubs, To dry up, evaporate (of
water). Nagahingubs na ang tbig sang
lnaw. The water in the lake is getting less,
(lower, is evaporating). (cf. hubs).
hingdto, To be in the zenith.
Nagahingdto na ang dlaw. It is midday.
The sun is in the zenith. (cf. dto).
hingh, hinguh, To try earnestly,
make great efforts, seek to obtain. (cf.
kh, tingh, paningh, panikasg,
pamurg-ot, himd-os, etc.).
hingko, See hingko.
hingl, To buy a piece of meat or fish.
Maghingl ka sing krne nga ble salap.
Buy a piece of meat for fifty centavosor
buy fifty centavos worth of meat. Hingulan
mo ak sing sd ddto sa baybyon. Buy
me some fish there on the beach. (cf. l,
hingulsgan, (H) To be in full bloom or
strength, developing well.
Nagahingulsgan ang ya pagspang. He

is in his best growing years, is developing

well into manhood. (cf. kusg).
hingumn, Put an end to, get ready,
complete, finish. Ginahingumn na nya
ang ya baly. He is now finishing the
building of his house. (cf. humn;
hingpus, hingggaw).
hingndang, (H) The end of a meal,
termination of a bath, or the like; dessert,
fruits, sweetmeats, etc. served after a meal;
to finish a meal, be about to rise from a
table, be about to leave the bath-room, or
the like. (cf. ndang, tung, hinung).
hingund, To sink, set, go down,
disappear below the horizon (of sun, moon,
etc.). Nagahingund na ang dlaw. The
sun is setting. Ak tiglang na, kon sa
dlaw, nagahingund na. I am old now,
like the sun, soon to disappear below the
horizon. (cf. tnud, hinund).
hingnud, hingund, Fleshy, meaty;
tuberiferous, having, producing,
developing, tubers. (cf. und, pangund).
hingurutn, Worn out, spent, used up,
useless. (cf. hingrut).
hingrut, hingurt, To finish, spend
all, make an end of, complete. (cf. rut).
hinguts, To cut off, finish, end,
terminate, complete. Nagahinguts ang
ya kabh. His life is coming to an end, (is
ebbing away). Ginahinguts na nya ang
kon hblon. She is now finishing the
weaving of my cloth. Hingutas ak sa
madal nga sarng mahm sing ttlo ka
bra sang kon delarghon, kay may
kinahnglan ak nga dak. Finish for me
quickly (as quickly as possible) the weaving
of three yards of cloth for my trousers, for I
am much in need of it. (cf. uts; hinggaw,
hingpus, hingumn).
hingtbong, To cut off, lop the top off
(bamboos, trees, sugar-cane, etc.).
Hingutbong ang kawyan. Cut off the tip
of the bamboo. Ihingtbong inng
binngon sa gh. Cut off the top of the
agho with this bolo. Ihingtbong mo ak
sinng mga tub. Please lop off the tops of
those sugar-canes. (cf. tbong, tbong).
hingyang, hinguyng, To spend, lay
out, expend, waste; expense, expenditure,
waste. (cf. uyng).
hngyo, hngy, To think, plan, intend,
deliberate; wish, desire. Nagahngyo si
nga mapamanl. He is thinking of going
to Manila. He wishes to go to Manila. (cf.
hndum, dmdum, hunhn, ty).
hngy, hingy, Also: petition; to
petition, etc. See pangy, hingy.
hinikugy, Suicide, self-destruction, the
committing of suicide (on a large scale). (cf.
hkog, hingp-us).
hiniman, Deeds, works, doings, actions,
achievement. (cf. hm).
hning, (H) Shine, lustre, brightness,
polish, brilliancy; to shine, be bright, be
brilliant, be polished. Nagahning na ang


hinirya hinun-non
salg, kay halampashan. The floor is
bright now, for it has been polished. Kon
hnsan mo sing mayo ang lamsa
magahning. If you rub the table well it will
shine. Pahinnga sing mayo ang kon
mga saptos. Polish my boots well.
Pahinngi ak sang kon mga saptos.
Polish my boots. Nagahning na ang
lamsa nga mo ginpahdan (-ran). The
table which you wiped looks as if it were
polished. Ipahning inng sra sa salg.
Use this wax to polish the floor. (cf. sl,
silng, hnis).
hinirya, The dialect of the mountains,
etc. See hinarya id.
hnis, Sandy soil, not very productive
ground. (cf. lungasgmoist ground).
hnis, To rub, polish, clean, scrape (with
sand-paper, sand, etc.). Maghnis ka sang
mga bso, pnggan, etc.orHnsi (hinsi)
ang mga bso, pnggan, etc. Polish (clean)
the glasses, plates, etc. Ihnis inng
binkbok nga tsa sa mga toktokn nga
mga tenedr. Rub the rusty forks with this
brick-dust. Ihnis ak nay sang mga
galamitn sa digamohn. Please clean the
kitchen-utensils for me (with sand, etc.).
hinw, A slice, cut, piece, cutlet; to cut
up, slice, cut in pieces. (cf. hw).
hiniw-hw, Cut up, dissected, cut in
hnlas, To clear away rust from iron by
heating and hammering, purify metals by
fire. Ang manugslsal nagahnlas sang
salslon. The smith is cleaning the iron (by
making it red-hot and then hammering it
on the anvil). Hinlas inng salslon nga
toktokn. Purify this rusty iron.
hnlaw, (B) To feel unsettled in a new
place, feel the effects of having been
transferred or transplanted to new soil.
Nahnlaw ak. I do not feel at home yet
orI am not yet accustomed to the place.
Ind ka magkdto sa malay, kay bs
mahnlaw ka. Dont go far away, for you
may have difficulty in becoming
accustomed to new surroundingsoryou
may feel home-sick. Ind mo paghalnon
ddto ang mga kamtis, kay bs
mahnlaw. Dont remove the tomato plants
from there, for they may not take kindly to
another soil. (cf. hdlaw, pamg-o, mg-o).
hnl, Polish, shine; to polish, shine,
brighten, burnish. (cf. plug).
hnl, Smoothness, evenness, levelness; to
be smooth, even, level, plain. (cf. tpan,
salma, hmtang, tnl).
hinklog, Mercy, compassion, sympathy,
ruth (poetical); to be merciful,
compassionate, have compassion, have
mercy, be sympathetic, to sympathize with.
Nagahinklog si sa kon. He is
compassionate towards me. Ginhinoklogn
nya ang masakt nga bt. He had pity on
the sick child. Hinoklog ang mga
nalsdan. Take pity on those in distress. (cf.
w, loy, hanklog).


Visayan-English Dictionary
hinono, On the contrary, but, but rather,
however. But si magdag sa kon sa
dmug, hinono gn si am ang
nabntol. He wished to defeat me in
wrestling, but after all it was he who was
thrown. D mo kam ipapagdag sa
panuly, hinono pamawon mo kam sa
kalut. Lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil, (cf. tapt, agd).
hinon, To say yes, to consent, approve,
assent, agree, comply, yield. (cf. hon,
tnd, sugt, tgut).
hnsan, hnson, From hnisto rub, etc.
hnta, hnt, Now then! Come on! Let us
see. Hnta, sol ka ddto. Now then, get
back there. Hnta, paslnga ak. Now
then, show it to me, let me see it. Hnta,
ipabsa mo sa kon ang sult. Well, let me
read the letter. Hnta, bi, tan-awn ko
kon matod in-. Well! Fancy that! I want
to see whether that is true. Hnta, dna
(din na) ang tuln-an nga ginsilng mo?
Now then, where is the book you
mentioned? (cf. hnti, hat).
hinbig, To draw or fetch water. (cf.
hinubn-hbon, To gather, collect,
come together, flock together, meet as
people in public places, on roads, etc., or as
birds on trees, etc. Sa adlwdlaw nga
tann may mga to nga
nagahinubnhbon sa baly-bnwa, etc.
Every day there are people gathering in
crowds in the municipal building, etc. (cf.
hinudng-hding, A whisper; to
whisper. (cf. hanhni, hudnghding,
hurnghring id.; konkno, sugdsgid).
hingang, To add to; addition;
additional; particle (of grammar). (cf.
hingay, Stop! Enough now! Dont! No
more! Its long enough now that.
Hingay sang hmbal. Stop your talk now.
Enough of words. Hingay na sang kon.
Dont eat any more or any longer. Hingay
na sang inm. Stop drinking. You have
drunk quite enough now. Hingay sang
lgaw dir sa suld sang balatonn. You
have walked to and fro long enough now in
the reception roomordont walk about
any longer. (cf. dgay).
hingon, To regret, be sorry for, lament
the loss of. Nagahingon si sang kn-on
nga nasik sa salg. He is sorry for the
boiled rice that got spilled on the floor.
Pahinugni ang mo kinabudlayn. Have
some consideration for your hard earnings
(i.e. dont waste your earnings). (cf.
kangon, hingangon).
hinugng, To grow violent, fierce, serious
(of war, fighting, disease, etc.). (cf.
hingyaw, To be hilarious, loudly
cheerful, shout with joy, be mirthful, be in
high glee. Nagahingyaw ang mga to sa

bulangn. The people in the cock-pit are

shouting with excitement.
Ginahinugyawn nla ang dmug. They
are following the wrestling-match with loud
yells. (cf. hgyaw, but hingyaw is more in
hinl-an, Bony, full of bones, strong of
bone; to ossify, harden, become as hard as
bone, to take out bones, to bone. Hinulann mo nay ang krne kag ugling
toktokn. First take out the bones and then
chop up the meat. First bone the meat and
then chop it up. (cf. tl-an; hanl-an).
hinlas, Artificially dried, especially
applied to rice dried in the kitchen, or the
like, during the rainy season. May hinlas
kam? Have you got any artificially dried
rice (in contradistinction to sun-dried rice).
(cf. hlas).
hinl, Rest, quiet, free time, relaxation.
Wal si sing hinl sang panah, kay
mamndut si. She is busy sewing all the
time, for she wants to assist at the Feast.
(cf. iptan, hurary, pahay,
inalapalpan; tl).
hinuln-hlon, To gather, etc. See
hinlsul, To rue, repent of, be contrite, be
penitent, be sorry for, to feel
compunction,remorse, to regret.
Maghinlsul ka sang mo mga sal
orHinulsuln mo ang mo mga sal. Be
sorry fororrepent of your sins.
Pahinulsul si nay sang ya mga sal.
Let him first make an act of contrition for
his sins. Kon wal sing paghinlsul, wal
man sing patwad. Without contrition
there is no forgiveness. (cf. ngsul, nlsul;
skit, sub).
hinulungn, See hinurungnclimax,
apex, etc.
hinulungkagng, Noise, etc. See
hinmaw, Remains of food adhering to
the inside of a cooking utensil and softened
by water. Also verb. Hinumwa (humwa)
ang dokt sang klon. Soak with water and
loosen the scrapings of the kettle. (cf.
hinn-an, To express ones view, state,
say, speak, give out an idea or thought. (cf.
hinun-non, Thought, sentence, idea,
view, remark; to exchange views on a
subject, speak about, talk over, think upon,
dwell upon, ponder. Nagahinun-non sil
nahanungd sa bg-o nga ley. They are
exchanging views on the new law.
Naghinun-non si nga. He was
thinking that. Naghinun-non sil
sang la karabw nga nadl. They were
conferring together about the lost buffalo.
(cf. hunhn, dmdum, pano-no;
hmbal, sugilnon, hambr,
hambalnon, pamlong).

Visayan-English Dictionary
hinun-non, Also: to inquire, ask, gather
news or information. (cf. pngkot,
hinunw, To melt, be digested, dissolved.
Nagahinunw pa ang kon kinon; nd
pa ak magpalgos. The meal I have taken
is not digested yet; I will not go bathing so
hinung, (B) To finish a meal, end a
repast; dessert, fruits or sweetmeats served
after a meal. An ang but mo ihinung?
Sging o kalmayht? What would you
like for dessert? Bananas or kalamayht?
(cf. tung, ndang, hingndang).
hinnlan, The slough or cast skin of
snakes, cast claws of crabs, etc. (cf.
hinnlan, Placenta and membranes
discharged at childbirth. (cf. innlan,
hinund, To set, go down (of the sun,
etc.). (cf. hingund).
hinupng, To grow or develop well, to eat
much, (as a growing youth).
Nagahinupng si. He is growing well,
eating much. (cf. spang).
hinptan, One kept for work or service,
as a menial servant, a concubine, one
adopted into the family, etc. (cf. hupt).
hinurg-ol, To drop, fall, with a thud
or thump. (cf. rg-ol).
hinurngus, Life; breath; stomach. (cf.
kabh; ginhwa; solksolk).
hinury-hray, Division, distribution,
part, share; to divide, distribute. (cf. huly,
hinurng-hring, (H) Whisper, rumour;
to whisper, etc. (cf. hudng-hding).
hinurng, To loaf, idle away the time, be
a mischief-maker; loafing. (cf. hurng,
tiygtiyg, lg-it).
hinurungn, Climax, apex, acme,
culmination; to be absorbed, immersed,
engrossed, be at the acme of, reach the
height or summit of. Nagahinurungn gid
ang la sugilnon nga wal sil makabat
sang panktok sa ganhan. Their
conversation was so animated that they did
not hear the knock at the door.
hnyo, To think, plan; to long for, etc. See
hil, Trial, hardship, difficulty; to be a
trial, be hard, become difficult; pahilto
beset, bother, molest, harass, cause trouble,
hardship or difficulty. Naghil na ang ya
kahimtngan. His position has become
difficult. Nagpahil si sa kon. He caused
me trouble. He molested me. Ginpahioln
(Ginpahl-an) ni Fulno si ttay sa laks
nga pangy. Father was greatly bothered
by the insistent request of N.N. Pahiol
(Pahl-i) si tbtub nga magkig. Harass
him till he gets angry. Mahil ang la
pangabh. Their life is a hard or trying
one. (cf. hul).

hinun-non hrba artemsa or artemsia

him, Closed, shut (of doors, etc.). (cf.
ham, hap).
hom, To close, shut. Hima ang bb
mo, ang ganhan, ang bal, etc. Shut your
mouth, the door, the trunk, etc. Ihom ak
nay sang bintn. Kindly close the
window. (cf. kpot, dpat, hop, hom).
hos, To move, stir, wriggle, writhe, fidget.
An ang ginahos mo? Why are you
restless (or moving to and fro)orWhy
cant you sit (stand, lie) still? Pahimyong
ka, nd ka magsgad sang hos. Be quiet,
dont fidget. (cf. hlag, wos, hwos, hwod,
hlod, hyod, yos).
hpal, To insult, upbraid, ridicule, scoff,
use insolent language. (cf. pasipla,
yagut, yagm-at, ulig, ulgyat, tiwtaw).
hpgid, A kind of vine whose stems are
much used for binding purposes, especially
in fish-traps, as they are very resistant to
the action of water. (cf. sg-id).
hphip, To suborn, bribe, give secretly,
pervert by gifts, give hush-money, tamper
with, grease ones palm; bribe, hushmoney, etc. Hiphip si sing psos. Pass
him secretly a pesoorTip him a peso.
Ind ka makahphip sa ya, kay si nd gid
magpahphip. You cannot bribe him, for he
absolutely will not accept bribes. Ihphip sa
ya in. Bribe him with this. Hiniphipn
nya si Fulno sing is ka gats. He gave
N.N. a bribe of one hundred (pesos). (cf.
hpid, (H) To be or become or make nice,
trim, neat, tidy. Naghpid si karn; sdto
damk si. She has become tidy now;
formerly she used to be slovenly.
Nahipdan ak sa ya. She appears to me
to be very neat. Pahipda (-ra) si. Make
her observe the rules of tidinessorTry
to make her tidyorOrder her to dress
tidily, etc.
hpig, (B) To be tidy, etc. See hpid id.
hpon, A kind of small fish, very thin and
slender. Ang hpon sing masnsun
ginalusgusn. The hipon-fish is often
cooked by the lsgus-method (i.e. boiled in
a nicely determined quantity of water).
hipn-hpon, Anything resembling a
hipn-hipn, A kind of plant.
hpu. To take in, gather, collect,
appropriate to oneself. Ind mo
paghiphon ang tann, knd pahilbta
man ang ibn. Dont gather in all for
yourself, but let others also have a share.
(cf. karipn, harpo, hirpo, tpon,
hpus, Silence! Hist! Hush!; silent, dumb,
mute, noiseless, mum, speechless, still,
hushed; to be silent, keep quiet, hold ones
tongue, be still. Hpusormaghpus ka.
Be quiet. Hold your peace (tongue).
Ginhpsan (ginhipsan) nya ang ya nga
sal. He kept silent about his fault. Pahpsa

(Pahipsa) si. Order him to be quiet.

Make him keep silence. Hpsa (hipsa) ang
mo bb. Keep your mouth shut. Be silent.
(cf. himyong, linng).
hra (Sp. jira) Picnic, outing, holiday,
party, excursion. (cf. paliwlwa, pknik,
pahangnhngin, laguywan,
hr, A pus-like mucus that accumulates in
the inner angle of the eye, when the latter is
inflamed. (cf. mr, mt).
hrab, (B) To exhaust, weaken through
hunger, etc. See hlab.
hirbong, Dense, affording shade, shady,
etc. See hilbong. Also: Screen, cover;
supernumerary, substitute, stop-gap, filling
a vacancy or just increasing the number of.
Si am ang is sang mga manugknta
nga hirbong lang. He is only a
supernumerary of the (regular) singers.
Inng mga dandan nga hnero ibutng
mo lang nga hirbong sa klid sang altr.
Use these old cloths as a cover for the sides
of the altar.
hir-hr, Dim. and Freq. of hr.
hram, (B) To touch, grope about, finger,
etc. See hlam.
hirn, Restlessness, fidgetiness,
naughtiness, liveliness (of boys, etc.).
hirn-hirn, Restless, naughty, lively,
etc. (See darndarn, harshars, etc.).
hirn-hirann, Restless, etc. See
hiron, Full of hr (pus); pertaining to
or affected with hr (which see).
hirs, Crack, split; to crack, split. May
hirs ang tsa. The cup is cracked.
Naghirs ang tsa. The cup is cracked.
Inng pnggan nahirasn. This plate has a
crack in it. (cf. litk, balan).
hras, hirs, To be stingy, give little,
treat in a miserly way, be parsimonious,
shabby, mean, niggardly, close, pennywise. Ginhirasn lang nya ang ya tud
sang mnggad nga la pinanbl. He gave
his brother only a small amount of the
property they inherited. Ind mo
paghirasn ang mo libyon sing tinpay.
Dont treat your young brother so stingily
in the matter of bread.
hirt, Wide open (of eyes, eyelids). (cf.
hiraty, To chastise, punish severely,
inflict corporal punishment. (cf. tartri).
hirw, The spike of a plant. Also: only
half-open, nearly closed (of eyes). (cf.
hraw, Half-closed, half-open; to be only
half-open (of eyes).
hirwhan, Spiky, having or forming a
hrba, (Sp. hierba) Grass, herb, pasturage.
(cf. hilamn, tanm).
hrba artemsa or artemsia, (Sp.
artemisa, artemisia) A kind of plant; mugwort.


hirbabuna hisa
hirbabuna, (Sp. hierba buena) A kind
of plant; peppermint, mint.
hiribut, (B) To reach, etc. See hilibut.
hiriabt, (B) To come to, etc. See hiabt.
hirigta, A worthless woman, a slattern.
(cf. girigta).
hirh, To laugh heartily. (cf. hh,
harkhak, talngkaw).
hirihmo, Glad, pleased, content on
account of some accession of help.
Hirihmo ak kay dir na ikw. I am glad
that you are here (to help me). Hirihmo
ak kay naghnggud ka na kag sarng ka
makablig sa kon. I am pleased that you
are now grown up and able to help me.
hir-hir, The neighing of a horse; to
neigh. Ang kabyo nagahirhir. The horse
neighs. An ang ginahirhir mo nga daw
kabyo? Why are you neighing like a
horse? Ginhirhirihn ak sang kabyo.
The horse neighed at me or at my
approach. Ang ya nga pagkdlaw daw
hirhir sang kabyo. His laughter is like
the neighing of a horse.
hirilum, To rely one upon the other,
trust that another will do what one should
do oneself. Wal nla pagbayri ang la
tang, kay naghirilum sil. They did not
pay their debt, because each one thought
that the other one had paid (would pay).
hiringtyon, (B) The last of a series, end,
termination, finishing stroke or touch. Am
in ang hiringtyon nga tnday sinng
matsra. This is the last calf of this old
cow. (cf. it; hiringtyon literally means the
last portion emitted by a hen evacuating
her bowels; kingut).
hiripw, (B) To relieve, console, cheer up,
gladden. Ang sult sang ya ank
nagpahiripw sa ya. Her sons letter
gladdened her. Nahiripawn si sang ya
ginhwa tungd sang am nga sult. That
letter cheered her up. (cf. lpay, mpaw).
hirpo, To gather, collect, take in,
appropriate, etc. (cf. harpo, hpu, karipn,
hro, (Sp. hierro, herrar) Mark, brand; to
mark or brand with an iron. May hro ang
kabyo. The horse is branded. Magahro
ak sang kon karakw. I will brand my
buffalo. Magapahro ak sang kon bka.
I will have my cow branded. Sa taghirir
madm nga mga hyup ang
pagahirhan. During the branding season
many domestic animals will be marked. (cf.
mrka, don, so, so).
hrup, Intimacy, tender affection; to be
intimate, have tender affection for.
Nagahrup or nagahirupy sil. They are
very intimate. Ginahirpan nya ang ya
byan. He has a tender affection for his
hs, Envy, spite, grudge, malevolence,
malignity, malice, ill-will, bad-blood, illnature, spleen; to envy, grudge, be spiteful,
bear a grudge, vent ones spleen, harbour


Visayan-English Dictionary
ill-will, etc. Ind ka maghs sa ya
orInd mo si paghisan. Dont envy
himorBear him no ill-will. (cf. hkaw).
hs, To slap, kick, pinch, strike, or the
like (especially among children). Dl ka
maghs sa ya. Dont pinch him. (cf. sakt,
hish, To agree well, get on, pull, hit
it, well together, be in accord,
correspond. (cf. sah, hithog, hisa,
higyon, binuligy).
hisl, To fit, suit, agree, correspond,
match. Wal paghisl ang la sugilnon.
Their conversation is all out of joint. They
do not understand each other (their
answers not agreeing with the questions, or
the like). Wal na sil paghisl. They are
not on good terms any longer. (cf. sal).
hislo, hislok, To sit down together
with others, take meals in common; to
agree, harmonize, live in harmony. (cf.
slo, hisl, hish).
hisyod, To know, be aware of,
understand, be acquainted with the facts.
Nakahisyod ikw sin? Ginahisayran
(ginahisyran, ginahisaydan) mo in?
Do you know that? Have you knowledge of
that? (cf. syod, hibal, hntup, hangp,
to, balntnod, lam).
hisysay, To explain, expound, elucidate,
enlarge upon. (cf. sysay, soy).
his, Oil, ointment, pomade (for the hair).
hso, hs, To oil the hair, use hair-oil.
Hisi (hishi) ang mo bohk sing lna. Oil
your hair with coconut-oil. May his ikw,
kay manghso ak? Have you got some
hair-oil, for I wish to oil my hair? (cf.
hplas, bdlis, pamnhop).
hisn, According to, in consonance with,
conformable to; to agree, correspond, be in
consonance or harmony with. (cf. son).
histrya, (Sp. historia) History, story,
event. (cf. margtas).
ht, The groin.
hitas, High, elevated, above, eminent,
elated, lofty, tall, towering; above, before,
previously, some lines or pages back.
Ibutng mo ang krs sa hitas sang
simbhan. Put the cross on the highest
point of the church. Ang nasmbit sa
hitas. What has been stated above or
before. (cf. tas).
hitab, Event, accident, incident,
happening, deed, occurrence. (cf. tab,
htad, To stretch, open or smooth out
cloth, paper, etc. Ginahtad mo lang ang
tuln-an nga wal mo pagabasha. You
are keeping the book open without reading
it. Hitda (-ra) ang mantl. Smooth out
the table-cloth. (cf. btad, hnat).
hit-ht, Dim. of ht. Anything
resembling the groin, as an angled groove,
indentations in fruits, etc.
htam, Remains of food adhering to the
inside of a kettle, pot, pan. Tinlo sing

mayo ang klon, agd makh ang

tann nga htam. Clean the rice-kettle well,
so that all the adhering particles of food
may be removed. (cf. rka).
hito, hitwo, To impersonate,
personify. (cf. to, two).
hitpul, To come to an understanding,
agree. (cf. spul, hitpul).
hitng-hting, hitng-hitng, To
throb, pulsate, beat (of boils, etc.).
hit-ht, Management, contrivance,
resourcefulness, machination, ways and
means. Mayo sil sing hitht. Their
management is good, (they are managing
well). They are quite resourceful. Mayo
ang la hitht sang piniliy. Their
election-campaign is well managed or
organized. (See pahithtto manage,
hithog, To agree, pull well together, get
on well together, hit it well together, be well
joined, harmonize, square with, suit or fit
together. Sil nga duh nagahithog gid.
The two of them are well mated or
matched,are pulling well together. Ang
ibn nga mga magasaw wal
paghilithog (paghithog). Some married
couples are not well suited,are illassorted. Hitohga sil. Try to make them
pull together. (cf. thog, alghog, hish,
hisa, hitpul).
hitsra, Form, figure; impertinence,
shame, cheek. (cf. etsra, tsri, sri,
hitsri, See hitsra.
hitkul, To seize suddenly, make a dash
for, fall upon, jump and catch; to overlap,
overtake, catch up with. (cf. tkul, tkl).
hitpul, To come together, meet,
conspire, agree, make common cause, pull
together. (cf. tpul, tpon, hmon, hmut,
higyon, To cooperate, collaborate, work
together, unite, combine, join in, help each
other, have unison. Higyon
(maghigyon) kam. Cooperate, unite.
Naghiligyon sil sa pagpatndog sing
ermta. They helped each other to erect a
chapel. They joined together in building a
chapel. Hiugyon nnyo ang kalangnon,
aradohn, etc. Assist each other in burning
out the jungle, in ploughing, etc. (cf.
hithog, hisa, binuligy).
hipud, (H) To accompany, be or go
together, live together, consort with, bear
or keep company with. Maghipud ka sa
yaorhipdi si. Bear him company. Go
along with him. (cf. upd, bylog, taws).
hiurng, hiorng, To be taken aback,
be astonished, be surprised, etc. See orng,
urng, tingla, blung.
hisa, (H) To be one, be of one mind, be
in unison, have union. Nagahisa ang la
pagto, or: Nagahilisa sil sa pagto.
They are one in faith. (cf. is, us; higyon,
hithog, hish).

Visayan-English Dictionary
hw, To slice, carve, cut off slices, cut in
pieces; slice, piece, cutlet. Hiwa ang sd,
krne, etc. Cut the fish, meat, etc. in slices.
Hiwi ak sing duh ka hw nga krne.
Cut me off two pieces of meat. (cf. hinw).
hiw, Cut up, cut in slices or pieces,
dissected. Hiw na ang bboy sang mon
paglgad sa ihawn. The pig was cut in
pieces when we passed the butchers shop.
(cf. hw).
hiwg-os, To toil, drudge, work hard at,
fag, moil, labour, struggle. Nagahiwg-os
si sa pagdro, sa pagtungtang, etc. He
toils at the plough, at carrying goods on his
shoulders, etc. (cf. hg, patyptay,
hiwl, To loll or hang out the tongue; to
flirt, be a coquette. Nagahiwl ang dl
sang id, kay ginahp sang dalgan. The
dogs tongue is hanging out, for he is tired
from running. Pahiwal ang dl mo. Put
out your tongue. (cf. diwl).
hiwaln, Glib, flippant (of tongue or
speech); flirt, coquette, prostitute. (cf.
buran, baban, pta, bigon).
hiwl, panghiwl, Denial,
contradiction, negation, disavowal; to deny,
contradict, gainsay, disavow, refuse to
admit. (cf. himutg, wl, wal).
hiwos, Dearth, misery, famine, scarcity,
want. Ang pit ka tig sang hiwos. The
seven lean years. (cf. hiwg-os, kalisd).
hiwas, To writhe, move about restlessly,
stir and wriggle as one struggling to get free
from some superimposed weight or the
like. Nagahiwas si sa ya higdan, kay
masakt gid ang ya solksolk. He is
writhing in bed, for he has a severe
stomach-ache. An na man ang
ginahiwas mo? What are you wriggling
for this time? (cf. hos, hwos, wos, hwod,
plok, etc.).
hwat, To prepare, make or get ready, take
steps or make arrangements for; to grow
up, develop, advance. See hkot, hmos.
Hiwta, hiwtihikta, hikti).
hiw, Not symmetrical, awry, twisted on
one side, aslant, slanting, lop-sided,
leaning; to be, become or make awry, etc.
Hiw ang ya bibg. His lips are all awry
(twisted). Naghiw ang baly tungd sang
bgyo. The house has become crooked
(twisted) on account of the storm. (cf.
sambig, kiw).
hiw-hw, Dim. and Freq. of hiw.
Naghiwhw ang ya bb. She pouted.
She puckered her lips.
hiwt, A spell, bewitchment, charm,
fascination; to bewitch, throw a spell over,
cause evil by witchcraft. Nahiwitn si. He
was bewitched, (got sick from a spell).
Ginhiwitn si sang manughiwt. He came
under the influence of the sorcerer. He was
put under an evil spell by the spell-binder.
(cf. brang).

hw holng-hlong
hwod, To move, stir, wriggle, writhe. See
hlod, hlag, etc.
hiwd-hwod, Dim. and Freq. of hwod.
See hildhlod.
hwos, To move, stir, etc. See hwod,
hlod, hlag.
hiws-hwos, See hildhlod,
hiwdhwod, etc.
hya, To be busy, occupied, have much to
do. Nagahya (nagahinya) sil sang bra,
hmpang, sugl, etc. They are busy at
work, at play, gambling, etc. (cf. sk,
dnghos, dlup).
hiys, Adornment, decoration, etc. See
his id.
hyod, (H) To move, stir, etc. (cf. hwod,
hwos, hlod, hlag).
h, A term to urge on horses, buffaloes,
etc. Gee up! Get up! Also an exclamation
expressive of annoyance or the like. H,
kagam sin! Oh, what a nuisance! Oh,
what a bother!
hbhob, To eat like an animal (as pigs
and dogs). (cf. hbhab, lklak).
hobt, See hubtto puff, etc.
hdhod, To clean or scrape with an edged
tool (as a chisel, shovel or the like).
Hodhod (-r) ang bulng sa sya. Scrape
the dirt off the chair. Ihdhod ang tigb sa
lamsa. Scrape the table with the chisel.
Hodhod ang lamsa nga natolan sang
esprma sang kandl. Scrape the table on
which candle-grease has dropped.
Ginhodhodn nla sang pla ang bint
sang kalg tbtub nga nagsalma. They
scraped the edge of the ditch with a shovel
till it became even.
hoh, To shake empty, shake and pour out
the contents of a sack or the like. Ihoh ang
sko. Shake out the contents of the sack.
Hoho ang kalmay sa bayong. Pour the
sugar out of the bag. Hoho ak sing is ka
gntang nga humy sa sg-ub. Pour me
out one ganta of rice from the bambooreceptacle. Ginhoh nya ang tan kag
naggw ang mga katng, ulng kag sd
nga magamy. He shook the small fishtrap and crabs, shrimps and small fish fell
hhon, Yes, yea; to say yes, connive,
consent. Naghhon si. He consented. He
said yes. (cf. ho, hod, hon).
hohn-hhon, Dim. and Freq. of hhon.
Nagahohnhhon si, pang wal man
si sing katuyon sa pagtman. He says
yes, yes, but has no intention of making
good his word. (cf. hon, hhon).
hkhok, To sip, suck or draw in liquids
noisily as ducks and other large-billed
birds. Ang bbi nagahkhok sang tbig.
The duck sips water noisily. (cf. hgop,
spsop, syup, lklak).
hokmnan, Court of justice, judgmentseat. (cf. holokmnan, hokm).
hkmong, To hide, conceal from view,
keep out of sight; to hide or conceal

oneself; to stay, lodge, reside, be stationed

at, have a base or headquarters at.
Nagahkmong si sang ya barha. He is
hiding his cards. Hokmong ang mo
barha, agd nd makt sang ibn. Hide
your cards, so that they cannot be seen by
others. Ang mga manugpangalg
naghkmong sa kakgnan. The thieves (on
All Souls day) hid themselves amongst the
cogon-grass (cf. tg, pang, dyon,
ton, lntad, puy; hkmong id.).
hokm, Judge; to judge, pass sentence
upon, try a court-case. Ind ka
maghokm, agd ikw nd man
paghkman. Judge not, and you shall not
be judged. Hkmi si. Judge him. Pass
sentence on him. Ginhkman si sang
hokm nga magbyad sing tabs nga lim
ka mngmang. He was sentenced by the
Judge to pay a fine of five pesos.
hkon, To roll up in a bundle, etc. See
hamkon id.
hokn-hkon, Dim. and Freq. of hkon.
To roll or bundle up, pull together clothes,
etc. (cf. hamkon, okn-kon).
hokt-hkot, To skulk, shun, lurk, be in
hiding, elude capture, hide for fear of
capture or punishment. Ang makwat
nagahokthkot, agd nd madakp. The
thief is hiding, lest he should be caught.
Hokthokti ang pols, kay kon dl
dkpon ka nla. Hide yourself from the
police or you will be caught. (cf.
holgting, To tinkle, jingle, clink, emit a
sharp, metallic sound. (cf. lgting).
hlhol, To bark, yelp, yap, (of dogs).
Naghlhol ang id. The dog barked.
Ginholholn ak sang id. The dog barked
at me. An ang ginahlhol sang id? Sn-o
ang ya ginaholholn? Why is the dog
barking? Whom is he yelping at? (cf.
hol-hol, To wail, moan, complain,
sigh. (cf. panghyhay, pangary,
holokmnan, Seat or court of justice. (cf.
hokmnan, hokm).
hlon, (H) To gather, collect, come,
flock, together, assemble, to perch, alight,
settle. Nagahlon ang mga to sa plsa.
The people are gathering in (on) the public
holonn, (H) Perch, roost; meeting,
trysting place. (cf. hlon, hululunn).
holng-hlong, To look about
curiously, inquisitively, warily, narrowly, or
closely. An ang ginaholnghlong mo
nga daw hal? Why are you looking about
so curiously like an iguana? Ind ka
magholnghlong kon umatbang ka sa
punon. Dont look about curiously, when
you are in presence of one in authority.
Holngholngi sing mayo, kay bs may
dalngag sa bnas. Look out well or
carefully, for there may be sharp thorns on
the path. (cf. lsi, lislsi).


holn-hlon huran
holn-hlon, (H) Dim. and Freq. of
hlonto gather, etc. Paholnholna ang
mga to sa pagpamt sang diskrso.
Gather the people to hear the discourse. (cf.
holt, Room, apartment. (hult id.).
holtholt, A little room or apartment, a
very small room, closet, boudoir.
holy, Sweet, gentle, modest, downcast,
mild (of eyes or looks); to have sweet, etc.
eyes, have the eyes only half-open. Holy
si sing matorNagaholy ang ya
mga mat. His eyes are only half open
orHe or she has modest, sweet or
downcast eyes. Ginpkaw ko si, pang
nagpaholy lang si sang ya mga mat,
nagls kag tumlug liwt. I woke him, but
he opened his eyes only a little, turned
round and fell asleep again.
hlw, To adapt or alter clothes so as to
fit another person; to transform, change,
convert. Holwa ang delrgo ko kag
idpat sa bt. Alter my trousers and make
them fit the boy. (cf. tuglb).
homg, Damp, wet, moist, dank, humid,
muggy, soggy. See hamg, hmog, humg.
hmok, Softness, mildness, gentleness,
impressionableness, impressionability; to
soften, become soft, impressionable, be
easily susceptible of impressions or
feelings. Naghmok na ang tinpay nga
kana mahgpok pa. The bread that was
crisp a short while ago, has become soft.
Homka ang paglt sang krne. Cook the
meat soft. Pahomki ak sing mas, nga
tinank. Boil for me some corn very soft.
Ginpangayan ko si sing patwad,
pang ang ya tagiposon wal
maghmok. I asked his pardon, but his
heart did not soften. (cf. lam, lm-ok).
hmoy, Quiet, taciturn, silent, mum,
retired, saying little, mild, soft, gentle; to be
or become quiet, etc. Hmoy si nga to.
He is a quiet man, a man of few words, of a
retired disposition or the like. Sdto nay
palahmbal si kag tm kabbo, pang
ktub sang pagbalatin nya naghmoy
na si. Formerly he used to be very
talkative and of a lively disposition, but
since he passed through a sickness he has
become more retired. Hmoy si sing
pamatsan. He is gentle in his manners.
(cf. gdang, lgdong, hpus, komd).
hmoy, Stale; to be stale (of bread). (cf.
pn-os, etc.).
homy-hmoy, Dim. and Freq. of
hmoy. Also: A kind of very small fish.
hnhon, To make compact, join well,
near or close together, unite closely.
Honhon ang skdap sa pagrra. Weave
the bamboo strips closely together.
Nagahnhon ang mga to sa bnk. The
people on the bench are tightly squeezed
together. An ang lyag mo: Buhton
nmon ang salg nga hnhon ukn
lak?A, lyag ko ang sa ka salg nga
hnhon. What do you prefer: Shall we join


Visayan-English Dictionary
the flooring closely or leave rather wide
open seams?Well, I like a closely joined
floor. Dugngi ang mga bnk, nd mo
pagpahonhonn ang mga bt sa sinng
ttlo ka bnk. Increase the number of
benches, dont crush the children together
on these three benches. (cf. mpon, dpat,
gutk, dot, smput, dkdok).
hn-og, Wet, soaked, moist,
impregnated, soggy, sodden; to wet, soak,
etc., said especially of things liable to melt
or dissolve. Ang asn, kalmay nagpahnog sa sko. The salt, sugar moistened the
sack. Ang bayong ginhon-ogn sang
muskobdo. The bag was impregnated with
muscovado (unrefined sugar). (cf. hn-og
hnos, To draw or pull out, etc. See hnus
hons-hnos, Dim. and Freq. of hnos.
Anything that can be drawn, pulled out or
unsheathed, as a drawer, the lid of a
wicker-work basket made as deep as the
basket itself, etc.
ho, Yes; to say yes, consent, assent. (cf.
hod, hon).
hod, hood, (B) Yes. See ho.
hog, (B) To be constipated, costive.
Nagahog ang bt. The child suffers from
constipation, is constipated. Naghog si.
He became, was, constipated. (cf.
hol, See hil, hulto be hard, trying,
hom, To shut, close (a door, etc.). See
hom id.
hom, To enwrap in leaves, ripen
artificially fruit that has been picked green.
(cf. but id. Homabuta).
hon, (B) Yes. See ho.
hon-hon, (B) Yes; to assent, consent,
say yes.
hot, To feel tight, clogged, or blocked up
(of the chest and respiratory organs, etc.).
Nagahot ang kon dghan nga daw dl
ak makaginhwa. My chest feels blocked
up, so that I can scarcely breathe.
hrma, (Sp. horma) Form, mould; to
form, set in order, repair. Hormah ang
baly, saptos, etc. Repair the house,
boots, etc. Hormah ak sang kon atp,
sinlas, etc. Repair my roof, my slippers,
etc. for me.
hormhan, Form, mould. See hrma.
hornalro, (Sp. jornalero) Labourer,
workman, journeyman. (cf. mamumugn).
hrno, (Sp. horno) Oven, stove.
hor, Foul, rotten, tainted (particularly of
fish). (hur id.).
hor-hor, To moan, sigh, etc. See
holhol id.
hs, Shoo, a term used in driving away or
dispersing poultry, etc.
hshos, hshus, To drop, fall down,
sink, become loose, slip out (off), escape; to
loosen, cause to fall or sink. (cf. s-os).

hos, To draw, unsheathe (a sword, etc.).

Hs-a (hoso) ang sble sa tagb. Draw
the sword from its scabbard. Hs-i ak
sang binngon. Unsheathe the bolo for me.
Sa hinl nagkig si, hins-an nya ak
sang binngon kag but si maglab sa
kon. Suddenly he got angry, drew his bolo
at me and wanted to slash me. Ihos ak
nay sinng binngon, kay ak nd
makadag. Please unsheathe this bolo for
me, for I am not able to do it. Hs-on mo
ang tigb sa pal. Wrench the handle off
the chisel. (cf. hnus, gnut, hbnus).
hospitl, (Sp. hospital) Hospital,
infirmary. (cf. bullngan).
htlog, To put or lay down side by side or
lengthwise, alongside. Hotlog ang mga
khoy, kawyan, etc. Put the wooden
posts, bamboos, etc. together (lengthwise).
Ihtlog ang khoy sa idlum sang baly.
Lay the wood together lengthwise under
the house. (cf. patngday, pabatng,
hy, An exclamation to draw ones
attention. Hey! Hi! Hoy! hye! Hy, sn-o
ikw dir? Hey, who are you over there?
Hy, maan kam dir? Hey, what are you
up to there? Hy, nd nnyo pagkawton
ang kon mga serigwlas. Hoy, dont you
steal my plums.
hyhoy, To hang down loose or limp (as
clothes drenched with rain or the like).
Nagahyhoy ang pak sang iya by. The
sleeve of his jacket is hanging loose. Ang
uln nagpahyhoy sang ya mga
panpton. The rain caused his clothes to
hang limp. (cf. lyloy).
hoyhoy, Breeze, wind, air. (cf.
dupydpoy, hngin).
hoyt-hyot, Bad, poor, miserable, etc.
See huythyut id.
hud, To imitate, make like, make a copy
or replica of, copy, translate, transfer.
Huad (-ar) inng sult nga iningls sa
ton nga panghmbal. Translate this
English letter into our language. Huad ak
sinng sult, kay ak nd makahibal
sang inalemn. Translate this letter for me,
for I do not understand German. Huad
ang ya mayo nga batsan. Imitate his
good behaviour. Ihud ak sinng kwdro,
kay yon ko gid. Please copy this picture
for me, for I like it very much. Makahud
ikw sin? Can you copy, (translate,
imitate) that? Ang kn-on nga nabiln sa
klon ihud sa pnggan kag tagon. Put
the rice left in the kettle on a plate and hide
itorkeep it in a safe place. (cf. lubd,
ptpat; sylo).
hudan, (B) Example, model, type,
original, something to be copied or
imitated. (cf. hud).
hud-hud, Dim. and Freq. of hud.
Also: changeable, not firm, fickle.
huran, (H) Model, etc. See hudan,
huluran, palanganinwan.

Visayan-English Dictionary
has, h-as, To take out of, extricate,
liberate. See hwas, hwas.
hus-has, To push and pull; to
hus, False, counterfeit, spurious. (cf.
kulir, plso).
huy, Free from work, idle, having
nothing to do, able to take it easy,
hay, To be light or easy (of work, etc.).
Mahay nga trabho. Light, easy work.
Mapahay ak. I am going to take it easy,
to take a rest. Nagapahay na si, kay
nabdlay. He is resting, for he is tired.
Papahuya na ang karabw, kay manit.
Give the buffalo a rest, for it is hot.
Ginpapahay nya kam sa ya baly. He
let us take a rest in his house. (cf. pahay).
hbad, To open, untie, unfasten, solve,
loosen, undo, a knot, unbind, unlace.
Hubda (-ra) ang ps. Untie the string.
Ginhbad nya ang pinuts. He opened the
parcel. Hubdi ak sang higt sang kon
sapn. Undo my shoe-strings or: unlace my
boots. Ihbad ak nay sing is ka
bingkos nga bunglon. Please loosen up a
bundle of green fodder. Ihbad inng
dgum sa hlo nga nagbalghot. Use this
needle to open the knotted thread with.
Makahbad ka sinng paktkon? Can you
solve this riddle? (cf. hud, lubd).
hubg, (H) Swelling, boil, ulcer, tumour;
to swell, bulge. Nagahubg ang ya kamt.
His hand is swollen. Ginhubagn ang ya
btkon. His arm swelled up. Pahubag
lang ang mo hubg tbtub nga
magbswang kag ugling blngon. Just
let your boil swell till it bursts, then apply
remedies. Nahubg ang padr, pngpang,
etc. The stone wall, river-bank etc. bulged
(and broke down).
hubg, Landslide; to cave in, crumble, fall
down. (cf. tphag, dlhay).
hubn, A large cloth or blanket worn
round the neck and used to carry a baby in;
to wrap (a baby) up in such a blanket or
cloth. (cf. abyaboy, hubnan).
hubnan, The pouch in which marsupial
animals carry their young. Ang hubnan
sang kangro ginahubann nya sa ya
nga bt. The kangaroo carries her young
in her pouch.
hubs, Evaporated, dried up, shrunk (of
eggs, etc.).
hubs, To evaporate, dry up, pass off in
vapour, vaporize. Nagahubs na ang tbig
sa wang, sa ting-ang etc. The water in
the well, in the boiling rice, etc. is
evaporating, (drying up). Nahbsan na ang
ting-ang sing tbig. The water in the
boiling rice has evaporated. Sa tingdlaw
madm nga mga wang ang ginahbsan
(pagahbsan) sang tbig. During the dry
season many wells run dry. Pahbsa nay
ang tbig. Let the water first evaporate.

has, h-as hugb-hgab

hubyhuby, Neighbourhood, border,
rim, edge; to be or walk in the
neighbourhood of, go along the side of. (cf.
bint, klid; alhid, panghubyhuby).
hbgon, From hubgto be drunk, etc.
See hgbon id.
hblag, To move, get moving, stir, bestir
oneself, get busy, be active, be up and doing
something. Ind ka maghblag. Dont stir.
Hal, hblag kam sa pagtnum, sa
pagdmug, sa paglakt, etc. Now then,
bestir yourselves and plant rice,and
wrestle,and march, etc. Pahublag sil
sa trabho. Hustle them in their work. Get
them to set to work with a right good will.
(cf. hlag, wos, etc.).
hblas, Naked, bare, stripped, deprived
of; nude, undressed; to strip, take off, bare,
despoil, deprive of. Ang Aton Gino
ginhublasn sang mga solddo sang ya
mga panpton. The soldiers stripped Our
Lord of his garments. Ind mo
pagpahublasn ang mo mga bt nga
dolodalgk na. Dont allow your bigger
children to go about naked. Nahublasn
si sang tann nya nga mnggad. He was
deprived of all his wealth. (cf. hub).
hbol, hubl, Feeble, weak, enervated,
debilitated, lacking strength or vigour, dull,
unable to resist fatigue or physical
exertion; to be or become feeble, etc. Ktub
nga naumpawn si sa balatan naghbol
si nga sdto nay mabkas sa tann nga
mga bgay. Since he recovered from
sickness, he who before was able to work
hard at any task, has become unfit for
work. (cf. hbul, pgaw, lya).
hubn, Committee, group, herd, sect,
crowd, gathering. (cf. bnghay, panng,
hbon, To gather, collect, come together,
meet, have or hold a meeting. Ang mga
pspis nagahbon sa mga khoy. The birds
are flocking together on the trees. (cf.
hinubnhbon, hlon).
hubn-hbon, Dim. and Freq. of hbon.
(cf. hinubnhbon, holnhlon,
hubt, To draw, pull, puff, jump with
quick movement. See krbot id.
hubt, A fabulous creature or evil spirit
supposed to run very swiftly. Abw,
kadsig sa nyo daw sbung kam sang
is ka hubt! How swift you are, almost as
swift as a hubt! Hubt nga salslon
railway, train.
hbsan, hbson, From hubsto
evaporate, etc.
hub, Naked, bare, stripped, nude,
undraped; to strip, disrobe, undress.
Ginhubun si sang mga buyng sang ya
mga panpton. The brigands stripped him
of his clothes. (cf. hblas).
hubg, Drunk, intoxicated, boozed,
inebriated, fuddled, etc. etc.; to be or

become drunk. Nahubg si kahpon. He

was drunk yesterday. Ginpahubg si ni
Fulno. N.N. made him drunk. Ind mo si
pagpahgbon (pagpahbgon). Dont make
him drunk. Dont let him get drunk. Mga
ilmnon nga makahulbug. Intoxicating
liquors. Strong drinks. (cf. balng).
hudw-hdaw, To roam about idle,
loiter, stroll, loaf, idle away ones time,
spend the time in idleness. (cf. pug-pug,
landlndo, lagwlgaw, tiygtiyg, etc.).
hudinan, Late, backward, tardy, taking
a long time to ripen or produce fruit. Mas
nga hudinan. Late corn. (cf. munhan
hudng-hding, To whisper, speak very
softly, have a quiet conversation.
Ihudnghding mo lang in sa kon, agd
nd mabatin sang ibn. Just whisper it to
me, lest it should be overheard by others.
(cf. hanhni, hurnghring,
hudr, (Perhaps a corruption of the Sp.
urgir). To bother, molest, disturb. Ind ka
maghudr sa konorInd mo ak
paghudirn. Dont bother (molest) me.
hdlot, To hang down, dangle as mucus
from the nose. Dalyon gid lang
nagahdlot ang sp-on sinng bt. This
boy always has mucus hanging from his
nose. Ind mo pagpahudlotn ang mo spon, knd pahran mo sang pnyo. Dont
let mucus hang from your nose, but wipe it
off with a handkerchief.
hudltsp-on, Snotty-boy, ragamuffin,
paltry fellow, mean wretch. (cf. hdlot, spon).
hudynan, Tardy, etc. See hudinan.
hubes, (Sp. Juves) Thursday. Hubes
Snto. Maundy Thursday.
hugo, (Sp. juego) Play, game, set; a suit
of clothes, especially a womans dress. (cf.
hmpang, sipl; trnoa suit of clothes for
hus, (Sp. juez) Judge. (cf. hokm). Hus
de Pas. Hokm sa paghidit. Justice of the
huting, A kind of lottery, a game of
chance, jueteng.
hug, Tired, tired out, exhausted,
fatigued, wearied.
hugb, To waver, vacillate, falter, act
irresolutely, be infirm of purpose, but
mostly construed with a negative and hence
meaning: To act with determination,
purposefully, without evasion, etc. Kon
hugabn mo ang pagks nd marut ang
bulng sin nga panpton. If you rub this
garment so remissly, you will not get all the
dirt out. Wal nya paghugab ang
paghnot sa ya ank. He did not hesitate
to give his son a sound beating.
hugb-hgab, Dim. and Freq. of hugb.
Bunlon ka karn sang mo amy sa wal
sing hugbhgab, kay g lang ikw sang
lgaw. No doubt you will get a good


hg, hug hugt

beating from your father to-day, as you are
always loafing about. (cf. dugdga).
hg, hug, To tire, tire out, exhaust,
fatigue. Nahga si. He got tired. Ginhg
si sang trabho. He got tired from work.
Huga (pahuga) si sa trabho. Tire him
out with work. (cf. hg, bdlay).
hugk, Loosely tied, loose, slack, not
tight; relaxed; to tie loosely. Hugk in;
hgt sing mayo. This is loosely tied;
tighten it. Hugak ang balghot, wklos,
etc. Tie the knot, the belt, etc. loosely.
Loosen the knot, the belt, etc. Hinugakn
nya ang ya wklos, kay laks kabusg sa
ya. He loosened his belt, for he had eaten
too much. (cf. tugk id.).
hugak, Loose, slack, not tight, relaxed;
not fervent, not very sincere. Hugak man
lang ang pagtman mo sang kon mga
sg. You are slack in carrying out my
orders. (cf. halungkak id.).
hugkom, To take or grasp all,
appropriate the whole amount, seize
greedily everything to be had without
consideration for others. Ind ka
maghugkom sang tann nga tabk,
sging, etc. Dont take all the cigars,
bananas, etc. (but have some consideration
for others). Hugakma lang ang tann.
Just grasp everything. Take it all. (cf.
kayba, ngkon, kh, gurput, kapt,
hugnas, To roar, thunder, howl, to
make a noise as of rushing waters, trees
shaking in the wind or the like.
Nagahugnas ang hngin sa baly. The
wind is howling through the house.
Naghugnas ang khoy nga napkan, ang
mga apn nga naglubs, etc. The tree
came down with a crash, the locusts passed
with a whirring sound, etc. (cf. hugpas).
hugr, (Sp. jugar) To play (cards,
draughts, etc.); to pay out, give more, relax
(a rope, line, etc.). Mahugr kit sang
tnis, bsbol, barha, etc. Let us play
tennis, baseball, cards, etc. Ginahugr nla
ang ahedrs. They are playing chess.
Hugar ang ps. Pay out the rope, give
more rope, slacken the string, let the line
run out. (cf. hmpang, hugk, tugk).
hgas, To rinse, wash, clean, cleanse with
water. Hugsi ang bso. Rinse the glass
(with water). Mahgas pa ak nay sang
kon til. First I am going to wash my feet.
Ihgas inng tbig sa pnggan. Use this
water to clean the plates with. Hinugsan
nla ang mga kpa. They cleaned the wineglasses (with water). Ihgas ak sinng
supra. Kindly clean this soup-tureen for
me. Ipahgas inng mga bso sa mutstso.
Have these glasses cleaned by the servant
orOrder the servant to clean these
hgaw, To lessen, weaken, become easier
to bear (of grief, pain, a strong smell, etc.).
(cf. hagnhgan, bhin, pas).


Visayan-English Dictionary
hgaw, To undo or loosen a knot; loose,
undone; to become loose, come undone.
Hgaw inng balghot. This knot is loose.
Naghgaw (nahgaw) ang balghot sang
ps. The knot of the string has come loose.
Hugwa ang balghot. Undo (loosen) the
knot. (cf. hugk, tugk).
hugw, To leak out, escape (of air, etc.).
(cf. hungw, sungw).
hgbon, From hubg. See hbgon id.
hgmay, To soften, make flexible or
pliable, to become soft or flexible.
Naghgmay na ang tabk nga kigs. The
dry tobacco has become soft. Pahugmay
ang mo tagiposon. Let your heart be
softened. (cf. hmok, hlmok).
hgn, Crowd, bunch, gathering, sect,
herd, troop, division. (cf. panng,
bnghay, ht-ong, hubn, pngpung,
hgn, Period, season, time; to time,
regulate as to time. (cf. pahgn, hgnat).
hgnat, Period, while, season, spell (of
time). Kagb-i nagkatulg ak sing ttlo
ka hgnat. Last night I had three short
snatches of sleep. Nagtrabho sil kana
sang ga sing duh ka hgnat. They were
at work this morning for two short spells.
hugnt-hgnat, Dim. and Freq. of
hgnat. To do at intervals, on and off, by
fits and starts, by spells, do something in
alternate periods as working and resting,
walking and riding, sleeping and waking,
etc. Nagahugnthgnat sil sang la
pagardo. They are doing their ploughing
by fits and starts. Ginahugnthgnat lang
nla ang la paglakt. They took frequent
rests during their walk. Hugnthugnta
lang ang mo trabho, kon nd ka
makantus magpangabdlay sing
lngkoy. Work a bit and then rest awhile if
you cannot stand working at a stretch.
hgnit, To fall upon in a body, make
common cause against. Ind nnyo si
paghugnitn. Dont fall upon him in a
body. Ang mga gamt nga nabiln ni
nhing Fulna ginhulgnit sang ya
kahinablsan. All the furniture and clothes
of the late N.N. were seized by her nieces
and nephews. Ila ginhulgnit sang sakt
ang makwat nga la nadkpan. They (all
together) maltreated the thief they caught.
(cf. pli).
hugs-hugs, Lean, thin, emaciated; to
become lean, lose weight, etc.
Naghugshugs ang ya nawng. His face
has become thin. (cf. hgwos, hgpis,
hlwos, nwang).
hgp, To alight, perch, land, come to
rest (especially of birds). Nahugpan sang
mank ang ug. The chickens alighted on
the dry rice. Ang pspis naghgp sa atp
sang mon baly. The bird perched on the
roof of our house. Ind mo pagpahugpan
ang mga mank sa humy. Dont permit
the chickens to alight on the riceordont
allow the chickens to tread on the rice.

hugpas, To whir, buzz, whiz, roar,

crash, howl, rush by noisily. (cf. hugnas).
hgpay, To abate, mollify, pacify. (cf.
hgpung, To be attached or joined to;
part, division; stanza, strophe. Ang ttlo ka
blak naghgpung sa is lmang ka
pungngo. The three flowers were attached
to the same stem. Ang ikaduh ka
hgpung sang am nga binalybay.
The second strophe of that poem.
hgsoy, To drop, droop or hang down
limp as the limbs of a person in a swoon or
the like. Nagahgsoy ang ya btkon kon
maglakt nga wal sing haynhyon. He
lets his arms hang down when he walks,
without swinging them. (cf. lyloy,
hgud, To apply diligence, do with zeal,
ardour, care, earnestness, be assiduous,
execute diligently. Maghgud ka sang mo
pagton or hugdi (ri) ang mo
pagton. Study with zeal. Be diligent at
your studies. Ginhugdan nla ang
pagpatndog sang baly. They set about
briskly building the house. (cf. kud, psan,
hgum, To steep in, pervade, diffuse,
saturate with (odours, etc.). Ang kahumt
sang habn naghgum sa mga panpton
nga sa suld sang bal. The scent of the
soap suffused the clothes in the trunk.
Nahugman ang ya uls sang bah sang
bindo. Her clothes are saturated with the
smell of salt fish. Ihgum (ipahgum)
inng pahumt sa kon mga panpton.
Scent my clothes with this perfume.
Nahgum gid si sang am nga
pagtolohan. He is steeped in that creed
or: He is a votary of that creed. (cf. lgum,
hugm, Steeped in, dyed, pervaded,
suffused with, saturated with. (cf. hupg).
hugng, Hard, heavy, grave, serious (of
work, disease, difficulties, etc.); to be or
become serious, etc. Sa hugng nga
kabdlay. With hard work.
Hugng na, kon, ang ya balatan. His
disease, they say, is serious now.
Naghugng ang ya ginabtyag. His
sickness has become serious. He feels
seriously or dangerously ill. (cf. sugng).
hugs, To be or become lean, thin; to
waste, shrink, wither, shrivel, contract. (cf.
hgpis, hgwos, nwang; klp, kpus).
hgus, To tear, pull,drag, take,
down. (cf. halgut, kskas).
hugt, Fast, firm, taut, tight, tense,
stretched, not slack; to tighten, make taut,
etc. Hgta ang kalt. Tighten the rope.
Hgti ak sinng kalt. Make that rope
taut for me. Sa hugt nya nga paghigt
nabgras ang psi. On account of his tying
so tight the string snapped. Sa hugt nga
pagto.. With firm, unshaken faith.

Visayan-English Dictionary
hgut, To gather, pick, pluck (peas,
beans, etc.). Hugta ang kadys, kay
nagapalanggusng na. Pluck the cadiospeas, for they are beginning to burst (i.e.
are ripe). Hugti ak sing baltong.
Gather some beans for me. Ihgut mo ak
nay sang kon mnggo. Kindly gather my
monggo for me.
hugynan, Late (of corn, etc.). See
hudinan, hudynan.
hgyaw. To be noisily cheerful, shout
with joy and pleasure. See hingyaw.
hkab, An excursion or picnic (with a
generous supply of toddy); to arrange,
have, take part in, such a picnic.
hkab, To loosen (earth, etc.). Pahukbi
pahabki. See hbok.
hk-ab, To get loose and fall off, peel off,
scale off (as plaster from a wall, labels
pasted on boards, etc.). Nahk-ab ang
pnta sa baly, ang pog sa padr, etc.
The paint on the house, the plaster on the
wall loosenedorcame off in scales, etc.
Huk-ab ang slyo sa sbre. Take the
stamp off the envelope. Huk-ab ang
puerthan sinng papl. Take that paper
off the door. Sn-o ang naghk-ab sang
abso nga kon ginpapilt sa tp dir?
Who tore off the notice I pasted on that
board there? (cf. ukb, lk-ab, hl-ab).
huks, To take off a peg, seize, snatch.
Maghuks ka sang (hukas or hksa ang)
by sa salab-tan. Take the jacket off the
peg. Hksa ang sngkaw sa log sang
karabw. Take the yoke off the buffalos
neck. Ihuks ak nay sang sya sang
kabyo. Please unsaddle the horse (for
me). Nahuks (nkhas) ang tok. The
supporting (upright) beam gave way,
(became loose or fell down). (cf. hklas,
huks, Finished, at an end, terminated.
Huks na ang la lalw. Their mourning is
at an end, is finished. (cf. tpus, humn).
hkas, To unhitch, release (animals, etc.)
Huksi ang bka. Unhitch the ox.
Nahuksan na ang karabw. The buffalo
is unhitched. Sang hinksan na nya ang
kabyo sa klis dyon nya hinuks ang
sya nga nagakbit sa dngding, gindpat
nya sa likd sang kabyo kag sumaky
si pakdto sa ya palangmhan. When he
had taken the horse out of the rig he at
once snatched the saddle that was hanging
on the wall, put it on the horses back,
mounted and rode off towards his farm. (cf.
hukw, A small beetle or weevil very
injurious to corn, monggo, cadios, etc.
hkaw, To interrupt ones sleep, hinder
or prevent from sleeping. Nahkaw ang
ya katulgon sang snug. His sleep was
interrupted by the fire. (cf. ulng, tud).
hukawn, Infested or attacked by the

hgut hult
hkay, Assemblage, aggregation, cluster,
heap, bunch, collection; to gather, collect,
be or become many. (cf. katilngban,
katipnan, pnsok, pngpung, bnghay,
ht-ong; dm, tpon, tingb).
huky-huky, Dim. and Freq. of hkay.
To cluster, crowd, be many together.
hkd, To burrow in the ground, crawl,
creep along the ground, squat, crouch.
Nagahkd si sa kalg. He is squatting in
the ditch. Naghkd si dir nga nalpdan
sang kawyan. He sat, watched or
crouched there under cover of the bamboo.
hkhuk, To suck, sip, lap. See hkhok.
hklas, To tear away, take down, etc.
Ginhklas (ginhuklasn) nla ang punt.
They cleared away or took down the fishtrap, i.e. removed the lg-i, etc. (cf.
hkmay, To be soft or tender, to soften.
(cf. hgmay, lm-ok, hlmok, hmok).
hkmong, To hide, conceal oneself; to
stay, lodge, reside, be stationed at, have a
base or headquarters at. (cf. dyon, ton,
lntad, puy, pngk; tg, pang,
huk, One who seldom goes out, a stay-athome, recluse. (cf. hk).
hk, To be astay-at-home,recluse.
Huk si, kay nagahk sa baly. He is a
stay-at-home, because he scarcely ever
leaves the house. N.B. Notice the different
accent in noun and verb. Ktub sang
pagpakasl nya naghk si sa baly.
Since her marriage she has become a stayat-home. (cf. lokon, lkon, balayn,
hukd, (B) To stop flowing or running,
cease to flow or run, to merely or barely
trickle (of tub, etc.). (cf. knt, kunl,
huksray, To fall down unconscious, lie
on the floor in a fit or swoon, tumble to the
ground, have a breakdown. Sa hinl
naghuksray si. Suddenly he dropped
and lay there motionless (without a sign of
life). (cf. hupsray, hurpsay, id.).
hkson, From huksseize, snatch, take
hul, To stop, cease, give over, leave off (of
wind, rain, etc.). (cf. hlaw, hraw, put).
hl-ab, To loosen, peel or scale off, take
off as plaster from a wall, etc.). (See ukb,
lk-ab, hk-ab).
hlag, To move, stir, bestir oneself, get
active or busy, set about. Ang mga sang
sang khoy nagahlag sa hngin. The
branches of the tree are swaying in the
wind. Tungd sin man gn nagahlag
na ang mga punon. For that very reason
the authorities are now bestirring
themselves. Hulga or pahulga ang
kalt, khoy, etc. Shake the rope, the tree,
etc. (cf. hblag, hos, etc.).

hulagn, A fidget, one who is restless,

always on the move, never quiet, as
children who wont sit still or the like.
hulg-hlag, Dim. and Freq. of hlag.
Maghulghlag na kam. Do something
now, bestir yourselves a little.
hulgok, To snore; snoring. Ind ka
maghulgok. Dont snore. A, pahulagka
lang si. Just let him snore. (cf. hurgok).
hulhon, To unwind, slacken, pay out
(rope, etc.). (cf. hugr, hugk, lubd).
hul-hla, A witch, sorceress; one in
league with the devil.
hulm, (H) Borrowing; to borrow, get a
loan, raise money. Nakahulm si sang
kon kwrta. He borrowed money from
me. Pahulam ak sang mo kwrta. Lend
me some money. Hulam ak sing plak
kay Fulno. Get me an accommodation
from N.N. Ipahulm sa kon ang mo
karabw karn sa hpon. Let me have (let
me have a lend of) your buffalo for this
afternoon. Sa karn nd nkon ikw
mapahulm sing kwrta, kay balasbas
ak gid. For the present I cannot advance
you money, because I am completely out of
cash. Ind ka maghulm kag nd ka
magpahulm. Neither borrower nor lender
be. Ang am nga plak sarng mapahulm
sa la. That money can be given them as a
loan, (they can borrow that money). (cf.
lngit, tang, ngkat).
hl-an, From hulto be difficult, trying,
huln, To flatter, wheedle, cajole,
blarney, humbug. (cf. uns, uts, odt).
hulpay, (H) To be heavy with sleep,
scarcely able to keep the eyes open.
Nagahulpay ang ya mga mat. His eyes
are heavy with sleep. (hurpay id.).
hulapy, (H) Heavy, sleepy (of eyes).
huls, To be or become easy, facile.
Naghuls ang pagdro, kay naulann ang
dt sing madmol kagb-i. Now it is easy
to plough, for a heavy rain fell on the fields
last night. Pahulas ang ya trabho. Make
his work easy. Nahulasn ak sa pagton
sang iningls. It was easy for me to learn
English. (cf. haps).
hlas, Steam, radiation of heat. Hlas
sang lwas. Radiation of heat from the
body. Hlas sang tbig. Steam, heat
emanating from hot water. Sakayn-hlas.
hlas, To dry (rice, etc.) by artificial
means. The hlas is often resorted to in
rainy weather, when sun-drying is often out
of the question for many days in
succession. Hulsa ang humy, kay
bayohn ko. Dry the rice, for I am going to
pound it. Hulsi ak sing ttlo ka gntang
nga humy. Dry three gantas of rice for
me. May hinlas kam? Have you any dry
rice (dried artificially)?
hult, To wait, await, expect, look, be
ready, for. Hulat ak dir. Wait for me


hlaw hulng
there. Ihult ak nay sing ditay nga
tin. Please wait for me a moment. Dali,
kay nd na ak makahult. Hurry up, for I
cannot wait any longer. An ang ginahult
mo? What are you waiting for? What do
you expect? Ginahult nya ang ngay nga
blus. He is expecting a fitting reward.
Hult nay! Wait a little! Wait a bit! (cf.
paabt, angn).
hlaw, (H) To cease, stop, give over, leave
off (of rain); die down, burn out (of fire).
Naghlaw na ang uln. The rain has
stopped. It has stopped raining. (hraw
hulwid, To entangle, implicate,
complicate, retain, keep secure, hold fast
to. (cf. hwid).
hlay, To stagger, lurch, reel, walk
unsteadily, sway to and fro, walk with a
wavering gait (as a drunkard). (cf. dling,
huly, hlay, To divide, partition, share
out, distribute, apportion. Hulay ang
humy, kwrta, etc. Divide the rice,
distribute the money, etc. Hulay ak sang
kon bhin. Let me have my shareor
give me my portion. Ginhuly nla ang
mga hyup nga pinanbl nla. They
divided amongst themselves the animals
they had inherited. Ari ang lim ka
mngmang; ipahuly lang sa mga
msiko. Here are five pesos; let the
musicians divide them amongst
themselves. (cf. bhin, prte).
huly-hlay, Dim. and Freq. of hlay.
Ang mga hubg nagahulyhlay.
Drunken persons reel in their walk. (cf.
dulngdling, panayd).
hlbot, To eradicate completely, take out
or pull up with all the roots attached.
Hulbot ang tanm. Pull up the plant by
the roots. (cf. gbut).
hlid, (B) A sleeping companion; to lie
down alongside, sleep together with
another. Nagahlid sil. They are lying
down side by side. (cf. dulg, dorg).
huld-hlid, (B) Dim. and Freq. of hlid.
Nagahuldhlid sil sa salg. They are
lying side by side on the floor.
hulk, To snap, swallow, the bait, bite.
An ang ihulk mo sa sd? What are you
using as bait for the fish? Nakahulk na
ang sd. The fish has snapped at the bait.
Bisn an ang hmbal mo, nd si
maghulk. Whatever you may say, he will
not bite, i.e. will not agree with youordo
your bidding.
hulng-awt, A kind of bird.
hlio, (Sp. julio) July. (cf. hidapdpan).
hlip, (H) To mend wickerwork, repair a
mat, basket, thatched roof, etc. Hulpi ang
amkan. Repair the bamboo mat.
Ginhulpan nla ang atp nga kgon. They
repaired the cogon-roof. Ihlip inng mga
skdap sa tabungs. Use these bamboo
strips to mend the tabungs-basket. Ihlip


Visayan-English Dictionary
ak nay sang kon bakg. Please mend
my carriers basket. (cf. hrip id.).
hulp, Turned-up (of eyes). (cf. dors,
sulp, turng).
hulp-hlip, (H) Dim. and Freq. of hlip.
Ginahuliphulpan na nla ang mga atp,
kay malapt na ang tinguln. They are
now repairing their roofs, because the rainy
season is approaching. (cf. hurphrip).
hlon, huln-hlon, (H) To gather,
etc. See hlon, holnhlon.
huly, Gentle, mild, modestly downcast,
demure, etc. (of eyes). See holy.
huludan, (H) See huluran.
huluran, (H) Example, model, type,
pattern, original, precedent, standard,
ensample, something to be copied or
imitated. (cf. hud; larwan,
palanganinwan, solndan).
hulubadn, (H) See the following
hulubarn, (H) Place where a thing is
opened or untied, anything bound that
should be untied or set free. Din nyon
ang hulubarn sinng bakg? Where is the
opening of this carriers basket (i.e. where
do you start to untie the string with which
this basket is fastened)? Gingpus nla
inng to nga wal sing sal; hulubarn
si. They have bound this man who is
innocent (has done nothing wrong); he
should be set free. (cf. hubd).
hulubarn, (H) What is to be untied, as a
knot, parcel, etc. (cf. hubd, hulubarn).
hulubton, (H) Proverb, saying, saw,
maxim, aphorism, adage, axiom,
apothegm, apophthegm, truism;
incantation, invocation or the like, as used
in superstitious rites. Also verb. An ang
ginahulubton sang babylan sa ya nga
bhat? What incantations does the
soothsayer chant, when practising magic?
(cf. hurubton id.).
hlug, To drop, throw, fall down, cause to
fall down, tumble down, precipitate,
precipitate oneself. Andam ka, agd nd
ka mahlug. Take care lest you should fall.
Hulga ang bat. Throw down the stone.
Nahulgan si sing bt. She had a
miscarriage. Nahulgan ak sing tok
sang nagakatulg ak. A gecko dropped
down on me whilst I was asleep. Ihlug mo
lang ang martlyo sa bintn. Just throw
the hammer down from the window. Sang
is ka tig ang Pagkato nahlug sa is
ka Domngo. Last year Christmas fell on a
Sunday. Haln ka dir kay bs hulgan ka
sing lub. Go away from here, for a coconut
might drop down on you. (cf. dgdag).
hulugn, That on which something falls,
or the like, hence: term, definite space of
time, fixed period, date, instalment, etc.
Binaligyay (Binaklany) sa (sing)
hulugn. Selling (Buying) by instalment
(on an instalment plan). (cf. hlug).

hulugasn, (H) What is to, should

be, rinsed or cleaned with water, as dirty
glasses, crockery, table-ware, feet, etc. (cf.
hulugnton, (H) One who is about to be,
or should be, attacked by others in a body;
a prey or victim (of many) (cf. hgnit).
hulugpan, (H) Landing place (for
airships, aeroplanes); perch, roost. (cf.
hulukdan, (H) Burrow, burrowing
ground, den, lair, hiding place. (cf. hkd).
hulukmnan, (H) See holokmnan
court of justice.
hulukmngan, (H) Station, base, base of
operation, centre (of activity), quarters,
head-quarters; hiding place, concealment.
(cf. hkmong).
hululman, (H) Place where money can
be borrowed, where loans are negotiated,
etc. (cf. hulmto borrow).
hululanon, (H) Amenable to flattery,
one easily tricked, cheated, wheedled,
cajoled. (cf. huln; ulutson, ulunson,
hululnwon, (H) See hululanon.
hulultan, (H) Waiting room. (cf. hult).
hululugn, (H) Place where anything is
thrown upon, receptacle into which a thing
is dropped. Hululugnsult. A letter-box.
(cf. hlug).
hululunn, (H) Roost, perch; gathering,
meeting, trysting place. (cf. hlun,
hlum, (H) To soak, pickle, put into a
liquid, steep in colour. Hulmi ang mo
panpton sing (sa) tbig nga may habn.
Put your clothes in soap and water.
Ginhulman nya ang madm nga mga
pho sa lnggaw. He pickled many
mangoes in vinegar. Ihlum nay inng
habn sa mga lalbhan kag bus ugling
lbhan mo. Soak the wash in soapy water
first and then wash it to-morrow. Ind ka
magpahlum sa lnaw. Dont step into the
pool. (cf. lgum).
hulumnan, (H) Workshop,
apprenticeship, final preparation, finishing
touch, or stroke. (cf. humn).
hulumyan, (H) Rice-land, paddy-fields,
fields fit for the cultivation of rice. (cf.
hlun, (H) To come together, roost, perch,
etc. See hlon.
hulunn, (H) See hululunnperch, etc.
hulunwan, (H) A wash-basin,
washhand-basin. (cf. hunw).
hulng, Shadow, shade; growing or
situated in the shade; to overshadow, give
shade, throw a shadow upon. Magpngk
kit sa hulng sang ph. Let us sit down
in the shade of the mango-tree. Hulng
nga tanm. A plant overshadowed by other
plants or growing in the shade.
Ginahulungn ang mon kaln-an sang
madbung nga mga sang sang ph. Our

Visayan-English Dictionary
dining room is shaded by the leafy
branches of the mango-tree. Ang mga
tanm nd magdak sing mayo kon
hulungn sang mga khoy. Plants do not
grow well when they are overshadowed by
trees. (cf. hndong, lndong, hron).
hlung, To have or emit a strong,
pungent, rank, penetrating smell. Inng
mga sardnas nga linta nagahlung.
These tinned sardines have a strong smell.
Nahulngan ak sinng sd. This fish has
too penetrating a smell for me.
hulng-hlung, To look about
curiously, investigate, etc. See holnghlong.
hulungkagng, Rattle, clatter, noise,
uproar; to rattle, clatter, make a noise. (cf.
ghud, halungkgay).
hulunungn, (H) Place where one is
kept quiet; detention room, confinement,
restraint, prison. Ginpasuld nla si sa
madulm nga hulunungn. They shut him
up in a dark prison. (cf. hnong).
hulupon, (H) Night-mare. (cf. hp).
hulusayn, (H) An account to be settled,
affairs to be arranged. (cf. hsay).
hult, Room, apartment, chamber. Hult
nga tululugn. A bedchamber. (cf. holt,
huluyon, (H) Bashful, shame-faced, shy,
ashamed, timid. (cf. huy).
hlw, To adapt; to change, etc. See
hlyo, (Sp. Julio) The month of July. (cf.
hlio, hidapdpan).
hum, (B) To low, moo; lowing (of cattle).
Ang bka nagahum, ang karabw
nagaing. The cow moos, the buffalo
bleats. Ginahumahn sang bka ang ya
nga tnday. The cow is lowing for her calf.
(cf. um, mm, m).
hum-hm, To investigate, ask for
information, seek, look for, find out, try to
find. Ipanghumhm mo ak nay kon
sn-o ang may kawyan nga pulnton nga
ibalgy. Please find out whether anybody
sells bamboos fit for fish-traps. (cf.
panguss, dngas, lghap, sgap,
pangt, pamngkot).
humalmpang, A player; gamester,
gambler. (cf. hmpang).
humn, Ready, done, finished, complete,
accomplished, terminated; condensed,
congealed, solidified, coagulated; to finish,
accomplish, terminate, complete a job,
finish a piece of work or the like; to
condense, coagulate, congeal, solidify.
Humn na ang baly, tytay, panpton,
etc. The house, the bridge, the clothes, etc.
are ready. Humann mo ang sult sa
madal, agd makabut pa sa koryo.
Finish the letter at once so as to be in time
for the mail. Ihumn ak sing is ka sya.
Please make me a chair. Finish a chair for
me. Nahumn na ang mo saptos. Your
boots are done now. Nagahumn na ang

hlung hun-hn
kalmay. The sugar is now thickening,
condensing, crystallizing. (cf. tpus, lsto;
lapyot, tg-a).
humn-humn, Dim. and Freq. of
humn. Also: Rather prosperous or well-todo, neither very rich nor poor, quite
sufficient or satisfactory; comfortable, easy
(of life, circumstances, etc.). (cf.
hingnhingn, dirdir, dawdaw).
hmaw, To soak in water (rice, etc.); to
make hinmaw. Humwa ang dokt sa
klon. Make hinmaw of the rice that has
stuck to the inside of the kettle. (cf.
humy, (H) Rice, rice-grain, unhulled
rice, rice in the husk or growing in the field.
(cf. play, pray; bugs; kn-on).
humyan, One who has plenty of rice, is
rich in rice; full of rice, under rice, (of
fields). (cf. hulumyan).
hmbak, Wave, billow; sea, ocean,
stormy waters; difficulty, distress. (cf.
humbya, To see-saw, move up and
down, teeter. Ang mga bt nagahumbya
sa tp. The boys are see-sawing on the
board. Pahumbayha ang mga bt sa
dyan. Let the children swing in the
hammock. (cf. humbya, sumpya).
humbyag, See humbya id.
humbya, To move up and down; to run
fast, gallop (of a horse). Ang kabyo
nagahumbya. The horse is galloping.
Pahumbiyha ang kabyo. Gallop the
horse. (cf. humbya; twad).
hmhum, To fill, cram or stuff into,
the mouth. (cf. m-om).
hmlad, To spread out, open, unfold (an
umbrella, a folded sheet, etc.). Humlad
(-ar) ang pyong. Open the umbrella.
Ginhmlad nla ang bang. They spread
out the mat. Nahumladn (-arn) na si
sing but. He has reached the age of
discretion, has come to the use of reason.
(cf. buld).
hmog, To wet, moisten, dampen,
drench, soak, saturate with, imbrue, imbue.
(cf. hm-og, hlum, hpug, lgum, bas).
humg, Wet, damp, moist, drenched,
soaked, sodden, imbrued, imbued,
saturated with. (cf. hupg, hamg, etc.).
hmok, To be soft, etc. See hmok.
hmon, To agree, intend, plot, conspire,
confabulate, plan, come to an agreement.
Naghmon sil nga ptyon nla ang la
kaway. They conspired to kill their
enemy. Naghmon sil nga mamndut.
They agreed to assist at the Feast.
Ginhumnan nla ang pagat sang
minur. They hatched a plot to plunder
(ransack) the village. Ang ttlo ka to sa
lim nga naghulmon sing ribk sa
bnwa nadakp na. Three of the five men
that plotted a revolution in the town have
been caught. (cf. sugt).

hmong, humng-hmong, To
shake, tremble (as a building when it
thunders, or the like).
hmoy, See hmoytaciturn, silent, etc.
humy-hmoy, See homyhmoyof a
retired disposition, etc.
hmpil, To assist, side with, take part, be
a partner in, help, protect. Humpil si.
Help him. Ind ka maghmpil sa malin.
Dont take part in bad (or wicked) things.
(cf. mpin, pin, dmpig, dpig).
hmtan, From hmut and humt.
humulkum, homolkom, Judge,
justice, magistrate; umpire. (cf. hokm).
hmut, To intend, plan, strive, have a
mind to. Ginhmtan (Ginhumtan) si
nya nga patn-on sa is ka buluthan
nga matas kag bntug. He intended to
have him educated in a famous High
School. (cf. ty).
humt, Hatred. See dumt.
humt, Scent, fragrance, smell, odour,
aroma, perfume; scented, fragrant, sweetsmelling, odoriferous, odorous, perfumed.
(cf. hamt).
hun, A landslide, avalanche; to fall, slide,
break down (of a hill-side, etc.). Naghun
ang bnglid, bkid, etc. There was a
landslide on the slope, in the mountain, etc.
Nahn-an ang baly sang dt. The house
was covered with earth, was crushed by the
avalanche. (cf. tbhag, tphag, tmpa).
hnad, Mostly used with pa- in the
meaning of giving some respite, leaving
alone or in peace, and the like. Ind ak
pagpahundon ni Aky. My little daughter
never gives me any rest, is always keeping
me busy. Wal ak nya pagpahunda,
kon wal ko si pagbkli sing bg-o nga
by. He would not leave me in peace till I
bought him a new jacket.
hungay, To feel relieved, improve, get
better, be more at ease. Nagahungay na
ang ginhwa ko, kay nakainm ak sing
bulng. I feel relieved now, for I have taken
some medicine. Nagahungay na ang
ginabtyag ko. I have not so much pain
noworI am feeling better. (cf.
hunhon, To open a way through a
crowd, make way, make room; to force
ones way, push aside. Hunahna ang mga
to. Order the people to make way. (cf.
hun-hn, Thought, thinking, idea,
reflection, cogitation, consideration,
surmise, guess, opinion; to think, cogitate,
reflect, ponder, consider, surmise, opine,
guess. Hunhuna in sing mayo. Think
well over itorConsider that well.
Naghunhn ak nga. I thought
that. Ginahunhunan na nla karn
sing mabinalk-on kon an ang mayo
nga isagng sa malut nga pamatsan
sang mga bg-ong tb. They are now
considering with great solicitude what is


hun-hn hnsoy
the best way to check the bad habits of the
rising generation. Sa kon hunhn.
In my opinion. Wal ak sing
hunhn nga. I had no idea that.
Kon maghunhn ka sing sbung
nagasayp ikw. If you think that, you are
mistaken. (cf. dmdum, painno, slig).
hun-hn, (B) Loose, shaky, not firmly
set, wobbly; to loosen, shake to and fro,
waggle. Hunhuna ang ngpon mo tbtub
nga magbut. Waggle your tooth to and fro
till it can be extracted. (cf. hunghng).
hunpit, Closely woven or wrought, not
transparent; to weave close, make compact.
Hunapta gid ang paghabl. Weave very
close. Hunpit nga hnero. Closely woven
cloth. Ihunpit ak sang kon hblon,
bakg, amkan, etc. Please weave my
cloth, basket, bamboo mat, etc. close. (cf.
huns, The ebb, ebb-tide, low-water,
slack-water; to ebb. May huns na, or:
nagahuns ang dgat. The tide is out. The
sea is at low ebb. Mapahuns kit nay
sang dgat kag makdto sa baybyon sa
paglagwlgaw. Let us wait for low tide
and then go to the beach for a walk.
Ginahunasn karn ang baybyon. The
beach is free of tide-water at present. (cf.
tubhigh tide).
hunsan, Foreshore, the part of the
beach covered with water at high tide and
dry at low tide. (cf. huns).
hunw, To wash ones hands. Naghunw
ka na sang mo kamt? Have you washed
your hands? Hunaw ang bt. Wash the
childs hands. Ihunw lang inng tbig sa
mo kamt. Wash your hands in this water.
Ihunw ak sinng bt. Please wash this
childs hands. Ang mga nagakalon sa
tbad ginahunawn nla nay ang la
kamt. Those who partake of a banquet
wash their hands first. (cf. hinw;
panghilm-osto wash ones face;
panghgasto wash ones feet).
hunwan, Wash-basin (for the hands).
(cf. hulunwan, palanggna).
huny-huny, To recover, recuperate,
convalesce, regain strength, improve in
health, get better. Nagahunyhuny ang
ya ginhwa. He is recovering.
Nagapahunyhuny si sang ya
ginhwa. He is trying to get back his health
and strength.
hndak, Interruption, interval, rest,
pause; to stop, cease, pause. Wal sing
hndak. Continually, constantly, always,
without interruption. (cf. put, ntat,
hndan, hndon, From hundto be
afraid, etc.
hundus, hund-us, To writhe,
struggle, make frantic efforts to get free of a
superimposed weight, or the like.
Nagahundus si nga mabngon. He is
making frantic efforts to rise. (cf. hiwgos).


Visayan-English Dictionary
hung, To shake to and fro, waggle. See
hunhn, hunghng.
hnga, Wager, stake, bet; to lay, wager,
stake, bet.
hungg, Wide, dilated, large (of nostrils).
Hungg si or hungg si sing ilng. He
has wide nostrils. Kahungg sang ilng
mo! How large your nostrils are!
hunghng, (H) Dim. and Freq. of
hngto shake loose, etc. See hunhn.
hungw, Pervious to air or odour, not
air-tight, leaky, porous; to be pervious to
air, smell, etc. Nagahungw ang bno sa
botlya. The smell of the wine is escaping
through the bottle. Sungsung ang botlya
sing mayo, agd nga nd maghungw
ang bn. Cork the bottle well, lest air
should come in contact with the wine.
Ginhungawn kam ddto sang bh sang
ginams nga sa suld sang pask. We
were annoyed there by the smell of salt fish
coming from the bamboo-receptacle.
Hungw nga panngug. A sound or voice
that escapes, a piercing shriek. (cf.
hungy-hungy, To be feeble, weak,
exhausted (from sickness, lack of food,
overwork, etc.); to trudge, walk with an
effort or with feeble steps.
Naghungyhungy si sa dlan. He
trudged along the road.
Nagahungyhungy si sa gtum. He is
exhausted from hunger. (cf. lya, etc.).
hnghung, To shout or roar into a
hollow or tube; to telephone. Hunghung
si. Telephone him.
hunghungnan, Mouth-piece,
transmitter; telephone.
hungt, A mouthful, morsel; a dose. (cf.
tl-og; lb-oka draught).
hngit, To feed by hand or spoon
(children, sick persons, etc.). Ihngit sa
masakt nga bt inng lingaw. Feed the
sick child with this rice porridge. Hungti
ang bt sing kn-on. Give the child some
riceorPut some rice into the childs
mouth. Si nnay nagahngit sing kn-on
sa mon kalibynan. Mother is giving rice
to our youngest brother.
hungt-hungt Dim. and Freq. of hngit,
hungt. A morsel, bit of food. (cf. timtim,
timtimohn, tinimtimohn, tl-og).
hngkoy, A pair of bellows. (cf.
hashasohn; hngkoy seems to be of
Chinese origin).
hngkyang, A (Chinese) game of cards.
hungy-hungy, Poor, miserable,
wretched, penniless. (cf. makaloloy, mol,
hungd, Premeditated, deliberate, wilful;
to intend, purpose, mean, do deliberately,
on purpose, purposely; intentionally, with
free volition, knowingly, freely. Ginhm
nya in sing hungd sa but (sa hungd
nga but). He did this intentionally, with
premeditation, deliberately. Ginhungd

(ginhngdan) nya in. He intended that,

did it on purpose. Nakahungd si
magbutg. He told a deliberate lie. Hngda
sa but mo ang pagsmba sa mga
Domngo kag Pista. Make a firm
resolution to go to church on Sundays and
Feast-days. Dl in hungd sa but nya,
knd nakatabins lang si. That was not
deliberate on his part, but he acted from a
sudden impulse. (cf. ty).
hungt, (B) A drinking bowl made from
the shell of a coconut. (cf. kab).
hngyot, Cluster, bunch, tuft. (cf.
hnhun, To make compact, etc. See
hun, Humming, chirping, singing,
warbling; to hum, chirp, chirm, chirrup,
cheep, chirk, murmur, drone, sough,
warble, carol, sing (of birds, insects,
whistles, etc.). Nagahun ang mga
sirmsirm. The crickets are chirping.
Pahunih si sang pspis. Let the bird sing
to him. Pahunih ang tulli mo, agd
masayran nmon ang ya tngug. Play
your flute that we may know its sound.
Ginhunihn ak sang pspis sang
pagsuld ko sa kwrto. When I entered the
room the bird sang to me.
hun-hni, Dim. and Freq. of hun. Also:
To murmur (of a mountain stream, a
fountain, waterfall, rapids, approaching
rain, or the like).
hnio, (Sp. Junio) June. (cf. kaby).
hnit, Toughness, hardness, durability,
tenacity, tenaciousness, flexibility with
strength; to be or become tough, etc.
Naghnit ang pnit kay nagmal. The
skin became tough as it dried. May
batsan si sa pagpahnit sang tinpay,
kay nd si makayon sang mahgpok.
He has the custom of letting the bread get
hard, for he does not like it fresh. Mahnit
ang kurng sing kabh. The cat is
tenacious of life, has great vitality.
hunt-hnit, Dim. and Freq. of hnit.
Hunthnit (mahunthnit) inng krne
sang bka. This beef is rather tough. (cf.
hnlit, Tough; to be tough, etc. Ang
lantlnit hnlit (mahnlit) gid. Tendons
are very tough. See hnit.
hn-og, Wet, moist, damp, dank, soaked,
drenched, sodden; to be or become wet, to
moisten, dampen, soak, drench. (cf. hnog, bas, hmog, humg).
hnong, To quiet, still, silence,
tranquillize, calm, placate, allay, abate; to
arrest, put in a safe place. Hunnga si sa
bilanggan. Shut him up in prison. (cf.
hnsan, hnson, From hnusto pull
out, draw, etc.
hnsoy, (H) Any kind of cigar-holder or
pipe for smoking tobacco. (cf. snsoy,

Visayan-English Dictionary
hnta, (Sp. junta) Meeting, board; to hold
a meeting. Naghnta sil. They held a
meeting. Ang hnta probinsyl. The
Provincial Board. Hnta sang komrsyo.
Board of Trade. (cf. tpon, tinipntpon,
hubnhbon, kasapuln puodnnon;
hubn sang palatikngan).
hunb, (B) To enter, pass, ooze,
percolate, filter, soak, through. Ang
tbig nagahunb sa bang. The water is
filtering through the jar. Ang mga bg-o
nga klon sing masam ginahunubn sang
tbig. New clay-pots are frequently porous
(not water-tight). Pahunub ang salan
sang tbig. Pass the water through the
filter. Sa sbung sin nga uln nd
magbah ang sub, kay ang tann nga
uln mahunb gid sa dt nga kigs. With
such a rain-fall there will be no flood in the
river, for the dry ground will absorb (soak
up) all the rain-water.
hund, (B) To be afraid, in fear of,
apprehensive, to shudder. Nagahund ang
ya ginhwa. He is afraid. Ginahndan
sang ya ginhwa ang mga buyng. He
shudders at the thought of brigands. (cf.
klb, hdluk, etc.).
hund-hnud, Dim. and Freq. of hund.
hunl, To stop, cease, growing, be
retarded or impeded in ones growth.
Naghunl ang pagdak sinng bt ktub
sang nagbalatin si. This boy has not
grown from the time he became sick.
Nagahunl ang pagtb sang talng kay
naintan sing laks. The eggplants stopped
growing, for they were exposed to too much
sunshine. (cf. kunl, kutng).
hnul, Shoot, stolon, layer; a plant
developed from the seed in a seedling-pot
to be transferred later on, together with the
seedling-pot, to some suitable ground; to
rear or grow plants in that manner. Hnul
ka sing ph. Grow a seedling from the
mango (in a seedling pot). Itanm ang
hnul. Plant the seedling, pot and all.
Hunli ang ph. Layer the mango-tree
(by bending down one of its branches to the
ground and covering it partly with earth.
Roots will develop in due time and the
layer is then detached from the parent
hunuln, The receptacle or pot used in
developing seedlings. (cf. hnul).
hunl-hnul, Dim. and Freq. of hnul.
Also: to rear, bring up, nurture.
hnus, To draw out, pull out, extract, drag
or tear off from between or underneath.
Hnsa (hunsa) ang kawyan. Pull out
the bamboo, draw or drag it off. Hnsi ak
sang hunshnus sang aparadr. Pull out
open the drawer in the cupboard for me.
Ihnus ak nay sinng khoy sa idlum
sang kawyan. Please pull out this piece of
wood from underneath the bamboo. (cf.

hnta hurary
huns, Gust, blast, gale, squall, capful of
wind, strong wind, stiff breeze; to blow
hard. (cf. uns).
huns-hnus, Dim. and Freq. of
hnusto pull out, etc. Also: A drawer. (cf.
hnyo, June. See hnio.
hul, Trouble, trial, hardship, hard lines;
to be or become difficult, hard (of life,
conditions, etc.); pahulto molest,
trouble, vex, bother, pester, annoy, distress,
cause misery or hardship. Ind mo ak
pagpahl-an. Dont annoy me. Dont make
any difficulties for me. Nagapahul si sa
kon. Ginapahuoln (ginapahl-an) nya
ak. He is giving me trouble. He is putting
difficulties in my way. Nahl-an ak karn,
kay naptyan ak sang kon ily. I am in
sore distress at present, because mother
has died. (cf. hil, lisd).
hp, Nightmare; to cause a nightmare.
Ginahp si. He suffers from nightmares.
Ginhp si kagb-i. Last night he had a
nightmare. (cf. hulupon).
hpay, Nightmare. See hp. N.B. The
difference between hp and hpay seems
to be, that the former is usually combined
with violent movements, shouts or
unintelligible mumblings, whilst the latter
is free from such symptoms. One affected
with hpay lies stiff and motionless.
hpit, To join well, weave close, etc. (See
hunpit). Hupta ang pagrra sang
amkan. Weave the bamboo-mat close.
hupsray, To collapse, fall down
unconscious, lie motionless. (cf. huksray,
hptan, Passive form of hupt.
hpug, To soak, saturate, pervade,
permeate, impregnate (of odours,
perfumes, etc.). Nahpug (nahupgan)
ang kon by sang habn, tabk, gwa,
etc. My jacket is saturated (reeking) with
the smell of soap, tobacco, scent, etc. (cf.
hgum, hmug, salgsug).
hupg, Scented, perfumed, soaked,
saturated, pervaded, impregnated, (with
some odour, scent, etc.). (cf. humg).
hupng, Scarcely able to breathe or think,
upset, dizzy, confused; to be or become
dizzy, confused, etc. Hupng ang ya
ginhwa. He is quite upset (scarcely able to
breathe or think). Nagahupng ang kon
lo. I am confusedorunable to think or
collect my thoughts. Naghupng ang ya
ginhwa sang pagsk nya sa matas
nga lub. He became quite dizzy, when he
climbed the tall coconut-palm.
hput, To steep, dye, pervade, saturate
with, etc. See hgum.
hput, One kept or guarded by another
(as a foster-child, a ward, a concubine, a
servant, etc.).
hupt, Steeped, soaked, dyed in, imbued,
imbrued, saturated, etc. See hugm, etc.

hupt, Animals owned or taken care of.

Madm ang ya bka, bboy, knding
kag mank nga hupt. He owns (takes care
of) many cows, pigs, goats and chickens.
hupt, To keep, guard, take care of, mind,
preserve, maintain. Hupti (huput) sing
mayo inng mga paples. Take good care
of these papers. Yanng mga plong sang
ya ily ginhptan nya sa alibtud sang
ya nga tagiposon. Those words of his
mother he guarded carefully in the
innermost recesses of his heart. Ihupt ak
nay sinng tuln-an tbtub nga magblik
ak. Please mind this book for me till I
come back. (cf. tpig, mlig, ttap).
hupt-hput, Dim. and Freq. of hupt.
Also: to hide, elude capture, change ones
residence frequently. In this latter sense
see hokthkot.
hur, (B) No, none. See war, wal. Hur
angd tna magabt. He has not come yet.
(cf. Wal pa si magabt).
hur, To stop, cease. See hul.
hur, (B) To be or become fine, nice,
sunny (of the weather, as after a storm or
rain). Nagahur na ang timpo. The
weather is now fine.
hurg, Dark-coloured, brown, nearly ripe,
especially applied to peas and beans; to be
or become brown, to ripen (of peas, etc.).
Nagahurg na (ron) ang mnggo nmon.
Our monggo is nearly ripe, is ripening.
hurgok, To snore. See hulgok.
hurg-ol, Thud, thump, etc. See rg-ol,
hurgon, Dark-coloured, brown,
blackish, of the colour of ripe (brown)
beans. Hurgon si sing pamnit. He is
dark-skinned, swarthy. (cf. mailm,
maitm, kayumngg).
hur-hra, Hurry, anxiety, insistence; to
be anxious (quick) about something, be in a
hurry, insist on. (cf. kurtkurt, daldl).
hurpay, See hulpayto be drowsy.
hurapy, See hulapyheavy with sleep.
hurpsay, To collapse, fall down
exhausted, etc. See hupsray, huksray id.
hurp-us, To solicit help, take refuge,
make great efforts to obtain a favour. (cf.
hurr, (Sp. jurar) To take an oath, to
swear. Maghurr ka. Swear. Hurah ang
kamaturan sin. Swear to the truth of this.
Ginhurahn nya ang mga kabutign nga
ya singid. He swore to the lies he told.
Ind mo paghurahn ang mga butng nga
dmatod, dmatrung kag wal sing g
nga kabangdnan. Dont swear to things
that are not true, not just and not
sufficiently grave to warrant an oath. (cf.
hurary, (B) End, termination; rest,
interruption, pause, stop. War tna ti
hurary sa suld kang baly. There is no
end of work for her to do in the house. (cf.


hraw hyab
(H) Wal gid si sing pahway sa suld
sang baly). (cf. langn, put, hinayn).
hraw, (B) See hlawto stop, give over,
(of rain, etc.). (cf. hul, hur).
hurw, Formal, cold, stiff, not hearty or
sincere, only for show or as a mere
formality. Hurw kag pagkulhaw gid
lang ang ya pagyuhm. His smile was
very cold and forced (not hearty or
sincere). (cf. pakulhaw, hilw).
hury, (B) See huly, hlay.
hury-ad, Lying face up or on ones back.
See hayng, kay, kayng.
hurng-hring, To whisper, etc. See
hudnghding id.
hrip, hurp-hrip, (B) To mend
wickerwork, patch a hole in a thatched
roof, etc. See hlip, hulphlip.
hur, Rotten, spoilt, decaying (especially
of fish). (cf. lb-ok, gabk, gark).
hurobadn, (B) Opening, place where a
thing (a parcel, or the like) is to be opened;
that is to be untied, undone, unfastened,
loosened, opened, solved. See hulubarn,
hulubadn. (cf. hubd).
hron, Gathering, meeting; to gather,
come together. See hlon.
hurng, A loafer, idler, good-for-nothing,
wastrel; mischievous, naughty, wayward,
bad, misbehaved, rude. Hurng si nga
to. He is a loafer, a worthless man. (cf.
landlndo, lagwlgaw, tigtig, agng,
lg-it, batingglan).
hurn-hron, (B) Dim. and Freq. of
hronto gather, etc. See hulnhlon.
hurt, Noise, roar, howl (of wind, etc.); to
howl, hiss, roar, rush, hit, strike, blow (of
wind). Ginhurt sang hngin ang ya
likd, kay naghgd si nga waly bang
sa salg nga kawyan. The wind howled
and beat against his back, as he was lying
there on the bamboo-floor without a mat.
hurubadn, See hurobadn.
hurubton, Saying, proverb, saw, adage,
sentence, motto, maxim, axiom, truism. (cf.
hrum, (B) To soak, etc. See hlum.
hurm-an, (B) To-morrow, next day. (cf.
bus, rm-an, rumn).
hurng, See hurnga loafer, etc.
hurng, (B) Shaded, in the shade, not
exposed to the sunlight. See hulng.
hrung, Penetrating (of smell). See
hrus, To deceive, cheat, be false to, play
a nasty trick on. Naghrus si sa kon
orginhursan nya ak. He cheated me.
(cf. lg-it, lmbong, dy, hs).
hs, Privacy, shelter, protection, freedom
from noise, etc. Wal gid sing hs sa
mon baly ang kinnta kag sinut sa
baly ni Fulno. The singing and dancing
in N.N.s house is plainly heard in ours. (cf.
hs, To look for things needed, go in
search of things one lacks or stands in need


Visayan-English Dictionary
of. Maghs ka sing plak. Try to get some
money (i.e. get a job or loan, etc.). Husi
ak sing humy, kay nawdan ak. Get
me some rice, as I have run short. (cf.
hgap, etc.).
hsay, To regulate, settle, arrange, set in
order, put or set to rights, square up; comb
(of hair). Husya ang mo bohk,
panumdman, hunhn, tuln-an, etc.
Comb your hair, regulate your mind, set
your thoughts in order, arrange your books,
etc. Husyi na ak sang mo tang sa
kon. Settle your debt to me. Nagahsay
sil sang la nga kwnta. They are
squaring their accounts. Ihusay mo ak
sinng mga lbro. Please arrange these
books for me. Ginhsay na nla ang la
suluayn. They have now made up their
quarrelorthey have fought it out.
husy, A comb. Ang ya husy tl-an,
gma, etc. Her comb is made of bone,
celluloid, etc.
hsi, (Sp. jusi) Jusi, a light transparent
fabric, delicate cloth made of maguey, silk,
pia, etc.
hsl, To draw, pull, unsheathe. See hos.
Nahsl ang ya binngon. His bolo was
bareorhad fallen out of its scabbard.
Ginhsl nya ang ya binngon. He drew
his bolo.
hus, See hosto draw, pull, etc.
hustsya, (Sp. justicia) Justice, right;
court of justice, tribunal, bench;
authorities. Ang ya nga bhat
nakadngat sa hustsya. His case was
brought before the authorities, was brought
to court, came before the court (bench). (cf.
hokmnan, hokm, katarngan, punon).
hsto, (Sp. justo) Just, right, proper,
enough, sufficient, exact, precise. Hsto gid
in. This is quite enough, this is exactly
right, this is the proper amount. Ind
maghsto in. This will not be sufficient,
will not meet the requirements or the like.
(cf. trung, yaw, tman, g, sb, ngay,
htal, To be or get loose, shaky, wobbly.
Naghtal ang dirskas, ngpon, etc. The
screw, tooth, etc. got loose. See ktal.
hutl, Loose, not firmly set, shaky,
wobbly. (cf. kutl).
hutl-htal, Dim. and Freq. of htal.
hthut, To toot, sound, blow (a musical
instrument, wind (a horn), blow into a pipe
or tube, etc.). Huthut ang kornetn. Blow
the cornetin. Ihthut ak sang klarinte.
Please play the clarinette to me. Huthut
ak nnyo sing is ka matahm nga
sonta. Play (by blowing) me a nice piece
of music. Pahuthut si sang kornetn.
Order him to, or let him, play the cornetin.
Metaphorically: Huthut ang hblon mo.
Finish quickly the cloth you are weaving.
(cf. hyup, hnghung; hinggaw, dsdus).
hthut, hthot, An expression used for
urging on a dog, etc.; to urge on, incite;

instigate, animate. Hthut, dkpa sa lubt.

Hey (Heigh) catch it (a goat, etc.) by the
neck. (cf. s-is, pas-is, stsut).
hutk, (H) To whisper, murmur, speak
very softly, speak in an undertone.
Hinutikn ak nya nga mapakasl si sa
dl na madgay. He whispered to me that
he is going to be married before long. Ind
ka maghutk sin sa kay bisn sn-o. Dont
breathe a word of this to anybody. (cf. han,
hutk-htik, Dim. and Freq. of hutk.
Ihutkhtik mo lang sa kon ang mo
kinahnglan. Just whisper to me what you
hut, To maintain, keep, stay, long,
protract, prolong, put off. Ind mo
paghuton ang mga panpton nga
bulingn, knd bunkan mo gilayn.
Dont keep the dirty clothes (lying about)
for a long time, but wash them at once.
ht-ong, A troupe, troop, body, drove,
crowd, section, herd, flock, company,
bunch. (cf. hubn, bnghay, sosn,
panng, hgn).
huthut, Sincere, honest, hearty, real,
genuine, guileless; to do wholeheartedly,
frankly, honestly, etc. Huthut gid ang ya
paghgad sa kon. He invited me most
heartily. Kon huthut gid ang nyo
paghigugmanay magpakasl lang kam.
If your love is true then get married.
Hutuhta ang mo pagton. Study with a
right good will. Dl huthut, knd
pakulhaw gid lang ang ya nga
pagkdlaw. His smile was not natural but
forced. Hutuhti sil sing mga panggda.
Send them hearty invitationsorInvite
them with sincerity (not as a mere
formality). (cf. tod, hugt, bunyag,
turk sa tagiposon, etc.).
huw-hwa, A childrens game. (cf.
pahuw-hwato smoke big cigars).
hwas, To extricate, etc. See h-as.
huy, An exclamation: Hey! Heigh! heighho! Whoa! Oh! Ah! (cf. hi, ha, hal, hoy).
huy, Shame, shyness, bashfulness,
confusion, abashment; to be ashamed, feel
reproach, etc. May huy si or
nagakahuy si. He is ashamed. Ginahyan (ginahuyan) ak nya. He is ashamed
of meorfeels shy in my presence.
Ginapakahy-an ak nya. He puts me to
shameormakes me ashamed. To si
nga waly huy. He is a man without
shame or self-respect. Dl dpat igkahuy
ang kaimoln. One should not be ashamed
of poverty.
hyab, To scamper off, run pell-mell,
disperse quickly, hurry off, to spread
rapidly (of an eruptive disease). Ang mga
bt, knding, etc. nagahyab. The
children, the goats, etc. are scampering off.
Pahuyba ang mga karnro gkan sa ton
pamulkan. Drive the sheep quickly out of
our garden. Kpti ang bastn nga sarng
mo ikapahyab sa mga bt nga

Visayan-English Dictionary
nagaghud sa atubngan sang ton
baly. Take the stick and with it you can
quickly disperse the boys who are making
such a noise in front of our house.
Naghyab ang ya katl. His catul spread
rapidly. Pahuyba ang wto. Drive the
automobile at a high speed. (cf. huynap,
hy-ab, A yawn; to yawn. (cf. pangy-ab,
huyb-hyab, Dim. and Freq. of
hyabto hurry or scamper off, etc.
hyad, To be near giving birth, in the last
stage of pregnancy. Hyad na si
ornagahyad na si. She is near her
time, near giving birth. (cf. bsyad,
burntoy, smbol; mbdus, bsung).
huygp, Low, not steep, only slightly
inclined, sloping gently (particularly of
huygp, To tumble or fall down, crash
to the ground, be brought low. Ang ya
baly hinuygp sang pagduls sang
hngin. His house crashed to the ground
through the force of the wind.
huyhoy, Thin, lean, gaunt, slender; to
be or become thin, etc. (cf. hgpis);
straight, not crooked. (cf. bungyon,
huyhoy, Carelessly, slovenlily or
shabbily dressed, the clothes not fitting
well. Huyhoy kayo ang ya pagnag. He
dresses very shabbily. (cf. hyhoy, lyloy).
huy-huy, A kind of mimosa, the
sensitive plant. Its leaves are very sensitive
to touch; hence the name huy-huy
bashful. It is used as a remedy against
huy-huy, huy-hy, Dim. and
Freq. of huyshame, etc.
hyak, huyk-hyak, Shrunken, fallen
in, shrivelled, empty, thin, void of contents;
to shrink, etc. (cf. kups, kpus).
huynap, To walk or step quickly, hurry,
hasten, speed, scurry. Nagahuynap sil
pakdto sa tinda, sa simbhan, etc. They
are hurrying towards the market, the
church, etc. Huynap kam sa paglakt,
kay naplut na ang mga linggnay. Walk
briskly, for the bells have stopped ringing.
(cf. dal, dsig).
hyang, Weak, feeble, unsteady, shaky;
to be or become weak, etc. Naghyang
inng baly. This house has grown shaky, is
huyang, The death-rattle,agony, to be
in the last agony. (cf. ting, yang).
huyp, (B) To slap, smack, strike with the
palm of the hand. Huyap si. Smack him.
Naghuyp si sa konorhinuyapn
nya ak. He slapped me. Ihuyp sa ya
ang mo sinlas. Slap him with your
slipper. Ginhan nya ak nga huyapn.
He lifted his hand and threatened to slap
me. (cf. tmp).

hy-ab -i
huyt, See huygpslightly inclined,
sloping, etc.
hyaw, To loiter, loaf, roam about idly,
stroll. Nagahyaw gid lang si. He roams
about doing nothing. (cf. landlndo,
lagwlgaw, etc.).
huyw-hyaw, Dim. and Freq. of
huyw. Ind ka maghuywhyaw. Dont
loiterordont be a loafer. (cf. tigtig).
hy-od, To perish, succumb, die; to kill,
do away with. Hiny-od si ni Fulno. He
was killed by N.N. Naghy-od si. Sn-o
ang nagpahy-od sa ya? He died. Who
caused his death (killed him)? (cf. paty,
msduk, myod).
huy-huy, Bad, poor, wretched,
miserable, weak, etc. See hungyhungy,
hypan, hypon, From huypto
blow, etc.
huyg, Shaky, unsteady, inclined, not
straight, leaning, all on one side; to be or
become inclined, etc. Naghuyg ang baly
tungd sang bgyo. On account of the
storm the house is leaning, is not standing
straight. (cf. hily, hyang).
hyug, To shake, cause to vibrate. (cf.
huy-huy, Famished, starved, hungry;
to famish, get weak or exhausted from lack
of food, starve. Naghuyhuy si kahpon
sa gtum. Yesterday he was quite
exhausted from hunger. (cf.
hyung, huyng-hyung, To shake,
tremble, sway to and fro. (cf. dyug,
duygduyg, hyug, yog).
huyp, A puff or whiff of smoke, etc.; a
gust, puff, of wind.
hyup, huyp, To blow, to expel the
breath with some effort, to breathe upon,
puff, whiff, exhale. Hypi si. Breathe or
blow upon him. Ihuyp sa ya inng
talyhup. Blow on him with this blowingtube. Naghuyp si sa lusng. He blew
into the rice-mortar (i.e. he burned his
fingers, he made trouble for himself, the
result was a miserable failure or ended in
his own discomfiture).
huys, Pale, bloodless, lean, wan,
emaciated, gaunt, meagre, haggard; to be
or become pale (of face, etc.). Panghuys is
commonly used. Nanghuys ang ya guy.
His face grew pale. (cf. lsp, lspad, lnad).
huyt-hyut, Bad, wretched, poor,
miserable, hard (of times, seasons, etc.).
Huythyut gid ang karn nga tig. This
is a very bad year, (a year of famine,
misery, disease, or the like).
Naghuythyut ang karn nga panahn,
kay nagmnus ang patubs kag mawat
kayo ang pilak. Times are hard, because
the harvest was poor and money is
extremely scarce. (cf. sart, busit,
malisd, hoyt-hyot).

hwd, hwd-hwd, See hud, hudhud.

i, The letter i is pronounced in Visayan as

in Spanish, except when it has an abrupt
sound as in the words:dal, daldl, tah,
hib, etc. To avoid an hiatus i slurs into a
following vowel as if a y had been
inserted, and in fact y is often inserted in
modern spelling, e.g. his, hiys, tin,
tiyn; os, yos, etc. However a distinct
hiatus occurs when an abrupt i is
followed by a vowel, e.g. dali, dali-, not
daly; tahin, tahi-n, not tahiyn;
ginharan, ginhar-an, not ginharyan,
etc. (From dal, tah, hr, etc.).
i-, A prefix used:
1.) in forming all the passive tenses of many
verbs having a passive in i. Many verbs
indicating an action that removes
something from the agent belong to this
class, as: to sell, send, throw, pay, give,
hand over to (balgy, padal, pilk,
byad, htag, tnghol), etc. In the forms
with gina- and gin- the i- is either
prefixed or (now commonly) left out
entirely, whilst in the forms with paga- and
pag- the i- comes between the root and
paga- or pag-, e.g. htagto give.
Iginahtag (ginahtag) nya in sa kon.
He is giving me this. Iginhtag (ginhtag)
nya in sa kon. He gave me this.
Pagaihtag gid nya in sa kon. He will
surely give me this. Wal nya pagihtag
in sa kon. He did not give me this. Ind
nya pagihtag in sa kon. He will not
give me this. Ihtag in sa kon. Give me
this, etc.
2.) in expressing the idea ofthe means by
which,the instrument with which, a
thing is done, e.g. bhatto make. Ibhat
inng khoy sang kon baly. Make use of
this wood for building my house. Bakl
To buy. Inng ttlo ka mngmang ibakl
mo sing bg-o nga kl. Buy a new hat
with these three pesos, etc.
3.) in expressing a polite request, e.g.
Ipalhog mo ak ihtag sang kon
katahurn sa kay Fulno. Do me the
favour of paying my respects to N.N. (cf.
ig-, iga-, ika-, inog-).
-i, A suffix used in the passive impersonal
imperative, in the passive negative present,
and in the passive negatived past of verbs
having a passive in -an, e.g. patndogto
set up, build. Patindog (wal nya
pagapatindog, wal nya pagpatindog)
sing baly inng lugr. Build (he is not


a dik
building, has not built) a house on this
a, His, etc. See ya, na. (cf. kon).
ak, To squawk, squeal, etc. See iygak,
is, A grain (separated from the ear), a
shelled pea or bean, or the like. Madm
ang mga is sa mo tabg. There are many
loose rice-grains in your harvesting basket.
(cf. iys, uys, lamgas).
b, A kind of tree with a sour, edible fruit.
ib, (B) Company, companion, chum, pal,
friend; to accompany, go with, go along
with, keep, bear, company. Sn-o ang
ib mo? May ib ikw? Who is your
companion? Have you a companion? Sn-o
ang ib mo kahpon? Sn-o ang nagib sa
mo kahpon? Who was with you
yesterday? Ibah ak pakdto sa
Ilnglong. Come along with me to Iloilo.
Ibahn ko si. I shall keep him company.
Ibahn ko si. I shall have him as my
companion. (cf. upd, bylog, taws).
ibabaly, To mind the house, to take care
or charge of a house in the absence of its
owner or administrator. Sn-o ang
magaibabaly kon magpamanl ikw?
Who will take care of your house when you
go to Manila? Paibabalay si Fulno
tbtub nga mablik ikw. Let N.N. mind
your house till your return. (cf. ib, baly,
ibbaw, Above, on top of, in or to a
higher place, above (in books or writings);
to be above, etc. Ibutng mo ang kon
malta sa ibbaw sang ibn nga llan. Put
my suitcase on top of the other luggage.
Ang salagywan nagalupd na sa ibbaw
sang kawaynan. The hawk is now flying
above the bamboo-clump. Ang mga
naibbaw. Those placed in a high
position. Ang sinmbit sa ibbaw.
What was mentioned above (before).
ibgo, Whereas, but, still, yet,
notwithstanding, nevertheless, however.
Nagpamanl si, kon, ibgo wal man.
He had gone to Manila, they said, but he
had not gone. Silng nya nga ya inng
tuln-an, ibgo ya gal sang ibn. He said
this book was his, but it really belongs to
somebody else. (cf. gi, ugi, igi).
ib-ba, (B) Dim. and Freq. of ib. Also:
Friend, chum, pal, playmate. Ib-ba ko
si. He is my chum. (cf. byan, kahrup,
atd, upd, idl); mate, concubine,
paramour, mistress, correspondent. (cf.
upd, kahaggma, alaaswa).
ibn, (H) Other, another, the others,
some, someone else, the rest. Dl ak
sbung sang ibn. I am not like the rest
orI am different from others. Dl ak
mangk sinng trabho; mangt ka sing
ibn. I am not going to undertake this
work; try to find somebody else. Dl kon
inng kl, knd ya sang ibn. This hat
does not belong to me, but to someone else.
Ang ibn nagapasug, ang ibn


Visayan-English Dictionary
nagapatlaw sa ya. Some are
encouraging, others are discouraging him.
Ang ibn nagapakamayo sin, ang ibn
nagapakalin. Some approve of this,
others are against it. (cf. lan, thay).
ban, To subtract, diminish, take from,
deduct from, take away part of, shorten,
lessen, reduce. Ibni ang humy sa
tabungs sing lim ka gntang. Take five
gantas of rice from the tabungs-basket.
Ginibnan nya ang kon shol nga
binlan sing duh ka mngmang. He
deducted two pesos from my monthly
salary. Iban ak sang kon dal, kay
laks kabg-at. Please lessen my burden
(take some off my load), for it is too heavy.
(cf. bhin).
ibn-ban, Dim. and Freq. of ban.
Ibnibni lang ang mas nga kinokt. Just
take a small amount of the shelled corn.
ibn-ibn, Dim. of ibn. Kon ibn-ibn
lang ikw, nd gid ak magpti sang mo
sg. If you were someone else, I would not
obey your order.
ibd, A water-lizard about the size of an
ibd-ibd, To be very submissive to, follow
close behind, act like a slave or monkey, to
ape, mimic, echo, imitate servilely. (cf.
updpud, tawstwas, ilgilg).
bok, (B) To move, stir, wriggle, writhe,
squirm, show life by motion. Ang lud
nagabok sa dt. The worm is wriggling
on the ground. (cf. hlag).
bok, (H) To lie on the ground and move
restlessly, as pigs often do. (cf. dm-ug,
luk, lp-ug).
bok, (B) To root (of pigs). Tabga ang
bboy nga nagabok dir. Drive away the
pig that is rooting over there. Ind mo
pagpaibkon ang bboy sa atubngan
sang baly. Dont allow the pig to root in
front of the house. (cf. sbok id.;
inibkana piece of ground turned up by a
pigs snout).
bok, The snout of a pig, proboscis, (cf.
ibk-bok, Dim. and Freq. of bok. Sn-o
ang tagya sinng mga bboy nga
nagaibkbok dir sa hilamn? Who is the
owner of those pigs that are lying and
wriggling over there in the grass?
iby, A (small) monkey, ape. (cf. am).
ibubungn. Ridge, top of a building,
highest point in a roof. (cf. bubungn,
bubng, alibubungn).
bug, To have a passion for, crave, desire
vehemently, covet, lust after, long for
passionately. Ind ka magbug sang
mnggad sang mo isigkato. Dont covet
your neighbours goods. Ind mo
pagibgan (pagbgan, paggban) ang ya
sang ibn. Dont covet what belongs to
another. (cf. hingam, etc).
ibulndak, The butt of a rifle, butt-end of
a spear, or the like.

bus, Rice mixed with gat (the juice of

coconut meat) and stewed in coconutleaves in the form of rolls; to make a dish of
bus. Ibsa inng kalany. Make ibus of
this kalany-rice. Ibus ak nay sinng
pilt. Kindly prepare a dish of ibus for me
from this pilt-rice. (cf. ilibusn).
bwal, To flare or shoot up high, flame,
blaze, rise (of fire). Nagabwal na ang
kalyo. The fire is flaring up. Naibwaln
sang kalyo ang atp sang digamohn.
The fire shot up to the roof of the kitchen.
Ind mo pagpaibwaln ang kalyo. Dont
allow the fire to blaze. (cf. sbwal id.).
idg, To lean against some support while
sitting (as a sick person against several
pillows or the like). Nagaidg si sa mga
ulnan. She is leaning against the pillows.
Ginaidagn nya ang dngding. He is
leaning against the wall. Ang masakt nga
bt la ginpaidg sa is ka butka. They
put the sick child half reclining in a
comfortable armchair. Si San Hun
nagaidg sa dghan sang Aton Gino. St.
John leant against the breast of Our Lord.
(cf. sndig).
idgan, Back (of a chair), support,
anything to lean or rest against. (cf. idg).
idlum, Under, below, beneath,
underneath, farther down, down, nether.
Sa idlum sang baly. Underneath the
house. Sa idlum sang dt. Below the
surface of the ground. Dlhi ak sang
rebsta nga r sa idlum sinng mga
tuln-an. Bring me the review there from
under those books. (cf. dlum, paidlum,
paidalm, pakitidalm).
das, Row, line, file, range, rank, tier; to
line up, stand in file, form a regular line or
row. Idasormagdas kam. Stand in
line. Idson mo sil. Put them in line.
Paidson mo sil. Make them form a line.
Idsan mo inng dt sang mo ardo sing
makapl, kay tmnan ko sing kamti.
Make ten straight furrows in this piece of
ground, for I am going to plant some sweetpotatoes there.
d-id, Exactness, preciseness, precision,
accurateness, accuracy, correctness,
attention to detail; to be careful, exact,
heedful, accurate, precise, correct,
conscientious, particular, attentive to
details. Wal si sing kad-id sa ya mga
buluhatn. She does not exercise any care
in the performance of her duties. Id-idn
mo ang mo mga bhat, kay sudyan ka
gid kunna. Be careful in your work, for you
will certainly be called to account later on.
Nagad-id si sang ya bg-o nga
galamitn. She is very careful with her new
furniture. Inng mastra nagad-id gid
sang ya klse. This teacher is very
painstaking in giving class. (cf. psan,
hgud, kud, tl-id).
dik, To call piglets together. (cf. dok,
dkan; idk).

Visayan-English Dictionary
idk, A small young pig. (cf. bboy, nayn,
udk, urk, butakl).
idilmdim, (H) Taste, sense of taste. (cf.
idngan, A young pig. (cf. idk, odk,
dlab, Spark, scintilla; to emit or throw off
sparks, to spark, sparkle, glitter, scintillate.
Ang bat nga matg-a kon pakibyasn mo
sing salslon magadlab. A hard stone, if
struck a glancing blow with iron, will emit
sparks. Paidlab ang mo santkan, agd
makdtan sang kalyo ang brok. Strike a
spark from your flint, that the tinder may
take fire. (cf. dlak, gpat, sdlak, slak).
dlak, To twinkle, spark, glitter, flash. Ang
diamnte nagadlak kon gb-i. The
diamond sparkles in the dark. (cf. dlab,
idlk-dlak, Dim. and Freq. of dlak. Ang
mga kabitonan nagaidlkdlak. The stars
are twinkling. (cf. igptgpat).
dlas, To be wild, not tame. (cf. il).
id, (H) Dog, hound, mongrel, cur, whelp.
(cf. yam).
idg, (H) To shift a little, change place or
position, step or move forward (back,
aside), give way, make room, recede, stand
back, recoil, fall back, withdraw a little.
Magidg ka ddto. Stand (back) there. Idg
kam sing ditay. Shift a little. Paidog
si. Make himget back a little,move a
little (in any direction desired). (cf. isdg,
sol, sylo).
idg-idg, (H) Dim. and Freq. of idg.
Idgidg ka, kay gutk. Stand back a little,
for there is no room.
idl, Chum, pal, male friend, companion.
(cf. atd, akd, byan, ibba, kadpig,
kahrup; bbay, binefemale friend).
idulngug, (H) Hearing, the sense of
hearing. (cf. dungg).
dwan, (B) Passive form of roto stand,
tolerate, suffer, etc. Ind ak madwan
sang ibn, kay may balatan ak nga
manlalton. Others dont like to come near
me, for I am suffering from a contagious
disease. (irhan id.).
dyok, A kind of palm. See hdyok.
ig, See i. I and ig can often be
used promiscuously, e.g. ighmbal,
ihmbal; igsilng, isilng; igdpat, idpat;
igbtok, ibtok; etc. But words beginning
with the letter k have nearly always ig
instead of i, e.g. igkasub, igkaskit,
igkahuy, igkdlit, etc.
ga, See i. For euphonys sake ga
is more used in phrases like: Ari ak, kon
may igasg (isg). I am at your service. I
am here. Command me, I am at your
orders. Wal ak sing igahtag sa ya. I
have nothing to give him. May igahmbal
(ihmbal) ako sa ya. I have to tell him
something. I have to bespeak him about

idk igullut
igi, Whereas, whilst, when, in as much as,
etc. (cf. singgi, ibgo, ugi).
ig-ig, A simulated cough, hem, hum; to
cough, to hem (hum) and haw, to speak in a
very hesitating manner. Nagaigig gid
lang si. He just hems and haws.
Ginigigahn gid lang nya ak nga wal
gid si maghmbal sing mathag. He just
kept coughing (hemming and hawing) at
me without saying anything distinctly. (cf.
igi, ig-i, But, yet, still, however. See
igalhum, Faculty, capacity, power,
authority, might. (cf. gahm).
gang, A hard, sharp stone; reef (of rocks).
igbabaly, See ibabaly, id.
igbalt, Sense, sensation, sensitive
faculty. (cf. bt).
gham, To hem, cough slightly (in order to
attract attention, express doubt, etc.).
Igham si. Draw his attention by coughing
slightly. Ginighamn ak nya kag sang
pagbalikd ko nagkdlaw si. He coughed
and when I looked back he smiled. Wal ka
maggham, haw! Yes, but you might have
given a cough to let me know you were
there! (cf. igig).
gi, A snail. (cf. kul, pul).
igl-igl, Stunted, dwarfed, checked in
growth or development, below the natural
or normal size; to be or become stunted,
etc. (cf. agl-agl, ar-ar, dal-dal).
igt, A small amount of liquid excrement:
to evacuate or discharge an igt. Ang bt
nagigt sa ya delrgo, kay nagapanlibng
si. The boy soiled his pants a little, for he
is suffering from diarrhoea.
igkuldlit, (H) Anything used for making
lines, scratches, strokes, etc. as a pencil or
the like. (cf. kdlit).
iglsya, (Sp. iglesia) Church, temple,
basilica, fane (poetical). (cf. simbhan).
gm, (B) Meal; dinner; to dine, eat, take
food. Magm kit nay. Let us first take
our dinner. Din ka maggm? Where did
you dine? Paigma si. Get dinner ready
for him. Ginpaigman ak ni Fulno. N.N.
kept me to dinnerorhad dinner
prepared for me. (cf. panyga, kon).
gmat, See algmatto watch, keep vigil.
ignornte, (Sp. ignorante) Ignorant,
ignoramus, unlettered, illiterate,
uncultured, unschooled, untaught,
unlearned, uneducated. (cf. pkok, ur-is,
wal sing tinn-an).
gnuk, Stir, move, movement, motion; to
stir, move, jerk, move with a start. (cf.
lhok, ltok, hlag, lgnok, dhok, wos,
hos, gnut).
gnut, To move (with a start, or by starts).
See gnuk.
g, Meet, fit, just, proper, suitable,
adapted, right; to fit, adapt, adjust,
accommodate; to hit, strike, score, make a
hit. Ig gid in. Thats just the thing.

Paigon mo gid sing mayo ang mga tp.

Adjust the boards very well. Ang ya mga
batsan nagakag gid. His manners are
just rightorHis behaviour is excellent.
Paigi ang mo baly sing digamohn.
Make a suitable kitchen for your house.
Pagaigon ko gid si. I shall certainly hit
him. Makago ka sinng pspis dir sa
sang sang khoy? Can you hit that bird
there on the branch of the tree? Madm
ang nag sang mga lis sang lthang.
Many were hit by rifle-bullets. Iig sa ya
inng bat. Hit him with this stone. Wal
nya ak pagiga. He did not hit me. (cf.
sb, ngay, sinnt).
god, To drag oneself along without using
the feet, crawl, creep, said of animals like
snakes, snails, slugs, etc. Maggod ka lang
sa salg, kon nd ka makalakt. Push
yourself along the floor if you cannot walk.
igd, A kind of shell-less snail, a slug.
igk-gok, To grunt. (cf. smbo).
gong, To groan, moan. Nagagong si.
He is moaning. Ginigngan ak nya. He
moaned in my presence, or at me. Igong
mo lang, agd maghagnhgan ang mo
pagbtyag. Just groan softly, to relieve
your feelings.
got, To creak, emit a grating sound as by
friction or the like. Ang kngga nagagot,
kay wal sing sbo. The cart creaks
because it is not greased. Ginpagot nya
ang galingn sang kap. He made the
coffee mill creak. Huy, sapatro, nd mo
pagpaigton ang kon mga saptos. Now,
shoemaker, dont make my boots creaky.
Dont make me boots that creak.
gpat, To sparkle, flash, twinkle, glow,
glitter. Ang mga biton, bat nga mahl,
etc. nagagpat. The stars, precious stones,
etc. sparkle. (cf. dlab, dlak).
igpt-gpat, Dim. and Freq. of gpat.
Ang mga iptpot (aninpot)
nagaigptgpat sa khoy. The fire-flies are
glowing on the tree. (cf. kdlab, nggat).
gpit, To jam, press, squeeze, etc. See ipt,
igsw, Grievance, reason for complaint,
censure, finding fault with. Wal gid ak
sing igsw sang pagttap nla sa kon. I
have no reason to complain of their
igson, To stand in the relationship of
Godchild to the Godparents own child.
Igson silornagaigson sil. One is
son, the other godson.
igsullat, That is used for writing, as a
pen, pencil, etc. (sult).
igtub, The place or region beyond a river
or brook, on the farther side or bank of a
river, across the river. Sa igtub. On
the other (farther) side of the brook or
stream. (cf. tub).
igullut, (H) Anything used for cutting, a
knife, etc. (cf. gult).


gw la
gw, To be near vomiting, to retch. See
ihda, ihdo, Goddaughter, Godson. (cf.
ank, aihda, aihdo).
ihalplas, Ointment, unguent, salve,
plaster, remedy. (cf. hplas).
haw, To kill, slaughter, slay (an animal);
to roast (corn); slaughter, the killing of
beasts. Ihwa ang bka. Slaughter the
cow. Sn-o ang naghaw sang bboy? Who
killed the pig? Ihwi ang kasl sing is ka
torte. Slaughter for the marriage feast a
medium-sized calf. May haw sil karn
nga dlaw. They are slaughtering to-day.
Ihwi ak sing mas. Roast some corn for
me. (cf. paty; bog).
ihawn, Place where beasts are
slaughtered, slaughter-house, shambles,
abattoir. (cf. haw, ilihawn).
hi, (Sp. eje) Axle, axle-bar.
h, Urine, pee; to urinate, make water,
pass water, pea. Ang bt nagh sa bang.
The baby peed on the mat. Ang h
mapngsot. Urine has a penetrating smell.
ihin, Urinal, chamber-pot. (cf. ilihin
ihibal, The faculty of understanding,
intellect, mind, reason, thought. (cf.
ihd, To neglect, abandon, pay no attention
to, ignore. Ginaihd lang si sang ya nga
ty. His aunt ignores, neglects himor
leaves him to himselfordoes not take
proper care of him. (cf. ihg, ahgahg).
ihd-ihd, Dim. and Freq. of ihd.
ihg, ihgihg. See ihd, ihdihd.
Ginihgihg gid si sang ya mga
giniknan. He was quite neglected by his
ih-h, Dim. and Freq. of h. Nagaihh
si, kay ginabusisw. He has to discharge
urine at frequent intervals, for his urethra
is affected.
ihm, An exclamation: Why! Look here!
Grand! Fine! Excellent! Ihm, katahm
sang klo mo! Why, what a fine hat you
have got! (cf. abw, arw, kananks).
ih, (B) To follow suit, do likewise, do the
same, imitate; imitation of others (often
just for the sake of appearances). Wal
pagasapak ni Fulna ang ya mga
hinblus, pang kon daldalon sang
ibn, dyon man si nagaihordyon
man nya ih. N.N. does not care for her
nephews and nieces, but when they are
caressed by others, she follows suit at once.
hoy, An exclamation expressive of joy or
used to stimulate to great exertions,
especially in lifting or carrying a heavy
load. Is, duh, ttlo; hoy! One, two,
three; hurrah, now go to it! Ihoy, kam am
ang nakadag! Hurrah, it is we who have
ihulngit, (H) Anything used to put food
into the mouth, as a spoon, etc. (cf. hngit).


Visayan-English Dictionary
ka-, A verbal prefix like i-, but with the
additional meaning of the adaptability of a
material to, or the possibility of, an action.
Ind ko pagibalgy in sa mo. I will not
sell you this. nd ko ikabalgy in sa mo,
kay dl kon. I cannot sell it to you, for it
does not belong to me.
ika-, This prefix is very often used for the
formation of nouns, e.g. ikabyad
resources, assets, wherewithal, cash;
ikagstomoney to be spent, expenses to
be paid, funds, pecuniary means;
ikabligsource of help, means,
assistance, expedient, support; ikataks
worthiness, capacity, dignity; ikasngkol
capability, attainments, accomplishments;
ikalindisadvantage, drawback, loss,
injury, calamity; ikasabta ready answer
or reply, etc. etc. (cf. ing-).
ika-, A prefix that goes to form ordinal
numbers, e.g. ikagatshundredth;
ikalbothousandth; sa ikapl nya ka
pagblikon his tenth return; sa ikaduh
ka plog lim ka dlawon the twenty
fifth (day), etc. etc.
ikayo, (H) That is for the good or
improvement of, weal, welfare, benefit. Sa
ikayo sang bnwa. For the good of the
town. Nahanab in sa kon ikayo. That
turned out to my advantage. (cf. yo).
ikaduh, (H) Second.
ikalim, Fifth.
kang, To limp, halt.
ikng-kang, Dim. and Freq. of kang.
Nagaikngkang si kon maglakt, kay
may rima si sa ya nga pa. He walks
with a slight limporhe limps slightly
when he walks (in his walk) for he suffers
from rheumatism in his legs.
Nagikngkang si kahpon, kay sinyak
si sing dalngag. Yesterday he limped a
little, for a sharp thorn had pricked him.
ikn-um, Sixth. (cf. numsix).
ikon, Side-dish, meat, fish, eggs,
shrimps, crabs, etc., but not vegetables nor
rice. (cf. kon, sd-an, darpl, kaln-on,
ikp-at, Fourth. (cf. patfour).
ikapit, Seventh. (cf. pitseven).
ikapl, Tenth. (cf. naplten).
ikasarng, Possibility, feasibility,
resources, means. (cf. sarng).
ikasim, Ninth. (cf. simnine).
iktlo, Third. (cf. ttlothree).
ikw, You, thou, often shortened to ka,
which see.
ikawal, Eighth. (cf. waleight).
kban, etc. From ikbto bite off a piece,
kbaw, To pop up ones head, raise or lift
ones head a little in order to spy or observe
slyly, peep. Nagkbaw si sa tung sang
tgbaw. He popped up his head from
among the tgbaw-grass. Ikbaw ang lo
mo kag tan-awn kon sn-o dir. Lift up

your head a little and see who is there. (cf.

ikbw-kbaw, Dim. and Freq. of kbaw.
Ikbwikbwi sil kon an ang la
ginahm dir. Pop up your head a little to
see what they are doing over there.
ik, (B) A small copper coin, half a centavo
(now out of circulation); small, little, tiny,
wee, minute, slight. (cf. tik, gamy, dtay,
ikb, To nibble, gnaw, bite off a piece,
snap, etc. Ikba (ikib) ang sging. Nibble
the banana. Ikbi ang sging. Take a bite
out of the banana. Ang tinpay inkban
sang ilag. The bread had been nibbled
(gnawed) by rats. Ang id nagaikb sang
tl-an. The dog is gnawing the bone. (cf.
ngkib, ngkit, kbkib, etc.).
kit, Condition of being dense, compact;
close or near together, crowded; to be close
or near together, dense, compact, with little
space between. Nagakit ang humy sa
kon um. The rice on my field is growing
thick. Ind nnyo pagikton ang pagtanm
sing lub. Do not plant the coconuts too
close together. Naiktan ak sinng mga
lub. It seems to me that those coconuts are
crowded. Magdas kam sing kit, dl sing
lak. Stand in a row close together, not far
apart. (cf. gart, gutk).
iklhag, To make a false step, stumble;
shake up and down, swing to and fro. (cf.
iklahs, To shun, avoid, etc. See aklehs
klip. To be hidden behind a screen, out of
sight, concealed. Paklipto hide oneself,
keep out of sight. (cf. plok, pang,
kning, To tiptoe, walk on tiptoe, go about
softly, quietly, silently, step carefully,
warily, gingerly. Ikning ka dir kay
madm sing dgi inng lugr. Step
carefully here, because there are many
thorns in this place. Ikning si, kon
maglubs ka, kay nagakatulg si. Walk
softly when you pass him, for he is
sleeping. Ikning ang mo pagtikng. Step
quietly, softly. Paikning si. Order him to
move about quietly. (cf. tid).
kog, Tail; to put on a tail. Ikgi si sa
by nya. Put a tail to his jacket.
Ginikgan nla ang idd. They put a tail
on the toy-dog.
ikgan, Long-tailed, having a long tail.
ikg-kog, Dim. of kog. A small tail,
anything resembling a tail.
ikuduh, Also: Peer, compeer, match,
equal. Way (wal sing) ikaduhwithout
peer, peerless, unsurpassed, unequaled,
without a rival, or the like.
la, (H) Their, theirs; by, through, etc.
them. Sa la. Them, to them. Ila ginhm
in. They did this. Ila in. That is theirs.
That belongs to them. Ihtag mo in sa la.

Visayan-English Dictionary
Give them this. (cf. nda, nla; silthey;
il, Wild, savage, ferocious, not domestic,
undomesticated, untamed, not tame; to be
or become wild, etc. Nagil ang mank,
bboy, etc. The chicken, the pig, etc. has
become wild. Ind mo pagpailahn ang
mank. Dont let the chicken run wild.
l, (H) To like, covet, desire, wish for, be
attached to, long for, want very much, lust
after. Nagakal si sa kay Fulna, sang
kon mga ph, etc. He likes N.N., covets
my mangoes, etc. Ginakailan nya si,
ang dug nga hilw, etc. He is attached to
her, he likes the colour green, etc. Ipal sa
ya inng relh. Make him wish for this
watch. Sn-o ang dl magkal sin? Who
would not like that? (cf. lyag, bug, sah,
ma, makaill, kalailan).
ilb, (H) Roasted, scorched, burnt. (cf.
lab, (H) To scorch, roast over a fire, toast,
burn superficially. Ilba lang ang mas sa
pagbog, agd ton makon sa madal.
Just toast the corn, when you roast it, so
that we may be able to eat it soon. Ind mo
pagilbon ang krne, knd bg-on mo sa
bga. Do not simply scorch the meat in a
flame, but roast it over glowing coals. (cf.
slab, srab).
ilab, Especially, andespecially,
all. Nagsilng si sin, kay, ilab na gid
kay. He said so, because, and above
all because. (N.B. The i- of this ilab is
the Sp. yand).
ilag, Mouse, rat. (cf. balbaw).
ilhas, The wild chicken; wild, untamed.
(cf. il, simarn).
il-l, (H) Dim. and Freq. of lto like,
il-la, The fine feathers or down
underneath the wings of a fowl or other
lak, A kind of fish.
ilalakb, The eyelid. (cf. lkub).
ilalangb, See ilalakb.
ilalapk, The sole of the foot. (cf. lpak;
ilm, (B) I dont know. (cf. ambt,
ilng-lang, A kind of tree with very
fragrant flowers that are often made into a
much esteemed perfume; ylang-ylang.
law, Glare, splendour, brightness (of
light, etc.). (cf. raw).
ilw, To cooperate, help mutually. Ilaw
ak sing duh ka dlaw, kay balsan ko
man ikw sa is ka simna. Help me for
two days and I will help you in return
within a week. (cf. hl-o).
ilawd, To be situated in the direction
towards the sea; at the seaside, on the seacoast, towards the sea. Ang kon baly
yr sa ilawd sang bnwa. My home is
situated in that part of the town which is

il lis
nearest the sea. Ang mga minur nga
nailawd. The villages on the coast, or:
situated towards the sea. (cf. ilwod).
ilwod, Towards the coast or sea,
seaward. Din ka makdto?Sa ilwod.
Where are you going to? Towards the sea.
Nagpailwod si kana. He went in the
direction of the sea some time ago. (N.B.
Ilwod supposes a greater distance from
the speaker, town, place, etc. at issue than
ilawd. (cf. lawd, kalalwran; ilya,
ilya, (H) Towards the land, remote from
the sea, in the interior, land-ward, inland;
up river. Din ang ginapy-an mo?Sa
ilya. Where do you live?Up river, in the
direction of the mountains. Nagpailya si
kahpon. Yesterday he went up country, up
ilay, (H) Landward, etc.; to be situated in
a direction away from the sea, etc. but not
so far as the distance implied by ilya.
Ang kon baly nailay sa simbhan. My
home is situated near the Churchora
little behind the Church (in the direction of
the mountains). (cf. ilya; ilwod,
ilibusn, (H) Materials for making a dish
of bus.
lig, To flow, run, stream. Ang tbig
nagalig. The water is flowing. Pailga ang
tbig dir sa kalg. Make the water flow
there through the ditch. Pailgi sang tbig
ang talmnan ko. Let the water flow over
my fields.
ilg, A discharge of pus from the ear,
usually very evil-smelling.
ilign, The course, channel or bed of
flowing water. (cf. lig; ililign, hililign).
ilighmon, A slight sore throat with
coughing. (cf. gham; irighmon, olbhon,
iligmon, Food for dinner, provisions for
a meal. (cf. panyagahn, irigmon).
ilign, One affected with the disease of the
ear called ilg, pertaining to ilg.
ilihn, A high, steep rock unaccessible on
all sides except by climbing a ladder, etc.
(N.B. Houses are often built on such rocks
as a protection against thieves and
ilihawn, (H) A butchers shop,
slaughterhouse. (haw; cf. ihawn).
ilihawn, (H) That is to be slaughtered or
roasted. (haw).
ilihin, (H) A urinal, chamber-pot. (h; cf.
ilihon, Urine to be discharged, urination,
wanting to do number one. Naggu si,
kay inabt si sing ilihon. He went out to
ease himself. He left the room, because he
wanted to do number one. (cf. h).
il-li, To lull to sleep, to quieten a baby by
rocking it gently in the arms and singing a
lullaby to it. Ililha (hi) ang bt. Sing
the baby to sleep with a lullaby. (cf. lylay).

ililign, (H) Channel, water-course, riverbed, ditch; a vessel used for drawing a
liquid and then pouring it out into a cup or
glass. Kab nga ililign. A coconut shell
used for drawing a liquid, mostly water or
toddy. Ililign nga sukorpask nga
magamy nga ililign sang tub. A small
bamboo-vessel into which tub is poured
from a larger receptacle, and then
measured out by the glassful to customers.
(cf. lig, ilign, hililign).
ililbon, ililubn, (H) That is to be
borne or suffered patiently, that should be
borne with fortitude; trial, hardship,
visitation. (cf. lub).
ilmnan, (H) A drinking-cup or -glass;
bar, saloon, place where drink is to be had.
(cf. inm).
ilimnnan, Bar, inn, restaurant, public
house. (cf. ilmnan, inm).
ilmnon, (H) Beverage, drink, draught,
potion, swill, nip, sip. (cf. inm).
ilinway, (H) Fight, quarrel (on a large
scale with many partakers), engagement,
battle, strife, war; to fight, quarrel, wage
war. Ang la ilinwayorpagilinway
tpus na. Their war (fighting) has come to
an end, is over. Ang mga to nagailinway
sa dumugn. The people are quarrelling
(fighting) on the wrestling ground.
Ginilinawyan nla ang bulangn. They
fought in the cockpit. (cf. way).
ilngod, (H) A very frequently used plural
form of ngodto be near, side by side, etc.
(cf. ngod, ingd).
ilin-, -ilin-, This prefix and intercalation
conveys the same meaning as in-, -in- 2).
The syllable il is prefixed to in either for
mere euphonys sake or to emphasize still
more the frequency of, or the great number
of participants in, an action. (cf. ilinway).
ilinitn, (H) Any utensil for boiling or
cooking. Lta nga ilinitn sang tbig. A
can used for boiling water. (cf. nit).
ilintindhon, (H) That is to be inferred or
understood; an allusion, broad hint. (cf.
intinde, intndi).
ilinton, One amenable to flattery, easily
coaxed or wheedled. (cf. nt; ulunson,
ulutson, hululanon, olodton).
ilipitn, (H) Press; hot-iron. (cf. ipitn,
ipt, lgpit).
lis, Change, alteration, variation; to
change, alter, vary, replace, substitute,
exchange; successor, instead of. Makaduh
sa simna may lis sang progrma. Twice
a week there is a change of programme.
Sn-o ang lis nya? Who is his successor?
Who takes his place? Malisormagalis
pa ak nay. First, I shall change (my
clothes). Ilsan mo ang mo kl nga dan
sing bg-o. Exchange your old hat for a
new one. Isliorilsi ang salg nga
kawyan sing tp. Take up the bamboofloor and make one of boards. Sang
paghaln ni Pdro nailsan si ni Pblo.


ilsan impanda
When Peter left, Paul took his place. Inng
mga kawyan ilis ko sa kodl nga dan.
These bamboos I am going to use to replace
the old fence. Nabas ang kon panpton
kag wal ak sing ilis. My clothes got wet
and I had no change. Tandan mo gid ang
mga lis sa ya baly. Mark well the
alterations in his house. (cf. bylo, tl-us).
ilsan, That is to be changed. (cf. lis).
ilisn, Dressing-room, place where one
changes his clothes, or the like.
ils-lis, Dim. and Freq. of lis. Dyon gid
lang si nagailslis sang ya mga uls.
She is constantly changing her clothes. Ang
mga manugttap sinng talapunan
ginailsilsan sa tugtig. The managers of
this company are being changed every year.
ilisipn, (H) That is to be counted or
reckoned with; that can be counted,
inconsiderable, small in number. (cf. sip).
ilslan, (H) Things to be changed or
altered, change (of clothes), exchange,
object or person to be replaced by another.
(cf. lis).
ilistran, Place to stay or live at, abode,
residence, quarters, lodging. (cf. estr,
ginaestarn, puly-an).
ilitlgan, Place where eggs are laid,
where spawn or roe is deposited, eggbasket, egg-box, spawning bed, spawning
ground (place), nest of eggs. (cf. tlog).
il, To be nice to, ingratiate oneself with,
flatter. Ang nagail sa mo talkdi, ang
kaway atubnga. Run away from
flatterers, bravely face your enemies.
lo, An orphan; to be or become an orphan,
be orphaned. Nalo si sa amy, sa ily.
He was bereft or bereaved of his father, his
mother. Kon mapaty si ttay mo magalo
ikw. If your father dies you will be an
orphan. Ilo si nga mulmlo. She (He) is
a complete orphan, bereft of both his (her)
log, (H) To follow, imitate, do like, copy,
take pattern by, emulate. Ilga ang mga
sntos. Follow the Saints. Ilga ang mga
bhat nga mayo. Imitate good deeds.
Ipalog sa ya ang mayo nga batsan ni
N.N. Let him emulate N.N. in good
manners. (cf. sund, hud).
log, (H) Brook, brooklet, small river, rill,
stream, streamlet, burn, beck, channel,
water-course. (cf. sap, sp).
ilg-ilg, (H) Dim. and Freq. of log. To
copy, follow or imitate in a servile manner,
to ape.
ilg-log, Dim. and Freq. of logto
imitate, follow. (cf. sundsnud; ilgilg).
ilg-ilogn, (H) One who servilely
follows or imitates another. (cf. log, il,
mailgilgon, irgirg).
lok, (H) The armpit. (cf. rok).
ilm, Dark-coloured, brown, brunette,
dusky, swarthy, sun-burnt, sun-burned; to
be or become dark-coloured, sun-burned,
etc. Nagilm ang ya nawng sa nit. Her


Visayan-English Dictionary
face was sun-burnt. Ang ibn nagasilng
nga maput si, pang ak nailomn sa
ya. Others say she is white, but I consider
her dark. (cf. girmgirm, kayomngg).
ilm-ilm, Dim. and Freq. of ilm.
ilng, (H) The nose; to lead by the nose.
Ginailng nya ang karabw. He is
leading the buffalo by the nose. Ilong si.
Lead him by the noseorWin him over to
your sideorMake him follow you. (cf.
long, To smell, sniff at, snuff, run after,
pursue (as a bull after a cow), nuzzle, be
nice to, wheedle, cajole, flatter, caress. Ind
ka maglong sa ya. Dont run after him
orDont try to win favour with him. Ilngi
si. Coax himorWin him over by
flattery, etc.
ilongn, (H) One with a large prominent
ily, (H) Mother, mamma, madonna, dam;
to be or become a mother. Si Mara
Santsima gintundan sang Arknhel nga
si Gabriel nga pagailoyn si ni
Hesukrsto. The blessed Virgin was told by
the Archangel Gabriel that she was to
become the Mother of Jesus Christ. (cf.
ilynon, (H) Motherly, maternal, tender,
mild. (cf. inily).
lub, To bear patiently, suffer humbly or
meekly, endure with fortitude, undergo,
brook, stand, put up with. Ilba ang mga
kalisd nga nagabt sa mo. Suffer with
fortitude the troubles that have come upon
you. Magpalub ka lang sin. Just bear it
ilulthang, What is used for shooting, as
a rifle, musket, revolver, cannon, catapult,
machine-gun, etc. (cf. lthang, badl,
lwak, To spill, etc. See lwak, lyak.
ma, (B) To like to have, to like, desire,
wish for, long for, covet, want, hanker after.
Nagama si sinng mga saptos, bsti,
dlse, etc. She would like to have these
boots, clothes, sweets, etc. Ginimhan nya
ang kon ph. He longed for my mango.
Kon magkon ka sing mga manmit nga
kalan-non, ang mga bt magama.
When you eat nice side-dishes, the children
want to join in. (cf. lyag, bug, l,
hingam, hngyo, hndum).
im, Bleating, baa; to bleat, baa (of sheep).
Ang karnro nagaim. The sheep bleats.
(cf. mm).
im To low, moo (of cattle). (cf. hum, ma,
imn-imn, Frequently, often, oftentimes, many times, repeatedly, again and
again, time and time again. (cf. masnsun,
masam, himnhimn).
imw, (B) The same, that, that there. See
in. Imw ri. (am in). Thats it. Bokn
ti imw ri. (dl am in). It is not so.
That isnt it.

maw, (B) To be together, live or do

anything together, be in the same
predicament. Kay sn-o ikw nagamaw
orSn-o ang ginaimwan mo? Whom are
you working, living, staying, etc. with? Who
is your companion? Nagamaw sil sa
pagkon, pang dl sa pagpangt. They
take their meals in common, but follow
different callings. (cf. ib).
maw, (B) Companion, partner, chum,
pal, mate. (cf. ib, kapud).
imy, Grandmother; ancestor, granny,
grannie. (cf. bay, yang, way).
mi, (Sp. emethe name of the letter M)
To squat with the legs bent in the form of
the letter M. Nagami si sa salg. He is
squatting on the floor. Imi ang paglngkod
nya. He sits with legs drawn up.
Ginimhan nya ang salg. He squatted
down on the floor. (cf. lupg, lupn-ak,
katnktin, kung, kmung, singkayng).
mnan, mnon, From inmto drink.
mo, Your, yours, thine (singular); by or
through you, thee; sa moyou, thee; to, at,
from, towards, etc. you, thee. (cf. nmo,
mo; kon, etc.).
mol, Poor, pauper, without wealth; to be
or become poor, indigent, penniless,
penurious, destitute, pinched, straitened.
Imol si. He is poor. Nagmol si. He
became poor. Naimlan gid ak sa ya. He
seems to me to be very poor. Ginpamol si
sang Mahl nga Dis, kay bugaln si
sdto nay. God deprived him of his
worldly goods, because he used to be so
proud. Ind ka magpakamol. Dont
pretend to be poor. Imol si, kon, pang
sang pagdaw ko sa ya wal gid ak
pagimli sang ya baly. They say he is
poor, but when I visited him his house did
not appear to me to be poor. (cf. dungl,
mon, Jealousy, envy; to be or become
jealous, jaundiced, green-eyed. Nagamon
si. She is getting jealous. Nagapangmon
si. She is of a jealous disposition.
Nagmon si. She has become jealous.
Ginaimnan ni Fulna ang ya nga bna.
N.N. is jealous of her husband.
Nagaimony sil nga duh. The two are
jealous of each other.
mot, (B) Parsimony, stint, niggardliness,
stinginess; to be or become stingy,
niggardly, close, parsimonious, mean,
miserly. Ind ka magmot sa mga mol.
Dont be stingy toward the poor. Imti
(mti) ang mo pagkon. Take little food,
eat very sparingly. Ginaimtan ak sang
kon aglon. My master stints me.
Naimtan ak sinng to. I consider this
man a miser. (cf. dingt, not).
impanda, (Sp. empanada) Meatpie,
fruit-pie, a mixture of meat, eggs, shrimps,
raisins, etc. baked in pastry, in flour,
battered; to batter, to bake in pastry.
Impanadha ang mank. Cook the chicken
in pastry. Impanadhi ak sining bgs

Visayan-English Dictionary
nga krne. Bake me this piece of meat in
mpas, To discharge a debt, pay in full,
settle an account. Nagmpas na si sang
ya nga tang sa kay Fulno. He has
discharged his debt to N.N. Nampas na
ang ya nga tang. His debt is paid in full.
Wal pa ak nya maimpas. He has not
yet paid me all. (cf. tmbas, kbis).
imptso, (Sp. empacho) Indigestion;
frequently applied to a cold, headache,
influenza, sore throat or the like.
impryo, (Sp. imperio) Empire; sway. (cf.
impirno, Hell. See inpirno.
impne, (Sp. empeine) Tetter, ringworm.
impis, See empesr, umpis, sgud,
pamnto begin, start, commence.
mpon, To join, associate with, cooperate,
join in, take part in. Impon
ormagmpon ka sa la. Join them.
Impon sil sa hmpang, pangabdlay,
etc. Join them in their play, work, etc.
Impon sil nga duh. Put the two of them
together. Ginmpon nya ang lub kag
kalmay sa binkbok nga bugs, kay
himon nga baybye. He has mixed
coconut-meat and sugar with powdered
rice, for he is going to make a dish of
bay-bye. Dyon gid lang sil
nagaimpony. They are constantly
together. They are always in each others
company. (cf. smpon, aby).
imprnta, (Sp. imprenta) Printing; to
print. Imprentah ang lbro. Print the
book. Ipaimprnta ang lbro. Have the
book printed. Ipaimprnta ko sa mo ang
kon mga ilimprenthon, kon
magkasugtnay kit sa balyran. Ill let
you do my printing, if we can agree as to
payment. Naimprentahn si sing is ka
lbro nga ya sinult. A book written by
him was printed, appeared in print. (cf.
blhag, balhgan).
imprentda, (Sp. imprenta) Singing to
music; to play and sing a serenade, etc. Sno ang nagaimprentda kagb-i sa
atubngan sang baly ni Fulna? Who
was it that serenaded last night outside
Miss N.N.s house. Ginimprentadhan ni
Felpe si Salbasyn. Felipe serenaded
Salvacin. Iimprentda (imprentadha)
nnyo inng bg-o nga kansyn sa kay
Fulna. Sing this new song as a serenade to
Miss N.N.
mpug, A scoop, ladle; a small box made
of the shell of a coconut. (cf. ipg).
mtan, etc. From motto be stingy, etc.
in, (H) That, that there (not so far away
as ydto nor so near as in). Am in.
Thats it. Kon am in nd ak makakdto
ddto. If that is so, I cannot go there. Kuha
inng (in nga) lbro dir. Take away that
book over there. Dl in, knd ydto
ddto. Not that one, but the one over there,
farther on. (cf. di, ri).

mpas inantarn
ind-ad, Sliced, cut up in thin slices.
Bular ang mga kamti nga ind-ad.
Spread the sliced sweet potatoes in the sun
to dry. (cf. d-ad).
indlaw, By the day, a day, per day, daily,
daily wages. Pil ang indlaw mo? What is
your daily wage? How much a day do you
get? An ang ginkasugtnan nnyo nga
indlaw? How much per day did you agree
upon? (cf. dlaw, aladlwan).
ing, Transparent, pellucid, translucent,
diaphanous; to be or become transparent,
etc. Inng hnero nagaing. This cloth is
transparent. Nagailing ang la mga by.
Their jackets are transparent. You can see
through their jackets. (cf. sing).
inagahn, Pertaining to the early part of
the day, for the morning, used, being,
occurring, in the morning. Balasahn
nga inagahn. A morning paper. (cf. ga,
ingaw, To scuffle, scramble, fight for the
possession of. Ang mga bt nagaingaw
sang mga bukka. The boys are fighting for
the ripe fruit of the camunsil-tree. (cf.
inaghan, Event, passage, happening,
experience, anecdote, whathappened,
took place, anything experienced or gone
through. (cf. gi, ingyan).
inagn, Transparent, not opaque. See
ingpang, Made up into a hank; by the
hank. Nagbakl ak sing bunng nga
ingpang. I bought some yarn by the hank.
(cf. gpang).
ingsap, A chip, splinter, small piece. (cf.
inagnto, Gasping, panting, for
breath; to gasp, etc. (cf. agnto).
inagsan, Scraped clean, dressed (of
rattan, etc.; cf. gus).
ingyan, Past passive of gi. (cf.
inahn, Female parent (used only of
animals; cf. in, inng). (From the
Cebuano dialect).
in, in, Female parent, mother (used
only of animals); a dam. (cf. inng,
inahn). (From the Taglog dialect).
in-in, Dim. of in. To use the term
in i.e. to speak or pretend to speak the
Hiligynon dialect.
inakp, To receive hospitably, take care
of, treat well. Iya si gininakp sa dak
nga paghlung kag paghiggma. He
received him with great affection and love.
(cf. kup, bton, ttap, sagp, batit,
inalabab, (H) Progeny, offspring,
descendants; turbid, full of dirt or sediment
(of water). (cf. alabab, hinalabab).
inalw, Pertaining to or affected with the
skin-disease alw. Also active plural and
perf. passive form of alwto entertain
visitors, etc.

inalng-ong, Understanding,
knowledge, inkling. Wal si sing inalngong sang ginpanysay kana. He knows
nothing of what was explained a short
while ago. (cf. alng-ong).
inloy, Sham, pretense, imitation, fake,
feigned, assumed, simulated; to feign,
simulate, a disease, etc. Inloy gid lang
ang ya balatan. His sickness is only a
sham. Nagainloy si nga may hilnat.
He is only pretending to have a cold. (cf.
loy, aloyn).
inamy, (H) Fatherly, paternal. Inamy
nga paghiggma. Fatherly affection. (cf.
amy, tintay).
inameriknhon, American, according to
American customs, manners or usage.
inank, Scion, offspring, child, children,
progeny; childlike, filial. (cf. ank, bint).
inany, Slow, soft, tender, mild; to do
tenderly, etc. Inany nga pagkahlug. A
soft fall. Inany nga uln. A gentle rain.
Ibutng in dir sing inany. Put it there
carefully. Hakwat ang masakt nga bt
sing inany, or: inanay ang paghkwat
sang masakt nga bt. Lift the sick child
tenderly. (cf. anany, alugynay, hnay).
innay, inanyan, Full of, infested
with, white ants, attacked, or ruined, by
white ants or termites. (cf. nay).
inng, A contraction of in nga. Inng
baly, for: in nga baly. That house.
inng, A female parent, mother (used only
of animals), a dam. (cf. in, in, inahn).
inng, The body or main part of a
garment (not including collar, sleeves,
fringes, etc.).
inangn, Goal, end, bourne, destination,
expected result; asylum, refuge. (cf. angn;
alypan, dalngpan, aptan,
inng-inng, As or like a mother,
motherly. (cf. inng, amngamng
inng-nang, Dim. of inng. Also: to
pretend to be wise or experienced, lay claim
to great knowledge; a wiseacre, a would-bewise person (said only of women). Daw si
inng-nang si. She is a wiseacre.
Nagpakainng-nang si. She pretends to
be a wise (experienced) matron.
inni, Rice (harvested). (cf. ni).
inno, (Sp. enano) Dwarf, pigmy, midget,
runt; an idiot, simpleton, fool. (cf. putt,
kmay; buangt, kulngkulng).
inno, To happen, chance or come to pass
whatever. Bisn maginno malakt gid
ak sa bus. Whatever happens, I shall go
to-morrow. (cf. irwan).
innos, Consumptive, phthisical;
pertaining to consumption. (cf. nos,
anosn, as-asn).
inantarn, Distance; difference. Malay
kayo ang inantarn sang ya nga
hmbal kag sang ya nga bhat. There is a


innyan ngol
great difference between what he said
(says) and what he did (does). (cf. ntad).
innyan, Rice-field from which the rice
has been gathered. (cf. ni).
inap, Pertaining to the manners and
customs of the deaf and dumb; dumbshow; to talk by signs and gestures as the
deaf and dumb. Malam ka bal
maginap? Do you know how to talk by
signs and gestures? Inap nga sugilnon.
A conversation conducted in the manner of
the deaf and dumb. (cf. ap).
inapiny, Cooperation, mutual help,
support; to cooperate, help each other, etc.
(cf. pin).
inarabab, Offspring, etc. See
inaradhan, A ploughed field, what has
been ploughed, tillage, tilled. Sa
inaradhan. On the ground that has been
ploughed. (cf. ardo).
inarohl, (B) To jest, joke, etc. See
inarl, (B) See inarohl. (cf. arl).
inart, (B) Voluble, glib, fluent; to talk
fast,glibly,fluently,volubly, to gabble.
Nagainart si kon maghmbal. He is
very voluble in his talk. (cf. art).
nas, To go or pass over frequently,
repeatedly, as over a path, a book, a lesson,
etc.; to harden by being gone over, as a
road, etc. Nanas na ang dlan. The road is
now trodden hard. Ginnas ko yanng
lbro. I had often gone through that book
orI perused it many timesorI studied
it well. Insa inng algyan. Make this
footpath hard by going frequently over it.
Pagainsan ka gid sing bnas sa mo nga
talmnan, kon nd ka magpatndog sing
mayo nga kodl. You will certainly have a
footpath trodden through your field, unless
you erect a strong fence. (cf. hnas).
ins, Hard, trodden hard. Ins nga
algyan. A well trodden footpath.
inasl, Roasted on a spit. Mank, krne
nga inasl. Roast chicken, roast beef.
inasinn, Salted, salt. Inasinn nga
krne, sd, ph, etc. Salt meat, salt fish,
salted mangoes, etc. (asn).
inton, According to our customs,
manners, way of living, mode of speech,
etc. (tonour, ours, including the person
or persons spoken to). (cf. mon, kit).
inw-inw, Pellucid, translucent,
shining or showing through, limpid, clear,
bright, diaphanous; to be pellucid, etc.
Inwinw ang ya mga mat. His eyes are
lustrous, bright, clear. Nagainwinw ang
ya dug sa psngi. Her blood shows
through the cheeks. Her cheeks are rosy.
She has rosy cheeks. Maayay na si
Fulno, kay inwinw na liwn ang ya
tubg. N.N. is a little better now, for his
windpipe is visible again.


Visayan-English Dictionary
iny, Mother. (cf. ily, nnay, in,
inahn, inng).
inynon, Motherly. (cf. ilynon, inily).
indahng, To suffer from too much heat,
be restless due to hot, sultry weather.
Nagaindahng si sa laks nga nit. On
account of the excessive heat he is ill at
ease, (feels languid).
indakl, To seethe, bubble, boil. Ang
tbig nagaindakl na. The water is boiling.
Paindakal ang tbig. Make the water boil.
(cf. bukl, aklakl, sindakl, alimbukd).
nday, Darling girl, sweetheart, dear child,
little dear, little girl. (cf. aky; bbay).
indy, The vocative of nday. Darling,
dear, my sweet, honey.
nd, No, not, not so, do not, you shall not,
you must not, dont; to refuse, decline,
prohibit, say no. Mapailnglong ikw sa
bus?Ind. Are you going to Iloilo tomorrow?No (I am not going, will not,
shall not, refuse to, go). In nd mayo,
knd malin. This is not good, but bad.
Ind am in. Thats not so. That isnt it.
Ind ka magbhat sin or Ind mo
pagbuhton in. Dont do that. Ind ak
magbhat sin. I will not (shall not) do
that. I have no intention of doing that.
Nagnd si. He said no, he refused, he
declined. Indin mo si. Refuse him. Reject
him. (cf. dl, d; wal. N.B. Ind and dl
are negative particles to be used in
connection with a refusal or non-intention,
with a non-conformity, with prohibitions
and futures, whilst wal (no, none, there is
not, does not exist) expresses either the
lack, absence or non-existence of
something, or the fact that an action or
event has not taken, or is not taking, place).
ind-nd, To say no repeatedly; to seem
to, to seemingly, to apparently,
refuse. (cf. birgbrg, bisy-bsyo).
ndis, Competition, contest, match,
tournament, drive; to compete, contest,
contend, vie with, play against. Mostly used
with pa. Paindis (Indis) nnyo ang
bsbol. Compete with each other at
baseball. Nagaindisnay
(nagapaindisnay) sil. They arevying
with each other,competing with each
inds-ndis, Dim. and Freq. of ndis.
Paindsindisn nnyo ang relh nga
igaprmyo sa magadag. Compete for the
watch to be given as a prize to the winner.
Ginhwat nla ang is ka paindsndis sa
dmug. They got up a wrestling contest.
indulhnsya, (Sp. indulgencia)
Indulgence (a theological term).
Indulhnsya parsyl kag plenrya. A
partial and plenary indulgence. (Sp.
indulgencia parcial y plenaria).
ng, (B) To forbid, prohibit, interdict,
disallow, not permit or allow. Nagang si
sa ya mga bt sang mga bnga nga
maslum. He does not allow his children to

eat unripe fruit. Ginaingan in. It is

forbidden. Ginaingan sang tagya ang
pagkh sinng mga bnga. The owner
forbids the taking of that fruit. Ingi sil
sa. Forbid them to. Ind mo
pagkuhon in, kay ng sang tagya.
Dont take it, because the owner does not
permit it.
ing, The bellow, roar, bleat; to bellow,
roar, bleat (of a buffalo). Ginaingan sang
karabw ang ya nga tnday. The buffalo
is bleating (roaring) for its calf.
ingw, Mew, mewing; to mew, miaw,
meaw, miaul. Ang kurng nagaingw. The
cat mews.
nggat, To twinkle, glitter, sparkle,
glimmer, etc. (cf. gpat, dlak, sdlak,
nggo, A kind of resin used for medicinal
purposes, especially as a plaster for the
nghit, To move, shift, shove, dislodge,
shake loose, change the posture or position
of. Inghit ang halgi kon makanghit ka
sin. Move the post, if you are able (to
move it). (cf. ghit, giht, ngk, nk).
ingt, To be angry, offended, discontent.
(cf. kig, pasingt, sngon).
ngk, To move, lift, shift, dislodge,
remove from its place. Ingka kon
mangk mo yanng bat. Shift (or move)
that stone, if you can. Nangk ang
kinitan sang tp, kay nagkpus ang
khoy. The board seams opened, for the
wood shrank. (cf. nghit, etc.).
ngkib, To nibble, gnaw, bite off a little at
a time. Nagangkib si sing mas nga
binog. He is nibbling roasted corn,
popcorn. Ingkib lang ang mas. Just
nibble the corn (on the cob). (cf. ikb,
kbkib, ktkit, t-ot, p-ap).
ngkit, See ngkibto nibble, etc.
ingls, (Sp. ingls) English, Englishman,
Anglo-Saxon, Briton, Britisher. (cf.
ininglsreferring to the English language,
customs, etc.).
ngod, To be alongside, side by side, at the
side of, by the side of, beside, adjoining,
neighbouring, next, near each other.
Nagangod ang la mga baly. Their
homes are near each other. Ingdi (ingri)
si. Go near himorPlace yourself at his
side. Kon magpatndog ka sing bg-o nga
baly ingod mo sa mon baly. When you
build a new house, put it up alongside ours.
(cf. ping, luy).
ingd, Side, collateral line of. Sa ingd
sang simbhan, sang baly, etc. At the
side of, next to, the Church, the house, etc.
ingd-ngod, Dim. and Freq. of ngod
and ingd.
ngol, Scarcity, scarceness, rarity, dearth;
to be scarce, rare, difficult to encounter or
obtain. Nagangol ang kwrta, sd, ph,
etc. Money is scarce, fish is scarce, mangoes
are difficult to obtain, etc. (cf. wat, hn).

Visayan-English Dictionary
ngos, To ask insistently and
importunately, by whining or half-crying,
as children when they wish to obtain
something from their parents and are not
inclined to take a refusal. Ingsi lang si
nnay mo, bs pa lang nga makadngat
ka sang mo ginakaluygan. Beg hard of
your mother, perhaps you may be able to
get what you want. Ang id kon kais
nagangos sa ya katulgon. Dogs
sometimes whine in their sleep.
ingrso, (Sp. ingreso) Income, receipts,
revenue, returns, earnings, fees, entry; to
come in, be paid in, etc., pay by
installments. Ang kwrta nga natpon
iingrso mo sa bnko. Pay the money
collected in to the Bank. Naingresohn
kam sing ditay lmang sang blan nga
tinalkdan. Last month our receipts
amounted to little. Paingresoh si sang
am nga plak sa kon. Make him pay that
money over to me. (cf. pangt, kinitan,
plak nga nagasuld).
inhenyro, (Sp. ingeniero) Engineer;
mechanic, mechanician, machinist.
inhnyo, (Sp. ingenio) Talent, ability,
ingeniousness, ingenuity, cleverness,
genius, mind.
inhustsya, (Sp. injusticia) Injustice,
want of equity, unfairness, iniquity, wrong.
(cf. dmatrung).
inhsto, (Sp. injusto) Unjust, wrongful,
wrong, iniquitous, unrighteous, unfair,
wicked, bad. (cf. dmatrung).
in, (H) This, it. Gen. Dat. and Acc. sin. In
nga, sini ngaare frequently
contracted into inng and sinng. In nga
lbroorInng lbro. This book. Ang
tagya sin nga balyorsinng baly.
The owner of this house. (cf. di, ri, in
that; ydto, dto, atthat (referring to
objects farther away than in).
inhaw, Slaughter; slaughtered, killed.
(hawto slaughter, kill).
inhaw, (H) Roast. Inhaw nga mas.
Roasted corn, popcorn. (hawbogto
roast; cf. binog).
inily, (H) Motherly, maternal, tender,
affectionate, unselfish. (cf. ily; inamy
fatherly; ilynon).
in-, -in-, The prefix in- and the
intercalation -in- are often used:
1) instead of gin- and na- to form the past
passive, e.g. inabutn (ginabutn,
naabutn) from abtto arrive; binhat
(ginbhat, nabhat) from bhatto make;
hinadlukn (ginhadlukn, nahadlukn)
from hdlukto fear, etc.
2) to denote an often repeated action or an
action by many, e.g. nagahinmpang
(nagahilinmpang, nagahalmpang)
silthey are playing. (hmpangto play);
nagagilinisgos silthey are moving.
(gosto move).
3) to form verbs from adjectives, e. g.
tmadlazy. Ind ka magtinamd. Dont
be lazy.

ngos inog4) to form a great number of adjectives, e.g.

mainamlgoncareful from mligto be
careful, etc.
n-in Diminution, lessening, deterioration,
loss of quality or quantity. Sing masnsun
gingmit mo in nga by, pang tbtub
karn wal gid sing n-in; dw bg-o
gihpon. You have used that dress quite
often, but till now it is not the worse for
wear, it is still like new. Wal gid sing n-in
ang kadalsay sinng lnggaw, bisn
nasimbugn na sing tbig. This vinegar
has not lost its strength, though it has been
mixed with water. Ang humy dir sa
tabungs daw wal sing n-in, gi
nabuhnan ko sing duh ka gntang. The
rice in the tabungs-basket seems to have
been left intact, though as a matter of fact I
have taken two gantas from it. Also, but
seldom, used as a verb: Ind magn-in
inng salslon, bat nga bantling, etc.
This iron, solid stone, etc., will not wear
out, will not rust, crumble, lose strength or
the like. (cf. bhin, ban).
iningls, English, pertaining to English
manners, customs or speech, Anglo-Saxon,
British; to speak English. Inng tuln-an
nga sinult sa Iningls ginhud nya sa
Binisay. This book written in English has
been translated by him into the Visayan
language. Ind si kahibal maghmbal
sang Iningls. He cannot speak English.
Ind si maginingls, kon waly
kabangdnan nga dak. He will not speak
English, unless there is good reason for it.
inngod, Near each other; neighbour. Si
Hun inngod nmon. John is our
neighbour. (ngod; cf. kaping, kasilngan).
innit, Warmed, warm, hot, heated,
boiling. Innit nga tbig. Hot or boiling
water. (cf. nit).
innsik, Chinese, Chinese customs,
manner, language, way of living, etc.; to
speak Chinese. Malam ka bal
maginnsik? Do you know how to speak
Chinese?orcan you speak Chinese? (cf.
inisipy, Selfishness; reckoning; to be
selfish; to count, etc. See sip.
nit, Heat, sun-heat, heat of the day,
warmth, fervour; to become or make hot,
fervid. Nagnit ang binngon sa dlaw.
The bolo became hot in the sun. Inta ang
tbig. Heat the water. Inti ang mank sing
tbig sa paghimlbul. Boil some water to
clean the chicken of its feathers. Init mo
inng kalyo sa salslon. Heat the iron in
this fire. Ginakinahnglan sang ton
lwas ang nit sang slak sang dlaw. Our
body needs the heat of sunlightorof the
suns rays. Nagntus si sing alngay
sang nit kag uln. He bore equally well
sunshine and rain. Naganit ang ya lwas
sa kakig. He is waxing hot with anger.
Init ak nay sinng tinpay. Please warm

this bread for me. (cf. tagt, tagngting,

salit; bhot, gn-ot).
intan, Sunshine, the heat of the sun.
Nagbats si sang ulnan kag intan. He
bore (braved) the rain as well as the heat of
the sun.
int-nit, Dim. and Freq. of nit. Tepidity,
slight heat, warmth; to be or become warm,
tepid, a little hot, etc. Sang nagaint-nit na
ang paginawy-way sang mga bt
umabt ang la magtoton kag ya sil
tinambagn. When the fighting of the boys
grew rather hot their teacher arrived on the
scene and stopped them. Lus na si sa
katalgman, pang ginaint-nit pa
gihpon ang ya lwas. He is now out of
danger, but he has still a rather high fever
(temperature). Int-inta ang tsa. Warm
the tea a little. (cf. alabab).
initumn, Black-striped, blackened, with
patches of black colour. By nga
initumn. A black-striped coat. (cf. itm).
nk, To move, etc. See ngk.
inkhi, (Sp. encaje) Encasement; lace; to
encase; to lace, make laces. Inkahha ang
halgi. Encase the post. Inkahhi ang
tbong sang mga pak ko. Put lace round
the edge of my sleeves. Makahibal ikw
maginkhi? Do you know how to make
nkib, (H) To nibble; etc. See ngkib, ikb.
nkit, (H) To gnaw, nibble, etc. See ngkib.
inkurusn, inkursan, Cross-road,
cross-roads, cross-way, cross-ways,
intersection of roads. (cf. krus, ginsngan).
inm-, -inm-, A verbal prefix
(intercalation) corresponding to nag- and
naga-, which are at present much more
commonly employed than the rather oldfashioned inm- and -inm-. Ginmkan
(naggkan); ginmigkan (nagagkan);
sinmk (nagsk); sinmlig (nagslig);
sinmaslig (nagaslig); tinmoto
(nagato); dinmpit (nagdpit);
dinmngat (nagdngat); inmabt
(nagabt); inmrut (nagrut), etc. etc.
ind, (B) To follow, imitate. Inod (or)
si. Follow him. Inod (or) ang
ginahm nya. Imitate his deeds. Do as he
does. (cf. sund, log);
ind-nod, (B) Dim. and Freq. of ind.
Magindnod ka lang sang makt mo nga
ginabhat sang ibn. Simply do what you
see the others do.
inog-, A verbal prefix related to and often
identical with i-, ig-, iga-, but preferably
used in expressing circumstances of time or
instrumentality. Ang mga dlaw nga
inogpusa. Fast-days. Tin na nga
inoglakt. It is now time to set out, to go or
walk. Adlaw nga inogpangabdlay. A
work-day. Adlaw nga inogpahay. A day
of rest. A holiday. Bat nga inoggalng
sang mas. A stone for grinding corn. Papl
nga inogsult. Writing paper. Batakn nga


inogbulung ipt
inogllan sang mga sakayn. A crane for
loading ships. Inogbk-onga shroud,
sheet, cover. Inogbaltwa lever, bar for
raising heavy loads. Inogkalham
(inogpangalham)the sense of touch,
sensation through contact.
Inogsagmsamtaste, the sense of taste.
Inoglarwanfor use in painting, carving,
photography, etc. etc. (cf. inugid.).
inogbulung, The season of fruitbearing. (cf. tigbulung).
inoghalngup, Understanding,
comprehension, discernment, developed
mental faculties. (cf. hangp; but,
inoghngit, Spoon. (cf. hngit, hungt;
inogpamhid, Towel. (cf. phid; tulya,
inogpaska, An emetic, anything made
use of to excite vomiting. (cf. ska).
inogsgpon, Continuation, addition.
Sang pagkabat nya sin nawd-an si
sing inogsgpon. When he heard this, he
did not know how to continue the
conversationorhe lost the thread of his
ideas. (sgpon).
inolpon, (H) Slavish, pertaining or
referring to slavery or drudgery, menial,
servile. Pangabdlay nga inolpon. Servile
or menial work. Inolpon nga
kahimtngan. The position of a slave or
menial servant. (cf. olpon, kahiolpnan,
inm, See inmto drink, etc.
inmol, A handful; by handfuls; the fist.
Ind mo ak pagturturan sang imo nga
inmol. Dont shake your fist at me. (cf.
not, (H) To spend economically, live
frugally, thriftily. Naganot si sang ya
pangabh. He lives frugally. Inta ang
mo kinitan. Spend your earnings
int-not, (H) Dim. and Freq. of not.
Intinti sing mantk ang pagprto sang
mank. Use only a little lard in frying the
chicken. (cf. katkta, kinkn).
inpirno, (Sp. infierno) Hell, gehenna,
pandemonium, Hades, place of damnation,
infernal regions.
inpiernohnon, The inhabitants of hell,
damned, hell-born, hellish, infernal,
Stygian. (cf. tinagudilan).
nsa, Why? Wherefore? On what account?
How? (cf. nga, tungd sa an, ndot).
insyo, (Sp. ensayo) Practice, exercise,
trial; rehearsal. (cf. repso).
insensryo, (Sp. incensario) Thurible,
censer. (cf. bagahn).
nsik, Chinese, Chinaman.
insulr, (Sp. insular) Insular;
Constabulary, Insular Police. (cf.


Visayan-English Dictionary
insynso, (Sp. incienso) Incense; to
incense. Gininsyensohn nya ang
halarn. He incensed the Altar.
intndi, (Sp. entender) To understand,
comprehend, take, grasp, know, make out,
fathom, realize. Ind si makaintndi. He
does not know (understand, comprehend).
Intindihn mo in sing mayo.
Understand that well. Bear that well in
mind. (cf. syod, hibal, dmdum, hntup,
hangp, entinde).
nt, One who is fooled or tricked, an
April-fool, one amenable to flattery, to be
wheedled or cajoled; to fool, befool, make a
fool of, bamboozle, blarney, beguile, trick,
flatter, coax, wheedle, cajole, inveigle, do,
diddle. Magnt ka sa ya. Play a trick on
him. Sa dlaw sang mga Inosntes
nagapangnt ang mga to. People use to
play practical jokes on Holy Innocents day.
Into si. Bamboozle him. Flatter him. Ind
ko si paginton. I am not goingto fool
him,to obtain from him a favour by
flattery. (cf. hs, odt, uns, uts).
int-nt, Dim. and Freq. of nto. Andam
sil, agd dl ka nla pagintinton
(pagintinton). Be on your guard that
they do notplay a trick on you,play you
a trick,take you in. (cf. hashs).
ntok, (B) Small, tiny, little, wee;
consisting of small pieces or particles; to be
or become small, etc. (cf. ditay, dtay,
gamy, ggmay, dtik, ik, ist, tik,
ntus, (H) The juice of the sugar cane. (cf.
inug, See inog.
inm, To drink, imbibe, quaff, swig, swill,
drain the cup, bib, guzzle. Imna in. Drink
this. Imni inng bno bisn ditay lang.
Drink some of this wine, even if only a
little. Take a little of this wine. Ipainm sa
ya inng tbig nga mabgnaw nga is ka
bso. Give him this glass of fresh water to
drink. Pamna si. Give him a drink. Let
him drink. Ind ka maginm sing laks
nga tub, kay bs mahubg (mabalng)
ikw. Dont drink too much toddy, you may
get drunk. (cf. konto eat).
inum, Rural, rustic, of the country,
pertaining to the country, not urban. (cf.
um, umnhon).
innlan, The after-birth, placenta. (cf.
inun-onn, A dish of fish or meat mixed
with vinegar, various spices or ingredients,
etc., but with little or no sauce; a dish of
mixed vegetables, salad. (cf. n-on).
inurroy, Sighing, moaning, complaint,
shouting with pain; to moan, complain, etc.
(cf. urroy, aragy, pangaragy).
inury-ruy, A chat, conversation; to
converse familiarly. (cf. ody-doy).
inusisay, Investigation, examination,
inquiry, inquisition, research; to
investigate; etc. (cf. uss).

intsan, Bagasse, crushed sugar cane. (cf.

bagso, sip; ntus, inuts).
intud, Cut-off, broken-off, severed; a
cutor broken-off piece, a fragment.
Intud nga khoy. A broken-off piece of
wood. Gintdan si sang mdiko sang ya
batis kag ang intud nalubng sa ptyo.
The physician cut off his leg and the
severed limb was buried in the cemetery.
(cf. tud).
inuts, The expressed juice of the sugarcane. Pabukal ang inuts. Boil the sugarcane juice. (cf. uts, ntus).
nyam, A kind of tree with sour, edible
nyo, Of you (plural); your, yours. (cf.
nnyo; kon).
os, -os, (H) To move, stir, wriggle, etc.
See hos, wos, hlag, etc.
ipalanimh, The sense of smell. (cf.
bh, bah).
ipalatugsling, (H) Conscience, heart,
consideration. (cf. patugsling,
ipangalham, The sense of touch,
feeling. (cf. ipalanimh, idulngug,
itulluk, idilmdim).
ipanimh, See ipalanimhthe sense
of smell.
ipip, ip-ip, To jam, press, squeeze,
wedge, crowd, pack, together, be
jammed, compressed or near together.
Nagaipip ang la paglngkod sa bnk.
They are sitting squeezed together on the
bench. Ipi-pa sil, agd makapngk
man ikw dir sa bnk. Squeeze them
together so that you too may be able to sit
on the bench. Naipip ang mga tuln-an sa
estnte. The books in the book-case are
closely wedged together. Paipi-pan mo
ang aparadr sang mga lbro. Put the
books compactly into the case. (cf. ipt).
pil, A kind of hardwood tree and its highly
esteemed timber.
ping, (H) To adjoin, be next, be near by,
adjacent, be at the side of, by the side of,
beside, neighbouring; condition of being at
the side of or adjoining something else.
Nagaping ang mon mga baly. Our
houses adjoin each other. Ipngi si. Join
himorGo to his side. Sa ping sang
simbhan, etc. Next the Church, adjoining
the Church, etc. Nagaipingy sil sa
lamsa. They are sitting near each other at
table. They are neighbours at table. (cf.
ngod, ingd, luy).
ipisn, A gin, a machine for separating the
seeds from cotton, cotton-gin.
ipt, To compress, press between, squeeze,
jam. Ipit ang tabk sa snsoy mo. Press
down the tobacco in your pipe. Magipt ka
sing prmas (hostys). Make some hosts
or wafers. Naipt ang ya tdl sang
ganghan. His finger got jammed in the
door. Ginipt nya ang tabk. He
compressed the tobacco-leaves. (cf. ipip).

Visayan-English Dictionary
ipitn, Anything used to compress (as a
hot-iron and the like); a press. (cf. ilipitn,
ipt; balhganprinting press).
plok, To withdraw ones head, dodge,
duck, stoop down, step quickly aside, hide
or conceal ones head, etc. Iplok ang lo
mo, agd nd ka mag sang bat. Duck
your head, lest you should be hit by the
stone. Iplok si kon magtngl sa
bintn. If he looks up at the window, step
aside quickly. Giniplokn nya ak sang
paglubs ko sa ya baly. When I passed
his house, he hid from me, (dodged me).
(cf. kl, plok).
ip, Plucked, picked, culled, broken off.
Ip nga blak. A picked, plucked flower.
p, To pick, pluck, cull, gather, break off,
snap off. Ipa yanng mga blak. Pluck
those flowers. Ipi ak sinng mga ph.
Gather those mangoes for me. Ip ak
nay sinng mga talng sa pamulkan.
Please gather the ripe eggplants in the
garden for me. Sn-o ang nagp sinng
bnga? Who picked this fruit?
ipg, (B) A small coconut-shell vessel, a
small hungt, money-box. (cf. alkansya,
ip-p, Dim. and Freq. of pto pluck,
ip-ip, Very poor, miserable, indigent.
(cf. mol, makalol-oy).
pot, (H) Faeces, excrement, dung, ordure.
(cf. ti; itdroppings of birds, etc. Ti and
pot are used promiscuously for the faeces
of man and beast).
ipotn, Anus. (cf. kalipunt, kagaln,
palamus-nan, kiliputn).
iptan, Rest, pause, interruption, respite.
Wal si sing iptan sang panghmos. She
has no rest in her work. (cf. hinl,
ipt-pot, Fire-fly, fern-beetle, glowworm. (cf. aninpot, angingpot).
ipy, A tuft of hair in the groove of the
neck. (cf. tngkoy).
ipyan, One who has a tuft of hair in the
groove of the neck. (cf. tingkyan).
ipy-poy, Dim. of ipya tuft of hair.
ipy-ipyan, Dim. of ipyan.
ipysan, Tapering. (cf. paysan,
ipys, pyos, Taper; to taper, make in a
tapering form. Ipyos ang paly. Taper the
wooden bolt.
rab, To scorch, etc. See lab, slab.
irahynon, According to the language,
customs and manners of people living
inland or away from the sea. Irahynon
nga panghmbal. The mountain dialect.
(cf. hinarya, binukdnon, iraynhon).
irs, To annoy, jar, grate, get, upon
ones nerves, strike painfully or annoyingly,
be a nuisance. Ginairs ak sinng
hmbal. I am getting annoyed at that kind
of talk. Nagapairs si sa kon. He is
getting on my nerves (with his refusals,

ipitn isigpretexts, excuses, or the like). Inng babe

nagapairs sang ya nga panpton. It is
trying to see how this woman flaunts her
irs, A worm of the size of a centipede that
causes a painful itch when brought in
contact with the skin. (cf. tl-as, lupk).
ras, irs, (B) Line, row; furrow. See das.
raw, To be full of light, show many lights,
illuminate well or with many lights. Abw,
kagb-i nagraw gid lang ang mga
kandl sa prosesyn. My, last night there
were ever so many lighted candles in the
iray, (B) See ilayup-river, inland, upcountry, towards the mountains, away from
the sea.
irya, See ilyaup-river, etc. (cf. iray,
iraynhon, (B) Away from the coast-line,
up-river, inland; people living in the
interior. (cf. irahynon, irya, irynon,
irynon, See iraynhon, hinarya.
irighmon, See ilighmona sore throat
with coughing.
irigmon, Food for dinner. (cf. iligmon,
irn, A young, small cat, kit, kitten, kitty.
(cf. kurng, kut).
irng, See irnkitten.
irod, ir-od, To rub against, press
against and drag or pull along. Ginairod
sang id ang ya bul sa bat. The dog is
rubbing his rump against the stone. (cf.
arod, orod, nsnus).
irirs, A small primitive scoop or spoon
made of coconut leaves, or the like. (cf.
irwan, (B) See inno id. Kangon kon
magirwan kam; nd ak magaby. It
would be a pity, if something (any evil,
accident, ill luck, etc.) happened to you; I
wont be one of the party.
Irlnda, (Sp. Irlanda) Ireland, Erin.
Irlandahnon, Irish, Irishman.
Irlandnhon, See Irlandahnon.
ir, A kind of squirrel.
ir, (B) To flatter, etc. See il.
ro, To stand, tolerate, brook, suffer, be
able to bear. Ind ak makaro magkon
sang katmbal. I cannot eat chili. Ind na
maro in. That cannot be borne
(tolerated) any longer. Karo ka
magsnghot sinng blak? Can you stand
the smell of that flower? Ind ko madwan
(for mairhan) inng bah. I cannot bear
this stench. (cf. bats, ntus).
irg-irg, To ape, imitate servilely. See
ilgilg, ilgilogn.
irhan, From roto bear, stand. See
dwan id.
rong, (B) To sniff at, run after, etc. See
long. Also: to stand together in a group or
circle with the faces turned towards each

irt, To scorch, burn, bring fire, live coals

or a flame in contact with; to singe. Irot
sang kandl ang papl. Scorch the paper
with the lighted candle. Ginirotn nya ang
kamt ko sing psporo. He touched my
hand with a burning match. Iirt sa tp
inng pioks. Put this cigar against the
board. Nakibt si, kay nairotn sang
tabk ni Fulno ang ya nga dulnggan.
He started (jumped) for N.N.s cigarcame
against his ear,singed his ear.
irs, Scoop, spoon. See irirs.
sa, (Sp. izar) To haul up, hoist. Isha ang
hayhay. Hoist the flag. Ishi ang lrtsa
sang mga lyag. Hoist the lorchas sails.
Nagasa sil sang bandra. They are
putting up the flag. (cf. btak).
is, (H) One, unit, single, solitary, alone,
sole, all by oneself; to be, take, make, etc.
only one. Wal nya ak paghatgi bisn
sing is ka dak. He did not give me even a
single centavo. Is gid lang ang magupd
sa kon sa karn. Only one of you shall
come with me this time. Isah lang ang
pagkh sing lub. Just take one coconut.
ishon, One, one for one (centavo, pesos,
etc.). Mabakl ak sing pospor nga
ishon. I am going to buy a box of matches
that costs one centavo.
isahn, Alone; to be alone, be all by
oneself. Nagaisahn gid lang si sa baly.
He is quite alone in the house. He is living
all alone, he is all by himself, in the
is-sa, Dim. and Freq. of is. Is-sa
(nagaissa) lang si dir. He is there
quite alone, all by himself. (cf. isahn).
isis, is-is, To rub oneself against. Ang
karabw nagaisis sang ya log sa khoy.
The buffalo is rubbing its neck against the
tree. Ginisasan sang kabyo ang sklat
sang mon baly. The horse rubbed itself
against the bamboo wall of our house.
isar, (B) Alone, only, solitary, sole, the
only one. (cf. usar).
isaymda, (Sp. ensaimada) Light coffeecake, bun, roll.
sd, Fish. (cf. pangsdto fish, angle, be
a fisherman).
isdan, Fishy, full of, abounding in
fish; fish. Trak nga isdan. A fish-truck.
A truck laden with fish. Sakayn nga
isdan. A fishing smack (boat). (cf. sd).
sdog, isdg, To step aside, shift, move
away. (cf. idg, sol).
sgan, etc. From sugto be brave,
violent, strict, etc.
isgann, Strong, brave, robust, daring,
bold, courageous, intrepid, doughty,
mighty, powerful, puissant, valiant. (cf.
sug, masug).
isig-, A particle denoting equality of
condition, but, unlike isigka-, prefixed to
the personal pronoun and not to the root,
e.g. Ang isigmokatoyour neighbour.
Ang isignilakamagtotontheir fellow-


isigka- tyan
teacher. Ang isigninyokamanankay
your fellow-passenger, etc.
isigka-, A prefix denoting equality of
condition. Isigkabanwahnon; isigkato;
isigkasologon; isigkamamantl, etc. A
co-citizen; a fellow-man, neighbour; a
fellow-servant; a co-editor, etc. (cf. isig).
is-si, (Sp. esethe letter S) In the form
of the letter S, turning, winding; to
stagger, reel, sway to and fro. (cf. tik,
tiplon, lbut; panayd, dulngdling).
isilnghot, The sense of smell. (cf.
snghot, ipalanimh).
sip, Reckoning, counting, count,
numbering, enumeration, tally, tale, mind,
reason, thinking, idea, thought, reasoning;
to reckon, count, carp, number, enumerate,
compute, tell. Ispa sing mayo inng mga
kawyan kon pil ka naht ang klang
pa. Count well these bamboos to find out
how many are still short. Ispi si sing lim
ka gats nga mas nga binlog. Count him
out five hundred full corn-cobs. Isip ak
nay sinng kwrta. Please count this
money for me. Ginaispan nya ang ya
mga tud. He is selfish or niggardly in
dealing with his brothers and sisters (i.e.
counting and making notes of everything
they spend, constantly reminding them of
what it costs him to support them and the
like). Mabtik si magsip. He is an expert
at counting. Daw sa nawd-an si sing
sip. He is, acts, looks, as if he had lost his
senses or reason. He is (was) puzzled or
bewildered. Dl mayo in nga sip. This is
not a good idea or thought. It is bad
reasoning. (cf. hunhn, painno).
isipn, Anything used for counting; a
register, list, counter, index. (cf. sip).
s-is, An exclamation used to urge on
dogs. Is-is, s-is. Seize him. Is-is ang
bboy sing id. Send a dog after the pig.
Ginis-isn nya ak sang ya id. He set
his dog on me. Is-is ang id. Urge on the
dog. (cf. pas-is which is more in use).
sla, (Sp. isla) Island, isle. (cf. pul).
slan, For ilsan from lis.
sol, To step back, retire, withdraw, give
way, make room, retreat, forsake, yield.
Nagsol si. He gave way, stepped back,
withdrew. Natalawn sil kag nagilsol.
Their courage forsook them and they
retreated. Isla si. Put him back. Paisla
si. Make him give way. Order him to stand
back. Isli ak. Isli si. Step back towards
me. Retire towards him. Ginpasol nla ang
kodl. They moved the fence back. (cf.
idg, isdg).
sol, The tail proper of birds. (cf. iw).
ist, (B) Little, not much, a very small
amount. (cf. tik, ditay).
srot, To know. See msrot. Kon may
naisrotn lang ak. If I only had some
knowledge or education. (cf. msng).


Visayan-English Dictionary
ist-sti, To decline or refuse, but only
apparently. See ind-nd, birbr,
bisybsyo, birgbrg, kudskdis, nsyas).
sug, Bravery, valour, courage, nerve, grit,
hardihood, fortitude, prowess, boldness,
daring, intrepidity, doughtiness, fierceness,
violence; to be brave, courageous, doughty,
plucky, manly, firm, strict, valiant, fierce,
unyielding. Nagsug si sa pagbtok sa
ya. He was brave enough to resist him.
Ak lang ang nasgan mo, kay ak man
lang dag mo sa dmug. You dared to
fight me, because I am the only one you can
vanquish in wrestling. Isgi si. Brave him.
Dare him. Stand up to him. Ginpasug nya
ang id sa paglags sang talunn. He
trained the dog to be brave in pursuing wild
pigs. Paisga si sa pakigway. Urge him
on to fight. Stir him up for a fight. (cf.
bkud, ttum, pg-on).
isk, A kind of small bird.
isulk-ay, (H) Anything used for digging,
ploughing, etc.; a plough. (cf. sk-ay).
isullat, (H) Writing materials; pen,
pencil, chalk, etc. Isullat-tuburn. A
fountain pen. (cf. sult).
swad, To bend the body a little forward
and push with ones back. Ind ka
magswad sa kon. Dont push me with
your back. Giniswarn (adn) ak nya.
He pushed me with his back. (cf. iwd).
swag, To extend, expand, make progress.
(cf. swag).
itall-us, (H) In place of, Vice, acting,
deputy, proxy. Itall-us nga panglo-pud.
Provincial Vice-governor. (See itl-us id.).
(cf. tl-us).
itl-tal, Suspense, doubt, precariousness;
dilemma, difficulty; to be in suspense or
doubt, be or keep in a precarious condition.
Yr na si sa dak nga itl-tal nga bs
yhan ismbung si sa hokm. He is in
great suspense at present, for he may be
accused before the judge. (cf. duhdha;
itl-itl, Loose, insecure, not well joined,
not firmly attached or connected; to be or
become loose, etc. (cf. katlkatl).
itl-us, Substitute, instead of, vice,
acting, deputy, proxy. (cf. tlus). Itall-us
it, The excrement, droppings, of birds,
poultry, bats and reptiles; to void
excrement (of birds, etc.). Nagit ang
mank sa salgorIntyan (initihn)
sang mank ang salg. The chicken has
dirtied the floor. Dl mo pagpatyon ang
mung dir. Dont let the hen make a mess
there. (cf. ti, pot).
tik, (H) To tickle. See tok id.
itn-tin, To hint at, allude to, intimate,
insinuate, make innuendos, make
insinuations, give out obscure hints, speak
in parables or similitudes intelligible only
to the initiated. Ind ka magitntin, kndi
maghmbal ka sing mathag, kay

makasalklaw ang pagitntin. Dont make

insinuations, but speak clearly, for
malicious hints are exasperating.
Ginitinitnan (ginpaitinitnan) ak nya
sang malisd nga pagbt sang kon
nnay. N.N. gave me some hints as to the
serious illness of my mother. (cf. paitntin
which is more in use).
itp, (B) Crust. Ang kn-on may itp sa
klon. The rice left a crust in the kettle
orhas stuck to the bottom of the kettle.
Also: A kind of skin-disease producing
patches of calluses. (cf. dokt).
t-it, To stand the bitterness of, be able to
stand the bitter or burning taste of. Ind ka
makatit sin. You cannot stand the bitter
taste of that. Daw sa nd matit inng
katmbal. The burning taste of this chili is
almost unbearable.
tlog, Egg; testicle; to lay eggs. Nagtlog
kana inng mung. This hen laid an egg a
short while ago. Nagapangtlog na ang
damulga nga mank. The young hen is
now laying (eggs). Naitlogn ang kon
alla sang is ka mung nga dl kon. My
chicken-basket had an egg laid in it by a
hen that does not belong to me.
tok, (B) To tickle, titillate. Itka si.
Tickle him. Itki si sa ya nga lok. Tickle
him under the arm. (cf. tik).
itk-tok, (B) Dim. and Freq. of tok.
Also: to flatter, wheedle, cajole, coax,
its, To burn, scorch, char, singe. Naits
ang mas sang kalyo. The corn has been
burned by the fire. Ind mo pagitosn ang
krne. Dont scorch the meat. (cf. lab,
slab, irt).
tot, See iyt.
itsra, itsri, Form, shape; nonsense,
bosh; shame, cheek. (cf. etsra, hitsra,
hitsri, tsri, sri).
itulbuk, (H) Anything used to prod with,
as a needle, fork, etc. (cf. tubk).
itulluk, (H) The faculty of seeing, sight,
vision, eyesight. (cf. tluk).
itm, Blackness, darkness; black, sable,
dark; to be or become black. Nagitm ang
ya guy. His face has turned black.
Ginaitumn ak sinng by. This jacket is
too dark (or black) for me. Itum ang
sapn ko nga mapul. Blacken my red
tung, At the side of, next, neighbouring,
near by, placed alongside; to put side by
side, arrange alongside or near each other,
to meet, come together for a quiet
conversation. (cf. ingod, ingd; itngtung
which is more in use than the simple
itng-tung, Dim. and Freq. of tung. (cf.
ingdngod). Also: to whisper, talk in a low
voice, converse very familiarly or secretly.
(cf. hutk, hudnghding, hurnghring).
tyan, etc. From itto void excrements
(of birds, etc.).

Visayan-English Dictionary
w, Dagger; poniard, dirk, knife. (cf.
dga, binngon, talibng, sandk,
ginnting, kotslyo, sndang, garans,
urutp, lanstas).
iwd, With a prominent haunch, bottom,
posterior; one who has conspicuously
projecting buttocks or walks with the body
inclined forward. Iwd si nga to. His
buttocks are prominent. Nagalakt si
sing iwd. He sticks out his posterior when
he walks.
wag, Light, clearness, brightness,
illumination; to light, shed light upon,
shine, give brightness or clearness,
illuminate, enlighten. Ang sug nagawag
sang hult. The lamp gives light to the
room. Iwgi ang ya pagpanug sing
kandl. Light him down with a candle.
Kaby pa nga iwgan sang Mahl nga
Dis ang ton madulm nga
panumdman. May God enlighten our dull
understanding. Sa wag sang knki. In the
light (gleam, glow, glare) of the lamp. Sa
wag sang Pagto. By the light of
Faith. (cf. snag).
iwl-iwl, To move the buttocks up and
down conspicuously. Nagaiwliwl ang
bul nya kon maglakt. When he walks his
buttocks move up and down conspicuously.
Ind ka magpaiwliwl sang bul mo kon
maglakt ikw. Dont move your posterior
up and down in such a fashion, when you
walk. (cf. iwd, swad).
iwn, (B) To do or want what. Maiwn
kam? What do you want?orWhat have
you come here for? Nagaiwn sil dir?
What are they doing there? Iwann ko lang
karn inng tbo, kay nabong? What
shall I do with this lamp-globe, for it is
broken? Nga man nga nabong?
Giniwn mo haw? How did it break? What,
I ask, did you do to it? (cf. an).
wang, To wipe off, clean; make ones
toilet. (cf. ul, li, pangul).
wat, Scarcity, rareness, want, dearth,
scantiness; to be scarce, rare, difficult to
obtain, etc. Sa karn nga panahn
nagawat ang plak. At the present time
money is scarce. (cf. hn, ngol).
way, To go away, leave, go off, depart
from. Iway ka dir. Go away from here.
Nagway na ang kalisd. The trouble has
passedorThe difficulty is over. Ipaway
mo ang malin nga mga bt. Drive off
the misbehaving (bad) boys. Ginpaway
nla ang mga apn. They drove away the
locusts. O Dis ko, ipaway mo sa mon
ang malut nga mga hunhn. Oh my
God, drive away from us evil thoughts. (cf.
iw, (B) The tail (proper) of birds.
Makayon ka sang iw sang mank? Do
you like to eat the tail of a chicken? (cf.
iw-wi, The scorpion.
iwk, A squeal, squeak, shrill cry; to
squeal, squeak, utter a shrill cry. Ang

w kabboy nagaiwk kon dkpon ukn dodon. The pig squeals, if caught or stabbed
with a knife. Paiwik lang ang bboy,
pang dkpon mo gid. Let the pig squeal,
at any rate catch and secure it. (cf. iygak,
iwl-iwl, (B) To shake or move up and
down (of buttocks, etc. See iwl-iwl id.).
wos, (B) To move, stir, etc. See os, yos,
hlag, hwos, etc.
ya, (H) Of him; his, her, hers, it, its. (cf.
si; kon, nya, na).
iygak, Squawk, the cry of distress of
poultry or the like; to emit such a cry, to
squawk. Ang mank nagaiygak kon
dkpon. Chickens squawk when caught.
Paiyagka lang ang sulg, pang kuhon
mo gid sa ya nga ginahaponn
(haponn). Let the cock squawk, but at all
events take him off his perch. (cf. tiybaw,
siagt, torwik, iyagr).
iygud, To drag or push ones body along
a surface without the use of the legs. See
god id.
iyagr, To sigh, moan, complain, cry in
distress. (cf. iygak).
yak, To squawk, etc. See ak, iygak,
iys, A grain, kernel, especially a ricegrain separated from the ear. (cf. is,
yos, (H) To move, stir, wriggle, writhe,
show signs of life by stirring or wriggling,
etc. See wos, hwos, hlag, os, etc.
iys-yos, Dim. and Freq. of yos. To
wriggle, writhe, stir slightly.
iyt, A very obscene term expressive of the
act of copulation. (cf. tot, yod,
yus, See yosto move, etc.

j, The soft Visayan aspirate is best

represented by the letter H pronounced
as in English. Therefore the letter J can
be dispensed with in writing Visayan, even
when Spanish words occur, such
as:Jesucristo, Jos, alhajas, etc., which
are spelled:Hesukrsto, Hos, alhas, etc.

k, This letter has the same sound as the

English c in cat, come, cut, fact, etc.,
but is pronounced a little softer than ck in
lack, pack, struck, etc..
Modern writers almost exclusively employ
k, where formerly c (before a, o, u,
all consonants and hyphens, and at the end
of words) and qu (before e and i) were
used. Bearing this in mind it is easy to find
in this dictionary expressions originally
written according to the old spelling, as
ac, cac, catac, ccac, bc-h, bc-it,
bquid, ququic, etc., under ak, kak,
katak, kkak, bkh, bk-it, bkid, kkik,
The prefixes pan-, hi-, ha-, etc., if
composed with words beginning with the
letter k, become pang, hing, hang,
etc. and the k drops out, e.g. kars
pangars; kalyohingalyo; kuys
hanguys, etc.
ka, A particle employed to connect a
cardinal or ordinal numeral with a noun or
with another numeral. Ka is also used
after distributives, and after the indefinite
pil, whenever the latter has the meaning
of how many or few, e.g. Duh ka pl
ka lbo. Twenty thousand. Ttlo ka gats
ka lbo k to. Three hundred thousand
men. Lim ka karabw. Five buffaloes.
Am in ang ikapl nla ka ank. This is
their tenth child. Sa ikawal ka (nga)
dlaw sa blan sa Enro. On the eighth
day of January. Pil sil ka to? How many
are they? Mga pil lmang ka to ang
nagtalmbong. Only a few men attended.
Nakabton sil sing tagnapl ka
mngmang. They received ten pesos each.
ka, (H) Personal pronoun, often used for
ikwyou (singular). Sn-o ka bal? Who
are you? Din ka makdto? Where are you
going to? Ginbayran ka na nya sang ya
tang sa mo? Has he paid you what he
owed you?
ka-, Short for maka- or naka-. Ind ak
kakdto ddto. I cannot go there.
(kakdtomakakdto). Kaabt
(nakaabt) na si dir? Has he arrived?
Has he come?
ka-, A prefix of very wide use in the
formation of abstract and collective nouns
as well as of an exclamatory superlative
which nearly corresponds in meaning to
the English How! e.g. lamkalam
(wisdom, learning); psankapsan
(diligence, application); pntaskapntas
(cruelty); ngotkaangtnan
(connection); lbutkalabtnan
(participation, implication); uyng
kahinguyngan (outlay, expenditure);
btkabatan (childhood; children);


ka- kaanany
balykabalayn (houses, collection of
houses); tmadkatmad sa mo! How
lazy you are! Dsigkadsig sinng
kabyo! How swiftly this horse runs!
ghud, galngkaghud kag kagalng
sinng mga bt! Oh, the noisiness and
boisterousness of those children! lisday,
kalisd! Oh, what a heavy cross! After
superlative adverbs like laks, lm-ag,
dro, masydo, tm, tman, etc. ka is
either prefixed to the adjectives or takes the
place of ma-, e.g. Dalkgreedy. Laks
kadalk. Very greedy. Laydry. Masydo
kalay. Very dry. Maitmblack. Lm-ag
kaitm. Very black. Madlumdeep. Dro
kadlum. Very deep. Matmbokfat.
Tm katmbok. Very fat. Daklarge.
Tman kadak. Very large, etc.
ka-, In modern Visayan ka- is quite
frequently used instead of pagka- in the
formation of abstract nouns from maadjectives, e.g. kamatinohon
(pagkamatinohon)faith, credulity;
kamatinahron (pagkamatinahron)
respectfulness, and many more.
kaabakahn, An abaca-field, hempplantation. (abak).
kaabng, (B) Greed, selfishness,
covetousness. (cf. abng; kahkug).
kaab-abhon, Friendliness, affability,
amiableness, good-will, sociability. (abbi; cf. kablaw, kaablawn).
kaabinan, Friends, friendships, all
ones friends collectively, ones circle of
friends. (bian).
kablang, kaablangn, (B) Width,
breadth. (cf. blang).
kablaw, Affability, amiability,
amicability, (blaw; cf. kaabiabhon,
kaablawn, See kablaw. Also: things
that make social life agreeable.
kaablawn, See kablaw.
kabong, kaabongn, Exposure to
wind, state of being exposed to the wind.
kabtik, Dexterity, adroitness, quickness,
agility, expertness, swiftness. (btik).
kaabtikn, See kabtik.
kaabynan, See kaabinan.
kadat, Pungency, acridity, acidity,
sharpness of taste combined with
astringency. (dat; cf. kakdat, karat,
kaadatn, See kadat.
kaadlwan, A number of days, period of
time; a fixed day like a birth-day, feast-day,
a day of commemoration, etc. (dlaw).
kaadlwon, (B) Day, day-light; late in
the day, lateness, far advanced (of day). (cf.
kag, Bareheaded; to go about with the
head uncovered. Nagakag lang si sa nit
(intan). He goes about bareheaded in the
sun. (cf. kgkog).


Visayan-English Dictionary
kag, To flutter, be in a flurry, be at a loss
what to do, want to run away, or the like.
Way ka gid pangman; maan ka bi
kon abutn ka sing bista, makag (ka)
lang? You have not made any preparations
whatsoever; what will you do, if visitors
should turn up, will you flurry yourself or
run away? (cf. parpar, palgyo, libg,
kaaghon, Morning, the first part of the
day. (ga: cf. kasangonthe morning
before sunrise).
kagaw, Attraction, charm, captivation,
fascination. (gaw: cf. kailan, kaka).
kagday, (B) Slowness, etc. (cf. gday;
kahnay, kakl, kalgway, kabndul).
kaagdayn, See kagday.
kagrot, Creakiness, grating, harshness
of sound. (grot).
kaagrt, Boasting, bragging,
exaggeration, boastfulness, swaggering.
kaagrotn, See kaagrt, kagrot.
kagt, Blackness, blackishness, quality
of being black. (gt; cf. kaitm).
kaagtan, See kagt.
kaagwsa, Cheerfulness, good humour,
liveliness. (agwsa).
kaagwsa, Extravagance, prodigality.
kaahng, Audacity, temerity, intrepidity,
impertinence, daring, boldness, rashness.
(ahng; cf. kakhas).
kaka, (B) The being much in demand or
resorted to. (ka; cf. kagaw, kabkal).
kaakahn, See kaka.
kakig, (H) Anger, excitement, rage, fury.
(cf. kig, akg).
kaakign, (H) See kakig.
kak, Capability, capacity, power, might,
influence, sway. (k; cf. palangakan,
gahm, kagamhnan, ikasarng).
kakup, Hospitality, hospitableness. (cf.
kaakupn, See kakup.
kaalabab, Soft, mild, warmth (as of
the rising sun); lukewarmness, tepidity,
insipidness, vapidity. (alabab).
kaalg-ag, Hesitation, doubt, wavering;
shyness, bashfulness. (alg-ag).
kalam, (H) Wisdom, learning,
cleverness, intelligence. (cf. lam,
kinalam, kinadman).
kalan, Rancidness, rancidity, rankness.
(cf. lan).
kaalndan, Habit, custom, manner. (cf.
nad, kinaanran).
kalang, Untimeliness,
unseasonableness, the being inopportune.
(cf. alnglang).
kaalng-lang, Dim. of kalang.
kaalangn, See kalang, kaalng-lang.
Also: Childishness, foolishness, silliness.
(cf. kapayan).
kaalngtan, Connection with,
implication, concatenation,

interdependence. (cf. ngot, angt,

kalay, Stiffness of limbs from being tired
or overworked; toughness, stubbornness,
heedlessness. (cf. lay, kalul;
pagkabatingglan, pagkadmannggol).
kaalyhan, Benefits, advantages,
prosperity, welfare, the good things of life,
favours, happiness. (cf. kaayohn).
kaalayohn, (H) Things to be mended or
needing repairs. (cf. kayo, kalaayohn).
kaaligtgot, Ill-feeling, resentment,
grudge, hatred. (cf. aligtgot, dumt,
kaalignong, Confusion, worry. (cf.
alignung, kalngin).
kaalikya, (H) Cheerfulness, good
humour, gaiety, sprightliness, mirth.
kaalingg-ngag, A slight deafness. (cf.
kaalingsa, Disturbing noise,
annoyance, nuisance. (alingsa).
kaalingut, See kaalingsa.
kaalingg-ngog, Dizziness, confusion.
(cf. alinggngog).
kaaliwna, Width, spaciousness, extent,
expanse. (cf. aliwna).
kaaliwnay, Wideness, openness;
freedom. (cf. aliwnay, kaaliwna).
kaloy, Pretence, sham, the feigning of
sickness. (loy; cf. kaaloyn).
kaaloyn, See kaloy.
kaalugbatin, (kaalugbathan),
Collective of alugbtia vegetable plant.
Inway sa kaalugbatin. Fighting in a
field covered with alugbti plants i.e.
serious or heavy fighting.
kalwan, Generosity, liberality, nobility
of mind. (lwan).
kaalwann, See kalwan.
kambas, Expensiveness, costliness.
kaambasn, See kambas.
kambong, Self-respect, formality, tact,
modesty, propriety, fitness, gracefulness,
prettiness, beauty. (mbong).
kaambngan, Beauty; art. (cf.
kaambongn, See kambong.
kamion, Good odour, nice smell, sweet
scent, aroma. (mion: cf. kahumt).
kamlig, Carefulness, circumspection,
concern. (mlig).
kaamon, Monkeys, apes. (cf. am).
kaamoltan, Ruin, perdition,
destruction, harm, injury, damage. (cf.
kamyon. See kamiongood odour,
kaamyonn, See kamyon.
kanad, Custom, habit, practice. (nad;
cf. kaanran, kinaanran).
kaanany, Softness, gentleness. (cf.
kanany, anany, kainany).

Visayan-English Dictionary
kaanran, (H) See kanad. Also:
Accustomed manner of living, things that
go to form a habit. (cf. kinaanran,
kangay, Similarity, fitness,
appositeness; an equal, one in the same
condition. (ngay).
kaangyan, See kangay. Also:
Conformity, propriety, things that are
suitable or fitting.
kaangayn, Agreeableness, beauty,
fitness. (cf. angayn).
kanggid, Similarity, likeness,
resemblance. (nggid).
kaanggd-nggid, Resemblance,
somewhat like or similar.
kanghit, The smell of a buck or goat.
kaanghitn, See kanghit.
kangso, (B) The smell of urine. (ngso;
cf. kapngsot).
kangsod, The smell of the armpit.
kaangsodn, kaangsorn, See
kaangsohn, See kangso.
kaangtnan, Connection, interdependence, concatenation, implication.
(cf. ngot; kalabtnan).
kanta, The smell of scorched or burning
kaantahn, See kanta.
kanting, Good hearing, quality of
hearing well. (nting).
kaantingn, See kanting.
kantud, (H) See kanta.
kantung, (B) The smell of burning rags,
bones, paper, etc. (ntung).
kaantungn, See kantung.
kanyag, Beauty, niceness, prettiness,
gracefulness. (nyag).
kaapohn, Grandchildren; descendants.
kaaputnan, Place to go to or live in;
asylum, refuge, salvation; advantage,
benefit. (cf. aptan, alaputn, dungkan,
dalngpan, sp-an, etc.).
kaarndan, (B) Custom, habit. (cf.
kaanran, kinaanran, kinabatsan).
karat, (H) See kadat.
kaarydan, (B) Benefits, favours, acts of
kindness, anything profitable or
advantageous. (cf. ayd, aydan,
kaarydon, kaayhan, kaayohn).
kaarydon, (B) Wealth, riches, property,
abundance, affluence, opulence, fortune.
(cf. kaayohn, mnggad).
karhang, Sharpness, pungency,
bitterness, acridity (of taste). (cf.
kasab, Voracity, voraciousness, quality
of being voracious or omnivorous;
sluttishness, slatternliness, filthiness.
kaasabn, See kasab.
kaslum, Sourness, acidity. (slum).

kaanran kabalka
kaaslumn, See kaslum.
kaasoyn, Use, usefulness, avail. Wal
sing (Way, way) kaasoyn. No use,
good for nothing, of no avail. (cf. soy,
kathag, Distinctness, clearness of
pronunciation, lucidity of a discourse or
argument, etc. (cf. thag, kasnag).
kaathgan, See kathag.
kaathagn, See kathag.
kaatrasdo, Lateness, tardiness; too
late. Kaatrasdo sa mo! How late you are!
(cf. atrasdo, kaolhi, kahudynan).
kaatbang, One who is in front of, or
facing, another; confronter, confronting.
kaw, Mercy, compassion, sympathy.
(w; cf. kaloy).
kaawtan, Occupation, business,
detention, engagements. (cf. awt,
kaway, Enemy. (way: cf. kntra,
kaawyan, Enmity, opposition: enemies.
(cf. way, kasuyan).
kaawayn, Cause or origin of a fight or
quarrel; enmity, war. (cf. way,
kawot, (B) Hardness, toughness,
firmness, quality of being difficult to move.
(cf. wot, katg-a).
kaay-ay, Scarcity, dearth, lack, want,
need. (cf. ay-ay).
kaayd, (B) See kayo id.
kaayd-yad, (B) Beauty, prettiness.
See kaayyo id.
kaayadn, (B) See kaayd, kayo.
kayo, (H) Goodness; well-being. (yo;
cf. kaayd).
kaay-yo, (H) Beauty, attractiveness,
prettiness. (ayyo; cf. kaayd-yad).
kaayohn, (H) To go on well, to prosper,
make good progress. Nagkaayohn na ang
ya kahimtngan. His affairs have
prospered or improved. He has thrived
orhas made good progress in his position
in life.
kaayhan, kaayohn, (H)
Benefaction, benefit, favour, good deeds,
acts of kindness. (cf. kaarydan id.).
kba, A kind of coarse thick cloth as often
used by farmers for shirts; a farmers shirt.
kababan-an, Women, females,
womankind, womanhood, women-folk. (cf.
babe; cf. kababayn-an id.).
kabablngon, (B) Drunkenness,
intoxication, insobriety. (cf. balng;
kababs-an, Watery soil, swamp, marsh,
fen, wet place. (bas).
kababayn-an, Women, females.
(babye; cf. kababan-an id.).
kabdang, Habit, stability, strength,
firmness, solidity. (bdang).
kabg-o, Newness, novelty, etc. See

kabag-han, kabag-ohn, New

things, novelty, modernity, newfangledness, latest fashions. (cf. bg-o).
kabag-ohn, See kabg-o, kabag-han.
kabagk, Rottenness; oldness,
uselessness; dulness, stupidity. (cf. bagk,
kagabk, kagark, kapkok).
kabahandin, Treasures, precious
things. (bahnd).
kabhaw, Staleness, vapidity,
insipidness, quality of food that has been
left standing for some time. (bhaw; cf.
kakpog). (Also: religious coldness or
indifference, tepidity).
kabh, Smell, odour, scent. (cf. bh,
kabah, kabahon).
kabah, Stench, stink, bad smell,
effluvium, noxious exhalation. (bah).
kabahon, Stench, etc. See kabah.
kabah-bahon, Place where many
bahbah plants grow. (cf. bahbah).
kabahl, Plumpness, thickness,
stoutness, quality of being large in
circumference. (bahl).
kabaholn, Thickness, coarseness,
stoutness, largeness (in bulk or
circumference); meanness, boorishness.
(cf. kabahl, bahl, kabstos, kabastosn).
kabahon, See kabah.
kabhot, Angry or hot feeling,
excitement, aversion, antipathy, hatred.
kab-kb, To be excited, frightened,
disturbed, uneasy; to talk or speak
excitedly, be noisy, shout, clamour,
vociferate. Nagakabkb ang mga to,
kay may bl. The people are uneasy, for
there is an alarming report.
Nagkinabkb ang mga to sang
pagkasnug sang baly ni Fulno. The
people were frightened or excited, when
N.N.s house burned down.
kabakhan, Cattle, cows, kine. (bka).
kabkal, Quality of being much sought
after, much in demand or much resorted to,
selling well. (bkal).
kabkas, Energetic application, zeal,
earnestness, industry, industriousness,
activity, energy. (bkas).
kabakasn, See kabkas.
kabakoldan, (B) Hills, etc. See
kabakolran, (H) Hills, broken up
country, hilly countryside, (baklod).
kabaksiwan, Awkwardness,
clumsiness, incongruity, foolishness. (cf.
kabkud, Strength, firmness, stability,
robustness. (bkud).
kabakran, kabakurn, (H) Strength,
solidity, steadfastness, firmness;
fortification, fortress. (cf. kabkud).
kabalan, Blessedness, bliss, happiness.
(balan; cf. kabulahnan).
kabalka, Concern, care, attention,
watchful interest, zeal. (balka).


kabaln kabikhan
kabaln, Tough, thick-skinned, unfeeling,
having a dulled sense of pain.
kabalslan, Recompense, returns,
compensation, gratitude, reward. (blus).
kabalayn, A collection, group or
compound of houses; houses in general.
kabalhnan, Changes, transformations;
amendments; clause. (blhin).
kablhot, Respect, regard, reverence,
consideration. (blhot).
kabalkan, Return. Ang mga minaty
nagulna sa ton sa dlan nga wal sing
kabalkan. The dead have gone before us
on the road that knows no return. (cf.
kabalitan, News, reports, information,
announcements, etc. (cf. balt).
kabalon, Alarm, apprehension of
danger, notice of some calamity. (bl),
kabalhan, Widowhood; widows and
widowers in general. (blo).
kabaludn, (B) See kabalurn.
kabalurn, (H) Waves, billows; stormy
weather. (cf. bald, hmbak).
kabalyro, (Sp. caballero) Gentleman,
cavalier; a kind of tree with bright red
flowers; fire-tree. (Sp. arbol de fuego)
kabalyte, (Sp. caballete) The top or
ridge of a roof; roof-tree, ridge-beam,
kabn, (Sp. cavan) A bushel (of rice, etc.);
a box, case, trunk: to put inside, shut up,
surround; occupy all the bases in baseball.
Kaban nnyo ang mga manugdalgan.
Surround the runners. Ginkabn nmon
sil. We surrounded them.
kban, To encroach upon, usurp,
appropriate, seize, take possession of. Ind
mo pagkabnon ang kon dt. Dont
encroach upon my ground. Ginkban nya
ang kon dt sa pagsol nya sang kodl
sing is ka dup. He seized my land by
setting the fence back two yards. (cf. sabn,
sakm, sklam, lmlam, hmham).
kb-ang, To ensnare, entrap, entangle.
(cf. kabn).
kabng-aw, See kabang-awn.
kabang-awn, Rottenness, insipidness,
staleness; failure, fiasco, defeat. (cf. bngaw).
kabangdnan, Motive, reason, cause,
inducement, object determining choice of
will or action. (bangd).
kabangg-bngig, Quarrel, fight,
altercation. (cf. bangg-bngig).
kabangs, Fierceness, ferocity, fury, hot
temper. (bangs).
kabangisn, Fierceness, etc. See
kabanhwan, Resurrection,
resuscitation, revival, bringing to life again.
(cf. bnhaw).
kabanhwan, kabanhawn,
Resurrection; restoration, revival, recovery,
return. Wal na sing kabanhawn ang ya


Visayan-English Dictionary
sdto nga hndum. His long-cherished
hopes werenever to return,gone for
ever. (cf. bnhaw).
kabansgan, Fame, renown, reputation,
glory. (cf. bnsag, kabantgan).
kabant-bantan, Guess, opinion,
calculation. Kabantbantan sang
kahinguyngan. Estimate or calculation of
expenses. Budget. (cf. bnt).
kabntug, Renown, etc. See kabantgan.
kabantgan, Renown, fame, notoriety,
celebrity, publicity, reputation. (cf.
kabantugn, See kabntug,
kabanwanan, Townships; towns in
general. (bnwa).
kabanwahnan, See kabanwanan id.
kabanwahnon, Citizen of a town; pl.
townsfolk, townspeople.
kabanyagan, Wickedness, malice,
vileness; vile, mean, wicked, wretched,
malicious. (cf. banyg).
kabarirhan, Place containing plenty of
kabars, Violence, vehemence, fierceness,
wild or hot temper. (bars; cf. kabangs).
kabas, Wetness, humidity, dampness,
state of being wet or soaked. (cf. bas).
kabs, A small fish with a sharp-pointed
head. (cf. kinabas).
kabskug, Strength; stiffness, rigidity.
(cf. bskug; kabkud, katskug).
kabaskugn, See kabskug.
kabstos, Rudeness, coarseness,
meanness, boorishness, etc. (cf. bstos).
kabastosn, See kabstos.
kabasulnan, Blame, censure, reproach,
correction. (bsol).
kabatan, Children; childhood. (bt).
kabatan, Youth, youthfulness,
boyishness, juvenility. (cf. bt).
kabatasnan, Customs, habits,
character, manners, usage, observance.
(bats; cf. batsan).
kabat, To hear. See bat.
kabatd, Adroitness, skill, cleverness,
expertness, quality of being well versed in.
kabatingglan, Stubbornness,
disobedience, disregard of orders or
admonitions. (batingglan).
kabaton, Stones, rocks. (bat).
kabatohn, See kabaton.
kabul, Roughness, coarseness, state of a
thing not being well made or done. (cf.
bul; kabstos).
kabalan, See kabul.
kabauln, Boxes, baggage, luggage. (cf.
kaby, The Visayan name for the month
of June. (cf. hnyo).
kaby, An exclamation denoting a wish or
longing. Would to God! Oh, that it were so!
Kaby pa, nga kaloyan kit sang Mahl
nga Dis! May God have mercy on us! Bs

pa lang nga maumpawn ang masakt;

kaby pa! Perhaps the sick person may yet
recover; may it be so! Kaby pa! Amen!
Pangabyto wish, desire. N.B. kaby at
times also has the meaning of perhaps,
perchance, may be e.g. Ind kaby si
magabt? Perhaps he will not come?
kabyo, (Sp. caballo) Horse; part of a
plough called the beam, the wooden beam
to which the kalng (plough-handle) is
kabay, To mount a horse, ride on
kablyo, (Sp. cabello) Hair. Kablyo del
Anhel. (Sp. cabello del angel). A kind of
beautiful flowering plant.
kabsa, (Sp. cabeza) Head; chief,
lieutenant; intellect, understanding. (cf.
lo, panglo).
kabesra, (Sp. cabecera) Capital,
metropolis (town); provincial or national
capital, (cf. lo-bnwa).
kabesra, Also: the top of, the head of a
table as a place of honour for distinguished
guests, etc. (cf. olohn, panlong).
kabeslya, (Sp. cabecilla) A petty
chieftain or leader, ringleader; the principal
person or recognized leader in a small
kbi, (Sp. caber) To win and take the
stake, be entitled to get, grasp. Kabha lang
ang tann. Just take all. Ginkbi nya ang
is ka tung sang patd. He won and took
half the stake. Kabhi si sing duh ka
dak sang patd. Two centavos from the
stake go to him. Ikbi ak nay sing ttlo
ka sentims. Hand over to me three
centavos from the stake. (cf. kh, bul,
kka, btong).
kab, Pigeon-toed, one whose toes are
turned inward; to get ones toes twisted or
turned inward. Napsmo si kag nagkab.
He caught a cold and became pigeon-toed.
kbig, To consider, hold or take for, look
upon as. Kabgon mo lang nga duh
inng pat ka ph, kay magamy. Just
count these four mangoes as if they were
only two, for they are so small. Sa madm
nga mga salkyan ginakbig ang duh ka
bt nga is lang ka pasahro. On many
vehicles two children are reckoned as only
one passenger. Ang napl ka sg sang
Dis ginakbig (nakbig) nga duh nga
am in: Higugman mo ang Dis lab sa
ngatann kag ang mo isigkato sbung
sa mo nga kaugalngon. The ten
commandments of God are contained in
(or are equal to) these two: Love God
above all things, and thy neighbour as
thyself. (cf. blang).
kabihgan, Captivity, captives. (cf.
kabi, (B) Last night. (cf. kagb-i id.).
kabikhan, Tribe, clan, family relations,
race, progenitors and progeny.

Visayan-English Dictionary
kabilr, (Sp. cavilar) To cavil, find fault
with; to cheat, intrigue, scheme. Kabilah
lang si sing butg. Plot against him by
telling lies. Ind mo ak pagkabilahn.
Dont cheat me. Ikabilr mo sa ya ang
am nga mga hmbal. Find fault with him
by using those words.
kabilw, A kind of large bat, fruit bat,
flying fox. (cf. kabg).
kabilinan, Price, worth, cost. (bil;
kabilihnan id.).
kabilihnan, See kabilinan.
kabilnggan, Impediment, hindrance,
inconvenience, obstacle.
kabl-kabl, To dangle, etc. See
kabtkbit id.
kabilogn, The whole, all, total, entirety,
ensemble, including everything. (bilg).
kabilso, (Sp. caviloso) Cavilling,
carping, captious; plotting, intriguing,
scheming, cheating.
kabinitn, (B) Edge, rim, side, border,
environs, surroundings. (bint).
kbis, Payment in full, settlement; to pay
in full, settle, square accounts. Kabsa ang
tang mo. Settle your debt in full. (cf.
tmbas, mpas).
kabisda, (Sp. cabezada) A horses headgear, head-stall of a bridle, halter, collar.
Kabisayan, The Visayan Islands, the
Visayans, the Visayan people. (Bisay).
Kabisy-an, See Kabisayan id.
kbit, To hang, dangle, be suspended. Ang
bt nagakbit sa sang sang khoy
orang sang sang khoy ginakabtan
sang bt. The boy is hanging from the
branch of the tree.
kb-it, To hang on, suspend from. See
kabt-kbit, Dim. of kbit. To hang
loosely, dangle, shake or swing in
suspension. Ang mga kaluby
nagakabtkbit sa palpla. The calubayfruit dangles from the trellice-work.
kbkab, To eat away piece by piece, to
undermine, wash away, take off, especially
said of water. Ginkbkab sang sub ang
mon dt. The river washed away our
land. May katalgman nga kabkabn
sang sub inng um kon magabt ang
bah. There is danger of this field being
undermined and carried off by the river,
when the flood comes. (cf. b-ab).
kble, (Sp. cable) Cable, large rope.
kblit, To touch lightly, nudge, poke.
Kablit si. Nudge him. Kablit si sa
likd. Nudge him in the back. Ind ka
magkblit (magkolokblit) sa ya. Dont
touch or nudge him. (cf. khit, tndog).
kablt-kblit, Dim. and Freq. of kblit.
kbo, (Sp. cabo) Chief, head, boss,
overseer; chief of police.
kabhot, (B) Great (close) heat,
sultriness, stuffiness. (bhot).
kab-kbo, Dim. of kbo. A petty chief.

kabilr kablig
kabn, (B) Tribe, troop, drove, bunch,
crowd, band. (cf. bnghay).
kaborta, A kind of cestus, iron ring or
slung shot. (cf. pitsokwrno).
kb-ot, (H) To reach, make a long arm,
stretch ones arm to get hold of something.
Kab-ot ang kl sa salabtan. Take down
the hat from the peg. Wal si makakb-ot
sang estmpa, kay matas. He could not
reach and take down the picture, for it was
too high. Ikb-ot ak nay sang kon by
sa lnsang sang dngding. Please reach me
down my jacket from the nail in the
partition. (cf. db-ot, dwhat).
kbra, (Sp. cabra) Goat; engine for
throwing stones, catapult, battering ram;
ghost; to batter down, force an entrance.
Kabrah ang ganhan. Break down the
door. Smash the door in. (cf. bngkal).
kabr-kbra, (Sp. cabra) A kind of grass
much liked by goats, hence the name.
kabritlya, (Sp. cabritilla) Dressed
lambskin, kid leather.
kabrto, (Sp. cabrito) Kid, kidling, young
buck. (cf. knding).
kabtngan, Position, station, condition,
circumstances. (butng; cf. kahimtngan).
kab, (H) A primitive kind of bowl made
from the shell of the coconut; money box.
(cf. hungt; ipg, alkansya).
kabang, Madness, folly, craziness,
lunacy, idiocy, insanity, dementia. (cf.
kabuangn, Foolish acts, nonsensical or
even wicked behaviour, folly.
kabuangn, See kabang.
kabubsgan, Fulness, repletion, satiety,
satisfaction from having eaten and (or)
drunk enough. (cf. busg, kabulsgon).
kabubsgon, Fulness of stomach,
satiety. (cf. busg, kabulsgon).
kabubt-on, Will, wish, intention, mind,
resolve, plan, scheme. (but).
kabd, To cling to, encircle, twine round,
twist around, depend upon. Ang bt
nagakabd sa ya nga ily. The child
clings to its mother. Ang mn-og
nagakabd sa khoy. The snake is coiled
(is coiling itself) around the tree. Pakbdi
(pakabur) ang atp sing kalabsa. Let
some squash-plants cover the roof. Ang
kodl nakaburn sing madm nga
balgon. The fence is entwined with many
creepers. Ang atubngan sang la baly
ginpakbdan (ginpakaburn) nla sing
kadnadeamr. The front of their house
(Their porch) they had covered with cadena
de amor-vines. (cf. kpkap, pangalpkap,
sabd, kmbad, kmbid, kmbod, slbid).
kabdhaw, Lacklustre, want of freshness
or brightness, condition of being faded.
Kabdhaw sinng by! How faded this
jacket is! (bdhaw).
kabdh, Treason, treachery, betrayal.

kabdlay, Fatigue, hard work, labour,

toil, tiredness. (bdlay).
kabudlyan, See kabdlay. Also: Things
that exact great labour.
kabudlayn, See kabdlay.
kabg, (H) A large bat. (cf. kabilw).
kabugn, Plenty, abundance,
copiousness, ampleness, amplitude,
plenitude, plenteousness, more than
enough. (bugn).
kabuganan, Plenty; opulence. (cf.
kabg-at, Weight, heaviness,
ponderousness. (bg-at).
kabug-atn, See kabg-at.
kabgaw, Pomelo, shaddock,
pompelmoose, a large fruit, akin to the
kabgnaw, Freshness, coldness,
coolness, frigidity. (cf. bgnaw,
kabg-os, Wholeness, completeness,
entirety. (bg-os).
kabug-osn, See kabg-os. Also: The
whole, all, everything included.
kabugton, (B) Brothers and sisters,
brethren. (cf. bgt; kautran).
kabugtan, Break, snap, rupture,
fracture, sunderance, separation. (cf.
kabugwasn, The morning star, Venus.
kabuhah, Wastefulness, prodigality,
dissipation. (buhah).
kabhay, (B) A long time, long duration.
(bhay; cf. kadgay).
kabuhyan, (B) See kabhay. Also:
Things that last long or take a long time.
(cf. kadugyan).
kabuhayn, (B) See kabhay. (cf.
kabh, Life, animation, period from birth
to death, vitality; biography; a persons
condition or affairs in the world. (bh,
kabuhan, kabuhin, Livelihood,
means of life, life, living, necessaries of life.
(cf. kabh, pangabuhin).
kabusit, Ill-luck, evil fate, misfortune.
kabuisitn, See kabusit. Also: Things
that make life hard and miserable.
kabuisitn, See kabusit.
kabukran, (H) Mountains, mountainrange. (bkid).
kabulhan, Bliss, blessedness,
happiness. (bulhan).
kabulahnan, See kabulhan. Also:
Things that give happiness.
kabulkan, Flowers, blossoms, blooms;
flora. (blak).
kabuly, A kind of soft, viscous wax; wax
of the lbug-wasp.
kablig, Helpmate, help, helper,
assistant, assistance, partner. (blig).


kablong kadlum
kablong, Wonder, astonishment,
amazement, surprise, admiration.
kabulngan, See kablong. Also:
Wonderful things, wonders, marvels,
prodigies, objects to be admired.
kabulk, Dulness, slowness,
backwardness, stupidity. (cf. bulk).
kabulk-an, Rent, fissure, crack, rift,
split, breaking. Pnggan nga wal sing
kabulk-an. An unbreakable plate. (cf.
kabulukn, See kabulk. Also: Dull,
slow, stupid or backward (pupils, students,
kabulsgan, (H) See kabubsgan.
kabulsgon, (H) See kabubsgon.
kabulyhan, (H) Custom, habit,
practice. (cf. buy; batsan, kinaanran,
kabulyhon, See kabulyhan. (cf.
kabunyag, Simplicity, guilelessness,
honesty, candour, openheartedness.
kabndul, Slowness, etc. (cf. bndul).
kabunghan, Fruits. (cf. bnga).
kabunghan, A grove of betelnut palms;
a collection or heap of betelnuts; fruit (in
general). (cf. bnga).
kabungkgan, Destruction, demolition,
perdition, ruin, undoing. (cf. bngkag).
kabungl, Deafness; stubbornness,
heedlessness. (bungl).
kabungyudn, Hills, plateau, high
ground; islands. (cf. bngyud).
kabungyurn, See kabungyudn.
kabot, Prudence, intelligence, good
behaviour, docility. (but).
kaburghul, Noise, commotion, row. (cf.
burghul, gam).
kabr-it, Boasting, bragging, etc. See
hdak, wkal, br, hmbug, etc.
kaburdngan, (B) Wonder, marvel,
astonishment, amazement, surprise,
admiration. (cf. kabulngan).
kaburywan, (B) Custom, inveterate
habit, practice. (cf. buy; kabulyhan).
kbus, To pass, go by, be over. Mapal
na kit kay nakbus na ang prosesyn. Let
us go home for the procession is over.
kabs, Too short, not reaching far
enough, below requirements. Ang kabs
kag labw nga batsan ton tadlungn.
We should make normal, habits that fall
below the standard as well as those that
exceed. (cf. kulbus, klang, higshigs).
kabuss, Curiousness, curiosity,
inquisitiveness. (buss).
kabusg, Fulness, repletion, satiety,
condition of one who has eaten or drunk
enough. (busg). Also: cramps in the
stomach, acute stomach-ache; indigestion,


Visayan-English Dictionary
kabsug, A smarting pain. Kabsug sang
kindtan sang iwwi! Oh, the pain of the
scorpions sting!
kabth, Classmate, companion, fellowstudent. (cf. bth).
kabutign, Lies, cheating, false
doctrines, invented stories, falsehoods.
kabutign, Falsity, falseness, mendacity,
quality of being a liar. (butg).
kabyaw, A serious skin disease
manifesting itself by white spots
surrounded by a reddish inflammation that
soon gives rise to pustules and scabs. It
spreads rapidly and is difficult to cure.
Kabyaw is much worse than katl;
kabuywon, Pertaining to or afflicted
with kabyaw.
kabylog, Companion; company.
kabylog, Companion, mate, chum;
sympathizer; with, together with, jointly
with. Kabylog sa ya. Together with him.
(cf. upd, kapud).
kabuy, Habit, long practice, experience,
custom. (buy).
kabyok, Inclination, bent, liking,
propensity, bias, trend, partiality for.
kda, (Sp. cada) Each. Kda is. Each
one. (cf. tgsa, tagstgsa).
kadan, See kadaann.
kadaann, Oldness, age, antiquity, state
of things that are old and worn out, but as a
rule not applied to persons. (cf.
katigulangnold age).
kadadlman, Depth, abyss. See
kadagtan, Ocean, seas. (dgat).
kadagy, Abundance, plenty,
copiousness, etc. (dagy; cf. kabugn).
kadgil, (B) Companion, comrade,
associate, intimate friend, chum, confidant.
(dgil; cf. kahmbal).
kadgmit, Quickness, swiftness, haste,
(especially applied to speaking); emphasis,
pronunciation, accentuation. (dgmit).
kadahk, Daring, boldness, recklessness,
audacity, impertinence, intrepidity,
hardihood, courage. Kadahk sin nga
bt! How impertinent (daring) this boy is!
(cf. kadahs, kakhas).
kadahl, Overbearing, boasting,
bragging, insolence, haughtiness. (dahl;
cf. bugl).
kadahilnan, Pretexts, excuses,
plausible arguments; means, resources,
tricks. (cf. dahlan).
kadk-an, (H) Size, etc. See kadakun.
Also: the largest of a kind, as the largest
room (visitors room, reception room), etc.
kadkmol, Thickness of sheets, boards,
leaves, etc. (dkmol; cf. kadmol).
kadk-on, (H) Size, etc. See kadakun.

kadak, (H) Greatness, largeness,

bigness, size. (dak).
kadakun, (H) Greatness; great folks,
exalted personages, the great, rich and
influential people; the largest, biggest
among a number of fruits, or the like. (cf.
kadakun, (H) See kadak.
kadalg, (H) Yellowness, quality of being
dark yellow. (dalg).
kadalaghan, (H) Girls, young ladies,
maidens, maids, damsels. (cf. dalga).
kadalg-an, (H) Victory, triumph, gain,
conquest; chance of winning in a fight. Ang
mga manggarnon nga madm sing
plak am ang may dak nga kadalg-an
sa pagpiniliy. The rich with plenty of
money have the best chance of winning in
the elections. (dag).
kadalagnhan, See kadalaghan.
kadalgk, (H) Greatness, largeness,
bigness, size, quality of being large in size,
dignity, position, etc. (dalgk).
kadalagkun, (H) Greatness; great
folks, prominent people, the great and
wealthy. (dalgk; cf. kadakun).
kadalnan, Roads, streets, ways; order,
method. Naglin ang ya solksolk, kay
waly kadalnan ang ya pagkon. He
has got stomach-ache, because he has no
regularity in taking mealsorbecause he
eats at random, anything, at any time.
kadals, Impulsiveness, haste,
thoughtlessness, impetuosity, recklessness.
kadalhnan, (H) What one takes along,
provisions, clothes, equipment, etc. (cf.
kadalhyan, Landslide, avalanche, the
crumbling or falling down of earth and
stones from a steep river-bank, from the
side of a mountain, etc.; decrease,
diminution. Tinmpi nga plak nga wal
sing kadalhyan. An inexhaustible heap of
money. (cf. dlhay.)
kadal, Quickness, haste, hurry,
promptness, speed, swiftness, dispatch
without delay. (cf. dal).
kadalipan, Rocks, cliffs, reefs. (cf.
kadalsay, Strength, force, power, vigour.
kadl-kadl, Clatter, rattle, clattering,
rattling; to clatter, rattle as a cart over
stones, etc. Ang kro nagakadlkadl sa
dlan nga batohn. The cart is clattering
over the stony road. Ind mo
pagkadlkadaln ang kro. Dont let (or
make) the cart rattle so much. (cf.
kadalk, Greediness, voracity, gluttony.
kadlum, Depth, deepness,
profoundness, profundity. (dlum).

Visayan-English Dictionary
kadamk, Slovenliness, filthiness,
dirtiness, nastiness. (cf. damk).
kadm-an, (H) Multitude, many;
majority. (dm).
kadamg, Stiffness, coldness. (damg).
kadamlmil, Thickness (of dirt or the
like). (damlmil).
kadamlot, See kadamlmil.
kadmpig, Partner, associate, partyman, helper, assistant. (dmpig).
kadm, (H) Great number, multitude,
many; much. (dm).
kadamun, (H) See kadm-an id.
kadmul, Thickness. (dmul; cf.
kadamuln, See kadmul.
kadamun, (H) See kadm.
kdang, To walk on stilts; stilt-walking.
Nagakdang sil. Nagalakt sil sa
kdang. They are walking on stilts. Ang
mga bt malyag magkdang. Boys like
to walk on stilts.
kadangtan, kadangatn,
Obtainment, acquisition, acquirement,
reception, gain. (cf. dngat).
kadng-kdang, A small sled used by
farmers on rough roads. (cf. karsa).
kadap, Snub-nosedness, quality of one
who is flat-nosed or snub-nosed.
kadaptan, Outfit, equipment, utensils,
furniture, gear, tools; use, usefulness,
utility, adaptability. (cf. galamitn,
kadpig, See kadmpig. (cf.
kadaragkuln, (B) See kadalagkun.
kadarmhak, Impoliteness, rudeness,
incivility, discourtesy; naughtiness,
meanness. (cf. darmhak).
kads, Quality of being much in
demand. (cf. ds; kaka, kabkal).
kadsig, Speed, rapidity, swiftness,
velocity, quickness, celerity. (cf. dsig).
kadask, Quality of being crammed or
stuffed close together. (cf. dask).
kdat, Pungency, acidity, acridity; to be or
become pungent or acrid. Nakadtan ak
sang kabgaw, naranhta, etc. The
pomelo, native orange, etc., set my teeth on
edge. (cf. dat, rat).
kadt, Frequency, oftentimes, ofttimes,
great number of instances. (cf. dt).
kadatan, Chieftains, headmen,
especially among the Moros. (cf. dt).
kadut, Injury, harm, hurt, ill, wrong.
(dut; cf. kalut).
kadatan, Wrongdoing, injuries, evils.
(cf. kalatan, kalalt-an).
kady, Cheating, deception, dishonesty,
fraud, trick. (cf. dy).
kadayan, Dishonest practice,
fraudulent actions, mean trickery,
deception. (cf. dy).

kadamk kadudlmon
kadayw, Vain glory, vaunting,
ostentation, vanity, showing off. (cf.
kadaywan, Glory, praise, fame,
honour; vanities, exterior pomp and
ostentation, pomposity, display. (cf.
dyaw, dayw).
kadygan, The nap, the right side or
outside of cloth; the part or side of an
object exposed or open to view; surface. (cf.
kadayn, For makadayn, nakadayn.
See dayn.
kadayonn, To continue, endure, last.
Ang ggma nga nagakadayonn am ang
ggma nga hmpit kag tnay. Love that
endures is love perfect and pure. Also
noun: Endurance, permanence, stability.
(cf. dyon).
kadna, (Sp. cadena) Chain. (cf. talikal).
kadna de amr, (Sp. cadena de amor)
A climbing plant with a beautiful flower.
kadi, (B) The Genitive of dithis, that.
(cf. sin, sin).
kadimt, Inclination, liking, attraction,
partiality. (cf. dimt).
kadimatn, Liking, inclination,
propensity. See kadimt.
kadis, A kind of peas much cultivated for
their nourishing qualities. The kadis-peas
are called matmta sang kgang, when
they are just young and very tender,
kalnsan or nagakalnsan na, when
they are full and ripe, lyo, when they are
very hard and dry and difficult to boil.
kaditay, (H) Smallness, littleness. (cf.
kadiotayn, (H) See kaditay.
kadsnon, A kind of banana.
kdkad, To erode, undermine, take off
piece after piece, eat away (of water); to
dredge, excavate. Ginkdkad (kindkad)
sang sub ang pngpang. The river
undermined and carried off its bank.
Kinadkarn ang bat sang tbig. The
stone was undermined by the water. (cf.
b-ab, kbkab).
kdlas, To tear slightly open, scratch.
Nakadlasn ak sang dgi, smsim, etc. I
was scratched by the thorns, bamboobranches, etc. (cf. balkas, pklis, bklis,
kdlaw, Laughter, giggle, titter, snigger,
chuckle; to laugh. Ind ka magkdlaw.
Dont laugh. Ginkadlawn nya ak. He
laughed at me. Dak ang ya nga kdlaw.
He roared with laughter. He guffawed. (cf.
yhum, lmh, talngkaw, halkhak,
ark-ik, hh).
kdlis, See kdlas, bklis, etc.
kdlit, To cut or incise with a sharp
instrument, circumcise, scratch.
Nakadlitn ak sang binngon, tigb,
lnsang, dgi, etc. I was scratched by the
bolo, the chisel, the nail, thorns, etc. (cf.
kdlas, pklis, etc.).

kdlum, A kind of odoriferous plant.

kad, (B) Bad, ugly, etc. See kad id.
kadgian, kadoghan, kadgyan,
(B) See kadologhanthorns, etc.
kadl, To knuckle, strike with the
knuckles, especially on the head. Kadol
si. Knuckle him. Ind ka magkadl sa ya.
Dont strike him with your knuckles. (cf.
mol, smbag, patk).
kadl-kadl, To clatter, rattle. (cf.
kadologhan, Thorns, briars; place
where thorns or briars grow. (cf. dgi,
kdras, Tear, abrasion, scratch; to
scratch, wound slightly, etc. See kdlas,
kadtnay, To bite each other, from
kdtan, kdton, Passive forms of kagt.
kdto, (H) To go there, go somewhere not
quite near. Din ka makdto? Where are
you going? Din ka magkdto? Where did
you go to?orWhere have you been?
May kadton bal ikw? Perhaps you have
to go somewhere? Kadto si. Go to him.
N.B. The particle pa is often prefixed to
kdto without additional meaning. Ang
pagpakdto kag pagpakar. The journey to
and froorthere and back.
kadton, (H) Place to go to or to arrive at.
(cf. kdto).
kad, (B) Bad, wicked, evil, no good, ugly,
nasty, foul, not nice; to be or become bad,
ugly, etc. Kaayyo sinng bt sang na,
pang karn, kay nagdak (naghnggud),
nagkad (naglw-ay)! How beautiful this
child was formerly! But now, it has grown
up plain! Ind ka magbhat sin_, kay
kad (malw-ay, malin). Dont do that,
for it is wicked or bad. Ind ka magsgpon
sa mga sugilnon nga kad (malw-ay).
Dont take part in foul talk. Waly sapayn
nga ginadyaw si sang ibn, ak sing
kon ginakadun (ginalanan, ginalawayn) sa ya. Notwithstanding that others
praise him, I for my part consider him a
bad (ugly) man. Ind mo pagkadun
(paglaw-ayn) ang pagsult. Dont write
badly, i.e. illegibly, indistinctly, obscenely.
(cf. lin, lw-ay, hgk, malin, malw-ay,
mahgk, kad).
kadudlan, Wariness, watchfulness,
carefulness, guardedness, caution,
alertness, suspicion. Kon may kadudlan
na ang mga pumuly, sal in sang mga
punan nga nagbhat sing mga kalanan
sa bnwa. If the people are now cautious
(or suspicious) the fault lies with those
officials who did harm to the town (the
state or commonwealth). (cf. ddl).
kadudlman, Darkness, obscurity,
gloom; physical, intellectual or moral
blindness; night. (cf. dulm, kadulmnan).
kadudlmon, Darkness, quality of being
dark or obscure. (cf. dulm, kadudlman).


kadudnglon kagawin
kadudnglon, Extreme poverty, misery,
wretchedness. (dungl).
kadugngan, kadugangn,
Augmentation, increase, growth,
development, addition. (cf. dgang).
kadgay, (H) Duration, extended period
of time. (dgay; cf. kabhay id.).
kadugyan, (H) See kabuhyan.
kadugayn, (H) See kabuhayn.
kadg, Blood relationship,
consanguinity, condition of belonging to
the same stock. Kadg sil. They are of
the same stock (or family). Ang ton mga
kadg. Those of our own kin. Our own
kith and kin. (dug; cf. himat;
kahimatan, kakilran, kasimnwa).
kaduh-duhan, Doubt, indecision,
hesitation, wavering, misgiving, suspense.
Sa wal sing (sa waly) kaduhduhan
. Without doubt . Doubtless .
(cf. duhdha).
kaduh, Unsteadiness, want of
steadfastness, state of being about to fall
down, weakness, tumble-down state. (cf.
kadulan, (H) Loss, disappearance, ruin,
destruction, perdition, waste. (cf. dl).
kadlman, Darkness. See kadudlman.
kadulmnan, Darkness, etc. (cf.
kadudlman, kadulumnan).
kadulm, Darkness, obscurity, dimness,
gloom. (cf. dulm).
kadulumnan, See kadudlman id.
kadulnan, Limit, boundary, bounds,
confine, restriction. (cf. dlun).
kaduls, Force, violence, roughness,
impetuosity, velocity (of wind). (cf. duls).
kadmut, Hatred, grudge, spite, ill-will.
(cf. dumt).
kadngan, Contemporaneousness, state
of being together or of happening at the
same time, or of being a contemporary.
Also: Tutelary spirit, genius, believed in by
the superstitious. (cf. dngan, dungn).
kadunggnan, Honour, esteem, dignity,
high rank or position. (dungg).
kadnut, Rottenness, decay, corruption,
decomposition, putrefaction, putrescence,
putridity. (dnut).
kadunutn, See kadnut. Also: Things
that are rotten, corrupt, decayed,
decomposed, putrid, putrified. (cf. dnut,
kadunutn, See kadnut.
kadupg, (B) Distraction, preoccupation,
engagement. (cf. dpag, dupg; awt).
kadpdup, A kind of small mushroom
growing mostly on rotten wood, and used
for food.
kadutan, (H) Countries, fields, grounds.
kadyug, Inclination, bent, leaning
towards, propensity for. (dyug; cf.
kabyok, kinaanran).
kaduyugn, See kadyug. Also: Habits;
likings, leanings, instinct.


Visayan-English Dictionary
kdwas, To grasp or snatch greedily, with
out-stretched arm and clawing hand, seize
precipitately, catch unceremoniously. Ind
ka magkdwas sang sd-an. Ind mo
pagkadwasn ang sd-an. Dont snatch at
the side-dishes so greedily. (cf. bklas,
kdyos, kadys, A kind of peas. See
kag, The conjunctive particle: And. Si
nnay kag si ttay. Father and mother.
Ang knding kag ang id. The goat and the
dog. Nagdalgan si kag dinakp nya
ang makwat. He ran and caught the thief.
kagb-i, (H) Last night, last evening. (cf.
kagab-hon, (H) Deep night, night-time.
kagabi, (B) Last night, last evening. (cf.
kagb-i, kagab-hon).
kagabihon, (B) See kagab-hon.
kagabk, Rottenness, decay. (cf. gabk;
kagabukn, See kagabk. Also: Rotten
state of affairs, corruption, graft, etc.
kagabukn, See kagabk.
kgad, To agree, be aligned, be well
matched or equal, especially applied to
threads from two different hanks being
wound on the same bobbin. If one of the
threads is loose and the other tight or taut,
it is said: Wal pagkgad (pagkagady,
pagkagary) ang baladbarn. The threads
to be wound (on the bobbin) are notin
alignment,well matched.
kagagmayn, (H) The little (as opposed
to the great), the lower classes of people,
the poor or uninfluential members of a
community; the least or smallest (of a
kind). (cf. ggmay; kadalagkunthe
great, rich or prominent people).
kaghud, Noise, boisterousness, racket,
row. (ghud).
kagaln, Anus. (Perhaps from the Sp.
cagar; cf. no, kalipunt, ipotn).
kagaln, (Sp. galan) Vaunting,
ostentation, display; conspicuousness of
bright colours, state of being dressed in
bright colours. (cf. kaknang).
kagaltud, (H) A forceful expression
used in anger or passion. Kagaltud
(inng) sinng to! Curse the man! Damn
the man! (gtud).
kagalng, (B) Disturbance, noise,
disorder, boisterousness. (cf. galng;
kagamhnan, Might, power, strength,
authority; powers, ruling persons or
nations. (cf. gahm).
kagamhnan, Weeds, shrubs,
brushwood. (cf. gmhon).
kagam, Trouble, disturbance,
excitement, disorder, quarrel. (cf. gam).
kagans, Insipidity, wateriness,
tastelessness (of fruits, tubers, etc.; cf.

kagng, To be short of, to want, to

lack, rain, to dry up or wither. Malin
ang patubs sa karn nga tig, kay
nagkagng ang mga talmnan. The
harvest was bad this year, for the fields
lacked rain. (cf. ly, mal, layng,
kgang, A fresh-water crab, river-crab.
kagnsal, Boisterousness, noise, uproar.
(cf. gnsal; kaghud, kagalng).
kaganytan, kaganyatn, Attraction,
allurement, enticement, temptation. (cf.
kagarnyon, Wildness, state of being
untamed or untrained. (cf. garnyon).
kagars, Roughness, asperity; rudeness
(of speech). (cf. gars).
kagars, Fierceness, ferocity, violence,
vehemence; naughtiness, boisterousness
(of children). (cf. gars; kabars).
kagar-gar, Hustling, hurry, speed,
quickness, swiftness (of speech, etc.). (cf.
gargar, kakarkar, kadsig).
kagark, Commotion, trouble,
disturbance, disorder, excitement;
rottenness, foulness, (gark; (cf. kagam).
kagarokn, See kagark. Also: Things
that give or cause trouble, etc.
kagart, Closeness, juxtaposition, state of
being in near proximity or only a little
apart, volubility, prolixity (of speech),
(gart). Also: noise, row, tumult,
disturbance. (cf. kagam, kagark).
kg-as, To waste, wear out, grow lean or
weak, lose strength or vigour. Nagakg-as
si sa kalisd. She is wasting away under a
load of troubles. (cf. hgas).
kagskas, Dry, brittle, friable, fragile; to
be or become dry, etc. Inng mga dhon
sang tabk nagkagskas. These tobaccoleaves have become dry or brittle. Ang
tabk mo kagskas. Your tobacco is dry.
(cf. matskug, matapk, kagng, kigs).
kagspang, Roughness, coarseness,
hardness (of skin, etc.). (cf. gspang).
kagasthan, Expenditure, outlay, cost.
(cf. gsto).
kagastohnan, Things requiring
expenditure; expenditure. (cf.
kagt, The shears of a lobster, shrimp or
the like; to bite, snap, nip, grip, seize with
the teeth or with the equivalent of teeth; to
catch hold (of inanimate things). Ang mga
id nagakadtnay (for nagakagatnay).
The dogs are biting each other. Ang
lnsang nagakagt na. The nail has now a
firm grip or hold. Ginkagt (kinagt) ang
bt sang bboy. The child was bitten by
the pig. Ang ginkdtan (kindtan) sang
id naghubg. The place bitten by the dog
swelled up.
kgaw, Microbe, germ, bacillus,
kagawin, Habits, custom, manner of
acting or behaving, behaviour, moral

Visayan-English Dictionary
character. (cf. gw, ginaw, batsan,
kabatasnan, kabuy, kinaanran,
kagwon, Full of germs or microbes. (cf.
kgay, A kind of vine. Balgon pa ang
kgayThe kgay is still a vine i.e. it
will never develop into a tree: hence this
saying is used to express impossibility.
kagykay, A kind of small clam.
kagayn, Beauty, handsomeness,
fairness, loveliness, good looks,
attractiveness, prettiness. (gayn; cf.
kaay-yo, kanyag, katahm,
kagayonn, See kagayn. Also: Things
that are beautiful or attractive.
kgh, Grief, sorrow, mourning, sadness,
desolation, anguish, pain; to grieve, etc.
Nagakgh si. She is grieving.
Ginakaghan nya ang kamatyon sang
ya ily. He is mourning the death of his
mother. Ind ka magpakgh sa mo mga
giniknan. Dont sadden your parents. Ind
mo pagsndon ang mga batsan nga
malut nga igkakgh sang mo mga
giniknan. Dont imitate bad conduct that
will grieve your parents. Sa dak nga
kgh kag kasub . In great grief and
sorrow . (cf. sub, lisd, skit).
kag, To strip or tear asunder, strip the
bark off a tree, bark a tree. Kagih ang
lnot. Strip the hemp. (cf. lknit, kig).
kagdkid, A skin-disease similar to
kagidkirn, (H) Pertaining to or affected
with the skin-disease kagdkid.
kagm-ang, Wet and sticky dirt;
stickiness. (gm-ang).
kagng, Very dry, dried up, hard, brittle,
exsiccated, destitute of moisture. (cf.
kging, lay, layng, mal, kusg).
kging, To arrange, order, etc. See
kging, kagng, To be, make or become
dry, hard through heat, etc. Nagkagng
ang tinpay sa nit sang dlaw. The bread
has become very dry (hard) through the
heat of the sun. Ind mo pagpakagingn
ang mas kon bg-on mo. Dont allow the
corn to become too hard when you roast it.
Kaging ang pagbog sang krne, sd,
mas, etc. Roast the meat, fish, corn, etc.,
till it becomes quite dry. Kinagingn kam
nla sing mas nga binog. They made
some very crisp roast corn for us.
kagngking, A small branch or twig (of
bamboo, etc.). (cf. smsim, gwgaw).
kaginhawan, Anything that supports
life, or that gives relief. Ang swldo sinng
mastro am ang kaginhawan sang ya
nga giniknan. This teachers salary goes
to support his parent. (cf. ginhwa).
kaginhawan, Life, breath, breathing,
full liberty to act and enjoy life,
independence. (cf. ginhwa).

kagwon kahgnup
kaginohan, Gentlemen, masters, lords,
Sirs, Messrs. (cf. gino).
kagn-ot, Sultriness, stuffiness, close
heat. (cf. gn-ot, kabhot).
kagrang, A kind of tree. The juice of its
leaves is used as a remedy for decaying
kagirihim-utn, Peacefulness,
tranquillity, quiet, repose, calmness; joy,
pleasure. Wal sing kagirihim-utn ang
kalibtan, kon dalyon gid lang
magtalibb ang uln. There is no
pleasure in life (in the world), when it
always rains. Wal sing kagirihim-utn
ang ya guy, panumdman, etc. He looks
worried, his mind is troubled, etc. (cf. but,
kagirim-utn, See kagirihim-utn.
kags, To scrape with an edged
instrument. Kagis ang kawyan, khoy,
lamsa, etc. Scrape the bamboo, wood,
table, etc. (cf. kags, gus, kskis).
kgit, Close together, spaced near
together. (cf. kit).
kgit, To penetrate, enter, pierce, affect
deeply, touch. Nagakgit in sa kon
tagiposon. That touches me deeplyor
That pierces my heart. Kinagtan ang ya
kasngksing sinng mga singid. He was
touched to the quick by these reports. (cf.
ltum, tduk, panalgsug, panalpsup).
kgkag, Dishevelled, rumpled, tousled, in
a tangle; to be dishevelled, etc.
Nagakgkag ang ya nga bohk. His hair
is rumpled. Ind mo pagkagkagn (or
pagpakagkagn) ang ya nga bohk. Dont
tousle his hair. (cf. bkag, bukgkag,
bungyngay, burungyngay).
kagomn, Entanglement, mess,
complication, disarray, disorder. (cf.
kgon, To ask, request the hand of the
bride on behalf of the bridegroom, to woo
for, procure a wife for a prospective
husband, make a match, be a matchmaker
or go-between. Ang tiglalak nagakgon sa
tigbaba. The father of the man is
arranging the marriage with the father of
the woman. Kagb-i ginkagnan si Mari
sang amy ni Pdro. Last night Peters
father asked for the hand of Maria (on
behalf of Peter). Ikgon mo ak nay sa
kay Fulna. Kindly speak for me to N.N.
and ask her to become my wife.
kagom, Cloudiness, darkness, obscurity,
dimness. (cf. gom).
kgot, To scrape, scratch, scoop out with
a sharp instrument. Kagta in. Scrape
this. Kagti ang kapyas sing lso. Scoop
the pips out of the papaw. (cf. kdkod).
kagt, A rasp, scraper for the operation of
kgot. (cf. kalagt).
kgtan, kgton, See kdtan, kdton.
(All verbal forms of kagtto bite).
kagbut, Commotion, war, revolution,
alarming condition, confusion, exciting

state (of affairs). Saln sang kagbut.

Revolutionary veteran. War-veteran. (cf.
kgud, Voracity, greediness, gluttony; to
be or become voracious, greedy,
gluttonous. Ind ka magkgud. Dont be
greedy. Ginakagran ak sinng bt. This
boy seems to me to be very greedy. (cf.
dalk, hkug, abng).
kagd, To shell, scoop or scrape out.
Kagur (kagud) ang lub, ang kapyas,
etc. Shell the coconut, scoop out the inside
or the seeds of the papaw, etc. (cf. kgot).
kagl, Noise, racket, row, commotion,
excitement, alarm. (gla; cf. kagam,
kagarokn, kaghud, kagalng).
kagulngan, (H) Jungle, virgin forest.
kagulngan, The eldest brother or sister.
(cf. pangnay, kagurngan,
kagulangn, Age, oldness. Pil ka tig
ang kagulangn mo? What is your age?
How old are you? (cf. katigulangn
senility, old age).
kagultman, Famine, hunger,
starvation. (gutm, gtum).
kagnda, Shaking, jerking, up-and-down
motion. (gnda; cf. kandag).
kagng, Hollow, void, empty; brainless,
inane, vacuous. (cf. bngaw, kalng).
kagphal, Roughness, harshness,
dryness (of skin, etc.); condition of being
difficult to swallow. Kagphal sinng
kaln-on! How dry this food is and how
difficult to swallow! Kagphal sang ya
pnit! Oh, the roughness of his skin! (cf.
kgus, kags, To clean, scrape, scratch
with an edged instrument. Kagus ang
lamsa. Scrape the table, (the whole table).
Kagus ang lamsa. Scrape the table, (in
places where scraping is needed). Ikgus
inng kotslyo sa bnk. Use this knife to
scrape the bench with. Kinagusn mo na
ang sya? Have you cleaned the chair by
scraping it? Have you scraped the chair
clean? (cf. kags, kskis, gus).
kagutk, Tightness, state of being
crammed or pressed close together. (cf.
kagtum, Hunger, famine, starvation,
quality of being hungry. (cf. gutm,
kagum, See kagomcloudiness, etc.
kha, (Sp. caja) Box, safe, case. (cf.
kahbul, Bluntness, dulness. (hbul).
kahdluk, Fear, fright, terror, scare,
alarm, apprehension, panic. (hdluk).
kahadlukn, See kahdluk. Also:
Fearful, dreadful, horrible, frightful; origin
of fear, things that inspire terror or
apprehension. (cf. kalahadlukn).
kahgnup, State of being haunted,
feeling of fear in a lonely place, ghostliness.


kahgpis kahidlman
kahgpis, Thinness, slenderness,
spareness, skinniness, emaciation,
lankness, leanness. (cf. hgpis, kakant,
kahaggma, Lover, beloved, love.
kahagp, Tameness, domesticity,
mildness, gentleness, meekness. (cf.
kahkug, Voracity, greediness, gluttony,
extravagance, expensiveness, quality of
needing or wanting much. (cf. hkug).
kahaknyag, (H) Sudden emotion,
excitement, surprise, start, shock,
astonishment. (cf. knyag).
kahaladlukn, (H) See kahadlukn,
kahalam-tan, Complacency, pleasure
in, delight, satisfaction. (cf. hamot,
kahalam-tan, kahalam-utn, Glee,
cheer, pleasure, fun; laughable, comic,
gleeful, cheerful, cheery, pleasant, funny;
motive or cause of complacency, things
exciting great fun or laughter. (cf. hm-ut).
kahalangw-an, (H) Fear,
apprehension, uneasiness; dreadful,
fearful, awful; things that are dangerous or
that cause uneasiness of mind. (hangw).
kahalngdon, High dignity, exaltedness,
quality of being looked up to with respect
and reverence. (cf. hangd).
kahalayon, (H) Remoteness, distance,
farness. (cf. lay).
kahalimbw, Example, instance,
similitude, parable, illustration.
kahals, (H) Weakness, etc. See
kahlwos, (B) Weakness, feebleness,
languor, debility, exhaustion through lack
of food. (cf. hlwos).
kham, To touch, feel. (cf. ipangalham).
The simple kham seems to be out of use.
kahmak, Slight, disregard, disrespect,
neglect, contempt, condition of a thing or
person thatis of little or no concern,
need not be paid any attention to. (cf.
kahmbal, Confidant, intimate friend.
Kahmbal nya si. She (He) is her (his)
confidant. (cf. hmbal, kadgil, hahrup).
kahambugn, Idle talk, gossip, useless
chatting, boasting, bragging. (cf. hmbug).
kahamil, Preciousness, costliness,
dearness, high value. (cf. bil, hamil).
kahaml, Preciousness, dearness,
affection, tenderness. (cf. pl, haml).
kahamtngan, Position, condition,
state, station, circumstances. (butng; cf.
kabtngan, kahimtngan).
kahamungayan, Peacefulness,
happiness, prosperity, affluence.


Visayan-English Dictionary
kahamok, Depth, deepness, soundness,
profoundness, profundity (of sleep).
kahamot, Liking, pleasure, delight,
complacency, state of being pleased with.
(cf. hamot).
kahamt, Agreeable odour, pleasant
smell, perfume, scent, aroma. (hamt; cf.
kahm-ut, (H) Fun, pleasure, enjoyment,
gaiety, cheerfulness, pleasantry that excites
laughter. Dak gid ang la kahm-ut sdto
nga hmbal. They heartily enjoyed that
remark. They laughed very much at that
(witty) expression or saying. (cf. hm-ut).
kaham-tan, (H) Pleasure, enjoyment,
things pleasing or funny.
kaham-utnan, (H) See kahalam-tan,
khan, See khang.
kahanab, An incident, event,
happening. (cf. tab).
kahanaykan, Desert, waste land,
solitude; large extent of open country. (cf.
hanyak; kahanaypan id.).
kahanaypan, See kahanaykan. (cf.
khang, Pungency, acerbity; to be or
become pungent, acrid, acerb.
Nakahngan ang dl ko sang katmbal
nga kinagt ko. My tongue was made sore
(was burnt) by the chili which I bit. (cf.
khan id.).
kahangalw-an, (H) See kahalangwan.
kahangw, Fear, shyness,
apprehension, scare, alarm. (hangw).
kahangnan, Wind; air, atmosphere,
climate. (hngin).
kahangl, Closefistedness, stinginess,
niggardliness, sordidness, selfishness,
meanness, greed. (hangl). (cf. kahkug,
kasip, kaabng, kakgud, kamot).
kahanguys, Shock, wonder, surprise
mixed with apprehension of danger or evil.
(hanguys, kuys).
kahanklog, Sympathy, compassion,
pity, tenderness, gentleness, mildness. (cf.
hanklog, kaloy, kaw).
kahanubun, Happenings, events,
incidents, facts, history. (cf. hanab, tab).
kahansb, Sorrowfulness, sadness,
sorrow, pity, grief, compassion, sympathy.
(sub; cf. kasub).
kahpd, Smart, ache, pain. (cf. hpd).
kahpdus, Smart, pain, ache, chafing,
fretting. (cf. hpdus, kahpd).
kahpon, Yesterday. (cf. hpon).
kahaponnon, Even-tide, evening. (cf.
kahpon nga dlaw, Yesterday (in
(during) daytime). Kahpon nga ga.
Yesterday morning. Kahpon nga (sing)
hpon. Yesterday afternoon or evening.
kahapnon, Evening. (cf. hpon).

kahaps, Ease, easiness, facility. (haps;

cf. kahuls).
kahapusn, See kahaps. Also: things
that are easy, the easiest of a kind. Am in
ang kahapusn sa tann nga tuln-an.
That is the easiest of all the (text) books.
kahran, Sharpness, pungency, acidity,
acridity. (cf. hrang, karhang).
khas, To hazard, dare, venture, be
audacious, reckless, intrepid, impertinent,
insolent, daring, bold, high-spirited,
dauntless. Kinahsan nya ang
paghinguyng sang plak nga ginpatg
ko sa ya. He dared to spend the money I
had entrusted to him for safe keeping. Ind
mo pagkahsan ang pagbuks sang
ganhan kon wal ka sing tgut sa
pagsuld. Dont dare to open the door,
unless you have permission to enter. (cf.
ahng, ahs).
kaht, The fourth part of a peso, twenty
five centavos. (cf. manght, manghatin).
kahaulipnan, (H) Slavery, peonage,
bondage, peonism, serfdom, villeinage,
villenage, complete subjection. (cf. ulpon).
kahaurungn, Amazement, awe,
astonishment, surprise, wonder,
admiration; things that amaze or astound,
marvellous, amazing, astonishing,
astounding, wonderful, wondrous,
admirable, awful. (cf. urng).
kahawan, Desert, waste, wilderness,
territory destitute of trees and shrubs; a
lonely or isolated place. (cf. hw).
kahwan, State of being clear of
encumbrance or obstruction, openness,
clearness, freedom from impediments. (cf.
kahawnan, See kahwan. Also: things
that are free, unencumbered, unobstructed.
kahaygan, Clearness, lucidity, etc. See
kahyag. Also: What is clearly shown or
easily understood, intelligible,
comprehensible, visible, manifest. Sa
sinng dibho makt nnyo ang
kahaygan sang kon nga ginsilng. You
can see from this drawing what I mean to
say. (cf. hyag, hayg, kahyag).
kahyag, kahayg, Clearness,
plainness, distinctness, perspicuity, clarity,
lucidity, brightness. Ang kahyag sang
kapw. The clearness or brightness of
light. Ang kahayg sang ya nga
katarngan. The lucidity of his
argument (reasoning). (cf. hyag,
kahaypan, Live stock, cattle, domestic
or farm animals. (cf. hyop).
kahro, (Sp. cajero) Cashier, treasurer,
cash-keeper. (cf. kymi, kwmi, tesorro).
kahidlman, Depth, deepness,
profoundness, profundity, deep or
mysterious things. (cf. dlum, kadlum,

Visayan-English Dictionary
kahdlaw, Desire, longing, yearning,
hankering, aspiration, craving, wish (to see
absent friends, etc.). (cf. hdlaw).
kahg, (B) Foot. (cf. til).
khig, To scratch with the feet as a
chicken. Ang mank nagakhig sang dt.
The chicken is scratching the ground.
Ginakahgan sang mank ang dt. The
ground is being scratched by the chicken.
(cf. panghig).
khig, To remove, push or kick off as with
the feet. Kahga sang slhig ang it sang
mank. Remove the chickens excrement
with the broom.
kahigarn, (H) Corners, nooks, out-ofthe-way places. (higd; cf. bint, b-id,
duk, suk, hilt).
kahigaynan, Occasion, opportunity.
kahgk, Dirt, filth, muck; dirtiness,
filthiness, foulness, uncleanness, impurity,
obscenity. (hgk; cf. kalw-ay).
kahigkon, See kahgk. Also: depravity,
immorality, moral filth, abomination,
lechery, lewdness.
kahkaw, Envy, spite, grudge. (hkaw; cf.
kahl, (Sp. cajel) A small orange
indigenous to the Philippines.
kahlab, Hunger, exhaustion through lack
of food. (hlab).
kahilbtan, Connection, relation,
interest, concern. (lbut).
kahilabtnan, See kahilbtan.
kahilda, A refreshing drink made of
water and sugar and mixed with the juice of
the kahl (Sp. cajel).
kahlak, Longing, regret, fretting over
past or lost things. (hlak; cf. kanglin).
kahil-nan, Straits, hardship, weariness,
misery. (hi-l).
kahilapt, (H) Neighbour; vicinity,
proximity, region near, neighbourhood.
kahils, Nervous excitement,
nervousness, nervosity; vexation,
molestation, bother; uneasiness. (cf. hils).
kahilinoklogn, Rueful, woeful, piteous,
pitiful, objects to be treated tenderly or to
be sympathized with. (cf. hinklog,
hanklog, makahanklog).
kahilinoklgon, Tenderness, sympathy,
pity, mildness. (cf. hinklog,
kahilt, Seclusion, solitude, isolation,
solitariness, retirement, state of being
separate or far away from others. (cf. hilt).
kahlway, Condition of being
untrammelled or unobstructed, freedom,
kahilwyan, Freedom, independence,
liberty. (cf. kahlway).
kahimatan, Relations, relatives,
kindred, kin, kith and kin, kinsfolk,
kinship, offspring, progeny. (bt, himat).
kahimayan, Bliss, blessedness, glory,
happiness, felicity; blissful, felicitous;

kahdlaw kahulgan, kahulugn

objects whose possession gives happiness.
(cf. himy).
kahimon, kahiman, Deed, action,
performance, doings; result, effect, issue,
event; possibility of performance. In wal
gid man sing kahimon. That comes
(came) to nothing,cannot (could not) be
done,is (was) of no effect. (cf. hm).
kahmpit, Perfection, completion,
excellence, consummation. (cf. hmpit,
kahimpitn, See kahmpit. Also:
Perfections, virtues, habits or actions that
are perfect or praiseworthy. (cf.
kahimtngan, Position, rank, state,
station, condition, circumstances. (butng;
cf. kabtngan, kahamtngan).
kahn, Scarcity, rareness, rarity,
fewness, dearth. (hn; kawat).
kahinablsan, Nephews and nieces. (cf.
kahinaktan, Pain, suffering, ache;
feeling, sentiment. (cf. hinakt).
kahnay, Slowness, deliberateness,
dilatoriness, tardiness, sluggishness,
gentleness, want of haste, lack of
precipitation, quality of doing something
without undue haste, slow and careful
performance. (cf. hnay).
kahinayn, Slowness, etc. See kahnay.
kahinguyngan, Expenditure, outlay,
waste; squandering, extravagance,
wastefulness, prodigality. (cf. uyng).
kahning, (H) Gloss, lustre, polish, shine,
brilliance, brilliancy, brightness, sheen. (cf.
hning, kasilng, kasl).
kahnl, Cleanness, smoothness,
neatness. (cf. hnl, katnl).
kahinklog, Kindliness, tenderness,
mildness, pity, sympathy, commiseration.
(cf. hinklog, kahilinoklogn, kahanklog).
kahinoklgon, See kahinklog.
kahi-l, Straits, difficulties, want, misery.
(hi-l; cf. kahil-nan).
kahioln, See kahi-l, kahil-nan.
kahiolpnan, (H) Slavery, etc. See
kahaulipnan id.
kahiolipnan, (H) See kahiolpnan,
kahpid, (H) Trimness, neatness,
nattiness, dapperness, tidiness, state of
being dressed or kept in becoming order
and cleanliness. (cf. hpid).
kahpig, (B) Neatness, trimness,
cleanliness. (cf. kahpid id.).
kahpus, Silence, stillness, muteness,
reserve, reticence, taciturnity, quietness,
noiselessness, absence of sound or noise.
(cf. hpus).
kahrup, Intimacy; intimate friend, crony,
confidant. Kahrup ko si. He is my
intimate friend. (hrup; cf. kahmbal,

kahs, Envy, spite, grudge, malice,

resentment, rancour, venom. (hs; cf.
kahta, (Sp. cajeta) A little box; cash-box,
kahitasan, Height, exaltedness,
loftiness, high position or dignity. (cf.
kahits-an, See kahitasan.
kahitlya, (Sp. cajetilla) Package, box, (as
of cigarettes, matches, etc.).
kahmok, Softness, pliability, plasticity,
amenability to physical or moral
impressions, impressionability. (hmok).
kahn, (Sp. cajon) Box, trunk, case; dam,
dyke, ditch, bank, particularly applied to
banks that inclose rice-fields. Also verb:
Kahon ang mo talmnan. Put a bank
around your field. (cf. suldlan).
khoy, Tree; wood.
kahyhoy, Drooping, limpness, hanging
down loosely, dangling, the hang of wet
clothes, etc. (cf. hyhoy).
kahy-kahy, Dim. of khoy. Bush,
shrub, undergrowth, scrub, brushwood,
underwood, coppice, copse.
kahubg, (H) Drunkenness, intoxication,
inebriation, inebriety, state of being drunk.
kahudynan, Tardiness, lateness,
backwardness (of ripening, etc.; cf.
kahgud, Diligence, zeal, application,
ardour, industry, assiduity, assiduousness,
earnestness. (hgud; cf. kapsan, kakud,
kahugt, Tightness, tautness, tension,
tenseness, tensity, closeness, compression,
lack of freedom to breathe or act; fervour,
sincerity. (hugt).
kahukmnan, Justice, jurisprudence,
court of justice. Tiglikm sang bhin sa
kahukmnan. Secretary of Justice. (cf.
hokm, holokmnan).
kahulg, Unsteadiness, restlessness,
instability, unstableness, fickleness,
shakiness, lack of stability or firmness. (cf.
kahulagn, See kahulg. Also:
Fidgetiness; unsettled manner of life.
kahul-nan, See kahil-nan. (hu-lhil; cf. kalisdnan, kapipt-an, kalalt-an).
kahuls, Facility, ease. (huls; cf.
kahaps, kahapusn).
kahulasn, Ease, facility. See kahuls.
kahulbgon, (H) Drunkenness. See
kahulbsan, (H) Evaporation, loss of
moisture, drying up, exsiccation. (cf.
kahulgan, kahulugn, Meaning,
tenour, connotation, implication, sense,
application, signification, significance,
import, purport, interpretation, drift. An
ang ya sin nga kahulgan? What does
that mean? (hlug).


kahulgbon kaisipn
kahulgbon, (H) See kahulbgon.
kahulng, Shadow, shade, shadiness,
umbrageousness, condition of plants, etc.,
that receive little sunlight. (hulng).
kahuly-an, (H) Shame, disgrace,
disrepute, debasement, degradation,
ignominy, humiliation; things or actions
that are shameful, disreputable or
disgraceful. (huy).
kahumann, Completion, execution,
fulfilment, accomplishment. (cf. humn).
kahmoy, Mildness, softness,
tenderness, even temper, quiet, condition
of one who says little and quietly goes his
way. (hmoy).
kahumt, Fragrance, perfume, aroma,
bouquet, scent, sweet odour, pleasant
smell, etc. See kahamt id.
kahunpit, Neatness, closeness of
weaving, etc.; tidiness. (hunpit; cf.
kahpit; kahpid).
kahnit, Toughness, resistance,
durability. (cf. hnit).
kahnlit, See kahnit.
kahn-og, Dampness, moisture,
moistness, humidity, dankness. (hnog).
kahu-l, See kahi-l id.
kahpit, See kahunpit id.
kahsay, Order, disposition, regulation,
settlement, agreement, proper
arrangement. (hsay).
kahusyan, kahusayn, See kahsay.
Also: A clearing up, a settling or
adjustment of a dispute, quarrel, debt, etc.
kahusthan, Propriety, appositeness,
correctness, accordance, aptness, rightness,
conformity, suitability, fitness. Wal sing
kahusthan ang ginsgid nya. What he
told was not correct (not in keeping with
the facts). (hsto).
kahuy, Shame, confusion, mortification,
abashment, sense of shame. (cf. huy,
mahuly-on, makahuhy).
kahuy-nan, Shame, disgrace,
debasement, degradation; remorse mingled
with shame. (cf. kahuy, kahuly-an).
kahuygan, kahuyugn, Bent,
inclination, leaning. (cf. hyug, huyg).
kabug, Desire, longing, yearning,
hankering, passion, craving, particularly
with regard to material goods and
pleasures, covetousness. (cf. bug,
kaidadlman, Depth, etc. See
kadan, (B) To mend, repair, restore, do
up. Sn-o ang nagkadan sang baly? Who
repaired the house? Kaidna (kidna) ang
mo baly. Repair your house. Kilidann,
kiridannthings to be mended or needing
repairs. May kilidann kam? Have you
anything to mend? (cf. kayo,


Visayan-English Dictionary
kad-id, Exactness, precision, preciseness,
diligence, zeal, application, punctuality. (cf.
kag, Fitness, aptness, suitability,
propriety. (cf. g).
kaigon, See kag. Also: things that are
fit, proper or right.
kaih, ka-ih, (B) Shame; to be
ashamed, etc. See huy. Naih (nagkaih)
si. He was ashamed. Ginkaihan ko si. I
am ashamed of him. Ind ka maih
(magkaih). Dont be ashamed. Dont be
shy or bashful.
kakit, (H) Closeness, state of being close
together or spaced only a little apart. (cf.
kal, (H) Liking, longing, craving,
fondness, desire. (cf. l).
kail, Wildness, condition of an untamed
animal; shyness, bashfulness, coyness.
kailan, (H) Attraction, attractiveness,
allurement, enticement. (cf. l).
kailbgon, Desire, instinct, passion, lust,
appetite, prurience, cupidity,
concupiscence, especially with regard to
carnal emotions. (cf. bug).
kailgbon, See kailbgon id.
kalo, kail, Wretched, miserable, poor,
pitiable, woeful, unfortunate.
kailm, Darkness, blackness,
brownishness, dun-colour. (ilm).
kama, (B) Liking, longing, craving,
fondness, particularly for pleasant food,
drink, etc. From ma. (cf. kal, kabug).
kaimto, A kind of fruit tree.
kamol, Poverty, penury, want,
destitution, deficiency, indigence. (mol).
kaimoln, See kamol. Also: Things that
make life hard and poor, beggary,
pauperism, impecuniousness.
kaimoln, See kamol. (cf. kaimoln).
kamon, Jealousy, apprehension of
rivalry, fear of being supplanted or
superseded in love, esteem or rank. (mon).
kamot, Stinginess, miserliness,
closefistedness, meanness, niggardliness,
parsimoniousness. (mot).
kan, (H) To go somewhere; to do, be, fare,
come to, amount to, end, result. Makan
gid bal in? Where will it end? What will
it finally come to or amount to? Makan
ka? Where are you going to? Ginkan mo
ang kon lpis? Where did you put my
pencil? (cf. an).
kana, A short while ago, some time since,
a moment or a few hours ago (within the
same day); formerly, previously. Kana
sang ga. This morning. Kana
lang sinng hpon naghaln si. He left
this afternoon. (cf. kunnaafter some
kainablwon, Affability, amiableness,
sociableness, sociability. (blaw; cf.

kainany, Tenderness, gentleness,

softness, slowness, condition of anything
done gently, quietly, softly, noiselessly or
peacefully. (nany; cf. kanany,
kaingn, Practice and result of jungleburning, burned clearing, clearing; to burn
or fire a piece of grass-land, jungle or
mountainside. Nagakaingn sil ddto sa
baklod. They are burning (or firing) the
grass there on the hill. Kangna (kaingin)
inng talnan. Set fire to this jungle. (cf.
ttud, snug).
kangod, Nearness, proximity,
neighbourhood, adjacency, state of being
placed at the side of or near by; neighbour.
Sa kangod sang mon baly. At the side
of our house or near our house. Kangod
nmon si. He is our neighbour. From
ngod. (cf. kahilapt, kaping).
kangol, Scarceness, scarcity, want,
rareness, paucity, fewness, dearth. (ngol;
cf. kawat, kahn).
kanit, Heat, warmth, glow, fervour,
ardour. (cf. nit).
kainitn, See kanit. Also: The thick of a
fight, heavy work during the heat of the
day, etc. (cf. intan).
kainitn, Heat, especially the heat of the
sun. See kanit.
kanot, Economy, frugality, parsimony,
niggardliness, thriftiness, meanness,
closeness, miserliness. (not; cf. kaknot,
kakintan, kamot).
kainotn, See kanot. (cf. kamot).
Kainsikn, China, the Chinese,
Chinamen, the Chinese nation. (cf. nsik).
kantok, (B) Smallness, littleness,
diminutiveness. (cf. ntok; kagamy,
kaditay, kaist, katik).
kaping, Neighbourhood, adjacency,
proximity, nearness, state of being attached
to the side of; neighbour. (cf. ping;
kangod, kahilapt, kasilngan).
kairl, (Sp. cairel) Appendage, fringe, silkband, watch-chain.
kairr, See kairl id.
kais, Once; sometimes. Kon kais.
Now and then, sometimes. (cf.
makais; ks-a).
kaishan, Oneness, union, unity,
unification. (cf. is).
kaishan, Agreement, settlement,
accord, union, pact. (cf. is).
kasip, Counting, reckoning,
enumeration, telling, selfishness that
counts up every little thing; fault-finding,
carping. (cf. sip).
kaisipn, Reckonings, thoughts, desires,
plans, projects, designs, purposes,
proposals, intentions. Ang Dis
nagamnd sang ton mga hunhn kag
kaisipn. God directs our thoughts and

Visayan-English Dictionary
kaist, (B) Smallness, littleness, a small
amount, especially of liquids. For solids
katik is more often used. (cf. ist).
kasug, Violence, vehemence, bravery,
courage, hardihood, force, strength,
severeness, severity, strictness. (cf. sug).
kaitm, Blackness, darkness,
swarthiness, state of being dark coloured.
(cf. itm).
kawat, Scarcity, rarity. (wat; cf. kahn,
kka, To collect, gather, scrape or rake
together with the hand, as things lying on a
table, earth from a hole, etc. Kakha ang
dt. Scrape the earth together. Kakhi
ang tabungs sing humy. Take some rice
from the tabungos-basket (with your
hands). Ikka ak nay sinng mas.
Gather, please, these maize-seeds (maizecobs) with your hand. Din ak makakka
sing plak? Where can I scrape together
some money? (cf. tpon, tingb).
kk, Full, stuffed, crammed, brimful,
chockfull, chokefull, bulging; to be or
become full, etc. Abw, balkda inng bt
nga nagakk ang ya blsa sang
kamnsil. My! look back at that boy whose
pockets are stuffed with camunsel-fruit.
Kk ang ya pyo. His purse is full. (cf.
bt-al, pun, bknal).
kakak, Cackle, cackling; to cackle; to
talk or shout much. (cf. kkak).
kakabaln, Toughness, insensibility to
pain. (cf. kabaln).
kakdat, Pungency, sharpness, hotness,
acidity, acridity, (kdat; cf. kadat).
kakgud, Greediness, gluttony,
voraciousness, voracity; desire for honour
or excellence, ambition. (kgud).
kakhang, Pungency, acerbity,
sharpness, hotness, piquancy of taste.
kakhas, Audacity, boldness, hardihood,
temerity, insolence, venturesomeness,
rashness, cheek, impertinence, daring,
intrepidity. (cf. khas).
kakahyan, Forest, wood, coppice,
copse; collection of trees, wood, timber,
lumber. (cf. khoy).
kkak, Cackling; to cackle. Ang mung
nagakkak. The hen cackles. (cf. kakak;
kurukutkto cluck).
kakalm, Ticklishness, sensation
produced by tickling. (cf. kalm).
kakaliw, Uncouthness, unsightliness,
ungainliness, boorishness, clumsiness,
awkwardness. (cf. kaliw, baksiw,
kaknang, Brightness of colours,
conspicuousness, condition of one dressed
up in bright colours. (cf. knang).
kaknat, Slowness, retardation, a slow,
tedious process. Ang pagkaklang sang
kasangkpan am ang
nanginkabangdnan sang kaknat sang
la pagpangabdlay. Lack of tools was the

kaist kakumbya
cause of the slowness of their work. (cf.
kaknaw, Brightness, shine, lustre,
polish. (cf. knaw).
kakandnggal, Leanness, thinness,
meagreness. (cf. kandnggal, kanwang,
kahgpis, kakant).
kakant, (B) Leanness, thinness,
skinniness, emaciation, lankness,
gauntness. (cf. kant, kanwang,
kakpog, (B) Staleness, insipidity,
insipidness, tastelessness, mawkishness,
condition of cold cooked food, especially
applied to rice. (cf. kpog, kabhaw).
kakpoy, Exhaustion, tiredness,
weakness, fatigue, languor, lassitude. (cf.
kpoy, kabdlay, kalay, kapul, kaly,
kalya, kakl).
kakrat, (H) See kadat, kakdat.
kakar-kar, Hustling, speeding-up,
haste, despatch, dispatch, expedition,
hurry; volubility (of speech). (cf. karkar,
kadsig, kadal, kagargar).
kaks, To wash away, take out,
dissolve, a stain, or the like. Butang sing
ags, agd makaks ang pnta. Apply
some kerosene to remove the stain of paint.
An bal ang mayo nga ikaks ko sa sin
nga bulng? What is the best for
removing, taking out, this stain?
Kakas ang mga dgt nga tnta sa mo
kamt. Wash the ink-stains off your hand.
Ind ak makakaks sinng bulng (nd ko
makaks inng bulng) sa tbig. I cannot
get this stain out with water. Kakas ak
sinng mga dgt sa kon delrgo. Wash
those stains out of my trousers. Ikaks ak
sinng hgk sa kon by. Please wash
that dirt off my jacket.
kakasg, Leanness, meagreness,
thinness, condition of one who is as lean as
a casag-crab. (kasg; cf. kanwang,
Kakatsilan, Spain; Spaniards; the
Spanish Nation. (cf. Katsl).
kakatl, Itchiness. (katl).
kakw, (Sp. cacao) The cacao-tree and its
fruit; cocoa.
kakawaynan, Clumps of bamboos;
bamboo in general. (cf. kawyan,
kkay, Sneak, trickster, tricksy, sly, wily,
clever, cunning (used onlyand mostly
humorouslyof females). Ay, si ty kkay
man! Oh that wily aunty! Oh that
tricky (cunning, sly, clever) good soul!
(cf. kkoy).
kki, Khaki.
kakd-ol, Savouriness, tastiness,
toothsomeness (of eatables that are neither
too soft nor too hard, but just right). (cf.
kakilran, (H) Relations, relatives, family
connections, friends. (cf. klid).

kaknot, Economy, retrenchment, thrift,

etc. See kanot, kakinotn. (knotnot).
kakinotn, See kaknot, kanot. Also:
Collective of all things that bring about
economy or frugal living.
kakinotn, See kaknot.
kakisy, Quick movement, agility,
litheness; sudden jerk. (kisy; cf. kapgsik,
kakt, Often stands for makakt,
nakakt from ktto see.
kakitidn, (B) Narrowness, tightness,
little breadth or width. (cf. kitd).
kakitirn, (H) See kakitidn.
kakgnan, Place where much cogongrass grows; mountain side or field covered
with cogon-grass. (cf. kgon, kakogonn).
kakogonn, kakognan, See
kakg-ong, Nearness, proximity (of
time); narrowness (of mind); tightness (of
clothes, belts, etc.). Kakg-ong na sang
Simna Snta! How near Holy Week is!
Kakg-ong sang ya sip! How narrowminded he is! Kakg-ong sang kon
wklos; laboyn ko. My belt is too tight; I
am going to loosen it. (cf. kgong; lapt;
kakolnan, (H) Pottery, pots and jars.
(cf. klon).
kkoy, A sneak, trickster, cheat; fool; to
fool, cheat, trick. Ginakkoy lang nya si.
He is just fooling him. Ind mo ak
pagkakyon. Dont fool, trick or cheat me.
(cf. bang, hs, lgit, agng, etc.).
kakubs, Lowness, lowliness, humble
station or position; meanness. (cf. kubs).
kakubsan, kakubusn, See kakubs.
Also: the humble, poor, low caste, low
class, Pariah.
kakgi, Diligence, assiduousness,
assiduity, industry, application, care. (cf.
kakgmat, Fright, alarm, fear, terror,
panic, dread. (cf. kgmat).
kakulbson, Want, need, lack,
insufficiency. (cf. kulbus).
kakulngan, Shortcomings, lack, want,
insufficiency. (cf. klang).
kaklb, Shyness, fear, trepidation,
apprehension, nervousness, nervous
excitement, trembling. (cf. klb).
kakl, (H) Slowness, arduousness,
hardness, laboriousness, irksomeness,
toilsomeness, condition of something that
is achieved only step by step with hard
work or great patience, (kl; cf. kahnay,
kabdlay, kaknat).
kakulin, (H) See kakl. Also:
Difficulties, hardships, things requiring
hard work or great patience.
kakulin, (H) Laboriousness, etc. See
kakumbya, Partner, associate, fellowmember, stockholder, shareholder (of a


kakpus kalahanusbon
firm or company). (cf. kumbya,
kakpus, Shrinkage, contraction,
dwindling. (cf. kpus, kups).
kaksug, Strength, force, power, vigour.
(cf. ksug, kusg).
kakuyg, Shakiness, unsteadiness,
weakness, feebleness, debility. (cf. kuyg,
kalya, kaly, kakl).
kla, Shell, tortoise shell; made of tortoise
shell (or an imitation of it); comb (of
tortoise shell). Ang ya husy kla. Her
comb is made of tortoise shell.
kl, A croak, the hoarse, harsh cry of a
frog; to croak (as a frog). Ang mga pak
(pnk) nagakl. Frogs croak. N.B. The
Dim. and Freq. kalkal is more in use.
kalanan, (H) A field planted one year
which without additional planting yields its
produce the following year also, (especially
applied to sugar-cane fields). (cf. dan).
kalaayohn, (H) Things to be mended or
standing in need of repair. (yo, kayo; cf.
kilidann, kiridann).
kalb, (H) Length of objects, extent from
end to end. (lb; cf. kalaban, kalbug,
kalabugn; kadgay, kabhaylength of
kalabahn, (H) Cloth to be worked up,
or fit to be worked up, into farmers shirts
called kba.
kalabnan, kalabann, The greater
part or number, majority. (labn; cf.
kalabntos, (Sp. garbanzo) A kind of
kalaban, (H) Length. See kalb.
kalabsa, (Sp. calabaza) Squash,
pumpkin, gourd; failure, mess, fiasco; to
make a mess of, meet with failure, commit
a great blunder. Nakalabsa
(Nagkalabsa) ang la tbad. Their
banquet was a failure. Ginkalabsa lang
ak nya. He left me in the lurch, tricked or
cheated me, made a fool of me, caused my
plans or intentions to miscarry.
kalabtan, Common or joint property.
(cf. karabtan).
kalabw, Excess, haughtiness, great
ambition to exceed others. (cf. labw).
kalabawn, The larger or greater share,
more than others, or more than is left;
excess, superfluity, superabundance,
redundancy, what is beyond due limits. (cf.
kalabra, (Sp. calavera) Skull. (cf. bagl).
kalabihn, Preference, preponderance,
excellence, privilege, value or esteem set
upon one thing rather than another. Ang
mga kalabihn sang Mahl nga Brhen.
The excellences or glories of the Blessed
Virgin. (cf. lab).
kalabkban, Anything liable or exposed
to being undermined or having its
foundations sapped by the action of water;
hen-nest. (cf. kbkab).


Visayan-English Dictionary
kalabkbon, Eggs to be hatched. (cf.
kalablton, That is to be, or can be,
touched; tangible. (cf. kblit).
kalab, Tastiness, savouriness (of
squashes, tubers, etc.; cf. lab).
kalabso, (Sp. calabozo) Prison, jail,
dungeon, calaboose. (cf. bilanggan).
kalabtnan, Relations, connection,
interest, implication, participation, share,
interference, meddling. (cf. lbut,
kalbug, (B) See kalb.
kalabugn, (B) See kalaban.
kalabulngan, (H) Astonishment,
amazement, wonder, surprise; wonderful,
astounding, amazing. (blung). (cf.
kalabs, Prison, gaol. (cf. kalabso,
karsl, bilanggan).
kalabtan, Connection with, relation,
etc. See kalabtnan.
kalbwak, Tallness, large size (when age
is considered). (cf. lbwak).
kald, A kind of dgmay. (cf. gld).
kaladlwan, (H) Fun, funniness,
drollery, ludicrousness, laughableness,
ridiculousness, pleasantry, anything that
excites laughter (with or without
contempt); ridiculous, funny, droll, etc. (cf.
kdlaw, kalaham-utn).
kaladlwon, (H) Laughter, act of
laughter, inclination to laugh. Ginkagt
nya ang ya bibg sa pagpugng sang ya
kaladlwon. He bit his lips to check
(restrain) his laughter.
kaldo, (Sp. calado) Draught of a vessel;
fretwork. (cf. dgpak).
kaldo, (Sp. cuadrado) Square. (cf.
kaladton, (H) Place to go to or arrive at.
(kdto; cf. kadton).
kalg, Soul, spirit, moral and spiritual
nature of man; a disembodied spirit;
vitality, moving spirit. (cf. klag; lwas
body, matter).
klag, (B) Intelligence, sensibility,
sensibleness, sense, reasonableness,
judiciousness, understanding, prudence,
common sense, wisdom, sagacity,
sagaciousness. (cf. sip, ihibal, kalibtan).
kalgan, (B) Sensible, intelligent,
prudent, reasonable, wise, docile,
sagacious, judicious, obedient. (cf. klag,
kalg, but-nan).
kalgday, Slowness; gentleness,
tenderness. (cf. lgday, kalgway).
kalaghan, kalaghan, (H)
Mourning, grief, sorrow; what is to be
mourned over or grieved at, lamentable.
(cf. kgh, makakalgh).
kalging, To arrange, dispose, marshal,
array, regulate, put in order; prepare well,
drill, make ship-shape. Kalagnga ang
mga tuln-an, bnk, lta, botlya, etc. Set
in order the books, benches, tins, bottles,

etc. Kinalagngan ak nya sang mga

galamitn sang kon balatonn. He
arranged for me the furniture of my
reception room. Ginkalging sang
mananbang sing mayo ang mga sksi.
The lawyer drilled (prepared) the witnesses
well. (cf. kging, hsay, hmos, man,
kalg-it, Cunning, craftiness, knavery,
double-dealing, trickiness, cheating,
artfulness. (cf. lg-it).
kalg-kalg, (B) Dim. of klag. Sense,
wit, understanding, intelligence.
kalaglgan, Destruction, perdition, ruin.
(cf. lglag).
kalgnon, Of, or pertaining to, the soul
or spirit, spiritual, immaterial. (cf. kalg,
kalag, (B) Dirt, dirtiness, filthiness,
condition of being dirtied, foul, soiled,
tarnished, particularly applied to soiled
clothes. (cf. lag, laglag).
kalagt, (H) A rasp, a kind of coarse file.
(cf. kagt, kgot).
kalgtom, Freshness, vigour,
vigorousness, floridness (of plants).
kalagulan, kalagulan, (H) Noise,
commotion, stir, excitement, disturbance,
riot, sensation; making a stir, causing or
exciting a commotion, etc. Kalagulan
inng mga balt sa dl madgay. These
reports will soon cause a sensation. (cf.
makagull, gl, gam).
kalgway, Slowness, etc. See kalgday
kalgyan, To deteriorate, degenerate,
become less productive. Nagakalgyan
ang mga sging, kapyas, etc. sa mon
hardn. The bananas, papaws, etc. in our
garden are deteriorating, are giving less
fruit than formerly.
kalh, (H) Pan, frying pan.
kalh, (H) Black spots on the skin.
kalahadlukn, (H) Things that excite
fear or terror; fearsome, fearful, terrible,
awful, horrible, dreadful, frightful,
alarming, appalling. (cf. hdluk,
kalham, To touch, feel. (cf. kham,
lham, ipangalham).
kalaham-utn, (H) Merriment,
pleasure, pleasantry, fun, mirth, drollery,
buffoonery, things that excite laughter and
merriment. (cf. hm-u, kahm-ut, kahamtan, kaham-utnan, makahalm-ut).
kalaham-utnan, (H) See kalahamutn.
kalahangw-an, (H) Fear,
apprehension, etc. See kahalangw-an,
kahangalw-an, kahangw.
kalahanusbon, (H) Grief, sorrow, pity,
commiseration, sympathy; things that
excite pity or compassion, pitiable, woeful,
lamentable, sad, distressful, deplorable,

Visayan-English Dictionary
pathetic, touching, affecting. (cf. sub,
kalahg, Rake, anything that is used for
raking. (cf. khig, kahg).
kalahilkan, kalahilakn, (H) Things
to becherished,desired,regretted
(when lost); desirable, lovely, highly
praised or esteemed; regrettable. (cf. hlak,
makahihlak, makahillak).
kalahlo, kalahl, Poisonous,
venomous, baneful, noisome, noxious. (cf.
hil, makahihlo, karahlo).
kalahs, The liquid obtained from the
tapican-fruit and used to spite others by
spirting it on them by means of a tube, the
liquid causing great itch and pain, more
even than npay; to use or apply
kalahs. Kalahosn nya ikw, kon.
They say, he will treat you to a dose of
kalahs. Ginkalahs nya si. He was
treated by him with kalahs. (cf. npay).
kalailan, (H) Attraction, attractiveness,
fascination, winsomeness, allurement,
enticement, charm; attractive, seductive,
winning, captivating, charming,
fascinating, bewitching. (cf. l, makaill).
kalamnan, (B) Disagreeable to sight or
taste, distasteful, revolting, noisome,
disgusting, repelling, ugly, bad; quality that
excites disgust or aversion. (cf. lmnan,
kalin, (H) Badness, maliciousness,
malignity, malevolence, hurtfulness,
harmfulness, perniciousness, noxiousness,
wickedness, noisomeness. (cf. lin).
kalan, Difference, diversity, dissimilarity.
(cf. lan, kalanlanan).
kalanan, Badness, etc. See kalin. Also:
evil, harm, hurt, mischief, prejudice,
drawback, disadvantage.
kalangnon, (H) Jungle or grass to be
burned or fired. Si am ang tagya sang
madm nga kalangnon. He is the owner
of many parcels of land that can be cleared
by fire and made fit for the plough. (cf.
kalan-lin, To be different, dissimilar,
diverse, unlike; to differ one from another.
Nagakalanlin sil sing dug. They are
different in colourorof different
kalan-lanan, Difference, diversity,
variety, unlikeness, dissimilarity.
kalanman, (B) See kalamnan.
kal-kal, Dim. of klcroaking; to
kalakasn, Excess, extreme, radicalism,
extravagance, intemperance. (laks).
kalakatd, To throw about ones arms
and legs in gaiety and merriment, to jump,
frolic and play like children, to be full of
mirth and hilarity. Ang mga bt
nagakalakatd. The boys are frolicking.
(cf. karakatd; tirktirk).
kalla, Treacherousness, insidiousness (of
diseases, etc.). (cf. lla, malla).

kalahg kalany
kalalakn-an, Men, males, menfolk. (cf.
kalalngan, Means, ways, device,
contrivance, appliance, resource that is
employed to bring about something. (cf.
kalalt-an, Evils, harm, injury, affliction,
disaster, misfortune. (cf. lut).
kallaw, (H) A flat-bottomed sieve or
low-brimmed basket mainly used to
separate freshly pounded rice from the
chaff. (cf. karraw).
kalalwdan, (B) Sea, ocean. (cf. lawd,
kalalwran, kadagtan).
kalalaworn, (H) See kalalwdan.
kalalwran, (H) See kalalwdan.
kalalbangn, kalalbngan, Road,
line, limit, boundary; to lie athwart, lie
across, be in the passage of. (cf. lbang,
labangn, kalbangn).
kalalm, (H) Taste, flavour; tastiness,
savouriness, toothsomeness; ingredient,
admixture; element. (cf. lalm).
kalalingyson, What is to be wound on
a bobbin, as a thread, etc. (kalngyas).
kalalipayn, (H) Pleasure, things that
give joy or pleasure; pleasant, pleasurable,
enjoyable, gratifying. (cf. lpay, kalpay,
makalilpay, malipyon, malipayn).
kalalson, (H) Superfluous, redundant,
exaggeration, what is to be or should be
removed, taken away or left out, or, taken
with a grain of salt (not to be fully
believed). Kalalson na gid ang am nga
mga punpni. Those flourishes (or little
decorations) should be removed or left out.
Ang ya nga pagpakigsmpung sa kay
Fulno may katarngan nga dak, pang
kalalson gid man ang ibn nga ginsilng
nya. His opposition to N.N. is perfectly
justified, but some of the things he said
must be taken with a grain of salt. (cf.
kalalitn, (H) Promptness, despatch,
expedition, first opportunity; anything that
does not suffer delay or should be done
quickly. (cf. kalt).
kalalo-oyn, (H) Pitiableness, anything
that excites pity or compassion. (cf.
kalaly-an, makalol-oy).
kalalt, (H) Nail, claw or anything else
used for scratching, scraping, digging out
earth, etc. (klot; cf. karalt id.).
kalalton, Things to be scratched or dug
out, as roots, tubers, etc. (klot; cf.
kalalotn, What is to be scratched,
rubbed or soothed, as an itch; trial,
hardship, difficulty; hard to bear or suffer.
(cf. klot, kalalton).
kalaly-an, See kalalo-oyn id.
kalaluyagn, Loveliness, attraction,
charm; likeable, lovely, charming, pleasing,
captivating, anything that excites a liking,
affection or passion for. (cf. lyag,
makalulyag, maluyagn, pangaluyg).

kallyan, Place where digging is done, a

mine, or the like. (cf. kli).
kalm, To tickle, itch, irritate, titillate.
Ginakalamn ak. I have a tickling feeling.
kalamag-ohn, (H) Novelty, modernity,
novel or new-fangled things. (cf. bg-o,
kamg-o, kamag-ohn).
kalam-lamahn, Doubt, suspense of
judgment, uncertainty, indecision,
hesitation. (cf. lam-lam,
kalamng-kamng, Anything that
crawls or creeps, as snails, crabs, shrimps,
etc. (cf. kmang).
kalamant, Lean, thin, emaciated, gaunt,
spare, skinny; to become lean, etc. Inng
bboy kalamant kayo. This pig is very
lean. Nagkalamant ang karabw kay
nabugtasn sa pangabdlay. The buffalo
became lean, because it was overworked.
(cf. kant, manwang, nwang).
kalamtay, To die (of many). (cf.
kamtay, paty).
kalamatyan, (H) Deadly, fatal,
mortiferous; a fatal spot. Awt na lang ang
pagbulng sa ya, kay ang ya pils sa
kalamatyan gid. He was past cure, for his
wound was mortal, for he was wounded in
a vital spot. (cf. paty; kalamtyan id.).
kalamtyan, (H) See kalamatyan id.
kalmay, Sugar.
kalamy, To sugar, to flatter, to soft
soap. Ind mo si pagkalamayn. Dont
flatter him. Ginkalamy nla si. They
flattered himorThey soft-soaped him.
(cf. uns, uts, odt, paaynyon).
kalmayhti, kalmayht, A sweet
dish of crushed or pulverised rice mixed
with sugar and the juice of coconut-meat.
kalamyo, To get bad, fester, mortify,
gangrene (applied especially to wounds
becoming worse through the influence of
heat). Kinalamyo ang ya nga pils. His
wound got bad (through exposure to heat).
Also: erysipelas, St. Anthonys fire.
kalmb, Healthy growth, quality of
growing well,thriving,flourishing. Ang
mga tanm nga waly kalmb dpat
nga bunyagn kag sagurn. Plants that do
not grow well or thrive should be watered
and taken care of. (cf. lmb).
kalambgas, A guard-ring, made as a
rule thinner than the ring it guards.
kalambsay, See awwo id.
kalmpay, A kind of river-crab. (cf.
kasg, kgang; pangalmpay).
kaln, Tripod, especially a small iron one
for use in the kitchen.
kaln-an, (H) Dining table, dining room,
refectory, restaurant, eating place. (cf.
kalnaw, (H) To shine, glisten; fill (with
tears). (See knaw, kanwkanw).
kalany, A kind of very sticky, viscous
rice; it is particularly used for making
bus and alop. (cf. arabn, pilt).


kalandrkas kalwat
kalandrkas, Unsymmetrical, awry,
unequal, lop-sided, disproportioned, queer,
odd, strange. Ang ya bsti kalandrkas.
Her dress is unsymmetrical. She is dressed
in an odd style.
kalndus, (H) Ladle, scoop, shovel for
dry or liquid things. (cf. kndus, lug,
klang, A covering or protection for
wounds. Also verb: Kalngi ang pils
orbutang sing klang ang pils. Put a
covering over the wound.
kalangn, Braided straw, twigs, mat, or
the like used to place pots upon to prevent
them from coming into contact with the
floor. (cf. likn).
kalangs, Jocoseness, jocosity,
jocularity, waggery. (cf. langs).
kalangil-arn, (H) Abomination,
frightfulness, repulsiveness, something
shocking or terrifying, things awful to look
upon, filthy stench. (cf. ngl-ad, kangl-ad).
kalangs, The disagreeable sensation
produced by strident sounds, as by a saw
encountering a nail or stone, etc. (langs).
kalangs, Rottenness, rancidness,
condition of being spoilt (of coconut-meat,
copra, etc.). (langs).
kalangtan, Heaven; the heavens,
firmament, welkin (poetical). (cf. lngit).
kalngkag, Impatience, uneasiness,
weariness, worry; longing, expectancy,
desire. (cf. lngkag).
kalngkang, (H) To stretch out ones
hand with fingers apart, as when catching a
ball, etc. Kalangkang ang kamt mo, ang
tdl mo. Stretch out your hand, spread
your fingers.
kalngking, Ripeness, fulness (of grains,
nuts, etc.). (cf. lngking).
kalngnan, Stop, pause, interval, rest.
(cf. langn).
kalngsa, A strong fishy taste or smell
(said of fish in a raw as well as in a cooked
state). (lngsa).
kalngto, A bad, vapid, insipid
nauseating taste, disagreeable flavour,
particularly applied to raw or half-raw or
green peas and beans. (cf. lngto).
kalanognan, kalanogonn, That is
to be pitied or regretted. (cf. kangon).
kaln-on, (H) Food, especially rice. (cf.
kalanng, State of being over-ripe,
rotten-ripeness. (cf. lanng, katanng).
kalan-non, (H) Sweets, sweetmeat,
pastry, cakes, biscuits, bread, etc. (Almost
any side-dish may be called kalan-non,
except rice, meat, fish and vegetables). (cf.
kalnsan, Hardness, fulness, ripeness; to
be full and ripe, applied especially to
kadis-beans. Nagaamtamt na ang
kadis sang kalnsan. The kadis-beans
are beginning to get full and hard.
Nagkalnsan na ang kadis. The kadis


Visayan-English Dictionary
beans have become full and ripe. (See
kalanthon, (H) A song, lay, ballad,
ditty, what is to be sung, a hymn, chant,
canticle. (knta; cf. ambahnon,
kalntip, Perfection, excellence. (cf.
kalantipn, Perfection, quality of the
highest worth, excellence, first class,
supreme, things of the highest standard.
(lntip; cf. kahimpitn).
kalantubg, To fill with water, mortify,
get infected or purulent through the action
of water, said of wounds, etc. Kinalantubg
ang kon pils. My wound mortified
(through contact with water).
kalanpad, Associate, companion,
cooperator, collaborator; at the side of,
near-by, adjacent. (cf. tupd).
kalpad, Breadth, width, extensiveness,
wideness, extent. (lpad).
kalapadn, See kalpad.
kalaparn, (H) See kalpad.
kalapasn, Omission, neglect,
negligence, failure to comply with orders,
duties, etc. (cf. lpas).
kalapta, A tick, a kind of mite (very
small insect). (cf. galapta).
kalapti, To caulk (a boat, ship); to
knead, mix; to besmear, plaster.
Kalapathon mo ang lnang kag ihplas
sa klon, agd nd magtl. Knead the
mud and plaster the rice-kettle with it, that
it may not leak.
kalapt, (H) Nearness, proximity, short
distance. (cf. lapt).
kalpkap, Tendril of a vine, etc.; to
encircle, wind around, cling to, entwine.
Ang by nagakalpkap sa bgsok. The
by is winding itself around the post.
Inng mga bat ginakalapkapn sang
kadenadeamr. These stones are entwined
with the vine called cadena de amor.
Pakalapkap ang kaluby sa palpla.
Make the calubay cling to the trellis or
lattice work. (cf. kpkap, kabd).
kalapl, Plaster, any kind of sticky or
viscous material. (kpol).
kalaponn, kalapnon, (H) To be
castrated,gelded, fit to be madea
capon,a eunuch (especially said of
cocks). (cf. kapn).
kalptan, (H) Handle, haft, grip;
anything to be grasped or held. (cf. kapt).
kalapnan, (H) Place where animals are
castrated. (cf. kapn).
kalput, To adhere to, stick together. (cf.
kpot, dokt, pilt).
kalapt, (H) Anything used for grasping
or holding. (kapt).
kalapyut, (H) Thickness, consistence,
coherence, density, condensation,
inspissation (of liquids). (cf. lapyut).

kalpy, Tiredness, fatigue, exhaustion,

feebleness, weakness. (cf. lpy; kabdlay,
kalapytan, Handle, grip, grasp, hold,
haft; influence, power, sway. (cf. kpyot).
klas, To rustle (as dry leaves in the
wind). Nagaklas ang luky. The dry
coconut-leaves are rustling. Ang mga
dhon nga kigs ginapaklas sang
hngin. The dry leaves are being rustled by
the windorare rustling in the wind.
kals, A harrow. (cf. pakals, pakarsto
kalsag, Shield, cover, protection,
defense; escutcheon.
kalaslon, (H) Bride, bridegroom, a
couple to be married. (cf. kasl).
kalsang, Foolishness, folly, stupidity,
silliness, shallowness, stolidity, fatuity,
nonsense, condition of one who talks
foolishly or has silly ideas. (cf. lsang).
kalasngan, Folly, stupidity, twaddle,
silly talk. (cf. kalsang).
kals-ay, Tastelessness, mawkishness,
insipidness, vapidity. (ls-ay).
kalas-ayn, See kals-ay. Also: Things
that are insipid or cause nausea or
kalslon, (H) See kalaslon.
kalt, Rope, thick string, line, cord. (cf.
lbid, ps).
kalat, Condition or state of food cooked
overmuch or overdone. (cf. lat).
kalatan, Snare, trap, net; difficulty, trial.
(cf. kti, katin).
kalatipnan, (H) Meeting, assembly,
club, club-house, society. (cf. tpon).
kalatstse, A kind of cactus-tree with
beautiful white flowers.
kalut, Evil, badness, wickedness, malice,
malignity, maliciousness, malevolence,
banefulness, balefulness, perniciousness,
noxiousness; misery, wretchedness,
misfortune. (cf. lut; kalin).
kalatan, See kalut. Also: Harm, injury,
bad things, wicked deeds.
kalawg, A kind of plant. It is used as a
remedy for painful or decaying teeth.
kalawsan, Body, materiality. (cf.
kalawasn, Body, the main or principal
part of a dress, the contents of a letter (as
distinct from the address), etc. (cf. laws,
kalwat, To receive Holy Communion,
communicate. Nakakalwat na ikw?
Have you been to Holy Communion? Sn-o
ang ginakalwat? Who is received in Holy
Communion? Bus magakalwat ak. Tomorrow I will receive Holy Communion.
Mangalwat ak karn. I am going-to
receive Holy Communion now. Ang
masakt nga to ginpakalwat sang Pr.
The sick man had Holy Communion
administered to him by the Priest. The
Priest gave the sick man Holy Communion.

Visayan-English Dictionary
kalw-ay, (H) Ugliness, hideousness,
unsightliness, unseemliness, nastiness,
unbecomingness, impropriety, indecency.
(cf. lw-ay).
kalaw-yan, (H) See kalw-ay. Also:
Things that are ugly, unbecoming,
dishonest, indecent, filthy, improper.
kalawhton, Such as to be reached or
grasped; within reach, near, easy to obtain,
obtainable. (cf. kwhat).
kalwid, (B) Length, duration of time. (cf.
kalwig id.).
kalwig, (H) Length, duration of time.
(cf. lwig).
kalawign, Length; distance. (cf.
kalwig; kalayon).
kalawilin, (H) Pleasure, enjoyment,
delight, satisfaction. (wli; cf. kalawilihn,
kalawilihn, (H) See kalawilin,
kawilihn id.
kalawt, (H) Anything used as a hook, as
a stick or pole with a hook attached to it
and the like. (kawt; cf. sngit, singt).
kalawg, (B) Bigness, hugeness,
condition or quality of beingvery tall,of
more than ordinary size, especially applied
to animals. (lawg).
klay, To jingle, chink, tingle, tinkle (of
coins, iron chains, etc.). Nagaklay ang
kwrta sa ya blsa. The money is jingling
in his pocket. Ind mo pagpakalyon ang
plak mo. Dont jingle your money. (cf.
klas, lgting).
kalay, Dryness, exsiccation. (cf. ly,
kalayan, Exsiccation, withering, fading,
drying up. Blak nga wal sing kalayan.
A flower that never withers. (cf. kalay).
kalayng, (B) Looseness, bagginess,
wideness (of clothes that are too large and
the like). (cf. layng, kasngkad).
kalyngan, Aridity, dryness; dry or arid
soil. (cf. layng).
kalay, (H) To be on fire, to flame or flare
up (of fire; cf. hingalyo, kalyo).
kalyo, Fire; flame.
kalay, (H) Farness, distance,
remoteness, far away. An ang kalay
sin? How far is it?
kalayngan, kalayongn, See
kalynganaridity, etc.
kalayon, (H) See kalay.
kalbangn, (B) Main road, principal way
or passage.
kalbsa, See kalabsa. Ang kalbsa kon
malab mayo nga utnon. The squash, if
just right (i.e. neither too hard nor too
soft), is a nice vegetable.
klbo, (Sp. calvo) Bald, hairless. (cf.
bungd, upw).
kaldra, (Sp. caldera) Kettle, cooking pot
(of metal).
kaldro, (Sp. caldero) A large kettle,
bucket or tub (of metal).

kalw-ay kalingw
kldo, (Sp. caldo) Broth, beef-tea,
bouillon, sauce, gravy, a stew, a mixture of
meat, potatoes, onions, sausages, etc. Also
verb: Kaldohn mo ak sing krne. Make
me a dish of kldo from meat. Also: A
large bowl or cup; saucepan. (cf.
kaldhan, Pot or kettle for making
kldo. (cf. kldo, tasn).
kalendryo, (Sp. calendario) Calendar,
almanac. (cf. almanki).
kalentra, (Sp. calentura) A cold, fever.
(cf. lgnat, hilnat).
kalsa, (Sp. calesa) A kind of twowheeled vehicle, coveredin buggy or gig.
kalesn, (Sp. calesin) A small kalsa.
kli, To dig. Kalha (klya) ang dt. Dig
up the ground. Kalhi (klyi) ang halgi.
Dig up the ground around the post. Ikli
ak nay sing kamti. Please dig up for me
some sweet potatoes.
kalibgon, Discordance, dissonance,
flatness (of sounds, voices, music, etc.).
kalibngan, Occupation, task, business,
work, preoccupation preventing one from
attending to something else. May
kalibngan pa ak. I have still some work
to doorI am still occupied or busy. (cf.
kalibt, Squinting, squint, condition of
one who is cross-eyed. (cf. libt).
kalibynan, (B) The youngest (a
younger) brother or sister; the last or
youngest child of a family. Si Pdro am
ang ya ank nga kalibynan. Peter is her
youngest child. (cf. libyon, kamanghran,
kalibg, Confusion, dizziness, perplexity,
giddiness, vertigo. (libg).
kalibugn, See kalibg. Also: Mixture as
between Visayans and Negritos, Visayans
and Europeans, etc.; Mestizo, half-breed,
hybrid. Ang mga bumulth nga
tumndok nagpakigway sa mga
bumulth nga katsl kag kalibugn. The
native students fought against the Spanish
and half-caste students.
kalibtan, World, earth, visible creation,
universe; the world as opposed to moral
and spiritual forces; reason, intelligence.
Wal na si sing kalibtan. He is
unconscious. (Literally: There is no world
for him). Wal si sing kalibtan. He
knows nothing. May kalibtan pa si. He
is still conscious. Ang lngit kag ang
kalibtan. Heaven and earth. Dir sa
ibbaw sinng kalibtan. Here on the
face of the earth. Ang kalibtan kag
ang ya sin nga kadaywan umalgi
man lang. The world and its vanities are
but passing. (lbut).
kalibutni, How is it possible to know,
etc. See paml-i, panghiml-i.
kalibutnon, Worldly, earthly,
materialistic, sensuous, sensual. Ang mga

to nga kalibutnon. The worldly minded.

Kalpay nga kalibutnon. Worldly or
sensual pleasures.
kalg, (B) Forgetfulness, carelessness,
negligence, disregard, slight,
unmindfulness, heedlessness. (cf. lg,
kalipt, kaliptan).
kaligan, (B) See kalg. (cf. kaliptan).
kalgdong, Modesty, propriety,
correctness of conduct, self-respect.
(lgdong; cf. kagdang).
kalg-on, Firmness, stability, security,
durability. (cf. lg-on).
kalig-onn, See kalg-on. Also: Security,
bond, bail, anything that makes for stability
or freedom from danger and apprehension.
kaligy, Laziness, indolence, idleness,
sloth, inaction. (ligy).
kaligoyn, Laziness. (cf. kaligy, ligy,
kalgsi, Swiftness, speediness, celerity,
rapidity, fleetness, nimbleness, agility,
quickness of movement. (lgsi; cf. kalksi).
kalkad, (H) To stir, loosen up earth, rice
in a kettle, etc. Kalikda (kalikra) ang
ting-ang. Loosen up the cooked rice. (cf.
hakd, skad).
kalikg, Anything used for cleaning out
liquid waste matter from narrow tubes or
holes, as from the ear, the nose, a wound,
etc. (cf. kilikg).
kalkog, To clean out with a feather,
cotton, stick, etc. a narrow aperture,
wound, hole, etc. Kalikga sang blbul ang
mo dulnggan. Clean your ear with a
feather. Kalikgi ang ilng sang bt.
Wipe the babys nose. Ikalkog ak nay
sang kon pils. Please cleanse my wound.
(cf. kilkog).
kalksi, See kalgsi. (cf. lksilgsi).
kalilbgan, (H) Preoccupation,
distraction, state or condition of being
much upset or distracted by cares, etc.;
things that make ones head swim,
perplexity. (libg; cf. kalibg).
kalilgban, (H) See kalilbgan.
kalilsdan, Hardships, troubles,
difficulties, stress, straits. (cf. lisd).
kalm-an, Fifty. (cf. lim).
kalimg, For makalimg, nakalimg. (cf.
limg; katingg).
kalmot, (H) Forgetfulness, oblivion.
(lmot; cf. kalg).
kalimutw, The eyeball, the apple of the
eye; the pupil of the eye. (cf. tato).
kalnaw, Calm, quiet, tranquillity,
calmness, stillness, smoothness, quietness,
state or condition of being unruffled. (cf.
kalinwan, See kalnaw. Also: Things
that insure peace and tranquillity.
kalng, Plough-handle, plough-tail.
kalingg, Folly, foolishness, stupidity; a
stupid fellow.
kalingw, Distraction, diversion,
inattention, condition or state of being


kalingwan kalom
distracted. Tm gid ang ya kalingw
(pagkalingw) nga wal si makabat
sang lgpok sang ya bt nga nahlug sa
hgdan. She was so distracted that she did
not even hear the noise made by her child
when it fell down the stairs. (cf. lingw).
kalingwan, Distraction, diversion,
amusement, pastime, relaxation,
recreation. (cf. lingw, kalingw,
kalingw-lingwan, Distraction,
diversion, relaxation, entertainment, things
apt to distract the mind and provide
amusement. (cf. lingw).
kalngin, Confusion, perturbation,
embarrassment, distraction, worry. Dak
ang kalngin sang ya lo. His mind is
greatly perturbed, worried, upset. (cf.
lngin, lingn).
kaling-ling, Doubt, hesitation,
questioning, incertitude, misgiving,
distrust, suspense, indecision, vacillation.
(cf. lingling, kalamalamahn).
kaling-lingohn, Apprehension of
danger, hesitation, wavering.
kalngyas, See kalnyasto wind on a
bobbin, etc.
kalinng, Peace, order, quiet, quietude,
tranquillity, calm. (cf. linng).
kalnyas, Bobbin; to wind on a bobbin.
Ang bunng ginakalnyas. Yarn is wound
on a bobbin. Kalinyas inng is ka labg
nga ksta. Wind this hank of yarn on
kalipt, (H) Oblivion, forgetfulness.
(lipt; cf. kalmot, kalg).
kaliptan, (H) Forgetfulness, etc. Ang
kaliptan uny sa lwas. Forgetfulness is
a common failing of man. (cf. kalipt,
kalg, kaligan).
kalpay, Joy, gaiety, pleasure, cheer,
entertainment, gladness, delight, glee,
cheerfulness, mirth, merriment, hilarity,
bliss. (cf. lpay).
kalipyan, See kalpay. Also: Things that
give pleasure, happiness or enjoyment.
kalipng, Swoon, faint, fainting-fit,
syncope, fit, unconsciousness. (cf. lipng).
kalp-ot, (H) Shortness, briefness,
brevity, small extension from end to end.
kalipunt, (H) Anus. (cf. no, kagaln,
kalro, (Sp. calero, calera) Lime-kiln,
lime-burner; faggots or wood used in
burning people at the stake; to burn at the
stake. Ginkalro nla ang buyng. They
burned the robber at the stake. Ang mayo
sa ya kalirhon. It would be best to burn
him at the stake. (A saying used in anger
and passion).
kalirohn, Lime-kiln; furnace.
Ginbutng si nla sa kalirohn. They put
him into the furnace (lime-kiln). (cf.


Visayan-English Dictionary
klis, (Sp. cris) The Malayan dagger,
creese or cris, a sword as used by the
klis, (Sp. caliz) Chalice.
kals, To even out, strike or level off what
is above measure or superfluous, especially
in measuring out grain. Kalis ang
gantngan. Strike off the heap on top of
the gantngan-measure. Ikals ak nay
sinng panga. Please level off this fanega.
(panga; (Sp. fanega)half a psong
kalsang, Horror, terror, fear, panic,
fright, frightfulness. (cf. lsang).
kalsaw, Tastelessness, insipidness,
unsavouriness, usually applied to stale
tubers like bi, banyan, kamti, etc.
(cf. lsaw).
kalisdnan, Difficulties, distress, etc. See
kalilsdan, lisd, kalisd.
kalsding, Tilt, slant, leaning, inclination.
(cf. lsding).
kalisdingn, See kalsding. Also: liability
to tilt, possibility of tilting. Dl ka
mahdluk sinng bayng, kay wal gid
in sing kalisdingn. Have no fear about
that bamboo water-tube, for it cannot tilt
kalisngd, Backwardness, dulness,
stupidity, condition of a person whose
mental faculties are below normal. (cf.
pungg, tampuhw, pkok, bngaw).
kalsto, (From the Sp. listo) Cleverness,
sharpness, intelligence, quickness,
capacity, sagacity, brightness,
resourcefulness, gumption, capableness;
kalisd, Hardship, trouble, cross,
adversity, affliction, visitation, bad, ill,
fortune or luck. (cf. kalisdnan, kalilsdan,
kalt, To anticipate, do promptly, take the
first opportunity. Ginakalitn sang mga
buyng ang kadudlmon sa pagpangat.
The brigands are prompt in making use of
the darkness for their depredations. Kalit
ang mo pagpal, kay bs maulann
ikw. Go home quickly, or the rain may
overtake you.
kaltgit, A kind of binding or fastening
together with spaces between the pieces
fastened together, as in the making of a
lg-i, of split-bamboo flooring, etc.; to tie,
fasten or bind together after the manner of
kaliw, Clumsy, awkward, ungainly. (cf.
baksiw, bikwlon).
kaliwt, See kaliw.
kalwat, Stock, family, inheritance,
heredity. Nagasndig gid si sa kalwat.
He is a chip off the old block. (cf. liwt).
kaliwtan, Generation, progeny,
offspring, descendants. (cf. kalwat).
kalya, A non-liquid enema, an
introduction into the rectum of kalawgroots or the like in order to relieve

constipation. Kaliyhi si sing ups kag

sibyas. Give him an enema of the
remnants of a smoked cigar and of onions.
(cf. ayda, labatba).
klkag, Dried hipon-fish; to become as
dry as dried hipon-fish. Nagklkag na ang
bagso. The bagasse has become as dry as
dried hipon-fish, i.e. is quite exsiccated and
brittle or friable.
klkal, To remove, get or take out, as
bones from a mortuary niche, to dig out,
look, hunt, up, data from a register or
the like. Kalkal ang linubng. Disinter
the buried corpse. Ginklkal sang piskl
ang sertipko nga kinahnglan ko. The
parish-clerk dug out from the register the
certificate I needed. Kalkal ak sang kon
sertipko sang bautsmo. Look up and copy
for me my baptismal certificate. Iklkal ak
nay sinng panten nga dan. Please
open and clean out this mortuary niche for
kl, Hat, cap, head-dress; anything in the
form of a hat.
kl, (B) To stir, turn about. Kala ang
tbig. Stir the water. Sn-o ang nagkl
sang wang, kay malubg ang tbig?
Who stirred up the well, for the water is
dirty (turbid)?
kalg, Ditch, channel, trench, gutter.
kalg-og, (B) To slide, glide, slither, slip
down. Nagkalg-og si sa bintn. He
slipped down from the window. (cf. algog).
kal-klo, Cold rice warmed up and
stirred in a pan either with or without lard;
to warm up rice in the manner described.
Kalkalha ang kn-on. Warm the rice and
stir it in the pan. Kalkalhi ak sing
kpog. Make me a dish of kalklo from
cold rice. Ikalklo ak nay sinng
bhaw. Kindly prepare me a dish of
kalklo from this cold rice.
kalkus, (H) To tuck or turn up (trousers
and the like). Kaloksa ang delrgo mo.
Tuck up your trousers. Nagalakt sil nga
kinalkus ang la mga delrgo. They are
walking with their trousers tucked up.
Pangalkus ka, kay matabk kit sa sub.
Tuck up (your trousers), for we are going to
cross the river. (cf. balkingto tuck up
skirts, sotanas, and the like).
kalol, (H) Tenderness, affection,
mildness, amiability, gentleness, affability,
mansuetude. (lol; cf. kallot).
kallot, See kalol. Also: A lover,
kallot, To apply any sticky, viscous
material. Ginakallot sa pal sang
binngon ang tagk sang kamnsi. The
juice of the bread-fruit is used for fastening
the handle of a bolo.
kalolt, Any sticky, viscous juice.
kalom, Softness, flaccidness, flaccidity,
pliability, limpness, flabbiness, floppiness,

Visayan-English Dictionary
condition of wet clothes, etc. (lom; cf.
kahmok, kalm-ok).
kalm, (B) To compress, press together,
squeeze between the hands. Angay gid nga
kalomon ni nnay ang lo mo, kay
nagsinutl ikw. It is quite right for mother
to squeeze your head, for you have been
naughty. Ginkalm nya si. He squeezed
his head. (cf. kulm).
kalng, Dry, exsiccated, empty, applied
particularly to pods and husks; to be or
become dry. (cf. kagng).
kalng, One, one piece (of dry fruit
enclosed in a pod or husk). Hatgi ak sing
is ka kalng nga kamnsil. Give me a pod
of camunsel-fruit.
kalnggo, Wart, wart-like excrescence.
kalng-klong, Dim. of kalng. Ripe
and dry (of fruit enclosed in a pod or husk).
kalngkong, To carry in ones arms.
Kalongkong ang bt. Carry the baby in
your arms. Ikalngkong ak nay sinng
bt. Please carry this baby in your arms.
(cf. kgus, klkol).
kal-oy, Mercy, pity, compassion,
clemency, forbearance, lenity, lenience,
leniency, indulgence, pardon, sympathy,
complaisance, toleration. (cf. loy).
kals, To scratch (with the nails, claws,
etc.). Kalos si. Scratch him. Ginsmbag
ko si, kay kinals nya ak. I struck him,
because he had scratched me. (cf. kars
kals, kals, See salk, kndusto
scoop up (out), draw water, etc.
kals-os, To glide, slide, slither, slip
down, as down a pole, rope and the like.
Nagkals-os si sa lapgsan. He slid down
the maypole. (cf. alg-og, dals-us).
klot, To scratch softly (to ease an itchy
feeling). Ind mo pagkalton ang ariks
mo, kay bs magadgang. Dont scratch
your rash, for it may become worse.
Nagdgsang ang ya katl, kay kinlot
nya. His skin-disease katl began to
fester, for he scratched it. Iklot ak nay
sang kon likd, kay indi ak makadb-ot.
Please scratch my back for I cannot reach
kalsda, (Sp. calzada) Road, highway,
street, causeway, row, walk. (cf. dlan).
kalsnes, (Sp. calzon) Drawers, pants,
underwear, short trousers.
kalsonslyo, (Sp. calzoncillo) Drawers,
pants, underwear.
kalusan, Freedom, independence,
liberty, delivery, escape. (cf. lus).
kalbad, A kind of rice. (cf. arabn).
kaluby, A kind of elongated gourd,
white squash.
kalubihn, (H) Coconut-grove, coconutplantation; self-praise, boastful language,
bragging about ones accomplishment, etc.
Nagasgid si sang ya nga kalubihn. He
is boasting of his accomplishments, etc. (cf.
lub, kaniogn; agrt).

kalm kma
kalbkub, To scratch in the meaning of
klot but with this difference that
kalbkub indicates a swifter motion to
and fro of the hands and fingers.
Kalubkub ang mo katl. Scratch your
itch. Kalubkub si. Scratch him. Ikalbkub
ak sa kon likd. Kindly scratch me on
the back. (karbkub, id.).
kalbud, Youthfulness, tenderness,
softness, weakness. (cf. lbud).
kalubg, Turbidness, turbidity,
muddiness, dirtiness, uncleanness (of
liquids). (cf. lubg).
kalbung, A wicker-basket with lid, often
used for carrying food to workmen in the
fields, etc.
kalugw-an, Fiasco, failure, frustrated
efforts, baffled hopes. (cf. lugw-an).
kalgdang, Sinking. (cf. kalugdngan).
kalugdngan, Sinking, foundering,
going down, submersion, drowning. (cf.
lgdang, kalgdang).
kalgm, To cover or enwrap oneself, put
a blanket, etc., round ones body. (cf.
kalmbut, pangulmbut, panimlon).
kalub, Treason, treachery, perfidy,
perfidiousness, betrayal. (cf. lub, kabdh).
kaluibn, See kalub. Also: Treacherous
deeds, treasonable proceedings, traitorous
actions, cheating.
kalkud, To roll up, wrap up; to gag.
Kinalkud nla si. They gagged him. (cf.
panimlon; tgp, tgpon).
kalulbdan, Solution, act or process of
solving; explanation. (cf. lubd).
kalulmsan, Drowning, death by
drowning. (cf. lums).
kalumbt, To swing, hang, dangle by the
hands, with the feet off the ground. Ang
mga am nagakalumbt sa sang sang
khoy. The monkeys are hanging by their
hands from the branch of the tree. Ang
khoy ginakalumbit-an sang mga am.
The monkeys are dangling from the tree.
(cf. kbit, kabtkbit).
kalmbut, (H) Cloak, coat, cover,
wrapper; to cover or protect oneself against
the cold, against blows and thrusts, etc., by
wrapping a blanket, or the like, around
ones body. Magkalmbut ka sing hbul.
Wrap a blanket around you. Ginkalmbut
nya ang hbul. He protected himself with
a blanket. Ginkalumbutn si nla sing
hbul. They wrapped a blanket around
him. (cf. pangulmbut which is more in
use as a verb).
kalumng, Weakness, debility,
feebleness. (lumng; cf. kalya).
kalm-ok, Softness, pliability, plasticity,
compressibility, impressibility. (lm-ok; cf.
kalom, kahmok).
kalmon, Lodger, guest, boarder, fellowlodger. (cf. lmon).
kalumpgan, (H) Withering;
destruction, ruin, perdition. (cf. lmpag).
kalmpit, A kind of rice. (cf. arabn).

kalumsnan, Drowning. See

kalulmsan id.
kalunk, (H) Vulgarity, commonness,
condition of being common, vulgar or used
by many. (cf. lunk).
kalunngan, Mud, mire. (cf. lnang).
kalnay, Softness, compressibility,
impressionableness, impressibility,
plasticity, pliability; tenderness. (cf. lnay).
kalndong, (B) Fool, ass, idiot; foolish,
half-witted, not quite normal. (cf. pngug,
kalnud, The sinking, foundering, going
down or disappearance beneath the waves
of a vessel, etc.; fellow-passenger in a
shipwreck. Sn-o ang ton sumalon sang
pagkalnud sang sakayn? Who is
responsible for the sinking of the boat? (cf.
lnud, katugdngan, katgdang).
kalupan, (B) Grounds, fields, lands.
(lpdt; cf. kadutan).
kalt, Ripeness, maturity, particularly
applied to fruits. (lt).
kaly, Tiredness, exhaustion, weariness,
fatigue. (cf. ly).
kalya, Weakness, debility, frailty,
feebleness. (cf. lya).
kaluyan, See kaly. Also: Things that
are tiresome, exhausting or wearying.
kalyag, Liking, love, fancy, leaning,
partiality, relish, inclination, desire,
passion. (cf. lyag).
kaluyahn, See kalya. Also: Things that
cause weakness or that are debilitating.
kaluyahn, Weakness. See kalya.
kaly, Slowness, condition of one who
loiters or jogs along slowly due ta
exhaustion, natural debility, old age, etc.
(cf. ly).
kalyo, Neighbour, friend, partner. (cf.
kaluy, kaping, kasilngan).
kaluy, Companion, associate, comrade;
condition of being at the side of, or near,
another. (cf. luy, kalyo).
kalwgan, Pan, frying pan. (cf. kalh,
karugan, karwgan).
klwit, A little, small amount, trifle,
bagatelle, insignificant, of little moment, of
no importance. (cf. pdyot, ditay, tik,
kalykay, A kind of plant. (cf. talykay
klyan, See kli.
klye, (Sp. calle) Road, way, street,
causeway, walk, row. (cf. dlan, kalsda).
klyo, (Sp. callo) Callus, callosity, corn,
wen. (cf. kbul).
kma, (Sp. cama) Bed, couch. (cf.
higdan, higdaann, balatngan).
kma, The felloe of a wheel, felly, curved
section of the rim of a wheel.
kma, Often used instead of pagkama
for the formation of abstract nouns from
maadjectives, e.g. kamaulnggon
concern; kamatinatponattention;


kamda kmbang
kamaab-abhonfriendliness, etc. etc. (cf.
kamda, (Probably from the Sp. cama) A
stack, heap, pile; to stack or pile wood, etc.
Kamadha ang khoy. Stack the wood.
Ikamda ak sinng gatng. Please pile up
that fire-wood for me.
kamg-an, Lightness, levity, airiness,
state of being easy to lift or carry. (mg-an;
cf. kabg-atheaviness.)
kamag-ann, See kamg-an.
kamgo, The string with which a
spinning top (kasng) is spun.
kamg-o, Novelty, newness, freshness,
something new or strange noticed or
experienced for the first time. Kamg-o in
sa kon. This is new to me. (I have never
seen or experienced it before). Nagmasakt
si sang ya pagabt sa Mindanw
tungd sang kamg-o. He became sick
when he arrived in Mindanao, because he
was not accustomed to conditions there.
(cf. bg-o).
kamag-ohn, See kamg-o. Also:
Things that have only lately been
introduced, new fashions and styles and
the like. (cf. kalamg-ohn id.).
kamagng, A hardwood tree and its
timber, related to ebony; mahogany.
kamagulangn, (H) The eldest brother
or sister; the eldest (first-born) son or
daughter. (cf. kagulngan, magulng).
kamahl, Dearness, costliness,
preciousness, value, high price, exorbitant
price. (mahl).
kamahlan, See kamahl. Also:
Preciousness; dear, precious things.
kamahaln, See kamahl.
kamahistd, Friendship, friend,
intimate acquaintance, attachment, mutual
esteem or assistance. (Often used rather
humorously instead of the Sp. amistd).
kam-kam, Pygmy, dwarf, fairy,
pygmean ghost; dwarfish.
kamal, (H) Dryness, lack of moisture,
aridity. (cf. mal, kalay, kalayan).
kamalmalahn, (H) Suspense, doubt,
hesitation. (cf. kalamalamahn).
kamalntang, Proportion, symmetry,
harmony (of a man, clothes, a building,
etc.). (cf. balntang).
kamalyo, A kind of wasp with a very
painful sting. (cf. mangalyo, alingyo).
kamal, To err, mistake, misunderstand,
misinterpret, misapprehend, misconceive,
misconstrue. Nagkamal si sang ya nga
nabasahn. He misunderstood what he
read. (kamal appears to be of Tagalog
kamlig, Hut, shed, hovel, granary,
kamalngking, The little finger. (cf.
kumalngking, tingayn, tingy-tngay).
kamalson, A kind of edible beans.


Visayan-English Dictionary
kamalnggay, A tree whose leaves are
often boiled and used as a vegetable. (cf.
balnggay id.).
kamndag, A kind of plant similar to
ksla, but with a reddish stem and dark
kamng, Prostrate, inclined, lying down,
bent towards the ground, chiefly applied to
sugar cane of the second crop (kalanan)
that frequently does not grow erect as in
the first crop.
km-ang, Cant hook, peavy; barb, hook.
kamnga, Hone, whetstone. (cf. bairn).
kamangbibhag, Magnet. (cf.
kamanghdan, Youngest (younger)
brother or sister. (cf. mnghud).
kamanghran, See kamanghdan id.
kmang, kamng, To creep, crawl,
walk on hands and feet (knees).
kamng-kmang, Dim. of kmang. To
creep, crawl, jog along.
kamngyan, A kind of incense.
kamanhawan, Openness,
spaciousness; freedom to get a living and
make progress. (cf. manhw,
kamnsi, The Philippine breadfruit.
kamnso, (From the Sp. manso)
Tameness, gentleness, submissiveness,
mildness. (cf. kahagp).
kamantgi, A beautiful flowering plant.
kamantgol, A kind of Philippine dance.
kamantoln, A kind of grass.
kamanwahan, See kamanhawan id.
(cf. manwhmanhw).
kamanwahan, Prosperity, welfare,
progress, success, well-being. (cf.
kamapinasunaron, Thoughtfulness,
regard, consideration, sympathy, kindness.
(cf. pasunid).
kampe, (Sp. canap) Sofa, settee,
lounge, couch.
kmara, (Sp. recmara) Mortar, shooting
mortar, detonator.
kmara, (Sp. cmara) Hall, chamber,
house (of a legislative body). Kmara lta.
Upper House. Senate. Kmara bha (Sp.
baja) Lower House. House of Commons.
kmara, (Sp. cmara) The cabin of a
kamarn, (Sp. camarn) Barn, shed,
outhouse, storehouse, go-down.
kamarte, (Sp. camarote) State-room,
berth; cabin (of a steamship, etc.).
kams, Fight, scuffle, scrimmage; any
limb, as an arm, leg, tentacle, etc., used in a
fight. (cf. kmas).
kams, To waste, squander, throw away.
D mo pagkamasan ang kwrta, kn-on,
kinitan, etc. Do not waste money, rice,
earnings, etc.

kamasinalgon, Trustworthiness,
faithfulness, strength of character,
reliability. (cf. slig).
kmas, kams, To fight using hands
and feet as in wrestling or as horses when
fighting, to rear up, clamber, climb a steep
mountain-side using hands and feet. Ang
mga kabyo nagakamasy. The horses are
fighting each other. Kamsa si. Fight him
tooth and nail, (with hands and feet).
Figuratively: Mayo ang ya kams
(kmas) sang kadis nga gintan ko. He is
greedily eating the kadis-peas I prepared
as a vegetable dish.
kamasswon, (B) The last child in a
family, the baby of a family; youngest
brother or sister. (cf. kalibynan, libyon).
kamt-an, Eyes; source, beginning;
centre. Ang kamt-an sang sub. The
source of the river. The central or deep
channel of the river. (cf. mat).
kamtay, Many dying at one time, great
mortality, frequency of death; to die in
great numbers. Ang pagkamtayorang
kamtay nga nagagkan sa
pamalatin. The mortality from
sickness. Madm ang nagkalamtay
gkan sa pamalad. Many died of
dysentery. (cf. paty).
kamatyon, Death, termination, end,
dissolution, decease, demise. cf. paty).
kamtis, Tomato.
kamaturan, (H) Truth, verity,
rightness, correctness; truthfulness,
veracity, frankness, candour. (matod).
kamag, Greed, voraciousness, passion
for. (cf. mag).
kamauyahn, kamauyhon, Fertility
(of soil); plenty, galore. (cf. maya).
km-aw, A large, thick bowl as used in
Philippine households.
kmay, To throw about ones arms, as in
swimming. Magkmay ka, kay kon dl
maslup ka. Use your arms, or you will
kamy, Hand, arm; the legs of a crab,
spider, etc. (cf. kamy).
kamy, To beckon. Ginkamayn nya
ak. He beckoned me. (cf. pypay).
kamy-kmay, Dim. of kamy. To
beckon repeatedly or in quick succession;
swing the arms or throw them about as in
swimming. (cf. kapykpay).
kmbad, To encircle, wind around,
entwine. Ikmbad mo sa kon btkon
inng tinbas. Wind this piece of cloth
round my arm. Kambar (ad) ang
btkon ko sang bnda. Bind up my arm
with the bandage. (cf. kmbat, kmbod,
kmbang, Variegated, motley, marked
with various colours, spotted, dapple,
dappled, mottled, brindled; to be or
become variegated, etc. Ang tnday
nagkmbang na. The calf has become
spotted. (cf. bolk, pintkpntok: the

Visayan-English Dictionary
difference is that kmbang is used of
variously coloured surfaces with spots of a
larger size than implied by bolk or
kmbat, See kmbad. (cf.
kambd, kmbid, To twist round the
legs or feet as in wrestling, etc. Kambir
(id) si. Entwine your legs around him.
Ikmbid sa ya ang mo til. Twist your
foot around him. (cf. slbid, lkwid).
kmbio, (Sp. cambio) Change, exchange,
barter; to exchange, barter, swop, swap,
change. Ikmbio ko inng bka sa mo
karabw. I will exchange this ox for your
buffalo. Kambioh inng papl nga snko
psos sing senslyo. Give me change for this
five-peso bill. Nagkambiohnay sil sang
la mga baly. They swopped houses.
Ikmbio mo ak nay sinng kwrta.
Please give me change for this money. (cf.
kmbod, See kmbadto encircle, etc.
kmbot, Stomachor chest-protector,
abdominal belt; cholera belt; armour,
kmbray, kambry, (Sp. cambray)
Cambric; gauze, fine or transparent linen.
kambs, Unseemly, unsightly, slovenly,
not well done (of sewing, etc.). Kambs
(Nagakambs) ang gi sinng mkina,
sinng talahan, etc. No good sewing is
done with this machine,in this tailoring
shop, etc. Also: A kind of small dog with
curly hair.
kambw, See kambs.
kambya, (From the Sp. compaa)
Partner, participant, shareor stockholder; to combine, form a partnership,
company or society. Nagakambya sil.
They are partners. Ginkambuyhan nla
nga duh ang pahunn sang la nga
negsyo. The two of them contributed the
capital of their business. Kambuyhi ak
sa pangomrsyo. Form a partnership with
me for a commercial enterprise. Kambya
ko si. He is my partner. (cf. kumbya).
kmbyo, Change, exchange. See kmbio.
kamlyo, (Sp. camello) Camel.
kam, We, excluding the person addressed
or spoken to. See kamihnon, kamkmi.
kmias, Tap, light stroke, gentle slap; to
tap, slap, strike with the finger-tips.
Kamias ang ya ilng. Tap his nose. Ind
mo si pagkamiasn sa ya guy. Dont
tap him on the face. (cf. kblit, khit,
kmlot, kml, tndog, kmlas, tpdas).
kamihnon, We among ourselves. (cf.
kam-kmi, Dim. of kam. (cf.
kamndag, Capsized, overturned; to turn
turtle, overturn. (cf. tmba, sul, balskad).
kaminro, (Sp. caminoroad) Roadmender, street-cleaner.

kmbat kmpod, kampd

kamngaw, Loneliness, solitariness,
dreariness, glumness, moodiness,
dejection, sadness, gloom, sentimentality,
melancholy, emotional feelings. (cf.
kamingwan, See kamngaw. Also:
Things that make life lonely, sad, etc.
kamingawn, Loneliness, dejection, etc.
See kamngaw.
kamno, (Sp. camino) Road, way, street,
causeway, walk, row. (cf. dlan, kalsda).
kaminsan, (From the Sp. menos)
Something that does not come up to
expectations, a falling below the standard
or requirements, anything far below what is
kamnsot, A kind of fish. See tamnsot id.
kamsa, (Sp. camisa) Shirt (for women).
Kamsa dntro. A shirt with long sleeves
worn under a coat or near the skin. Kamsa
tsna or kamsa de tsno. A jacket or shirtlike upper garment worn by men without a
coat. The kamsa tsna is made in various
designs, often decorated with embroidered
flowers, etc., and is frequently made of very
light and transparent fabrics, as jusi, pia,
kamista, (Sp. camiseta) Shirt-like
blouse, spencer, short shirt, worn by men
(without a coat).
kamisla, (Sp. camisola) A shirt-like
upper garment worn by women leaving the
neck free; ruffled shirt, dicky. Also: nightshirt. (cf. bta).
kamisn, (Sp. camisn) Long shirt,
night-shirt, chiefly worn by women. (cf.
kmkam, To touch, nudge, bring ones
hand in contact with. Ikmkam ang mo
kamt sa dalnggan sang bt. Touch the
babys ear with your hand. Kamkam si.
Touch him. Kamkam si sa ya btkon.
Touch him on the arm. (cf. hkap, tndog,
kmlot, etc.).
kmlas, See kmias.
kml, To nudge, touch momentarily.
Kamlo si. Nudge him. Kamlo si sa
kamt. Touch him on the hand. Ind mo
pagkamlon ang lbro, kay bs
mamansahn. Dont touch the book, for it
may get soiled. (cf. khit, kblit, kmkam,
kmlot, (H) See kml. (kamlot,
kamlotkamlo, kamlo).
kam, You, the plural of ikw. (cf.
kamkmo, kamohnon).
kmog, (B) To fight hand to hand, to
grapple. Kamga si. Grapple him. An
ang ginkamgan nnyo? What are you
fighting about?
kamgol, (B) To grasp, clutch, clench,
grapple with, as in wrestling, etc.
Nagakamogoly sil. They are grappling
with each other. Kamagla si. Grapple
with him. Ginkamgol nya ak. He held
me in a clench. Si gid lang nga is ang

nagakamgol sang ya trabho. He

grapples with his work quite alone. (cf.
kmog; gahs, gakm).
kamohnon, You among yourselves.
kamkmo, Dim. of kam. (cf.
kamkam, Botched, bungled, not well
done or made, badly wrought; to botch,
bungle, do something badly or carelessly.
Dl nnyo pagkamkamon ang nyo
trabho. Dont perform your work
kaml, To encircle or span around with
thumb and middle-finger. Ind si
makakaml sang kon liwatn. He cannot
span my wrist with his thumb and middlefinger. Tilaw kag kamoln ang kon
btkon kon makasarng ikw. Try to
encircle my arm with your thumb and
middle-finger, if you can. Also: A handful,
as much as one can grasp with thumb and
middle-finger. Hatgi ak sing is ka
kaml nga humy. Give me a handful of
rice. Metaphorically: Wal gid sing
nakadiml, kay gnrut lang nya sang
kaml. Nobody had any benefit of it,
because he grasped (or took) everything for
himself. (cf. gaml).
kaml-kaml, Dim. and Freq. of kaml.
Also: to settle amicably, come to terms,
make an agreement. (cf. kapnkpan,
kamomo, The thumb. (cf. kumalagk).
kamok, Profoundness, soundness,
deepness (of sleep). (cf. kahamok).
kamt, (H) The hand. (cf. alma).
kamti, (Sp. camote) Sweet potato.
kamotikhoy, A plant with edible roots.
kamotingkhoy, See kamotikhoy.
kamy, The legs of a crab, spider, shrimp,
etc. Nakuhan si sing kamy. He was
deprived of his legs (i.e. he lost his
kampna, (Sp. campana) Bell. (cf.
bgting, linggnay).
kampanryo, (Sp. campanario) Belfry,
bell-tower. (cf. lingganyan).
kampanlya, (Sp. campanilla) A small
bell, altar-bell.
kampanro, (Sp. campanero) Bell-man,
bell-ringer; bell-founder.
kamplan, A large, long kind of sword;
hanger, cutlass.
kmpo, (Sp. campo) Field, open ground,
camp, campus. (cf. um, patg,
halampngan, halampangnan).
kmpod, kampd, (B) To include all,
embrace all, comprise all, take in all, leave
out none or nothing; equipped, provided or
dealt with, in an equal manner.
Nagakmpod sil nga tann sang pyong,
sang kl, etc. All of them have umbrellas,
hats, etc. Ikmpod mo sa la ang mga lpis
sa ltok. Distribute to them the pencils that
are on the table. Kampodn mo sil sing
bntay nga mty. Give them all ear-rings


kampyn kandl
made of pearls. Pakampodn mo sil nga
tann sing bg-o nga mga tuln-an.
Procure new books for all of them. Kmpod
(magkmpod) kam nga tann sang
binngon kag maglakt. Take (all of you)
your boloes and go. (cf. tpud, tptup).
kampyn, (Sp. campen) Champion;
kmra, See kmara.
kmras, See kmlas, kmros id.
kmros, To tap, stroke, slap, etc. See
kamuadn, kamuarn, Increase,
multiplication, propagation, procreation,
augmentation, production, growth,
increment. (cf. bad, mad).
kamkh, Not quite normal, half-witted,
fool, softy. (cf. kulngkulng, buangt,
tampuhw, etc.).
kamkh, An equal, one of the same
blood, condition or position; to be partners,
help or stick together and never fight each
other. Nagakamkh sil may mean
They are idiots or half-fools or They are
partners and will not fight against each
other. (cf. kangay, kasbung). (N.B.
kamkh seems to be a Tagalog word).
kamulahn, Apprehension, fear,
misgiving, suspense, doubt. (cf.
kalamalamahn, kamalamalahn,
kamning, A kind of flower.
kamunan, Beginning, start,
commencement, first stage, introduction,
initiation, preface. Sa kamunan, kag (sa)
katapsan. At the beginning, and at the
end. At any rate. When everything
is said. Under all circumstances.
(cf. pn).
kamunan, A kind of plant with very
odoriferous leaves.
kamnsil, A very common tree whose
fruit is edible and whose wood supplies
many a house with posts.
kamra, A kind of tall grass.
kamrang, A creeper with beautiful
leaves. It mostly climbs large trees.
kamros, (B) To lead in work, direct
work and take the chief hand in it. Sn-o
ang nagakamros sa nyo nga
pangabdlay? Who is your leading
workman? Or: Who is your boss?
kams-kams, Living from hand to
mouth, etc. See abtabt.
kamusmsan, Destitution, poverty,
misery, penury. (msmus). (cf. kaimoln).
kamsta, (Sp. como est) How are
(you)?; to greet, salute, shake hands,
inquire after anothers health, etc. Kamsta
ka man? How do you do? How are you?
Kamustahnay kit nay. Let us shake
hands first. Nagkamsta si sa kon. He
asked me how I was. He saluted me. He
shook hands with me.
kamtso, (From the Sp. mucho) Much, a
large amount. Abw, kamtso sang mo


Visayan-English Dictionary
kinon! Goodness, what an amount of food
you have taken! What a lot you have eaten!
(cf. kadm).
kamtut, To strive, exert oneself, strain
every nerve, do ones best, make great
efforts; to fight, wage war, join battle, enter
into conflict, engage in a fight.
Nagakamtut (nagakinamtut) sil sa
pagdag. They are making great efforts to
win. (cf. pamurg-ot, himd-os,
paningh, panikasg).
kmya, A flowering plant.
kan, (B) Article for the dative and
accusative. (cf. sa, kay, sang, kang).
kan, (B) Him, her, it; to, at, from, by, etc.
him, her, it. (cf. ya, sa ya).
kan, To test, try, examine, probe. (cf.
kanab, (B) Lowness, shortness in height.
(nab; cf. kanob).
kanaban, (B) See kanab.
kanbaw, Shallowness, little depth. (cf.
kanahn, Test, trial, probe, examination,
contest, competition. (cf. kan).
kankon, (B) To me, etc. (cf. sa kon).
kanl, (Sp. canal) Channel, ditch, trench,
conduit. Also: Verb. Kanal ang higd sang
dlan. Make a ditch at the side of the road.
(cf. kalg, ililign).
kanla, A large-sized, very savoury
kanal, To do quickly, thoughtlessly,
absentmindedly, unawares. Nakanal lang
ak sa paghmbal sin. I uttered that
thoughtlessly. (cf. tabins, dal).
kanm, Sweetness, deliciousness; nicety,
niceness, beauty, comeliness. (nm)
kanmit, Tastiness, toothsomeness,
savouriness. (cf. nmit).
kanamitn, See kanmit id.
kanamg, A kind of rice. (cf. arabn).
kanmon, (B) To us, etc. (cf. sa mon
kananks, An exclamation of joy and
pleasure: Oh, how nice! How lovely! What a
beauty! This is fine! (cf. arw, arwarw).
kananm, Flavour, tastiness,
agreeableness, especially applied to nuts.
(cf. nanm).
kanany, Softness, mildness, gentleness,
condition of things done gently, quietly,
noiselessly or peacefully. (cf. anany,
kannda, (B) To them, etc. Magda ak
kannda ni Pdro. (sa la ni Pdro). I
will invite Peter and his family or his
friends. (cf. sa la id.).
kannday, (B) To them, etc. Itgr in
kannday Pdro. Give this to Peter and his
family, to Peters household. (cf. knday).
knang, To be bright, conspicuous, to
shine, glisten; be dressed in bright colours.
(cf. knaw).
kanryo, (Sp. canario) Canary (bird);

kanstro, (Sp. canasto, canastro) Basket,

hamper, crate, used for marketing fruits,
vegetables, etc.
knat, Slow, tedious, tardy, flagging; to be
slow or tedious. Nagknat ang mon
trbano sa um sa karn nga tig, kay
nagmasakt ang mon mga hyup. Our
farmwork has been slow this year, because
our animals are sick. (cf. knat).
kanton, (B) To us, etc. See sa ton id.
knaw, To shine, glisten, sparkle; to fill,
brim, become full to bursting or
overflowing, cram, chock, full (of tears).
Nagaknaw ang ya mga mat sang
(sing) lh. Her eyes are glistening
(brimming) with tears.
kanway, The north-west wind; a seagull.
kanawyan, The North-West.
kanw-kanw, Dim. and Freq. of
knawto glisten, etc. Nagakanwkanw
ang ya mga lh. His tears are ready to
flow. His eyes are brimming with tears.
knay, To grow less, lessen, abate, relax,
calm, grow calm, subside (said of wind,
waves, passions, etc.). Ang mga bald
nagaknay na. The waves are now
kany-knay, Dim. of knay. To blow
softly or gently (of wind); to become calm,
mild, gentle, good-tempered, etc. (of
kanyok, Great distance, farness, far
away. (cf. nayknyok, naypnyop).
kanyop, See kanyok.
kandba, A cotton-plant with reddish or
light brown flowers. (cf. blaka cottonplant with white flowers).
kanddo, (Sp. candado) Lock, padlock.
(cf. pamakd).
knday, (B) To, for, towards, etc. them.
(cf. sa la, kannday, kannda).
kandidto, (Sp. candidato) Candidate,
aspirant; one offering himself for an
elective office. (cf. palapilin).
kandl, (Sp. candela) Candle, taper.
kandilro, (Sp. candelero) Candlestick.
kandilerohn, Candlestick. (cf.
kandilro id.).
knding, Goat. Knding nga lalki.
Buck, goat. Knding nga babye. Nanny
kandnggal, Lean, meagre, spare,
emaciated, thin. (cf. kalamant,
kandng-knding, Dim. of knding.
Also: Women of loose or evil habits,
concubine. (cf. alaaswa, babe).
kndol, To form into lumps or balls.
Ginakndol nya ang samblgi. She is
forming tamarind into balls. Kandol ang
tsokolte. Make the cacao (cocoa) up into
kandl, A kind of melon, or cucumber
similar to the atmon.

Visayan-English Dictionary
kndus, To shovel, scoop, spoon or ladle
out dry and liquid things. Kandus ang
humy, spas, etc. Scoop out the rice, ladle
out the soup, etc. Kandus ak sing is ka
kndus nga spas. Give me a ladleful of
soup. Ikndus ak nay sing duh ka
gntang nga humy, kay ipslong ko sa
lusng kag bayohn. Kindly scoop out two
gantas of rice for me, because I am going to
put it into the mortar and pound it. (cf.
sark, gal).
kanla, (Sp. canela) Cinnamon.
kang, (B) See sang id.
kngay, (B) To engage, hire, invite,
usually with the promise of pay.
Ginakngay si Fulno, ang msika, ang
manugsrko, etc. N.N., the band, the
circus-man, etc., are being invited (or
engaged). Kinangyan nla ang pndut
sing orksta. They hired an orchestra for
the feast-day. Ikngay ak nay sang
orksta sa Miagw. Please engage for me
the Miagao orchestra. Kangya ang
kosinro ni Fulno sa ton tbad. Engage
N.N.s cook for our banquet. (cf. gda,
kngga, kngg, Wagon, cart, with or
without a roof and usually provided with
wooden wheels. (cf. kro).
kanggro, Driver of a wagon or bull-cart,
waggoner, carter. (kngga).
kanghr-o, (B) Mercy, compassion,
sympathy, clemency. (cf. kal-oy, kaw).
kangidlisn, Terror, horror,
frightfulness; terrible, horrible, frightful,
awful, shocking. (cf. ngdlis).
kangl-ad, Nausea, loathing, detestation,
abomination, shrinking from, sickening at.
(cf. ngl-ad).
kangl-arn, (H) See kangl-ad. Also:
Things that are loathsome, sickening,
noisome, abominable, detestable,
nauseating, nasty, filthy, shocking to look
upon or to hear of, the abomination or
aversion produced by evil or by things of a
very disagreeable smell. (cf. kalangilarn).
kanglin, Regret, sorrow, unwillingness to
part with, a pining for lost or absent things.
(cf. nglin, kahlak).
kanglo, Setting ones teeth on edge. (cf.
kangr-o, (B) See kanghr-o.
kangtngit, Heartache, desolation,
compunction, sorrow, pain, darkness,
distress. (ngtngit).
kangtngitn, See kangtngit. Also:
Things that cause heartache, etc.
kngkang, See kalngkang. Kangkang
ang kamt mo. Spread out your fingers.
kangrna, (Sp. cangrena) Gangrene,
mortification. (cf. dgsang).
kangro, (Sp. canguro) Kangaroo.
kanguys, Surprise, shock, etc. See
kahanguys, kuys.

kndus kanyn
kanmo, (B) You, to you, etc. See sa mo,
kanint, A dribbling, trickling, oozing,
sending forth of a small stream. (cf. nint).
kannyo, (B) You, to you, etc. See sa nyo,
kaniogn, (B) Coconut-grove, coconutplantation. (nig; cf. kalubihn).
kanipan, Np-swamp, np-plantation.
(cf. np).
kanips, Thinness of a sheet, board, paper
or the like. (nips; cf. kadmolthickness).
kanipisn, See kanips.
kaniplon, (H) Roundness, spherical
shape, sphericity, rotundity, circularity.
(tiplon; cf. katiplon).
kanirg, Small, dwarfish, undersized,
stunted in growth. (cf. koridg, daldal,
arar, aglagl).
kanis, A kind of small-leaved by used
for betel-nut chewing.
kant, Lean, gaunt, thin, spare, emaciated;
to be or become lean, etc. Nagkant si,
kay nagmasakt. He got lean, because he
was sick. Pakn-a si sing mayo, nd mo
si pagpakanitn. Feed him well, dont
allow him to become thin. (cf. nwang,
kalamant, kandnggal).
kanwang, Leanness, thinness,
spareness, skinniness, emaciation,
gauntness. (cf. nwang, kakant).
kaniwangn, See kanwang.
knkan, To do, spend, eat, etc., to ones
hearts content, because there is so much
(to do, spend, eat, etc.). Ginkankann gid
lang nla ang mga pagkon. They ate to
their hearts content. (cf. patyang,
pasamyang, dak, pagsto).
kno, To get yarn or thread ready for
weaving. Nagakno si sang hblon. She is
getting the yarn ready for weaving.
kan, (B) They say, it is said, rumour has
it, it is reported, etc. See kon, id.
kn-o, (B) When, at what time, (always
with reference to the past). (cf. sn-o pa,
kan, To be or sound hollow, empty,
loose, shrivelled, shrunk, said of the
contents of bottles, tins, nuts, shells, etc.
Inng tlog, lub, etc. nagakan. This egg,
coconut, etc. sounds hollow. Also: dull,
foolish, doltish, stupid. (cf. bngkag,
bngaw, pkok, etc.).
kanob, (H) Lowness, of little height,
shortness. (nob; cf. kanab, id.).
kanobon, (H) See kanob.
kangon, An exclamation expressive of
regret for something lost or spoilt. A,
kangon in! Oh, thats a pity! What a pity!
kan, kan, Contr. of Amerikno
kn-on, Food, especially cooked rice. (cf.
kantnot, To fray and break easily, said
of threads and yarn in clothes, etc.
Nagakantnot gid lang ang by ko. My

jacket is just fraying away. (cf. ntnat,

ntnut, tt, sarabusb).
knsay, A kind of tree whose reddish
seeds are used for medicinal purposes.
kansih, Dry leaves of the sugarcane.
kansl, (Sp. cancel) Screen, (upright
frame). (cf. bimbo).
kansyn, (Sp. cancin) A song, lay,
ballad, ditty; to sing, to troll. Kansyon
ang Adis. Sing the song Adis!.
Kansyon ak sing bilyansko. Sing me a
Christmas carol. (cf. ambahnon,
ambhan, mba, kalanthon, knta).
knta, (Sp. cantar) To sing, troll, chant,
warble. Kantah kam sing is ka
matahm nga kalanthon. Sing us a nice
song. Kantah in. Sing this. (cf. kansyn).
kntaw, Diaphragm, midriff.
kantro, (Sp. cantero) Mason, stonecutter, stone-dresser, bricklayer, builder in
stone and brick.
knti, Dog-vane, weather-cock; to call,
summon, invite, the wind (at sea, at
winnowing rice, etc.).
kantidd, (Sp. cantidad) Quantity,
amount, sum. (cf. pil, kapd-an).
kantl, (Sp. cantil) A steep, precipitous
rock. (cf. pl-as).
knto, (Sp. canto) Song, hymn, chant. (cf.
ambahnon, kalanthon, kansyn).
knt, (Sp. canto) Edge, rim, brim,
corner, margin, bevel, cant. (cf. bint,
hamitn, bgki).
kntong, Yarn. (cf. bunng).
kantons, Cantonese, pertaining to,
made in, fromCanton in China, applied
to a variety of textiles, silk-fabrics, poultry,
etc., coming from China, especially from
kantr, Singer, cantor, chorister, choirboy, especially one who sings in church. (cf.
manugmba from mba).
kantra, (Sp. cantora) A female singer,
cantor, especially one who sings in Church.
kanulsulnan, Repentance, contrition,
compunction, sorrow for past mistakes or
for wrongs committed. (cf. nlsul,
kanumn, kan-umn, Sixty. (cf.
kannay, A kind of bird.
kannay, Friend, intimate, companion;
friendly, affectionate, sociable. Kannay
nga hngin. A favourable, steady breeze.
(cf. kahrup, mahrup, maabiabhon).
kannay, Often, continual, frequent.
(This seems to be a Cebuano term; cf.
masam, masnsun, himnhimn,
kanymo, kanyam, (Sp. camo)
Jute, hemp; jute-cloth, sail-cloth, hempcloth.
kanyn, (Sp. caon) Cannon, gun, fieldpiece; cannon-ball; the benches in a
prominent part of the Church for the
accommodation of the Authorities and


kanyto kapw
principal Catholics are also called kanyn
in some places. Also: Ravine, gorge,
kanyto, (Sp. cauto) A small pipe or
tube, as the tube through which the wick
passes in a lamp.
kaodtohn, Midday, noon. (cf. dto).
kaolihnan, The end, last things, latter
happenings, final outcome. (olhi; cf.
kaolhi, (H) Tardiness, lateness. (olhi; cf.
kaatrasdo, kahudynan).
kaolihan, (H) See kaolihnan.
kaolitahan, Young men, bachelors,
youth. (olito).
kon, To eat, take food, feed, fare, devour,
despatch, mess. Kn-a in. Eat this. Kn-i
in sing ditay. Eat a little of this. Pakn-a
si sing mayo. Feed him wellorGive
him good food. Pakn-a si sa pnggan.
Let him eat off the plate. Pakn-i sa ya
inng mga ph. Let him eat some of these
mangoes. Ind ka magkon sinng bnga,
kay lnghod pa. Dont eat this fruit, for it is
not ripe yet. An ang kinon mo? What
kind of food did you take? Ipakon ko sa
ya inng kabgaw kon makayon si. I
will let him eat this pomelo if he likes it.
Wal ak makatups sang ginpakon
nya sa kon. I could not stand the food he
gave me. Inng kaln-an ginakn-an sing
duh ka pl ka to sa tgsa ka dlaw.
Twenty men take their meals, mess, are
fed, in this dining room every day.
kaorson, kaorasn, Hour, time. (cf.
tkn, ras, orasn).
kpa, (Sp. capa) Mantle, large cloak; cope
used at religious functions.
kap, To cover as with a mantle; to grasp,
seize, take possession of, appropriate. Daw
but nya kapahn ang tann nga
mnggad sa kalibtan. It seems as if he
would like to seize all the wealth of the
world. Ginkapahn nya ang tann nga
plak nga nagsuld. He appropriated all
the money that came in. (cf. karipn,
kp, To droop, hang down, be full of,
covered with, laden with, weighed
down with, fruit, be enshrouded as with a
mantle. Nagakp ang mga sang sinng
khoy. The branches of this tree are
weighed down, (being covered with fruit as
with a mantle). Nagakp gid lang sang
bnga inng ph. This mango-tree is
covered with and bending under the weight
of its fruit. (cf. gp).
kapas, To perish, disappear.
Nagakapas na ang mga talonn sa
talnan. The wild pigs are disappearing
from the forests. Tungd sang madm
nga mga mangangyam nagkapas na
ang talonn sa sin nga bkid. On account
of the great number of hunters the wild
pigs have now ceased to exist on that
mountain. (cf. ppas, pas, pnas).


Visayan-English Dictionary
kapagngan, Corals, coral reef. (cf.
kapg-on, Firmness, security, durability,
stability, state of not being shaken easily.
(cf. pg-on).
kapag-onn, See kapg-on. Also:
Things that are stable or give stability.
kapgrus, Strength, robustness, vigour,
health. (cf. pgrus).
kapgsi, Swiftness of movement,
speediness, quickness, nimbleness, etc. (cf.
kalgsi, pgsilgsi). Also: activity, energy,
agility, etc. (cf. kabtik).
kapahamkan, Low or mean station
(position); low estimate, contempt,
contemptibility, despicableness. (cf.
hmak, pahmak).
kapahuyan, Rest, repose, quiet, peace.
(cf. pahay).
kapahuwyan, See kapahuyan.
kapainds-ndis, Competitor, rival,
contestant. (cf. paindsndis).
kapa-itn, See kapa-t. Also: Things that
are bitter or difficult to bear, crosses, trials,
hardships, sufferings. (cf. kalisdnan,
kalalt-an, kapipt-an, kalilsdan, kahilnan).
kapat, kapa-t, Bitterness. (pa-t).
kap-kpa, kap-kap, Dim. of kpa.
Also: To slap the water with the hands as in
swimming, flap the wings, throw about
ones hands and the like. (cf. kapykpay).
kapkok, Slowness; dulness. (pkok).
kapakokn, Slowness; dulness,
stupidity, ignorance. (cf. pkok).
kapakokn, See kapkok, kapakokn.
kp-al, To stick or adhere to; to paste,
smear, put on powder, etc. Nagapakp-al
sil sing plbos sa la nawng. They are
powdering their faces. Nagakp-al ang
plbos sa ya nawng. Her face is thickly
covered with powder. (cf. pol, kpol, pilt,
kapalran, Fate, chance, fortune, luck,
happiness, blessedness. Mayo nga
kapalran. Good luck. Malut nga
kapalran. Bad luck. (cf. plad, sukd,
kapalin, The closing or healing of a
wound, etc. (cf. pinalanthe mark of a
healed wound or ulcer, scar, cicatrix). (cf.
kapamgna, (Sp. capa magna) Prelates
mantle, called Capa Magna, a dignitarys
long gown.
kpan, To overflow, swamp, cover, pass
over. Ang sub nagkpan sang mon um.
The river overflowed our farm-land. Ang
pngpang nakapnan sang tbig. The
banks were covered with water. Ginkpan
sang mga bald ang sakayn. The waves
passed over the boatorThe boat was
swamped by the waves.
kapanasn, A wiping, rubbing, out,
erasure, deletion, abolishment, destruction,
disappearance. (cf. pnas).

kapanganran, (H) Clouds. (nod; cf.

pangnod, gl-um).
kapnit, Of the same skin or color or
complexion. Kapnit ko si. He is of the
same complexion as myself. Ang ya mga
kapnit. Those of his race. (cf. pnit).
kapnkpan, Dim. and Freq. of kpan.
Also: To be about equal, be a draw, be
quits, square, neither winning nor losing;
to settle in peace, make mutual
concessions, square or settle accounts,
smooth differences. Kinapnkpan lang
kam. We were about equal, (none of us
won or lost). (cf. ptas).
kapnsal, Noise, uproar. (cf. kagnsal,
kapnsot, Smell of urin. (pnsot).
kapantagn, Tranquillity, repose,
peacefulness, stability. Wal gid sing
kapantagn ang mon pangabh. Our life
has no peace. We can never rest at ease. (cf.
kapntok, Application, industry,
assiduity, diligence, zeal. (cf. pntok).
kapanng-panungn, Army, large
crowds or numbers, hosts, great multitude
assembled, throng; shoal (of fish); herds (of
sheep, cattle, etc.); numerous army (of
soldiers); any great assembly or collection
of things or persons. (cf. panng).
kapapan, Great-grandfathers;
forefathers, forebears, progenitors,
ancestors. (cf. pp).
kaparan, The priesthood (in the
concrete, priests, clerics). (cf. pr).
kaps, (Sp. capaz) Capable, ingenious,
clever, learned, fit, suitable. (cf. makak,
batd, sagd, sampton,
kapaslwan, kapaslawn, Failure,
setback, drawback, fiasco, disappointment,
want of success. (cf. pslaw).
kapatagn, Plain, campus, wide valley or
open country. (cf. ptag, patg).
kapatn, kap-atn, Forty. (cf. pat).
kapats, (Sp. capatz) Foreman, one who
has charge of a gang of workmen on a road,
a farm, etc.
kapatawran, Forgiveness, remission,
pardon, amnesty, absolution, acquittal,
acquittance. (cf. patwad).
kapatd, Friend, chum, pal. (cf. atd,
akd, idl, kahrup, byan).
kaptol, Strength, firmness,
determination. (cf. ptol, kabkud,
kahnlit, kahnit).
kapat-urn, Punctuality, fixedness,
fixity, stability; certainty, sureness,
exactness, preciseness. (cf. pt-ud).
kapul, Fatigue, tiredness, weariness. (cf.
pul, kahil, kalay, kabdlay).
kapw, Light, illumination, luminosity,
gleam, glow, brightness. Ang kapw sang
dlaw. The light or brightness of the sun.
Ang kapw sang Pagto. The light of
Faith. (cf. pw, kasnag, wag.

Visayan-English Dictionary
kpay, (B) Blanket; to use a blanket, cover
with a blanket, to blanket. Kapyi si. Put
a blanket on him. Pakapyi si. Have him
covered with a blanketorProvide him
with a blanket. (hbul).
kapy, Fin (of fish). (cf. slik, srik).
kapy, The wing of a bird. (cf. pkpak).
kapayan, Youthfulness; childishness,
silliness, foolishness. (cf. pay,
kapyas, The papaw and its fruit. (cf.
kapy-kpay, To flutter, flop, slap, clap,
flap the wings, strike the water with the
palms of the hands as in swimming, to
swing or vibrate (said of anything with a
broad surface). Nagakapykpay lang ang
pspis sa hngin. The bird is flapping its
wings in the air. (cf. kapkpa).
kap, (Sp. caf) Coffee.
kapetra, (Sp. cafetra) Coffee-pot.
kpid, Twin, twins, (said of men, animals,
plants and things in general); grown
together, joined side to side, double. (cf.
kapid, Fastidiousness, daintiness,
overniceness, squeamishness (particularly
with regard to food). (cf. pid).
kapd-an, Number, quantity, amount, an
undetermined aggregate of individuals,
that may be either few or many. (cf. pil
how many).
kapgaw, Frailty, feebleness, debility. (cf.
kaphak, Half, one half, moiety. Kaphak
si sang kon tagiposon. He is (forms)
one half of my heart; i.e. I am very much
attached to him. I love him very much. (cf.
phak, pihk, tung).
kapikt, Tightness, closeness. (cf. pikt).
kapl-ay, Tiredness, exhaustion, stiffness
of limbs. (cf. pl-ay, kalay, kapul).
kapl, Fastidiousness, squeamishness,
condition of one who is difficult to please.
(cf. pl, kapsl).
kapilitn, Compulsion; to be compelled
or forced. Nagkapilitn si sa. He was
compelled (forced) to. (cf. plit).
kaplya, (Sp. capilla) Chapel, small
church, village chapel. (cf. ermta).
kaplyo, Condition of one who is plyo,
mischievousness, naughtiness, shrewdness,
roguishness, artfulness, tricksiness,
cunning, cheating. (cf. kalg-it, kasutl).
kapn, More, over, above; to be more etc.
Kapn kon klang. More or less, about,
nearly, approximately. Kapn pa.
Moreover, besides, especially yet.
Magakapn yhan ang bil sa napl ka
mngmang, nd gid magklang. The price
will probably exceed (or be over) ten pesos,
certainly not less. Kapn sa duh ka lbo ka
to ang nagtalmbongorDuh ka lbo
ka to kapn ang nagtalmbong. More
than two thousand men took part or

kpay kapungsurn
kapntas, Cruelty, harshness, brutality,
inhumanity, truculence, ferocity. (cf.
kapot, Pressure, strait, strictness,
condition of being squeezed into a tight
corner. (cf. pot).
kapiotn, See kapot, kapipt-an.
kapipt-an, See kapot. Also: Crosses,
troubles, difficulties, trials, straits. (cf.
kalilsdan, kalisdnan, kalalt-an, kapaitn).
kapsan, Diligence, application, activity,
industry, assiduity, laboriousness, energy,
zeal. (cf. psan, kakud, kapntok,
kabkas, katndus).
kapisann, See kapsan.
kapsl, Fastidiousness, overniceness,
over-indulgence; wastefulness, prodigality.
(cf. psl, kapid, kabuhah).
kapispsan, Birds. (cf. pspis).
kapitl, (Sp. capital) Capital, chief or
principal town; capital, principal, money
invested or set apart for an enterprise. (cf.
lo-bnwa; pahunn, prinsipl).
kapitn, (Sp. capitn) Captain; mayor,
burgomaster, municipal president (in
Spanish times).
kapitpit, Completeness, totality, extreme
point, climax, height of, midst of (distress,
darkness, etc.); utter, consummate,
absolute, complete. (cf. pitpit).
kapya, See kaplya.
kpkap, To twist or twine round, encircle,
entwine, cling to (as ivy). (cf. kalpkap).
kpkap, To feel ones way, grope. (cf.
hkam, etc.).
kapobrehn, kapobrhon, Poverty,
penury, misery, impecuniousness,
pauperism. (cf. pbre; kaimoln).
kpog, (B) Cold cooked rice. May kpog
kam sa baly? Have you any cold rice in
the house? (cf. bhaw).
kapktol, Stumpiness, stockiness,
condition of being thick-set. (cf. pktol).
kpol, Plaster; to plaster, cover with a
plaster, mend, repair, seal or stop leakages
or small holes with thick paint, mortar,
cement, etc. Kapli sing pnta ang mga lo
sang mga lnsang sa atp nga sin. Cover
the nail-heads on the zinc-roof with paint.
Sn-o ang nagkpol sang tohk sang
alhbi? Who plastered up the hole in the
water tank? Ipilk na lang inng pnggan,
kay nd na makaplan ang ya sir nga
balan. Throw this plate away, for it is so
cracked that it cannot be mended. (cf.
plhit, pol).
kapl-kpol, Dim. and Freq. of kpol.
Also: to patch, mend, repair, make things
up, settle amicably or peacefully. (cf.
kapnkpan, tapntpan).
kaplpog, To crumble, fall to pieces, said
of clods of earth, or the like. Nagakaplpog
ang pug. The clod of earth is crumbling.
(cf. plpog).

kapn, (Sp. capn) Capon, gelding, any

castrated animal, but particularly applied
to cocks, pigs and dogs; to emasculate,
castrate. Ginkapn nla ang mga bboy
nga palatambkon kag ilihawn. They
castrated the pigs that are to be fattened
and slaughtered. Kapon ang id. Castrate
the dog. Nakabakl ak sing ttlo ka
mank nga kinapn. I succeeded in buying
three capons.
kpot, To stick or adhere to, paste, glue.
(cf. dokt, pilt).
kpot, The marriage ceremony; the bride
and bridegroom giving their mutual
consent and pledging conjugal fidelity and
immediately after joining hands, before the
priest who solemnizes their marriage.
Bagtingn mo sil sa kpot. Ring the bells
when they clasp hands. Nagpakpot lang
sil, pang wal pagbilhi. They went
through the marriage ceremony, but did
not receive the nuptial blessing during the
Holy Mass.
kapte, Select tobacco leaves used as
wrappers for cigars. Dlhi ak sing mayo
nga dhon sang tabk, kay ikapte ko sa
kon pioks. Bring me a choice tobacco
leaf, for I am going to use it as a wrapper
for my home-made cigar.
kapte, (Sp. capote) Overcoat, raincoat,
mackintosh, macintosh. (cf. kmbut,
knup, kulmbot).
kpoy, To tire, fatigue, weary, knock up,
wear out, exhaust, weaken. Nakpoy
(kinpoy) si. He was exhausted (tired).
Ginakpoy (ginakapyan) ak. I am
getting tired. Ang am nga
pagpangabdlay nagpakpoy sa ya. That
drudgery wore him out, knocked him up.
(cf. lya, ly, pul, lay, bdlay).
kapy, Tired, exhausted, weak, worn out,
done up, fatigued, weary, knocked up,
jaded, spent. Kapy na si. He is tired out.
(cf. pal, luy).
kpre, (Sp. cafre) A ghost or monstrous
being alleged by the superstitious to take
the form of a horrible giant.
kaprtso, (Sp. capricho) Caprice, whim,
fancy, fad, craze, quirk, crotchet. (cf.
luyglyag, lub).
kpsula, (Sp. cpsula) Capsule; metal cap
on a bottle or the like.
kptan, From kaptto grasp, take hold
of, etc.
kpug, Cold (cooked) rice. See kpog.
kapul, Redness, reddishness, rosiness.
(cf. pul, mapul).
kapnaw, Exhaustion, inanition, frailty,
feebleness, faint. (cf. pnaw).
kapng-aw, Isolation, loneliness,
solitariness, desolation, dreariness,
dejectedness. (cf. png-aw, kamngaw,
kapungsurn, Nations, powers, states,
governments. Ang mga kapungsurn sang
kalibtan. The nations of the world. Ang


kapupd-an karatl
katilngban sang mga kapungsurn. The
league (society) of Nations. (cf. pngsud).
kapupd-an, Archipelago, island-group.
(pul). Ang Kapupd-an nga Pilipnas.
The Philippine Islands.
kapupulun, kapulun, Islands, isles,
archipelago. (cf. pul, kapupd-an).
kapupn-an, Fulness, plenitude;
abundance, plenty, affluence. (cf. pun).
kapurut, Dearth, misery, stress, hard
lines, difficulty. Ang kapurut sang
pangabh. The difficulties of life. (cf.
hiwos, kalisd).
kapsa, Anger, excitement, exasperation
expressed in strong language. (cf. psa,
kapuslnan, Profit, utility, use, gain,
avail, benefit, good, advantage, behoof,
boot. Ang tann nton nga mga
paninguh manginwaly kapuslnan, kon
wal kit pagabulgi sang Dis. All our
efforts are in vainorof no avail, unless
God assists us. (cf. puls).
kapt, To grip, grasp, seize, clasp, grab,
get, lay, catch, take, hold of. Kpti
in. Take hold of thisorGrasp it.
Kinptan nya ak sa kamt. He took me
by the hand. Ginkptan nya ang tuln-an
kag ginlmba sa salg. He seized the book
and threw it on the floor. But sil
magkapt sang uluyatn sang kalh.
They like to hold the handle of the pan (i.e.
wish to have power, influence and
especially a large share in the division of
the spoils). (cf. kpyot).
kapta, Condition of being a prostitute.
(cf. pta).
kaput, Whiteness, fairness, blondness.
(cf. put).
kaputan, The white race, the whites,
Caucasians. (cf. put).
kaputohn, Bankruptcy, liquidation,
failure, insolvency. (cf. pto).
kaptol, A kind of maize with black and
white kernels mixed on the same cob.
kaputng, Irritability, fretfulness,
hotness (of temper); narrowmindedness.
(cf. putng).
kapyat, Sleepiness, drowsiness,
tiredness; condition of one who sleeps
long,awakes or rises late. (cf. pyat).
kpyot, To grip, grasp. See kapt.
Kapyot, kinapyotnkpti, kinptan. (cf.
kra, (B) See kla. Also: A kind of hard
stone variously coloured.
kra, (Sp. cara) Head, face. (cf. lo,
kar, (B) Of that, etc. (cf. sin id.).
kr, (B) To scold loudly, abuse in strong
language, shout at, rail at. Kari si. Give
him a good scolding. Ginkaran nya
kam. He shouted and railed at us. Dl ka
magsgad pangr. Dont be always
scolding so loudly. (cf. kig, pamsa,
pamrag, pamulgso).


Visayan-English Dictionary
karabtan, Common or joint property.
(cf. gurptan, garaptan).
karabw, Buffalo.
karb-krab, To burn lustily, crackle
and spread (of fire). Ang kalyo
nagakarbkrab. The fire is burning
lustily, is spreading, is increasing (with a
crackling sound). Aglagl (kirtkrot) gid
lang inng kalyo; butang sing pamak,
agd magkarbkrab. This fire is burning
low; put some kindling on it, that it may
burn bright.
karab, (B) See kalabtastefulness, etc.
kardto, (B) Long ago, in olden times,
once upon a time, a long time since, in the
past, of yore. A, in sa kardto pa! Oh, that
was in the good old times! Kardto
nay. Formerly. (cf. sdto).
kargmang, To run, rush, push,
against something with some impetuosity.
Karagmang ang nagakatulg. Run and
shake the one who is asleep. (cf.
kurgmang which is the more usual form).
kargto, (B) See kardto.
karh, (B) See kalhpan, etc. (cf.
karahy, To take anothers hand, or
cards, or place, in card-playing; one who
temporarily takes anothers place at the
karahlo, (B) See kalahlo.
karaidann, (B) Repairs, etc. See
kilidann, kaalayohn.
karkal, (B) Badly done, botched,
bungled, clumsy, desultory, careless work.
(cf. bstos, bul, patarsak).
karakalnda, To be a loafer, roam
about, idle away the time, etc. See
lagwlgaw, landlndo, tiygtiyg,
kark-an, (B) Multitude, etc. See
kar, kar, (H) To go there, denoting a
shorter distance than when kdto is used.
Kumar ka dir. Go over there. Ind pa
ak makadalikt sa pagkar dir sa nyo.
I cannot go away at once to visit you there.
(cf. kdto).
kar-kar, A hustler, driver, one who
urges or impels others; to hustle, hurry, be
very energetic, work with despatch, do
thoughtlessly. (cf. tartar, targtarg,
karakarahn, Uneasy, nervous, excited;
to be excited, nervous, etc. See darabhan.
kar-kr, kar-kar, To come and
go, visit frequently, go to and fro. (cf. kar).
karakas, To rustle (of dry leaves,
starched clothes, etc.); to jerk, jump, make
a sudden movement, be in a hurry. (cf.
klas, lktin, kuratn).
karakatd, (B) See kalakatd.
karakatk, To cluck (of a hen). (cf.
kurukutk, katkkatk).

karakatn, A kind of banana. (cf.

karak, (B) Many, plenty, multitude,
much. (cf. rak, dak, kadak).
karakon, (B) Multitude, great number,
many, plenty, crowd. Ginpakahy-an ak
nya sa karakon (kark-an). He put me
to shame in public. (cf. rak).
karalt, (B) See kalalt.
karambla, (Sp. carambola) A carom
shot at billards, a carambole, a cannon;
quarrel; to quarrel. May karambla kana
sa bulangn. Nagkinarambla sil kana
sa bulangn. A short while ago there was a
quarrel (row, fight, scuffle) in the cockpit.
(cf. way, say, gam).
karamlo, (Sp. caramelo) Caramel,
unrefined sugar, usually of a brown colour
and sold in square tablets that readily
dissolve in water, etc.
karamtot, To scuffle, scramble, fight, to
compete eagerly for the possession of
something. Nagakaramtot sil sa
paggaw sang mga bukka
orginakaramuttan nla ang paggaw
sang mga bukka. They are scrambling for
the ripe camunsel-fruit. Ind kam
magkaramtot. Dont scuffle (scramble,
fight). (cf. lis, rnis, way, kmas).
karnda, (B) To perform with despatch,
expedite, do quickly and hence carelessly.
Karandah lang ang panpton. Be quick
with the clothes (in dressing, washing,
etc.). (cf. dal).
karandagn, Restless, fidgety, unsteady.
(cf. matnongsteady).
karn-kran, To be in a stir, excitement
or hubbub on account of a fire, a sudden
inundation or the like. Nagakinarnkran
sil. They are in a state of great excitement.
karap, See kadap, kurap.
karp, To hang down, fall down loosely
(of clothes that are too large, etc.).
Nagakarp lang ang ya bistdo. Her
dress falls down loosely (like a
mantlekpa), being too long and too
wide, etc. (cf. kpa, kp).
karapl, See kalapl.
kararm, (B) Taste, etc. See kalalm.
kararton, kararotn, (B) See
kalalton, kalalotn.
karskas, To tear, scratch, pull, off
quickly vines, creepers, an old thatched
roof or the like; to tear the ground (of a
galloping horse); to perform with despatch,
do quickly. (cf. kskas).
kart, To be in a hurry, have to do
quickly; to hasten, urge. Ginakart ak sa
pagpal. I am in a hurry to go home. (cf.
alipas, kalt, dalikt, dal).
krat, (H) Pungency, etc. See kdat, dat
karatn, One who is in a hurry, who sits
on needles, etc. (cf. kuratn).
karatl, To punish severely, chastise.
Ginkaratl nya ang ya bt, kay

Visayan-English Dictionary
nagsinutl. She punished her child severely,
because it was very naughty. (cf. bakbka, tartri, ktad).
karatl, (Sp. carretel) Spool, reel; ropewalk reel, rope-makers twisting machine,
rope-wheel, cable-wheel; to twist, make
ropes. (cf. lbid).
kartkart, Dim. and Freq. of kart. (cf.
kartula, (Sp. cartula) Pasteboard, label,
sign-board, advertisement.
kraw, Tortuous, winding, zigzag,
movement, twist, contortion, convolution;
to crawl, creep, twist, contort, writhe, move
along, as snakes, or the like. (cf. issi, tik).
karawkaw, A kind of bird.
karawt, (B) Hook. (cf. kalawt).
karwit, (B) Deviation, digression,
winding, turning aside, going out of ones
way (of speech, walking, etc.). (cf. rwit).
kary, Dry coconut leaves. (cf. luky).
karykay, To scratch and scatter (rice,
corn, etc. as chickens, rats, etc. do); to
bring into disorder, disarrange by
trampling upon, by shuffling or stirring
levelled off grains, peas and beans, sand or
the like. Ginakarykay sang mung ang
humy. The hen is scratching in the rice,
scattering it with her claws. Ind mo
pagkaraykayn ang humy. Dont stir the
krbaw, (B) Buffalo. (karabw id.).
karbwon, Pertaining to a buffalo; like a
buffalo. (cf. kinarabw).
karbn, (Sp. carbn) Coal; papel de
carbncarbon paper.
karenderya, Restaurant, eating-house;
a small shop. (cf. karihn, tinda, tinggi,
talangwyan, pansiterya).
karra, (Sp. carrera) Career, profession;
run, race; to race. Nagakarra na ang mga
kabyo. The horses are racing, (are off),
already. (cf. palangitnan, kabuhin;
karetla, (Sp. carretela) Cart, bus, twowheeled vehicle for passengers and freight.
karetn, (Sp. carreton) Wagon, cart, gocart; wheel. Butang sing karetn ang
siby. Put wheels (or rollers) on the babys
krga, (Sp. carga, cargar) Burden, load; to
load, burden; to transfer, enter. Inng
krga laks kabg-at sa kon. This burden
is too heavy for me. Ikrga in sa mo
wto. Put this in your auto. Ikrga ak
nay sin sa mo karsa. Please put this on
your cart. Pil ang hinkay kon kargahn
ko ang mo kro sing napl ka psong
nga humy? How much will the freight be,
if I put ten bushels of rice on your cart?
Ikrga sa libro inng mga binunyagn.
Transfer to the register the names of those
baptized. Dl mo si pagkargahn sinng
sko, kay tm kabg-at sa ya. Dont
burden him with that sack, for it is much
too heavy for him. Nalnud ang sakayn,

karatl karn
kay kinargahn sing tm. The boat sank,
because it was overloaded. (cf. llan).
kargabro, (Sp. carga, burro) A game at
kargadr, (Sp. cargador) Porter, carrier.
kargamnto, (Sp. cargamento) Luggage,
baggage, goods, load, freight, merchandise,
krgo, (Sp. cargo) Office, duty,
responsibility, charge; income, receipts.
Krgo y dta. Receipts and expenditure.
kar, A kind of dish. (cf. karihn).
kar, (H) To come here, approach. Kar ka
dirorKumar ka. Come here. Wal pa
si makakar, or: makapakar. He hasnt
been able to come here yet. Pakari si sa
madal. Order him to come here at once.
Ind si sarng makakar
ormakapakar. He is unable to come
kari, Of that, etc. See sin, kar, id.
karidag, One who steps into, walks
into, interferes with, meddles in,
something carelessly or thoughtlessly; to be
careless, etc. (cf. tardag; tdag, tdag,
karibk, Revolution, upheaval, violent
change (of government, etc.), war, strife,
commotion. (cf. ribk).
karibd, Short and stout, stocky, stumpy,
stubby, thickset. (cf. kiribd, tipngk,
bdul, pudl, karibud).
karibud, (B) See karibd.
karighot, (B) Sultriness, stuffiness,
mugginess, closeness (of heat or weather).
(cf. kagn-ot, kabhot).
karihn, Inn, restaurant, rest-house.
Place where kar is made or sold. (cf.
karkad, (B) See kalkadto stir or loosen
up rice, earth, etc.
karikatra, (Sp. caricatura) Caricature.
karikt, Intricacy, complication,
complexity. (cf. rikt).
karl, (Sp. carril) Rail-rut, rail, cart-way,
karmis, (B) Sweetness. See katm-is. (cf.
karintndan, A kind of banana. (cf.
kndal, tndal, trna).
karintuky, (B) Small, little, tiny things,
tots. Puls mga karintuky ang mga
nagaeskwla sa kon klse sang toksan.
The children that come to my catechismclass are all very small. (cf. ntok,
maggmay, maggming).
karipn, To gather, collect, bring
together, join or associate with, mingle,
mix, put together. Ind mo pagkariponn
ang mga kabatan nga magamy kag
dalgk. Dont put the small children
together with the big ones. Ginkaripn nla
ang mga bka kag karabw. They put the
cows with the buffalloes. Karipon sil nga
tann. Put them all together. (cf. smpon,
dpon, upd, aby).

karsm, Dirt, filth, stain. (cf. rsm,

karitna, A kind of plant.
kartktan, Stunted, backward, kept back
in growth. (cf. arar, agl-agl, daldal).
karto, (Sp. carrillo) A small cart; toy-cart.
karitt, A small lobster. (cf. koritt,
krmel; karmeltas; (Sp.) Carmel;
Carmelite nuns; Carmelite monks.
krmen, (Sp. carmen) Carmelite order;
scapular, scapulary. (cf. eskapulryo).
karnabl, (Sp. carnaval) Carnival.
krne, (Sp. carne) Flesh; meat. (cf. kusg,
karnro, (Sp. carnero) Sheep; mutton.
Karnro nga babe. Ewe, a female sheep.
Karnro nga lalki. Ram, a male sheep.
kro, (Sp. carro) Cart, wagon, wain.
karbkob, To rub or scratch with some
force. Karobkob ang batis mo kon
magkatl. Rub the calf of your leg if it
itches. (cf. kalbkub id.).
kardkod, To rub, rasp, scratch (ones
hair, head, etc.); to scrape, scoop out, shell
(coconuts, gourds, etc.). (cf. kdkod,
krog, (B) To hurry, hustle, urge on.
Karga tna nga magpnaw ron.
(padali si sa paglakt). Urge him to go
karg-krog, To do with great despatch,
perform quickly, hurry. Karg-karga ang
mo trabho. Hurry on with your work, (be
quick about it). (cf. karkar).
karg-karg, A hustler. (cf. kargkrog).
karokl, A wide-meshed basket, usually
hung up on a wire or string and used for
carrying various provisions.
kar-kro, Dim. of kro. A childs toycart.
kar-kar, To do something with great
speed, to scamp work, perform in a hurry;
hasty, careless (of work). Kar-kar nga
pagtrabho. Careless, hasty work. Ind
kam magkarkar sa pagbra sin.
Dont scamp that workorDont be hasty
and careless in doing that. (cf. kargkrog,
karkos, See kalkos.
karokos, To rumple, tousle, tumble,
jumble, put, throw, bring, in
disorder; rumpled, jumbled, complicated.
Ind mo pagkarkosohn ang lnot. Do
not tumble the hemp-fibers. (cf. gmon,
gomn, korokos).
karomta, (Sp. carromata) A twowheeled vehicle, bus.
karn, (H) Now, at present, at the
occasion, presently, immediately, shortly,
forthwith, anon, nowadays; before long,
soon; adj.: present, current. Lakt kit
karn. Let us go now. Mapailnglong ak
karn. I am going to Iloilo soon. Sa sbung


kr-on kasamunan, kasamwnan

sin wal ak sing tinin, pang karn
ugling tatpon ko ang mo kinahnglan.
Just at present I have no time, but before
long I will attend to your need. Sa karn
nga mga tinig. At the present time, in
the times we are living in. Ang karn
nga tig. The present or current year.
kr-on, (B) See karn.
kars, To scratch, claw. Ind mo si
pagkarosn. Dont scratch him. Ang
kinarosn sang kurng sa bt nagdug.
The scratch made by the cat on the baby
was bleeding. Ang mga kurng
nagakarosnay. The cats are fighting (are
clawing or scratching at each other). (cf.
karsa, (Sp. carroza) Cart; sledge, sled, as
used by farmers over rough roads.
karskos, To scratch (ones head or the
like). Ginkarskos nya ang ya lo sa
kakig, sa kablung, etc. He scratched his
head in anger, in astonishment, etc. Dl mo
pagkaroskosn ang lo mo. Dont scratch
your head. (cf. kals, kars).
kartkart, To rub, stroke, scratch. (cf.
kartkot, To scratch or rub against a
door (as cats and dogs do); to scamp work,
perform carelessly, hurry, hustle, do
something by tearing and pulling, by leaps
and bounds. Ang id nagakartkot sang
ganhan, kay malyag si magsuld. The
dog is scratching at the door, for he wants
to come in.
kary, To starch yarn or thread previous
to weaving. Karoy ang bunng. Starch the
yarn. Bunng nga kinaroyn. Starched
karsl, (Sp. crcel) Prison, jail; to
imprison, confine. Karsil si. Put him in
prison. (cf. bilngg, pahnong;
bilanggan, kalabso, kalabs).
kartra, (Sp. cartera) Portfolio, writing
case, pocket book, note book, letter case.
kartro, (Sp. cartero) Letter-carrier,
postman, one who carries or distributes
kartlya, (Sp. cartilla) Primer, first book
for children. (cf. katn).
kartn, (Sp. carton) Card-board, pasteboard; paste-board cards as used in various
games. Malyag ak maghmpang sang
lte, pang wal ak sing kartn. I would
like to play the game called lote, but I
have no cards for it.
karttso, (Sp. cartucho) Cartridge,
karugan, karwgan, A pan. (cf.
karwhe, (Sp. carruaje) Equipage, coach,
four-wheeler, usually drawn by horses.
ksa, (Sp. casa) House, abode, dwelling,
domicile, residence, habitation. (cf. baly).
kas, To wager, bet, stake, lay, lay a
wager, make a bet, put ones money on.
Kasah si sing duh ka mngmang. Bet


Visayan-English Dictionary
him two pesos. Pil ang ikas mo sa ya?
What is your wager with him?orHow
much did you bet him? (cf. ksi).
kasb, Lawsuit, question or case before
a court; to have a case in court; sue by legal
process, institute legal proceedings. May
kasb silornagakasb sil. They
have a case in court.
kasab-ahn, Banana-plantation,
collection of bananas called sb-a. (cf.
kasblag, Impediment, let, check, hitch,
obstacle, hindrance. (sblag).
kasablgan, See kasblag. Also: a
person or thing that is an obstacle, that
prevents, etc.
kasblok, Voraciousness, greediness,
gluttony, state of being greedy or
gluttonous, (sblok; cf. kadalk, kakgud.
kasda, kasdo, (Sp. casada, casado) A
married woman, a married man.
kasdia, Good cheer, glee, enjoyment,
gladness, gaiety, merriment, merrymaking, revelling, rejoicing, joy, pleasure,
celebration, solemnity, entertainment,
applied to any religious, social or political
gathering, where good feeling and
cheerfulness abound. (sdia, sdya).
kasadihan, See kasdia. Also: Things
that are cheerful or that provide enjoyment
and diversion.
kasadiahn, See kasdia id.
kasdya, kasadyhan,
kasadyahn, See kasdia, kasadihan,
kasadiahn id.
kasg, A kind of crab. As this crab is
usually rather lean it has become a
synonym for thinness, leanness,
emaciation. Kasg nga to. A man as lean
as a casag-crab. Kakasg sinng to! How
scraggy this man is!
kasagngan, (H) Banana-plantation,
collection of bananas. (sging; cf. kasabahn).
kasah, Liking, attachment to, affection
for. May kasah ak sa ya nga batsan. I
have a liking for his ways and manners.
kashos, To cut up meat into strips, etc.
See kushos id., and more commonly used.
kashot, kasaht, Concern, regard,
attention to visitors and the like. (saht; cf.
kasinahton id.).
ksa, kas, (Sp. caza, cazar) Hunting; to
hunt. Kasah ang bboy nga talonn. Hunt
down the wild pig. (cf. pangaym).
kaskay, Passenger, fellow passenger.
(cf. saky).
kaskit, Grief, mourning, pain, sorrow,
affliction, woe, heartache, unhappiness,
infelicity, anguish, pang, agony, interior or
spiritual suffering, dolour, dolor. (cf. skit).
kasakt. Pain, painfulness, suffering,
pang, anguish, agony, torture, torment,
ache, smart, bodily illness, injury or
ailment. (cf. sakt).

kasaktan, See kaskit. Also: Troubles,

worries, anxieties, trials, ordeals, crosses,
mental sufferings.
kasakitn, See kasakt. Also: Torture,
martyrdom, bodily pains or punishments,
things that inflict great bodily pain.
kasklaw, Resentment, ill-feeling,
dislike, sense of injury, condition of one
who is offended or takes things amiss. (cf.
sklaw, kig).
kasaklwan, See kasklaw. Also: things
that are irksome, unpleasant, irritating.
kask, Hustle, bustle, press of work,
much work, much to do, condition of one
who is very busy or much occupied. (cf.
kasakon, See kask.
kasl, To marry, bless or solemnize a
marriage. Sn-o ang nagkasl sa nyo?
Who married you? Who solemnized your
marriage? Sn-o ang nagpakasl kana
sang ga? Who was married this morning?
Sn-o ang ginkasl sang Pr kahpon?
Who was married by the Priest yesterday?
Mapakasl kam bus. We are going to be
married to-morrow. Nakasl
ornagpakasl na kam ukn wal pa?
Have you been married yet or not? Ind mo
pagipakasl ang mo ank sa kasaminto
sibl. Dont permit your son (daughter) to
contract a civil marriage. Ang mga
Kristinhon nga nagapakasl sa sibl
nagapakasal sing dak sa atubngan
sang Dis. Christians that contract a civil
marriage sin grievously in the sight of God.
kasl-ag, Grudge, spite, anger,
resentment, aversion, antipathy, difference,
quarrel, condition of one who is at variance
with another. (cf. sl-ag, kig, aligtgot,
gulut-non, kasb-ot).
kasal-nan, Sins, faults, errors, offences,
transgressions, trespasses, wrong-doing,
slips, mistakes, blunders. (cf. sal,
kasalangisagn, Incongruity,
discrepancy, inconsistency, awkwardness,
inharmoniousness. (cf. salangisg).
kaslo, A messmate; friend, companion.
(cf. slo, kahmbal, kahrup).
kaslpan, Sunset, west, Occident. (cf.
slup, katndan, katulndan).
kasamarn, Injury, damage, destruction,
harm, havoc. (cf. samd, smad).
kasaminto, (Sp. casamiento) Marriage,
wedlock, wedding. Kasaminto sibl. Civil
marriage. (Sp. casamiento civil). (cf.
mnyo, pangaswa, kasl).
kasmok, Disturbance, commotion, mixup, hodge-podge, miscellany, medley,
jumble, disorder, confusion. (cf. smok).
kasamputnan, Goal, end, result;
benefit, advantage; consummation. (cf.
smput, alaputn, kapuslnan,
kasamunan, kasamwnan,
Mixture, blending; common, joint. Dt

Visayan-English Dictionary
nga kasamwnan. A field that is the joint
(common) property of several persons or of
a whole community. (cf. sm,
salamunan, salamuann).
kasamwran, Progress, continuity,
prosperity, solidity, stability. (cf. smwad,
kasanaw, Dimness, twilight, the light of
the early morning or evening. (cf. sanaw).
kasnag, Clearness, brightness, lucidity,
light. (cf. snag).
kasanagn, kasangan, Explanation,
exposition, clearing-up, a clear proof of,
manifestation, publication, explication, the
unfolding of the facts or throwing light on
something obscure, etc. (snag).
kasanagn, See kasnag.
kasangon, Daybreak, peep of day,
dawn, first blush, prime, of morning,
morning light, aurora, daylight in its initial
stages, the time preceding sunrise. (cf.
snag, kasnag, kasanagn, kasanagn).
kasngg, Opponent, contestant,
adversary, antagonist. Kasngg nya si
sa pagkapanglo-bnwa. He is his
opponent for the office of Municipal
President. (cf. kasmpung; sngg).
kasngga, A partner at play, especially in
a game of cards. (cf. sngga; dpig,
kadpig, kadmpig).
kasanghpon, (B) The day before
yesterday. (Kang isarng hpon, sang is
ka hpon).
kasanghran, Trial, probation,
examination. (cf. snghid).
kasngkad, Width, breadth, wideness,
latitude, amplitude, expanse. (cf. sngkad).
kasangkadn, Width, etc. See
kasngkad, kasangkarn.
kasangkpan, Equipment, outfit, gear,
tools, furniture, the collective name for all
the things required for a certain purpose.
(sngkap; cf. galamitn).
kasangkarn, (H) Width, etc. See
kasngkad, kasangkadn.
kasngkol, Capacity, capability,
preparedness, ability, fitness, proper
preparation for an undertaking, etc.
(sngkol; cf. taks, ikataks, kak).
kasnglit, Companion, equal, one of the
same class, example, type. (cf. snglit,
pannglit, panangltan, pananglitnan).
kasnhi, Formerly, in times past, long
ago. (cf. sdto nay, sang na).
kasn-o, When, at what time (of the
past). (cf. kn-o, sn-o pa).
kasnt, Exactness, fitness,
harmoniousness, good proportion,
symmetry, harmony. (snt; cf. kasb).
kasanyogn, Continuance,
continuation, durability, permanence,
persistence, lastingness, quality of lasting
long, decision, determination. Ang katinarn kag kasanyogn sang bnwa.
The prosperity and stability of the town,
commonwealth, etc. Isilng mo na ang

kasamwran kasid
kasanyogn. State now your final decision
or determination. (snyog).
kasaptan, Animals in general, the
animal kingdom, fauna, brute creation,
beasts. (cf. spat).
kasapintan, Thorns, briars; place
overgrown with thorns or briars. (cf.
kasapldan, Skim, that which is taken off
or removed as by skimming; gain, profit,
emolument, benefit, advantage, interest.
(cf. splid, latb, ghi, ghab, lhab,
kasaplidnan, See kasapldan.
kasaplran, See kasapldan. (cf.
kaspnot, Roughness, ruggedness,
unevenness, opposed to smoothness and
slipperiness. (cf. spnot).
kaspul, One who is a party to an
agreement or contract, a member of a
meeting or board, a councillor.
Kaspulbnwa. A municipal Councillor.
kasapuln, A meeting, assembly, board;
council. Kasapuln-bnwa. Municipal
Council. Kasapuln-pud. Provincial
kasapulnan, See kasapuln. Also:
agreement, accord, resolution.
kasarangn, Possibility, potentiality,
practicability, feasibility. Wal na sing
kasarangn sa paglikw sin. There is
now no possibility of avoiding it. (cf.
sarng; ikasarng).
kasarngan, Temperance, moderation,
sobriety, soberness, restraint; enough, not
too much and not too little. Ang
kasarngan. Temperance. Ang birtd nga
kasarngan. The virtue of temperance.
Kasarngan gid lang ang ya nga
pagkabutng. He has just sufficient
property to live on. He is neither poor nor
rich. (cf. sarng, kasarangn).
kasrot, Ugliness, plainness,
hideousness, repulsiveness (of face);
cursedness, curstness. (cf. srot).
kasart, Bad luck, evil fate. (cf. sart).
kass, To fray, become useless, run to
seed. Nagakass ang kon panpton sa
kagabk. My clothes are getting frayed
through rottenness. (cf. katt).
kasw-a, Disgust, aversion, loathing,
antipathy. (cf. sw-a).
kasaw-ahn, Impropriety, indecency,
unbecoming conduct, unsuitability. (cf.
kasawyan, Fault, blame, mistake,
blunder, slip, error that needs correction.
kasy-ksay, To recuperate, recover, get
slowly better and stronger, improve in
health and strength after an illness, be
convalescent, convalesce. Nagakasyksay
na ang masakt nga bt. The sick boy is

now slowly recuperating, (improving,

moving about again).
kasayopn, kasaypan, Errors,
mistakes, fallacies, blunders, oversights,
slips; faults, shortcomings, defects,
imperfections, deficiencies. (sayp;
kasypan id.; cf. kasal-nan, kakulngan,
kasayran, (H) Explanation, exposition,
elucidation, explication, meaning,
interpretation; knowledge, understanding.
(syod; cf. kasaysyan).
kasypan, See kasayopn.
kasaypnan, See kasayopn.
kasyran, (H) See kasayran.
kasayrnan, (H) See kasayran.
kasaysyan, Explanation, exposition,
elucidation, explication, clear statement,
interpretation. (sysay; cf. kasayran).
kasra, (Sp. casera) Mistress of the
house, housewife, landlady, housekeeper;
to be a housekeeper, etc., accept boarders
and lodgers. Nagakasra si sang mga
bumulth sa matas nga buluthan. She
accepts High-School students as boarders
and lodgers.
kaserla, (Sp. caserola) Pan, saucepan.
(cf. kalh, kalwgan).
ksi, (Sp. casi) Nearly, about, somewhat
more or less, almost. (cf. blang, daw).
ksi, To bet, lay, lay a wager, put ones
money on, wager, stake. See kas id. Kashi
si sing pil. Bet him double the amount.
Pil ang iksi mo? How much is (was) your
wager? (cf. patd, tay).
kasiamn, Ninety. (cf. sim).
kasbag, Quarrel, a falling-out,
disagreement, difference, disaccord,
dissidence, variance, dissension,
misunderstanding. (cf. sbag).
kasibgsbag, Divergence, difference,
opposition, disunion, disharmony.
Nagaabynay sil sa gw, pang may
ginahptan sil sa dghan nga
kasibgsbag ang is sa is. They are
friends outwardly but in their hearts they
oppose one another. (cf. sbagto disagree,
kasb, Fitness, exactness, accuracy,
suitability, quality of fitting precisely. (cf.
kasibon, kasiban, See kasb. Also:
Things that fit or suit exactly.
kasb-ot, Disgust, grudge, displeasure,
annoyance, angry feeling, vexation,
irritation, chagrin. (sb-ot).
kasdla, Courage, strength, bravery,
valour, intrepidity, dash, pluck, mettle. (cf.
kasug, kabskug).
kasdlak, Brilliancy, brightness, gleam,
shine, resplendence, effulgence, refulgence,
glitter, lustre, sheen, shimmer. (cf. sdlak).
kasdlaw, Radiance, dazzling brightness.
(cf. kaslaw, sdlawslaw).
kasid Hiccough, hiccup. (cf. sid).


kasga kasulg
kasga, Light, brightness, gleam,
illumination, visibility, luminosity,
luminousness, irradiation. (cf. sga).
kasgla, See kasdla id.
kasgne, Horribleness, dreadfulness,
horridness, frightfulness, fearfulness,
hideousness, repulsiveness, awfulness,
state of being shocking to look upon or to
hear of. (cf. sgne, makasisgne).
kas-ksi, A small flag, banner or signal.
kaslag, Anger, spite, grudge, ill will,
hatred, detestation, dudgeon, spleen,
acrimony, aversion. (slag; cf. dumt).
kaslak, See kasdlak.
kaslaw, See kasdlaw.
kasl, Brightness, gloss, lustre, shining
surface, glistening. (cf. sl; kasilng).
kasli, A kind of fish.
kasilng, (B) Gloss, shine, sheen, gleam,
glint, brightness, brilliancy. (silng; cf.
kahning, kasl, kasdlak).
kasilngan, (H) Neighbour;
neighbourhood; grounds at the side of a
house. (silng; cf. kaping, kangod, etc.).
kaslo, Square, having four equal sides;
carpenters square. (cf. askwla, eskwla,
kaslyas, (Sp. casillas) Lavatory, privy,
closet, latrine, jakes, W.C. (short for watercloset). (cf. lub, komn).
kasimnwa, Co-citizen, fellowcountryman, citizen, resident. (cf. bnwa).
kasm-ong, Loneliness, solitariness,
isolation. (cf. sm-ong).
kasna, To fool, cheat, play a trick to. Dl
mo pagkasinhan ang mo isigkato.
Dont cheat your neighbour. (cf. dy,
lmbong, lg-it).
kasinahton, See kasaht.
kasinnt, See kasnt.
kasnaw, Limpidness, limpidity,
pellucidity, clearness, transparency,
translucence, translucency especially of
liquids. (snaw; cf. katn-aw).
ksing, To spin a top. Iksing ang kasng
mo. Spin your top. (cf. kasng).
kasng, Spinning top. (cf. trmpo).
kasngkal, Very great heat, torrid heat,
hot weather, torridity, torridness, state of
being very hot; heat (of anger or passion).
kasng-ksing, Heart, affection, heart
as the seat of love and tenderness. (cf.
kasngkasng, A knob or protuberance
on the neck of some horses (as a distinctive
kasn-it, Feeling, sentiment, regard,
consideration; to have regard or
consideration for. (cf. patugsling,
pasunid, balatygon).
kasin, A hollow sound, quality of
sounding hollow, as a half-empty coconut
or the like. (cf. sin).
kasno, (Sp. casino) Clubhouse for social
or political reunions. (cf. tilipunn).
kasik, (B) See kas-ot. (siksot).


Visayan-English Dictionary
kas-ot, (H) Denseness, thickness,
condition of ground cumbered with high
grass, brush or undergrowth. (s-ot; cf.
kasrum, kasirm, (B) Eventide,
nightfall, evening twilight. (srum; cf.
kasisdmon, See kasrum.
kasisgmon, See kasrum, kasisdmon.
kasist-an, Straitened circumstances,
difficulties, troubles. (cf. sot; kapipt-an,
kalalt-an, kalisdnan).
kskas, To tear or pull off as an old
thatched roof, vines or the like. Kaskas
ang dan nga atp kag ilsan mo sing bgo. Tear off the old roof and replace it with a
new one. Ikskas ak nay sinng mga
balgon. Please pull off those creepers. (cf.
ksko, (Sp. casco) Hull, hold of a ship,
hulk. (cf. dgpak).
ksla, Imperative passive of kasl.
ksla, A kind of plant much used for
hedges and fences. (cf. kamndag).
kaslany, kinaslany, Marrying,
marriage, the celebration of marriages or
nuptials; to marry, get married (of many).
(cf. kasl, pangaswa).
kso, (Sp. caso) Case, cause (legal); result,
event, occurrence, contingency. Wal man
sing kso. There was no result. Nothing
kasbol, Nearness, proximity (of time, as
of a feast, etc.). (cf. sbol, kakg-ong).
kasogon, Commandment, order,
injunction, law, prescription, rules;
testament. Ang dan kag bg-o nga
kasogon. The Old and New Testament.
Kasogon-bnwa. Municipal ordinance.
(cf. sg, pagbult-an).
kasogran, (H) Beginning, opening,
outset, inception, start, commencement.
(cf. sgud, ginsugran, kamunan).
kaskso, To tousle, rumple,
tumble, the hair, grasp and shake by the
hair, or the like. Ind mo pagkaskashon
ang ya bohk. Dont rumple his hair. (cf.
kasy, A Philippine folk-dance.
kasy, A kind of tree with an edible fruit.
The stone protrudes from the ripe fruit.
kspang, Roughness, hardness, callosity,
callus, harshness, asperity (of skin); to be
or become rough, etc. (cf. gspang,
ksra, (B) Once. See makais.
ksta, (Sp. casta) To mate, pair, cover (of
animals). Kastah ang kabyo. Bring the
mare to the stallion. Pakastah ang
kabyo. Let the stallion cover the mare.
kastnyas, (Sp. castaas). Chestnuts,
kastanytas, (Sp. castaetas) Castanets,
kastgo, (Sp. castigo) Punishment,
chastisement, correction, castigation,

penalty; visitation (of God); to punish,

chastise, castigate, penalize. Kastgo in
sang Dis. That is (was) a visitation of God.
Kastigha si. Chastise him. Ikastgo mo
sa ya inng mlta nga duh ka psos.
Punish him with this fine of two pesos. (cf.
slot, gb).
kastlyo, (Sp. castillo) Castle, fortress;
imitation of a bombardment by letting off
detonating fireworks tied to a bambooerection.
kastonkas, (A corruption of castaetas)
Castanets. (See kastanytas).
kastr, (Sp. castor) Castor, small vessel
with a perforated top for sprinkling pepper,
etc.; beaver (animal so called). Aseite de
kastr. (Sp. aceite de castor) Castor oil.
kastorlyo, (Sp. castoreo) A derby hat,
felt hat, any hat made of cloth.
kasay, Quarrel, dispute, brawl,
contention, disagreement, discord,
difference, squabble, altercation,
dissension, tiff; an opponent in a quarrel.
(cf. say, kasuyan).
kasuyan, Quarrelling, bickering and
biting; things fought or quarrelled about.
(say; cf. kasay, kasuayn).
kasuayn, Cause or origin of a quarrel,
quarrelsomeness. (say).
kasub, Sorrow, grief, sadness, distress,
woe, affliction, mourning, bitterness, heartache, dolour, dejection, care, dole, fret.
kasubon, See kasub. Also: Things to
be grieved over; that causes affliction or
sorrow; sorrows.
kasubun, Rivers, river-system. (cf.
kasbung, (H) An equal, one in the same
predicament as another; sameness,
equality, like, as, similar to. (sbung).
kasdlan, Entrails, bowels, guts, viscera.
kasudlnan, See kasdlan. Also:
Contents; vessel, container, receptacle.
kasgpay, Exhaustion, inanition,
starvation. (cf. sgpay, sp-ay).
kasgpon, Continuation, prolongation,
lengthening, production, protraction,
extension, accession, addition; continued
(of serials). (cf. sgpon).
kasgut, Party, partner; agreement,
compact, pact. (cf. sugt).
kasukatn, kasuktan, Anniversary,
annual or yearly celebration. (sukt).
kasultan, Writings, books, works, writ,
scripture. (cf. sult).
kaslgan, Current, torrent, flow, race,
course, swift motion of water. (sulg).
kaslgan, Cocks. (sulg).
kasulmo, (H) Exciting nausea, loathing,
aversion, turn, queasiness, qualm,
repugnance, antipathy. (sum,
makasolmo, katalka, katak, kanglad).
kasulg, Swiftness, velocity of a current.
(cf. sulg, kaslgan).

Visayan-English Dictionary
kasulugn, See kaslgan.
kaslya, (Sp. casulla) Chasuble, vestment
used by a priest at Mass.
kasmbung, Plaintiff, accuser,
prosecutor, complainant, arraigner.
kasm-od, Nausea, loathing, queasiness,
qualm. (sm-od).
kasum-orn, (H) Loathing, aversion;
abomination. (cf. kasm-od, kasulmo).
kasum-orn, See kasm-od.
kasmpung, Opponent, enemy,
adversary, antagonist, assailant.
kasod, Intimacy; near relationship. (cf.
sod, kahrup, kahmbal, kadgil,
kasuokn, Nooks, corners, out-of-theway places, secluded places. (cf. suk).
kaspug, Daring, recklessness, boldness,
hardihood, rashness, cheek, frowardness,
dash, impertinence, audacity, temerity. (cf.
spug, kakhas, kaahng).
kassi, Inquisitiveness, curiousness,
curiosity. (cf. ssi).
kassto, (Sp. ssto) Shock, surprise,
trepidation, turn, a strong and sudden
kasutl, Badness, naughtiness,
wickedness, disobedience. (sutl).
kasutiln, See kasutl. Also: Naughty
behaviour, wicked deeds, naughty
practices, bad manners.
kasutiln, See kasutl.
kt, (B) To be full, brim, chock,
choke, full, replete, replenished,
crammed, stuffed. Nagakt ang tbig
sang sd, ang blsa sang tinpay, etc.
The water is full of fish, the pocket is
crammed with bread, etc. (cf. pun, but).
katas, Height, tallness, loftiness. (cf.
kataasn, katasan, See katas. Also:
High dignity, things that are lofty or
kataasn, See katas.
kataastasan, Excellences,
prerogatives, high perfections, privilege,
exaltation, elevation (in rank, etc.), great
dignity. (cf. tas, kalabihn, kamahlan).
ktad, To stretch on a frame or rod, as
yarn previous to weaving; to stretch on the
rack, figuratively or literally. Katda
(ra) ang bunng. Stretch the yarn.
Ginktad nla si. They put him on the
rack. They punished him severely.
katadn, A frame to stretch yarn on, etc.
Wal ko maktad ang bunng, kay wal
ak sing katadn. I cannot get the yarn
ready for weaving, because I have no
stretching frame.
katd-katd, See kalakatd, karakatd.
katdlung, Straightness, directness,
rightness. (cf. tdlung).

kasulugn katam-isn
katadlungn, See katdlung. Also:
Straight-forwardness, honesty, rectitude,
uprightness; honest and upright dealing.
katg-an, Retiredness, shyness,
bashfulness, coyness; to be shy, etc. May
katg-an siornagakatg-an si sa
paghmbal. She is too bashful to speak. (cf.
katagiposonan, Hearts; kind,
sympathetic people, tender-hearted folks.
(cf. tagiposon).
katagmtum, Fog, mist, cloud;
darkness. (cf. mbon, alopop, gl-um,
pangnod, dmpug).
katah, Respect, reverence, awe, fear,
veneration, regard, consideration,
deference. (cf. tah).
kathap, Fear, alarm, dismay,
consternation, apprehension; shyness,
respect. (cf. thap).
katahpan, See kathap. Also: Danger,
things that cause fear or apprehension.
kathaw, Loss of strength, defection,
deterioration. (cf. thaw).
katahwan, See kathaw. Also: Things
that cause loss of strength, etc.
katahm, Beauty, loveliness, comeliness,
fairness, good looks, goodliness,
pulchritude, niceness, pleasing appearance,
handsomeness. (cf. tahm, katahumn,
kagayn, kanyag).
katahumn, See katahm. Also: Objects
that are beautiful or pleasing in
katahumn, See katahm.
katahurn, Reverence, deference,
respect, veneration, esteem; distinction,
glory, honour, dignity. (cf. thud).
katak, Nausea, surfeit, loathing,
queasiness, qualm, quality that excites a
loathing or aversion. (cf. tak).
kat-kta, To manage, distribute,
portion out, well, apportion, assign; to
spend little, be economical, live frugally, be
thrifty. Katkatha ang humy, agd nd
kit makulngan, kay dl gid mayo ang
ton pinatubs sa karn nga tig. Portion
out well the rice or we may run short,
because this years harvest was far from
kat-kt, To prattle, prate, talk much
and flippantly, be a noisy or idle chatterer.
An na man ang nyo nga
ginakinatkt? What are you talking
about so much? (cf. br, nglngal,
ngsal, etc.).
katk-katk, To cackle. Ang mung
nagakatkkatk. The hen cackles. (cf.
kkak, kurukutk).
katksan, Dimension, size, bulk, volume,
extent, measurement, measure. (cf. taks).
kataksnan, See katksan.
ktal, To hang down freely, dangle
loosely, (particularly applied to the male
organ of generation of a horse or other

katl, Hanging down freely, dangling

loosely in the meaning of ktal.
katalgman, Danger, apprehension,
peril, risk, hazard, jeopardy, liability.
katalka, (H) See makatalka. Katalka
inng kaln-on. This food is loathsome,
sickening, nauseous. (cf. tak, katak).
katalmdan, (H) Attention!
Observation, notice. (cf. tamd; talmdan,
katmdan, pahibal, abso, patiman).
katalngan, Mistake, blunder, slip,
missing ones way, deviation, swerving,
declination, going astray, wandering, error,
deception, illusion. (tlang).
katalarngan, (H) One of the same class
or condition. Si Fulno katalarngan ko sa
pageskwla. N.N. is my classmate at
school. (cf. dungn).
katlaw, Cowardice, faint-heartedness,
funk, timidity, poltroonery, weakness.
katalawn, See katlaw.
katlh, Quality of wood, or the like, that
is easy to split. (tlh).
katalna, (Sp. catalina) A wheel with
teeth, cog-wheel, sprocket-wheel, spurwheel.
katalipuspusn, The last part or stage
of a thing, end, termination, condition of
approaching ripeness, completion or
termination. (cf. tpus, talipuspusn).
katalwis, (H) Pointedness, acuteness,
sharpness of a point or pointed instrument,
as of a needle, awl, thorn, etc. (cf. talwis).
katalm, (H) Sharpness of an edged tool,
keenness, quality of cutting well, said of a
knife, bolo, etc. (cf. talm).
katalumn, See katalm.
katalnan, Jungle, deep forest, bush,
wild country, uninhabited territory. (cf.
tlon, katalunnan.)
katalunnan, See katalnan.
katmad, Laziness, sloth, indolence,
idleness, slowness, remissness. Katmad
sa mo! How slow or lazy you are! (cf.
katamarn, See katmad.
katmbi, Condition or quality of being
adjacent, adjoining or contiguous,
especially said of grounds that border on
each other; neighbour, one whose land is
adjacent to anothers. Katmbi ko si. He is
my neighbour, his field borders on mine.
(cf. tmbi).
katmbok, Fatness, obesity, stoutness,
corpulence. (cf. tmbok).
katm-is, Sweetness, deliciousness,
exquisiteness, condition of being sweet,
agreeable, exquisite, delightful to sense or
feeling. (cf. tm-is).
katam-isn, See katm-is. Also: Objects
that are sweet, etc.
katam-isn, See katm-is.


katmnan katn
katmnan, Field, cultivated land, farm,
especially rice-land. (cf. tnum, tanm,
katampalsan, Wickedness, depravity,
maliciousness, insulting behaviour. (cf.
katanng, Condition of being overripe,
rotten-ripeness, very soft and rotten (of
fruits), (cf. tanng; kalanng).
katnd, Accuracy of aim, unerring aim,
sure or good aim, hit, pointing well, taking
good aim, certainty of hitting. (cf. tnd).
katndus, Dexterity, adroitness;
application, zeal, diligence, assiduity,
industry. (cf. tndus, kapsan).
katng, A kind of crab.
katanhagan, Wonder, miracle,
prodigy, marvel; wonderful, marvellous,
miraculous, extraordinary. (cf. tanhg,
katn-up, Sound, echo, noise (of a cry,
voice, etc., heard from a distance).
katans, (B) Straightness, straight
growth (of trees, etc.). (cf. tans).
katnyog, Reach, scope, extent, stretch
(of ones power, influence, etc.). Ang
katnyog sang ya nga tngug. The reach
of his voice. (cf. tnyog).
kato, To be born. See to. Sa
adlwdlaw may nagakato kag may
nagakamaty. Every daysome are born
and others die,there are births and
kata, To live independently, have a
household of ones own, live together with
others. Pil kam nga nagakata sa nyo
baly? How many are you living together
in your house? (cf. to).
kataohn, katahan, Men, mankind,
humanity, the human race, man (taken
collectively). (cf. to).
katpan, Evenness, smoothness,
levelness, flatness, quality of being even or
level (of a floor, road, plain, etc.; tpan).
katp-ing, Dirtiness, uncleanness,
impurity, foulness, filthiness, filth. (cf. tping).
katap-ingn, See katp-ing.
katp-ol, Weakness, feebleness; dulness,
stupidity. (cf. tp-ol).
katp, Associate, member of a society or
club, share-holder, stock-holder; mate,
companion, fellow, partner, confederate,
colleague. (cf. tp).
katapk, Fragility, frailty, brittleness,
weakness, flimsiness, quality ofbeing
easily broken or torn,having neither
strength nor solidity. (cf. tapk).
katapsan, End, finish, completion,
termination, expiration, wind up,
consummation, denouement, limit,
stoppage, close, conclusion, finale, finis,
period, term, terminus, last. Sa waly
katapsan. Endless, for ever and ever, in
perpetuity, evermore, aye for aye, for


Visayan-English Dictionary
evermore, without end, eternal, everlasting.
(cf. tpus, katalipuspusn).
katarg-targ, Thoughtlessness,
carelessness, imprudence, lack of
circumspection or consideration. (cf.
katarangkaln, (B) Jungle, bush, forest,
wild country. (cf. tngkal; katalnan).
katarta, (Sp. catarata) Cataract,
cascade, waterfall; cataract of the eye. (cf.
busy; klap, btlig).
katarngan, Justice, equity,
justification, righteousness; argument,
reason, contention, reasoning,
argumentation. Ginpahyag nya ang ya
nga katarngan. He gave his reason. He
explained his argument. (cf. trung).
katars, (B) Often stands for makatars.
See tarsto accomplish, perform, etc.
katt, To fray, etc. See kass id.
katw, Mermaid, naiad, siren, waternymph.
katwhay, Tranquillity, peace,
peacefulness, freedom from worry,
obstruction or opposition, calmness.
katawhyan, See katwhay. Also:
Things that make for a tranquil life, for
peacefulness, etc.
katawhayn, See katwhay.
katawhan, See katahan. (cf.
katy, A parade, procession. See ktay.
ktay, File, line, parade, procession; row
(of houses); to follow in line, file, line up,
parade, walk in Indian file. Pakatya ang
mga to sa prosesyn. Marshal the people
in orderly lines for the procession. Bus,
kon, may ktay sang mga saln sang
kagbut. To-morrow, it is said, there will
be a parade of the war-veterans. Magktay
kam. Line uporForm in line. (cf. das,
katyog, Farness, etc. See katayogn).
katayogn, Farness, distance,
remoteness. (cf. tyog, kanyop,
kte, (Sp. cate) A measure for sugar, etc.,
equal to about two thirds of a kilo. (gm.
632.60). One hundred kte make a pko
or pkul (Sp. pico).
katedrl, (Sp. catedral) Cathedral.
kateksta, (Sp. catequista) Catechist.
katessmo, (Sp. catecismo) Catechism,
christian doctrine. (cf. toksan).
kti, To decoy, catch birds by a decoy; to
provoke, excite, induce, lure, allure, draw,
draw on. Am in gn ang ginakti (ikti)
nya sa kon. That is exactly what he is
enticing me with. (cf. katin).
kti, Glass, crystal. (kty id).
katin, Lure, bait, decoy, especially a bird
used to lure other birds into a trap. (kti).
katiyon, Spouse, husband, wife, love;
betrothed, lover. Katiyon nya si. She

(he) is his (her) wife (husband). (cf.

katibawsan, Freedom, liberty,
independence. (cf. tibwas, kalusan).
katbsol, Roundness, plumpness, etc. See
katibnog. (tbsol, tpsul).
katibdol, Stockiness, stumpiness,
stoutness, plumpness. (cf. tibdol, bdul,
katibnog, Roundness, plumpness,
stoutness, fleshiness, beefiness (of arms,
legs, etc.). (cf. tibnog, katiplon,
kaniplon, katbsol, katmbok, kabahl).
katd, To be narrow, etc. See kitd id.
ktig, Outrigger, usually made of bamboospars. Its purpose is to steady a boat.
katg-a, (H) Hardness, solidity, quality of
great resistance to pressure or of being
unyielding to physical or moral agencies.
katigaynan, Procurement, preparation,
effectiveness; capacity or ability to bring
something about or to get results. (cf.
katigayonn, Possibility, feasibility,
facility, occasion, opportunity (of obtaining
or procuring a thing). (cf. katigaynan).
katigbawn, katigbwan, Place
overgrown with tgbaw-reeds. (cf. tgbaw).
katgd, Clearness, distinctness (of
pronunciation, etc.). (cf. tgd, kathag).
katgdas, See katg-a. Also: hardness,
toughness (of food that is underdone);
harshness, roughness, abruptness,
bluntness, brusqueness (of speech).
katig, Scarcity, rarity, dearth, lack, want,
scantiness. (cf. tig, kawat, kahn).
katigulngan, (H) The old, aged,
superannuated, old folks, old people,
parents advanced in age, forefathers,
ancestors, ancients, by-gone generations.
(cf. tiglang).
katigulangn, Old age, oldness, senility,
advanced age, superannuation. (cf.
tiglang, kagulangn).
katihn, Lure, bait, etc. See katin.
kat-kat, Dim. and Freq. of kti.
Katkatih si. Provoke (induce) him.
Ginkatkat (kinatkat) nya ak sa
pagpakigway. He challenged me to fight.
(cf. kyat).
kat-kat, Small, very itchy eruptions,
pustules or boils in various skin diseases.
katilngban, (H) Union, gathering,
collection, assembly, meeting, society,
resume, selection, anthology. (cf. tingb).
katimawan, Freedom, liberty,
independence; the common people,
ordinary folks. (cf. timw).
katmbang, Balance, scales,
counterweight, counterpoise; partner,
mate, assistant. (cf. tmbang, kablig,
katn, Reaching to below the knees, but
above the ankles, short (of dress); a few

Visayan-English Dictionary
inches above the ground, not reaching to
the floor (of curtains, or the like).
katin-ran, (H) Prosperity, economical
independence, stability, durability,
progress. (tn-ad).
katn-aw, (H) Limpidness, limpidity,
pellucidness, lucidity, pellucidity,
clearness, transparency. (tn-aw; cf.
katingla, Wonder, astonishment,
marvel, amazement, wonderment,
admiration, surprise; to wonder, etc.
Nagakatingla ak. I am astonished. Pun
si sa katingla. He is full of wonder. (cf.
katingalhan, Wonder, marvel, miracle,
prodigy, phenomenon, things that are
astonishing. See katingla. (cf.
katngban, Union, reunion, etc. See
katilngban. (cf. tingb).
katingbnan, See katngban,
katingg, For makatingg, nakatingg.
See tingg.
katn-ktin, To squat down in such a
way that one does not quite sit on the
ground. Ind ka magkatnktin sa
simbhan. Ind mo pagkatnkatnan ang
simbhan. Dont squat down in church.
Ind ka magkatnktin, knd magtndog
ka kon may bista. Dont squat down, but
stand up, when visitors are present.
katnl, Cleanness, cleanliness,
spotlessness, purity, freedom from dirt or
stain. (cf. tnl).
katpan, Bond, agreement, covenant,
compact, bargain, engagement; lover,
affianced, fianc, fiance, paramour. Ang
Dan (Bg-o) nga Katpan. The Old (New)
Testament. Katpan nya si. He is her
lover,intended,betrothed. He is
engaged to her. (cf. tpan).
katiplon, (H) Roundness, spherical
shape. (cf. tiplon, kaniplon).
katpon, Meeting, gathering, congress.
(cf. tpon, katipnan, tilipunn).
katpsul, Plumpness, etc. (cf. tpsul,
katbsol, katibnog).
katipnan, Union, society, association,
assembly, meeting, gathering, club. Ang
Katipnan. The revolutionary society
founded by Filipino Patriots during the
latter part of the nineteenth century and
directed against the Spanish colonial
Government. (cf. katpon, katilngban,
tilipunn, tinipntpon, talapun,
katipngk, Stumpiness, stockiness. (cf.
tipngk, katibdol).
katskug, Stiffness, rigidity, inflexibility.
(tskug; cf. kabskug).
katstis, Spitefulness, malevolence,
malice, maliciousness, spite. Patga in
kag bnga sang katstis sang kon

katin-ran katl-katl
kaway. That is the work and result of my
enemys spite. (cf. tstis).
katitw, A kind of coarse native cloth
made in various colours that soon fade.
katitya, Undersized, dwarfish, little,
petite, diminutive, less than medium size,
applied especially to women.
katityo, Small, insignificant, worthless.
(cf. katitya).
katiwalwgan, Dangers, perils,
jeopardy, hazard. (cf. tiwlwag).
ktkat, To find out about other peoples
affairs, to fish, worm, ferret, out
secrets and reveal them, to disclose, lay
open, divulge. Katkat ang sekrto ni
Fulno. Try to fish out N.N.s secret.
Kintkat nya si. He wormed out his
secret. Sagd gid si magktkat sang mga
ting sang ibn. He is an adept at
worming out the secrets of others (and
revealing or telling them to others).
katlon, Thirty. (ttlo).
ktlon, Pertaining to or affected by the
skin-disease katl. Ang may katl
ginatawg nga ktlon. One who has the
skin-disease katl is called ktlon.
katlika, katliko, (Sp. catlica,
catlico) Catholic. Ang Iglsia Katlika.
The Catholic Church. Ang mga katliko.
katn, (Sp. catn) First spelling and
reading book for small children, Primer.
ktre, (Sp. catre) Bed, couch. (cf.
higdan, balatngan).
ktsa, A large, thick kerchief used for
wrapping up things brought to or from the
market, etc.
katsl, A kind of banana.
katsl, (Sp. cachil, castilla) Spanish;
Spaniard. Sang timpo sang mga Katsl.
In Spanish times. (cf. Kakatsilan).
katsiln-on, Spanish, Iberian. (cf.
katsl, kinatsil).
katsr, A kind of field-mouse with a long,
pointed snout and a very offensive smell; a
kind of rice that when cooked and stirred
emits a very strong odour.
katsubng, katsbung, A kind of
plant; it is poisonous.
katuban, Place where toddy is produced
or sold. (cf. tub).
katubson, Harvest-time, rice-harvest,
season for gathering in the crop, the season
following immediately after harvest-time.
(cf. tubs; tagalni, tigalni).
katbhan, Sugar-cane field, sugar
plantation. (tub).
katb, Quality or condition of being of
equal age with another or of having grown
up together with another;
contemporaneousness, contemporariness,
coexistence. Katb ko si. He is of the
same age as myself. (cf. kadngan, tub).
katubohn, See katbhan.

katubsnan, Delivery, salvation,

redemption; freedom. (cf. tubs;
katibawsan, kalusan).
katubtban, Goal, end, termination,
limit (of time or place). Sa waly
katubtban. Without end or limit, endless,
eternal, boundless, everlasting, immense.
katubsan, Delivery. See katubsnan.
katbwan, See katbhan, katubohn id.
katdus, Force, impetus, vigour in the
use of ones hands, as in striking, boxing,
throwing, etc.; harshness, roughness,
abruptness (of speech). (cf. katgdas,
katgdang, Sinking, submersion,
foundering, disappearance under water,
drowning. (tgdang).
katugdngan, See katgdang. Also:
Danger of sinking; jettison, the throwing of
goods overboard to save a ship.
katgnan, Order (s), command (s),
injunction (s), errand (s). (cf. tgon, tgon,
blin, kasogon).
katgnaw, (H) Freshness, coolness,
coldness, cold, chill, keenness, bleakness,
bitterness, chilliness, rawness, frigidity.
katugnawn, (H) See katgnaw. (cf.
katugn-tgon, An adviser, counselor,
reminder. (cf. tgon).
kathay, Difference, dissimilarity,
distinction, quality of not being the same or
not belonging to the same class or kind. (cf.
katuhyan, See kathay. Also: things
that are different. (cf. kinatuhyan).
katuign, Years, time, centuries, ages,
aeons; yearly obligation, Easter-duty. (cf.
katuign, Time, year, season. (cf.
katuign, panuign).
katl, A kind of skin-disease, producing a
very itchy rash that soon forms painful
pustules, scabs, etc. It often takes many
months to cure; pruritus, itch; to itch,
cause the skin-disease katl. Ginakatl si.
He is affected with katl. Kinatl man
ak sdto nay. I also once had the skindisease katl. Paktli si sing npay,
kalahs, etc. Give him a painful itch by
means of npay, kalahs, etc.
katlad, Similarity, equality, likeness,
example, like. (cf. tlad; kangay,
katul-ann, Bones, skeleton, collection
or heap of bones. (tl-an).
katl-id, katul-irn, Exactness,
preciseness, punctuality, exactitude, zeal,
diligence, application. (cf. tl-id, kad-id,
katl-katl, Dim. and Freq. of katl. To
itch a little, have or cause an itchy feeling.
katl-katl, Loose, not firm or tight, not
well joined or adapted and hence creaky,


katulbhan kautangn
squeaky, emitting a harsh or grating sound
(said of tools, knives (not well joined to the
handle), of cart-wheels, etc., with loose
parts); to be loose; to creak, squeak.
Nagakatlkatl ang kalptan sang
sndang. The handle of the knife is loose,
creaks (not being well joined to the
handle). Ind mo pagpakatlkatuln ang
kro, knd piskan mo. Dont rattle the
cart, but steady it by means of wedges. (cf.
lgtok, palgtokto creak, crack (of bones,
fingers, etc).
katulbhan, Sugar cane fields. See
katbhan, tub.
katulgon, Sleep, slumber, nap, snooze.
(cf. tlug, tulg).
katulndan, (H) West, sunset; going
down, disappearance. (cf. tnud, tund,
katndan, katngdan).
katulyhon, Sleep, sleepiness,
drowsiness, somnolence, heaviness,
torpidity. (cf. tuy, ginatuy).
katumann, Sarcastically used for:
Obstinacy, wilfulness, self-will,
heedlessness. Ay katumann sinng bt!
Oh, the obstinacy of this boy! How
obstinate this boy is!
katumnan, katumann, Fulfilment,
execution, accomplishment, performance,
observance, discharge, acquittal,
satisfaction. (cf. tman).
katmbal, Chili, a species of capsicum,
red pepper, Cayenne pepper, Guinea
katnay, katunyan, Purity,
genuineness, solidity, quality of being
unmixed, unadulterated, etc. (cf. tnay).
katndan, West, etc. See katulndan.
katundannon, Western, occidental,
European. (cf. katndan).
katung, Half, moiety. Is ka katung.
One half. (cf. tung).
katung-nan, The midst, middle, centre,
middle part, central portion; the heart (of
trees, etc.). Ang katung-nan sang khoy.
The middle part (the heart) of the tree. (cf.
tung; alibtud).
katngdan, West, etc. See katulndan,
katndan. Also: relation, etc. See
katungdnan, Relation, connection
with, reference to; duty, obligation. (cf.
katungdannon, Western. See
katnggan, Swamp, bog, np-swamp,
katunggnon, Swampy, marshy, fenny,
boggy; growing in swampy soil. (cf.
katunukn, (H) Thorns, briars; place
where thorns and briars grow. (cf. tunk).
katunurn, (H) Sinking, setting, the
going down (of a vessel, etc.),
disappearance; crash, smash, failure,


Visayan-English Dictionary
bankruptcy, insolvency, liquidation, closing
down, wind-up. (cf. tund).
katpad, State of being over against or at
the side of, opposite, facing, vis-a-vis, over
the way, nearby, in a line with; neighbour,
one living over against or at the side of
another. (cf. tpad, luy, kaluy,
katpung, Equality, sameness, identity,
similarity, condition of being of equal size,
influence, attainments, etc., with another;
an equal, compeer. (cf. tpung, tupng).
katusuhn, katsu, Injustice, malice,
wickedness, guile, cheating. (cf. tso).
kattum, Courage, bravery, fidelity,
trustiness, allegiance, loyalty, fealty,
devotion. (ttum).
katutyhan, Sleep, disposition to sleep,
sleepiness, somnolence, drowsiness,
heaviness. (tuy).
katutyhon, Sleep, act of sleeping,
slumber, nap, snooze.
katutywan, (B) See katutyhan.
katutywon, (B) See katutyhon.
katuy, Sleepiness, somnolence,
drowsiness, heaviness. (tuy).
katuyon, Scheme, plan, intention,
design, project, proposal, measure, course,
things intended to be carried out. (ty).
kty, Glass; crystal. See kti.
kaubsan, Vineyard. See ulubsan.
kabay, Companion, helper, assistant,
help, attendant, associate colleague, one at
the side of another; company,
companionship; friend, adviser. Ang Dis
nga Espirit Snto kabay sang Iglsia
Katlika. God the Holy Ghost is with (Holy
Church) the Catholic Church. Hukm nga
kabay. An assistant judge. (cf. kabylog,
kaluy, kapud, kadmpig)
kaudl, (Sp. caudal) Stock, capital, funds,
assets, property, wealth. (cf. pahunn,
mnggad, pagkabutng, plak).
kadh, Waste, prodigality, wastefulness,
unthriftiness, lavishness, profusion,
squandering, extravagance. (cf. dh,
kaugalngon, Own, proper, private,
personal, independent, peculiar, particular.
kaugatn, Blood-vessels, veins, arteries;
muscles, tendons. (cf. ugt).
kagdang, Modesty, reserve, decorum,
decency, delicacy, pudicity, correct
behaviour. (cf. gdang, kalgdong).
kaugdwan, Abatement, alleviation,
mitigation, decrease. (cf. gdaw).
kahaw, Thirst, thirstiness, drought,
drouth, dryness. Dak ang ya nga
kahaw. He is very thirsty. Kahaw sa
mo! How thirsty you are! (haw).
kakud, Diligence, industry, assiduity,
ardour, earnestness, sedulity,
laboriousness, zeal for acquiring knowledge
or experience, application, inquisitiveness.

kakus, kwkos, (English: caucus)

Caucus; party conference, political
meeting; gathering, meeting (in general).
(cf. katilngban, katipnan).
kalag, Impurity, lasciviousness,
lewdness, uncleanness, impudicity,
pruriency, lechery, carnality, lubricity,
immodesty, indecency, obscenity, bawdry,
unchastity. (cf. lag).
kaulngan, Hindrance, obstacle,
impediment, obstruction, let, check, hitch.
kaulngan, Grandparents; forefathers,
ancestors, progenitors, forbears, forebears.
kalay, Purity, virginity, maidenhood,
integrity, continence. (lay).
kal-ul, Stiffness of joints, etc. (cf. l-ul,
l-ol, kalay).
kaumahn, Fields, tillable soil,
plantation, arable land, farmland. (um).
kamang, (B) Foolishness, folly,
absurdity, nonsensicality, nonsense, bosh,
twaddle. (mang).
kaumangn, (B) Folly, nonsense,
craziness, twaddle, bosh. (cf. kamang,
kaumangn, See kamang. State or
condition of one who is a fool, idiot,
lunatic, madman; lunacy, idiocy,
foolishness, insanity, madness.
kamhan, Fields, etc. See kaumahn id.
kandag, Shake, jolt, jolting, bump, jerk,
shock, joggle, jounce, a jerking motion. (cf.
ndag, kagnda).
kandan, Flesh, meat, the fleshy parts of
a slaughtered animal, etc., as distinct from
the bones. (cf. und). Also: The prominent,
wealthy, influential people.
kangdan, See kandan.
kaupngan, Obstacle, hindrance,
objection, impediment, obstruction, let,
check, hitch, stoppage, interruption. (cf.
upng, kaulngan).
kaupdnan, (H) Company; companions,
associates, comrades, friends, chums,
intimates, acquaintances. (upd).
kapud, (H) Companionship, intimacy,
acquaintanceship, fellowship, association,
comradeship, the going with, companion.
Kapud (sa) sangtogether with, in
company with. Nagabt si dir kapud
sang ya mga tud. He arrived here in
company with his brothers. (upd).
kaurka, (B) Good management,
carefulness, circumspection, acuteness,
keenness, penetration, shrewdness,
sharpness, discretion, wisdom. (urka).
kauswgan, Advance, progress, getting
on, making headway, extension,
improvement. (swag).
kauswran, See kauswgan. (cf. swad,
swag, kasamwran).
kautangn, Debts, obligations, what one
owes to another. (cf. tang).

Visayan-English Dictionary
kati, Activity, diligence, application, zeal,
assiduity, sedulity, ardour, earnestness,
laboriousness. (kautihn id.).
kautihn, Industriousness, attachment to
work, assiduousness, activity. (ti; cf.
kautitirn, (H) Care, solicitude, concern,
zeal. (cf. utitd).
kautd, One half, one side, of a thing.
Ang kautd sang lwas. Half the body.
One side of the body. (cf. utd, tud,
kautran, (H) Brothers and sisters,
brethren, brotherhood, sisterhood, all near
relations in general. (cf. tud).
kw, A boiler, large pan or cauldron of
metal, as used in sugar-milling. (cf.
kwad, A link; to link, connect as by a
link, to unite or join. (cf. kw-id).
kawd-an, Lack, need, want, loss,
privation; things that are lacking or whose
want is felt, destitution, deprivation. (cf.
wal, kawd-on, kinawal, kinawd-on).
kawd-on, Deprivation, bereavement,
lack, want, loss, poverty, destitution. (cf.
kawd-an, etc.).
kwal, To hang down, depend from, be
suspended from, stick out, dangle.
Nagakwal ang pnyo mo sa blsa. Your
handkerchief is hanging out of your pocket.
Pakawla ang kora sa klid mo, dl sa
atubngan. Let your girdle hang down at
the side, not in front. (cf. kbit, kway,
kawals, Left handedness, awkardness,
clumsiness. (cf. wals).
kawalon, Eighty, four score. (wal).
kwas, To go or step over a fence, pass
out over the side of a vehicle instead of
leaving it by the ordinary way of exit, etc.
Nagkwas lang si sa bintn. He simply
went out by the window. Dl mo
pagpakawson ang mga karabw sa
kodl. Do not let (make) the buffaloes step
over the fence. Kinmwas ang kabyo sa
kwdra. The horse escaped from its
fenced-in stable. Ang kalmpay nagkwas
sa klon. The calampay-crabs escaped over
the rim of the kettle. Patason mo ang
dngding sang tngkal agd nd na
makakwas ang bboy. Make the sides of
the pigsty higher so that the pig cannot get
out again. (cf. was, saghay).
kwat, (H) Stealth, secrecy, wiliness,
slyness, craftiness; to steal, rob, commit
theft, take, pilfer, filch, pinch, nab, prig,
appropriate unlawfully. Sa kwat. Secretly.
On the sly. Stealthily, craftily, cunningly.
Sn-o bal ang nagkwat sang kon
taknan? Who has stolen my watch? Ind
ka magkwat (mangwat). Dont steal.
Kinawtan si Fulno sing duh ka
mngmang. N.N. had two pesos stolen
from him. Ind mo pagbklon ang mga
butng nga nahibl-an mo nga kinwat.

kati kay
Dont buy things you know are stolen. (cf.
tkaw, kwt, tkas).
kawatn, A thief, robber, stealer, burglar,
gangster. (cf. makwat).
kawtan, Correspondent, lover,
paramour (particularly said of one who has
illicit relations with a married woman). (cf.
kallot, kahaggma, banbna).
kway, Anything that dangles or hangs
down freely as a tassel, fringe, hair, rope,
string, etc.; to dangle, hang down, protrude
and shake in the wind, etc. (cf. gway,
kwal, kbit).
kawyan, Bamboo.
kawaynan, Place where bamboo grows;
clumps of bamboo. (cf. kakawaynan).
kawayangn, A large plain, extensive
grounds, extended level land fit for
cultivation. (wayng).
kawy-kawy, To dangle, swing in
suspension, etc. (cf. kway, kabtkbit,
kablkabl, gawygway).
kwdas, To wound, tear, scratch,
lacerate. (cf. plas, pla, gdras, kars,
kwhat, To reach for, stretch out the arm
after something, make a long arm.
Kawhat ang kon by nga yr sa
salab-tan. Take down my jacket from the
peg there. Ikwhat ak nay sang kon
kl. Please reach up and take down my
hat. (cf. kb-ot, dwhat).
kwhi, Earpick; to use an earpick, pick
out the earwax. Kawhih si. Scoop out his
earwax. Nagapangwhi si. He is taking
out earwax with an earpick. (cf. gmi).
kw-id, The link of a chain, loop, ring; to
link. (cf. kwad).
kawli, Attractiveness, charm,
winsomeness, pleasantness, delightfulness,
agreeableness, quality of an object that is
pleasing or attractive; liking, attraction,
delight; to like, be pleased with.
Nagakawli si sin (Ginakawli nya in).
He likes it. He is pleased with it. (cf. wli,
kawilhan, makawiwli).
kawilihnan, Attraction, objects that
give pleasure or enjoyment. (cf. kawilhan,
wli, kawli).
kawilhan, kawilihn, See kawli.
Also: Things to be liked, attraction,
attractiveness. Nga man nga nagwli ka
ddto nga wal man sing kawilhan? Why
did you like it there where there is no
attraction? (cf. kalawilin, kalawilihn,
kwing, Junction, copulation,
articulation; to join, copulate, articulate.
kawt, Hook; a receptacle for palm-wine
made of bamboo and having a hook
attached to it for carrying over the
shoulder. (cf. kwit).
kw-it, To hook in, insert a hook, take
hold of by means of a hook. Kawit ang
sang sang khoy kag uygon mo. Get a
hook on the tree-branch and shake it.

Ginkaw-itn nla ang lngk kag

ginbtong tbtub nga nadgdag. They
hooked the jack fruit and pulled till it fell
down. (cf. kwit).
kwit, To hook, pluck or gather with pole
and hook, pull or shake down with a hook.
Kawta ang dldul. Shake (pull) down the
(ripe) pods of the kapok-tree with pole and
hook. (cf. sngit, dgas, dgus, panngit,
kw-it, kaw-t, The small rope
connecting the trace-beam with the plough,
kawt-kwit, Dim. and Freq. of kwit;
Dim. of kawt.
kwkaw, To touch with the hands,
handle, grasp, take hold of (somewhat
roughly or violently). Ind ka magkwkaw
(magpangwkaw) sang sd-an, knd
kuhon (galohn) mo sang kutsra. Dont
touch the side-dish with your hands, but
take it with the spoon. Kawkaw lang in.
Seize it, catch hold of it, with your
hands. (cf. kmkam, kml, kapt, hm,
bklas, sbnit).
kaw, Band, rope, satchel-string, walletstrap, basket-sling and the like.
kawl, A small quantity of yarn or thread,
a skein. Ang is ka gpang may napl ka
marhas kag ang is ka marhas may
napl ka kawl. A large hank of thread
has ten small hanks and each small hank
has ten skeins.
kwt, Dim. of kwat. To pilfer, sneak,
steal a little, be a thief in a small way, to
commit a petty theft.
kawtan, Thief, sneak-thief, petty thief,
pilferer. (cf. makwat, kawatn).
kay, Particle denoting dative or accusative
of persons. Ginhtag nya inng lbro kay
Pdroorsa kay Pdro. He gave this
book to Peter. Nagsmbag si kay Pdro
orsa kay Pdro. He struck Peter.
kay, (H) For, because, on account of, for
the reason. Ind ak magkdto ddto, kay
nagauln. I am not going there, because it
is raining.
kya, To delight, please, attract, cause a
liking for (especially for money). Sang
pagkakt nya sang madm nga plak
nga ginpamakl sing magy nagton si
sa paghabl, kay nakya si sang byad.
When she saw the large amount of money
paid for magy-cloth, she learned to
weave, because she was attracted by the
(high) price (pay). (cf. l, ma, bug,
kay, To lie on ones back, to lie supine, lie
face upward. Nagakay sil sa lndong
sang ph. They are lying on their backs in
the shade of the mango-tree. Paky-a
(pakaya) ang pnggan. Put the plate face
upwards. Paky-i ak sinng pnggan.
Turn this plate face upwards for me. (cf.


kayb kbul
kayb, Sometimes used for kuyb,
which is the proper and more usual
expression. To fan.
kyab, To ascend, rise, go up on high.
Nagkyaborkinmyab sa lngit ang
Aton Gino. Our Lord ascended into
heaven. Ginpakyab sa lngit sang Mahl
nga Dis ang Ily ni Hesukrsto. God
caused to ascend (assumed) into heaven
the Mother of Jesus Christ.
kayba, To seize, snatch greedily or
selfishly. Kayabha lang tann. Just seize
everythingortake all for yourself.
ky-ag, To lie supine, etc. See kayng,
ky-ag, To spread, scatter; disorder,
dishevel. Kay-agn mo sil sing
alalngay. Spread them outequally,
evenly,in groups of equal size. Ang ya
bohk ginaky-ag sang hngin. Her hair is
fluttering in the wind. (cf. bhin,
bahnbhin, buld, bkag).
kaygkag, A kind of fishing net. (cf.
pkot, slap, lya, spyaw).
kay-kay, Dim. and Freq. of kay. Ang
bt nagakaykay sa salg. The baby lies
on its back on the floor.
kayn, Maize cob, corn cob.
ky-an, For kayan from kay.
kaynghag, Shock, start, surprise; to be
shocked or surprised. (cf. kibt, pamalng,
hanguys, blung, tingla).
kayng, kyang, To lie on ones back,
to lie supine, lie face upward. Pakynga
ang bt. Turn the baby face upwards. Lay
the baby on its back. (cf. kay).
kayng-kyang, Shed, hut, kiosk, tent;
tabernacle (of the Old Testament). (cf.
kamlig, haybhyub).
kayng-kyang, Also: the border of a
roof, the eaves. (cf. balsbsan).
kayn-kyan, To float, hover, drift. Ang
mga sakayn nagakaynkyan sa tbig,
ang mga pspis sa hngin. Boats float on
water, birds in the air.
kays, To be taken by surprise, be
startled, be taken aback, receive a shock.
Nakays si. He was taken by surprise
orhe was startled. (cf. kuys, hanguys,
kibt, pangys, panglgbos).
kays, Exposed to the wind, open. (cf.
kyat, To trail, sweep the floor, be
dragged along the ground. Ang ya sble,
sya, etc., nagakyat. His sword, her skirt,
etc., is trailing on the ground. (cf. gnoy,
kayawan, Devils, hell; devilish,
diabolical, acts or behaviour; great
hardship, distress, anguish, torture,
torment. (cf. yw).
kykay, To scratch and scrape like
chickens, to use ones fingers in a similar
way. Kaykay ang dt. Scratch and
scrape the earth together. Kaykay ang
kamti. Dig the sweet potato out with your


Visayan-English Dictionary
fingers. Ikykay ak sang gamt sinng
tanm nga himulk. Please dig out with
your fingers the root of this flowering plant
for me. (cf. karykay).
kay, See kayt.
kay, A beggar, petitioner, haggler, one
who always asks for some privileges, gifts,
discount or the like. (cf. ay).
kayg, Rice-cutter, sickle, reaping-hook, a
small semicircular knife used for cutting off
ears of rice.
kayt, Small, little. (cf. ditay, ist, ik,
tik, magamy).
kayubg, A small young pigeon or dove.
kaygpus, To shrink, shrivel, contract;
shrug (the shoulders); cross ones arms,
cover (the chest, etc.). (cf. kpus,
kaymad, A young louse, the young of
kto or botl. (cf. kto, botl, lus),
kayumngg, Dark, darkish brown, dun,
tanned, sunburnt. (cf. ilmilm).
kaymkum, To shrivel, etc. See
kaym-uk, Softness, tenderness. (cf.
ym-uk, kahmok, kalum-ok).
kyus, A kind of creeper.
ky-us, To glide, slither, slide down a
tree, pole, rope, steep incline, etc. Nagkyus si sa pngpang. He slid down the
bank. (cf. alg-og, dhog, dalhog, dalsus, kals-os).
kays-kays, To crawl, creep, wriggle,
move along the ground on hands and feet.
(cf. kyusa kind of creeper).
kayuy, A moan, groan, sigh. (yuy).
kayyum, Sweetness, tenderness,
mildness, kindheartedness, evenness and
mildness of temper. (yyum).
kbra, (Sp. quebra, quiebra) Breakage,
breaking loose or asunder; loss, shrinkage;
failure, bankruptcy; to break asunder, be
severed from; to become less, shrink; to fail
in business, become bankrupt. Ind mo
pagkebrahn ang kinitan sang mga tp.
Dont force asunder the joints of the
planks. Nagkbra ang ya komrsyo. His
business failed. Nagkbra ang humy sing
tagis ka gntang ang psong. The rice
shrunk one ganta to the bushel. (cf. pto;
ngkat; kpus, klp).
kha, kehr, (Sp. queja, quejarse) See
under kha.
kerda,o, (Sp. querida,o) Beloved,
sweetheart, liked; love, lover, love-partner;
paramour, concubine, correspondent.
kso, (Sp. queso) Cheese.
kimpaw, Gentle, soft, slight, little; to do
gently, tease slightly, make another a little
angry or the like. Maunun kimpaw,
blus matm. (Proverb) Such a beginning
such an end. Some who mean only to
warm, burn themselves. (Literally: At first a
little (quarrel or the like), then as a result
very much trouble).

king-king, To limp, hobble, walk

lamely, trudge. (cf. ikngkang, kund).
kan, k-an, See lut. Wal gid nya
pagkini kon wal nya makh in. He
would not haveyielded,been satisfied, if
he had not succeeded in getting that (it).
kip, Dead branches and roots, driftwood, weeds, debris, rubbish piled up or
swept along by a current of water; dry
stalks of sugar-cane. (cf. sipBagasse).
kas, To take or cut off a little. Kisi ak
sing kalabsa, lngk, tosno, etc. Cut off
for me a piece of squash, jackfruit, bacon,
etc. (cf. kyas id.).
kis-kas, Dim. and Freq. of kas. To cut
off piece by piece or little by little.
kiw, Kitten, young cat, kitty.
kiy, To move the shoulders up and down,
to rock, undulate, pulsate; a rocking motion
or movement. Ang kiy sang tbig sa
baybyon. The rise and fall of the water on
the sea-shore. Nagakiy si sang ya
abga. She moves her shoulders up and
down. (cf. kiy-kay).
kiy-kay, To walk about or promenade
ostentatiously moving the body and
buttocks in an affected manner.
kbang, To tremble, be shocked; to
astonish, surprise, take aback. Kinbang
si. He was taken by surprise, was taken
aback. (cf. kibt, tingla).
kbias, See kbyas.
kibt, To be supported insecurely on a
narrow ledge, be but slightly connected,
hang by a thread, be in danger of having
the connection severed. Nagakibt na lang
inng pgbo s halg, sa balyan, etc. This
rafter rests only on a narrow ledge of the
post, girder, etc. Ind mo pagpakbton ang
balyan sa halgi, knd pasmlon mo gid.
Dont permit the girder to rest on the edge
of the post, but put it on far enough to
secure it well. Wal man mabl ang ya
btkon, knd nakbtan lang. His arm was
not entirely broken, but only dislocated.
kbit, To fly to a great distance, be hurled
(flung) far away. (cf. tisl, tyog).
kbkib, To nibble, gnaw. Ang ilag
nagkbkib sang tinpay. The rat nibbled at
the bread. Ginkibkibn sang id ang tlan. The dog gnawed the bone to bits and
devoured it. (cf. t-ot).
kblon, Callous, hard, leathery, horny,
thick-skinned, having the skin hardened or
thickened by constant pressure or friction
like farmers, etc. (kbul, kiblon).
kib, A throb, pulsation, beat (of the
pulse, the heart, etc.); to throb, etc. Malya
na ang kib (pagkib) sang ya nga plso.
His pulse is weak.
kib-kb, kib-kib, Dim. and Freq.
of kib.
kbtan, See kibt.
kbul, A callus, thick or hardened skin, to
be or become callous. Nakblan
(nakiblan) ang ya mga kamt sa dyon

Visayan-English Dictionary
nga pagpangabdlay. His hands became
horny from constant work. (cf. kblon,
kiblon, See kblon id.
kibn, To surround, besiege, beleaguer,
blockade, shut up in, enclose, encircle. (cf.
lkup, kabn, lbut).
kbut, To pout, murmur, complain. (cf.
kbut, To mutter, murmur, utter
indistinctly. Nagakbut si sing mga
palangadon. He is muttering some
kibt, (H) To get a shock, be surprised, be
startled, to start, jump. Nakibt si sang
pagkabat nya sin. He got a shock when
he heard that. (cf. kays, panguys,
pangys, kuys).
kibt-kbut, Dim. and Freq. of kibt.
Also: To quiver, tremble, move in agitation.
Nagakibtkbut ang ya bibg. His lips are
kbyas, To strike at a tangent, miss the
centre, hit only the edge or corner, graze;
missing the centre, grazing, hitting or
cutting the edge. Ind mo pagpakibyasn
sang binngon ang kawyan, knd bilon
mo sa tung. Dont strike to one side the
bamboo with the bolo, but split it in the
middle. Nagkbyas lang ang bla sa ya
btkon. The bullet merely grazed his arm.
Ginlab na si sang binngon, pang
kbyas lang ang pagtup. He struck him
with the bolo, but it was only a glancing
kd-an, (B) To mend, repair, set to rights.
(cf. kayo, kadan).
kdang, To recline or sit comfortably in an
arm-chair, etc. Kidngi lang ang butka
kag magtlug, kon malyag ka. Just make
yourself comfortable in the arm-chair and
go to sleep, if you wish.
kidng-kdang, Dim. and Freq. of
kdkid, To cut in thin slices, to slice very
thin and fine. Kidkir (-id) ang tmb.
Slice the bamboo-shoot very thin. (cf.
khad, d-ad, kas, kyas).
kdlab, To spark, emit sparks, twinkle,
sparkle, scintillate. (cf. dlab, kdlas).
kdlap, See kdlab.
kdlas, See kdlab, gpat, nggat.
kd-ol, Cooked to a turn, neither too hard
nor too soft, but just right, well-done, said
of eatables; to be or become nice, tasty, etc.
kdos, To go about peering, as when
looking for something lost, to move, stir, be
restless. An ang ginakdos mo sa plsa?
what are you looking for on the public
square? Hingay sang kdos. Be quiet.
Dont keep moving or stirring. Dont fidget.
(cf. lghap, hlag, etc.).
kigng, Dry, etc. See kigs
kigs, Very dry, hard, exsiccated; to be or
become very dry. Pahalmok ang tabk
nga kigs. Soften the dry tobacco-leaves.

kiblon kilkog
Nagkigs ang tabk, kay wal mo
pagbalahsi sing mayo. The tobaccoleaves became quite dry, because you did
not wrap them up well. (cf. lay, layng,
bskug, kusg).
kgbut, See kibt, kbut.
kig, To tear asunder, separate the fibres,
strip hemp, etc. Kigihorkgya ang
lnot, mag, pnya, etc. Strip the hemp,
maguey, pine-apple leaves, etc. Kigi (kgyi,
kigih) ak sinng lnot. Strip this hemp for
kgyan, etc. From kigto strip (hemp,
kha, (Sp. queja, quejarse) Accusation,
complaint, charge, imputation, inculpation,
denunciation, citation, arraignment,
impeachment, indictment; to accuse, bring
before a court or judge, institute a lawsuit;
to complain, express dissatisfaction. Ikha
si sa hukm. Accuse him before the judge.
Kihhi ang hukmnan sang malin nga
ginbhat ni Fulno. Lodge a complaint
with the court against N.N.s evil deed.
khad, To cut into slices, to slice, carve.
Kihra (-da) ang kapyas, kalabsa,
lngk, tinpay, etc. Slice the papaw,
squash, jack-fruit, bread, etc. Mansnas
nga kinhad. Sliced apples. (cf. d-ad,
kdkid, gult, lplap).
khap, See khad.
kk, Tartar, the film that collects on the
teeth and which is easily removed by
cleaning the teeth frequently.
kkik, Cicada, cicala; grass hopper, cricket.
Ang kkik nga maitm nagahun sa gb-i,
ang maput sa ikapl ka tkn sa ga,
ang bork sa kaaghon. The black cicada
chirps at night, the white one at ten oclock
in the morning and the speckled one early
in the morning.
kikin, kik-on, Pertaining to or covered
with kk.
kilb, A flash. See kirb.
kilb, A dish of coconut-meat mixed
with toddy; the verb is pangilbto eat
coconut-meat mixed with palm-wine. (cf.
klag, (B) To look about curiously or
searchingly. An ang ginaklag mo? Why
are you looking about so curiously (or
distractedly)? Ind ka magklag sa
simbhan. Dont look about in church.
Nagklag si sa mga baly nga dalgk
kag sa hinl nadalas sang trak. He was
looking curiously at the large houses and
suddenly he was run over by the truck. (cf.
lsi, lngas).
killa, To know, recognize, recollect, be
acquainted with; an acquaintance, a person
known. Killa ko si. I know himorHe
is an acquaintance of mine. Nakakilla ka
sa ya? Do you know him? Ginakilla mo si
Fulno? Do you know N.N.? Kilalha si.
Make his acquaintance. Magkilalahy
kam. Get to know each other. Nakakilla

si sing madm nga mga tanm. He

knows many plants. Kinilla nga to. A
man well known. Ipakilla ko sa mo si
Fulno. I am going to introduce you to Mr.
N.N. May nakill-an si sa am nga
bnwa. He has some acquaintances in that
town. Ind ak magkilla sa ya. I do not
wish to recognize himorIll give him the
cold shoulder.
killa, The pomelo with reddish pulp.
Dlhi ak sing kabgaw nga killa. Bring
me a pomelo with reddish pulp.
kilng-klang, To shine, glisten, twinkle,
sparkle. (cf. igptgpat, kipt-kpat,
kiln-klan, To sparkle, etc. See
kils, Unsteady, easily upset, said of small
boats without outriggers, or the like.
kils, A sudden movement, start or jerk;
electricity; electrical; to give a sudden start
or jerk as if shocked by an electrical
current. Nagkils ang ya lwas, kay
nangilt. He gave a sudden start, because it
lightened. Ang sya nga kilsorAng
syang-kils. The electric chair, used to
execute criminals. Kakils sang ya mga
mat! How shifty his eyes are! His eyes
seem to be always moving as if he were in
danger. (Said of murderers and other
criminals or the like).
kilt, Lightning, bolt, flash of lightning.
(The verb is pangilt.
klaw, To eat raw fish or meat. Malyag
ka magklaw sing sd? Would you like to
eat some raw fish? Sa dak nga kadalk
kinlaw nya ang bboy. Very greedily he
ate some raw pork. Kilwa lang ang gun.
Simply eat some raw gun.
kilawt, A young hen beginning to be
broody. (cf. sumalyhawa young cock;
pis, sulg, agk, mung, mank).
kilw-kilw, To burn dimly, give but
little light. (cf. kraw, kirwkirw, krot,
klay, The eyebrows. (cf. amimilk
eyelashes; pangily, pinangilyay).
kily, The edge of a sickle or scythe.
kilibton, Nervous, excitable, easily
upset; surprising, shocking, startling. (cf.
klid, Side, flank, beam, quarter. Sa klid
sang baly. At the side of the house. Ari si
dir sa kon klid (luy). He is here at my
side. (cf. luy).
kild, To lean against, have the back
supported by pillows, etc.
kilidann, Things to mend or in need of
repair. (cf. kadan, kd-an kaalayohn,
kiridann, kalaayohn).
kilkog, To clean a small hole or aperture
with a feather, etc.; to clean the ears, nose,
wounds by means of a cotton-probe or the
like. Kilikga ang ilg sa dulnggan sang
bt. Clean the flow from the childs ear.


kilikg kinahnglan
Kilikgi ang dalnggan sang bt. Clean
the childs ear. (cf. kolkog, kolkot).
kilikg, A feather or any other similar
instrument used for the operation of
kilkog. (cf. kolikg, kililikg, kirilikg).
kilkot, (H) To scratch gently (the edge of
a wound, of an itching eruption or the like).
Ind mo pagkilikton ang mo katl. Dont
scratch your katl. Ginakilkot na ang
ya pils. He is scratching the edge of his
wound. (cf. klot, kolkot, kilkog).
kililikg, (H) See kilikg id.
kilinahanglnon, (H) Wants, needs,
necessaries, requirements, what is lacking,
required or necessary. (cf. kinahnglan).
kilng, The month of April. (cf. abrl).
kilng, The ring attached to the traces and
through which ring the rein or nose-rope is
passed; a steadying device put on a kite, so
that it may fly straight and smooth.
kilng-kilng, To tinkle, tingle, jingle,
ring (said of small bells).
kiliputn, (H) Closure; constrictor ani.
(cf. kpot).
klis, Calesa, rig, cab, a two-wheeled and
one-horse vehicle for the conveyance of
kils, (H) To wash or clean hulled rice
previous to boiling it. (cf. balnas id.; ksli,
kinslan, etc.balonsi, binalonsan, etc.).
kilitan, (H) Place of meeting, trystingplace, rendez-vous. (cf. kt).
kilitan, (H) Juncture, junction, meeting,
juxtaposition, seam, joint, coming together,
position side by side. (kt; cf. kinitan).
kiliton, (H) What is to be joined,
connected or brought together. Kiliton pa
inng mga tp. These boards have to be
joined yet. Kiliton pa si Hos kag si
Andres. Jos and Andres are to meet still,
have to be brought together yet. (kt).
klkig, A rough fish-skin, usually of the
pgi-fish, used to rub and smooth wood,
etc. after the manner of sand-paper; to
clean, smooth, rub boards, etc. with fishskin or sand-paper. Kilkig ang tp, agd
magtnl. Rub the board with fish-skin to
make it smooth.
klkil, To gnaw, nibble, bite to pieces. See
klod, Side, border, brim, edge, flank. (cf.
klid, klod, bb, bgki).
kmay, Tiny, small, diminutive, slender,
applied to roundish and oblong objects like
bananas, fingers, etc. Kmay ang ya mga
tdlorkmay si sing tdl. He has
very small fingers, his fingers are too
slender in proportion to his size. Also verb.
Nagkmay ang is nya ka btkon sang
pagbut sa ya. One of his arms has become
quite thin since he had small-pox.
kimt, To eat slowly and little, take food
leisurely and in small quantity.
kimt-kimt, Dim. and Freq. of kimt.
Ind mo pagkimtkimitn ang pagkon.
Dont eat so slowly and so little.


Visayan-English Dictionary
kimno, (Sp. quimn) Kimono, Japanese
garment for both sexes resembling a ladys
dressing gown; a short-sleeved, buttonless
womans upper dress with just a hole for
putting the head through and reaching
down to the waist, as often worn by
Philippine women.
kmpa, To move to and fro or up and
down, fluctuate, undulate, pulsate,
oscillate, rock or pitch. (cf. lingglinggi).
kimp-kmpa, Dim. and Freq. of kmpa.
kmpang, See kmpa.
kimpng-kmpang, Dim. and Freq. of
kmpang. (cf. lumplmpa).
kmpay, Maimed, mutilated, etc. See
kmpul, kmpul.
kmpit, A pair of pincers, pliers, nippers,
tweezers; to use or apply pincers; to pinch.
Kimpton ko ang mong ilng. Ill pinch
your nose.
kmpul, Mutilated, maimed, having parts,
ends, corners or edges broken or cut off; to
break off ends, etc., to mutilate or become
mutilated, to dock. Nagkmpul ang ya
tdl. His finger is mutilated. Kimpul ang
kog sang id. Dock the dogs tail. Kimpul
ang mank sang ya kog, agd makilla
nga ton. Cut off part of the cocks tail, so
that it may be recognized as ours. (cf.
kmud, (H) To frown, sulk, be offended,
take ill, murmur, complain, pout, scowl,
fume, resent, takeill,to heart,amiss,
umbrage,offence,exception,in bad
part. (cf. kmud, ksmod).
kina-, A prefix frequently used to form
(abstract) nouns and (intransitive) verbs,
e.g. kinabdlaytoil; to toil (bdlay);
kinasdyamirth, merriment, celebration;
to make merry, etc. (sdya); kinagnsal
noise, boisterousness; to be noisy, etc.
(gnsal), etc. etc.
kinadman, Learning, knowledge,
wisdom, education, cleverness. (lam;
kalam, kinalam).
kinalam, (H) See kinadmanlearning,
kinaanran, (H) Habit, custom, practice,
manner, behaviour, usage. (cf. nad,
batsan, kinabatsan).
kinayo, Goodness; benefit, advantage.
(cf. yo, kayo).
kinabas, kinabs, Like, in the form
of, a kabs-fish; sharppointed. Bngkaw
nga kinabas. A lance with a straight, sharp
point. (cf. kabs, pinngdan).
kinabt, Childhood, pertaining to
childhood or to children, childlike, childish,
silly; from childhood, since ones birth. Ang
pagkasung sinng to kinabt nya.
That manis hare-lipped from his birth,
was born hare-lipped. (cf. bt, batan).
kinabatsan, Custom, manner, habit,
behaviour. (cf. kabatsan, kinaanran).

kinabn, Tribe, bunch, crowd, troop,

company, flock, herd; by tribes, etc. (cf.
kinabh, Life, period from birth to
death. (cf. kabh).
kinabuh. Life, mode or manner of ones
life, living conditions; to live, remain, stay,
reside, lead a, pass ones, life.
Nagakinabuh sil sing matwhay. They
are leading -a tranquil life, -a happy life.
Magbuligy kam, agd magtwhay kag
maglinng ang nyo pagkinabuh. Help
each other, that you may live a tranquil and
peaceful life. (cf. buh, bh, pangabh,
kinaburgal, Noisy shouting,
disturbance, confusion. (burgal).
Kinaburgal kag linabugyay. Confused
noise and mele.
kinaburghul, Boisterousness; to be
noisy, rowdy. See kinaburgal.
kinaburka, Excitement, stir,
disturbance, trouble; to be excited, be in
commotion. (cf. burka).
kinadan, Oldness, antiquity; old,
ancient, of old, of yore, of long ago, bygone.
Batsan nga kinadan. An old custom. (cf.
dan, duman).
kinadm, Multitude; many. (cf. dm,
madm, kadm).
kindtan, Bite, wound from a bite, place
where one has been bitten. Ang kindtan
sang id sa bt naghubg. The place
where the child was bitten by the dog has
swelled. (kagt).
kinagam, Commotion, disturbance,
trouble, uproar, riot. (gam; cf. kagam,
kinagbot, Stir, commotion, uproar,
confusion, excitement; to make an uproar,
be excited. (cf. gbot).
kinagl, Noise, uproar, commotion,
boisterous proceedings, row; to be noisy,
excited, rowdy. (cf. gl kinagam,
kagarokn, kinagbot).
kinaglang, Seniority, priority of birth,
state of being older. (cf. kinamagulangn,
kinagrang id.).
kinagrang, (B) See kinaglang.
kingut, The end, termination or last of
anything, as the last grain of rice, the last
centavo, etc. (cf. hiringtyon,
katalipuspusn, katapsan).
kinahnglan, Need, lack, want,
indispensability, necessity; to have need of,
stand in need of, be necessary, require,
entail, call for. An ang kinahnglan mo?
What do you want?orwhat is it you
need? Kinahnglan gid nga magkdto ka
ddto. You must go thereorit is
necessary for you to go there. Pil ka
butng ang kinahnglan sa ...? How many
things are required for...? Kon
magkinahnglan ka sing kwrtaIf you
need some money.

Visayan-English Dictionary
kinahy-khoy, Tree-like; to develop
into a tree-like shrub. Inng sibkaw
nagakinahykhoy na. This sebucao is
developing into a tree. (cf. khoy).
kinaya, Ones own affairs, proper to
oneself, selfishness, individualism, egotism.
(cf. ya, kaugalngon).
kinkoy, Cheating, trickery; tricksy;
hypocrite; to cheat, trick, defraud, obtain
by fraud or foul play. (cf. kkoy).
kinalabw, Superiority, advantage,
preeminence, predominancy, advance over,
odds. (cf. labw).
kinalin, Disadvantage, drawback,
hindrance, damper, wet blanket, objection.
(cf. lin; kinayoadvantage, etc.)
kinalibutnon, Worldly, earthly, earthy,
secular, natural and carnal as opposed to
the supernatural and spiritual. (kalibtan).
kinal-oy, Mercy, pity, compassion, ruth,
clemency, commiseration, tenderness of
heart. May kinal-oy siornagakaloy si sa naplas. He has pity upon the
wounded man. (cf. l-oy, kal-oy).
knam, To taste, try the taste of.
Nagaknam si sing ph, ginaknam nya
ang ph. He is trying the taste of a mango.
See kinmknam which is more in use.
kinamagulangn, Seniority, etc. See
kinaglang id.
kinamatrung, Justice, right, reason,
argument, proof. (cf. katarngan).
kinamaty, The cause of death, what
kills or causes death. Ang nos am ang
ya nga kinamaty. Consumption was the
cause of his death. (cf. paty).
kinamtyan, The place or reason of
ones death. (cf. paty).
kinm-knam, Dim. and Freq. of knam.
Kinmkinma inng sging, kon malyag
ka sang ya sabr. Try the taste of this
banana and see whether you like its
flavour. Kinmkinmi (tilaw) sing ditay
inng sman. Taste a little of this sumandish. (cf. tilw).
kinamtsing, Fight, quarrel, row; to
fight, etc. (cf. kinaburka, kinagam,
kinagl, way, sinambnut).
kinarabw, Like a buffalo; a kind of
bi with a covering like the skin of a
buffalo. (cf. karbwon).
kinarabw-karabw, To behave like a
buffalo; buffalo-like, according to the ways
and manners of a buffalo.
kinardto, (B) Past events, past time, the
past, things of long ago, of yore; old, of old,
bygone, ancient, out of date. Ang
kinardto. Things or events or
customs, etc. of long ago. Sa kinardto nga
batsan. According to an ancient
custom. Sa kinardto. Formerly, in
former, olden or bygone days. (cf.
sdto, sindto, kargto, singto, tin-o).
kinargto, (B) See kinardto id.
kinrbaw, (B) See kinarabwbuffalolike, etc.

kinahy-khoy kntos
kinasabay, Litigation, legal contests,
disputes, etc.; to litigate, etc. (cf. kasb).
kinasl, Married, wedded; wedlock,
nuptials, matrimony, marriage, wedding,
wedding-feast, marriage-feast. (cf. kasl,
kalaslon, kasaminto, pangaswa,
kinataks, Worthiness, excellence,
dignity; capacity, capability, quality of
being up to the standard of. (cf. taks,
kinato, The nature of man; natural,
human, pertaining to, referring to,
man, from birth, congenital; parts,
organs, of generation, genitals, sexual
organs. (cf. to, kinatb, taohnon).
kinatahan, Birth-day. (to).
kinataohnon, Human, pertaining to
human nature. (to).
kinatwo, kinatawhan, etc. See
kinato, kinatahan, etc. (totwo).
kinatb, Nature; natural, growing or
developing naturally. Labw in sa
kinatb sang to. That is beyond or above
the nature of man, that is preternatural.
Kinatb (kinaugl) sang to ang
pagsayp. To err is human, is natural to
man. (cf. tb, kinaugl).
kinatuhyan, Difference, etc. See
kathay, katuhyan.
kinaugl, Natural peculiarity, nature,
idiosyncrasy, personal or individual
characteristic; habit, custom, manner.
kinanay, kinauny, A banquet,
feasting, conviviality, eating in common,
mess; to feast. (cf. kon.
knaw, To glisten, sparkle, shine. (cf.
kinw, A kettleful; by the kettle or
cauldron. (cf. kw).
kinawd-on, Lack, need, want, what one
needs or lacks. (wal).
kinawal, (H) See kinawd-on.
kinawaty, Stealing, robbing, burglary;
to steal, rob (of many). (cf. kwat).
kinw-knaw, kinw-kinw, Dim.
and Freq. of knawto glisten. (cf. kanwkanw).
kndab, To glisten, sparkle, shine,
twinkle. (cf. kdlab, dlab, nggat, gpat).
kngke, (Sp. quinque) Lamp, table-lamp,
light. (cf. sug, sol, parl).
kngking, To lift, raise, ones leg (as if
to give a kick); to hop, jump, stand (on one
kngking, To grasp or take hold of very
carefully with two or three fingers for fear
of soiling ones hands, etc.; to be averse to
touching unclean things, be fastidious. Ind
ka magkngking sa pagplut sin kay dl
man makalolod. Dont be afraid to pick
that up, for it is not at all loathsome.
knhod, To hobble along, limp, halt, walk
lamely. (cf. kund, kang).

knhol, To shrug, jerk ones shoulders,

give a start as one tickled. Itka si, agd
magknhol. Tickle him and make him
jump. Pakinhol ang ya lwas. Startle
kn, To economize, stint, be niggardly, live
very frugally. Ind ka magkn sing laks
sang mo pagkon, kay magalya ang mo
lwas. Dont live too frugally, for you will
become weak. (cf. knot, knit).
kinigihn, The waste or useless remnants
of stripped fibre, as of hemp, maguey, etc.
(cf. kig).
kin-kn, Dim. and Freq. of kn.
kinils, The water in which hulled rice has
been washed. (kils; cf. balinnas).
kinna, (Sp. quinina) Quinine. (cf. bit).
kinintan, Savings, something saved or
hoarded (through economy, frugality, etc.
cf. knot).
kinipt-kpat, To sparkle, twinkle.
(kiptkpat; cf. igptgpat).
kinsdak, Life; breath of life; stomach.
(cf: tirsdak, tinsdak, hinurngus,
ginhab, ginhwa, solksolk, kabh).
knit, See kn, knot.
kinitan, Earnings; junction, juncture,
seam, joint, joining, meeting together. Ang
kinitan sang mga mamumugn
mapslan sang bg-os nga bnwa. The
earnings of the working population are of
advantage to the whole commonwealth.
Ang kinitan sang tp. The board-seam.
(kt; cf. kilitan).
kint-knit, Dim. and Freq. of knit.
Kintkinti sing mantk ang mank. Use
only little lard for the chicken. (cf. kinkn,
kiniyn, To play the kiyn-game.
knke, See kngkelamp, light.
kno, (Sp. quino) Kino, cinchona, peruvian
kinols, To brag, boast, praise oneself
and ones own. Pamati, nagakinols na
man si. Listen, he is boasting again.
kinlas, To be noisy, boisterous, rowdy,
(of movements like running, stamping,
rushing, etc, but not of voices). Ind kam
magkinlas. Dont make so much noise.
(cf. klas).
kinols-klas, Stir, movement with
some noise; to stir, move rather noisily.
Nagahinulghlag kag nagakinols-klas
na ang mga nagapapl. The candidates for
election are already on the move and
making some stir. (cf. klas, kolsklas).
kinomdya, Comical, ludicrous; to play a
comedy, trick, make a farce of. (cf.
knot, To economize, etc. See kn.
kintknot, Dim. and Freq. of knot. (cf.
kntos, (Sp. quinto, quintar) The law of
requisition for military purposes; to draft
men for, press into, service.


kingon kt
Nakintosn si sdto nay. He was drafted
for military service in bygone days.
kingon, Made as pointed or as sharp as
cogon-grass; the point of a spear, lance,
arrow, etc. (cf. kgon).
kinkik, The cry of a large bat, as of the
fruit bat or flying fox. (cf. kkik).
kinumparihy, Relationship through
affinity or affiliation. (kumpri).
kinntan, Crease fold, wrinkle, plait. (cf.
kunt, pind-an).
kinuript, Wrinkled, creased; miserly,
stingy, close-fisted. Kinuript nga batsan.
A miserly habit. (cf. kuript).
kinuttan, The place or part that has
been stung or bitten by a mosquito or the
like. (cf. ktut).
kinuyng-kyung, Stir, movement,
noise. Sil la wal gid sing kinuyngkyung, knd naghpus lang sil. They for
their part did not make any stir, but
remained silent or quiet.
ki, To abstract, purloin, filch, pinch,
pilfer, steal, (cf. tkas, takb, tkaw,
kwat, kwt, kh).
kipt-kpat, kipt-kipt, To twinkle,
shine, glitter, sparkle, emit flashes of light.
(cf. igptgpat, bdlak, nggat, kdlab,
kipw-kpaw, kipw-kipawn, See
kitw-ktaw, kitw-kitawn.
kp, To cross the legs; to sit or stand with
crossed legs.
kip-kp, Dim. and Freq. of kp. Also: to
gather ones dress, etc. See kupkp.
kpong, To close, shut, draw together, pull
tight (by means of a running string or the
like. (cf. kpot).
kpot, To shut, close. Kipta ang mat,
bb, ganhan, bintn, bal, etc. Close
the eye, the mouth, the door, the window,
the trunk, etc. (cf. kum).
kipy, Maimed, mutilated, docked, having
a part cut off or shortened as feathers, hair,
tails, arms, legs or the like; to be or become
maimed; to maim, cut off a piece, etc.
Kipoy ang kog sang mank. Cut off part
of the cocks tail. (cf. kmpul).
kirb, To flash, emit a flash or spark of
light; a flash or spark. Ang kilt nagakirb.
The lightning flashes. Sang pagtup sang
wsay sa bat nagkirb ang kalyo. When
the hatchet hit the stone, it struck fire from
it. Pakirab ang is ka asgi. Strike a
match. Nakt ko ang kirb sang sug. I
saw the flash of the light.
kirb-kgon, A sudden flame or light,
spark, flash, flare-up; transient, transitory,
momentary, ephemeral, not lasting or
enduring, passing quickly, soon over, (as
the burning of cogon-grass).
kirabn, Spark, flash, sudden flame or
light; sparking, flashing, as lightning, a
gun, a flash-light, etc.
kraw, To burn dimly, give but a dull,
feeble, low light, to glimmer. Nagakraw


Visayan-English Dictionary
ang kngke. The lamp burns but dimly.
Pakirwa ang sug. Dim the light. Make
the light shine less bright (by turning down
the wick, etc.). (cf. krot).
kirwkirw, Dim. and Freq. of kraw.
(cf. kirtkrot).
kiry, kray, See kily, klay.
kiru, (B) To quiver, tremble, shake,
shudder. Nagkiru ang ya lwas. His
body trembled. Nagakiru ang ya mat.
His eye is quivering. (kryo id.).
kirw, See kiru.
krhat, Open-eyed, wide-eyed, having
wide open eyes as a natural peculiarity.
Krhat si sing mat. He has wide open
kiribd, Small, undersized, dwarfish,
below standard size (of fruits, etc). Bklon
ko inng mga ph, pang kuhon nay
ang mga torakn kag kiribd. I am going
to buy these mangoes, but the rotten and
undersized ones must first be taken away.
(cf. kmaysmall, slender, (of fingers, etc.).
kiridann, (H) See kilidann (cf. kadan,
kd-an, karaidann, kaalayohn).
kiridg, See koridgstunted, etc.
kirkol, A pin. (cf. sibt, turbok, alpilr).
kirkot, See kilkot id. Kirikta ang hgk
sa kinitan sang tpiorkirikti ang
kinitan sang tp sang hgk. Pick the
dirt out from between the board-seams.
kirikt, Wrinkled, shrivelled, creased; a
wrinkle, crease. (cf. koritt).
kirikt, A small lobster. (cf. karitt,
kirilikg, See kilikg, kililikg.
kirs, To slice, cut off a piece. Kiris ang
krne. Slice or cut the meat. Kiris ak sing
duh ka kirs sa pa sang bka. Cut for me
two slices off the leg of beef. (cf. gult).
kirtot, To wrinkle, shrivel, shrink, form
creases, said of skin, leaves, fruits, clothes,
etc. (cf. kortot).
kr-ol, See kd-ol.
krot, See kraw. Pakirta ang kngke.
Dim the light of the lamp.
kirt-krot, kirt-kirt, Dim. and
Freq. of krot. (cf. kirwkirw).
kirubn, (Sp. querubin) Cherub.
kryo, To tremble, quiver. See kiru.
kiry-kryo, Dim. and Freq. of kryo.
kiry-kryo, Also: gingerly, bashful, shy,
timid; to move about shyly or timidly, etc.
ks-a, (H) Once in a while, sometimes,
now and then. Kon ks-a. Now and
again. (cf. kais).
kisam, (Sp. quizame) Ceiling, plafond.
kisp, Gold beads, sequins (usually flat
and thin). Killa mo yanng babe nga
nagapangolntas sang kisp? Do you know
that lady that wears a golden necklace
orthat has gold beads in her necklace?
ksap, To open and shut the eyes rapidly,
to blink, twinkle. (cf. pisk).
kisp-ksap, kisp-kisp, Dim. and
Freq. of ksap. (cf. pamiskpisk).

kisy, Nimble, lithe, agile, quick, swift (of

movement); to be nimble, etc.
kisy-ksay, Dim. and Freq. of kisy.
Also: to trip, skip, move with light quick
steps. (cf. pgsi, lksi).
ksdong, (H) To frown, sulk, pout, look
cross or angry. (cf. lrong, ariwarng,
ksmod, kmud, kolisw, snggud,
kis-ksi, A very fine awl, drill or bit, any
thin and sharp-pointed tool.
kis-ksi, To rub (between the palms of
the hand) rice before boiling or the like. (cf.
kskis, To scrape, rub with something
sharp. Kiskis sang kotslyo ang hgk sa
ltok. Scrape the dirt off the table with a
knife. Kiskis ang bboy sang ya blbul.
Scrape the pig clean of its bristles.
kslan, etc. From kilsto wash (clean)
rice, etc.
kso, See ksocheese.
kis, Plait or fold in a garment, loop,
ornamental doubling in fringes, various
decorations made of paper, ribbons, etc.
kisl-ksol, A kind of grass often fed to
kism, (B) Sour; to be or become sour.
Nakisomn ak sinng sd, kay napatman (natm-an) sing lnggaw. I find this
fish very sour, for too much vinegar has
been put into it. (cf. slum).
kistn, (Sp. sacristan) Sacristan.
kisl-ksul, See kislksol.
kism, (B) See kism.
kit, We; including the person or persons
spoken to. Kit tonorkit sing ton
orkity tonWe for our partAs far
as we are concerned. Kit nga tann.
All of us. Sa katapsan kit gid kag dl
sil ang nakadag sa kasb. The upshot
is that we, and not they, are the ones that
have won the case (or lawsuit).
kt, To see, behold, discern, perceive,
descry, sight, make out, discover,
distinguish, spy, espy, set ones eyes upon;
to meet, find. Nakakt ka na sa ya? Did
you see or meet him? Ho, nakakitay na
kam. Yes, we met or saw each other. Ang
alipokpokn sang bkid nd makt kay
natabnan sang gl-um. The top of the
mountain cannot be seen, because it is
covered by the cloud. Naktornakt-an
ko si ddto. I saw him there. Dl na si
makakt sa pagbsa. He can no longer
see to read. Ang ya nga balatan daw sa
nd na makitan sing bulng. It will be
almost impossible to find a remedy for his
diseaseorhis sickness is, I think, past
cure. Din mo in makta?Kint ko in
sa dlan. Where did you see or find it?I
found it there on the road. Ang
nagapangt makakt. He who seeks shall
find. Sa yanng baklod kiton mo tbtub
ang simbhan sa Ogtn. From that hill
yonder you can even see the church of

Visayan-English Dictionary
Oton. (cf. tn-aw, tlukto see, inspect,
look at).
kt, Trial, hearing (of a case in court); to
try, hear (a case in court or the like). Bus
kiton ang ya nga kasb. His case will be
tried tomorrow. Ang pagkt sang kasb.
The hearing (trial) of the case.
kiton, Visible. (cf. kt).
kitr, (Sp. quitar) To remove, take away,
separate, put aside. Sang pagsip nla sang
mga sging nga la balklon ginkitr nla
ang mga sinip nga maggmay. When
they counted the bananas they were going
to buy, they put the small clusters apart.
(cf. kh, bulg, bhin).
kitw-ktaw, To be dim, hazy, in the far
distance, indistinct (of sights and sounds).
kitw-kitawn, Scarcely perceptible,
dim, hazy, indistinct, visiblein the far
distance,in contour,in indistinct
outlines; not clear or distinct (of sounds),
scarcely audible.
kitd, Narrowness; narrow; to be or
become narrow. Nakitirn (-idn) ak sin.
This is too narrow for me. This seems to be
too narrow.
kitkot, See kilkog, kilkotto clean a
hole, a wound, etc. by means of a feather, a
small stick or the like.
kitkot, To grumble, croak, clamour,
mutter, growl, murmur, complain in the
hope of getting redress. Ginkitkot nya
ang kon bhin, kay, kon, labn ang
kon bhin. He complained about my
share, for, he said, my share was larger
than his. (cf. ymo).
kitikt, The very small chili with an
exceedingly hot taste. Dinlhan nya ak
sing katmbal nga kitikt. He brought me
very small and hot chilis.
kitn, The chief tendon connecting the calf
with the heel; to cut that tendon, to
hamstring. Kitin ang karabw sang
binngon. Cut the buffalos tendon with the
boloorHamstring the buffalo.
ktkit, To gnaw, nibble, bite to pieces. (cf.
t-ot, kbkib, klkil).
kum, To shut, close. Kima ang bb mo.
Shut your mouth. (cf. kpot).
kwal, To raise with a lever, crowbar, spar
of wood, etc. Kiwli sang bra ang bat.
Raise the stone with the crowbar. Ikwal
ang bh sa halgi. Use your dibble to lever
the post.
kiws, Awry, twisted, etc. See kiw.
kiw, Turned or twisted aside, awry,
oblique, inclined, sloping, slanting, leaning,
canting, crooked. (cf. hiw, sambig).
kiwg, A kind of squirrel. Ang kiwg am
ang is ka spat nga malb sing
pangolhi kag malp-ot sing pangnhan.
The kiwg is an animal with long hindlegs and short fore-legs.
kiw, (B) To move or bend the body
sideways, to twist and turn (as in many

kt kgkog
folk-dances), to bend, curve. Ikiw ang
lwas mo. Bend your body sideways.
kiyn, A kind of game that is usually
played with nuts of the dalgdog and
bgtong. (cf. kiniynto play that
kyas, To slice, etc. See kas id.
kiy, To steal, pilfer, rob. See ki. (cf.
kwat, tkas).
klabtos, (Sp. clavetes) Small nail, tack,
klra, (Sp. clara) The white of an egg,
albumen. (cf. btogthe yolk).
klarinte, (Sp. clarinete) Clarinette,
clarinet; clarinet-player.
klse, (Sp. clase) Class, kind, sort, species,
brand, variety; class, class-room work,
klro, (Sp. clero) Clergy, priesthood. Ang
klro nga sekulr kag regulr. The secular
and regular clergy. (cf. kaparan).
klma, (Sp. clima) Clime, climate. (cf.
hngin, kahangnan).
ko, Mine, of me, etc. (See kon, nkon).
kbal, Curve, fold, plait; enclosure,
entrenchment, fence. (cf. kobl).
kobl, To form curves, waves and creases
as a mat, an uneven ground or the like. An
na man ang sa idlum sang mantl, kay
nagakobl sa tung? What is lying under
the tablecloth, because there is a bump in
the middle?
kbkob, To scratch lightly with the fingertips not using the nails. Kobkob ang likd
ko, kay makatl. Scratch my back, for it
itches. (cf. klot, kars).
kbo, To flap the wings and splash or
bathe as a bird in shallow water. Ang
mung nagakbo sa talmnan. The hen is
flapping its wings and splashing in the ricefield.
kob-kbo, kob-kob, Dim. and
Freq. of kbo. To flutter, flap the wings,
move with quick vibrations or undulations.
Ang mga gnsa, bbi, etc. nagakobkbo
sa lnang. The geese, ducks, etc. are
bathing (or splashing) in the mud.
Pakobkobha ang mank sa tbig. Let
the chicken splash in the mud (flapping its
wings and shaking itself).
kbot, To hold on to by the teeth, stick or
cling to as a leech, a pair of pincers, the
claws of a lobster, etc. Ang katng
nagkbot sa kon kamt. The crab held on
firmly to my hand. Ang bintsa nagakbot
na sa likd sang masakt nga to. The
cupping glass is now firmly attached to the
sick mans back. Pakobta ang tndok sa
btkon sang bt. Apply the cupping glass
to the childs arm. Pinakbot nla ang
tndok sa pa sang bt, agd makh
ang dlit sang kindtan sang id. They put
a cupping glass on the boys leg in order to
draw off the poison from the place bitten by
the dog.
kbre, (Sp. cobre) Copper.

kbre, (Sp. cubrir) Cover, protection; to

cover, shield, protect. Ipakbre sa kapitn
inng napl ka solddoorkobreh ang
kapitn sinng napl ka solddo. Protect
the captain with these ten soldiers. Ang
mga solddo nagakobrehnay. The
soldiers are covering each other.
kdak, Kodak, a small photographic
kodl, (Sp. corral) Fence, hedge,
inclosure, yard, corral, pen, fold; to fence or
hedge in. Kodal ang mo pamulkan.
Fence in your garden. Pakodal ang mo
pamulkan. Have a fence made around
your garden. Ikodl mo inng kawyan sa
mo pamulkan. Use this bamboo to make
a fence for your garden.
kodl-kdal, Dim. and Freq. of kodl.
kdkod, To scrape, shred, grate, rasp,
scoop out with some sharp tool. Kodkor
(-d) ang suld sang lub. Scoop out the
meat of the coconut. (cf. kokd id).
kodkdan, A grater, shredder, scraper,
scoop, any tool or instrument used for the
action of kdkod.
kodkran, (H) See kodkdan.
kod, To play with stones, throwing them
up and catching them in falling down,
picking up meanwhile some more lying in
front of the players; small gravel is
commonly used by children for the purpose
of this game. Ang mga bt nagakod. The
children are playing the game called
kod. Pakodo lang ang mga bt, agd
nga nd maggam. Let the children play
with stones, that they may not be
troublesome. (cf. kor id.).
kod, A game played with six stones and a
kod-kd, Dim. and Freq. of kod.
kodl-kodl, Uneven, not level, not
quite plain or smooth; to be or become
uneven, have or form some little
prominencies or reliefs. Nagakodl-kodl
ang alpmbra. The floor carpet is not quite
smooth, has some raised figures or reliefwork.
kdong, A cloth to cover the head with,
head-cover; to cover the head with any kind
of cloth. Kodngi ang lo mo sang pnyo.
Cover your head with the kerchief. Kodngi
ang bt. Cover the childs head.
Pakodngi ang bt. Have the childs head
covered. Ipakdong sa ya inng tulya.
Cover his head with this towel. (cf.
tkdong, takurng).
kodt, (B) To pinch, compress between
thumb and fore-finger, to nip with the
finger-nails. Kdta si. Pinch him.
Ginkodt na ak. He pinched me. Ang
kindtan sa bt masakt. The place where
the child was pinched is painful. (cf. kos).
kdtan, kdton, (B) See kodt.
kgkog, A kind of bird.
kgkog, Bareheaded, uncovered; to walk
about bareheaded. Daw kgkog gid lang


kgon klwan
inng to. This man is accustomed to walk
about bareheaded.
kgon, A kind of long grass, much used
for thatching purposes.
kg-ong, To tie up short, put near, fasten
with a short tether. Ikg-ong ang karabw
sa khoy. Fasten the buffalo to the tree
with a short rope.
kohn, (Sp. cojin) Hassock, cushion,
pillow, especially one for kneeling on.
kong, ko-ng, Short-sighted, nearsighted. (cf. kortabsta).
kong, ko-ng, Bow-legged, bandylegged; to be or become bow-legged. Kong
si. He is bandy-legged. Ang kapitn
nagkong tungd sang laks nya nga
pagpangabay. The captain became bowlegged through too much riding on
kk-kok, The cooing of doves; to coo.
kok, Nail, hoof, claw, talon.
kko, A kind of cheap white cloth, white
kk, Catarrh, cold with running at the
nose. Also verb. Ginakk si. He has a
kk, To stoop, bend down. (cf. kub,
sungk, sngroy, sikktot, dkoy, droy,
kokd, Hoof, claw, pigs foot. (cf. kok).
kokd, To grate, scrape, rasp, shell, shred,
scoop out. (cf. kdkod id.; kokor
(-od)kodkor (-oda).
kkok, A kind of snail with a white shell.
It is often found on trees.
kokran, Grater, scraper, rasper, any tool
used for shredding or scooping. (cf.
kodkran id.).
kokt, To rasp or rub off with some sharp
instrument, to shell, husk, shuck beans,
peas or the like. Kokot ang mas. Scrape
off the maize (from the cob). Shuck the
corn. Kokot ak sing kadis, mnggo, etc.
Shell for me some cadis-peas, monggo,
etc. (cf. kdkod, kokd).
kkoy, To bathe; to take a bath. (cf. dgos,
kla, (Sp. cola) Tail, train (of a gown, etc.).
kla, (Sp. cola) Glue, mucilage, paste.
kol, (Sp. encolar) To glue, stick, paste; to
be (lie, stand, sit) closely attached to. (cf.
kla, dokt, pilt, kup).
kolb, (H) Coconut-meat mixed with
toddy. (cf. kilb).
koldo, (Probably from the Sp. cola
paste, glue) Cigar, tobacco rolled for
smoking. (cf. abno, pioks).
kolknit, Bat. (cf. kolpnit, kololknit,
kolonknit, mrtik).
klan, To place, put, lay. Ginklan nya
si sa is ka pasungn. She laid him in a
manger. Iklan ang bt sa duyndyan.
Put the baby in the hammock. (cf. butng,
pahgd, tngday, pahmtang).
kl-an, etc. From kolto expand and


Visayan-English Dictionary
kolpnit, Bat. See kolknit.
kolr, (Sp. collar) Collar. (cf. kolyr,
kwlyo, kolntas).
klas, To make a noise by walking to and
fro, to move audibly or noisily. Ang mga
ilag, hal, etc. nagaklas sa ibbaw sang
kisam. The rats, iguanas, etc. are moving
about noisily above the ceiling. Ind kam
magklas. Dont be noisy. Ind nnyo ak
pagkolsan. Dont disturb me with your
noise. Kaghud sang kalng sang sibkaw
nga nagaklas sa hngin. What a noise the
dry sebucao-pods make rustling in the
wind. (cf. ghud, galng).
kols-klas, Dim. and Freq. of klas.
Ginapakolsklas sang hngin ang mga
kawyan. The wind is stirring and rustling
the bamboos. Nagakolsklas sil dir.
They are rather noisy over there. (cf.
hulghlag, gahdghud, litklitk, etc.).
kolasyn, (Sp. colacin) A light repast,
collation, snack, bite. (cf. pamhaw).
kolta, (Sp. culata) The butt of a musket
or rifle; to strike with the butt-end.
Kulatha si. Strike him with the butt.
klera, (Sp. clera) Cholera.
kolgadra, (Sp. colgadura) Drapery,
embroidery, light decorations, hangings,
kolhio, kolhyo, (Sp. colegio) College.
(cf. buluthan).
kolkog, To bore or clean ones ears, etc.
with a feather, the finger or the like. (cf.
kolikg, Anything used for the operation
kolkog. (cf. kilikg).
kolkot, (H) See kolkog. (cf. korkog,
kolikt, (H) See kolikg. (cf. korikt,
kolindnte, (Sp. colindante) Neighbour;
adjacent, near, hard, fast, by, adjoining,
neighbouring, bordering, contiguous. (cf.
kolntas, (Sp. collar) Necklace, string of
pearls; rosary.
klis, (Sp. col, pl. coles) Cabbage.
kolisw, To twist ones face, wrinkle the
brows, make grimaces as if tasting
something very sour or sharp. Nakainm
si sing lnggaw, kay nagakolisw si?
Has he drunk vinegar, that he makes such a
face? (cf. korisw).
kolisng, See kolisw. Also: To pucker
ones lips in anger or passion.
klkol, To carry in ones arms. Kolkol
si. Carry him in your arms. Iklkol ak
nay sinng bt. Kindly carry this baby
for me in your arms. (cf. kgus,
kol, To carry something Negrito fashion
by means of a string around the forehead.
Kolohorklwa lang ang pinuts. Just
carry the parcel in Negrito-fashion.
klo, A large bundle, a load (of cogongrass, etc.). Katlon ka bgkos manginis

ka klo. Thirty bunches make a load (of

kl, (B) Fool, ass, idiot, simpleton. (cf.
bang, mang, tampuhw, hng,
bngaw, pkok, lko).
kol, To expand and contract; to squeeze,
compress. Ang lstiko naganyat kag
nagakol. Elastic bands expand and
contract. Kl-a ang lub nga inur-od.
Compress the coconut-meat taken from the
kol, A kind of tree.
klod, Side, edge, rim. (cf. klid, klod).
kold-klod, Uneven, hilly, not quite
level, plain or smooth, etc. See kodlkodl,
kolokasyn, (Sp. colocacin) Position,
employment, service, place, job. (cf.
alagarn, palamgnan, palangitn-an,
kolokbo, To move about fluttering or
flapping the wings, take a dustor water
bath, said especially of geese, ducks, hens
and the like. (cf. kobkbo, kobkob).
kolokgo, A kind of plant with very
odoriferous flowers.
kol-kol, Dim. of klfool, ass, etc.
(cf. buangt).
kolkos, To tuck up ones trousers,
sleeves or the like. Koloksa ang delrgo
mo. Tuck up your trousers. Nagalakt si
nga kinolkos ang pak sang ya by. He
walks with the sleeves of his jacket tucked
up. (cf. balkingto tuck up skirts, sotanas
or the like).
kolokton, What is to be rasped,
scraped, shelled, husked, shucked as corn,
peas and beans, etc. (kokt).
kolokotn, The gizzard, principal
stomach of a bird. (cf. batiklon).
kololknit, Bat. (cf. kolknit).
kololpnit, See kolknit, kololknit,
kolmpyo, (Sp. columpio) Rocking chair.
klon, An earthenware pot, especially a
rice- or cooking-pot. (cf. kron).
kolonknit, (H) Bat. See kolknit, etc.
kolng, (H) Curly, woolly, crinkly. Kolng
ang ya bohk. His hair is curly. Ang mga
ti kolng sing bohk. The Negritos have
woolly hair.
kolr, (Sp. color) Colour, hue, tint, shade,
tinge, dye, complexion. (cf. dug).
kolskos, A primitive brush made of half
a coconut-husk with the shell removed and
used especially for brushing yarn previous
to weaving. (kskus). Also: to rub rather
violently, brush.
kolotkton, What is to, should, be
dug out; tubers, roots. (cf. ktkot).
kloy, (B) See klfool, etc.
koly-koly, (B) See kolkolfool, etc.
koltsn, (Sp. colchon) Mattress.
klwan, etc. From kolto carry by
means of a string round the forehead.

Visayan-English Dictionary
kolyr, (Sp. collar) Collar. (cf. kolr,
kolntas, kwlyo).
kma, (Sp. coma) Comma.
komri, (Sp. comadre) The relationship of
the godmother to the parents of her
godchild and to the godfather.
kombte, (Sp. combate) Combat, fight,
war, skirmish, battle, fray, encounter. (cf.
kombiddo, (Sp. convidar) Feast,
celebration, banquet, repast,
entertainment. (cf. tbad, punsyn,
pagkon, bd).
kombiddo, Also: an invited guest.
kombirdo, See kombiddo.
komedr, (Sp. comedor) Dining room,
refectory, dining hall, mess-room. (cf.
komdya, (Sp. comedia) Comedy; any
komedynte, (Sp. comediante)
Comedian; player, actor, actress.
komersynte, (Sp. comerciante)
Merchant, shop-keeper, tradesman, trader,
chandler, retailer, hawker, huckster,
higgler, pedlar, colporteur, any seller of
goods even in a small way, dealer,
salesman, chapman, costermonger;
cheapjack, caterer. (cf. pumalatkang).
komrsyo, (Sp. comercio) Commerce,
business, trade, traffic, lucrative enterprise.
(cf. palatikngan, palangitn-an).
komta, (Sp. cometa) Comet.
komda, (Sp. comida) Dinner, meal,
repast, feed, spread, fare; food,
comestibles, eatables, victuals, viands;
eating, feeding. (cf. pagkon, kinon,
komity, (Humorously) Committee;
member of a committee, a stuck-up fellow,
big gun; self-important, overbearing,
komd, (B) Silent, reserved, retired,
uncommunicative, reticent, taciturn, not
kmod, To grumble, murmur, sulk, pout,
complain. Ind ka magkmod. Dont
murmur. Ind mo ak pagkomran
(-dan). Do not grumble at meorin my
presence. (kmud id.).
komda, (Sp. cmoda) Chest of drawers,
bureau, night-commode.
komd-kmod, Dim. and Freq. of
kmod. To grumble a little, or have a habit
of grumbling and complaining on every
komsta, See kamsta.
Nagkomostahnay sil. They saluted each
other, they shook hands.
kompana, (Sp. compaia) Company,
society, concern, firm; troop, body of
soldiers or the like. (cf. kumbuyahn,
hubn, kabn).
kompanyr, (Sp. acompaar) To
accompany, attend, convoy, bear, keep,
company, join, go along with; join in, play

kolyr konsho
an accompaniment. (cf. upd, taws,
kompanyro, (Sp. compaero)
Companion, partner, friend, fellow,
associate, curate, assistant, mate, consort.
(cf. kapud, kadmpig, kabylog).
kompri, (Sp. compadre) The
relationship of a godfather to the parents of
his godchild and to the godmother. (cf.
komps, (Sp. compas) A pair of
compasses, callipers, measure, time (in
music), rule, standard (of life). (cf.
komps, Also: to beat time; to lead, be
boss or master; to gesticulate, move or
wave the hand.
komponr, (Sp. componer) To put
together, compose, do up, repair, mend,
put to rights. Komponeh in. Put that
together, put it to rights, mend it. (cf.
kayo, kadan, bhat, hm).
komposisyn, (Sp. composicin)
Composition, repair, mending, make,
making, putting to rights. (cf. bhat,
komposisyn, Also: Note book,
composition book.
komn, (Sp. comun) In common,
common to. Inng dt komn nmon.
This land belongs to us in common. (cf.
gurptan, garaptan).
komn, (Sp. comun) Privy, watercloset
or (abbreviated) W.C., lavatory, public
lavatory, jakes, latrine. (cf. lub, kaslyas).
komunikasyn, (Sp. comunicacin)
Communication, intercourse, converse;
means of communication, connection.
kn, Particle: If, when, whether; or. Kon
magabt si. When he comes. Usison
mo sing mayo inng mga kasangkpan
kon mapslan pa kon dl. Examine these
tools well, whether they are still of some
use or not. Padlhi ak sing duh kon ttlo
ka pres nga saptos. Send me two or
three pairs of boots. Kon mayo ang
timpo magadaw ak sa mo. If the
weather is fine I will pay you a visit. (cf. ,
ukn. N.B. ukn is now mostly used in the
meaning of or and kon in the meaning of
if, when, whether, ukn is a contraction
of kon).
konbensyn, (Sp. convencin).
Convention, congress, assembly, meeting,
caucus. (cf. sinpol, tinipntpon,
konbnto, (Sp. convento) Convent;
Parish Priests house, presbytery.
knde, (Sp. conde) Count; aristocrat.
kondendo, (Sp. condenado)
Condemned, sentenced; damned, the soul
of a damned person. (cf. tinagudilan).
knd, But, if not, unless, except; really,
surely, certainly. In dl matod, knd
butg gid. This is not true, but a downright
lie. Waly sarng makabhat sinng mga

kalatingalhan, knd ang Dis. No one,

except God, can perform such miracles.
Abw, knd kahalamtan gid in. Now, if
that isnt funny! (knd is a contraction of
kon dl).
kondman, A kind of rather rough red
cloth used chiefly for pillow-cases and for
decorative purposes; a native song and
dance. (cf. kundman).
konho, (Sp. conejo) Rabbit.
kngkong, To carry at the side or astride
the hip as small children are often carried.
Kongkong ang bt. Carry the baby on
your hip.
konkais, Sometimes, occasionally, from
time to time, now and then, repeatedly, but
not very often. (kon kais, kon ks-a).
kon, They say, it is rumoured or
reported, it is said, the story goes, rumour
has it, etc. Mayo si nga to, kon. They
say that he is a good man. May snug,
kon, kagb-i sa dlan Rizl. There was a
fire, last night, in Rizal-street, they say.
kon-kno, Dim. and Freq. of kon.
Ginakonkno nga. It is being
rumoured that. (cf. hudnghding).
konpernsya, (Sp. confencia)
Conference; consultative meeting. (cf.
konpesr, (Sp. confesar) To confess, go
to confession, receive the Sacrament of
penance. Sn-o pa ikw magkonpesr?
When did you go to confession?
Pakonpesar si. Hear his confession. (cf.
konpesr, (Sp. confesor) Confessor.
konpesyn, (Sp. confesin) Confession,
the sacrament of Penance; sick-call.
konpesyonryo, (Sp. confesionario)
Confessional, confessional box.
konsbo, (Sp. consabido, consaber)
Confabulation, collusion, agreement,
understanding. Konsbo nla in. There is
an understanding between them as regards
thisorThey jointly contrived this. (cf.
kasugtnan, kasapuln, hmon,
hinubnhbon, paht, padgi, patga,
konsagrr, (Sp. consagrar) To
consecrate. Konsagrah inng mga
prmas. Consecrate these hosts. Pil ka
prmas ang nakonsagrahn kana sang
ga? How many hosts were consecrated
this morning?
konsagrasyn, (Sp. consagracin)
konsehl, (Sp. concejal) Councillor,
member of a council, municipal councillor.
(cf. kaspul).
konsho, (Sp. concejo) Council or board,
especially a municipal council. (cf.
konsho, (Sp. consejo) Advice,
admonition, monition, counsel, opinion.
(cf. lygay, tdl, pangyan).


konsiderr korna
konsiderr, (Sp. considerar) To
consider, take into consideration, have a
heart, show sympathy. Konsiderah ang
kon mga kalisd. Take into consideration
my difficulties. (cf. pasunid, patugsling).
konsiderasyn, (Sp. consideracion)
Consideration, commiseration, fellowfeeling, humanity, sympathy, compassion,
forbearance. De konsiderasyn-worthy of
consideration, to be reckoned with, having
influence, standing or property. To nga
wal konsiderasyn. A man without
consideration or pity. To nga de
konsiderasyn. A man of influence or good
standing. (cf. pasunid, patugsling; kaloy, kaw; dawdaw, dir-dir).
konsinsya, (Sp. conciencia)
Conscience. (cf. ipalatugsling,
knsul, (Sp. cnsul) Consul.
konslta, (Sp. consultar) To consult, ask
advice, take counsel, take counsel with.
Magkonsltaormagkonsultr ka sa
manugblung. Consult a doctor
(physician). Ginkonsultahn ko si. I asked
his advice. Ikonsultr mo sa ya kon
mapamanl ikw ukn nd. Ask his
advice whether you should go to Manila or
not. Also noun: Consultation, conference, a
question proposed and the answer given.
(cf. pamngkot, pakigkt).
konswlo, (Sp. consuelo) Consolation,
relief, condolence, solace, encouragement,
comfort; joy, cheering up, mirth, gaiety,
merriment, merry-making, pleasure. (cf.
kntra, (Sp. contra) Against, in
opposition to; to oppose, resist, go against,
counteract, run counter to, clash with,
cross, conflict with, beat, run,
militate, against, withstand, antagonize;
opposition, objection; opponent, enemy.
Ang kalwan kntra sa kamot. Liberality
is opposed to niggardliness. Ind ka
magkntra (mangntra) sa mga sg
sang mo giniknan. Do not go against the
orders of your parents. Ang mga
nagakntra (magapangntra) sa
pagbult-an magabats sang slot. Those
that go against the law will be punished.
Nagakontrahnay sil. They are opposed
to each other. They are quarrelling or
fighting. Madm ang ya mga kntra. He
has many enemies. (cf. btok, bt,
kasmpung, kaway).
kontrryo, (Sp. contrario) Contrary;
opponent, enemy, antagonist, contestant.
(cf. kntra, etc.).
kontrta, (Sp. contrata) Contract,
agreement, bargain; deed, document
(containing the terms of a contract, etc.).
(cf. kasugtnan, katpan, kaligonn).
kontratsta, (Sp. contratista) Contractor;
one who gathers workmen or farm hands.
kontrto, (Sp. contrato) Contract,
stipulation, pact, agreement. (cf. kontrta,


Visayan-English Dictionary
kontrinknte, (Sp. contrincante)
Opponent, competitor, rival, antagonist,
adversary, contestant. (cf. kasmpung,
kaway, kasngg, kntra).
kon, (B) Say, speech, utterance; to say,
tell, utter, speak. Nagkon tna (ginkon
na) nga. He said that. Ikon mo
kan nga. Tell him that. (cf. silng,
hmbal, plong, sgid).
kot, See kutto grope, etc.
kpa, (Sp. copa) Cup, goblet, wine-glass,
vase, tea-cup, coffee-cup, drinking cup,
glass (of wine, etc.).
kpal, Lies, tales, inventions, stories, fibs,
falsehoods, prevarications, fabrications,
untruths, fiction; to tell lies, make up
stories, utter untruths. Ginkpal lang nya
in. He simply invented that story or he
told a lie. Kpal gid lang ang sgid nga in.
This tale is a mere invention, or lie. Ind ka
magkinpal. Dont tell lies. (cf. butg,
koplon, Lying, telling stories, false,
mendacious, deceptive, misrepresenting,
exaggerating much. (cf. butign, bakkon).
kpas, (Sp. copa) Hearts, one of the four
suits in card-playing.
kopta, (Sp. copeta) A small cup or
drinking vessel, liqueur-glass, thimbleglass.
kopn, (Sp. copn) A large cup, goblet;
kopn, (Sp. cupn) Coupon; cheque,
draft, note, voucher.
kprak, (Sp. copra) Dried coconut-meat,
kpras, See kprak.
kpya, (Sp. copia) A copy; to copy.
Ikpyaorkopyah in sa lbro. Make a
copy of this in the bookortransfer this
to the register. (cf. hud, sylo).
korl, (H) (Sp. corral) Fence, etc. See
korl, (Sp. coral) Coral. (cf. pagng,
korlis, (Sp. corales) A string of corals.
korasn (Sp. corazon) Heart. (cf.
tagiposon, kasngksing).
korbsa, See kalabsa.
korbta, (Sp. corbata) Cravat, tie.
krbot, To do something with sudden
jerks, get restless with excitement, to puff,
pull, draw, jump, curvet, etc. with quick
movements. Nagkrbot ang kabyo sang
paglgpok sang lta. At the sound of the
tin-can the horse suddenly began to jump.
Kinrbot ang karabw sang paglubs
sang wto. The buffalo stampeded when
the automobile passed. Pakorbot ang
abno mo, agd nd mapaty ang kalyo.
Puff your cigar quickly, or it will go out. (cf.
kordro, (Sp. cordero) Lamb, lambkin,
young sheep.
kordin, (Sp. acordeon) Accordion.

kordso, (Sp. corredizo) Groove, rut,

canal, especially the groove along which
push-and-pull shutters move; a grooved
beam or spar.
kordn, (Sp. cordon) Cordon, line of
posts or guards, military or otherwise,
watching a certain district in time of public
calamities, revolutions, infectious diseases,
or the like.
kora, (Sp. correa) A girdle, belt, sash,
cincture, surcingle, especially one worn by
a religious society or confraternity.
koro, (Sp. correo) Post, mail; post-office.
krha, Half of a gantang. Fifty krha
make a bushel (psong) of rice.
koridg, Stunted, undersized, dwarfish,
kept down in growth. (cf. ar-ar, aglagl).
korkot, To stir, twitch, bore with the
finger, etc. Ind mo pagkorikton ang bh
sang ulnan, agd nd magdak kag
maggw ang brak. Dont bore your finger
into the hole in the pillow, lest it should
enlarge and the cotton come out. (cf.
kotkot, kitkot, kolkog, etc.).
korikt, Anything used for the operation
korkot. (cf. kolikt).
korkot, To wrinkle, form creases or lines.
Ang pnit sinng tiglang nagakortot.
The skin of this old person is full of
wrinkles. (cf. kurnot).
korng, Cat, puss, pussy, grimalkin,
mouser. (cf. kut).
kring, To call a cat. Kornga ang korng.
Call the catorshout kring to bring
the cat here. (cf. mming).
korisw, See kolisw.
korisng, See kolisng.
koritt, Wrinkled, creasy, creased, lined;
twisted, curled, (as a pigs tail). (cf.
koritt, A kind of small lobster. (cf.
karitt, kiritt).
krnel, (Sp. coronel) Colonel.
kornetn, (Sp. cornetin) Cornet;
kornsa, (Sp. cornisa) Cornice.
kro, (Sp. coro) Choir; line, row, tier, file,
circle; to form a line or circle, arrange in a
line or circle. Magkroorkumro
kam. Form a line or circle. Korha ang
mga bt. Form (arrange) the children in
line. Make the children stand in line (in a
circle). Pakorha ang mga bt. Make the
children line up. (cf. andna, das).
kor, (B) Curled, curly, woolly, crinkly (of
hair; cf. kolng).
kor, (B) To contract. See kol.
kor, (H) To play with stones. See kod.
kor-kro, Dim. and Freq. of kro.
korokos, To rumple, etc. See karokos.
korokotn, (B) See kolokotn. (cf.
korna, (Sp. corona) Crown, corona,
coronet, fillet, diadem, circlet, chaplet,
garland, wreath; tonsure; to crown.
Koronhi ang hr. Crown the queen.

Visayan-English Dictionary
Ginkoronhan nla ang rina sa Flores de
Myo. They crowned the queen of the
Flores de Mayoorqueen of the May.
(cf. prung, purng).
koronl, See krnel.
korpnyo, (Sp. corpio) Shirtwaist, short
shirt or waist as worn by women. (cf.
kors, (Sp. cors) Corset, stays for
krta, (Sp. cortar) To cut (clothes, etc.); to
cut, chisel, fashion, carve (wood or stone);
a fringe or indentation, cut in a zigzag or
roundish pattern along the edge of a sleeve,
etc., goffer, gauffer; to curdle, coagulate.
Nagkrta ang gtas. The milk curdled.
Nagkrta ang psta, lnang, etc. The
paste, mud, etc. has become dry and
friable. (cf. bsbas; brlas; bgtik; grka).
kortkrta, Dim. and Freq. of krta.
Nagakortkrta si sing bat. He is
cutting stone. Malam si mangortkrta.
He knows how to cut or carve (stone, wood,
kortaplmas, (Sp. cortaplumas) Knife,
penknife, pocket-knife. (cf. lanstas,
igullut, w).
krte, (Sp. corte) A cut, fit, the stuff
necessary for a garment; to cut, cut out, fit
(in tailoring). Mayo ang krte sang ya
mga panpton. The cut of his clothes is
good. Ang manugtbas nagakrte na sang
kon delrgo. The tailor is cutting out the
cloth for my trousers. Inng manugtbas
mabtik mangrte. This tailor is an expert
cutter. (cf. tbas).
krte, A piece of cloth measuring 2.50 m
in length and sufficient for an ordinary pair
of trousers.
krte, (Sp. corte) Court, tribunal,
judgment-seat; a kings or monarchs
residence or retinue. Ang Krte de Primra
Instnsya. The Court of First Instance. Ang
Krte Suprma. The Supreme Court. (cf.
hokmnan, holokmnan).
kortna, (Sp. cortina) Curtain, blind; to
curtain. Kortinhi si. Draw his curtain.
Curtain him off. Pakortinhi si. Provide
him with a curtain. Nagapangortna si
kon magtlug. He uses a curtain, when he
goes to sleep. Ginkortinhan nya ang
bt, kay may hngin. She drew the
curtain on the baby, because there was a
draught. (cf. kmbung).
krtso, (Sp. corcho) Cork; clogs. (cf.
baki, ktso).
kos, (H) To pinch, press or nip between
the finger nails. Kosi si. Pinch him. Kosi
si sa btkon. Pinch his arm. Gindmpug
ko si, kay ginkos nya ak. I hit him,
because he pinched me. (cf. kodt).
kos, (H) A little, a pinch, a small piece or
kos-ks, (H) Dim. and Freq. of kos. To
tease and pinch each other in play as
children do.

koronl krus
kos-ks, To strip, divide or tear into
thin strips, shred, decorticate. Kos-kosa
ang pklang sang bur. Strip the burstalk. Kinosks na ang pklang sang
bur. The bur-stalk is now torn into strips.
(cf. lknit).
kosna, (Sp. cocina) Kitchen; to make or
provide a kitchen. Kosinhi ang baly mo.
Get a kitchen built for your house.
Kinosinhan na man ang bg-o nla nga
baly. Their new home is now provided
with a kitchen. (cf. digamohn).
kosinro, (Sp. cocinero) Cook.
kospad, To pinch, twist or tweak, nudge,
poke (anothers legs, ears, etc.). Kosipra
(-da), ang ya dalnggan. Pinch and twist
his ears. (cf. kulpat, gurpat, gurnit).
kospad, To shell, shuck beans. (cf.
ksmod, To sulk, pout, frown, be sullen,
look offended. Ind ka magksmod. Dont
frown, sulk or pout. Ginkosmorn (-odn)
nya ak. He looked sullenly at meorhe
frowned at me. (cf. sngon, kolisw,
snggud, kmud).
kosmd-ksmod, Dim. and Freq. of
ksnit, To rend, tear to pieces, pull apart
by force, rip. Kosnit ang papl, hnero,
etc. Tear the paper, cloth, etc. to pieces.
Kinsnit nya ang kon by. He tore my
jacket. (cf. gs, kosks, lknit).
kosnt, Torn, rent; ripped. Kosnt na gal
ang kon by. Sn-o ang nagksnit sin?
Why, my jacket is torn! Who tore it? (cf.
ks, To rub, apply friction, abrade,
massage, chafe, fret. Kosa sing mayo
ang kon panpton sa (sang) habn. Rub
my clothes well with soap. Kins nya ang
duh nya ka dalnggan. He rubbed both
his ears.
kos-ks, To rub, rumple, tousle.
Nagakoskosoy sil sang la bohk. They
are rumpling each others hair.
ksta, (Sp. costa) Cost, price, expense;
coast, seashore; red yarn or thread. (cf. bil;
baybyon; bunng).
kostabulryo, Constabulary.
kostso, (Sp. costoso) Costly, dear,
expensive. (cf. mambas, gastso, mahl).
kostmbre, (Sp. costumbre) Custom,
habit, manner, usage. (cf. kinaanran,
kinabatsan, batsan).
kostra, (Sp. costura) Suture, seam;
sewing. (cf. tinahin).
kotkot To clean a hole, aperture, etc. by
means of a small stick or the like. (cf.
kolkog, kitkot).
kotkot, Throb, beat, pulsation; to throb,
heave, palpitate, pulse, to twist and wriggle
as a worm, to throb with pain as a boil, etc.
Nagakotkot ang suld sang kon hubg.
The inside of my boil is throbbing with

ktkot, Hole, cavity, grave, sepulchre; to

excavate, dig, scoop, out earth, etc. Ak
ang makli, ikw ang maktkot. I will do
the digging and you will take out the earth.
Imo kotkotn ang binay sa lusng, kay
kon pagatphan. Scoop out the pounded
rice from the mortar, for I am going to sift
it. Kotkot ang bals sa bh. Take out the
sand from the hole. (cf. kli; bh,
ktlan, etc. From kotlto pluck, cull.
kt, To be dense, thick, crowded.
Nagakt lang ang to sa punsyn. There
is a dense crowd at the banquet. (cf. kt,
kto, Louse. (cf. botl, kto).
kot-kot, A louse-like insect living in
loose sand.
kot-kot, See bilgbilg. Madm ang
kotkot sinng bunng. This yarn is not
smooth, is full of little lumps or knots
kotl, To pick, pluck, gather, cull. Ktla
ang blak. Pluck the flower. Ktli ak sing
blak. Pluck me some flowers. Ikotl ak
nay sinng blak. Please pick this flower
for me.
kotonya, (Sp. cotonia) A kind of rather
rough cloth, dimity, fustian.
koty, To tire, exhaust; tired, exhausted,
stiff as from walking, etc. Ginakoty ak. I
am tired. (cf. kpoy, kapy, lay, pul,
ktoy, To ache, pain, be painful.
Nagaktoy ang tiyn ko. I have stomach
ktse, (Sp. coche) Coach, carriage,
omnibus, tramcar, autobus, motor bus.
kotsro, (Sp. cochero) Coachman, driver.
kotslyo, (Sp. cochillo) Knife, table-knife.
(cf. sndang).
ktso, See krtso.
kots-ktso, To disparage, criticize
adversely, detract, censure, speak ill of,
exaggerate wrongs or injuries suffered,
belittle benefits received, complain to
others. Ind ka magkotsktso. Dont speak
in disparagement of anybody. Ind mo ak
pagkotskotsohn. Dont censure meor
dont make unreasonable complaints about
me to others. An na man ang
ginakotsktso mo? What are you
complaining about now?
kotsym, A kind of rice. (cf. arabn).
kredensyl, (Sp. credencial) Credential;
certificate of cattle-registration.
kristl, (Sp. cristal) crystal; glass. (cf.
kristino, (Sp. cristiano) Christian. (cf.
krsto, (Sp. Cristo) Christ.
kristohnon, Christian. (cf. kristino).
krus, (Sp. cruz) Cross; trial, suffering,
difficulty. Pagpangurs-to make the sign of
the cross. (cf. sng-an).


krusamno kugd
krusamno, (Sp. cruzar las manos) With
hands or arms folded or crossed; to cross or
fold ones hands or arms. Krusamanha
ang mo mga btkon. Fold your arms. (cf.
krusipho, (Sp. crucifijo) Crucifix.
ku, What dye call them, etc. See kwan.
kun, See kwan.
kubg, To float, swim on the surface. Ang
tpas nagakubg sa tbig. Coconut husks
float on the water. (cf. kutw, lutw,
utwtaw, kubw).
kub-kub, (H) To throb, beat, palpitate,
pulse. (cf. kumbkmba, tumbtmb,
kubtso, Cowardice; to be or become a
coward. (cf. tlaw).
kubatshon, Coward, poltroon;
cowardly, pusillanimous, timorous. (cf.
kubw, To float, swim, drift, move on the
surface of. (cf. kubg, kutw).
kbay, To form in line, file or row, line
up; line, row, file, tier. Magkbay or simply
kbay kam. Form in line. Nagakbay ang
mga baly sa sinng bryo sa to kag sa
wal sang dlan. The houses in this village
form rows (are in rows) to right and left of
the road. Kubya ang mga bumulth.
Line up the school-children. Pakubya ang
mga bumulth. Make the school-children
form a line. (cf. das, kro).
kubirta, (Sp. cubierta) The deck of a
kubirtos, (Sp. cubiertos) Table-cutlery,
spoons, knives and forks.
kbkub, See kbkob.
kbkub, To hollow out, undermine, wash
away, said especially of water.
Ginkubkubn ang bat sang tbig. The
stone was undermined by the water.
Ginkbkub sang tbig ang bals. The
water washed away the sand. (cf. b-ab,
kbkab, kdkad).
kbkub, To bow down, incline, bend over,
stoop, dip. (cf. kub).
kbo, (Sp. cubo) The handle of a chisel,
hammer or other tool; socket, shaft- or
axle-case; hub, nave of a wheel.
kubrekma, (Sp. cubrecama) Coverlet,
counterpane, bedspread. (cf. sobrekma,
kbsan, etc. From kubsto be low, etc.
kubng, Full of creases, creased, puckery,
puckered, corrugated, wrinkled, gathered,
contracted into folds; to be or become
creased, etc. (cf. bokng).
kbung, A game in which two grasp each
others hand and try to inflict pain by
pressing the finger-nails into the flesh; he
who gives way first loses. Nagakubungy
sil nga duh. The two of them are busy at
the game called kbung. (cf. gbo
another game, where the contestants try to
bend down each others arm; pkilwhere
they try, in a sitting position, to bend the


Visayan-English Dictionary
outstretched leg; tornlyowhere the
middle finger is made the victim). (cf.
kubs, Low, mean; sorry, poor, petty,
paltry, unimportant, insignificant,
nonentity, inferior, not up to the standard,
oflittle, small,no, account,
importance. Kubs nga to. A man of
mean origin, of little worth or influence.
Sn-o sa la nga ttlo ang kubs sa
pagdmug, sa pagkabutng, sa kataasn,
sa kalam, etc. Which of the three is the
least in wrestling, in wealth, in height, in
wisdom or learning, etc.? (cf. kulbus).
kubyl, To struggle, rear up, jump,
curvet, make frantic efforts (as a horse
trying to get loose, etc. (cf. hblag).
kbyal, See kubylto struggle, etc.
kbyas, To give a jerk, make a swift
movement, step aside quickly. (cf. pgsi,
dal, lktin, lksi, likw).
kudl, Fence, etc. See kodl.
kdang, Screen, awning, shelter;
umbrella. Kdang sa nit. Parasol. (cf.
kudngdang, The red blossoms of the
kdaw, To walk abroad under difficulties,
as at night, during pelting rain, in a raging
storm or the like. Nga nga ikw gid ang
nagkdaw sa sinng ras? Why have you
ventured to walk out by yourself at such an
hour? (cf. dkaw).
kudipa, A kind of plant, whose leaves
and shoots are edible.
kudiaphon, Pertaining to kudipa; as
plain or as flat as the leaves of the kudipaplant; snub-nosed, flat-nosed. (cf. dap,
kudng, See kurngcat.
kuding, Fool, ass, idiot, (cf. kl, etc.);
ugly to look upon. (cf. srot, lamnan,
kuds, Of little use or value, poor, paltry,
sorry, not worth much, useless. Kuds si
nga to. He is a worthless fellow. Kuds si
nga pnday. He is of little use as a
carpenter,not much of a carpenter.
kuds-kuds, Dim. of kuds.
kudskdis, To pretend to be against,
refuse outwardly, object to outwardly,
professedly, apparently, seemingly,
ostensibly, etc. See bisybsyo, indnd,
iststi, etc.
kdlis, Line, stroke, mark; to strike, line,
mark, rub against. Kudlis ang psporo sa
kha. Strike the match on the box. Kudlis
ang ppel sang lpis. Mark or line the
paper with the pencil. (cf. klit, kdlit).
kdlit, Line, stroke, mark made with
something sharp or pointed; to line, mark,
sign with a chisel, pencil, brush, etc. Kudlit
ang tp sang lpis. Mark the plank with
the pencil. Ikdlit ang psporo sa kha.
Strike the match on the box. (cf. kdlis,

kudlt-kdlit, Dim. and Freq. of kdlit.

Ind ka magkudltkdlit, knd magsult
ka sing mayo kag mathag. Dont
scribble, but write well and clearly.
kdug, (B) To tremble, shiver, quake,
quail, shake with fear, cold, etc. Ang bka
nagakdug sa katgnaw. The cow is
shivering with cold. Pakudga si sang
mo sble. Make him tremble with fear of
your sword. (cf. krug).
kudypa, See kudipaa plant.
kudyaphon, Pertaining to kudypa.
See kudiaphon.
kudypi, A musical instrument, a lyre.
(cf. ssta, bandurya, rabl, etc.).
kug, To throttle, strangle, choke,
suffocate, garrote, compress ones throat.
Kugaorkg-a si. Throttle him.
Gintmp ko si, kay ginkug nya ak. I
slapped him, because he seized me by the
kugn, A scab, scar, cicatrix, cicatrice. (cf.
pl, pinalan).
kghad, A noisy, impolite preparation for
spitting; to hawk, i.e. to force up phlegm
(spittle) from the throat and eject it, to
cough in preparation for spitting. Ind ka
magkghad. Dont hawk (spit) with
unseemly efforts. Ind mo si
pagkugharn (-adn) sa ya pagkon, kay
bs magalat ang ya ginhwa kag
magaska si. Do not hawk during his
meal, for he may be sickened and vomit.
Nagkghad si sing dug. He coughed up
blood. (cf. ghad, sgp).
kgi, Care, carefulness, heed, heedfulness,
attention, zeal, diligence; to do with care,
diligence or circumspection, be careful
about, to take pains, perform, carry out,
attend to, with care. Kughi in. Do this
with care. Ginakughan nya ang tann
nga mga butng sa suld sang baly. She
takes great care of everything in the house.
She is diligent in all her household duties.
(cf. balka, mlig, ttap, psan, kud, did).
kugta, Octopus; vampire, shark, cheat.
kgmat, Fright, terror, dread, fear,
dismay, scare, alarm; to alarm, strike terror
into, frighten, scare, dismay, affright,
terrify, cause great fear or consternation.
Ginakgmat ak kon dumdumn ko in. I
am quite frightened when I think of it.
Nagakakgmat si. He is alarmed, scared,
frightened. Am ang naghtag sa la sing
kgmat kag klb. That frightened and
scared them. That struck terror into them
and filled them with a feeling of uneasiness.
(cf. hdluk, hanguys, kuys, lsang,
kgtong, Octopus. (cf. kugta). Also: a
kind of fierce shark, more dangerous than
the bags.
kugd, To rasp, scrape, shred or scoop
out. Kugur (-ud) ang lub. Scoop out the
coconut-meat. (cf. orod, kdkod, etc.).

Visayan-English Dictionary
kgus, To bear, hug or carry in ones
arms. Kugsa si. Carry him in your arms.
Ipakgus sa ya inng bt. Give her this
baby to carry in her arms. (cf. klkol,
kh, (H) To take, takeaway,from,
away from,off, remove, fetch, seize,
abduct, subtract; gain, get. Kuha inng
mga pnggan sa lamsa. Take these plates
off the table. Kuhon mo ang kon kl sa
kwrto kag dlhon dir. Fetch my hat from
the room and bring it here. Ginkuhan
orkinuhan ak nya sing ttlo ka psos.
He took three pesos from me. Kuhi inng
tabungs sing pat ka gntang. Take five
gantas out of this rice-basket. An gid man
nga kapuslnan ang sarng nton
makh sin? What advantage can we gain
from that? What is the use of it? (cf. bul).
kuh-kh, (H) Dim. and Freq. of kh.
kuh-kuh, (B) Fool, ass, simpleton. (cf.
kolkol, etc.).
khit, To nudge, touch, pull slightly and
withdraw the hand at once, tear or strain at
gently. Kuhta si. Nudge him. Kuhti si
sa ya btkon. Pull him slightly by the
sleeve or arm. (cf. kblit, tndog, hkap).
kuht-khit, Dim. and Freq. of khit.
kkik, The cry of a flying fox, of a fruit bat
or the like.
kkuk, The cry of pigeons; to coo. (cf.
kkuk, See kkoka kind of snail.
kulbo, Softness, flabbiness; to be or
become flaccid.
kulb, To eat coconut meat mixed with
toddy. See kilb.
kulabhon, Soft, flabby, flaccid, tender,
not strong. (cf. mahmok, malm-ok,
kulbus, kulabs, Insufficient,
inadequate, deficient, wanting, skimpy,
scant, stinted, not enough, lacking, short,
too little or too small; to be insufficient, to
not suffice, to come short of, etc. Kinulbus
kam sing kwrta. We were short of
money. Nagkulbus ang sd-an. The sidedishes were too few or insufficient. Kulbus
gid ang ya ikasarng sa am nga
palangakan. He has far too little ability
for such an office. Kon kulabson si sang
plad. If fate is against him. If he is
unlucky. (cf. kabs, klang).
kulhaw, Superficial, pretended, sham,
not hearty, not open or honest, insincere,
dissembling. (cf. pakulhaw, pasamstra,
kulahs, See kalahs.
kulkig, Bat. (cf. kolknit, etc.).
kulmbot, (H) Cloak, mantle, covering,
cover, wrapping; to cover or wrap oneself
up, inwrap, enwrap, envelop, roll up in,
swathe, swaddle, lap, fold, muffle up. Kon
magtlug si nagakulmbot sing kpay.
When he sleeps he wraps himself up in a
blanket. Mangulmbot ka sing hbul.

kgus kulpat
Wrap yourself up in a blanket. Cover
yourself with a blanket. (cf. kmbot,
kulmi, To sneak, to take away by stealth,
filch, purloin, appropriate secretly. Sn-o
ang nagkulmi sang kon lbro? Who took
away my book? Kinulmi nya ang kon
kl, bastn, etc. He took away my hat,
stick, etc. Kulamha lang inng pyong.
Just take this umbrella. Ginkulamhan ak
nya sang kon by. He took away
(appropriated) my jacket. (cf. kh).
kulm, To hurt, cause physical pain by
pushing, grasping tightly, striking, boxing,
pinching, etc. Ind ka magkulm sa ya.
Dont hurt him (physically). Kulama si.
Let him feel it (physically).
kulmog, The filmy formation of new
skin around the edges of a wound or boil,
when it is beginning to heal and before a
scab is formed; to skin over. May kulmog
na ang ya hubgornagakulmog na
ang ya hubg. His boil is beginning to
heal or skin over.
kulmog, Also: the outer and less oily
portion of coconut meat.
klan, See klan id.
kulng, Now and then, but rarely, used
for klang. Ginakulng ang ya kinitan.
His earnings are not sufficient (for his
klang, Less than required or expected,
short, insufficient, inadequate, not enough,
too little, deficient, deficit; to lack, fall
short, be inadequate, etc. Klang in. This
is shortorThis is too little. Klang gid
in sa la nga tann. That certainly is not
enough for all of them. Nagklang ang
bno. There was not enough wine.
Nakulngan ak sing kwrta. I ran short
of money. Pakulngi si sing lim ka dak.
Give him five centavos less. Pinakulngan
nya ang bil sang lbro sing napl ka
dak. He lowered the price of the book by
ten centavos. Klang karn ang sd.
There is at present a dearth or scarcity of
fish. (cf. kabs, kulbus).
kulng, (B) To fell, hew down, cause to
fall, lay low, throw down. Kulang ang
khoy. Fell the tree. Nakulng na ang
khoy sa dt. The tree is now laid low on
the ground. Ginkulng sang bgyo ang
dmasip nga mga khoy. The storm laid
low innumerable trees. (cf. pkan).
kulng-klang, Dim. of klang.
kulng-kulng, Fool, foolish, halfwitted, mentally deficient or
underdeveloped, not all there.
kulant, Lean, thin, frail. (cf. kant,
kalamant, nwang, hgpis).
kulantrlyo, (Sp. culantrillo) A kind of
plant, maiden-hair fern.
kulntro, (Sp. culantro) Coriander, a
plant with aromatic seeds.
klap, A film on the eye; cataract. (cf.

kulap, Flatnosed, snubnosed. (cf. dap,

kulap, Fine earth, slime, sediment,
deposit; to deposit, cover with sediment (as
inundated fields, etc.). Kon may bah,
pagakulapohn gid inng um kag
magayo ang dt. If there is a flood, this
field will be covered with sediment and the
soil will improve. (cf. ly-on).
kulpon, Having a cataract or film on the
eye. (cf. bitlign).
kulassi, To interrogate, question,
examine, investigate. Ginkulasishan nya
ang ya mga sinkpan kon sn-o sa la ang
nagbhat sin. He examined his subjects
to find out who had done it. (cf. panguss,
kulassi, Also: A meeting in honour of a
person that has recently died; a wake. (cf.
kulta, See kolata.
kultay, To call the chickens together. (cf.
kl-aw, Bad, poor, unsatisfactory, not up
to the standard or reasonable expectations;
to be or become bad, etc., chiefly applied to
crops. Kl-aw ang pinatubs ko sa sinng
tig. I had a poor harvest this year.
Nagkl-aw inng humy. The rice turned
out poorly, yielding e.g. less than half a
ganta of bugs for every ganta of
unhulled rice.
klb, Nervousness, shyness, timidity,
fear; to be nervous, shy, timid, afraid, etc.
Ginakulban si. He is upset, unnerved.
kulb-klb, Dim. and Freq. of klb.
Ind ka magpakulbklb. Dont be shy or
afraid. Dont get nervous.
klban, klbon, etc. From kulb
upside down.
kulbra, (Sp. culebra) A sudden collapse
or attack, often ending in death.
kl, (H) To be slow, do slowly, weakly,
with difficulty. Nagkl si maglakt, kay
matmbok si. He was slow in walking, for
he is so fat. Kon pakiw ginadsig nla
ang trabho, pang ginakl kon sa
indlaw. They are quick at work when paid
a lump sum, but slow when they are paid
daily wages. (cf. kr).
kulipis, Young, tender, thin, in the first
stage of development, applied particularly
to the camunsel-fruit, peas and beans.
kulip, (B) See kulipis. (cf. kups).
kuligt, See kuliht.
kuliht, Late, tardy, too late, behind time,
not in time, after or beyond the usual
(proper) time, coming after the expected
time; to be late, etc. (cf. kuligt, atrasdo,
kulnat, To pinch, squeeze, twist (the
ears, etc.; cf. gulnat, gurpat, gurnit,
kulpat, To squeeze, pinch, twist, nudge,
poke; to strike, beat, thrash. Kinulpat ang
bna sang ya aswa. The husband was


kulir knsad
pinched by (got a beating from) his wife.
(cf. gulnat, gurpat, kospad, gurnit).
kulir, Worn out, old, useless, without
value, fake, sham, bogus, counterfeit, false
(of money). Kulir nga kwrta. False
money, money that is not accepted as legal
tender, being counterfeit or too much
worn. Kulir nga balta. A false ticket or
kult, A kind of bird. (cf. kurt).
klit, (H) See kdlit. Wal si magpadal
sa kon bisn sing is ka klit. He did not
send me as much as one line.
kultis, A kind of thorny plant with edible
kulitt, Wrinkled, etc. See koritt.
klpa, (Sp. culpa) Guilt, sin, fault,
culpability, blame, crime, wrong. (cf. sal,
klp, To shrink, shrivel, contract,
diminish, condense, reduce, wane, settle,
become small or smaller, lessen, decrease,
grow less, dwindle. Kinmlp ang humy.
The rice shrank. Nagklp ang dt sa
bh. The earth in the hole settled, became
compact and consequently apparently less.
(cf. kpus).
kulb, Upside down, wrong side up,
bottom up, face downwards, topsy-turvy,
inverted; to turn upside down, etc. Kulb
ang pnggan. Sn-o ang nagpakulb sin?
The plate is turned upside down! Who
turned it over? Paklba ang bso. Turn the
glass bottom up. Ginpakulb nya ang
bal. He turned the trunk upside down.
Kinlban si sang ya sakayn. His boat
turned turtle. (cf. sul, balskad; hayng,
kayto face upwards, etc.).
kulg-an, Strangling, throttling, choking,
suffocating; garrote (capital punishment);
the neck, throat. (cf. kug).
kuluht, (H) Anything made use of for the
action of khitto nudge, etc.
kuluknggan, A kind of mollusk
resembling a snail; a kind of a flowering
kululnan, kululann, Cradle, crib.
(cf. klan).
kulmbot, See kulmbot.
kulumron, (H) Murmuring, grumbling,
complaining, complaint; to murmur,
complain. An na man ang ya
kulumron? What complaint has he to
make now? Nagkulumron si sin or
tungd sin. He grumbled or murmured at
that. (cf. kmud).
kulng, Curled; to curl. (cf. kor, kolng).
kuls, (B) To shrink, shrivel, become
compact, settle, pack, grow less in bulk.
Nagkuls ang kprak. The copra shrank.
(cf. kpus, klp).
kultlan, (H) Place or point of a stem or
stalk where a flower, etc. has been, or is to
be, plucked. (From kotl). (cf. ilipon).
kuluyb, (H) A fan, anything used to fan
a fire, etc. (cf. kuyb, tyhop, talyhop).


Visayan-English Dictionary
klyap, The sharp, fine steel edge of a
knife or weapon; to make very thin, to
sharpen, hone, whet. (cf. bid; kulypis).
kulypis, See kulipis-thin.
kumalagk, (H) The thumb. (cf.
kumalngking, The little finger. (cf.
kamalngking, tingayn, tingytngay,
kumri, See komri.
kmba, To throb, palpitate, beat fast.
Nagakmba ang ya tagiposon. His heart
is throbbing.
kumb-kmba, Dim. and Freq. of
kmbato throb, etc. (cf. kubkub).
kmbis, A weave, a particular method of
weaving wickerwork, especially applied in
weaving small plates, sieves, etc. of bamboo
splints; to weave, interlace, intertwine,
entwine. Kinmbis nga pagrra (paglla).
Weaving according to the kmbis-method.
Metaphorically: Wal sing madm nga
kmbis. Easy. Without much ado.
Withoutfuss,many requirements. Is
ka buluhatn nga madm sing kmbis
(kulukmbis). A difficult, intricate piece of
work. (cf. lla, rra, habl; pahitht
kmb, A cake made of flour mixed with
sugar and then fried.
kmbot, (H) Cloak, coat, mantle, cover,
wrapper; to wrap up with, put on, etc. See
kulmbot. Ikmbot (ipangalmbot) mo
ang hbul sa mo lwas. Wrap the blanket
round you. (cf. pangalmbot,
kmboy, (Sp. combo) Table-cruets, cruet
stand, a stand for fruit and sweets.
kumbya, Partner, etc. See kambya.
kumboyahn, Company, firm, business,
trust, stock-company.
kmbung, Curtain; to curtain off, draw
or use a curtain. Kumbung ak. Curtain
me offorDraw a curtain around me.
Kumbungn ko lang inng hnero. I will
make a curtain of this cloth. (cf. kortna).
kmkum, To hold fast within the hand, to
grasp, grip tightly with closed fingers.
Kumkum sing mayo ang kwrta, agd
nd madgdag. Grasp the money tightly,
lest it should drop. Pakumkum ang mo
aihdo sa ya mga giniknan sing lim ka
psos. Give the parents of your godson five
pesos to hold for him.
kmpad, To shell, husk, shuck (beans,
maize, etc.). Kumpar ang kadis, mas,
etc. Shell the kadis-peas, the corn, etc. (cf.
kokt, pangokt).
kumpri, See kompri id.
kmpay, Fodder, grass, forage,
provender; to feed, give fodder to animals.
Kumpay ang kabyo. Feed the horse.
kumpyan, A field for producing fodder,
zacate-field. (cf. kmpay).
kumplinyos, (Sp. cumpleaos)
Birthday. (cf. kinatahan).

kmpul, Maimed, crippled, disabled,

mutilated, lamed, docked, lopped, cropped,
having a part or limb cut off; to maim,
cripple, disable, dock, mutilate, lame.
Ginkumpuln sang buyng ang ya nga
kamt. The robber maimed his hand.
Nakumpuln ang mo til. Sn-o ang
nagkmpul? Your foot is crippled. Who
was it that crippled it? Kmpul ang ya nga
btkon. His arm is crippled, cut off, only a
stump being left. (cf. kmpul).
kmud, See kmodto sulk, etc.
kumn, Common; privy. See komn.
kmung, To squat, sit down in
katinktin-fashion. May nakt sil nga
to nga nagakmung sa idlum sang
baly. They saw a man squatting under the
house. (cf. kung id. and more in use than
kmus, To knead, compress, squeeze,
crumple within the hand. Kumsa ang
almidn, lingaw, hpon, etc. Compress or
knead within the hand the starch, riceporridge, hipon-fish, etc. (cf. kmkum).
kna, (Sp. cuna) Cradle. (cf. aby-aby,
batng, duyndyan).
kn, A congenital blemish or mark on
the body, birth mark, mole. (cf. lum).
kund, (B) Limping, halting; to limp, halt,
walk with a limp, walk haltingly.
Nagakund si. He is limping. Kund si.
He has a halt in his gait.
knat, To go or be slow, require much
patience or labour. See knat id.
kndal, A kind of savoury banana. (cf.
tndal, karintndan, trna).
kundman, A native song and dance;
kind of red cloth. (cf. kondman id.).
kunna, After some time, later on, in the
future. Ang mga kabatan karn am ang
mga manugdumla sang bnwa kunna.
The children of the present will be the
leaders of to-morroworof the future.
knkun, To shrink, dwindle, grow less,
contract, fall off. (cf. kpus, klp, bhin).
knl, Syllable; to speak brokenly, spell
syllable by syllable.
kunl-knl, Dim. and Freq. of knl.
Also: to stutter, stammer, speak brokenly,
or falteringly. (cf. ht-on).
kunl, To cease, stop flowing, be
interrupted, run dry, to shrink, dwindle.
Nagkunl gid kayo ang mga negsyo.
Business came to a standstill (was greatly
handicapped or interrupted). (cf. knt,
klp, kpus).
knop, A cover or cloak for the back,
mantle, cape; to cover the back with any
kind of material as a protection against the
sun, cold or rain. Kunpi ang likd mo, kay
may tn-og. Cover your back, for there is a
heavy dew. (cf. kmbot, kulmbot,
knsad, Descent, coming down; to
descend, come down, particularly used in
connection with spirits descending from

Visayan-English Dictionary
above. Nagknsad ang Dis nga Espritu
Snto sa mga Apstoles. The Holy Ghost
descended upon the Apostles. Ang knsad
(pagknsad) sang Dis nga Espritu
Snto. The descent of the Holy Ghost.
kunsadn, See kunsarn.
kunsarn, (H) Foundation, base; foot of
a mountain, foot-hills. Sa kunsarn sang
bkid. At the foot of the mountain. (cf.
knt, (H) A particle implying a
possibility, hope, wish or desire for the
future and regret for the past: Would,
should, maybe, perhaps, peradventure,
likely; it would be, it were, would to God
that, let us hope; it would have been, might
have been, etc. Mayo knt kon. It were
well if. Maumpawn pa man si
knt. He may recover yet; let us hope that
he will recover. Mayo knt kon am in,
pang. Dpat knt nga am in,
pangWould to God it were so, but.
Ay, matahm gid knt kon mo nabhat
in sdto nay, pang nhon mo karn,
kay wal mo pagbuhta? Oh, it would
have been so nice if you had done that in
the past, but what can you do now, as you
have not done it then? Malyag ak knt
magtmbong ddto. I would like to be
present there. (cf. kuntn, nt, untn,
rad, dad).
knt, To stop flowing, dry up, cease to
flow; shrink, dwindle. (cf. kunl).
kntan, etc. From kuntto crease,
wrinkle, fold, plait.
kuntn, See knt.
knus, To become enfeebled, get weak,
lose freshness or energy. Nagaknus ang
ginhwa ko, kay ginagtum ak, kay bgo pa lang ak nagyo sa balatan, kay
ginakulban ak, etc. I feel quite weak, for
I am hungry, for I have but lately recovered
from a sickness, for I am unnerved, etc.
kuns-knus, Dim. and Freq. of knus.
kunt, To fold, plait, make plaits in
clothes, to kilt; fold, plait, doubling.
Kunutorknti ang bestdo mo, ang
sya mo, ang pak, ang stana, etc. Make
plaits in your frock, your skirt, in the
sleeve, in the cassock, etc.
kunt-kunt, Dim. of kunt. Madm
ang mga kuntkunt sa ya nawng. His
face is full of wrinkles.
knya, (Sp. cua) Quoin, wedge; to wedge
in, secure by a wedge. Kunyah ang ardo.
Drive a wedge into your plough. (cf. psak).
kunyda, kunydo, (Sp. cuada,o.)
Sister-in-law, brother-in-law. (cf. bayw).
knyag, Surprise, excitement, sudden joy
or astonishment; to shake or tremble with
joy or pleasure, be surprised or astonished.
Nagaknyag si sa kalpay, kay may bgo si nga bestdo kag madal na lang ang
pndut. She is quite excited with joy, for
she has a new frock and the feast-day is
near. Nagkulnyag sil sang pagbton

kunsadn krit
nla sang am nga balt. When they
received that news they were (pleasurably)
surprised. Ang ya nga pagdag
nagpaknyag sa ya mga byan. His
victory gave great joy (pleasure,
satisfaction) to his friends. (cf. kibt).
kpa, To mate, tread, copulate, cover,
breed, applied to birds. Ang mung
ginakuphan sang sulg. The hen is being
covered by the cock. Ang mga pspis
nagapangpa. The birds are mating. (For
other animals ksta is mostly used).
kp-an, From kupto cling to, etc.
kpang, A hank of thread or yarn. (cf.
gpang, labg).
kpay, To disintegrate, fall to pieces. (cf.
kupy, Fallen to pieces; close-cropped,
close-shorn, featherless. Mung nga
kupy. A hen without feathers.
kp, To cross the legs. See kp.
kup-kp, Dim. and Freq. of kp. Also:
To gather, draw or pull together ones
dress, to tuck or press in the skirt between
the knees, or the like. Magkupkp
(mangupkp) kam, agd mahaps ang
paggi nnyo sa tung sang madm nga
mga to. Draw your clothes tight around
you in order that you may easily slip
through the crowd. (cf. kipkp).
kupitn, (Derived from the Sp. copta) A
large drinking cup; a small basket with
wide meshes similar to a bnd or alt,
but having a rather narrow mouth.
kpkup, To clasp, hug, stick, cleave,
hang on, hold tight, hold fast, to, as a
lizard to a wall, a child to its mother, etc.
Nagakpkup ang bt sa likd sang ya
ily. The child is clinging to its mothers
back. Kupkup ak, kay ginatugnawn
ak. Cling to me, for I feel cold. Tan-aw
inng padr nga ginakupkupn sing
madm nga mga tagt. Look at this wall
with many lizards clinging to it. Pakupkup
lang ang balgon sa palpla. Just let the
creeper grow up the trellis. (cf. kpkap,
kalpkap, kup, kabd, pangalpkap).
kpo, (Sp. cupo) Quota, share; to share in,
go shares (in), to participate, particularly in
a wager or stake; to bet, lay, lay a bet,
wager, to stake. Kuphi ak sing pistas.
Bet me a pesetaorput up a peseta
against my peseta.
kup, To hang on, stick or cling to, adhere
to. Ang tok nagakup sa dngding. The
gecko is clinging to the wall. (cf. kpkup
kpog, (B) To be anxious, be in a hurry to,
crave after, long for, want very much.
Nagakpog si sa pagdmug, sa
pagbth, sa paglakt, etc. He wants very
much to wrestle, to go to school, to march
or go away, etc.
kupn, See kopn.
kupy, Short-tailed, with a short, docked
or cut-off tail, bob-tailed. Kupy ang mon

id, mank, etc. Our dog, cock, etc. is bobtailed.

kpus, To shrivel, contract, lessen,
dwindle, go down, grow-less,small,
smaller. Nagkpus na ang hubg mo? Has
your swelling (boil) gone down? Ang haw
magakpus. Newly harvested rice will
shrink. (cf. kuls, klp).
kups, Shrivelled, shrunken, dwindled.
Kups nga kakw. A shrunken or
shrivelled cacao-fruit. (cf. kpus).
kra, To spread or throw amongst, to
scatter. Ginkurhan nya ang mga bt
sing kwrta. He scattered some coins
among the childrenorhe threw some
money among the children.
kra, (Sp. cura) Parish-Priest; care of
souls; to take care of souls or to be or
become Parish-Priest. Sn-o ang nagakra
sa nyo? Who is your Parish-Priest?
Ginakurhan kam ni Fulno. Our ParishPriest is N.N. Nagkra si nay kag
ugling nagobspo. He was Parish-Priest at
first and then he became Bishop.
kurgmang, To push, run or rush
against impetuously. Nakibt ak, kay
ginkurgmang ak sang id. I got a shock,
because the dog rushed against me.
Kuragmang si nnay mo. Run quickly to
your mother. (cf. kargmang id., but
kurgmang is the more usual form).
kurap, Flatnosed, snubnosed. (cf.
kuratn, One who is in a hurry, is
impatient, wishes to do at once whatever
his heart is set upon. (cf. kurtkurt).
kurt-kurt, To be in a hurry, impatient,
impetuous. (cf. kuratn).
kurtsa, A native folk dance. (cf. lik,
tirna, kamantgol).
kr, (B) To be slow, difficult, laborious,
hard, ticklish, requiring patience and hard
work, etc. See kl.
kuribng, (B) Quiet, tranquillity,
calmness, calm; quiet, tranquil, calm; to be
quiet, etc. See pakuribng.
kurit, To wrinkle ones face, make
grimaces, make faces, etc. See kolisw id.
kurint, Wrinkle, crease; wrinkled,
creased. (cf. kulitt, koritt, kuript).
kurnot, kurint, To form wrinkles or
creases, to wrinkle. (cf. kortot).
kuript, Wrinkle, crease; wrinkled;
stingy, close, miserly. (cf. koritt, kurint;
kris, A stroke made with a pencil and the
like, a line, a scratch, a score; to line, mark,
score, scratch lightly with a pointed tool or
instrument. Sn-o ang nagkris sang
papl? Who made these scratches on the
paper? Kinursan sang smsim ang kon
btkon. My arm got scratched by the
bamboo-branches. Ikris lang ang tigb sa
tp. Simply mark the board with the
chisel. (cf. kdlit, kdlis, klit, krit).
krit, See klit.


kurt kutibw
kurt, See kult.
kuritt, See korittwrinkled, etc.
krso, (Sp. curso) Course; way, turn,
direction (of a ship, vehicle, etc.); to loosen
the bowels, cause diarrhoea. Kinrso ak
sang bboy nga kinon ko kagb-i. I got
diarrhoea from the pork I ate last night.
kursunda, (Sp. corazonada)
Presentiment of luck, confidence or faith in
something. Mapatd ak sa hr, kay may
kursunda ak sin. I will bet on the King
(of cards), because I have faith in him.
krsus, To give or cause diarrhoea.
Kinrsus si. He had an attack of
diarrhoea. (of krso).
krug, See kdugto shake, quiver,
tremble, shiver; to vibrate.
kurg-kurg, Dim. and Freq. of krug.
To tremble, vibrate.
kurukbo, (B) To flap the wings, etc. See
kbo, kobkbo.
kurukutk, (B) To cluck, call the
chickens together, said of a hen. Ang
mung nagakurukutk. The hen is
clucking. (cf. karakatk).
kurm, (B) To cause to shiver with fever,
etc. Ginakurm si sang tkig. He is
shivering with a cold fever.
kurng, Cage, pen, sty, hen-roost, aviary,
hen-coop, chicken-run. (cf. tngkal, which
is used exclusively of a pigsty).
krung, To shake, tremble, etc. See
krug, kdug.
kurpog, (B) To attack, assault, set upon,
assail, fall upon, go for. Ginkurpog nya
ak. He attacked me. Ind mo si
pagkurupgon. Dont set upon him.
kurs, Cross. See krus. (cf. pangurs).
kurs-krus, Dim. and Freq. of kurs.
Also: crosswise, across; crossing (crossed)
in all directions.
kurtay, To call chickens together at
feeding time by repeating loudly grrr.
Kurutya ang mga mank. Call the
chickens together. Ind si makahibal
magkurtay. He does not know how to call
the chickens together.
kurting, To call the chickens together.
See kurtay.
kuruyb, (B) Fan. See kuluyb. (kuyb).
kus, (B) Rough, blunt of speech, roughspoken, uncivil, uncourteous,
unceremonious, rude, coarse. Kus si sing
hmbal. He is rude of speechorHe
speaks bluntly or harshly.
kushos, Meat cut in thin strips and
dried; jerked beef; to cut in thin strips.
Kusahsa ang krne. Cut the meat in thin
strips (and dry it). Kusahsi ak sing bka.
Cut up for me some beef into thin strips.
Ikushos ak nay sinng bgs nga
krne. Kindly cut this piece of meat in thin
strips for me. (cf. kashos, but kushos is
more commonly used). (cf. tpato slice
meat; dried sliced meat; ug or binuld
dried fish).


Visayan-English Dictionary
ksam, To chew, mumble, eat with closed
lips. Kusma lang ang sman. Chew the
sman (with closed lips). (cf. sang,
sapchew, masticate).
kusamd, To pout, sulk, etc. An ang
ginakusamd mo? Why are you sulky? See
ksdong, To scowl, frown, look sour or
sullen. (cf. ksdong, ksmud).
kusgann, Strong, powerful, mighty. (cf.
ksug, isgann, gamhnan).
kus, See kos.
kus, A multicoloured, parrot-like bird,
which however cannot talk.
kskus, To pull, tear, drag, down or
off; to twang, touch, brush, strike (the
chords of a musical instrument, or the
like). Kuskus ang gitra. Strike the guitar.
Malam gal si magkskus sang ssta. He
even knows how to play the sistrum or
guitar. Kuskus ang bunng. Rub (brush)
the yarn.
kskus, To comb, curry, groom, a
horse or the like.
kskus-balnos, Tearing (pulling) off
balnos-vines, i.e. a hard and useless work.
Much ado about nothing. Balnos nga
wal sing kskus. Easy work (job).
Without much ado.
ksmud, See ksmodto sulk, pout, look
offended, etc.
kusl, A kind of grass.
ksta, Red yarn. See ksta.
ks, See ksto rub.
kusg, Muscle, flesh, brawn, meat;
strength, power, might, bravery.
ksug, To be or become strong, robust,
stalwart, strapping, brawny, sturdy, sinewy,
mighty, powerful, puissant, potent. Ktub
sang pagyo sang ya balatan nagksug
si liwn. Since his recovery from an
illness he has become strong again.
kusg, Hard, stiff, dry; shrunk, cold,
chilled; to be or become hard, chilled, etc.
Inng mas mabdlay podporn, kay
kusg. It is difficult (or tiresome) to crush
this corn, for it is very hard. Pasilnga ang
bka, agd nd magkusg sa uln. Put the
cow under shelter, lest it should get chilled
in the rain.
kt, Fort, fortress, prison, jail; to
imprison, put in jail. Yanng to nga
tampalsan dpat nga dkpon sang pols
kag kuton. That rascal should be arrested
by the police and put in jail. (cf.
pamakurn, bilanggan, karsl, hnong,
kutk, To cackle; cackling. Ang mung
nagakutk. The hen is cackling. (cf.
kurukutkto cluck).
kutk-kutk, Dim. and Freq. of kutk.
kutl, Loose, shaky, wobbly, not firmly set
or secured. (cf. hutl).
ktal, To get loose, shake, lack firmness,
wobble. Nagaktal ang kon ngpon

orkutl ang kon ngpon. My tooth is

loose. (cf. htal).
kutl-ktal, Dim. and Freq. of ktal. (cf.
ktam, kutm, To smack ones lips; to
talk, prate, prattle. Ind ka magktam.
Dont smack your lips. Fig. Dont talk about
it. Keep silence about it. (cf. tmsak,
kutm-ktam, Dim. and Freq. of
kutna, Almost exclusively used in the
freq. form pangutnato ask, inquire,
solicit information. Mangutna ka sa ya.
Ask him for information. An ang
ginapangutna mo? What is it you wish to
know? What are you inquiring about?
Pangutnhiorpangutn-i si.
Interrogate, question or interpellate him.
Pangutnhaorpangutn-a si. Ask
him. Inquire of him. (cf. pakina,
pamngkot, pngkot).
ktap, Film, cream, skin, etc. on the
surface of a liquid; film, cataract on the eye;
to become filmy or form a film. Inng gtas
my ktap. This milk has a film of cream.
Ginakutpan ang ya mat sing maput.
His eye is affected with a white cataract. (cf.
klap, btlig).
kutpon, Filmy, etc. from ktap. (cf.
kulpon, bitlign).
ktaw, To mix a dry powdered substance
with a liquid, as flour, sugar, cement,
starch, sand, etc. with water or the like.
Kutwa ang almidn. Soak the starch. Mix
the starch with water. Kutwi ak sing
arna sa psta. Mix for me some flour with
water for paste. Iktaw ak sinng
taybong. Please, dissolve (mix) this
taybong in (with) water.
kutw, To float, remain on the surface.
(cf. kubg, utwtaw).
kutw-ktaw, Dim. and Freq. of
ktawto mix with water, dilute. Ind
nnyo pagkutwkutwon inng
talapunan sing mga to nga dl haml
kag matrung ang la katuyon. Dont
allow into this society any men who have
no honest or upright intention.
kut, (B) Cat, puss, pussy, kitten, mouser.
Kut nga tiglang. Grimalkin, old cat. Kut
nga kapn. Gib-cat. Kut nga lalki. Tomcat. Kut nga babye. Tabby cat. (cf.
kti, Bustle, hustle; to bustle, hustle, be
active (in performing the duties of a
household). Dyon gid lang may ginakti
si sa baly. She is always bustling about
something in the house.
kutibw, To disturb, stir up, excite,
interfere with. Ayw kutibaw ang
putykan kon nd ka but kutton. Dont
disturb the bees, if you dont like to be
stung. (cf. labgay, sdyot, pasilabt,

Visayan-English Dictionary
kutkut. To touch, pinch, stir. (cf. kotkot,
kolkog, kilkog).
kutkt, Anything bearing some
resemblance to a cat; a tip-cat (a toy and
game played by children); the young tender
fruit of the koltree and the young jackfruit, so called from having some
resemblance to a cat.
kut-kuthon, Bustling, hustling,
busybody, meddlesome, curious,
inquisitive. (kti).
kutkti, kut-kut, Dim. and Freq. of
kti. An ang ginakutkut mo? What are
you so busy about? What are you doing?
kutm, A disease that attacks dogs and
pigs; mange, scurvy.
kutimn, Affected with kutm, mangy,
scabby. Ang may kutm ginatawg nga
kutimn. One infected with the mange is
called mangy.
kutimy, Small, undersized, dwarfish,
stunted, kept back in growth, pygmean. (cf.
putt, arar, aglagl).
kutng-kting, To draw, pull, tear at (as
cats); to practise on, play with annoying
perseverance any stringed musical
instrument. Prme gid lang si
nagakutngkting sang pino, gitra,
bioln, etc. He is constantly hammering
away at the piano, playing the guitar,
violin, etc.
kutplong, (B) A very little, a trifle, an
exceedingly small amount. Kutplong lang
nga humy ang ginhtag nya sa kon. He
gave me only a very small amount of rice.
(cf. pdyot, kus, tik).
kutisdo, (Sp. cotizado) Quoted, listed
(of prices, etc.).
kutisasyn, (Sp. cotizacin) Quotation,
price-list, current price.
kutkutk, To cackle. See kutk,
kutkkutk id.
kto, Louse. (cf. tma; botlthe motherlouse; kaymada young louse; lusthe
eggs of lice, a nit).
kt, To increase, add, augment, swell; be
crowded, packed, squeezed together.
Nagakt lang ang mga to sa simbhan.
The people in church are becoming
crowded, (are ever increasing in numbers).
Nagkt pa si gn sa paghmbal. He
added to what he had saidorhe still
continued talking. (cf. dgang, kt).
kutn, (Sp. coton) Printed cotton; shirtwaist, a short shirt (womans).
kutng, To stop flowing, said of milk. (cf.
kuts, Hot-tempered, bad-tempered,
choleric, irascible, getting angry on the
slightest provocation. Kuts si nga to.
He is very hot-tempered. (cf. putng,
pikn, tardyon).
kutskuts, Dim. of kuts. Andam ang
paghmbal mo sa ya, kay si kutskuts
sing pamatsan. Be careful what you say to

kutkut kuyw
him, for he has a rather hot temperorhe
is somewhat irascible. (cf. pikn).
ktoy, kuty, See ktoy, koty.
kutsba, (Probably a corruption of the
Sp. ochava) A small bowl, cup or vessel for
drawing liquids from jars and pots or the
like. (cf. otsba).
kutsra, (Sp. cuchara) Spoon; shovel. (cf.
irs, irirs).
kutsarn, (Sp. cucharon) A large spoon;
ktub, From; since (time). Ktub sang
pagtga sang Dis sang kalibtan tbtub
karn. From the time that God created the
world till now. Ktub sdto. From or
since that time. Ktub sa (sang)
magamy nga mga khoy tbtub sa mga
dalgk. From the small trees to the
large. All the trees, whether small or
kutd, Boundary, line, rule; ruler (for
drawing straight lines, etc.).
ktut, A sting; to sting (of insects).
Kinuttan ak sang putykan. I was stung
by a bee. (cf. sugd).
kutyngkot, Various, divers, sundry,
several; an assortment or collection
containing a variety of things. (cf.
kub, (B) With bent head; to bow or bend
the head, stoop, hang the head in shame,
incline the body forwards and downwards.
Nagakub ang ya lo. His head is bent.
Nagpakub si sang ya lo sa dak nga
huy. She hung her head in great shame.
Magpakub ka sang mo lwas, kay ang
ganhan manob. Stoop down for the door
is low. (cf. duk).
kul, Snail. (cf. pol, gi).
kum, A handful; small quantity or
number. (cf. kum).
kum, To take a handful, grasp with the
hand; a handful, as much as one can hold
within the hand with closed fingers. Kuma
ang kon btkon, kay malay. Grasp and
feel my arm, for it is stiff.
kun, (B) To say, tell, speak; word, saying,
report, utterance. Kn-a tna. Tell him.
Kn-an mo tna nga. Tell him that.
An man ang kun na? What did he say?
(cf. kon, silng, hmbal, sgid, plong.
kung, To sit down, squat on the floor.
(cf. kmung, katnktin).
kung-kung, Dim. and Freq. of kung.
Ind ka magsgad magkung-kung kag
maglibnglbang sa bt. Dont always sit
on the floor and attend to (play with,
fondle, hug, etc.) the baby.
kut, To grope, feel for, fish out with the
hand, put ones hand or arm into a hole, or
the like. Kuta ang kwrta sa plhuk, ang
tlog sa bh, etc. Fish out the money from
the pocket, grope for the egg in the hole,
etc. Kuti ak sing sigarlyo sa blsa mo.
Dig down into your pocket and give me a
cigarette. Ikut ak nay sinng bh, bs

nangtlog dir ang mung. Please feel in

this hole, maybe the hen has laid an egg
kuyb, To fan. Kuyab ak. Fan me.
Kinuyabn nya ang kalyo sang kallaw.
He fanned the fire into flame with the
kallaw. (cf. kayb, kuluyb, kuruyb).
kuyb-kyab, Dim. and Freq. of kuyb.
Also: to inflame, incite, instigate.
kuybug, A young pigeon or dove. (cf.
kuybut, To adhere firmly to, stick to,
cling to; to take hold of, pull, drag. (cf.
kbot, kapt, btong).
kyad, Shrunk, shrivelled, wrinkled; to
shrink, shrivel. (cf. kpus, kups, klp,
pangaymkum, pangaygpus, kuls).
kuympad, To run, scamper off or to and
fro. See kuypad id.
kuympad, Flat-faced or square-faced,
not round.
kyang, To bring forth, produce, put out,
set out or forth, exhibit, display, bring to
light. Ikyang ang mga pagkon sa
lamsa. Put the food on the table.
Ginkuyngan ak nya sang ya l nga
tabk. He put before me his choice cigars.
He produced for me the cigars he prefers to
all others.
kuyp, A fit, swoon, especially an epileptic
fit, epilepsy. Ginaabt si sang kuyp. She
has an epileptic fit, (has an attack of
kuypad, To walk or run about swiftly,
hurry to and fro. An na man ang
ginakuypad mo? Why are you running
about in such a hurry? (cf. kuympad).
kuypad, kuyapd, Flat nosed or
square-faced, not round. (kuympad id.).
kuyphaw, Unconventional, frivolous,
not respectful (in manners, gait, etc.);
lacking grace or beauty, common-place,
plain-faced, homely, not very pleasant to
look upon. Kuyphaw si nga to. He is
unconventional in his manners. He is very
plain. He has rather homely features.
kuyapd, Small, shrivelled, stunted,
shrunk, below normal size. Ind ak
magbakl sing mahl sang mo mga ph,
kay madm sa la ang kuyapd. I wont
pay a high price for your mangoes, because
many of them are shrunk or below normal
size. (cf. kups, kulipis, kutimy).
kuypin, Lyre, flute. (cf. kudipi).
kuyapn, Pertaining to, or subject to,
epileptic fits. (cf. kuyp).
kuyput, To grasp, grip, take hold of. (cf.
kpyot, kapt, yat).
kuyw, To shun, avoid, dislike, have
nothing to do with, keep away from, keep
aloof, withdraw, especially applied to a
woman who shuns her husband or who
shuns the society of men in general.
Ginakuyawn si nya. She shuns him. (cf.
aklihs, likw).


kuyyha labha
kuyyha, A kind of flying lizard that is
very injurious to coconut-palms and other
plants, flying dragon.
kyla, (Sp. colear) To twist a bulls tail (in
bull-fighting); to frighten another by
touching him stealthily from behind. Ind
si pagkuylah. Ind mo si pagkuylahn.
Dont scare (frighten) him. (cf. knhol,
kymi, Treasurer, keeper, guardian,
preserver; to preserve, keep, guard. KymibnwaMunicipal Treasurer. Kymipud. Provincial Treasurer.
kypi, (B) To take from, deduct, subtract.
Ginkypi na (nya) ang napl ka
sentims. He subtracted (took, stole) ten
centavos. (cf. bhin, kh, lbni, lmang).
kuyg, Shaky, unsteady; to be or become
shaky, unsteady, weak, slow, feeble.
Nagakuyg si sa paglakt, kay malya
pa si tungd sang balatan nga ya nga
gingyan. He walks slowly for he is still
weak from the illness he has passed
through. (cf. kl, ly, lya, hyang).
kuyg-kyug, kuyg-kuyg, Dim.
and Freq. of kuyg. Also: to reel, stagger.
kuym, To contract, shrivel, shrink,
wither, (of leaves etc.; cf. kpus, kuls,
klp, ly).
kuyng-kyung, To move, stir, make a
noise. (cf. lihk, lhok, ging-gong, hlag,
wos, hos; gam, ghud).
kuys, Pen, quill, plume, a long strong
feather in the wing of a bird.
kuys, Surprise, shock, sudden fright,
start; sudden, without warning,
unprepared; to startle, surprise, shock.
Nagpakuys si sa kon sang ya pagabt
sa baly sa tung sang gb-i. He gave me
a surprise when he arrived home at
midnight. Kuys nga kamatyon. Sudden,
unprepared death. (cf. panguys).
kwadrno, (Sp. cuaderno) Compositionbook, note-book.
kwdra, (Sp. cuadra) Stable, horsestable.
kwdro, (Sp. cuadro) Square; frame,
picture-frame; picture, painting.
kwho, (Sp. cuajo) Rennet, maw,
especially the yellowish membrane of a
chickens crop which is often used as a
remedy for boils, ulcers, etc.
kwko, A smoking pipe, tobacco-pipe. (cf.
kwan, A slipshod way of supplying a word
or name one does not know or remember
for the moment; Mr. So-and-So, what dye
call em, thingummy, thingumbob. Also
used as a verb. Din si Kwan? Where is Mr.
So-and-So? D mo pagkwann ang kwan,
kay bs magkwn. Dont do what do
you call it to what is its name, for the result
may be I dont know what.
kwnto, (Sp. cuanto) How much. (cf.


Visayan-English Dictionary
kwarnta, (Sp. cuarenta) Forty. (cf. kapatn).
kwarentnas, (Sp. cuarentena)
kwarsma, (Sp. cuaresma) Lent, lenten
kwrta, (Sp. cuarta) Coin, cash, money,
wherewithal; one fourth, the fourth part; to
buy. Kwartah ak sing mantk. Buy me
some lard. Nagapakwrta ikw sinng
sd? Are you selling this fish? (cf. plak).
kwartl, (Sp. cuartel) Barracks, quarters
for soldiers, police or the like, prison, jail,
kwartyo, (Sp. cuartillo) The fourth part
of the old Spanish real, about three
centavos Philippine money.
kwrto, One fourth, quarter; room,
habitation, chamber, apartment. (cf. hult).
kwtro, (Sp. cuatro) Four. A las kwtro.
At four oclock. (cf. pat).
kwba, (Sp. cueva) Cave, grotto; cellar;
den (of wild beasts). (cf. gkab, gab, bh).
kwlyo, (Sp. cuello) Collar; neck. (cf.
kolr, kolntas).
kwmi, See kymitreasurer.

l, This letter is pronounced as in English.

Variously combined with vowels it is
frequently made use of in the Visayan
Dialect to form adjectives, nouns and plural
verbal forms, e.g. bumulth,
pumalahyag, kalalt-an, sulultan,
isullat, nagilinm sil, nagilsol sil,
nagdalyaw sil, nagailintud sil, etc.
(Bth, pahyag, lut, sult, inm, sol,
dyaw, tud, etc.).
Many terms that in Hiligynon contain the
letter l have the letter r instead in
Hinirya, or Binukdnon, e.g. walwar,
logrog, dalgadarga, malay
maray, lngsrngs, etc.
lang, Snare, noose, loop; to ensnare, etc.
(cf. lbang).
las, To pursue, run after, chase. Ang
mank ginalas sang id. The dog is
running after the chicken. Lasa ang
bboy. Run after the pig. Palasi ang
knding sang id. Send the dog after the
goats. Ginlas ak nya, pang wal si
makabut sa kon. He chased me, but
could not catch me. (cf. lags).
las-las, Dim. and Freq. of las. Also: A
fugitive, run-away, loafer, vagabond. (cf.
law, (B) To watch, observe, mark, keep
an eye on, look out of a window, or the like.

Naglaw sil sa ya tbtub nga nagkbus

ang ya likd. They watched him till his
back disappeared (in the distance). Lawa
si sa bintn. Keep an eye on him from
the window. (cf. lntaw, gwa, bntay).
lab, (Sp. lavar) To wash clothes; to beat,
strike, slash, drub, lash, whack, wallop.
Maglab ka sang nag. Wash the garment.
Lbhi (labah) sing mayo ang kon mga
uls. Wash my clothes well. Ilab ak nay
sang kon by, kay may kadton ak.
Kindly wash my jacket for me, for I have to
go out. Ari na dir ang linbhan mo. Your
wash or laundry is here. May lalbhan
ikw? Have you any clothes to be washed?
Ginlabahn ak nya sang ya bastn sa
likd. He struck me on the back with his
stick. Labah ang kabyo sang ltigo. Lash
the horse with the whip. (cf. bnak; bnal,
blbal, bkol, etc.).
lb, (H) To be, make or become long, to
lengthen. Sugpon ang kalt, agd
maglb. Tie another piece to the rope to
lengthen it (lit. that it may become long).
Laba ang kalt. Lengthen the rope.
Laba ang pagtud sang binklan. Cut off
a long piece of the split bamboo. Nalaban
ak sinng delrgo. These trousers are too
long for me. (cf. lbug).
labbo, (Sp. lavabo) Lavabo; wash-stand,
wash-basin, wash or toilet-table. (cf.
planggna, palanggna, labadr).
labd, To pass by or through, flit past,
cross. Naglabd si sa kon baly nga
dw hngin. He passed by my house like
the wind. Nalabadn (nalabarn) ang
kon painno sang panghunhn
nga. The thought crossed my mind
that. Ilabd ang wto sa plsa. Drive
the auto through the public square. (cf.
labda, (Sp. lavado) Laundry-work, wash,
laundry, clothes washed (linbhan) or to be
washed (lalbhan).
labd-lbad, Dim. and Freq. of labd.
Ind ka maglabdlbad sa mon
atubngan. Dont pass to and fro in front
of us. (cf. labylbay).
labadr, (Sp. lavador) A wash-stand,
washhand-stand, washhand-basin, washbasin, laver. (cf. labbo, planggna).
lbag, To twist, turn, screw, wring,
wrench. Karn labgon ko ang log mo. In
a moment I will wring your neck. Ilbag
ak sang kon mga linbhan. Kindly wring
the wash for me. Ind ka makalbag sin.
You cannot twist that. (cf. lbag, pug,
labg, A twist, turn; twisted, wrung,
wrenched; a hank (of yarn, etc.).
labg-lbag, Dim. and Freq. of lbag.
Ind malabglbag ang ya sin nga
kamaturan. The truth of this cannot be
twisted, i.e. no one can deny this truth.
labha, (Sp. navaja) Razor. Patalum
ang kon labha. Sharpen my razor. (cf.

Visayan-English Dictionary
labk-labk, Shower, volley (of stones,
rifle shots, etc.); to volley, clatter, patter.
(cf. rak, brak, barkbark).
labn, More than half, majority, the larger
part or share; more, greater, larger (of
quantity or numbers); to be, do, etc. more,
exceed, surpass, outdo. Ang labn sang
kon humy ginbalgy ko na. I have sold
more than half of my rice already. Ihtag
mo sa ya ang tung sang tinpay, nd ka
maglabn sa yaornd mo si
paglabann. Give him half of the bread,
dont keep the larger share for yourself.
Ginlabn nya ang paghtag sa kay
Pdro. He gave Pedro more. Nalabann
ak nya sing duh ka ph. He got two
mangoes more than I did.
labandra, (Sp. lavandera) Washerwoman, laundress. (cf. mamumunk).
labandro, (Sp. lavandero) Washer-man,
laundry-man. (cf. mamumunk).
lbang, To ensnare, catch, rope, tie or
intercept with a rope. (The ends of the rope
are held by two men, who, on the approach
of the animal, throw the rope under its
neck and then quickly change places so as
to encircle the animals neck with the rope).
Maglbang ka sang kabyoorlabnga
ang kabyo. Catch the horse by means of a
rope. (cf. lbay).
lbang, To take within ones range,
encroach upon. See bang.
labangn, Snare, noose; fetter, shackles;
line, boundary, front, fighting line;
trenches. (cf. lbang).
labangnan, Line, boundary, military
works of defence; trenches. (cf. labangn).
lb-as, Fresh, uncooked, unsalted, raw; to
be fresh, etc. (of meat, fish, vegetables,
etc.). Lb-as pa inng sd? Is this fish
fresh? Nalab-asn ak sinng hpon, kay
daw nagapiskpsik pa kon tan-awn. This
hipon-fish looks fresh to me, for it looks as
if it were still moving. Ind mo pagkn-on
ang krne nga lb-as (hilw). Dont eat
raw meat. Wal mo paglaga sing mayo
inng und, kay daw lb-as pa (hilw pa).
You did not boil this meat well, for it tastes
almost raw. (cf. hilw).
lb-as, Also: premature, sudden,
unprepared. Lb-as nga kamatyon. A
premature death. (cf. agp, hilw, hinl).
lab-san, Any receptacle for raw or
uncooked provisions. Alt nga lab-sana
basket for holding fresh fish. Also: Fishing
boat, a boat used in buying fresh fish from
the fishermen at sea. (cf. lb-as, lab-asro,
lalab-san, ralab-san).
lab-asro, A dealer in, a vender
(vendor) of, fresh fish, etc.; fish-monger,
(cf. lb-as and the Sp. suffix -ero).
labatba, (Sp. lavativa) Enema, clyster,
syringe; to give or apply an enema.
Labatibhi si. Give him an enema. (cf.
ayda, kalya).

labk-labk lbnot
labang, Depression, hole, low-lying
land. (cf. limpsong, libang).
labw, Over, above, higher, taller,
excelling, exceeding; to surpass, exceed.
Nagalabw sa simbhan inng kawyan.
This bamboo is higher than the church.
Nalabawn ak nya karn sa kataasn.
He is now taller than myself. Ipalabw ang
ton hayhay sa la nga bandra. Put our
flag above their bannerorraise our flag
to a greater height than their banner. Si
Fulno labw sing dungg sa kay Pdro.
N.N. is more famous than Peter. Ind ka
magpalabw. Dont be stuck-up or
lbaw, To go over, cross an elevation or
height. Naglbaw ang bat sa atp sang
baly. The stone went over the roof of the
house. Nalabwan sang bla ang kodl.
The ball went over the fence.
lbay, To girdle, ringbark, a tree.
Labya ang ph, agd maglmpaw.
Ringbark the mango tree so that it may
laby, To pass, flit through; go by.
Naglaby sa kon painno nga. The
thought flitted through my mind that.
(cf. labd, lubs, lgad).
laby, A polite excuse for interrupting a
conversation or for introducing a new
topic. Laby man ang kon, sn-o ka pa
dir? Excuse me for interrupting, when did
you arrive here?
lbay, To catch or ensnare by means of a
rope. See lbang. Labyalabnga.
laby-laby, Changeable, capricious;
erratic, fickle, variable, ever changing the,
or introducing a new, subject.
Labylaby ang ya sugilnon. His
conversation is erratic, ever changing and
changing about.
laby-lbay, laby-laby, Dim. and
Freq. of laby. Also: to pass to and fro,
shake from side to side, brandish, flourish,
wave. Nagalabylbay si sang ya
bastn. He is waving his stick (as a signal).
Ginlabylabyan nya kam sing
binngon. He brandished (shook,
flourished) a bolo at us (as a threat). Ang
bt nagalabylbay sa mon luy, kay
but nga hatgan sang mon kalannon.
The boy is circling around us, because he
would like to be given some of our eatables.
(cf. balbad, barumbda).
lbhag, Weal, bruise, mark of a whip or
the like; to form a weal, leave a mark or
weal. Naglbhag sa lwas nya ang gi
sang bilogn. The stroke of the rod left a
mark upon his body. Nalabhagn si sang
bnal. He has the marks of a whipping on
him. Bnal nga wal sing lbhag. A
whipping without weals i.e. anything that
severely hurts the feelings or sensibilities
without bodily pain. (cf. labd).
lbhan, From lab.

lbhang, The larger fragments of ricehusks or rice-chaff separated from the

grain by pounding, bran; the smaller
fragments are called lntok and both
together up.
labhangn, Full of, or mixed with, chaff
called lbhang. Bugs nga labhangn.
Rice mixed with chaff.
lab, More, most, very much, in a higher or
highest degree, exceedingly, especially, to
exceed, surpass. Lab nga mayo
orlabng mayo nga. It is bestor
it would be best if. Malyag man si
magpadyon sang ya pagton sa
Ilnglong, pang lab pa gid sa Manl.
He wants to continue his studies in Iloilo,
but he would much prefer to do so in
Manila. Maghiggma ka sa Dis lab sa
nga tann. Love God above all things. Ang
mga labng lutw nga to sinng
bnwa. The most prominent people in
this town. Sn-o sa la nga duh ang
labng but-nan? Which of the two is more
prudent? Ang ya nga kagayn daw sa dl
malabihn. It seems as if her beauty can
scarcely be surpassed. Mayo nga
magdaw ka sa ya, lab na gid kay. It
would be well for you to visit him,
especially as. Ang labng madal,
labng mayo. The sooner, the better. Ang
labng malp-ot nga hmbal am ang
labng mayo. The shorter the speech the
better. (cf. kapn).
lbiaw, To thin out, etc. See lbyaw.
labihnon, Eminent, special, chief,
preferential, excellent, foremost, privileged.
(cf. lab).
lab-lbi, Dim. and Freq. of lab. Also: A
foetus or embryo miscarried during the
early stages of development. (cf.
palablbito be haughty, stuck up, etc.).
lbiog, To flick, flip, etc. See lbyog.
labt, The string of the tongue, fraenum
linguae, the fold or membrane that binds
down the tongue.
labt-lbit, The wattle (of fowls, etc.).
lblab, To wash away, undermine, eat
away, etc. See b-ab, kbkab id.
lbni, To take, seize, appropriate.
Ginlbni nya ang kon lbro, ky
dmdum nya nga ya. He took my book,
thinking it was his. Nakalbni si sang
lpis. He seized the pencil. (cf. lbnit,
sbnit, kh). N.B. Lbni has also at times
the meaning of lmangto take
something by mistake thinking the object
taken to be ones own.
lbnit, To snatch, seize furtively or
stealthily. Labnit ang kl nya. Snatch
his hat. (cf. sbnit).
lbnog, A kind of plant. Its leaves are
used as a remedy for headache.
lbnok, A plant whose soft young shoots
are edible like those of the salmyog.
lbnot, To draw or pull out with a jerk,
jerk out, grab, grasp, seize with some force,


lab labt-lbut
take hold of suddenly and swiftly. Labnot
ang bastn. Grab the stick. (of gnut,
hbnus, hnus).
lab A blow, stroke, slash (of any sharpedged instrument); to strike, scotch, smite,
slash, cut. Ilab sa id ang mo binngon.
Strike the dog with your bolo. Labo ang
mn-og. Scotch the snake. Ginlabon nla
inng tp, sing maktlo, kay makt pa
ang ttlo ka gi. Sn-o bal ang naglab?
They made three cuts in this board, for the
three marks can be seen still. Who can have
made those cuts? Pinaty si sang buyng
sa is ka lab sang talibng. He was killed
by the brigand with one stroke of his heavy
bolo. (lb-onlabon).
lab, To be or become tasty; savoury (of
squashes and tubers, etc.; cf. rab id.).
lbo, To dye, steep in colour. (cf. lgum,
lb-ok, A sip, draught, dose, mouthful of
liquids; to sip, take a draught. Maginm ka
lang sing is ka lb-ok. Just take a sip or
draught. Naglb-ok si sing bno kag
naglakt. He sipped some wine and went
on his way. Palab-ok si sang mo tub.
Give him a mouthful of your toddy. Ipalbok mo sa kon yanng ilmnon. Let me
taste that beverage. (cf. tgsim).
lab-lab, Striped, alternate (of colours);
to alternate colours (in dyeing cloth, etc.).
(cf. lbo).
lablab, (B) Dropsy. (cf. palanghubg,
lablabon, (B) Dropsical.
lb-on, (H) Cont. of labon from lab.
Lb-a (lb-on mo) si. Smite or slash him.
lb-on, To spread over, cover, extend, (cf.
lmbon, lkup, hmlad).
lb-on, To put down in disorder, litter the
floor, etc. See hb-on.
lb-ot, To reach, etc. See db-ot.
laby, Loose, slack, not tight, not taut; to
loosen, get loose, slacken. Naglaby ang
pha ko. My belt got loose. Hgta ang
pha mo, agd nd maglaby ang srwal
mo. Tighten your belt, lest your trousers
should get slack. Laboy ang higt sang
dyan, kay tm katas. Let out the rope
of the hammock, for it is too high.
Nalaboyn ko ang kalt. I loosened the
rope. Laboy ang kalt, kay tm
katning. Slacken the rope, for it is too
tight. Ilaby ak nay sinng higt. Please
loosen this string for me.
lbra, (Sp. labrar) To strike, cut, hew
down; dress, trim, carve, hew. Labrah ang
khoy sang binngon. Trim or dress the
wood with the bolo. Wsay ang ilbra mo
sa khoy nga pulukann nga halilgyon.
Use a hatchet to trim the tree that is to be
cut down and made into a post.
Ginlabrahn nya si sang talibng. He
smote him with a large bolo. (cf. bsbas,
lbtan, From lbut.


Visayan-English Dictionary
lbtik, A flick, flip, stroke, blow, hit; to
flick, flip, strike, lash, whip, beat.
Ginlabtikn si nya sang bulunl. He
struck him with the whiporHe gave him
a flick of the whip. Labtik si bangd sang
malut nga ya nga ginhm. Let him
smart for his wicked deed. Ind mo si
paglabtikn sang matalm mo nga dl.
Dont lash him with your bitter (sharp)
tongue. Nabton nya ang ttlo ka lbtik.
He received three strokes. Metaphorically:
To give to understand, hint at. Linabtikn
nya si Fulna sang ya ggma. He gave
Miss N.N. an inkling of his love for her. (cf.
lbyog, bnal, hmpak, hnot).
lbtog, Blister, pustule. (cf. lbtug,
libutg, lp-ok).
lbtog, Chopped, minced, hashed; to be
converted into hash. Palbtogto chop up,
mince and mix. Krne nga pinalbtog.
Minced meat. Hash.
lbtoy, Weak, feeble, slow; to become
weak, etc. Naglbtoy si sa
pagpangabdlay, kay nagmasakt si. He
became too feeble for work, because he had
been ill. Ginalabtoyn ak sang ya nga
pangalptan. He seems to me too weak to
work. In my opinion he is too feeble to do
his job. (cf. ly, lya).
lbud, Sediment, dregs, lees, grounds (of
liquids); the last of a series, as the very last
child in a family; to form dregs, etc.
Nalabdan (-ran) ang sald sang tub.
The receptacle for collecting toddy is full of
sediment. (cf. lgtok).
labd, Weal, wale, mark (of a whip or the
like); a streak, stripe (of two threads or
fibres); to streak, stripe, mark with stripes.
Ilabd sa kabyo ang ltigo. Labud (-ur)
ang kabyo sang ltigo. Give the horse the
whip. May labd ang ya nga psngi. There
is a weal on his cheek. Bnal nga way
labd. A whipping without weals, i.e. a
severe scolding, adverse criticism, etc. Ang
smay sang kon patdyong is gid lang
ka labd nga sedalna, pang ang ya
sang patdyong ni mnang duh gid ka
pl ka labd nga sedalna. The stripes in
my skirt consist of only two silk threads,
but those in the skirt of my eldest sister
consist of forty silk threads. Butang ang
kon by sing duh ka labd nga
mapul. Put two red stripes into my jacket.
(cf. lbhag, lbtik, smay, gury).
labd-labdon, Full of dregs or
sediment; streaked, striped. (cf. lbud,
lbug, (B) To be, become or make long.
See lb id.
lbug, A kind of plant.
labg, To cook some kinds of fish, that
otherwise would be unpalatable, by first
boiling them, then tearing off or shredding
the meat, adding various vegetables or
spicy ingredients and at last frying the
whole mixture in lard with some addition
of water or sauce. Labug ang pgi. Cook

the pagi-fish by the labg-method.

Nakakon ak ddto sing linabg nga
bags. I ate there some shark (cooked in the
manner described above).
labg, (B) A kind of basket, clothes
basket. (cf. lgban).
labgay, To stir, move about, mix. Kon
magsg-a ka sang wang labugya nay
ang tbig. When you clean out the well, stir
the water first. Labugyi ang kw sang
simnto. Mix the cement in the cauldron.
Labugyon mo ang pog sing mayo,
agd matnaw sing salma. Stir the lime
well to dissolve it evenly. (cf. labutw).
labg-lbug, Dim. and Freq. of lbug
to be long, etc.
labg-labg, A kind of beetle (that is
very destructive to the branches of the
coconut palm, etc.); a leaf-miner. (cf.
lb-un, See lb-on.
lbut, Connection with, concern, interest,
implication, business, relation, having to
do with; to be implicated, have a
connection with, have to do with, etc. An
ang lbut mo sin? What have you got to
do with that? What business is that of
yours? Wal ko sing lbut sin. I have
nothing to do with that. That does not
concern me in the least. Nalbtan
(nalabtan) ak sang la nga kasb. I
was involved in their lawsuit. Palbta si
sang panublon nnyo. Let him have a
share in your inheritance. Ipalbut mo sa
ya ang is ka bhin sang malpad nga
dt. Let him have a part of the extensive
grounds. Lbut pa. Over and above.
Besides. Apart from. In addition
to. Waly lbut nga.
Notwithstanding that. However.
Though. (cf. pahilabt, pasilabt,
kalabtnan, mid, dalhig).
labutw, Mixture, disorder, confusion,
agitation; to mix, stir, put ones finger into
a liquid, agitate, wade or walk about in
water, to disturb. Ginalabutw mo ang
sabw, ha? Sami, pang nd mo
paglabutawn. You have your fingers in
the sauce, heh? Mix it (with your food), but
dont put your finger in it. Ang mga bt
nagalabutw sa tbig. The boys are
wading or walking in the wateror
splashing about in the water. Ind mo
paglabutawn ang tbig sa baty sang
mahgk mo nga til. Dont put your dirty
feet into the water in the large wash-basin.
Ipalabutw lang sa mga bt yanng
danw. Just let the children play or splash
about in that puddle (pool) of water.
labt-labt, Dim. and Freq. of lbut
connection with, etc.
labt-lbut, The inner skin, whitish in
colour, of bamboo; the labtlbut is as
thin as paper and can easily be stript off
fresh bamboo split in half; membrane,
tissue (whether animal or vegetable).

Visayan-English Dictionary
lbwak, Growing well, getting tall; to
grow well or tall. Inng bt nagalbwak.
This child is growing well. Nalabwakn
ak sa ya. It seems to me that he is
growing tall.
lbyaw, To thin out, dilute, make watery
(of liquids). Ginlabyawn nya sing tbig
ang tnta. He watered the ink. Labyaw
ang almidn. Thin out the starch.
Linabyawn ko inng spas, kay tm
kalapyut. I put some water into this soup,
for it was too thick. Ilbyaw sa sabw
inng tbig. Put this water into the sauce to
thin it out. (cf. lngyaw, bsyaw).
lbyog, A stroke, slash, cut, flip, flick with
something pliable, as a whip, a flexible rod,
etc.; to strike, flick, flip, beat, slash, lash,
cut; to shake loose, knock down, drive off.
Labyog si sing makaduh sang bulunl.
Give him two strokes with the whip.
Ilbyog sa bka inng kagngking. Flick
the ox with this bamboo branch.
Pinalbyog si nla sa ya nga
palangakon. They drove him out of office.
They procured his removal from office. (cf.
lbiog, lbtik, bnal, hnot, hmpak,
lbyog, To hurl, fling, throw, cast. (cf.
blang, pilk, haby).
ldag, To step into, walk through or over
mud, a field, etc. Ldag ka lang sa
talmnan, kay tm kadlum ang lnang
sa dlan. Simply walk over the field, for the
mud on the road is too deep. (cf. tdag,
tdag, tsak).
ladg-ldag, Dim. and Freq. of ldag.
To stumbleon,upon,into.
ld-an, etc. From ladto eat greedily,
ld-ang, To become weak, flat, light or
vapid, losestrength,flavour,bouquet.
Nagld-ang ang bno, lnggaw, etc., kay
wal pagsungsung ang botlya. The wine
has lost its flavour, the vinegar has lost its
strength, etc., because the bottle is not
corked. Naladangn ak sinng serbsa. It
seems to me this beer has gone flat. (cf.
thaw, tb-ang).
lads, To stroll, walk to and fro, loiter,
linger. (cf. lgaw).
lads-ldas, Dim. and Freq. of lads.
(cf. lagwlgaw).
lady, (B) To pass, go, flit by, roam,
ramble. Naglady si sa plsa. He passed
along the public square. Ginladayn nya
ang luy (tupd, atbang) sang mon
baly. He passed our home, went past our
house. (cf. lubs, laby, lady, duyn).
lady-lady, lady-lday, (B) To pass
to and fro, walk about aimlessly, loiter. An
man ang ginaladylday nnyo dir sa
atubngan sang kon blay? Why are you
walking to and fro in front of my house?
ldgad, To inflame, chafe, gall, irritate,
heat, loosen the skin by scratching,
pinching, rubbing, etc. Naldgad ang ya

lbwak lags
pnit, kay kinlot nya. His skin was
inflamed, because he scratched it. Ladgad
(-ar) ang pnit. Heat the skin (by
rubbing, or the like). Ind mo pagkalton
sing laks ang katl mo, kay kon
maldgad ang pnit mo, magalpad ang
katl. Dont scratch your katl (kind of
eczema) too much, for if the skin becomes
inflamed, the katl will spread. (cf. ds-il,
pk-it, tas).
ladna, The feminine of ladno.
ladno, (Sp. ladino) Cunning, cute, tricky,
expert, sharp, sagacious, resourceful,
clever, adroit; boaster, braggart,
chatterbox. (cf. antgo, batd, sagd, and,
sampton, mabtik; buran, wakaln,
ldlad, To open, spread out, extend, lay (a
carpet, table-cloth, etc.), hold out or show
to; cast (a net). Ildlad ang spyaw. Cast
the fishing net. Ladlad (-ar) ang
amkan. Spread the bamboo mat. Ladlad
ak sing bang. Spread a sleeping mat for
me. Ildlad ang mga sid sa talnan.
Spread the traps over the forest. (cf. buld,
hmlad, y-ay).
lad, The wild pigeon.
lady, To ramble, loiter, loaf, walk about
aimlessly, etc. See lady, duyn,
lagwlgaw, landlndo, haryhray,
lady-lady, Dim. and Freq. of lady.
ladrn, (Sp. ladron) Thief, robber,
gangster, brigand, spoiler, depredator,
marauder, freebooter, bandit, footpad. (cf.
makwat, maninkas, lg-it, agng,
kawatn, buyng, tuk, tip, makwt).
l, Adultery. See ly.
lg, (B) To boil or to cook in water (meat,
vegetables, peas and beans, tea, etc.).
Laga ang krne, baltong, mnggo, etc.
Boil the meat, the beans, the monggo, etc.
in water. Lagi ak sing is ka bgs nga
krne. Boil a piece of meat for me. Ilg
ak nay sinng kadis. Please to boil
these black peas for me. Ilg inng tbig
sa tsa. Boil the tea in this water. (cf. laya,
lap, tank, bukl, lt, rh).
lg, (H) See lg id. Maglg ka sing
tsa. Make some tea. Lga ak sing tsa.
Make some tea for me.
lag, Dark yellow, brown, especially of
hair, auburn; to become brown or dark
yellow. Naglag ang ya nga bohk. Her
hair turned brown. Lag ang ya nga
bngot. His beard is dark yellow.
Nalagan ak sang ya nga bigte. It
seems to me that his mustache is brown.
lagbung, lagabng, The noise of
stones, etc. flopping, dropping to the
ground; to flop, drop or fall to the ground
with a crash. Naglagbung gid ang mga
lub nga nahlug. The coconuts fell down
with a thud. Nagalagbung ang mga bat
nga nadgdag sa busy. The stones
dropped down the precipice are making a

thundering noise. Sang paggub nla sang

padr naglinagbung ang mga bat.
When they demolished the wall, the stones
came crashing to the ground. Palagabnga
ang mga bat. Make the stones come down
with a crash. (cf. lgbung).
lagd, (B) See lagrsaw, etc.
lagk, Loose, slack, not taut. (cf. halg,
hugk, tugk, katl).
lagk, Dropsy of the testicle or scrotum,
hydrocele; testicle. (cf. lagy, pntog; blug).
lag-lg, Dim. of lagbrown, auburn.
lag-lg, Dim. and Freq. of lgto
boil. etc.
lag-lga, A winged ant, especially the
termite or white ant. (cf. ragrga).
lagmak, To crack, crash, etc. See
ragmak, ragak.
lgang, A kind of sea-shell.
lagan, Things to be boiled or that should
be boiled, especially said of peas and beans.
May lagan ikw nga ginabalgy? Have
you any peas or beans for sale? (cf. lg;
lgap, To seek, look for, etc. See lghap,
sghap, pangt, etc.
lagpak, lagapk, The noise of falling
waters, the tramping of horses, etc; to roar,
thunder, clatter, clap, slap, etc.
Naglagpak ang mga lta nga nahlug sa
hgdan. The cans that fell down the stair
made a clatter. Nagalagpak ang tbig sa
busy. The water is falling over the
precipice with a noise like thunder.
Magalagpak ang mga tp sang tytay
kon magyan sing kabyo nga
nagatwad. The boards of the bridge
resound when a horse passes over it at a
gallop. Tinmp nya si nga lumagpak
(lumagapk) ang ya guy. He slapped
him that his cheek resounded with the
blow. (cf. lgpak).
lagpok, lagapk, The noise of a book,
board, sheet of iron, etc. falling flat; to clap,
flop, slap, plump, slam. Naglagpok ang
mga tuln-an nga nadgdag sa estnte.
The books that fell down from the case
slammed on the floor. The books fell down
from the case with a bang. Din ang hult
nga ginalagapkan? Where is the room
from which the noise comes? (cf. lgpok,
lagr, (H) A saw; to saw, cut with a saw.
Lagara ang khoy. Saw the wood. Lagari
ak sing pil ka tp. Saw a few planks for
me. Ginlagaran nla sing khoy ang
idlum sang baly. They sawed wood on
the ground-floor of the house. Ilagr ak
nay sinng khoy. Please saw this wood
for me.
lags, To pursue, run after, chase. Lgsa
(lagas) ang mga knding. Chase the
goats. Inng id mabtik maglags sang
talunn. This dog is clever at chasing wild
pigs. Ilags ak nay sinng mga karnro


lagask, lagsak lgit

nga nagsuld sa mon pamulkan. Please
run after those sheep that have entered our
garden. Awt man lang ang ya paglags
sa bt, kay wal nya maabti. His chase
after the boy was of no avail, for he could
not catch him. (cf. las).
lagask, lagsak, To clatter, patter,
clap, slap. (cf. lgsak, tagask, lagpak).
lags-lgas, Dim. and Freq. of lags.
Inng id dyon gid lang nagalagslgas
sang mga karnro. This dog is always
running after sheep.
lags-lgas, Gland.
lagtik, lagatk, The noise made by the
rattling of keys, the ticking of many clocks,
or the like. Nagalagtik ang mga lybe sa
ya nga plhuk. The keys are rattling in his
pocket. (cf. lgtik, tngting).
lagtok, lagatk, A cracking or
crackling noise; to snap, crack, crackle.
Nagalagtok ang ya mga lutaluthan.
His joints are cracking. Magpalagtok ka
sang mo mga tdl. Snap your fingers. (cf.
lgaw, To wander about, roam, stroll,
take a walk. Din na man si nagalgaw?
Where on earth is he strolling now?
Lagwon ta ang um. Let us go to, or
around, the field. Lagwan ta ang um.
Let us take a stroll in the field. Malyag si
maglgaw sa latagn. He likes to wander
about in the open fields. (cf. lagyaw).
lagawn, A loafer, idler, tramp, hobo,
vagabond, rover. See lagwlgaw.
lagw-lgaw, Dim. and Freq. of lgaw.
Also: a loafer, vagabond, idle stroller,
tramp. (cf. landlndo, tiygtiyg).
lagy, Testicle. (cf. pntog, lagk).
lagy, lagy-lgay, Very little, a small
amount. (cf. ist, tik, ditay).
lgban, A clothes-basket. (cf. lagb).
lgbung, Crash, thud, thump of a stone,
etc. falling to the ground. (cf. lagbung,
lgbus, Young, tender, flexible, soft (of
leaves, plants, etc). (cf. lnghod, mnghud,
lanb, lmhad, lamhron, batan).
lgbus, Past, gone by, former. (cf. lgad,
lmbus, talikd, laps, lubs).
lgd, Slowness; slow; to do slowly,
leisurely, one by one, at intervals, with
interruptions or pauses. Bagting sing
lgdorlagda ang bgting. Ring the
bells slowly, not continuously, with some
interval between each stroke or peal.
Lagda ang minaty sing bgting. Ring
the bells slowly (toll the bell) for the dead
person. Lagda ang by sing bnak kag
ugling tahin mo. First wash the jacket
carefully and then sew it. (cf. lgway,
lgdas, To do to excess, go too far, do or
go beyond what is intended or required, to
overdo, overstep the mark, pass the limits.
Naglgdas ang ya paglakt, kay
nagtlang si sa dlan. He went too far,


Visayan-English Dictionary
because he missed the road. Ind mo
paglagdasn ang mo paglakt, pagkon,
pagpangabdlay, etc. Dont walk too far,
eat too much, work too hard, etc.
lgdas, To pass, go by, be over; to recede,
turn back, flow back (of the tide, etc.). (cf.
lads, lady, lubs; huns).
lgday, Slowness; to take ones time, be
slow, to go easy, take it easy, dilly-dally.
Naglgday na ang karabw, kay
nabdlay. The buffalo has become slow, for
it is tired. Lagday lang ang mo
buluhatn. Just keep going in performing
your duties. Ginlgday gid nya ang ya
pagdro. He did his ploughing at a very
leisurely pace. (cf. lgd, lgway, hnay,
lgd, Sediment, dross, deposit, lees,
dregs sticking to the bottom or sides of a
receptacle. Also verb. Nalagdon ang
botlya sang lnggaw. Some dregs of
vinegar stuck to the bottle. Tinlo ang
botlya sang lgd. Clean the bottle of the
lees (of wine). (cf. lbud).
lgdos, Half-cooked, half-raw,
underdone, insufficiently prepared; to be
underdone, etc. Naglgdos ang kn-on,
kay balotang gid lang ang paglt mo.
The rice was half-raw, for you did not cook
it thoroughly. Ind mo paglagdosn ang
ting-ang. Dont underdo the rice, (cook it
thoroughly). (cf. btud, balotang,
lghap, To seek, search or look for, try to
find, hunt for. Laghap ang pny ko nga
nadl. Go and look for my lost
handkerchief. Laghap ak sing bulng.
Try to find or get some medicine for me.
Ilghap ak nay sang kon tuln-an.
Kindly find the book for me. (cf. sghap,
lghay, Mixture, blend; to mix, mingle,
blend. Laghay ang krne sing sd, ang
hmy sing mas, ang mnggo sing hus,
etc. Mix meat with fish, rice with corn,
monggo with garlic, etc. (cf. lakt, sm,
smbog, smpon, lkay, skot, sakt,
lghit, To be strewn about, lie about in
confusion or disorder, be all over the shop
or higgledy-piggledy. Nagalghit gid lang
dir ang mga nag. The clothes are just
lying about here higgledy-piggledy. Ind mo
paglaghitn (pagilghit) ang mo mga
sngkap. Dont let your things lie about in
disorder. Ind mo paglaghitn ang sgw
sang mo mga halampangnan. Dont
leave your playthings lying about the
drawing room. (cf. dm-ok).
laght-lghit, Dim. and Freq. of lghit.
Pinalaghtlghit lang nla ang mga sya sa
hult. They put the chairs into the room
lghong, Jangle, discord, cacophony,
aloud, inharmonious, harsh, disagreeable,
discordant, jarring sound or noise, as of a
cracked bell, a broken musical instrument,

a croaking voice, etc.: to emit such a dull,

inharmonious sound. Ang ya nga tngug
nagalghong. He has a croaking voice. An
ang ginahalinn sinng lghong? Where
does that noise come from? Nalaghongn
ak sinng dyon nga pagbgting sang
linggnay. That constant ringing of bells
jars upon my ears. Ind mo
pagpalaghongn ang mo tngug. Dont
cultivate a strident voice.
lghong, To murmur, complain, say
haw, hem, hum, humph in protest,
disapproval or dislike. Ind ka maglghong
kon agdahn ikw sa pagtmbong sa la
nga tbad. Dont hem and haw, if they
invite you to their banquet.
lghuy, Murmur, sigh, chirp, twitter; to
murmur, sing, chirp, sigh, rustle, twitter,
said of rustling leaves, of insects, of birds,
lgi, (B) Quick, at once, immediately,
without delay, with great despatch; surely,
precisely, without questioning; always,
constantly. Kdto ka ddto lgi. Go there at
once. Bl-a lgi ang pinuts ko dir sa
sgw. Be quick and fetch my parcel from
the drawing room. Ak lgi ang mo
ginahn-an kon an ang mahanab. You
always blame me for everything. (cf.
gilayn, dal).
lg-i, A weir, a kind of bamboo-netting as
used in fish-traps (fish-corrals) called
punt, etc. Also verb. Wal pa malag-ih
ang punt. The fish-trap is not yet
provided with netting. Ilg-i inng
kawyan kag hpgid sa punt. Use this
bamboo and hipgid-fibres to make a
netting for the fish-trap.
lgid, To sharpen, put an edge on, whet,
hone, strop, grind. Lagda (-ra) ang
kotslyo. Sharpen the knife. Lagdi ak
sang kon nabha. Hone the razor for me.
lg-id, See lgid. (cf. bid).
lagidn, Hone, whetstone. (cf. bairn).
lag-lgi, (B) Dim. of lgi. Snda sil
laglgi. Follow them quickly.
lgio, To run away, flee, take flight, take to
flight, escape, take to ones heels, make off,
beat a retreat, turn tail, bolt, skedaddle.
Naglgio (nalgio) si. He ran away. Si
Fulno pinalagiohn sang ya nga
sologon. His servant ran away from N.N.
Ind ka maglgio (malgio), kay wal gid
man sing katalgman. Dont make off, for
there is not the least danger. (cf. lgyo,
palgyo; palgyo is more in use than the
simple lgio).
lagirn, (H) Whetstone. See lagidn.
lgis, To trim, dress, clean, smooth
(rattan, bamboo, etc.). Lagsi (lgsi) ang
kawyan, uwy. Trim the bamboo, dress
the rattan. (cf. gus).
lgit, To enter deep, sink deep, penetrate,
permeate, pierce. Naglgit sa kon
tagiposon ang ya nga lygay. His
sermon sank deep into my heart. Nalagtan

Visayan-English Dictionary
ang kon dghan sinng matm-is nga
kalanthon. This sweet song went to my
heart. Ang kanmit sinng mga kalannon nagalgit sa kon kaugatn. The
deliciousness of this pastry penetrates my
whole frame. (cf. salpsop, salgsug,
ltum, tudk, hgum, hpug, kgit, lgit,
lg-it, Sneak, cheat, trickster, impostor,
swindler; to cheat, trick, do, swindle, sneak,
steal, defraud, deceive. Lg-it nga to. A
sneak or swindler. Ginlg-it nya ak. He
tricked me, cheated me. Ind mo si
paglag-itn sang ya kwrta, nd mo
paglag-itn ang ya kwrta. Dont do
(swindle) him out of his money, dont
sneak his money. (cf. hs, agng, tkas,
kwat, etc.).
lg-it, To rub or strike, as a match. (cf.
lgid, lg-id, bg-id).
lag-itn, lag-ton, To be rubbed or
struck against something else; a match.
lgkaw, To move, change ones place of
abode, transfer ones residence, shift camp,
lead a pastoral or nomadic life. Ang mga
ti nagalgkaw. The aborigines called
Ati change their place of abode i.e. they
lead a nomadic life. Ginalagkawn nla
yanng baklod. They transferred their
abode to yonder hill.
lgkay, Mixture, etc. See lkay.
lglag, To demolish, exterminate,
destroy, annihilate. Laglag sil nga
tann. Exterminate them all. Ilglag inng
ags sa mga nay. Use this kerosene to
destroy the termites. Am in ang kalg
nga linaglagn nla sang mga lkso. This
is the ditch in which they destroyed the
young locusts. Ginlglag sang mga
buyng ang bg-os nga minur pti ang
ya sin nga mga pumuly. The brigands
destroyed the whole village with its
inhabitants. (cf. bngkag, gub, ppas).
lgn, To foretell, prophesy. (cf. tgn
lgnat, (H) A slight cold or catarrh; to
produce a catarrh, etc. Ginalgnat ak. I
have a slight cold. Ginplit si sang ya
mapntas nga aglon nga magkdto sa
um bisn malgnat ang ya lwas. He
was forced by his cruel master to go (work
in) to the farm, even although he was
suffering from a cold. (cf. hilnat).
lgnay, To roar, rush, rustle, murmur (of
wind, flowing water, etc.); to snore. (cf.
hugnas, dagas, hulgok).
lgnoy, To take, seize, appropriate
(without the knowledge of the owner). (cf.
lmang, kh, ngkon, lg-it).
lgnoy, To walk through or over
(unceremoniously). Ind nnyo
paglagnoyn ang humy. Dont walk over
the rice. (cf. lats, ldag, etc.).
lgo, A roll of cloth containing usually five
yards. Pil ka lgo ang binakl mo? How

lg-it lgsing
many five-yard rolls of cloth have you
lag, Dirty, soiled, stained. (cf. bulingn,
damk, sprat, etc.).
lg-ok, A sip, draught (of liquids). See
lb-ok id.
lag, lgo, Worm, dew worm. (cf.
lag-lag, Dim. of lag. Also: To wriggle
or writhe in mud, dirt, etc. Nagalaglag
gid lang ikw sa hgk. You look very dirty.
You are covered with mud, dirt, soot or the
lagndo, Depression, hole, mud-hole,
worn out parts in roads, etc. (cf. libang,
lingghub, lingglhub, danw).
lagng, A kind of large fly.
lagng-lgong, Dim. of lagng. Also:
Double-chinned, very fat; the folds of fat
around the neck and chin of very stout
persons; dewlap, wattle. (cf. labt-lbit).
lagng-lagngan, One who is very fat
or has a double chin, etc. (cf.
lagn-lgon, See lagnglgong.
lagn-lagnan, See lagng-lagngan.
lagntad, Depression, etc. See lagndo.
Also: difficult, tiresome, rough (of roads or
the like).
lgot, To creak, squeak, emit a sharp
grating noise, as cart-wheels, rusty locks
and hinges, etc. (cf. got, gong).
lagt-lgot, Dim. and Freq. of lgotto
creak, crack.
lagt-lagtan, Joint, junction,
articulation (of bones, etc.). (cf.
lgpak, A splash, the noise made by a
liquid being spilled or poured out with
some force; to splash. Ang tbig nga
ginbsia mo naglgpak sa bat. The water
you poured out splashed on the stone. (cf.
lgpang, To cook meat by roasting it over
coals or a low fire, then shredding or
tearing it into strips and serving it mixed
with vinegar or water and chili. Lagpang
ang mank. Prepare the chicken according
to the lgpang-method. Lagpang ak sing
krne. Cook some meat for me in the
lgpang-manner. Nakatilw ak kana
sing lingpang. A short while ago I tasted
meat prepared in lgpang-fashion.
lgpat, To guess, conjecture, infer,
suppose, assume, surmise, divine, believe,
dare say, think. Lagpat kon an ang
suld sang kamt ko. Guess what is inside
my hand. Ind ak makalgpat kon an
ang mahanab. I cannot think what is
going to happen. Nalagpatn nya ang
mayo nga patubs sinng tig. His
conjecture that this year would bring a
good harvest was right. He happened to
have a good crop this year. (cf. miom,
pakt, bnt).

lagpatnon, Riddle, puzzle; to play at

riddles, give riddles to solve. (cf. lgpat).
lgp, To rap, flip, fillip, strike or slap with
the finger-tips or in any similar way. Si
nnay naglgp sang ya guy. Mother
slapped his face (with her finger-tips).
Ilgp sa ya ang sinlas. Slap him with the
slippers. Lagpi ang ya ilng. Tap his
nose. (cf. tpdas, tmp).
lgpik, To stick, adhere to, as mud, paste,
dust, etc. Ang pintra nagkalgpik
(nalgpik) sa ya nga srwal. Ang ya nga
srwal nalagpikn sang pintra. The
paint stuck to his trousers. (cf. dokt).
lgpit, (B) The spring of a trap; a springtrap, gin, snare with a spring-noose,
springe; to wedge in, squeeze tight, jam,
compress, pinch, flatten, catch, squash,
crush. Sang pagtakp nya sang bal
nalgpit ang kon kamt. When he put the
lid on the trunk, my hand was jammed.
Andam ka, agd nd malgpit ang mo
tdl sang ganhan. Look out (Be careful),
lest your finger should be caught in the
door. Lagpit ang tabk. Press the
tobacco-leaves smooth. Butangn mo sing
lgpit ang bboy. Set a spring-trap for the
pig. (cf. ipt, ipip, lgpit).
lgpok, Slap, clap, slam, flop, noise of a
falling book, board, etc.; to flop, bang, etc.
to the floor. Naglgpok ang tuln-an sa
tulungtngan. The books banged on the
table. Ind ka magpalgpok sang tp
ornd mo pagpalagpokn ang tp.
Dont slam the board down. (cf. lagpok).
lgsak, Sound, tune, strain, noise; to
sound, slap, clap, clatter. Ari na ang mga
musik. Sa dl madgay sarng na kam
makasatsut sa lgsak sang lnton. The
musicians are here. Soon you can dance to
the sound of music. (cf. lgtik, hun,
lgsam, To trespass, etc. See lksam.
lgsan, etc. From lagsto pursue, run
lgsan, lagsany, etc. From lagsto
run after, pursue.
lgsaw, Deer. (cf. us).
lgs, To tear into fibres, strip (hemp,
pia, maguey, etc.). Lagsi ang lnot. Strip
the hemp. Lagsi ak sing pnya. Get ready
some pia-fibres for me. (cf. lknit).
lagsk-lgsik, Spread here and there,
extended, sporadic; to spread, break out in
different places (of diseases, revolutions,
lgsik, lagsklgsik, To jump, fly off,
be propelled, etc. (cf. lsik, lasklsik,
gsik, sang).
lgsing, A shrill loud sound, high-pitched
or strident voice, falsetto; to be strident,
shrill, high-pitched, squeaky. Naglgsing
na ang ya tngug. His voice has become
shrill. He sings falsetto now. Nalagsingn
ak sang ya nga tngug. He seemed to me


lgtang lhob
to sing falsetto. His voice sounded shrill to
me. (cf. tgsing).
lgtang, A kind of vine with large,
beautiful leaves. It is used as a fish poison
for killing or stupefying fish; to stun,
stupefy (fish). (cf. tba).
lgtas, To pass straight through, walk
over, etc. See lats. (cf. lgdas).
lgt, Brightness of white colour; very
white, dazzling white, candent; to be or
become dazzling white, etc. Naglgt na
ang ya nga by. Her dress has become
dazzling white. Nalagtin ak sang ya
nga bestdo. Her frock appeared to me
dazzling white. Lgt gid ang delrgo nya.
His trousers are perfectly white. (cf. put).
lgtik, Tick, click, ticking; to tick, as a
watch, to click, as a trigger, etc. Makabat
ikw sang lgtik sang relh? Can you hear
the ticking of the watch or clock? Ang relh
nagalgtik. The watch is ticking. (cf.
lgting, Clink, chink, clang, clank, tinkle,
jingle; to tinkle, jingle, clink, chink, clang,
clank. Ang sndang kon mahlug
magalgting. If the knife falls down it will
clink. Lagting sil sing pnggan, agd
magkar, kay humn na ang panyga.
Jingle or clink the plate for them, that they
may come, for dinner is ready. Palagting
ang pnggan, agd la mabatin. Clink the
plate so that they can hear it. (cf. tngting).
lgting, Strong, tough, firm; experienced,
an old hand at it. (cf. matngting,
mabkud, mapg-on, mahnit, hmrus,
malg-on; batd, and, sagd, antgo).
lgtok, Dregs, sediment, settlings,
grounds, lees (of liquids, smoking pipes,
etc.). Nalagtokn ang kon snsoy. My
pipe is foul.
lgtok, To crack, crackle, emit a sound as
of knuckles or joints strained to the
snapping point. Nagalgtok ang ya tdl
kon butngon. His finger cracks, if pulled.
(cf. lagtok id.).
lgtok, Hard, raw, uncooked, said of peas
and beans, especially of monggo.
lgtok, A useless fellow, good-fornothing, weakling; weak, feeble; to be or
become weak, etc. (cf. lgtoy, lya, pgaw).
lagtk-lgtok, Dim. and Freq. of lgtok.
Also a kind of beetle that emits a crackling
sound, when touched.
lgtom, Dark, black (of boots, etc.); dark
green, luscious (of leaves, etc.); to be black,
luscious, etc. Ang humy nagalgtom na,
kay naulann. The rice is growing well now
(is dark green), for it has had rain.
Nalagtomn ak sinng mga tanm. These
plants look luscious to me, appear to me to
be in a very flourishing condition. Kon
magbakl ka sing panpton nga maitm,
pilon mo ang malgtom, nd ang
mabdhaw. If you buy black clothes,
choose very black ones and not such as are
a rusty black. (cf. dulm, itm).


Visayan-English Dictionary
lgtoy, Weak, feeble, slack, losing
strength. (cf. ly, lya, laby, lbtoy).
lgtub, Crash, clank, clash, noisy collision
(as of arms, etc.); to clash, etc. (cf. lgtok,
lagb, Weal, stripe, streak, mark or trace
of the stroke of a whip or the like. Lbtik
nga waly lagb. A flick without a weal.
(cf. labd).
lgub, Full, replete; saturated, imbued.
Lgub si sa mnggad, sa katmad, etc.
He is full of wealth, laziness, etc. i.e. he is
very rich, very lazy, etc. (cf. tugb, lbo).
laglad, To wander, roam, stroll, rove, go,
pass from place to place. Linaglad nya
ang am nga dt humaln sa katndan
tbtub sa sidlangn. He passed through
that territory from West to East. (cf. gi,
lagyaw, laguywan, lagwlgaw).
lagmba, A loud noise, thud, thump,
bang, howling, roaring (of waves, etc.); to
make a great din or noise, etc.
Nagalagmbaornagalinagmba ang
dalgk nga mga bald nga nagabnal
sang hunsan. The huge waves beating
against the beach are making a noise like
thunder,are roaring,are making a
thundering noise. (cf. lgbong, lagbong).
lagndaw, To hoax, play a practical joke
on somebody, trick. A, ginalagndaw man
lang nmo ak. Ah, you are only playing a
joke on me. Ind ka maglagndaw sa
kon. Dont play me a trick. (cf. nt).
lagnday, A kind of plant.
lagndi, A shrub-like plant. (cf.
lagring, A kind of beetle similar to the
cockchafer or May-beetle.
lagyaw, To travel, go for a walk, take a
constitutional, go on a walking tour, make a
trip, wander abroad, roam about, ramble,
take a stroll, spend a holiday. Kahpon
naglagyaw kam sa bkid. Yesterday we
made a trip to the mountain. An ang
ginalagyaw mo? What are you travelling
about for? Laguywi lang nnyo ang kon
palangmhan. Just take a stroll to my
farm. (cf. lgaw, lugyaw,
panglaguywan, etc.).
laguywan, A trip, constitutional;
travelling, going abroad; to travel, etc. (cf.
lagyaw, paliwlwa).
lgwak, To snore. (cf. hulgok, hurgok).
lgwas, To overflow, cover. (cf. lngbas,
lgway, Slow, etc. See lgday. (cf. hnay,
lagwyan, A bamboo mat for drying rice
upon, etc. (cf. alugyan, amkan).
lagwrta, (Sp. huerta) Garden. (cf.
hardn, pamulkan).
lagwertro, (A Visayan derivation from
the foregoing). Gardener. (cf.
lgyo, To flee, etc. See lgio.

lhab, Gain, profit, advantage,

emolument; to gain, profit, have an
advantage, derive an emolument.
Magpanikasg ka gid, agd maglhab ka
sa mo palangitn-an. Make a great effort
to get some profit out of your transactions
or business. Nakalhab si sing duh ka
mngmang. He made (gained) two pesos.
Ginlahban nya ak sing tm. He got
too much profit out of me. Naglhab si
sang tbad ddto. He took advantage of the
banquet there i.e. he ate well or heartily.
(cf. splid, gannsya).
lham, To touch, feel. Lahma si. Touch
him. Lahmi si sa btkon. Touch him on
the arm. (cf. hkap, khit, kblit, etc.;
ipangalham, kham).
lahng, A large plate or dish of clay or
earthenware used for serving food in, etc.
(cf. bandehdo).
lhap, To cut in pieces, etc. See lhap. (cf.
lhas, To run wild, be or become wild. (cf.
il, ilhas).
lhas, To creep, crawl or pass through a
fence, etc., as pigs and other animals. (cf.
lust, shot).
lahs, lhas, To trespass, intrench on,
encroach upon, invade; to be audacious,
impertinent, daring. (cf. ahs, khas,
dahs; sklam, sakm, hmham, sabn,
laht, All, everything. This term seems to
be of Tagalog origin and is often used in the
phrase bgay sa lahtfit for everything,
experienced, handy in every way. Si am
ang to nga bgay sa laht. He is a very
handy man, fit for any job, accomplished in
many ways, an all-round man. (cf. tann).
lhay, To howl, bark (of dogs). Ang id
nagalhay. The dog barks. Ginlhay
(ginlahyan) ak sang id. The dog barked
at me. (cf. tghol, wang, ngrub).
lah, A knife, a sharp cutting instrument.
(cf. urutp, garans, sndang, kotslyo).
lhid, To give a hint or clue, hint at,
mention, insinuate, intimate. Lahdi (-ri)
si. Give him a hint.
lahd-lhid, Dim. and Freq. of lhid.
Ginlahdlahdan (-ran) nya ak nga
makdto si bus sa ga sa Ilnglong. He
threw out a hint to me that tomorrow
morning he is going to Iloilo. (cf.
palahdlhid, itntin).
lhin, Ripe, mature, seasoned; to ripen, be
ripe (of nuts especially). May lub ka nga
lhin? Have you any ripe coconuts?
Nagalhin na ang mga lub dir. The
coconuts there are ripening, maturing.
Inng lub nalahnan na sang ya mga
bnga. This coconut-palm has ripe fruit.
lhob, (H) To warm and soften, make
flexible or pliable by heat. Lahba ang
by. Soften the by-leaf by warming it.
(cf. hlub id.).

Visayan-English Dictionary
lahb, (H) Softened, made flexible by
warming. See halb. Also: swollen,
suffused with blood or the like. Lahb gid
ang psngi nya nga tinmp ni Fulno.
His cheek that was struck by N.N. is
lahg, A joke, jest, fun; to joke, jest, make
fun, fool, play with, quip. Ind ka maglahg
sa mga butng nga nahanungd sa
relihin. Dont crack jokes about things
pertaining to religion. Lahog lang si.
Tell him some jokes. Ind mo ak
paglahogn sang mo hmbal. Dont talk
to me in jest. A, nd ka magpti sin, kay
linahg gid lang in ni Fulno. Oh, dont
believe that, for N.N.only said it in joke,
was only joking. (cf. tawto tease,
lahg-lhog, Dim. and Freq. of lahg.
Ginalahglahgan nla ang poltika. They
are making fun of politics. (cf. tiwtaw).
lahg-lahogn, A jester, clown,
lahn, To roast corn on the cob over live
coals. Lahon or lnha ang mas. Roast the
corn on the cob. Mas nga linahn. Corn
roasted in the husks. Linahonn nya ak
sing mas, kay nasyran nya nga
ginapasulab ko ang mas nga linahn sa
binog kag tinank. She roasted some corn
on the cob for me, because she knew that I
prefer it prepared in this way to the
ordinary roasted or boiled corn. (cf. bog,
hawto roast shucked corn; tankto
boil in water corn, bananas, etc.).
lahn, To continue, go farther than
intended, do moreover or besides, do
something more, continue to work on some
other job, etc. Ang ty ko nga makdto sa
Ogtng lmang, pang naglahn ak sa
Ilnglong. I had the intention of going
only as far as Oton, but I went on to Iloilo.
Ginlahn mo pa gid sang sadl ang is ka
bhin sang pamulkan? Did you really hoe
over one more garden-plot? Kon matpus
ang mo buluhatn lahon ak. When you
have finished your work, assist me in mine.
(cf. dyon; N.B. The other lahn (to roast
corn in the husks) is probably the same
term and can be explained by the
circumstance that it implies a continuous
process, the corn being plucked and
roasted at once without removing the
lahng, See lahnto continue, etc.
lahng, An opening, outlet, vent, passage
through, exit or egress (on the other side);
to have an opening through or an outlet on
the other side. Ang bh nga in may
lahng sa pihk sang baly. This hole has
an outlet behind the house. Inng gab sa
padr nagalahng sa dlan. This hole in
the wall passes through to the road. Ang
ibn nga mga bh nd lahng, nd
maglahng or wal sing lahng. Some
holes have no outlet on the other side. (cf.
lpus, laps).

lahb lakarn
lhus, Quick, expeditious, speedy, by a
short-cut; to do something quickly,
expeditiously, in less than ordinary time,
speedily, with speed. Lhus nga trabho.
Expeditious work. Lahsa gid ang paglt
sang mank. Cook the chicken quickly.
Nagalhus lang si sang ya mga
buluhatn, sang ya pagsult, pagtah, etc.
He performs his duties, his writing, his
sewing, etc. expeditiously. Lahson mo
lang ang kon panpton, kay may
kadton ak sa bus. Get my dress ready at
once, for I have to go out to-morrow. (cf.
dal, dal-dl, dagndon).
lhus, To look for on the spur of the
moment, try tofind,obtain,get, at
once. Nagalhus si sing kwrta. He is
trying to get some money. Naglhus si
sing mank, asn, ph, etc. He tried to
obtain at once some chicken, salt, mangoes,
etc. Ginlahsan nya si Fulno sing
humy. He quickly got some rice for N.N.
Lahsi si sing tabk. Find him some
tobacco or cigars (without delay). Ilhus
mo ak nay (Paunhi ak sing madal)
sing duh ka psos. Please advance me two
pesos at once. (cf. hs, sgap, sghap,
lahs. To pass through, percolate, strain,
filter through. Nagalahs ang kap sa
salan. The coffee passes through the
strainer. Palahus ang ts sa salan. Filter
the tea through the strainer. (cf. sl,
lahs-lhus, Dim. and Freq. of lhus. To
do rather quickly; pay only a short visit to,
etc. Ginalahslhus lang nya ang Manl.
He is just passing through Manila, is not
tarrying there or staying long. Duwa sil
bisn lahslhus lang ang mo pagdaw
orbsan sing lahslhus lmang. Pay
them a visit, even if it is a very short one.
lamnan, (B) Bad, ugly, nasty,
disagreeable, annoying, jarring. (cf.
lmnan, lin, malin, malut).
lin, To be or become bad, worsen,
deteriorate, degenerate; to be or become
sick, ill, to faint, swoon. Naglin ang ya
batsan. His behaviour has changed for the
worse. His character (habits) has (have)
degenerated. Naglin ang ya ginhwa.
He swooned, had a fainting fit, lost
consciousness, his condition has become
serious, or the like. Ang nalanan sang
kon but am. Whatgrieves me,I
find fault with, is. Magalin in
kunna. It will turn out bad in the end. Sing
makadm ang mga talapunan nga
mayo sing kamunan nagalin sa
katapsan. Often societies that start well
have a bad ending. Ind pagigkalin sang
mo but kon. Dont take it ill (amiss),
if. (cf. lut).
lan, Different, not the same, altered,
changed; to become different, to alter, vary,
change. Naglan na ang dug sang ya
by. The colour of his jacket has changed.

Lainn mo ang mo batsan. Change your

manners or habits. Ginlan nya ang ya
baly, sult, etc. He changed his house,
letter, etc. He made some changes or
alterations in his house, letter, etc. Lain
ak sing baly. Build a different house for
me (i.e. one that is not an imitation or
likeness of another). (cf. thay).
lang, Dirt, filth, any foul or waste matter,
as mud, dust, sweepings, rubbish or the
like; to be or become dirty, soiled, etc.
Inng salg naglang sa mahgk nga
sapn sang mga dumulaw. This floor has
got dirty from the dusty boots of the
visitors. Dl nnyo pagpalaingn ang
salg sang simbhan. Dont dirty the
church-floor. (cf. rang; dgt, hgk,
bulng, msing, rigm).
lan-lin, Dim. and Freq. of lin and lan.
Nagalanlin ang ya ginhwa. He gets
unconscious at intervals. He feels quite bad
at times. Nagakalanlin ang blbul sang
kapispsan. The feathers of birds differ,
vary, are not the same in size and colour.
Ang nagakalanlin nga kahimtngan
sang mga to. The various conditions or
occupations of men.
las, Boar; genital; whoremonger;
panglasto be lewd. (cf. butakl).
las, To push, toss, shove, thrust. Ginlas
si sang karabw sa pn sang ph. The
buffalo tossed him against the trunk of the
mango tree.
lak, Spaced wide asunder, with plenty of
space between, thin; to be or become wide
apart. Ang mas naglak, kay madm
ang napaty. The corn grew sparsely, for
much of it died. Lakan ukn garotn
nmon ang pagpnggas sang kadis?
Shall we plant the cadios-peas wide apart
or near together?
lkad, To step over, climb over, cross a
fence, etc. Lakda, lakdi (lakra, lakri)
ang kodl. Step over the fence. Ind ak
makalkad dir kay matas. I cannot get
over here, for it is too high. (cf. lkbang,
lkbay, lkdang, lkday, bklay).
lakadn, A sort of stile or low fence easily
stepped over by grown-up persons, but
high enough to stop small children and
animals; fender, guard. (cf. lakarn id.).
lakd-lkad, Dim. and Freq. of lkad
to step over something, etc.
lakng, A step, pace, stride; to step, pace,
stride. Maglakng ka sing makalim. Take
five steps. Lakang ang kinitan sang tp.
Walk along the board-seam. Lakang lang
ang kalg. Just step over the ditch.
Lakang lang ang kalg. Walk along the
ditch. (cf. tikng).
lk-ang, A step, etc. See lakng.
lakarn, (H) Stile, fender, guard. Butang
ang ganhan sing lakarn, agd nd
makagw ang mga bt. Put a fence
across the door, so that the children cannot
go out. (cf. lakadn).


laks lktud
laks, Excessive, exorbitant, extravagant,
to excess, superabundant, profuse, too
much, overmuch, more than enough,
beyond the proper limit, unreasonable,
immoderate; to be or do to excess, etc.
Laks man in. Thats really too much.
Ind ka magkon sing laks, kay malin
in sa lwas mo. Dont eat too much, for it
is bad for your health. Naglaks na ang bil
sang humy. The price of rice has grown
exorbitant. Nalakasn ak sang ya nga
ginhmbal, ininm, kinon, etc. He talked,
drank, ate, etc. too much for my taste. Sa
laks nga pangabdlay nagbalatin si.
Due to excessive work he fell ill. (cf. tm,
masido, dro, lm-ag).
lakt, (H) To go, start out, walk on foot,
foot it, trudge, tramp, hike, march, pace,
step; travel; go away, leave; be current or
passing. Lakt (maglakt) ka na. Go now.
Lkta (lakat) ang Ilnglong. Go to Iloilo
(on foot). Lkti (lakat) inng dlan. Walk
along this road. Linktan nla ang bg-o
nga dlan. They took the new road. Wal
nla pagalkti ang dlan sang
katarngan. They are not walking the road
of righteousness. Naglakt na si. He has
gone (away). He has left. Palkta si. Make
him go. Let him go (on foot). Send him
away. Ang tig (blan) nga nagalakt. The
current year (month). Ang bil nga
nagalakt. The current price. (cf. pnaw,
lmbus, kdto, lalktan, lalkton).
lakt, Course, way, method, manner;
condition, state of affairs, juncture,
situation, pass. Ang tann nga mga
butng nagasund sang lakt sang la
kinaugl. Everything follows the course of
its nature. Sa karn nga lakt sang
panahn. At this juncture.
lakatn, A variety of bananas. (cf.
lkay, A mixture, admixture, adulteration;
to mix, intermingle, adulterate. Ang makn
may lkay nga kalbad. Ang makn
nalakyan sing kalbad. The macan-rice
has an admixture of calubad-rice. (cf.
smbug, lakt, lgkay).
lkbang, To step, walk, climb,
cross, over. Lakbang (lakbang) ang
kodl. Climb over the fence. (cf. lkad,
lkbay, bklay).
lkbay, To go or pass over a ridge,
mountain, etc. Lakbayorlakbay ang
bkid, bakold, etc. Cross over the
mountain, hill, etc. (cf. bklay).
lkbut, A flick, stroke; to flick, strike,
beat, lash. (cf. hplak, lpdus, bnal,
lmpus, etc.).
lkdang, To step over, etc. See lkad,
lkbang, lkbay.
lkday, See lkdang.
lkdug, To hinder, impede, obstruct. (cf.
pugng, pamalbag).
lkh, Smothered laughter; to laugh and
quickly make an effort to suppress the


Visayan-English Dictionary
laughter. Naglkh si. He burst out
laughing, but at once suppressed his
laughter. (cf. lmh).
lki, Man, male, masculine. (cf. lalki).
lak, Grandfather. (cf. lang, yong,
abulo, llo; bay-grandmother).
lak-lki, Dim. of lki. Also: A piece of
bamboo tied firmly to a weak or broken
carriers pole, in order to strengthen it;
splints for a broken limb. May laklki ang
ya nga tungtuangn. His carriers pole is
strengthened by an added piece of bamboo.
lakp, Enclosed, inclosed, included,
attached, joined to; to enclose, comprise,
attach, include. Lakp sin ginapadal ko
sa mo ang. Enclosed I am sending you
the. Wal si maglakp sa sult sang
ya nga larwan. He did not put in the
letter his picture or photo. Ilakp sa sult
mo ang blus nga nabton mo sa kay
Fulno. Enclose in your letter the answer
you have received from N.N. Lakp ang
pagkon. Board included. Free board. (cf.
lklak, To lap, lick up, swill, guzzle, gulp,
gobble, swallow down, eat and drink, as
dogs and pigs, etc. Ang bboy nagalklak
sang damg. The pig gulps down its swill.
Ang tbig sinng pnggan ginlaklakn
sang id. The dog lapped water from this
plate. (cf. hbhab, hkhak).
lknad, To extend, spread, disseminate,
propagate, become or make general.
Naglknad na ang pamalad sa bg-os
nga bnwa. Dysentery has now spread all
over the town. May dak nga katalgman
nga ang pangoler magalknad pa sa
ibn nga bnwa. There is great danger of
the cholera spreading to other towns. Inng
pud nalaknadn (-arn) na sang mayo
nga panghunhn nga binanwahnon. A
good civic spirit has disseminated itself
over this province. (cf. alplag, lpta,
rpta, etc.).
lknib, To pile, stack, arrange in order.
Laknib ang mga tp. Pile up the boards.
Laknib ak sinng mga tp. Stack those
boards for me. Nalaknibn nla sing tp
ang idlum sang baly. They piled up
boards on the ground-floor of the house.
Ilknib ak sinng mga papl. Please put
these papers in order for me. (cf. anb,
lknit, To tear asunder, tear off, separate,
take away, pull apart, strip off fibres or the
like. Laknit ang paklng sang bur. Tear
the stalk of the buri-leaf into fibres. Laknit
ak sing pil ka paklng. Tear a few stalks
into fibres for me. Ilknit ak sinng
paklng. Please tear this stalk into fibre for
lakn, To cheat, deceive, appropriate
more than ones share, seize or take
unlawfully, usurp, embezzle. Ginlakonn
ak nya sing lim ka psos. He cheated me
to the extent of five pesos. Ginlakn nya
ang kon kwrta. He embezzled or

appropriated my money. Ind mo

paglakonn ang ya nga um. Dont cheat
him out of his land, dont seize his land or
part of it. (cf. lakm, labn).
lakt, Mixture, mingling; to mix, mingle,
intersperse, put in. Inng mas may lakt
nga humyorinng mas nalktan sang
humy. This corn is mixed with rice.
Ginlktan nya ang sabw sing hos. He
mixed the sauce with garlic. Ginlakt nya
ang hos sa sabw. He put garlic into the
sauce. Ind mo paglktan ang mo
hunhn sing babe, agd nd madupg
ang mo pagton. Dont occupy your
thoughts with women, lest your studies
should be interfered with. Ilakt inng
kalmay sa bno tnto, agd magtm-is.
Put this sugar into the red table-wine to
sweeten it. (cf. sm, lkay, smbug,
lkot, To mingle incongruous ideas, talk
inconsistently, ramble. Ang bang
nagalkot sang ya hmbal. The fools talk
is ramblingorA maniac or lunatic talks
about incongruous things. (cf. sla).
lkre, (Sp. lacre) Sealing-wax; to seal
with, or put on, sealing-wax. Timbreh ang
lkre. Stamp the sealing-wax. Lakreh ang
puts. Put some sealing-wax on the
envelope. (cf. alkre).
lks, Ten thousand. Is ka gats ka
lks. One million. Duh ka lks. Twenty
lksam, To overstep, transgress, trespass,
encroach, exceed, surpass, go beyond the
limit. Maningh ka gid, agd ang mo
nga kinitan maglksam sang mo nga
hinguyng. Do your best, and see that your
income exceeds your expenses. Naglksam
si sang kon dt. He encroached or
trespassed on my land. He took part of my
field. Ind mo paglaksamn (-n) ang
talmnan sang ibn. Dont trespass on
anothers field. Dont appropriate fields
belonging to another. (cf. sabn, hmham,
lmlam, sakb, sakm, sklam).
lksaw, Deer. See lgsaw.
lksaw, Tall, high (and slender); to be or
grow tall, etc. (cf. lntyog, matans,
lktan, From laktto walk, etc.; also
from laktto mix.
lktaw, To pass over, miss, skip, garble.
Sang pagbsa nya nakalktaw si sing
is ka dinaln (ginlaktawn nya ang is
ka dinaln). When he read he skipped a
line. (cf. lkh, lth, lubs).
laktw-lktaw, Dim. and Freq. of
lktaw. Ind ka maglaktwlktaw sang
ibn nga mga mintlang, knd basha
sing lngkoy kag mathag. Dont pass
over some syllables, but read in a
continuous and distinct manner. (cf. lukhlkh, luthlth).
lktud, A short cut, bee-line; to take a
short cut, do something in less than
ordinary time or with less effort. May

Visayan-English Dictionary
lktud nga dlan pakdto ddto? Is there a
short cut to there? Laktud (-ur) lang
(ang paglakt mo). Simply take the short
cutorMake a bee-line for it. Laktud
lang ang um. Go straight over the field.
Sugri ak sing lktud sang margtas
sang mo kabh. Tell me in short the
history of your life.
laktdan, laktran, A short-cut,
straight road, bee-line. Kon may laktdan
laktudn gid nton ang paglakt. If there
is a short-cut, let us take it.
lkub, To cover, spread, extend,
fold, over. (cf. lkup).
lakb-lkub, Eyelid. (cf. ilalakb,
lakm, To cheat, deceive, defraud. See
lkwat, To raise, lift (the foot preparatory
to walking, etc). Lakwatorilkwat
ang til mo kag maglakt. Lift your foot
and walk. (cf. hkwatto lift loads, etc.).
lkwid, To twist or turn round, twine,
entwine. Lakwid sang kahg mo ang ya
kahgorilkwid ang kahg mo sa ya
kahg. Twist your foot round his (in
wrestling or the like). Lakwid si sa ya
batis. Get a twist round his leg. Lakwir,
lakwirlakwid, lakwid. (cf. slbid,
lmbid, kmbid).
lla, (H) To weave, make wickerwork.
Lalha ang kl, amkan, etc. Weave the
hat, the bamboo-mat, etc. Lalhi ak sing
ttlo ka blog nga malndog. Weave for me
three large rice-containers (of bamboo).
Kahibal ka maglla? Can you make
wickerwork? (cf. rra).
lla, To be cruel, treacherous, insidious (of
diseases; cf. malla).
lalab-san, Fishing boat, fish basket. See
lab-san. (cf. ralab-san).
lalbhan, Dirty linen, things to be
washed, clothes for the wash, the wash. (cf.
linbhan, labda).
lalagan, What is to, what should, be
boiled; peas, beans, tubers. (cf. lg,
lalagarin, Sawmill. (cf. lagr).
lalaghpon, What is to be sought or
looked for; difficult to encounter, scarce,
rare, seldom. (cf. lghap).
lalgo, Worm, dew-worm. (cf. lgo, lag).
lalak-ngon, lalakngon, What is to
be, can be, should be, reached by a
step or two; near, within reach, easy to
stepdown,over,across. (cf. lk-ang,
lalki, Man, male; lover, paramour,
correspondent. Magpakalalki ka. Be a
man. Be brave. Act the man. Be manly. (cf.
babe, babyewoman; kalalakn-an).
lalktan, (H) Way, distance, route, road
to be travelled over, march, tramp, hike.
(cf. lakt, lalkton). Also: What is to be, or
should be, mixed, etc. (cf. lakt).

laktdan, laktran llis

lalaktnan, March, walk, stroll, hike,
journey, road or way to be gone or travelled
over. (cf. lalktan, lalkton).
lalkton, Walk, hike, tramp, march,
route, way to be gone over (on foot). (cf.
lalktan, lakt).
lla, la-la, Tonic sol-fa, solmisation,
solfeggio; to sing to the syllables do, re, mi,
fa, so, la, si; sing la-la, sing a lullaby.
Lalha (la-lha) nay ang mga nta. Sing
first the notes by solmisation. An na man
ang ginalla mo? Dyon gid lang ikw
nagalla. What are you solfaing for? You
are always singing la-la. Sn-o ang
ginalalhan mo? Whom are you singing
the lullaby to? Lalhi ang bt. Sing to the
baby a lullaby. (cf. lylay, lnglang,
ll, ll, To strip, separate (meat from
the bones, etc.); to cut in pieces, dissect,
disembowel; to drop, fall off (as withered
leaves or the like). (cf. l-al; dgdag;
pamutput, bsbos).
lal-lla, Dim. and Freq. of llato sing
a lullaby; to solfa, etc. Dalyon gid lang si
nagalal-lla sang duman nga Il-li
duyyan, ibutng si aky sa dyan. She
is constantly singing the old lullaby: Il-li
duyyan, put the darling into the duyan
lalmpus, (H) Club, cudgel, stick, cane,
rod, piece of wood, etc. used to strike or
beat with. (cf. lmpus, bulunl, ballbal).
lalng, Contrivance, means, machination,
design, scheme, plot; to contrive, bring
about, find means of doing something, etc.
Sa lalng sang. Through the work or
power or influence of. Makalalng ka
sa paghkwat sinng mabg-at nga bat?
Can you contrive or find a way to lift this
heavy stone? Lalang ang pagbuks sang
ganhan, kay nadl ang lybi. Open the
door by some other means, for the key is
lost. (cf. rarng, paht, patga,
padihtan, etc.).
lalangkgon, (H) What is to be
expected,worried about,longed for;
desirable, looked forward to expectantly.
(cf. lngkag).
lalangyan, (H) Swimming pool, pond.
(cf. langy).
lalantwan, (H) Observation-post,
watch-station, lookout, observatory. (cf.
lntaw, bantyan).
lalantwon, (H) What is to be or should
be watched; a spectacle, show, sight, view.
lalantpan, Place where something is
perfected. Lalantpan sang plong. An
academy of language and literature;
philology. (lntip).
lala, lala-, (B) Mud, slush, soft mire:
to be or become muddy, miry. Naglala
ang dlan, kay madmol ang uln. The
road has become muddy, because there has
been a heavy rain. Mabdlay ang paglakt

kon madlum ang lala. It is tiresome to

walk, when the slush is deep. (cf. lnang).
lalapakn, What is to be, or should be,
trodden or trampled upon; despicable,
contemptible, unworthy of consideration.
(cf. lpak).
lals, To tear, pull, drag off by force
(vines, creepers, etc.). Maglals ka sang
balgonorlalas (llsa) ang balgon.
Tear off the vine. Lalas ang bat sang
kadna de amr. Tear the kadena de amor
away from the stone. Ginlals gid lmang
sang mga buyng ang matahm nga mga
kortna sa balatonn. The robbers pulled
down by force the beautiful curtains in the
reception-room. Ilals sa atp nga kgon
inng kawyan nga may singt. Pull down
the cogon-roof with this bamboo that has a
hook attached to it. (cf. kskas).
lalaswhon, Vegetable. See ulutann,
turuln-on, tan, lswa.
lalatahn, Factory for canning preserved
fruit, meat, fish, etc. Ang am nga dug
patindogn nla, kon, sing lalatahn
sang mga bnga sang khoy. On that spot,
they say, they are going to build a factory
for canning fruits. (cf. lta, lalatahn).
lalatahn, To be canned or preserved in
tins; fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, etc. ready,
fit or suitable for canning. (cf. lta).
lalw, Deep mourning, sorrow, grief; to
wear mourning (dress), wear black; be in
mourning over the death of some near
relative, be in black or in widows weeds.
May lalw siornagalalw si. He is
mourning. Ind si magsut kay lalw
nyaornagalalw si. He does not
dance, because he is in mourning. Sn-o
ang ginalalawn mo? For whom are you
wearing black (or mourning) dress? (cf.
lalawign, (H) Field or pasture where
cattle, etc. are allowed to roam freely or are
tied with a long tether; meadow, grassland, grazing ground; a place or island far
away. (cf. lwig).
llay, A lullaby; to put, lay, a baby in a
hammock or cradle and sing a lullaby, sing
a baby to sleep. (cf. yyay, lla).
lalm, Taste, savour, flavour, tang;
ingredient, element; to taste, savour.
Nakalalm ak sang kanmit sang bas. I
tasted some delicious grapes. Ipalalm ko
sa ya inng bibngka. I shall let him taste
this bibinca (a kind of rice-cake). Wal si
sing lalm. He is an insipid, annoying,
disagreeable fellow. Ang am nga mga
lalm sang ton pagkon nagapabkud
sang lwas. Those elements in our food
give strength to the body. (cf. dmdim,
smsam, sagmsam, idilmdim, pankot).
llis, To disobey, contravene, leave
unobserved, pay no heed to, violate,
transgress, infringe, be insubordinate; to
gainsay, disregard. Ind ka magllis sang
sg sang mo giniknan. Do not disobey
the orders of your parents. Ind mo


llsan, llson lmbid

paglalson ang gintgon nya sa mo.
Dont neglect to carry out the order he
entrusted to you. Ginllis nya ang ya
aglonorginllis nya ang sg sang
ya aglon. He paid no heed to the
command of his master. Kamaturan nga
dl mallis. A truth that cannot be
gainsaid (disregarded). (cf. lpas,
lpas: himutg).
llsan, llson, From lals.
lald, (B) Dregs, sediment, settlings, lees.
(cf. lbud, lgd).
lalg, See lald, lbud, lgd.
lalgay, Intestinal worm, taenia,
tapeworm. (cf. lgay, solitryo, btok,
llung, Now and then used as verb
instead of lalngto cripple. (cf. rrung).
lalng, Crippled, seriously injured,
wounded. (cf. pilasn).
lalng, (H) To wound, injure seriously,
cripple. Nalalng si sa pangawyan. He
was wounded in the war. Ind mo
paglalungn ang karabw sang mo
binngon. Dont injure the buffalo with
your bolo. Ang pagawyan am ang
ginalalungn sang madm nga mga
mangangawy. On the field of battle many
soldiers are wounded. Ang mga lalng la
gindal sa bullngan. They carried the
wounded to the hospital (cf. plas).
lm, To scratch, cut, graze (with a sharpedged piece of wood, bamboo or the like).
Nalm ang btkon ko sa bagkay. My
arm got scratched by a bagkay-reed. An
ang nakalm sang mo batis? What gave
you that cut in the calf of your leg? (cf.
gb, bklis, balkas, pkris, etc.).
lm, To hustle, despatch quickly, be or
doin a hurry,carelessly. Lama lang
ang pagbnak, paglt, etc. Hurry the
wash, cook quickly, etc.
lam, To break, crush. Nalam or nlm
ang is ka naht nga kawyan, kay
nalapkan sang kro. A piece of bamboo
was crushed, for the cart passed over it. (cf.
lum which is more in use, pus, bak,
lamd, To talk glibly, flippantly, talk
nonsense; bosh, trash, absurdity. Ind ka
maglamd sa konornd mo ak
paglamadan. Dont talk nonsense to me.
(cf. lamsang, lsang, purikot, pirkat).
lm-ag, (B) Too much, excessive,
immoderate, extravagant, beyond measure;
to be excessive, do something to excess.
Ind ka magpalm-ag sang hmbal. Dont
talk too much. Lm-ag kabg-at in sa
kon. This is too heavy for me. Nalamagn ak sin. That is too much for me. I
have had more than enough of that.
Ginpalam-agn ak nya sang buyyaw.
He surpassed himself in swearing at me.
(cf. tm, laks, masido, dro).
lam-lam, To suspend judgment, have
ones doubts about, doubt, hesitate, feel


Visayan-English Dictionary
some apprehension or fear. Ind ka
maglamlam, kay matod gid ang
singid ko sa mo. Dont have any doubts
now, for what I have told you is perfectly
true. Ginalamlamahn nya in. He is in
doubt about that. He is apprehensive about
it. (cf. duhdha).
lamlm, Dim. and Freq. of lm. Also:
To harrow. Ind pa nay paglamlamon
ang talmnan, knd darhon pa sing
makaduh. Dont harrow the field as yet,
but go twice more over it with the plough.
lm-an, etc. From lumto hope, expect.
lmang, Only, just, simply, merely, solely,
barely, but, excepting that, not more than.
Ind lmang kay (Ind lmang nga),
knd. Not only, but.
lmang, To do or take something without
more ado, without investigation, believing
the object taken to belong to oneself. Ind
ka maglmang sang kon nga sngkap.
Dont take, or make use of, my tools
without permission, dont say: Ill just
(lmang) take them. Ginlamngan ko
ang mo tuln-an, kay dmdum ko nga
kon. I took your book thinking it was
mine. Kon maglakt ka bus sa ga pa
gid, mutron mo sing mayo ang mga
kl sa salb-tan; bs malamngan mo
ang kon kag madal mo sa malay mo
nga kaladton. When you leave early tomorrow morning, have a good look at the
hats on the hat-stand; for otherwise you
might get hold of mine and take it along on
your far journey. (cf. lbni).
lamant, Lean, skinny, thin, spare,
emaciated. Lamant nga bka. A skinny
cow. Naglamant si sa laks nga
pangabdlay. He has become lean through
overwork. (cf. pnit, kalamant,
manwang, hgpis).
lamno, (Sp. la mano) To salute by
shaking hands, shake hands, grasp the
hand, welcome. Maglamanohy kam.
Shake hands. Lamanha, si. Shake hands
with himorWelcome him. (cf. abbi).
lams, (Sp. amasar) To knead, make
dough. Lamas ang arna. Make dough of
the flour. Lamas ak sing is ka sko nga
arna. Make dough of a sack of flour for
me. Natigna (naman, nahnd) na bal
ng arna nga ilams (malasahn) ko sa
tinpay? Is the flour ready that I shall
make into dough for bread? (cf. msa).
lmas, To rub, scrape, massage. See
rmas. Also: to handle roughly, beat.
lamsang, Nonsense, twaddle, bosh,
absurdity; to drivel, talk nonsense, etc. See
lamd id.
lmat, (H) To be or become dim, see
indistinctly. Nagalmat ang panluk ko.
My eyesight is getting dim. (cf. rmat;
bulnon, mabinulnon).
lamt-lamt, (H) Dim. and Freq. of
lmat. Nagalamtlamt na ang ya
itulluk. His sight has become a little dim.

lamw, To grope with the hand in slush,

mud, dirty water, etc. Lamaw ang kasng
nga nagkdto sa danw. Grope for the
spinning top that went into the pool.
Lamaw ak sang lanstas nga nahlug sa
tulgban sang karabw. Grope for my
knife that fell into the buffalo wallow.
lamawn, lamwan, A pit or pool,
where offal, dishwater, etc. are usually
disposed of (as near a kitchen); kitchensink. (cf. lamw; ulan).
lmay, Dry banana-leaves. (cf. rmay).
lamay, Dried fish, sun-dried fish (salted
or without being salted).
lamay, To be or become rather hard or
dry, but not very dry; to be pliable or damp.
Ang kushos wal gid mag-ug, knd
naglamay lang. The slice (of meat) has
not become thoroughly dry, but only
slightly so. Hlus naglamay ang mga
panpton nga inamidoln pinnpun ko,
kay daw matup ang uln. As soon as the
starched clothes were slightly dry, I
gathered them in, because it looked as if it
was going to rain.
lmba, To strike, beat, drub, thrash,
throw, push. Ginlmba nya si sa
dngding. He threw him against the wall or
partition. Ilmba si sa salg. Throw him
to the ground. Lay him low. Knock him
down. Ginlambahn nya ak sing
lalmpus. He drubbed me with a stick or
club. (cf. lmpus, blbal, bnal, etc.).
lmbang, To intercept, catch, stop,
thwart. See lmbat.
lmbas, Inundation, flood; to inundate,
overflow, cover, flood. Ang sub
naglmbas sang mon dt. The river
inundated our land. Linmbas sang tbig
ang mon talmnan. Our rice-field was
flooded, (cf. lngbas).
lmbat, To intercept on the road, stop,
halt, bar or block the way, preclude the
passage of, obstruct the progress of.
Lamhat si sa dlan. Stop him on the
road. Naglmbat si sa kon or
linambatn nya ak. He intercepted me
on my way. He prevented me from
proceeding on my way. (cf. smbat, blag,
pamalbag; bngg, bngan).
lmbat, Guard, keeper, watchman
(especially in various games). Sn-o ang
lmbat ukn bntay ddto? Who is the
guard or keeper there?
lmbat, (H) Band, cross-stripe. Ang
dghan nya may lmbat nga mapul.
Across his breast there was (is) a red stripe
or band.
lmbay, To intercept, stop on the road
etc. See lmbat, put, blag, smbat,
bngg, bngan. Lambay si. Intercept
him (on the road).
lmbid, To twist or turn round, put
round, trip up with ones foot. Lambir (id) si. Trip him up. Ilmbid sa ya ang
mo til. Twist your foot round him.

Visayan-English Dictionary
Lambir ang til mo. Cross your legs. (cf.
kmbid, lkwid, slbid).
lambki, (Sp. alambique) Still, distillery;
plant for manufacturing intoxicating
lmbing, To secure, bind, fasten; to grip,
grasp, grapple with. (cf. lmbid, kmbid,
lkwid, slbid).
lambiry, lambray, To become
entangled, get twisted; twist around each
other. Naglambiry ang ps. The string
became entangled. (cf. lmbid).
lmbit, To mention, relate, refer to. An
gn ang ginlmbit nya? What did he
really refer to? Lambit si sa nahanungd
sang pagpatndog sang kon baly. Talk
to him about the building of my house. Ang
nalmbit sa hitas. What was
mentioned above or before. The above
mentioned. The aforesaid. Ind ka
maglmbit sin sa ya. Dont mention that
to him. Dont tell him of that. Ilmbit sa
ya nga. Tell him that. Nga man
nga wal mo pagilmbit in sa kon nga
dan? Why did you not mention that to me
before? Why didnt you tell me
beforehand? (cf. smbit).
lmb, Healthy vitality, lustiness, growth,
development; to grow well or fast.
Nagalmb inng kawyan, kabyo, to,
etc. This bamboo, horse, man, etc. is
growing well. Wal sing pagkalmb
(wal sing nagalmb, malmb) ang
mga (sa mga) dt nga kigs. Nothing
grows well on arid or desert ground (soil).
Kalmb sinng mga tanm! How well
these plants grow!
lmbo, A fish-hook. (cf. tag).
lmbun, Manure, fertilizer. (cf. abno).
lmbun, To loosen the earth, dig up the
ground around a plant, to hill plants.
Lambun ang talng. Loosen the earth
around the eggplant. Hill the eggplant. (cf.
lambunwon, Dim, misty, not bright,
covered with clouds (of the moon); dim,
weak, not sharp (of eyesight). (cf. bulnon,
lmbung, Shadow, shade; to give shade
to, etc. Nalambungn si sang madbung
nga ph. He was in the shadow of the
dense foliage of the mango-tree. Wal
magalmbung sa la painno ang kasub.
No sorrow beclouds their thoughts. (cf.
hndong, hron).
lmbung, Cape, mantle, cloak, shawl,
covering for the shoulders (of women). (cf.
knop, kmbot).
lmbut, To reach, overtake, attain,
obtain. Nalmbut ko si sa dlan. I
overtook him on the road. Ind ak
makalmbut sang larwan nga sa
dngding. I cannot reach the picture on the
wall. (cf. but, dngat, db-ot).
lamsa, (Sp. la mesa) Table. (cf.
tulungtngan, ltok).

lambki lm-os
lmgod, Poor, unproductive, barren,
sterile (of soil, etc.). See lnggod id. Inng
mga pun (pinun) sang dt puls mga
mayo gid nga wal sing pagkalmgod.
These plots of grounds are all excellent and
contain no barren soil.
lmhad, Young, immature; to be young,
tender, immature.
lamhron, Immature, inexperienced,
greenhorn, young. (cf. bag-han, lgbus,
payan, lanb, batan).
lmhit, An inflammation of the eyelids,
the lower eyelids being particularly liable to
this irritating, if not dangerous, disease;
gummy secretion of the eyes; blearedness.
lamhitn, One affected with lmhit,
pertaining to lmhit.
lmh, To giggle, smile, make an effort to
suppress any sudden impulse to laugh,
break out into a smile and suppress it at
once. Naglmh si. He smiled, but then
looked serious at once. (cf. lkh).
lam, Taste, flavour, savour. (cf. lalm,
lam, Soft, flabby, impressionable, yielding
to slight pressure; to be soft, etc. Naglam
na gid inng kapyas; nd na ak kayon
sin. This papaya has become quite soft
now; I do not like it any more. Lam inng
krne. This meat is soft. (cf. hmok, lmuk, yam).
lamg, Fresh, cold, chilly; to be or become
cold. Naglamg na ang bngkay. The
corpse is cold now, has become cold.
Ginalamign ak sinng timpo. I am
feeling cold in this weather. Nalamign
ak kahpon. I felt cold yesterday. (cf.
bgnaw, tgnaw, ramg).
lamgas, Shelled peas and beans.
lam-lam, Dim. and Freq. of lam. Also:
to eat with little or no appetite. Paundang
na ang bt, kay nagalamlam. Stop
feeding the baby, for it has no appetite.
lamna, (Sp. lmina) Picture, illustration,
print. (cf. larwan, estmpa).
lamnday, Slow, weak, feeble; to do
slowly, etc. Lamnday ang ya paglakt,
pangabdlay, etc. He walks, works, etc.
slowly. Nagalamnday si sa pagkon
orlamnday si sing pangon. He is a
slow eater. Naglamnday ang karabw,
kay nabdlay. The buffalo is slow, for it is
tired. (cf. gday, bndul, pkok, hnay,
lgday, etc.).
lamit, To include, take with, put together
with. Sang paghmos mo sang mo malta
nalamit mo man ang kon by. When
you were making ready your handbag, you
put in also my jacket. (cf. lakp, lmang).
lmlam, To grasp, seize, take firm hold of.
Lamlam ang pagyat sang mo kalptan.
Take a firm grasp on what you hold.
Lamlamorpalamlam ang bso sang
kamt mo. Grasp the glass firmly with your
hand. Ilmlam ang kamt mo sa pnggan,
agd nd makapals. Hold the plate firmly

in your hand, lest it should slip. Ipalmlam

ang pgbo sa balyan. Join the rafter
firmly to the girder. Ginlmlam nya ang
is ka bhin sang kon um. He took,
seized or usurped, part of my field. (cf.
hmham, saml, sabn, etc.).
lmnog, A kind of branchless plant.
lamd, Mixture, addition, ingredient; to
mix with, add to. May lamd nga mas ang
nyo kn-on? Has your rice an admixture of
corn? Inng tsokolte may lamd nga
man. This chocolate is mixed with
peanuts. Lamod (-or) ang bugs sing
mas. Mix the rice with corn. Ilamd inng
balnggay sa tinla. Put these balnggayleaves into the sauce. Lamod (-or) ang
mnggo kag kadys. Mix monggoand
cadiospeas together. (cf. lakt, sm,
smbug, lngkay, lkay, smpon, etc.).
lm-od, To swallow greedily, devour, gulp
down. Ind mo paglam-odn ang tinpay.
Dont eat bread so greedily. Naglm-od gid
lang si sang sging nga wal nya
pagusnga. He swallowed the banana
without chewing it. (cf. lmon, halnhon,
subd, sb, sibd; lam-od, lamodlam-or, lam-or, etc.
lamg, Soiled, stained, dirty; to be or
become soiled (through perspiration, long
use, dust, etc., particularly applied to
clothes). Lamg ang kon by. My
jacket is soiled. Naglamg ang kon
srwal. My trousers became dirtied. (cf.
laglag, hgk, etc.).
lamk, Mosquito. (cf. namk).
lamokn, Full of mosquitoes; pertaining
to mosquitoes. (lamk).
lamn, Quite blind, stone-blind, blind in
both eyes, bereft of sight, sightless; to be
blind, etc. Lamn si. He is quite blind.
Naglamn si. He went quite blind. (cf.
but; bulgblind in one eye, half-blind,
lmon, To put a whole piece into the
mouth; to swallow, devour, bolt (down),
gulp down, gobble up. Ind mo
paglamnon (paglmyon) ang krne,
knd usngon mo nay sing mayo.
Dont gulp down the meat, but chew it well
first. Ginlmon sang pak ang lalgo. The
frog gobbled up the dew-worm. Dinakp
sang mn-og ang pak kag lamnon. The
snake caught the toad and gobbled it up.
Ang singglong makalmon sing pis. The
fox can swallow a small chicken whole. (cf.
lm-od, tukb, sibd, lamy, tuln,
halnhun, subd, panagtlon).
lamn-lamn, Dim. of lamn. Nearly
blind, seeing obscurely, half-blind,
lm-os, (H) To bespatter, besprinkle, cast
upon. Nalm-os ak sang lala. I got
bespattered with mud. Sn-o ang naglmos sang mo guy? Who bespattered your
face? Linam-osn nya ang kon by sing
pog. He sprinkled lime on my jacket. Ind
mo pagilm-os sa ya inng kapyas nga


lamy lanahn
dunt. Dont throw this rotten papaw at
him. (cf. sik, sang, wisk).
lamy, (B) To swallow, gobble, devour.
Ind ka magpalgos dir, kay bs lmyon
ka sang buya, bags, etc. Dont bathe
there, for a crocodile, shark, etc. may
devour you. (cf. lmon, tuln, sb,
halnhun, lumy).
lampagk, A slut, slattern; sluttish,
slatternly, slovenly, untidy, dressed up like
a scarecrow, (said especially of women).
lampan, Growing well, developing
finely, becoming strong and tall. Lampan
nga tabk, tub, to, etc. Well-growing
tobacco, finely developing sugar-cane, a
person growing tall and strong, etc.
lampar, lmpara, (Sp. lmpara)
Lamp, light. (cf. sug, wag, kapw, sol,
snag, tnghoy, knke).
lamparnes, (Sp. lamparones) The
kings evil, scrofula.
lmpas, To reach, arrive at, make,
actually come to. Ind ak makalmpas
sang Ilnglong tbtub sa panyga. I
cannot make Iloilo for dinner. Lampas
gd ang Ogtng tbtub maghpon. Try to
reach Oton by evening. Ginalmpas sinng
sakayn ang Ilnglong kag Ngros sa
duh ka tkn. This boat covers the
distance between Iloilo and Negros within
two hours. (cf. lngpas).
lampso, (Sp. lampazo) A mop, swab,
cloth; to mop, wipe, rub with a wet cloth,
swab. Lampashi ang salg. Mop the floor.
Wipe the floor with a wet cloth. Ilampso
inng lapt sa lamsa. Use this rag to wipe
the table with. Nalampashan na ang
tann nga mga hult. All the rooms have
been swabbed. (cf. dgnas).
lmpaw, To puton,over,above,on
top of. Ilampaw ang binkbok sa lta. Put
the powdered (rice) on top of the tin. (cf.
lampwan, A form or mould, usually of
wickerwork, used in the preparation of
various rice-cakes, especially pto. (cf.
lampayt, A pet, one desirous of being
caressed or played with; to wish to be
fondled, petted or taken much notice of.
(cf. pangg; lapng-it, laping-itn).
lmpin, Swaddling clothes, swaddling
band; to swaddle. Lampin ang bt.
Swaddle the baby. Lampinn ko gid inng
bunng. I shall make swaddling-clothes of
this yarn. Ilmpin in sa bt. Swaddle the
baby with this. Pinuts nya ang bt sa
mga lmpin. She wrapped the baby in
swaddling clothes.
lampingsan, Wicked, villainous,
rascally, mean, shameless; a scoundrel,
villain, rascal, a man without honour or
virtue, a base wretch; to be or become
villainous, etc. Naglampingsan na ang
madm nga mga to, kay wal sil
pagto kag wal pagsapk sang mga sg


Visayan-English Dictionary
sang Dos. Many men have become very
wicked, because they have no faith and pay
no heed to Gods commandments. (cf.
banyg, tampalsan, waly, huy, etc.).
lamprong, A kind of sea-shell. (cf. byad, tipy).
lampits, Very touchy, sensitive, apt to
take offence and cry on the slightest
provocation. (cf. mog, bingt, mabingt,
lampitw, An observer, spy, secret
service man, detective; to spy upon,
observe closely, keep ones eye on.
Lampitaw ang mga mamumugn sa
um kon mapsan sil sa
pagpangabdlay. Keep your eye on the
workmen in the field and see whether they
work hard. Maglampitw ka sa kaway
orlampitaw ang mga kaway. Spy
upon the enemy. Lampitaw ang la mga
gho kag hlag. Watch their plans and
movements. Dinakp nla ang lampitw
kag pinaty. They caught the spy and
killed him. (cf. tktik).
lampits, Joking, jesting, making fun;
jocularity, facetiousness; a joker, jester,
clown, buffoon, one who is jocose and
makes others laugh at his jokes. (cf. uslitn,
uslitn, lahglahogn, langs, alakyo,
lmpong, Young, tender, soft, immature.
(cf. lanb, lgbus, malm-ok, mahmok,
lampas, (H) To vanish, disappear,
dissolve, disperse; to pass, go beyond,
reach and move on. Nagalampas na ang
as. The smoke is clearing off.
Ginapalampas na sang dlaw ang mga
gl-um. The sun is dispersing the clouds.
Wal pa si makalampas sa ikaduh ka
pl ka pagsukt. He has not yet passed
his twentieth birth-day, (he is not yet
twenty years old). (cf. pas; lmpas; lpas,
ligad, lubs).
lmpus, To strike, beat, drub, cudgel,
cane, knock, whack, wallop, whop, rap, tap,
hit, club. Ginlampusn nya si Fulno sing
intud nga kawyan. He struck N.N. with
a piece of bamboo. Ilmpus mo sa bboy
inng bastn. Hit the pig with this stick.
Throw this stick at the pig. (cf. lmba,
blbal, etc.).
lamputng, To take a short cut, etc. See
lampwas, See lampas.
lampyang, A kind of plant. It is used as
a remedy for boils, swellings, etc.
lamuht, To do in and out of season, do
at all times, please oneself. (cf. yamuht,
lamsut, To be squashed, crushed to
pulp, flattened. Nalamsut (naglamsut)
ang tanng nga kapyas, kay nalapkan
ko. That overripe papaw was crushed to
pulp, when I stepped on it. (cf. ramsot).

lamut, Blister; to form blisters. Naps

ang btkon ko kag naglamut. My arm got
scorched or scalded and blisters rose on it.
(cf. lp-ok).
lna, (Sp. lana) Wool, fleece, woollen
manufacture. Dilna (Sp. de lana)
woollen, made of wool, flannel.
lna, Oil, especially coconut oil. (cf.
smpa, ugsip, gat, latk, lan).
lan, To oil, make, or treat with, coconut
oil. Lanah inng mga lub. Make oil from
these coconuts. Lanah ak sing duh ka
botlya (nga lna). Make two bottles of
coconut-oil for me. Lanah ang mkina sa
tah, agd magtnlas. Oil the sewing
machine, in order that it my run smoothly.
Din si Fulno?Nagalan si. Where is
N.N.?He is making coconut-oil. Maglan
ka sa yaorlanah si, agd pasgtan
nya ikw. Oil him, i.e. ingratiate yourself
with him, that he may allow you to have
your will. (cf. lna).
lan, To make oil, extract oil from
coconuts. Lanah inng mga lub. Make oil
from these coconuts. Lanah ak sing duh
ka botlya (nga lna). Make two bottles of
coconut oil for me. Din si Pulno?
Nagalan si. Where is N.N.?He is
making coconut oil.
lna, To oil, treat with oil, ingratiate
oneself with. Lanhi ang mkina (makin)
sa tah, agd magtnlas. Oil the sewing
machine in order that it may run smoothly.
Maglna ka sa ya, Lanhi si, agd
pasgtan nya ikw. Ingratiate yourself
with him, so that he may allow you to have
your will. (cf. lan).
lanb, A slight rise in a river; to rise a
little. Nagalanb man lang ang sub. The
river has risen a little. (cf. blus, dald,
lnag, To surfeit, feel nausea, loathe.
Nalnag si sang tulngan. The tulnganfish made him sick. He is surfeited with
eating tulngan-fish.
lnag, To be wet, moist, damp, soaked.
lang, A piece of wet, moist, well-watered
ground; moist, wet, well-watered. May
lang kam sa mon palangmhan. We
have a piece of well-watered ground in our
farm. (cf. longasg, hagubhban).
ln-ag, A crack, chap, fissure in the skin
(due to exposure to water in planting rice,
washing clothes, etc.); to form cracks or
fissures. Nagln-ag ang batis ko sa
panlug sing haron. I got my calf covered
with fissures on account of groping for
haron-fish in the water. Nalan-agn ang
til nya sang tnum. The skin of his foot
cracked from planting rice. Ang labandra
may ln-ag sa kamt. The washerwoman
has chapped handsorhas chaps on her
hands. (cf. litk, balan, etc.).
lanahn, Oil-bottle, receptacle for
coconut-oil, oil-vase, oil-cruet. (cf. lan).

Visayan-English Dictionary
lan-lna, Dim. and Freq. of lan. To oil;
to soap, flatter, ingratiate oneself with.
Sagd si maglanlna sa kay Fulno. He
is an adept at flattering N.N. (cf. haplas,
aphap, daldl, etc.).
lnas, To take within ones range, devour
by spreading, extend to and destroy (of
fire); to overflow, inundate, cover (of
water). Ginlnas sang kalyo ang mon
baly. The fire spread to our house and
destroyed it. Bantay sing mayo ang mo
baly, agd nd malnas sang kalyo.
Watch your house well, lest the fire should
take it within its range, (lest the fire should
reach it). (cf. bang, nas; lmbas,
lant, To covet, look longingly or wistfully
upon, stare at with greedy eyes. Ang mga
mat nya nagalant sa mga ph. His
eyes are looking longingly at the mangoes.
Ginalanatn sang mga mat sang bt
ang matm-is nga kalannon. The boy is
staring with greedy eyes at the sweet
pastry. Ind nnyo paglanatn sang nyo
mga mat ang mga pagkon sa ltok.
Dont stare with greedy eyes at the food on
the table. Ind mo pagilant ang mo mga
mat sa mga bibnka. Dont cast greedy
looks on the bibinca-cakes.
lnaw, To observe well, watch, scrutinize,
be on the look-out, keep ones eye on, keep
in sight or view. Ang salagiwan
nagalnaw sang mga pis. The hawk is on
the look-out for chickens. Lanwa ang
lampitw. Keep a watch on the spy. Ang
kaway nagalnaw sang ton mga
mangangawy. The enemy is closely
observing our soldiers. (cf. lntaw,
panlag, bntay).
ln-aw, Fluid, liquid; to liquidify, be or
lnay, To shine, glisten, be lustrous.
Nagalnay ang bohk mo sa tm nga
lna. Your hair is shining with an excess of
coconut-oil. (cf. sl).
lndas, To crush, hammer, overcome,
vanquish, conquer, outdo, worst, beat. Ind
ka makalndas sa kon sa dalgan. You
cant outdo me in running. Landas si sa
dmug. Overcome him in wrestling.
Landas si sa pagdro. Outstrip him in
ploughing. Dl malndas in. This cannot
be beaten, is not to be overcome. (cf. dag).
landasn, Anvil, stithy. (cf.
lnd, Vain, ostentatious, frivolous,
carrying oneself proudly, pretentious,
showing affectation, worldly-minded. (cf.
dayw, bugaln, matinaastason,
landan, A coquette, flirt; vain, frivolous.
See lnd.
lndok, To plant cuttings (of kamti,
alugbti, etc.). Ilndok inng mga lon
sang kamti. Plant these cuttings of sweet
potatoes. Inng dt sarng malandokn

lan-lna lnggaw
sing alugbti. You can plant alugbti on
this ground.
land-lndo, To roam or walk about
idly, loiter, loaf, lounge about; loafer,
vagabond, idle fellow. (cf. lagwlgaw,
haryhray, lady, tiygtiyg).
lndong, Shade, shadow; to give or
provide shade, be shady. Nalandongn
kam ddto sang madbung nga ph. We
were there in the shade of the dense foliage
of the mango-tree. Landong ang bt
sang pyong. Shade the baby with the
umbrella. Ilndong sa bt ang pyong.
Use the umbrella to shade the baby.
Mapaslong kit sa lndong sang khoy,
kay tm kanit sang dlaw dir. Let us
take shelter in the shade of the tree, for the
heat of the sun here is excessive. (cf.
hndong, lmbung, hron).
lndong, Stateliness, impressiveness,
dignity, imposing carriage or demeanour;
handsomeness, good looks. Wal gid si
sing lndong. He (She) is not prominent,
not impressive, not handsome, not of an
imposing presence or the like.
landngan, Shadowy, shady; imposing,
commanding respect, dignified, prominent.
lante, A kind of tree yielding a fine,
white timber used chiefly in furnituremaking.
lang, Only, just, simply, but quite
frequently used for mere euphonys sake.
Kdto ka lang ddto, kon malyag ka. Just
go there, if you like. Am lang in? Is this
all? (cf. lmang id.).
lng, Oblivious, forgetful, half-witted,
wandering in ones mind; silly, idiot, woolgathering; to be very oblivious, forgetful,
etc. (cf. hng, bungbung, buangt,
pungg, kolkol).
lang-lang, Foolish, silly, crazy, out of
ones wits (said especially of poultry).
Ihwon ta lang ang mung, kay
nagalanglang or kay langlang. Let us
kill the hen, for she is crazy, (i.e. laying her
eggs sometimes here and sometimes there,
but never for any length of time in the same
place. (cf. bungbung, talngtalng).
lang-lnga, A large earthen bowl; to
use such a bowl. (cf. km-aw).
lang-lang, langlng, Dim. and
Freq. of lng. Also: to be absent-minded,
very forgetful, wandering in ones mind,
making contradictory statements, behaving
like a fool. Nagalanglang si sa ya
panabt. He gives incoherent or
contradictory answers. His mind is
langn, End, termination, ceasing, break;
to stop, terminate, come to an end or break.
Sa waly langn. Without end,
interruption or break. (cf. put, sa waly
put, sa waly katapsan).
langn-langn, Dim. and Freq. of

langs, Joke, jest, fun, wit, drollery,

pleasantry, humour, smart saying, flash of
merriment; to tell jokes, make fun, etc.
Nagalangs (nagalinangs) si. He is
joking. Linangasn nya ak. He told me
some funny things or ridiculous stories.
Langas kam sang mo mga hurubton.
Let us hear some of your jokes (witty
sayings). (cf. lahg, hmpang, linangs).
lang-slng-as, A vagabond, rover,
loafer, hobo, tramp. (cf. tigtig, laslas,
lng-at, Interruption, interval, interstice,
break, respite, interim, meantime; distance
from; to put in an interval, be distant from,
etc. Lang-atn mo sing is ka dlaw kag
ugling magblik ka. Knock off for one day
and then return. Come back the day after
to-morrow. May lng-at nga duh ka
tkn. There was (is) an interval or pause
of two hours. Naglng-at si sing ditay
nga tin kag pumadyon si sang ya
paglakt. He stopped for a few moments
and then continued his march. (cf. langn,
put, bl-ot, tpn).
lang-tay, Distance between two or more
objects; to be distant from one another.
Ang la sin nga lang-tay (paglang-tay)
mga duh lmang ka mtros. Their
distance from each other is only about two
lngaw, Fly, house-fly; to be or become
full of flies. Ginalangwan lang dir ang
mamn. The cakes in this place are full of
flies i.e. are not eaten, do not sell well, or
the like.
lngbas, Inundation, flood; to overflow,
cover, inundate, flood. Nalangbasn ang
mon um sang sub. Our field was
flooded by the river. Ang blan sa Oktbre
am ang inogpanglngbas
(inogpanlngbas). The month of October
is the season of floods. Ang tbig
naglngbas sang idlum sang kon baly.
The water covered the ground-floor of my
house. (cf. lmbas).
lngd, Sediment, dregs, lees; juice,
distillation. (cf. lgd).
lngdong, Shadow, etc. See lndong.
lnggab, To covet, desire, etc. See
hnggab, hingam, himlat.
langgd, To talk, converse, tell stories,
prate, prattle. An na man ang mo
ginlanggd ddto? What stories did you
tell there now? (cf. sgid, pangid, br,
lnggang, Yellow, ruddy, reddish; to turn
yellow or red (of ripening fruit).
Nagalnggang na ang bnga sang
kamnsil. The camunsel-fruit is turning
red, is getting ripe.
lnggaw, Vinegar; to turn vinegar,
become sour, to sour. Naglnggaw ang
tub. The toddy turned into vinegar.
(Palanggaw) Langgaw lang inng bno.


lnggay lang
Let this wine turn into vinegar, have this
wine made into vinegar.
lnggay, A foolish, stupid woman,
feather-head. (cf. langklngka,
lnggod, Poor, sterile, barren (of fields);
to be or become barren. Lnggod nga
dt. Poor soil. (cf. lmgod).
lnggot, To commence to eat or graze,
start taking other food than milk. Ang bt
nagalnggot na sing kn-on. The baby is
now beginning to eat rice. Ang tnday sang
karabw and na maglnggot sing
hilamn. The buffalo-calf is now
accustomed to graze. (cf. dmgot,
lnggoy, A foolish, stupid man, silly
fellow. (cf. langklngko, panggpnggo;
lnggay-silly woman).
lnghas, To look for, go in quest of,
search for, try to find or get. Langhas ang
kon igsullat nga nadl. Look for my
lost pen. Langhas ak sing sging. Get me
some bananas. Ilnghas ak sang kon
pnyo nga nawgit (nagkawgit) sa dlan.
Kindly go in search of my handkerchief that
has been dropped on the road. (cf. lghap,
sghap, pangt).
lngh, Chuckle, giggle; to chuckle,
giggle, laugh. (cf. lmh).
lngiaw, To be or make watery, thin, to
thin out, dilute (liquids). Inng gtas
naglngiaw. This milk has curdled,
coagulated, separated, become part clotted
and part watery. Langiaw ang tnt sing
tbig, kay tm kalapyut. Water the ink,
for it is too thick. Ilngiaw sa sabw inng
is ka bso nga tbig. Thin out the sauce
with this glass of water. (cf. bsiaw).
lng-ig, A bad smell as of rotten fish, etc.;
to be of evil odour, get or emit a bad smell,
stench, stink, smell bad. Naglng-ig ang
salmn, kay dgay na nga nabukasn ang
lta. The salmon smells bad, for it is some
time now since the tin was opened.
Nalang-ign ak sinng mga sardnas sa
lta, kay nagsungw. It seems to me that
the sardines in the tin are rotten, because
there was a leak.
langs, Rotten, rancid, bad (of coconutmeat, etc.); to be or become rotten, etc. (cf.
langs, To be harsh, shrill, grating,
discordant, jarring (of sounds).
Ginalangisn ak sang pagbl-ag sang
lagr. The filing of the saw is grating on
my ears, is setting my teeth on edge.
langs-lngis, Dim. and Freq. of langs.
Also: To fool, humour, flatter. Ind ka
maglangslngis sa konornd mo ak
paglangislangson. Dont try to fool or
flatter me.
lngit, Heaven, sky, welkin. Ang mga
Sntos sa lngit. The Saints in
heaven. Ang mga kabitonan
nagaigptgpat sa lngit. The stars twinkle


Visayan-English Dictionary
in the sky. (cf. palngitto go to heaven,
langt-lngit, A little heaven, an
imitation of heaven, decorations on ceilings
or the like. Also verb. Langtlangti ang
kisam sang sla sa tbad sang mga
kalaslon. Put nice decorations on the
ceiling of the main room for the banquet of
the marriage couple. Ilangt-lngit inng
mga kortna. Use these curtains for
decorating the ceiling.
langtnon, Heavenly, celestial,
supernatural, supremely excellent.
lngk, The tree, timber and fruit of the
lngkag, To worry, be anxious about,
have apprehensions, wait anxiously for, to
expect, desire. Nagalngkag ak sin. I am
worrying about it. Ind ka maglngkag.
Dont worry. Ginalngkag ko ang ya
pagbyad sang ya nga tang, kay may
kinahnglan ak sang kwrta kag
lumgad na ang termin. I am anxious
about his paying his debt, because I need
the money and the date fixed for payment
is passed. Ind mo paglangkagn ang ya
pagabt, kay may bhat pa si ddto.
Dont worry about his arrival (or his
coming home), for he is still occupied over
there (and will come a little later).
Nagakalngkag ang kon painno
tungd sinng balt nga nabton ko. My
mind is troubled on account of this news I
have received. Ind mo igkalngkag ang
mo ank ddto, kay mayo man si sing
lwas. Have no fear for your boy there, for
he is in good health. Dl igkalngkag sang
mo but ang am nga hitab. You should
not worry about such an event.
Ginalngkag nla ang pagabt sang
panglo-bnwa. They are anxiously
waiting for the arrival of the Municipal
President. (cf. bakg, hdlaw).
langk-lngka, A silly woman, etc. See
lnggay, panggpngga, etc.
langkpan, A bamboo-stretcher or
hearse; bamboo-bench.
langkpi, See langkpan. A low bench in
small boats.
lngkat, Interval, etc. See lng-at.
langkaws, A kind of plant.
lngkay, An addition, mixture; to mingle,
mix, add to. May lngkay ang ton tinla?
Has our side-dish any admixture (of fish,
meat, etc.)? Langkay ang tan sing hpon.
Add some hpon-fish to the vegetables. Ind
mo pagilngkay inng mga butng sa
mon sugilnon. Do not introduce these
things into our conversation. (cf. lkay,
lakt, sakt, smbug, sm, smpon, sbak,
lngking, Nankeen, nankin, a kind of
Chinese yarn and cloth; catgut. (cf.

lngking, Very ripe and full (of rice, corn,

etc.); old, mature; to be very ripe, etc.
Lngking na ang mas, humy, etc. The
corn, rice, etc. is quite ripe. Nalangkingn
ak sinng tug sang kon mas kag
humy. My corn and rice were this year
very good, very ripe and full. Kuliht na
ang pagpnggas sing mas, kay malapt
na ang tinglan kag dl na maglngking.
It is now too late to plant corn, for the rainy
season is near and it will not become ripe
and full. Metaphorically; Lngking nga
to. A clever, experienced, wise man. (cf.
glang, tiglang, lyo, sampton, tnggas,
langk-lngko, A silly, stupid fellow.
(cf. panggpnggo, lnggoy, etc.
langklngkaa silly woman).
lngkoy, Straight on without a hitch or
break, continuous, without interruption,
steady, unbroken; together, at the same
time, in one go or push; to do something at
a stretch, without interruption; to kill two
birds with one stone, combine, do at the
same time. Ang mga halgi sinng baly
puls mga lngkoy. The posts of this house
are all of a piece from the ground to the
roof i.e. without splices. Langkoy ang
trabho. Work on steadily. Langkoy lang
sing almbre ang kodl. Make the whole
fence of wire. Ilngkoy mo lang ang kodl
sa talmnan nga wal sing lakarn.
Enclose the whole field with a fence
without a stile. Maghmbal, magsult, etc.
ka sing lngkoy. Speak, write, etc. in an
orderly way, right on, without pauses or
stops. Nagpamanl si sa pagdaw sa
ya nga bt kag lngkoy man sa
pagpamalklon. He went to Manila to visit
his son and at the same time to make some
purchases. (cf. dyon, dungn).
lngkub, One half of a bamboo split
lengthwise as often used tile-fashion for
roofing, etc.; to make or use bamboo split
in half. Langkub ang atp sang baly.
Make the house-roof of split bamboo.
Ilngkub inng kawyan. Use this bamboo
as roofing material. Langkub ak sing
napl ka naht nga kawyan. Work up
ten bamboos for me, splitting them in half,
for roofing purposes. Ang atp nga
lngkub mapg-on. A roof of split bamboo
is strong.
lnglang, The singing of la-la and the like
instead of words; to sing la-la. Nagsut sil
sa lnglang, kay wal sil sing orksta.
They danced to the singing of la-la, because
they had no orchestra. Langlang sil, kay
but sil magsut. Sing la-la for them, for
they wish to dance. (cf. lla, lnton,
lngnan, From langnto stop, etc.
lang, A nod of assent or approval; to nod
assent. Maglang ka lang. Just nod your
consent. Lango ak. Give me your consent
by a nod. Si ttay naglang. Father has
nodded his approval. (cf. tang).

Visayan-English Dictionary
lngod, To growl, grumble, murmur. Ang
id nagalngod. The dog is growling. Ind
ka maglngod sa konornd mo ak
paglangdan (-ran). Dont murmur or
grumble against meorin my presence.
(cf. kmud, ngrab).
lng-od, Having a snag or a projecting
upper tooth, snaggle-tooth, one with a
prominent upper tooth making it
impossible for him to close the lips tightly.
Lng-od nga to. A man with a projecting
upper tooth.
lng-og, Stale, decomposed, rotten, bad,
evil smelling; to be rotten etc. (cf. bng-og,
pn-os, bagu, lng-ig).
lang-lng, Dim. and Freq. of lang.
Ginlanglangan nya ak or
naglanglng si sa kon. He gave me
his consent by a slight nod of his head. (cf.
lang-lngo, To tease, irritate bypetty
requests,jests and raillery. Ind mo ak
paglanglanghon. Dont tease me. (cf.
langt, Tied or fastened to, connected
with; to be joined or tied to, etc. (cf. ngot,
langy, A swim, swimming; to swim,
float. Nagtabk sil sa langy. They swam
across. They crossed by swimming.
Malam ka bal maglangy? Do you know
how to swim? Ind kam maglangy sa
masulg nga tbig, knd sa malnaw.
Dont swim in a current, but in quiet water.
Nalangoyn (Linangoyn) nla ang lnaw.
They swam in the lake. Langoy lang ang
pagtabk sa sub. Simply swim across the
river. (cf. lalangyan).
lngpas, To reach, arrive at, make. See
lngsa, A fishy, rotten smell; to emit a
fishy smell. See lng-ig.
lngs, (H) A grin; to smile, grin, laugh
showing ones teeth. Ind ka maglngs.
Dont grin. Ind mo ak paglangsin. Dont
grin at me. Linangsin nya ang
makakaldlaw nga singid. He grinned at
the ridiculous story. Ayw pagsbta, knd
langsi lang si. Dont answer him, but
simply grin at him. (cf. rngs id.; ngirt,
balangis, bangirt).
lngto, A very insipid, nauseating taste or
smell, as of raw green peas and beans, the
fruit of the dalgdog, sibkaw, etc.; to be
insipid, cause nausea, etc. Ind mo
pagusngon inng mga baltong, kay
pagalangtohn ka gid. Dont chew these
beans, for they will make you sick. (cf. lsay).
lngub, Weal, bruise, abrasion,
excoriation, (cf. yngub, hang, lang,
lbhag, labd).
lngub, Cave, cavity, hole, depression,
place surrounded by hills; hunting box,
hut, hovel, cabin. (cf. lungb, gab;
paygpyag; datg, lblob).

lngod lntang
lngub, To cover, fold, etc. See lkub. (cf.
langb-lngub, Dim. and Freq. of
lngud, To growl, grumble, mutter. (cf.
ngrab, ngrub).
langs-langs, Rotten, decayed; of no
use, worthless; to be or become rotten, etc.
(cf. dnut, dunt, gabk, gark).
lngyaw, Watery, thin, etc. See lngiaw.
lnhan, etc. From lahnto roast corn in
the husk.
lniaw, See lngyaw.
lniog, High, high-pitched (of voice); to
be high. Lniog nga tngug. A high-pitched
voice. (cf. lyogtall (of trees, etc.);
lntioghigh, tall of persons). N.B. In
some places lniog, lyog and lntiog are
used promiscuously for high, tall in
general. (cf. tas, tg-as).
lanpga, A kind of tree and its wood.
lantlnit, Sinew, tendon. Daw lantlnit
na si. He seems to have only sinews now
i.e. he is very lean. Ang mga lantlnit
mahnit. Tendons are tough.
lnk, lnkag, etc. See lngk, lngkag,
ln-o, (B) Stale, vapid, spoilt; rotten,
smelling bad, nauseating (of fruits,
foodstuffs, water, etc.); to be or become
stale, etc. Nagln-o ang tbig sa
palanggna, kay pil na ka dlaw kag
wal mo pagilsi. The water in the washbasin has become foul, for you have not
changed it for some days. Nalan-ohn ak
sinng by, lub, tabk, pagkon, etc.
These by-leaves, coconuts, this tobacco,
food, etc. seem bad to me. Ang tbig sa
suld sang botlya nga ginabutangn sing
blak magaln-o sa dl madgay. The
water in the bottle in which you put some
flowers will before long smell bad.
lang, A weal, bruise, black eye, etc.;
bruised. (cf. hang).
lnog, To bruise, etc. See hnog.
lnog, Report, news, rumour; sound. May
lnog nga gkan sa Manl nga. There
is a report in from Manila to the effect
that. Ang lnog sang linggnay. The
sound of the bell.
ln-ok, To be plentiful, galore, lie about in
heaps; abundant, more than enough.
Nagaln-ok gid lang ang mga sging,
kapyas, etc. sa ya nga hult. There are in
his room plenty of bananas, papaws, etc.
Kon ka sing ph, kay nagaln-ok lang
dir sa mon. Eat mangoes, there are
plenty of them at home. (cf. dagy,
abnda, bugn, etc.).
lanng, (B) Overripe, rotten-ripe, very
soft (of fruits and vegetables, etc.); to be or
become overripe, etc. Naglanng inng
kapyas. This papaw is too soft, is
overripe. Nalanongn ak sinng pnya.
This pineapple is too soft for meorI
consider it too softorit has become

rotten-ripe (because I did not pluck it in

time, etc.). Linanongn ak sing madm
nga ph sang tig nga naglgad. Last
year many of my mangoes became rottenripe. (cf. tanng).
ln-os, Still-born, a lifeless foetus (of man
or beast); to be born dead. Naln-os ang
bt. The child was still-born. Nagbt si
sing ln-os. She gave birth to a dead child.
(cf. hr-as).
lnot, Hemp; hemp fibre; hempen, of
hemp. (cf. abak).
lant-lnot, Dim. and Freq. of lnot. As
thin or as slender as, resembling, a
hemp fibre; hanging on a thread.
Lantlnot na lang ang ya kabh. His
life is hanging on a thread i.e. he is in great
and immediate danger of death.
lnoy, To be soft, tender, pliable, young,
impressionable; to be loud, sonorous, farsounding (of voices, music, etc.). (cf. lnay,
lany-lnoy, Dim. and Freq. of lnoy.
lnsa, (Sp. lanza) Lance. (cf. bngkaw).
lnsa, (Sp. lancha) Launch, lighter, small
steamboat. (cf. lntsa).
lansadra, (Sp. lanzadera) Shuttle, flyshuttle in a weaving loom.
lnsang, Nail; to nail. Ilnsang si sa
kruz. Nail him to the cross. Ginlnsang
nya ang pisra sa dngding. He nailed the
blackboard to the wall. Lansang ang tp
nga nagukb. Nail down the plank that has
become loose. Lansang lang ang lamsa.
Drive nails in the table. Bkli ak sing is
ka klo nga lnsang nga pars nga tagtlo
ka pulgda. Buy me one kilo of three-inch
lansngan, Place where nails are driven
in (for posting notices, etc.); road, street;
lansng-lnsang, Dim. and Freq. of
lnsang. Also: A kind of small fish.
lnse, (Sp. lance) To play a trick upon,
make somebody a sort of April-fool.
Ginlnse nya ak. He fooled me, played
me a trick. Andam ka, kay lansehn nya
ikw. Be on your guard, for he will play a
trick upon you or have a joke at your
expense. (cf. nt, lahg).
lanstas, (Sp. lanceta) Lancet, fleam, a
farriers sharp knife used in phlebotomy; a
lansnes, A kind of fruit.
lnt, To become insipid, etc. See lt.
lantka, (Sp. lantaca) A small culverin,
light piece of ordnance or artillery, much
used by the Philippine army in their fight
against Spain and America.
lntang, To put off, procrastinate,
postpone, prolong, protract, delay, defer.
Ind mo paglantangn ang mo sugilnon.
Dont spend a long time in conversation.
Ginlntang nya ang pagkonpesr. He
postponed going to confession.
Naglntang si ddto sang ya pagpuy


lantng-lntang lpas
sing ttlo ka tig. He prolonged his stay
there for three years. Lantang ang mo
pagpuy sa hospitl tbtub nga magayo
gid ikw. Prolong your stay in the hospital
till you get quite well. Karatn si nga
dan kag wal nya paglantang ang
pagkdto ddto. He had been anxious for
some time to go there, and did not put off
his visit. (cf. palntang, palantnglntang
which are more in use).
lantng-lntang, Dim. and Freq. of
lntang. Ind ka maglantnglntang
(magpalantnglntang) sa pagtman
sang mo katungdnan. Do not put off
from day to day the fulfilment of your
duties. (cf. pabuynbyan).
lntaw, To watch, observe, spy, be on the
look-out, keep an eye on, see or notice from
afar. Lantaw si. Watch, him. Observe
him. Lantaw ang la mga gho kag
patga. Watch their movements and plans.
Ilntaw mo ak sa ya kag kon
magpalapt si sa ton baly dapton mo
si nga magsk. Please keep him in sight
and if he comes near our house invite him
to enter. Naglntaw si sa ya tbtub nga
nadl sa nhan. He gazed after him till he
disappeared in the distance. (cf. lnaw,
lampitw, gwa, law, panlag).
lntay, A line of separation or
demarcation; to establish a line, make a
division or boundary line; line-guard.
Bantayn mo ang lntay kag dkpon mo
ang nagalkbay. Watch the line and
capture any one that crosses it. Ilntay mo
inng kalt. Mark a line with this rope.
Ginalantayn na nla ang blsa sing
kble, kay may katalgman nga andon (ron) sang sulg. They are now providing
the ferry with a cable-line, because
otherwise there is danger that it may be
carried off by the current. Din ang lntay
sang kadulnan sang nyo um? Where is
the boundary line of your fields? Ikw am
ang lntay. You are the line-guardor
you have to guard the line. (cf. ltid,
lntia, lntiog, See lntya, lntyog.
lntip, The double-edged point of a lance,
spear, or the like.
lntip, Perfect, accomplished, excellent; to
be or make perfect. Naglntip na si nga
mamalybay. He has now become a
perfect poet. Ginlntip nya ang ya
pagton sa Manl. He finished his studies
in Manila. Lantip ang pagpnta. Paint
well. Try to be a good painter. Lantip ang
sgw sing pnta. Paint the drawing room
well. Ilntip mo ak sinng sult. Please
make this letter perfect (correcting all the
mistakes, etc.). Lntip si nga dalga,
pamatn-on, manunon, etc. She is an
accomplished young lady, youth, professor
or teacher, etc. Mayo na man si
magininggls, bisn dl pa gid lntip. He
talks English quite well now, though not yet


Visayan-English Dictionary
perfectly. (cf. hmpit, sampton, mayo
lantiplong, (H) Grammar. (lntip nga
plongcorrect speech).
lnton, To hum a tune, sing la-la, sing a
lullaby. Lanton sil kay masut sil. Hum
them a tune, for they are going to dance.
Maglnton na lang kam, kay ang mga
musik mapahway. Just hum a tune, as
the musicians are going to rest. (cf. lla,
lnglang, lylay, yyay).
lnton, The flute; to play the flute; music
in general. Mahibal ikw maglnton? Do
you know how to play the flute? Do you
know music? (cf. lntoy, tullay).
lntong Full or highest tide, spring-tide.
(cf. ay-ayneap-tide).
lntoy, A rustic or pastoral pipe, reed,
flute; to play the flute. Ang mamngaw nga
lnton sang ya nga lntoy
nakapanalpsup sa la tagiposon. The
sad tune of his flute went to their hearts,
touched them deeply. (cf. lnton, lnglang,
tullay, etc.).
lntsa, See lnsalaunch, etc.
lantg, Expression, voice, sound; flute.
(cf. tngug, tung; lnton, lntoy).
lntup, Striking deep, penetrating; to
penetrate, strike deep. (cf. turk, tudk,
lntya, (Probably a corruption of the Sp.
linterna). Lantern, light, illumination,
candle, etc; to illuminate, set up lights.
Nagalntya ang mga to kon maggi ang
prosesyn. The people are setting up lights
when the procession passes. Lantyah ang
baly. Illuminate the house. Light the
house up with festal lamps, candles, etc.
Nalantyahn nla ang prosesyn sing
madm nga mga sug. They lit many
lights for the procession.
lntyog, High, tall, large, etc. (of men,
etc.); to be high, grow tall. (cf. lnyog,
lyog, lniog, lntiog).
lanb, Young, tender. Ang mga lanb
sing panuign. Those of tender years. (cf.
lmpong, lmhad, lgbus).
lans, (B) A bruise, weal, contusion; to
bruise, cause a contusion or weal. Nalans
ang akn kamt, kay nakasngg sa bat.
My hand got bruised because I knocked it
against a stone. Ind mo paglanusn ang
ya btkon. Dont bruise his arm.
Nalanusn ak sing pil ka sip nga
sging sa bakg. Several clusters of my
bananas got bruised in the basket. (cf.
hnog, hang, lang).
lans, (B) Spoilt, rotten, overripe, putrid,
tainted, rancid, said of coconuts, oil, peas
and beans, etc. (cf. lu, lanng, tanng).
lnya, (Sp. laa) Brace, clamp, crampiron.
lnyog, High-pitched, (of voice). See
lniog id.
la-, (B) Mud, slush, mire; to be or
become muddy, etc. Nagla ang idlum

sang baly, kay nasdlan sang tbig sang

paguln. The ground-floor of the house
became muddy, because water came in
when it rained. Nalaohn ang kon sapn.
My boots have become muddy. (cf. lala-,
lad, lag, lan, etc. See lad, lag,
lan, etc.
lang, (H) To request license, ask
permission. Maglang ka sa kay nnay.
Ask mothers permission. (This term seems
to have come from Capiz).
lon, lan, See lun, lan.
lpad, To be, become or make wide,
broad, ample, extended. Naglpad na ang
ya palangmhan. His farm has become
extensive. Lapda (-ra) ang lamsa.
Make the table wide or wider. Ilpad inng
tp sa ltok. Add this board to the width of
the table. Pngk ka sa nalapran sang
tp. Sit down on the broad part of the
plank. Magalpad ang katl mo kon mo
kalton sing tm. Your skin-disease
called katl will spread, if you scratch it too
much. Ginalapdan ak sinng um. This
field seems large to me.
lapd, Stumpy, stubby, thickset. (cf.
bdol, tipngk, karibd, pndak,
lapd, To strike with the flat part of.
Ilapd sa ya ang binngon. Strike him
with the flat of the bolo. Lapad (-ar) si
sang mo talibng. Beat him with the flat of
your talibng. (talibnga large bolo).
lapd, A kind of cactus.
lapd-lpad, Dim. and Freq. of lpad
and lapd. Also: flat, square, with at least
one flat side or part (of stones, timber,
etc.). Magkh ka ddto sing is ka bat
nga lapdlpad. Fetch from there a rather
flat-sided stone. (cf. matpan).
lpak, To tread or step or walk on,
trample upon; to treat with pride, contempt
or insult. Lpak (maglpak) ka sang mnogorlapki ang mn-og. Trample on
the snake. Crush the snake with your foot.
Ind ka maglpak dir, kay mabas pa
ang simnto. Dont put down your foot
there, for the cement is still wet. (cf. tpak,
lapakn, A treadle, pedal, anything used
to tread or step upon. Lapkan mo ang
lapakn. Step on the treadle. (cf. tapakn).
lapk-lapk, To walk about, pace to and
fro. See tapktapk id.
laplap, To level, even, make smooth,
flatten (by beating, slapping, etc.).
lpas, To disobey an order, contravene,
neglect, leave undone, ignore, take no
notice of, blink, disregard, omit to do.
Nakalpas si sa pagsmba. Ttlo ka
Domngo ang ya ginlpas. He neglected
to go to Church. Three Sundays he failed to
go to Church. Ind mo paglapson ang
mga sg sang mo giniknanornd
mo paglapsan ang mo giniknan sang

Visayan-English Dictionary
la mga sg. Do not disobey the
commands of your parents. Ind ka gid
maglpas sinng kon mga tgon. Dont
by any means neglect (fail) to carry out this
order of mine. (cf. llis).
laps, Past, after, gone by; to pass, go by
(of time). Sa laps ang pista magadaw
ak sa nyo. After the Feast-day I shall visit
you. Ttlo na ka tig ang naglaps ktub
sdto. Since that time three years have
passed. (cf. lgad, talwan, lubs, gi).
lapt, A mop, swab, rag, cloth to wash
floors with, etc. (cf. trpo, lampso).
lapw, Over, above, rising above, higher
than; to be higher than, rise above. Ang
bah lapw na sa to. The flood is now
more than man-deep. Nalapawn ak
sang tubig. The water rose above me. (cf.
lpaw, To go, pass over or above. Ang
mga bald naglpaw sa sakayn
orlinapwan ang sakayn sang mga
bald. The waves washed over the boat
orthe boat was awash. (cf. lbaw).
lpdos, A flick, stroke, lash, cut (of a rod,
whip, etc.); to strike, flick, lash, flip, whip,
beat, flog, give a stroke (of a rod, etc.).
Lapdos si. Give him a flick. Linapdosn
ak nya sang ltigo. He gave me a stroke
of the whip. Ilpdos sa ya ang bilogn
sing maktlo. Give him three strokes of the
rod. (cf. lbtik, bnal, hmpak, ltigo,
hnot, etc.).
lpgos, A knot easily undone, a slip-knot,
as often used by sailors. (cf. bal).
lpgos, To climb a pole or the like using
only hands and feet. Malam ka
maglpgos (sarng ka makalpgos)? Can
you climb a pole? Lapgos ang lub nga
wal sing hnghang. Climb the coconut
without notches.
lapgsan, Pole, bole, may-pole.
lpgot, To suck, be suckled, imbibe. Ang
tnday nagalpgot sing gtas, ang bka
ginalapgotn sang ya nga tnday. The
calf is sucking. The cow is suckling her calf.
(cf. ltgot, spsup, syup, hgup, ypyup).
lpiad, Shallow, not deep (of plates,
baskets, etc.); to be or become shallow, etc.
Hatgi ak sing pnggan nga lpiad. Give
me a shallow plate (a dinner plate).
Naglpiad inng kallaw. This rice-sifter
has become shallow. Nalapiadn (-arn)
ak sinng kalh, lahng, etc. This pan,
earthen plate, etc. is too shallow for me. (cf.
lpad, lapdlpad; nbaw).
lapid-lpiad, Dim. and Freq. of lpiad.
lpid, A galley with three banks of oars; to
arrange in a row or tier, join well, put
firmly together, connect; twin. (cf. kpid).
lpida, (Sp. lpida) Tablet, memorial
stone, slab, monument, inscription on a
metal plate or stone slab. (cf. batungdan,

laps lpus
lapd-lapd, Dim. and Freq. of lpid. Also
adjective: firmly joined, connected,
together, united. (cf. lipd).
lapgot, Miserable, hard to bear, difficult,
trying, wretched; to be or become
miserable, etc. Lapgot ang pangabh sa
karn nga panahn. Life at present is
trying or difficult. Naglapgot ang ya
kahimtngan sa karn nga tig. This year
his condition has become miserable.
lap-lap, lap-lap, Full to overflowing,
crammed, stuffed, choke-full. (cf.
bngbung, bt-al, pun, but).
lapl-lpil, Lean, thin, gaunt, lank,
slender, spare, emaciated; to be or become
thin, etc. Lapllpil si nga to. He is a thin
man. He is lean and lank. Naglapllpil si
sa laks nga pangabdlay. He has become
thin through overwork. (cf. hgpis,
nwang, nips, hapl-hpil).
lapng-it, To wish to be petted, caressed,
fondled or played with. (cf. pangg,
laping-itn, One that wishes to be
constantly caressed, a petted, spoilt child.
(cf. anggan, lampayt).
lapng-lping, Slender, gaunt, lean,
thin, of small size; to be slender, etc. (cf.
lapllpil, kutimy, ditay, manwang).
lpi, To tire, exhaust, weaken. Nalpi
si sa lakt. He got tired from walking.
Palapio si. Tire him out. Make him tired.
(cf. ly, kpoy, bdlay, lbtoy, pul).
lpis, (Sp. lapiz) Pencil. (cf. igkuldlit).
laps, A kind of small flat fish.
lapt, (H) Near, nigh; to be or become
near, close, close by, hard by, close,
near, at hand; be in the proximity of.
Lapt na ang tigalni. The rice-harvest is
near. Ang mon baly naglapt na sa
simbhan. Our house is now near or close
by the Church. Nalapitn ak sang
Manl. Manila seemed near to me.
Pagpalapt to come, go, draw, near,
approach. (cf. malapt, kalapt).
lplap, To cut in slices or pieces, carve
(cutting slantingly or horizontally).
Laplap inng bgs, tinpay, sd, etc.
Cut this piece, bread, fish, etc. in slices.
Laplap ak sing krne. Carve some meat
for me. Gingolt nya ang krne, wal
nya paglaplap. He cut the meat
downwards, he did not carve it from right
to left. Ilplap sa krne inng kotslyo. Cut
the meat with this knife.
lpnag, To become extensive, spread;
propagate, circulate, publish. Naglpnag
na sa wal ka bnwa ang pagpamalatin
sang mga hyup. The cattle-disease has
now spread to eight Municipalities.
Lapnag ang ya sin nga kamaturan.
Circulate the truth of that. Publish that
truth. Nalapnagn na kit sang iningls.
English is now extensively used amongst
us, is widely spread in our country.

Palpnagto cause to spread, etc. (cf.

alaplag, lpta).
lap, To cook, boil (leaves, stalks of
various edible plants, or the like, such as
dgmay, balnggay, green peas and beans
in the pod, etc.). Lapoh ang dgmay. Boil
the dgmay-leaves (and stalk). Lapoh ak
sing laty. Cook some soft green peas
(beans) in the pod for me. (cf. lgto boil
mature or ripe peas and beans, meat, make
tea, etc.; tankto boil tubers, bananas,
corn, etc.; tla, tan, tg-ang, laya, nok).
lp-og, Put in, or on, the fire. Ilp-og ang
sd. Put the fish in the fire. (cf. dp-ung,
sgba, bog, haw).
lpok, Fine wet sand, slippery sediment in
water, rivers, etc.; slime, viscous mud.
lp-ok, Blister; to blister, form, raise,
blisters, cause blisters to rise. Naglp-ok
ang kon kamt sang pagbay, kay wal
pa ak mabuy. I got blisters in my hand
from pounding rice, for I am not yet
accustomed to it. Nalp-ok ang kon bb
sa pog. The lime blistered my mouth. I
got blisters in my mouth from the lime.
Nalap-okn ang tdl ko, ambt kon an
ang nagpalp-ok. My finger is blistered, I
dont know what is the cause of it. (cf.
lbtug, libutg).
lpsag, To bring forth, give birth to, be
delivered of a child. Nalpsag na ang bt.
The child is born. Wal pa malpsag ang
bt. The child is not born yet. (cf. to;
bn-ag, bt).
lps, Pale, pallid, bloodless, ghastly, ashy,
colourless, to be or become pale, etc.
Naglps si. He turned pale. Ang ibn
nagalps sa kanwang, ang ibn sa
kahdluk. Some are pale from leanness,
others from fear. Nalapsin ak sa ya. He
seemed to me to be rather pale. (cf. lsp,
lpta, (H) To extend, spread, propagate,
circulate, become known or more
extensive, be on the increase. Nagalpta
na ddto ang pangoler kag may
katalgman nga magalpta man sa ibn
nga bnwa. The cholera is spreading there
and there is danger that it may spread also
to other towns. Nalaptahn ang mon
minur sang pamalad. Dysentery has
spread in our village. (cf. lpnag, alplag,
lpug, A dam, dyke, burrock, weir,
breakwater, levee; to build a dam or fence
(of stones, stakes, twigs, bamboo, sand,
etc.). Lapgi ang sub. Make a dam in the
riverorDam the river. Ilpug inng mga
bat kag kawyan. Use these stones and
bamboos to build a burrock or weir. May
lpug dir. There is a dam there. (cf.
lapunya (H) A kind of plant used as a
remedy for wounds, bruises, etc. (cf.
rapunya id.).
lpus, (B) laps, (H) To pierce,
transpierce, transfix, penetrate, go through,


laps lsog
perforate, come out on the other side.
Nakalpus na ang barna. The gimlet is
through now. Ginlpsan (lapusn) sang
dga ang ya tagiposon. His heart was
pierced by the dagger. Palpsi ang tp
sing lnsang. Drive a nail through the
plank. Nalpsan sang bngkaw ang ya
tamng kag ang matalwis nga salslon
nalubng sa ya dghan. The lance went
through his shield and the sharp iron-point
buried itself in his chest. Ind mo
pagpalpson ang lnsang. Dont drive the
nail quite through. (cf. hndus,to thrust,
pierce; dultpierce the surface).
laps, Quite through, pierced, perforated,
coming out on the other side. Laps na ang
lnsang. The nail is through now.
Metaphorically: Ang ginsugilnon nmon
kahpon laps na ddto sa la baly. Our
conversation of yesterday is now known
over there at their house.
laptak, To splash, spatter, bespatter, to
pour forth volleys of words, prate, prattle,
chatter. Nagalaptak si sang hmbal. He
pours out volleys of words, is a great
chatterbox. (cf. laptyak, br, dkal,
hgak, wkal, katkt, etc.).
laptlapt, A young, immature betelnut. (cf. alibkaw).
laptyak, To spatter, bespatter; the noise
or splash of mud, slush, water, etc.
Magalaptyak ang lnang, kon mo
lapkan. The slush will splash, if you tread
(step) in it. Nabatin ko ang laptyak
sang lnang sang paglubs nya sa mon
baly. I heard the splashing of the mud,
when he went past our house. (cf. laptak).
lapyot, Thick, condensed, clotted,
coagulated, inspissated, semi-liquid; to
thicken, condense, inspissate. Naglapyot
na ang sabw. The sauce has thickened.
Dugngi ang almidn tbtub nga
maglapyot. Add more starch till it
becomes thick. Gtas nga malapyot.
Condensed milk. Nalapuytan ak sinng
tsokolte. This cocoa is too thick for me.
Palapuyti ak sing spas, sabw, etc.
Make some thick soup, sauce, etc. for me.
Ginapalapyot nla ang lasw sa kw.
They are inspissating the sugar-cane juice
in the cauldron. Nagalapyot na ang la
pagilinway. Their fighting is getting thick
i.e. they are now fighting in real earnest,
tooth and nail. They are getting to grips.
(cf. lngiawthin, watery).
lpyad, lapyd-lpyad, lpy, See
lpiad, lapid-lpiad, lpi.
larwan, Picture, portrait, likeness,
representation, statue, effigy, image, icon;
model, type, example; photograph, photo;
to make a picture, etc. of, portray, liken to,
represent. Larwan in ni Fulno. This is a
picture, portrait of N.N. Larwan si sang
mga pamatn-on. He is a model youth. He
is an example to other young people.
Ginlarwan nya si Fulno. He made a
picture or painting of N.N. He portrayed,


Visayan-English Dictionary
represented, personated, acted the part of,
played the role of, N.N. (on the stage or the
like). (cf. panglarwan; palanganinwan,
huluran, solndan).
larawann, Place where pictures,
photographs, etc. are made or sold;
photographic atelier, photographers
lrdo, (Sp. lardo) Fat, lard. (cf. tmbok,
lrga, (Sp. largar) To go away, leave,
depart, set out, set sail. Naglrga na si.
He has gone, is off. Bus magalrga ang
dak nga sakayn-hlas. To-morrow the
large steamer will depart. Sn-o kam
malrga pa Manl? When are you leaving
for Manila? (cf. haln, lmbus, talwan,
lakt, pnaw).
largabsta, (Sp. larga vista) Telescope;
lrip, To gather, collect, obtain, secure. (cf.
tpon, sgput, gum).
lrong, (H) To frown, look cross, look
angry, look darkly at, scowl, lower. Ind ka
maglrong. Dont look so cross.
Naglrong si sa konorginlarngan
nya ak. He scowled at me. (cf.
ariwarng, kolisw).
ls, To cut up, slice, divide in slices or
pieces, carve (meat, etc.) Lasa ang krne.
Cut up the meat. Lasi ak sing ttlo ka
las nga krne. Cut off three pieces of meat
for me. (cf. hw, lplap, gult, tud).
las, A slice, piece, portion of meat or fish;
rasher, cut, cutlet. (cf. hw).
lasgas, The south-east wind.
lask, Bungled, done awkwardly or
clumsily, performed inefficiently or badly.
(cf. lsak, rask).
lsak, To do or perform badly, bungle,
make a mess of; to treat with scorn,
despise; at random, haphazard. Ind ka
maglsak sang mo sultornd mo
paglaskon ang mo sult. Dont write
badly, dont write a clumsy letter.
Ginalsak gid lang nya ang ya mga
buluhatn. He is very careless or negligent
in the performance of his duties, in his
work. (cf. rsak, patarsak).
lsang, To talk or behave in a silly, foolish
way. (cf. lamsang, lamd).
lasng, Forest, wood, woodland, grove,
sylva. (cf. kakahyan).
lasng-lasng, One who is rather
foolish; silly, forgetful or absentminded.
(cf. langlang, langklngko,
langklngka, bungbung, talngtalng,
lasw, Thin molasses, syrup, treacle; to
thicken to the consistency of syrup or
treacle. Naglasw na ang inuts. The
pressed out juice of the sugar cane has
thickened to syrup. Ginlasw nla ang
inuts. They made syrup of the sugar cane
juice. Malyag ka maghgop sing lasw?

Do you like to sip treacle or syrup? (cf.

inuts, pult, askar, kalmay).
lsaw, To be or become watery, thin (of
liquids); to thin (out), make thin. (cf.
bsiaw, lngiaw; lapyutto thicken).
ls-ay Insipidity, mawkishness,
tastelessness; to be, make or become
insipid, mawkish, unappetizing, tasteless,
abominable, disgusting. Wal gid sing lsay inng pagkon. This food has nothing of
insipidity about it. This food tastes fine or
nice. Nagls-ay inng bno, kay
nasimbugn sing hinbra. This wine has
lost its flavour, for it has been mixed with
gin. Nalas-ayn ak sa ya. He is
abominable to me. I am disgusted with
him. Las-ay lang ang la pagkon, kay
tm kadalk sa la. Make their food
tasteless, because they are too greedy.
Linas-ayn (pinalas-ayn) ak nla ddto
sing pagkon. They gave me there tasteless
or insipid food. Urton (Sadon) mo in
sang kon karn, kay sa bus magals-ay.
Eat this up now, for to-morrow it will be
stale, vapid, mawkish, unappetizing, flat.
(cf. bng-aw, pn-os, ln-o, malin, etc.).
lsg, (B) A kind of small red ant whose
bite is painful. (cf. tigsaw).
lsgas, Strong, firm, sturdy, solid; fully
ripe, mature, hard (of wood); to be or
become strong, etc. (cf. bkud, bskug,
pg-on, lg-on, sug, tugsan).
ls, (B) The gums (of the teeth). (cf.
lsik, To be propelled, fly or jump off,
scatter with some force, as flying chips or
the like. Nalaskan ak sing ingsap sang
pagbal nya sing khoy. I was hit by a
flying splinter when he was splitting wood.
(cf. lgsik, sik, sang, gsik).
lask-lsik, Dim. and Freq. of lsik. (cf.
lagsklgsik id.).
lasng, Giddy, dizzy, confused; fuddled,
drunk, inebriate. (cf. libg, lingn,
alinggngog, hubg, balng).
lsio, Groove, channel, canal; to groove,
channel. Lasioh ang kawyan, pagtod,
etc. Groove the bamboo, the upright, etc.
Make a groove in the bamboo, etc. (cf.
lslas, To tear or pull off with some force
(a vine, thatched roof, etc.). Laslas ang
balgon, ang kgon sa atp, etc. Tear off
the climbing plants, the cogon-grass from
the roof, etc. Metaphorically: Nalaslasn
(linaslasn) ak nya sing malut nga
mga plong. He abused me and used bad
language. (cf. lals, kskas).
lso, (Sp. lazo) A slip-knot, tie, lasso,
snare; ribbon, sash tied in a loop. Also verb.
An ang ginalso mo sa mo bohk? What
ribbon are you tying up your hair with?
Lasha in. Make this into a tie or ribbon.
(cf. higt, tbid, tabd, lpgos).
lsog, To hit, strike. Nalsog si sang
bla, kay wal nya pagsl-a. He was hit

Visayan-English Dictionary
by the ball, because he did not catch it. (cf.
lsog, To roam, loaf, wander, walk about
aimlessly and finally hit, strike or
land somewhere. Tbtub karn wal
kam sing binatbt kag wal nmon
mahibl-i, kon sa din si maglsog. Up
till now we have not heard of him and do
not know where he has gone or where he is.
(cf. patpling).
lsp, (H) To become pale, etc. See lps,
lsti, To like, get, eat, take willingly, wish
to have, be partial to or fond of food,
sweets, etc. Nagpaiststi ka sang
pagtnyag ko sa mo sang ph, ugi
naglsti ka man. You would not take the
mango I offered you, but all the time you
wanted it very much. (cf. yon, lyag, l).
lstiko, (Sp. elastico) An elastic band or
ribbon; elastic. (cf. yayt, nyat).
lstima, (Sp. lstima) What a pity. (cf.
lstra, To perish, succumb, die. (cf.
msduk, hy-od, rstra, paty).
lswa, Vegetables; dishes of vegetables; to
use or prepare vegetables. Laswahn ko
inng mga baltong. I will prepare these
vegetables as a side-dish. Laswah si
Fulno sing dgmay. Provide N.N. with
dgmay-vegetables. Linaswahn nla ang
panyga sing manmit nga mga
lalaswhon. They got ready some very
tasty vegetables for dinner. (cf. tan,
laswhon, (B) See lalaswhon,
ulutannvegetables, etc.
lsyo, Groove, etc. See lsio.
lt, To be, become, insipid; to boil or
cook too soft, leave too long in the water,
applied especially to vegetables. Ind mo
paglaton ang dgmay, kay nd ak
kayon sang lat. Dont boil the dgmay
too soft, for I dont like overdone
vegetables. Ind mo ak paglatan sang
balnggay. Do not cook the balnggayleaves too soft for me. (cf. lnt, ls-ay).
lat, Stale, insipid; too soft, overdone,
cooked too long (of vegetables especially).
lta, (Sp. lata) A tin, can; to tin, can, put
up in tins, preserve in airtight cans.
Makayon ka sing mga linta? Do you like
to eat canned provisions? Latha ang mga
ph. Can the mangoes. (cf. lalatahn).
lta, A kind of fence with upright posts
filled in between with thorny branches of
bamboo, sibkaw, kamnsel, etc.; to make
such a fence. An ang lta nnyo sa
talmnan? What kind of thorny branches
do (did) you use in your fence around the
rice-field? Lathi ang pamulkan. Put a
fence of thorns around the garden. (cf.
sklat, dagndan, kodl).
lta, To give a hint or clue. (cf. paitntin).
latb, Film, cream, coating, scum; to
gather cream, to cream, mantle, form a film

lsog latk, ltok

or coating. May latb ang gtas. The milk
has creamed. Naglatb ang tbig sa
wang, kay dgay na nga wal pagsagah. The water in the well has mantled
orbecome covered with scum, because it
has not been cleaned for a long time. (cf.
latg, An open field; out in the open. (cf.
datg, patg).
ltag, To put out in the open air; to
bleach. Latga ang binakl ko nga hnero.
Bleach the cloth I bought. Latgi ak sang
kon delrgo, agd maglgt. Bleach my
trousers for me, that they may become very
white. Linatgan nla ang atubngan sang
la baly sang kotona. They put the dimity
to bleach in front of their house.
latg-ltag, Dim. and Freq. of ltag.
Also: loafer, idler, vagabond.
latagn, Open country, rural district,
tract of pasture-land, field. (cf. um,
palangmhan, dt; buhin).
ltak, To walk or wade in water, mud,
slush, mire, etc. Ang mga bt nagaltak
sa tulgban sang karabw. The boys are
walking about in the buffalo wallow.
Linatkan nla ang talmnan nga tubgon.
They waded through the irrigated field. (cf.
ltak, etc.).
lt-ang, Space, room; time, opportunity.
(cf. lugr, tin, kahigaynan).
lt-ang, Also: Interstice, interval; dash,
hyphen (of punctuation).
lats, To walk straight over or through,
pass through without road or pathway,
make a short-cut, blaze a trail, make a beeline. Naglats lang kam sa talmnan. We
simply walked through the field. Latas
lang ang baklod. Just walk straight over
the hill. Latas lang ang talmnan kay
malay ang dlan. Pass straight through
the field, for the road is too far. Ind ka
makalats dir, kay tm kasot. You
cannot take a short-cut there, because the
vegetation is too dense. (cf. lktud, rmbo,
lagts id.).
ltay, To balance oneself, go over a pole or
beam serving as a bridge, walk over a
narrow bridge or gangplank (without rails)
or the like. Latya or latyi ang kawyan.
Walk over the bamboo, cross by balancing
yourself on the bamboo. (cf. talytay,
panalytay; tytay).
latayn, A small narrow bridge or
gangplank, often consisting of only one or
two bamboos without handrail. (cf.
lat, The moon-sickle on the three days
before and after new moon; to be near newmoon. Nagalat na ang blan. It is now the
end of the last or the beginning of the first
quarter of the moon. May lat na. There is
a new moon. (cf. blan, paugsarn, gsad,
ltid, A line, rule, mark, measure, limit,
limitation, restriction, boundary line;

course, way, road, scope (assigned); to line,

mark, rule, prescribe, limit, delimit,
restrict, circumscribe. Latri (latdi) ang
bulugskan sang baly. Mark out with
lines the ground on which the house is to
be built. Iltid nay inng ps sa wal pa
ikw magkli, agd magtdlong ang
kalg. Mark a line with this string before
you start digging, in order that the ditch
may be straight. Ginlatran (dan) sang
Mahl nga Dis ang mga algyan sang
kabitonan. God has marked out the path
of the stars. (cf. lntay).
ltigo, ltig, (Sp. ltigo) Whip, rod,
lash, scourge; to flog, scourge, whip, lash,
beat with a rod. Latigoh si. Give him a
whipping. Flog him. Kon magsinutl ikw
liwn ipaltigo ko ikw kay ttay mo. If
you are naughty again, Ill see to it that
your father gives you a whipping.
Linatigohn nya ang karabw sing
smsim. He beat the buffalo with branches
of bamboo. (cf. hnot, bnal, hmpak,
lbtik, lpdos, lw-it, lipt, hn-us,
lmpus, lmba).
latk, The dregs, lees or sediment formed
in refining coconut-oil. (cf. ugsip, gat,
lna). Also verb. Madal na lang malt
ang lna kay naglatk na or kay may latk
na. The coconut oil will now soon be ready,
for the dregs have formed.
latk, To strike, knock, beat. (cf. patk).
latk-latk, Dim. and Freq. of latk. Also:
to pace to and fro, walk about noisily,
stamp the floor or the like. (cf.
latn, Latin; to put into Latin. Latin inng
hmbal nga Binisay. Put this Visayan
sentence into Latin. Malam ka bal
maglinatn? Can you speak Latin?
ltman, etc., From ltum.
ltnan, etc., From latn.
lat, (B) To guess, conjecture, divine,
surmise, assume, suppose, believe. Lato
or lt-a kon an ang binakl ko. Guess
what I have bought. Makalat ka kon an
ang ton tinla sa panyga? Can you
guess what our side-dish will be for dinner?
Ginlat nya ang paratknon (paktkon)
nga ginpalat ko sa ya. He solved the
riddle I had proposed to him for solution.
(cf. pakt, lgpat, mi-om, st-um).
latd, To strike, whip, beat, lash, etc.
Latod, latod, (or,or). (cf. lits,
ltigo, hnot, etc.).
lt-od, To be or become prominent,
exposed to view, show through (especially
of bones in thin people, etc.). Nagalt-od
ang ya nga tl-an. His bones are
showingorsticking out quite
prominently. Tm kanwang sa ya, kay
nagalt-od ang tl-an sa ya dghan. He
is now extremely emaciated, for his ribs can
be counted. (cf. sulngto shine through
(of blood, etc.).
latk, ltok, Table. (cf. tulungtngan,


lat-lto laws
lat-lto, Half-empty, showing many
gaps, not full (of corn-cobs with only a few
grains on it, etc.). Latlto gid lang ang
mas nga pinatubs ko karn. The corn I
have harvested this time is mostly halfempty cobs.
latn, To infect, taint with, contaminate,
be contagious, infectious, catching, spread
from one to the other. Andam ka, agd
ang balatan sang tud mo nd makalatn
sa mo. Be on your guard, lest your
brothers disease should infect you also.
Naltnan or lintnan ak sang ya nga
katl. I have become infected with his skindisease called katl. May katalgman nga
ang ibn nga mga bnwa pagaltnan
man sang koler. There is danger that the
cholera will spread to other towns. Ind ka
magsmpon sa la, kay bs maltnan
ikw sang malut nla nga batsan. Do
not associate yourself with them, for you
might be contaminated by their vicious
habits. (cf. manlalton, malalton).
latn, (Sp. latn) Brass; a large tin or can.
(cf. lta).
lt-on, From latto guess, etc.
lats, See litsto strike, beat, etc.
laty, Fresh, soft, green, slender, young
beans or peas, usually boiled and served in
their pods; slender, thin.
latoynon, Pertaining to laty; slender,
ltum, To enter deep, penetrate,
permeate, sink into, soak in, be absorbed.
Nagltum na ang ya balatan, kay wal
nya pagblnga sa gilayn. His sickness
has now taken firm hold, for he did not
apply remedies at once. Nagaltum sa
kon tagiposon ang ya matm-is nga
lygay. His sweet counsels are penetrating
or touching my heart. Nalatman
(naltman) ak sinng mga kalisd. These
troubles have touched me to the quick,
have entered deep into my soul. Ang dlit
sang mn-og nagltum na sa ya
kaugatn. The snake poison has now
permeated his veins. (cf. tudk, turk,
salpsup, kgit, etc.).
lad, (B) To eat greedily or voraciously,
gulp down, to wolf, swallow large pieces of
food without chewing them properly.
Laud (laur, ld-a) lang tann. Just gulp
it all down. Nalaudn (nalaurn, naldan) nya inng klon nga kn-on. He ate
voraciously from this rice-kettle.
lad, la-d, The sea, ocean, high sea. See
lug, To roam, stroll, walk about. See
lag, A loafer, tramp, vagabond, idler. (cf.
tiygtiyg, landlndo, etc.).
laugn, See laga loafer, etc.
laglug, Dim. and Freq. of lugto
stroll, roam, etc.
lag-lag, A tramp, loafer, idler.


Visayan-English Dictionary
lak, lak, (B) To drink greedily or in
large draughts, swill, toss off, gulp down.
Lauk lang inng is ka bso nga bno.
Toss off this glass of wine. Ginlaukn nla
nga duh ang balding nga tub kag
nagkalahubg (nagkabalng) sil. Both of
them took large draughts of toddy from the
pail and got drunk. (cf. lb-ok, tyhong).
lak-luk, Dim. and Freq. of lak.
Ginlakluk nla ang is ka balding nga
tub kag nahubg (nabalng) sil. They
finished (consumed) a pailful of toddy and
got drunk.
lum, l-um, Hope, expectation, trust,
confidence; to hope, expect, trust, confide
in, be confident. Maglum ka gid nga.
Have confidence that. Naglum sil
nga makalmbut ddto sa suld sang is
ka tkn, pang duh gid ka tkn ang la
paglakt. They thought they could arrive
there within an hour, but they had to walk
two full hours. Ginalaman (Ginalm-an)
ko nga. I hope, expect that.
Ginlaman nya ang ya pagdag sa
dmug, pang nabntul si. He hoped to
win in wrestling, but he was thrown. Ang
Pagto, Paglum kag Paghiggma. Faith,
Hope and Charity. Wal na si sing lmon (lamon). He has nothing to expect any
longer. He is without hope, in a quandary,
great perplexity, despair. (cf. slig, hult,
lun, l-un, Cuttings, twigs or shoots
broken off the stem and to be planted in the
soil, applied especially to the cuttings of the
sweet-potato plant. Mangt ka sing lun
kag matanm kit sing kamti. Find some
cuttings and we will plant sweet potatoes.
lan, la-n, Old, of a year or more ago.
Lan nga humy. Last years rice or rice of
more than a year ago. Lan nga kawyan.
Mature bamboo that is at least one year
old. Lan nga tabk. Old, mature, mellow
tobacco. Lan nga dalga, lan nga
babeng bhat. An old spinster.
las, la-s, Hoarse. Las si. He is
hoarse. (cf. pas).
lus, l-us, las, la-s, To be or
become hoarse. Naglas (Naglus) ang
tutnlan ko. My throat is hoarse, has
become hoarse. An ang nagpalas
(nagpalus) sa mo? What is the cause of
your hoarseness? What made you hoarse?
(cf. pus).
la-t, To remain or last long (said of
diseases, debts, etc.).
lat, la-t, (H) Nausea, aversion,
loathing; to be nauseated, loathe, sicken, be
disgusted, feel like vomiting. Nagalat ang
kon ginhwa. I feel like vomiting.
Nagalat ang kon ginhwa sin,
ginalautn sang kon ginhwa in. That
makes me feel sick,smells to me bad,
sickens me,disgusts me. (cf. lod).
lut, l-ut, (H) Badness, wretchedness,
viciousness, malice, wickedness; to be,
become or make wicked, bad, malicious,

depraved, miserable, wretched, to

deteriorate, degenerate, worsen, change for
the worse. Naglut ang ya batsan sa
Manl. He contracted bad habits in
Manila. Ginlut sang malin nga
kaupdnan ang kagawin ni Fulno. Bad
company perverted N.N.s character. (cf.
lin, kalalt-an).
laya, Boiled meat; to boil meat. Lauyha
ang krne. Boil the meat. Makayon ikw
sing laya or linaya? Do you like boiled
meat? Lauyhi ak sing und sang bka.
Boil some beef for me. (cf. lg).
lay-luy, To call somebody in a loud
voice, shout, raise ones voice (in singing,
etc.). Laylayi si ttay, agd magkar,
kay hnd na ang panyga. Call father in
a loud voice to come here, for dinner is
ready. (cf. palayluy, snggit, turayw,
pugas, pagas).
lw, A spiders web; to cover with a
spiders web. Nalawan ang kisam. The
ceiling is full of spiders webs. Sing masam
ginalawan ang mga psud sang mga
hult. The corners of rooms are often
covered with spiders webs.
Nagapakamanggarnon si, ibgo
nalawan ang ya nga nglit. He acts as if
he were rich, whilst his small cooking pot is
covered with spiders webs i.e he has no
rice any more, has to suffer hunger.
lw, To pay out rope, loosen a line or
string. Lawi sing ps ang mo buladr.
Give your kite more line. Maglw ka sang
kalt. Pay out more rope. Nagtas ang
buladr, kay ginlawan ko sing ps. The
kite soared high when I gave it more line.
(cf. lwlaw).
lwag, A kind of fishing-method and
fishing apparatus employed in catching fish
on the high sea.
lwag, To invite, request ones presence.
(cf. gda, dpit, dhan, kngay).
lwag, To announce, publish, make
known or public. Lawga ang mga nglan
sang mga nakadalag sa paindsndis.
Announce the names of the victors in the
competition. Ginlawgan nya kam sang
mga umalamt sa bullngan. He made
known to us the contributors towards the
hospital. Ilwag mo ak sinng pagbultan sa nakawan sang bnwa. Please
publish this law or ordinance in the townsquare. (cf. abso, pabalt, pahyag,
lawon, Cobwebby, full of cobwebs or
spider webs. (cf. lw).
lwas, Body, matter; the principal part or
substance of; existence, reality.
laws, To approach personally, have the
courage of speaking personally to high
authorities, etc., about any important
matter. Ginlaws nya ang paghmbal sa
mga punon, sa mga giniknan sang ya
nga ginakaluyagn, etc. He had the
courage of speaking personally to the

Visayan-English Dictionary
authorities, to the parents of his intended,
laws, Any piece between two joints, as
the tibia, thighbone, a bamboo-joint, a link
of a chain, etc.
lawsnon, Bodily, corporeal, material,
physical; carnal, fleshy, sensual.
lw-at, A kind of tree.
lway, Spittle, saliva.
lway, or lw-ay, Ugliness,
repulsiveness, nastiness, meanness,
hideousness, obscenity; to be or become
ugly, repulsive, hideous, forbidding, etc.
Naglw-ay ang ya nga pangguyhon.
The expression on his face become ugly.
Ginlw-ay nya ang pagpun sang baly.
He decorated his house in a tasteless
manner. Law-ay ang ya nga maskar,
agd magkahdluk ang makakt sa ya.
Make his mask horrible in order that those
that see him may be scared.
lwhan, (B) Long, extended, wide, large.
Inng bt lwhan sing pa. This baby has
long legs. Pangiti ak sing is ka laws
nga kawyan nga may bok nga lwhan.
Get me a joint of bamboo with one large
knot. (cf. malb; malpad, malwhan).
lwi, The long, curved feathers of a cocks
lw-id, To switch, whisk, strike with
something flexible. Law-id (law-ir) sang
kamgo ang mo kasng, agd nd
mapaty. Switch your top with the string
or it will come to rest.
lwig, Length, long duration; to be,
become or make long, lengthy, protracted,
long drawn out, prolonged, especially of
time; to protract, prolong, drag on, last
long. Naglwig ang mon paglakt. Our
walk lasted a long time. Lawga ang mo
pagton, agd mag-lam ka gid. Prolong
your studies so that you may become very
learned. (cf. dgay; lb).
lawg, A length of rope, usually about ten
meters. Also verb. Ibalgy mo sa kon
inng is ka lawg nga kalt. Sell me this
length of rope. Lawig ang karabw sing
kalt, agd makahlab sing mayo. Give
the buffalo a whole length of rope, so that
he may graze in comfort.
lawg, The umbilical cord, naval string.
(cf. psud).
lawhan, Having large curved feathers (of
cocks); strong, robust, powerful, mighty,
formidable. (cf. isgann, kusgann,
law-lwi, Dim. of lwi. Anything
resembling the curved feathers of a cocks
lwis, To be, become, or make,
pointed,sharp. (cf. talwis).
laws, A full-length bamboo; a bamboo,
whose small end has not been cut off;
pointed, sharp.
lw-it, A net, netlike wickerwork; to make
wicker-network; figuratively: to whip, flog,

laws layt
thrash, beat. Inng sya may salandgan
nga lw-it. This chair has a back of
(rattan) network. Law-it sing owy ang
pulungkan sang sya. Work into the chair
a seat of rattan-network. Law-it ang
pagrra mo. Weave in the form of a net.
Law-it ang karabw. Whip the buffalo.
Ilw-it sa ya ang kalt. Beat him with the
rope. Linaw-itn si ni ttay. Father gave
him a beating.
lwit, A trail or trace of something spilt or
dropped; to leave a trail or trace on the
ground, floor, etc. Nagalwit sa dlan ang
mas nga nahlug sa sko. The corn that
fell out of the sack has left a trail on the
road. (cf. rwit).
lawt-lwit, Dim. of lwit. (cf.
rawtrwit id.).
lawtwit, To swing, dangle or hang down
loosely. Nagalawtwit ang ya nga by,
kay nags. His jacket is hanging loose, for
it is torn. (cf. kawykawy, kabtkbit).
lwlaw, To loosen or lengthen a tether,
rope, string, etc., pay out or give rope to.
Lawlaw ang karabw, kay tm kakgung ang higt nya. Loosen the buffalo, for
he is tied too closely. Give the buffalo a
longer tether, because his rope is too short.
Lawlaw ak sing kalt. Pay me out more
rope. Naglwlaw ang ps. The string has
become loose. (cf. laby; lb, lbug).
lawd, See lad, lawd id.
lawg, (H) Large, big, of a more than
ordinary size (of animals, etc.); to be or
grow larger than the common size.
lawrl, (Sp. laurel) Laurel; laurel-wreath;
honour, distinction.
lawd, Sea, ocean; high seas i.e. that part
of the sea that is far away from land. (cf.
dgat, ilwud, ilawd, kalalwran).
lya, Something thrown in, something
given over and above the exact measure.
See man. Wal gid sing lya inng ph
nga binakl ko? Is there nothing added to
the mangoes I have bought?
lya, A kind of fishing net; to catch fish
with the lya-net. Din si Fulno?
Nagalya (nagapanlya, nagapanglya)
sa sub. Where is N.N?He is fishing in
the river with a lya-net. Maglya or
manglya kit. Let us go fishing with a
ly, To be or become dry, exsiccated, to
fade, wither, dry up, shrivel. Ang blak nga
nap kahpon naly (nagkaly) na.
The flower that was plucked yesterday is
dry and shrivelled already. Naly na inng
gatng. This firewood is dry now. Palaya
ang kawyan nay kag ugling guyron
mo. Let the bamboo get dry first and then
haul it. Nalayan kam sing madm nga
tanm tungd sang laks nga nit. Many
of our plants withered away on account of
the excessive heat. (cf. mal, ug, layng,

lay, Dry, faded, withered, exsiccated,

parched, wrinkled and shrivelled, sear,
sere; to be completely dry, become faded,
etc. Lay nga blak. A faded flower. Lay
nga dhon. A withered leaf. Naglay na
ang blak. The flower has faded already.
Nalayan ak sinng mga dhon. Those
leaves seem to me to have withered. Those
leaves are too wrinkled or shrivelled for
me. (cf. ly, layng).
layb, To flutter, flap, be shaken to and
fro by the wind, as clothes on a line or the
like. Ang ya panpton nagalayb sa
hngin. His clothes are fluttering in the
wind. Ginalayb sang hngin ang ya
by. His jacket is being fluttered by the
wind. (cf. yog, hulg-hlag).
ly-ab, To spread, cover, extend, envelop.
Ang bg-os nga atp sang baly naly-ab
na sang kalyo. The whole roof of the
house is now enveloped in flames. (cf.
lkup, ly-ang, tbon).
layb-lyab, Dim. and Freq. of layb. To
stir, shake, sway, flutter, flap.
Nagalayblyab sa hngin ang mga
linbhan sa sablyan. The wash on the line
is flapping in the breeze. By nga
layblyab. A dress that is too wide, sits
very loosely. (cf. karp).
lyag, Sail, canvas, sheets; to set sail,
hoist sails, provide with sails. Laygi ang
parw. Hoist the sails on the outrigger.
Ilyag inng hnero. Use this cloth as a
sail. Maglyag na kit. Let us set sails.
Linaygan nya ang lrtsa. He fitted out
the lorcha with sails. Pinalaygan nya
ang sakayn. He had sails provided for the
lyag, The back of a knife, sword, bolo,
etc.; to use or apply the back of a knife, etc.
Laygi (palaygi) ang karabw sang mo
binngon. Beat the buffalo with the back of
your bolo. (cf. lapd).
layg, To sail, set out or forge ahead
under sail. Nagalayg ang sakayn sa
mahnay nga huyp sang hngin. The
boat is sailing before the gentle breeze.
ly-ang, To unfold, open the folds of,
spread, extend. (cf. buld, bklad, blad,
hmlad, ldlad).
layng, (B) Wide, roomy, baggy, loose,
not tight or close; to be or get wide, etc.
Naglayng na ang srwal nya, kay
nagnwang. His trousers are baggy, for he
has become thin. (cf. sngkad, hugk,
layng-lyang, laynglayng, (B)
Dim. and Freq. of layng.
lyap, A small cup or bowl, salt-cellar,
pepper-box or the like.
lyas, To flee, run away, bolt, make off.
Naglyas ang makwat. The thief fled. (cf.
lgio, lgyo).
layt, Loose, baggy, wrinkled (of skin); to
get loose, etc. Naglayt ang ya pnit, kay
tiglang na si. His skin has become


layt-lyat lis-las
wrinkled, for he is old. (cf. halg, tugk,
kurint, etc.).
layt-lyat, Dim. and Freq. of layt.
layw, To roam about freely, be out in the
open air, rove, stroll about; idler, loafer,
rover. Ang mga bka nagalayw gid dir.
The cattle are roaming about here quite
free. Ilayw lang ang mga bka. Let the
cattle be out in the open air, let the cattle
graze or roam free, without tether. Layaw
lang sang mga bka inng hallban. Let
the cattle rove at large in this pasturage.
Layw gid lang si nga to. He is a mere
loafer. (cf. luyw id.).
ly-aw, Single, not married, especially
applied to men. Ly-aw pa gihpon si
Fulno. N.N. still is single. Ang mga lyaw. The bachelors.
lygay, Admonition, exhortation, sermon,
counsel, advice; to admonish, advise,
exhort, enjoin, preach, counsel. Laygay
si. Exhort or admonish him. Ilygay sa
la ang mga sg sang Dis. Explain to
them and exhort them to observe the
commandments of God. Instruct them in
the divine precepts. Nakabat ikw sang
lygay sang Pr? Did you hear the priests
sermon? Ind si magpalygay. He will
not listen to advice. Ginlygay ko in sa
ya sing masnsun, pang wal si
magsapk sang kon nga lygay. I often
advised him to that effect, but he would not
listen to my advice. (cf. tdl, pangyan,
badlong, sysay, etc.).
lyhab, To tear, rend, rive, rip, slit, make
a hole in clothes, etc. Nalyhab ang kon
by, kay nasang-atn sang dgi. My
jacket was torn, because it was caught in
the thorns. Ginlyhab nya ang kon by,
kay ginhawran nya sang nagadalgan
ak. He ripped up my jacket, for he took
hold of it whilst I was running. (cf. gs,
rtrit, rbrab, rtrat, ghay).
ly, Adultery; to commit adultery. Ind ka
magly (mangly). Do not commit
lylay, To sol-fa, sing a lullaby, etc. See
lla, lnglang, yyay, etc. Laylayi ang
bt. Sing a lullaby to the baby.
lyo, Ripeness, maturity; mature, quite or
fully ripe; to ripen, mature, be fully ripe,
quite ripe (of fruit-stones, seeds, kernels,
fruits with thick husks or pods, as nuts,
peas, beans, etc., but not of mangoes,
bananas, plums, etc.). Naglyo na ang
kamnsil. The kamnsil-seed has now
become quite ripe. Manulon ka na lang
sinng mga baltong, nd mo
pagpalayhon. Gather these beans now, do
not let them ripen (on the plant). (cf.
glang, lt).
lay, (H) Remoteness, farness, great
distance; to be remote, far off, distant, far
away, far from. Naglay sa simbhan ang
bg-o nmon nga baly, kay ginpatndog
nmon sa um. Our new home is far from
the church, for we have built it on the farm.


Visayan-English Dictionary
Nalayon ak sinng minur. This village
appears to me to be far off. Lay ang
Manl, pang lay pa gid ang Amrika.
Manila is far away, but America is much
farther still. (cf. malay, kalayon,
pahilay, etc.).
lyob, To scorch, parch, wither, heat,
warm (said of things that are very near, but
not quite in contact with, a flame). Nalyob
ang blak sang dbdab sang kandl. The
flower was scorched by the light of the
candle. (cf. ps, lhob, hlob).
lyog, Tall, big, large, high (of trees, etc.).
(cf. lniog, lntiog, tas, tg-as,
layk, (B) To fade, wither, die out, parch,
burn. Nagalayk ang tinanm ko nga mga
blak. The flowers I planted have withered.
Nalayokn ak sa karn nga tig sing
madm nga mas. This year a great deal
of my corn was parched. Kon magdyon
ang nit nga wal sing uln madm nga
tanm ang magalayk. If the heat
continues without rain, many plants will
die. (cf. ly, lmpaw, layng).
lay-ly, (H) Dim. and Freq. of lay.
ly-on, Detritus, fine sand and earth,
slime, deposit, sediment, mud carried
along by running water, especially during a
flood, and deposited somewhere else; chaff,
empty ears of rice, etc. Also verb. Nalayonn ang mon wang, kay nagyan
sang bah. Our well was filled up with
mud, because the flood passed over it.
Linay-onn sang sub ang mon dt.
The river covered our land with a deposit of
mud. (cf. bnbun, bagnbon, la, lala,
layn, A full grown bamboo, etc. See lan.
layng, Dry, arid, parched; to dry up, etc.
(cf. ly, lay, mal).
ly-ud, Lazy, indolent, idle; to be or
become lazy, etc. (cf. ligy, tmad,
layy, (B) Young, tender, soft, pliable,
flexible (of leaves, shoots, sprouts, etc.).
Layy nga dhon. A tender leaf. (cf. lmok, hmok).
layy, Ripe, dry (of podded and husked
lebadra, (Sp. levadura) Yeast, barm,
ferment, leaven.
lehislatra, (Sp. legislatura) Legislature,
legislative (law-making) assembly or body.
(cf. palatukn-pagbult-an).
leksyn, (Sp. leccin) Lesson, lecture,
reading, instruction.
lemsa, A kind of fruit-tree.
len, (Sp. len) Lion.
leoprdo, (Sp. leopardo) Leopard,
ler-ler, (Probably from the Sp. relj)
Mentally deranged, not quite normal; to
have a screw loose somewhere. (cf.
lingnlngin, libg; buangt, kolkol, etc.).

ltra, (Sp. letra) Letter; character (of the

alphabet). (cf. sult; tigbat).
ltse, (Sp. leche) Milk. Also used as a term
of contempt: Mean, vile, good-for-nothing,
wretch. (cf. gtas; hsl, waly tsoy,
waly puls).
letsn, (Sp. lechon) Roast pig, barbecue;
to roast a pig on a spit. Letsonn ko inng
bboy. I am going to roast this pig on a
spit. Nakakon ak ddto sing bboy nga
linetsn. I ate roast pork there.
letsga (Sp. lechuga) Lettuce.
ley, (Sp. ley) Law, order, etc. (cf. pagbultan, sg, kasogon).
lib, To collar, grasp or take by the collar.
Liab si. Collar him. Ginlib nya ak. He
grasped me by the collar. (cf. lab).
libe, (Sp. llave) Key; to close or lock with
a key. Liabeh ang bal. Lock the box. (cf.
albri; ser).
liabro, (Sp. llavero) A key-guard,ring;
keeper of the keys, porter; door-keeper.
lab, l-ab, A shirt-collar, the hole or
opening for the neck in a garment; to make
a shirt-collar. Nagalab si sang kon by
or ginaliban nya ang kon by. She is
making a collar for my jacket. Ilab inng
gnting. Use this pair of scissors to cut out
the collar. Libi ang ya nga by sing
halg. Make a loose collar for her dress. (cf.
lidan, One who carries his head proudly
erect or walks about with his body leaning a
little backwards. (cf. lid, bid-ad).
lad, lid, To arch backwards, walk about
proudly erect, incline or bend backwards,
carry the head erect. Liad, liar or ilid
ang lwas, lo mo. Bend your body,
incline your head, backwards. (cf. bidad, bidbad, by-ad, by-od).
lid-lad, Dim. and Freq. of lid.
Nagalidlad si kon maglakt. When he
walks he throws his head proudly back.
lak, l-ak, To split, cleave (wood, etc.).
See bal, bs-ak id., likabila.
lik, li-k, Split, cloven, divided. (cf. bil,
li-la, An open bier or stretcher, mostly
of bamboo, used for carrying a corpse, etc.
(cf. ppag).
lis, las, To slip, skid, slide, slither.
Nakalis si (ang ya til) sa madnlug
nga dlan. He slipped on the smooth road.
Andam ka, agd nd ka maglis sa bat
nga nalumtan. Be on your guard, lest you
should slip on the mossy stone.
Figuratively: Sang pagkasnug sang baly
ni Fulno daw nalisan si kag nalgyo
lang nga wal gid sing dal bsan an
lang. When N.N.s house burned he
seemed to have lost his wits and he fled
without taking anything with him, i.e.
without saving anything. (cf. dpias, dalnas).
lis-las, Dim. and Freq. of lis. Madal
ang paglislas sang to dir, kay tm

Visayan-English Dictionary
kadnlug sang salg. It is easy for people
to slip here, for the floor is very smooth.
lit, Pause, rest, interval, interruption; to
cease, stop, leave off, interrupt. (cf. lut).
liy, To recline, lean back against, rest
ones back against or on. Nagaliy si sa
ulnan. He leans back against the pillow.
Liniayn (ginliayn) nya ang ulnan. He
leant back against the pillow. (cf. saliy,
liy-lay, Dim. and Freq. of liy. Also: to
move, shake, swing to and fro.
lib, To strike (a ball, as in baseball, etc.).
(cf. hn-us, lmpus).
libd-libd, To look around curiously.
The composite form panglibdlibd is
more in use.
libg, To throw a missile, as a stick, a
piece of wood, etc. Libag ang bboy.
Throw something at the pig. Ginlibg nya
ak sang ya bastn. He threw his stick at
me. Libag ak sang kon bastn nga
nalipatn ko ddto. Throw the stick I forgot
there over to me. (cf. pakg).
libg, Twisted, bent, turned, out of shape,
misshapen, distorted. (cf. labg, lubg).
lbag, To twist, turn. (cf. lbag, lbag,
lbag, To dissent, disagree, quarrel. (cf.
lbag, Flatness (of voice); to be or become
flat, out of tune, dissonant. Nagalbag ang
ya nga tngug. Her voice is getting flat.
Sang kana nga pagmba nalibgan si
sang ya nga tngug. When she sang, a
short while ago, her voice was flat or out of
libg-libgon, A little out oftune,
order, disagreeable, inharmonious,
displeasing, unpleasant. Libglibgon si
sing batsan. He has disagreeable manners
or habits.
libgon, Flat, dissonant, discordant,
inharmonious, out of tune, incongruous;
twisted, crooked, turned, misshapen,
distorted, bent. (cf. lbag, libg).
libhon, A kind of coconut with a reddish
husk. (cf. limbhon id.).
libk, Detraction, disparagement,
depreciation, vilification, obloquy,
defamation, aspersion, traducement,
backbiting, speaking ill of, running down;
to detract, derogate, disparage, decry,
depreciate, run down, vilify, vilipend,
malign, belittle, asperse, pull to pieces, cast
aspersions on, blacken, backbite, traduce,
defame, speak ill of, talk about the faults of
others with injury to their reputation. Ind
ka maglibk. Do not detract. Ind mo si
paglibakn. Do not talk about his faults.
Ginlibk nya ak. He injured my
reputation. Ind mo pagilibk sa ya inng
ditay nya nga mga kakulngan. Dont
bring up against him those little shortcomings of his. D masip nga mga
kalanan ang sarng mahtag sa is ka

lit lbud
bnwa sang am nga mga paglibk kag
pagbutngbtang. Untold are the evils
that may be brought upon a town by such
defamations and calumnies. (cf. hkay,
libkaw, A well-ripened betelnut
preferred for chewing. (cf. alibkaw).
liblib, To wrap or roll up well in paper,
etc. Libalba ang pagputs sang mga
panpton, agd malg-on. Wrap the
clothes up well that the package may be
strong, may be able to stand rough
handling or the like. (cf. ballon, balhos,
puts, bngkus, bgtong, hapn).
libnaw, To wash ones hands, etc. See
hunw, hinw, ribnaw. (cf. hgas, hilmos).
libng, To distract, divert, entertain.
Duh ka makwat ang nagsuld sa
balaligyan, ang is sa la am ang
nangwat smtang nga ang is naglibng
sa manugbalgy sang ya mga
pamangkotnon. Two thieves entered the
shop; one of them committed the theft
whilst the other distracted the shop-keeper
with various questions. (cf. bang, lingw).
libng, Occupation, work, task, business,
job; to have something to do, be busy
about, take care of children, etc. An ang
libng mo dir? What are you doing here?
What business have you got here?
Maglibng ka sang bt or libang ang
bt. Look after the baby. Take care of the
baby. Ilibng mo ak nay sang bt.
Kindly look after the baby for a while. (cf.
awt, bhat).
liban, A depression, etc. See libang.
libang, A depression in the soil, a
shallow hole in the ground. (cf. limpsong,
nalupyakn, alimpsong, bh,
libs, A kind of tree, whose slightly sour
leaves are used for seasoning meat, fish and
vegetables. The libs-leaves somewhat
resemble in taste the alupdan-leaves.
libt, Squinting, cross-eyed, having a cast
in the eye, swivel-eyed; squint, become
cross-eyed, to look askance. Naglibt si
gkan sa balatan. He became cross-eyed
through sickness. (cf. lisng).
libyon, (B) The youngest brother or
sister; a younger brother or sister. Libyon
ko si. He is my youngest or younger
brother. (cf. kalibynan, mnghud,
libertd, (Sp. libertad) Freedom, liberty,
independence. (cf. kalusan, kahilwyan).
lbgus, See lgbusA kind of edible
libino, (Sp. liviano) Easy, light; slight,
trifling, trivial, frivolous; lewd, libidinous,
lib, To feel out of sorts, be near vomiting.
(cf. dway, dgw).
lib, Roller, rolling pin; cylinder; any piece
of wood or the like that can easily be

moved, rolled or turned, as a wheel or

lbo, Thousand. Sa tig nga is ka lbo
sim ka gats katlon kag pat. In (the
year) 1934.
lb-o, Back-water, a small pool or sheet of
water in a river. (cf. lnaw, linwlnaw;
N.B. Pools and mudholes on roads are
called danw, lingglhub, etc.).
lb-ok, To be drawn out, held sustained,
said of the voice, of sounds, etc. Nagalb-ok
ang ya nga tngug. His voice is well
sustained. Ginpalb-ok nya ang ya
tngug. He sustained his voice. Malam ka
bal magpalb-ok sang mo tngug? Can
you sustain your voice? Do you know how
to hold (keep up, sustain, prolong) notes
without taking breath? (cf. lgbok).
lib-lbo, Thousands, by the thousand.
(cf. lbo, linbo).
lib-lbo, Palib-lbo is usually employed
in the meaning of: to ponder, think
over, consider, well, to reflect upon,
muse. Pinaliblbo nla in sing masnsun,
agd dl mapas-awn ang la
ginahndum nga katuyon. They
frequently thought over (meditated,
ruminated, reflected, mused, dwelt on) it,
so that their cherished plan might not be
frustrated. (cf. painno, pasin, basbso,
panghunhn, pamalndong).
lbon, Imperforate, closed, compact, full,
without an opening. Ang tlog, bla,
kabgaw, etc. lbon. Eggs, balls, pomeloes,
etc. are completely closed, have no hole or
libn, lbon, A piece of arable land in the
midst of a jungle; imperforation, occlusion,
as of the anus, or the like. Ang bt nato
nga lbon (libn). The child was born
having its anus covered with skin.
lbra, (Sp. libra) A pound, half a kilo.
Lbra esterlna. An English pound, pound
lbre, (Sp. libre) Free, untrammeled,
unscathed, unhurt; to get free, escape
unscathed, etc. Nakalbre si. He got off
scot-free. He escaped punishment. Libreh
ang binilngg. Liberate the prisoner. Set
the prisoner free. Librehn mo si sa ya
mga kalisd. Extricate him from his
difficulties. Nalbre na si. He was set at
liberty or at large. (cf. lus, bagt, talbwas,
bh; hlway, makinaugalingn).
librera, (Sp. librera) Book-store, booksellers shop; library.
lbro, (Sp. libro) Book, volume, tome,
treatise, brochure, pamphlet. (cf. tuln-an,
lbro, The paunch, first stomach of
ruminating animals.
lbtug, A pustule; a slight skin-disease,
prickly heat. (cf. libutg, bungangnit,
lbud, To peddle, going from place to place
and selling small merchandise. Ilbud ddto


libg lgdong
ang ginams. Go there and try to sell the
salt fish. Libdi (ri) ang minur sang
bindo. Go to the village and sell the salt
fish from house to house.
libg, Confused, bewildered, stupefied,
dazed, troubled, bothered, flustered,
disconcerted, fuddled; to be or become
confused, etc. Naglibg ang ya lo. His
mind is confused. He is in a quandary.
Palgba (palibug) si. Perplex him. Ind
mo si pagpamnon sing laks nga bno,
agd nd maglibg ang ya lo. Dont give
him too much wine to drink, lest he should
become fuddled. Yanng makahansb
nga hitab am ang ginapalgban sang
ya panumdman. That sad event troubles
his mind. (cf. lngin, lingn).
lbug, A honey-making, fly-like insect,
smaller than the bee, that makes its nest in
stone-walls, trees, shrubs, etc.
lbun, libn, See lbon, libn.
lbut, To go round, walk about, circle
around. Libta (libti) ang nakawan
sang bnwa. Walk around the townsquare. Ang mga makwat sing masam
nagalbut kon gb-i. Thieves generally
walk abroad at night. Maglbut sa baly
may matahm nga taltug nga salslon.
There is a beautiful iron railing round the
house. (cf. alhid, lgaw).
libtay, (H) To be at ease, contented, feel
quite comfortable, set ones mind or heart
at rest, be of good comfort. Ind ak
malibtay tbtub nga matigyon ang
ginahndum ko nga ty. I shall not be
contented until my cherished plan is
executed. Wal si malibtay smtang
nga wal pa matpus ang piniliy. He had
no peace of mind as long as the elections
were still going on. (cf. arabtay,
dalamnon, ogknan, girmon).
libutg, Pustule, etc. See lbtug.
Nagalibutg or may mga libutg ang
kon btkon, dghan, etc. My arm, chest,
etc. is full of small pustules or prickly heat.
lbwas, To escape, get free, elude danger
or difficulty. (cf. lus, tibwas, etc.).
ldan, Want or lack of punctuality, failure
to do something at the proper time; to pass,
go by, be past or over, to fail. Magaabt
ak sa nyo sa waly ldan. I will came to
you without fail, punctually. Nagldan na
ang dlaw sang mga Minaty. All-Souls
Day is past. (cf. lgad).
ldgid, To shell corn or the like. Lidgir (id) ang mas. Shell the corn. Lidgir ak
sing napl ka blog nga mas. Shell me
ten corn-cobs.
lidgirn, (H) A corn-sheller, tool for
shelling corn.
lidt, To protrude, project, stick out, hang
out, stand out a little. Ang ya kamista
nagalidt sa idlum sang ya by. His
shirt protrudes a little from under his
lidt, See dtil.


Visayan-English Dictionary
lidiyr, (Sp. lidiar) To oppose, resist,
contend, fight against; annoy, pester, be a
nuisance. Ind mo ak paglidiyarn. Dont
pester me. (cf. btok, gam).
ld, (B) Very fat, obese, extraordinarily
corpulent; to be excessively fat. Nagald
gid inng bboy. This pig is very fat.
Nagld si ddto nga malw-ay na
tulkon. He grew so excessively fat there,
that he is disagreeable to look upon. (cf.
tmbok, baragok, bg-ong, bug-ngan,
bugrngan, bgrong).
lg, (B) To forget, be oblivious or forgetful
of. Nagkalg ak sang blin mo
ornaligan ko ang blin mo. I forgot your
order or injunction. Ind mo pagligan ang
tuln-an. Dont forget the book. (cf. lipt,
lga, (Sp. liga) League, union, coalition,
confederation; garter, band, ribbon. (cf.
katilngban, katipnan; higt, wgkos,
wklos, pha, lgas, gos).
ligb, To bend, twist, turn sideways,
deviate from a straight course or line; to
move, stir, shake. (cf. tik, lik, ngk, tin,
lngkang, ngkit, hlag).
lgad. To pass, pass, go, by. Naglgad
na ang ttlo ka tig ktub sdto. Three
years have passed since then. Ligdi (-ri)
si. Pass him by. Go past him. Ginligdan
(-ran) nya ang mon baly nga wal
magsk. He passed our house without
calling on us. Ginpalgad nla ang la
pndut. They let their feast-day pass i.e.
they postponed their feast-day. Ang
naglgad nd sarng mapablik. The past
will never return,cannot be brought back.
(cf. lubs, laby, ldan, talikd).
lgang, To heat, warm (of solids, not of
liquids). Lignga ang tinpay. Warm the
bread. Naglgang si sang ya kamt sa
kalyoorginligngan nya ang kalyo
sang ya kamt. He warmed his hands at
the fire. Ilgang inng kalyo sa salslon.
Heat the iron in this fire. (cf. gang,
lgas, Band, bandage, garter, ribbon; to
bandage, garter, bind up; put ribbons or
strings on. Ligsi ang nagbt. Bandage
the mother. Linigsan nya ang kon
mdyas. She put ribbons on my stockings.
Ilgas sa ya pils inng hnero kag ps.
Bind up his wound with this cloth and
string. (cf. lga, wgkos, etc.).
ligs, To squeeze, compress or crush to
pulp, soften, make pliable by rubbing or
rolling (of leaves, peas and beans, etc.
previous to using as a plaster or the like).
Ligas ang by. Soften the by-leaf.
Ligas ak sing dhon sang katmbal, kay
itmbal ko sa pgsa. Crush some chilileaves for me, because I am going to use
them as a plaster for the boil. (cf. hlmok).
lg-as, (H) To complete the pounding of
rice (leaving very little rice unhusked),
pound rice thoroughly. Nakalg-as na ak
sing is ka lusng. I have now pounded

thoroughly one mortarful of rice. Lig-as

ak sing duh ka gntang nga humy.
Pound two gantas of rice very well for me.
Ginlig-asn ak nya sing ttlo ka lusng.
He pounded for me three mortarfuls of
rice. Lg-as naornalg-as na. The rice is
now pounded. The pounding of the rice is
finished. (cf. gm, dsdas, bay).
ligatn, (Sp. regatn, regatear) See
regatna huckster; to peddle, etc.
Nagaligatn si sing mga (Manugligatn
si sang) sging, pho, talng, etc. He is
selling (He is a vendor of) bananas,
mangoes, eggplant, etc.
lgaw, To transfer or remove to another
site, set up somewhere else, especially
applied to small native houses, first taking
off and transporting the roof and then the
rest. Ligwon nnyo ang kon baly.
Transfer my house to another site. Ligwi
nnyo ang kon tud sang ya baly nga
r dir sa bnwa kag dlhon nnyo sa
um. Transfer my brothers town house to
the farm. (cf. hongto remove a house,
posts and roof, in one load, to another
lgay, To be kind to, speak gently or
ingratiatingly, act in a kind, tender,
affectionate way. Ligya si. Be kind to
him. Speak to him in a friendly way. (cf.
paaynyon argay, rgay).
ligy-lgay, Dim. and Freq. of lgay.
Ligyligyi si sing hmbal. Use kind
words in talking to him. Linigyligyan
ak nla sing mba. They sang very softly
or sweetly to me. Ligyligya ang
pagbay mo sang lnot. Pound the hemp
gently. (cf. hnay, inany, daldl
lgban, From libg.
lgbin, To separate, set apart, put aside,
move away from; to be away from, be (a
little) removed or distant from. (cf. lgwin).
lgbok, To sustain, hold, draw out (the
voice, etc.). See lb-ok, lig id.
lgbus, A kind of mushroom that is highly
esteemed by many as a savoury side-dish;
to be alarmed, get a shock. Naglgbus
(nagpanglgbus) ang ya lwas. His hair
stood on end. He stood agast (aghast).
lgdas, To slip, drop or fall off (the edge of
a bank, road, stone, bench, etc.). Naglgdas
ang kro sa bat. The cart slipped off the
edge of the stone. Naligdasn ang til ko
sang alling sang kngga. My foot got
under the wheel when the cart slipped over
the edge. Ind ka magpagi sang kro sa
bint sang dlan, kay bs maglgdas kag
mahlug. Dont drive the cart near the edge
of the road, for it might slip off and fall
over. (cf. dhog, ky-us, lsding).
lgdong, Modesty, bashfulness,
unobtrusiveness; to be or become modest,
perform in a modest way, etc. Naglgdong
si sa kolhyo. She became modest or
bashful at college. Ginaligdongn ak sa
ya. She appears to me to be of a retired

Visayan-English Dictionary
disposition, to be modest or unobtrusive.
Ginalgdong nya ang ya hmbal,
batsan, pagginaw, etc. He is modest in
his speech, manners, bearing, etc. (cf.
lghot, To bind, etc. See balghot.
lghot, To seek, look for, try to find, search
after something (especially in a place dense
with undergrowth, in a forest, jungle or the
like). Lighot ang bka nga nadl sa
kagulngan. Look for the lost cow in the
jungle. Lighot ak sing uwy, nt, etc. sa
talnan. Get me some rattan, nt, etc.
from the forest. Nagalghot sil sing mga
blak sa masot. They are looking for
flowers amongst the dense undergrowth.
(cf. lghap, sghap, sgap, pangt).
lgid, To roll, whirl, revolve, turn over and
over; to lie down (lazily, to rest); rolling,
revolving. Pnggi ang barl nga nagalgid.
Stop the rolling barrel. Bantay inng
khoy, agd nd maglgid pa idlum.
Watch this piece of wood or it may roll
down. Paligda (-ra) lang ang barl nga
simnto. Move the barrel of cement by
rolling it. Ind malgid inng kamaturan.
This truth cannot be gainsaid. (cf. byung,
tyubto turn on an axle).
ligdlgid, Dim. and Freq. of lgid.
ligdligd, To roll, turn over and over (on
the ground, down a steep incline, etc.).
ligs, A harrow; to harrow; to lacerate,
grind, mill, crush, rub (as between two
stones moving one of them to and fro or the
like). Ligis (lgsa) ang talmnan. Harrow
the field. Ligis (lgsi) ak sing duh ka
gntang nga kakw. Crush two gantas of
cocoa-seeds for me (by rubbing them
between two stones). Kay wal ak sing
ibn nga ligs, iligis ko lang inng mga
kawyan. As I have no other harrow, Ill
just make this bamboo into a harrow. (cf.
galngto mill, crush, grind between
revolving stones).
lgna, To shudder, get a shock, become
nervous, have ones hair stand on end.
Nagalgna ak sa pagtn-aw sinng
mahgk nga lud. I shudder to look at this
dirty worm. It makes me shudder to see
this dirty worm. Nalignahn si sa
pagtluk sing lnt. She got a shock when
she saw a leech. Ginlignahn ak nya, kay
madm ang katl ko. I made his blood
run cold, I gave himthe creeps,the
shivers, because I have katl bad. (cf.
bgne, lgni, rgna).
lign-lgna, Dim. and Freq. of lgna.
lgni, See lgna, sgne, bgne.
lign-lgni, Dim. and Freq. of lgni.
lgnok, Movement; stir, bustle; to move,
bustle, stir, show life by movement. Wal
sing lgnok ang mga to ddto sdto nga
baly. The people in the house there show
no signs of life. Sa waly duhdha
nagakatulg na sil, kay wal sing lgnok.
Doubtless they are sleeping, for there is no
stir. (cf. lhok, ltok, hlag).

lghot lhap
lignk-lgnok, Dim. and Freq. of lgnok.
(cf. hulghlag, litklitk, lihklihk).
lg, To bathe, lave, wash, etc. See lgos,
lig, lg, To sustain the voice. See lb-ok,
lig-lg, Dim. and Freq. of lig.
Nagapaliglg si sang ya nga tngug.
She sustains her voice.
lgon, To let melt or dissolve in the mouth,
suck without chewing. Ligna inng binto
nga dlse. Let this candy dissolve in your
mouth. (cf. tnaw, lignlgon, lognlgon).
lign, To rub, stroke, beat slightly,
massage. Ligon ang ya likd, kay
nadnlan si. Thump him on the back, for
he has something sticking in his throat.
lg-on, (H) To be, become or make firm,
steady, stable, strong, fixed, steadfast,
reliable or the like. Naglg-on na ang ya
ty sa pagkdto ddto. His determination
to go there is fixed. Lig-onn mo ang mo
but sa pagpadyon sa dlan sang
katarngan. Make up your mind firmly to
keep to the road of honesty. Lig-on ak
sing is sinng mga sya nga mahyang.
Make one of these weak chairs strong for
me. Ang grsya nga ikagpakalg-on sang
pagt-o. The grace that makes Faith firm,
strong. Magalg-on ang ya pagslig
kon. His hope or confidence will be
steadfast, if. (cf. pg-on, bkud).
lign-lgon, Dim. and Freq. of lgon.
Lignligna inng ylo. Put this piece of ice
in your mouth and let it dissolve.
lgos, (H) To wash, lave, bath, give a bath
to, bathe. Ligsa ang bt, bboy, etc. Give
the baby, the pig, etc. a bath. Ilgos ak
nay sinng id. Kindly give this dog a
bath. Ligsi ak sing mank. Wash a
chicken for me. Linigsan nla ang bat
sang id. They gave the dog a bath in the
wash-tub. (cf. dgos, palgos, lg).
ligy, Laziness, indolence, remissness,
negligence; to be lazy or negligent, to play
truant; lazy, negligent. Ligy si nga to.
He is a lazy fellow. Ind ka magligy. Dont
be or become lazy. Dont play truant. Ang
ibn nga mga mamumugn, kon wal ang
kapats, nagaligy lang. Some workmen,
if there is no overseer, dawdle the time
away or work very lazily. Ginaligoyn
sinng mga bt ang pagbth sa
buluthan. These children are playing
truant from school. (cf. tmad, amd,
agohs, pasaliptpot). N.B. The verb is
paligy oftener than ligy.
ligoyn Lazy, indolent, sluggish, averse to
labour. (cf. ligy).
lgpit, To jam, squeeze, press, compress,
squash, crush by pressure as between two
boards and the like. Nalgpit ang tagt
sang bat. The lizard was crushed by the
stone. Ligpit ang tnga. Squash the
cockroach. Ginlgpit nya ang ilag sang
tp. He crushed the rat with a piece of

board. Ilgpit ang hal sa padr. Jam the

iguana against the wall. Inng tp
naligpitn sing ttlo ka tok,orinng
tp nakalgpit sing ttlo ka tok. Three
geckoes were crushed against this board.
(cf. ipt, lgpit, lgs; lum, pus).
ligptan, Press; printing-office; printing
in general. (cf. lgpit; ilipitn, ipitn).
lgs, To crush, comminute, fracture,
squeeze to pulp by pressure or a
superimposed weight. Nalgs ang ya
btkon sang bat. His arm was crushed by
the stone. Ginligsan si sang ya batis
sang alling sang wto. The wheel of the
automobile fractured his leg. Nalgs ang
kawyan sang halgi nga ginagyud. The
bamboo was smashed by the post being
hauled over it. Andam ka, agd dl ka
magyan sang tren kag malgs. Beware,
lest the train should run over you and crush
you. (cf. lgpit, ipt, lum, pus).
lgson, From ligs.
lgtas, To break, part, snap. Naglgtas
(nalgtas) ang ps. The string parted,
broke, snapped. (cf. bgras, bgt,
lgum, See lgumto dye, etc.
ligumdulm, See lugumdulmvery
dark, black.
lgwa, (Sp. legua) A league, a distance of
about five kilometers.
lgwa, (B) Wide, roomy, spacious,
extensive; to be or become wide, etc. (cf.
lpad, hanhay, aliwna, sngkad).
lgwan, A kind of small bee or honeymaking fly. (cf. lbug, putykan).
lgwat, To squeeze in, insert, put in
between (a word, or the like); to overturn,
overthrow, upset. (cf. salgbat, tgda;
balskad, sul, balkwat, kamndag.
ligwt-lgwat, Dim. and Freq. of lgwat.
Also: to turn over leaves, or the like.
Ginaligwtlgwat mo lang ang tuln-an
nga wal mo pagabasha. You are merely
turning over the leaves of the book without
reading it. (cf. htad, hitdhtad).
lgwin, To be a short distance away from,
at the side of, apart, separate from at some
distance; to set apart, hide, conceal. Ang
ya baly nalgwin sa dlan kag
ginalibtan sang is ka matahm nga
pamulkan. His house stands back from
the road and is surrounded by a beautiful
garden. Kwrta nga pinalgwin. Money
put aside.
lgwis, (H) Sharp-pointed; to be or
become sharp-pointed. (cf. talwis).
lhap, To chop, lop, cut off a piece of meat,
etc. Lihpa ang krne. Cut the meat.
Lihpi ak sing is ka palng nga krne.
Cut off a piece of meat for me. Ginlhap
sang manugblung ang kalnggo sang
kon kamt. The physician cut off the wart
on my hand. (cf. tud, gult, lplap, khad,


liht likisn
liht, To make use of the first opportunity,
do at once. Lihat ang pagsult sa ya.
Write him at once, as soon as possible. (cf.
likt, dalikt, kalt).
lihy, To dodge, avoid by stepping or
bending aside, side-step, duck, evade,
elude. Wal si mag, kay naglihy. He
was not hit, because he stepped aside.
Ilihy ang lo mo. Duck your head.
Maglihy kam sa madal, kay may
nagaabt nga wto. Quick, get out of the
way, for an automobile is coming.
Ginlihayn nya ang bastn nga
ginlmpus sa ya ni Fulno. He dodged the
stick with which N.N. struck at him. (cf.
lih, To forbid, interdict, disapprove, object
to, refuse sanction, put under taboo (often
used in connection with superstitious
observances). Lihi si sa pagpalgos sa
am nga panahn. Prohibit him from
taking a bath at such a time. Ginalih ang
pagpanug sa baly kon ang is ka tagt
nagahun sa hgdan. It is not advisable (by
a superstitious observance) to leave the
house if a lizard croaks on the staircase.
Ilih ang pagkon sa bt nga
nagalngkod sa tapaln. (A superstition).
Object to the child taking food sitting on
the cutting block. Ginalih ang pagkon
sing krne sa mga dlaw nga Birnes sa
Kwarsma. It is forbidden to eat meat on
the Fridays of Lent. (cf. dl, duml).
liha, (Sp. lejia) Lye, a solution of an alkali
used for cleaning purposes.
lihinon, One who observes superstitious
rules and precepts or insists on such
practices and vain ceremonies. Lihinon
si nga to. He is superstitious, addicted to
superstitious practices and ceremonies. (cf.
liht, Corner, side, surroundings, environs.
(cf. bint, klid, bid, sok, dok, hilt).
liht-liht, Dim. of liht. To (babe) lang
si nga lihtliht. He is a man (she is a
woman) of very humble origin, coming
from some unknown corner of the earth.
lh, To search after, look for, try to find,
seek, wish to obtain. An ang ginalh mo?
What are you looking for? Nagalh ak
sing kwrta, sing palanyagahn, etc. I am
looking for some money, for things to
prepare dinner with, etc. Maglh ka sing
ph sa mga dumulaw. Try to find some
mangoes for the visitors. (cf. lghap,
pangt, etc.).
lhog, To ask a favour, request, pray, beg.
Si Fulno naglhog sa kon nga kuhon ko
ang ya nga malta ddto sa baly nya.
N.N. requested me to fetch his hand-bag
there from his house. Lihga si nga ya
kam lihan sing mank. Ask him to get
some chickens for us. Linhog ko si nga
magkh sang kon koryoorsang
kon mga sult sa koryo. I asked him to
fetch my mailormy letters from the
post-office. Ipalihg mo ak sa.


Visayan-English Dictionary
Palihga ak sa mo sa. Please do me
the favour of.
lhok, Movement, stir, signs of life. (cf.
ltok, hlag, etc.).
lihk, lhok, To move, budge, stir, bestir
oneself. Ilihk na ang lwas mo sa
pagtaps sing khoy. Bestir yourself now
and cut down some trees. Wal gn si
magalihk. He does not even move. He is
very quiet. Lihk ka na. Get a move on
now. Bestir yourself. Andot war kaw
angd pagkalihk nga adlwon ron? (B)
Why dont you get a move on now, as it is
broad daylight already? (cf. litk, hlag,
hblag, hwos, gos, os).
lihklihk, Dim. and Freq. of lihk. (cf.
lih-lih, An idler, loafer, vagabond, one
wandering about aimlessly, rover. (cf.
tiygtiyg, landlndo, etc.).
lkag, (B) To be distracted, wander, be
inattentive or absent-minded. Ind ka
maglkag. Dont be distracted. Ind mo si
paglikgon. Do not disturb or distract him.
Ind mo pagpalikgon ang ya hunhn.
Do not distract his thoughts. (cf. lingw,
likg-lkag, (B) Dim. and Freq. of lkag.
Wal si sing likglkag kon
nagapangabdlay. He does not allow
himself to be distracted when he is at work.
His mind is concentrated on his job. (cf.
likt, To do at once, make use of the first
occasion, take time by the forelock. Likat
ang pagni, kay bs mauln sa bus.
Harvest the rice at once, for tomorrow it
may rain. Ginlikatn nla ang mayo nga
panahn. They made good use of the fine
weather. (cf. kalt, liht, dalikt).
likt-lkat, Dim. and Freq. of likt. Also:
to let alone, leave alone for a moment.
Liniktliktan nla kag wal na si
makt. He was left alone (unobserved) for
a moment and then hewas not seen any
more,had disappeared.
lkaw, likw, To avoid, shun, keep away
from, eschew, steer, keep, clear of, fight
shy of, evade, elude, have nothing to do
with, let alone. Maglikw ka sa mga
malut. Likawn mo ang mga malut.
Shun the wicked. Keep away (aloof) from
bad people. Likaw ang kaupdnan nga
malin sing batsan. Avoid companions of
bad habits. Ilikw (ilkaw) sa ya inng
masakt nga to, agd nd nya makt.
Hide this sick man from him, lest he should
see him. Makalikw (makalkaw) ka sang
am nga katalgman, kon. You can
escape that danger, if. Linikawn nya
ak. He avoided (meeting, coming together
with) me. (cf. aklihs, kuyw).
lkb, likb-lkb, To turn over, etc. See
lkw, likw-lkw.
lkday, Dodge, evasion; to dodge, avoid,
step aside, sidestep, evade, elude, start
suddenly aside. Naglkday si, bs wal

si mag. He stepped aside, therefore he

was not hit. Likday ang bat. Dodge the
stone. Kon wal nya paglikday sing
madal ang lub, wal sing duhdha nga
nahulgan si. If he had not quickly
dodged the coconut, he would certainly
have been hit. (cf. lihy, lksi, idg, sdog,
sol, likw, lktin).
lkding, To tip, tilt or heel over, to slant,
incline, lean sideways, careen (of a boat).
Naglkding ang klon. The rice-kettle is
not standing straight, is nearly tipping
over. Ind mo paglikdingn ang klon,
knd tadlongn mo. Dont set up the ricekettle aslant, but make it stand straight.
Likding ak sang klon, kay sukron ko
ang kn-on. Tilt the kettle a little for me,
because I am going to take out the rice. (cf.
lik, To move ones shoulders up and down
gracefully or ostentatiously. A kind of
native folk dance in which the shoulders
are moved in such fashion. Nagalik si
kon maglakt. She moves her shoulders up
and down in walking. (cf. kisyksay,
lkid, To finish arranging the warp,
complete the work on the warping board
(sab-ongnan) before putting it on the
loom; to arrange, get ready. Nakalkid na
ikw? Have you finished arranging the
warp? Ginlkid mo na ang sinb-ong
kahpon? Have you completed the
arrangement of the threads you prepared
yesterday on the warping board? Likda
(ra) ang sinb-ong mo. Complete the
arrangement of the threads on the warping
lik-lk, Dim. and Freq. of lik. Ang mga
dalga nga madayw nagaliklk sa
dlan. Vain girls move their shoulders
ostentatiously on the road, (when they walk
likn, A potor kettlestand in the form
of a mat of braided straw or the like. (cf.
kalangn id.).
lkis, To take the warp from the warping
board and arrange it on the loom; to coil,
wind (the woven cloth on the cloth-roller).
Liksa ang sinb-ong. Transfer the warp
from the warping board to the loom. Liksa
ang hinabl. Wind the woven cloth on the
roller (pulugian, purogan). (cf. ballon,
loln, lkotto roll up mats; lasto coil,
wind up ropes).
lkis, To manage or arrange things well for
oneself, know how to get results, gain ones
point or the like. Mayo si maglkis
orsing lkis. He is an adept at arranging
things well. He knows how to get results.
He is very resourceful in whatever he
undertakes. (cf. hmos, hwat, lsto, btik,
likisn, A cloth-roller, the revolving beam
in a loom on which the finished cloth is
wound, anything used like a cloth-roller.
(cf. pulogan, purogan).

Visayan-English Dictionary
lkit, To roll, bale, make up in a roll or
bale. Linkit nga papl. A roll of paper. (cf.
lklik, Secret, hidden, sly, cunning,
underhand; to do on the sly, give secretly,
bribe, suborn, corrupt, tamper with. Sa
lklik nga pagi. By secret means. By fraud.
On the sly. Ang lklik nya nga
pahitht. His secret (cunning,
hidden) dealings (machination,
plotting). Liniklikn si nya sing
napl ka mngmang. He was bribed by
him with ten pesos. Ilklik lang sa ya inng
ttlo ka mngmang. Just give him on the
quiet these three pesos. Si Fulno
matrung nga to kag nd gid
magpalklik. N.N. is an honest man and
cannot be corrupted or bribed. Ang lklik
am ang is ka mahgk nga padg.
Bribery is a mean expedient. (cf. hphip).
lkman, etc. From likm.
lik, Twisted, etc.; a kind of bi.
lik, To deviate, turn, deflect, swerve,
curve, bend, wind (of roads, etc.). Ddto sa
nhan ang dlan nagalik sa wal.
Further on there the road turns to the left.
Maglik ka sa to. Turn to the right.
Likon mo ang dlan sa wal. Take the
road to the left. Turn into the road at the
left. (cf. tik).
likan, Turning point, place where a road,
etc., turns or branches off.
likd, The back, rear, background, the
part behind. Sa likd mo. On or behind
your back. Behind you. Sa likd sang
baly. Behind the house. At the back of the
house. Lan ang ya guy sa atubngan
mo kag lan sa likd mo. He is doublefaced. He speaks and acts differently to
your face and behind your back. (cf.
talikd, ab, taldtod, pihk).
lik-lk, Zig-zag, serpentine, winding,
meandering, twisting, crooked. Liklk gid
inng dlan. This road winds very much.
Maglakt ka sing tdlong, nd sing
liklk. Walk straight ahead, not zig-zag.
lkos, Circumference, etc. See lkus.
lksi, A quick movement aside, a swift
dodge; to turn or step aside swiftly, make a
quick dodge, side-step, elude, evade. Wal
ko si madakp, kay nakalksi si. I could
not catch him, for he succeeded in running
off swiftly. Ginliksihn nya ak. He was
too quick for me. Ilksi ang lwas mo,
agd nd ka mag sang bla. Dodge
quickly, lest the ball should hit you. (cf.
lktin, To make a quick step away from,
towards or upon something, pounce upon,
give a jump, side-step quickly. Naglktin
si (sa kon)orginliktinn nya (ak).
He made a quick step away from (me) or
towards (me). (cf. lksi, lmpat, lkso).
likm, Concealment, hiding, secrecy; to
hide, conceal, keep quiet about, screen,
secrete, veil, disguise. Ind malikm inng

lkit lim
bhat mo. This deed of yours cannot be
concealed. Linkman (linikumn) nya ak
sin nga bhat. He hid or concealed that
deed from me. Ind ka maglikm sa ya
sang kamaturan sinng nagkahanab
(nahanab). Do not conceal from him the
truth of this event. Ilikm lang sa ya ang
kon pagabt dir. Simply keep him in the
dark about my arrival here. Wal sing
likm ang ya nga katuyon. There is no
secrecy about his intention or plan. (cf.
llong, tg).
lkup, To surround, enclose, encircle, hem
in. Likpi sing sklat ang naidlum sang
baly. Surround with a bamboo partition
the ground-floor of the house. Ang
pamulkan nalkup (nalikpan) sing
kodl. The garden is surrounded by a fence
(has a fence round it, is enclosed within a
fence). Ginlikpan sang mga kaway ang
bnwa. The enemy beleaguered
(surrounded) the town. Ilkup inng
almbre nga may dgi sa ton
pamulkan. Fence in our garden with this
barbed wire. (cf. lbut).
lkus, Periphery, circumference; a scaly
ring round the legs of some cocks. Ang ban
nga mga sulg may lkus, ang ibn wal.
Some cocks have a lkus, some have none.
lkw, To overturn, overthrow; to toss,
pitch. (cf. lgwat, balkw).
likw-lkw, Dim. and Freq. of lkw.
(cf. likblkb, sul, balskad).
lkwat, To upset, overturn. (cf. lkb,
lkw, lgwat).
likwt-lkwat, Dim. and Freq. of lkwat.
(cf. ligwtlgwat).
lla, (Sp. lila) The lilac shrub and its
beautiful flowers; lilac colour, lilaccoloured, a blending of blue and pink.
Ginbklan nya ang ya nbya sing is ka
trno nga lla lso (lla nga lso, lla nga
lgus). He bought for the bride a dress-suit
of unfigured lilac.
llang, Pickled or soused fish, fish
preserved in brine; to souse or salt fish with
the use of a little water. Lilnga ang
tabys. Salt the tabios-fish (with the use of
a little water). May linlang kam nga
tabagk? Have you got any pickled
tabagac-fish? (cf. binro, bindofish
preserved in salt alone without water).
llas, (H) To strip, cut into small strips
buri-leaves or the like, to shred. Lilsa ang
bur. Cut the buri-leaves into strips. Lilsi
ak sing bur. Make for me some strips
from buri-leaves. Lilson mo ang bur sing
magamy. Divide the buri-leaves into
small strips. Magllas ka sang bur sing
magamy, kay himon ko nga kl. Make
small strips of the buri-leaves, for I am
going to make a hat of them. (cf. rras).
lilasn, (H) An instrument for cutting
buri-leaves, etc., into strips for weaving
purposes. (cf. llas).

llaw, Boundary, fence, inclosure; limit,

scope, circle, confines, range (of action,
etc.). (cf. ltid, dolnan, kadulnan).
ll, To look at, peep or squint through an
aperture or hole, observe slily or cautiously.
Kuha ang tabn kag lilon mo kag
hikpon kon an ang sa idlum. Take off
the cover and look and feel what is beneath
it. (cf. lngling, bntay, lntaw, tn-aw,
lilibngan, (H) Place were something is
taken care of. Lilibngan sang mga
kabatan. Kinder-garten. Centre of
puericulture. (cf. libng).
liligawn, (H) What is to, can,
should, be removed to some other site
or place; transferable, transplantable. (cf.
lilihon, (H) Things that are forbidden,
taboo, banned, prohibited, disallowed, not
allowed, proscribed, inadvisable or to be
avoided, interdicted, not sanctioned. (cf.
lilikwan, (H) What is to be, should
be, can be, avoided, avoidable,
escapable. (cf. likw).
lilimsan, (H) A person or object worthy
of an alms or on whose behalf alms are
collected or solicited. (cf. lims).
lilmsan, See lilimsan.
liln, (B) To turn down a hem or border,
fold, double, tuck up, take a tuck in. Lilin
ak sang kon by. Fold up my jacket for
me. Lilin ang mantl. Fold the tablecloth. Ililn ak nay sinng papl. Please
fold this paper for me. (cf. pil).
lilingkran, (H) Seat, chair, etc. See
lingkran, lingkornan. (lngkod).
llis, See llasto strip, pull, tear, off.
lilitsnon, (H) Fit, suitable,
prepared, for being roasted on a spit. (cf.
liliwnan, (H) Place of change or
repetition. Liliwnan sang pamatsan. A
reformatory, house of correction. (cf.
llong, Concealment, hiding, of the
truth; to hide, conceal, suppress, keep
from, withhold, the truth. Ind ka
magllong sang mo mga sal. Dont
conceal your sins. Ginlilngan nya ang
ya amy sang pagtmbong nya sa sut.
He kept back from his father the fact that
he had assisted at the dance. Illong mo sa
ya inng hitab. Hide from him this event
or accident. (cf. likm, tg, hinabn).
lma, (Sp. lima) Lime, lime-tree. (rma
lma, The hand. (cf. alma, kamt).
lim, To handle, take in the hand, etc. (cf.
alma, alim, pangalim, pangamt).
lim, Five; to divide by five, make or take
five parts. Limahn mo ka bhin inng
tmpok nga humy kag ipangtag sa la.
Divide this heap of rice in five parts and
distribute it to them. An, ttlo lang ang


limlma linahn
mo kuhon (bklon, dlhon, etc.)?
Limah lang. Why, are you taking (buying,
fetching, etc.) only three? Take (buy, fetch,
etc.) five.
limlma, A kind of plant.
lmas, To worsen, make a disease worse,
change for the worse (often implying a
superstitious belief that one visiting a sick
person after he has been to a house where
someone has lately died will exert an
injurious influence upon the sickness).
Ginlmas nya ang katl sang bt, kay
naghpit sa naptyan kag nagpal nga
wal nay pagtuba. He made the childs
skin-disease worse by going to a house
where someone had died and returning
home without being first disinfected by
smoke. Naglmas si sang kon tpgas. He
made my measles worse. Linmas nya ang
hngg (but) sang kon tud. On account
of him my brothers smallpox got worse.
(cf. lin, bg-at).
lmas, lims, To bail, dip, scoop,
out water from a boat, to lighten a boat.
limtok, Mountain leech. See alimtok.
lm-aw, Gulf, large bay, sea, ocean, lake.
(cf. dgat, lnaw, lawd).
lmbag, To colour, stain; to print. (cf.
dug, blhag).
limbhon, A kind of coconut with reddish
husks. Its milk is very tasty and sweet. (cf.
lmbo, (Sp. limbo) Limbo, the place where
the souls of the just were detained before
the coming of Christ; limb, the border or
outer edge of the sun and moon.
lmbok, (B) Immature rice or corn heated
in a gnga and pounded while hot; the dish
made from such rice or corn, usually fried
in lard. Lmbok is contr. from linubk. (cf.
lubk, pilpig).
lmb, lmbo, Dark, gloomy, dusky; to be
or become dark, dim, dusky. Naglmb
(lummb) ang wag sang sug. The light
of the lamp became dim. The lamp was put
out. Lmb nga algyan. A dark passage. A
dusky or gloomy road (especially at night).
(cf. dulm, itm).
lmbong, Fraud, imposture, cheating,
swindle; to cheat, defraud, impose upon,
bilk, diddle, do, take in, swindle, commit a
fraud, appropriate fraudulently. Ind ka
maglmbong kag nd ka magpalmbong.
Dont cheat and dont allow yourself to be
cheated. Linimbongn ak nya sing ttlo
ka psos. He defrauded me of three pesos.
Sa lim ka mngmang ilmbong mo sa ya
ang ttlo. Of the five pesos keep back three
yourself (and give him only twoor
defraud him of three pesos out of five). (cf.
dy, agng, lg-it, paltog, kwt, kwat,
tkas, tkaw; likm, llong, tg).
lmbong, (B) Quiet, calm, windless, windfree, not exposed to the wind. Pahigda
ang masakt sa is ka hult nga lmbong
(malmbong). Let the sick person lie down


Visayan-English Dictionary
in a quiet room, in a room sheltered from
the wind.
limitasyn, (Sp. limitacin). Limitation,
restriction. (cf. ltid, dlon).
lmnan, (B) Ugly of figure, harsh of
sound, bad of smell, disagreeable to touch,
etc., bad, mean, nasty; abominable. (cf.
lamnan, malin).
lmog, (B) Voice; sound. Mayo si sing
lmog. She has a good voice. (cf. tngug).
limg, (B) To speak, voice, give utterance
to. Wal na sil paglimgnay,
pagkalimgnayorpagkalimogy. They
are no longer on speaking terms.
lmog, (H) To injure, spoil, harm, cause
damage to. Andamn mo ang lanahn,
agd nd malimgan. Take good care of
the coconut-meat from which coconut-oil is
to be extracted, so that it may not be spoilt.
Ang am nga mga pagbasbis nagalmog
sang pagtolohan. Such disputes are
injurious to faith. (cf. dut, lut, hlit).
limkon, A wild pigeon. See alimkon.
limlim, To treat harshly, unjustly or
oppressively, to oppress. Sing masam ang
mga mol ginalimlim sang mga
manggarnon. Often the poor are harshly
treated by the rich. Ind mo
paglimlimohn ang mo sologon. Dont
deal unjustly with your servant. (cf. pgus).
limn, (Sp. limn) The lemon tree and its
lims, (Sp. limosna) Alms, offering, gift,
bounty, dole, gratuity; stipend for a Mass;
funeral fee; to give an alms, etc. Ilims sa
makaloloy nga to inng pistas. Give the
poor man this peseta. Lmsiorlimos
ang makilmos sing salap. Give the beggar
fifty centavos. Linmsan nya ang
simbhan sing napl ka mngmang. He
made an offering of ten pesos to the
church. Wal pa sil paglmsi sang lngit
sing mga bt. They have not yet been
blessed with children. Heaven has not yet
granted them the gift of children. (cf.
htag, reglo, etc.).
lmot, (H) Forgetfulness, oblivion; to
forget, cease to remember, be forgetful or
oblivious of. Nagkalmotornalmot ak
sin. I have forgotten it. I dont recollect it.
It has escaped my memory. Ind mo
pagkalmtan in. Do not forget this. Ind
nla malmtan ang ginaghan nla nga
kalisd. They will be unable to forget the
troubles they have passed through. Bs
kon limton mo ak. Perhaps you will
forget me, will not think of me any longer.
Pinanglmot si. He forgot himself. He lost
his self-possession. (cf. lipt, lg).
limotg, Pustule, rash, prickly heat. See
lbtug, libutg.
lmpa, To move to and fro, pitch, rock,
toss, roll like a boat, a cradle or the like; to
halt, limp. Ginalmpa sang hngin ang
sakayn. The wind is rocking the boat,
making the boat roll. (cf. lmpa).

limp-lmpa, Dim. and Freq. of lmpa.

Ang kngga nagalimplmpa. The cart is
jolting. (cf. lumplmpa).
limpsong, A depression in the ground,
etc. See alimpsong, libang.
lmpio, See lmpyo.
limpyabtas, (Sp. limpia botas) Bootblack.
lmpyo, (Sp. limpio) Clean, stainless,
spotless, pure, free, clear; to clean, cleanse,
make stainless, etc. Lmpyoh ang
balatonn, ang mga pnggan, etc. Clean
the reception room, the plates, etc. Ilmpyo
inng habn sa mga panpton. Wash the
clothes with this soap. Linimpyohn nya
ang mga bso sing mayo. He cleaned the
glasses well. Lmpyo na ang lngit nga
wal sing gl-um. The sky is now clear of
clouds. (cf. tnl).
lmsan, etc. From lims.
lmtan, etc. From lmot.
limnaw, (B) To disappear suddenly or
unexpectedly, vanish, fade away, dissolve.
Naglimnaw ang kon igsullat sa ltok.
My pen suddenly disappeared from the
table. Bantay inng mga ph, agd nd
maglimnaw. Watch these mangoes, lest
they should vanish or disappear i.e. lest
they should be stolen. (cf. dl, tnaw,
limunsto, (Sp. limn, limoncillo) A kind
of shrub with lemon-like fruit containing a
viscous juice that is often used as paste.
ln, Very tasty, sweet toddy.
linab, Cut or smitten with a sharp-edged
tool. (cf. lab).
linbo, Dyed, steeped in colour. Linbo
nga by. A dyed jacket. (cf. lingum from
linbo, Put, lain, in steep for one
night. Bunng nga linbo. Yarn that has
lain in steep overnight.
linagpok, A confused noise, clatter,
crash, as of falling boards, or the like. See
linagtik, Clash, rattling, clatter; to
rattle, etc. See lagtik.
lingo, Striped, streaked, variegated
(particularly applied to rough hemp-cloth
or cotton goods). (cf. lgo-worm;
lingot, A cracking, squeaking, creaking
sound; to creak, etc. (cf. lgot, got).
lingpang, Meat, fish, chicken, etc.
roasted over live coals and served with
vinegar and chili, etc. Ang mon sd-an sa
panyga lingpang. We had a side-dish of
lingpang for dinner. (cf. lgpang).
linhe, (Sp. linaje) Line, lineage, family,
progeny, race, stock, kin. (cf. panimaly,
kalwat, kadg, himat).
linahn, Maize (with husks) roasted on
the cob. As a rule the linahn is roasted
once more (haw, bog) before it is eaten.
(cf. binog, inhaw, singba).

Visayan-English Dictionary
linangs, Joke, jest, fun; to joke, make
fun, jest, ridicule. (cf. langs).
linapkan, Trace, track, foot-print. (cf.
lpak, lapakn).
linapd, linapd-lapd, Firmly joined or
connected, twin. (cf. lapd).
linr, (Sp. llenar) To fill out blank spaces
in a printed form, etc. Linah ang baltas.
Fill in the ballot-form. Linah ak sinng
papl kay ak nd kahibal. Fill in this
paper for me, for I do not know how to do
it. (cf. pun, lunb, dgang).
lnas, To tread, trample upon, applied
especially to the separating of rice-grains
from the ears by trampling on them.
Linsa ang humy. Tread the rice. Linsan
ak nmo sing ttlo ka psong nga humy.
Tread three bushels of rice for me. Malam
ka bal maglnas? Do you know how to
tread rice? Ginlnas gid lang nya ang
kon katarngan. He trampled on my
rights. He spurned my arguments. (cf.
lpak, tpak).
linasn, An elevated platform, usually a
kind of bamboo-flooring, for threshing rice
by treading. (cf. lnas; baywbyaw,
linta, Canned goods or provisions. (cf.
lta, lalatahn).
lnaw, Lake, pond, sheet of quiet water,
loch, lough, mere, tarn; to be or become
quiet, peaceful, unruffled, still, smooth,
calm. Naglnaw na ang dgat, ang ya
kakig, etc. The sea is now smooth, his
anger has cooled or quieted down, etc.
Nalinwan (whan) kam sang dgat
sang mon pagpakdto sa Manl. We had
a calm sea when we went to Manila. Ind ka
magpalgos dir sa sulg, knd dir lang
sa lnaw. Dont bathe there in the current,
but here in this quiet pool.
linw-lnaw, Dim. and Freq. of lnaw. A
small pond, lin, linn, pool or puddle. (cf.
lb-o, danw).
ln-ay, Young, youthful, tender, soft,
gentle; a young lady, girl, maiden of tender
years. (cf. lanb, batan, pamatn-on,
malm-ok, malol, mallot, etc.).
lng-an, For lingan from lnogto
quake, etc.
lngas, To be distracted, confused, upset,
flurried, to look about distractedly not
knowing what to do or where to turn to.
Ind mo paglingsan ang bt. Dont be so
distracted as to forget the baby (your
charge). Ind mo igkalngas in. Dont
allow yourself to be upset by such a thing.
Dumlug ang ya paghmbal kag
lumngas si sa may bintn. He stopped
talking and looked distractedly towards the
window. (cf. lngin).
lings, Unnerved, distracted, upset,
flurried, confused, not knowing what to do
or say out of fear or bashfulness. (cf.

linangs lngkod
lings-lngas, Dim. and Freq. of lngas.
An ang ginalingslngas mo? What are
you turning your head for? Why are you
looking from right to left? Why are you so
lings-lings, Dim. of lings.
lingw, To be distracted, look about
curiously or listlessly, divert ones
attention, entertain, amuse; distracted,
astray, lost, diverted. Ind ka maglingw
(magpalingw) sa simbhan. Do not be
distracted in church. Ilingw ak nay
sinng mga bt. Kindly amuse those
children for me. Ilingw sa ya inng
hampangnan. Divert him with this toy.
Lingaw si. Distract, entertain or amuse
him. Lingw sil. They are distracted. (cf.
ling, ling, lingg, lsi, bang).
lingw-lngaw, Dim. and Freq. of
lingw. Lingwlingwa ang bt. Do
something to amuse the baby.
Nagalingwlngaw sil sa baybyon. They
are diverting themselves on the beach.
Lingwlingwon ang ya mga kalisd, si
nnay mo, etc. Get his mind off his
troubles, entertain your mother, etc. Ind
ka maglingwlngaw. Dont be absentminded or unattentive.
lingghub, Washed-out parts of, a
washout in, a road, pool, puddle,
mudhole, plash, splash. (cf. danw).
lingglhub, See lingghub id.
linggnay, Bell; to ring the bells.
Lingganya ang bgtingorbagting
ang linggnay. Ring the bell or bells.
Lingganyi ang bulunygan sing ttlo ka
basl. Ring three peals for the baptism. (cf.
bgting; bsal, basl, rimte, ripke).
lingganyan, Belfry. (cf. kampanryo).
lingg-lnggi, To shake to and fro or up
and down, rock, tip, sway to and fro, (said
of ones head, of the rolling and pitching of
boats, etc.; limplmpa, lumplmpa,
lingknglngkang; ndag, tumbtmb).
lingghot, To go or walk about in all
directions, disperse (as a crowd, etc.
paningghot, sarumbl).
lnggon, Lnggon mo si. Look upon him.
See lingg.
lnghag, To muse, think, ponder, be
absorbed in, have ones mind occupied
with. Nagalnghag si sang trak nga ya
pagalulnan sang humy nya nga
galalngon. He is thinking about how to get
a truck to take his rice to the mill. (cf.
liblbo, hunhn, dmdum).
lnghod, (H) Immature, green, unripe,
tender, minor. Lnghod pa ang mga ph.
The mangoes are still green, are not yet
ripe. Nalinghorn ak sinng mga bnga.
Those fruits seem to me to be green, to be
unripe. Lnghod pa si sing panuign. He
is still of tender years, is young yet. (cf.
ling, To look upon or towards. Lingi si.
Look on him or at him. (cf. lingg).

lingg, To look towards, set ones eyes

upon. Ilingg mo sa kon ang mong mga
mat nga maloly-onorlngga ak
sang mong mga mat nga maloly-on.
Turn your merciful eyes upon me. Lngga
ak. Look at me or towards me. Wal gid
paglngga sinng bugaln nga
manggarnon ang makalol-oy nga
nagapakilmos. This rich fellow did not
even deign to bestow a glance on the
miserable beggar, did not so much as
glance at him. (cf. ling, tamd, balikd).
ling-lng, Dim. and Freq. of ling. Ind
ka gn maglinglng sin nga to, kay
malut sing batsan. Dont even look at
that man, because he is a bad character.
Ginpalinglng sang ily ang ya nga bt
sang halk. The mother showered kisses
on her baby turning it this way and that.
lingn, Confused, worried, perplexed,
bemused, puzzled, upset, dizzy, fuddled, in
a quandary. (cf. lngin, libg, hubg,
lngin, To worry, confuse, be upset, etc.
Nagalngin ang ya lo. He is upset. His
head is all of a whirl. Nagalngin ang la
lo, kay wal magabt ang sakayn.
Their mind is upset or they are worried,
because the boat has not arrived. Palngna
(palingna) ang ya lo. Perplex him.
Cause him some worry. Worry him. (cf.
lingn-lingn, Dim. and Freq. of lngin
and lingn. Also: idiotic, crazy, fool,
lingt, Anything borrowed or raised on
credit, a loan. (cf. lngit).
lngit, To borrow, get on credit, raise
money, run into debt. Maglngit ka lang
nay sing ttlo ka gntang nga bugs sa
kay Fulno. Just borrow for the present
three gantas of hulled rice from N.N.
Lngta (lingta) ang ya kwrta. Borrow
his money. Palingta (palngta) ak sing
is ka sko nga mas. Lend me a sack of
corn. Wal ak makalngit sang ya
salkyan, kay ginhinakyan ni Fulno. I
could not borrow his car or vehicle, for it
had been hired by N.N. Pinalngit man
nya ak kuntn sing kwrta, pang sa
karn balasbas si. He would have
granted me a loan of money, but at present
he is out of cash. (cf. hulm, tang).
lngkang, To shake, move to and fro or
up and down, jolt, jog, budge, move. Ind
si malngkang sa ya tinindgan. He
cannot be moved from his position.
Lingkang gid si. Move him at all costs.
Ilngkang ko inng bra sa dak nga bat.
I shall try to move the large stone with this
crow-bar. (cf. nghit, nk).
lingkng-lngkang, Dim. and Freq. of
lngkang. Ang kro
nagalingknglngkang. The cart is
shaking, jolting. (cf. limplmpa, etc.).
lngkod, (H) To sit, sit down, be seated,
seat oneself, take a seat. Lngkod ka. Be


lingkdan linmban
seated. Take a seat. Lingkod (or) ang
sya, dl ang bngk. Sit down on the
chair, not on the bench. Ang mga
nagalilngkod nagtilndog sa paghtag
sing katahurn sa panglo-bnwa. Those
that were seated rose to their feet to pay
their respects to the Municipal President.
Wal si magpalngkod sa kon. He did
not offer me a seat. He did not permit me
to sit down. (cf. pngk).
lingkdan, (B) Seat, chair, stool, settle,
dais, throne, anything used to be sat upon.
(cf. lngkod).
lingkran, lingkornan, (H) See
lingkdan, lilingkran, pulungkan.
Nagapngk si sa ya hinarinon nga
lingkran. He sits in his royal throne.
lngling, To peep or squint through a
hole, observe secretly through any small
aperture. An ang ginalngling mo dir?
What are you peeping through that hole
for? Ind ka maglngling. Dont peep
through holes. Lingling sil kon an ang
la ginabhat dir. Watch them through a
chink or hole to see what they are doing
there. Ginlngling nya sil nga nagailsip
sang plak. He watched them secretly as
they counted the money. Ang kinitan
sang tp am ang ginalinglingn nya sa
il. He peered or peeped at them through
the board-seam. (cf. bntay, panlag).
lngnon, etc. From lngin.
ling, Turn ones eyes upon, look
sideways, glance aside, etc. See ling,
ling, A little meat or fish or the like as a
side-dish to the rice, etc. (cf. sd-an, dpl,
lng-og, Noise, nuisance, annoyance; to
annoy, be annoyed. Ginaling-ogn ak
sin. I am annoyed at that. That annoys
me. (cf. gam, ghud).
ling-ling, Dim. and Freq. of lingto
glance aside, etc. (cf. linglng).
ling-ling, To doubt, waver, vacillate,
be in doubt or suspense. (cf. duh-dha,
lings-lings, To lick, pass the tongue
over. (cf. dl, dlap).
lngton, From lngitto borrow. Lngton
mo ang ya humy. Borrow his rice (all his
rice). Lngtan mo si sing humy. Borrow
some rice from him. Borrow some of his
lingwta, (Sp. lingueta) A small tongue;
any tongue-like band or strap, any small
narrow appendage; the reed of a
linibg-lbag, Quarrelling, discord,
dissension, disagreement, difference; to
differ, quarrel, disagree, dissent, be at
variance with. (cf. lbag, hbag, suy-say,
sumpkil, way, sipk).
linbo, Thousands, by the thousand. Mga
linbo ka to ang nagtalmbong.


Visayan-English Dictionary
Thousands of people were present. (lbo
liningghot, To move about in all
directions, as crowds of people in a market,
on a feast-day, etc. Nagaliningghot gid
lang ang mga to sa atubngan sang
simbhan sa dlaw sang pista. The
people are moving about in crowds or
jostling each other in front of the church on
the day of the Feast. (cf. lingghot,
sarumbl, surumbl).
lnis, See hnisto rub, polish, etc.
linmbaw, The middle finger. (cf.
lin, To shake, agitate (bottles, etc.). Lino
ang lub kon lhin na kon lnghod pa.
Shake the coconut to see whether it is ripe
or not. Naglubg ang suld sinng botlya,
kay ginlin nya. The contents of this
bottle have become turbid, because he has
shaken it. Lino ak sinng mga tlog kon
mayo kon kan. Shake these eggs for me
to see whether they are (good) fresh or not.
lin, (Sp. lino) Flax, linen, sail-cloth,
canvas, mosquito-netting.
lnog, An earthquake, earth-tremor,
seismic disturbance; to quake; tremble,
shake. Abw, nagalnogormay lnog.
Why, there is an earthquake. Kagb-i
naglnogormay lnog ang kalibtan.
Last night there was an earthquake.
Nalingan (Nalng-an) kam ddto sa
Manl. We experienced an earthquake in
linko, Foolish, stupid, absurd. Linko
nga hmbal, bhat, etc. Stupid talk, a
foolish deed, etc. (lko, binang, tinnto,
linkwan, Place where cattle lie down
and rest. (cf. lok, luk).
linng, Quietude, peace, tranquillity,
calm, calmness; peaceful, tranquil, quiet,
calm; to be, become or make calm, etc.
Naglinng na ang la baly. Their house is
quiet now. Naglinng na ang la
panimaly. Their family-life is peaceful
now. Linong ang nyo pagpuy. Live
quietly together i.e. dont quarrel or the
like. Wal pa maglinng ang pagpuy
ddto, kay ang bolkn nagatga pa kag
nagapalnog. Life there has not yet become
tranquil, because the volcano is active still
and causes earthquakes. Ginalinongn gid
ak sinng bnwa. This town appears to
me to be very quiet, peaceful or tranquil.
(cf. twhay, dit, hsay).
lnt, The leech. Pakdtan (Butangn) mo
si sing lnt. Put a leech on him. Apply a
leech to him. (cf. alimtokthe mountain
lnta, To crack, split, burst, cleave. (cf.
litk, balan).
lintan, Full of leeches. Sub, talmnan
nga lintan. A river or field, etc., full of, or
containing, many leeches. (cf. lintan).
lntab, Leech. See lnt.

lntak, To click ones tongue, etc. See

lntang, A step, stair (of a flight of stairs),
rung (of a ladder). See halntang,
lintan, Pertaining to leeches; full of
leeches. (cf. lnt, lintan).
lnti, (Sp. lente) Lens; monocle;
magnifying glass. (cf. tagoslang).
lnt, Lightning, fork, sheet, summer,
lightning, bolt, flash of lightning; to lighten,
strike by lightning; also used as a curse:
Blast it! or the like. Nagalnt, may lnt. It
is lightening, there is lightning. Nalintin
ang lub ddto. The coconut palm there was
struck by lightning. Sa blan sa Myo sing
masam may panglnt kag panagub. It
often lightens and thunders in the month of
May. Ang ya baly nahpit sang lnt kag
nasnug. His house was struck by lightning
and burned to the ground. Ginhpit
(Hinpit) si sang lnt kag napaty. He
was struck and killed by lightning. Lintin
ikw! May lightning strike you dead! Curse
you! A curse upon you! Lnt! Blast it! Hang
it! The dickens! The deuce (take it)! Ay,
lnt ikw! Why, you are a damned
nuisance! Oh, lnt, naglupk ang gma!
Oh, damn it, the tyre has burst! Ind ka
magpangyw kag magpanglnt, kay
malw-ay. Dont curse and swear. Dont
use so frequently the expressions yw
and lnt, because it is unbecoming. (cf.
kilt, pangilt, kils; yw, ymat).
lntok, (H) The smaller, finer particles of
rice chaff after pounding, bran, usually fed
to pigs, etc. The larger parts (lbhang) are
made use of for cleaning plates or the like.
(cf. up).
lntong, To be confused, worried,
perplexed. Nagalntong ang ya lo karn
tungd sang ya tang. He is worried now
about his debt. Nagapalntong si sang ya
lo. He is cudgelling his brains. (cf. libg).
linbid, Made up in a string or cord,
corded, by the cord or string. Nakabakl
ak sing tabk nga linbid. I bought
some tobacco by the cord. Bkli ak sing
pil ka tabk nga linbid. Buy me some
corded or stringed tobacco leaves (for
chewing). (cf. lbid).
lingaw, Gruel, rice-porridge, rice boiled
very soft and crushed to pulp in a generous
allowance of water, often given to sick
people. (cf. lgaw).
lingus, Forced; ravished by force. (cf.
linuksan, Circumference, periphery,
distance round. (cf. lkus, lkus).
linmban, Mended, patched, having gaps
filled up, etc. See lunb. Ind mo
paggamton sa pndut ang linmban.
Dont wear patched clothes at the townfeast.

Visayan-English Dictionary
linthang, Shot, hit by a bullet. Ang mga
linthang. Those that were shot or hit by
bullets. (cf. lthang).
linuyhan, Weakened, exhausted. (cf.
lnya, (Sp. linea) Line, stroke (of a pen,
etc.); line, way, track route; line, lineage,
progeny. (cf. daln, dinaln, kris, bdlit;
algyan, dlan, ltid; kalwat, kadg,
lo, To find a contrivance, means or
remedy according to ones needs,
particularly applied to the borrowing of
money. Naglo si sing kwrta. He
borrowed some money. Somehow he
managed to get hold of some money.
Ginlihan nya ak sing kwrta. He
borrowed some money from me. Palalo
(Palalyo, paralyo) si nga to. He is fond
of, is always, borrowing money. He is a
troublesome or unpleasant man to deal
with. (cf. hulm, lalng, rimdyo and the
following lo).
lo, (Sp. lio) Case, trouble, row, scrape,
imbroglio, scene, unpleasant incident or
occurrence. (cf. gam).
lod, l-od, To put round, encircle,
surround, trap, ensnare. Liod (or) sing
kalt ang kabyo. Put a rope round the
horse. Liodn (orn) mo sing kalt ang
karabw nga simarn. Ensnare the wild
buffalo with a rope, throw a rope round the
wild buffalo. Ilod sa log sang knding in
nga ps. Put this string around the goats
neck. (cf. sod, lkup).
lid-lod, Dim. and Freq. of lod. Also: to
molest, bother, pester.
ligan, Thickor bull-necked, one with a
strong neck. (cf. log).
lig, li-g, To collar, grasp by the neck.
Ginlig nya ak. He grasped me by the
back of the neck. Liog si. Collar him.
Take him by the throat. Ind ka maglig sa
ya. Dont take him by the throat. Dont
throttle him. (cf. kug).
log, l-og, The neck, scrag.
li-lo, Dim. and Freq. of lo. Also: To
scull a boat, propel a boat by working an
oar at the stern.
long, l-ong, The armhole, the circular
cut in a garment where the sleeve is
attached; to make the armhole. Sangkar
ang long sang kon by. Widen the
armhole of my jacket. Ginpasngkad
(Gintambihn) nya ang kon gutk nga
pak nyon sa lok kag pinadak nya ang
long. She widened (let out) my tight sleeve
near the armpit and enlarged the armhole.
lipk, A splinter, piece, fragment, a
broken or split part of wood, bamboo, etc.
(cf. banslak, banklan).
lpas, To shun, avoid, turn away from,
neglect, take no notice of, deviate, digress;
omit, be disobedient. But si maglpas sa
kon, kay mahdluk nga skton ko si
sang kon kwrta nga ginpahulm ko sa

linthang lipk-lpok
ya. He wants to avoid me, because he fears
that I might demand payment of the
amount he has borrowed from me. Sang
pagkakt nya sa kon sa dlan naglpas
si. When he saw me on the road, he
turned away from me. Ginlipsan nya si
gkan sa kahuy. He avoided meeting him
out of shame. Naglpas si sa pr, kay
naglpas si sa pagsmba. He avoided
meeting the priest, because he had
neglected going to church,had missed
Mass. (cf. likw, lgad, lubs, aklihs;
lips-lpas, Dim. and Freq. of lpas.
lipsong, Depression, hole, etc. See
limpsong, libang, nalupyakn.
lipt, To forget, lose the memory or
recollection of, be oblivious or forgetful of.
Nagkalipt (nalipt) na ak sin.
Nalipatn ko na in. I have forgotten that.
I cannot recall that. It has escaped my
memory. Ind mo pagkalipatn ang
pagpangamy sa agga kag sa gabgb-i. Dont forget your morning and night
prayers. Dl nla malipatn ang am nga
hitab. They will not be able to forget that
incident or event. Nalipatn nla si sa
paggda. Nalipatn nla ang paggda sa
ya. They forgot to invite him. Ind ka
malipt (magkalipt). Dont forget. (cf.
lmot, lg).
lipt, To slap, strike. Karn lipatn ko
ikw. Ive a good mind to slap you.
(Perhaps this lipt is identical with the
foregoing and the phrase quoted can be
explained by I shall make you forget it (by
causing you some physical pain that may
restrain you from repeating what you did).
lpay, A vine with hairy leaves that cause a
severe itch when touched. (cf. npay).
lpay, Whitlow. (cf. tpay).
lpay, To gladden, cheer, rejoice, delight,
give joy or pleasure to, console, solace,
comfort, animate, raise the spirits.
Nagalpay sa kon sing dak inng sult
ni nnay. Mothers letter gives me great
pleasure. Ginkalipyan ko gid ang
pagabt mo dir sa mon. I am glad that
you have come here to us. Dl mo
igkalpay ang mga kalisd sang mo
isigkato. Dont gloat overortake
pleasure in, the troubles of your fellowmen. Wal nkon pagkalipyi ang
pagtmbong ddto sa nahwat nga sut. I
did not enjoy taking part in the dance that
was arranged there. Lipya ang tud mo.
Cheer up your brother. Nagakalpay ak. I
am glad. (cf. sdya, lyag, wli, bang,
lingw, etc.).
lpdan, From lipdto screen, etc.
lipdnan, A screen, shelter, protection.
Dabka ang kalyo sa lipdnan sang
dpya sang hngin. Kindle the fire in a
place that is not exposed to the wind. (cf.
lpdas, To touch and glance off, graze, slip
off. (cf. lgdas).

lpi, Mould-board, the iron plate or sheet

attached to a plough above the ploughshare
(plowshare). It turns over the furrow-slice.
lipd, A tooth with a supernumerary
behind it. May lipd si. He has two teeth
one behind the other. Lipd ang ya
ngpon. He has a double row of teeth. (cf.
lplip, To bribe, suborn. See hphip, lklik.
lplip, Wickerwork made of the fibres of
the leaves of the buri-palm; ragged, torn,
full of holes (of all kinds of wickerwork).
Lplip ang tabungs, amkan, kisam, etc.
The rice-basket, bamboo-mat, ceiling, etc.,
is torn or full of holes.
lpnan, From lponto screen, etc.
Pagalpnan ko ang sug. I am going to
screen the light, shade the lanternorthe
lipd, To screen, stand between, bar,
block, close the view of, hide behind,
conceal, cover, cloak, veil; a screen, etc.
Ang kawyan nagalipd sang baly
orang baly ginalpdan sang kawyan.
The house is hidden behind the bamboo.
The bamboo screens the house. Ang tktik
nalpdan sang madbung nga mga khuy.
The spy was concealed behind the dense
foliage of trees. Ang am nga minur
ginalibtan kag ginalpdan sing bg-os
sang mga kawyan. That village is
completely surrounded and closed to view
by bamboos. Palpdi ang nabagtnan sang
mo baly sing mga aksya, kay bong
gid sa hngin. Hide the southside of your
house behind acacias, for it is too much
exposed to the wind. Ang la nga binhat
nd na malpdan. Their deed cannot be
concealed any longer. Ginlpdan nya ang
malin nga katuyon sing matm-is nga
hmbal. He covered his wicked design
under a cloak of sugary or honeyed talk. (cf.
lipn, lpon, tbon, tabn, gabn,
hingabn, tg, pang).
lipd-lpod, Dim. and Freq. of lipd. Sa
waly lipdlpod. Without tergiversation
or concealment, openly, honestly, frankly.
Maghamblay na kit sa wal sing
lipdlpod. Let us talk it over now without
any circumlocution, without hiding or
concealing anything.
lpok, To toss or move to and fro, flicker,
swirl, whirl, eddy, hover about (of smoke,
candle-flames, etc.). Ang sblab sang
kandl nagalpok sa hngin. The flame of
the candle is flickering in the wind.
Ginalipkan sang as ang digamohn.
The kitchen is full of smoke driving hither
and thither. Ang as sang tabk
nagalpok sa balatonn. The tobacco
smoke eddies about the reception room.
(cf. hulghlag).
lpok, To beat, thrash, give blows to. (cf.
lipt, tampyung, smbag, kadl,
lipk-lpok, Dim. and Freq. of lpokto
flicker, etc.


lipn lsngad, lisngd

lipn, A screen, cover, cloak, veil. (cf.
lipd, bimbo).
lipng, Unconscious, dazed, being in a
swoon or fainting fit, dizzy, confused,
perplexed, giddy; drunk, intoxicated. (cf.
wal na sing kalibtan, paalumtay,
lingn, hubg, balng).
lpong, To cause a fainting fit, swoon,
syncope, unconsciousness; to make dizzy,
drunk, etc. Nalpong si. He swooned
(went off in a swoon), had a fainting fit, lost
consciousness. Ginlpong nya ak sang
bno. He made me dizzy, giddy or drunk
with wine. Ang mga masakt nga
oloperhan ginalpong sil nay sang
manugblung. Sick persons about to be
operated upon are first given an
anaesthetic by the physician. (cf. lngin,
lpon, lipn, To screen, cover, hide,
conceal. Nalpnan (naliponn) ang ya
nga sulultan. His writing table is screened
off. Lpni ang sug. Screen, darken or
shade, the lamp-light. (cf. lipd, etc.).
lipt, Interception, circumvention,
stoppage; to pursue and catch by a
strategem, intercept, circumvent, take a
short-cut or the like. Lipot ang makwat.
Intercept the thief. Linipt nya ak sa
dlan. He intercepted me on the road.
Ilipt ak nay sang kon kabyo nga
nagadalgan dir. Kindly run around and
catch my horse that is running away there.
Kon sndon nnyo inng laktran, bs nga
malipt pa nnyo ang buyng. If you
follow this short-cut, you may be able to
intercept and catch the brigand. (cf.
bngan, bngg, dakp, lags, sid, lit).
lp-ot, (H) Shortness, curtness, brevity,
abbreviation, abridgement; short, brief,
curt, curtailed; to shorten, abridge,
abbreviate, curtail, cut short. Lip-otn mo
ang kawyan. Shorten the bamboo. Lip-ot
ak sang kon delrgo. Shorten my pants.
Make short trousers for me. Ilp-ot ak
sinng khoy. Kindly shorten this piece of
wood for me. Nalip-otn ak sin. That
was too short for me. Naggi kam sa lpot (laktran). We took the short-cut.
Nagaamtamt na sang lp-ot ang dlaw.
The days are slowly shortening (getting
shorter). Laks kalwig inng sinult mo
nga lygay; lip-ot. The written sermon of
yours is too long; cut it short, make it
shorter. (cf. kabstoo short; bug).
liprn, (Sp. refrn) Refrain, adage,
proverb, saying, saw. (cf. hurubton).
lpy, See lpimould-board, etc.
lra, (Sp. lira) The lyre. (cf. sstaguitar;
lrio, (Sp. lirio) The lily, white lily. (cf.
lirlir, See lerler id.
lis, Omission, default, mistake, deviation,
irregularity, hitch, fail, failure, deficiency,
non-observance, neglect; to deviate, be


Visayan-English Dictionary
irregular, etc. Tumna in sa wal sing
lis. Execute this without fail.
Magtmbong ka sa waly lis. Assist
punctually, do not fail to put in an
appearance. Nagalilis na ang mga
balyan sinng dan nga baly. The
girders of this old house are getting out of
order, are not straight or well joined any
longer. (cf. ldan, lpas, lpas, llis).
lsag, The way of cooking eggs without the
use of lard or water, by first opening and
beating them, then placing the mass on, or
between, leaves and the latter into the pan
or over live coals; to prepare eggs in that
way. Lisga ang tlog. Prepare the eggs in
the lsag-manner. Lisgi ak sing ttlo ka
blog nga tlog. Cook three eggs for me in
the lsag way. Ilsag mo ak sinng mga
tlog. Kindly prepare these eggs for me in
the lsag style. Ginanamtan ang ibn sang
mga tlog nga linsag (nahmos sa lsag).
Some relish eggs prepared according to the
lsag recipe.
lisng, Terrified, shocked, full of
consternation, struck all of a heap, very
much afraid, aghast, horrified, awestricken, panic-stricken. (cf. lsang).
lsang, To be terrified, shocked,
frightened, affrighted, impressed with
sudden fear, alarmed, scared, dismayed,
appalled, filled with great fear or terror,
inspired with awe, frightened out of ones
wits,senses,seven senses. Nalsang si
sang paglnog. Nagkalsang si sang
paglnog. He was filled with terror (was full
of consternation) at the earthquake.
Ginkalsang nya ang kalyo.
Nagpalsang sa ya ang kalyo. The fire
struck him with awe. Ind mo si
pagpalisngon. Dont terrify him. (cf.
hdluk, kibt, klb, kgmat, panglgbus,
panguys, kibt, ngdlis).
lisng-lisng, Dim. and Freq. of lisng
and lsang. Nagalisnglisng sil tungd
sang bgyo. They are very much afraid of
the hurricane.
lsaw, To be or become insipid,
unsavoury, spoilt, go bad, applied to old
tubers or the like. Naglsaw inng
banyan. This banyan has become
insipid. Naliswan ak sinng bi. This bi
tastes bad to me. I think this bi is spoilt.
(cf. kalsaw, malsaw, gans, magans).
lsbut, (B) Worsted, defeated, overcome,
lost, overpowered (by drink); to lose, be
worsted, etc. (at gambling). Sn-o ang
lsbut? Who lost? Who was defeated?
Lsbut si sang bno. The wine has
overcome him. He is drunk. Nalsbut si sa
barha. He got the worst of it at cardplaying or lost heavily gambling. (cf. dag).
lsdan, etc. From lisd.
lsding, To tilt, cant up, tip over, lean,
slant, topple. (cf. lkding, salidng, saliy,
taklid). N.B. If the posts of a house give
way on one side and the house in
consequence tips over lsud is to be used,

e.g. Nalsud ang baly. The house tipped

lisnsya, (Sp. licencia) Leave, license,
permission, permit; to ask permission or
leave. Malisnsya ikw nay kay nnay,
kon but ka magupd sa mon. Ask first
mothers leave, if you wish to go along with
us. (cf. tgut, pahangut, permso,
lsg, To crush, squelch, compress,
squash, smash, squeeze to pulp or a broken
mass. Nalsg ang ya btkon sang alling
sang kngga. His arm was crushed by the
cart-wheel. (cf. pus, lum, ipt, lgpit,
lgpit, lgs).
lsgis, To scratch, graze, excoriate, mark a
line by anything pointed, engrave, tear
open. Nalsgis ang kamt ko sang smsim.
My hand was scratched by the bamboo
branches. Nagakalsgis ang ya mga
thud. His knees are getting scratched,
wounded, open, torn (by briars or the like).
(cf. bklis, bkris, pkris, balkas, gm,
lsi, To look about curiously or searchingly,
let ones eyes wander as when visiting a
new place or the like. An ang ginalsi mo?
What are you looking at so curiously? Why
are you so curiously looking about? Ind ka
maglsi. Do not let your eyes wander so
curiously. Dont gaze about you so
inquisitively. Sang pagabt sdto nga
bukdnon sa Manl naglsi si nga daw
lipng sa katingla bangd sang madm
nga mga baly nga dalgk. When that
mountaineer arrived in Manila he stared
about him as if beside himself with
astonishment on account of the many large
buildings. Hingay sang lsi nga sbung
sang is ka dalkpon. Dont look so
excitedly about you as if you were (a
criminal) to be arrested.
lisk, To fly, jump off to a distance (like
pieces of stone or chips of wood, etc.).
Naglisk ang ingsap sang khoy sa
malay. The chips of wood flew off to a
distance. Nalisikn (nalskan) ak sang
ingsap sang bat. I was struck by a flying
piece of stone. Malay ang ya nalskan.
He quickly moved away, swiftly stepped
aside, scampered off to a safe distance. (cf.
sik, lsik, gsik, sang, lyas).
lislsi, Dim. and Freq. of lsi. Ind ka
maglislsi sbung sang is ka hal. Dont
look about like an iguana.
lisng, Squinting, cross-eyed, swivel-eyed,
affected with strabismus; to squint, develop
a squint. Naglisng si. He developed a
squint, contracted strabismus. Nalisingn
ak sa ya. He appeared to me to be crosseyed, to squint, to be suffering from
strabismus. (cf. libt).
lskan, From liskto fly off, etc.
lsngad, lisngd, Dull, backward,
stupid, not quite normal; to be or become
stupid, etc. (cf. pkok, bulk, kagng,
buangt, kolkol).

Visayan-English Dictionary
lso, (Sp. liso) Plain, even, unadorned,
uniform, unfigured, simple. Ang ya nga
sya may dug nga asl nga lso. Her
gown is of an unfigured sky-blue. (cf.
salma, lgus, lnsay, tnay).
lso, Fruit-kernel, seed of pulpy fruits.
lis, Bullet, shot, cannon-ball, rifle-shot.
(cf. bla).
ls, To turn round, veer, face about, right
about, turn the other side or way. Ls or
magls ka. Turn round. Lisa ang
kngga. Turn the cart the other way. Lisi
ak sinng salkyan. Turn this vehicle
round the other way for me. Ils, kon mga
sarng, ak sinng sya. Please, turn this
chair round for me. Nagls na si. He has
now come round, has repented or been
converted. Madm nga mga protestnte
kag masn ang but magls sa
pagkakatliko sa ras sang kamatyon.
Many Protestants and Masons wish to
become Catholics at the hour of death. (cf.
balskad, blik, lumd, kulb).
lishan, A kind of banana with many
seeds, but still with less than the pkolbanana.
lson, A kind of fish whose flesh is rather
tough and therefore lson, as a form of
speech, also signifies health and strength.
Si Pdro matmbok, pang tabonn
lmang, si Hos magamy, pang lson.
Peter is stout, but merely fleshy, Jos is
small, but strong or muscular.
lsta, (Sp. lista) List, record,
memorandum; to list, enlist, enroll, enter a
name, make a memorandum. Listah sil.
Enlist their names. Ilsta ak nay sang
kon nglan. Please enlist my name.
Ipalsta sil. Have them enrolled. Get them
to enlist. Mapalsta na kam. We are now
going to have our names put down in the
register. Inng tuln-an am ang
linistahn sang tann nga mga umalamt.
This book contains the names of all
contributors or subscribers. Din ang lsta
sang mga katp? Where is the record of
the members? (cf. pasult, listhan,
lsta, Bright, clever (of girls). See lsto).
listhan, Roll or list of names, record,
register, copy-book for making memoranda
or entering a list of names, etc. (cf. lsta).
lsto, (Sp. listo) Ready, prepared,
equipped, fully provided or arranged;
clever, cunning, resourceful, tricksy. Lsto
na ang panyga. Dinner is ready. Lsto na
ak sa paglakt. I am ready to marchor
set out. Lsto na ang tann nga inogllan.
All the goods to be loaded are prepared. Si
lsto gid sa tann nga mga bgay. He is a
clever fellow in every way, an all round
man. Andam ka sa ya, kay lsto si kayo.
Beware of him, because he is very tricksy or
cunning. (cf. humn, tigna, hnd,
hmos, antgo, and, sagd, sampton,
batd, lntip).

lso lton
listn, (Sp. liston) Ribbon, riband, band,
sash; to use or apply a ribbon, etc. Liston
ang kon pny. Put a ribbon or band
round my handkerchief. Ilistn ak nay
sang kon pak. Put a ribbon on my sleeve.
Ilistn lang inng kondman sa mo
hwak. Just use this red cloth for a sash
round your waist.
lisd, Trouble, difficulty, distress, moral,
spiritual or physical hardship; to be or to
get in trouble, distress, etc. Nagalisd na
ang ya pagbt. His disease is getting
serious. Nalsdan kam sang mon
pangabh sa karn nga tig. This year we
have found it difficult to get a living. D mo
igkalisd yanng mga butngord mo
pagkalsdan yanng mga butng. Dont
take those things too much to heart. Dont
allow yourself to be troubled by such
things. Ind ka magpangalisd sing laks
tungd sang kamatyon sang mo tud.
Dont grieve overmuch over the death of
your brother. Nagakalisd si karn,
kay. He is troubledorin distress at
present, because. (cf. kalisdnan,
kalilsdan, malisd).
lswa, To pour hot water, etc., on or over
something, put into hot water. Liswah ang
bboy, kay kiskisn ko. Pour hot water
over the pig, for I am going to scrape off its
bristles. Liswahn mo nay ang mga
pnggan kag ugling pahran mo kag
pamlhon (pamlon). Put the plates first
into hot water, then wipe and dry them.
Ilswa ang tbig sa pnggan. Pour hot
water over the plate, wash the plate with
hot water. Liniswahn ko ang dalk nga
id. I poured hot water on the greedy dog.
lit, Circumvention, subterfuge, trick,
cheating; to catch by crossing ones way,
intercept, cut off, waylay, thwart, trick,
cheat. Lita si. Intercept him. Nadakp
ang makwat sang paglit sa ya sang
pols. The thief was caught when the
policeman crossed his way. Ginlit nla ang
buyng sa bkid. They intercepted the
robber in the mountain. Kon maggi ka
dir sa laktran sarng ka makalit sa
binilngg nga nalgyo. If you take the
short-cut there you may be able to intercept
the run-away prisoner. (cf. lipt, bngan,
bngg, balbag).
ltad, To be absent-minded, attend to
carelessly or negligently, shirk, leave,
relinquish, evade, abandon (work, etc.).
Ind ka magltad sang mo nga buluhatn.
Dont shirk your duties. Dont be negligent
in the performance of your duties. (cf. lkag
lt-ad, To bend backwards, fall, or tumble
over, on ones back. (cf. balt-ad, tiahd,
litd-ltad, Dim. and Freq. of ltad.
Magtnum na kam sa waly litdltad.
Plant rice now without interruption,
without leaving off every now and again.
(cf. by, by).

ltag, To detain, interrupt, disturb,

encroach on ones time, etc. Naltag ak
sang sugilnon. I was detained or
interrupted (in my work) by a conversation
(with somebody). (cf. dpag, lpag).
lt-ag, To snare, ensnare, capture. (cf.
sod, sid).
lit-lt, Dim. and Freq. of litto
intercept, etc.
lit-lit, lit-lta, To wander about, go
from place to place, rove, roam, ramble. (cf.
lagw-lgaw, landlndo, etc.).
litanya, (Sp. litania) Litany.
ltaw, litw-ltaw, To walk about, go
from place to place, etc. See lgaw, lagwlgaw.
literatra, (Sp. literatura) Literature,
classical reading, learning, writings. (cf.
kasultan, balasahn, sinulatn, tulnan).
litk, Cracked, split, flawed, rifted,
fissured; to crack, split, flaw, rift, become
fissured; to be worried, perplexed, upset.
Naglitk ang bang. The water-cooler has
cracked. Ind mo pagbutangn ang bso
sing tbig nga innit, kay bs magalitk.
Dont put hot water in the glass, for it
might crack. Litk nga gorgorta. A cracked
water-jar. Paltkon (Palitikn) ko karn
ang lo mo. Ill split your head. Paltki
(Palitik) si sang ya lo. Split his head.
Nagalitk ang kon lo tungd sin. I am
very much worried about it. Am in nga
butng ang nagapalitk karn sang ya
lo. That is the thing that upsets him,
worries him, at present. (cf. balan, buk,
balngk, phak, bal).
litikn, Cracked, split, full of cracks or
fissures. (cf. litk).
ltkon, From litk.
ltog, To change ones abode, migrate,
move, go to another place, transfer ones
residence. (cf. lton).
ltog, To misuse, defraud, steal or cheat
craftily, embezzle, fail to use (money, etc.)
according to the intention of the
contributor or donor. Ginltog (ginpaltog)
nya ang kon kwrta. He misused my
money, spent it wrongfully. Ind mo
paglitgon (pagpalitgon) ang plak nga
gintgyan sa mo sang ibn. Do not use
for your own purposes the money entrusted
to you by others. (cf. paltog).
litg-ltog, Dim. and Freq. of ltog. Also:
migratory, nomadic; loafer, vagabond.
litk, To move, etc. See lihk.
ltok, Stir, movement. See lhok.
litk-litk, Dim. of litk and Dim. and
Freq. of ltok. Daw wal sing to sa baly,
kay wal gid sing litklitk. There seems
to be nobody at home, for there is no stir
whatever in the house. (cf. lihklihk,
lton, To migrate, move, go to live in
another place, transfer ones abode, go to
reside somewhere else (mostly with the


lits lok-lokon
intention of coming back to ones former
place of residence after some time).
Naglton na sil sa um. They have gone to
live at the farm. Ginlton nla ang la
pagpuy sa Manl. They went to live in
Manila. Sn-o kam magalton sa um?
When will you transfer your residence to
the farm? Ginlton nya ang ya panimaly
sa Mindanw. He went with his family to
live in Mindanao. He emigrated with his
family to Mindanao. Litni ang um. Lton
ka sa um. Go to live at the farm. (cf.
kdto, amoyng, puy, lntad, sylo).
lits, To strike, whip, lash, beat, flog.
Litos siorlitos si sing napl ka
lpdus. Give him ten strokes of the whip.
Ginlits ni ttay ang kon tud, kay
nagsinutl si. Father gave my brother a
beating, because he was naughty. (cf.
bnal, ltigo, hmpak, lmpus, hnot,
lpdus, lw-it, lbtik).
litratsta, (Sp. retratista) Photographer.
(cf. manuglarwan).
litrto, (Sp. retrato) Photograph, photo,
picture. (cf. larwan).
ltro, (Sp. litro) A litre.
litsda, (Sp. lechada) White-wash; pulp;
mixture of lime, sand and stones for
building purposes, bonded rubble work.
litsn, Roast pig. See letsn.
ltug, A kind of poisonous shell fish.
ltug, See ltogto change ones abode,
lw-a, To dislocate, sprain. (cf. lwas,
blwa, slp).
lwag, Disobedient, undutiful, refractory;
to disobey, resist, refuse, object, be
refractory. (cf. llis, lpas, btok).
liw-lwa, Recreation, walk, stroll,
constitutional, trip, holiday; go for a walk,
take a stroll, go out for recreation.
Nagaliwlwa sil sa baybyon. They are
out for a walk on the beach. (cf.
paliwlwa, pangliwlwa).
lwan, Other, another, not the same,
different. Lwan nga to, lwan nga tulnan, etc. Another man, another book, etc. Sa
lwan nga dt. In other lands, in different
soil. (cf. lan, thay, ibn).
liwn, Again, repeatedly, a second time; to
do again, repeat, to retract. Liwann ko
ang kon sult. I will rewrite what I have
written. Ginliwn nya ang ya batsan.
He changed his habits. Ind ka magliwn
mangwat (sa pagpangwat). Do not
steal again. Liwan si sing is ka kpa
nga bno. Give him another glass of wine.
Ginliwn nya ang ya hmbal. He
repeated his statement. He changed his
statement. He retracted his statement. (cf.
liwann, (B) Door, door-step, entrance or
outlet. (cf. gawng, ganhan, ganghan,
liwn-lwan, Dim. and Freq. of liwn.
Also: Changeling, shifty, undecided,


Visayan-English Dictionary
wavering, fickle, a turncoat. (cf.
lw-as, To overlap, stick out at the side of,
protrude, dislocate completely. Papa ang
lnsang sing matdlung, agd nd
maglw-as. Drive the nail in straight, so
that it may not come out at the side.
Naglw-as ang ya tl-an. His bone stuck
out or protruded. Nagliw-as ang ya
btkon. His arm was dislocated. (cf. slp;
liwt, (H) Again, repeatedly, a second
time; to do again, repeat; to change, retract.
Liwatn ko ang ginhmbal ko kana. I am
going to repeat what I have said some time
ago. Ginliwt nya ang pagbhat sang
am nga butng nga malut. He repeated
that wicked action. Nasiltan si, kay
ginliwatn nya si ttay sa pagbtok. He
was punished, because he again
contradicted Father. Ginliwt nya ang ya
nga hmbal. He retracted his statement.
He repeated or changed his statement
(according to the context). Nagliwt si sa
ya ily. He took after his mother i.e. he is
likeorresembles his mother. (cf. liwn,
liwatn, The wrist.
liwt-lwat, Dim. and Freq. of liwt. (cf.
liwnlwan, sultslit, luwnlwan).
liwt, The scabbard fish, silver eel, cutlass
liy-lya, A stretcher, bier, etc. See lila,
ppag, langkpan, langkpi.
liys, To slip, make a false step. (cf. lis,
dpias, dy-us, daln-as, kbias).
lyo, liy-lyo, See lo, li-lo.
lb-an, etc. From lobto make a hole.
lblob, A defile, gorge, ravine, canyon, a
long, deep passage between two heights, a
narrow pass, narrow valley, narrow road,
hollow way; to be or become hollow, deep
(of roads, water-courses, or the like). (cf.
lblub id.).
lbo, (Sp. lobo) The wolf.
lob, (B) Hole, privy, lavatory, W.C. (i.e.
water-closet); to make a hole, hollow. Din
ang lob? Where is the W.C.? Lb-i (lobo)
ang kawyan nga hilimon nga bayng
orlb-i ang balayongn. Hollow out the
bamboo-tube that is to be used as a
receptable for water. (cf. lub, komn;
bslot, luht, tohk).
lob-lbo, A small river lobster, river
shrimp. (cf. baskugy).
loby-lboy, See loblboa river
shrimp. (cf. pasyan).
logt-od, Prominent, outstanding,
elevated, protruding, raised, higher than
the surroundings; to appear, protrude,
project, become conspicuous or visible (of
tumours, boils, pimples, etc.). (cf. lbo,
gitb, gimw, lt-od).
logtok, To crack, snap, etc. See lagtok,

lgho, To drop, fall down, sink, descend,

get loose and come down unnoticed, as
clothes that are only carelessly secured.
Nalgho (Nagkalgho) ang ya
patdyong. Her skirt became loose (has
become loose) and dropped (has dropped).
Andam ka, agd nd malgho
(magkalgho) ang mo pury. Be on your
guard, lest your short trousers should get
loose, drop or come down. Sing masam
ginaloghohn sang la delrgo ang mga
bt nga wal pa manad sa pagdal
sang am nga panpton. Quite frequently
the pants get loose of boys not yet
accustomed to wear such articles of dress.
(cf. dgdag, lyloy).
lglog, To poke or fish out with a stick,
cane, pole, etc. Loglog ang bh sang
ilag. Poke the stick down the rat-hole.
Drive the rat out of its hole. Loglog ang
haron. Poke the mud-eel out with a stick.
Ginlglog sang mga bt ang kwrta nga
sa suld sang alkansya. The boys fished
out the money from the slotted bamboo
box. (cf. gl, lgit, lkit).
lg, lg, To shake, agitate (a bottle or
the like). Logo ang botlya. Shake the
bottle. Lgo ang botlya sing tbig. Rinse
the bottle with water. Fill the bottle with
water and shake it. (cf. lin).
lg-on, From logto push the finger,
etc., into a hole.
logn-lgon, To mumble, eat with
closed lips (as old, toothless folks).
lgro, (Sp. logro) Gain, profit, success;
usury; a higher bid, an augmentation,
raising or doubling of a stake; to bet or
wager a higher stake. Gintayan nya sil
sing lgro. Nagtay si sa la sing lgro.
He offered them a higher stake. He raised
the stake (in order to regain his losses or to
make some profit, if luck should be on his
side). Hnd si sa paglgro sing lim ka
mngmang. He is ready to bet five pesos
more. He is willing to raise the stake by five
lgt, To snap, break, etc. See lgt.
lgway, Line, rope, etc. See lgway.
lhon, To be or become healthy, hale,
sound, strong, robust, well. (cf. yo, bkud,
bskug, tmbok).
lka, (Sp. loca) A foolish woman, female
idiot. (cf. lko).
lok-lka, lok-lok, Dim. of lka.
lko, (Sp. loco) A fool, idiot, ass, madman.
(cf. lka, bang, kl, etc.).
lok, To lie down with bent legs like
animals. (cf. luk, dm-ug, lp-ug;
lukulukun, lulknan).
lok-lok, A kind of grass, whose long
and rather thick stalk, reduced to ashes, is
often used in the making of black gunpowder.
lok-lokon, The knee-joint, the bend of
the knee, the part of the leg just behind and

Visayan-English Dictionary
above the knee, thigh. (cf. lukulukun,
lok-lko, lok-lok, Dim. of lko
lokn, A large sea-lobster. (cf. lukn id.).
lkon, To be or become a stay-at-home.
(cf. hk).
lokn, lk-on, A stay-at-home, one who,
due to old age or an infirmity, almost
constantly squats in a corner of the house.
(cf. huk, but a huk may be up and
working industriously within the house).
lokon, See lokna stay-at-home.
lkos, The ink-fish, cuttle-fish, squid. (cf.
lkos id.).
lkot, To roll up, etc. See lkot. (cf. loln,
ballon, lols).
lla, (Sp. lola) Grandmother. (cf. yang,
lang, bay, abula).
llo, (Sp. lolo) Grandfather. (cf. yong,
lak, lang, abulo).
lol, (H) Kindness, tenderness, affection;
to be kind, tender, affectionate. Nagalol
si sa btorginalolon nya ang bt.
She is kind to the child or treats the child
very tenderly. (cf. llot).
ll, A bamboo-rope, twisted bamboosplints, strips of bamboo called skdap
corded in the form of ropes; to cord, twine,
twist. Metaphorically: to touch dishonestly.
lolkon, The knee-bend,joint. (cf.
lukulukun, lulknan).
loln, To roll up, make a roll of; roll, bale
(of paper, etc.). Lolon ang bang,
amkan, etc. Roll up the bed-mat,
bamboo-mat, etc. Iloln mo ak nay
sinng mga sko. Kindly make those sacks
up into a roll for me. Lolon ak sinng lgi. Make this fish-trap netting up into a roll
for me. Ginloln nla ang mga bayong,
etc. They rolled up the bags, etc. (cf.
ballon, baln, lkot).
lols, To roll up, wind up, tuck up. Lolos
ang pak sang bt, kay sbtan si sang
manugblung. Tuck up (roll up) the childs
sleeve, for the doctor is going to vaccinate
it. Ginlols nya ang kortna sang
higdan. He rolled up the bed-curtain. Ind
mo paglolosn ang mantl sang lamsa,
knd lbhan mo nay kag ibuld sa nit.
Dont roll up the table-cover (table-cloth),
but wash it first and spread it in the sun to
dry. Ilols ak nay sang amkan. Please
roll up the bamboo mat. Naghmlad
(nalgho) ang linols nya nga delrgo.
His tucked up trousers have come loose.
Andam ka agd nd magntay (malubd)
ang linols mo nga pak. Be on your guard
or your turned-up sleeve may become
loose. Untay ak sang lba nga nalols sa
kon likd. Let down the alb that is all
rucked up on my back. (cf. loln, ballon,
balking, kolkos).
llot, Gentleness, kindheartedness,
mildness; to be or become gentle, mild,
tender. Nagllot si sa lo nga bt

lok-lko, lok-lok lom

orginloltan nya ang lo nga bt. She
treated the orphan child with great
kindness. Ang naloltan nya nga ank.
Her beloved son or daughter. (cf. lol).
lomlyo, lomyo, (Sp. lomillo) Small
lmo, (Sp. lomo) Loin, sirloin (of beef).
lom, Softness; to be soft, soften (through
the action of a liquid or the like). Naglom
na gid ang tinapy nga ginbutng mo sa
tbig. The bread you put into the water is
quite soft now. Palomoh ang skdap,
uwy, nt, etc. Soften (in water) the
bamboo splints, rattan, nto, etc. Palomoh
ak sing baltong, kay lagon ko. Soften
the beans (in water) for me, because I am
going to boil them. (cf. hmok, lm-ok).
lmot, Moss; to cover with moss, be or
become mossy. Ang mon wang
nalomtan. Our well has become mossy, is
covered with moss. Bat nga nalomtan. A
mossy stone.
lomton, Mossy, covered with moss. (cf.
ln-an, etc. From lonto put a lid on,
longasg, Wet, moist soil, low-lying field
or hollow where the water remains a long
time for lack of an outlet; fertile soil. (cf.
hnissandy, barren soil).
lngg, To knock or push against, to
come in sharp contact with. Nakalngg
ang lo ko sa dngding. I knocked my head
against the wall. Nalonggon sang kon
gtang ang halgi. My forehead came in
sharp contact with the post. Andam ka
agd nd ka makalngg sa pngpang
sang lblob. Look out, and dont knock
against the sides of the narrow defile. (cf.
bngg, sngg).
lnggong, To shake a dice-box or the
like. Longgongn mo ang kha sang
psporo. Shake the match-box.
Ginalnggong nya ang suldlan kag
nagalungkgay ang suld sin. He is
shaking the receptacle and its contents are
rattling. Ginlnggong nya ang alkansa
kag naglgting ang plak. He shook the
money-box and the coins jingled.
longgngan, A dice-box or any other
box used for the purpose of shaking; place
or room where the game of dice is played.
lnlon, Pure, etc. See lnlun.
lonk, A sort of mangrove, growing to a
great size and giving off a great number of
lnok, Gruel; the thick rice-water on top
of boiling rice; to take off or procure such
rice-water. Kuhi sing lnok ang ting-ang.
Take the rice-water off the top of the
boiling rice. Lonkan mo ang masakt. Get
some thick rice-water soup for the sick
person. Maglnok ka sing is ka pnggan
nga lnok sa masakt. Make a plateful of
rice-water soup for the sick person. Ind na
si makatuln sing kn-on; ginalonkan

lang nmon. He cannot swallow rice any

longer; we are feeding him on gruel (ricewater soup). (lnok id.).
lo, Spoiled, rotten, especially of coconuts.
(cf. lo).
lob, To crouch down, to sit down in a
crouching position, sit on ones heels,
squat; crouching posture. Ang mung kon
nagahilmhum nagalob sa pugarn.
When the hen is hatching, she sits down
low on her nest.
lob-lob, Dim. of lob. Also: full of ruts
or holes, applied to roads. Lob-lob ang
dlan. The road is full of holes.
lob-lob, A hole, ditch, rut, depression;
gorge, ravine. (cf. lblob).
lod, A nauseating stench; to have or feel
a nauseating smell. Nagalod ang
ginhwa ko. I feel like vomiting. Naloran
(dan) ak sinng kabah. I feel sick on
account of this bad smell.
log, To push the finger, the hand, a stick,
etc., into a hole or narrow aperture. Lg-a
ang mo tilok sang tdl mo. Push the
finger down your gullet. Lg-a inng pask.
Grope or feel inside this piece of bamboo.
Ginlog (iginlog) nla sa bb sang Aton
Gino ang pangalikg nga bas sang pdo
kag lnggaw. They put to Our Lords lips
(mouth) the sponge soaked with gall and
vinegar. (cf. lglog, kut).
log, Hole, depression, cavity, hollow,
low-lying land. (cf. libang, limpsong, lbo, bh).
lok, To surround, keep at bay, drive into
a corner, encircle, beset, hem in, compass.
Loka si. Surround him (so that he cannot
escape). Ginlok nla ang bboy tbtub
nga dinakp nla. They surrounded the pig
till they caught it. (cf. bnsok).
lok, A thicket, a piece of dense
undergrowth, corner, out-of-the-way place.
Ind ka magtdag sa lok, kay bs may
mn-og dir. Dont put your foot into the
thicket, for there may be a snake there.
lok, Corner, nook, out-of-the-way-place.
(cf. lok, sok, tok, etc.).
lo, lo, To rot, become decomposed,
contract a bad smell, decay, go bad, go
mouldy, especially applied to coconuts, or
the like, that are not air-tight, and which
soon spoil, unless they are opened
completely and dried in the sun. Naglo
inng lub. This coconut was spoiled. Ind
mo pagpalohon ang mga lub. Do not let
the coconuts rot. (N. B. In Hiligynon lo
(lu) seems to be more in use than lo).
lom, In the shade, not receiving much
light, dark, gloomy, dreary, lonely; to be in
the shade, lonely, gloomy, desolate,
lonesome, not in the light. Lom inng
lugr. This is a dark, gloomy, lonely place.
Naglom in nga baly, kay nagdalgk
na ang mga tanm nga nagalbut sa ya.
This house has become dark, gloomy, since
the trees (plants) surrounding it have


lon lut, lu-t

grown. Naloomn ak sinng lugr. This
place seems to me to be quite dark, gloomy,
lonely or dreary. (cf. gom, gnum).
lon, (B) Lid, cover; to put a lid on. Ln-i
ang klon. Put a lid on the rice-pot. (cf.
takp, bs, tklub).
los, To set aside or preserve fruit in a safe
place to let it get ripe or mellow. Losa
orpalosa ang ph. Keep the mangoes
till they are mellow. Palosi ak sing mga
kabgaw, kay iamma ko sa mga
dumulaw sa ton pndot. Set aside some
pomeloes for me, for I intend to give them
to the visitors at our feast.
los, Mellow, ripe, said of fruit that has
been kept for some time after plucking.
l-oy, To crush or smash under a falling
object. Nal-oy ang tanm kay natapkan
sang to, kay napuknan sang khoy, etc.
The plant got crushed, for it was trodden
down by men, for a tree fell on it, etc.
Nahulgan ak sing khoy kag nal-oy
ang kon til. I was hit by a falling tree and
my foot was smashed.
l-oy, loy, Mercy, compassion,
consideration, sympathy, lenity, clemency,
commiseration, lenience; to have mercy, be
merciful, to pity, have, show, take,
pity on, commiserate, compassionate,
condole, with, be sympathetic to.
Nagkaloy (naloy) si sa kon. He had
mercy on me, took pity on me. Mal-oy ka
sa ya. Be merciful to, sympathize with,
him. Ginkalo-yan nya si. He condoled
with him.
lrtsa, (Sp. lorcha) A small sailing boat of
about fifty tons capacity.
lslos, To get loose, drop, come down, fall
down, sink lower, said of things that are
not fastened well, sag, droop, hang loose,
dangle. Naglslos ang kawyan sang
kodl, kay gabk ang higt, kay nasakan
sang to, etc. The bamboo got loose from
the fence for the ties are rotten, because
people stepped on it, etc. Naloslosn ang
bgsok sang lta. The cross-pieces got
loose from the stake. Hgta ang paghigt
sang halghog, kay nagalslos ang mo
pury. Fasten the slip-cord tightly, for your
short pants are coming down. (cf. lgho).
lslos, Rupture, hernia. (cf. s-os, bslo
sang tini ukn sang kasdlan).
lte, (Sp. lote) Lot, fortune, chance,
hazard, luck, fate; a piece of ground, parcel,
patch, lot; to draw lots, play loto. Lothan
(riphan) nnyo kon sn-o ang
mangintagya sinng relh. Draw lots for
the one who is to be the possessor of this
watch. (cf. plad, kapalran, swrte;
pun, pinun, bhin; rpa).
lotehn, Place or room where loto (lotto)
is played; the stake in loto.
ltgot, To suck, move the lips as if
sucking. Lintgot (linotgotn) sang bt
ang kon tdl. The baby sucked my
finger, sucked at my finger. Lotgot
(lotgot) lang ang butngbtong. Just suck


Visayan-English Dictionary
the butngbtong-candy. (cf. spsup,
ltlot, To squeeze in between, force ones
way through, push through a crowd and the
like. Iltlot ang lbro sa estnte. Squeeze
the book in between the other books on the
bookstand. Lotlot lang sil sa bnk.
Simply squeeze yourself in between them
on the bench. Magltlot ka lang sa mga
to sa simbhan, kay daw may lugr pa.
Simply squeeze the people into the church,
for there seems to be a little room left yet.
lyloy, To make fun, grimace, gesticulate,
act and talk in a comical way, as when
playing with children. (cf. hmpang, dl,
lyloy, To droop, hang down, dangle
loosely, be limp, said of wet clothes, etc.
Nagalyloy ang ya panpton
orginaloyloyn si sang ya panpton,
kay naulann. His clothes are limp, for he,
has been in the rain. Nagalyloy ang ya
pak, kay ginblhas si (nabalhasn si)
sing tm. His sleeve is hanging down
limply, for he has perspired very much.
Naglyloy ang ya btkon, kay nabl. His
arm hung down loosely, for it was broken.
la, A recitation, recital, declamation; to
recite or quote from memory some verses,
or the like. Magbyad ka sing la (magla
ka), kay nagsayp ikw. You shall recite
some verses, because you have made a
mistake. Sa mga belasyn sing masam
ang mga pamatn-on nga
nagatalmbong nagala
(nagahalmpang sa pagla). On occasion
of a wake the young people that assist often
play at reciting verses. Kantah lang ang
mo la. Sing your verses (instead of
merely reciting them). Ang magasayp
(magatlang) magla. The one that makes
a mistake shall recite some verses (as a
forfeit or punishment for the mistake).
lab, The collar (of garments); hole, rent,
fissure; wide, open, uncovered. Panpton
nga lab sa luk. A dress that is open near
the armpit. (cf. lab, long, ghab, ghab).
lub, To collar, grasp by the collar. Luab
si. Collar him. (cf. lib, lig).
lab, The smooth or outside surface of a
bamboo-strip or the like. Kon maglla ka
sing bakg, amlign mo gid ang pagilislis
sang lab kag tini. When you weave a
carriers basket, be careful to use
alternately surface-strips and undersurface strips.
lad, To spit out, cast out of the mouth,
eject (unpalatable food, etc.). Ilad lang
ang mapat nga bnga. Spit out the bitter
fruit. Maglad ka lang sang mga ps
orIlad mo lang ang mga ps. Simply
spit out the unhulled rice. Ind mo
pagludan sang mo minam ang salg,
knd ilad mo sa bintn. Dont spit your
betelnut quid on the floor, but spit it out of
the window. Gintilawn ko inng krne
kag dyon nkon ginlad sa bintn, kay

tm katg-a. I tasted this meat and

immediately spit it out of the window, for it
was extremely tough. Sn-o ang nagdpl
dir kag naglad sang ya tild? Who has
been spitting and spirting his betelnut juice
here? (cf. dpl, dul, dur, ska, panka,
sgp, kghad, pangghad).
lug, Ladle, soup-ladle, any large spoon or
scoop for drawing or serving liquids.
(luwg id.).
lug, To look out of a window, or the like.
(cf. law, lntaw, gwa).
lug-lag, Dim. of lug. Also: shoulderblade, scapula, back. (cf. taldtud).
lak, l-ak, To dislocate, break or
separate joints. Luka ang pkpak sang
mank. Break off the chickens wing.
Nalak ang ya btkon. His arm was
dislocated. Ginlak gid lang nya sang ya
kamt ang pa sang mank. He simply
tore off the chickens leg with his hand.
Nahlug si sa lub kag nalak ang ya
abga. He fell from a coconut palm and
dislocated his shoulder. (cf. slp, lw-as).
lung, lu-ng, (H) Room, apartment,
quarters, place to live or to stay in; an open
space (as between lines, stripes, etc.). (cf.
rung, hult, hilt, kwrto).
lung-lang, A kind of skin-disease; a
sort of herpes or eczema.
lus, To free, deliver, redeem, liberate, set
free, set at liberty, let out, let loose, release,
discharge. Luas ak, Gino, sa malut ko
nga kapalran. Deliver me, oh Lord, from
my misfortune. Ilus ak nay sinng
binilngg, kay ginakilla ko nga mayo
si nga to. Pray, free this prisoner, for I
know him to be a good man. Sn-o ang
naglus sa mo? Who let you out? Ind ka
malus sa mo nga kaimoln, kon
matmad ka magpangabdlay. You
cannot rise out of your poverty, if you are
too lazy to work. Nalus na si. He is now
free. (cf. bw, tubs, bh, pabh).
lus, Outside, foreign; except, apart from,
outside of, beyond, free of, away from. Ind
ka magbakl sin sa lus. Dont buy such
things outside, from foreign countries.
Gkan sa lus. From the outside
world. From a foreign country.
Lus sin. Apart from this. Lus
ak sin. I amfree of it,out of it. I have
no connection with, or responsibility for, it.
las, To go, reach, beyond or outside
of. Ind mo pagluson ang mo tngug sa
mo nga baly. Dont permit your voice to
reach outside your home, i.e. dont talk so
loud as to be heard by outsiders.
lusnon, Foreign, from outside, strange;
a stranger, outsider, foreigner. (cf. lus,
lut, lu-t, To cease, stop, leave off,
desist. Ind ak malut sa pagkdto ddto
tbtub nga kon si makt. I will not stop
from going there till I see him. Wal nya
pagluat ang pagbalkblik ddto tbtub
nga nagkasugtnay sil kag nabakl nya

Visayan-English Dictionary
ang bka. He did not (would not) desist
from returning there again and again till
they came to an agreement and he
succeeded in buying the cow. (cf. lit,
lut-luatn, Joint, articulation; hinge.
(cf. lutlutahn, bisgra).
luy, lu-y, Awry, bent, inclined to one
side; to be awry, etc. Nagaluy ang ya
by, kamisn, etc. Her upper garment,
her shirt, etc. is all awry or hanging down
on one side (exposing part of the shoulder).
Ind mo pagpaluayn ang kimno mo.
Dont wear your waist awry or twisted to
one side (thereby displaying too much of
the skin on one side of the neck).
lub, Desire, wish, whim, caprice; to
desire, wish, like. (cf. lyag, luyglyag,
but, wli, hingam, hnggab).
lubd, To open, solve, translate, untie,
undo, unbind, disjoin, disconnect,
disentangle, loosen knots, etc.; to fade, said
of colours. Lubar ang higt. Untie the
string. Lubar ak sinng balghot
orilubd ak nay sinng balghot.
Please, undo this knot for me. Lubarn mo
inng paktkon, kon makalubd ka (sin).
Solve that riddle if you can. Ang
katarngan nga ginpahyag ni Pdro
ginlubd gid ni Pblo. The arguments
adduced by Peter were refuted by Paul.
Nalubarn si sang iy nga katarngan.
His reasons or proofs were refuted or
gainsaid. Naglubd ang dug sang by
mo. The colour of your jacket has faded. (cf.
lbdon, lbdan-lubarn, lubarn).
lubd-lbad, Dim. and Freq. of lubd
to untie, etc.
lubd-lbad, The month of August. (cf.
lbag, To twist, wring, turn. Lubga ang
dirskas, ang kalt, etc. Turn the screw,
twist the rope, etc. Lubgi ak sinng
skdap kay ihigt ko sa kodl. Twist this
split bamboo for me, for I am going to tie
the fence with it. Ilbag ak sinng ss.
Twist these buri-fibres for me. Hpus ka,
kay kon dl lubgon ko ang log mo. Be
silent, otherwise Ill wring your neck.
lbak, (B) To crush, pound, beat.
Nagalbak si sing sging sa lusng. He is
pounding bananas in the rice-mortar.
Lubka ang lnot nga talagakn. Beat the
hemp that is to be arranged for weaving
oris to be tied together. Lubki ak sing
dalgdog, baltong, etc. Crush or pound
for me some dalgdog-fruits, beans, etc.
(cf. bay for pounding rice).
lubakn, (B) A mortar for the operation
of lbak. As a rule the lubakn is smaller
than the lusng, but similar in shape and
lbang, A kind of rice. (cf. arabn).
lb-as, To spoil, rot, said of overripe
cereals, etc. (cf. rb-as).

lut-luatn lubng
lbas, To shed, fall out, drop from the
ears (of rice, etc.). (cf. rbas, rgon,
lubs, (B) To pass, go by, lapse, elapse,
expire. Nakalubs na ktub sdto ang pil
ka tig. Several years have passed since
then. Sn-o ang naglubs? Who was it that
passed by? Nalbsan nya ak. He passed
me by. Ind mo paglbsan ang mon
baly, knd maghpit ka gid kon
magkdto ka ddto sa mon dapt. Do not
pass by our house, but call on us without
fail, if you come to our place. Palbsa si.
Let him pass. (cf. gi, lgad).
luby, Young, tender, soft,
impressionable, impressible, pliable,
flexible; to be or become soft, tender, etc.
(cf. lbud, lgbus, lm-ok, hmok, lanb,
lamhron, lmpong).
lbdan, From lubdto open, spread.
lbgon, From lubgto be turbid.
lbh, Cheating, cunning, treason,
insidiousness, meanness; to be mean, to
cheat, betray, act insidiously, to worm,
fish, pump, ferret, out secrets or elicit
an admission, etc. and betray the confiding
victim. Ind mo si paglubhan. Dont
cheat, trick, betray, him. Ginlbh
nya si. She (He) jilted him (her).
Ginbuhtan nya si sing madm nga
mga lbh. He oftenplayed him false,
was mean to him,cheated him,betrayed
his confidence. (cf. dy, lmbong, bdh,
lub, ktkat).
lub, (H) The coconut palm and its fruit.
(cf. nig, kalubihn, butng).
lbid, String, cord, line, rope, cordage; to
twist, make into a string or cord. Lubra (da) ang tabk. Make the tobacco leaves
up into strings. Lubron mo na lang ang
gomn sang lnot, kay nd na mahsay.
Simply now make the tangled hemp-fibres
into rope for they cannot be unravelled any
more. Lubri ak sing lim ka dup nga
kalt, ps, etc. Make me ten yards of rope,
cord, etc. Ilbid ak nay sinng lnot,
bunng, etc. Kindly twist these hempfibres, this yarn, etc. into string for me.
lubign, A kind of shrub.
lbiok, To move up and down, swing up
and down, sag, yield, be resilient, bend,
applied to a carriers pole and the burden
he carries, etc. Nagalbiok ang ya
tuangtuangn, kay mabg-at ang ya
krga. His carriers pole is bending, for his
load is heavy. Palubiok ang mo
tuangtuangn, kay daw mamg-an ang
dal mo kon maglbiok. Make your pole
resilient, for the load seems lighter if it is
yielding. Ind kam magpngk nga
madm dir kay nagalbiok ang bnk.
Dont so many of you sit down there, where
the bench is yielding or sagging.
lbkan, From lubkto dry rice and
pound it.

lubknon, Nearly ripe, fit to make lmbok

of, applied to rice nearing maturity. (cf.
lbngan, From lubngto bury.
lubngnan, Grave, burial ground. See
lulbngan, ktkot.
lub, (B) Hole; privy, lavatory, watercloset (W.C.). (cf. komn, lob, kaslyas).
lublubon, The soft, impressionable,
yielding part of a childs skull situated
between the top of the head and the
forehead; the anterior or bregmatic
fontanel (fontanelle). (cf. yubnyubonn).
lbsan, From lubsto pass by.
lbtan, From lubtto make a hole.
lbud, Very young, tender, soft, pliable,
said of plants, trees, etc. Gintaps mo gal
ang khoy nga lbud pa? Did you really
cut down the sapling? Malbud inng
habn. This soap is soft, is soon used up.
(cf. hmok, lm-ok).
lubg, Turbid, cloudy, muddy; to become
or make turbid. Nagalubg ang tbig, kay
may bah. The water has become turbid,
for there is a freshet on. Lbga
orpalbga ang tbig sa wang, agd
nd pagsalukn sang ibn. Make the water
in the well turbid, so that other people may
not draw from it. Ind mo paglinon ang
botlya, kay magalubg ang bno. Dont
shake the bottle for the wine will get turbid.
lubk, (B) To dry artificially immature
rice or corn and pound it, in order to make
lmbok. Lubukorlbka ang mas,
humy. Pound the immature corn, rice.
Lbki ak sing humy nga is ka gntang.
Pound a ganta of immature rice for me.
Ilubk ak nay sinng hinlas nga
humy. Please pound this heat-dried rice
for me.
lb-uk, Rotten, putrid, decayed, stale, bad
smelling, said of fish, meat, etc., corrupt,
putrescent, bad, tainted, foul, fetid, evil
smelling, stinking, malodorous. Nagalbuk lang dir ang sd kay wal sing
nagabakl. The fish is just rotting here, for
there are no buyers. Ibalgy ang krne
sing madal, agd nd maglb-uk. Sell the
meat quickly or it will spoil. Nalub-ukn
ak sing madm nga sd; dak ang
kon kaperdihn. Quite a lot of my fish
went rotten; my loss is great. (cf. dnut,
dunt, hur; bahl).
lubng, Burial, funeral, exequies,
obsequies, interment, inhumation,
entombment; to bury, inter, inhume,
consign to the grave, hide in the ground.
Ilubng na lang ang paty nga karabw,
kay nd mapslan ang ya krne. Just
bury the dead buffalo, for his meat is of no
use. Sn-o kam magalubng sang
minaty? When will you bury the dead?
When will the funeral take place? Dir may
linubng nga plak nga nasuld sa tibd,
kon, pang tbtub karn wal maqut.
Here, they say, a pot of money was buried,


lubs lgpay
but till now it has not been found. Am in
ang linbngan sa kon ily. This is the
grave, where my mother was buried (laid to
rest). (cf. ktkot, lulbngan).
lubs, Pure, unadulterated,
uncontaminated, unmixed, refined; to be or
become pure, etc. Nalubusn ak sinng
bulwan. I consider this gold pure,
unalloyed. (cf. lnsay, tnay, bs-og,
lgus, lay).
lubs, Initiation, purification, ablution; to
purify with superstitious rites, especially on
Holy Friday, in the belief that such rites
will make the participant healthy and
strong and give him great courage. Ang
mga babylan nagahm sing lubs sa
dlaw nga Birnes Snto. The medicinemen perform the rite of purification on
Holy Friday. Nagapanlubs si. He is
taking part in, or being initiated into, the
rite of the lubs. (cf. pannl).
lubt, A hole, opening, aperture; to open,
form a hole, etc.; perforation, rent, break,
rupture, tear. Naglubt ang kon bakg
ornalubutn (nalbtan) ak sang bakg
kag nakagw ang humy. My carrierbasket burst and the rice came pouring out.
(cf. luht, tohk).
lubt, (B) The groove down the back of
the neck, the nape, neck. (cf. tangkg).
lubt, Hole; anus. (cf. tohk, bh;
lubt, Also: The coccyx, end of the
vertebral column.
lbyok, See lbiokto swing, move up
and down.
ldag, To step into something
thoughtlessly or carelessly, walk in mud,
slush, mire, etc., to stumble. Nagaldag si
sa kalg. He is walking in the ditch.
Naludgan nya ang lnang. He stepped
into (walked in) the mire. Ind nnyo
pagludgan ang kalg. Dont walk in the
(muddy) ditch. (cf. tsak, tdag, tdag,
ldag; ltak).
ld-ak, To be or become pale, to fade (of
colours, etc.). (cf. ls-aw).
ldgud, To scour, rub with something
hard, as with a stone in bathing, or the like;
to scrub. Ildgud sa ya inng luldgud.
Rub him with this scourer. Ludgur si
sing bat sa likd. Rub his back with a
stone. Ludgur sing mayo ang kon
luglag. Ldgud ka sing mayo sang
kon luglag. Rub my shoulder blades
well. (lgod id.).
ldhan, From luhdto kneel.
ludyo, To run after, said of a horse
running after the mare, etc. Ang kabyo
nagaludyo sang babe. Ang kabyo nga
babe ginaludyo sang lalki. The male
horse is running after the female. Ang mga
kabatan nga lalki nagpangludyo
kahpon sing mga pgad sang pspis. The
boys were after birds nests yesterday. An


Visayan-English Dictionary
ang ginaludyo mo? What are you after?
(cf. lags, pangt).
ldop, To dive, dip, plunge. (cf. slum).
lugk, Loose, not tight; to loosen, slacken,
let out. Lugak ang kalt, ang wklos mo,
etc. Loosen the rope, your belt, etc. (cf.
lugntud, (B) Strong, healthy, robust; to
be strong, be in, enjoy, good health. Si
Fulno nagalugntud pa. (Si Fulno
mabskug pa). N.N. is quite strong yet. (cf.
lugr, (Sp. lugar) Place, spot, station, site,
location; time, opportunity, leisure,
convenience, occasion; room, space,
village, town, district. Sa lugr sang. In
place of, instead of. Way (Wy) lugr.
There is no room or no time for it. Kon
may lugr ak. If I have an
opportunity. Sa am nga lugr. In
that city, country, district, place, etc..
(cf. dok, hilt, styo; tin, kahigaynan,
kahigayonn, ikasarng).
lugs, The warp, the threads or lines of
the warp or woof; thread, fibre.
lugs, To seek, look for, search after. (cf.
lags, dngas, sghap).
lg-as, To spoil, go to waste, run to seed,
particularly said of overripe cereals that are
not harvested at the proper time. (cf. lbas, rb-as, rg-as; lgon, rgon, rntay).
lugto, (Sp. alegato) Allegation; error,
mistake. (cf. kon, sgid, sayp).
lgaw, To make rice-porridge, to boil rice
in more than an ordinary quantity of water
for the purpose of making lingaw.
Lugwa ang bugs. Boil the rice very soft
and in much water. Lugwi ang masakt
sing bugs nga maput. Make porridge of
white rice for the sick person.
Metaphorically: Ind mo kam
paglugwon. Dont fool (flatter) us.
lugawn, Pot or kettle for making
lingaw. (cf. lgaw).
lugw-an, To be bereft of, suffer the loss
or want of, be without, fail. The forms
malugw-an and nalugw-an are
commonly used in the meaning of mawdan, nawd-an. Ind sil malugw-an dir
sing palamgnan. They will not suffer
there from unemployment. They will not be
stranded there without work. (cf. ps-aw,
lugy, To stir, turn about, mingle, mix
with a ladle or beater. Lugay sing mayo
ang lingaw, agd maghmok gid. Stir the
lingaw well, in order that it may become
very soft. Lugayn mo lang sin ang
palanggna. Just stir or mix this in the
wash-basin. (cf. labgay).
lgay, Taenia, tapeworm, intestinal
worm. (cf. lulgay, btos, btok,
lugyaw, To walk or roam about
(abroad), go for a walk, take a
constitutional, take a stroll, travel about for

recreation. Nagalagyaw sil sa

baybyon. They are out for an airing (a
walk) on the beach. (cf. lagyaw, lgaw,
liwlwa, paser).
lugaywan, A walk, stroll, travel,
journey, trip; to walk, etc. See lugyaw,
lgdang, Submersion, sinking, descent;
to sink, disappear under (in) water,
founder, go down, descend; cause to sink,
etc. Lingdang sang hngin ang sakayn
nga nalulnan sing tma kabg-at nga
simnto. The wind sank the boat that was
too heavily laden with cement. Nalgdang
(nagkalgdang) ang parw sang
pagbgyo. The outrigger sank during the
storm. (cf. tgdang).
lgdang, Sediment, dregs, lees. (cf.
lbud, lgd).
lgdang, Also: dregs, sediment. See
lgdat, To turn up the eyes, stare at,
scowl, look fixedly at, put on a frowning
look, to look sour, look daggers (as one in
anger or passion); to squint, roll the eyes,
goggle. (cf. bslo, balingas).
lghud, To rub, scour, scrub (with some
force or pressure). Lughur ang salg.
Scrub the floor. Linughurn (-udn) nya
ang lamsa sing lapt tbtub nga
maghning. He rubbed the table with a
cloth till it shone brightly. (cf. lgod,
lghut, To enter and look for, search,
reconnoitre, examine. (cf. lghot, uss,
lghap, sghap).
lgit, To bore, make a hole by a boring
action with some pointed instrument; to
fish, ferret, out with a stick or the like,
as money from a box, etc. Lugti ang tp.
Bore a hole in the board. Linugtan nya
ang bal kag ginkwat nya ang nasuld
nga plak. He made a hole in the trunk and
stole the money that was in there. Ilgit sa
kawyan inng dult. Use this awl to bore
a hole in the bamboo. Ginlgit (lingit)
nya ang kwrta sa alkansya. He fished
out (with a stick smeared with birdlime, or
the like) the coins from the slotted money
box. (cf. lglog).
lgkat, To eradicate, etc. See lkat.
lgman, lgmon, etc. From lgum to
steep in, etc.
lgod, (H) See ldgudto scour, rub.
lugd-lgod, (H) Dim. and Freq. of
lg-ok, To soak, drench, steep in, dye. (cf.
hgum, hlum, hpug, lgum).
lgon, (H) To fall out, drop from the ears
(of overripe grain). (cf. rgon, rntay).
lgpay, To mollify, placate, soothe,
pacify, assuage, ease, abate, appease,
moderate, compose, tranquillize. Lugpay
ang ya kakig. Placate his anger.
Nalgpay na ang ya dumt. His hatred
has now become much less or has

Visayan-English Dictionary
vanished. Tm kadak sang ya kasub
nga daw nd malgpay. Her sorrow is so
great that it seems impossible to assuage it.
Nalugpayn na si. He is now appeased.
lgpis, To be or become thin, lean,
haggard, weak. (cf. hgpis, nwang).
lgpit, To squeeze, compress, jam, etc.
See lgpit, lpit.
lugptan, Press, vice, clamp. (cf.
lgsad, See lsadto dismount,
disembark, etc.
lgsang, To sit, squat down (on the
floor). (cf. lupn-ak, lupndang, lupg,
lgtas, To break, snap, sever. (cf. lgtas,
bgras, tud; bgt).
lgtay, To be or become soft, weak, limp;
to faint, swoon, collapse from weakness.
(cf. lbtoy, laby, lya, lnay, pnaw).
lgt, To break or snap through twisting or
kinking, said of a string, thread, rattan, etc.
Nalgt (nagkalgt) ang lnot, owy, etc.
The hemp, the rattan, etc. broke (snapped).
Hulman mo nay ang owy, agd nd
malgt. Soak the rattan first (in water),
lest it should snap.
lugd, (H) The material used for rubbing
ones body when taking a bath, mostly a
stone. (cf. ldgud, lgod).
lgud, To scour, rub, etc. See ldgud.
lugm, Colouring matter, tint, tinge, dye,
stain; ink.
lgum, To colour, dye, steep in colour,
tinge, stain. Ilgum sa kon by inng
lugm nga mapul. Colour my jacket with
this red dyestuff. Lgma (lugma) ang
kon by sa (sang) itm. Steep my jacket
in black dye. Makahibal ikw maglgum?
Do you know how to dye? (cf. hgum,
hpug, lgum).
lugmdulm, Very dark, black, dyed or
steeped in black.
lugn-lgun, See logn-lgonto put in
the mouth, etc.
lgus, Pure, unadulterated, undefiled,
genuine, unalloyed. (cf. lubs, pro, puls,
bs-og, lnlon, lnsay, tnay).
lgus, A thin membrane surrounding
some seeds as those of the cacao, sntol,
jackfruit, tis. etc.
lgus, To force, violate, ravish, stuprate,
defile, debauch, abuse; stupration, rape,
violation, force. Ang mga babye
mahdluk sa mga buyng, kay bs
lugson nla. The women are afraid of the
brigands, for they might be ravished by
them. Ginlgus nya si. He raped or
ravished her. Sa lgus. By force.
With violence.
lgut, To chafe, gall, fret, constrict, cut
into the flesh (as a tight cord, fetters,
shackles, or the like). (cf. lugt-lgut).
lugt-lgut, Thinness through
constriction away from the end of a thing;
thin, slender in the middle or away from

lgpis lkba
the end; to be or become thin through
constriction, etc. Naglugtlgut ang ya
tdl sa kagutukn sang sngsing
ornalugtlugtan ang ya tdlo sang
kagutukn sang sngsing. Due to the tight
fit of the ring her finger became thin in the
middle. (cf. gtl).
lgway, A rope or line slung across a
channel, river, over a narrow bridge, etc.
and serving as a handrail.
lh, Tear, tear-drop; to fill with tears,
water, be wet with tears, shed tears.
Nagalh ang kon mat, kay napling.
My eye is watering, because a mote got into
it. Naglh ang mat nya. Her eyes filled
with tears. Ginluhan nya sing mapat
ang kamatyon sang ya ank. She shed
bitter tears over the death of her child.
luh, To select, pick out, choose (from
among a number, etc.). Luha ang is
ddto. Pick out the one that is there. Pinl
kag linuh si nga magtoton. He is (was)
a carefully chosen and select teacher.
luhan, Full of tears, tearful, mournful,
sad, dreary.
lhak, To tear, break out a piece, make
hole in (a garment, etc.). Linhak
(ginhak) nga panpton, tuln-an,
sinult, etc. A torn-off piece of a garment,
an excerpt of a book, an extract of a letter,
etc. (cf. ghak, gkas, etc.).
luhk, Torn, broken off or away from; a
fragment, a broken piece or part of
something that has been torn. (cf. guhk,
giks, etc.).
luhng, (B) To pass through the midst of,
go, slip, through,between.
Nagluhng si sa tung nmon. He passed
through our midst. Ind ka magluhng sa
prosesyn. Dont pass through the midst of
the procession. Dont cut across the
procession. Luhang (luhang) lang sil.
Simply pass through them.
luht, A hole, opening; to open. Ginluht
nya ang bal-on. He made a hole in the
basket. Naluht ang bakg. The carriers
basket has got a hole or holes in it. Iluht
inng bagt sa dngding nga amkan.
Push a hole through the partition-mat with
this slender bamboo. (cf. lubt, tohk).
luhb-lhub, Hole, depression,
mudhole, a worn out part of a road, etc. (cf.
loblob, lingglhub, bh).
luhd, To kneel down, kneel, genuflect,
bend the knee; be a witness to a marriage.
Magluhd (lumuhd) kam. Kneel down.
Ginldhan nya ang ya ily kag
ginpangayan sing patwad. He knelt
down before his mother and asked her
pardon. Paldha si. Make him kneel
down. Make him a witness to the marriage.
Ang plak am gid lang ang ya nga
ginaldhan. He only worships money. He
bends his knees only before wealth. (cf.
thudthe knee).
lub, Treachery, treason, perfidy, betrayal,
foul play; treacherous, perfidious, cheating

to commit a treacherous act, to cheat,

betray, mislead, deliver (to an enemy). Ind
kam maglub sa ya. Ind nnyo si
pagluibn. Dont play him false. Dont
betray or cheat him. Am in ang ginlub
nya sa kay Fulno. That was the dirty
trick he played on N.N. (cf. malub, bdh,
lbh, dy, lmbong).
lka, To overturn, lay low, uproot, unroot,
as trees, etc. (by a strong wind, or the like).
luk, Overturned, unrooted, uprooted;
stem, stump, trunk (of a tree laid low by a
luk, (B) A small, short bamboo receptacle
with lid; a small box, chest, casket, safe.
lk-ab, To open, lay open in folds, lay
bare, expose. Nalk-ab ang ya lo, kay
nag si sang lis. His brain was laid bare,
for he was hit by a bullet. Luk-ab ang
dt sang mo tagd. Open the ground
with your dibble. Luk-ab ak sing is ka
pn nga asusna, kay itanm ko sa kon
pamulkan. Dig out (with roots and earth)
one white lily for me, for I wish to plant it
in my garden. Naluk-abn si sang ya lo
kag napaty. His head was split open and
he died. (cf. lkba, hl-ab, ukb).
lukb-lkab, A severe boil, ulcer,
carbuncle, anthrax. (cf. hubg).
lk-ad, To gauge, gouge out, scoop out,
tear out, pull out. Ginlk-ad nla ang ya
mga mat. They tore out or gauged his
eyes. Luk-arn (-adn) mo ang lub sa
pay kag ibuld. Scoop out the coconutmeat from the shell and spread it in the
sun. Luk-ar ak sinng is ka gats ka
blog nga lub kay buhton ko nga kprak.
Scoop out the meat from these hundred
coconuts for me, as I am going to make
copra of them.
luk-it, Empty, blank, said of pods, husks,
brains; to be empty, fruitless. Inng
kamnsil luk-itornagluk-it. This
camunsel-fruit has nothing in it, is empty.
(cf. aluk-it).
luks, End, termination, completion;
anniversary; finished, complete, ended, at
an end; to finish, terminate. Luks na ang
la lalw. Their mourning is now at an end.
(cf. tpus, humn).
lkat, To dig out together with the roots,
root up, eradicate. Lukta ang sibkaw,
gh, etc. Dig out, roots and all, the
sibkaw, gh-plant, etc. Lukti ak
sinng mga kahykahy sa maglbut sa
kon baly, kay ttdan ko. Dig out these
shrubs around my house together with
their roots, for I am going to burn them.
luky, Palm-leaf, coconut-leaf, especially,
if mature and dry, but also applied to green
ones. Ang pagsnug sang luky nga
nabendithan sang Domngo de Rmos.
The burning of palm leaves blessed on
Palm Sunday.
lkba, To open, lay bare, unfold, expose.
See lk-ab. Ang lis naglkba sang ya
bagl. The bullet laid his brain bareor


lkban, lkbon, etc. lum

exposed his brain. Ginlkba nya sa padr
ang is ka dak nga bat. He broke a great
stone off the wall. (cf. klab).
lkban, lkbon, etc. From lkub,
lkbo, To jump, bound, leap, spring
across, pounce upon, clear at a bound.
Lkbo (lumkbo, maglkbo) ka pa idlum.
Leap down. Lukboh ang kalg, kodl, etc.
Jump (spring) over the ditch, leap or clear
the fence, etc. Lukboh si dir. Pounce
upon him there. (cf. tmbo, lkso, lmpat,
mbak, mbak).
lkdo, To carry or balance on ones head.
Lukdoh lang ang sko. Just carry the sack
on your head. Lukdoh ak sinng is ka
balon nga humy. Carry this basket of
rice for me on your head. Ilkdo ak sin.
Please, carry this on your head for me.
lkh, To pass over or skip. See lktaw.
lkh, Wavy, rippling, rippled; to ripple,
show wavy lines (of hair, etc.). (cf. hanl,
blud, bald).
lukh-lkh, See laktwlktaw. Ind ka
maglukhlkh sa pagbsa. Dont skip
lines or words whilst reading. (cf.
luks, To lift up or raise a curtain, clothes,
and the like. Lukis ang by mo. Lift up
or raise your jacket. Ginlukisn nya ang
ktre sang kortna. He raised the bed
curtain. Kon magtabk ka sa sub, nd ka
magluks sang mo panpton sing tm
kay malw-ay. When you go across a river,
dont raise your garments too much, for it
is improper. (cf. btak, balking, lols).
lkit, To contrive to obtain through a
small opening or aperture by means of a
stick and the like. Naglkit si sang
kwrta sa alkansa. He fished out the
money from the slotted bamboo moneybox. Ginluktan nya ang kha nga may
bslot kag kinwat ang nasuld nga plak.
He contrived to get into the money box and
stole the money inside. (cf. lgit).
lkit, Chiselled decorations, carvings,
sculptured figures and designs in
woodwork and stone. (cf. pun).
lkmat, To suffer a relapse, get sick again.
Naglkmat ang ya hubg, pils, balatan,
etc. His ulcer, wound broke open again, he
fell sick again, etc. Nalukmatn si sang
ya skmat. He had a relapse of rheumatic
pains in the back. Tagm ka, agd nd
maglkmat ang bala-d mo. Take care lest
you should get dysentery again. (cf. bghat,
lknit, To tear asunder, separate the
fibres, strip. Luknit ang bur. Tear the
bur-stalks asunder. Luknit ang mga
pnday sing lim ka paklng sang bur,
kay nagakinahnglan sil sin sa
tambr. Tear five bur-stalks into strips
for the carpenters, because they need them
for the scaffolding.


Visayan-English Dictionary
luk, To lie down with legs bent under
(said of animals). Nagaluk ang karabw
sa pamulkanorginalukon (-lukohn)
sang karabw ang pamulkan. The
buffalo is lying down in the garden. (cf.
dm-ug, lp-ug).
lukn, A large sea lobster. See lokn.
lkop, See lkopto surround, etc.
lkos, The cuttle-fish, squid, sepia. (cf.
lukt, Rolled up, wound up, baled;
wrinkled, creased. Lukt nga bang,
amkan, etc. A rolled upbed mat,
bamboo mat (for drying rice upon), etc. (cf.
yok, yokt, ykot).
lkot, To roll up, wind up; to wrinkle,
crease, rumple, ruffle. Ind mo paglukton
ang papl, kay maykot. Dont roll up the
paper, for it might become creased. (cf.
ykot, lols).
lkot, To sit on a hammock or the like.
Ginpandam nya kam nga nd nmon
pagluktan ang dyan, kay tm na gid
kagabk. He warned us not to sit on the
hammock, for it is quite rotten. (Probably
this lkot is identical with the foregoing,
but is used here metaphorically).
lukt-lukt, A kind of parasitic plant
growing on mango trees, etc.
luktlkot, Dim. and Freq. of lkot.
lkpan, etc. See lupk.
lkso, To jump, leap, bound, spring, hop,
clear at a bound. Maglkso ka. Jump.
Luksoh si. Leap or spring at him.
Luksoh ang pngpang, ang kodl. Leap
down the bank, jump over the fence. Ind
nnyo pagluksohn ang kalyo. Dont
jump over the fire. (cf. lkbo, lmpat,
tmb, mbak, mbak).
lkso, A young locust, not yet able to fly, a
hopper. When grown to maturity it is called
lkub, To cover, extend, spread over; to
crouch, squat, sit upon. Nalkban ang um
sang apn. The field was covered with
locusts. (cf. tbon, lkup; lob).
lukb, Covered, shrouded, concealed.
lukb, Fraud, trick, cheating; to turn
upside down; to fleece, cheat, trick,
defraud, rob. (cf. dy, lmbong, lg-it;
luk-lukun, luklukun, The
kneejoint. See lok-lokon.
lkup, To surround, cover, spread over.
Nalukpan ang lngit sing madmol nga
gl-um. The sky was covered with thick
clouds. (cf. lkop, lkub, tbon).
lkus, Ring, periphery, circumference; to
circle round. (cf. lkus, linuksan).
lkwat, To turn upside down, overthrow;
to wriggle, writhe, tumble. Nagalmpat
kag nagalkwat si sbung sang is ka
pak. He jumps and tumbles like a frog.
(cf. balskad, balnsay, lkso).
llan, Burden, load; to burden with, load.
Ginlulnan nya ang kngga sing mabg-

at nga llan. He put a heavy load on the

cart. May inogllan ikw? Have you any
goods to be loaded? (cf. dal, lkdo).
llay, luly, An exclamation and curse,
mostly used as an introduction to an
emphatic statement together with
pastiln, as pastiln nga daw llay.
Confound it! Blast it! A plague upon it!
Woe betide it!
llid, The queen of termites or white ants.
llid, A paralytic, cripple, one deprived of
the use of his limbs.
ll, lul, ll, lul, See ll, lol.
luluson, A person or thing to be
reclaimed, redeemed or set free. (cf. lus).
lulay, lul-ay, To be very kind to each
other, attached to each other. Nagalulay
gid inng duh ka magtud. These two
sisters are very much attached to each
other. (cf. lol).
lulbngan, Grave, burial place, tomb. (cf.
lubng; ktkot).
lulubngnan, Cemetery, burial ground,
graveyard, necropolis. (cf. lubng,
luldgud, Anything used for rubbing
ones skin in bathing. (cf. lugd).
lulgay, An intestinal worm. (cf.
lulugumn, Dyehouse, place or building
where dyeing is carried on. (cf. lgum).
lluk, Driftwood, etc. (cf. rrok, dgs,
lulukdhon, Burden, strain, stress,
cross; a heavy load. (cf. lkdo).
lululnan, Any vehicle or beast used for
the transport of goods, any person or thing
used for carrying loads. Kro nga
lululnan sang mga minaty. A funeral
cart. (cf. llan).
lulupran, Flying station, etc. See
luls, To unwind; to roll up. See lols.
lulusarn, Station, wharf, quay, built
landing place, platform, where travellers
disembark,alight,dismount,get off.
(cf. lsad, lusarn).
lulutgtan, Nipple; nursing bottle, the
mouth-piece (of a nursing bottle or the
like). (cf. ltgot).
luluton, Kitchen. (cf. lt, kosna,
digamohn, dapg, dalnghan).
lulutohn, One whose death is to be
mourned over, a person whose surviving
friends have to wear mourning dress on his
demise. (cf. lto).
luluyasysan, A place open or exposed
to the wind. (cf. luysyas, ysyas,
yasysan, bong).
lum, (H) Old, worn out, useless. (cf.
gubt, ulasn, gun).
lum, Crushed, smashed, broken; to
crush, smash, break, splinter, said
particularly of bamboo, bl, bagkay,
tilng, gutng, and similar plants with a
hollow stem. Ginlum sang hngin ang

Visayan-English Dictionary
madm nga kawyan sang pagbgyo.
Many bamboos were crushed by the wind
during the storm. Nlm (nalum) ang
kawyan. The bamboo was crushed. (cf.
pus, litk).
lumabw, Above, rising above; proud,
haughty, overbearing, overweening,
insolent. (cf. labw, linmabw).
lumbaw, The middle finger.
lumd, Reformed, improved, reclaimed,
changed for the better; to reform, become
an honest member of society, conform to
the established order of things,the
ordinary rules of living, or the like, said
especially of robbers, bandits, pirates, etc.
Lumd na si (Naglumd na si) sa ya
sdto nga pagkabuyng. He has now
reformed and given up being a robber. (cf.
ls, sylo).
lumalntip, One who perfects, improves
or completes a thing. (cf. lntip).
lumalpas, A transgressor, prevaricator,
sinner, law-breaker. (cf. lpas).
lmang, To open (with another key)
locks, etc.; to do on the sly, dostealthily,
secretly. Ginlumngan nya ang kon bal sang ya lybe. He opened my box with
his key. Ilmang ak nay sang mo lybe
sa kon kanddo, kay nadl ang kon
lybe. Kindly try to open my lock with your
key, as my key is lost. Lumngi ang ya bal sang kon lybe. Open his box with my
lumpaw, More than man-deep, manhigh, rising in height above a man
standing. Lumpaw ang tbig. The water
is more than man-deep. Lumpaw ang
bh sang halgi. The hole of the post, i.e.
the hole in the ground in which the post is
standing, is more than man-deep. (cf.
lumt, To relapse, fall sick again.
Naglumt ang ya nga balatan. He
suffered a relapse of his disease. (cf.
lumw, To grope in mud, etc. See lamw.
lumw, To fill, brim with (tears, etc.). (cf.
lumwan, lumawn, A collection of
garbage, refuse or offal; pit, pool, kitchen
sink. (cf. lamwan).
lumw-lumw, Dim. and Freq. of
lumw. (cf. palumwlumw,
lumy, A philtre, love-potion, captivation,
enchantment, bewitchment, charm,
lmay, lumy, To give (administer) a
philtre or love-potion, to charm, fascinate;
enchant, bewitch, put (cast) a spell over.
Lumya si. Himi si sing lumy. Give
him a philtre. Prepare a philtre for him.
Ginlmay kon sang ti si Fulna. N.N.,
they say, was bewitched (was given a lovepotion) by a Negrito.

lumabw lmpaw
lmb, Race, competition; to race, run a
race, cheeple-chase, compete or vie with.
Nagalmb ang mga kabyo. The horses
are racing. Ang mga pamatn-on sinng
bnwa maluyagn gid sang palmb sang
mga bisiklta. The young men of this town
are very fond of bicycle-racing. May
palmb. There is (was, will be) a race. (cf.
paindsndis, nhay).
lmban, From lunbto mend, etc.
lmbang, A kind of tree. (cf. rmbang).
lmbay, A new shoot, sprout, twig; to
bud, sprout, shoot, put forth, burgeon,
bourgeon, said of a plant or tree.
Nagalmbay ang mga ph. The mango
trees are putting forth new leaves.
Nalumbayn na ang aksya. The acacia is
now sprouting.
lmbay, Young, tender, soft, green (of
new shoots, branches, etc.). (cf. lnghod,
lamhron, lgbus, mahmok).
lumbayg, To run about, run to and fro,
to frolic, sport, frisk. Ang mga bt
nagalumbayg sa latagn. The boys are
running about (frolicking) in the open field.
Ginalumbayagn nla ang nakawan
sang bnwa. They are running about in the
town-square. (cf. kuympad, kuypad,
dalgan, hmpang, patabyag).
lmbia, A kind of sago-palm.
lmboy, A kind of tree and its edible
(cherry-like) fruit. (cf. tulng, turng).
lmbus, To leave, go away, depart, take
ones leave,ones departure, go, pack,
take oneself, off. Nalmbus
(Nagkalmbus) na si. He has left, has
gone away. Bg-o pa lang si malmbus
kag magabt ikw. He had just left when
you came. Palumbus si kag manyga
ikw. Send him off (Dismiss him) and take
your dinner. (cf. haln).
lumlaw, (H) To doze, be half asleep. See
lumng, Weakness, feebleness, debility; to
be or become weak, feeble, frail; weak,
feeble. Lumng si, kay tiglang na si. He
is quite weak, for he is old now. Naglumng
si, kay nagmasakt si. He is very feeble
(has become feeble), because he has been
ill. Nalumingn ak sa ya. I thought him
very weak. I got the impression that he was
very feeble. (cf. lya, pgaw).
lmlum, A hen; brood (of chickens); to
hatch, incubate, brood, sit. Ang kon
mung nagalmlum karn sa (sing)
napl kag duh ka blog nga tlog sa ya
pugarn. My hen is at present hatching
twelve eggs in her nest. Palumlum na
lang inng kilawt. Get this young hen to
hatch (some chickens). (cf. hilmhum).
lmnan, lmnon, From lmonto
lodge with, etc.
lm-ok, Soft, giving easily way to
pressure; to soften, become soft, be
yielding, compressible, limp,
impressionable. Nalum-okn ak sinng

tabk. This tobacco seems to me to be

soft. Nagalm-ok na ang ya tagipos-on.
His heart is now getting soft or tender.
Plansah na ang by nga winskan mo,
kay naglm-ok na. Now, iron the jacket
you sprinkled with water, for it has become
quite limp now. (cf. hmok, ym-ok,
lmon, To lodge with, stay with, room
with, take lodgings at, put up at, to billet,
be billeted at, live in anothers house.
Nagalmon na si sa kay Fulno. He is
now staying in N.N.s house. Maglumony
kit. Let us take lodgings together. Sn-o
ang mo ginalmnan (ginalumnan)?
With whom are you lodging (staying as a
lodger)? Palmna si sa mo baly. Let
him live in your house.
lumy, To put into the mouth and
swallow down (as a pill, etc.). Lumoy
(lmya) inng pildors. Swallow these
pills. Ginlumy nya ang kinna. He
swallowed the quinine. (cf. lmon,
halnhun, tuln).
lmpa, To walk with a halt, to limp, to be
lame. Nagalmpa si. He walks with a
halt. (cf. lmpa, limplmpa).
lmpag, (H) To destroy, demolish, break
down, smash up, pull down. Lumpag ang
sya, baly, etc. Smash up the chair, pull
down the house, etc. Ginpalmpag ko sa
la ang kon blay, kay gabk na. I let
them pull down my house for it was rotten.
Nalumpagn ak sang kon baly sang
mga buyng. The robbers demolished my
house. (cf. gub, lglag).
lump-lmpa, Dim. of lmpa.
Nagalumplmpa si, kay nasyak ang
ya til. He limps a little, for his foot was
pricked by a thorn. Also; to rock, toss,
shake, jolt. (cf. limplmpa).
lumpa-d, (B) To fall down on ones back
with some force. Nakalumpa-d si sa
bat. His seat came down violently on the
stone. Sang but si magpngk kinuhan
si ni Fulno sang sya kag naglumpa-d
sa salg. When he wanted to sit down,
N.N. took away his chair and he fell thump
on his back on the floor. Buh pa si Fulno?
H-o, nagalumpa-d pa gn. Is N.N. alive
still? Yes, and he is still pretty strong. (cf.
lmpat, A leap, bound, an elastic spring, a
jump; to jump, spring, leap, bound.
Lmpat (maglmpat, lummpat) ka pa
idlum. Jump down. Nagdalgan si sing
madsig gid kag lummpat sa kodl. He
ran very fast and jumped over the fence
(cleared the fence at a bound). (cf. lkso,
mbak, tmb).
lmpaw, To wither, fade; faded,
withered; state of being withered.
Naglmpaw ang blak, dhon, khoy, etc.
The flower, leaf, tree, etc. withered.
Nalumpawn ak sing lim ka pn nga
kakw nga kon tinanm. Five cacao
plants I put into the soil withered. Ayw


lmpy lnlun
pagbunyag inng mga tanm,
palumpaw lang. Dont take the trouble to
water these plants, simply let them wither.
(cf. ly, lay, layng).
lmpy, A kind of cake.
lmsan, From lumsto drown, etc.
lm-ug, To sit, squat, lie down (as an
animal); to wallow. Naglm-ug si sa sal
kag sa malut nga kaduyugn. He
wallowed in sin and vicious habits. (cf.
dm-ug, luk, lp-og).
lums, Drowned, suffocated (in water or
other liquid); to drown, choke, immerse,
suffocate; to overpower, overwhelm,
overcome. Naspwan si nla nga lums
na. They found him drowned. Nalums
(nagkalums) si sa tbig. He drowned in
the water. Nalums si sa kasub. He is
immersed in grief. Sn-o ang naglums sa
ya? Who drowned him? Ginlums si
sang ya nga tang. He was overwhelmed
(snowed under) by his debts. (cf. lgdang,
lnud, kalumsnan).
lums-lmus, Dim. of lums.
Nagakalumslmus si sa lawd sang
kalisd. He sinks in a sea of troubles.
ln-ad, Paleness, pallidness, wanness; to
get pale, turn white, look wan. Ln-ad si.
He is pale. Nagln-ad ang ya guy. His
face became pale. Nalun-arn ak sa ya.
To me he seemed to be pale. (cf. lsp,
lsp, lps, lspad id.).
lunk, (H) Common, ordinary, vulgar, in
general use; to be or become vulgar,
common, within reach of everybody; to
waste, wear out, run to seed. (cf. komn,
bstos, tloy).
lnang, (H) Mud, slush, mire; to form
mud, become muddy. Naglnang ang
dlanornalunngan ang dlan. The
road became muddy. Kon magtdag ka sa
lala-, pagalunngan gid ang mo sapn.
If you step into mud, your boots will
certainly get muddy. (cf. la-, lala-).
lunngon, Muddy, full of mud. (cf.
lnaw, To grow weak, deteriorate, grow
stale, become less strong, weaken, subside,
wane, fail. Naglnaw ang ya
paghiggma, kakig, hngy, etc. His love,
anger, aspiration, etc. grew less intense.
Kon bayan mo dir ang bno
magalnaw. If you leave the wine there, it
will lose its strength. Nalunwan ak
sinng lnggaw. This vinegar of mine has
deterioratedorthis vinegar is not strong
enough for me. (cf. bhaw, thaw).
lnay, To become soft, pliant, plastic,
mouldable, viscous, pliable, without
melting completely, said of candles, lead
and the like exposed to heat. Ang tngg
naglnay sa nit. The lead became quite
soft in the heat. Ind mo pagbayan ang
mga kandl sa kandelerohn, kay
magalnay. Dont leave the candles in the
candlesticks, for they will get soft and bend.
(cf. lm-ok, hmok).


Visayan-English Dictionary
lndong, Featherless, bare of feathers,
unfledged, callow, particularly of chickens
growing to a considerable size before
developing their feathers. Pis nga
lndong. A featherless chicken.
lnes, (Sp. Lunes) Monday.
lnes, (Sp. non, nones) Single, odd. Lnes
ukn pres? Odd or even? One or two?
lung, Sesame-seed; an herbaceous plant.
lung, (B) Parted, divided, cleft, separated
(of hair, chin, etc.). Lung ang ya bohk.
His hair is parted. Lung nga sg-ang. A
cleft or dimpled chin. (cf. bkles).
lung-lng, A mixture of roast rice,
sugar and coconut-meat.
lung-lng, To loosen by shaking to
and fro, move to right and left, as a nail,
post, bolt, etc., in order to draw it with
ease. Lung-lunga ang lnsang nay kag
ugling gabton mo. Shake the nail first to
and fro and then draw it out.
Ginlunglng nya ang bgsok tbtub
nga mahaps kuhon. He shook the stake
till it became easy to remove it. (cf. yog,
lung-lungahn, Joint; articulation;
hinge. (cf. lutlutahn, lutluatn).
lungt, To pull asunder or apart, force
away from, separate, tearaway,off,
from. Lungat si sa lungn. Force her
away from the coffin. Ginlungt nya ang
ya kamt. He pulled his hand away.
Ginlungt nya ang la mga kamt. He
forced their hands asunder. Ilungt ak sa
la nga duh nga nagadulmug. Please
separate the two wrestlers. (cf. bkbak, kak).
lungt, To open (the mouth, etc.). (cf.
lungt-lngat, Dim. and Freq. of
lungt. D malungtlngat inng halgi.
This post is very strong, cannot be shaken.
lung-ug, lungug, To grow stale, flat,
insipid, vapid. Naglungug ang tbig. The
water has become stale. Nalungaugn ak
sinng tbig. This water is too flat for me.
This water appears to me to be stale. (cf.
ln-o, lungag).
lunga-g, lungag, Stale, badsmelling, having a bad taste, flat, vapid,
fetid, unpalatable. (cf. lung-ug).
lungw, A group or cluster dependent on
a principal group; to appear or grow in a
group in the neighbourhood of the
principal group. Inng pnsok nga hong
may lungw dirornagalungw dir.
This group of hong-mushrooms has
another dependent cluster over there. (cf.
lungy, (B) To cast an admiring look
upon, ogle, look sideways admiringly at
something. An ang ginalungy mo sa
ya? Wherefore are you looking at him so
lungyngay, To lie down lazily, relaxed,
comfortably (as a child in the arms or lap of

its mother); to lie on the floor, etc. (as a

person in a swoon).
lungyngay, To bend, droop, hang down
(as branches under the weight of fruit).
lungghub, A mud-hole, etc. (cf.
lingghub, lingglhub, danw, bh).
lngg, To collide, knock against. See
lngg, bngg, sngg.
lnghaw, To weaken, be or grow weak or
feeble (of voice, etc.). Nagalnghaw ang
ya tngug, kay ginagtum si kayo, kay
masakt si, etc. His voice is weakening,
because he is very hungry, because he is
sick, etc. Sa lnghaw (nalnghaw) nga
tngug nagplong si. With a feeble
voice he said. (cf. lsngaw).
lnghaw, See lnhawgreen, etc.
lng, (B) To twist or break off, pluck or
harvest (corn-cobs, etc.). Lunga ang mas.
Twist off the corn-cobs. Lungi ak sing is
ka talngkan nga mas. Gather for me
some corn sufficient for one boiling. (cf.
kotl, p, pks).
lungb, Cave, den, pit, lair, hole, borrow.
(cf. gab, bh, etc.).
lung-lng, Dim. of lng.
lngkab, To force an entrance, break in,
break down, tear down. (cf. rngkab,
lungkagy, lungkgay, To clank,
rattle, clatter, tinkle, clink, chink, as
matches, stones, nails, etc., if shaken in a
box and the like. Nagalungkagy ang
kadna. The chain is clanking. Ind mo
paglungkagayn ang mga bat. Dont
rattle the stones. Ginapalungkagy sang
id ang ya talikal. The dog is rattling its
chain. (cf. ringkdol, rungkdolapplied
to the noise made by pieces of wood or
other objects tumbling down stairs, etc.).
lng To shake the head as a sign of
negation or disapproval.
lung-lng, Dim. and Freq. of lng.
(cf. olnglong).
lungn, Coffin, casket, shell; to coffin.
Lungonn mo lang inng mga tp. Just
make these boards into a coffin.
Palungonn nnyo si. Provide him with a
coffin. Buy, get, make, a coffin for
him. Put him in a coffin.
lungn-lngon, Dim. of lungn Also:
pod, husk, shell, cod.
lngsod, Town; anthill. (cf. bngsod).
lungg-lungg, Loafer, idler, gangster,
tramp. (cf. landlndo, hurng).
lungs-lungs, An idler, loafer, goodfor-nothing. See lungg-lungg, tigtig).
lnhaw, Green, dark green, fresh (of
leaves, etc.; to be or become green, etc. (cf.
lgtom, hilw, brde).
lnlun, To swallow, put into the mouth
and gulp down with little or no chewing.
Lunlun lang ang sotnghon. Put the
sotnghon into your mouth and gulp it
down. (cf. halnhun, lumy, lmon, lamy,

Visayan-English Dictionary
lnlun, Pure, unadulterated, perfect,
genuine. (cf. tnay, lubs, lgus, lnsay,
bs-og, pro).
lnok, See lnokgruel, etc.
lunk, See lonkmangrove.
lnsay, Pure, undefiled, unalloyed,
unmixed, unsullied, mere,
uncontaminated, virgin, unadulterated;
very, very much, truly, really, thoroughly,
excellently. Ang la pagginaw lnsay
kayo. Their manners (habits, behaviour)
are (is)very good indeed,excellent,
admirable. (cf. lnlun, lubs, lgus, tnay,
hmpit, puls, pasy; tm, laks, tman,
lnsay, Also: Direct, straight on,
continuous. (cf. lngkoy).
lntad, To live, reside, dwell, stay,
remain, live in a place for some time, fix
(take up) ones quarters for a prolonged
stay; to live in peace and tranquillity; quiet,
calm, tranquil, peaceful. Ginaluntarn na
nla ang Manl. They are now living
quietly in Manila. Lntad na ang la
pagpuy. They are now living in peace.
Maghigugmanay kag magbuligy kam,
agd maglntad kag magtwhay ang
nyo pangabh. Love and help each other,
that your life may be tranquil and peaceful.
lntay, To fall out, separate (as overripe
grain from the ear, etc.). (cf. rntay id.).
lunb, To patch, mend, fill up gaps.
Lmbi ang delrgo ko nga nags. Patch
my torn trousers. Ilunb inng tp sa
salg. Fill up the gap in the floor with this
plank. Ginlmban nla sa talmnan ang
kinn-an sang mga malmal. They filled
up the gaps in the rice-field or replanted
the places, where the malmal-insects
had devoured the young rice-plants. (cf.
lnud, To sink in water, go down,
founder; to put in a liquid. (cf. tgdang,
lgdang id.).
lund, (B) Inferior to, disappearing or
inconspicuous in comparison to; to be
inferior to, be no match for, not to come up
to, not to be compared with. Ind ak
magdmug sa mo, kay lund gid ak. I
will not wrestle with you, for I am no match
for you. Kon sa kalam, nagalund si sa
kay Fulno. With regard to learning he is
far inferior to N.N. (cf. kubs, sihg).
ln-us, To subject to, subdue, overpower,
sway, rule over. Lun-us si. Make him
obey your orders. Ginln-us si sang ya
nga aswa. He was ruled by his wife,was
hen-pecked,was under the thumb of his
wife. (cf. dag, otm, okm).
lo, See loto rot.
lu, See lorotten.
log, See logto put, push, thrust into a
hole, etc.
lok, See lokto keep at bay, etc.
luk, Nook, corner, out-of-the-way place.
(cf. lok, dok, sok, tok, hilt-hilt).

lnlun lup
lp, (B) Land, field, earth, ground. (cf.
lup, (B) To travel on foot, go or travel by
land, tramp, walk, go afoot, ride on shanks
pony. Naglup kam ukn nagsaky kam
sa bapr (sakaynhlas)? Did you travel
over land or did you sail on a steamer?
Ginlup lang nmon ang Hmtik. We
simply went on foot to Antique. (cf. lakt).
lupan, (B) One rich in grounds,
possessing much land, rich land-owner,
landlord. (lp).
lupd, Winged, having wings, full-grown
(especially said of locusts). Ang apn, lkso
pti lupd, madmol na liwn ddto sa
talnan. Locusts, hoppers as well as fullgrown specimens, are now plentiful again
there in the forests.
lupd, To fly on wings, take wing, wing
ones way or ones flight, soar, aviate,
hover, plane. Nakalupd na ang mga
pspis sa malay. The birds have now
flown far away. Ang talnan didto
ginaluparn sing madm nga pspis.
Many birds are flying about that forest
there. Ginlupd nya ang lngit. He soared
towards the sky or skywards. Ang sakaynhngin magalupd sa ibbaw sang
Ilnglong. The air-ship will fly over Iloilo.
Makahibal ka maglupd? Can you fly?
lpag, To detain, distract, divert, to cause
to forget everything else. Ginlpag kit
ddto sang sugilnon. We were detained
there by an interesting conversation.
Naglpag si sa mon sang ya manmit
nga ambahnon. She diverted us with her
sweet songs. Lupga sil tbtub sa hpon
sa mga sarsr nga hmpang. Divert
them till evening with a variety of games.
(cf. dpag).
lupg, Distracted, diverted, detained. (cf.
lupg, (B) To sit down cross-legged, to sit
tailor-fashion. Ginalupagan nla ang
dlan, bat, salg. They are sitting with
crossed legs on the road, the stone or rock,
the floor. Ind ka maglupg sa atubngan
sang panglo-bnwa. Do not squat down
in presence of the Municipal President.
lupk, Mop, rag. See lapt.
lupk, A worm or caterpillar similar to a
centipede, but hairy. (cf. irs).
lupn-ak, (H) To squat down. See lupg
lupndang, To squat down. See lupg,
lupran, Flying station, hangar, ground
and buildings for aeronautical purposes.
(cf. lupd; hulugpanlanding station;
lupt, Mop, swab. See lapt id.
lpaw, To wither, etc. See lmpaw.
lpgas, To rub, scour, clean, scrape,
remove the slippery surface of a thing by
rubbing it with dry corn-husks, the larger
particles of rice-husks (lbhang), or any

similar material. Lupgas ang sli. Rub the

eel to remove its slipperiness. Ang bnh
sang kakw ginalupgasn, kay kon dl
madnlug kayo. Cacao-seeds are
(usually) rubbed to take away their
smoothness, for otherwise they are very
slippery. Ipalpgas sa ya ang tghud. Let
him clean the tghud-fish. (cf. hnis which
is more used for cleaning table-ware and
lpiak, A small shallow depression or
hollow basin; to form a small depression in
ground, etc. Nagalpiak dir ang dt
ornalupiakn dir ang dt. The ground
here forms a basin or hollow. Palupiak
ang bsong mo. Draw in your stomach.
Nakapanyga na ikw?Wal pa, lpiak
pa gn ang bsong ko. Have you had your
dinner?No, not yet, my stomach is quite
lpid, To oppress, etc. See lpig. Ind ka
magpalpid sang sgid sang ibn. Dont
allow yourself to be carried away by
lpig, To oppress, treat unjustly, pay small
wages and exact much work, keep under
the thumb; oppressed, subject to, unfree, in
bondage to, in the clutches of, domineered,
bullied. Ind mo paglupgon ang mga mol.
Do not oppress the poor. Ginalpig nya
ang ya mga mamumugn. He is treating
his workmen harshly or unjustly. Ang mga
mol sing masam lpig sang mga
manggarnon. The poor are often subject
to oppression by the rich.
lpig, Inferior to, not up to, not to be
compared with. (cf. lund).
lup-lp, To shake, sway, bend or flap to
and fro, said of thin, broad objects. Ang
manips nga tp nagaluplp sa hngin.
The thin board is flapping in the wind.
Ginaluplp sang hngin ang mga dhon
sang sging, lub, etc. The wind is swaying
the banana, coconut-leaves, etc.
lpit, Inferior to in size and strength, no
match for. Lpit inng mank sa is. This
cock is not so good as the other one. Inng
to lpit sa kay Fulno. This man is
inferior in size and strength to N.N. (cf.
ltosinferior in every way).
lpit, To squeeze, pinch, compress.
Saptos nga malpit. Boots that pinch or
are too narrow. Ind ka maglpit dir.
Dont squeeze in there. (cf. ipt, lgpit;
ltlot, dkdok).
lpit, Well armed, equipped, accoutred, in
fighting array.
lpnan, etc. From lupn.
lup, A kind of fish.
lup, A kind of plant with edible leaves,
but mostly only fed to pigs. Metaphorically:
to humble, treat ignominiously, put down,
abase, look down upon, depreciate, despise,
snub; outdo, overcome. Ind ka maglup sa
kon, nd mo ak paglupon. Dont treat
me so ignominiously. Ginlup lang ak


lupg lsud
nya. He simply treated me as if I were a
lup, as if I were of no consideration.
lupg, Lame, crippled, halt, maimed; to
become lame, etc. Naglupg si Fulno.
N.N. has gone lame (cf. ping).
lp-og, To sit or squat down with legs
turned to one side, as resting animals. (cf.
luk, dm-ug id.).
lupk, Discharge, detonation, snap, pop,
bang, crash; the report of a gun, a shot; to
explode, burst; the firing off of guns or
mortars at feasts, etc. May lupk. There is,
was or will be, the firing off of guns or
mortars. Nakabat ka sang lupk sang
pusl? Did you hear the report of the rifle?
Naglupk ang kaldra, ang gma sang
wto, etc. The kettle, the auto-tyre, etc.
burst, exploded, blewup,out. Nalkpan
si Fulno sing rekmara kag napaty.
N.N. was hit by an exploding mortar and
was killed. Nalkpan ak sing kaldra.
One of my cauldrons exploded. Ang ibn
nga mga tlog kon ibutng sa ab nga
manit magalupk. Some eggs burst when
put in hot ashes. (Palupok) Palkpi ang
mga kalaslon. Fire off some guns for the
lupk-lpok, Dim. of lupk.
Metaphorically: to explode, shout and rail
at. Ind ka maglupklpok sa mo mga
sologon. Dont use such explosive
language to your servants.
lup-lp, Dim. and Freq. of lupto
humble, etc. Mawat gid nga la si
luplupon. It will be very difficult for
them to keep him down, to ignore or
disregard him.
lup-lup, A grass that is often fed to
lupn, Screen, cover, shade, curtain,
blind, veil; to screen, eclipse, cover, veil,
curtain off, hide behind, obstruct the view.
Lpni ak sing amkan. Screen me with a
bamboo-mat. Ginlpnan nla ang bslot sa
dngding. They covered the hole in the
partition-wall. Ilupn inng pny sa sug.
Shade the light with this handkerchief.
Lpni ang kon mga mat, kay tm
kaslaw ang sug. Put a shade before my
eyes, for the light is too dazzling. (cf. lipd,
lpos, To pervade, impregnate, season,
flavour, give a relish to, applied especially
to salt put as a seasoning into liquid sidedishes. Ang ginams wal makalpos
sang tinla. The salt-fish did not give a
flavour to the side-dish (too little of it
having been put in).
lupt, To discharge a little excrement at a
time, as people suffering from diarrhoea or
dysentery. (cf. panlibng).
lupt-lupt, Dim. and Freq. of lupt. To
suffer from diarrhoea or dysentery.
lps, Paleness, wanness; to be or become
pale, pallid, wan, to blanch, turn pale. See
lps, lsp, lspad, ln-ad, lsp).


Visayan-English Dictionary
lp-ug, See lp-ogto rest, lie down, as
animals with legs turned to one side.
lput, To fill, cover (holes, etc.) Lupti
ang bh sing dt. Fill up the hole with
earth. (cf. tmpok).
lpyak, See lpiak.
lsa, (Sp. losa) Flagstone, paving tile.
lus, The eggs of lice, a nit. (cf.
kaymada young louse, ngisngsia nit,
ktoa full-grown louse, botlmotherlouse).
lsad, To dismount, alight, step out of, or
off, a vehicle, to disembark, get out, get off,
land, get off a boat, etc. Nakalsad na ang
mga sumalkay. The passengers have now
disembarked or landed. Ginlusran nla
ang sakayn, wto, etc. They left the boat,
the auto, etc. Palusra si. Let him
dismount, get out, land, disembark.
lusng, To burst, break open, explode,
pop (said of many kinds of beans and peas,
etc. that break open, when being boiled).
Ang ibn nga mga baltong nagalusng
kon lagon. Some beans burst when boiled.
(cf. gusng).
lusarn, Station, quay, etc. See lulusarn.
ls-aw, To fade, lose colour, bleach, tone
down, become wishy-washy. Ang kaayyo
mahaps magls-aw. Beauty fades easily.
Nagls-aw ang dug sang ya nga bsti.
The colour of her garments is faded. Nalusawn ak sinng kl. The colour of this
hat has faded, it seems to meorThe
colour of this hat of mine has faded.
ls-aw, lusw, To fail, be unsuccessful,
be disappointed; to thwart, bring to naught,
frustrate. (cf. ps-aw).
lusy, Free, untrammelled, free to act or
proceed as one sees fit; unfettered, at
liberty, ones own master. Lusy ang ya
pangabh. His life is untrammelled.
Lusy si sa ya kahimtngan. He is of
independent means. Naglusy na si. He
has now become free, unshackled. Lusy
nga bat. An unset (precious) stone. (cf.
lbre, hlway, lus).
lsdan, etc. See lsud.
lsg, To stop, remain, stay,a long
time, to tarry, linger. Ind ka maglsg
ddto. Dont tarry there long. Naglsg si
ddto sa la baly. He lingered there at
their house for a long while. Ginlusgon
nya ang mon baly. He stayed a long
while with us at our home.
lsgus, To boil in water in such a way,
that all the water evaporates before the
cooking is properly done. The quantity of
water required has to be accurately
calculated beforehand. Hpon nga
linusgusn. Hpon-fish boiled in the
lsgus-way. Maglsgus ka sinng mga
hpon sa kon panyga. Cook this hponfish for my dinner according to the lsgusmethod.
lsgus, To shake, agitate, stir by shaking.
(cf. lg, lin).

ls, To break, bend, blunt, said of pointed

tools and other things not made of metal.
Nals ang kon bh. My wooden dibble
has got blunted. Nalusan ak sing kok.
One of my fingernails has got jagged.
Ginls ni Fulno ang pnta sinng
bgsok. N.N. broke the point of this
wooden stake.
lsiat, Weakness, debility; feeble, weak;
to become weak, frail, feeble. Naglsiat si.
He became weak. (cf. lsyat).
lusr, (Sp. lucir) To show off, display,
shine. But si maglusr. He wishes to
display his accomplishmentswishes to
shine. (cf. pampag, padayw).
lskag, Swelling, bursting; to swell, burst
open. (cf. gusng, but).
lskan, etc. From lsok.
lsngaw, A weak voice; having a weak
voice; to speak in a weak, faint, feeble
voice. (cf. lnghaw, tsngaw).
ls, To fray, be torn to shreds, be torn to
ribbons. Nagkals tungd sang bgyo
ang mga dhon sang sging. The bananaleaves were torn to shreds by the hurricane.
(cf. ls).
lsok, To pierce, penetrate, destroy with a
pointed instrument (especially applied to
the eyes). Ind mo paglskon (pagluskon)
ang ya mat. Dont pierce his eye.
Nalsok ang ya mat sang dult. His eye
was pierced by the awl. Ang pan naglsok
sang ya mat. The arrow penetrated his
eye. Naglsok ang dlaw sang ya
pagkamaty sa dlaw sang ya pagkato.
His death happened on the same day (of
the week or year) as his birth.
lusk, Pierced, destroyed with a pointed
instrument (of eyes). Lusk ang ya nga
mat. His eye is destroyed (due to having
been pierced by a pointed instrument).
ls-on, To sustain, support, uphold,
maintain, carry on, keep up. May
ikasngkol si sa pagls-on sang am nga
palangakon. He is capable or qualified to
maintain (fill, occupy) such a position
(office). (cf. ts-on).
lusng, Rice-mortar used for pounding
rice by hand with a wooden pestle called
lsong, To go or jump down, descend,
dive into. Ginlusngan nya ang pistas
nga nahlug sa tbig. He dived to get the
twenty-centavo piece that had fallen into
the water. Ang ya pagpanlibng
nalusngan sang balad. His diarrhoea
developed into dysentery.
lspad, Pale, etc. See lsp, ln-ad, lsp
lsp, To be pale, wan, etc. See lps, lsp,
lsud, To topple over, heel over, tilt, tip,
fall over due to one or more supports giving
way. Nalsud (Nagkalsud) ang baly,
kay ginb-ab sang sub. The house having
been undermined by the river fell over.

Visayan-English Dictionary
Nabl (nagkabl) ang is ka til kag
nalsud ang lamsa. One leg broke and the
table toppled over. Nalusran (nalusdan,
nalsdan) si sang ya baly. His house
tumbled down (fell over, burying him
underneath). Gabk inng halgi; ilsi sing
bg-o, kay kon dl malsdan ka sang mo
baly. This post is rotten; replace it by a
new one, for otherwise your house will
tumble down,collapse,come to grief.
lust, To pass or slip through a narrow
opening, wriggle or squeeze through a hole,
fence, etc. Naglust si sa kodl
orginltsan nya ang kodl. He squeezed
through the fence. Makalust ikw dir?
Can you wriggle through there? (cf. shot).
lust-lsut, Dim. of lust. Ang bt
nagalustlsut sa mga to. The boy is
threading his way through the people.
lsyat, See lsiat.
lut, To luxate, dislocate, put out of joint.
Nalut ang ya til. His foot was dislocated.
(cf. lak).
lutk, Slung shot. See kaborta.
lutk, To cleave, split, rend, break. (cf.
litk, lnta).
ltak, To step into anything wet or
muddy. Nagltak si sa lala-
orginlutkan nya ang lala-. He
stepped into the mud. (cf. ldag, tdag,
tdag, tsak).
lutk, Dirt, mud, rubbish, dust. (cf. hgk,
gapgap, taptap).
lut-lutahn, Joint, articulation. As a
figure of speech: Consideration,
compassion, mercy. Wal gid si sing
lutalutahn, ba. He is unbending,
inflexible, without consideration. (cf. lut).
luts, Weaned, weanling; to wean. Ang
bta ginaluts karn kag wal na
pagapasswa. The child is being weaned at
present and not being given the breast.
Lutas ang bt kay dak na. Wean the
child from the breast, for it is quite big
now. Luts nga bt. A child weaned from
the breast. (cf. buts, btas).
lutw, Rising to (showing on) the surface,
floating, buoyant, visible, conspicuous,
prominent, eminent, distinguished; to
float, be buoyed up, come to light, rise to
the surface, become conspicuous, be
distinguished or eminent, to be in (on,
upon, above). Ang kawyan nagalutw sa
tbig. Bamboo floats in water. Ang dgat
ginlutawn sing madm nga mga khoy
nga dings sang pagbgyo. The sea was
full of floating driftwood at the time of the
hurricane. Lutw si nga to kag bint
sang is ka lutw nga panimaly. He is a
prominent man and scion of a conspicuous
family. Naglutw sa ya ang panlig sang
mga punon. The authorities showed that
they trusted him (had confidence in him).
Karn nagalutw na si sa dak nga
katalgman nga. At present he is in
great danger of. (cf. kubw, kubg,

lust luytyat
kutw, utw-taw; btwto rise to the
surface from under water).
lutw-ltaw, Dim. and Freq. of lutw.
ltay, To straighten out, replace, reduce,
put back or set (muscles, etc.). Lutya ang
btkon ko, ang kaugatn ko, etc.
Straighten my arm, my muscles, etc. by
massaging. Lutyi ak sang kon til nga
nalut. Set or replace the bones of my
dislocated foot.
lthang, A bamboo gun, gun, rifle,
musket, revolver; to fire a gun, to shoot.
Nasentensyahn si sang hokm nga
pagaluthangn. He was sentenced by the
judge to be shot. Ginlthang nla ang
buyng. They shot the robber. (cf. pusl).
lth, To pick out, select or take up some
things and leave others alone, to pass over,
skip. (cf. lktaw, lkh).
luth-lth, Dim. and Freq. of lth.
Ind mo pagluthluthon ang pagsaol,
knd saolohn mo ang tann. Dont
memorize only parts here and there, but
learn the whole by heart. (cf.
laktwlktaw, lukhlkh).
lto, (Sp. luto) Mourning, mourning dress,
etc. See lalw.
lt, Ripe, mellow, mature; cooked; to
ripen, mature, mellow; to cook. Lt na
ang mga ph. The mangoes are ripe. Lt
na ang panyga. The food for dinner is
cooked. Dinner is now ready. Luta ang
sd, krne, mank nga kapn, etc. Cook
the fish, the meat, the capon, etc. Luti ak
sing mank, sing panihpon, etc. Cook a
chicken, supper, etc. for me. Nalt
(naglt) na ang mga sging. The bananas
have ripened now. Paluton mo gid ang
mga ph sa khoy, nd mo nay
pagdugson. Let the mangoes get ripe
(mellow) on the tree, dont pluck them
prematurely. Paluta si (ipalt kay)
Pdro sinng (inng) mank. See to it that
Peter prepares (cooks) this chicken. (cf.
glang, grang; digmo, rh, hmos).
lt, Dark, deep, decided, pronounced (of
colours). (cf. malt, tagngtung; hilw
light, clear).
lut, lut, To tarry, linger, loiter, prolong
ones stay or conversation, etc. See lsg,
ltos, Surpassed, outdone, inferior to
another in any respect; to surpass, outdo,
overcome, be superior to, vanquish, defeat,
beat, conquer. Ltos si ni Fulno sa
mnggad, sa kalam, sa kataasn, etc. He
is inferior to N.N. in wealth, in learning, in
height, etc. He is not so wealthy, learned,
tall, etc. as N.N. Lintos si ni Fulno. He
was defeated by N.N. Lutson si ni Fulno
sa kasug. N.N. will be superior to him in
strength (bravery). He will be outdone in
strength or bravery by N.N. Ind mo
maltos ang ya nga katarngan. You
cannot beat (hold your ground or stand up
against) his argument. (cf. dag).

luts, Vanquished, worsted, beaten,

surpassed, inferior to. (cf. ltos).
ltsan, etc. From lustto slip through,
lu, etc. See lo, etc.
lwa, See larecitation.
luwg; luwg-lwag, See lug; luglagladle; shoulder blade, scapula.
luwng, See lungroom, etc.
luwn-lwan, Changeling, shifty, etc.
See liwnlwan.
luws, See lusto free, redeem, etc.
luy, (H) Tired, exhausted, wearied,
fatigued, done up. (cf. kapy, pal,
lya, Weakness, debility, feebleness; to
become weak, feeble, debile. Nalya
(nagkalya) si. He became weak.
Naluyhan ak sa ya. He appears to me to
be weak. Ginlya sang balatan ang ya
lwas. The disease (sickness) enfeebled
him, made him weak. Linuyhan ang ya
kabubt-on sang am nga katarngan.
Those arguments weakened his intention
(will). (cf. pgaw).
ly, (H) To fatigue, fag, tire, weary,
become tired, fagged or weary. Naly
(nagkaly) si sang paglakt. He got
tired from walking. (cf. kpoy, bdlay,
lyag, Liking, desire, relish, enjoyment,
wish; to like, relish, desire, care for, delight
in, derive pleasure from, take to, take a
fancy to, fancy, hanker after, covet. An
ang lyag mo? What do you like (want,
wish)? Ang kon lyag am. What I
like is. Malyag ikw sin? Do you like
it? Ang mga ph am gid ang
ginaluygan nya sa pagkon. Mangoes
are just the thing he likes to eat very much.
(cf. but, wli, lpay, hndum).
luyg, To be fond of, attached to, have a
passion for, take a fancy to, look sweet
upon, fall in love with. Nagakaluyg si sa
kay Fulna. Ginakaluyagn nya si
Fulna. He is passionately fond of N.N. He
has fallen in love with N.N. (cf. ggma
love, affection).
luyg-lyag, Dim. and Freq. of lyag.
Also: whim, caprice, fancy, wish, desire,
lya, ly-a, Ginger; a plant whose roots
are used for flavouring fish, etc. and also
for preparing a beverage called tah.
luysyas, To rush upon, strike or beat
against something with full force. (cf.
ysyas, dsdas, dldal).
luyt, Hanging down loosely or in folds
and wrinkles as the skin of old or very lean
folks. See layt id. Luyt na ang ya pnit
or nagaluyt na ang ya pnit. His skin is
hanging down in folds.
luytyat, Dim. of luyt. Nagaluytyat
ang pnit sa ya btkon. The skin is
forming wrinkles on his arm. Also: To lie
down or settle comfortably (as a child in


luyw maalg-ag
the arms of its mother, etc.). (cf.
luyw, To go about freely without
restraint, range, wander at will especially
applied to cattle grazing in an open field or
pasture. Iluyw lang ang bka. Just let the
cow roam freely about. (cf. layw).
lyhad, To improve, recover from, get
well. Nalyhad (nagkalyhad) na si sa
ya balatan. He has now recovered from
his illness.
luy, Side, flank, neighbourhood,
proximity, alongside, nearby, beside,
border, edge; part, party, faction; to be
(placed, situated) at the side of,in a
nearby region,in the neighbourhood of,
etc. Sa ya luy. At his side. Sa
naluy sang ya baly. On the ground
at the side of his house. (cf. klid, bint,
lapt, ngod, kalyo, kaluy).
ly, To be slow, walk or trudge along
slowly, be slow in movement. Naly
(nagkaly) ang karabw. The buffalo fell
into a slow step. Naluyan ak sa ya. He
seems to me to be very slow. He is too slow
for me. Am ang nagpaly sa ya mga
tikng. That made him slow down his pace.
(cf. bndul, hnay, pkok, kl).
lyok, To bend, incline, etc. See byok.
ly-on, To give way, give, sag, double up,
as a sack, a corpse, etc., if lifted, or as a
piece of cloth held open does, when a
weight is put in the middle of it. Nagly-on
ang sko nga arna sang paghkwat ko
sin. The sack of flour gave (way) in the
middle, when I lifted it. (cf. tboy).
luyng, Space, extent, room, length,
distance; scope, range of action or view. (cf.
lung, rung).
lyung, To wander, roam, travel, walk
about. (cf. lgaw, etc.).
luyng-lyung, To stroll, ramble, loiter;
vagabond, tramp, rover. (cf. lagwlgaw,
duyngdyong, etc.).
lws, lwsnon, See lus, lusnon.
lyabro, Key-ring, key-guard. See liabro.
lybi, Key. See libe.

m, The letter M in Visayan is pronounced

as in English. The letter M is one of the
labials b, p, m, and as it is the easiest to
pronounce, it often takes the place of the
other two:
1) after the prefixes pan-, man-, magapan-,
etc. But note that the final n of these
prefixes is dropt, e.g. pamulng (pan-,


Visayan-English Dictionary
bulng); pamlong (pan-, plong), etc.
2) after the prefixes hi- and ha-, e.g.
himung (hi, bnga); himlbul (hi,
blbul); hamulk (ha, blak); hmtang
(ha, butng), etc. etc.
ma-, A shortened form of the verbal prefix
maga- denoting the active future, e.g. Si
Fulno maabt (magaabt) sa bus. N.N.
will arrive to-morrow. Karn sa hpon
masult (magasult) ak sa ya. This
afternoon I will write him.
ma-, A shortened form of the verbal prefix
magaka-; quite frequently this ma- also
stands for magka- and even for nagaka-.
Madla in, kon dl nmo pagtipgan sing
mayo. It will get lost, unless you guard it
well. (madlmagakadl). Andam ka,
agd nd ka mahlug. Look out or you
may fall down. (mahlugmagkahlug).
Mahdluk si. He is afraid, is getting
afraid. (mahdluknagakahdluk).
ma-, The potential verbal prefix of the
passive voice denoting the possibility or
feasibility, and if negatived, the
impossibility of what the root implies, e.g.
Mahm in. That can be done. That is
possible. Dl (nd) mahm in. That
cannot be done. That is impossible. Ind
maro in. That cannot be tolerated. That
is intolerable. This ma- is the counterpart
of the active maka-.
ma-, A prefix forming adjectives in three
ways, namely:
1) by simple attachment to the root, e.g.
mahgpokcrisp; malnawcalm;
matahmbeautiful. (cf. hgpok, lnaw,
2) by adding also the suffix -on, e.g.
malalsondisobedient; malimton
forgetful; mapigusnoppressing. (cf.
llis, lmot, pgus).
3) by superadding the particle in which is
placed before the first vowel of the root, e.g.
malinapsonomitting, neglecting the
performance of; mabinalk-oncareful,
concerned, interested; matinipgon
preserving, saving, guarding. (cf. lpas,
balka, tpig).
N.B. Other formations of adjectives see
under mag-, manog-, maki-.
ma, The bellow, lowing, moo, mooing (of
cattle); to low, moo, bellow. Ang bka
nagam. The cow lows, is lowing. (cf.
hum, um, m-m).
maabng, (B) Greedy, covetous,
avaricious, avid, grasping. (abng).
maab-abhon, Friendly, sociable,
amicable, affable, obliging. (abbi).
mablang, (B) Wide, broad, vast,
extensive, ample, of great breadth or
extent. (blang).
mablaw, (B) Affable, sociable, friendly,
companionable, approachable, a good
mixer, kind in social intercourse. (blaw).

mabtik, Dexterous, expert, apt, adroit,

deft; swift, nimble, quick: clever, skilful,
skilled. (btik).
maabynon, Friendly, amiable,
amicable, affable, sociable, hospitable. (cf.
byan, maababhon).
madat, Pungent, acrid, piquant, racy,
bitter-sweet in a pronounced degree.
magaw, Ravishing, charming,
captivating, taking, bewitching. (gaw).
magday, Slow; tardy, deliberate,
plodding, laggard, slow-coach, dilatory,
backward. (cf. gday, mahnay, mabndul,
magdom, (B) Dark, obscure, gloomy,
dusky. (cf. gdom).
magh, Smelling bad, of an evil smell,
stinking, evil-smelling, fetid, malodorous,
rank, emitting an unpleasant-odour,
effluvium,exhalation, (gh).
maagd-gid, Resembling, somewhat
like, similar, almost the same, not unlike.
(cf. maaptpit, maanggdnggid).
maglot, Harsh, grating, gritty, said of
the sound produced e.g. by biting grit
hidden in bread and the like. (glot).
magol, Lazy, indolent, slack, idle, easygoing, slothful, sluggish, sluggard. (gol).
maagng, Cheating, sneaky, sneak,
sneaking, fraudulent, underhand,
swindling, shifty, tricksy. (agng).
magrot, See maglot id.
maagrt, Boasting, bragging, bluffing,
braggart, ostentatious, swaggering,
vaunting. (agrt).
magt, Black, blackish, dark, dun.
maagwnta, Strong, robust, inured,
untiring, patient, long-suffering, enduring,
able to stand or bear much. (agwnta).
maagwsa, Lively, cheery, cheerful, of
good cheer, good-humoured, jocund, jovial,
joyous, gay, blithe, sprightly; wastrel,
prodigal, spendthrift, lavish. (cf. agwsa).
maahng, Bold, daring, audacious,
intrepid, adventurous, venturesome, rash,
temerarious, foolhardy, forward, froward,
impudent, insolent, impertinent. (cf.
maahs, Bold, daring, etc. See maahng.
(cf. ahs, makhas).
maka, Much in demand or much
resorted to (as a shop, merchandise, etc.).
(cf. ka, mabkal, magaw, gaw).
maakgon, Bad-tempered, testy,
irascible, irritable, techy, touchy, fiery,
choleric, easily excited to anger, easily
exasperated or provoked. (cf. kig, akg,
pikn, tardyon).
makup, Hospitable, entertaining visitors
with generosity. (cf. kup).
maalabab, Warm, tepid, not quite hot;
warmish, lukewarm. (alabab).
maalg-ag, Undecided, undetermined,
vacillating, wavering, hesitating, doubting,

Visayan-English Dictionary
in doubt, doubtful, irresolute, not having
made up ones mind, boggling, burking,
shilly-shallying. (cf. alg-ag,
maalag-agn, See maalg-ag.
maalaligotgotn, Resentful, etc. See
malam, Learned, clever, wise,
intellectual, intelligent, sagacious, sage,
knowing, well-informed, scholarly, erudite,
well-read, well-instructed, educated,
accomplished. (cf. lam, manginalmon,
malan, Rancid, rank of taste or smell.
(cf. lan).
maalang-ang, A little feverish, etc. See
maalng-ang, maalabab.
maalng-lang, Not quite convenient,
fit,timely,opportune. (cf. alnglang).
maalng-ang, A little feverish, having a
slight cold; warmish, tepid, lukewarm. (cf.
maalang-ang, maalabab).
malay, Tired, stiff, overworked (of
limbs, etc.); heedless, obstinate, stubborn.
(cf. lay).
malhom, Difficult to light, not burning
well, slow burning, smouldering. (cf.
lhom, maalm, maarm).
maal-l, The best (of a kind); carefully
chosen or selected, prominent,
outstanding. (cf. l, pl, luh, lutw,
pasah, sampton).
maalibgbog, (B) Having a slight
headache, giddy, dizzy. (cf. alibgbog).
maaligtgot, See maaligotgotn.
maaligotgotn, Resentful, spiteful,
chagrined, full of rancour or ill-will,
malignant, malicious. (maalaligotgotn
maalikya, (H) Good-humoured,
cheerful, joyous, joyful, jovial, gay, blithe,
cheery, jocund, sprightly. (cf. alikya,
masdya, manaynya).
maalilon, Fostering, taking care of,
catering to, rearing or bringing up, kind,
considerate, generous (in looking after
anothers wants or needs). (cf. all).
maalinggngag, A little deaf, not
hearing well, hard of hearing. (cf.
maalingsa, Loud, noisy, boisterous,
rowdy, obstreperous, clamorous, clattering,
disturbing. (cf. alingsa).
maalingut, See maalingsa.
maalinggngog, A little dizzy or dull,
not keen, slightly fuddled. (cf.
maalipngot, Exasperated, aggravated,
annoyed, riled, put out, angry, furious,
passionate, chagrined. (cf. alipngot).
maalipngton, See maalipngot.
maaliwna, Spacious; wide, roomy,
broad, large, ample, vast, extensive; clear,
unobstructed, open, free. (cf. aliwna,

maalag-agn masab
mahanhay, mahanyak, mahanyap,
malpad, masngkad).
maaliwnay, See maaliwna.
maalm, Not burning well, not easily
inflammable, smouldering, slow-burning.
(cf. alm, arm, malhom).
malwag, Wide, broad, large, vast,
spacious, roomy, expanded, extensive,
ample; comfortable, well off, well provided
for, prosperous. Malwag si sing
pangabh. He is well off, is quite
prosperous. (cf. lwag, maaliwna,
malwan, Free, open, generous, liberal,
charitable, open-handed, beneficent,
bounteous, bountiful, kind-hearted.
Malwan si sing kamt, sing tagiposon,
etc. He is open-handed, has a generous
heart, etc. (cf. lwan, mahinatgon,
maamomhon, maloly-on).
malway, See malwag, mahanhay,
mambas, Expensive, requiring or
needing much expenditure, wasteful.
(mbas). (cf. mahkug).
mambong, Nice, pleasing, lovely,
pretty, good-looking, handsome, attractive,
goodly, comely, beautiful; modest, decent,
proper, self-respecting. (mbong).
mamion, Sweet-smelling, fragrant,
odoriferous, odorous, aromatic, scented,
perfumed. (mion).
maamomhon, Hospitable, keeping
open house, liberal in entertaining guests,
treating visitors well. (amma).
maampnon, Helping, helpful, giving
support; partner, party-man. (cf. mpin,
maamulwon, Watchful, keeping
watch,vigil,late hours; onewho stays
(sits) up late,who keeps watch and ward
over. (cf. amolw).
man, (B) To know, be aware of,
understand. Ind ak kaman. I do not
know. An ang namn-an mo? What do
you know? What have you studied or
learned? (cf. hibal, syod, etc.).
man bay, (B) I dont know. (cf. ambt,
amby, ilm).
mandak, Boastful, bragging, showing
off, proudly displaying, braggart, bluffing,
vaunting, ostentatious, swaggering, talking
big. (ndak).
manggid, Similar, like, resembling,
uniform with, the image of, very much the
same, much of a muchness, of a piece.
maanggd-nggid, Somewhat
resembling, like, not unlike.
manggot, Eating ordinary food, weaned
from the breast. (nggot)
manghit, Goatish, smelling like a goat.
(cf. nghit).
manghol, Smelling of sweat or
perspiration. (cf. nghol).

mangso, (B) Emitting a smell like urin.

(cf. ngso; mapngsot).
mangtod, Emitting a smell as of burned
food. (cf. ngtod).
maantgo, Clever, dexterous, expert,
skilled, skilful, adroit, apt, handy, well
versed. (cf. antgo; batd, and, sagd,
ansyno, alensyno).
manting, Hearing well, having good
ears, keen or sharp of hearing. (cf. nting).
mantod, Smelling like burned or
scorched food. (cf. ntod).
maantos, See mantod.
maantoron, Shy, bashful, timid,
retired, afraid, apprehensive. (cf. antor,
mahuly-on, mahuyon, mahdluk).
mantung, (B) Smelling like burning
feathers, bones or paper. (cf. ntung).
maantson, Patient, enduring, tolerant,
inured, suffering, bearing, tolerating,
sustaining. (cf. ntus).
manyag, Beautiful, nice, charming,
pleasing, handsome, comely, fair, pretty,
good-looking, goodly, lovely, attractive,
prepossessing. (cf. nyag, mambong,
magayn, maayyo, matahm,
maanyan, Fitting, proper, agreeable to,
suitable, congruous, going well with,
harmonizing with. (cf. ny, anyan).
mapgas, Difficult to swallow; rough,
sore (of throat). Mapgas nga bnga. A
fruit that can be swallowed only with
difficulty (on account of being sour and
coarse or the like). Mapgas ang kon
tutnlan. My throat is rough, sore. (pgas).
mapgot, Difficult to swallow or to pass,
due to dryness, mud, deep loose sand, etc.
Mapgot nga dlan. A muddy or sandy
road. Mapgot nga kngga. A wagon
difficult to draw on account of a bad road,
etc. (pgot, maspnot).
maapnon, Helpful, assisting,
succouring, aiding, protective, defensive,
defending, protecting. (pin, umalapn,
maapt-pit, Resembling, nearly alike,
similar. (cf. aptpit; maanggdnggid).
maplod, Astringent, acrid, acerb,
piquant, pungent, bitter, tart, sharp, hot or
biting to the taste. (cf. plod).
maps, Insufficient, desultory, of little
or no use, too little, of no avail, not
adequate. (cf. kabs, kulbus, klang,
maaraligotgotn, (B) Resentful, etc.
See maaligotgotn.
marat, (H) See madat.
maarm, (B) See maalm, malhom
not burning well.
maars-ars, Satisfactory, neither rich
nor poor, rather well-to-do, well off. (cf.
dawdaw, dirdir, hingnhingn).
masab, Dirty, filthy, disgusting,
omnivorous, not particular, applied to
persons who are ready to eat almost


masgad mabinadlngon
anything; also applied to the manners and
ways of prostitutes. (sab).
masgad, See maskad. (sgadskad).
maasn, Salt, salty, salted, saline,
brackish, containing salt, briny. (asn).
maskad, (H) Sore, inflamed, (of throat;
cf. skad, masgad).
maslum, Sour, acidulous, sharp, acid,
bitter, acerb, tart. (slum).
maso, (B) Smoky, smoking, full of
smoke, giving off much smoke, fumy,
smouldering. Maso nga digamohn. A
smoky kitchen, a kitchen full of smoke.
Maso nga khoy. Wood that gives off
much smoke when burned. (as).
maas, (H) See maso.
masoy, Explicable, explainable,
anything that can be elucidated or stated
clearly. Dl masoy in. That cannot be
explained. (soy).
mathag, Clear, distinct; manifest,
evident, plain, apparent, lucid, open,
honest, without tergiversation or twisting
of the facts. Mathag nga pagmtlang. A
clear, distinct diction or pronunciation. Sa
mathag nga hmbal. Frankly,
openly. In a frank, open manner of
speech. Mathag in. That is clear,
plain. (cf. thag).
mathag-mtlang, Vowel. (A modern
term; cf. pahgyon-mtlangconsonant).
matoy, (B) Thick, condensed, viscous,
viscid, treacly, stiff, not flowing easily, like
molasses, honey, porridge, or the like. (cf.
toy, malapyut).
maawon, Compassionate, sympathetic,
commiserating, condoling, pitiful, clement,
taking pity on, merciful. (w)
maawayn, Fighting, inclined to fight,
quarrelsome, pugnacious, belligerent. (cf.
way, mangangawy).
mawot, (B) Tough, hard, difficult to
dislodge or to make an impression upon.
(cf. wot, mahnit, matg-a).
maayd, (B) Good, well, healthy, fit,
sound; fine, nice. (cf. mayd, mayo).
maayd-yad, Dim. of maayd. Pretty
well; nice, beautiful, comely, pretty,
handsome, good-looking, attractive. (cf.
maayyo, maayay).
mayo, Good, honest, righteous, virtuous,
excellent, kind, well-behaved, honourable,
benevolent, wholesome, serviceable,
suitable, fit, proper, just, reasonable, fair;
well, healthy, strong, sound. Mayo si
nga to. He is a good (virtuous, etc.) man.
Mayo gid (in). This is very good. This is
just the thing. Very well. Mayo man. All
right. Wal mayo sa mo (sa ya, la, etc.)
knd. There is nothing better for you
(him, them, etc.) than. You (he, they,
etc.) can do nothing better than.
Mayo (gid) kuntn kon. It would be
(very) good (advisable, an excellent thing, a
splendid idea, etc.) if. Mayo si sing


Visayan-English Dictionary
lwas. He is physically fit, healthy, strong.
(cf. yo).
maay-yo, Beautiful, handsome, goodlooking, pretty, goodly, comely, pleasing,
prepossessing, winning, attractive,
engaging, charming, fine, nice.
maay-ay, Rather well, a little better,
in pretty good health, so so. Maayay na
si pang dl pa mayo gid. He is a little
better now (improved in health), but far
from being quite well.
mabhaw, Stale, old, cold, said especially
of cooked food. (bhaw).
mabh, Odoriferous, odorous, fragrant,
sweet smelling, scented, perfumed,
aromatic, smelling either bad or good;
stinking, fetid, malodorous, rank. This term
may be applied to any strong scent whether
pleasing or disagreeable. (bh).
mabah, Stinking, fetid, malodorous,
rank, emitting abad,foul,evil smell,
giving off astench,bad odour,
effluvium, exhalation. (bah).
mabahl, (B) Plump, large and stout,
large in circumference, said of persons and
things in general. Mabahl nga to, kalt,
khoy, baly, etc. A stout man, a thick
rope, a big tree or large piece of wood, a
large house, etc. (bahl) Also: rough,
coarse, ill-mannered. (cf. dak, madmol;
bstos, manl.)
mabahl, (H) Coarse, rough, uneducated.
mabkal, Much in demand, much
resorted to, selling well; going off well.
(bkal; cf. maka).
mabkas, Industrious, hard-working,
energetic, diligent, active, assiduous in
work. (bkas).
mabknal, Crammed, stuffed, full,
chock-full, choke-full, bursting, bulging (of
pockets, etc.). (bknal; cf. mabt-al).
mabknit, See babknita
contemptuous term applied to a woman.
mabkud, Firm, steadfast, strong, solid,
steady, reliable, not easily shaken or
moved, stanch, staunch, unshaken.
mabalalhson, Sweating, etc. See
mabalaligyon, Selling well, salable. (cf.
mabalslon, Grateful, appreciative,
thankful; giving tit for tat. (cf. blus).
mabalatinon, Sickly, infirm, weak (of
health); liable to catch a disease. (cf. bt,
mabalibdon, (B) Full of excuses,
evasive, shuffling, expert in finding
excuses, being resourceful in pretexts,
expert in inventing explanations. (cf.
mabalibron, (H) See mabalibdon.
mabalhon, Much-married, one who has
married several times, surviving several
husbands or wives. (cf. blo).

mablud, Wavy, bent in the form of a

wave, undulating, sinuous, rippled, ruffled,
corrugated; rough, rolling, choppy,
billowing, billowy (of the sea). (cf. blud,
mabaldon, (B) Wavy, rolling; stormy
(of the sea).
mabalron, (H) See mabaldon. (cf.
mabalson, Grateful; making a fitting
return. (cf. blus, mabinalson,
mabangs, Violent, cruel, fierce, harsh,
ferocious, brutal, tyrannic. (cf. bangs,
mabars, mapntas).
mabngkag, Bulky, cumbersome,
cumbrous, taking up much space on
account of not being compact, awkward to
carry on account of size or form, even if not
heavy in weight. Mabngkag ang mga
sging nga sinip sa bakg. Bananas in
clusters take up much room in a basket
(there being many hollow spaces).
Mabngkag inng hwla sang pspis. This
bird-cage is awkward to carry. (cf.
bngkag, magmbal).
mabng-og, Spoilt, rotten, bad,
unpalatable, corrupt, putrified (of food,
etc.). (cf. bng-og).
mabant-banton, Opining, guessing,
surmising, calculating. (cf. bnt).
mabaribdon, (B) See mabalibdon
full of excuses, etc.
mabars, Fierce, violent, harsh, cruel,
hot-tempered. (cf. bars, mabangs).
mabas, Wet, moist, damp, dank, dewy,
humid, clammy, watery, soggy, sodden,
water-logged, soaked with water or any
other liquid or having some liquid on the
surface. (cf. bas).
mabskug, Stiff, hard, unbending, rigid,
inflexible; strong, robust, of great strength
or vigour, healthy, vigorous. (cf. bskug).
mabaslaynon, Sharp, pointed, etc. See
mabslon, See mabinalsongrateful,
mabt-al, Crammed, stuffed full, chockfull, choke-full, bulging out. (cf. bt-al,
mabknal, pun, but).
mabayg, (B) Long-faced, with a long
face, horse-faced, fiddle-faced. (cf. bayg).
mbdus, To be pregnant, to bear, be (big)
with child, be in the family way, be in a
delicate or interesting condition.
Nagambdus si. She is with child or
pregnant. She is in a delicate or interesting
condition. Ginpambdus si ni Fulno.
She was with child by N.N. (cf. dla,
bsung, smbol, bntis).
mablog, Full, complete, entire, whole;
large, tall, well-developed. Mablog si sing
panglwas. He is a large (tall) man.
mabinadlngon, Correcting,
admonishing, adviser. (cf. bdlong).

Visayan-English Dictionary
mabinason, Combative, pugnacious,
quarrelsome. (cf. bis).
mabinalk-on, Concerned about,
careful, watchful, taking a great interest in,
bestowing great attention on, solicitous for.
(cf. balka).
mabinalaybyon, Poetical, poetic,
pertaining to the muse, possessing the
beauty of poetry. (balybay).
mabinalhson, Sweating, sweaty,
perspiring, oily, one who perspires much
and often. (blhas).
mabinalkdon, Concerned about,
mindful of. (cf. balikd, maulikirn).
mabinalson, Grateful, making a fitting
return. (blus).
mabinantyon, Watchful, observing,
observant, heedful, prying, keeping on the
look-out, dogging anothers steps.
mabinashon, One who reads or studies
much, studious, well-read, bookworm,
book-learned, given to reading. (bsa).
mabinatkon, (H) Resisting, rebellious,
stubborn, refractory, intractable, obdurate,
wilful, obstinate, opposing, withstanding,
disobedient, rebelling against orders,
answering back. (cf. btok, mabinaton).
mabinaton, See mabinatkon.
mabinatygon, Sentimental, sensible,
sensitive, feeling, easily affected, delicate,
susceptible of a sensation or feeling. (cf.
btyag, balatygon).
mabinaylhon, Changing, changeable,
shifting, fickle, variable, inconstant; a
changeling. (cf. bylo).
mabingt, Now and then used as an
adjective, but really a verbal form of bingt.
(cf. mog, pawkan, lampits).
mabinugnhon, Affable, friendly,
conversing amicably. (bgno).
mabinulnon, Moon-blind, purblind,
dim-sighted, not quite clear, indistinct,
misty, blurred, bleared. Mabinulnon ang
ya panluk. His sight is dim, he does not
see clearly. (cf. blan, bulnon).
mabinulgon, Helpful, aiding, lending a
hand, assisting. (blig).
mabinusison, (H) Curious, inquisitive.
(cf. buss).
mabinutng-butngon, Slanderous,
backbiting, reviling, calumniating,
libellous. (butngbtang).
mabinungon, (H) Breaking; breakable,
fragile. (cf. bung).
mabinuylgon, (H) Accompanying;
sympathetic. (cf. bylog).
mabinuyhon, (H) Inclining towards;
inclined, accustomed, inured, habituated,
disposed. (cf. buy).
mabhot, Sultry, hot, close, stuffy,
sweltry, torrid, boiling, roasting, baking.
(cf. bhot, magn-ot).
mablo, A kind of tree and its fruit.

mabinason madmol
mabubyok, Captivating, alluring,
enticing, inviting, tempting, seductive.
mabdh, Treacherous, perfidious,
disloyal, traitorous. (bdh).
mabdlay, Laborious, toilsome, arduous,
tedious, wearisome, irksome, tiresome,
tiring, tired. (bdlay).
mabudongn, Shy, bashful, timid,
reticent, quiet. (cf. budng).
mabdul, Short and thick, thickset,
stumpy, stubby, podgy, squab, squat,
dumpy. (cf. pudl, tipngk).
mabuganon, Fruitful, plentiful,
prolific, teeming, crowded, thick, studded,
galore. (cf. bugn).
mabg-at, Heavy, hefty, ponderous, of
great weight, weighty, back-breaking,
onerous, burdensome, grave, serious. (cf.
mabgnaw, Fresh, cool, cold, chilly;
indifferent. (cf. bgnaw, matgnaw,
mayamg, maramg).
mabug, (B) Short, etc. See malpot.
mabhat, Active, energetic, enterprising,
vigorous, reliable at work, sedulous, not
idle or lazy. Mabhat nga to. An active
man. (cf. mapsan, makar, makud).
mabhay, (B) Long (of time), lasting,
protracted, prolonged, enduring, lingering,
tarrying. (cf. bhay; madgay).
mabkag, Swelling, rising, bulging,
disarranged, dishevelled, in a tangle, said
of loose hemp-fibres, wool, hair, etc.
mabulkbulkon, Flowery; embellished
(of speech etc.; cf. mabulkon).
mabulkon, Flowery, full of flowers, like
flowers, in blossom, in bloom. Mabulkon
nga um. A field full of flowers. Mabulkon
nga hmbal. Flowery speech. (cf. blak;
himulk, hamulkbearing flowers).
mabulgon, Helpful. etc. See
mabululwon, Amenable to spells. See
mabulngon, mabulungn,
Admiring, astonished, with wonder or
amazement, surprised, in surprise. (cf.
mabuls, Next in turn, succeeding,
following, coming, ensuing. Sa tig nga
mabuls. Next year. The coming year. (cf.
mabuls-blus, Alternate, turn and
turn about, in turns, in shifts. (cf.
mabndul, Slow, dilatory, sluggish,
tardy, laggard, not quick or swift. (cf.
bndul, lgday, mahnay, pkok).
mabunghon, mabungahn,
Fruitful, productive, prolific, giving (good)
results. (cf. bnga).
mabsug, Smarting, hurting, throbbing,
painful, aching, sore (of toothache, of the

sting of a scorpion, of the prick of a needle,

mabtl, Nauseating, loathsome,
sickening, revolting, exciting a feeling of
nausea. (cf. btl; masm-ud).
mabuungn, Fragile, breakable, brittle.
(cf. bung).
mabut, Prudent, intelligent, wise,
clever; willing, obedient, tame,
domesticated, tractable, docile. (cf. but).
madbung, Dense, thick, full of foliage,
leafy, bushy. (dbung).
madagang, Bright, vivid, gaudy, garish,
showy, conspicuous, glaring, standing out
in clear, bright colours. (dagang).
madagang, See madagang.
madagngdang, See madagang id.
madags, Plentiful, abounding,
abundant, galore. (cf. abnda, dagy,
bugn, dags).
madgmit, Glib, inconsiderate in speech,
flippant of speech; swift, quick, at once,
without delay. (dgmit).
madahs, Daring, audacious, bold,
venturesome. (cf. makhas, dahs).
madhog, Sliding, or gliding off; selling
well. Madhog gid lang dir ang mga
ginabalgy nga ph. The mangoes sold
here are going like hot cakes. In this latter
sense cf. maka, mabkal id.
madahl-dahl, Pretty much, fair
amount, tolerably well, satisfactory.
Madahldahl nga kwrta ang ginhtag
ko sa mo; nga man nga nagaksmod pa
ikw? I have given you quite a little money;
why then are you still complaining or
fretting? (dahldahl).
madals, Precipitate, quick, hasty, rash,
thoughtless, impetuous, impulsive, without
much reflection or consideration. (dals).
madalaynon, Continual, constant,
persevering. (cf. dyon, madinaynon).
madal, Quick, immediate, without delay,
swift, at once, prompt, fast, speedy, rapid,
fleet, in haste, with haste, with despatch. Sa
madal ukn sa madgay. Sooner or later.
(cf. dal, madsig).
madlig, (B) Nice, beautiful, pleasing,
attractive, pretty, good, comely, handsome.
(cf. dlig, matahm, magayn, manyag,
madlum, Deep, profound, abysmal;
intense, clever, subtle. Madlum nga tbig.
Deep water. Madlum nga hmbal. A
subtle or clever saying. Madlum nga
pagpanguss. An intense (thorough)
investigation. Madlum nga
pagpanghunhn. Deep, profound
thinking. (cf. dlum).
madm, (H) Many, a great number,
numerous, a lot of, a great multitude or
quantity, much. (cf. dm).
madmol, Thick, not thin (of boards,
sheets, or the like). Madmol nga tp. A
thick plank. Madmol nga uln. A heavy


madmpig magshower of rain. Madmol nga plak. Thick

silver i.e. plenty of (much) money. (cf.
madmpig, Partner, assistant, helper,
associate, accomplice, backer, confederate,
ally, partisan, seconder, upholder,
supporter, abettor. (cf. dmpig,
madampgon, See madmpig.
md-an, From malto dry, etc. (cf.
mlhan, ml-an).
madngg, Conspicuous from afar,
bright, bright of colour, gaudy, glaringvivid, showy. (cf. dngg,
madnlak, Slippery, greasy, unctuous,
soft, fatty, especially said of lard, suet and
the like. (dnlak).
madnlog, Slippery, greasy, very smooth,
not providing a firm foothold. (dnlog).
madpig, See madmpig.
madapgon, See madampgon,
mabulgon, mabinulgon.
madsig, Quick, rapid, agile, fleet, swift,
fast, speedy. (dsig).
madasn, Following, succeeding,
successive, coming, ensuing, next. (dasn).
Sa madasn nga dlaw. On the next or
following day. (cf. masund).
madt, Enduring, lasting, long,
continual; much, plentiful, abounding,
abundant. (dt). (cf. masam, masayn,
masnsun; bugn, dagy, etc.).
madag-dagon, (H) Self-willed,
overbearing, insolent, proud, arrogant,
imperious, domineering, dictatorial. (cf.
madaw-daw, Satisfactory, pretty
good, sufficient, decent, not bad, not very
much, but not too little either.
(dawdaw). (cf. dirdir, aydayd,
mayo gwa, madahldahl).
madawg, Growing well, spreading,
expanding. (cf. dawg).
mady, Cheating, tricksy, wily,
defrauding, fraudulent. (dy). (cf.
madinayon, malimbngon).
madyad, (B) Good, well, nice, beautiful.
(cf. maayd, mayo).
madayw, Vain, ostentatious, conceited,
showing off, dandyish, snobbish, foppish,
dandified. Ang mga dalga nga madayw
kag lnd sing pamatsan. Girls that
are ostentatious and frivolous in their
behaviour. (dayw).
madinagton, Sea-sick; liable to become
sea-sick. (cf. dagt).
madinalagnon, Running, racing,
hurrying, coursing, careering, flying,
hastening, rushing along. (cf. dalgan).
madinalon, Affectionate, caressing,
petting, fondling, fond, kind, tender. (cf.
dl, mapinalanggon).
madinamghon, Dreamer, visionary;
dreaming, dreamy, vague. (cf. dmgo).


Visayan-English Dictionary
madinangton, Obtaining, conducive
to, leading to, tending to, helpful in getting
possession of. (cf. dngat).
madinag-dagon, Self-willed, etc. See
madinaton, Pernicious, nefarious,
injurious, obnoxious, bad. (cf. dut).
madinayon, Cheating, tricksy, etc. See
mady id.
madinaynon, See madalaynon.
madinuh-duhon, Dubious, doubting,
doubtful, hesitating, fluctuating, in doubt,
perplexed, in a quandary,pickle,
predicament, undecided, unable to make
up ones mind; a doubter. (cf. duhdha).
madinuhl-duhlon, See madinuhldlon.
madinuhl-dlon, Passing,
transferring, sending, handing, a
thing on, or to, someone else; a tell-tale,
chatterbox. (cf. dhol).
madinumdmon, Thoughtful,
recollecting, regardful, remembering,
mindful. (cf. dmdum).
madinumtnon, Hating, spiteful,
malignant, malevolent, vindictive, vengeful,
rancorous, full of ill will, bearing a grudge.
(cf. dumt).
madinuygon, madinuyugn,
Inclined, leaning towards, prone, warped,
biased, prejudiced, predisposed, disposed,
bent upon. (cf. dyug).
mdlus, A gale, squall, stiff breeze, blast,
a cap of wind; violent, strong, blustering (of
wind). Nagmdlus ang hangin. The wind
blew strongly. Ginmadlusn kam sang
hngin sa sakayn. We encountered
violent winds while we were on the boat.
mdmad, To become fully awake, wideawake, to get ones thoughts clear, to wake
up. Wal pa si makamdmad kag
namhaw na. He is not yet quite awake
and has taken breakfast already.
Nakamdmad na ikw
ornamadmarn na ikw? Are you now
wide-awake, are you quite clear in your
head? (cf. marsmas).
madolkton, Liable to be adhered to,
susceptible of, amenable to, not unlikely to
catch, apt to incur. Inng to madolkton
sang nit. This man is very liable to change
colour (to become very red in the face, or
the like) through exposure to the heat of
the sun. (cf. dokt).
madorogsnon, (B) Quarrelsome,
irascible, bad-tempered, irritable, choleric,
peevish, touchy, petulant, soon
exasperated. (cf. dgsan, maakgon).
mdre, (Sp. madre) Mother; sister of a
religious order or community; nun. (cf.
ily, nnay).
madrna, (Sp. madrina) Godmother. (cf.
madg, Juicy, luscious, lush, succulent,
sappy, full of sap or juice. (cf. dg).

madgay, Long, prolonged, protracted,

drawn out, lasting a long time. (cf. dgay,
maduh-duhon, Doubting, etc. See
madulm, Dark, dim, dusk, dusky,
obscure, destitute of light; concealed or
shrouded in darkness, mysterious. (cf.
madulm-dlum, Dim. of madulm.
Dim, dusky, rather dark.
madlup, Industrious, busy, occupied,
very active. (cf. dlup).
madmton, See madmutfull of hate,
madmut, Full of hate, spiteful,
vindictive, rancorous, malignant,
malicious. (cf. dumt).
madumton, Full of hate, etc. See
madunutn, Rotting, decaying, decayed,
carrion, decomposing, putrifying, putrid,
rotten. (cf. dnut, dunt).
madrup, See madlup.
madyug, Inclined towards, attracted,
swayed, allured, warped, biased,
prejudiced, predisposed. (dyug).
mastra, (Sp.) Teacher (female). (cf.
mastro, (Sp.) Teacher; master, boss. (cf.
manunon, magtuton, manundl).
mag-, A prefix used chiefly in the
following ways:
1) to denote the active infinitive, e.g. Hnd
na kam maglakt? Are you now ready to
set out? Malyag ak magtn-aw sin. I
want to see that. Magtun ka magsult
sing mayo. Learn to write well.
2) to form the active imperative, e.g.
Maghaln ka dir. Be off. Go away from
there. Magtman ka sin. Do this. Fulfil
this faithfully. Magkon na kam. Now, eat
your meal. Go to dinner. Ind ka magbhat
sin. Dont do that. Dl ka magsgid sin
sa ya. Dont tell him that.
3) To form the active negative with nd,
expressing a disinclination, objection or
lack of intention, e.g. Ind ak magbay. I
am not going to pound rice. I will not
pound rice. Nany, si Hos nd magtman
sang mo nga ginsg. Mother, Jos is not
doingorwill not do what you told him.
D (dl) si magtmbong, kon, sa mon
bd. They say that he is not taking part in
our entertainment.
4) To form the past active negative with
wal. Wal si magabt. He did not
come. Wal si magkdto ddto. He has
not gone there. Wal pa si magpanyga.
He has not had his dinner yet.
5) to form nouns (frequently by
reduplicating the first syllable of the root, e.
g. magtutonteacher (tun);
magbublungdoctor, physician (bulng);
magsuslatwriter (sult); mag-amy
father; mag-ankchild, son, daughter;

Visayan-English Dictionary
mag-ilymother; magluypartner; etc.
maga-, A verbal prefix used to denote:
1) the active future, e.g. Bus magalakt
ak sa Ilnglong. To-morrow I will walk to
Iloilo. Karn sa hpon magaabt gkan sa
Manl ang akon amy. This afternoon my
father will arrive from Manila. Kon bayan
mo dir sa nit ang bno tnto magaslum.
If you leave the red wine there in the heat
of the sun, it will go sour. (cf. ma-).
2) a present negation with wal, e.g. Si
Hos wal magtnum kahpon, wal man
si magatnum karn kag nd man si
magtnum bus. Jos did not plant rice
yesterday, neither is he planting rice to-day
nor will he do so to-morrow. This maga-
under 2) is never shortened into ma-.
magabk, Decaying, decayed, rotten,
decomposed, dilapidated, ruinous, falling
to pieces. (gabk).
magabokn, See magabk.
maggmay, magagmy, Small, little,
tiny, wee, diminutive, slender, thin, fine.
(cf. magamy, ggmay).
maggming, Dim. of maggmay.
Rather small, etc.
magah-gah, The best of a bad lot, the
least objectionable among a number of
things or persons not coming up to the
standard. (cf. gahgah).
maghud, Noisy, boisterous, rowdy,
loud, obstreperous, clamorous, uproarious.
(cf. ghud).
magalmhon, Averse to noise or
boisterousness, unsociable, retired, one
who keeps aloof from the bustle, noise and
strife of social life. (cf. gam).
magalmp, Intercessor, advocate,
patron, mediator, intermediary, arbitrator,
go-between. (cf. mp, umalmp).
magaln, Conspicuous, bright, vivid,
gaudy, glaring, showy (of colours): dandy,
spruce, ostentatious, making oneself
conspicuous. Magaln ang dug nga pul.
Red colours are conspicuous.
magalan, A rice-harvester, reaper. (ni).
(cf. mangalan).
magl-um, Cloudy, dark, lowering,
covered with clouds. (gl-um).
magalng, Boisterous, uproarious,
obstreperous, loud, clamorous, noisy,
making a racket. (cf. galng, maghud).
magamy, Small, little; slender, thin. See
magmbal, Bulky, large; inconvenient,
unwieldy, cumbrous, cumbersome,
awkward to carry on account of size or
shape. (cf. mabngkag, gmbal).
magam, Trouble-maker; turbulent,
tumultuous, riotous, disorderly, out of
hand, disturbing, radical, rowdy, bad, a
disturber of the peace, one who causes an
excitement or upsets an established
(peaceful) order. (cf. gam, magark).

maga- magka
mg-an, To lighten, be or become light of
weight, to alleviate, relieve, ease, mitigate,
assuage, levitate. Buhni ang mo llan
tbtub nga magmg-an. Lessen your
burden till it becomes light. Nagmg-an na
ang kon kalisdornamag-ann na
ak sang kon kalisd. My trouble has now
become easy to bear. Mag-an sing ditay
ang mo dal, kay tm kabg-at. Lighten
your load a little, for it is too heavy.
magna, (Sp. gana) Nice, savoury, tasty,
delicious, delectable, dainty, palatable;
relishing, having a taste or liking for;
stimulating, exciting (whetting) the
appetite, appetizing.
magans, Tasteless, insipid, watery,
especially applied to fruits and vegetables.
(magans is opposed to marabsavoury,
tasty). (gans).
magnhop, A kind of tree, whose leaves
somewhat resemble those of the tamarind.
magan, mag-an, A verbal form of
an. With bisn (kon)However.
Whatsoever. Bisn (kon) magan
kadak ang (sang) ya kinadman.
However great his learning may be.
Whatever (whatsoever) the extent of his
magnsal, Boisterous, noisy, etc. See
maghud. (cf. gnsal, magalng).
magp, Dense, bushy, umbrageous, of
thick foliage, with drooping, shady
branches. (cf. gp, madbung).
magars, Rough, harsh, uneven, bumpy,
rutty, bad, not smooth. Magars nga
dlan. A rough (bad) road. Magars nga
hmbal. A rough (coarse, harsh) speech or
saying. (cf. gars).
magars, Harsh, fierce, violent. (gars; cf.
magark, Rotten, decayed, carrion,
decomposed, putrid, in a state of
corruption or putrefaction, turbulent,
disturbing the peace, tumultuous, riotous,
causing a commotion. (cf. gark,
kagarokn; magam; gabk).
magart, Noisy, boisterous; voluble of
speech, gabbling, talking very quickly and
consequently not distinctly, pouring forth a
flood of words; dense, thick, crowded, near
together. (cf. gart).
mag-asaw, magasaw, Married, the
married persons. Ang mga mag-asaw.
Those that are married. Married people.
(cf. asaw, magtiyon).
magsto, Expensive, dear, costly,
extravagant, wasteful. (cf. gasto, kostso,
mambas, mahkug, mahinguyngon).
magtaw, Bright, glaring, showy, vivid,
conspicuous, outstanding, visible from afar.
(cf. gtaw, magaln).
magy, A kind of roughly made,
transparent cloth used for decoration, etc.,
magayn, Beautiful, handsome, nice, etc.
(gayn; cf. maayyo, manyag,

maaydyad, matahm, madlig,

magbablus, Retributive, rewarding or
retaliating, meeting out a fitting
recompense or a condign punishment,
magbalntay, Guard, watchman, watch,
sentinel, sentry, shepherd, guardian,
keeper, look-out, observer. (bntay).
magbubhat, Maker, creator,
manufacturer, artificer. (bhat).
magbubhis, Tax-gatherer, toll-taker,
collector of customs. (buhs).
magbublung, Doctor, physician,
medicine-man, medical man, leech, healer.
magbubnyag, One who baptizes,
baptist, minister of baptism; one who
waters gardens, etc. (bnyag).
mghat, Violent, ferocious, brutal, fierce,
cruel; wild, not tamed, uneducated. (cf.
masug, mapntas, mabangs; mail,
maghiliht, This term seems to be
employed only after a negative particle
(nd, dl) and then conveys the meaning
of: very loud, uproarious, boisterous, so as
to interfere with any ordinary conversation,
etc. Dl maghilibt nga uln, dagob, etc.
A very heavy downpour of rain, a very loud
thunderclap, etc. Waly lbut sang nd
maghilibt nga sinnggit sang mga
to. Notwithstanding the deafening
shouts of the men. (cf. bat).
mag, Maguey, agave, century plant that
yields a fibre used in the manufacture of
ropes and clothes. (cf. pta).
maglok, (H) Full of fine, dusty chaff. (cf.
magm-ang, Mud-stained, dirty, soiled,
sludgy, miry. (cf. gm-ang).
maginal-mon, Cloudy, full of clouds;
beclouded, confused, fuddled. (cf. glum).
maginanyton, Alluring, enticing,
captivating, bewitching, attractive;
cheating, deceitful. (cf. gnyat).
magn-ot, Close, sultry, hot, stuffy,
torrid, sweltry, boiling, roasting, baking,
stifling, scorching, suffocating (of heat). (cf.
gn-ot, mabhot).
magirmon, Active, busy, handy, always
occupied in some work; tranquil, peaceful,
at ease, without worry, going ones way
undisturbed, leading a quiet life. (cf.
girmon; mapsan, matndus, makar,
magisng, Rough, rasping, raspy,
grating, painful to the touch, not smooth.
(cf. gisng, magsrang).
magska, Angry, sharp, cutting, harsh,
acrimonious, severe, dour, ironical,
sarcastic, sardonic, rough, not gentle (of
speech). (cf. gska, mapads).
magsrang, See magisng.
magka, See nagaka. The magka
is often shortened to ma-, e.g. nd ka


magkaank mahans
magkahdluk, magkaklb, magkasub
(mahdluk, maklb, masub), etc.
magkaank, Children, sons and
daughters. Kam nga mga magkaank
nmon. We and our sons and daughters.
Sil nga magkaank nla. They and their
children. (cf. ank).
magkahimat, Relations, kith and kin.
Kam nga magkahimat nnyo. You and
your relations. (cf. bt, himat).
mgkal, Boa constrictor.
magkinumarihy, The feminine of
magkulumparihy. (cf. kompri, komri).
magkpo, A poisonous viper; a kind of
basilisk (alleged to have a horn or comb
and to crow like a cock).
magkubs, At least, at any rate, at all
events, on the lowest estimate. Ang
kasaplidnan sinng kambuyahn sa
magkubs mga ttlo ka gats ka
mngmang sa binulnblan. That firm, at
the lowest estimate, is making a profit of
three hundred pesos a month. Sohlan
ikw dir sa magkubs sing mamsos ang
dlaw. Your wages there will be not less
than one peso a day. Inng pinun nga
dt, kon magkubs na gid (sa
magkubs), magapatubs sa tugtig sing
kalm-an ka psong nga humy. This
piece of land produces at least fifty bushels
of rice a year. (cf. kubs).
magkulumparihy, Those related to
each other by a spiritual alliance, as by
means of Baptism or Confirmation. (cf.
maglbut, Round about, around,
encircling, enclosing, surrounding.
Maglbut sa plsa may matahm nga
kodl. Round the public square there is a
beautiful fence. Sa baly maglbut may is
ka malpad nga pamulkan. A large
garden surrounds the house. (cf. lbut).
mg-o, See pamg-oto be new to a
place, etc. (cf. bg-o, hnlaw).
magsaskit, Punisher, one who inflicts
pain or administers punishment, torturer,
tormenter, tormentor, executioner. (cf.
skit, sakt).
magsuslat, Writer; correspondent (of a
newspaper, etc.); author, literary man. (cf.
magtalsay, A kind of tree.
magtiyon, Husband and wife, living
together in the same household. Ang mga
magtiyon. Those living together as
husband and wife. (cf. tiyon, magasaw).
magtuton, Teacher, instructor, master,
professor, preceptor, tutor, pedagogue.
(tun; cf. manunon).
magulng, First-born, heir, the eldest
brother or sister; an elder brother or sister.
magultmon, Hungry, famished,
voracious, a great eater or feeder, one who
wants to eat very frequently. (cf. gutm).


Visayan-English Dictionary
magnum, Dark, leaden, cloudy,
lowering, overcast. (gnum).
magphal, Dry and hard, difficult to
swallow. (cf. gphal, kagphal; mapgas,
magtud, mag-tud, Brothers, sisters,
brothers and sisters. Ang mga mag-tud.
Brothers and sisters. Inng mga magtud
dalyon gid lang nagasinay. These
brothers are always quarrelling. (cf. tud).
mahbul, Blunt, dull, said of edged
instruments; opposed to matalmsharp
of edge, cutting well. (hbul; talm).
mahdluk, Afraid, frightened, affrighted,
scared, alarmed, panic-stricken, fearful,
shy, timid, timorous, funky. (hdluk).
mahadlkon, See mahdluk,
mahdok, Wavy, billowy, undulating,
ruffled. (hdok).
mahgak, Boasting, bluffing, bragging,
boastful, braggart, talking proudly of ones
achievements, vaunting, talking big,
ostentatious. (cf. hgak, mandak,
mahgbong, Shady, shaded, shadowy,
overshadowed, sheltered from the glare of
light; dark, cloudy. (hgbong).
mahgnop, Haunted, ghostly,
mysterious, visited by strange apparitions.
mahg, Hard, heavy, tiresome,
toilsome, exacting, difficult, strenuous,
laborious, fatiguing, said of work; mahg
is opposed to mahayeasy, light. (hg;
mahg-os, Lean, etc. See mahgwos.
mahgpis, Lean, thin, emaciated, wan,
skinny, spare. (cf. hgpis, manwang,
mahgpok, Crisp, brittle, friable, easily
crumbling, crumbly, short, fresh (said of
bread, cakes, or the like). (cf. hgpok).
mahagp, Tame, docile, gentle, mild,
domesticated, inoffensive. (cf. hagp).
mahgwos, (B) Lean, thin, pale, wan,
lank, gaunt, emaciated, skinny, spare,
wasted. (cf. hgwos, mahg-os,
mahkug, Expensive, wasteful, needing
much, greedy, avid, avaricious, ambitious,
causing great outlay. (cf. hkug, mambas,
mahl, Dear, high-priced, expensive,
costly, precious, esteemed, valuable,
estimable; to make or become dear, cost
much; to appreciate, esteem highly.
Nagmahl na ang humy. Rice has
become dear. Mahal ang mo
ginabalgy. Sell your wares dear or at a
high price. Ind mo si pagpamahaln
sinng mga saptos nga mo ginabalgy.
Dont sell him your boots at a high price.
Kon dl mahl bklon ko in. If it is not
dear Ill buy this. Ang Mahl nga Dis. The
good God. Ang Mahl nga Brhen. The

Blessed Virgin. Minamahl ko nga byan.

My dear friend.
mahaladlkon, (H) Afraid, timid,
fearful. (cf. hdluk, mahdluk,
mahalapon, (H) Out of breath,
panting, gasping, for breath, short of
breath, breathless, wheezing, one who soon
becomes exhausted for lack of breath. (cf.
hp, mahapon).
mahalron, Ready, willing, to
sacrifice or to contribute; generous, liberal.
(cf. hlad).
mahalimbawon, (H) Metaphorical,
figurative, in the form of a comparison or
illustration. (cf. halimbw).
mahlit, Destructive, injurious,
obnoxious, baneful, poisonous, painful,
noxious; envious, spiteful, insidious, ready
to cause damage. (cf. hlit).
mahalton, See mahlit.
mahl-mahl, Dim. of mahl. Rather
dear, expensive, costly, precious, valuable.
mahalngon, (H) Cherishing, careful,
solicitous, affectionate, bestowing great
care or attention upon, appreciative. (cf.
hlung, mahinalngon).
mahals, Famished, etc. See mahlwos.
mahals-hals, Neither poor nor rich,
moderate, mediocre, middling, satisfactory,
not too much nor too little, of moderate
means, rather well off, middle-class. (cf.
mahumnhumn, mahingnhingn,
dawdaw, dirdir).
mahlwos, Famished, exhausted,
hungry, weak (on account of lack of food
(cf. hlwos).
mahmtang, Even, smooth, level,
steady, placed firmly or evenly, on a firm
foundation. (butng).
mahm-ug, Wet, damp, moist, dank,
dewy. (hm-ug).
mahamg, See mahm-ug.
mahamungayon, Peaceful, tranquil,
happy, quiet, felicitous, blessed; abundant,
plentiful, fruitful, plenteous, teeming,
copious. (cf. hamungy).
mahamok, Deep, profound, restful,
sound, said of sleep. (cf. hamok).
mahamt, Scented, aromatic, fragrant,
perfumed, odorous, odoriferous, sweetsmelling, emitting a sweet or pleasant
odour (hamt; cf. mahumt id.).
mahanhay, Wide, spacious, roomy,
extensive, ample, vast. (hanhay).
mahanyak, Open, clear, unobstructed;
extensive, wide. (hanyak).
mahanyap, See mahanyak.
mahnip, Orderly, well arranged or
regulated: smooth, sleek. (cf. hnip).
mahnlud, (B) Open, wide, spacious,
said of a country-side. (hnlud).
mahans, (B) Slender, thin. (hans).

Visayan-English Dictionary
mahpay, Inclined, tilted, leaning
sideways, bent down, stooping. (hpay; cf.
mahpd, Smarting, sore, raw, tender,
painful, racking, excruciating, agonizing,
severe, shooting, burning, gnawing, sharp,
stabbing, said of pain. (cf. hpd).
mahp, Now and then used as an
adjective, but in reality only a verbal form
of hp.
mahapon, Out of breath, short of
breath, breathing hard, panting,
gasping, labouring, gulping, for
breath, breathless, winded, blown,
wheezing; liable to suffer from shortness of
breath. (cf. hp, mahalapon).
mahaps, Easy, facile, not difficult to
accomplish. (haps; (cf. mahuls).
mahs, Much in demand, popular,
frequented, much resorted to. (hs; cf.
maka, mabkal).
mahason, One who is amenable to
flattery, easily duped or cheated; tricky,
sharp, cunning. (cf. hs).
mahtal, Talkative, communicative,
chatter-box, chatty, gossip, garrulous,
loquacious. (cf. htal, buran, wakaln).
mahwan, Clear, open, unobstructed,
treeless, a clearing, said especially of fields
or country-sides. (cf. hwan).
mah, Nice, beautiful, perfect, flawless,
unblemished, faultless, uninjured, without
flaw or defect; to be or become nice, etc.
Tagi ak sing is ka pnid nga mah
(mamah) nga tabk, kay himon ko nga
kapti. Give me a flawless tobacco-leaf, for
I am going to use it as a wrapper. Nagmah
na ang guy sang bt. The childs face
has developed beautifully,has become
nice, or the like. (cf. mamah, ayyo,
maayyo, hmpit, lntip, gayn, nyag).
mahiabynon, Friendly, affable, kind,
amiable. (cf. byan).
mahibalonon, Knowing, wise, sapient,
learned, experienced, clever, dexterous,
skillful. (cf. hibal, alman,
manginalmon, mabtik).
mahidlwon, Home-sick, yearning to
see, longing after, wishing to meet or see
absent friends and relatives, nostalgic. (cf.
mahigl, Lewd, unchaste, dissolute,
immoral, wanton, libertine, rakish,
debauched. (cf. higl, hiwaln).
mahigaynon, Opportune, convenient,
advisable, proper. (cf. kahigaynan,
mahgk, Dirty, tarnished, soiled,
stained, sullied, foul, filthy, grimy, mucky,
defiled, unclean, impure, obscene. (cf.
hgk, msing, dgt, bulng, laglag).
mahgmaw, Not adjective, but a verbal
form of hgmawto relish new things and
experiences, etc.
mahigugmon, Loving, tender, kind,
warm, affectionate, tender-hearted, full of

mahpay mahingn-hingn
kindness and tenderness. (cf. ggma,
mahigs-higs, Less or smaller than
required, not as large as, not enough, not
quite sufficient, below the size or standard
of a thing serving as a comparison. (cf.
higshigs, klang, kabs, kulbus).
mahkaw, Envious, invidious, envying
another his position, quality or property.
(cf. hkaw, mahikawn, mahs,
mahikawn, See mahkaw.
mahikayn, Censorious, fault-finding,
cynical, captious, carping, hypercritical,
slighting, disparaging. (cf. hkay,
mahlab, (H) Empty of stomach, feeling a
turning of the stomach due to hunger, fear,
a severe shock or excitement. (cf. hlab).
mahilabtnon, Meddling, interfering,
meddlesome, officious, intrusive, apt to
intervene or take part in; a busybody. (cf.
lbut, hilabt).
mahilkon, (H) Regretting, regretful, full
of regret, bewailing or missing the loss or
absence of, cherishing the memory of
something; careful, solicitous, taking good
care of, unwilling to part with. (cf. hlak).
mahilawson, Fornicating, lecherous,
lustful, lewd, unchaste. (cf. hilwas,
malag, mahigl, hiwaln).
mahilidlwon, Yearning after, longing
for, etc. See mahidlwon.
mahilton, Retired, modest, unobtrusive;
in a corner, out of the way, hidden. (cf.
mahlway, Well-ordered, properly
arranged, orderly; free, independent.
Pangolohn nga mahlway (hlway). A
well ordered government, an orderly
national government that is not under the
control of a foreign power, a free or
independent government. The simple
hlway is more in use as an adjective than
mah-mah, mah-mh, Dim. and
Freq. of mahto be or become nice, etc.
mahimalson, Retaliating, revengeful,
longing for, taking, revenge, resentful,
vengeful, vindictive. (cf. blus, himlus,
mahimayon, Glorious, blessed, blissful,
happy, enjoying the happiness of heaven;
splendid, grand, brilliant, fine. (cf.
mahmpit, Now and then used for
hmpitperfect, consummate, ideal,
complete. (cf. lntip).
mahimud-son, Energetic, diligent,
active, making great efforts, vigorous,
striving hard. (cf. himd-os, mapsan,
makud, matinguhon).
mahimulatn, Desirous, anxious,
wishing, eager, earnest, zealous, longing.
(cf. himlat).

mahimuls, Useful, of use, serviceable,

advantageous, profitable, of service. (cf.
puls, himuls, kapuslnan,
mahimulslon, See mahimuls. Also:
taking advantage of, profiting by, making
good use of an opportunity.
mahimulusuln, See mahimulslon id.
mahimnung, Quiet, calm, soundless,
tranquil. (cf. pnong, himnung).
mahimunngon, See mahimnung.
mahimyung, See mahimnung id.
mahimuyngon, See mahimnung.
mahn, Scarce, difficult to obtain or
encounter, rare. (hn). (cf. mawat).
mahinakton, Hurtful, something that
hurts, inflicting pain, painful; spiteful,
revengeful, vindictive. (hinakt, skit,
mahinalakhkon, Very funny,
ridiculous, exciting laughter or merriment.
(cf. halkhak).
mahinalngpon, Intelligent, apt, smart,
sharp or quick of understanding, grasping
readily an idea or insinuation. (hangp).
mahinalngon, Cherishing, solicitous,
taking great care of, regardful, kind, fond,
affectionate, treating with tenderness and
affection, paying great attention to.
mahinandon, Ready, prompt, getting
things ready, providing, provident,
thoughtful, preparatory, prepared. (cf.
mahinandmon, Ambitious, desirous,
covetous, anxious. (cf. hndum).
mahinangpnon, See mahinalngpon
id. (hangp).
mahinangpon, See mahinalngpon
intelligent, etc.
mahinatgon, (H) Liberal, generous,
free, munificent, bountiful, open-handed,
giving freely, not stingy. (cf. htag,
mahnay, Slow, tardy, leisurely,
unhurried, deliberate, noiseless, careful,
tender, soft, gentle; dawdling, loitering,
sauntering, laggard. (cf. hnay, pkok,
bndul; mainamlgon, matinatpon).
mahingabton, mahingabutn,
Pursuing, prosecuting, persecuting,
revengeful, vindictive, aggressive, hostile;
hankering after, desirous, ambitious. (cf.
mahingamhon, mahingamohn,
Desirous of, wishing for, wishful, wistful,
craving, hankering after, yearning for,
longing for, covetous, ambitious. (cf.
mahingn-hingn, (B) Of some means
or use, neither poor nor rich, possessed of
moderate means, neither much nor very
little. (hingnhingn). (cf.
mahumnhumn, mahalshals).


mahinguyngon mailm
mahinguyngon, (H) Spending much,
wasteful, prodigal, lavish, extravagant,
spendthrift, making great out-lays in
money, etc. (hinguyng; cf. magsto,
mahning, (H) Lustrous, shining, shiny,
polished, gleaming, burnished, furbished,
bright. (hning). (cf. masilng).
mahinphpon, Bribing, suborning,
corrupting. (hphip).
mahnlas, Clean, not rusty, shiny,
shining, bright (of steel, etc.). (cf. hnlas,
mahinlwon, Home-sick, nostalgic,
feeling out of sorts in a new place or in new
surroundings, not growing well in new soil
(said especially of plants transferred to
another site). (cf. hnlaw, mahidlwon).
mahnl, Clean, smooth, even, fair (of
skin, etc.). (cf. hnl, matnl).
mahinoklgon, Compassionate, tender,
mild, merciful, commiserating, condoling,
kind, clement. (cf. hinklog, maloly-on,
mahinulslon, Repentant, penitent,
contrite, regretting, remorseful, sorry for
past wrongs or mistakes. (cf. hinlsul).
mahinunhunon, Thoughtful,
pensive, mindful, heedful, careful, wary.
(cf. hunhn).
mahinurnghurngon, A little
naughty, rather mischievous; a little rascal.
(cf. hurng).
mahinusyon, mahinusayn, Well
ordered, well regulated, inclined to order,
averse to disorder, orderly, regular. (cf.
mahil, Hard, trying, difficult; poor,
miserable. (hil).
mahpid, (H) Neat, trim, dapper, spruce,
smart, smug, spick and span, well groomed,
well dressed, well arranged. (cf. hpid).
mahpig, (B) See mahpid.
mahpus, Silent, quiet, keeping quiet,
keeping ones counsel, taciturn, sparing of
words, not talkative, uncommunicative,
mum, dumb, holding ones tongue, keeping
ones mouth shut; retired, reserved,
modest. (cf. hpus, mahipusn).
mahipusn, See mahpus.
mahras, Miserly, stingy, closefisted,
niggardly, mean, parsimonious. (cf. hras,
mamot, manot).
mahirinlwon, Home-sick, nostalgic.
See mahinlwon.
mahrup, Intimate, very confidential,
affectionate, friendly, familiar, close, close
friend, crony. (cf. hrup).
mahs, Envious, invidious, jealous,
spiteful, grudging, malicious, malignant.
(cf. hs, mahisan, mankaw).
mahisan, See mahs.
mahiugynon, Helping, helpful,
cooperating, assisting one another, in
agreement, harmonious, united, working in


Visayan-English Dictionary
unison for the common good. (cf. higyon,
mabinulgon, matinatabngon).
mahiutron, Fraternal, brotherly,
sisterly. (cf. tud).
mahiwl, With lolling tongue, lolling the
tongue, putting out the tongue, hanging out
the tongue (as a dog panting for breath);
garrulous, frivolous, restless, loose (of
morals. (cf. hiwl, hiwaln, mahulg,
mahiwason, Difficult, trying, hard,
miserable, distressful. (cf. hiwos).
mahmok, Soft, tender, kind, gentle,
yielding, impressible, impressionable,
moldable, malleable; intelligent, sharp,
keen, quick, acute (of discernment).
Mahmok si singtagiposon,lo. He
istender-hearted,intelligent. (cf.
hmok, malm-ok).
mahomt, Fragrant, etc. See mahamt.
mahay, Light, easy, facile, causing little
fatigue, said of work; it is opposed to
mahgtiresome, heavy. (cf. hay).
mahubagn, Swelling, puffy, tumid,
turgid, swoln, swollen, liable to swell up,
subject to ulcers, swellings, tumours, skindiseases, etc. (cf. hubg).
mahbol, Weak, feeble, frail. (cf. hbol,
malya, malumng, mapgaw).
mahgmay, Soft, gentle, mild, tender,
indulgent, relenting, placable, soon
forgiving or forgetting injuries. (cf.
hgmay, mahmoy, mahmok, malolyon, mahinoklgon).
mahgud, Diligent, assiduous, zealous,
with application. (cf. hgud, mapsan).
mahkmay, See mahgmay.
mahulg, Stirring, moving, restless,
vicious. (hlag).
mahulpay, Very sleepy, drowsy, almost
unable to keep ones eyelids open.
mahuls, Easy, facile, requiring little
work or knowledge. (huls; cf. mahaps.
mahlas, Hot, warm, steaming, steamy,
vaporous. (hlas).
mahulugywon, Cheerful, jolly,
hilarious, frolicking, jubilant, merry,
mirthful. (cf. hgyaw).
mahlung, (H) Having a strong,
pungent, penetrating smell. (hlung).
mahuly-on, (H) Bashful, shy, shamefaced. (huy).
mahumn-humn, Rather much, a
good amount or considerable quantity.
Mahumnhumn ang gingsto nya sa ya
bt tbtub nga natpus nya ang ya
pagton. He spent a good deal of money on
his son till he finished his studies. (cf.
mahmoy, Soft, gentle, yielding, pliable,
supple, flexible. (cf. hmoy, mahgmay).
mahumg, See mahamg.

mahungay, Relieved, improved,

recovered, better, rallying. (hungay).
mahnit, Tough, strong, resisting,
wearing well, lasting, enduring, durable,
difficult to make an impression on, hard.
(hnit; cf. maptol, mawot).
mahnlit, See mahnit. (hnlithnit).
mahn-ob, See mahn-og. (hnobhn-og).
mahn-og, Moist, wet, damp. (hn-og).
mahul, See mahiltrying, etc.
mahpit, Closely woven, neat, trim,
applied to textiles and wickerwork. (hpit).
mahrung, (B) See mahlung.
mahsay, Well ordered, in order, settled,
orderly, trim, tidy, snug, tight, wellarranged. (hsay).
mahuthut, Hearty, sincere, honest,
frank, straightforward, ingenuous, genuine,
candid, open, not merely formal. (cf.
mahuygp, Low, inclined, not steep,
sloping. (cf. huygp, mahuyt).
mahyang, Unstable, shaky, weak,
wobbling, wobbly, unsteady, rocking,
swaying. (cf. hyang).
mahuyon, (H) See mahuly-onshy,
shame-faced, etc.
mahuyt, See mahuygplow, etc.
mahuyt-hyut, Miserable, wretched,
poor, bad, trying, difficult. (cf.
mabgon, Covetous, ambitious, etc. See
mabug, maibugn.
mabug, Covetous, ambitious,
passionately desirous of, craving for, avid,
greedy, fond of, eager for, hankering after.
(cf. bug).
maibugn, See mabug.
mad-id, Exact, precise, diligent,
punctual, painstaking, wary, circumspect,
careful, with application or zeal. (cf. d-id).
maid-irn, See mad-id.
madlab, Sparkling, glittering, sending off
sparks, twinkling, flashing. (cf. dlab,
madlak, magpat).
madlak, Twinkling, sparkling, glittering.
(cf. dlak, madlab).
magpat, Flashing, twinkling, sparkling,
shining. (cf. gpat, madlab).
makit, Close together, close set, thickset,
dense, serried, crowded, narrow-spaced,
with but little interval or interstice
between. (cf. kit, magart).
mailon, (H) Desirous, covetous, wanting
very much, avid, fond of, having a liking
for. (l).
mailbgon, Sensual, sensuous, lustful.
(cf. bug, mabgon, mabug).
maililon, (H) See mailon id.
mailg-ilgon, Following, imitating,
imitative, copying, aping, mimicking. (cf.
log, ilgilg).
mailm, Dark, swarthy, dusky, dun,
brown, blackish. (cf. maitm, kayomngg,
alimbyug, ilm).

Visayan-English Dictionary
mailm-ilm, Dim. of mailm.
mailbon, Patient, long-suffering,
forbearing, forbearant, enduring, tolerant,
tolerating, bearing with, putting up with,
overlooking, undergoing pains, trials, etc.,
without complaint. (cf. lub).
mamon, Jealous. (mon).
mamot, (B) Stingy, close-fisted, miserly,
niggardly, parsimonious, mean. (mot).
mainabinon, Friendly, amicable,
companionable, amiable, sociable. (byan).
mainablwon, Affable, sociable,
conversing amicably, friendly. (cf. blaw).
mainagpon, An early riser, rising early,
up early, up betimes, starting work in the
early morning. (cf. agp).
mainagdhon, Inviting, alluring,
enticing, charming, attractive; hospitable,
generous. (cf. gda).
mainakgon, (H) Irascible, badtempered, choleric, getting angry soon,
quarrelsome, easily excited to anger,
irritable, touchy, testy, techy, wrathful, hottempered. (cf. kig, akg, pikn, tardyon).
mainakpon, Hospitable, charitable,
looking after the needy, kind to visitors,
receiving them with an open heart and
hand. (cf. kup, inakp).
mainalg-agn, Undecided, wavering,
hesitating, etc. See maalg-ag).
mainalgdon, Serving, faithful, dutiful,
obliging; willing to giveaid,help,
assistance. (cf. gad).
mainalypon, Helpful, sympathetic,
compassionate, ready to assist those in
need of shelter or food. (cf. ayp).
mainalilon, Taking care of, etc. See
mainalyon, mainaloyn, Feigned,
pretended, sham, fake, put on, makebelieve, hypochondriac, pretending,
applied to illness as well as to the one that
feigns or imagines himself to be sick. (cf.
loy, aloyn).
mainalungyon, An importunate
beggar, one who is always asking for some
special favours, privileges, etc.;
burdensome, troublesome. (cf. alungy).
mainamlgon, Careful, circumspect,
cautious, wary, chary, watchful. (cf. mlig,
mainampon, Devout, praying much,
pious, man of prayer, given to prayer,
prayerful, devout, contemplative. (cf.
mainamulwon, Watchful, vigilant, etc.
See maamulwon.
mainamton, Contributing, generous,
liberal, open-handed. (cf. mot).
mainandkon, Boastful, boasting,
braggart, bragging, self-praising, bluffing,
talking big, boaster, bragger, a vain fellow,
a braggadoccio. (cf. ndak).
mainandmon, Careful, circumspect,
with foresight, watchful, wary, cautious.

mailm-ilm makamainantson, Bearing, suffering

affliction or hardship, undergoing with
fortitude, patient, forbearant. (cf. ntus,
mainapnon, Helpful, assisting,
seconding, supporting, protecting,
defending, defensive, vindicating, taking
sides with. (cf. pin).
mainat-atohn, One possessing, some
intelligence or capacity, capable of
handling or managing a job tolerably well,
rather smart, of moderate intelligence, or
ability. (cf. atto).
mainawon, Compassionate,
sympathetic, taking pity on. (w).
mainawton, Detaining, hindering,
hampering, impeding, keeping one busy,
encroaching on ones time. (cf. awt).
mainawyon, mainawayn, Warlike,
martial, anxious or ready for a fight,
pugnacious. See maawayn.
mainayhon, (H) Mending, repairing,
patching up. (yo).
manggat, Twinkling, sparkling,
glittering, scintillating. (nggat; cf.
magpat, madlab).
manghit, Loose, shaky, unsteady, not
firm, shaking, rocking, wobbly. (nghit).
mangol, (B) Scarce, rare, difficult to
obtain. (ngol; cf. mawat, mahn).
manit, Warm, hot, heated, sultry,
sweltry. (cf. nit).
manot, (H) Economical, parsimonious,
niggardly, mean, sparing, not wasting.
(not; cf. maknot, mamot).
mantok, (B) Small, little, wee, tiny,
minute, fine, consisting of small, tiny pieces
or particles. (cf. ntok; magamy, ditay,
mainugdngon, Self-respecting, formal,
modest, decent, proper, not frivolous. (cf.
gdang, magdang).
mainugynon, mainugyonn,
United, in unison, closely attached to each
other, cooperating, collaborating, pulling
well together. (cf. gyon).
mainuligon, Scoffing, jeering, jibing,
mocking, making, game of, jesting,
deriding, ridiculing. (cf. ulig).
mainulgton, Angry, cross, furious,
wild, rabid, irate, apt to become angry, etc.
at the slightest provocation. (cf. ugt).
mainumpton, Scoffing, mocking,
insulting. (cf. mpit, mainuligon).
mainumron, Restraining oneself from,
abstaining, abstemious, mortifying,
abstinent, temperate. (cf. mud, pamud,
mainunngon, Attached to, partial to,
adhering to, united with, ready to help or
assist out of natural affection or sympathy.
(cf. nung).
mainuslitnon, Joking jesting, mocking,
making game of, making a butt of,
ridiculing. (cf. slit; uslitn).

mainusmron, Leading tomisery,

bankruptcy,poverty; sinking, falling,
liable to come to grief. (cf. smud).
mainuswagn, Progressive, prosperous,
extending, making progress, getting on,
making ones way in the world; postponing,
procrastinating, prolonging, protracting.
(cf. swag).
mainutihn, Circumspect, careful,
diligent, zealous, assiduous. (cf. ti,
mi-om, To guess, conjecture, surmise,
suppose, think, imagine, judge, opine. Sa
kon pagmi-om. According to my
opinion or guess. An, ang namaiomn mo sa ya nahanungd sang
pagkasnug sang ya baly? What is your
conjecture about him as to the burning
down of his house? Mai-om sing mayo,
bs malagpatn mo ang matod. Make a
good guess, perhaps you may hit on the
truth. (cf. bn, bnt, hunhn, pakt,
mi-ong, (H) Sack, bag especially one
made of buri-leaves and used to pack sugar.
(cf. bayong).
mas, (Sp. maiz) Maize, Indian corn, corn.
masip, Selfish, calculating. (sip).
maist, Little, small, slight. (cf. ditay,
masug, Brave, valiant, intrepid, bold,
courageous, violent, strict, harsh. (sug).
maitm, Dark, dusky, black, sable, ebon.
(itm; cf. mailm, gta).
mawat, Scarce, rare, not easy to obtain.
(wat; cf. mahn, mangol).
maiyiyhon, Selfish, egotistic. (cf. ya
his, etc.).
maka-, A prefix used in the following
1) To form the potential future tense of the
active voice (cf. ma- for the passive voice),
e.g. Makabhat ikw sin? Are you, or
shall you, be able to do that? Makadngat
si sang ya nga ginaty, kon mapsan
si. He will be able to obtain his desire, if
he is earnest about it. Makabyad na si
sang ya tang, kay dak ang sinplid
nya sa pangomrsyo. He can now pay his
debt, for he has made a large profit in
business. Wal si makaabt, kay
madmol ang uln. He could not come, for
there was a heavy rain. Ind si makahaln.
He cannot leave or get away. N.B. Quite
frequently this maka-, particularly in
verbs expressive of any mental or sensitive
operation, has the meaning of the present,
e.g. Makahibal ka sin? Do you
understand this? Makabat ikw sang
tung sang linggnay? Do you hear the
sound of the bell? Makakt na ak sa ya
dir. Now I see him over there. (cf. naka-).
2) to form adjectives meaning able to,
capable of, giving rise to or causing what
the root implies. Maka- is either simply
prefixed to the root, e.g. makak


makak makalilsang
powerful, mighty (k) or, as is more
frequently the case, the first syllable of the
root is reduplicated and then maka-
prefixed, e.g. makalilpaycausing joy or
pleasure, joyful, pleasing (lpay);
makalilsanginspiring terror, causing
great fear, terrible, shocking (lsang);
makangingl-adexciting nausea,
loathsome (ngl-ad), etc.
3) to form multiples corresponding to the
English -times, e.g. makalboa thousand
times; makaduhkapltwenty times;
makaisonce, etc.
makak, Powerful, mighty, potent,
holding sway, ruling; capable, able. Ang
Mahl nga Dis nga Makak sa
ngatann (sang tann). God who is
almighty. (cf. k, makagaghum).
makabibgne, (H) Exciting horror or
fright, terrible, dreadful, frightful, awful,
horrible, horrid, horrific, terrific, fearful,
shocking to look upon, etc. (cf. bgne,
makakulgmat, makalilsang,
makabibhag, (H) Captivating, alluring,
taking, enchanting, charming, enticing,
bewitching, enthralling. (cf. bhag).
makabilgne, (H) See makabibgne.
makabullag, (H) Blinding, dazzling.
(cf. blag, bulg).
makabulngul, (H) Causing deafness,
deafening, ear-splitting. (cf. bungl).
makabulsug, (H) Satisfying, satiating,
filling, gratifying to repletion. (cf. busg).
makadm, (H) Often, oft, frequently,
ofttimes, many times, repeatedly, over and
over again, again and again. (cf. dm,
masam, masnsun).
makaduh, (H) Twice, a second time. (cf.
makag, Often used instead of maka-,
e.g. makagbligmakablig;
makaghuptmakahupt, etc. etc.
makagaghud, (H) Rowdy, noisy, etc.
See makagull. (cf. ghud).
makagaghum, Having power or
authority, powerful, mighty, potent, ruling,
holding sway, influential, puissant, strong,
great. (cf. gahm, gamhnan, makak).
makagalnya, (H) Alluring, enticing,
enthralling, bewitching, captivating, taking,
charming. (cf. gnya, makabibhag,
makaill, makalulmay).
makagalnyat, See makagalnya.
makgh, Sad, sorry, regrettable,
grievous, sorrowful, afflicting, afflictive. (cf.
kgh, makakalgh).
makgud, Greedy, voracious, gluttonous,
covetous, ambitious, avid. (cf. kgud,
dalk, mabgon, maibugn).
makagull, (H) Rowdy, boisterous,
exciting, disturbing, noisy, uproarious,
causing, or leading to, a disturbance, a
disorder, or the like. (cf. gl,


Visayan-English Dictionary
makahahdluk, Causing fear, terrific,
horrid, horrible, horrific, fearful, terrible,
dreadful. (cf. hdluk; makakulgmat).
makahaldluk, (H) See makahahdluk.
makahalgnop, (H) Uncanny, weird,
queer, unearthly, causing an uncanny or
weird feeling. (cf. hgnop).
makahalm-ut, (H) Delightful,
delicious, pleasing, pleasant, funny,
ridiculous, laughable, exciting laughter,
comic, comical, amusing, exhilarating. (cf.
makahalanguys, (H) Shocking, awful,
terrible, dreadful, tremendous. (cf. kuys,
hanguys, makahahdluk).
makhan, Sharp, acerb, acid, acrid,
bitter, burning, astringent, hot or biting to
the taste. (cf. khan).
makhang, See makhan id.
makahanklog, Piteous, miserable,
forlorn, wretched, doleful, pitiful, exciting
sympathy or compassion. (cf. hanklog;
mahinoklgontender, gentle,
makahansb, Sad, dreary, sorrowful,
doleful, dismal, dolorous, grievous, exciting
grief, sorrow or sadness. (cf. sub).
makhas, Audacious, daring, reckless,
rash, foolhardy, venturesome, temerarious,
impertinent, shameless, bold. (cf. khas).
makahihlak, Regretful, regrettable,
lamentable, missed, longed for, causing
regret or longing for something lost or
absent. (cf. hlak; makanginglin).
makahihlas, (H) Tickling, itching,
titillating, irritating; exciting, disturbing.
(cf. hils).
makahihl, makahihlo, Poisonous,
venomous, baneful, virulent. (cf. hil).
makahilgk, Loathsome, abominable,
shameful, filthy, dirty, making one blush.
(cf. hgk).
makahillak, (H) See makahihlak.
makahill, makahillo, See
makahuhy, Shameful, disgusting,
disgraceful, exciting shame, putting to
shame. (cf. huy).
makahulbug, (H) Intoxicating,
inebriating, causing drunkenness. (cf.
makahuly, (H) See makahuhy.
makabug, Desirable, delectable,
enticing, seductive, exciting a passion or
longing. (cf. bug).
makaibg-bug, Dim. of makabug.
makailbug, (H) See makabug.
makaill, (H) Charming, bewitching,
captivating, attractive, causing a desire or
liking for. (cf. l).
makailmol, (H) Impoverishing,
reducing, leading, to poverty. (cf. mol).
makairbug, (B) See makabug,

makairma, (B) Attractive, enticing,

charming, pleasing, tantalizing, alluring.
(cf. ma; makaill).
makais, (H) Once. (cf. is; ksra).
makakaldlaw, (H) Ridiculous, comic,
laughable, risible, ludicrous, comical,
amusing, exciting laughter, causing
merriment, funny. (cf. kdlaw;
makakalgh, (H) Grievous, painful,
distressful, distressing, afflicting, afflictive,
causing pain and grief, sorrowful. (cf.
kgh, makahansb).
makakulgmat, (H) Awful, fearful,
tremendous, terrific, terrible, horrible,
horrid, inspiring fear or terror, frightful,
shocking. (cf. kgmat; makalilsang).
makakullb, (H) Intimidating,
abashing, disconcerting, causing
nervousness or shyness. (cf. klb).
makakulnyag, (H) Gladdening,
gladsome, cheering, cheerful, joyous,
joyful, inspiriting, sprightly, blissful, happy,
gay, causing joy and gladness. Ipalnog
nnyo sa madal ang makakulnyag nga
balt. Publish at once the joyous news. (cf.
knyag; makalilpay).
makalalmon, (H) Ticklish, one who is
easily tickled. (cf. kalm).
makalalamn, (H) Causing total
blindness, blinding. (cf. lamn).
makalalnag, (H) Indigestible,
unwholesome, bad for the stomach,
causing indigestion, flatulence,
indisposition or disorder of the stomach
(especially said of tainted fish). (cf. lnag).
makalalnag, (H) Causing or giving
moisture, wet, damp, moist, humid. (cf.
makalaln-ag, Causing blisters,
pustules, eruptions, excoriations,
abrasions, or the like. (cf. ln-ag).
makalals-ay, (H) Tedious, disgusting,
noisome, causing disgust or aversion,
loathsome. (cf. ls-ay).
makalalton, (H) Contagious,
infectious, catching, taking, spreading. (cf.
latn, manlalton).
makalm, Itching, titillating. Makalm
si sing kamt. He has an itching hand, i.e.
he is dishonest, a thief, light-fingered.
makalilmas, Bad, injurious, deleterious,
aggravating, causing a disease to become
worse. (cf. lmas).
makalilngaw, Distracting, diverting,
amusing, providing relaxation or diversion,
entertaining. (cf. lingw).
makalilpay, Gladdening, cheering,
gladsome, comforting, joyful, joyous,
blissful, consoling, giving joy or pleasure,
cheerful, heartening. (cf. lpay).
makalilpong, Benumbing, stunning,
stupefying, causing a fit or swoon. (cf.
lpong, lipng).
makalilsang, Terrible, terrific, fearful,
awful, tremendous, shocking, horrid,

Visayan-English Dictionary
horrible, astounding, dreadful, frightful.
makalim, Five times. (cf. lim).
makalulgpay, (H) Tender, mild,
calming, lessening, softening, assuaging,
mitigating, alleviative. (cf. lgpay).
makalulmay, (H) Bewitching,
captivating, charming, enchanting,
enthralling, entrancing, casting a spell
upon, infatuating. (cf. lumy, lmay).
makalulod, Emitting a stench, stinking,
evil-smelling, fetid, nauseating,
abominable, horrible, exciting loathing or
aversion. (cf. lod).
makalul-oy, Exciting compassion or
sympathy, miserable, wretched, poor,
pitiful, piteous. (l-oy).
makalulyag, Likeable, desirable,
lovable, pleasing, delightful, attractive.
makamamtay, Deadly, deathly,
mortal, killing, death-dealing, mortiferous,
fatal, destructive of life. (cf. paty, maty).
makamimngaw, Dreary, sad, doleful,
sorrowful, causing a feeling of sorrow,
loneliness or dejection. (cf. mngaw).
makamulsmus, (H) Ruinous,
destructive, reducing to misery, leading to
poverty. (cf. msmus).
mkan, Bamboo-matting. See amkan.
makn, A kind of rice ripening rather late
and usually harvested during the month of
December. (cf. arabn).
maknat, Tiresome, slow, tedious,
retarded. See maknat.
makangildlis, See makangingdlis
shocking, etc.
makangill-ad, Loathsome, etc. See
makangingdlis, Shocking, awful,
horrid, horrible, horrific, terrible, frightful,
causing ones hair to stand on end. (cf.
ngdlis, makakulgmat, makalilsang,
makahahdluk, makabibgne).
makangingl-ad, Loathsome, exciting
nausea or aversion, abominable, noisome,
sickening, disgusting, nauseous. (cf. nglad, makalulod).
makanginglin, Regrettable, deplorable,
exciting regret or sorrow for the loss of
something valuable, causing remorse.
makn-um, Six times. (num).
makapadungg, Giving distinction,
honourable, to the honour of, adding
honour or dignity. (dungg).
makapal-ul, makapalul, (H)
Tiresome, exhausting, tiring, fatiguing,
toilsome, wearisome, causing fatigue. (pul, pul).
makp-at, Four times. (pat).
makapit, Seven times. (cf. pit).
makpog, (B) Stale, cold, old (of rice,
etc.). (cf. kpog; mabhaw).
makapl, Ten times. (cf. pl).

makalim makigs
makapulng-aw, (H) Dreary, weary,
sorrowful, causing grief or sorrow. (cf.
makapulto, (H) Ruinous, leading to
bankruptcy, impoverishing. (cf. pto).
makaralamn, Blinding, depriving of
sight. See makalalamn.
makrat, Pungent, acrid, etc. See
makar, (B) Diligent, handy, obsequious,
prompt and willing (of servants or the like).
(cf. mapsan, matndus, sagd, mabtik,
makasasl, Sinful, sinner, wicked, evildoer, delinquent, offender, transgressor,
guilty, prevaricator, wrong-doer. (cf. sal).
makasim, Nine times. (cf. sim).
makasilgne, (H) Horrible, terrible, etc.
See makabibgne.
makasisgne, (H) See makabibgne,
makasilgne id.
makasislaw, (H) Dazzling, bright,
shining, very bright or clear, splendid. (cf.
makasolmo, (H) Loathsome,
disgusting, nauseating, sickening,
abominable. (cf. sum).
makatalka, (H) Disgusting,
abominable, causing aversion, sickening.
(cf. tak).
makatalndog, (H) Touching, affecting;
charming, captivating. (cf. tndog).
makatalanhg, (H) Marvellous,
astounding, amazing, astonishing,
wondrous, wonderful, stupendous,
miraculous, extraordinary, phenomenal.
(cf. tanhg).
makatbal, Surfeiting, nauseating,
sickening, loathsome, exciting aversion or
nausea. Ginmlay si nya sing makatbal.
He abused him soundly in very strong
language. Ginkn-an nya ang bboy sing
makatbal nga pangon. He ate of the
porkorpartook of the pork till he felt a
loathing for it. (tbal; cf. makasolmo,
makatilingla, (H) Wonderful,
astounding, wondrous, amazing,
stupendous, astonishing, admirable,
strange, exciting, causing astonishment or
admiration. (cf. tingla, makatitingla,
makatalanhg, katingalhan).
makatitingla, See the foregoing
maktlo, Thrice, three times. (ttlo).
makatulyo, (H) Exciting sleep, sleepy,
lulling, drowsy, soporiferous, soporific,
slumbrous, somniferous, somnific. (tuy).
makaulgtas, (H) Exasperating,
irritating, nettling, trying ones patience,
tiring, tiresome, wearisome, troublesome,
wearying, toilsome. Ang pagpandl sa
mga kabatan am ang sa ka butng nga
makaulgtas kayo. Teaching children is a
hard, toilsome or burdensome task.

makaulgut, Exasperating, nettling,

irritating. (cf. ugt).
makw, A kind of roughly made boots
and shoes of Chinese manufacture from
Macao; roughly made (but strong and
durable). Makw nga trabho. Rough
work, not well made. Saptos nga makw.
Boots from Macao, boots that are not well
makawal, Eight times. (cf. wal).
makwat, (H) Thief, sneak, cheat,
embezzler, pilferer, pick-pocket, robber,
burglar. (cf. kwat, matkaw, makwt,
maninkas, swtik, sagumr).
makawiwli, Pleasing, pleasant,
delightful, lovely, alluring, enticing,
likeable, nice, charming, beautiful,
entrancing, taking, enchanting. (cf. wli,
makalulyag, makalilpay, makabibhag).
makwt, A petty thief, filcher, pilferer.
(cf. kwt, makwat).
makyh, A kind of skin-disease
somewhat similar to measles, but usually
passing off in a few days. Also used as a
verb. Ginamakyh si. He has the skindisease makyh. Minakyh si sang is
ka tig. Last year he had the skin-disease
makyh. Andam ka, agd nd ka
pagmakayhan. Be careful not to catch the
skin-disease makyh.
makayuygt, Unpleasant, annoying,
discontented, not convenient, not
satisfactory. (cf. ygt).
maki-, A prefix denoting an attachment
to, a wish, desire or love for, what the root
implies, e.g. makiplakdesirous of
making money, looking for profit;
makitbangseeking or asking help.
Attached to verbs maki- (magapaki-,
magpaki-) is used for an incomplete or
future action, whilst nagapaki-, naki- and
pagpaki- are used for the present, past and
the infinitive respectively. Magapaki- for
the future is seldom used. (cf. paki-,
makiambngon, A lover of what is
beautiful; an artist, one skilled in the fine
arts; actor, actress, dancer. (cf. mbong;
makiangyon, Desirous of equality,
democratic. (cf. ngay).
makibton, Nervous, etc. See
makilibton, makinugmton).
makd-ol, Just right, done to a turn, not
too hard and not too soft, tasty, nice, said
of tubers, bananas, boiled rice, etc. (cf. kdol).
makig-, See maki-. These two prefixes
have the same meaning and may be used
promiscuously. Custom and euphony
decide which of the two is to be employed
in any particular case.
makigs, Very dry, exsiccated, parched,
arid, waterless; barren, desert,
unproductive (of soil). (cf. kigs).


makigdaton mal
makigdaton, Peaceful, peaceable,
pacific, quiet, meek, loving peace and quiet,
wishing to live in peace with everybody. (cf.
Conversationalist, orator; loving to talk or
speak, addicted to, given to(public)
makiharinon, Attached to royalty, fond
of royal customs and manners, royalist,
imperialist, not democratic. (cf. hr).
makihilawson, Fornicator, lewd,
unchaste, wanton, lecherous, lustful,
sensual, carnal, erotic, immoral, attached
or addicted to sensual pleasures, inclined
to sins of the flesh. (cf. lwas, hilwas).
makiya, Egoistic, egotistic, egotistical,
conceited, self-important, selfish, selfseeking, self-sufficient. (cf. ya).
makils, Trembling (as from an electric
shock), shivering, quaking; shaking,
cringing, quivering with fear or surprise, as
a bird when caught, as a timid dog when
approached by a stranger. (cf. kils).
makilibton, Nervous, excitable, easily
agitated, soon upset or afraid for the
slightest reason. (cf. kibt).
makilmos, Beggar, mendicant, poor
fellow. (cf. lims, pbre, prbe, mol).
makilitn-on, Seeing well, having good
eyes, sharp or keen of sight, hawk-eyed,
lynx-eyed. (cf. kt).
makilitn-on, Also: one who is afraid of,
and sees, ghosts everywhere (kt).
makiliton, makilitan, See
makinabudlyon, Industrious, active,
energetic, working hard, exerting oneself,
assiduous, sedulous. (cf. bdlay).
makinaghon, Sighing, sighful,
grieving, lamenting, complaining. (cf.
kgh, makakalgh).
makin, mkina, (Sp. mquina)
Machine. (cf. galingn, dawdwan).
makinauga1ingn, Attached to ones
own, hence: nationalistic, independent. (cf.
kaugalngon, makiugalngon;
makn, Parsimonious, frugal, thrifty,
sparing, saving, economic, economical,
economous, spending little. (cf. kn).
makinsta, (Sp. maquinista) Machinist,
mechanician, mechanic. (cf. inhenyro).
maknot, Frugal, thrifty, parsimonious,
saving, close, miserly, niggardly, mean,
sparing in expenditure; economical. (cf.
knot, makn, manot, mamot).
makinugmton, Nervous, easily
frightened. (cf. kgmat, makilibton).
makinton, See maknot.
makinuywon, Shy, bashful, avoiding
the society of men. (cf. kuyw).
maksdong, Pouting, frowning, sulky,
scowling, black-looking, lowering, dark-


Visayan-English Dictionary
browed, sullen, crabby, cross, threatening,
morose, peevish, surly, pettish, petulant,
showing discontent or anger in ones face.
(cf. ksdong, lrong, sngon, ariwarng,
makisdngon, (H) See maksdong.
makism, (B) Sour, acidulous, acrid,
acerb. (cf. kism, maslum).
makitd, Narrow, contracted,
circumscribed, limited, restricted,
straitened, confined within a small space.
(cf. kitd).
makiugalngon, makiugalingn,
See makinaugalngon, makinaugalingn
nationalistic, independent, etc.
mkmak, To strike, beat, smite, slap,
smack, spank, thwack, whack, cudgel,
thrash. Ginmakmakn ak nya sang binal. He beat me with a piece of split bamboo.
Makmak si sang sinlas. Spank him with
the slippers. Imkmak sa ya ang bilogn,
bulunl, lalmpus, etc. Beat him with the
rod, the whip, the stick, etc. (cf. bnal,
hnot, hmpak, blbal, lmpus, lmba,
pkpok, pakng, nsnus).
makbot, Burying ones teeth in, holding
on to with ones teeth, adhesive, adhering,
sticking to. (cf. kbot).
mkol, A kind of mushroom. See
mak-mak, To like or appreciate the
taste of something new, not having tasted
the like before; to be selfish, haughty,
stuck-up, to despise, look down upon ones
former friends with indifference or even
contempt, as sometimes happens in the
case of those that have risen from a humble
position to one of power and wealth. Tilaw
inng mga kalan-non, kay mamakmak
(magakamakmak) ka gid sin sa kon
bnt. Taste this pastry, for you will like it
very much, I think. Namakmak si sang
lansnes, kay wal si pagpanghtag. He
likes (He is very partial to) lansnes, for he
does not give any (of them) away.
Namakmak si sang plak, kay wal na
si pagpanmyaw. On account of his
newly obtained wealth he has become so
stuck-up (haughty) that he does not salute
any more (his old friends). (cf. hgmaw).
mkon, (B) A contr. of man konI dont
know what will happen, or the like. Ind ka
magbhat sin; mkon nhon ka ni
Fulno. Dont do that, for otherwise I dont
know (God knows) what N.N. will do to
mkot, To blaze up, begin to burn well
after having been kindled, to flame, flare
up, burn well, said of fuel (and
metaphorically of passions, or the like).
Nagamkot na bal ang dag mo? Is the
fire you lighted (lit) burning well? Ind mo
pagtandugn ang gatng, kay wal pa
magmkot ang kalyo. Dont shift the
firewood, for the fire is not yet burning
well. Pamakta ang kalyo. Let the fire
burn well. Wait till the fire burns well.

Pamakti ang kalyo. Make the fire burn

brightly (by putting some kindling
material, as shavings, straw, etc. on it). (cf.
makgi, Diligent, assiduous, industrious,
zealous, attentive, careful, with zeal or
application. (cf. kgi, mapsan, makud,
matinatpon, matl-id, mad-id).
makugmton, Nervous, timid, easily
frightened or scared. (cf. kgmat,
makl-aw, Bad, poor, being a failure,
turning out badly, said of crops, etc. (cf.
makl, (H) Slow, difficult, tedious,
irksome, tiresome, tiring, fatiguing,
requiring much work and great patience.
(cf. kl).
makul-kl, Dim. of makl. Somewhat
slow, etc.
makululbon, (H) Timid, shy, bashful,
timorous, nervous. (cf. klb).
maknat, Slow, tedious, irksome,
ticklish, requiring much patience; tough,
durable, lasting long. (cf. knat, maknat).
maksug, Robust, strong, muscular,
brawny, sinewy, powerful, mighty,
vigorous. (cf. ksug, kusg).
makutkut, Bustling, stirring, hustling,
pushing, a busybody; curious, prying,
inquisitive. (cf. kutkut).
makut-kutihn, See makutkut.
mala, A diminutive particle: Like, as,
like to, about, somewhat similar to,
resembling, nearly, almost, as (large, small,
thick, thin, good, bad, etc.) as.
Malakrbaw, malakarabwsomewhat
like a buffalo; malabitklike a flea; as
small as a flea; malapsas, like, about as
large as, unhulled grains of rice;
malabnludvery small, as small as fine
particles or fragments of hulled rice;
malabalylike a house, almost as big as a
house; malapladas large as the palm of
a hand, very little; malakalibtanas large
as the world, nearly (almost) everywhere.
Ginhatgan nla ak sing tinpay nga
malating (Gintw-an nnda ak ti
tinpay nga malating). They gave me just
a very little (a bite of) bread. Ang lp
(dt) nmon malaplad. Our farm-land is
as large as the palm of the hand i.e. it is
very small. Ang ya dungg malakalibtan
(daw kalibtan kadak). His reputation
(fame) is spread all over the world. (cf.
daw, sbung, olonggid).
ml, (B) Pillow, cushion. (cf. ulnan).
mal, Dry, exsiccated, drained, seasoned;
to be or become dry, arid, desiccated,
parched, drained, sear; seasoned (of
timber). Mal nga khoy, tp, etc. Dry
wood, seasoned boards, etc. Nagmal na
ang kon panpton nga ginbuld ko. My
clothes which I spread in the sun are dry
now. Ang pawkan nga namlhan. The
turtle deprived of water. The stranded

Visayan-English Dictionary
turtle. Pamalah (pamlha, paml-a,
pamd-a) sa nit ang linbhan. Put the
wash out in the sun to dry. Namd-an sing
tbig inng mga sd kag dinakp ko.
These fishes were stranded (ran aground)
and I caught them. Namalahn
namlhannaml-annamd-an. (cf.
ug, ly, layng).
malb, Long, lengthy, extended,
extended in length. (cf. lb, malbug,
malabab, Lukewarm, tepid, slightly
warm, pleasantly warm, not hot. (cf.
malab-lb, Dim. of malb.
Malablb si sing pangguyhon. He is
rather long-headed, has a long face. (cf.
malabrok, Well cooked, properly
cooked, done to a turn; very soft boiled (of
rice). (cf. balatanginsufficiently cooked;
alibtdanunderdone, still hard inside;
lgdoshard-boiled; bassoft-boiled,
boiled in too much water; bud-adsplit,
burst in boiling, overdone).
malbtoy, Weak, feeble, flabby, flaccid,
flimsy, drooping. (cf. lbtoy, malya,
malumng, mahyang, mapgaw).
malbug, (B) Long, lengthy, elongated,
extended in length. (cf. lbug, malb).
malabulnon, Obscure, dim, not clear,
not bright, weak-eyed, dim-sighted, halfblind, purblind. (cf. blan, mabinulnon).
malabtkon, About as thick as an arm.
(cf. btkon).
malaby, Tasteless, insipid, mawkish,
flat, neither sweet nor sour; like the taste of
by-leaves. Ang tub karn nga hpon
malaby. The toddy this evening tastes
mald-ang, Tasteless, insipid, stale, flat,
vapid. (cf. ld-ang, mals-ay).
malagw, Roaming, roving, wandering,
rambling, loafing, travelling about; a loafer,
vagabond, idler, tramp, hobo. (cf. lgaw,
landlndo, haryhray, tigtig).
malgb, Long, etc. See malb.
malgday, Slow, leisurely, deliberate,
plodding, jogging, tardy, laggard, dawdling.
(cf. lgday, malgway, mahnay, pkok,
malaglok, Resembling, like, as fine
as, as small as, fine or small chaff called
glok, etc. Wal si sing bisn malaglok
nga sal. He is not at fault at all. He does
not deserve the slightest blame.
malgnat, (H) Slightly feverish, sickly,
having a cold, suffering from a sore throat,
a catarrh or a slight headache. (cf. lgnat).
malgpad, Wide, broad, etc. See
malgsing, Shrill, loud, resounding,
piercing, lusty, penetrating, sonorous, farreaching, carrying far, said of sounds. (cf.
lgsing, maslik, masulnting).
malgtik, Ticking, clicking. (cf. lgtik).

malb maln-o
malgting, Strong, firm, hard, tough. (cf.
lgting, mabkud, matngting, mahnit,
mapg-on, hmrus, purs).
malgting, Tinkling, tingling, jingling,
clinking, clanking, chinking. (cf. lgting).
malgtok, Cracking, crackling, crepitant;
falling with a bang, thud, thump or crash.
(cf. lgtok).
malgtom, Dark black, dark green, very
pronounced, deep, decided (of colour);
lusty, flourishing (of plants). (cf. lgtom).
malgtoy, See malbtoyweak, etc.
malgway, Slow, etc. See malgday.
malahlon, (H) Precious, dear, costly,
high-priced, highly priced, valuable, highly
esteemed, expensive, of great price,
priceless. (cf. mahl, haml, bildhon).
malahg, Joking, jesting, rallying; jester,
joker, clown. (cf. lahg).
malin, Bad, wrong, wicked, evil, noxious,
injurious, disadvantageous; ill, sick, infirm;
unwholesome, bad for ones health. (cf.
lin, malut, kinalin).
malasan, Corn-field; fit, suitable, for
growing or planting corn. (cf. mas).
malak, Spaced wide apart, thin, not
dense or near together, far between.
Talgsa sa malak. Few and far
between. Very rarely. Scarcely
ever. (cf. lak).
malla, Insidious, cruel, treacherous (of
diseases, etc.). (cf. lla).
malalgyo, A run-away, one who shuns
work, escapes from confinement, etc. (cf.
mallang, (H) Cunning, plotting,
resourceful, adept at contriving ways and
means to gain ones end. (cf. lalng).
malalton, Infectious, contagious,
spreading, catching, epidemic. (cf. latn,
malalw, Mourning, mournful, sad, in
grief or mourning, wearing mourning
dress. (cf. lalw).
malalm, (H) Tasty, delectable, savoury,
toothsome, dainty, nice, palatable. (cf.
lalm, manmit).
malalson, Disobedient, rebellious,
neglecting to comply with orders or
precepts, unruly, disregarding restraint,
disposed to violate laws, ungovernable,
unsubmissive, undisciplined,
insubordinate, lawless, wicked, bad. (cf.
llis, malinapson).
ml-am, (B) Adult, of age, grown-up. (cf.
ml-it, hmtong, tiglang).
malmad, To grasp, etc. See marmad,
mal-mal, A kind of insect that in size
and appearance somewhat resembles a
cricket; a mole-cricket. It never appears to
be wet, even in rain. Hence the name
malm-an, Receptacle containing
materials for chewing betelnut; a morsel

(mouthful), of betelnut, etc., sufficient for

one chewing. (cf. mam).
malmb, Growing well, thriving,
flourishing, growing luxuriantly, (cf.
malamg, Cool, cold, frigid, keen; raw,
sharp, piercing, cold and stiff. Malamg
nga bngkay. A corpse cold and stiff. (cf.
lamg, matgnaw, maramg).
malm-on, Materials for chewing
betelnut, including betelnut, lime, by
and tobacco-leaves. (cf. mam, malman).
malamung, Somewhat like a hen; the
larynx, windpipe. (cf. mung).
ml-an, From maldry, etc. (cf. mdan, mlhan).
malna, Fat, oily, yielding lard or coconut
oil, etc. (cf. lna).
malnay, Shining, shiny, lustrous, glossy.
(cf. lnay).
malanglyaw, Tourist, traveller;
emigrant, home-seeker. (cf.
malnggab, Covetous, desirous of,
ambitious, wishful, avid, eager for,
avaricious, wishing or anxious for. (cf.
lnggab, maibugn).
malngiaw, Fluid, liquid, flowing freely,
thin, said of liquids. (cf. lngiaw; matoy,
malapyutthick, condensed).
malng-ig, Smelling of fish. Ang mga
ginabaligyan sang mga sd malng-ig.
The fish-market smells of fish. (cf. hur
smelling of rotten fish).
malangs, Harsh, grating, squeaking,
setting ones teeth on edge, said of sounds
like the filing of a saw, or the like. (cf.
malngkag, Anxious, desirous of,
expectant, worried, weary, disappointed,
tired of waiting. (cf. lngkag).
malangkgon, See malngkag,
malngsa, Stale, tasting or smelling of
fish, fishy, mawkish, insipid. (cf. lngsa,
malngto, Nauseating, insipid, tasting or
smelling offensively so as to make one
vomit, said of badly cooked peas and beans,
etc. (lngto).
malngyaw, See malngiaw id.
malnhig, (H) Reappearing after death;
to reappear or haunt after death. Si Fulno,
kon, nagmalnhig. N.N. they say, has
risen from the grave or reappeared in the
flesh. Ginamalanhign, kon, ang la
baly. Their house, it is said, is haunted by
a ghost. (cf. marnhig, amamnhig,
malniog, High, tall; high-pitched.
Malniog nga tngug. A high-pitched
voice; falsetto. (cf. lniog, lnyog).
maln-o, Foul, stale, rotten, vapid,
insipid (of water, coconut milk, etc.). (cf.


malnoy mal-mli
malnoy, Tender, fresh, green, soft,
young, impressionable; loud, high-pitched,
far-sounding (of voices, music, etc.). (cf.
malany-lnoy, Dim. of malnoy.
Rather soft, etc.
malanshon, That is to be tamed or
broken in. (cf. mnso).
malntiog, High, tall, large. Malntiog
nga to. A tall man. (cf. lntiog, malniog,
malyog, matas).
malntyog, See malntiog, id.
malnyog, See malniog id.
malag, mala-g, Vagabond, loafer,
tramp. (l-og).
malay-loy, Loud, strong, far-reaching,
sonorous, stentorian, resounding, noisy,
ear-splitting, deafening, obstreperous (of
sounds). (cf. lay-luy, malniog, slik,
sulnting, singgtan).
malpad, Wide, broad, extensive,
expanded, large, vast, ample, spacious,
wide-spread; free from narrowness or
bigotry; covetous, greedy, avid. Malpad
ang ya nga palangmhan. He has a large
farm. Malpad si sing panghunhn.
He is broad-minded, liberal-minded.
Malpad si sing mat. He is covetous,
greedy, ambitious. (cf. lpad, malway,
malapson, Trespassing, unobservant,
unobserving, non-observant, lawless,
unduteous, undutiful, neglecting,
neglectful, heedless, failing to comply with,
omitting the fulfilment of a duty or precept.
(cf. lpas, malinapson, malalson).
malapt, By, near by, hard by, close by,
fast by, nigh, near, near at hand, close at
hand, in the proximity of, in the
neighbourhood of, neighbouring, adjacent,
adjoining, close to, approximate, about.
Malapt sa simbhan. Near the church.
Malapt sa duh ka lbo. About (more or
less, approximately) two thousand.
malps, Ghastly, wan, pale, blanched,
gaunt, lean, bloodless, anemic. (cf. lps,
malspad, maln-ad).
malapyut, (H) Thick, thickened,
condensed, stiff, viscous, viscid,
inspissated, treacly (of liquids); severe,
heavy, vehement, violent (of fighting, or the
like). (cf. lapyut, malsaw; sugng,
malasdo, Soft-boiled. Itlog nga
malasdo. A soft-boiled egg.
malasahn, What is tobe kneaded,be
made or pressed into dough. (cf. msa).
malsaw, Thick, stiff, treacly, as
molasses, etc. (cf. lasw, malapyut).
mals-ay, Insipid, nauseous, nauseating,
mawkish, tasteless, revolting, loathsome,
disgusting, unappetizing, uninviting, vapid.
(cf. ls-ay).
malsp, Ghastly, wan, pale, etc. See
malps. (lsplps).


Visayan-English Dictionary
malut, (H) Bad, wrong, evil, wicked, ill,
sinful, criminal, unprincipled, vicious,
depraved, malignant, malevolent,
malicious, base, mean. (cf. lut, malin).
malw-ay, (H) Ugly, forbidding,
repulsive, nasty, hideous, improper,
indecent, dirty, unclean, impure,
immodest, unchaste, obscene, foul, lewd,
pornographic. (cf. lw-ay, mahgk, kad).
malwhan, Long, large. See lwhan,
malb, malpad.
malwid, Long, etc. See malwig.
malwig, Long, lasting a long time, kept
up, enduring, sustained, prolix, continued,
prolonged, protracted, extended. (cf. lwig,
mabhay, madgay).
malwlaw, Long (of space and time);
loose, not fixed, equivocal (of a word,
speech, or the like); protracted, prolonged,
confused (of thinking conjecturing);
patient, forbearing, prudent, considerate,
liberal, broad (of mind). Malwlaw nga
pagpainno. A prolonged, protracted,
confused, way of thinking. Malwlaw si
sing hunhn. He is broad-minded,
liberal-minded, patient, prudent, or the
like. (cf. lwlaw).
malawg, (B) Large, big, above the
ordinary size. (cf. lawg).
malayng, Wide, spacious, extensive. (cf.
malayng-lyang, malaynglayng, Dim. of malayngwide,
malymay, Scarce, rare, seldom, difficult
to obtain. (cf. mawat, mahn,
malay, (H) Far, far away, far off, a great
or long way off, remote, far distant. (cf.
malyog, High, tall, lofty, towering.
Malyog nga lub. A tall coconut palm. (cf.
lyog, matas, malntyog, malnyog).
malay-mon, Conjecturable, what is
to, can, should, be guessed. (cf. myom).
malbabsko, (Sp. malvavisco) The
mlbas, (Sp. malva) Mallow.
maldisyn, (Sp. maldicin) Malediction,
imprecation, execration, curse, malison.
(cf. panghimalut).
maldta, maldto, (Sp. maldita, -o)
Accursed, cursed, damned; to curse, damn,
imprecate, wish evil upon. Ginsilng
(Gintawg) nya ak nga maldta. He
called me accursed. (cf. gtud,
tinagudilan; panloy, panghimalut,
malta, (Sp. maleta) Valise, handbag,
suitcase, portmanteau, grip, bag.
mlhan, See md-an, ml-an, malahn,
from malto be dry, etc.
mlhas, (B) Advantage, benefit, profit;
good, well; maybe, perhaps. War ti
mlhas kon ikw ang siltan tungd kang

sal ni Fulno. Its bad enough, if you

should be punished for the fault of N.N.
(Literally: There is no advantage in it, if).
War ti mlhas kon nd tna magabt.
Perhaps he is not coming. It would be too
bad, if he were not coming. Ind ikw
magpangid nga nagasugl kam
adlwdlaw; bokn ti (war ti) mlhas kon
idakp (dkpon) tmon kang pols. Dont
tell (anybody) that we are gambling every
day; it would be hard lines for us, if we
were caught by the police. (cf. gud,
agdagd, puls; yhan, torn, bs,
mlhus, In order that not, so that not,
lest. (cf. agd nd, agd (nga) dl).
mal, Excuse, pretence, appearance, makebelieve, trap; to put forward (as a pretext,
etc.). (cf. pasn, balbad).
malibkon, Detracting, disparaging,
backbiting, scandal-mongering,
talebearing, talking evil of ones neighbour.
(cf. libk).
malibg, Confusing, confused, bemused,
perplexed, distracted, perplexing, worried,
upset. (cf. libg).
malibgon, See malibg.
maldan, Passing, transitory, quick. Sa
labng maldan. Very quickly. In a
short while. (cf. madal, tintin).
malgdong, Modest, self-respecting,
formal, proper, unassuming, honest,
decent, tactful. (cf. lgdong, magdang).
malgno, (Sp. maligno) Malign,
malignant, wicked, evil, perverse. Ang
espirit nga malgno. The devil. (cf.
malg-on, Stable, firm, solid, durable;
lasting, resolute, determined. (cf. lg-on,
mapg-on, mabkud, mabskug).
malgpot, Short, brief (particularly in the
plural). (cf. malp-ot).
malgsi, Swift, quick, agile, nimble, lithe
(of movements). (cf. lgsi, madsig,
malgwa, (Sp. legua) A mile off, a mile
distant, a mile far, rather far in general;
wide, spacious, extensive, broad. (cf.
malgwis, Pointed, spiky, sharp. (lgwis;
cf. matalwis).
malihon, Forbidding, abstaining from,
having an objection to. (cf. lih;
malit, malit, Portentous, dangerous,
difficult (of times, places, situations, etc.).
(cf. marit).
malksi, See malgsi.
malikmon, Secretive, concealing,
keeping the truth from, doing something
on the sly. (cf. likm).
malilgbon, Nervous, excited, irritable,
easily upset or flurried. (cf. libg).
mal-mli, Dim. and Freq. of mal. Also:
to insinuate, hint at, use indirect language,
enlighten anothers mind by allusions,

Visayan-English Dictionary
speak in parables, often practised by one
who wishes to obtain a favour from another
or to come to an agreement, to throw out a
polite hint in a round-about way.
Ginmalmalhan nya kam nga ang ya
nnoy but mangaswa sa mon nday.
He politely insinuated that his son wants to
marry our daughter. Malmalha ang
paghmbal mo sa la. Talk to them with
polite insinuations or allusions.
Nagamalmli sil nga but magsmpon
sa mon sang la ank. They are
insinuating their desire or wish of having
their boy stay with us. Masnsun ang
hmbal sang Aton Gino malmli. Our
Lord often spoke in parables.
malmbong, (H) Deceiving, tricksy,
cheating, defrauding, fraudulent,
overreaching, cunning, sly, tricky, tricksey,
tricksome, trickish. (lmbong).
malmbong, Sheltered, quiet, free from
wind, not exposed to the wind. (cf.
malimbngon, (H) See malmbong.
malimson, Giving alms, open-handed,
free in giving, bounteous, bountiful,
generous, munificent, liberal, charitable.
malimton, (H) Forgetful, absentminded, unmindful, oblivious. (cf. lmot,
malinakasn, (H) Overbearing,
excessive, extreme, abusive, one who oversteps the bounds or does something to
excess; radical. (cf. laks).
malinangkgon, Disappointing,
wearying, worrying. See malangkgon.
malinapson, See malapson id.
malinamon, Hopeful, confident,
sanguine, full of expectation. (cf. lum).
malnaw, Calm, quiet, still, smooth,
tranquil, peaceful, unruffled. (lnaw).
malndog, A large rice-container of
woven bamboo, capable of holding as much
as thirty bushels or even more, but mostly
of a size to hold about ten bushels.
malngin, Confused, perplexed, giddy,
swimming, dizzy; fuddled, drunk, dazed.
malng-og, Noisy, boisterous,
obstreperous, tumultuous, clamorous,
vociferous, rowdy. (cf. lng-og, maghud,
maghud, magam, magalng, magark,
malnis, Shiny, shining, bright, polished.
(cf. lnis, mahning).
malinng, Peaceful, quiet, calm, tranquil,
undisturbed, noiseless. (cf. linng,
matwhay, matnong).
malipton, (H) Forgetful, oblivious,
unmindful, absent-minded. (cf. lipt;
malipyon, Cheerful, glad, jolly, joyful,
merry, happy. (cf. lpay).

malmbong mals-aw
malipayn, Pleasure-loving, addicted
entertainments. (cf. malipyon).
malp-ot, (H) Short, brief, curt, curtailed,
abridged, laconic, concise, reduced (of
length of time as well as of linear
extension). (cf. lp-ot, malgpot, mabug).
malsaw, Watery, insipid, flat, vapid,
tasteless, unsavoury, said especially of stale
tubers that, having been dug out, are not
boiled within a reasonable time and in
consequence have lost their flavour. (cf.
lsaw, kalsaw, magans).
malis-ls, Turning round, revolving,
swinging, oscillating, turning in all
directions. Sya nga malisls. A swivel
chair. (cf. ls).
malisd, Troublous, troublesome,
irksome, hard, difficult to bear or suffer;
very ill, at deaths door, dying. (lisd).
ml-it, (B) Old, adult, advanced in age,
frequently applied to people of about sixty
years of age. (cf. ml-am). Also used as a
verb. Nagml-it si. He has become old.
Namal-itn ak sa ya. I consider him old.
N.B. Ml-it is often used in contempt. Mlit nga to (babe). An old fogey (hag).
maliwnon, Changeable, variable, fickle,
notsteady,reliable,firm; retracting,
repenting. (cf. liwn).
mlmal, Full-grown, grown-up, strong; to
become full-grown. Mlmal si nga to.
He is a full-grown man. Nagmlmal na si.
He is now full-grown. (cf. dak, hmtong,
malmlan, Full-grown, etc. See mlmal.
mlo, (Sp. malo) Bad, wicked, evil. (cf.
malin, malut).
mal, Rice-flower; to flower (of rice). (cf.
ml-od, (B) See ml-am, ml-it, mlmal.
malol, Mild, tender, kind, benevolent,
benign, benignant, gracious, affectionate,
sympathetic, full of kindness, mildtempered. (lol).
mallot, Tender, affectionate, kindhearted. (llot; cf. malol).
maloly-on, Merciful, compassionate,
pitiful, having pity on, condoling,
commiserating. (l-oy).
malom, Soft, softened, tender, yielding,
impressionable, impressible, giving way to
pressure. (lom; cf. mahmok, malm-ok).
malng, (B) See pamulngto stare or
gape at with open mouth (in
disappointment, failure, or the like).
Namalng ak, kay wal ak makadayn
pakdto sa Ilnglong. I am (was) greatly
disappointed, because, after all, I could not
go to Iloilo (as intended). Namalng ak,
kay wal ak makatmbong ddto tungd
sang madmol nga uln. I was sorely
disappointed (I could go and whistle for it),
because the heavy shower of rain prevented
me from being present there. (cf. gamn).

malubron, Fading, changeable,

changing, fickle, not steadfast, not reliable.
(cf. lubd).
maluby, Young, tender, soft,
impressionable, impressible. (cf. luby,
lnghod, lanb, mahmok, malm-ok,
malom, batan).
maluby-lbay, Dim. of maluby.
Rather young, etc.
malbh, Treacherous, cheating,
insidious, mean, worming out secrets and
then publishing them abroad. (lbh).
malubhan, See malbh.
malubg, Turbid, impure, dirty,
especially said of water. (lubg).
mald-ak, Faded, pale, light, faint (of
colours; cf. mals-aw).
malgpis, Emaciated, lean, haggard. (cf.
malgt, Fragile, weak, easily broken or
snapped, brittle, said of thread, strings,
rattan, etc. (cf. lgt).
malgus, Selfish, covetous, cheating,
violent, applying force to gain ones end.
(cf. lgus; mahkug, makgud, dingt,
malugson, See malgus. Also:
oppressing, harsh, cruel, tyrannical.
malub, Traitorous, treacherous,
betraying, untrustworthy, disloyal,
perfidious; a traitor. (cf. lub, mabdh,
malul, (H) See malol.
maluluyagn, (H) Liking, desirous of,
pleased with. (lyag; maluyagn id.).
malmbay, New, fresh, young, tender,
supple, flexible, said of leaves and shoots of
plants. (lmbay).
malumng, Weak. (lumng; cf. malya).
malm-ok, Soft, pliable, tender. (lmok; mahmok, malom).
maln-ad, Pale, pallid, blanched,
bloodless, wan, sallow, ghastly. (ln-ad; cf.
malsp, malspad).
malnay, Soft, melting, pliable, tender,
supple, yielding, impressible,
impressionable. (cf. lnay, mahmok,
maluny-lnay, Dim. of lnay,
malnay. Malunylnay si sing
tagiposon. She is tender-hearted, softhearted.
malpig, Oppressive, arbitrary,
masterful, tyrannical, tyrannic, tyrannous,
cruel, severe, dour, despotic, dominating,
domineering, harsh. (cf. lpig,
malupign, malupgon, See malpig.
malps, Pale, pallid, wan, blanched,
bloodless, white, sallow, colourless. (cf.
lps, malps, malsp, malspad, malnad).
mlus, Itch, pain; to itch, hurt, pain (of a
healing wound).
mals-aw, Faded, fading, of a fading
colour. (cf. ls-aw).


malus-won mank
malus-won, See mals-aw.
malspad, Wan, pale, pallid, etc. See
malt, Dark, deep, pronounced (of
colours). (cf. lt, tagngtung).
malya, Weak, frail, feeble, nerveless,
enervated, debilitated, unstrung,
strengthless, powerless. Malya ang ya
lwas. Malya si sing lwas. He is weak.
His health is impaired. Malya si sing
but. He lacks will power. He is weakkneed. (cf. lya, malumng, mapgaw).
maluyagn, (H) Fond of, liking, having a
liking or passion for, desirous of, etc. See
maluluyagn id.
mlyag, (B) For malyag from lyagto
mam, (Sp. mama) Mother, mama,
mamma; a wet-nurse. (cf. nnay, ily;
mm, (B) To flatten, make flat (by
pressure or by pounding), to crush or beat
flat. Mama (lubka, byha) ang sging,
kay lktan ko sing kalmay. Pound the
bananas soft (flat), for I am going to mix
them with sugar. Mami si sing bnga,
kay nd si makadult. Crush the betelnut for him, for he is unable to bite it
through. Imm ak nay sinng mga
sging nga tinank. Please pound these
boiled bananas for me. (lum, pus, lbak,
mam, (B) To chew betel-nut; betel-nut
chewing. Malyag ka magmam? Do you
like to chew betel-nut?
mm, Old man, father.
m-m, To low, moo (of cattle). Ang bka
nagamm. The cow lows.
mma, Wet nurse. See mam.
mamdlus, (H) Strong, stiff, fresh, fierce,
violent, rushing, blustering (of wind; cf.
mamadr, (Sp. mamador) The nipple of
a babys feeding bottle; nursing bottle;
instrument to draw off milk. (cf. bebern,
mamg-an, Light, airy, easy to bear or
carry, not heavy or weighty. Mamg-an
ang ya llan, pagbtyag, panghunhn,
etc. His burden is light, he is much better
or feels only a slight pain, his mind is at
ease, etc. (cf. mg-an; mabg-atheavy).
mamah, Perfect, entire, whole,
blameless, without blemish or defect,
particularly applied to tobacco-leaves, etc.;
good-looking, handsome, nice, attractive,
beautiful, comely, pretty (of face, etc.) (cf.
mah, bilg, mayo; manyag, magayn,
matahm, mambong).
mamah-mah, mamahmh,
Dim. of mamah. Rather well developed,
not much torn or fissured, pretty well, etc.
mamal, Dry, exsiccated, desiccated,
arid, waterless, parched, free from
moisture, drained; seasoned (of wood).
Mamal nga pagkdlaw. A dry laugh i.e.


Visayan-English Dictionary
not a hearty smile, not an honest laugh, but
a forced smile. (cf. mal; mabaswet).
mamaltyon, Mortal, subject to death.
(cf. paty, paltyon, namtyan).
mamalayd, Payer, one who pays. (cf.
mamalybay, Poet; poetical,
imaginative. (cf. balybay, binalybay).
mamli, A kind of shrub with clusters of
flowers and berries.
mamalgy, Seller, merchant, vender.
(cf. balgy).
mamamhoy, Bogey, imp, sprite, goblin,
elf, hobgoblin, bad fairy, wicked spirit;
scarecrow; phantom. (cf. bhoy,
mamamngan, Lying in wait for,
ambushing, waylaying; robber, brigand. (cf.
mamamw, mamamaw, Saviour,
redeemer, liberator. (cf. bw).
mamnhig, A ghost, shade, spectre,
disembodied spirit, apparition, wraith, soul
appearing after death, etc. See malnhig.
mamantl, Publisher, reporter,
journalist, publicity agent, disseminator of
news, correspondent, (cf. bantl).
mamargtas, A writer of history,
historian, historiographer, chronicler,
annalist. (cf. margtas).
mmaw, Elf, goblin, sprite, fairy, ghost,
etc. (cf. mamamhoy, tamo, tumo,
kamkam, etc.).
mmay, Wet nurse. (cf. mma).
mmbis, Fold, kilt, plait; to fold, kilt,
plait. Butangn sing mmbis
ormambis ang ya bestdo. Plait her
mmbis, A kind of tree with edible fruit.
(cf. tmbis).
mamilko, (Sp. mameluco) Mameluke;
dolt, simpleton; half-breed; a kind of
rompers or underwear for small children.
mamimil, One who chooses or selects
something; voter, elector. (cf. pl, paml,
pumill, palapilin, piniliy).
mamngaw, Dreary, lonely, sad, dismal,
dejected, doleful, sentimental, melancholy,
mournful, gloomy, depressing, cheerless,
joyless. (cf. mngaw).
mamsos, One peso each, a peso for each.
Nabayran ko sil sing mamsos ang
indlaw. I paid them each a peso a day.
Mamsos karn ang klo sang kap. A kilo
of coffee costs one peso now. (cf. psos).
mmn, (B) A contr. of mamun-from
munto tarry, loiter, remain a long time,
protract ones stay; to be at ease, be calm or
tranquil. Ind ka mmn ddto. Dont stay
there a long time, dont loiter there. Ind
gid mmn ang ya hunhn tbtub nga
masayran nya kon nakadngat na sa
Manl ang ya ank nga bg-o pa lang
magsaky. She cannot rest at ease till she
knows whether her son, who a short while

ago embarked for Manila, has safely

arrived there. (cf. mun, dgay, lsg).
mamn, (Sp. mamon) Cake, tart, sweet
bread, sponge-cake.
mm-on, For maman from mamto
chew betelnut.
mamnog, Thick, stout; heavy (of rain).
(cf. madmol, madkmol).
mms, A kind of fish of a considerable
size and much esteemed as food.
mamulayn, Disparaging, carping,
captious, fault-finding, hypercritical,
finding fault with, an adverse critic, faultfinder. (cf. mlay).
mamumugn, A workman, peasant,
hind, yokel, unskilled or agricultural
labourer, farm-hand. (cf. pgon, pgon,
mamumunk, One who washes clothes;
washerwoman, laundress, washerman,
laundry-man. (cf. bnak, labandra).
mamumni, Decorator, embellisher,
adorner. (cf. pun).
mamumn, Stabber, slayer, killer,
murderer, gangster, thug, assassin, cutthroat. (cf. bun).
mamur-mr, A constellation, a
cluster of stars.
mamrong, (B) Shady, thick, dense,
leafy (of foliage). (cf. mrong, madbung,
man, Also, too, as well as; well! now! Look
here! Nagupd man ikw sa ya? Did you
also accompany him? Si malyag
magkdto man. He would like to go too.
Man, nagsilng ak sa mo nga. Now,
look here, I told you that.
Quite frequently man seems to be
employed as a mere decorative particle, e.g.
Daw alla man lang in sa mo. That is
only a trifling matter for you. Kon am
man lang ang kon pangabh dir,
mayo pa nga mapal ak sa kon
bnwa. If my life here is to be only this, it
would be better for me to return to my
home-town. Kon sa is man ka bgay
matod in. If on the one handorin
one respect that is true. Am man
gihpon. The same as ever, no change or
variation, matters stand as before.
man, (B) He says (said) or thinks
(thought). (cf. silng nya).
man, (Sp. man) Manna.
manab, (B) Low, not high. (cf. nab,
manbaw, Shallow, not deep. (nbaw).
manda, (Sp. manada) Flock, herd. (cf.
panng, hubn).
managwat, A kind of small harmless
manah-nah, Rather well-to-do, neither
rich nor poor, satisfactory, sufficient. (cf.
dawdaw, hingnhingn, dirdir).
mank, Children of a husband or wife by
a former wife or husband; step-children.

Visayan-English Dictionary
mankon, (B) I say (think) or said
(thought). (cf. man, silng ko).
manalgn, Prophet, seer, foreteller,
prognosticator. (cf. tgn).
manallay, Musician; musical. (tallay,
tullay; cf. manullay id.).
manm, Nice, beautiful; delightful,
delicious. (nm).
manmit, Savoury, tasty, nice, delicious,
lovely, palatable, said of food and drinks.
manampork, A kind of rice that is
highly esteemed on account of its whiteness
and fine flavour. (cf. arabn).
mananbang, Protector, helper,
upholder, intercessor, patron; lawyer,
advocate, attorney-at-law. (cf. tbang).
mananagt, Fisher, fisherman. (cf.
pangat, mangingsd).
manangit, mananagt, Pouncing
upon like birds of prey, grabbing, tearing to
pieces (as a bird of prey does). Pspis nga
manangit. A bird of prey. (cf. dgit).
manangn, Prophet. (cf. manalgn).
mananh, Tailor, seamstress. (cf. tah)
manankay, Passenger, traveller on any
vehicle on land, sea or in the air. (saky; cf.
sumalkay id.).
mananklam, Usurper, transgressor,
encroacher. (cf. sklam).
mananm, Palatable, tasty, nice, said
especially of nuts (nanm; cf. manmit
tasty (in general).
manann-aw, Eye-witness, spectator,
onlooker. (cf. tn-aw).
manannum, Planter, farmer; gardener.
(cf. tanm).
mananp, Domestic animals; meat of
animals that live and breed on land.
mananway, A critic, one who censures
or finds fault with, a fault-finder. (cf.
mnang, The eldest sister. Si mnang mo
din? Din si mnang mo? Where is your
eldest sister. (cf. mnongeldest brother).
manng, The vocative of mnang.
mananggti, Toddy-gatherer, tubcollector, one whose daily business is to
climb a number of coconut palms and to
collect the palm-wine. (cf. tubroa seller
of, dealer in, tub).
manal, A kind of bird of prey; a hawk.
manra, See manda.
manal, See manal.
many, (H) Familiarly used for
mnangeldest sister.
manay-nya, Complacent, cheerful,
merry, jolly, gay. (naynya).
manyap, Open, clear, unobstructed,
extensive, wide, spacious (said of fields,
etc.). (cf. nyap, mahanyap, mahanyak,
manayk-nyok, Far away, distant,
remote, a long way off. (cf. nayk-nyok).

mankon manghdan
mandadug, Victor, conqueror, winner;
victorious, triumphant. (cf. dag).
mandtos, (B) (Sp. mandato) Order,
command, mandate, injunction, regulation,
precept; leader; ringleader, originator, one
who starts or is chiefly responsible for an
act. Ikw gid ang mandtos sin. It was
you who started that. You are the one who
is responsible for that. (cf. sg, kasogon;
panglo, manugpaht, kbo,
mnding, Aunt; stepmother, fostermother; dear old woman. (cf. t, ty,
dar, ling, bboy).
mand, (Sp. mando) Authority, office,
power, sway, rule, command. (cf. gahm,
palangakan, dumla, batta).
mnd, (Sp. mandar) To rule, guide,
direct, govern, sway, regulate, control, have
authority over, hold sway, command, lead.
Imp ta nga mandon sang Dis si N.N.
sa pagdumla sa ton sing mayo. Let us
pray to God that he may direct N.N. so that
he may govern us well. Sn-o ang
nagamnd? Who is in charge? Who
commands or rules? (cf. gahm, dumla,
pasund, sg, but).
mandragra, (Sp. mandragora)
Mandrake, mandragora.
mangaht, mangahatin, See
manght, manghatintwenty-five
centavos each, etc. (cf. kaht).
mangallyaw, Tourist, sight-seer,
traveller; emigrant, home-seeker, one who
goes to live or moves to another place. (cf.
malanglyaw, mangangyaw,
mangalan, (H) Reaper, harvester, one
who reaps rice by means of a kayg. (cf.
ni, mangangan, manugan).
mangalyo, An insect with a very painful
sting. See alingyo, kamalyo.
mangangabay, Rider, horseman,
cavalry. (cf. kabyo, kabay).
manganggsa, Lease-holder, tenant.
(cf. gsa, agsadr).
mangangk, One who is
responsible,in charge,in authority;
official, functionary. (cf. k,
mangangalmpay, Shell-gatherer,
shell-collector; whoremonger, one who
runs after girls. (cf. kalmpay,
mangangmba, Singer. (cf. mba,
kantr, kantra).
mangangan, Reaper, harvester. See
mangangon, Eater, feaster. (cf. kon).
mangangapn, Helper, supporter,
assistant, second, upholder, protector. (cf.
pin, umalapn).
mangangatbang, A representative,
delegate, senator; proxy, one who presents

himself or confronts a situation. (cf.

atbang, tigpangatubng).
mangangawy, Fighter, warrior,
soldier; martial. (cf. way, solddo).
mangangwt, Thief, etc. See makwt,
mangangyaw, Stranger, foreigner,
sojourner, tourist, traveller. See
mangallyaw, etc.
mngay, A small sea-shell so called. (cf.
bskay, bli, sigy).
mngga, (Sp. mango) The mango-tree
and its fruit. (cf. ph).
mngga, (Sp. manga) Sleeve. (cf. pak,
pkpak, sol).
mnggad, Riches, possessions, property,
wealth, assets, capital; to become rich,
acquire property, etc. Ang kalabnan sang
mga to nagapaningh magmnggad.
The majority of men strive to become rich.
Nagmnggad si sa la nga palatikngan.
He got rich in their business. (cf.
manggran, (H) Rich, wealthy, well-todo, possessed of property, propertied,
affluent, opulent, man of means. (cf.
mnggad, manggarnon).
manggarnon, Rich, etc. See
manggran. (cf. pilkan, bangklan,
mnggo, (Sp. mango) Penholder, handle,
helve, haft (of tools, etc.). (cf. pal,
kalptan, plo, uluyatn).
manggugbat, manggugubt,
Trouble-maker, rowdy, gangster, turbulent
fellow, ruffian, riotous, revolutionary,
disturbing the peace. (cf. gbat, hurng,
manrirbok, magam).
manghr, To arrange, put in order, sort,
assort, classify, manage well. (Perhaps
from the Sp. manejar). Manghar ang
barha mo. Arrange your cards in order
according to their suits. (cf. kalging,
manght, Twenty-five centavos each,
costing twenty-five centavos. Ginabalgy
nya in sing manght. He sells it at
twenty-five centavos a piece. (cf. kaht,
manghatin, Worth or costing twentyfive centavos. (cf. manght, kaht,
manghir-hon, (B) Merciful,
compassionate, feeling for, commiserative,
condoletory, ruthful, pitiful, etc. See
maloly-on. (cf. ngr-o).
manghohkom, One who judges, a
judge, justice. (cf. hokm, panghokm).
mnghud, A younger brother or sister;
not of age, minor; not ripe, unripe,
immature, green (of fruits). (cf. libyon,
kalibynan; lnghod).
manghdan, A kind of very tasty
banana. (cf. balngon, barngon).


mangilnon maniwng-nwang
mangilnon, Considerate, thoughtful,
careful, solicitous; attentive, mindful,
heedful, regardful. (cf. nglin).
manglo, mangil, (B) Setting the teeth
on edge, etc. See manlo.
mangin, A contr. that often stands for
magapangin, magpanginand (rarely)
for nagapangin. Ind ka
mangintiglang, kon nd nmo pagdulon
ang malut mo nga kaduyugn. You wont
grow old, unless you give up your bad
habits. Inng dak nga minur
manginbnwa kunna. This large village
will finally become a township or
Municipality. Sa dl madgay
manginkabangdnan in sang ya nga
pagkapto. This, before long, will be the
cause of his bankruptcy, will make him
bankrupt. N.B. Manginis also, but
seldom, used to form nouns and adjectives,
e.g. manginalmona wise man. (cf.
manginalmon, A wise, learned, clever
man, a doctor, sage, savant. (cf. mangin,
manginbabe, manginbabye, A
verbal form of panginbabe,
panginbabye, but sometimes used as an
adjective like palanginbabeaddicted to
women, etc.
manginglaw, mangingilw, One
who eats raw meat, etc.; a cannibal. (cf.
mangingsd, Fisherman, fisher, angler.
(cf. sd, pangsd).
manginlalki, A verbal form of
panginlalki, but sometimes used as an
adjective like palanginlalkiaddicted to
men, etc.
manginngnhas, A shell-gatherer,
collector of sea-shells; grabber, grafter,
boodler. (cf. pangnhas, pakinhson).
mangirir-hon, (B) Compassionate,
merciful. See manghir-hon.
mangir-hon, (B) Merciful. See
manghr-hon id. (ngr-o).
mangtngit, Troublous, boiling,
throbbing, pricking, stinging, stabbing,
gnawing, hard to bear or suffer. Mangtngit
nga pangabh. A troublous or hard life.
Mangtngit nga konsinsya. A conscience
that pricks. (cf. ngtngit, malisd,
mangit-ngit, Dark, obscure, black,
dusky, ebon, sable, opaque. (cf. ngitngit,
maitm, ilm, t, ta, gt, madulm,
mngk, (B) Jack tree and jack fruit. (cf.
lngk id.).
mangkno, A kind of hardwood tree and
its valuable timber.
manglalghap, Seeker, one who looks
for something. Manglalghap sing
palanggdan. A job-hunter, an officeseeker. (cf. lghap).


Visayan-English Dictionary
manglalagyaw, Tourist, traveller, one
who takes a vacation or travels for pleasure.
(cf. lagyaw).
manglalkat, One who walks on foot, a
footman, foot-soldier, infantry-man;
infantry. (cf. lakt).
manglalksam, One who encroaches
upon, usurps, wrongfully takes
possession of, anothers property. (cf.
manglalantka, Bombardier,
artilleryman; artillery. (cf. lantka).
manglilghot, Searcher, investigator,
one of a search party. (cf. lghot).
mngmang, A peso of Philippine money.
(cf. psos).
mngmang, To widen, be or become
wide. Kon dugngan magaditay, kon
ibnon nagamngmang. An in?Bh
in. If something is added, it grows
smaller, if something is taken away from it,
it grows wider. What is that?That is a
hole. (cf. wngwang, bngbang).
mangmngan, Rich, having plenty of
money. (cf. mngmang, pilkan,
manggran, manggarnon; banklan,
mang, Dull, stupid, brainless; an ass,
fool. (cf. tipangg, pangg, pngog,
balingg, baling, bngaw, tampuhw,
bang, kl).
mangonglo, Head, chief, director,
manager, leader, boss, spokes-man, ruler,
authority, official. (cf. lo).
mangtngot, Palpitating, quivering,
throbbing (of wounds, the conscience, etc.).
(cf. ngtngot, mangtngit).
mngtas, Brave, courageous, fearless,
reliable, trustworthy, fierce. Mngtas nga
id. A good watchdog. (cf. mntas).
mangungulng, A charcoal-burner,
charcoal-man. (cf. ling).
mangungma, Farmer, tiller of the soil,
agricultural labourer. (cf. um).
mangungnung, One that is attached;
supporter, friend, helper, assistant,
partner. (cf. nung).
mangungtang, Debtor, one who owes
a debt or borrows money. (cf. tang).
mangustn, (Sp. mangostn)
mangwawli, Preacher, missioner,
clergyman. (cf. wli).
manhw, Open, roomy, spacious; well
off, well to do, prosperous; to be well to do,
etc. Manhw na ang ya kahimtngan.
He is well off, has some property, is living
in easy circumstances. Mangabdlay kam
sing may kapsan, agd malus kam sa
kaimoln kag magmanhw ang nyo
pangabh. Work hard and assiduously to
free yourself from poverty and to get on
well in life. (cf. hw, manwh,
dawdaw, dir--dir, kaayohn).
man, (Sp. man) Peanut, earthnut,
groundnut, goober.

manibla, (Sp. manivela) Steering wheel.

mandnid, Trim, neat, tidy. See mahpid,
mahpig. (cf. ndnid).
man-ih, (B) See panghiml-i, kalibutni
id. Man-ih ko kar. How can I know it. I
know nothing about it. (cf. man).
manik, Little, small, tiny, wee,
diminutive. (cf. tik, maist, ditay, ik).
manils, Ticklish, irritating, having a
creepy or ticklish feeling, easily tickled;
nervous, excited. (cf. hils).
manlo, manil, (B) Tingling, grating,
squeaking, sharp, gritty, setting ones teeth
on edge, said of sensations, etc. (cf. nlo,
manglo, mangil).
man-man, A plant that in its leaves
resembles the peanut plant.
mannay, Godmother. (cf. padrno,
pannoygodfather; madrna).
maningon, Agonizing, in ones last
agony, on ones death bed. (cf. ting).
mannggol, Docile, obedient, submissive,
submitting, yielding, dutiful, but mostly
used in the negative form dmannggol
stubborn, disobedient, headstrong,
obdurate, intractable. (cf. tnggol,
maninihn, maninhon, A potter, one
who makes or sells earthenware vessels;
manufacturing, industrial. (cf. dhon).
maninid, Watchful, observing,
observant, prying, spying; spy, detective,
sleuth. Pols nga maninid. Secret service
man. Detective. (cf. tid; maninilg, tktik,
maninkas, A thief; pilfering, thievish.
maninkm, Thief, petty thief, pilferer,
sneak. (cf. tkm, maninkas).
maninilg, An observer, spy. (panlag).
maninn, A kind of a dark-coloured
snake growing to a considerable size and
very harmful to chickens, eggs, etc., but
maninndot, Setting fire to, an
incendiary, one who commits arson. (cf.
maniningd, A listener, eavesdropper,
one who overhears a conversation, a spy.
(cf. tingd).
manint, Trickling, flowing sparsely or
slowly. (cf. nint).
manips, Thin, fine, light, flimsy (of
paper, cloth, boards, etc.). (cf. nips;
madmol, madkmolthick).
maniplon, (H) Round, spherical,
rotund, circular, annular, cylindrical. (cf.
tiplon, matimblug, matibnug).
manwang, Lean, thin, spare, lank,
emaciated, meagre, gaunt, skinny, slight,
slender. (cf. nwang, mahgpis, kant,
kandnggal; matmbokfat, stout).
maniwng-nwang, Dim. of
manwang. Rather lean, slightly

Visayan-English Dictionary
manya, (Sp. manilla) Manacle, gyve,
shackle, handcuff; to fetter; to entangle, get
entangled, be caught, become involved (in
a rope, sling, etc.). Nagmanya ang
karabw. The buffalo entangled itself with
the tether or rope. (cf. gpus, gaps;
mnk, See mngkjackfruit.
mnl, A kind of large-eyed (broad-eyed)
frog; vermin; a wild boar or pig; wild beasts
in general.
manlalagyaw, See manglalagyawa
manlalmon, Devouring, swallowing,
gobbling up; fierce, bloodthirsty. (cf.
lmon, manunkub, manangit).
manlalton, Spreading, catching, taking,
infectious, contagious, epidemic,
epidemical. (cf. latn, malalton).
manlirbuk, Revolutionary, riotous,
mutinous, agitator, exciting a commotion
or tumult. (cf. ribk).
mnlot, A kind of small octopus. (cf.
kugtaa large octopus).
mnlot, A large sea shell.
manlulas, Redeemer, saviour, liberator,
rescuer, deliverer. (cf. lus, mamamw,
manlulbad, manglulbad, One who
(that which) unbinds, solves, opens,
explains or translates something.
Manlulbad sang hmbal. An interpreter.
(cf. lubd).
manlulpad, Flyer, aviator; winged. (cf.
mnng, A contraction of manung.
Also: middle-aged, from about thirty-five to
fifty-five years of age. Daw an kaml-am
(katiglang) si Fulno?Mnng (si).
How old is N.N.?He is middle-aged. (cf.
mdya bda).
mno, (Sp. mano) The hand; the lead, a
hand of cards (in card-playing); the right
side; direction to a driver of a vehicle to
turn to the right or to the side opposite the
slya. (cf. kamt, manohn, slya).
manob, Low, depressed, short, not high
or tall. (cf. nob; manab).
manob-nb, Dim. of manob. Rather
low, rather short, of low stature, a little less
than normal in height. Manwang si kag
manobnb. He was lean and rather low
in stature.
manog-, A prefix denoting occupation
with what the root or term implies to which
it is attached, e.g. manogardoa
plougher; manogdumga wrestler;
manoghbula weaver; manogllaa
basket-weaver, one who makes
wickerwork; manogabtone about, or
expected, to arrive; manogkdtoone
about to leave or go somewhere,
manogtapsone about to finish or
complete (his studies, a job, etc.). N.B. Very
frequently the prefix manog- produces a
shifting of the accent of the term to which it

manya manugbhat
is attached, e.g. manogdumg (dmug);
manoghbul (habl); manogtaps (tpus)
and many more. (manugid.).
mn-og, Snake, serpent, viper. (cf.
manogpalungsnug, A member of a
fire-brigade, fireman. (cf. plong, snug).
manohn, An object played from the
hand in various games, as a ball, stone,
marble, card, etc. (cf. mno).
mank, Fowl, chicken; cock, gamecock;
poultry. (cf. agk, sulg, mung, pis,
sumalyhaw, kilawt; dumalga,
mn-ok, To call the dog, call the dogs
together. (cf. tkoy, pankoy).
mank-mankon, Somewhat like or
resembling a chicken; squinting slightly.
manl, Low, mean, boorish, uncultured,
very common, rough, coarse, rude, vulgar,
not fit or proper for educated or refined
people. (cf. bstos).
mn-ol, To benumb, cause numbness by
a blow or knock. Namn-ol ang sko ko,
kay nakasngg ak sa dngding. My
elbow was benumbed, for I knocked it
against the wall.
mnong, The eldest brother. (cf.
mnangthe eldest sister).
manng, The vocative of mnong.
manso, (Sp. manojo) A handful; a
bunch, batch, string of, rope of, bundle; a
bundle of one hundred tobacco leaves on a
string, or the like.
many, (H) Eldest brother (familiar). (cf.
mnong, manng).
mnsa, (Sp. mancha) Stain, blotch, blur,
taint, spot, blot, blemish, dirt. (cf. dgt,
bulng, hgk, etc.).
mansnas, (Sp. manzana) Apple.
mansanlya, (Sp. manzanilla) The
common chamomile, a medicinal plant.
mansebdo, See amansebdoone
living in concubinage.
mansisiw, Nurse, wet-nurse, childrens
nurse. (cf. yya, sisiw).
mansistr, (English: manchester) White
cotton cloth, twill, drill, Manchester goods
or wares.
mnso, (Sp. manso) Tame, domestic,
domesticated, gentle, meek, willing, broken
in, well trained, subdued, tractable. (cf.
mahagp, mabot, ant).
mnta, (Sp. manta) A woollen blanket;
shawl, travelling rug. (cf. hbul, ably,
knop, kpay).
mntas, Reliable, etc. (of watch-dogs).
See mngtas id.
mantka, mantk, (Sp. manteca)
Lard, fat, dripping. (cf. tmbok).
mantkilya, (Sp. mantequilla) Butter.
mantl, (Sp. mantel) Table-cloth, altarcloth, table-cover. (cf. tabn).
mantelyna, (Sp. mantellina) Mantilla, a
womans head-shawl, womans veil. (cf.

knop, kmbung, takurng, tkdong,

mantenr, (Sp. mantener) To maintain,
keep up, hold out, support, keep alive,
manage to go on. Nagamantenr gid lang
sil sang la pangabh. They are just
managing to keep alive, they are supporting
themselves rather poorly or with difficulty.
Mantenehn mo nay ang kalt, kay
kuhon ko pa ang tigb. Hold the rope in
position, for I am going to fetch the chisel.
Komsta kam?Nagamantenr kam.
How are you?We are getting along pretty
well. Nagaduhdha ak kon
makamantenr si ddto sing malwig
nga tin. I wonder (doubt), whether he will
be able to support himself there (remain
there) for any length of time. Mantenr
lang. It will dofor the present,to go on
with. It is onlya make-shift,a temporary
substitute, or the like.
mantenya, See mantenr.
mantu, A ghost. See mantw.
mantihn, Bewitched, charmed,
wonderful. (cf. mantw).
mantw, A bugbear, a ghost supposed to
be of gigantic proportions and of terrible
aspect; jinnee, jinn.
mantiwn, Bewitched, etc. See
mnt, (Sp. manto) A head-covering,
head-shawl (for women). (cf. mantelyna).
mntyo, A ghost. See mantw.
manbad, Preying upon, devouring,
ravening, rapacious, catching and tearing
to pieces. (cf. subdsibd, sb;
manug, See manog.
mangang, (B) Daughter-in-law. (cf.
umgadson-in-law; in some places
mangang and umgad are used
promiscuously for son-in-law and
daughter-in-law). (cf. dgang, gad).
manugyo, Doing well, recovering,
getting well, improving (of sick persons);
promising, likely to turn out well (of crops,
etc.). (cf. yo, maraydon).
manugbkal, Buyer, purchaser,
customer. (cf. bakl, sk).
manugbalgy, Seller, salesman,
saleswoman, dispenser, vender, vendor,
retailer, dealer, merchant. (cf. balgy).
manugbnsil, Dentist. (cf. bnsil).
manugbntay, Watch, watchman,
guard, keeper, sentry, sentinel, shepherd,
custodian, observer; tutor, warder, warden,
guardian. (cf. bntay).
manugbbit, One who is an adept at
working various designs into cloth. An
expert in arranging and adapting the
thread of the warp for making
multicoloured designs. (cf. bibt).
manugbhat, Maker, artificer,
craftsman, manufacturer, creator, builder,
constructer, constructor. (bhat). (cf.


manugblung mapainumron
manugblung, Doctor, medical man,
physician, healer, leech. (bulng).
manugdaign, A singer of Christmas
carols. (cf. dagon).
manugdumla, manugdumal,
Governor, director, administrator,
manager, ruler, boss. (dumla).
manuggahd, An expert in removing
foreign bodies from the eye, eye-cleaner,
oculist. (cf. ghid).
manuggnting, Hair dresser, barber.
manughilt, Masseur, masseuse, one
who practises massage. (cf. hlot).
manughimald, A palmister, fortuneteller, chiromancer, one who practises
palmistry. (cf. plad, himlad).
manug-haw, manug-ihw, Butcher,
slaughterer, dealer in meat. (cf. haw).
manug-sd, Fisher, fisherman, angler,
fishmonger or dealer in fish, seller of fish.
(cf. sd).
manugkahy, Collector, gatherer,
seller, of firewood; dealer in wood. (cf.
manuglagar, A sawyer, one who saws
wood. (cf. lagr).
manuglygay, Preacher, adviser,
counsellor, admonisher. (cf. lygay).
manuglbang, Care-taker; nurse.
Manuglbang sang kabatan, sang mga
masakt, etc. A children nurse, an
infirmarian, etc. (cf. libng).
manugpakigbis, Debater, disputant,
controversialist. (bis).
manugpalpnag, Propagator,
disseminator, distributer, agent. (cf.
manugsrko, A circus-master, an
acrobat, tumbler. (srkoSp. circo).
manugsig, One who pushes or presses
forward. Manugsig sang tigbat. A typesetter. (cf. sug).
manugslat, manugsullat, Author,
writer, a literary man. (cf. sult,
magsuslat, manunlat).
manugssi, manugsus, Investigator,
inspector, examiner. Manugsusipud.
Manugsusipuodnanon. Provincial
Inspector. (cf. ssi).
manugtbas, manugtabs, Tailor,
cutter. (cf. tbas, sstre).
manugtgn, Prophet, seer, fore-teller,
predictor. (cf. tgn, manalgn,
manugttap, Manager, care-taker,
administrator. (ttap).
manugtnd, Messenger, harbinger,
bringer of tidings, angel. (tnd).
manulnd, Messenger; angel. (cf.
manunnd, manugtnd, anhl).
manumbadr, (Probably from the Sp.
tumbar) A stunner, surprising, amazing,
overwhelming, overpowering.


Visayan-English Dictionary
manumblay, One who is a frequent
caller or likes to visit from house to house.
manmhon, A farmer, tiller of the soil,
peasant; rustic, rude, uncultured. (cf. um,
manung, A half, one half each. (cf.
tung, mnng).
mannggal, A kind of vine whose bitter
juice is used as an antiseptic in cleaning
wounds, etc.
manunytoy, Guide, leader. (cf. tytoy).
manunblag, A disturber; disturbing,
interrupting, interfering with, causing a
disturbance. (cf. tblag).
manunbus, Redeemer, saviour,
deliverer, liberator. (cf. manlulas,
mamamw, tubs).
manunudngsudng, An unwelcome
visitor, a parasite, sycophant. (cf.
manundl, Teacher, etc. See
manunon, mastro. (cf. tdl, pandl).
manungma, Seer, prophet, propounder
of riddles, riddle maker, riddle solver; wise,
sage. (cf. tgma).
manunkub, Tearing to pieces,
pouncing upon, devouring, preying, (beast)
of prey. (cf. tukb).
manunlat, A writer, author. See
magsuslat, manugslat.
manunlay, A tempter; the devil. (cf.
suly, panuly).
manunmbung, Accuser, plaintiff.
Manunmbung puodnnon. Provincial
Fiscal. (cf. smbung).
manunon, Teacher, professor, master,
tutor, instructor. (cf. ton, magtoton,
manuny; manunuy, Plotter,
gangster, murderer, conspirator, one who
intends to harm, or to wreak vengeance
upon, others. (cf. tuy).
manwh, To go on well, prosper, make
progress, be well-to-do. (cf. manhw).
manygi, An exclamation of
remonstrance, or disappointment, etc.
Manygi, kay nagahpus ang bt,
ginapahib mo! Good heavens, as the baby
is quiet, dont make it cry! Manygi, kay
nagapahimyong ang alimngo sa bh,
ginkot mo; t, knd ginkagt nya ikw.
There now, you disturbed with your finger
the crab at rest in its hole; of course it bit
you and it serves you right. (cf. ydi,
mag, (B) Greedy, voracious, ravenous,
wolfish, gluttonous. The verb is minagto
be greedy, eat greedily. Mag si nga to.
He is a greedy man. He is a voracious eater.
Ind ka magminag. Dont be greedy. (cf.
hkug, dalk, dinalk).
mpa, (Sp. mapa) A map, plan, drawing,
topographic outline; to map, map out,
make a map. Mapha inng papl. Use this
paper to draw a plan on. Maphi ang kon

dt. Make a map of my lands. Maphi ak

sang kon talmnan. Make me a map of
my fields. Bus ugling pagasklon kag
pagamaphan ko ang mo nga dt. Not
just now, but to-morrow I will measure
your grounds and draw a map of them.
mapa-, A prefix composed of ma and
pa-. Sn-o mo mapabhat ang mo bgo nga baly? When shall you be able to
have your new home built? mapa
frequently stands for magapa, e.g. Sno ka mapamanl (magapamanl)? When
are you going to Manila? Ang mga
matrung mapalngit, ang mga mamaty
sa sal nga ikamaty mapainpirno. The
just will go to heaven, those that die in
mortal sin will go to hell. (cf. nagapa,
naga, pa).
mapang, Hot, stuffy, sultry, close,
sweltry, oppressive. (pang). (cf. mabhot,
mapabuyn-buynon, Negligent,
careless, letting things take their course
without any serious reflection or effort at
remedying the state of affairs, putting off,
procrastinating, (cf. pabuynbyan).
mapadal-dalhon, (H) Amenable to
persuasion or bribery, easily led, easily won
over by argument or bribes. (dal).
mapads, Sharp, cutting, caustic,
sarcastic, ironic, mordent, biting, pointed
(of speech); to be or become sharp, etc. (cf.
pads, mapars, magska).
mapadinalhon, One easily swayed or
carried along, not steadfast, not firm of
character, unreliable, vacillating. (cf. dal,
mapg-on, Firm, steady, strong, solid,
stable, unshakable, stanch, staunch. (cf.
pg-on, malg-on, salalgan, mabkud).
mapgrus, Strong, firm, solid, robust.
(cf. pgrus, mapg-on, mabkud).
mapgsi, Quick, agile, nimble, swift.
(pgsi). (cf. mapgsik, malgsi).
mapgsik, See mapgsi.
mapahaygon, Open, frank, candid,
plain spoken. (cf. pahyag).
mapahaylhon, Changeable, mutable,
variable, unstaid, inconstant, not reliable or
trustworthy, fickle. (cf. pahylo).
mapailbon, Patient, meek, tolerant,
submissive, resigned, gentle, longsuffering, bearing with. (cf. palub).
mapainubsnon, See the following
mapainubson, Humble, lowly,
submissive, self-effacing, unassuming,
modest, meek. (cf. ubs, paubs).
mapainulbon, See mapailbon.
mapainumron, (H) Abstinent,
abstemious, frugal, self-denying, temperate
or moderate in eating and drinking.

Visayan-English Dictionary
mapa-t, Bitter, acrid, biting, piquant,
pungent; cruel, severe, painful, poignant.
mapkok, Weak, slow; dull, stupid,
obtuse, backward, (pkok; cf. malya,
mabndul, maly, kagng, kalng).
mapaligron, (H) Postponing, dilatory,
putting off, procrastinating, letting things
pass by, paying no attention to, heedless.
mapnas, Wiping out, destroying,
obliterating, rubbing out, removing all
trace of, erasing. (cf. pnas).
mapanghatgon, Generous, liberal,
munificent, free, open-handed; giver,
giving. (cf. htag, malwan).
mapanginlamnon, (H) Circumspect,
prudent, watchful, wary, chary, cautious.
Ang to nga mapanginlamnon malay
sa katalgman. A cautious man is far
removed from danger. Forewarned,
forearmed. (cf. panginlman).
mapngsot, Urinous, smellingof
urine,like urine. (cf. pngsot).
mapanhatgon, See mapanghatgon.
mapanilgon, mapanilagn,
Observant, watchful, open-eyed, alive to,
awake to, vigilant, wide awake, guarded, on
the lookout. (cf. panlag).
mapntok, (B) Assiduous, diligent, with
zeal or application. (cf. pntok, mapsan,
makud, mabkas, mattum).
mapars, (H) See mapadscutting of
speech, etc.
mapasinalamton, Thankful, grateful,
indebted to, obliged, under obligation. (cf.
salmat, pasalmat).
mapasulabhon, Partial, one-sided,
inequitable, giving preference to,
prejudiced, narrow-minded. (cf. lab).
mapasunaron, Thoughtful, regardful,
considerate, kind. (cf. pasunid).
maptag, Open, plain, clear,
unobstructed, said of land and fields.
(ptag). (cf. mahanyak, mahanyap).
mapatawron, Forgiving, indulgent,
lenient, tolerant, forbearing, ready to
pardon, forgetful of wrongs or injuries, not
given to revenge or retaliation. (patwad).
mapati-pathon, Credulous, gullible,
easily believing any story or report, easily
taken in. (pti).
maptol, (B) Tough, hard, difficult to
manage. (ptol; cf. mahnit, mahnlit,
mapatubson, Prolific, productive,
fertile, fruitful, frugiferous, fecund, yielding
a good crop. (cf. patubs, palatbson).
mapatubon, Productive, etc. See
mapatugsilngon, Considerate,
thoughtful, mindful of, having regard or
consideration for, conscientious. (cf.

mapa-t mapungy
mapatumbayon, Negligent,
unconcerned, careless, heedless.
(patumby; cf. mapabuynbuynon).
mapatumbayon, Negligent, careless,
dilatory, procrastinating. (cf. patumby).
mapatuyngon, Selfish, egoistic,
pleasing oneself, self-indulgent, worldlyminded. (cf. patyang).
mapaubson, Humble, etc. See
mapainubson, mapainubsnon.
mapya, Clumsy, cumbrous, unwieldy,
awkward to carry on account of bulky size
or great length, as a large drum, a birdcage, arm-chair, a long pole, flag-staff, etc.
(cf. pya, mabngkag, magmbal).
mapid, One who is very particular about
his food, fastidious, dainty, difficult to
please. (cf. pid).
mapgaw, Weak, frail, feeble, collapsible.
(cf. pgaw, malya, mahyang).
mapgus, Harsh, oppressive, exploiting,
cruel. (cf. pgus, malpig).
mapigson, mapigusn, Harsh, etc.
See mapgus, malupgon.
mapl, Choosing, fastidious, exacting,
selecting, particular about ones food,
dress, etc.; finical, finikin, finicking,
difficult to please or satisfy, nice in the
matter of food, etc. (cf. pl, mapid).
mapilt, Sticky, adhesive, viscous,
gummy, cohesive, gluey, glutinous,
clammy, adhering to. (cf. pilt).
mapilitn, Insisting, persistent, urging,
pressing, importunate; sticking to. (cf. plit,
mapinadaynon, Lasting, enduring,
permanent, constant, persevering. (cf.
mapinahamut-non, Obliging,
pleasing, considerate, thoughtful,
ingratiating, tactful, regardful. (cf. but,
hamot, pahamot).
mapinailbon, Patient, etc. See
mapinalanggon, Doting, petting,
caressing, fondling, cherishing, kind,
kindly, tender, affectionate. (cf. palngg).
mapinangadon, Devout, pious, a man
of prayer. (cf. pangad).
mapinasapayann, Mindful, regardful.
Dl (d) mapinasapaynonindifferent,
careless, thoughtless. (cf. sapayn, waly
sapayn, pagkadilmapinasapayann).
mapinasipalhon, Insulting,
affronting, deriding, mocking, scoffing,
blaspheming, blasphemous, scurrilous,
gibing, abusive, jeering, vilifying. (cf.
mapinasdlon, Filling, absorbing,
taking in, devouring, absorbent, stuffing,
cramming; one who learns well or has a
good memory; one who takes things to
heart, sensitive, full of feeling,
impressionable. (cf. suld, pasuld).

mapinasunaron, Thoughtful, etc. See

mapinathon, Credulous, gullible,
unsuspecting, easily deceived or tricked.
(cf. pti, mapatpathon).
mapinatkon, mapinatokn,
Founding, establishing, erecting, laying the
foundations of, instituting; inventing,
making up (a story, lie, etc.). (cf. ptok).
mapinatpaton, Imaginative,
inventive, creative, illusory, fictitious; an
adept in getting up plausible stories, or the
like. (cf. patpt).
mapinatubon, Productive, fertile, good
(of soil, etc.). (cf. tb).
mapinatumbayon, See
mapinatuyngon, Self-indulgent, etc.
See mapatuyngon.
mapinaumron, (H) Abstemious,
abstinent, mortifying, mortified, selfdenying. (cf. pamud).
mapn-ot, Clogged, contracted, narrow of
aperture, difficult to breathe, asthmatic,
choked (of the windpipe, etc.). (cf. pn-ot).
mapntas, Cruel, pitiless, inhuman,
savage, ferocious, fierce, brutal, destitute of
mercy or compassion, harsh, atrocious,
tyrannical, unjustly severe. (cf. pntas,
mabangs, mabars).
mapinuslnon, Useful, of use, of utility,
of some good or service, serviceable,
profitable, gainful, remunerative,
advantageous. (cf. puls, mapuls,
mapot, map-ot, Strict, close, narrow,
contracted, straitened, dense, crowded,
packed, pressed together, hard-pressed;
hard, difficult, severe. (cf. pot).
mapsan, Diligent, assiduous, sedulous,
hard-working, zealous, industrious, active,
energetic, with application. (cf. psan,
mad-id, matl-id, makud, mabkas).
mapg-a, Hard, hardened, clotty,
clotted, cloddy; lumpy, coagulated, full of
clods or lumps (of earth, sand, etc.); dry,
brittle, hard to swallow (of bread, etc.). (cf.
mapul, Red, reddish, ruddy, rufous,
florid, sanguine, rosy, incarnadine, carroty,
fiery, copper-coloured, crimson, flushed.
(cf. pul).
maplaw, Waking, watching, watchful,
wakeful, keeping awake, awake, keeping
watch or vigil, vigilant, assiduous, not
sleepy or lazy. (cf. pulw, mapulwon).
mapulwon, See maplaw. Also:
Wanting little sleep, staying up long,
keeping late hours, sleepless.
mapuls, See mapinuslnonuseful, etc.
mapng-aw, Lonely, solitary, isolated,
dreary, desolate, dismal. (png-aw).
mapungy, Weak, feeble, frail, debile.
(pungy; cf. malumng, malya,


maprus msa
maprus, Strong, robust; loud (of voice).
(cf. purs).
mapuslnon, See mapinuslnon
useful, etc.
mapsug, (B) Thick, not thin or slender.
(psug; cf. madmol id.).
maput, White, snowy, chalky, hoar,
hoary, blanched; pure, unsullied,
untarnished, candid, uncontaminated,
snow-white. (put).
marablyas, (Sp. maravilla) A kind of
flowering plant, marigold; deep pink
marab, Tasty, succulent, delectable,
dainty, nice, toothsome, savoury, of good
flavour (of fruits and tubers); opposed to
magansinsipid. (cf. rab).
maragng, Spotted, soiled, disfigured,
blotched, blotchy, stained, bloodstained;
full of pustules or eruptions (of skindiseases). Maragng ang by nya sing
dug. His jacket is blood-stained.
Maragng (nagamaragng) si sang
katl. His body is covered with eruptions of
the skin-disease called katl. (cf. ragng,
margas, (B) Thick (of paint, or the like).
(cf. rgas, madmol).
maragting, Creaking, cracking,
squeaking. (cf. ragting).
maragkt, (B) Sticky, viscous, adhesive,
stiff. Mabdlay ang paglakt sa maragkt
nga lala. Walking through sticky mud is
tiresome. (cf. ragkt, mapilt).
margnat, (B) Slightly feverish, etc. See
maragom, Crisp, short. (cf. ragom,
margtas, Story, history, event, incident,
anecdote, chronicle, record. (cf. histrya).
maragtsnon, Historical, eventful,
momentous, memorable. Maragtsnon
nga hitab. An historical event.
Maragtsnon nga tig. An eventful year.
marahy-rhay, Quick, swift, very
agile, nimble, lithe, lithesome. (cf.
rahyrhay, mapgsik, malgsi, mabtik,
madsig, kisy).
marahy-rahy, Mediocre, neither poor
nor rich, neither much nor little, middleclass. (cf. hingnhingn, dawdaw,
mara-ng, marang, Dirty, ugly, nasty,
abominable, sullied, soiled. (cf. rang,
mahgk, malw-ay, magm-ang,
kalamnan, margkam, marsm).
marak, (B) Many, plenty, galore,
abundant, abounding. (cf. rak, dro,
marl, The male of the singglong (fox;
civet cat).
maralasgon, (B) Liable to attract, to
become infested with, ants called lsg,
particularly said of eatables. (cf.


Visayan-English Dictionary
marmad, (B) To be wide awake, be fully
aware of, to grasp, comprehend,
understand, take in. War ak
kamarmad kang ginkon na. (Wal ak
makahangp (makamarsmas) sang
ginsilng nya). I dont (did not, didnt)
understand what he says (said).
Kamarmad (makamarmad) kaw kar?
(Makasyod, makahibal ka sin?). Can
you understand it? Do you know that? (cf.
malmad, marsmas, hibal, syod,
balintnod, to, hntup, hangp).
mar-mar, (B) The mole-cricket. See
maramg, (B) Cold; stiff. (cf. ramg,
malamg, matgnaw).
marnhig, (B) A ghost, spectre, etc. See
marapg, (B) Stinking, smelling, having
a bad smell, giving off a stench, of an evil or
obnoxious smell or odour. (cf. rapg,
mabah, mabh, makalolod,
marrang, (B) Daring, bold, defiant,
impertinent, audacious, insolent, froward;
cunning, resourceful. (cf. rrang,
makhas, maspug, maahng, mallang).
marsa, (B) Good, well, etc. See mayo.
Dl marsa ang ya pamt (pagbt). His
health is not good. He is sick. Marsa gid
ang ya nga batsan. His behaviour
(character) is excellent. His manners are
engaging. (cf. rsa).
marsmas, To be wide (fully) awake, be
awake to, to grasp, comprehend,
understand, take in, take. Wal si
makamarsmas sang kon nga gin silng.
He could not understand what I said.
Namarasmasn nya ang tann nga
ginpahyag ni Fulno. He comprehended
all that N.N. expounded. Namarasmasn
ak sang ddto na ak sa baly. I
recovered my senses when I got to the
house. (cf. marmad, mdmad, hangp,
hntup, balintnod, to, syod, msng).
maraydon, (B) Getting well or better;
promising. See manugyo. (cf. ayd).
maray, (B) See malaydistant, far
away, etc.
margba, (Sp. marga, margajita) Pyrites,
mispickel; marl.
margarta, A kind of flowering plant, the
common daisy.
margso, See amargso.
maribk, Disturbing the peace,
rebellious, riotous, tumultuous, turbulent,
disorderly, revolutionary, mutinous.
maribok, (B) Thick, stout, round,
plump, fat of arms, calves, cheeks, etc.
(ribok). (cf. matibnog, matiplon,
maribusl, (B) See maribok. (ribusl).
mardo, (Sp. marido) Husband. (cf.

marigbot, Hot, sultry, stuffy, sweltry,

close; disturbed, upset, perplexed,
confused, excited through overwork or
through having too many things to attend
to. (righot). (cf. magn-ot, mabhot;
margkam, Dirty, filthy, nasty,
nauseating. (cf. rgkam, mahgk,
makalolod, makangill-ad, rang).
marit, marit, Haunted, weird, dreary,
desolate, depressing, lonely, lonesome,
inspiring fear, uncanny, said particularly of
lonely places. (cf. rit).
marikt, Complicated, mingled,
combined, confused, involved. (rikt). (cf.
gomn). Marikt nga pangabdlay.
Complicated work that requires great
patience, etc.
marmis, marm-is, (B) Sweet, sugary,
syrupy. (cf. rmis, matm-is, dlse).
marims-rmis, (B) Dim. of marmis.
Rather sweet, sweetish.
marrong, (B) Hidden, secret, difficult to
find, out of the way, concealed, not open to
view or inspection. Marrong nga lugr
ang tinagan nya sang kon lbro. He has
hidden my book in a secret place or hidden
nook. (cf. marit).
marsm, (B) Dirty, soiled, stained, old
and torn. (cf. rsm; mahgk, etc.).
mrka, (Sp. marca) Mark, sign, brand,
trade-mark, standard; to mark, sign, brand.
Markah ang karabw. Brand the buffalo.
Bkli ak sing ags nga mrka mank.
Buy me some kerosene of the Cock brand.
(cf. pt-in, don, timan).
marks, marksa, (Sp. marques,
marquesa) Marquis, marquess;
marchioness, marquise.
mrmol, (Sp. marmol) Marble.
Batungdan nga mrmol (buky). A
marble monument. (cf. bat nga buky).
mar, The rice-flower; to flower (of rice).
Ang humy nagamar na. The rice is now
flowering or in bloom. Sa duh ka simna
magamar ang humy sa kon talmnan.
Within two weeks the rice on my field will
be in flower. Namaron na ak sang kon
humy. My rice has flowered, blossomed.
marn, (B) Wild, untamed. (cf. simarn
mart, A kind of small fish.
mrpil, (Sp. marfil) Ivory.
mrso, (Sp. Marzo) March. (cf.
martabna, A large earthen jar
somewhat resembling a tdyaw, but more
cylindrical in shape.
mrtes, (Sp. Martes) Tuesday.
martlyo, (Sp. martillo) Hammer, mallet.
(cf. palap, pal).
mrtir, (Sp. martir) Martyr. (cf. tigbats).
mard-an, (B) The East. (cf. murd-an,
msa, (Sp. masa) Dough, mass, lump; to
knead. Masha ang arna. Knead the flour.

Visayan-English Dictionary
Mashi ak sing is ka sko nga arna.
Knead one sack of flour for me. (cf. lams,
msa, (Sp. maza) The hub, nave of a
ms, (H) To waste, squander, throw
away, spend to no purpose. (cf. kams,
uyng, sik, pilk).
ms-a, (H) Ever. Dl nga ms-anever.
(cf. mugs).
masbad, (H) Inconvenient, awkward,
unmanageable, unwieldy, unsuitable
(through being too long, said of sticks,
poles, etc., that are too long for a given
purpose). (cf. masgway, mapya).
masdya, Cheerful, jolly, merry, gleeful,
blithe, blithesome, mirthful, animated,
lively, gay, cheery, sprightly, high-spirited.
(cf. sdya, makalilpay, makalulyag,
makawiwli, malipyon, malipayn).
masagl-om, (H) Dark, shaded, dim,
dark-coloured, brown, dun, obscure, not
very light. (cf. sagl-om; itm, ilmlm,
masagron, masinagron, Taking
care of, rearing, bringing up. (cf. sagd).
masgway, Awkward, clumsy,
inconvenient through being too long, or the
like. (cf. masbad, magmbal,
masakt, Sick, ill, infirm, ailing, unwell,
poorly, sore, out of sorts, seedy, painful,
aching, poignant, smarting, hurting,
excruciating; sharp, harsh, rough, cutting
(of speech). (cf. sakt).
masakitn, Sickly, invalid, unhealthy,
having poor health, inclined, or liable, to be
often sick; causing pain, painful; sharp,
cutting (of speech). (cf. masakt).
masakitn, Also: Injured, spoilt, rotten,
worm-eaten (of fruits). (cf. torakn).
masakt-sakt, Dim. of masakt. Slightly
ill, indisposed, rather sore, a little painful,
paining a little, not quite well, a little out of
mask, Keeping one very busy,
engrossing, causing or giving much work,
bustling, hustling, very much occupied,
busy, engaged. (cf. sk).
masl-ag, Disagreeing, at variance,
quarrelling, falling out, at logger-heads,
having a difference with. (cf. sl-ag).
masalypon, (H) Erring, mistaken,
making amistake,blunder,mess of,
blundering, doing a thing wrong,
committing a fault or blunder. (cf. sayp,
masalingya, Pleasing, pleasant,
cheerful. (cf. alikya, masdya).
masmbol, Thick, stout, big; near
delivery, pregnant, at the last stage of childbearing. (cf. smbol).
masam, Often, ofttimes, often-times,
recurrent, many a time, frequent, many
times; again and again, over and over
again, repeatedly. Sing masam ton

msa masinaulgon
mapanilgan. Often we can
observe. (cf. sam, masnsun,
himnhimn, makadm).
masmok, Interfering, disturbing,
bothering, causing annoyance or making
oneself a nuisance. (smok).
masanaw, Glimmering, crepuscular,
faint light, said of twilight; half-light, dim,
obscure. (sanaw).
masnag, Clear, bright, light, broad
daylight, illuminating, glaring, strong,
dazzling; manifest, evident. (cf. snag,
masngkad, Wide, broad, of large
breadth, ample, extended, vast. (cf.
sngkad, malpad, mahanhay, etc.).
masngsang, Vehement, fierce, heavy,
violent (of fighting, war, etc.). (sngsang).
(cf. hinugng, sugng).
masnyog, Enduring, lasting,
continuous, permanent, persisting, abiding,
perpetual; extending, advancing,
progressing. Masnyog si sing
panghunhn. He is liberal-minded,
broad-minded, advanced or progressive in
his ideas or way of thinking. (cf. snyog).
maspnot, Rough, difficult of passage;
not easy to swallow. Maspnot ang kn-on
nga maitm, lab na gid, kon wal sing
tinla. Black rice is difficult to swallow,
especially, if there is no side-dish with
sauce. Maspnot inng dlan sa paggyud,
sing kawyan. This road is difficult to get
through when hauling bamboo. (spnot).
masariwol, Hard, difficult, tiresome,
said of work, life etc.; clumsy, awkward of
speech. (sariwol).
msaw, To feast, attend a banquet, eat
much or to ones hearts content. (cf.
pskwa, tbad, lad, pasy, pskon).
masw-a, Disgusting, loathsome,
antipathetic, improper, unbecoming,
exciting aversion or dislike. (cf. sw-a).
maswhung, Abominable, loathsome,
stinking, emitting a bad smell. (cf.
swhung, bah, makatalka).
masyo, Often, frequently; frequent. (cf.
syo, masnsun, masam, makadm).
masayn, Continuous, continual,
constant, always. (dyon, dalyon).
masyon, Easy, facile. (cf. mahaps,
masetra, (Sp. maceta) Flower-pot. (cf.
masido, (Sp. demasiado) Excessive,
more than enough, very much, too much,
overdone. (cf. tm, lm-ag).
masdlak, Shining, dazzling, very bright,
like sunlight, sparkling, glittering,
gleaming, glowing, scintillating, beaming,
vivid, brilliant, resplendent, refulgent,
effulgent. (sdlak).
masidlkon, Shining; bright, splendid,
clear, etc. See masdlak.
masdlaw, See masdlak. (slaw).
masig, See under nasig.

masga, Bright, brilliant, good, shining,

powerful, vivid, dazzling, shedding,
casting, light, giving much light, said of a
lamp or the like. (sga).
masigka-, A prefix denoting equality of
condition, e.g. masigkatoa man like
ourselves, a fellow-man, neighbour. (cf.
maslak, (H) See masdlak id.
maslaw, See masdlaw id.
masl, (H) Dazzling white, shining with a
white lustre, very bright. (cf. masdlak,
maslaw). (sl).
maslik, Far-reaching, resounding,
sonorous, lusty, reverberating, loud,
carrying far, said of sounds and voices. (cf.
slik, malgsing, matgsing, masulnting,
masilng, (B) Shining, polished,
burnished, furbished, bright, shiny,
gleaming, glossy, said of smooth surfaces
that have been burnished. (cf. silng,
mahning, masl).
masilin-ton, Sympathetic, regardful,
considerate, thoughtful, affectionate,
compassionate; emotional, sentimental. (cf.
sn-it, kasn-it).
masimbhon, A frequent church-goer;
devout, pious, religious, a man of prayer.
(cf. smba, simbhan, silimbhon,
masm-ong, (B) Solitary, desolate,
dismal, lonely, dreary, secluded. (sm-ong).
(cf. mapng-aw id.).
masinabton, Discontented, displeased,
unsatisfied, grumbling on account of
having received less than others, envious,
spiteful. (sabt).
masinadyhon, Cheerful, jolly, etc. See
masdya. (cf. maluyagn).
masing, Transparent, translucent,
pellucid, translucid, transmitting light,
crystal. (sing).
masinagron, Taking care of, etc. See
masinakdgon, Supporting, helpful,
assisting, looking after, taking care of. (cf.
skdag, maampnon, mainapnon).
masinalypon, Erring, etc. See
masalypon. (cf. sayp).
masinalgon, Trustful, confiding,
confident, hopeful, full of trust or
confidence. (cf. slig, salalgan).
masinampton, Accomplished, well
trained, practised, expert, adept,
experienced; giving or providing a good
training. (cf. sampton).
masinapkon, Heedful, mindful,
attentive, taking notice of, attending to,
careful to observe or attend to; sensitive.
(cf. sapk).
masinapophon, Generous, hospitable,
taking care of, giving shelter and food,
sympathetic. (cf. sappo).
masinaulgon, Praising, exalting,
giving honour or praise to. (cf. salug).


masnaw matagubalson
masnaw, Clear, transparent, pellucid,
crystal. (cf. snaw, matn-aw).
masngkal, Very warm, hot, ardent,
aglow, burning, white-hot, fiery,
incandescent, said of the passions as well
as of the temperature of substances. (cf.
masngk, Hot, fiery, excited. Masngk
si sing panimot. He is very hottempered. (cf. sngk, masngkal).
masinimbhon, Adoring, worshipping,
church-going; one who adores, worships or
frequently goes to church; pious, a man of
prayer. (cf. smba).
masinulb-on, Sorry, sad, desolate,
dismal, dejected, mournful, doleful,
dolorous, distressed, dreary, sorrowful. (cf.
sub, masub).
masinulgton, Conform, conformable,
agreeing, willing, ready, complying,
compliant, obliging, obedient, docile,
yielding. (cf. sugt).
masinulndon, Obedient, dutiful,
submissive, docile, yielding, complying
with orders. (cf. sund).
masinundnon, See masinulndon
obedient, etc.
masik, (B) Dense, overgrown, junglelike, full of high grass or underbrush. (cf.
masot, (H) Dense, etc. See masik.
maspat, Avenging, vengeful, resentful,
revengeful, vindictive, retaliating, spiteful,
mischievous, malicious. (cf. spat).
maspat, Sharp, keen (of eyes); wasteful,
squandering, prodigal. (cf. makilitn-on;
buhah, mauskon).
maspong, Close, near, together, tied
closely, strung or bound together. (cf.
masipt, (B) Narrow, of little breadth or
extent, limited, circumscribed, not wide or
broad. (cf. sipt, makitd).
masr, (B) See maslshining, glossy,
lustrous, bright.
masiriwol, See masariwol.
Masiriwol is more in use.
masirm, (B) Dim, obscure, getting dark,
fading light, twilight, crepuscular,
gloaming, said of nightfall. (sirm).
masta, (Sp. maceta) Flower-pot. (cf.
masetra). Also: Plants and flowers set out
in flower-pots.
maskabdo, (Sp. mascabado) Unrefined
sugar, muscovado.
maskda, (Sp. mascar) Tobacco-leaves
used for chewing together with betel-nut,
lime and by-leaves.
mskara, (Sp. mscara) Mask, disguise,
face-mask; masquerade.
mskin, (Sp. por ms que) Even if,
though, although, notwithstanding. (cf.
mslut, To be or become aware of, know,
understand. See namaslutn. (cf.
marsmas, malmad).


Visayan-English Dictionary
msna, (B) Clear, bright, said of light or
sight. Dl msna inng knki, kay may bro
ang tbo. This lamp is not bright, because
the chimney is sooty. Dl na msna ang
panluk ko, kay tiglang na man ak. My
sight is getting dim, for I am quite old. (cf.
msng, To know, understand. Ind si
makamsng magbsa kag magsult. He
does not know how to read and write. Wal
si sing namasngan nahanungd sinng
mga butng. He hasnt an inkling of those
matters. (cf. hibal, balintnod,
marsmas, etc.).
mso, (Sp. mazo) A mallet, a heavy
hammer, sledge-hammer, mall, maul,
masom, Nauseating, sickening,
revolting, exciting a feeling of loathing,
uninviting, unappetizing, applied especially
to food cooked in too much fat. (cf. som,
makasolmo, mabtl, masm-od).
masn, (Sp. mason) Freemason.
masonera, (Sp. masoneria)
masosulo, A convulsive choking fit that
often attacks young children and may easily
end in death, unless help is rendered at
msrut, See mslutto be aware of, etc.
masub, Sad, sorrowful, mournful,
dejected, downcast, heart-sick, doleful,
melancholic, woe-begone, moping, glum,
forlorn, desolate, downhearted,
despondent, depressed, unhappy. (cf. sub,
masugl-om, (H) See masagl-om id.
masulnting, Far-reaching, sonorous,
loud, etc. (cf. malgsing, maslik,
maslhay, (B) Fresh, refreshed,
comfortable, vigorous, well. (cf. slhay,
rahyrhay, prsko).
masulubyon, Attracting ants, etc. (cf.
suby, maralasgon).
masulg, Current, swift, rapid, strong,
applied to running water; rushing. (sulg).
masulukisk, Twisted, complicated,
involved, entangled.
masulukusk, See masulukisk.
masulndon, Following, imitating;
obedient, etc. See masinulndon.
masm-od, See makasolmo
disgusting, etc. (cf. sm-od).
masnsun, Frequent, many times, many
a time, often. (snsun). (cf. masam,
masund, Following, succeeding, coming
after, ensuing, next. (cf. sund, madasn).
masuplon, Weak, easy to conquer or
overcome. (cf. spil; dalg-on, mapgaw,
maspug, Daring, audacious, bold,
defiant, impertinent, reckless, impudent,
insolent, foolhardy, rash, venturesome,

brave, violent. (cf. spug, makhas,

maahng, masug, masursol).
masursol, See maspug.
masurukisk, See masulukisk
complicated, etc.
massi, Exact, precise, careful, thorough,
searching. (cf. ssi, mad-id, matl-id,
mapsan, makud).
mat, Eye, orb, sight, vision; hole (of a
needle), loop (for a hook), etc.; eyelet; bud
or shoot (of potatoes, cuttings of sugar
cane, etc.); mesh (of a net); to awake, open
the eyes; to keep vigil, remain awake.
Nagmat na si? Is he already awake?
Magmat na ikw. Wake up. Open your
eyes. Rise (up). Ginpamat ak nla. They
woke me up. Pamatah (pamtha) si.
Wake him. Namatahn (namthan) ko
ang am nga gam. That noise woke me. I
was roused from sleep by that noise.
Nagamat gid si magton, bisn kon
gb-i na. He keeps himself awake for study
till late at night. He studies till late at night.
(cf. bgtaw, pulw).
mat, (B) Family, blood relation. (cf. bt,
matas, High, tall, lofty, towering,
exalted in altitude or dignity. (cf. tas,
matatas, malntyog, matg-as).
matas-tason, Proud, self-conscious,
insolent, haughty, overbearing, arrogant,
bumptious, stuck-up, supercilious,
overweening. (tas).
matb-ang, Light, mild (of tobacco,
beverage, etc.) (cf. tb-ang; dalsay,
matblaw, Impeding, hampering,
hindering, obstructing, interfering,
disturbing. (cf. tblaw).
matbnul, Thick, fat, plump, chubby,
stout, round, muscular, buxom, fleshy (of
arms, legs, etc.). (cf. tbnul; matbsul,
matibnog, maribok, maribusl).
matbya, A kind of banana similar to
kadsnon and anono and eaten either raw
or boiled.
matdlung, Straight, straight-forward,
direct, right, rectilinear, honest, frank.
matag-dlaw, Any common day, every
day, a working day.
matg-as, (H) High. See matas id. tgas).
matgbong, Sinking down, falling to the
bottom, descending; weighty, ponderous,
heavy (of weight); grave, serious, tactful (of
speech). (cf. tgbong, mabg-at;
malgdong, magdang).
matgsing, Far-reaching, resounding,
ringing, sonorous, reverberating, loud,
shrill, piercing (of voices and sounds). (cf.
tgsing, malgsing, maslik, masulnting,
matnug, malniog).
matagubalson, Grateful, thankful,
mindful of, making a proper return for

Visayan-English Dictionary
favours received. (cf. blus,
matahpon, Apprehensive, suspicious,
fearful, afraid, in suspense, in danger or
peril; risky, hazardous. (cf. thap).
matahmik, Nice, beautiful; quiet,
tranquil, peaceful. Matahmik ang
pagtlug sinng bt. This baby sleeps
nicely. Matahmik ang pagsinalay sinng
mga to. Those people live peacefully
together. (cf. matahm; matwhay,
mathud, (B) Respectful, reverent,
reverential, deferential, courteous;
generous, liberal. (cf. thud, matinahron,
malwan, palanghtag, paran-o).
matahm, Beautiful, beauteous, seemly,
bonny, good-looking, sightly, pretty,
handsome, fine, charming, comely, nice,
lovely, splendid. (cf. tahm, manyag,
maayyo, mambong, madlig,
magayn, mamah)
matahm, Nice, funny, queer. Matahm
kayo nga paghokm in! This is a nice
way of administering justice!
matakb, matkab, (B) Pilfering,
stealing. (cf. takb, maninkas, makwat,
matkaw, (B) Thief; stealing. See
makwat. (cf. tkaw, maninkas,
maninkm, kawtan, kawatn).
matalk-on, Apathetic, etc. See
matals, Unobstructed, smooth, slippery,
easy of passage, easily swallowed. (cf.
tals; matnlas).
matlaw, Cowardly, coward, craven,
scared, timid, white-livered, poltroon,
craven. (cf. tlaw).
matalwis, Sharp-pointed. See
matlh, Easy to split, separable;
disjointed, spaced wide apart. Ang sibkaw
matlh. Sebucao-wood is easy to split.
Sapan-wood cleaveseasily,readily.
Inng slud matlh sing ngpon. This
reed (of a weaving loom) has its teeth
spaced wide apart. (cf. tlh, malak).
matalwis, (H) Sharp-pointed, acute,
prickly, barbed. (talwis).
matalm, (H) Sharp-edged, keen,
cutting. (talm).
matalm, Also: difficult to digest (of
food). (matarm id.).
matalnsay, Quiet, tranquil, calm,
comfortable, undisturbed; straight on,
continuous; pure unsullied. (talnsay).
matalupngdon, Attentive, regardful,
intent on, considerate, observant, taking
care of or paying attention to.
(talupangd). (cf. tamd).
matm, Overmuch, excessive, too much,
more than enough, immoderate,
exorbitant, preposterous. (tm). (cf. lmag, laks, masido, demasido).

matahpon matk
matmad, Slow, lazy, indolent, sluggish,
idle, slothful, otiose, slack, inert, listless,
drone. (cf. tmad, tamarn, ligoyn).
mat-mta, Dim. of mateye. Also:
the thin membrane surrounding maizekernels near the part attached to the cob;
the eye, bud, shoot (of a plant or tuber).
matmbok, Fat, obese, plump, fleshy,
stout, corpulent. (tmbok).
matm-is, Sweet, sugary, syrupy,
delectable (of food and drink); delightful,
delicious, pleasant (of music, smells and
feelings); kind, gentle, tender (of speech,
disposition and sentiments); pleasing,
beautiful, nice, pretty (to see). (tm-is). (cf.
mt-an, Something in sight, at hand,
something that turns up, ready for use, way
of earning a livelihood. Wal si sing mtan kag sp-an. There is (was) nothing (no
means, work, help, etc.) in sight for his
need and he has (had) nowhere to go to for
shelter or protection. (cf. mat;
palangitn-an, paaliwnsan, dalngpan,
alypan, pangt).
mt-an, From mat. See mthan id.
matnd, Aiming well, a marksman, a
good shot, an adept shooter or hitter; exact,
precise, perfectly adapted or fit for. Inng
slud wal (ka bgkos) nga matnd. This
reed (of a weaving loom) is exactly adjusted
(adapted) for eight (small bundles of yarn,
i.e. stripes, to the span (dngaw). This is a
reed of exactly eight (stripes to the span).
(cf. tnd, g).
matandon, Marking, noting, taking
stock, observing well, taking note of or
paying much attention to. (cf. tnd,
matndus, Handy, practical, expeditious,
zealous, diligent. (cf. tndus; mapsan,
mabhat, makar, mabtik, etc.).
matanhagon, Wonderful, miraculous,
extraordinary, marvellous, strange,
surprising, astonishing; one who wonders
or is surprised. (cf. tanhg,
makatitingla, makatalanhg).
matnlas, Smooth, slippery, easy to
swallow. (cf. matals, madnlug).
matnoy, Loud, shrill, high-pitched,
sonorous (of sounds and voices). See
malnoy. (cf. tnoy, masulnting, maslik,
malniog, matnug, purs).
matnsa, (Sp. matanza) Slaughter;
license to slaughter animals; payment for
the license to slaughter animals. (cf. haw,
matans, Straight, erect, upright,
vertical, perpendicular, growing tall and
straight. (cf. tans).
matpan, Even, plain, level, smooth. (cf.
matp-ol, Weak, feeble, exhausted,
fragile, frail, nerveless, enervated,
debilitated, wanting strength. (cf. tp-ol,
mapgaw, malya).

matapk, Easily broken, breakable,

flimsy, fragile, weak, worn-out, brittle, frail.
(cf. tapk).
matarwis, (B) Sharp-pointed. See
matalwis, matalwis.
matrung, Just, honest, even-handed,
honourable, fair, equitable, impartial,
square, upright, conscientious, righteous,
virtuous. (cf. trung).
matslit, Coward, etc. See matlaw.
matatas, High, exalted, lofty, supreme.
Ang matatas nga mga punon. The
highest (high) authorities. (cf. tas,
matatahm, Nice, beautiful, etc. See
matatsd, A serious boil or ulcer so
called from its resemblance to a fishs eye.
matt-sd, See matatsd.
matwhay, Tranquil, quiet, undisturbed,
peaceful, at peace, untroubled, serene,
calm, unruffled, halcyon, without trouble or
harassment. (cf. twhay, malinng,
maty, To die, expire; meet death, suffer
death, become extinct. Nagakamaty si.
He is dying. Nagkamaty (namaty) si.
He died. Ang pagkamaty. Death. Dying.
(cf. paty, kinamaty, himatayn,
kamatyon, namtyan, kalamatyan).
mataym, Piquant, racy, tasteful;
brackish, salty, briny; sweetish. (cf.
matyog, (B) Throwing, casting,
tossing, hurling, flinging, far, an
expert at throwing missiles; flying or going
off to a great distance. (cf. tyog).
matayyon, Straight on, continuous,
constant, without interruption. (cf.
tayyon, dyon).
mthan, For matahn from mat. See
mt-an id.
matbsul, Plump, thick, fat, stout, fleshy,
round, chubby, rosy, peachy (of cheeks,
etc.; cf. matpsul, matibnog, etc.).
matibnog, Round, fleshy, chubby,
thick, plump, stout, fat (of arms, calves,
cheeks, etc. (cf. matiplon, maniplon,
matpsul, maribok, maribusl).
matg-a, (H) Hard, compact, solid,
incompressible, indurated, difficult to
make an impression upon, obstinate,
obdurate, insensible, unfeeling, unyielding,
tough. (cf. tg-a).
matgd, Clear, distinct, sharp (of
pronunciation, speech, etc. (cf. tgd,
matgdas, Hard, not soft (particularly
said of underdone tubers); sharp. See
matg-a, matgd.
mtik, News, information, notice. (cf.
matk, To listen in, hear, get notice of,
receive news, eavesdrop. Nakamatk ka
nga may mga buyng nga magaabt?
Have you heard that there are brigands


matkas mat-mat
(gangsters) approaching? Wal ak sing
namatikn sang la sugilnon. I could not
(did not) understand what they were
talking about. (cf. mutk).
matkas, Sneak, thief; pilfering, stealing,
thieving, light-fingered, a petty thief. (cf.
tkas, makwat, matkaw, makwt,
matk-mtik, To listen in, eavesdrop,
observe slily (slyly), watch, spy, spy upon
(out), pry, find out, be on the lookout.
Matkmatkan mo ang mga gho kag
hlag sinng talapunan. Find out what
are the proceedings and movements of this
society. (cf. matk, mutk).
matlh, Clear, bright, serene (of the sky,
weather); ceasing, stopping (of rain). (cf.
matimalson, Revengeful, vindictive,
vengeful, brooding over, resentful,
retaliating, desirous of giving tit for tat,
harbouring vengeance. (cf. timals, blus).
matimblog, (B) Round, spherical,
orbicular, globular, circular. (cf. timblog,
maniplon, matibnog, matiplon).
matmgas, Fleshy, meaty, plump, full (of
fruits, grains, etc.); the most conspicuous,
best, prominent. The phrase Si Fulna
matmgas sing pangank means: N.N.
has never had a miscarriage, has no dead
children and has no godchildren.
matn-ad, Prosperous, flourishing,
progressive, going on well, solid, sound,
solvent, proceeding on a firm basis,
economically independent. (cf. tn-ad).
matinaghyon, Sighing, murmuring,
rustling, rushing, soughing (of wind, water,
leaves, etc.). (cf. tghoy, panghoy).
matinagubalson, Grateful, thankful,
mindful of benefits received, ready or
willing to make a fitting return. (cf. blus,
kabalslan, matagubalson).
matinahon, Respectful, reverential,
deferential, regardful, deferring to,
honouring. (cf. tah, matinahron).
matinahron, Respectful, deferential,
reverential, deferring to, regardful,
honouring, showing esteem, paying honour
or respect to. (cf. thud, matinahon,
katahurn, talahon).
matinalk-on, Showingaversion,
loathing,apathy, shirking, avoiding,
disregarding, ignoring. (cf. tak).
matinalmdon, Careful, wary,
considerate, reflecting, observant,
appreciating, thoughtful, prudent. (cf.
matinamarn, Lazy, idle, indolent, slow,
sluggish, slothful, slack, otiose, inert,
listless, drone. (cf. tmad, matmad,
tamarn, ligy, ligoyn).
matinamyon, Contemptuous,
insulting, scornful, expressing contempt or
disdain. (cf. tmay, talamyon).


Visayan-English Dictionary
matinamywon, Affable, kind, amiable,
courteous, humane, sociable. (cf. tmyaw,
mainablwon, mabugnhon).
matinandon, Marking, observing, etc.
See matandon. (cf. tnd).
matinap-ngon, Dirtying, soiling,
staining, stainful. Ang ya nga ginhmbal
matinap-ngon gid sang kadunggnan ni
Fulno. His speech cast a slur on (was
detrimental to) N.N.s reputation (honour,
character). (cf. tp-ing).
matinatabngon, Helpful, ready to
help or assist. See mabinulgon. (cf.
tbang, mahiugynon).
matinatpon, Conscientious,
administering or managing with care, being
in charge of or responsible for, looking
after with great care, mindful, thoughtful,
circumspect. (cf. ttap, mainandmon,
mainamlgon, mapsan, makud,
matn-aw, (H) Clear, transparent,
translucent, pellucid, crystal, pure,
diaphanous. (cf. tn-aw, masnaw;
matnggas, Full, fleshy, meaty, plump
(of fruits and cereals); outstanding,
prominent, the most conspicuous or best
(of a class). (cf. tnggas, matmgas; lutw).
matngting, Strong, stout, tough,
resisting, not easily yielding to strain or
stress, difficult to snap, part or separate.
(cf. tngting).
matinguhon, matinguhan, Active,
energetic, strenuous, assiduous, doing
ones best, striving hard, making great
efforts. (cf. tingh).
matinipgon, Preserving well, hiding
away, guarding, saving, shutting up,
putting by, keeping, looking after with care,
lest things should be spoilt, lost or stolen.
(cf. tpig).
matnl, Clean, pure, undefiled,
untainted, immaculate, spotless, unsullied,
stainless, unadulterated, uncontaminated,
cleanly, free from stain, soil or admixture,
clear of dirt or filth; honest, just, righteous.
(cf. tnl).
matn-od, Peaceful, tranquil, calm, quiet,
unruffled, smooth, even, serene; retiring,
reserved, not very sociable, averse to social
gatherings. (cf. tn-od, magalmhon).
matnong, Noiseless, quiet, undisturbed,
unruffled, serene, calm, free from
disturbing movements. (cf. tnong,
malinng, matwhay, matn-od).
matinohon, matinoohn, Faithful,
believer, follower. (cf. to).
matinublgon, Disturbing, upsetting,
interfering with. (cf. tblag).
matinubson, Redeeming, reclaiming,
saving, liberating, freeing. (cf. tubs,
matinumnon, Complying with,
compliant, obedient to, observant, prompt
to obey, dutiful, fulfilling ones duties,

disciplined, executing orders received. (cf.

tman, masinulndon, masinulgton).
matinunwon, Soluble, dissolving,
melting. (cf. tnaw).
matinutd-on, True, sincere, honest,
frank, loving truth and honesty. (cf. tud,
matinuty-on, Decided, determined,
resolute, firm, purposeful, having made up
ones mind. (cf. ty).
matinuytyon, matinuytuyn,
Directing, pointing out the way, guiding,
leading. (cf. tytoy).
matpsul, Plump, thick, filled out, fat,
stout. (cf. tpsul, matbsul, matibnog;
matmgas, matnggas; kulipisthin,
empty, slender).
matiplon, Round, etc. See maniplon,
matimblog, matibnog).
matipngk, (B) Thickset, stumpy,
pudgy, etc. (cf. tipngk, bdul, etc.).
matskug, Stiff, rigid, not easily bent,
inflexible, unyielding. (cf. tskug;
matstis, Malicious, spiteful,
mischievous. (cf. tstis).
matitk, Ulceration, suppuration,
festering, infection, sepsis; to fester,
suppurate, mortify, gangrene, gather pus or
matter, rankle; to throb, pulsate, palpitate
(of ulcers and boils). Nagamatitk ang ya
hubg. His ulcer suppurates or gathers pus.
Nagmatitk ang nn sa suld sang pils
sa pagpangt sing ltsan pa gw. The
pus inside the wound began to throb
seeking an outlet. (cf. pitk, patk).
mtmat, To do something by degrees,
step by step, gradually, piecemeal, in slow
but sure stages, do slowly, deliberately.
Nagamtmat sa pagdak inng tanm.
This plant is growing tall by slow degrees.
Ginmtmat nya ang kh (ang pagkh)
sang ya nga galamitn sa baly ni
Fulno. He took away his furniture from
N.N.s house one by one or piece by piece.
Matmat sang ardo ang mo um.
Plough your field leisurely or in easy stages.
Ang kamyon sang mga blak
nagamtmat gub (sa paggub) sang mga
talmnan. The fragrance of the flowers is
slowly spreading over the fields. (cf. amt,
mat-mat Freely, gratuitously,
voluntarily, spontaneously, without
obligation, of ones own accord, of ones
free choice; to do somethingof ones own
accord,of ones own free will or choice
without being obliged or without orders, to
act generously, unselfishly, voluntarily, to
choose to do, volunteer. Nagmatmat si
magbay. He pounded rice without being
obliged to do so. Ginmatmatohn (mtwan) nya ang pagpatndog sang am nga
buluthan. He built that school of his own
free will. Tumalgsa kag malak ang mga
to nga magapangabdlay kag

Visayan-English Dictionary
magahlad sing matmat sa ikayo sang
bnwa. Few and exceptional are the men
that work and sacrifice anything
gratuitously for public welfare. Ind gid ak
magmatmat sin, kay wal gid man
ak sing kalabtnan sin. I shall not do it
of my own accord, for I have not the least
connection with (interest in) it.
matso, (Probably from the Sp. tuso)
Unreliable, untrustworthy, treacherous,
faithless, not fulfilling ones engagements,
unjust, not keeping to a bargain, not
keeping ones word. (cf. tso, dmatrung,
wal sing hinambaln).
matrid, matrdo, (Sp. matrero)
Cunning, tricky, tricksy, knavish, mean,
cheating; rogue, sneak, cheat. (cf. agng,
lg-it, antgo).
matsiembrdo, (Sp. machihembrar)
Dovetailed, tongued and grooved; to
dovetail, tenon, tongue and groove.
mtsing, (Sp. matachin) Dirty; merryandrew; imp, urchin, naughty child.
mtsing, Also: monkey, ape. (cf. am,
matsra, (Sp. machorra) An old barren
cow; a cow that does not bear any longer
and is being fattened for slaughter.
matb, Growing, developing, increasing,
springing up, rising, coming up, being in a
state of development or increase. (cf. tb,
mal, makad).
matdos, Determined, fixed, clear, not
equivocal or ambiguous, not involved (of a
word or sentence); spinning, turning,
revolving. (cf. matrong).
matgnaw, Cold, fresh, raw, keen, chilly,
cool, gelid, frigid, icy, bleak, frosty,
freezing. (cf. tgnaw, mabgnaw,
matkub, Gobbling up, eating up,
devouring, mangling, mauling, pouncing,
upon (as a beast of prey), preying,
ravening, tearing to pieces. (cf. tukb,
manunkub, manangit).
matl-id, Exact, precise, strictly adhering
or attending to, nice punctilious;
conscientious. (tl-id).
matlin, Quiet, tranquil, calm,
unmolested, unobstructed, orderly;
steering straight ahead, pursuing an even
course, even, smooth, straight. (cf. tlin,
matwhay, malinng, matdlong,
matulyhon, Sleepy, drowsy, nodding.
(cf. tuy, matuy, matuyohn).
matn-og, Dewy, full of dew, dewdrenched, roral, roric, roscid. (cf. tn-og).
matnug, Loud, loud-sounding, emitting
a strong or loud sound, sonorous, ringing,
resounding, reverberating, pealing, farreaching. (cf. tnug, tung, maslik,
masulnting, malniog, purs,
matnung, See matnongnoiseless;
quiet, etc.

matso mawding
matod, True, correct, right, truthful,
reliable, veracious, sincere, candid, frank,
open, honest, straight-forward,
undissembling, unfeigned. Matod gid in.
This is very true. It is a fact. (cf. tod,
pamatod, himatod, kamaturan).
matpung, Sometimes, but incorrectly,
used as an adjective: Equal, level, on a
level, of the same, the same in, uniform
in, size, capacity or power, but in reality
only a shortened form of magatpung
from tpungto be equal, etc.
maturrok, (B) Diligent, active,
assiduous, sedulous, industrious, doing
something with care, zeal or application.
(cf. turrok, mapsan, mabkas, matndus,
matrong, Revolving, turning, spinning
round quickly, whirling, gyrating, swinging
round. Matrong nga kasng. A quickly
revolving top. Matrong gid ang tyub
sinng kasng. This top spins round very
quickly. (cf. trong).
mattum, Brave, valiant, courageous,
faithful, reliable, trustworthy, trusty,
doughty, loyal, stanch, staunch, zealous.
(cf. ttum, masug, salalgan,
matinatpon, mapsan).
matuy, Often used for magakatuy,
magkatuy and even for nagakatuy, but
not adjective. The adjective is matuyohn,
matulyhon from tuy.
matuyohn, See matuy, matulyhon.
matyum, Strong, rank, pungent, very
pronounced (of odours); vivid, decided,
deep, strong (of colours); strong, heady,
potent (of drinks). (cf. tyum, dalsay).
madh, Wasteful, extravagant, prodigal,
squandering, spending much; a
spendthrift. (cf. dh, buhah).
magay, Gentle, mild, tender, lovely,
modest, kind, affectionate. (cf. malol,
maloly-on, mahigugmon).
maugyon, See magay.
magdang, Decorous, decent, delicate,
modest, proper, well-behaved, tactful, selfrespecting. (cf. gdang, malgdong).
magtas, Impatient, vexed, annoyed,
nettled, exasperated, fretful, irritable,
irascible. (cf. gtas, mainakgon,
sanggurt, pikn, tardyon).
maugtasn, maugtson, Angry,
irritable, very impatient, irascible, badtempered, choleric, touchy, techy;
annoying, harassing, provoking. (cf. gtas,
magtas, makaulgtas).
mahaw, Not adjective, but a verbal form
that often stands for magakahaw,
magkahaw and nagakahaw. The
adjective is uhwthirsty, dry, parched.
(cf. haw).
makad, Expanding, swelling, dilating,
distending. (cf. matb, mal, kad).
makud, Diligent, with application,
industrious, hard-working. (kud; cf.
mapsan, matndus).

malag, Impure, lascivious, unchaste,

wanton, loose, rakish, immoral, depraved,
bad, lewd, lecherous, licentious, dissolute,
voluptuous. (cf. lag; mahigl).
maulgon, See malag.
maulnon, (H) Rainy, wet, showery. Ang
maulnon nga panahn. The wet (rainy)
season. (cf. uln).
mal, Making a good return, profitable,
lucrative, worth while, gainful; lasting,
durable, stable, solid. (cf. l).
maulikirn, (H) Mindful of, concerned
about, thinking of, cherishing. (cf. ulikd,
mabinalkdon, maulnggon).
maulnggon, Thoughtful, solicitous,
careful, considerate, concerned, bestowing
care or attention upon. (cf. ulingg).
maulunngon, (H) Attached to,
affectionate, fond of, bound to by ties of
blood, friendship or gratitude, cherishing.
(cf. nung; mainunngon).
maun-un, First, foremost, at the start,
beginning, starting the ball rolling. (cf.
na, unun).
mandag, Shaky, moving to and fro,
shaking, bumping, swaying, rattling,
jolting, tossing, said of carts, etc. (ndag).
mang, ma-ng, A kind of rough cloth.
Srwal nga mang. Trousers made of
rough cloth. A pair of rough trousers.
mapang, Hindering, impeding,
hampering, cramping, cumbering,
blocking, obstructive, putting an obstacle in
the way of. (cf. upng, kaupngan).
maupngon, See mapang.
maurka, (B) Thoughtful, careful,
circumspect, managing well. Maurka nga
to. A careful or circumspect man.
mauswagn, Progressive, making
progress,headway, going ahead, forging
ahead, prosperous, getting on, going on
well. (cf. swag, mainuswagn).
mati, Active, occupied, bustling,
industrious, busy with many things;
ticklish, exacting, requiring great patience
or application, said of work. (ti). (cf.
mapsan, mabkas, matndus).
mautitirn, (H) Diligent, full of zeal,
zealous, sedulous, industrious, absorbed in,
intent upon, careful, assiduous, attentive,
heedful. (utitd). (cf. matinatpon,
maya, mauyhon, Plentiful, galore,
abundant; fertile, good, productive (of soil).
(cf. ya, mapinatubon).
mauyawn, Unlucky, unhappy, liable to
be interfered with, particularly said of
families, one of whose members met death
by drowning. A superstitious belief has it,
that it will always be either rainy or stormy,
whenever such a family gets up some
merry-making, as at a marriage, baptism,
picnic, etc. (cf. yaw).
mawding, Unsteady, wobbly, shaky,
irresolute, wavering. (cf. dmawding).


mawayng, mawyang miw

mawayng, mawyang, Wide, broad,
large, extensive, spacious, vast, ample. (cf.
wayng, mahanhay, malpad).
mawilhon, mawilihn, Liking,
pleased with, taking pleasure in, devoted
to, inclined to, addicted to, partial to, gone
on. Mawilhon si sang sne, sang mga
palagwon, etc. He likes to go to moving
picture shows, is partial to theatres or
stage-plays, etc. Mawilhon si sang sa
suld sang baly kag matinalkon sang
mga pangalpay sa lus sang baly. She
loves her home and is averse to pleasures
outside her home. (cf. wli, maluyagn).
mwmaw, An evil spirit, bogy, bogey,
goblin, hobgoblin, bugbear, bugaboo, a
mischievous ghost. Karn ipadakp ko
ikw sa mwmaw. Now I shall hand you
over to the mwmaw. Hal, ra na dir
ang mwmaw. Look out, the mwmaw is
over there. (cf. mmaw; N.B. These terms
are often used to intimidate or threaten
disobedient children).
mwmaw, Long, robust, strong (of
limbs, etc.). (cf. malwhan).
mxima, maxim, (Sp. mxima)
Axiom, maxim, apothegm, sentence,
saying, saw, proverb, thought. (cf.
hurubton, hinun-non).
mximum, (Sp. maximum) The
maximum, the extreme limit, the utmost,
uttermost. (dmalabihn).
may, There is or exists; to have. May uln.
There is rain. It rains. May lngit kag
inpirno. There is a heaven and a hell.
Heaven and hell exist. May kwrta si. He
has money. May baly si nga
kaugalngon. He has a house of his own.
May ginabtyag si. He has a feeling of
sickness. He feels sick. May duh si ka
tud. He has two brothers. Malyag ak
nga may wto ak. I should like to have
(own, possess) an automobile. Sa may
khoy. There where the tree stands.
Sa may plak mahuls in. This is easy for
one who has money. Sa may upd si ukn
sa wal. Whether he has a companion
or no. At all events, whether with, or
without, a companion. Sa may uln
kag sa may nit. In rain or (and)
shine. Kon may plak lang ak. If I
only had (the) money. Sang may
mnggad pa ak. When I was still
wealthy (rich). Sa may lyag ikw
ukn (kag) sa wal. Whether you like
or not (nolens volens). (cf. walno,
none, there is not, does not exist).
mya, A kind of bird, somewhat like a
mayagb, A kind of maya-bird.
mayab-okn, Dusty, full of fine dusty
sand. (cf. yb-ok).
mayabungul, A kind of maya-bird.
mayd, (B) Good, well. See maayd,


Visayan-English Dictionary
maygsim, Salty, brackish, bitter,
unpalatable, disgustful. (cf. ygsim,
mayakpra, A kind of song-bird.
may-may, A fish much esteemed as
may-may A kind of mushroom.
may-mya, Resembling a maya-bird; a
kind of fish.
mayam, (H) Soft, tender, yielding,
impressible, impressionable. (cf. yam;
malm-ok, mahmok, maram).
mayamg, (H) Cool, cold, chilly. (cf.
yamg; malamg, mabgnaw,
maym-is, Sweetish, rather or slightly
sweet, less sweet than matm-is. (ym-is).
maympad, Flat, plain (of face, etc.). (cf.
mayayt, Extensible, extendible, ductile,
elastic. (cf. yayt, luytyat).
mayinuhmyuhmon, Cheerful, jolly,
exhilarating, mirthful, merry, smiling,
laughing and joking. (cf. yuhm).
myo, (Sp. Mayo) May, the month of May.
(cf. himabyan).
my-om, To guess, etc. See mi-om.
Mahaps may-omn nga. It is easy to
guess that.
my-ong, Sack, bag. (cf. bayong; miong).
mayordmo, (Sp. mayordomo) Steward,
butler, superintendent or manager of a
household, etc. (cf. manugttap,
maybit, Jesting, joking, poking fun at.
(cf. yubitn, uslitn).
maygit, See maybit.
mayuhm-yuhumn, Smiling, with a
pleasant face, with a face radiant with good
cheer, gay, gladsome, joyous, cheerful. (cf.
maym-ok, Soft, tender, mild, yielding,
impressible, impressionable, malleable. (cf.
ym-ok, malm-ok, maram, mayam).
mayun, (B) Insipid, tasteless, causing
aversion; having no taste, void of taste. (cf.
mayuskul, mayskula, (Sp.
mayscula) Capital letter, upper-case
letter. (cf. minskulasmall letter).
mayut, (H) See mayun. (yutyun).
mayyum, Sweet, delicious, delightful,
delectable. (yyum). (cf. matm-is,
makawiwli, makalulyag).
medlya, (Sp. medalla) Medal, plaque.
medalyn, (Sp. medallon) A large medal,
locket, medallion.
medda, (Sp. medida) Measure, foot-rule,
yard-measure, measurement. (cf. taks,
mdiko, (Sp. mdico) Doctor, physician,
medical man, leech. (manogblong).
medisna, (Sp. medicina) Medicine,
physic, medicament, drug, potion,
nostrum. (cf. bulng).

mdya bda, (Sp. media vida) Middleage, mature age; middle-aged. (cf.
mdyas, (Sp. media) Stocking, hose;
mdyo, (Sp. medio) Half; means,
medium, contrivance, resource, remedy.
(cf. tung; kalalngan, padihtan,
pahitht, remdyo).
melsa, (Sp. melaza) Molasses. (cf.
lasw, pult, arnbal).
melndres, (Sp. melindre) A kind of
shrub with beautiful, rose-coloured flowers.
meln, (Sp. melon) Melon. (cf. sandya).
menr, (Sp. menor) Minor; younger; a
minor (in music). (cf. mnghud, lnghod).
menyr, (Sp. menear) To move, shake,
stir; to wear out, dislocate, be displaced or
dislodged. Nagmenyr ang mga halgi
sinng baly tungd sang bgyo. The
posts of this house were dislodged by the
storm. (cf. yug, hily, balingg).
mernge, merngge, (Sp. merengue)
Meringue, a kind of candy; sugar plum.
meridino, (Sp. meridiano) Meridian.
merinda, (Sp. merienda) Lunch,
afternoon tea, collation, snack. (cf.
mrito, (Sp. mrito) Merit, desert, worth.
(cf. palahanngdan, taks).
merkdo, (Sp. mercado) Market, mart,
market-place. (cf. tinda).
mrma, (Sp. merma) Waste, leakage,
shrinkage. (cf. bhin, klp, kups).
mesda, (From the Sp. mesa) A certain
percentage of the stakes paid to the owner
of a billard or gambling table. (cf. plasda).
mskla, (Sp. mezcla) Mixture, admixture,
mingling, combination, conglomeration,
jumble, hash, hotchpotch, compound,
medley. (cf. lkay, lakt, sakt, sm,
mestso, (Sp. mestizo) Mestizo, Eurasian,
half-cast, half-breed, hybrid. (cf.
metl, (Sp. metal) Metal.
metapsika, (Sp. metafsica) Metaphysic,
mette, (Sp. metate) A primitive cornmill, a rounded stone for grinding maize or
crushing cocoa (cacao).
mtro, (Sp. metro) Metre, (39.37 inches);
metre in poetry.
mga, The sign for the plural, e.g. ang id
the dog; ang mga idthe dogs; inng
khoythis tree; inng mga khoythese
mga, About, almost, nearly. Sa mga las
tso. At about eight oclock. Sang mga ttlo
na ka blan. Almost or about three
months ago. Kon mga sarng. If
possible, if you please.
miw, To mew; meaw, the cry of the cat.
Ang kurng nagamiw. The cat mews. (cf.

Visayan-English Dictionary
mintras, (Sp. mientras) While, whilst,
as long as, during the time that.
Mintras tnto. (a corruption of the Sp.
entre tanto). Meanwhile. In or during the
interval. (cf. smtang).
mirkoles, (Sp. mircoles) Wednesday.
mga, (Sp. miga) The crumb of bread as
opposed to the crust, the soft or inside part
of bread. Crumb, small fragment. (cf.
mki, A kind of Chinese food made of flour
in small thin flakes or disks. (cf. pnsit;
sutnghon, mswa).
mikrbyo, (Sp. microbio) Microbe,
bacterium, bacillus. (cf. kgaw).
mikroskpyo, (Sp. microscopio)
Microscope. (cf. taguslang, tagusrang).
mil, (Sp. mil) Thousand. (cf. lbo).
mil-mil, See mir-mirrheum (from
the eyes), etc.
miligrmo, (Sp. miligramo) Milligram.
mil-mil, To squeeze, compress, flatten,
crush. Milimilih ang kn-on nga
natign sa lingaw. Squeeze the rice for
the rice-porridge. Ginamilmil si sa
kautangn. He is crushed by debts. (cf.
milsya, (S. milicia) Militia, military,
soldiery; strategy, art and science of war,
warfare. (cf. mangangawy, way,
militr, (Sp. militar) Military, war-like,
martial; soldier, warrior, military man. (cf.
militlngon, What is to, should,
can, be said or pronounced; saying,
speech, utterance; to utter, say, give out.
(cf. mtlang).
milk, (H) Eyelash. (cf. amimilk).
milyn, (Sp. millon) A million. (cf.
ramk, hmbad).
milyonryo, (Sp. millonario) Millionaire.
(cf. ramkan, hambdan).
mm, Crushed, squeezed, pressed;
compressed; to crush, squeeze, press,
compress, destroy the natural condition or
shape of a thing by pressure. Kl nga
mm. A crushed hat. Ind mo pagmmin
ang malta. Dont crush (squeeze out of
shape) the handbag. (cf. pus, lum).
mm, Bleating; to bleat; go to sleep, go to
by-by (of children). Ang mga karnro kag
knding nagamm. Sheep and goats bleat.
Mamm ka na, tot? Do you want to sleep
(now), darling?
mming, To call the cat. (cf. kring,
mimng, Cat, pussy. See korng, kut.
mna, (Sp. mina) Mine; to mine, to mint.
Minha ang bulwan nga nagasmbug
sinng bat. Mine the gold mixed with this
rock. Ginminhan kit sang pangolohn
sing bg-o nga plak. The government
minted for us new silver coins. (cf. dulng,
minahn, Mine. (cf. mna, dulngan).

mintras mtlang
minl-am, (B) Old, of old, of yore,
ancient, antique, obsolete, archaic,
primitive, according to the customs and
mannersof old folks,of long ago. (cf.
ml-am, tinigulng, sindto, kardto).
minaty, Dead, deceased, departed,
defunct; corpse, carcass, mortal remains.
Sn-o ilubng ang minaty? When is the
corpse to be buried? Ang dlaw sang
tann nga mga minaty. All-Souls day.
(paty, maty).
minatod, True, truthful, verified,
confirmed, fact, genuine, correct, right,
real, corroborated. (tod).
miny-ong, Put up in bags, packed in
sacks, made up in jute-bags, by the bag.
Ginlulnan nla ang sakayn-hlas sing
kalmay nga miny-ong. They loaded the
steamer with sugar packed in jute-bags.
An ang pagbalgy mo sang kalmay?
Sing miny-ong ukn sing kinlo? How do
you sell the sugar? By the bag or by the
kilo? (cf. my-ong).
minerl, (Sp. mineral) Mineral.
mineraloga, (Sp. mineraloga)
mngaw, To be or become sad, dejected,
pensive, dismal, doleful, dreary, downcast,
lonesome, sentimental, cheerless,
disconsolate, glum, desolate. Nagmngaw
inng lugr, ktub sang paghaln sang
mga to. This place has become dreary
since the departure of the people.
Namingwan ak dir. I feel sad or lonely
here in this place. (cf. sub).
minnyo, Married, wedded. Pangabh
nga minnyo. Married life. Wedlock. (cf.
ministrio, (Sp. ministerio) Ministry,
cabinet, office and officers of the executive
government. Ministrio (Parroquial)
Parokyl. Parochial Administration.
minstro, (Sp. ministro) Minister; agent;
minur, A hamlet, a small village, a
collection of but a few houses. (cf. mur).
mnus, (Sp. menos) No good, poor, mean,
defective, bad, not well done or said,
inferior, mediocre, below expectations, not
up to the mark or standard; to grow less,
deteriorate, be bad. Nagmnus ang
pinatubs ko nga humy sa karn nga
tig. This year I had a poor crop of rice. (cf.
kulabs, kabs, malin, klang).
minskula, minuskul, (Sp.
minscula) Small letter, lower-case letter.
(cf. mayskulacapital letter).
mny, Married or wedded people, living
in wedlock, joined in matrimony; to
cohabit, live together as husband and wife.
Wal pa sil makasl, pang nagamny
na sil. They are not yet married,
nevertheless they are living together
already as husband and wife. (cf.
magasaw, kasl, hilngug).

mir, See mir-mir, which is more

commonly used.
mir-mir, mir-mr, An exudation
from the eyes, rheum, a flow of mucus from
the eyes; to flow from the eyes (as mucus,
etc.). (cf. mr, mt).
mirasl, (Sp. mirasol) The sunflower.
mirs-mirs, Useless, good-for-nothing,
worthless, of little or no value, of no use, no
good, of no value, base; small things, trifles.
(cf. gady, wal
pitsptse, karintuky).
mirk, (B) See milkeyelash.
mirn, (Sp. miron) An onlooker,
spectator, bystander, gazer.
mirn-mirn, Dim. of mirn. Also:
Interloper, bystander, especially one
watching a game of cards and looking over
a persons shoulder to see his hand, or the
msa, (Sp. misa) Mass, the holy sacrifice of
the Mass; to say Mass. Msa risda (Sp.
rezada) Low Mass. Msa Mayr. High
Mass. Sn-o ang pr nga nagmsa kana?
Who is the priest that said Mass a short
while ago? Ang hlad sang Msa. The
sacrifice of the Mass.
msa de tres, (Sp.) A solemn Mass in
which the celebrant is assisted by a deacon
and subdeacon.
misahn, Altar; chapel, where Mass is
said. (cf. halarn).
misl, (Sp. misal) Missal, Mass-book.
mistrio, (Sp. misterio) Mystery. (cf.
katingalhan, katanhagan).
mstiko, mistik, (Sp. mstico)
Mystical, mystic; spiritual.
mistissmo, (Sp. misticismo) Mysticism.
mswa, A kind of Chinese vermicelli, but
finer than sutnghon.
misyn, (Sp. mision) Mission.
misyonro, (Sp. misionero) Missionary.
mitd, (Sp. mitad) Half, moiety; middle,
centre. (cf. tung).
mth, Indigenous, native, not foreign or
exotic. (cf. tumndok).
mting, (English: meeting) Meeting,
assembly, convention, caucus, a gathering
or assemblage of people for some social or
political purpose. (cf. tinipn-tpon,
katipnan, katilngban, hinubnhbon).
mtlang, Utterance, pronunciation,
enunciation; syllable; to utter, pronounce,
speak, say, emit, enunciate, give utterance
to. Is ka mtlang. One syllable.
Magmtlang ka sing pil ka tinag.
Imtlang mo (mitlangn mo) ang pil ka
tinag. Pronounce (say) a few words.
Imtlang mo ang mo nga katuyon. Give
utterance to your thought, plan or
intention. Mitlang kam sang mo
inugpahyag. Speak to us of what you have
to tell (reveal). Ang mga katsl nd
makamtlang sing mayo sang tigbat
nga h. The Spaniards are unable to


mitoloha murto
pronounce well the letter h. (cf. bungt,
tikb, plong, silng, kon, dgil).
mitoloha, (Sp. mitologia) Mythology.
mtra, (Sp. mitra) Mitre; bishop; episcopal
mtsa, (Sp. mecha) Fuse, match, matchcord, spark or flame used to fire gunpowder
or fuel.
mtsis, A kind of game at cards.
mo, Your, yours, thy, thine, of you, of
yours (singular); by or through you (thee).
(cf. mo, nmo and see kon).
mda, (Sp. moda) Mode, style, fashion,
form, cut, shape, custom, manner, vogue.
(cf. batsan, pamatsan, kinaanran, so,
kinabatsan, kostmbre).
modlo, (Sp. modelo) Model, pattern,
standard, paragon, type, copy to be
followed or imitated. (cf. huluran,
solndan; palanganinwan).
mdmod, To crush, pulverize, grind,
pound or bray (in a mortar), crumble,
powder; reduce to powder, comminute,
triturate, break into fine particles by
pressure; to become crushed or broken into
small pieces. Modmor ang karamlo, ang
pghol, etc. Crush the caramel, the lump of
rice, etc. Namdmod ang bisktso tungd
sang lumplmpa sang trak. The biscuits
got crumbled owing to the jolting of the
truck. Mindmod nga tinpay, kalmay,
bugs, etc. Crumbled bread, powdered
sugar, ground rice, etc. (cf. mdmud,
bkbok, pdpod).
mohn, (Sp. mojn) Landmark,
milestone, merestone, mearstone;
boundary-stone; concrete posts or
landmarks, as used by surveyors, or the
mkmok, To blame, lay the blame on,
impute, charge with, incriminate, censure,
accuse, make responsible for, throw the
guilt upon, find fault with, inculpate.
Ginmokmokn si nla sang mga kalanan
nga ginhm sang ibn. He was made to
answer for the wrong-doings of others, he
was blamed by them for the evil done by
others. Ind ka magmkmok sa ya sin.
Dont lay the blame for that on him.
Imkmok in sa may kalabtnan sin. Lay
the blame for it on those involved in the
affair. (cf. mkmuk id.).
mlde, (Sp. molde) Mould, pattern, form,
molr, (Sp. moler) To grind, pound,
crush, mill, pulverize, vex, molest, annoy,
harass, bother, overwork. Nagmolr gid si
sa kon. He annoyed me very much. (cf.
galng; galt, pasklaw, hul, hil,
molokmkan, Scape-goat. (cf. mkmok,
mm, Taciturn, silent, reticent, dumb,
mum, uncommunicative, mute, close, not
given to talking, not very sociable, of few
words. (cf. komd).


Visayan-English Dictionary
mm, To squeeze, push or press against,
as ones head against a wall or floor, etc.
(cf. nn, ss, nsnus, urud, orod).
mmoy, See mmuyugly, nasty, etc.
mong, (B) An exclamation often placed at
the end of a sentence; really, surely,
certainly, indeed, believe me, etc. Ind ak
magkdto ddto, mong. I am not going
there, really I am not. Dak si, mong. He
is a big fellow, sure enough.
mnggo, A kind of peas, much eaten in
the Philippines.
mnmon, To cover, fill with alluvial
matter. Ang dak nga bh dir sa ubs
sang baklod namonmonn tungd sang
madmol nga uln. The large hole there at
the foot of the hill was filled with alluvium
due to the heavy rain. (cf. ly-on, pun,
tmpok, tp-ok).
mno, (Sp. mono) Monkey, ape. (cf.
mno, To say, make a statement, state,
declare, manifest, communicate, mention,
utter, give out, make known, remark, drop
a word. Si Pdro nagmno nga
mapatndog sing bg-o nga baly. Peter
said that he was going to build a new
house. Imno sa ya ang kilidann sang
digamohn. Tell him about the necessary
kitchen repairs. Ginmno nya nga. He
gave out the statement that. (cf. silng,
mtlang, bungt).
mnog, (B) Thick, stout, strong; much,
too much, excessive, very. (cf. madmol;
tm, laks, lm-ag, dro, masydo).
mnte, (Sp. monte) Mountain, forest,
wood, woodland; a game at cards.
Gindakp sil sang pols, kay
naghmpang sang mnte. They were
caught by the police, because they were
playing monte.
monumnto, (Sp. monumento)
Monument. (cf. batungdan).
monyka, (Sp. mueca) Doll, manikin,
puppet, dolly.
mok, To be deep, profound, heavy,
sound, lethargic (of sleep). Nagamok ang
ya katulgon. He is sleeping profoundly.
Namokan si sang katulgon. He was
fast, sound, dead, asleep. (cf.
mordo, A kind of banana. It is very
savoury and can easily be recognized by its
brownish or reddish peel.
mordo, (Sp. morado) Violet, purple;
brown, dark-red, mulberry-coloured,
morno, (Sp. moreno) Brown, swarthy,
dark, tawny, brunette.
morra, (Sp. morera) White mulberry
moriskta, (Sp. morisqueta) Boiled rice.
(cf. kn-on).
mro, (Sp. moro) Moor, Saracen, infidel,
unbaptized, non-Christian, Mohammedan
native of Mindanao and adjacent islands.

moromonka, Doll. See monyka.

mor-mro, A stage-play often exhibited
in the Philippines showing fighting, etc.,
between Christians and Mohammedans.
mor-mor, To stammer, stutter,
splutter, talk indistinctly through fear,
shyness, etc.
morna, Shirt. See kamsa tsna, kamsa
de tsno id.
mros, See mroMoor.
morso, (Sp. moroso) Tardy, slow, late,
behindhand, laggard, in arrear, delinquent
(in paying taxes, etc.).
mortl, (Sp. mortal) Mortal, deadly,
deathly, grievous, fatal. Sal nga mortl. A
mortal (grievous, deadly) sin. (cf.
ikamaty; kalamtyan).
mrto, See mrtoa ghost, etc.
moskitro, (Sp. mosquitero) Mosquitonet orcurtain orbar.
moskto, (Sp. mosquito) Mosquito, gnat.
(cf. namk, lamk).
moskobdo, (Sp. muscovado) Unrefined
sugar, muscovado.
mostsa, (Sp. mostaza) Mustard,
motn, (Sp. moton) Block, pulley. (cf.
motr, (Sp. motor) Motor; dynamo.
moy, Term of endearment for a pet
monkey. (cf. am).
mymoy, See moy.
mymoy, See mymuyto treat well, etc.
m, A kind of ghost or spirit believed in
by the superstitious. (cf. mw id.).
mad, To increase, multiply, propagate,
breed, teem, procreate, have offspring.
Nagmad na gid inng panimaly. This
family has increased very much. (cf. bad,
mal, To have ones mouth full or
crammed with food, chew or speak with
difficulty on account of having ones mouth
stuffed with food, mutter, mumble,
mul-mal, Dim. and Freq. of mal. To
utter indistinctly, splutter, mumble.
musi, A kind of rice-cake mixed with
mda, To disparage, speak ill of, vilify,
mock, scoff, insult, affront. Dak ang la
pagmda sa ya. They vilified (mocked,
insulted) him very much. (cf. hkay, mlay,
mpit, ulgyat, ulig).
mda, See mdafashion, etc.
mdl, To stare with greedy eyes, to gloat.
See muldl.
mubles, (Sp. mueble) Chattels,
household goods, furniture, movables,
outfit, equipment. (cf. galamitn,
kasangkpan, sngkap).
mulye, (Sp. muelle) Pier, landing-stage,
quay, jetty, wharf, mole; spring (of steel,
rubber, etc.). (cf. pantaln).
murto, (Sp. muerto) Dead, killed,
deceased, departed, defunct; lifeless;

Visayan-English Dictionary
corpse; ghost, spectre. (cf. mrto, paty,
minaty, amalnhig).
mging, The rice-flower; pollen; to bloom
or flower (of rice). (cf. mar).
mugs, (H) See ms-a id. Dl nga mugs.
Never, on no account.
mug, (B) Short. See bug, malp-ot.
mg-ot, To exert oneself, do something
with force or violence. Nagmg-ot si sa
paghkwat sinng bat. He put forth all his
strength in lifting this stone. It was all he
could do to lift this stone. Nagamg-ot si
sa kakig. He is violently angry. Ginmugotn nya ang aparadr sa pagghit. He
made a great effort to shift the cupboard.
Ind mo pagmug-otn ang mo ank sang
kig. Dont be furiously angry with your
son. (cf. paningh, panikasg, himd-os).
mgut, To get angry, exasperated,
provoked, riled, indignant, cross, wax hot
with anger. Nagamgut na ang ginhwa
ni Fulno. N.N. is waxing hot, is getting
angry or exasperated. Nagamgut si sa
kon. Ginamugtan (Ginamgtan) nya
ak. He is angry with me. (cf. ugt, kig,
mhaw, To enjoy a new taste or
experience. (cf. hgmaw, pamg-o).
muhw-mhaw, See higmwhgmaw.
The Dim. and Freq. of hgmaw.
mhay, To be successful, do well;
prosper, live long. Kaby pa nga
magmhay ka. May you live long. (cf.
kaayohn; bhay, dgay).
muhy, (B) To shun company, keep to
oneself, separate from others, wish to be
alone, be by oneself, retire. Nagamuhy si
sa ibn. He wishes to be left alone, he is
keeping apart from the rest.
muhy-muhy, (B) Dim. and Freq. of
mka, To be full, crammed, stuffed. Kon
nagamka ang mo bb nd ka
maghmbal. Dont talk with a full mouth.
(cf. pun, but, bt-al, bknal).
mukhyaw, To lift or raise ones head.
See tukhyaw, tukyhaw.
mukhyaw, muk-hyaw, To recover
slightly, mend, rally, get a little better,
improve. Nagmuk-hyaw na si sa but.
He has now slightly recovered from the
smallpox. (cf. mulikw).
mklat, (H) To open (the eyes). Muklat
ang mo mga mat. Open your eyes.
Muklat si sang mo mga mat. Look at
him with open eyes. Mamklat gid kunna
ang la mga mat. After some time they
will have their eyes opened i.e. they will
mkmuk, To blame for, etc. See mkmok
mkr, (B) See mklat.
mla, (Sp. mula,o) Mule, especially a
she-mule; used also loosely of a large horse.
mullong, To inspect closely, scrutinize,
observe well, scan, peer at, look well at,

mging munisipl
fix, rivet, ones eyes,ones gaze,
upon (on), look at carefully. Mulalngi sing
mayo ang ginabsa mo. Look carefully at
what you are reading. Ginmulalngan nya
ang larwan. He viewed the picture
closely. (cf. himtad, tn-aw, bild, tluk).
mulnghat, To look or stare at, notice
with astonishment, be surprised to see,
stare open-mouthed. (cf. pamalng).
mlay, To criticize maliciously, run down,
carp, cavil, disparage, decry, belittle,
traduce, underrate, speak ill of, find fault
with, slight, depreciate, speak
depreciatingly of the doings of others.
Nagmlay si sa konorginmlay
nya ak. He disparaged me. He spoke ill of
me. Ind mo pagmulyon ang ya mga
binuhtan. Dont criticize his doings in a
malicious way. (cf. hkay, tmay).
mulg-ot, To strive, be active, do ones
best, make great efforts. (cf. panikasg,
paningh, mg-ot).
mulikw, To stir again, start to work,
move about again (after an illness, etc.)
Nagmulikw na ang masakt. The sick
person is up and about again. Sa is ka
simna, sa kon bnt, magamulikw
liwn ang masakt. Within a week, in my
opinion, the sick person will be moving
about again, will be on his feet again. (cf.
mukhyaw, murikw).
mlmul, Fist; to form, shape, fashion,
handle (with ones fist). (cf. mol).
ml, To complain, show displeasure or
discontent, lament, murmur, find fault
with, grumble. (cf. ksmod, kmud,
pasingt, hkay, mlay).
mlta, (Sp. multa) Fine, mulct, extra
payment, extra charge, pecuniary penalty;
to fine, mulct, charge extra. Magmlta ka
sa ya or multah si sing ttlo ka
mngmang. Fine him three pesos.
Magbyad ka lang sang mlta. Just pay
the fine. (cf. tabs).
muld-an, The East, sunrise, rising of the
sun, Orient. (cf. mur; sidlangn).
muldl, To stare at with goggling or
greedy eyes, gloat, devour with ones eyes.
Nagamuldl ang ya mga mat sa
kahkug. He is staring about with greedy
eyes. His eyes are starting from his head.
(cf. bdl, mdl, bslo).
mululayn, What is to, should,
can, be criticized, found fault with, etc.
(cf. mlay).
mulumn-ag, Fairly prosperous, doing
pretty well, in comfortable circumstances;
to get along nicely, be rather well off. (cf.
mn-ag, manwh, kaayohn, tn-ad).
mulunuhn, Report, rumour, statement,
information, news; to report, inform, give
out a statement or news. (cf. mno).
multmut, See mtmut. Wal
makamultmut ang ya nga hndum. His
wish remained unfulfilled (literally:was
not without oppositionwas thwarted).

mmho, A crumb, remains or leavings of

food, especially a wasted grain of (cooked)
rice. Ihtag na lang sa id ang mga
mmho nga nabiln sa ltok. Give the
leavings remaining on the table to the dog.
(cf. mga).
mmuy, Very ugly, shabby, mean, nasty
and wicked like a monkey or even like an
evil spirit. (cf. srot).
mun, To stay, tarry, loiter, lag, straggle,
dawdle, remain a long time; to rest, be at
ease. (cf. mmn, dgay, lsg).
mn-ag, To prosper, go on well, be well
off, be well-to-do, be in good, easy,
comfortable, circumstances. (cf.
kaayohn, mulumn-ag, tn-ad,
manwh, swag, snyog).
munhan, (B) Early-ripening, taking but
a short time from planting to harvesting,
applied especially to a kind of small maize.
(cf. hudynan, hugynanneeding
comparatively a long time to ripen).
mndo, A kind of banana.
mndo, (Sp. mundo) World, orb, globe,
earth. (cf. kalibtan, dt),
mndo, (Sp. mondo) Simple, timid, shy,
bashful, unsophisticated; fool, ass, rustic,
boorish, uneducated. (cf. bunyag, antol,
bukdnon, manl, umnhon, kagng,
pkok, bngaw).
mung, A hen, broody hen.
mung-mng, Dim. and Freq. of
mung. To act like a hen, to take
everything in sight, gobble up, eat very
greedily, or the like. (cf. kayba).
mng-an, A passive form (perhaps a
contraction of manng-an from panung,
tung) often used in the meaning: to be
in the middle,in the centre,with full
force; to be affected, feel, very much.
Namng-an gid ang bla. The ball was hit
fairly in the centre. Kam gid ang namngan sinng kalisd. We were especially hard
hit by this calamity. Wal si mamng-i.
He was not affected very much. He did not
receive (feel) the full force of the blow (but
was only grazed, or the like). (cf. g,
tung, tm, laks).
mng-ay, To blossom, flower, bloom;
bear fruit in abundance, be prolific. (cf.
pamukdkad, pamskad, pamnga,
mungy, See hamungyto be
fruitful, plentiful, prosperous, etc.
mnggo, See mnggo.
mungungulipn, Slave-holder, slavedriver, tyrant, subjugator, conqueror, one
who subjects another to slavery or
drudgery. (cf. olpon).
mun-mn, Doll, dolly. (cf. borobnik,
munisipl, (Sp. municipal) Municipal;
borough, town (these last used as
adjectives). (cf. banwahnon, binnwa).


munispyo my-od
munispyo, (Sp. municipio) Town,
township, borough, burgh, Municipality;
town-council,hall,house. (cf. bnwa).
mnmun, See mnmon.
mno, See mnoto state, give out, etc.
mur, mur, To rise, appear, come up,
particularly said of the sun. Nagamur na
ang dlaw. The sun is rising. (cf. btlak,
murasngal, To be or become dirty,
soiled, etc. See musngal. Nadgdag ang
und sa dlan kag nagmurusngal sang
bals. The meat dropped on the road and
was mingled (dirtied, stained, soiled) with
mr, An inflammation of the eye with a
more or less abundant discharge of matter;
to be affected with mr. (cf. mir-mr,
murg-ot, Also: to frown, scowl, put on a
stern (grim, surly) look, show displeasure
or disapproval by ones countenance. (cf.
bulingt, kolisw, sngon, snggud).
murikw, See mulikwto wove about
again, etc.
muron, Pertaining to mr, one affected
with a mattery or mucous flow from the
mur, A small village, hamlet. See minur
mrong, (B) Dense, leafy, thick; to be or
become dense or thick of foliage.
Nagamrong ang mga sang sinng
khoy. The branches of this tree are very
leafy. (cf. dbung, gp).
murt, (B) To see, know of, understand,
perceive. Ind ak makamurt sang sult,
sang sermn, etc. I cannot read the letter. I
know nothing of the sermon, etc. Dl
mamurotn ang la mga halambalnon.
Their conversation cannot be understood
(overheard). (cf. hibal, syod, hntup,
hangp, to; balintnod).
mrtik, (B) Bat. (cf. kolknit, kolpnit,
mrto, (Sp. muerto) The soul or ghost of a
dead person haunting a house, spectre,
wraith, spirit. See amamnhig, malnhig,
marnhig id.
murd-an, See muld-anSunrise, East.
murgmon, A bird of prey. See
musagng, Blood-stained, bloody,
ensanguined, sanguinary, gory; dirty,
soiled, defiled, stained; to be or become
blood-stained, etc. Nagamusagng sing
dug ang kamt sang manughaw. The
hands of the butcher are red with blood.
(cf. maragng).
msduk, (B) To pass away, expire, die,
perish, succumb. Namsduk si sa
bilanggan. He died in prison. Kon
matmad ka magpangabdlay mamsduk
ka gd sa mo kaimoln. If you are too lazy
to work you will certainly die in your


Visayan-English Dictionary
poverty. (cf. my-od, hy-od, paty,
talwan, panglp).
msika, musik, (Sp. msica) Music.
(cf. tallay, tullay, lnton, lnglang).
musik, msiko, (Sp. msico).
Musician, bandsman, player,
instrumentalist. (cf. manullay,
msin, See the following msing.
msing, Soil, stain, muck, mire, dirt, filth,
grime; to soil, stain, begrime, befoul,
bemire, dirty. Namsing (namusngan) si
sang lnang. He got muddy or mudstained. Andam ka nga nd mo masalapy
ang klon, kay mamsing
(magakamsing) ang mo mga panpton.
Be careful not to come in contact with the
kettle or your clothes will get dirty. (cf.
bulng, blit, hgk, dgt, musngal).
musngal, To soil, stain, etc. See msing.
Nagamulusngal gid lang ang ya mga
bibg sang tild. Her lips are stained with
betelnut juice.
msmus, Ruin, bankruptcy,
impoverishment; to ruin, impoverish,
bankrupt, beggar; to be impoverished,
ruined, bankrupt, beggared, reduced to
indigence or misery, to become poor or
miserable. Namsmus (nagkamsmus)
si. He was ruined. He became poor
(miserable). Ginmsmus si sang Mahl
nga Dis. God made him poor. God sent
him poverty (as a trial or punishment). Kon
nd mo pagdulon ang mo mga batsan
nga buhah mamsmus ka gid sa olhi.
Unless you give up your extravagant habits
you will finallybe reduced to indigence,
be brought low,be ruined or bankrupt.
(cf. mol, pto, dungl, lisd).
mt, Rheum (from the eyes). See mr,
mtad, To look at intently, look well at,
have a good look at, observe, scan, make
out, notice, distinguish, mark, note, fix,
rivet,ones eyes,ones gaze, upon.
Wal ak makamtad sang dug sang ya
by. I could not make out the colour of
her dress. I had no time or occasion to
observe (examine) the colour of her dress.
Ginmutran ko sing mayo ang ya nga
nawng. I narrowly scanned his features.
(cf. mullong; himtad which is more
commonly used).
mutway, mutawy, Isolated,
segregated, separated from the rest, lonely;
to be or become isolated, etc. (cf.
hamutway, lgwin, bulg).
mti, Pearl; something precious,
valuable, excellent, a gem, a jewel, or the
like. Ang mti nga malahlon. The
precious pearl. Ang Mti sang Sidlangn.
The Pearl of the Orient or East (The
Philippines). Mti si sang mga babe.
She is a jewel (pearl) among women. Mga
mti sang binalybay. Gems of poetry.
(mty id.).

mtik, To leave; remain; be left over.

Wal sing namtik sang ya kwrta. There
was nothing left of his money. All his
money had gone. (cf. tur, biln, saln).
mutk, To hear, get to know, receive
information. Wal mamutik tbtub karn
kon sn-o ang nagbhat sin. Up till now it
is not known who did it. Kon mamutikn
nya in. If he hears of it. In case he
should receive news of it. Suppose he
should get to know of it (this). (cf.
mtmut, Free, untrammeled, ones own
master, independent; to be liberated, freed,
to become free, or the like. Nagkamtmut
(namtmut) ang binilngg. The prisoner
was freed,was set free,was set at
liberty,was set at large,was let out. (cf.
mtwas, btw, lus, bh, tibwas,
talmwas, btwas).
mutstsa, (Sp. muchacha) Maid-servant,
maid, girl, girl-help, female domestic,
drudge, slavey. (cf. sologon).
mutstso, (Sp. muchacho) Servant,
servitor, menial, help, attendant, boy, page,
waiter, valet, flunkey, slave. (cf. sologon,
blig, batbt, alagd).
mtso, (Sp. mucho) Much, a quantity,
deal, sight, heaps of, heap, number,
considerable amount, plenty, galore, great
deal, mass, lot of, abundance, great number
or quantity. (cf. madm, dagy, dags,
bugn, rak).
mtwas, See mtmut. Nakamtwas si
sa kasb. He came out of his lawsuit scotfree. (cf. mtmut, tibwas, lus).
mty, Pearl. See mti.
mutyan, Mother of pearl; full of pearls,
having pearls; wizard, sorcerer, one
supposed to practise the black art and to be
in league with the devil.
mw, See mA ghost or spirit. Daw
mw si kadak. She is as tall or as big as
a mw (said of tall and stout women, the
mw being supposed to be of very big
myaw, my-aw, Wonder, surprise,
amazement, astonishment; to wonder, be
astonished or surprised, be astounded or
thunder-struck. Namy-aw si sin. He
was astonished at it. (cf. tngla, blung).
mymuy, To treat well, lavish upon,
bestow great care upon, tend, look well
after. Ginamuymuyn nya ang ya
kabyo sang labng mayo nga pagsagd.
He takes very good care of his horse.
Namymuyn inng bka sing pl nga
hilamn. This cow was treated to choice
grass, was fed very well.
my-od, (B) To perish, expire, die, depart
this life, meet ones death or end, pass
away, succumb. Nagkon si sing laks
kag namy-od. He ate too much and met
his death. Mamy-od ka kon padaynon
mo ang mo pagpagtum. You will die, if
you continue going hungry (said of one who

Visayan-English Dictionary
pays no attention to meal-time, but works
on till exhausted with hunger and fatigue).
(cf. hy-od, paty).

n, The letter n in Visayan is pronounced

as in English. If often combines with a
following g to represent a nasal sound
that can only be learned by hearing. A tilde
over the n or over the g indicates that
they form together a double consonant
having the said nasal sound, e.g. nga, nglo,
ng-ngi, ngy-ngoy, ngur-ngr, etc.
There is something of the same effect in the
English words singing, ringing, swinging,
but the ng of Visayan has a stronger
na, In combination with a negative: Not
any more, not any longer, not again, never
again. Ind ka na magbhat sin. You shall
not do it any more. Dl na si matmbok.
He is not fat any longer. Wal na si
magblik ddto. He did not go back there
again. He never returned to that place.
Wal na sil sing humy. They have no
rice any more. (cf. the following na).
na, Now, at last, already, at present, so
soon. Manyga na kit. Let us now have
dinner. Adlaw na, bngon kam. It is
already broad day-light, get up. Tpus na?
Finished so soon (already)? Tpus na. This
is the end of it. Finished. Ari na si. He is
now here. N.B. The na in the Visayan
language is much more used than the now,
already of English and may often be left
out in translation without impairing the
sense. (cf. karn, don, ron, kr-on).
na-, A potential verbal prefix denoting the
past tense passive and corresponding to the
future ma-. It can frequently be translated
by got, was, became, e.g. nagtum si.
He was hungry. Nadakp si. He got
caught. Nabdlay si. He became weary
(tired, exhausted). Na- is often
interchangeable with gin-, though the rule
is that gin- should be used, when the agent
is expressly stated and na-, when the agent
is not determined, e.g. gingub sang bgyo
ang mon baly. Our house was destroyed
by the hurricane. Nagub ang mon baly.
Our house was destroyed.
na-, A shortened form of nagka-, e.g.
nahdluk (nagkahdluk) si. He was
(became) afraid. Nadgdag
(nagkadgdag) ang pnggan. The plate fell
down, etc.
na, (B) His, hers, its, etc. (cf. ya, nya,

n nagapam-, nagapan-, nagapang-, nagapangn, An exclamation: There you are! You

see now! (cf. dan, t, t).
nan, nan, Now, at present. (cf. nin,
niyn, karn, na).
natwan, Understanding, intelligence,
comprehension, inkling. Wal gid si sing
natwan. He knows nothing about it. He
hasnt an inkling of it. (cf. to, nabdwan,
nab, (B) To be or become low, of little
height; to shorten, lower. Nagnab ang
pngpang sang sub. The river-bank has
become low. Nanaban ak sinng sya.
This chair is too low for me. Utda ang til
sang lamsa, agd magnab. Cut the legs
of the table so that it may be low. (cf.
nabdwan, Understanding, inkling, etc.
See natwan, namasngan. (Nabdwan
seems to be derived from the obsolete bal,
now always hibal).
nabha, (Sp. navaja) Razor. (cf. labha).
nbaw, Shallowness, little depth; to be or
become low, shallow (of a river, or the like).
Nagnbaw na ang tbig sang sub. The
water of the riverhas gone down,is now
quite shallow. Mahaps ang mon
pagtabk sa sub, kay nanabwan kam
sang tbig. It was easy for us to cross the
river, because the water was shallow. (cf.
nobto be low, of little height; dlumto
be deep; tasto be high).
nbhag, (B) For nahubg from hubg
to swell, bulge; break down, cave in.
nbsug, (B) For nabusg from busg
satiated, etc.
nag-, A prefix denoting the past tense
active (transitive and intransitive), e.g.
Nagsilng si sa kon. He told me.
Nagsult si sing binalybay. He wrote a
poem. Sn-o ang nagbhat sin? Who did
it? Who has done it (that)? Nagdlum ang
bh. The hole has become deep. Naglin
ang ya ginhwa. She (has) swooned. She
did not feel well. Naghaln na si. He has
gone away. (cf. nanag).
naga-, A prefix denoting the present tense
active (transitive and intransitive), e.g.
Nagahmpang, nagabsa, etc. si. He is
playing, reading, etc. Nagahunhn ak
nga. I think that. Si nnay
nagahmos sang panyga. Mother is
getting dinner ready. Nagapabugl sil.
They are proud. Nagahaln na sil. They
are leaving now. Nagadulm na ang
kalibtan. It is getting dark. Nagabah
ang sub. The river is in flood. Daw sa
nagabg-at na ang ya ginabtyag. It
seems that his condition is becoming
nga, A hardwood tree and the timber
thereof. (cf. nra; the Sp. narra is from this
Philippine word).
nagaka-, A prefix denoting the present
tense and used mostly with intransitive
verbs, e.g. Nagakalisd si. He is in

trouble. Nagakalpay si. He is glad.

Nagakasub si. He is sad. (The
corresponding forms for the future,
imperative and past are magaka-,
magka-, and nagka-; the infinitive is
nagapa-, A prefix composed of nagaand pa- and denoting the present tense
active with the added meaning of pa, e.g.
a.) Nagapamanl si. He is going to
Manila, is on his way to Manila.
Nagapabkid si. He is on his way to the
b.) Nagapabugl si. He is proud, haughty,
takes on airs. Nagapabungl si. He is deaf
to admonitions, etc., he does not want to
listen. Nagapaugt si. He is getting
angry, exasperated.
c.) Nagapabhat si sing bg-o nga baly.
He is having a new house built.
Nagapatndog si sing halgi. He is
putting up a post. The corresponding forms
for the infinitive, future and past are
pagpa-, magapa-, nagpa-, and magpa-
for the imperative.
nagapaka-, A prefix denoting the
present tense active with the added
meaning of paka, e.g.
a.) Nagapakamalam si. He is assuming
an air of learning, he wants to appear
learned. Nagapakabungl si. He is
feigning deafness.
Nagapakamanggarnon si. He is
pretending to be rich. He tries to be taken
for a rich man.
b.) Nagapakamayo si sinng hgn nga
kasugun. He approves this law or
ordinance. Nagapakamahl si sang ya
pagtolohan. He values his faith. (The
corresponding forms for the infinitive,
future, imperative and past are pagpaka-,
magapaka-, magpaka- and nagpaka-).
nagapam-, nagapan-, nagapang-,
nagapang-, A prefix denoting the
present tense active frequentative. Changes
that pan- undergoes are determined by the
following rules:
a.) nagapam- is used with verbs beginning
with m, b or p, e.g. nagapamal
(mal); nagapamakl (bakl);
nagapamngkot (pngkot). N.B. Verbs
beginning with the letter m have the
same form for the Freq. and Caus., e.g.
pamal (mal). In such cases the context
has to decide the true meaning.
b.) nagapan- is used with verbs beginning
with d, s or t, e.g. nagapanmgo
(dmgo); nagapanlhig (slhig);
nagapanstis (tstis).
c.) nagapang- is used with verbs beginning
with h, l or y, e.g.
nagapanghunhn (hunhn);
nagapanglngbas (lngbas);
nagapangywyaw (ywyaw).
d.) nagapang- is used with verbs beginning
with a vowel or k, e.g. nagapangmp
(mp); nagapangnit (nit);


nagynay nnay
nagapangbug (bug); nagapangtkot
(ktkot); nagapangisyksay (kisyksay).
N.B. The corresponding forms for the past,
imperative and future (nagpan-, magpanand magapan-) are often shortened into
nam-, nan-, nang-, nang-; mam-, man-,
mang-, mang-, e.g. nangy
(nagpangy); nangabdlay
(nagpangabdlay); nanmbung
(nagpanmbung); mamnyos
(magapamnyos); mangutna
(magpangutna), etc. etc.
nagynay, (B) Gentle, tender, soft, slow,
careful, etc. See hnay, inany, anany,
nagka-, See under nagaka-.
ngnag, (B) To clean, cleanse, bathe,
lave, wash, disinfect (applied to the
treatment of a wound with an antiseptic
liquid, especially with warm water mixed
with various ingredients of roots and
herbs). Nagnag ang mo pils kag ugling
tambaln. Bathe or cleanse your wound
first with a warm liquid, and then put a
dressing on it. Ingnag inng tbig nga
innit sa mo pils. Use this warm water to
clean your wound with.
nahanungd, Respecting, regarding,
concerning, with regard to, with reference
to, in point (in consideration) of, as
concerns, as for, as to. Nahanungd
sin. With regard to that.
Nahanungd (Sa nahanungd) sang ya
nga ginsilng. With reference to what
he said. Wal gid ikw sing lbut
nahanungd sin. You have nothing to do
with it. Mind your own business. (cf.
tungd, nahatungd).
nahatungd, See nahanungd id.
Mayo gid ang katarngan nga ya nga
ginpahyag nahatungd sinng butng,
pang. His reasoning with regard to
that matter was very good, but.
nahaun, First, the first, foremost,
leading, beginning, initial, incipient,
inchoate, front. Sa nahaunsa
ikaduh. Firstly, in the first place
secondly, in the second place. Ang
nahaun nga butng nga dpat
buhton. The first thing to be done.
naht, Any oblong or lengthy piece of any
material, that is comparatively slender for
its length, as a pole, stick, bamboo, rope,
fibre, ribbon, candle, etc. Ttlo ka naht
nga kawyan, khoy, ps, bohk, etc.
Three pieces (lengths) of bamboo, wood,
string, hair, etc. Ang ya kasub dw
nagapabgras sang mga naht sang ya
tagiposon. Her sorrow almost breaks her
heart-strings. (cf. blog).
naka-, A prefix denoting the past tense
active and corresponding to the future
maka-. Naka- is chiefly used instead of
nag-, when an action is either intransitive,
problematic or potential, e.g. Nagtabk si
sa sub. He crossed the river. (A simple
statement of fact). Nakatabk si sa sub.


Visayan-English Dictionary
He actually did cross or could cross the
river (there having been a doubt whether
he would, or could, cross the river).
nkar, (Sp. nacar) Mother-of-pearl, nacre;
pearl-colour; rose-coloured.
nakawan, A field, campus, public
square or garden surrounded by houses.
(kwa large pan or cauldron).
nakaw-kawan, Dim. of nakawan. A
small yard or public square, etc.
naki-, A prefix denoting the past tense
(nagpaki-) and corresponding to mki
for the future, e.g. nakibis, nakiblig,
nakil-oy, nakidmug, nakitbang si. (cf.
nakig-, See naki-. Nakigway,
nakigsay, nakgkasb, nakigkt sil.
(cf. pakig-).
nkon, (H) See kon, ko.
nak, A contraction of the Tagalog term
in (nnay) and ko. My mother. Oh
mother! Also used as an exclamation: Well!
Why! By Jove! Goodness gracious! For
goodness sake! or the like.
nalaugn, (H) Cloth or any other
material suitable for garments, or that is to
be made into garments. (nag; cf.
kalabahn, balayon, etc.).
nlm, For nalum from lumto crush,
nam, Often stands for nagpam. See
under nagapam.
namaslutn, Use, utility, usefulness;
knowledge, education. To si nga wal
sing namaslutn. He is a worthless fellow.
He knows nothing. (cf. puls, gud, soy,
nabdwan, namasngan).
namasrutn, See namaslutn.
namtyan, A bereaved family or
household; the house or place where a
death has occurred. (cf. paty,
nm, To be or become nice, agreeable,
beautiful. Nagnm ang ya baly, kay
ginkayo nya. His house is now quite
beautiful, for he has had it done up.
Nanaman ak sang ya bestdo. I consider
her dress very nice. Kon mapsan ka
paganaman ka gid sang bklon sa mo ni
ttay nga delrgo. If you are diligent,
father will buy you a beautiful pair of
trousers,you will see what a beautiful pair
of trousers father will buy for you.
Katahm sin nga hampngan; natingla
ak sang silng mo nga wal ka sin
pagnami. How beautiful this toy is; I am
astonished to hear you say that you were
not pleased with it. Kon makt mo ang
larwan ni Fulno manaman ikw sa
wal sing duhdha. When you see N.N.s
photo you will, I am sure, consider it
beautiful. (cf. tahm, nyag, gayn, dlig,
mbong, ayyo).
nmit, To be or become or make sweet,
tasty, delectable, dainty, savoury, delicious,
exquisite, agreeable to the taste. Nagnmit

na inng mga ph. These mangoes have

now become delicious. Nanamtan ak
sinng sging. These bananas are nice, I
like these bananas for their exquisite taste.
These bananas taste to me delightful.
Namta ang paglt sang panyga. Cook
a tasty dinner.
nm, Noise, trouble, disturbance; trick,
malice, craft, cunning, deceit, duplicity, evil
intention, mostly used with a negative.
Wal sing nm inng to. This is a quiet,
reticent man. This man isharmless,
guileless,without malice. (cf. ghud,
gam; dy, lmbong).
nmog, (B) Dew. (cf. tn-og).
namk, Mosquito, gnat. (cf. lamk,
nmon, Genitive of kamwe (the person
addressed is excluded); ours; by through,
etc. us. Ang tub nmon. Ang mon tub.
Our sugar cane. Pagahimon nmon in.
Amon in pagahimon. We will (shall) do
that (it). Sa baly nmon. Sa mon baly.
At our home. (cf. mon; kon).
nam-nam, Dim. of nm. Si Fulno
wal gid sing namnam. N.N. is a silent,
taciturn, quiet, harmless man, or the like.
nn, An old woman, granny, mother. (cf.
mman old man).
nanag-, A prefix denoting the past tense
active (nag-), but only used when the
agents are many, e.g. nanagtinubigany,
nanaghingyaw, nanagpinanagoy,
nanaglagsany, nanagdinayndyan,
nanaghinutiky sil, etc. They played the
water-game, they frolicked or made
merry, they played hide and seek, they ran
races together, they roamed about, they
whispered to each other, etc. (tbig,
hgyaw, tg, lags, dayndyan, hutk,
etc.). (cf. nag-).
nanm, To be or become tasty,
appetizing, savoury, applied especially to
all sorts of nuts and the like. Nananamn
ak sinng mga lub, man, kastnyas, etc.
These coconuts, peanuts, chestnuts, etc.
taste good to me. I like the taste of these
coconuts, etc. (cf. nmit, nm).
nn, nn, Pus, discharge, matter,
suppuration from boils, ulcers, etc.; to be
purulent, mattery, to gather, fester,
ulcerate, form pus. Nananan ang ya
hubg. His swelling is ulcerating.
Nagann ang ya pils. His wound is
gathering,festering,full of pus. (cf.
dgsang, dal).
nanar-sr, nanar-sri, (B) Various,
divers, diversified, diverse, different,
assorted, all kinds of, all sort of, all manner
of, varied, heterogeneous, mixed. Ang mga
blak may nanarsr nga dug kag
kahumt. The flowers have all sorts of
colours and scent. (cf. sarsr,
nanuhythay, tuhythay, lanlin).
nnay, Mother, mamma, mama, ma. Si
nnay ko (ang ily ko). My mother. Si

Visayan-English Dictionary
nnay kag si ttay (ang amy kag ang
ily). Father and mother.
nany, Mother! Mamma! Mama! Ma!
Nany, kar ka dir. Mother, come here.
nnda, (B) Genitive of snda. Of them,
theirs; by them, through them, etc. (cf. la,
nang, A kind of thick rattan stick, rod,
cane. Kon magbhat ka sin liwn, ssan
gid nkon ang is ka nang sa mo
taldtud (likd). If you do that again, I
shall give you a good caning. (cf. bilogn,
tagson, nw).
nangin-, A verbal prefix. See mangin.
nngk, The jack tree and jack fruit. (cf.
lngk, mngk).
nngking, Nankeen, nankin, a kind of
Chinese yarn and cloth. (cf. lngking).
nno, What? What kind of? (cf. an,
nanuhy-thay, (B) Varied, divers, etc.
(cf. tuhythay, lanlin, nanarsr).
nanurgnan, (B) Entrusted with, in
charge of, burdened with the responsibility
for. Malisd karn ang pagkabuh sinng
babe nga blo, kay nanurgnan pa si sa
yang kabatan. The life of that widow is
full of difficulties and she is burdened yet
with the care of her children. (cf. pangon).
napolitna, See politna.
napl, Ten. Napl kag duh.
Napulogduh. Naplog duh. Twelve.
Duh ka pl. Twenty.
naplog, For napl kag, e.g. naplog
ttlo. Thirteen. Ang ikanaplog pat. The
fourteenth. Sa ikanaplog lim (sa
ikaplog lim) ka dlaw sa blan sa
Myo. On the fifteenth of May.
nra, (Sp. narra) A hardwood tree and its
very valuable timber. (cf. nga id.).
narnha, (Sp. naranja) Orange.
naranhta, (Sp. naranja) A kind of small
nasarno, (Sp. nazareno) Nazarene,
Nazarite; penitent.
nasi-, See nasig-.
nasig-, A prefix indicating that an action
is equally done by a number of persons,
together, in unison, all doing the same
thing. Nasig- (shortened from nagpasig-)
stands for the past, masig- for the future
and pagpasig- for the infinitive.
Nasigkaldlaw sil nga tann. They all of
them laughed together. Nasigpalangt
sil sing palamgnan. They were all
looking for work. Nasigalmot sil,
nasigkalwat sil, etc. They all
contributed, they all went to Holy
Communion, etc. (nasi- id.).
nasimynto, (Sp. nacimiento) Birth,
nasngyan, The why of a thing, reason,
cause, motive, ground. An man ang
nasngyan nya nga wal na si makakar
sa pagdaw sa mon? What may be his

nany nna
reason for not visiting us any more? Why
does he not visit us any more?
nsnas, Broad daylight, quite light, full
day in the morning after dawn; to be or
become full day. Nsnas na
ornagansnas na ang kaaghon. Full
morning daylight is now hereorthe
morning is now quite light.
nasyn, (Sp. nacin) Nation, country;
people, race. (cf. pngsud).
nasyonl, (Sp. nacional) National;
native. (cf. tumndok).
nasyonalsmo, (Sp. nacionalismo)
Nationalism, patriotism.
nthok, (B) For nathok (natohk (H)).
ntnat, To fray, ravel, fret, become
frayed, ravelled, fretted, to get loose or
separate (of threads or fibres in cloth, etc.).
Ang kon by nagakantnat na sa
kagabukn. My jacket is getting frayed on
account of rottenness. Sa kadaann
nagakantnat ang ya hbul. On account
of being old his blanket is beginning to fray
(ravel) out. (cf. ntnut, tt, sarabusb,
nton, Genitive of kitwe (the person
addressed being included). Of us, ours; by,
through, etc. us. Ang talmnan nton. Ang
ton talmnan. Our field. Ginbhat nton
in. Aton ginbhat in. That was done by
us. We did that (it). (cf. kon).
natra, (Sp. natura) Nature, quality.
naturl, (Sp. natural) Natural. Very
frequently applied to children born out of
wedlock; also to a sore, disease or death not
caused by an accident.
naturalsa, (Sp. naturaleza) Nature; the
natural or bodily functions. (cf. kinaugl,
kinatb, kinato).
nug, See panugto go down, descend,
step down, come down, go downstairs,
leave the house, go away. Nanug si
kana lang. He went down-stairs just a
short while ago. He went away just a
moment ago. Panagi ang bt ddto. Go
down to the child there.
nag, Clothes, garments, raiment,
apparel, dress; mop, swab, rag; to dress,
wear garments, cloth, array, deck out.
Malam gid si magnag. She knows how
to dress well. (cf. sapt, panpton,
nw, A rod, twig, slip, strip, piece, as of
rattan, split bamboo, etc. (cf. naht,
bilogn, tagson, blog).
nawng, (H) Face, visage, countenance,
physiognomy, phiz, front; the title-page of
a book. (cf. guy, panawng).
nay-nya, Pleasant, pleasing, gentle,
mild, cheerful, especially of the expression
of the face; to be or become pleasant, etc.
Nagnaynya ang ya nawng sang
pagkabat nya sin. When he heard this
his face lit up with pleasure.
Nanaynayhan ak sang ya guy. I
consider his face quite pleasing or cheerful.

His face impressed me with its placidity or

gentleness. (cf. alikya).
nyap, To be or become wide, spacious,
roomy, ample, extensive, unobstructed,
large, clear, plain, even. Nagnyap na
inng lugr, kay nataps ang mga khoy.
This place is now an extensive clearing,
because the trees have been cut down.
Nanaypan ak sang ya um. His farm
appeared to me to be very large (extensive).
(cf. hanyap, hanyak, hanhay).
nayk-nyok, (B) Far, far away, very
distant, a long way off, remote; to be far
away, etc. Ang Amrika nayk-nyok gid.
America is very far away. Ydtong bkid
nayknyok sa Ilnglong. That mountain
is a long way from Iloilo. Ang mga bnwa
nga nanayknyok sa amnhan. The
towns situated in the far North (far to the
North). (cf. manayknyok, lay,
nyon, Proximity or nearness to,
direction towards, side, party; in the
direction of, towards, near, in the
neighbourhood, neighbouring, at the side
of, on the way to. Din nyon ang mo
baly? In what direction, where about is
your home? Sa bkid nyon. Towards the
mountains, in the direction of or near the
mountains. Ang ya baly dir nyon sang
simbhan, ang kon ddto nyon. His
home is on this side of the church, mine is
on the other side. An nga nyon ang ya
nga ginahilayn? What side or party is he
inclined to (does he favour)? Din dapt
nyon ang mong palangmhan?
Whereabout (Whereabouts) is your farm?
N.B. Dapt nyon is often used, but is
really a pleonasm, as both terms mean the
same thing. (cf. dapt).
nayn, The female of the swine, sow.
Inng nayn nagbt sing napl ka idk
(ork) sa ya dgmon. This sow
farrowed, littered, had a litter (farrow)
of, ten young ones. (cf. bboy, butakl,
idk, odk, ork, dkan).
nayp-nyop, Far away, etc. See
nayknyok id.
nypes, (Sp. naipe) Playing-card. (cf.
negr, (Sp. negar) To deny, refuse, give
the lie to, contradict, gainsay. Ginnegr
nya ang singid ni Fulno. He denied
N.N.s story. Negah yanng mga
butngbtang. Give the lie to those
slanders. (cf. himutg).
negosynte, (Sp. negociante) Business
man, dealer, merchant, trader, tradesman,
storekeeper. (cf. komersynte,
negsyo, (Sp. negocio) Business, trade,
commerce, transaction, deal, bargain. (cf.
komrsyo, palatikngan, palangitn-an).
nna, (Sp. nena) A girl infant, darling,
baby, girl (as a term of endearment). (cf.
aky, nday, nning).


nn ngirir-han
nn, (Sp. nene) A boy infant, darling,
baby, boy (as a term of endearment). (cf.
tt, nnoy). Also: a darling baby-girl. (cf.
nning, See nna, aky, nday, as terms
of endearment for young girls.
nerbiosidd, (Sp. nerviosidad)
nrbyos, (Sp. nervio) Nerve, tendon;
nerves, strength.
nerbyosidd, See nerbiosidd.
nerbyso, (Sp. nervioso) Nervous, easily
excited or upset, excitable, neurotic,
nga, A conjunctive particle used in various
a.) to connect adjectives and nouns, nouns
and nouns, etc., e.g. mabg-at nga llan. A
heavy load. Sa manbaw nga sub. In the
shallow river. Baly nga bat. A stone
building. Is ka klon nga kn-on. A kettle
full of rice. Mga sging nga tinank.
Boiled bananas. Ang mga nagahunhni
nga sirmsirm. The chirping crickets. Is
ka lub nga binuk. A split coconut.
b.) to connect ideas or sentences,
equivalent to: that, in order that, if.
Nakadumdm ak nga. I thought
that. Ang labng mayo nga magkdto
ka ddto sa sbung sin. It would be best, if
you went there at once. Ind mo
pagkalmtan nga bus masgud kit
magardo. Dont forget that tomorrow we
begin ploughing.
c.) as relative pronoun. Ang to nga
naglubs kana am ang kon ty. The
man who passed a while ago is my uncle.
Am in ang bt nga mahmok gid sing
lo. This is the boy who has a very bright
under-standing. Din na ang tigb nga
gingmit ko kahpon? Where is the chisel
I used yesterday?
d.) as an introduction to an exclamation.
Nga pagkalisd sang pangabh karn!
Oh, how difficult living conditions are! Nga
pagkabungl sinng bt! Oh, the
stubbornness (obstinacy) of this boy! How
stubborn this boy is!
nga, Why; wherefore, for what reason,
cause or purpose; now, how is that, let me
see, tell me, or the like. Nga man nga
ginhm mo in? Why did you do that?
Nga bal nga gintga sang Dis ang
kalibtan? Why did God create the world?
Nga nton? How does it concern us? Why
do we say so? What have we to do with it?
Nga, is gid ka an ang mahtag nya sa
mo? Tell me, how much can he give you?
Nga man nga nd (wal) ka magkdto
ddto? Why dont you (didnt you) go there?
(cf. tungd sa an, bangd sa an, ndot).
ngbil, A lip. (cf. bibg).
ngbngab, To cry or weep aloud, wail,
lament, keen, howl, roar, bawl, yell, squeal,
squall, shout with pain. Nagngbngab si,
kay ginbnal ni ttay. He howled, because
he got a whipping from father. Ind ka


Visayan-English Dictionary
magngbngab. Dont bawl. Ngabngab
ang ily mo kon ilubng. Wail (lament) for
your mother, when she is being buried. (cf.
ngarbngab, gab, hib, tngs, tiybaw).
ngdlan, For ngalnan from nglan;
hingdlan for hingalnan from hinglan.
ngalgngag, Palate; taste. (cf. tngon,
idilmdim, dmdim, lalm).
nglan, (H) Name, patronymic,
apellation, designation, cognomen; to
name, call. Sn-o ang nglan mo? What is
your name? An ang pagtawg mo sin
kon mo ngdlan (ngalnan)? What would
you call this, if you gave it a name? What is
this? N.B. hinglan is much more used
instead of the simple nglan in the sense
of: naming, calling, giving a name to,
pronouncing the name of. (cf. ngran,
binunygan, apelydo).
nglan, Noun. (cf. butng; bhatverb).
ngalasaln, Delirious or foolish talk,
bosh, twaddle, nonsense; to speak foolishly,
incoherently, glibly, flippantly. (cf. ngsal).
nglngal, To chatter, prattle, prate, talk
glibly or flippantly, gabble, gab, tattle,
tittle, tittle-tattle, blab, let out secrets. Ind
ka magnglngal sinng mga butng.
Dont talk glibly about such things.
Ginnglngal nya ang mga sekrto ni
Fulno. He blabbed out N.N.s secrets.
Ginngalngaln nya si Fulno sing mga
butng nga wal sing naigon. He talked
a good deal to N.N. about silly things. (cf.
ngsal, hdak, br, etc.).
ngang, To open ones mouth. Ingang
ang bb mo. Open your mouth.
Ngangah ang bb mo kag padiwal
ang dl. Open your mouth and put out
your tongue. Ngangah ang manugbnsil,
kay usison nya ang mo ngpon. Open
your mouth for the dentist, for he is going
to examine your teeth.
ngangan, The opening, mouth, vent,
outlet, inlet of a tube, pipe, canal or the
like. (cf. ngang).
ngangahn, See ngangan.
ngng, Foolish, fool, ass, stupid fellow.
(cf. kl, kalndong, bngaw, tampuhw,
kolkol, etc.).
ngn, Indeed; certainly, surely, really;
therefore, hence, ergo. (cf. gn, bs).
ngarbngab, See ngbngab.
ngran, (B) See nglan.
ngarngal, Nonsensical talk; to talk
nonsense, etc. See nglngal, ngsal).
ngarwngaw, (B) See ngwngaw.
ngsal, To chatter, prattle, tittle-tattle,
etc. See nglngal, hdak, br, etc. Tinkan ak sang pamt sang ya nga
ginangsal. I was bored listening to his
ngsngas, A loud, shrill, far-reaching
sound; to cry out with a loud voice (of
persons and animals). (cf. snggit, pugas,

ngwngaw, To mew, meaw, miaw (of

cats); to whine, sigh, moan, weep,
whimper, mewl, pule, cry aloud. (cf.
ngbngab, tiybaw).
ngdlis, Shock, consternation, terror,
fright; to cause or give a shock, frighten,
terrify, strike with awe. Nangidlisn si
sang pagkabat nya kon an ang
nahanab. He received a shock (He was
thunderstruck) when he heard what
happened. (cf. bgne, sgne, kgmat,
lsang, palanglgbus, makangingdlis).
ngl-ad, To loathe, recoil, be sickened,
nauseated or revolted, abhor, feel like
vomiting or have an aversion to, to detest,
abominate, hate, feel repugnance to.
Nagakangl-ad ak sa pagtn-aw sang
lnt. I hate to see (look upon) a leech. Dl
taks igkangl-ad ang pagsagd sa mga
masakt. One should not show ones
repugnance in attending on the sick.
Ginangil-arn ak sang pot sang kurng.
I feel like vomiting at the sight of a cats
dirt. (cf. tak, sm-od, lod).
nglin, Affection for, attachment to; to
cherish, wish to keep or retain, value the
possession and regret the loss of, to miss,
be unwilling to part with, be reluctant to
give up, to grudge, begrudge. Dl nnyo
pagkangnlan (pagkangilnan) ang
kwrta sa pagpaton sa mga bt. Dont
grudge spending money for the education
of children. Nanglin (Nagkanglin) si
sang relh nga nadl. He highly valued
the lost watch. He was quite upset by the
loss of his watch. (cf. hlak).
nglo, (H) To be set on edge, have ones
teeth set on edge. Nagnglo ang kon
ngpon sinng maslum nga bnga sang
smbag. My teeth were set on edge by this
sour tamarind. This sour tamarind has set
my teeth on edge. Nangilhan ak sinng
lnghud nga ph. My teeth were set on
edge by that green (unripe) mango. Ang
bnga nga maslum nagapanglo sang
ngpon. Sour fruit sets the teeth on edge.
(cf. nlo).
ngil, See nglo.
ngngho, (Sp. ajenjo) Worm wood;
absinth; a kind of medicinal plant.
ngng, ngng, ng-ng, A spray of
flowers, twig, extremity of a branch, a small
shoot; to pick a spray of blossoms, pluck
flowers together with a few leaves, break off
a small branch or stem (with its flowers).
Nginga ang adlpa. Pluck the rosebay
flowers with some leaves. Ngingi ak sing
pil ka bukd sang tapulnga. Break off
some sprigs of the tapulnga for me. (cf.
p, kutl).
ngpnan, Having strong or fierce teeth;
formidable, doughty, brave, strong, mighty,
powerful, fierce. (cf. ngpon).
ngpon, (H) Tooth. (cf. nto).
ngirir-han, (B) Miserable, wretched,
piteous, pitiful, an object of pity or

Visayan-English Dictionary
compassion. (cf. ngr-o; makaloloy,
ngirt, To grin, show or bare the teeth.
Ind ka magngirt. Dont grin. Ind mo ak
pagngiritn. Dont grin at me. Ginngiritn
ak sang id. The dog bared its teeth at
me. (cf. lngs, rngs, bangirt, balangis).
ngr-o, (B) To compassionate, pity,
condole with, sympathize with, have mercy,
or take pity, on (upon). Mangr-o kaw
kan, kay ngirir-han. (Maloy ka sa ya,
kay makaloloy). Have pity on him, for he
is worthy of pity. (cf. loy).
ngsi, To grin slightly. (cf. balangis,
ngis-ngsi, Dim. and Freq. of ngsito
grin slightly.
ngis-ngis, A very young louse, a nit that
is smaller even than a kaymad. (cf.
kto, botl, lus).
ngsl, (H) The gums (of the mouth). (cf.
ngthil, To whine, whimper, mewl, pule,
wail, utter plaintive sounds with closed lips,
as is often done by children, etc. Ind ka
magngthil. Dont whine. Dont utter
pettish, peevish complaints.
ngtngit, Sting, prick, heart-ache,
compunction; to sting, prick, be or become
difficult to bear, troublous, hard.
Nagngtngit ang ya pangabh karn.
Nangitngitn si sang pangabh karn.
He is having a hard time of it now. His life
is at present full of hardships. (cf. lisd,
lapgot, ngtngot).
ngit-ngit, To be or become black,
dark, etc. See nitnit. (cf. maitm, itm,
ilm, mailm, mangitngit).
ngdngod, To moan, complain, weep,
cry, whimper, whine, sigh. (cf. ngthil,
ngyngoy, ngbngab, gab, bkh, tngis,
hib, panalabton, panalambton).
nghit, ngit, To lisp, speak indistinctly,
utter imperfectly, articulate as a child. (cf.
piht, knl, ht-on).
nglngol, To suck the fingers, put a finger
into ones mouth. Ang bt naganglngol
sang ya tdl. The baby is sucking its
finger. Ipanglngol ang mo tdl sa bt
nga nagahib. Give the crying baby your
finger to suck. Ind mo pagngolngoln ang
mo kamomo. Dont put your thumb into
your mouth. (cf. ltgot, spsop, syup,
ngol-ngol, To speak with a timid,
broken voice, to falter, stammer, be bashful
or nervous (of speech). Ind ka
magngolngol. Dont be afraid to speak
out. Dont stammer. Dont speak haltingly
(falteringly). (cf. mormor).
ngoloyngyon, Sob, whine, plaintive
voice, sigh; to sob, whine, sigh. (cf.
ngtngot, Sting, prick, throbbing,
compunction; to throb, beat, trouble, sting,
prick, perplex, gnaw at. Nagangtngot ang

ngirt npay
ya hubg, ang ya tagiposon, etc. His
ulcer, his heart, etc. is throbbing.
Ginangotngotn si sang ya konsynsya.
His conscience is gnawing him, troubles or
perplexes him. Ang ya nga ginhm
nagapangtngot karn sang ya kalg.
What he did fills his soul now with
remorse. (cf. ngtngit).
ngyngoy, Sigh, groan, moan, cry; to
sigh, moan, weep, cry; to emit heartstirring, plaintive or moving sounds (as a
violin, zithern, or the like). Nagangyngoy
ang bioln. The violin sends forth its
heart-stirring sounds,plaintive strains.
(cf. tngis, hib, ngthil, ngbngab, gab,
bkh, psng).
ngrab, Murmur, grumble, muttering,
complaint; to murmur, mutter, grumble,
complain, croak, growl, show discontent by
speech. Ind ka magngrab. Dont
grumble. Ginngurban nya ak. He
murmured against me. Ginngrab nya
ang ya kakig. He gave vent to his anger
by uttering complaints. (N.B. ngrab
means to voice ones complaint by saying
what is ones grievance, ksmod,
ambohng, ariwarng mean to show
ones discontent by manner, expression or
ngur-ngr, ngur-ngur, A smile,
simper, smirk; to smile, simper, smirk,
grin, sneer, fleer. Ginpamngkot ko si,
pang si ya nagngurngr lang nga
wal magsabt. I asked him, but he for his
part only grinned and did not answer.
Ginngurnguran (Ginngurngurin) nya
ak. He smiled or grinned pleasantly at me.
(cf. balangis, lngs).
ngrub, A growl, snarl, as of an angry
dog; to growl, snarl, grumble, utter in a
surly way. Ind ka magngrub. Dont snarl.
Dont be so surly. Ginngurban sang id
ang dumulong. The dog growled at the
stranger. (cf. ngrab).
ngsul, (B) To repent, be penitent, be
contrite or repentant, to rue, feel
compunction or remorse, to regret, be sorry
for. Nagangsul na si sang ya nga
ginhm. He is now sorry for what he did.
(cf. hinlsul, nlsul).
ngynguy, See ngyngoysigh, groan,
ni, (Sp. ni) Neither, nor, not even.
ni, The Genitive of the personal article si.
Si Pdro. Peter. Ni Pdro. Peters, of Peter.
Ginbhat in ni Pdro. Peter did this. This
was done by Peter. This is Pedros doing
nin, Now, at present, the present
moment, actual, instant, current, for the
time being, nonce. (cf. karn).
nibl, (Sp. nivel) Level, horizontal, spiritlevel, water-level; watermark; plummet.
ndnid, To be neat, trim, clean, tidy. (cf.
hpid, hpig, tnl).
nibe, (Sp. nieve) Snow.

ngnig, To trickle, dribble, flow out slowly

or in a thin stream, to exude, ooze out.
Nagangnig inng tuburn. This spring is
only a trickle. Ginanignign ang ya pa
sing nn sa pils. The pus from the
wound is trickling down his leg.
Nagangnig ang ya mga ln. His tears
are flowing. (cf. nnig, lig).
ngo, A small round basket, usually with a
rattan rim; winnowing basket.
nihynihy, Movement, stir; to be quiet,
say neither yes nor no. Wal sil sing
nihynihy sa la baly. There is no
movement or stir at their house, all is quiet
at their house. (cf. litklitk).
nikl, (Sp. niquel) Nickel; to nickel,
nikeldo, (Sp. niquelado) Nickel-plated,
nickeled, nickelized.
nla, (H) Their, theirs; by or through them;
sil nla, sil la, or sil sing la. They
on their part. (cf. la and see kon).
nlo, (B) To set the teeth on edge. See
nglo, ngil.
nmo, (H) Your, yours (singular), thy,
thine; by or through you, by thee. (cf. mo,
mo and see kon).
ninaht, Made up in pieces, divided in
pieces, by the piece, applied to objects that
are rather long and comparatively slender.
Nakabakl ak sing kawyan nga ninaht
nga tagnapl ka dak ang naht. I
bought some bamboos by the piece at the
rate of ten centavos per piece. (naht; cf.
nnig, See ngnig id.
nint, To trickle, flow in a small stream,
etc. See ngnig, nnig, lig.
nnyo, (Sp. nio) Child, baby, infant,
babe, bairn, brat, kid, little one, chit, little
boy. Ang Snto Nnyo. The Holy Child. The
Infant Jesus. (cf. bt).
nnyo, Genitive of kamyou (plural);
yours; of, by, through, etc. you (ye). (cf.
nig, (B) Coconut palm, the nut, the meat
of the nut. (cf. lub).
nig-nog, A kind of plant with roots that
yield a very sticky juice, much used as a
glue in the making of musical instruments.
np, The nipa-palm and its leaves much
used for thatching.
nipan, A place abounding in nipa-palms;
a man who possesses many nipa-palms.
npay, A kind of vine with down on its
seed-pods. This down causes great pain
and annoyance, if brought in contact with
ones skin; to treat with npay, blow or
sprinkle npay upon somebody as an act of
revenge or punishment. Nanipyan si. He
was blown upon (sprinkled) with npay,
received a dose of npay. Ginnipyan nya
si Fulno (Nagnpay si sa kay Fulno).
He gave N.N. a dose of npay. (cf. kulahs,
which is still more painful than npay).


npi bad
npi, (Perhaps from the Sp. naipe) The
payment of a certain portion of the
winnings at cards for the use of the cards,
light, rooms, etc.; to pay for the use of
rooms, cards, light, etc. with a certain
percentage of the winnings. Naganpi sil
sang barha sa baly ni Fulno. They are
paying for the use of the cards at N.N.s
house. Kon malyag kam magsugl dir
sa kon baly, niphan nnyo ang kon
barha. If you wish to play at cards here in
my house, you must pay me for the use of
my cards.
nipihn, A box or receptacle for the
nips, To be, become or make thin, to thin,
reduce, attenuate. Nipisn mo ang tp.
Make the board thin. Nanipisn ak sinng
hnero. This cloth is too thin (flimsy) for
me. Utdon mo ang tp sa nanipisn. Cut
the plank, where it is thin. Nagnips si,
kay nagmasakt. He became thin, for he
was sick.
nirg-nirg, Quiet, silent, motionless; to
be quiet, etc. (cf. pahimyong, hpus,
pabnol, pabnok).
nsnis, To clean by rubbing, polish,
burnish, brighten, shine, makebright,
shine, put a polish on. See hnis, nsnus.
nt, A kind of black rattan. It is much
used for making hats and wickerwork.
nit-nit, Black, dark, swarth, swarthy,
dingy, murky, pitchy, dusky, sable, ebon,
sooty, sombre, jetty; to be or become black,
dark, etc., to blacken, darken. (cf.
ngitngit, itm, ilm).
nwang, To be or become thin, lean,
emaciated, meagre, gaunt, lank, lanky,
skinny, scrawny, scraggy, light, bony.
Nagnwang si ddto sa laks nga
pagpangabdlay. He got lean there on
account of too much work. Maganwang
ikw, kon nd ka magkon sing mayo.
You will get thin, unless you eat well. (cf.
hgpis, nips, kant).
niyn, Now, nowadays, at present. (cf.
no, (Sp. no) No, not. In Visayan this no is
often used in the meaning of: isnt itso?
true?as I said? or as a sort of
exclamation: You dont say so! Indeed! Is it
really so? Nagtmbong ka gid ddto, no?
You were there, isnt it so?
nobedd, (Sp. novedad) News, notice,
latest information, any new incident,
happening or event worth recording. (cf.
nobna, (Sp. novena) Novena, a religious
devotion performed every day for nine
successive days.
nob, (H) To be, make or get low or short,
to shorten, lower. See nab.
nob, (H) To be, make or get low or short,
to shorten, lower. See nab.


Visayan-English Dictionary
nbya, (Sp. novia) Bride, betrothed,
affianced, intended, fiancee. (cf. kalaslon,
noby-nbya, To be betrothed, be
engaged, pay ones addresses, make
love, to a girl, to woo (either seriously or
otherwise). Naganoby-nbya si. He has
a sweetheart. He is courting (a girl). Ind ka
magnobynbya kon wal ka sing
katuyon nga matrung. Dont make love
to a girl, unless your motives are honest.
nobymbre, (Sp. noviembre) The month
of November. (cf. pnglot-ditay).
nbyo, Bridegroom, lover, intended,
betrothed; to have a lover, be engaged or
betrothed. Naganobyohnay sil. They are
engaged. They are bride and bridegroom.
(cf. kalaslon, katpan).
noby-nbyo, To have an admirer, have
a lover or sweetheart, to flirt (of girls).
Naganobynbyo si. She has a lover.
nombramynto, (Sp. nombramiento)
Nomination, appointment.
nombrr, (Sp. nombrar) To nominate,
appoint. Ginnombrr si nga (Hus)
Hokm. He was appointed judge. Wal pa
si pagnombrah. He has not as yet been
nominated or appointed.
nmbre, (Sp. nombre) Name,
appellation; noun. (cf. nglan, ngran).
nn, To press against, squeeze, crush.
Ginnn nya si Fulno sa dngding. He
crushed N.N. against the wall. Inn ang
bb sang kurng sa ya ti, agd
maddl magpams-on dir. Rub the cats
nose in her dirt, that she may be afraid to
make a mess here again. Nno ang lamsa
sang lapt kag hnsan mo sing mayo.
Press the cloth against the table and rub
well. (cf. or-od, nsnus, nlnul).
nnoy, A term of endearment for a boy;
darling boy. (cf. tt, nn).
nony, The vocative of nnoy.
norlsol, September. (cf. septimbre).
nrte, (Sp. norte) North. (cf. amnhan).
nta, (Sp. nota) Note, memorandum;
musical note; mark, sign, annotation. (cf.
pt-in, tnd, timan).
notrya, (Sp. notaria) A notarys office.
notryo, (Sp. notario) Notary. Notryo
pbliko. Public notary.
notsya, (Sp. noticia) Notice, news,
tidings, information, bill, placard, hearsay.
May notsya nga nabton gkan sa.
News has been received from. Notsya
lang ang kon (mo, ya, mon, ton, nyo,
la). I (you, he, we, you, they)just heard of
it,didnt pay attention to it,have
nothing to do with it,have no interest or
concern in it,have nothing to gain or lose
by it, or the like. (cf. balt, pahibal,
ntse, ntses, (Sp. noche) Night.
Bunas ntses! Good evening! Good night!
(cf. gb-i, mayong gb-i).
nus, (Sp. nuez) Nut, especially a walnut.

nulidd, (Sp. nulidad) Nullity, voidness,

invalidness, invalidity.
nlnul, To crush, smash, press, compress,
squeeze (against something hard). (cf.
nn, pus, lum, nsnus).
nlo, (Sp. nulo) Null, void, invalid,
naught, a dead letter. (cf. waly puls).
nlsul, See ngsul, hinlsul.
nululslan, What is to be repented;
remorseful. (cf. nlsul).
nulsnus, A mop, swab, scrub, scrubbing
brush, dish-cloth, dish-clout, cloth for
rubbing or scouring. (nsnus).
nulusnusn, nulusnsan, A board, a
stone, etc. used for rubbing things upon,
knife-board. (nsnus).
nmero, (Sp. nmero) Number, tell,
count, call, numeral, figure, cipher. (cf.
pil, kapd-an, kadamun).
nurlsul, See norlsol.
nsnus, To rub, mop, swab, scour, scrub
a floor, etc. Nusnus ang panpton sing
habn. Rub the clothes with soap.
Ginnusnusn nla ang salg sing esprma.
They rubbed the floor with tallow. Insnus
sa salg inng sra. Use this candle-wax
for rubbing the floor with. Ind ka
magnsnus (magks) sang lalbhan sing
(lm-ag) laks, kay bs mags. Dont rub
the wash too much, for it might be torn.
ntnut, To fray, ravel, fret. See ntnat,
ss, tt. Nantnut (Nagkantnut) na
gid ang ya nga pyong. His umbrella is
now all frayed out.
nybe, See nibesnow.

o, The Visayans have a vowel that sounds

sometimes like the Spanish o, sometimes
like the Spanish u, but in most cases it is
not satisfactorily represented by either o
or u. Consequently in many words the
two vowels are interchangeablesund,
sund, sond, sond.
In this Dictionary if a word is not found
under o, it may be found under u, and
vice versa.
When o or u is printed in italics it must
be pronounced with an abrupt sound that
can be learned only by hearing, e.g. lab
to slash, smite.
, (Sp. ) Or. To in dir spat? (To
in dir ukn spat)? Is that over there a
man or a beast? (cf. kon, okn, ukn).
ba, To undress, divest, etc. See ba.
bad, The core of banana plants. (bad

Visayan-English Dictionary
ban; obnon, White hair; gray-haired.
See ban; ubnon.
obha, (Sp. obeja) Sheep, ewe, female
sheep. (cf. karnro, kordro).
obispdo, (Sp. obispado) Bishopric,
diocese, Episcopal See, episcopate.
obisplyo, (Sp. obispillo) A false,
pretended, sham, fake, mock,
obspo, (Sp. obispo) Bishop, the Ordinary
of a diocese; to be or become a bishop.
Nagobspo si. He became, was,
obt, The waist; to tuck in the end of a
skirt, etc. See ubt.
obligr, (Sp. obligar) To oblige, make,
force, drive, compel, coerce, constrain.
Obligah si sa pagpangabdlay. Oblige
him to work. Make him work. Ginobligr
nya ak sa pagkdto ddto. He compelled
(forced) me to go there. (cf. plit, prit).
obligasyn, (Sp. obligacin) Obligation,
duty, liability. (cf. katungdnan,
ob, Cough; to cough, have a cold.
Nagaob si nga daw may nus. He
coughs as if he had consumption. Ginaob
si kon ga. He coughs in the morning,
every morning. Andam ka, nd ka
magpngk sa may hngin, kay bs
obohn ikw. Be careful, dont sit in the
draught, you may catch a cold. May ob
si. He is coughing or has a cough. (cf.
olbhon, orbwon).
b-ob, To drink without a drinking vessel
in the manner of animals, lap, suck up. Ind
ka magb-ob sbung sang mga hyup.
Dont drink like an animal. Ginb-ob lang
nya ang tbig sa bobn. He just lapped
with his tongue the water direct in the
water-hole. Ob-ob lang ang tbig, kay
wal kit sing kalndus. Just put your
mouth to the water and drink, as we have
no dipper. (cf. lklak).
bog, To wade or walk in or through
water, to paddle, without even tucking up
the trousers or taking off the boots, pass
through water without ferry or bridge, ford,
plough, plunge, splash, through, as
an automobile or other vehicle. Nagbog
lang kam sa sub. We just waded through
the river. Ginobgan lang sang wto ang
sub. The auto simply ploughed through
the river.
obg, A kind of fish.
bong, Moon-ring, a nebulous circle
around the moon. (cf. lmbo).
bong, A gratuitous addition in buying
and selling large quantities, a bakers
dozen, over and above, thrown in, into the
bargain, to the good, for good measure, for
luck, extra; to grant such an addition or
discount. Obngan mo ak sing is sa
kda napl (sa tagnapl) ka blog nga
mas. Grant me into the bargain one maize
cob in every ten. Nakabakl ak sa ya

ban; obnon gpot

sing is ka gats ka psong nga humy
kag ginobngan nya ak sing tagis ka
gntang. I bought from him one hundred
bushels of rice and he allowed me one
ganta extra for every bushel. Kam
nagabalgy sa napt-ud gid nga bil nga
wal sing ay kag wal man sing bong.
We sell only at fixed prices without any
haggling and without anything thrown in.
(cf. tbung, man, tmba, tmban).
bra, (Sp. obra) Work, labour, job, task; to
work, fashion, turn out, labour, make. Obra
kam. Go to work. Set to work. An ang
ginabra mo dir? What are you doing
(engaged in) here? Obrah sing mayo
kon an ang mo olobrhon. Do well
whatever you have to do. (cf. bhat, hm,
pangabdlay, pangbra, pamgon).
obrro, (Sp. obrero) Workman, labourer,
journeyman, navvy, hand. (cf.
mamumugn, hornalro).
obserbasyn, (Sp. observacin)
Observation, remark, note. (cf.
pinanilgan, pinaniran; talmdan).
obserbatryo, (Sp. observatorio)
Observatory, weather-bureau. (cf.
panilagn sang panahn).
od, (B) Look here! See! A term used to
draw the attention of one, to whom
something is offered or to be given.
dlon, (B) Wormy, full of worms. (cf.
ulron, lud).
d-od, (B) To have difficulty in evacuating
as one suffering from constipation. To sit or
squat for a considerable space of time. (cf.
odk, A small pig, piglet. (cf. idk).
dok, To call the small pigs together.
Odka ang mga idk. Call the small pigs
together. (cf. dkan, dukna ang bboy).
odk-odkon, (B) Being at ease, at
peace, not worried, not agitated, tranquil,
quiet, calm, peaceful, enjoying peace of
mind. See ogknan, dalamnon,
darmnon, girmon, libtay, arabtay).
odl-odl, Lumpy, full of little nodes or
lumps, not even, not smooth. (cf.
kodlkodl, bilgbilg).
dong, (B) To punch, hammer; cram,
stuff full. (cf. bngbung).
odt, (B) Flattery, adulation, cajolery; to
flatter, fool, wheedle, cajole, soft-soap,
blarney. Odot si. Flatter him. (cf. uns,
odt-odt, Dim. and Freq. of odt.
ody-doy, (B) To converse, chat,
confabulate, confab, chin, talk familiarly as
intimate friends. Wal na sil
paginodydoy. They are not on speaking
terms any longer. (cf. panugron,
hambr, sugilnon, pakigpulngplong,
bgno, limg).
dto, Mid-day, noon, noon-day, noontide; zenith. Sa dto ang dlaw. At
mid-day or when the sun is overhead, at its
highest, in the zenith. (cf. gto id.).

dyong, odyng, Trumpet, bugle,

trump, horn. (cf. bdyong).
ogd-gad, To practise well, repeat, go
over again and again. Ogdogra in.
Practise it well. (cf. sultslit, ugdgad).
ogling, (H) But, now, after a moments
time or reflection, anon, before long, in a
minute, afterwards, not just now, but,
not in this way, but. Karn ogling
magadaw ak sa nyo. After a short time
I will visit you, but not just now. Silhign
mo nay ang salg kag ogling
lampashan mo. First sweep the floor and
then scrub it. Sn-o nmo tahin ang kon
by?Bus ogling, kay mask pa ak
sbung sin. When will you make my
dress?To-morrow, for at present I am
very busy. (cf. gring, ugling).
ognot, Small vein or artery; fibre. (cf.
gbo, A kind of game or pastime. See
under kbung.
gbos, A shoot or sprout, a fresh young
leaf or twig; to shoot, sprout, put forth.
Nagagbos na (may gbos na) inng
pitgo, sging, ph, etc. This pitgopalm, banana-plant, mango-tree, etc. is
shooting,sprouting,putting forth new
shoots. (cf. gdo, tgdo, salngsing).
gdo, (B) See gbos.
gdok, A kind of small eel. (cf. sli).
ghay, Thrumb, the warp-end, warp-rest,
the fringe of threads by which the warp is
fastened to the loom and which has to be
cut to free the woven cloth.
gkan, (B) To be or become tranquil,
unmolested, quiet. Naggkan na ang la
pagpuy ddto. Their life there is now quite
tranquil. Ind ka maggkan ddto, kay
madm pa ang mo buluhatn dir. You
cannot be at ease there, because you have
much work here. (cf. libtay).
ogknan, (B) See dalamnon, girmon.
gkat, To take up a corpse (of one
drowned, found dead on the road and the
like). Gingkat nla ang pinaty kag
gindal sa la baly. They took up the
corpse of the murdered man and carried it
to their house.
ogt, Anger, vexation, wrath, indignation,
exasperation; to be or get angry, vexed,
exasperated, indignant, aggravated, riled,
provoked, put out. Nagaogt si. He is
getting angry. Ginagtan nya ak. He is
angry with me. (cf. kig).
ogy-goy, To sing in a drowsy way, sing
a lullaby, to hum a melody. Nagaogygoy
si. He is humming a tune.
gpot, To return, come back, arrive,
reach, come to a place after a more or less
prolonged absence, return after a
considerable interval. Bus magagpot si
gkan sa Manl. To-morrow he will arrive
from Manila. Ginblin nya kam sa is ka
baly kag wal nya kam pagogpot


ogrt lbo
knd sang masund nga dlaw. He left us
in a house anddid not return (come back)
to us till the following (next) day,
returned to us only the following day. (cf.
blik, abt, smput).
ogrt, Boasting, etc. See bugrt, agrt.
gsang, To fall on ones back, etc. See
gsang, sdang, sgang.
gto, Noon. See dto.
gwad, (B) To extend, prolong; postpone,
procrastinate. (cf. swag).
gwat, To ask repeatedly, examine, crossexamine, hold an enquiry, investigate
several times, question again and again.
Gingwat sang hukm inng sksi. This
witness was questioned by the judge
several times.
gyo, (B) Derision, mockery, ridicule; to
deride, scoff at, gibe, sneer at, leer at, taunt,
hold up to derision or ridicule, to ridicule,
mock, abuse with sarcastic or insulting
terms, make alaughing stock of,butt
of,mockery of. Gingyo nla si. They
derided him. Ind mo si pagogyohn.
Dont mock at him. (cf. ulgyat, ulig).
ohlis, (Sp. ojal) Button hole. (cf. wlis).
ohng, Large, wide, deep; to become
wide, to widen, deepen, said of holes or
breaches in a wall, dam, floor, etc.
Nagohng ang bh. The hole has become
wide and deep. May ohng ang padr, ang
pntaw, etc. There is a large hole in the
wall, in the floor of the kitchen-balcony,
oh, An exclamation used to attract
attention or express surprise. See! Look!
Behold! Oh, nagabah ang sub. Sure
enough, the river has risen. Oh, nahlug
ang bt sa bintn. Good Heavens, the
child has fallen out of the window. Oh,
tan-aw. Look here! Oh, ikw dir,
hulat ak nay. Now then, you there, wait
a little for me.
ho, (Sp. ojo) Eye; look out! Beware! (cf.
ohn, An exclamation mostly used when
showing or handing someone else things
carried in the hand. Behold! Lo! Observe!
Take notice! Ohn, ri dir ang sult. Look,
the letter is here. Ohn may sging ak
nga manmit. Look here, what nice
bananas I have got. Ohn, katahm sinng
taknan, (nadalign) natahumn ak sin.
See how beautiful this watch is, I think it is
a beauty. (cf. oh).
hong, A kind of mushroom; to remove a
house, post and all, and transfer it to
another site. Ginhong nla ang baly ni
Fulno. They removed N.N.s house, posts
and all, to another place. Ang mo baly
(lm-ag) tm kadak nga daw sa nd
mahong, knd malgaw lang. Your
house is too large to remove in one load,
but it can be removed in parts, piecemeal
(by transferring the roof, the post, etc.
separately). Ohnga lang nnyo ang ya


Visayan-English Dictionary
baly. Just take up and transfer his house
in one load. N.B. The second meaning
seems to be derived from the first, as in the
operation called hong a house is taken
up and removed just as an hong
mushroom is taken from the ground and
carried away root and all.
hot, Empty ears of rice, chaff, ears of rice
after the grain has been removed by
threshing or treading. (cf. uhythe full
rice-ear on the growing stalk in the field).
okasyn, (Sp. ocasin) Occasion,
opportunity, chance, convenience. (cf.
kdom, Gnashing, grinding (of teeth); to
gnash or grind the teeth, strike the teeth
together in anger or pain. An ang
ginakdom mo? Why are you gnashing
your teeth? Nagakdom si sang ya
ngpon (Ginakdom nya ang ya ngpon)
sa kakig. He is grinding his teeth in anger.
Paokdom lang si sang ya ngpon. Let
him gnash his teeth. (cf. dom, dom,
klab, To separate from, detach, tear off
things that are stuck with glue, gum, paste,
etc. Ind ka magklab sang prankyo.
Dont tear off the postage stamp. Oklab
ang kugn sang mo katl. Take off the
scab formed by your skin-disease katl.
Oklab ak sang mga slyo sinng mga
sbre. Take the stamps off these envelopes
for me.
kl, To hide or conceal oneself, sidestep,
evade, to lower or hide ones head, to bend
down, dodge, to duck or drop the head
suddenly, so as to avoid a blow or escape
observation. Nagkl si sang pagkakt
nya sa kon. He ducked his head when he
saw me. Sang paglmpus sa ya ni Fulno
wal si mag, kay nagkl si. When
N.N. struck at him he was not hit, for he
dodged (the blow). Ind ka lang magkl
sa pihk sang bintn, kay nakt ko na
ikw kag nd ka na makapang. Dont
take cover below the window, for I have
seen you and you cannot hide. Oklo si,
agd nd ka nya makt. Duck your head,
so that he may not see you. (cf. slup).
okl-kl, Dim. and Freq. of kl. Also:
to waver, vacillate; to stammer, speak
falteringly. Kon may ty ka sa pagsk sa
sin nga baly, sk, nd ka magoklkl.
If you wish to enter that house, enter it
without wavering (dont waver or hesitate
to enter it). Kaayha ang paghmbal
(mo), nd ka magoklkl. Correct your
way of speaking, dont stammer.
k, Laughing for the first time, beginning
to laugh (smile); to begin to laugh or smile,
to crow. Ang bt nga nagasgud
magkdlaw ginasilng nga nagak
(ginatawg nga k). A baby that begins
to smile is called k. Ang bt nagak
na. The baby is beginning to smile.
kob, To bite, hold fast or tight with the
teeth. (cf. kub; tngag, tban, kagt).

okg-kog, Hurry; in a hurry; to hurry,

rush off in a great hurry, hasten away,
tear, dash, make, off, makehaste,a
dash, go or run away without preparation
for a trip or journey. Sang pagkabat nya
nga may snug nagokgkog si ddto.
When he heard that there was a fire, he
hastened there at once. (cf. dahndhan).
k-ok, To strike deep, enter far, eat into,
be far below the surface, particularly
applied to a wound or boil. Nagk-ok ang
ya hubg. Naok-okn si sang ya hubg.
His ulcer has struck deep (is deep).
Nagak-ok ang hubg sa ya batis. The
ulcer is entering (eating its way) deep into
his calf. Metaphorically: Matmad si
magpangabdlay, ang lyag lang nya
am ang pagk-ok sing tub. He is too lazy
to work. What he likes is soaking himself
with palm-wine.
kol, To take a baby on ones knees or into
ones arms, to pet, fondle, cuddle, play with
(little children, etc.). Okol ka sinng bt
orokla inng bt. Take this baby on
your knees.
okl-kol, Dim. and Freq. of kol. (cf.
oklokl, See akl-aklcoarse, rough,
okm, To manage, control, hold in, tame,
subdue, make amenable, to check, hold in
check, discipline, make tractable. Ind ak
makaokm sinng bt nga sutl. I cannot
manage this naughty boy. (cf. otm, dag).
okn, Or. ( kon, ukn id.).
kon, See hkonto roll up, etc.
okn-kon, See hoknhkon.
kot, To be diligent, etc. See kud.
kot, One who repeats the same thing
over and over again, a bore, a chatterbox;
foolish, silly. (cf. uliann, ayopka).
okt, (H) To reiterate, harp upon, keep
harping upon, repeat over and over again,
keep drumming into ones ears the same
thing, babble, prate, chatter.
okt, Crease, wrinkle. See yok, yokt.
oky, To be quiet, make no stir. Mostly
used with pa. Nagapaoky gid lang si.
He just sits and does nothing. He is very
quiet and does not stir from his place.
oktbre, (Sp. octubre) October. (cf.
okupasyn, (Sp. ocupacin) Occupation,
work, duty, pursuit, avocation,
employment. (cf. palangitn-an, awt,
buluhatn, palamgnan, palangakan,
kahimtngn, etc.).
lbo, To rise to the surface, appear, stand
forth, emerge, issue, push up, show, come
up, sprout, become visible. Naglbo na ang
tb sang lub. The first sprout or shoot
has now pushed up from the coconut. Wal
pa maglbo ang tb sang mas nga
ginpnggas ko sang may ttlo na ka
dlaw. The corn I planted three days ago
has not yet sprouted. Paolboh ang pablo

Visayan-English Dictionary
sang knke. Turn up the lamp-wick. Tanaw ang hal, nga nagalbo dir sa bat.
Look at the iguana peeping out from
among the stones there. Ginapalbo nya
sing ditay ang ya til sa idlum sang
hbul. He lets his foot stick out a little
(peep out, show, be seen) from underneath
the blanket. (cf. gitb, gimw).
ldog, Trifler, fool, clown, impostor, fake.
lhot, To appear, make ones appearance,
pop out (up), shoot out (up) suddenly,
unexpectedly. Sa hinl naglhot sa masot
nga hilamn ang is ka mn-og nga
daltan. Suddenly there appeared from
among the dense grass a poisonous snake.
Suddenly a poisonous snake made its
appearance, etc. (cf. tuw, tuhw).
olba, (Sp. oliva) Olive, olive-tree.
ol-bat, olbat, Childish, silly, in
ones second childhood. (cf. uliann,
urumnon, ayopka).
olhi, (H) Late, last, latest, behind, hind,
hindmost, back, after. Ang mga nagna
manginolhi kag ang mga olhi
manginna. The first shall be last and the
last shall be first. Humy nga olhi. Late
rice. Rice that is planted or harvested later
than other kinds of rice. Ind nton
mahibalon kon an ang mahanab sa
olhi. We cannot know what will happen in
the future, later on, in the time to come. Sa
olhi nga mga dlaw. In the latter days, in
the future. (cf. hudynan).
olih, (H) To be late, belated, tardy,
overdue, come behind, follow, bring up the
rear, be behindhand or backward, be below
the standard. Wal man si magolih sa
ibn nga mga bumulth. He was not
below the standard of other students.
Nagolih si magabt. He came late, too
late, after time, behind time.
olikd, (H) To treat well, with care, etc.
See olingg, balikd.
oln, The stern of a boat, poop.
Metaphorically: Ind ka maghmbal sin,
kay bs olinn ikw. Dont talk like that,
for you may be worse off yourself later on.
Pngk ka sa luy sinng bt nga butnan, kay bs maolinn ka sang ya nga
batsan. Sit down at the side of this wellbehaved boy, that you mayfollow his
example,do as he does. nd ka magybit
sa ya, kay bs olinn ikw. Dont ridicule
him, for you may be ridiculed too in your
olnggan, From olingg.
olingg, To treat with care and concern,
cherish, handle with consideration or
respect, watch over tenderly. Ginolnggan
(ginolingign) nya si sing mayo. He
treated her with great tenderness. (cf.
hlung, balikd).
olpon, (H) Slave; serf, vassal, helot,
bondsman, villein, bondslave; to enslave;
be a slave. Ginolpon nya si Fulno. He
enslaved N.N. Nagolpon si. He became a
slave. Olpon si sang malut nga

ldog -on
kaduyugn. He is a slave to evil or base
inclinations. Ind maolpon ang
panghunhn sang to. The thoughts of a
man cannot be brought into servitude (by
another). (ulpon, id.).
olito, A youth, stripling, a young man, a
single or unmarried man. (cf. dalgaa
young lady, maiden).
lo, Head, head-piece, pate, noddle, brainbox, brain-pan, sconce, upper story,
intellect; master, ruler, director, manager.
Ginatg nya ang ya lo, pang ang ya
kog nagamur. He hides his head, but his
tail appears. (Literally said of an iguana,
but often applied to people who try to hide
their doings, but who are found out). Wal
sing tbong kag wal sing lo. Neither
head nor tail. Mayo si sing lo. He has a
good head i.e. he is very intelligent. (cf.
oloaswa, (H) Concubine, mistress,
paramour. (cf. alaaswa, araswa).
olb, To spit out a liquid, eject, spew out.
Iolb ang tbig. Spit out the water. Ind mo
pagolobn ang salg sing tbig, knd
magolb ka sa bintn. Dont spew out
water on the floor, but out of the window.
(cf. bug, lad, dpl, dur). Also: to
anoint the hair with chewed coconut meat.
olbhon, Coughing, a sore throat with
coughing. An olbhon is a little worse
than ilighmon, irighmon. (cf. ob;
orbwon id.).
olobrhon, (H) What is to be done, work,
duty, task. (cf. buluhatn, bra).
olodton, One to be flattered or that is
amenable to flattery. (cf. odt, ulunson,
ulutson, hululanon).
log, Praise; to praise, exalt; to flatter. (cf.
ologn, Praise, honour, preference;
benefit. (cf. log; kaayhan).
olg-olg, To flatter; jest, joke, talk
playfully, banter. (cf. lahglhog,
tiwtaw, langs).
olhan, Brainy, clever, smart, sharp,
intellectual, having great mental ability. (cf.
olohn, The top or head of a table, bed,
etc. (cf. lo; uluhn id.).
olk, (B) To pain, smart, itch (of scratches,
eruptive skin-diseases, slight wounds, etc.).
Nagaolk ang katl koorginaolokn
ak sang katl ko. My skin-disease katl
is smarting (itching).
olk, Tadpole. (cf. olng).
olokab, Shell, egg-shell. (cf. alokab
l-ol, A kind of small bird.
l-ol, To be or get stiff and painful,
especially applied to the joints of the body,
but said also of the teeth and of the
conscience. Nagal-ol ang mga
lutalutahn sang ya lwas. The joints of
his body are getting stiff (are stiffening).
l-ol, To gnaw, etc. See l-ul, d-ud.

olng, Tadpole.
olng-long, To wag or shake the head
to and fro as a sign of refusal,
disapprobation or simple negation. (cf.
lunglng id.).
oln-lon, The rice that in winnowing
comes to lie between the full grains and the
chaff. (cf. amyaw, umyaw).
olo-, -olo-, A diminutive particle that is
either prefixed (to words beginning with a
vowel) or inserted (between the first
consonant and the first vowel of words
beginning with a consonant), e.g. oloslum
(slum); olonggid (nggid): bolobg-at
(bg-at); dolodpya (dpya); tolotmbok
(tmbok); nagtolotwhay (twhay), etc.
ol-lo, To talk kindly to, win or gain over
by kind admonition or persuasion, to
induce to do a thing, propitiate or prevail
upon by friendly reasoning. Oloolhi si.
Try to win him by talking to him in a kind
olr, (Sp. olor) Smell, odour, scent, aroma,
perfume, fragrance, exhalation, fume,
redolence, stench, stink, effluvium
emanation. (cf. bh, dapg).
lpot, To arrive, come to. See gpot,
olyo, lyos, (Sp. oleo, oleos) Oil. Santos
Olyos. Holy Oils. (cf. lna, smpa).
oml, Blunt; dull, blunted, dulled, worn
out, useless (of edged tools, as a bolo, etc.).
(cf. dangl, mahbul).
mal, To be or become blunt, blunted,
dull, dulled, worn out, useless, said
especially of edged tools. Nagmal na ang
binngon. The bolois worn out,has lost
its edge or keenness. (cf. hbul, dngal).
mol, The fist; to strike, punch, cuff,
buffet, box with the fist. Omli si. Punch
him. Inomlan nya ak. He struck me
with the fist. Ginturturan nya ak sang
ya nga mol (inmol). He shook his fist at
oml-mol, Dim. and Freq. of mol.
Also: to keep, or form a ball of, within ones
fist. Omolomla ang kn-on. Press the rice
into a ball within your fist. Omlomli ak
sing baybye, kalmay, etc. Give me a
fistful of baybye, of sugar, etc.
m-om, To put into the mouth, clean or
rinse the mouth, chew (betelnut, or the
like), to let dissolve in the mouth. Om-om
ang dlse nga bilg. Dissolve the (sweet)
candy in your mouth. Let the sweet melt in
your mouth. (cf. lognlgon).
moy, To swim, paddle, moving the hands
as dogs move their forepaws in swimming,
to beat the water, splash along. (cf.
kapykpay, kapkpa, langy).
omy-moy, Dim. and Freq. of moy
and more used than the simple moy.
-on, A suffix very frequently used in
Visayan to form:


ond-nd orobrhon
1) adjectives, e.g. kiblon, kblon from
kbul; dugon from dug, etc. maluyagn
from lyag; matinahron from thud, etc.
(cf. ma,in).
2) nouns, e.g. kapisann from psan;
kalaparn from lpad, etc. etc. N.B. The
difference between the simple kaforms
and the kaonforms lies in this that
the former denote abstract nouns and can
be used also for the formation of an
exclamatory superlative that corresponds
in meaning to the English How!,
whilst the latter denote nouns in the
concrete or as applied to a particular case,
e.g. Kalpad sinng palangmhan! How
large this farm is! Ang kalaparn sinng
palangmhan kapn sa ttlo ka ektrea.
The size (extent) of this farm is more than
three hectares. (cf. ka,an).
3) the so-called (future) passive inon.
Generally speaking the passive inon is
used with verbs that denote a direct action
on an object, an action that produces some
change on, or modifies, the object, e.g.
bhat (to make); hm (to do); hmos (to
prepare, get ready); dgdag (to drop, let
fall); hkwat (to lift up); tud (to sever);
bal (to split); gult (to cut); tmp (to
slap); smbag (to box); gs (to tear); tbug
(to drive away), etc. etc. (, i).
4) In connection with denominations of
moneyon adds the meaning: of the value
of, a coin (banknote, bill, etc.) of the value
of, e.g. diesna ten-centavo coin;
pisitasna twenty-centavo piece;
pisosncoin (note) of the value of a peso,
ond-nd, To fondle, caress, play with,
give cheer to, cause to laugh. Ondondo
ang bt. Play with the baby. Make the
baby laugh. (cf. dl, kol, yonggyngg).
ong, Hare-lipped, having a hare-lip. See
ng, To be or become hare-lipped. (cf.
ong, Deaf. See bungl.
ng-ong, To sip, drink, swill, guzzle,
absorb, imbibe (from an oblong, rather
narrow-necked vessel, as from a pask,
sald, bottle, etc.). Ong-ong lang ang
tub sa pask, kay wal kit sing suk.
Just drink the toddy direct from the
bamboo-tube, as we have no cup.
ong, (B) Burned, burned down. (cf.
sung); empty (of holes in the game of
nog, To burn, burn down; to empty the
holes in the sngka-game.
n-n, Illegitimate, adulterine, spurious,
bastard, offspring of adultery.
n-on, To cook fish, meat, etc. in very
little water mixed with vinegar and various
spices. The concoction (inon-onn) is
usually served with little or no sauce. Onon ang sd. Cook the fish in the n-on
way. Isd nga inon-onn. A dish of highly
seasoned fish.


Visayan-English Dictionary
nras, (Sp. honras) Obsequies, last
honours; to ring the bells for a funeral, ring
the (passing) bell, toll the bell. (cf. ndras).
nse, (Sp. once) Eleven. Sa las nse. At
eleven oclock.
nto, Tooth. (cf. ngpon).
ntoy, (B) A term of endearment for boys
or young men. (cf. nnoy, tt, nn).
operr, (Sp. operar) To operate, perform
a surgical operation. Pagaoperahn si sa
bus. To-morrow he will undergo an
operation. Ginaoperahn si sang ya nga
apendistis. He was operated upon for
appendicitis. (cf. bsbus).
operasyn, (Sp. operacin) Operation.
opinyn, (Sp. opinin) Opinion, view,
estimate. (cf. bnt, hunhn).
ops, The stalk of a banana-leaf; a small
coin, farthing. (cf. ups).
opisna, (Sp. oficina) Office, bureau,
laboratory, workshop. (cf. sulultan,
alagarn, palamgnan).
opisyl, (Sp. oficial) Official.
opsyo, (Sp. oficio) Office, duty, work,
calling. (cf. palangakan, palangitn-an,
katungdnan, buluhatn).
plok, To dodge, duck, try to avoid being
seen or hit, to bend down or sideways, hide
ones head. (cf. kl, plok).
plot, To come to, arrive at, reach, return
to. (cf. gpot, lpot).
op, A kind of large gourd or squash. (cf.
tabgwang, tibiyong, kaluby,
pol, To thwart, block, bar, cross, impede,
hinder. (cf. blag, pamalbag).
opl-opl, Dim. and Freq. of pol. Also:
to follow in quick succession, overlapping
or interfering with each other.
Nagaoplopl gid lang ang kon mga
buluhatn. My jobs come oneon top of
the other,after the other without pause.
(cf. abtabt, abkabk).
opng, See upnga handful, etc.
ops, See upsthe remnant after a fire,
pyo, (Sp. opio) Opium. (cf. apin,
or, See urto annoy, molest, etc.
orb, See urb, ulbto bite, etc.
oradr, (Sp. orador) Orator, public
speaker, preacher. (cf. mangwawli,
rag, Harlotry, prostitution, fornication,
whoredom, lewdness, unchastity. (cf. bg,
lag, kalag).
orgon, (B) Harlot, prostitute, whore;
lewd, unchaste. (cf. bigon, lpot, ulgon,
malag, maulgon).
org-rag, Dim. and Freq. of rag.
org-org, A kind of small shrimp. (cf.
urng, pasyan).
orhol, To ask insistently, keep asking, to
bother, plague, molest with repeated
requests, to importune. Ind ka magorhol
sa kay ttay nahanungd sang

ginaluygan mo nga saptos nga bg-o.

Dont keep asking father for the new boots
you want. (cf. pagg, pats).
ras, (Sp. hora) Hour; time. (cf. tkn;
tin, panahn).
orsan, Watch, clock, time-piece,
chronometer, dial. Orsan nga diblsa (Sp.
de bolsa). A watch. Orsan nga sa
dngding. A clock. (cf. taknan).
orasn, Hour. (cf. tkn, kaorson,
orasyn, (Sp. oracin) Prayer, orison,
oration; Angelus, Angelus-bell. (cf.
pangamy, pangad, palangadon).
ort-rat, (B) To be determined to, make
great efforts, wish, desire, strive.
Nagaort-rat gid tna kang panah, hay
manglin magshol sa mananh. She is
determined to do her own sewing, because
she does not like (is too stingy) to pay
wages to a seamstress. Gintw-an rolng
(ron lang) ni ttay na ti kwrta, hay
nagort-rat kang pangy. His father
finally gave him some money, because he
so insistently (repeatedly) asked for it. (cf.
himlat, paningh, panikasg).
oratryo, (Sp. oratorio) Oratory;
oratorical, rhetorical.
rden, (Sp. orden) Orders; Holy Orders,
Religious Order or Congregation; to confer
Holy Orders. Ang rden sa pagkapr.
Ordination to the priesthood. Priestly
orders. Ginordenn si nga pr sang
halngdon nga obspo nga si N.N. He was
ordained a priest by the Right Rev. Bishop
ordinnsa, (Sp. ordenanza) Ordinance,
decree, law, especially a municipal
ordinance. (cf. sg, pagbult-an, ley).
organsta, (Sp. organista) Organist, a
player on the organ.
organ, rgano, (Sp. rgano) Organ,
medium, instrument; pipe-organ, churchorgan.
orinte, (Sp. oriente) Orient; East. (cf.
sidlangn, bulutlkan, murd-an).
origan, (Sp. organo) Marjoram, an
aromatic plant used in cookery as a
seasoning for meat, fish, etc.
orihinl, (Sp. original) Original.
orksta, (Sp. orquesta) Orchestra.
orklya, (Sp. horquilla) A hair-pin, a
bifurcated or two-pronged pin as often
used by women to secure their hair with.
ormign, (Sp. hormign) Gravel. (cf.
grbas, dakl-dkal, dikl-dikl).
rna, (Sp. urna) Urn, casket, shrine, glasscase.
rno, (Sp. horno) Oven, furnace, kiln.
Orno sa pog. A lime-kiln. Orno sa
tinpay. A bakers oven. (cf. hrno id.).
ro, (Sp. oro) Gold. De ro. Made of gold,
gold, golden. (cf. bulwan).
orb, (B) To spit out a liquid. See olb.
orobrhon, (B) See olobrhonwork,
job, task, etc.

Visayan-English Dictionary
orbwon, (B) A sore throat with
coughing. See olbhon.
org-org, (B) Joking, jesting; to crack a
joke, etc. See olgolg.
org-orogn, A jester, joker; flatterer,
wheedler. (cf. lahglahogn).
ork, (H) A young pig, piggy, piglet. (cf.
odk, idk).
ork-ok, Guffaw, loud laughter; to
guffaw, etc. See ark-ok, ark-ik, toy,
orng, To wonder, look on in admiration,
be surprised, astonished, astounded,
amazed, dumfounded, shocked, staggered,
taken aback, to get a shock. Naorongn
ak sang pagkakt ko sa ya, kay tm
kalisd ang ya pagbt. I was shocked (I
got quite a shock) when I saw him, for his
illness is very serious. (cf. blung, tingla).
rong, See dongto punch, etc.
orongn, The (wooden) shaft of a lance,
spear, etc. (cf. unungn, ulungn).
orod, (B) To press, squeeze, push,
against, to crush, crowd, jam, pin. Iorod
mo si sa halgi. Jam (Pin) him against the
post. (cf. arod, but orod is more
commonly used).
oroorwa, (B) Complaint, murmur,
grumbling; to complain, murmur, mutter,
grumble, repine, croak, grouse, fret; to
remark, give expression to ones feeling.
Ind ka magoroorwa. Dont complain. (cf.
kmud, gmud, gulumron, etc.).
Orpa, (Sp. Europa) Europe.
ory-roy, To converse amicably, etc.
See ody-doy, ury-ruy.
ory-roy, To be convulsed, to shake or
agitate violently; to die suddenly (after a
short fit of violent convulsions, as after a
great shock, a heavy blow, after being
struck by a bullet, run over by a cart, or the
like). Nagory-roy lang si kag napaty.
He made only a few convulsive movements
and died. (cf. tir, plak).
sad, To jump, jump up and down, skip,
dance. (cf. tmb).
osd-sad, Dim. and Freq. of sad. (cf.
tumbtmb, pusdpsad).
sbong, Evaporation, exhalation,
emanation, odorous vapour; to exhale, give
off an odorous vapour. Nagasbong ang
dt, kay naulann. The earth is exhaling
a fragrant vapour, for it has been
moistened by the rain. Naosbongn ak
sang bh sang ting-ang. I smelt the
fragrant steam of the boiled (boiling) rice.
(cf. alsngaw, alsbong, sungw).
sdang, To fall on ones back, etc. See
sdang, gsang, gsang.
sgang, See sdang.
osiso, (Sp. ocioso) Idle, mischievous,
good-for-nothing, curious, inquisitive; an
interloper, trespasser, one who has no
business being where he is. (cf. landlndo,
tigtig, lagwlgaw, haryhray, sutl).

orbwon toy
skan, (B) From oskto annoy, molest,
oslibd, (B) Stubborn, pig-headed, selfwilled, ungovernable, unruly, head strong,
stiffnecked. (cf. batingglan).
oslt, Joke, jest, a practical joke, a hoax; to
fool, flatter; joke, jest, be witty, hoax, play a
practical joke. (cf. uslt id.).
oslitn, Full of fun, joker, jester, buffoon,
clown. (cf. lahoglahogn).
oslitn, See oslitn id.
slob, An upper garment, a garment worn
over another; to put on an additional
garment. Magslob ka lang sang bg-o mo
nga delrgoorislob lang ang bg-o
mo nga delrgo. Just put on your new pair
of trousers over the ones you have on.
Ginoslobn nya ang maitm nga delrgo
sing maput. He put on a pair of white
trousers over the black ones.
smod, To sink down or lower, sink into
the earth, give way under a superimposed
weight. Nagsmod ang is ka halgi sang
baly. One of the house-posts has sunk.
Naosmorn kam sing duh ka halgi sang
mon baly. Two posts of our house have
sunk. (cf. lsud).
sngab, To gnaw, nibble, bite or tear to
pieces (with the teeth). (cf. sngab).
sngad, To force air through the nose, as
done by one who dislikes a smell, to snort.
Nagasngad si, kay dl nya maro ang
bh sinng mga sip. He is blowing
through his nose, for he cannot stand the
smell of those crushed sugarcane stalks.
Ginosngarn nkon ang bh sinng mga
sd. The smell of that fish made me snort.
(cf. sngad, psnga).
so, (Sp. uso) Style, fashion, usage,
custom, mode, manner, anything
commonly used or in vogue. Markah lang
ang kon bka sang so. Just mark my
cow (ox) with the ordinary branding-iron.
so, (Sp. oso) Bear, bruin. Oso blanko.
Polar bear. (Oso nga maput).
sok, A post, stake, upright, vertical spar,
especially a bamboo-stake in the fish-trap
called punt; to drive in, plant, set up,
ram in. Nagasok karn ang mga
manugpnot. The men at the fish-corral
are setting up the stakes or posts. Oski
ang punt. Put posts to the fish-trap.
osk, (B) To vex, trouble, annoy, molest,
worry, pester, plague, cause aversion; to be
annoyed, etc. Nagakaosk ak sa ya.
Ginaskan ak sa ya. He is a nuisance to
me. I am annoyed with (at) him. He is
annoying (vexing, troubling) me a good
deal. Ind ka magpaosk sa ya. Dont
molest him (cf. hil, pahil, ls-ay, palsay).
son, To heap, or pile up, stones, sand,
etc., make a heap (mound) of stones, sand,
etc. Osna ang mga bat. Put the stones
together in a heap. (cf. tmpok).

osn, A heap of stones, sand, coconuts,

etc.; a pile, mound. (cf. tinmpok, duln).
osn, (Sp. ozono) Ozone.
s-os, To get loose, slip down by degrees,
fall down or sink down slowly. (cf. lgho
with the difference, that lgho supposes a
rather swift drop or sudden fall).
s-os, Hernia, rupture. See lslos.
ospitl, (Sp. hospital) Hospital, infirmary.
(cf. bullngan).
styas, (Sp. hostia) Host, wafer. Ang
Sntos nga styas. The Sacred Host.
Ostyas nga nakonsagrahn. A consecrated
Host. (cf. prmas).
tbong, The top, summit, apex, tip, crest,
crown (of a tree, bamboo, etc.) (cf. pnta,
ots, See uts, odt, unsto fool, flatter,
joke, etc.
otitd, To take good care of, to attend to
with concern, (utitd id.).
tok, To laugh, to be tickled. Nagtok si
sa dak nga kahm-ut. He laughed with
great glee. He was tickled to death. (cf.
kdlaw, halkhak, talngkaw).
tok, Marrow; brain, cerebrum; intellect,
otkan, Brainy, intellectual, clever, wise,
sage, sapient, sagacious, able, capable,
keen, acute, judicious. (cf. malam,
mabtik, lsto).
tol, A tick; a kind of blood-sucking
vermin that is often found on buffaloes and
other cattle; a piece of slightly split or loose
skin near the root of a nail, a hangnail,
agnail. May tol ang karabw. The buffalo
is infested with ticks. May tol ang kon
tdl. The skin at the root of my fingernail
is loose or split. (cf. dtol, dotldtol).
otl-tol, Agnail, hangnail. (cf. tol,
otl-otl, Dim. of tola tick. (cf.
otm, To subdue, beat, triumph over,
master, worst, defeat, overthrow, to go one
better, to get, have, gainthebetter
of,best of,upper hand,ascendancy, to
overpower, vanquish, overcome. Ind si
makaotm sa kay Fulno. He cannot
overcome N.N. Ind mo si maotm sa sin
nga bgay. You cannot beat himat this,
in this way. (cf. dag, okm, skup, ltos).
top, To cut off the top or end, to top, lop.
Otpi ang kawyan. Gut off (lop off) the
tip or small end of the bamboo.
ott, Wind, fart; to break wind, fart.
t-ot, To gnaw, nibble (as a rat or mouse.)
Ginot-otn sang ilag ang kon by. My
jacket has been gnawed (nibbled) at by
mice. Int-ot sang ilag ang kon hbul.
The mouse nibbled at my blanket.
toy, (B) To laugh much and heartily.
Nga man nga nagatoy ka sang kdlaw?
Why do you laugh so much? (cf. ark-ok,


oty-toy paadis
oty-toy, Dim. and Freq. of toy. (cf.
tok, talngkaw).
otsabdo, (Sp. ochavado) Eight-sided,
with eight sides, octagonal.
tso, (Sp. ocho) Eight. Sa las tso. At
eight oclock. (sa ikawal ka tkn id.).
twas, See twasto rise to the surface,
otwsan, See utwsanloophole,
escape, etc.
w, Milk vomited or dribbled (by small
children); to dribble or vomit milk.
owk, The raven, crow. Magabuky nay
ang owk kag. The raven will become
white before, i.e. never.
owk-wak, To caw; the cry of a crow.
wang, Howl, yowl, a loud and long bark;
to howl, yowl, yelp, bark loud and long (of
dogs). (cf. lhay, tghol).
way, Grandmother, grandma, granny,
granddam. (cf. yang, bay, imy, lang,
lla, abula).
owy, Rattan.
ya, Plentiful, abundant. See dagy,
bugn, dags.
oy, Oho! hurrah! lo! why! an exclamation
of joy and surprise.
oympong, A kind of shrub.
y-oy, To laugh heartily. (cf. talngkaw,
toy, tok, halkhak, ark-ok, ark-ik).

p, The letter p in Visayan is pronounced

as in English.
In spelling foreign words in which f
occurs the Visayans frequently substitute
p for f, as they have no sound in their
language corresponding to the consonant
f, e.g. Pebrro (Febrero); punsyn
(funcin); pnda (funda), etc.
In words beginning with p preceded by
the prefix pan- the p of the root is
dropped, and the n of the pan- is
changed into m, e.g. pamn (pan-,
pn); pamngkot (pan-, pngkot), etc.
pa, Yet, still, besides, more, furthermore,
also. Wal pa (nd pa) si magabt. He
has not (will not) arrived (arrive) yet. Sa
sbung sin nd pa ak makahaln. I
cannot leave just at present. Sa kon bnt
magauln pa karn sa hpon. In my
opinion it will still be raining (it will rain
again) this afternoon. May is pa ka
katarngan. There is still another (one
more) reason or argument. Is pa. One
thing more. Mayo pa (labng mayo pa)
kon. It were better (It would be better
still), if. Kag nd pa kay am in


Visayan-English Dictionary
lmang, knd. And not only this,
but. This does not tell the whole story,
but. Matas pa ang bkid nga
Napulk. The Napulk mountain is higher
(still). Malay pa. It is far yet. (cf. angd,
pa, To, towards, in the direction of. Pa
Amrika. To America. Pa Manl. To
Manila. Nagdyon si maglakt pa bkid.
He continued his march towards the
mountain. Nagpailnglong si. He went
to (in the direction of) Iloilo. He has gone
to Iloilo.
pa, With kon din, kon sa din, or the
like, pa has the meaning of anywhere,
anywhere else. Ambt kon sa din si
nagkdto, kon sa um ukn sa din pa. I
dont know where he has gone to, whether
to his farm or somewhere (anywhere) else.
Ang la kasl pagahiwton dl kon sa din
pa, knd dir na gid lmang sa bnwa
nga la natahan. Their marriage will take
place not anywhere else, but in their native
pa, Papa, father, dad, daddy. (cf. pap,
amy, ttay, tay).
pa-, A very frequently used prefix with the
following meanings:
1) Movement or direction towards, e.g.
paidlumdownwards, down; paibbaw
upward, up; nagpamanl si. He has gone
to Manila. Nagapabugl si. He is on the
road to pride, i.e. he is getting proud, is
haughty, overbearing. Nagapadayw si.
He is vain. Nagapabungl si. He is acting
as if he were deaf, is stubborn, disobedient,
heedless, does not listen, etc.
2) Efficient cause, e.g. Sn-o ang
nagpatndog sang halgi? Who set up the
post? Ang is ka alakyo sarng
makapakdlaw sa mga to. A joker can
make people laugh. Ginpahaln nla ang
matmad nga sologon. They discharged
the lazy servant. Patalum ang binngon.
Sharpen the bolo. Pinablik nya ang
sult. He sent the letter back, etc.
3) Order or command (quite frequently to
be performed by a third person), e.g.
Patwga si Pdro (sa) kay Hun.
Ipatawg si Hun (sa) kay Pdro. Order
(Get) Peter to call John. Padlhi ak sing
tbig. Send me some water. Get someone
to bring me water. Paluti ak sing
panyga. Have dinner prepared for me.
Order someone to cook the dinner for me.
Paluta ang kosinro sang panyga.
Ipalt ang panyga sa kosinro. Order
the cook to get dinner ready. Ipabat si.
Send somebodyafter him,to call him
here, etc.
4) Toleration or sufferance, e.g.
Pahampang lang dir ang mga bt.
Just let the boys play there. Pabayi
(Paby-i) lang sil. Leave them alone. Let
them do what they like. Pasakay
(Paskya) si sa mo salkyan. Give him a
lift in your vehicle. Let him ride in your car

(carriage). Ind mo sil pagpasgtan.

Dont allow them to have their will. Dont
grant their request. Dont approve their
proposal. Ind ka magpabang,
magpady, etc. Dont allow yourself to be
fooled, cheated, etc. Mapaput pa ak
nay sang uln kag ogling mapadyon
ak sang kon panglaktan. Ill let the
rain stop first (I am waiting for the rain to
stop) and then I shall continue the march,
N.B. It should be borne in mind that the
context alone can determine the exact
meaning of pa- (usually, for convenience
sake, called the Causative). Hence in this
dictionary when words with the prefix paoccur, the translation does not exclude
meanings other than the one given.
pa, The leg (from the knee upward),
thigh; haunch (of a horse, stag, etc.).
Malb si sing pa. He has long legs. (cf.
til, kahgthe foot; pusupusun, batis,
busugbusugnthe calf; thudthe knee;
tikd, bulthe heel).
paab, Caus. of abto carry on the back,
carry pickaback. Pabha (paabah) ak.
Carry me on your back. Ginpaab ak ni
Fulno. N.N. carried me on his back. Kon
nd ka malyag magbug sa tbig
magpaab ka lang sa to. If you dont like
to wade through the water, let yourself be
carried (across)on a mans back,
pabat, Caus. of batto follow, go after.
Paabta si Pdro sa kay Hun. Send Peter
after John. Paabti si sang mo sologon.
Send your servant after him.
paaby, Caus. of abyto join, etc.
Pabya (Paabay) si sa hmpang. Let
him join in the game or play.
paabso, Caus. of absoto notify, etc.
Ipaabso mo sa ya nga orpaabishi
si nga. Send him notice that.
paabk-bok, To swell, cause to swell;
to boast, brag, be proud of, swell with
pride. (Probably for pahabk-hbok, the
Dim. of pahbok).
paabyon, (B) To please, oblige, let one
have his will or way; to ingratiate oneself
with. (cf. abyon).
paabng, To intercept, catch, stop on the
road, cross ones way, waylay; try to win the
favour of, woo, solicit. (cf. lit, bngg,
paabt, To wait for, expect, await.
Paabut si tbtub sa ikapl ka tkn.
Wait for him till ten oclock. (pa, abt).
pada, To hand over or divide
provisionally amongst the heirs, etc. See
adda. Paadhi sing dt ang mo mga
ank. Distribute provisionally some land to
your children.
paadis, To take ones leave, say, bid,
goodbye, bid (say) adieu (goodbye).
Nagpaadis ka sa laorginpaadiosn
mo sil? Have you said goodbye to them?
(pa, adis; cf. palam).

Visayan-English Dictionary
pagaw, Caus. of gawto seize, etc.
Also: To contend, compete, scramble for.
(pa, gaw).
paagw, Seedlings, especially of dgmay,
planted first in wet soil and then
transferred to kaingn or other dry soil. (cf.
pg-aw id.).
pagay, To shed, cause to flow (tears,
etc.). Nagpagay si sing mapat nga mga
lh. She shed bitter tears. Ind mo
pagpaagyon ang ya mga lh. Dont
make her cry. Ginpaagyan nya sing
madm nga mga lh ang ya ank nga
napaty. She shed many tears over her
dead child. (pa, gay).
pagday, To be slow, perform slowly;
cause to be slow, etc. Ind mo
pagpaagdayn ang mo paglakt. Dont
walk so slow, dont slow down your walk.
Ginsg ko si nga magdal, tapt gn
nagpagday. I ordered him to be quick,
but instead of it he dawdled. (pa, gday).
pagdom, To darken, make as dark as
the leaves of the gdom-shrub.
Nagpagdom si sang ya guy. His face
darkened. Ind mo pagpaagdomn ang
mo nawng. Dont look so disagreeable.
Dont pull such a sour face. (pa, gdom).
pagi, Way, manner, method, mode,
procedure, process, contrivance, means,
medium; to let pass, etc. Dl mayo ang
la pagi sa pagpatndog sinng tytay.
Their way of building this bridge is no
good. Pagyon (paaghon) mo lang ang
mga to sa mo dt. Let the people pass
through your land. Sa sin ukn sdto nga
pagi. In one way or another, somehow
or other, by some means or other, by hook
or by crook; anyway, at all events, in any
case. Ipagi in sa hokm. Let it be
brought before the judge. Let the judge
decide it. (cf. pa, gi).
paagsod, To make or let follow in
regular order. Paagisda (ra) ang mga
bt son sa la kataasn. Let the children
follow each other in line according to their
size. Ginpaagsod nya sil sa kbay. He
made them march in single file, follow one
another, as in a procession. (pa, agsod).
pagsa, To let fields on lease (for part or
one half of the produce). Ipagsa sa ya
ang mo dtorpaagsah si sang mo
dt. Let him have your field on lease.
Lease him your land. Paagsah si. Grant
him the lease of the land. (pa, gsa).
pakig, (H) To anger, to make angry, etc.
(pa, kig).
paalg-ag, To make shy, timid, bashful,
inspire little confidence. Nagpaalg-ag si
sa kon. He inspired me with little
confidence. He made me a little timid. He
made me feel afraid of him. (pa, alg-ag).
palam, Caus. of lam. Also: to warn, tell
beforehand, caution, forewarn, premonish;
to say goodbye, take ones leave, say
farewell, bid goodbye, bid adieu.
Nagapalam na ak sa nyo. I am now

pagaw pamak
saying goodbye to you. Ang katapsan nga
palam ni Rizl. The last farewell of Rizal.
Palam na. Goodbye. Paalmi si nga ang
mga lampitw nagasgap sa ya. Warn
him that the detectives are looking for him.
Ginpaalman sil nga dan sang
katuyon sang mga buyng sa pagat
sang la nga minur. They were warned
beforehand of the intention of the robbers
to sack their village. Ipalam sa ya
nga. Tell him that. Ginpalam sa
ton sang pangolohn nga ang bgyo
magagi dir. We received a warning from
the government that the typhoon would
pass over here. (cf. paman, paadis).
paalangy, To please, humour, let one
have his will or way, let one doas he
pleases,as he sees fit. Malam gid si
magpaalangy sa kay Fulno. He knows
very well how to humour N.N.
Ginapaalangayn lang nla inng bt
nga sutl, kay bg-o lang nagyo sa
balatan. They allow this naughty boy to do
as he pleases, because he has only lately
recovered from an illness. (cf. pasugt).
palay, paaly, Caus. of lay. To tire,
make stiff. Also: (especially in (B): to
worry, feel uneasy, be upset. Ang paglakt
nagpalay sang kon pa. The walk has
made my legs stiff. Pagapaalyon
(pagapaalayn) gid ang mo lwas kon
magpangabdlay ka sa nit. You will
certainly get tired and stiff, if you work in
the heat of the sun. Nga nga nagapaaly
ka gid tngud sin? Why do you worry
about that? Why does such a thing upset
you? An ang mo ginapaalayn (sang
mo hunhn)? What are you worrying
about? What is it that makes you feel so ill
at ease?
palhom, To cause to burn badly, etc.
Caus. of lhom.
paalli, To advance money at a high rate of
interest, the loan to be paid back in
agricultural products. Paalilha si sing
pat ka psos. Advance him four pesos.
Ipaalli lang sa ya inng kwrta. Loan
him this money on the basis of an alli
contract. Ginpaalilhan ak nya sing is
ka gats ka mngmang. He lent me one
hundred pesos on an alli-contract. (pa,
paalimbukd, Caus. of alimbukdto
bubble, froth, etc.
paalintab, Caus. of alintabto rise (of
dust), etc.
paalnton, Transference, transfer,
conveyance, communication, tradition; to
transfer, hand down, etc. (cf. alnton).
paaliwnos, paaliwans, Caus. of
aliwnos, aliwansto move about freely,
stir, etc.
paaliwnsan, A way out, resource,
something torely upon,fall back
upon,turn to for help. Wal na si sing
paaliwnsan. He has now nowhere to go to
for help. May paaliwnsan pa si sa ya

nga kalisd. There is yet a way out of his

difficulty. (cf. aliwnos, paaliwnos).
paalb-ob, To dip into water, etc. Caus.
of alb-ob. Paalob-ob lang ang mo
bayng. Just dip your bamboo tube into
the water and fill it.
paalogn-gan, Caus. of alogn-ganto
postpone, prolong, procrastinate, etc.
Nagapaalogn-gan si sa pagpahumn
sang ya baly. He is putting off the
finishing of his house. He puts off finishing
his house.
paloy, Caus. of loyto pretend to be
sick, etc. Also: A strike; to strike work, quit
work, go on strike. May paloy karn sang
mga mamumugn. There is at present a
labour strike on. Ind kam magpaloy.
Dont go on strike. Dont quit work. Dont
down tools. (cf. wlga, Sp. hulga).
paalm, To darken, make dark, blacken,
tarnish, dull, make lose whiteness or lustre,
applied especially to a metal and to facial
expression. Ang tbig nagpaalm sang ya
sngsing, artos, brlas, binngon, etc. His
(Her) ring, ear-rings, tassels, bolo, etc.
became dark or lost their original (lustre)
brightness through the action of water. Ind
ka magpaalm sang mo guy. Dont look
so black (sour, cross). (cf. alm, paitm,
paalm, See palhom.
paalm, See paayn.
paalumtay, (H) To be, seem, pretend to
be, dead with the limbs relaxed. Sang
paghkwat namn sa ya
nagapaalumtay si. When we lifted him
he was as if dead. Nagapaalumtay na
ang masakt. The sick person is now like
one dead, lying listlessly and motionless.
Ind ka magpaalumtay. Dont pretend to
be dead. Dont feign death.
palwak, To spill, cause to spill, to slop.
Ind mo pagpaalwakn ang tub. Dont
spill the tub. (pa, lwak; palyak id.).
palyak, See palwak id.
palyas, To send flying off in all
directions. Ind mo pagpaalyasn ang
humy sa lusng. Dont send the rice flying
out of the mortar. (pa, lyas).
paamg, To allure, entice, attract. Ang
mga blak nagapaamg sang putykan.
Flowers attract bees. Ginpaamg nya si
Fulno sang ya ngga kagdang kag
mayo nga batsan. She attracted N.N. by
her modesty and virtue. Paamag si tt
sang kalan-non or ipaamg sa kay tt
ang mga kalan-non. Gain the attachment
of the little darling by giving him some
pastry. (pa, amg).
paamagn, Attraction, allurement,
charm, bait, inducement; any place that
offers an attraction. (cf. mag, amg).
pamak, Quick-burning material,
kindling; also used as a verb. Mangt ka
sing pamak nga idig ko sa kalyo. Look
for some kindling that I can use to light the


paman paarng-ing
fire with. Paamki ang kalyo. Get some
kindling for the fire. Put some kindling on
the fire. (pa, mak).
paman, To prepare, make, get,
ready; to warn, notify, inform. Tungd sin
gn ginapaman ko sa tann nga.
For this very reason I am warning (giving
notice to) everyone that. Ginapaman
nya nga dan sa kon nga. He had
informed me beforehand that. (pa,
paman, Caus. of manto super-add,
throw in, give something over and above
what is due or agreed upon. To let,
make, give such an addition. Paamni si
sing is ka gntang. See to it that he is
given one ganta to the good, for good
measure, into the bargain, for luck.
Ipaman ko lang sa ya inng is ka blig
nga sging. Ill have this bunch of bananas
thrown in for him. Nagapaman pa gid si
sing is ka gntang. He is still asking for
an additional ganta.
pamba, Caus. of mba. To let, make,
order to, sing. Paambah si. Let her sing.
Tell her to sing.
pambak, Caus. of mbakto jump
pambas, Caus. of mbas. To make
costly, expensive, dear.
pambaw, (B) To exaggerate, boast,
overstate, brag, vaunt. Nagapambaw gid
si sang sgid. Ginapaambawn gid nya
ang sgid. He made the most of the story.
He gave a highly coloured account of the
story. (cf. palabw, palaks, wkal,
hgak, etc.).
pambi, To put, go, sit or stand in a place
where the rain comes in. Ind ka
magpambi dir. Dont expose yourself
there to the rain. Dont let the rain drip on
you. Ind mo pag-ipambi ang mga
galamitn. Dont place the furniture there
where the rain comes in. (pa, mbi).
pambit, To let share, share with, give a
share or part to, make or let participate in
or partake of. Paambitn ko si sinng
mga ph. I will let him have some of those
mangoes. Ipambit ko sa ya inng humy.
I am going to give him part of this rice.
Paambit ak sang mayo mo nga
kapalran. Let me share in your good
fortune. Ginpaambitn nya sa kon ang
ya kalpay. He let me share in his joy. He
shared his joy with me. (pa, mbit).
paamendo, To sell retail, etc. (cf.
amendo, pautyuty).
paamnhan, Northward, to the north or
towards the north; to go north.
Mapaamnhan si. He will go northward.
Nagpaamnhan si. He has gone north or
in a northerly direction. (pa, amnhan).
pamot, To collect, cause or request to
contribute; a collection, contribution.
Magbhat kit sing is ka pamot. Let us
get up a collection. Paamta sil sing
tagnapl ka sentims. Let them


Visayan-English Dictionary
contribute ten centavos each. Paamti ang
bg-o nga simbhan. Try to get
contributions for the new church.
Ginpaamtan nya sa la ang mga
linggnay. He made them contribute
towards the bells. (pa, mot).
paamlya, To move, shift ones quarters,
go to, live at, transfer ones abode to.
Nagpaamlya sil na sa um. They have
gone to live at the farm. Sa is ka simna
magapaamlya ak sa Ngros nga
Nakatndan. Next week I am going to
move to West Negros. (pa, amlya; the
simple amlya is scarcely ever used).
panad, To accustom to, make used to,
break in to, inure, practise, train. Panda
(Paanra) si sa pagpangabdlay.
Accustom him to hard work. Pinanad
nya ang ya d sa paglangy. He trained
his dog to swim. (cf. pabuy).
paand-nad, Dim. of panad.
paank, Caus. of ank. To beget,
procreate, make pregnant; to get another to
be godfather or godmother at a christening,
ask another to be godparent; to act as a
midwife, assist at childbirth. Pangka
(panka, paanak) si Fulno sang im
bt. Ipaank mo ang mo bt sa kay
Fulno. Get N.N. to be godfather to your
child. Si Fulna am ang nagpaank sa
ya. N.N. assisted her at childbirth. (cf.
pangank; pakgus, pakapt;
paanany, To do slowly, gently, etc.
Caus. of anany.
pandam, To forewarn, make beware or
take care, put one on ones guard, caution
against danger, warn beforehand, inculcate
carefulness. Paandam sil. Let them be
careful. Tell them to be wary, to be on their
guard. (cf. ndam, palam).
pang, Hot, sultry, close, stuffy,
oppressive, warm, sweltry; to be or get hot,
etc. Nagpang ang mo baly ktub nga
ginilsan mo ang atp nga np sing
(sang) sin. Your house is hot, since you
exchanged the np roof for one of
galvanized iron. Napangan ak dir
sinng baly. I am feeling hot here in this
house. It strikes me that this house is hot.
(cf. gn-ot, bhot, nit).
pang-ang, To lisp, babble, mumble,
talk very indistinctly, as a baby wishing to
be fondled or played with, etc. Ind ka
magpang-ang. Dont mumble (lisp). (cf.
ng-angto stammer, etc.).
pang-ang, To wish to be petted, etc. See
pangay, Caus. of ngay. To conform to
harmonize or go with, accord with,
correspond to, be or make congruous.
Magpangay ka sa ya. Be like him.
Imitate him. Paangya ang mo delrgo sa
mo by. Make your trousers go with your
pangg, To allow oneself, wish, to
be petted, fondled, caressed, made a pet of.

Paangga si. Let him pet or fondle you.

(cf. ngg, pang-ang).
panggid, To compare with, liken to,
illustrate by a similitude or simile, make or
institute a comparison between.
Ipanggid, mo ang is sa is. Compare the
one with the other. Ang kabh sang to
ginapanggid sa umalgi nga blak. The
life of man is like a passing flower. (pa,
pani, To let harvest, order to harvest rice
(with the rice-cutter called kayg). Ipani,
sa la inng talmnan. Let them harvest
this field. Panya sil. Order them to
harvest rice. (pa, ni).
pano, To give, hand over, put in
possession of. Ind mo pagipano sa ya
ang ton dt. Dont put him in possession
of our land.
paanno, How. Dim. of paan, pano.
panod, Caus. of nod. Ipanod
orpaanra (paanda) ang kawyan sa
sub. Float the bamboo down the river.
panok, Caus. of nok. Paanka ang
kamti, lngk, sging, etc. Boil the sweet
potatoes, the jack-fruit the bananas, etc.
paan, pano, How. Paan si? How is
he? Paan ang pagtabk nton sinng
sub? How are we going to cross this river.
(pa, an, mpat, ndot).
papok, Caus. of pokto fly off, etc.
Also: to come to, land, light, come to by
chance, be driven to, settle down. (In the
second meaning cf. lsog, patpling).
papol, To thicken, to encrust, etc. Caus.
of pol.
paardo, Caus. of ardoto plough.
Paaradha si sang kon um. Let him
(Tell him to) plough my field. (cf. padro).
parag, To make, let, order to,
select or choose (ripe fruit from a tree,
etc.). Paarga si sing baltong. Let him
pick only (seek out and select the) ripe
beans. (cf. rag, papl).
parak, To make a noise as of many
voices, falling stones, etc., to volley, clatter,
rattle, patter. Paarka ang mga bat sa
ya baly. Paarki ang ya baly sing mga
bat. Make his house resound with the
noise of stones (thrown at it). (cf. rak,
paarng, To warm, make warm. Paarng
ka nay dir. Warm yourself here.
Magpaarng ka sang mo kamt sa
kalyo. Warm your hands at the fire. (pa,
paarp-arpan, Tranquillity, rest,
pause, peace, quiet, cessation from work or
trouble. (cf. iptan, pasingadton,
paarng-ing, To warm, warm up, heat,
make warm. Paaring-ing ang mas. Heat
(warm) the maize by placing it near, but
not on, the fire. (cf. arnging).

Visayan-English Dictionary
paarm, (B) To darken, make dark, etc.
See paalm, pagdom. Nagapaarm si
sang ya guy. He knits his brows. He is
scowling. Ginpaarm sang uln ang
binngon. The rain blackened the bolo. The
rain took the sheen off the bolo.
paarumtay, (B) To pretend to be dead,
etc. See paalumtay.
paars, parus, To reach, come to a
stop,halt, cease to go on, pull up at.
Nakapaars si ddto sa khoy. He came
to a halt there at the tree. Ddto na si
nakapaars sa Ngros. His journey came
to an end at Negros. He stopped when he
came to Negros. (cf. paamlya).
pas, To dispel, dissolve, scatter. See
pasik, To splash, cause to splash or fly
off. Paaska ang tbig. Make the water
splash, spatter. Paaski si sing ingsap,
bat, etc. Send the splinters, stone-chips,
etc. flying in his direction. (pa, sik).
paslum, To sour, make sour, allow to go
sour. Paaslum ang spas. Make the soup
sour, put some vinegar into the soup.
Paaslum ang sd. Make the fish a little
sour, give the fish a flavour of vinegar. (pa,
paas, To fumigate, fume, cause smoke,
smoke, out, treat with smoke, raise a
smoke. Paasoh (Paswa) ang kalyo. Let
the fire smoke. Cause the fire to smoke.
Paasoh (Paswi) inng hult. Fumigate
this room. Treat this room with smoke.
Ipaas inng mga dhon sa kalyo. Put
these leaves on the fire to raise a smoke. (cf.
pat, Pause, interval, interstice, cessation,
interruption, stop; to cease, pause, etc. (cf.
lut, lit, put, langn).
paatls, To avoid, shun, keep away
(aloof) from. See ptlas.
paatn-ton, To work, look out, be
concerned, for ourselves alone, be selfish.
(cf. pailla, paiyya, pamiymyo).
paatbang, To put in front of, confront
with, hold before ones eyes.
Ginpaatubngan nya ang buyng sang
pusl. He confronted the robber with the
rifle. He pointed the rifle at the robber. (pa,
pawas, Cause to overflow. Ipawas ang
tbig. Paawsa ang tbig. Make the water
overflow. Paawsi sing tbig ang mong
um. Cause water to flow over your field,
irrigate your field. Also: Emissio seminis,
pollution (pa, was).
paawasn, Irrigation, contrivance to
cause water to overflow. Paawasn tbig
orpaawasn sang tbig. An irrigation
system. (pawas).
payaw, To complete, make up, settle up,
square accounts, pay the remainder or
balance, satisfy, make up what is lacking or
needed still, add what iswanting,
short,deficient. Paaywa si sang

paarm pabskug
kakulngan sang humy, kwrta,
kalmay, etc. Make it up to him for what is
short of the rice, money, sugar, etc. (cf.
paayw-yaw, To do to ones hearts
content, especially said of eating, drinking,
feasting, or the like. Makapaaywyaw na
kit sang kon sang ph, kay madm
ang lt. We can now eat mangoes to our
hearts content, for there are many ripe
ones. (cf. yaw, payaw).
payo (H) To make better, mend, repair,
improve, heal; order to make better, etc.
Paayha ang ya hubg. Try to heal his
boil or to relieve the pain of his boil.
Paayha ang pnday sang mo ltok. Get
the carpenter to repair your table. (cf. yo).
paayn-yon, To speak amicably to,
treat well, make amenable, coax, wheedle,
ingratiate oneself with, treat with all
kindness, bring round by sweet talk.
Paaynayni si, agd ya ikw bulgan.
Speak nicely to him, that he may help you.
Coax him to help you. Pinaaynaynan
nya ak sa pagpahulm sa ya sing plak.
He spoke to me very suavely in order to get
me to lend him some money. (cf. lgay).
paayn, payon, In the direction of; to
go towards, make for; to point or direct
towards, aim at. Pinaayonn nya ak
sang ya nga lthang. He pointed his rifle
at me. (cf. yon, pa).
pabang-bang, To heat; warm
oneself, especially by taking hot liquids.
Pabangbanga ang mo solksolk sa
paginm sing manit nga tsa
ormaginm ka sing manit nga tsa sa
pagpabangbang sang mo solksolk.
Warm your stomach by drinking hot tea.
Drink some hot tea to warm your stomach.
(cf. pa, bangbang, paintnit).
pabb, pabba, To be amenable to
reason or admonitions, be reasonable. Ind
si magpabb. He will not listen to
reason. You cannot reason with him. (pa,
pabgt, To publish, make public, make
known, tell everybody. Ginpabgt nya
ang ting nla nga kasugtnan. He made
known their secret agreement. Ind mo
pagipabgt ang nahanab dir. Dont tell
everybody of what has happened here. (cf.
bgt, pabantl, pabtyag, pabalahb,
pabhin, Caus. of bhinto divide, etc.
pabkas, To work hard, strive for the
mastery, vie with, contend, compete, make
great efforts. Pabkas kit kon sn-o
makadngat sing na sa putkputokn
sang bkid. Let us see which of us will
reach the summit of the mountain first.
Nagpabkas sil kon sn-o sa la ang
mana makatpus. They tried which of
them would finish first. (cf. bkas,
pabakasy, Competition, contention,
emulation, rivalry, trial of skill or strength,

outdoing each other or intriguing against

each other; to use every means to beat
ones adversary or opponent, etc. (cf.
paballon, Caus. of ballonto wind or
roll up, etc. (cf. palols).
pablon, Caus. of blonto take
provisions along, etc.
pabngdan, To attribute to, inculpate,
impute, lay the guilt, etc. upon someone
else, accuse, denounce, make responsible;
blame. Ind ka magpabngdan sa kon
sang mo sayp. Dont blame me for your
mistake. Ginpabngdan nla sa
manugblung ang kamatyon sang la
ank, kay, kon, gindaptan nya sing
malin nga bulng. They attributed the
death of their child to the doctor, for, they
said, he applied a harmful prescription. (cf.
bangd, pabangd).
pabangd, To attribute, shift the blame
on, impugn, incriminate, tax or charge
with, lay to ones door or charge, point an
accusing finger at, etc. See pabngdan.
Ind ka magpabangd sa mo isigkato
sang mo mga sayp. Ind mo
pagipabangd sa mo isigkato ang mo
mga sayp. Dont blame your neighbour
for your own faults or mistakes.
pabnok, To be quiet, calm, tranquil,
imperturbable, placid, serene, make no
resistance to scoldings or even beatings, to
put up with, to bear silently or patiently,
ignore, pay no attention to. Bisn nhon
mo si nagapabnok lang (si). Whatever
you do to him or however you treat him, he
remains imperturbable. Magpabnok ka
lang bisn nhon ka ni ttay mo. Just bear
it in silence, whatever your father may do
to you. (pa, bnok, but the simple bnok
is not used).
pabnol, See pabnok id. (cf. hpus,
pabunglbngul, waly pagsapk).
pabantl, To circulate, give notice to,
notify, propagate, publish, spread abroad,
give out, announce. Ipabantl mo sa la
nga. Make known to them that.
Pabantali ang minur sang bg-o nga
kasogon sang kasapuln-bnwa. Inform
the village of the new order of the
Municipal Council. Pabantala si Hos
sang magaabt nga bgyo sa bg-os nga
bnwa. Let Jos give warning to the whole
town of the coming hurricane. (cf. pa,
pabar, Caus. of barto run aground,
etc. Also: to doas one pleases,to ones
hearts content, follow ones own
inclination, have ones own way. (cf.
patyang, pagus, pagsto).
pabrak, Caus. of brakto clatter,
patter, etc. See parak. (brakrak).
pabskug, To strengthen, stiffen, make
strong,stiff, confirm, reinforce, brace,
fortify, invigorate, refreshen, to raise (ones
voice, etc.). Pabaskug ang mo kabubton. Strengthen your will. Ipabskug sa


pabt pabul, pbula

labandra ang mo delrgo. Let the
washerwoman starch and iron your
trousers. Ginpabskug nla ang la lwas,
kalg, etc, They refreshed (refreshened)
themselves, fortified their souls, etc.
Pabaskug ang mo tngug. Raise your
voice, speak aloud (louder). (cf. bskug).
pabt, Caus. of btto give birth to a
child, etc. Also: to help or assist at
childbirth, at a lying-in, at an
accouchement, said of a midwife. Sn-o ang
nagpabt sa ya? Who was her midwife?
Who assisted her at her delivery? Pabata
nay ang mo aswa kag ugling
magkdto ka sa Ngros. First let your wife
give birth and then afterwards go to
Negros. (cf. paank).
pabay, paby, To leave alone, leave,
leave off, quit, abandon, give the slip to,
desert, forsake, throw up, give up, take no
concern or interest in, disregard, ignore, be
heedless, of. Pabayi lang sil. Just leave
them alone. Simply let them do what they
like. Ginpabayanorginpaby-an lang
nla ang la mga kabatan sa baly. They
left their children alone at home.
Nagapabay lang sil sang la trabho.
They are quitting work. They are leaving
their work undone. They are throwing up
their job. (pa, by).
pabay, To make or let pound (rice, etc.).
Magpabay ka sinng humy
oripabay mo inng humy sa
manugbyo. Have this rice pounded by the
professional rice pounder. Have the ricepounder pound the rice. (pa, bay).
paby, To provide a jacket, etc. (pa,
by). Pabayi ang bt. Provide they boy
with a jacket. Ipaby mo inng hnero sa
bt. Make the boy a jacket from this cloth.
Mapaby (magapaby) pa ak nay sa
kon bt. I am first going to dress my boy
in a jacket. (pa, by).
pabelyn, (Sp. pabellon) Tent, pavilion, a
small summer-house, kiosk, roofed in tentlike selling-booth or bandstand, etc.; a
pabendisyn, To receive or go to receive
the blessing after child-birth.
Nagapabendisyn karn ang aswa ni
Fulno. N.N.s wife is now going to receive
the blessing after childbirth. (pa,
pabendta, To have, or get, something
blessed. Nagpabendta si sang ya bg-o
nga medlya. She had her new medal
blessed. Ginpabendta nya sa Pr ang ya
nga kora. She had her cord (belt, girdle,
cincture) blessed by the priest. Ipabendta
mo sa Pr ang mo bg-o nga baly. Have
your new house blessed by the priest. (pa,
bendta (Sp.).
pabigng, To warp, bend, distort,
contort, buckle, screw, deform, crush, pull
out of shape, wrench out of shape, turn or
twist out of the regular shape. Pabigong
ang kl mo, agd nd masilwan sang


Visayan-English Dictionary
dlaw ang mo mga mat. Turn down the
brim of your hat, so that your eyes may not
be dazzled by the sun. Sn-o ang
nagpabigng sinng sin? Who has bent this
sheet of zinc? Ginpabigng sang dlaw
ang bg-o nga tp. The new plank was
warped by the heat of the sun. (pa,
pabil, To price, set a price upon, charge,
ask for, value at, appraise the work of, fix
the price of, quote a price, demand (so
much). Pil ang pagpabil mo sang mo
karabw? What do you ask for your
buffalo? Kon nd mo si pagpabilihn
(pagpablyan) sing mahl, bklon ko. If
you do not charge too much for it, I will buy
it. (pa, bil).
pablo, (Sp. pabilo) Lamp-wick; wick of a
candle. Paolboh ang pablo. Paslpa ang
pablo. Turn the wick up. Turn the wick
pabsti, Caus. of bste. To dress, clothe,
attire, deck out, garb, array, trick out,
bedight, bedizen, put a dress on somebody.
Pabistih ang nbya. Dress up (Deck out)
the bride. Ipabsti sa ya inng trno nga
mapul. Dress her up in this red gown
paby, pabiy, See paby, pabay
to leave alone, quit, abandon, relinquish,
pbo, (Sp. pavo) Turkey (the bird).
pabr, (Sp. favor) Favour, help, service,
support, assistance, act of kindness,
countenance, protection. Pabr ang
hangnormay pabr ang hngin. The
wind is favourable. Nagpalayg sil sa
pabr (sang) nga hangn. They hoisted sail
to a favourable (fair) wind. (cf. lhog,
mayo, kaayhan, pin, blig, tbang).
paborta, (Sp. favorita) In some cardgames a combination of cards resulting in a
stake being played for what is equal to a
double politna. May paborta sil
ornagapaborta sil. They are playing for
a paborta stake. (cf. politna, napolitna).
pabory-broy, To deny the possession
of, assert the lack of, to say I have none, I
cannot, I am unable to, etc.. Ind mo ak
pagpaboryboryan, kay nahibalon ko
nga ikw manggarnon. Dont tell me that
you cannot, for I know you are rich.
Nagapaborybroy lang si, pang
madm ang ya nga plak. He acts as if
he had no money, but he has plenty.
pbrika, (Sp. fbrica) Factory, works,
mill; fabrication, fabric. (cf. galingn,
pabdlay, To tire, jade, exhaust, wear
out, knock up, make tired, fatigue.
Pabudlay si. Make him tired. Tire him
out. Ipabdlay mo sa ya inng trabho.
Tire him with this task. Ind ka
magpabdlay sang mo karabw sing
laks. Dont tire your buffalo overmuch.
(pa, bdlay).

pabudng, (B) To be shy, coy, timid,

afraid, bashful, affect shyness or coyness.
Ind ka magpabudng. Dont be shy. Dont
pretend to be coy. (cf. pa, budng).
pabugl, Pride, haughtiness, overbearing,
insolence; to be proud, haughty, vain,
stuck-up, arrogant, overweening,
conceited, bumptious, puffed up, pompous,
pompose, ostentatious, pretentious,
supercilious, to vaunt, show off, boast. Ind
ka magpabugl. Dont be proud.
Nagapabugl si. He is getting proud, is
showing off, is giving himself airs. (pa,
pabugl-bgal, Dim. and Freq. of
pabugl. To be a little proud, etc.
pabg-at, To make heavy, increase the
weight of, add to the weight of, add to ones
burden, to burden with, weigh down with,
crush with, load with. Ind ka magpabgat sang ya dal. Dont add any more to the
weight of his burden. Pabug-at si. Give
him a heavy load to carry. Let him have a
heavy load. (pa, bg-at).
pabgtoy, To slacken, cause to be slow or
remiss; to linger, tarry, loiter; to be lazy,
slack, remiss, careless or negligent. (pa,
pabh, Caus. of bh. Inng bntud
ginapabuhan (ginapaby-an) nla sang
la mga hyup. They let their cattle graze at
large on this fenced-in plateau.
pabuh-bh, Dim. and Freq. of pabh.
Nagapabuhbh na gid lang si sa ya
aswa sang mga pasipla nga si ya
wal sing paggnuk. He now gives his wife
full liberty to abuse him in vile language
without retaliating, without remonstrating.
pabukl, Cause. of buklto boil, etc.
Pabukal ang tbig. Bring the water to the
boil. Boil the water. See that the water is
altogether boiling. Pabukal ak sing tbig.
Boil some water for me.
pabulg, Caus. of bulgto separate, etc.
Pabulag sil. Cause (order) them to
separate. Dl mo si pagpabulagn sang
ya aswa. Dont allow him to divorce his
pablag, Caus. of blagto blind, make
blind. Also: to overlook, disregard, let pass,
blink, wink at, connive at, take no notice of,
act as if blind, close (shut) ones eyes to.
pabulg-blag, Dim. and Freq. of
pabulg. Nagapabulgblag gid lmang
sil sinng mga butng
orginapabulgbulgan gid lmang nla
in nga mga butng. They are paying no
attention to these things, do not take any
notice of these things, are blind to these
pabul, pbula, (Sp. fbula) Fable,
story, yarn, fabrication, invention,
falsehood, lie, legend; to tell stories, lies,
falsehoods, to make up things. Ginapbula
man lang nya inng mga butng. Those
things he is talking about are mere

Visayan-English Dictionary
inventions (lies, falsehoods). (cf.
suggsgid, butg, pasni, patga).
pabulng, Caus. of bulngto doctor,
give medicine, etc. Magpabulng ka sa
mayo nga manugblung. Go and see a
good doctor. Call in a good doctor.
Ipabulng mo si sa kay Fulno. Have him
attended (prescribed for, treated) by N.N.
Pablnga si sa kay Fulno. Let him try to
cure N.N. Allow him to doctor N.N. Ang
am nga bullngan ginpablngan ko man
sa kay nnay ko. I had my mother also
treated (seen to) in that hospital.
pabungl, To affect deafness, turn a deaf
ear to, stop ones ears to, be stubborn,
unheeding, disobedient. Nagapabungl
gid lang si sa tann nga mga paglygay.
He is deaf to all admonitions. (cf.
pabungl-bngul, Dim. and Freq. of
pabungl. Ind ka magpabunglbngul sa
mayo nga mga lygay. Dont be deaf to
good advice. Ginapabunglbunglan lang
nya ang ya katarngan. He is deaf to his
reasoning, pays no attention to his
argument, does not want to listen to his
remonstrance or the like.
pabun, To publish, spread, make known,
give out. (cf. pabtyag, buygyag,
balahb, pahibal, pahyag).
pabtyag, To disclose, make public,
publish, divulge, reveal, tell, let out, let
into, break (a secret), betray. Ind mo
pagipabtyag inng kasugtnan nton.
Carefully guard the secret of this agreement
of ours. Dont make public this our
agreement. Ginpabtyag nya ang sal
nga ting ni Fulno. He made known
(revealed, divulged) N.N.s secret fault.
Magpabtyag ka sin sa bnwa. Make this
known in the town. Napabutyagn na sil
sang am nga hitab. The news of that
event has already reached them (has been
spread amongst them). (cf. pa, btyag,
pabgt, pabantl, pahibal, pasyod,
pabuygyag, Caus. of buygyagto
divulge, expose, etc.
pabuyn-byan, To neglect, postpone,
procrastinate, pay no attention to,
disregard. (cf. buynbyan, paliynliyan,
pabylog, Caus. of bylogto
accompany, go with, come with;
sympathize with, etc.
paby, To throw, strike, knock,
down, to floor, lay level with the floor.
Pinaby nya si sa kalg. He threw him
into the ditch. (cf. banl, tmba, pilk,
lmba, tklod, tuld).
pabuy, Caus. of buy. To train,
accustom to, inure, practise, drill, cause to
form a habit, etc.
pabuy-byo, Dim. and Freq. of

pabulng padalndun
padag-nay, To compete against each
other, contend with, vie with, strive with,
try to outdo each other (one another). (cf.
padug, padag).
padgas, Caus. of dgasto pick, pluck
(fruit with pole and hook, etc.). Padagsa
si Hos sang dldul. Order Jos to gather
the capsules of the kapok tree with pole and
hook. Padagsi ak sing ph. Get me
some mangoes picked (plucked) straight
from the tree. Ipadgas sa kon ang mga
ph ddto sa tabk sang sap. Permit me
to gather some mangoes there on the other
side of the brook. (padgus from dgus
padg-as, To compete, contend with, vie
with, strive with, exert oneself much in
order to outdo another. Padg-as
(magpadg-as) kit kon sn-o ang mana
makatpus. Let us see who will finish first.
(cf. pabkas, paindsndis, paunna).
padg-ay, To gratify anothers wish,
indulge another, let another have his will,
wink at, accommodate oneself to, spoil (a
child). Nagsgsag ang la ank, kay sang
ditay pa si la ginpadagayn sang
tann nya nga luyglyag. Their son
turned out bad, because when he was
young they granted him everything he
wished for,they let him have everything
he wanted. (cf. pasugt, pagsto,
patyang, pagus, pasamyang,
padgay, To show, exhibit, expose, etc.
(pa, dgay). Also: To think deeply or well,
consider, ponder, exert ones mental
faculties. Padagya ang mo hunhn.
Think it over well. Turn it over well in your
mind. Padagyi sing mayo ang mo
palatikngan. Give some serious thought
to your business. Consider well the state of
your business. (cf. painno, tamd,
pamalndong, basbso, hunhn).
padg-pdag, To kick or stamp (as a
disappointed or angry child often does). (cf.
pudgpdag, pundkpndak).
padagndun, To make plain wickerwork
or weave cloth without any special design;
to perform quickly, expeditiously,
carelessly. Padagundun lang ang
paghabl sinng hblon, ang paglla
sinng bang, etc. Weave this cloth, this
mat, etc. quite plain, (without any
particular design, figures, coloured stripes
or the like). Ginpadagndun gid lang nla
ang pagpatndog sang baly. They built
the house rather carelessly, (not paying
much attention to plan, style, etc.).
pada-tol, To argue, dispute or quarrel
about something that one of the disputants
has to perform and none of them likes to,
to push to and fro. Nagapadatol sil kon
sn-o sa la ang magtg-ang, ang
manghoy, etc.orginapadaitlan nla
ang pagtg-ang, panghoy, etc. They are
disputing or quarrelling as to which of
them should boil rice, collect firewood, etc.

(cf. sabtnay; tudlnay (sabt, tuld),

padk, A lump, a small compact mass (of
sugar, etc.; cf. park id.) Podpor inng
padk nga kalmay. Crumble this lump of
sugar to powder.
padal, (H) Caus. of dal. To send,
transmit, despatch, forward, remit. Ipadal
in sa ya. Send him this. Padlhi ak sing
sult. Send me a letter.
padalgan, Caus. of dalganto run. To
trot, gallop (a horse, meaning to cause to
trot, gallop). Padalagna ang mga bt.
Make the boys run, order them to run.
Padalagni si Fulno sa kay Hos. Order
Jos to run over to N.N.
padaln, To send one away or out on the
road, i.e. to put off by excuse, refuse,
neglect, take no notice of. Nagpadaln si
sa kon. He put me off by excuses or
pretexts. Ind ka magpadaln sang mon
tbad. Dont neglect coming to our
banquet. Kon magabt si dir sa
pagsokt sang kon tang sa ya
(ipadaln) padalann mo si sa pagsilng
nga. When he comes here to demand
payment of my debt to him, send him away
with the pretext that. (cf. dlan,
padals, Caus. of dals. To be hasty,
impetuous, precipitate, thoughtless; to
make (cause to) run a horse, etc. Ind mo
pagpadalasn ang mo nga hmbal, knd
hunhunon mo nay sing ngay. Dont
talk precipitately, but think first well (what
you are going to say). Dont talk hastily
(rashly), but give a proper amount of
thought to what you want to say. Padalas
ang kabyo. Make the horse run fast
padalas, Caus. of dalasto run
against, collide with.
padalwat, (H) To sell rice, maize,
beans, peas, etc. Ipadalwat mo sa kon
ang duh ka psong sang mo humy. Sell
me two bushels of your rice. Padalawta
si sang mo humy. Sell him your rice. Let
him buy your rice. Padalawti ang
pinatubs mo nga humy sing lim ka
psong. Sell five bushels of the rice you
have harvested. (cf. dalwatto buy (rice,
padal, Caus. of dalto be quick, etc. To
hurry another, hasten another, hustle (i.e.
speed up work), urge to go faster, quicken,
cause another to be quick, animate,
expedite. Padali si. Hurry him up. Tell
him to make haste. Hasten him on. Urge
him on faster. Ginpadal nla ang
pagkayo sang la baly, kay malapt na
lang ang tinglan. They hastened the work
(made a quick job of) repairing their house,
because the rainy season was near.
padalndun, To take or carry along,
push on, move; wash down (food),
distribute (blood through the veins, etc.).
Ang mga ilmnon nagapadalndun sang


padmol padiwl
ton ginakonorang ton ginakon
ginapadalundunn sang mga ilmnon.
Beverages wash down (carry along) the
food we take. Ipadalndun sa kn-on inng
bso nga bno. Wash down the rice with
this glass of wine.
padmol, Caus. of dmolthick, etc. To
thicken, make thick. Ginapadmol nya
ang padr. He ordered the wall to be made
thick. He had the wall made thicker.
Padamla ang bibnka. Make the bibincacake thick. Cook thick bibinca-cakes.
padnag, padn-ag, To make clear,
bright, light up, illuminate. (cf. pasnag).
padnas, To drag, pull, trail, etc. See
pagyud. (dnasgyud).
padndan, Caus. of dndanto weave
plain cloth, etc. Also: to cross-examine,
heckle, ask many questions in quick
succession. Ind ka magpadndan sa kon.
Dont ply me with (ask me) so many
padangl, To smoke a big cigar, to fill the
mouth with a big cigar, or the like. Abw,
nagapadangl si. Look, she has crammed
a big cigar into her mouth. Ind ka
magpadangl sa atubngan sang mga
bista. Dont smoke such big cigars in the
presence of visitors. (cf. padungl).
padnlug, To make slippery. Padanlug
ang dlan. Make the road slippery.
Padanlog ang tinla sing tagbang. Make
the side-dish slippery, i.e. easy to swallow,
by putting in some tagbang-leaves. (pa,
padn, To tell stories, spread untrue
tales or reports. Sn-o ang nagpadn
sang am nga mga butng? Who spread
such tales? Ind mo pag-ipadn ang
sbung sin nga mga pbula. Dont repeat
such tales or fables. Also: to backbite,
detract, calumniate, slander.
padpat, To apply, cause to apply or put
on, etc. Ipadpat sa ya inng bulng.
Apply this lotion to him. Padapta ang
ganhan. Have the door closed.
Pinadaptan nla ang ya hubg sing
bulng. They had a sedative put on
(applied to) his boil. (pa, dpat).
padpl, To roast meat (of an animal just
killed). Magpadpl kit nay sing krne
sinng nahaw nga bka. Let us roast some
meat of this cow that has just been
slaughtered. Ginpakn-an nla sa kon
ang la pinadpl. They let me partake of
their roast meat. They gave me some of
their roast meat to eat. Padapla man
kam. Roast some meat for us too. (cf.
bog, haw, sgba, slab, lab).
padplang, Caus. of dplangto
padro, Caus. of droto plough.
Padarha si sinng talmnan. Order him
to plough this field.


Visayan-English Dictionary
pdas, Vertebra, spine, chine, backbone,
spinal column (of cows, pigs, etc.; cf. pras
pads, Sharp, cutting, sarcastic, satirical,
cynical, ironic, acrimonious, sardonic,
withering, trenchant, incisive (of speech),
rough-spoken, having a sharp tongue; to be
or become rough-spoken, etc. Pads si
sing hmbal. He is rough-spoken.
Nagpapads si sang ya panabt. His
answer was cutting (sharp). He answered
roughly. He retorted sarcastically. Mahnay
si sing hmbal sdto, pang karn
nagpads na. Formerly he was gentle of
speech, but now he has become quite
churlish. (cf. pars).
padas-das, Recklessness,
thoughtlessness, carelessness; careless,
reckless, thoughtless; to do carelessly, etc.
Sa padasdas nga pagi. In a careless
(reckless) way. (cf. das).
padasn, Caus. of dasnto follow, etc.
Padason si Hos sa kay Pdro. Padason
si Pdro sa kay Hos. Let Jos follow Peter.
Order Jos to follow Peter. Ipadasn ko sa
ya ang ya sologon. I shall order his
servant to follow him. Ill send his servant
after him. Ang belda pinadasonn
(pinadsnan) nla sing is ka mayo nga
panihpon. After the play they served a
good supper. They followed up the play
with a good supper. (cf. padson,
padson, To follow or do in a regular
order or succession. Padasna ang mo
mga buluhatn. Perform your duties in a
regular and orderly manner. Padasnon
mo ang mga bt. Line the children up in
order (according to size, by grades or the
like). Ang mga solddo nagapadson. The
soldiers are lined up in order (according to
their size, etc.).
padag, Caus. of dagto win,
overcome. Also: to surrender, yield, give in,
submit, be humble, cede, capitulate.
padug, To compete, try to outdo or
subdue, contend, vie with, strive with.
Nagapadag-nay sil. They are competing
with each other, trying to outdo one
padus, To remonstrate, argue, try to
overcome, quarrel, bicker and bite, to urge,
incite against, overwhelm with.
Nagapadausy sil. They are arguing
(remonstrating) with each other. Ind kam
magpadus. Dont quarrel. Pinadasan
ak nya sang id. He set his dog on me.
Ipadus mo ang id sa bboy. Send the
dog after the pig. Ginapadasan lang ak
nya sing hmbal, bisn wal sing
katarngan. He abused me in strong
language, though he had no reason for it.
(cf. padag-nay, sabtnay, pas-is).
padut, Caus. of dutto injure.
padaw, Caus. of dawto receive, etc.
Also: transfer, transmission, tradition;

traditional, transmitted, handed (handing)

down (to posterity).
pady, Caus. of dyto cheat.
padayw, To be vain, ostentatious, to
show off. Nagapadayw si. She is vain,
likes to show off. (pa, dayw).
padyon, To continue, keep on, keep
going, keep at it, keep up, keep on foot,
hold out, persist, carry on, stick to, prolong,
cause to continue, remain or stay.
Padayna ang mo hmbal. Continue your
speech. Padayni ang kon baly sinng
mga bista. Let these visitors stay at my
home. Ipadyon ko sa mo ang kon dt
kon magkasugtnay kit sa nahanungd
sang hinkay. I will continue to let you
have my field on lease, if we can agree upon
the rent (payment for the lease). (pa,
padr, (Sp. pared) Stone wall, masonry
(of stones, bricks, tiles, cement, or the like).
pdi, Nickname, teasing by calling out
anothers nickname; to tease, bait, badger.
Padia si tbtub nga magkig. Tease him
till he gets angry. (cf. bnsag).
padas, To incite, urge, instigate, set on (a
dog, etc.). Ind ka magpadas sa ya sang
mo id. Dont set your dog on him. (cf.
padhut, Contrivance, machination,
means, scheme, plan, artifice; to contrive,
look out for, find ways and means, manage,
take steps to accomplish, to bring about.
Padihti sing mayo ang mo nga
katuyon. Try hard to find ways and means
of carrying out (accomplishing) your plan
(intention, scheme). (cf. dhut, padihtan,
padihtan, Contrivance, means,
machination, resources, instrument,
artifice, scheme. (cf. padhut, pahitht,
padimt, Caus. of dimtto attract,
draw, allure, etc.
padngk, A kind of bread made from
pdios, To slip out of, glide out, escape.
Nakapdios ang bso sa kon kamt. The
glass slipped out of my hand. Gindakp ko
ang mank, pang nakapdios si liwt
sa kon kamt. I caught the chicken, but it
escaped again from my grasp. Andam ka,
agd nd makapdios ang lbro nga
ginabsa mo. Take care not to let the book
you are reading slip out of your hand. (cf.
pals, pdlus).
pdis, (Sp. par, pares) Even; pair. Pdis
ukn lnes? Odd or even? (Sp. pares
nones?) Is ka pdis nga sinlas. A pair of
chinese slippers. (cf. pris id.).
pads-pdis, A game at cards.
padiwl, To put forth, put out, hang or
stick out, particularly said of the tongue.
Padiwal (Ipadiwl) ang dl mo. Put out
your tongue. Ind ka magpadiwl, kay

Visayan-English Dictionary
malw-ay. Dont put out your tongue, for it
is unbecoming. (pa, diwl).
pdlus, To slip out of, escape from a
grasp, free oneself from a grip and the like.
Ginpgus nya ak nga wal na ak
makapdlus sa hugt nya nga mga
btkon. He hugged me so tight that I could
not escape from his clinch. (cf. pals,
padg-pdog, To put ones best foot
forward, walk fast, step briskly, step out,
stride along, make haste, hurry, take long
strides. An ang ginapadgpdog mo?
Why are you stepping out so briskly?
Nagapadgpdog si pakdto sa
simbhan, kay narimti (naprut) na ang
linggnay. He is walking fast on his way to
church, for the bells have stopped ringing.
(The simple pdog is scarcely ever used).
padokt, To make stick, glue on, paste
on, cause to adhere, attach with glue, paste,
etc. Ipadokt (padkta) inng talmdan sa
ganhan sang baly. Paste this notice on
the door of the house, on the house door.
(pa, dokt).
padng, The cocks comb, the caruncle,
crest or comb of a cock. (cf. parng,
pirahn, apirahn).
padors, To turn up ones eyes, so as to
show the white of the eyes. Nagapadors
si sang ya mga mat. He is turning up
his eyes. Ind mo pagpadorosn ang mo
mga mat. Dont turn up your eyes.
Padoros si sang mo mga mat sa
pagphug sa ya. Turn up your eyes at
him, in order to intimidate him or make
him afraid. Nagpadors lang si sang ya
mga mat kag nabgt ang ya ginhwa.
He just turned up his eyes and breathed his
last. (pa, dors).
padros, An addition of one or more
rooms to a house with corresponding
extension of the roof, an extension, a leanto. Also used as a verb. Padorsi ang mo
baly sing duh ka padros magtmbang
sa to kag sa wal. Add two wings to your
house, one to the right and one to the left.
Ang kalabnan sang mga padros sinng
bnwa natpan sing lngkob. Most of the
lean-tos in this town are roofed with split
pdpad, To husk, shell, shuck (corn,
beans, etc.). Padpar ang mas, kadis,
etc. Shell the corn, the cadios-peas, etc. (cf.
pdre, (Sp. padre) Father, Reverend
Father, Priest. Mayong ga, pdre. Good
morning, Father. Si Pdre Felipe.
Father Philip. Ang Pdre Kura. The
Parish Priest.
padrno, (Sp. padrino) Godfather. (cf.
pannoy; madrna, mannaygodmother).
padrn, (Sp. padrn) Census, poll, official
enumeration of the inhabitants of a
padgang, To increase, augment, add to.
Padugnga lang si sing psos. Just make

pdlus pagahim pay one peso more. Nagapadgang

si sang ya tang. He is increasing his
debt. Ginpadgang pa gid ang ya nga
kalisd sang kamatyon sang ya
hiniggma nga ank. His troubles were
added to by the death of his beloved child.
(pa, dgang).
padgay, (H) To prolong ones stay, stay
on, make a long stay, stop long, tarry,
linger, remain on, let remain or cause to
stay a long time. Nagpadgay si sang ya
pagpuy ddto. He prolonged his stay
there. He stayed there for a long time.
Padugya ang mo bt sa kolhyo. Let
your child stay at college for a long time.
Pinadugyan nla inng buluthan sa la
nga ank. They let their child remain a
long time at this school. Ind ka
magpadgay sang mo paglntad dir sa
la baly. Dont stay (stop) long at their
house. (pa, dgay, pabhay).
padg, Contrivance, means, way,
machination, etc.; to contrive, etc. (See
padihtan, pahitht, rikobkos, etc.).
padgi, To set with thorns, fence in with
thorns or briars (cf. dgi).
padlong, Towards, in the direction of;
to go towards or in the direction of.
Nagkdto si padlong sa bkid.
Nagpadlong si sa bkid. He went in the
direction of the mountains (towards the
mountains). (pa, dlong).
padulng, To approach, come near, draw
near, come towards. Nagapadulng na si
dir. He is approaching, is coming here, is
coming this way. (cf. palapt, pakar).
padl-ong, To send, transmit, have
transported or conveyed, despatch,
forward, remit, order to take, bring, carry,
ship. Ipadl-ong mo inng malta nkon
sa Ilnglong. Send this handbag of mine
to Iloilo. Padul-ong ak dir sing ylo.
Send some ice to me here. Padul-ong si
sang kon pinuts sa baly. Let him take
my parcel to the house. Ipadl-ong ko sa
mo ang ttlo ka sko nga kalmay sa
Manl. I am going to forward three sacks
of sugar to Manila through you. (pa, dlong).
paduly, To be heedless, stubborn, act as
if one were deaf, be deaf to, be unruly,
untractable. (cf. pagant, pabungl,
batingglan, dmannggol).
padlug, Caus. of dlugto stop.
padulg, Caus. of dulgto join side to
side, put down parallel to, etc.
padungl, See padanglto cram a big
cigar into the mouth.
padnggan, From padunggto
honour, etc.
padungg, To honour, give honour to,
revere, venerate, esteem, appreciate,
reverence, bestow honour upon, respect,
exalt, extol. Ginapadnggan nton ang
mga Sntos. We venerate the Saints.
Pinadnggan nya si Fulno sing dak. He

treated N.N. with great honour. He

honoured N.N. greatly. Wal gid sil
magpadungg sa ya. They showed no
respect for him at all. (cf. dungg).
padsngal, Caus. of dsngalto wound,
lacerate, etc.
pady, A dish made of rice-flour mixed
with sugar and shreds of coconut. Also
used as a verb. Kon makahl-ob kam sang
kon talmnan pagapaduyan ko kam.
When you finish planting rice in my fields I
will treat you to a dish of pady.
Nakakon kam sing pady sa baly ni
Fulno. We ate some pady at N.N.s
pdya, Gift, prize, premium; to give a
prize, etc. Ang magadag pagapadyahn
sing lim ka mngmang. He who wins
shall receive a prize of five pesos. (cf. dlut,
bugy, htag, reglo, prmyo).
pdy, Nickname; to tease, etc. See pdi
pag-, A prefix used to form:
a.) The infinitive. Mahaps ang
pagpatndog sing bg-o nga baly, kon
may kwrta lang ikw. It is easy to erect a
new house, if only you have the money.
Ginaplit ak sa pagkdto ddto. I must go
there. Lan ang pagsg kag lan ang
pagtman. To order and to obey are
different things.
b.) The negative. Ind mo pagbuhton in.
Dont do that. Wal nya pagbuhta in.
He did not do that. Wal nya pagtn-i
ang leksyn. He did not learn the lesson.
Ind mo pag-ihtag sa ya inng ph nga
lnghod. Dont give him this unripe mango.
Wal sil pagsay. They never quarrel, etc.
c.) Verbal nouns. Ang pagslig sa Dis.
Trust or confidence in God. Ang pagto,
paglum kag paghiggma. Faith, hope
and charity. Ang pagkdto kag pagkar.
The journey to and fro, the round or return
trip, etc.
d.) The imperative. Pagtndog na kag
paglakt. Arise (Stand up) and walk. (cf.
paga-, A prefix used to form:
a.) The passive future tense, e.g.
Pagabuhton ko in. I will (shall) do this. I
am going to do it. Pagahulatn ko gid si. I
will certainly wait for him. Pagasulatn ko
si sa bus. Tomorrow I am going to write
him. Pagaitnghol ko sa ya inng sult sa
madal nga sarng mahm. Ill hand him
this letter as soon as possible.
b.) The negative present tense of the
passive voice, e.g. Nga man nga wal
nnyo pagasilhig ang balatonn? Why are
you not sweeping the reception room?
Wal nla pagaskla ang dt. They are
not measuring (surveying) the land. Wal
ko pagaibalgy ang bg-o nga pinatubs
ko nga kalmay. I am not selling my new
sugar crop. (cf. magathe corresponding
counterpart for the active voice).


pag pgkit
pag, To spread and dry corn or other
cereals on a platform above the hearth or
over a fire. Pagah ang mas. Dry the corn
over the fire. Pagah ak sinng mas, agd
magug. Spread this corn (on a
pagahn) over a fire for me that it may
become quite dry. (cf. pagahnthe
flooring or platform used for artificially
drying corn, etc.).
pagas, To shout, call aloud, yell, cry for,
call out for, to give ashout,call,yell.
Nagapagas si sa kay nnay. He is
calling aloud for mother. Pagaas si ttay
mo. Give a loud call (Call aloud) for your
father (to come). An ang ginapagas mo?
Why are you shouting or yelling so much?
(cf. snggit, turayw, pugas).
pagbut, Caus. of gbutto root out,
weed out, pull up by the roots. Ipagbut
inng mga tanm sa mga hornl. Have
these weeds rooted out by the workmen.
Pagabti ak sing sbud, kay kon
ipatnum. Get me some rice-seedlings
pulled up, for I am going to have them
planted. Pagabta ang mga bt sang
barri sa plsa. Let the boys weed out the
bariri-grass on the public square. Dl mo
pagpagabton ang mga bt sinng mga
tanm kay may puls pa. Dont permit
(allow) these plants to be uprooted by the
boys, for they are still of some use.
pagadr, (Sp. pagador) Payer, paymaster,
one who pays. (cf. manugbyad).
pagg, To importune, ask insistently,
press, urge, keep asking, pester, beg hard.
Ind ka magpagg kay ttay sing bg-o
nga by. Dont keep asking Father for a
new jacket. Ginpaggan nya si nnay
sing artos nga bulwan. She insistently
asked mother for golden earrings. (cf.
pagahn, A brasier or open pan for
burning coals, incense, etc. It is often used
for fumigating (to disinfect by smoke)
living quarters or persons; the flooring or
platform for artificially drying corn, rice,
etc. (cf. pag).
pagam, To make or cause trouble or a
disturbance, to raise aturmoil,riot,
mutiny, to incite, instigate (trouble, etc.).
Ind ka magpagam. Dont make trouble.
Ginpagamohn nya ang kalpay sa baly
ni Fulno. He caused a disturbance during
the entertainment at N.N.s house. (pa,
pagnda, To entice, allure, attract; to
deceive, cheat. Pagandah si. Allure him.
Lure him on. Attract him. Pagandah si
sinng sngsingoripagnda mo sa ya
inng sngsing, agd ya bklon. Show this
ring to advantage, in order that he may buy
it. (cf. pagnya, pagnyat).
pagng, Coral, coral reef. (cf.
pagngpang, To cluster, to be close
together, form bunches or clusters (said of
flowers, foliage, etc.).


Visayan-English Dictionary
pagant, To offer resistance, be
stubborn, refractory, unruly, obstinate,
untractable, make opposition to. Ind ka
magpagant kon sogon ka ni ttay. Dont
be stubborn, when father tells you to do
something. (pa, gant; the simple gant is
seldom used).
pagnya, To entice, allure, attract,
bewitch; to cheat, deceive. Paganyah si.
Entice (allure, cheat) him. (cf. pagnda,
pagnyat, See pagnda, pagnya.
pagpus, Caus. cf gpusto fetter, bind,
shackle, tie. Kon magbtok si ipagpus
mo si sa pols. If he resists have him
bound by the police.
pagrbo, To show off, be stuck-up, be
ostentatious, assume airs, be proud or
haughty, be pretentious or presumptuous.
(cf. grbo).
pagtpat, A kind of tree.
pg-aw, Dgmay seedlings planted in
wet ground to be transplanted later on to
dry soil. (cf. paagw id.).
pagw, Weak, feeble; to weaken, fail, be
or become weak, particularly said of the
voice. Nagpagw na ang ya tngug, kay
mabskog ang ya diskrso. His voice
weakened or failed (has become weak), for
he delivered his discourse with great
exertion. (cf. harawahw, paragw).
pagwad, Caus. of gwadto get at a
price, etc.
pagypay, Separate, disjoined, broken
up in pieces; to be or become broken up,
etc. Pagypay na ang pghol nga kn-on,
ang bilg nga kalmay, etc. The lump of
rice has been broken up, the compact mass
of sugar has crumbled, etc.
pgba, To heat, burn, bake (as clay in
making earthenware); to burn various
kinds of shells to make lime for betel-nut
chewing. Nagapgba sil. They are making
lime for betel-nut chewing. Ginpgba nla
ang mga olokab sang tamburk. They
made lime of the tamburuco-shell. Pagbah
ko sing bang. Make me some lime of the
pgbo, Rafter, a large roof-beam, a
pagbult-an, Order, law, command,
will, regulation. Ang hgn sang bg-o
nga pagbult-an. The project or scope
of the new law. Madm nga mga
tinugyann nagabalbag, agd inng
pagbult-an nd mapakamayo. Many
representatives are making opposition, in
order that this law may not be approved.
(but). (cf. ley, kasogon).
pgi, A fish with a long bony tail, a kind of
paghit, Caus. of ghitto move, etc.
Ginpaghit nya ak sang sya. He ordered
me to move the chair. Pagihti ak sang
lamsa dir. Get somebody to shift the
table here for my convenience.

pagimw, To look out stealthily, etc. See

under gimw.
pagirm, Caus. of girmto protrude a
little, etc.
pagitb, Caus. of gitbto project, etc. (cf.
pagimw, pagirm).
pagiyn, Caus. of giyndesire, craving
pagka-, A prefix used like pag, but with
the difference that pagkais more used
with intransitive verbs, e.g. sang
pagkadl sang ya pnyo. When her
handkerchief was lost. But: sang
pagdl nya sang ya pnyo. When
she lost her handkerchief. pagka- is
also frequently employed in the formation
of abstract nouns, e.g. pagkalisd,
pagkasdya, pagkagayn,
pagkataohnon, etc.distress,
cheerfulnes, beauty, human nature, etc.
pagkabut-nan, Prudence,
circumspection, docility, tractability. (cf.
but, but-nan).
pagkabutng, Property, wealth, assets,
material possessions. (butng).
pagkadilmakinabudlyon, Aversion
to work, laziness. (cf. bdlay).
Indifference, carelessness, heedlessness,
(cf. pagkawalaymapinasapayann,
Heedlessness, indifference. (sapk).
pagkadmasinalypon, Infallibility.
Ingratitude, unthankfulness. (cf. blus).
pagkamatinimtimhon, Saving,
economy, livelihood. (cf. tim).
pagkamatod, Truth, verity, true
assertion. Sa pagkamatod, sa
pagkamatod, nagasilng ak sa nyo.
Verily, verily, I say unto you. (cf.
pagkon, Food, eatables, comestibles,
victuals, provisions, aliment, nutriment,
means of subsistence, articles of food. (cf.
pagkasampton, Accomplishments,
attainment, culture, refinement, education,
experience. (cf. smpat, sampton).
pagkataohnon, Human nature. (to
Indifferentism, indifference, carelessless,
unconcern, apathy. (cf. sapayn).
pagkawalysapk, Heedlessness, etc.
See pagkadilmasinapakn.
pagkawalytinn-an, Ignorance, want
of knowledge, state of being ignorant. (cf.
ton, tinn-an).
pgkit, To mark, sign, line with a pencil,
pen, or the like, list, enlist, check, tick off.
Ipgkit ang ya nglan sa kwadrno.
Mark down his name in the compositionbook. Pagkit ang nglan nga ginatawg.

Visayan-English Dictionary
Mark down the name that is being called
out. Pagkit sing lpis ang ya nglan.
Write down his name with a pencil (in
pagktan, Paper; list, index, anything to
be marked or written upon. (pgkit).
pgkot, To stick, or adhere to, be viscous,
viscid, glutinous, clammy, sticky; to paste
or glue, stick with paste or glue. (cf. pilt,
dokt, ragkt).
pg-on, To make or get strong, firm,
solid, to strengthen, reinforce, brace,
stiffen. Pag-on ang baly mo. Strengthen
your house. Nagpg-on si sang ya baly.
He made his house strong. Nagpg-on na
ang ya baly, kay ginkayo sang pnday.
His house is now strong for it was repaired
by the carpenter. Ginpg-on nil ang la
nga kabubt-on. They made up their
minds firmly. Napag-onn ak sinng
baly. This house seems strong to me. (cf.
pgpag, Dishevelled, disarranged,
ruffled, rumpled, in disorder; to be
dishevelled, etc. Pgpag ang bohk nya
ornagapgpag ang bohk nya. Her hair
is dishevelled. Ind ka magpapgpag sang
bohk nmo. Dont rumple your hair. (cf.
bkag, bukgkag, burungyngay,
pgrus, Strong, muscular; to do with
force or strength; to be or become strong,
firm, robust. (cf. bkud, purs, hmrus).
pgsi, To be quick, nimble, blithe, swift,
move with a sudden jerk, etc. See lksi.
pgsik, See pgsi id.
pgsiw, See pgsyua dish of meat, etc.
pagsogk, A bamboo mouse-trap.
pagsolndan, What is to be or should be
followed, rule of conduct, regulation,
maxim, standard or guide of life, example.
(cf. sund).
pgsuk, To thrust, drive hard down, ram
in. (cf. bgsok, pgsak, bgsak, psdak).
pgsyu, A dish of meat prepared with
vinegar, salt and various spices, a sort of
pagtoln-an, Doctrine, dogma, teaching,
principles of action, authoritative views or
declarations, teaching, instruction,
direction, exposition. (cf. ton).
pagtolohan, Creed, belief, article of
Faith, that which is to be believed.
Bantayn nnyo ang bnwa, agd nga dl
pagsalakyon sang pagtolohan nga
butg. Watch over your town, lest false
doctrine should find an entrance. (cf. to).
pgtung, To scorch, burn, heat. (cf.
bagng, nit, pgba).
pagtod, An upright, straight post,
vertical beam or spar in a partition. Also
used as a verb. Pagtudi ang mo baly
kag dingdingn mo. Put uprights to your
house and make the partition walls.
pagub, To let, make, or cause to,
destroy, break down, pull down, etc.

pagktan pagw
Pagb-a (Paguba) na lang ang mo
baly. Have your house pulled down.
Paguba lang ang pnday sang mo
balyoripagub na lang sa pnday
ang mo baly. Let the carpenter break
(pull) down your house. (pa, gub).
paglngan, From pagulng.
pagulng, A clod-breaker, clod-crusher;
a wooden agricultural implement used for
breaking-up clods of earth as well as for
shifting the upper stratum of soil from one
part of the field to another; to level a piece
of ground or a hillside by means of the
pagulng. Dt nga pinaglngan.
Ground that has been levelled.
Mapagulng kit sinng bnglid. Let us
break up and level this hillside. (cf.
pgung, A leafy branch or stalk, frond.
(cf. pklang).
pagnting, To have, let, or order, the
hair to be cut; to have, let, or order
anything to be cut by means of a pair of
scissors. Pagunting si Hos sang kon
bohk. Order Jos to cut my hair. Let Jos
cut my hair. Mapagnting pa ko nay. I
will have my hair cut first. Ipagnting ko
sa mo ang bohk sinng bt. I want you
to cut this boys hair. Pagunting sa ya
inng hnero. Let him cut off a piece of this
cloth with the scissors. (pa, gnting).
pagnum, To darken, obscure. Ang mga
gl-um nagapagnum sang lngit. The
clouds are darkening the sky. (pa, gnum).
pagur, To let one do as one pleases; to
let another eat, drink etc. as much as he
likes. Pagura sil sing laya. Let them eat
as much boiled meat as they like.
pagus, To have ones will, do to ones
hearts content, do as one pleases.
Nagapagus gid lang si sa
paghingyang sing madm nga plak.
He wastes much money on whims and
fancies. Nagpagus sil sa pagpntas sa
to nga la nadakp. They tortured the
man they caught till their cruelty was sated.
They wreaked their anger on the man they
caught. (cf. patyang, pasamyang).
pagusb, See pagus.
pagusb, To make worse, exert an evil
influence upon, especially applied to
various foods that make skin-diseases
worse. Ang sd nga hur nagpagusb
sang ya katl. The rotten fish made his
skin-disease katl worse.
pagspus, To beat, strike, belabour (with
many blows in quick succession); to pour
down heavily (of drenching rain). (cf.
pkpok, bkbok; tartri).
pagsto, To do ones own will, consult
ones own pleasure or wishes, do what one
likes, put no restraint on oneself. Pagsto
lang kam. Just do as you like. You are
perfectly at liberty to do what you please.
Ind mo sil pagpagustohn. Dont allow
them to have their own way. (pa, gsto).

pgut, Great anger, rage, frenzy, fury,

wrath, towering passion; to rave, be angry,
furious, wild. Nagamtamt na si sang
pgut. He graduallywaxed very hot,
became furious. Nagapgut si. He is
furious. He is in a tearing rage. Ginpagtan
nya ak. He was furiously angry with me.
Ind ka magpgut. Dont get wild or angry.
Dont bluster. (cf. mgut, sngkal, kig).
pagtput, A puff, hiss, the sound
produced by the escaping of condensed air
or steam; to expel air or steam with a dull
noise, to puff, hiss; to break wind. (cf.
ptput, utt).
paguy, Look, gaze, mien; to look, gaze.
(cf. guy, pauyahn, pamat).
paguy, To show the face or best side of a
thing, to display to advantage, put the best
or nicest (wares, fruits, etc.) in the front or
paguy-gya, Diversion, holiday;
display; to have a good time, go in search of
pleasure or amusement, to divert oneself.
Din ka makdto?A, makdto ak sa
pagpaguygya. A, nagapaguygya
lang ak. Where are you going to?Oh, I
am just looking for some diversion. I am
just going to see if there is any fun going
on. (cf. guyguya).
pagyguy, Caus. of gyguyto drag,
haul, etc.
pagyud, Caus. of gyud. To let,
make, order to, haul or drag along, etc.
Paguyra ang karabw sang kawyan.
Let the buffalo pull the bamboo. Paguyra
na lang ak sang kon pil ka paggyud
ang kinahnglan mo pa tbtub nga
mabus pagdal dir sa mo baly ang
duh ka gats ka naht nga kawyan. Let
me now haul in as many hauls as you may
need yet to complete the job of bringing
here to your house the two hundred pieces
of bamboo. Ho, ipagyud ko sa mo, kon
magkasugtnay kit sa nahanungd sang
shol nga ibyad ko sa mo. Yes, I will get
you to haul in (the bamboo), if we can come
to an agreement about how much I have to
pay you for the freightage. Sa tpus ang
tgsa ka paggyud papahuya ang
karabw kay nd si mapagyud sing
lngkoy. After each haul give the buffalo a
rest, because it cannot be made to haul
continuously (without a break).
pagw, To let or order to go off, remove,
send away, turn out, cast out; expel, eject,
evict, drive out, throw out, put on the stage,
produce, show, give a performance.
Pagwa ang id sa simbhan. Drive the
dog out of the church. Ginpagw sang pr
ang mga bt nga nagahib sa suld sang
simbhan. The priest sent the children out
that were crying in church. Pagwa ak
sing ttlo ka naht nga tabk. Put out
three cigars for me. Ipagw ang ting mo
nga l nga tabk. Bring out your hidden
best cigars. Bus magapagw sil sang
bg-o nga talan-won nga sinult ni


pha pahangp
Fulno. To-morrow they will stage the new
play written by N.N. (pa, gw).
pha, (Sp. faja) Girdle, belt, sash, band,
bandage; to wear or use a belt, etc.
Nagapha si. He wears a belt. Ginpha
nya ang kon pha. He wore my belt.
Pahi (pahhi) ang bt. Put a belt on the
boy. Ipha lang inng lbid. Just use this
string for a belt. (cf. wgkos, wklos).
pahbok, To loosen up earth, etc., cause
to expand or swell; to hill (a plant).
Pahabka ang dt. Loosen up the earth.
Pahabka ang talng. Pahabki ang
talng sing dt. Loosen up the soil
around the eggplants. Ipahbok ak sang
balkhan sang bboy. Blow up the pigs
bladder for me. Be kind enough to inflate
the pigs bladder for me. Ginpahbok nya
sa kon inng dt. He ordered me to
loosen up this ground. (pa, hbok).
pahbug, (B) Caus. of hbugto throw
away, thrust, fling or hurl away. Ipahbug
inng sgbot sa sub. Have this rubbish
thrown into the river. (cf. pilk, haby).
pahdluk, To frighten, scare, intimidate,
horrify, overawe, make afraid, alarm,
dismay, affright, terrify, terrorize, cow,
daunt, raise apprehensions, inspire or
excite fear, put in fear. Pahadluk ang
bt. Make the child afraid. Ipahdluk sa
ya ang id, ang inpirno, etc. Frighten
him with the dog, with hell, etc.
Ginpahdluk nya ang bt, agd
maghpus. He intimidated the child to
make it quiet. (pa, hdluk).
pahagn-hgan, To make easier,
assuage, mitigate, alleviate, soothe, allay,
comfort, soften, palliate, relieve, moderate.
Pahagnhagna ang ya nga kalisd.
Assuage her grief. Console her in her
distress. Ipahagnhgan sa ya nga
kasub inng mayo nga balt. Soothe her
sorrow with this good news. Ang bulng
nga gindpat sang mdiko
nagpahagnhgan sang ya sakt. The
remedy applied by the doctor eased
(lessened) her pain. (pa, hagnhgan).
pahgyon, Caus. of hgyonto swing
the arms, etc.
pahgyon-mtlang, (A modern term)
Consonant. (cf. mathag-mtlangvowel).
pahk, A piece, tear, rent, rip, split, crack,
chink, fissure; torn, rent, fissured, broken,
ripped, sundered, split, burst, riven,
cracked. (cf. phak).
phak, To tear, rend, sunder, rip, split,
burst, rive, crack. Naphak ang kon
delrgo. My trousers were torn. Ginphak
nya ang ya patdyong. She tore her skirt.
Pahka lang inng dan nga tabungs,
kay bularn ko sing humy. Rip open this
old tabungs-basket, for I will use it to
spread and dry rice upon.
pahla, To urge on, to quicken, etc.
Pahalha si Hos sang karabw. Tell Jos
to make the buffalo go quicker (by shouting


Visayan-English Dictionary
hal to the buffalo) in order to make him
walk fast). (pa, hla), (cf. padal).
pahlab, (H) To let graze, feed, browse,
crop the grass, to pasture, etc. Pahalba
ang mga karnro. Drive the sheep to
pasture. Pasture the sheep. Ipahlab inng
hilamn sa mga knding. Let the goats
feed on this grass. Pahlbi inng talmnan
sang mga bka. Let the cattle graze in this
pahalandumnan, Memorial,
commemoration. (cf. palanumdumnan).
pahaly, Caus. of halyto put (clothes,
etc.) on a line, etc.
pahaly-hlay, To lie down lazily or
comfortably without sleeping, stretch ones
limbs, rest in a recumbent or half-reclining
position, recline comfortably in a chair or
on the floor, etc. Nagpahalyhlay si sa
salg sang palyas sang ya baly. He was
lying comfortably on the floor of his
balcony. (cf. haly).
pahaln, To send off (away), dismiss
discharge, expel, eject, turn out, evict, oust,
sack, give the sack to, to fire, remove, order
to go away. Pahalin sil. Send them off,
turn them out, make them go away, order
them to leave. Ginpahaln nya ang
matmad nga sologon. He sent away
(sacked, fired) the lazy servant. Pahalin si
sang ya mga malut nga kaupdnan.
Remove from him bad companions. Ang
kuymibnwa nga nagpaltug sing is ka
gats ka mngmang pinahaln na sa ya
palngakon. The Municipal Treasurer
that had embezzled the sum of one
hundred pesos was dismissed from office.
(cf. haln, pahilay, paway, pagw).
pahlin, Caus. of hlinto shift, remove
to another site, etc.
pahlmok, To soften, make pliable or
supple. Pahalmok ang tabk. Soften the
tobacco-leaves. Ipahlmok sa tabk inng
mga dhon sang lmboy. Use these
lumboy-leaves to make the tobacco soft.
(pa, hlmok).
pahalphop, To let or order to cook only
a small quantity of rice. Pahalophop ang
ditay nga bugs. Have the small measure
of rice cooked. Pahalophop ak sing
bugs. Let a little rice be cooked for me.
Nagpahalphop si sing is ka pdyot nga
bugs nga maput sa masakt. He had a
little white rice boiled for the sick person.
(pa, halphop).
pahmak, To slight, belittle, ignore,
think but little about, care little for,
disregard, take no notice of, not to heed.
Ind mo pagpahamkan ang mo dungg,
ang mga sg sang Dios, etc. Dont be
careless of (ignore or neglect) your
reputation, the commandments of God, etc.
Ginpahamkan gid nya ang mayo nga
mga lygay sang ya giniknan. He
disregarded (spurned) the good advice of
his parent. (pa, hmak).

pahmbog, To boast, brag, vaunt. Ang

hmbog nagapahmbog. The braggart
boasts. Ind ka magpahmbog. Dont
boast. (pa, hmbog).
pahmtang, To put or place, put in
order, arrange well, assign a place for, set
in, or reduce to, order. Pahamtang ang
mga sya sa slas. Arrange the chairs in
the reception-room. Ginpahmtang sang
Dis ang to sa kalibtan. God placed man
in the world. Pahamtang si sing
pagkon. Have some food placed before
him. (pa, hmtang).
pahamot, To please, content, delight,
gratify, satisfy, gain ones good will, give or
afford pleasure, be pleasing to, give
satisfaction, make a good impression. Ang
wal sing pagto nd makapahamot sa
Dis. Those without Faith cannot please
God. Ipahamot mo sa Dis ang mo mga
buluhatn sa pagdal sa gihpon sing
mayo nga katuyon. Make your work
pleasing to God by constantly forming a
good intention. Sa wal sing pagto nd
mahmo ang pagpahamot sa Dis.
Without Faith it is impossible to please
God. (cf. hamot).
pahamt, To scent, perfume, cause to
smell agreeably. Pahamut ang kon
pny. Scent my handkerchief. Put some
perfume on my handkerchief. Also noun:
Perfume, scent. Butangn mo sing
pahamt ang kon mga panpton sa bal.
Put some scent on my clothes in the trunk.
pahany-hnay, To be at rest, be at
ease; be lazy or indolent. Ang ya lyag
am gid lang ang pagpatwhay kag
pagpahanyhnay. What he likesis
peace and comfort,is tranquillity and
ease. (cf. pahway).
pahngin, To hang out, put, dry or air in
the wind, to winnow. Pahangni ang
linnas nga humy. Winnow the trodden
rice. Pinahangnan na ang mo humy?
Has your rice been winnowed yet? Sn-o
kam mapahngin sang nyo humy?
When are you going to winnow your rice?
(pa, hngin).
pahangn, To wish, desire, long for,
hanker after. Nagapahangn si nga
masot, matbad, makigway, etc. He
wishes to dance, longs to be present at the
banquet, is anxious for a fight, etc.
pahangn-hngin, To take the air, walk
or travel in the open, go out for a breath of
fresh air. Mapahangnhngin, kit. Let us
take the air. Nagapahangnhngin si
sang ya lwas sa wto. He is taking an
airing by a ride in the auto.
Pahangnhangni ang bt. Take the baby
out into the open air. (pa, hangnhngin).
pahangp, Caus. of hangpto
understand, comprehend, etc. But nya
ipahangp sa kon nga (ang). He
wants me to believe, to understand, to take
it that.

Visayan-English Dictionary
pahnhan, To let a meal settle, to take a
little rest after a meal. Pahnhan ang
pinanyga mo kag ugling daynon mo
ang mo paglakt. Allow your dinner to
settle and then continue your walk. (pa,
pahannot, To be elastic, stretchable,
extensible, ductile, be capable of being
drawn out, to admit of being stretched
without breaking. Ang lstiko
nagapahannot. An elastic band can be
stretched. Also used metaphorically: Inng
sologon mayo, kay nagapahannot gid
lang si sa tann nga isg mo sa ya.
This is a good servant, for he is willing to
do everything you order him.
pahntup, Caus. of hntupto grasp,
perceive, etc. (cf. pahangp).
pahangut, Permission, leave, sanction,
permit, liberty, license, authority,
authorization, warrant; to allow, permit,
let, license, authorize sanction, suffer, leave
one free to, give (grant)permission,
leave. Ang wal sing pahangut nd
makasuld dir. Without permission one
cannot enter there. May pahangut na ak
sa. I have now a permit to. I am
now allowed (authorized) to.
Pahanugti (pahangti) si sa pagdaw
sa ya tyo. Allow him (Grant him leave) to
visit his uncle. Ipahangut na lang sa ya
ang ya ginapangy. Grant him his
petition (request). (cf. tgut, hangut).
pahanmdum, Caus. of hanmdum. To
remind, put in mind, bring to mind, jog the
memory, make remember, cause to
remember or to recollect. Inng tab
nagapahanmdum sa ton nga. This
event reminds us that. Ipahanmdum
mo sa ya nga. Let him bear in mind
that. Draw his attention to the fact
that. Ginapahanmdum ko sa nyo
ang ginasilng sang madm nga. I
remind you of what is said by many
that. Pahanumdum si sin. Let him
remember (think of) that. (cf. dmdum).
pahanngdan, From pahanungd.
Also: Attributes, relations, connections,
merits, desert, things that refer or pertain
to. (cf. palahanngdan, kalabtnan).
pahanungd, To attribute, refer to, put
down to, ascribe to, assign as a cause or
motive. Ipahanungd mo lang sa tub ang
ya nga agrt, kay nakainm si sing
laks. Simply attribute his nonsensical talk
to the tub, for he has drunk too much.
(tungd). (cf. pabangd).
pahs, Caus. of hsto trick, fool, etc.
Also: to allow oneself to be fooled, be
amenable to flattery, etc.
phat, Share, division, part, lot, portion,
allotment; to divide, share, partition, allot,
portion out. Pil ang phat mo sa humy
nga mo ingsa? What is your share of the
rice you produced on your leasehold? Is
ka an ang phat mo sinng mga sd?

pahnhan pahlot
What is your share of this fish? How much
of this fish falls to you (to your share)?
paht-phat, Dim. and Freq. of phat
to share, divide. Pahatpahton nnyo sing
matrung ang kinabudlyan kag ang
kasaplidnan. Make a fair division of your
work and profit.
pahal, To return, give back, reimburse,
restore, compensate, make restitution;
recuperate, recover. Magpahal ka sa ya
sang kinwat mooripahal mo sa ya
ang kinwat mo. Give back to him what
you stole from him. Mapaliwlwa si
bus pakdto sa bkid sa pagpahal sang
ya lwas. To-morrow he is going on a
vacation to the mountains to recuperate his
strength. (cf. l).
pahum, Caus. of homto shut, close.
Also: to combine, join, accompany (a song
on the piano, or the like). Pahama si Hos
sang ganghan. Ipahum sa kay Hos ang
ganghan. Let Jos close the door.
pahw, Causative of hwto make
room, etc. Pahawa ang mga to. Let the
people make way. Order the people to
make room. Tell the people to get out of the
pahawt-hawt, To shock, stun, cause
consternation or trembling. (cf.
pahway, Causative of hway. To show,
etc. Pahawyi ak sang prmyo nga mo
nabtonoripahway sa kon ang
prmyo nga mo nabton. Show me the
prize you received. Ginpahway nya ang
matahm nga mga pnggan kag bso
sang dlaw nga pista. He brought forth
his beautiful plates and glasses on the
feast-day. Nagapahway na ang bt. The
baby is showing off, holding forth, i.e. is
making its first essays (at standing,
walking, etc.).
pahyag, Announcement, manifestation,
manifesto, declaration, statement, notice,
report, information; to show, make clear,
expose, indicate, point out, enlighten
another, makesee,evident,manifest,
apparent, demonstrate, reveal, disclose,
manifest, exhibit, declare. Ipahyag mo sa
kon ang mo katarngan. Pahaygi ak
sang mo katarngan. Explain to me your
reason. Let me hear your argument. May
igapahyag ak sa mo. I must tell you
something. Kon may pahyag ikw
ipahyag sa mon. If you have to give out
a statement, let us know. (cf. hyag,
hayg, pahibal, pangsoy, panysay,
phi, (Sp. paje) Page, valet, cabin-boy. (cf.
sologon, batbt).
ph, A kind of black shrimp, river-lobster.
(cf. pasyan, lokn).
pahbag, To cause a quarrel, egg on, set
on, instigate, provoke, let or incite to
quarrel or fight. Ind mo pagpahibgon
ang mga kabyo. Dont allow the horses to

fight. Dont incite the horses to fight.

(papas id.).
pahibal, pahbalo, (H) Notice,
announcement, information, statement,
news, report, advice; to tell, make known,
inform, announce, acquaint with, impart,
apprize, advise, notify, intimate, bring or
send word. Ipahibal mo sa ya nga.
Inform him that. Pahibalo si sang
pagabt dir sang ya amy. Make known
to him (let him know of, tell him of) the
arrival here of his father. Nalipatn ko ang
pagpahibal sa mo sin (Nalipatn ko
ikw sa pagpahibal sin). I forgot to tell
you that. (cf. hibal, pasyod, paabso,
pahyag, palam).
phid, To wipe, clean, dry, dust,
with a cloth, remove dust, etc. by gentle
rubbing; to efface, obliterate. Pahri ang
ltok. Wipe the table. Iphid sa ltok inng
nag. Use this cloth to wipe the table with.
(cf. pnas).
pahdlaw, Caus. of hdlaw. Also used
sarcastically in the meaning: How naughty,
bad, mischievous or the like. Pahdlaw
sinng bt! Oh, what a naughty boy! What
a nuisance this boy is!
pahdl, See pahdlaw in its sarcastic
pahigl, To be in heat, under sexual
excitement, lustful, to rut, said of female
animals and also applied to women of evil
repute. Inng kabyo nagapahigl. This
mare is in heat. (pa, higl).
pahilabt, To meddle in, interfere, take
part in, butt in, thrust oneself in, intrude,
interpose, put ones finger in the pie, poke
ones nose in. Put ones oar in. Ind mo
pagpahilbtan yanng mga butng. Dont
meddle in those things. Nagpahilabt gal
si sa am nga kasb? Did he indeed take
part in that lawsuit? (pa, hi, lbut). (cf.
pahilay To remove to a far distance, put
far away. See palay.
pahilt, To withdraw, retire, go aside, go
to the edge or rim or outer side of, be of
retired habits, lead a retired life; to put
aside, etc. Pahilt kaormagpahilt ka.
Step aside. Withdraw to the side. Stand
aside. Nagpahilt si sa bkid. He
withdrew to the mountains. Ipahilt mo
ang sya. Put the chair away. (pa, hilt).
pahilng-hilng, To snooze, fall asleep,
take forty winks, slumber; let another take
a short nap. Sa tpus ang panyga
nagapahilnghilng si. After dinner he
usually takes a short nap.
Papahilnghilong si. Let him snooze a
pahlot, To let massage, go to a massagist,
to have kneaded, rubbed, slapped, pressed,
stroked. Mapahlot ak sa manughilt
tungd sang kon skmat. I will go to see
the massagist about my rheumatism in the
back. Pahilta ang mdiko sang mo bal
nga batis. Let the doctor massage your


pahlum, pahilm paban

broken leg. Ipahlot mo sa manugblung
ang mo bt nga masakt. Let your sick
child be massaged by the doctor. (pa,
pahlum, pahilm, Caus. of hlum,
hilmto guess, etc. (cf. past-um,
pamy-om, palgpat).
pahimnsag, Caus. of himnsagto
solemnize, celebrate, keep, hold (a
memorial service or memorial day, etc.), to
praise, honour, exalt. Pahimansag
(ipahimnsag) ang handumnan sa kay
Risl. Celebrate the memorial day in
honour of Rizal. Solemnize the Rizal
memorial day. (cf. bnsag).
pahimatayn, The waning moon, the
last quarter of the moon; the end of the last
quarter of the moon, the last phase of the
moon. (cf. paty; latnew moon;
pahimnong, To be or become quiet,
still, noiseless, motionless, keep still.
Pahimnong or magpahimnong kam.
Be quiet. Dont move or stir or make a
noise. Papahimunnga ang mga bt.
Make the children keep quiet. (pa,
pahimyong, See pahimnong.
pahn, Caus. of hn. To lessen, make
scarce, decrease, cause to fall off (sales,
income, etc.).
pahna, To live, get a living, work for a
living. An ang ya nga pahna? What does
he live by? How does he earn his
livelihood? (cf. pangt).
pahinkaw, To impute, charge with,
theft, call one a thief. (cf. tkaw).
pahirng-hirng, To snooze, etc. See
pahilnghilng. (cf. patulgtulg).
paht, Ways, means, contrivance; to find
ways and means, to contrive, make efforts
or take steps to accomplish. Nagapaht pa
si, agd makakt sing mga galasthon
sa ya baly. He is still trying to get the
wherewithal to pay for his house. Pahita
na gid ang pagpatndog sang mo bg-o
nga baly. Make serious efforts now to
build your new house. (cf. padhut).
pahit-ht, Dim. and Freq. of pahto.
Ways, means, contrivance, efforts,
machinations, dealings, transaction, artful
design. (cf. padihtan).
pahya, pahiy-hya, Drudgery hard
work, occupation; to keep busy, give much
to do, bother, molest, pester. (cf. hya).
ph, (H) The mango-tree and its fruit.
(cf. mngga).
pahan, (H) Full of mangoes. Lugar nga
pahan. A place where mangoes grow in
abundance. To nga pahan. One rich in
mangoes, possessing many mango trees.
pahng-pahng, Regard, formality,
consideration; to be formal, polite,
considerate. (cf. pamahngpahng).


Visayan-English Dictionary
pahus, To put off till tomorrow; to
postpone, procrastinate. Ind mo
pagpabuasn ang mo mabhat karn.
Dont put off till tomorrow what you can do
to-day. (pa, bus).
pahay, To rest, take a rest, rest oneself,
repose, pause, enjoy a lull,a respite.
Nagapahay na sil. They are now taking
a rest. They are resting (themselves).
Magpahay sil sa paghidit. May they
rest in peace. Papahuya ang kabyo. Give
the horse a rest. (pahway id.).
pahubs, To dry up water, to evaporate,
vaporize i.e. to cause to evaporate. Ang
hngin nagapahubs sang tbig. The wind
dries up water. Pinahbsan sang
tingdlaw ang mon wang. Our well was
dried up by the hot weather. Pahbsi ang
ting-ang. Let the water of the boiling rice
evaporate. Pahbsa ang tbig. Evaporate
the water. Let the water boil all away. (pa,
pahubg, To make drunk, intoxicate,
inebriate, fuddle. Ind mo si
pagpahgbon. Dont make him drunk.
Mga ilmnon nga nagapahubg. Alcoholic
drinks, intoxicating beverages, strong
drinks. (pa, hubg).
pahubt, To make draw, draw with an
effort, puff; to quicken, accelerate.
Nagapahubt si sang ya nga tabk.
Hes puffing at his cigar. Pahubut ang mo
tabk, agd nd mapaty. Pull at your
cigar, lest it should go out. (cf. pakrbot).
phug, To intimidate, inculcate fear,
inspire with fear, menace, scare, threaten,
alarm, startle, strike fear in, put in fear,
frighten. Pahga si. Intimidate (menace)
him. Iphug sa ya ang bastn. Threaten
him with the stick. Ginphug nya ang
mga bt sa pagsilng sa la nga hanton
sil kon nd sil magpahimyong. He
made the children afraid by telling them
that they would get a whipping, if they did
not keep quiet. (cf. pahdluk).
pahugw, To let off steam, to let steam
or odours escape from a closed receptacle.
Pahugaw ang ting-ang. Let the steam of
the boiling rice escape. (pa, hugw). (cf.
pahungw, pasungw id.).
pahgaw, To lessen the pressure of, ease,
mitigate, allay, comfort, moderate, assuage,
alleviate. Pahugwa ang ya kaskit. Allay
his grief. Ipahgaw sa ya kasub ang
mga nagakasarsr nga
kalingwlingwan. Ease her sorrow by
various distractions or diversions. (pa,
pahgn, To stop, or prevent, a hen from
brooding. Pahugna inng mung. Dont
allow this hen to brood. Ginapahgn ang
mga mung sa (kon) tingdlaw. Hens are
prevented from breeding (by taking their
eggs away) during the dry season. (cf.
pahulm, (H) To loan, lend, advance,
accommodate with, let borrow. Pahulam

ak sing kwrtaoripahulm sa kon

ang mo kwrta. Lend me your money.
Grant me a loan of money. Pahulam si
sing kwrta. Let him havea loan,some
money on loan,borrow some money of
you. (pa, hulm).
pahuls, To make easy, facilitate, render
easy. Ginpahuls sang uln ang pagardo.
The rain made ploughing easy, less
difficult, lessened the labour of ploughing.
Pahulas ang paggi sang kngga. Make
the passage for the cart easy. Ang is ka
mayo nga kapulngan nagapahuls sang
pagton sang (dumulong) lusnon nga
hmbal. A good dictionary makes the study
of a foreign language easy. (cf. pahaps,
pa, huls).
pahlas, Caus. of hlas. Pahulsa ang
mga bt sing humy. Order the boys to
dry rice (over the fire).
pahulasn, Place where, apparatus in
which, a thing is heated or warmed or
evaporated; kettle, cauldron, boiler.
Pahulasn-tbig. Steam boiler. (cf. hlas).
pahumbya, See pasumpya.
pahunn, Capital, stock, assets.
pahunnan, Capitalist; stockholder.
pahuny, (B) To take breath, to take a
rest in order to get back ones breath, take a
breathing spell, said of one out of breath or
completely exhausted or dead-beat.
Nagapahuny si sang ya ginhwa. He is
getting back his breath.
pahuw-hwa, To fill the mouth (as
with a big cigar); to smoke big cigars. (cf.
padangl, padungl).
pahway, See pahayto rest, etc.
pahyab, To disperse, scatter, cause to
run or scamper off, stampede, to speed,
cause to run swiftly, drive with great
velocity. Pahuyba ang mga bt. Drive
the boys away. Ginpahyab nya ang mga
kabyo. He stampeded the horses.
Pahuyba ang but sa mo bt sa
pagpakon sa ya sing ling nga mnggo
nga wal sing asn. Try to cure your childs
smallpox by feeding it on boiled monggo
with salt. Kumulb ang trak, kay
ginpahyab sing laks sang tsper. The
truck turned turtle, because the chauffeur
drove it too fast. (pa, hyab).
paibbaw, Upwards, towards what is
above, above, up above, on high, up aloft;
to lift, hoist, raise, upraise,
elevate, uplift, heave, put,
something higher or above something else.
(pa, ibbaw).
paibabw, To wish to be above others, be
arrogant, proud, haughty, overbearing,
overweening, supercilious, contemptuous,
insolent, impertinent. But si
magpaibabw. He is arrogant. He wishes
(wants) to be exalted above others. (cf.
paibbaw, palabw, pabugl; paidalm
to be lowly, etc.).
paban, Caus. of banto diminish, etc.

Visayan-English Dictionary
paibk, (B) To scarcely stir, to sit still, to
look about quietly. Nagapaibk gid lang
si sa bid. He sits in the corner without
stirring. He looks quietly on. (cf.
pahimyong, pabnok, hpus).
pabok, Caus. of bokto root (of pigs); to
stir, etc.
pabug, Caus. of bugto covet, etc.
pabwal, Caus. of bwalto shoot up (of a
flame, etc.).
paidlum, Downwards, down, below,
under, underneath, beneath, towards a
lower or deeper place; to lower, depress,
degrade, let down, put down, go to a lower
place. (cf. idlum).
paidalm, To submit, be lowly, be
humble, yield, defer to, be subservient. (cf.
pag, To fit, join or adapt well, to suit;
conform, make agreeable to. Paiga ang
is ka tp sa is. Join the boards well, one
to the other. Ginpag nya ang ya
pangabh sa mga batsan ddto sdto
nga lugr. He conformed his manner of
living to the customs of that place. (pa,
pagod, To shift or push along. Paigra
ang sya. Move the chair. Ipagod ang sya
ddto. Push the chair over there. (pa, god).
paig-g, Dim. and Freq. of g.
pihud, A kind of tree and its timber
much used in housebuilding. (pyhud id.).
pakit, To bring or put close together,
close up, make compact, lessen the space
between, pack, put nearer each other,
squeeze together. (pa, kit).
paklip, See paplokto duck, dodge, etc.
pal, To charm, captivate, allure, entice,
attract, fascinate, enchant, draw attention;
to flirt, play the coquette. (pa, l).
pail-l, Dim. and Freq. of pal. Ang
ibn nga mga dalga nagapail-l gid sa
tann nga pagtinipntpon. Some girls
play the coquette at every gathering.
pail-la, To be selfish, look out for
themselves alone. (cf. la).
pailwod, (H) To go down river, etc. (cf.
pailawd, (H) See pailwod with the
difference that pailwod supposes a
greater distance than pailawd. (cf.
pailay, (H) See pailya with the
difference that pailya supposes a greater
distance than pailay. (cf. ilay, ilya).
pailya, (H) To go away from the sea or
coastline, to goinland,up-stream,into
the interior,up-river; in the direction
away from the sea. Nagpailya si. He
went inland or towards the mountains.
Din ang baly mo?Pailya or sa ilya.
Where do you live?In the direction of the
mountains, inland. (pa, ilya).
palig, To let or make flow. Pailga ang
tbig. Make or let the water flow. Pailgi
sing tbig ang kon um. Irrigate my land,

paibk painm
let the water overflow (flow over) my land,
flood my land. Water my field. (cf. lig).
pailg, A kind of fish-trap used in rivers,
fish-weir, fish-garth. (cf. pasub; punta
large fish-corral).
palis, To change, substitute, change for
another, put in the place of, replace, make
room for somebody else, to let or make
change. Ginpalis sang manugdumla si
Fulno sa kay Hos. The manager replaced
Jos by N.N. Mapalis, kon, inng pols.
This policeman, it is rumoured, will let
somebody else take his place. Ginpaslan or
pinaslan sang mga punon ang sanitryo
sa kay Fulno. The authorities put N.N. in
the place of the sanitary inspector. (pa,
pailm, To blacken, darken, etc. Caus. of
ilm. (cf. paitm, paalm).
palub, To bear patiently or humbly, to
brook, suffer, stand, undergo, endure.
Pailba ang mga kalisd, ang mo
balatan, etc. Bear difficulties, your illness,
etc., patiently. Ginpalub nya ang tann
sa dak nga pagkamapainubson. He
bore everything very humbly. He bore it all
with great humility. Pailbi si. Have
patience with him. Bear with him. (cf. lub,
bats, ntus, ro).
pama, (B) To excite a desire or longing
for, attract, allure, entice, captivate, whet
the appetite, cause a liking for. (pa, ma).
paim-ma, (B) Dim. and Freq. of
paim-im, (B) To show, let be seen,
wear, display, expose to view, exhibit, sport
(new clothes, jewels, etc. with the intention
of exciting admiration, etc.); (cf.
pan, What has been segregated, separated
or detached; separate, set apart, put on one
side, put aside. Is ka pan sang humy. A
quantity of rice taken from (set apart from)
a common heap. (cf. pin).
pin, Separation, isolation, privacy,
segregation, aside. Hambaln mo si sa
pin or sing pin. Talk to him privately,
speak to him when he is alone or when the
conversation cannot be overheard by
others. Take him aside and speak to him.
pin, To separate, isolate, keep apart,
take, set, aside (on one side), segregate,
select, put or set apart. Panon mo ang
mga kabatan sa mga pamatn-on.
Separate the children from the grown-ups.
Ginpin nya ang bnh sa humy nga
balyhon. He separated the seed-grain
from the rice that is to be pounded. Pani
ak sing napl ka blog nga mayo nga
ph. Set me apart ten nice mangoes. Ang
mga punon dpat magpapin sang mga
lalki kag babye sa mga buluthan. The
authorities should order that boys and girls
are kept apart in the schools. (cf. bulg,
painds-ndis, To compete, contest,
contend for, vie with, strive for with

somebody else; competition, contest, race,

match. Nagapaindsndis sil sa
pagdalgan, sa paglmpat, sa paglangy,
etc. They are having a contest in running,
jumping, swimming, etc. Paindsindis sil
sa pagpangt sing madm nga mga
umalamt. Let them vie with each other in
finding many contributors or subscribers.
Ipaindsndis sa la ang pagbhat sing is
ka matahm nga balybay. Let them
compete for the making of a beautiful
poem. Let them see which of them can
compose the most beautiful poem. Ang
makadag sa paindsndis magabton
sing is ka isullat nga bulwan. The
winner in the competition will receive a
golden pen. (pa, indsndis).
paings-ngas, To show a desire or
liking for, betray eagerness for, to be full of
hope or longing, to stand by with wishful
(wistful) eyes in the hope of receiving an
invitation, gift, etc. Sang paghgad ko kay
Hos nga magupd sa kon pakdto sa
Ilnglong nagapaings-ngas si Pdro.
When I invited Jos to go with
(accompany) me to Iloilo, Pedro stood by
with longing eyes (expecting an invitation
too). (cf. pahangn).
paingt, To be bad-tempered, querulous,
morose, complaining, discontented, sulky,
fretful, ill-humoured, cross, petulant,
peevish. Dyon gid lang si nagapaingt.
He is always complaining or discontented.
(pasingt id.).
pangod, Caus. of ngod. To let
stand, near, to, atthe side of, etc.
Ind ka magpangod sa ya. Dont let him
go near you.
panit, To heat, make hot, warm, warm
up. Painta ang tbig. Make the water hot.
Heat (warm) the water. (pa, nit).
paint-int, paint-nit, Dim. and Freq.
of panit.
painno, To deliberate, think over,
ponder, consider, meditate upon, weigh,
reflect, cogitate, reason out, ratiocinate;
ratiocination, consideration, thought,
mind. Paininha sing mayo ang mo
mga buluhatn. Ponder well what you have
to do. Am in ang hunhn nga
nagalaby sa kon painno. That was the
thought that crossed my mind, that came
into my head. Paininhon ko pa in
karn sa gb-i kag bus ugling sbton ko
ikw. I will think over that to-night and tomorrow I will let you have my answer. Ang
ya painno wal mahmtang sing
nagakag. He is out of his mind. He is not
quite normal, not quite right in his senses.
(cf. panmdum, pamalndong, basbso,
painm, To give to drink. Pamna si.
Give him a drink. Pamni sa ya inng bno.
Let him have a drink of this wine. Ipainm
sa ya inng gtas. Make him drink this
milk. (pa, inm).


paip-ip, paipip pk-ad

paip-ip, paipip, To squeeze, jam,
press, crush, crowd, pack, together,
to compress, make compact. Paipi-pa
(paipipa) sil. Squeeze them together.
Make them stand (sit, etc.) close together.
(cf. ip-ip).
paipt, Caus. of iptto press, squeeze,
jam, etc.
paplok, To dodge, avoid, stoop down,
hide, step aside, withdraw ones head
quickly, etc. so as to be partly or wholly
concealed from view. Paiplok ang lo mo.
Paplok ka. Hide your head. Stoop down.
Paiplok si. Make him stand aside,
withdraw his head, stoop down or the like.
(cf. plok).
pairm, (B) To put in an appearance, let
oneself be seen, to present oneself, show
oneself, go in person, mostly with the
intention of getting noticed, receiving a
favour, invitation, etc. Magpairm ka sa
yaorpairam si. Present yourself
before him.
pairm-irm, (B) Dim. and Freq. of
pairm. (cf. paings-ngas).
pairs, To talk, act or display
ostentatiously, show off, parade, flourish,
make a bad impression on bystanders by
overbearing manners, etc. Nagapairs si.
He is talking or acting in an overbearing
manner. Ginpairs nya ang ya ditay
nga tinn-an. He showed off his little
learning. Ginpairasn nya kam sang ya
bg-o nga bsti. She proudly displayed
before us her new dress. Ind ka magpairs
sa mon sang mo tinagalg nga hmbal.
Dont make a display before us of your
Tagalog way of talking. (pa, rs).
pairud, pairwod, (B) See pailwod,
pailawdto go down river.
pairya, (B) See pailya, pailayto go
up river.
pais-is, To arrange one by one, singly.
Paisisah sil sa pagpalapt sa kon. Let
them come to me one by one. (pa, isis).
pais-sa, To do one thing after another,
to do or try in turn, successively one after
another. Paisaisha inng mga bulng. Try
these remedies one at timeorone after
another. Paisishi sing bulng ang mo
hubg. Put one remedy at a time on your
pasip, To make count out, let count,
enumerate, number, check, reckon,
calculate, tell off, compute. Magpasip ka
sa ya sing is ka gats ka blog nga mas.
Let him count one hundred maize-cobs.
Paispa si liwn. Let him count once more
or over again. Paispi si sing kalm-an ka
ph. Let fifty mangoes be counted out to
him. Ipasip sa il ang kawyan sa wal
pa ang paggyud. Let them count the
bamboos before hauling them. (pa, sip).
pas-is, To set on, incite, urge, a
dog, etc. See s-is. Ipas-is sa ya ang id.
Let him set on the dog. Ind nnyo pais-


Visayan-English Dictionary
isn ang id, kay nagapalanggat. Dont
set on the dog, because he bites. Pais-is si
sang id. Set the dog on him. Wal si
knt sing ty sa pagbt kay Fulno,
pang ginpas-is (pinas-is) si sang ya
upd. He had no intention (inclination) to
oppose N.N., but his companion urged him
(to do so).
pasug, To make brave, encourage,
embolden, animate, inspirit, cheer,
hearten, rally, put upon ones mettle,
inspire valour, excite to bravery or
exertions of strength. Paisga si. Urge
(Cheer) him on. Encourage him. Ginpasug
sang la mga punon ang mga
mangangawy sa pagtmpad sing
mattum sa la mga kaway. The soldiers
were stimulated by their officers to meet
the enemy unflinchingly. Ipasug sa la ang
mga dulumdmon nga binhat sang la
katigulngan. Inspire them with bravery
by telling them of the memorable deeds of
their ancestors. Ang malin nga pagblang
sa ya sang ya aglon kag ang tann nga
binats nya nagpasug sa ya sa olhi sa
pagpalgyo sing tg. The bad treatment
he received from his master and all he had
suffered nerved him at last to run away in
secret. (pa, sug).
pa-t, Bitterness; pain, grief; to be or
become bitter; harsh, acrid, biting,
pungent, sharp, unpalatable; be hard to
bear, cruel, poignant, painful, trying,
severe, grievous, distressing. Nagpa-t
inng sd sa laks nga asn. This fish has
been made to taste like brine on account of
using too much salt. Napa-itn ak sinng
serbsa. This beer tastes bitter to me, is too
bitter for me. Mapa-itn ka gid sang mo
kahimtngan kon. You will have a hard
time of it, if. Your condition will be a
trying one, if.
paitl-tal, To keep in suspense, leave in
doubt, make apprehensive, put in a
dangerous position. Ginapaitltal pa si
sa gihpon, kay wal pa masyri ang
pamtbat sang hokm. He is being kept in
suspense, for the decision of the judge is
not known as yet. (pa, itltal).
patol, (B) See padatolto argue,
dispute, etc.
paits, Caus. of itsto burn, scorch.
Also: to stir up, excite, incite, encourage,
paitm, To blacken, darken, make black
or dark. Nagpaitm si sang ya guy. He
blackened his face (with soot, burned cork,
etc.). His face darkened (with anger).
Paitum ang mga sapn nga mapul.
Blacken the brown (red) boots. (cf. itm,
paalm, pailm).
paway, To drive off, repel, repulse, send
flying, put to flight, scatter, dispel, scare
away, used especially in prayer for release
from troubles, difficulties and evils of all
kinds. Ipaway, oh Gino, sa mon ang
tann nga mga kalalt-an kag kapipt-an.

Drive from us, oh Lord, all evils and

paiy-ya, To be egoistic, selfcentred,
look out for oneself, not to concern oneself
about others, be selfish, keep to oneself,
have nothing to do with or have no concern
for anybody else, be independent, live only
for oneself. Ang mga pumuly sinng
bry nagapaiyya gid lang. The
inhabitants of this village are unsocial,
individualistic i.e. each family cares only
for itself without asking from, or giving to,
others any assistance or service. (cf. ya,
pak, Frog, toad. (cf. pnk).
paka-, A prefix meaning:
a.) To pretend, feign, make a show or false
appearance of, assume the airs of what the
root implies, e.g. Ind ka
magpakamanunon, kon dl ka
manunon nga matod. Dont pretend to
be a teacher, unless you really are a
teacher. Nagpakapr si, pang
naspwan sa madal nga dl si pr gal.
He pretended to be a priest, but it was soon
found out that he was not a priest at all.
b.) To imagine, consider, think, hold
something to be what the stem of the word
indicates, e.g. Ginpakamayo nla ang
am nga pagbult-an. They considered
that to be a good law, they approved that
law. Ang tann nga nagapakasyod
(nagapakasayd) sin. All those that
think that they know the facts in that
c.) To do or experience really what the
root implies, e.g. Ang mga nagpakabat sa
ya. Those that (actually) heard
him. Ang mga nagpakatilw sang am
nga pagkon nagasilng nga. Those
that have (actually) tasted that food say
that. Ang mga nagpakatmbong,
nagpakadyaw, etc. Those that were
present, applauded, etc. Ang Ank sang
Dis nagpakato. The Son of God became
(really, truly, verily) man.
N.B. It should be borne in mind that there
are terms, as e.g. pakalisd, etc., in which
the ka- belongs to the stem and their
meaning is consequently determined by the
prefix pa-, not by paka-.
pakb-ang, To entrap, ensnare, involve,
pakbit, To hang up, let hang, suspend.
Ipakbit ang knke sa ps. Let the lamp be
hung up by a string. Pakabta ang knke sa
ps. Hang the lamp up by a string. (pa,
pakbit, Appendage, pendant. Pakbit
sang kolntas. The pendant of a necklace.
pakabungl, To pretend to be deaf,
pretend not to hear, feign deafness, be
heedless, stubborn and disobedient, to be
deaf, turn a deaf ear, to admonitions,
orders, etc. (cf. pabungl).
pk-ad, An abrasion, contusion, bruise,
gravel-rash; to abrade, bruise, contuse, take

Visayan-English Dictionary
the skin off. Napk-ad (Nagkapk-ad) ang
pnit sang kon btkon. The skin of my
arm got scraped off. Andam ka, agd nd
makasngg ang mo til kag mapk-ad
(magkapk-ad). Look out, lest your foot
should knock against something hard and
be bruised. (cf. balkas, lsgis, bkris,
gdras; hnog).
pakdlaw, Caus. of kdlawto laugh. To
excite laughter, set one laughing, raise a
laugh, have one laughing. Ginpakdlaw
nya ak. He made me laugh. Pakadlaw
ang bt. Make the baby laugh. Ipakdlaw
sa ya inng bg-o nga lahg. Make him
laugh by telling him this new joke.
pakdto, (H) To go, make for, head for,
proceed to, go in the direction of something
rather far away. Sa pagpakdto kag
pagpakar (sa pagpakdto-pakar) ang
hinkay nd magklang sa is ka gats
ka mngmang. The return ticket will not
be less than one hundred pesos. Din kit
pakdto sin? Where shall we go or came
to? What will be the outcome or upshot, if
we go onthus,in such a way? Also: the
Caus. of kdtoto go, etc. Pakadto si
ddto. Order him to go there. Pakadto si.
Let someone go to him. Have him called
upon. Call him.
pakaduh, Second cousin. (cf. pakrwa
pakan-kin, (H) To go from one place
to another, shift from one position to
another, be unreliable, have no fixed
purpose, be a changeling. (cf. kan).
pakais, (H) First cousin. (cf. paks-a).
pakayan, To show off, be ostentatious,
make a display of oneself, do what one
pleases, to display ones riches, etc.
Nagapakayan gid lang ang mga
manggarnon sa la mga wto, bsti, etc.
The rich ones like to display their
automobiles, their dresses, etc. (cf.
patyang, paiyya, pamiymyo,
pakaiyn-yan, Dim. and Freq. of
pakk, To cram, stuff full, fill. (cf. kk).
pkal, To stab, stick, pierce, to aim at or
hit an object with some sharp or edged tool,
especially applied to a sport or pastime,
often indulged in by rice-harvesters. It
consists in trying to hit the handle of one
rice-cutter (kayg) with the edge of
another. Nagapakaly sil. They are trying
to hit each others rice-cutters. Ginpkal
nya ang kon kayg. He hit (struck at) my
rice-cutter with the edge of his. (cf. bun).
pakals, To harrow, draw a harrow over.
(cf. kals, pakars).
pakalipng, To take (apparently) no
notice of, pretend to know, see, hear,
etc., nothing, be insensible to, feign
unconsciousness. (cf. palipnglpong).
pakalisd, To cause sorrow or distress,
give trouble to, to grieve, afflict; to hurt,

pakdlaw pakasntos
wound the feelings of. Ind ka
magpakalisd sa ya sing laks. Dont
distress him too much. Ind mo
pagpakalsdon ang mo mga giniknan.
Dont cause sorrow to your parents. Dont
grieve your parents. (pa, kalisd).
pakamahl, To esteem highly, hold dear,
value, prize, set great store by, think much
of, hold in high esteem, appreciate.
Pakamahal ang pagto. Esteem the Faith
highly. Also: to affect high worth or dignity.
Ind ka magpakamahl, kay dl man ikw
halngdon. Dont affect great dignity, for
you are not a dignitary (one of those that
are to be looked up to). (paka, mahl).
pakamatrung, To justify (oneself),
vindicate, warrant, exculpate, defend
oneself; play the hypocrite, be pharisaical
or self-righteous. (cf. matrung, paka-).
pk-an, A fish, a small bantalan. (cf.
pant, bantalan).
pakn-an,on, Passive forms of
paknaw, To polish, burnish, brighten,
make clear, cause to shine. (cf. knaw).
pakng, A club, beater, bat, clothesbeater, etc.; the row of teeth a shark uses in
striking; snout, sword (of a fish); to beat,
strike, knock, club. Pakang ang kon
delrgo kon maglab ka sin. Beat my
trousers well when you wash them. Ind mo
pagpakangn ang kon bg-o nga by,
knd taptaphon mo lang, agd nd
mags. Dont beat my new jacket with the
beater, but with the hands only, lest it
should be torn. Ipakng sa mantl inng
kawyan. Use this piece of bamboo to beat
out the table-cloth with. (cf. bkol,
pakng, Also: to fleece, cheat, outwit.
pakangn, Provided with a pakng,
particularly applied to sharks with
formidable rows of teeth.
pakngan, The swordfish.
paknta, Caus. of kntato sing.
Pakantah si sin. Let him sing that.
Ipaknta ko sa ya inng bg-o nga
kalanthon. Ill let him sing this new song.
Pakantah si sang am nga ambahnon.
Have that song sung for him,in his
honour. (cf. pamba).
paknt, To put at the edge of, walk near
the edge of; to give oneself airs, take a
prominent place, show off. (cf. mpag,
pampag, knt).
pakon, To feed, give food to, regale,
refresh, give a meal to, nourish, dine
(transitive), let, give to, eat. Pakn-a
sil sing ph. Give them some mangoes to
eat. Pakn-a sil sa pnggan. Let them eat
from plates. Ipakon mo sa la inng
bindonggda. Give them this tripe to eat.
Manmit ang ginpakon nya sa mon
ddto. The food he gave us there was
delicious. Pakn-i sa la ang krne. Let

them eat (make a meal off) some of the

meat. (pa, kon).
pakpot, To have the essential marriagerite performed by the giving of mutual
consent in presence of the Parish-priest,
said of couples that marry on their deathbed or who do not receive the solemn
nuptial blessing during Holy Mass. (cf.
pakapt, Caus. of kapt. Also: to ask
another to be godparent (of ones child).
Sn-o ang pagapakpton mo sa mo ank?
Whom will you engage as godfather
(godmother) to your son (daughter)? (cf.
paank, pakgus).
pakarahy, To let somebody else step in
or take ones place, especially in playing
cards, etc. Mapakarahy ak sa mo, kay
ak kon may pagakadton. I will let you
take my hand (my cards), for I have to go
pakars, To harrow, the harrow.
Pakaras ang talmnan. Harrow the field.
Papakaras si Fulno sang kon um. Get
N.N. to harrow my field. Ipapakars ko sa
mo ang kon talmnan. I will let you
harrow my field. (pa, kars) N.B. kars
alone without pais scarcely, if ever, used.
pakar, To come here, cause to come here.
Ang pagpakdto-pakar. Ang pagpakdto
kag pagpakar. The journey to and fro.
Pakarin mo (nmo) si sa kon. Let him
come to me. Call him here. (cf. kar).
pakar, Water-hen.
pakrwa, (B) Second cousin. (cf.
pkas, To cut in two, split open, slit,
kipper, slit up, lay open, rip open, divide
lengthwise (as fish for drying, etc.). Isd
nga pinkas. Kippered fish. Fish slit up
(and dried with or without salt). Paksa
ang sd. Cut the fish in two. Cut the fish
open lengthwise. Also used metaphorically:
Karn pakson ta ikw. Now I will give
you a good thrashing. Ang mayo sa ya
pakson. It would be best to punish him
severely. (cf. phak, pihk).
paks-a, (B) First cousin. See pakais id.
pakasal, To sin, commit sin, commit a
fault. Ind ka magpakasal liwn. Do not
sin again. Sn-o ang ginpakasl-an mo?
Whom did you sin against? With whom did
you commit sin? Likaw ang kahigaynan
mo sa pagpakasal (nga ikapakasal sa
mo). Avoid the occasions that may lead
you into committing sin. (cf. sal).
pakasntos, To sanctify, hallow, to make
or become saintly or holy, keep holy,
observe (as sacred); to affect sanctity, be
sanctimonious. Pakasantosn mo ang mga
Domngo kag Pista. Keep the Sundays
and Feast-days holy. Ang grsya nga
nagapakasntos. Sanctifying grace. Ind ka
magpakasntos, kay dl ikw sntos.
Dont affect sanctity, for you are not a saint.
(paka, sntos).


paktay pakitarakng
paktay, To put up in a line or row, line
up. Pakatya ang mga bt. Put the
children in line. Make the children form in
line. Ipaktay ang mga linbhan sa ps.
Hang the wash in a row on the line. (pa,
paktlo, Third cousin. (pakaisfirst
cousin; pakaduhsecond cousin).
pkaw, Handle, crank for turning a shaft
or axle, especially applied to the handle of a
cloth-roller in a loom and to the handle of a
pakwas, Caus. of kwasto escape over
the brim of, etc. Ind mo pagpakawson
ang mga katng sa alt. Dont let the
katng-crabs escape (get out of) from the
pakwat, Caus. of kwat. Bantay si
kag dl mo si pagpakawton sinng mga
ph. Watch him well and dont let him
steal those mangoes.
pakway, To letstick out,protrude,
hang down, etc. Caus. of kwayto dangle,
pakyang, To put face upwards; to toss
up, play pitch and toss (game). Pakynga
(pakayang) ang bt. Place the baby face
upwards. Pakyang kit. Let us toss up.
pkdol, To knuckle the head. Pakdol si.
Knuckle his head. (cf. kadl).
pkha, pk-ha, A Chinese woman
having little feet (made small by binding);
Chinese woman (in general).
paki-, A verbal prefix denoting an
attachment to, a wish, desire or love for,
what the root implies, e.g. pakitbangto
desire, wish, ask for help; pakibulgto
wish for a separation or divorce, etc.
Pagpaki- stands for the infinitive,
nagapaki-, magapaki-, magpaki- stand for
the present, future and imperative
respectively. Magapaki- and nagpaki- are
often shortened to maki- and naki- (cf.
pakig-, maki-, naki-).
pak, Twisted, crooked, bent (abnormally),
awry; wry, bandy, bow, distorted; to
become twisted, etc. Nagpak ang ya
kamt, kay binut. His hand is twisted,
because he has had smallpox. Pak ang ya
btkon. His arm is twisted. (cf. kiw, hiw,
pakibyan, To make friends, to befriend,
try to be friends, be friendly, be pleasant or
obliging in social intercourse. (paki,
pakiadr, A contractor, whole-sale
dealer, one who undertakes a job with full
responsibility. (cf. pakiw and note the Sp.
suffix as in lab-asro, etc.).
pakina, (H) To ask information,
interrogate, ask questions, to question,
inquire, query. Pinakinhan si ni nnay
kon din si maghaln. Mother asked him
where he came from. Nagpakina si sa
kon kon din ang dlan padlong sa


Visayan-English Dictionary
Manl. He asked me the way to Manila.
(cf. pangutna, pngkot, pamngkot).
pakiw, pkiaw, A contract by which it
is agreed to pay and accept a lump sum for
the whole work; to make such a contract.
Pakiaw si sing is ka baly sang napl
nga ya pagapatindogn, kay
nagapapkiaw si sa malyag
magpkiaw. Get him to give you the
contract for one building of the ten he is
going to erect, for he is drawing up
contracts with all that wish to apply.
Ginapasolab sang ibn ang shol nga
indlaw sa pakiw. Some prefer daily
wages to a contract for the whole. Mapsan
sil magpangabdlay kon magpkiaw,
pang mahnay kon mag-indlaw (sa
indlaw). They are good workers at a
contract for the whole, but slow at daily
pakibw-as, To befriend, ingratiate
oneself with, a childless couple (in order
to obtain some favours, inherit their
property, etc.). (cf. bw-as, pamw-as).
pakib, Caus. of kibto beat, throb.
Am in ang nagpakib sing madsig sang
ya nga tagiposon. This was what made
his heart beat fast. This was what set his
heart beating fast.
pakiburk, To barter, exchange goods
without the use of money. (cf. bylo).
pakig, See paki.
pakigbyan, To befriend, etc. See
pakigs, Caus. of kigs. Also: to dry and
preserve, to embalm.
pakigbsog, (B) To hold ones own,
remain firm, stand ones ground even
against odds. (cf. pangsug).
pakigkt, (pakikt), To wish or desire
to see, to see or consult (a doctor, etc.),
have an interview with. (pakig, kt).
pkil, A game or pastime. See under
pakilla, Causative of killato be
acquainted with, etc. Ipakilla mo sa ya si
Fulno. Introduce N.N. to him. Make N.N.
known to him.
pakil, Cuirass, armour; harness.
pakilmos, To solicit alms, ask for an
alms, beg, be a beggar or mendicant. (cf.
pakiloy, To petition, ask pardon or
forgiveness, beg mercy, supplicate, request
help, sympathy or assistance. Nagpakiloy
si sa kon nga tabngan ko si. He asked
me to help him. Magpakiloy (makiloy)
ka sa ya. Beg his mercy. Ask for his help.
(cf. loy, kaloy, makaloloy).
pakinhson, A general name for shell
fish. (cf. pangnhas).
pakntud, (B) To ask, request
information. Wal mo gn pagpakintud
(or) kon matod in ukn butg. You
did not even ask, whether that was true or

not. (cf. pngkot, pamngkot, pakina,

pakisyod, pangutna).
pakiras, (B) To neglect, ignore, bestow
no care upon, treat without consideration,
pay no attention to. Nagpakiras gid lang
sil sa la mga mank. Ginpakirs-an gid
lang nla ang la mga mank. They utterly
neglected their step-children. (cf. pabay,
ahgahg, ihgihg).
pakrot, To dim (a light), turn down a
lamp-wick, or the like. (cf. krot).
pakisyod, To ask for an explanation, to
request information. Kon but ka
mahibal sin makisyod (magpakisyod)
ka sa kay Fulno. If you wish to know that,
ask N.N. Ginpakisyran (ginpakigsyran)
nya ak kon matod bal ang singid ni
Pdro. He asked me if it was true what
Peter had said. (cf. paki, syod).
pakisay, To pick a quarrel with,
altercate, wrangle, dispute, argue,
contend, with. Pakigsay id. (cf. say,
paki, pakig).
pakisungkit, To wish or desire to
meet,see,have an interview with,join
or come together with. (cf. sungkit,
pk-it, Abrasion, excoriation, laceration,
slight injury; to gall, abrade, chafe, fret, rub
or scrape the skin off, tear off a small piece.
Pak-it ang papl. Tear off a small piece
(bit, scrap) of paper. Pak-it ang bnga,
kay tan-awn ko kon mapul ukn maput
ang ya sin nga und. Scrape the fruit a
little that I may see whetherits pulp is red
or white,it is red or white inside. Ginpkit nya ang pnit sang khoy. He stripped
a little bark off the tree. Napk-it
(Nagkapk-it) ang pnit sang kon
kamt. The skin of my hand got a little
chafed. (cf. pk-ad).
pakt, To show, let see, exhibit; to
appear. Ginpakt nya sa kon ang bg-o
nya nga wto. He showed me his new
automobile. Ipakt sa kon ang (pakiti
ak sang) mo binakl. (Show me) Let me
see what you bought. Ang Dis nagpakt
kay Moiss. God appeared to Moses. (cf.
pakitan, Exposition, show, exhibition.
(cf. pakt).
pakit-kit, To show partly, expose to
view, exhibit, give a glimpse of, allow to be
seen; to be vain, ostentatious. Ind ka
magpakitkit sang dpat tabnan. Dont
expose to view what should be covered. (cf.
pakitarakng, To meddle or interfere in,
poke ones nose in, interpose, butt in,
intrude oneself in, take part in
(impertinently), mix oneself up with. Ind
ka magpakitarakng sang mga buluhatn
sang ibn. Ind mo pagpakitarakangn
ang mga buluhatn sang ibn. Dont
meddle in (with) the doings of others. (cf.

Visayan-English Dictionary
pakitd, To make narrow, etc. Caus. of
kitdto be or become narrow.
pakitidalm, To humble oneself, be
humble, lowly, meek, low in ones own
estimation, submissive, yielding, to cringe,
kow-tow. Nagapakitidalm si, kay
nahdluk. He ishumbling himself,
cringing,kow-towing, because he is
afraid. (cf. idlum, paubs).
paktkit, Caus. of ktkitto gnaw, nibble.
pak-tpk-it, Dim. and Freq. of pk-it.
Napak-tpk-it (nagkapak-tpk-it) na
inng duman nga larwan. This old
picture is fading, is discoloured, is full of
abrasions, or the like.
pklang, paklng, A palm-leaf, a large
leaf-stalk, as of the bur palm, the coconut
palm, etc. to grow, have, form, leaves,
especially said of all kinds of palms.
pklay, Bamboo-shoots cut up in thin
slices, mixed with meat and fried in lard.
Nakakon kam ddto sing manmit nga
pklay. We had there a savoury dish of
bamboo-shoots mixed with meat.
pklis, To scratch, line, score or mark
with a sharp point. Napklis ang kamt ko
sang dgi. My hand was scratched by
thorns. Kuha inng mga smsim sa dlan,
agd nd mapaklisn ang mga umalgi.
Take these bamboo-branches off the road.
Passers-by might be scratched by them. (cf.
bkris, pkris; pk-ad, pk-it).
pko, A kind of plant.
pak, Sleeve; wing of a bird. (cf. pkpak,
sol, mngga).
pakan, Winged, having wings; swift,
quick. (cf. pak, pakpkan).
pakg, Stick, bat, piece of wood, etc.; to
throw, shy, fling or hurl any lengthy
missile, as a stick, log of wood or the like.
Ipakg ang palakg. Hurl the missile.
Pakog ang bboy sing binal. Throw a
piece of split bamboo at the pig. Gimpakg
nya ang ph sa khoy. He shied (hurled)
a piece of wood at the mango on the tree.
(The augmentative or frequentative form
pamakg is more often used than the
simple pakg).
pkok, A slow walker, slow-coach, slow of
understanding, dull, stupid, ignorant; to be
or become slow, etc. Pkok si nga to. He
is a slow or dull man. Pkok si sa
paglakt. He is slow getting about.
Napakkan ak sa ya. I consider him
slow, he appears to me to be a slow-coach.
(cf. mahnay; bulk, kalng, kagng).
pkol, A kind of banana containing many
seeds, even more than the lishan.
pakolntas, To provide with, or put on, a
necklace, etc. Pakolintas si. Put (Hang) a
necklace on her. (cf. kolntas).
pakol, (B) Causative of kolto carry
Negrito-fashion, etc. Pakoloh, pakolo
orpaklwa si sing tabungs. Let him
carry a tabungs-basket Negrito-fashion.
Ipakol sa ya inng bakg. Have him

pakitd palaanggran
carry this carriers basket as Negritos do
(i.e. held in place by a band round the
pakrbot, Causative of krbot.
Pakorbot ang mo tabk. Puff (puff at,
pull at) your cigar.
pakt, To guess, conjecture, divine,
surmise, speculate, solve a riddle. Pkta
(pakot) kon sarng ka makapakt sin.
Guess if you can. Dl nmo mapktan
ordl nmo mapakt in. You cannot
guess this. (cf. lgpat, mi-om).
pakt-pkot, Dim. and Freq. of pakt.
To venture a guess, think, be of the opinion
that, suspect.
pkpak, The wing, pinion, pen (of a bird).
(cf. pak).
pkpak, To knock, beat, brush or rub off
(as dust, ants, etc. from clothes, etc.).
pakpkan, Having large wings, broad
or large-winged; winged (in general). Also:
an evil spirit, the swang.
pkris, (B) To scratch, etc. See pklis,
bkris; barras, gb, gdras.
pks, To tear or twist off a small piece, to
pluck, pull off. Paksi ang is ka sging sa
sip. Break off one banana from the bunch
or cluster. Paksi ak sing pil ka dhon
sang by. Pull off a few buyo-leaves for
pksiu, See pgsiw, pgsyua dish of
meat with vinegar, etc.
paktkon, Riddle, conundrum (pakt; cf.
palaktnon, paratknon). Also: to solve
riddles, give each other riddles to solve.
Nagapaktnon (nagapinaktnon) sil.
They are giving each other riddles to solve,
are playing at propounding riddles.
pktan, etc. From paktto guess,
surmise, etc.
paktnay, To play at propounding
riddles, to give each other riddles to solve.
(cf. pakt).
pakbkub, To lower, incline, bend down.
(cf. kbkubto bow).
pakbkub, Caus. of kbkubto
undermine; scratch, etc.
pakubs, Caus. of kubs. Pakbsa
(pakubus) ang bil sinng balalgy.
Lower (Cut) the price of this merchandise.
Pinakbsan sil sang la nga
binulnblan. They had their monthly
salary lowered (cut).
pakgus, (H) Causative of kgus, to
take, fold, carry, bear, in ones
arms. Also: To ask or request another to be
godfather or godmother. (cf. pakapt,
pakulhaw, pakulahw, Merely
formal, not hearty, not sincere; to do coldly
or perfunctorily. Pinadlhan nya kam
sing is ka panggda ngga pakulhaw
gid. He sent us a very cold (merely formal)
invitation. Pagkdlaw nga pakulhaw. A
cold, forced, not a hearty or natural smile.

(cf. alakpa, pasamstra, matgnaw,

hilw, dl huthut).
pakulb, To turn upside down, capsize.
(cf. kulb).
pakmb, To cook in the manner of
kmb, which see. Also: to make rise, swell,
puff up, as bread, a cake, etc. (by
fermentation). Ginpakmb nla ang mga
sging sa mantk. They fried the bananas
in lard as if they were making kmb.
pakurs, To harrow; to shock, surprise,
make ones hair stand on end. (cf.
pakuribng, To be silent, sit still, make
no stir, keep very quiet. Ind ka
magpakuribng, knd maghlag ka na.
Dont sit still, but be stirring. Dont stick
there mooning, butstir yourself,be on
the move,get a move on.
Nagapakuribng gid lang si sa higd
sang ya baly. He just stays slumped
(remains quiet) in a corner of his house. (cf.
pahimyong, patwhay, hk).
paksug, Force, violence, physical or
moral compulsion; forceful, by force or
compulsion, violent; to use force, compel.
Sa paksug nga pagi. By violent
means (methods). (cf. palgus, ksug,
pla, (Sp. pala) Shovel, spade; to shovel.
Palha ang dt. Shovel the earth. Palhi
ang kalg. Dig the ditch with a spade.
pal, A kind of large red ant with a very
painful bite, similar in size and shape to the
black aymaym.
pl, To erase, wipe out, efface, rub out,
obliterate, expunge, clean. Pala ang
sinult sa pisra. Rub out the writing on
the slate. Pali ang pisra sing is ka
dinaln. Wipe out one of the lines of the
blackboard. Itsmug mo inng lapt sa
tbig kag ipl sa pisra. Dip this cloth in
water and clean the blackboard with it.
Pala in sa mo nga panumdman.
Forget it. Efface it from your mind or
memory. Dont recall or recollect it. (cf.
pnas, phid).
pala-, A prefix indicative of a habit or
natural inclination to what is implied by
the root, e.g. palanum, palahbuga
drunkard (inm, hubg); palahmbal
chatterbox, a great talker (hmbal);
palangida tale-bearer, story-teller, one
given or addicted to tale-bearing
(pangid); palakdlawone wholaughs
much and often,is always laughing
(kdlaw); palahmpangone given or
addicted to sport, a sportsman (hmpang),
etc. (cf. para id.).
palaabton, (H) Future events, the
future, the hereafter, the time to come,
expectations, what is to come or to happen
in the future, what is expected or looked
forward to. (cf. abt, paabt).
palaanggran, Likeness, simile,
similitude, figure, image (of speech),
resemblance, analogy, parallel, parallel


palaaynan palahaly-halyan
case; parable, comparison, (cf. nggid,
halimbw, katlad, panangltan).
palaaynan, One who likes to be
flattered, who can easily be coaxed; moody,
fretful, hard to please, (cf. paaynyon).
palab, Caus. of labto wash clothes. To
let wash, send to the wash, get things
washed. Kon malyag ka palbhon ko
ikw sang kon mga panpton. If you are
willing, Illgive you my clothes to wash,
let you wash my clothes. Ipalab ang
mahgk nga by sa mamumunk. Let
the washerwoman wash the dirty jacket.
Ang tann nga lalbhan nga mapalab
mo sa am nga bulunakn pagatatpon
sing mayo kag igal sa mo nga matnl
kayo. All the wash you may send to that
laundry will be handled carefully and
returned to you perfectly clean, (cf. lab,
palb, (H) To lengthen, elongate, draw
out, make long, extend, add to the length
of, produce (a line). Palaba ang kalt.
Lengthen the rope. Ginpalb nla ang,
halgi. They lengthened the post, (pa,
palabw, To raise above, raise to a
greater height than, make to overtop, make
higher than something else; to be haughty,
insolent, overbearing. Ginpalabw nya
ang atp sang kosna sa mayr. He made
the roof of the kitchen higher than the main
roof. Ind ka magpalabw sa ibn. Dont
esteem yourself above others. Dont look
down on others,
palbaw, To cause to go over or across
something, (pa, lbaw).
palabd-lbid, To cross ones legs, rest
one leg across the knee of the other. (cf.
palambdlmbid id.).
palab-lbi, Pride, haughtiness,
overbearing, insolence; to be proud,
haughty, insolent, lofty, arrogant, to take
on airs, give oneself airs, be high and
mighty, behave oneself in a haughty
manner, be supercilious. Ind ka
magpalablbi. Dont be proud. Dont
think too much of yourself. Nagpalablbi
si sa kon. Ginpalablabhan nya ak.
He was supercilious to me. He was
patronizing me,condescending to me. He
treated me as an inferior. Ang ya
pagpadayw kag pagpalablbi
nakadldal sa ya sa olhi sa madm nga
kalakasn nga makahuhy. Her vanity
and pride led her finally to many shameful
excesses. (cf. lab).
palab-labhon, Proud, haughty,
insolent, supercilious, overbearing,
arrogant, stuck-up, lofty, overweening,
conceited, presumptuous. (cf. bugaln,
palbi, palab, To prefer, esteem more,
to hold in greater favour, favour, fancy,
choose rather, think more of, rather
have,do, put before, value more highly.
Palabha ang paghiggma sa Dis sang sa


Visayan-English Dictionary
mo giniknan. Love God more than your
parents. Ginpalbi nya ang ph sa dlse.
He preferred the mango to the sweetmeat.
(pa, lab).
palbtog, To chop, mince, make mincemeat, put through a sausage machine.
Und nga pinalbtog. Mince-meat, minced
meat. (cf. lbtog).
palabuarn, (H) A place or farm for
stock-breeding, raising cattle, etc.
Palabuarn-mank, palabuarn-hyup,
palabuarn-bboy, etc. A farm for
breeding poultry, cattle, pigs, etc. (cf.
palabuarn, (H) What is to, should,
can, be propagated, generated,
procreated, bred, hatched, multiplied (as
fish, poultry, domestic animals, etc.). (cf.
palablak, palabulk, (H) Flowering,
having (bearing) many flowers. (cf. blak,
himulk, hamulk).
palabunghon, (H) Made to bear fruit,
for fruit-bearing. Khoy, nga
palabunghon. A fruit tree. (cf. bnga).
palabnga, palabung, (H) Fruitbearing, bearing fruit. (cf. bnga,
palamnga, palabunghon).
palabthon, (H) What is to, should,
can, be generated, begotten, produced,
hatched (from eggs), etc. (cf. bot,
pald, A kind of cactus that is often used
for making quickset hedges.
plad, The palm of the hand; fate, luck,
chance, fortune. (cf. kapalran).
paladg-on, One who has to, is to,
can, should, be beaten or overcome (in
a fight, in an election, etc.); beatable,
conquerable, surmountable. (cf. dag).
paldpad, To shake, flutter, flap, blow
away, carry off, waft away, sway to and fro
(said of the wind, etc.). Ang hngin
nagapaldpad sang mga hinaly nga
panpton. Ginapaldpad sang hngin ang
mga hinaly nga panpton. The wind is
fluttering the clothes hung out to dry on the
line. Napaldpad sang hngin ang ya
kl. His hat was blown off by the wind. (cf.
plad, lpad; plid).
pald-plad, Dim. of pladthe palm of
the hand; fate, luck. Also: the prickly-pear
paladugayn, That is to be continued or
preserved for a long time; durable, lasting,
keeping well (without alteration). (cf.
palg, Flustered, flurried, distracted; to be
flustered, flurried, distracted with many
cares, bewildered, preoccupied, put out,
upset, to have ones head turned with a
multiplicity of affairs to be attended to.
Nagpalg ak tungd sang madm nga
mga bista. Napalg ak, kay madm
ang mga bista. I am quite bewildered with

so many visitorsto attend to,to look

after. (cf. lingn, libg).
palags, Caus. of lagsto run after,
pursue, etc. Ginpalags nya ang bboy sa
id. He ordered the pig to be hunted off by
the dog. Palgsa (palagas) ang id sang
bboy. Make the dog chase the pig. Send
the dog in pursuit of the pig. Palgsi
(Palagas) si Fulno sing kabyo, bs
mabut pa si sa dlan. Send someone on
horseback after N.N., perhaps he may still
be overtaken on the road.
palagawarn, Paying office, ticketstation, etc. (cf. gwad).
palghuy, Caus. of lghuyto sigh;
palagktan, What is to be pasted or
glued; label, slip of paper, etc. (pgkot).
palgpag, To be dishevelled, etc. See
pgpag, bkag, bukgkag, bulungyngay,
palg-palg, Dim. and Freq. of palg
to be distracted, etc.
palaguan, (H) See palagwan, (gu
palagupk, The rattle as used during
Holy Week or anything resembling such a
rattle; a clapper. (cf. taltal).
palagwan, (H) Stage, scene, theatre;
drama, stage-play. (cf. gw).
palagwon, That is to besent away,
made to go outside,shown or produced
(on a stage, or the like); opera comique,
musical comedy, play, drama, theatrical
entertainment. (cf. gw).
palgway, Causative of lgwayslow,
etc. Palagway ang hmbal mo, agd
makasund kam sang mo nga
ginapahyag. Speak slowly, that we may
be able tofollow you,to follow your
palgwis, To taper, taper off, cut to a
point or taper, bring or sharpen to a point.
Palagwis ang pagtbas sang kla sang
ya sya. Cut the train of her gown to a
point. (cf. palgwis, pargwis).
palgyo, To run away, run off, escape,
flee, retreat, take to flight, make off, turn
tail, take to ones heels, beat a retreat,
abscond, bolt, decamp, skedaddle, show a
light pair of heels. Nagpalgyo si. He ran
away. He fled. Nakapalgyo si sa
bilanggan. He succeeded in escaping
from prison. Ginpalagyohn nya ang ya
mapntas nga aglon. He ran away from
his cruel master. Ind kam magpalgyo
sbung sang mga matlaw, knd
mangatbang kam sing mattum sa mga
kaway. Dont retreat (run away) like
cowards, but bravely face the enemy. (cf.
lgyo, tl-as).
palahdak, (H) A chatterbox, great
talker, etc. See hdak, hadakn, wakaln,
palahaly-halyan, (H) A part of a
house not walled in, a balcony or the like,

Visayan-English Dictionary
where one can sit (rest, recline) in the open
air, or where clothes can be dried, etc.;
veranda, gallery, kiosk, summerhouse. (cf.
palahlban, Pasture, pasture-ground,
pasturage, grazing ground. (cf. hlab,
palahmbal, (H) Chatterbox, great
talker. (pala, hmbal).
palahangn-hangnan, Placein the
open air,for taking fresh air, as a balcony,
garden, park, open veranda, court-yard,
public square, promenade, or the like. (cf.
palahanhnan, Recreation room,
drawing room, resting place, play ground.
(cf. hnhan).
palahanngdan, (H) Attributes, merits,
desert, etc. See pahanngdan.
palahayagn, (H) Place where
something is shown or demonstrated;
public opinion, forum, tribunal, court;
advertisement, demonstration. (cf. hyag,
hayg, pahyag).
palahd-lhid, Hint, clue, suggestion,
advice; to give a hint or clue to, to prompt,
suggest, give the cue to. (cf. lahdlhid).
palahily-hilyan, Anything for leaning
against or lying upon, as a couch, an easy
chair or the like; a resting place. (cf. hily,
palahinakayn, (H) What is to be, or
can be, hired; for hire, that is hired out, let
out for hire, to be rented, to let, to be let, to
be for (on) hire. Salkyan, baly, etc. nga
palahinakayn. A vehiclefor hire,that
is hired out,that is let out on hire, a house
to let, etc. (cf. hinkay).
palahuyan, (H) Rest, resting place,
repose, quiet, ease, peace, relaxation.
Palahuyan nga dyon. Eternal rest. (cf.
palahbug, A drunkard, sot, toper, soak,
booser, boozer, one who is often or
habitually drunk. (cf. hubg, balng,
palahuwyan, See palahuyanrest,
plak, To quiver, shake, struggle, tremble,
be convulsed, as a chicken immediately
after its head is cut off. Nagplak gid
lmang ang ya lwas kag napaty. His
body was convulsed and then he died.
Iplak ang lwas mo. Shake all over (as if
in your last agony). Nagaplak si sa
pagkdto sa byle. She is trembling with
eagerness to go to the dance. (cf. krug,
kiru, kryo).
pl-ak, A scar or white, hairless spot on
the head, a bald spot, mostly the result of
various skin diseases; abrasion,
excoriation, superficial wound, laceration;
to tear, lacerate, injure, wound (the surface
of), (cf. pinalan; pl-us, pl-ok).
palak, Caus. of lakto widen, etc.
palkad, Caus. of lkadto step over.

palahlban palamatan
palakng,, Caus. of lakngto pace,
palakn-on, (H) What is to be fed, a
person as a consumer of food; one who is
dependent on another for his support.
Madm si sing mga palakn-on sa ya
baly. He has many mouths at home to
feed. Palakn-on nya si. He is supported
by him. He is a dependent of his. (cf. kon,
palakt, (H) To let or order to go, etc.
Palkta si sa um. Order him to go to the
field. Ginpalakt nya ang ya sologon sa
Manl. He ordered his servant to go to
Manila. Palktan mo lang sa la ang mo
talmnan. Let them walk over your field,
(pa, lakt). Also: in wickerweaving: The
leaving out of several cross-layers near the
top or end, in order to secure an even rim.
May palakt sa pagrra, agd maglg-on
kag magsalma ang higd (bint).
Leaving-out is practised in the making of
wicker-work, in order that the rim may be
firm and even.
palakg, (H) A club, stick, bat,
particularly the bat used in the game of
sto or tip-cat, (cf. pakg).
palkpak, To flap or beat the wings, to
clap the hands, applaud. Dro nga
pagpalkpakorpagpinalkpak sang
pagdiskrso nya. There was much
clapping of hands during his discourse.
Palakpak si. Clap him. Applaud him.
(pkpak). (cf. tokp).
palk-plak, Dim. and Freq. of plak.
Nagpalkplak si kag namskug, kay
nago ang ya lo sang is ka dak nga
bat. He moved convulsively and became
rigid, for he was hit on the head by a large
pal-kpl-ak, Dim. and Freq. of pl-ak.
Also: at random, by fits and starts, here and
there, without plan or without concerted
palkton, What is to, can, be
guessed; a riddle. (cf. pakt).
palaktnon, A riddle. (cf. palkton,
palakkwan, A young bird not yet able
to fly, a fledgeling; a locust starting to grow
wings. (cf. lksoa very young locust
without wings, a hopper; trika locust
able to fly, but not far; apna full-grown
palaksgan, (H) Anything that needs
force, great efforts or application; arduous,
laborious, hard, difficult. (cf. kusg,
palalbhan, (H) Anything that is to be
washed, as clothes, dirty linen, etc. (cf.
lalbhan, lab).
palalandngon, (H) Meditation, etc.
See palandngon.
palaligarn, (H) That has topass,
elapse,go by; coming, next. Sa tig,

pitodlaw, etc. nga palaligarn. Next year,

week, etc. (cf. lgad).
palalgban, Worry, trouble, difficulty,
anything thatupsets,causes confusion
or worry,is a strain upon ones nerves;
problem. (cf. libg, palibg).
palaligon, (H) A place for bathing,
bath; swimming pool. (cf. lg).
palalingkran, (H) A (vacant) seat, an
office of power, honour or dignity that
should have an incumbent. (cf. lngkod,
palngkod, palalingkron).
palalingkron, (H) Worthy to be
seated,given a post of honour or
authority. (cf. palalingkran).
palalpdan, (H) Screen, cover, shelter,
hiding place, trench, entrenchment,
anything serving as a cover or protection.
(cf. lipd).
palaliwliwhan, (H) Recreation
ground, campus, play ground, park, holiday
resort, place where to spend a holiday or
week-end. (cf. paliwlwa).
pallpag, (H) Anything used as a
hammer or knocker. (cf. plpag, palap,
palalumban, Race course, race track.
(cf. lmb).
palaluntran, (H) Any place or site
suitable or fit fora residence,a home,a
homestead,a prolonged stay; colony,
settlement. (cf. lntad).
palm-ag, (B) To do to excess, too much,
immoderately, excessively, to overdo,
overstep the mark, exceed the proper
limits. Ind mo pagpalam-agn ang mo
nga dayw. Dont be so excessively vain.
Ind mo si pagpalam-agn sang hmbal.
Dont talk too much to him. (cf. lm-ag,
palamahawn, (H) Refreshment room,
restaurant, inn, public house, any place
where refreshments are served. (cf. bhaw,
palamahawn, (H) Food for breakfast,
for lunch or afternoon tea; provisions (for
any light repast). (cf. palamahawn).
palamakurn, Fortress, fort, stronghold,
rampart, outwork, fortification; strength.
(cf. bkud, pamkud).
palamangktan, (H) Adviser,
counsellor, member of a council; questionbox, information office, place or person to
be gone to for advice. (cf. pngkot).
palamangkotnon, (H) Question,
query, inquiry, interrogation, something to
be asked. (cf. pangkotnon).
palamang, (B) Swelling, dropsy,
ascites. (cf. bang, panghubg,
palamatan, (H) Place where something
is heard, as a telephone-receiver, etc. Also:
something to be listened to, worth while
hearing; audible. (cf. bat, pamat,


palamatn-an palanghtag
palamatn-an, (H) Hearing, ears, sense
of hearing. (cf. palamatan, etc.).
palamul, (H) Tiredness, weakness,
exhaustion; tiring, weakening; to tire,
weaken. (cf. pul, pal).
palambd-lmbid, To cross the legs,
rest one leg on the knee of the other. (cf.
palamidyan, Fingerboard, etc. See
palamking, Pucker, wrinkle, fold,
crease; to pucker, wrinkle, etc. (cf. pking,
palamlot, To be nearly closed or only
half-open (of eyes), to see but little, have a
dim eyesight. Nagapalamlot ang ya mga
mat. His eyes are nearly closed. He sees
but little. He can hardly open his eyes.
palamngko, A sharp knife or slender,
sharp bolo used for sticking pigs with, etc.;
a dagger. (cf. plamngko).
palamnhod, Stiffness, numbness,
cramps (in the calf of the leg, or the like).
(cf. bnhod).
palamrot, See palamlot.
palmsut, To crush to pulp. See
palamsut id.
palamgnan, (H) Place of work, work,
job, position, situation, place, employment.
(cf. pgon, pgon, alagarn,
palamugtkan, (H) Embroidery,
embroidery shop. Talahan kag
palamugtkan. Dress-making and
Embroidery. (cf. pamugtkpgtak).
palamul, (H) To become red, to redden,
flush, blush, crimson, to turn red, turn
scarlet or crimson, to colour, colour up.
Nagapalamul ang ya guy sa laks nga
nit, sa kakig, sa kahuy, etc. His face is
flushed on account of the excessive heat,
turning red with anger, with shame, etc. (cf.
palamlngan, (H) Hospital, infirmary.
See bullngan. (cf. pamulng, bulng).
palamnga, (H) Bearing fruit. Khoy
nga palamnga. A fruit-bearing tree. A
fruit tree. (cf. bnga, himung,
palamus-nan, (H) The anus; lavatory,
privy, water closet (W.C.), jakes, places,
latrine. (cf. ps-on, pams-on; kalipunt;
lub, komn).
palamusg, Stiffness, cramps, swelling;
to be stiff, etc. (cf. busg, pamusg).
palamsut, To crush, squash, squelch,
press to pulp; to be crushed, etc. (cf.
palamypuy, (H) Weakness, debility,
lassitude, frailty, feebleness; to be or
become weak, etc. (cf. pypuy, lya,
palan, palang, palang,
palam, Forms of pan(which see) with
an intercalatedla. They are very often
used for the formation of frequentative


Visayan-English Dictionary
verbs (especially plural forms) and nouns,
e.g. palangdoktto stick to (dokt);
palanglspto grow pale (lsp);
palanktandebts (taxes) to be collected
(sokt), etc. etc.
palanagatn, (H) Suitable, fit,
used, for fishing at sea, as a fishing net,
fishing smack, fish corral, etc. (cf. dgat,
pangat, panagatn).
palanagon, (H) Hiding place,
concealment; safe, secret closet or chest
(for money, etc.). (cf. tg, pang).
palanagtagn, (H) A distributing
centre. (cf. tgtag, pangtag).
palanagtagnsult, palanagtagnsult, (H) Post-office. (cf. koro).
palank, The wooden pieces or the cat
used in the game of sato or tipcat.
(parank id.).
palanakt, Pain, painfulness, ache,
twinge. (cf. sakt, panakt).
palanan-won, (H) Sight, vision,
eyesight, faculty of seeing; spectacle, scene,
show. (tn-aw).
palndong, To meditate, contemplate,
turn over in the mind, think over well,
consider, ponder, muse upon; have regard
or consideration for. Nagapalndong si
sang ginaghan sang Aton Gino. He is
meditating on the life of Our Lord.
Palandong sing mayo ang ginsilng
nya. Think well over what he said.
palandngon, Meditation,
consideration, contemplation, reflection;
something that requires deep thinking. (cf.
palandulm, (H) To become dark,
obscure, dim; to darken, dim (intransitive).
Nagapalandulm ang ya mga mat. His
eyes are getting dim. Nagpalandulm ang
ya panluk. His sight was impaired, he
was nearly blind. He looked daggers,
fierce. (cf. dulm, pandulm).
palng, A slice, cut, cutlet, piece of meat,
etc. Pabkli ak sing is ka palng nga
und sang bka. See that a piece of meat
(beef) is bought for me.
palangabudlyan, Work, drudgery,
fatigue, occupation entailing hard work;
workshop. (cf. bdlay, pangabdlay).
palangabuhin, (H) Pasturage, pasture,
etc. See buhin, by-an, bh. Also:
livelihood, business, position, employment.
(cf. palangitn-an).
palangadon, (H) Prayer, oration,
orison. (cf. pangad; pangamy).
palangagarn, (H) Employment,
situation, position, job, etc. See alagarn,
palanggat, (H) A biter, one that bites,
as a dog, etc.; to bite, grip or tear with the
teeth. (cf. kagt).
palanggdan, (H) See palangagarn.
palangakan, palangakon, (H)
Power, authority, office, position of power
or influence. (cf. k, gahm).

palangalipyan, (H) Place of joy,

recreation ground, pleasure resort, place of
pleasure or amusement; merriment, good
cheer, object of pleasure, joy or
consolation; diversion, entertainment. (cf.
lpay, kalpay).
palangamuyon, (H) Place of prayer,
oratory; shrine, altar, chapel, church. (cf.
palangn, To stop, cease, make an end
of, leave off, break off, have done with, give
over, quit, discontinue. Nagpalangn si
sang ya pagbth, pagsmba,
pagkonpesr, etc. He stopped going to
school,church,confession, etc.
Ginpalngnan (ginpalangann) nla ang
pagni, kay madmol ang uln. They gave
over harvesting rice, because it rained
heavily. (cf. langn, put, dlug).
palanganinwan, (H) Type, model,
mirror, example, pattern, paragon, picture,
ideal representative of a class or group. (cf.
annaw, larwan, huran, solndan).
palangnti, See pangti. Also: to behave
or act like adandy,coxcomb,fop,
dude. (cf. padayw).
palangasw-on, (H) A prospective wife,
bride, affianced, fiancee, intended,
betrothed, engaged. Si am ang ya nga
palangasw-on. She is to become his wife.
(cf. aswa, pangaswa).
palangatubngan, (H) Place or district
to befaced,confronted,represented.
Puk nga palangatubngan. Electoral
(senatorial) district. (cf. atbang,
palangatl, (H) Itch; to itch, have or
contract the skin disease katl.
palangw, (H) To expose to flies, let be
covered with flies. Ind ka magpalangw
sang tinpay. Ind mo pagpalangawn
ang tinpay. Dont let the bread be covered
with flies. (cf. lngaw).
palngg, Favourite, darling, pet, duck,
ducky, dear, deary, sweet, sweety, honey; to
fondle, caress, pet, cherish, love, treat with
great affection or tenderness. Palangga
ang bt. Treat the baby with great
tenderness. Pet the baby. (cf. ngg).
palanggna, Wash-basin. (cf.
planggna, palanghilam-san, labadr).
palanggran, (H) See palaanggran
likeness, similitude.
palanggt-um, See palangitmto
become black, etc.
palanghlin, (H) Change;
transformation; to pass into another state,
change (colour, expression, etc.).
Nagpalanghlin ang ya nawng (guy).
His face changed colour. His countenance
fell. (cf. hlin).
palanghtag, (H) Liberal, generous,
open-handed; to be liberal, etc. (cf. htag,
mathud, malwan, mahinatgon,

Visayan-English Dictionary
palanghilam-san, (H) Basin, washbasin, an open vessel in which to wash the
face, hands, etc. (cf. hilm-os, palanggna,
labadr, hulunwan).
palanghingik, (H) A tooth-pick. (cf.
kk, hingik, palanghining).
palanghining, (H) Tooth-pick. (cf.
palto, ting).
palanghubg, (H) Swelling; dropsy. (cf.
palamang; hubg, bang).
palanghuys, (H) To turn pale, blanch,
tremble, fear; to become weak, lean, wan,
white, ghastly, emaciated, particularly said
of the face. Nagpalanghuys ang ya
nawng. His face turned pale.
palangihin, (H) Chamber pot,
bedchamber vessel for urine; lavatory. (cf.
h, pangh).
palanginn-an, (H) A banquet, feast,
rich entertainment, place where food is
served, table or dishes laden with food,
where ones bread is buttered, a well paid
position. (cf. kon, kaln-an).
palanginbabe, palanginbabye,
Addicted to women, fornicator, libertine,
rake, rou. (cf. manginbabe).
palanginhsan, (H) Place where shell
fish are gathered; a lucrative post or
position, paying concern. (cf. pangnhas,
palanginlalki, Addicted to men, whore,
prostitute, bad woman, a woman of loose
morals. (cf. manginlalki).
palanginywat, Selfish, covetous,
miserly, stingy, close-fisted, egoistic,
egotistic. (cf. simt, mot, dingt,
panginywat, parapangunyd).
palangipotn, (H) Water closet, privy;
cess-pool. (cf. pot, palamusnan).
palangisdan, Aquarium, fish-pond;
fishery, place for catching fish. (sd).
palngit, Towards heaven, heaven-ward;
to go to heaven. Ang waly pagto nd
makapalngit. Without faith one cannot go
to heaven. Ang grsya nga
nagapakasntos am ang ikapalngit
sang to. Sanctifying grace enables a man
to go to heaven. (cf. lngit).
palangitn-an, (H) Livelihood, living,
means of subsistence, work, calling,
business, by which one supports oneself,
employment, position, lucrative
engagement, trade, vocation, place;
employ, pursuit, occupation, situation,
berth. An ang ya palangitn-an? How
does he manage to live? What is his
business or employment? How does he get,
gain or earn, his living (livelihood)? (cf.
kt, pangt).
palangitm, (H) To become dark, black
(in the face, etc.). Nagapalangitm ang ya
guy gkan sa masoswlo. She is becoming
black in the face through an attack of
convulsions. (cf. itm; palanggt-um).

palanghilam-san palpad
palangktan, (H) One to ask, to be
asked or consulted; consultor; oracle. (cf.
palangkton, (H) Adviser, counsel, one
to be asked for advice, etc.; one to be
asked,questioned,investigated. Si am
ang ya palangkton. He is his adviser, he
is often consulted by him. (cf.
palanglibngan, (H) Privy, etc. (cf.
komn, lub, palamus-nan,
palangipotn, palanlibngan).
palanglgbos, (H) To shudder, receive a
shock or fright that makes ones hair stand
on end. (cf. panglgbos, kibt, hanguys).
palanglingwlingwan, (H)
Distraction, diversion, amusement,
recreation, relaxation, holiday. (cf. lingw).
palanglpaw, To wither, fade, decline,
droop, languish, grow thin and weak, waste
away. Nagapalanglpaw na si. He is
wasting away. Nagpalanglpaw na ang
ya lwas, kay tiglang na man si. He
has grown thin and weak, for he is quite
old. (cf. lpaw, lmpaw).
palanglspad, Paleness; anemia; to
grow pale. (cf. lspad).
palanglya, Weakness, exhaustion; to
grow weak. (cf. lya).
palangmaty, Mortification, death of a
part of an animal body, decay; to fade,
wither, become paralyzed. Palangmaty
sang lwas. Palsy, paralysis. (cf. maty,
palangolhan, palangolohn,
Needing, lacking or wanting a head,
chief, director. (cf. lo, panglo,
palangt, To touch, cleave to, stick to,
have contact with. (cf. pangt, angt,
palng-palng, Husks, pods, (of the
sebkaw-tree, etc.).
palng-plang, Dim. of palnga slice,
palangl-ul, Stiffness, numbness; to be
or become stiff, numb, benumbed (and
painful). Nagpalangl-ul ang ya pa nga
napilsan sang makahihlo nga pan. His
leg, the one that was wounded by the
poisonous arrow, became stiff and painful,
(cf. l-ul).
palangmhan, (H) Field, land, grounds,
ground, estate, farm. Malpad ang ya
palangmhan. His farm-lands are
extensive. He has (owns) a large farm. (cf.
um, pangmhan, mangungma).
palangnut, The falling out (shedding)
of hair, etc. (cf. nut, pangnut).
palangpus, Shrinkage, dwindling; to
shrink, dwindle, fall off; to cringe, bend,
crouch (with servility), (cf. kpus).
palangrug, Tremble, trembles, milk
sickness; to tremble, shiver, quake, (cf.
krug, kdug, pangrug).

palangusg, Stiffness, hardness,

callousness; to be or become stiff, hard,
rough, horny, callous, wrinkled. Nagpalangusg ang pnit sang ya kamt.
The skin of his hand became hard and
rough. (cf. kusg).
palangyy, Weakness, debility;
weakening, slackening; to grow weak,
slacken, become feeble, be remiss. (cf.
palanihaponn, Food for supper. (cf.
hpon, panihpon).
palanilagn, (H) Observation-post,
watch-tower. Palanilagn sang panahn.
Meteorological station. Weather-Bureau,
Observatory. (cf. panlag).
palanlibngan, See palanglibngan
Privy, etc.
palnog, Caus. of lnogto bruise, etc.;
to report, etc. (palnug id.).
palntang, To procrastinate, put off,
prolong, produce, delay, defer to a later
time, (pa, lntang).
palanublon, See panublonheritage,
palandlan, (H) Receptacle, vessel,
container. (suld; kasdlan, suldlan).
palnug, See palnog.
palnug, To bruit or noise abroad, to
report, publish; to throw, let fly, heave, shy,
cast, fling, hurl. Palanga ang bla, etc.
Throw the ball; etc. Ipalnug ko sa mo
ang bla. Ill let you throw the ball.
Ginapalnug nla nga. They are
spreading the rumour (news) that. (cf.
palangnaw, (H) Cold, catarrh, chill,
slight influenza, indisposition, discomfort
caused by (through the influence of) cold
weather or the like; to feel cold, catch a
cold, to shiver. (cf. tgnaw).
palanumdumnan, Memorial,
commemoration, remembrance, souvenir.
(cf. dmdum, panmdum, handumnan,
palanungw, Evaporation, exhalation,
steaming out; itch (as after shaving, etc.).
(cf. sungw).
palanyagahn, Food for dinner. (cf.
palan, Pertaining to the ants called pal;
full of pal.
palay-loy, To raise the voice, to shout,
sing aloud. Magpalayloy ka sang mo
tngug. Palaylaya ang mo tngug. Raise
your voice. Shout or sing aloud.
(palayluy id.).
palap, A hammer. (cf. pp, palapk).
palpad, To make wide, extend, widen,
broaden. Palapra ang lamsa. Make the
table wide or wider. Ipalpad ko sa mo
ang kon kaingn. Ill let you increase the
extent of my jungle fire. You may burn over
a greater area. Ind ka na magpalpad
sang dlan, kay tman na kalpad. Dont


palapag palatindgon
make the road broader (wider), for it is
broad (wide) enough already. (cf. lpad).
palapag, A fishing line, the line to which
the fish-hook is attached.
palapk, A hammer or beater, knocker,
club, flail, rod, particularly a cotton beater.
(cf. papk).
palpak, Caus. of lpakto tread or step
on, etc. Also: A devotional practice whereby
the base of a statue of a Saint is applied to
the head or to other parts of the body; to
apply the statue or have it applied. May
palpak. There is (was or will be) an
applying of the statue. Mapalpak
(Magapalpak) ak. I am going to receive
the palpak. Madm gid ang
ginpalapkan sang pista ni San Bisnte.
Very many people received palpak on
the feast of S. Vincent. Ipalpak sa ya ang
larwan ni Snta Rta. Take the statue of
S. Rita and give him the palpak.
(palpak literally means: to cause to tread
on, to allow another to put his foot on ones
head or neck (an ancient sign of
pal-pla, Lattice-work for supporting
plants, trellis; bower.
palapangay, A petitioner, beggar,
haggler, higgler, one who always asks for
some discount, privileges, gratuities, etc.
(cf. ay).
palapanginywat, See palanginywat.
palapatawarn, Place where pardon
can be obtained; confessional. (cf.
palapatawarn, What can be, is to
be, forgiven or pardoned; one entitled to
amnesty; venial, pardonable. (cf.
palapilin, A candidate for election, one
who is, or wishes, to be chosen for an office,
or the like. (cf. pl, pil, pumilil, piniliy).
palapt, (H) To approach, approximate,
draw nigh or near, come close to, come,
go, towards, go or come near. Pumalapt
ka sa ya. Approach him. Draw near him.
Ind ka magpalapt sa kon. Dont come
near me. Papalapit si Hos sa kon. Make
Jos come near me. Palapit si Hos. Go
near Jos. Pinalapitn ak nya. He came
near me. He approached me. Ipapalapt
mo sa kon ang sya. Place the chair near
me. Put the chair nearer me. (pa, lapt;
papalapt is the Caus. of palapt).
palpnag, To extend, spread, to
propagate, cause to be more extensively
used or known, promulgate, circulate,
disseminate, diffuse, popularize.
Ginpalpnag nla ang pagto. They spread
the faith. Palapnag inng klse sang
bnh. Make general the use of this kind of
seeds. Wal pa sil pagpalapnag ddto
sang am nga galingn. That sort of
machine has not yet been introduced there
amongst them. Ipalpnag ddto ang am
nga balasahn. Make propaganda there for


Visayan-English Dictionary
that paper. Increase the circulation of that
paper in that locality. (pa, lpnag).
palran, (H) Fortunate, lucky, happy,
successful, blessed. (plad). (cf. bulhan,
palarawnan, palarawann, A place
where pictures are made or sold; a picture
shop, studio, a photographers atelier. (pa,
palsang, To upset, bewilder, confuse,
pump, ply with many questions, crossquestion, cross-examine. Ginpalsang
sang mananbang ang sksi. The lawyer
tried to bewilder the witness with many
questions, cross-examined him with the
intention of inducing him to say some
foolish things, make absurd statements.
Palasnga ang mga bt, agd
mahibalon ta kon matod nga malam
sil sang la leksyn. Ask the children
many questions, so that we may know, if it
is true that they know their lesson. (pa,
palas-non, That is, has, to be borne
or endured; bearable, tolerable,
supportable, endurable, sufferable, burden,
what can be borne. (cf. ps-an, lulukdhon,
llan, sngkaw).
palasarn, Foundation, base,
groundwork, support. (cf. psad).
palasarn, Truss, trussing; raw material;
what is to be founded or established. (cf.
psad, palasarn).
pals-aw, To thin out, dilute. (cf. lsaw).
pals-ay, To make distasteful, give one a
distaste for or a dislike of, cause antipathy,
avert from, cause to become disgusted
with, induce a sense of loathing. Ipals-ay
sa ya ang batsan sinng to. Bring him
to detest that mans character. Palas-ay
si, agd dl na si magpadyon sang ya
mga pagdaw ddto. Tell him something
to make him disgusted, so that he may
discontinue his visits there. Bisn an ang
hmbal mo nd ka makapals-ay sa kon
sa kay Fulno. Whatever you may say, you
will not be able to make me dislike N.N.
(pa, ls-ay).
palsik, Caus. of lsikto scatter, fly or
jump off, etc.
palsik, palask, To put away secretly
or fraudulently, to hide, conceal,
transfer to someone else, part of ones
lands or assets in order to avoid payment of
taxes, sequestration, or the like. Sang
pagembrgo sang ya nga pagkabutng
ginpalask nya ang ibn nga mga pinun
sang ya dt. When his property was
sequestrated he managed to have some
parcels of his land transferred to someone
else. Kon maspwan ikw nga nagpalask
ikw sang am nga palangmhan
pagasiltan ka sing dak. If it is found out
that you have transferred that farm to
someone else, you will be severely

palasilongn, Shelter, cover, place of

refuge. (cf. slong, paslong).
palasipalahn, (H) Deserving to be
insulted,reviled,vilified,treated with
ignominy; contemptible, despicable, mean,
vile, wicked. (cf. pasipla).
palasokn, (H) That is to be filled up or
covered (as hollows and holes). (cf. psok).
palasgid, palasugd, A boaster,
braggart; chatterbox. (cf. pala, sgid).
palasulabihn, (H) Preferable, more
desirable, that is to be chosen or preferred.
(cf. lab, pasulbi).
palasyran, (H) Promenade, parade,
place for walking or taking a stroll, park,
recreation ground; walk, stroll,
constitutional. (cf. paser, pasyr).
palsyo, (Sp. palacio) Palace, mansion.
pl-at, Interstice, interval, pause,
interruption, etc. See lng-at, bl-ot.
palatynan, (H) See palatayonn.
palatayonn, (H) Conduit, channel, pipe
or tube, water-system, irrigation-system.
(cf. tayn).
palatigayonn, palatigaynon,
Efficient contrivance, procurement,
preparation, previous arrangement; things
to begot ready,prepared,attended to.
(cf. patigyon, hilikotn, hilimosn).
palatigun, (H) To aspire tobe first,
to come out on top; to vie, compete with.
(cf. na, pasigun).
palatihn, (H) Meriting belief,
reasonable, probable, well-founded, likely,
believable, reliable, trustworthy, plausible,
credible, worthy of credit, credence or
belief. (cf. pti).
palatk, (H) A beater, hammer, knocker,
stick, anything to strike a gong with, beat a
drum with, or the like. Palatk sang
bmbo. Drum-stick. Palatk sang
mananggti. The piece of split bamboo
used by toddy-gatherers for scraping clean
their toddy-receptacles. (After the cleaning
of the sald the palatk is struck several
times against the coconut palm in order to
rid it of the adhering dregs; hence the
name). (cf. patk).
palatikngan, (H) That on which one is
stepping or walking or making ones living,
hence: commerce, business, trade, traffic,
commercial pursuit, mercantile
undertaking, occupation, living, position.
(cf. tikng, palangitn-an, pangt).
palat-nan, (H) Something to be
marked,noted down,signed, a symptom
to be watched, an event to be remembered
or recorded, an incident to be registered, or
the like; worthy to be recorded, worth
making a note of. (cf. pt-in).
palatindgon, (H) Anything to be
erected, built or established. Ang Bhin
sang mga Palatindgon. The bureau of
Public Works. (pa, tndog).

Visayan-English Dictionary
palatin, (H) Near new moon. Gb-i nga
palatin. A night near new moon, i.e. a
dark night. (cf. lat).
palatipign, Safe keeping, storage,
strong-room, store-room, store-house,
place where anything is preserved or kept.
Palatipign sang plak. Palatipign-plak.
Savings bank. Safety deposit. (cf. tpig).
palatn-an, Of legal age to go to school;
that is to be taught, a pupil, student, boy or
girl of school-age, etc. (cf. ton).
palatbson, (H) The expected yield from
a farm, plantation, mine, manufacturing
plant, etc.; crops, produce, commodities,
output. (cf. patubs).
palatukn, (H) Foundation, principle,
ground, basis. Palatukn-Pagbult-an
Legislature, congress, legislative assembly.
palatk-an, (H) Poultry yard, feeding
ground for poultry, barnyard for fowls. (cf.
palatkdan, Principles, etc. See
palatk-on, Chicken-food, grain, or the
like, to be scattered and picked up by
poultry, birdseed. (cf. tuk, palatk-an).
palatukurn, Principles, constitution,
rules, foundation, fundamental laws,
maxims, postulates. (cf. tkud, palatkdan,
palatulg, (H) A sleeper, slumberer; a
lazy fellow, sluggard, sleepyhead. (cf. tlug,
palatunawn, (H) Place where
something is melted, dissolved or made
liquid; smeltery, foundry, melting furnace;
digestion. (cf. tnaw).
palatnggon, (H) Anything employed to
make a sound, sounding-board, musical
instrument. Nagahmos kag nagabinagybgay sil sang la mga palatnggon.
They are getting ready and tuning up their
musical instruments. (pa, tnug).
paltyon, (H) One to be killed or
executed, condemned, sentenced to capital
punishment, condemned to die (death). (cf.
paty, mamaltyon).
palaumurn, Restraint, restriction,
reserve, refrainment, abstention,
abstainment; what is to berestrained,
abstained from, or the like. Ind na
palaumurn ang paghinmbit sang am
nga mga butng. There is now no
restriction (limitation, reservation) on
mentioning those things (such matters).
(cf. mud, pamud).
palat, Caus. of lat. To make sick, excite
aversion. Inng mals-ay nga pagkon
nagapalat sang kon solksolk. Such
tasteless food makes me sick.
palautwson, That is to, can,
should, be brought to the surface; worthy
torise,come out on top,occupy a high
position. (cf. twas).

palatin palis-lis, palis-las

palay-luy, To raise (the voice). See
palw, To end, stop, terminate, cease,
close, finish, conclude, cause to cease, put a
stop to, bring to an end, put an end to, said
especially of troubles and difficulties.
Palaw ang ya kalisd. Put a stop to his
distress. Ipalw inng kalingwlingwan
sa ya kasub. Make use of this diversion
to make her stop mourning. Ang pagabt
ni ttay nagpalw sang ya nga
kamngaw. The arrival of father was the
end of her loneliness. Ginpalw sang
disnon nga kal-oy ang ya
makahansb nga kahimtngan. The
mercy of God granted that his pitiable
condition should end. (cf. parw).
palw-ay, (H) To make ugly, hideous,
etc. Palaw-ay ang ya guy, agd nd na
si makilla sang mga to. Make his face
so ugly (Make him look hideous) that
people may not recognize him any more.
Ipalw-ay sa ya inng ling. Make him
look hideous with this charcoal. (pa, lway).
palwig, To lengthen, prolong, extend.
(cf. lwig).
palwis, To sharpen to a point; to
protract, prolong. (cf. lwis, palwig).
play, Unhulled rice. (cf. humy, pray).
paly, A wooden peg, pin, bolt or nail.
palyag, To provide or fit out with sails;
strike with the back of a knife, bolo, etc. (cf.
palayg, To set sail, sail off, make sail, go
or travelunder sails,under canvass. (cf.
palyas, An addition to a house, as a
balcony, annex, veranda, etc. (cf. palypay,
palayw, To let loose, to let roam free, to
leave in the open field. Palayaw lang ang
mga bka sa latagn. Just allow the cattle
to roam about free in the open field. (pa,
layw; cf. paluyw id.).
palygay, To let or order to admonish,
etc. Ind si magpalygay. He is not
amenable to admonitions. He will not take
advice. Palaygay si sa ya bt. Order
him to correct his child. Palaygay ang
masakt. Get someone to give salutary
instructions to the sick person. (pa,
palay, (H) To let or make go far away,
remove to a great distance; to go far away,
retire, recede, withdraw to a far (safe)
distance. Palay (Magpalay) ka dir. Go
(far) away from here. Palayo (Ipalay)
si sa kon. Send him far away from me.
Oh Gino, ipahilay (ipalay) mo sa kon
ang tann nga mga kalalt-an. Oh Lord,
remove far from me all evils. Nagpalay
si sa dt nga ya natahan. He went far
away from his birthplace (from the place of
his birth). (cf. lay, pahilay).

paly-on, To cover with sand and earth,

to bar the flow of a water-course in order
that the earth and sand carried along by a
flood may accumulate behind the weir
(levee, dam, dyke) and so raise the level of
the water or divert the flood to another
channel. Ginpalay-onn nla ang sap.
They built a weir across the brook.
palayng, Caus. of layngto dry up,
palypay, Plural form of pypayto fan;
to beckon.
palypay, An addition to a main
building, annex, wing. (cf. padros id.
pldas, (Sp. faldas) Skirt, train, flap; the
paldyas, (Sp. faldillas) Skirts; coat-tails;
rim, brim (of a hat, etc.).
palnke, (Sp. palenque) Palisade, paling;
public market; exposition, exhibition,
plh, plhi, Shunned, to be avoided,
neglected, kept away from; to shun, avoid,
neglect, ignore, eschew, have nothing to do
with, keep away from, steer clear of. Plh
nga lugr. A place to be avoided. A place it
is inadvisable to go to. Dl mo pagpalhin
ang mga mol. Do not shrink from (shun,
keep aloof from) the poor. Ginaplh nla
yanng to. They pay no attention to that
man. They ignore, despise that man. (cf.
dl, duml, ahg-ahg, ihg-ihg, skway,
pahmak, tmay).
plh, plhi, Extraordinary, special. (cf.
plhit, To smear over, to plaster, to put on
or spread (an ointment, glue, or the like).
Palhit ang pagktan sing kla. Put glue on
the paper. Pinalhitn mo ang by sing
laks nga pog. You have smeared the
by-leaf with too much lime. Ginplhit
nya ang lnang sa guy sang bt. He
besmeared the childs face with mud.
Iplhit mo ang manteklya sa tinpay.
Spread the butter on the bread. Butter the
bread. Spread the bread with butter. (cf.
hplas, hdhid, bdlis).
plhuk, Pocket, burse, small bag. (cf.
pli, A kind of mango smaller than the
regular variety.
pal, Scar, mark left by a wound, boil or
the like, a cicatrix, cicatrice. (cf. pinalian,
pl, To form a scar, cicatrize, skin over,
heal (said of a wound, etc.). Nagkapl
(Napl) na ang ya pils. His wound is
healed. Blnga ang hubg agd
magkapl (mapl). Put some medicine
on the boil, that it may heal up. Idpat
inng bulng sa pagpapl sang pils. Use
this medicine to cure the wound. (cf. yo).
palis-lis, palis-las, To step
quickly aside, to sidestep, draw back,


palibt palipng-lpong
withdraw, retire a little or to a short
distance, jump away. (cf. lis).
palibt, To squint, look askance, give a
side-glance, look out of the corner (tail) of
the eye. Ind ka magpalibt sa kon. Ind
mo ak pagpalibatn. Dont look askance
at me. (cf. libt, lisng).
palb-ok, To sustain ones voice, to keep
up, hold, a note, to sing, shout, or speak
without taking breath for a considerable
time. Palib-ok ang mo tngug. Sustain
your voice. Sing, shout or speak without a
breathing spell for a considerable time,
without taking breath. (cf. lb-ok).
palib-lbo, To think over well, ponder,
muse, meditate, reflect upon, consider,
turn over in ones mind. Paliblibha nay
ang sult mo sa ya. Turn over in your
mind beforehand (Ponder well) what you
are going to write to him. (cf. liblbo,
painno, panghunhn, basbso,
palbon, To close completely, leave no
opening, enclose entirely without any hole
or aperture. (cf. lbon).
palbud, Caus. of lbudto peddle, hawk,
etc. Palibra si sang sd sa la dlan.
Order him to peddle the fish in their street.
palibg, To confuse, distract, disconcert,
fluster, put out, upset, bewilder, cudgel
ones brains, worry, be at a loss. Am in
ang nagpalibg sang ya lo. That was
whatworried him,confused his mind,
bewildered him. Nagapalibg si sang ya
lo sa pagpangt sing kalusan sa ya
mga kalisd. He is cudgelling his brains to
find a way out of his difficulties. Am in
ang ginapalbgan (ginapalgban) karn
sang la mga lo. That disconcerts
(worries) them for the present. Palbga
(Palibug) ang ya lo. Perplex or
embarrass him. Involve him in difficulties.
Ang am nga hitab wal gid magpalibg
sang ya panumdman. Wal gid
pagpalbga ang ya panumdman sang
am nga hitab. That event did not upset
him in the least. (cf. libg, palngin).
palbut, Caus. of lbutto go round, etc.
Also: Around, round, neighbourhood,
environs, round about, encircling. Sa
palbut sang baly. Round about the
house. (cf. maglbut).
plid, To blow away, carry off or along,
whisk off, send sailing or flying (said
especially of wind). Ginplid sang hngin
ang ya pny. His handkerchief was
blown away by the wind. Andam ang
papl, agd nd pagpalron sang hngin.
Mind the paper, lest it should be(Take
care that the paper is not)carried off by
the wind. (cf. dal).
paldan, Causative of ldanto pass, go
by. Palidna nay ang pndut. Postpone
the feast. Let the feast first be over. Wait till
after the feast. (cf. palgad).


Visayan-English Dictionary
pald-plid, Dim. and Freq. of plid.
Also: to shake, move, sway, flutter, swing,
flap (in the wind). (cf. luplp).
palg, (B) Caus. of lgto forget.
Paliga ang bt sinng mga butng. Let
the child forget it (such things).
palgad, Caus. of lgadto pass, etc. (cf.
palgbok, To sustain ones voice. See
palb-ok id.
palgdas, Caus. of lgdasto slip, glide
off. Paligdas lang ang kngga sa bat,
agd makibt ang mga sumalkay. Let
the cart slip off the stone, that those riding
in it may get a fright (to give the passengers
a fright).
palgid, Caus. of lgidto roll, etc. Ind
mo pagpaligdon (-ron) ang bmbo sa
salg. Dont roll the drum across the floor.
Paligdi (-ri) inng tp sang barl. Roll
the barrel over this plank. Ipalgid ko sa
mo inng bat, kay ak nd makasarng.
Ill let you turn this stone over, for I am not
able. Kon mayo ang pagpalgid mo sang
mo pagkabutng makasplid ka gid sing
dak. If you wisely invest or make good use
of your wealth, you will reap a large profit.
palg, Caus. of lgto bathe, lave, etc.
(cf. palgos).
palg-on, Caus. of lg-onto be firm, etc.
Also: Assurance, surety, bail, pledge,
security, bond, confirmation.
paligosn, (H) A bath-tub, bathroom,
bathing place. (cf. palgos).
palgos, paligs, (H) Caus. of lgos.
Also: to take a bath, bathe, wash oneself.
Magapalgos (Mapalgos) ak nay. I am
going to take a bath. Nagpalgos sil sa
sub. They bathed in the river. Papaligsa
lang si. Let him have a bath. Napaligsan
ko kana ang bg-o nga bubn. I took a
bath in the new water-hole a short while
paligy, To be lazy, indolent, shirk ones
duty, etc. (cf. ligy, tinamd,
palgpit, Caus. of lgpitto squeeze, jam,
palgwin, To hide, conceal, set aside, put
away, keep (secretly); to hide oneself,
abscond, depart, go (turn) away from. (cf.
palgwis, (H) To cut to a point or taper,
to point, taper, give a point to sharpen to a
point, bring to apoint,taper. (cf.
palhog, Caus. of lhogto request, ask a
favour. Ipalhog mo ak sa. Palihga
ak. Let me ask you the favour of.
Please (to). Do me the favour of.
Would youkindly,be so kind as to,
have the goodness to.
palhon, Like, pertaining to, plia
small mango; green, fresh.
palikw, Caus. of likwto avoid.
Palikaw si sang am nga dlan. Let him

avoid that road. Dont let him take that

palilpdan, Screen, cover, shelter,
protection, hiding place, trench. (cf.
palipd, palalpdan).
palmbong, Causative of lmbongto
cheat, etc. Ind ka magpalmbong kag nd
ka magpadal sa plak. Dont allow
yourself to be cheated and dont be carried
away by (the glitter or desire of) money.
palmlim, To observe, watch, spy, be on
the lookout, hang about, hover near, linger
near, wait for an opportunity to abstract
something secretly or the like. Ang bt
nagapalmlim sa luy sang tabungs nga
may suld nga ph. The boy is lingering
near the basket of mangoes.
palmot, Caus. of lmot. Palimta
(Palmta) si sin. Let him forget it.
pl-in, To segregate, separate from. (cf.
pling, The decline of day after mid-day,
postmeridian, afternoon; to decline.
palngin, Causative of lnginto be dizzy,
confused. Nagapalngin sil sang la mga
lo, kay. They are cudgelling their
brains, because. Their heads are all of a
whirl, for. (cf. palibg, palntong).
palngkod, Caus. of lngkodto sit, etc.
Palingkor (-od) si dir sa nhan. Seat
him there in front. Let him sit down there
in front.
palntong, Caus. of lntongto be
confused, etc. Nagpalntong si sang ya
lo. He is cudgelling his brains. (cf.
palibg, palngin).
palo, Caus. of loto contrive, etc. Also:
to manage to make a profit, do business,
negotiate, utilize as a means to gain ones
end. Paliha ak sing pil ka psos. Loan
me (Let me borrow) a few pesos. (cf.
paht, patga, pandihtan, rimdyo,
plio, plyo, (Sp. palio) Pallium; canopy.
palpas, To let or make avoid, let pass,
etc. Palipsa ang kngga sa dlan. Let the
cart pass through the road. (pa, lpas).
palipt, Caus. of lipt. Palipat si sin.
Let him forget it (that). Palipat si sa kay
Fulno. Let him give N.N. a slap.
palpong, Caus. of lpong. To cause a
fainting fit, etc.; to render insensible, make
unconscious, anaesthetize, anesthetize; an
anaesthetic. Sang pagbsbus sa ya
pinalpong si nay (wal si
magpalpong). When he was operated
upon (underwent, submitted to, an
operation), he was (first)anaesthetized,
given a narcotic (he would not submit to be
chloroformed, etherized, narcotized,
palipng-lpong, Dim. of palpong.
Also: to pretend not to know, plead
ignorance, take no notice of, do as if not
aware of. Ind ka magpalipnglpong, kay
nakahibal kam nga nakasyod ka sang

Visayan-English Dictionary
tann. Dont plead ignorance, because we
know that you know everything. (cf.
palp-ot, Caus. of lp-ot. To shorten, make
short, abbreviate, abridge, curtail, cut
short. Palip-ot ang ya srwal. Shorten
his trousers.
palipd, To screen, let screen, put up a
screen, screen off, hide, hide oneself, take
shelter. Palpdi ang masakt sa ktre
(higdan). Screen off (Put up a screen for)
the sick person in bed. Palipd ka. Hide
yourself. Take shelter. (cf. lipd).
pals, A ring, hoop, band, ligature in the
form of a ring.
plis, To deviate from ones course,
deflect, swerve from the straight route, be
blown off ones course, applied to the wind
interfering with the straight course of a
vessel at sea, etc. Ang mon sakayn
ginplis sang hngin. Our boat was blown
off its course (by the wind). Ind kam
maglrga karn, kay kntra ang hngin
kag bs palson kam. Dont sail now, for
the wind is contrary and you may be blown
out of (deflected from) your course.
pals, To make turn round, let turn,
reverse, turn round (transitive); to convert.
Palisa ang karabw. Make the buffalo
turn round. Turn the buffalo round.
palsta, To let or make-enlist,enroll,
have ones name inscribed on a list.
Mapalsta kam sa manuglsta. We are
going to be enlisted by the registrar.
Palistah si sang ya nga nglan. Have
him enlist. Let him enter his name on the
list. Let him have his name put down in the
list. Let him have his name listed. Ipalsta
sa piskl ang mo ank. Let the fiscal
register the name of your child. (cf. lsta,
pl-it, A bald spot, (hairless) scar;
tonsure. (cf. pl-ak, korna).
palta, (Sp. paleta) A small shovel, trowel;
palitda, (Sp. paletada) A trowelful of
mortar, or the like.
palto, (Sp. palito) Toothpick. (cf.
paltog, Embezzlement, malversation,
misappropriation, fraud; to defraud,
embezzle, appropriate fraudulently money,
etc. Ginpaltog nla ang plak sang bnwa.
They used the peoples money for private
purposesorthey defrauded the public.
Ind mo pagpalitgon ang kwrta nga
tingyan sa mo. Dont embezzle the
money entrusted to you. (pa, ltog).
paliw-lwa, Recreation, vacation,
holiday, time off, free time; to spend a
holiday, take a vacation, geta day off,an
hour free, divert oneself, take a walk, spend
an hour or so in recreation, etc. (cf.
lingwlngaw, paluywlyaw, liwlwa).
paliyn-lyan, Neglect, abandonment; to
neglect, shirk, leave undone, abandon,

palp-ot paluhd
leave. Ind mo pagpaliynliynan ang mo
mga buluhatn. Dont neglector
abandon your duties. Ginpaliynliynan
sang mga bt ang pagbnyag sang mga
tanm kag nagsgud sil sang hmpang.
The boys neglected to water the plants and
started playing. (cf. biyby, pasaliptpot,
palyo, See paloto contrive, etc.
palyo, (Sp. palillo) Any small stick;
paliyohn, A frame for bobbins; reelstand.
plkas, To wash away or take out a stain,
etc. See kaks id. Palkas, palkas,
iplkaskakas, kakas, ikaks.
palmta, (Sp. palmeta) A stroke or slap
with a ferule on the open palm of the hand,
formerly often given us a punishment to
naughty school-children.
plo, (Sp. palo) The mast of a ship; stick,
cudgel; to beat, thrash, cudgel. (cf. lmpus,
bilogn, tagson, sngkud).
pal, A kind of small fish.
pal, Hammer, mallet; to hammer, strike
with a hammer. Palo (Pl-a) ang lnsang,
paly, etc. Hammer the nail, the bolt, etc.
palgot, Covered with dust and
perspiration, dirty, stained, soiled. (cf.
plok, The crow of a cock; to crow. (cf.
pamlok, paml).
palk, Having prominent or protruding
eyelids. Palk si sing mat. He has
protruding eyelids. (cf. park).
pl-ok, To scale, peel, come, off (of
skin, etc.); to tear, abrade, lacerate. Naplok (nagkapl-ok) ang pnit sang ya
btkon, kay naliswahn sang tbig nga
innit. The skin came off his arm, because
scalding water had been poured on it. (cf.
pl-ak, pl-us).
palkot, paloln, Caus. of lkot, loln
to roll up (a mat, a (stiff) rug, etc.).
palols, Caus. of lolsto roll up, etc.
Ipalols sa ya ang hinmlad nga mantl.
See to it that he rolls up the spread-out
table-cloth. Palolos kam sang kortna.
Have the curtainraised,rolled up,
removed, for us. (cf. paballon, palkot,
pallos, Means of escape; assets,
resources, something to rely upon or to fall
back upon (in time of need). Wal kit sing
pallos (ipallos ikapallos) nga kwrta.
We have no money, are poor or out of cash.
May pallos pa si. There is yet a remedy
for him. He has yet some means (of
escape). (cf. palnos, pals).
palomara, A tree with medicinal
properties. (cf. dangklan id.).
plong, To extinguish, blow, snuff,
out, damp, choke, stamp out, put out a light
or fire, suffocate a flame. Ang kalyo sang
inpirno nd maplong. The fire of hell

cannot be extinguished. Palnga ang sug.

Put out the lamp.
palng, Having drooping ears; to hang
down the ears, put the ears back. Palng
si sing dalnggan. His ears hang down.
Ind ka magpalapt sa sinng kabyo, kay
nagapalng. Dont go near this horse, for
he is putting his ears back, (ready to bite
pl-ong, To stop, halt, bar, debar, block,
thwart, preclude, put an end to. Sa hinl
napl-ong ang ya paghmbal. His talk
suddenly came to an end. Pal-ong ang ya
paglkat. Bar his progress. Halt him. Bring
him to ahalt,stand,stop. Ginpl-ong
nya ang pagpatndog ni Fulno sing
baly dir. He stopped N.N. from building
a house here. (cf. put, paput).
palnos, Resources, means, something to
fall back upon. Wal na kam sing sarng
ikapalnos (ikapallos) sa ya. We cannot
help him, for our resources are exhausted.
We cannot support him, we can no longer
bear with him, or the like. May palnos pa
si sa pagpadyon sang ya sugl. He still
has the wherewithal to continue gambling.
May ipalnos si sa pagpugng sang ya
kakig. He found strength to suppress his
anger. (cf. pallos).
palnos, To grant, consent, concede,
Palonsi ang ya nga ginapangaby.
Grant his request. Concede his petition. (cf.
paly-ploy, Weak, unsteady,
precarious; to weaken, lessen, decrease.
Palyploy ang pangabh sinng mga
kambuyahn. The life of those companies
is a precarious one.
plpag, To strike or hit with a hammer, to
hammer. Palpag ang lnsang. Hammer
the nail. Hit the nail with the hammer. (cf.
pal, pp).
plpal, A small post, stake or stick fixed in
the ground and used chiefly for tethering
an animal. Also used as a verb. Palpaln
mo ang karabw. Tether the buffalo to a
stake in the ground. (cf. bgsok).
palste, (Sp. falsete) Falsetto voice.
palsipikr, (Sp. falsificar) To forge,
counterfeit, falsify.
palsipikasyn, (Sp. falsificacin)
Falsification, forgery.
plso, (Sp. falso) False, spurious,
counterfeit, bad, forged. Plak nga plso.
Counterfeit money. (cf. kulir).
plua, Palm-leaves, especially the palmleaves or branches blessed on PalmSunday. (cf. rmos).
palgus, Caus. of lgusto force, etc.
Also: Force, violence; by force, forceful,
compelling, using physical or moral
pressure. (cf. paksug).
paluhd, To let or make kneel down, or
genuflect, make one go down on his knees
or bend the knee. Paldha ang bt. Make
the child kneel down. Ginpaluhd nya


palkpuk pamad
kam. He made us kneel down. Sn-o bal
ang pagapaldhon nya sa ya
pagpakasl? Whom will he ask to be his
witness when he marries? (cf. luhd).
palkpuk, Cob, corn-cob. (cf. kayn).
palumtay, (H) See paalumtayto
seem, pretend, to be dead, etc.
palumw, Caus. of lumwto grope in
mud, etc.
palumw-lumw, Dim. of palumw.
Also: to fill with tears, brim with, be full
of, tears. (cf. kanwkanw).
palmb, (H) Racing, competition; to
race, let (make) race. May palmb sang
kabyo, bisiklta, karabw, etc. There is
(was, will be) a horse-race, bicycle-race,
buffalo-race, etc. Ipalmb ang mo
kabyo. Let your horse take part in the
race. Run your horse. (cf. lmb).
palmpat, To let or makejump,
leap,spring,bound. Palumpat lang
si. Just let (make) him jump.
Ginpalmpat nya ang kabyo sang kodl.
He made the horse take the fence. He put
(jumped, leapt) the horse over the fence.
(cf. lmpat).
palungkgay, Caus. of lungkgayto
rattle, clatter.
palngpung, Tassels, fringes; a bunch,
(of flowers, etc.). (cf. pngpung).
palupd, To let or make fly, to fly
(transitive). Palupar (-ad) ang buladr.
Fly the kite. Ind kam magpalupd sang
buladr dir; kon malyag kam palupar
lang nnyo ang wayng. Dont fly your kite
here; if you want to fly it, do so in the open
field. (cf. lupd).
palpid, See palpig.
palpig, Caus. of lpigto oppress,
subdue, keep under the thumb, etc. Ind ka
magpalpig (magpalpid) sa ya. Dont
allow yourself to be imposed upon
(outdone) by him. (cf. palup).
palupk, To let or make a gun go off, to
fire, let off, discharge, detonate, fire a
salute, fire off salvoes, to cannonade, cause
something to burst with a loud report, to
fire shots by means of a gun, rifle, mortar,
etc. Also noun: shooting, salvo, salute with
guns, or the like. Sang pista ddto sa
bryo may palupk sa kawyan. At the
feast there in the village they fired off a
bamboo gun. Palkpi (Palupok) ang
Nobna. Fire off mortars during the
novena. Ipalupk ko sa mo inng
rekmara sa nyong pista, pang kon
magub (maprde, marngg) bklan mo
ak sing is nga bg-o (sing is ka
rekmara nga bg-o). Ill let you have this
mortar for your Feast, but if it should be
ruined, youll have to buy me a new one.
(cf. lupk).
palpok, A shooting mortar (rekmara,
rekmra); fire-cracker. (cf. palupk).
palp, palup, To let or make treat
ignominiously,harshly, to allow to outdo


Visayan-English Dictionary
or overcome, etc. Ind ka magpalp
(magpalup). Dont allow yourself to be
slightedtreated ignominiously (with
ignominy). (cf. lup).
pals, To slip out, glide or slide off, free
oneself from a grip, etc.; to escape,
disentangle oneself. Nakapals ang sd sa
kon kamt. The fish slipped out of my
hand. Napalusn ang ya kamt sang
isullat. The pen slipped from his hand.
Palus ang mas sang ya pnit. Husk the
corn. Daw sa nd na si makapals sa
mapot nya nga kahimtngan. He will
scarcely be able to get out of (escape from)
his difficult (tight) position. (cf. pdlus).
pl-us, Weal, bruise, laceration, an open
wound; to wound, injure, tear the skin,
lacerate; to scorch, singe. (cf. pl-ak, plok, plas).
palsad, Caus. of lsadto step out of a
vehicle, dismount, etc. Palusra si sa
karabw. Make him come off the buffalo.
palsad, A granary on the ground-floor, a
large rice-container under the main floor of
a house. (cf. tambbo, damisg).
palusng, Caus. of lusngto burst
open, etc.
pals-aw, Caus. of ls-awto lose
colour, to fade; be or become afailure,
pals, Caus. of lsto fray, etc.
palus-ls, Dim. of pals.
palus-lso, To abate, diminish,
moderate, calm. Paluslusha ang mo
kakig, painno, etc. Moderate your
wrath, calm your mind, etc.
palust, Caus. of lustto slip or squeeze
through, etc. Paltsa si sa kodl nga
kawyan. Make him (Let him) slip (creep,
squeeze himself) through the bamboofence.
palsut, Late rice-seedlings. (cf. sbud).
paltak, Caus. of ltakto step in, etc.
Ind mo pagpalutkon ang mga bt sa
lnang. Dont allow the children to wade
through the mud.
palutk, Caus. of lutkto cleave, split,
paltay, Caus. of ltayto set muscles,
paluty-ltay, Dim. and Freq. of
paltay. Also: to engage in a tug of war,
fight, try ones strength against another.
palya, To weaken, make weak; feign or
pretend weakness. Nagapalya gid lang
si sang ya lwas sa labng ditay nga
ginabtyag. He pretends great weakness
for the slightest indisposition. Ang
mabskug nga pangabdlay nagpalya
sang ya lwas. Hard work madehis
body weak,him feeble. Paluyha si.
Weaken him. (pa, lya).
paly, To tire, make tired or exhausted.
Paluya lang si. Make him tired. Tire him
out. (pa, ly).
palyag, Caus. of lyagto like, etc.

paluyn-lyan, (B) See pabuynbyan,

paliynlyanto neglect, disregard, etc.
paluyw, Caus. of luywto be out in
the open air, etc. (cf. palayw).
paluyw-lyaw, Dim. and Freq. of
plwa, See pluapalm leaves, etc.
plya, (Sp. falla) Fault, defect, deficiency;
break, leaving work, taking a day (or more)
off, shirking ones duty; to shirk, stop
(leave off) working for a time, default. (cf.
lpas, palangn, pasaliptpot).
pama, Form or shape of legs. Matibnog
(Magamy) si sing pama. He has round,
stout (small, slender) legs. (cf. pa).
paman, (B) To make known, advise,
inform, let know, acquaint with, impart to,
apprize, give notice, bring, send,
leave, word. Pamn-i si. Inform him.
Ipaman mo sa ya nga. Give him
notice that. Pinamn-an nya kam
sang nahanab ddto. He has sent us word
of what has happened there. He informed
us of the happenings there. (cf. man,
pahibal, pasyod).
pamb, pamb, Way or manner of
talking; form or shape of ones mouth; to
talk much and flippantly, tell stories (lies),
be a chatterbox, to prattle, prate. Ang mo
pamb dl bgay sa is ka magtoton.
Your way of talking is unbecoming in a
teacher. Sn-o ang namb (nagpamb)
sin? Who told that story? Who said such
silly things?
pambdus, Freq. and Caus. of mbdus
to be pregnant, etc. (cf. pangmbdus).
pamdbad, Freq. of bdbadto wind on
a reel; unravel, etc.
pamadl, Freq. of badlto shoot, etc.
pamdlak, Freq. of bdlakto shine,
sparkle, glitter, etc.
pamdlis, Freq. of bdlisto anoint, etc.
pamdlit, Freq. of bdlitto line, mark,
pamdlong, Freq. of bdlongto
correct, etc.
pamdmad, Freq. and Caus. of
mdmad. To get quite awake, become wide
awake, wake up, get ones head clear after
sleep. Pamdmad ka nay. First get fully
awake. Kn-a in sa pagpamdmad sa mo
(agd ka mamadmarn). Eat this in order
to get quite awake. Ginarti si, kay
naggw sa hangnan nga wal
makapamdmad. He fell ill (had a fit or
swoon), because he went out into the
breezy air before he was quite awake (i.e.
he did not stay long enough in the room
after awaking from sleep, but rose and
immediately went out in the fresh air).
pamdo, Strong, durable, lasting.
Pamdo nga saptos, baly, kampanryo,
kodl, etc. Strong boots, a strong house,
belfry, fence, etc.
pamad, To go to a banquet, assist at a
feast. Ind si but magpamad karn,

Visayan-English Dictionary
kay mask si. He does not like (wish) to
assist at the feast, because he is very busy.
(cf. bd).
pamdy, Freq. of pdy. To tease, call
by a nickname or other contemptuous
pamag, Freq. of bagto quarrel, etc.
pamg-an, To lighten, make light, make
bearable, to ease. Pamag-an ang ya
llan. Lighten his burden. Give him a light
load to carry. Put a light load on him. (pa,
pamg-ang, Corner, corner-stone; form
or shape of ones molar teeth. (cf. bgang).
pamagng, Freq. of bagngto warm,
heat; to inflame (a passion, or the like).
pamghot, Freq. of bghotto cut
back, cut off a piece of (less than half an
inch a day), lop off the tip of, the
swak (the fruitstalk of the coconut palm)
in order that the tub may flow the better.
pamg-o, Freq. of bg-oto make new,
renew, renovate.
pamg-o, Caus. and Freq. of mg-oto
be or feel new in a place or position, not
habituated, not familiar, unaccustomed,
startled, surprised. Namg-o si ddto. He
feels new there, is not yet quite at home
there, has not yet settled down there, feels
strange in his new surroundings. Anhon ko
ang pagpamg-o sa mga bista?Pasudan sil sing ginams kag pahigda sil sa
salg. What shall I do to startle (give a
surprise to) the visitors?Give them
pickled fish (as a side-dish to rice) and let
them sleep on the floor.
pamg-on, Freq. of pg-onto
strengthen, fortify, to be firm, decided,
resolute, determined.
pamgting, Freq. of bgtingto ring the
bells, etc.
pamahl, To make dear, overcharge, sell
at a high (extravagant) price, ask
(exorbitantly) much, raise, put up,
boost, the price. Pamahal ang tub.
Raise the price of tub. Ginpamahl nya
ang mga klon sing taglim ka dak. He
put five centavos more on, he put up
(boosted) the price of, each earthen ricepot (by five centavos).
pamahan, (B) Freq. of bahanto
sneeze. (cf. pangtsi).
pamhat, Freq. of phatto divide, cut
up, distribute.
pamhaw, Breakfast, afternoon tea, light
repast; to have breakfast, to breakfast, take
a light repast. Namhaw (Nagpamhaw)
ka na? Have you breakfasted yet? Tagi
sil sing pamhaw. Give them a light
repast. Papamahwa sil. Give them,
prepare for them, let them have,
breakfast. Pinamahwan kami nla,
hinatgan kam nla sing pamhaw,
ddto sa la baly. They gave us breakfast

pamdy pamalye
there at their house. (cf. bhaw,
pamhid, Freq. of phidto rub out,
wipe off, etc.
pamahd-phid, Dim. of pamhid.
pamhin, Freq. of bhinto divide, share
out, etc.
pamh, Smell; to smell. (cf. panimh,
bh, bah).
pamahg, Freq. of bahgto mix food,
feed a pig, etc. (pandamg).
pamahng-pahng, Attention, respect,
consideration (for the feelings of others),
concern. Sa wal gid sing
pamahngpahng pumalapt si sa kon.
He approached me, came near me,
without any formality or without any
consideration for those present. (cf.
pamhoy, Freq. of bhuy. A scarecrow; a
ghost; to behave and do mischief like a
witch, to frighten people by night, to haunt.
Si Fulno nagapamhoy, kon. N.N. is
scaring people by night, they say.
pamhug, Freq. of phugto intimidate,
frighten, scare, threaten, daunt, overawe,
deter by threats.
pamahlay, Freq. of bahlaycold
sweat (perspiration); to be in a, be
covered with, cold sweat.
pamin, paman-pin, Freq. of pin
to separate, segregate, etc.
pamakl, Freq. of baklto buy, etc. Ang
pamakl kag pamalgy. Buying and
selling. Barto (Mahl) si sing pamakl.
He buys cheap (dear).
pamkdol, To knuckle, beat, strike. (cf.
pamkhay, Freq. of bkhayto hoe, dig,
pamkh, To sigh, grieve, etc. (cf.
pamklang, Freq. of pklangto
form, have, grow, large leaves (of
palms or the like).
pamakg, Freq. of pakgto throw a
stick at, etc.
pamkol, (H) Freq. of bkolto beat,
cane, cudgel.
pamkris, Freq. of bkristo scratch,
wound superficially, etc.
pamks, Freq. of pksto break or
twist off, etc.
pamkud, Freq. of bkudto be strong,
firm, etc.
pamakd, Anything that gives strength
or security; a strong wall, fence, etc.;
fastening, lock, bolt, or the like. (cf.
pamakudn, (B) See pamakurn.
pamakurn, (H) Fortress, fort,
fortification, stronghold; strength,
firmness, durability, stability. (cf. bkud,
palamakurn, pamakudn).
pamkyaw, Freq. of pkyawto
contract for the whole, etc.

pamal, (H) Caus. and Freq. of malto

be dry, etc.
paml, Freq. of plto erase, wipe out,
pamalbad, Freq. of balbadto
brandish, etc.
pamalbag, Freq. of balbag.
Opposition, obstruction, hindrance; to
oppose, obstruct, hinder, impede, raise
obstacles, thwart.
pamaldpad, Freq. of paldpad. Also:
To wave, swing to and fro, shake, flourish,
paml-ag, Freq. of bl-agto file.
pamalklon, (H) Freq. of balklon,
bakl. To visit shops with the intention of
making purchases, to buy goods, to go out
shopping. Nagapamalklon pa sil. They
are still buying goods. Kon tpus na kam
makapamalklon bumlik kam dir sa
mon sa madal. When you have done
(finished) your shopping, come back to us
here at once. (cf. pamakl).
pamalkpak, Freq. of palkpakto clap
the hands, to clap, applaud, give applause;
to flap, flutter, the wings, etc. (cf.
pamalndong, Freq. of palndong.
Meditation, consideration, contemplation,
reflection, thought; to meditate,
contemplate, consider well, think well on,
give (a matter) thought, ponder, muse over,
reflect upon. Pamalandong in sing
mayo. Ponder that well. Consider that
matter carefully. (cf. painno, hunhn,
dmdum, tamd, basbso, liblbo).
pamalandongnan, Meditation, etc.
See palandngon, pamalndong.
pamalandngon, Meditation, etc. See
palandngon, pamalndong.
pamalangw, A rail, tie, crossbeam,
transverse piece of wood, bamboo, etc.; the
horizontal bamboos lashed to the upright
posts in the fishtrap called punt.
pamalsa, Freq. of balsato mix or
shuffle cards, to cut (a pack of) cards; the
way or method of shuffling cards, etc.
pamalsan, Freq. of balsanto warn,
give notice beforehand, etc.
pamalatin, Sickness, illness, infirmity,
disease, ailment, complaint, disorder,
malady, epidemic, pest, pestilence; to ail,
be sick or ill, fall a victim toan
epidemic,a plague,a pest,a pestilence,
to fallsick,ill, take, catch, suffer
from, labour under, be affected with,
a sickness, etc. (cf. balatan, balatin).
pamalad, Dysentery; epidemic of
dysentery. (cf. balad).
pamalwpaw, To avoid the ordinary
road, walk (wander) about in fields or in a
jungle, pick ones way along the bank of a
river, or the like.
pamalye, The relationship between the
parents of the bride and the parents of the
bridegroom before the marriage of the


pamlbal pamaps
young couple; to stand in such a
relationship or to make efforts to bring it
about, to woo for, be a match-maker or gobetween, ask for the hand of a young lady
on behalf of her admirer. Nagapamalye
sil. They are arranging the marriage
between their respective son and daughter.
(cf. balyethe relationship of the parents
after the marriage of their respective
children). (cf. panggon).
pamlbal, Freq. of blbalto beat,
pamlhas, Freq. of blhasto perspire.
pamlhin, Freq. of blhinto change,
pamlhit, Freq. of plhitto smear,
paml, (H) Freq. of plto heal over,
form a scab, etc.
paml-i, The imperative passive of the
obsolete pamal (Freq. of bal)to
understand, but now only used in the
meaning: How can I (you, he, etc.) know? I
(you, he, they, etc.) know nothing about it,
or the like. Paml-i ko sinng mga butng.
I know nothing about such matters. How
can I know such things? Paml-i nya sin.
He knows nothing about it. Paml-i nla
sang pangomrsyo, nga wal nla pagtni. What do they know about commerce
(business)? They have never studied it. (cf.
panghiml-i, kalibutni, man-ih).
pamalbad, (H) Freq. of balbadto find
excuses, etc.
pamlid, Freq. of plidto blow or carry
away (of wind).
pamalgy, Freq. of balgyto sell, etc.;
way or method of selling, etc. Mahl
(Barto) si sing pamalgy. He sells dear
pamaligyon, Selling, sale, selling price.
Sa sbung karn nga pamaligyon. At
present sellingorat the current
price. (cf. balgy, pamalgy).
pamlik, Freq. of blikto return, etc.
pamalk-blik, Dim. of pamlik.
pamalingt, To be displeased, angry, etc.
See pamulingt. (cf. bulingt).
pamalskad, Freq. of balskadupside
pamal, To make use of a wooden
hammer, hammer with a pal or mallet.
paml, Freq. of bl. To give an alarm;
to crow (of cocks); cocks crow. Ang
pamlorpagpaml sang mank. The
crowing of the cock. Ang mank
nagapaml. The cock crows (is crowing).
(cf. toktorok, pamlok).
pamlok, Freq. of plok. To crow (of a
cock). (cf. paml).
pamlon, Freq. of blonto take
provisions along for a trip, etc.
pamalng, See pamalng.
pamaltbot, Freq. of baltbotto pull
up, lift out of water, etc.


Visayan-English Dictionary
pamlpag, Freq. of plpagto hammer,
pamlpal, Freq. of plpal. To put sticks,
stakes or small posts into the ground.
Ginpamalpaln sang kaminro ang bint
sang dlan. The road-mender planted
stakes along the side of the road.
Nagapamlpal si. He is setting sticks
(small posts) into the ground.
pamlt, To wear, show, something
for the first time, as a new dress, etc.
Ipamlt ko inng bg-o ko nga trno sa
mon pndut. I shall wear this new suit for
the first time at our feast. Nagpamlt si
sang ya bg-o nga by nga skl sa
bd sa baly ni Fulno. She displayed her
new silk-blouse at the banquet in N.N.s
house. (cf. dun which, at times, is also
used in the meaning of pamlt).
pamalng, Freq. of balngto be drunk,
pamalng, Freq. of palng. Also: to look
or stare about one with gaping mouth after
having missed or lost something or in
disappointment at the failure of obtaining a
desired object. Sang pagabt nya sa
dungkan namalng si nga daw lipng
sa kaskit, kay ang sakaynhlas
naghaln na. When he arrived at the
harbour he stood there (staring with)
gaping (mouth) like one stunned with grief,
because the steamer had left. (cf.
pamusmus, pamulng).
pamals, Freq. of palsto slip out of,
escape, etc.
pamna, Freq. of bnahusband. To
take a husband, to marry (of a woman), be
in search of a husband. But si
magpamna. But nya ang pagpamna.
She wishes tomarry,get a husband.
paman, To use a bow and arrow,
shoot, let off, fly, an arrow. (cf. pan).
pamnaw, (B) Freq. of pnawto walk,
go, march. (cf. pangdto, panglakt).
pamnday, Freq. of pnday. To be a
carpenter, etc.; to practise carpentry, etc.
Nagapamnday si. He is a carpenter,
smith, etc. He is an artisan. He plies the
trade of a skilled craftsman.
pamandyan, An artisans shop (as a
carpenters, joiners, smiths, wheelwrights,
pamngag, Freq. of bngagto crack,
split, cleave; fissure, crack (in the soil,
especially in rice-fields).
pamngan, Freq. of bnganto
ambush. (cf. pamngg).
pamngg, Freq. of bnggto lie in
wait for, ambush. (cf. pamngan).
pamnggas, Freq. of pnggasto set
seeds by making a small hole in the soil
with a dibble, putting in the seeds and
covering them with earth. Sa tpus ang ni
pamanggasn mo ang talmnan sing
mas. After the rice-harvest you will plant
corn in the field. Nagapamnggas sil.

They are setting seeds (by hand). (cf.

sbudto sow, strew, scatter, broadcast).
pamngil, Freq. of bngilto put
something underneath, etc.
pamngkot, Freq. of pngkotto ask
information, query, etc.
pamangkotnon, Things to be asked,
queries, question. (cf. palamangkotnon).
pamngon, Freq. of bngonto rise
from a recumbent position.
pamangpngon, River bank; lands
adjacent to the banks of a river; to be
situated, stretched, to walk, along a
river bank. (pngpang).
pamnhaw, Freq. of bnhawto raise to
life; rise from the dead.
pamnhop, (B) Freq. of pnhop. To oil
the hair with the juice of coconut meat
either chewed or otherwise crushed for the
purpose. (cf. panghs).
pamnhul, A swelling, jab, prod, punch,
hardness, callousness; to swell, become
swollen, hard, callous; to gall, fret, chafe, be
bruised and swollen. (cf. bnhul).
pamang, To spread ones mat, lie down
on a mat. (cf. bang).
pamnit, Form, shape, colour of ones
skin; to skin, peel, flay. Buky
(kayumngg) si sing pamnit. He is
white (brown). He is white-skinned
pamnsag, To celebrate, etc. See
pahimnsag, bnsag.
pamantl, Freq. of bantlto publish,
etc. (cf. pabalt).
pamantalan, pamantalan,
Newspaper, periodical, magazine, gazette.
(cf. balasahn).
pamntay, Freq. of bntayto guard,
pamntug, Freq. of bntugto be,
become or make famous. (The Caus. is
pamnwa, The management or direction
of a township; to live as a citizen, take part
in public affairs, etc.; to govern a
municipality, etc. (cf. bnwa, himnwa).
pamnyos, Freq. of bnyos. To put on a
salve or plaster; rub oneself.
Nagapamnyos si. He is putting on a
plaster, is rubbing himself with some salve
or ointment.
paman, Freq. of panbait; to bait.
pamapk, Freq. of papkto strike,
beat, hammer. (cf. pamp).
pamp, pamp, Freq. of pp. To
hammer, strike or beat as with a hammer.
Pamapa ang mas tbtub nga
magkabkbok sing mayo. Beat the corn
till it is quite reduced to powder.
pampas, Freq. of ppasto destroy,
exterminate, etc.
pamaps, Freq. of papsto beat or
strike down; to attack, assault.

Visayan-English Dictionary
pamarg, (B) Freq. of pargto send or
drive away (off); to turn a person out (of
doors), refuse hospitality. (cf. panbug).
pamaragng, Freq. and Caus. of
maragngto be blood-stained, etc.; to
spread, extend, cover a large extent of the
skin (said of an eruptive skin-disease, etc.).
(cf. pgang, daluppan).
pamarakt, To step briskly, walk quickly
(with raised skirts, as women do when in a
hurry, etc.). (cf. lakt, balking, barking).
pamary-bray, Freq. of barybray
to be stiff, etc.; to confuse, be confused, etc.
Nagapamarybray ang ya likd. He has
a feeling of pain and stiffness in the back.
He has rheumatic pains in the back. His
back feels stiff and painful.
pamrbas, To shave (the beard).
Mamrbas ak. I am going toshave,
have a shave. Mayo gid ang
pagpamrbas mo. Nakapamrbas ka sing
mayo gid. You have shaved yourself very
well indeed. You have given yourself a very
good shave. (cf. brbas).
pamarphi, To reject, refuse, decline; to
make a gesture of aversion, disgust or
anger, gesticulate wildly as a sign of refusal
or disapproval. (cf. pamirphi, pamirpir).
pamarkpok, To flower (of the mangotree, etc.). (cf. parkpok, pamorkpok).
pamsa, Freq. of bsato read, etc.
Method, way, manner, of ones
pamas, Freq. of basto be wet, etc.
pamas-bsa, Dim. of pamsato
read, etc.
pamas-bas, Dim. and Freq. of bas
to be wet, etc.
pamsad, Freq. of psadto erect,
establish, found. Also: foundation,
constitution; method, way, of building
houses, etc.
pamasran, pamasarn, Base,
ground-work, foundation, principles,
constitution. (cf. psad, pamsad,
pamsaw, (B) Freq. and Caus. of
msawto feast, eat well, etc. Namsaw
sil ddto sa bd. They ate well (there) at
the banquet. Pamaswa ang mga bt.
Let the children eat to their hearts content.
(cf. pamskwa, knkan, payaw;
papskwa the Caus. of pskwa).
pamsk, To use for a feast, display on a
solemn occasion as during Holy Week, or
the like; to spend a feast. Ipamsk ko
inng bg-o ko nga delrgo. I shall wear
this new pair of trousers during Holy Week.
Din ikw mamsk? Where will you spend
Holy Week? (cf. psk).
pamskug, Freq. of bskug. Strength,
health; solidity, security; stiffness, rigidity;
to be or become strong, robust, etc.; to be
or become stiff, rigid, inflexible. Namskug
ang ya pa. His leg became stiff, rigid.

pamarg pamy
pamskwa, To feast, eat or dine well,
attend a big dinner or banquet, assist at a
feast or solemnity. Namskwa sil ddto.
They had a big dinner there. (cf. pskwa).
pamsok, Freq. of psokto wedge in,
put in, between, etc.
pamsol, Freq. of bsolto reprimand,
blame, etc.
pamasl-basl, Dim. of pamsol. To
expostulate with, remonstrate with.
pamspas, Freq. of pspas. To cut down,
fell, lay low all the trees, shrubs, bananas,
etc. in a limited area, strike down with a
pole fruit from trees, etc.
pamt, Freq. of btto give birth to.
Child-bearing. To bear children, bring
forth, have offspring. Ginpamatan
(ginpamt-an) si ni Fulno. She had a
child by N.N. (cf. pambdus).
pamat, Sight, eyesight; look, gaze; form
or shape of ones eyes. Mayo si sing
pamat. He has a good sight, he sees well.
(cf. mat, paguy, pangmat).
pamatdyong, The form, shape or way
of wearing the Filipino skirt called
patdyong. Ang ya pamatdyong buy.
She wears her patdyong slovenly, loose,
not well tied, untidily. (cf. patdyong).
pamatng, Freq. of batngto lie down,
pamatn-on, Youth, young man, young
person, boy, girl, lad, lass, growing out of
childhood into manhood (womanhood).
(cf. bt, pamt).
pamtbat, To read out, give a decision or
sentence; to lead at prayers, read the
prayers; declaration, decision, sentence.
Pagapamatbatn sil sang hokm sa
bus. Tomorrow the judge will read to
them his decision. Nabantl na ang
pamtbat sang hokm. The decision of the
judge has been published. Sn-o ang
nagapamtbat sang Rosryo? Who leads
in saying the rosary? Pamatbat ang
nobna kay San Bisnte. Lead in the
prayers of the novena of S. Vincent. (cf.
bsa, sgud, btbat).
pamtdan, To get or look for cuttings of
sugar-cane; to cut sugar-cane in pieces for
planting. (ptdan).
pamat, Freq. of batto hear, etc. (cf.
pamt, Freq. of batto hear. To hear
obediently, listen, lend a willing ear.
Pamati kam, oh Gino. Oh Lord, hear us.
Ind si mamt. He will not listen.
pamt, Freq. of btto feel. Feeling,
physical condition. Dl mayo ang
pagpamt (pamt) nya. He does not feel
well. Mabg-at kayo ang pamt
(pagbt) nya. His condition is quite
serious, very grave.
pamti, Freq. of ptito believe, etc.
pamtiag, Freq. of btiagto feel, have a
sensation, etc. (pamtyag id.).

pamatk-batk, pamatk-matk, To
investigate, inquire into, collect
information, gather news, try to elucidate
the facts or truth (from rumours or
hearsay). (cf. batkbatk, matkmatk).
pamat, Counterpoise, counterweight
attached to one end of a pole for raising
water and the like; metal blocks, balls or
rings attached to a fishing net, sinker.
pamat, To throw stones. Freq. of bat.
pamatk, Freq. of patk. To strike,
hammer or pommel, especially the head.
Ginpamatk sang magtoton ang mga lo
sang sutl nga mga bt. The teacher
pommelled the heads of the naughty boys.
pamtok, Freq. of btok. To resist,
oppose, protest, offer opposition; a protest,
objection. Madm ang nagapamtok
sinng pagbult-an. Many are opposing
this law. Nagpask sil sing pamtok sa
matas nga punon. They sent a protest to
the highest official.
pamtok, Freq. of ptok. To found,
establish, etc. Ig lang si sang pamtok
sing kabutign. He is only fit for the
spreading of lies, for setting lies on foot.
pamton, Freq. of btonto receive.
pamtse, To put on a plaster, a leaf, etc.
Nagapamtse si. He is putting on a
plaster. (Freq. of ptse).
pamatod, Testimony, verification,
corroboration, proof, assertion; to testify to
the truth of, verify, corroborate, assert,
maintain. (cf. tod, matod, himatod,
pamtyag, See pamtiag.
pamul, Freq. of pul. To weaken, lose
strength, get tired or worn out; to grow stiff
and painful (of muscles, etc.).
pamw-as, pamwas, Freq. of bwasto be sterile, etc. Also: to ingratiate
oneself with, ask alms, gifts, etc., from a
childless couple; to empty, take all,
exhaust, seize, lay (get) hold of,
everything so that nothing is left for others.
(cf. pakibw-as).
pamw, Freq. of bwto redeem,
reclaim, etc. (cf. himaw).
pamawd, Freq. of pawd. To sew np
on rods for roofing. Nagapamawd si. He
is a maker of npshingles (for roofing
pamy, Freq. of byto leave,
abandon, let alone, etc.
pamyad, Freq. of byadto pay, etc.
pamayw, Freq. of baywto raise, lift
up (an arm, etc.).
pamyhon, Freq. of byhonform,
shape, outward appearance, etc.
pamylo, Freq. of byloto change,
exchange, etc.
pamy, To wear ajacket,blouse,
shirt-waist; the way or manner of wearing
ones (upper) dress. Ind pa si and sa
pamy. Wal pa si manad sa pamy.


pamay pamsa
He (She) is not accustomed yet to wearing
a jacket (blouse). Ang ya pamy dl g
(ngay). He does not wear his jacket (She
does not wear her blouse)right,in the
right fashion,in the approved way.
pamay, Freq. of bayto pound rice.
Nagapamay si. He pounds rice
(professionally). He is a pounder of rice. He
earns his living by pounding rice.
pamay, Freq. of payto move or shake
up and down. (cf. paypay).
pamyong, Freq. of pyong. To carry an
umbrella, use, put up, an umbrella; the
way of carrying an umbrella, etc.
pamypay, Freq. of pypayto fan; to
pmbo, (B) A flow of blood, a
bleeding, from the nose; to bleed (said of
the nose). Nagapmbo (Ginapmbo) si.
His nose is bleeding. Pinmbo si
kahpon. Yesterday his nose was bleeding.
Andam ka, agd nd ka pagpambohn
liwn. Be on your guard or your nose will
bleed again. (cf. snggo).
pamentha, To be to ones interest or
advantage, to gain, profit, benefit, have the
start of, reap advantage from, turn to good
account. (cf. bentha, himuls, splid,
pamernsa, To iron, press, clothes,
etc. with a flat-iron. (cf. pernsa).
pamid-pid, Freq. of pidpidto
sneak or slink away.
pamdy, To finger, twang, touch or play
a musical instrument. Pamidyi sing
mayo ang mga kwrdas. Finger the
chords well. Twang (pluck) the strings
properly. Observe the right fingering in
striking the chords.
pamidyan, The finger-board of a
musical instrument, key-board. (cf.
pamidy-pdy, To be or act like a
loafer, parasite. (cf. pidypdy).
pamirde, Freq. of pirdeto lose,
sustain a loss, etc.
pamista, To assist at a feast, go to a
feast or festival. Mamista man ikaw? Are
you also going to the Feast? Madm ang
namista ddto. Many went therefor the
Feast,to the festival (Freq. of pista).
pamg, Freq. of bg. To act like a
harlot, practise harlotry. (cf. panglpot
pamgs, Freq. of bgsto grasp, grip,
handle (rudely, roughly). pamhag, Freq. of
bhagto take captive, captivate.
pamhak, Freq. of phakto cut in two.
pamihk, Freq. of pihk. One half; page
(of a book).
pamking, Freq. of pking. To wrinkle,
pucker, crease, be wrinkled or wrinkly, be
or become furrowed with wrinkles, form
folds and wrinkles. Nagapamking ang
pnit sang ya kamt. The skin of his hand
is becoming wrinkled. (cf. palamking id.).


Visayan-English Dictionary
pamil, To give one the wink, etc. See
pamr, pamir.
pamilg-pilg, Freq. of pilgpilgto
be thinly spread, etc.
pamilah, (H) To grow or form a spike
(bilho). (cf. pamirho).
pamilk, Freq. of pilkto hurl, throw
pamlak, Freq. of plaksilver, money.
To make money, get rich, collect wealth.
Mawat sa karn nga panahn ang
pamlak. At present money isdifficult to
pamilngg, Freq. of bilnggto
imprison, etc.
pamilt, Freq. of bilt. Ind ka
magpamilt, kay malw-ay ang sbung
sin nga hmbal. Dont say bilt, for
suchtalk is unbecoming,an expression
is obscene, for to use a word like that is
pamily-play, Freq. of pilyplayto
tire, etc. Nagapamilyplay ang ya pa sa
laks nga paglakt. His legs are stiff and
tired, because he has walked too much,
because he has done too much walking.
pamil, Freq. of bil. To value, put a price
on, estimate at, charge for, etc.
paml, Freq. of plto choose select.
pamild, Freq. of bildto look at, see,
pamilihn, Price, cost. Wal gid sing
anno nga magaska ang pamilihn sang
kalmay kag sang kprak sa madal.
There is no sign yet that the price of sugar
and coprawill rise,is going up, in the
near future. (cf. bil).
pamlin, Freq. of blinto enjoin, order,
pamilk, (H) The kind or form of ones
eyelashes; to blink, to wink. (cf. pilk,
pamilkpilk, Dim. of pamilk.
pamlpig, Freq. of plpigto tear, twist or
beak off.
paminngon, Freq. of binngon. To
wear a bolo. Ang kalabnan sang mga
umnhon nagapaminngon. The majority
of those living in the country wear bolos on
their hips.
pamngat, Freq. of bngatto open,
pamngaw, Freq. of bngaw. To lose a
tooth; to lose the milk-teeth. Ang mga bt
nagapamnggaw. Children lose their milkteeth.
pamngaw, To make sad, to sadden,
cause dreariness or loneliness, feel lonely,
be sentimental. (pa, mngaw).
pamngga, To carry on a pole. (cf.
pngga, panngga).
paminggr, Freq. of binggrto
challenge, etc.
pamnghal, Freq. of bnghalto bark,

pamngkal, Freq. of bngkalto force

open, break in (off).
pamngkong, To gather with the fingers
remnants of food or the like left on a plate,
etc. Ang mga bt nagapamngkong sang
kalmay sa pasungn. The boys are
collecting the sugar left in the trough.
Pamingkong lang ang mga kn-on nga
nagapamilt sa pnggan. Just collect with
your fingers the rice that is sticking to the
plate. (cf. pangput).
pamingt, To be envious, spiteful; be
stingy, miserly; to chafe, fret, be angry, look
cross or offended. (cf. palamingt).
pamnh, Freq. of bnh. To form or
develop seeds, etc.
pamnhod, Numbness, stiffness; to be
benumbed, etc. See bnhod, palamnhod.
pamntal, To bar, block, secure, bolt. (cf.
pintla bolt).
pamntas, Freq. of pntas. To treat
cruelly, harshly. Ind mo pagpamintasn
ang mga bt. Dont be cruel to children
(to the children).
pamntig, Freq. of bntigto break or
twist off.
pamntok, Freq. of pntokto dot, spot,
puncture, etc. Also: to beat, thrash.
Pinamintokn nya ang ya nga tngkoy.
He thrashed him. (Literally: He marked
(dotted) his neck).
pamntol, To catch crabs, shrimps, etc. by
means of a trap called bntol.
pamod, Freq. of podto fold, etc.
Mabtik si magpamod kag maghsay
sang mga panpton. She is dexterous at
folding and arranging clothes.
pampi, Freq. of ppito rub off, brush
away. Nagapampi sil sang mga suby sa
la mga btkon. They are brushingoff the
ants from their arms,the ants off their
pamp, Freq. of ppto beat out, crush
out, squeeze out, extract by beating, etc.; to
clean the hair, apply a hairwash.
Nagapamp sil sing salangkgi. They are
beating out the juice of the salangkgi.
pamirho, (B) To grow a large spike
(birho) of flowers at the top of a plant,
said of sugar cane, tigbaw-reed, etc.
Nagapamirho na ang tub. The sugar
cane is flowering now. (cf. pamilah).
pamr, pamir, To give a sign with the
eyes, give one the wink. Ind ka
magpamr. Dont wink (with your eyes).
Pinamiran nya ak. He winked at me.
(cf. mr, mirmirmucus (of the eyes)).
pamirphi, pamirph, To turn away
from in disgust, reject scornfully, refuse,
repulse, make a sign or gesture of disdain;
to brush off. (cf. pampi, pamirpi).
pamirpi, See pamirphi id.
pamir-pir, See pamarphi, pamirphi
to decline, refuse, etc.
pamsa, A Mass stipend or Mass
intention; to have a Mass said or pay the

Visayan-English Dictionary
stipend for a Mass intention. May panad
si sa pagpamsa. He has made a vow to
have a mass said. Ginpamishan ko si
nnay. I had a mass said for mother.
Ipamsa ko lang inng kwrta. I intend to
give the money for masses. Madm nga
pamsa ang ginabton ni Pr Hos.
Father Jos is receiving many massintentions. (pa, msa).
pams-ak, Freq. of bs-akto cleave
asunder, to split.
pamsak, Freq. of psakto wedge in, put
in a wedge.
pamsan, Freq. of psanto be or become
diligent, etc. to apply diligence, perform
assiduously, do with zeal and energy.
pamiswpisw, Freq. of piswpisw
to wink, blink, open and close the eyelids
repeatedly; to nictitate or nictate (of a
birds eyes). (cf. pamisk, pamiskpsok).
pamisk, Freq. of piskto jump or move
with great agility, to make a swift
movement or sudden rush.
pamisl, Freq. of pislto press,
compress, squeeze.
pamslit, Freq. of pslit. See pamisl id.
pamslong, Freq. of pslongto pour or
put rice into the mortar for pounding.
pamisk, Freq. of piskto close,
shut, the eyes, etc. To wink, open and
close the eyes, blink, twinkle.
pamisk-psok, pamisk-pisk, To
wink, blink twinkle. (cf. pamisk,
pamist, Freq. of pist. To say pist,
pamsta, See pamista id.
pamste, Freq. of pste. Pest, plague,
epidemic, pestilence, murrain.
pamste, Freq. of bste. To dress, wear
garments; form and shape of ones dress;
way and manner of wearing ones dress.
pamtak, To enclose, store (rice, etc.). (cf.
pamtay, Freq. of btayto hang (up),
pamto, Freq. of ptopipe,
pennywhistle, catcall. To blowa whistle,
a horn,a siren, to toot, honk, wind.
Nagapamto ang polisya. Policemen blow
the whistle. Madal na lang magapamto
ang sakayn-hlas. Within a short time
the steamer will whistle. Pamithi si.
Whistle to him (to come).
pamtos, Freq. of ptosto slap, strike; a
slap on the hand of one who loses in games
like balnsay, kod, bnggit, etc.
pamtos, Freq. of btosintestinal worm.
To have intestinal worms; the disease
called worms.
pamiy-myo, (Probably derived from
the Spa. miomy, mine). To be egoistic,
selfish; to be concerned only about oneself;
to silently disregard or ignore petitions,
questions, etc. made by others.
Nagapamiymyo lang si, pang sa

pams-ak pamuhs
waly duhdha may madm si nga
plak. He just keeps his own counsel, but he
certainly has much money. Sa tung sang
pamiymyo kag paiyya sang
kalabnan sa karn nga panahn may
ibn pa man nga mga to nga may
patugsling kag pasunid sa la isigkato.
Amongst the egoism and selfishness of the
majority now-a-days there still remain
some who have consideration and regard
for their neighbours. (cf. paiyya).
pmlay, A quarter or leg of meat,
especially a quarter of beef or pork.
pambod, Freq. of bbodto scatter
grains, etc.
pamobd-bobd, Dim. and Freq. of
pamkod, Freq. of bkodto eat, take
food (with ones fingers).
pamkol, Freq. of bkol. To form buds, to
bud; to form fruit especially applied to the
coconut palm and bur palm.
Nagapamkol na ang lub. The coco-palm
is now beginning to bear fruit, is bearing
young nuts. Nagapamkol na ang mga
rsas. The rose trees are budding, the roses
arebudding,in bud.
pamkpok, Freq. of pkpokto beat
cloth, strike, punch, pommel. Ang mga
babye nagapamkpok sang la
patdyong. The women are beating their
skirts. Ind ka magpamkpok (mamkpok)
sa ltok. Ind mo pagpamokpokn ang
ltok. Dont strike (hammer) the table with
your fist.
pamlas, Freq. of blas. To say blas,
often used in contempt or anger. (cf.
pamiltto say bilt).
pamlo, Freq. of plothe handle of a
bolo. To make a handle for a bolo, grasp a
bolo by the handle, etc.
pamp, pamp, Freq. of ppto
pluck, etc.
pamrda, Freq. of brdato embroider,
pamorg-porg, To be in a hurry, do at
once, do forthwith, be anxious about,
dispatch quickly. (cf. plog, prog).
pamorkpok, To flower (of mango
trees). See pamarkpok.
pams, Freq. of ps. Nagapams na
ang sging. The bananas are now budding.
Nagapams sil sing mas. They are
gathering corn-cobs and making them up
into bunches. (cf. ps, pos).
pamostra, Freq. of postra. Bearing,
carriage, gait, posture, behaviour, outward
appearance, way or manner of dressing,
walking, etc. (cf. pamyhon).
pamot, Freq. of botto breed (of birds,
pamotn, Freq. of botn. To put or sew
buttons on a garment.
pamotnes, Freq. of botnesbutton
up, to button, fasten the buttons of a

pamyboy, Freq. of byboyto chide,

expostulate with, remonstrate with,
complain of ingratitude, enumerate
anothers faults and criticize them, censure,
find fault with, carp, cavil. Dyon gid
lmang sil nagapamoybyay
(nagapamoyboyy, nagaboyboynay).
They are constantly finding fault with each
pamypoy, See pamypuy.
pamad, Freq. of badto increase,
multiply, procreate, augment, be prolific.
pamug-pug, (B) Freq. of pugpugto stand idle, have nothing to do, kill
time, lean lazily against a wall, etc. (cf.
pambud, See pambod. (bbud
pamdlat, To stare at, glare at, look at
with goggleeyes. Pamudlat ang bt sa
pagphug sa ya. Look fierce at the boy in
order to frighten (scare, intimidate) him.
pamdlus, To slip, escape from. (cf.
pdlus, pals, pamals).
pamudyaw, Freq. of budyaw. To put
forth a spike of flowers at the top, said of
maize or corn.
pamdyot, Freq. of pdyot. To take up a
little between the fingers, as when
examining cereals, etc.
pamursa, Freq. of pursa. To use force,
to force, make great efforts, apply ones
whole strength. (cf. panikasg, paningh,
pamurg-ot, etc.).
pamgaw, Freq. of bgawto drive off,
pamgkos, Freq. of bgkos. To bind up
in a bundle or package, etc.
pamgo, Freq. of pgo. To gather,
collect; put chickens in a basket or pen.
pamgon, Freq. of pgunto work for a
daily wage, be a journeyman, unskilled
workman or labourer. Ang pagpamgon
am ang ya pangt. He earns his living
as an ordinary workman. Dl mo
pagpapamgnon ang mga matmad
magpangabdlay, knd ang mga
mapsan. Dont engage labourers that are
lazy at work, but such as are diligent
(assiduous). (cf. palamgnan).
pamgtak, Freq. of pgtakto dot, spot;
to embroider.
pamugtk-pgtak, Dim. of pamgtak.
pamgtaw, Freq. of bgtawto awake,
pamgt, Freq. of bgtto break, snap,
pamhat, Freq. of bhatto do, act,
work, bring about.
pamhin, Freq. of bhinto diminish,
take away from, decrease.
pamh, pamuh, Freq. of bh, buh
to release, etc.; to live, etc.
pamuhs, Freq. of buhsto pay a tax,


pamka pamsung
pamka, To rise early in the morning, get
up early. Namka lang kam kay
mabgnaw ang paglakt sa kaaghon.
We rose early, for it is fresh walking in the
morning. (cf. pka).
pamuk, Freq. of bukto open, cut
open, etc.
pamukd, Freq. of bukd. To spread,
open out as the petals of a flower.
pamkad, Freq. of bkadto disclose,
open (boxes, trunks, etc.).
pamukdkad, Freq. of bukdkadto
blossom, bloom, flower.
pamukl, Freq. of buklto seethe, boil.
pamuks, Freq. of buksto open.
pamklad, Freq. of bkladto open,
unfold, etc.
pamul, To redden, turn red, blush. (cf.
pamuld, Freq. of buldto spread (to
dry in the sun, etc.).
pamulg, Freq. of bulgto separate,
divorce from, etc.
pamlag, (H) Freq. of plag. To
remonstrate, expostulate with, scold, talk
loudly and excitedly, speak in anger. Anno
ang mo ginapamlag? What is the reason
of your using strong language? Why are
you talking so excitedly? (cf. pamrag,
pamsa, pamulgs, puyas, pamuyyaw).
pamulg-plag, Dim. of pamlag.
Ginpamulgpulgan nya ak. He spoke to
me angrily, roughly. He scolded me rather
pamulkan, Garden, flower-garden,
park. (blak).
pamlak, pamulk, To flower,
blossom, bloom; cover with flowers. (cf.
blak, pamulkan).
pamullong, Freq. and Caus. of
mullong. Ipamullong mo sa ya inng
sult. Let him read through this letter
carefully. Namullong (Nagmullong) si
sang am nga larwan sa dak nga
katingla. He looked at that picture with
great wonder. He gazed at that very picture
in high admiration.
pamuln, To take a walk or stroll by
moonlight; to seek the society of young
maidens. In this latter sense cf. panalga.
pamlang, Freq. of blangto
participate in cock-fighting, etc.
pamulann, pamulnon,
Menstruation, monthly discharge, menses,
catamenia. (cf. blan; rgla, tud).
pamulsik, To fly off, jump off, be
propelled or hurled to a great distance. (cf.
sik, gsik, pok, lsik).
pamlhug, Freq. of blhugto throw;
push, drag. Pinamlhug nya ang paty
nga id sa bh kag tinampokn sang
dt. He dragged the dead dog to the hole
and covered it with earth.
pamulingt, To frown, be displeased,
angry. See bulingt, pamalingt.


Visayan-English Dictionary
pamlo, To grasp, grip (by the handle, as
a hammer, bolo, etc.). (cf. plo, pamlo).
pamlong, (H) Freq. of plongto say,
speak, utter.
pamuld, Freq. of puldto fell, hew
down, lay low.
pamulug-atn, Hard or heavy work,
drudgery; to work hard, drudge, make
great physical exertions. (cf. bg-at).
pamulgnan, (H) Work, job, position,
situation, employment, (cf. pgon,
pulgnan, palamgnan, alagarn).
pamulg-ot, To exert oneself, etc. See
pamulgs, (H) To gesticulate wildly
and talk angrily or excitedly, complain, give
utterance to displeasure or dissatisfaction,
use violent language. (cf. pamlag,
pamrag, pamsa, etc.).
pamlung, (H) Freq. of blungto spin,
pamlung, (H) See pamlong.
pamulng, Freq. of bulng. To doctor, be
a physician, practise medicine, etc.
pamulng, To stare at, to gape, etc. See
pamulngon, (H) Speech, utterance,
say, flow of words; to speak, say. (cf.
himulngon, pululungn).
pamuls-non, (H) Stool, faeces,
excrements. Matg-a nga palams-non. A
hard stool. (cf. ps-on).
pamlut, (H) Freq. of plutto take up,
lift up, raise from the ground.
pamnak, Freq. of bnakto wash
clothes. (cf. mamumunk).
pamnga, Freq. of bngato bear fruit.
pamngkag, Freq. of bngkagto undo,
destroy, etc.
pamungs, To make up into a knot or
chignon. (cf. pungs).
pamungl, Freq. of bunglto be or
become deaf, etc.
pamunt, Freq. of buntto fish with line
and hook.
pamnlaw, Freq. of bnlawto rinse,
etc. Also: to wash oneself with clean or
sweet water, as after a bath in the sea or the
pamn, Beginning, start,
commencement; heading, title (of a book),
introduction, exordium, opening sentences
(of a discourse, etc.); to commence, start,
begin, enter upon, lead off. (cf. pn).
pamun, Freq. of bunto stab, stick,
pamun, Freq. of punto fill, etc.
pamunan, To visit (inspect) the
bunan of a fish-corral (in order to catch
the fish that may have entered).
pamnong, Freq. of pnongto enclose,
confine; build a dam or dyke.
pamunsyn, To go to, assist at,
partake of, a banquet, etc. (cf. punsyn,
panbad, pamad).

pamntug, Freq. of bntugto strike (of

pamnyag, Freq. of bnyagto water;
to baptize.
pamrag, (B) See pamlag, pamsa,
pamulgs, pamyasto scold, fume,
bluster, rage, thunder, storm, berate,
pamurg-ot, See pamurg-ot.
pamurg, To be indignant, cross,
offended; to scold, chide, rebuke harshly.
(cf. pgwat, pamyas, pamuyyaw, kig,
pamurg-ot, (B) To use all ones
strength, make great efforts, apply force to.
(cf. pamursa, pamurs, pamulg-ot).
pamrung, (B) See pamlung.
pamurs, (B) Freq. of purs. To use
force, etc. See pamursa, pamurg-ot.
pamsa, To scold loudly, talk in an angry
voice, show displeasure by using strong or
violent language. (cf. pamulgs,
pamrag, etc.).
pamsbus, Freq. of bsbusto cut open,
etc. Also: to perform a surgical operation,
be a surgeon, practise surgery, operate
pamuskad, Freq. of buskadto part
asunder, etc.
pamusl, Freq. of puslto shoot, fire, fire
a rifle, let off, discharge a firearm, etc.
pamuslang, To wear spectacles or
glasses; to use a magnifying glass or lens.
(cf. silng, tagoslang).
pamus-mus, To gape, stare in wonder,
look about with wide open eyes, show
surprise or disappointment by opening the
eyes wide. (cf. pamlung).
pamsin, pamsing, pamusngal,
Freq. and Caus. of msin, msing,
musngal, respectively and meaning: to
soil, stain, dirty.
pamuss, Curiosity; inquiry,
investigation, registration; to be curious; to
inquire into, investigate, register, examine
curiously or minutely. Freq. of buss.
pamskad, (H) Freq. of bskadto
open, as a flower, etc.; to bloom, blossom.
(cf. pamkad, pamukdkad).
pamskag, See pamskad. (bskag
pamslut, Freq. of pslutto slip out of,
escape. (cf. pamals, pdlus, pamdlus).
pams-on, Evacuation, stool; to evacuate
the bowels, to go to stool, go tothe
places,the W.C. Mawat nga pams-on.
Difficulties of evacuation. (cf. ps-on).
pamsud, Freq. of psudcorner, nook,
pamusg, Fulness, satiety, etc.; to be full;
to be stiff and painful, cause cramps, etc.
(cf. busg, palamusg).
pamsung, Freq. of bsung. Gravidity,
pregnancy; to be big with child, be
pregnant, bear a child.

Visayan-English Dictionary
pamut, To divide, distribute, etc. See
pamta, Harlotry, prostitution; to follow
the customs or manners of a prostitute, be
a prostitute, be a bad woman. (cf. pta).
pamutltag, Lying about in disorder, in
confusion, higgledy-piggledy, badly
arranged, slovenly; to leave things lying
about in disorder, to be badly arranged, be
slovenly, untidy, pell-mell. Ind kam
magpamutltag sang mga galamitn dir
sa balatonn. Dont let the furniture in the
reception room be scattered about (lie
about in disorder). Ginpamutltag nla
ang la kasangkpan sa salg. They left
their toolslying in disorder on the floor,
strewn about the floor. Dl mo
pagpamutaltagn ang mga butng sa
suld sang hult. Dont turn the things in
the room topsy-turvy. (cf. dm-ok, hl-id;
sprat, damk).
pamt-an, From pamut, but.
Ginpamt-an (ginpangbt-an) sang mga
giniknan ang la mga kabatan, agd
nga nd na magbulth (mageleskwla).
The parents wished (desired, ordered,
ruled) that their children should not go to
school any longer.
pamt-an, From put, pamutto stop,
put an end to, etc. Ginpamt-an nla ang
pagsugilnon sang pagkabat nla sang
binsal sang mga linggnay. They stopped
talking when they heard the peal of the
bells. Ginpamt-an nla ang la mga
kaway. They stopped (halted, ambushed,
waylaid) their enemies (on the road).
pamutng, Freq. of butngto put,
place, etc.
pamut-pta, Freq. of pamta.
pamut-put, Freq. of putput.
Division, distribution; to divide, distribute;
to be dispersed, distributed, scattered one
by one, be wide apart, to straggle, be at a
considerable distance from each other or
from others.
pamuty, Freq. of puty.
pamth, Freq. of bthto visit, go to
school, etc.
pamut, An epidemic of smallpox, etc. See
pamut, Freq. of putto be or become
white, etc.
pamutg, Freq. of butgto tell a lie, etc.
pamto, Freq. of pto. Bankruptcy,
insolvency; to be or become bankrupt.
pamto, Freq. of pto. To make ricecakes called pto, etc.
pamt, Freq. of bt.
pamutk, Freq. of butkto lay down,
throw down, force to the ground (and
bind); to make a package or bundle of.
pamutk, Freq. of putkto kink, form
kinks, twists or coils, to twist, coil.
pamtong, Freq. of btongto pull,
drag, haul. Also: confiscation, sequestration

pamut panbaw
(of property); to confiscate, sequestrate,
embargo, requisition, impound.
pamtot, To form, develop, fruit, etc.
(cf. ptot).
pamutl, Freq. of putlto maim, lop or
cut off part of a limb, etc.
pamung, Freq. of bungto break,
smash, etc.
pamut, Freq. of butto wrap in leaves,
etc., in order to force the ripening of fruits.
pamut, Freq. of butto will, etc. Also:
ruling, sway, management, government; to
be master, ruler, boss; to rule, govern, hold
sway, impose ones will upon. (cf.
pamut, Freq. of putto stop, put an
end to, etc.
pamut, Freq. of putto stifle,
suffocate, choke.
pamy-an, From pamhto release,
etc. Pinamy-an (napamy-an, namyan) sil. They wereset free,released.
pamyas, Scolding, vituperation, abusive
language; to scold, abuse in strong
language, to fume, berate, vituperate. (cf.
pyas, pamrag).
pamuyyaw, Freq. of buyyawto
curse and swear, etc.
pamylog, Freq. of bylogto go along
with, accompany, sympathize with, etc.
pamuy, Freq. of buyto accustom,
habituate, etc.
pamuy, Freq. of puyto live, stay,
reside, etc.
pamyok, Freq. of byok,to incline,
bend; to move, prevail upon, etc.
pamuyng, Brigandage, life and
practices of brigands or robbers; to follow
the profession of a brigand, to rob, plunder,
sack, ravage, kill, be a gangster, etc. (cf.
pamyong, (B) To be quiet, make no stir,
etc. See pahimyong, pahimnong.
pamyos, Freq. of pyosto tie, bind up,
pamypuy, palamypuy, Freq. of
pypuy, pypoyto weaken, etc.
Weakness, debility; to be or become weak,
pan, (Sp. pan) Bread. (cf. tinpay).
pan-, A prefix denoting plurality. It
1.) an often repeated action, or an action
done by way of trade or profession, e.g.
Ang pamalgy kag pamakl (pan,
balgy; pan, bakl)Buying and selling.
2.) the way, manner, form, shape, of what
the root implies, e.g. Matas si sing
pama (pan, pa)He is long-legged.
Malin ang ya pamb (pan, bb)He
uses bad language. His mouth is vile.
3.) the looking for, or gathering of, what the
root implies, e.g. panghoy (pan, khoy)
to gather wood; pangt (pan, kt)to

Note. In the above examples panhas

changed into pam- and pang-, the n of
pan- being influenced by the initial letter of
the root.
Before r no change is made, e.g. panrra.
Before d, n, s, t, the n of panremains
unchanged, but the first letter of the root is
dropped, e.g. panalk (pan, dalk);
pansnus (pan, nsnus); panabt (pan,
sabt); panluk (pan, tluk).
Before b, f, m, p, the n of pan- is changed to
m, and the first letter of the root is
dropped, e.g. pamklay, (pan, bklay);
pamursa (pan, fursa); pamkmuk (pan,
mkmuk); pamgos (pan, pgos).
Before k and the vowels pang- is written,
and the k is dropped, e.g. panglb (pan,
klb); pangway (pan, way);
panginm (pan, inm); panglhot (pan,
lhot); pangrut (pan, rut).
Before g, h, l, w, y either pan- or pang- is
written, e.g. pangbut or panggbut
(gbut); panhlad or panghlad (halad);
panlngbas or panglngbas (lngbas);
panwrik or pangwrik (wrik);
panywyaw or pangywyaw (ywyaw).
For the composite forms nagpan-,
magapan-, magpan- the shortened forms
nan-, nang-, nang-, nam-, man-, mang-,
mang-, mam-, are mostly used, the choice
depending on the tense and the first letter
of the root, e.g. Nagpanglakt na sil
ornanglakt na sil. They have gone.
pan, Bow; bow and arrow; arrow, dart.
panad, Freq. of sad. To make a solemn
promise, vow, especially to make a vow to
God or in honour of the Saints; a vow,
solemn promise. May panad si. He is
under a vow. He has a vow. He has
vowed,made a vow,taken a vow. An
man ang ginpanad mo? What did you
vow or promise solemnly? Ginpanadan
(aran) nya ang Dis sang ya
pagkalay. She vowed to God her virginity.
Tumna ang mo pinanad. Fulfil your
vow. Perform what you have vowed. Keep
your promise. Keep, make good, your
vow (word).
panb, Freq. of tbto buy land, etc.
panbad, Freq. of tbad. To go to or
assist at a banquet, take part in a social
reunion where food and drink are served.
panabak, Freq. of tabakto smoke a
cigar, a pipe, etc.
panbang, Assistance, help, succour;
help, assist. (cf. tbang).
panbas, Freq. of tbasto cut clothes.
To be a tailor, dressmaker, seamstress; the
style, way, method, of cutting cloth.
panabt, Freq. of sabtto answer.
Mode or way of answering. Ang ya
panabt klang sing katahurn. His way
of answering was wanting in respect.
panbaw, Freq. and Caus. of nbawto
be or become shallow, etc.


panaby-sbay panagnton
panaby-sbay, Hugging, dancing; to
hug, dance; to jostle, hustle, elbow, rub
elbows. (cf. sbay).
panbid, Freq. of tbidto hang (be tied)
together, etc.
panabd, Freq. of tabdto tie (fasten)
together, etc.
panb-it, Freq. of sb-itto hang on a
peg, etc.
panbtab, Freq. of tbtabto cut
through, sever, separate by cutting.
panabd, Freq. of sabdto twist round,
panabdlon, (B) To ascend, go up,
climb, scale, mount, a hill, etc. (cf.
tokd, tklad).
panbug, Freq. of tbugto drive away.
(cf. pamarg).
panablod, See panabdlon id.
panb-ut, Freq. of db-utto reach, etc.
(cf. panwhat, pangb-ot).
panabt, Freq. of sabt.
panda, (Sp. empanada, panada) Meatpie, a dish of mixed meat, bread or flour
and vegetables; panda.
pand-an, From panarto begin
weaving, etc.
panadro, (Sp. panadero) Baker.
pandlong, Freq. of tdlongto be
straight, to straighten.
panag-, A prefix occasionally used for
pan-, pang-, e.g. panaglikwpanglikw;
panaglagspanglags, etc. Nanag-,
manag- (nang-, mang-) are used instead of
nagpanag-, magapanag-, magpanag-.
panagdsad, To beware, be careful, be
wary, take care, be cautious, be on ones
guard, consider well, think twice over,
mind. Managdsad ka sing mayo, agd
nga dl ka makatplang sa malin. Be
careful, lest you should stumble into (not to
be surprised into doing) something bad.
panagmsam, Freq. of sagmsamto
try the taste of; to experience.
panagmtam, See panagmsam.
panagng, Freq. of sagngto prevent,
hinder, avert a blow, forestall, ward off,
parry (a blow).
pangap, Freq. of sgapto look for,
seek. (cf. pangt).
panagp, To walk about, grope ones
way, in the dark. (cf. panugp,
pangas, Freq. of dgasto pick, gather,
pluck (with pole and hook), etc.
pangat, Freq. of dgat. To fish in the
sea; to fish out, fish for, find out, discover
(the truth, secret, etc.).
panagatn, A fishing boat used on the
sea, etc. See palanagatn.
panagtsat, Freq. of sagtsatto talk,
answerback, give a sharp or thoughtless
answer, retort. (cf. stsat, pantsat).


Visayan-English Dictionary
panagwsaw, Freq. of sagwsawto
dip in, step into mud, etc. (cf. swsaw,
panagbaly, To say tagbaly!, to ask
permission to enter a house, or the like.
pangda, Freq. of sgdato invite to
partake of a meal or of refreshments, offer
food and drink to visitors. (cf. gda,
panghap, Freq. of sghapto seek,
look or search for, try to find. Panaghpa
nnyo ang mga mank nga nadl. Look
for the lost chickens. Ginpanghap nla
ang sngsing, pang wal nl makt.
They searched for the ring, but could not
find it. (cf. pangap, pangt).
panghap, Freq. of tghapto be afraid,
shy, timid; to be apprehensive of danger,
panghoy, To sigh, moan, chirp, sough,
rustle, murmur (of the wind, of leaves, of
flowing water, etc); Also noun: sigh, etc.
Nagapanghoy ang mga dhon sa huyp
sang hnggin. The leaves are rustling in
the wind. Ang panghoy (pagpanghoy)
sang hngin. The soughing of the wind. (cf.
lghuy, sghoy, tghoy).
panaghyon, A sigh, moan, rustling,
murmur; to sigh, sough, etc. See panghoy,
panagibut, Good breeding, civility,
politeness, willingness, obligingness,
docility, good will, discretion, readiness to
comply, disposition to do or behave (as
told); to have (show) good manners, be well
bred, well educated, or the like.
Magpanagibut ka. Behave. Be amenable.
Ang ya nga panagibut kag kalol
nagapakilla sang mayo nya nga
tagiposon. His willingness and kindness
are evidence of his good heart. (cf. but,
panagdsid, Freq. of sagdsidto emit a
loud, shrill sound, to hiss.
panagl, To glean, gather rice, wheat,
etc. left after a harvest, or the like. (cf.
panl, pamngkong, pangput).
panagl-om, To darken, get dark,
gloomy, cloudy. Nagapanagl-om ang
kalibtan. The sky is darkening. (cf. saglom, pangilm, pangitm).
panagl-ot, To press or squeeze in,
thread ones way, force a way through,
make a passage through a crowd of people,
etc. Nanagl-otornagpanagl-ot gid
kam sa madm nga mga to. With a
great effort we pushed (We managed to
push) our way through the crowd of people.
(cf. ltlot, sl-ot, dkduk).
panagngting, Freq. of tagngtingto
be hot, white (of heat).
panaginsw, To complain of
ingratitude, of disrespectful treatment, or
the like, particularly to others behind the
back of the alleged offender.

panagn-up, To dream, have visions,

imagine, know by inspiration.
Ginapanagn-up nya in. He knows it
intuitively, by inspiration. He dreams or
imagines such things. (cf. dmgo,
hunhn, lgpat).
panagp-ol, To be envious, grudge
another a distinction or preference, feel a
little jealous. Si Hos nagapanagp-ol kay
Pdro. Jos is a little jealous of Pdro.
Tungd kay ginapalngg ni Ty Pdro si
Mara, nagapanagp-ol kay Mara si
Lusa. Because Maria is Uncle Pedros
favourite, she is the object of Louisas
jealousy. (cf. pangmon, mon).
panagiposon, Condition or quality of
ones heart, aspiration, intention, desire,
etc. Matnl si sing panagiposon. He is
clean of heart. Dir sin makt ang katnaw sing panagiposon ni Fulno. From
this may be inferred the honesty (openness,
frankness) of N.N.s intention (purpose).
(cf. tagiposon).
pangit, Freq. of dgitto swoop
down, pounce, upon, as a bird of prey.
panagtlon, To make an effort to swallow
as one with a sore throat. Panagitlon gid
ang ditay nga kn-on. Make an effort to
swallow a little rice. (cf. tuln).
panagtsit, To hush; to hiss, hist (in
order to attract (draw) attention). (cf. stsit,
sagtsit, pantsit).
panagya, panag-ya, To own, acquire,
obtain, be or become the owner (possessor)
of. (cf. tag-ya).
pangmut, To bite ones lips (and look
fierce, look daggers), to clench the teeth,
close, shut, the mouth. Nagpangmut
(nangmut) si sa kon. Pinanagmutn
ak nya. He bit his lips and scowled at me.
He looked daggers at me.
pangn, Freq. of tgnto predict,
foretell, prophesy; portend.
pang, Freq. of tg. To hide, conceal,
abscond, hide oneself. Daw hal ikw nga
nagapang sang lo kag nagapagitb (or
nagapamur) sang kog. You are like an
iguana that hides its head and shows its
tail. Nang sil. They hid themselves.
Am in ang pinanagan
orginpanagan sang mga buyng. This
was the robbers hiding place.
panagdtod, To carry on the back or on
the shoulder; to shoulder a burden or
responsibility; to work hard, drudge. (cf.
pang-on, Time, period, season. (cf. dgon).
pang-on, From panag, the Freq. of
dagto overcome, etc.
panagnton, To extend, spread all over,
diffuse itself over, penetrate.
Nagapanagnton ang kasakt sang ya
hubg sa bg-os nya nga lwas. Ang bgos nya nga lwas ginapanagontonn
sang kasakt sang ya hubg. The pain of

Visayan-English Dictionary
his boil is spreading all over his body. (cf.
tagntun, panagntun id.).
panagoslang, To use (wear) spectacles,
wear glasses. (cf. tagoslang, pamuslang).
panags, Freq. of dagsto crowd,
etc. Often used sarcastically in the meaning
of: not to go to large assemblies of people,
not to mingle in large crowds. Panags ka
ddto. Dont go there where there are such
crowds of people.
panagtsot, To say tut, tut, tush,
pshaw, pish! bah! rot! rats!, or the like in
disapproval, irritation or worry; to refuse,
decline, disapprove. Ind mo
pagpanagotsotn ang kon nga
ginhmbal, knd ipahyag mo sing
mathag ang mo panghunhn. Dont
say tush in answer to what I have told
you, but state clearly what you think about
pangs, Freq. of dgsto drift, etc.
Madm nga mga sakayn ang
pinangs sa baybyon sang mabskug
nga hngin. Many vessels were drifted
(driven) ashore by the violent storm.
pangt, Freq. of dgtto stain, etc.
pangtag, Freq. of tgtagto distribute,
deal out, etc.
panagb, To sheathe, put in the
scabbard. (cf. tagb).
pangub, To set (place, put) fish-traps
(leaving them in the water over night). (cf.
panagubli, Regard, respect for,
consideration; to pay respect to, have
regard or consideration for, to honour,
respect, think much of. Ind mo na ak
ipanagubli. You have no regard for me
any more, you no longer have respect for
me. Wal nya pagpanagubalha ang sakt
sang ya lo. He paid no attention to his
headache. He did not act as if he had a
headache. He acted as though he had no
headache. (cf. blhot, brhot, ban, sapk,
panagublus, Return, gratitude; to be
grateful, make return, return a favour. (cf.
blus; timalsto take revenge, etc.).
panagublin, Advice, injunction,
admonition, entreaty, the lastwish,
order,request,petition,word (words)
of a person about to die; to leave an order
or injunction, to advise, urge, admonish,
entreat. Nagpanagublin si sa kon sa
pagbntay sing mayo sang ya baly,
kay si ya makdto sa Ilnglong. He left
orders to me to guard his house well, for he
himself is going to Iloilo.
Ginpanagubilnan (Ginpanagubnlan)
nya kam sa pagbuligy kag
pagtabangy. He admonished us (He
entreated us on his deathbed) to help and
succour each other. (cf. blin).
panagd, Freq. of sagdto take care of,

panagoslang panl
panagdsud, Freq. of sagdsudto
draggle, shuffle.
panagh, To reel, stagger, stumble,
sway to and fro, as a drunkard or drunken
person. (cf. dulngdling, panayd).
panagntun, Freq. of tagntunto
spread, extend. See panagnton id.
panagob, Thunder; to thunder. (cf.
panagstos, To be full of, covered
with, tagstos.
panagyh, (B) Shame, confusion,
abasement, humiliation; to be ashamed,
feel shame, be abashed or confounded, be
confused or disconcerted with a feeling of
guilt or inferiority. (cf. huy).
pangway, Form, shape, figure, outline;
be in the form or shape of. (cf.
pangyad, Freq. of sgyadto fell (a
tree); to beat (gold, etc.).
pangyap, To catch fish with the
panh, To put forth suckers or offshoots
from the roots of the parent-stem,
especially applied to bananas. Inng mga
sging nagapanh sing madm. These
bananas have many offshoots. (cf. sh).
panah, Freq. of tahto respect, honour,
revere, etc.
panhap, Freq. of thapto be afraid,
apprehensive, shy, timid, have reverential
fear, etc. (cf. panghap).
panah, (B) Form or shape of ones
forehead. (cf. dah, panggtang).
panah, Freq. of tahto sew, stitch, etc.
The style, manner, method, of
sewing; to sew, be a tailor or seamstress, be
a dressmaker. Ang pagpanah am ang ya
ginakabuhan. She lives by sewing. She
earns her living as a seamstress (costumier,
panahn-thin, Freq. of tahnthin. To
dress well, go about in clean and tidy
clothes, to be spick and span, to arrange
wellones dress,ones hair,ones
general appearance.
panhon, To leaf, form leaves, grow,
put forth, shoot out, shoot forth,
produce, leaves. (cf. dhon).
panahn, Season, time, period of time,
epoch; climate. Sa karn nga panahn. At
the presenttime,juncture,occasion, in
these times, under the present
circumstances. Sang panahn sang ribk.
At the time of the Revolution. (cf. tig,
dg-on, pang-on, tin, timpo).
panahr, Gambling, gaming; to gamble,
game, be a gambler. (cf. tahr).
panaht, Freq. of sahtto attend to pay
attention to, regard, consider, have
consideration or regard for. Often used
sarcastically in the meaning of: to keep
aloof from, do not meddle or interfere, or
the like. Panaht (saht) ka sin. Leave

that alone. Dont bother about it. (cf.

sapk, dipra, tamd, panah).
panahp, Freq. of tahpto sift,
separate the pounded (hulled, husked) rice
from the chaff.
pank, Freq. of skto go upa
ladder,a flight of stairs, or the like; to rise
(of prices).
panak, Freq. of takto loathe, etc.
panakb, (B) Freq. of takbto pilfer,
panakon, A rise (in the price of a thing);
to rise. (cf. sk).
panakr, Freq. of sakr (Sp. sacar) To
seek to get, try to obtain, covet, desire.
Nagapanakr gid si nga mangank sang
bt ni Fulno. He wishes to have the
honour of being godfather to N.N.s child.
Nakapanakr si sa ya mga giniknan
nga mamista ddto. He obtained (got)
leave from his parents to attend the feast
there. (cf. ah).
pankas, To go on land, to land, go away
from the sea, leave the sea-coast or the
bank of a river, go up country. (cf. tkas).
pankaw, (B) Freq. of tkawto steal,
rob, pilfer, etc. (cf. pangwat).
panakyon, Journey, trip, travelling,
sailing, going (by boat); to sail, boat, go,
travel, journey (by boat). (cf. saky,
sakayn, salkyan, sumalkay,
pankga, Freq. of tkgato promise.
Ang mga pinankga (ipinankga) ni
Hesukrsto. The promises of (made by)
Jesus Christ.
pankig, Fever, epidemic of fever; to have
fever, contract a fever, suffer from malaria.
(cf. tkig).
pankit, panakt, Freq. of skit, sakt
to pain, etc.
panklam, Freq. of sklamto encroach
upon, etc.
panklas, Freq. of tklasto climb, etc.
panklit, Freq. of sklitto bind
together, etc.
pankot, Freq. of skot. Ingredient,
condiment, mixture, seasoning; to mix,
mingle. (cf. lakt).
panksi, Freq. of sksito be a witness,
to testify.
panakshon, Testimony; to give
testimony as a witness. (cf. sksi).
panakp, Freq. of takpto cover, etc.
panakp, Freq. of dakpto catch, etc.
(cf. pangdakp).
panaks, Freq. of taksto measure, etc.
(cf. pankol).
panal, Freq. of dalto carry, etc. See
panl, To glean, gather rice, wheat, etc.,
left after the harvest. (cf. panagl,
pangput, pamngkong).
panl, (B) Freq. of slto leave behind.
Ginpanl nnda sa baly ni Fulno ang
mga tabungs nga sindlan kang mga


panal panmpok
turuln-on. They left behind the baskets
filled with vegetables in N.N.s house.
panal, Freq. of sal. To confess, own to a
fault, acknowledge a mistake, admit being
in the wrong, say sal ko.It is my fault,
I am to blame. My mistake. Frequently this
panal is almost identical in meaning with
smp, panmpto swear, take an oath,
declare under oath. Sal ko may also
mean (according to the context): If what I
say is not true, I am a liar (am committing
the sin of telling lies).
panalabton, Crying, mourning, sighing,
weeping, lamentation, lament; utterance,
expression; to sigh, mourn, cry, weep,
grieve, moan, bemoan, wail, bewail, keen,
lament; to utter, express, give expression to
(ones feelings, thoughts, etc.).
Nagpanalabton si sa dak nga kalisd
nga inmabt sa ya. She uttered
lamentations because of the great calamity
that had befallen her. (cf. panalambton;
panalbton, Answer, retort, repartee,
(severe) reply; to answer back, retort, reply.
(cf. sabt, panabt).
panalga, Freq. of dalga. To go after,
look for, a girl, try to meet girls, seek the
society of young women. (cf. pamuln).
panalgan, Freq. of dalganto run,
etc. Madsig (mahnay) si sing
panalgan. He is a fast (slow) runner.
panalgsa, Rare, seldom, scarce; rarely,
scarcely. In malak pa sa panalgsa.
That almost never happens. That will
scarcely ever happen. (cf. talgsa).
panalagshon, Rare, seldom, scarce;
difficult to find or to obtain. (cf. panalgsa,
mawat, mahn).
panalambton, See panalabtonto
sigh, etc.
panalpi, To grow or gather salpia
second crop from the roots of the first.
panl-as, To run away, flee, disperse,
disappear. (cf. tl-as).
panlaw, To be a coward, act dastardly or
cowardly. (cf. tlaw).
panalwat, Freq. of dalwatto buy
panalwsaw, To soak, drench, immerse,
dip, plunge, put into a liquid; put to the
test, examine, investigate; examination,
investigation. Inng mga butng dpat nga
usison sa is ka dayg nga panalwsaw.
This matter should be investigated by a
public hearingorin open trial.
Nakapanagmsam kag nakapanalwsaw
si sang malub nga pamatsan sang
kalibtan. She has tasted and experienced
the treacherous ways of the world. (cf.
panalytay, To make ones way along a
river-bank, a mountain-ridge, etc. where
there is no beaten track. (cf. ltay, tytay).
panlgan, Floor, shelf, ledge; story (of a
house); platform. Ang kon estnte may


Visayan-English Dictionary
pat ka panlgan. My book case has four
shelves. Magapatndog sil, kon, sing
bg-o nga baly nga may num ka
panlgan. They are going to erect, it is
rumoured, a new house of six stories. (cf.
panalbay, (B) To walk along a ridge,
along a river bank, etc. (cf. panarbay,
panalytay, panalbtib).
panalbtib, To walk along a steep river
bank or along a precipice (particularly in
order to avoid crossing a deep river).
panlig, Freq. of sligto expect, trust,
have confidence, etc.
panalikal, To make (form into) a chain;
to put in chains. (cf. talikal).
panalnga, To cup the hands behind the
ears in order to hear the better, to prick up
the ears. (cf. talnga).
panalthi, Freq. of talthimizzle, drizzle,
panlo, Freq. of tlo. An even chance,
opportunity, luck; to have an even chance
to win, come out victorious (in gambling,
etc.). (cf. bagt).
panlo, Freq. of sloto sit down to a
common meal, etc. Also: comradeship,
companionship, equality; to be equal to or
a match for. Wal gid kam sing panlo sa
la. We are no match for them. We are
inferior to them. There is no fellowship or
equality between us and them.
panal, Freq. of salto catch a ball, fruit
dropped from a tree, or the like.
Nagapanal sil sang mga ph nga
ginahlug ni Fulno. They are catching
with their hands the mangoes dropped
(from the tree) by N.N.
panalk, To be greedy, etc. See dalk,
panalndong, Twilight, dusk; to shine
feebly or mildly, to glimmer, to shed,
give, afford, a feeble light.
Nagapanalndong ang blan. The moon is
shining feebly, is giving a dim light.
Nagpanalndong ang kasisdmon. The
evening light faded, was failing. Evening
twilight set in. The shades of evening
panalngdong, See panalndong,
panal-slo, Dim. and Freq. of slo. To
sit down to a common meal, to feast,
banquet, etc.; a banquet, feast, dinner.
(panarsro id.).
panal-sal, To be a parasite, act as a
hanger-on, sponge upon, frequent the
tables of, the rich, etc. (cf.
panirngsirng, panarsar).
panlsal, To forge, hammer, work,
iron or other metal at a forge; be a smith.
Malam si magpanlsal. He knows to
work metals. (cf. slsal, panalslon).
panalslon, Way or manner of working
iron. Dl mayo sing panalslon inng

pnday. This smith (artisan) is not good at

working iron, iron-work.
panlug, Freq. of slugto fish, catch
fish, with the hand.
panalg, Form or shape of a floor; to
lay, put in, a floor. (cf. salg,
panalgsug, Freq. of salgsugto enter,
penetrate, pierce.
panalngdung, See panalndong
twilight, etc.
panalpsup, Freq. of salpsupto enter
deep, penetrate. (cf. panalgsug).
panam, Panama; a kind of hat; a hat
made of Panama-grass.
panmay, Freq of smay. Also: to make
fabrics called sinamy.
panmay, Freq. of tmayto contemn,
panmb, A superstitious practice of
fishermen consisting in the ceremony of
putting some of the small fry of the first
catch in a tin. The tin containing the fish is
then placed on a small raft and send adrift.
It may be considered a kind of sacrifice to
Neptune, the heathen sea-god. Also verb.
Ind ka magkon sing dnglay, partpot
ukn spsap nga pinanambin. Dont eat
dnglay, partpotor spsap-fish that
have been offered to the sea-god. (panmb
is probably derived from tmb, because
the raft with the tin of fish on it somewhat
resembles a kitchen-balcony called tmb).
panmb, To shelve; to dismiss, reject,
despise. See the foregoing.
panmbong, Freq. of tmbongto be
present at, attend.
panmgo, Freq. of dmgoto dream.
Also: To ponder, ruminate, muse, imagine,
build castles in the air, to day-dream. (cf.
panamlit, Freq. of damlitto take ones
leave, depart, say goodbye.
panamng, To shield, use a shield,
protect oneself or others as with a shield.
(cf. tamngshield).
panm-is, Freq. of tm-isto be sweet,
etc. Sweetmeat, confection. Also: to be
pleased with, take pleasure in, gloat over,
be delighted with, take delight in. (cf.
panmkon, To conceive, Freq. of the
obsolete smkon. Nanmkon
ornagpanmkon si. She conceived.
panmp, Freq. of tmpto slap,
strike, beat; a blow, slap of the open hand.
panmpad, Face, front, frontage, facade;
to confront, face. (cf. tmpad, tamparn).
panampoy, To bury ones face in ones
hands; to grieve, mourn, be down inthe
mouth,the dumps. (cf. tampoy).
panmpok, Freq. of tmpok. To fill up a
hole; to set a precious stone in a ring, etc.
(cf. panp-ok).
panmpok, Freq. of smpokto rush
upon, fight (of cocks, etc.); to beat or strike

Visayan-English Dictionary
against. Nagpanmpok si sa (sang) ya
dghan. He struck (beat) his breast (as a
sign of guilt, compunction, etc.).
panmput, Freq. of smputto arrive,
come upon the scene.
panamd, Freq. of tamdto look down;
to consider, reflect.
panamd-tmud, Dim. of panamd.
pn-an, From panto bait, etc.
pann-aw, (H) Freq. of tn-awto see,
look at, inspect, behold, view. Dl na
mayo ang ya pann-aw. His eyes are
impaired, he does not see well any longer.
panan-wan, Sight, eyesight, vision,
faculty of seeing; view, scene, sight (i.e.
something seen). (cf. tn-aw, pann-aw,
panan-won, Sight, view, look, gaze;
scenic show, what can be, or is to be, seen.
(cf. talan-won).
panan-wtn-aw, Dim. of pann-aw.
(cf. panulktluk, pangalgkalg).
pannd, Freq. of tndto sign, mark,
note, etc.
panndig, Freq. of sndigto lean
against (for support), etc.
pannga, To develop or grow branches,
to branch out. (cf. sang).
panang, Freq. of tangto look up, lift
ones eyes.
panang-tng, Dim. of panang.
Also: to loiter, linger, tarry; to gape or stare
idly about.
panngd, Consent, assent,
acquiescence; to consent, nod assent, agree
to, approve of. (cf. tngd).
pannggot, Freq. of snggot. To use,
apply, a snggot; to be atoddygatherer,toddy-collector,mananggti.
pannghal, To look for, seek, search
after, try to get or obtain. (cf. pangt,
lghap, sgap).
pannghid, Freq. of snghidto test,
panngis, Freq. of tngisto cry, weep,
panngkap, To equip, furnish, make
(get) ready, prepare, provide, supply, have
or get a supply (of furniture, tools, arms,
ships, etc.). (cf. sngkap, kasangkpan).
panngkup, Freq. of tngkup. To finish,
terminate, complete, close.
panngl, Freq. of tnglto look up
(upwards), raise ones eyes, etc. Also: to be
on the lookout for, seek, try to obtain or
engage (workmen, farm-hands, etc.).
pannglit, An example, instance,
illustration; to give an example, to
illustrate, cite a case or explain by means of
an example or a parable; for instance.
Hunhunon ta pannglit nga. Let us
imagine, for instance, that. Sarng
ikw makapannglit sang mo nga
ginpahyag? Sarng mo mapananglitn
ang mo nga ginpahyag? Can you
illustrate what you have said by an

panmput panarbay
example? Can you explain your statement
by a comparison? Ang kabh sang to
ginapannglit sa as nga umalgi. The life
of man is compared to passing smoke. (cf.
snglit, kahalimbw, bi, sbung).
panangltan, Example, likeness,
comparison, simile, similitude, figure,
parable, case, illustration, analogy. (cf.
snglit, pannglit, katlad, kahalimbw,
kangay, kaanggdnggid, sbung).
pananglitnan, See panangltan.
panngsang, Freq. of sngsangto be
or become vehement, violent, etc.
panngs, Freq. of tngsto become
loose, etc.
panngtang, Freq. of tngtangto fall,
drop; to jingle, tink.
panngub, Freq. of tngubto fill, cover
or take in all, complete, finish. Nanngub
na kayo ang madalm nga dgway sang
kagab-hon. The dark form of night had
completely covered all things.
panng-ul, Freq. of sng-ulto hang on,
hook in, etc.
panngway, Freq. of tngwayto buy a
drink, etc.
panangwyon, Dealing in drinks or
refreshments, the buying and selling of
drinks, etc. (cf. tngway, panngway).
panngy, To fish (catch fish) with a net
called sngy.
panntik, Freq. of sntikto strike or
knock against something hard.
pannum, pananm, Freq. of tnum;
tanmto plant rice; plant (in general),
pannyag, Freq. of tnyagto offer (for
sale, etc.).
panan, To fishwith,in, a small fishtrap called tan.
panpa, Freq. of tpato dry meat, etc.
panpa, Sometimes used instead of
panapt, e.g. Nanpa si nga nd na gid
magsaky sa sakayn, kay makais
nadiotayn lang si (kag) malnud. He
made a resolution not to travel any more by
boat, because once he was nearly drowned.
panap, The (trapeziform) side of a roof.
(cf. panlongthe triangular end of a
panapk, Freq. of sapkto mind, care
for, attend to.
panpang, Inkling, thought, idea,
knowledge; to know (mostly used with
wal). Wal gid si sing panpang kon
din si mapakdto. He had not an inkling
(did not care) of where he was going to.
Wal gid sil panpang kon an ang la
madangtan. They have no idea of what is
in store for them. They dont (didnt) care
for the consequences.
panaps, Freq. of tapsto hew down,
fell (trees, etc.). Panpson nnyo ang mga
khoy ddto sa bnglid. Cut down the trees
there on the slope. (cf. pkan, pamuld).

panapt, Freq. of taptto purpose,

resolve, determine, make a resolution, be
determined to, make up ones mind, be
bent (set) upon.
panpat, Freq. of dpatto use, apply,
etc. An nga bulng ang ginpanpat sa
ya sang manugblung? What remedies
did the doctor apply to him? Also: to wear
an amulet, or the like. Ang babylan
nagapanpat gihpon sa ya lwas kon
magkdto si sa bkid. The sorcerer
always wears an amulet when he goes to
the mountain. An karn ang ya ginadal
nga panpat? What kind of an amulet does
he wear now? What sort of an outfit has he
got now?
panap, Freq. of sapto find, come
upon by chance, find out.
panapg, (B) The sense of smell; to
smell. (cf. dapg, snghot, panimh,
panp-ok, Freq. of tp-okto fill up a
hole, etc. (cf. panmpok).
panpton, Clothes, clothing, dress,
raiment, garment, costume, attire, garb,
vesture, vestment, wearing apparel, wear,
robe. (cf. sapt, panapt, uls, nag,
panapulnga, To turn as red as a red
tapulnga-flower, i.e. to be ashamed, or
the like.
panapngol, Freq. of tapngolto
belabour with ones fist, beat, punch,
pommel, thrash. (cf. smbag, pkpok,
bngbung, mol, patk).
panaps-taps, Extreme, complete,
consummate, utter, last, perfect; to be
extreme, etc. (cf. tpus).
panapt, To dress, vest, array,
drape, robe, enrobe, attire, garb,
apparel, deck out, oneself, to don, put
on, assume, wear, clothes.
Nagpanapt si sing mapul. She wore a
red dress. She was dressed in red.
Magpanapt kam sing magdang
(malgdong). Dress decently. (cf. sapt,
panpyod, To fish with a net called
panar, (B) To start weaving, commence
actual weaving after completing all
preliminary work on the loom. Panarah
(Pand-i) ang hblon mo. Begin (start,
commence, set to, set about) weaving the
cloth (for everything is ready).
panar, To cook or warm over a slow fire;
to warm oneself at a fire.
panra, See panda.
panarga, (B) See panalgato take a
walk in order to meet girls, etc.
panarn, See panar.
panarng, See panar. (cf. arng).
panarbay, To walk along the edge or
ridge of, to go by (along) theside,
edge,border,margin of, pick ones way
at the side of, march parallel to, or along,


panrot pndut
the border of. (cf. panalytay, pangalhid,
panalbay, pangrbay).
panrot, Freq. of srotugly, bad,
panart, Freq. of sartto be or become
difficult, trying, troublous, wretched.
pnas, To rub out, erase, wipe out, delete,
scratch out, obliterate, scrape out, efface,
expunge, blot, take, strike, wash,
sponge, out, draw the pen through, apply
the sponge. Pansa ang ya sinult sa
pisra. Wipe off the blackboard what he
has written. Ipnas sa pisra inng lapt.
Use this cloth to clean the slate with.
Pansi ang papl sang sinult. Erase the
writing from the paper. Pansa ang
tinalkdan kag bag-oh ang mo
pangabh. Obliterate, wipe out, blot
out, (from your memory) the past and
begin a new life.
pans, Erased, wiped out, obliterated,
rubbed out, expunged, cancelled, effaced,
blotted out, etc. (cf. pnas).
pansko, Joking, jesting, fun; to joke,
jest, make fun. (cf. tssko, langs, lahg).
pantsat, Freq. of stsatto answer
back, retort, etc. (cf. sagtsat, panagtsat).
panug, To come, get, go, down,
descend, go downstairs, go down a ladder,
leave the house, descend from a tree,
dismount from, get off, a horse, etc.; to
bring down, take or fetch down. Manug
ka. Come down. Go down. Leave the house.
Papanaga ang sya. Bring down the
chair. Papanaga si. Make him come
(get) down. Panagi si. Go down to him.
Papanagi si sing sya. Bring (fetch)
down a chair for him. Nanug
(Nagpanug) na ang mga dumulaw. The
visitors have gone down, i.e. have left the
house. The visitors have gone, have left.
Nanug si sa salkyan. He left (got out
of) the vehicle. (cf. nug).
panag, Freq. of dagto win, conquer,
overcome, etc.
panut, panat-sut, Freq. of sut,
satsutto dance.
pnaw, (B) To go, walk, travel, hike, go on
foot, tramp, trudge, march, foot it. Panwi
si ddto sa um. Go to him there at the
farm. An ang pagabt mo dir, pnaw
lang ukn saky? How did you come here,
walking or riding? (cf. lakt).
panwag, Freq. of twagto proclaim,
call out the names; roll-call, the giving
(reading) out of a list of names.
panawg, Freq. of tawgto call,
request or order to appear, to call upon in
panwhat, Freq. of dwhatto accept,
take in ones hand. (cf. pangb-ot, panbut).
panawng, (H) Form, shape, cast,
of ones face, physiognomy; face, cover or
title-page of a book, magazine, etc.; page
(of a book); to display or exhibit the best


Visayan-English Dictionary
side of a thing. (cf. pauyahn; pnidleaf
(of a book, etc.).
panwsaw, Freq. of swsawto dip in,
soak in; to fathom, examine.
pany, Freq. of dyto cheat, deceive,
defraud, etc. (pandy id.).
pany, Freq. of tyto hold a weapon
in such a way as to be ready for attack or
panay, Freq. of tayto bet, wager.
panyod, (B) Freq. of tyodto stand
still, etc.
panayd, To reel, sway, totter, stagger,
as a drunken person, walk with body bent
or stooping, be unsteady on ones legs. (cf.
panaydoy id.).
panaydoy, See panayd.
panayd-tayd, (B) To lounge, loiter,
stand about idly. (cf. panindgtndog).
panysay, Freq. of sysayto explain,
give an exposition of, etc.
panaysyon, Explanation, exposition,
clear statement; to give an explanation,
give out a statement. (cf. sysay).
pand-, Now and then pand- is used
instead of pan- in words beginning with d,
e.g. pandakp, pandla, pandy, etc. etc.
See pan-.
pndag, To show off, give oneself airs, be
proud or ostentatious. Nakapndag si,
kay nangaswa sing manggarnon. He is
carrying his head high, because he has
married a rich woman. Also: to live
peacefully, lead a steady or settled life,
settle down, have no worry.
pandgas, Freq. of dgasto pluck, pick
(fruit, etc.). (pangas id.).
pandah, (B) See panah, panggtang
shape of ones forehead.
pandahtan, Contrivance, machination.
See pandihtan id.
pndak, Short, stocky, squat, squab,
dumpy, stumpy, podgy, stubby, low of
stature and bulky or stout in comparison.
Pndak nga to. A thick, short, stocky
man. (cf. tipngk, bdul, karibd).
pandk, Short, stocky, etc. See pndak.
pandakp, Freq. of dakpto arrest,
take, seize, etc. (cf. panakp).
pandla, Freq. of dlato bear (a child),
to be pregnant, etc. (cf. pangmbdus,
pamsung, pambdus).
pandal, Freq. of dalto carry, bring,
fetch, etc. Ginpandal nla sa Manl ang
tann nla nga kasangkpan. They
brought their whole outfit (all their goods
and chattels) to Manila. Ind am in ang
pandal sang knke; subnga sin. That is
not the way of carrying a lamp; do it like
pandamg, Freq. of damgto feed a
pig or dog, etc.
pndan, The screw pine, a cactus-like
plant growing to a considerable size. Its
fibre is made into doormats, etc. (pngdan

pandng-pndang, A kind of Filipino

pnday, Carpenter, artisan, craftsman,
handicraftsman, skilled workman, joiner,
smith, wright, operative; to be or become a
carpenter, etc. (cf. pamnday).
pandy, Freq. of dyto cheat, etc.
(pany id.).
panderta, pandertas, (Sp.
panderete) A small tambourine.
pandihtan, Contrivance, machination,
means, management, making, scheme. (cf.
pandahtan, paht, padhut, padihtan,
pandlya, (Sp. pandilla) Party, gang, set,
faction. (cf. hubn, panng).
pandingann, (B) To be compared with,
likened to, made an example of, be exposed
to criticism, be held up as a warning to
others. Kon magsgad ka panbad (sang
panbad) pagapandingann ikw sa kay
Tban Bd ukn sa kay Nn Ink. If you
have the habit of going to every feast you
will be likened to Stephan, the Feaster or
to Mama Ink. Also used as noun: bad
example, type to be avoided, model (sort)
not to be imitated. (cf. papnding).
pandisl, (Sp. pan de sal) Bread, ordinary
bread. (cf. panisl, tinpay).
pndog, Stocks to secure the feet (legs) of
a criminal, lunatic, etc.; to put in the stocks,
to pillory. Napandogn si. He was put in
the stocks. Pandog si. Put him in the
stocks. Ipapndog ko inng bang. Ill have
this madman put in the stocks. Ill see to it
that this madman is put in the stocks.
pandokl, To knuckle, etc. (See panokl,
pndong, Hood, awning, canopy,
detachable roof, tilt, any light cover for the
head (against sun or rain); helmet, topi,
topee, hat; the bowl of a ladle, spoon, etc.
Ang pndong sang kalsa. The roof of the
rig (calesa). Ang pndong sang lug. The
bowl of the ladle.
pndong, To ordain, order, nominate,
appoint, command. (cf. blin, tgon, sg).
pandbla, To roll a cigar, etc. See
panbla, dbla.
panduh-dha, Freq. of duh-dhato
doubt, etc.
pandulm, To darken, become obscure,
etc. See palandulm, dulm.
pandlung, To proceed, go to, approach,
go in the direction of. See panlung,
pandungkl-dngkol, To loll, rest in a
careless attitude, sit or lie lazily with the
head pillowed on the arm or the like, lie
like a log. (cf. dngkul, dungkulna log).
pndut, Feast, festival, solemnity,
celebration, Feast of the Patron-Saint of a
parish or town. Hiwton nla, kun, ang
la pndut sa. They are going to
celebrate their feast, it is said, on.

Visayan-English Dictionary
panduy-duy, Freq. of duyduy.
Also: to relax, do (eat, etc.) slowly, weakly,
or the like. (cf. dwldwl).
pang, Pangis at times interchangeable
with panin words beginning with s or d,
e.g. pangsagp (panagp, sagp);
pangdakp (pandakp, panakp, dakp),
etc. See pan, pand.
pang, Hook, fire-hook; the small hook
used for putting the threads of the warp
through the reed in a weaving loom.
panga-, Now and then used instead of
pang-, e.g. pangalntak (lntak);
pangalab (lab); pangamlus (mlus),
pangayo, Freq. of kayoto mend,
repair, etc.
pangabga, Form or shape of ones
shoulder (abga) Also: to shoulder,
undergo, tackle, handle, manage. Wal si
sing igkasngkol sa pagpangabga sang
am nga palangakon. He has not the
ability to shoulder the duties of such an
office. Plit na gid nga magkangl-ad kam
sang ya pagpangabga (sang ya mga
pangabga) sang ya mga katungdnan.
We are now forced torepudiate his way of
performing his duties,be disgusted with
his manner of carrying out his obligation.
pangabanko, To wave a fan, to fan
oneself. (cf. abanko, panguyb).
pangbat, Freq. of batto follow, call
back, summon. (cf. pangpas).
pangabw, To exclaim abw!. (The
English equivalent is a prolonged Oh or
pangaby, Freq. of kaby. To wish,
desire, ask for, hanker after, covet, long for,
crave. Ginapangaby ko nga. I wish
that. Ginapangaby ko sa mo ang is
ka mahamungayon nga bg-ong tig. I
wish you a happy new year. Nagpangaby
(nangaby) si nga. He desired
that. Ind ka magpangaby
(mangaby) sa ya sing malin. Dont
wish him any evil. Dont curse (imprecate)
pangabay, To ride on horseback,
mount a horse. (cf. kabyo, kabay).
pangbis, Freq. of kbisto pay in full,
pay off a debt, settle an account, square a
bill, or the like.
pangabs-kbis, Dim. of pangbis.
Also: to excel, be superior, surpass, give a
very good account of oneself. Inng bt
nagapangabskbis sa tann nga bgay.
This boy excels in everything.
pangb-ot, Freq. of kb-otto reach,
make a long arm, etc. (cf. panwhat,
pangabd, Freq. of kabdto cling to,
encircle, coil round, wind round, trail over,
be trained up, grow around an object, as a
vine, creeper, trailing plant, etc.
pangabd-kbud, Dim. of pangabd.

panduy-duy pangaks
pangabdlay, Freq. of bdlay. Hard
work, toil, drudgery, exertion, work in
general, labour; to work hard, labour, exert
oneself, toil, toil and moil, drudge.
Nangabdlay (Nagpangabdlay) si sing
dak, pang awt man lang ang tann
nya nga paningh. He worked hard
indeed, but all his labour was (his exertions
were) in vain. Ang matmad
magpangabdlay (mangabdlay) dl
taks nga pakn-on. He who is too lazy to
work does not deserve to be fed.
pangabh, Life, living, living
conditions; to live. (cf. kabh, bh, buh).
pangabuhin, Livelihood, living, means
(cf. kabuhin).
pangabkay, To rummage, ransack,
disarrange things in search. (cf. abkay).
pangabt, Freq. of abtto arrive.
pangbut, Freq. of butto catch up
with, reach, overtake.
pangbyan, To make friends, be friendly
with. Hirpi kag pangabyna si sing
mayo. Try and make her acquaintance,
and befriend her. (cf. byan).
pangad, To pray, say ones prayers.
Magpangadormangad ka. Pray. Say
your prayers. Pangadi ang Amy
nmon. Say the Our Father.
pangdlay, To cause pain and swelling in
the joints, said of wounds, burns, scratches,
etc. that have become infected. Ang pils
sang tdl sang ya kamt nagpangdlay
sang ya btkonorGinpangadlayn
ang ya btkon tungd sang pils sang
tdl sang ya kamt. The wound in his
finger has infected his arm (causing
swellings in the elbow and armpit).
Ginapangadlayn ang ya ht gkan sa
hubg sa ya til. He has a swelling in the
groin due to the ulcer on his foot.
pangdto, Freq. of kdtoto go, etc.
pangadt-kdto, Dim. of pangdto. To
go (pass) to and fro, roam or walk
about,from place to place.
pangdwas, Freq. of kdwasto take
hold of or catch with outstretched arm and
with the palm of the hand turned
pangg, Oblivious, forgetful, wandering
in mind, not quite normal, not all there,
distracted, dreamy, wool-gathering. (cf.
panggad, Freq. of gad. To serve, be a
servant or employee. Especially: to serve
for an intended wife in the house of her
pangaglon, Freq. of aglon. To seek a
master or owner, look for an employment,
or the like, hunt for a job, try to find an
employer. Ang id nagapangaglon. The
dog is looking for its master.
Magpangaglon (Mangaglon) ka kon
wal ka sing palamgnan. Go and look for
somebody who will give you a job, who will

employ you (as a cook, servant, errand-boy,

washerwoman, etc.), if you are out of work
(if you have no position, if you are
pangagm, pangagm-agm, Freq.
of agm. Also; to grasp (do, handle,
manage) well, to be careful or circumspect.
pangagng, Drying, withering, fading; to
dry up, wither, shrivel, fade. (cf. kagng).
panggas, Freq. of gas. The healing
process of smallpox, measles, etc.; to heal,
form scabs.
pangagt, Freq. of kagtto bite, snap,
panggaw, Freq. of gaw. Usurpation,
forceful appropriation, expropriation,
dispossession; to take by force, usurp, etc.
panggda, Freq. of gda. To invite, etc.;
invitation-card. Magpablhag ka sing mga
panggda. Have some invitation cards
panggh, Freq. of kghto grieve, be
in sorrow, etc.
panggi, Freq. of gito go or pass by,
panggsa, Tenancy, tenantry, tenure,
lease, leasehold, tenure by lease; to work or
till land belonging to another for part of the
produce, to be a tenant or leaseholder. (cf.
panggtang, Form or shape of ones
forehead, etc. (cf. gtang, panah).
panggt, (B) See pangdtoto go, etc.
from kdto, kgt, gt.
panghas, Freq. of khasto dare, be
impertinent, audacious, bold.
pangahs, Freq. of ahsto dare, etc.
(cf. panghas).
panghig, Freq. of khigto scratch with
the feet as chickens looking for food.
pangahg, (B) Freq. of kahg. Shape,
form and use of ones legs, especially
applied to game (fighting) cocks. Inng
sulg mayo sing pangahg. This cock has
fine legs, is strong or expert in the use of its
legs, can use its legs to good purpose.
panghoy, Freq. of khoy. To fetch or
gather firewood, collect fuel. Manghoy
(magpanghoy) kam ddto sa baklod.
Go and gather firewood there on the hill.
pangaingn, Freq. of kaingnjungle
fire, etc.
pangka, Freq. of kkato gather,
scrape together.
pangka, Freq. of kato be much
resorted to or much in demand.
pangk, Freq. of kkto be full to the
bursting point.
pangakak, Freq. of kakakto cackle.
pangk-ak, Freq. of k-akto tear or
strip off.
pangkak, Freq. of kkakto cackle. (cf.
pangaks, Freq. of kaksto pull or tear
down, tear in pieces.


pangkig pangamlus
pangkig, (H) The Freq. of kigto be or
become angry, etc. Nangkig
(Nagpangkig) sil. They got angry, grew
angry, waxed hot.
pangk, Freq. of kto be able, to
undertake a work and its responsibility.
png-al, Plain, ugly, distorted, dark and
marked with smallpox, etc., said of the face.
Png-al si sing guy. He has an ugly face.
pangalba, Prayer, oration; to pray,
beseech, ask in prayer, to call upon in
prayer. Freq. of alba.
pangalabhan, pangalabahn,
Place of prayer, oratory; altar. (cf.
pangalba; halarn).
pangalg, To steal gardenand farm
produce during the night preceding All
Souls Day, the thieves pretending to be
souls of the departed. Many ignorant
people believe that the souls in purgatory
walk abroad at that time to visit their
former haunts. Pangalag lang ang ya
mga sging. Steal his bananas on the eve
of All Souls Day. Pinangalagn nla
kagb-i ang kon kalubihn. Last night
they visited my coco-nut-plantation and
stole coco-nuts, etc. (kalg).
pangalging, Freq. of kalgingto
arrange well; to drill.
pangalg-kalg, Freq. of kalg-kalg.
Also: to examine, search, try to find, look
over a room, road, etc. for lost articles or
the like. Pangalgkalagn mo ang kwrta
nga nadl. Look for the lost money. Try to
find the lost money. Pangalgkalagn mo
ang dlan, bs pa lang nga makt nmo
ang sngsing nga nawgit (nagkawgit).
Keep a sharp lookout on the way (look
everywhere on the road), perhaps you will
find the ring you dropped. (cf. pangt,
pangalh, To cook, hold the pan, have
an iron in the fire, have an axe to grind,
have something to gain. (cf. kalh).
pangalhas, To wear jewels (jewelry,
jewelery). (cf. alhas).
pangalmpay, To look for, or gather,
river-crabs; to go in search of pleasure. (cf.
pangalng-alng, To hesitate, doubt,
beundecided,in doubt,uncertain, not
to know exactly what to say or do.
panglap, To go in search of an amulet;
to wear a talisman, amulet, charm in the
superstitious belief that it will protect the
wearer in danger, preserve him from
disease, keep him out of harm, etc. (cf.
antngnting, pinanglap).
pangalpkap, To cling to, adhere to,
creep up, wind or circle around as a vine or
creeper. (Freq. of kalpkap, kpkap; cf.
pangalapkpan, Grip, hold; influence,
power, sway. (cf. pangalpkap).


Visayan-English Dictionary
pangalpton, Grasp, grip, handle, heft;
business, occupation. Mayo si sing
pangalpton. He is a good, an
experienced, worker. He is an old hand
pangaltay, To tremble, shake; suffer
from the gapes (the disease altay
(artay)) that often causes great havoc
amongst poultry.
pangalw, Freq. of alwto treat
visitors, offer them smokes, etc.; to be
hospitable, entertain a guest.
pangalwat, Freq. of kalwatto go
to, to receive, Holy Communion.
pangalyo, Freq. of kalyo. To attend to
thefire,hearth,cooking. Kam lang
ang matnum, kay ak sing kon
mangalyo. You go and plant rice, I for my
part will look after (attend to) the cooking.
panglay, palanglay, Freq. of lay
to be stiff, tired, etc. Rigidity, stiffness,
tiredness (of limbs, etc.) through
overexertion, or the like; to be or become
stiff, etc.
panglhit, See pangalihtto throw
aside, shelve, etc.
pangalg-on, Security, bond, bail,
surety; assurance; to be or give security,
stand bail, etc. (cf. lg-on, palg-on).
pangalhid, Freq. of alhidto go along
the side or edge of, pick ones way along the
margin (edge, border) of.
pangaliht, To throw aside, shelve, put in
the corner, discard; pay no attention to,
neglect, disregard. (cf. liht, ahgahg,
pangalkog, Freq. of kalkogto poke,
probe (a wound, etc.).
pangalikg, A probe; a sponge. (cf.
pangalma, (B) To handle, grasp or take
with the hand, to actually lay hands upon.
Sn-o sinng mga makwat ang
nagpangalma (nangalma) sang plak?
Which of these thieves did actually take the
money, did the actual stealing of the
money, did personally lay hands on the
money? Mayo si mangalma. He has
deft hands, knows how to use his hands
well. (cf. pangamt).
pangalmug, (B) The way one speaks,
quality of ones voice (in speaking); to
speak. (cf. lmog, pangatingg, panngug,
paningg; panlmugquality of ones
voice in singing).
pangalimg, To wash or rinse out ones
mouth, to gargle. Pangalimg
(magpangalimg, mangalimg) ka nay
sing tbig. First wash out your mouth. Ari
ang tbig nga inogpangalimg
(ipangalimg). Here is the water for
rinsing out the mouth with.
pangalntak, To click the tongue. Ind ka
magpangalntak. Dont click your tongue.
Pinangalintakn ak nya. He clicked his
tongue at me. (cf. lntak).

pangalpay, To amuse oneself, rejoice,

exult, be glad, joyful, jolly, cheerful, merry,
gay. (cf. lpay, kalpay, palangalipyan).
pangalsbong, Freq. of alsbong
odour, smell, etc.; to emit or exhale an
odour, smells, scents, odoriferous vapours,
etc. Nagapangalsbong ang mga
mahumt nga blak sa pamulkan. The
fragrant flowers are filling the garden with
their odours (sweet smell, sweetness).
pangalisd, Freq. of lisd, kalisd. To
worry, grieve, sorrow, to bein distress,
in trouble, havedifficulties,worries,
troubles,a hard time of it, be hard put to
pangalt, Freq. of kaltto do at once,
quickly, by anticipation, promptly, to take
time by the forelock, avail oneself of an
pangalmidn, Freq. of almidn. To
starch. Sagd si mangalab kag
mangalmidn sang mga panpton. She is
an expert at washing and starching clothes.
pangalkos, Freq. of kalkosto tuck
pangals, Freq. of kalsto scratch. Ang
kurng nagapangals. The cat (is
scratching) scratches. (cf. pangars, which
is more commonly used).
panglot, Freq. of klotto scratch
lightly, to relieve an itch by rubbing or
pangalt-klot, Dim. of panglot.
Nagapangaltklot si sang ya lo. He is
scratching his head.
pangloy, Freq. of loyto pretend to be
sick, etc.
panglp, To grow old and pass away, to
leave the world, to die, succumb. Nanglp
si nga wal makakt sing wto. He grew
old and passed away without ever having so
much as seen an automobile.
panglpot, Freq. of lpot. Prostitution,
harlotry, whoredom; the meretricious
conduct, arts and wiles of bawds and lewd
women; to practise prostitution, etc.
panglsa, Freq. of lsato raise, lift,
hoist, heave; to receive or take on credit.
pangalgm, Freq. of kalgmto
cover oneself with, enwrap oneself in. (cf.
pangulmbut, pangulmbut).
pangalmbut, Freq. of kalmbut. To
wrap oneself up in (a blanket, etc.). (cf.
pangalgm, panimlon).
pangalp, To be retiring, timid, shy,
bashful, reserved, aloof, to keep away from
social gatherings or entertainments as one
having a cold or feeling indisposed. Ind ka
magpangalp (mangalp) sa mga
katipnan. Dont be too retiring at social
gatherings. (cf. lup, likw).
panglyaw, To visit or go to another
place in search of work, to emigrate, etc.
See pangyaw id.
pangamlus, An uneasy sensation in the
skin (that inclines one to scratch the

Visayan-English Dictionary
affected part), itch; to itch (as of a healing
wound, etc.). (cf. mlus).
pangman, Freq. of man. Preparation,
caution, circumspection, foresight,
forethought, prudence; to prepare, get
ready, be cautious or circumspect, make
previous arrangement for, be careful, etc.
(cf. panghkot, panghmos, panigon).
pangman, Freq. of manto add,
throw in without charge, allow for discount,
pangamtis, To gather tomatoes; to
become as red as a ripe tomato, to blush.
(cf. kamtis).
pangmbon, Freq. of mbonto gather
clouds around, be covered with clouds.
Nagapangmbon ang mga bkid. The
mountains are covered with clouds.
pangmias, Freq. of kmiasto make a
scratching or clawing motion with the
hands or paws, as a dog jumping on its
master and caressing him with its paws,
pangamhan, To go or travelnorth,
northward,northwards,towards the
North,in a northerly direction.
Nagapangamhan ang mga gl-um. The
clouds are travelling northwards. (cf.
amhan, amnhan).
pangmion, Freq. of mionto be
odoriferous, spread agreeable scents or
diffuse pleasant odours.
pangmlot, Sense of touch; to touch. (cf.
pangamma, Freq. of ammato
regale, treat, give food to, serve with, serve
out to, be hospitable, entertain; present
with, make a gift of (fruits, eatables, etc.).
pangams-kams, Freq. of
kamskamsto live from hand to mouth,
to have barely enough to live on. (cf.
pangmot, Freq. of motto contribute
towards a fund, etc.
pangamt, Freq. of kamt. To handle,
grasp or take hold of with the hand, to take
in hand, to manage; quality or use of ones
hand. Mayo sing pangamt inng
tigdug, magsuslat, etc. This painter,
writer, etc. is skillful in the use of his brush,
pen, etc. (cf. pangalma).
pangmp, Freq. of mp. Request,
petition; surrender; to ask, pray, beg,
beseech, supplicate, intercede for, implore,
plead, entreat, petition; to ask for mercy,
yield, surrender. Kon wal sil mangmp
yhan narut sil magkalamaty. If they
had not surrendered they would probably
have been killed.
pangamy, Prayer, orison, invocation;
to pray, invoke, say, offer up, a prayer.
Pangamy ka (Magpangamy,
mangamy ka). Pray. Say a prayer. Say
your prayers. Offer up a prayer. (cf.

pangman pangarngkang
pangmyon, See pangmiona sweet
smell, etc.
pangank, Delivery, birth; to give birth
to; to beget, procreate, bring forth, have
offspring,a child,issue; to be godfather
or godmother to a child at baptism or
confirmation. (cf. ank).
pangnaw, Freq. of knawto glisten,
shine, etc. Freq. of nawto flood, deluge.
panganw-knaw, panganwkanw, Dim. of pangnaw. Also: to fill to
overflowing, become brimful, to brim, brim
over (of tears). (cf. kanw-kanw).
pangnay, First-born; firstling, firstfruits. (nay). (cf. subng).
pangany-knay, Freq. of kanyknayto blow softly, gently; to abate, get
mild or even-tempered.
pangandhoy, To moan, sigh, grieve,
wail, mourn, groan, lament, keen,
whimper, whine. (cf. dhoy). Also noun: a
moan, etc.
pangnga, Caus. of ngngato open
(the mouth).
pangngg, To cart, transport or convey
by cart, to be a carter. (cf. kngg). Also:
Freq. of nggto pet, fondle.
pangnghon, From pangnga.
Pangngha si sang ya bb. Let him
open his mouth.
pangngkang, Freq. of kngkang. To
open ones hand with the fingers spread
wide apart; to sprawl, spread the legs or
open theclaw,pincer,pincher, said of
crabs, lobsters, etc.
pangngkat, (B) Freq. of ngkatto get
on credit; to get loose, separate; to
challenge, defy.
pangngkon, To be godfather or
godmother. Ang pinanngkon ni Fulno.
N.N.s godchild. (cf. ank, ngkon). Also:
Freq. of ngkonto acquire, etc.
pangni, Freq. of nito harvest rice, to
cut rice with the kayg, etc.
pangannaw, Freq. of annaw. To look
into a mirror and see the reflection; to
picture to oneself, practise crystal gazing,
seem to foresee, have prescience
sight,forewarning. Daw ginpangannaw
ko nga dan ang maabutn sinng bt. I
seemed to know beforehand what was in
store for this child.
pangnit, Freq. of nitto flay, skin, etc.
Kon mangnit kit sa ibn, antan man
kit. If we flay others, we shall be flayed
ourselves i.e. The evil done by us to others
will recoil on ourselves.
pangnod, Freq. of nodto float, etc.
Also: Cloud. (cf. gl-um, mbon, alop-op,
pangangon, Freq. of kangonto
bewail, be sorry for, to exclaim
kangonWhat a pity!.
pangnta, Freq. of kntato sing. Freq.
of ntasmell of burnt food.

pangnti, To act like a weather-cock or

dog-vane. (cf. knti).
pangnti, To long, crave, desire
vehemently, beanxiouseager,avid,
keen, for a fight and the like.
Nagapangnti si sa pakigway,
pagdmug, etc. He longs for a fight, is
anxious to wrestle, etc. (cf. the following
pangnti, (Probably from the Sp. ante)
To show off, wish to be first or foremost,
like to be in the front rank; to exert oneself,
make great efforts. (cf. palangnti).
pangntod, (H) Freq. of ntodthe
smell of burnt food; to burn and emit a
corresponding smell.
pangon, Freq. of konto eat, take
food, etc. Nagapangon
ornagapanginon sil. They are taking
food, are having a meal. Ang mga gl-um
nagapanginon pa. The clouds are eating
still, i.e. are gathering or increasing in size
(a sign of coming rain).
pangpas, Freq. of pasto follow, call
back. (cf. pangbat, sund).
pangpay, Freq. of kpayblanket. To
use a blanket, wrap oneself up in a blanket.
pangapy, To use wings; cover oneself as
with wings. (cf. kapy).
pangpin, Freq. of pinto help, assist,
protect, defend, be a partner, take sides
pangpkap, To grope, feel ones way like
a blind man. (cf. kpkap).
pangplag, Freq. of plagto spread,
pangap, To have grandchildren; be a
grandfather, grandmother. (ap).
pangp, To draw near, come close to, in
order to be noticed or petted as a dog
coming near its master.
pangr, (B) Freq. of krto
vituperate, scold, chide in rude language,
pangarb-krab, Freq. of karbkrabto flame, flare up, burn lustily; to
crackle (of fire).
pangaragy, To wail, sigh, moan, groan,
fret, say aragyoh! ah! ow! in
complaining of pain or grief. (cf.
panghyhay, panghary, pangandhoy).
pangar-kr, Dim. of pangr. Also:
to twitter, utter tremulous, broken sounds.
pangarnda, Freq. of karndato do
quickly; to scamp, to perform carelessly,
pangarng, To warm oneself, etc. See
panarn, panarng id. (arng).
pangarangl, To shout; bark; cry out
aloud; to talk nonsense, prattle. (cf. wang,
snggit, nggal; nglngal, ngsal, lsang,
pangarngkang, Freq. of kalngkang
to spread out ones fingers, to extend the
fingers convulsively, etc.


pangars pangdnghos
pangars, To scratch as a cat, chicken,
etc. (cf. pangals, pangars, kars).
pangarskas, Freq. of karskasto
tear, pull off, etc. Also: to exert oneself very
much, strive with might and main.
Nagapangarskas sil sa pagsk sa
mayo sing shol nga palangakan. They
are making great efforts to attain (rise to) a
well-paid position. (cf. kskas; panikasg,
pamarg-ot, etc.).
pangareglr, Freq. of areglrto
arrange, etc. Also: to dress well, to be neat
and tidy, be spick and span. (cf.
pangarmo, Freq. of armoto lean,
rely, upon.
pangartos, To wear earrings. (artos).
pangaromna, (B) To be shy, restrained
in ones behaviour, feel ill at ease (as a
stranger in unknown surroundings). (cf.
pangarskos, Freq. of karskosto
scratch, use claws or nails in tearing, etc.
pangrot, See panglot.
pangary, Freq. of karyto starch
yarn, etc. previous to weaving.
pangary, Freq. of ary. To complain of
pain, say ary. (cf. pangaragy).
pangas, Extraordinary, wonderful,
uncommon, astonishing, exceptional. (cf.
tanhg, pasah, makatilingla).
pangasb, To engage in a legal fight,
have a case in court, appeal to the law,
carry on a legal prosecution. (cf. kasb).
pangsa, pangas, Freq. ksato
pangaswa, Marriage, wedlock,
matrimony, nuptials, wedding; to take,
marry, wed, a wife, to marry, wed, be
joined in matrimony, be, get, married.
(cf. aswa, asaw).
pangasy-ksay, Freq. of kasyksayto convalesce, get better, improve
in health.
pangs, An intoxicating drink prepared
from rice, rice-beer. The pangs is usually
sipped by means of a small tube and served
only on special occasions as at a marriagefeast, etc. Superstitious practitioners
(babylan) use the pangs at their yearly
assemblies near their sacred places called
by them the halgi sang kalibtan.
pangasg, To abominate, abhor, loathe,
exclaim asg of which the English
equivalents are ugh! faugh! foh!
pangasng-ksing, Heart, condition or
quality of ones heart, mind, feeling,
sentiments, aspirations. (cf. kasng-ksing,
pangsoy, Freq. of soyto explain,
expose, make clear, expound, elucidate.
pangt, A dish prepared from dried and
cut-up dgmay-leaves mixed with crabs,
shrimps, chili, etc. Himi ak sing pangt.
Prepare me a dish of pangt. Nakakon


Visayan-English Dictionary
kam ddto sing pangt (pinangt). We ate
there a dish of pangt. (cf. pinangt).
pangtay Freq. of ktayto form in line,
pangat, Freq. of atto raid, rob,
plunder, ransack.
pangti, Freq. of ktito provoke; to
lure, entice, allure, catch birds, etc. by
means of a lure (katin). Ginbutangn nla
ang siy sing katin sa pagpangti sing
ilhas. They put a lure into the siy-trap, in
order to catch wild chickens.
pangatingg, Freq. of tngugvoice; to
voice, speak, etc.
pangto, Freq. of to. To see the point, to
understand; to look for the end or key of a
thread, rope, etc.
pangatp, Freq. of atpto make a roof,
to roof in, put a roof on.
pangtsi, (H) Freq. of tsito sneeze. D
mo ak pagpangatsihn. Dont sneeze at
me. (cf. bahan, pamahan).
pangatbang, Freq. of atbang. To
confront, face, standin front of,
before,in presence of, present oneself
before. Mangatbang ka sing masug sa
mga kalisdnan sang pagpangabh.
Bravely face the difficulties of life.
Nangatbang si sa tmpad sang ya
kaway. He confronted his enemy face to
pangw, Freq. of w. To be
compassionate, have mercy, take pity on,
sympathize with, commiserate with,
condole with, to pity, to takemercy,
compassion, on (upon).
pangwas, Freq. of wasto overflow,
flow out over the rim, flow, run, well,
brim, pour, spill, over the edge (brim,
pangwas, Freq. of kwasto go or step
over the side of, etc.
pangawt, Freq. of awtto keep
occupied, hinder, detain, etc.
pangwat, (H) Freq. of kwatto steal,
etc. (cf. pankaw, tkaw, pankas).
pangawtan, Adultery; to commit
adultery, (cf. ly, pangly; kawtan
lover, correspondent, adulterer).
pangway, (H) Freq. of wayto fight,
quarrel, etc.
pangawhi, Freq. of kwhi. To pick ones
ears, use a piece of smooth bamboo, etc. to
clean ones ears of wax.
pangwit, (H) Freq. of kwitto gather
with pole and hook, etc.
pangwit, (B) Freq. of kwit. To hook,
seize with a hook, crook, pole and hook; to
catch, tear, lacerate, rend, said of thorns,
briars and the like catching in ones clothes
in passing, etc. (cf. panngit).
pangaw-kw, To perform light work,
etc. See pangawtkwot id.
pangawt-kwot, Light work, an easy
job, as various household duties, etc.; to
perform household duties, do some easy

(light) work, be busy, be occupied, be

neither idle nor engaged in heavy work that
requires great physical exertions.
Nagapangawtkwot si sa suld sang
baly. She is occupied with her household
duties. Wal si pagpangawtkwot. She
does nothing. She is idle (lazy).
Pangawtkwot man. Do something.
Occupy yourself with some easy work. Be
not so idle.
pangyaw, A temporary resident,
sojourner, migrating, migratory,
wandering; to migrate, sojourn or dwell in
a place temporarily or as a stranger, go to
live somewhere else with the intention of
coming back within a longer or shorter
period to ones old place of abode. Pspis
nga pangyaw. A migratory bird. A bird of
passage. Ang mga pumuly nga
pangyaw. Temporary residents. Visitors.
Travellers. Guests. Madm nga mga
mamumugn ang nagapangyaw sa
tugtig sa Ngros nga Nakatndan. Many
workmen go yearly to Occidental Negros
for a season. Ginapangaywan man lang
sinng mga to ang ton bnwa. These
people are staying here in our town only for
a time. (cf. panglyaw).
pangyaw, Freq. of yawto be
sufficient, to satisfy, etc.
pangy, To ask, beg, request, solicit.
Mangy (Magpangy) ka kag
pagahatgan ikw. Ask and you shall
receive. Pangaya sa ya ang mo
kinahnglan. Beg of him to grant you what
you need. Ginpangayan ak nya sing is
ka gntang nga humy. He asked me for a
ganta of rice. An ang ginapangy mo?
What are you asking for? What do you
want? (cf. ay).
pangyo, (H) Freq. of yoto be or get
well, etc.
pangay-kay, To live, behave,
act, like a drone or parasite. (cf. kay).
pangay-ky, To haggle, higgle,
bargain, ask, request (help, money, etc.; cf.
kay, ay).
pangayngkong, To contract the limbs
convulsively, spasmodically, as people
suffering from cramps, epileptic fits, etc.
pangaygpus, Freq. of kaygpusto
shrivel, shrink.
pangaymkum, Freq. of kaymkum
to dwindle, shrivel. (cf. pangaygpus).
pangaypus, See pangaygpusto
dwindle, etc. (cf. kpus).
pangbut, Freq. of butto will, etc. See
pangdakp, Freq. of dakpto catch,
arrest, etc.
pangdalas, Freq. of dalasto run
over, collide with, etc.
pngdan, The screw pine. See pndan id.
pangdnghos, Freq. of dnghos. To
strive after, look for, seek, try hard to

Visayan-English Dictionary
obtain, be anxious about, be very busy or
occupied. (cf. sk, dlup).
pangdpit, Freq. of dpitto invite. Ang
mga pinangdpit. The (invited) guests.
pangdhol, Freq. of dholto reach,
hand, etc.
pangduh-dha, Freq. of duh-dha
to doubt, etc.
pangduhl-duhl, Freq. and Dim. of
dhol. To reach up, to reach or pass to
others, spread, hand over, retail. Ang
kartro am ang nagapangduhlduhl
sang mga sult sa kabalayn. The
postman delivers the letters from house to
pangdhoy, To sigh, etc. See dhoy,
pangespho, To look into a mirror,
use, stand before, a mirror. (cf. espho).
panggbut, To eradicate, pull out,
uproot. (cf. gbut).
panggid, Freq. of gidto bind, fasten,
etc. (cf. pnggid).
pnggal, A fyke, fish-trap. (cf. pta, bwan, etc.).
panggamy, palanggamy, To grow
thin, small, slender; to become lean,
emaciated, etc. (cf. gamy).
panggmbay, To lay or put ones hand
upon. Panggambay ang ya abga. Put
your hand on his shoulders.
pnggas, To plant, sow, especially to
plant seeds by hand in holes made by a
stick, etc. Ipnggas ang mas. Plant the
corn. Panggas sing mas ang talmnan
nga nanyan na. Plant corn in the field
from which the rice has been harvested.
Ang mga giniknan dpat magpnggas
sang bnh sang mayo nga pamatsan sa
lanb nga tagiposon sang la mga bt.
Parents should sow the seed of good
conduct (manners) in the young hearts of
their children. Wal kam sing humy nga
pinnggas, knd tinnum lang. We have
no rice grown directly from the seeds, but
only rice from transplanted seedlings. Ang
pamnggas ngay sa mga bnglid, pang
ang pannum sa salma nga wayng.
Seed-planting is suitable on slopes, but
seedling-planting on level plains.
panggasd, Freq. of gasdto retort,
give a rough answer.
pnggid, To secure, fasten, tie, bind. Kon
magsinutl ikw liwn ipnggid ko ikw
sa bnk kag hanton. If you are naughty
again Ill tie you down on a bench and give
you a whipping. (cf. higt, gos, gpus).
panggnggi, A game at cards; to play
panggingghan, Place (room, house,
table, etc.) where panggnggi is played.
panggo, To catch fish, crabs, etc. by
means of ones apron or skirt (a primitive
method of fishing in rivers and shallow

pangdpit panghimalut
pangg-pnggo, Uneducated, illiterate,
ill-bred, low, mean, base, rude, unlettered,
unschooled, uncultured, a term of
contempt applied chiefly to white men. Ang
ibn nga mga buky nga nagabt dir sa
ton mga panggpnggo gid lmang.
Some of the whites that have come here to
us are really very low-class people. A,
panggpnggo lang si. Ah, he is only an
ill-bred white, a low-cast white man.
panggu, See panggwto go outside,
panggsnit, Freq. of gsnitto tear,
rend, etc.
pangguyhon, pangguyahn, Face,
countenance, physiognomy, cast or
expression of face. Magayn si sing
pangguyhon. Her face is (was) beautiful.
(cf. guy, nawng).
panggw, Freq. of gwto go outside,
pangh, The same as panhin words
beginning with h, e.g. panghmos
panhmos (hmos); panghpitpanhpit
(hpit). See pan.
panghbal, panghabl, To swell; to
ripen, change colour. (cf. hbal, habl).
panghgy, Freq. of hgyto
gesticulate; swing ones arms.
panghalwhaw, Freq. of halwhawto
be taken unawares, to express surprise or
panghamt, Freq. of hamt. To be
odoriferous, perfumed, sweet-smelling,
scented, aromatic, to have a sweet smell,
etc., to give, give off, breathe,
exhale, emit, diffuse, a sweet,
pleasant, delicious, smell,odour,
aroma,scent,perfume. (cf.
panghamy, Freq. of hamy. To wash
ones face, to move the palm of the hand
down ones face as after a swim or bath.
panghanarngan, Vindication,
justification, argument, defence, selfdefence; to vindicate, justify, prove to be
right. (cf. trung, matrung, katarngan).
panghangdl-hngdal, Freq. of
hangdlhngdal, handlhndal. To go in
search of a buyer, to visit from house to
house in order to dispose of a pawn or of
something for sale. Dro gid ang
panghangdlhngdal ko sa pagbalgy
sang kon bka. I had to go from place to
place in trying to find a buyer for my cow or
ox. Ipapanghangdlhngdal mo ang mo
bboy, bs may mabakl. Try to dispose
of your pig, perhaps someone would like to
buy it. Pinanghangdlhangdaln ko ang
madm nga mga baly, pang wal sing
may lyag sa pagbakl sang kon um. I
have been to many houses in search of a
buyer, but there is none who wants to buy
my land. Nagapanghangdlhngdal sil
sing plak nga ilims sa minaty. They are

looking for money to pay the funeral fees

for the person that died.
panghnglas, To go in search of, look
for, try to find, get or obtain whatever one
needs by going from house to house, etc.
Nagapanghnglas si sing kwrta, knon, wsay, etc. He is in search of money,
rice, a hatchet, etc.
panghary, To moan, sigh, complain,
ejaculate, say or shout hary (alas!). (cf.
panghs, To trick, cheat, fool,
bamboozle, cozen. (cf. hs).
panghatd, Freq. of hatdto deliver,
hand over.
panghw-ad, Freq. of hw-adto take
out of, snatch away from.
panghwak, Form or shape of a persons
waist or hips. (cf. hwak).
panghwan, Freq. of hwanto make
clear of obstacles, etc.
panghwas, See panghw-ad. (hwas
panghyhay, Freq. of hyhayto sigh,
moan, say hy, ahy. Heigh-ho! in
pain or distress.
panghibulhan, To congratulate,
felicitate, wish good luck, call blessed,
praise. (bulhan).
panghigd, (H) To make for the edge or
side of; to edge away from, go aside or away
from. (higd).
panghkap, To touch, feel; grope ones
way. (cf. hkap).
panghkog, Freq. of hkogto commit
suicide (by hanging, etc.).
panghkot, Freq. of hkotto prepare,
get ready, make arrangements for. (cf.
panghilamn, To weed, weed out, pull
up weeds, clear of weeds. (hilamn).
panghilm-os, (H) To wash ones head
and face. (Freq. of lm-os).
panghilw-hlaw, To do something
coldly, half-heartedly, merely to keep up
appearances, particularly applied to a
forced smile or laugh. (cf. hilw,
panghilw-hlaw, Freq. and Dim. of
hilw. Also: to change colour, betray
panghild-hlod, Freq. of hild-hlod.
To wriggle, stir, writhe; to wriggle and twist
in rubbing off dirt whilst bathing, etc.
panghilod, See panghimalodto
loathe, etc.
panghimayo, (H) Blessing,
congratulation; to bless, invoke a blessing
upon, call blessed, praise, exalt; to
congratulate, wish anotherjoy,
happiness,well. (cf. mayo;
pakamayoto approve, etc.).
panghimalut, (H) Curse, imprecation;
to curse, invoke a curse upon, call cursed,
imprecate, execrate, condemn, wish evil to.
(cf. malut, panloy).


panghiml-i panginpanghiml-i, (H) The imperative passive

of panghibal (Freq. of hibal)to know,
understand, but used in the same meaning
as paml-i, which see. Panghiml-i ni
Pdro sang panglt sing pagkon. Peter
knows nothing about cooking, has no
inkling as to how prepare a meal. (cf.
panghimalod, Loathing, abomination,
detestation; to loathe, abominate, abhor,
detest. Ginapanghimalod nya ang
batsan ni Fulno. He abominates N.N.s
conduct. Nagapanghimalod si sinng
pagkon. He detests this food. (cf. lod).
panghmos, Freq. of hmos. To prepare,
get ready, provide, see to beforehand, make
arrangements for; preparation, previous
arrangement, provision.
panghimurs, To make great efforts, do
ones best, struggle hard, exert oneself,
strive with might and main. (cf. purs,
himd-os, paningh).
panghimt, To clean the eyes of mucus.
(cf. mt).
panghinw, (H) To wash ones hands,
etc. Freq. of hinw.
panghingalt, To make use of an
opportunity, do at once, take advantage of,
make hay while the sun shines. (cf. kalt).
panghingp-us, To commit suicide,
hang oneself; suicide. (cf. hingpus, hkog).
panghpus, Freq. of hpus. To be silent,
taciturn, quiet, etc.
panghs, Freq. of hsto envy, spite,
grudge, bear ill-will; to beat, thrash, hurt.
panghiwng, To clean the mouth of
remnants of food after a meal by means of
the tongue. Kay wal kit sing tbig nga
ilmnon magapanghiwng lang kit. As
we have no drinking water, let us clean our
mouths with our tongue.
panghokm, Freq. of hokmto judge,
panghubg, (H) Freq. of hubgto
swell, become bloated, swollen; a swelling.
panghuby-huby, panghubyhbay, To be in the neighbourhood of,
loiter, linger, tarry, stand around. (cf.
panghgas, Freq. of hgasto rinse,
wash. To clean ones feet, etc. with water.
panghgum, To soak, steep in. (cf.
panghulm, Freq. of hulmto borrow,
etc. Wal si madagta sang mga
pinanghulamn nga batsan sang mga
dumulong. He was untouched by (kept
himself aloof from) customs borrowed from
panghulwid, Freq. of hulwidto
entangle, etc.
panghun-hn, Freq. of hunhn
thought; to think, reflect, consider,
deliberate, etc. Ang panghunhn nga
binanwahnon. Civic spirit, public
opinion, political thinking (speculation).


Visayan-English Dictionary
panghnong, Freq. of hnongto quiet,
calm, placate, abate, mitigate, allay, soothe,
pacify, assuage.
panghunng, To swell up, get flabby or
bloated. Nagpanghunng ang ya guy.
His facebecame bloated,became
swollen,swelled up.
panghurp-us, Freq. of hurp-usto
solicit help, etc.
panghsay, Freq. of hsayto arrange,
set in order, square up, settle; to comb the
panghyab, Freq. of hyabto run off
quickly, scamper off, run about pell-mell.
panghy-ab, Freq. of hy-abto yawn,
gape, open the mouth drowsily or lazily.
panghuys, To be or become pale,
pallid, wan; to change colour, be surprised,
taken aback. (cf. huys).
pngi, A kind of plant (tree) with
medicinal properties. Atsra nga pngi. A
kind of pickles prepared from the pngiplant.
pangiy-kay, To strut, walk pompously
or ostentatiously, swagger, walk with a
lofty, proud gait or with affected dignity.
(cf. kiykay).
pangib-ib, (B) To behave like a
stranger, be shy, timid, quiet, bashful. Kon
magdaw ka sa la nd ka mangibib. If
you pay them a visit, dont act as if you
were a stranger, as if you were not on
familiar terms with them.
pangban, To diminish, decrease, take
away from. (cf. ban).
pangibnibn, (H) See pangibib.
pangbok, Freq. of bokto move, stir,
writhe, twist, squirm, twitch; to root (of
pangbug, Freq. of bugto desire, crave,
lust after, have a passion for, covet.
pangibulhan, Congratulation, best
wishes; to congratulate, felicitate. (cf.
pangiblan, panghibulhan,
pangiblan, To congratulate.
Nagapangiblan ak sa mo
orginapangibulhan ko ikw. I
congratulate you. (cf. pangibulhan,
pangdlis, Freq. and Caus. of ngdlis. To
shock, surprise; be shocked, surprised,
taken aback, in fear or terror.
pangig, Freq. of kigstrip (hemp, etc.).
pangh, To urinate, make (pass) water.
(cf. h).
pangiklhag, Freq. of iklhagto
stumble, etc.
pangkog, pangikg-kog, To wag the
tail, etc. Freq. of kogtail.
pangilb, To eat sliced coconut-meat
soaked in toddy. Nangilb sil sa la nga
pknik. At their picnic they ate sliced
coconut-meat mixed with toddy. (cf.

panglag, Freq. of klagto look about

curiously, etc.
pangilla, Freq. of killato be
acquainted with, etc. May napangill-an
ak ddto. I have an acquaintance there.
pangilng-klang, pangiln-klan,
To shine, sparkle, glisten, twinkle. (cf.
kilngklang, kilnklan, bdlak, slak, sl,
nggat, etc.).
pangils, Freq. of kils. To make a
sudden jerk or movement as if electrified,
shake, tremble, receive a shock through
fear, excitement, etc. Nagapangils ang
ya lwas. He (His body) is shaking all over
with fear.
pangilt, Lightning, flashes of lightning;
to lighten. May pangilt. Nagapangilt.
There is lightning. Lightning is flashing.
panglay, Form or shape of ones
eyebrows. (cf. klay).
pangily, pangilyay, To raise the
eyebrows, give the hint, wink at, signal to
another by moving the eyebrows.
Nagapangilyay sil. They arewinking
at each other,signalling to each other
with their eyebrows. (cf. klay).
panglid, Side, edge, border, rim, margin,
brink, verge; to be or go at the side of. (cf.
panglis, Freq. of listo change, etc.
panglkig, To scrape or rub with a rough
fish-skin, to rub and make smooth with the
skin of a crocodile, etc., to smooth as with
glass paper; to cause a creepy, uncanny
sensation, to shock, take aback.
Pinangilkign si kag nagbtyag sing
dak gid nga kahdluk. A creepy sensation
stole over him and he felt great fear. (cf.
pangild, pangildo, To zigzag,
stagger, reel, totter, as a drunken man. (cf.
panayd, panaydoy, dulngdling).
pangil-il, To show signs of joy and
pleasure, welcome with delight, receive
with gladness; to strive to please or be of
service, as an inferior or a (contrite) culprit,
try to placate, as an offender the one
offended. (cf. aryary).
pangilm, Freq. of ilmto darken,
blacken, etc. (cf. panagl-om, pangitm).
pangilng, Form or shape of nose, way of
carrying ones nose. Hmpit si sing
pangilng. He has a perfect type of nose.
The shape of his nose is beautiful. (cf.
pangloy, To offer flowers to the Blessed
Virgin during the month of May; the
offering of such flowers.
pangily, Motherhood, maternity,
matronhood; to be a mother. (cf. ily).
pangmon, Freq. of monto be jealous,
envious. Magapangimony sil. They are
jealous of each other.
pangin-, A prefix expressing mostly the
idea of becoming, or being changed into,
what the root implies. For magapangin-

Visayan-English Dictionary
and magpangin- mangin- is often used
and for nagpangin- nangin-.
Pagpanginmolto become poor.
Nanginmol si. He became poor. Inng
ditay nga tanm manginkhoy
(magapanginkhoy) kunna. This small
plant will finally grow or develop into a
tree. Ind ka na maginm, kay
manginhubg ikw. Dont drink any more,
or you will become fuddled. Manginmaty
si nay sang sa magbhat sin. He would
rather die than do that. He prefers death to
doing that. Nanginsbung si sa
(sang). He became like.
panginahn, To ask for assistance, help,
recommendation, etc. Manginahn kit sa
kay Fulno, agd madngat ta ang ton
ginakinahnglan sa panglopud. Let us
ask for N.N.s recommendation, so that we
may obtain what we want from the
Provincial Governor. (cf. pangarmo).
panginm-knam, Freq. of
kinmknam. To smack ones lips; try the
taste of. Kon ya makt in manginmknam si gid. When he sees this he will
smack his lips (with pleasure).
panginon, Eating, feasting (of many);
to feast, banquet, eat. (cf. kon).
pangindugng, pangindgang, To
augment, gather force or strength, increase,
add to. (cf. dgang, srga).
pangnhas, To gather or collect shellfish. (cf. pakinhson).
panginhsan, Place where shell-fish
(pakinhson) are often found.
panginhawk, To put the arms akimbo,
i.e. with the elbows pointing outwards, and
the hands resting on the hips. (hwak). (cf.
pangnit, Freq. of nitto wax hot, get
angry, have ones blood boiling with rage or
passion. Kon makabat si sin,
magapangnit gid ang ya lwas sa
kakig. If he hears of it, he will be boiling
with rage.
panginlman, To be apprehensive of
danger, be wary and cautious, fear.
Nagapanginlman si nga. He is full
of apprehension that,of fear, lest.
panginmaty, To die, do away with
oneself, choose to die, give ones life
willingly. Manginmaty ak, pang dl
gid ak magbhat sin. I will rather die
than do that. (cf. paty, maty).
panginpals, To slip out, escape. (cf.
pals, panimdlus).
panginsl, To put the blame on, hold
responsible, make answer for, accuse, lay
the guilt upon. Ginapanginsl nla sin
ydtong mga ponon nga. They put
the blame for it on those officials that.
Ikw gid ang kon pagapanginsalon,
kon. Ill hold you responsible, if. Ill
call you to account, if. (cf. suml).
panginsap, To take out from a hidden
recess, get from a known hiding place.

panginahn pangl
Panginspwa lang ddto ang ags. Just
get the petroleum from where you know it
is kept. (cf. sap).
panginsaw, panginsw,
Disappointment, chagrin, vexation,
annoyance; to be grieved, hurt,
disappointed, displeased, vexed, annoyed;
to be in a complaining or bad humour.
Nagapanginsaw ang klag nya, kay
wal magdaw sa ya si Fulno. He
complains (is in a bad humour), because
N.N. has not visited him. Manginsaw si
kon nd mo si pagagdahn. He will feel
hurt, if you do not invite him. (cf.
panginwl, To deny, disown, repudiate,
say no, contradict, disavow, belie, refuse
to admit an imputation, or the like; denial,
disavowal, repudiation, etc. (cf. wl,
panginywat, To be avaricious,
covetous of more, be (inordinately) eager to
increase ones possessions, to be selfish or
greedy; to be anxious to take advantage of,
to avail oneself of an opportunity. (cf.
pangunyd, himuls).
pangip-kp, Freq. of kip-kpto tuck
up, gather round, etc.
pangpol, See panagp-ol id. (cf.
pangpot, To evacuate, void the bowels.
(cf. pot, pams-on).
pangir-kir, To be shy, bashful, selfconscious, ill at ease, to move about
restrainedly, appear to be under some
restraint. Inng to kon magsk sa baly
wal sing pangirkir. When this man
comes for a visit, he moves about quite
freely, unrestrainedly, makes himself at
home. Kon magdaw ka sa ya nd ka
mangirkir, kay nd si kayon sang
pangirkir. When you pay him a visit, be
at your ease, for he does not like a shy,
bashful or self-conscious behaviour.
pangsd, Freq. of isd. To fish, catch
fish, ply the trade of a fisherman, go out
fishing. Mangsd kit. Let us go fishing.
Nagapangsd sil sa bybay. They are
out fishing on the beach. (cf. pangat).
pangis, Freq. of kis. To wrinkle, crease,
form plaits or folds in garments, etc.
pangis-kis, Dim. of pangis. Also: to
hang down, fall down in folds (of drapery,
dresses, etc.).
pangsug, Freq. of sug. To be brave,
fearless, dauntless, bold, violent, strong,
unyielding, vehement. Nangsug
(nagpangsug) sil sa pagtmpad sa mga
kaway. They were full of courage to face
their enemies. Mangsug (Magpangsug)
ka kag dl ka magpatubalng. Be brave
and dont give way (dont yield).
png-it, To gnaw, nibble, bite off piece by
piece. (cf. kbkib; ktkit, p-ap, b-ab,
png-os, hng-it).

pangit, Corner angle, ridge. Atpi ang

pangit. Cover the ridge with some roofing
pangt, Freq. of kt. To seek, look for,
search for, try to find; to get a livelihood,
work or do business for ones living;
livelihood, sustenance, means or mode of
ones life, business, employment,
engagement, occupation. Mangt ka sing
mank. Look for some chicken. Pangiti
ak sing ph. Try to get some mangoes for
me. Ginpangt nya ang nadl nga
sngsing tbtub nga ya nakt. He sought
for the lost ring till he found it. An ang ya
pangt? What does he do for a living?
How is he employed? What is his business?
Ang mangt makakt. Those who seek
shall find.
pangit, Freq. of itdroppings; to void
the bowels (of birds, etc.).
pangtik, Freq. of tikto tickle.
pangtok, Freq. of tokto tickle.
pangitm, To darken, blacken, etc. (cf.
itm, pangilm).
pangiyw, To economize, curtail,
check, curb, cut down, ones
expenditures, to refrain from spending as
much as usual; to avoid, turn away from,
keep aloof from. Nagapangiyw si karn
sa paghinguyng, kay mawat kayo ang
kwrta. He spends little at present, for
money is very scarce. Ginapangiyawn
lang nmon karn ang pagtg-ang, kay
nakulngan kam sing humy, kag ang
tigalni malay pa. We are cooking only a
little rice at present, for we have run short
and the harvest is still far off.
Magpangiyw (mangiyw) ka sa
pagpatyang mo sing plak, kay kon dl
mapto ka sa dl madgay. Refrain from
spending money so freely, for otherwise
you will be bankrupt before long.
Pangiyaw si. Keep aloof from him.
Nagapangiyw si, kay may tang si sa
kon. He avoids me, because he is in debt
to me. (cf. pamud, likw).
pngk, Frog, toad. (cf. pak, pnk).
pngkot, To ask information, question,
interrogate, inquire. Pangkot si kon din
ang ya aglon. Ask him where his master
is. Napngkot na si sing makadm,
pang wal si pagsgid sang ginpngkot
sa ya. He has been asked (already) many
times, butdoes not tell what is asked of
him,has not answered the questions put
to him. An ang igapngkot mo sa ya?
What are you going to ask him (about)? (cf.
pamngkot, pamangkotnon, pakina,
pangl, Panglvery often stands for
panlin the frequentative forms of words
beginning with the letter l, so much so
that both are used indiscriminately for the
same word, e.g. panglibk, panlibk;
panglpas, panlpas; panglngbas,
panlngbas, etc.


panglabton pangokt
panglabton, To cry, weep, wail, sob,
lament, complain, mourn or sigh aloud; to
cry out, say or speak in a loud voice. (cf.
panglbnot, Freq. of lbnotto draw,
pull out.
panglghap, Freq. of lghapto seek,
look for, search for, etc.
panglghit, To throw down in disorder,
strew, spread, sow. (cf. lghit).
panglaglad, To travel up and down a
country, wander, journey, go sight-seeing
or on business through a district, etc. (cf.
panglagyaw, Freq. of lagyawto
divert oneself, beguile the time, travel,
spend a holiday, take a vacation.
panglaguywan, Diversion, vacation,
holiday, travel; to spend a holiday or travel
for recreation.
panglahs, Freq. of lahsto pass
through, filter, etc. Also: to put in an
appearance, pay a visit, call on a friend,
come just for a chat or gossip, or the like.
(cf. panumblay).
panglakt, To goby foot,on foot,
afoot, to foot it, to march, walk, hike,
tramp, trudge, wend (ones way); way or
manner of ones walking. (cf. lakt).
panglaktan, (H) March, way, path,
course, track, journey, road to be travelled
over; to travel, to be on ones way, march
on, proceed on ones journey.
panglals, To tear or pull down, tear in
pieces. (cf. lals).
panglmbas, To inundate, overflow,
overrun. (cf. lmbas).
panglnas, See panglmbas. (lnas
panglapw, To be, go, pass,
reach, over, to overflow, inundate, to rise
higher or above. (cf. lapw).
panglp-ok, palanglp-ok, An
eruptive skin-disease; to develop (form,
produce) blisters, pustules, or the like. (cf.
panglaps, To pierce, pass through,
perforate, transfix, make a hole through.
(cf. laps).
panglarwan, To make pictures,
portraits, photos, to takephotos,
likenesses, to follow the profession of a
portrait-painter or photographer; the art,
calling, of a painter, photographer, etc.
(cf. larwan).
panglrip, To gather, collect, put
together, assemble. (cf. lrip).
panglatn, Freq. of latnto spread,
infect, etc.
panglwas, Form or shape of ones body.
See panglawasn.
panglawasn, Form, shape, size or
growth of ones body. Mayo si sing
panglawasn. He is well built. He has a
well developed body. He is well developed.
(cf. lwas).


Visayan-English Dictionary
panglya, To catch fish with a net called
pangly, Adultery; to commit adultery.
(cf. ly, pangawtan).
pangleksyn, To give lessons, instruct,
teach, hold class. (cf. leksyn, ton,
panglibd-libd, To look around with
curiosity, turn the eyes in every direction.
(cf. lislsi).
panglibng, Freq. of libng. Also:
Diarrhoea; to have diarrhoea, suffer from
looseness of the bowels.
panglibngan, Lavatory, privy, W.C.;
panglibng-libng, Dim. of
panglibng. Also: to do odd jobs, to have
nothing to do in particular and
consequently to while away the time in
various occupations of little moment.
panglibd-libd, Dim. of panglbod,
the Freq. of lbodto peddle, etc.
panglbut, Freq. of lbutto go, (pass)
round, etc.
panglgad, Freq. of lgadto go (pass)
by, etc.
panglgbos, To gather or look for
mushrooms called lgbos; to be in
consternation, be affrighted, get a shock,
have ones hair stand on end.
Nagapanglgbos ang ya lwas. He is full
of consternation. Nanglgbos
(Nagpanglgbos) si kag nagpalanndog
ang ya bohk. He was affrighted and his
hair stood on end.
panglghot, Freq. of lghotto seek,
search for, look for, try to find or get hold
of. (cf. panglghap, pangt).
panglih-lih, To be a loafer, idler,
vagabond; to idle, stroll, roam about, rove.
(cf. landlndo, lagwlgaw, lihlih).
panglimg, See pangalimgto rinse
out or wash ones mouth, etc.
panglingw-lngaw, Diversion,
amusement, distraction; to divert,
amuse, distract, oneself, to beguile,
while away, the time, go out in search of
amusement or recreation. (cf. lingw,
lingwlngaw, paliwlwa).
panglntak, To smack ones lips or click
ones tongue. See pangalntak id.
panglnt, Freq. of lntlightning. To
lighten, to flash lightning; to curse, swear,
panglitw-ltaw, To go or wander from
place to place, walk about aimlessly. (cf.
pangliw-lwa, Freq. of liwlwa. (cf.
pnglot-dak December. (cf.
pnglot-ditay, November. (cf.
panglugs, To rummage, disturb,
disorder, disarrange, throw into disorder,
toss about papers, books, clothes, etc. in

trying to find or get hold of what one wants.

Ind ka magsgad panglugs sinng mga
pagktan. Dont be always throwing those
papers into disorder. (cf. pangabkay,
balskay, balkhay).
panglghut, To search, reconnoitre,
investigate, examine. (cf. lghut).
pangluhd, Freq. of luhdto kneel, etc.
See panluhd.
panglka, To overturn, lay low, blow
down, uproot. (cf. lka).
panglumw-lumw, To be or become
wet, moist, soaked, soiled, stained. (cf.
lumw, lumwan, palumwlumw).
pangln-ad, To grow pale, turn pale,
blanch, etc. See ln-ad. Sang pagkabat
nya sin nangln-ad (nagpangln-ad,
nagpalangln-ad) si. When he heard that
he grew pale. (cf. palanglspad, lps).
panglupk, panglupk-lupk, Freq.
of lupk. Also: to form (develop) cracks,
fissures, or the like.
panglut, panglutlut, Freq. of
lutto dislocate. (cf. lak).
panglt, To cook; cooking. (cf. lt).
pangltos, To overcome, subdue,
vanquish, keep down, oppress. (cf. ltos).
panglya, To weaken, become weak,
feeble. Nagapanglya na si. He is getting
weak. Tiglang na si kag
nagapalanglya ang ya mga thud. He is
old now and his knees are getting weak. (cf.
pangly, Freq. of lyto tire, become
tired, grow tired, weary, fatigued.
pangluyw-lyaw, Freq. of luyw. To
divert oneself, take a holiday, travel for
recreation. (cf. panglagyaw, paliwlwa,
dayndyan, panglingwlngaw).
pangmat, Freq. of matthe eye; to
wake, awake, etc. Also: Form, shape,
colour, of ones eyes; the expression of the
eyes. Matalm ang ya pangmat.
Matalm si sing pangmat. He has sharp
eyes. His look is penetrating. Malya na
ang ya pangmat. His eyesight is now
weak. (cf. pamat).
pangmaty, Freq. of maty. To kill, etc.
(cf. paty).
pngog, Foolish, stupid; a fool, ass,
stupid fellow; to be a fool or act like one.
(cf. kalndong, bullo, bngaw,
tampuhw, bat-lan, kl, kolkol,
balingg, tipangg, mang).
pangga, To listen, be an eavesdropper.
(cf. panngad).
panggbos, To form new shoots, new
leaves, etc. See gbos.
panggo, See pangga and both
probably derived from an expert
eavesdropper called OgoHugo.
panghong, To gather mushrooms. (cf.
pangokt, Freq. of koktto shell beans,
etc. Mangokt kam sing kadis sa

Visayan-English Dictionary
panyga nton. Shell some cadios-peas for
our dinner.
panglo, Freq. of lo. Head, head-master,
ruler, leader, chief, commander; to be
master, to rule or govern. Sn-o ang
nagapanglo dir? Who is master here?
May mga pngsud nga ginapangolhan
sang is ka hr. There are nations ruled
over by a king. Panglo-bnwa. Municipal
President. Panglo-pud. Provincial
Governor. Panglo-pngsud. National
Governor or President, Governor General,
President of a Nation. Panglo-kasapuln.
Board of Directors. Directing (Governing)
Board. Panglong mga dinaln. Leading
article, leader, head-lines; editorial.
pangolohn, Government,
administration, management. (lo).
pangomrsyo, Trade, commerce; to
engage in trade or commerce, be a
merchant or trader. (From the Sp.
pangntra, (Freq. of the Sp. contra)
Opposition, resistance, enmity; opponent,
antagonist, rival; to resist, oppose, make
opposition to. Nagapangntra sil. They
are enemies. They are opposed to each
other. Ind mo sil pagpangontrahn. Do
not oppose them. Dont go against them.
Inng mank wal sing pangntra. This
cock has no rival. (cf. smpung, btok,
pangot, Freq. of kot, kutto grope,
put ones hand in, etc.
pangrte, The cut or make of clothes,
tailoring; to cut out clothes, to tailor. Inng
manugtbas mayo gid sing pangrte.
This tailor is an expert at cutting out
(clothes). (From the Sp. corte).
png-os, To bite or gnaw off bit by bit
(piece by piece), especially applied to
nibbling sugar-cane stalks. Pang-os ang
tub. Eat the sugar-cane by biting off a bit
at a time. (cf. png-it, hng-it).
pngos, Spoilt, rotten, putrid, musty,
rancid (of foodstuff). See pn-os id.
pangs, Very flat-nosed. (cf. kurap).
pngot, To touch, establish physical,
come in, contact with. Napngot ang
duh ka bla (plo). The two balls (masts)
touched each other. (cf. ngot, angt,
pangt, Touching, in contact with (as
balls in the game of billiards, etc.).
pangtkot, Freq. of ktkotto dig, etc.
pngpang, To gather, collect, heap
together, assemble (beginning with the
objects that are nearest). (cf. tpon).
pngpang, River bank, river side; edge,
border, rim, any steep bank. (cf. bb, bgki,
bint, klid).
pangrbay, (B) To go along the bank of a
river, the ridge of a mountain and the like.
(cf. panalytay, panalbay, panarbay).
pngsot, The smell of urine; to smell like
urine. (cf. ngso, pnsot, id.).

panglo panguss
pangsul, To turn upside down, upset;
perplex, confuse. (cf. sul).
pangbung, Freq. of kbung. Also: To
walk very carefully or gingerly (as over
sharp stones or the like). Nagapangbung
lang si, kay matalwis ang mga bat kag
nanad si sa saptos kag nd man si
makabats maglpak sang sra. He is
walking very carefully, for the stones are
sharp and he is accustomed to wear boots
and he cannot bear stepping on the young
and prickly cogon-shoots.
pangbung, To grasp or hold anothers
hand, walk hand in hand. Nagapangbung
sil, kay madnlug ang dlan. They are
walking hand in hand, because the road is
pangdlit, Freq. of kdlitto make a line
or stroke, sign, mark with a pencil, pen,
brush, pointed instrument, etc.
pngug, See pngogfoolish, etc.
pangug, Freq. of ugto dry, be or
become dry, etc.
pangghad, Freq. of kghad, ghadto
hawk and spit. Ind ka mangghad, kay
malw-ay. Dont hawk and spit, for it is
unbecoming, ugly, a dirty habit.
pangh, Freq. of khto take, etc.
Pinanguhan (ginpanguhan) ak nya
sing ttlo ka mngmang. He took three
pesos away from me.
panghit, Freq. of khitto nudge, etc.
png-ul, Inexperienced, stupid, dull,
backward. (cf. pngog, pungg).
pangulmbut, (H) To cover oneself
with, or wrap oneself up in, a blanket, etc.
(cf. kulmbot, panimlon).
pangulpia, pangulpya, To request
a favour, oblige oneself, ask for help or
assistance. (cf. lhog; pakitbang (from
pakiand tbang).
pangli, pangul, To use toilet paper.
(cf. li, ul).
panglo, See panglo.
pangl-ul, Freq. of l-ulto be stiff,
painful, etc. (cf. palangl-ul).
pangulmbut, See pangulmbut.
pangma, Agriculture, tillage, tilth,
husbandry, cultivation, culture, farming; a
piece of land, especially cornor rice-land;
to till, cultivate, labour, the soil, be a
farmer. Wal si sing pangma karn nga
tig. He has no corn-land (rice-land) this
year. Nagapangma (Mangungma) si.
He is a farmer. Ydtong mga baklod
sarng pa mapangma. Those hills can be
cultivated yet. (cf. um).
pangmhan, Farm, field, ground, land,
soil fit for tillage. (cf. palangmhan).
pangmpay, To look for, fetch,
(green) fodder for horses, cattle, etc. (cf.
pangumpti, (Probably from the Sp.
competir). To strive, contend, compete
with, vie; insist on, be determined or
resolute. (cf. paindsndis, panikasg).

pangmus, Freq. of kmusto squeeze,

compress with the hand. Pinangmus nga
sult, papl, etc. A crumpled letter, a piece
of crumpled paper, etc.
pangna, Freq. of nato do, come,
go, first, before, in front, to head,
precede, lead; beahead,in advance,in
the van; the article (grammar). Ang
pangna nga ang. The article ang.
pangun-un, Dim. of pangna. Also:
To start, begin, commence.
pangnhan, To go ahead, lead, be in
front, precede; the one in front, what is
before or ahead, the forepart. Ang til nga
pangnhan sang bka. The forelegs or
front legs of the cow.
pangnop, To wear or put on a cloak or
coat; to cover, cloak. (cf. knop).
pangund, Growth, development (of
flesh, meat, muscles, etc.); to form (grow,
develop) flesh, etc., particularly applied to
all kinds of tubers (cf. und).
pangnut, Freq. of nutto fall out,
shed (of hair).
pangunyd, (B) To be very selfish or
greedy, seek ones own advantage, to
overreach. D mo si pagpangunyadan
(pagpanginyawtan). Dont overreach
him. Dont cheat him out of money, goods,
etc. (cf. panginywat).
pangupd, Freq. of updto go along
with, accompany, etc.
pangpus, Freq. of kpusto contract,
shrink, shrivel. (cf. palangpus).
pangrab, Caus. of ngrabto growl,
grumble, murmur.
pangurbut, (B) To clutch, grasp, seize,
take hold of. Pangurbtan mo ang
hilamn kag gabton. Take hold of the
grass and pull it up.
pangurnot, To wrinkle ones brow, etc.
(cf. kurnot, kurint).
pangrub, Caus. of ngrubto show the
teeth, to snarl, gnarl (of dogs, etc.).
Pangurba ang id kon maglgad sil.
Make the dog show its teeth when they pass
pangrug, Freq. of krug, kdugto
tremble, shiver, quake. (cf. palangrug).
pangurg-kurg, palangurgkurg, Trembling, shivering, shaking,
quaking; to tremble, shiver, shake, quake.
(cf. kdug, krug, pangrug).
pangurs, To make the sign of the cross
or bless oneself. (cf. krus).
pangrut, (H) Freq. of rutto finish,
make an end of, etc.
pangurtay, Freq. of kurtayto call
the chickens together.
pangusm-ksam, Sense of taste,
taste; to taste. (cf. ksam).
panguss, Freq. of uss. Investigation,
examination, search, research; to
investigate, examine, search.


pangsug panigun, panig-un

pangsug, To be firm, robust, strong,
brave, valiant; to use or apply force, insist
on. (cf. ksug).
pangusg, Freq. of kusg. To make great
efforts, exert oneself, strive, apply force,
show strength; to grow stiff.
Nagapangusg si sa paghwat sang am
nga kasadyhan. He is making great
efforts in preparation for that solemnity,
festivity, rejoicing. (cf. palangusg).
pangusg-ksug, Dim. of pangsug,
pangt, To arrest, put in prison, put in a
place of safety or security. (cf. kt).
pangtan, (H) To gather, fetch, look
for, vegetables. (cf. tan, panulon).
pangutna, To ask information, ask
questions, question, interrogate, inquire.
(Pangutnha) Pangutn-a si. Ask him.
Inquire of him. (Pangutnhi) Pangutn-i
si. Question him. Ask him. (cf.
pamngkot, pakina).
pangtang, To contract debts, run into
debts, borrow. (cf. tang).
pangtut, To sting (of insects, etc.). (cf.
panguyb, Freq. of kuybto fan, to
wave a fan; to fan oneself.
pangy-ab, To yawn, gape. See
panguybut, To grasp, take hold of, hold
on to, etc. See panguyput. (kuybut
panguyhon, See pangguyhon.
panguypad, To scamper off, run, etc.
(cf. kuypad).
panguyput, To hold on to, cling to,
grasp, grip, clutch, take hold of, encircle
with the fingers. (cf. kuyput, kapt,
kpyot, byot).
pangyat, Freq. of yatto hold, grasp,
etc. Nahlug si, kay wal si mangyat
(magpangyat) sa gabayn sang hgdan.
He fell down the stairs because he did not
hold fast to the handrail.
panguym, panguym-kyum,
Freq. and Dim. of kuymto shrivel,
contract, wither.
panguyp, To shrink, shrivel, dwindle;
to cower, be scared or cowed down. (cf.
pangaygpus, kpus).
panguys, To get a shock, be astounded,
surprised, be taken unawares, have the hair
standing on end. (cf. hanguys, kuys,
pangy-uy, Freq. of y-uy, y-oyto
guffaw, laugh heartily, etc. (cf. talngkaw,
hha, ark-ik, ark-ok, halk-hak).
pangyakt, Freq. of yaktto entertain;
to invite, urge.
pangym-id, Freq. of ym-idto pout,
pangyamg, Freq. of yamgto be or
grow cold, etc. Also: Cold fever.
pangywyaw, Freq. of ywyawto
scold, rail at, etc.


Visayan-English Dictionary
pangys, pngyos, To be shocked, etc.
See panguys.
pangyuhm-yhum, To smile; to
simper, smirk. (cf. yhum, yuhm).
pangyy, pangyy, To weaken,
slacken, grow weak or feeble. (cf. yy).
pnhay, A gentle slope; sloping; even,
smooth; to even, smooth. (cf. bnhay).
pnhop, (B) Coconut meat used for
rubbing the hair with. The coconut meat is
usually chewed first and then applied by
hand to the hair. (cf. pamnhop).
paniga, Dinner; to dine, have (take)
dinner. Nakapaniga na ikw? Have you
had your dinner? Maniga (Magpaniga)
kam nay. First have your dinner.
Papaniaghi sil. Prepare dinner for them.
Get dinner ready for them. Papaniagha
sil. Let them take their dinner. Give them
time or a chance to take their dinner. (cf.
panyga, gm).
panb, Freq. of sbto devour, gulp
down, gobble up, swallow, tear to pieces
and eat up.
panibar, (B) To stand on end, stand
erect. (cf. silab, tinggar, panndog).
panbin, To wipe (clean) with a towel. (cf.
panibt, Freq. of sibt. To use a needle or
pin; to wear a pin, brooch, badge or any
similar ornament fastened by a pin; to
vaccinate; to remove a thorn or prickle by
means of a pin or needle or anything
resembling a needle. Magpanibt ka sang
mga tunk. (Sbta ang mga tunk).
Remove the thorns by means of a needle.
Madm ang mga kabatan nga
pinanbtan (ginpanbtan) sang
manogblung. Many children were
vaccinated by the doctor. Ipanibt nya ang
ya sibt nga may batngmadlak sa
pndut sang bnwa. At the town-feast she
will wear her brooch set with precious
panib-tib, To balance oneself with
difficulty, be scarcely able to keep ones
balance or equilibrium; to be on the point
ofcommitting oneself,telling some
news,betraying a secret,letting the cat
out of the bag. Nagapanibtib ang ya
mga bibg sa paghmbal. He can scarcely
detain himself from telling the news. He is
simply bursting to tell the news. (cf. tib).
panb-ong, Freq. of tb-ongto raise,
lift, etc.
panbong, Freq. of tbongto carry on
the shoulder, etc.
panbsok, To fall downheadlong,head
foremost. (cf. tbsok, tibusk).
panbud, To be involved, complicated,
intricate, requiring much patience or
fatigue. Freq. of sbud.
panibut, Good breeding, civility,
politeness, docility, will, intention,
willingness, readiness, discretion,
prudence, tact, circumspection,

discernment, address. (cf. but, panimot,

pnid, Leaf, sheet, board (as of paper,
cloth, wood, etc.).
pand-pand, To take up leaf by leaf,
count every leaf or sheet. Panid-panir
(id) ang mga paples, tabk, etc.
Count the papers, the tobacco-leaves, etc.
leaf by leaf. Take them up leaf by leaf.
pandsid, Freq. of sdsid. Edge, rim,
border; to edge, border, etc.
panidsran, Edge, border. (cf. sdsid,
panimpo, Times, period, season. Sa
karn nga panimpo. In these present
circumstances. Nowadays. At present. (cf.
timpo, panahn, dg-on, tig, panig,
panga, (Sp. fanega) A measure of grain,
half a bushel (psong); also a measure for
land (about 1.59 acre).
pang-a, Hardening; to harden. Pang-a
sang solksolk. A hardening of the
stomach. (cf. tg-a).
panigdlum, To possess or wear the
charm tigdlum (supposed to make its
possessor (owner, wearer) invisible).
panigon, Foresight, thought, wise
forethought, prudence; to have foresight,
be prudent, resourceful, to manage well, be
careful or circumspect. Mayo si sing
panigon. He knows how to manage things
well. He is a good manager. He is full of
resources or tricks. He is a man of resource.
He thinks of many expedients. Sa wal
sing panigon. Thoughtlessly.
Unexpectedly. Without bestowing a
thought on it. Imprudently. Sa sin
nga butng kinahnglan gid ang
panigon. This matter requires great
prudence (careful handling). Maksug si,
pang nadag si sa dmug, kay nd si
makahibal magpanigon. In spite of his
strength he was defeated in wrestling,
because he is too simple, too careless or
incautious. (cf. tigyon, pangman,
pangpaw, To catch fish with the
sgpawa small fishing net.
pangput, Freq. of sgputto end,
complete, finish; pick up all the particles
left, gather the remnants of. Ginpangput
nla ang mga kn-on nga nagdokt sa
tb. They gathered (with their fingers) the
rice sticking to the bamboo plate. (cf.
hingpus, pamngkong).
paniglang, To grow old, to age.
Naniglang si sa pagkapols,
pagkasologon, etc. He has grown old in
the police force, as a servant, etc.
Nagpaniglang si sa pagkamol, kay
matmad (si). He grew old in his poverty,
because he was too lazy to work. (cf.
panigun, panig-un, To be first,
foremost; try to excel, to lead, outdo others;

Visayan-English Dictionary
to vie, compete with, strive with, contend
with. (cf. pangunun).
panigro, Freq. of segro. To be sure,
certain, confident; assurance, positiveness,
confidence. Nagapanigro ak nga
maabt gid si. I am sure he will come. (cf.
panihg-shag, Freq. and Dim. of
sihgto separate from, become loose, go
astray, etc.
panihpon, Supper; to sup, have,
take, supper. Nakapanihpon na ikw?
Have you had your supper? Panihapnan
mo sil. Sup with them. Take supper at
their house. Papanihapnan mo sil. Give
them supper. Prepare supper for them.
Papanihapna sil. Let them have supper.
Give them time or a chance to have their
supper. Sn-o kamo magpanihpon kag
an ang ipanihpon nnyo? When will you
have supper and what will you have for
supper? (cf. hpon; panigadinner).
panhay, Freq. of shayto deviate, leave
the main or straight road; to disagree, fall
out, differ, be at variance.
panihl, Freq. of tihl. To whistle, blow a
whistle; to crack jokes. Panihol sil.
Whistle for them. Blow the whistle that
they may hear.
panid, Freq. of tid. To watch or observe
well, keepan eye on,a watch on,under
observation. Pinaniran nya sing mayo
ang mga batsan ni Fulno. He observed
well N.N.s conduct (habits).
pankad, Freq. of skad. To spread ones
legs, plant them firmly on the ground; to lie
down and push with the legs; to kick.
Panikdi (panikri) sil tbtub nga
magbgtaw. Push them with your legs
(Kick them) till they awake.
panikng, Freq. of tikngto step, take
steps, stride, walk, pace; ones way or
manner of walking or stepping.
pankas, Freq. of tkasto steal, pilfer,
thieve, sneak, purloin, filch, appropriate
secretly. (cf. tkaw, takb, kwat).
panikasg, For panikusg id. To make
great efforts, to apply oneself with force or
earnestness, try to obtain by all means. (cf.
himlat, paningh, himd-os, himg-os).
pankma, To blow the nose. (cf. skma).
pankm, Freq. of tkmto do (take)
secretly, etc.
panikd-tkod, To stamp ones heels on
the ground, push or kick with ones feet.
(cf. tikd).
panikl, To elbow, push (backwards) with
the elbow. (cf. sikl).
panksik, Freq. of sksikto part the hair
and hunt for lice, flees, bugs or other
panktik, To spy upon, observe closely the
doings of others, act as a detective, to
snoop, pry; the calling (office) of a
detective. (cf. tktik).

panigro panimdlus
panktik, Freq. of tktik. The ticking of a
watch (clock); to tick.
panktot, Freq. of sktotto bend low,
pankup, Freq. of skupto gather,
collect, scrape together; glean. (cf.
panikusg, Great effort, exertion,
striving; to exert oneself, strive hard, make
great efforts. (cf. kusg, panikasg,
paningh, himd-os, himg-ot).
pankway, Freq. of skwayto reject,
panlag, Observation, watching; to
observe, watch, be on the watch, notice
with care (carefully), pay attention to, await
developments, study, examine, dog (ones
steps). Panilgan ko pa nay in. I shall
watch that. Ill wait to see how it will turn
out. Napanilgan ko nga mayo inng
palatikngan (talapunan). Pinanilgan
ko inng palatikngan (talapunan) kag
mayo gal. I have observed that this is a
good Business (company, society). Ty ko
ang panlag sang ya mga gho kag hlag.
I intend to dog (watch) his steps. (cf.
bntay, panid, panguss, slag).
panilagn, Observatory, etc. See
palanilagn. (cf. panlag).
panlap, Freq. of dlapto lick. Ang id
nagapanlap sang pnggan. Ang pnggan
ginapanilpan sang id. The dog is licking
the plate.
panilw, Freq. of tilwto taste, try,
panlhig, Freq. of slhigto sweep, etc.
panil, To drive away a dog by shouting
panlo, (Sp. pauelo) Cloth, cloth-band,
collar, neckcloth; the strip of cloth or
leather used for fastening the sheath of a
bolo to the hip. (cf. balig; pnyo).
panlong, Freq. of slong. To take shelter
or refuge, take tocover,a safe place. (cf.
pasilongn; dangp).
panlot, Freq. of slotto punish,
paniman, Idea, thought, knowledge,
inkling; to know, be aware of, note,
observe, experience, take note of. (cf.
man, timan, panimd-on).
panimd-on, Experience, observation,
knowledge, intelligence, common sense,
practical knowledge or wisdom; to observe,
study, watch, take notice. (cf. paniman,
pinaniran, lam, kinadman, tinn-an,
panimh, To smell, scent; scent, the
sense of smell. (cf. bh, bah).
panimaly, House, household, family;
race, lineage, stock. Inank si sang is ka
panimaly nga lutw kag dunggnon. He
is a descendant (scion) of a prominent and
respectable house or family. Ang is ka
panimaly nga mayo am ang tuburn
sang dmasip nga mga kaayohn. A good

family is the source of uncounted (untold)

blessings. (baly).
panimals, Freq. of timalsrevenge; to
panmba, Freq. of smbato go to
church, assist at Mass. Way and manner of
assisting at Mass. Ang mga pumuly
sinng bnwa mapsan magsmba, pang
ang mga nagadal sing bt sa simbhan
masnsun nga lingw ang la panmba.
The inhabitants of this town are good
(active) church-goers (are assiduous in
going to church), but those that take small
children along to church are often very
distracted. Ang ya panmba matinahron
kayo. He assists at Mass very reverently.
panmb, Freq. of tmb. To draw water
from a well by means of a bucket. Nagaan
si?Nagapanmb. What is he doing?
He is drawing water from the well.
panmbang, Freq. of tmbang. Also: a
counterpoise, counterweight, balance; to
balance, apply a counterweight; to manage
with prudence. (cf. panimbngon).
panimbngon, See panmbang. Kon
mamdlus ang hngin kag dl mayo ang
panimbngon makulb gid ang sakayn.
When a stiff breeze is blowing and the boat
is not kept on an even keel (When the wind
blows violently and the boat is not under
good management), it will certainly capsize
(be overturned). Inng to mayo gid
manimbngon sang parw. This man
knows very well how to steer an outrigger
(called parw). (cf. binang).
panimbng-tmbang, Dim. of
panmbang. Sa but-nan nga
pagpanimbngtmbang matwhay na ang
ya pangabh. By careful management he
can now pass his days free from anxiety. If
he manages wisely (If he is a wise, prudent,
administrator), he can now live at ease.
panmod, Freq. of tmodto economize,
practise economy, live economically, spend
wisely, live frugally or thriftily.
panimd, See panimd.
panimk, To cross ones arms over the
chest, to hug oneself, as people often do
when they feel cold.
panimolng, Freq. of timolngto use
insulting language, rail at, revile, insult
verbally, abuse with invectives.
panimn, To be a steersman or
helmsman; to sit at the helm (rudder), to
direct or guide the course of a ship, etc. (cf.
panmput, Freq. of smputto tighten,
panmtim, Freq. of tmtimto dangle,
etc.; to play with ones tongue, etc., as a
snake, or the like.
panimd, Freq. of simdto sniff at;
nibble at, eat, be greedy, voracious.
panimdlus, To escape the grasp or grip
of, slip out, glide away. Nanimdlus si sa
ya mga btkon. He contrived to free


panimdsimd panpit
himself from the clasp (clutch, clench,
clinch) of his arms. (cf. pdlus, pals,
panginpals, pdlus).
panimdsimd, Dim. of panimd.
panimlon, To roll; wrap oneself up in a
blanket, cloak, etc.
panimot, See panibut, panagibut
Good breeding, etc.
panimron, See panimlon. (cf.
pangulmbut, pangulmbut).
panimslut, See panimdlus. (pslut
panindhan, To go to market, visit a
market in order to buy or sell. Manindhan
(mapanindhan, magapanindhan) pa
kit nay sing ditay nga tin kag ugling
mapal. We shall first go to the market for
a moment and then return home. (cf. tnda,
tinda, tindhan).
panndak, To kick. (cf. tndak; pankad).
panndog, To stand up, stand erect;
construction, make, build, form; way
(manner) of standing. (cf. tndog). Also to
stand on end (of hair, etc.). (cf. panibar).
panindgan, Stand, stand-point,
position. (cf. tndog, tindgan).
panindgon, The way or manner of
ones standing. Tdlong gid si sing
panindgon. He stands very upright, very
straight. (tndog).
panindg-tndog, Dim. of panndog.
Also: to stand about idly, have nothing to
do, loiter, linger, tarry. (cf. pumugpug,
paning, Freq. of tingdeath-rattle, etc.
paningdlum, To be, become, make
oneselfinvisible; to possess or wear the
charm called tigdlum.
panngad, paningd-tingd, Freq. of
tngad, tingd-tingdto overhear, listen
in, be an eavesdropper. (cf. panggo).
paningd-singd, See panngad.
panngal, To open ones mouth (by
force). (cf. tngal).
paningla, To wonder, be astonished;
surprise, astonishment, wonder,
admiration. (cf. tingla).
paningasg, To strive hard, make great
efforts, etc. See panikasug.
Ginapaningasugn nla karn ang
pagbuks sing bg-o nga dlan. They are
at present making great efforts to open a
new road. (cf. paningh, panikasg,
panngding, To build a partition or sidewall, etc. (cf. dngding).
paningdingnan, Wall, partition, side
(of a room, etc.). Sa tmpad sang
paningdingnan. Over against the wall. In
front of the wall. (cf. dngding).
panngga, To remind, warn, advise,
inform. (cf. tngga).
panngga, To carry on a pole. (cf.
paninggar, To stand erect, stand on
end. (cf. tinggar).


Visayan-English Dictionary
pannggil, Freq. of tnggil. To say
tnggil, etc.
pannggit, A loud outcry, shout; to shout.
(cf. snggit).
paningghot, To move about in all
directions, as people coming out of a
theatre, a church, an assembly hall, or the
like. (cf. lingghot, liningghot, sarumbl,
pannggol, To move, affect, stir, scare,
deter; to listen to, pay attention to, desist,
yield, be scared or deterred. In wal
makapannggol sa la. That did not move
or deter them. That made no impression on
them. Ind na si mannggol
(magpannggol) sang dak nga kapot kag
kalisdnan. He does not allow himself any
longer to be deterred by the great
hardships and difficulties (involved). Wal
sil magpannggol sang dak nga
tgnaw. They did not desist in spite of the
great cold. (cf. tnggol, dmannggol,
patubalng, patubarng, paubg, paspil).
paninghawk, To put the arms akimbo.
(cf. hwak, panginhawk).
pannghot, The sense of smell; to smell,
scent, experience or try the smell of. (cf.
snghot, panimh).
panngil, Freq. of tngilto penetrate,
pierce (of sound).
panngit, (H) Freq. of sngitto gather
with pole and hook.
paningklas, To stir, move, be active, be
energetic, struggle hard, be up and doing.
Magpaningklas ka na, agd magbskug
ang mong lwas. Stir yourself and do
something that you (your body) may
become strong. Ang id nagapaningklas
sa suld sang hult nga maggw. The dog
is moving about inside the room trying to
find a way out. Maningklas na kit, agd
dl kit magtum. Let us now bestir
ourselves or we shall go hungry.
paningkras, (B) See paningklas.
paningkw-sngkaw, To move, stir,
take physical exercise, do manual work,
show signs of life by movement. (cf. hlag,
gho, bantbnat, baytbyat,
paningklas, paningkwtngkaw).
paningkw-tngkaw, See paningkwsngkaw.
paningky-sngkay, Freq. of
singkysngkayto show off, strut, parade
ostentatiously, move the shoulders
coquettishly, etc. Also: to stir, move, (cf.
kisyksay, paningkwsngkaw).
paningkulng, To recline the head on
ones hands, think deeply, ponder, muse,
be pensive or dejected. (cf. bog,
pannglan, From panngal, tngalto
force the mouth open.
pannglan, From panngil.
paningmuh, To escape from, tear
oneself away from, break off (away, loose)
from, free oneself, get free. (cf. pamh).

paning-sng, To sob, blubber; to

snuff, snuffle, blow air through the nose.
(cf. sing).
paning-, paning-, A prefix related to
pan- and pangin- and sharing their
respective meanings. Naning- and maningare often used instead of nagpaning-,
magapaning-, magpaning-. (cf.
panginhawk, paninghawk, pangusg,
paningusg, etc.).
panngsing, To wear a ring; to form a
ring. Ipanngsing mo ang malahlon nga
sngsing nga hintag sa mo ni ttay.
Wear the precious ring that father gave
you. (cf. sngsing).
panngug, (H) The quality of ones voice.
Matahm si sing panngug. He has a
beautiful fine voice. (cf. tngug).
paningg, (H) To sound, utter, voice,
express, speak out, give expression
(utterance) to. (cf. tingg, pangatingg).
paninguh, See the following panigh.
paningh, To strive, try hard, make
great efforts, do ones best, exert oneself.
(cf. tingh, panikasg, paningasg,
himd-os, pamurg-ot, pamurs).
paningusg, To make great efforts,
struggle hard, strive, be active or energetic,
etc. See panikasg, panikusg, paningh,
paningklas, himd-os, himg-ot).
pannl, Purification, act of purifying; to
purify, remove any pollution or defilement,
be clean, keep clean, love cleanliness.
Madm ang mga buluhatn sang mga
Hudyo sa la pannl. The Jews had many
purification rites. Magpannl kam sa
tann nga mga bgay, agd dl kam
pagdunggon sang balatan. Keep
yourselves clean in every way so that you
may not contract disease. (cf. tnl).
pannoy, (Sp. padrino) Godfather. (cf.
mannaygodmother (Sp. madrina)).
paninsro, To catch fish by means of a
large drag-net called sinsro (Sp.
chinchorro). Nagapaninsro sil sa dgat.
They are out at sea fishing with the dragnet.
pannuk, Freq. of snukto pay a surprise
visit, take unawares, investigate, inspect
without previous warning or notice.
panp, Freq. of spto kick. (cf.
panndak, pankad).
panipy, To gather (look for) sea-shells.
(cf. tipy, panlamprong).
panips, Caus. of nips. To make thin, etc.
Panipis ang tp. Thin the board. Make
the board thinner (thin). Utda ang tp sa
nanipisn kag panipis pa gid. Cut the
board where it is thinnest and make it
much thinner yet.
panpit, Freq. of spitto carry under the
arm (pressed to the side).
panipt, Anchor; to anchor. (cf. sipt,
panpit, A constellation of stars.

Visayan-English Dictionary
panpon, Freq. of tponto gather,
collect, bring together, assemble.
panipn-tpon, Gathering, meeting,
assembly, collection; to gather, collect,
assemble, etc. See panpon.
Nagapanipntpon sil sing mga kawyan
nga igapatndog sang la baly. They are
(gradually) collecting (gathering) bamboos
for the erection of their house. (cf. tpon).
panipd-tipd, panipd-tpud, To
loiter, linger, tarry, lounge, stand about
idly, remain standing. (cf. panindgtndog,
panipslut, To slip away, escape from,
etc. See panimdlus. (cf. pals,
panginpals, pdlus, pdlus, pslut).
panir, Freq. of sir, serto close (a
door, etc.).
panrhan, For panirahn from panir.
panirngan, (B) To wet the ground under
the eaves of a house from the eaves, i.e. to
rain only a little. Nanirngan gid lang
kana ang uln. There was a little rain a
short while ago. (cf. sirngan).
panirng-sirng, (B) A loafer, parasite;
to go out visiting and eating at other
peoples expense. (cf. slong, panumblay,
panudngsudng, panalsal).
panisl, Bread, the ordinary, common
bread. (cf. pandisl, tinpay).
panisg, Freq. of sisgto sift, clean rice
by means of a sieve.
panstis, Freq. of tstisto harm, spite,
do maliciously, etc.
pnit, Skin, hide, pelt, leather, bark, rind,
peel, cover, shell, husk, integument,
tegument, exterior covering; to skin, peel.
Panti ang pattas. Peel the potato. (cf.
pant, A kind of fish; a nearly full-grown
pant-pant, A kind of mange or skin
disease, which causes the skin to come off
in scales.
pantsit, Freq. of stsit. To emit a sharp
hiss in order to draw attention.
Ginpanitsitn nya ak sang paglgad
(paglubs) ko sa ya baly. When I passed
his house he drew my attention by hissing.
(cf. panagtsotto say tut, tut in
discontent, etc.).
paniwding, To reel, stagger, be very
unsteady on ones legs, be unable to stand
or walk straight, as a drunken person.
Paniwding supposes a greater degree of
unsteadiness than dulngdling.
panwang, Caus. of nwang. To make
lean, thin, etc.
pnk, Frog, toad. See pak, pngk.
pnko, A stall, table or selling booth in a
market. (cf. tapngko).
pnk, pnko, (Sp. panco) A kind of
coasting vessel smaller than a lorcha and
larger than a parw, but without

panpon panrehstro
panlabakra, (Sp. lavar, cara) To wash
ones face. Manlabakra ka. Wash your
face. Papanlabakarha si Hos. Make Jos
wash his face. (cf. panghilm-os).
panlabng, (B) Want (loss) of appetite,
anorexy; to suffer from anorexy or
anorexia, to grow lean and weak through
want of appetite. (cf. waly gna sa
panlhid, To hint at, advert to, mention,
allude to; to criticize. (cf. lhid).
panlaktnon, March, walk, hike,
journey, travel; to march, hike, travel
(especially on foot). (cf. lakt, panglakt,
panlamprong, To collect or gather seashells called lamprong. (cf. panipy).
panlibhod, To include all, embrace all,
reach everywhere, be enough or sufficient
for all, be enough to go round. Ang is ka
pitsl nga tub nd makapanlibhod sa
la. One pitcher full of toddy will not be
sufficient for all of them. Ang mga abno
nga ya natigna wal makapanlibhod
sa madm nga dumulaw. The cigars he
had got ready were not enough for the
many visitors. (cf. tpud, tptop, tptup,
kmpod, talptap).
panlmug, (B) Quality of ones voice (in
singing). (cf. pangalmug).
panlughit, To search, look for, try to
find or discover. Panlugahta ang suld
sang baly, bs makt ang sngsing nga
nadl. Search the house, maybe the lost
ring will be found. (cf. sghap, lghap,
panluhd, Freq. of luhdto kneel. Also:
to be witness at a marriage, kneel near the
altar behind the bride or bridegroom
during the nuptial mass.
panlka, panglka, To uproot,
overturn, lay low. (cf. lka)
panluthit, See panlughitto search,
look for, etc.
panhol, Freq. of sholto pay wages;
salary; etc.
panhol, Freq. of dholto reach, hand
over, etc.
panoht-soht, Dim. and Freq. of
shotto slip or creep in, to prowl,
introduce oneself as a spy, or the like.
panokr, Freq. of tokrto play a
musical instrument, etc.
pankl, To pilfer, steal, abstract
stealthily or secretly, purloin. (cf. tkl).
panok, Freq. of tok. To put up straight
supports or props. Panokoh (panoko,
pankwi) ang solras, kay madm ang
mga bista. Put props under the
floorbeams, for there are (will be) many
panokl, Freq. of doklto knock,
knuckle. (pandokl id.).
pankol, Freq. of skolto measure. (cf.

panokt, Freq. of soktto demand

payment, etc. Pankta sil. Demand
payment of (from) them. Collect the debts
they owe.
pankoy, Freq. of tkoyto callthe
dog,dogs together.
panks, Freq. of tksto ask
panksok, Freq. of sksokto squeeze
in, etc.
panktok, Freq. of tktokto mince, to
cut up, chop up, small; to knock at a
panoktorok, Freq. of toktorokthe
crow of a cock; to crow.
panol, (B) To use a lamp or torch, etc.
Also: to catch fish at night by lighting
torches or kindling fires on board the
fishing smacks. (cf. sol).
panlong, The two triangular ends of an
ordinary native house-roof. (cf. panap
the trapeziform side of a roof).
panlong, Also: top, head (of a table,
bedstead, etc.). (cf. olohn).
panloy, panoly, Freq. of tloyto
imprecate, call down, invoke, evil upon,
curse, wish evil to. Ind mo pagpanolyon
ang mo lwas. Dont curse yourself.
Ginpanloy nya ang ya kaway sa
pagsilng nga mayo kon mapaty si. He
cursed his enemy saying, that it would be
best for him to die,a good thing if he died.
panng, Crowd, mass, throng, group,
herd, troop, drove, flock, shoal, swarm,
covey, pack, horde, bevy, knot, many,
multitude. (cf. madm, sosn, kabn,
bnghay, rak).
panob, To diffuse, fill with, odours,
smoke, etc. Also: to disinfect; disinfection.
(cf. tob).
pn-os, Rotten, tainted, bad,
contaminated, spoilt, putrid, said especially
of foodstuffs; to rot, go bad, get spoilt, etc.
Nagpn-os ang krne. The meat was
tainted. Napan-osn kam sang sd kag
tungd sin wal kam sing sd-an sa
panihpon nmon. Our fish went bad and
consequently we had no side-dish for our
supper. (cf. bngog, bagu, bng-aw,
pngos, lb-uk, hur).
pans, Freq. of ssto squash, smash,
squeeze or beat to pulp.
panso, Dishonesty, cheating; to cheat.
(cf. tso). Form or shape of the breasts, etc.
(cf. sso).
pant, Bald, bald-headed; old. (cf.
bungd, upw, ugs).
pantoy, To call the puppies together, to
gather, collect, assemble. (cf. ttoy).
panrabho, Freq. of trabhoto work,
labour, toil. (cf. pangabdlay).
panrehstro, Freq. of rehstro. Also to
investigate, examine, search, inspect. Nno
ang ginpanrehstro sang mga pols sa
kabalayn? Ang idlum sang pntaw, kay
may kasogon sin nga tapokn. What


pnsal panugp-ol
(Why) are the policemen investigating (in)
the houses? They are investigating the
ground under the kitchen-balconies,
because there is a law to the effect that it
should be covered (with earth).
pnsal, Noise, boisterousness, etc. (See
gnsal, ghud, galng).
pnsit, A kind of maccaroni made of flour
in the form of small flakes or wafers; to
prepare or make that kind of food. Sagd
si maghm sing manmit nga pnsit.
She is an adept at cooking pnsit. Mayo
si magpnsit. She knows how to prepare
pnsit well. (cf. mkisimilar to pnsit,
but the disks (discs) or flakes are thinner
than those of pnsit; mswaa kind of very
slender Chinese spaghetti or vermicelli;
sutnghonsimilar to mswa, but not so
slender; bhona sort of yellow slender
pansitera, pansiterya, A shop, store
or booth, where pnsit and other
refreshments are served.
pnsit-lnglang, A kind of pnsit.
pnsot, (H) To smell of urine; the smell of
urine. (cf. ngso, pngsot).
panstut, See pnsot.
pntag, To be or become tranquil,
peaceful, stable, free from worry, or the
like. Wal gid sing napantagn ang la
pangabh. They are not leading a tranquil
or peaceful life. Their life is full of worries,
troubles, excitement, or the like. (cf.
kapantagn, katawhyan).
pntag, To explain, clear up, understand.
Sdto nay wal gid mapantag ang ya
sin nga kahlit. In former days the
damage caused by that was not understood.
Sa wal mapantag nga kabangdnan.
For an unexplained reason. (cf. syod,
hibal, hangp, to).
pantaln, Wharf, pier, jetty, landing
stage. (cf. lulusarn).
pantaln, pantalnes, (Sp. pantaln)
Trousers, pants, breeches, especially riding
breeches. (cf. delrgo, srwal, pory,
pantlya, (Sp. pantalla) Lamp-shade;
stage-light; person or object impeding the
view, cover, screen; scape-goat. (cf.
pntaw, (H) A terrace or kitchen balcony,
mostly roofless and railless and used for all
kinds of work in connection with preparing
food, washing dishes, etc. (cf. tmb).
pntaw, Visible from a great distance,
prominent; to stand out prominently, be
visible from afar. Pntaw gid ang
kampanryo sang simbhan. The belfry of
the church is visible from afar. Nagpntaw
na ang ya baly, kay nataps ang mga
kawyan. His house can now be seen from
a great distance, because the bamboos have
been cut down.
panten, (Sp. panten) A mortuary
niche, mausoleum; also used as a verb.


Visayan-English Dictionary
Ginpanteonn nla ang minaty. They
provided a mortuary niche or mausoleum
for the dead person.
pnting, A fish-vender, fishmonger, a
seller of, or dealer in, fish. (cf. labasro).
pntog, Testicle.
pntok, To be or become diligent,
energetic, active, assiduous, industrious.
Karn, kay nagmol, nagpntok na si.
Now, that he has become poor, he has
grown diligent. Napantokn ak sa ya. I
consider him diligent.
pntot, A game at cards, in which the
players sometimes exchange cards; to play
that game; to play cards in general. (cf.
panttan, A card-table, gaming table,
card-room, gaming house, especially where
the game called pntot is indulged in.
pantpla, pantplo, (Sp. pantufla,
pantuflo) Slipper, comfortable house-shoe.
The plural pantplas is often used as a
singular in Visayan. Ihtag sa kon inng
pantplas. Give me that slipper.
panay, To quarrel, etc. (cf. say).
panuy-say, Quarrelling, altercation,
etc. (cf. say, panay).
panba, Freq. of tba. To catch fish by
putting something into the water that
makes them torpid or even kills them; bark
of pyhud, lgtang, etc. are often used for
the purpose.
panub, Freq. of tub. To look for or
fetch tub; to cut down banana-plants, etc.
panubd, Freq. of subdto devour,
gobble up, swallow down.
panbay, Freq. of sbayto divide the
produce of the land between the owner and
the leaseholder, etc.
panuby, Freq. of tuby. To attend to,
entertain, visitors, etc. Sarcastically:
Panuby ka sinng bang. Dont pay any
attention to that fool. (cf. saht, sapk,
ttap, bang).
panbig, Freq. of tbigwater. Also: The
bursting of the placenta and the flowing off
of the uterine liquid; to discharge the
uterine liquid.
panbla, Freq. of dbla. To roll cigars,
cigarettes, etc. Mayo si magpanbla
sing tabk. She knows well how to roll
cigars. (pandbla id.).
panblag, Freq. of tblagto disturb,
panbl, Freq. of sbl. To inherit, be heir
to, come into, acquire by inheritance or
bequest. Nagpanbl si sang (Ginpanbl
nya ang) mnggad sang ya ty. He
inherited his uncles property. Inng
malpad nga palangmhan
pagapanublin, kon, ni Pdro. They say
that Peter is going to inherit this large
panublon, panublin, Heritage,
inheritance, what is left one by testament,
bequest or legacy, things inherited or to be

inherited. Sal nga panublon. Original

sin. (cf. sbl, panbl).
panb, Freq. of tbto grow.
panub, (H) To lower, make low, lessen
the height of. (pa, nub).
panbung, Acting thus, in such a way; to
act thus, do the like, behave in such a way.
(cf. sbung, panlad).
panubs, Freq. of tubsto redeem,
reclaim, free from.
panudng-sudng, Freq. of
sudngsudngto go out visiting, to go
abroad, etc. (cf. panumblay,
panirngsirng). Also: to listen, be an
eavesdropper. (cf. panngad).
pandkan, From panrukto enter
deep, impregnate, etc.
pandlak, Freq. of tdlak. Also: to begin
planting, start building a house, etc. by
putting a few seeds into the soil, setting up
one post, etc. and then waiting a few days
or even weeks before planting, building,
etc. in real earnest. There is a superstition
connected with this practice.
panuds, Freq. of tuds, todsto
squash, swat (flies, fleas, etc.).
panulo, (Sp. pauelo) Handkerchief. (cf.
panugl, Freq. of suglto gamble,
game, play cards for money, etc.
panuglon, Quality or manner of
gambling, etc. Mayo si sing panuglon.
He knows how to gamble well. Hans si
sing panuglon. He is an expert gambler.
pang-an, Freq. of tg-anto promise,
make a promise, to engage to do.
Ginpanug-ann ak nya sing mahl nga
shol. He promised me a good salary or
good wages. Ang madals sa pang-an
mahnay sa pagtman sang ya nga
ginpang-an. He who promises in a hurry
is slow to redeem his promise.
panugp, To grope, feel ones way. (cf.
pangbung, Freq. of tgbungto take to
(the) market, go to (the) market, buy fish,
pangd, Freq. of tgdto fasten, tie
with a knot; to add to, lengthen.
pangd, Freq. of tgdto sprout, etc.
panughalnan, Cause, reason, liking,
pretext, convenient excuse (for leaving or
going away). Wal man ikw sing
panughalnan. You have no reason for
leaving. (cf. haln).
pangid, Freq. of sgidto tell, relate,
report, etc. Way or manner of ones telling
a story, making a report, giving out a
statement, or the like. Mathag si sing
pangid. Mathag ang ya pangid. His
statement is (was) clear. He narrates (tells
a story, etc.) in a clear, distinct way.
panugp-ol, To be envious, jealous, bear
a grudge. See panagp-ol id.

Visayan-English Dictionary
panugron, (H) Report, tale, story,
conversation; to report, tell, bring out in
conversation. Ang ya nga panugron
butg. His report is a lie. Nagapanugron
si nga. He told the story that. He
said that. (cf. sgid, sugilnon,
hmbal, mtlang, bungt, tikb, silng,
hambr, pakigpulngplong, etc.).
pangon, Freq. of tgonto order, etc.
Way or manner of giving an order, etc.
Huthut gid ang pangon nya sa kon
nga hagron ikw sa pagpamndut. He
told me most sincerely (not to forget) to
invite you to come to the feast.
panug-sug, Dim. and Freq. of sg
to order, command, etc. Ang tann nga
ginapanugsug sa ya ginatman nya sa
gihpon sing may kapsan kag kad-id.
Everything he is ordered to do he executes
with diligence and exactitude.
pangpa, Freq. of tgpato pursue, etc.
pangp, Freq. of sgpto spit blood,
pangp, To challenge, provoke; to crow
(of cocks). (cf. tgp).
pangud, Freq. of sgudto begin, etc.
panugurn, Commencement, beginning,
start, front, top, head, opening. Sa
panugurn sinng mga dinaln. At the
head (opening) of these lines. (cf.
sgud, ginsugran).
pangyan, Freq. of tgyan.
Recommendation, advice; to entrust to,
advise, recommend, commend. (cf.
panugynon, Recommendation, advice,
commitment, commendation, message. (cf.
panuhy, Freq. of tuhy. Malediction,
curse, imprecation; to curse, imprecate,
execrate, wish evil to. (cf. panloy).
panhug, Freq. of thogto perforate,
pierce, etc. Panuhga sil sa ilng kag
hgtan sing kalt. Put rings in their noses
and tie them with ropes (hitched to the
panhut, Freq. of shut, shotto slip in,
enter, etc. Also: the way or manner, the
amount, of fish entering, and being
caught in, a fish-corral (punt), etc.
panuhton, Slipping, creeping, crawling,
going in; to slip in, etc. (cf. panhut).
panuht-suht, See panoht-sohtto
prowl, etc.
panig, Period of time, year, years, ages,
times; times, season, circumstances of
times (whether good, bad, or the like). (cf.
tig, panahn).
panugon, Season, year, time; yearly. (cf.
panahn, tugtig, panuign).
panuign, Age, oldness; to have an age
of, beold, be aged.
Nagapanuign si sing duh ka pl kag
lim. He is twenty five yearsold,of
age. His age is twenty five. He has got to
(reached, attained) the age of twenty five.

panugron panmbong
An ang mo panuign? What is your age?
(cf. tig, panig, panugon, katigulangn).
panka, Freq. of skato vomit. Ang
panka kag panglibng. Vomiting and
diarrhoea. Cholera.
panuk, Freq. of tukto peck grain, pick
up with the bill or beak (as birds).
pankad, Freq. of skadto scoop out,
ladle out, etc.
panukd, Freq. of tokdto ascend, go
pankap, Freq. of tkapto cover, patch,
panukp, Freq. of tokpto clap the
hands, applaud.
pank-ap, Freq. of tk-apto brush,
knock, flick, off (with a towel,
handkerchief, etc.).
pankbit, Freq. of skbit, skbitto gird
on a bolo, etc.
pankm, panukmon, See pankn,
pankn, Freq. of sknto call to
account, expostulate with.
panuknon, Expostulation,
remonstrance, interview; to tax with, call to
account, etc. See pankn, skn.
panukb, Freq. of tukbto pounce
upon, tear to pieces.
panla, Freq. of tlato cook vegetables;
fetch or gather vegetables.
panlad, Freq. of tlad. To resemble;
imitate, mimic; act thus or in like manner.
Sagd si magpanlad sang bisn an
lang nga ya makt ukn mabatin. He is
an adept at mimicking everything he sees
or hears. (cf. panbung).
panulon, (B) The gathering of
vegetables; to gather, or go in search of,
vegetables. Nagapanulon si sing
mnggo, baltong, kadis, etc. He is
plucking (gathering) mnggo, beans,
kadis-peas, etc. Metaphorically:
Nagapanulon na si sing iningls, sing
mga sugilnon nga wal sing puls, etc.
He is picking up a little English, is
gathering good-for-nothing stories or
senseless chatter, etc. (cf. tla, panla).
panult, Form, manner, method, way of
writing; to write. (cf. sult).
panultan, Writing (as a profession);
publications, press, periodicals, books,
letters. (cf. panulton, kasultan).
panulton, Writing, writings; to write.
(cf. sult, panult).
panlay, Freq. of slayto brave the
rain, etc.
panlay, Freq. of slayto prop up,
support by (leaning) posts or props (set at
an angle). Panulyi ang baly, kay
magabgyo. Prop up the house with some
posts, for a storm is coming. Manuk kag
manlay na kit, agd nd mapkan sang
hngin ang ton mga puly-an. Let us put
up additional props and posts, that the

wind may not be able to blow down our

panuly, Freq. of sulyto tempt.
Temptation, provocation; to tempt, try to
seduce. Pronounced in anger panuly is a
curse. Panuly gid in! This is a damned
nuisance! Damn it all! Curse it! Panuly
gid inng to! This man is a great nuisance!
panlin, Recommendation, injunction,
order, commendation, precept; to
commend, recommend, give or leave
orders, etc. (cf. tlin).
panulp-slip, To squeeze or slip
through, introduce oneself surreptitiously
(as a spy or secret agent); to prowl, rove in
search of prey or plunder. (cf. slip,
panltul, Freq. of tltulto know or find
ones way, know the road; to pommel,
knuckle, beat, box. (cf. himt-on;
panl-ub, Freq. of sl-ubto inundate,
overflow, wash. (cf. sr-ub).
panuld, Freq. of suldto enter, etc.; to
put in, etc. Ginpanuld nla sa tabg ang
mga ulutann. They put the vegetables in
the basket.
panuld, Freq. of tuldto push, etc.
panluk, Freq. of tlukto look, see.
Also: Sight, look, vision, mien, eyesight.
panlung, Freq. of dlung. To proceed
to, go towards or in the direction of, direct
ones steps towards. (pandlung id.).
panl-ung, Freq. of dl-ungto
transport, convey, etc.
panlung, Freq. of slungto challenge;
to pay duty, etc.
panulng, Freq. of sulngto look at; to
shine through, etc.
panmbag, Freq. of smbagto box,
strike with the fist.
panumblay, To pay visits for the sake
of conversation or merely to while away the
time, go from house to house to gossip, etc.
Ind kam magpanumblay sing dalyon.
Dont be always going from house to house.
Inng pamatn-on angayn gid lang
magsot kag magpanumblay. This young
man is only fit for dancing and wasting
time visiting. (baly).
panumbalk, To come back, to return to
the place from where one started, find ones
way back. Nagpanumbalk (nanumbalk)
si sa dan nya nga palangitn-an. He
returned to his old calling (his former
occupation). (blik).
panmbok, Freq. of tmbokto stamp,
press upon, etc.
panumbk-tmbok, Dim. of
panmbong, Freq. of smbong.
Accusation, charge; to accuse, report
something evil, tax with, charge with the
commission of a fault or crime.
Ginpanmbong nla ang makwat sa
hukm. They accused the thief before the


panumbngon ppas
judge. Ginpanumbongn nla kam sang
malut nga bhat ni Fulno. They
reported to us N.N.s evil deed.
panumbngon, Accusation, charge; to
accuse. (cf. panmbong).
panmdum, Freq. of dmdum. To
remember, recollect, bear in mind, call to
mind, recall, call up, bring to mind, to
panumdman, Memory, remembrance,
reminiscence, recollection. Ang ihibal,
kabubt-on kag panumdman am ang
ttlo ka igalhum sang kalg. Intellect,
will and memory are the three powers
(faculties) of the soul. (cf. panmdum).
panmong, Freq. of smongto reel,
stagger (as a drunken person), etc. Also: to
resist capture, make efforts to evade (or
even kill) the captors, as desperadoes do.
panmp, Freq. of smpto swear,
take an oath.
panumpring, (B) See umpringto
turn (go) back, return.
panndug, Freq. of tndugto bring or
send food to one working in the fields, etc.
Also: to follow in the steps of, imitate, be
like, have a resemblance to. Manndug in
sa. That is like. Manndug sil sa
aninpot nga. They are like fire-flies
that. Nagapanndug in sa hurubton:
. This is according to the saying:
. (cf. tlad, sbung, log, sund,
halimbw, kahalimbw, katlad,
panung, Freq. of sungto blow the
nose. (cf. skma, pankma).
panngab, Freq. of tngabto light, set
fire to. The phrase: Kon manngab kit sa
bukl means never (literally: When we
can light (a cigar, etc.) with boiling water).
panungw, Freq. of sungw. Exhalation,
evaporation, leakage; to evaporate, escape
(of gas, steam, odour, etc.).
panngay, Freq. of sngayto push
with the horns. Also: Form or shape of
horns. Inng karabw pak sing
panngay, yanng bka tndog sing
panngay. This buffalo has horns bent
down like the wings of a bird, that ox (cow)
has horns standing up erect.
pannggud, Freq. of snggudto frown,
sulk, etc.
panunggron, Frown, scowl, angry
look; to be angry, offended, to sulk, scowl,
be sullen. (cf. snggud, kulumron).
panngkad, Freq. of tngkadto
fathom, etc.
panngon, Freq. of sngonto frown,
etc. (cf. pannggud).
panok, The wisdom tooth. (cf. ngkod,
sgmit, bg-ang, smpaw).
panop, See panok.
panup, Freq. of tupto fall or light on,
panpang, Freq. of spangto develop,


Visayan-English Dictionary
panupt, Freq. of suptto gather,
collect, etc.
panrsi, Freq. of srsi. Sewing, stitching;
to patch, mend, sew (clothes).
panr-ub, See panl-ubto inundate,
panurk, (B) To collect the charred
remnants of a jungle-fire (kaingn) and
burn them again till the land is cleared for
panruk, panurk, Freq. of truk,
turkto enter deep, pierce, penetrate; to
impregnate, cause to conceive. Bulhan
ang mga bw-as kag ang mga tin nga
wal pagpandki kag ang mga dghan
nga wal magpasso. Blessed are the
barren, and the wombs that have not
borne, and the paps that have not given
suck. (cf. tudk).
panurmpo, Freq. of tormpo, trmpo.
The spin around (as a spinning top); to
gesticulate, move about excitedly (in anger,
pansop, Freq. of tsopto bite, gnaw
pans, See pansto squash, smash,
pant, To say tt (darling boy); to
behave like a good boy, be obedient,
diligent, etc. (cf. tt, tt).
panut, Freq. of tut, totto pound,
strike (with a pestle). Hinyon mo lang
ang panut, agd nd magkalatdtad ang
sug-ton. Pound gently or the fibres will
pantsa, (Sp. panocha) A panicle; a kind
of sweet bread.
pantud, Freq. of ttudto burn, etc.
Paninguhon nnyo gid, agd ang tann
nga mga sgbot mapanpon kag
mapantdan. Buckle to and get together
and burn all the rubbish.
panuy, To plot against, intend to kill,
wreak ones vengeance upon. (cf. tuy).
panuy-duy, panuy-dy, Dim.
and Freq. of dyto lounge, loaf, stand
about idly, to loiter, etc. Ind kam
magpanuyduy dir sa atubngan sang
simbhan. Dont loiter here in front of the
panwtik, To be, act like, imitate the
tricks of, a pickpocket or thief. (cf.
panyga, Dinner, mid-day meal. See
panyagahn, Food for dinner. (cf.
palanyagahn, irigmon, panyga).
panypon, Supper. See panihpon.
pnyo, pny, (Sp. pao) Handkerchief;
cloth, kitchen-cloth, rag, wrapper (of
cloth). (cf. panulo).
pan, Bait, lure, enticement; to bait, lure,
allure, attract, entice. Nagpan si sing
lalgo sa sd. He used a worm as a bait for
the fish. Ginpn-an (ginpaonn) nya ang
sd sing sirmsirm. He caught the fish

by using a cricket as bait. Pan gid lang in

sa la. That is only a lure for them.
pang-ong, Caus. of ng-ongto sip,
drink (out of a bottle, etc.).
paplok, To dodge, etc. See paplok.
paorm-orm, (B) To stay or remain
long, tarry, linger. Nga nga nagpaormorm ka ddto sa sub, sa tiendhan, etc.?
Why did you remain so long there at the
river, at the market, etc.? (cf. lsg,
paors-ors, (B) See paorm-orm id.
pas-os, See pas-uscause to slip
down, etc.
ppa, (Sp. ppa) The Pope, Roman
Pontiff. Ang Snto Ppa. The Holy Father.
Ang Snto Ppa am ang salli ni
Hesukrsto kag lis ni San Pdro. The Holy
Father is the Vice-gerent of Jesus Christ
and the successor of S. Peter.
pap, (Sp. pap) Dad, daddy, dada, da,
papa, pa, poppa, pop, father. (cf. amy,
papang-pang, To make hot, sultry; to
expose oneself to heat. (cf. pang).
ppag, A bamboo stretcher; a bamboo
platform used for treading out rice and the
like, any square bamboo frame made in the
form of a hurdle or of a table-top. (cf.
liylya; linasn; bayw-byaw).
papk, To strike with a flat piece of wood,
the palm of the hand or the like; to beat
cotton. Papak ang ya abga. Slap him
on the shoulder. Ginpapk nya ak. He
struck me with his open hand. He slapped
papl, Caus. of pl. Also: to apply a
remedy to a wound in order to heal it.
papmbo, Caus. of pmboto bleed
from the nose.
papnding, To do something that
provokes criticism, to disgrace oneself, to
commit a fault or misdemeanour others
will talk about and remember for a long
time. Pal ka na; nd mo ipapnding sa
mga to ang mo kahulgbon. Go home
now and dont let the people see that you
are drunk. Ind ka magpapnding sa mga
to. Dont give the people just cause for
censure (criticism). (cf. pandingann).
pp, pp, Hammer; to hammer, strike
with a hammer; to strike, slap (with the
hand). Ppa (Papa) ang lnsang.
Hammer the nail. Ppai (Papi) ak sing
hos, kay ilakt ko sa tinla. Crush (by
hammering) some garlic for me and I shall
mix it with the side-dish. (cf. pp, pp).
ppas, To ruin, destroy, demolish utterly,
extirpate, get rid of. Papsa ang mga
sging sa pamulkan. Get rid of the
bananas in the flower-garden. Ginppas
sang kalyo ang baly. The fire consumed
the house utterly. Napapsan inng lugr
sang mga lub. The coconuts in this place
were utterly destroyed.

Visayan-English Dictionary
paps, To beat down, cut down, assault,
attack. (cf. papk, ppas).
ppay, Food, fodder, nourishment;
emoluments, material benefits. (cf.
pagkon, pangabuhin, pangt,
papya, (Sp. papaya, papayo) Papaw. (cf.
papl, (Sp. papel) Paper, written
document. (cf. pagktan).
papra, (Sp. papera) Mumps; goiter,
goitre. (bayok).
ppha, Wide open, large (of a wound,
etc.). (cf. bbha, wwha, wngwang).
ppha, See hnghangsteps or notches
(cut in a coconut-palm, etc.).
papl, To let, make, order to, elect
or choose, be a candidate, offer oneself for
a post, etc. Snday sn-o ang mga
nagapapl? Snday sn-o ang mga
palapilin? Who are the candidates? Ang
mga manogpapl nagapalamkud na
sang la pagpapl. The candidates for
election are strengthening their
candidatures. Pila. Choose. Kon ak ang
papilon. If I were allowed to
choose. Papila si kon an ang ya
lyag. Let him select (choose) what he
likes. (cf. pl, pumill, palapilin,
papilta, (Sp. papeleta) A slip of paper,
ticket, card, invitation, program, visiting
card, or the like. (cf. papl, pagktan).
papinohn, Refinery. Papinohnkalmay (Papinohn sang kalmay). A
sugar refinery. (cf. pno (Sp. fino)).
papntas, Caus. of pntas. To make cruel,
papsan, Caus. of psan. To make
diligent, etc.
papisw-pisw, papisw-psaw, To
blink, twinkle, to open and close the eyelids
quickly and repeatedly; to wink. (cf.
papyo, A primitive whistle made of ricestraw, or the like; to blow such a whistle.
Ind ka magpapyo sa malapt sa kon.
Dont blow that whistle in my presence.
Dont disturb me with your whistle.
ppnaw, To disappear, vanish.
Nappnaw lang ang kon panpton nga
hinaly. My clothes just vanished from the
line. (cf. limnaw).
pp, Great-grandfather, greatgrandmother, ancestor. (cf. poy).
papul, To redden, make red; look at with
blood-shot eyes. Ginpapulahn ak nya
sang ya mga mat. He looked at me with
(turned on me his) angry, blood-shot eyes.
(cf. pul).
papro, papurpro, To do something
thoroughly, heartily, earnestly; to make
pure or perfect. (cf. pro).
papusng-psong, To boast, brag, tell
lies or stories. (cf. sung, pinsung).

paps par
paput, Caus. of putto stop, cease, etc.
Papt-a na ang am nga gam. Stop that
row. Put an end to that excitement.
papuy, Caus. of puyto live, stay, etc.
Papy-a ak sa mo baly. Let me stay in
your house.
para, See palaid.
pra, (Sp. parar) To stop, come to a
stand,standstill, to halt, pull up, bring up
(to), bring to a standstill. Pra! Stop! Halt!
Stand! Parha (Paparha) ang wto. Stop
the automobile. (cf. dlug).
pra, (Sp. para) For, on behalf of, in order
to, that. (cf. sa, agd, agd nga, sa
parda, (Sp. parada) Parade, review, civic
procession; stand, station. (cf. ktay,
prosisyn; dululugn).
parg, (B) To send or drive off (away),
forbid to enter, order to go away, cause to
leave (the house). Parag si. Order him
off. Forbid him the house. Forbid him to
come to your house. (cf. tbug, paway,
paragw, Thin, weak, faint, feeble,
exhausted (of voice); to be or become
feeble, etc. (cf. harawahw, pagw).
pargpag, (B) Dishevelled, etc. See
pgpag, palgpag, bkag, bukgkag.
paraso, (Sp. paraiso) Paradise, Eden,
garden of Eden, heaven; a shrub with
beautiful flowers. (cf. edn).
park, (H) A lump, mass, compact piece
(of sugar, etc.). (padk id.).
parakg, Stick or bat used in the stogame. See palakg id.
parakl, An axe, hatchet, chopper. (cf.
parl, (Sp. parl) A stile, post, pole or
cross-beam, especially at a gate, to prevent
animals from passing.
parlisis, (Sp. paralisis) Paralysis. (cf.
pagkamaty or pagpalamaty sang
paralyo, One who is always borrowing
money; a troublesome or quarrelsome
person, a nuisance, bother. (cf. lo, lyo).
paramidyan, Fingerboard. See
pamidyan, palamidyan.
paramrot, See palamlotto close the
eyes partially, to wink.
parank, The cat, the small wooden
pieces used in the game of sto or tipcat.
(cf. palank).
paran-o, (B) Liberal, generous. (cf.
palanghtag, malwan, mathud, ta).
paranwan, (B) Way, road, trip, march,
route, journey, walk, hike, tramp; distance
to be travelled on foot. (cf. pnaw;
paranwon, (B) Travelling or walking on
foot; march, way to be covered on foot. (cf.
pnaw, lalkton, paranwan).
parangunyd, (B) Selfish, covetous, etc.
See parapangunyd id.
parapk, (B) See palapkhammer, etc.

parapangunyd, (B) Selfish, stingy,

miserly, covetous, close-fisted. (cf.
palapanginywat, simt, dingt, manot,
par-par, To flutter and struggle as a
chicken caught and trying to escape; to
hasten, be anxious or in a hurry to do
something. Nagaparpar si sa
pagpal, sa pagdro, etc. He is in a flutter
(anxious) to go home, to plough, etc.
parapt-rpat, To lash, beat, scourge,
flail, punish with many strokes in quick
succession, thrash, flog or whip soundly.
(cf. tartri).
parapatnto, (B) A game at cards
similar to amm; to play that game.
parardhan, (B) Caprice, whim, fancy,
humour, crotchet, fad, freak, vagary,
whimsical desires or longings. Kadm
sang mo mga parardhan! How many
queer wishes (whimsical desires) yon have!
(cf. luyglyag).
pras, Vertebra. See pdas id.
pars, (H) Harsh of speech, etc. See
pads id.
paratknon, (B) Riddle. See paktkon.
paratdhan, (B) See parardhan id. (cf.
parw, (B) To end, stop, etc. See palw.
parw, A boat propelled by sails and oars
and fitted with outriggers; an outrigger.
pray, (B) Unhulled rice, rice (in the ears
or in the field). (cf. play, humy).
paryan, (B) Rich in rice, one that has
extensive rice-lands, a rich rice-farmer. (cf.
parayn, (B) Rice-land, rice-farm; a
small shed for storing rice, rice granary. (cf.
humyan, tambbo).
prdo, (Sp. pardo) Leopard. (cf.
prdo, (Sp. fardo) Bale, batch, bundle,
pack, package, parcel, fardel, bottle,
truss, of hay. Is ka prdo nga tabk. A
bundle of tobacco containing about thirty
manso, which see. Is ka prdo nga
bunng. A bundle of yarn containing about
thirty gpang.
parha, (Sp. pareja) A pair, couple, brace,
match. (cf. dapg).
parho, (Sp. parejo) Equal, alike, same,
identical, exactly similar; to be alike, treat
alike or in the same manner. Parho lang.
Its all the same. It makes no difference.
Parho gid lang in sa kon. It is all the
same to me. It makes no difference to me.
Parho sil sing batsan. Parho ang la
batsan. Their ways or manners (conduct)
are the same. Pareha (Parehha) sil nga
tann sang patrabho (pagpatrabho).
Make them all work without distinction.
(cf. am, sbung, katlad, kangay,
tpung, tupng).
par, To fool, flatter, say something out of
mere politeness, bestow adulation upon,
make promises as a mere matter of


pr pasg
formality, cheat, take in, deceive. Ginpar
lang nya ak. He made a fool of me. He
deceived, cheated, fooled me. (cf. odt,
uns, uts, hs).
pr, Priest, Father, Reverend; Parish
Priest, Rector; to become a priest. Si Pr
Albrto. The Rev. (Reverend) Father
Albert. The Rev. Albert. Fr. Albert. Sg
in sang Pr. Such is (was) the order of
the Parish Priest. Those are (were) the
Fathers orders. Nagpr na si Fulno.
N.N. has become a priest. (cf. Sp. pdre).
paribnaw, (B) To wash ones hands, etc.
See libnaw, ribnaw, hunw, hinw.
Paribanwi (Paribnwi) nay ang kamt
mo. Wash your hands first. Paparibanwa
(Paparibnwa) ak sa planggna mo. Let
me wash my hands in your wash-basin.
parinte, (Sp. pariente) Relation,
relative, related, allied, connected, by
blood; to be related, etc. Nagaparienthay
sil. They are related to each other. They
allied by blood,connections. (cf. himat,
kadg, kalwat, kakilran).
pargwis, (B) To cut to an angle or point,
to taper. See palgwis, palgwis.
prik, To return, come, go, turn,
back. See blik.
prik, To flutter, upset, confuse; to be
fluttered, excited, in a hurry, to bustle
about. An ang ginaprik mo? What is
upsetting you? Why are you in such a
park-prik, Dim. and Freq. of prik.
Also: to move about in every direction,
walk to and fro excitedly.
parlya, (Sp. parillas) Gridiron.
par-pr, A pretended or false priest, a
religious impostor.
pris, (Sp. par, pares) Pair, couple, two,
twin, twain (poetical). Is ka pris nga
saptos. A pair of boots. (cf. parhaa
pair, couple, match (of both men and
pars, (From Paris) Wire nails, French
nails. Lnsang nga pars. Common wire
park, See palkhaving large,
prominent eyelids.
proko, parok, (Sp. prroco) Parish
Priest, Rector. (cf. Kra Proko).
parkpok, (B) The blossom or flower of
the mango tree; to flower, blossom, bloom,
be in bloom (blossom), said of the mango
tree. Nagaparkpok (Nagapamlak) na
ang ph. The mango tree is flowering, is
in blossom, is in bloom. (cf. polkpok,
parkya, (Sp. parroquia) Parish.
parl, (Sp. farol) Lantern, light, streetlamp, hurricane lamp. (cf. sol, sug).
parng, (H) The crest, caruncle, of a
cock, cocks comb. (cf. padng, pirahn).
parr, (B) To stay long, tarry, linger. See
paormorm, lsg.


Visayan-English Dictionary
parros, parors, (B) To concede,
grant, etc. See palnos.
part, Lost, vanquished, no good, out of a
game or race, defeated; to be defeated, lose,
run foul of the rules, or the like.
Nagkapart (Napart) si. He lost (the
game, election, etc.). Dalyon gid lmang
si (sang) part. He always loses. He is
always an also-ran. He is always one of the
partpot, A small fish having an
extraordinary number of small bones.
prpara, parpar, (Sp. prpado)
Eyelid; a fringe, ornamental edging,
decorated margin or extremity of a
garment, etc. Prpara sang pnda, pak,
etc. The fringes of a pillow-slip, of a sleeve,
prte, (Sp. parte) Part, portion, share,
division; to divide, share out, partition.
Partehn nnyo ang humy. Divide the
rice. Distribute it in portions. Ginprte na
nla ang mga hyop nga pinanbl nla.
They have divided amongst themselves the
domestic animals which they inherited.
Pil ang mo prte? What is your share?
Pil ka prte ang mo? How many portions
belong to you? (cf. bhin, huly).
partra, (Sp. partera) Midwife. (cf.
partda, (Sp. partida) Entry, record;
certificate (of baptism, etc.); part, share, an
assortment of goods or merchandise. Also
verb. Namartda si sa Ilnglong. He
bought an assortment of goods in Iloilo. (cf.
partdo, (Sp. partido) Party, a political
party. (cf. bnghay).
partlya, (Probably from the Sp. partida
or fritilla) A part of the intestines attached
to the gizzard in poultry. (cf. pretlya id.).
parumtay, (B) To be as if dead, etc. See
parumy-rmuy, Laziness, indolence;
to be lazy, indolent, to idle away the time in
useless diversions or amusements. (cf.
ligy, tmad, tinamd, haryhray).
partput, A kind of small fish. (cf.
pas, (Sp. pasar) To pass; to become
tainted or spoilt (of meat, overripe fruits,
etc.); to lose flavour or taste. Wal gid ak
pagpasah sang ph. I am always fond of
mangoes. I am never tired of eating
pasbak, Caus. of sbakthe lap, the
bend or hollow formed at the junction of
the body and legs when sitting down. To
cause to, order to, put in ones lap,
request to be taken on the knees of another.
Pasabka si sang bt. Let her take the
baby on her knees. Pasabki si ttay. Let
father take (Ask, request father to take) you
on his knees.
pasblag, To hinder, obstruct, prevent,
impede, embarrass, forefend, put obstacles

in the way, thwart, baffle. Pasablag ang

ya paglakt. Impede (hinder) his going
(away). Prevent him from marching away
(off). (cf. sblag).
pasblay, Caus. of sblayto put clothes
on a line, etc.
pasably, Indian summer, a spell of fine
weather that occurs at about the middle of
the rainy season (during the month of
August or September). The pasably
usually lasts about a fortnight.
pasablayn, Half-ripe, applied chiefly to
coconuts and indicating a stage between
being quite ripe (lhin) and very young
pasblog, To leave, relinquish, abandon.
(cf. pabay, pahmak).
pasbnit, Caus. of sbnitto snatch,
pasabd, Caus. of sabdto coil, twist
around, etc.
pasbud, Caus. of sbudto sow.
Pasabra (da) na ang mo umalgsa.
Order your tenant to sow (rice).
pasbud, To revolve or turn round,
especially in dancing, to pirouette. Pasbud
kam. Spin around. Turn around in circles.
Ginapasbud nya si Fulna. He is
spinning around with Miss N.N. Also used
metaphorically. Tadlung lang ang mo
hmbal, nd mo pagpasabron
(pagpasibdon, pagpasibron). Talk
straightforwardly and not in
circumlocutions. Do not beat about the
bush. (cf. pasbud).
pasaburk, See pasaburt.
pasaburt, To have no regard or concern
for consequences, do or say something
regardless of whether it is good or bad, be
indifferent to. Ginapasaburt mo lang ang
dungg ni Fulno. You are apparently
unconcerned about N.N.s reputation. Ind
mo pagpasaburatn ang pagdpl sa
salg. Dont spit on the floor so
unconcernedlyorregardless of good
manners. (cf. pasabyat, pasapayn,
pasabyat, See pasaburt.
psad, To found, establish, erect, lay the
foundations of. Pasra sing mayo ang
baly. Build your house on a good
foundation. Ginpsad nya ang is ka bgo nga ginharan. He founded a new
kingdom. (cf. tkud, ptok).
pasaghay, To charge interest (often
50%). See saghay. Ginpasagahyan
(pinasagahyan) nya ang humy nga
kon gintang sa ya sing naplo ka
gntang ang psong. For the rice I
borrowed from him he charged me ten
gantas interest on every bushel.
pasg, A rectangular oblong quadrangle;
lumber in square pieces; squared logs and
beams ready for sawing. (cf. kasloa

Visayan-English Dictionary
pasagmboy, Caus. of sagmboyto
drag, draggle, trail on the ground.
pashi, (Sp. pasaje) Passage, fare, ticket;
passage (of a book); incident, anecdote (of
ones life). Pil ang ibyad mo sa pashi?
How much do you pay for the ticket (fare)?
Madm nga mga pashi ang ginaghan
(gingyan) ni Fulno. Many are the
experiences that N.N. has met with. (cf.
hinkay, gi).
pasah, Extraordinary, remarkable,
notable, exceptional, uncommon,
noteworthy, unwonted, outstanding,
excelling, not common; to be
extraordinary, do something in an
extraordinary way, etc. Ginpasah gid ni
Fulno ang pagpabnyag sang ya bt.
N.N. had his baby baptized with
extraordinary solemnity. Ginpahimnsag
nla ang kaadlwan sang la pndut sa
pasah nga mga kasadyhan. They
celebrated their feast-day with
extraordinary manifestations of joy.
pasahro, (Sp. pasajero) Traveller,
passenger, fare (person). (cf. sumalkay,
umalgi, dumulong, dumulaw, etc.).
pasah, Caus. of sah. Also: to please
oneself, do at ones convenience, choose or
do what one likes. (cf. gsto, pagsto,
yon, payon, patyang).
pask, Causative of sk. To ascend,
go, come, up, etc. Also: Irrigation. May
pask ang mo talmnan? Have you
irrigation on your land? Pasakan mo sing
tbig ang mong um. Get an irrigation
system for your fields. Irrigate your lands.
pasak, To be on a ladder or stair and
come up, to ascend, come up a flight of
stairs, or the like. Mga sn-o yanng
nagapasak? Who are those people that
are coming up the stairs? (cf. sk).
paskit, To cause or give mental pain, to
pain, hurt, wound, afflict, distress, grieve.
Ind ka magpaskit sang mo giniknan.
Ind mo pagpasakton ang mo giniknan.
Dont grieve your parents. Dont give your
parents pain. (pa, skit).
pasakt, To cause physical pain. Inng
bulng nagapasakt sang kon hubg.
This medicine makes my ulcer smart, hurt,
pain. (pa, sakt).
paskup, Caus. of skup. To be or
become subject to, enlist, enroll, submit to,
enter a society or corporation, etc.; to
admit or receive as a member or subject, let
join or order to join. Nagpaskup
ornapaskup si sa mga konstabulryo.
He joined the constabulary, became a
member of the constabulary. Ipaskup mo
ang mo ank sa is ka mayo nga
talapunan. Let your son join a good
society or company.
pasal, To cause to err, lead astray, etc.
Ginpasal sang mananbang ang mga
singid sang mga sksi. The lawyer caused
the witnesses to make erroneous
statements. (cf. patlang, sal).

pasagmboy ps-an
pasla, Caus. of slato be delirious, talk
pasl, Caus. of slto filter, etc.
pasl, (B) To remain, stay at home, be
left, stay, behind. Pasl ka lang dir,
ndi ka magupd sa mon. Stay here, do
not come with us. (cf. pablin).
pasalmat, Thanks; to thank, give,
return, thanks, be grateful for, be much
obliged for; to receive a gift, to accept
without payment. Magpasalmat kam sa
Mahl nga Dis. Pasalamtan nnyo ang
Mahl nga Dis. Give thanks to God.
Pasalamti lang inng ditay ko nga
iamma sa mo. Please accept this little
present (treat). Ginpasalamtan nya sing
madm ang mga ph nga pinadal mo
sa ya. He was very grateful for the
mangoes you sent him. (cf. salmat, blus,
paslig, Freq. of slig. Also: Surety, bond,
pledge; title, diploma; testimony,
assurance; to assure, cause to have trust or
confidence, etc. (cf. palg-on).
pasalik, Caus. of salikto straddle, etc.
Bulgi kam sa pagpasalik sa ya sa
gahm. Help us to put him in office
(power, into the saddle).
pasalipkpak, Heedlessness,
carelessness; thoughtlessness; to be
heedless, careless, do or perform
thoughtlessly. Ginpasalipakpakn lang
nya ang paghmpang sang ahedrs kag
napirde si. He played chess carelessly
(without attending to the game) and lost.
Ind mo pagpasalipakpakn ang mo mga
sult. Dont write letters without thinking
of what you are putting down. (cf.
pasapayn, pasaburk, pasipkpak,
pasaliptpot, To steal, sneak, run,
away from work or duty, to leave secretly,
play truant, shirk work, abandon ones
duty. Ind ka magpasaliptpot sa (sang)
mo mga buluhatn. Dont shirk your
duties. Sang naspwan si nga ya
pinasaliptpotn ang pagtman sang ya
katungdnan dyon si ginpahaln sang
ya aglon. When it was found out that he
was in the habit of leaving work undone his
master sent him away at once. Sang
nabksan ang ganghan pumasaliptpot
si kag nagpalgyo. When the door was
opened he stole out and fled. (saliptpot).
pasalipdpud, To hide oneself behind,
take shelter. (cf. palipd).
pasl, To pass along from hand to hand.
Ipasl lang inng bso sa mga bista, kay
klang kit sing mga bso. Just let the
visitors pass the glass round, for we are
short of glasses.
pasal, Caus. of salto catch a ball, etc.
Pasl-a (Pasalo) ang bt sang bla. Let
the boy catch the ball.
pasalksalk, To annoy, disgust,
bother, molest, be ready to pick a quarrel

for the slightest reason. Dl-a sa ibbaw

inng hubg, kay nagapasalksalk si sa
mon dir. Carry this drunken fellow
upstairs, because he is annoying us here.
pasamk-smak, pasamksamk, To annoy, irritate, exasperate,
oppose. (cf. pasalksalk, pasmok).
pasaml, Caus. of samlto secure,
grasp, hold, firmly, etc. Pasmla
(Pasamal) ang pnggan. Hold (grasp,
secure) the plate firmly (so that it may not
slip or fall down).
pasamno, (Sp. pasamano) Handrail,
banister. (cf. alobaybayn, gabayn).
pasamyang, To dispose of freely, be
free to act as one likes, please oneself, do to
ones hearts content, have ones own way,
make oneself comfortable. Pasamyang ka
lang dir sa bg-o nga baly.
Pasamiyngi lang ang bg-o nga baly.
Make yourself comfortable (at home) in the
new house. Dispose of the new house as
you like. Make any arrangements you
please in the new house. (cf. patyang,
pasmok, Caus. of smokto disturb,
trouble, etc.
pasamk-smok, pasamksamk, Dim. of pasmok. Also: to vex,
nettle, irritate, exasperate. (cf. pasamksmak, pasalksalk).
pasmpal, Caus. of smpalto push,
impel, strike or beat against. Dl mo
pagipasmpal sa hngin ang masakitn
nga bt. Dont expose the sick child to the
pasmpok, Caus. of smpok. Also: To
make or let cocks fight without spurs
(bulng) in order to prepare them for a real
encounter in the cockpit. Dyon gid lang
sil nagapasmpok sang la mank. They
are always training their cocks for the cockpit. Ipasmpok ang mo mank sa kon
nga mank. Let your cock try its strength
against my cock. Pasampokn ta ang ton
mga mank. Come, well let our cocks fight
each other.
pasmsam, Caus. of smsamto taste,
pasamstra, (Sp. pasar, muestra) Only
for appearances, coldly formal, not
wholeheartedly or sincerely. Pasamstra
lang ang ya pagtmbong dir, ang ya
paggda sa kon, etc. His attending here is
a mere formality, his invitation to me is far
from hearty, etc. (cf. alakpa, dl huthut,
pasmwad, Caus. of smwadto
extend, prolong, progress, etc.
ps-an, To carry, bear, on the
shoulders, to shoulder, undergo. Pas-an
lang inng kawyan. Carry this bamboo on
your shoulder. Papas-an (Papas-an) ang
bt sing khoy. Let the boy carry some
wood on his shoulders. Si Hess nagpsan sang mabg-at nga krus. Jesus bore


pasnag paser
(carried) the heavy cross. (cf. dal,
pangabga, ntus, bats).
pasnag, To make light, enlighten,
brighten, shed light upon, to light or clear
up, illuminate. Pasangi ang kwrto, kay
madulm. Let some light into the room, for
it is dark. Pinasangan nya ang mon
pagpanug sa hgdan. He lighted us down
the staircase. Kon sarng nmo kam
mapasangan sin pagapasalamtan
nmon. If you can make that clear to us we
shall be grateful. (Note the accent in the
following). Nasanagn na nga. It is
proved that. Kon masanagn ang ya
sal siltan si sing nagakag. If his fault
can be proven (brought to light) he will be
punished accordingly. (pa, snag).
pasnaw, See pasnay.
pasnaw, pasanaw, To brighten,
make clear, illuminate. (cf. sanaw,
snaw, pasnag).
pasnay, Caus. of snayto ooze out,
trickle, etc.
pasndig, To lean or let lean against, rest
against, lean or rely upon, hold or support
oneself by. Ipasndig ang kawyan sa
dngding. Lean the bamboo against the
wall. Pasandig ang masakt sa ulnan.
Let the sick man lean against the pillow.
Ipasndig mo ang pagsgid sang mo mga
sal sa mga sg sang Dis. In telling your
sins follow the order of the commandments
of God. Ang mga mol nagapasndig sang
la paglum sa kal-oy sang Dis kag
sang la isigkato. The poor have their
hope set on (lean, rest their hope upon) the
mercy of God and of their fellowmen. (cf.
psang, Very busy, much occupied,
giving much work; to be (keep) very busy,
have much to do, etc. Psang gid karn
ang pagpamnggas sing mas. At this time
the planting of corn is in full swing.
Nagapsang gid ang ni sa sbung sin.
Just now the rice harvest isin full
swing,at its height. This is the busiest
time of the rice harvest. (cf. sk,
pasnghid, To test by, compare with,
liken to; to have examined, tested.
Pasanghir ang platro sang mo
bulwan, agd mahibl-an mo kon
matas ukn manob. Have your gold
tested by the goldsmith that you may know
whether it is of high or low value (grade).
Pasanghir si sa (sang) imo mga
buluhatn kag masyran mo kon may
ikasngkol si ukn wal. Test him by
putting him to work at what you have in
hand and you will find out whether he has
any capacity for it or not. Ipasnghid mo
si sa kay Fulno. Compare him with N.N.
Have him examined by N.N.
pasngkad, To widen, broaden. (pa,
sngkad). Kon may plak lang kit nga
hilinguyngon mahaps kayo ang
pagpatigyon sing mga kaayhan kag


Visayan-English Dictionary
sarng man nton mapasngkad kag
mapatahm ang mga dlan sang bnwa.
If only we had the money to spend, it would
be quite easy to make improvements and
we could then also widen and embellish the
streets of the town.
pasng-psang, Dim. and Freq. of
psang. Nagapasngpsang na ang
pagtnum. Rice-planting is now getting
pretty well under way, (providing
employment for a considerable number of
pasog, Caus. of sogto crawl, creep.
pas-psa, To hand over from one to
another, to extradite, to deliver under
custody from one place to another; to pass
repeatedly from one person or place to
another. (cf. pasr).
pasapatlya, To provide with slippers or
shoes, etc. Pasapatilyah si. Buy her or
provide her with slippers. (sapatlya).
pasapayn, To do something with
complete indifference as to the outcome, be
regardless of consequences.
Nagapasapayn lang si sang paggm
sing kawyan sa blan sa Hlyo. He cuts
down bamboos with the utmost unconcern
during the month of July. Ind mo
pagpasapayann ang mo pagton. Dont
be easy-going about your studies.
Ginapasapayann gid lang nya ang
tann nga mga pagtolohan. He regards
all creeds with indifference. (pa, sapayn).
pasaprte, (Sp. pasaporte) Passport; free
license; furlough.
pasapt, To give shelter or lodging to, to
shelter, lodge, let stay or remain under
ones roof. Sa panahn sang gling si
Fulno nagapasapt sing madm nga
mga mamumugn sa ya baly. At the
season of sugar-milling lodging
in his house to many workmen,lodges
many workmen in his house. (pa, sapt).
pasapt, To cover or line with cloth,
dress with cloth. Pasaput si sang
lungn. Let him cover the coffin with cloth
(stuck or nailed to the wood). (cf. sapt).
pasr, (Sp. pasar) To pass, go by or
through, be successful in an examination,
etc. Nakapasr si sa eksmen
ornapasarn nya ang eksmen. He
passed the examination. Papasar
orpapasah si sa eksmen. Let him
pass the examination. Ind ka makapasr
dir, kay masot gid ang dlan. You
cannot get through there, for the road is
densely overgrown. Daw sa nd si
makapasr, kay matmad si magton.
He will scarcely be able to pass, because he
is so lazy at his lesson. (cf. gi, lubs,
lgad; lus).
pasarring, (B) To do little by little, a
little at a time, pay slowly, by instalment,
not at once, not in a lump sum, not cash
down. Ginapasarirngan lang nya ak
sang ya nga hinkay, wal si
magabyad sing tingb. He pays me the

rent or lease in small instalments, not in a

lump sum.
past-um, Caus. of st-umto guess,
fathom, understand.
pasut, Caus. of sutto dance. The
phrase mapasut si sa bokg (Literally:
He can be made to dance on a bokg
(fish-bone, rib, or the like) means: He has
no will or reason of his own, he is ready to
believe or to execute whatever he is told to.
ps-aw, To thwart, frustrate, balk,
obstruct, cross, bring to nought or naught,
bring to nothing. Napas-awn si kag
napart sa ya nga katuyon. He was
thwarted and his plans werebrought to
naught,rendered of no avail. (cf. lugwan, gamn, pamalbag).
pasw, A kind of plant with a large red
bud and flower.
pasy, All, one and all, every one, only,
nothing else. See puls id.
pasy, To take a meal without rice or
bread, eat only good side-dishes, especially
meat and fish. Ind ka magpasy sang sdan, knd magkon ka man sing kn-on.
Dont eat side-dishes only, but take some
rice as well. Ind mo pagpasayn ang
mank. Dont eat only chicken. (cf.
pasyan, A shrimp, small lobster.
pasayng, To display, show off, walk
about in public, strut about, go about
ostentatiously, parade oneself; to waste,
squander. (cf. pampag, patyang,
pabugl, pakitkit).
pasayng-sayng, Dim. and Freq. of
pasayng. Dl gid ngay kag dl si
dpat magpasayngsayng sa
pagtmbong sa am nga katipnan. It is
not proper and she must not parade herself
by going to that party. Ginbtyag nya ang
dak nga kahangw sa pagpasayngsayng sang ya mga panghunhn kag
katuyon. He was very much afraid (that
he might be led) to show (betray) his
thoughts and plans. Ind mo ipasayngsayng ang mo pagkasampton. Dont
parade your accomplishments.
pasylo, Shifting, displacement, removal;
pardon, forgiveness; to let or order to pass
over, shift, move, transfer, to
somebody else or to some other place; to
forgive, forget, pardon. Pasayloh lang
ang ya sayp. Pardon his mistake (fault).
Pasayloh si sa is ka sya ddto. Let him
take one of the chairs over there. (cf. sylo;
pasyod, Caus. of syodto know, etc.
Also noun: Aviso, advice, information,
news, communication, intimation,
psd, Donation, gift, prize, premium. (cf.
reglo, dlut, bugy, htag, pdya,
paser, (Sp. pasear) To take, go for, a
walk, take a constitutional, to go out fora

Visayan-English Dictionary
walk,the sake of recreation, to take, go
for, a stroll. Mapaser kit. Let us go for
a walk. Pasear si Fulno bus sa ga.
Walk over to N.N. tomorrow morning.
Ginapasearn sang mga pamatn-on ang
baybyon. The young folks are strolling on
the beach. (cf. lgaw, paliwlwa,
lagyaw, pahangnhngin).
paso, (Sp. paseo) A walk, stroll,
constitutional; to walk, take a walk, go for a
walk. Nagaan kam dir? A, nagapaso
lang kam. What are you doing here?Oh,
we are just taking a walk. Magpaso kam
nay kag ugling magpanihpon. Go out
for a walk first and then have supper. (cf.
paser, etc.).
pasi, See under nasi, nasig.
psi, A kind of tree.
ps, Unhulled rice mixed with hulled rice
after pounding.
pasbag, To let or cause to quarrel, fight,
etc. Pasibga lang sil. Just let them fight
it out (quarrel). Ipasbag si Fulno sa kay
Hos. Get N.N. to pick a quarrel with Jos.
(pa, sbag).
pasibngdan, See pabangd id.
pasibangd, See pabangd id.
pasblong, (B) To stare at, gaze, look
sideways. Pasiblong si. Stare at him. An
ang ginapasblong mo. What are you
staring at? (The simple sblong seems to be
out of use). (cf. pamdlat, lrong).
pasb, To fit, make fit, adapt, join well,
etc. Pasiba ang tpi sa lsyo sang
pagtod. Fit the plank well into the grooves
of the upright. (pa, sb).
pasib-sb, Dim. and Freq. of pasb.
Also: to consider, ponder, study or
investigate a question from all angles.
Pasibsiba in sing mayo. Ponder this
pasbud, To entangle, complicate, tangle,
ravel, involve. Causative of sbud.
pasibd-sbud, Dim. and Freq. of
pasibt-sibt, To find fault with,
criticize, hold, nurse, entertain, a
grudge, harbour a resentment or ill-will, be
sullen or discontented, morose, inclined to
quarrel; to complain, grumble, murmur; to
vex, nettle, provoke, exasperate.
Ginpasibtsibt nya sa olhi si Fulno sa
pagsilng nga may dal nga
pagpamuyyaw:. He finally
exasperated N.N. by using insulting
language saying:. Nagapasibtsibt
si, kay may katuyon si sa paghaln sa
ya aglon. He shows discontent, because
he wishes to leave the service of his master.
Nagpasibtsibt si, kay wal si
pagbahni sing ngay sang palanublon
sang ya giniknan. He was nursing a
grudge, for he was not given a fair share of
the inheritance left by his parent. (cf. sb-

paso pasnggan
ut, pasingt, pasalksalk, pasisng-al,
pasidungg, To honour equally with,
in company with, others, etc.
Tambongn man nnyo kag pasidnggan
ang kaadlwan sang mon Patrn. You
should also come to assist and give honour
to our Patron Saint. (cf. dungg,
pasinsya, (Sp. paciencia) Patience,
forbearance, endurance, sufferance,
toleration; to have patience, be patient
with, put up with, bear with, pardon,
forgive. Pasiensyah lang si. Pardon
(forgive) him. Pasiensyah lang si. Have
patience with him. Bear with him.
pasig, See under nasig.
pasga, Caus. of sgato shine, give light,
etc. Ginpasighan ak nya sang ya mga
mat. He looked at me with shining eyes.
pasigun, pasig-un, To vie or
compete with, strive with, contend with, try
to be (come) first. (cf. pangun, paunun,
pasigro, To make sure, assure, insure;
assurance, insurance. Pasigro sang
kabh. Life-insurance. Nagpasigro si
sang ya baly. He insured his house.
Ipasigro ang mo tinda. Insure your
shop. Pasigurha ang pnday kon sn-o
si magasgud sa pagpatndog
(magpatndog) sang baly. Get the
carpenter to say definitely when he will
commence (start, begin) building the
house. Sarng ak makapasigro sa mo
nga. I can assure you that. (cf.
segro, pamatod, paslig).
pasikt-skot, Caus. of sikt-skot. Also:
Arrangement, contrivance, means,
machination, resources. Sa madm nga
pasiktskot. By many (Through
various) means. (cf. pahitht,
padihtan, patga).
paskto, To expostulate, remonstrate, ask
questions, investigate, demand an
explanation, call to account. Pasiktoh si.
Remonstrate with him. Ask him. Call him
to account. (paskti id.).
psil, Hardened, etc. See bsil. Also: A
sand-bank, shallow (in a river or sea); to be
or become shallow.
pasilbo, See pasilab.
pasilab, pasilab, (H) Caus. of
silabto stand on end, be erect. Also: to
inflame, raise up, encourage, inspire,
instigate, incite, warm up.
pasilabt, To meddle, interfere,
intervene, have to do with, take a hand in,
put ones nose in. See pahilabt.
pasilng, Caus. of silngto say, etc.
pasilng, Caus. of silngto shine, be
bright or polished, etc.
pasilngsling, pasilng-silng,
Dim. and Freq. of pasilng.
paslong, (H) To shelter (intransitive), to
take, seek, find, shelter,refuge,

cover,protection (against rain, the heat of

the sun, etc.). Paslong (mapaslong) kit
nay, kay nagauln. Let us take shelter,
for it is raining. Papasilnga si sa mo
pyong. Let him stand under your
umbrella. Ipaslong ang karabw sa
idlum sang ph. Put the buffalo under
the mango tree for shelter. Shelter the
buffalo under the mango tree. (cf. slong).
pasilongn, Shelter, cover. See
palasilongn. (cf. dalngpan, alypan).
pasimng, Caus. of simngto go
astray, etc.
pasmbog, Caus. of smbogto mix,
pasimpald, Hazard, risk, venture; to
risk it, chance it, trust to chance, to stake or
try ones fortune (luck), to hazard, venture;
risky, chancy, hazardous. Sugl nga
pasimpald. A game of hazard or chance.
Sa pasimpald nga pagi. In a risky
way. Trusting to chance. (cf. plad,
pasmpon, (H) Caus. of smponto join,
associate, etc.
pasmput, Caus. of smputto connect
closely, bring near together.
pasing, To make transparent, pellucid,
translucent. (cf. sing).
pasnaw, Caus. of snaw. To make clear,
clean, bright, transparent.
pasndong, To shelter (intransitive), to
seek shelter, go under a roof, etc. See
pasingdto, To go, move about, take a
direction away from the speaker. (cf. kdto,
pasingadton, Place to go to or live at;
place or position to have recourse to for
relief. Abw, kasakt sang kon ngpon
kag wal gid ak sing pasingadton. Oh,
how my tooth aches! And I cannot get relief
in any way.
pasingar, To come, arrive, go in the
direction of the speaker. Ang mga to sa
mga dlan sang (dak) dalgk nga mga
bnwa nagasinumbl gid lmang sa la
nga pagpasingdto kag pagpasingar.
People in (on) the streets of a large town
move about in crowds in all directions,
coming and going, passing to and fro. (cf.
kar, pakar).
pasingyon, (B) To request, ask, beg,
crave, sue, pray, petition, solicit, ask a
favour. Nagpasingyon si sa kon
nga. He requested me to.
Ipasingyon mo ak nay ikh sang
kon malta ddto sa baly ni Fulno.
Please do me the favour of bringing me my
handbag from N.N.s house. (cf. pangyo,
pasnggan, Companion, friend,
assistant, one willing and ready to listen
and help. Wal gid si sing pasnggan. He
had none who would listen to him, no one


pasnghot pasng-pasng
to ask or request for help, no one to fall
back upon. (cf. silng, singgann).
pasnghot, To let, or order to, smell,
etc. Ipasnghot sa ya inng blak. Let him
smell this flower. (pa, snghot).
pasingt, To be ill-humoured, morose, illnatured, ill conditioned, surly, crabby,
crabbed, sullen or discontented, to murmur
or complain, speak badly of. Dalyon gid
lang sil nagapasingt. They are always
complaining. Pinasngtan nya sil. He
complained about them. He spoke badly of
them (finding fault with them, or the like).
pasingkl, (B) To turn about in all
directions, put many questions, to ply or
bewilder with many questions, crossexamine, cross-question, pump.
Ginpasingkl sang abogdo ang sksi.
The witness was plied with many questions
(cross-examined) by the lawyer. (kl).
pasngtan, From pasingt. Also noun:
Something tocomplain about,find fault
with, etc. Wal sil sing pasngtan. They
have (had) no complaint. They have (had)
nothing to complain of (about).
pasin, Caus. of sinto sound hollow,
pasin, Thought, idea, opinion; to think,
opine. An ang mo ginapasin? What do
you think? What is your idea or opinion?
(cf. hunhn).
pasn-o, To ask ones name, to ask: Who
are you? Pinadlug kag pinasn-o kam
sang pols. The policeman stopped us and
asked our names. Pasinohn mo ang tann
nga mga umalgi. Ask all passers-by their
names. Ginpasn-o nya ak. He asked me
who I was. (cf. sn-o).
pasntak, To try ones patience, weary
another by reluctance or tardiness in
complying with his wishes, ask another for
more than he is willing to give, and the like.
Si nnay nagpasntak lang sa kon sang
pagpangy ko sa ya nga tugtan ak sa
pagtmbong sa byle. Mother simply tired
me out with her objections, when I asked
her permission to assist at the dance. Ang
mga bt sing masam nagapasntak sa
mga magtoton. Children often try or tax
heavily the patience of their teachers. (The
simple sntak is out of use).
pasntok, Caus. of sntok. To knock
together, strike, crash, bump, bang, clash,
slam, hit, whack, beat, batter, strike
together (with an audible sound).
Pasintok ang la lo. Knock their heads
together. Pinasntok nya ang duh ka
lub. He bumped the two coconuts
together. Ipasntok inng tp sa sin. Strike
this board against the sheet of roofing iron.
(cf. pasntok).
pasipd-an, From pasipla for
pasipkpak, See pasalipkpak id.
Nakahunhn ka yhan (Nakudmdum
ka bal) nga ya pasipkpakn ang
mayo nya nga alagarn? Did you


Visayan-English Dictionary
perhaps imagine, that he would fail to
consider his (present) good position?
pasipla, Insult, blasphemy, discourtesy,
disrespect, contumely, affront, dishonour,
indignity, outrage, insolence, an insolent
act or speech; to insult, heap indignity
upon, treat vilely, blaspheme, affront. Ind
mo pagpasipalhan ang mo giniknan.
Do not insult your parents. Nagpasipla
si sa Dis. Ginpasipalhan nya ang
Dis. He has blasphemed God. An ang
ginapasipla nya sa mo? How did he
insult you? What insult did he offer you?
(cf. tamplas).
pasplat, Caus. of splatto get a glimpse
of, see accidentally, etc.
paspraw, (B) Caus. of sprawto cast or
steal a glance at, see accidentally. (cf.
pasisng-al, To be ill-humoured,
murmur, criticize, find fault with, be
discontented, complain. See pasingt,
pasng-ol, pososng-ol.
pasyaw, To vie with, contend with, strive
with, compete; to spin whipping tops in
competition (to see whose top can spin the
longest). Nagapasyaw sil sang la kasng
(trmpo). They are spinning their whipping
tops in competition. (cf. skat, patka).
pskan, From psok.
paskn, (Sp. pasquin) Pasquinade, satire,
lampoon; clown; to lampoon, satirize,
ridicule, slander, put to shame by a
lampoon in verse, prose or picture.
Ginpaskinn nla si Fulno. They
lampooned N.N.
psk, (B) Easter. Holy Week, Easter
pskon, (B) To feast, eat only of good
side-dishes without rice or bread. Ind mo
pagpaskonn ang sd-an, knd magkon
ka man sing kn-on. Dont partake of the
side-dishes alone, but eat some rice as well.
(cf. pasy).
pskua, pskwa, (Sp. pascua) Feast,
banquet, social entertainment with
refreshments; to feast, dine well. (cf. tbad,
bd, bankti, punsyn.
pslang, Good-for-nothing, useless, dull,
stupid, sluggish, inept, not fit. (cf. psloy,
wal sing puls, wal sing gud, etc.).
pslaw, See pasulw, pasulng,
pslongto show, exhibit, etc.
pslaw, Also: to baffle, thwart, frustrate,
cause to be a failure, bring to naught. See
ps-aw id. (cf. kapaslwan).
pslong, A dam, weir, dyke, barrier
(across a river, brook, etc.); to build a dam,
weir, etc. (for irrigation or fishing).
Paslong ang sap. Build a dam across the
brook. Paslong ang um sing tbig. Make
a dam to irrigate the farm. (cf. pnud).
pslong, (B) To show, exhibit. See
pasulng id. Ipslong sa kon ang mo
bg-o nga kl. Show me your new hat.

psloy, Good-for-nothing, etc. See

psmo, (Sp. pasmo) Spasms, convulsions;
stiffness in the limbs with pain due to
overexertion, or to exposure or to having
caught a cold; a slight cold or indisposition.
pso, (Sp. paso) Step, stride, pace; gait,
walk, pace of a horse acquired by training;
to step briskly. (cf. tikng).
pas, Burned, scorched; a burn; the place
or part that has been burned. Din ang mo
pas? Where is your burn? What part of
your body has been burned?
ps, To scorch, burn superficially or
slightly. Naps (nagkaps) ang kon
kamt. My hand has got scorched. An ang
nakapso sang mo kamt? What burned
your hand? (cf. slab, lab, irt).
pasg, Caus. of sgto order, etc. Ind
si magpasgo. He does not want to obey.
Also: warrant, commission, order, writ.
pasg-o, To oppose, resist, object to,
refuse, be stubborn or refractory. (cf. sgo).
pashot, Caus. of shotto slip in, creep
through, etc.
pashot, Also: secret machination,
manipulation, contrivance, means,
underhand dealing, tricks, frauds.
pask, A bamboo receptacle or tube of
one joint; the bottom being closed by a
knot; a piece of bamboo of the length that
intervenes between two knots (joints). The
pask attached to the fruit stalk of a
coconut palm for collecting the toddy is
called a sald). (cf. talbtub, bayng,
psok, To put or wedge in between; hide
or bury among. Paski or pski inng bh
sinng khoy. Close the hole by driving in
this piece of wood. Ginpsok nla ang
bakg sa masot nga tgbaw. They hid or
buried the carriers basket among dense
pasolab, pasolbi, To prefer, have
rather, choose rather, set above, esteem
more highly. Pasolabih (Pasolabha) ang
matrung nga pangabh sa umalgi nga
mga kalpay. Prefer an honest life to
passing pleasures. (cf. lab).
pasolngg, A kind of bed-mat. (cf.
pasol, (B) Caus. of sol. Pasl-i si.
Provide him with a lamp or light.
paslok, To swell painfully (of breasts
containing too much milk, etc.).
Nagapaslok ang ya nga sso. Her breast
is swollen with an excess of milk.
psong, A bushel (of rice) containing
twenty five gantas.
pasongn, A measure for a bushel
(psong); manger, crib.
pasng-ol, See pasng-ol, pasingt,
pasng-pasng, (B) To pant, gasp for
breath, breathe heavily, as one exhausted

Visayan-English Dictionary
with running or overexertion. (cf. hp,
hmpok, hngos, psnga).
pasob, Causative of sobto put on a
garment, dress. Ang mayo sin nga ang
am nga mga lalki magsklub sing
patdyong kag ang la mga aswa pasban (pasoobn) sing srwal. It would be
well, if such men wore skirts and their
wives were permitted to put on trousers.
pasop, To apply a cutting instrument
near the ground or root, cut close or short.
Pasopa ang gnting sa bohk. Snip the
scissors close to the roots of the hair.
Pasopi ang paggnting sang kon bohk.
Cut my hair close or short. Give me a close
pas-pso, Dim. and Freq. of pso. To
walk rather briskly. An ang ginapaspso
mo? Why are you stepping out so briskly?
paspas, A kind of an ulcerous skindisease. Its scabs resemble the scabs of
burns. Hence the name.
passo, To nurse at the breast, give suck
to, suckle. Ang ily nagapasso sang bt.
The mother is giving suck to the baby.
Pass-a (passwa, pasosha) ang bt.
Nurse the baby at the breast. (cf. pa, sso).
pass, To insist on an answer, ply with
repeated questions in order to elicit an
answer from one who wants to keep silent.
Also: Caus. of ssto press, squeeze, etc.
pasosng-ol, See pasng-ol, pasisngal, pasingt.
pspas, To cut down or fell many trees,
etc., strike or knock down with sticks or
poles much fruit from branches, etc.
Paspas ang mga sging. Cut down the
banana-plants. Ginpspas nya ang mga
sang sang khoy. He struck down the
branches of the tree. Paspas ang mga
bnga sang ph. Knock down the
psta, (Sp. pasta) Paste; board-binding;
to paste; to bind books. Pastah inng mga
papl. Paste these papers together. Lbro
nga napastahn. A book bound in boards.
pastl, (Sp. pastel) Pie, cake, pastry;
pastel, coloured crayon.
pastiln, An exclamation denoting
admiration, contempt or dislike; a curse;
fie, whew, pshaw. Pastiln, mapti ak
sin? Pshaw, do you think I believe that?
Pastiln si Fulno. N.N. be damned. Let
N.N. go tothe dickens,the deuce,the
devil,hell. (cf. gtud, srot, yw, lnt,
pastra, (Sp. pastora) Shepherdess; doll.
pastr, pastres, (Sp. pastor) Pastor,
Protestant clergyman; shepherd. (cf.
bntay, manugbntay, magbalntay).
pasb, Caus. of sbto go up river, etc.
Bus pasubon ko si Fulno. Tomorrow Ill
order N.N. to go up river.
pasub, To go towards the river, travel in
the direction of the mountains.

pasob pasri
Nagapasub si. He is on his way
towards the river,towards the mountains.
pasub, A fish trap for catching fish
swimming (coming upstream or from the
sea); to catch fish with such a trap.
Pasuban ta ang mga sd. Let us catch
fish by the pasub-method. (cf. pailg).
pasub, To sadden, make sad, etc. (cf.
pasub, To harden, steel, make brittle,
etc. (cf. sub).
pasg-ak, To cause to spirt, make flow,
etc. (cf. sg-ak).
pasg-o, See pasg-oto oppose, resist,
paskti, To ask questions, call to account,
etc. See paskto.
pasulbi, pasulab, See pasolabto
prefer, etc.
pasulangn, Enclosure within the
enclosed space (bunan) of a large fishcorral or fish-trap. There is no escape for
fish that have entered the pasulangn. (cf.
pasult, Caus. of sultto write. Also: to
enlist, enroll, register. (cf. palsta).
pasulw, (B) To show, etc. Caus. of
sulwto see, look at. (cf. pslong,
pasulng, pakt).
pasulp, Caus. of sulp. Also: to cast a
glance upon, direct ones eyes upon, see,
notice. Pinasulipn sil nya sang ya mga
mat. He noticed them, glanced at them.
(cf. pasplat, pasblong).
pasuld, To make enter, allow to enter,
let come in, fill or putin,into,inside.
Pasdla ang mga bt sa simbhan. Make
the children enter the church. Order the
children to come into the church. Ipasuld
mo inng lta sa aparadr. Put this tin in
the cupboard. Pasdli ang sug sing ags.
Fill the lamp with kerosene. Madm nga
mga bt wal na mapasuld sa
buluthan, kay klang ang mga hult kag
klang man ang mga manundl. Many
children could not be admitted any more
into the school, owing to lack of room and
of teachers. (pa, suld). The phrase: mo
lang dir ang pasdla means: Mind your
own business. Look after your own
pasulng, (B) To show, exhibit, let
another have a look at, etc. Paslnga si
sinoripasulng sa ya in. Let him
have a look at it. Ginpasulng (ginpslong)
nya sa kon ang mga galamitn nga bgo lang nya nabakl. He showed me the
furniture he had just bought. (pa, sulng).
pasulng, (H) To let shine through,
make transparent, etc. Ang nit
nagpasulng sang dug sa ya nga psngi.
The heat caused the blood to shine through
his cheeks. The heat made his cheeks red.
(pa, sulng).
paslung, (H) To make pay taxes, etc.; to
collect taxes, etc. Ginpaslung nya ak

sang buhs sang kon um. He made me

pay my land-tax. (pa, slung).
paslung, (H) To make or let challenge,
etc. Ipaslung mo sa ya si Fulno. Let him
challenge N.N. Get him to challenge N.N.
(pa, slung).
pasmp, To make swear, put on ones
oath, administer an oath. (cf. smp).
pasmpak, To let splice, etc. (pa,
pasumpya, To cause to move up and
down. To shake up and down, to toss, rock,
etc. Ang mga bald nagapasumpya sang
sakayn. The waves are rocking the boat.
Pasumpiyha ang kabyo. Gallop the
horse. (pa, sumpya; cf. pahumbya id).
pasmpung, To cause to make
opposition, etc. Ipasmpung sa ya si
Fulno. Put up N.N. in opposition to him.
(pa, smpung).
pasunid, Consideration, thoughtful
regard for, appreciation of conditions or
circumstances; to be considerate, have
proper regard or appreciation for.
Talamyon ang to nga wal sing
pasunid kag patugsling sa ya
isigkaparho. Contemptible is the man that
has no consideration and regard for his
neighbour. Pasunara ang makalol-oy
nga kahimtngan nya. Have some
consideration for his wretched condition.
Papasunaron mo si sang kaimoln sang
sdto nay byan nya. Let him consider
the poverty of his former friend. (cf.
pasngay, To let, make, or cause to,
push with the horns. (pa, sngay).
pasng-ol, Aversion, dislike,
repugnance, disinclination, opposition of
mind; to have adislike for,repugnance
to, etc.
pasni, pasn, Report, rumour,
assertion, allegation, pretext, subterfuge; to
allege, spread a false report, etc. Sa pasni
nga. Under the pretext of. (cf.
pasund, To let, make, order or cause to
follow. Pasndi ang mga bka sang mga
karabw. Let the buffaloes follow the cows.
Pasnda si sa mo. Order him to follow
you. Ipasund ko sa mo inng bt. I will
let this boy follow youorsend this boy
after you. Mayo ang pagpasund sang
bg-o nga mga punon. The orders of the
new authorities are good. (pa, sund).
pasntok, Caus. of sntok. (cf. pasntok).
paspil, To give way, give in, yield, throw
up the sponge, give up opposition,
withdraw from a controversy, etc. Ind ka
magpaspil. Dont give in. (cf. patubarng,
paubg, padag id.).
pasri, To arrange or adapt with care,
examine, go over again. Ipasri ang mo
sult, kay bs may mga sayp. Have your
letter looked over (Have someone look over


pasyon patmba
your writing); there may be mistakes. (cf.
pasyon, Caus. of syonto be easy, etc.
Also: to take things easy, let things take
their course without opposition, wink at,
tolerate, allow to pass or go on. Ind mo
pagpasuynan in. Dont allow that to
pass or go on (without notice or
opposition). Ginapasuynan gid lang sang
giniknan ang malin nga batsan sang
la nga ank. The parents wink at (connive,
do not interfere with) the bad habits of
their son.
pasyut, To please oneself, do what one
likes, follow ones own inclination. But si
magpasyut sang tann nya nga
luyglyag. She wants to have all her
whims satisfied.
pasyr, (Sp. pasear) See paserto take a
stroll, etc.
pta, (Sp. pata) Leg including the foot (of
an animal, of a chair, table, etc.). (cf. kahg,
til, pa).
pta, A kind of fish-trap about three yards
patas-tas, To be proud, haughty,
stuck-up, uppish, overbearing; to highten,
heighten, raise, elevate, make slightly
higher, add a little to the height of. (pa,
patb, To sell land. Ginpatb nya sa
kon ang ya um. He sold me his field or
farm. Ipatb lang sa kon inng dt.
Just sell me this land. (pa, tb).
patabk, To strain, filter or percolate
water through ashes, to make lye.
Patabkormagpatabk ka sing ab.
Prepare some lye. Ab nga pinatabk.
Ashes from which lye has been extracted.
Ashes full of concentrated lye.
patban, Caus. of tbanto snatch, etc.
Also: to kidnap; elope.
patbang, To ask for assistance or help;
to let, order, cause to, assist.
Ipatbang mo si sa kay Jos. Let Jos
assist him. Nagpatbang si sa kon. He
asked my help. He asked me to help him.
(pa, tbang).
patbas, Caus. of tbasto cut (clothes,
etc.). Mapatbas ak sa sstre sing is ka
delrgo. Ill get the tailor to make me a pair
of trousers. Ipatbas ko sa sstre inng
hener. I will let the tailor cut this cloth.
Patabsi si tt sing pury, kay dak na.
Let a pair of short trousers
(knickerbockers) be made for the boy, for
he is quite big now. Taty, patabsi ak
sing bg-o nga by. Please father, have a
new jacket (dress) made for me.
patabyag, To jump, leap, gambol, skip,
frisk, run about, scamper off, as kids or
lambs or frolicsome (frolicking) children.
(cf. patarpad, hingyaw).
patabd, Caus. of tabdto bind, etc.
Ipatabd ko ang kon bka sa mo
karabw. I will have my cow fastened or


Visayan-English Dictionary
tied to your buffalo. Patabir inng bgsok
sang higt sang mo kabyo. Have your
horse hitched (tied) to this post.
patb, To meet, welcome, receive
(guests, etc.). (cf. tb).
patbos, (B) To let, etc. penetrate or flow
through. Malakt na kit; patabson ta
lang ang uln sa ton panpton, kay
madgay pa maghlaw. Let us go now; we
shall let the rain wet our clothes, for it will
last a long time yet before it stops. (pa,
tbos). (cf. patahs).
patboy, To let or make sag (as a
hammock, etc.). (pa, tboy).
patd, Stake, bet, wager; to stake, bet,
wager. Magpatd ka lang sing pat ka
sentimsoripatd mo lang ang pat ka
sentims. Make a bet of four centavos.
Napl ka psos ang ya nga ginpatd. He
staked ten pesos.
patdul, To make submissive, keep down
or low, treat without consideration. (cf.
patdyong, A kind of skirt worn by
Philippine women. (cf. mpis, tpis).
patg, An open field, free space. Ang
patg sang pagawyan. The (open) field
of battle.
ptag, To be or become level. Nagptag
na inng lugr, kay ginpaptag nla. This
space has become smooth (level) now, for
they have had it levelled.
patgnak, To shed (tears). (pa, tgnak).
patg, Caus. of tg. To let, etc. hide,
preserve. Pataga si sang mo kwrta.
Let him guard your money. Let him put
your money in a safe place. Ipatg sa ya
ang mo alhas. Entrust your jewelry to
him for safe keeping. Patagi si sang mo
kwrta. Let him be the guardian of your
money. Ginpatg nla ang mga sngsing
nga bulwan. They had their golden
ringshidden (hid),put in hiding.
patahs, To let penetrate, etc. See
patbos. (cf. tahs).
patid, patad, pat-id, To compare
with, liken to; to compete, vie with, try to
match or to outdo. Ipatad lang in sa.
Just compare this to. Ang mapsan nga
to ginapatad sa putykan. A diligent
man is likened to a bee. (cf. panggid,
pasnghid, pasyaw, skat).
patka, To match, compete, vie with. See
skat, pasyaw.
patka, Aversion, repugnance; tiresome,
unpleasant, disgusting, nauseous,
repugnant. Patka nga trabho. A tedious
or unpleasant kind of work. (cf. pasng-ol,
patak, To cause disgust, make tired of,
etc. (pa, tak).
patkas, To let, order to, go on land,
to land, disembark, cause to leave the
water. Ginpatkas nla ang mga
sumalkay sa Manl. They landed the
passengers at Manila. Pataksa ang

karabw sa tulgban, sa sap, etc. Get the

buffalo out of the bathing hole, the brook,
patkay, Caus. of tkayto spend for,
contribute towards, lavish upon.
patk-patk, Distributed singly rather
far from each other, scattered sparsely or
thinly, applied to houses, etc. See atkatk
patlang, Caus. of tlang. To let, or
cause to, err, to lead astray, misdirect,
patals, To make smooth or slippery, to
oil or grease (a machine, cart, etc.).
Ipatals inng sbo sa alling sang kngga.
Use this grease to make the cart-wheel turn
with ease. Use this grease to lubricate the
cart-wheel with. Patalas ang tutnlan
(tubg) mo sing tagbang. Ease your
throat by eating tagbang. (cf. tals,
patl-as, To cause to run away or flow
off; to disperse, drive away, put to flight; to
disappear, vanish. (cf. tl-as).
patlaw, Caus. of tlawto be a coward,
etc. Also: to be cowed, permit oneself to be
bluffed, imposed upon or intimidated, etc.
Ind ka magpatlaw sa ya. Dont let him
bluff (override) you. Dont allow him to
intimidate you. Dont be afraid of him.
patlbo, Caus. of tlboto rise, etc.
Patalboh ang yb-ok. Let (make) the dust
patalm, To sharpen, hone, etc. Caus. of
talmto be sharp, cutting well, etc.
patalupngud, patalupangd, Caus.
of talupngudto pay attention to,
consider or ponder over well, etc.
Patalupngda si sing mayo sang ya
mga buluhatn. Let him weigh well what
he has to do. Ipatalupngud sa ya inng
katarngan. Present this argument or
reason for his consideration. (cf.
patamd-tmad, patamd-tamd,
To be indolent, lazy, negligent, to neglect.
Ginapatamd-tamran nla ang am nga
mga butng. They are lazy (negligent,
careless) about those matters. (cf. tmad).
patm, patam, To exceed, do to
excess, overdo, overstep the mark, go
beyond the limit, affect too much; cause to
exceed, etc. Ginpatm-an nya si sing
mga ilmnon nga makahulbug. He went
beyond the limit in treating him to
intoxicating drinks. Ayw pagpatm-i sing
pangabdlay ang mga bt. For heavens
sake, do not overwork the children. (cf.
tm, palaks).
patmba, Caus. of tmbato throw in,
give a bakers dozen, etc. Patambah ak
sing is ka gntang. See to it that I be
given one ganta free (over, for luck, thrown
in). Have one ganta thrown in gratis for
me. (cf. paman, padgang).

Visayan-English Dictionary
patm-is, To sweeten, make sweet.
Patam-is ang tsa. Sweeten the tea. Ang
mayo nga kalingwlingwan
nagapatm-is sang pangabh. Healthy
recreations sweeten life. Ang mahg nga
pangabdlay ginapatm-is sang mahl
nga shol. Heavy work is sweetened by
good wages (pay). (pa, tm-is).
patnd, Caus. of tndto mark, etc.
patand-tnd, Marksmanship; to
practise shooting at a target, etc. Also Dim.
of patnd. Nagapatandtnd sil sang
pagpalupk sang la mga lthang. They
are practising rifle-shooting (marking
down the hits).
patn, A kind of beans that are rather flat
in shape.
patnlas, To smooth, make smooth or
slippery, etc. See patals. (cf. tnlas,
patntan, See pahnhan. Patantan
nay ang mo kinon. Let the food you
have eatensettle first,have time to settle
pato, To bring forth a child, give birth to,
be delivered of a child. Napato si sa.
He was born in. (cf. to, patato).
pato, To hire a workman, engage or
employ a labourer. Mapato kit sing lim
sa bus. Tomorrow we shall employ, give
employment to, give work to, five men.
Patahan ko ang kon talmnan sing
napl, agd madal mahl-ob. I shall hire
ten workmen for my farm in order to finish
the work quickly. Patahi nay ang mo
baly, kon but ka magupd sa mon. Get
someone to look after your house, if you
wish to come with us. (cf. to).
pata-to, To give birth to, bring forth,
be delivered of, a child, be in labour, to
travail. Nagapatato si. She is giving
birth. She is inlabour,travail,the
throes (pangs) of childbirth. (cf. bt, bnag).
patpuk, Caus. of tpuk. To exile, expel;
hide or conceal oneself, etc. Katlad si
sang is ka to nga nagpatpuk sa is ka
palanagon nga nd maktan. He was like
a man who had concealed himself in a
hiding place, so that he could not be seen.
patapk, Caus. of tapk. To spoil, wear
out, make fragile, etc.
patpus, To end, make an end of, bring
toan end,a close,termination, get
through, carry through, get done with, go
through with, to let or make terminate, etc.
Patapsa si nay sang ya sult. Let him
first finish his letter. Ipatpus mo lang sa
ya ang mo aradohn. Let him now finish
your ploughing. (cf. tpus).
patarmhak, (B) Thoughtless, careless,
indifferent, negligent; to be thoughtless,
etc.; to act carelessly, etc. (cf. tarmhak,
patarsak, Caus. of tarsak. Careless,
negligent, thoughtless, slovenly; to do

patm-is paty-ptay
carelessly, negligently, indifferently,
patartas, See patarsak. Ginpatartas
(Ginpatarsak) gid lang nla ang la
trabho. They do their work very
carelessly, in a very negligent manner, very
negligently. They are very negligent
(careless, indifferent) about their work.
patarpad, To run swiftly, race or
scamper off (like the wind). Abw
nagapatarpad ang bt pal, kay
mahdluk nga hanton kon magab-ihn.
By Jove (There now), the boy is racing
home like the wind, for he is afraid to get a
whipping, if he is overtaken by night.
pats, Equal, of the same standard or
quality, alike. Wal sing pats nga
pagkabut knd ang ya sang nd but
makakt. There is no blindness equal to
the blindness of him who does not want to
see. (cf. tupng).
ptas, Undecided, tie, dead heat, draw,
drawn game, neither winning nor losing,
equal, even, level, quits, square; to be
equal, to neither win nor lose. Ptas
(nagptas, nagpatasy) gid lang kam.
None of us won or lost. We are (were)
equal. We tied. Our points were equal. (cf.
patsak, Caus. of tsakto step in or
through, etc. Pinataskan nya sil sang
kabyo. He galloped through them on
pattas, (Sp. patata) Potato. Bkli ak
sing pattas. Buy me some potatoes.
Pattas nga kinhad. Sliced potatoes.
patw, A float of a seine. Light wooden
balls are often used as floats for fishing
nets. (cf. pamatsinker).
pt-aw, To make an omission, to skip,
leave a bare space or gap. Ind mo pagpatawn ang pagpnggas sing mas. Dont
leave any gaps when planting corn. (cf.
lkh, lktaw, pthaw).
patwad, Pardon, remission, forgiveness,
amnesty; to pardon, grant pardon,
condone, absolve, remit, forgive, let off,
acquit, reprieve. Patawra si. Pardon
him. Let him off. Ind mapatwad ang
sal kon wal sing paghinlsul. Without
contrition sin cannot be forgiven.
Patawra lang si sin nga sayp. Forgive
him this fault. (cf. pasylo).
patwhay, Caus. of twhay. Also: to be
quiet, make no stir. Dl mo in paaghon
sa paksug, knd sa patwhay. Dont try
to settle that by an appeal to force, but by
peaceful (conciliatory) means. Patawhay
sil. Make themkeep the peace,lead a
tranquil life. Pacify them. Nagpatwhay
si sang ya nga panghmbal. He spoke
slowly and quietly. He talked with
impressive restraint (dignity). Patwhay
kam. Be quiet. Dont stir.
ptaw, patw, (B) Any solid addition,
especially meat, in broth. Wal sing ptaw
inng sabw. In this broth there is nothing

solid or substantial. A, mals-ay ang

sabw ddto, kay klang ang ptaw. Oh
dear, the broth there was no good, for it
was short of solid morsels or ingredients.
pat-wpt-aw, Dim. and Freq. of ptaw. Ind mo pagpat-wpat-awn ang
pagbsa. Dont leave out anything in
reading. Dont skip words or lines. (cf.
lukhlkh, laktwlktaw).
paty, Dead, killed, deceased, demised,
departed, defunct, lifeless, said of any
living organism; gone out, stopped, not
functioning (of lamps, fire, clocks,
machines, etc.); to cause death, to kill, put
to death, take (a mans) life, slay, murder,
slaughter, massacre, do or make away with,
put an end to, despatch. Dgay na nga
paty si. He is dead a long time. He died
long ago. Paty na ang kalyo. The fire has
gone out. Paty na ang motr. The motor
does not go (is not working) any more.
Ptya si. Kill him. Ind ka magpaty.
Thou shalt not kill. Sn-o ang nagpaty sa
ya? Who killed him? Ptya ang sug. Put
out the lamp (light). Napaty si nga wal
na maabti sang manugblung. He died
before the doctor (physician) could reach
him. Pinaty (Ginpaty) si sang mga
buyng. He was murdered (killed) by the
robbers. Yanng baly naptyan sing
makaduh sa suld sang is ka blan.
Within a month two persons died in that
house. Ipaty ak nay sinng hal. Please
kill this iguana for me. (cf. kamtay,
maty, kamatyon, tagumatyon,
himatayn, panginmaty, minaty, hyod, my-od, msduk, paalumtay,
patay-tya, To sit or lie down
comfortably or snugly, to snuggle, settle,
nestle or rest at ease. Nagapataytya si
sa ya nga butka. He is resting
comfortably in his arm-chair.
paty-kal-oy, patykaloy, Cruel,
merciless, heartless, unmoved by pity,
rough, relentless, unrelenting. To nga
patykaloy. A ruffian. A brutal, cruel
fellow. A man bereft of all feelings of
patayonn, Conduit, channel, etc. See
palatayonn, palatynan.
pataytay, To prolong, protract, be long
at, take a long time, be occupied with for a
long time. Nagpataytay kam kagb-i
sang mon sugilnon. Last night we were
conversing together for a long time. Ind
kam magpataytay sang nyo pagkon.
Dont be long taking, at, your meal.
Patayotya lang ang mo pagbntay dir.
Keep on the lookout there for a long time.
Patayotyi si sang mo sugilnon. Detain
him for a good while by your conversation
(with your talk). (cf. patus, palwig).
paty-ptay, To work very hard, work
oneself to death. Nagapatyptay si sang
pangabdlay nga isagd nya sa ya mga
ank. He works very hard for the support


ptdan patingkdol
of his children. (cf. puty-ptoy) Also: very
much, excessive. Nagkdlaw si sing
patyptay. He laughed very much. He
was tickled to death.
ptdan, Short lengths of sugar-cane used
for planting, cuttings of sugar-cane.
ptdan, For patadn, patarn from
patdto stake, etc.
patnte, (Sp. patente) Patent;
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. May
patnte karn sa hpon. This afternoon
there will be Exposition and Benediction of
the Blessed Sacrament.
pthaw, See pt-awto skip, etc.
pthaw, To guess, surmise, opine, think,
suppose. (cf. my-om, lgpat, pakt, bn,
bnt, hunhn).
pathw-pthaw, Dim. and Freq. of
pti, Together with, equally, at the same
time, both, including both, as well as, and.
Ang nagakag nga pangabdlay mayo
sa lwas pti kalg. Suitable labour is
good for both body and soul. Ang bnwa
pti ang ya sin nga pumuly. The town
and its inhabitants, the town as well as its
inhabitants. Ikw pti ang mo ank. You
together with your son. (cf. kag).
pti, To believe, assent, credit, give
credence to, give credit to, be more or less
persuaded of the truth of a statement or
fact. Patha ak. Believe me. Ind ka
magpti sinng mga butng. Dont believe
those things. Wal nya pagpatha ang
singid ni Fulno. He did not give credence
(He gave no credit) to what was said by
N.N. But nla ipapti sa ton nga.
They want us to believe that. (cf. to).
pti, Also (especially in (B)): to obey, be
pat-al, To expose oneself to heat,
especially to the heat of the sun. Ind ka
magpat-al. Dont expose yourself to the
sun. (cf. patg).
patbong, Caus. of tbongto carry on
the shoulders. Kon madlum ang sub
ipatbong ko ikw sa to. If the river
should be deep, Ill see to it that you will be
carried (across) on the shoulders of a man.
patb-ong, Caus. of tb-ongto raise,
elevate, lift up.
patibdbud, To be a chatterbox, to
prattle, prate, talk much. (cf. br, wkal,
nglngal, hdak, etc.).
patd, Eaten away, become thin or small
through the action of the soil, said of posts,
or the like; to wear out, become thin or
small. Nagpatd ang is ka halgi sang
mon baly. One post of our house is eaten
away at its lower end.
patigyon, To procure, bring about, get
ready, accomplish, see to, see that a thing is
done. (cf. tigyon).
patig, To make hard, crusty, to bake, etc.
(pa, tig).


Visayan-English Dictionary
patg, To expose oneself to the sun or
heat. Ind ka magpatg sa nit. Dont
expose yourself to the heat. Dont allow
yourself to be burnt by the sun. (pa, tg).
pat-g, patg, To shoot at a target,
practise rifle-shooting. (cf. patandtnd).
patk, To strike, beat, knock, knock out,
force out the contents of a vessel by striking
it with a stick, etc.; to strike or beat, as a
gong; to knock or rap a piece of wood or
bamboo used for striking or rapping,
especially the piece of bamboo used by
tub-gatherers for cleaning the sald. The
patk made of bamboo is split all round at
one end so as to form a sort of brush. It is
knocked against a branch of the coconut
palm to free it of dregs. Ipatk ang mo
patk sa pklang. Beat your patk against
the branch (of the coconut).
patikdol, A noise as of a falling chair,
etc. (cf. ringkdol, lgpok, patingkdol
patikng, Caus. of tikng. To let, etc.
make steps. Patikang ang bt, agd
mahnas maglakt (sa paglakt). Let the
baby take a few steps, that it may get
accustomed to walking (that it may learn to
patkang, Handling, management,
treatment, dealing, interference,
contrivance, machination; to deal with, be
engaged in business, trade, have
commercial transactions. An ang
pagpatkang nmo (An nga patkang ang
mo) nga wal lang madgay nagdak
ang mo kwrta? How did you contrive to
make so much money in so short a time?
Sagd si magpatkang. He is an expert
business man. Mayo gid ang ya
patkang sin. He handled that case
(matter) very well. (cf. pumalatkang,
palatikngan, pahitht, padihtan,
patikasg, See panikasg id.
patik, Caus. of tik. To turn, bend, curve,
make crooked, inflect, deflect from a
straight line or course. Patiko ang
almbre. Bend the wire.
patilw, Caus. of tilw. To let, etc. taste.
Ipatilw sa kon ang mo ph. Let me
taste your mango. Give me a taste of your
mango. Let me see what your mango tastes
like. Patilaw man ak sang mo manmit
nga mamn. Let me also taste your sweet
cakes. Kon nd ka maghpus patilawn ko
ikw sang kon kamt. Be silent or Ill
thrash you.
patlik, (H) Whirligig; a game played with
coins; to spin (transitive), cause to spin or
revolve, set turning round an axle or pivot.
Patilka ang pnggan, kl, kwrta, etc.
Spin the plate, hat, money, etc. Make the
plate, hat, money, etc. spin. (cf. pabyung
patyub, patrik).
patilikn, A windlass; a whirligig; a
machine for winding up yarn, etc.; a game

played usually with copper coins. (cf.

patiman, Notice, remark, observation,
hint, information, intelligence, warning,
intimation, advice; to sign or mark, give a
sign or hint, inform, advise, notify, warn,
give notice of. Patimn-i si sang dlaw
nga napt-ud sa ya eksmen. Inform him
of the day fixed for his examination.
Napatiman sa mon nga dan ang am
nga katalgman. We were warned of that
danger beforehand. (cf. timan, talmdan,
talandan, pandam, pasyod, etc.).
patimw, To free, save, deliver, liberate.
Patimawa kam, Gino. Deliver us, Oh
Lord. Ginpatimw nya sil kag
hinatgan sang la kalasan. He saved
them and granted them liberty. (cf. lus,
bw, katimawan, kalusan, talbwas,
tibwas, timw).
pt-in, Sign, mark, symbol, symptom,
character, emblem; to sign or mark. Pat-in
ang lbro. Mark the book. Ginpapt-in
nya ang tann nga mga galamitn. He
had all his furniture marked. An ang
kahulgan sinng pt-in? What is the
meaning of this sign?
patna, (Sp. patena) Paten; the plate used
with the chalice at Mass.
ptina, (Sp. ptina) Patina, verdigris,
green rust of copper.
patn-aw, To make clear, clarify, purify,
etc. Caus. of tn-aw.
patndog, To erect, build, establish,
found, make stand up, set up, stand
(transitive). Patindog ang baly. Build
the house. Patindog ang karabw nga
nagaluk. Get the resting buffalo on its
legs. Patindog ang dak nga bat ddto
sing is ka bt. Let a boy stand there on
that big stone.
patng, Dove. (cf. salampti).
patnga, Deposit, earnest, handsel,
earnest-money, earnest-penny; to advance
money on a contract, pay something
beforehand, give a deposit or handsel
(hansel). Patinghi ang pnday. Pay the
carpenter some money in advance. Pil ang
patnga nga ginapangy mo sa
talmnan nga mo ibalgy? What deposit
do you want in advance for the field you are
going to sell? Ipatnga sa ya dt inng
katlon ka mngmang. Pay him in
advance these thirty pesos for his land.
Pinatinghan ko ang manugtbas sing
ttlo ka mngmang. I advanced the tailor
three pesos. Batna inng patnga sa
pagpalg-on sang ton ginkasugtnan.
Accept this earnest-money as a token
(Accept this money as earnest) that our
agreement is binding.
pating, To incline, etc. Caus. of tingto
be inclined, etc.
patingkdol, A noise as of a falling
board, etc.; to make such a noise. See
patikdol, ringkdol, lgpok.

Visayan-English Dictionary
patngk, To provoke, excite with anger,
challenge, defy. (cf. kyat, binggr).
ptio, (Sp. patio) Court-yard; churchyard, cemetery, burial ground. (cf.
patrik, (B) See patlikto spin a top, etc.
Also: A whirligig or wheel that turns on its
axle if carried against the wind. Ang mga
bt malyag maghmpang sang patrik.
Boys like to play with whirligigs.
pats, Salt fish preserved in brine; brine,
pickle. (cf. llang).
patskug, To stiffen, strengthen.
Patiskug ang likd sang kon by.
Stiffen (with lining) the back of my jacket.
(pa, tskug).
ptlas, To avoid, shun, keep out of
anothers way, be afraid to come near.
Inng bt nagaptlas sa ya manunon,
kay may sal. This boy is afraid to come
near his teacher, for he has a fault to atone
for (he has done wrong). Ginapatlasn
nya ak, kay may tang si sa kon. He
avoids me, for he owes me money. (cf.
likw; tl-as, lgyo).
ptlaw, See patwa float.
ptlog, To chip or strike off (corners,
edges, etc.); to break or twist off (the neck
of a bottle, or the like). (cf. bntig, pks,
ptlok, See ptlog.
ptn, Promise, vow; to promise, decide,
determine. Ptn nya nga ihwon nya
ang bboy. He had promised to kill the pig.
(cf. tg-an, panad).
pto, (Sp. pato) Duck. (cf. bbi, gakt).
pat, To pommel, punch, box. See patk.
pt-od, Exactness, preciseness,
punctuality; exact, precise, fixed, punctual,
appointed (of time, prices, etc.); to do
something properly, punctually, exactly,
precisely, straightforwardly or to the point,
without tergiversation, deviation or
circumlocution. Pint-od nya ang paglab
sang lub. He slashed the coconut open
with a well-aimed blow (hitting it in the
middle). Pat-or (od) ang paghmbal
mo. Speak to the point. Ang ya pagabt
pt-od gid. He came just in the nick of
time, at the exact time, punctually, to the
minute. Bil nga pt-od. A fixed price.
Tkn nga pt-od. A fixed hour. Appointed
patogsling, Consideration, regard to,
thoughtfulness, helpfulness; to act
considerately, make allowance for, have
regard to, take into account, have
consideration for, anothers condition or
circumstances. (cf. pasunid).
pathok, patohk, To make a hole in,
perforate, let make a hole in, etc. Ipatohk
sa ya inng lta. Let him make a hole in
this tin. Patohok ang purta sang mo
kwrto, agd makagi dir sa tann nga
ras ang kurng. Have a hole made in the

patngk patb
door of your room, so that the cat may pass
there at all hours. (cf. pa, thok, tohk).
patk, The handle of a hatchet, hoe, adze
or the like.
patk, To box, punch, beat or strike with
the fist, give another a blow with ones fist.
Patok si. Box him. (cf. smbag,
bngbung, mol).
ptok, To found, erect, establish,
institute, originate. Patka ang is ka
mayo kag pahunnan nga kumbuyahn.
Found a good company with plenty of
capital. Ang hinmbal ni Fulno pinatkan
ni Hos sing madm nga katarngan. On
N.N.s speech Jos built up many
arguments. Si Hesukrsto am ang
manugptok sang Pagkakristino. Jesus
Christ is the founder of Christianity. (cf.
tkud, patndog, psad).
patk-ptok, Dim. and Freq. of patk.
Abw, pinatkptok man lang inng
singid mo ni Fulno. Oh dear me! this
story you tell was made up by N.N. (cf.
patpt, patuntn, patga).
ptol, (B) Strong, tough, lasting well
(long), resisting stress, wear and tear. Ptol
nga kalt, hnero, khoy, etc. A strong
rope, cloth, wood, etc. Napatoln ak
sinng delrgo. This pair of trousers looks
strong to me. (cf. hnit, hnlit, tngting,
bkud, bskug, maptol).
patla, A kind of vegetable vine.
patla, To let, etc. prepare a vegetable
dish. Ipatla mo sa kosinro inng patla.
Have this patla vegetable prepared by the
cook. (pa, tla).
patng, (B) To step on, put ones foot
upon, tread on, trample on. Patong ang
tp. Step on the board. Sang pagkatulg
ko pinatongn nya ak. While I was
sleeping he trampled (trod) on me. Ind ka
magpatng dir, kay madm ang dgi.
Dont tread there, for there are many
thorns. (cf. lpak, tpak).
pat-pt, See patkptok,
patuntnto invent, set on foot, bring
about, make up (a story, falsehood, etc.).
patt, To stanch or stop the flow of
blood. Patto ang pils mo sing tagk
sang sging. Stanch the bleeding from
your wound with banana-juice.
patot, To let, make, or order to, pound
or strike as with a pestle. Also: to charge
with, lay (the blame, guilt, etc.) upon. Ang
am nga hitab (sal, sayp, etc.)
ginpatot nla sa ya. They laid the blame
for that event at his door, they charged him
with that (crime, mistake, etc.). (cf.
pattot, Prostitute, harlot, whore. (cf.
pta, lpot, bigon).
ptpat, To explain, interpret, translate,
give an exposition of. Makaptpat ka sin?
Can you explain this? Iptpat sa Binisay
ang ya nga ginhmbal sa Iningls.
Interpret in Visayan what he has said in

English. Patpat ang ya sin nga

kahulgan. Say (Explain) what that means.
Give the meaning of that. (cf. sysay,
hbad, panysay).
patrn; patrna, (Sp. patrn, patrona)
Patron, Patron Saint; Patroness.
patrlya, (Sp. patrulla) Patrol, guard,
troop (of soldiers, policemen, constabulary
or the like). (cf. bntay, tgpa).
patsda, (Sp. fachada) Facade,
frontispiece, face, frontage. (cf. atubngan,
ptsi, Salve, plaster, unguent, ointment;
to apply a salve, etc. Patsih sing slong
ang dungndngan mo. Put a plaster of
pitch on your temples. (cf. talmbal,
patsy, Missing the mark aimed at, a
miss, beside the mark; to miss, to fail to hit.
Sa ttlo nya ka haby duh ang patsy,
is lang ang matnd. Of his three throws
two were misses, only one a hit.
patud, To let, make, order or cause to,
bend ones back, bow down low, turn ones
back upon, acknowledge ones guilt,
confess. Patuar si. Make him bow down
low. (pa, tud).
patad, To make gallop, etc. See
patus, To let, make, order or cause to tip
over, tilt, cant up. (pa, tus).
patus-tas, Dim. and Freq. of patus.
Mayo si nga manugwli kag sagd
magpatustas sing magayn nga mga
plong. He is a good preacher and an
expert at giving beautiful speeches.
patubalng, (H) To yield, concede, give
in, admit the force of anothers argument,
etc. Ind si but magpatubalng sang mo
ginasilng. He will not concede or admit
the truth of what you say. (cf. paspil,
paubg id.).
patubarng, (B) See patubalngto
yield, etc.
patubs, Harvest, crop, produce (of
fields), industrial output; to harvest, gather
the crop; to produce, manufacture. Mayo
ang patubs sa karn nga tig. This year
the harvest is (was) good. Pil ka psong
ang pinatubs mo sang tig nga
tinalkdan? How many bushels (of rice) did
you harvest last year? Yanng baklod
sarng mapatbsan sing madm nga
lnot. That hill can (could) be made to
produce much hemp. (cf. palatbson).
patb, Caus. of tb. To make or let
grow; to lend on interest. Pil ang
ginabyad mo nga tb sa plak nga
ginpatuban nya sa mo? How much
interest do you pay on the money he has
lent you? Patubi ang mo kwrta sa ya
sing wal sa is ka gats. Lend him your
money at eight per cent interest. Humy
na man ang patubon mo sa sinng tig,
nd lang tub sa gihpon. Plant (raise,
grow) rice also this year and not sugar cane


patubk paubs
alone. Mapatb ko pa inng khoy sing
ttlo ka tig kag ugling tpson ko. Ill
allow this tree to grow yet three years and
then I will cut it down. Pinatb nya ak
sang ya plak. Pinatuban nya sa kon
ang ya plak. He has lent me his money (at
interest). Ipatb na lang sa ya ang is ka
gats. Patuba na lang si sing is ka
gats. Just grant him a loan of a hundred
(pesos). (cf. pask).
patubk, (B) To yield, give way, submit,
concede, assent, give up, surrender. (cf.
patubalng, paspil, paubg).
pt-ud, Fixed time or term, etc. See ptod id.
patudlnay, Literally: To push each
other, from tuld. To argue, altercate,
quarrel about which of the disputants
should perform a task that is equally
disagreeable to all of them. (cf. padatol).
patdok, To reflect deeply, ponder well,
think profoundly. Nagapatdok si sang
ya malisd kag may gam nga
kahimtngan, agd makadngat si sing
katawhyan sa madm nya nga kasb.
He is pondering upon his hard and
contentious life, in order to find a way of
coming to terms in his many lawsuits. (cf.
patga, Start, origin, something
originally planned, brought about or done,
cause of. Patga in ni Fulno. That is
N.N. work. N.N. is the cause of that. Wal
syod ang patga mo nga in. That is a
foolish idea of yours. Kay sn-o ang patga
nga butangn na man ang ton bnwa
sing hospitl? Who originated the plan that
our town should be provided with a
hospital? Si Fulno am ang nagpatga
sin. N.N. is responsible for that. N.N.
started that idea, plan, business, etc. (pa,
patgbong, Caus. of tgbongto enter;
bring to the market, etc. Ginpatgbong
nya sa am nga minur ang duh nya ka
lampitw nga batd kayo. He sent his two
expert detectives into that village. (cf.
patuhd-thad, Contrivance,
machination, management; to bring about,
invent, plot, plan, machinate. (cf. ptok,
patga, paratdhan, pahitht,
patuln, Caus. of tulnto swallow, gulp
down. Ipatuln mo sa ya in. Let him
swallow that (literally and metaphorically).
Patnla si sinng bulng. Make him
swallow this medicine. Give him this
medicine to swallow.
patuld, Caus. of tuldto push, etc.
Also: Well-wishing at parting, god-speed,
farewell; to say goodbye to, accompany a
parting friend to the train or boat, give one
a send-off.
patlug, (H) To let sleep, cause to sleep,
etc. Patulga ang bt. Put, send, the
baby to sleep. Let the baby sleep. Patulgi


Visayan-English Dictionary
inng ktre sa bista. Let the visitor sleep in
this bed. (pa, tlug).
patulg-tulg, (H) Caus. of tulg-tulg.
To give a little rest to, to let doze, snooze,
sleep, take a short nap. Patulgtulugn mo
lang nay in. Let it rest for a while. Sleep
over it. (cf. pahilnghilng).
patumby, To neglect, abandon, shirk,
bestow no care upon or pay no attention to.
Ind mo pagpatumbayan ang mo mga
tulumnon. Dont neglect your duties.
Ginapatumbayan gid lang nya ang
pagpaton sa ya mga kabatan. He pays
no attention to the education of his
patumbyag, To walk quickly, run, etc.
See patabyag.
patmtum, To take aim, aim at, point at
(with a revolver, or the like). (cf. tmtum,
ty, paatbang, tmud).
patun-tn, To originate, invent, bring
about, be the cause of; cause, origin, work,
deed, doing. (cf. patk-ptok, patga,
patnto, To play the fool, allow oneself to
be duped or made a fool of, be silly, act
foolishly or stupidly. Nagpatnto si sa la.
He allowed them to fool him. He was
(became) their dupe. They gulled (cheated,
tricked him easily). (cf. tnto, pauns,
patup, Caus. of tupto fall or alight
upon, etc. Pinatp-an nya si Fulno sang
ya kamt. He struck N.N. He laid hands
on N.N.
patupd, To be at, go to, the side of.
(cf. tupd).
patpad, Caus. of tpad. To remove to
the side of, join to, bring near or close to.
(cf. paatbang).
patpling, To light, alight, settle upon,
come to, arrive at, land, take up ones
abode, come to rest (said particularly of
fugitives, runaways, vagabonds, or the
like). Tbtub karn wal sing nakasyod
kon din si nagpatpling (napatpling).
To this moment nobody knows where he is
or where he has taken up his abode. (cf.
patpung, Caus. of tpung. To be equal
to; to equalize, make equal, make uniform,
to match, cause to correspond or to come
up to the same standard.
patupng, To stand about idle, stand
leaning against a wall or the like. Ind kam
magpatupng sa ganghan. Dont stand
there in the doorway. Nagapatupng gid
lang sil dir sa kodl. They are leaning
idly against the fence. (cf. tyod,
patur, To reserve, guard, put by, keep
for. Patd-i (paturah, patura) sing
kalan-non ang tud mo nga wal dir.
Keep some sweetmeats for your absent
sister. Ipapatur sa manuglt inng
laya. Let the cook put by this piece of

boiled meat. (pa, tur). (cf. pabiln,

patras, To be exposed to the rain, heat,
elements, etc., stand (defy, brave) the rain,
heat, etc. Ind ka magpatras sa uln, sa
nit. Dont expose yourself to the rain, the
heat of the sun.
patur-tr, Caus. of turtrto
shake, etc. Ipaturtr sa ya ang mank
tbtub nga magsmpok. Let him shake
and set on the cock till it gets up a fighting
paturs-tris, Ado, fuss, bustle,
formality, fooling, warning, or the like; to
fuss, bustle, fool, play, behave in a silly
manner, perform with much ado. Sa wal
sing paturstris dyon nya ak
sinmbag. Without warning he struck
(boxed) me. Wal gid sing madm nga
paturstris. Without fuss, bustle or much
ado. Without many formalities.
pats, (B) To insist, importune, press or
force upon. See pagg.
patt, To strive, aim at, seek to obtain,
be active or energetic, work with diligence
or application; be a good boy. (cf. pant).
patuts, To yield, give in, submit, etc. See
patubalng, paubg.
patwad, To make gallop, to gallop
(transitive), put to the gallop or canter.
Patuwra ang kabyo. Gallop the horse.
Ginpatwad nya ang karabw. He made
the buffalo run fast. (pa, twad).
patyang, To have ones will, or way, go
ones own way, do as one likes (pleases,
chooses) or to follow ones own inclination
for. Ang mga manggarnon sarng
makapatyang sang la mga lyag. Rich
folks can afford to do as they please.
Ipatyang lang ang mo plak. Do what
you like with your money. (cf. pasamyang,
patuytyo, To be or get sleepy, feel
drowsy, go to sleep. Nagapatuytyo lang
si sa ya lingkornan. He is getting sleepy
(is dozing) in his chair. He is sitting half
asleep in his chair. Figuratively: He is lazy
in the performance of his official duties. (cf.
paba, Caus. of bato undress, take off,
disrobe, strip. Paubha si sang ya by.
Let him (Order him to) take off his jacket.
paubg, To give in, give way, yield,
submit. See patubalng, paspil, patubk).
pabus, Caus. of busto finish, make an
end of, etc. Ipabus lang sa ya inng
tinpay. Paubsa lang si sinng tinpay.
Just let him finish up this bread (eat it all).
paubs, To go down hill, descend; to be
humble, modest, humiliate oneself.
Magpaubs ka sa atubngan sang mga
punon. Be modest (humble) in the
presence of authorities. (cf. ubs,

Visayan-English Dictionary
paudng, (B) To make no stir, be quiet or
silent; be pensive or dejected. (cf.
paugsarn, Crescent moon, waxing
moon. (cf. alag; gsadfull moon;
himataynwaning moon; latnew
moon, first quarter of the moon.
paugt, To blend, commingle or mix
blood (as by intermarriage). Madm nga
mga pilipnhon nagpaugt sang dug nga
katslormadm nga mga pilipnhon
pinagtan sang dug nga katsl. Many
Filipinos have Spanish blood in their veins.
paugt, To make angry, exasperate; to
become angry, get exasperated, grow hot or
excited. Nagapaugt si. He is getting
exasperated. Paugut (pagta) si. Make
him angry. Provoke him to anger. (pa,
pakig, pangkig).
pagwad, To prolong, protract;
postpone, put off, procrastinate. Paugwad
ang nyo nga pndut. Postpone your feastday. Ginpagwad nla ang la hambr
nga nagbhaw ang la panyga. They
prolonged their conversation so much that
their dinner got cold. (cf. palntang,
palgad, palwig).
pakag, Caus. of kagto chatter,
prattle, prate, talk much.
pauky, To sit lazily at home doing
nothing, to remain at ease without work.
(cf. pakuribng id.).
p-ul, To tire, cause stiffness in the limbs
(as from much walking or overexertion).
Nap-ul ak. I got (felt) tired. Napa-lan
ang kon pa. My leg got stiff. (cf. bdlay,
palaw, (H) Caus. of lawto stop.
Pinalaw sang am nga bulng ang ya
nga katl kag pinaty ang mga kgaw.
That medicine cured (stopped) his katl
and killed the microbes.
pal, To return, go home. Pal ka na.
Now, go home. Mapal na kit. Let us go
home. Papaula si. Make him go home.
Send him home. (pa, l). Also the Caus. of
l to give back, return.
paul, To sell at cost price, dispose of
without profit. Ipaul mo sa kon ang mo
kl. Let me have your hat at cost price.
Ginpaul ko sa ya ang kon alhbi
orginpaulin ko sa ya ang kon alhbi. I
sold my water tank to him at cost price, at
the same price that I gave for it. (cf. ulto
buy at cost price).
paul-ul, To recuperate, gain strength,
recruit, regain, recover, ones health,
convalesce, put on flesh. Nagapaulul si
sa is ka minur sa bkid. He is trying to
recuperate (regain) his strength at a village
in the mountains. Paululi ang lwas mo.
Tryto regain your strength,to get back
your health. (cf. l).
pauls, (B) To dress, clothe, provide
clothes for, give garments to. Ang mga
giniknan nagapauls sa la mga bt.

paudng patang
Parents provide clothing for their children.
Pasli ang bt. Have a dress put on the
boy (girl). Put something on the boy (girl).
Dress the boy (girl). Ipauls sa ya inng
by. Dress him (her) in this jacket (tunic).
(cf. uls).
paum, Caus. of umto till, etc.
Pamha si sinng bnglid. Ipaum sa ya
inng bnglid. Let him cultivate this slope.
Order him to turn this hillside into farmland.
pampaw, Caus. of mpaw. To restore
to consciousness, etc.; a remedy or
medicine used for restoring to
consciousness persons in a swoon, collapse,
fit of epilepsy, etc. May pampaw
(inogpampaw) ikw? Have you got a
restorative? (cf. paulul).
pamud, To abstain from, restrain
oneself from, keep from, withhold oneself
from, forbear, exercise patience or
mortification. Pamud ka sa krne sa mga
dlaw nga Birnes sang Kuarsma. Dont
eat meat on the Fridays of Lent. Abstain
from meat on the Fridays of Lent. Paumri
ang mo mga lyag (lub). Restrain
(Mortify) your desires. Adlaw nga
inogpamud sa krne. A day of abstinence.
(cf. mud).
pana, Initial, advance, first payment or
instalment, handsel, earnest-money; to
advance money, etc.; to make or let go first.
Paunhi si sing lim ka mngmang.
Advance him five pesos. Paunha si sa
pagpal. Let him go home first. Send him
home ahead of you. (cf. na, patnga).
paun-un, To vie with, compete,
contend, strive with, try to come out first.
(cf. pana, paindsndis, padgnay).
panay, Caus. of nay. To let one please
oneself, eat or drink or do as one likes, lay
no restraint upon. Ipanay lang sa la ang
pagkon. Let them eat as they like, i.e.
without restraint and without preference.
Paunyan mo sil sang panyga. Let them
take their dinner without formality. Kon
magsgud gn ang galng ang na nga
hon ginapanay sa mga to. When the
milling of sugar cane commences, the first
vatful of sugar is given to the workmen (to
do with as they please).
paung-nga, (B) To do to ones hearts
content, do as one pleases.
Nagapaungnga gid si sang kon sing
ph. He is eating mangoes to his hearts
content. He eats as many mangoes as he
likes. Wal nya pagtugti ang bt nga
magpaungnga sang mga bnga nga
maslum ukn lnghod. She did not permit
her child to eat sour or unripe fruit. (cf.
payaw, knkan, patyang, pagus,
panhan, From pana.
pauns, Caus. of unsto fool, flatter,
wheedle. Ind ak magpauns sa la. I am
not going to be fooled (cheated, tricked) by

pantat, Caus. of ntat. To put an end to,

cause to cease, suspend, stop, hinder,
impede; let stop, order to stop, etc.
Ipantat sa kay Hos ang pagardo ni
Hun. Let Jos put a stop (an end) to
Johns ploughing. Pagapauntatn si
karn sang mga matatas nga punon sa
ya nga palangakan. He will (now) be
suspended from office by the high
pantay, Caus. of ntayto stretch,
straighten, etc. Ipantay sa ya ang
almbre. Let him pull the wire straight.
Hand the wire over to him for straightening
it out.
panung, Caus. of nungto be with,
stay with, etc.
paupd, Caus. of updto go with, come
with, accompany, etc. Papda si sa kon.
Let him come with me. Order him to
accompany me. Pinapdan ak nya sing
ttlo ka to. He sent three men along with
me. He ordered three men to come with
paupk, To wreak ones vengeance upon,
vent ones anger on anything near at hand.
Ind ka magpaupk sa bso nga wal sing
sal. Dont vent your anger on the glass (by
breaking it, etc.) that has done no wrong.
Ginpakpan nya ang mga pnggan sang
dak nya nga kakig. In his anger he
wreaked his vengeance on the plates (by
smashing them, etc.).
paups, To burn down, make charred bits
of, burn to cinders. (cf. ups).
paurg, (B) To talk playfully, jest, say
something in fun, crack a joke; to cajole,
wheedle, cheat, trick, induce another by
plausible pretexts to do something to his
own disadvantage and to the advantage of
the inducer; a joke, pleasantry, fun,
something said or done in jest, a hoax.
Paurg lang nya in. This is simply a joke
of his. This is only his fun. Paurug si
agd matpn ang ya paghib. Tell him
some jokes to stop his crying. (cf. olgolg,
orgorg, uns, uts, odt).
paurng, (H) To meditate sadly, be
pensive, thoughtful, to ruminate, muse. (cf.
bog, paudng).
paurng, Caus. of urngto be
surprised, astonished, shocked, etc.
parut, Caus. of rutto end, finish,
complete, etc.
pus, p-us, To be or become hoarse,
raucous. Napus ak. I have become
hoarse. (cf. lus).
pas, pa-s, Hoarse. Pas ak. I am
hoarse. (cf. las).
pas-us, To make slip down, let drop or
glide down. (cf. s-os, pas-os).
patang, To lend, make a loan, advance
money, grant a favour, etc. Pautnga si
sing duh ka mngmang. Lend him two
pesos. May kabalslan nga dak ak sa
ya, kay ginpatang nya ak sing


pautw-taw pimbre
madm nga kaayhan. I am deeply
grateful to him, for I am indebted to him
for many favours. (pa, tang; cf. hulm,
pautw-taw, To drift, sail, swim, float,
glide along the surface of water. Also: Caus.
of utwtaw.
pauty-uty, To sell retail, deal in small
quantities. (cf. utyuty).
pautingl, To pretend not to hear, affect
deafness, be stubborn, pay no heed or
attention to. (cf. pabungl, pakabungl).
patus, To prolong, protract, take a long
time, lengthen out, extend the duration of.
Ind kam magpatus sang nyo nga
sugilnon. Dont talk too long. Dont
engage in a long conversation. Abw,
nagpatus ang pr sang ya sermn.
Goodness me! The priest preached a long
sermon. Pautsi gid ang mas, agd
makais na lang nton ibuld. Let the
corn ripen well, so that we may have to dry
it in the sun only once. (pa, tus).
pauyahn, To display or show the best
side or quality of a thing. (cf. paguy,
panawng, uyahn).
payhaw, Caus. of yhawto cry out
aloud, shout.
pauy-yo, To follow suit, follow
anothers lead, be easily swayed, ruled,
prevailed upon, imposed upon.
Nagapauyyo lang si sang lyag ni
Fulno. He simply carries out N.N.s
wishes. (cf. padaldla; idgidg).
pw, To be or get light or bright, to
shine, brighten (intransitive). Nagapw
na ang dlaw. The sun is shining bright
now. Napawan kit sang Pagto. We are
(were) enlightened by faith. Ang kapwa
nga dyon magpwa nt sa la. May the
eternal light shine upon them. (cf. sga,
snag, wag, bnag, banag, slak).
pwat, (B) To want, lack, cease to have or
get, be without, but mostly construed with
nd or wal. Ind man mapwat ang
mon pagkon. We shall not lack food.
Wal pa man mapwat ang kon dwat
nga tub sa hapnhpon. I have always
succeeded up to now in gathering (I have
never failed up to now to gather) some tub
every evening (or afternoon). (pwat is
perhaps a Contr. of pa- and awt).
pawkan, Tortoise, turtle. Very sensitive,
touchy, irritable, impressionable, easily
affected, laughing or crying at the slightest
provocation. (cf. mog, bingt).
pawd, A sheet of nipa-roofing.
pw-us, paw-s, See pus, pasto
become hoarse; hoarse.
pay, (B) But, except, except that, barring,
on the other hand, yet. (cf. pang, pro).
pay, Coconut shell.
pya, To be or become clumsy, bulky,
cumbrous, not well balanced. (cf. mapya,


Visayan-English Dictionary
payg, A small field-hut, a roofed shelter,
a small shed.
payg-pyag, Dim. of payg. Any
primitive little structure resembling a tent,
field-hut or shed.
payan, Pertaining to a coconut shell;
young, inexperienced, foolish. (cf. batan).
pay-py, Dim. of pay. Also: Bones of
the skull; shoulder-blade.
payso, (Sp. payaso) Clown; jester. (cf.
paysyas, To expose to the full force of
(wind, etc.). Bukas ang mga bintn, kag
payasyasn kam sang hngin. Open the
windows and let the wind blow freely in on
us. (pa, ysyas).
pyhud, See pihod id.
pay, To move or shake up and down as
the balanced loads slung on the ends of a
pyong, Umbrella.
pay-pay, Dim. and Freq. of pay.
Also: to trudge along, walk slowly (as one
tired from much walking, etc.). In an
obscene sense equal to iyt, aydyod.
pay-pyo, To stroke gently, touch
lightly; to massage; to settle amicably (a
dispute, quarrel, or the like).
Napaypayhan na ang la gam. Their
differences have been amicably settled. (cf.
kapnkpan, haplas, aphap, klot).
payp, payp, Fine (bamboo)
shavings or scrapings; to make thin, fine
shavings of dry bamboo to be used for
producing fire by friction. Kawyan nga
pinayp (pinayp). Bamboo cut into
thin fragments or shavings. Paypo
(Payopi) ak sing kawyan, kay
mabgid ak. Get me some dry bambooshavings, for I am going to make fire by
friction. Paypo (Payopa) ang
kawyan. Make bamboo-shavings. Cut
some shavings off the bamboo.
paypot, Stud, boss, bud, knob. (cf.
bkol, bokl, alp, halp, tmpok, ptot).
paysan, Tapering, tapered, taper
(adjective), cut or dressed to a point or
taper. (cf. piysan id.).
pypay, A fan; to fan; to beckon. Paypay
si. Fan him. Beckon him. (cf. kuyb).
pebrro, (Sp. febrero) February. (cf.
pekdo, (Sp. pecado) Sin, fault,
transgression, dereliction, delinquency. (cf.
peks, (Sp. peca) Freckles.
pekasn, Freckled, covered with freckles
or specks.
pelgro, (Sp. peligro) Danger, peril,
jeopardy, risk, hazard. (cf. katalgman).
pelkula, (Sp. pelcula) Pellicle; film.
Pelkula sa sne. A cinematograph film.
peltse, (Sp. pelusa) Down, nap, floss,
fuzz, filaments of untwisted silk or the like.
pepno, (Sp. pepino) Cucumber.
pras, (Sp. pera) Pear.

prde, (Sp. perder) To lose, perish,

succumb, suffer loss or defeat. (cf. pirde
perdign, (Sp. perdigon) Small shot,
bird-shot, hail-shot.
perdubl, Insolent, overbearing,
haughty, bad, wicked; prodigal,
spendthrift. (cf. sutl, bugaln, malin;
buhah, madh).
pernsa, (Sp. prensa) Smoothing iron; to
iron or press clothes. Perensah ang kon
delrgo. Iron my trousers. Perensah si
sing by. Iron (press) the jacket for him.
Perensah lang ang lamsa sinng mga
panpton. Iron these clothes on the table.
Malam ka bal magpernsa? Do you
know how to iron clothes? (cf. prnsa,
perko, (Sp. periko) Parrot. (cf. piky).
peridiko, Newspaper, periodical,
journal. (cf. balasahn, pamantalan).
periodsta, (Sp. periodista) Newspapercorrespondent, one that writes articles for
periodicals, journalist. (cf. mamantl).
perkl, Muslin, calico, percale.
prlas, (Sp. perla) Pearl. (cf. mty).
perlna, (Sp. perlino, perlina) Pearlcoloured; a kind of very light cloth for
blouses and jackets (by).
permso, (Sp. permiso) Permit, license,
authorization, permission, leave. (cf. tgut,
pro, per, (Sp. pero) But. (cf. pang).
persina, (Sp. persiana) Window-blind,
Venetian blind, shutter. (cf. takd).
pesr, (Sp. pesar) To weigh, have weight,
find the weight of. Pesar ang kalmay.
Weigh the sugar. Napesr (Ginpesr) na
nnyo ang ttlo ka sko nga kpras? Have
you weighed the three sacks of copra?
Pesar si sing napl ka klo nga kap,
kay bklon nya. Weigh him out ten kilos
of coffee, for he is going to buy them. (cf.
pesksa, (Sp. pesquisa) Inquiry,
investigation, search, examination. (cf.
pso, (Sp. peso) Weight, heaviness. (cf.
kabg-at); the peso of Philippine currency,
half an American dollar. (cf. psos,
pste, (Sp. peste) Pest, plague, pestilence,
epidemic, murrain; corruption of manners.
(cf. pamste).
ptsa, (Sp. fecha) Date, datum.
petsra, (Sp. pechera) Shirt-bosom,
shirt-frill, chest-protector.
ptso, (Sp. pecho) Thorax, chest; breast.
(cf. dghan, ab; sso).
pido, (Sp. fiado) Trustworthy, reliable; a
confidant. (cf. salalgan).
piadr, See the Sp. fiador.
piakt, A kind of basket. See bayakt id.
pimbre, (Sp. fiambre) Cold-served;
sweets, cakes, etc. served cold as a dessert
after a meal.

Visayan-English Dictionary
piambrra, (Sp. fiambrera) Lunchbasket, dinner-pail, an outfit consisting of
several containers for carrying food to
workmen in the fields, etc.
ping, Lame, halting, walking with a limp;
to be or become lame, etc. (cf. kund,
pingkol, pngkaw).
pang, To be or become lame or limping,
to lame, cripple. Napang ang bboy, kay
ginhaby sang mga bt sing bat. The
pig has gone lame, for the boys have been
throwing stones at it. Pinga lang ang id.
Lame the dog. Ginpang nla ang mank.
They lamed the chicken.
pingkol, Used humorously and
colloquially for pinglimping.
piansta, (Sp. pianista) Pianist.
pino, (Sp. pino) Piano.
pin-pan, Eking out, helping, being of a
little assistance; to help, assist. (cf.
sapspi, bulgblig, tabngtbang).
pinsa, (Sp. fianza) Surety, bail, bond,
guarantee, security. Mangt ka sing
pinsa. Find bail. (cf. kalig-onn).
pir, (Sp. fiar) To trust, entrust, confide in,
have confidence in, rely upon. Sarng mo
si mapiarn sang mo kwrta, kay
matrung kag salalgan si nga to. You
can entrust your money to him, for he is an
honest and reliable man. Ipir lang sa ya
ang mo bisiklta. Entrust your bicycle to
him. Ind si magpir sa mo sang ya
wto. He will not entrust you with his auto.
Sarng ikw makapir sa kon. You can
rely upon or trust me. (cf. slig, tgyan).
piya, A kind of sweetened bread.
piyo, A kind of tree yielding a resin
which is used as incense.
pid, One who does not eat meat or fish,
one who is very particular about his food; a
vegetarian. Pid si sa krne, sd, etc. He
does not eat meat, fish, etc. (cf. mapid).
pidl, (Sp. pedal) Treadle, pedal; to secure
or hold fast by treading or exerting
pressure upon. Pidal ang tp sa pnta.
Press the board firmly down at the end.
Pidal ang papl, agd nd mahlug. Hold
the paper down firmly or it will fall. (cf.
pid-pd, Dim. and Freq. of pid
fastidious, particular (as to food). Also: to
eat slowly or daintily.
pidso, (Sp. pedazo) Piece, bit, fragment,
part, shard, sherd. (cf. bhin).
pids, A kind of evergreen plant.
pdngan, From pilng, pirngto close.
Napdngan si sang ya mga mat. His
eyes were closed.
pid-pid, A sneak, mean, servile fellow,
a coward; to slink away, sneak off, go away
silently and noiselessly (out of fear or
shame). The Freq. pamidpid is more in
use as verb, pidpid as noun and
adjective. Daw id si nga nagapidpid
(nagapamidpid). He is like a dog that
slinks away quietly.

piambrra pi, pi
pidy-pdy, A loafer, vagabond,
parasite, one living at the expense of
others; one who always asks for favours,
discount, etc. (cf. panirngsirng,
pi, (Sp. pi) Foot (measure of length). (cf.
pil, (Sp. fiel) Faithful, trustworthy, etc.
See salalgan, mattum, matinohon.
pirde, (Sp. perder) To lose, perish,
succumb. Napirde si sa blang, sugl,
komrsyo, etc. He lost in the cockpit, at the
gaming table, in business, etc.
Ginpierdehn nya ang bil sang karabw
sing lim ka mngmang. He lost five pesos
on the buffalo. Ginpirde sang bgyo ang
ya mga lub. His coconut palms were
destroyed by the hurricane. (cf. prde).
pista, (Sp. fiesta) Feast, festival; to
celebrate a feast. Piestah ang nyo patrn.
Celebrate the feast of your Patron. Wal
nla pagpiestah ang la Patrn sang tig
nga tinalkdan. Last year they did not
celebrate the feast of their Patron Saint. (cf.
pga, Hard, troublous, difficult (of times,
life, etc.). Nagpga ang ya pangabh. His
life became hard. Pga karn ang ya
pangabh. His life at present is full of
troubles. (cf. pigdo).
pigdo, (Sp. pegado) See pga, pikta,
malisd, lapgot).
pgang, To extend by spreading, to spread
all over, applied especially to skin-diseases
like katl. Nagapgang ang katl sa kamt
sang bt. The katl is spreading all over
the childs hand.
pig-pga, Dim. and Freq. of pga and
more in use than the simple pga.
pgaw, Frail, feeble, weak, infirm,
delicate; to become frail, feeble, infirm, to
weaken (intransitive). Nagpgaw si ktub
sang pagbalatin nya. Since he was ill, he
became feeble. He has been feeble since his
illness. Napigwan ak sa ya. He looks
delicate to me. (cf. lya).
pigy-pgay, Staggering, wabbling,
toddling; to stagger, toddle, wabble,
wobble, totter, waddle. (cf. baldblud,
pghol, Hardened or lumpy rice; clod,
lump, cluster, mass (of rice, earth, or the
like, sticking together). (cf. bigl, pg-a,
pgkang, Clotted, pasted, glued together;
to be clotted, etc. Ang ya bohk gomn
kag nagpgkang sang dug. His hair was
dishevelled and clotted with blood.
pgok, A kind of fish.
pgos, To press, compress, squeeze, grip
tightly or firmly; to oppress, treat harshly
or unjustly. Pingos nya si sang ya mga
btkon. He held him firmly with his arms.
He gripped him tightly. Ind mo
pagpigson ang mga mamumugn. Dont
oppress workmen. (cf. limlim, lgus).

pgot, To close, join, put together. (cf.

pkot, kpot).
pigton, Closed, close, near together,
narrow (aperture, etc.).
pigt-pigotn, Back, end of the spine,
coccyx, anus. (cf. pgot, pgtot).
pgs, To compress, squeeze. Pigsa ang
ya tdl. Squeeze his finger. Ginpgs
sang manughilt ang ya btkon. The
massagist compressed (kneaded) his arm.
(cf. pisl, ipt, psg).
pgtot, The coccyx, the end of the spinal
column; rudiment of a tail.
pigra, (Sp. figura) Figure, form, shape,
outline, exterior aspect. (cf. dgway,
byhon, hitsra, tsri).
pgus, See pgosto oppress, etc.
pihk, A half; one part or side of anything
cut in two; the other side, the part or side
that isbeyond,behind,in front,to the
right or left,opposite. Is ka pihk. One
half. Sa pihk. On the other side. Sa pihk
sang bkid. Beyond the mountain. On the
other side of the mountain. Din ka
makdto?Sa pihk. Where are you going
to?(I am going) to the other side. N.B.
Here and in similar cases, on account of the
various meanings of pihk, it may be
necessary to further question the speaker
as to what part or what direction he really
alludes to by pihk. (cf. tung, bang,
tabk, likorn, atubngan, tupd, klid,
nhan, tmpad).
phak, To cut in two parts, to halve, cut in
half, divide in halves. Pihka ang bboy.
Cut the pig in two. Nagphak si sang sd.
He cut the fish (lengthwise) in halves.
Pihki ak sing ph. Cut a mango in half
for me. (cf. tung, pkas, tud).
pihng, Not standing straight, lopsided,
crooked, uneven, applied to a pot, etc. with
an uneven bottom. Pihng ang kab nga
in. This coconut bowldoes not stand
straight,stands crooked,is lopsided. (cf.
kiw, balingg).
piht, Tongue-tied, tongue-tacked, not
able to pronounce clearly or distinctly,
defective of speech, having a defect in ones
speech. (cf. ht-on, knl).
pho, (Sp. fijo) Fixed, appointed,
determined, decided, certain, sure. Pho
gid. Quite certain. Nagabt si sa pho nga
ras. He came at the appointed time.
Malakt ikw bus sa Ilnglong?Ho,
pho. Are you going to Iloilo tomorrow?
Yes, certainly (for sure). (cf. pt-od, segro
pil, Wedge; to wedge, fasten or secure
with a wedge. Pl-i (piil) ang halg nga
khoy. Secure the loose piece of wood with
a wedge.
pi, pi, To cover or wrap up well,
compress and pack tightly, make compact;
to be or make as airproof as possible.
Piihn mo ang tabk sing mayo, agd
nd makasungw. Wrap the tobacco up


pka pilw-pilewn
well, that it may not be spoilt through
contact with the air. Pilpil sing bat ang
tabk, agd magpi (magpi). Weigh the
tobacco down with a stone, that it may pack
closely (be compact). (cf. pot, hugt,
pka, (Sp. pica) Wedge, etc. (cf. psak,
bngil, bangl, psok, pask).
pka, (Sp. pica) Pike; goad, cudgel; to
strike, beat, thrash; to hurt, wound (by
speech). Pikhi si sang mo bastn. Hit
him with your stick. Give him the stick.
Pinikhan nya ak sing makasalklaw
kag masakt nga mga plong. He
wounded my feelings by using exasperating
and cutting language. (cf. blbal, hnot,
lmpus; lslas).
pik, (Sp. picar) To prick, pierce,
puncture, tattoo; to notch, indent.
Napikahn ang ya btkon sang
manugpik. His arm was tattooed by the
tattooer. Nagpik ang pnday sa salslon
sang galb. Ginpikahn sang pnday sa
salslon ang galb. The smith notched the
sickle, cut teeth in the edge of the sickle.
pikadra, (Sp. picadura) Cut tobacco,
pikhan, pikahn, An instrument for
indenting or tattooing; typewriter.
pik-pik, Dim. of pka. Also: To line or
join with mortar stones, or tiles, to point
the joints of cut stones or tiles with mortar.
Pikpkah sing pog ang hult sang mga
bat. Put lime in between the stones. (cf.
piks, See peksfreckles.
pikasn, See pekasnfreckled.
pkas, piks, pikasn, See gkas,
giks, gikasncut lengthwise, etc.
pkat, To stick together, adhere to, be
stuck together by some viscous substance.
Ang kon mga tdl nagapkat sa tagk
sang lngk. My fingers are stuck or glued
together by the juice of the jack-fruit.
Nagapkat ang mat ko sang mr. My eye
is sticky with mucus.
pking, A kind of rice-wafers or ricebiscuits. Ang binkbok nga bugs kutwon
sa tbig, ibutng sa mga dhon kag
pamalamalahn kag ugling prithon;
am in ang pking. Powdered rice is made
into dough, spread on leaves to dry and
then fried; the result is pking.
pikt, Very tight, close, narrow. Panpton
nga pikt. Very tight or closely fitting
clothes. (cf. hugt, pgus, gutk).
pikti, A little, not much; slight,
superficial, not deep (of wounds, etc.). (cf.
tik, ditay).
pknat, To adhere, stick to, clot, etc. See
pkat, pgkang. (cf. pilt, dokt).
pknik, (English: picnic) Picnic; to go on
(for) a picnic. Ipknik nton inng mga
mank nga binakl. We are going to have
these stewed chickens at our picnic. Kon
malyag kam magpknik, piknikn lang


Visayan-English Dictionary
nnyo ang baklod dir. If you like to go on
or for a picnic, picnic there on that hill.
piknkan, Place of a picnic.
pknit, To pinch, grasp or squeeze
between thumb and forefinger; a small
quantity, a pinch. Piknit ang ya btkon.
Pinch his arm. Piknit ang tabk. Press
the tobacco between the finger-tips. Take
up a pinch of tobacco. Piknit si sa batis.
Pinch his calf. Pinch him in the calf.
pko, (Sp. pico) Pick, pickaxe; picul, a
measure of sugar weighing 63,26 kilos.
pko, A childrens game in which they have
to cross blindfolded or with raised eyes
various lines traced on the ground. He who
steps on a line loses; to play that game.
Nagapkoornagapikohnay ang mga
bt. The children are playing the picogame. (cf. pikopkan).
pikn, Irascible, irritable, choleric, testy,
techy, touchy, getting angry at the slightest
provocation. (cf. madorogsnon,
mainakgon, burka, buraknta,
kutskuts, sietsiet, sanggurt).
pikopkan, A childrens game. See pko.
pkot, To close; to patch, mend, sew
together torn pieces of cloth, etc. (cf. pgot,
tkap, takp, pilng).
pikt, Only partially opened, half-closed,
half-open (of eyes). Pikt si sing mat.
His eyes are only half-open. He can
hardlyopen his eyes,keep his eyes open.
pikta, Hard, troublous, trying, difficult,
distressful. (cf. malisd, pigdo, lapgot).
piky, Parrot. (cf. perko) Also: Having
the upper eye-lids wrinkled and shaped
somewhat like a parrots beak (bill). Piky
si sing mat. His eye-lids hang over his
eyes like a parrots bill (beak).
pkpik, To pat, strike, nudge. Pikpik ang
ya likdorpikpik si sa likd. Pat him
on the back.
pkrat, To tear, rend, etc. See bkrat,
pikrt, Torn, rent.
pkul, A measure for sugar. See pko id.
pla, (Sp. pila) Stone trough or basin; font,
Holy water stoup. Pla bautisml.
Baptismal Font.
pla, (Sp. fila) Line, row, tier; to stand in a
line or row. Nagapla ang mga solddo.
The soldiers are standing in line. (cf. das,
pla, To excoriate, abrade, chafe.
Napilhan ang bul ko sang malwig nga
pagsaky ko sa kabyo. My seat became
sore from long riding on horseback. (cf.
pil, (H) How many? How much? An
uncertain number (but usually more than
one). Pil ka mngmang ang kinahnglan
mo? How many pesos do you need? Pil
ang ginbyad mo sinorpil ang bakl
mo sin? How much did you pay for that
orfor how much did you buy that? Mga
pil lang ka to ang nagtalmbong. Only a

few people attended. Pil ang edd mo

orpil ka tig ang edd mo? How old are
you? What is your age? (pir id.).
pilgpilg, Spread out, not close or
dense, sparse, thin (with many gaps).
Pilgpilg dir ang mas sa talmnan.
Here the corn is growing sparsely over the
field (with many empty spaces). (cf. lak,
pilhon, Excoriated, abraded, chafed,
sore (of skin); bed-sore; bedridden.
Presentdo gn, pilhon. One who
presents himself has a sore skin i.e. one
who presents himself to another has
usuallysomething to ask,some
complaint to make,an axe to grind. (cf.
plak, Silver; money; to turn into money.
Pilkon mo lang inng mga kadis. Turn
these cadios-peas into money. Make money
on these cadios-peas, (i.e. sell them).
pilk, To throw, cast, chuck, away,
fling off, hurl. Ipilk sa gw inng mga
sgbot. Throw this rubbish out. Pilak ak
sing is ka sip nga sging. Throw me a
cluster of bananas.
pilkan, Rich, moneyed, monied, having
much silver or money. (cf. manggarnon;
bangklan, aligyann).
pl-an, From pilto wedge.
pl-as, Steep, precipitous, high, sheer. (cf.
hndog, tindgon).
pils, Wound, cut, slash, gash, incision,
injury; pain, grief, sorrow.
plas, To wound, inflict a wound, cut,
slash, gash, to injure; to hurt, wound (ones
feelings). Ind mo si pagpilsan
(pagpilson). Dont wound him. Ginplas
nya ang kon tagiposon. He hurt my
feelings. Wal si pagpilsa sang ruda
sang kro, knd pinahnog lang ang ya
btkon. The cart-wheel did not inflict a
wound on him, but only bruised his arm.
pilasn, Wounded, injured, crippled. Ang
mga pilasn la gindal sa hospitl. They
carried the wounded to the hospital.
Pilasn man si, pang pikti lang. He was
wounded also, but only slightly.
pily, Inclined, turned sideways or
downwards (downward), not straight; to
hang down, droop. Ang mga sngay sinng
bka pily. The horns of this cow are
turned downwards.
pl-ay, To tire, stiffen, cause stiffness or
cramps. Nagakapl-ay ang ya lwas. He
is getting very tired (stiff). (cf. pul, ly).
pily-play, Dim. and Freq. of pily.
Also: to tire, exhaust, fatigue. (cf. bdlay,
lay, pul, kpoy, lya).
pildors, pldoras, (Sp. pldoras) Pill,
pilw-pilw, Summit, etc. See pilwpilewn, putkputokn.
pilw-pilewn, Summit, apex, tip, top,
peak, crown, highest point or top of a

Visayan-English Dictionary
bamboo, tree, belfry, mountain, or the like.
(cf. alipokpokn, pilwpilw).
pli, A kind of pitch used as incense.
pil, Vote, election vote, voice, choice. (cf.
pl, Picked out, chosen, selected, the very
best; fastidious, particular, overnice,
difficult to please as regards food, or the
like; to choose, select, pick out, elect, vote
for. Pl nga to. A picked, prominent,
outstanding man (person, personage). Pl
nga hener. Carefully chosen or selected
cloth. Pl nga khoy. The very best wood
(timber). Mga pl gid nga pagkon ang
ya nga lyag. He wants to have the very
best food. He is very fastidious as regards
food. Pila ang mga dalgk sinng mga
ph. Choose (pick out) the large ones
from among those mangoes. Magpl kam
sing mga kandidto nga mayo kag
matrung. Cast your vote for good and
honest candidates. Pili sing ps ang
bugs. Pick out the unhulled rice grains
from among the pounded rice. Nagapapl
si liwn? Is he offering his candidature
again? Ang ibn nga mga nagapapl
mayo manghaphap (mangaphap) sa
mga pumilil. Some candidates are clever
at (well versed in) fooling (flattering) the
electors. (Note the accent in the following).
Napilin si nga panglopud sang
pagpiniliy nga naglgad. He was chosen
Provincial Governor at the last election.
Wal sing pl kag wal sing pilan.
Without fear or favour. (cf. luh, no,
pl, A stripe, streak; striped, streaked. (cf.
smay, smri, rmbat).
piliran, piliyran, (From the Sp. fiar)
Trustworthy, reliable, meriting, worthy
of, confidence. (cf. salalgan, pir).
piligwakn, The hip-joint, the top of the
femur or thigh-bone; the waist line. (cf.
plik, To quiver, vibrate, flutter, flap,
tremble, shake, move quickly to and fro.
Nagaplik sa hngin ang mga dhon sang
bur. The leaves of the buri-palm are
trembling in the wind. Ginapaplik sang
hngin ang mga dhon sang khoy. The
wind is tossing (shakes) the leaves of the
tree to and fro. Kon papilkon sing laks
sang hngin ang mga hayhay mags. If
the wind flutters (flaps) the flags too much
they tear (get torn). Ang mon kmbung
pumlik sa hngin, nadktan sang kandl
kag nasnug. Our curtain swayed in the
wind, came too near (against) the candle
and took fire.
piliklyo, (From the Sp. fleco) A fringe of
hair hanging down straight over the
forehead to within a short distance of the
eyebrows. Piliklyo ang ya bohk. Her hair
hangs down in a fringe over her forehead.
pilk-plik, pilk-pilk, Dim. and Freq.
of plik. To tremble, move, shake slightly;
to shake off (by a quick tremulous motion).

pli pinadahm-dhum
Ginapapilkplik sang dupydpoy sang
hngin ang mga paklng sang sging. The
soft breeze is moving (swinging, swaying)
the banana leaves gently to and fro.
Pinilkpilikn si sang lunngon nga
karabw kag napilitn si sa pagpalgos.
He was bespattered with mud by a dirty
buffalo and was forced to clean himself by
taking a bath. (cf. hulghlag).
pililin, Election; place where something
is to be chosen or elected, electoral district.
(cf. pl, palapilin).
pililin, That is to be chosen or elected,
eligible, worthy to be chosen, desirable. (cf.
plio, (Sp. pillo) Roguish, knavish, shrewd,
artful, cunning, tricky, tricksy. (cf. sutl,
perdubl, lg-it, agng, lsto, antgo).
pilpig, (H) A dish of immature rice or
corn; to prepare or make such a dish.
Mapilpig kit. Let us make a dish of
pilpig or lmbok. Pilipga ang kalany
nga inni ko kana. Prepare a dish of
pilpig from the sticky rice I cut a short
while ago. (cf. lmbok, linubk).
pilipiliwn, (B) See pilewpilewn.
Pilipnas, The Philippines, Philippine
Pilipnhon, Philippine, pertaining to the
Philippines; Filipino.
Pilipno, Filipino. Batsan nga Pilipno.
Philippine customs.
pilpis, To crush, break into small
fragments or crumble a piece of sugar, a
clod of earth, a lump of salt, etc.; to rub,
squeeze, roll (between the fingers). Pilipsa
ang kalmay. Crumble the sugar. Pilipsa
ang to sang hlo tbtub nga magsuld sa
dgum. Roll the end of the thread to a fine
point, till it can pass through the eye of the
pilpod, To sprinkle, scatter or spread
from between the tips of the fingers (as ash,
powdered sugar, salt, etc.) Pilipri sing
asn ang kn-on. Sprinkle some salt on the
(cooked) rice. (cf. bilbod, pirpod).
plit, (H) To urge, insist, force, compel,
impel, constrain, drive, make, press with
arguments, entreaties, threats, etc. Pilta
si sa pagtmbong. Compel him to attend.
Ginplit nya ak sa pagupd sa ya. He
pressed me to accompany him. He made
me go with him. Napilitn ak sa
paghmbal sa nyo nga. I feel obliged
or am compelled to tell you that. Ind
ka magplit sa kon. Now, dont force me.
(Note the accent in napilitn).
pilt, To adhere to, stick to (as paste, glue,
etc.). Ang lnang nagpilt sa kon saptos.
The mud stuck to my boots. Papilit
(paptli) ang sbre sing pranko. Stamp,
put (stick) a stamp on, the envelope. (cf.
pilitkan, The trigger of a rifle, revolver,
or the like. (cf. pitk).
pilitkon, See pilitkan. (cf. gatlyo).

piltkan, piltkon, See pilitkan,

pilw-pilw, pilw-piliwn, See pilwpilw, pilw-pilewntop, etc.
piliyran, See piliran.
pil, Double, twofold, duplicate, folded; to
double, duplicate, fold. Pilo ang kalt,
kpay, etc. Double the rope, fold the
blanket, etc. Pilon (Pilon) mo lang ang
bil sin. Simply double the price of this.
Charge double the price. Ginpil nya ang
ya paningh. He redoubled his efforts.
Pil nga kadunggnan ang ya nagum.
He obtained a double (twofold) honour.
plo, (Sp. pelo) Hair, fibre, filament. (cf.
bohk, blbul, balahbo).
pilk, Fold, plait, doubling; to fold, plait,
double. Pilok ang hbul. Fold the blanket.
Pilok ak sinng mga papl. Fold these
papers for me. (cf. pil, pod).
piln, (Sp. pilon) Watering trough, basin;
loaf (of sugar); to filter, especially to purify
unrefined sugar by putting it into a wickerbasket and letting the moisture filter
through. What remains in the basket is
then dry sugar of a whitish colour.
Kalmay nga piln. A loaf of refined sugar.
Pilon ang kalmay. Filter the sugar.
pilng, To close or shut the eyes; closed,
shut (of eyes). Pilong ang mo mga mat.
Close (shut) your eyes. (cf. pong, pyong,
pirng; kpot)
plpig, To tear or twist off, break off;
gather. (cf. blbig).
plpil, To weigh down, cap, top, put on
top; any weight put on top of something
else. Pilpil ang tabk sang is ka bat
nga dak. Put a large stone on top of the
tobacco-leaves. Pilpil inng mga papl,
agd nd maplid sang hnging. Place
some weight on these papers, so that they
may not be blown (carried) away by the
pilka, (Sp. peluca) Peruke, wig, periwig;
false hair.
pilwk-plwak, The thin part of a cable
or rope. Ang kalt mabgt sa
pilwkplwak. The rope will snap where it
is thinnest.
pilwk-pilwakn, Place where a thing
is thin or narrow; the (hollow) flank, as of a
cow, buffalo, etc.
plyo, See plioroguish, shrewd, etc.
pily-plyo, Dim. of plyo. Also: Top,
highest point. (cf. pilwpilewn).
pily-pilyhon, A little knavish,
roguish, shrewd, cunning. Pilypilyhon
nga to. A rather cunning fellow, a
piminta, (Sp. pimienta) Pepper; black
piminto, (Sp. pimiento) Pepper; red or
Cayenne pepper; condiment, seasoning (in
pinadahm-dhum, Thought, idea,
inkling, knowledge. Wal ak sing


pinahorb-hrob pn-ot
pinadahmdhum kon sa din si karn. I
have no idea where he is now. (cf.
pinahorb-hrob, (B) Comprehension,
understanding, knowledge. Wal gid ak
sing pinahorbhrob sang la nga
sugilnon. I do not know at all what they
are (were) talking about. (cf. namasngan,
pinak, (H) A kite having a tail and
shaped somewhat like a frog. Hence the
name. (cf. pakfrog; sapspi, sinngula,
buladr, pinngk).
pinkas, Cut in two, kippered, especially
applied to fish cut and salted. Nakabakl
ak sing pinkas. I bought some salt fish
cut and dried. (pkas).
pinalbtog Hash, minced meat.
pinlad, Lucky, fortunate. (cf. plad,
kapalran, palran).
pinalngg, Darling, pet. (palngg).
pinalan, Healed, scarred, cicatrized,
bearing the mark of a healed wound or
ulcer. (pl)
pinamalahn, (H) Fish or meat
prepared and served without sauce. (pa,
pinamgnan, Employment, position;
wages, earnings, pay (for work). (cf. pgon,
palamgnan, pangt, kinitan).
pinanahin, What has been sewn or
stitched, sewn together. (cf. tah).
pinanglap, Talisman, amulet, charm,
mascot, anything worn with the
superstitious belief that the bearer will
enjoy protection from harm and danger.
(panglap). (cf. antngnting).
pinangt, Dried leaf-stalks of dgmay
mixed with dried fish, garlic and ginger.
pinangawaty, (H) Stealing, cheating
(of many). (cf. kwat).
pinngdan, Like a, in the form of a,
screw-pine; twisted like a screw-pine.
Bngkaw nga pinngdan. A lance with a
long drawn and twisted point.
pinangilayy, pinangilyay, (H) To
wink at one another, pass a hint, to
signal, to another by moving the
eyebrows (said of more than two). (cf.
klay, pangily).
pinngk, See pinak. (pakpngk).
pinaniran, (H) Observation, experience,
knowledge of life. (cf. tid, panid).
pinanilgan, What has been well
watched or observed, observation,
experience. (cf. panlag, pinaniran).
pinanimd-nan, Knowledge,
experience, observation. (cf. panimd-on,
pinaniran, pinanilgan).
pinanlatn-lton, (H) What has been
handed down by, received from, others;
tradition, myth, legend, non-historical
narrative. (cf. latn).


Visayan-English Dictionary
pinanlayhan, pinanglayhan,
Caught by a lya-net. Pinanlayhan ukn
pinanagatn inng mga sd? Has this fish
been caught by net or by hook and line? (cf.
lya, panglya).
pinanng-pnong, (H) Grouped; in
groups, by groups or bunches, many
together. (cf. panng).
pinarsko, Bottled; by the bottle or flask.
(cf. prsko).
pinasg, Squared, square beams, logs,
planks, laths, spars (as for sale in a lumberyard); mercantile timber. (cf. pasg).
pinasah, Extraordinary, excelling, out of
the common, superior, uncommon, quite
different. (sah; pasah).
pinasapaynon, Unconcerned,
indifferent, phlegmatic, easy-going, devilmay-care, careless, listless, unsolicitous.
(cf. pasapayn).
pinasohoty, Secret machinations,
machiavellianism; to use all kinds of tricks,
etc. (cf. pashot).
pinatabk, Lye, water mixed with ashes
for cleaning purposes. (patabk).
pinw, Rice not well pounded or milled,
an inferior kind of rice.
pinayan, Childish, silly, unreasonable.
pinayp, pinayp, Shavings used
for kindling a fire as well as for producing
fire by friction. (payp).
pndak, Wholesale, in gross, in the gross,
in the bulk, in large quantities; to buy
up,in the gross,wholesale (by
wholesale). Nakapndak ak sing sging
sa tinda. I bought bananas wholesale (by
wholesale) in the market. Ginpapndak ko
ang kon kalmay. I sold my sugar in the
gross. Nagapamalgy kam sing pndak
kag sing utyuty. We are selling (en gross
and en detail) wholesale and retail.
pings, To have a bit (piece) broken off,
(applied to an earthen pot, crockery, etc.).
(cf. bingw).
pngas, To break a bit out of pottery or
crockery, etc. Ind mo pagpingson ang
bso, klon, tbo, etc. Dont break (chip)
the glass, the rice-pot, the lamp-chimney,
etc. Napngas ang gorgorta. The water-jar
had a bit (piece) broken off.
pngga, Pole, bar, stick; to carry on a pole.
(cf. tngga, tingghan, tungtuangn).
pnggan, Plate, table-ware; dish. (cf.
tulnhan, plto).
pngig, The under-jaw, lower maxilla. (cf.
pngig, Protruding, prominent or ugly
pinggan, See pinggon.
pinggon, One who has protruding, ugly
jaw-bones, prognathic, prognathous.
pngkaw, Stiff or paralyzed in the arms;
to become stiff or paralyzed, said of the
arms. Nagpngkaw si. His arm became
paralyzed or stiff.

pngos, To breathe with difficulty,

wheeze. (cf. hmpok, hp).
pind-an, Folded, fold, plait, braid. (cf.
pnig, To separate, segregate, set apart,
select, distribute, divide, classify. Pingon
mo ang mga ph nga mayo. Set the
good mangoes apart. (cf. pl, pabulg).
ping, Set apart, chosen, select,
extraordinary, not common, excelling. (cf.
pinl, pasah).
ping-pnig, Dim. and Freq. of pnigto
separate, etc.
pinl, Chosen, elect, select, picked.
Madm ang tinawg, ditay lamng ang
pinl. Many are called, but few are chosen.
pinilan, Chosen, selected, from;
remnant, leavings, what has been rejected
or discarded. (cf. pl).
pinilin, Chosen, elected, voted for. (cf.
pinl, napilin).
piniliy, Election, election time; to elect,
vote for. (cf. pl).
pinilpig, Made into pilpig. Pinilpig nga
pilt. Pilt-rice made into a dish of pilpig or
ibus, which see.
pinilipnhon, Of, pertaining to, made
in, according to use and custom in, the
Philippines. (Pilipnas, pilipnhon).
pinility, Force, compulsion, physical or
moral constraint; to force, compel (said of
many). (cf. plit, lgus).
pinilokn, A fold or plait, anything folded
or plaited, a dog-ear. May pinilokn sa
pnta sang papl. There is a fold at the
corner of the paper. The paper is turned
down (dog-eared) at the corner. (cf. pilk,
pinindkay, Wholesale, buying and
selling on a large scale or in large
quantities. (cf. pndak; uty-utyretail).
pinnpin, Half-full grains (of rice). (cf.
alopnpin, amyaw, umyaw).
pnkas, (Sp. penca) A pulpy leaf or joint
(of plants).
pnkas, (Sp. finca) Real estate, property.
(cf. pagkabutng, um, baly).
pno, (Sp. fino) Fine, perfect, pure;
slender, thin, small; delicate, polished,
refined. Papnoto refine, etc. etc.
Pinapno nga kalmay. Refined sugar.
Papinohn-kalmay, papinohn sang
kalmay. Sugar-refinery.
pn-ot, Tightness; to tighten, make
compact or tight, so that air or fluids
cannot pass at all or only with difficulty.
Dl mo pagpin-otn ang pagdbla sang
tabk, agd nd ak pagpin-otn sa
pagspsup. Do not roll the tobacco-leaves
(cigar) too tight for otherwise it will be
difficult for me to draw (smoke) the cigar.
Nagpn-ot ang dghan ko, nga daw dl
ak makaginhwa. My chest feels tight, so
that I can scarcely breathe.

Visayan-English Dictionary
piny, Filipino. (cf. pilipnhon. Piny is
used humorously and even
pnpin, To take away from, set apart,
separate from a heap or large quantity a
certain amount. Pinpin ak sing duh ka
blog nga kakw sa sinng tmpok. Set
apart for me from this heap two (a couple
of) cacao-fruits. Ipnpin (pinpin) ang
humy nga bilinhon. Separate the seedgrain from the rest of the rice. (cf. bulahn).
pnpin, All together, general; to collect,
unite, bring together, gather. Pnpin nga
piniliy. General elections. Pinpin sil
nga tann. Gather them all together. (cf.
tingb, pnsan, pnpun).
pnsa, (Sp. pinzas) A pair of tweezers,
pincers, forceps, nippers. (cf. kmpit).
pnsa, See pinsr.
pnsa, (Sp. dispensa) Pantry, larder,
provision-store; rice-granary placed under
the floor of a house. (cf. palsad).
pnsan, To gather, collect into one, do all
together, in one go. Pinsann ko lang ang
pagbyad sang tann ko nga mga tang. I
am going to pay all my debts in one go.
Ginpnsan nya ang tann nga mga
mngga. He gathered all the mangoes in
one heap. Pinsan ang dispnsa sang
tann nga mga inmot sa tbad. Put in
the larder all the provisions contributed for
the banquet. (cf. tingb).
pnsar, pinsr, (Sp. pensar) Thinking,
thought, reflection, cogitation,
consideration, pondering; to think, ponder,
reflect, consider, cogitate, turn (a matter)
over in the mind, apply the mind to. To
nga wal sing pinsr. A man without
thought or reflection. Pinsahn (Pinsarn)
mo in sing mayo. Think it out well.
Think well on it. Wal gid ak makapinsr
nga mahanab in. It never entered my
thoughts, it never struck me, I could
not possibly think, that such a thing
would or could happen (come to pass). (cf.
dmdum, hunhn, painno, liblbo,
basbso). (pnsa id.).
pinsl, (Sp. pincel) A brush, especially an
artists or painters brush.
pinstan, Bad, no good, good-fornothing. (cf. waly puls, wal sing tsoy,
pnta, (Sp. pintar) Paint, colour, pigment;
to paint, make a picture or drawing of, to
picture, illustrate, portray, delineate, draw,
pencil, sketch, limn. Pintah ang lamsa,
ang dngding, etc. Paint the table, the
partition wall, etc. Ginpintahn nya ang
larwan ni Fulno. He painted N.N.s
portrait. Ipnta sa kisam inng kolr nga
maput. Paint the ceiling with this white
colour. (cf. dug).
pintl, pntal, Bolt, bar; to bolt, bar.
Pintal ang ganhan. Bolt the door. Ipintl
sa purta inng kawyan. Bar the door
with this bamboo.

piny pp, pp
pntas, Cruelty, brutality, inhumanity,
truculence, harshness; to be cruel, harsh,
brutal, inhuman, truculent, treat with great
harshness, cruelty, rigour, severity. Ind ka
magpntas sa ya. Ind mo si
pagpintasn. Do not be cruel to him. Dont
treat him with cruelty. Pahalin yanng
magtoton, kay dyon gid lang nya
ginapamintasn ang mga eskula. Send
that teacher away for he is always harsh to
his pupils.
pntok, Mark, sign, dot, spot, stain; to
stamp, punch, puncture, make dots.
Ipntok ang hl-o sa humy, nd sa bat.
Bring the pestle down on the rice not on the
stone. Kon malyag ka magsod sa mon
mamntok ka nay, agd nd
magsintoknay ang ton mga hl-o. If you
wish to join us in pounding rice, time your
strokes first, lest our pestles should knock
pintk-pntok, Dim. of pntok. Spotted,
dotted, punctured, dapple, variegated. (cf.
kmbangpiebald, brindled).
pntong, A game of cards (at cards).
pintr, (Sp. pintor) Painter. (cf. tigdug).
pntos, Parcel, package, bundle. May
pntos ka nga dal (gindal)? Have you
brought a parcel? (cf. pinuts id.).
pintra, (Sp. pintura) Paint, colour,
colouring matter, pigment, wash,
distemper; picture, painting. (cf. dug,
pindlan, The part of a tree left in the
ground after the trunk is cut down, stub,
stump. (cf. puld).
pinugin, The cloth woven first and
consequently the first to be wound on the
roller of a native loom. The pinugin is
frequently not quite smooth and is inferior
in value to the rest of the weave. (cf. pg,
pinlon, Roll, reel, film (of a motionpicture). (cf. plon, plon).
pinulngan, What has been said, speech,
discourse, talk, object talked about. (cf.
pinn, Meshed, netted; net, fishing net,
knitted goods. (cf. pn).
pinun, By the piece; divided in pieces or
parcels. (cf. punpiece, part, division).
pinung, To snuffle. See pung.
pinngsan, Made up in a knot, bunch or
chignon; chignon. Ipun inng mga blak
sa mo pinngsan kag dghan. Decorate
your hair (chignon) and bosom with these
flowers. (cf. pungs).
pinnsok, Clustered, in clusters; to
cluster, crowd together. (cf. pnsok).
pinsong, Bosh, twaddle, foolish or silly
talk, nonsense; to talk nonsense, etc. (cf.
pinsong, pinusng-psong, Lying,
boasting, bragging; to lie, make up a
plausible story, to brag, boast. Ind ka gn
magpinsong, knd sugri kam sang

kamaturan. Dont make up a story of your

own, but tell us the truth. (cf. sung,
psong, papusngpsong).
pinustahnay, Betting; to wager, bet
(one against another). (cf. psta).
pinut-nay, The ambushing, waylaying,
murdering, etc. of one another (on a large
scale). (cf. put).
pint, Knife, bolo, any cutting tool made
of steel. (cf. put).
pinuts, Parcel, packet, package, bundle.
(puts; cf. pntos id.; bingtong).
pinuyasy, Scolding, cursing and
swearing, abusive or vituperative language;
to abuse, revile, reproach, disparage, use
foul or insulting language. (cf. pyas).
pnya, (Sp. pia) Pine-apple; fibre
obtained from the leaves of the pine-apple
plant; cloth woven of such fibre.
pod, Fold, plait; to fold, plait. Pd-on
(piron) mo ang kon by kag ibutng sa
malta. Fold up my jacket and put it in the
handbag. Pd-i (piri) ak sinng mantl.
Fold this table-cloth for me. (cf. pil, pilk,
pid-pod, Dim. of pod. Pypay nga
pidpod. A folding fan.
pioks, A cigar rolled for private use at
home, as done in many native households.
Ginapasolab ko ang mga pioks sa
abno. I prefer home-made cigars to
pol, To tire, etc. See pul id. Napilan
pin, To move, displace. (cf. tin, ting,
lngkang, nghit, ngk).
ping, Closed, shut (of eyes). (cf. piyng
pong, To close or shut the eyes. Pinga
ang mga mat mo. Shut (Close) your eyes.
(cf. pilng, pirng, pyong).
pot, To be or become tight, straitened,
difficult; to oppress, treat harshly. Nagpot
karn ang ya pangabh. His life is at
present a trying one. He is in a tight fix. He
is leading a hard life now. Napt-an kam
sang mon pangabh sa karn nga tig.
This year we are living in straitened
circumstances. Ginapot sil sang la
pangolohn. Their government treats them
harshly (oppresses them). (cf. lapgot,
pphi, See the following ppi id.
ppi, To rub, strike, brush, wipe,
shake, dust, off. Pipha ang mga suby
sa mo by. Brush the ants off your dress.
Piphi ang kon likd sang yb-ok. Brush
(Rub, Wipe) the dust off my back (with the
hand or with a brush). (pphi id.).
pp, pp, To strike with a flat
instrument, to hammer; beat, slap with the
hand repeatedly or in quick succession
(especially in connection with massaging);
to shampoo, clean the hair and scalp with a
hair-wash; to prepare a hair-wash from the
salangkgi-bark, or the like, by hammering


ppis psngi
(beating, crushing) the bark and dissolving
its juice in water; to use or apply such a
hair-wash. Pipi (Ppi) ak sing hinak.
Prepare a hair-wash for me. Pp ka sing
hinak nga ipp (ipp) sa kon bohk.
Beat out some bark (Prepare a hairwash)
for cleaning my hair. Pipi (Ppi) ang kon
bohk sing hinak. Pour some hair-wash
over my hair. Pinipan (Pinpin) nla ang
btkon ni Fulno sa pagpampaw sa ya.
They slapped N.N.s arm in order to bring
him to. (cf. pp, pp).
ppis, To empty completely, let fall out the
last drop (from a bottle, or the like). (cf.
tit). Also: to roll, twist, squeeze. See pilpis.
pir, (B) How many, how much. See pil.
pirahn, The comb of a cock. (cf. padng,
pirw, praw, To shine feebly, burn
dimly or low, give but little light.
Nagapraw na gid lmang ang kandl,
kay upd na kayo. The candle gives now
only a little light, for it is burned to a very
short stump. (cf. kraw).
pirw-pirw, A kind of sea-shell.
pirw-praw, pirw-pirw, Dim. and
Freq. of prawto burn dimly. (cf. kirwkirw).
pri, To quiver, tremble, quake. Nagapri
ang mat nya. His eye quivers (is
prik, To tremble, quiver; speak
indistinctly, murmur, utter with trembling
lips. Kon hubg si nagaprik ang ya dl
sing mga pamuyyaw. When he is drunk
he utters indistinct curses. (cf. plik, pri).
pirkat, Twaddle, bosh, nonsense. (cf.
purikot, lamd, lsang).
piripisi, Very little, only a little at a time.
Piripisi gid lang ang ya pagtah. She is
doing very little in the way of sewing. She
sews seldom and only a little at a time. (cf.
ditay, dtay, ist).
pir-pri, pir-pir, Dim. and Freq. of
pri. Nagapirpri pa ang intud nga kog
sang tagt. The broken-off tail of the
lizard is still wriggling.
pirpis, See pilpis, ppisto squeeze,
twist, roll (between the fingers).
pirpod, See pilpodto sprinkle, scatter.
prma, (Sp. firmar) Firm, firm-name;
signature, sign manual; to sign, subscribe,
put ones signature to. Wal pa si
makaprma, kay may kasablgan si. He
has not been able to sign yet, for he has
been detained (occupied, engaged, busy
with something else, prevented or
impeded). Pirmah in. Sign this. Put your
signature to this. Napirmahn na bal ang
kalig-onn? Is the document signed? Has
the document (deed) been signed?
prma, Contr. of konprma. Ank nya si
sa prma. He is his godson (goddaughter)
by confirmation.
prme, (Sp. firme) Constant, consistent,
incessant, uninterrupted, persevering,


Visayan-English Dictionary
perpetual, continual, ceaseless, unceasing,
persistent, continuous, pertinacious,
steady, invariable, regular; firm; strong,
lasting; constantly, always, ever, for ever,
every moment, all the time, aye, for aye,
consistently, etc. Prme lang si
nagasugl. He is always playing cards. He
is for ever gambling. (cf. dyon, dalyon,
gihpon, sli, sgad).
pirng, (B) Shut, closed (of eyes); to shut,
close. See pyong, kpot, pilng.
prot, Shut, closed; to shut or close (the
eyes), to be shut or closed. Papirta ang
is sang mga mat mo. Shut (close) one of
your eyes. (cf. pyong, kpot, pirng).
pirt, One who has the eyelids nearly
closed or only half open.
pisda, (Sp. pesada) A quantity weighed
at a time; one weight of sugar or one picul
equal to 63.26 kilos.
psak, Wedge, plug, stopple; to plug,
wedge in, stopple, put, drive, in a
wedge. Piski ang ardo. Put a wedge into
the plough. Pnday-psak. An indifferent
or inferior kind of carpenter, who is no
good at measurements and has frequently
to use plugs and wedges in order to make
things fit.
ps-an, Having a brood of chickens,
broody. Mung nga ps-an. A hen with a
brood of chickens. (cf. pis).
psan, To be or become diligent,
assiduous, zealous, active, energetic,
indefatigable, hardworking; to apply
oneself to with zeal, perform diligently.
Nagpsan si karn, pang sang na
matmad si magton. Now he is diligent,
but formerly he was too lazy to study.
Pisni gid ang mo pagton,
pagpangabdlay, etc. Study with great
application, work with zeal, etc.
Ginapisnan nla ang pagni. They are
working hard,hard at work (diligent or
industrious) at harvesting rice. Kon
mapisann (note the accent!) ak mahpit
ak sa mo baly. If I feel inclined
(disposed or in form) I will pay you a visit
at your home.
pisndo, (Sp. pisar) To walk, stroll, visit.
Malyag si magpisndo sa. He likes
to visit. He wants to go to. (cf.
lakt, kdto, paser, daw, tmbong).
pisng, Potsherd, shard, a piece of broken
pottery or the like; broken, maimed,
mutilated, having a piece broken off. (cf.
psang, To knock or break off a piece or
bit of glass, pottery, etc. (cf. pngas).
pisr, See pesrto weigh, etc.
pisra, (Sp. pizarra) Slate; blackboard,
pisw, A wink, nod, sign; to wink, blink,
twinkle, nod, give a sign by moving the
eyes, open and shut the eyes rapidly.

psaw, A small penknife edged at the

point somewhat like a chisel and used for
sharpening pencils, etc.
pisw-pisw, To blink, twinkle, wink; to
open and shut the eyes rapidly; to nictitate.
Dim. and Freq. of pisw. (cf. pamilk,
pamilkpilk, pamiskpisk).
pisw-psaw, A kind of small tree.
psg, To pinch, press, compress, squeeze,
grip firmly. Naghib ang bt, kay pinsg
sang ya manoglbang sa btkon. The
child began to cry, because the nurse
pinched its arm. (cf. pgs, ipt, pisl,
ps, Cord, string, rope. (cf. kalt, higt,
ps, A small amount, very little, as much
as two or three fingers can hold. (cf.
pdyot, kus, kodt).
pis, To squeeze, press, compress, pinch.
(cf. kodt, kus, pisl, pslit, psg, pgs).
pisk, To fly or jump off, make a quick and
sudden movement, as a frog jumping into
the water when alarmed, or the like. (cf.
lisk, lksi).
pisik, (B) Money, cash. (cf. psos,
pisl, To compress, pinch, squeeze
(between the fingers without using the
nails, applied particularly to massaging).
Pisil (Psla) ang ya btkon. Massage his
arm (by pinching and kneading). (cf. pslit).
pistas, (Sp. peseta) A dime, a silver coin
worth twenty centavos, a peseta; worth or
costing a peseta. Pil ang ginbyad mo
sinng tnt?Pistas (tagpistas) ang
botlya. How much did you pay for this
ink?Twenty centavos the (a) bottle.
piskl, (Sp. fiscal) Fiscal, attorney or
prosecutor for the government; parishclerk, amanuensis, assistant of a parish
priest in keeping the parish records.
piskalya, (Sp. fiscalia) Office i.e. room
and business of a fiscal.
pisknte, (Sp. pescante) Coach-box; cartdriver; to drive. Sn-o ang mapisknte?
Who will be the driver? Who shall drive?
Who is going to drive? (cf. dal).
pskil, Any natural knob or protuberance.
psl, To squander, waste, befastidious,
squeamish,prodigal,difficult to please
in matters of taste, or the like. (cf. dh,
buhah, pl, pid).
pslit, To pinch, compress, knead,
massage. See pisl. Pislit ang ya btkon.
Massage his arm. Pinch his arm.
pslong, To put rice into the mortar for
pounding; to step accidentally into a hole,
mud, pool, etc., to stumble, fall into.
Pislong ang lusng sing humy. Put some
rice into the mortar. Ipslong inng is ka
gntang nga humy sa lusng. Put this
ganta of rice into the mortar. Nakapslong
sa bh ang ya til kag nabl. He fell into
a hole and broke his foot.
psngi, The cheek. (cf. baging).

Visayan-English Dictionary
psng, The convulsive sobs emitted as
weeping draws to an end; to sob after
weeping, as children when they have had
their cry out. (cf. hibubn-ot).
pis, Chicken, chick, chickling. (cf.
sumalyhaw, kilawt, mung, sulg).
pis, To make a swift movement, etc. See
pisk, lisk, lksi, pgsi).
pisk, A wink, twinkling, instant,
moment; to blink, twinkle, close (and open)
the eyes (eyelids). Is ka pisk gid lang
ang pagtlug (pagkatulg) ko kagb-i.
Last night I hardly slept a wink, i.e. very
little. Pisok ang ilalangb mo. Open and
close (shut) your eyes. Ipisk ang mat
mo. Blink your eyes. Keep opening and
closing your eyes. (cf. pamisk,
pamiskpisk, pamilk, pamilkpilk,
pisn, (Sp. pisn, apisonar) Rammer;
steam-roller; to ram, go over with a steamroller.
psos, (Sp. peso) A peso, half an American
dollar. Psos ang ginbyad ko sin. I paid
one peso for this. Bayloh ak sing
mamisosn (sing mga pisosn) sinng
papl de bnko. Change me this bank-note;
give me pesos for it (in silver peso-pieces or
in one-peso bills). (cf. mamsos,
pist, See bt.
pspis, Bird. Ang pspis nagalupd. A
bird flies. The bird is flying. (cf. lupd).
psta, See pistafeast. (cf. pndut).
psta, (Sp. pista) Trace, trail, track, scent,
clue, sign, indication. (cf. soy, timan,
tnd, gi, pt-in).
pistlyo, (Sp. pestillo) Door-latch; the
lock of a door; the bolt of a door-lock.
pswak, To gush out, spirt, spurt, squirt,
spout out, jet, issue in a jet. Ang tbig
nagpswak sa alhbi nga nag sang is ka
lis. The water squirted (spirted) from the
tank that was hit by a bullet. (cf. smpit,
pta, (Sp. pita) Agave, century plant. (cf.
ptad, To open, unfold, spread out. Pitra
(pitda) ang tuln-an. Open the book. (cf.
pitd-ptad, Dim. and Freq. of ptadto
open, etc.
pt-ag, To oppress, keep in subjection,
treat harshly with. See pt-al.
ptak, To enclose, lay up in a bin, make a
primitive bin, enclosure or receptacle for
grain, or the like. Quite frequently such a
bin or container (pitakn) consists of a
mere framework of bamboo lined with
grass, straw, leaves, or the like. Pitki ang
humy. Make a bin (an inclosure) for the
rice. Dagmi ang iptak mo. Use straw for
the bin (rice-container).
pitka, (Sp. petaca) Cigar-case;
wickerwork box, clothes-basket, case,

psng pity
trunk, travelling box. (cf. tampp, piakt,
pitakn, A bin, primitive grain-container,
rice-storage. (cf. ptak).
pt-al, To oppress, deal harshly with,
molest, pester, trouble, keep in subjection,
keep under the thumb, (cf. pt-ag, pgos,
ptal, The ring binding a wooden handle
where the stock enters (of a bolo or other
pt-an, From potto press squeeze,
tighten, etc.
pitpit, Widely spaced or separated
from one another, scattered, straggling,
standing here and there; to divide,
separate, set apart, segregate one from the
other. (cf. putput, atdatd, atkatk).
ptaw, A kind of small bird.
pitk, Rein, tether, lead, rope attached to a
buffalo, ox, etc. for guiding or leading; to
guide (a buffalo, etc.) by means of a rope.
Malam ka bal magpitk sang karabw?
Malam ka bal magyat sang pitk sang
karabw? Can you handle a buffalo (by
means of a rope)? Do you know how to
guide a buffalo with a rein (lead, rope,
pitk, To palpitate, throb, beat, thump,
hammer; to snap (ones finger);
palpitation; a tap, slight blow. Ang ya
tagiposon nagpitk sing madsig. His
heart beat fast. Nagapitk ang lo ko. My
head is hammering, i.e. I have a head-ache.
Ptki (pitik) or Ptka (pitik) si. Snap
your finger at him. Tap (rap) him.
pitk-mngaw, pitkmngaw, To be
love-sick or heart-sick, particularly applied
to lovers that are separated and long to see
each other, or the like. (cf. pitk, mngaw).
pitk-ptik, Dim. and Freq. of pitk. Also:
Wrigglers, the larva of a mosquito, etc., socalled, because it wriggles in water.
pting, Closely attached, narrow, tight;
transparent; to be closely attached, etc.
Pting ang ya by. His jacket is too
narrow,too tight,a very close fit,
pitpit, Very much, excessive, utmost,
extreme. Pitpit nga kadulm, kalisd, etc.
Utter darkness, utmost distress, etc.
pti, pit, To finger, handle, fumble, touch
or toy with the fingers; to twist, roll
(between the fingers). Nga nga ginapti
(ginapit) mo lang ang balasahn nga
wal mo pagabasha? Why are you
fingering the paper without reading it?
Pitha (Pitih) ang psud sinng pny
nga skl kag ikhit sang pling sa ya
mat. Roll up the corner of that silk
handkerchief and remove with it the mote
from his eye.
pit-pti, Dim. and Freq. of ptito finger,
etc. Also: to play with, fool, trick. An ang
ginapitpti mo? What are you

fingering,toying with? Why are you

fumbling with your fingers?
pitpot, To stick or adhere to. Ang
butngbtong nagapitpot sa ya kamt.
The butngbtong-candy is sticking to his
hand. Ang tann nga mga maragkt
nagapitpot. All viscous matter is sticky.
(cf. dokt, pilt).
ptkan, ptkon, From pitkto throb,
ptl, Indistinct, thick, not quite clear (of
speech); to speak with a rather slow tongue
(thick utterance), to pronounce
indistinctly. (cf. piht, ht-on).
ptlan, From piltto adhere to, etc.
Naptlan ang ya mga tdl sang dg
sang lngk. The juice of the jack-fruit
stuck to his fingers.
ptluk, To throttle, strangle, kill by
throttling or by cutting the throat. (cf.
pto, (Sp. pito). Whistle, pipe, pennywhistle, cat-call; the whistle of a steamboat,
horn of an automobile. (cf. pamto, hun,
pit, Seven.
pit-adlwan, pitoadlwan, A
Weekly, a periodical appearing once a
pit-dlaw, pitodlaw, A week. (cf.
simna, pit, dlaw).
pitgo, A kind of palm much used for
decorating purposes.
ptok, To wriggle, squirm, move, stir as a
worm crawling on the ground. (cf. hwos,
pitk-ptok, Dim. and Freq. of ptok.
pt-ol, To strike, beat, hit. Pit-ol si sang
mo binngon, hl-o, etc. Hit (Strike) him
with your bolo, rice-pestle, etc. (cf. blbal,
lmpus, hnot, bnal, hmpak).
pit-pit, To count up to seven and begin
again at one. Pitpitoh ang pagsip sang
mas. Count out the maize-cobs in sevens.
Also: A seven months old fetus.
pit-pit, Irascible, choleric; irritable,
testy, techy, touchy, hot, sharp, quick,
short, tempered. (cf. sanggurt, pikn,
pit-pto, To pick for Blind man in a
game. Each partaker puts one finger into
the open hand of the leader; he whose
finger is caught in the suddenly closed hand
has to be Blind man, or the like.
Pitpto, dkpa si Bento, kay nangwat
(nankaw) sing (kang) tub. Pitpto,
catch Benito, for he has stolen sugar cane
(one of the doggerels sung by children).
ptos, To strike or slap with the fingers or
with the whole open hand. Pitsi si sa
likd, sa btkon, etc. Slap him on the back,
on the arm, etc. (cf. lgp, pp, ppi,
tmp, lipt, etc.).
pity, See bt, id.


pitrlyo pokl
pitrlyo, (Sp. petroleo) Petroleum,
mineral oil, kerosene, lamp-oil. (cf. gas,
ptsay, A kind of cabbage.
pits-ptse, (Probably from the Sp.
peche, pechina) Trifles, things of little value
or importance, trivial or paltry matters; the
common run, ordinary people, poor folks.
May ginabalgy dir nga nanarsr nga
pitsptse. Various little things
(refreshments) are sold (served) there.
Pitsptse sil nga mga to. They are
ordinary, simple common people. (cf.
girgir, witwit, timwa; kagagmayn,
pitsl, (Sp. pichel) Pitcher, mug, tankard,
water-pot, especially one used with a washbasin.
pitsokwrno, (Perhaps from the Sp.
pecho, cuerno) A toothed metal plate with
holes for the fingers, worn on the hand and
used for fighting. A well aimed blow from a
hand armed with a pitsokwrno may kill
a man. A sort of iron cestus. (cf. kaborta
a slung shot).
pitsn, (Sp. pichon) A young pigeon or
pt-ul, See pt-olto strike, beat, club,
cudgel, thrash, hit.
ptyong, Button, knob, stud. Ptyongkils. An electric button. Itm-ok mo ang
mo kamomo sa ptyong-kils. Press your
thumb against the electric button. (cf.
ptyong, botn, botnes).
piyngak, To cry, whine, utter shrill cries
of complaint, distress, pain, protest, etc.
(cf. tingak, tiyngak).
piyoks, See pioksa home-made cigar.
piyn, (Sp. pelln) Pelisse, a ladys or
childs long outer garment.
piyng, Closed, etc. See ping.
pyong, To shut, close. See pong.
piysan, See paysantapering, etc.
plka, (Sp. placa) Plate, plaque; medal,
badge, insignia, star (of an order, or the
plamngko, (Sp. flamenco) A sharp knife,
sword or bolo. (cf. palamngko).
plan, (Sp. plan) Plan, outline, scheme,
intention, project, design. (cf. ty,
huluran, solndan, katuyon, hunhn,
planggna, Wash-basin. See
palanggna, labadr.
plnsa, (Sp. plancha) A sheet or plate of
metal, galvanized iron for roofing;
smoothing iron, cloth-iron; to iron cloth.
See pernsa, plansah,
plansahperensah, perensah.
plsa, (Sp. plaza) A public square, townsquare, square, church-yard.
plasda, The percentage of the betting
paid to the owner of a cockpit or similar
places. (cf. mesda).
plasbo, (from the Latin placebo) The
ringing of bells for and during the Libera


Visayan-English Dictionary
with absolution of the dead after mass; to
ring the bells for the funeral services of a
deceased adult. Plasibhi ang minaty.
Ring the bells (toll the bells) for the dead.
(cf. ndras).
plso, (Sp. plazo) Time, term, date (of
payment); instalment; a limited or definite
extent of time; work, job, employment. (cf.
tin, timpo, dg-on, panahn; alagarn,
plasolta, (Sp. plazoleta) A small public
plastdo, (Sp. aplastado) Crushed,
smashed, flattened out; tight, close-fitting.
(cf. pikt, lum, pus, lamsut).
plta, (Sp. plata) Silver. Diplta, di plta
(Sp. de plata)of silver, made of silver. (cf.
pltano, platan, (Sp. pltano) Banana,
plantain. (cf. sging, sb-a).
platro, (Sp. platero) Silversmith,
goldsmith; a cupboard.
platlyo, platlyos, (Sp. platillo)
Cymbal, cymbals; one who plays on
platto, (Sp. plato) A small plate or dish; a
kind of plant with plate-like leaves.
platto, (Sp. platillo) A small dish, a
saucer. (cf. sngg).
plto, (Sp. plato) Plate; dish, mess, fare,
food served. Nakayon ak gid sinng
plto nga balensina. I liked that dish of
valenciana very much. (cf. pnggan,
plwta, (Sp. flauta) Flute.
plawtn, (Sp. flautin) An octave flute or
piccolo; a small flute.
plkos, (Sp. fleco) Fringe, purl, flounce,
small tassels as often seen on napkins,
towels, etc. (cf. piliklyo).
plmas, (Sp. flema) Phlegm. (cf. bdl).
plte, (Sp. flete) Fare, freight, freightage;
hire, payment for the lease or hire of; to
hire, lease (out), take on lease, engage a
vehicle, etc. Pil ang plte? What is the
fare? How much is to be paid for the lease
or hire? Ginpletehn ko ang ya wto, ang
ya baly, etc. I engaged his auto. I hired
his house, etc. Ipaplte mo sa kon ang
mo dt, kabyo, etc. Let me have your
land on lease, let me hire your horse, etc.
(cf. hinkay).
pliges, (Sp. pliegue) Fold, crease, plait,
pleat, tuck, gather. (cf. pilk).
pligo, (Sp. pliego) A sheet of paper,
folded paper, note-paper. Bkli ak sing
ttlo ka pligo nga papl. Buy me three
sheets of paper.
pliklyo, pliklyos, See plkos, piliklyo.
plma, (Sp. pluma) Pen (for writing);
quill, plume, feather. (cf. isullat,
igsullat; blbul).
pbre, (Sp. pobre) Poor, indigent, pauper,
beggar, mendicant; miserable, pitiable. (cf.
prbe, mol, makaloloy, makilmos,

podl, Stumpy, stocky, stubby, pudgy, etc.

See pktol, bdul, matipngk, pudl,
pdpod, To crush, crumble, pulverize
(between the fingers). Podpor (-od) ang
kalmay nga bilg. Crumble the lump of
sugar. (cf. pilpis).
pgo, To bring together, lock up or keep
in a safe place (chickens, etc.). Kon hpon
ang mga babye nagapamgo sang mga
mank. In the evening the women gather
the chickens to roost. Pogha (Pgwa) ang
mga mank. Lock up the chickens.
Ginpgo nla si Jos, kay g lang si sang
lgaw. They have put Jos in a safe place,
for he is very much given to wandering
pgon, To toil, labour, work for daily
wages, (but the frequentative form
pamgon is nearly always used).
pgwan, From pgo.
phon, Conspiration, conspiracy, scheme,
complot, intrigue, cabal, machination, plot;
to machinate, intrigue, scheme, conspire,
plot. Ginphon nla nga atihn ang bryo.
They conspired to plunder the village.
Ginpohnan nla ang pagpaty sa ya.
They conspired to kill him.
pohonn, Conspiracy, plot, secret
combination for the commitment of some
crime; scheme, concerted plan; meeting
place of conspirators or plotters. (phon).
pokk, See bilt.
pker, (English: poker) An American
game at cards; to play poker.
pokto, (Sp. poco, poquito) A little, rather
little. (cf. ditay, ist, piripisi).
pokto, To move the fingers, opening
them out and closing them again as small
children often do. Tan-awn mo ang bt
nga nagapokto. Look at the baby opening
and closing its fingers.
pklid, To fall or tumble down, sink to the
floor; throw on the ground.
Nagsunggonay sil kag napklid sil nga
duh. They ran against each other (they
collided) and both of them tumbled to the
floor. (cf. tmba).
pokld-pklid Dim. and Freq. of pklid.
Also: A kind of poisonous mushroom
resembling the amamkol. Tan-aw
yanng balng nga to nga
nagapokldpklid. Look at that drunken
man falling down every few steps.
pklo, See bilt.
pok, Syphilis. (puk id.).
pokl, To be feeble and indistinct (of
speech). Nagahugt ang ya dl kag
nagapokl ang ya panghmbal. His
tongue is tied and his speech scarcely
intelligible (very indistinct). Sugng na
ang ya balatan kag pokl ang ya tngug.
He is now seriously ill and can scarcely
talk. (cf. harawahw, pagw, paragw).

Visayan-English Dictionary
pkol, To knock together, as heads, balls,
coconuts, etc.; to strike, hit, pommel. (cf.
bgol, bkol).
pokon, Syphilitic; suffering from
syphilis. (pok).
pok, pokon, Also: gonorrhoea, clap;
gonorrhoeal, gonorrheal.
pkot, A fishing net. (cf. tsintsro,
spyaw, lya).
pkot, To move about as fish in a net, to
be crowded; to wriggle, struggle.
Nagapkot gid lang ang mga to sa suld
sang simbhan. The people in the church
are moving about like fish in a net, i.e. they
are crowded or closely packed. Nagdmug
kag nagpokoty sil nga duh sing
malwig tbtub nga ang is sa la
nabntol. The two of them wrestled and
struggled for a long time till one of them
was thrown (and gave in).
pkpok, To beat, stamp, hammer, spank.
Pokpok ang mo bg-o nga trno. Beat
the dust out of your new suit. Pinokpokn
nya inng lamsa sang ya nga knop.
She beat her cloak on this table. (cf.
bkbok, papk, taptpa).
pktol, Thickset, stocky, stumpy, dumpy,
stubby, podgy, pudgy, thick, stout, squab,
squabby, squat, short but bulky. Pktol nga
to, karabw, bboy, etc. A thickset man, a
stumpy buffalo, a stout or fat pig, etc. (cf.
podl, pudl, prdo, bdul, matipngk,
karibd, kiribd).
polinas, (Sp. polaina) Spatter-dashes,
spats, leggings.
plbora, (Sp. plvora) Gunpowder; black
plbos, (Sp. polvo) Face-powder, toiletpowder. (cf. uyakp).
pols, Police, policeman, constable, officer.
(cf. bntay; tktiksecret service man;
polisya, (Sp. polica) The police force;
policeman, officer, constable.
politna, (Sp. napolitana) A combination
of cards in certain card-games having the
effect of automatically doubling or trebling
the stake played for. (cf. napolitna;
pabortaa double politna).
poltika, (Sp. poltica) Politics; clever
management, trick, machination, plot,
plan. (cf. pamnwa, himnwa; paht,
patga). Also: cunning politeness; to act
like a politician with studied kindness and
poltiko, (Sp. poltico) A politician;
political, clever, tricksy.
plka, (Sp. polca) Polka, a kind of dance.
plo, (Sp. polo) The handle of a bolo, etc.
(cf. pal id.).
pol, (H) Island, isle; a group of houses
forming part of a barrio, but separated
from it.
plog, (H) To plate, overlay, cover with
gold or silver; to polish, give lustre to, make
bright. Polga ang sngsing, arto, etc.

pkol pso
Plate the ring, ear-ring, etc. (Cover the ring,
ear-ring etc.) with gold. Polgi ak sinng
sngsing sing bulwan. Please plate this
ring of mine with gold. (plug id.).
plog, (B) To be in a hurry or anxious to
do something at once. Nagaplog si sa
pagpal. He is anxious to go home. He is
in a hurry to get home. (cf. plok).
pologohn, See polgwan.
polgot, Dust and perspiration
accumulating on the skin (especially
around the throat, knees and elbows).
(palgot id.).
polg-plog, Dim. and Freq. of plog.
Also: to writhe, wriggle, struggle.
polgwan, (H) A basket with wide
meshes, larger than an alt and used for
carrying chickens to the market, etc.
plok, To struggle or make frantic efforts
to escape from a firm grasp or to rise from
underneath a superimposed weight, and
the like.
polk-plok, Dim. and Freq. of plok.
Nagapolkplok ang karabw nga
ginamarkahn. The buffalo that is being
branded is making frantic efforts to rise.
(cf. rmpwal, polgplog).
plon, (H) To wind up yarn on a bobbin.
Polna ang bunng. Wind the yarn on
poln, (H) Spool, bobbin, reel. Is ka
poln nga hlo. A spool of thread.
polndan, (H) A large bamboo-bobbin.
(cf. puludnan). Anything to be closed or
dammed up. (cf. pnud).
polndan, porndan, Also used of
persons: thickset, stumpy, pudgy, etc. Daw
polndan si. He is very stumpy, thickset.
(cf. bdul, pudl, pandk, tipngk,
plpol, To put thorns or briars across a
path, obstruct a road or entrance by means
of thorny branches and the like. Polpol
ang dlan sing dgi. Close the road with
thorny branches. Ginplpol nla sa dlan
inng sibkaw. They put these sebucaobranches across the road.
pomda, (Sp. pomada) Pomatum,
pomade (for the hair).
pontipikl, (Sp. pontifical) Pontifical.
po, Fallow, untilled, uncultivated,
uncropped; to be or lie fallow. Po nga
dt. Fallow ground. Nagpo inng
talmnan, kay wal dir ang tagya. This
land lies fallow (is untilled), for the owner
is not here.
pog, To smoulder, smoke, burn feebly
(but with much smoke). Nagapog lang
ang kalyo. The fire is only smouldering.
pong, A bunch, group, cluster; patch of
ground, piece, parcel, district. Is ka pong
nga baly. A cluster of houses, a group of
pong, Low, deep (of voice, of musical
instruments, etc.). Kapong sang ya

tngug. His voice is very deep. What a bass

voice he has!
pp, pp, To pick, gather, pluck, cull,
break off, twist off. Popa (Ppo) ang
bnga. Pluck the fruit. Popi (Ppo) ang
ph sang ya mga bnga. Pick (Pluck) the
fruit off the mango tree. (cf. dgas, dgus).
prba, (B) (Sp. probar, prueba) Proof,
experiment, trial, test, check; to make trial
of, put to the test, to test, prove, try, taste.
Porbah ang sabw kon manmit ukn
mals-ay. Taste the sauce to see whether it
is nice or insipid. Porbah. Try it. Find it
out by experience. (cf. tilw, pruba).
prdo, (B) Thickset, stocky, stumpy, etc.
See pktol, podl, pudl.
porml, (Sp. formal), Formal, polite,
proper, decent, seemly, courteous,
mannerly, decorous, according to
established manners or etiquette. (cf. g,
ngay, dpat, magdang, malgdong,
may tinn-an).
porbe, (B) Poor, indigent; a beggar,
pauper, mendicant. (cf. mol, makaloloy,
makilmos, pbre, prbe).
prog, (B) See plogto be in a hurry,
porkpok, The flower of the mango-tree.
(cf. parkpok).
pory, Knee-breeches, shorts, knickers,
knickerbockers. (cf. srwal, bahg,
porpa, porpir, (Sp. porfa, porfiar).
Obstinacy, persistence, stubbornness,
competition, provocation; to wrangle,
quarrel, bicker, contend, provoke, altercate
in opprobrious terms, insult or abuse with
contemptuous language. Ginporpa
(Ginporpir) nya ak. He insulted me. He
provoked me. Nagaporpihay
(Nagaporpiyhay) sil. They are abusing
each other. (cf. kyat, pamyas,
pinuyasy, timolng, pasipla, padagnay, paindsndis).
porpya, See porpa, porpir.
portaln, (Sp. portaln) Gangway,
gangplank. (cf. andmio, latayn,
psas, (Sp. posa) A pause; a stop or halt
in a funeral procession for the purpose of
singing a response; to sing a response at a
funeral. Magpsas kam dir. Stop here for
the singing of a response. May ttlo ka
psas. There will be (or were) three pauses
or stops (for the singing of a response).
psas, (Sp. esposa) Manacles, fetters,
shackles, handcuffs; to handcuff, manacle,
fetter, shackle, put handcuffs on another.
Ginpossan si sang pols, kay nagbtok
sa la. The police handcuffed him, because
he offered resistance. (cf. gaps, gpus,
poss-psas, Slight pauses, rests at
short intervals. (cf. psas).
pso, (Sp. pozo) Well, water-hole, pit,
cistern. (cf. wang, bubn).


pso pas
pso, A game at (of) cards.
ps, The flower-bud, peduncle of a
banana, etc.
pos, (B) Chignon, hair-knot, knot of hair;
to put up, bind up, the hair, make the
hair up in a knot or chignon. Ps-a (Poso)
ang mo bohk. Do up your hair. Ps-i
(Poso) ang bt sang ya bohk. Tie the
girls hair up in a knot or chignon. Put up
the childs hair. (cf. pungs, pinngsan).
pspas, A kind of dish made of rice mixed
with meat, ragout, fricassee; also verb.
Napospasn ak nya sing mank kag
bugs nga maput. She prepared for me a
chicken mixed with white rice.
psporo, pospor, (Sp. fsforo)
Phosphorus; match, lucifer. (cf. lag-ton,
pspos, Stripped of leaves, hairs, feathers
and the like; to become stripped of leaves,
etc. Nagpspos inng khoy sa bgyo. This
treebecame bare of leaves,was stripped
of its leaves,was stripped bare, during
(in) the storm. (cf. hblas).
pste, (Sp. poste) Post, pillar, column. (cf.
posturo, (Sp. postura) Of vainglorious
carriage or proud demeanour; posing,
posturing, dandylike, ostentatious, proudly
erect, stiff, distant, stand-offish. (cf. bidad, lid, by-ad, by-od, bugaln).
pswak, To spirt (spurt) out in a rather
large stream or quantity, to squirt. Ang
tbig nagapswak sa tbo. The water is
spirting out of the tube. Naposwakn ak
sing nn sang ya dak nga hubg. I was
sprinkled (spattered) with matter from his
large boil. (cf. bswak).
pswit, To spirt or squirt out in a small
jet or stream; to crack, burst (of firecrackers, etc.). (cf. pswak, smpit, bswit,
poswt-pswit, Dim. and Freq. of
pto, A dish of rice-flour mixed with
pto, To become or make insolvent or
bankrupt, to break. Napto si. He went
bankrupt. He was declared insolvent.
Manggarnon si sdto nay, pang ang
gra nagpto sa ya. He was rich formerly,
butthe war made him bankrupt,the war
broke him.
potk, A kink; to kink. Nagpotk ang
kalt, ang hlo, etc. The rope kinked, the
thread twisted into kinks, etc. (putk id.).
potl, To cut off, lop off, maim, etc. See
potsym, See kotsyma kind (variety)
of rice. (cf. arabn).
pypoy, To weaken, get or become weak,
feeble, enfeeble. Napypoy
(Nagkapypoy) ang btkon ko. My arm
got weak. (cf. pypuy, lay, lya, pgaw).


Visayan-English Dictionary
pranla, (Sp. franela) Flannel, woollen
cloth, cloth made of a mixture of wool and
cotton (in cheaper makes wholly of cotton).
prangko, prangkyo, pranko,
prankyo, (Sp. franqueo) Postage,
postage stamp.
pranss, (Sp. francs) French; a
praskta, (Sp. frasco, frasquete) Vial, a
small flask; medicine-bottle. (cf.
prsko, (Sp. frasko) Flask, bottle, gallipot.
pryle, (Sp. fraile) Friar, member of a
religious order with perpetual vows.
prmyo, (Sp. premio) Premium, reward,
recompense, remuneration, prize, meed,
guerdon; to reward, grant a premium, etc.
remunerate, requite. Premioh si sing
medlya. Give him a medal as a prize. (cf.
dlut, htag, bugy, psd, pdya,
prnda, (Sp. prenda) Mortgage, pledge,
security, pawn, token; to pawn, mortgage,
pledge, givesecurity,a token. Iprnda
lang sa ya ang mo talmnan. Mortgage
your field to him. Ginprendahn nya si
Fulno sang ya kalubihn. He made over
(He gave) his coconut grove as security to
N.N. (cf. paslig, kaligonn, patnga).
prno, (Sp. freno) Bridle, bit; reins; brake,
check, drag, skid, stop; to restrain, put on
the brake, apply the brake, have the brake
(drag) on, to brake, keep in check. Prenhi
ang kabyo, ang wto, ang kngga, etc.
Rein in (up) the horse, put on the brake
and check the motorcar, the cart, etc.
prnsa, (Sp. prensa) Press, vise, clamp;
the daily press, journalism, papers,
periodicals. (cf. pamantalan, balasahn).
prnsa, (Sp. prensa) Smoothing iron,
box-iron, sadiron, flatiron; to press or iron
cloth. Prensah ang panpton. Iron the
clothes. Prensah ak sang kon by.
Press my jacket. An ang iprnsa mo kon
wal ka sing prnsa? What will you iron
with, if you have no flat-iron? (cf. pernsa,
presentdo, (Sp. presentado) A person
presented, introduced, presentee, one who
presents himself. The phrase Presentdo
gni pilhon means; One who offers his
services voluntarily or applies for a job will
usually not give full satisfaction; he will do
his work carelessly or will even run away
before long according to his own
convenience or advantage.
presentr, (Sp. presentar) To present
oneself, present, introduce. Nagpresentr
si sa kon. He presented himself before
me. Ginpresentahn ak nya sang ya
hinblus. He introduced his nephew to me.
(cf. atbang, pakilla, pakt, pahyag).
presidnte, (Sp. Presidente) President.
Presidnte Munisipl. Municipal President.
(cf. panglo, panglo-bnwa, panglopud, panglo-pngsod, etc.).

prsko, (Sp. fresco) Fresh, cool;

greenhorn, fool, inexperienced,
unsophisticated. (cf. matgnaw,
mabgnaw; payan, batan, bag-han,
dl malam, halason).
prso, (Sp. preso) Prisoner, convict,
inmate of a prison, jail-bird, one kept in
detention; to imprison. (cf. binilngg,
pretlya, A part of the entrails close to the
gizzard in poultry. This part is reserved as
food, whilst the rest of the entrails is
usually thrown away. See partlya id.
prinsipl, (Sp. principal) Principal;
capital, stock. (cf. lo, panglo,
manugdumla; pahunn).
prto, (Sp. frito, freir) Fried; to fry. Mank
nga pinirto. Fried chicken. Pritha ang
mank. Fry the chicken. Prithi ak sing
krne. Fry me some meat. (cf. gis,
pra, (Sp. proa) Bow, prow; steerage. (cf.
prbe, (B) (Sp. pobre) See pbre, mol,
porbe, makilmosa beggar; poor.
probnsya, (Sp. provincia) Province. (cf.
prodkto, (Sp. producto) Product,
produce; benefit or advantage derived from
any work or engagement. (cf. bnga,
kapuslnan, kaayhan; palatbson).
progmasn, Cipher, the use of a code or
secret writing intelligible only to the
initiated, the use of a secret language by
agreed upon additions and transpositions
of letters, etc. (cf. trogmasn id.).
propagnda, (Sp. propaganda)
Propaganda; advertisement; to propagate,
spread, disseminate. (cf. lpta, lpnag,
propesr, (Sp. profesor) Professor. (cf.
manunon, magtoton).
propna, (Sp. propina) Tip, fee, gratuity,
gift. (cf. dlut, amma, htag, reglo,
bugy, pdya).
prosisyn, (Sp. procesin) Procession.
Ang prosisyn magalbut sa mga dlan
nga ginaprosisyonn silng sang
kinabatsan. The procession will pass over
the customary route. (cf. ktay).
pruba, (Sp. prueba) Proof, proof-sheet;
to prove, try, put to the test, etc. See prba.
pug-pug, Loafing, standing idle,
standing about lazily or idly. The Freq.
pamugpug is usually employed as a verb
and the form pugpug as an adjective or
pak, Throat, gullet, swallow, oesophagus.
(cf. tubg, pwak, tilok, tutnlan).
puk, See puwka fraction, etc.
pas, To dispel, disperse, dissipate,
dissolve, undo, scatter, blow off (away), to
cause to be seen no longer. Ang dlaw
nagapas sang mga gl-um. The sun is
dispelling the clouds. Ang as ginapas
sang hngin. The smoke is being blown

Visayan-English Dictionary
away (off) by the wind. Napas
(Nagkapas) na ang mga gl-um. The
clouds are (were) dispelled.
pusa, Fast, fasting; to fast, be fasting,
keep the fast. Magpusa kam kag
magpamud sa krne sa mga Birnes
sang Kwarsma. Keep the fast and
abstinence on the Fridays in Lent. Adlaw
nga inogpusa. Day of fasting. (cf. dlaw
nga inogpamud sa krnea day of
pbliko, publik, (Sp. pblico) The
public; public, notorious. (cf. ang mga to,
ang mga tumalmbong, pumuly;
dayg, hayg, kinilla, lutw, bntug,
balahb, buygyag).
pdag, To pace up and down angrily, to
stamp the feet in anger. (cf. psad).
pudg-pdag, Dim. and Freq. of pdag.
To shuffle or scrape the floor with the feet,
stamp the feet, dance with rage (as done by
an angry child). (cf. pusdpsad,
pdan, The piece of wood or bamboo
attached to the gkos and gta and
connecting the draught-animal with the
plough, harrow, etc.; a small board worn on
the back under the ropes in the primitive
method of weaving by means of an ntip;
to use such a board, etc. Magpdan ka,
agd nd magsakt ang pudann mo.
Wear a board on your back, so that your
spine may not be hurt. Pudni si. Put a
board over her back. Provide her with a
board for the back. (cf. updan id.).
pudann, That part of the back over
which the pdan is worn, the back, the
lower spine. (cf. likd).
pd-is, White, whitish, pale, pallid, wan,
faded (of colours); to be or become pale, to
pale, fade (said especially of colours that
lose their brightness through the influence
of sun-light, rain, etc.). Napd-is
(Nagkapd-is) ang dug sinng baly. The
colour of this house has faded. (cf. pg-is,
lubd, bdhaw, ls-aw; lsp, lspad, lnad).
pdlon, From puldto fell (a tree), etc.
pdlus, Rod, cane, stick. (cf. bilogn,
bulunl, nw).
pdlus, To slip out or off, escape from a
grip, etc. See pdlus, pals.
pudl, Thickset, stumpy, stubby, pudgy,
etc. See pktol, bdul, karibud,
pudng, A turban, head-cloth; to turban,
wrap a cloth around the head. Pudong ang
lo mo. Cover your head with a cloth.
Ipudng sa lo mo inng pny. Put this
cloth or handkerchief on your head. (cf.
tabn, tbon, kdong, tkdong, takurng).
pdyot, pudyt, A pinch, as much as
one can grasp between two or three fingers;
a little, a small amount; to take up (eat)
with the fingers, take up a pinch or very
small amount. Is ka pdyot nga kalmay.

pusa pg-ok
A little sugar. A pinch of sugar. Pudyot
lang ang kn-on. Eat the rice with the
fingers. (cf. ps, kus, kodt).
pura, (Sp. fuera) Out, outside, without,
not in; not belonging to, having no
reference or connection with. Pura! Away
with you! Take yourself off! Make yourself
scarce! Clear out! Go off! Go away! (cf.
gw, haln, lus, waly lbut).
pursa, (Sp. fuerza) Force, strength,
power, might, energy, vigour, vehemence,
violence; to make (do, etc.), to force,
coerce, constrain, compel, oblige, insist on.
Puersah si sa pagbyad sang ya tang.
Force him to pay his debt. (cf. plit, pgos,
lgus, kusg, paksug).
purta, (Sp. puerta) Door, gate, portal,
postern, entrance; gate-money, entrancefee. (cf. ganhan, ganghan, gawng,
puerthan, See purta.
purto, (Sp. puerto) Harbour, port,
haven. (cf. dungkan).
pug, A hard clod, clump, lump, of
earth. Podpor ang mga pug. Crumble
the lumps of earth. Magakalapdpod gid
yanng mga pug kon ulann sing
madmol. Those clods of earth will
crumble under a heavy shower of rain. (cf.
park, padk, bilg).
pg, To compress or wring out.
Magpg ka sang tbig (pg-on (pugon)
mo ang tbig) gkan sa panpton. Wring
(Press) out the water from the clothes. Pgi (Pugi) ang panpton. Wringout the
clothes,the clothes dry.
pg-a, Difficult to swallow; a soft or very
brittle lump of earth, sand, sugar, etc.; to
be or become difficult to swallow, etc. (cf.
pug, bigl, pgol, pghol, bilg).
pugang, Very red, bright red,
conspicuous from afar. (cf. pul, pulagng,
dagang, dagngdang).
pugas, To shout, vociferate, yell, holla,
give, raisea yell or a shout. (cf. pagas,
pugat, snggit, turayw).
pgad, A nest; to make a nest, nestle,
build a nest. Ang mga pspis nagapgad sa
khoy. Birds build their nests in trees. Ang
kalabnan sinng mga khoy pinugran
sang mga pspis. Most of these trees are
full of birds nests, are the nesting places of
pugadn, Nest, breeding place, hen-nest,
etc. (cf. pugarn id.).
pugat, To yell, shout, holla, vociferate.
(See snggit, pugas, etc.).
pugaky, To crush. See bugaky.
pugnggang, To shine, be bright, be
visible or conspicuous. (cf. dagang,
pug-pg, Dim. and Freq. of pgto
wring out, etc.
pug-pga, (B) To hurry, speed up,
hustle, work hard, apply oneself to with
vigour or energy. Ginpugpga nya ang

ya aradohn kag sang pagkatpus

nagpabnwa si sa pagtn-aw sang
ktay. He ploughed with great energy and
then went to town to see the parade
(procession). (cf. dal, dsig, psan, kud).
pugarn, (H) See pugadnnest, etc.
pugt, pugat, White, bright; to be or
become white, shine brightly from afar; be
covered with dust. Nno ydtong
nagapugat sa malay? What is it that
shines so brightly over there in the
distance? (cf. put).
pugwa, The threads that cross the warp
and form the web; the threads of the weft
or woof; cross beams, transverse laths, or
the like.
pgdaw, To fall or break asunder,
disintegrate, fall to pieces, crumble.
Nagapgdaw ang mga sinipd sang
blak. The petals of the flower are dropping
off, the flower is falling to pieces. (cf.
pgday, Piece, part, crumb; to fall to (go
to) pieces, disintegrate, crumble, break up,
break asunder (of clods of earth, lumps of
salt or sugar, etc.). Napgday
(Nagkapgday) na ang mga pug sa
inaradhan, kay naulann sing madmol.
The clods of earth in the ploughed field
have crumbled, because they have been
soaked with rain. Pugday ang bilg nga
kalmay. Crush the lump of sugar.
pg, To fasten the threads of the warp to
the cloth-roller in a weaving loom, to start,
begin, do or use something for the first
time. Nakapg ka na sang mo halblon?
Have you tied to the roller the warp of the
new web? Pugi ang pulugan sang bunng
nga halblon. Fasten on the cloth-roller
the yarn to be woven. (cf. pulogan).
pug-ot, pugot, Troubled, etc. See
pg-is, See pd-ispale; to fade, etc.
pugta, Cuttle-fish, ink-fish; octopus. (cf.
pgnak, A gush or flow of liquid from a
vessel turned upside down; to pour out a
liquid with some force, (as by turning a
bottle, ewer, etc. upside down).
Nagpgnak ang tbig sa pitsl, kay ya
ginpatabul. The water gushed (poured all
at once) out of the pitcher for he turned it
upside down. (cf. bswak, pswak,
pgo, See pgo.
pgo, A kind of skin-disease resembling
prickly heat. Also used as verb. Pingo si
kahpon, kay nagsaky sa karabw kag
natalithihn. Yesterday he contracted the
skin-disease pgo on account of riding on
a buffalo when a light rain was falling.
pg-ok, To be tight, close; to shut up
within ones breast, cherish, nurse, nurture
some secret sorrow or pain, to hide sorrow
or pain. Nagapg-ok ang dghan nya.
His chest is tight, he can scarcely breathe.


pgon plhan
Ginpapg-ok (Ginpg-ok) nya ang am
nga kasub sa ya nga dghan. He locked
that sorrow in his heart (breast). (cf. pn-ot,
gutk, pn-ud).
pgon, See pgonto labour, work for
daily wages.
pg-on, From pgto wring out, etc.
pgot, See pgutto behead, decapitate.
pugy, See pugy-pugy.
pugy-pugy, Very simple, unadorned,
plain; one who is slovenlily or shabbily
dressed; a simpleton. Wal makakh sing
prmyo ang la mga balyblay sa am
nga paindsndis, kay tm gid ka
pugypugy. Their booths were given no
prize in that competition, because they
were far too plain (without any decorations,
pgsa, A boil, ulcer or tumour (especially
one on the back). Also used as verb.
Pingsa si. He has a pgsa-boil.
Pinugsahn si sa bul. He has an ulcer on
his seat.
pgsak, To do something with force or
violence, as kicking, stamping, throwing
something on the floor, etc. (cf. psdak,
pgtak, Dot, spot; to dot or spot, to
embroider in various colours, make fine
pugtk-pgtak, Dim. and Freq. of
pgtak. Spotted, variegated, dotted; not
near together, placed singly or apart. (cf.
atkatk). The frequentatives pamgtak
and pamugtkpgtak are more used in the
meaning of: to embroider.
pugng, To repress, restrain, check,
prevent, curb, hold, keep, back (in
check), to hinder, impede, control,
withhold. Pnggi ang kakig mo. Curb
your anger. Pinnggan nya si sa
pagkon sing krne. He prevented him
from eating meat. Daw sa dl na
mapnggan ang dak nya nga dumt.
His great hatred can scarcely be repressed
now. It looks as if his intense hatred has got
beyond his control. Wal nya mapnggi
sa gilayn ang nagadalgan nga wto
kag ang makaloloy nga to nadalas. He
could not stop at once the racing
automobile and the poor man was run over.
(cf. put, sagng, tpn).
pgus, To press, clasp, strain, to
ones bosom, to embrace, clasp in ones
arms, throw ones arms around, to hug,
cuddle, strain, fold, clasp, in ones
arms (embrace). (cf. haks, abrso).
pgut, To cut off the head, to behead,
decapitate. Pinugtan si sang lo. He had
his head cut off. He was beheaded.
pgwan, From pgo, pgo.
pgwat, Angry excitement, trembling,
shakiness; to gesticulate excitedly, show
fury in ones face (features) and
movements, be angry, be indignant, to look


Visayan-English Dictionary
cross; to become shaky or loose (of wheels,
phag, To break open, unfold, ransack,
disturb ones peace, to rummage and
deprive of (e.g. take away the honey from a
bee-hive, etc.). Ginaphag kit nla kag
ginabnghal. They disturb us and rail at us.
Puhga ang baly sang mga putikan kag
kuhon mo ang la dugs. Break into the
bee-hive and take out the honey.
puhr, (Sp. pujar) To buy wholesale, etc.
See pndak. Puhar lang ang kon mga
sging. Buy up my bananas, the whole lot.
(cf. hg-on, sgib).
puhl, To stop, prevent, etc. See plhan.
phon, To conspire, etc. See phon,
phot, puht, To penetrate, pass or go
through, seep, soak, through, percolate,
filter. Ang uln nagphot (nagpuht) sa
kon panpton. The rain soaked through
my clothes. (cf. tbos, tahs, sl).
pka, To rise, be up, early. See
pkan, To overthrow, overturn, fell to the
ground, lay low, cut down; to fall down.
Pukna ang khoy. Fell the tree. Pukni
ak sing pat ka halgi. Cut down four
posts for me. Ginpkan sang hngin ang
ph. The mango-tree was blown down by
the wind. Nagkalapkan sil sa patg
sang pagawyan. They fell on the field of
battle. Kon mabskug ang bgyo
mapkan (magakapkan) inng baly. If
there should blow a violent storm, this
house will tumble down. (cf. puld,
pukn-pkan, Dim. and Freq. of pkan.
Also: to shake, roll, rock, move up and
down or to and fro; rocking, rolling,
pukatd, Top, highest point, peak,
summit, brow, apex, climax, hill, hillock,
eminence, height, rise, elevated ground,
mound. (cf. alipokpokn, baklod,
putkputokn, bukatd, bkid).
pukatorn, Hilly, etc. See bukatorn,
pkaw, To wake, awake, awaken, stir up,
rouse. Pukwa si. Wake him. Pukwi ak
sing lim ka to. Wake five men for me.
Palapkaw sa (sang) kalg. Awakener of
the soul.
pkaw, The celebration of marriage
before dawn. May pkaw sa bus. (May
kasl bus sa ga pa gid). There will be a
marriage before dawn tomorrow.
puk, See bilt.
pukng, See bilt.
pklat, To open (the eyes). See pamklat,
pklid, See pklid.
puk, See pok id.
pkol, To knock, hit, strike, etc. See pkol.
pukon, See pokon.

pukd, To throw or tear down, remove

from. Pukur in sa ya nga
nahamtangn. Take (tear) it down,
remove it, from its place (stand, pedestal,
pukl, See pokl.
pkut, See pkot.
pukwt-pkwat, To rise and sit down
again repeatedly, get anxious, excited or
fidgety as one who is in a hurry to leave, but
is detained. (cf. pgwat).
pul, Red; to become red, redden.
Nagpul si sa nit. He reddened in the
heat. He was flushed on account of the
heat. Napulahn gid ak sinng by.
That jacket is too red for me.
pla, The pack of cards in the middle of
the table, as in the game of panggnggi.
plag, To scold, etc. See pamlag.
pulagng, Bright red. See pugang id.
pulgsak, To throw down with some
force; to drive or ram down (a stake; etc.).
(cf. pgsak, bgsok, sok).
pulhan, Red, clothed in red, wearing red
garments; communist. (cf. pul).
plak, To blight, wilt, wither, canker,
decay, applied especially to fruit that does
not mature or to flowers nipped in the bud.
Naplak inng mga bnga. These fruits
were blighted. This fruit is cankered.
pulk, Blighted, blasted, cankered, wilted,
withered, nipped in the bud, drooping
before it is full-blown (of a flower), fallen
off a tree before it is full-grown or mature
(of fruit). (In both cases owing to insects or
maggots). (cf. plak).
pulk, A small measure of rice, etc.
usually either one-third or one-fourth of a
pulakn, A measure of either one-third or
one-fourth of a gantang. Pulakn nga
talatlhan (alaptan). A pulakn-measure
of one-third (one-fourth) of a gantang.
Pulaknmeasures of one sixth and one
eighth of a gantang are also used in some
plaw, Unmixed, pure, unadulterated,
unalloyed. (cf. praw, id.).
plaw, Sleeping little, able to go without
sleep long or regularly (as some gamblers,
etc.). Plaw si nga to. He sleeps very
little. (cf. maplaw).
pulw, To keep watch at night, stay up,
keep awake, keep vigil, sit up, keep late
hours. Pulaw ang masakt. Watch the sick
person during the night. Magpulw kam
tbtub kam magabt. Keep awake till we
arrive. Stay up for us. Ginpulawn gid
sang ya mananbang ang am nga
kasb. His lawyer sat up till late at night
studying that case (lawsuit).
pulwan, A wake. (cf. belasyn).
plhan, From the seldom used puhlto
stop, hinder, check, forbid, prevent, curb,
hold, keep, back (in check), withhold,
stay (transitive). Ginplhan nya ak. He

Visayan-English Dictionary
kept me back. Plhi ang ya pagardo.
Stop his ploughing. Stop him from
ploughing. Make him stop ploughing. (cf.
pugng, tpn, dl, duml).
pli, To make common cause against,
attack together, mob, fall upon in company
with others. Ginpulhan nla si. Theyfell
upon him in a body,attacked him all
together,mobbed him.
pulins, Worn, obliterated by use,
defaced, battered, sweated, light, bad, false,
spurious, base, counterfeit; to be or become
worn, etc., particularly applied to coins.
Inng unsta nd na mabton, kay
nagpulins. This doubloon will not be
accepted,One cannot pass this
doubloon,because it is worn. Pulins nga
kwrta. Worn out money, that is not fit any
longer for currency. False or counterfeit
pling, A small particle, a tiny splinter, a
mote. Also used as a verb. Napling
(Napulngan) ang mat ko. A speck or
mote has got into my eye. May pling ang
mat ko. I have a small splinter in my eye.
puls, Police, policeman. See pols id.
pulmn, (Sp. pulmon) The lungs, (cf.
pul, (H) See pol.
plo, See plo.
pl, Ten. Ttlo ka pl (katloan). Three
times ten (thirty). (cf. napl).
pl-o, Knobby, knotty, hard pieces of
pulkpok, The blossom of the mangotree, kamnsil, lmboy, psi, etc. The verb
is pamulkpok. Nagapamulkpok
(Nagapamlak) na ang ph. The mangotree is blossoming (is in blossom). (cf.
plon, (H) See plon.
puln, Spool, bobbin. See poln.
pulng, Bunch, collection, tuft, cluster.
Is ka pulng nga blak, bnga, etc. A
bunch of flowers, fruit, etc. (cf. pngpung).
plong, (H) A word, term, vocable,
saying, speech; to say, speak, utter, express
oneself. An ang ginplong nya? What
did he say? Pulngi si sing mahnay kag
matinahron. Speak to him quietly and
respectfully. Sa lan nga plong. In
other words. Mga pil lang ka plong
ang ya nga ginhmbal. He spoke (said)
only a few words. (cf. silng, hmbal).
pulongkan, (H) Seat, anything that can
be sat upon. (pngk).
pulngpong, (H) A bouquet, bunch of
flowers, nosegay, posy; button-hole,
boutonniere (cf. pulng).
puln-plon, (H) Dim. and Freq. of
plon, plon. Nagapulnplon lang sa ya
lo ang mga panghunhn. Thoughts or
ideas are whirling in his head i.e.
succeeding each other rapidly without
order or logic.

pli plway
pul-plo, To beat, box, strike, punch,
pommel. Pulopulha ang ya lo. Punch or
pommel his head. (cf. plo, plo).
pul-plo, To stroke, touch anothers
head, etc. caressingly.
plpito, (Sp. plpito) Pulpit. (cf.
plpug, To strike or beat against
something, a burning piece of wood, a lit
cigar, or the like; to strike, box, pommel.
Pulpug sang mo abno ang bulutngan
sang ab, agd nd madgdag
(magkadgdag) sa salg ang ab. Knock
your cigar against the ash-tray, lest the ash
should (so that the ash may not) fall on the
floor. Iplpug ang sars sa bat, agd
magkalatktak ang mga bga. Beat your
torch against the stone, that the charred
parts may fall off. (cf. pkpok).
pulsras, (Sp. pulsera) Bracelet; wristlet.
plso, (Sp. pulso) Pulse, pulsation; that
part of the wrist where the pulse is felt. (cf.
puld, To hew, chop, cut, down, fell
(a tree, etc.). Pdla (pulud, pulur) ang
ph. Cut down the mango tree. Ipuld
inng wsay sa khoy. Use this hatchet to
chop down (fell) the tree with. (cf. taps,
puludann, The back. See pudann.
puludnan, (H) A large (bamboo) bobbin
for winding yarn on. (cf. polndan).
plug, See plogto plate, cover with
pulugan, Cloth-roller. See purogan.
pulgnan, (H) Work, employment,
service, job, etc. See palamgnan,
pamulgnan, alagarn, pgon).
puluguhn, pulgwan, See
pologohn, polgwana chicken-basket,
pulk, To cluster together, crowd, be
many, be crowded together. (cf. kt,
pulukann, What is to, should, be
felled, as a tree, etc. (cf. pkan).
pululngon, pululungn, (H) Speech,
words, language, expression, utterance. Sa
mathag kag matahm nga pululungn
ya ginpahyag ang ya nga katarngan.
In clear and beautiful language he unfolded
(made clear) his argument. (cf. plong).
puln-on, What is to, should, can,
be filled; vacant, empty. (cf. pun).
pulnton, (H) Fit for or to be used for
building a punt (fish-trap). Kawyan nga
pulnton. Bamboo destined (intended) for
the making of a fish-trap. (cf. purnton
pulupon, pulupun, (H) What is to
be plucked, fruit to be gathered from trees,
etc. (cf. pp, pamp).
plus, Fez, turban, cap, cover for the
head; to wind round, cover (the head). (cf.
ttub, tutb, kl).

puls, Advantage, benefit, profit, gain,

use, usefulness, service, help, stead, avail;
value, worth, efficacy; to be of use, be
profitable, advantageous, useful. May
puls pa in. That is quite useful still. Wal
sing puls in. This is no good, is of no use.
Ind na ikw makapuls sin. Ind mo na
mapslan in. You can no longer get any
advantage out of that. That is of no avail
(no good) to you any more. Ginpslan nya
sing dak ang am nga kahigaynan. He
made very good use of the occasion. He
took advantage of the occasion. He profited
by the opportunity. (cf. himuls).
puls, All without exception, one and all,
every one of them. Inng mga ph puls
gid mga mayo. These mangoes are all
good, there is not a bad one amongst them.
Ang mga pumuly sang mon bnwa
puls mga katliko. The inhabitants of our
town are all (All the people in our town are)
Catholics without exception. Pulus lang
sd ang sd-an ta karn sa panyga.
Serve only fish as a side-dish for our
dinner. (cf. tann, pasy).
pulslan, Of use, useful, serviceable,
advantageous. (cf. puls).
plut, To pick up, lift, raise, take up from
the floor or ground. Pulta ang pny nga
nadgdag. Pick up the handkerchief that
has dropped on the floor. Ginplut nya
ang kwrta nga ya nakt sa dlan. He
picked up the money he found on the road.
Pulti ang dlan sinng mga bat. Take
those stones off the road. (cf. prut,
hkwat, gkat).
plut, The last peal of bells, the end of the
ringing of bells; to stop the ringing of bells,
to ring off. (cf. rimti, prut).
pult, Firmly twisted or twined (of thread,
a rope, etc.); thickening, getting sticky and
viscous (of sugar in the process of sugarmilling); to become firmly twisted (of
thread, etc.); to thicken, inspissate, curdle,
coagulate, congeal, condense (of sugar,
etc.); thick syrup or molasses near the stage
of crystallization. Nagpult na ang
kalmay. The juice of the sugar cane has
condensed to thick molasses (is on the
point of crystallizing).
pultsan, Wrapper, wrapping paper,
wrapping cloth, any material used for
wrapping or packing. (cf. puts, balhos).
puly-an, Home, house, dwelling,
dwelling-place, living-quarters, lodging,
lodgings, residence, abode, domicile,
habitation, place to live or stay in,
tenement, diggings. (cf. puy, baly,
dalayonn, ginaestarn).
plway, To belch forth, spirt out, spit out,
emit jets of. Ang am nga bolkn kon
kais nagaplway sing maitm kag
madmol nga as sa ya bb. That
volcano at times belches forth (vomits,
spews) dark and dense smoke from the
crater. (cf. lway).


pumahalyag png-ot
pumahalyag, (H) See pumalahyag
pumalahyag, (H) One who appears or
presents himself; a representative, deputy.
(cf. pahyag).
pumaltad, (H) A gambler, gamester,
better, bettor, one who stakes money or
makes a bet, etc. (cf. patd).
pumalatkang, (H) Dealer, merchant,
business-man. (cf. patkang).
pumalatndog, Builder, architect,
shipwright, mason, engineer, or the like.
(cf. tndog, patndog).
pumaltok, pumalatk, (H) A
founder, one who founds, makes or
establishes something.
Pumalatkpagbult-an. A law-maker,
legislator. (cf. ptok).
pumalatbas, A producer, farmer;
manufacturer, industrialist. (cf. patubs,
pumill, pumilil, Voter, elector, one
who chooses,selects,elects,votes. (cf.
pumuly, Inhabitant, resident, citizen,
dweller, denizen, burgher, burgess,
townsman, householder, villager, cottager,
people, the public. (cf. puy).
pn, Mesh, netting, network; to make a
mesh, to mend nets, etc., to knit, make lace
with a crochet needle, to crochet. (cf.
pun, Division, part, chapter (of a book);
part, parcel, lot, piece (of land, etc.). (cf.
bhin, phat, prte, kus).
pun-pn, Dim. and Freq. of pnto
mend nets, etc.
pun-pun, Dim. of pun. Small
separate pieces or parcels; small articles,
essays, stories, paragraphs, or the like.
pnas, See hgasto rinse, clean with
water, etc. (pnas seems to have been
introduced from the Tagalog dialect).
pnaw, To make or become dizzy,
confused, grow weak or faint, become upset
(through fear, or the like). Ind ka
maglntaw sa idlum kon ddto ka sa
matas nga lingganyan, kay mapnaw
ka gid. Dont look down when you are there
on the high belfry or you will feel dizzy.
Napnaw (Nagkapnaw) si sang mga
pils ni Fulno. She got a shock (fainted,
was mentally confused or upset) when she
saw N.N.s wounds. (cf. lngin, lipng).
punawn, One who is easily upset or
frightened, nervous, giddy, dizzy, timid,
apprehensive, frightened out of ones wits.
(cf. pnaw).
pnay, Pigeon, dove. (cf. salampti).
puny-pnay, Dim. of pnay. Also: to
talk of love, to spoon, to bill and coo (of
boys and girls).
pnda, (Sp. fonda) Inn, tavern, public
house, saloon, refreshment-room,
restaurant, tea-shop, eating-house. (cf.
talangwyan, karihn, tinggi, kaln-an).


Visayan-English Dictionary
pnda, (Sp. funda) Casing, cover, pillowslip, pillow-case. (cf. balhos, puts,
pultsan sang ulnan).
pundg-pndag, To stamp the feet,
shuffle the feet. (pundkpndak id.).
pundk-pndak, See pundgpndag,
pundyo, (Sp. fondillos) The seat of a pair
of trousers; wide, loose trousers as used by
the Chinese.
pndo, (Sp. fondo) Funds, capital, stock,
assets. (cf. pahunn, plak).
pndo, (Sp. fondo) To gather, collect,
accumulate; to stop, unhitch, (of a cart,
etc.). Nagapndo lang ang tbig dir, kay
wal sing ilign. The water collects
(accumulates) here for want of an outlet.
(cf. supn).
pndok, Heap, cluster, collection; colony;
district comprising several towns, electoral
district. (cf. pud).
pung, Having the nostrils stuffed,
clogged, stopped or obstructed; talking
through the nose. To nga pung. One
whose nose is stopped up. Pinung is used
as verb: to snuffle, talk as if through the
nose or with clogged nostrils. Ind ka
magpinung. Ind mo pagpinungahn ang
mo panghmbal. Dont talk through the
nose. Dont snufflein your talk,when
you talk.
pung, (H) Scarcely able to breathe,
breathless, gasping, panting for breath; to
gasp or pant for breath, as one drowning or
near suffocation. (cf. pngh).
pungg, Forgetful, wandering in ones
mind, oblivious, not quite normal, absent,
absent-minded, abstracted, wrapt, lost,
in thought, in a reverie, day-dreaming,
wool-gathering, not all there. (cf. pangg,
balingg, tipangg).
pungl, With broken-off horns, having
the horns (or one of them) broken with
only the stump remaining. Pungl nga
bka. A cow with broken horns.
pngal, To break off short, to break off a
horn, or the like, near the root. Sang
pagsngay sinng bka sa is ang is nya
ka sngay napngal (nagkapngal).
When this cow fought with another one of
its horns was broken off short.
pungngo, The stem or stalk of a flower
or fruit, peduncle.
pung-pung, (H) Breathless, scarcely
able to breathe, panting, gasping. Dim. of
png-aw, Dreary, lonely, sad, lone,
forlorn, solitary, unfrequented, cheerless,
lorn (poetical); to become dreary, etc.
Ginapung-awn ak. I feel lonely. Sdto
nay masdya inng lugr, pang karn
nagpng-aw na. Formerly this was a
cheerful place, but now it has become
lonely. (cf. mngaw, sm-ong).
pungy, To become weak, feeble,
enfeebled, frail. Nagpungy si sa

balatan. He became weak through

sickness. (cf. lya).
pnggud, Pimple, blackhead, acne,
comedo. (cf. bugs).
pnggul, To cut off, lop off, decapitate,
behead. Punggul ang lo sang mn-og.
Cut off the head of the snake. Pinungguln
nya ang mank sang ya lo. He
decapitated the chicken. He chopped off
the chickens head. (cf. pungl).
pngh, See punggasping for breath,
pungh-pngh, Dim. and Freq. of
png, To break or twist off; pluck, cull,
gather (corn-cobs, etc.). (cf. lng, sip).
pngil, To chip, break off a bit (piece) of
glass, pottery, crockery, or the like. (cf.
psang, pngas, bngaw).
pungl, Having a bit (piece) broken off; to
be chipped, said of glass-ware, pottery and
crockery. (cf. psang, pings, bingw).
pngis, To give or take a very small
amount; to diminish by a little.
Ginpungsan lang ak nya sing dt. He
gave me only a small patch of land. (cf.
pungs, bhin, bhin).
pungs, A little, a very small amount,
small quantity, morsel, scrap, mite. Is ka
pungs gid lang nga kalmay, tinpay, etc.
ang ginhtag nya sa kon. He gave me
only a little sugar, bread, etc. (cf. ditay,
klwit, pdyot, ist, piripisi).
png-it, Dry mucus adhering to the
pung-itn, One why has dry mucus
adhering to the nostrils, as a child that has
not been taught to wipe its nose.
pngki, A bamboo sling hung on a pole
and carried by two men when transporting
sand, gravel, stones, coconuts, etc.; to carry
or transport by means of a pngki; to have
much money, spend money freely.
pngk, To sit down, take a seat, be
seated, seat oneself. Pngk (Magpngk,
pumngk) ka. Be seated. Take a seat. Sit
down. Seat yourself. Pungko inng sya. Sit
down on this chair. (cf. lngkod).
pngkoy, To throw, fling, chuck.
Pungkoy ang bboy sing bat. Throw a
stone at the pig. (cf. blang, haby, pilk).
pung, A handful, a bunch, as much as
one can grasp with the hand. (cf.
pngpung). Also: the fruit of the np
pungl, To break off the neck of a bottle,
the fingers, arms or legs of a statue, etc.; to
maim, cripple. Napungl (npngol) ang
lo sang larwan ni San Bisnte. The head
of the statue of St. Vincent broke off. (cf.
pngas, kmpul, pnggul, pngil).
pungs, (H) The hair tied up in a bunch,
knot or chignon. (cf. pos, pinngsan).
png-ot, Catarrh, cold in the head,
stuffed (stopped, stopt) nostrils, running
from the nose; to obstruct or stuff the

Visayan-English Dictionary
nostrils, etc. Ginapung-otn
(Ginapngtan) ak. My nose is stuffed up
(clogged up). I have a catarrh. I have a cold
in the head.
pngpung, A bunch; a handful. (cf.
pulngpong, pung, pulng).
pngpung, Darling. (cf. aky, nday,
pngsud, Nation, a people, community,
state, race, tribe, clan, commonweal. (cf.
dt, bnwa, lngsod, ginharan).
pngyot, Cluster, group, bunch, tuft. (cf.
hngyot, pngpung).
pun, Decoration, adornment,
ornamentation, embellishment; to
decorate, ornament, adorn, embellish.
Punih ang simbhan sing mayo.
Decorate the church well. Ipun inng mga
hnero sa Pista. Use these pieces of cloth
as decorations for the Feast. Ginpunihn
nya ang ya kalg sing madm nga mga
birtdes. She adorned her soul with many
virtues. (cf. hiys).
pun-pni, Dim. and Freq. of pun.
pnlas, To steep in acid or sour liquids
clothes, hemp-fibre, or the like, in order to
take out stains and bring back the original
colour. Punlas ang lnot nga balayon
sing dalyap (sing slum). Steep the hemp
for making clothes in a solution of dalyap
i.e. the juice of the dalyap orange (in an
acid). Nagdalg ang ya by; gn
pinunlasn nya, agd magl ang
duman nya nga dug. His jacket had
turned yellow, therefore he steeped it in an
acid to bring back its original colour.
pn, Stump, stem, trunk, bole (of a tree);
origin, source, beginning; root, head, chief.
Waly pn kag waly tbong. Without
head or tail. Having neither head nor tail. A
thing that has no sense in it.
pun, (H) Full, brimming, brimful; to fill,
replenish, charge, brim. Pn-a ang bso.
Fill the glass. Pn-i sing bno inng kopta.
Fill this glass with wine. Maghimy ka,
Mara, nga pun ka sing grsya. Hail
Mary, full of grace.
punon, Authorities; chief, head, (seldom
pnong, Weir, weel, fish-lock, fish-weir,
fish-pond; to dam or dyke a sheet of water,
enclose, confine, shut up. (cf. pnud).
pnpun, To gather, collect, shake
together into a heap and take up (said of
rice spread on mats to dry, of clothes hung
on a line or spread in the sun or the like).
Punpun ang humy. Put the rice together,
gather the rice. (cf. pnpin, tpon).
pnse, (Sp. ponche) Punch, mixture of
intoxicating drinks like tub, beer, gin, etc.;
to mix intoxicating drinks. Punseh ang
tub kag serbsa. Mix the tub and beer.
pnsok, Group, clump, heap, compact
mass, pile, batch, assemblage, gathering,
collection, accumulation; to come or gather
close together, collect in a heap, form a

pngpung purogan
compact mass, huddle together.
Nagapnsok lang sil dir sa pamsud.
They are crowded together in the corner.
Punsok ang mga bat. Gather the stones
in a heap.
punsyn, (Sp. funcin) Feast, banquet,
dinner, convivial or social party, an
entertainment with eating and drinking.
May punsyn sa baly ni Fulno. There is
a social party at N.N.s house. Mamunsyn
kam sa bus. Tomorrow we are going to
have a dinner-party or banquet.
pnta, (Sp. punta) Point, sharp end of
anything, end; to point or aim at. Puntah
sing mayo sang pusl mo ang pspis.
Ipnta sing mayo ang pusl mo sa pspis.
Take good aim at the bird with your rifle.
pntadiamnte, (Sp. punta de
diamante) A kind of plant with prickly
punterya, (Sp. puntera) Aim; pointing a
weapon, training or directing a cannon,
etc.; to take aim, to aim at, cover (with a
gun, or the like). Ginpunteriyhan nya
ak, pang wal ak mag kay naglksi
ak. He aimed at me, but I was not hit, for I
jumped aside. Mayo si sing punterya.
He is a good (an expert) shot. (cf.
puntilyso, (Sp. puntilloso) Punctilious;
moody, subject to fits of bad temper. (cf.
barinhon, tardyon, pikn).
pnto, (Sp. punto) Point, full stop, period;
tone, tune, pitch, key, clef. An gn ang
pnto sdtong mo kansyn kahpon?
What is the key of that song of yours you
sang yesterday?
puntul; puntualidd, (Sp. puntual;
puntualidad) Punctual; punctuality. (cf.
pt-ud, g, sb).
pnud, Dam, dyke, weir, lock, weel; to
dam, make a dam or dyke, build a barrier
or weir in a river, etc. Ginapndan nla ang
kanl, ang kalg, ang tbig, etc. They are
building a dam across the channel, across
the ditch, against the flow of water, etc.
Ipnud ang mga bat, khoy, kawyan,
etc. Use stones, wood, bamboo, etc. to build
the dam with.
pn-ud, To be, become, or make tight,
close, etc. See pg-ok. Pinunurn (Napnud, nagkapn-ud, pinn-ud) si. He was
(became) breathless, unconscious.
pnung, See pnong id.
punt, Fish-corral, a large fish-trap
erected in shallow sea-water.
punyda, (Sp. puada) Punch, fisticuff,
cuff, buffet, box, blow with the fist. (cf.
smbag, pkpok, bngbung).
punyl, (Sp. pual) Dagger, poniard,
stiletto. (cf. w, dga, sndang, etc.).
pnyo, (Sp. puo) Fist; grasp, handful;
wristband, cuff, (cf. mol, inmol).
pnyos, (Sp. puos) Cuffs, wristbands,
handruffles, the hem, rim or cuffs of shirtsleeves.

pud, District, province, state. Panglopud. State-Governor, Provincial Governor.

(cf. pngsud, puk).
puodnnon, Belonging or referring to a
state or province. Pangolohn nga
puodnnon. State-Government, Provincial
puk, District; place, corner, territory. (cf.
pndok, pud).
pul, Snail. (cf. kol, kul, gi).
pung, Bunch, group, troop. See pong
pung-pung, Dim. of pung. A
separate group, grove, cluster, clump of
trees, houses, etc. A village may be called
pungpung sang bnwa.
put, To stop, etc. See put.
puptre, (Sp. pupitre) Writing case,
writing desk. (cf. sulultan).
prag, To stamp (with) the feet. See
purg-prag, Dim. and Freq. of prag.
See pudgpdag, pundgpndag,
pundkpndak, pusdpsad.
purngot, To frown, scowl; to pout, sulk,
etc. See ksmod, sngon, snggud,
riwarng, kulumron.
purso, (Sp. porrazo) Blow, fall, knock,
beating, stroke with a club or stick; sudden,
transitory, passing; a kind of game at cards.
Purso man lang ydtong ya kakig. That
was only a passing outburst of anger on his
purut, Hard times, distress, difficulty,
excitement, agitation; warm (hot) season.
Ang panahn sang purut. A time of
dearth or distress. The hot season. (cf.
praw, Pure, unmixed, etc. See plaw,
pro, puls, lnlun, pasy, lnsay, lgus,
prga, (Sp. purga) Purge, aperient,
cathartic, laxative, purgative, opening
medicine; to take or administer a purge.
Nagaprga si. He is taking a laxative.
Purgah si. Give him a purge, administer
to him a cathartic. Iprga sa ya inng mga
pldoras (nga inogprga). Give him these
laxative pills to take. (cf. ayda, kalya,
purgatryo, (Sp. purgatorio) Purgatory.
purgatoryohnon, The Souls in
purikot, (B) Nonsense, absurdity,
twaddle, bosh, trash; absurd, no good,
foolish. (cf. pirkat, lamd, lsang).
pura, pria, (Sp. fura) Outside, off,
away, not in or within. Pura (Pria) ka.
Get out! (cf. pura, haln).
pro, (Sp. puro) Pure, unmixed,
unadulterated. (cf. plaw, praw, puls,
lnsay, lgus).
pur, (B) See polisland, etc.
purogan, (B) The cloth-roller in a loom
on which the web or newly woven cloth is
wound up. (pg, pulogan).


purog-ot put-put
purog-ot, Upset, troubled, at a loss; to
be at a loss, upset, not to know what to do
or where to turn. (cf. libg, lingn).
pron, (B) See plon.
prug, (B) To plate, etc. See plug.
prug, The fruit of the bi.
purng, See pulng id. Purung
(pulong) ang mas. Make the maize up in
bunches or clusters.
purng, A crown, diadem; wreath,
chaplet, fillet, coronet. Purng nga
harinon. A royal crown.
prung, purng, To crown.
Ginpurungn sang mga Hudo ang Aton
Gino sing tunk. The Jews crowned Our
Lord with thorns. Iprung sa ya lo inng
mga blak. Crown his head with these
purng-prung, Dim. of purng.
Anything resembling a crown.
purnton, (B) See pulnton.
purs, (B) Strength, force; strong; to be or
become strong, develop strength. (cf.
hmrus, sug, bskug).
purs, (B) To do with strength or force.
Nagpurs (nagbskug) si sang ya nga
hmbal. He talked loudly. Purusn
(Baskugn) mo ang pagpp sang
lnsang. Hammer the nail hard. (cf.
prus, To walk about as if searching or
looking for something lost. (cf. kdos).
purs-prus, Dim. and Freq. of prus
and purs.
prut, (B) See plut.
purt, See pult.
purutkal, A chatterbox, a great talker,
one who speaks very quickly and volubly;
to talk much and with great volubility. (cf.
putkal, purutkol).
purutkol, See purutkal. Purutkol gid
lang ang ya nga hmbal nga nd masalotn sing bnlud. He speaks so volubly, that
nobody has a chance to put in a word (
that not even a tiny particle of rice can be
squeezed in between his words).
prya, (A corruption of the Sp. fuera) Out,
outside; to go or put outside; to eject, oust,
beat (in games). Puryah si. Put him
outside. Remove him. Oust him. (cf. pura,
pus, To crush, break by pressure. Ps-a
(pusa) ang tlog, kamtis, kalmay nga
bilg, etc. Crush the egg, the tomato, the
piece of sugar, etc. Ginpus nla ang
kawyan. They crushed the bamboo.
Mank nga naps-an (sang ya nga tlog).
A useless, unprofitable hen. A good for
nothing or useless fellow. (Lit.; A hen with
a crushed egg in its ovary).
psad, See pdag.
pusd-psad, To stamp the feet, etc. See
pudgpdag, pundkpndak.
ps-ak, To throw down violently, drop
with some force. See psdak, bndak,


Visayan-English Dictionary
ps-ang, To dash to the floor, throw
down, etc. See psdak, ps-ak.
pusangt, Ill-humoured, frowning,
offended; to frown, sulk, pout, look
angry,morose,sullen, (cf. ksmod,
purngot, pgwat, sngon, snggud,
kmud, ariwarng).
pusy, See pasy, pskonto eat only
meat or other savoury sidedishes without
rice or bread.
psdak, To throw down or drop with
some force, push with impetus (boxes,
parcels, loads carried on the shoulder, etc.);
to ram, drive or strike against something
with force. Ind mo pagipsdak ang kahn,
knd pahigdan (pabutngon,
pabatngon) mo sing mahnay. Dont drop
the box, but put it down gently. Ind nnyo
pagpusdakn ang salg sinng mga sko
nga may suld nga bugs, kay bs mabl
ang sntas. Dont fling the sacks of rice
down on the floor, forthe floor-beams
might break,you might break the floorbeams. Nagub ang bal, kay pinusdakn
nya sinng mabg-at nga khoy. The
trunk was crushed, for he threw this heavy
piece of wood on it.
psg, A mass, cluster; to form a
compact mass,cluster, to be near,
close, to come or gather close, together,
be or lie in a heap or mass, collect in a
heap, huddle together. Nagapsg gid
lang yanng mga biton. Those stars form
a veritable cluster. Ang mga sh sang
dgmay, sging, etc. nagapsg sa ya
pn. Dgmay-layers, banana-suckers, etc.
grow in clusters around the parent stem.
(cf. pnsok).
pusl, (Sp. fusil) Rifle, gun, musket,
carbine, firearm; to fire at (on), to shoot
with a rifle or firearm, pot, bring down with
ones gun, etc. Pusil ang pspis. Shoot the
bird. Pinusl sang pols ang buyng nga
but magpalgyo. The policeman shot the
brigand that wanted to run away. Ind mo
si pagpusiln. Dont shoot, fire at
(on), discharge your gun (rifle, piece)
at, send a shot after, him. (cf. lthang).
pslit, To spirt, spurt, etc. See pswit,
busawk, smpit.
pslut, To slip out of, escape from the
grip of, get away from. (cf. pals, pdlus).
psnga, To breathe through the nostrils,
snort, emit (eject) air with some force
through the nostrils, as an angry buffalo, or
the like. Ginpusngahn si sang karabw.
The buffalo got wild and snorted at him.
Kon magpsnga ang karabw madal na
lang in manngay. If a buffalo snorts in
anger it will soon start attacking with its
ps-ok, psok, To pile up, heap
together. (cf. tingb, tmpok, pnsok).
ps-on, The belly, stomach, abdomen.
Pang-a sang ps-on. A hard stool,
constipation, costiveness. (cf. pams-on
to evacuate the bowels).

psong, A liar, boaster, braggart, teller of

invented stories; one who builds castles in
the air; to tell stories, etc. (cf. hs,
ginang, sung).
pspus, To strip of leaves, etc. See
psta, (Sp. posta) Bet, wager, stake; to
bet, lay, lay a wager, put on. Pustah ang
mank ko nga mapul sing ttlo ka
mngmang. Stake (put) three pesos on my
red cock. Ipsta ko ang kon karabw. Ill
bet my buffalo. Pil ang psta mo? What is
your stake? How much did you stake? (cf.
psud, Corner, recess, nook; navel; navelstring, umbilical cord; to make corners.
Napusdan mo na ang tabungs? Have
you made the corners of the tabungsbasket? Sa psud sang hult. In the corner
of the room. Butangn mo sing ab ang
psud sang bt. Put some wood-ash on
the babys navel.
psug, Thick (of a sheet, board, book, or
the like); to become or make thick.
Napusgan ak sinng lbro. The book is
too thick for me, looks very thick to me.
Also: The almost solid part of a bamboo
near the ground. (cf. madmol, dmol).
ps-ug, To ram in, drive into the soil,
plant, set up, as a post, stake, or the like.
(cf. sok, bgsok, pulgsak).
ps-uk, See ps-ug.
ps, pus, See ps, pos. Also: A kind
of rice-dish.
pus-pusun, The calf of the leg. (cf.
busgbusugn, batis).
psut, Slushy, miry, wet, soft (of mud,
dirt, etc.); to be soft, slushy, etc. The
composite form pustpsut is more
commonly used.
pust-psut, Dim. and Freq. of psut.
Nagapustpsut inng lnang. This mud is
very soft (slushy, watery). (cf. mahmok,
pswak, To spirt, spurt, squirt, gush out.
(cf. pswak, busawk, pswit, smpit).
pswit, puswt-pswit, See pswit,
poswt-pswitto spirt, etc. (cf. pswak).
pta, (Sp. puta) Harlot, strumpet, whore,
prostitute. (cf. bigon, lpot, pattot).
put, To divide, distribute, disconnect,
disjoin. (cf. putput, pamut).
ptak, See psut.
putkal, putakl, To talk much, be a
chatterbox, etc. See purutkal, purutkol.
putk-ptak, Dim. and Freq. of ptak
to be watery, miry, slushy, sticky. (cf.
put-pta, Dim. of pta.
put-put, Put or placed separately,
scattered, not contiguous or joined, spread
out singly, one by one: to put in separate
heaps or groups, set apart or at a distance
from each other. Putput ang kon um.
My fields are scattered here and there, are
not contiguous or joined together.

Visayan-English Dictionary
Ginputput nya ang ya humy. He
distributed his rice in separate heaps or
granaries. (cf. atkatk).
ptat, A kind of tree.
puty, See bilt.
put, White, light, fair; to whiten, lighten,
become or make white, to be or become
light, to blanch, bleach. Nagput ang ya
bohk sa katigulangn. His hair became
white through old age. Naputin ak
sinng dug. This colour is too light (white)
for me, appears to me too light. Pintah
ang padr sing pog, agd magput.
Limewash the wall that it may become
white. (cf. buky, lgt, ubnon).
putan, White; the white race. Ang mga
putan. White people. The whites.
putk, An ulcerous affection of the anus;
putikn, One who is affected with putk,
referring to putk.
putk, ptik, Whip, crop, rod, lash; to
whip, cane, give the whip (stick); strike
(beat) with a rod, lash. Ginputk nya ang
kabyo. He struck the horse with a whip.
He whipped the horse. (cf. lbtik, bnal,
putikan, The bee. (putykan id.).
ptiong, Button, knob, knot; to clasp,
buckle, button on, tie up in a knot. Iptiong
(putiong) ang psos sa mo nga pnyo.
Tie the peso up in your handkerchief. (cf.
ptyong, ptyong, botnes, botn).
ptlak, To seethe, be on the boil, be at the
boiling point, boil with a hissing sound (as
sugar in a cauldron, etc.). Nagaptlak na
ang kalmay. The sugar is boiling
(hissing), i.e. it may soon be transferred
from the cauldron to the trough to be
stirred, (dried and packed for shipment).
ptl, Pure, virginal, unsullied, unstained,
chaste, clean, unspotted, lily-white. (cf.
lay, matnl).
pto, See pto id. Putha inng bugs.
Make a pto-cake from this rice. Puthi
ak. Prepare some pto-cakes for me.
pto, Bankrupt, insolvent, etc. See pto.
pto-bngbung, A kind of pto-cake.
putohn, A form or mould, usually of
wickerwork, for making rice-cakes,
especially pto. (cf. lampwan id.).
putk, A twist, coil or kink in a rope, yarn,
cable, or the like; to kink, etc. Nagputk
ang kalt. The rope has knotted, kinked
(potk id.).
putk-putokn, The top, summit, peak,
brow, highest point of a mountain, hill, etc.
(cf. alipokpokn).
putng, Very irascible, quarrelsome, badtempered, getting angry very soon and for a
slight reason, void of consideration for
others and for their views. Putng si sing
but. He is narrow-minded. (cf. pikn,
tardyon, dy, kutskuts).
ptot, Small, young, tender, soft,
immature (said particularly of fruit).

ptat puy
putt, Dwarf, runt, pigmy; dwarfish,
pygmean, short, small, undersized, low of
putt, Also: stout, corpulent, thickset. (cf.
matmbok, pandk, bdul). pwang, A
babys carriage made of rattan or wood. See
pto-taw, A kind of pto-cake.
putt-irn, A small or undersized cat;
humorously used of small persons.
puty-ptoy, To exert oneself, make
great efforts, do with zest and zeal.
Nagaputyptoy si sang pangabdlay sa
um kag ang ya kinitan ginasugl lang
sang ya aswa. He spends himself
working on the farm and his earnings are
gambled away by his wife.
Nagaputyptoy si sang kdlaw. He
laughs with great glee or enjoyment. (cf.
himd-os, panikasg, paningh,
ptput, To break wind, fart. (cf. utt).
ptro, (Sp. putero) A stallion that runs
after every mare he sees.
putsro, (Sp. puchero) A dish of boiled
meat with vegetables, sauce, spices, etc.
ptson, From putsto enwrap, etc.
ptson, A fish-trap, a small fishing net.
putl, Maimed; having a part cut off;
short, shortened; to maim, cut off (a finger,
member, etc.). Putl nga srwal. Short
trousers. Naptlan (naputuln) si sing
is ka tdl, sing bohk, etc. He had a
finger, his hair, etc. cut off. (cf. pungl,
pnggul, potl.
putng, Irascible, etc. See putng.
puts, A small bundle, package or parcel;
to pack, wrap up and fasten together, make
a parcel. Ptsa (putus) ang kon
panpton. Wrap up my clothes. Make up
my garments into a parcel. Make a bundle
(parcel) of my clothes. Pinuts nga tabk.
Tobacco-leaves made up in bundles. Iputs
ko inng papl sa tinpay. Ill wrap this
paper round the bread. Ill wrap the bread
in this paper. Ipaputs mo sa sologon ang
kon inoglis nga panpton. Order the
servant to pack my change of clothes. (cf.
balhos, bgtong).
ptut, A young or small fruit, etc. See
ptyong, Button, knob. (cf. ptyong,
botnes, ptiong).
putykan, Bee. (cf. putikan).
put, Stopped, discontinued, ceased,
finished; to stop, discontinue, desist, stay,
give over, end, break, leave, off, finish,
make an end of, cease. Put na ang uln
ornagput na ang uln. The rain has
stopped. Pt-i (puut) na lang ang
pagsult mo. Stop writing. Magapaput
pa ak sang uln kag ugling malakt
ak. First I shall let the rain stop and then I
shall set out (shall go away). Pint-an si
sang mga buyng. He was stopped
(waylaid) by the robbers.

put, To stifle, suffocate, impede

breathing. Naput si sang as. He was
suffocated by the smoke.
pwak, Throat, gullet, swallow,
oesophagus. (cf. pak, tutnlan, tubg).
puwk, An indivisible part, a fraction.
Kon partihn ang lim ka dak sa duh ka
to may puwk nga is. If five centavos
are divided among two men, then one
centavo remains over. (puk id.).
puwtis, (Sp. cohete) Rocket, sky-rocket;
pya, puy, Embryo in an advanced
state; a small child below four years of age.
(cf. ung, bt).
pya, puy, The sharp peg of a spinningtop or peg-top; pivot. Tops called trompo
have a puy, those called kasng have
none, as a rule.
pyas, To find fault with, criticize
adversely, disparage, use strong language,
chide, scold; gainsay, deny, give the lie to.
Wal sing makapyas sang ya sin nga
ikayo, ikalin, etc. No one can deny its
advantage, disadvantage, etc. Dalyon gid
lang sil nagapinuyasy. They are
alwaysfinding fault with each other,
criticizing one another,quarrelling with
each other. (cf. pamrag, pamlag,
pamsa, pamulgs, hkay, mlay,
pamuyyaw, suysay).
py-as, Clean, well hulled rice; to hull or
pound rice very well, so that the bankolt
comes off as well as the husks. Puy-as ang
pinw. Finish pounding the half-hulled
puyt, Drowsy, sleepy, dizzy, rising late in
the morning. (cf. pyat).
pyat, To be or make drowsy, sleepy, to
sleep long, lie in bed till late in the morning
(day) on account of lack of sleep during the
previous night. Nagmat na si Kwn?
Wal pa, napyat si tungd sang byle
kagb-i. Has N.N. risen from sleep?No,
not yet, he needs much sleep on account of
last nights dance. Ginapyat si, karn,
kay nagab-ihn si magpal kagb-i. He
feels very sleepy now, because last night he
came home late (at a late hour). Napyat
si tungd sang belasyn kagb-i. He rose
late this morning on account of last nights
py, See bilt.
pyo, Burse, purse, pocket, small sack;
money bag. (cf. plhuk).
puy, A kind of fish.
puy, To live, dwell, abide, stay, lodge,
reside, have ones home or residence, to
live with. Sa din ka nagapuy? Where do
you live? Ginpy-an (Ginpuyon) nya
inng baly sa suld sang duh ka tig. He
lived two years in this house. He lived in
this house for two years. An ang
pagtawg sang dlan nga mo nga
ginapy-an? What is the name of the street
where you live (you live in)? Papy-a si sa


pyos, puys rahyrhay

mo baly. Let him lodge in your house.
Give him lodgings in your home. Let him
stay at your house. Ginpuy nya si. He
lived with her. Ind mo pagpy-on yanng
babe. Dont live with that woman. Dont
keep that woman (as your concubine). (cf.
estr, lntad, buh, amoyng, ul, pal).
pyos, puys, A parcel, package; to
bind or wrap up, fasten with a knot. Is ka
puys nga tabk, kalmay, etc. A parcel
or package of tobacco, sugar, etc. Puysi
ang tabk. Tie the tobacco up in a knot (of
your handkerchief, or the like). Din ang
pinyos ko nga panpton? Where is my
parcel (package) of clothes? May kwrta
si nga ginapuysan sa psud sang ya
pny. He has some money tied up in the
corner of his handkerchief. (cf. puts,
bgtong, balhos, balghot).
pypuy, See pypoyto be or become
weak, etc. (cf. bdlay, lay, lya).
puyng-pyung, Blindmans buff,
Blind Harry; to play hide and seek. (cf.

q, In the reformed spelling of Visayan k is

used instead of q or rather instead of
qu, for the two always go together.
Therefore Visayan words in qu must be
looked for under k, e.g. quilcot, ququic,
etc. will be found under k spelt kilkot,
kkik, etc. (cf. remarks on letters c and

r, The letter r in Visayan is pronounced

as in English. Many words that have l in
Hiligynon have r in Hinarya and
others that have r in Hiligynon have d
in Hinarya, e.g. wal, war; lalng,
rarng; duluplan, durupran; bag-ran,
bag-dan; kalaparn, kalapadn, etc.
ra, (B) This, that. (cf. di, ri, rn, in,
rad, (B) Would to God that, may or
might it be so, it were well if. Mataws
ak rad kanmo. (Maupd ak kuntn sa
mo). I should dearly like to accompany


Visayan-English Dictionary
you. (cf. dad, nt, knt, untn,
ran, (B) See rad.
ran, (B) For rahn, a contraction of ra
and the interjection han (in Hiligynon
ay), e.g. imw ran. (am in ay). That
is it.
rabant, Old and useless, torn, bad,
rotten, ragged, worn into rags or tatters,
tattered. Rabant nga by, delrgo,
pny, etc. A tattered jacket, pair of
trousers, handkerchief, etc. (cf. gubt).
rbanos, (Sp. rbano) Radish.
rabl, (Sp. rabel) Rebec, an instrument
somewhat similar to the violin, and played
with a bow.
rab, Tastiness, quality of being savoury;
to be tasty, toothsome; to become savoury
(said of fruit, tubers, squashes and the
like). (lab id.).
rbo, (Sp. rabo) Tail (cf. kog).
rbong, (B) See dbongdense, etc.
rabt, See rabantbad, old, useless, etc.
rabt, Weak, not strong, stale, bad (of
tobacco, etc.).
rbrab, To tear, rend. Sn-o ang
nagrbrab sang kon by? Who has torn
my jacket? Rabrab na lang ang dan mo
nga delrgo. Just tear up your old pair of
trousers. (cf. gs, ghay).
rabtyal, To run about freely, to run
loose as horses, buffaloes, etc., if they
escape from an enclosure, or if their tether
rady-rday, To ramble, roam or
wander about, to be an idler or loafer. (cf.
landlndo, haryhray, lagwlgaw,
rdyo, (Sp. radio) Radio.
radyogrma, (Sp. radiograma)
Radiogram, a message transmitted by
radio. (cf. hatd-kawt).
ragak, ragak, To crash, crack as
breaking wood and the like.
ragmak, See ragak id.
ragng, Stained, bloodstained; to become
bloodstained. (cf. musagng, maragng).
rag-rga, (B) Winged ants. (cf.
rgas, Thick, (said of paint, embroidery,
beading, marking, low relief-work and the
like). (cf. madmol).
ragsras, To creak, scrape, make a noise
as of slippers dragged along the floor, or
the like. (cf. ragsros).
ragtnat, To be munched noisily with the
sound made when raw radishes, carrots,
etc. are eaten, to emit such a sound. (cf.
ragngring, To squeak, screak, screech,
creak, utter sharp, shrill sounds (as violins,
etc.); to rattle, clatter. (cf. ragting,
ringkdol, lungkgay).
ragint, ragnit, To crack or creak as
ropes when strained to breaking point.

ragting, To screak, squeal, etc. See

ragtrit, To emit a sound as of clothes
being torn.
ragkt, rgkot, (B) To be or become
sticky, viscous, adhesive. (cf. pilt, pgkut).
rgnat, (B) A slight fever or cold; to affect
with a cold or slight fever. May rgnat
ak.Ginargnat ak. I have a slight cold
or fever. (cf. lgnat).
ragkrok, A rolling, rumbling sound;
borborygmus; to boom, roll, reverberate.
Ang ragkrok sang solksolk. The
rumbling of the stomach. (cf. dagok,
rg-ol, Thud, thump; to fall down with a
thud, to thump, tumble down with a dull or
heavy sound. Ind ka magkdto sa pntaw,
kay bs marg-ol (maghurg-ol) ka.
Dont walk on the kitchen-balcony, for you
might break through and tumble down.
An ang nagring-ol (nagahinurg-ol) sa
suld? What is that noise inside? What is
falling down or flopping about inside there?
(cf. lagbung; hurg-ol, hinurg-ol id. and
more in use).
ragom, To crunch, emit a sound as of
hard bread being chewed with some force;
to be crisp. Ang matg-a nga tinpay kon
kn-on, magaragom sbung sang
sinnlag nga mas. Hard bread, when
chewed, crunches like roast corn. (cf.
ragsros, To be drawn, rolled, dragged
or pulled along the ground with a rustling
noise; to drag or draggle on the ground.
Sang pagkahlug nya sa bnglid
nagragsros si pa idlum. When he fell
on the slope he whizzed (rolled) to the
bottom. (cf. ragsras).
ragtnot, See ragtnat id. Ang banyan
nga sagun-otn magaragtnot kon
kdton. When one eats the tough-fibred
banyan, there is a sound as of chopping.
ragyroy, A kind of plant.
ragutng, (B) Full and quite ripe, said of
rice-grain. Ragutng nga humy. Ricegrain that is full and quite ripe. (cf. tpsul).
rah, (Sp. raj) Rajah, king, prince, ruler,
chieftain, chief. (cf. hr, dt, panglo).
rha, (Sp. raja) Split firewood. (cf.
rh, (B) To cook food, dress meat or
vegetables, prepare for the table by boiling,
roasting, baking, broiling, etc. Magrh ka
sang panyga, krne, sd, etc. Cook the
dinner, the meat, the fish, etc. (cf. lt).
rah, (B) Cooked, prepared for the table.
rhay, To be well, feel fresh and strong or
in fine fettle. (cf. slhay).
rahyrhay, Dim. and Freq. of rhay.
Rahyrhay (marahyrhay) karn ang
la pangabh. At present they are living
quite comfortably. Rahyrhay
(marahyrhay) ang ya pamtyag, kay
nakapalgos si kana. He feels quite well

Visayan-English Dictionary
and fresh, for he has taken a bath to-day.
(cf. slhay).
ra-ng, (B) Dirt, grime; dirty, soiled,
stained, grimy, sullied. (cf. gmang, hgk,
rak, (B) Many, plenty, great numbers of,
crowds of, multitude; to multiply, increase,
be or make many. Rak nga mga to ang
nagtarorng. (Madm nga mga to ang
nagtalmbong). Many people attended or
assisted. (cf. dak, madm, kark-an).
ralab-san, (B) Fish basket; fishing boat.
(cf. lab-san, lalab-san).
ramk, Million. (cf. hmbad, milyn).
ramkan, Millionaire. (cf. hambdan).
rmas, (B) Chili put in tub as seasoning.
Ang katmbal nga ginapus sa tub am
ang ginatawg nga rmas. (inogrmas).
Chili powdered and mixed into tub is
called rmas.
rmas, To rub, scrape. Karn ramsan
ko ang mo dl sing katmbal, kon dl ka
maghpus. I will rub your tongue with chili,
if you dont keep quiet. (cf. bnyos,
rmat, (B) Weak, dim (of sight); to
become weak or dim. Nagarmat na ang
panluk koorrmat na ang panluk
ko. My sight is getting dim. (cf. lmat).
ramt-ramt, (B) Dim. and Freq. of
rmat. (cf. lamtlamt).
rmay, Dry, withered banana leaves. (cf.
ramy, A kind of rice. (cf. arabn).
rmbat, Slanting; oblique, diagonal,
running across from corner to corner; to
slant, be slanting or oblique, be slant,
arrange in a slanting direction. Ang pl
sang ya by nagarmbat (rmbat). The
stripes in his jacket run from corner to
corner (are neither vertical nor horizontal).
Rambat ang bintn sing khoy. Place
some pieces of wood diagonally across the
rambt-rmbat, Dim. of rmbat.
rmbing, Entangled, ravelled, jumbled,
in disorder, in confusion, complicated; to
get entangled or complicated.
Nagarmbing ang bunng. The yarn is
getting entangled. Nagarmbing
(rarmbing) ang kon trabho. My work
is in a tangle (all six and sevens). I am very
busy with many things or occupied with
many distracting labours. (cf. sabd,
sabdnay, gomn).
ram, (B) Soft, pliable, yielding to
pressure. (cf. lam).
ramg, (B) Cold, etc. See lamg, yamg.
ram-rmi, Quick, speedy, swift; to be
quick, perform quickly. Ramramha ang
mo pagkon, kay may kadton kit. Eat
quickly, for we must go. Ginramrmi nla
ang pagslhig, paglakt, etc. They swept
very quickly, they walked swiftly (with
speed), etc. (cf. dal-dl).

ra-ng raw-rwa
rm, (B) Sweepings, dirt, refuse. (cf.
rmos, (Sp. ramo) Palm, bough, branch,
especially palms blessed on Domngo de
RmosPalm-Sunday. May rmos ikw
nga nabendithan sang Domngo de
Rmos? Have you got any of the palms
blessed (that were blessed) on PalmSunday? (cf. plua, plwa).
rm-os, (B) Stain, soil; to stain, soil,
make wet, bespatter, sully. Ginsbya na
ak ti (kang) tbig kag narm-os ak.
(Ginsbya nya ak sing (sang) tb kag
nalm-os ak). He splashed (bespattered
me with) water on me and I got wet.
Narm-os ak kang lala, hgk, dug,
etc. (Nalm-os ak sang lnang, hgk,
dug etc.). I was stained with mud, dirt,
blood, etc. Ind mo tna pagram-osn
kang lala. (Ind mo si paglam-osn sang
lnang). Dont bespatter him with mud.
(cf. lm-os).
ramskal, (B) To injure, destroy, harm,
undo, damage. Ginramuskaln na (nya)
ang kon hampngan, sinult, etc. He
damaged my toy, writing, etc. (cf. rngg,
dut, hlit, amolt, tstis).
ramsot, (B) To crush to pulp, squash,
squelch; to be pressed or crushed to pulp.
Nalapkan ang sging kag naramsot.
The banana was trodden upon and
crushed. Ang pngk maramsot (Ang
pak malamsut) kon igon mo sinng
bat. The frog will be squashed, if you hit it
with this stone. Ind mo pagparamuston
(pagpalamuston) ang mga ph. Dont
crush the mangoes. Ang mank nalgs
sang wto kag naramsot (nalamsut).
The chicken was run over by the
automobile and crushed. (cf. pus, lum,
bak, bkbok, etc. N.B. ramsot (lamsut)
implies that the crushing results in a pulpy
formless mass and can consequently not be
used of dry objects or things that merely
crumble under pressure). (cf. lamsut).
ran, (B) That. (cf. ra, in).
rngg, (B) To break down, destroy,
undo, smash to pieces, demolish. Ang
mon baly narngg kang (nagub
sang) bgyo. Our house was destroyed by
the hurricane. nd kaw magrngg kang
(nd mo pag ranggan ang) lamsa. (Ind
ka maggub sang (nd mo pagguban
ang) lamsa). Dont smash the table.
Rangga tna kang na kodl. Rangga
ang kodl na. (Gb-i si sang ya korl.
Gb-a ang ya korl). Break down his
fence. (cf. gub, lglag, lmpag).
rngs, (B) To grin. See lngs, balangis.
rpta, (B) To scatter, spread, extend. See
rapunya, (B) A kind of medicinal plant.
See lapunya id.
rra, (B) Wicker work, basket-weaving; to
make wicker work, weave baskets. Rarha
inng bang. Weave this mat. Rarhi ak
sing kl. Weave a hat for me. Malam ka

magrra? Do you know how to weave

baskets? (cf. lla).
rarmbing, (B) Entangled, etc. See
rarng, (B) Resource, contrivance,
means, etc. See lalng.
rarng, (B) To dare, be audacious,
impertinent. Ginrarangn nya ang
pagbuks sang kon bal. He dared to
open my trunk. (cf. khas, ahs).
rri, A kind of coarse-scaled fish, very flat
and thin.
rarm, (B) Taste, etc. See lalm.
rrong, (B) Wounded, grievously injured,
crippled; to cripple, etc. See lalng id.
rroy, (B) To become weak through
hunger or exposure, become exhausted. (cf.
ly, hlab).
rsa, (Sp. raza) Race, breed, stock,
lineage. (cf. kalwat, kaliwtan,
rsa, Good; well; to be good, well, healthy,
sound. Ind rsa (marsa) ang ya
pamtyag. He does not feel well. (cf. yo,
rsak, To spoil, undo, make useless, ruin.
Ginrsak nya ang kon bra. He ruined
my work. Ind mo pagraskon ang ya nga
sinult. Dont spoil what he has written.
rask, Spoilt, ruined, made useless, no
longer of any avail. Rask na ang kon
ginkabudlayn sing dak. What I spent so
much labour upon is ruined.
rasn, (Sp. razn) Reason, faculty of
thinking; right, justice, argument;
explanation, account. (cf. ihibal,
panumdman, katarngan, kasaysyan,
kabangdnan, etc.).
rsras, To tear off, grasp and pull or rend
to pieces. See kskas id. Rasras lang ang
atp nga kgon. Tear the cogon-roof off.
rstra, (Sp. rastra, arrastrar) To drag
along, cause to perish or die. Narstra ang
kon karabw. My buffalo perished. (cf.
ratk, Torn, rent, broken. (cf. ritk).
rtak, To rend, cut or break into small
pieces or parts. Ratka lang ding (inng)
hnero. Tear this cloth into small pieces.
Ginrtak na (nya) ang amkan. He cut
the bamboo-mat into small pieces.
Tatlohn mo lang ka gurt (gult) ang
sd, nd mo pagratkon. Divide the fish
into three parts only, dont cut it into many
small pieces. (cf. rtak id.).
rtrat, The sound produced by tearing or
rending cloth, etc.; to tear, rend, split. (cf.
rbrab, rtrit).
raw-rwa, Trifles, matters that are not
to the point or are of no importance,
addition, embellishment, flowers (of
speech); to mention frequently, converse
about, speak of, refer to constantly, talk
about matters of little importance.
Madm si sing rawrwa kon
maghmbal. When he talks he makes


rwit righot
many irrelevant statements, beats about
the bush. Mga rawrwa lang ang ya
nga ginsgid. He mentioned nothing of
importance, uttered mere commonplaces
or platitudes, spoke about trifles, was not to
the point. Masnsun si nagarawrwa
tungd sang ya nadl nga kwrta. He
frequently talks about the money he lost.
(cf. bulkblak, punpni; mno, bk,
hmbal, wkal, br).
rwit, To leave a trail or trace on the
ground, as of spilt liquids, grains, or the
like. Nagarwit ang mas sa dlan. The
corn is making a trail on the ground.
rawt-rwit, Dim. and Freq. of rwit.
Nagarawtrwit ang tbig sa salg kay
wal mo pagamlig ang pagdal sang
pitsl. There is a dribble of water along the
floor, because you were not careful in
carrying the pitcher.
rya, (Sp. raya) Stroke, line, streak, dash,
stripe. (cf. smay, gury, kdlit, kris,
rayadlyo, (Sp. rayadillo) Striped cotton
duck; a prisoners dress.
ryo, (Sp. rayo) Ray, beam, streak of light;
spoke of a wheel; wheel; cart.
ryos, (Sp. ryo) Wheel; cart. (cf. ryo,
alling, arring).
ryray, To tear, rend, pull apart. Ind mo
pagrayrayn ang ya by. Dont tear his
jacket. (cf. rbrab, gs).
rel, (Sp. real) A silver coin worth about
twelve and one half centavos, now out of
circulation. Although the coin is no longer
current in the Philippines, people still
calculate in reles. Dse reles. One peso
and fifty centavos.
rededr, (Sp. rededor) Surroundings,
environs, environment, neighbourhood of a
building, church, etc. (cf. maglbut,
redma, (Sp. redoma) Flask, phial,
reglo, (Sp. regalo, regalar) Present, gift,
donation, keepsake; to make a present of,
bestow upon. Ireglo mo lang sa ya inng
relh. Give him this watch as a keepsake.
Ginreglo in sa kon ni Fulno. This was
given to me as a present by N.N. (cf. dlut,
htag, bugy, pdya, prmyo).
regatn, (Sp. regatn, regatear) A
huckster, peddler, pedlar, hawker,
travelling chapman, especially a vendor (in
the streets or from house to house) of fruits
and garden products; to peddle, hawk,
resell at retail, carry small goods about for
sale. (cf. ligatn, lbut, balgy).
rgla, (Sp. regla) Rule, statute, standard;
monthly course, menstruation, catamenia.
(cf. palatkdan; pamulann).
regulr, (Sp. regular) Regular; ordinary,
middling, fairly well, usual, passable. Ang
klro regulr. The regular clergy.
rehiminto, (Sp. regimiento) Regiment.


Visayan-English Dictionary
rehistrdo, (Sp. registrado) Registered,
recorded, entered in a register;
investigated, searched, inspected. (cf.
pinat-inn (pt-in); pingkit, napgkit
(pgkit); pinangusisan (uss)).
rehstro, (Sp. registro) Register, recordbook, registration; investigation, search,
inspection; to inspect, search, investigate.
Panrehstro (which see) is more used as
verb. (cf. rehistrdo).
rekdo, See rikdocondiment,
seasoning, etc.
rekmara, rekamar, (Sp. recmara)
Firing mortar, as frequently used at the
celebration of feasts. (cf. palpok,
rekmra, See rekmara.
rekrgo, (Sp. recargo) Surcharge,
additional tax, especially applied to a fine
imposed upon those that are delinquent in
paying their cedula-tax.
reknto, (Sp. requinto) Fife, kind of flute;
fifer, flute-player; a small guitar.
reklmo, (Sp. reclamo) Reclamation,
complaint, objection; to complain, have an
objection. reklmo is frequently loosely
used for any kind of information or
notification. (cf. ymo).
relihin, (Sp. religin) Religion.
relihisa, -o, (Sp. religiosa, -o)
Religious, one bound by religious vows.
relikryo, (Sp. relicario) Reliquary;
relkya, (Sp. reliquia) Relic of a Saint.
relohera, (Sp. relojera) Watchmakers
shop, shop, where clocks and watches are
relohro, (Sp. relojero) Watchmaker;
seller of clocks and watches.
relh, rloh, (Sp. reloj) Clock, watch,
time-piece. (cf. taknan).
rntas, (Sp. renta) Rent, tax,
contribution, revenue. Rntas intrnas.
Internal Revenue. (cf. buhs).
repso, (Sp. repaso) Going over a lesson;
rehearsal, practice of a piece of music, an
artistic entertainment and the like.
Nakarepso na kam sang belda? Have
you rehearsed the theatrical
entertainment? May repso karn sa
hpon. There will be a rehearsal this
afternoon. Matmad sil magrepso. They
are too lazy to practise. (cf. hanshnas).
resta, (Sp. receta) Recipe, formula,
medical prescription; to prescribe
medicines or the like.
resbo, (Sp. recibo) Receipt, deed; to
make out a receipt or deed. Resibhi ang
kon ginbyad sa mo. Make out a receipt
for what I have paid you. Ginresibhan
nya ang dt nga kon ginprnda sa ya.
He made out a deed for the land I
mortgaged to him. (cf. kalig-onn,
resolusyn, (Sp. resolucin) Resolution,
decision, agreement, solution, fixed

determination, formal proposal (in a

meeting, etc.). (cf. kasugtnan, pagbultan, hgn, pangyan).
retratsta, (Sp. retratista) Photographer,
retrto, (Sp. retrato) A portrait, picture,
photograph, photo. (cf. larwan).
rema, (Sp. reuma) Rheumatism.
ry, (Sp. rey) King. (cf. hr).
ryna, (Sp. reina) Queen. (cf. hr, hr).
ryna, A rice-measure of twenty-five
gantas to the bushel. Ipagsa ka sa mo
ang kon talmnan kon sugt ikw sa
pagbyad sa kon sa tugtig sing duh
ka pl ka psong nga humy sa ryna
(nga solkban, pasongn). Ill let you have
my land on lease, if you agree to pay me a
yearly rental of twenty bushels of rice. Old
people use to say: Ang duh ka psong sa
probnsya, kon skbon sa ryna, mahm
nga ttlo ka psong. Two bushels of the
sa probnsya standard are equal to three
bushels, if measured by the sa ryna
ri, (B) That. (cf. di, in, yan).
ribl, (Sp. rival) Rival, competitor. (cf.
ribnta, (Sp. reventa) Resale; retail.
ribnta, (Sp. reventar) Explosion; to
explode, detonate, burst, crack, be broken
to bits by an explosion. Nagribnta ang
kmra sang nahaun nga pagpalupk.
The mortar burst at the first charge.
Naribentahn ak kagb-i sang tbo sang
kon knke. Last night my lamp-chimney
cracked. (cf. lupk).
ribentadr, (From the Sp. reventar) Firecracker. (cf. puwtis).
ribte, (Sp. ribete) Galloon, band, ribbon,
narrow lace, etc. such as is sewn around the
cuffs of a sleeve or used for other like
rbit, (B) To drop inadvertently, etc. See
ribk, Revolution, rising, sedition,
commotion; excitement; trouble. (cf.
ribok, (B) Full, plump, having fat cheeks,
etc. (cf. ribusl)
rbrib, To undermine and eat away, to
erode. Ginrbrib sang sub ang mon
um. The river undermined and carried off
our field. (cf. b-ab, kbkab).
ribusl, (B) See ribok, but with the
difference that ribusl supposes a greater
compactness or hardness than ribok;
ribusl is more used for fat, stout arms and
legs and ribok for plump cheeks and a
thick fleshy neck.
righot, To be or become hot, close,
sultry; to get excited or confused by
overwork or the like; to be sticky or stuffy,
feel very uncomfortable as one who has
perspired much and cannot change his
clothes. (cf. mabhot, magam, mapilt,

Visayan-English Dictionary
rigm, (B) Dirt, filth, stain; to stain, soil,
sully. (cf. hgk, rgkam).
rigars, Rough, coarse, not smooth or
even. Rigars nga bals, lamsa, etc.
Coarse sand, a rough table, etc. (cf. gars).
rg-as, (B) See lg-asto complete the
pounding of rice.
rgay, See argay, lgayto be nice (kind)
to, etc.
rgkam, (B) See rigmdirt, filth, etc.
rgkam, (B) See bgne, lgne, lgna,
rgnato overawe; to shudder, etc.
Narigkamn ak sa pagtn-aw sin. I
shudder at the sight of it. Ind ka
magrgkam magkapt sin. Dont be
afraid to touch (grasp) that.
rgna, (B) See lgna, rgkam, etc.
rigodn, (Sp. rigodn) A kind of dance;
rigodon, quadrille.
rigl, To insist on, be importunate;
insisting, strict, exacting. Rigol si nnay
mo, agd bklan ka nya sang mo
ginapangy. Ask your mother insistently,
so that she may buy you what you want.
Rigl nga to. An insistent, strict man. (cf.
d-id, pats, ollo, paaynyon).
rgya, (B) Here. See rgya, dir, don,
dnhi, din.
rhas, (Sp. rejas) Grate, grating, grille,
paling, railing; a rail, pale.
rit, rit, A haunted place; haunted,
ghostly, weird, uncanny. (cf. mahgnop).
rka, Traces of food sticking to cooking
vessels. Also used as a verb. Narikhan
ang klon sing madm. Quite a lot of
food remained sticking to the rice-kettle.
(cf. rkam id.).
rikdo, (Sp. recado) Provision, especially
in the way of spices and seasoning,
rkam, (B) See rka.
riksa, (Sp. requisa, requisar) Inspection,
search, examination; to inspect, search,
examine; make the rounds. Sarng mo ak
mariksa. You may search me. (cf.
panguss, panid, pannuk, panktik,
rikobkos, (Sp. recoveco) Artifice,
machination, contrivance, winding ways
and means. Madm nga mga rikobkos
ang kinahnglan karn sa pagpakasl.
Many things are required now and many
formalities have to be gone through to get
married. (cf. padg, pahitht,
padihtan, pandihtan, patga).
rikdo, (Sp. recodo) A turn, curve, bend;
to curve, arch, bend, turn. Rekodha ang
gi sang gnting. Cut a curve (in a curve)
with your scissors. (cf. tik, balitk, aby,
rkot, Complicated, in a tangle,
perplexing, requiring great patience, said of
cleaning a jungle, of fine lace-making,
carving, etc.; to be complicated, etc.
rma, Lime, lime-tree. (lma id.).

rigm ripra
rimas, Growing well, getting strong and
fat, developing at an extraordinary rate.
Rimas nga tanm, bt, etc. Wellgrowing (thriving) plants, a baby that is
growing fast and getting strong, etc.
rimti, (Sp. remate) Termination, end,
completion, conclusion, finish, stopping;
the last peal of bells in bell-ringing; to end,
conclude, stop, finish; to ring off. Am in
ang ya sin nga rimti. This is the end of
it. Rimti na in sang bgting. This is the
last (concluding) peal of bells. The bells are
stopping. Rimatha ang mga linggnay.
Stop the ringing of the bells. Ring off.
Narimti na ang linggnay? Have the
bells stopped ringing? Kon nd mo
paggawron ang sngsing nga naprnda
mo sa kon, pagarimathon ko. Unless you
redeem the ring you gave me as security, I
shall consider it as my own. N.B. The usual
terms for bell-ringing are: bgtingbellringing in general; the first peal of bells;
rimti, plut, prutthe last or concluding
peal of bells; tgsa (H), lgd (B)the
intermittent ringing or striking of a single
bell between the bgting and the rimti.
(cf. katapsan, tpus; ripke).
rimdyo, (Sp. remedio) Remedy, help,
cure, resource, refuge, reparation, means.
Wal na sing rimdyo, nd na makitan
sing bulng. There is no help any more, it
is past cure. Ang ya balatan wal na sing
rimdyo. His sickness is past cure. Tahr
(makwat) si nga waly rimdyo. He is
an inveterate (incorrigible) gambler (thief).
But it may also mean: He is a gambler
(thief) that has not become rich (does not
prosper) in his profession. Sa sbung sin
wal ak sing kwrta nga ibyad ko sa
mo, pang pagarimedyohn ko gid sa
suld sang is ka simna. Just at present I
have no money to pay you, but I shall
certainly find the money within the week.
An nga bulng ang mayo nga irimdyo
sa skmat? What is a good remedy for
back-ache (for rheumatism in the back)?
(cf. palnos, paaliwnsan, bulng,
rimidyki, (B) (A humorous expression)
See rimdyo. Also: to take, pilfer, purloin,
help (oneself) to. (cf. lmang, kulmi,
rmis, rm-is, (B) Sweetness; sweet; to
sweeten, etc. See tm-is.
rmo, (Sp. remo) Oar; to row, paddle. (cf.
gud, gad, bgsay).
rim, To harm, injure; soil, make dirty.
Ang kurng nagrim sang salg sang
balatonn. The cat has dirtied the floor of
the reception room. Narimon sang id
ang sgw. The dog has left its dirtor
has made a mess in the drawing room. (cf.
rsm, rigm, hgk, msing, bulng).
rmog, (B) To weaken or spoil by mixture.
Rimgi ang lnggaw sing kn-on. Weaken
the vinegar by putting rice into it. Ind mo
pagrimgan ang lnggaw, kay

magathaw. Dont mix anything with (put

any admixture into) the vinegar, for it will
lose its strength. Narimgan ang lanahn.
The juice of the coconut-meat is spoilt (so
that no oil can be got from it). (cf. lmog).
rimrki, (Sp. remolque) Towage, towline; to tow, take in tow, pull, haul. (cf.
btong, sgnoy, gnoy, gyud, gyguy).
rmpual, See the following rmpwal.
rmpwal, To struggle hard or make great
efforts to escape, to strain every nerve to
break fetters, shake off a superimposed
weight and the like. Ang karabw nga
nagpus kag ginamarkahn
nagarmpwal. The buffalo that is tied and
is being branded is making frantic efforts to
rise. (cf. plok, polk-plok).
rinagmak, A cracking or pattering noise
(as of many stones falling, many rifles
detonating, etc.); to crack, crackle, crash,
patter, bicker. (cf. ragmak, ragak, rak,
rinagngring, Squeaking, screeching, a
shrill sound (as of stringed musical
instruments); cracking (as of rifles, etc.); to
whizz, hiss, buzz, whir; to emit a shrill
sound. (cf. ragngring).
rinamk, Millions, by the million. (cf.
ramk, hinmbad).
rnda, (Sp. rienda) Rein of a bridle; reins,
ringngha, (B) Having large and wide
open nostrils as a natural deformity.
Ringngha si sing ilng. He has very
large and wide nostrils. (cf. hungg).
ringghot, (B) See lingghot,
liningghot id. (cf. sarumbl).
rngkab, To open with force, prise open,
force open. Ringkab ang bal. Force the
trunk open. Ginrngkab nla ang
aparadr, kay nadl ang lybi They
forced the cupboard open, for the key had
been lost. (cf. bngkal).
ringkdol, To rattle, clatter (as wood
tumbling down a staircase, or the like;
rattling, clattering. (cf. linagpok, lingot,
rntoy, To be dizzy, confused. Nagarntoy
ang ya lo. He is upset, his head reels, or
the like. (cf. lingn, lngin).
rima, (Sp. reuma) Rheumatism. (rema
rpa, (Sp. rifa) Raffle, lottery; to raffle,
partake in a lottery, buy a ticket in a lottery.
Iparpa lang ang mo artosorpariphi
lang ang mo artos. Dispose of your earrings by raffling them. Ginariphan nla
ang is ka relh nga bulwan. They are
taking part in a raffle for a golden watch.
(cf. lte).
ripahn, Place where a raffle is held;
ticket bought in a raffle; things disposed of
by means of a raffle.
ripra, (Sp. reparar) To attend to, notice,
bestow care upon, provide well, prepare or
make ready what is needed. Riparha ang


ripki rb-as
mga bista. See to the visitors, attend upon
the visitors. Ginripra mo na ang tann
nga mga kinahnglan sa kosna? Have
you got ready everything needed for the
kitchen? A, wal nya pagriparha. Why,
he did nothing, he neglected everything.
(cf. hmos, hwat, ttap, hkot, bhat,
ripki, (Sp. repique) Chime, peal, solemn
ringing of bells; to ring the bells in a
solemn peal. May ttlo ka ripke karn sa
las dse. There will be three peals of bells
to-day at twelve oclock. Ripikhi ang mga
kalaslon. Ring a peal of bells for the
marriage-couple. (cf. basl, bsal).
ripnte, (Sp. repente) Sudden, suddenly,
unexpected, unforeseen, all at once. (cf.
glpe, hinl).
riplyo, (Sp. repollo) White cabbage, a
head of cabbage.
rras, To cut or split bur-leaves and the
like into strips for weaving purposes.
Rirsa ang bur. Tear the bur-leaves into
strips. (cf. llas).
rirasn, Machine or instrument for
dividing leaves into strips for weaving hats,
baskets, etc., stripping-device, stripper. (cf.
rray, To cut into slices or pieces. Rirya
ang krne, sd, etc. Cut the meat, fish, etc.
into pieces or slices. (cf. gult).
rr, rr, A slit, cut; to slit or cut open; to
disembowel, to slit open and gut or
eviscerate an animal. Riri ang bboy,
karabw, etc. Cut open and disembowel
the pig, the buffalo, etc. Ginriran ko lang
ang log sang kon by, kay gutk. I
simply made a slit in the collar of my
jacket, for it was too tight. Makahibal ka
magrr sang karnro? Do you know how
to gut a sheep? Kiskis nay sing mayo
ang bboy kag ugling riran mo. First
scrape the pig clean of its bristles and then
rip it open and gut it.
rr, (B) Zigzag; to zigzag, wind, meander,
to move along a line with many short sharp
turns or angles. Ang mon sub nagarr.
Our river winds very much. (cf. tik).
rir-rr, (B) Dim. of rr. Dro nmon
nga rir-rrordro ang mon nga
pagrirrr tbtub nga nakadngat kam
sa mon um. We had to make many a
detour before we reached our farm.
Ginrirrr nmon ang paglakt, kay
madmul ang lnang sa dlan. We walked
a roundabout way, for there was deep mud
on the road. Irirrr mo lang si sa
pagtokd, kay matas ang bkid. Lead
him up the ascent by a zigzag path, for the
mountain is high. Rira lang ang mo
paglaktorrirrira lang ang mo
paglakt, kon nd ka makagi sa dlan
nga matdlong. Simply march by a
circuitous route, if you cannot go by the
straight road. (cf. tiktk, liklk).
risda, (Sp. rezada) Low Mass. May
risda (misa risda) sa las seis ang ga.


Visayan-English Dictionary
There will be Low Mass at six in the
risgo, (Sp. rezago) Remainder, residue,
balance. (cf. biln, saln).
rsm, Dirt, filth; dirty, stained, soiled,
sullied; filthy; to get dirty, etc. Nagrsm
ang bt, kay naghmpang sa lnang.
The child got dirty, for it played in the mud.
Rsm nga hmbal, panpton, etc. Foul
language, soiled garments, etc. Narismon
ak sang ya nga pamy, panluk,
batsan, etc. I am disgusted at the way she
wears her dress, with her looks, her
conduct, etc. (cf. rigm, hgk).
rispondr, (Sp. responder) To answer
for, be responsible for, take the
responsibility for, take the blame of, to
guarantee. (cf. sabt; k, pangk;
rispnso, (Sp. responso) Responsory for
the dead.
rtak, To tear or cut in small pieces. See
ritk, Torn, cut. See ratk.
rtrit, To rend, tear, split. See rbrab,
rdia, rodi, rdya, rody, Here;
here is. (cf. rgya, dnhi, dir, don, rgi,
rog-rgo, (B) To complain, be
discontented, worried, dissatisfied,
apprehensive. Nagarogrgo si kay wal
pa gihpon magpal ang ya ank. She is
worried, because her son has not returned
home yet. (cf. lngkag, oroorwa, mno,
rkmol, (B) To fall or tumble to the
ground, collapse. Ang masakt nga to
nagkarkmolornarkmol sang ya
pagtndog. The sick man fell to the ground
in trying to stand up.
rk, (B) To be pensive, sad, thoughtful,
ponder gloomily, sit down in dejection. An
ang ginark mo? Why are you so
thoughtful? (cf. bog).
rlyo, (Sp. rollo) To roll, coil; a roll, coil.
Rolyoh ang kalt. Roll up the rope. Is ka
rlyo nga almbre. A roll or coil of wire.
(cf. ballon, loln, lols, lkot, buls).
romro, (Sp. romero) Rosemary; a
medicinal plant, whose aromatic leaves are
much used as a remedy against headache,
catarrh, etc.
ron, (B) Now, presently, at this time;
already. (cf. na, karn; nin, don).
rnda, (Sp. ronda) Night patrol, rounds
made by a night watch; to stay and watch at
a guard-house, to make the rounds by
night. Rondahn nnyo ang bnwa. Go the
rounds of the town.
rondhan, A night patrols guard-house,
shelter for the night-watch. (cf. bantyan).
ron, (B) Here, etc. See don, dir, rgya,
dnhi, rdia, ri.
ropro, (Sp. ropero) Clothes press,
wardrobe, locker; laundry basket, basket

for the collection of soiled clothes. (cf.

suldlan sang panpton; suldlan sang
ror, (B) Mild, gentle, etc. See lol, llot.
rrog, (B) To do well or thoroughly, make
a good job of it, attend to properly or with
care. Maloy kaw kading bt nga lo
kag rorgan mo gid kang sagd. (Maloy
ka sinng bt nga lo kag sagurn mo gid
sing mayo). Have pity on this orphan boy
and take complete care of him. Si Fulno
narorgan gid kang gsto sa pagton, hay
mayd pa kat to ang ndang
pagkabutng. (Si Fulno nagastohn gid
sing madm (sing mayo) sa ya
pagton, kay mayo pa sdto (nga
timpo) ang la pagkabutng). They had
spent much money for N.N.s studies, for in
those days they were still well-to-do. (cf.
yaw, paaywyaw, busg, bg-os).
rrok, (B) Driftwood carried along by a
flood. (cf. lluk, dgs, dings, di-a).
rororgan, (B) What is to be done well or
thoroughly, something to be attended to
with care, as an orphan, an abandoned
child, etc. to be taken care of by the charity
of others. (cf. rrog).
rsa, (Sp. rosa) Rose; rose-coloured.
Rsas, the Sp. plural, is more often used for
the flower and rsa for the colour.
rosl, (Sp. rosal) Rose-bush; rose-garden,
rosary (i.e. place where roses are grown).
rosarto, (Sp. rosario) Rosary, rosary
beads, chaplet. May rosarto nga nawgit
(nagkawgit) sa simbhan. A rosary was
lost (dropped) in church.
rosryo, (Sp. rosario) Rosary, chaplet; to
say the rosary or beads. Marosryo kit.
Let us say the rosary. Ginarosaryohn nla
ang minaty. They are saying the rosary
for the dead.
rskas, (Sp. rosca) Screw and nut, screw
thread; to screw, apply or use a screw.
Roskas ang mga tp, nd mo
paglansangn. Use screws for securing the
boards, dont nail them.
rot, (B) That, that there; over there. (cf.
dto, ydto, ddto, rgto, tya).
rtulo, rotul, (Sp. rtulo) Label, sign,
inscription, title, placard, poster,
rung, ru-ng, The open space between
lines; the width of cloth between stripes;
room, apartment, hall, open space. (cf.
luhng, lung).
rubl, (Sp. robar in the sense of: to gain
anothers affection) To flatter, wheedle,
cajole, coax. Rubal si agd hatgan ka
nya sang mo kinahnglan. Coax him into
giving you what you need. (cf. uns, odt,
rbas, See lbas, tbasto shed, fall out,
go to waste (of cereals, etc.).
rb-as, See lg-as, tb-asto spoil,
expose (be exposed) to the elements, etc.

Visayan-English Dictionary
rbas, Also: Caries, decay (rotting) of
teeth; to decay, rot (of teeth). (cf. agutng).
rub, (Sp. rub) Ruby (jewel); ruby
rblo, (Sp. rublo) Ruble, the monetary
unit of Russia; a Russian silver coin.
rbrika, rubrik, (Sp. rbrica) Rubric;
red mark; rule, custom.
rbsak, (B) To cave in, crush, be
smashed, to smash (said of an egg, a nut,
bottle, pot, etc.). Nadgdag ang tlog kag
narbsak (nagkarbsak). The egg dropped
and smashed. Andam ka, agd nga nd
marbsak (magkarbsak) ang botlya. Be
careful or the bottle will break. (cf. rpsak
id. and more commonly used; lum, pus
which are more applied to tubes, bamboos,
or the like).
rdo, (Sp. rudo) Rude, coarse, rough,
uncultured. (cf. bukskis, manl, bstos,
uris, bukdnon).
ruda, (Sp. rueda) Wheel. (cf. alling,
rugk, (B) Old, torn and useless. See
rabant, rabt, gubt.
rg-as, To spoil, etc. See lg-as, rb-as.
rgi, rug, Here, here is. (cf. rdia, dir,
rgmak, To crush, smash, break in
pieces. See dgmok. (cf. gub, rngg,
lum, pus, busag, bsag).
rgnas, (B) To wear out, use up.
Ginargnas na ang by kang mnong na
(kang na mnong). (Ginasaglay nya
(Ginasgad nya sang usr) ang by
sang ya magulng). He is wearing out the
jacket of his eldest brother. Ind mo
pagrugnasn ang kon kl. Dont wear
out my hat. (cf. saglay, dagumk,
rgon, (B) To drop, fall down (of leaves,
etc.). (cf. dgdag, hlug, tktak, rntay).
rgtas, (B) To break, snap, part asunder,
as a rope or the like. Nargtas
(Nagkargtas) ang kalt. The rope
snapped. Sn-o ang nagrgtas kang ps?
(Sn-o ang nagtud (nagbgt) sang
ps?). Who has broken the string? (cf.
tud, bgt, bgras, lgtas, lgtas).
rgto, (B) There, over there. See ddto id.
rgya, rugy, (B) Here, in this place. (cf.
don, ron, dir, dnhi, rgi, rdia).
ruldgud, (B) A stone or the like used to
rub the body with when taking a bath. (cf.
lugd id.).
ruml, (Sp. domar) To tame, break in,
subdue, train; to gallop. Rumal ang
kabyo. Break in or tame the horse. Iruml
ak sinng kabyo. Kindly break in that
horse for me. Batd si magruml sing
mga kabyo. He is an expert in training
horses. (cf. nad, hnas, nt, ant).
rumn, (B) (Probably a contr. of rn man,
karn man) Now again, also now, shortly,
presently, within a short time. Magt kaw
rumn sa Ilnglong? (Mapailnglong

rbas sad
ikw karn liwn?). Are you going to Iloilo
again (within a short time)?
rm-an, (B) See rumn. Also: tomorrow.
(cf. harm-an, bus).
rmb, (B) See lmbto race, run a
rmbang, (B) See lmbanga kind of
rumb-rmb, (B) Dim. and Freq. of
rumb-rmb, Also a kind of fish.
sbnan, etc. From sabnto encroach
upon, etc.
rmbo, (Sp. rumbo) Bearing, course,
direction, route, way towards; beeline; to
take the beeline, go straight towards. (cf.
padlung, yon, lktud, laktran).
rmpag, (B) To destroy, demolish, break
up, smash up, break, smash, to pieces,
undo bit by bit. Rumpag rolng (Gb-a
na lang) ang dan nga sya, lamsa,
baly, etc. Just destroy the old chair, table,
house, etc. Rumpag ang mga pun kang
simbhan, hay tpus ron ang pista.
(Kuha ang mga pun sang simbhan, kay
tpus na ang pista). Take away the
decorations in the church, because the feast
is over. (cf. lmpag, bngkag, gub,
rngg, kh).
rmud, (B) To pulverize, etc. See rpud.
rumy-rmuy, See parumy-rmuy
to be idle, lazy.
rngkab, (B) To break down, tear open,
force an entrance. (cf. lngkab).
rungkbil, To fall down stairs, fall off the
top of a densely branched tree or the like,
with several checks before reaching the
rungkdol, See ringkdol id.
rungkagy, (B) See lungkagy id.
rungy, (B) Weak, feeble, frail. (cf. lya).
rntay, (B) To fall out or off, said of
overripe grain, etc.
rpak, To break, be destroyed, fall to
pieces, break up. (cf. gub, rpsak).
rpday, (B) To crumble, fall to pieces.
Nagakarpday na inng padr. This wall is
crumbling, is falling to pieces. (cf. rpud).
rpsak, To smash, crush, be crushed, etc.
See rbsak.
rpud, (B) To crumble, pulverize, crush.
(cf. pdpod, mdmod, rmud).
rsdak, To fall off, fall down (as fruit
from trees, etc.) and break or spoil. (cf.
dgdag, hlug, rntay, plak).
rtay, (B) To compress or massage. See
ltay id.
ry, (B) To tire, etc. See lya, id.
ryo, To exchange field-products, etc.
gathered in one locality with those gathered
in another, so as to save transportation
charges. Nagaruyhay sil sang la
humy. They are exchanging their rice.
Ruyhi ak sang mo humy sa um.
Exchange with me your rice in the field, i.e.

Ill take yours that is on the farm and you

will take mine that is in town, etc.

s, The letter S in Visayan is pronounced

as in English. Words beginning with s
and having the prefix pan-, hi-, etc.
frequently change the s into n, e.g.
sabtpanabt; smputhinmput.
sa, To, at, from, in, on, etc. Article
denoting dative or ablative. Maghmbal ka
sa ya. Speak to him. Sa baly. At home.
Naghaln si sa Manl. He went away
from Manila. He left Manila. Sa ibn nga
mga dt. In other countries. Sa ltok. On
the table. Sa hapnhpon. Of an
evening. Every evening. Sa malay. At
a far distance. Sa madal ukn sa
madgay. Sooner or later. Nagabt sil sa
lakt lmang ukn saky sa kabyo? Have
they come walking on foot or riding on
horseback? Sa kabskug sang uns
nagkagub ang baly. Through (on
account of) the force of the wind the house
was destroyed. Makaduh sa is ka blan.
Twice a month. Sa sin ukn sa ydto nga
pagi. In this way or that way. At
any rate. Somehow. Sa pdan ak
kag sa nd malakt ak sa bus. Whether
(Either) with or without a companion Ill
leave tomorrow. Dir sa may baly. Over
there where there is a house. Sa
makahibal kag sa nd ang kon byan,
am gid ang nagkahanab. Whether my
friend knows it or not, that is what
happened. Sa paksug. Forcefully,
violently, with (by) physical (moral)
force. Ginpakn-an nla sa mon ang
la mga l kag dalgk nga mga ph
nga kon sa din pa katm-is. They let us
eat of their best and largest mangoes that
were deliciously sweet. Sa dak nga
kasub nagtalwan si sa baly nga sa
din si nagpuy sa suld sang ttlo ka
tig. Very sadly he left the house where he
had stayed for three years. (cf. kay).
sa, With persons or personified objects
sa is used instead of sang to denote the
accusative, e.g. magpakon ka sa ya, sa
mo byan, sa makilmos, etc. Feed him,
your friend, the poor beggar, etc. But:
magpakon ka sang id. Feed the dog. (cf.
sad, Promise, vow, engagement,
undertaking, word, pledge; to vow,
promise, undertake, engage, bind,
pledge, commit, take upon, oneself,
give, pass, pledge, plight, ones
word. Ginsad nya nga. He vowed


sang sb-o
(promised) that. Ginsaran nya ak
nga. He promised me that. N.B.
The Frequentative panad is more used,
especially in connection with promises
involving a vow. (cf. tg-an).
sang, To run or stretch side by side or
parallel; mate or partner, said of draught
animals, etc. Sangi ang karabw, kay
mabg-at ang kro. Add another buffalo
(Hitch up at the side of the buffalo another
one), for the cart is too heavy. Nagasang
inng duh ka bkid. These two mountains
run parallel to each other. May sang ang
bka ukn wal? Has the ox a mate or is he
alone? (cf. tmbang, kaluy).
sb-a, Banana. (cf. sging. N.B. In some
places sb-a is used for bananas that are
usually boiled before eating, whilst sging
denotes all kinds of bananas).
sb, To beat violently, throb vehemently
or quickly (of the pulse, heart, or the like);
to feel the pulse, examine, search,
investigate. Nagasb ang ya nga plso.
His pulse beats violently. Ginsb nya ang
plso ni Fulno. He examined (felt) N.N.s
pulse. He investigated N.N. (and his
sbad, (H) Awkward, unwieldy,
inconvenient, unsuitable due to too great
length; to be or become inconvenient due
to great length. Ilmpus sa bboy ang
bastn, kay ang bagt (lm-ag) tm
kasbad. Strike the pig with the stick, for
the bamboo-pole is too unwieldy. (cf.
sgway id.).
sbad, (H) Molestation, impediment,
bother, nuisance; to hinder, impede,
harass, disturb, bother, vex, molest,
trouble, put to inconvenience, put obstacles
in the way. Ind mo pagsabran ang ya
pagsult. Dont molest him whilst he is
writing. Wal gid man nya pagsabri ang
ginhndum ni Fulno. He did not hinder
N.N. from attaining his desire. Sinabran
nya ang kon paglakt. He impeded my
march. He kept me from setting out. (cf.
balbag, pugng).
sbado, sabad, (Sp. Sbado)
sbak, Lap, bosom; to take on ones lap.
Sabka ang bt. Take the baby on your
sabn, To encroach upon, usurp, take
hold of, trespass, seize (against the will of
the owner). Ind mo pagsabann
orpagsbnon ang ya nga um. Dont
encroach on his land. Dont seize part of his
field. (cf. hmham, lmlam, lksam,
sakb, sakm, sklam, ngkon).
sb-an, For saubn from sabto creep
or crawl under, hide beneath. Ginsb-an
si sang yw. He was possessed by the
devil, the evil spirit entered into him.
sabt, Answer, reply, return, rejoinder,
retort, repartee, response; to answer, reply,
rebut, retort, rejoin, respond. Sbta
(sabat) ak. Answer me. Sumabt si sa


Visayan-English Dictionary
kon nga. He replied to me saying
that. Wal pa nkon mabton ang ya
sabt. I have not yet received his answer.
Nagway (Nagbag) sil kag malwig
ang la pagsinabtnay. They quarrelled
and bandied words for a long time. Wal
kit sing isabt sa ya sin. We have
nothing to say in reply to him regarding
that matter i.e. he is quite right, we have no
excuse or reasonable argument against
him. Sbta si sang ya ginapamngkot.
Answer his question. Sinabt ko si
nga. I answered him saying that.
(cf. blus).
sabw, Broth, sauce, any liquid
condiment or concoction served with solid
food to make it easy to swallow as well as to
aid digestion.
sbay, A partner in a dance, especially a
female partner; to dance in pairs, dance
with a partner. Sn-o ang sbay mo? Who
is your lady partner? Sn-o nga lalki ang
ginsbay kahpon ni Fulna? Whom did
Miss N.N. dance with yesterday? Ind ka
magsbay sa kay Fulno. Dont dance with
sbdan, From sabdto twist around,
sbding, To touch, come in contact with,
brush against; to graze. Nakasbding ak
sing klon kag namusngan ang kon
kamt. I touched a kettle and my hand got
dirty. (cf. salapy, spding).
sbdong, To instruct, correct, point out a
fault, admonish. (cf. bdlong).
sbdong, To stop, hinder, put an end to,
terminate, break up, put a stop to, wind up,
interdict. Sabdong ang belasyn, kay
gb-i na. Stop the wake, for it is late. (cf.
ulng, put, tpn, palangn, tblaw).
sbi, (From the Sp. saber) To know,
understand, comprehend; to explain,
describe. Mostly used in the negative forms
nd masbi, d masbi. Ind masbi nga
kalpay, kasub, etc. An indescribable
(inexpressible, unutterable) joy, sorrow,
etc. (cf. dmasbi). (cf. sysay, syod).
sbid, String, cord; appendage, adjunct,
hindrance, impediment; to tie or fasten to.
(cf. tbid, tabd).
sabil, (Sp. zbida, zbila) A plant, whose
leaves contain the juice asbaraloe.
sbio, (Sp. sabio) Wise, intellectual,
learned, prudent, well educated. (cf.
malam, manginalmon, batd, sagd,
sabt, Enviousness, envy, covetousness,
grudge; to covet, envy. Ind ka magsabt
sang ya sang ibnornd mo
pagsabitn ang ya sang ibn. Dont covet
what belongs to another. (cf. hkaw).
sb-it, To hang on a peg, nail, etc. Isb-it
ang mo kl sa lnsang. Hang your hat on
the nail. Sab-it ang lnsang sang mo
by. Hang up your jacket on the peg. (cf.
sng-at, sklit).

sblab, To flame, burn well, flare up. Ang

kalyo nagasblab. The fire is flaring up.
Pasablab ang kalyo. Make the fire burn
well. Hypa ang kalyo, agd magsblab.
Blow the fire, that it may burn well, that it
may burst into flame. (cf. dbdab, sdlab).
sblag, Impediment, compromise,
hindrance, obstacle, engagement,
preoccupation; to hinder, compromise,
impede, prevent. Ind pa ak makakdto
ddto, kay may sblag pa ak. I cannot go
there yet, for I am occupied. An ang
nagasblag sa mo? What prevents or
hinders you? (cf. awt, libng, ulng).
sblaw, To curb, suppress, stand in the
way of, prevent, stop. Sablaw ang ya
mga batsan nga malin. Put a check to
(Curb) his bad habits. Ginsblaw nya ang
malut nga katuyon ni Fulno. He stood
in the way of N.N.s bad purpose. (cf.
sablyan, A clothes-line, clothes-horse,
etc. (cf. sblay, blog).
sblay, sably, To put clothes and the
like over something narrow, so that the
ends hang down on both sides. Isblay ang
by mo sa salandgan sang sya. Throw
your jacket over the back of the chair.
Sablay lang sang mo panpton ang
barandlya sang balkn. Put your clothes
over the balustrade of the balcony. (cf.
haly with the difference, that haly
always supposes a spreading out of what is
put over a line, etc.).
sble, (Sp. sable) Sabre, sword. (cf.
sndang, binngon, talibng, etc.).
sblig, To splash or throw water or any
other liquid. Ind mo ak pagsablign sing
tbig. Dont splash water at me. Dont
splash me with water. (cf. sbya).
sblok, Insipidness, tastelessness (of rice
eaten without side-dishes, etc.); to be or
become insipid. (cf. ls-ay).
sblok, Voracity, greediness, gluttony;
greedy, voracious, gluttonous; to be or
become greedy. Ind ka magsinblok.
Dont be greedy. Dont eat so greedily.
Sblok nga to. A glutton, gourmand. (cf.
sbnit, To sneak, grab, purloin, snatch
away stealthily, seize suddenly or furtively.
Sabnit ang ya tinpay, ph, etc. Sneak
his bread, mango, etc. Sabnit ak sing is
ka pnyo nya. Purloin (Snatch) one of his
handkerchiefs for me. (cf. lbnit).
sb-o, Cramps of the stomach;
indigestion, dyspepsia; to cause cramps of
the stomach. Ginasb-o si. He has cramps
of the stomach. Sinb-o (nasbo) si
kahpon. Yesterday he had an attack of
cramps in the stomach. Silng nya nga
nasb-o si, sing ugi apendistis gid ang
ya nga balatan. He says he has cramps of
the stomach, whereas in reality he has
appendicitis. (cf. busg).

Visayan-English Dictionary
sb-og, To sow, spread, broadcast. Isbog ang bnh sa inaradhan nga dt. Sow
the seed in the ploughed land. (cf. sbud,
sabn, After, afterwards, not just now, in
time to come; but, however. (cf. subn,
palaabton, ogling).
sb-ong, A large and thick rope, a cable.
(cf. kalt, kble).
sb-ong, To prepare thread or yarn for
weaving on the warping-machine or
warping-board. Sab-ong ak sing duh ka
delrgo. Prepare yarn on the warpingmachine sufficient for two pairs of trousers.
sab-ongnan, Warping-machine,
sabr, (Sp. sabor) Taste. (cf. idilmdim).
Tastiness, savouriness, toothsomeness. (cf.
kanmit, kayo, kadlig, karab, lalm,
sbsab, To take within (ones) range, to
spread to and destroy, said of fire, etc.
Ginsbsab sang kalyo ang tmpi nga
humy. The fire took in and destroyed the
rice-stack (stack of rice). (cf. ban, b-ab).
sabtnay, sbton, etc. From sabt
to answer.
sbud, To agree, pull well together, live in
harmony, be compatible. Sil nga duh
wal gid pagsbudornd gid
magsbud. Those two never agree, do not
pull together. (cf. sbun, hish).
sbud, To sow, broadcast. See sb-og id.
Also: Young rice-plants, rice seedlings.
May sbud pa kam? Have you any riceseedlings left? Ang mo sbud matas na;
sarng ka na makatnum. Your riceseedlings are high now; you can transplant
them now. (cf. sbwag).
sabd, To twist or throw around, pass
round, give a turn round, encircle. Isabd
ang kalt sa khoy. Pass the rope around
the tree. Give the rope a turn or two round
the tree. Nasbdan ang bagt sang ps.
The string was given a few turns round the
pole. Sinbdan sang mn-og ang sang
sang khoy. The snake coiled itself round
the branch of the tree.
sabudn, A seed-plot, a plot of ground
sown with cereals, especially rice (the
seedlings to be taken up and transplanted
later on). (cf. sbud, saburn).
sablaw, To be fluid, liquid; to thin out
(of liquids). Sabulwon mo lang ang
pagamidl sang kon by. Use thin
starch for my jacket). (cf. lngyaw,
sbun, To agree, etc. See sbud, hish,
hilithog, hiligyon.
sabungyngay, Disarranged, loose,
hanging down loose (of a womans hair,
etc.; to hang down loosely, etc. (cf.
bngday, bnghay).
saburk, See pasaburk, pasaburt.
saburn, Seed-plot, etc. See sabudn.
saburt, See saburk.

sb-og saghay
sabt, Pubes, pubescence.
sabt, To know, understand. (cf. syod,
hibal, man. N.B. sabt in this meaning is
not used in and around Iloilo).
saby, To make use of customarily, to
use, visit, frequent. Am in ang
palagwan nga ya ginasabuyn sing
dalyon. This is the theatre he always goes
to. (cf. say, salay).
sbwag, To sow, scatter, spread,
broadcast. See sb-og id. Sabwag nnyo
sing blak ang dlan nga prosesyonn.
Scatter flowers on the road during the
sbya, To splash or beat against, (said of
water, wind, etc.). Ang dgat nagasbya
sa baybyon. The sea beats (against) upon
the beach. Ginasabyahn kit dir sang
matm-is nga dupydpoy sang hngin.
We are blown upon (fanned) here by the
gentle breeze. (cf. dpya).
sabyokt, Crease, wrinkle, crush, fold;
creased, wrinkled, crushed, full of folds or
wrinkles; to crease. Inng moskitro
madm sing sabyokt (yokt). This
mosquito-curtain is full of creases.
Nagsabyokt ang kon by. My jacket is
(has become) creased. (cf. yk, yok,
yukt, bokng, kubng).
sd-ang, (B) To place on high, put on;
hang up on a peg or nail, put a kettle on a
tripod, etc. Isd-ang ang mo kl sa
lnsangorsad-ang ang lnsang sang
mo kl. Hang your hat on the nail. (cf.
sb-it, sng-at).
sday, (B) To pass (go) to and fro, to flit
or rush by (repeatedly). Andot nagasri
ikw kang sday haw? (Nga nagasgad
ka sang labylbay)? Why are you passing
here so often? What is the reason of your
walking to and fro,pacing up and down?
(cf. lady-lday).
sady-sday, Dim. and Freq. of sday.
sdia, Cheer, festivity, solemn
celebration; to be cheerful, festive; to
celebrate solemnly. Sadiahn nton gid
ang pista sa sinng tig. Let us celebrate
our Feast this year with great solemnity.
Ginasadiahn nla ang kaadlwan sang
la amy. They are celebrating the birthday
of their father. (cf. sdya id.).
sd-in, Contr. of sa dinwhere.
sdlab, See sblabto flame, flare up.
sdngan, A passive form of sarngto
be able to, etc. Ind gid sil masdngan
sang la pangt, sang la pinatubs, etc.
Their earnings, their harvest, etc. is not
sufficient for their needs. Wal si
masdngi sang ya humy. His rice (i.e.
the rice he harvested from his own field)
was not enough to cover all his needs.
sd, A small water-jar, a jug. (cf. sr).
sadk, A kind of broad-brimmed hat
made of bamboo, the leaves of tabn-ak or
the like.

sadl, (Probably from the Sp. azadon)

Hoe; to hoe. Sadol ang dt. Hoe the
ground. Apply the hoe to the ground.
sdsad, To trip, skip, dance, step nimbly
or lightly.
sdsad, To step on, rest on, put ones foot
upon; resting on, supported by, founded
upon. Inng pagbult-an nagasdsad
orsdsad sa Snto Ppa. This law rests
on the authority of the Holy Father. Kon
magsut kam magsdsad kam sing
mayo. When you dance, pay attention to
the steps. Ang sdsad sinng khoy
madlum kayo. The tap-root of this tree
goes down very deep.
sadsran, (H) Foundation, footing,
support. Baly nga sadsran. A house with
a good foundation, i.e. of mixed or strong
materials. (cf. sdsad).
sdto, (H) (contracted from sa ydto)
Formerly, at that time, long ago; at, by, to,
from, etc. that. Ang sindto. Things that
happened formerly or in bygone days.
sdya, See sdia id.
sg, A piece, division, portion of meat,
fish, etc; to divide, cut up in pieces. (cf.
hw, bgs).
sg-a, To clean out a well, to bail out
water (from a boat, cistern, water hole, or
the like). Sag-ah ang tbig sa wang.
Clean out the water from the well. Sag-ah
ang wang. Clean the well. Take out the
water and dirt from the cistern. Isg-a
inng lta sa wang. Use this can to clean
(bail out the water and mud of) the well
sagbay, sagaby, To touch, rub
against, come in contact with. Ind ka
magsagbay sang kalhornd mo
pagsagabyon ang kalh, kay
mamusngan ka. Dont touch or rub
against the pan, or you will get dirty. (cf.
sbding, spding, salapy id.).
sgad, To do frequently or customarily, to
be wont,given,used, to, to use to,
do habitually. Ind ka magsgad (sang)
pamuyyaw. Dont be always cursing or
using strong language. (cf. sli).
sagd, Habituated to, practised, expert,
used to, a dab hand at, an old hand at. (cf.
and, batd).
sagdsad, To know or try to find out, to
observe, ascertain, investigate, make sure
of. Magsagdsad ka nay sang nahanab
kag ugling maghmbal. First make sure
of what really happened (the facts), then
saghay, To flow or boil over, overflow,
inundate. Ang tbig nagasaghay sa
klon. The pot is boiling over. Ang tbig
nagasaghay sa dlan, um, etc. The
water is overflowing the road, the field, etc.
Ang kon talmnan ginasagahyan sang
tbig tungd sang madmol nga uln. My
field is under water owing to the heavy


saghay sg-id
saghay, Interest of fifty per cent (in
kind or money). Ang plak nga ya
ginhulm sa kay N.N. pagabayran nya
sing sk nga saghay. On the money he
borrowed from N.N. he will pay fifty per
cent interest.
sagid, To rub or brush against. Ang ya
by nakasagid sa padr nga bg-o lang
napintahn. His jacket rubbed against the
newly painted wall. (cf. sghid, sg-id, sgud).
sagakd, Discordant, disagreeing,
unharmonious, not keeping time; to be
discordant, etc. (cf. salagakd).
sagksak, Dull, hollow (of sounds); flat,
out of tune (of the human voice). See
salksak id. (cf. basg).
sagkwal, To grasp, seize, infold, enfold,
clasp, embrace, take hold of. (cf. hugkom,
haks, gaml, karipn).
saglsal, Out of tune, discordant,
inharmonious. (cf. libgon, salagakd).
sagmsam, (B) To taste, savour,
perceive or notice the taste of, try the
flavour of. Kon ginahilntan kaw, nd kaw
makasagmsam kang rarm kading
mngga. (Kon ginahilntan ikw nd
ikw makatilw sang lalm sinng ph).
If you are suffering from a cold you cannot
appreciate the taste of this mango. War
ko masagamsam ang sabr na kar.
(Wal ko matilaw ang ya sin nga
sabr). I did not notice the taste. I never
tasted that. (cf. tilw, tm-id, diml,
sagna, sagan, The noise, wash,
of rushing water, howling or shrieking of
the wind, etc.; to make such a noise.
Nagasagna ang tbig sang sub, kay
may bah. The water of the river rushes by
tumultuously, for it is in flood. Abw,
nagasagna ang hngin! How fiercely the
wind howls! (cf. hugnas).
sagng, To prevent, stop, forestall, keep
off, stave off, forefend, fend off, ward off,
parry a blow, hinder something from
falling, etc. Sagang ang ya binngon.
Parry the blow from his bolo. Sagang ang
masakt, agd nd matmba. Save the sick
man from falling to the ground. Ginsagng
nya sa g gid nga tin ang pagkahlug
sang bat. In the nick of time he kept the
stone from falling. Isagng sa tbig ang
is ka pnud. Stop the water by a dam.
Keep the water back (Stem the water) by
building a dyke.
sg-ang, The chin. (cf. solng, sulng).
sgap, (B) To look for, try to find, seek, go
in search of, search for. Sagpa ang bboy
nga nadr (nadl). Look for the lost pig.
An ang ginasgap mo? What are you
looking for? Sagpi ak ti sging (sing
sging). Find some bananas for me.
Nagasgap ak kang kl ko, pay war ko
makt sta tuld kadi (kady).
(Nagapangt ak sang kon kl, pang
tbtub karn wal ko makt). I am


Visayan-English Dictionary
looking for my hat, but cant find it. (cf.
sghap, lghap, pangt).
sagpa, To meet, encounter, come
together with, find. Dir masagaphan mo
ang madm gid nga mga dumulong
nga naghaln sa nagakasarsr nga
pngsud sang kalibtan. There you will
meet many men (strangers) from the
various nations of the world.
sagpay, To overturn, overrun, come in
contact with, sweep or trail over. Tulka,
ginasagpay ang mga blak sang higt
sang knding. Look, the goats tether is
sweeping (trailing, dragging) over the
flowers. (cf. hbay).
sagpra, Rough, not smooth, uneven, not
well planed, not well made or done, said of
floors, furniture, etc. (cf. sagpra id.).
sag-sg, Dim. and Freq. of sgto
cut to pieces (bits), divide, etc. Bboy nga
sinagsg. Pork cut up in small bits or
pieces. Hashed or minced pork. Political:
sagtsat, To give a rough answer, to talk
or answer back, retort. Ind ka
magsagtsat (magstsat) sa kay nnay.
Ind mo pagsagatsatn (pagsatsatn) si
nnay. Dont answer mother back. (cf.
stsat, pantsat, panagtsat, gasd,
sagwak, sagawk, To flow out on a
sudden, spirt out, gush out, be spilt.
Nabong (Narpsak) ang barl kag
nagsagwak ang bno. The barrel was
smashed (broken) and the wine gushed out.
(cf. busawk, bswit, smpit, butarg,
sagwsaw, To walk or step into
something; to try, investigate, examine, go
deep into a matter, to sound. Sagawsaw
kon sarng kaw makahurm ti (kang)
kwrta na. (Sagawsaw (Tilaw) kon
sarng ka makahulm sang ya kwrta).
Sound him as to whether you can borrow
his money,money from him (of him). (cf.
swsaw, tilw, tdag, uss).
sgbot, (H) Rubbish, sweepings, dirt. (cf.
sgda, (B) To invite to partake of a meal,
offer a seat at table for the purpose of
taking food. Sagdah tna nga magm
man rgya. (Agdah si nga manyga
dir). Offer him a seat at the dining table.
Kang pagabt ko rgto ginsgda nnda
ak sa ihpon (nypon). (Sang pagabt ko
ddto gingda nla ak sa panihpon).
When I arrived there they invited me to
have supper with them. (cf. gda).
sgdan, For sagdan, sagran from
sgadto do customarily, etc.
sghap, To seek, look for. See sgap,
sghaw, To glean, pick out, select, gather,
cut the best ears with the rice cutter, collect
the best or passable ears from a bad crop or
from a crop spoilt by the action of birds,

insects, etc. and leave the rest alone.

Saghaw ang humy. Gather the best riceears (and leave the rest in the field). Klaw gid ang mon pinatubs sa karn nga
tig; sinaghawn lang nmon ang mon
talmnan. This year we had a bad harvest;
we just (picked out and) gathered the better
ears from our rice-land (and left the rest as
pasture for the cattle, etc.). Saghaw ang
nabiln nga alnyon. Gather what is left of
the rice-crop. (cf. g-ag, panl,
sghid, To rub against, touch, graze, etc.
See sagid, sg-id id.
sghoy, To sigh, moan. The Freq.
panghoy is mostly used. (cf. tghoy,
sgi, (B) To use to, be wont to do
customarily, frequently, regularly,
habitually. (cf. sgad, sli, sri).
sgib, To transport, ship, carry (by boat).
(cf. hkot).
sgib, To gather, collect, bring together,
corner, take or buy all that is for sale. But
si magsgib sang tann nga mga talng,
mas, tlog, mank, etc. He wants to get
hold of all the eggplants, corn, eggs,
chickens, etc. Sagba lang ang tann. Just
take everything, gather or buy up
everything. Sa pagtbon sang ya nga
kinahnglan ya ginsgib ang tann nya
nga kinitan. To cover his needs he got
together all he had earned, and spent it. (cf.
tpon, kka, hg-on, pndak).
sagbang, A term used in wrestling, and
said of two wrestlers that are
simultaneously thrown on their backs, so
that neither of them wins.
Nagasagibangy sil. They were both
thrown on their backs at the same time. (cf.
sagibn, (B) To fetch, bring, take,
along together with something else, to do
or perform at the same time as some other
work, do in one go. Sagibin rgya ang
malta ko. (Ulayhon dir ang kon
malta). Bring along with you at the same
time my suitcase or handbag. Kon
magbakl ikw ti kl nga bntal sagibin
ak ti isar. (Kon magbakl ikw sing
kl nga bntal ulayhon ak sing is). If
you buy a bntal-hat, buy one for me too.
Isagibn ak sa pagdar rgto kang kon
pray. (Iulyhon mo ak sa pagdal ddto
sang kon humy). Take along with you
my rice. Ind ron ak makasagibn kang
mga sging mo, hay lm-ag ron kabg-at
ang mga kinrga sa trak ko. (Ind na ak
makaulyhon sang mo mga sging, kay
tm kabg-at na ang mga linlan sa
kon trak). I cannot take along your
bananas, because the load on my truck is
already too heavy. (cf. dungn, ulyhon).
sg-id, To touch, graze, rub or brush
against. See sagid, sghid id.

Visayan-English Dictionary
sagdsid, A loud, shrill cry, a piercing
sound or tone; to emit such a sound. (cf.
sagl-om, (H) Duskiness, swarthines; to
be or become dusky, dark, swarthy, black.
Nagsagl-om ang ya guy sa nit. His face
became swarthy from the heat of the sun.
(cf. ilm, itm).
sagl-man, Dark, brown, swarthy. (cf.
ilm, itm, girm, kayumngg).
sging, Banana. (cf. sb-a).
sagng-sagng, A kind of flowering
plant with banana-like leaves; small,
narrow lines, stripes or streaks in cloth.
sagpit, To tuck under the arm, carry
under the arm. Sagipta (Sipta) lang ang
lbro. Just tuck the book under your arm.
(cf. spit).
sagipt, (B) To keep at bay, to catch by
driving into a corner or against a wall.
Sagipot (Bansok) ang mank sa psud
kang (sang) sklat. Drive the chicken into a
corner of the bamboo partition and catch it.
Ginsagipt nnda ang bboy sa pn
kang kodl. (Ginbnsok nla ang bboy sa
pn sang korl). They chased and caught
the pig at the fence. (cf. bnsok).
sagirt, To hiss, whiz, flit or run past with
a whirring or humming sound; a hiss, whiz,
hum, whir. (cf. sgrit).
sagr-om, (B) See sagl-om. Nagsagrom (Nagsugr-om) ang uyahn na sa nit.
(Nag-itm ang ya nawng sa nit). His
face became black from the heat of the sun.
(cf. itm, ilm).
sagtsit, A hissing or whistling sound; to
hiss or whistle through the teeth, to purl,
murmur, gurgle (of flowing water, etc.). (cf.
stsit, pantsit, panagtsit).
sagiwat, (B) Probably derived from sgi
and wat. The passive forms in -an
(sagiwt-an) are mostly used in the
meaning of: to be precarious, be in
difficulties, to eke out; to utilize to the
utmost, make a little go far, make good use
of slender resources, or the like. Bisn
maist lang ang shol na, pay
ginasagiwt-an na gid. (Bisn ditay lang
ang ya shol, pang ginapanginyawtan
nya gid). Though his salary is small, yet he
makes good use of it. Nasagiwt-an
(Nawd-an, balasbas) ak karn. At
present I am out of cash, am hard up.
sagiwt-an, See under sagiwat.
sgmit, To snatch, confiscate, take
possession of. (cf. sbnit, btong).
sgnoy, To drag, draggle, trail,
draw, along the ground. (cf. gnoy,
sagmboy, gyud).
sag, (Sp. sag) Sago, sago flour, sago
starch, sago palm.
sgo, Decomposition, putrefaction, decay;
to decompose, decay, putrefy, said of
corpses, etc. Ang bngkay may sgo
(nagasgo) na. The corpse is already
beginning to decay. (cf. dnut, dunt).

sagdsid sagnsun
sg-o, To be refractory, etc. Pasg-oto
resist, oppose, object to, refuse to do. See
sg-o, pasg-o. (cf. pagant).
sagdsod, See sagdsudto shuffle, etc.
sagksok, A kind of bird.
sagp, To save ones life, etc. See sagp.
sagpra, See sagpra id.
sgp, (B) Boss, stud, cover, lid; to cover,
emboss, stud, wrap up, enwrap, put a lid or
cover on. Ang bastn na may sgp (nya
may tabn) nga bulwan. (The handle of)
his walking stick is covered with gold. (cf.
tbon, tklub, son, lon).
sgpon, From sagp.
sgpong, To lop off, cut off (as the comb
of a cock, etc.). (cf. gilng, pnggul, putl).
sagrda, -o, (Sp. sagrado). Sacred;
consecrated; holy, venerable. Ang Sagrda
Famlia. The holy Family. (cf. balan).
sagrryo, (Sp. sagrario) Tabernacle.
sgrit, To whir, flick, flit, rush, by
with a hissing or humming sound.
Nasgrit ang lis. The bullet whizzed by,
went past with a hiss. Sinagritn ak sang
tren, kabyo. The train, horse, rushed past
by me. (cf. sagirt).
sgsag, To wear out (by use, etc.); get
spoilt by overindulgence, too much petting
or fondling and the like. Ang mga bt nga
ginapalngg sing laks magasgsag.
Children that are too much petted will be
sgsag, And more frequently pasgsag.
To insist on, have a liking for, be partial
to,attached to. (cf. pats, ynggaw,
dyug, hinanarm).
sgu, sagu, See sgw, sagw.
sg-ub, To draw water, fetch water.
Magsg-ub (or simply sg-ub) kaw (ka) sa
sub. Fetch water from the river. Sag-ub
ak ti (sing) tbig. Draw or fetch some
water for me (from the well, fountain, river,
etc.). Isg-ub ang lta. Use the can to fetch
water in. Matmad tna (si) magsg-ub.
He is too lazy to fetch water. (cf. agwda).
sagubng, (B) To do at once, have time
or opportunity to do something
immediately, presently, quickly. Kon nd
mo masagubangn ang pagbnak kang
mga uls ko, ihatd rgya sa baly, hay
ita ko sa ib nga mga mamumunk. (Kon
nd ka makaliht sa pagbnak sang kon
mga panpton, idl-ong dir sa baly, kay
ihtag ko sa lwan (ibn) nga
mamumunk). If you have no time to wash
my clothes (at once), bring them here and
Ill give them to some other washerwoman.
(cf. dalikt, liht).
saguby, sagbay, To help, assist,
support. See aguby, pin, tbang.
sagd, To take care of, rear or bring up,
train, guard, watch over, look after with
concern or care. Sagur sing mayo
(Sagud ti mayd) ang bt, bboy,
talmnan (tarmnan), etc. Take good care
of the baby, the pig, the rice-field, etc.

Isagd ak sinng (kading) mga knding.

Look after these goats of mine. Pasagur
ak sang mo bka. Let me attend to your
cow (for a share in her calves). Sn-o ang
magasagd sang mga bt, kay napaty
ang la ily? Who will take care of the
children, now that their mother is dead?
(cf. batit, sappo, ttap, sagp).
sg-ud, To touch the surface of, come in
contact with, knock, strike, rub or brush
against. Ang ya btkon nagsg-ud sa
dngding kag naplas. His arm knocked
against the wall and was hurt. (cf. dot,
salapy, sghid, sg-id, sagid, sngg,
bngg, lngg).
sagdsud, To shuffle, draggle, trail
noisily, over the ground or floor (slippers,
boots or the like). Ind ka magsagdsud
sang mo sinlasornd mo
pagisagdsud ang mo sinlas. Dont drag
your slippers so noisily over the floor.
sagksuk, See sagksoka kind of bird.
saglay, saguly, To spoil or wear out
by constant use, deteriorate or ruin
through too frequent use. Ind mo
pagsagulyon (pagisaglay) ang bg-o
mo nga kl. Dont spoil your new hat by
constant use. (cf. dagumk, sarabg).
sag-l, Change given; to give change for
money paid in excess to what was due. Din
ang sag-l? Where is the change?
Nakasag-l ka na sa ya sing ttlo ka
sentims? (Nakasag-l kaw ron kan ti
ttlo ka sentims?). Have you given him
three centavos change? Isag-l sa ya
inng senslyo. (Isag-l kan ding
senslyo). Give him back these coins as
change. Sag-uli (si, tna). Give him
sag-ul, (sag-l, sagl), To run,
flow, come, back. Nagsag-ul ang tbig
sa wang. The water flowed back into the
well. Napaty gid si, kay wal na
makasag-ul ang ya ginhwa. (Napaty
gid tna, hay war ron makasag-ul ang
ginhwa na). He died indeed, for his
breath returned no more.
sagmboy, To draggle or trail on the
ground. See sgnoy, gnoy id.
sagn-ot, The tough fibres in various
tubers like banyan, kamte, radishes and
the like.
sagun-otn, Fibrous, referring to sagnot, having fibres, stringy.
sagnsun, In succession, without
interruption, following one close on the
other; to follow in quick succession,
succeed without interruption. Ang am
nga palagwon la ginpagw sa ttlo ka
gb-i nga sagnsun. That play was staged
by them on three successive nights.
Maktlo si napilin nga sagnsun sa
pagkapanglo-pud. Three times in
succession he was chosen Provincial
Governor. Nagsagnsun gid lmang sa
am nga ktay ang ginats nga mga
wto. In that parade there were hundreds


sagunyt sakte
of automobiles forming an uninterrupted
(unbroken) line. (cf. sund; abtabt,
sagunyt, A tree much used and
esteemed on account of its valuable timber.
sagp, To save, rescue, deliver, take up,
pick up (a drowning man, a person in
misfortune, or the like). Sinagp sil sa
kalalwran sang is ka dak nga
sakayn. (Sinagp snda sa kalalwdan
kang sngka hnggud nga sakayn). They
were picked up on the high seas by a large
steamer. Sagup si sa tbig sa madal,
agd nga nd malums, kay nd si
makahibal maglangy; (Sgpa tna sa
tbig ti madal, agd nga nd malums,
hay nd ra kaman (makaman)
maglangy). Take him out of the water at
once, lest he should drown, for he does not
know how to swim. Sn-o ang nagsagp sa
ya (kan)? Who picked him up and took
care of him? (cf. baltbot, lus, bw,
tbang, yop, ayp).
sagpra, Rough, etc. See sagpra.
sags, To entangle, make intricate,
complicate. (cf. gmon).
sagus, Entangled, complicated, topsyturvy, disordered. (cf. gomn).
sagw, sgw, Outside; reception
room, sala, drawing room. (cf. gw, sagu,
sgu, balatonn).
sgway, Awkwardness, inconvenience,
unwieldiness (on account of being too
long); to be or become too long for any
given purpose. Ilmpus sa bboy inng
binklan, kay ang bagt nagasgway
(masgway). Throw this piece of wood
(bamboo) at the pig, for the pole is too long
(too unwieldy) for throwing. (cf. sbad,
sgyad, To fell, hew, cut, down (a
tree, etc); to beat gold or silver. (cf. taps,
pkan, puld; pangyad).
sgyap, A small fishing net. The Freq.
pangyap is more used as verb. (cf. shod).
sh, Layer, offshoot, offspring, sucker,
seedling (of bananas, etc.). (cf. gtuk).
shat, Fine thin fibres resembling the
threads of a spiders web, as occur in the
centre of the stem of a banana-plant.
sh, Kind, class, variety; way, manner,
method. (cf. bgay, sr).
sh, As well, equally, for the same reason,
mostly used with pa. Nany, gintugtan
mo ang magulng nga manbad ddto,
bs tugti man kam, sh pa nga may
lyag man. (Nany, gintgtan mo si
mnong nga manbad rgto, t tgti man
tmon, sh pa nga may lyag man).
Mother, you gave permission to our eldest
brother to go to the banquet, therefore
allow us also to go, for we want just as
much to be present. Pabkli man ak sing
(ti) bg-o nga delrgo, sh pa nga
mamista man ak (tkon). Have a new
pair of trousers bought for me too, for the


Visayan-English Dictionary
same reason that I too am going to assist at
the feast. (cf. sh id.).
sah, Different, not equal, not the same; to
become different, etc. Nagsah ang la mga
batsan. Their manners became different
from each other.
sahin, sahan, Difference. Wal sing
sahin inng duh ka butng. These two
things are equal, there is no difference
between these two things.
sahd, A large fishing net (with floats and
sinkers). (cf. tsintsro, pkot, spyaw).
sahn, Rest, remnant, etc. See saln.
sah, Meet, proper, fit, decent. Dl gid
sah nga. It is certainly not proper
that. Nagasah inng dug (antihos)
sa kon (mga) mat. This colour (These
glasses) suits (fit) my eyes. (cf. g, ngay,
sah, Liking, relish for, enjoyment, zest;
to like, be pleased with, enjoy, delight in.
Makasah ak sinng ph, sang ya
batsan, sinng dug, etc. I like this
mango, his conduct, this colour, etc.
Ginasahon ak sinng mga pun. I am
pleased with these decorations. Ind ak
makasah sang sabr sinng bnga. I
dont like the taste of this fruit. Wal sa ya
sing makasah. No one likes him. Ind ak
makasah sa ya. I do not like him. Si
Pdro ang ya sah, si Hos ang kon
sah. He likes Peter, I like Jos. (cf. yon,
wli, lyag).
sahg, To disturb, interrupt, meddle with,
give trouble, interfere; to be perplexed,
disturbed, in confusion. Ind ka magsahg
sa kon. Ind mo ak pagsahogn. Dont
disturb or interrupt me. (cf. tblag, awt,
libng, dpag, lpag, gam, gbat, libg,
saht, To pay attention to, attend to.
Nanug lang ang mga bista, kay wal
pagsahotorwal sing nagsaht sa la.
The visitors (simply) left the house, for
nobody paid them any attention. Isaht mo
ak nay sinng bg-o nga mga
nagsalk. Please do me the favour of
attending to these new arrivals or fresh
visitors. (cf. sapk, ttap).
sid, (B) To finish, use or eat up all.
Nasid mo gal ang kn-on? (Narut mo
gal ang kn-on?). Have you really finished
all the rice? Nasid ron (Narut na) ang
khoy, kwrta, mas, etc. The wood,
money, corn, etc. is finished or all used up.
Sadon (Urton) mo lang ang krne sa
(panyga) gm, hay ang ihpon bklan
ko ti bg-o (kay ang panihpon
pagabklan ko sing bg-o). Use up all the
meat there is for dinner, as I shall buy a
fresh supply for supper. Ind nnda masid
kang kon ang sd. (Ind nla marut
sang kon (sa pagkon) inng sd). They
cannot eat up this fish. (cf. bus, tpus,
sk, To ascend, go up, come up, step up,
go up-stairs, enter a house. Sk (Sumk)

ka (kaw). Come up. Saka ang lub (nig).

Climb the coconut palm. Saki ak sing
duh ka lub, kay but ak mag-inm sing
butng. (Saki ak ti drwa ka blog nga
nig, hay mlyag ak mag-inm ti
butng). Climb the coconut palm and pluck
two nuts for me, for I should like to drink
some coconut milk.
sk, Interest on a loan, etc. See tb.
sk, (B) To get into, to invade. Ginsk
ang lo na (nya) kang (sang) hngin.
Wind got into his head, i.e. he has a severe
head-ache or is out of his mind.
sak, (B) To attack, invade, come to,
assail. Ginsak tna kang nos. (Ginanos
si). He is a victim of consumption
(phthisis). Ginasak tna kang to (si
sang to). She is pregnant, has conceived.
sakan, Ladder, gangway, ships ladder,
stairs, steps leading up. (cf. sk).
sakb, To encroach upon, etc. See sabn,
sakm, etc.
sakda, To take, scoop, draw, out.
(cf. salk, sark, kh).
sakda, (From the Sp. sacar) Working
men under contract to work for a certain
time at a farm, mill, etc.; to hire men for
work on a large farm, etc. Si Fulno
nagasakda sing mga to sa is ka
asinda sa Ngros. N.N. is looking for men
to work on a farm in Negros. Am in ang
mga to nga ginsakda nya sa Hmtik.
These are the men he hired or contracted
for in Antique. Inng mga to nga is ka
trak puls tann sakda. This truck load of
men has been contracted for work (on a
distant farm, or the like).
skal, A bracket or wedge driven into a
post or wall for the purpose of supporting
floorbeams, etc.; to provide with brackets,
etc. Sakli ang halgi. Put a bracket on the
sakm, To encroach upon, seize, take,
grasp, hold fast to, commit forcible seizure,
appropriate (unlawfully). Sakamn
(Skmon) ko in. I shall seize it, take hold
of it. Ginsol nla ang kon korl kag
sinakm ang kon dt. (Ginsol nnda
ang kodl kag sinakm ang lp ko). They
put back the fence and encroached on my
land. Ginsakm si sang kalisd. He was
overwhelmed with grief. (cf. sakm, sabn,
sakng, The fork, crutch, angle or
junction formed by the legs of a pair of
trousers, by the legs themselves, or the like.
sakr, To ask, solicit, try to obtain, make
efforts to get, desire, covet. Nagasakr ak
kay Fulno nga agsahn ko ang ya dt.
I am asking N.N. to accept me as his
tenant. I am anxious to obtain the lease of
N.N.s field. (cf. panakr).
sakte, (Sp. zacate) Forage, fodder, cut
grass as fed to horses, cattle, etc. (cf.

Visayan-English Dictionary
sakatehn, A zacate-field, land for
growing fodder for animals.
saky, Riding on, travelling by; to ride,
mount a horse, step or get into an auto,
embark on or board a boat, etc. Saky ka
sa wtoorskyi ang wto. Step (get)
into the auto. Saky sa bapr nagabt
kahpon si Fulno. Travelling by steamer
N.N. arrived yesterday. Malam ka
magsaky sa kabyo? Do you know how to
mount or ride a horse?
sakayn, Boat, vessel, ship, steamer,
sailing boat, any water craft or seagoing
vessel. (cf. saky; salkyanvehicle,
carriage, riding animal, or the like).
sakaynway, sakayn-way,
Warship, warvessel, man-of-war.
sakaynhngin, sakayn-hngin,
Aeroplane, airship.
sakaynhubt, sakayn-hubt, A
fast boat or aeroplane.
sakaynhlas, sakayn-hlas,
Steamer, liner, steam boat, steam-ship,
sakaynon, Mariner, one of the crew of a
ship, sailor, seaman.
sakaynsumallum, sakaynsumallum, Submarine. (cf. saky,
skbay, To put round an arm, a rope, etc.
Sakbay ang sko sing kalt kag
yayngan. Put a rope around the sack and
carry it by means of a pole. Sinakbayn
nya ang masakt sang ya btkon, agd
nd matmba. He put his arm round the
sick man, lest he should fall.
skdag, To help, aid, assist, succour,
attend to, support. Sakdag ang ya mga
kalisd. Give him some aid (support) in his
distress. Ginskdag nya si Fulno sa ya
nga kakulngan. He helped N.N. in his
need. Ang mga mananbang nga gady
dl salalgan sa pagskdag sing mayo
sang mga kasb. Inferior lawyers are not
to be trusted to attend well to law-suits. (cf.
blig, tbang, ampyo).
sakro, To keep away from for a time (a
calf from sucking or the like). Sakirha
nay ang tnday, kay pagagatsan ko
bus ang ya inng (ily). Dont allow the
calf to suck for the present, for I am going
to milk the cow tomorrow.
skit, Grief, mental pain, mental
suffering, sadness, sorrow, woe, distress,
affliction; to grieve, be sad or in sorrow, be
sorry, pained or distressed. Nagakaskit
ang but ko. I am grieved, pained. Ang
nasaktan ko gid (Ang nasaktan gid sang
kon but) am ang. What grieves me
most is. What I am chiefly sorry for
is. Ginakasaktan ko gid ang
kamatyon sang kon ily. I am very sad
on account of the death of my mother. Dl
nmo igkaskit in. Dont be distressed at
that. D mo pagpasakton ang mo mga
giniknan. Dont grieve your parents. Wal

sakatehn sksi
gid nla pagigkaskit ang am nga hitab.
They were not sorry at all for what
happened. (cf. sub, kgh, lisd, sakt).
sakt, Bodily or physical pain, suffering,
ache, smart, twinge, twitch, gripe, hurt,
soreness, sting, torment, torture; to cause
pain, to pain, inflict pain, hurt, torment,
torture, rack. Sakit si. Let himfeel,
smart for it. Nasakitn si sang kus
(kodt) ni Fulno. He felt the pain when
N.N. pinched him. Ind mo si pagsakitn
sing tm. Dont give him too much pain.
Dont beat him too much.
sklam, To encroach upon, usurp, take
wrongfully, etc. (cf. sabn, sakm, sakm).
sklaw, To take amiss, resent, fume,
takeill,to heart,offence,umbrage,
get offended, angry, excited, vexed.
Nasklaw ak sinng hmbal. I am
offended at this kind of talk. Ginpasklaw
nya ak sang laks nya nga pamb. He
made me angry with his endless mouthing.
Ind mo si pagpasaklawn. Dont
exasperate him or make him angry. (cf.
kig, sngon, snggud, ugt).
sklay, To take or carry in ones arms, put
ones arms round, hug, embrace. Saklay
(sal-ay) ang masakt nga bt. Take the
sick child in your arms. Ginsklay (Ginslay) nya sa dak nga kasub ang bngkay
sang ya ank. In her intense grief she took
the corpse of her child in her arms. (cf. slay, skbay, spnay, pgus, haks).
sklit, To bind together, fasten with a
rope one end of which is provided with a
hook; to snatch, take with a swift
movement, do something quickly or in
passing; to do something on the sly or
stealthily, sneak away or off, take secretly.
Saklit ang humy nga ginlab kag dlha
dir, kay tumpihn nton. Tie the rice that
has been cut and carry it over here, for we
are going to stack it. Nagsklit si ddto
sing ditay nga tin. He stopped there for
a moment in passing. Saklit ang is ka
papl dir sa lamsa. Take a piece of paper
from the table there. Saklit ak sing is ka
pligo sa mga papl nga dir sa aparadr.
Get me a sheet of writing paper from the
paper in the cupboard. Nagsklit si sing
pat ka sentims sa sagl sang kon
kwrta. He took secretly four centavos
from the change given me.
sklit, saklt, A cord or string with a
hook at one end (used chiefly for binding
bundles of fodder, for making rice-sheaves,
etc.); a climbing iron.
sklot, To do something quickly or in
passing, to stay or pass a moment; to
associate with, mix, take part in. (cf. sklit,
aby, tmbong, pasilabt).
skmon, From sakm and sakmto
take, etc.
sko, Coat. (cf. amerikna).
sko, (Sp. saco) Sack, bag. (cf. bayong,

sk, To be occupied, keep busy, to be

busy; have much to do, give much work, be
hard at work, hard at it. Nagask sil
karn sang la pagtnum. They are at
present very busy planting rice. Mask
ang kon trabho. I have much work to do.
Ginsk nla ang pagpatndog sang bg-o
nga baly, kay madal na lang pagakslon
ang nbyo kag nbya. They have been
working hard building the new house, for
the bride and the bridegroom are soon to
be married. Saka si sang ya nga tang.
Keep him busy with his debt i.e. remind
him often of his debt, so that he may make
an effort to pay it.
skol, To steam, stew, to cook in a piece of
bamboo perforated at the lower end to let
the steam through from the kettle or pot
underneath. Sinkol nga kamte, mas,
etc. Sweet potatoes, corn, etc., prepared in
the way described.
sakn, A kind of large fish; greedy,
voracious, gluttonous. Inng bt daw
sakn. This boy is very greedy, eats very
much. (cf. dalk, mambas, mahkug).
skot, To mix. Sakta ang lub, kalmay
kag binkbok nga bugs. Mix the coconutmeat with sugar and rice-flour. (cf. lakt,
smpon, sm).
sakt, Mixed, admixture. May sakt nga
mas ang la kn-on. Their rice is mixed
with corn. (cf. lakt, smpon, sm,
skpan, etc. From skupto subject,
skra, (Sp. sacra) Altar-cards.
sakramnto, (Sp. sacramento)
sakripsyo, (Sp. sacrificio) Sacrifice; a
prayer-book. (cf. hlad; tuln-an sang
mga palangadon).
skr, Ill, evil, disease, sickness, illness;
to makesick,ill. Andam ka, agd nd
ka pagsakron liwn. Take care or you will
get sick again. Si Fulno ginskr sang is
ka simna kag tbtub karn ginaskr pa
si gihpon. (Si Fulno ginskr kang
isarng simna kag sta tuld kady
ginaskr tna angd). N.N. was taken ill
a week ago and up till now he is still unwell.
Ang sinmbit nga mga skr am ang ya
ginabtyag. The ills mentioned are
precisely those he is suffering from. (cf.
sngk, masakt, molomasakt).
sksak, To mix, mingle, jumble,
adulterate, debase by mixture, throw or put
in (bad merchandise, fruit, etc. amongst
good merchandise, fruit, etc.).
sksak, To chop up, hack to pieces,
mince. Saksak ang krne, bad, etc. Chop
up the meat, the edible core of the banana
stem, etc. Krne nga sinksak. Minced
meat. (cf. tktok).
sksi, Witness, testimony; to witness,
testify, bear witness, give testimony, give
evidence. Saksih ang kamaturan.


sakm salagiwan
Witness to the truth. Testify to the truth.
Ginsaksihn ak nya sa kon kasb. He
was a witness in my lawsuit. (cf. testgos).
sakm, To hold, grasp, seize, take in ones
arms; to undergo, undertake, shoulder.
Skmon (Sakumn) ko gid in bisn
mabg-at. Ill hold this, even if it is heavy. I
am ready to undertake it, even if (though) it
is difficult. Ginsakm nya ang am nga
kabdlay. He took that trouble upon
himself. He was ready to undertake that
work. (cf. gaml, pangabga, sakm).
skup, Subject, retainer, follower;
member, dependant. To subject, enlist as a
member or dependant, accept as a servant,
etc.; to include. Pil ang mga skup mo?
How many dependants have you? How
many people are dependent on you? Ang
tann nga ginskpan (ginsakpan) nya.
All his dependants (or subjects). Skpa ak
sa mo mga pangamy. Include me in
your prayers. Skpon mo si sa tg-ang.
Boil rice for him as well i.e. add an
additional quantity of rice, so that it will be
sufficient for him also. Ang mon bryo
skup sang Munispyo sa Miagw. Our
village is in the Municipality of Miagao.
Ginskup nla ang bg-os nga bnwa.
They subjected the whole town to their
rule. Magpaskup ka sa. Join, or
become a member of,.
skwa, The trunk or stem of the banana
near the ground with its roots.
skyan, From sakyto ride on, etc.
skyud, To get up on, mount, ride. (cf.
sla, (Sp. sala) Reception or drawing
room, common living room. (cf. sgw,
sagw, balatonn).
sla, To talk deliriously, be out of ones
mind, to rave, ramble, wander. Nagasla
na ang masakt. The sick man is talking in
delirium. Ginasla ang masakt. The sick
man is delirious. Nagasalla lang sil.
They are talking nonsense (like delirious
sal, Sin, fault, error, evil-doing, wrongdoing, transgression, mistake,
misdemeanour, misconduct, misbehaviour,
fall, lapse, offence, trespass, iniquity,
demerit; to err, make a mistake, commit a
fault, transgress, deviate, miss. Ikw am
ang may sal. You are to blame. The error,
mistake or fault is yours. Nagsal si. He
erred. Magkonpesr ka sang mo mga
sal. Confess your sins. The phrase sal
ko kon often precedes an emphatic
statement implying an oath: I swear
that. May I be cursed if. May
evil befall me if. May God punish me
if. (cf. pakasal which is mostly used
in the sense of sinning, committing sin).
sl, To strain, filter, percolate. Sala ang
tsa, kap, etc. Strain the tea, coffee, etc.
Sali sang kap inng lnot nga hinabl.
Strain the coffee through this hemp-cloth.
(sr id.).


Visayan-English Dictionary
sl, (B) To leave behind, leave. Isl
(Iblin) ang tsa sa lamsa. Leave the tea on
the table. Gindar ko ang bt ko, hay
war ak ti salan sa baly. (Gindal ko
ang kon bt, kay wal ak sing bilnan
sa baly). I brought my child along,
because I have nobody left at home (to take
care of it). (cf. blin).
salan, A strainer, sieve, cloth for
straining or filtering. Salan sang tbig. A
water-filter. (saran id). (cf. sl).
salabt, To touch, reach, hit. Andam ka,
agd dl ka masalabt sang (sing) lis. Be
careful, lest you should be hit by a bullet.
(cf. salaby, salapy).
salbat, A carefully prepared answer, a
drawn-up reply or rejoinder. (cf. sabt).
salbay, A very small moth injurious to
blankets, clothes, etc. and causing irritation
when brought in contact with the skin; an
insect that is very harmful to cereals, as
rice, etc.
salaby, To attack or touch in passing,
graze; strike, hit; give a passing fit.
Nagasalaby sa ya ang pagkabang. He
is subject to temporary fits of insanity.
Ginasalaby si sang pagkabang. He has
a temporary fit of lunacy. (cf. salabt,
salbdan, (H) What is to, can,
should, be entwined, anything round
which something can be (should be)
thrown, twisted, twined or wound. (cf.
salabhon, (H) What is to be understood,
retold, explained or described; explicable,
explainable, intelligible. Dl salabhon ang
la kasdya kag kalpay. Their merriment
and joycannot be described,are
indescribable. Dsalabhonwhat cannot
be explained; inexplicable, unintelligible.
(cf. sbi).
salab-tan, Peg, pin, rack, stand, etc.,
that on which something can be hung. (cf.
sb-it, salang tan).
salablyan, Line, clothes-line (for drying
the wash, etc.). (cf. sblay, sablyan,
salbton, (H) What is to be answered or
accounted for, a thing oneis responsible
for,must answer for,must account for;
responsibility, liability. Dak kayo ang
mo sin nga salbton. Your responsibility
for it is very great indeed. (cf. sabt).
salabusb, Dishevelled, entangled,
frayed, etc. See sarabusb.
salabyan, Often or customarily used,
visited, frequented. Salabyan nya ang
am nga tinda. He often goes to that shop
or market. Tinngtung nya ang malta sa
ltok nga salabyan sang ya t. He put
the handbag on the table that was regularly
used by his uncle. (cf. saby, salayhan,
slad, To start, begin, lay the
foundation of, a rice-stack, wickerwork,

etc.; cover the bottom of a receptacle to be

filled. Saldi (salri) ang tabungs, tmpi,
etc. Begin weaving the tabungs-basket,
start making the rice-stack, etc. Kon
nasalran mo na ang kl kon rarhon,
kay malam ak magrra, pang nd ak
makahibal magslad. If you have finished
the initial process of weaving the hat, I
shall weave it, for I know how to weave, but
do not know how to start (i.e. to arrange
the splints, weavers, etc. previous to the
actual weaving). Ang is ka psong daw sa
nd makaslad sa is ka malndog nga
nagasuld sing katlon ka psong. One
bushel is scarcely sufficient to cover the
bottom of a rice-container holding thirty
bushels. Islad inng mga skdap sa
bakg. Use these bamboo-splints to start
weaving the carriers basket.
salda, (Sp. ensalada) Salad, any kind of
vegetable mixed with vinegar.
saldang, A screen or flooring put in
between the fire and the cooking vessel,
whenever it is desired that the fire should
not come in immediate contact with the
pan or kettle, gridiron, grate; broiler,
salad-ngan, saldngan, Any kind of
rack, stand, grating, etc. on which articles
are placed, as a hat rack, bottle stand,
candlestick, etc. (cf. sdang, salab-tan,
sald-ang, saldang, Fork. (cf.
saldsad, To grasp fully, know well,
understand perfectly. Nakasaldsad gid
ak sinng mga butng. Nasaladsarn ko
gid inng mga butng. I know these things
very well (having gone into them very
thoroughly). (cf. sdsad, sayast, hibal,
sl-ag, To deteriorate, worsen,
degenerate, fall off, to be or become bad,
improper, fall below the standard; make a
bad impression upon, make shy or afraid.
Nagsl-ag ang ya batsan. His conduct
has altered for the worse. Am gn ang
nagpasl-ag sa ya. That made him shy or
nervous. Ind ka magkasl-ag. Dont be
afraid. Sa la pagsal-agy namid man
ang la mga ginskpan. In their bad
(strained) relations their dependants were
involved also. (cf. sw-a, lin).
sl-ag, To fall out, disagree, quarrel. (cf.
hbag, simng, say).
slag, To cull, choose, select, pick out. (cf.
srag, g-ag).
salagakd, (H) To sing out of unison,
time or tune. Nagasalagakd sil sa la
pangnta. They are singing out of tune, are
not singing in unison, not keeping together.
salagask, Out of tune, etc. See
salagiwan, A kind of hawk. (cf. bang;
salagywan id.).

Visayan-English Dictionary
salagiwt, (H) See saragiwtto leave a
trace, trail, etc.
salgsag, Bamboo rafters supporting a
thatching of cogon-grass, np, etc. Also
verb. Kon nasalagsagn na ang atp
pagatpan nton sing kgon. If the
bamboo rafters are secured on the roof, we
will proceed to put on the cogon thatch.
salag-ban, (H) From where water is to
be drawn, well, cistern, water-hole, river,
etc.; any vessel for drawing water. (cf. sgub).
salagnting, Shears, poles tied together
at the top from which depends the tackle
for hoisting, trestle formed by two or more
bamboos, etc. tied together at one end and
opening out at the other somewhat like a
pair of scissors; hence the name. Butangn
mo sing salagnting ang balyan. Put a
trestle under the girder. Salagunting kon
sn-o ang makwat. Find out by means of
a pendulum swinging on a three-legged
trestle, who was the thief. (A superstitious
practice indulged in by the ignorant).
salagran, A place or institution for the
support or relief of some class of destitute
or afflicted persons; asylum, refuge.
Salagran sang mgalo,bang,
tiglang,ap, etc. An orphanage, an
insane (lunatic) asylum, an asylum for the
old (and the infirm), an asylum for the deaf
and dumb, etc. (cf. sagd, salagron,
salagurn; dalngpan; alypan).
salagron, Dependants, members of
ones household, those depending on
others for their support, those whom one is
obliged to support; one to be taken care of,
needing the support of somebody else,
thrown on the charity of others. (cf. sagd,
salagurn, Animals to be tended or
looked after; what is to be taken care of,
reared, brought up, as a calf, a puppy, a
chicken, etc. (cf. sagd, salagron).
salagywan, A kind of hawk. See
salagiwan id.
salahton, Respectable, worthy of
attention or respect. Dsalahtonwhat is
to be ignored, unworthy of attention or
respect. (saht).
salid, To do somethingthoroughly,
scrupulously,perfectly. (cf. d-id, talid).
salat, (H) Hook, anglers hook, fish-hook.
salakan, What is to, should, be
scaled, climbed, gone up to; ascendable,
climbable; interest, premium (on money).
Utangn kag salakan. Capital and
interest. (cf. sk).
salakn, The legs, usually made of
bamboo, attached to, and supporting, the
rice-mortar called lusng.
salkay, To damage, injure or overthrow
by passing over, to overrun, run over.
Ginsalakyan sang sub ang mon um.
Our field was washed out by the flood.

salagiwt salangisg
Sinalakyan ang bnwa sang mga
kaway. The enemy overran the place.
Salakya sil. Run over them. Ang tbig
nagsalkay sang mon humy. The water
passed through our rice-field.
salkot, (H) Pl. form of skotto mix,
salakt, A helmet or solar hat made of
wickerwork. (cf. salokt id.).
salksak, Dull, hollow, flat, cracked,
discordant, dissonant, jarring (of sounds as
of a broken bell); out of tune,
inharmonious (of the human voice); to be
dull, flat, etc.; to be a chatterbox.
Nasalaksakn ak sang ya nga tngug.
His voice seems to me to be out of tune or
discordant. (cf. sagksak).
salakskan, The kingfisher; a
salkyan, A vehicle, any kind of carriage
or conveyance. (cf. saky, sakayn).
salalgan, Reliable, trustworthy, meriting
confidence, staunch, true, trusty, constant,
dependable, faithful, loyal, one to be
depended upon. (cf. slig).
salalk, Ladle, scoop, spoon. (cf. salk).
sallpan, Setting, sinking, going down;
west, occident, sunset. (cf. slup, kaslpan,
salalumn, What is to, can,
should, be fathomed, dived for;
fathomable, comprehensible, intelligible,
conceivable. Dl pa madlum ang ton
salalumn. We have not to go down deep.
We need no profundity of thought. (cf.
slum, tulungkron).
salma, (H) Even, level, smooth, plain,
equal; to be or make even, equal, etc.
Salma (nagsalma) na ang plsa, kay
natampukn ang mga nalupyakn. The
public square is level now, because the
depressions have been filled in. Salamha
ang dlan. Make the road smooth. Level
the road. Ginsalma nya sil. He treated
them all on an equal footing. (cf. sma,
sarma, tpan).
salamnka, (Sp. salamanca) Sleight of
hand, legerdemain, prestidigitation,
deceptive tricks, juggling; to be a
prestidigitator or juggler, perform
deceptive tricks.
salamankro, Juggler, prestidigitator.
salmat, Thanks, acknowledgment;
thank you. Madm nga salmat. Many
thanks. Si Fulno nagapadal sa mo sing
hugt gid nga mga salmat. N.N. sends
you his best thanks. Dmasip nga mga
salmat. Very many thanks to you. Thanks
very much. Salmat sa mayo nga
patkang ni Fulno. Thanks to the good
services (the timely interference) of
N.N.. (cf. pasalmatto give thanks).
salamayn, (H) Streaked, interspersed
with. Salamayn sang dug ang ya nga
dpl. His spittle is streaked with blood.
(cf. saramayn id.; smay).

salmbaw, A kind of fishing net; a

primitive fishing boat, now hardly ever
used. (cf. sulmbaw, sulmpaw)
salmbud, (H) Anything used for
twisting or winding round, a rope, etc. (cf.
sabd, smbud, balmbud, higt). Also pl.
form of smbudto wind, turn around an
salamng, Glass, mirror, looking-glass,
shaving-glass, reflector. (cf. kty).
salm, Mixed, mingled; to mix, mingle.
(cf. sm).
salampti, Dove; turtle-dove. (cf.
salamptan, (H) Landing, place of
arrival, goal, bourn, bourne, termination,
destination, place where one finally comes
to rest or to a standstill. (cf. smput;
salamputnan, (H) See salamptan.
Ang kamatyon am ang salamputnan
sang tann. Death is the ultimate
destination of all.
salamuann, Blending; blended,
mingled, mixed; spoilt, corrupt. Babe nga
salamuann. A bad woman. A prostitute
(whore). (cf. sm, salamunan).
salamunan, Mixture, blending; race.
(cf. sm, sam, salm).
salamwan, Glass, looking glass, mirror;
type, example, model, picture, pattern. (cf.
salamng, palanganinwan, huluran).
salamwnan, See salamwan id.
salmyog, A single-stalked, branchless
plant, whose tender shoot is edible.
saln, Leavings, gleanings, remnants,
ungathered ears left on a field.
salandgan, (H) A support for the back,
as the back of a chair, bench, etc. backing,
support, something to fall back upon for
help or protection. (cf. sndig).
salnduk, Ladle, scoop. (cf. kalndus,
salalk, garal, snduk).
sl-an, etc. From salto catch (a ball),
sl-ang, A kind of mushroom. (cf. hong,
salngat, To hang on, get caught by. Ang
buladr nakasalngat sa sang sang
khoy. Nasalangtan sang buladr ang
sang sang khoy. The kite caught in a
branch of the tree. (cf. sng-at).
salang-tan, A peg, pin, hook, nail, rack,
stand, anything on which clothes, etc. may
be hung. (cf. sng-at, salabtan, saladngan, saldngan).
salangya, salangay, A rarely used
plural form of sngyato make merry, etc.
salnggon, What is to, should, be
hindered; preventable. (cf. sagng).
salangisg, (H) Orderless,
unmethodical, unsystematic, in disorder,
without order, wanting coordination; to be
in disorder, deranged, disarranged, without
a plan, without organized or concerted
action. Nagsalangisg ang paghwat sang


salangkgi slba
mga hilikotn sang la pista. There was
no organized effort made to prepare for
their feast-day.
salangkgi, (B) A tree, whose bark yields
a juice that is much used as a hair-wash;
salangkgi-bark, salangkgi-juice.
salngsang, (H) A length of bamboo
split down to a certain depth into narrow
strips and opened out like a basket. It is
used as a stand for pots, water-cooling jars,
salngyat, To become entangled, caught,
as clothes when one walks through briars,
etc. (cf. salngat, sngat).
salanlgan, (H) Roasting pan. (cf.
salaolhon, (H) What is to, should,
be memorized or learned by heart; lesson.
(cf. saol).
slap, The net-like integument that wraps
the bottom of the branches of a coconut
palm. (cf. sr).
slap, A meshed hemp-cloth used for
fishing nets, mosquito nets, etc.; netting,
fishing net; to fish with a slap-net; to
weave hemp-cloth for fishing nets.
Ginslap nla inng mga sd. These fishes
were caught by them in a hemp-net.
Nagapanlap sil. They are catching fish
with a slap-net. They are weaving hempcloth for fishing nets. (srap id.).
salpad, The broad or wide part of a
knife, sword, etc. as distinct from the point.
(cf. lpad, lapd).
salpan, To overflow, inundate. (cf.
saghay, lngbas, kpan).
salapt, To miss, fail to hit; to spill on the
surface or top of, to dirty the seat of a
salapy, To touch, brush, rub against,
come in contact with. Nakasalapy ang
ya btkon sa dngding. His arm brushed
against the wall. Duk (Kub) ka agd nd
mo masalapy ang almbre. Bend low,
lest you should touch the wire. (cf. sbding,
spding, salpding id.).
salpding, To touch, etc. See salapy,
spding. Nasalpding ko ang bso sa
lamsa; nahlug kag nabung. I
accidentally knocked against the glass on
the table; it fell down and broke.
salap, Half a peso, fifty centavos. Ttlo
ka salap. One peso fifty. (P 1.50).
salpi, After-growth, after-math, rice
growing from the roots of a first crop and
yielding a second crop; to have or yield a
second crop. Nagasalpi ang kon humy.
My rice is yielding a second crop.
Pasalapha inng humy, kay tubgon ang
talmnan. Let this rice produce a second
crop, for the field is soaked with water.
salpid, To braid, plait or twist. Salapda
(ra) ang mo bohk). Braid your hair.
Ginsalpid nla ang kaw sang tabg. They
plaited the string to fasten the rice-


Visayan-English Dictionary
harvesting basket. Bohk nga sinalpid.
Braided hair. (cf. lbid).
salapnan, (H) A shoemakers shop or
store, a boot-shop, shoe-store, place where
shoes are made and sold. (cf. sapn).
salp, To detect, find, chance upon,
happen upon, come upon (by chance); to
catch (a disease). Bs makasalp ka sing
haw; skpon mo ak sa paghingl. If you
should find some fresh meat for sale, buy
some also for me. Nasalapan nya ang
baladorNasalapan si sang balad.
He had an attack of dysentery. Masakt gid
gihpon ang ya solksolk?Ind sa
gihpon, knd nagasalp lang. Does he
always suffer from stomach-ache?No, not
always, but rather frequently (on and off,
salap, (H) The pl. form of sapto find
out, etc.
salap-ngan, (H) Landing, top or last
step of a stair. (cf. sp-ong).
salptan, (H) House, home, dwelling,
abode, shelter, refuge, place to go to or live
in, resting place; goal, end, termination. (cf.
sapt, puly-an, baly, aptan,
dalayonn; dalngpan, paaliwnsan, span; katapsan, alabtan).
salapuln, (H) Conference-hall, meetingroom, council-chamber, office or hall for
any deliberative assembly. (cf. spol).
salrang, See saldangfork, etc.
salryo, (Sp. salario) Wages, hire, salary,
allowance, remuneration, emolument,
stipend. (cf. shol, balyran, swldo).
slas, Reception room, etc. See sla, but
slas is more in use. (cf. sgw, sagw,
balatonn, sugilanonn).
sal-sla, Dim. of sla. A small drawing
room, somewhat resembling a receptionroom or drawing-room.
sal-sl, Dim. and Freq. of salto sin,
err, etc.
sal-sal, sal-sla, Dim. and Freq. of
slato be delirious, wander, etc. To talk
somewhat erratically or incoherently, be a
little delirious.
saltan, The south-east wind.
salatnan, The South-East.
salat-mon, (H) What is to, can,
should, be guessed or understood;
intelligible, comprehensible. Dsalatmonfathomless, incomprehensible,
unintelligible, inconceivable. (cf. stum).
salaulgon, salaulugn,
Praiseworthy, estimable, commendable,
laudable, meriting honour or exaltation;
what is to, should, be praised, exalted
or highly esteemed. (cf. salog).
salawyon, (H) Reproachable,
blameworthy, censurable, reprehensible;
what is to, can, should, be corrected
or reprimanded.
salawd, To entrap, entangle, entwine,
entwist. (cf. pakb-ang).

slay, To stay, remain (a rather long

time), tarry, linger. (cf. lsg, paormorm, paors-ors).
slay, To roast over live coals or a low fire;
to spit, put upon a spit, roast on a spit
(particularly applied to the bony parts of a
slaughtered animal, as the head, ribs, legs).
Maslay kit sing is ka pa sang bboy.
Let us roast a leg of pork. Salya yanng
mga gsok sang bka. Roast those cowribs. Salyi ak sing pil gid lang ka gsok
sang bboy, kay balnon ko sa bus. Roast
just a few ribs of the pig for me, because
tomorrow I shall take them along as
provisions for the journey. (cf. bog, haw,
asl, slab, lab, snlag, gnggang).
sl-ay, To put ones arms under anothers
back, let another recline on ones arms, to
support or carry in the arms (putting one
arm under a persons back and one under
the knees, as is often done in taking up a
sleeping baby, lifting a sick person, a
corpse, or the like). Ginsl-ay ni Mara
Santsima ang bngkay sang Aton Gino.
The Blessed Virgin Mary supported the
dead body of Our Lord. Sal-ay ang
masakt nga to. Put your arms under the
sick mans back (and lift him up). Sinl-ay
nya sing mahnay ang bt nga
nagakatulg. She gently lifted the sleeping
child. (cf. aly-ay, haml-ay).
saly, A kind of tree.
salayahn, Cloth for skirts. (cf. sya,
salay, (H) Inhabited, occupied; to live or
dwell in, to be inhabited, have social
intercourse, frequent, visit, use. Salay
inng lugr. This place is inhabited, is
much frequented or visited, is full of life.
Nagmngaw inng lugr, kay wal na
pagasalywi (pagasalayoh) sang to.
This place has become dreary, for it is no
longer inhabited. (cf. dan, damt, say,
salayhan, salayohn, (H)
Customarily used, visited or frequented.
(cf. say, salay, salabyan).
salysay, Plural form of sysayto
explain, etc.
salysay, Thorough, pure, proper, exact,
precise, clear. Sa (sing) salysay
thoroughly, properly, etc. (cf. lubs, lgus,
mad-id, matl-id).
salysyon, (H) What is to be explained
or elucidated; explicable, explainable;
explanation, elucidation; to give an
explanation, to elucidate. (cf. sysay).
salywan, (H) See salayhan,
salaywnan, (H) Neighbourhood,
environment, place often gone to or much
frequented. (cf. say, salywan,
slba, (Sp. salva) Salvo, volley, salute, a
discharge of guns or shots in honour of, or
as a salute, the firing of several shots

Visayan-English Dictionary
together or in quick succession; paslba
to fire off guns, etc. in honour of a person
or as a salute. Nagpaslba sil sang
pagabt sang panglopud. They fired off
salvoes on the arrival of the Provincial
Governor. Pasalbah ang mga kalaslon
sing duh ka lupk. Let off two shots in
honour of the marriage couple. (cf. lupk,
brak, barkbark, labklabk).
salbabda, (Sp. salvavidas) Lifepreserver, life-belt, life-buoy. (cf.
salbhe, (Sp. salvaje) Savage, barbarian,
uncultured, uncivilized, often used as a
term of contempt. (cf. bstos, manl,
waly tinn-an, trpe, ignornte).
slbid, To entwine, twist round. Salbir
(id) ang duh ka naht nga kalt. Twist
two pieces of rope together. Salbir sang
til mo ang ya nga til. Twist your foot
round his.
sli, (H) To do often, habitually or
customarily, be in the habit, have the
habit, of doing, to use to, be wont to. (cf.
sgad, sri id.).
slia, To transfer (in small quantities) the
contents of one vessel to another. Saliah
ang tbig (sa) sinng alhbi sa is. Transfer
the water from this tank to the other one.
Ginslia nla ang humy (sa) inng
malndog sa ttlo ka tabungs. They
transferred the rice from this large
container to three tabungs-baskets. (cf.
saliagm, Fit, proper, suitable, adapted,
apt, pertinent, idoneous, apposite,
harmonious, deft; indefinite, double-edged,
cutting both ways, ambiguous. Ang dug
nga lla saliagm, kay ngay sa maput
kag ngay man sa maitm. Lilac (colour)
is apposite, for it goes well with white and
also with black. Si Fulno saliagm, kay
malam magpangma kag malam man
magpamnwa. N.N. is a deft man, for he
knows how to till the soil as well as how to
take part in the administrative affairs of the
saliy, sali-y, To lean upon, rest ones
back upon, against, something.
Nagasali-y si sa mga ulnan ukn sa
butka man kon ginaabt si sang ya
balatan nga hp. He rests his back upon
the pillows or against the back of a chair,
whenever he suffers from asthma. (cf.
salbo, To pour over, sprinkle, besprinkle.
Salibha ang kalyo sing tbig. Besprinkle
the fire with water. Pour some water over
the fire. (cf. sarbo).
salibb, To pour, fall (said of heavy
rain). See talibb.
saldhay, (B) To pass by, flit by, fly past.
Nagsaldhay tna (ra) sa baly nmon
kahpon kang hpon. (Naglgad si sa
mon baly kahpon sing hpon). He
passed by our house yesterday afternoon.
(cf. lgad, lubs, salndab).

salbabda saln
salidng, Awry, sideways, leaning (of old
houses, etc); reeling (of a drunken person);
squinting (of eyes); to be inclined, etc.
slig, (H) To confide, trust in, rely upon,
put ones trust in, repose, place, have,
confidence in. Salgi si kay matrung si
nga to. Trust him, for he is an honest
man. Islig mo sa ya ang pagttap sang
mo baly. Confide to him the care of your
home. Ind mo pagislig ang mo
kapalran sa sin nga lalki. Dont entrust
(confide) your future (fate) to this man.
Dont put your fate (happiness) into the
hands of this man. Sarng ka makaslig sa
ya sa (nga). You can trust him
that. Magslig (Sumlig) ka nga.
He assured that. Have confidence
that. Depend, rely, upon it that.
(cf. lum, srig, hult, paabt).
salg, (H) Trusting, confiding, convinced
of, believing, thinking. Salg ak nga
maabt si. In think (thought) he will
(would) come. I am convinced he will
arrive. I was sure that he would come.
salgbat, To put in, step in, interrupt a
conversation, etc. Sumalgbat si Fulno:
. N.N. interrupted (the conversation)
saying: . Ginsaligbatn ni Fulno ang
mon hambr. Our talk was interrupted
by N.N. Saligbat sil. Interrupt them.
saligmat To perplex, confuse, etc. See
saligotng, To twist or turn aside, etc.
See saligwatng.
salgsig, The midrib of the buri-leaf. It is
often inserted across the warp between the
sablyan and bnting in a loom, in order to
keep the threads properly aligned.
salgwatng, (B) To twist or turn aside,
deflect the aim, hinder a straight hit. War
mamng-i ang mn-og, hay
nagsaligwatng sa kawyan ang bastn
ko. (Wal matm-i (mag) ang mn-og,
kay nagalnglang (nakasngit) sa
kawyan ang kon bastn). I did not hit
the snake fair, because my stick was
deflected by the bamboo. (cf. salipd,
salit, (H) Very hot, burning (of heat);
glaring, very pronounced, prominent,
visible from afar (of colours). (cf. tagt;
dagngdang, dagang).
salk, (H) To give a side-sweep, push
sideways (with the horns, etc.). Ind ka
magpalapt sa klid sang karabw, kay
bs isalk ikw. Dont go near the buffalos
flank, for he may strike you sideways.
Ginsalk si sang bka kag nahlug sa
kalg. The cow pushed him aside with its
horns and he fell into the ditch. (cf. sark
salk, (H) To make up yarn into skeins or
small hanks, to reel. Salik ang bunng.
Make the yarn up in skeins. Arrange the
yarn in skeins.

salik, (H) To straddle, sit astride,

bestride. Ginsalikan nya ang kabyo
ornagsalik si sa kabyo. He sat astride
(He bestrode) the horse. Nagasalik si sa
kawyan. He sits astride the bamboo. (cf.
bk, bak).
salikn, (H) A machine for making yarn
up into skeins or hanks.
salkd, To take off, hide, appropriate,
carry off. Sang pagkasnug madm nga
mga galamitn ginsalkd (ginpasalkd)
sang mga to. At the time of (During) the
fire much furniture was carried off by the
people. (cf. tg, takb).
salkd, To go out of ones way, avoid
meeting another. See balkd.
salk-slik, Dim. and Freq. of salkto
salk-slik, See salksik.
salksik, (H) A small insect very injurious
to young trees, bamboos, etc. Also used as a
verb. Ginasalksik inng khoy. This tree is
infested with the salksik-insect. Khoy
nga sinaliksikn. Wood that has been
injured by the insect called salksik.
salli, Substitute, Acting, deputy, proxy,
locum tenens, delegate, Vice, vicegerent,
representative; one who takes the place of
another or acts in his stead. (cf. tl-us, itlus, lis).
salima-hon, Bad-tempered, illhumoured; subject to fits of violent temper.
(cf. barinhon).
salimo, salim-o, A fit of bad temper,
angry explosion; rage, violent outbreak.
Ind ka magpalapt sa ya karn, kay
ginsalim-o si (kay nasakan si sang
salim-o). Dont approach him for the
present, for he is in a fit of rage. (cf.
salimbabatng, The swallow (bird).
salimbung, To rave, be mad, act and
speak like a madman, be delirious (said of a
sick person in high fever, in delirium
tremens, etc.). (cf. sli, bang).
salimpapw, Superficial, on the surface,
Pharisee, hypocrite; negligent, careless,
desultory. (cf. halimpapw).
salimung, See salimbung id.
saln, What is left, rest, remains,
remainder; veteran; leave a rest, leave
something (behind). Saln sang kagbot or
ribk. Veteran of the war or revolution.
Saln sang pagkon. The remains of a
meal, remnants of food. Salin sing
pagkon si Fulno, kay magaabt gid si
sa dl madgay. Leave some food over for
N.N.; for he will certainly turn up before
long. Kon wal sing saln, wal ikw sing
natilawn. If there had been nothing left,
you would have gone hungry. (cf. tur).
saln, To chance upon, happen to come
to, arrive at a place accidentally or
unexpectedly. An ang kabangdnan nga
nakasaln ka dir karn? Why do you
happen to have come here? What chance


salndab salg
brought you here at this time? Kon
makasaln ka sa mon nd ka malipt
(magkalipt) sa pagdaw sa mon.
Whenever you chance to come to our place,
dont forget to pay us a visit. (cf. dalng,
dnlag, tplang).
salndab, To pass, flit by, etc. See laby,
lubs, saldhay.
sl-ing, A kind of bird.
salngsing, (H) To grow, sprout in a
circle, as the shoots round a trunk or
broken branch. Nagasalngsing ang
kawyan nga nalum sang hngin, ang
psug nga nabgsok, etc. The bamboo
broken by the wind, the thick piece of
bamboo stuck in the ground as a stake, etc.
is putting forth new shoots.
salipd, To be turned out of a straight
line, to fly off in an oblique direction, to
deviate from a straight line, to hit or strike
at a tangent, to hit a glancing blow;
glancing, grazing, at a tangent, not direct,
not straight. Nagsalipd ang binngon
kag nag ang kon til. The bolo glanced
off (deflected from a straight line) and hit
my foot. (cf. bariws, saligwatng,
salp-ak, To split, cleave. Sinalp-ak nga
kawyan. Split bamboo. (cf. bs-ak, b-al).
salping, Shoot, sucker, ratoon; sixfingered, having a sixth finger.
salipd, To hide, conceal, oneself;
take shelter. (cf. lipd).
salp-ong, To pass, flit, rush through,
enter momentarily the mind, etc. as a
sudden thought or idea. (cf. laby, silpong).
salp-ong, To rise above, cover (as
boiling water covers vegetables that are
being cooked). Kon masalip-ongn ang
dgmay sang tbig ilnud mo ang
balnggay. As soon as the water rises
above the dgmay, put in the balnggayleaves. (cf. tbon).
saliptpot, To sneak away, shun or shirk,
avoid labour, play truant, leave ones job,
be lazy. Ind ka magsaliptpot sa trabho.
Ind mo pagpasalipotpotn ang trabho.
Dont shun work. Dont be work-shy. Dont
be lazy. (cf. pasaliptpot, ligy, tmad).
salpsip, (H) Notch, gash, prick, stab, cut
(made with an edged or sharp-pointed
instrument); to cut, notch, gash, hack,
prick, stab, pierce. (cf. dult, bun;
sarpsip id.).
salipsipn, (H) Notched, gashed,
punctured, hacked with an edged tool, etc.
Khoy nga salipsipn. A tree or piece of
wood having many notches cut in it.
salirng, To lean or look sideways; to
squint. See salidng.
salitna, (H) A kind of plant. See
saltre, (Sp. salitre) Saltpetre, nitre.
slmo, (Sp. salmo) Psalm, hymn. (cf.


Visayan-English Dictionary
salmn, (Sp. salmon) Salmon.
slmon, The future passive of slumto
dive, go down, sink in water, etc.
slo, (H) To eat together, partake of a
common meal, eat out of the same plate.
Nagasalohy sil. They are taking food
together. Magslo lang kam sa sinng is
ka pngganorsalhi lang nnyo inng
is ka pnggan. Just eat together out of the
one plate.
sal, To catch something thrown through
the air as a ball, etc. Salo (sl-a) ang bla.
Catch the ball.
slog, To mix, mingle, adulterate, bring
into disorder. Mas, humy, etc. nga
sinlog. Corn, rice, etc. mixed with other
cereals or with foreign matter.
slog, See slugto grope in water.
salg, See salgfloor, pavement,
salk, To scoop out, to take or lade out by
means of a scoop. Salok sang pay ang
humy nga ipslong sa lusng. Scoop out
with the coconut shell the rice to be
pounded in the mortar. (cf. sark).
salokb, A cover or protection for the
head and shoulders made of the leaflets of
the bur palm. (cf. sugakb).
salokt, See salakt.
salk-salk, Stomach. (cf. solksolk
which is more commonly used).
salk-salk, See pasalk-salkto
annoy, disgust.
sallong, (H) A gutter or channel made
of wood, bamboo, galvanized iron, etc. and
used for conveying water. Also used as a
verb. Salolngi ang balisbsan. Put a gutter
under the eaves. Sinalolngan ko na ang
alhbi. I have now provided the water-tank
with a gutter.
salmo, To go against the grain of, to do
something in spite of opposition or danger.
Ginsalmo nya ang spat sang khoy sa
pagsapyo. He planed the wood against the
grain. Salomha lang ang mga bla, kay
kon mayo ang kapalran mo malus
man ikw gihpon. Simply defy the
bulletsorgo in the direction from which
the bullets come, for, if you are lucky (if the
fates are kind, if such is your destiny, if the
fates have so decreed), you will escape
anyhow. (sarmo id.).
saln, (Sp. salon) A large hall, parlour or
assembly room; saloon, dancing hall. (cf.
slong, Resin, rosin, pitch.
salngsong, A kind of fish growing to
about five feet in length.
salpsop, (H) To penetrate, go deep,
enter deep. Inng kaskit nagsalpsop sa
ya tagiposon. This sorrow or pain
entered deep into (penetrated) his heart.
Ginsalopsopn ang ya kasngksing sang
am nga kasub. That sorrow touched him
to the quick, wounded his heart deeply
(salpsup id.; cf. kgit).

sal-slo, Dim. and Freq. of slo. Also:

Feast, banquet, dinner.
salso, To attack, assault, assail, rush
upon, fall on (upon). (cf. sarso, sorso,
sl-ot, To squeeze in, insert, to get a turn,
have a chance. Ind ak makasl-ot sa
pagblig sa mo, kay dyon (prme) gid
ak mask. I cannot find time to help you,
as I am always very busy here. Madm
gid ang but magkonpesr nga ang ibn
sa la wal makasl-ot. So many wanted to
go to confession, that some of them could
not get a turn. Sal-ot gid ang mo mga
buluhatn sa pagsult sa mo mga
giniknan. Try hard to squeeze in among
your various occupations the writing of a
letter to your parents. (cf. liht, dalikt;
panagl-ot, bl-ot, ltlut).
slsa, (Sp. salsa) Sauce, dressing, gravy,
liquid seasoning or condiment. (cf. sabw,
slsal, To forge, to hammer (metals).
Salsal ang salslon. Hammer the iron.
Salsal ak sing binngon, wsay, etc.
Forge a bolo, a hatchet, etc. for me. Ang
manugslsal nagaslsal sing pko sa ya
pamandyan. The smith is forging a pickaxe in his work-shop. Ginpasalsaln nya
ang ya bt nga babye sing mga
pulsras nga bulwan sa platro
(manugslsal). He ordered the goldsmith
to make golden bracelets for his daughter.
salslon, Iron.
salsalonn, Made of iron, iron; very
slta, (Sp. saltar) To leap, jump, bound,
spring, fly off. (cf. lmpat, lkso; lyas,
salbong, To welcome, go out and meet,
wait for, expect. (cf. alwlaw, sug-law,
sgat, sugat). The term salbong seems
to come from the Tagalog dialect.
sald, (Sp. salud) Health. Sald! To your
health! Health!
sald, A bamboo-vessel tied to a (clipped)
severed fruit-stalk of the coconut palm for
the purpose of collecting the slowly
dripping tub; eavesdropper; intruder,
slud, To place under, put underneath in
order to catch or gather. Salra ang tubd.
Catch the droppings in a vessel placed
underneath. Salri sing sald ang tubd
sang swk. Hang a bamboo-vessel to catch
the drops oozing from the fruit stalk of the
coconut palm. Salri ak sing uln. Catch
some rain-water for me. Islud inng lta
sa uln. Put this can out to catch rainwater.
saludr, (Sp. saludar) To salute, greet.
Saludah si. Salute him. (cf. tmyaw,
abbi, bgno).
salg, Floor, pavement, ground. (salg

Visayan-English Dictionary
slug, To grope in water or mud, fish with
the hands. Salga ang sd. Grope for and
catch the fish with your hands. (cf.
salgsug, A splinter, especially one that
has got under the fingernail.
salgsug, To permeate, impregnate,
pervade, imbue. (cf. hgum, hpog, ltum,
tudk, salpsop).
sluk, To take a meal together, agree, pull
together. (cf. hisluk).
saluk, To feel nausea, feel sick, have ones
stomach turned, feel like vomiting.
Nagasaluk ang ginhwa ko. I feel like
vomiting. (cf. dgw, tak).
slum, To dip, dive, sink in or under.
Slum or magslum ka sa tbig. Dive into
the water. Slma ang lanstas ko. Dive
down and get my knife. Sing masam inng
lnaw ginaslman sang mga bt. The
boys often dive in this quiet sheet of water.
salungkak, Loose, not tight or firm;
superficial, insincere. (cf. halungkak,
saln, To fool, trick, cheat, wheedle,
cajole, persuade. (cf. hs, huln).
slup, To go down, disappear, enter.
Nagslup na ang dlaw. The sun has gone
down. Papa ang lnsang sing mayo
agd magslup sa tp. Hammer the nail
well, that it may enter the board. Paslpa
ang pablo sang sug. Turn down the
lamp-wick. Paslpi ang halgi sing
lnsang. Drive a nail into the post.
salpap, To soak, steep in fluid, moist,
wet, drench. Nasaluppan ang tinpay
sang lnggaw. The bread was soaked in
vinegar. (cf. hgum, hlum, hpug, bas).
salpsup, To penetrate, etc. See
salurn, Place under a faucet, tap, pipe,
or the like; any place where liquids,
trickling or flowing from above, may be
collected in vessels put underneath. (cf.
slud, sald).
sals, Cut off, interrupted, intermittent;
to cut off, prune, trim, lop off. Hp nga
sals. Intermittent (difficult) breathing.
(cf. tud, utd, utdutd).
salt, (H) Unlucky, unfortunate,
miserable, bad, evil; cursed, damned; to
become bad, evil, etc. Masalt yhan ang
bg-o nga tig? Will the new year be a bad
one, I wonder? (cf. sart, busit).
slwan, To be hit accidentally. Andam
ka, kay bs maslwan ka sang binngon,
bat, bla, etc. Look out, for you may be hit
by the bolo, stone, ball, etc. (cf. sal).
slya, To transfer, transfuse. See slia.
sam, (B) See sngka.
sma, Equal, peer, compeer, match; to
equalize, smooth out, be or make equal,
level, even, smooth. Way sma. Without
peer, unequaled, unsurpassed, peerless,
unrivalled. Nasma (nagkasma,
nagkasalma) sil nga tann. They were

slug smbit
all equal,became all equal, level, etc. (cf.
smad, To injure seriously, maim, cause
an injury, wound, harm, hurt. Nasamran
(Nasamdan) si. He was seriously
injured. Nasmad (nagkasmad,
nagkasalmad) sil nga tann. They were
all injured (hurt, wounded). Sn-o ukn
an ang nakasmad sa mo? Who or what
caused you the injury? (cf. dut, plas,
samd, Injury, defect, wound, hurt, harm,
flaw; injured, hurt, wounded. (cf. smad,
pils, pilasn).
saml, Having a firm hold or grasp,
resting secure; to grasp or hold on firmly
to; touch, come in contact with
(accidentally); to meet, encounter, chance
or happen upon, come to pass as a
coincidence. Smla (Samal) ang pagyat
mo sang bso, kay kon dl makapals.
Hold the glass firmly, for otherwise it may
slip off. Saml pa ang pagtngday sang
pgbo sa balyan. The rafter is still resting
securely on the girder. Saml gid ang ya
pagyat sang pspis. Ginpasaml gid nya
ang ya kamt sa pspis. He got a firm hold
of the bird with his hand. Nasaml nya
ang pspis. He (accidentally) touched the
bird with his hand. Sang mon pagkdto
ddto nasaml nmon ang la tbad. When
we went there it just came to pass that they
were having a feast (banquet). (cf. kibtto
be supported insecurely, etc.; sm-ang,
samalgi, (B) Tamarind. See smbag,
samlang, To meet, encounter, come,
light, upon. Sn-o ang nasamlang mo
kahpon sa kalsda? Whom did you meet
on the road yesterday? Ind ka maggi
dir, kay masamlang rao yhan ang
mga buyng. Ind kaw maggi din, hay
bs masamlang mo ang mga buyng.
Dont go that way, for you may encounter
the robbers. (cf. sumlang id.; sugat).
samalyhaw, A young cock, cockerel.
(cf. sumalyhaw id.).
sm-ang, To be firmly secured, fixed,
attached to, settled down; to have a firm
hold or grip on. Ang balyan nasm-ang
na sa halgi. The girder is now firmly
secured to the post. Ind na si magpal
dir, kay nakasm-ang si ddto sa mayo
nga lugr. He will not come back here any
more, for he is settled there in a good place.
Ipasm-angorpasam-ang ang kruz
sa ibbaw sang simbhan. Fasten or
secure the cross well on the top of the
church. (cf. saml, pg-on, lg-on).
smay, Stripe, streak, line; to stripe, line
with stripes, to streak. Mapul ang smay
sang ya by. His jacket has red stripes.
Samyi sing itm ang kon delarghon.
Weave black stripes into the cloth for my
trousers. (cf. rmbat, smri).

samy, To accost or address again,

become reconciled to, renew good
relationship after a quarrel.
Nagasamayanay na sil nga duh. The
two of them are on speaking terms again.
Magsamayay kam. Get reconciled to
one another. Samaya si. Conciliate him.
Be reconciled with him.
samy-smay, Dim. and Freq. of
smay. Also: lined, striped, streaked,
mixed, checkered.
smba, To gratify fully, make content,
satisfy. Kon nd mo masmba ang la
lyag am in ang halinn sang la
lilibkon. If you dont gratify their wish
they will begin to find fault with you.
Sambah nga dan ang kabatan, agd
nd na magsmok karn kon magkon
ang mga tiglang. Feed the children well
beforehand, so that they may not be
troublesome when the grown-ups take their
smb, A diagonal (slanting) cut, bevel,
lip, as on that side of a bayng (bambootube) where the water is poured out; to
bevel, make a lip or bevel. Samba ang
bayng. Make a lip on the bayng. May
smb na ang bg-o nga bayng? Has the
new bayng a bevel at its opening?
smbad, See kmbad, smbud,
balmbud, sabdto encircle, twist round,
smbag, (H) The tamarind. (cf. samlgi,
sambl, sambli, To twist, contort the
limbs, as in wrestling, dancing, etc.
smbat, To surround, intercept, cut off
ones escape, head back, head off. Sambat
si. Head him off. Intercept him. (cf.
lmbat, lipt).
smbat, To take hold of, cling to
(anything floating, as a drowning person
does); to save shipwrecked people. (cf.
gaby, sagp).
sambig, Not straight, not parallel, awry,
twisted, deviating from a straight line,
crooked, bent, curved, out of line, out of the
straight. (cf. hiw, kiw, tik).
smbil, Having a hanging lower lip as a
natural defect; pasmbilto pout, put
forward or project the lower lip. Ind mo
ak pagpasambiln. Dont pout at me. (cf.
yab, ymb, hlhal; hlhildrop-lipped).
sambild, Turned up (that should be
turned down); at the back, behind (that
should be in front); outside (that should be
inside); careless, slovenly, slovenlily
arranged. Sambild ang ya
pamatdyong. Her skirt is put on anyhow.
She wears her skirt carelessly arranged.
sambir, Streaked, striped, etc. See smri.
(cf. smay, rmbat).
smbit, To mention, refer to, allude,
bring forward, quote, cite. Ang nasmbit
(sinmbit) sa hitas. The abovementioned. What was mentioned above


smbit smpaw
or before. The said N.N.. Ind mo
pagismbit ang kon nglan. Dont
mention my name. Dont cite me. Dont use
my name. Sambit si sang mo
kinahnglan. Make mention to him of your
needs. Mention to him what you stand in
need of. (cf. hinmbit).
smbit, Enough, etc. See smbut.
smbo, To grunt, snort angrily.
Ginsambohn ang bt sang bboy. The
pig grunted fiercely (angrily) at the boy.
Kagb-i nagsmbo ang bboy sa idlum
sang baly. Last night the pig grunted
excitedly under the house.
smbol, Pregnant, big with child, near the
time of giving birth; big, thick, stout; to be
near delivery, etc. Masmbol
(nagasmbol) na si. She is near her time.
(cf. bsyad, burntoy, mbdus, bsung).
smbri, Streaked, etc. See smri.
sambungan, A kind of palm that
somewhat resembles the betelnut palm.
smbud, To wind, bind, roll, twist
around. Sambud (ur) ang kawyan ti
ps (sing ps). Wind a string round the
bamboo. (cf. smbad, sabd, balmbud).
sambulwan, A kind of tree and the
timber it yields.
sambulawn, Imitation of gold. See
sambnut, Tumult, row, wrangle,
skirmish, fight; to have a row, come to
blows, fight. (cf. sinambnut, way,
sambw, sangw).
smbut, Enough, sufficiency; to be
enough, be sufficient, suffice, cover all the
needs, content. In nd makasmbut sa
kon nga kinahnglan. This is not enough
for my needs. D masmbut ang ya
paghingam sa pagmnggad. His desire
for wealth cannot be satisfied, is insatiable.
(cf. g, yaw, tman, rus, ngay,
smbut, To reach, attain, compass,
encompass, contrive, can. Madm si
sing ap nga dl masmbut sang kamt
ang pagsip. He has so many
grandchildren that they cannot be counted
up on (the fingers of) his hand. Ind sil
makasmbut sang pamaligyon. They
cannot cope with the demand. Wal
masmbut sang mga mangingisd sa
pagpanakp, kay madm gid ang mga
sd. The fishermen could not catch all the
fish, because there were so many. (cf.
sambw, See sambnut. Also: one
round (of wrestling, boxing, etc.). (cf.
smdong, To admonish, advise, correct.
(cf. pugng, sbdong, bdlong, sawy).
smgon, From samg.
sam, To happen often, be frequent. See
samt, To taste, try the flavour of, test.
Samit inng sabw. Taste this sauce.


Visayan-English Dictionary
Nakasamt ka sang mon pto? Have you
tasted or tried our puto-cake? Wal gid sa
mon sing nakasamt sang la tbad.
None of us partook of their banquet. (cf.
tilw, smsam).
smkon, To conceive. See panmkon.
samlgi, Tamarind. (cf. smbag,
sm, To mix, mingle with, blend,
temper, put in an admixture of. Sami sing
itm ang pnta nga mapul. Mix some
black with the red paint. (cf. smbog, skot,
sam, A mixture of; mixed, mingled with,
blended, tempered. Ginabtyag ko dir
ang makalulyag kag sam nga kamyon
gkan sa mabulkon nga kamhan. I enjoy
here the delightful and mingled odours
from the flowery fields. Ang ya kasub
may ditay nga sam nga kalpay. There
is (was) some slight consolation in her
samg, (B) To be, become, or make wet,
moist, damp, sodden, soggy, to moisten.
Nasamg kang tn-og ang mga uls ko.
(Nahumg sang tn-og ang kon mga
panpton). My clothes were damp with
dew. Smga kang tbig ang bugs nga
borokbkon. (Humga sang tb ang
bugs nga bolokbokn). Moisten with
water the hulled rice that is to be crushed
to powder (pulp). (cf. hn-og, humg,
hmog, hm-og, hpug, etc.).
smok, To disturb, interfere with, meddle
in, distract, be troublesome. Ind ka
magsmok sa kon nga nagasult. Ind
mo pagsamkan ang kon pagsult. Dont
disturb me while I am writing. Dont
distract me in my writing. (cf. tblag).
samng, To join, mingle in (with)
introduce oneself into a company. Sang
pagkasnug sang bnwa madm nga
mga makwat ang nagsamng sa mga
to nga nagatalbang. When the town was
on fire many thieves mingled with
(introduced themselves among) the men
that gave their help to save. (cf. dpon,
samt, To speak indistinctly, clip ones
words, pronounce the last vowel-sounds
short in almost every word, pronounce
defectively. Ind mo pagsamotn ang
paghmbal. Dont clip your words. Samt
ang panghmbal na kankon. (Bklas ang
panghmbal nya sa kon). He spoke to
me with a very defective pronunciation.
Ind kaw maghmbal ti samt nga pit,
knd pit. (Ind mo pagbuklasn ang
pit, knd imtlang mo nga pit).
Dont say pit, but pronounce pit.
samt, Also: to increase, augment, gather
force, grow in strength or intensity. (cf.
dgang, sug, sugng, sngsang).
smpad, The door or gate of the
innermost part of a fish-corral or fish-trap
called punt.

sampda, To meet, encounter, come

together. Nagsampadahy sil. They met
each other. (cf. sugat, sumlang,
sampdong, To strike, beat, slap (ones
ears or head). Sampadnga (tna, si).
Give him a good slap. Slap his ears. (cf.
tmp, huyp, smpal, tampyong).
smpak, To haft or hilt a knife, sword,
etc.; to set the point of a lance, or the like,
in a shaft; to load a boat to its full capacity;
to drive in a knife, etc. up to the hilt;
furnished with a blade or with an iron
point; loaded to full capacity.
smpal, To beat or strike against, push,
shove, impel. (cf. dldal, smpay). Also: to
slap (on the mouth, ones mouth). (cf.
samplak, To come together, meet. (cf.
sumlang, sugat, sampda).
sampalya, A kind of vegetable bitter in
taste and resembling in shape a small
cucumber. (cf. amargso).
smpan, On the side, neither face-up nor
face-down, (placed) on (its) side. (cf.
smpan, A sampan, a skiff or boat
propelled with a scull. (The term is
sampardo, See sampordochocolate
mixed with rice-porridge or the like. (Sp.
samparahn, Subject to fits of great
excitement or irritability, one having
periods of violent temper. (cf. alabton,
sarpwon, pikn).
samprak, To meet, encounter. (cf.
sumlang, samplak).
smpat, Fit, suitable, adapted; equipped,
furnished, prepared; nice, savoury, tasty,
toothsome; to be or become fit, etc. Inng
pagkon smpat sa kon ginhwa. This
food is according to my taste or liking. (cf.
g, sb; yon, sngkap).
sampton, Accomplished, expert,
perfect, well equipped, well instructed,
able, all-round. Pamatn-on nga
sampton. An accomplished youth. (cf.
malam, hmpit, lntip).
smpaw, Lying above or on top of
something, superimposed,
superincumbent, overlying; to lie above
another, be or put on top of something else.
Kuha ang kon tuln-an nga
nagasmpaw sa diksyonryo. Fetch my
book that is lying on top of the dictionary.
Ismpaw ang bhaw sa ting-ang kon
mahbsan. Put the cold rice on top of the
(freshly) boiled rice as soon as the water
has evaporated. Sampaw lang ang
tabungs sang mo bakg. Put your
carriers basket on top of the tabungsbasket.
smpaw, A snag-tooth, straggle-tooth; a
double tooth growing behind another
tooth; a badly developed or prominent

Visayan-English Dictionary
molar tooth. (cf. lipd, bg-ang, sgmit,
ngkod, panok, panop).
smpay, To impel, push, bear,
carry, along, cast ashore, drift, drive (of
waves, wind, etc.). Ang maduls nga
hngin nakasmpay sang sakayn sa
baybyon. The strong wind carried the
boat towards the shore. Ang ya nga
bngkay sinmpay sang mga bald sa
baybyon. The waves drifted his corpse
ashore. Ginasmpay si sang kusg nga
nd makt. He is being carried along by
an unseen force (influence). (cf. dgs, dia, dy-a, dldal).
sampayd, Limping, halting; to limp,
walk with a halt or limp. (cf. kund).
smp, To strike, beat, buffet, splash
against (of wind, water, etc.). Ang hngin
nagsmp sa baly, ang bald nagasmp
sa baybyon, etc. The wind buffeted the
house, the waves beat against the shore,
etc. (cf. smpay, sbya).
sampnit, Thorn, briar. (cf. sapnit).
smpok, To rush upon, fight head to
head, collide with force, particularly
applied to fighting cocks. Bulag ang mga
mank nga nagasmpok. Separate the
cocks that are fighting. Pasampok inng
duh ka mank. Let or make these two
cocks fight each other. Nagsinampkay
ang habgat kag amhan. The south-wind
and the north-wind contended against each
other (for supremacy).
sampokmya, A constellation of stars.
sampordo, (Sp. champurrado) A dish
of chocolate mixed with rice-porridge or
the like. (cf. sampardo id.).
sampunya, Full of life and
cheerfulness, delightful, pleasant to stay or
live in. (cf. masdya, hamungy; masmongdreary, lonely).
smpung, To reach a high goal, arrive at
the top of, to top, come to the end of an
ascent. (cf. sp-ong id.).
sampngan, The landing or top of a
staircase, the end of a climb or ascent, a
high goal reached. (cf. sap-ongn).
smput, To arrive at, come to, reach,
gain, make. Bg-o pa lang ak magsmput
dir. I have but lately arrived. I have just
come in. (cf. abt, sapt, dngat).
samptan, Place to go to or arrive at. (cf.
aptan, sangptan).
smri, Streaked, striped, check,
checkered, cross-striped (with both vertical
and horizontal lines); to be or make
streaked, etc. Ang smay sang ya by
smri (smbri, sambir, kurskrus). The
stripes in his jacket run crosswise. (cf.
dndanstriped with only vertical lines;
rmbatslanting, sloping, diagonal).
smsam, To taste, relish; munch, chew
audibly, smack. (cf. sagmsam, samt,
tilw, m-om).
smtang, (Probably contr. of sa
hmtang). As long as, whilst, meanwhile.

smpay sngal
Smtang nga wal ak sing plak, nd ak
makabakl sing wto. As long as I am
without money (I have no money), I cannot
buy an auto. (cf. mintras).
samuhn, To form a company, unite
resources; to cooperate. (cf. kambya).
smwad, To prosper, progress, go on
well, flourish. (cf. swag, snyog,
san, (B) See sngka.
sanaw, (B) Bright or light with the dawn
of day, etc. (cf. bnag, bangbnag,
banag, hanghnag).
snag, Clearness, brightness, light,
lucidity, luminousness, luminosity,
brilliancy, effulgence, refulgence;
consultation, diagnosis, inspection, act of
consulting; to be or make clear, shine, etc.
Ang snag sang dlaw. The light of day,
the brightness of the sun. Nagasnag na
ang blan. The moon is shining brightly.
Pasangi ang sgw. Light up the
reception room. Pasanga ang sug, nd
mo pagpakirton. Turn up the light of the
lamp, dont turn it down. But: (Note the
accent). Kon masanagn ang ya sin nga
kamaturan mahibalon nton kon din
ang katarngan. When the truth of it is
made clear, we shall know who is right or
where to lay the blame. Nasanagn na ang
ya nga sal. His fault is made clear now.
sanm, A kind of ant having a painful
sanaun, (B) Long ago, bygone, formerly,
of yore, ancient. (cf. sindto, sdto nay,
sang na, minl-am, tino).
snaw, To be bright, light, etc. See
sanaw, bnag.
snaw, To ooze out, etc. See snay.
snay, To ooze out, flow, drip, trickle. (cf.
tubd, gay, lig).
snda, (B) They. (cf. sil).
sndad, To knock or stumble against, to
stub ones toe against, to kick against, trip
over, make a false step. Nakasndad ak
sa bat. I struck my foot, I stumbled,
against a stone. Nasndad ko ang klon. I
stumbled against the rice-pot. Andam ka,
kay mabung ang bang kon masndad
mo. Be careful, for the water-jar will break
in pieces, if you trip over it or knock against
sndag, To support, hold up, put ones
arm around, take care of, protect. (cf.
skbay, sl-ay, skdag, tbang).
sandgan, Help, protection, support,
refuge, asylum. (cf. sp-an, alypan,
dalngpan, paaliwnsan).
sandna, A tree with an odoriferous
wood, often used as incense.
sandpal, One handbreadth too short;
snday, (B) It stands for snda ni (sil
ni). Snday Pdro. (Sil ni Pdro). Peter
and his friends or his family. Snday sn-o

ang mga nagalabt? Who are they that

have come here?
sand-ay, To lean against, etc. See
sndig, To lean against for support, rest
against, rely upon, rest ones back on.
Nabulingn ang ya likd, kay nasandign
nya ang mahgk nga dngding. His back
was soiled, because he leant against the
dirty wall. Sandig ang halgi. Lean against
the post. Magsndig ka sa binubut sang
Dis. Rely on Gods will. Sndig gid si sa
kalwat. He is a chip off the old block. Ang
ya mga sumulnud nagasalndig gid sa
ya. His followers have confidence in him.
sandya, Melon, water-melon. (cf.
sndol, To collide, run up against. See
sandg, Blood relations, kith and kin,
belonging to the same family. (cf. sindg).
snduk, To scoop out, ladle out, bail out,
draw water, etc. Sanduk ak sing tubig.
Draw some water for me. Isnduk inng
pay sa tub. Use this coconut-shell to
scoop out the tub with. (cf. salk, sark,
sandk, A kind of long bolo with a
curved point. (cf. ginnting).
sang, (H) Genitive and Accusative of the
definite article, ang. Ang atp sang baly.
The roof of the house. Ang kahulgan sang
am nga tag (tinag). The meaning
of that term. Nagplut si sang ya
kl nga nadgdag. He picked up his hat
that had fallen down. Ginrut nya sang
kon ang kn-on. He ate up all the
(cooked) rice. Kinagt si sang id. He was
bitten by the dog. The dog bit him. (cf.
sang, (H) Particle of time: When, as, at
the time of, whilst, since,ago. Sang na
nga timpo. Formerly. Sang
paghaln ko sa baly mayo gid ang kon
lwas. When I left home I was very
healthy. Sang may ttlo na ka tig.
Three years ago. Sang pitudlaw nga
tinalkdan. Last week. Ktub
sangtbtub sa. Fromuntil.
Sang ddto ak sa Manl. When or
whilst I was in Manila. Sang is sin ka
ga (hpon, gb-i, etc.). One morning
(afternoon, evening or night, etc.). (cf.
sang, (B) See sngka.
sang, Branch; to branch, fork, ramify,
form branches. Nagsang na ang khoy.
The tree has branched out. Sa ginsng-an
sang dlan. At the cross-road, at the
place where the road branches off, at the
fork of the road.
sngal, Mortise; to mortise a beam into a
post, or a joist into a girder.
sngal, Rein, reins; to rein, pull at the
reins, check or stop by a pull at the reins.


sngal sngsang
sngal, To stuff, pack, cram, into the
mouth, to gag. Isngal inng kamte sa
bb sang bt. Stuff this sweet potato
into the boys mouth. Ginsanglan nla
sing pnyo ang ya bb, agd nd
makahmbal. They stuffed a cloth into his
mouth, in order to make it impossible for
him to speak. Sinanglan sing tinpay ang
ya bb. His mouth is full of bread.
sng-an, Cross. (cf. krus, sang).
sngat, To hang on to, etc. See sng-at.
sng-at, To hang, insert or hook on,
attach or connect with. Isng-at ang
almbre sa lnsang. Hook the wire on the
nail. Ginsng-at ko ang kon kl sa
salab-tan. I hung my hat on the peg.
Sang-at sing krne ang salang-tan.
Hang some meat on the hook. (cf. sbit).
sang-tan, sangtan, A place where,
or a thing to which, something is attached
(as by a hook). (cf. sngat, sng-at).
sangy, Namesake; to have the same
name. Nagasangy sil. They have the
same name. Sn-o ang sntos nga sangy
mo? Who is your patron-Saint? Who is the
Saint, whose name you bear? (cf. tokyo).
sngdol, To collide with, run up against,
run into, butt or strike against, ram (a
ship). (sndol id.).
sngg, To put underneath, as a saucer,
or the like. Sangga sang pnggan ang
bso. Isngg ang pnggan sa bso.
Sangga ang bso sang pnggan. Put the
plate under the glass.
snggab, A diagonal (slanting) cut, bevel
in bamboo tube, etc. (cf. smb).
snggab, To get stuck, to foul, run foul of
(a root, stump, etc.). Nagsnggab ang
kro sa tud. The cart fouled the stump of
a tree. See snggab id.
sngga, sngg, Partner in a game; to
be partners in a game, in a dance, etc.
Nagasanggahnay sil sa sugl. They are
partners at cards.
sanggawd, Acolythe. (cf. aklito).
sngg, To twist, tear, break, split off a
branch, etc. See bngg. Sanggi ang is
ka sang. Break off a branch.
snggit, To seize, snatch, take hold of. (cf.
sklit, tban, gaw, kh, lbnit, lmang).
snggol, A cock without comb; combless;
to clip, dock or cut off (the comb or
caruncle of a cock, etc.). Sanggol ang
pirahn sang mank. Sanggol ang mank
(sang ya nga pirahn). Cut off the cocks
comb. Ipablang ko inng snggol sa bus.
Ill fight (i.e. make fight) this combless cock
in the cockpit tomorrow.
snggot, A curved knife that somewhat
resembles a sickle and is chiefly used for
cutting back the fruit-stalk of a coconut
palm, in order to make the tub flow freely;
to cut with such a knife. Sanggot inng
lub, kay mainm kit sing tub. Tap this
coconut palm (Use your snggot on this
coconut palm), for we want to drink tub.


Visayan-English Dictionary
sanggtan, Fit or suitable for being
tapped (with the snggot) for the
production of tub, applied to coconut
palms. May lub ka man nga sanggtan?
Have you also some coconut palms in a
condition for tapping?
sanggurt, Very irascible, hot-tempered,
bad-tempered, choleric, irritable, one who
gets angry at the slightest provocation. (cf.
sanggw, See sangwcontest, bout,
round, fight.
snghid, To prove, test, put to the test,
assay, try by means of the touchstone. Ang
bulwan ginasnghid sa sanghran. Gold
is tested by the touchstone. Sanghir in.
Put it to the test. (cf. tilw).
sanghran, (H) Touchstone;
examination, proof, test, trial, ordeal.
sngit, To hook in, be caught, stick to,
cling to. See sngat, salngat.
sngkad, Width, breadth, wideness,
broadness; to broaden, widen, become
wide. Nagsngkad na ang plsa, kay
ginhlin nla ang is ka ktay nga baly
sa katngdan nyon. The public square
has been widened, for they have removed a
row of houses on its western side.
Sangkar (ad) ang dlan. Make the
road wider. Nasangkarn ak sinng by.
This jacket is too wide for me. (cf. lpad,
sngkap, Outfit, tools, equipment; well
equipped, provided; to equip, furnish,
provide with. May sngkap si sa
pagpamnday. He has carpenters tools.
Sngkap na inng baly sa tann nga mga
galamitn. This house is now well provided
with furniture, etc. Mayo si nga pnday,
pang klang sing sngkap. He is a good
carpenter, but lacks (is lacking) tools.
Sngkap gid ang paglubng sa kay
Fulno. N.N. was buried with full
ceremonies. Ginsangkapn nla ang bg-o
nga baly sing matahm nga mga
galamitn. They provided their new house
with beautiful furniture.
sngka, sang, san, sam, (B) The
equivalent of is kaone, a, e.g. sngka
(sang) dlaw. One (a) day. Sngka tur. A
drop. Sngka tig. Santig. A year.
Sngka blan. Samblan. A month (ago).
(cf. (H) Is kadlaw,tul,tig,blan).
sngkay, To throw a stone, ball, etc. as in
the game of skittles, marbles and the like
(in order to hit, knock out or scatter).
Sangkay ang bat. Throw the stone.
Sangkay ang kon dalgdog. Have a
throw at my dalgdog-nut.
sngk, See skr. Ginsngk ang bt
sang hilnat. The baby contracted a cold.
sngk, To reach, extend to. Ang humy
nla sa idlum sang baly sngk sa
panlgan. Their rice underneath the house
reaches to the floor. (cf. dngat, lmbut).

sngkol, Fit, suitable, adapted, qualified,

competent, thorough, consummate, up to
the mark or standard. Dl si sngkol sa
am nga palangakan. He is not
competent for such an office. Sngkol si
nga bang. He is a perfect fool. He is a
consummate ass. (cf. tngkol).
sngl, To tie, hitch, hang, on to.
Isngl mo yanng dt sa bnko.
Mortgage that land to the bank. (cf.
snglad, (B) Remainder, that is left, that
is over; to remain over, be left. Pil ang
snglad (nasnglad) sang dag mo? How
much of your winnings is left? (cf. biln).
snglay, (Sp. sangley) Chinese trader,
Chinaman, Chinese. (cf. nsik).
snglit, Therefore, since, because, as, in
as much as, whilst, whereas; seeing that.
Mahaps in sa ya, snglit manggarnon
si. It is easy for him, because (since,
seeing that) he is rich. (cf. kay, bangd,
snglit, Example, instance, type, pattern,
illustration, case in point, model. (cf.
sangltan, Example, etc. See snglit.
Way sangltan (snglit). Without
example, i.e. unique, unsurpassed, without
a peer, unrivalled, peerless, supreme,
consummate, exceeding (above) all
standards. (cf. panangltan).
sanglitnan, See sangltan,
sngod, To surfeit, eat much, be
voracious, gluttonous, greedy. Nasangodn
ak sinng bt ko. This child of mine eats
very much. Kasngod sinng bt! How
greedy this boy is!
sngod, Craw, crop; hamper, basket for
provisions. Inng bt daw may sngod,
kay madm gid sing kon. This boy
seems to have a hamper somewhere, for he
eats so much. (cf. balonbalonn).
sngpad, The ornamented head or beak
of a boat, rostrum.
sngput, To arrive, reach, come to,
attain. Nagasngput (nagahinngput) na
si sa ikapl kag wal ka pagsukt. He
has reached (attained) his eighteenth year.
(cf. smput, abt, hinangt).
sangptan, Goal, place to go, place to
live in or to stay at. Wal si sing
sangptan. He has nowhere to go. (cf.
aptan, samputn).
sngra, (Sp. sangrar) To bleed, draw
blood, to make an incision. Sangrah ang
ya hubg. Make an incision in his boil.
Lance his boil.
sngsang, To stuff food into the mouth,
to gag, etc. See sngal.
sngsang, To be or become vehement,
fierce, violent, heavy (of war, fighting,
work, etc.). Nagasngsang na ang la
paginway, ang la pagginam sa suld

Visayan-English Dictionary
sang bnwa, ang la pagtnum, etc. Their
fighting is now heavy, the commotion or
excitement in the town is at its height, they
are very busy planting rice, etc. (cf. sk).
sngtan, From sngat, sng-at.
sng-ul, To hang to, stick to, hook in, be
caught or detained (as by a hook or the
like). Nakasng-ul ang ya panpton sa
smsim sang kawyan. His clothes caught
in the bamboo branches. (cf. sng-at,
sangw, Tumult, fight; one round (of
boxing, etc.). (cf. sambnut, sambw).
sngy, A fishing net, seine; to catch
(fish) in a net. (cf. shod).
sngya, To make merry, be gay, to sport,
romp, frolic, be cheerful or joyful. (cf.
sdya, dgyang).
sngyad, To trail, draggle on the floor or
ground. Ang ya nga sya nagasngyad sa
dt. Her skirt is trailing along the ground.
(cf. gyud, gnoy, sagmboy, sgnoy).
sngyaw, To be or become public, leak
out, get abroad, become known. (cf.
balahb, bntug, lpnag, bantl, etc.).
sanidd, (Sp. sanidad) Health; Bureau of
sanpa, (Sp. cenefa) Border, band or
stripe at the edge of a stuff; hangings,
hanging drapery, valance, flounce,
trimming. (sinpa id.).
sant, An equal division or distribution of
property or of an inheritance; to divide or
distribute on a basis of equality, to give an
equal share to: to deal equally with, treat
without distinction, be impartial, do
something in an even or uniform way.
Ginasant sang Dis ang pagttap sang
ngatann. God takes equally care of
everything. Paghabl nga sinant. Weaving
in which the warp and the woof are alike in
material, colour, or the like.
sanitryo, (Sp. sanitario) Health officer,
Sanitary Inspector.
snlab, (B) To flame; flare up, blaze, burn
brightly (of lights and fire). (cf. sblab,
sdlab, dbdab, sga, harhar).
snlag, To roast (coffee, etc.). Sanlag
ang kap. Roast the coffee. Sanlag ak
sing ditay nga mas, kakw, etc. Roast
for me a little corn, cocoa, etc.
snsaw, Dried and sugared edible seagrass (gulman, agulman). Powdered
and mixed with water, etc. it makes a
refreshing drink. On account of its
lightness in weight it has become a
synonym for: light, easy, without worry or
trouble, e.g. snsaw gid ang kon lo,
snsaw na ang la hunhn, etc. I am
perfectly at ease, they do not worry any
longer, etc.
snsoy, (B) Pipe, cigaret-pipe, tobaccopipe. (cf. hnsoy, kwko).
sansyan, A kind of snipe.
snta, (Sp. santa) Saint, saintly, holy
(fem.). Ang Snta Iglsya. Holy Church.

sngtan sapk, spak

Ang Simna Snta. Holy Week. Snta
Katalna. St. Catharine. (cf. snto, sntos).
sntan, santn, A plant and its flower.
sntik, To press, knock, strike,
rub, against. Isntik ang ya lo sa
dngding. Strike his head against the wall.
Nasantikn ang khoy sang ya lo. He
knocked his head against the tree. (cf.
bngg, sngg).
santkan, Flint-stone, flint, stone from
which fire is kindled by means of steel and
tinder. Santik ang santkan sang asro
tbtub nga magkalay ang brok. Strike
the flint with the steel till the tinder catches
snting, Serious, grave, dangerous (of a
disease); vehement, fierce, violent (of a
quarrel, fight, war, etc.); to be serious, etc.
Snting na ang ya pagbt. His condition
is now serious. He is dangerously ill.
Nagsnting ang la ilinway. Their fight
become fierce. They fought each other
savagely. (cf. sugng, salsul, bg-at,
snto, (Sp. santo) Saint (male); saintly,
holy. (cf. matrung, balan).
snt, To agree, be conform to,
harmonize; to rhyme (in poetry). (cf.
kasnt, sinnt).
sntol, A kind of tree with edible fruit.
santoln, A pious or saintly person; also
used in contempt: sanctimonious,
hypocrite, goody-goody.
sntos, Holy. Ang Sntos. The Sanctus
(the beginning of the Canon of the Mass).
Ang Sntos nga Msa. Holy Mass. Sntos
nga to, sntos nga babye, etc. A holy
person, a holy woman, etc. Nasantosn ak
sa ya. He seems to me to be a saint. (cf.
matrung, balan).
sanng, To be or become vehement,
fierce, serious, grave, run high. (cf.
sagngsang, sugng, sngsang, snting).
sanng, To mix with, mingle, enter, go
among, make ones appearance among
others, worm ones way into. (cf. samng,
snyag, To be visible, open, free, not
hidden behind trees or the like. Nagsnyag
na ang ya baly, kay wal na sing lipd.
His house is visible now from afar, for the
trees, etc., that concealed it are no longer
there. (cf. pntaw).
snyog, Determination, resolution,
intention, firm resolve, fixity, fixedness,
stability; determined, fixed, appointed,
stable, steady, progressive, thriving; to
intend, purpose, resolve, make up ones
mind, be determined, fixed, stable. Sn-o
ang snyog mo nga mapailnglong?
When do you intend to go to Iloilo? What
day have you fixed (appointed) for going to
Iloilo? Sanyog na lang ang mo
hunhn sa pagton, nd ka na
magdmdum sa pagpangma. Make up
your mind to study and do not think of

farming any more. Nagasnyog na ang la

palatikngan. Their business is thriving.
(cf. dyon, ty, pt-od, lg-on, pg-on).
sog, To crawl, creep, glide. Ang mn-og
nagasog sa dt. The snake glides along
the ground. (cf. kmang).
sag, To put to hard use, wear out by use.
(cf. saguly, dagumk, sarabg).
sog, To convey, transport logs, timber,
etc. by land or sea. (cf. dal, gyud).
saogn, A hollow way, channel, creek,
narrow passage, a winding or secret way.
(cf. sogto creep).
saol, To learn by heart, memorize,
commit to memory. Saoloh sing mayo
ang mga palangadon. Learn the prayers
well by heart. Nakasaol ka na sang mo
leksyn? Have you learned your lesson by
heart? (cf. sa, lo).
salog, To praise, exalt, extol, celebrate,
honour, laud, belaud, panegyrize, eulogize,
magnify, glorify, speak highly of;
exaltation, honour, glory, praise,
celebration, panegyric, eulogy. Saolga si.
Exalt (Praise) him. Ginasalog nla ang la
Sntos nga Patrn. They are exalting their
Patron Saint. Nagtilpon sil sa pagsalog
sang kaadlwan sang la pista. They have
come together to celebrate their feast-day.
sal-sol, Grave, serious, dangerous,
critical, but not so grave as snting; trying,
hard, difficult (of conditions, life, etc.). (cf.
sugng, malisd, pigdo, lapgot).
sa-otn, saotn, Dance-hall, place for
dancing. (sot).
s-ot, sot, Dance, dancing; to dance.
Ind kam magsot. Dont dance. Sata
si. Dance with her. Ginsa-tan nla
kagb-i inng baly. Last night they held a
dance in this house. (cf. bile).
sap, (H) sp, (B) Brook, brooklet,
rivulet, rill, rillet, runnel, burn, beck, small
river, tributary, watercourse, stream. (cf.
log; suba (large) river).
sap, To rely on, take refuge with, trust to
the protection of. Nagasap lang si sa
(sang) kinitan sang ya tiy. She relies
for her living on the earnings of her aunt.
Ginasp-an lang nya ang ya nga
mnong. He is dependent upon his eldest
brother. (cf. sap id.).
spad, The integuments of entrails, the
fat surrounding the entrails. (cf. sapy).
spak, Recollection, mind, thinking,
regard, consideration for consequences.
Wal si sing spak. He does not mind
(does not think of) what may happen. He is
careless about the future. He is
unconcerned about consequences.
Naghaln si sa baly nga waly spak
kon din si makdto. He left the house
without knowing where to go to. (cf.
tpang, tarpang).
sapk, spak, To mind, pay attention
to, take notice of, regard, treat with respect.
Wal nya pagsapak (pagsapka) ang


spal sprat
mayo nga linygay sang ya mga
giniknan. He paid no attention to, took
no notice of, disregarded, the good
counsel of his parents.
spal, Fermented rice; to cause rice to
ferment. Sapla ang bugs. Ferment the
sp-an, Refuge, asylum, protection. (cf.
sap, sap).
sp-ang, A vegetable creeper.
sap-sap, A kind of large fish; a skate.
sap-sp, Dim. of sp, sap,a
brook, brooklet, small watercourse, rill.
spat, Beast, brute, animal, creature.
sapatro, (Sp. zapatero) Shoe-maker,
sapatlya, (Sp. zapatilla) Small shoe or
boot, slipper, ladies boot.
sapatnnon, Beastly, animal, brute,
brutal, brutish, savage. Sapatnnon nga
batsan. Beastly conduct. Sapatnnon nga
kaduyugn. Animal instincts or
inclinations. (cf. saptnon, sinpat, spat).
saptnon, See sapatnnon id.
saptos, (Sp. zapato) Shoes, boots, footwear. (cf. sapn).
sapt-sapton, Brutish, etc. See
sapt-spat, sapt-sapt, Dim. of
spat. Also: Vermin, insect, parasite, or the
sapw, Above, over, on top of, on the
surface of; to be above, be on top of, cover
the surface of. Naghilw ang mas nga
tinank, kay wal masapaw sang tb.
The boiled corn is raw yet, because the
water did not cover (rise above) it. Kon
maghlum ka sang krne sa lnggaw
pasapawn mo, agd nd maan bisn
pil ka dlaw. If you put the meat in
vinegar see to it that it be well covered
(with vinegar), so that it may retain its
freshness for many days. (cf. smpaw,
sapy, The fatty integument surrounding
the entrails of certain animals, especially
those of the pig.
sapayn, Relation, reference, regard,
connection with, but very frequently used
in the phrase waly sapayn
notwithstanding, nevertheless, in spite of,
without consideration or regard for.
Malgnat ang ya lwas, pang waly
sapayn nagapangabdlay si sa um.
He is suffering from a slight cold, but
nevertheless (all the same) he is working on
the farm. (cf. pasapayn).
spding, To touch, graze, come in contact
with. (cf. sbding, salapy).
spdon, From sapd.
spi, To strike or touch after having
bounded off something else, as a billard
ball making a caram shot (cannon) or the
like. Ang ya manohn naspi sang kon.
His ball (marble, stone, etc.) was struck my


Visayan-English Dictionary
mine at the rebound. My ball cannoned off
sapn, (Sp. zapin) Shoe, boot. (cf. saptos,
btas, buttos).
sapnit, A kind of thorn, briar.
spior, sapir, Driver of an automobile
or (in England) of a motor car, chauffeur.
(sapyr id.).
sap-spi, Dim. and Freq. of spi. Also:
helping, assisting; to help, assist, lend a
hand, take a hand in, eke out. Ang mas
sapspi sa humy, ang banyan
pinpan. Corn is a valuable addition to
rice, and banyan also helps to eke out the
rice. Ang pray karakaptan, ang mas
tereteninte, ang banyan pinpan, ang
kamti sapspi. (Ang humy kolokaptan
(kolokapitn), ang mas toloteninte, ang
banyan pinpan, ang kamti sapspi).
Rice is captain (i.e. comes first), corn is
lieutenant (i.e. comes second), the tuber
called banyan comes third, the sweet
potato fourth (as food). (cf. pinpan,
bulgblig, tabngtbang, abngbang).
sap-spi, Kite-flying, kite (with a tail); to
fly such a kite. (cf. pinak, sinngula,
sapyo, (Sp. cepillo) Plane; to plane.
Sapiyhi ang tp. Plane the board. (sepyo
spla, To graze, slice off the surface, shave
off, make a superficial wound with a cutting
instrument or the like. Ginspla nya ang
kalabsa sang ktsilyo. He pared off the
rind of the squash with the knife. Naspla
sang binngon ang kon btkon. My arm
received a surface wound from the bolo.
Saplah sang sadl ang mga matas kag
tampokn ang mga libang, agd
magsalma ang dt. Hoe (dig) something
off the hillocks and fill in the hollows of the
ground, that the land may become level.
(cf. hapw, bklis, gdras).
splid, A strickle; to strickle, strike,
level, off (with a strickle or the like) the
surplus from a heaped-up measure; to gain,
profit; to take in, involve, implicate.
Nakasplid si sing is ka gats ka
mngmang. He gained a hundred pesos.
(cf. kals).
splid-balbad, Striking to and fro, to
right and left, killing two birds with one
stroke, fishing in troubled waters;
battledore. (cf. splid, balbad).
splud, To be or become acerb, pungent,
sour, sharp; insipid, unpalatable. (cf.
splung, To lop off, etc. See sgpung.
spnaw, To content, satisfy, etc. cf.
yaw. Wal masapnaw ang ya ginhwa
sang krne, kay klang. He was not
satisfied with, his hunger was not
appeased by, the meat, for there was too
little of it.
spnay, To take into ones arms, put the
arms around, hold (a child, etc.) lying on

the hands and forearms placed together in

front of the bearer. (cf. skbay, sl-ay).
spnot, Roughness opposed to
slipperiness; to be rough, sticky, difficult to
haul, pull, drag, swallow, etc. (cf. pgot;
dnlug, tnlas).
sap, To come upon, light upon, happen
upon, find out, detect, notice by chance,
become cognizant or aware of. Nakasap
siornaspwan (nasapohn) nya
nga. He found out that. Sa wal
gid madgay naspwan nla ang malut
nya nga kaduyugn. Before long they
became aware of his evil propensities. (cf.
kt, syod, lam).
sp, To come in, rise, increase (of the
tide). Nagasp pa ang tub. The tide is
yet coming in, is on the increase.
sp, To fill a hollow tooth, put some
medicine into the hollow of a tooth, etc.
Sapi ang ngpon mo. Put some medicine
into your hollow tooth.
spol, To talk things over, discuss, hold a
meeting or session, try to come to an
agreement; to consult, confer with. Sapla
si kon an ang ya lyag. Talk it over
with him to find out what he likes.
Nagsinpol sil kahpon. They had or held
a meeting (session) yesterday. Ginspol
nya si Fulno. He consulted (conferred
with) N.N. Ginsaplan nla ang pagbhat
sang bg-o nga dlan kag ginkasugtnan
nla nga. They discussed the making of
the new road and agreed that. (cf. bis,
tpon; kaspul, kasapuln).
sapl, To know, understand, grasp,
comprehend. Wal ak makasapl kon
an sdto ang kabangdnan. I could not
comprehend what was the reason of that.
(cf. hntup, hangp, hibal, syod, to).
sp-ong, To reach the top, come to the
highest point, obtain a high-placed goal.
Sap-ong gid ang alipokpokn sang bkid.
Try to reach the top of the mountain.
Nakasp-ong na si sa (sang)
palangakan nga ya ginhndum sang
madm na nga (mga) tig. He has finally
obtained the office to which he has aspired
for so many years. (cf. dngat, abt,
sap-ongn, sap-ngan, The top or
highest point to be reached; the landing of
a stair, top of a ladder, goal of ones desires,
sappo, To take care of, nurture, nourish,
rear, bring up, attend to all ones wants.
Sapopha si sing mayo. Take good care
of him. Sang nawd-an si sang ya ily,
ang ya nga ty am ang nagsappo sa
ya. When she was bereft of her mother,
her aunt took care of her (brought her up).
(cf. sagd, sagp).
sapti, (Sp. chapotear) To mix or shuffle
cards, often with the intention of cheating.
Sapotha ang barha. Shuffle the cards.
sprat, Untidy, slovenly, dirty, etc. See
damk, rsm.

Visayan-English Dictionary
spsap, To chip, cut, trim, dress wood,
etc. Sapsap ang halgi tbtub nga
magpaysan. Dress or trim the post to a
taper. Taper the post. (cf. bsbas).
spsap, A small fish with flat, circular
body shaped like a disc; it is easy to catch.
spsuy, Chinese broth or sauce taken
with shark-fins, etc.
spua, Skim, scum, film; to skim a boiling
liquid or the like. Sapuah ang bukl sang
ting-ang. Take the scum off the boiling
rice. Sapuah ang kalmay. Clear the
surface of the (boiling) sugar. Scum the
sugar. (spwa id.).
sapd, spud, To fish out, snatch,
pick, up something that has fallen into
the water, a lost article, etc.; to seize,
intercept, catch (a run-away, or the like).
Spda si. Seize or catch him. (cf. sagp,
sapra, To come upon (accidentally),
light upon, happen upon. Nakasapra ak
dir sing madm nga mga lgbus. I found
there many edible mushrooms called
lgbus. (cf. sap).
sapt, To arrive, come to, come home.
Wal pa magsapt ang mga bt. The
children have not come home yet.
Nagsalapt na sil. They have come now.
Pasaput (paspta) si. Order him to go
home. Give him shelter. Lodge him in your
house. (cf. smput, abt).
sapt, Clothes, garment, apparel; cloth,
cover or lining of cloth, shroud, windingsheet, pall; to cover or line with cloth, etc.
May sapt na ang lungn. The coffin has
now a covering of cloth,is covered with a
pall. Saput ang lungn. Cover the outside
of the coffin with cloth. Lila nga
sinaputn. A stretcher covered with cloth.
Dali na ang pagsub sang mo mga
sapt. Dress yourself quickly. (cf. panapt,
spwa, Scum, skim, etc. See spua.
spya, To beat or strike against, drive or
dash against (of waves, wind, etc.). (cf.
dpya, smpay, dldal).
spyaw, A seine, large fishing net. (cf.
tsintsro, pkot).
spyod, sapyd, A net, snare (for
catching birds, fish, etc.).
sapyr, See sapir, tsperchauffeur,
spyot, Weak, exhausted, tired. See
sr, The netlike integument that grows at
the bottom of a branch of a coconut palm.
sr, (B) To strain, filter, percolate. See
saran, (B) A filter, strainer, percolator.
See salan.
srab, (B) To burn, singe, scorch, roast.
(cf. slab, srab).
sarabnda, (Sp. zarabnda) To roam
about, go from place to place, be a loafer or
an idler. An man ang ginasarabnda mo?

spsap sarasabdo
Why are you always roaming about? Ig
lang si sang sarabnda. He is a mere
loafer (an idler). He is doing nothing but
walking about idly from place to place. (cf.
tigtig, landlndo, lagwlgaw).
sarabg, (B) To wear out, spoil, ruin,
make shabby or useless by too frequent
use. Ind mo pagsarabogn (pagisarabg)
ang madlig kag bg-o mo nga trno.
(Ind mo pagidgmal (pagisaguly) ang
matahm kag bg-o mo nga trno). Dont
make your fine new suit (of clothes) shabby
by wearing it always. Dont ruin your
beautiful new suit of clothes by constant
use. (cf. dagumk, saguly, dgmal).
sarabusb, (B) Frayed, chafed, fretted,
ravelled; to ravel (transitive and
intransitive), to be or become frayed, loose,
torn (of clothes, threads, etc.).
Nagasarabusb ang sol ko (ang kon
pak). Nasarabusabn ang kon sol
(pak). My sleeve is getting frayed. My
sleeve is ravelled (ravelling out). (cf.
srag, To cull, gather, choose, select, to
separate the large ones of a kind, to pick
out the ripe ones, etc. Sarga ang mga
ph. Separate the large mangoes from the
small ones. Ginsrag nya ang mga
kalabsa nga dalgk. He gathered the
larger squashes. Sargi inng hardn sing
mga baltong. Pick the best beans from the
garden. (cf. rag, g-ag).
saragiwt, (B) To leave a trace on the
ground, as of spilt water, grains, etc., to
form an irregular trail; to be inharmonious.
Nasaragiwitn ang dlan sang mas nga
nadgdag sa sko. The road had a trail of
corn that had fallen (had dribbled) out of
the sack. Nagsaragiwt ang la pagmba
kana. Their singing a short while ago was
out of tune. (cf. rwit, rawtrwit).
sarahn, A place open to all, free of
entrance. Sarahn nga lugr in; nd ka
mahangw (mangw). This place is free
to all; dont be afraid.
srak, To upset, disturb, interrupt, a
conversation, or the like, by not holding
ones tongue. Ind mo pagsarkan ang
mon sugilnon. Dont disturb our
conversation. Kon ks-a madm ang
nagasrak kon magtelpono ikw.
Sometimes many voices disturb you, when
you are sending off a telephone message,
when you arephoning,using the phone.
(cf. tblag).
sarkskan, The kingfisher. (salakskan
sark-srak, Dim. and Freq. of srak.
Also: To prattle, talk nonsense, be a great
chatterbox. (cf. br, lamd, lsang,
saralkwon, (B) Dependents, people to
be supported or to be taken care of;
engagement, occupation. (cf. salagron,
salagurn; libng, awt).

saral, A bird that somewhat resembles

the kingfisher.
saramylo, Confused, mixed up;
awkward, clumsy, dull, stupid.
saramayn, (B) Streaked. See
saramhay, (B) Slovenly, careless in
dress, etc. See damlhay.
saramlhay, (B) See saramhay id.
saramnggay, (B) See saramnggo.
saramnggo, (B) To be mixed or lie
about in disorder. Nagasaramnggo gid
lang ang mga to sa simbhan, ang mga
galamitn sa suld sang sla, etc. The
people in church are distributed unequally
(a motley crowd), the furniture in the
reception room is lying about in disorder,
etc. (cf. dm-ok).
sarampda, (B) To ramble in
conversation, talk nonsense, be erratic or
incoherent (of speech). (cf. lamd,
lsang, langgd).
saramylo, Confused, etc. See
saramylo, (B) See srnas id.
sarng, Ability, capability, power,
capacity, means; to be able, capable, can.
Wal si sing sarng sa pagbyad sang
ya tang. He hasnt the means of paying
his debt. Makasarng ka sin
ormasarangn mo in? Can you do that?
Kon mga sarng, bulgi ak. If at all
possible, help me. Sarng ka na
makasuld sa ya kwrto. Now you may
enter his room. Wal si sing g nga
ikasarng kag ikasngkol sa am nga
palangakan. He hasnt the proper
capacity and fitness for such an office. Sang
duh ka tkn nasarangn pa nnyo ang
pagtabk sa sub, pang karn nd na
mahm. Two hours ago you could have
crossed the river, but now it is impossible.
sarangisg, (B) To disagree, be at
variance, confused, in disorder; disunited,
inharmonious, unsystematic.
Nagsarangisg ang pangid sang mga
sksi. The witnesses contradicted one
another. (cf. salangisg).
sarngsang, (B) See salngsang id.
srang, sr-ang, To put on, etc. See
sarangl, A kind of kite. See sinngula.
srap, (B) See slaphempen netting,
sarptan, (B) See salptanA place to
go to, house, etc.
sarpwon, (B) Very irascible, etc. See
samparahn, pikn, tardyon.
sarart, (B) Unrefined, unpolished,
untidy, especially applied to persons that
are not particular at all as to where they
urinate or evacuate the bowels.
sarark, (B) Ladle, etc. See salalk. (cf.
kalndus, salnduk).
sarasabdo, (B) Every Saturday. (cf.


sar-sra st-um
sar-sra, Roast rice ground. It is
usually mixed with cacao, or the like.
sarw, Plentiful, abundant, galore; to
abound, be many, be plentiful, etc. (cf.
dagy, dags, dm).
sarawt, (B) Usual, customary; to use or
employ habitually. Imw di (Am in) ang
bso nga kon sarawt (ginasarawt).
This is the glass I always use. I always use
this glass. Sarawot (isarawt) lang di
nga (inng) kotslyo. Always use this knife.
(cf. saby, say, gmit).
sray, To arrange, put in order, regulate.
Sarya ang mga sya. Set the chairs in
their proper position (places). Put the
chairs in order. (cf. hsay, kamda,
saray, (B) A frequent visitor; to have
social relations or intercourse with, etc. See
salay id. (cf. say, sinalay).
sarayohn, (B) See salayohn,
salywan, sarywan.
sarywan, (B) From saray. See
srba, (B) To bear, suffer, tolerate, put up
with, abide. Ind masrba ang batsan
sinng bt. The character (disposition) of
this boy is unbearable. One cannot put up
with this boys ways. (cf. bats, ntos, ro).
sardnas, (Sp. sardina) Sardine. Fish
imported in cans. (cf. tloy).
srga, To augment, increase, gather new
force, add to (ones troubles, difficulties,
etc.). (cf. dgang, pangindu-gng).
sargte, (Perhaps from the Sp.
zaragatero) Noisy, rowdy; clown, funny
fellow. (cf. payso).
sarhnte, (Sp. sargento) Sergeant.
sri, (B) To do customarily, etc. See sli,
sgi, sgad.
sr, Class, kind, variety, variation, sort.
(cf. bgay, sh, sarsr).
sarbo, (B) To sprinkle, throw or dash
water upon. Isarbo ang tbig nga di
(inng tb) sa mga bga, hay urngon
(kay ulngon) ko. Sprinkle this water on
the live coals, for I want some bits of
charcoal (for the smoothing iron, etc.).
Saribha kang tbig (Saribhi ti (sing)
tbig) ang mga bga. Sprinkle the live
coals with water. (cf. wisk).
sarg, srig, (B) See salg, sligto
trust, etc.
sarg-srig, Dim. and Freq. of srig.
Also: to trust that someone else would do
what one should do himself. (cf. hirilum).
sarihn, (B) Habituated, accustomed,
usual; to do habitually, to wont to, be wont
to, use to. (cf. sri).
sarit, (B) See salitvery hot, etc.
sark, (B) See salkto skein, etc.
sarikn, (B) See salikna winding
sarksik, (B) An insect that attacks trees,
etc. See salksik id.


Visayan-English Dictionary
sariksikn, (B) Worm-eaten, etc. See
saliksikn id.
sarngsing, (B) See salngsing id.
sarpsip, (B) To cut, notch, make
indentations, prick, sting, pierce the skin or
bark, etc. See salpsip.
saripsipn, (B) See salipsipn.
sarri, (B) An out-house at the back of a
house; kitchen. (cf. digamohn, kosna).
(cf. palypay, padrosan out-house at
the side of a house, side-room, lean-to).
sarsr, Various, divers, assorted,
mingled, varied, diverse, diversified, mixed.
Sarsr nga mga pun ang ginbutng nla
sa rko. They put varied decorations on the
arch. Manugbalgy sang sarsr nga
mga butng. A vender of various
(different) kinds of goods. Ginsarsr nla
ang pagpnta. They painted in variegated
colours. Sarsara ang tinla sa panyga.
Make several kinds of side-dishes for
sarsri, See sarsr.
sars, Torch, flambeau.
sariwol, Difficult, tiresome, irksome,
wearisome, toilsome, full of toil; to become
toilsome, etc. Sariwol ang la pangabh.
Their life is toilsome, difficult.
Nagasariwol ang ya pagpuy ddto. His
stay there has become wearisome. (cf.
srnas, An expression used like
pahdlaw, pahdl, when remonstrating
with someone or finding fault with him. (cf.
byboy, pamyboy, saramylo).
sr, (H) See sd.
sro, (B) See slo.
sarb, (B) To dip ones hands or feet into
water, to splash, dash water or other liquid
about (in play). Ang bt nagasarb kang
(sang) tbig sa tdyaw. Ginasarb kang
(sang) bt ang tbig sa tdyaw. The
child is dipping its hands into the water
contained in the jar. Sarob ang tbig sa
palanggna, sa tdyaw, sa kanl, etc.
Splash (Dip your hands or feet into) the
water contained in the wash-basin, in the
jar, in the ditch, etc. (cf. log, bug).
sark, (B) See salk.
sarksok, A kind of bird of prey with a
long tail.
sarl, (H) See sadl.
sarmo, See salmo.
sarrong, (B) See sallong.
sarrot, To submerge, go down, sink.
Nahlug si sa sub, kag nagsarrot
(sinarrot). He fell into the river and sank.
(cf. tgdang, lgdang; slumto dive).
sarso, To run at and bark as a house-dog
at passing strangers, to attack. Ginsarso
ak sang id. The dog ran towards me and
barked. Pasarosha ang mga id sa mga
knding. Let the dogs charge and bark at
the goats. Sarosha si. Attack him. Go for
him. Fly at him. (cf. sorso).

srot, (B) Very ugly, nasty, naughty or

bad; a forceful expression bordering on a
curse and not infrequently used by grownups against annoying children. Dw srot
ka, ymat. Youre a little imp; drat you! (cf.
kalamnan, malw-ay, sutl; yw, lnt,
gtud; ymat).
sart, (B) Difficult, trying, miserable,
wretched (of times, conditions, life, etc.).
Sart gid ang pangabh sa karn nga
tig. Life this year is very hard or difficult.
(cf. huythyut, salt, busit, lapgot).
sartsot, Voluble, quick of speech,
having a fluent or flippant tongue; dense,
near together (of plants, etc.); to talk
flippantly, be voluble of speech, etc. (cf.
srsa, Sauce, etc. See slsa.
sarsydo, A dish of meat or fish with
sauce or gravy, vegetables, etc.
sartn, (Sp. sarten) A frying pan; any
kind of metal or enamelled utensil for the
table or for use in the kitchen.
sr, Water-jar. (sd id.).
sarukt, A broad-brimmed hat of
wickerwork. See salakt, salokt.
sarumbl, To move about in all
directions as restless crowds of people,
ants, etc. (cf. surumbl id.).
sarngkay, (B) To disperse, scatter,
shift, shove or push with ones feet.
Sarungkay inng tmpok nga
dakldkal. Scatter this heap of gravel with
your feet.
srwal, Trousers, pantaloons, pants,
breeches. (cf. pury, delrgo, bahg).
ss, To beat or crush so as to loosen up
the fibres (of leave-stalks or the like). Ssa
ang paklng sang bur. Beat the leaf-stalk
of the bur-palm into fibre. Ssa ak sang
tngkap sinng pngdan, kay gamton ko
nga pnsil. Hammer the end of this screwpine to separate the fibres, for I am going to
use it as a brush. (cf. tt).
ss, ss, The fibre of the leaf-stalk of
the buri-palm. It is used for making ropes,
mats, etc.
saserdte, (Sp. sacerdote) Priest. (cf.
sstre, (Sp. sastre) Tailor. (cf.
satn, (Sp. saten) Sateen.
sto, Tip-cat, a game played with a bat
(palakg, parakg) and a small piece of
wood with ends cut to a point (palank,
parank); to play that game. Nagasto
(nagasinto) sil. They are playing the
sto-game. They are playing tip-cat.
stsat, To talk or answer back, retort,
remonstrate. (cf. sagtsat, panagtsat).
st-um, To fathom, guess, perceive,
conjecture, surmise, understand,
comprehend, observe and find out. Satum kon an ang ya nga ginhmbal. Find
out the meaning of what he has said.
Nasat-umn nya sing mayo ang mga

Visayan-English Dictionary
hlag ni Fulno. He very well understood
N.N.s movements. Nasat-umn nya
nga. He found out that. (cf.
hangp, hntup, hilm, saysat, hibal).
sab, To crawl or creep underneath, take
up ones abode under cover of. Ang mga
lud nagasab sa np. Small vermin seek
shelter under a np-roof. Ginsb-an
(sinb-an, sinaubn) si sang yw. The
devil entered into him. He was possessed
by the devil.
sug, To go down, descend. See panug,
nug. (cf. usog).
sug, sag, See sogto crawl; sagto
wear out.
su, sau, Bad luck, etc. See sw, saw.
salug, To extol, etc. See salog.
sap, To take refuge, go to for protection,
shelter, board and lodging, etc. Ang bt
nga lo nagsap sa ya nga ty. The
orphan child sought shelter with her aunt.
Wal si sing sp-an (saupn). He has
nowhere to go for shelter or protection.
Ginsp-an nya ang ya pannoy. He took
refuge with his godfather. (cf. yop, ayp,
sautn, sa-utn, Dancing hall. See
sut, s-ut, To dance. See s-ot.
suy, s-uy, To walk straight through
(water, mire, slush), take a short cut, wade
through water or mud, take the bee-line.
Magsuy lang kam sa talmnan. Sayon
lang nnyo ang talmnan. Walk straight
through the rice-field. Saya lang ang
pagtabk sa sub. Walk (wade) straight
through the river. (cf. lktud, lats, bog).
sw-a, To be or become disgusting,
loathsome, cause a dislike, aversion or
antipathy, be improper or unbecoming,
especially applied to things exposed that
should be covered or hidden from view.
Nasaw-ahn ak sa ya. I have taken a
dislike (an antipathy) to him. Magapaswa (mapasw-a) sa to ang paglis mo sa
nabksan nga bintn. It will be improper
(It will look bad), if you change your
clothes with open windows. Ginasaw-ahn
si sa pakigsmpon sa am nga katipnan,
kay bs nabalahb na ang malut nya
nga binhat. He was ashamed (He did not
like) to join that party, for (as he thought)
his wicked deed may have become known
already. Nagkasw-a (nasw-a) si sin.
He dislikes that. He considers it improper
or unbecoming. (cf. lw-ay, kasw-a,
saw, (B) Snake. (cf. mn-og).
swa, Wife, etc. See aswa.
saw-saw, To hover between life and
death, be on the point of dying.
Ginasawsawan na si Fulno. N.N. is at
present hovering between life and death.
(cf. tagumatyon).
sawy, To blame, scold, reprimand,
chide, reproach, correct, admonish.

sab sayn
Saway ang malin nya nga batsan.
Reprimand him for his bad conduct.
Ginsawy nya ak sang (sa) is ka
butng nga wal ko mabhat
(pagbuhta). He reproached me for a thing
I had not done. Magsawy ka sa la kon
may masawayn ikw. Admonish them, if
you think they need correction. (cf.
bdlong, bsol, tdl, etc.).
sawy, Brass, bronze.
sawyang, A kind of portable fish-trap
worked by from three to five men. (cf.
swhung, Stench; to stink, emit a strong
smell. (cf. bh, bah).
saw, To be or become unlucky,
unfortunate, bad, wretched. Nagkasaw
ang ya pagpuy ddto. It was unfortunate
for him to live there. Bisn kon magkasaw
pa. Even if it should be worse.
sw, Bad, unlucky, unfortunate, cruel,
merciless. Sw nga kagawin. Bad habits.
Sw nga kahimtngan. An unfortunate
position. Sw nga kapalran. Cruel fate.
(cf. malin, busit, mapntas, sart, salt).
swid, sw-id, Snare, trap; danger; to
ensnare, entrap, entangle; to endanger. (cf.
sid, sd-an; katalgman).
swsaw, To go or step into water, mud,
etc.; to dip or soak in. Nakaswsaw ak sa
lnang (lala). I stepped into the mud.
Ind ka magswsaw sang mo kamt sa
tbig. Dont dip your hand into the water.
Iswsaw mo ang tinpay sa sabw. Dip
the bread into the sauce. Ginsawsawn
nla ang bno sing mamn. They soaked
some cakes in wine. (cf. sagwsaw).
sya, (Sp. saya) A gown, robe, skirt with a
train, skirt as worn with the so-called
sayahn, Cloth for skirts. (cf.
sayl, (Sp. sayal) A skirt without a train.
sayng-sayng, To walk about
ostentatiously, etc. See pasayngsayng.
saysat, To comprehend, understand,
know, grasp. Wal si makasaysat sang
ginsilng ko sa ya. He could not
understand what I said to him. (cf. syod,
st-um, hibal, etc.),
saysi, To comprehend, understand,
know. Ang dl ko masaysi am. What
I cannot understand is. (cf. saysat).
syaw, An action-dance; to dance a wardance or the like with many gesticulations
and throwing out of the arms and legs.
syh, A hippocentaur, centaur, a
fabulous monster, half man and half horse.
(cf. tyh).
sykwa, A vegetable plant that resembles
the patla.
sylo, To go over to, change place, pass
over or shift to another site, opinion,
condition of life, etc. Nagsylo si sa
pihk. He went over to the other side.
Sylo (magsylo) ka sa sya nga sa likd

mo. Change over to the chair behind you.

Sayloh ang kodl sa pihk. Shift the fence
to the other side. Nagsylo si sa mga
makiangyon. He went over to the
democratic party. (cf. hylo, bylo).
sayl-sylo, Dim. and. Freq. of sylo.
Also: one whohas no permanent
residence,wanders from place to place,
easily changes his opinion, his friends, etc.;
a vagrant, loafer; a changeling, (cf.
landlndo, tigtig, torotagwlo).
sy-o, To go to or visit a place (by chance,
unexpectedly, for the first time); to flit
through, pass, enter, waft, be wafted (of a
thought, wind, or the like). Natingla ak
nga nakasy-o ka dir sa mon. I am
surprised to see you here. I am astonished
that you have come to pay us this (first)
visit. Iskway mo sa gilayn ang
panumdman sa mga buyng kon
magsy-o sa mo hunhn, kay
nagapahdluk sa mo. Forget (Dismiss
from your mind the thought of) the
robbers, because you are frightened when
you think (are reminded) of them. Kon
maghuyp sing mabskug ang hngin
nagasy-o dir ang kahumt sang mga
blak gkan sin nga pamulkan. When
the wind blows strongly, the fragrance of
the flowers is wafted over here from that
say, To frequent, move about, live, have
social relations (intercourse) with, etc. See
salay, sinalay.
sayd, Aware of, acquainted with,
informed, familiar with. Sayd gid kit nga
tann nga. All of us know perfectly well
that. We are all familiar with the fact
of. (cf. syod).
syod, To know, be conversant with, be
acquainted with, have knowledge of, be
aware of. Makasyod ka sang kadulnan
sang um ni Fulno? Do you know the
boundaries of N.N.s farm? Nakasyod ak
sinornasayran (nasyran) ko in
sing mayo. I know that well, I am well
acquainted with the facts in the case.
Makasyod ikw sang kahulgan sang
plong nga paltog?Ho, nakasyod
ak sin, kay ang paltog kon sayron
am ang pagkh ukn pagkwat sang
ya sang ibn, sbung bi sang ginpaltog
nya ang plak sang bnwa. Do you know
the meaning of the term paltog?Yes,
for paltog, when explained, means to
appropriate or steal what belongs to
another, for instance he stole or
embezzled public money. Makisyod ak
kuntn sa mo sang kasaysyan sang.
I should like to ask you the explanation
of. (cf. hibal, hangp, st-um, to,
syon, To be or become easy, facile. (cf.
haps, huls).
sayn, To continue, progress, go on, last,
endure. (cf. dayn, snyog).


sy-ong serd-srd
sy-ong, Stud, boss, inlay, plating. Ang
ya bastn may sy-ong nga bulwan. His
walking stick is inlaid with gold. (cf. halp,
sy-ong, Cord, string, fetter, shackle,
band; to bind, tie, fasten. (cf. higt, gaps,
sypan, etc. From saypto err, make
a mistake, etc.
sysay, To explain, show, make clear,
define, interpret, expound, comment upon,
describe, teach the meaning or importance
of. Isysay mo in sa kon. Explain that to
me. Saysay ak sang kahulgan sinng
pagbult-an. Make clear to me the
meaning of that law. D masysay ang
katahumn sang lngit. The beauty of
heaven cannot be expressed, is beyond
description. (cf. tdl, soy, panysay).
sayp, Fault, error, fallacy, slip, miss,
blunder, oversight, trip, stumble,
misconception, misapprehension,
misunderstanding, mistake; to commit a
fault, to err, make a mistake, be mistaken,
be in the wrong, be in error, to do wrong.
Wal si sing sayp. He is not at fault. It is
not his fault. He is not to blame.
Nakasayp ka karn, nd ka magliwn.
You made a mistake this time; dont do it
again. Nasypan (nasayupn) nya ang
pagmtlang sang iningls. He made a
mistake in English pronunciation.
Pasayloh lang kon an ang kon nga
nasypan. Pardon whatever mistakes I
may have made,all the faults I have
committed. (cf. sal, tlang, pakasal,
masinalypon, kasypan).
sebyas, (Sp. cebolla) Onion. (cf.
bwang, bomby).
sda, (Sp. seda) Silk. (cf. skl).
sedalna, (Sp. seda) A kind of cloth made
of silk mixed with cotton; silk thread.
segda, (Sp. seguida) Succession;
continuation. En segdaat once, fortwith,
immediately, without delay. (cf. dyon,
gilayn, lgi).
segndo, (Sp. segundo) A second (of
segndo,a, (Sp. segundo,a) Second.
Segnda mno. Second hand. (cf.
seguridd, (Sp. seguridad) Security,
certainty; surety, bail, bond. (cf. kaligonn;
segro, (Sp. seguro) Sure, surely, certain;
secure; in a weakened sense: probable,
likely; to secure, make sure of. Segurha
nga dan ang ya bboy, kay kon dl bs
bklon sang ibn. (Segurha lgi ang
bboy na, hay kon nd bklon kang ib).
Make sure at once of his pig, for otherwise
someone else may buy it. (cf. lg-on, malgon, pg-on, mapg-on).
sis, (Sp. seis) Six. Sa las sis. At six
oclock. (cf. num, sa ikn-um ka tkn).


Visayan-English Dictionary
seisintos, (Sp. seiscientos) Six hundred.
(cf. num ka gats).
seislyos, (Sp. seisillo) Sextolet; a kind of
game at cards.
seknte, (Sp. secante) Blotting paper,
blot-sheet, exsiccative.
sekretryo, (Sp. Secretario) Secretary,
actuary, amanuensis, scribe. (cf. tiglikm).
sekrto, (Sp. secreto) Secret; to do or
speak secretly. Isekrto mo lang sa ya
inorsekrethi si sin. Tell him that in
secret. (cf. tg, ting).
skta, (Sp. secta) Sect, branch; the
teaching of a sect. (cf. bnghay).
sekulr, (Sp. secular) Secular, not
belonging to a religious order. Ang klro
sekulr. The secular clergy.
seladr, seladra, (Sp. celador,
celadora) Zealator, monitor, monitress.
selebrr, (Sp. celebrar) To celebrate.
Selebrah gid ang kaadlwan ni ttay.
Celebrate fathers birthday without fail.
Ang pndut ddto naselebrr sa dak nga
kasdya. The feast there was celebrated
with great solemnity (pomp). (cf.
pahimnsag, hwat).
selebrasyn, (Sp. celebracin)
semna, (Sp. semana) Week. (cf. simna,
semanahn, A weekly paper, weekly.
semnto, (Sp. cemento) Cement.
semstre, (Sp. semestre) Semester, six
months, half a year.
seminarsta, (Sp. seminarista)
Seminarist; student in a seminary.
seminryo, (Sp. seminario) Seminary,
school, college, especially one for the
education of candidates for the priesthood.
sna, (Sp. cena) Supper. (cf. panihpon).
sensa, (Sp. ceniza) Ash. Mircoles de
Sensa. Ash-Wednesday. Also: remnants,
remains, residue, especially said of fruit left
after what is good has been taken. (cf. ab;
biln, diringyngoy).
senslyo, (Sp. sencillo) Simple, plain;
small change, coins; to change money, give
change. May senslyo ikw? Have you (got)
change? Have you any small change?
Sensilyoh ak sinng napl ka
mngmang nga papl. Give me coin for
this ten-peso note. Would you please give
me change for this ten-peso note?
sentnsya, (Sp. sentencia) Sentence; to
sentence. Nasentensyahn si sing duh
ka blan sa bilanggan. He was sentenced
to two months imprisonment. (cf.
sentigrdo, (Sp. centigrado) Centigrade.
sntimo, sentim, (Sp. cntimo)
Centavo, half a cent American money. (cf.
sentimynto, (Sp. sentimiento)
Sentiment, feeling; resentment. (cf.
balatygon; aligtgot, kakig).

sentinla, (Sp. centinela) Sentinel,

sentry, watch, guard. (cf. manugbntay,
sentripugdo, (Sp. centrifugado)
Centrifugal; refined in a rotary pan.
Kalmay nga sentripugdo. Refined sugar.
sntro, (Sp. centro) Center, centre,
middle, midst; center-piece (ornament) for
the centre of a table, etc. (cf. tung).
senyl, (Sp. seal) Sign, mark, signal,
token, reminder, book-mark,
identification-mark. (cf. tnd, timan).
snyas, (Sp. sea) Token, password,
watchword, nod, sign, signal, dumb motion
(show), hints given by secret signs or by
gesticulation. (cf. snyas id.).
senyr, (Sp. seor) Mister, Mr., Sir,
master, gentleman. (cf. gin-o). Ang
Senyr Obspo. The Lord Bishop. His
senyra, (Sp. seora) Mistress, Mrs.,
lady, gentlewoman, madame, dame. (cf.
senyorta, (Sp. seorita) Miss, young
lady. (cf. gning).
senyorto, (Sp. seorito) Master, young
gentleman. (cf. soltro, olito).
sep, (H) An expression used to drive
away a cat. (cf. sik).
sepyo, See sapyoplane.
septimbre, (Sp. septiembre)
September. (cf. kangarlsol).
sptimo, (Sptimo) Seventh. (cf. ikapit).
sepultra, (Sp. sepultura) Sepulture,
interment, funeral, burial, entombment;
grave, tomb. Permso de sepultra. Burial
Permit. (cf. lubng).
sra, (Sp. cera) Wax. Sra sang
putykanbees wax.
ser, (Sp. cerrar) To close, shut, lock,
fasten; a lock; shutter, a wing of a door or
window, the lid of a box, etc. Serah ang
ganhan. Lock or shut the door. Iser ang
ser sang bintn. Close the windowshutter. Naserahn ang la ptyo. Their
cemetery has been closed. (cf. dpat,
hum, takd, takp).
serdo, (Sp. cerrado) Closed, locked,
fastened; reserved, secreted; shut-up,
condemned; firm, stable, determined.
seradr, (Sp. serrador) A sawer, sawyer,
especially a sawyer by profession. (cf.
manuglagar, lagr).
seradr, seradra, See seladr,
seladrazelator, etc.
seradra, (Sp. cerradura) Lock; closure.
(cf. takd, pamakd).
serbsyo, (Sp. servicio) Service. (cf.
alagarn, palamgnan).
serbsyo pbliko, (Sp. servicio pblico)
Public service. Public Utility.
serd-srd, To refuse apparently,
pretend to be averse to accepting
something offered, etc. See birgbrg,
indnd, kudskdis.

Visayan-English Dictionary
seremnyas, (Sp. ceremonia)
Ceremony, liturgy. (cf. buluhatn).
serenta, (Sp. serenata) Serenade. (cf.
sermn, (Sp. sermn) Sermon, homily;
admonition, reprimand. (cf. lygay, wli).
sertipko, (Sp. certifico) Certificate,
testimonial, certified copy of a record.
sesyn, (Sp. sesin) Session, meeting,
sitting. (cf. spul, sinpul, tinipntpon,
setserka, A kind of plant.
si, The personal article. Si Hun. John. Si
Hun kag si Pdro. John and Peter. Si
Fulno. So-and-so. Si Kwn. Whats-hisname. Si pnday Pdro. Peter, the
carpenter. (cf. tay).
si, (H) He, she, it. Si am ang nagbhat
sin. He (she, it) did that. Sisi.
Be itor. Whetheror. Si to,
si spat. Be it man or beast. Si sd,
si pspis. Whether fish or bird.
sad, To tear asunder, split (bamboo, etc.).
Sida (-ra) ang kawyan. Split the
bamboo. (cf. las, bal).
siagt, To yell, squeak, squeal, shriek,
scream, screech, to shrill, cry out in a shrill
voice. Nagsiagt ang pspis sang pagdakp
ko sa ya. When I caught the bird it
screeched. (cf. tiybaw, iygak, tiyngak).
sih, The dry leaves of sugar cane. (cf.
sak, To split, cleave. See bak, bal.
sik, Split, cloven. See bik, bil.
sal, To split, etc. See sak, bal, bak, bsak.
sil, Split. See sik, bil, bik.
sil-sal, Dim. and Freq. of sal, sil.
Also: A quarrel, fight, difference, scuffle; to
quarrel, fall out, be at variance with, have
different views or opinions, or the like. (cf.
say, sipk, hbag).
sim, Nine. Tagsim. Nine each.
Makasim. Nine times.
siamn, Of nine (days, or the like), lasting
nine (days, etc.); a novena. (cf. nobna).
sin-san, siyn-syan, To hold in,
support with, the palm of ones hand; to
carry another sitting on the crossed and
firmly joined arms of two persons, (cf.
sintong, A kind of bolo, but straight and
longer than the ordinary binngon and
having the point slightly curved. (cf.
sip, Bagasse, sugar cane stalks that
have passed through the mill, crushed
sugar cane.
sisat, To understand, comprehend,
know. See saysat, saysi.
sisi, To ponder well, think over,
deliberate; to know, understand. Nagsayp
si, kay wal si makasisi. He made a
mistake, because he did not think things
over well beforehand. (cf. painno,
liblbo, pamalndong, basbso, assi,

seremnyas sdla
entinde, syod, hunhn; saysi,
saysat, sisat).
siy, A kind of trap for catching wild
chickens, etc.; to catch with such a trap.
sb, To devour, gulp down, swallow,
engorge, said especially of serpents.
Ginsb sang mn-og ang pis. The snake
devoured the chicken. Ang maninn
nagsb sang pngk. The maninnserpent swallowed the frog. (cf. lmon,
lumy, tukb).
sibd, To gulp down, devour. See sb.
Ginabantayn lang nya dir ang ya
sarng masibd. He is there on the lookout for someone whom he may devour, i.e.
take in, cheat, fleece or the like.
sibd-sbad, Dim. and Freq. of sibd.
(cf. sibsb).
sbag, To fall out, quarrel, have a
difference with, to disagree. Nagasbag sil
nahanungd sinng bg-o nga pagbultan. They had a difference of opinion with
regard to this new law. (cf. hbag, bag,
bangginay, way, say, basbis).
sibg-sbag, Dim. and Freq. of sbag.
sibart, To stand on end (of hair). (cf.
tinggar, sibul).
sib-sb, Dim. and Freq. of sb.
sibt, A spear, a kind of barbed lance.
Palaygi si sang sibt. Throw the spear at
him. Sibat ang talunn. Throw a spear at
the wild boar. Spear the wild boar.
sibtse, (Sp. azabache) Jet, jet-black;
beads, trinkets, etc. of a jet-black colour.
sibw, To inspect or visit traps or the like
to see, if something has been caught.
Nagasibw si ddto sang ya sid. He is
inspecting his trap there. Sibaw ang sid
nga ginbutng ko ddto kahpon. Go and
look at the trap I put there yesterday.
siby, A perambulator, wheel-chair; a
babys chair with a railing to keep the baby
from falling.
sbid, The temple (of the head); top of the
forehead, brow.
sbid, A cow-lick, a whorl of hair on the
flank of a horse near the hip-joint.
sbid, Wake, streak of water left in the
track of a ship; to fish with a hook in the
wake of a ship.
sbin, A small and rather rough cloth used
for rubbing and cleaning the skin; towel; to
rub with a towel. Sibni si. Rub him with a
towel. Isbin sa ya inng pnyo. Rub him
with this cloth.
sibt, Pin; to pin, use a pin; vaccinate.
Sbta ang ngon ko. Draw out my splinter
or thorn with a pin. Ginsbtan nya ang ya
by. She fastened her dress with pins.
Sbti lang ang delrgo mo nba nags. Just
pin together the tear in your trousers.
Ginsibt nya ang tunk (dgi) sa kon
kamt. He took the thorn out of my hand
with a pin. (cf. turbok, kirkol, alpilr,

sb, Fit, suited, correct, exact; to fit, suit,

go, accord, match, with. Sb gid ang
ya (panabt) sabt. His answer was quite
correct. Sb gid ang mo by sa mo
delrgo. Your jacket goes well with your
trousers. Inng lnsang nd makasb;
dlhi ak sing dak. This nail wont do;
bring me a large one. Pasiba ang bat sa
bh sang padr. Fit the stone into the
hole in the wall. (cf. g, ngay).
sbo, (Sp. cebo) Fodder fed to animals, in
order to fatten them. (cf. patmbok,
sbod, Complicated, perplexed, involved;
to become involved, etc. Dl mathag,
knd (sbod) masbod gid ang ya
pagsysay. His explanation is not clear, on
the contrary it is obscure. Nasibran (dan) ak sang ya nga hmbal. His
speech was too involved (discursive,
rambling) for me.
sbo, sb, (Sp. sebo) Tallow, fat, suet,
sb-ot, Grudge, resentment, indignation,
exasperation, angry feeling, vexation; to
have a grudge, etc. Nagasb-ot ang kon
but sa ya. I have a grudge against him, I
am vexed with him. (cf. aligtgot).
sbtan, etc. From sibtto pin, etc.
sbud, See sbod.
sibg, To stop quickly or suddenly (of any
vehicle); to brake, stop by means of a
brake. (cf. padlug, dlug).
sibkaw, The sibucao-tree and its wood,
much used for fuel, sleepers, bolts and
pegs, etc.; it also yields a much esteemed
red dye. Also called sapan wood, sapon
wood, brazil wood.
sibul, To stand on end (of hair); to be
horrified. (cf. tinggar, sibart, panndog,
sibt-sibt, Annoyed, angry, cross,
exasperated; to get annoyed, be angry, etc.
(cf. kig, pasibtsibt).
sbwa, To blow, said of wind, etc.
Nagasbwa karn ang amhan. At present
the north-wind (northwind) is blowing.
Ginasibwahn kit dir sang habgat.
Here the south-wind (southwind) is
fanning us. (cf. hyup, huyp).
sbwal, To flare or shoot up high (of fire).
See bwal.
sda, (Sp. seda) Silk. (cf. skl).
sd-an, From sod. Also: trap, snare,
stratagem, artifice (to catch or deceive
sday, Poetry. (cf. balybay, binalybay).
sd-ing, To shade the eyes with ones
hand and look intently at somebody, as
often done by short-sighted people.
Siding si. Look at him narrowly. Sn-o
ang ginasd-ing mo? Whom are you
looking at so intently?
sdla, Bravery, courage, intrepidity; to be
brave, courageous. (cf. sug, sgla, pg-on,


sdlak sik-sik
sdlak, Splendour, brilliance, brightness;
to shine brightly, be bright, to dazzle.
Nagasdlak ang dlaw. The sun is shining
(shines) brightly. Tkdi ang persina, kay
ginasidlakn (ginasilkan) ak dir sang
dlaw. Close the blinds, for the sun is
shining in upon me here. (cf. slak, slaw,
sdlang, To shine, etc. See sdlak.
sdlang, To rise (of the sun, etc.). (cf.
btlak, subng, mur).
sidlangn, The East, sunrise, orient. (cf.
muld-an, bulutlkan).
sdlaw, Dazzling brightness; to be
dazzling, bright, shine with a dazzling light
or with a brightness that dazzles the eyes.
(cf. slaw, sdlak, slak).
sdngan, From slungto cause an
aversion, etc.
sd-o, Hiccough, hiccup; to hiccough,
hiccup. (cf. skd, sid).
sid, See sd-ohiccough, etc.
sdong, (B) See slong.
Pasdongpaslong. Pasidnga ang
karabw. Put the buffalo in a sheltered
sdra, (Sp. cidra) Citron.
sidra, (Sp. sidra) Cider.
sdsid, Hem, fringe, edge, brim, rim,
border. (cf. bint, hamitn).
siduy, sidy, To besad,
dejected,downcast,dispirited,in low
spirits,down in the dumps (doldrums),
(cf. dyo).
silo, (Sp. cielo) Heaven, sky, firmament,
welkin (poetical). (cf. lngit, kalangtan).
simpre, (Sp. siempre) Always, at all
times, ever, forever, still, perpetually,
everlastingly. (cf. gihpon, dyon, prme,
siemprebba, (Sp. siempreviva) A kind
of plant, immortelle, the Everlasting flower.
sinto, (Sp. ciento) Hundred, century. (cf.
sista, (Sp. siesta) Afternoon nap, afterdinner nap, siesta.
site, (Sp. siete) Seven. (cf. pit).
siet-siet, Irascible, irritable. (cf.
pikn, kutskuts, pitpit).
sga, Light, brightness; to shine, give light.
Nagasga ang sug. The lamp gives light.
The lamp shines brightly. Nasighan kam
sang gsad nga blan. The full moon gave
us light (shone upon us, shed its light upon
sigbung, sigabng, Thud, thump,
dump; to thud, thump, dump, land with a
thud or thump (of falling objects).
Nagsigbung ang bat sa pagtup sa
busy. The stone landed at the bottom of
the precipice with a loud thump or crash.
sigahm, To desire, hanker after, aspire
to, strive or long for, wish to obtain (a
position, an office, etc.). Nagasigahm si
sang pagkapanglo-pud. He aspires to
the office of Provincial Governor.


Visayan-English Dictionary
Sigahumn mo gid ang mo ginahndum
tbtub nga makadngat ka sin. Strive to
obtain what you want till you get it. (cf.
hnggab, hingam, himlat, paningh,
sigahm, To think, guess, imagine,
opine. (cf. bn, bnt, hunhn, myom).
sigl-i, Substitute, Vice-, vicegerent, in
stead of, taking anothers place; to
substitute, replace another, represent
another. See salli, tl-us, lis.
sg-ang, To be placed or distributed like
the legs of a tripod. Inng ttlo ka baly
nagasg-ang. These three houses form a
sig-angn, A tripod, trivet. (cf. kaln).
sig-angn, Fit for, or pertaining to, a
tripod. Bat nga sig-angn. One of the
three stones of a stone tripod as used on
open hearths (for supporting a pot, etc.).
sig-an, How much of? How much in
comparison to? Better or worse? Larger or
smaller? How? Sig-an sang kon ang mo
pinatubs? How was your harvest in
comparison to mine?
sigarlyas, sigarlyo, A decorative
plant whose leaves are as narrow as
sigarlyo, (Sp. cigarillo) Cigarette,
sigy, (H) A kind of small sea-shell
frequently used by children as a play thing;
to play with sigy-shells; to handle
roughly, kick, etc, (as sigy-shells are
handled in play). (cf. bskay).
sgbin, A ghost, evil spirit, supposed to
kidnap little children.
sge, (Sp. seguir) To continue, go on, go
ahead. Sigha lang ang mo pagsult. Go
on writing. Continue your writing. (cf.
sghud, To introduce oneself into, come
to, enter, present oneself, find an entrance.
(cf. suld, abt).
sgib, See sgput. Sigbasigput. (cf.
sg-id, A vine much used for binding
purposes. (cf. hpgid).
sgla, To be brave. See sdla id.
sglo, (Sp. siglo) Century, age, long period
of time.
sgmit, Eyetooth, canine tooth, fang.
sgmok, Contemptible, despicable,
without honour; to be contemptible,
despicable. (cf. talamyon).
sgne, To shudder, get a fright, be
shocked, frightened, afraid, terrified,
stunned, fascinated. Ginasignehn ak
sinng mahgk nga spat. This dirty beast
makes me shudder. (cf. bgne).
sgo, Fit, suited, well adapted; to fit well or
exactly. (cf. sb, g, dpat, ngay).
sgpaw, A small fishing net (worked by
one man); pangpawto fish with the

sgpit, Hair-pin, a bifurcated pin, such as

women secure their hair with. (cf. orklya
sgput, To finish, make an end of,
complete, take up all small particles or
leavings. Sigput ang kn-on sa pnggan.
Finish the rice on the plate. Eat up all the
rice on the plate. Ginsgput nla ang saln
(sl) nga humy sa talmnan. They
collected all the rice left in the field.
sigumr, A pick-pocket, thief. (cf. swtik).
sgwil, A kind of fish with a sharp-pointed
head; any fish with a pointed head that
somewhat resembles the sgwil.
sh, (B) See sh.
sihg, See singto be transparent, etc.
sihg, To separate, go astray, stray,
straggle, divide. (cf. sipk id.).
sihy, Different, not the same, not like,
unlike, dissimilar. Sihy kayo in. That is
altogether different. (cf. thay).
shay, To deviate, differ from, take a
different turn or road. (cf. sipk, simng,
sihlo, (Sp. sigilo) Seal, sigillum.
siht, Requiring much patience and
application, complicated, perplexing,
involved, said of a task like mending a torn
and entangled net, collecting the larger
rice-grains from a heap of rice and the like.
Siht (mashit) nga trabho. A difficult or
complicated task.
shit, To require much toil or patience. (cf.
shod, A small fishing net (carried and
worked by one man).
sit, Thorn, prick, prickle, especially the
prickles of a bamboo-branch.
sik, (B) An expression used to scare or
drive off a cat. Sika ang (kut) kurng.
Scare the cat away by shouting sik. Shoo
the cat away. (cf. sep).
skad, To plant ones foot against
something for support, take a firm stand as
when pulling a rope or the like. Skad ka
sing mayo sa pagbtong sang kalt. Take
a firm stand for pulling the rope. Sikdi
(ri) ang tud, bat, etc. Plant your foot
firmly against the tree-stump, the stone,
etc. Iskad ang til mo sa padr. Put your
foot (firmly) against the wall.
sikd-skad, Dim. and Freq. of skad.
skag, A small fish-bone. (cf. bokg).
sikgon, Having many small bones, full
of small bones (of fish). Inng sd sikgon
kayo. This fish has many small bones. (cf.
siknak, A fish-pond. (cf. pnong).
sikngkang, To straddle, to put or
spread the legs asunder. (cf. bik,
balakng, barakng).
sikpat, An old coin worth about twelve
and a half centavos. (cf. rel).
sik-sik, Dim. and Freq. of sikto
scare away a cat, etc. Also: to despise, treat
with contempt, turn away from in disgust,

Visayan-English Dictionary
etc. Ginasiksik gid lmang ang mga
mol sang madm nga mga
manggarnon. Many rich people turn
away in disgust from the poor or treat the
poor with contempt. (cf. ihgihg, ahgahg,
skway, tmay).
sikawal, (B) See sikwal, sikwlo id.
skd, (H) To hiccup, hiccough. (cf. sd-o
skdol, To elbow, nudge, push with the
elbow, jog with ones elbow. Sikdol si.
Push him aside with your elbow. (cf. sik,
sikl id.).
sik, The heel, trotter, paw, lower part of
the leg (of a dog, pig, etc.; cf. bul, tikd,
kahg, til). In some places also: foot (of
sklat, A fence or partition made of split
bamboo woven vertically; to make such a
fence or partition. Siklat ang idlum sang
baly mo. Put a siclat-wall round the
underneath of your house. Ind nnyo
pagisklat inng kawyan sa kodl, kay
iatp ko sa sarri. Dont use this bamboo
for making a siclat-fence, because I am
going to roof the kitchen with it. (cf.
dagndana fence or partition of split
bamboo woven horizontally).
siklob, Hole, cavity, depression; to be or
become concave, hollow, (cf. lngub, bh,
skma, (H) To blow the nose with the aid
of the finger and thumb or with a
handkerchief. Iskma ang sp-on mo. Blow
your nose. (cf. sung).
skmat, A stitch or pain in the back,
rheumatism of the back; to cause pain in
the back. Ginaskmat ak karn. I have a
pain in my back. Sinkmat si kana. A
while ago he had a pain in his back.
sko, The elbow, sleeve; yard. (cf. pak,
bra, bda).
sik, To elbow, push with the elbow, jog
with the elbow, nudge. Sikoh si. Elbow
him. (cf. sikl).
skob, To elbow, etc. See sikl, sngkub,
skdol, sik.
sikktot, To bend the back as under a
heavy weight, lean forward, stoop.
Nagasikktot ang karabw kon mabg-at
ang llan nga ya ginagyud. The buffalo
bends its back, if the load it pulls is heavy.
(cf. sktot, baliktot, bariktot, sikutt).
sikl, To elbow, etc. See skdol.
sikl, To carry on the back by means of a
stick or pole brought over the shoulder.
Sikol ang bakg; pangt ka sing isikl
mo. Carry the basket on your back; look for
a stick to carry it with.
sikt, sikt-skot, To arrange, regulate,
distribute, divide, separate, share out. (cf.
pasiktskot, bhin, bingbnag, paht)
sikrott, To twist, contort, bend, curve in
irregular form (limbs, etc); twisted,
contorted. Sikrott na ang lwas nya sa
katigulangn. His body is twisted with age.

sikawal silbto
Nagasikrott ang ya lwas sa dak nga
katgnaw. His body is contorted with the
severe cold. (cf. sikroty, sktot, bktot,
bariktot, sikktot).
sikroty, To contort the limbs, etc. See
sksik, To finger, handle, fumble, examine
the hair (squeezing it from the root
upwards through the fingers, as when
looking for nits or lice). Ind ka magsgad
sksik (Ind ka manksik) sang bohk mo,
kay malw-ay. Dont keep fingering your
hair, for it is not nice. Siksik ang ya bohk
kon may lus. Examine her hair; there may
be nits in it.
sktot, To bend low, stoop, curve, bend
the back (owing to old age or infirmity). (cf.
sikktot, sikutt, sktot, bktot).
sikktut, See sikktotto stoop, bend the
sikngkung, To sit leaning the back
against a support with the knees drawn up
and the arms bent so that the hands come
to rest in front of the chest. (cf. sikyotng
sik-ong, sikong, Bent down, curved
downwards (of the brim of a hat, lampglobe, umbrella, etc.). Sik-ong gid ang
paldyas sang ya kl. The brim of his hat
is bent down low.
skup, To pounce upon, run after (as a
goshawk pursues its prey); to catch fish
(with the hands); to gather, collect, take
hold of. (cf. sikp, panlug, tpon,
sikp, A bird of prey, hawk, goshawk. (cf.
bang, salagywan).
sikt-skut, To bend the back, stoop
down. See sikutt.
sikutt, Stooping, bent forward; to bend
forward, stoop. (cf. sktot, sikktot).
sikwah, (B) Different, worse; to be
different from or worse than others. Inng
bt mayo, pang sikwah gid inng is.
This is a good boy, but that one is quite the
reverse. (cf. thay, lan).
sikwah (B) Peculiar, queer, awkward,
clumsy. (cf. baksiw).
sikwal, An old coin worth about six and
a quarter centavos. The sikwal is equal to
one half of a rel. (cf. sikpat).
sikwlo, (H) See sikwal.
skwan, A sort of wooden shuttle
employed in making or mending fishing
nets, etc.
skway, To repel, reject, refuse, drive
away, put off, dismiss, cast off, discard,
repulse, repudiate, turn down. Sikway
ang am nga panghunhn. Reject such
thoughts. Ginskway nya ak. He rejected
me. He refused to accept or receive me.
Ind mo pagiskway ang kon pakiloy sa
mo. Do not refuse to hear my petition.
Ginskway nya si Fulno sing may
pagtmay. She rejected N.N. with
contempt. Nagskway sa ya ang mga

pumill, kay wal si sing matudtod

nga igkasngkol sa am nga
palangakan. The electors have turned
him down, for he has no proper capacity for
such an office. (cf. paway, pahaln, tbug,
sikwayn, Place where something is
thrown or cast off; the bottom or foot-end
of a bed, the lower end of a river; the anus
(of animals). (cf. skway).
skyap, sk-yap, To cut, shave,
pare, slightly the surface, cut off a small
part, to graze. Sikyap ang kbul, kalnggo
ko, etc. Cut off the surface of my callous
skin, of my wart, etc. Naskyap sang
kotslyo ang kamt ko. My hand received a
glancing cut from the knife. Sik-yap sing
ditay ang bi, kay matn-aw ak, kon
an ang dug nya. Scrape off the skin of
the be, for I want to see what colour it is.
(cf. spla).
sik-yotng, See sikngkung id.
sil, (H) They. Sil la or sil sing la.
They on their part. (cf. snda, tnda).
silb, Scorched, singed, roasted. (cf. ilb).
slab, (H) To scorch, burn superficially,
singe. Naslab ang ya klay sang sug.
His eyebrows were singed by the lamp. (cf.
srab, lab, id.).
slaba, (Sp. slaba) Syllable. (cf. mtlang,
silab, silab, (H) To stand on end,
stand upright. (cf. tndog, tinggar).
silbo, silab, To flare up, blaze, flame
up (forth); to throb, beat. (cf. dbdab,
harhar, kubkub, kib).
silg, A kind of small fish.
slag, To watch the steps of, observe. See
the Freq. panlag which is much more in
slag, Grudge, ill-will, malevolence,
malice, spleen, spite; to bear another a
grudge, be filled with spleen against. (cf.
sb-ot, aligtgot, gulut-non, kaslag).
silahnon, (H) They by themselves. Sang
silahnon na lang (sil) dir. When
they were alone by (amongst)
slak, (H) See sdlak id.
sl-an, For sioln from sil. Also: Motive,
reason, pretext (for being offended, for
taking revenge, etc.). Pangiti sing sl-an
sa pagdakp sa ya. Find some pretext to
arrest him.
silng, (H) To aim, take aim, see, look at,
inspect. Silang sing mayo ang mo pusl.
Aim your rifle well. Silang sing mayo
ang pspis. Take good aim at the bird. (cf.
apnta; tn-aw, tluk).
silp-ong, To graze, touch; to flit or pass
by. (cf. salapy, laby).
sil-sla, Dim. of sil. They (amongst
themselves). (cf. silahnon).
slaw, To be bright, etc. See sdlaw.
silbto, (Sp. silbato) Whistle. (cf. pto,
syak, panihl, hun).


slhig smba
slhig, Broom (for sweeping floors); to
sweep. Silhig ang sgbot. Sweep away the
rubbish. Silhig ang sagw (sgw).
Sweep the reception room. Nasilhign sing
mayo inng kwrto. This room has been
swept well. Ind si makahibal bisn na
lmang magslhig. She does not even know
how to sweep.
sli, Eel.
sil, Polish, shine, lustre. (cf. sl).
sl, To be polished, to shine, to be
bright,brilliant,shiny,lustrous. Inng
pnta nagasl. This paint is lustrous. (cf.
sil, masl, slaw, silng, hning, plug,
sil, An expression used to drive away
dogs. (cf. sep, sikto drive away cats).
siliban, What is to, can, should, be
devoured. (cf. sb).
silbton, That is to, should, canbe
treated or opened with a needle; to be
probed. (cf. sibt).
siligpton, What is to be, should be,
can be, gathered, collected, gleaned;
remnant, scanty remains, scattered
derelicts. (cf. sgput).
slik, Shrill, loud, piercing, far-reaching,
sonorous; to be or become shrill, etc. Slik
(maslik) gid ang ya tngug. His voice is
very shrill. Nasilkan ak sang ya tngug.
His voice sounds shrill to me. (cf.
slik, Fin (of a fish). (cf. srik).
silkpon, What is to, should, can, be
collected or gathered; fish, etc. to be caught
by hand. (cf. skup; siligpton).
silk-slik, Dim. and Freq. of slikto
emit a shrill cry, etc.
silk-silk, A wizard, witch, sorcerer. (cf.
sililhgon, (H) What is to be swept away;
rubbish, dirt, waste matter, debris. (cf.
sililotn, (H) Place of punishment,
prison, torture-chamber; one who deserves
to be punished, punishable, criminal,
culprit. (cf. slot).
silimbhon, (H) Adorable, worshipful, to
be worshipped, worthy of divine honour,
worthy of the utmost love and respect. (cf.
silinkot, (H) Mixed, mingled, motley,
divers, various. (cf. skot).
silndro, (Sp. cilindro) Cylinder, roller,
press-roll (of a printing press, sugar-mill,
silindrn, A mouth-organ, a toy musical
silng, (H) Saying, speech, utterance; to
say, speak, tell, give mouth or utterance to.
An ang silng nya? What does he say?
What areorwere his words? Nagsilng
si sa kon nga. He told me that.
Singgann or singgann mo si or isilng
mo sa ya nga. Tell him that. May
masilng yhan nga. Perhaps some


Visayan-English Dictionary
may say that. Am in ang ginsilng
nya sa kon. This is what he said to me.
Ginsilingn (ginsinggann) nya kam
sin. He has told us that. May nagsilng sa
kon nga. Somebody told me that.
Madm ang nagasilng ho, ho,
pang tumalgsa ang nagatman. Many
say yes, yes, but only a few actually live
up to their word. Ind ka makasilng sin.
You must not (should not, cannot) say that.
Ind ka magsilng may, kay dpat mo
isilng amy. Dont say may, for you
should say amy. (cf. hmbal, plong,
sgid, dgil, kon).
silng, (H) According to, in accordance
with, in conformity with. Silng sang la
nga kinabatsan. According to their
custom. Matman ang mo but dnhi
sa dt silng sang sa lngit. Thy will be
done on earth as it is in heaven. Silng
sang am nga hgn nga pagbultan. In conformity with that proposed
law or bill. (cf. son).
silng, (B) To shine, be bright, have a
shiny or polished surface, to glisten, glitter.
Di nga bitn kang saptos nagasilng
gid. (Inng bitn sang saptos nagahning
gid). This shoe-polish is very bright.
Nasilingn (Nahinngan) gid ak kang
(sang) saptos mo. Your boots appear to
me to be well polished. (cf. sdlak, slak,
bdlak, dlak, sdlaw, slaw, sl, hning).
silng ko (mo, etc.) I (you, etc.) think
silngsilng, Dim. and Freq. of silngto
shine, etc.
siliplan, Playground. (cf. siriplan,
siliplon, Play, playthings, toys. (cf. sipl,
siriplon, halampngon).
slog, Channel, canal, duct, conduit; to
canalize. (cf. log, ililign, kalg).
slog, Edge, border, groove, moulding
along the edge of boards, tables, etc.; to
make a moulding, border, etc. Silgi ang
tp sang sapyo (sepyo), kon may sapyo
ikw nga inogslog. Make a moulding
along the edge of the plank with your plane,
if you have a grooved plane.
sl-ok, To choke, get a fit of coughing by
drinking in too large draughts. Nasil-okn
ak sang tbig. The water went the wrong
way. Sinil-okn si sang paginm nya
sing tbig, kay naginm si sing (sa)
glpe. He choked when he drank water, for
he drank it too greedily. (cf. talm-ok;
silng, New pustules of smallpox forming
near or around the old ones.
slong, Ground-floor, downstairs,
underneath. Sa slong sang baly.
Underneath the house, under the house,
underneath the living quarters of the
house, in the basement. Pasilnga
(ipaslong) ang wto. Put the automobile
in the basement or under the house.
Pasilngi lang sang mo kabyo ang

idlum sang kon baly. Just put your

horse underneath my house.
slot, Chastisement, punishment,
correction, castigation; to chastise, punish,
correct, castigate. Silti si. Punish him.
Slot sang Dis in. This is a punishment of
God. Wal nya pagpapanyagha ang ya
ank sa pagsilt sa ya sayp. He
punished his son by not letting him have
dinner, for he had done wrong. (cf.
slung, See slong.
slung, To cause an aversion, antipathy or
objection. Wal ko pagbkla ang husy
nga gintnyag nya sa kon, kay may
ginsdngan ak. I did not buy the comb he
offered me, because I had some objection
to it. May ginasilngan (ginasdngan) ak
sin. I have an objection or antipathy
against it. I find some fault in it.
slw, To vomit, eject food from the
mouth. Nagslw si sang ya kinon.
Ginslw nya ang ya kinon. He vomited
(brought up) what he had eaten. (cf. ska,
slwak, To spill, pour out. (cf. lwak,
slya, (Sp. silla) Chair, seat; direction to a
driver of a vehicle to turn to the left or to
the side opposite to mno. (cf. sya).
slyo, (Sp. sello) Stamp, postage stamp; to
stamp, put a stamp on. Slyo
dokumentryo. Documentary stamp.
Silyoh ang sbre. Put a stamp on the
envelope. (cf. pt-in, timan, tnd).
silyn, (Sp. silln) Easy chair, armchair,
elbow-chair; side-saddle for ladies. (cf.
butka, sya, ampl, hampl).
sim, (Sp. cinc, zinc) Zinc, galvanized iron.
Atp nga sim. A galvanized iron roof. (cf.
simna, Week. (cf. pitodlaw, semna).
simanahn, A weekly. (cf. pitoadlwan,
simng, To deviate, depart, take a
different turning, road or course, split off,
differ from. (cf. sipk, hbag, bulg,
simarn, (Sp. cimarrn) Wild, untamed,
unruly. Simarn nga bka, karabw, etc.
A wild cow, buffalo, etc. (cf. marn, il).
simt, A primitive plate made from the
layers composing the stem of the bananaplant. Mabhat lang kit sing mga simt,
kay wal kit sing mga pnggan. We shall
make shift with banana plates, as we have
no China ones.
smba, To adore, worship; go to church.
Magsmba kam. Go to church. Simbahn
mo ang Dis. Adore God. Pil ka Domngo
ang ginsimbahn mo sa suld sang is ka
tig? On how many Sundays have you been
to church in the course of the year? Wal
ak makasmba, kay masakt ak. I could
not go to church, because I was sick (ill).

Visayan-English Dictionary
simbgo, Whereas, whilst, etc. See ibgo,
simbhan, Church, house of God,
temple, fane, building devoted exclusively
to religious purposes. (cf. smba, iglsya).
smbog, A mixture, blend, alloy; to mix,
mingle, blend, adulterate. Inng bulwan
may smbog nga plak. This gold has an
admixture of silver. Simbog ang sawy
kag kbre. Mix the brass and copper. Make
an alloy of brass and copper. Simbog ang
kap sing gtas. Mix the coffee with milk.
(cf. lakt, sm, lkay, etc.).
smbolo, (Sp. smbolo) Symbol; emblem.
(cf. tnd, timan).
simbryo, (Sp. cimborio) Dome, cupola;
chimney. (cf. alasohn).
simbulawn, Having the appearance of
gold, like gold, golden, made of imitation
simnto, (Sp. cemento) Cement.
siminto, (Sp. cimiento) Foundation. (cf.
sadsran, palatkdan).
simd, To smell or sniff at everything as a
dog in search of food, to bite, eat, get a
mouthful; sniffing. Simd gid inng id.
This dog sniffs at everything.
sm-ong, Lonely, solitary, dreary;
neglected, abandoned; to be lonely, etc.
Nagsm-ong inng lugr, kay wal na
pagapy-i sang to. This place has become
lonely because it is now uninhabited,
because people no longer live here. (cf.
sim-sim, To treat harshly, maltreat,
oppress. (cf. limlim, pgos).
simt, Miserly, greedy, stingy, covetous of
more; to be miserly, etc. (cf. mot, dingt,
smp, (Probably a contr. of sinup) Cud,
quid, especially of betelnut chewing. (cf.
sup, mam, minam).
simptiko, (Sp. simptico) Sympathetic,
congenial, winsome. (cf. mainawon,
maababhon, malol, maloly-on).
smple, (Sp. simple) Simple, pure; plain,
unadorned; easy, clear; guileless, artless,
undesigning. (cf. bunyag, pugypugy,
mahaps, mathag, malgdong,
smpon, (H) To join, associate with, etc.
See mpon. Ind ka magsmpon sa la.
Dont join them. Do not associate with
smput, Closely joined, tight, very near
together; to make tight, to be or become
closely joined, etc. Smput gid ang kinitan
sang mga tp sinng baly. The boards in
this house are very well joined. Simput
ang pagsalg, ang pagrra, etc. Make the
floor, the wickerwork, etc. tight. (cf.
smsim, The small branches of bamboo,
etc. (cf. gwgaw, kagngking).
simsmgam, A kind of chewing gum.
sin, Galvanized iron, zinc. (cf. sim).

simbgo sindg
sin, (H) The genitive and accusative of
inthat; the dative and ablative are
formed by placing sa before sin. Ang
ya sin nga kahulgan. The meaning
of that. Sn-o ang nagbhat sin? Who
did (made) that? Who has done (made)
that? Sa sin nga bgay. In that
manner. Ihtag mo in sa sin nga
(sinng) mga to. Give this to those men.
sn-ad, To put over a fire, etc. See sn-ad
sin-adn, See sun-adnfireplace,
sindto, Formerly, in the old days;
bygone, things of long ago, past events. (cf.
sdto, dan, duman, minl-am).
sing, Transparency, clearness,
perviousness to light; to be transparent,
diaphanous, pellucid, shining through,
clear. Ang mo by nagasing. Your
jacket is transparent. Nagsing ang ya
sdto malubg nga bno. His wine that
formerly was turbid has become clear.
Nagasing ang ya pangguyhon. The
skin of her face is very clear. (cf. snaw, tnaw).
sing, Cut up and stringed together; a
portion, lot or share (of pork, beef, fish,
etc.); by the string or bundle tied together.
Nakabakl ak sing krne, sd, bboy,
etc. nga sing. I bought some meat, fish,
pork, etc. by the string, i.e. several pieces
strung together. (cf. sg, bings,
tinhog, (bgs, thog)).
sinag-sg, Dim. and Freq. of sing.
Bboy nga sinagsg. Cutlets or slices of
pork strung together. The Pork-barrel (of
singrit, Whir, whirring, whistling, hiss,
buzz; to whir, hiss, buzz, whistle. (cf.
singto, (H) See sindtopast, bygone,
former, etc.
sinkup, Subject, dependent,
subordinate; member of, affiliated with. (cf.
skup, ginsakpan).
sinaly, Roast fish (or meat) on a spit. (cf.
sinalay, (H) Social relations, life or
intercourse, family life; to live, spend ones
life, pass ones days, have social relations or
intercourse. Matwhay ang la
pagsinalay. They are leading a tranquil
life. Nagasinalay sil ddto sing mahil
kayo. They are living there under
miserable conditions. Magsinalay kam
sing matrung. Live together honestly. (cf.
say, salay, saray, sinaray).
sinlog, Mixed up, mingled together,
thrown together in disorder. Sinlog nga
mga bnh. Seeds of various kinds mixed
together. (cf. slog).
sinlog, sinlug, A fish, shrimp, etc.
caught with the hands. (cf. slug).
sinalohy, Feasting, banquet,
banqueting; to fare sumptuously. (slo).

sinal-slo, Banquet, feast, rich treat or

entertainment; to banquet, feast, fare
sumptuously. (cf. slo).
sinamy, A light fabric made of hemp,
agave, etc. and often elaborately decorated
with multicoloured designs. (cf. smay,
sinambnut, Scuffle, riot, fighting,
tumult, skirmish, wrangle, rowdy meeting;
to meet for a fight, come to blows, gather or
assemble (as in a riot, quarrel, etc.). (cf.
sambnut; liningghot, sinurumbl).
sinmpuk, Attack, assault, assail, clash;
to attack, clash, rush upon, etc. (cf.
sinang-snga, To crisscross, cross in
all directions, branch out in various
directions. (cf. sang).
sinngula, sinangul, (Sp. sin
ngulowithout an angle) A kite of a
roundish shape without any sharp corner.
(cf. sapspi, pinak, buladr).
sinangw, Scuffle, riot, fighting, etc.
See sangw, sambw.
sinngya, To play, frolic, romp, be full of
gaiety or merriment. (cf. sngya, sdya,
sinnt, To harmonize, agree, be conform
to, be in alignment with; to rhyme (in
poetry). (cf. snt, kasnt, kasinnt).
sinpat, Beastly, brutal, brutalized,
animal, brute. Kalakasn nga sinpat.
Beastly excesses. Batsan nga sinpat.
Beastly habits. (cf. spat).
sinpol, sinpul, Meeting, session,
conference, discussion; to hold a meeting,
to discuss, etc. (cf. spol).
sinaray, (B) Social relations, etc. See
sinasalgan, Trusted in, enjoying the
confidence of, trustworthy, reliable, relied
upon, faithful, confidential. Sinasalgan ko
si nga byan. He is my intimate
(confidential) friend. (cf. slig).
snaw, (B) To be bright, clear, pure (of
water, etc.). Nagsnaw na ang tbig sang
sub; kana sang ga malubg pa. The
water in the river has become clear now;
this morning it was still turbid. (cf. tn-aw,
sindakl, To bubble up, seethe, boil. (cf.
aklakl, bukl).
sndi, (Sp. encender) To light, set fire to.
Sindih ang sug. Light the lamp.
Nasindihn na ang knke. The lamp is lit.
(cf. dig, dbok).
sndot, To throw in the fire, to fire, set
alight, set light to, set fire to, burn. Sindot
ang kgon. Fire (Burn down) the cogongrass. Nasindotn na bal ang sgbot?
Has the rubbish been burnt? (cf. sndi,
snug, tutd).
sindg, Blood-relation, related by blood
or descent, relative or kinsman by birth; a
pact or covenant signed in blood; a party to
such a pact; to sign such a pact. Sindg


sne sinipd
sil. They are kinsmen. They have signed in
their own blood a covenant of friendship.
They are intimate friends. Nagsindugoy
sil. They have pledged their friendship
one to the other in their blood. (cf. dug,
kadg, sandg).
sne, (Sp. cinematgrafo) Motion pictures,
moving pictures, film, reel; cinema theatre,
(cf. sinehn).
sinehn, Motion-picture show, movingpicture theatre, cinema, theatre, place
where moving pictures are shown.
sinlas, (Sp. chinelas) Slippers, Chinese
slippers. (cf. baki, ktso, krtsoclogs).
sinelsan, Shop where slippers are made
or sold.
sing, The indefinite article for the
accusative and, very rarely, for the genitive.
It corresponds to the English some and
a. Nakabakl ak sing sd. I bought
(have bought) some fish. Ginbaligyan
nya ak sing mga ph. He sold me some
mangoes. Nagpatndog si sing baly. He
built a house. Wal singnothing, no,
none, nobody, no one. Wal ak sing plak.
I have no money. Wal sing an man. It is
nothing. Dont mention it. It is of no
consequence. Wal gid sing to dir. There
is nobody here.
sing, An adverbial particle. Bantay si
sing mayo. Watch him well.
Nagapangabdlay si sing mapsan. He
works diligently. Sing (sa) madal. At once.
Quickly. Without delay.
sing, A conjunctive particle: Whilst,
whereas, when. Wal nla pagatumna
in, sing am kuntn ang dpat nla
pagtinguhon sing lab. They do not fulfil
that obligation, whereas they should try to
do so above anything else.
singd-singd, To eavesdrop, overhear,
listen in. See tingdtingd.
sng-al, Harsh, rough (of speech); to
speak in anger or fury, vociferate, shout,
rail at, abuse in loud language, be wild or
furious. Sng-al nga sabt (panabt). A
rough or harsh answer. Ind kam
magkdto ddto kon nd kam but nga
sing-aln. Dont go there, if you do not
want to be loudly abused. Ginsing-aln ak
nya. He shouted at me furiously. Ind mo
si pagsing-aln. Dontrail at him,
speak harshly to him,shout angrily at
him. (cf. gsod, gasd, kus, snggit,
singgtan, pamyas, pamlag).
sing-an, For how much, for what
reason, on what account, wherefore, why.
Nga man kag sing-an nga ibutng sa
katalgman ang kon kabh? Why and
for what reason should my life be put in
danger? (cf. tungd sa an, bangd sa
an, nga, ndot).
singayndgat, Bay, gulf, inlet of the


Visayan-English Dictionary
singgi, Whereas, whilst, on the contrary,
when, as, in as much as, in as far as. (cf.
sing, gi).
singglong, Fox; civet cat. (cf.
singgrong, ddis).
singgann, singgann, (H) Passive
forms of silngto say, tell.
snggit, To shout, yell, cry, roar, bawl,
bellow, howl, vociferate, call out, speak in a
very loud voice. Ind ka magsnggit. Dont
shout. Singgit si. Shout at him (to him).
(cf. turayw, pagas, pugas, sng-al).
singgtan, Brawler, shouter; rowdy; to
vociferate (especially in anger or passion).
(cf. snggit).
snghot, Smell, odour, aroma, scent; to
smell, scent. Singhot in, agd masayran
mo ang bh (dapg). Smell this so that
you may know how it smells (what its smell
is like). (cf. pannghot, panimh, sngo).
sng, The extent, reach or range of an
orifice or aperture, as of a pair of tongs or
scissors, of the jaws of an animal; or the
singl, A young tender shoot or branch; to
shoot, sprout, grow, put forth new shoots.
(cf. salngsing, tb, lbo, lmbay, lhot,
sing-sng-i, Dim. and Freq. of sng
the extent of an opening, etc.
sing-singin, The space between the
fingers, toes, or the like; the part of the
hand to which the fingers are attached.
singt, Hook, hook and pole. Butangn
sing singt ang bagt. Singit ang bagt.
Fasten a hook on the pole. (cf. kawt).
sngit, To take in, or gather, with hook
and pole. Singta ang mga ph. Pluck the
mangoes with hook and pole. (cf. dgas,
dgus, kwit).
sng-it, (H) Stye (of the eye). (cf. bntug).
sngkal, Great heat or passion, height of
excitement; to be or become very hot,
passionate, strong, excited or the like.
Nagasngkal na ang dlaw. The sun is
very hot. Nagsngkal ang ya kakig. His
anger became red-hot. Nagasngkal na
ang la pagilinway. They are fighting
fiercely against each other. The battle is
now at its height. Nasingkaln ak sang
nit. It was too hot for me. (cf. nit, tagt,
bhot, tagngting, sindakl, salit).
singkams, A vine with edible roots. The
roots are usually eaten raw. (cf. tikams
sngkaw, Yoke; to yoke, attach the yoke.
Singkaw ang karabw. Put the yoke on
the buffalos neck. (cf. gta).
singkayng, To squat down, crouch,
huddle up. (cf. katnktin, kung,
singky-sngkay, To stir, move, be
active; to strut, walk or behave in an
ostentatious manner. The Freq.
paningkysngkay is mostly used.

Paningkysngkay ka. Get a move on.

Bestir yourself. Do something. Be active.
sngk, To be or become hot, exasperated,
to wax hot, boil with anger. Masngk sing
panimot. Hot-tempered. (cf. sngkal).
sngk, Also: to collide with, brush
against, come in contact with, etc. See
tngk, tngk, salapy, sngg, etc.
singkltas, A kind of mens slippers. (cf.
singkort, To draw oneself into a
contracted heap, to huddle up, crouch,
squat down, lie down in a heap
(particularly said of persons that are sick,
wounded or exhausted with fatigue). (cf.
singkayng, pandungkldngkol).
sngkub, To elbow, etc. See sikl, skdol,
sik, skob.
singkwlan, A kind of tree. See sinkwlan
sngo, Smell; to smell, etc. See snghot,
sing, To sob, blubber, sigh. (cf. hibubnot, psng, ngyngoy).
sngsing, Ring; to wear a ring, put on a
ring. Singsing ang ya tdl. Put a ring on
his finger.
sngud, To listen, overhear, eavesdrop.
See tingdtingd, singdsingd.
sngulo, singul, (Sp. cingulo)
Cingulum, girdle, sash. (cf. wklos, pha,
sin, (H) Gen. and Acc. of inthis. For the
Dat. and Ablat. sa is usually placed before
it. Sn-o ang naghmo sin? Who has done
this? Inng kl ya sin nga (sinng) to.
This hat belongs to this man. Sa sbung
(subng) sin. At this time. Now at
once. Immediately. Sa sin nga
kahimtngan ko malisd ang kon
pangabh. In this condition (Under these
circumstances) my life is hard. Sa tigalni
sin nga tig. At the (rice) harvest of
this current year. Naspwan sinng
karn nga. Lately it was discovered
(found out) that. May kabuangn pa
nga maglab sin kadak? Is there any folly
greater than this? Sin (Sa sin) nga
pagi. In this way. By such
means. Sang is sinng naglilgad nga
mga dlaw. One of these last days.
(cf. kar, kadi).
siniby-sbay, siniby-siby, To
move about in all directions, as crowds,
ants, etc. (cf. surumbl, liningghot).
singang, A dish of meat or fish.
sinkyap, A chip, a parttorn,split,
cut,broken off. (cf. skyap).
sinimng-simng, Various, divers,
different; to deviate, differ from, disagree,
swerve or stray from, diverge. (cf. simng).
sinpa, Hangings, valance, etc. See
sinipd, Petal of a flower, leaf of a book,
piece of an orange, part of a fruit cut in
pieces, a division or share of. (cf. sipd).

Visayan-English Dictionary
sinpit, Carried under the arm. See spit.
sinipt, Anchor. (cf. nkla).
sinsa, Ash, etc. See sensa.
snit, (Sp. cenit) Zenith. (cf. dto).
siniudd, Proper to city-life, according to
the ways and manners of a city or town,
urban. (cf. siudd).
snko, (Sp. cinco) Five. (cf. lim) Also: to
make five parts, divide in five parts.
Sinkohn mo in ka bhin. Divide this in
five parts.
sinkhon, A five-centavo coin. (cf. snko,
bakd, bagng).
sinkolygas, (Sp. cinco, llagasfive,
wounds) A flowering plant.
sinkwlan, A kind of tree. See singkwlan
sn-o, Who? Sn-o ang tagya sinng
baly? Who is the owner of this house?
Sn-o ikw? Who are you? Sn-o ang
nglan mo? What is your name? Bisn si
sn-o lang sarng makabhat sin.
Anyone can do that. Snday sn-o ang mga
nagdulaw sa mo? Who were your
visitors? Who were they that visited you?
sin, To sound hollow, etc. See kan.
Inng lub nagasin. This coconut sounds
snodo, sinod, (Sp. snodo) Synod. (cf.
tilipunn, katilngban.
sinndan, Type, pattern, original, model;
followed; succeeded by. Also often, but
incorrectly, used in the meaning of: copy,
imitation; copied, imitated. (cf. sund).
sinsr, snsar, (Sp. cinchar) The fatty
integument or membrane surrounding the
stomach of a pig. The sinsr of a sow is
often dried and reserved as a remedy for
rheumatism, back-ache, etc.
sinsl, (Sp. cencil) Chisel, burin, engraver,
especially applied to a strong steel chisel
without handle as used by carpenters for
cutting zinc, iron, etc, a cold chisel.
sinsnggam, A kind of chewing gum. See
simsmgam id.
sinsro, (Sp. chinchorro) A large fishing
net, a drag-net, seine. (cf. paninsroto
fish with a drag-net).
snta, To rise on the hind legs, rear (of
horses); to be angry, scold, abuse in
language. Nagasnta ang kabyo. The
horse is rearing. Nagsnta si sa kon. He
abused me in angry language.
snta, (Sp. cinta) Band, ribbon, sash, tape,
strip; girdle, belt, cincture, cingulum. (cf.
pha, wklos, kora, sntas).
sntak, To crack, break, smash. (cf.
bung, lum, pus, litk).
sntas, (Sp. cinta) Ribbon, band;
cinematograph-pictures, film, reel; floor
beams. Mga sntas nga pl ang
ginapagw. Selected films are shown.
sintr, (Sp. sentir) To feel; to hurt, pain,
cause pain. Nagasintr ang kon hubg.
My swelling is giving me pain. Ginasintirn

sinpit sip
ak sang kon pils. My wound is paining
me, is painful.
snt, To press, push, squeeze (against
something hard). See sntok.
sntok, To push, thrust, knock or press
against. See sntok.
sinturn, (Sp. cinturon) Girdle, belt,
sash, band, cincture. (cf. pha, wklos,
sinbung, An alloy, particularly gold
mixed with copper. (cf. sbung).
singal, sinugl, Gambling; to gamble.
(cf. sugl).
singba, Roast (corn, etc.; cf. binog,
singdan, Beginning, start, origin,
commencement. (cf. ginsugran, sgud).
snuk, To intercept, catch, waylay; to pay
a surprise visit, take unawares, come
unannounced for an inspection, etc. Sang
pagsnuk nya sang ya nga palangmhan
naspwan nya ang madm nga mga
mamumugn nga nagpasaliptpot sang
la nga buluhatn. When he paid a surprise
visit to his farm he found many workmen
idle, absent, neglecting their work.
sinuktnay, Collection (of debts),
demand (for payment); to collect
outstanding debts, demand payment. (cf.
sinulatn, Writing, writings, what has
been written, book, article, essay,
manuscript, scrip. (cf. sult).
sinulnga, To scoff at, mock, deride,
ridicule; scoffing, mockery, etc. (cf. ulgyat,
sulnga, ulig, tiwtaw).
sinul-sl, Turned upside down, topsyturvy, putting the cart before the horse, in
an inverted order; to turn upside down, etc.
(cf. sul, balskad).
sinulg, A kind of dance, war dance (with
very swift movements; cf. sulgcurrent).
sinumbungnay, Mutual
incriminations, accusations; to accuse one
another, bring charges against one another.
(cf. smbung).
sinumbnut, See sinambnut id.
sinurumbl, See sinambnut,
sarumbl, surumblto crowd, gather,
sinutl, To be naughty, bad, wicked,
behave badly. Ind ka magsinutl. Dont be
naughty. (cf. sutl, kasutl).
snyas, (Sp. sea) Sign, signal, token,
password, hint, wink, gesture; to make a
sign to, give an agreed nod or wink. Sinyas
si. Give him a sign. Ginsinyasn si nya
nga maghaln. He gave him a sign to leave.
(cf. timan, tnd, pt-in, pangily).
sid, A snare, trap. Sid nga tiglapk. A
spring-trap. The victim is caught when it
steps on the trap and releases a spring.
Sid nga tigsoht. A trap that catches its
victim by means of spikes that turn inwards
and prevent the victim from escaping,
when once it has entered. (cf. sod).

sod, sid, To trap, entrap, snare,

ensnare, catch with a snare or trap.
Nakasod si sing pspis. He caught a bird
in a snare. Sd-i ang bboy. Set a trap for
the pig. Sd-a ang bboy. Snare the pig.
sik, (B) To be or become densely
overgrown with shrubs, long grasses, etc.
Nagsik ang lbut sang dan nga
simbhan, kay wal sing nagsapk sa
suld sang pil na ka tig. The ground
around the old church has become thickly
overgrown with shrubs, etc., because no
one has taken care of it for a number of
years. Also noun. Density (of vegetation); a
thicket, jungle, trees, shrubs, long grass,
vines, etc. thickly set. (cf. sot).
sok, To hollow out, undermine. (cf. bab, kbkab).
sok, To smoke opium. Ind ka magsok
sing apyn. Dont smoke opium. (cf. si).
sik-sik, Dim. and Freq. of sik.
sil, To bother, pester, trouble, molest,
interfere with. (cf. sol, sl-an).
s, si, To smoke opium. See sok id.
si-so, A kind of plant. (cf. siso).
sot, (H) See sik. Sa tinglan magasot
inng algyan, kay madm nga mga
gmhon ang magatb. In the rainy
season this thoroughfare will become dense
with vegetation, for many weeds, shrubs,
etc. will spring up. Nagsot na inng lugr.
This place has now become jungle-like.
sp, To kick. Ginsp na ak. He kicked
me. He gave me a kick. Ind mo si
pagsipon. Dont kick him. (cf. tndak).
sipd, A petal (of a flower, etc.); leaf (of a
book); a division or part of an orange or
similar fruits. (cf. sinipd).
spad, To part, divide (said especially of
an orange, etc.). Sipra (-da) ang
narnha. Divide the orange. Sipri ak
sinng kabgaw. Divide that pomelo for
me. (cf. sipd).
sipd-sipd, Dim. of sipd, spad.
sipk, To separate from, part from, go
away or astray, leave. Nagsipk si sa
kon. He left me. He parted from me. (cf.
sipl, (B) To frolic, gambol, play. Sipal
(tna). (Hampang si). Play with him.
Ginsipl na ang kut, bla, etc.
(Ginhampangn nya ang kurng, bla,
etc.). He played with the cat, the ball, etc.
(cf. hmpang).
span, The shell of the betelnut, often
used to clean the teeth with; a tooth-brush.
spat, See gbto harm, injure, punish.
Ind mo paguskan ang kn-on, kay bs
sipton ka. Dont waste the rice, for you
may draw down upon yourself the anger of
sip, One of the clusters, a single
cluster, of a bunch of bananas; to cut,
break, off a cluster, break up into
clusters. Ibalgy mo ang sging sing
binlig, nd mo pagsipin (pagsp-on).


sping sisg
Sell the bunch of bananas as a whole, dont
break it up into clusters.
sping, (H) To be near together, etc. See
sipt, Clothes-moth, carpet-moth; silvermoth, fish-moth, silver-fish. Also verb.
Ginasipitn inng hbul. This blanket is
spit, The pelvic bone, pelvis.
spit, To carry under the arm near the
armpit. Sipta ang lbro. Carry the book
under your arm.
sipyo, A plane (of a carpenter); to plane.
(sepyo, sapyo id.).
splat, To see accidentally, catch a glimpse
of, look upon by chance, happen to see, to
notice or observe in passing. Nakasplat
ak sa ya sa idlum sang kro. It was
quite by chance that I saw him under the
choir. Nasiplatn nya ak sa psud sang
pamulkan. He happened to see me in the
corner of the garden. (cf. spraw,
spo, To collect, gather, scrape,
together (stones, fruit, etc.). Sipha ang
mga ph, bat, patd, etc. Gather
together the mangoes, stones, stakes, etc.
(cf. tpon, karipn, hpu, hirpo).
sp-on, The mucus that flows from the
nose, snot (a vulgar word).
sp-on, From sipto break off a cluster
(of bananas).
spong, To bind, tie, knot,
connect, string, together, to fasten in a
knot, attach to each other by a knot
(threads, yarn, hemp-fibres, etc.). Sipnga
ang lnot nga talagakn. Bind together
the hemp-fibre that is to be got ready for
reeling (spooling, winding on a reel). (cf.
higt, balghot, tbid, sgpon, bal).
sipng, Bound together, tied, secure,
fastened well, tight, drawn together;
contracted, knit, frowning (of eyebrows).
Sipng ang ya mga klay. (Nagapaspong
si sang ya mga klay). His eyebrows are
knit, contracted. (He is knitting his
eyebrows. He is frowning).
sip-onn, Dirty, running (nose); snotty,
full of snot (vulgar expressions).
sipt, (B) Near together, close, narrow,
tight; to be or become narrow, tight, close
together. Nagsipt ang dlan, hay ginbab kang sub ang sampihk. (Nagkitd
ang dlan, kay ginb-ab sang sub ang
is ka pihk). The road has become
narrow, for one side of it has been washed
away by the river. Nasipotn ak kady
nga ltok. (Nakitirn (Nakitidn) ak sin
nga ltok (lamsa)). This table is not wide
enough for me. (cf. kitd).
spra, (Sp. cifra) Figure, number, cipher,
spraw, The form paspraw is mostly
used. (B) To see accidentally, happen to
see, cast a glance upon, notice (by chance).
Pasipraw kang mga mat mo si Pdro


Visayan-English Dictionary
nga din sa ingd kang ltok. (Pasiplat
sang mo mga mat si Pdro nga r dir
sa luy sang lamsa). Cast a glance on
Peter who is by the side of the table.
Ipapaspraw (Ipapasplat) si Hun kay
Hos. Let Jos have a look at John.
Papasipraw (Papasiplat) si Hos kay
Hun. Tell (Order) Jos to have a look at
(catch a glimpse of) John. (cf. splat,
siprs, (Sp. ciprs) Cypress.
spsip, Cut near the ground, close-cut,
close-shaven, close-cropped, closely shorn;
to cut down to the ground, cut off near the
roots or close to the ground. (cf. sop).
sra, See srawax.
sir, See serto close, shut, lock.
srab, (B) To scorch, singe, roast. (cf. lab,
rab, slab).
sirab, (B) To stand erect, stand on end.
Nagasirab ang blbul kang bka, hay
ginaramign. (Nagapanilab,
(nagasilab, nagapalanndog) ang
balahbo sang bka, kay ginatugnawn).
The cows hair is standing on end, because
it is feeling cold. (cf. silab, tinggar).
sirng, (B) See silngto aim at; to look
at, inspect.
srbe, (Sp. servir) To attend on, wait upon,
serve, do ones bidding, be at ones
command, be obedient to; to be of use or
advantage, to serve, avail, answer,
serve,ones turn,ones purpose.
Sirbehi sing mayo ang mo aglon. Serve
your master well. Magsrbe ka sa Dis.
Serve God. Inng lnsang nd makasrbe,
kay malp-ot. This nail wont do (is of no
use); it is too short.
sirbintes, sirbyntes, (Sp. sirviente)
Servants, menials, waiters, in waiting. (cf.
sologon, mutstso).
srga, (Sp. sirga) The tracking of a boat
from the shore; to track a boat.
sirgwlas, (Sp. ciruela) Plum, prune. (cf.
srhan, For sirahn from sirto close,
sr, (B) See slto shine, glisten, etc.
siriles, (Sp. cirial) Torches, processional
srib, To lap, lick up, take food or drink
with the tongue; splash or produce a sound
as of food or drink being lapped by a dog,
etc. Ang bbi nagasrib sa lnang. The
duck is slapping the mud with its bill. (cf.
sirigwlas, See sirgwlasa plum.
srik, See slikfin (of a fish).
sirikpuy, A kind of creeper whose leaves
resemble the scales of the puy-fish; hence
the name.
sirngan, The ground immediately
around a house. The ground on which
water drops from the eaves of a house. (cf.
srip, Sheriff.

siriplan, (B) Playground, place for

games, etc. (cf. sipl; halampngan).
siriplon, (B) A plaything, objects or
outfit intended for a game. (cf. sipl,
halampngon, hampngan).
sirirtan, (B) A collective name for vines
and creepers with edible roots.
sirisid, (B) To bustle, run this way and
that way in order to get everything ready
for a social party, a feast, an entertainment,
or the like. (cf. pangman).
sirisimna, (B) Weekly, every week. (cf.
sir-sri, To separate the hulled rice from
the unhulled grains after pounding by
tossing the whole mass in a shallow
bamboo-basket and throwing the unhulled
grains (ps) off in front. Sirisirha lang
ang bugs, kon nd ka makahibal
magsisg. Separate the hulled rice from the
unhulled grains by the operation of
sirsri, if you do not know how to
perform the sisg. (cf. sisg, with the
difference that in sisg the ps are
thrown off at the side).
srit, To fizz, fizzle, emit a hissing sound as
fat when frying, etc. Ang mantk
nagasrit kon butangn mo sing krne,
tlog, etc. Fat fizzles or hisses, if you put
meat, eggs, etc. in it.
siru, The iron point (attached to the
wooden shaft) of a lance or the like. (cf.
sirw id).
sirw, See siru id.
siriwul, siriw-ul, Difficult, trying,
hard to bear or manage; to be trying, etc.
See sariwul id.
siriwsw, An aphid, plant louse (very
harmful to crops).
srko, (Sp. circo) Circus; to be an acrobat,
contortionist, tumbler; to turn a
somersault, turn head over heels. Magsrko
ka. Turn a somersault. (cf. bansl).
sirkulr, (Sp. circular) Circular; a circular
sirtso, (Sp. serrucho) Large saw,
handsaw. (cf. lagr).
siruhno, (Sp. cirujano) Surgeon,
chirurgeon, operator. (cf. manugbsbus).
srum, (B) To get dark or dusk, to fall
(said of evening, twilight, approaching
darkness). Nagsrum ron. (Naghpon na
gid). Twilight has fallen. Its quite dark
now. Magadaw ak kannyo kon
magsrum ang dlaw. (Magadaw ak sa
nyo kon maghpon na gid (kon magnob
na gid ang dlaw)). Ill visit you in the
evening. (cf. hpon, kasisdmon).
sirm-sirm, The cricket.
sryo, (Sp. cirio) A large wax-candle. Ang
sryo paskwl. The paschal candle.
sis, See gis id.
sis, A kind of small edible sea-shell;
sisg, To separate (after pounding) the
hulled rice (bugs) from the unhulled

Visayan-English Dictionary
grains (ps) by tossing in a shallow basket
and throwing the ps off at the side, either
to the right or left. Sisig ang bugs. Clean
(by tossing) the pounded rice from the
unhulled rice. Isisg ang kallaw. Use the
flat-bottomed, low-brimmed bamboo
basket for cleaning the rice. (cf. sirsri).
sis-o, A kind of plant. (cf. siso).
ss, ss, To tear, rend, etc. See gs id.
ss, ss, Fie! Whew! Pooh! Dont touch
it! Dont come near it! (cf. a-).
siswa, Nurse, especially one that takes
care of children.
ssta, (Sp. sistro) Sistrum; guitar.
sste, Spite, envy, malice; to do spitefully
or out of spite, maliciously, or out of envy;
to beguile, trick, cajole. Ang kalyo nga
nagsnug sang mon baly wal
maghaln sa dapg, knd sste gid sang
to. The fire that burned down our house
did not originate from the kitchen-hearth,
but was intentionally caused by some
spiteful man. Ginsistehn sang lalki inng
babye sing lumy. This woman was
beguiled by the man with a love-philtre. (cf.
sistma, (Sp. sistema) System.
stara, (Sp. ctara) Zither, cittern, zithern,
sitsarn, (Sp. chicharrn) Fried lardscrap, cracknel, crackling, the crisp
remains of fat after the removal of the lard
by frying.
stsit, To hiss, call attention by hissing.
Sitsit si. Attract his attention by hissing.
(cf. pantsit, panagtsot).
styo, (Sp. sitio) Spot, place, room,
location, site, country-seat, small rural
village. (cf. lugr, dok, sok).
siudd, (Sp. ciudad) City, large town. (cf.
siuddnon, Referring, pertaining to a
city, appropriate or characteristic of citylife. (cf. siniudd).
sug, To shove, push, jostle, press forward,
elbow ones way through a crowd; to set
type (in a printing shop). (cf. manugsig).
sipaw, A kind of Chinese cake.
siwlo, Cord, chain, strand (of a cable);
ring, link (of a gold chain, or the like).
swid, siwd, Temple, brow, etc. See
siwl, swil, Projection, excrescence,
outgrowth; cape, promontory, peninsula,
projecting point; to project.
siwl-swil, Dim. and Freq. of swil. Also:
irregular, out of order or alignment, not
straight; a kind of fish with a very pointed
sya, (Sp. silla) Chair, seat, saddle; to
saddle (a horse, etc.). Nasiyhan
(Ginsiyhan) mo na ang kabyo? Have
you saddled the horse? Nahkman si nga
ptyon sa sya nga kils (syang kils). He
was sentenced to die on the electric chair.
(cf. slya).

sis-o shot
siy, He, she, it. See si.
syak, Chirp, cheep, peep, the cry of
chickens; the whistle of steamers; to chirp,
cheep, peep (of chickens); to whistle (of
steamers). Nagasyak na ang sakayn.
The steamer is whistling. Pasiyka ang
bapr. Blow the steamers whistle. (cf.
siagt, pto).
siyp, See sipbagasse.
siy-sya, Dim. of syachair, etc. Also:
to carry another in a sitting posture on the
crossed and firmly joined arms of two
persons, a method of transportation often
employed in carrying people across a river,
etc. (cf. sinsan).
siyktot, To bend the back, lean forward,
stoop. (cf. sikktot).
sbol, To banish, exile, ostracize, deport,
expel, drive out; to keep away, turn back,
tell another not to go or come, ask another
to stay away. Sobla si. Drive him out.
Expel (banish) him. Ginsbol nya ang
yw. He exorcised (drove out) the devil.
Sobla na lang ang pr, manugblung,
etc., kay paty na ang masakt. Tell the
priest, the doctor, etc. not to go (come) any
more, because the sick person is (already)
dead. (cf. pahaln, paway, tbug).
sbol, Close by, near by, on the point of,
too late, impossible for lack of time. Sbol
na nga nd na ak makahinggaw sang
mo delrgo. It is too late now; I cannot
finish your pair of trousers. (cf. apke,
sobl-sobl, Dim. and Freq. of sbol
close by, etc.
sb-on, From sob.
sbra, (Sp. sobra) Over, above,
surpassing; to be over, overmuch, more
than enough; surplus, excess. May kwrta
pa nga sbra? Is there still some money
over? Is there any money left still?
Nagasolbra gid lang ang mga
mamumugn sa Ngros. There are more
than enough workmen in Negros.
Magasbra inng humy sa is ka
tabungs. This rice will be too much for
one tabungs-basket. Pasobrah ak sing
is ka balngit sa duh ka mtros sang
hnero nga kon bklon. Add yet one span
to the two meters of cloth I am buying.
sbre, (Sp. sobre) Envelope. (cf. puts,
sbrekma, (Sp. sobrecama) Bedspread,
bed-cover, quilt, coverlet. (cf. tabn).
sobrekrgo, (Sp. sobrecargo) Purser,
supercargo. (cf. manugttap).
sobrenaturl, (Sp. sobrenatural)
Supernatural. (cf. labwsa kinatb,sa
sobreseimynto, (Sp. sobreseimiento)
A stay of judgment or legal proceedings.
(cf. wal sing kadayonn, put, tpn).
sobreser, sobresedo, (Sp. sobreseer,
sobresedo) To stay a judgment or legal

proceedings; stayed, discontinued (of legal

sbsob, To fall to the ground on ones
face. Andam ka, agd nd ka makasbsob.
Look out, lest you should fall on your face.
Nakasbsob ang ya bb sa dt. He bit
the dust. (cf. dgp, dsm, hgmak,
sbsob, See snson, snsunto do often,
frequently, etc.
sda, (Sp. soda) Soda, soda water.
sod, To draw, pull, push, make tight by
pulling, to press or squeeze together.
Sodoh (sodo) ang hblon. Pull the woof
tight. Isod ang ngkub. Pull the handle of
the reed.
sd-o, See sod.
sod-sdo, A kind of cactus often used
in quickset fences.
sdsod, See sdsudto go out in person;
to scrape or rub off; a kind of fishing net,
sg, Order, command, commandment,
law, behest, call, beck, charge, injunction,
precept; to order, command, direct, bid,
instruct, tell, enjoin. Pil ang mga sg
sang Dis? How many commandments of
God are there? An (Nno) ang ya (nga)
sg? An ang ya nga sing? What was
his command? What was it he
commanded? What were his orders? Sn-o
ang ya (nga) sing? Whom did he give
his order to? Who is his messenger? Whom
did he command? Ari ak kon may
igasg (ikw)? I am at your service (a
polite form of speech at being introduced to
strangers, etc.). Ginsg nya ak sa
Ilnglong. He ordered me to go to Iloilo.
Soga si nga manghoy. Tell him to
gather firewood. Pasogan mo si Fulno
nga magkdto sa Manl. Send an order to
N.N. that he should go to Manila. Isg mo
sa ya in. Give him this order. Order him
to do this. (cf. blin, tgon, panagublin,
ley, pagbult-an, kasogon, panugsug).
shol, Wage, wages, remuneration, salary,
hire, allowance, stipend, emolument, pay,
payment; to pay wages, etc. An (Nno)
ang igashol mo sa kon? What (kind of)
wages will you pay me? Pil ang ishol
(igashol) mo sa kon? What (How much)
wages will you pay me? Sohli sil sing
tagpat ka pistas ang dlaw. Pay them
eighty centavos a day. Ishol sa ya inng
kwrta. Pay his wages with this money.
Ang Sabad am ang dlaw nga
inogsholorinogbyad sang shol.
Saturday is pay-day. Sinohlan sil sing
mahl. They were well paid. (cf. swldo,
shot, To enter through a small opening,
to slip in, creep through, get in, insinuate
oneself into, thread ones way through.
Shot (Magshot, sumhot) ka lang sa
korl (kodl). Sohti lang ang korl. Just
creep through the fence. Sohta ang
kwrta nga nadgdag sa idlum sang


shot, shut solondayn

baly. Creep in under the house and get
the money that was dropped down.
Ginshot nya ang bla sa idlum sang
lamsa. He crept in and got the ball from
underneath the table. He crept under the
table and got the ball. Kapn na sa is ka
blan nga wal gid si magshot
(makashot) sa simbhan. For more than
a month he has not (was unable to) put in
an appearance at church.
shot, shut, Also: Catch, fish caught,
fish that enters, and is caught in, a fishtrap. Mayo ang shot. The catch was (is)
good. Many fish were caught.
skbit, A thick, hard, scale-like skin near
the spur of some cocks. Such cocks are
highly esteemed by those addicted to cockfighting. (cf. lkus).
skbit, The ear with husks and silk of the
maize or Indian corn; to form or develop
the ear (of maize); to gird on, put on or
attach to a belt a sword, bolo, revolver, or
the like; to put a pen, pencil, or the like,
behind the ear; to hang on a nail or peg.
Iskbit sa mo pha ang tagb sang
binngon. Attach the bolo-scabbard to
your belt. Ginskbit nya ang binngon.
He fastened the bolo on his hip. Iskbit
(sokbit) ang lpis sa mo dalnggan. Put
the pencil behind your ear. (cf. tklusto
gird on; sb-it, sd-ang).
skdap, Bamboo-splints for wicker-work,
to cut bamboo splints, split off bamboosplints. Sokdap ang kawyan. Make
bamboo splints. Split the bamboo into
splints. Sokdap ak, kay marra ak sing
amkan. Cut bamboo-splints for me,
because I am going to weave a bamboomat.
skdol, To strike or push against
something above. Sokdol sang bagt ang
hal dir sa kisam. Jab the pole against
the iguana there on the ceiling. (cf. sndol).
skl, Silk. (cf. sda id.)
sklob, To put on a garment, slip into a
dress, don, cloth, array, dress, robe,
enrobe, attire, garb, apparel. Isklob ang
by mo. Put on your jacket. Soklob ang
bt sing by. Put an outer garment on
the child. Dress the child. (cf. sob).
soklban, Travelling case, clothesbasket, box, chest (of wicker-work).
skm, (B) To ask an explanation, exact
an account. Sokma (sokna) si sang ya
nga ginhmbal kahpon btok sa mo. Ask
him for an explanation of what he said
against you yesterday. (cf. bsla, skn,
skmat, See skm, skn, skmat.
skn, (H) See skm id.
sokb, To measure liquid and dry goods.
Skba inng humy. Measure this rice.
Skbi ak sing duh ka psong. Measure
out two bushels for me. Isokb inng
gantngan. Use this gntang-measure for
measuring. (cf. skol, taks).


Visayan-English Dictionary
sokg, Anything that stiffens or
strengthens, as an upright, crossbeam,
brace, or the like. (cf. talimskog, balskog,
skol, (B) To measure clothes, fields, or
the like. Ginsklan kang mananh ti by
ang bt nga di. (Gintksan sang
manugtbas sing by inng bt). This
boy was measured for a jacket by the tailor.
Skla ang hener nga bklon kading sk
ta (sinng ton sk). Measure out the cloth
our customer is buying. Ginskol nnda
ang plsa. (Gintaks nla ang plsa). They
measured the public square. (cf. sokb,
sokl, Measure, measurement, size. An
ang sokl kang by mo, saptos mo, um
mo, etc.? (Nno ang taks (talksan) sang
mo by, saptos, um, etc.)? What are
the measurements of your jacket, boot,
fields, etc.? What size is your jacket, boot,
field, etc.? (cf. talksan, solkban).
sokl, A young, immature mushroom.
sokng, (B) Creased; wrinkled; to form
creases, to crease, wrinkle. (cf. kubng,
sokt, To demand payment, collect debts,
to dun. Skta si sang ya tang. Collect
his debt. Demand payment of his debt.
Isokt ak sang tang nya sa kon. (Skti
ak sang ya tang sa kon). Collect from
him his debt to me. Panokt (Sokt) ka
ddto. Collect the debts there.
sksok, (B) A small lizard. (cf. tagt,
sksok, To put or place under, push
underneath, slip on garments, a ring, etc.
Isksok ang lpis sa suld sang kwadrno.
Put the pencil into the composition book.
Isksok ang by mo nga bg-o pa
lmang nahumn. Slip into the newlymade jacket. Ginsksok nya ang kwrta
sa ulnan. He pushed the money under the
sktan, sktan, etc. From soktto
collect debts, etc.
solmyog, A plant. See salmyog id.
solndoy, To stumble against something
sharp, stub the toe against, slip, make a
false step. Nakasolndoy ak sa tunk
(dgi) kag naplas ang kon til. I kicked
against a thorn and hurt my foot. (cf.
solng, (B) The chin. (cf. sulng, sgang).
solat, To fasten or attach to with a knot;
to connect the broken ends of a string,
thread, etc. with a knot. (sulat id.).
solpok, See sulpukwhim, etc.
solr, (Sp. solar) A plot of ground, parcel
of land, piece of building ground, lands or
fields in general, estate. Ang solr sang
baly. The piece of land on which the
house stands. Malpad ang ya nga solr.
His lands are extensive. (cf. dt, lp).
solt, To write, etc. See sult.

solt, (B) Pain in the back, shooting

rheumatic pain. (cf. skmat).
solddo, (Sp. soldado) Soldier, warrior,
military man. (cf. mangangawy).
solras, (Sp. solera) Cross-beam, floorbeam, rib.
solsas, See sorolsasto be out of
solisitr, (Sp. solicitar) To solicit, seek to
obtain, apply for. (cf. pangy, ah,
pakitbang, pakiloy).
solisitd, (Sp. solicitud) Solicitude;
petition, application, demand. (cf.
solitrya, solitryo, (Sp. solitario)
Tapeworm, taenia. (cf. lgay, btok).
slngan, slngon, etc. From solng
to look at, see, etc.
sol, (B) Light, lamp; to light, give light,
shine. May sol (sug) kam? Have you a
light or lamp? Sl-i (solo) snda. (Sg-i
sil). Give them a light. Sinl-an na kam ti
knke kang pagpanug nmon. (Sing-an
nya kam sing knke sang mon
pagpanug). He lighted us down the stair
with a lamp. (cf. sug).
sologon, (H) Servant, menial, subject,
subordinate, domestic servant, helper,
assistant, employee. (cf. sg, mutstso,
alagd, sorogon).
solkban, (H) Measure, standard, gage
(for measuring dry and liquid goods). (cf.
sokb, talksan).
solk-solk, (H) The stomach,
abdomen; to give blows or fisticuffs
directed against the stomach or abdomen.
Masakt ang ya solksolk. He has
stomach-ache. Nagpagus sil sang la
solksolk (pagsolksolk) sa waly loyloy sa kalo nga to tbtub nga
nagkghad si sing dug. They exhausted
their rage on the poor fellow and without
the least mercy struck blow after blow with
their fists on his abdomen till he coughed
up blood. Ind mo si pagsolksolokn
(pagsumbagn sa solksolk). Dont strike
him on the stomach (with your fist). (cf.
solkton, (H) Debts to be collected, debts
due, payments to be demanded, amount to
be paid or gathered. May solkton ikw sa
ya? Does he owe you anything? Is there
any money owing to you that you can
demand of him? Pil ang solkton mo?
How much have you to collect? (cf. sokt,
solndan, (H) Rule, guide, example,
exemplar, model, paragon, pattern, type to
be followed or imitated. (cf. sund,
solondayn, Cover, shelter, protection,
privacy. Ang pagginhud sang mga bt
(sang kabatan) sa plsa wal gid sing
solondayn (hs) sa mon baly. Our
house is exposed to all the noise of the boys

Visayan-English Dictionary
on the public square. (cf. sorondayn,
hs, lipd).
solng, See sulngto shine through, be
transparent. Nagasolng ang dug sa ya
mga psngi kag bibg. The blood shines
through his (her) cheeks and lips.
slong, See slungto pay duty, etc.; to
defy, etc.
solng, (B) To see, look at, inspect, view.
Slnga di. (Tan-aw in). Look at this.
Nagsolng tna kang sne. (Nagtn-aw
si sang sne). He went to see the motion
pictures. Nakasolng ak kahpon kang
belda. (Nakatn-aw ak kahpon sang
belda). I saw the entertainment yesterday,
i.e. I was present at it. (cf. sulng, pslong
(pasolng), bild, tn-aw, tluk, himtad,
solopspan, (H) The mouthpiece ofa
pipe,a feeding bottle, etc. (cf. spsop,
solosbado, Every Saturday. (cf.
solosimna, Weekly, every week. (cf.
solpo, solpyo, (Sp. solfeo) Sol-fa,
solfeggio, solmization; to solfa, practise
tonic sol-fa, take lessons in singing.
slsol, To press or force upon, to insist on
anothers accepting or receiving something
offered him. Islsol sa ya inng mga
sging, ph, etc. Insist on his accepting
these bananas, mangoes, etc. Solsol gid
si sa pagpadyon sang ya
pagkamanunon. Press him to continue
his profession of teaching. Ginsolsoln
nya ak sing plak. He insisted on my
accepting some money. He made me take
some money. He forced some money on
soltro, soltra, (Sp. soltero, -a) Single,
a single man or woman, unmarried. (cf.
ly-aw, pamatn-on, olito, dalga).
somplang, sompilng, A piece of
rope fastened to the ankles and used for
climbing trees, posts, etc. (cf. sklit
climbing iron).
sonta, (Sp. sonata) Sonata, a piece of
music. (cf. tolokron).
sndol, To collide, knock or push against,
etc. See skdol.
snggab, To run afoul of, trip, make a
false step. See snggab, snggab.
sngkod, A stick, cane, staff, walking
stick; to use a walking stick; help, support.
Nagasngkod na si (May sngkod na si)
kon maglakt, kay tiglang na (si). He is
using a walking stick now when he goes
out, for he is old (is getting old). Isngkod
(Songkor) inng lipk. Use this piece of
split bamboo as a walking stick. Si am
ang ya sngkod sa ya katigulangn. He
is her support in her old age. (cf. bastn).
snlog, To tease, fool, mock, scoff, take
off, ridicule, parody, travesty, exasperate by
imitation or repetition of what another

solng sorondayn
does or says, to mimic. Ind ka magsnlog
sa kon. Ind mo ak pagsonlogn. Dont
mimic me. Dont mock, tease,
fool, me. (cf. tiwtaw, sulnga,
sonlognon, Mimicry, mockery,
travesty, parody, ludicrous imitation of
anothers ways; a mimic, scoffer, one who
ridicules or teases another; to tease,
ridicule, etc. (cf. snlog).
son, According to, in accordance with,
conformable to, in harmony with, in
conformity with. Son sa singid ni
Fulno. According to what N.N.
said. Son sinng bg-o nga
pagbultan. In conformity with this
new law. Son kay San Pblo.
According to St. Paul. Dl in son sa
(sang) katarngan. That is (was) not just.
(cf. silng).
snson, See sbsob, snsunto do often,
snson, Flexible, pliable matting, etc.
employed in building provisional storages
for rice and the like.
sob, sob, To put on a garment, to
dress, etc. See sklob, sl-ub. Sb-a ang
by mo. Put on your jacket.
sod, (B) To be nearly related, closely akin
or related (connected); to be close by, near
by. Nagasod bal ang nyo paghimat?
Are you, perhaps, nearly related? Dl gid
sod (Bokn ti sod, war pagsod) ang
mon pagparienthay. Our relationship is
not near. Sod gid ang nda (la)
paghimat. They are near relations. They
are quite closely related. Nagasod gid ang
nda (la) pagkabyan. They are intimate
friends. (cf. sumod).
sod-sod, Dim. and Freq. of sod. To
be rather closely connected, related, etc.
sok, To hollow out, undermine, eat away.
Nasokan (Ginsok sang tb) ang
pngpang sa ubs sang baly ni Fulno.
The bank near N.N.s house is undermined.
(cf. sok, b-ab, kbkab).
sok, Away from the centre, outskirts,
nook, corner, situated in the interior of the
country, an out-of-the-way place; to be
away from the centre, etc. (cf. dok, lok).
sol, (B) Sleeve. (cf. pak).
sol, (B) To pester, bother, annoy, be a
nuisance, cause loathing or aversion.
Ginasl-an ak sa bt nga parahb.
(Ginatk-an ak sa bt nga palahb).
The baby is always crying and it annoys me.
(cf. tak).
son, (B) To cover, enclose, surround, fit
well or closely. Di nga kl makason gid
sa lo ko. (Inng kl makasb gid sa
kon lo). This hat fits my head well. Sn-i
ti lon ang dulsra. (Butang sing takp
(tkpi) ang dulsra). Put the lid on the
preserve dish. Ison ang takp kang
botlya kang kalmay. (Ibutng ang takp

sa botlya sang kalmay). Put a (the) lid

on the sugar-jar. (cf. takp, lon).
sop, To cut off near the ground or roots.
Sopa ang paggnting sang kon bohk.
Cut my hair short. Pasopi ang bohk ko.
Give me a close crop. Ginsop nla ang
pagtaps sang khoy. They cut down the
tree close to the ground. Pasopi sang
galb ang bunglon. Keep the sickle near
the ground in cutting zacate. (cf. spsip).
sop, Close-shaven, close-cropped, closely
shorn, cut down to the ground. Kasop
sang ya mga kok, sang gnting sang ya
bohk, etc. His nails are cut very short, his
hair is closely shorn, etc. (cf. sop).
spas, (Sp. sopa) Soup; slices of bread for
soup. Mabakl ak knt sing spas. I
should like to buy slices of bread (biscuits,
etc.) for soup.
sopra, (Sp. sopera) Soup-tureen.
soplte, (Sp. soplete) Blow-pipe;
soldering iron.
sp, A childrens game played with
spsop, To sip, draw or suck in. Sopsop
ang hnsoy (snsoy). Suck, draw,
pull, at the pipe.
sopspan, Mouthpiece. See solopspan.
sorbte, (Sp. sorbete) Sherbet, ice-cream,
cooling fruit drink.
sr, To fizz, fizzle, hiss, bubble,
effervesce. Magasr (Masr) ang
limonda kon bksan (abrihn) mo ang
botlya. Lemonade effervesces when you
open the bottle.
sr, See brto be worried or sad, to
mutter, murmur, complain.
sorogon, (B) See sologonservant,
menial, etc.
sork-sork, (B) See solksolk
stomach, etc.
sorkton, (B) See solktondebts to be
collected, etc.
sorolsas, Ill-fitting, out of alignment, at
odds, at variance, contradictory,
disagreeing; to be out of harmony,
disagree, etc. Nagasorolsas inng mga
singid; tungd sin nd ak magpti.
These stories are contradictory; therefore I
will not believe them. Tungd kay wal
sing kasapuln ang la bd am nga
nagsorolsas ang mga hmos nla. For the
reason that they had come to no agreement
about their banquet, their preparations
were at cross purposes. (cf. talng, tlang,
sayp, dl sinnt, dl g, dl hilithog,
sorndan, (B) See solndanexample,
rule, etc.
sorondayn, (B) Cover, shelter, privacy,
screen, freedom from noise, observation,
etc. Ang baly ni Fulno war gid ti
sorondayn (wal gid (sing) hs) sa
(mon) baly nmon. N.Ns house is quite
open to observation from ours. Ang
pagginhud kang (sang) mga bt nga


sorso sbay
nagasipl (nagahmpang) sa gw war
gid ti sorondayn (wal gid sing hs) sa
suld sang simbhan. The noise of the
children playing outside can be clearly
heard in church. (cf. solondayn, hs).
sorso, To attack, assault, assail, rush at,
go for, be aggressive, fall upon. Ang id
nagsorso sa kon. Ginsorso ak sang
id. The dog attacked me. Sorosha si.
Attack him. Fall upon. Go for, him. (cf.
sarso, arnka).
sor-sr, Dim. and Freq. of sr. Also:
To boil gently, simmer. (cf. bor-br).
srot, (B) Very painful, severe, at its
height; to be very painful, etc. (of stomachache, or the like).
sortsot, (B) Swift, quick, voluble, rapid,
glib, very fluent (of speech); near together,
dense, close (of trees, plants, etc.); to talk
volubly, etc.; to be close together, etc. Ind
ak makasyod kang (sang) ginhmbal
mo, hay (kay) masortsot (mask,
magart). I cannot understand what you
are saying, for you speak so quickly, too
swiftly. Ind kaw (ikw) maghmbal
kankon ti masortsot (sa kon sing
masko, sing magart). Dont talk to me
so volubly, so swiftly. Ind mo
pagsorotsotn (pagsakon, paggarotn)
ang mo hmbal. Dont speak too quickly.
(cf. gart, kit).
sso, The female breast, paps; to suck the
breast; passoto give suck, give or offer
the breast, to suckle, nurse (feed) a baby.
Ang bt nagasso sa ya nga ily. The
baby is sucking its mothers breast.
Bulhan ang tin nga nagdal sa mo,
kag ang mga dghan nga ginss-an
(ginsoshan, ginsswan) mo. Blessed is
the womb that bore thee, and the paps that
gave thee suck. Pass-a (pasosha,
passwa) ang bt, kay gutm na. Give
the babysuck,the breast (Nurse or feed
the baby), for it is hungry. (cf. bre).
ss, To squash, squelch, smash, press,
compress, squeeze. (cf. nn, mm).
sosn, Group, troop, bunch, drove, party,
division. Madm nga mga sosn nga
mga (sang mga) to ang naglilgad sa
mon baly. Many groups of people passed
by our house. Tan-aw inng (yanng) is
ka sosn nga mga (sang mga) karabw
dir. Look at that herd of buffaloes over
there. (cf. hubn, bnghay, panng).
soson, To cover the head against rain or
sun, especially said of women loosening
their skirt and putting it over their head.
Magsoson ka lang, kay magauln. Cover
your head (with your skirt), for it is coming
on to rain. (cf. tkdung, kdong,
sta, (Sp. sota) Jack, knave (at cards).
Binb sang sta ang ya tinay. The
knave devoured his stake i.e. won it.
sotna, (Sp. sotana) Cassock, soutane.
sotnghon, A kind of Chinese vermicelli.


Visayan-English Dictionary
sotanlya, (Sp. sotanilla) A small cassock,
an acolythes cassock.
sots, Silk-string, silk-ribbon for
bordering garments, etc.
stsot, To thrust, push, poke,
upwards with a pole, etc., to prick from
below. Sotsot sang lipk ang ya til.
Prick his foot from below with the piece of
split bamboo. Sn-o bal ang nagstsot sa
kon kagb-i? Who may (can) have poked
me with a stick from below last night? (cf.
stsot, To incite, urge, stir up, impel,
push, instigate. Ginstsot ni Fulno ang
ya tud nga awyon ak. N.N. incited his
brother tofight,quarrel, with me. (cf.
sdyot, sgyot, tuld).
sysoy, To pound, to hull rice with a
pestle held in both hands and used with
little force. Soysoy ang dikdikn. Pound
the dikdikn (hulled rice still mixed with
some unhulled grains). (cf. tot, bay).
su, A kind of orange tree. Its acid fruit
and leaves are used for seasoning. (cf.
suk, The flower-bud of the coconutpalm, particularly the hard, tough sheaths
that envelope the flower before it blossoms
and falls; to bud (of coconuts). Nagasuk
na ang lub. The coconut-palm is budding.
(cf. swk).
sul, To lift up or turn over with the snout,
as pigs often do; to rail at, shout or bark at.
Nal ang humy sa tabg, kay ginsul
sang bboy. The rice in the harvesting
basket was spilt, for the pig overturned it
with its snout (suwl id).
sul-sul, sul-sal, Dim. and Freq. of
sul. (cf. suwlsuwl).
sum, Sugared water, sweet drink
(especially for infants).
suni, A sieve, colander, strainer, large
ladle with many perforations employed in
removing scum from the boiling juice of
sugarcane, or the like. (swni id.).
sut, To take out, extract, pick stitches,
threads, thorns, etc. with a needle or pin.
Suat sang dgum ang hlo, tunk (dgi),
etc. Take out the thread, the thorn, etc.
with the needle. (cf. sibt, panibt).
say, Quarrel, disagreement, difference,
dissention, misunderstanding, dispute,
altercation, tiff, squabble, words; to
quarrel, altercate, disagree, differ, fall out,
dispute, bandy words, squabble, wrangle,
bicker. May ginsay ak kahpon. I had a
quarrel yesterday. Ind kam magsay.
Dont wrangle. An ang nyo ginasuyan?
What are you squabbling about? Ind mo
si pagsuyon. Dont bandy words with
him. Dalyon (prme) gid lang sil
nagasinay. They are always quarrelling.
(cf. bag, bis).
suyang, A kind of fish-trap or fishing
net attached to a pole; to catch fish by
means of such a net. Ginasuyang nla ang

mga sd sa sub. They are catching fish in

the river with the suyang-net. (cf.
suwyang id.).
suy-say, Dim. and Freq. of say.
Dalyon gid lang sil nagasuysay
(nagasuluysay, nagasinuysay). They
are always quarrelling. (cf. basbis).
sub, River, stream. (cf. sap, log).
sb, To go up-river, go up-stream.
Nagsb si kana. A short while ago he
went up-river. Suba ang sap. Follow the
brook up-stream. Kon magsb ka sa
laps ang psk ddto ka sa baly nmon
madyon. When you travel mountainwards
after Easter Week (visit us and) stay at our
home. (cf. us-ogto go down-river).
subd, To swallow without chewing, to
swallow whole, gulp down, devour.
Ginsubd ang katin sang is ka mn-og.
A snake devoured the decoy-bird. (cf.
sibd, sb, halnhon, tuln, tukb, lmon,
sbak, (H) To add or mix with, put in,
especially to put meat or fish into a
vegetable side-dish, sauce, etc. Subki ang
tinla sing ginams. Put some pickled fish
into the vegetable dish. Isbak inng sd
sa sabw. Mix this fish with the sauce. (cf.
lngkay, lakt).
subk, Admixture, addition, solid morsel
or ingredient of meat, fish, etc. in soup,
sauce, broth, or the like. (cf. sbak, ptaw).
sb-an, From sub. Ginakasb-an
(ginakasubon) ko in. I am sorry for it.
sb-an, etc. From subto dress, etc.
subng, To rise, appear (of sun and
moon, etc.). Nagsubng na ang dlaw.
The sun has risen. (cf. btlak, sdlang,
subng, Firstling, first-fruit (of fruit,
vegetables, etc.). (cf. pangnay).
substa, (Sp. subasta) Auction; to
auction, sell by auction, put up for auction,
bring under the hammer. Substa pblika.
Public auction. Ginasubsta karn ang ya
dt. His lands are being sold by auction
(brought under the hammer). Subastah
lang ang ya karabw, agd mabayran
ka. Just sell his buffalo by auction that you
may get your payment. (cf. balgy,
sub-sba, A small, white-winged moth.
(cf. sugb-sgba).
sbat, To gnaw, nibble, root (as a pig
does). Sinubtan nga mas. Corn that has
been gnawed at (by pigs or the like).
suby, Ant (in general). (cf. pal, lsg,
aymaym, bahwbahw, tigsaw,
sbay, To measure and divide the
harvest, particularly said of the measuring
of threshed and winnowed rice in presence
of the owner of the land and of his tenant
or tenants, each one being allotted his
share. Masbay (magasbay) kit sa bus
sang ton humy. To-morrow we shall

Visayan-English Dictionary
measure and divide our rice. Subya ang
humy. Measure the rice-crop. (cf. sokb,
taks, bhin, prte).
sbhan, For subohn from subto
temper, etc.
subng, A kind of primitive bamboo
whistle or mouth organ; flute, lyre; panpipe.
sb-it See sb-itto put or hang on, etc.
sblak, Generation, progeny, offspring.
(cf. inalabab, himat).
sblang, To meet, encounter one another
coming from different directions, as the
one coming up, the other going down, or
the one going in, the other coming out of a
room, interview, etc.; to meet one another
in passing. Nagsublangnay sil nga
duh. The two of them passed each other.
(cf. sumlang, sugat, sug-law).
sblang, To go near, approach, attack; to
oppose, go against, prevent, stop, put a stop
(an end) to. Malalangn ang pagsblang
sang balatan, pang dl sang
kamatyon. Diseases can be prevented, but
death not (cannot be prevented). (cf.
palapt, sorso; tblaw, tpn, put).
sbl, Replacement of another,
substitution, inheritance; to supply,
take, anothers place, to replace another,
take over his work or place, to inherit,
become the successor of. Subli ang bra
nya. Take over the work from him.
Replace him at his task. Ginsbl nya ang
ya nga mnggad. He inherited his wealth.
Nagsbl sa ya si Fulno sa pagpandl
sa buluthan. N.N. took his place at
teaching in the school.
sub, Sorrow, grief, sadness, distress,
woe, affliction; to be or become sorrowful,
sad, unhappy, woe-begone, etc.; to grieve,
mourn, repine. Nagsub ang ya
tagiposon. His heart was grieved,
saddened. Nagakasub si tungd sang
balt nga ya nabton. He feels sad over
the news he received. Ginakasubon ko gid
in. I am very sorry for it. Dl mo igkasub
in. Dont get downcast over that.
Ginakasubon nya sing dak ang
balatan sang ya ily. He is in great
distress about his mothers illness. Dl mo
pagpasubon ang mo mga giniknan.
Dont grieve your parents.
sub, To pour water over live coals, over
heated iron, etc.; to harden, temper, steel,
make brittle by means of water. Salslon
nga nasbwan (sinbwan, sinubon,
sinubohn, nasbhan, sinbhan). Iron
tempered by dipping in water. Sbhan
(Sbwan, subohn) mo sing tbig ang
kalyo. Pour water on the fire. Extinguish
the fire by pouring water over it. Nagsub
si sang ya binngon. He tempered his
bolo (by making it red-hot and dipping it in
water). Ipasub sa pnday ang mo
binngon. Let the smith put a hard edge to
your bolo.

sbhan sdy
sub, Tempering, temperament,
character, disposition. Wal pagsahoy
ang la nga sub; gn sing masnsun sil
nagaway. Their temperaments are
different; hence they often quarrel. (cf.
gw, batsan).
subg, A fish-basket carried at the hip
and provided with an opening armed with
spikes that point inward and so prevent the
escape of fish, crabs, shrimps, etc. The
subg is similar to an alt, except for the
lid with a spiked opening.
sbok, To root, turn up the earth with the
snout as pigs do. Ang mga bboy
nagasbok sang dt dir. The pigs are
rooting there. Inng bh sinubkan sang
bboy. The pig was rooting in this hole
orthis hole was made by the rooting of
the pig. Ind mo pagpasubkon ang bboy
dir sa atubngan sang baly. Dont
permit the pig to root here in front of the
house. (cf. bok).
sbok, To be or become rough, hairy,
prickly (of leaves, or the like).
subk-sbok, Dim. and Freq. of sbok.
sbol, See sbolto expel, banish, etc.
subl, The new feathers of a fowl growing
under the old feathers that are being
subl-subl, In the proximity of, very
near by, close by; to be near by, etc. See
sbol, soblsobl id.
subn, (B) In time to come, in the future,
later, after some time. Subn patindogn
ko ang sngka baly nga bg-o. (Sa olhi
patindogn ko ang is ka baly nga bgo). After some time I shall have a new
house built. Sa tuld kady nd pa, pay
subn hod mapamanl ak. (Sa karn
nd pa, pang sa olhi ho mapamanl
ak). Not just at present, but later on, yes, I
shall go to Manila. Subn (Sa olhi, kunna)
bklan ta ikw ti kl nga madlig (sing
matahm nga kl). Later on I shall buy
you a beautiful hat. (cf. olhi, kunna,
palaabton, ogling).
sbsub, See sbsobto fall down face
foremost, prone.
sbsub, To knock the point of a thing
against something else, to put one end or
point of a thing into fire, water, or the like.
subk, Hungry, empty (of stomach). (cf.
gutm, ginagtum).
sbul, sbol, Also: to approach, come
near; to be agressive, to attack, assault, fall
upon. (cf. lapt, padulng; sarso, salso,
sbung, To alloy, reduce or impair by
mixture, especially said of gold being mixed
with a baser metal. (cf. sinbung).
sbung, As, like, similar to, resembling.
Damk ikw nga sbung sang bboy. You
are as dirty as a pig. Sbung sin. At once,
at this very instant, right away,
immediately, without delay. Mayo man
kam sing lwas nga sbung sang sa

gihpon. We are in good health as ever.

Taktak si nga sbung nga sinkup sang
nyo katilngban. Dismiss him from
membership in (as a member of) your
society. Ind ka magsbung sin. Dont act
like that. Dont do such a thing. (cf. daw,
tuld, parho, kangay, katlad).
subng, See sbung. Subng sin
(sbung sin)at once, etc.
sbung, To exhale, steam. Nagasbung
ang nit sa ya lwas. The heat is steaming
from his body. (cf. sbong).
sbwag, To sow, spread, strew. See sbog, sbwag, sbud.
sbwan, From sub. (cf. sbhan id.).
sd-an, A side-dish to eat with rice,
especially fish or meat. Also used as a verb.
Sud-an ang kn-on sing sd. Eat (Take)
some fish with the rice (you are eating).
Ginpasud-ann nya kam sing krne. He
gave us a side-dish of meat. Pasud-an sil
sing sd. Give them some fish to eat with
the rice. Prepare or provide some fish as a
side-dish to eat with their rice. (cf. ikon,
dpl, darpl).
sudng-sudng, An idler, loafer, one
who goes about visiting houses, etc. for the
sake of conversation, distraction, or the
like. The augmentative form
panudngsudng is more in use as a verb.
Wal si sing trabho, knd
nagapanudngsudng si. He has nothing
to do but just goes about visiting. Wal
sing puls yanng pamatn-on;
sudngsudng gid lmang si. That young
man is no good; he is a mere loafer. (cf.
landlndo, lagwlgaw, haryhray,
sdlan, etc. From suldto enter, fill,
sdlib, To set fire to, burn. (cf. sndi,
sndot, dbok, ttud, snug).
sdlut, To prod, prick, sting; instigate. (cf.
sntok, tslok).
sud, See sodto draw, pull, etc.
sd-o, See sod, sd-o.
sd-ong, sd-ung, To approach, come
near; to help, give shelter or protection. (cf.
palapt, blig, tbang).
sdsud, To go on an errand in person, do
personally, venture out or abroad. Am gid
gn in ang kon ginsdsud dir sa tung
ang gb-i. That was the reason why I came
here in person in the middle of the night.
(cf. kdaw, dkaw, gnaw, td).
sdsud, A scraper; to scrape off, rub off,
erase. (cf. hdhod).
sdsud, A fishing net that is mostly used
for catching fish at night; to catch fish (at
night) by means of the sdsud-net.
sdy, To examine into, investigate, exact
an account, make answerable for.
Pagasudyan kunna sang Dis ang tann
nga mga ginbhat sang to. God will later
on exact an account of all the deeds that a
man has done. (cf. skm, skn).


sdyang sgnud
sdyang, A sharp splinter. (cf. syak,
ngon, dalngag, dgi).
sdyot, To incite, stimulate, urge, tempt.
(cf. sgyot, splut, tuld, stsut, stsot).
suldo, (Sp. sueldo) Wages, wage, pay,
salary, stipend; to salary, paywages,a
salary. Sueldoh si sing napl ka
mngmang ang blan. Pay him a salary of
ten pesos a month. Pil ang suldo mo?
How much salary do you receive? How
much do you receive in wages? How much
pay do you get? (cf. shol, byad,
balyran, binulnblan).
surte, (Sp. suerte) Lot, fate, risk,
venture, chance, luck, fortune, hazard,
accident. (cf. plad, kapalran).
sug, (H) Lamp, lantern, light; to light (a
lamp). Suga (sg-i) ang balatonn. Light
up the reception room. Sg-i kam dir.
Light a lamp for us here. Bring us a light.
Ari na si Fulno, kay nagasga ang sug
sa ya nga hult. N.N. is here now, for the
lamp in his room is lit. (cf. snag, wag,
sol, knke, tnghoy, kapw, lampar).
sugabw, A small weir (lg-i) used in
fish-traps or fish-corrals in rivers,
especially in the fish-corral called pailg or
sugd, To follow, imitate, mimic, copy; to
reach, come to. (cf. sund, log, snlug,
sg-ak, To fill, be full, to overflowing,
be brimful, choke-full; to spirt, stream, flow
out or over. (cf. sulg-ak).
sugakb, Leaves of the buri palm, etc.
sewn together and used as a protection
against the rain; a primitive raincoat made
of such leaves. (cf. salokb).
sugakd, To cause a swelling and give
pain, stick out prominently, be palpable (of
splinters, thorns, etc. sticking in the flesh).
Nagasugakd ang tunk (dgi) sa kon
til. The thorn in my foot is quite
perceptible by the touch.
sugl, Gambling, gaming; to gamble,
game, especially playing at cards. Batd si
magsugl (sa pagsugl). He is an expert at
gambling. Ind kam magsugl sa kon
baly. Ind nnyo pagsugaln ang kon
baly. Dont gamble in my house. Dalyon
gid lang sil nagasugl (nagasinugl).
The are always gambling.
suglan, Gambling-house, gaminghouse, gaming-saloon, casino, place,
room, table, etc. where gambling is
indulged in. (cf. sugl, sugarl).
sug-law, sug-alw, (B) To meet,
encounter, come upon, fall in with,
especially said of persons coming from
different directions. Kang pagsug-alawy
(Sang pagsugatay) nmon nagdungn
(nagdngan) kam padlung sa
Ilnglong. When we met we went on
together in the direction of Iloilo. Sugalwa sa dlan. (Sagata si sa dlan).


Visayan-English Dictionary
Try to fall in with him on the road. (cf.
sgat, sugat, sumlang, samlang).
sg-an, From sugto light a lamp.
sugarl, Habitual cardplayer, gambler,
gamester. (sugl; cf. tahr).
sgat, To go to meet. Sgat ka sa ya.
Sugta si. Go to meet him. (cf. alwlaw,
sgat, A solemn funeral in which the
priest goes out to meet the corpse either at
the house of the dead or at some distance
from the church.
sugat, (H) To meet from opposite or
different directions. Ang pagsugatay ni
Hess kag sang ya Ily. The meeting of
Jesus and his Mother. (cf. sug-law,
sblang, sumlang).
sugatn, Place of meeting; the arch
erected for the purpose of celebrating the
ceremonies of the joyful meeting of the
Risen Christ and His Blessed Mother on
sgba, To chance or happen to be
present, attend. Nakasgba si sa
katipnan sang mga nd sa ya nga
bnghay. He happened to be present at a
meeting of men that were not of his party.
(cf. tmbong).
sgba, To throw into the fire, scorch,
singe, roast. Isgba ang papl, krne, etc.
sa kalyo. Throw the paper, meat, etc. into
the fire. (cf. bog, haw).
sugb-sgba, A white moth. (cf.
subsba id.). Also: a turn-coat,
changeling, waverer, one who easily
changes his faith, opinion, friends, etc.
sgbo, To plunge in; to do for the first
time, enter a profession, make the first
plunge in life, etc. Sgbo ka sa tbig.
Plunge into the water. Bg-o pa lang si
magsgbo sa pagpandl. Only recently
he entered the teaching profession.
Ginsugbohn sang karabw ang
tulgban. The buffalo plunged or jumped
into the mudhole.
sghay, To go from place to place, walk
about, travel; to walk the streets, stroll,
loaf, loiter, idle away the time, walk about
aimlessly. Nagasghay gid lang sil sang
mga dlan. They are just strolling (loafing,
loitering) about, walking up and down the
streets. Ang mga trak nagasghay na
sang madm nga kabanwahnan.
Trucks are now plying between, passing
and repassing between, many towns. (cf.
lakt, balkblik; landlndo,
lagwlgaw, tiygtiyg).
sghut, To creep or crawl through a hole,
enter through a small opening or aperture,
force a way through. Nagsghut si sa
makit nga mga pinn sang mga
kahykahy. He crept through the dense
thickets (brushwood). (cf. shot, shut).
sgi, See asgimercury, etc.

sug, To ignite, kindle, set fire to, light.

Sugih (sgya) ang slong. Set fire to the
pitch. (cf. sndi, dig, dbok).
sgid, Talk, tale, story, conversation,
account, report, statement, narrative,
relation, yarn, declaration, information,
news; what is or has been told or said; to
tell, say, speak out, set forth, state, declare,
unfold, inform, disclose, give utterance to.
An ang sgid (singid) nya? What did he
say? Sgid na. Tell it now. Speak out.
Isgid mo sa ya in. Tell him that. Sugri
ak sang nahanab ddto. Tell me what
happened there. Ginpaandamn nya sil
nga nd magsgid sa bisn kay sn-o sang
ya nga ginhm. He warned them not to
tell anybody what he had done. Ang ya
ginsgid butg. What he said is (was) a lie.
(cf. hmbal, plong, silng).
sugd-sgid, Dim. and Freq. of sgid.
Talk, gossip, rumour, report, hearsay,
tittle-tattle; to rumour, whisper, gossip, tell
tales, relate. (cf. konkno,
sugilmbong, Short essay, story, novel,
romance, fictitious tale. (cf. sgid,
sugilnon, mbong).
sugilnon, (H) Conversation, talk, chat;
to chat, have a conversation, talk to each
other. Nakakitay kam ni Fulno, pang
wal kam magsugilanony. N.N. and
myself saw each other, but we did not talk
to each other. An na man ang la
ginasugilnon dir? What are they talking
about there again? Ang but nton
pagasugilannan karn am ang bg-o
nga pagbult-an. What we wish to talk
over amongst ourselves is the new law.
(cf. hambr, hambalnon, odydoy).
sugilanonn, (H) Drawing room,
waiting room, entrance hall, lobby. (cf.
sgid, sugilnon; balatonnreception
sugr-om, (B) To blacken, become
swarthy, etc. See sagr-om, sagl-om, itm,
sgkay, (B) A fine-tooth comb; to comb
(and catch lice) with such a comb. Sugkay
ang bohk na. (Sulra ang ya bohk).
Comb his hair with a fine-tooth comb. (cf.
husy, slud).
sgmad, To place, set, fish-traps; to
commence the building of a fish-corral
(punt), ramming in the upright posts
(sok), etc. Nakasgmad na kam sang
punt? Have you started building the fishcorral? Ipasgmad (Sugmar (-ad)) na
ang punt, kay natigna na ang mga
kawyan (nga pulnton). Let work on the
fish corral (fish-trap) begin now, for the
bamboo for it is ready.
sgnud, To stir the fire, push the burning
wood inwards, in order that the fire may
burn better. Isgnud ang gatng sa
kalyo. Stir the fire. Push the fire-wood
further into the centre of the fire. Sugnur

Visayan-English Dictionary
ang ting-ang. Gather together or stir the
fire for boiling rice.
sg-o, To be in a bad humour, be or
become refractory, obstinate. See pasg-o.
sgok, Very fat, bull-necked, pot-bellied.
(cf. baragok).
sgp, Blood-spitting; to spit blood,
vomit, throw up, blood. Nagsgp si
kahpon. He spit blood yesterday.
Ginasgp si. He is subject to bloodspitting. (cf. kghad, ska, lad).
sgpay, To starve, famish, become
exhausted (through hunger). (cf. spay).
sgpon, To splice, add to in length,
prolong, join, continue. Sugpon ang duh
ka ps. Join the two strings together.
Sugpon ang kalt, kay malp-ot. Join
another piece to the rope, for it is too short.
Isgpon inng lbid. Add this string or
cord. Ind ka magsgpon sa mga dinpak
nga halambalnon. Dont join in, take
part in, indecent conversations.
sgud, A kind of reed similar in
appearance to tgbaw, but with a stalk
covered with tiny hairs.
sugd, To sting, prick, bite, said of
insects. Ginsugd ak sang putykan. I
was stung by the bee.
sgud, (H) To begin, commence, start,
enter upon. Sgud na kam sang
pagardo, pagni, nobna, rosryo, etc.
Sgdi na nnyo ang pagardo, ang
nobna, ang rosryo, etc. Begin to plough,
to harvest the rice, the novena, the rosary,
etc. Nasgdan na ang pagpatndog sang
baly. The building of the house has now
begun. Sn-o ang nagsgud sang
pakigway? Who started the fight, who
began fighting? Kon sumgud ka sing is
ka butng tapson mo gid. If you start
something, carry it through to the end. (cf.
sugng, To force, compel, insist. Ind mo
si pagsnggon (pagsugungn) sa
pagpangabdlay sing tm. Dont make
him work too hard. (cf. aht, plit).
sugng, Grievous, serious, hard to bear,
grave; to become grievous or hard to bear.
Sugng na, kon, ang ya pagbt. They
say he is seriously ill now. Nagasugng na
ang ya balatan. His sickness is getting
serious. Kon magsugng ang ya balatan
twgon nnyo ang Pr. In case his
sickness becomes serious, call the priest.
(cf. sngsang).
sugt, Conform, conformable, agreeable,
agreeing, willing, granting; to agree,
accede, defer to, fall in with, concur, assent,
acquiesce, to conform to, approve of. Sugt
ka sin? Do you agree to that? Do you
allow it or approve of it? Nagkasugtnay
na sil. They have come to an agreement or
understanding. Ind mo si pagsgtan
sang am nga mga butng. Dont give him
your consent with regard to those things.
Pasgta si. Let him agree. Make him give
his consent. Pasgti si. Let him have his

sg-o sukb
way. Balasoln gid ang batsan sdtong
mga giniknan nga la ginapasgtan lang
ang la mga bt sang tann nla nga
luyglyag. It is very blameworthy in those
parents who allow their children to have
their own way in everything.
sg-ut, To bind hemp-fibre together and
roll it up neatly in a basket previous to
putting it on a reel and forming it into
hanks, etc. Sug-ut ang lnot. Get the
hemp-fibre ready for reeling. (cf. tgak,
sug-utn, sug-tan, The basket used
in the operation of sg-ut. (cf. tagakn id.).
sug-ton, sug-utn, Hemp-fibres to
be got ready for the reel.
sgyot, To urge on, egg on, tempt,
induce, stir up, agitate, excite, provoke,
arouse, instigate. Ginsgyot nya si sa
pagpadyon sang kasb. He urged him
on to continue the lawsuit. Ind mo si
pagsugyotn sa pagpahaln sang ya
agsadr. Dont induce him to dismiss
(send away) his leaseholder. Si Eba
nagpasgyot sa yw. Eve allowed herself
to be seduced by the devil. (cf. sdyot id.).
suh, A kind of small orange. See su id.
suhg, To fall out, disagree, be
inconvenient or incongruous; be not in
accord. (cf. sihg, sipk, simng, hbag).
shut, To creep or crawl through a narrow
passage, etc. See shot, sghut id.
sutik, Pick-pocket, thief. (cf. sigumr,
ska, Vomiting, vomit; to vomit, to bring
up, be sick. Nagska si sang ya kinon
orginska nya ang ya kinon. He
vomited what he had eaten. Ang id
nagblik sa ya ska or sinka
(ginsukhan, sinukhan). The dog is
returned to his vomit (the place where he
sukb, To lift slightly the edge of, to raise
the hem or border as of a mat, carpet, etc.
Sukab ang amkan, kay tan-awn ko
kon an ang r sa idlum. Raise the mat
a little, for I want to see what is underneath
it. Ang atp sinukabn sang hngin sing
ttlo ka pnid nga sin. The wind lifted
three sheets of galvanized iron off the roof.
Ginsukb nla ang bat kag naspwan sa
idlum ang is ka dak nga iw-wi. They
lifted one side of the stone and discovered
underneath a huge scorpion. (cf. ukb,
sukb, tukb).
skad, To ladle or take out rice from a
kettle, scoop out (rice, etc.). Sukra ang
kn-on sa klon. Take the rice out of the
kettle or cooking pot. Sukri ak sing knon, kay ginagtum ak. Take out some rice
for me; I am hungry. (cf. hakd).
sk-ad, To scoop or tear out. See lk-ad
id. (cf. sbok).
sukmod, To stumble, trip in walking,
fall to the ground. (cf. dgp, dsm).

skang, To tread or trample on, take a

firm stand on, step on. (cf. tpak, lpak,
tikng, skad).
skat, Match, mate, the equal of another
in any kind of work; to be a match or mate
on equal terms. Inng duh ka to
nagasukaty sa sugilnon,
pagpangabdlay, paglakt, etc. These two
men are equal to each other in their powers
of conversation, in bearing the fatigues of
work, in marching, etc. Ind ikw
makaskat sa kon sa paglakt. You are
no match for me (not my match) in
walking. (cf. tupng, tpung).
skat, To measure (clothes, etc.). Sukti
ak sing is ka trno. Measure me for a
suit of clothes. Make me a suit of clothes to
measure. (cf. taks, skol).
sukt, Anniversary, annual celebration,
anything a year old or of a year ago; to be a
year old, to be the anniversary of. Sukt na
ang (sang) paghaln nya dir. It is now a
year ago since he left here. Inng
kaadlwan am ang ikp-at ka pagsukt
sang. This day is the fourth anniversary
of. Nagsukt na ang humy sa sinng
tabungs. The rice in this tabungs-basket
is now a year old. Inng to ginasukatn
gid sang ya pinatubs (patubs) nga
humy. The rice-harvest of this man is
going to be a year old (before he touches it)
i.e. he has so much left over from former
harvests, that he is really not in need of the
new harvest. Kon magsukt (sumukt) na
ang dlaw sang. When the day of
comes round.
sukt-skat, Dim. and Freq. of skat
to measure, etc.
sk-ay, A plough; to plough. (cf. ardo,
sk-ay, To dig, to turn up earth, etc. Sukay ang dt. Turn up the earth. Ginaskay nla ang dt. They are raking or
turning up the earth. Isk-ay sa dt inng
sadl. Use this hoe to turn up the soil with.
suky (sang lo), To collect (ones
thoughts); cudgel (ones brains). (cf.
padlum (sang hunhn); palntong,
palibg (sang lo)).
suky, To part asunder grass, etc.
Ginsuky nla ang tgbaw, agd
maghaps ang paggi dir. They parted
the tgbaw-reeds, in order that the passage
might become easy. Sukay ang kgon,
kahilamonn, etc. Part the cogon, grass,
etc. asunder.
sk, Customer, client, regular buyer or
visitor. Sk ko si. He is one of my regular
suk, A small bamboo cup for measuring
out toddy or for drinking out of.
sukb, To lift the edge of, open a little in
order to peep in, have a look at. Sukib ang
kmbung, ang bal, etc. Open the curtain,
the trunk, etc. a little (and see what is
behind or inside). (cf. sukb).


sk-it sul
sk-it, To hang on a peg, etc. See sb-it.
Isk-it ang kl mo sa lnsangorsukit ang lnsang sang kl mo. Hang your
hat on the nail.
skl, Silk. See skl id.
skl, To change, exchange, take and give
an equivalent, return in kind. Kuhon ko
lang inng mo kimno, kay suklin ko
lang ikw sing is nga bg-o man kon
magkdto ak sa Ilnglong. Ill take this
kimono of yours and buy a new one for you,
when I go to Iloilo. (cf. bylo, lis, byad).
skm, To take to task for, etc. See
skmat, See skm, skn.
skn, See skm, skn.
sk, Plenty, galore, abundant, excessive,
exorbitant, too much, very much. Sk
kadagy karn ang mga ph. Mangoes
at present are plentiful. Sk kamahl
karn ang (sang) bil sang sd. The price
of fish is exorbitant now. (cf. laks, tm,
masydo, lm-ag, dro).
sukd, Fate, chance, luck, fortune,
opportunity, occasion; bad luck,
misfortune, hard lines. (cf. plad,
kapalran; busit).
sukt, See soktto exact payment, etc.
skut, Fierce, vehement, violent (of
fighting, pain, etc.); to increase, augment,
be or become vehement, be at its height.
(cf. sngsang, sugng, hinurungn).
sul, A part of a tuber with at least one eye
in it for planting; to cut up tubers into
sul. Sulah ang bi. Cut the bi in
pieces. Sulah ak sing ttlo ka sul nga
bi. Cut for me three pieces of bi (for
sulb, The edge of a cutting tool. Sa sulb
sang binngon. With the edge of the bolo.
(cf. surb).
sl-ab, (H) Acidity of the stomach,
flatulence; to develop or form acidity, be
full of wind. Nagasl-ab ang kon
solksolk. My stomach is affected with
sulagt, Inconvenient; too tight. See
sulpgot id.
sulgpot, See sulagt, sulpgot.
slak, To throw, hurl, fling. (cf. tlak,
pilk, haby).
slak, To start planting, building, etc. See
pandlak, which is more commonly used.
sulkwid, To get ones foot caught or
entangled. Nakasulkwid ang kon til sa
gamt sang khoy. My foot caught in the
roots of the tree.
sullob, sullub, See sullum
sullum, Chickenpox, varicella; a kind of
eruptive and contagious disease. Sullob
sulmbaw, (H) A fishing net. See


Visayan-English Dictionary
sulmbaw, To fasten the knife above,
instead of below, the spur of a game-cock in
sulmpaw, See sulmbaw.
slang, To go in, enter, said especially of
fish entering the pasulangn; to make
enter. Sulnga ang mga sd sa
pasulangn, agd madakp gid nton.
Make the fish enter the inner trap, that we
may be sure to catch them.
slang, To interrupt, intrude upon. Ind
mo pagsulngon ang babylan sa ya mga
buluhatn. Dont interrupt the hocus-pocus
of the (superstitious practitioner) medicine
sulng, (B) The chin. (cf. solng, sgang).
slang, Also: to meet, welcome. (cf. suglaw, sugat, alw-law).
suln, To flatter, ingratiate oneself with,
wheedle, cajole, fool, trick. (cf. uns, uts,
odt, huln, hs, lg-it).
sulnting, Shrill, piercing, audible at a
great distance, carrying far; to utter a shrill,
piercing, loud cry, to shriek. (cf. slik).
sulpgot, Inconvenient, impeding on
account of being too tight; to be too tight,
etc. Ang kon kamisn makitd (masipt),
gn nagasulpgot kon maglakt ak. My
chemise is too narrow, consequently it
hinders (inconveniences) me when I walk.
(cf. sulagt, sulgpot).
sulpuk, Whim, fancy, caprice, sudden
turn or start, impulsiveness, impetuosity;
to do or act impulsively, hastily; to rush.
Sulpuk sang kabubt-on. A sudden fancy
or impulse of the will. Nagsulpuk
(sumulpuk) ang dug sa ya lo. The
blood rushed to his head. (cf. hinal, hinl,
dals, tabins).
sult, Letter, writing, script, handwriting,
penmanship, calligraphy; to write, pen.
Sulat in. Write this (it down). Sulat si.
Write him. Sinult. Written. Nakabton ka
sang ya sult? Have you received his
letter? Ang mga sinulatn ni Fulno
nabntug na. N.N.s writings have become
famous. Mayo si magsult. He writes a
good hand. He is a good writer. Ilakp sa
sult inng retrto. Enclose this photo in
the letter. Isult sa ya ang nahanab.
Write him and tell him what happened.
Ind, kay nasult. No, because it is
sult, Pain in the back. (cf. solt, skmat).
sult-slat Dim. and Freq. of sult.
Dalyon gid lang si, nagasultslat sing
mga binalybay. He is constantly dabbling
at writing poetry.
sulat, See solatto connect broken
ends of thread, etc.
sulw, (B) To see, look at, etc. See sulng.
(Sulawslnga, sulung).
slay, To walk through pelting rain, flying
bullets, etc., to brave, defy opposition,
challenge difficulties. Ginslay nya ang

uln, bgyo, nit, etc. He went out (did his

work) in spite of the rain, the storm, the
heat, etc. Sulya lang ang mga lis. Brave
the rain of bullets. Sinlay nya sing
mattum ang tann nga mga kabudlyan
kag kalisd. He bravely (courageously,
pluckily) went through all fatigues and
difficulties. (cf. sray).
slay, Prop, support, shore, a length of
cane or wood put up in a leaning position
to prevent a house, wall, fence, etc. from
falling; to prop, prop up, support, shore up.
Sulyi ang baly mo, agd nd mapkan
sang hngin. Put props to your house, lest
the wind should blow it over. Magslay
(manlay, magpanlay) na kit sang ton
mga baly, kay may bgyo nga maabt.
Let us shore up our houses (with leaning
supports), for a storm is approaching. (cf.
tokan upright or vertical prop for floors,
suly, To tempt, try to seduce, lead into
temptation, put to the test, provoke, incite,
entice, persuade (especially to do evil). Ind
mo si pagsulayn. Donttempt him,
put him to the test. Si Hess ginsuly sang
yw (manunlay). Jesus was tempted by
the devil (tempter). (cf. hgad, stsut,
sgyot, tuld).
suly, To split, cleave apart, separate
from. (cf. slhay).
slda, (Sp. soldar) Soldering material; to
solder, weld. Suldah ang sim. Solder the
galvanized iron. Islda inng tmg sa
tohk sang alhbi. Use this lead to solder
the hole in the water tank.
sulras, See solrasfloor-beam.
slhan, slhan, From shul, shol,to
pay wages, etc.
slhay, To be easy to split or to cleave
apart; to separate from, disperse, push or
drive away. (cf. tlh, suly, sipk, way,
haln, tbug).
slhay, (B) To feel fresh, be comfortable,
as after a bath on a hot day, or the like.
Nagslhay ron ang pamtyag ko, hay
nakapargos ak. (Nagprsko (Prsko) na
ang kon pamtyag, kay nakapalgos
ak). I feel quite fresh now, because I have
taken a bath. (cf. prsko, twhay, mayo).
sul, Upside down, topsy-turvy, head over
heels, reverse, inverted; to turn upside
down, invert the order of things, etc. Sul,
ang pagpatndog nla (nnda) sinng
halgi (kady nga hargi). Ginsul nla
(nnda) ang pagpatndog sinng halgi
(kady nga hargi). They planted (set up)
this post upside down. Sulin mo ang
panghgd (pamatng) mo sa mo
higdan (sa baratngan mo). Turn right
round on the bed, lie the other way about,
lie with your head where your feet are now.
Natab ang sul sang la ginpaabt.
Nagsul ang la nga ginlum. (Natab ang
sul kang nda ginpaabt). The reverse of
what they expected came to pass. (cf.
balskad, balikw, balkwat, kulb).

Visayan-English Dictionary
slib, To smoke out (bees, etc.); to set fire
to cogon-grass, burn out a jungle (kaingn)
or the like. (cf. paas, slab, snug, ttud).
sulg, A small fish with reddish stripes.
sulikp, To sneak or slink away, etc. See
saliptpot, pasaliptpot.
sulnga, Mockery, ridicule; to scoff, mock,
ridicule. (cf. sinulnga).
sulingt, To be angry, to frown, sulk, be
offended, look dark or cross, etc. (cf.
suringt, bulingt, buringt, sngon,
sulp, Turned up (of eyes); to turn up (said
of the eyes of one in a fit or at the point of
death). Nagasulp ang mat sang bt
nga ginaabt sang masoswlo. A child in a
convulsive fit turns up its eyes. (cf. durs;
pasulpto glance upon, cast a glance
upon, etc.).
sulp, slip, To squeeze oneself through
a small aperture, creep or crawl into a hole,
etc. with bent body. Sulip ang bla sa
idlum sang tytay. Crawl under the
bridge and get the ball. Ind ka makasulp
(makaslip) dir. You cannot squeeze
yourself through there. (cf. shot, srip).
slit, To repeat, do (over) again, iterate,
reiterate, recur, revert, resume. Sulton mo
ang pagbsa sang tuln-an. Sultan mo
sang bsa ang tuln-an. Read the book
once more. (cf. liwn, liwt).
sult-slit, Dim. and Freq. of slit.
sulop, sulup, See the following slp.
slp, (B) A piece of bamboo of two joints
length used as a receptacle for hulled rice
(for use in the family). (cf. bulugsan,
burugsan, tagbtub, talbtub, pask).
slp, To dislocate, dislodge, sprain; to be
a candidate for a second term of office.
Naslp (Nagkaslp) ang ya abga. His
shoulder was dislocated. Si Fulno
nagpaslp, pang wal si pagsulpo
sang mga pumilil. N.N. offered his
candidacy again, but the electors did not
return him to office. Ginslp nla ang
dan nga panglo-bnwa. They voted
again for the old Municipal President. (cf.
lw-as, lak).
slput, To clean out a tube, etc. by
pushing a feather, straw, piece of wood, or
the like, through it. Sulput ang lgtok sa
mo hnsoy (sa snsoy mo). Clean the dirt
out of your pipe or cigarholder. Ginslput
nya (na) ang hnsoy, kay (snsoy, hay)
mapn-ot. He cleaned the stem of his pipe,
because it did not draw well. Islput inng
bagt sa tbo nga salslon, kay pun sang
sgbot. (Islput ding bagt sa tbo nga
salslon, hay but kang rm). Push this
pole through the iron tube, for it is full of
rubbish. (cf. slsug).
slput, A rammer, ramrod (of a gun); a
piston-like rod used for detonating a popgun; a hollow cylindrical mould for the
making of small cakes or tablets of cocoa
(cacao, chocolate).

slib sulumbk
slsug, See slput, with the difference
that slsug implies a motion backwards
and forwards, and slput just one push
slsul, To press upon, insist, etc. See
sultda, soltda, (From the Sp. soltar)
A bout, round (as at cards, boxing, cockfighting, fencing, etc.).
sultn, (Sp. sultn) Sultan. (cf. hr,
sultna, (Sp. sultana) Sultana, sultaness.
slta, sultr, (Sp. soltar) To release, let
go; to commence gambling, cock-fighting,
boxing, etc.
suluayn, (H) Discussion, debate, project
or bill to be debated; that is to be discussed,
disputed or to be quarrelled about. (cf.
say, suluayn; suluwayn id.).
suluayn, (H) Quarrel, squabble, scuffle,
wrangle; cause or motive of a quarrel. (cf.
say, suluayn; suluwayn id.).
sl-ub, To dress, put on (a garment). See
sob, sklob.
sulubak, To be very busy, occupied, etc;
having much to do. Nagasulubak kam
karn sang (pag) ni. At present we are
very busy gathering in the rice. (cf. sk,
dlup, dnghos).
slud, The reed in a weaving loom; a
comb for the hair, especially one for
combing out lice, etc. (cf. sgkay, husy).
suld, Inside, contents, interior, what is
within; included, together with; to come in,
enter, go in; to enter, invade, overrun. An
ang suld sinng bakg? What are the
contents of this basket? Ang suld sang
baly. The inside (interior) of the house. Sa
suld sang is ka blan. Within a month.
Mabton mo dir ang shol nga napl ka
mngmang nga binlan suld ang
pagkon. You will receive there a monthly
salary of ten pesos with free board (board
included). Usisa kon an ang suld sin.
Examine what is within (its contents).
Suld! Come in! Ind ak makasuld, kay
napintaln ang ganhan. I cannot come
in, for the door is bolted. Pasdla ang mga
bt sa simbhan. Make the children enter
the church. Sinuld ang bnwa sang mga
buyng. The robbers invaded the town.
Sdli ang knke sing ags. Fill the lamp
with kerosene. Nasdlan na ang paligosn
sing tbig. The bath-tub has been filled
with water. Inng tabungs wal na sing
suld. This basket is now empty. Yanng
kha may suld nga madm nga plak.
That box contains much money. (cf.
suldlan, kasdlan, und).
suldlan, (H) Receptacle, vessel;
entrance, gate, door. (cf. suld).
suldsud, A scraper, a tool used for
scraping. (cf. sdsud).
sulg, Current; to flow with a current,
flow rather swiftly. Ang tbig sang sub
nagasulg, kay may bah. The water in

the river is flowing with quite a current

now, for there is a flood.
sulg, Cock, rooster. (cf. agk, mank).
sl-ug, To cooperate, collaborate, join
forces. (cf. buligy, dgiaw, hl-o).
sulg-ak, To be brimful, chock-full, full
to overflowing; to surfeit, loathe, have
enough (more than enough) of a thing. (cf.
sg-ak, pun, tak, sum, sm-od).
suluglan, Place (house, room, den)
where gambling is indulged in. (cf. sugl,
sul-ugn, Anything that needs
assistance, help or cooperation; requiring
concurrent effort or labour, common, joint,
cooperative. (cf. sl-ug).
sulugilanonn, Drawing room, place for
conversation, or the like. See sugilanonn.
sulug-utn, sulug-ton, Hemp fibres
to be got ready for reeling. (cf. sg-ut,
suluhuln, (H) A salaried position;
salary, wages; a person that is earning
wages or should be paid a salary. (cf.
sluk, Backwater; to turn back, flow up
river or up stream (of the tide or of water
turned back on account of some
sulukask, Entangled, twisted,
complicated, difficult to smooth or arrange
in order; to be entangled, etc. Sulukask
gid ang ya bohk. His hair is all in a
tangle, is difficult to comb out. (cf.
surukisk id.).
suluk-yan, (H) Harrowing; a field, etc.
to be harrowed. (cf. sk-ay).
suluk-yon, (H) What is to, should,
be harrowed.
suluksok, sulukisk, Entangled,
complicated. See sulukask.
suluk-tan, (H) A peg, nail, bracket, rack.
(cf. sk-it, salab-tan).
sulukskan, (H) Hollow, socket, pocket;
partition, division, part, department (of a
bookstand, writing desk, portfolio, etc.).
(cf. sksok).
sulukusk, suluksak, Entangled,
complicated, etc. See sulukask.
sulultan, Writing, for writing; office;
writingtable,desk,room, escritoire.
Papl nga sulultan. Writing paper. (cf.
sululton, What is to be, should be,
can be, written; a story, an event, an
incident, etc. to be set down in writing. (cf.
sult, sulultan).
sullhan, (H) A salaried position, etc. See
sululungn, (H) What is to be
confronted,met,satisfied,paid for, as
an obligation, duty, debt, etc. (cf. slung).
sulumbk, Strife, contention, variance,
quarrel, struggle; to contend, struggle,
quarrel. (cf. sumbk, sumpkil, say,


sulumbngon sm-od
sulumbngon, (H) Charge, accusation
to be brought forward. (cf. smbung).
sulndan, Model, pattern, type, example,
way, method to be followed, rules to be
observed. (cf. sund, solndan, sorndan).
sulndon, What is to be followed or
imitated, etc. (cf. sund, sulndan).
sulng, (B) See solngto see, look at,
sulng, To shine or show through,
become transparent. Nagasulng ang
dug sa lbhag. The blood shows through
the weal.
slung, (H) To pay duty, taxes, rent,
debts, etc. Sulngi ang buhs. Pay the tax.
Islung mo inng kwrta sa buhs. Pay the
tax with this money. Nagslung si sa
kon sing duh ka pamsa. He gave me
two Mass-stipends. (cf. srung id.).
slung, (H) To defy, challenge, dare,
brave, confront, bid defiance to, set at
naught, provoke to a fight. Ginslung nya
ak. He challenged me (to a fight). Sulnga
si sa ya baly. Defy him in his house.
sulungkhan, The place where the game
of sngka is played, especially the holes for
the stones in the game of sngka. (cf.
sulungkitan, A collision, knocking,
coming, together, meeting,
amalgamation, merger. (cf. sungkit).
suln, To trick, fool, etc. See saln.
suln, To follow, imitate, copy, do
likewise, be like, be conform or consistent,
to agree; to come upon, meet with, find out.
(cf. sun, sund; sap).
sulptan, (H) Store, reservoir, depot,
warehouse, depositary, repository, place
where something is collected or gathered.
Ang la patayonn-tbig wal pa
pagbutang sing salan sa sulptan sang
tbig. Their water system is still
unprovided with a filter at the reservoir. (cf.
suluwayn, Discussion, etc. See
suluwayn, Quarrel, etc. See suluayn.
sulypon, (H) What is to be, can be,
sucked (drawn) in. Dugs nga sulypon
sang mga putykan. Honey to be sucked
or gathered by the bees. (cf. syup).
suluyupn, See sulypon id.
sma, (Sp. suma) Sum, total, amount,
addition, footing; to sum up, find the sum
of, add up, total up, tot up. Sumha na ang
bil sang kon mga balklon. Total up the
value of the goods I am buying. (cf. sip,
bilg, bg-os).
suml, (B) It is up to, the responsibility
lies with, it rests with; not as, not like,
contrary to, not following the example of.
Suml din kanmo (sa mo). (Dir lang
in sa mo). As you wish or like. Do as you
please. The responsibility lies with you.
Kon maggto kam sa maray nga um
magblon gid kam, suml kang natab


Visayan-English Dictionary
kanmon knd nagtum kam. (Kon
magkdto kam sa malay nga um
magblon gid kam, tan-aw ang natab
sa mon knd nagtum kam). If (When)
you go to a distant country district take
provisions along and learn from what
happened to us, for we got hungry (having
neglected to carry provisions with us). Kon
gabi nga hras ukn tkn nga inugturg
ron, mamntal gid kam kang mga
gawng kag ganhan, suml kay Fulno
knd ginsakan ang baly na kang
matkaw. (Kon gb-i nga ras ukn tkn
nga inugtulg na, mamntal gid kam
sang mga bintn kag puerthan, tanaw si Fulno knd ginsakan ang ya
baly sang makwat). At night when it is
time to go to bed, bar your windows and
doors and do not follow N.N.s example, for
(as he had neglected to do so) thieves
entered his house.
suml, To lay the blame upon, charge
with, make responsible for. Sn-o ang ton
sumalon sin? Whom shall we blame for
that? Whom shall we hold accountable for
it? (cf. smbung).
sumaldsad, One who skips or trips, a
dancer; one who founds or establishes
something. (cf. sdsad; sumalat).
sumalkay, A passenger on a vehicle,
conveyance or boat. (cf. saky,
manankay, sakaynon).
sumalkdag, Protector, defender,
helper, assistant, patron. (cf. skdag).
sumlang, To meet, encounter, come
upon, fall in with. Nasumlang ko si
Fulno. I met N.N. Masumalngan ta ri
ti masam (Makt-an, mabasahn,
maspwan ta in sing masam) sa mga
pamantalan. We oftencome upon those
things,find such matters mentioned, in
the news-papers. (cf. samlang, sug-law,
tb, sap, sugat).
sumalat, Dancer, dancing girl. (cf. sut,
sumaldsad, bailarna).
sumalyhaw, A young cock, cockerel.
(samalyhaw id.).
sumalyo, sumaly-o, (H) A regular
visitor, guest, frequenter, client, customer.
(cf. say, sk, dan).
sm-an, From sum.
sman, A dish of (cooked) rice mixed
with sugar and the juice (gat) of coconut
meat, stirred well together and baked.
smat, Talking in ones sleep. Ginasmat
si. He talks (is talking) in his sleep. (cf.
smay, sumy-smay, To ridicule,
mimic, mock, scoff, deride, gibe, find fault
with, chide, criticize adversely or
maliciously, to count up, enumerate (the
faults, shortcomings, etc.). (cf. snlog,
ulgyat, ulig, hkay, mlay, tiwtaw;
smbad, To recount, repeat anothers
words, quote, etc. Ismbad sa la ang kon

hinmbal. Repeat to them what I have said.

Sumbar ang kon ginsgid, agd
masyran ko kon nahngpan mo ukn
wal. Repeat what I have said, so that I
may know whether you have caught my
meaning or not. Sumbar ak sang ya nga
ginlygay. Repeat to me his address or
sermon. (cf. sund, liwn).
smbag, Punch, blow, thump, boxing,
fisticuffs; to box, punch, thump, strike, fist.
Sumbag si. Punch him. Ginsmbag nya
ak. He gave me a thump. He boxed me.
sumbk, To contend, strive, quarrel,
struggle. (cf. sulumbk, say, bis,
paunun, paindsndis).
smbal, To push, prod, jab, thrust
against. Sumbal si sang bagt. Give him
a prod with the pole. Ismbal sa ya inng
bastn. Jab this stick against him. Jab him
with this stick. (cf. tslok, tisk, tslok,
hrog, hndus, dgdug).
sumbl, To turnround,upside dow,
inside out, to reverse. (cf. sul, balskad).
sumbli, To swing the arms regularly or
rhythmically, to keep time by swinging the
arms, as in dancing, etc. (cf. hgyon).
sumbilng, (H) Any missile in the nature
of a javelin, spear, lance or the like.
sumbirw, (B) To call to see, call on for a
moment, visit for a short time, pay a very
short visit. Nagsumbirw
(Nagpasumbirw) gid lang ikw rgya
kanmon. (Nagtmw (naggwa) gid
lang ikw dir sa mon). You paid us a
very short visit. Sumbiraw ang mga to
sa tarmnan. (Bisithi sing makadal ang
mga to sa talmnan). Go and see the
workmen in the field for a moment. (cf.
sambirw, daw, sr-aw, sy-aw, hpit,
smbung, To accuse, complain of, lodge
a complaint against, tax with, denounce,
indict, arraign, charge with, impute to,
inform against, impeach, charge with an
offence judicially or by public process.
Ismbung si sa hokm. Accuse him before
the judge. Sumbung ang hokm sang
ginhm ni Fulno. Lodge a complaint with
the judge against N.N.s doings.
Ginsmbung si nla. They accused him.
(cf. sulumbngon, kasmbung).
sumilkway, Rejecter, refuser, objector,
nonconforming, nonconformist; one who
disapproves, or rejects, something. (cf.
sum, Nausea, loathing, disgust; to
loathe, feel disgust at, dislike, detest,
abominate, abhor. Nagasum ang
ginhwa ko sa (sang) matmbok nga
krne sang bboy. I loathe fat pork.
Ginasm-an (Ginasmwan,
ginasumohn) ak sinng karne. This meat
turns my stomach. This meat is giving me a
feeling of disgust. (cf. tak, sm-od).
sm-od, See sum. Nasum-orn ak
sinng pagkon. I dislike this food. I have
an aversion to this kind of food.

Visayan-English Dictionary
smong, To swim against the current,
face difficulties or dangers, stand ones
ground in the face of odds. Sumngon ta
lang ang sulg, ang bgyo, etc. Let us
swim against the current, let us walk on in
spite of the storm, etc. (cf. panmong).
smp, Oath, swearing, adjuration; to
swear an oath, declare under oath, take an
oath, to swear. Ind ka magsmp kon
wal sing kabangdnan nga dak. Dont
take your oath, unless you have a grave
reason for it. Sinumpan nya ang
kamaturan sin. He swore to the truth of
this. Ginpasmp si sang hokm. The
judgeput him under oath,put him on
his oath,administered the oath to him.
He was sworn by the judge. Sumpa ang
ginsgid mo. Swear to the truth of your
statement. Nagsmp si sing butg. He
swore falsely. He forswore himself. He
committed perjury.
smpa, A kind of tree used for medicinal
smpa, Oil. Smpa sang lub, sang olba,
etc. Coconut oil, olive oil, etc. (cf. lna,
smpak, To splice, scarf, join pieces of
timber by overlapping them so that the
pieces joined are very strongly held
together; a piece of timber joined to
another, an addition, prolongation.
Sumpak inng duh ka halgi. Splice these
two posts. Sumpak ang halgi, kay malpot. Splice another piece to the post, for it is
too short. Ismpak inng khoy sa halgi.
Scarf (Splice) this piece of wood to the post.
(cf. sgpon).
sumpkil, (B) To quarrel, fight, squabble,
scuffle, altercate, be at variance with, have
a difference. Prme gid snda
nagasumpkil. (Dalyon gid lang sil
nagasinuysay). They are always fighting
or quarrelling. Ginasumpaklan nnda ang
lp nga nda paranublin. (Ginabasan
nla ang dt nga la palanublin). They
are quarrelling over the land they inherited.
(cf. say, bis, bag).
smpay, To add to, join to, attach to.
Ismpay in sa tbong. Attach this to the
end. (cf. smpak).
sumpil, An inclined, leaning, slanting
post, prop; to prop up with an additional
post, add a slanting or inclined prop.
Sumpila ang salg sang baly mo. Prop
up the floor of your house with additional
posts. (cf. slay; tokan upright prop or
smpit, To spirt, spurt out, whiz, hiss
through the air. Nagsmpit ang tbig. The
water spirted out. Ang pan nagasmpit
sa hngin. The arrow whizzes through the
air. Tan-aw yanng kabyo nga daw
nagasmpit. Look at that horse running,
one would say, without touching the
ground. Natud ang ya ugt kag dyon
summpit ang dug. His vein was severed
and the blood spirted out. Bisn din lang

smong sungw
dn-an (dn-an) smpit. Wherever the
branding iron is applied there will be a hiss.
(cf. busawk, pswit).
sumpya, To roll, rock, move up and
down or from side to side as a cradle or
boat. Mahnay kag malgway ang
pagsumpya sang mga sakayn, sang
mga paklng sang lub, etc. sa hngin. The
boats, the leaves of the coconut palms,
move (roll) slowly and languidly in the
breeze. (cf. humbya, humbya).
smp, To blunt or dull a pointed tool,
etc. Ginsmp nya ang bngkaw,
lnsang, dga, etc. He blunted the point of
the lance, nail, dagger, etc. Sumpo ang
ya batsan. Blunt his manners or habits
i.e. curb them or reduce them to the
normal. Ind mo pagsumpon ang bgsok.
Dont blunt the point of the stake. (cf. ls).
smpung, To make opposition to,
oppose, resist, go against. Sumpung si.
Oppose him. (cf. btok).
smra, (Perhaps from the Sp. sombra) A
small piece of cloth utilized for making
borders on a garment or in other similar
work; a reserved seat or place at a gambling
smsum, Food, especially meat or fish,
taken with tub; to take food in addition to
drinking tub. Nagasmsum sil sing sd.
They are having fish together with tub.
Dagy nga krne kag sd ang la
ginsmsum. They had plenty of meat and
fish in addition to tub.
sumsman, Eating or feasting on meat,
fish, etc. in addition to a generous supply
(allowance) of tub. An ang nyo
sumsman? What have you got to eat with
the tub? (cf. smsum).
sumulgal, A gambler, gamester. (cf.
sumulnud, (H) A follower, member of,
partisan, hanger-on. (cf. sund).
sumod, Near to, close to; true, real,
german, germane, very nearly connected or
related, intimate, near to (of friends, bloodrelations, etc.). Dl si sumod nla nga
ank. He was not really their child (son),
(but adopted). Sumod gid ang la
pagparienthay. They are (were) near
blood-relations. Sumod sil nga mga
byan. They are intimate friends. Sumod
ko si nga byan. He is a near friend of
mine. Sumod ang la paghimat. They
are nearly (closely) related. (cf. sod;
sn-ad, To put a pan, kettle, pot, etc. over
a fire or on a tripod. Isn-ad ang klon sa
sig-angn. Put the rice-kettle on the tripod.
Nasn-ad na ang klon. The rice-kettle is
on the fire. (cf. sn-ad, tg-ang).
sun-adn, A fire-place, hearth, quite
frequently just a hole in the ground. (cf.
sn-an, From son for soonn. (sonto
cover, surround, fence in).

snda, (Sp. sonda) Sounding, heaving the

lead, plummet; catheter, bougie, sound,
probe; to fathom, sound, plumb, heave
(cast) the lead; to probe, examine. Sundah
ang kadlum sang tbig. Sound (plumb)
the depth of the water. (cf. tngkad).
sndal, To fathom, sound. (cf. snda,
sndal, See smbolto be pregnant, etc.
sndang, Knife, kitchen-knife, a small
stiff knife, dagger, sword, table-knife. (cf.
tulslokfork; irsspoon; garans,
urutp, lanstas, kotslyo, binngon, wa,
snd, To follow; to imitate. (cf. sund,
sndug, tndog).
sndol, To push, etc. See skdol.
sndol, To collide or knock against
something above (with ones head or the
like). (cf. sngg, bngg).
sndon, For sunudn from sundto
follow, etc.
sndug, To follow; to imitate. (cf. sund,
tndog, log, pas, snd).
sung, (B) To blow the nose. Sngha!
Panung! Blow your nose. Isung ang spon mo sa pnyo, sa bintn, etc. Blow the
mucus from your nose into the
handkerchief, out of the window, etc. (cf.
skma, pankma).
sngab, To notch, indent, break the rim
or edge of something, knock out the frontteeth, or the like. Nasngab
(Nagkasngab) ang binngon. The bolo is
(was) notched, has had (had) its edge
indented. (cf. bngaw).
sungb, Notch, indentation; notched,
indented, having a broken rim, edge or
border, lacking one or more front-teeth. (cf.
bingw, bingawn).
sngad, The snout or proboscis of a pig
or other animal; to sniff at, root, gnaw at.
(cf. hingdhingd).
sungart, Tousled, rumpled, dishevelled,
disordered, entangled; to be in disorder,
etc. Sungart ang ya bohk. Her hair is all
in disorder (in a tangle). (cf. bkag,
pgpag, burungyngay, gomn,
sungw, Leaking, escaping (of steam,
vapour, odour); not air-tight, not closed
well (of bottles, barrels, etc.); to escape,
leak, to admit air, be not airtight, to
become weak or spoilt by exposure to air.
Sungw (Nagsungw) ang bulng sa
suld sinng botlya. The smell of the
medicine in that bottle is filling the air. The
medicine in that bottle is spoilt (not having
been closed well). Sungsung ang
tolotdyaw sing hugt, nga nd
magsungw. Cork (Close) the vial tightto
keep out air,lest air should get in.
Nasungawn ak sang bh sang bulng.
I noticed the smell of the medicine
escaping from its receptacle.


sngay spang
sngay, Horn, antler; to toss, push with
the horns. Ang mga karabw nagasngay
dir. The buffaloes over there are fighting.
Sungya si. Toss him. Attack him with
your horns. Pasungya inng duh ka tro.
Let these two bulls try their horns against
one another. Ginsngay si sang bka.
The cow tossed him.
sungyan, Horned, having horns; the
devil, an evil spirit (swang).
sngdol, See sndolto collide, etc.
snggab, See snggabto run foul of,
sunggart, To frown, sulk, pout, get
angry, be offended, look cross. (cf.
snggud, sngon, ariwarng, lrong,
sngg, To knock against something
hard, to stub (the toe) against, collide with,
come in sharp contact with. Nakasngg
ang kon lo sa halgi. I knocked my head
against the post. (cf. bngg, lngg,
sntok, sntok, sntik).
snggo, To bleed from the nose, nosebleed; epistaxis, rhinorrhagia, bleeding
from the nose. (cf. pmbo).
snggud, (H) To frown, sulk, pout, be
angry, etc. See sunggart, sngon,
sulingt, buringt, ariwarng, ksdong).
snghon, From sungto blow the nose.
sung, Hare-lipped, having a hare-lip;
having a slit nose (of buffaloes, etc.).
sng, To be or become hare-lipped or
slit-nosed. Nasng inng karabw, kay
nahigt kag ginsngay sang is. This
buffalo had its nose slit, for it was tied up
and another buffalo attacked it with its
sngka, A childrens game with stones or
sea-shells; to play with stones.
Nagasngka (nagasinngka) ang mga
bt. The children are playing with stones,
are diverting themselves with the sngkagame.
sngk, To give oneself up, deliver
oneself over to, to appear voluntarily.
Magsngka ka sa hukmorsungka
ang hukm. Deliver yourself to the judge.
Appear before the judge. (cf. atbang).
sungkhan, See sulungkhan id. from
sngkato play with stones or shells.
sngkit, To run or knock against, collide.
(cf. sngg, bngg).
sungkit, To meet, come together;
collide, knock against; to merge,
amalgamate. (cf. sngkit, sulungkitan).
sngkok, Bent or bowed down, inclined;
to incline ones body, stoop, bow or bend
down. Abw nagasngkok ka gid kon
magsult ka. Why, you are bending down
quite low, when you write. (cf. sungk,
sngk, To push or knock against
something, collide with. See bngg,
sngg, sngkit, sungkit, lngg).


Visayan-English Dictionary
sngkud, Walking stick, cane; support.
See sngkod.
sngo, Antenna, horn, feeler (projecting
from the head of an insect, shrimp, lobster,
sung, To attack, fall upon, worst, fell,
throw down, outdo, outwit. Pasungthe
Caus. Ind ka magpasung sa ya. Dont
allow him toworst you,cheat you,
outwit you. Dont yield, submit, to him.
(cf. sorso, dag, dy, lmbong).
sng-ol, See pasng-olto dislike,
loathe, etc.
sngon, (B) To sulk, pout, be sullen, to
frown, be offended. Nagsngon kankon.
Ginsungnan na (nya) ak. He frowned at
me. (cf. snggud, sunggart, etc.).
sngroy, Bowed down, bent, stooping,
inclined (on account of (with) age,
infirmity, etc.); to stoop, etc. Sngroy
(Nagasngroy) na si sa katigulangn. He
is bowed down with age. (cf. sktot,
sngroy, To creep or crawl in, disappear
(in a hole, or the like). (cf. sroy, shot).
sngsung, Cork, stopper, stopple, bung;
to cork, stopple, close a bottle, etc.
Sungsung ang botlya. Cork the bottle.
Isngsung sa botlya inng papl. Use this
paper as a cork for the bottle.
sngsung, To confront (face) danger,
walk against the wind, swim against the
current, etc. (cf. slay, sray).
sungk, Bent down, inclined, hunched
up, stooping, drooping; dejected, sad,
brooding. (cf. sngkok, sngroy).
sni, Rumour, report, hearsay; to rumour,
report, tell, give out. Ginasni nga. It is
rumoured that. They say that. (cf.
kon, silng, mno).
sun-sni, Dim. and Freq. of sni. (cf.
snit, To be tiresome, troublesome,
require great patience or application, be
difficult to perform (of a delicate or tedious
task, etc.). (cf. shit, kl).
snlug, See snlogto tease, fool,
exasperate, etc.
sun, See sonaccording to, etc.
snok, Full, filled, said especially of all
kinds of fishtraps; to be or become full.
Snok sing sd ang bunan, tan, subg,
etc. The bunan, the tan, the subg, etc. is
full of fish. (cf. pun).
snsun, Matting, etc. for the storage of
rice, or the like. See snson. (cf. ptak).
snsun, To do often or frequently; to be
frequent, happen often. (cf. sam,
masnsun, snson).
snta, Division of a floor, a house, etc.; a
story. Duha ka snta ang salg sang
baly mo. Make two levels in the floor of
your house. Make an upper and lower floor
in your house. Ang la kampanryo may
ttlo ka snta. Their belfry is three stories
high. (cf. panlgan).

sntok, To thrust, poke, prod, jab, knock

or push against. Suntok si sang mo
bastn. Prod him with your stick.
Ginsntok sang ya tdl ang kon mat.
He poked his finger in my eye. Nasntok
ang ya mat sang tunk (dgi). A thorn
entered his eye. (cf. tslok, smbal).
sund, To follow, succeed, come,
go,after,next, to tail after; to imitate,
copy, emulate; to repeat what another says
or dictates. Sund (ka)! Follow! Snda si.
Follow (Imitate) him. Ikw magna ak
masund (magasund). You go ahead, Ill
follow you. Ginsund si sang ya id. His
dog followed him. Ang bgyo nasndan
sang dak nga kalnaw. The storm was
followed by a great calm. Sndon mo ang
mga Sntos. Imitate the Saints. Pasndi
ang belda sing panihpon. Let supper be
served after the entertainment. (cf. dasn,
log, pas, sinndan, solndan).
sund-snud, Dim. and Freq. of sund.
(cf. abtbat, aps-pas, ilglog).
sund-sund, To follow like sheep, to
imitate or ape like a monkey. The term
often implies contempt. (cf. ilgilg).
snug, Fire, combustion, blaze,
conflagration; to burn, burn down,
commit, consign, to the flames, to fire,
set on fire, set fire to, destroy by fire.
Tulka, may snug dir. Look, there is a
fire (over there). Nasnug ang mon
baly. Nasungan kam sang mon baly.
Our house was burned down. Ginsnug
sang mga buyng ang minur. The
brigandsburned down the village,set
fire to the village.
snyod, To smell or taste bad, stale,
tainted, to excite disgust. (cf. lan, btl,
sum, sm-od, tak).
sub, To dress, dress in, don, assume,
put on, a garment, to vest in. Sb-a
(isub) ang kamista mo. Put on your
shirt. Nagasub si sang ya by.
Ginasub nya ang ya by. He is putting
on his jacket. (sob id.).
sod, See sodto be near to, nearly
related, etc. (cf. sumod).
suk, Corner, out-of-the-way place, etc.
See dok, higd, hilt, tok.
sok, To push through, slip in, thrust in.
Isok ang btkon mo sa pak sang mo
by. Put your arm through the sleeve of
your jacket. (cf. gl).
sup, To chew food for a child, etc.
Ginsp-an (Ginsupan) nya sing sinnlag
nga mas ang ya bt. She chewed some
roast corn and then fed her child with it.
Hatgi ang bt sang mo sinup. Give the
baby some of the food you have chewed.
(cf. smp).
spang, Physical development, growth
approaching puberty; to develop, grow,
approach puberty. Madm ang ya kon,
kay nagaspang na. He eats much, for he
is growing (developing).

Visayan-English Dictionary
spas, Soup; bread for soup. See spas.
spat, The grain of wood, meat, leather,
skin, etc.; exterior aspect, form,
appearance, figure. (cf. dgway, bynon,
sp-ay, To starve, die ofstarvation,
hunger,inanition. Nasp-ay lang si, kay
waly pagkon. He starved to death, for he
had nothing to eat.
sp-ay, To add to, attach; to cover,
spread over. (cf. smpay, tbon).
supra, See soprasoup-tureen.
spil, To overpower, conquer, outdo, win,
beat, defeat, vanquish, overthrow,
overcome. (cf. paspil, ubg, tubalng,
paubg, patubalng).
supr, Chauffeur, truck-driver,
automobile-driver. (cf. sapyr, tsper).
spla, (Probably from the Sp. suplir) To
excuse, overlook, pass over, let pass. Often
used in games in the phrase spla nay
meaning: Dont let that count. Let it pass
this time. Dont mark it against me.
splut, To incite, induce, urge, influence,
instigate, lead into, persuade, tempt. Ind
mo si pagsuplutn sa pagbhat sing
malin. Dont tempt him to do wrong. (cf.
sdyot, sgyot, stsot).
suplt-splut, Dim. and Freq. of splut.
supn, To block the passage, clog, choke,
obstruct, close up a hole in a tube, etc. Ang
lgtok nagsupn sang mo snsoy. Ang
mo snsoy naspnan (nasuponn) sang
lgtok. Your pipe is clogged with dirt. Ind
mo pagspnan ang tbig nga nagalig.
Dont put an obstruction in the way of the
flowing water. Sinpnan (Naspnan) ang
tbu sang sgbot. The pipe was choked
with rubbish. (cf. ser).
sptan, From suptto gather, collect,
spug, Daring, brave, bold, valiant,
audacious, dauntless, fearless, reckless,
making little of difficulties or dangers; to be
or become daring, etc. (cf. sug, khas,
spuk, To oppose, withstand, resist, make
opposition to. Supki si. Oppose him. (cf.
smpung, btok).
sup, sop, To molt, moult, cast off,
shed (horns, skin, feathers, etc.); to alter,
change, rearrange, reform. (cf. lis).
supt, To gather, collect in small
amounts, bring together from various
sources, get (scrape) together little by little.
Masupt (Magasupt) pa ak nay sing
kwrta. I shall first get some money
together. Spta (Suput) ang mo kinitan.
Let your earnings accumulate. Spti ak
sing madm nga mga ph. Gather (and
keep) for me many mangoes. (cf. tpon,
supt-sput, Dim. of supt. Sa
suptsput natpon ko inng kwrta. I got
together this money in small amounts or
little by little.

spas ssto
sra, See snlog.
sra, The young, prickly shoots of cogongrass. Ind ka maggi dir, kay madm
ang sra. Dont go that way, for there are
many young cogon-shoots.
sr, Foam, froth; to foam or froth at the
mouth. Ang wiwin sang kabyo, pak,
etc. nagasr. The horse, the frog, etc. is
foaming at (the sides of) the mouth.
surb, See sulbthe edge of a cutting
sr-ab, (B) Acidity of the stomach, etc.
Nagasr-ab ang sorksork ko. I am
suffering from acidity of the stomach. I feel
out of sorts. I feel sick.
surrum, (B) See sullum.
sr-aw, To visit, come for a visit or for
inspection. Wal mo gid kam pagsuraw. You have never paid us a visit. Israw mo ak kay nnay. Please pay mother
a visit. (cf. daw, sy-aw).
sray, (B) To swim against the current,
defy rain or storm, etc. See slay.
surhno, See siruhnosurgeon, etc.
Also: a quack, ignorant practitioner,
sri, Fie! For shame! Whew! Idle talk,
bosh, twaddle, nonsense. Sri mo, kay kon
sa din ikw makakka sing kwrta nga
ibakl sin? Ah, nonsense, for where can
you get the money to buy such a thing? Sri
nya sin sa paghmbal sing sbung. For
shame, how does he dare to talk in such a
way? Why, he ought to be ashamed of
himself to speak thus. N.B. This sri is
probably only a corruption of the Sp.
hechura. See etsra, hitsra, hitsri, tsri.
sri, To arrange well, put in order,
examine, go over. Surha ang sult nga
mo ginhud kon may mga sayp ukn
wal. Read over the letter you have
translated to see whether there are any
mistakes or not. (cf. uss, ugdgad).
srib, See sribto lap, lick up.
surb, A kind of fish.
suringt, See sulingtto frown, sulk,
pout, look cross, be angry.
srip, See slipto go or squeeze through,
sr-o, To reach up to or into (said
especially of water reaching up to the floor
of a vehicle, when the vehicle is driven
through water, or the like); to fill to
repletion; full to repletion. Sinr-o sang
tbig ang trak. The water came into the
truck. The truck was awash. Sr-o na ang
solksolk ko. My stomach feels full to
repletion. (cf. sr-ub).
srok, To push or thrust in, as a stick into
a hole, etc. (cf. gl, sok).
sroy, To enter through a narrow
aperture, creep or crawl in, slip in,
introduce oneself. (cf. sngroy, shot).
srsi, (Sp. resarcir) To sew, stitch, mend
clothes, patch (a coat, etc.). Sursih ak
sang kon delrgo. Mend my trousers for

me. Sursih ang gis sang by ko. Stitch

the tear in my jacket. (cf. tah, halthut,
sursr, (Sp. zurzir) To darn; to fine-draw.
sr-ub, To fill, enter, overrun, flow over
or into. Nasr-ub sang tbig ang wto
sang pagtabk sa sub. The automobile
was flooded with water (was awash), when
it forded the river. (cf. sr-o, suld, pun).
surubak, See sulubak. Surubak
(Nagasurubak) kam tuld kady kang
ni (pagni). (Nagask (nagasink)
kami karn sang ni (pagni)). At present
we are kept very busy with the rice harvest.
surdlan, (B) See suldlanreceptacle,
surukisk, See sulukiskentangled,
twisted, dishevelled, etc. Surukisk
(Masurukisk) ang bohk na (nya). His
hair is all in a tangle. (cf. gomn).
surumal, To disagree, be at variance, be
contradictory, be inconsistent, go counter
to, said of the testimony of witnesses, of
reports, of accounts, etc. (cf. salangisg,
surumbl, To urge or press forward,
move about in all directions, jostle each
other, throng, gather, collect in large
numbers, crowd. Nagasurumbl
(Nagasinrumbl) gid lmang ang mga
to sa plsa sa pagtn-aw sang mga
hmpang. The public square is crowded
with people eager to see the games. (cf.
sarumbl, but surumbl is the more
common form; liningghot).
srung, See slungto pay duty, etc.
surptan, See sulptanstore, etc.
sus, (A contr. of Hess) An exclamation of
surprise, wonder, fear, etc.
ssi, To investigate, look into, examine,
find out about, go over carefully or
thoroughly. Susha sing mayo ang ya
mga binuhtan. Look into his conduct
thoroughly. (cf. uss, tl-id, d-id, soy,
susmariusp, (Contr. of Hess, Mara,
Hosp). An exclamation. (cf. sus).
suspendr, (Sp. suspender) To suspend,
debar. Suspendeh si. Suspend him.
Ginsuspendr si sang pangulopud. He
was suspended (from office) by the
Provincial Governor. (cf. pantat).
sustnto, (Sp. sustento) Support,
maintenance, upkeep, keep, livelihood; to
support, keep, pay for the upkeep or
maintenance of, defray the expenses for.
Sustentoh ang panimaly. Support the
family. Ginasustnto nya ang kon mga
lbro. He pays for my books. Sn-o ang
magasustnto sa mo ddto? Who will
provide for you there? (cf. sagd, ttap,
atipn, bh).
ssto, (Sp. susto) Shock, surprise, start,
astonishment, scare, fright. (cf. kuys,
panguys, pngyos, kibt, tingla).


susng-ol tbang
susng-ol, See sng-ol, pasng-ol,
patkaLoathing, aversion, dislike, etc.
ssyo, (Sp. socio) Companion, friend,
partner, member, associate. (cf. kumbya,
skup, kadmpig).
ssyo, (Sp. sucio) Dirty, stained, soiled; to
be or become dirty, etc. See hgk, lw-ay,
laglag, bulingn, etc.
sutl, Naughty, bad, wicked, disobedient,
mischievous; tricky, cheating, crooked. (cf.
sinutl, malin, malut, malalson).
stsut, To push, impel, thrust; instigate.
See stsot.
suwl, suwl-suwl, See sul, sulsulto nibble, turn over with the snout.
suwyang, See suyang, sawyanga
portable fish-trap.
syak, Thorn, prick, prickle, a sharp
splinter; to prick, said of thorns, etc.
Andam ka, agd nd ka masyak sang
matalwis nga mga ingsap. Take care,
lest the sharp chips should prick you.
Nasyak si sang tunk. He was pricked
by a thorn. (cf. tunk, ngon, dalngag,
suykon, Thorny, spiny, prickly, full of
pricks, prickles, spines or thorns; (cf.
syak, tunukn).
sy, suy-suy, To surfeit, loathe,
have an aversion, feel a repugnance to. (cf.
duyduy, tak, sum, sm-od).
sy-aw, To visit, etc. See daw, sr-aw.
Suy-aw si. Visit him. Pay him a visit.
Call on him.
syon, Easy; to be easy, etc. See syon,
haps, huls. (cf. pasyon).
suy, suy, To visit, frequent, to use to,
do usually or customarily. (cf. daw, sraw, sy-aw, say).
syup, To sip or suck through a small
aperture or tube, or the like; to absorb,
imbibe, suck up. Suypa ang butng. Sip
the coconut milk. Ginsyup nya ang tlog
nga hilw. He sucked the raw egg.
Ipasyup sa bt inng gtas. Let the baby
suck this milk. Suypa ang tbo tbtub
nga maggw ang tbig. Suck the (air out
of the) pipe till the water flows. (cf. spsup,
spsop, hgop, ypyup, srib, lklak).
sw, swk, swl swl-swl,
swni, swldo, swrte, swtik. See
su, suk, sul, sul-sul, suni, suldo,
surte, sutik.

t, The letter T in Visayan is pronounced

as in English. After the prefix pan- T
beginning a word is dropped, e.g.


Visayan-English Dictionary
panbang (pan-, tbang); panikng
(pan-, tikng); pankap (pan-, tkap);
panubs (pan-, tubs). After the prefixes
hi- and ha- T beginning a word is
frequently changed into n, e.g. hinabn
(hi-, tbon); hanungd, hanab (ha-,
tungd, tab) etc. etc.
ta, Short for nton. Buhton ta in. Let us
do it. Ang baly ta. Our house. Our home.
ta, Why, well, now then, etc. Ta is either
merely an exclamation or it is employed to
avoid abruptness. Ta, ikw lang dir sa
baly magbntay. Well, you must be the
one to guard the house. Ta, hima in.
Now then, get it done. Ta, lakt na kit.
Let us go. (cf. hnta, hat). t, Look here!
You see! Didnt I tell you? There you are!
Well! Now then! See t, t.
tanay, For hnta (ta), nay. Wait a little.
Wait a bit. Hold on. Have a little patience.
Stop a moment. Tanay, mabakl pa ak
sing abno kag mapal kit. Wait a little,
I am going to buy some cigars and then we
shall go home. Tanay, nd ka
maghmbal sing sbung, kay butg. Hold
on, dont talk like that, for it is not true.
Tanay, idgidg, kay malntaw man ang
mnghud mo. Stand back a little, for your
younger brother also likes to look out
(through the window, etc.). Tanay, patanaw ak sang mga binakl mo. Now then,
let me see what you have bought. (cf. hul
tas, Height, altitude, elevation,
eminence, loftiness, exaltation, tallness; to
be or grow high, tall, elevated, eminent,
lofty, exalted, towering, soaring. Nagtas
ang kampanryo nga in, kay
gindugngan nla sing is ka snta. This
belfry has become high, because they have
added one story to it. Magatas gid ang
baly mo kon butangn mo sing duh ka
panlgan. Your house will get very high, if
you make it one of two stories. Natasan
gid ak sinng bkid. This mountain seems
to me to be very high. (cf. tg-as).
tb, To buy land or fields. Taba ang ya
dt. Buy his land. Tinb nya ang
talmnan ni Fulno. He bought N.N.s
rice-field. Magpatb ka lang sing is ka
bhin sang mo ulmhan. Just sell part of
your farm.
tbad, Banquet, feasting, feast, repast,
regalement, junket, junketing, celebration
or party with plenty of food and drink; to
partake of, assist at, prepare or
provide, a banquet, etc. May tbad sil
ddto. They are having (had, will have) a
feast there. Nagtbad sil kahpon. They
got ready, They prepared, They assisted
at, a banquet yesterday. (cf. panbad,
bd, pamad, punsyn, pamunsyn,
salslo, sinalslo).
tbag, A bird of prey; a hawk. (cf. bang,
tbag, The waste matter, dregs,
impurities, remnants of fruit after the juice

has been pressed out; the refuse that

remains behind in a strainer or the like.
Ang mabiln sa ginsl ginatawg nga
tbag. What is retained by a strainer is
called tbag. Ang tbag sang lub,
almidn, hinak, etc. The remnants (waste)
of coconut meat, starch, hair-wash, etc. (cf.
ugsip, ursip, biln, lbud, lgd).
tabg, Feeble, weak, thin, not strong (of
beverages); faded, worn out (of clothes,
etc.); to be or become feeble, worn out, etc.
(cf. tb-ang, ls-aw).
tabgwan, tabgwang, A kind of a
gourd with a neck like that of a bottle.
tabakra, (Sp. tabaquera) Tobaccopouch, tobacco-jar; cigar-case, cigar-tray,
dish or plate for serving cigars. (cf.
bulutngan sang tabk).
tabakro, (Sp. tabaquero) Cigar maker,
tobacco manufacturer, tobacconist, a dealer
in tobacco and cigars.
tabk, (Sp. tabaco) Tobacco; cigar.
tabak, To smoke tobacco, cigars, etc.
Wal si pagtabak. He does not smoke.
Ind ka magtabak? Dont you smoke?
Indi ka magtabak dir. Dont smoke here.
Patabakon mo (patabako) lang si. Just
let him smoke.
tabl, A kind of small fish.
tban, To run away with, elope with. Ang
id nagtban sang krne. The dog ran off
with the meat. Tinban sang id ang
krne. The dog stole the meat and ran away
with it. Nagtabany sil. They ran off
together. They eloped. Ind mo si
pagtabnon. Dont elope with him or her.
Tinban nya ang kwrta kag dinalgan
pa sub. He took (stole) the money and ran
away with it towards the river. Gintban
nya si Fulna. He ran away with N.N.
tabanw, Jaundice, icterus. (cf. bulw).
tabanawn, Pertaining to jaundice; one
affected with jaundice, jaundiced.
tbang, Assistance, succour, help, aid,
relief, rescue, ministry, ministration,
helping hand; to assist, succour, to aid,
relieve, rescue, help. Sn-o ang
magatbang sa ton mga kalisdnan?
Who will help us in our difficulties or
distress? Tabngi si. Succour him.
Mangt kit sing itbang sa ton. Let us
look for help or assistance. O Dis ko,
tabngi ak. Oh my God, help me. N.B.
tbang at times also means: to save ones
life, rescue from death, but in that case the
accent of the passive voice is on the last
syllable. Sugng gid ang ya pagbt nga
sa karn ginatabangn pa gn. He is very
seriously ill and just at present they are
trying to save him from death. Napaty si
nga wal na matabang. He died and there
was no possibility of saving his life. Ind na
si matabangn. He cannot be rescued
from death now. His death cannot now be
prevented. He (His life) is past recovery
(saving). (cf. blig).

Visayan-English Dictionary
tabng, The rope that is attached to the
shafts and passes under the neck of a
draught animal.
tb-ang, Lightness, mildness (of wines,
spirits, tobacco, etc.); to be or become light,
mild. Nagtb-ang ang lnggaw, kay
nagsungw. The vinegar has become weak,
for the air got into it. Natab-angn ak
sinng tabk. This tobacco is too mild for
me. (cf. thaw).
tabngk, A kind of fish.
tabng-tbang, Dim. and Freq. of
tbang. (cf. abngbang, bulgblig).
tabs, Red and white, spotted (of
chickens especially).
tbas, The cut of clothes; to cut out
clothes as a tailor does. Tabsa ang
hnero. Cut the cloth. Tabsi ak sing
by. Cut the cloth according to measure
and make a jacket for me. Gintabsan si
sang manugtbas sing is ka trno. The
tailor made him a complete suit of clothes.
Mayo sing tbas ang mo mga panpton.
Your clothes are well cut or well made.
tabw, A kind of rice. (cf. arabn).
tbgan, From tabgto fly away, etc.
Tinbgan si sang painno. He was bereft
of the faculty of thinking, he is (was)
dumbfounded,greatly confused.
tb, A polite expression frequently used
when passing another on the road, or the
like. Please, allow me to (let me) pass.
Please make room or give way. Tb nay.
Kindly let me pass. Excuse me. Tb sa
mo. Pardon me. Excuse me. At times
tb, has the same meaning as tabtb,
which see.
tabd, To tie, fasten, bind, secure,
attach, lash, to, connect with.
Natabirn ang mank sing bulng sa ya
tahd. The cock has a knife fastened to his
spur. Ang kog sang kabyo gintabirn
sang mga bt sing lta. The boys tied a
tin to the horses tail. Itabd in sa sdsid
sang mo by. Attach this to the hem of
your jacket. Tabir ang ya kl sing mga
bulkblak. Bind some flowers (flowery
decorations) on his hat.
tbid, To hang together, be fastened or
joined together (as two or more cows, etc.
by one rope, allowing them some freedom
to move about; or as ships, trucks, carts or
the like taken in tow). Nagatabray inng
ttlo ka bka. These three cows are
stringed or fastened to one another.
tabd, Appendage, attachment, anything
tied or fastened to something else; closely
adherent, adjunct; clause, condition;
tabg, The ordinary rice-harvesting basket
made of bamboo splints.
tabgi, A kind of mangrove. (cf. bkhaw,
tungg, lunk).
tabilng, To do or say something
thoughtlessly, precipitately, on a sudden

tabng tbon
impulse; to stumble or fall into (carelessly,
absent-mindedly). Andam ka, agd nd ka
dir matabilng. Be on your guard or
youwill fall into that hole (trap, snare,
etc.) there,you will put your foot in it.
Nakatabilng si sa paghmbal sing
sbung. He spoke like that without
thinking. (cf. hinl, hinal, tambilng,
tabins, To stumble against (on, upon),
put ones foot in (into), act carelessly,
impulsively, on the spur of the moment,
unwittingly, without thinking.
Nakatabins si magbutngbtang sa kay
Fulno. He thoughtlessly slandered N.N.
(cf. tabilng, tplang).
tbing, To stitch or sew together a tear in
a garment, separate pieces of matting or
the like. Tabnga ang duh ka amkan.
Stitch the two bamboo mats together.
Tabngi ak sang kon nag nga nags.
Mend my torn clothes for me.
tabis, A kind of very small fish much
esteemed for food.
tabirs, To trickle down, flow down
profusely (said of perspiration, etc.). (cf.
tululgay, talabirs).
tabs, A term much used in games: Out.
Tabs ikw. You are out. Tabs si. He is
tabs, Punishment, fine, mulct, penalty,
damage, injury, harm; forfeit (in games); to
punish, fine, mulct, etc.
tab-tb, Dim. of tb. Also: an
opprobrious term and exclamation of
disgust, reproach or execration. Fie! Blast
it! Confound! For shame! Tut! Hang it! A
plague upon it! Tabtb sa mo, haln ka
dir. For shame, go away! Tabtb sinng
to, nd ak kayon sang ya batsan. Oh,
this is a bad man (This man is not decent),
I dont like his ways.
tabyog, To drop, fall down, flow (of
tears, etc.); to throw away, discard, reject,
fling or hurl off. (cf. tululgay, talabirs,
tktak, tblog, pilk).
tbl, To stop, make an end of, interfere
with. Tablan mo ang la pagway. Stop
their fighting. (cf. tpn, tmbag).
tabldo, (Sp. tablado) Scaffold; stage,
platform, boards (of the stage). (cf.
tblaw, To suppress, stop, placate, calm,
quiet. Wal mo si pagtablaw. You did
not stop him. Gintblaw nya ang la
pagsay. He put a stop to their quarrelling.
Daw sa nd matblaw inng gam. This
turmoil can hardly be quieted. It seems
impossible to calm this turmoil. (cf.
pugng, tbl, tpn).
tablya, (Sp. tablilla) Tablet, slab, cut
tblog, (B) To throw, throw away, hurl,
fling, cast off, discard, reject, get rid of. (cf.
pilk, haby, blang, tabyog).

tabln, (Sp. tabln) A large piece of

timber, log; thick board, plank.
tbnul, Thickness, stoutness, heaviness;
fleshiness; to be or become thick, stout,
heavy, fleshy, said of the calves, arms, etc.
Nagtbnul ang ya btkon. He has
developed stout arms. Natabnuln ak
sang ya mga btkon. His arms seem to me
very fleshy. (cf. dmol, tibnog, bahl).
tbnus, To snatch or tear away, pull off,
separate from, take off. Tabnus ang ttlo
ka naht nga lnot. Pull off (from the line,
the bunch, etc.) three threads of hemp. (cf.
hbnus, hnus, bngkas).
tb, To meet, come together, fall in with,
encounter, arrive. Bus matb kit sa ya
baly. To-morrow we shall meet at his
house. Kon magkar ikw liwt dir,
tabon mo nga madm ang bnga sang
ph. If you come here again, try to arrive
at a time when there are many mangoes.
Kahpon nagtb (nagtaboy,
nagtabay) kam ni Hos sa minur nga
N.N. Joseph and myself chanced to meet
yesterday in the village of N.N. Tabon mo
lang ak dir sa dlaw nga Hubes, kay
magaupd ak sa mo. Meet me here on
Thursday and I shall go along with you. (cf.
tab, (B) A rope made of twisted rags, or
the like, and used (when lit) for driving or
keeping off mosquitoes. (cf. tahmlok).
tabk, The opposite (other) side or bank,
what is on the other side of a river, lake,
strait, etc.; beyond, on the farther side; to
pass from side to side, come or move across
the pathway of, cross a river, road, hill,
water-channel, etc. Tabk ka lang sa sub.
Tabok lang ang sub. Just cross the river.
Itabk dir ang kon malta. Tabok ang
kon malta kag dlhon mo dir. Cross
over (the river, or the like) to fetch my
handbag and bring it here. Patabok
(Itabk) ang karabw. Take the buffalo
over to the other side (bank). Sa tabk
sang. Beyond. May ulmhan man
ak sa tabk sang sub. I also have a farm
on the other side of the river. Sa tabk
sang dlan. On the opposite side of the
street. (cf. tub).
tabn, Cover, lid, spread, screen, cloak,
disguise, anything used to close an opening
or to hide something out of sight. (cf.
tbon; bs, lon, tklub, takp, son).
tbon, To cover, envelop, clothe, cloak,
overspread the surface of one thing with
another, make use of any kind of covering
in order to shelter, protect or conceal
(hide). Tabni sing dhon ang tabungs.
Cover the tabungs-basket with leaves.
Tinabnan nla sing dt ang mga bat.
They covered (overspread) the stones with
earth. Itbon inng hbul sa masakt nga
bt. Cover the sick child with this blanket.
Tabni ang dpat nga tabnan. Conceal
what should be concealed. Hide what
should not be seen. Am ang gintbon nla


tabn-ak tdul
sa la sakayn. With that (In that way)
they hid (concealed, camouflaged) their
boat. Ind na matabnan ang la ginams.
Their pickled fish (Their bad or secret
doings) cannot be hid any longer. (cf.
tplak, tg, tinag, hinabn).
tabn-ak, A kind of reed that somewhat
resembles the sugar-cane.
tabonn, Flaccid, flabby, soft, applied
especially to a stout or fat person that lacks
muscular strength. Tabonn si sing
lwas. His body is flabby. Si Pdro
matmbok, pang tabonn lang, si Hos
manwang, pang lson. Peter is stout, but
flabby, Joseph is lean, but muscular. (cf.
mahmok, malm-ok, lam, yam).
tbong, A kind of tree.
tabongw, (B) To look on, be a
spectator, be present. Nagtabongw (tna)
sa sugl. Natabongawn na ang sugl.
(Nagtmbong si sa sugl. Gintambongn
nya ang sugl). He looked on (was
present) at the gambling. (cf. tmbong,
tarorng, tn-aw, solng).
tabongs, A kind of basket. (tabungs
tbos, tabs, To penetrate, go, pass,
seep, soak, flow, through. Nagtbos
ang uln sa kon pyong, by, etc. The
rain went through my umbrella, jacket, etc.
Kon magdmol ang uln magatabs sa
mo kapte. If the rain is heavy it will soak
through your raincoat. Natabosn sing
tbig ang ya mga panpton. His clothes
were soaked with water. (cf. tahs).
tab-tab, The outer covering,
consisting of small and very short threads,
of the chrysalis of a silk worm. (tabtab
tab, tab, An event, eventuality,
occurrence, accident; incident, happening,
fact; to happen, occur, come about, take
place, befall, betide, fall out, come to pass,
get or come upon by chance. Is in ka
tab nga makatitingla. That is (was) a
wonderful event. Nakatab ak kahpon
sing mayo nga shot sang sd sa kon
bunan. Yesterday I happened to catch a
good lot of fish that entered the pocket of
my fish-trap (fish-corral). Natab nga sang
pagabt ko ddto am gid man ang
pagsuld sang mga buyng sa bnwa. It
fell out that the brigands entered the town
just as I arrived. Natabun ak sang ya
kamatyon. I happened to be present at his
death. Natab ang sul sang la ginpaabt.
The reverse of what they expected came to
pass. (cf. hanab, hatab).
tboy, To hang or bend down, sag, sink,
as the middle of a hammock or the like.
Nagatboy ang dyan, ang pulungkan,
etc. The hammock, the chair, etc. is hollow
or sunk in the middle. (cf. lyon, which is
more used for the bending of sacks, boards,
beams, etc.).
tabrya, See tablya.


Visayan-English Dictionary
tbtab, To cut through, sever, part,
divide, a rope, belt, etc. Tabtab ang
tabng. Cut through the neck-rope.
Gintbtab nya ang sinturn. He cut the
belt in two. Itbtab inng binngon sa
kalt. Cut the rope with this bolo.
tabtban, The cutting or severing of
something, place where something is cut
off; end, termination. Magakitay kit sa
tabtban. We shall meet in the end (before
the tribunal of God). (cf. katapsan,
tabg, (B) To fly, fly off, soar. Nagtabg
ron ang mga pspis sa khoy. (Naglupd
na ang mga pspis sa khoy). The birds
have flownout of the tree,away to the
tree. Patbga (Palupar) ang buladr. Fly
the kite. (cf. lupd).
tbug, To drive away, scare off, expel, cast
out. Tabga ang mga karabw. Drive off
the buffaloes. Tabgi ang humy sang
mga mank. Drive the chickens away from
the rice. Tinbug nya ang mga knding
sa pamulkan. He drove the goats out of
the garden. Tinbug ni Hess ang yw.
Jesus cast out the devil. Tinbug si nla sa
bnwa. They expelled him (banished him)
from the city (town, country). (cf. paway,
pahaln, bgaw, parg).
tabug, Plait, braid; plaited, twisted,
braided; to be or make in the form of a
plait, to plait, twist. Tabugi ang
pagbdbod sang amkan. Plait the border
of the bamboo mat. Tabugi ang tohg
sang karabw. Twist a rattan nose-ring for
the buffalo.
tabg-lamk, One who drives away
mosquitoes, i.e. an idler, loafer, lazy fellow,
good-for-nothing. (cf. tbug, lamk).
tabuknon, One living beyond or on the
other (farther) side of a boundary, such as a
river, mountain, lake, sea, etc. In Iloilo the
term mostly signifies the inhabitants of the
island of Negros. (cf. tabk).
tabukw, A kind of very malignant,
ulcerous skin-disease, often ending in
death; leprosy.
tabukawn, Affected with or pertaining
to tabukw, leper.
tabulli, A kind of plant somewhat
resembling talngegg-plant.
tabul, Upside down, inverted; to bend
down very low, turn upside down, incline
much (of full ears, etc.; cf. bul).
tabl-tabl, To swing or shake to and fro
as a basket carried on a pole.
Nagatabltabl ang bakg sa
tuangtuangn. The carriers basket swings
(is swinging) to and fro on the pole. (cf.
tabungs, A wicker basket made of
bamboo splints. It usually holds two or
three bushels (psong) of rice.
tab-tab, See tab-tabthe exterior
covering of a silk worms chrysalis.
tabyug, A kind of (useless) tree.

tdag, To step on or in, walk over plants,

trample on plants in walking over a field,
etc.; to do or speak recklessly or
thoughtlessly. Ind ka magtdag sang
kon mga tanm. Ind mo pagtadgon
ang kon mga tanm. Dont walk over my
plants. Nagatdag lang si sa ya
paghmbal. He talks recklessly, speaks
without consideration or reflection, not
minding whether he wounds the feelings of
his listeners or slanders another, etc. (cf.
trag, tdag, ldag, tsak).
tdhan, Having a (large) spur, spurred
(especially of cocks). (cf. tahd, trhan).
tadiw, tdiaw, A large earthen pot or
jar for containing water, sugar, fruit, etc.
tdlong, Straightness, honesty,
directness, rectitude, rightness,
straightforwardness; to be, become,
make, straight,right,direct,
straightforward,honest, to straighten.
Nagtdlong na ang ya batsan. His ways
have become right, direct, straightforward,
honest. Tadlong ang tik. Straighten out
what is crooked. Gintdlong nla ang
dlan. They made the road straight.
Tadlong si sang ya pyong nga nagtik.
Straighten out his umbrella that has bent.
(cf. trung, tans).
tdong, (B) To behave, be quiet (of
children especially). See trung.
tdtad, Flooring or matting of split and
flattened-out bamboo, bl, etc.; to cut,
break, split in two, tear, make cuts or
incisions with the point of a bolo or the like
in sections of split bamboo, bl, etc. in
order to be able to flatten it out; to prepare
bamboo, bl, etc. for balntak-work
(weaving). Tadtar (-ad) ang kawyan.
Make cuts with the point of the bolo in the
(split) bamboo (and flatten it out). Tadtar
(-ad) ak sinng lim ka naht nga bl.
Work these five pieces of bl up into
material fit for flooring (partitions,
matting, etc.) for me. Ginbutangn nla
sing tdtad ang salg sang la ermta.
They laid tdtad-matting on the floor of
their chapel.
tduk, (B) To take a short cut, make a
bee-line, walk from one place to another in
a straight line, take a straight course over
fields, hills, etc. without following the
windings of roads or footpaths. Gintduk
na gid ang paggto rgto. (Ginlktud nya
ang pagkdto ddto). He went there by a
short cut. Tadkon ta lang ang pagpnaw
rgto. (Lakturn ta lang ang paglakt
ddto). Just let us walk there in a straight
line (keeping or following a straight
course). Tduk tna ti panghmbal. (Ptud si sing panghmbal). He speaks to the
point. He is straightforward, forthright. (cf.
lktud, lats, tdlong, pt-ud).
tdul, To measure, take the measure (of
liquids in jars, pots etc.); to suit, fit, make
amenable to; to overcome, subdue,
vanquish. (cf. patdul).

Visayan-English Dictionary
tdy, To measure, take, determine,
the dimensions of. Itdy ang bagt sa
halgi. Measure the post with the rod.
Tadyan mo ang ya by sang hener.
Measure off the cloth required for her
dress. (cf. taks, skol, tdul).
tadyw, tdyaw, See tadiw, tdiaw
an earthen jar.
tag-, A distributive particle. Tagduh. Two
each. Mabton sil sing tagpat ka pistas
ang dlaw. They shall each (Each of them
shall) receive eighty centavos a day.
tag-, A prefix denoting ownership or
actual performance of what is implied by
the term which it is attached to, e.g.
tagpanghun-hn-athinker, one who
thinks out a plan, originates an idea, or the
like; tagbhatmaker; taghmbal
speaker. (cf. tig, manog, manug).
taga-, A prefix denoting;
1) Origin or source, e.g. tagamanl
native of Manila; tagabybayone who
lives near the coast (beach); tagabkida
native or inhabitant of the mountains, a
mountaineer. Tagadin ikw? Where do
you come from? Where were you born?
Where do you live? What place do you
belong to?
2) Attached to words indicating parts of the
body taga- denotes the height or depth as
measured by that part of the body, e.g.
tagathudup to the knees, knee-deep;
tagalpawmore than man-deep, rising
above the head of a man. Tagahwak
karn ang tbig sang sub. The water of
the river is waist-deep at present. Tagalok
ang tbig sang pagtabk nmon. When we
crossed the water came to our armpits.
tag, A large fish-hook.
tag, A word, term, expression. Mga pil
lmang ka tag (tinag) ang ya
hinmbal. He spoke only a few words.
tg, To give, bestow, donate, present,
dispense, impart, confer, grant, accord,
award, assign. Natagan si sing kwrta.
He was given some money. Tagi si sing
ditay nga humy. Give him a little rice.
(cf. htag).
tg, To get ready any kind of weapon for
an attack or defense, to take up a position
of attack or defence with a gun, sword,
dagger, etc. Tagi si sing lthang, blo,
dga, etc. Get ready for him with your gun,
bolo, dagger, etc. Itg sa ya ang pusl.
Point your rifle at him. (cf. ty).
tagbang, A vegetable plant whose oily
leaves greatly facilitate the act of
tagd, An iron-pointed bar or dibble used
in digging, making holes for fence-stakes,
etc. Ibkhay inng tagd sa dt. Use this
iron-pointed dibble to dig up the earth
with. (cf. bha wooden dibble).
tgad, See tagd. In and near Iloilo tagd
is mostly used, tgad in other places.

tdy tgbaw
tgak, To knot or bind hemp-fibre
together and roll it up neatly in a basket
(tagakn) preparatory to weaving or
reeling. Tagka ang lnot. Bind the hempfibre and roll it up in the basket. Tagki
ak sinng lnot. Get me ready that hemp
for reeling (or weaving). (cf. sg-ut).
tagakn, The basket used in the
operation of tgak. (cf. sug-tan).
tagla, A Tagalog woman. (cf. al).
tagalling, (H) Milling time, milling
season for sugar cane. (cf. gling, galng,
galingn, gring).
tagalni, Time of harvest, harvest-time,
harvesting season (for rice). (cf. tigalni).
tagali-g, To come up to the neck (of
water), hence: to scare, frighten, make
afraid. (cf. hdluk, tigsar).
taglog, A male Tagalog. (cf. alg).
tagl, tgal, To impel, drive, push
forward, instigate, induce, put forward; to
make use of the services of another for
obtaining a favour, etc. from a third
person; to guide, direct, point out, show.
Son sang mayo ukn malin nga
paghimnwa ang is ka pngsud
ginatagl (matagl) sa kaayohn ukn sa
kalanan. According to a good or bad
management of public affairs a nation is
led (driven, directed) towards prosperity or
misery. Si Fulno gid ang dyon nla
ginatagl sa pagpanysay sa kon sang
la mga kinahnglan. They always make
use of N.N.s services to let me know what
they want. Itagl si Fulno. Instigate,
induce, put forward N.N. Make use of (Use)
N.N. for your purpose. Kon skton gn si
sang ya tang sa gihpon ginatagl nya
ang ya kabyo. Whenever payment of his
debt is demanded of him he always points
to his horse, i.e. as much as to say: Will
you take my horse in payment of my debt?
or Please wait until I shall have been able
to sell that horse of mine. (cf. dldal,
tuld, tnyag, tytoy, tltul).
tagltal, To rattle, clatter, crash to the
ground, make a noise as of something
striking or knocking against a hard surface.
Ang lta nagatagltal sa trak. The can is
rattling in the truck. (cf. dagldal).
tagm, To be careful, take care, beware,
be on the alert, the look out, for danger,
etc. Tagm (Magtagm, Tumagm) ka.
Take care. Look out. Beware. Tagam si
ttay mo, kay hanton ka nya kon
maspwan ang mo ginhm. Beware of
your father for he will give you a flogging, if
he finds out what you have done. (cf.
katalgmandanger; ndam).
tagmbay, Small, fine; good, not sandy
(of soil). Tagmbay nga dt. Good soil.
Fertile ground. (cf. magamy, tagmhay).
tagmhay, Small, little, tiny; fine, good
(of soil); to be or become small, etc. Lgsa
ang dt, agd magtagmhay ang mga

pug. Harrow the field so that the clods

may by broken up small. (cf. tagmbay).
tagmtam, To taste, try the flavour of.
(cf. dmdim, tilw, sagmsam).
tagank, Father, mother, guardian, tutor,
person to whom a child belongs (who looks
after a child); godfather, godmother. (cf.
tgas, A flow of blood, flow of
decomposed matter; to flow, ooze out,
trickle, decompose and liquefy. Ang
bngkay nagatgas na. The corpse is
already in a state of decomposition. Si
Fulno ginatagsan. N.N. is suffering from
a flux or a flow of blood.
tg-as, High, tall, etc. See tas.
tagask, A slap, a clap; to slap, resound
(as a blow struck with something flat). Ang
ya mga kamt nagtinagask lang sa
nawng ni Fulno. His hands rained blows
on N.N.s face. (cf. lgsak, lgpak).
tag-tg, Mantis, a fly similar to, but
larger than, the dahn-dahn.
tag-tag, Dim. and Freq. of taga
word, term. Also: to speak slowly,
pronounce distinctly syllable by syllable.
tagwtaw, Very tall, high, large, lanky
(colloquial); to grow very tall, etc.
Nagtagwtaw si sa suld sinng pat ka
tig. He has grown very tall during these
four years. Natagawtawn ak sa ya. He
appeared to me to be very tall (lanky). (cf.
lntyog, matas, matans, matg-as).
tgay, To offer, pour out, give a drink to.
Tagyi sil sing tub, bno, hinbra, etc.
Give them some toddy, wine, gin, etc.
Itgay sa ya inng moskatl. Offer him
(pour out for him) this muscatel.
tagayn, A cup, small drinking vessel;
chalice. (cf. ilmnan, bso, suk, suldlan,
tagbalah, (H) Time of floods. See
tagbaly, Master, proprietor, owner of
the house. N.B. On entering a house it is
polite to call out: Tagbaly! and before
going in to wait for the invitation: Sk,
Hpit ka dir sa mon, Suld!, etc. (cf.
tagya, mo).
tagbalyon, A new unfinished house, a
house that is not yet ready to be occupied, a
house to be got ready still to receive its
owner. Tagbalyon pa in nga baly (di
nga baly). This house is not yet
finished,complete,fit for occupation by
its owner. (cf. blay, baly, tagbaly).
tagbarah, (B) See tagbalah.
tgbas, See tbasto cut clothes, etc.
tagbt, Father, mother; guardian, one
who looks after a child or who takes care of
it; godfather, godmother. (tagank id.).
tgbaw, To fly off (away) to a great
distance, be struck or beaten off far, as a
ball well hit by a bat, or the like.
Nagtgbaw ang bla, kay nag sing
mayo. The ball flew far, because it was


tgb tg
well hit. Patagbaw ang bla. Strike the
ball well. Hit the ball well that it may fly
far. (cf. tabg).
tgb, To meet, come together, encounter
one another (by mutual agreement or,
more often, by chance, accidentally,
unexpectedly). Bus sa hpon matgb
lang kit sa baly ni Fulno, sa bulangn,
etc. Tomorrow afternoon well meet in the
house of N.N., at the cockpit, etc.
tgbong, To be heavy, ponderous, etc.
See bg-at.
tgbong, To cast overboard, sink,
immerse, throw or put into water or soil
below the surface. Ang napaty sa
sakayn, gintgbong nla sa dgat. The
man that died on board was buried by them
at sea, was cast overboard. Itgbong inng
mga sh sa higd (bint) sang sp. Put
these banana-shoots into the earth near the
brooklet. Nagatgbong na ang ya
ginhwa. His life is ebbing away. He is
sinking fast.
tgbon, tgban, From tagbto
tgboy, To cling to, stick or adhere to,
lean upon, take hold of. (cf. ngot, nung,
kup, kpkup, tkboy).
tagbululk, Season of flowers. (cf.
tgduk, A cupping glass; to apply a
cupping glass. (cf. tndok).
tgduk, A fence post; to put or ram in the
posts for a fence, etc.; to arrange the
warping board. (cf. bgsok).
taggarling, (B) Season of sugar-milling.
(cf. tiggalling).
taghgn, One who brings in a motion or
is responsible for a bill, a maker of a lawdraft. (cf. hgn).
tghap, To be apprehensive, shy, timid,
afraid. Ind ka mathap (magkathap)
magsuld. Dont be afraid to enter. (cf.
thap, hdluk).
taghimat, Redness, inflammation of the
eyes; having inflamed or bloodshot eyes.
(cf. tagimat, tigmat).
taghimat, Relative, relation by blood,
belonging to the same stock or family,
kinsman, kinswoman, consanguineal,
consanguineous. Sn-o ang taghimat sa
mo? Si Fulno ukn ang ya aswa? Who
is your blood-relation? Is it N.N. or is it his
wife? (cf. himat, bt).
taghirro, Branding season, time during
which domestic animals are usually
registered and branded. (cf. hro).
tghol, The bark, barking, yelp, yap, bay
(of a dog); to bark, yelp, yap, bay. Ang id
nagatghol. The dog barks (is barking).
Tinagholn (tinghol) ak sang id. The
dog barked at me. Pataghol lang ang id.
Let the dog bark. (cf. hlhol, wang,
tghoy, To sigh, moan, to murmur,
rustle, sough, babble, purl, gurgle, brawl,


Visayan-English Dictionary
plash (of wind, dry leaves, flowing water,
etc.); to chirp, chirrup, twitter, sing (of
insects, birds, etc.). (cf. sghoy, lghoy,
tgik, To bind, connect, together,
secure in place (split pieces of bamboo in
floors, in fish traps, etc.). Tagka ang salg.
Tie the flooring with any binding material
like rattan, hpgid, skdap, etc. Itgik inng
owy sa lg-i. Use this rattan for securing
in place the strips of bamboo in the lg-i
netting (weir). Tingik nga mga ngpon.
Teeth that are closely set together. A fine
set of teeth.
tagilm-an, From tagilum.
tagilum, To expect, have apprehensions,
forebodings, misgivings, be of the opinion
or belief that something will happen which
actually does not happen or is not the case,
to suppose, think. Natagilm-an nmon
nga nd ka magabt. We thoughtthat
you would not come,you were not
coming. Ind kam maglgaw kon
madulm na ang kagab-hon, kay bs
tagilm-an kam nga mga makwat ukn
manughl. Dont walk abroad in the
darkness of night, for you may be taken for
thieves or poisoners (of wells, etc.). (cf.
tagilnit, tagilint, Hot or warm season.
(cf. tigilint, nit).
taglyas, Charm, talisman, amulet (that
protects its possessor, makes him
invulnerable, or the like, as supposed by
the superstitious).
tagilysan, The owner or wearer of an
amulet called taglyas; invulnerable,
bullet proof.
tagimat, An inflammation of the eyes,
blood-shot eyes. (cf. tigmat, taghimat).
tagimslon, Kidneys, reins; cartilage,
gristle. (cf. batbto).
tagngting, Very warm or hot, burning,
torrid, white (of heat), scorching (of the
heat of the sun, etc.); to be extremely hot,
etc. Tagngting (Nagatagngting) ang
dlaw karn. The sun is now very hot. (cf.
tagt, salit, sngkal, nit).
tagngting, Very ripe and hard (of beans,
peas, etc.). (cf. lngking).
tagnop, tagnup, To dream, have
visions, perceive intuitively, conceive a
plan, an idea, a scheme, etc. See panagnup, panagnup.
tagn-op, tagn-up, See tagnop,
tagnus, To succeed, follow, one the
other, do one thing after another in regular
succession, come or go one behind the
other without interruption, comeafter,
next. Nagtagnus (Nagtalagnus) sil sa
pagpal. They went home one after the
other. Taginsa ang mo mga buluhatn.
Perform your duties regularly, one after the
other. (cf. sund, pas, tndog).

tagiposon, Heart; affection, sympathy,

consideration, kindness, benevolence,
charity. (cf. kasngksing).
tagptip, A kind of mould or mildew on
clothes in the form of clusters of small
black dots (spots, stains); to be, or cause to
be, spotted with mould, to be musty, fusty,
mildewy. Ginatagptip ang kon pak. My
sleeve is getting spotted with mould.
Tinagptip ang ya srwal. His trousers
are (were) spotted with mould. (cf. agpopmildew, mustiness of bread, etc.).
tagiptipn, Spotted with mould, musty,
fusty, mildewy, rotten.
tagt, tagt, Excessively hot, extremely
warm, incandescent, white-hot, at a white
heat; very white, bright, clean. Nagatagt
karn ang nit. The heat of the sun is very
great at present. It is very hot at present.
Nagatagt gid yanng mga panpton nga
lintag. Those bleached clothes look very
white. (cf. salit, tagngting, put, lgt,
tagya, tag-ya, Owner, proprietor,
holder, possessor, master. (cf. panagya).
taglulng, taglulung, The season or
time of gathering the corn (maize). (cf.
tgman, etc. From tagmto beware,
tgn, Prophecy, prediction, forecast,
vaticination, prognostication, presage,
foretelling of future events; Book of
Prophecies; to prophesy, predict, foretell,
prognosticate, presage, vaticinate,
announce beforehand. Ang tgn ni (kay)
San Hun. The Prophecy of St. John, i.e.
the Apocalypse. Ang mga gintgn sang
mga manangn natman na. What the
prophets have foretold is fulfilled now. Ind
ikw makatgn kon an ang mahanab.
You cannot foretell what will happen. (cf.
tgnak, To flow down, fall down, trickle,
drip, drop down. Nagatgnak ang ya mga
lh. Her tears are flowing. Nagapatgnak
si sing mapat kag masulg nga mga
lh. She is shedding many bitter tears. (cf.
tktak, dgdag, tululgay, talabirs, tl,
gay, lig, tubd).
tg, Hiding, concealment, privacy,
secrecy, clandestineness, stealth; a secret,
what is kept secret, etc.; to hide, conceal,
secrete, stow away, put away, put by, keep
out of sight, abscond. Sa tg.
Clandestinely, surreptitiously, secretly, in
secret. Ginhmo nya in sa tg. He did
that in secret. Taga in. Hide it. Conceal
it. Put it by. Keep it out of sight. Ting
nya ang kon kl. He hid my hat. Tagi
si sing lim ka ph. Put aside for him
five mangoes. Ipatg sa ya in. Pataga
si sin. Let him put itaway,in a safe, in
a safe place. Order him to hide it, to guard
it well, or the like. Nang (from the Freq.
pang) si. He hid (concealed) himself.
He was in hiding. (cf. ting, tinag,

Visayan-English Dictionary
tbon, hinabn, palanagon, likm,
tagongkan, See tagungkanuterus.
tgob, tagb, See tgub, tagb.
tagdtod, The back, shoulders. (cf.
tagdtod, Barren, unproductive, poor,
sterile, unfruitful, unfertile, impoverished,
producing little, said of soil; to become
barren, etc. (of soil). Tagdtod gid ang
dt dir sa baybyon. The land there on
(near) the beach is very poor soil. (cf. hnis,
balasn; bw-as).
tagk, Sap, juice, mostly sticky, viscous
juice (of plants). (cf. dg).
tagm-a, See tagm-asoft, loose, etc.
tagoslang, Spectacles, eye-glasses,
glasses, pince-nez, monocle, lens,
microscope. (cf. tg, silng).
tagtlo, Three each, three by three, by
threes. (cf. tagttlo, tatlttlo).
tagpalamulk, Season of flowers. (cf.
tgp, To gag, cover or close the mouth.
Tagpo ang mo bb, nd ka
magtalngkaw. Cover your mouth, dont
laugh so boisterously. Gintgp sang mga
buyng ang ya bb. The brigands gagged
tgpon, To gag. See tgp. Tagpon ang
bb nya. Gag his mouth.
tgpon, A cover, lid; to cover, overspread,
close (as with a lid). (cf. tapn, tabn,
tbon, lon, son; takp).
tagpuy, Master of the house, occupant,
dweller, settler, owner or boss (of a house).
(cf. puy).
tagraramg, Winter, cold season.
(tigraramg id.).
tagr-tgra, To roam about idly, gad
about, loaf, walk about doing nothing
worth while, said especially of women. (cf.
lagwlgaw, landlndo, haryhray,
tigtig, pugpug).
tgring, Tinkling, jingle, clink,
tintinnabulation, vibration, a tremulous
sound as produced by the oscillation of
musical strings, etc.; to tinkle, jingle, clink,
vibrate. Kabat ikw sang tgring sang
gitra? Did you hear the sound of the
guitar? Dl mo pagpatagringn sing
dyon ang mo ssta. Dont be always
playing your mandolin (guitar, ukulele).
Abw, katgring sinng mga linggnay!
Oh the jingling of those bells! How those
bells jingle! (cf. kilngkilng, hun,
ragngring, ragting, tgsing).
tagr-tgro, A loafer, etc. (of men). (cf.
tgsa, Each, every one, every individual.
Ang tgsa ka to. Each man, everybody,
every man. Ang tgsa ka baly napunihn
sing matahm. Every house (All the
houses) was (were) beautifully decorated.
Ang ginmot sang tgsa ka bnwa.
The contribution of every town. (cf.

tagongkan tagngtung
kda; tann, puls all, without
tgsa, One, one only, single, as a single
stroke of a bell or clock, one report of a
gun, etc.; to do one by one, in single
strokes, etc. Tagsah ang pagbgting sang
linggnay. Ring the bells one stroke at a
tagsalabd, tagsalb-ug, (H) Sowing
season. (tigsalabd, tigsalb-ug etc.).
tagson, A rod, cane, stick, cudgel, rattan
whip. (cf. bilogn, nw, bulunl).
tagsarabd, tagsarb-ug, (B) See
tagsalabd, tagsalb-ug.
tags-tgsa, One and all, everybody,
each one (of a number or quantity). Ang
tgsa-tgsa sa ton. Each and every
one of us. Ang tags-tgsa ka to.
Every man. All men. (cf. tann, puls,
tags-tgsa, Seldom, rarely, scarcely
ever. Tagstgsa lang nmo makt in.
Such a thing you can seldom see. (cf.
tumalgsa, talgsa).
tgsik, To sprinkle, besprinkle, spatter,
bespatter, scatter, etc. See sik, gsik,
pok, sang, wisk, lsik, lgsik).
tgsing, A loud, sonorous, piercing or
shrill sound; to be sonorous, to resound, to
emit a shrill, far-reaching sound, to be
clear,sharp,high-sounding. (cf. slik,
sulnting, thag, tas, lniog, lnyog).
tgtag, To distribute, divide among a
number, deal out, dispense, give or bestow
in portions. Itgtag na sa la ang dlse,
ang kwrta, ang humy, etc. Distribute to
them the sweets, the money, the rice, etc.
Tagtag dir sing sbud, kay wal na ak
sing itnum. Distribute some riceseedlings here, for I have no more left to
plant. Tinagtagn (Gintagtagn) sil nya
sing tagpistas. He gave twenty centavos to
each of them. He gave them twenty
centavos each. (cf. htag, pangtag, huly,
tagtulgnaw, Winter. See tigtulgnaw,
tg, See tgto hide, etc.
tagungkan, Uterus, womb. (cf.
balatan, tiyn, bsung).
tagunkan, See tagungkan. (cf. tagu-,
tagb, Sheath, scabbard, case; to sheathe,
put into a scabbard, provide or make a
scabbard. Itagb ang mo espda. Sheathe
your sword. Tgbi (Tagub) ang mo
binngon. Provide a scabbard for your
tgub, Any kind of fish-trap used in
rivers; to put, place, set, a fish-trap in
the water. Itgub ang pta, bw-an, tan,
etc. Set the pta, the bw-an, the
tanfish-trap in the water. (cf. sgmad).
tagublus, To give thanks, make a fitting
return, be grateful to. (cf. pasalmat,

tagubnwa, A kind of spirits or tutelary

deities supposed by the credulous to have
charge over whole towns and districts.
tagbtub, A thud, flop, thump, bump, a
dull sound; to thud, bump, flop, thump,
drop with a dull sound. (cf. tagbtab,
lagbung, lgpok).
tagbtub, A bamboo-tube of two joints
used especially in collecting tub; (cf.
paska bamboo-tube of one joint;
baynga bamboo-tube of at least three or
more joints). (cf. talbtub, tarbtub).
tagudilan, Condemned, damned,
sentenced to hell, reprobate, lost. Ang mga
tinagudilan. Those condemned to hell, the
damned in hell. Tumna ang mga sg
sang Dis, agd nd ka mangintagudilan.
Observe Gods commandments, lest you
should be damned or become a reprobate.
(cf. inpiernohnon, tinagudilan).
tagd-tgud, tagd-tagd, Full of
small holes, punctured, porous, bruised; to
bruise, puncture; to bruise or indent with
the teeth by-leaves, etc. Tagd-tagud
(ur) nay ang by, kay ihmpul ko sa
mo dungndngan. Bruise the by-leaf
first with your teeth and I will then put it as
a plaster on your temple. (cf. hatkhatk).
taguhmok, A lichen that grows on
trees, tree-moss; anything that softens or
mollifies, demulcent. (cf. hmok, hmok).
tagulway, A plant and its medicinal
juice used as a remedy for wounds.
tgum, Indigo plant, indigo, indigo blue.
(cf. anyl).
tgum, Dye; to dye, stain, colour, steep in
colour (particularly in indigo blue). (cf.
tagm-a, Soft, loose, not hard, good for
farming (of soil); to be or become soft, etc.
Tagm-a inng dt. This soil is soft, is
good for farming. Nagtagm-a na ang
kon talmnan, kay nadro sing
makadm. The soil of my rice-land is now
quite soft, because it has been ploughed
over many times. (cf. hmok, hmok, lmok, ym-ok, hbok).
tagumatyon, On the point, on the
threshold, of death, near or approaching
death, in a dying condition. Tagumatyon
(Nagatagumatyon) na si. He is in a
dying condition. He will soon die. (cf.
paty, maty, kamatyon, himatayn).
tagmtum, Fog, mist, vapour, cloud; to
be foggy, misty, etc. (cf. mbon, alopop,
gl-um, pangnod).
tagunh, To sew or stitch on, to fasten,
attach firmly, unite, tie together. (cf. tah,
higt, tbid, tabd).
tagngtung, Very clear, bright, vivid,
outstanding or pronounced of a colour,
etc.; to be or become very clear, etc.
Tagngtung gid ang ya pagkaitm,
pagkapul, etc. The darkness, redness, etc.
of his skin is very pronounced. (cf. lt,


tagntun, tagnton tihop

tagntun, tagnton, To spread,
extend, propagate, diffuse, advance,
(particularly said of a swelling, of pain,
etc.). (cf. panagnton).
tagur, Half a days work, half a day; to
work half a day. Nagtagur lang si
kahpon nga dlaw. Yesterday he worked
only half-time. Taguri lang. Work only
half a day. Taguri si. Work half a day for
him. Do half a days work for him.
Nagdgay ak ddto sing tagur. I stayed
(worked) there half a day. (cf. tung sa
dlaw, utd sa dlaw).
tg-us, To tremble, shake, quiver. (cf.
kryo, krug, kdug).
taguslang, See tagoslangeye-glasses,
tagusrang, See taguslang.
tagstus, A kind of worm that is very
injurious to plants, especially to rice.
Humy nga tinagstus (tinagustusn).
Worm-eaten (wormy) rice (in the field).
tagu-, tago-, A prefix related to, and
partaking of the meaning of, tag-, tig-,
inog- and manog-.
tagt, tagt, A small lizard, sandlizard. (cf. sksok, tok, takgecko;
haliguana; kuyyhaflying dragon;
buyacrocodile, alligator; balangtaw,
tambalihn, tik).
tgwa, (B) For twga from tawg.
Tgwa tna. (Twga si). Call him.
tagwngkan, tagwnkan, See
tagungkan, tagunkanuterus.
tagwat, A kind of small bird.
tah, Respect, reverence, honour, regard,
consideration, deference, esteem,
estimation, veneration; to respect, esteem,
appreciate, venerate, revere, regard,
reverence, look up to, defer to, honour,
hold in reverence, show regard or
reverence for. Taha si. Revere him.
Defer to him. Wal si magtah sa kon.
Wal ak nya pagtaha. He did not show
me respect. He was disrespectful to me.
Ginatah si nla sing dak. They look up
to him with great respect (reverence). They
honour (value, appreciate) him highly.
Wal na sil pagtah sa ya. They do not
show him respect any longer. (cf. thud,
ban, blhot, padungg, panagubli,
hangd, tamd, salog).
thad, Sharpness of a point, a sharp
point; to sharpen to a point, like
sharpening a pencil. Waly thad inng
lpis. This pencil has no point or is not
sharp. Tahri (di) ang lpis. Sharpen
the pencil. (cf. talwis).
thak, Daring; to dare. (cf. ahng, khas,
tahk-tahk, Dim. of thak.
Tahktahk nga to. A daring man. (cf.
dahkdahk, tuhktuhk).
thal, See thadto sharpen, etc.
tahmlok, A rope made of rags and used
to drive or keep off mosquitoes; to use or


Visayan-English Dictionary
make such a contrivance. The tahmlok is
lighted like a taper and either carried in the
hand or fastened conveniently somewhere
nearby. The resulting smoke keeps the
mosquitoes at a distance. Maglbid ka sing
nag kay itahmlok ko. Twist some rags
together, for I am going to use them against
mosquitoes. (cf. tab, hmlok, lamk,
tahng, A gap in the teeth; having a gap
in the teeth (either as a congenital or
accidental defect). Tahng si. May
tahng si. He is minus a tooth (some
teeth). He has lost a tooth (some teeth). He
has a tooth (some teeth) missing. (cf.
thap, See tghapto fear, etc.
thaw, To deteriorate, get stale or weak
or lose strength. Nagthaw ang bno,
lnggaw, etc. The wine, vinegar, etc. has
lost its strength. Wal gid magthaw ang
ya paghiggma. His love never lessened.
Patahwa ang ya kakig. Try to calm his
anger. (cf. tbang).
tah, Sewing, stitching, tailoring; to sew,
stitch, tailor, do needle-work, make clothes.
Tahi ang by ko. Sew my jacket. Tahi
ak sing delrgo. Make me a pair of
trousers. Mkina (makin) sa tah. Sewing
machine. Tinahin na ak sang
manugtbas sing duh ka trno. The tailor
has made me two suits. Ind si
makahibal bisn lmang magtah. She
does not even know how to sew (stitch).
tah, To toughen, harden new earthenware
by roasting salt in it, so that it may not
easily crack. Tahih ang klon. Harden
(Toughen) the rice-kettle.
tahmik, Nice, beautiful, tranquil, quiet;
to be or become nice, restful, quiet, etc.
Nagatahmik na gid ang pagkatulg
sinng bt. This baby is sleeping restfully
(quietly, nicely). Nagtahmik na ang la
pagpuy kag pagpangabh ddto. Their
living conditions there have now become
quite happy (tranquil, without worry or
anxiety). (cf. twhay, matwhay,
tahn-thin, Well-dressed, spick and
span, neat, clean and tidy. The form
panahn-thin is more in use especially as
verb. Nagpanahn-thin si, kay
mamista. She is well dressed, because she
is going to assist at the feast. Kon
magkdto ka ddto kinahnglan nga
magpanahnthin (manahnthin) ka.
When you go there you must be clean and
tidy,must dress yourself with care.
Nagapanahnthin si, kay
magapangank si. She looks spick and
span, because she is going to be godmother.
tah, tah, A kind of small, brownfeathered bird.
tah, A kind of ginger-ale; a beverage
prepared from the powdered root, etc. of
ginger (ly-a).

thong, tahng, A kind of shell-fish.

Thung, tahng id.
tahr, A gambler, gamester, one who is
addicted to gambling, a gambling addict.
(cf. sugarl, sumulgal).
tahs, See tbos, tabsto seep or soak
through, etc.
thud, Respect, regard, reverence,
honour, consideration, deference, esteem,
estimation, appreciation, veneration; to
respect, revere, reverence, defer to, regard,
honour, look up to, hold in reverence, pay
honour or respect to. Tahra (-da) si.
Honour him. Respect him. Tumhud
(Magthud) ka sa mo amy kag ily.
Honour your father and mother. Wal si
pagthud sa kon. He shows no respect for
me. Ginathud si sing dak bangd sang
matrung nya nga batsan. He is held in
great reverence on account of his honesty
(righteous conduct). Ginathud ko si, kay
talahron (si). I honour him, because he
is worthy of honour. (cf. tah,
matinahron, katahurn, talahron,
thud, To agree, pull well together, live in
peace or amity. (cf. sbud, sbun).
tahd, The cocks spur to which the knife
(bulng) is fastened in cock-fighting. Ihigt
ang bulng sa tahd sang mank. Fasten
the knife to the cocks spur.
tahm, Beauty, loveliness, comeliness,
pulchritude, prettiness, handsomeness,
goodliness, attractiveness, good looks; to
be, become or make beautiful, nice,
handsome, lovely, comely, fair, beauteous,
pretty, good-looking. Nagtahm na ang
simbhan, kay napintahn. The church
has become beautiful now, for it has been
painted. Tahum ang pagpun. Make
beautiful decorations. Abw, katahm sin!
What a beauty! How beautiful this is!
Natahumn ak sin. This seems beautiful
to me. (cf. mbong, nyag, ayyo, gayn,
dlig, mah).
thung, tahng, See thong, tahng).
tahp, Chaff, husks, refuse; to sift rice,
separate the husks from pounded rice by
tossing it in a shallow basket called
kallaw. Itahp inng kallaw sa nalg-as.
Clean the pounded rice of husks by means
of this kallaw. Tphi (Tahup) ang
binay. Clean the pounded rice. Ipatahp
na lang sa ya inng is ka lusng nga
humy nga nabay na. Just let him clean
(of husks) this mortarful of pounded rice.
(cf. sisg, sirsri).
thur, To agree, pull well together, live in
harmony. (cf. thud, sbud, sbun, hish,
tahur, A kind of beans. (cf. twri).
tahs, To penetrate, soak through, etc.
See tbos. (tahs id.).
tihop, To blow through a tube, blow by
means of a tube or by means of a pair of

Visayan-English Dictionary
bellows. Taihop (Tiphi) ang kalyo. Blow
the fire through a tube. (cf. hyup, huyp).
tihop, See tahpchaff, etc.
tap, To observe, notice, experience, go
through, pass through, undergo, taste, find
out by experience, have a taste of by
personal trial or observation. Nataipn na
nya in. He knows this now by experience.
He has had a taste of this himself. (cf. tup,
tilw, panlag, sukb, tukb, sap, tltul,
tas, ta-s, To chafe, fret, scrape, abrade,
wear away, wear down, wear through, rub.
Ang kawyan nagatas sa dt kon
guyron. The bamboo gets scraped by the
ground, if it is dragged along. Ang iya
srwal nagtas sa pngk. His trousers
were worn through by sitting. Ang khoy
nataisn (nata-isn) sang kawayan, ang
kawyan nataisn sang khoy. The tree
got chafed by the bamboo, the bamboo got
chafed by the tree. Pata-is lang ang
tngkap sang tabln. Just let the end of
the log get rubbed.
ti, t-i, Faeces, excrement, dung, ordure,
stool. (cf. pot, it).
tka, To become hard, compact, closely
packed, to coalesce, stick together,
especially said of rice left too long in the
kettle without stirring. Natka
(Nagkatka) ang ting-ang, kay wal
pagkalikra (-da). The rice stuck together
in the kettle, because it was not stirred. (cf.
bilg, dokt).
tak, Nausea, loathing, surfeit, disgust,
aversion, repugnance; to loathe, feel an
aversion to, be disgusted with, etc.
Nagakatak ak sinng krne. Natk-an
ak sinng krne. I have taken an aversion
to this meat. I dislike, feel a loathing
for, am disgusted with, this kind of
meat. Ind ka magkatak (magtak) sang
kon mga sg. Dont be offended at my
orders. Dont take exception to my orders.
Ginatk-an si sang am nga
pangabdlay. He feels a repugnance to
such kind of work. (cf. sum, sm-od).
tak, (B) The gekko, gecko, a kind of
lizard larger than the ordinary tagt or
sksok. (cf. tok, tik).
takb, (B) To pilfer, steal, purloin, take
secretly or stealthily. An ang tinakb na?
(Nno ang ya kinwat)? What did he
steal? Gintakb na ang mga sb-a ko.
Tinakabn na ak kang sb-a ko.
(Kinwat nya ang kon mga sging.
Kinawtan ak nya sang kon mga
sging). He stole my bananas. (cf. tkaw,
tkam, To munch or chew noisily
(audibly). Ind ka magtkam kon
magkon, kay malw-ay. Dont chew
noisily when you eat, for it is not nice
(proper). (cf. tmsak).
takm-tkam, Dim. and Freq. of tkam.
tk-an, From takto loathe, etc.

tihop tklas
tkang, takng, (B) A step, pace, stride;
to pace, stride, step, make steps. (cf.
tikng, lakng).
takng-tkang, Dim. and Freq. of
tkang, takng. Also: to take the first
steps, to learn to walk; to learn the ropes,
enter upon a career. Ang bt
nagatakngtkang na. The baby is taking
its first steps,is learning to walk.
tkas, Inland, interior, away from the sea,
away from a river or valley, land as
opposed to water, a slope or hill as opposed
to a valley; to land, disembark, go on shore,
go inland, go away from the sea, from a
river or from a valley; to go up-stream or
up-river. Nagtkas sil sa Manl. They
disembarked (went on shore) at Manila.
Sn-o ka matkas (magatkas)? When
shall youland,go into the interior,go
inland? Ang mon baly r sa tkas sang
sub. Our house stands back from the
river. Ginpatkas nya dir ang napl ka
sko nga bugs. He landed there (brought
on shore) ten sacks of rice. Pataksa ang
sakayn. Land (Try to land) the boat. (cf.
ilya, ilay; ubslower down, near the
sea; etc.).
takasn, Beach, coast, dry land, high
ground, shore, bank, landing place.
Paunun kam maghinggaw sang
takasn. Race each other and see which of
you will reach land first. (tkas).
tkaw, (B) To steal, pilfer, abscond,
purloin, take and carry away feloniously.
Tinkaw na ang kl ko. (Kinwat nya
ang kon kl). He stole my hat. Ind mo
pagtakwon (pagkawton) ang mga
tanm na (nya). Dont steal his plants.
Natakwan nnda ang pray nga di.
(Nakawtan nla inng humy). They stole
some of this rice. Tinakwan nnda ang
pray nga di. (Kinawtan nla inng
humy). This sentence may be translated
like the foregoing, but it may also mean:
This rice of theirs is stolen property (is not
the result of their labour nor the product of
their land). (cf. takb; kwat).
tkay, (B) Contribution, share, part; to
contribute a share, pay something towards
a general undertaking, etc. Takyi (Amti)
nnyo ang pagpatndog ti ermta (sing
ermta). Contribute towards the building of
a chapel. Nagtkay (nagmot) tna ti (si
sing) ttlo ka mngmang. He contributed
three pesos. Patakya tna ti (Paamta
si sing) ttlo ka mngmang. Make him
contribute three pesos. Pir ang tkay mo?
(Pil ang mo mot)? How much is your
share of the contribution? How much are
you supposed to contribute? (cf. mot).
taky-tkay, Dim. and Freq. of tkay.
taky-tkay, A kind of flowering plant.
tkba, To mate, leap, cover, said of
animals. Ang kabyo nga babye tinkba
sang lalkeorang kabyo nga babye
nagpatkba. The mare was covered by the
stallion. (cf. ksta).

tkbaw, To jump, clear, take, leap over.

Takbaw ang kalg. Jump over the ditch.
(cf. lkso, lkbo, lmpat).
tkboy, To put on, lay on, lie or lean
upon. (cf. tngday, hmbuy) Also: To add
to, fasten or sew on. Lingi na ang mo
by kag itkboy ang mga pak. Make
holes in your dress for the sleeves and sew
the sleeves on. (cf. takd, angt).
tkdan, From takdto close; hitch up,
tkdung, To cover (the head, etc.). (cf.
takurng, kdong, tbon, ttub, tutb,
tkga, Promise, engagement, pledge,
plight, troth; to promise, to give, pass,
pledge, plight,ones word,ones
honour,ones credit,ones troth. Ang
mga tinkga ni Hesukrsto. The promises
of Jesus Christ. Nagtkga si nga. He
promised that. Tinakgahn nya ak
nga bklan sing kl. He promised to buy
me a hat. (cf. tg-an, sad).
takdlon, From taklid.
tkig, Ague-fever, ague, malaria; a kind of
fever that begins with a fit of shivering.
May tkig si. Ginatkig si. He hasan
ague fever,malaria fever.
takild, Sideways, on the side.
taklid, To sit, lie, stand, walk, etc.
sideways. Pataklidto put or turn on the
side. Patakdla (Patakilra, patakilda)
ang ltok. Set the table down on its side.
Tilt the table over on its side. (cf. klid).
takn, (B) To scrape together, collect,
gather, heap, mass, bring together; to
separate, scrape or scoop away from a
common heap, or the like. Takin ang
bars kag hkpon. (Tipna (pana) ang
bals kag hakpon mo). Heap the sand
together (with your hand) and scoop it up.
(cf. tpon; kka, pin).
takins, A plant with very rough leaves
that are often used as an abrasive,
especially for rubbing and cleaning the skin
of a slaughtered pig, etc.
tklad, To ascend, climb, clamber, scale,
go up-hill, march up an incline, slope, hill,
etc. Tklad na kam. Now, march up-hill.
Begin the ascent. Tinklad nla ang bkid.
They scaled the mountain. Taklad (-ar)
ang baklod. Climb up the hill. (cf. tokd.)
takldon, (B) Ascent, going up. (cf.
taklron, talaklron, tolokdon,
tolokron, turukdon).
tklap, To cover, put or lay upon.
Taklapn ta ikw sing hbul? Shall we put
a blanket over you? Shall we cover you with
a blanket? (cf. tbon, tklub).
taklron, (H) See takldon.
tklas, (H) To climb up something steep,
using hands and feet, to clamber up, scale.
Tklas ka sa padr, dngding, kodl,
pngpang, etc. Climb the wall, partition,
fence, steep river-bank, etc. Taklas


tklo talabkan
ortaklas ang pngpang. Climb the steep
river-bank. (cf. tklad).
tklo, The hollow of the hand; to grip or
catch with the hollow of the hand. (cf.
pladthe palm of the hand).
tklub, A small fish-trap. (cf. tan).
tklub, Cover, lid, cap; to cover, put a lid
on, close. Taklub ang bang. Cover the
water-pot (water-cooler). Itklub inng
takp (lon) sa klon. Put this lid on the
rice-pot. (cf. tklap, takp, tabn, tbon).
tklung, A kind of snail and its shell.
tklus, To hang on to, attach to, the
belt or hip a bolo, sword, etc.; to gird on a
bolo, sword, etc. Itklus ang binngon.
Gird on your bolo. Sling the bolo at your
side. (cf. skbit).
tkm, To suck. Ang bt nagatkm sa
ya ily. The baby is sucking the breast of
its mother. Nakatkm gid lang inng bt
sing makais kag napaty. This baby
sucked milk once and died. (cf. spsop,
syup, sso, ypyup).
tkn, Time, hour.
taknan, Time-piece, watch, clock.
tko, (Sp. taco) Bung, plug, stopper,
stopple; wad, wadding for guns; rammer;
billard cue; to wad a gun, etc. or load a gun.
Takhi ang mo lthang. Load your gun.
Itko inng papl sa mo pusl. Use this
paper as wad (wadding) for your rifle. Din
ang tko sang blyar? Where is the billard
tkon, (B) On my part, etc. for sing kon.
Ind (ak) tkon maggto rgto. (Ind ak
sing kon, Ind aky kon, magkdto
ddto). I for my part will not go there. As
for me I wont go there.
takn, (Sp. tacn) The heel or heelpiece of
a boot or shoe, etc. (cf. tikd).
takp, takp, Cover, cap, top, lid,
shutter; to cover, put a lid on, to close,
shut. Tkpi (takup) ang gawng. Shut the
window. Natkpan ang ganhan. The door
is (was) closed. Ang mga buluthan
pagatkpan sa blan sa Mrso. The
schools will be closed in March. Itakp ang
tklub sa klon. Put the lid on the ricekettle. Patkpa si Hos sang ganhan
sang kosna. Let Jos (Order Jos to) close
the door of the kitchen. (cf. tklub, hom,
takorng, A head-dress for women
consisting of a cloth or veil, often worked in
beautiful designs. (cf. mantelyna).
tkpan, From takp.
tksan, etc. From taksto measure,
tktak, To fall down in drops, let fall,
shed, said of tears, leaves, petals of flowers,
etc. Nagakatktak ang ya mga lh sa
ya kamt. Her tears are falling on her
hand. Nagkalatktak na ang mga sinipd
sinng blak. The petals of this flower have
fallen off already. Tinaktakn nya ang
kon delrgo sing ab sang sigarlyo. He


Visayan-English Dictionary
dropped some cigarette ash on my trousers.
Nataktakn ang salg sang ab sang ya
abno. The ash of his cigar dropped on the
floor. Natktak si sa ya nga
palangakan. He lost his position. He fell
from office. (cf. dgdag, hlug, tngtang).
taktkon, Corral, the fence-like structure
put up in shallow water and forming part of
the fish-trap called punt. (cf. bunanthe
enclosure where the fish are caught).
takb-takb, A shiver, shudder,
tremble, quiver; to tremble, shiver, quiver,
shake, chatter (with cold, fear, etc.).
Nagatakbtakb ang ya bb sa
katgnaw. His mouth is quivering with
cold. His teeth are chattering with cold. (cf.
pri, prik, kiru, kryo).
takd, Shutter, door, window; anything
that is to be tied, fastened or hitched up to
something else, as a draught animal, a cart,
or the like; to shutter, close with a shutter;
to attach to. Tkdi (takud, takur) ang
bka. Yoke the ox. Itakd ang ptyong sa
by ko. Sew the button on my jacket.
Tkdan mo ang ganhan. Shut the door.
Itakd ang takd sa bintn. Close the
window-shutter. Tinkdan ko na ang
karabw sang ardo. I have now hitched
the buffalo to the plough. (cf. takp).
tkud, (H) To stand, be able to, afford,
can. Ind na si makatkud magtokd sa
Napulk, kay tiglang na si. He cannot
climb the Napulk any more, for he is an
old man now. (cf. sarng, tukd, bats).
takl, Quick, careless, to do quickly, etc.
The Dim. takltakl is more in use.
takl-takl, Scamped, quickly or
carelessly done or made; to do quickly,
carelessly, negligently. (cf. dakldakl).
takl-takl, The cry of a turkey, gobble;
to gobble (of a turkey or the like).
tk-um, To cover, put on, place upon. (cf.
tbon, tklap).
takpis, A kind of plant. See takins id.
takpis, Rough, not smooth. Pnit nga
takpis. Rough skin. Grained or granulated
leather. Shagreen.
takpis nga pnit, Also: Leather bag,
leather trunk, portmanteau, suitcase (made
of leather).
takups, takpis, Clothes-basket,
travelling basket, suitcase. (cf. soklban,
takur, Kettle for boiling water in, teakettle, coffee-kettle.
takur, See tagurhalf a days work, etc.
takurng, See takornga headdress for
taks, Measure, standard, measurement,
degree, dimension; coming up to the mark
or standard, entitled to, deserving of,
meriting, meet, worthy; to measure, take
the measure of, survey. Gintaks nya ang
kon um. He measured or surveyed my
field. Nangintaks na si sang am nga
palangakon. He has become worthy of

that position of power or office. Wal si

sing ikataks sa pagkapanglo-bnwa.
He has no capacity for, does not measure
up to, the office of Municipal President.
Tksa (takus) ang kalaban sinng kalt.
Measure the length of this rope. Tksi ak
sing lim ka dup sinng almbre.
Measure out for me ten yards of that wire.
Ipataks mo ang mo palangmhan sa
agrimensr. Have your farm surveyed by a
land-surveyor. Taks si sang tann nga
pagdyaw. He is worthy of all praise. (cf.
skol, sokb, sngkol, ngay).
taks-nit, Thermometer. (A modern
term; cf. taks, nit).
tkwas, To climb anything steep, clamber
up. See tklas id. Takwas ang dngding.
Climb the partition wall. N.B. Sometimes
tkwas is used like tkba or kstato
mate, cover (of animals).
tal, An exclamation used to draw
attention, especially when making a
petition: Oh please! Do, please! Do this for
me. Grant. Deign to. Grant, I
beseech you,.
tla, To boil shell-fish (pakinhson).
Talha ang (Talhi ak sang) tahng. Boil
the tahng shell-fish (for me).
talan, Sign, mark, token, foreboding,
omen, presage. (cf. tnd, pt-in).
talba, A kind of shell-fish; oyster.
talabng, See talba.
talabangn, Any person or object
needing (worthy of) assistance. (tbang).
talabartro, (Sp. talabartero) Saddler,
belt-maker, harness-maker.
talabasn, A tailors; a shop, store
(especially where textiles are sold);
commerce, business. (cf. tbas,
talabasn, Cloth, textiles, fabrics, woven
goods; clothing materials, stuff, dressgoods; cloth to be cut or tailored. (cf.
talbid, To connect, bind together, join or
fasten to. Madm nga mga dlan ang
nabksan na nga nagatalbid sang mga
kabanwahnan. Many roads have been
opened to (that) link together the
Municipalities. (cf. tbid).
talabils, See talabirs which is more in
talabirs, To trickle, drop, drip, flow
down, said of perspiration, etc.
Nagatalabirs ang ya blhas. He is
pouring with perspiration. (cf. tabirs;
talaban, talabon, Gathering,
meeting, rendezvous, hiding place. (cf.
talabkan, Crossing, place where a river,
creek, etc. has to be crossed or is usually
crossed. Inng sub may ttlo ka
talabkan humaln dir tbtub sa minur
nga N. This river has to be crossed three
times from here to the village N. (cf. tabk).

Visayan-English Dictionary
talabkon, A river, etc. that is to be
crossed. Sa gintlan sang bnwa X. kag
sang bnwa Z. may pat ka sub nga
talabkon. Between the towns of X. and Z.
there are four rivers to be crossed. (cf.
tabk, talabkan).
talabn, A stretcher. See tulabn.
tald, The flesh and muscles of the loins,
lumbar muscles; a kind of fish; newly
planted sugar cane. (cf. lomyo, lomlyo).
talag, A platform, usually about one step
high, serving as a foundation for a staircase
or house-ladder.
talagakn, What is to beknotted,
bound together,got ready for reeling or
weaving; hemp-fibre, etc. that is to be
knotted (to be bound together) and to be
rolled up neatly in the tagakn-basket. (cf.
talagbasn, A tailors, etc. See
talagbasn, Textiles, etc. See talabasn.
talagbngan, Place where a thing is
sunk, buried or thrown down. (cf.
talagnus, (H) To follow, succeed,
one another; to leave, disappear, one
after the other (as guests after a banquet,
stars in the morning, etc. (cf. tagnus,
sund, abkabk).
talgman, Dangerous, risky, hazardous;
danger. (cf. tagm, katalgman).
talagon, (H) Place where anything is
hidden or preserved, hiding place, place of
concealment, safe nook or corner.
Talagon-plak. Bank. Money safe. (cf.
tg, talagon).
talagon, What is to, should, be
hidden or kept secret; secret, private,
confidential, not destined for the public.
Sult nga talagon. A letter to be kept
secret. A confidential letter. (cf. tg).
talgsa, Seldom, rare, difficult to
encounter or to obtain; rarely, seldom, not
often, scarcely, hardly, ever,
infrequently, unfrequently. (cf. tagstgsa,
talg-talg, Careless, negligent,
thoughtless, etc. See talktalk.
talahon, (H) Respectable, honourable,
worthy of high esteem. (cf. tah;
talh, A needle. (cf. dgum, tah).
talahan, (H) A tailors shop, a
dressmakers shop, place (room) where
clothes are made or where sewing is done.
(cf. tah).
talahon, talahin, Things to be sewn
or to be made into clothes; stuff, clothing
material, broad stuff, dress-goods. (cf.
talahron, Honourable, respectable,
estimable, venerable, noble, illustrious,
meriting, worthy ofrespect,reverence,
distinction. (cf. thud, talahon,
halngdon, salaulugn).

talabkon talandan
talid, Precise, strict, exact, conscientious,
punctilious, nice, scrupulous, careful; to act
or do something with precision, exactness,
thoroughly, properly, carefully. (cf. tl-id,
d-id, talngkod, psan, ttum, kud).
talihom, A smile, a quiet laugh
(laughter); to smile, break out into a laugh,
to laugh (quietly, derisively, sarcastically).
Nakatalihom si. He smiled. He burst out
laughing. Natalaihomn ak sa ya. I
could not help smiling at him.
Gintalaihomn nya ak. He smiled or
laughed at me. Ginpatalihom ak sang
ya nga singid. I was forced to smile at his
remarks. I could not help smiling at what
he said. Natalaihomn si sa kon.
(Nagyuhm si sing may kaybit (kahmut) sa kon). He smiled at me derisively
(gleefully). (cf. yuhm, kdlaw, lkh,
lmh, talngkaw, harkhak, ngirt,
talkdan, That is to beclosed,shut,
hitched up, etc. (cf. takd).
talkdang, To chance upon, arrive
(unexpectedly), come unawares, come to,
appear on the scene. (cf. abt, smput,
sapt, dngat).
talkdong, (H) A cover (for the head,
etc.); to cover (the head with a piece of
cloth, etc.). (cf. knop, takorng, tkdong,
talaklron, (H) Ascent, going uphill,
climbing. (tklad; cf. taklron, takldon).
talksan, Measure, measurement,
measuringstandard,rod, tape-measure,
chain (of surveyors), size (of clothes, etc.).
(cf. taks).
talkson, That is to be measured, etc. (cf.
talktak, See tktak. Nagakatalktak
ang ya mga lh. Her tears are flowing.
She is shedding tears.
talk-talk, Careless, thoughtless,
unconcerned; to be careless or indifferent
about, be unconcerned or easy-going, pay
no attention to, take no interest in. Ind mo
pagtalktalakn ang sngsing, kay bs
madl. Dont be careless about the ring,
for it might be lost. Tinalktalakn gid
lang nya ang ya palangitnan kag sa
wal (man) madgay napto si. He did
not pay much attention to his business and
before long he was bankrupt. (cf.
talgtalg, pasapayn, patyang,
pasaburk, pasaburt).
talakurng, See talkdongto cover the
head, etc.
tall-as, Plural form of tl-asto run
away, etc.
tallay, See tullaymusic, etc.
talamyon, talamayn, (H)
Contemptible, despicable, deserving of
contempt, worthless, paltry. (cf. tmay).
talmbal, Remedy, ointment, salve,
plaster. (cf. tmbal, halmpul, halplas).

talambyaw, (B) To cooperate,

collaborate, join in, help each other, unite,
work in unison. See tarambyaw.
talmbwan, Window. See talamwan.
(cf. gawng, bintn).
talmdan, (H) Notice; consideration,
observation, things to be observed or to be
paid attention to. (cf. tamd).
talmdon, That is to bepaid attention
to,noted,observed. (cf. talmdan).
talmnan, (H) Field, plantation, tilth,
arable soil, especially rice-land. (cf. tnum,
talamnnon, (H) That is to be planted or
sown (sowed), crops to be planted. (cf.
talm-ok, To choke, go the wrong way,
fail to pass through the gullet, to close or
obstruct the passage of liquids by taking
too large a draught or by drinking too
greedily and hastily. Natalam-okn ak
sang tbig. The water gave me a choking
fit. (cf. talm-ok, sl-ok).
talmos, See tmosto bite, etc.
talampan, Gathering, meeting,
assembly, congregation, place where a
meeting is held. (cf. tmp, tilipunn,
talapun, talapunan, kilitan,
talampkan, Hole, pit, etc. See talapkan. (cf. tmpok, tp-ok).
talampyuk, (H) To congregate,
assemble, gather, meet, crowd together,
come together in large numbers, go to,
assist at, a meeting or wherever there is a
great concourse of people. (cf. tpon,
hubnhbon, dguk, gbuk, tmbong,
talampuyukn, talampuykan,
Assembly, gathering, meeting, caucus,
congregation, concourse, place where
people collect or come together. (cf.
talampyuk, tilipunn, tinipntpon,
katipnan, katilngban).
talamwan, (H) Window, look-out;
view, vista, prospect, perspective,
belvedere. (cf. tmw, talmbwan,
bintn, gawahn, galawahn,
panilagn, palanilagn, gawng).
talan-won, (H) Sight, show, view,
spectacle, scene, display, drama, stageplay, anything to be seen or worth while
seeing. (cf. tn-aw).
talandan, Sign, mark, indication,
symptom, symbol, token, observation,
prospect; list, memorandum, record,
composition or exercise book, note-book.
May talandan sang. There is a sign or
symptom of. May talandan nga.
There is a prospect (an indication) that.
May nasult nga talandan sang. A
pamphlet has been written about. (cf.
tnd, timan, tilimn-an, tilimd-on,
pt-in, talmdan).


talandgon tlaw
talandgon, What is to, should,
can, betouched,stirred,moved;
tangible, evident. (cf. tndog).
tlang, Failure (by missing), error,
mistake; to miss ones way, lose oneself,
lose ones way, go astray, take a wrong
turning,road; to err, mistake, make a
false step. Nagtlang si sa dlan. He
missed his way. He went astray. Pinatlang
si. He was misdirected. He was led astray.
Ind ka na magtlang. Dont make a
mistake again. (cf. sal, sayp).
talng, Erring, astray, gone wrong,
mistaken, wandering, rambling, having
missed ones way,made a false step. (cf.
talangg, Cave, cavern, hole, den, lair,
burrow. (cf. gkab, gab, kwba).
talngkaw, A guffaw, a coarse (noisy,
boisterous) laugh, a horse laugh, a loud
burst of laughter; to guffaw, roar with
laughter, laugh outright, laugh
boisterously, burst out laughing.
Nagtalngkaw sil nga tann. They all
burst out laughing. Tinalangkawn nla
ang ya mga linahg. They roared (nearly
split their sides) with laughter at his jokes.
(cf. halkhak, harkhak, ark-ok, ark-ik,
hh, kdlaw, yuhm, lkh, lmh, lngs,
rngs, ngirt, bangirt, talihom).
talngkod, Prudent, wise, knowing,
circumspect, cautious, wary, astute,
shrewd, sage, sagacious, discerning; to
grasp, comprehend, get hold of the facts,
perceive, understand. Wal si
makatalngkod sang kasaypnan sang
ya nga bt. He did not know of his sons
shortcomings. Magtalngkod ka nay
sang ya nga ginhm. First learn the facts
about what he did. Talngkod gid ang la
nga pagbinuligy kag paghiligyon. They
have the wisdom to help each other and
pull together (well knowing the advantages
of union (unison). (cf. hangp, syod,
lam, hibal).
talngkod, Exact, to the point, proper;
determined, fixed. (cf. talid, pt-ud).
talangknon, Roots, tubers, vegetables,
that have to be boiled before being eaten.
(cf. tank).
talng-tlang, Dim. and Freq. of
tlangto miss ones way, etc.
Nagatalngtlang na ang ya
panumdman. His memory isoften at
fault now,no longer reliable,often
failing him. (cf. talngtalng).
talng-talng, A fool, idiot, cretin, one
who is mentally deranged or often wanders
in his mind; to be out of ones mind,
perplexed, confused, upset, bewildered.
Kon may snug gn nd na si
makapanghmos, kay nagatalngtalng.
Whenever there is a fire somewhere she is
unable to do her work, because she gets so
upset. (cf. talngtlang).
talngtang, Plural form of tngtang.


Visayan-English Dictionary
talngtang, A stile, fence. (cf. lakarn,
talangwyan, Refreshment bar, inn,
place where drinks are sold. (cf. tngway).
talapakn, What is to, should, be
trodden or trampled upon; a treadle; footstool. (cf. lpak, lapakn, tapakn).
talap-ann, A sort of flooring placed
above a hearth for drying maize, rice, etc.
upon, especially in wet weather. (cf. tpa).
talapghan, talapgohn, Splintmachine, frame for the dressing and
cleaning of splints for wickerwork and
basketry, particularly the hole or slot
through which the bamboo, etc. that has
been split by the operation of tdtad, is
pushed in the process of giving it the
finishing touch for weaving it into floors,
partitions, balntak-work, or the like. (cf.
tpgo, batakn).
talphan, That is to be sifted, etc.; rice to
be cleaned of its chaff after pounding; the
mat on which the chaff falls or is deposited
when sifting rice. Talphan pa inng
binay. This pounded rice has to be sifted.
Din ang talphan? Where is the mat for
catching the rice-chaff? (cf. tahp;
talapkan, (H) That is to beadhered
to,stuck to,clung to; susceptible of,
impressible, impressionable, liable to;
susceptible, accessible, receptive,
predisposed, to (diseases, suggestions,
schemes, etc.). Ang pisra nga nadagtan
sing lna dl talapkan sang yso. A
blackboard smeared with oil will not take
marks of chalk. Ang mga malya sing
lwas am sing masam ang talapkan
sang balatan. Those who are weak of body
are often liable or predisposed (accessible,
receptive) to disease. (cf. tapk).
talapin, Fit for boards, to be worked up
into planks, etc., said of trees, logs, etc. (cf.
talptap, Covering the whole, taking in
all, sufficient for all and everyone; to cover
the whole, etc. Ang mas nagatalptap
sang bilg nya nga um. Ang bilg nya
nga um natalaptapn sing mas. His
whole field is under corn. The whole of his
field is given over to corn. (cf. tptop,
tptup, tpud, talpud, kmpod).
talapun, Society, company, assembly,
meeting; stock-company, trust. (cf. tp,
katp, tilipunn, katipnan, katilngban,
talapunan, See talapun.
talpud, To take in all or everything,
distribute to all, suffice for all, cover all the
needs, treat on a level, do the same for
everyone. Talapra (-da) sil (sa
paghtag) sing kwrta. Give an equal sum
of money to each and everyone of them. (cf.
tpud, kmpod, tptop, talptap).

talapukn, Exile, place of banishment,

isolation, detention camp, any remote and
solitary place. (cf. tpuk).
talap-kan, Hole, hollow, pit, sink,
depression, any place or cavity that is to be
filled up or serves as a depositary or
storage, (especially for the collection of
garbage, refuse, rubbish, offal); cesspool.
(cf. tp-ok, talampkan).
talapusn, What is to be, should be,
can be, finished,terminated,
stopped,brought to an end; terminable,
performable, achievable, accomplishable.
(cf. tpus).
talark, A bird, a kind of woodpecker.
talark, The cue-rest (in billiards).
tals, Smoothness, slipperiness; to be
smooth, slippery, easy to swallow, etc. See
tnlas. (cf. dnlug).
tl-as, To run away, scamper off, leave
quickly, flee, go away swiftly, disperse,
scatter. (cf. lgyo, palgyo).
talstas, To know, understand,
comprehend, grasp; to explain, expound,
elucidate, mention. Makatalstas ikw
sin? Do you understand that? Talastas
si sang nahanab (nagkahanab).
Explain to him what happened. In nga
tann kag madm pa nga ibn nga
malwig kayo nga italstas. All this
and many other things that would take too
much time to mention (explain).
tal-tal, Rattle, especially the GoodFriday rattle; to use or employ such a rattle.
(cf. palagupk).
talatapn, Administration, office,
bureau, management, direction, governing
(administrative) board. (cf. ttap,
talatapn, (H) Things to be attended to,
business, duties to be performed, that is to
be administered or taken care of. (ttap).
talatlhan, The third part, one third of a
given standard unit. Pulakn nga
talatlhan. A measure containing one third
of a gntang. (cf. tersyhan, alaptan).
talama, Arable soil, tillable land, ground
fit for cultivation; good, fertile (of soil). (cf.
tlaw, Cowardice, pusillanimity,
faintheartedness, timidity; to be or become
cowardly, discouraged, skittish, to lose
courage, quail, flinch, slink, cower, crouch,
be cowed down, be timid or fainthearted.
Nagtlaw si. He became a coward. He
winced, flinched, or acted like a coward (on
this occasion, not having been a coward
before). Nagpakt si sang ya
pagkatlaw (pagkamatlaw). He showed,
that he was a coward. Ind ka magpatlaw.
Dont allow yourself to be intimidated.
Dont lose courage. Ginatalwan ak sa
ya. I consider him a coward. He appears to
me to be a coward. Ind kam
magpakatlaw, knd magpakasug
kam. Dont be cowards, but be brave.

Visayan-English Dictionary
Ginhm nya in sa pagpatlaw sa nyo,
pang nd gid kam magpatlaw. He did
this in order to make you fainthearted, but
on no account permit yourselves to be
discouraged. (cf. hdluk, sol, patubalng,
paubg, pakitidalm, paubs, drham,
talawn, A coward, craven, dastard,
recreant, poltroon; to show the white
feather, show ones back, shake in ones
shoes, draw back in a funk, be intimidated
or cowed down. (cf. tlaw, matlaw).
talwgon, That is to becalled upon,
summoned; citable. (cf. tawg).
talwik, talawk, A squeal; to squeal,
squeak. See iwk, tarawk, etc.
talwis, (H) Sharpness (of a point); to be
or become sharp-pointed, to sharpen a
point. Gintalwis nya ang dga. He
sharpened the point of his dagger.
Natalawsan ak sinng bgsok. This stake
appears to me to be sharp-pointed. This
stake is too sharp-pointed for me.
Ipatalwis mo sa manugslsal ang mo
tagd. Let the smith (Get the smith to) put
a sharp point to your dibble. (cf. talwis,
talawt, Humorously used for matlaw,
talawna coward, etc.
taly-an, Stake, wager, bet, bettings;
place where money is put down or paid in
at gambling and betting; that is to be
backed, that on which money is to be put,
as on a race-horse, on a card, etc. (cf. tay).
talyhang, A fabulous animal, an evil
spirit that haunts forests and assumes at
times the shape of a lizard (tambalihn) or
the like.
talyhop, (H) A pair of bellows, an airpump, any instrument for causing a stream
of air, as a tube to blow a fire with, etc. (cf.
talyhum, To smile. See talihom id.
talytay, To go along the ridge or crest of
a hill, mountain, etc.; to balance oneself in
going along a ridge, in crossing a narrow
bridge, etc. (cf. ltay, tytay, panalytay).
talaytyon, A ridge or crest to be gone
along, a beam to be walked over in crossing
a river, etc. (talytay).
tlb, tlbo, To rise (as a cloud of dust);
to plunge, thrust oneself forward, jump or
fly off, be impelled or projected (to a great
distance). Ang yb-ok nagtlb nga daw
pangnod. The dust rose like a cloud. (cf.
alintab, sik, lisk, tyog).
tlh, To be or become easy to split. (cf.
matlh, slhay).
tlh, tlho, See tlb, tlboto rise,
tli, (English: tally) Tally, score; home ran
in baseball. (cf. blay).
tl, Luck, fortune, fate, lot; the water in
the game of tinubign; a piece of stone, an
egg, or the like, used by a babylan for
casting lots.

talawn talips
talibs, Loose, separate; erring, missing,
straying, stray, wandering; to be or become
loose, etc. (cf. talbkas, talbwas, bariws).
talbkas, To stray, wander from, separate
from, lose contact with. Inng mga solddo
nagtalbkas sa la mga kaupdnan. These
soldiers have lost contact with their
comrades, have become separated from
their company. Bantay sing mayo ang
mga karabw nga bg-o ko lmang
mabakl, agd nd makatalbkas sa ibn.
Watch the buffaloes I have lately bought
with great care, lest they should stray from
the rest. (cf. talbwas, bulg, sipk).
talibb, To fall, pour down (said
especially of a heavy rain). Nagatalibb
gid lang karn ang uln. At present the
rain is pouring down in streams. (cf. bb).
talibng, A large, heavy bolo. (cf.
sandk, sintong, binngon).
talbtib, Steep bank or slope, precipice,
hill-side. (cf. panalbtib).
talibsgan, The calf (of the leg). (cf.
batis, busgbusugn, puspusun).
talbwas, To get loose, become separate
from, get clear of, get out of a difficulty, to
escape. Nakatalbwas si sa am nga
katalgman. He escaped that danger.
Magpaningh ka gid, agd
makatalbwas ikw sa malisd nga
pangabh. Make great efforts to free
yourself from such a wretched mode of life.
(cf. talbkas, talibs).
talidungn, Equal, together,
simultaneous, coeval, contemporaneous.
(cf. dungn, talirngan).
taligm-an, The forms mataligm-an
and nataligm-an are mostly used in the
meaning of: to be apprehensive of danger
or failure, be disappointed, meet with the
unexpected. See tagilm-an. Andam ang
bus, agd nd ka mataligm-an. Prepare
for tomorrow (Think of the future) or you
maybe disappointed,meet with
failure,receive a rude shock on things
turning out contrary to your expectations.
taligmat, Confusion, perplexity,
impediment, hindrance; to confuse,
perplex, be incongruous or unharmonious,
out of order. (saligmat id.).
taligpan, (B) To wonder, marvel, be
astonished, be taken aback, be surprised (at
anything happening unexpectedly). (cf.
blung, tingla).
taligpuyng, To close the eyes in sleep,
fall asleep. Sang pagabt nnyo bg-o gid
lang si nakataligpuyng
ornataligpuyungn. When you arrived,
he had just fallen asleep. (cf. tulg, tlug).
talikal, Chain, fetter, gyve, manacles,
shackles. (cf. higt, gaps, psas).
talkdan, From talikd.
talikd, To turn ones back upon, leave,
go away, flee, take to ones heels.
Nagtalikd si sa kon. Gintalkdan nya
ak. He left me. He turned his back upon

me. Talkdi ang malut nga batsan mo.

Turn your back upon your bad habits. Give
up your bad habits. Daw sa magatalikd
na sa madal sa kalibtan si Fulno. It
looks as though N.N. is soon going to leave
this world (i.e. he will die soon). Tumalikd
si kag dumalgan pa bkid. He took to
his heels and ran towards the mountain.
Sang tig (blan, semna, etc.) nga
tinalkdan. Last year (month, week, etc.).
(cf. talwan, haln, lgad, likd, talikurn).
talikudn, See the following talikurn.
talikurn, The back, background, rear,
space or position behind, or at the back of,
anything. Sa talikurn sang. At the
back (rear) of, behind. Mayo ang ya
hmbal sa tamparn, pang malin sa
talikurn. He speaks well of another in his
presence, but maligns him behind his back.
(cf. likd, talikd; tamparnfront).
talimdmad, To understand, take in,
comprehend, grasp, have a clear idea of, be
well aware of. Wal si makatalimdmad
sang nahanab. He had no clear idea of
what had happened. (cf. mdmad,
marsmas, syod, hangp, hibal).
talimskog, A stiffening; spine, vertebral
column, backbone. Butang sing
talimskog ang balatibt, kay mahyang.
Put some stiffening in the lattice-work, for
it is (too) weak. (cf. bskog, balskog).
talimbabga, A centipede. (cf.
bagtbagta larger kind of centipede or
talimbabatng, The swallow (bird). (cf.
talm-ok, To choke, go the wrong way,
cause a choking fit, have a spasm of the
throat caused by irritation or stoppage of
the windpipe, as when eating or drinking
too greedily, etc. Andam ka, nd ka
maginm sing glpe, kay bs matalimokn ikw. Look out, dont drink in too
greedy draughts or you may choke yourself.
Natalim-okn si sang tub. The toddy he
drank went down the wrong way. Natalimokn sil sang kdlaw. They were choked
with laughter. (cf. sl-ok, talm-ok).
talmuas, See talmwas.
talmwas, To get loose or free, to
separate from, extricate oneself, escape. (cf.
talbwas, lus, bulg, talbkas).
taln, A chicken that no longer follows the
mother hen. (tarn id.).
talnga, (B) The ear; anything resembling
an ear, as a small handle, etc. (cf.
dalnggan, dulnggan).
talingg, See taling, taling.
taling, taling, To be out of the straight
or vertical line, to incline, bend sideways.
(cf. hily, balingg, tingg, talingg, talitg,
tali-to, To charm, cast a spell over. (cf.
tu-tu, twtw).
talips, Loose, separated, not straight or
direct, at a tangent; missing, straying; to be


talipukpukn tm
loose, etc. Buhs nga tdlong kag buhs
nga talips. Direct and indirect taxes. (cf.
talipukpukn, Summit, top, highest
point, apex, climax. (cf. putkputokn,
talipuspusn, Approaching the end,
termination, about to be finished.
Talipuspusn na ang ni. The rice-harvest
iscoming to an end,nearly finished.
Talipuspusn na ang pamnga sang ph.
The mango-season is now nearly over. (cf.
tpus, katapsan, hilingapusn).
talirngan, (B) See talidungnequal,
together, etc.
tals, A kind of small bird.
talsay, A kind of tree.
talisyon, Pertaining or referring to
talsay; coloured like talsay leaves
(applied particularly to black and reddishcoloured chickens).
talthi, (H) Small, fine, lightrain,
mizzle, drizzle; to mizzle, drizzle, rain in
small (fine, light) drops. Naguln kana,
ho, pang talthi gid lmang. It rained a
while ago, yes, but only a few drops.
Nagatalthi. Its drizzling. Ginahilntan si
karn, kay natalithihn si kahpon kag
napsmo. He has a catarrh now, because
yesterday he was exposed to a slight rain
and caught a cold. (cf. tarthi, dabdab,
talitg, (B) Sideways; to walk or stand
sideways. (cf. taklid, takild, tingg,
talingg, taling).
taliwla, Centre, middle; the air,
atmosphere; the wide open spaces of the
universe; nothingness.
talwan, To leave, retire, depart, go away,
pass away, die, leave the world. Kon
magtalwan ang kasnag magabuls ang
kadulm. When the light goes out,
darkness takes its place. Nagtalwan si
sing dyon. He left for good, he went away
never to return. (cf. haln, lmbus, lakt,
talwis, Sharp-pointed, etc. See talwis.
tal, To see to it at once, apply remedies at
once, act without delay, stop, or take
measures against, an epidemic, disease, or
the like, at the very beginning. (cf. dal,
tlo, (H) Tallow, suet, grease, mineral
wax, paraffin wax, spermacetti, material of
which candles are made; beeswax. (tro
tlo, Sign, mark, indication; luck, chance
to win, fortune, opportunity. (cf. pt-in,
tnd; plad, kapalran, katigaynan,
talobokn, (B) To be surprised,
astonished, taken aback, to marvel,
wonder, be struck with astonishment or
wonder. Nagatalobokn (Ginatalobokn)
ak kanmo. (Natingla (Nagakatingla)


Visayan-English Dictionary
ak sa mo). I am surprised at you. You
astonish me. (cf. blung, tingla).
taldtod, The spine, shoulder-blades,
back. (taldtud id.).
talg, Gutter, pipe. (cf. sallong, targ
talogn, Waterfall; channel, gutter, pipe.
(tarogn id).
tlok, Post, stake, landmark, fence; to
stakeout,off, fence in, mark the
boundary of. Talki ang mo um. Stake off
the boundaries of your land. (cf. bgsok,
plpal, kodl, tnd, pt-in, dlon).
talokn, (B) To move, stir, shake loose,
loosen, lift or shift slightly. Matalokn mo
ang bat nga di? (Manghit (mangk,
mahlag) mo in nga bat?). Can you
move this stone?
talomt, (B) To investigate relationship,
to examine ones pedigree.
Nagatalomatay snda kang nda
paghimat. (Nagausisay sil sang la
paghimat (pagparinte)). They are
inquiring into their relationship or
taln, (Sp. taln) Stub-book, coupons,
book of tickets; heel; to kick. (cf. tikd;
taln, To infect, be contagious. See latn.
tlon, Jungle, forest, wild country,
unoccupied territory, uncultivated ground,
land overgrown with brushwood, thicket.
(cf. talnan, talonnon, talonn).
talnan, See tlon. Also: full of jungle,
consisting of wild uninhabited country. (cf.
talonnon, Of or pertaining to the jungle,
jungle-like, wild, uninhabited.
talng, (H) The egg-plant. (cf. tarng id.).
talngtong, Second, of the second crop
(of beans and peas yielding a second crop
in the same year). Am in ang talngtong
nga bnga sang kdyos. This is the second
crop of cadios-peas. Also: to put on, place
on; to add to. (cf. tngtung; man).
talonn, The wild pig. Nagapangaym
sil sing mga talonn. They are hunting
wild pigs. (cf. bakatn, bktin).
tltag, To determine, decide, make up
ones mind, make a final decision or
arrangement (about a marriage).
tltal, To loosen, drive out, become or
make loose (as a nail by hammering it from
behind). Natltal (Nagkatltal) ang ya
ngpon. His tooth fell out. He lost a tooth.
Gintltal nla ang bngkay ni Hesukrsto
sa krus. They took the body of Jesus Christ
from the cross, hammering out the nails
from behind. (cf. htal, hutl).
talbtub, A piece of bamboo of two
joints length used for carrying water, as a
receptacle for a pigs swill, etc. (tarbtub
id.; cf. pask; bayng, kawt).
taldtud, See taldtodthe back.
taluktukn, The spine, back, backbone,
(cf. tuluktukn, taldtod).

talm, (H) Sharpness, keenness (of edge);

to be, become or make keen, sharp, cut
well. Nagtalm na ang sndang, kay
ginbid nya. The knife is sharp now, for
he has honed it. Talum (patalum
better) ang binngon. Sharpen the bolo.
Ipatalm mo ang wsay sa manugslsal.
Get the smith to put a sharp edge on the
talumt, To inquire into ones pedigree.
See talomt.
talunghyag, Straightforward, open,
honest, frank, sincere, upright, outspoken,
without circumlocution; to be or become
straightforward, etc. (talunhyag id.).
talungkak, Loose, not tight, etc. (See
halungkak, halg, tugk).
talunhyag, See talunghyag
straightforward, etc.
talnsay, Straight on, continuous,
steady, unbroken, uninterrupted, without
deviation or hindrance; pure, unsullied,
unadulterated, unalloyed, uncontaminated.
(cf. tdlong, lngkoy, lubs, lgus, etc.).
talntun, Plummet, plumb bob, plumb
rule, sounding lead. (cf. tntun).
talupngdan, From tatupangd.
talupangd, To ponder or consider well,
meditate upon, concentrate (ones mind)
upon, pay great attention to, reflect upon.
Talupngdi sing mayo ang mo nga
ginabsa. Pay great attention to what you
are reading. Concentrate your mind on
what you are reading. (cf. pamalndong
painno, liblbo).
tals, A plant that resembles dgmay in
the form, colour and size of its leaves, but
tl-us, Substitute, Vice, proxy; to take
anothers place, supply for, supply the place
of, stand proxy for, to substitute, do
somethingin stead of another,in
anothers stead. Sn-o ang nagatl-us sa
ya? Who has taken his place? Who is his
substitute? Gintal-usn si ni Fulno. N.N.
took his place. N.N. replaced him. N.N.
stood proxy for him. Itl-us sa ya si
Fulno. Substitute N.N. for him. Put N.N.
in his place. Wal sing malyag magtl-us
sa ya. There is none who would like to
take his place. (cf. lis, salli, itl-us, itallus).
tlu, tal, etc. See tlo, tal, etc.
taltug, Stockade, palisade, barrier or
enclosure, often surrounding a whole
village, especially in the mountains, as a
protection against thieves and robbers;
wall, defence, rampart, fortification. (cf.
korl, kodl, palamakurn, padr).
talykay, A kind of plant. (kalykay id.).
talyr, talyr, (Sp. taller) Workshop,
laboratory, factory; studio, office, atelier.
(cf. buluhatn, sulultan,
tm, Excessive, overmuch, very, too
much, too many, redundant, super-

Visayan-English Dictionary
abundant, inordinate, superfluous,
exorbitant; to do to excess, to overdo a
thing. Nagakon si sing tm. He is
eating too much. Natm-an si sang kon.
He ate too much. Tm kamahl in (sin).
This is too dear. Ginpatm-an nya ang
karabw sang dro. He overworked the
buffalo at ploughing. Tm kalay sang
(ang) mon nalktan (lalktan). We have
walked (have to walk) very far. (cf. laks,
lm-ag, sk, dro, masydo, tman,
tmad, Laziness, indolence, idleness,
sluggishness, remissness, sloth; to be or
become lazy, slow, slothful, idle, remiss,
indolent, sluggish. Ginatamran nya ang
(trabho) pangabdlay. He is too lazy to
work. Ind mo pagtamran ang pagsmba.
Dont be too lazy to go to church. (cf. amd,
tsmad, ligy, bndul).
tamd, Lazy, indolent. Tinamdto be
lazy. (cf. matmad).
tamd-tamd, The white of the fingernails, or the like; hangnail, agnail, corn,
sore finger or toe-nail. (dotldtol).
tamd-tmad, tamd-tamd, Dim.
and Freq. of tmad, tamd.
tamlus, A kind of rice dish.
tman, Liking, intention, etc. See gman.
tamo, tam-o, A kind of ghost
believed in by the superstitious and
supposed to inhabit large trees (as the
bbog, lonk, etc.), dense forests, or the
like. (cf. tamwo, tumo, tumwo).
tamarn, Lazy, indolent, idle, slack,
remiss, slothful, sluggish; notinclined,
minded,disposed,in the vein,in the
humour, averse to; to be disinclined, etc.
Ginatamarn ak magkon, maglakt,
magpanah, etc. I am not in an eating
mood, I am averse to walking on foot, I am
not in the humour to do any sewing, etc.
(cf. tmad).
tamarndo, (Sp. tamarindo) Tamarind;
the fruit of the tamarind; a drink of extract
of the tamarind-fruit mixed with sugar and
water. (cf. smbag, samlgi).
tamask, See tmsakto plash, splash,
etc. (cf. tagask).
tamsak, A kind of fish (that is often kept
in fish-ponds along the beach).
tamsok, A kind of boil or tumour, so
called because of the belief that the
tamsok-worm is the cause of it.
tamsok, The caterpillar of a moth. It is
very injurious to plants, often causing great
havoc in rice fields. Also used as a verb.
Humy nga tinamsok. Rice attacked by,
infested with, tamsok.
tamaskon, Worm-eaten, rotten,
maggoty. (cf. torakn, tamsok).
tamwo, See tamo.
tmay, To despise, contemn, scorn,
disdain, slight, look down upon, scout,
flout, scoff at, have or show contempt for.
Tamya ang am nga bhat (binuhtan).

tmad tambilng, tamblang

Despise such conduct (doings). Nagtmay
si sa kon. Gintmay nya ak. He
despised me. He treated me with contempt.
Dl mo pagtamyon ang mga lygay
sang mo giniknan. Dont scorn the
advice of your parents. (cf. ahgahg,
pahmak, hkay, mlay, yagut, ulgyat).
tamy-tmay, Dim. and Freq. of tmay.
Ginatamytmay gid lang si nla. They
think very little of him,treat him with
scant consideration,despise or ignore
him. (cf. tamtmi).
tmba, To plash, splash, strike or dash
about the water (as in swimming); to beat
or strike the water with the hands, with a
stick, or the like, in order to scare and drive
the fish into a trap.
tmba, A gratuity, an addition, a bakers
dozen, something that is not charged for,
given free or without charge, thrown in, for
luck, to the good, an added gift. Patmba is
mostly used for the verbto add, superadd,
give a little gratis or without charge over
what is required by contract or in justice.
Patambah sing ditay ang sd nga kon
binakl. Add a little extra to the fish I have
bought. Ipatmba inng ditay nga mas
sa humy nga ya gindalwat. Add this
little corn for luck to the rice he has bought.
(cf. man, tmban, dgang, tubng).
tmbag, To intervene, mediate, arbitrate,
act as a peacemaker; to separate,
pacify, quarrellers or fighters, to prevent
or stop a fight, or the like. Tambag sil,
agd nga nd magdyon ang la
paginway. Separate (calm, pacify) them,
lest their fighting should continue. Waly
sapayn sang pagtmbag sa ya sang ya
mga kasbung dinmhag nya si Fulno
kag binanl (ibanl) sa kalg.
Notwithstanding the intervention of his
companions he fell upon N.N. and threw
him into the ditch. Daw sa dl na
matambagn in nga gam. It is now
well-nigh impossible to settle that riot
(affair, tumult) by peaceful means. (cf.
patwhay, pugng, sagng, tpn, put,
pasilabt, kapnkpan).
tmbal, Plaster, medicinal leaves,
poultice, unguent, ointment, salve, or the
like as a remedy for a wound, boil, swelling,
etc. or to relieve an ache. May tmbal
(inogtmbal, talmbal) ikw nga mayo
sa skmat? Have you got a good remedy for
back-ache? Tambal ang ya lo sing by.
Apply by-leaves to his head (forehead,
brow). Itmbal sa ya hubg inng mga
dhon. Put these leaves on his swelling
(boil). Tinambaln nla ang ya hubg kag
nagbswang kag nagyo sa wal gid
madgay. They put a plaster on his boil
and within a short time it broke open and
healed. Ipatmbal ang ya pils sa mdiko
(manugblung). Have his wound seen to
by a doctor. Get a doctor to treat his
wound. Ind si magpatmbal. He does

not want to be treated with plasters, etc.

(cf. hmpul, hplas).
tambl, Scaffold, scaffolding, a
temporary structure for supporting
workmen and materials in building; to
make, build, furnish with, a scaffold,
to scaffold. Magtambl kam nay kag
ugling magpatndog sang halgi. Put up a
scaffold first and then set up the post.
Tambali ang baly kag pintahn (mo).
Put a scaffold (Put scaffolding) round the
house and paint it. An ang itambl mo,
khoy ukn kawyan? What kind of
material will you use for the scaffold, wood
or bamboo? Nakadpyas si sa tambl,
nahlug kag napaty. He slipped (made a
false step) on the scaffold, fell down and
died. (tambr id.).
tambalihn, A kind of lizard living in the
open and somewhat resembling a gecko in
size. It is not poisonous, but its bite is very
painful. (tambilihn id.).
tmban, Sardine; a kind of fish; a kind of
tmban, Something thrown in without
charge, a bakers dozen; to throw in for
luck, etc. (cf. man, tubng, tmba).
tambr, (B) Scaffolding, etc. See
tambark, A kind of snail whose shell is
used for making lime for betelnut chewing.
(cf. tibtbo).
tambasakn, A kind of fish. See
tamb-tmba, Dim. and Freq. of
tmba. Nagatinambtmba ang mga bt
sa lnaw. The boys are dashing about in the
quiet sheet of water (pool, lake).
tambyaw, (B) See talambyaw,
tmb, (B) A raised level space, floor or
platform as an adjunct to a house or
kitchen, a terrace, kitchen balcony. (cf.
tmbi, To be at the side of, be or place
side by side, to adjoin, be adjacent.
Nagatmbi ang la dt. Their lands
adjoin,are next to each other,are
contiguous. Tambih ang baly mo sing
kosna. Set up a kitchen at the side of your
house. Itmbi inng hener sa kmbung
agd nga maglpad. Join this piece of
cloth to the curtain to make it wider.
tambido, Joined side to side, consisting
of many pieces joined one to the side of the
tambihdo, See tambido, both from
tmbi with the Sp. suffix -ado.
tambilng, To act impulsively,
precipitately, thoughtlessly, on the spur of
the moment. (cf. tabilng, tabins,
tambilng, tamblang, Upside down,
rolling over, to turn head over heels (heels
over head) in falling down, to roll over,
turn a somersault in falling down. Sang


tambilihn tmos
pagkahlug nya nagtambilng si sa
sang sang khoy. When he fell down he
turned a somersault on the branch of the
tree. (cf. tumbilng.
tambilihn, A kind of (green) lizard. See
tmbing, Cash, for cash, hard (ready)
cash, cash-price, cash-purchase, money (or
its equivalent) paid immediately
(promptly) after a purchase; to pay cash, do
business on a cash-basis, pay down, make a
bargain on cash-payment, pay at once
(promptly). Gintmbing nya ang byad.
He paid on the spot. Tinambingn nya
ak dyon sang ya mga binakl. He paid
me at once for what he had bought.
Tmbing gid ang byad sa mon
ginabaligyan. Our shop is doing business
on a strict cash-down basis. Kon nd ka
makatmbing sang byad, nd ak
magbalgy sin sa mo. If you cannot pay
cash at once I will not sell it to you.
Magbyad ka sing tmbing, nd ka
magtang. Pay at once, dont make debts.
(cf. kbis, mpas, tmbasto settle in full).
tamb-plad, Union, companionship,
match, marriage; to join, throw in,
cast, ones luck or fate with, to share
anothers fortune or destiny, to marry. (cf.
tmbi, plad).
tmbis, Payment in full, settlement; to
settle an account, discharge a debt, pay in
full, square, adjust, a debt or claim;
square, quit, quits, on even terms.
Nakatmbis na sil sang la tang sa kay
Fulno. They have now paid in full their
debts to N.N. Tinambisn ko ang kon
tang sa ya kana sang ga. I settled my
account with him this morning. Tmbis na
sil. Now they are square, quits, on even
terms again. (cf. kbis, tmbas, mpas).
tmbis, A tree and its edible fruit.
tamb-tmbi, Joined side to side, etc.
See tmbi, tambihdo, tambido.
tmb, Sucker, offshoot (of a bamboo,
etc.); a young bamboo. May tmb ang
kawyan. Ang kawyan nagapanmb.
The bamboo has suckers. (cf. sh).
tambbo, Barn, granary, large ricecontainer (generally a small out-house or
shed separate from the main building). (cf.
damisg, malndog).
tmbok, Fat, fatness, adipose tissue, any
oily or greasy substance; to be or become
fat, stout, plump, portly, obese. Ind ak
kayon sang tmbok sang bboy. I dont
like pork fat. Nagakabh sil sa tmbok
sang dt. They live on the fat (the best
productions) of the earth (land).
Nagtmbok si ddto. He put on fat there.
He grew fat there. Natambokn ak sa ya.
He seems to me to be quite a portly man.
Ang tnday nga pinatmbok. The fattened
calf. Patambok ang bka. Fatten the cow.
Ang mas am ang is sang mga labng
mayo nga inogpatmbok sang mga
bboy. Corn is excellent for fattening pigs.


Visayan-English Dictionary
(cf. matmbok, katmbok, tbnul, tibnog,
tbsul, tpsul).
tmbol, tambl, Tambourine, drum; to
beat a drum (as a sign to a bandto play
up,to play a piece of music). Tambol
(tokar) nnyo ang mga kalaslon
(kinasl). Play a piece of music for the
couple to be married (for the newly
married, new-married couple). (cf.
tmbon, A kind of fish-trap. (cf. tan,
pta, bw-an, suwyang, etc.).
tmbon, Brittle, fragile, spoilt through
humidity; to deteriorate, spoil, get spoilt
through damp, especially said of rice. (cf.
hp-og, tapk).
tmbong, To be at, be present at, attend
at, look on at, take part in, make one of (at).
Nagtmbong si kana sang ga sa msa.
He was at mass this morning. Ind ka
magtmbong sa mga kalingwlingwan
nga dl ngay. Ind mo pagtambongn
ang mga kalingwlingwan nga dl
ngay. Dont take part in improper
diversions. Nagtmbong sa kon
hunhn nga. The idea (thought)
crossed my mind that. Patambong gid
si sa am nga sinpul. Order him to come
to that meeting without fail. Ang tann nga
mga nagpakatmbong. All those that
were actually present. Ilisipn gid lang
ang mga nagtalmbong. Only a fewwere
present,attended,took part. Ind ak
makatmbong, kay. I cannot be
present, because. Ind ak
magtmbong. I wont come. I will not be
one of the party. (cf. tarorng, tabongw,
tambr, (Sp. tambor) Tambour,
tambourine, drum; to drum, beat a drum.
(cf. tambl).
tambl, tambul, To turn upside down,
to stoop, bend, very low. (cf. tabul,
sul, balskad).
tamburray, Dancing and singing (to
the beating of a drum or tambour); a kind
of folk-dance. (cf. tambr, tambl).
tamburk, See tambarka kind of
tmdan, From tamdto look down
upon; to observe, etc.
tmhil, To pull a sour face, to twitch or
contract the muscles of the face when about
to cry, as is often done by children. (cf.
tmiaw, Salutation, address, greeting; to
accost, address, greet, speak to, salute,
make up to. Tamiaw si. Accost him.
Salute him. Wal si magtmiaw sa kon.
Wal ak nya pagtamiaw. He did not
(would not) speak to me. Wal na sil
pagtamiway. They are not on speaking
terms any more. Gintmiaw ko si, pang
wal si magsabt. I addressed him, but
he would not answer. I saluted him, but he
did not return the salute. (cf. bgno,

tm-id, To taste, test, experience, have

experience of, try the taste of. Wal si
makatm-id sing bisn an nga katm-is.
He has not experienced (tasted) any kind of
delight (sweetness, pleasure). (cf. tilw,
samt, dmdim, sagmsam, diml).
tamlok, A large worm growing to about
eight inches in length and half an inch in
diameter, often found in mangroves near
the beach and esteemed by some people as
a delicate morsel of food; teredo,
shipworm, a mollusk that is very
destructive to submerged or decaying
wood. (cf. bk-an).
tamng, Shield, buckler. (cf. kalsag;
panamngto use a shield).
tamnsot, A kind of small round fish.
tm-is, Sweetness, delightfulness,
deliciousness; to sweeten, to be, become or
make sweet, delightful, sugary, honeyed.
Nagtm-is na inng bnga. This fruit has
become sweet. Natam-isn ak sang ya
nga hmbal. I found his talk very pleasant.
He talked to me very pleasantly. Tam-is
(Patam-is) ang mamn. Make the cake
sweet. Sweeten the cake. Ginpatm-is nya
ang mon pangabdlay sang manmit
(masdya, makawiwli) nga sugilnon. He
sweetened our labour by pleasant talk.
Malisd ang pangabh nga waly
katam-isn. Life without joy is difficult to
bear. Ginapakatm-is nya in. He
considers this delicious, delightful,
glorious. He enjoys it, he gloats over it. (cf.
hinm-is, panm-is, rmis).
tam-tam, Low, mean, common,
contemptible, despicable, of no
consequence, not prominent, not in the
lime-light. (cf. girgir, watwat, witwit,
tam-tmi, tam-tam, To slight,
ignore; despise. Mostly used humorously
for tamytmay, which see.
tmlang, To chance, happen, come to
pass (suddenly or unexpectedly), to do
something under a sudden impulse or the
like. Nakatmlang si sa paghmbal sing
malin. He used bad language under the
impulse of the moment. Some improper
words escaped him. Natamlangn ko gid
ang gam sang pagabt ko ddto. It just
happened that, when I arrived there, the
trouble had started. (cf. tplang, hinl,
hinal, tab, tabins).
tmnan, tmnon, From tnum and
tanmto plant (rice).
tmngan, From tamngto blindfold,
tmon, (B) We (the person addressed
being excluded). (cf. kam).
tmos, To chew, bite, gnaw, nibble at,
scrape clean with the teeth (as to scrape off
with the teeth the flesh from the stone of a
mango, plum, or the like); to suck, sip, eat.
Ind ka magtmos sang lpis. Dont nibble
at the pencil. Nagatmos (nagatalmos)

Visayan-English Dictionary
sil sang la mapat nga mga lh. They
are shedding bitter tears. (Literally: They
are sucking in their bitter tears (running
down from the eyes to the lips)). (cf.
tmoy, To satiate, fill, stuff, with food,
to glut, gorge, cloy. Natmoy ang ya
ginhwa sang kon. He isquite
satiated,full to repletion. Natmoy
(Natamyan) si sang kalpay. He is
surfeited with (tired of) pleasure. (cf.
busg, tbal).
tamy, Satiated, stuffed, crammed, filled,
cloyed, gorged, glutted. (cf. tmoy, busg).
tamy, See kamythe legs of a crab, etc.
Also: thread, fibre, string, cord. Ang tamy
sang is ka sugilnon. The threads of (The
incidents that make up) a story.
tmp, A slap, stroke, blow with the open
hand (palm); to slap, spank, strike with the
palm of the hand. Tampa si. Slap him.
Tagi si sing is ka tmp. Give him a
slap. Sinmbag ko si, kay tinmp nya
ak. I boxed or punched him, because he
had slapped me. (cf. taptpa, tampyong,
tapngol bngbung).
tmpad, Front, frontage, confrontation;
to face, confront, stand in front of, make a
stand against, be opposite to. Sa tmpad
sang. Before, over against, in front of,
opposite to, facing, face to face with. Ang
mon balyr sa tmpad sang
munispyo,tmpad sa munispyo. Our
house stands opposite (over against, facing)
the Municipal Building. Tampar (-ad)
ak. Stand in front of me (facing me).
Nagtmpad si sing masug sa am nga
katalgman. He faced that danger bravely.
Gintmpad nya ang ya kaway. He
faced his enemy. He openly withstood his
enemy. Wal si mangahs magtmpad
sa kay Fulno. He did not dare to confront
N.N. (cf. atbang).
tampadn, Front, etc. See tamparn.
tmpal, To throw, fling, hurl, cast; put or
heap upon. Nga man nga ang tann nga
mga buluhatn nga mabdlay nyo
itmpal sa kon? Why do you give (allot,
heap upon) me all the hard or difficult jobs
(all the drudgery)? (cf. tpal, pilk, haby,
dt-og, dt-ol).
tamplas, Insult, affront, outrage,
contempt, contumely, blasphemy; to insult,
revile, affront, outrage, blaspheme, treat
with ignominy, despise, contemn, vilify.
Ind mo si pagtampalson. Dont insult
him. Gintamplas nya ang Dis. He
blasphemed God. (cf. pasipla, mpit).
tampalsan, Bad, wicked, outrageous,
insulting, contumelious, contemptuous,
blasphemous; a wretch, villain, rogue,
rascal, scoundrel, despicable person,
criminal. (cf. lampingsan).
tamparn, Front, frontage, face, facade,
what is in front of or facing the spectator.
Sa tamparn sang. In front of, before,

tmoy tan
opposite, facing, fronting. (cf. tmpad;
talikurnrear, back).
tmp, To put on an apron, kilt, or the
like. Itmp inng hener. Use this cloth as
an apron. Tampl ang panpton mo, agd
nd mabulingn. Cover your clothes with
an apron, lest they should get dirty.
tampon, Apron, kilt, anything used to
protect the front of a persons clothes. (cf.
tampp, A kind of wicker basket with a
lid. This basket is often used as a travelling
case. (cf. soklban, bal).
tampirs, (B) Not straight, not upright,
inclined, deviating from a straight course;
to be out of the straight, deviate from a
straight line or course. (cf. tumpils id.).
tmpis, A skirt as worn by women. (cf.
patdyong, tpis, mpis).
tampay, To bury ones face in ones
hands, etc. See panampay, which is more
in use.
tmpok, Something set within a hole or
opening, as a precious stone or jewel set in
a ring, or the like; to fill up, fill in, pile up,
fill up a hole with earth, rubbish, etc.
Tampok ang bh sing mga bat. Fill in
the hole with stones. Itmpok inng dt
sa kalg. Fill in the ditch with this earth.
May tmpok nga bat ang ya sngsing.
Her ringhas a stone setting,is set with a
jewel (precious stone). (cf. tp-ok).
tmp, See tpto join, meet, be a
member of.
tmpu, A passing shower of rain, a short
shower or squall, a flurry of rain, a local
downpour; a passing fit of bad humour,
passion, etc. (cf. tamptmpu).
tmpud, To exclude none, take in all, be
sufficient for all, cover all. See tpud,
kmpod, tptup).
tampuhw, (B) Fool, ass, crazy fellow,
zany, simpleton. (cf. kl, bang, etc.).
tampulnga, (H) Hibiscus; a beautiful
flowering shrub with (mostly) red flowers.
(tapulnga id.).
tampulingn, Staff, pole, shaft, post.
Ang tampulingn sang hayhay. The
tampulingn, Well-bucket. See tmb.
tamp-tmpu, Dim. and Freq. of
tmpu. Anything done or happening at
intervals, at times, occasionally, from time
to time, fitfully, on and off, as showers of
rain, fits of passion, gusts of wind, etc. Ang
pagduls sang hngin tamptmpu
(nagatamptmpu) lang. The wind blows
fitfully (only at intervals). (cf. turapk).
tampyong, To strike with the fist,
hammer with the fist (with a swing of the
arm). Ind mo si pagtampuyngon. Dont
give him a blow with the fist. (cf. smbag
to box, strike with the fist with a thrust of
the arm; tapngol, bksing).
tampyuk, A crowd, group, heap; to
come together, gather, assemble, crowd

together. (cf. talampyuk, talampuykan,

dguk, tmbong, tpon; tmpok).
tmsak, To plash, splash, squelch; to
smack the lips, chew noisily, munch,
mump; a plash, splash, a sound as of
walking through slush or mud, or the like.
Nagatmsak ang lnang kon lapkan.
Mud squelches if you walk in it. Ind ka
magtmsak kon magkon. Ind ka
magpatmsak sang mo bb kon
magkon. Dont munch, when you eat. Ind
mo pagpatamsakn ang lnang. Dont
splash the mud. Nagtmsak si sa tbig.
He fell into the water with a splash. He
plashed into the water. (cf. tagask,
lgsak, tamask, tmsok).
tmsok, To lick or suck (a finger, etc.); to
lap, sip. Ginkhit nya ang ya tdl sa
lasw kag tamsokn (tinamsokn). He
dipped his finger in the molasses and licked
it. (cf. tmos, spsop, ltgot, hbhab,
lklak, syup).
tamd, To look upon, consider, notice,
discern, perceive, advert to, remark, mark,
attend to, fix the eyes upon, bend ones look
down upon. Tamur (tamud, tmdi) sing
mayo ang sult. Look the letter over well,
consider it well. Tmda ak. Look at me.
Pay attention to me. Nakasndad si, kay
wal nya pagtmdi sing mayo ang ya
ginalktan. He stumbled, because he did
notmind well where he was stepping,
look where he was putting his feet. (cf.
tluk, tn-aw, mullong, bild, talmdan,
tamdyos, A kind of fish; naughty,
frivolous, unmanageable, difficult to
restrain. (cf. sutl, harshars,
darndarn, etc.).
tamng, (B) A cover for the face, mask,
vizor, face-guard of a helmet; to blindfold,
bandage the eyes, hoodwink (especially in
the game of butbta (Blindmans buff,
Blind Harry). Sn-o ang natmngan
(butbta, but)? Who was blindfolded?
Who was blindman? Tmngi nnyo
(tna). (Bugkus nnyo sing pny ang ya
mga mat). Blindfold him.
tmw, To look out or in, have a peep at
something, look at something furtively,
gaze at stealthily, pop ones head in (up); to
make ones appearance, inspect, look
things over, look into, examine. Wal gid
si pagtmw sa digamohn. She never
even as much as looks into the kitchen.
Sang pagligad (paglubs) ko sa ya baly
nagatmw si sa bintn. When I passed
his house he was looking out of the
window. Nagtmw si sa gawng. He
popped his head out of the door (window).
Tamwa si. Observe him. Watch him.
Look at him (from the window, the door, an
aperture, etc.). (cf. gwa, law, lntaw,
lngling, bntay, panlag, tluk).
tmyaw, See tmiawto salute, etc.
tan, Short for kapitn. Si Tan Ipng
(Felpe). Kapitn Philip.


tna tngkap
tna, (B) He, she, it. See si.
tnag, To cover with, immerse, steep in,
particularly said of fruit steeped in a
solution of lime previous to being put into
the boiling juice of sugar cane. Tangan
mo nay ang sntol (sing pog) kag
ugling ilnud sa kalmay. First dip the
santol-fruit in lime-water and then put it
into the sugar. (cf. tgnod).
tnak, A worm that is very injurious to
trees and bamboo. Also used as a verb.
Tinnak ang kawyan sa sinng lugr. In
this place the bamboo is infested with the
tnak-insect. (cf. salksik).
tankon, Infected with tnak, wormeaten. (tnak).
tann, All, everyone, every one of, the
whole number or quantity of. Sa tann nga
tig. Every year. Ang tann nga mga to.
All men. Huy, dalgan na kam,
tanntann sing dungn. Now then, run,
all together.
tanng, (H) Overripe, rotten-ripe, etc.
See lanng id.
tanangw, An insect with a very strong
offensive smell, very injurious to plants,
especially to rice. (cf. tiyangw id.).
tn-aw, (H) To see, look, view, behold,
contemplate, eye, look upon, gaze upon.
Tn-aw ka dir. Look here. Tan-aw in.
Look at this. Tan-awn ko ang ya binakl.
I am going to have a look at what he
bought. Ind ak malyag magtn-aw
sing am in nga mga talan-won. I do
not like to see such sights. Ipatn-aw mo
sa kon ang mo bg-o nga kl. Let me
have a look at your new hat. Nakatn-aw
man ak sin sa Manl. I have seen that
also in Manila. Tumn-aw ka kon sn-o
dir sa idlum sang baly. Go and see who
is there below. (cf. tluk, kt, mullong,
himtad, solng, tmw, splat, spraw).
tn-ay, To offer, proffer, tender, afford,
present, serve up, hold out to. Ginatn-ay
nya ang plak sa but magsylo sa ya
bnghay. He is offering money to
whosoever wants to join his party. Itn-ay
ang kamt mo kay butangn ko sing is
ka hakp nga dlse. Hold out your hand
and I shall fill it with candies. Itn-ay ang
kalpay, agd makapahway ak sang
kalisd. Suggest (Propose) some way of
passing the time pleasantly, so that I may
find some rest from my anxiety (trouble).
Offer some cheerful diversion, that I may
get relief from my distress. (cf. tnyag,
tnda, (B) They. (cf. snda, sil).
tnd, Sign, mark, token, symbol,
symptom, note; to sign, mark, observe,
heed, notice, pay attention to. Wal ak
makatnd kon pil ka to ang
nagtalmbong. I did not notice how many
people were present. Tanda ang
ginbutangn sang kon malta. Mark well
the spot where my handbag has been put
down. An ang tnd sang mo bka, bal,


Visayan-English Dictionary
panpton, etc.? What is the identification
mark of your cow, trunk, clothes, etc.?
Nakatnd ikw kon makapil na si
nagabt dir? Have you observed how
often he has come here? Tnd in
sang. This is a sign of. Tandan mo
sing mayo ang tann nga mga
sumalk, agd mo makilla. Take
particular note of all the visitors, in order
that you may know them. (cf. timan, ptin).
tandan, Sign, symbol, symptom, mark,
note. (cf. tnd, talandan, timan, ptin).
tandyag, Infernal, hellish, devilish,
demoniacal, fiendish, diabolic, malevolent,
malign, malignant, evil-minded,
mischievous, execrable, accursed.
Tandyag nga bt in. This isa very
bad,very naughty boy,a demon of a boy.
This boy is the very devil. (cf. yawn-on,
srot, gtud, sutl, malut; swang).
tnd, To consent. See tngd.
tndog, To touch, feel, handle, come in
contact with, make an impression upon.
Ind ka magtndog sa kon. Ind mo ak
pagtandogn. Dont touch me. Tinndog
sang manugwli ang ya tagiposon. The
preacher touched his heart. Nakamat
(Nagmat) ak, kay tinndog nya ak
sang nagakatulg ak. I awoke, for he
touched me (in my sleep). (cf. khit, kblit,
dot, salapy).
tndok, A cupping glass, a horn used as a
cupping glass, a tube used for sucking
blood from a wound; a blood-sucker; to
cup, bleed (transitive), suck blood from a
wound by means of a tube, draw blood by
cupping. May sngay ikw nga
inogtndok? Have you a horn to use as a
cupping glass? Patandok ang kindtan
(ginkdtan) sang id. Cup (Bleed) the dogbite. Am sil ang mga lnt kag tndok
nga nagasyup sang mnggad sang
bnwa. Those are the leeches and bloodsuckers that absorb the wealth of the town
(state). (cf. bintsa).
tand-tnd, Dim. and Freq. of tnd
to consent, agree. (cf. tngd, tangtng).
tand-tndo, tand-tnd, A kind of
cicada allied to the grasshopper and locust;
death-tick, death-watch (beetle); chrysalis,
pupa (of insects). (cf. lagtk-lgtok).
tanday, A kind of intoxicating spirit
made from (distilled from) the np-palm.
tndus, (B) To be or become diligent,
handy, ready, quick, expeditious, expert,
dexterous; willing, well-disposed (to obey
orders, etc.). (cf. psan;
tandusnpisnan, pisann).
tnga, The cockroach, black beetle.
tang, To look up, tilt back ones head,
lift, raise, ones eyes (head). Tang ka.
Hold your head up. Look up. Raise your
head. Itang ang guy mo. Tilt up your
face. Nagtang si sa kon. Natangan
nya ak. He looked at me with tilted chin.

Sang pagkakt nya sdto malahlon nga

mga galamitn na urungn si; nagtang
si kag nagngang sang ya bb sa dak
nga katingla. When he saw that precious
furniture he was surprised; he stared and
gaped in wonder. Nga nga am ka pa
lang magabt? Sn-o na man ang mo
gintangan ddto? Why are you so late?
Whom did you look at there (i.e. listen to
with absorbing interest)? (cf. tngl,
tukhyaw, tukyhaw, bayw).
tngab, A constellation of stars.
tangadl, Dull, stupid, brainless; a fool.
(cf. mang, balingg, kl, tipangg,
bngaw, tampuhw, etc.).
tngag, To rob or steal and carry off in
the mouth, as birds of prey, dogs, etc. do.
(cf. tban).
tangn-tngan, The castor-oil plant,
the Palma Christi tree. Its beans yield
castor-oil. (cf. tangntngon id.).
tang-tang, Dim. and Freq. of tang
to raise ones head. (cf. tngl, tukhyaw).
tngday, To lie upon, be placed upon,
crosswise. Nagatalngday gid lang inng
mga kawyan. These bamboos are lying
one across the other. Tangday ang khoy
sang kawyan. Put the bamboos across the
timber. Itngday ang til mo sa sya. Put
your leg across the chair. (cf. bngday).
tngd, To consent, agree, concur, give,
yield, assent, acquiesce, accede, close
with. Nagtngdo ikw sin? Did you give
your consent to that? Did you approve of
it? Tinangdon nya ang malin nla nga
bhat. He gave his consent to their wicked
deed. (cf. hngd; tang).
tngga, A game played with coins. A pile
of coins is placed on a pebble (called the
tig). The player using a coin as a missile
(called the mno, manohn or butnhan)
tries to knock the coins away from the tig,
or the tig from under the coins, the object
being to leave the mano, manohn or
butnhan nearer to the scattered coins
than the tig. Also verb: to play at tngga.
tnghag, One who is weak-minded,
forgetting everything, half-witted, a halfwit. (cf. hng, bngaw, kl, pangg,
tanghg, See tanhgwonderful, etc.
tanggi, A kind of fish of considerable size
and much esteemed as food.
tngis, To cry, weep, lament. Tinangsan
nya ang kamatyon sang ya ily. He
wept for the death of his mother. Ind ka
magtngis. Dont cry. Dyon lang si
nagapanngis. She is always crying. (cf.
tngkal, Pig-sty, inclosure or pen where a
pig is kept for fattening and slaughter.
tngkan, tngkon, From tankto
boil tubers, etc.
tngkap, End, point, top, tip, extremity;
to lop or cut off the extreme point.

Visayan-English Dictionary
Tangkap ang kawyan. Lop off the
bamboo. (cf. tbong).
tngkas, To arrange neatly, put side by
side, pile or stack in regular order; a file or
pile of leaves, books, etc.; pamphlet,
magazine, copy or issue of a periodical,
magazine, or the like.
tngk, To encompass, circle, encircle,
circuit, make a circuit around, go round,
span; to reach, stretch, come to. (cf. lbut,
maglbut; dngat, lmbut, lmpas).
tangkg, tangkg, The nape of the
tngkol, A stout strong piece of rope,
wood, iron, or the like; anything giving
strength or security; leash, rope, tether (for
dogs, pigs, cows, etc.); fetter, shackle, gyve,
manacles (for prisoners, etc.); strait-jacket,
strait-waistcoat (for lunatics); to secure,
make firm, tie or bind together, to leash,
tether, shackle, fetter, manacle. Tangkol
ang kawyan kag ipanod sa sub. Bind
the bamboos together and float them down
the river. Itngkol sa kamt sang buyng
inng talikal nga salslon. Secure the
hands of the robber with this iron chain.
Tinangkoln ko na ang karabw nga nd
na makabh liwt. I have now tethered
the buffalo in such a way that it cannot
escape any more. (cf. gpus, gaps, higt,
gid, gos).
tngkol, To reach, get at; to be fit or
suitable. (cf. dngat, db-ot; sngkol, g,
tangkoln, Any structure that gives
support or strength, as a buttress,
abutment, bridgehead, or the like. (cf.
tangkoly, (B) Fool, idiot, ass, boor,
boorish, uncultured, rude, stupid, ill-bred,
ill-mannered. (cf. kl, kalndong,
tampuhw, etc.).
tngkong, A kind of vine whose leaves
resemble those of the sweet potato and
whose shoots are edible.
tngkup, A cumulus cloud, a large pillar
of cloud (a sign of coming rain); to gather
(of clouds for rain).
tngkup, The dents or small parallel slips
of a weavers reed; to form, make, put in
the dents in a weavers reed; to finish, end,
close, terminate, complete.
tngl, (H) To look up, raise the head or
eyes towards heaven, lift the eyes. Tangla
ang lngit. Look up to heaven. Itngl ang
mo mga mat. Raise your eyes.
Tinanglan sang ya mga mat ang ya
magulng (mnong) nga nagsk sa
matg-as nga khoy. His eyes were raised
towards his eldest brother who had climbed
a high tree. (cf. tukyhaw, tukhyaw,
tang, bayw).
tnglad, A kind of plant whose leaves are
used as condiment for meat, etc.
tang, To be near, be at the side of; to
attend to, attend on, tend. (cf. dang).

tngkas tnoy
tang, A nod, nodding, assent by
nodding; to nod assent. The form
tangtng is more used as verb.
Natangtng si sa kon.
Gintangtangan nya ak. He nodded
assent to me. He gave me his consent by
(with) a nod. (cf. tngd, tnd, hngd).
tngon, The palate, roof of the mouth.
tngon, To settle, establish oneself,
become fixed or permanent, alight (as a
swarm of bees, or the like).
tangn-tngon, (B) The castor-oil
plant. See tangntngan.
tang-tng, Dim. and Freq. of tang
to nod assent, etc.
tngs, Looseness, shakiness, condition
of not being firmly secured or attached; to
become loose or looser, to loosen, to be
detached or separated from, as the iron
point of a lance from the shaft, a knife or
bolo from the handle, etc. Inng binngon
nagatngs, kay wal sing kallot. This
bolo is working loose from its handle, for it
is not firmly glued in. Kaayhon mo inng
sndang, agd nd na magtngs sa
kalptan. Repair this knife so that it may
not become loose again from its haft (hilt).
(cf. htal, ktal, hos).
tngtang, To loosen, untie, liberate; to
fall, drop off. Matngtang si yhan sa ya
nga palangakan. He will perhaps fall
from office. (cf. hbad; dgdag, hlug,
tngtang, To clink, tingle, jingle. (cf.
tngting, kilngkilng).
tngub, A loud peal of thunder; to
thunder; to strike dumb, dumb-found,
confuse with astonishment. Natngban si
nga nd makahmbal. He is so astonished
that he cannot utter a syllable. (cf. dagob).
tngub, To fill or cover all, complete,
finish, comprise or include all, terminate
(rice-planting, etc.). (cf. hl-ob).
tngway, To buy a drink like wine, beer,
toddy, etc. Tangway ang ya nga tub.
Buy his toddy. Tangway ak sing is ka
bso nga tub. Buy a glass of toddy for me.
Itngway mo ak nay sing ilmnon.
Please buy me a drink.
tanhg, Wonder, marvel; wonderful,
marvellous, wondrous, prodigious,
stupendous, extraordinary, miraculous; to
be or become wonderful, etc. (cf.
makatalanhg, katanhagan, tingla,
blung, katingalhan).
tanihd, Inclined, leaning, not straight,
out of the vertical line; to incline, etc. (cf.
hibt, talingg, hily).
tanng, Tight, taut, close. (cf. hugt,
tning, To make taut, to tighten,
straighten (a rope, etc.). Tannga ang
kalt. Tighten the rope. Pull the rope
straight. Mahmpang kit sang
hablhbul sa tytay; kon magsilng
gn ang manugdumla tanngon

laboyn, kon laboyn tanngon. Let us

play the game of weaving on the bridge;
when the leader says; Tighten, let loose,
when he says; Let loose, tighten. (cf.
ntay, hugt, tdlong, tanng).
tnkig, A small river snake of a reddish
colour. It is harmless.
tnkon, From tankto boil tubers, etc.
tnlas, Smoothness, slipperiness; to be or
become smooth, slippery, easyto move,
to swallow,of passage. Lanhi ang
makin, agd magtnlas. Oil the machine
that it may run smoothly. Naguphaln si
sinng pagkon, pang aky kon
natanlasn. He could swallow this food
only with difficulty, but I could swallow it
quite easily. He found this food difficult to
swallow, but I found it quite easy (to
swallow). (cf. tals, dnlug.
tnod, Menial, inferior, servant; dirty,
slovenly, carelessly or shabbily dressed.
Tnod si ni Fulno. He is a servant of
N.N. Tnod nga to. A shabbily (meanly,
poorly, carelessly) dressed man. Daw
tnod si. He is shabbily dressed. He looks
like a menial.
tand, To follow, guard, watch, keep in
sight or under surveillance, (as a nurse
following a child, a policeman bringing in a
criminal or watching a prisoner, etc.). (cf.
sund, bntay, upd).
tnog, The threading of a needle; to
thread a needle. Itnog sa dgum inng
hlo. Thread the needle with this thread.
Tangi ang dgum kag tahin mo ang gis
sang kon by. Thread the needle and
mend the tear in my jacket. Wal gid si
pagtmw sa talahan nga dl gn
makahibal bisn na lang magtnog sing
dgum. She never even looks into the
sewing room so that she does not know
how to thread a needle.
tang, A length of thread sufficient for
threading a needle; threaded, needle and
thread. (cf. tnog).
tang, A kind of tumour, boil or ulcer
(particularly on the throat or below the
ear). (cf. bang, hubg).
tank, The cooking or boiling of tubers,
bananas, or the like; to boil tubers, etc.
Sging, mas, bi, etc. nga tinank. Boiled
bananas, corn, bi, etc. Tnki (tngki,
tanok) ak sing kamti. Boil me some
sweet potatoes. Tnka (Tngka) ang bi,
buhayn, etc. Boil the bi, buhayn, etc.
Inng sr nga sging manmit gid kon
tnkon, apng mals-ay kon kn-on nga
hilw. This variety of bananas is very nice
(tasty) when boiled, but insipid when eaten
raw. (cf. talangknon; lg, lap, laya,
tg-ang, bakl; bukl, pabukl).
tnom, tanm, etc. See tnum, tanm,
tnoy, To be high, shrill, loud, sonorous,
resounding, far-reaching (of the human
voice, of music, etc.). (cf. slik, sulnting,
tn-up, tgsing).


tnsan tpang
tnsan, Tansan, a kind of mineral water.
tntan, To pack, make compact, shake
together; to settle (of food). (cf. hnhan).
tantnan, Talisman, amulet, charm,
wishing-cap, magic hood, magic ring the
wearer of which can have every wish
fulfilled. Bildhon nga tantnan. A
precious charm. A wonderful enchantment
(spell, allurement, glamour, fascination).
May sngsing si nga tantnan, kon.
They say he has (possesses) a magic ring.
tnto, (Sp. tanto) So much, as much as, as
large as, as high as, etc. A, dl (nd) tnto.
Oh, not as much, high, tall, great,
easy, difficult, etc. as that. (cf. sbung,
tnt, Just sufficient, enough, adequate,
competent, satisfactory, ample; to suffice,
be enough, etc. Ang kwrta ko tnt gid
lang sa kon galasthon. The money I
have is barely (just about) sufficient for my
expenses (needs, wants). (cf. g, hsto,
tntos, (Sp. tanto) Numbered tokens or
counters used instead of money in playing
games; to use such tokens in playing
games, etc. Pil nga (Pil ang) tntos sa
tung? How much does the stake in the
middle amount to? Tantosn lang nnyo.
Just use the counters (instead of coins or
money) in your game.
tnum, Growing rice-plant, rice-planting;
to plant rice, take the rice-seedlings from
the seedling plot and transplant them to
the field. Nagatnum na sil. They are
planting rice. Wal pa kam makatnum,
kay klang pa ang uln. We have not been
able to plant rice yet, for there is too little
rain. Itnum na lang inng sbud, kay
matas na. Just transplant these riceseedlings, for they are quite high now. Ho,
ipatnum ko in sa madal nga sarng
mahm. Yes, I shall see to it that they be
planted as soon as possible. (cf. tanm).
tanm, Any plant except rice; to plant any
kind of seed, seedling, layer, shoot, sucker,
etc., except those of rice; to set, sow, put in
the soil (ground). Tmna (Tanum) inng
is ka lso sang sandya. Sow this melonpip. Ang ya palangmhan madm gid
sing mga tanm, pang wal sing tnum.
On his farm very many plants are growing,
but no rice. His farm is stocked with many
varieties of plants (emblements), except
rice. Itanm inng ttlo ka sh sang
sging. Plant these three banana-layers.
(cf. tnum).
tn-up, To sound, echo, be heard from a
distance, strike the ear. (cf. aningl,
aninngal, tnoy, sulnting).
tans, Straight, erect, standing upright,
not curved, bent or crooked; to grow
straight. Tans nga khoy. A straightgrowing tree.
tnyag, To tender, offer, proffer, hold out
to. Gintnyag nya sa kon ang ya nga
karabw. He offered me (to sell) his


Visayan-English Dictionary
buffalo. Itnyag mo sa ya ang um nga
ginabalgy mo. Make him an offer of
(Proffer him) the field you are selling.
Magtnyag ka sa kay Fulno sang am
nga palangakan. Offer that position to
N.N. Gintanyagn nya ak sing alagarn
sa ya nga kumbuyahn. He held out to me
employment in his company.
tnyog, Range, reach, stretch; to reach,
take within ones range; stretch to. (cf.
snyog; lmbut, dngat).
to, Man, person; to be a man, be born.
Ang mga to. Men. The people. The human
race. Mankind. Nato si sa. He was
born in. May mga to nga. There
are people, who. Si Hess nagpakato
sa lay nga tiyn ni Mara Santisim.
Jesus became man in the virgin womb of
Mary most Holy. (cf. two, but to is the
better and more common spelling).
to, To look after or guard the house,
remain on the premises, watch over, be in
charge of, a house in the absence of its
owner. Sn-o ang nagato sa baly sang
tud mo, kay wal si dir? Who is in
charge of your brothers house, as he is not
here? Tahi nay ang baly ko, kay
makdto ak sa Manl. Please look after
my house, as I am going to Manila. Patahi
nay ang kon baly, kay may kadton
ak. Please get someone to look after my
house, for I must go away.
taohna, Humorously used for toman,
person. (cf. babayhna).
taohnon, Human, pertaining to human
nature. (cf. to, tawohnon).
tan, A small fish-trap, a wicker basket for
catching small fish, crabs, shrimps, etc. (cf.
bw-an, pta).
tan, ton, Age, year, season. (cf. tig,
panuign, panahn).
ta, ta-, (B) To give, donate, make a
present of, bestow upon, hand over to. Ita
kan ang sngsing nga di. (Ihtag sa ya
inng sngsing). Give him this ring. Tw-an
ko ikw ti kwrta. (Hatgan (Tagan) ko
ikw sing kwrta). Ill give you some
money. (cf. htag, tgr, dlut, bugy,
amma, tnghol).
ta-to, Anything resembling a man, a
picture or drawing of a man or woman; a
scarecrow, a figure set up in rags and
tatters to scare away birds, etc. Ang tato
sa dldul, sa humy, etc. A scarecrow on a
kapok-tree, in a rice-field, etc.
ta-to, (sang mat) The pupil (of the
tpa, A thin slice of meat dried in the sun;
to slice and dry meat. May tpa kam?
Have you got any dried meat? Tapha ang
krne. Slice the meat and dry it (in the sun,
on a gridiron, etc.). Taphi ak sinng
pmlay sang bka. Cut this leg of beef in
thin slices and dry it for me. (cf. kushos
to cut in strips).

tap, To roast fish, corn, coconut, meat,

etc. (and dispose of it by sale to customers
at wayside inns, refreshment booths, etc.).
Naprde knt ang la lub nga link-ad
ukn kprak kon wal nla pagtapah.
Their coconut meat that had been scooped
out of the shells or their copra would have
been a complete loss, if they had not
roasted it (and sold it retail). (cf. slay).
tpad, To include all, cover all, suffice for
all, etc. (See tpud, tarpad, kmpod,
tapahn, Gridiron, anything used for
drying meat upon, or the like. (cf. tap,
talap-ann, tarap-ann).
tpak, A foot (measure of length); to
step, walk, tread, on or upon. Ang ya
sin nga kalaban pat ka tpak. Its
length is four feet. (cf. lpak; pi).
tpak, Length, breadth or width of cloth,
etc.; size. Itmbi inng is ka tpak sang
hener sa is, agd magg ang
kalaparn. Join this width of cloth to the
other, so that it may become sufficiently
tapakn, Treadle; foot-stool. Tapki ang
tapakn. Work the treadle. (cf. lapakn).
tapk-tapk, To step or pace noisilyup
and down,to and fro, to shuffle the feet,
to patter. Sn-o ang nagatapktapk sa
hult sa ibbaw? Who is walking
(pattering) noisily to and fro in the room
above? (cf. tpak, lapklapk).
tpal, To throw away, discard, thrust out,
cast forth, eject. Itpal sa bintn inng
pnit (pak) sang sging. Throw these
banana skins out of the window. (cf. pilk,
tapl, To slap, strike. See dapl.
tapaln, A block, bench, any kind of
surface on which something is laid for
cutting, etc.; a scape-goat, one made to
bear the blame for another.
tapalta, Bow-legged, bandy-legged. (cf.
tapaldo, (Sp. tapalodo) Mud-guard. (cf.
sagng sa lnang).
tapl-tpal, Dim. and Freq. of tpal,
tapl. Also: to square up, settle amicably,
smooth things over (as a quarrel,
controversy, or the like). (cf. kamlkmol,
tpan, To become or make even, level,
flat, plain, plane. Nagtpan na ang mon
plsa. Our public square has become level
now. Tapna ang baklod. Level down the
hill. (cf. sma, salma, matpan).
tpang, See tarpang, spak.
Nagpinalgyo sil kag nagdalgan nga
wal sing tpang. They fled and ran
without any set purpose where to go or
what to do next. Wal sing tpang ang la
pagginsto. There is no order or accountkeeping in their expenditure. Kon ks-a
nagakatpang si nga daw ddto si sa

Visayan-English Dictionary
ya baly. Now and then he imagines as if
he were at home (in his own house).
tapngko, (Sp. tapanco) Awning; small
shop, selling-booth; counter, stall, table,
especially in a market; tax or excise to be
paid for a stall in a public market place.
May tapngko ikw? Have you paid your
stall-tax? Have you got, or paid for, a stall
or booth?
tpang, tapng, To happen, chance,
come to pass, etc. See tab. Natapngan
ko gid ang la pagway. I just happened to
be present at their fight. Nakatpang ak
sang la panyga. I chanced to come upon
them when they werehaving dinner,at
tapn-tpan, Dim. and Freq. of tpan.
Also: To settle peacefully, etc. (cf.
kapnkpan, kamlkmol, tapltpal).
taps, To cut down, fell, mow, mow down,
cut low shrubs, reeds, under brush etc.
Tpsa ang tgbaw. Cut down the tgbaw
reeds. Itaps inng binngon. Use this bolo
for cutting. (For felling large trees pkan is
more used).
tpas, Coconut-husks, the thick, fibrous
layer surrounding the coconut shell; also
used as a verb. Gintapsan nla ang lub.
They stripped the coconut of its husk. (cf.
tapt, To resolve firmly, be resolved,
make a resolution, make up ones mind,
determine steadfastly, to do resolutely.
Magtapt ka sing malg-on nga dl ka na
magliwt sin. Make a firm resolution not
to do that again. Tapatn mo gid ang
pagpaty sang mn-og (saw). Kill the
snake resolutely (determinately).
tapt, With determination, in defiance of,
determinately, resolutely, in spite of,
notwithstanding, nevertheless, however,
yet, though, although, but. Bangd nga
madnlug gid ang dlan ginmlig nya
ang ya pagtikng; tapt gn
nakadpyas si kag nahlug sa kalg. On
account of the slipperiness of the road he
picked his steps very carefully; yet in spite
of it he slipped and fell into the ditch. Dak
gid ang ya paghingam nga
magmnggad, tapt gn namsmus si.
He had a great ambition to become rich; he
became, however, very poor. Tapt nga la
ginahingabt ang Snta Iglsya, tapt
nagadm ang ya mga sinkup (tapt si
nagadgang). They may persecute the
Church, but she is ever growing. (cf. agd,
tap-tpa, To strike with the open palm
of the hand, to slap, spank. Taptapha
si. Slap him. Give him a slap. Spank him.
Ang mamumunk nagataptpa sang
lalbhan. The laundress beats the wash
with her hands. (cf. tmp, tampyong).
tpay, To beat, strike, slap. Tinapyan
nya ak. He slapped me. (cf. huyp,
tmp, taptpa).

tapngko tplik, taplk

tpay, Leaven, yeast, barm; to leaven,
cause to ferment. Tapyi ang kn-on, kay
saplon ko. Put some leaven into the
cooked rice, for I am going to pickle it. (cf.
tpdas, (H) A touch, rap, tap, stroke (of a
whip, of the tip of a finger, etc.); to strike or
beat lightly, to touch, rap. Tinpdas nya
sang ya kamt ang ilng ni Fulno. He
tapped N.N.s nose with his hand. Ang
tpdas sang ya kamt. The tap (rap,
stroke) from his hand. Ang pagdag nya
sa sugl tpdas gid lmang. He very
seldom wins at cards. Tapdas ang ya
dalnggan. Rap his ear. (cf. khit, kblit).
tapte, (Sp. tapete) Carpet, rug; tapis,
table cloth. (cf. alpmbra; mantl, tabn).
tpgo, To clean or dress split bamboo
with the bolo so as to make it fit for
weaving purposes, to trim or prepare
splints for wickerwork. Ginatapgohn nya
ang kawyan nga tindtad. He is
trimming or dressing the split bamboo in
order to make it suitable for wickerwork.
(cf. talapghan, gus).
tphan, From tahpto sift rice, etc.
tap, A step, rung (of a ladder, of a
staircase, etc.). (cf. halntang).
tp, Board, plank; wood; to make boards
of; to board, cover with boards. Baly nga
tp. A house built of wood (not of
bamboo). Tapon nnyo inng tabln. Make
boards of this log. Nagatp na sil sang
salg. They are now boarding (covering
with boards) the floor. Tm kanips kag
kakitd sinng mga tp. These planks are
too thin and too narrow. Kon but si
magbna sa ya, tapan nya, kon, sing
baly (balayn nya, kon, sing tp).
They say that if she will marry him, he will
build her a house of wood (not merely of
bamboo). Ipatp ko sa mga manuglagar
yanng mga khoy. I shall see to it that the
sawyers saw that timber into boards. (cf.
khoytree; wood in general).
tap, To strike, give a sudden blow,
brush off, with the hand, to jerk off,
knock off. Tapih ang ya kl. Knock off
his hat. Gintap nya ang tinpay sa ya
kamt. He knocked the bread out of his
hand. Tapih ang kamt nya, agd nga
madgdag ang ginakptan nya nga
tinpay. Hit him on the hand that he may
drop the bread he is holding. (cf. ppi,
pphi, tpdas).
tpia, To throw away a card or exchange it
for another in certain card-games. Itpia
ang barha mo kon dl yon in sa mo
but. Exchange your card, if you dont like
tpia, To waft, etc. See dpia.
tapk, To stick to, adhere to, be attached
to; to take or get hold of, to attack (of a
disease, etc.); clinging to, attached to;
married into a family. Tapikn mo ang
sult sing slyo. Stick a stamp on the letter.
Ang mga malya sing lwas matapikn sa

madal sang mga balatan. Those that

have weak bodies soon catch a disease.
Wal si lbut sa mon panublin, kay
tapk lang si (sa mon). He has no share
in our inheritance, for he belongs to us only
by marriage (for he (only) married into the
family). Ang papl nagatapk na sa
dngding. The paper now sticks (adheres)
to the wall. (cf. dokt, pilt).
tapkan, A kind of palm. Its fruit yields
kolahsa substance that causes a terrible
itch, when brought in contact with the skin.
tp-ing, Dirt, grime, mud, filth, stain,
tarnish; to become or make dirty, etc. Wal
gid sing tp-ing ang ya dungg. His
character is perfectly blameless. He is a
man of unblemished (irreproachable)
character. Ang ya guy natap-ingn sang
hgk kag dug. His face wasgrimy and
blood-stained,besmeared with grime and
blood. Ayw pagbuhta in, kay matapingn gid ang mayo nga nglan sang
mo panimaly. For Gods sake dont do
such a thing, for it will certainly bring
dishonour on the fair name of your family
(it will discredit, reflect upon, your
good family-name). (cf. dgt, hgk,
bulng, rsm).
tap-ingn, Dirty, grimy, soiled, sullied,
tarnished, having a dirty face, or the like.
(cf. bulingn, mahgk, rsm).
tapika, (Sp. tapioca) Tapioca. (cf.
balnghoy, kamotingkhoy).
tpis, A skirt as worn by Philippine
women. (cf. mpis, tpis, patdyong).
tpis, A large apron or over-skirt in
various designs and usually of a black
colour, as worn chiefly by Tagalog women.
(cf. tampon).
tapisn, A cotton gin. (cf. ipisn).
tap-tpi, Dim. and Freq. of tapto
knock off, etc.
tap-tp, Dim. and Freq. of tpboard,
etc. Anything resembling a board or plank.
Abw, katmbok sinng karabw, daw
taptp ang ya nga likd. Just look how
fat this buffalo is; his back is as flat as a
table. Ang ditay nga taptp nasulatn:
. On the small tablet was written:
tplak, See tklapto cover, spread
upon, put on. Itplak (Itklap) ang mantl
sa ltok. Taplak (Taklap) ang ltok sang
mantl. Put (Spread) the cloth on the table.
(cf. tbon).
tplak, See hplakto drop flat, etc.
tplik, taplk, A flick, jerk, a quick light
stroke; to flick, jerk, beat, strike, whip (with
a quick light stroke). Taplik si sang mo
kamt, kalt, pny, etc. Flick him (Give
him a flick) with the hand, rope,
handkerchief, etc. Tinaplikn ak sing
lnang sang kog sang karabaw. The
buffalo flicked mud over me with its tail.
Itplik sa ya ang mo mga tdl. Snap


taplk-tplik tarangwyan
your fingers at him. (cf. wslik, tpdas,
taplk-tplik, Dim. and Freq. of tplik.
To wag, move to and fro, move up and
down, shake, sway, vibrate, oscillate. Ang
id nagataplktplik sang ya kog. The
dog is wagging its tail. Ang kalt nga
inogbgting sang linggnay
ginataplktplik sang hngin. The bellrope is swinging (swaying) to and fro in the
wind. (cf. paldpad, hulghlag).
tpn, Stop, end, termination; to stop, put
a stop to, prevent, hinder, put an end to.
Tapna ang ya pagpangma sang kon
dt. Stop him tilling my land. Put a stop
to his tilling my land. (cf. pugng, tbl,
tblaw, sagng).
tpnan, From tapnto cover, etc.
tpnay, A handful; to carry or hold in the
hand. (cf. spnay).
tapk, To be or become brittle, weak,
easily breakable or fragile. Natapokn ak
sinng hlo. This thread is too weak for my
purpose. Nagtapk na inng hnero. This
cloth is worn out, has lost its strength,
easily tears.
tpok, To hide, send away, exile, banish.
Itpok si sa malay. Send him far away.
Gintpok nya ang karabw sa masot. He
hid the buffalo among the dense vegetation.
(cf. sbol, tbug, tg).
tp-ok, To disperse, scatter, fly off in a
cloud of dust. Kon byhon (bayohn,
bywon) ang humy nga hp-og
magatp-ok ang ya up. When brittle rice
is pounded the husks fly off in a cloud of
dust. Natap-okn kam sang yb-ok. We
were surrounded by (enveloped in) a cloud
of dust. (cf. alintab; pok, sik, etc.).
tp-ok, To cover with, fill, fill up (a hole,
etc.). See tmpok id.
tapokl, Fish, especially hpon, cooked
between two sheets of bark, or the like; to
cook fish sandwiched between two sheets of
tp-ol, To be or become weak, frail,
feeble, exhausted. (cf. lya, pgaw,
tapl, A kind of rice. (cf. arabn).
tapl, Dark-coloured, applied particularly
to some kinds of bi, rice, rattan, etc.
tapn, (Sp. tapn) Cork, stopple, plug,
bung, cover, lid; to cover as with a lid, etc.
Butang sing tapn ang botlya, pnggan,
klon, etc. Cork the bottle, cover the plate,
rice-kettle, etc. (cf. tabn, tbon,
sngsung, lon, son).
tap-tap, Dust, dirt. (cf. gapgap,
yb-ok, hgk, rm).
tapyay, A kind of tree.
tp, To meet, join, take part in, become a
member of a society, associate with, enter,
side with (a party), embrace (a religion),
etc. Nagtapuy sil sa baly. They met
together in the house. Wal si magtp.
He did not join. Ipatp (Ginpatp) nya


Visayan-English Dictionary
ang ya ank sa am nga talapunan. He
should order (He ordered) his son to join
(enter, become a member of) that society.
Yanng kambuyahn natapan na sang
madm nga mga tumalap nga lutw sa
bnwa. Many prominent citizens are now
associated with that firm (company). (cf.
katp, talapun, talapunan, tumalap;
paskup, dmpig).
tpud, To take in all, include all, leave out
none, cover the whole, be sufficient for all
needs. Natapran (-dan) ang um sang
mga hyup. The whole field is covered with
cattle. Tapron mo sil nga tann sa
paghtag sing tagis ka blog nga
tinpay. Give every one of them without
exception a piece of bread. Dl makatpud
in sa tann. This is not sufficient for all.
(cf. talpud, kmpod, tptop, tipatp).
tpuk, tp-uk, See tpok, tp-ok.
tapulnga, A kind of hibiscus. See
tampulnga id. (cf. panapulnga).
tapl, tp-ul, See tapl, tp-ol.
tapngaw, State of one dazed, crazy,
cracked, mad, stunned, stupefied,
frightened out of ones wits, particularly
said of persons who on awakening
suddenly from sleep cannot find their
bearings or collect their wits for some time;
to daze, stun, stupefy, etc. Natapungwan
si. He was off his head when he awoke.
Nagakatulg si; nd mo si
pagtandugn, kay bs matapungwan
si. He is sleeping; dont touch him, for he
may demean himself like a madman on
starting up. Nagbalbad si sa pagsilng
nga natapungwan si. He excused
himself by saying that he was quite
stupefied (at the time). (cf. tipngaw id.
and more commonly used).
tapngol, A punch, blow with the fist; to
punch, box, strike with the fist. Tapungla
si. Punch him. Ihtag sa ya (Tagi si)
ang (sing) is ka tapngol. Give him a
punch. Nagtinapungoly sil. They fought
each other with their fists. They came to a
hand-to-hand fight. They cameto
blows,to close quarters. They buffeted
each other with their fists. (cf. smbag,
bngbung, way).
tpus, Finished, complete, ended, closed,
terminated, concluded, all over; to finish,
complete, end, close, conclude, terminate,
get through with. Tapsa ang mo sult.
Conclude (Finish) your letter. Madgay pa
bal tbtub nga matpus in? Will it last a
long time yet till it is finished (concluded)?
Wal kam makatpus sang mon
pagardo, kay nagab-ihn kam. We could
not finish our ploughing, for night overtook
us. Tpus na. Finished. Thats the end of it.
Its all over. (cf. pus).
tapt, To dress, clothe, wear clothes. (cf.
sapt, panapt, nag).
tap-tp, Dim. and Freq. of tp. Also:
to patch, mend, stitch (torn garments). Ind
gn si makahibal magtaptp sang

gis nya nga panpton. She does not even

know how to mend her torn garments. (cf.
tkap, halthut).
taptul, A kind of small fish.
tpya, See tpiato exchange one card
for another, etc.
tardag, To ramble in conversation, talk
nonsense, speak in an incoherent manner;
to step or stumble in, act thoughtlessly or
carelessly. Nagatardag lang si sa ya
paghmbal. He just rambles on in his talk,
speaks incoherently or carelessly. (cf.
trag, targ, talgtalg).
tardyon, (B) Irascible, getting soon
angry or excited, waxing hot at the slightest
provocation, hot-tempered. (cf. pikn,
dy, kutskuts).
trag, (H) To wander, walk about, loiter,
loaf. (cf. lgaw, lagyaw).
targman, (B) What is to be, should
be, steeped in tgum (indigo).
trag, targ, (H) To step or stumble into
a hole, walk through or over mud, speak or
act thoughtlessly, meddle or interfere with
light-heartedly. (cf. tardag, tsak, tdag,
targ-targ, (B) See talgtalg,
talktalkcareless, etc.
targ-targ, (B) Walking about
constantly, never quiet, always on the
move, never at rest; a rover, loafer, tramp.
(cf. darndarn, harshars, diwal-ogn,
dingkalgan; lagwlgaw, tiygtiyg,
tarahon, (B) See talahon.
tarahan, (B) See talahan.
tarahon, (B) See talahon.
tarahdon, (B) See talahron.
tarmbal, (B) See talmbal.
tarambyaw, (B) To work together,
cooperate, unite, make common efforts,
join in. Nagtarambyaw snda sa
pagmot kang galasthon (garasthon).
(Nagbuligy sil sa pagmot sang
galasthon). They all helped in
contributing the money required. (cf.
buligy, tinabangy, hl-o, dgyaw, hisa,
tarmdan, (B) See talmdan.
tarmhak, Negligent, careless, lighthearted, thougthless; to speak or act
carelessly, etc. (cf. patarsak, pasapayn,
tarmnan, (B) See talmnan.
taramnnon, (B) See talamnnon.
tarmos, (B) See talmos.
tarampyuk, (B) See talampyuk.
taramwan, (B) See talamwan.
tarandan, (B) See talandan.
tarangitg, Orderless, in disorder,
confused, perplexed, bewildered, crazy,
frantic; to be or become disordered,
confused, etc. (cf. palg, lingn, libg,
lntong, salangisg).
tarangknon, (B) See talangknon.
tarangwyan, (B) See talangwyan.

Visayan-English Dictionary
tarpad, (B) To take in all, make no
exception, treat equally, extend to all, cover
all. Gintarpad na ang pagkig kannda.
Gintarpad (Gintarapdan) na snda
kang kig. (Nagkig si sa la nga tann).
He was angry with all (everyone) of them.
(cf. tpud, tptop, salma).
tarapl, A kind of oil-cloth. (cf. li).
tarap-ann, (B) See talap-ann.
tarpang, Attention, care, purpose,
reflection, mostly with wal sing and
then having the meaning: thoughtless,
careless, negligent, to no avail or purpose,
or the like. Wal gid sing tarpang inng
bt. This boyis very careless or
negligent,acts without thinking.
Naglakt si nga wal gid sing tarpang.
He walked away without any idea of where
he was going to or of what he intended to
do. (cf. spak, tpang).
tarpang, To have an idea, to surmise,
guess, suppose, imagine, think. (cf.
hunhn, syod, hibal, bnt).
tarsak, Thoughtless, nonchalant, happygo-lucky, careless. (cf. patarsak).
taratagwlo, (B) See torotagwloa
vagabond, etc.
taratalnda, A loafer, idler, good-fornothing, hobo: to loaf, be an idler, idle
away the time. (cf. karakalnda, tigtig,
tar-tar, (B) A rattle. See taltal.
tar-tar, A loafer, idler, etc. See
taratalnda, landlndo, targtarg,
tagrtgra, etc. etc.
tar-tar, Very voluble, quick (of
speech); to speak extremely quick, be very
voluble, etc. (cf. gart, sortsot).
taraut, tara-ut, A piece of, a part,
not the whole, broken-up, not close
together, spread out one by one, in or by
pieces, piecemeal; to bebroken up,one
by one,spread in separate units, to do one
thing at a time, by piecework. (tarawt id).
tarwik, tarawk, (B) See talwik,
talawkto squeal, etc.
tarwis, (B) See talwis, talwisto be
sharp-pointed, etc.
tarawt, See tarautto be broken up,
etc. (cf. lpta, utdutd, pitpit,
atkatk, etc.).
trda, (Sp. tarda) Slow, dull, tardy,
sluggish, stupid, late, behind-hand, a little
foolish or weak-minded (of females). (cf.
buangt, pungg; kolkol, etc.).
trde, trdes, (Sp. tarde) Afternoon
evening; late, behind time. Bunas trdes.
Good afternoon. Good evening. (cf. hpon,
kahaponnon, mayong hpon;
trdo, (Sp. tardo) Late, too late, behind
time; dull, stupid (of males). (cf. trda,
tardn, (Sp. tardn) Late, too late, a latecomer, straggler; slow, dull, stupid foolish.

tarpad targo
(cf. kuliht, atrasdo, huginan, trdo,
trda, kulngkulng, etc.).
trhan, (H) Spurred, having a large spur
(of cocks). (cf. tahd, tdhan).
tarhta, (Sp. tarjeta) Card, label; tablet
with inscription.
tar, A kind of creeper whose root is edible.
When peeled the root is reddish, but
underneath the reddish surface the root is
white. Bang is the same plant, but its root
is white throughout.
trik, A young locust beginning to grow
wings, and starting to fly. (cf. lksoan
immature locust without wings; apnthe
full-grown locust).
tark, A cross-beam to which the
outriggers of a parw, etc. are attached.
tark, Tight, taut, straight; to tighten,
straighten, make taut, fasten well, pull
tight. Tarik (Hgta) ang kalt. Tighten
the rope. Pull the rope tight. Gintark na
(Ginhugt nya) ang hblon. He made the
warp taut. (cf. hugt, tarngka).
tarn, A chicken that no longer follows the
hen; to leave the growing chickens (brood)
alone, let them take care of themselves
without mothering them any longer,
particularly applied to fowls. Ginatarn na
sang mung ang ya mga pis. The henis
leaving her chickens alone,does not
accompany her chickens any more. (cf.
taln id).
tarngka, tarnka, (Sp. trincar) To
fasten, tighten, tie or bind fast, make taut,
tight; to be stuffed, crammed, full to
bursting. Taringkah ang ps. Make the
string taut. (cf. tark, hugt, gutk, pun,
busg, butngting).
tarpa, (Sp. tarifa) Tariff, price-list or
schedule of charges. (cf. tpo, balyran,
hinkay, pagktan (talandan) sang mga
tar-tri, To apply many strokes in quick
succession, to thrash, beat, chastise
severely, flog or whip thoroughly; to scold,
chide, rebuke, vilify, vituperate, criticize
sharply, flay. Ind mo si pagtartarhon
sang bnal. Dont whip him too severely.
Dont give him too many strokes of the
whip. Sa lang pagpakigpulngplong
gintartri nla ang bnghay nga la
kasmpong. In their speeches they flayed
(criticized sharply, vilified) their
opponents. Kon magliwn ikw magbhat
sin ipatartri ko gid ikw kay ttay. If
you do it again I shall see to it that father
gives you a good thrashing (beating,
hiding). (cf. bnal, hnot, hmpak; mlay,
hkay, bsol).
tarthi, (B) Light rain. See talthi.
tarwis, (B) Sharp-pointed, etc. See
talwis, talwis, tarwis.
tarya, (Sp. tarea) Task, job, duty, a days
work. (cf. buluhatn, katungdnan,

tarya, (Probably from the Sp. tajea,

atarjea) Row, line, furrow, channel. Is ka
tarya sang ardo (dro). One furrow of
the plough. (cf. das).
trma, To overcome, defeat, outdo,
conquer, discomfit, overthrow, overpower,
subdue. Ind ak katrma (makatrma) sa
ya. I cannotbeat him,get the better of
him,manage him. I am unable to defeat
him. (cf. ltos, dag, okm, otm).
tarnta, Loquacious, talkative,
chatterbox; to be very talkative, to boast,
brag, vaunt oneself. (cf. br, hdak,
wkal, hmbog, etc.).
tro, (B) Tallow, candle grease, wax,
beeswax, mineral wax, paraffin wax. (cf.
tro, (Sp. tarro) Jar, vial, phial, medicinebottle. (cf. tolotdyaw).
targ, (B) See talggutter, etc.
tarogn, (B) See talognwaterfall, etc.
tarng, (B) See talngeggplant.
tarorng, (B) To watch, keep watch,
tend, attend on, to sit or squat watching
someone or looking at something curiously
(attentively); to attend, assist, be present
at, look on, be a spectator. Tarorong
prme si ttay mo, hay nagamasakt.
(Tambong prme si ttay mo, kay
nagamasakt). Constantly sit up with
(watch at the bedside of) father, because he
is sick (ill). Kon magsri kaw kang
tarorng sa sugl magaram ikw ti
madal. (Kon magsgad (magsli) ikw
sang tmbong sa sugl magalam ikw
sing madal). If you are frequently present
at gambling (playing cards) as an attentive
spectator you will soon learn (the game,
how to gamble or how to play cards).
Ilisipn gid lang ang mga nagtarorng
(nagtalmbong). Only a small number
were present (assisted). (cf. tmbong,
tar, tar, Lumpy, compact, packed,
closely united, joined or knit together; to be
or become lumpy, packed, etc. (said of
sugar, salt, or the like). (cf. bilgbilg,
tarti, (Sp. trote) To trot, run, run away,
scamper off. Nagatarti ang karabw. The
buffalo is running (runs). Patarotha ang
kabyo. Make the horse trot. Gallop the
horse. (cf. dalgan, twad, tad).
tartok, See tartot.
tartot, A toy-whistle. See tortot. (cf.
banttut, turtud, turtuk).
trso, Joker, jester, clown, buffoon,
merry-andrew, zany. (cf. oslitn,
lahoglahogn, paskn, payso, alakyo,
tarbtub, (B) A piece of bamboo of two
joints length. (cf. talbtub).
targo, (Sp. tarugo) A wooden peg or pin,
a bolt; to pin or bolt together, make a hole
for the reception of a pin. Tarugha ang
pgbo. Fasten (Secure) the rafter with a


tarm tal
wooden pin. An ang itargo mo, sibkaw
ukn kawyan? What are you going to
make the pin of? Sebucao wood or
bamboo? May targo na ang pgbo? Is
the rafter fastened with a pin? (cf. paly,
pintl, lnsang).
tarm, (B) To be sharp-edged, etc.; to be
difficult to digest. (cf. talm).
trung, To be or become just, honest,
upright, righteous, blameless,
irreproachable. Pabutho ang mo ank sa
mayo nga buluthan, agd maglam si
kag magtrung man ang ya mga
batsan. Send your son to a good school in
order that he may acquire learning as well
as accustom himself to the practice of
righteousness (virtue, gentlemanly bearing,
irreproachable manners, good conduct).
(cf. matrung, katarngan,
panghanarngan, tdlong).
trung, (H) To behave, show good
manners, be quiet. Pagtrung kam. Be
quiet. Behave! (An expression used to
quieten noisy children, or the like). (cf.
tars, (B) To accomplish, execute,
perform; to proceed on an intended trip or
journey, to actually undertake (an intended
trip, etc.). Nakatars ak kahpon
maggto (sa paggto) sa Ilnglong.
(Nakadayn ak kahpon magkdto (sa
pagkdto) sa Ilnglong). I carried out my
intention of going to Iloilo yesterday.
Mapnaw ak rad kahpon sa minur
nga X., pay war ak makatars, hay
nagurn. (Malakt ak knt kahpon sa
bryo nga X., pang wal ak
makadayn, kay naguln). I should have
liked to go to the village X. yesterday, but
did not go, because it rained. (cf. dayn,
tartud, tartuk, tartut, A toywhistle. See tortot. (cf. banttut).
tsa, (Sp. taza) A small cup or bowl; a
cupful. (cf. tasn, yahng, km-aw).
tsa, (Sp. tasa) Measure, rule, standard;
valuation, rate, tax, duty. (cf. talksan,
solkban; balyran, buhs, tpo).
tas, (Sp. tasar) To prescribe a strict diet
or allowance (of food, money, etc.), to
regulate, give scantily, allow barely
sufficient for ones needs. Tasah ang
masakt agd madal magyo. Put the sick
person on low diet (short allowance) in
order that he (she) may recover soon.
Ginatas gid nya ang mga hilinguyngon
sang ya ank sa buluthan. He allows his
son a very limited amount of money for his
expenses at school. (cf. tasr).
tasdo, (From the Sp. tasar) Taxed,
prescribed, restricted, limited, regulated.
Tasdo ang panggsto sin nga mga
kabatan. Only a limited (restricted)
amount of money is available for (the
upkeep of) those children. But it may also
mean: Those childrencan,are allowed


Visayan-English Dictionary
to, spend very little (for personal, casual,
private needs). (cf. tas, ltid, pt-od).
tsak, To put ones foot in, step in, walk
through or over, etc. See ldag, trag,
tdag, etc.
tasr, (Sp. tasar) To appraise, value,
estimate, charge, tax. Tasar si kon pil
ang bil sin. Make him an estimate of the
price of it. Let him know the cost of it.
Gintasarn ak nya sing lim ka
mngmang sinng delrgo. He charged me
five pesos for this pair of trousers. Gintasr
nla ang (Gintasarn nla si sang) ya
bg-o nga baly kag ktub karn
pabayron si sing buhs nga ttlo ka
psos ang tig. They have appraised his
new house and henceforth he must pay for
it a yearly tax of three pesos. (cf. bil,
tasasyn, (Sp. tasacin) Valuation,
appraisement, estimate of value; duty, tax,
impost. (cf. buhs, pabil, tsa, tasr).
tslot, Cowardice; to be (become, act)
cowardly, etc. See tlaw.
tsmad, To be or become lazy, etc. See
tasn, A large cup, tasse, bowl; basin,
sauce-pan. (cf. yahng, kldo, kaldhan,
tsa, km-aw).
tstas, To break, rend, tear asunder,
unpick, open seams, pick out. Tastas na
lang inng dan nga delrgo. Tear this old
pair of trousers asunder at the seams.
Tinstas nya ang by. She unpicked the
jacket. Waly puls ang mga tinahin
sinng bg-ong by ko; makapil pa lang
nagmit kag natstas (nagkatstas) na.
The seams of this new frock (blouse, jacket)
of mine are no good; it has been used only a
few times and it is torn already (at the
seams). (cf. tngkas, bngkas, lslas,
tstas, To cut off, cut through, sever. (cf.
tbtab, tud).
tatk, To knock, brush, scrape,
shake, off, as mud from the boots, earth
from a shovel, ash from the point of a cigar,
etc. Tatak ang kn-on sa tb. Shake the
rice off the bamboo plate. Gintatk nya
ang bals sa ya kl. He shook the sand
off his hat. Tatak sang mo abno ang
bulutngan sang ab. Knock the ash of
your cigar into the ash-tray. Nagsuld si
sa kwrto nga wal gn magtatk sang
lnang sa ya saptos. He entered the
room without so much as scraping
(knocking, shaking) the mud off his boots.
(cf. ppi, pphi, plpug; tap).
ttap, Management, administration, care,
attention, solicitude; to look after, attend to
(on, upon), see to, manage, administer,
take care of, treat with attention or care, be
solicitous for (about, concerning). Tatpa
sing mayo ang mga dumulaw. Be very
attentive to the guests. Treat the visitors
well. Attend well upon, Pay great
attention to, the visitors. Ginattap nya

sing mayo ang tann nga mga butng sa

suld sang ya baly. She manages
everything wellwithin her house,in her
own house,at her home,within doors.
Wal gid si pagttap sin. He does not
mind that. He is very negligent or careless
about it. Ind ak kattap (makattap)
sin, kay wal ak sing tinin. I cannot
attend to it, because I have no time. (cf.
dumla, balka, sagd, sapk).
ttat, To speak very fluently or volubly; to
know a language well, speak a language
with ease (facility). Abw, nagattat na
gid lang si sang hmbal nga iningls.
Why, he speaks English quite fluently now.
(cf. td, tr).
tt, tt, To fray (out), untwist, unravel,
wear out, tear to (in, into) rags (tatters), to
break or crush so as to unloosen the fibres;
to ravel out, become untwisted, broken,
crushed. Ang am nga kasub nagtt
sang mga naht sang ya tagiposon. That
sorrow broke her heart (heart-strings).
Natt (Nagkatt) na ang kalt, ang
pnta sang bgsok, etc. The rope has
become untwisted, the point of the stake
got blunted, etc. (cf. ss, tstas, ls, ls,
ntnut, ntnat, lum, pus).
ttay, Dad, daddy, father, da, pa, papa,
pop. Si ttay ko. (Ang amy ko). My
taty, The vocative of ttay.
tting, (English: tatting) Knotted lace
made of stout sewing thread, etc. by means
of a kind of shuttle; to make such lace.
Malam ka bal magtting? Do you know
how to make tatting? (cf. pnto make
lace, nets, etc. by means of a crochet).
ttlo, Three. Maktlo. Three times.
Tagtlo. Three each.
tton, (B) We, the speaker included. (cf.
ttsa, (Sp. tachar) To blot out, efface,
expunge, wipe out; drop, let fall, dismiss; to
censure, tax with, blame, reprehend. Dl
mo pagtatsahn ang sinult sa pisra.
Dont blot out (erase) the writing on the
blackboard. Mabdlay na magttsa sang
am nga hgn. Mabdlay na tatsahn
ang am nga hgn. It is now difficult to
drop that proposition (proposal, motion).
(cf. phid, dgdag, tktak).
ttso, (Sp. tacho) A kind of pan provided
with two lugs or handles; sugar-boiler,
tub, Flood-tide, high tide, high water; to
be at high water, to flow, rise, come in (of
the tide). Nagatub ang dgat. The sea is
at high tide. The tideis coming in,is
flowing,is rising. Nataban kam sa
bybay. We were overtaken by the high
tide, whilst we were on the beach. (cf.
hunslow tide).
tal, (Sp. atad) Coffin, casket. (cf.

Visayan-English Dictionary
taw, A piece of wood with four equal
faces used in the game of lnggongdice.
tawg, To call, name, call upon, call upon
by name, summon, cite, term, denominate,
designate, style. Twga (tawag) si. Call
him. An ang pagtawg mo sinng blak
(kon hingdlan mo)? What do you call this
flower? What is the name of this flower? (if
you would call it by its name)? Tinawg ko
si, pang nd si but magkar. I have
called him, but he will not come. Ipatawg
si. Have him summoned. Let him be
called. Ipatawg si sa mo sologon. Let
your servant call (summon, cite) him. (cf.
mpit, bat).
twag, To proclaim, publish, make public
(as the banns of a marriage, etc.).
Ginatwag sil karn. They are being
proclaimed now. Tawgon kam sa ttlo
ka domngo. You will have your banns
published on three Sundays. Sn-o
matpus ang pagtwag sa nyo? When
will your banns be published for the last
time? (cf. lwag, bantl).
twas, A kind of medicine used as a
remedy for a sore tongue, especially against
ugm; alum.
taws, (B) To accompany, go with. (cf.
twa, taw, (B) To laugh. Nagkatwa
(tna) kankon (kank). (Nagkdlaw si
sa kon). He laughed at me. Twa seems
to have been introduced from the Cebuano
taw-twa, A kind of plant.
taw-twa, Dim. and Freq. of twato
twgi, A kind of beans. See twri. Also:
Peas and beans soaked in water and
starting to sprout, especially applied to
mnggo. (cf. twri).
twhay, Quiet, tranquillity, calm,
calmness, quietness, peace, peacefulness,
repose, comfortable life or circumstances;
to be or become peaceful, quiet, tranquil,
restful, at peace, without worry, unruffled,
undisturbed, comfortable, rather well to do.
(cf. matwhay, katwhay, linng, tnong,
tawhiy, twhiyo, A kind of Chinese
and also Japanese dish; salt or pickled
beans. (twsyo, tawsy id.).
tawl, To work without wages, etc. See
dgiaw, dgyaw, id.
taws-twis, To sip, suck, eat, take food.
(cf. syup, hgop, kon).
two, Man, person; human being. (cf.
tawohnon, Human, pertaining to
human nature. (cf. taohnon).
tawl-tawl, See tabltablto dangle,
swing, move to and fro or up and down.
taw-two, Dim. of two. Anything
resembling a man, etc. See tato.
twri, A kind of beans. (cf. twgi,
hmtak, hntak, baltong, patn).

taw tayyun
twsyo, tawsy, See tawhiysalt or
pickled beans.
twtaw, To throw, fling, hurl, let down,
cast (anchor, a fishing line, etc.); to bob,
dangle, swing (in front of, or before,
another). Itwtaw ang pan. Cast (throw
out) the bait. Gintwtaw nla ang sinipt.
They cast anchor. Tawtaw si sang am
nga pamangkotnon. Throw that question
at him i.e. ask him that question. (cf. hlug,
haby, tnton, blang, pilk).
tay, Pa, dad, daddy, papa, pop, father,
mostly vocative (for taty).
tay, In some places tay is used for the
personal article si. Tay PdroSi Pdro
tay, A bet, wager, stake; to bet, wager,
stake, lay (a bet). Nagatay (Nagatalay)
sil. They are betting. Itay ko inng duh
ka psos sa sinng kabyo. I am ready to
put these two pesos on this horse. Tay ka
sa hr. Taya ang hr. Back the king. Put
your money on the king (card). (cf. psta).
ty, To hold in front (as a shield), to
expose oneself to, be ready or get ready for
an attack, take a defensive position, to face,
confront. Ginty gid nya ang ya lwas
sa mga kaway. He faced the enemy. He
exposed his body to the enemy. Ity mo
ang tamng. Have your shield ready. Hold
the shield in front of you. (cf. tg, slay,
sray, atbang, pangman).
tayab, A variety of bi that is
comparatively small in size.
taym, Piquancy, raciness, tastiness; to
be piquant, tasty, stimulating, giving zest
(of fruit, etc.); to be brackish, nauseous,
salty, unpalatable, sweetish (of water).
Natayamn ak sinng ph. I find this
mango delicious (piquant, luscious). Wal
kam paginm sang tb sin nga bobn,
kay mataym. We never drink the water
from that well, for it is brackish. (cf. nmit,
nm, dlig; ygsim, ym-is).
taynhag, To stare, gape, wonder, look
surprised, stand agape, view with eyes and
mouth wide open. (cf. pamalng).
tay-ty, Dim. and Freq. of tay and
tyto wager; to hold in front, etc.
tyh, A fabulous creature, half man and
half horse; centaur, hippocentaur. (cf.
syh id.).
tyhong, A large draught, drink, potion,
pull; to drink greedily, take a large (long)
draught, to guzzle, gulp, toss off, empty at
one pull, drink deep, finish a glass (bottle)
at one draught (gulp, go, pull). Gintyhong
nya ang is ka dak nga bso nga tub.
He emptied a large glass of toddy at one
gulp (go). Ityhong na lang ang mo
serbsa, kay malakt na kit. Toss off your
beer and let us go. (cf. tbiong, lb-ok,
tayn, inm).
tyhop, See tihopto blow through a
tube, etc.

taybong, A plant whose roots yield a

viscous substance useful in the preparation
of glue, starch, etc.
tyod, (B) To halt, come to a halt or
standstill, to stand, stand still, stop, rest,
remain, cease to go on. Ind kaw magtyod
(Ind ka magtndog) sa ganhan. Dont
stand in the doorway. Gintaydan na ang
ingd kang bg-o nga wang.
(Gintindogn nya ang luy sang bg-o
nga bobn). He stopped at the new well.
(cf. tndog, dlug).
tayd-tyod, (B) Dim. and Freq. of
tyod. To keep stopping in ones walk, to
walk a little and then stand still, to walk on
again and stop and so on. (cf.
tyog, To fly off far, to be thrown, flung,
shied, let fly, cast, pitched, chucked, tossed,
to a distance. Nagtyog ang bla, kay
nag sing tm. The ball flew off to a great
distance, for it was hit with great force.
Matyog si sing panghaby. He can
throw far (a ball, stone, etc.). Patayga ang
bla. Throw the ball to a distance.
ty-og, A quake, shake, tremble, quiver;
to shake, quake, tremble, rock, toss. Tayog ang ya baly. Shake his house.
Nabugtawn nmon kagb-i ang lnog,
kay naty-og (nagkaty-og) ang bg-os
ngga baly nmon. We started up (awoke,
woke up) last night at the earthquake, for
our whole house shook. (cf. yog, hlag).
tyok, A sipping tube, pipe, reed; to sip
through a tube or piece of straw. Tayki
ang gtas. Sip the milk through a tube.
Tyok nga gma. A rubber tube.
tayk-tyok, Dim. and Freq. of tyok.
Somewhat like, resembling, a tube, etc.
tayk-tayk, A thin, slender piece of
straw or reed; a kind of grass (straw, reed).
Its pliable stalk is much used for binding
purposes, for hat-making, basket-making,
tayn, To pour out a liquid in a quick
strong stream; to flow, issue, in a
stream, to gush out, rush out. Itayn ang
tbig sa bayng. Pour the water out of the
bamboo tube quickly.
tayyon, Steady, continuous,
uninterrupted, without stopping, incessant,
ceaseless, withouta stop,pause,
cessation, straight on; to do something
steadily, etc. Tayyon ang la paglakt.
They walked on withoutstopping,a stop
(halt). (cf. dyon, waly dulgdlug).
tytay, A bridge; to bridge, span with,
make, build, a bridge. Nagatytay sil
sang sub. Ginataytayn nla ang sub.
They arebuilding a bridge over the
river,bridging the river. (cf. tuly,
tyud, To stand still, etc. See tyod.
tayyun, Continuous, at once, straight
on; to do at once, etc. (cf. tayyon).


t tinggi
t, An exclamation: There now! What did I
tell you! Didnt I tell you! T, nagauln na.
There now! It is raining. Didnt I tell you it
would (was coming on to) rain! (cf. t, t).
tedum, (Sp. Tedeum) Te Deum,
tehdo, (Sp. tejido) Cloth, stuff, textile,
texture, woven materials, dress-goods. (cf.
hinabl, tla, hener, balayon,
tla, (Sp. tela) Dress-goods, stuff, cloth,
clothing material, etc. (See tehdo,
talabasn, hener).
telegrma, (Sp. telegrama) Telegraphic
despatch, telegram, cablegram; to send a
telegram, to wire. Telegramhi si. Send
him a telegram. Wire him. (cf. hatdduls).
telegrapsta, (Sp. telegrafista)
Telegraphist, telegraph operator.
telegrap, telgrapo, (Sp. telgrafo)
Telegraph. (cf. hatdduls).
teleponma, (Sp. telefonema)
Telephone message. (cf. hunghungnan).
teleponsta, (Sp. telefonista)
Telephonist, telephone operator.
telpono, telepon, (Sp. telfono)
Telephone; to telephone. Teleponohn ko
si. I shall send him a telephone message. I
shallphone him,ring (call) him up on
the phone. (cf. hnghung, hunghungnan).
teleskpyo, (Sp. telescopio) Telescope.
(cf. largabsta; tagoslangmicroscope).
teln, (Sp. teln) Curtain, drop-curtain,
drop-scene. (cf. kmbung).
tma, (Sp. tema) Theme, subject, text,
composition, proposition.
temblr, tmblor, (Sp. temblor) Quake,
earthquake. (cf. lnog, ty-og).
tmpano, (Sp. tmpano) Drum-head,
kettle-drum, drum-skin, tympan.
tmpla, (Sp. templa, templar) Tempera,
distemper (i.e. paint mixed with size
instead of oil); to temper, soften, mollify,
moderate; to blend (colours, cement, lime,
etc.). (cf. lakt, sakt).
templdo, (Sp. templado) Temperate,
moderate; tempered, blended.
tmplo, (Sp. templo) Temple, church,
shrine, sanctuary, basilica. (cf. simbhan).
tmporas, (Sp. tmporas) The ember
temprno, (Sp. temprano) Early, early in
the morning, soon, premature, too soon; in
(on) time, punctual. (cf. agp, aht, ga
pa, ga pa gid; pt-od).
tenedr, (Sp. tenedor) Fork i.e. tablefork. (cf. tulblok, tulslok, itulblok,
tenedr, (Sp. tenedor) Holder, guardian,
keeper. Tenedr de lbros. Bookkeeper.
teninta, (Sp. tenienta) The wife of a
teninte, (Sp. teniente) The head of a
village, one who is in charge of a small
district or village under the supervision of a
municipal councillor; lieutenant.


Visayan-English Dictionary
tnis, (English) Tennis; to play tennis,
tenisn, Tennis-court.
tenr, (Sp. tenr) Tenor, a male singer
who sings the tenor part in music; tenor,
sense of language, condition, state, current,
drift; spirit, meaning, purport.
tentasyn, (Sp. tentacin) Temptation,
enticement, allurement; also used as an
exclamation: Blast it! Hang it! What a
nuisance! (cf. panuly).
telogo, (Sp. teologo) Theologian, divine.
teoloha, (Sp. teologia) Theology,
terl, (Sp. telar) Loom, weaving loom as
found in nearly every house throughout the
termmetro, (Sp.) Thermometer.
trna, (Sp. terna) Ternary, (three names
submitted for an office); a game at dice.
trna, A kind of banana. (cf. tndal,
kndal, karintndan).
trno, (Sp. terno) A suit of clothes; a set of
vestments or the like. (cf. hugo).
trsya, (Sp. tercia, terciar) The third part,
one third; to divide by three; to charge one
third or even one half of the principal in
interest; to go shares in such a way that one
third goes to one person and two thirds to
the other. Gintersyahn nya ak. He
charged me 50% in interest, e.g. for every
two bushels of rice supplied by him I have
to pay him back three bushels. Gintrsya
ko ang ya dt. I tilled (cultivated, raised
crops on) his land for one (or, as the case
may by, by special agreement, for two)
third (thirds) of the product. Tersyahn ta
ang gannsya sang ton balgy. Let us go
shares in the profit from the sale, I to
receive one third (two thirds) and you to
receive two thirds (one third). (cf. ttlo).
tersyhan, A measure containing one
third of a given standard unit. Tersyhan
nga pulakn. A pulakn measure
containing one third of a gntang. (cf.
tesorro, (Sp. tesorero) Treasurer.
Tesorro Munisipl. Municipal Treasurer.
Tesorro Probinsyl. Provincial Treasurer.
(cf. kuymibnwa, kuymipud, kymi).
testamnto, (Sp. testamento) Last will,
testament. (cf. Ang katapsan nga blin,
tgon, sg, but; testr).
testr, (Sp. testar) To make a last will or
testament; to bequeathe, will to, leave to.
(cf. testamnto).
testgos, (Sp. testigo) Witness. (cf. sksi).
testimnyo, (Sp. testimonio) Testimony,
attestation, evidence, proof. (cf. pamatod,
pahyag, sksi).
ttano, tetan, (Sp. ttano, ttanos)
Tetanus, lockjaw.
tetra, (Sp. tetera) Tea pot, tea kettle. (cf.
tutu, To charm, cast a spell over, a
wizards trick by means of which he is

believed by the credulous to be capable of

forcing someone or something to appear or
come forward. Ginteuteun si sang
manugtutu. The wizard caused him to
appear (by means of a spell cast over him).
tutu, To frighten or intimidate
children, etc., by showing them the rod or
twtw, See tutu.
txto, (Sp. texto) Text, quotation; writing,
the original words of an author; a verse or
passage of Holy Scripture. (cf. sult,
sinulatn, silng, ginasilng, plong).
ti, (B) Has the same meaning as the
indefinite sing. War tiwal sing.
t, There now! Why! Well! Didnt I tell you,
or the like. T, nga ri ka man dir? Well,
why are you here? T, nno (anno) sa
mo? Now then, what is your opinion?
What is it to you? What have you got to say
about (to do with) it? T, ri na si dir.
Look, he is here now, (didnt I tell you he
would come). (cf. t, t).
t, (Sp. tia) Aunt, aunty; mistress, dame,
matron; good oldwoman,soul. (cf.
dar, mnding).
tibaw, A plaintive cry; to yell, shriek,
scream, squeal, squeak, utter a shrill cry,
cry out in a loud, shrill voice. (cf. siagt,
tid, To strut, walk or stalk about proudly
with the head thrown back, walk with a
lofty, proud gait. (cf. lid, bid-ad,
tidluk, Straight down, headlong, head
foremost; to fall down headlong; to ram,
drive in a post, stake, etc. See tigdok,
tindok, tibusk, etc.
tigdok, Headlong, head foremost, etc.
See tibusk, tgduk, tgduk, tindok).
tiahd, Leaning backwards, reeling,
tottering; to stumble, reel, totter, be in
danger of falling or tumbling over
(backwards). (cf. tiyahd).
tihoy, The setting of a cauldron, etc. See
tin, Womb, uterus; stomach, belly,
abdomen. (cf. tagungkan, balatn-an,
bsung; ps-on, solksolk).
tindok, Going down straight and deep,
straight down, direct, vertical, said of roots,
posts, etc. that go down straight and deep
into the ground, or the like. (cf. tndog,
tdlong, tans).
tingak, To whine, utter a plaintive cry,
to squeal, squeak, express with a whine; a
squeal, squeak, plaintive sound, shrill cry
(as of an animal in pain, of a fretful child,
etc.). Nagatingak ang id, kay nabbon
sing manit nga tbig. The dog is whining,
because hot water has been poured over it.
(cf. tibaw, siagt).
tiangw, See tanangwan insect that is
very injurious to rice.
tinggi, A little shop, selling booth, small
shed where tub, fish, vegetables, etc. are

Visayan-English Dictionary
sold; a retail grocers shop or store; a
barroom. (cf. tinda, talangwyan).
taw, Ridicule, derision, mockery, scoffing,
banter, raillery, chaff, joke; to ridicule,
deride, banter, chaff, rally, twit, quiz, poke
fun at, make fun of, tease, mock, scoff at,
make or crack jokes about. Ind ka
magtaw sa kon. Dont make fun of me.
Dl taw in. That is not a joke. I am not
joking. Dl taw nga kwrta ang ya nga
gingsto. He has spent a lot of money.
tiw-taw, Dim. and Freq. of taw. Ind
mo si pagtiwtiwan. Dont crack jokes
at his expense. Dont trifle with him. Dont
make a butt of him. Dont joke him (about
something he has done or said). (cf. snlog,
ulgyat, yagut, lahglhog).
tiyon, To live together as husband and
wife, have marital relations, be married,
wedded, in wedlock. Ang la pagtiyon.
Their married life. Nagatiyon na sil.
They are married. They live together as
husband and wife. Magtiyon kam sing
matrung son sang binabut sang Dis.
Live an honest married life according to the
will of God. Ang mga magtiyon. Those in
wedlock. The married people (persons). (cf.
kasl, pangaswa, asaw, hilngug).
tibba, A venomous insect with a sting
that is very painful; a kind of tarantula
tibkla, Grass-hopper. (cf. apnlocust).
tbal, Surfeit, disgust, horror, abhorrence
of (for), loathing; to nauseate, fill with
disgust, give a person a dislike to a thing,
sicken a person of a thing; to have more
than enough of a thing, to loathe, be
disgusted with, have a repugnance or
aversion to, feel an antipathy against, have
a great dislike to, be sick of, have a distaste
for, receive a good lesson the very memory
of which excites unpleasant feelings.
Natbal (Nagkatbal) na ang ginhwa
nya sang kon sang bboy. He is sick of
pork. He cannot bear the sight of pork
(having eaten too much of it before).
Gintbal si sang hnot sang ya amy. He
received such a flogging from his father
thatit will be a lesson to him,he has had
enough for some time. Natbal si sang
pagpangabdlay ddto. He has now an
aversion (a repugnance) to the hard work
(drudgery) there. He has had more than
enough of drudgery in that place. (cf. sum,
sm-od, tak, ddl, tbal).
tibanbd, (Estban Bd) A nickname
for one who makes it a point to go to social
entertainments where there is plenty of
food and drink; a gourmand, glutton,
epicure, greedy feeder or eater. (cf. dalk,
tibwas, To get free, escape, get away
unscathed, etc. See talbwas, lus, bagt,
talmwas, tmwas, etc.).
tbhag, A landslide, land-slip; to crack or
break off and fall down, to crumble away,
to undermine and wash away, be

taw timpo
undermined and washed away. Nahlug
si sa pngpang, kay natbhag
(nagkatbhag) ang ya tinindogn. He fell
down the river-bank, for the ground he
stood on gave way under his feet. Tibhag
na lang inng litk nga dt. Break down
this ground that is cracked (and ready to
fall). Ang ya talmnan ginb-ab sang
sub, kag natibhagn sing kapn sa duh
ka dup nga kalaparn. His field was
undermined by the river and a part of more
than four yards in width was washed away.
(cf. tmpa, tphag, hun, dlhay).
tib, To be on the edge of, stand in a
perilous or unsafe position, so as to be in
danger of tumbling over or falling down.
Nagatib na lang inng baly sa pngpang
sang sub. This house is standing
perilously near the edge of the river bank.
Ind ka magpatib sa pngpang, kay bs
matbhag kag mahlug ka. Dont stand
near the edge of the bank, for it might give
way and you might fall down. Ind mo
pagpatibihn ang bso sa lamsa, knd
pasmla gid. Dont put the glass near the
edge of the table, but put it down at a safe
distance from the edge.
tbias, To slip, make a false step and slip,
to lose ones balance by a false step.
Nakatbias ang til ko sa bat kag
natmba ak. My foot slipped on the stone
and I tumbled over. (cf. dpias, daln-as).
tbiong, To pour in liquids quickly and
with some force, as by turning upside down
the vessel from which the liquid is poured;
to toss off, pour down the throat, empty a
glass or bottle by putting it to the mouth.
Itbiong mo ang tbig nga r sa bayng
sa tadyw. Tibiong ang tadyw sang
tbig nga r sa bayng. Empty (Pour) the
water from the bamboo tube into the
earthen jar. Itbiong na lang inng is ka
bso (botlya) nga serbsa, kay mapal
na kit. Just empty (toss off, pour down
your throat) this glass (bottle) of beer, for
we are now going home. (cf. tayn; inm).
tib-tib, Dim. and Freq. of tib. (cf.
tb-ok, To ascend, rise, said of smoke,
dust, etc. Nagatb-ok ang as sang ya
tabk. The smoke of his cigar is rising. (cf.
tb-ok, timbok, bwal).
tbong, To shoulder, carry on the
shoulder, carry a person pickaback (pickback). Gintbong nya ak. He carried me
on his shoulders. Kon madlum ang tbig
sang sub mapatbong ak sa to. If the
water of the river is deep I shall have
myself carried across on the shoulders of a
man. Ipatbong mo sa ya ang bakg,
bat, bt, etc. Let him carry the basket,
the stone, the child, etc. on his shoulder.
Tibnga ak sa tabk sa sub. Carry me
pickaback across the river. (cf. abga,
tb-ong, To raise, lift up (the heart, the
eyes, etc.); to raise to a higher social

position, promote, elevate, advance. Itbong mo ang mo kasngksing sa lngit.

Lift up your heart towards heaven. Ginatbong si sang ya mga sumalkdag sa am
nga palangakan. His supporters are
promoting him to (helping him to obtain)
that office. (cf. byaw, bayw; hangd,
tngl, tang).
tib-tbo, A small snail with a tapering
spiral shell; also the empty shell that is
often burned to lime for betelnut chewing.
(cf. tambark).
tbsok, Headlong; to fall down head
foremost; to drive in, ram down, plant, set
up (a post, etc.). (cf. tibusk, bgsok,
tgduk, tgduk).
tbsol, To be or become plump, fat, full,
filled out, said of persons, fruit, etc.
Natibsoln ak sinng mga kadis. These
cadios-peas seem to me to be very full or
plump. Nagtbsol na ang ya nga psngi.
His cheeks have grown fat now (have filled
out). (cf. tpsul, tibnog, matiplon).
tibd, A jar or pot of earthenware, often
used to hide or bury money in, to hold
pickled fish, mangoes, etc.
tibdbud, To talk much, prattle, prate, be
a chatterbox. The form patibdbud is more
in use. (cf. br, wkal, etc.).
tibudbdan, A chatterbox, a great talker.
(cf. buran, wakaln, etc.).
tibdol, Fat, plump, filled out, full; to be
or become full, etc. (cf. ribusl, tbsol,
mabahl, ribok, tibnog).
tibd-tbud, Dim. of tibdjar, pot.
tibnog, Plump, fat, full, stout, thick, etc.
See tibdol, etc.
tibusk, tibsok, Headlong, head first,
head foremost; to fall down from a height
in such a way that the end, point or head
reaches the ground first and buries itself in
it, to fall down (throw down) headlong; to
ram, drive down, plant, set up (a stake,
post, upright, or the like). (cf. tbsok,
tbyas, See tbiasto slip, etc.
tibyyong, A kind of vine yielding a
gourd of a roundish shape.
tbyong, See tbiong. (cf. tayn).
td, To speak fluently, talk a language
well. (cf. ttat, tr).
tidl, Loom, weaving-machine. See terl
tdlak, To set in the soil, plant, sow; to
begin (start, commence)sowing,
planting,building a house. (cf. tdlak).
tdong, A cast, throw; to cast, throw, fling
away; to reject, cast aside a thing as a trifle
or as of no use. (cf. trong).
timpo, (Sp. tiempo) Time, epoch, period,
era, age, generation, term, date, season;
weather, state (condition) of the sky
(atmosphere, wind). Mayo ang timpo.
The weather is lovely (fine, beautiful). Its a
lovely day. Malin (gid) ang timpo. The
weather is bad (most unpleasant). Kon


tinda tgdas
pabr nga hngin kag mayo ang
timpo. Wind and weather
permitting. Sdto nga timpo. At
that time. In those days. Wal ak
sing timpo. I have no time (leisure, offtime, time on hand). Sang na nga
timpo. Formerly. In bygone
days. Long (Many years) ago. (cf.
panahn, tig, dg-on, ton, tin, tig-).
tinda, (Sp. tienda) Shop, stall, booth,
store, warehouse, emporium; market,
market-place. (cf. balaligyan, almasn,
tinggi, talangwyan, tnda, tindhan).
tig-, A prefix denoting the agent, time or
season of what the root implies, e.g.
tigpalamuntthe season for fishing with
hook and line, from bunt, pamunt;
tigpalanyagdinner time, dining hour,
from panyga; tigpalamgothe time
when the chickens come home to roost,
from pgo, pamgo; tigiltlogthe egglaying season, from tlog; tigspul a
councillor, adviser, from spul;
tigtamplas, tigpasiplaa wretch,
criminal, felon, blasphemer, etc., from
tamplas, pasipla; tigskdaga helper,
supporter, advocate, from skdag, etc. etc.
(cf. tag-).
tg-a, (H) Hardness; to harden, become
hard, hardened, unyielding, indurate,
unimpressionable, difficult to make an
impression upon, to be hard, firm, stiff,
dense, stubborn, obstinate, self-willed, and
the like. Nagtg-a na inng tinpay. This
bread has hardened, has become hard.
Ginpatg-a nya ang ya tagiposon. He
hardened his heart. (cf. wot, tgd,
tg-ab, To yawn, gape, belch, gulp,
eructate. Nagtg-ab si, kay nakakon si
sing daskdask. He yawned after having
crammed himself with food. (cf. panghyab).
tigdlum, A charm by means of which
one can make himself invisible and enter,
or be present, everywhere without being
noticed. (cf. tig-, dulm).
tigadlman, One who is in possession of
a charm called tigdlum. Ydtong
babylan, kon, tigadlman. That
sorcerer, they say, has a tigdlum charm
(and can make himself invisible).
tigalni, tig-alni, The rice-harvesting
season, (rice-) harvest time, the time
between October and February. (cf. ni,
tiglbung, Mudhole, a worn-out part of a
road, etc. See tigl-ub. (cf. lingglhub,
tigl-ub, Mudhole, washed-out parts of a
road, pool, hole, hollow, groove, deep rut.
(cf. lingghub, tiglbung, danw).
tigna, Reserved, laid up, ready,
provided, seen to, in preparation, in
readiness, kept in reserve for; to get ready,
makeready,preparation, provide for,
see to, keep inreserve,readiness for, lay


Visayan-English Dictionary
up, retain, hold over to. Mabakl ak sing
is ka bgs nga krne nga itigna
(pagaitigna) sa panyga. I shall buy a
piece of meat in preparation for dinner.
Nagtigna si sa kon sing madm nga
mga ph. Gintign-an (Gintignhan,
gintiganhan) ak nya sing madm nga
mga ph. He got many mangoes ready for
me. Tign-i (Tignhi, tiganhi) sil sing
kn-on. Prepare rice for them. Itigna sa
kon ang pagkon. Get ready something
for me to eat. Keep some food in reserve for
me. Natigna (Naman, nahnd) na
bal ang tann nga mga kinahnglan sa
pndut? Is everything ready for the feast?
Tignhan mo sil sang la nga
kinahnglan. See to their needs. Get
(Make) ready what they want. (cf. hmos,
hwat, hkot, tigyon, man, hnd).
tign-an, tignhan, etc. From
tignato prepare, set aside for, etc.
tg-ang, To put a kettle, pan, etc. on the
fire; to boil rice, cook rice. Tig-ang ang
bugs. Boil the rice. Tig-ang sil sing is
ka gntang nga bugs. Boil one ganta of
rice for them. Wal pa sil magtg-ang.
They have not cooked the rice yet. (cf. snad, sn-ad).
tig-angn, Fire-place, hearth; tripod;
rice-kettle, rice-pot, rice-boiler. (cf. tgang; sun-adn, sin-adn, klon, kaln,
tigsaw, A kind of red ants with a painful
bite. (cf. lsg).
tigatubng, tigatbang, One who
stands before or represents another;
representative, senator, delegate. (cf.
tigpangatubng, tinugynan, tulugynan,
tgaw, A shrub (small tree). Its fruit is
used for fishing by the tba-method.
tigwnan, An anglers rod, fishing rod;
angle. (cf. tigdawn).
tgay, To lavish, bestow upon in love and
affection; to cherish, fondle, caress, treat
with great kindness. Am in gal ang
blus (iblus mo) sang tann nga kalol
nga gintgay ni nnay mo sa mo! So, that
is the way of showing your gratitude for all
the affection your mother has lavished
upon you! (cf. htag hlung, dl, ngg).
tigykay, The empty shells of various
shell-fishes as often found on the beach.
(cf. pakinhson).
tigylo, (B) Exchange, interchange,
reciprocality, mutuality; to exchange,
interchange one thing for another, to
reciprocate, give in exchange for, give in
return, repay, recompense. Tigylo di
kang kabdlay mo. (Blus in sang mo
kabdlay). This is to repay you (This is in
recompense) for your trouble. Tigayloh ti
lab kamarahlon nga reglo kang sa
dar na. (Balsi si sing lab kamalahlon
nga htag sang sa amma nga ya dal).
Give him a better gift in exchange for the
present of provisions he has brought. An

ang ikatigylo ko kanmo kari? (An ang

ikablus ko sa mo sin)? What can I give
you in exchange for it? How shall I be able
to repay (requite) you? (cf. blus, lis).
tigyon, Meet, fit, apt, proper, suitable,
advisable; to bring about, get done,
procure, provide, see to, arrange. Dl in
tigyon sa. That is not proper or fit
for. That is not the right method (way,
means) to. Kon matigyon mo ang
kon ginakinahnglan sa mo
pagapasalamtan ko ikw sing dak. If
you can procure for me what I need I shall
be very grateful to you. (cf. patigyon,
hkot, hmos, hwat, man, tigna; g,
ngay, sb, dpat, taks).
tigy-tgay, Dim. and Freq. of tgayto
lavish, etc.
tigbaba, tigbabay, The parents,
relations and friends of a woman, usually of
a bride or wife. (tig-, babe; the relations of
the man are called the tiglalak, from tig-,
tgbak, To sever at a single stroke, cut,
slice, through, cut off at one swing with a
sharp-edged instrument; to kill outright; to
dieforthwith,at once,on the spot.
Gintgbak nya ang sging. He cut down
the banana at a stroke. Tigbak ang gh.
Cut or slice through the gh-tree.
Ginlthang nya ang buyng nga natgbak
sa gilayn. He shot the brigand that (was
hit and) died on the spot. Naglab si sa
ya sa pagtgbak sa ya. He smote him
with the intention of killing him on the
spot. (cf. tgbas).
tigbalu, tigbalw, To become
changed or transformed into something
else, to be metamorphosed or
transmogrified. Nagtigbalu ang kurng
kag nahmo nga id. The cat was changed
into a dog. (cf. blhin, bylo, balu).
tgban, tgbon, From tigbto chisel.
tgbas, To cut off, sever at one stroke; to
kill (die) outright, etc. See tgbak.
tigbats, Sufferer; martyr. (cf. tig-,
tigbat, A piece, one piece; character,
type, letter of the alphabet. (cf. tig-, bat).
tgbaw, A kind of reed that is very
common near river-beds.
tgbong, To lop off, cut off the end (top,
tip, point) of a bamboo, or the like.
Tigbong ang kawyan. Cut off the tip of
the bamboo. (cf. tbong).
tigbulukd, See tigburukd.
tigbulung, Season of ripening fruits,
time when the fruits ripen. (cf. bnga).
tigburukd, The season of flowers
(blossoms), flowering season. (cf. bukd).
tgd, To be or become distinct, sharp,
clear in expression, etc. (cf. thag).
tgdas, To be or become hard, to harden;
be clear (of pronunciation, speech, etc.).
(cf. tg-a, tgd, thag).

Visayan-English Dictionary
tigdawn, An anglers rod (and line),
fishing-rod. (cf. tigwnan).
tgduk, Vein, layer, stratum (of minerals).
Tgduk sang bulwan. A gold vein.
tgduk, To plant, drive in, thrust. Itgduk
ang sang, sang gh, serigwlas, etc.
Plant (put into the ground) the branch of
the gh-tree, the plum-tree, etc. (cf.
tgduk id.).
tiggalling, (H) Sugar-milling season.
(cf. gling, galng).
tighabagt, Season of the southwest
wind, the time between July and
November. (cf. habgat).
tghok, Shortness of breathing,
respiratory difficulties, asthma, dyspnoea,
apnoea; to be asthmatic, breathe with
difficulty, to wheeze and cough, as those
that are in an advanced state of
consumption. Nagatghok na si Fulno.
N.N. breathes with difficulty now.
Ginatghok si. He is suffering from
asthma. (cf. hp, hmpok).
tig, Crust, incrustment, rind, pastry-crust,
crackling of roast pig (barbecue); hard,
crusty, incrusted, covered with a crust,
having a hard or baked exterior. (cf. tg).
tg, To bake, brown, crust, incrust, roast
well, make hard or crusty. Tiga ang letsn.
Roast the barbecue or sucking-pig well.
Natg na ang tinpay. The bread is baked
now. The bread has (become coated with) a
crust. Nagakatg na ang tinpay. The
bread is beginning to form a crust. An ang
nakatg (nagtg) sang bagl mo? What
baked your head i.e. why do you look as if
your head had been baked or roasted?
tig, A pebble, piece of wood, or the like,
placed under coins in the game of tngga;
to put under (underneath); in an obscene
sense equal to dtil.
tigb, Chisel; to chisel, mortise, gouge out.
Tgbi ang khoy dir kag saklan. Mortise
the wood in this place and bracket it. Inng
dan nga halgi nd na makasrbe, kay
madm sing tingban. This old post wont
do, because it is full of mortises (holes
made by a chisel). Tgba lang ang labw
sang khoy. Chisel off the superfluous part
of the wood. An ang itigb ko, kay wal
ak sing tigb? What shall I chisel with, as I
have no chisel? (cf. sinsl).
tg-ik, A yell, shriek, squeal, squeak, loud
outcry; to yell, shriek, squeal, squeak, utter
a sharp shrill cry (of but a moments
duration). Ang ilag (balbaw) nga naipt
(nalgpit) nagtg-ik. The rat that was
caught squeaked (gave a squeak). Ginpslit
nya ang ya btkon tbtub nga nagtg-ik
si. He pinched his arm till he yelled with
pain. (cf. iwk, tiybaw, siagt, tingak,
tigilint, tig-ilint, The hot (warm)
season. (cf. tig-, nit).
tgis, To pour out, empty (out), drain,
exhaust; to drink off, finish off, toss off; to

tigdawn thab
transfuse, pour from one vessel into
another (particularly said of liquids). Itgis
(Tigsa) ang bno sa bso. Pour the wine
into the glass. Tigsi ang tdyaw sang
tbig nga r sa bayng. Pour the water
from the bamboo tube into the earthen jar.
Gintgis nya sing glpe ang is ka bso
nga serbsa. He drained (tossed off) a glass
of beer at one draught (go). (cf. tbiong,
tayn, bb, tyhong, lb-ok, inm).
tigisn, Glass, tumbler, cup, bowl,
pitcher, chalice, etc., anything used for
pouring or containing liquids. (cf. tgis;
tig-tgi, Dim. and Freq. of tig. Also: an
insect that is injurious to plants,
particularly to balnggay, by, etc.
tigkahy, tigkhoy, Wood, woodwork, timber, materials for the wooden
part or wooden structure of a house, cart,
etc. as distinct from stone, iron, cement, or
the like. Ang mga tigkahy sinng baly
gabk na, pang ang padr mayo pa.
The wooden structure of that house is
rotten, but the stone-walls are strong yet.
(cf. khoy).
tigkams, See tikams, singkamsa
vine with edible roots.
tiglalak, The kinsmen, relatives, friends
of a man, usually of a husband or
bridegroom. (cf. tigbabathe relatives,
etc. of a woman).
tiglapk, A spring-trap; provided with a
spring, catching (that catches) by means of
a spring. Sid nga tiglapka spring-trap,
a trap that catches its victim by means of a
spring. (cf. sid nga tigsohta trap that
closes on its prey). (cf. tig-, lpak).
tiglaws, One who represents another,
representative, delegate, commissioner,
proxy, charge daffaires. (cf. tig-, lwas).
tigmat, An inflammation of the eyes. (cf.
tagimat, taghimat).
tig, To be scarce, rare, scanty,
inadequate, insufficient. (cf. wat, hn,
ngol, higshigs, maps).
tgpak, To sever, cut through; kill
outright. See tgbak, tgbas.
tigpakilla, Toast-master, usher, one
who introduces strangers. (cf. tig-, pa-,
killa; manugpakilla id.).
tigpangatubng, tigpangatbang,
One that confronts a situation or presents
himself (in stead of another);
representative, senator, delegate. (cf.
tigatubng, mangangatubng,
tigpasw, Plash, splash, flop; to plunge,
drop, fall, dash, precipitate oneself into
water, mud, or the like, with a splash; to
plash, splash. Nakabat ak sang tigpasw
sang ya nga lwas sa tbig. I heard the
splash of his body (when he fell) into the
water. Tumigpasw si sa tbig. He fell
into the water with a splash. Nagmbak si
sa pngpang kag nagtigpasw sa sub.

He jumped down from the bank and

precipitated himself into the river. (cf.
tmsak, tagask, lgsak, lgpok, pisk).
tgp, Break, tear, severing,
disconnection; to disjoin, disconnect, break
off, sever, separate from. (cf. tud, bgt,
bgras, bngg, sngg, sip).
tigraramg, (B) The cool or cold season,
winter. (cf. ramg, lamg, tigturgnaw).
tgre, (Sp. tigre) Tiger; a cruel, ferocious
person, brute, tyrant.
tigsalabd, (H) Sowing season. (sbud).
tigsalb-ug, (H) Sowing season. (sbug).
tigspul, A party to a discussion, meeting
or agreement; a member of a board, or the
like; adviser, councillor, counsellor,
counsel. (cf. spol, kaspul).
tigsar, (B) To be scared, frightened,
afraid. Nagatigsar ang ginhwa na, hay
nagadagob. (Nakulban (Ginatagalig)
si, kay nagadagob). He is scared
because it is thundering. (cf. hdluk,
tigsar, (B) One each. (cf. tig-, is, tagis, tag-isar).
tgsik, To fly off, disperse, scatter; to
sprinkle, besprinkle. (cf. tgsik, sik, pok,
wisk, lgsik).
tgsim, Sip, taste, mouthful; to taste, try,
sip, take a small draught of a liquid.
Tigsim inng bno, tub, sabw, etc. Taste
this wine, tub, sauce, etc. Wal ak
katgsim (makatgsim) sang ya mga
ilmnon. I have not tasted (any of) his
drinks. I have had no occasion to try his
drinkables (wines, liquors). (cf. tilw,
dmdim, samt, diml, sagmsam).
tigtamplas, Evil-doer, malefactor,
delinquent, felon, criminal, offender, one
who has committed a heinous crime or
offence. (cf. tamplas).
tigtulgnaw, (H) Autumn, winter, cold
season. (cf. tgnaw).
tigturgnaw, (B) See tigtulgnaw,
tiglang, (H) Old, aged, advanced in
years; to age, grew old, advance (increase)
in years. Nagtiglang na si. He has now
become an old man. Kon but ka
magtiglang likawn mo ang tann nga
mga kalakasn. If you wish to live long,
avoid all excesses. Tiglang na si kag
malya sing lwas. He is now old and
worn out. (cf. ml-am).
tigulngit, tigulangt, Humorously
used for tiglang. Elderly, not young;
graybeard, honest veteran, old chap, old
fellow (blade), crone, old fogy; old woman,
dam, gossip. (cf. ml-it).
tiglgul, To cut off, clip, shear, fleece,
crop. (cf. glgul, bulg, gnting, alt).
tigun, tig-un, First, foremost; leader,
pioneer. (cf. na, nahaun).
thab, Opening, slit, slot, hole; to slit
open, cut a hole. Tihban mo ang hnero.


tihras tkop
Cut the cloth. Tinihban nya ang
ganhan, agd makagi dir ang kurng.
He cut a hole in the door for the cat to go
through. Tinihban sang swtik ang ya
plhuk kag ginkuhan nya si sang ya
kwrta. The thief cut a hole in his pocket
(cut out his pocket) and stole his money.
(cf. tbas).
tihras, (Sp. tijeras) Scissors, shears;
folding field-bed, camp-cot, camp-bed;
camp-bedstead, stretcher. (cf. gnting;
higdan, tulabn, lila, urimn).
tihn, To tiptoe, stand or walk on the tips
of ones toes. D mo pagtihinn ang mo
paglakt. Dont walk on tiptoe. Tihn ka
agd makakt ka sa nhan. Stand on
tiptoe, that you may see farther ahead.
tihl, To whistle, but the augmentative
form panihl is more used.
tihl-tihl, Dim. and Freq. of tihl. Also:
to woo, court, payones attentions to,
ones addresses to, make love to, make
advances to. Sn-o ang ginatihltihl ni
Fulno? Whom is N.N. paying his
attentions to? Whom is N.N. courting?
tihng, A kind of bird.
tid, Observation, watch, surveillance; to
observe, watch narrowly, have (keep) an
eye on, watch a persons steps, keep under
surveillance. Tira (-da) si. Watch him.
Keep an eye on him. Ang mga bt
nagatid sang hal, pspis, etc. The boys
are watching the iguana, the bird, etc. (in
order to catch it). Ginatid gid nya ang
mga gho kag hlag ni Fulno nga
ginahunhunan nga si am ang
makwat. He is carefully watching N.N.s
movements, as he is suspected of having
committed the theft. (cf. bntay, panlag).
til, (H) Foot, paw, pad, leg; leg (foot) of a
table, etc. (cf. kahg, sik, pa; tiiln).
tiiln, The lower part of, the end or foot
of. Sa tiiln sang. At the foot. At
the lower part of. Sa tiiln sang krus.
At the foot of the cross. Sa tiiln sang
ltok. At the end (foot) of the table. (cf.
sikwayn; sa olohnat the head of).
tin, To drain, empty, pour out to the last
drop, to exhaust, emptycompletely,to
the last drop (holding the receptacle upside
down). Tina ang suld sang botlya. Pour
out the contents of the bottle to the last
drop. Empty the bottle. Tini ak sang
tnt sinng tolotdyaw. Pour out all the
ink in this jar (and give it to me). Natin na
ang tbig sa bayng; sdli liwn. The
bamboo water-tube is empty; fill it again.
(cf. tt, tbiong, tayn, bb).
tis, To endure, bear, suffer undergo.
Madm nga mga kalisdnan ang kon
gintis sa pagtman sin. I bore many
hardships in carrying out that order. (cf.
bats, lub, ntus).
tik, To peep out from behind a screen,
etc., to show ones head suddenly from
behind a curtain, or the like, to pop out
ones head. Tika si. Peep (Look) at him.


Visayan-English Dictionary
Show him your head. Gintik nya ak sa
pihk sang bimbo. He peeped at me from
behind the screen.
tikb, To open ones mouth, say, utter,
give expression to. Wal si makatikb
sang ya nga kinahnglan. He could not
say what he wanted. (cf. bungt).
tkad, To take a firm stand by putting one
leg forward or backward, to plant, put,
set, ones feet firmly against, to dig ones
heels into the ground. Gintkad nya ang
ya til sa bat kag ginbtong (butngon)
ang kalt. He set his foot firmly against the
stone (rock) and pulled (at) the rope. (cf.
skad id.).
tikd-tkad, Dim. and Freq. of tkad. To
make great efforts, struggle or work hard.
Nagtilikdtkad sil sa pagtuld sang trak
sa nhan. They struggled hard to push the
truck forward. (cf. sikd-skad).
tkal, See tkwal.
tkal, To talk much, prattle, be a
chatterbox. (cf. br, wkal).
tikaln, Boaster, braggart, chatterbox. (cf.
buran, wakaln, etc.).
tkam, To smack ones lips, munch,
mumble, chew audibly. See tkam id.
tikams, A kind of vine with edible roots.
(cf. singkams, tigkams id.).
tikng, A pace, step, stride; to pace, step,
stride, walk. Itikng ang til mo. Walk a
few steps. Patikang ang karabw. Make
the buffalo walk. Let the buffalo take a few
steps. Magtikng ka sing mahinalngon
kay madnlug ang dlan. Walk with care,
for the road is slippery. (cf. tmban,
patng, lakt, tpak, lpak, pnaw).
tkas, To steal, pilfer, pinch, filch, purloin,
take secretly, appropriate stealthily. Ind ka
magtkas sin. Ind mo pagtikson in.
Dont steal (pinch) it. Tinkas nya ang ya
pyong. He stole (took secretly) his
umbrella. (cf. takb, kwat, tkaw; kh,
tik-tk, Dim. and Freq. of tikto pop
out ones head, etc.
tkba, To beware a second time, be
warned by experience, beintimidated,
scared,daunted, be, teach, a lesson to,
to live and learn. Natkba si. He was
scared or afraid (to do it again). Hanta
si, agd matkba (magkatkba). Beat him
to teach him a lesson. (cf. ddl).
tkhan, tk-han, Shell-fish. See
tikhy, tik-hy, To fall backwards,
fall on ones back, fall supine, fall down
face up; to lie on ones back, lie prostrate.
Nakadaln-as (Nakadpias) si sa
nalomtan nga bat kag dyon
nakatikhy (tumikhy). He slipped on
the mossy stone and down he fell on his
back. Tikhaya (Patikhaya) si. Turn him
over on his back. Lay him down on his
back. (cf. hayng, kay, tingky, hay).

tik, (B) Small, little, tiny. (cf. ditay,

magamy, ist).
tik, (B) The ordinary lizard. (cf. tagt,
sksok). The gecko. (cf. tak, tok).
tkia, tkya, To exchange, transfer,
transfuse, change the contents of. See tpia,
tpya id.
tikm, See darri id. Ind mo matikm
inng to. You cannot easily prevail on this
man, you cannot at an instants notice
make him comply with your request or
move him to do your bidding. (cf. daldl).
tik-tki, Extract of rice-bran, a remedy
for beriberi.
tkla, (Sp. tecla) Key of a piano, etc.
tikldo, (Sp. teclado) The manual or
keyboard of a piano or organ. (cf.
tiklhag, To observe closely, stretch ones
neck, etc. See ohog, whog. Also: to
stumble, sway to and fro, fall down. (cf.
sndad, dulngdling, tmba, iklhag).
tiklng, tkling, A kind of bird.
tklod, Push, thrust, forcible onset; to
push away (back), thrust or press back with
force, shove or impel backwards. Itklod si
sa idlum. Push him down. Tinklod
(Gintklod) nya ak. He shoved me aside.
He pushed me back (down). (cf. ds-og,
tkm, To take secretly or unawares, to
pilfer, steal, seize; to attack, come upon,
assail, get hold of (said of diseases); to visit
secretly, appear unannounced, come
unexpectedly (for an investigation, etc.).
Gintkm si sang hilnat. He caught a
cold. Tinkma nya ang mga alagd sa
am nga sulultan. He paid a surprise visit
to the employees of that office. (cf. tkas,
kwat; dngg, abt; snuk).
tknul, To move, stir, be up and doing
something. (cf. bknol, tknul, mulikw,
tik, Crooked, bent, curved, not straight;
dishonest, disposed to cheat, false,
fraudulent; to be or become crooked, etc.
Nagtik ang kon bastn. My stick was
bent (has become crooked). Patiko ang
salslon. Bend the iron. (cf. lik).
tikd, The heel. (cf. sik, bul).
tikd-tikd, Dim. of tikd. Also: to
kick, push, hit, with the heel; to give
the spurs to, prick with the spurs, spur (a
horse); stimulate. Tinikdtikorn
(tinikdtikran) nya ang kabyo. He gave
the horse the spurs. He spurred the horse.
tikndong, A wicker-basket that is
usually smaller than a bakg and larger
than a tagakn.
tikng, A small balloon-fish. (cf. butti).
tkop, Equally related to two or more
persons, having a double or multiple
relationship with another person. Tkop
ang paghimat ko sa la nga duh. I am
related by blood to both of them.

Visayan-English Dictionary
tkop, To surround, enclose, encircle,
blockade, beleaguer, shut in (up), invest,
hem in. (cf. lkup).
tiks, A serious skin disease, kind of
eczema or herpes; also: elephantiasis,
tkos, tiks, Ring, circumference, etc.
See lkus. Taknan nga tiksa wrist
tik-tk, Dim. and Freq. of tik.
Winding, zigzag; rather dishonest, crooked.
tkoy, A dish of rice similar to pto, a ricedish sweetened with sugar; a kind of
Chinese cake.
tkoy, Bankrupt; to go bankrupt (used
humorously). (cf. pto).
tktik, The tick of a clock or watch; to tick.
tktik, A spy, detective, secret service man,
sly observer, pryer, prier, one who
stealthily watches the doings of others; to
spy, observe, investigate. Dak nga tktik
inng to. This man is a very sly observer.
Andam ka sa ya, kay tktik si. Beware of
him, for he is a spy. (cf. lampitw).
tikd, See tikdheel.
tikg-tkug, Crouching, cringing, on
tiptoe; to crouch, cringe, cower, tiptoe, be
very quiet and silent. (cf. hpus, tihn).
tkul, tikl, (B) Border, rim, edge (of a
basket, wickerwork, etc.); to border
wickerwork, make a rim by doubling over
the weavers and fastening them on the
other side. Tkli ang tabungs. Furnish the
tabungs basket with a rim. Finish the
tabungs basket off with a rim. (cf. abd,
tkus, tiks, See tkos, tiks.
tkwal, To move to and fro, pass over
quickly, lick, suck at (as when passing the
tongue over the teeth in order to loosen
adhering or imbedded particles of food).
Tikwal ang ting sang dl mo, agd
maggw sa ngpon. Suck at the particles of
food, that they may come away from the
teeth. (tkal id.).
tkwang, Push, thrust, jerk; to push,
shove, jerk, jostle, press, move, thrust away
with some force. Itkwang ang sya ddto.
Push the chair over there. (cf. tklod, tuld,
ghit, skway, tlak, skdol).
tikwog, tikw-og, To turn ones head
(upwards and (or) sideways, as a snake
does). Wal na nya makub, kag wal
man matikwog, ang ya log. He could
neither bow his head nor turn it to either
side (his neck having become quite stiff).
(cf. hlag, bayw, taklid).
tikwag, tikwa-g, Turned upwards
and (or) sideways; one with a stiff (rigid)
neck turned sideways.
tkw, A bird of prey that resembles a
goshawk; its name is an onomatope in
imitation of its cry.
tikyhad, tikyahd, To stumble, make
a false step and reel in consequence
without falling altogether, to lose ones

tkop timan
balance (by slipping, etc.) and to regain it
with some effort; to struggle, make great
efforts to escape (as a child struggling to
get away from the arms of its nurse, or the
like). (cf. balt-ad, tikhy; plok,
tla, See tla. Tla bordda. Embroidered
til, To stop, end, terminate, put an end
(stop) to. (cf. put, tpn, tbl, tblaw,
tblag, sbdong, tal).
tild, Spittle mixed with betelnut juice; an
amount of betelnut and accessaries
sufficient for one chewing; to prepare
betelnut with all the ingredients ready for
chewing. Tilar (-ad) ak sing is ka
malm-on. Give me a quid (chew, cud) of
betelnut. Dl nnyo pagilad dir ang nyo
mga tild. Dont spit out here your betelnut
tild, To scoop, dig out, as coconut meat
with a tilild, which see.
tilg, Wet, moist, watery, said of ground
that in the rainy season can be used for
drawing water; a spring that flows only
during the rainy season.
tl-ak, To nearly choke on account of
eating too greedily, etc.; to go the wrong
way. Nagtill-ak sil sang kdlaw. They
nearly choked with laughter (laughing). (cf.
sl-ok, talm-ok).
tilok, til-ok, The swallow, gullet,
oesophagus, pharynx. (cf. lak).
tl-as, A worm similar to a centipede. (cf.
lupk, irs).
tilw, (H) To try, taste, experience, pass,
go, through, endure, prove, test. Wal pa
gid ak makatilw sang ph. I have never
yet tasted a mango. Tilaw si. Try him, put
him to the test. Decide (by an appeal to
physical force, or the like) which of you
(two) is stronger. Natilawn ko man in. I
also have tried it (that). I also have
experience of it. I have had the same
experience. Patilaw si sin. Let him try
(taste) it (this). Kon magliwt si
magbhat sing sbung ipatilw mo sa ya
ang mo kamt (patilawn mo si sang
mo kamt). If he does that again let him
feel your hand i.e. punish him, let him
smart for it. (cf. dmdim, diml, samt,
sagmsam, prba, pruba, tm-id,
tlh, Serenity, clearness; to clear up (of
weather); to be serene (of the sky); to cease,
stop (of rain). (cf. snag, hwan, hlaw).
tilbkas, See talbkasto stray, wander
from, separate.
tilig-ngon, Rice, etc. to be, suitable or
preserved for being, cooked or boiled. (cf.
tiligaylhan, A person to whom, a thing
for which, something or an equivalent is
due in return. (cf. tigylo, halatagn).
tlik, (H) To spin, turn, revolve, rotate,
whirl, whirl round, turn round rapidly, to

gyrate swiftly. Nagatlik na ang alling.

The wheel is turning round. Patilka ang
kl, pnggan, etc. Make the hat, plate, etc.
spin. Spin the hat, plate, etc.
tilild, (H) A chisel-shaped tool with a
bent point, used for scooping the meat
from the coconut-shell or the like. (cf.
tililwan, (H) Place where something is
tested or tried; trial, ordeal, test; that is
to, should, can, deserves to, be
tried, etc. (cf. tilw).
tilimanan, (H) Mark, sign, observation,
sign-post, indication, index. (cf. timan).
tilimd-on, (H) Sign, symptom, mark;
right or proper time for something as
proved by observation or experience. (cf.
tilimn-on, talandan).
tilimn-an, (H) See tilimanan. Also:
Time, season; almanac, calendar, rule,
guide; a person or object recognized or
recognizable by some special identification
mark or marks. (timan).
tilimn-on, (H) See tilimd-on. (cf.
tilimn-an, panahn).
tilindkan, (H) That is, deserves, to
be kicked; despicable, contemptible, mean,
vile, deserving to be ejected or turned out.
(cf. tndak).
tilng, A kind of thornless bamboo.
tilinguhon, tilinguhan, (H) What is
to, should, merits to, be brought
about or striven for, worth while. (cf.
tilipn-tpon, (H) Gathering, assembly;
to gather, assemble, come together. (cf.
tilipunn, (H) Gathering, meeting,
assembly, collection, deposit, store, supply,
magazine, storehouse. (cf. tpon,
katilngban, katipnan, talapunan,
tild, Slice, portion (of any fruit that has
been cut up, as of a squash, jackfruit, etc.).
tl-og, A mouthful, bit, dose; to spoonfeed, give food to a person who cannot feed
himself (as a sick man, small child, or the
like). Til-og si. Feed him. Itl-og sa ya
inng lingaw. Give him this rice-porridge
to eat. (cf. hngit, hungt).
til-til, To dole out sparingly, distribute
or deal out scantily or grudgingly, drop by
drop. (cf. tultul).
tim, To bend, lean, incline,
sideways, slant, be not level, be lop-sided,
be not well balanced. Ang ya krga
nagatim. His load is lop-sided, is higher
on one side than on the other. Ang ya
panghunhn nagatim. His idea is one
sided. His ideas (notions) are not well
timan, Sign, mark, symptom,
manifestation, badge of distinction,
recognition or identification. Ang timan
sang Snta Krus. The Sign of the Cross.
Ang is ka timan nga wal pagsal


timhan tim, tim

(pagsayp). A sure or infallible sign. (cf.
tnd, pt-in).
timhan, Not well balanced, lopsided,
heavier or higher on one side than on the
other; at loggerheads, at variance with. (cf.
timah, timah, Time of floods, the
time (season) of the year when rivers
usually rise, the season of squalls (storms),
rainy season. (cf. bah).
timh, Smell, scent; to smell, scent,
inhale. (cf. bh, bah, panimh,
timaks, To exert oneself, make great
efforts, be diligent or assiduous. (cf. bkas,
mabkas, paningh, panikasg).
timals, To pay back, do anything by way
of reprisal, take revenge, to avenge,
retaliate, return, give tit for tat, take,
wreak, ones vengeance on (upon),
revenge oneself on (upon). Ind mo si
pagtimalusn. Dont take revenge on him.
Akon ang pagtimals; ak ang
magabyad am ang plong sang Gino.
Revenge to me; I will repay, saith the
Lord. (cf. blus, himals; paupk).
tim-tma, Dim. and Freq. of tim. To be
a little onesided or out of balance. Also: a
disagreement, falling out, controversy,
difference, variance, quarrel, enmity; to be
at loggerheads, to disagree, etc. Inng duh
ka panimaly nagatimtma. Those two
families are atloggerheads,variance.
(cf. suysay).
timw, Originally a freeman, a
privileged citizen who was not subject to
taxation, but was liable to help his chief
(dt) in case of national defense, etc. A
timwa was usually in charge of a
barangy. At present timw very
often means: the ordinary, respectable,
common citizen, the common run of
people, the (unimportant) members of a
community; to free, set free, liberate. (cf.
kasimnwa, banwahnon, lus; dt
chief, chieftain, headman; ulponslave;
tumarmpokserf (farmer) that in former
times held a middle position between the
timw and the ulpon).
tmb, A bucket, pail, receptacle to draw
water from a well or cistern called wang.
(cf. tampulingn).
timbab, Slanting, inclining, not
horizontal, not level, applied to oblong
objects. (cf. tim).
timbaba, timbabay, After the
manner of women, womanly, lady-like,
referring to, fit, suitable, proper for,
women. Timbaba ang pagsaky nya sa
kabyo. She rides on horseback in ladyfashion.
timbaks, To make great efforts, exert
oneself, do ones best, strive hard,
endeavour earnestly. (cf. bkas;
panikasg, timaks).


Visayan-English Dictionary
tmbal, (Sp. timbal) Kettle-drum. (cf.
tambl, tambr, garagadng).
timblang, To tumble, fall down head
over heels, lie in disorder or higgledypiggledy. (cf. tumblang, dm-ok, lghit).
tmbang, Balance, equilibrium, poise,
counterpoise, counter-balance, equivalent;
partner, help, assistant, mate; to balance,
be a partner, to help, assist, lend a hand.
Itmbang inng mga ph sa kamti.
Balance the sweet potatoes with these
mangoes. Timbang ang mo llan.
Balance your load. Timbang si sa
pagghit sang lamsa. Lend him a hand at
moving the table. May tmbang ikw?
Have you a partner or mate? Magtmbang
sa atubngan sang baly may duh ka
aksya. In front of the house there are
(were) two acacia-trees (one on each side).
Ang kon ginbakl nga damso tmbang
(sang) psos. The silk thread I have bought
is equal in weight (not cost) to a silver peso.
(cf. tung, blig).
tmbang, To weigh, measure the weight
of; to balance (in ones mind), consider,
reflect, ponder. Gintmbang nya ang mga
katarngan sa pihk kag sa pihk. He
balanced the arguments of (on) both sides.
(cf. timbngan).
timbngan, Balance, scales, weighing
machine, steelyard, beam, spring balance,
scales for weighing; a constellation of stars.
timbng-tmbang, Dim. and Freq. of
tmbang. Also: to ponder well, reflect upon,
think over, consider.
tmbol, Dry, hard, compact, not liquid,
particularly applied to faeces or stools; to
be hard, etc. (cf. tubl).
timblog, Round, spherical; to be,
become or make, round. Timbolgon mo
ang khoy. Make the wood round. Give the
wood a round shape. (cf. tiplon,
maniplon, tibnog).
tmbre, (Sp. timbre) Stamp, seal; to seal,
put a seal on. Timbreh ang sult. Put the
seal on the letter, seal the letter. (cf. pt-in,
tnd, timan).
timbrra, A corruption of the Sp.
fiambrera. See piambrralunch-basket,
timbok, To rise, whirl up (of dust,
smoke); to blaze, flare up (of fire); to spurt,
spirt, issue in a stream or jet (of water); to
rise high, go up straight and high into the
air (of stones, balls, etc. thrown up). (cf.
tb-ok, tb-ok, alintab, sbwal, bwal,
tmg, Lead, soldering metal, solder; to
solder, weld. Timga (Butangn mo sing
tmg) ang tohk sang alhbi. Solder with
lead the hole (Plumb the leak) in the watertank. (cf. slda).
tmgas, Full, ripe, plump, completely and
well matured, said of cereals, fruits, etc.;
prominent, experienced, wise, learned,
outstanding, the best of a class or kind; to

be or become full, etc. (cf. tnggas, lt,

lgting, lutw, tpsul).
tmo, (B) The personal pronoun singular:
you. (cf. ikw, ka).
tmod, To live economically, spend
sparingly, live frugally; to stint, be stingy or
miserly. (cf. not, knot, mot, dingt).
timd-tmod, Dim. and Freq. of tmod.
(cf. kinkn, kintknot).
tmok, Movement, commotion, stir, sign
of life; to move, stir. The form timktimk
is more in use.
timk-timk, Dim. and Freq. of tmok.
Wal gid sing timktimk sa la baly.
There is no stir in their house. (cf.
lihklihk, litklitk).
timolng, Invective, insult, taunt,
defamation, obloquy, diatribe, insulting or
abusive language (word, expression),
affront, mockery; to abuse in words,
vituperate, scold, rail at, rate, revile, vilify,
use insulting (invective) expressions, taunt,
call names, inveigh against. Ind mo si
pagtimolangn. Dont insult him
(verbally). Dont call him names. An ang
gintimolng nya sa mo? What invectives
did he hurl (throw, fling) at you? Ang
pagtimolng am ang dalngpan sang
mga matlaw kag sang wal sing
katarngan. Invectives are the refuge of
cowards and of those that cannot show
(furnish, produce) evidence (of what they
claim). (cf. buyyaw, pamuyyaw, libk,
mlay, hkay, pamlag, pamyas).
timn, (Sp. timn) Helm, rudder, tiller,
steering, steering wheel.
timonl, timonro, (Sp. timonl,
timonero) Helmsman, steersman; director,
boss, master, manager, guide. (cf.
manugdumla, panglo).
tm-os, To make an end of, finish,
terminate (planting, harvesting, or the
like). Nakatm-os na sil sang la pagni.
Tm-os na ang la pagni. They have
finished harvesting (reaping) their rice. (cf.
tm-os, (B) Stable, well established, well
ordered, organized, settled, steady,
tranquil; to be or become stable, etc. Kon
tm-os (magtm-os) ron rgto ang
pagpngk nnyo, magto kam sa
pagdaw kannyo. (Kon maglntad na
ddto ang nyo pagpuy, makdto kam sa
pagdaw sa nyo). As soon as you are well
settled there we shall pay you a visit. (cf.
lntad, twhay, linng, tahmik).
tims-tims, A small ulcer on the edge
of the eyelids, a kind of stye. (cf. bntug,
tim-stm-os, Dim. and Freq. of tm-os.
tim, tim, To put into the mouth, feed,
live on a little, have little to eat. Wal si
sing itim sa ya bb. He hasnt a
mouthful to eat. (cf. hngit, hungt, bkod,

Visayan-English Dictionary
tim-tm, (B) Dignified, solemn, stately,
strutting; to strut, walk about in a stately
manner, prance, flaunt, have a proud air or
gait. The form patimtm is mostly used.
Kon madlig gn ang uls na, dyon na
gid patimtm. (Kon matahm gn ang
ya panpton dyon gid nya
paugdnggdang (patolotskug sang ya
log). Whenever she has on a nice dress,
she walks about with a dignified air. (cf.
kiykay, lid, bid-ad, bidbad).
tim-timohn, A mouthful, morsel, bit
of bread or food, livelihood, means of
living; place where to get a living. Wal gid
si sing timtimohn sa ya baly. She has
not a morsel of food in her house. She has
nothing to eat at home. (cf. hungthungt,
pagkon, pangabuhin).
tim-tim, tim-tim, Dim. and Freq.
of tim, timto live frugally, eat, etc. (cf.
tmpa, Land-slide, land-slip, falling-in,
falling-down; to cave in (of a hole or mine);
to fall, slide, glide, burst, dash,
crash, down (of a hill-side, of earth and
stones from a river-bank, etc.); to cause to
fall down, undermine and wash away,
break down. Natmpa (Nagkatmpa) ang
pngpang. The river-bank caved in (broke
down). Ang bah nagtmpa sang
pngpang. The flood undermined and
broke down the river-bank. Natimpahn
ak sang kon um dal ang napl ka
pn nga lub. There occurred a landslide
on my farm that carried away also ten
coconut palms. Wal mo pagpndi ang
sub, knd nagasli sang tmpa ang mo
dt kon may bah. You have not
embanked (did not embank) the river and
consequently (unless you build a dam or
dike) part of your land isbeing washed
away,crumbling away, with every flood.
(cf. tbhag, hun, hubg, dlhay).
tmpos, tmpus, To pay cash, pay in full,
pay at once, settle or square an account. (cf.
kbis, mpas, tmbas, tmbing).
tmsim, A kind of wick for an oil-lamp.
tmtim, Smacking, smack; to smack at,
smack ones lips, click ones tongue, put out
(forth), play with, ones tongue, as a
dog, snake, lizard, etc. does when
approaching its prey or food. The Freq.
panmtim is more in use as verb. (cf.
dmdim, diwl).
tmtim, To dangle, swing, bob (as an
object suspended by a string). Natmtim
ang bibngka sa tamparn nya. The
bibngka-cake dangled in front of him.
Patimtim si sing mamn. Dangle a (piece
of) cake before him (and withdraw it at
once, if he should try to catch hold of it).
(cf. twtaw, tnton).
tmuas, See tmwas.
tmug, The north-east wind.
timl-timl, To form, shape,
fashion, into a ball within ones hand; to
make, produce, create. (cf. omlmol).

tim-tm tinrso
tmwas, To free; to get free, escape, etc.
See lus, talmwas, etc.
tn, A dark or blackish dye, dark-hued
colouring matter; to soak or steep in such a
dye, to tinge or imbue with a dark colour.
Ang tb nga la ginainm daw sa wal
sing tn, kay maput sil sing pamnit.
The water they drink seems to contain no
black colouring matter, for they are white
of skin. (cf. tinn; tgum, lgum, etc.).
tinaban, One who has sold his land or
part of it. Sn-o ang tinaban mo? From
whom did yo buy the land? Who sold you
the land? (cf. tb).
tinabany, Running away with, eloping,
kidnapping; to run away with, kidnap,
elope with (if practised by many or on a
large scale). (cf. tban).
tinbas, Remnants, odds and ends of
cloth or of materials for dresses; a cut-off
piece of cloth. Din ang tinabsan sinng
tinbas? Where is the (roll, bale of) cloth
from which this piece has been cut. (cf.
tbas, tinabsan).
tinabsan, Cloth, dress-goods, etc. from
which a piece has been cut off; a person
who has been measured for a suit of
clothes, etc. (cf. tbas).
tn-ad, Prosperity, progress; to be or
become prosperous, go on well, be
flourishing, become wealthy or well-to-do,
be economically or financially independent.
(cf. kaayohn, swag, twhay).
tinag-, A prefix used with numbers,
making them distributive, e.g. tinagpat
four each, of four each, each containing
four units; tinagplten each, etc.;
tinagwaleight each, etc. (cf. tag-).
tingak, Hemp fibre made ready for
weaving, knotted and reeled hemp-fibre.
Inng tingak tman na sa pat ka by.
These hemp-fibres made ready for weaving
are sufficient for making four dresses. (cf.
tingik, Joined or fastened close together,
near together, compact, in a perfect row or
regular line. Ang ya mga ngpon maput
nga sbung sang gtas kag daw ang
tingik. His teeth are as white as milk and
perfectly regular. (cf. tgik).
tinagiposon, Hearty, affectionate,
generous, heartfelt, earnest. (cf.
ting, Hidden, secret, clandestine,
concealed, furtive, stealthy, secreted. Sa
ting (tg) nga pahtsecretly,
stealthily, unnoticed, on the sly.
Ginabuygyag na ang ya mga ting. His
secret doings are now being aired in public.
(cf. tg).
tinag, Hidden, out of sight; to cover,
conceal, keep out of sight, hide from
observation, prevent the discovery of. Wal
gid si makasyod sang mga likm nga
gintinag sang ya nga umgad. He knew
absolutely nothing of the secret doings of

his son-in-law, who cleverly prevented the

discovery of his misdeeds. (cf. ting).
tinagtlo, Three each, of or containing
three each, by threes, three and three. (cf.
tagtlo, tagttlo).
tingsing, A loud, clear, distinct,
resonant, sonorous voice; to speak, sing,
warble, carol, twitter, chirp (with a loud,
etc. voice). (cf. tgsing).
tingtag, Distributed, apportioned,
allotted, divided (amongst a number of
recipients); to distribute, etc. (cf. tgtag).
tinagbtub, Thud, thump, sound of a
blow, or the like; to strike a blow, belabour
with the fists, beat, drub. (cf. tagbtub).
tinagudilan, Condemned, damned. See
tagudilan, inpiernohnon.
ting-us, Shaking, trembling; to shake,
tremble. Nagating-us ang baly, ang
salg, etc. The house, the floor, etc. is
shaking. (cf. tg-us, lnog).
tinah, Sewed, sewn, stitched, mended (by
machine or by hand). (cf. tah).
tinahin, Suture, seam. Panpton (Uls)
nga wal sing tinahin. A seamless
garment. (cf. tah).
tinahd, A kind of chili that somewhat
resembles in its shape a cocks spur; hence
the name. (cf. tahd).
tinahury, Mutual respect,
consideration, etc.; to respect one another,
have consideration for one another, etc. (cf.
tini, tin-i, Bowels, intestines, entrails,
guts. (cf. ti).
tinamd, To be lazy, indolent, slow,
sluggish. Ind ka magtinamd. Dont be
lazy. (cf. tmad).
tinamsok, Infested with tamsokworms; maggoty, rotten, worm-eaten. (cf.
tinambihn, Joined side to side,
bordered by (on), bordering on, connected
or attached side to side, contiguous. (cf.
tinand, tinnod, Menial, servile,
submissive, following the lead of another;
to be servile, behave like a tnod, etc. (cf.
tnod, tand).
tino, Men, dependents, etc. See tinwo.
tino, A solid morsel of food. See tnaw,
tinapahn, Meat or fish roasted or dried
over a fire, on a gridiron, or the like. (cf.
tpa, tap).
tinpay, Bread. (tpay).
tinapyan, From tpayto slap, strike.
tinapayn, Bakery, bread-shop, a bakers
shop. (cf. tpay, tinpay).
tinapk, Joined, connected, stuck or
fastened together. (cf. tapk.)
tinapk-tapk, Dim. of tinapk.
tinrso, Jesting, joking, fooling, funny.
Tinrso nga hmbal. A witty or funny
saying or speech. (trso).


tinathud tngga
tinathud, Valued, prized, esteemed,
appreciated, held dear, dearly beloved,
dear. Tinathud ko nga byan. My dear
friend. (cf. thud).
tintay, Fatherly, paternal. Tintay nga
paghiggma (ggma). Fatherly affection.
Sa tintay nga kabalka. With paternal
care. (cf. ttay, inamy).
tnaw, A solid morsel of food. See ptaw,
tn-aw, (H) Clearness, limpidness,
serenity; to be or become clear, bright,
limpid, transparent, pellucid, pure, fair,
serene; to be or become distinct, easy to
understand, manifest, evident. Kana
malubg pa ang tbig sang sub, karn
nagtn-aw na. Some time ago the water in
the river was turbid still, now it has become
clear. Tinlon mo ang kty sing mayo,
agd magtn-aw. Clean the glass well so
that it may be bright (transparent,
pellucid). Ginpatn-aw nya ang ya
katarngan. He made his argument clear.
Matn-aw nga tbig. Clear (pure, limpid)
water. Nagtn-aw na ang lngit nga wal
na sing mga gl-um. The sky is now
serene; all the clouds have disappeared. (cf.
snaw, sing, thag, hwan, tnl).
tinwo, Men, persons, people, folk, folks;
workmen, servants, hands; dependents,
subjects, followers (as of a master or boss,
of a chief, of a political leader, etc.). Ang
ya mga tinwo may aligtgot nga dan
sa mga tinwo ni Fulno. His men
(followers) have an old grudge against the
men (clique, partisans) lead by N.N. Ang
mga tinwo ni Fulno. The men under
N.N.s control. Dmasip ang mga tinwo
nga nagtalmbong. A vast multitude (An
endless number) of people were present.
(cf. two, to).
tinawohnon, Human, pertaining to
human nature, founded in human nature.
Ang pagsayp tinawohnon. To make
mistakes is human. (cf. tawohnon).
tnda, Market, shop, etc. See tinda.
tindhan, Market, market-place, etc. See
tndak, A kick, blow (thrust, violent hit)
with the foot or feet; to kick. Tinindakn
si sang kabyo. He received a kick from
the horse. Ind mo si pagtindakn. Dont
kick him. (cf. sp).
tnday, The young of large domestic
animals, as the calf of a cow, the foal of a
mare, the lamb of an ewe, the kid of a goat
(but not of pigs or dogs). (cf. totya
young dog; ork, idka young pig).
tnde, Upright, etc. See tndog.
tndog, The warp of a loom. (cf.
pugwathe woof).
tndog, Stand, position; setting, placing;
standing upright, erect, straight up; to
stand upright, stand erect, to rise or stand
up from a sitting posture. Kon am in ang
tndog sang mo pamangkotnon. If


Visayan-English Dictionary
you put the question in that way.
Tndog ka. Stand up. Sang pagsuld ko sa
ya hult tumndog si sa pagabbi sa
kon. When I entered his room he rose to
salute me (welcome me). Nalsdan si
sang ltok nga ya tinindogn kag
nahlug si sa salg. The table on which
he stood toppled over and he fell down on
the floor. Patindug ang halgi. Set up the
post. Naspwan nga ang tinindogn
(natindogn) nga khoy sang am nga
larwan nagub, kay inanyan. It was
found out that the wooden pedestal of that
statue was rotten, for it was full of termites.
(cf. panndog, tindgan, tinindgan,
tindgon; bngonto rise from a lying
tndog, To stand bail for, be or give
security for, be sponsor. Sn-o ang
nagtndog sa ya? Who gave security for
tindgan, Stand, position, stand-point,
principle, point of view, ground one stands
upon. (cf. tndog, tinindgan).
tindgon, Standing up straight, erect,
upright, on end, vertical, very steep, plumb,
bolt upright, perpendicular, precipitous,
sheer. (cf. tndog, pl-as, matas).
ting, Food clinging to (wedged in
between) the teeth; a trifle, very little. (cf.
ting, The last gasp, death agony, deathrattle; to breathe ones last, be in the last
(death) agony, be gasping ones last, be at
the last gasp, to agonize, heave ones last
sigh. Nagating na si. He is now
breathing his last. He is in the throes
(pangs) of death. (cf. tagumatyon).
tngad, To overhear, listen, eavesdrop, try
to catch what others say. The form
panngad is more in use. But gid si
manngad (magpanngad) sang (sa)
sugilnon. He wants (wanted) very much
to listen to the conversation. (cf.
tingdtingd, paningdtingd, go, ga,
hngal, hanglhangl).
tingdlaw, The dry season, hot season,
dry monsoon, the time from about the end
of November till May. (cf. tinglanthe
rainy (wet) season).
tingd-tingd, Dim. and Freq. of
tingdto eavesdrop, etc. (cf.
tngal, To force anothers mouth open,
open ones mouth, put into the mouth,
feed. Itngal sa ya ang kutsra. Open his
mouth with the spoon. Itngal sa ya ang
bulng, ang kn-on, etc. Force his mouth
open and give him some medicine, some
rice, etc. Tingla si sang kn-on. Force
him to eat some rice. (cf. tl-og, hngit).
tngal, To deafen, confuse, bewilder, din
into a persons ears, talk one to death, talk
ones head off, annoy with noise or
shouting. Gintngal nya ak sang kig.
Gintngal nya ang kon mga dalnggan
sang kig. He deafened me with his angry

shouting. My ears tingled with his violent

tingla, Surprise, wonder, astonishment,
amazement; to wonder, admire, marvel, be
astonished, astounded, be amazed, be
surprised. Nagkatingla (Natingla) si.
He was astonished. Wal ko
pagakatingalhi in. I am not astonished
at that. That does not surprise me. (cf.
blung, urng, makatitingla,
tingalw, To go out and watch for the
arrival of someone who is expected to
come. Tingalaw si. Go out and see,
whether he is coming. Go out and meet
him. (cf. alwlaw).
tingl, Notwithstanding, in spite of,
despite, but, but yet, contrary to what one
would expect, in defiance or contempt of.
Hnt tingl nga mapaway ang am nga
kalanan tapt pa gn nga nagdgang. In
spite of the efforts to check those evils they
still increased. (cf. agd, tapt, waly
sapayn, hinono).
tingand, (B) To stay, remain
permanently (or for a long time), to settle,
be settled, be stationed, reside, live, dwell,
have ones abode. Nagatingand ron lang
tna kanmon, hay ml-am ron.
(Nagalntad na lang si sa mon, kay
tiglang na). He is now staying with us, for
he is old. Sa din dapt kang mga pinun
nga lp nnyo ang ginatinganodn
nnyo? (Sa din dapt sang nyo mga
pinun nga dt ang nyo nga
ginaluntarn)? On which of your farmlandsdo you live?have you got your
living quarters? (cf. puy, lntad,
amuyng, buh).
tngaw, See tmokmovement, stir, etc.
tingw-tingw, Stir, noise, movement.
(cf. timktimk, lihklihk, litklitk,
tingy, The small or little finger, earfinger. (cf. tingayn, tingytngay,
tingayn, See tingy.
tingy-tngay, Dim. of tingythe little
tngban, tngbon, From tingbto
gather, collect, etc.
tngeu, tingu, Tartar, the concretion
which sometimes forms on the teeth,
salivary calculus. Naukb ang kon tngeu,
nakasalapy ang kon dl kag
nahapdin. Part of the tartar between my
teeth got loose, my tongue came in contact
with the remnants and became sore (very
tngew, tingw, See tngeu. (cf. kk).
tngga, Pole, rod, staff, stick, carrying
pole; to carry on a pole. Tinggah lang ang
sko kag bakg. Carry the sack and the
basket on a pole. Tinggah nnyo ang
tabungs. Carry the tabungs basket
between you on a pole. Patinggah si Hos

Visayan-English Dictionary
sinng (Ipatngga sa kay Hos inng) duh
ka blig (nga sging). Order Jos to carry
(See to it that Jos carries) these two
bunches of bananas (slung to a pole on his
shoulders). (cf. pngga, tungtang,
tngga, To remind, bring to ones notice,
draw (call, direct) attention to, keep on the
alert, put a person up to, point out to,
inform, notify. Tinggah (Padumdum)
sil tungd sin nga tab. (Tinggah
snda tungd kari nga (karing)
natab). Bring that event to their notice.
Put them up to what has happened.
Gintngga na sil nga dan nga. They
were reminded some time ago of the fact
that. Nga bal nga wal mo sil
pagtinggah? Kon tinngga mo knt sil
dl gid malin ang gw ta. Why did you
not inform them? If you had informed
them the outcome would not have been so
bad for us. (cf. padmdum, palam,
paman, pahibal, pandam).
tngg, Lead, soldering material, solder;
to plumb, solder, weld. (cf. tmg id.).
tingghan, A carrying pole. (cf. pngga,
tingglhub, Mudhole, puddle, deep rut,
worn-out part of a road, etc. (cf.
lingglhub, danw, tigl-ub).
tingglong, Civet cat, etc. See
tinggar, (B) Standing up straight, on
end; to stand on end, stand up straight,
stand erect. Tinggar (Nagatinggar) ang
bohk na. (Nagapanndog ang ya bohk).
His hair stands on end. His hair is bristly.
(cf. tndog, panndog, tunggar).
tnggas, Full, ripe; the best of a kind, etc.
See tmgas.
tnggib, To jag, indent, notch; break off a
bit; to diminish, decrease, lessen (a debt, or
the like). (cf. bngaw, pngas).
tnggil, See dtil.
tnggol, To yield, submit, listen to, pay
attention. (cf. pannggol, dmannggol).
tnghoy, A small pan or bowl filled with
coconut-oil and used as a lamp.
ting, Inclined; to incline, etc. See tingg,
tingg, Inclined, aslant, not straight,
leaning, bent sideways, out of the
perpendicular. Nagatingg inng halgi.
This post is not straight, is inclined
sideways. Ind ka magpatingg sang lo
mo. Dont carry your head bent on one side.
(cf. balingg).
tngil, To pierce, penetrate, be sonorous,
be shrill, etc. (of the human voice, of
sounds, etc.). (cf. sulnting, slik).
tingkdol, Rattle, clatter; to rattle,
clatter, etc. See rungkdol.
tingkalngan, To fall backwards, tumble
over on ones back, to drop on ones back
off a seat. Natingkalngan si, kay

tngga tingul
nalsding ang bat. He tumbled over on
his back, for the stone gave way.
tingkarg, Disordered, dishevelled,
rumpled, tousled, frayed, fretted, in a
tangle; to be disordered, etc. Tingkarg
(Nagatingkarg) ang ya bohk. His hair
isdishevelled,all in a tangle. (cf.
sarabusb, bkag, gomn).
tingkrol, To rattle, clatter. See
ringkdol, tingkdol.
tngkas, Disjunction, disjointedness; to
separate, disjoin, disjoint, dislocate, fret,
fray, break asunder. (cf. bngkas).
tngkas, Stack, pile; to arrange in order,
stack, pile; copy of a magazine or pamphlet.
(cf. tngkas).
tingkub, tingk-ub, To be or become
unsteady, giddy, dizzy (as when looking
down from a great height); to lose ones
balance and fall down from a height or over
a precipice, to be precipitated. Ind ka
maggwa sa busy, kay bs matingkub
(makatingkub) ka. Dont look down into
the abyss (water-fall) for you may become
dizzy, lose your balance and fall.
Nakatingkub si sa bintn. He fell out of
the window.
tngkaw, To remind, refresh, jog,
ones memory, bring tomind,ones
notice, to suggest; to warn, send word to,
forewarn, give previous notice. Tingkaw
si sin. Remind him of that. Forewarn
him with regard to that. Gintngkaw nya
ak nga. He brought to my notice
that. He advised me that. (cf.
padmdum, tngga, pahibal).
tngkaw, See tnghoya primitive kind of
tingky, Supine, prostrate, lying on the
back (with the face upwards); to fall (flat)
on ones back, fall full-length backwards.
(cf. kay, tikhy; gsang, sdang;
dgpto fall down on ones face (prone).
tngk, To touch, brush against, come in
contact with. To si nga nd matingkin.
He is a man not to be touched i.e. He is
very difficult to deal with. He is
unapproachable. It is almost impossible to
keep up good relations with him. (cf.
salapy, tndog; tngk).
tngk, To collide with, knock against, hit
against, come in sharp contact with. (cf.
bngg, sngg, lngg, sntok).
tngkoy, A knot, bunch or tuft of hair on
the nape of the neck; neck; mind, taste,
inclination, concern, care. Wal gid in sa
tngkoy ko. That is no concern of mine. I
dont care for it (about it). I have no
sympathy with such an idea. (cf. tangkg,
lubt; bngog, bngug, klag, lyag).
tingkyan, One who has a tuft of hair on
the nape of his neck.
tnglan, From tngalto deafen; to force
the mouth open. (cf. pannglan).
tnglan, Also from tngilto pierce (of

tingl-tngla, A skin disease

characterized by white spots on the skin,
especially on the throat and head.
tngting, Tinkle, tinkling, jingle, jingling,
ring, ringing, tingle; to tinkle, tingle, jingle,
ring. Kabat ka sang tngting sang
campanlya? Did you hear the bell ring?
Did you hear the tinkling of the bell?
Patingting ang kampanlya. Ring the
bell. (cf. kilngkilng, lgting, bgting).
tngting, To be or become strong, tough,
durable (said of cloth, of a rope, etc.). (cf.
matngting, hnit, dalsay, purs).
tingb, All together, united, gathered,
collected, connected, combined, associated,
assembled, general; to come together,
unite, gather, collect, bring together,
amass, embody, congregate. Tingb
(Nagatingb) sil nga tann dir. They
are all together over there. Tngba sil.
Gather (collect, bring) them together. Ang
paghokm nga sing tingb. The general
judgment. Itingb si sa ibn nga mga
bumulth. Put him with the other
students. Gintingb nya sa am nga
tuln-an ang madm nga mga
sinuggsgid nga sindto. He embodied in
that book many stories (legends) of bygone
days. Tngbi ak sinng mga ph. Gather
(Glean) those mangoes for me. Natngban
si sang tann nga pagkasampton sa
am nga palangakan. He has (had) all
the accomplishments for such an office. (cf.
tpon, mpon, smpon, karipn,
holnhlon, hubnhbon, hirpo, etc.).
tngug, (H) Voice, speech, sound; call,
summons, dictates. Ang ya tngug malya
(mabskug). He has a feeble (strong) voice.
His voice is weak (powerful). Ang tngug
sang konsinsya. The dictates of
conscience. Ang tngug sang Dis. The
voice of God. (cf. lmug, panngug;
tingg, To voice, utter, speak, say, give
expression to. (cf. limg, paningg,
hmbal, plong).
tingh, (H) Effort, endeavour, attempt;
to make great efforts, strive, endeavour,
essay, attempt, do ones best, try hard to
bring about, spare no pains. Tinguha gid,
agd makadngat ka sang mo nga
ginahndum. Spare no pains (efforts) to
reach the goal of your desires. Gintingh
gid si ni Fulno, pang si sing ya wal
magbton sa ya. N.N. tried (strove) hard
to win her, but she would not accept him.
Magtingh ka gid. Do your best. Spare no
pains. Tinguhi sa pagbakl ang am nga
um. Make an attempt to buy that land. (cf.
paningh, panikasg, pamurg-ot, etc).
tinguh, tinguh, (B). See tingh.
tingulnon, See tinglan. (cf. uln).
tinglan, tinguln, (H) The rainy
season, the rains, the wet season, the wet
monsoon. (cf. tingdlawthe dry season).
tingul, To recuperate, regain,
recover, get back, ones appetite, relish


tngyo tig-tig
food again. Nagatingul na ang ya
ginhwa sa pagkon. He is regaining a
relish for food.
tngyo, Salivary calculus, tartar of the
teeth. See tngeu.
tiniw-taw, Derision, ridicule, mockery;
to deride, ridicule, tease, mock, scoff at,
irritate or vex with jests, make sport (fun)
of. (cf. taw, tiwtaw).
ting-ang, Cooked, boiled, rice. (cf.
tinigulng, Old, of old, olden, of long
ago, of yore, pertaining to the customs and
manners of bygone days, ancient, antique,
old-fashioned. (cf. minl-am, sindto,
duman, tiglang).
tinimtimohn, A scanty living,
precarious livelihood, what one is earning
and living on from day to day. (cf. tim).
tinn, Steeped in tn-dye. Patdyong
nga tinn. A skirt dyed black (with tndye).
tinindgan, Stand, position, posture,
carriage, port, demeanour, presence, figure,
exterior aspect, appearance, look, mien,
form, guise. Matahm si sing tinindgan.
He (She) has a fine appearance,presents a
fine figure of a man (woman). (cf. tndog,
tinik-tik, Movement; to move, stir, etc.
See litklitk, lihklihk, tik-tik).
tinin, Moment, short while, time,
instant, a little spare time. Wal gid ak
sing tinin sa pagblus sang mo sult
tbtub karn. Till now I have really had no
time to answer your letter. (cf. tin).
tining-ting, Motion, life, stir,
movement. (cf. litklitk, lihklihk,
tingwtingw, timktimk, ginggong,
kuyngkyung, etc.).
tinipn-tpon, Meeting, gathering,
congregation, assembly, party; to meet,
congregate, gather, come together. (cf.
tinsdak, Life; breath; stomach. (cf.
kabh; ginhwa; solksolk; hinurngus,
tirsdak, ginhab).
tinisdakn, See tinsdak. Also: paunchy,
pot-bellied, strong, robust, powerful.
tnl, To clean, purify, cleanse; be, make
or become clean. Tinlo ang pnggan.
Clean the plate. Tinlo ak sing bso. Clean
a glass for me. Itnlo ak sinng by.
Kindly clean this jacket for me. Nagtnl na
ang salg, kay nasilhign kag
nadagnasn. The floor is now clean,
because it has been swept and scrubbed.
(cf. ptl).
tn-od, (B) To be or become steady,
settled, calm, tranquil, peaceful, well
ordered, established. (cf. twhay, linng,
snyog, sayn, tm-os).
tingnod, Sugared (over), candied,
soaked, immersed, cooked, boiled,
in sugar. Sging nga tingnod. Bananas
boiled in sugar. (cf. tgnod; tinsmug).


Visayan-English Dictionary
tinhog, Strung together, strung on a
rope, wire, etc., connected or fastened
together with a string; a string or bundle of.
(cf. thog).
tinokpan, Patched, repaired, mended.
Panpton nga tinokpan. Patched clothes.
(cf. tkap).
tnong, Steadiness, firmness, security; to
be or become steady, firm, quiet, lasting
and tranquil or peaceful. Nagtnong na
ang pagdalgan sinng kabyo nga sang
na karandagn. The running of this
horse, that used to be so restless, has
become steady now. (cf. tn-od, linng,
tinnto, Foolish, nonsensical, bad, etc.; to
behave like a tnto, be ill-mannered, be
dissolute, etc. (cf. tnto, binang, linko).
tino, tin-o, Long ago, of old, of yore,
belonging to a bygone age, ancient. (cf. to,
sindto, minl-am, tinigulng).
tinrno, Turned, shaped by a lathe (of
balusters, pilasters, staircases, etc.). (cf.
tin-tin, Gold beads as often used in
necklaces, etc. Kolntas nga tintin. A
necklace made of gold beads strung
tnt, tnta, (Sp. tinta) Ink.
tintro, (Sp. tintero) Inkstand, ink-pot,
inkwell, ink bottle.
tinterhan, Inkstand. (tintro).
tntin, To hop, jump about on one foot.
Ind ka magtntin dir sa sgw, kay
maghud. Dont hop about there in the
reception room, for it makes too much
tintn-bak, A childrens game with
much hopping and jumping. The players
have to be careful not to touch with the feet
the lines traced on the ground.
tnto, (Sp. tinto) Red wine, ordinary tablewine. Bno tnto id.
tinb-an, The banana-stem, especially
the layers that compose it. (cf. bnlak,
pas, ngkag; tub).
tinubgan, Wet (moist) ground, fertile
soil. (cf. lungasg, hagbhagban, tbig).
tinubign, A game played by two parties,
one defending all the approaches to, the
other trying to reach, the well or water
(tli). If one succeeds to reach the water
without being touched by any of the
defending guards, his party scores a
victory; to play that game.
Nagatinubigany sil. They are playing
the tinubign-game. (cf. tubgtbig).
tinb, Offspring, generation, growth.
Ang bg-ong tinb. The new generation.
The young folks. (tb).
tinugntgon, To enjoin, order,
command; to advise, recommend, talk
things over, exchange ideas, (cf. tgon,
tinugynan, Manager, care-taker,
administrator, one entrusted with the care

of; representative, member of parliament.

tinuhan, Made of multicoloured or
speckled yarn called th. Mabakl ka sing
patdyong nga tinuhan? Are you going to
buy a skirt made of th-yarn?
tinla, A vegetable side-dish, mostly with
sauce. (cf. tla, tla, tan, lswa).
tinlin, Order, command, precept,
injunction, commission; ordered,
commanded, enjoined, that which has been
ordered, etc. (cf. tlin, blin, sg).
tinulnan, Commissioner, one who is in
charge or to whom a thing has been
entrusted; order, command, precept. (cf.
tinugynan; kasogon).
tinulinnan, Commissioner, in charge,
agent, proxy, plenipotentiary, procurator,
mandatary. (cf. tulnan, tinugynan,
tinuls-tlis, To lead astray, cause one to
miss the way, put one on the wrong-road,
mislead, misguide, misdirect, misinform; to
be silly, be foolish, to act stupidly. (cf.
patalngtlang, paturstris).
tinm-an, For tinuman, tinoman from
tinm-an, Leaves used for wrapping
round fish, meat, etc. The fish, meat, etc.
thus protected is put in hot ashes or
roasted over live coals. (cf. tm-an).
tinum-ann, Fish, meat, etc. wrapped up
in leaves and covered with hot ashes or
roasted over live coals. (cf. tinm-an).
tinumpk-tmpuk, In clusters or
heaps, by the cluster or heap, heaped
together; to form a cluster or heap, etc. (cf.
tinn-an, Learning, education, polite
breeding, good manners, training.
Pagkawalytinn-an. Ignorance,
stupidity, lack of training, impoliteness,
rudeness, discourtesy, incivility. (cf. ton).
tnung, See tnong.
tinuman, See tinm-an.
tinsmug, Candied, boiled in sugar, etc.
See tingnod (cf. tsmug).
tinutulnan, Commissioner, officer or
official in charge, person in authority,
representative, delegate, proxy. (cf. tlin,
tinuty, Scheme, plan, idea, intention,
aspiration, purpose, design, plot, view,
thought, aim. (cf. ty).
t, (Sp. tio) Uncle; master, Sir, Mr.,
friend. T ko si. He is my uncle. Si t
Antnio am ang nagsilng. My friend
Anthony said. (cf. bat, gino, byan).
ti, Puppy, whelp, young dog. (cf. toty).
tog, To turn round, spin, revolve quickly.
(cf. byung, tyub).
tog, To roam about, loaf, wander, stroll,
be a vagabond. (cf. lgaw).
tig-tog, Dim. and Freq. of tog.
tig-tig, A vagabond, vagrant, tramp,
wanderer, loafer, idler, hobo; one who

Visayan-English Dictionary
wanders much about from place to place to
little purpose; to lead the life of a
vagabond, lead a vagrant (roving) life, stroll
about, to (be on the) tramp, be a sturdy
beggar. (cf. lagwlgaw, landlndo,
tik-tik, Movement, stir; to move, stir,
etc. See timktimk, lihklihk, litklitk.
tin, Moment, time, little while, trice,
instant, minute, twinkling of the eye. Sa
am gid nga tin. At the (that) very
moment. In the very nick of time.
Wal si sing mga tin nga masik
(nasik). He has (had) no time to lose. He
does not (did not) dawdle away his time. Sa
is ka tin. In an instant. (cf. tinin,
tin, To move, shift, loosen, dislodge.
Matin (manghit, mangk) mo bal
inng bat? Can you move this stone? Ind
si sarng matin (mank) sa ya
pungkan. He cannot be made to budge
from his seat. (cf. ting, ghit, nk, nghit,
tind, To grow stale, or old, to spoil,
become useless, or unserviceable. (cf.
gubt, ulasn, tsoy).
tind, Erect, straight; to be erect or
straight, stand upright, be plumb or
perpendicular. Nagatind ang bgsok,
halgi, tbo sang knke, etc. The stake,
post, lamp-chimney, etc. stands straight.
(cf. tndog, tdlong, tans, tinggar,
ting, (B) To move, etc. See tin, nk,
tin-tin, Dim. of tin. Naghult ak sa
ya ddto kag sang natintin nagabt si.
I waited for him there and after a short
while he arrived. Sang pagabt nmon
matintin gid lang kag mabutangn
kam sing panyga. Soon after we arrived
dinner was served to us.
top, Cheat, trickster, loafer, idler. (cf.
tip, lg-it, agng).
tip, To cheat, fleece, trick, outdo,
defraud, swindle, overreach. Ind si
malyag nga tiopon. He does not like to
betaken in,fleecedcheated. (cf. dy,
tipal, Sprain; to partially dislocate,
sprain, strain (the muscles). Natipal
(Nagkatipal) ang ya til sa bat. On
account of a stone his foot was sprained.
He turned his ankle on a stone. (cf. lw-as,
lut, lak, slpo).
tiplo, A small centipede. (cf.
talimbabga, bagtbagt).
tiplog, To crush, smash, quash, squelch;
to confound, dismay, abash. (cf. pus,
tipl-og, To stumble, reel, totter, make a
false step; put ones foot in. (cf. tiplag,
tikyahd, tiahd, tdag, tsak, tdag,

tik-tik tpon
tpan, Covenant, agreement, promise (of
marriage, etc.); to make an agreement or
covenant, come to an understanding. May
tpan na sil. Nakatpan na sil. They have
come to an understanding (agreement). (cf.
katpan, sugt, kasugtnan).
tipangg, Absent-minded, forgetful, not
all there, not quite normal, half-witted,
foolish. (cf. balingg, pungg, tampuhw,
tips, A rice-sifter. (cf. kallaw).
tipasw, A plash, splash, the sound
produced when something heavy drops
into mud, slush, water, etc.; to plash,
flop, fall plump, into the water, etc., to
drop into a liquid with a splash. (cf.
tipatp, Including, sufficient for,
taking in, all, without exception; to cover
all, include all, be sufficient for all, take in
all. (cf. kmpod, tpud, tptup).
tipy, The flat transparent shell of a kind
of oyster. The shell is much used instead of
glass for windows, etc.
tpay, A kind of whitlow; a painful ulcer
that attacks the top-joint of a finger; Also: a
poisonous slug. (cf. lpay).
tpdas, Measles. See tpgas.
tpgas, Measles. Also verb. Ginatpgas
si. He has an attack of measles. Tinpgas
man si sang na. He also had the measles
in bygone days. Nagyo na ang ya tpgas.
He is now cured of measles.
tphag, Landslide; avalanche, etc. See
tbhag, tmpa, hun, dlhay).
tip, To twist or break off. (cf. sip).
tpia, To transfer, transfuse, exchange,
change the contents of, pour the contents
of one vessel (receptacle) into another.
Tipiahn mo ang suld sang kon bso
sing bno. Put (Pour) wine into my glass
(instead of its present contents). Change
what I have in (what is in) my glass for
wine. (cf. bylo, lis, wan).
tpig, Preserving, keeping (in a safe state);
to guard well, reserve, preserve, keep, save,
layaside,by,away,up in store,
deposit, garner (up). Tipgi ang kwrta.
Keep the money safe. Ginatipgan nya
ang ya sin nga handumnan. He
cherishes (preserves well) the memory of it.
Ipatpig mo sa ya ang sngsing. Patipgi
si sang sngsing. Hand the ring over to
him for safe keeping. Ydtong bnko am
ang pinatipgan nya sang ya plak. He
has deposited his money in that bank. Kon
but ka magmnggad dpat ka magsli
sang tpig (sa pagtpig) sing tagditay sa
indlaw mo nga kinitan. If you want to
become rich you must accustom yourself to
lay by regularly a small amount of your
daily earnings. Ginpakamahl nya ang
sult ni nnay nya kag ya tinipgan sing
mabinalk-on. He valued very highly the
letter from his mother and kept it carefully.

(cf. tg, hupt, matinipgon,

tipk, A broken-off piece, a crumb,
fragment; to break in pieces. Tinipk nga
tinpay. Bread-crumbs, bread broken in
small pieces.
tpiok, To join in a group, go over in a
mass. Magtpiok kam ddto sa la. Go
over to them in a group (mass). All of you,
join them over there. Nagtpiok sil sa
mon. Gintipiokn nla kam. They all of
them together came over to our side
(party). (cf. sylo; tpyok id.).
tplang, To act or say something
thoughtlessly, carelessly, impulsively,
unexpectedly, casually, precipitately,
accidentally, fortuitously, to stumble on
(upon), fall into (bad company, a trap, hole,
etc.). Andam ka, agd nd ka makatplang
sa pagbton sing kwrta nga kulir. Take
care not to accept unawares counterfeit
money. Nakatplang si sa bh.
Accidentally he fell (stepped) into the hole.
Nakatplang gid lang si sa am nga
butng. He somehow (without thinking)
became involved in that affair. (cf. dalng,
tabins, dals, daln-as).
tiplag, To stumble, stagger, reel, totter,
make a false step, trip, step in, do
something thoughtlessly or inadvertently,
drop or fall into a hole, trap, or the like. (cf.
trag, tdag, tsak, ldag, tplang, tiplog, tikyahd).
tplok, See tpiokto join in a group.
Tiplok nnyo sil. All of you together join
them, associate with them.
tplok, To bend, fold, doubleup. (cf. pil,
pilk, tik).
tpo, (Sp. tipo) Type; use, custom, fixed
price, usual charge or contribution; to fix or
charge a price, etc. Sa tpo nga bil. At the
usual, customary, fixed, price. Salap
ang tpo nga mot sang tgsa ka katp.
Fifty centavos is the customary
contribution of each member. Tiphi ang
bil sang mo bka. Fix (Name) a price for
your cow. Tiphi ak sang bil sang mo
bka. Let me knowwhat you charge for
your cow,what price you will sell your
cow at. May tpo ang la gsto sa
adlwdlaw. Their daily expenses are
fixed,restricted,limited to a certain
amount. (cf. ltid, pt-od, tasdo).
tp, See tgp,to disjoin, sever, etc.
tipol, A kind of breadfruit tree (different
from the kamnsi).
tiplon, (H) Round, spherical; to be or
become round. (cf. timblog, tibnog,
tpon, To gather, unite, assemble, collect,
bring, get, put, draw, together; to
meet, come together. Tipna sil. Gather
them together. Gintpon nya ang tann
nga mga katp. He brought together all
the members. Nagtilpon sil ddto sa ya
baly. They came together (They met) in
his house. (cf. tingb, mpon).


tpos tiwd-twid
tpos, (Sp. tifus) Typhus fever. May tpos
(Ginatpos) si. He has typhus fever.
tpsul, See tbsolto be plump, etc.
tipngaw, Dazedness, bewilderment,
state of one who is greatly agitated or who
has a wild look (appearance); to be wild,
scared or frightened on awakening from a
profound sleep and not having had time
enough to collect ones wits.
Natipungwan si, kay ginpkaw sa
hinl ni Fulno. He was frightened out of
his wits when he was suddenly awakened
by N.N. (cf. tapngaw).
tipngk, (B) Thickset, stumpy, stocky,
stout, having a short, thick body, having a
large circumference in comparison to
height. Natipungkon ak kari nga
kampanryo. (Sa kon panluk daw
pulndan inng kampanryo). This belfry
seems to me to be very stumpy, stocky.
Matipngk gid tna. (Pandk gid si).
She is very thickset, short and stout. (cf.
bdul, pndak, pudl, karibd).
tpya, See tpiato transfuse.
tpyok, See tpiokto join in a group.
tr, To speak well or fluently, know a
language well. See td, ttat.
tirabusn, (Sp. tirabuzn) Corkscrew.
tirda, (Sp. tirada) A cast, throw (of a
stone, etc.); edition, issue (of a paper, book,
etc.); distance, ride, drive (on a vehicle).
Ang byad sang is ka tirda sa kalsa (sa
is ka tirda sang kalsa) napl ka
sentims (sentbos, dak). A ride (drive of
regular distance) in a buggy (gig, rig) costs
ten centavos.
tiradr, (Sp. tirador) A thrower, a good
shot, sharp-shooter; catapult.
tirna, (Sp. tirana) A kind of folk-dance
with singing.
tirr, (Sp. tirar) To throw, cast, shoot,
hurl, fling, launch, let fly, dart, toss, pitch,
chuck, fire, discharge, let off. (cf. haby,
pilk, blang, lthang, badl).
tirsok, Careless, etc. See tarsak,
tiry-tray, To be kind to, deal gently
with, to stroke, touch gently or softly,
particularly applied to stroking an animal
in order to accustom it to the touch of man
and make it tame. Tirytiryi ang bboy,
kabyo, karabw, etc. Stroke the pig,
horse, buffalo, etc. gently (softly). (cf.
aphap, klot, paaynyon, dl).
tir, To become senseless, unconscious,
insensible, torpid, stiff and lifeless (through
a sudden blow, shock, etc.). Nagtir gid
lang si, kay linampusn ni Fulno. He
fell down stiff and lifeless on being hit by
N.N. Karn patirin ta ikw, kon nd ka
maghpus. Ill knock the life out of you,
unless you keep quiet. (cf. plak, oryroy,
ting, urhab).
trik, (B) To turn round, spin round,
revolve quickly. (cf. tlik, tog, tyog,
byung, tyub).


Visayan-English Dictionary
tirk-trik, Dim. and Freq. of trik. To
swing round, sway to and fro, oscillate,
rotate, turn round, whirl round.
tirk-tirk, Merry-making; to make
merry, to frolic, gambol, play. (cf.
hingyaw, kalakatd).
tirild, (B) A scraper, scooper, especially
one used for scooping out the coconut meat
from the shell. (cf. tilild id.).
tiripn-tpon, (B) See tilipn-tponto
gather, assemble.
trko, (Sp. terco) Stubborn, obstinate;
clever, tricky, tricksy, cunning, sly,
cheating. (cf. plyo, sutl, antgo, sagd,
batd, etc.).
trno, A suit (of clothes). See trno.
tro, A throw, cast, shot, report of a gun,
etc. (cf. tirda, haby, lupk, pilk).
tirn, (Sp. tirn) Tyro, beginner, novice,
apprentice; student, greenhorn. (cf. baghan, tuln-an).
trong, A throw, cast; a kind of game with
sea-shells, stones, etc. often played by boys;
a trifle, a small or worthless object fit to be
thrown away; to throw, pitch, fling, hurl,
cast (away). Ginbalgy nya ang ya baly
sa trong. He sold his house for a trifle (for
a song). Ginblang nya in nga is lang ka
trong. He considered that worthless (of no
value). Nagahmpang sil sang trong.
Nagatrong sil sang bskay. They are
playing with sea-shells. (cf. tdong).
tiroto, (Sp. tiroteo) Sharp-shooting;
crossfire; crackling. (cf. lthang, lupk;
rak, brak).
tirsdak, Stomach, bread-basket, life, etc.
(cf. tinsdak, hinurngus, ginhwa,
kabh, solksolk, ginhab,
tinimtimohn, pangabuhin).
ts, (Sp. tiza, teja) Tile, brick.
tisl, (B) To fly off far, be hit or knocked to
a great distance. Natslan ang bnga kang
dalgdog, hay ginblang ko kang bat.
(Nakibtan ang bnga sang dalgdog, kay
ginhaby ko sing bat). The nut of the
dalgdog-shrub flew off to a great distance,
when I hit it with a stone. Patsli ang
dalgdog. (Pakibti ang dalgdog). Knock
the dalgdog-nut (fruit) far. (cf. tyog).
tskug, Stiffness, unbendableness,
rigidity, inflexibility; to be or become hard,
stiff, unbendable, inflexible, not easily
pliable. Nagtskug ang kon pha nga
pnit sa nit. My leather belt has become
hard in the sun. Nagapatskug si sang ya
tangkg. He is stiffening his neck. Kon
may bg-o gn si nga panpton nga
skl dyon nya patskug (patolotskug)
sang ya log. Whenever she wears a new
silk dress she stiffens her neck i.e. she is
stiff,constrained,very formal,giving
herself airs, or the like. (cf. bskug).
tslok, Poke, stab; to poke, stab, prod,
prick, stick, jab. Tislok ang dalnggan
nya sang mo tdl. Itslok ang tdl mo

sa ya dalnggan. Poke your finger into his

ear. (cf. tslok, tisk).
tso, (Sp. teso) Taut, straight, tense, drawn
tight. (cf. hugt, tanng, tdlong, tind).
tisk, Stitch, stab; to stitch, stick, stab,
prick, pierce. Tisok sang dgum ang ya
by. Stick the needle into his jacket. Ang
is ka tisk sa g nga tin makbig nga
sim. A stitch in time saves nine. (cf. tslok,
tslok, sibt).
tstis, Spite, malice, malignity, ill-will,
spitefulness; to spite, harm another out of
envy, do malicious damage; to spoil, ruin,
dishonour, disgrace, seduce and leave in
the lurch. Gintistisn nla ang ya mga
tanm. They maliciously damaged his
plants (crop). Likaw si Fulno, kay
malin si sing batsan; bs kon tstisn
lang nya ikw. Avoid meeting N.N.,
because he is a bad character and may only
intend to ruin you. (cf. hkaw, hs, dut,
tteres, titers, (Sp. tteres) Puppet,
puppet show, pantomime. (cf. atitirs id.).
tti, (B) tt, (H) (Sp. teta) Mammary
gland, teat, nipple, dug; to suck the breast.
Ang bt nagatt. The baby is sucking the
breast. Ambt kon sa din pa nya titon
(sarng matt) ang dak nga plak nga
ginakinahnglan nya. I dont know where
he can scrape together (Literally: suck) the
large amount of money he stands in need
of. (cf. sso, ultngan).
tt, To empty entirely, exhaust, drain
completely, drink or drain to the last drop;
to spend to the last farthing. Gintt nya
ang pdo sang kalisd. He drained the gall
of bitter grief (misfortune). Daw sa matt
na lang ak sa kabdlay. I am now getting
completely spent (exhausted) with fatigue.
Nagtt si sang tann nya nga
kalalngan. He has exhausted all his
resources. He spent all his means. (cf. tgis,
tin, rut, bus, tyhong).
titul, ttulo, (Sp. ttulo) Title; heading;
epithet, claim, right, warrant. (cf. diplma,
pamn, kamunan, hay, katarngan,
kalig-onn, tungd, bangd).
tiwl-twal, tiwl-tiwl, To shake up
and down, swing to and fro, dangle, sway;
to project and withdraw quickly again (as
the tongue when making a face or grimace,
etc.). Nagatiwltwal ang ya tagb sa ya
hwak. The scabbard dangles (is dangling)
at his hip. Ind ka magpatiwltwal sang
mo dl, kay malw-ay. Dont put out
your tongue; it is so rude. (cf. diwl,
tabltabl, tawltawl).
tiwlwag, Hazard, danger, risk, peril,
jeopardy, any threatening evil. May
tiwlwag nga la si ptyon. There is
dangerthat they may kill him,of his
being killed by them. (cf. katalgman).
twid, The pod of the dpdap tree.
tiwd-twid, Dim. of twid. A small pod,
anything resembling the pod of the dpdap

Visayan-English Dictionary
tiws, A kind of small bird; snipe, godwit.
tiwtis, The bixa orellana. See atitis,
estiwtis id.
tiybaw, To yell, scream, howl, shriek,
etc. See tibaw. (cf. siagt, tingak,
ngbngab, ngwngaw).
tiyahd, See tiahdto stumble, reel,
totter, etc.
tiyhoy, The setting or frame-work,
usually made of stone or cement, in which a
cauldron or kettle is placed, as in
sugarmilling; a ring of metal or stone
surmounting the rim of a sugar-boiler
preventing the boiling juice of the
sugarcane from escaping or flowing over.
tiyn, Uterus, womb; stomach, belly,
abdomen. See tin.
tiyngak, To whine, etc. See tingak.
tiyangw, An insect with a very offensive
smell. See tanangw.
tiyu, tiy-u, ti-o, (B) An exclamation
of surprise and wonder. Probably a contr.
of dl taw. Tiyu man! Why, this is too
much! That is rather too much! Tiyu,
laks man ang singid ni Fulno! Good
gracious! What N.N. said was exaggerated!
Tiyu kabutign kan! (Ind taw ang ya
kabutign). He is a rightdown liar. Tiyu
kahnggud kang baly nga di! (Ind taw
ang kadak sinng baly). What a house!
How large it is! (cf. abw, tm, dro,
lm-ag, etc.).
tyog, To roam or loaf about, be a
vagabond. See tog.
tyog, To turn round, revolve, spin round,
etc. See tog.
tiyg-tiyg, A loafer, etc. See tigtig id.
tiyg-tyog, Dim. and Freq. of tyogto
revolve, spin, etc. Sya nga tiygtyog. A
swivel chair.
ty, tyo, Uncle; good old man, etc. See
tdas, (Sp. todo) A term often used in
card-playing and meaning: to win all the
tricks, win all round, win the game or stake.
Nagtdas si. He made all the tricks. He
won the stake. Pil ka tdas ang
kinahnglan sa pagkh sang saptos nga
nyo ginasugaln? How many wins are
required (how often must one make all the
tricks) to get the boots you are playing for?
todasn, The winning card or hand, the
card or hand that wins the stake (in card
tod, (B) To point at with the finger, to
point the finger at; the index, fore-finger.
(cf. tdl; tuldl, turd).
tdo, To do well, perform as well as
possible, do thoroughly. Todhi nnyo ang
pagdro, ang pagtnl sang balatonn,
etc. Plough as well as possible, clean the
reception hall very well, etc.
tods, To crush, quash, crack (with the
finger-nail, or the like, as a flea, bug or
other insect), to squelch, squash. Tdsa

tiws tkbon
(todos) ang kto. Crack the louse (with
your finger-nail). (cf. pus, lum).
tod-tdo, Dim. and Freq. of tdo. To
exert oneself, strive, make great efforts, do
ones best, do to the best of ones ability;
thorough, hearty, perfect, complete, entire,
consummate, with might and main. Nga
nga todtdo ang dalgan mo? Why are
you runningso swiftly,as quick as the
wind,like mad,as if it were for your life?
(cf. panikasg, paningh, himgtoy).
tdtod, (B) Till, until. (cf. tbtub, sta,
tdtod, (B) Fretted, chafed, frayed; to
fret, etc. (cf. tingkarg, sarabusb,
tdtod, To do well, perform exactly, do to
the best of ones ability. Todtor in. Do
this very well. (cf. tdo).
tdtod, To pluck, gather, break off
(tobacco-leaves, etc.). Todtod (-or) ang
tabk. Pluck the tobacco-leaves. Todtod
ak sing ttlo ka dhon sang tabk.
Break off three tobacco-leaves for me.
Tinodtodn nya inng is ka pn sing
lim ka dhon. He broke five leaves off this
stem. (cf. pp, p, pks).
tga, (B) Until, till. See tbtub, tdtod,
tgd, A new shoot or sprout; to shoot or
sprout forth; put forth. (cf. gbos,
tghod, A kind of fish found in rivers, etc.
tgma, To solve, decipher, read secrets,
know the meaning of secrets and riddles,
guess, divine, fathom. (tgma id.).
tgnod, To dip in; to boil in sugar. See
tgnod, tingnod).
tgol, To grasp firmly in the hand, to
clutch securely a small fish or the like.
Togla ang tabis. Grasp the tabis firmly.
tgon, To nourish, feed young birds, etc.
Ginatgon sang inng ang ya mga bot.
The mother-bird is feeding her young
(ones). Togna sing kn-on ang pspis. Put
some rice into the birds bill, feed the bird
with rice. (cf. hngit, tl-og).
togn, A mouthful, bit, morsel, small
amount of food. (tugn id.).
tgon, (H) An order, injunction,
commission; to order, commit to, entrust
to, consign to, or put in charge of. Itgon
mo sa ya ang mo kinahnglan. Togni
si sang mo kinahnglan. Consign your
order to him. Give him your order. (cf.
blin, tlin, sg).
togn, To stop, cease (said of a fluid).
Nagtogn na ang dug. The blood has now
stopped flowing.
tohg, The nose-ring of a buffalo, etc.; a
string of meat or fish, i.e. pieces of meat or
fish pierced and strung together.
thog, To pierce, perforate, make a hole
in something for the purpose of putting a
string through, or of fastening a nose-ring,
ear-ring, or the like.

tohg-thog, Dim. and Freq. of thog.

tohk, Hole, aperture, opening, puncture,
perforation. (cf. lubt, luht, bslot).
tohk, (H) thok, (B), To hole, make a
hole, pierce, perforate, punch a hole.
Tohok (Tohki) ang lta. Punch a hole in
the can.
tohk-tohk, Full of holes, in holes,
honeycombed, porous. Madm ang mga
tohktohk sa kon by. There are many
holes in my jacket.
tohk-thok, Dim. and Freq. of tohk,
thokto make a hole, etc.
tohk-tohkon, Full of small holes,
porous. (cf. tohktohk).
tokb, To turn up, lift up (on one side), to
flap, shake in the wind, said of a broad or
sheet-like object. Ginatokb sang hngin
ang np sa atp. The wind causes the np
on the roof to flap. Tokab ang sin. Lift the
sheet of galvanized iron (on one side). (cf.
ukbto turn up (as a stone, etc.); tkyabto flap (as a curtain, etc.).
tokd, To ascend, go up an incline, scale,
climb a hill, etc. Ang mga bukdnon and
magtokdorand sang tolokdon.
Mountaineers are adepts at climbing.
tokadr, (Sp. tocador) Toilet-table,
boudoir; mirror. (cf. labadr, espho).
tkap, To cover over with a patch, put a
patch on, patch, mend clothes, shoes, etc.
Tokpi ang kon mga saptos. Mend my
boots. (cf. lunb).
tokp, To clap the hands, strike the hands
together in applause and the like.
Gintokapn nla sing dak ang ya
ginplong. They applauded his speech with
much clapping of hands. They clapped his
speech loudly. (cf. pamalkpak, palkpak).
tk-ap, To shake swiftly in the air; to
strike, flick, knock, wipe, brush something
off with a towel or the like. Itk-ap ang
pny nga pun (but) sang yb-ok.
Shake the handkerchief that is full of dust.
Tok-ap sang pny mo ang lamsa, kay
madm ang yb-ok. Wipe the table with
your handkerchief, for it is covered with
tokapn, Mended, patched, full of
patches. Nag nga tokapn. Patched
garments. (cf. tkap, tinokpan).
tokr, (Sp. tocar) To play, perform on
a musical instrument; to strike (of a clock);
to throb, beat (of the pulse, etc.). Malam
si magtokr sang bioln, pino, klarinte,
etc. He knows how to play the violin, piano,
clarinette, etc. Nagatokr pa ang ya
plso? Is his pulse still beating? Ang relh
nagtokr na sang ikp-at ka tkn. The
clock has struck four (the fourth hour). (cf.
kskus, bgting, pamdy, kubkub).
tokyo, a, (Sp. tocayo, a) Namesake,
one that has the same name as another. (cf.
tkbon, From tokbto tear with the
teeth, pounce upon, etc.


tokhyaw, tok-hyaw tnto

tokhyaw, tok-hyaw, To raise ones
head, lift up ones eyes, look up, cast up
ones eyes. Nagtokhyaw (tumukhyaw)
si sang ya lo. She raised her head. She
cast up her eyes. (cf. tukyhaw, tukhyaw,
bayw, tang, tngl).
toklald, (B) To bulge or stand out,
project, be prominent or conspicuous, as
the bones of a lean person, a mat or piece
of cloth with a stone lying underneath, or
the like. Nagatoklald ang tl-an na.
(Nagalbo ang ya tl-an). His bonesare
standing out,are quite prominent. (cf.
lbo, kubng, bokng).
tkl, To catch stealthily, approach
something softly, unobserved, unnoticed
and then grasp or clutch it with a swift
movement. Toklo si. Approach him
unobserved and then grasp him firmly.
Tinkl nya ang pspis. He crept up to the
bird and caught it.
tkmo, A pigeon. (cf. lad, pnay,
tok, An upright (vertical) prop or support
for a floor, a scaffolding, etc.; to prop up,
support. Butang sing tok ang baly mo.
Tkwi (Tokoh) ang salg sang mo baly.
Put some props under the floor of your
house. (cf. slaya leaning support).
tok, The gecko-lizard, gecko, gecco. (cf.
tak, tik).
tokb, See tukbto pounce upon, etc.
tkod, To erect, establish, etc. See tkud.
tokd, A pillar, column, prop, support.
See tukd. (cf. slay, tok).
tokn, A long pole, a punt-pole for
propelling a boat in shallow water; to use
such a pole for propelling a boat, to pole,
punt. Tokon ang sakayn. Pole, Punt,
the boat.
toks, To afford, stand, be willing to pay
(a high price, etc.). See tuks.
tkoy, A term used in calling a dog; to call
a dog by shouting: tkoy. Tokya ang
id. Call the dog.
toky-tkoy, Dim. and Freq. of tkoy.
tks, A question, interrogation,
catechizing, inquiry, query, interpellation;
to question, ask a question, catechize,
interrogate, interpellate, inquire, demand.
Tokso si sa nahanungd sang ya
pagpangabdlay. Question him with
regard to his work. Ask him about his work.
Tokson ko ikw karn kon nakasaol ka
sang mga tks kag sabt. Presently I
shall examine you to know whether you
have learned by heart the questions and
answers. (cf. pamngkot, pangutna,
pakina, pakisyod).
toksan, Question-book; catechism.
Tokso si sang mga tks sa toksan. Ask
him some questions from the catechism.
(cf. tks).
tktok, The beak or bill of a bird; to peck,
pick up with the beak, strike with the bill;
knock at a door. Matalwis ang tktok


Visayan-English Dictionary
sang salakskan. The kingfisher has a
sharp bill. Sn-o ang nagatktok
(nagapanktok) sang ganhan? Who is
knocking at the door?
tktok, To chop up, mince, hash, cut up
small. Toktok ang und. Cut the meat up
small. Chop (hash, mince) the meat. Krne
nga tinktok. Chopped meat. Mince-meat.
tktok, Rust, oxidization; to rust, be
rusty, become oxidized or coated with rust.
Nagtktok ang ya binngon. His bolo
rusted,has become rusty.
toktokn, Rusty, full of rust, covered
with rust, oxidized.
toktorok, The crow of a cock; to crow.
(cf. paml).
tkwon, From tokto prop up, etc.
tk-yab, tkyab, To flap, shake, swing,
turn up, lift up, move to and fro or up and
down (said of a curtain, of matting, or the
like). Gintkyab sang hngin ang
kmbung. The wind shook the curtain. The
curtain flapped (moved to and fro) in the
wind. (cf. ukb, tokb, paldpad).
tk-yap, See tk-yab.
tla, To cook vegetables, boil legumes,
prepare vegetable dishes, boil peas and
beans in the pod. Tolha (tola) ang
dgmay, balnggay, talng, etc. Cook the
dgmay, balnggay, eggplant, etc.
Tinolhan kam nya sing lngk kag
kadys. She prepared for us (as a sidedish) some jack-fruit and kadys-peas.
Ipatla sa kay Pdro ang mga patn kag
alugbti. See to it that Peter boils the
patn-beans and the alugbti-shoots.
Nno ang ton tolhon (utnon,
laswahn)? What kind of vegetable dishes
shall we prepare? N.B. Tolon, tolan, etc.
is often used in (B), tolhon, tolhan, etc.
in (H). For boiling shelled (dry) peas and
beans lg, (H), lg, (B) is frequently
employed. (cf. tla, tulnhan, tinla, tan,
tolli, A kind of pipe or flute made of a
small reed, as of bagkay, bl, etc.
tolp-h, tolph, Lard-scrap, etc. See
sitsarn, tsitsarn.
tlda, (Sp. tolda) Awning; baldaquin; roof
or hood of an automobile, of a kalsa, etc.
tolihw, See tulihwloriot.
tolsan, See tulsanrobber, etc.
tlo, (B) Three. (cf. ttlo).
tologmhon, Riddle, puzzle, problem,
mystery, something difficult of solution or
hard to guess. (tgma).
tlog, tolg, tlok, See tlug, tulg,
tolokdon, Ascent, slope, rise, incline,
steep, acclivity, up-hill. (cf. tokd,
takldon, taklron, tolokron).
tolokron, See tolokdon.
tolokron, A musical instrument; music
to be played, a piece of music, sonata. (cf.
tokr, palatnggon, sonta).

toloktokn, Back, spine, back-bone,

shoulder-blade. (cf. taldtod).
toloktokn, toloktkon, That is to
bechopped up,minced,cut up in small
pieces,hashed. Und nga toloktokn.
Meat for a mince-pie. (tktok).
toln, See tulnto swallow, etc.
toln-an, See tuln-anbook, etc.
tolohan, Creed, belief, tenet, dogma,
doctrine, teaching, articles of faith, that is
to be believed. (to).
tolotdyaw, tolotadyw, A small jar,
bottle, vial, phial, medicine bottle.
(tdyaw, -olo-).
tolotibklod, Uneven, hilly, rough,
having many mounds or hillocks. (cf.
bklod, baklod).
tl, tol, See tl, tulto drop, trickle;
a drop.
tloy, A kind of fish similar to a sardine
and often salted. Binro nga tloy. Salted
tloy-fish. N.B. As the tloy is quite
common, the term also stands at times for:
fashion, vogue, common, vulgar. Ah, tloy
na in! Ah, that is the fashion nowadays!
That is now quite common or vulgar! (cf.
sardnas; lunk).
toly, To be caught or jammed in (in such
a way as to be unable either to proceed or
to go back). Nagtoly ang sd sa mat
sang sahd. The fish stuck fast to (was
caught or jammed in) one of the meshes of
the net.
tloy, toly, A curse, imprecation; to
curse, imprecate, wish evil to, but the
frequentative form panloy, panoly is
more in use.
tltog, To beat, strike, etc. See tltug.
toltgan, A bamboo gong. See tultgan.
tma, A white louse that breeds in clothes.
tomhon, Pertaining to, full of,
infested with, tma-lice.
tmo, (Sp. tomo) Volume, book, tome;
bulk, size. (cf. tuln-an; kadak, kadkan). See also tmuto soak, saturate with,
tn-an, From tonto learn, etc. (tn-an
tonelda, (Sp. tonelada) Ton. Tonelda
krta. Short ton. (2000 lbs). Tonelda
lrga. Long ton. (2240 lbs.).
tno, (Sp. tono) Tone, tune, key. (cf.
tnug, tung, tngug, lmug, pnto).
tn-og, Dew, dew-drops; to be or become
dewy, full of dew-drops; to bedew. May
tn-og ang ya mga panpton. Natonogn ang ya mga panpton. His clothes
werebedewed,covered with dew. (tnug id.).
tonsiltis, (Sp. tonsilitis) Tonsilitis.
tnto, (Sp. tonto) Fool, dunce, dolt,
noodle, numskull, nincompoop, ass;
foolish, stupid; a wretch, one who is
dissolute in morals, given to vice and
dissipation (often said of adulterers);
naughty, mischievous. (cf. bang,

Visayan-English Dictionary
kalndong, tampuhw, kl, etc.). (cf.
tnton, To lower or let down by means of
a rope, or the like. Hgti ang bakg sang
kalt kag itnton gkan sa bintn. Tie a
rope round the basket and lower it from the
window. Tonton kam sing duh ka
plnsa nga sim. Let down (by a rope) two
sheets of galvanized iron; we need them.
(tntun id.).
to, Long ago, long since, past times,
former days, bygone, of yore. (cf. sdto
nay, na, sindto, tino, minl-am).
to, To believe, credit, give credit or
credence to, accept as true, assent to.
Tinmoto ak. I believe. Ang Tinmoto
ak. The Creed. Ind ka magto sin.
Dont believe that (it). Tohan mo gid ang
tann nga ginapapagto sang Snta
Iglsya. Believe everything what the
Church commands to be believed. But
nla ipato (ipapagto) sa ton. They
want us to believe. Ang pagto. Faith.
Sa buh nga pagto. With a strong (living)
faith. (cf. pti).
to, The right hand side, right hand, right,
dexter, dextral. Kinmyab sa mga lngit
kag nagalngkod sa to sang Dis nga
Amy. He ascended into heaven, sitteth
at the right hand of God the Father.
Magpato ka, dl ka magpawal. Go to
the right, not to the left.
tob, Fumigation, disinfection; to envelop
in the smoke of burning herbs as a cure; to
incense, fume, disinfect. (cf. gub, tugb).
tob, Scent, scented smoke, perfume,
odour, smell; filled, pervaded with odours,
etc. (cf. tob).
tod, tod, See tud, tud.
tog, A kind of tree growing to a large size
and yielding a reddish timber that is quite
valuable, but is very liable to warp.
tok, To rise into the air as smoke does, to
soar. (cf. tb-ok, timbok).
tok, Corner, nook, cranny, out-of-theway place. (cf. dok, lok, sok, higd,
tom, To wrap in leaves (and roast on live
coals). Tm-a (Toma) ang lgbos,
ginams, sd, etc. Wrap up in leaves (and
roast) the mushroom, pickled fish, fish, etc.
(cf. balhos, puts).
ton, Fit, proper, suitable, adapted,
appropriate; to fit, adapt, adjust; to assign,
destine, allot. Iton ang bb sang bayng
sa tdyaw kag itayng ang tbig. Fit the
mouth of the bamboo tube into the waterjar and pour in the water. Tinon (Naton)
si sa am nga bnwa, kay. He was
assigned to that town, because. (cf. g,
sb, ngay, sgo).
ton, To learn, study, acquire knowledge,
acquaint oneself with; to teach, instruct,
impart knowledge. Nagton si ddto sing
ttlo ka tig. He studied (taught) there
three years. Magton ka sing may kapsan.

tnton trno
Study hard. Mind your books. Tn-i ang
leksyn mo. Learn your lesson. Wal si
sing tinn-an. He has no learning or
education. To nga waly tinn-an. An
illiterate man. A person that lacks polite
breeding. Ind mo pagipaton ang mo
bt sa am nga buluthan. Dont send
your boy to that school. Pinatn-an si
ddto sang maayo nga batsan. He was
taught good manners there. Patn-a si
sin. Make him learn (study) it. Patn-i si
sin. Get someone to teach him that. Son
sang magtoton am man ang mga
gintotn-an. As the master (is), so the
disciples (are). Matmad si magton. He
is too lazy to study. He does not mind his
books. Ginatamarn si sa pagton. He is
not in the humour to study (just at
present). May ttlo si ka bt nga
palatn-an. He has three childrenof the
legal age for attending schoolwhose
education should be taken in hand,who
should be sent to school. (cf. magtoton,
gintotn-an, tinn-an, tuln-an,
manunon; tdl).
tong, Stake, post (of a fence, etc.). See
tong, Cask, barrel, vat, tank, hogs-head,
tun. (cf. barl).
toy, (B) To give a strong flavour to,
season overmuch, put too much salt or
condiment in food, etc.; to permeate, soak,
fill to satiety, surfeit. Natoy kang asn ang
(Nasalpsop (Natmo) sang asn inng)
tosno, hamn, spas, etc. nga di. This
bacon, ham, soup, etc. is too salt. Natoy
(tna) kang (Natm-an si sang) tub. He
is soaked with toddy, i.e. he is drunk. (cf.
ltum, hpug, busg, salpsop, salpsup,
topda, (Sp. topada, topetada) Butting,
bumping, fighting head against head; a
round (of a bull-fight or cock-fight).
tpla, To spit, etc. See tpla, tpra, dpl.
tpo, To follow suit, do the same thing, be
equally able or ready to perform the same
action. Tophi ang lim ka mngmang
nga kon hlad sa seminryo. Do as I have
done; contribute five pesos for the
Seminary like myself. (cf. tpung, sbung,
topk, See tupkto fall (on a battlefield).
topl, Weakness, pains, exhaustion
(consequent on childbirth, etc.); to be or
become weak, etc. Ginatopl si. She is in a
state of exhaustion (after childbirth).
top-tpo, Dim. and Freq. of tpo. Also:
to be about equal, be on a level, be in the
same predicament.
tpra, (B) To spit, expectorate, eject
spittle. (cf. dpl, dur).
tptop, To include all, be sufficient for all,
leave out none, take in all without
exception, cover a whole field, fill all
positions, or the like. Natoptopn sil sang
(sing) tinpay. They were all without
exception given bread. Klang karn ang

mga pr nga nd sil makatptop sang

tann nga mga parkya. There are too few
priests at present so that they cannot fill all
the parishes. Ang malpad nya nga
palangmhan natoptopn sang tub. His
extensive farmland is completely covered
with sugar cane. Madm na ang mga
dlan nga mayo, pang wal pa man
gihpon sin matoptop ang tann nga
mga bnwa. There are now many good
roads in existence, but still not sufficient
yet to reach all the municipalities. (cf.
tpud, tipatp, kmpod, tptup).
tork, (B) The rotten, maggoty, wormeatenpart of a fruit. May tork
(Ginatork) ang mngga nga di. (May
tamsok (Gintamsok) inng ph). This
mango is maggoty.
torakn, (B) Worm-eaten, maggoty,
rotten. Torakn nga mngga. (Tamaskon
(Masakitn) nga ph). A maggoty mango.
Bklon ko rad ding mga mngga mo,
pay bl-on gid nay ang mga kmay,
hang kag torakn. (Bklon ko knt
inng mga ph mo, pang kuhon gid
nay ang mga maggmay, lang kag
tamaskon). I should like to buy these
mangoes of yours, but all those that are
very small, bruised or worm-eaten (rotten)
must be removed first. (cf. tinamsok;
hang, langbruised; lanng, tanng
torn, (B) Perhaps, maybe, perchance,
possibly, Who knows? Who can tell! (cf.
yhan, bs, kaby, dmlag).
torawk, torwik, A squeak, squeal,
scream, shriek, howl, yell; to squeak,
squeal, etc. (cf. talawk, iygak, tiybaw,
tiyngak, siagt).
tre, (Sp. torre) Tower, turret, steeple,
castle, fort; rook, castle (in chess).
torte, (Sp. torete) A young bull, steer; a
calf of from one to two years of age. (cf.
torl, (Sp. toril) Cattle-pen, enclosure for
cattle. (cf. pasilongn sang mga hyup).
toryo, (Sp. toreo) Bull-fighting.
tornda,o, (Sp. tornar) Crazy, having
ones mind unsettled, having ones head
turned, not all there, out of ones wits,
foolish, silly. (cf. kulngkulng, kolkol,
pungg etc.).
torno, (Sp. torneo) Tournament,
tourney, contest, competitive games. (cf.
paindsndis, palumblmb, padagnay).
tornlyo, (Sp. tornillo) Screw; screwpropeller. (cf. dirskas).
tornlyo, A pastime. See under kbung.
tornyo, See torno, tornlyo.
trno, (Sp. turno) Turn, successive
opportunity; to get ones turn, be in line,
have ones chance or opportunity. Akon
(kong, kon ang) trno karn. Its my
turn now. (cf. buls, bulsblus, tka).


trno trintsra
trno, (Sp. torno) A lathe; to turn or
shape by a lathe; anything shaped by
rotation, as balusters, legs of chairs, etc.
tro, (Sp. toro) Bull, steer.
tormpo, A spinning top. See trmpo,
tororokn, tururukn, (B) Worth
while to be seen or looked at. (cf.
torotagwlo, (B) One who has no
permanent residence, who constantly
changes his place of abode; a traveller,
vagabond, vagrant. (cf. lagwlgaw,
manglalagyaw; taratagwlo id.).
tor-tro, Dim. of tro. Also: the hump
(hunch) on the neck of a bull or other
animal. Also: to thrash, punish severely,
maltreat with blows and kicks. Kon
mabtan kon nla ang nagapangwat
(nagapangawt) sang bnga sang la mga
tanm tortorhon nla sa waly
duhdha. They say that, if they can get
hold of the person who steals their crops
theylldrub him,beat him black and
blue, give him a hiding,tan his hide. (cf.
tartri, bakbka, pkas).
tortot, A kind of whistle generally made
from the leaves of the coconut palm.
Pahnya ang tortot mo. Blow your
whistle. Metaphorically: Daw tortot ang
bul nya. He is bending down low and
running very fast. Ummbak si kag
dyon ang tortot sang bul nya sang
dalgan pa baly. He jumped down and at
once made off for home at full speed.
(turtut id.).
trpe, (Sp. torpe) Slow, dull, stupid;
indecent, infamous, lewd, obscene,
lascivious. (cf. bndul, pungg,
kulngkulng; malw-ay, mahgk,
torsdo, (Sp. torcido) Twisted, twined,
wound. (cf. labg, linbid).
trsi, torsr, (Sp. torcer) To twist, twine,
wind, give a turn or two. (cf. lbag, lbag,
trso, (Sp. torso) Trunk of the human
body; trunk or body of a statue. (cf. lwas,
trta, (Sp. torta) Cake. (cf. mamn).
tortlya, (Sp. tortilla) Omelet, pancake.
tosno, (Sp. tocino) Bacon.
tslok, To prod, prick, make a lunge at, to
thrust, drive at with any pointed object, as
a stick, tool, weapon, needle, etc. (cf.
tslok, tisk, tslok).
tsmog, See tsmugto dip in, immerse,
tso, To be or become unreliable,
untrustworthy, faithless, unfaithful, false,
cheating, not fulfilling ones contract or
engagement, not keeping ones promise.
(cf. matso).
tsta, (Sp. tosta) Toast; to toast, roast.
Tostah ang tinpay. Toast the bread.


Visayan-English Dictionary
tstos, To knead, rub, compress, massage
(the body of a person in a swoon, or the
like). Tostos si. Massage him. (cf. hlot,
bnyos, bntil, pis, etc.).
totl, (Sp. total) Total, sum, footing, all in
all; upshot, outcome, result, sum and
substance, end, conclusion. Ang totl
manginttlo ka mngmang kag lim ka
dak. The total amounts to three pesos and
five centavos. Ang totl nga nd si
magabt. The sum and substance is that he
will not come. (cf. sma, tingb;
tt, A little boy, darling boy, small male
child, infant-boy, baby-boy.
tot, The vocative of tt.
tt, To cut off, break down, a branch
that is bearing fruit or flowers, as a fruitladen branch of the kamnsil-tree, etc., to
beat or strike down fruit, etc. with a pole or
stick. Dl nnyo pagtton ang bnga
sang dldul, knd dugson nnyo sing
mahnay. Dont strike down the capsules of
the kapok-tree, but gather them gently with
hook and pole. Tton ta na lang inng
dak nga sang sang kamnsil, kay
mabdlay ang magpanngit (pagpanngit,
nagapanngit). Let us break down that
large branch of the kamnsil-tree, because
it is too tiresome to gather the fruit with
pole and hook. (cf. sngg, bngg, tud;
pakg, pamakg).
tot, To beat, strike, punch, pound (as
with a pestle). See bay. Totoh, ttwa
equivalent to bayoh, byha, bywa.
totnlan, Gullet, throat. See tutnlan.
toto, tot-o, True, real, actual,
truthful, reliable, veritable, sure, certain.
(cf. tod, matod).
toty, Pup, puppy, whelp, young dog. (cf.
ttoy, To call pups together, to call toty,
tytoy, To support, guide, lead, take hold
of anothers arm and show him the way.
Toytoy ang lamn. Lead the blind man.
Nangintytoy nla si. He became their
support (guide, leader). (cf. aguby; for
guiding (in general), showing the way,
pointing out the road, etc. tdl ang ga
(Sp. guiar) are more in use).
tytoy, To menace with, threaten with (by
exhibiting, or pointing at, the road, etc.).
Nno ang sal sinng bt nga
ginapaypayn kag ginatoytoyn sang
bilogn?Naglangy ddto sa lnaw ngga
wal makalisnsya (nga wal sing
pahangut). What has that boy done that
the whip is being threateningly flourished
before him?He has swum in the pool
without permission.
trabahadr, (Sp. trabajador) Workman,
worker, labourer, navvy; a good worker,
one who works well and diligently. (cf.

trabho, trabahr, (Sp. trabajo,

trabajar) Work, toil, employment, pursuit,
business, drudgery, job, task, labour,
occupation; to work, do work, labour, toil,
drudge. (cf. pangabdlay, pamgon,
trabesya, (Sp. travesa) Cross-road,
zigzag; disadvantage, danger (as in
gambling, speculation, or the like); to
zigzag, go, move, advancein a zigzag;
to expose oneself to danger. Nagtrabesya
kam sing malwig dir sa baklod, kay
nagtlang kam sa dlan. We were
zigzagging there on the hill for a long time,
for we had missed the road. Silng nla,
inng negsyo wal sing trabesya. (Son
sa la ang am nga palatikngan wal gid
sing katalgman). According to them there
is no risk (danger) involved in that
business. (cf. rirrr).
tradisyn, (Sp. tradicin) Tradition.
traduksyn, (Sp. traduccin)
Translation, version, interpretation. (cf.
hud, sylo, wan (hinud, sinylo,
traidr, (Sp. traidor) Traitor, betrayer.
(cf. malub, mabdh).
trak, Truck; motorbus, motorlorry,
trmpas, Very frank, open,
straightforward, outspoken, not mincing
words, calling a spade a spade. (trngkas
trngkas, See trmpas.
transpernsya, (Sp. transferencia)
Transfer, transference, especially a
document for the transfer of registered
cattle, etc. (cf. paalnton).
transprte, (Sp. transporte) Transport,
transportation, conveyance. (cf. dal,
hatd, dl-ung).
trapl, See taraplan oil-cloth.
trpo, (Sp. trapo) Mop, rag, tatter, swob,
swab, duster, dish-cloth. (cf. lapt).
trenslyas, (Sp. trencilla) Braid; to trim
with braid.
treplya, (From the Sp. tripa) The small
intestines of a pig. The treplya are smaller
than the tini. The latter are much used for
the making of sausages, the former not.
trbol, (Sp. trbol) Trefoil, clover,
trgo, (Sp. trigo) Wheat; corn; quaker
trngka, See tarngkato tighten, etc.
trinidd, (Sp. trinidd) Trinity. Ang
Santsima Trinidd. The Blessed Trinity.
(cf. pagkattlo).
trnka, See trngka.
trintsra, (Sp. trinchera) Trench,
intrenchment, bulwark, line of defence. (cf.
kalg, labangn, palalpdan,
palamakurn, balurte).

Visayan-English Dictionary
tro, (Sp. trio) Trio, a musical composition
to be sung by three voices; performers or
singers of a trio.
trpa, trpas, (Sp. tripa) Intestine, gut,
bowels, viscera. (cf. tini, kasdlan).
trishyo, (Sp. trisagio) Trisagion,
Tersanctus, a short hymn or respond in
praise of the Three Persons of the Blessed
trogmasn, Cipher, code, secret writing.
See progmasn id.
trompisn, (Sp. trompis) A blow with the
fist. But in Visayan almost exclusively used
in the meaning: to struggle, make frantic
efforts to escape or get free, to kick, make
convulsive movements to gain ones
freedom, etc. (cf. rmpwal, kbyal, hiwas,
plak, plok).
trompta, (Sp. trompeta) Trumpet, bugle;
trumpeter, bugler.
trmpo, (Sp. trompo) A peg-top,
spinning-top, whipping-top; a pawn in the
game of chess. Ang trmpo may puy ang
kasng wal. The trmpo has a sharp
(metal) point, the kasng has not. (cf.
kasng, tormpo).
trno, (Sp. trono) Throne, dais, seat of
power, royal dignity. (cf. pongkan,
lingkran, lingkornan nga harinon).
trpas, (Sp. tropa) Troops, soldiers, army.
(cf. mangangawy).
trso, (Sp. trozo) Chunk, chump, piece,
bit, fragment, log, block, a rather short and
thick piece of anything. (cf. pidso, bhin,
blog, tabln, dngkul, lipk, binklan).
trte, (Sp. trote) Trot. (cf. tarti).
ts, (Chinese-Spanish: cha) Tea.
tsakta, (Sp. chaqueta) Coat, especially a
black coat. (cf. sko, amerikna).
tsarra, Tea-pot, tea-kettle. (cf. tsa,
tsarl, (Sp. charol) Patent leather;
Japanese varnish.
tsaskro, (From the Sp. chasco) A jester,
joker, clown, buffoon. (cf. uslitn,
lahglahogn, payso, trso, alakyo).
tssko, (Sp. chasco) Joke, fun; trick. (cf.
uslt, nt, lahg).
tske, (Sp. cheque) Check, sight draft,
order on a bank for money.
tsko, (Sp. chico) Sapodilla, naseberry,
both the tree and its fruit that is highly
esteemed on account of its delicious
sweetness; chico. Chicle gum is obtained
from the tree.
tsintsro, Seine, fishing net. See sinsro.
tsitsarn, Lard scrap, crackling. See
sitsarn. (cf. tolph).
tsper, Chauffeur, autoor truckdriver.
(cf. sapyr).
tstso, (Sp. chocho) Childish, silly,
trifling. (cf. uliann, ayopka, urumnon).
tsri, A term of contempt or of anger: Fie
upon you! What a mess! Such nonsense!
What folly! etc. Tsri mo magsilng sin.
You are a fool to say so. Tsri mo

tro tbas
mangahs ka sa pagsilng nga mapapl
ka sa pagkapanglo-pud, singgi wal
ka sing namasngan. What folly and
audacity to say, that you will be a candidate
for Provincial Governor, when you have no
capacity whatsoever. (cf. hitsra, sri).
tad, See twadto gallop.
tud, To bow down very low, bend ones
back; to obey, follow, do what another tells;
to turn ones back upon; acknowledge ones
guilt or fault, confess, own to. (cf. tuwd
id.; konpesr; pti, tman).
tak, To have a long fight, fight it out,
fight to a finish, said especially of cocks.
Patuka lang inng duh ka (mank)
sulg. Just let the two cocks fight it out. (cf.
tuk-tak, Dim. and Freq. of tak. (cf.
tulya, (Sp. toalla) Towel, wiper, wiping
cloth, bath-towel. (cf. sbin).
tung, Partner, companion, mate, helper,
assistant; second godparent (godfather,
godmother) at baptism; to be or become a
partner, etc.; to bear or lend a hand, take a
hand in, help, assist, aid, second. Sn-o ang
tung mo? Who is yourcompanion?
assistant?mate?helper? May tung
bal? Will there be (Has there been) a
second godparent? Tuang ak sinng
tabungs nga nasdlan sang lgan, kay
dl-on ko sa suld. Lend me a hand to lift
this basketful of beans, for I want to carry it
inside. Kon wal si matuang sang am
nga kabg-at nga sko, wal nya madal
sa ibbaw sang baly. If no one had
helped him, Without help, he could not
have carried that heavy sack upstairs.
Ipatung ko sa ya si Hos. Ill get
Joseph, Ill send for Joseph, to help
him. Pangitan ko ikw sing tung. Ill
find you an assistant. (cf. tmbang, blig,
tbang, sang, kaluy).
tung-tang, To carry on a pole across
the shoulder, balance on a pole.
Tungtungan mo inng duh ka bakg.
Carry these two baskets on a pole across
your shoulder. (cf. tung; yyong; psan).
tung-tuangn, A carrying (carriers)
pole, usually a strong piece of split bamboo.
It is slightly curved, broadest in the middle
and tapering towards the two notched or
(and) pegged ends. (cf. pngga,
tus, To tip up or over; to teeter, see-saw.
Ind ka magpngk dir, kay bs matus
ang tp. Dont sit (down) there, for the
board might tip up, (perhaps the board will
tip up).
tus-tus, Dim. and Freq. of tus. A seesaw, teeter-board; to see-saw, teeter.
tutog, (Probably from Chinese) Tall,
high, large. (cf. matas, lntyog).
tuw, To appear suddenly, show
unexpectedly. (cf. tuhw, lhot).

taw, tuw, To cry out (aloud), shout, to

speak loudly (in a loud voice), raise ones
voice. Itaw (Ituw) ang tngug mo. Raise
your voice. Shout. (cf. snggit, turayw,
tuy, Clam; clam-shell.
tuy-tay, The knee-cap, patella.
(tuwytway id.).
tub, Palm-wine, toddy, the (fermented)
sap that trickles from the lopped fruit-stalk
of the coconut palm. Tub nga agahn
(haponn). Toddy collected in the morning
(afternoon). Ibutng mo lang ang ya sin
nga hmbal sa tub. Put his words down to
the toddy i.e. excuse him, because he was
drunk when he said it.
tub, To fell, cut down, cut (i.e. sever and
take away, as a bunch of) bananas, etc.
Tb-on mo ang sging (sb-a). Cut down
the banana-tree. Tb-i ak sing is ka
blig. Cut down for me one bunch of
bananas. Tinb-an nya ak sing anono
(sb-a) nga glang. He cut down some
ripe anono bananas for me. (cf. taps,
pkan, puld).
tub, (B) To cross a river or brook, to ford,
go over to the other side of a valley, canal,
etc. Sa igtub. On the other (further) side,
across the river or valley. (cf. tabk).
tba, To catch fish by vitiating the water,
to put poisonous leaves, herbs, shrubs, etc,
in the water in order to benumb the fish or
to kill them; to use explosives (dynamite) in
fishing. (cf. lgtang, panba).
tba, To fuddle, befuddle, make dizzy or
drunk. Natba (Nagkatba) si sang bno.
He is (was) befuddled with wine. Ang laks
nga paginm nagtba sa ya. Too much
drink made him dizzy. (cf. hubg, balng,
lngin, lingn, toy).
tuban, Having, yielding, abounding
in (with)tub (palm-wine), producing
much toddy.
tbal, To fill to repletion, to surfeit, sate,
glut, cloy. Natbal ang ya ginhwa sang
kon sang sd. He was in a state of
repletion from eating fish. (cf. tbal, busg,
tubalng, The form patubalng is mostly
used, which see.
tubs, The time after the harvest, the
season following the rice-harvest, harvesthome, when the harvest has been homed;
harvested, gathered, homed. Bayran ko
ikw sa tubs. I shall pay you after the
rice-harvest. Tubs na ang ni. The riceharvest is over. The rice crop has been
homed (gathered). (cf. patubs).
tbas, To separate from the ears, cause to
fall out, spoil (said of cereals). Natbas
(Nagkatbas) ang humy sa uhy, kay
nalapkan sang kabyo. The rice was
spoilt, because it was trampled by horses.
Ang bgyo nagtbas (nagpatbas) sang
humy. The hurricane spoilt the rice-crop
(by shaking (separating) the ripe grain


tb-as tubng
from the ear). Natbas ang humy sinng
talmnan, kay wal pagnya sang tagya.
(Natbas ang pray sa tarmnan nga di,
hay war nagnya kang tagya). The rice
was spoiled (spoilt) in this field, because
the owner did not harvest it in time.
tb-as, To abandon, neglect, expose to
the elements, to dangers, etc. Ang la baly
natb-as (nagkatb-as) lang. Their house
was abandoned. Natb-as lang ang bka
sa latagn. The cow was left out in the
open exposed to the elements.
Nagpalatb-as sil sa uln. They were out
in the rain. Matb-as gid lang ang baly
nga wal pagapuy-i sang to. An
uninhabited house will collapse through
neglect. A house where nobody lives will be
at the mercy of the weather.
tuby, (B) To attend on (upon), to look
after, wait upon (visitors, etc.); to attend to,
pay (give) attention (heed) to, to heed,
mind, be attentive to, be mindful or heedful
of. Tubay snda. (Tatpa sil). Attend
(Wait) on them. Look after them. War
(tna) magtuby kang hinmbal ko.
(Wal si magsapk sang kon nga
hinmbal). He paid no attention to what I
said. (cf. sapk, saht, ttap, ripra,
tbdan, From tubdto trickle, flow, etc.
tubro, (From tub and the Sp. suffix ero) A seller or vender of, a dealer in,
palmwine (toddy). (cf. mananggtia
collector or gatherer of palmwine).
tbhan, For tubuhn, tubohn from
tubto grow sugar cane, etc.
tb, Water, etc. See tbig.
tbig, Water, watery liquid; to be or
become watery, to melt, dissolve, liquefy
(of salt, sugar, ice, etc.); to water, irrigate,
mix with, add, put in, water. Tbig
nga ilmnon. Drinking water. Nagtbig na
ang tann nga ylo. All the iceis gone,
has melted. Amlig gid ang asn, agd nd
magtbig sa tinglan. Take good care of
the salt or it will dissolve (liquefy) during)
the rainy season. Tubgi ang klon. Put
some water in the rice-kettle. Pamulkan
nga tinubigan. An irrigated garden.
Pinatubgan ang ya talmnan. He
irrigated his rice land. Gintubgan ko ang
spas, kay tm kanit. I added some
water to the soup, because it was so hot. (cf.
tinubgan tinubign, tubgtbig, bnyag,
tubgon, Watery, pertaining to water;
flooded, marshy, boggy, fenny, morassy,
swampy; slushy, miry. (cf. tbig).
tubg-tbig, Dim. and Freq. of tbig.
Also: a kind of game identical with
tinubign, which see. Nagahmpang sil
sang tubgtbig. They are playing the
tub-tbi, To abuse, treat ill, mistreat,
scorn, despise. (cf. tmay, ahgahg, pgos,
tbkan, From tubkto pin, etc.


Visayan-English Dictionary
tblag, Disturbance, disorder, confusion,
trouble; to disturb, molest, disorder,
confuse, derange, disarrange, discompose.
Ind mo kam pagtublagn dir. Dont
disturb us here.
tblok, To prick, prod, sting. See tslok,
tisk, tslok, tubk.
tublk-lwi, tubloklwi, One who
excites, urges on, sets on, stimulates,
animates, encourages, enrages others, so
that they may quarrel, fight, or the like;
inciter, instigator, setter-on, stirrer-up,
promoter; a gossip, scandal-monger, talebearer, telltale, long-tongue, cackler; a
happy-go-lucky, thoughtless fellow. Ind ka
magpti sa ya, kaydaw si Tubloklwi,
tubloklwi in si. Dont believe him,
because he isa stirrer-up of strife,a
great gossip or scandal-monger,a goodfor-nothing fellow. (cf. tblokto prick;
lwithe long curved tail-feathers of a
cock; dus-btong; sgyot, stsot).
tblon, Costive, liable or subject to
constipation. Also the future passive voice
of tublto constipate.
tbo, (Sp. tubo) Tube, pipe, hollow
cylinder; lamp chimney.
tub, Sugar cane; to grow or plant sugar
cane. Mayo karn ang pagtb sang
tub. The sugar cane is growing well at
present. Inng dt pagatubuhn
(pagatbhan) ko sa madasn nga tig.
Next year I shall plant sugar cane in this
field. Yanng um dl mayo nga
matbhan, knd tmnan lang sang ibn
nga mga talamnnon. That land is no good
for sugar cane planting, but shall be
planted with other crops. (cf. katbhan,
tb, A small plate or mat made of woven
bamboo splints. Rice and other eatables are
often served on such a plate. (cf. simt).
tub, Being of equal age, existing from the
same time, coeval, contemporary. (cf.
katb id.).
tb, Growth, increase, augmentation,
development; interest, premium paid for
the use of money, etc.; to grow, increase,
augment, become larger or stronger or
more advanced, to extend, wax. Nagtb
si sing mayo kag nagbskug. He grew
up healthy and strong. Ang is ka
pamulkan nga wal pagatatpa sing
mayo matuban sing madal sang
madm nga hilamn. A garden that is not
well taken care of will soon be overgrown
with weeds. Inng bt wal pa pagtubi
sing but. This child has not yet come to
the use of reason. Mayo ang pagtb
sinng tub. This sugar cane is growing
well. Ang bg-ong tb. The fresh, new
growth. The new or young generation. Pil
ang ibyad mo nga tb sa plak nga
ginhulm mo sa ya? How much interest
do you pay on the money you borrowed
from him? (cf. natuban, tinb, kinatb,
patb, pask).

tb-ok, To shoot up, to blaze, flame up,

flare up, rise high, roar (of flames). Ang
kalyo nagatb-ok sa lngit. The fire is
shooting up to the sky. Patub-ok ang
kalyo. Cause the fire to burn brightly.
Make the fire blaze. (cf. tok, tb-ok,
timbok, bwal).
tubk, To submit, yield, surrender, give
way, but mostly used with pa- prefixed and
in a negative sentence. Ind si
magpatubk. He wont give in. He will not
back down. (cf. paspil, padag, paubg,
tubk, (B) A pin, peg, bolt, small piece of
metal, bamboo, wood, etc. used for
fastening together separate articles; to pin
(up). Tbki (Tubok) ang by na. (Sbti
ang ya by). Pin up her dress. (cf. sibt,
tisk, tslok, etc.).
tbsan, tbson, From tubsto
redeem; from tubsharvest, etc.
tbtub, Until, till, up to, to, unto, as far
as. Ktub sangtbtub sa. From
until (till, to). Tbtub karn wal pa
si magabt. Up to this time he has not
come yet. (cf. tdtod, sta).
tbtub, Even, quite, to such an extent, in
such a degree. Mabskug gid ang bgyo
nga tbtub ang ibn nga mga dalgk
nga baly nagkalapkan. The storm was
so fierce that even some of the large houses
were blown down.
tubd, To distil, trickle, ooze out, drop,
drip, dribble, flow in drops. Nagatubd
ang (tbig sa) alhbi. The water-tank is
leaky (leaking). The water is trickling from
the tank. (cf. tl).
tubudn, (B) Spring, source, origin. See
tuburn id.
tubg, (B) Throat, swallow, gullet. War
(tna) makalimg, hay nag sa tubg.
(Wal si makasabt, kay nag sa ugt
(tutnlan)). He could say nothing, for he
was hit in the throat i.e. he could not give a
satisfactory answer. (cf. tutnlan, log).
tubg, To wallow, welter, bathe, lie
sprawling, roll over, toss to and fro, as a
buffalo in a mudhole, etc. Ang karabw
nagatubg sa tulgban. The buffalo is
bathing in the wallow. The buffalo is
wallowing in the mudhole. (cf. tulgbana
tbuk, To shoot up, rise, etc. See tb-ok,
timbok, alintab, sbwal, etc.
tubl, Costiveness, constipation, a hard
stool; to harden, cause constipation.
Ginatubl si. He is suffering from
costiveness. He is constipated. Tinubl si.
He became constipated or costive. Tblon
nga to. A person that is often subject to
constipation. Ind ka magkon sin kay
bs tblon ikw. Dont eat that, because it
may give you constipation.
tubn-ak, See tabn-aka kind of reed.
tubng, A farmers weather-rule, weather
forecast, peasants maxim. Many believe

Visayan-English Dictionary
that the weather during the first twelve
days of January somehow forecasts the
weather for the whole year. The second day
of January is called the tubng of
February, the third the tubng of March,
the fourth the tubng of April and so on.
Kon maguln sa ikpat ka dlaw sang
Enro magauln man sa blan sa Abril,
kay naulann man ang ya sin nga
tubng. If it rains on the fourth day of
January there will be rain in April, because
it rained on the day that forecasts the
weather for April.
tubng, Probably the same as the
foregoing tubng, as there is usually much
less rain during the tubng than during the
months corresponding to the tubng. The
phrase Wal si bisn lmang sa tubng
ni Fulno, etc. means: He is not fit to
hold a candle to N.N.. (cf. haldhid).
tubng, (B) To dig, hoe (with a dibble,
spade or shovel, etc.), to till the soil. An
ang bra na?Tubng. (Nno ang ya
pangt?Bkhay sang dt). What is his
occupation?Digging i.e. farming. (cf.
bkhay, sadl, pangma).
tbung, To take to market, etc. See
tbung, Betting, wagering; to bet, make a
bet, wager, lay a wager, back (a person,
horse, etc.), particularly applied to private
(unrecorded) bettings at a race, in the
cockpit, at a gambling table, etc. Sn-o ang
gintubngan (tinubngan) mo? Whom did
you back? Nagtubungy sil. They have
made a bet. (cf. psta, patd).
tubng, tbung, To throw in for luck,
give a bakers dozen, etc. (See bong,
man, tmba, tmban).
tuburn, (H) Source, spring, beginning,
origin, fountain. (cf. tubd).
tubs, To redeem, ransom, atone for,
liberate, set free, reclaim, regain, recover,
rescue. Gintubs kit ni Hesukrsto. We
were redeemed by Jesus Christ. Ang mga
tinubs sang haml nga dug ni
Hesukrsto. Those redeemed by the
precious blood of Jesus Christ. Tbsa
(Tubus) sia. Redeem him. Set him free (by
paying his debt, fine, etc.). Rescue him. (cf.
lus, bw).
tubs-tbus, Dim. and Freq. of tubs
to redeem, etc.
tubs-tbus, To do something very
leisurely or by slow degrees, as emptying a
glass by taking a drink from time to time,
finishing a meal at ones leisure, take ones
time ending a job, etc. (cf. urtrut,
td, To venture abroad, see to a thing
oneself, do a thing oneself, execute in
person, do something personally and not
through a servant or friend. (cf. gnaw,
kdaw, sdsud).
tdag, To step in, put ones foot in, walk
over, trample down, stumble into, get
involved or mixed up with (carelessly,

tubng tugs
thoughtlessly, by chance, fortuitously). (cf.
tdag, tsak, etc.).
td-an, From tod (matod). Namatdan na ang am nga balt, ang ya sal
etc. That report has now beenverified,
shown to be true,found to be Correct, his
guilt (fault, crime) has been proved, etc.
Kon mamatd-an in. If thatcan be
proved (shown to be true),is the case,is
correct. In that case (eventuality).
tud-td, Dim. and Freq. of td. Also:
to perform, execute, bring about, procure.
(cf. paht, patigyon, patga).
tdhon, Having a large knee; having a
sore knee. (cf. thud).
tdkan, From tudk, turkto penetrate,
enter deep.
tdlak, The first seed or seedling; to plant
(the first seed), begin (start, commence)
planting. (cf. tdlak, pandlak).
tdlan, tudlnay, From tuldto push,
tdling, The second ploughing of a cornfield; to plough between the rows of
growing corn, or the like. Tudling ang
mas. Loosen up the earth by ploughing
between the rows of growing corn.
tdl, Finger, digit, toe; teaching,
instruction, injunction; to point out,
indicate, show, direct; to teach, inform,
impart knowledge or information, educate,
instruct, correct anothers conduct. Ang
mga tdl sang kamt. The fingers. Ang
mga tdl sang til. The toes. In tdl gid
sang Dis. This, indeed, is the finger of
God. Tudlo si. Teach him. Instruct him.
Tudlo ak sang dlan pakdto sa.
Itdl sa kon ang dlan pakdto sa.
Tell me the way to. Point out to me the
way or road to. Wal nya pagitdl sa
ya mga ank ang mayo nga batsan. He
did not teach his children good behaviour
(manners and right conduct). May sarng
ikw matdl sa kon nga mga to nga
makahibal magbhat sin? Can you show
me some men that know how to do it
(that)? Wal si matudlo sing mayo, kay
wal sing nagtdl sa ya. He was not well
instructed, because no one had taught him.
Itdl ko kuntn sa ya ang taks nya
buhton, pang nd si magpatdl. I
would gladly point out to him what he
should do, but he is averse to being taught.
Kon nd ka magpatdl sa kon
pagaipatdl ko ikw sa kay ttay. If you
dont want to be taught by me, Ill hand you
over to father for instruction. Tindl nya
sa kon si Fulno kag sumilng: . He
pointed out to me N.N. and said .
Malam na si; wal na ak sing ikatdl
sa ya. He is well instructed now; I cannot
teach him any more. (cf. tud, tod,
tuldl, manundl, pandl).
tdl sang dalga, A kind of banana.
tudlotdarga, (B) See tdl sang
tud, (B) See tod id. (cf. tdl).

tuds, See tods id.

tdtud, Until; fretted; to perform well; to
pluck, etc. See tdtod.
tudk, (B) Deep, penetrating, innermost;
to enter deep, penetrate, sink deep into.
Nagtudk sa ya tagiposon ang hinmbal
sang ya ily. The words of his mother
sank deep into his heart. Tudk sa
tagiposon. Piercing the heart, penetrating
deep into the heart, transfixing the heart.
(cf. turk id.).
tga, To make, create, bring about,
produce. Gintga sang Dis ang lngit kag
dt. God created heaven and earth. (cf.
bhat, hm).
tga, (B) Until, etc. See tga, tdtod,
tug, (B) To promise, vow, declare. (cf.
tugbang, See tagbanga vegetable
tugdlum, See tigdlum.
tugadlman, One who possesses or
wears the charm (amulet, talisman) called
tigdlum, by virtue of which he can make
himself invisible, (tigadlman id.).
tugk, Loose, slack, remiss, shaky, not
tight or taut; to loosen, be or become loose,
to slacken. Tugak sing ditay ang ps, dl
mo paghgton sing tm. Loosen the
string a little, dont make it too tight.
Kaby (pa) nga nd magtugk ang la
mga paningh. May they not slacken
their efforts. Tugk na lang ang ya
paglum nga. He is not in great hopes
any longer of. He has almost given up
all hope of. (cf. hugk, halg).
tuglb, (H) To change, alter, adapt,
transform (garments so as to make them fit
another person, etc.). Tugalbo ang by
ko kag ipaby sa bt. Change my jacket
and make it fit the boy. (cf. hlw).
tuglp, Fizzle; to detonate with a weak
report, to fizz out, fizzle (out), emit a dull
boom; weak; dull, not loud or far-reaching,
(of the report of a gun, etc.). Sa ttlo nla
ka lupk duh lmang ang matnug, is
ang tuglp. Of their three shots only two
detonated properly, one merely fizzed out.
(cf. blhot brhot, sungw, dmatnug).
tg-an, Promise, declaration,
undertaking, word, pledge, engagement; to
promise, undertake to, engage to, bind,
pledge, commit, oneself to, give,
pass, pledge, plight, onesword,
honour,credit. Gintug-ann ak nya
sin. He has promised me that. Kon an
ang mo natg-an tumnon mo. What you
have promised you should perform, fulfil.
Itg-an mo sa kon nga. Give me your
word of honour that. (cf. tug; sad).
tugs, The heart-wood, the hard part of a
tree, wood thoroughly mature (ripe) and
seasoned. (cf. bkalalburnum, sap-wood,
the soft or outer part of a tree, often also


tugsan tgpa
different in colour from the hard or inner
part of wood).
tugsan, Having heart-wood, well
matured or seasoned, said of wood; strong,
robust, powerful, solid, firm, mighty (of
persons, families, nations, etc.).
tugw, See tugk, hugk.
tugw, To lose colour, become brittle,
said of hemp-fibre, etc. (cf. tapk).
tugwh, To fall down head foremost,
lose ones balance and fall down prone.
Ind ka maggwa sa bintn, kay bs
makatugwh ikw. Dont look out of the
window, for you might fall out. (cf.
tgban, tgbon, From tubgto
wallow and from tugbto fill, etc.
tgbong, To enter, fill (with water, etc.).
Natgbong sang tbig ang ya dalnggan.
His ears were filled with water.
tgbong, To deal (sell, buy) at market,
take to market, put up for sale in a market,
to market, go marketing. Itgbong mo lang
sa Ogtng ang mo dgmay. Take your
dgmay to the market at Oton. Market
your dgmay at Oton. Ang mon tinda
ginatugbongn sa gihpon sing madm
nga balalgy. A large variety of
merchandise is sent to our market. Many
goods are disposed of (sold, bought) at our
market. Matgbong man ikw? Are you
too going to market? (tbung id.).
tgbong, To buy in the open market,
especially said of fresh fish. The form
pangbong is mostly used: to go in search
of fresh fish, etc. Kahpon nangbung
kam, pang wal kam makabakl sing
sd, kay ditay kayo ang shot.
Yesterday we went out to buy fresh fish, but
we couldnt get any, as the catch had been
so very small. Mangbung
(magapangbung) kit bus sa ga pa
gid, agd bs pa lang kon makaay kit
sing ditay nga sd gkan sa prte sang
mga bso. Early tomorrow morning we
shall go in search of fresh fish; we hope to
obtain some by entreaty from the divers
tgd, To add to the length of, to
lengthen, prolong, continue, tie or fasten to
by knotting, etc.; to step in, put in a word,
take part in a conversation, join in. Tugda
ang kalt. Add another piece to the rope.
Lengthen the rope. Itgd inng is ka ps
sa kalt. Add this cord (string) to the rope.
Tumgd na man si Fulno sa pagsilng:
. N.N. now stepped forward saying:
. (cf. sgpon, salgbat).
tgdang, To cause to sink, sink, immerse,
submerge, commit to the deep, throw
overboard, jettison; to sink (down), sink
(go) to the bottom, become engulfed, be
swallowed up, be submerged in, plunge in;
to greatly surpass, outdo, worst, vanquish.
Gintgdang nla ang tann nga mga llan
nga mabg-at, kay ginkatahpan nla nga
matgdang (magkatgdang) ang


Visayan-English Dictionary
sakayn. They threw all the heavy luggage
overboard, because they were afraid that
the boat might sink (founder). Kag sang
nagakatgdang si nagsnggit si sa
pagsilng: Gino, luas ak. And when
he began to sink, he cried out, saying:
Lord, save me. Maghanshnas ka gid,
agd makatgdang ka sa ya (matgdang
mo si). Train yourself well so that you may
be able to worst him. Sa natugdangn
sang sakayn. On the spot where the
boat had sunk. (cf. lgdang, tgbong;
ltus, dag).
tgd, See tgdshoot, sprout, etc.
tgduk, See tgdukto drive in, plant.
tghan, For tughan from tgato
create, make.
tughapn, Eve, vigil, day before a feast or
celebration of any kind; to leave in the
afternoon for a feast, etc. that is going to be
celebrated next day. Kon mamista kam
sa la pndut mayo nga magtughapn
kam kag nd magpamka (magbgtaw).
If you wish to be present at their feast it
would be better for you to (you had better)
leave here the afternoon before and not
early in the morning of the day itself. (cf.
hpon, bsperas).
tghod, See tghoda kind of fish.
tghung, To pour in, put in liquids,
infuse, fill with. Tughung ang sug sing
ags. Fill the lamp with kerosene. Pour
some oil in the lamp. Itghung sa kon
bso yanng bno. Pour that wine into my
glass. Tughung ang ling nga und
sang tbig. Add water to the boiling
(boiled) meat. Natughungn na ang
paligosn sing tbig. The bath-tub is now
full of water. (cf. bb, tgis, tayn, hog,
tgian, To commit to, entrust to, confide
to the care of, leave in anothers hands,
commit toa persons charge,the hands
of, deliver in trust, assign, consign to,
deposit with, commend to; to counsel,
advise, recommend. Itgian mo sa ya in.
Tugiann mo si sin. Confide that to his
care. Entrust him with that. Sang but na
si magsaky pa Manl gintgian nya
ang ya bt sa kay Pdro nga tud nya.
When he was about to embark for Manila
he left his child in the hands of Peter, his
brother. Nno ang ya ginatgian? What
does he recommend? What is his advice?
Tinugiann ko si sa pagtnghol sa mo
sang am nga sult. I entrusted him with
that letter, confident that he would deliver
it into your hands, (cf. pangyan, blin,
tgkay, To stick the handle of a ladle,
fork or spoon, a piece of bamboo, or the
like, into rice or other food fresh from the
pot, so that the steam may escape more
freely. Tugkay sang tenedr ang kn-on
sa klon. Stick the fork in the rice in the
kettle. Itgkay ang lug sa ting-ang.

Stand the ladle in the freshly cooked rice.

(cf. kalkad).
tgma, To solve riddles, etc. See tgma.
tgmaw, Immersion, submersion; to
immerse, submerge, dip in, put in water,
soak, drench, sop, plunge into a liquid.
Itgmaw sa tnt ang mo plma. Dip your
pen in the ink. (cf. tsmug, tgnod, tmoy, lnud; lgdang, tgdang).
tgmok, To press down (upon), to stamp,
impress with a mark, pinch. Itgmok ang
kamomo mo dir sa papl. Imprint your
thumb-mark, Press your thumb, here
on the paper. (cf. tmbok, tm-ok).
tgmoy, To immerse, dip in, soak,
drench, etc. See tgmaw.
tgnan, For tugnan from tgon, tgon
to order, etc.
tgnaw, (H) Cold, freshness, coolness,
frigidity, chilliness, chill, keenness,
rawness; to be or become cool, cold, fresh,
frigid, chill, bleak, raw, biting, nipping,
piercing, pinching. Nagtgnaw na ang ts.
The tea has become cold now (by this).
Patugnaw ang tbig. Let the water cool.
Natugnawn ak kagb-i. Last night I felt
cold. (cf. bgnaw, ramg).
tgnod, To dip in, immerse, plunge in
(into) a liquid; to boil in sugar (bananas or
other fruit). Itgnod ang sging sa lasw.
Boil the bananas in the molasses. (cf.
tgnod, tingnod; tgmaw, tsmug).
tgnos, See tugnstgnos which is
mostly used.
tugns-tgnos, (B) To succeed,
follow, one another, to arrive, go away
or leave, sit down to a meal, rise from
the table, make ones appearance,
disappear, one after another.
Nagturugnstgnos snda sa pagabt.
(Nagtalagnus sil sa pagabt). They
arrived one after another.
Nagturugnstgnos snda sa paghaln.
(Nagtalagnus sil sa paghaln). They
disappeared one by one. They left one after
another. Ind kam magtugnstgnos
(magtinugnstugnsay) sa paggm,
knd magdurngan kam. (Dl kam
magtalagnus sa pagpanyga, knd
magdulungn kam). Dont take your
dinner one after another, but take it all
together. (cf. sund, tagnus, talagnus).
tgon, Commission, charge; to charge
with, order, etc. See tgon.
tugn, A mouthful, etc. See togn.
tgpa, A pursuing squad, a troop of men
or soldiers going in pursuit of brigands,
etc.; band, body, batch, troop; to go in
pursuit of, to pursue, chase, round up; to go
to, gather at, a scene of action. Tugpah
sil. Pursue them. Go after them and round
them up. Gintugpahn nmon ang mga
buyng kag ginbw nmon sa la kamt
ang mga binhag nla. We pursued the
robbers and rescued their prisoners. Sang
pagkabat nla nga may snug sa dlan X.

Visayan-English Dictionary
tumgpa sil ddto sa gilayn. When they
heard that there was a fire in X-street, they
went there at once. (cf. lags; dgok,
tgpay, To placate, etc. See lgpay.
tgp, Push, pushing, launching; to push,
push over to, throw at (on, upon), urge
upon, launch, put forth, put up (as
candidate for an office, or the like). Itgp
ang mo mank sa kon mank, agd
magsmpok sil. Throw your cock at mine
so that they may fight. Itgp si sa ky
Fulno. Push him against N.N. Gintugpon
nya ang id sang kurng. He threw the cat
on the dog. Ang palapilin nga la
ginatgp. The candidate whom they
are putting up for office. (cf. tuld,
tgp, To challenge, provoke, defy, brave;
to crow (of cocks). (cf. pangp, slung,
kyat, paml).
tgpo, Land-breeze, wind or breeze
coming from the mountains and blowing
towards the sea.
tgpon, To add to, prolong, etc. See
tgr, (B) To give, donate, present with,
hand over to, etc. Itgr kan di. (Ihtag
mo sa ya in). Give him this. (cf. htag,
tgtan, For tugtan from tgutto
permit, etc.
tgtug, A grallatorial bird, larger than the
tulbong and smaller than the dgwak; a
kind of large rail, mudhen, marshhen.
tgtug, To beat or strike a drum, or the
like. Tugtug ang bmbo. Beat the drum.
(cf. bgtol, tltug, patk).
tugb, Full, replete, filled; to fill, flood,
brim, fill to overflowing; make overflow.
Natugb (Nagkatugb, tugb) ang ya
tagiposon sang kalpay. His heart is
overflowing with joy. Ginatugb si sang
kasub. He is filled with sorrow. (cf. pun,
tugb, (B) To do something thoroughly,
to finish, complete, exhaust. Gintgban ko
kang lgaw ang mga bkid nga di (ding
mga bkid). (Ginbus ko sang lgaw inng
mga bkid). I have rambled (walked,
ranged) through all these mountains. (cf.
bus, rut).
tugd, The socket or hole into which a
handle or shaft is fitted (of a knife, chisel,
lance, etc.); foundation, groundwork, basis,
base, bed-rock; the principal or capital of a
business, or the like. (cf. palasarn,
tugn, A bit, mouthful, morsel, dose (of
medicine, food, etc.). (togn id.).
tgut, Permission, permit, license, leave,
sanction, authorization, dispensation,
concession; to permit, give permission,
allow, concede, let, license, sanction,
authorize, give leave to, grant license to.
Itgut mo sa ya in. Tugti (Tgti) si

tgpay tup
sin. Allow him to do it. Give him
permission for doing it. Ginadilan ang
pagsuld dir sang (sing) waly tgut. No
admittance without permission. Ind ko
pagitgut in. I shall not allow it. I shall
make no such concession. Wal nya kam
pagtugti (pagtgti) sa pagtmbong sa
sni. He did not give us leave to go to the
moving pictures (movies). Kon magtgut
ka sin. If you allow such a thing.
(cf. pahangut, sugt, tnd, hngd).
tgut, Also: to release, let go, pay out (a
rope, cable, string, etc.).
tugt, String, cord (to be paid out, as the
string attached to a kite, etc.).
tgyan, See tgianto entrust, confide
to, etc.
tugynan, One in charge, manager, etc.
See tulugynan.
th, Multicoloured, many-coloured,
many-hued, speckled (yarn, cloth); to
colour, steep, dye, in colour, variegate.
(cf. tinuhan).
thad, The Dim. tuhdthad is generally
used in the meaning of patkptokto
make up, invent a story, make-belief.
thak, The Dim. tuhktuhk is generally
used in the meaning of: to dare, be bold,
reckless, audacious, etc. (See khas, ahs,
dahkdahk, tahktahk).
tuhng, An interstice, crevice, chink, gap
(in a floor, in wickerwork, in a weave, or
the like); open, uncovered; to leave open or
uncovered a part of the floor, etc. either
intentionally, through an oversight or
through lack of materials. Inng salg may
tuhng pa. This flooris not yet quite
covered,has a part still uncovered. Ind
mo pagtuhangn ang salg. Dont leave
(make) gaps in the floor. (cf. bhang,
buhangn; tahnga gap in the teeth).
tuhw, Sudden, unexpected, without
preparation or previous warning. Tuhw
nga uln. A sudden downpour. An
unexpected shower of rain. (cf. kuys,
tuhw, To emerge or appear suddenly,
unexpectedly, to pop up. Nagatuhw gid
lang ang mga mamalybay, lgbos, etc.
Poets, mushrooms, etc. are appearing
(popping up) everywhere. (cf. lhot, lbo,
tuhw, To cry out aloud, etc. See taw.
thay, Different, unlike, dissimilar,
disparate, unequal, not the same; to be
different, differ in form, quality, nature,
etc., to be unlike to. Thay (nagakathay)
gid ang la mga batsan. Their habits are
quite different. Ak kon thay sing
panghunhn. I am of a different opinion
(mind). I think otherwise, differently.
Nagthay na ang dgway sang ya baly,
kay ginpintahn nya nga matahm na
tulkon. The exterior aspect of his house is
quite different now, for he has painted it in
a way pleasant to look upon. (cf. lan).

tuhy, Used sometimes as adjective for

thaydifferent, another, etc.
tuhy-thay, Dim. and Freq. of thay.
Ang mon pamulkan madm gid sing
mga blak nga nagakatuhythay ang la
sin nga dug. In our garden are very
many flowers of all sorts of colours. (cf.
lanlin, sarsr).
thil, To insist on payment, etc. See tkbil.
thoy, Preference, choice, predilection;
intention, determination, decision, plan,
desire, wish; direction, address; to prefer,
have a predilection for, choose, decide for
one thing with the exclusion of others; to
intend, determine, decide, come to the
decision that, have a mind to, plan, wish,
desire; to direct towards (against), point at,
address to; to specify, limit. Ang thoy
sang ya tagiposon. The desire of his
heart. His hearts aspiration. Sinult nya
in nga thoy sa kay Fulno. He wrote it
for the address of,as a reminder for,
directed against, N.N. Ginathoy nla si
Fulno sa am nga palangakan. They
have a mind (They wish, desire, plan) to
appoint N.N. to that office. Tuhya ang
pagpadal mo sa mo ank sa Manl.
Make up your mind (Decide) to send your
son to Manila. Ginthoy nya ang
paghgad, ang pagpl, ang pagbsol, etc.
kay Fulno. He has decided (come to the
decision) that N.N. should be invited,
chosen, reprimanded, etc. (cf. ty, but,
hungd, tapt, pasah, pt-od, ltid).
tuhy, Curse, imprecation; to curse;
imprecate evil, swear, wish evil to, intend
to harm or even to kill another. (cf. tloy,
toly, tuy, thoy, panghimalut).
thud, The knee. Malya si sing thud.
He is weak-kneed. He is lacking will power
or resolution. (cf. tdhon, luhd).
tuhg, See tohgthe nose-ring of a
buffalo, etc.
tid, The menstrual discharge,
menstruation, monthly flow. (cf. rgla,
tig, The year; time. Also used as verb. Sa
tig nga in. Sa nin (karn) nga tig nga
nagalakt. This (present, current) year.
Sang tig nga tinalkdan (naglgad). Last
year. Sang ttlo ka tig. Three years ago.
Wal gid matugi ang ya paglntad ddto.
His stay there did not last a full year. Sa
mga tig sang katuign. For ever and ever.
(cf. tinig, tug-tig, dg-on).
tug-tig, Yearly, every year, annually,
tup, To learn by experience or practice, to
acquire knowledge of a trade or profession
by trying ones hand at it; to observe,
notice, come in contact with. Mabuipn
nya ang mayo nga pangma. He will
learn by experience how to be a good
farmer. (cf. tap).


tka tlak
tka, (Sp. tocar) Turn, opportunity. (cf.
tka, (Sp. toca) Bonnet, hood, coif,
headdress. (cf. kl, takurng).
tuk, To peck, pick up with the beak (bill),
said of birds.
tk-an, From tukto peck, etc. Ang
humy nga nabuld sa nit gintk-an sang
mga mank. The chickens picked up some
of the rice that was spread to dry in the sun.
tuks, To raise, lift, elevate, take up,
heave, hold up, turn up (a mask, veil,
curtain, etc.); to doff, take off, raise, lift
(ones hat, or the like). Gintuks sang
hngin ang ya mantelyna. The wind
lifted (up) her veil. Tukas (Ituks) ang
kl mo. Take off your hat. Tukas si sang
mo kl. Raise (lift, doff) your hat out of
respect for him. Give him your hat. Take off
your hat to him. (cf. tokb, tuk, sukb,
tkaw, To venture abroad, go, see,
investigate, look after, in person. (cf.
kdaw, sdsud, dkaw, tudtd, tn-aw,
tkbil, To insist on payment; importune,
press, dun, urge repeatedly (that a debt
should be paid, an account squared, a
contract fulfilled, or the like). Tukbil si
sang ya tang. Insist on his paying his
debt. Gintkbil nya ak sang tuln-an
nga kon ginhulm sa ya. He kept asking
me to give him back the book I had
borrowed from him. Ind ka magtkbil sa
ya. Dont press him. (cf. thil, sk).
tkbol, To push, thrust, prick, jab, lunge,
make a pass (upwards). Tukbol si sang
tokn (bagt). Make an upward pass at
him with the pole. (cf. dgdug, hrog).
tkbon, From tukbto pounce upon,
tear to pieces.
tkdan, tkdon, From tkudto erect,
tukhyaw, To raise, lift upones
head, the eyes, etc. (tokhyaw id.).
tki, (Sp. toque; tocar); Stroke, hit, tap,
rap, touch, knock, kiss (at billards); to
touch, come in contact with, hit, rap, tap,
knock, strike, kiss (at billards). (cf. tndog,
salapy, tokr).
tuk, To uncover, open, lift up, a
little in order to peep into, peer in,
discover. (cf. tukb).
tukb, To open a little or partially a book,
curtain, package, the mouth, etc. so as to be
able to see what is inside or behind the
cover; to disclose, discover, invent. Tukib
ang pinuts, agd makt ko kon an ang
suld. Open the parcel a little so that I may
see what is inside. Ipit (Ligpit) ang atp
agd nd matukb sang hngin. Fasten the
roof down so that the wind may not be able
to lift it. Basha inng sult, pang tukibn
mo gid lmang, agd nga nd mabsa
sang ibn. Read this letter, but open it only
a little so that the others may not be able to


Visayan-English Dictionary
read it. Makatitingla ang mga natukibn
(tinukibn) sang bg-o nga kinalam. The
discoveries or inventions of modern science
are marvellous. Dl nton masyran kon
an pa bal ang matukibn sang mga
manginalmon kunna. We do not know
what scientists may discover yet in the
future. (cf. sukb, sukb, tokb, tuks,
tuks, To open partially a book, curtain,
box, etc. See tukb, sukb, tokb, ukb.
tkis, (English: talkies). A talking film,
talking pictures, a cinematographic
exhibition mechanically accompanied by
talking and music.
tkl, To make a dash for, snatch, catch
suddenly. See tkl.
tklud, To push, etc. See tklod.
tknul, To show signs of life by motion, to
stir, move. (cf. bknol, tknol).
tkr, To touch, take hold of, catch, seize.
(cf. tndog, kapt, tki, dakp, tkl).
tktuk See tktokbill (of birds), etc.
tukturuk, To crow (of a cock). See
tukb, Seizure, dismemberment,
devourment; to bite, dig ones teeth in, tear
to pieces (with ones teeth, fangs, tusks, or
the like), to snatch, snap, pounce upon,
swoop down upon, dismember and devour,
fall upon living things with intent to kill or
destroy. Ang kurng nagatukb sang ilag
The cat pounces on the rat. Gintukb sang
mga lbo ang mga karnro. The wolves
tore the sheep in pieces (and devoured
them). Tinukb si sang id. The dog bit
him. Dinakp sang hal ang pis kag ya
tkbon (gintukb). The iguana caught the
chicken and devoured it. (cf. kagt, kub,
dgit, kon, lglag, gs-ab; manunkub,
tkud, To erect, establish, set up, found,
promote, build, make, create, form. Sn-o
ang nagtkud sinng kumbuyahn? Who
promoted (formed) that company? Ang
Snta Iglsya tinkud ni Hesukrsto. The
Church was founded by Jesus Christ. Ang
mon bnwa natkdan (natukran) na
man sing sang sang am nga
palatikngan. A branch of that business
firm has been established also in our town.
(cf. ptok, psad, hm, bhat, tga,
palatkdan, palatukurn).
tkud, To support, prop (up), as small
young trees, vines, etc. Tukra ang tanm,
kay nagtngl sa laks nga uln. Prop up
the plant, for it is bowed down (bending
low) on account of the heavy rain.
tukd, A column, prop, pillar, support,
post, shaft, any upright or leaning prop of
wood, iron, bamboo, etc. that supports a
superstructure. (cf. tok, slay, halgi).
tukd, (B) To endure, stand, can, be able
to, brook, suffer, tolerate. Ind (tna)
katukd (makatukd) magpnaw tdtod
sa Gmbal, hay bg-o pa lang nagayd

(magayd). (Ind si sarng makalakt

tbtub sa Gmbal, kay bg-o pa lang si
nagyo (magyo)). He is unable to go on
foot as far as Guimbal, because he has only
lately recovered from his illness. (cf.
sarng, bats, ntus, ro).
tkung, To lift or raise the head (said of
snakes, or the like).
tkung, Bobtailed, docked, having the tail
cut short; to be or become bobtailed. (cf.
tuks, To not consider the price of, insist
on buying a thing even if the price is dear,
to pay dearly, be ready to pay a fancy price,
go the limit, pay a high (stiff, long) price for
a thing. Gintksan ko lang ang bil sinng
sd. I paid a high price for this fish. Ind
ka magtuks sin, kay tm kamahl.
Dont insist on buying it; it is too dear. Daw
sa wal na sing makatuks sin, kay tm
katas ang bil. Scarcely anybody will be
able to afford that, as it is so exorbitantly
tukyhaw, tuk-yhaw, To hold up
ones head, lift ones eyes (or head from a
drooping or dejected position).
Nagtukyhaw si sang ya lo. He raised
his head. He looked up. Itukyhaw mo ang
mo nawng. Lift up (Raise) your head. Tilt
up your chin. Look up. (cf. tukhyaw).
tla, To cook (boil) vegetables, etc. See
tla, tinla.
tulan, A vegetable dish; a pan or kettle
for cooking vegetables in; plate or dish for
serving food; dinner-plate. (cf. pnggan,
tulahn, tulnhan).
tulabn, A stretcher, hammock, litter. (cf.
talabn; urimna sedan chair).
tulbong, A grallatorial bird, a sort of
white heron. It may be seen standing on the
back of a buffalo and hence it is also called
the carabao-egret. The tulbong is smaller
than either the tgtug or the dgwak.
tulbyog, To swing, rock, sway to and
fro. (cf. hbyog).
tlad, tuld, (B) Like, as; to be like,
similar to. Tuld kadi. At once.
Immediately. Without delay. (cf. sbung,
subng sin).
tulgsik, To jump aside, start, give a
start, move with a jerk. Nagtulgsik si sa
dak nga kakibt kag klb. He started in
surprise and fear. (cf. lksi, lktin).
tulgsik, To chirp, squeak, utter a shrill
cry, move arms and legs and utter
indistinct sounds as a baby when trying to
speak. (cf. gyak, dyak).
tulahn, See tulana vegetable dish,
etc. (tulnhan id.).
tlak, To throw, pitch, fling, push (away),
launch, put off, put to sea. Gintlak nya
ak. He pushed me aside (away). Itlak
ang sakayn. Launch the boat. Put (bear,
push) off. (cf. tuld, haby, pilk, tklod,

Visayan-English Dictionary
tlak, To sow, put in the first seed or
seedling, to plant, set up, establish, erect,
commence building a house by setting up
the first post, or the like. (cf. tdlak,
tulkdong, A cover for the head; to cover
the head; to loosen the outer skirt and pull
it over the head as is often done by
Philippine women as a protection against
the sun or rain. Itulkdong (Tulakdong)
ang patdyong mo. Pull your skirt over
your head. Tulakdong ang bt. Cover the
childs head (with a skirt or blanket). (cf.
tulakp, A trap, especially one for
catching monkeys.
tullay, Music; melody, tune, piece of
music, musical entertainment; to play
music, be a musician. (tallay id.).
tulmhok, A wig, false hair, artificial
hair, periwig, peruke. (cf. pilka).
tulm-os, To wet, moisten, dampen,
bedew, make moist or damp; to rain a little,
rain just sufficient to make the soil a little
wet or damp. Nagatulutulm-os gid
lmang ang uln. Very little rain is falling.
Bs matulm-os ka sang (sa) uln. You
may get wet in the rain. Nagtulm-os ang
ya mga mat. Her eyes were wet. She shed
tears. (cf. lm-os, turm-os, talthi,
apkapk, dabdab, panirngan).
tl-an, Bone; skeleton. (cf. hinl-an,
tulnhan, See tulana vegetable dish,
etc. (tulahn id.).
tuln-os, To wet, etc. See tulm-os.
tulpok, Squall, a passing shower of rain,
gust of wind; to be squally or gusty.
Nagatulpok ang amhan. A squally
northwind is blowing. (cf. turapk id.).
tuly, Bridge. (cf. tytay).
tl, To circumcise. Ang mga tinl. The
circumcised. Ang pagtl. Circumcision.
Ang mga dtinl. The uncircumcised.
tl-id, Exactness, precision, accuracy,
diligence, thoroughness; to be or become
exact, precise, etc.; to do something
thoroughly, carefully, well. Tul-ir (-id)
ang mo pagton, pagpanguss, etc.
Study diligently, investigate thoroughly,
etc. Natul-irn ak sinng manundl.
This teacher seems to me to be very exact
(punctual and painstaking). (cf. d-id,
tulihw, A kind of bird, the loriot, golden
tlin, Order, command, injunction,
direction, commission; to order, command,
direct, enjoin, lay upon, entrust, confide to.
Gintlin nya sa kon ang pagbntay sang
baly. He ordered me to guard the house.
Pagatulnan ikw dir sang gihpon nga
mga hilikotn sang mga sologon sa suld
sang baly. You will be directed to perform
there the ordinary duties of a servant in the
house. Tinlin nya sa ya ang ya ank

tlak tulugn
sang but na si mamaty. When he was
about to die he entrusted him with
(committed to him) the care of his child.
(cf. tgian, tgyan, blin, tgon, sg).
tlin, To be or become quiet, calm, steady,
settled, still. Sang tpus na ang bgyo
nagtlin ang sakayn. After the storm the
boat became steady. Nagatlin na ang la
pagpuy ddto. They are now quite settled
there. (cf. linng, twhay, tahmik, tmos).
tlin, Swiftness, celerity, velocity,
fleetness, a steady straight course (of boats,
birds, or the like); to cleave a path or way
through, fly straight and swiftly, cut
through the water with great velocity. (cf.
dsig, dalgan, tdlong).
tulngan, (H) A kind of fish.
tulng, tling, (H) The very ripe (black
and sweet) lmboy-fruit.
tulsan, A kind of fish.
tulsan, tulisn, tulisnes, Brigand,
bandit, highway-man, criminal, gangster;
vagabond, vagrant, rover. Hr nga tulsan.
Vagabond King. (tolsan id.).
tul, Drop, bead (of perspiration, tears,
blood, rain, etc.). Ttlo ka tul nga bulng
sa is ka kutsarta nga tbig. Three drops
of medicine to a teaspoonful of water.
Tulka ang mga dalgk nga mga tul
nga blhas sa ya nga gtang. Look at the
large beads of perspiration on his forehead.
(tol id.).
tl, To drip, drop, flow in drops, trickle,
distil, dribble; to leak, let escape in drops.
Nagatl ang atp, ang alhbi, ang grpo
sang barl, etc. The roof, the water-tank,
the tap of the barrel, etc. is leaking.
Natulan ak sing ttlo ka tul. Three
drops trickled down on me. Mahaln kit
dir, kay ginatulan sang uln. Let us
remove to another place, for here the rain
is dripping on us. (cf. tl id.; tubd).
tuln, To swallow, gulp down, gorge,
imbibe, absorb, bolt (down). Tnla ang
kn-on. Swallow the rice. Natuln mo ang
lso sang lmboy? Have you swallowed the
stone of the lmboy-fruit? Nakatuln ka
na sang pldoras (pildors)? Have you
swallowed the pills? But nya ipatuln sa
ton nga. He wants us to swallow i.e. he
wants us to believe that.
tultl, Dim. and Freq. of tul, tl.
tul-tul, A dole, limited portion, small
amount, very little, drop by drop; to dole
out, deal out scantily or grudgingly, give
sparingly. (cf. tiltil).
tltug, To strike or beat a drum, bamboobell, etc. Tultug ang tultgan. Strike the
bamboo-bell. (cf. tgtug, bgtol, patk,
tultgan, A tubular bell consisting of a
joint of bamboo with a slot cut into it. Such
bells are much used both for calling people
together as well as for signalling. (cf.
bgting, linggnay).

tltul, To know or find ones way; to trace,

look for (a lost animal, etc.). Makatltul ka
sang dlan pakdto sa? Do you know
the road to? Matultuln mo bal ang
mo nga ginakadton? Do you know the
way to your destination?
tltul, Hardened pieces of salt or sugar,
lump, compact mass (of sugar, salt, etc.).
tulubalngon, (H) What is to,
should, be conceded or yielded; proper,
fit, suitable, meet, due to. (cf. tubalng).
tulbdan, (H) Place where liquids flow or
trickle from, source, spring; pore, foramen,
orifice. Ang mga tulbdan sang pnit. The
pores of the skin. (cf. tubd, tuburn,
tulbhan, (H) See tulubhan.
tulblok, Prick, pin; fork, table-fork. (cf.
tulslok, itulbuk, sibt, tenedr).
tulubunan, Sprouting, growing, giving
off new shoots; to sprout, start growing,
give off new shoots (said of sugar cane,
coconuts, etc.). (cf. tb).
tulubhan, (H) Suitable or well adapted
for growing sugar cane. Dt nga
tulubhan. Land good for growing sugar
cane. (cf. tub).
tulbwan, See tulubhan.
tuld, To push, shove, impel,
forward (forwards), to move or slide by
pushing, to thrust, set, put, aside with
a jerk or push; to incite, instigate, urge,
animate, induce. Tuld kam sang kro.
Push (Shove) the cart. Ituld mo ang ltok
ddto. Push (Move) the table over there.
Gintuld nya ak. He pushed me
forward,aside. Ginatuld si sang ya
mga sumulnud. His followers areurging
him on,pushing him to the front,
backing him up. Ind kam magtudlnay.
Dont jostle (push) each other. (cf.
btongto pull).
tuldl, Fore-finger, index-finger, index.
Also plural form of tdl. (cf. turd).
tulg, (H) To sleep, slumber, be asleep.
Ang bt nagakatulg. The baby is
sleeping (asleep). Sang ya pagkatulg
nagdmgo si nga. When he was
asleep, In his sleepWhen he slept, he
dreamed (dreamt) that.
tlug, Sleep, sleeping; to go to bed, retire
for the night, go to sleep, lie down to sleep.
Matlug na ak. I am going to bed. Kagbi sang ikapl ka tkn nagtlug kam
nga tann, pang ak sing kon wal
makatulg sing bisn is lmang ka pisk.
Last night we all went to bed at ten oclock,
but I could not sleep (did not sleep) a wink.
(cf. tulg, katulgon, tulugn).
tulugn, Matulugn and natulugn are
used in the meaning of: to fall asleep.
Natulugn si. He fell asleep. Ang masakt
nga bt nd makatulg, pang bs
matulugn si; magtingh kam sa
paghpus, agd nd mahkaw ang ya
tlug (katulgon). The sick child does not


tulugn tman
sleep, but let us hope it may fall asleep; be
very quiet so as not to disturb its slumber.
(cf. tlug).
tulugn, Bed, sleeping room, place to
sleep, etc. (See tululugn, higdan).
tulgban, A place to which an animal
comes to wallow, water-hole, pool, puddle,
buffalo wallow. (cf. tubg).
tulughngan, Opening, valve, aperture,
mouth, inlet, orifice (for pouring in a
liquid, etc.). (cf. tghung).
tulugmhon, (H) Riddle, puzzle,
enigma, fable, parable; something that is
to be solved,difficult of solution,hard to
guess or to understand. (cf. tgma).
tulgtan, What is to, should, can,
be granted or permitted; permissible,
allowable, not objectionable. (cf. tgut).
tulg-tlug, tulg-tulg, Dim. and
Freq. of tlug, tulgto sleep, etc. To doze,
nap, drowse, snooze.
tulugynan, Manager, care-taker,
administrator, commissioner, in charge, in
authority; representative, member of
parliament. (cf. tgian).
tluk, (H) Gaze, look; to look, see, direct
ones eyes towards, fix ones eyes upon, to
eye, gaze at, behold, regard, view, scan.
Tluk ka dir. Look here. Behold. Tulka
in. Look at this. See. Ind ka magtluk
sin. Ind mo pagtulkon in. Dont look at
that. Gintluk (Tinluk) nya ak sing
matalm. He looked hard at me. He gave
me a sharp look. He regarded me intently.
Patulka si sin. Let him have a look at it.
(cf. tn-aw, bild, sulng, mtad,
tulk-an, Place where pickings can be
had (got). (cf. tulk-on).
tulkbon, That is to bebitten, etc.;
victim, prey. (cf. tukb).
tulk-on, What is to be, can be,
picked up (with the bill of a bird, etc.);
grain, particle of food, mouthful, morsel;
pickings, gleanings, profit, gain. (cf. tuk,
tuluktukn, Spine, etc. See toloktokn,
taldtod; balskog, talimskog).
tulukurn, What is to be, should be,
can be, erected, set up, built, established;
worthy to beestablished,enacted,
ordained,built, etc. (cf. tkud,
palatkdan, palatukurn).
tululgay, To flow profusely, stream (of
tears, perspiration, etc.). (cf. gay, tl,
talabirs, tktak, lig).
tululmos, To flow copiously, etc. See
tululgay, talabirs.
tululn-on, Vegetables. See turuln-on,
ulutann, tan, lswa.
tulul-ron, What is to be or should be
done well,improved,brought to
perfection,performed with precision. (cf.
tululugn, (H) A bedroom, sleeping
apartment, dormitory. (cf. tulugn).


Visayan-English Dictionary
tululukn, (H) Scene, sight, view,
spectacle; worth while seeing, that is to be
or should beseen,looked at. (tururukn
tululusn, Anything that is to be faced,
confronted,done,gone through,
performed; work, job, occupation, test;
end, goal. (cf. tlus).
tulumnon, tulumann, That is to be
(should be)complied with,fulfilled,
done,executed,performed; duty,
obligation, precept, commandment, order,
law, injunction, rules, regulations. (cf.
tman, kasogon, buluhatn,
tulumbnan, What is to be stepped or
trodden upon; foundation, base, floor. (cf.
tulumphon, What is to be piled or
stacked, as rice, etc. (cf. tmpi).
tulum-kan, Anything that is to be
pressed, as a telephone button, piano key, a
paper to be stamped or sealed, or the like.
tuln, To swallow, etc. See tuln.
tuln-an, Book, volume, tome; doctrine,
instruction; one to be taught, student,
pupil, apprentice; that is to be tamed or
broken in (of animals). (cf. ton).
tlung, The top-leaves of a plant,
especially of a tobacco-plant.
tulng-an, (H) A measure of one half,
particularly of half a bushel of rice. (cf.
tulnggon, (H) What is to be
sounded,played; a piece of music,
melody, air, tune, sonata. (cf. tnug,
tulungkron, Fathomable; conceivable.
(cf. tngkad, salalumn).
tulungtngan, Table, shelf, ledge,
pedestal, anything used for putting an
object upon. (cf. tngtung, lamsa, ltok,
tulupan, (H) Place where an object
comes to rest or alights on. (cf. tup).
tlus, See blas, tros.
tlus, To approach, go near, come to, face,
confront, interview; to enter, go into, travel
across, to traverse, cross. Pr, matlus ak
kuntn. Father, I would like to have an
interview with you, i.e. Father hear my
confession. Gintlus nya ang kadagtan.
He enteredcrossed, traversed, the
high seas (the open ocean). Tulsa lang
in. Just face it, risk it, undertake it. (cf.
atbang, palapt, padulng, suld, lats,
tulslok, (H) Prick, thorn, spine, spike,
prickle; fork. (cf. tslok; tenedr).
tulus-non, (H) Anything that is to be
suffered, borne with, put up with,
supported, carried, undertaken,
shouldered, as a load, burden, expenses,
responsibility, an office, etc. (cf. ts-on).

tulstus, (H) To rub, knead, massage the

body of a person in a swoon, or the like.
Wal si maumpaw kon wal
pagtulustus sang mga umalgi ddto. He
would not have regained consciousness, if
he had not been massaged (rubbed) by the
passers-by. (cf. tstos, hlot).
tultug, A strong fence, stockade,
palisade, etc., especially a double fence
filled in with thorny branches, etc., as often
seen in mountain villages. It is a protection
against thieves and bands of robbers. (cf.
tuluyon, tuly-on, That is to be
intended,striven after; aim, goal,
aspiration, plan, scheme. (cf. ty).
tuluy, tuly, Plural forms of tuy,
tma, Louse, clothes-louse. (cf. tma,
kto, botl, kaymad, lus).
tm, Lye; brine, pickle; to put in brine,
pickle. (cf. liha; gams, pats, llang).
tumgsak, Seldom, rarely. Tumgsak
gid lmang ang ya pagabt dir. He very
seldom comes here. (cf. tumalgsa).
tumgsak, Wide apart, far away from
others, thinly scattered, not near together.
(cf. malak, pitpit, atkatk).
tumalgsa, Seldom, rare, scarce;
seldom, rarely, scarcely ever, now and then,
off and on, not very often. Tumalgsa gid
lmang. Once in a lifetime, extremely
seldom. (cf. talgsa, tumgsak).
tumaln-aw, An onlooker, spectator,
bystander. (cf. tn-aw).
tumalngway, A customer, guest, one
who buys a drink, etc. (cf. tngway).
tumalnum, A planter, farmer. (cf.
tumalnum-tub, lnot,
tabk, etc. A sugar-planter, a hempproducer, a tobacco-grower, etc.
tumalpn, One or that which stops,
puts an end to, hinders, impedes, obstructs
something. Tumalpn-kalyo. A fireman, fire-extinguisher. (cf. tpn).
tumalap, tumalp, Associate,
partner, co-partner, member (of a society
or company); share-holder, stockholder.
(cf. tp).
tumalatp, Care-taker, administrator,
director, chief. (cf. ttap).
tman, Enough, sufficient, satisfactory,
considerable; very, rather much, rather
many. Tman na. Thats enough. Thatll
do! Thatll serve! That is sufficient. Dl pa
tmanknd nga. It is not yet
sufficient that, but. Tman kadm
nga mga to ang nagtalmbong. Very
many people assisted. A good crowd of
people were present. Tman na bal ang
tbig ukn dugngan ko pa? Is that water
enough (Is there a sufficient amount of
water now) or shall I add more yet? (cf. g,
ngay, bgay, hsto, bastnte; tm,
laks, dro, lm-ag, sk).

Visayan-English Dictionary
tman, To obey, fulfill, carry out, execute,
perform, comply with, effect, achieve,
accomplish. Wal nya pagtumna ang
sing ko sa ya. He did not comply with
the order I gave him. Magtman ka kon
sogon ikw. Do what you are told. Obey
when you are ordered. Gintman gid nya
ang ya ting-an sdto. He actually
accomplished what he had promised to do.
But nla ipatman sa ton yanng
mabg-at ngga mga tulumann. They
want us to carry out those difficult orders.
(cf. bhat, hm, dayn, tars; pti which
in (B) often has the meaning of: to obey).
tm-an, From tomto wrap in leaves,
tm-an, To wrap a thing in leaves and
warm, heat, cook, it by burying it
under hot ashes, over live coals, etc. Tuman ang talmbal. Heat the poultice
(plaster). Tum-ann mo lang ang lgbos,
ang binro nga bilngbilng, etc. Wrap
leaves round the lgbos-mushroom, the
pickled bilngbilng-fish, etc. and cook it
in hot ashes. Ang artamsa nga tinktok
la tinum-ann (gintum-ann) kag
itmbal (gintmbal) sa lamut sang kon
tdl. They made a fomentation (stupe) of
chopped up wormwood and put it on the
blister of my finger. (cf. tom, tinumann).
tumndok, A native, one born in the
place, indigene, indigenous,
autochthonous, not exotic or foreign. (cf.
mth; dumolongforeign).
tumo, tumwo, A ghost, a fairy, elf,
goblin, gnome; a ghost supposed to haunt
large trees and forests. (cf. tamo,
tumarmpok, A serf, vassal, who in the
olden times occupied a position between
the timw and the ulpon. The class of the
tumarmpok consisted chiefly of farmers,
skilled workmen, merchants, etc. and made
up the bulk of the population. (cf.
kasimnwa, banwahnon).
tmba, (Sp. tumbar) To fall, tumble over
(down), turn a somersault, to upset, turn
upside down, roll head over heels, topple
over; to empty a glass, etc. (at one draught,
stretch, pull, dash). Natmba si. He
tumbled over. Andam ka agd nd
matmba (magkatmba) ang kro. Look
out or the cart may topple over. Tumbah
na lang inng is ka bso nga tub. Just
empty this glass of toddy. (cf. hlug, kulb,
sul, dgp, etc.).
tmba, (Sp. tumba) Tomb, grave,
catafalque, vault, sepulchral monument,
hearse; a bench or table for resting a coffin
on during a funeral service. (cf. lulbngan).
tumbga, Tombac, tombak, pinchbeck,
bronce, an alloy of copper and zinc; sham
tmbak, A harpoon, barbed spear or
javelin, prong, fork. (cf. bngkawlance).

tman tumpilk
tumbk-tmbak, Dragon fly, damsel
tumblay, tumbaly, To roll down
head over heels, fall down a steep incline,
etc.; to struggle, wriggle, writhe, move
restlessly, tumble about (as one suffering
great pain, or the like). (cf. tmba;
rmpwal, hiwas, kubyl, etc.).
tumbalk, To turn, return, go back,
retrace ones steps. (cf. panumbalk, blik,
tmban, (H) To step on, place (plant)
ones foot upon, set the foot on the ground.
Nakatmban na si sa dt kag nagsk
liwn sa hgdan. He had already put his
foot on the ground and then went back
again up the ladder. Bantay ang mo
ginatumbann. Mind your steps. Be on
your guard where you set your foot.
Itmban ang til mo sa sin nga bat kag
maglmpat ka sa pihk sang kalg. Step
on this stone and jump across the ditch. (cf.
lpak, tpak, patng).
tmbas, Payment in full, complete
satisfaction; to pay off, pay in full, square,
settle (up), satisfy completely, give
adequate satisfaction, make full amends
for. Wal pa si magtmbas sang ya nga
tang. He has not yet paid off his debt.
Nakabyad na si sing tmbas.
Gintmbas na nya ang byad. He has
now paid in full. He has squared his
account. Wal ak sing ikatmbas sang
madm nga mga kaayohn nga mo
ginhm sa kon. I am unable to (I cannot)
make you a full return for the many
benefits you have bestowed on me.
Tumbas si sang mo tang. Pay him your
debt in full. Gintmbas gid nya ang ya
nga sayp. He made full amends for his
mistake. (cf. mpas, kbis, blus, bw,
tumb-tmba, Dim. and Freq. of
tmba. Also: rocking, jolting, swaying to
and fro; to rock, jolt. Sya nga
tumbtmba. A rocking chair. Ang kro
nagatumbtmba. The cart is jolting. (cf.
tumbya, To swing, shake, sway, rock,
roll, move to and fro. (cf. hbiog, humbya,
sumpya, tumbtmba).
tumbilng, tumblang, To turn over
and over in falling down from a
considerable height, tumble down head
over heels. Nakatumbilng si sa khoy.
He fell from high up the tree. (cf.
tambilng, hlug).
tmb, To bound, rebound, bounce, jump
up straight. Tumbo ang to sang kalt,
agd mo malmbut. Make a jump for the
end of the rope that you may be able to
reach it. Tmb ka sa lamsa. Jump on the
table. (cf. lkso, lmpatto jump (in
general); mbakto jump down).
tmbog, See tmbok.
tmbok, To stamp, puncture, dot, trace a
line or mark, press upon, to press,

push, knock, with something blunt; to

cut (out) by pressure applied to the cutting
tool. Tumbok sang tmbre ang slyo. Bring
the seal down on the stamp. Itmbok ang
mo kamomo dir. Press your thumb here.
Leave your thumb-mark here. Gintmbok
nla ang ya likd sang kulta. They
knocked him on the back with the butt-end
of their rifles. Ang bla sa blyar (bilyr)
ginatmbok sang tulmbok. The billard
ball is knocked by the cue. Nagatulmbok
sil sing mga prmas (styas). They are
cutting hosts. Itmbok mo ang talark sa
tung gid sang bla. Try to hit the ball
exactly in the middle with your cue. (cf.
tumb-tmb, Dim. and Freq. of
tmb. To jump up and down; to throb,
thump, palpitate. Mabskug ang tumbtmb sang ya tagiposon. His heart is
beating violently. His heart is thumping.
Ang kngga nagatumbtmb sa dlan
nga batohn. The cart is jolting over the
stony road. (cf. tumbtmba).
tmboy, Remonstration, expostulation,
lecture; to give a lecture, to remonstrate,
expostulate with, find fault with, criticize
ones past, complain of ingratitude,
reproach, rebuke, throw in ones teeth.
Dalyon gid lang ang la tumbyay. They
are constantly finding fault with each other.
Ind mo pagitmboy sa ya ang sindto.
Dont reproach him with what is past. Dont
harp on his past. (cf. byboy, pamyboy).
tumilmbang, Balancing, poising,
keeping the balance or equilibrium;
pertaining to the opposition, opposing,
opponent. Ang bnghay nga tumilmbang.
The opposition party. (cf. tmbang).
tumg, Wet, damp, etc. See humg.
tumg, To trickle, drip, drop, flow out in
drops; to ooze (out), as matter or pus from
an ulcer, etc. (cf. tubd, tl, gay).
tm-ok, To press down, etc. See tmbok.
Itm-ok ang mo kamomo sa ptyongkils. Push the electric button with your
tm-oy, To dip (in), immerse, etc. See
tgmaw, tsmug.
tmpi, Stack, heap, pile of grain in the
sheath, sheaf, bundle of grain or straw; to
stack, pile, sheaf, make a heap (of grain in
the sheath). Nagatmpi (Nagatulmpi)
sil sang la nga ginlab. They are
stacking what they have cut with the sickle
(what they have reaped). Tumpihn nnyo
ang humy. Stack the rice. Koraln nnyo
ang tinumpihn sang humy, agd nd
mabtan sang mga hyup. Build a fence
around the rice stack so that the animals
(cattle) cannot get at it. (cf. tmpok,
kamda, anb).
tumpilk, Gambol, frisk, frolic, running
and jumping with clapping of hands, or the
like; to frolic, gambol, frisk, run and jump
and clap ones hands, make violent
gesticulations; to make convulsive


tumpils tngl
movements, start, startle, struggle, wriggle,
writhe, get a shock. Inng bt daw prme
gid lang nagatumpilk. This boy isnever
at rest,always up to something,always
running and jumping and making a noise.
(cf. rmpwal, plok, plak, kubyl,
tumpils, Not straight, not at right angles
with, deviating from a straight course; to
deviate from a straight course, etc. (cf.
tmpok, A pile, heap, stack, mound,
barrow, cairn, clump, mass (of wood, earth,
stones, etc.); to pile, stack, amass, heap
together, heap (up), make a heap of.
Tumpok ang mga bat. Put the stones
together in a heap. Pile up, Make a heap
of, the stones. Tinumpokn nla sang
mga ph ang ltok. They put the mangoes
in a heap on the table. Sa gihpon may
mga tinmpok nga sging nga
ginabalgy sa tinda. There are always
piles of bananas for sale at the market.
Ipatmpok sa to yanng mga khoy nga
nalpta dir. Get someone to gather
together in a heap the pieces of wood lying
about over there. (cf. kamda, tmpi).
tmtum, To aim at, etc. See patmtum,
tmu, To soak, drench, saturate, steep in,
fill with. Ang ya tagiposon natmo sang
katm-is sang paghiggma. His heart was
full with the pleasant feeling of love. Ang
sgbot, lab na gid kon matmu sing tbig,
tm kabh. Rubbish, particularly when
thoroughly wet with water, emits a very vile
(offensive) odour. (cf. hpug, hmug, bas,
lgum, toy, salpsup).
tmud, To point at, aim at, try to hit,
direct towards or against. Tumda (-ra)
ang bat. Try to hit the stone. Tinmud
nya si Fulno sang am nga paitntin.
Those insinuations of his were aimed at
N.N. Itmud sa ya ang pusl. Point the
rifle at him. (cf. tmtum, patmtum).
tumulo, Believer, faithful, one who has
the faith. (cf. to).
tumulukb, tumulkib, An inventor,
originator, pioneer. (cf. tukb).
tumulkud, Founder, originator, one
who starts a thing or lays the foundation;
builder, maker. (cf. tkud).
tmuy, The point, end, key (of a thread,
string, etc.); to connect, bind together
(broken threads, etc.); to add to, prolong.
(cf. sgpon).
tn, To give rise to, be the origin of,
bring about, create. An bal ang
ginatunan sinng gam, tinag, etc.?
What is the originof this row,of this
term (expression), etc.? (cf. tga, ptok,
tkud, sgud).
tn-an, tn-an, From tonto learn,
tnaw, To melt, fuse, flux, dissolve,
liquefy, smelt; to digest. Wal pa gn


Visayan-English Dictionary
matnaw ang mo kinon kag malakt ka
na? Your food is not yet digested and you
wish to be off? Gintnaw nya ang tmg,
tlo, etc. He melted the lead, the candlegrease, etc. Ang dmatunwan (sang ya
nga kinon). One suffering from
indigestion (dyspepsia). (cf. hinunw).
tunw-tnaw, Dim. and Freq. of tnaw.
Also: to change imperceptibly, to vanish,
dissolve, disappear, by degrees, to
shade off into another colour. (cf.
tnay, Pure, undefiled, unadulterated,
uncontaminated, unalloyed, unmixed;
sincere, honest, coming from the heart;
perfect, complete, unconditional. Tnay
nga ggma. Pure, honest, sincere love or
affection. Tnay nga kalusan kag
gilayn, dl pakulhaw kag saliagm.
Complete and immediate independence,
not a sham or indefinite (independence).
(cf. lnsay, lubs, lgus, bg-os).
tnd, Announcement, news,
information, declaration, message; to
announce, declare, make known, let one
know, tell, give one to understand, bring a
message, herald, proclaim, promulgate.
Ang mga manugbntay sang mga hyup
gintundan sang is ka nhel (anhl). The
shepherds received the message of an
angel. Itnd sa ya ngag. Make
known to him that. May nabton nga
tnd nga. A message has been
received to the effect that. (cf. balt,
tndal, A kind of banana. (cf. trna,
tndog, To take food to someone who is
in the fields; to take after, to follow, imitate,
copy. Itndog ang panyga sa kay ttay.
Tundog si ttay sang panyga. Take the
dinner to father (in the fields). (cf. bat,
pas, sund, panndug; log, sbung,
tung, (B) To rise from a meal, leave the
table, finish a repast, finish taking a bath or
partaking of food, etc. Bg-o pa lang
(lmang) kam makatung
(makandang). We have only just risen
from the table. (cf. ndang).
tung, Half, moiety; middle, midst,
centre; to halve, bisect, cut or divide into
two equal parts. Tung sa tkn. Half an
hour. Sa tung sang. In the midst
(middle, centre) of. Halfway (Midway)
between. Sa tung sang madm nya
nga buluhatn. In the midst of his
many duties or tasks to be performed.
Tng-a (Tunga) in. Divide this into two
equal parts. Halve it. (cf. pihk, phak).
tngab, To light, set fire to, ignite; to light
one cigar with another, or the like. Tungbi
ang tabk ko sang kalyo sang mo
tabk. Itngab ang kalyo sang mo
tabk sa kon tabk. Light my cigar with
yours. Patungba ak. Let me light my

cigar with yours. (cf. dbok, dig, snug,

ttud, sndi).
tngal, A kind of ant; an insect.
tung-tng, Dim. and Freq. of tung
half, midst, etc.
tung-tnga, The slip-knot by which a
rope is fastened to a buffalos nose-ring
(tohg) including a short length of rope
(pitk, lawg); handle, haft, helve; power,
authority, management, direction, lead,
influence, pull. (cf. uluyatn, kalptan).
tungw, A kind of crab-louse. It is a
minute whitish insect that turns red when
it has sucked blood.
tngdan, From tungdright, reason,
motive, etc.
tunggar, To standon end,erect,
straight. See tinggar, panndog.
tnggaw, To stand up straight, erect,
said of hair, rice-ears, etc. (cf. tunggar,
tndog, tans).
tnggol, Vulva. (cf. puty).
tnghol, To hand over, give to, deliver,
hand, press into the hand of, transfer to,
give up to, give into the possession of
another. Itnghol (mo) sa ya inng sult.
Hand him this letter. Gintungholn
(Tinungholn) ak nya sing lim ka
mngmang. He pressed five pesos into my
hand. Gintungholn ko si sang pyong
nga ya nalipatn. I put in his hand the
umbrella he had forgotten. (cf. dhol,
entregr, htag, ta, tgr).
tngil, To nurse, tend the sick, attend on
the sick, look after one ill in bed, take care
of the bed-ridden. Tungla ang masakt.
Attend on (Wait on) the sick person. (cf.
sagd, ttap, sappo, batit, haml-ay).
tungkaw, To raise, lift, ones head,
etc. after holding it bent or low. (cf.
tukhyaw, tang, tngl, bayw;
tngkad, To fathom, plumb,
measure, sound, the depth of, to take
soundings, heave the lead; to find out,
comprehend, understand thoroughly, get at
the bottom of. Tungkar (-ad) kon an
ang kadalumn sang tbig. Measure (with
a plummet) the depth of the water. Plumb
the depth of the water. Wal si
makatngkad sang ya sin nga
kahulgan. He could not fathom
(understand, comprehend) the meaning of
that (its meaning). Ipatngkad lang sa ya
in. Let him guess it (find it out). (cf. taks,
skol; hangp, syod, uss, etc.).
tngk, White spots on the forehead of a
cow, etc.; the red spots and the fat of rivershrimps, etc.
tungkan, White spotted, having white
spots (of cattle, etc.); red spotted, fat (of
shrimps, lobsters, etc.).
tngkud, A small fishing net worked by
two men.
tngl, To bend down, incline, bow down,
as the tops of trees, full ears of grain, etc.

Visayan-English Dictionary
Nagatngl ang humy, kay matnggas.
The rice is bowed down, for the ears are
full. (cf. dnglay, duk, dungk).
tng-on, From tungto halve, etc.
tngtung, To place, put, sit, be,
rest, upon. Itngtung in sa ltok.
Tungtung sin ang ltok. Put this on the
table. (cf. butng).
tngtung, The second or after (latter)
crop of kadis-peas, etc. (cf. talngtong).
tngtung, What is thrown in free of
charge as an addition to what is sold to a
customer, etc. See man, tmba, bong,
tungd, Right, reason, motive, interest,
relation or connection with, reference,
regard. May tungd si kag bangd sa
pagbhat sin. In acting thus he has (had)
right and reason on his side. An ang
tungd mo sin? What is your interest in
that matter (affair)? What have you got to
do with it? Sa tungd sin gn. Just on
account of this. Precisely for this
reason. N.B. Besides as noun tungd
is also very widely used as:
1) Verb: to concern, refer to, belong to,
have a relation or connection with, e.g.
inng bhin sang humy natungd sa kay
Fulno. This part of the rice belongs
(pertains) to N.N. Ipanysay mo in sa
mga punon nga natngdan. Explain that
to the authorities that are concerned in the
matter (to the proper, corresponding
authorities). Patungd, pahanungdto
attribute to, offer upfor,in behalf of,in
behoof of, to do for thesake of,good of,
to do to the advantage of, apply to, bestow
upon, consider as belonging to, impute, etc.
Inng indulhnsya sarng mapahanungd
sa mga kalg sa purgatryo. This
indulgence can be applied to the souls in
Purgatory. Dl mo pagipatungd sa ibn
ang mo mga sayp. Dont impute your
own faults to someone else.
2) Conjunctive particle: Because, since,
seeing that, for, on the ground that, in as
much as, e.g. Naakgan si sang ya
aglon tungd nga nagsabt si. He
roused (incurred) the anger of his master,
because he answered back. Wal si
makatmbong, tungd kay nagmasakt
si. He could not put in an appearance,
because hewas taken ill,had been taken
ill,took ill. Tungd kay (Tungd nga)
ginbhat mo in pangabagha na man
ang salbton. On the ground that you have
done it you must also shoulder the
3) Preposition: a. About, concerning,
touching, as to, as for, respecting, as
respects, with respect to, regarding, as
regards, with regard to, referring to, with
reference to, in connection with, pertaining
to, appertaining to, bearing upon, relating
to, with relation to, etc. Namngkot si
(sa) tungd sang bil sang kawyan. He
asked about the price of bamboo. Sa

tng-on tp-an
tungd sang ya pagpalgyo wal ak
kabat (makabat) sing bisn kon an. As
to his flight, I have heard nothing whatever
about it.
b. Because of, owing to, for the reason that,
on the ground that, on account of, etc.
Nasyran ko na tungd sang mo
pagsysay. I know now because of your
explanation. Ginbalsan si nla tungd
sang ya kasug kag tungd sang ya
pagpatigyon sing blig. They rewarded
him for his courage and because he brought
up help. Wal sil makabyad tungd
sang la pirde (kapierdhan) sa bgyo.
They could not pay on account of the losses
they had sustained in the bgyo. Tungd
sa an? Why? Wherefore? For what
reason? Tungd sin. Therefore. For this
c. For the good of, for the sake of, for the
benefit (advantage) of, for, in behalf
(behoof) of. Ind kam maghib tungd sa
kon, knd tungd sa nyo kag sa nyo
mga ank. Dont weep over me, but weep
for yourselves and for your children.
d. Through, through the agency of, by, by
means of, by the help of, etc. Tungd kay
Hesukrsto nga Aton Gino. Through Jesus
Christ, Our Lord. Nakadngat si sa
pagpatb sang ya um sa mayo nga
bil tungd kay Pdro. He managed to sell
his field at a fair price by the help (through
offices) of Peter. (cf. bangd, kay, hay,
nahanungd, nahatungd, pahanngdan,
katungdnan, palahanngdan).
tungg, A kind of mangrove and its bark.
The latter is often ground to powder and
put into toddy (tub) to promote
tngup, See tpoto follow suit, etc.
tnlon, From tulnto swallow, etc.
tntun, To lower, let down (by means of a
rope, etc.). (tnton id.).
tund, Sunk, set, gone down (of the sun,
etc.; cf. tnud).
tnud, To disappear, sink, go down, set.
Nagakatnud na ang dlaw. The sun is
setting. (cf. katndanthe west).
tn-ug, Dew. (tn-og id.).
tung, Sound, resonance, tone, strain,
peal, blast, din, noise. Nabatin ko ang
mabskug nga tung sang lupk. I heard
the loud detonation of the shot. Ang tung
sang budyng. The blast of a trumpet. Ang
tung sang linggnay. The sound of a bell.
tnug, To sound, resound, peal, swell. (cf.
tung, matnug).
tunk, (H) A thorn, prick, prickle, spine,
barb, spike; to prick. Natunk ak. I was
pricked by a thorn. (cf. dgi, dalngag,
ngon, tulslok).
tunukn, (H) Pertaining to thorns, of
thorns, thorny, prickly, spiny, spinous,
spiky, spiked, barbed. Almbre nga
tunukn. Barbed wire. Ang purngprung

nga tunukn. The crown of thorns. (cf.

tunng, A pin, bolt, nail; to hold a bar,
etc. in place; to pin, put in a pin or bolt.
Tunung ang ganhan. Bolt the door. (cf.
plpal, paly, balngbalng).
tnung, To stop, calm, quiet, impede. (cf.
tunygi, To rail at, scoff, mock, curse and
swear at. Hingay ka sang plak kag nd
ka magtunygi sang yr sa idlum. Calm
your (angry) excitement and dont rail at
(upbraid, speak insolently to) those below
you. (cf. pamuyyaw, pamlag, tmay,
yagut, ulgyat).
tob, tub, See tob, tobto fill with
odours, etc. (cf. gub, tugb).
tod, To be true, etc. See tud.
tudtod, tudtod, Dim. and Freq. of
tod. Kon tudturon in. If that is
true. If that can be verified. If it
should prove to be true. (cf. himatod,
kamaturan, matod).
tup, To alight, fall, drop, come to
rest, on. Natp-an (Natupan) ang
botlya sang bulutngan sang ab kag
nabung (nagkabung). The ash-tray fell
on the bottle and it (the bottle) was
tupd, Side, nearness, closeness,
proximity, propinquity, vicinity,
juxtaposition, immediate neighbourhood.
Sa tupd sang mon baly. Close by,
near, at the side of, adjoining, our
house. Near us. In our immediate
neighbourhood. (cf. luy, klid, lapt;
tamparn, atubnganfront).
tpad, (seldom tupd) To be at the
side of, close by, near at hand, at ones
elbow, in the immediate neighbourhood, be
next neighbour to, to adjoin, be adjacent; to
sit or stand side by side. Tpad ka sa ya.
Tupri (-di) si. Go (stand, sit) near him,
close by him, at his side (elbow). Take your
place close by him. Nagatupary (-pray)
ang la mga baly. Their houses are next
to (adjoining) each other. Ang tinda kag
ang mon baly nagatpad. Ang tinda
(mon baly) nagatpad sa mon baly
(sa tinda). Our house is near (adjoining,
at the side of) the market place. Patpad
to put or place side by side, etc.; to
compare. Kon ipatpad mo ang ya
katarngan sa ya ni Fulno. If you
compare his argument (reasoning) with the
argument put forth by N.N.. (cf. ping,
klid, luy, lapt, tmbi; atbang,
tmpadto confront).
tpak, To pound or stamp something soft
in a mortar (as boiled bananas, baybye,
etc.). Lktan mo sing kalmay ang sging
nga tinank kag tupkon. Mix the boiled
bananas with sugar and pound them in the
mortar. (cf. lbak, bay, tot).
tp-an, From tupto alight on, etc.


tpla turk-turk
tpla, To spit; to treat with contempt,
despise. (cf. dpl, dur, tpra; tmay).
tplay, To bend down, incline, weaken,
soften. (cf. dplay, dnglay).
tpling, Swaying, faltering, swerving,
inclination; to incline sideways, sway,
swerve, deviate from the straight path,
yield, budge. Sa waly tolotpling
(tulutpling). Unflinchingly,
unswervingly, unfalteringly, without
wavering, without flinching or budging. (cf.
patpling, lis, sipk, talingg, etc.).
tpo, See tpoto follow suit, etc.
tupk, To fall, be wounded or killed in
war, die in battle, or the like. Ang mga
nagkalatupk kag nagkalapaty sa
latagn sang pagawyan. Those that fell
and died on the field of battle. Nag si
sang lis kag natupk (nagkatupk). The
bullet hit him and he fell to the ground. (cf.
tupk, See tapkto be fragile, brittle,
tupk-tpok, tupk-tupk, Dim. and
Freq. of tupkto fall, die in battle.
tup-tpo, Dim. and Freq. of tpoto
follow suit, do the same thing.
tptup, To include all, etc. See tptop,
tpud, kmpod, tipatp.
tpul, To agree, conspire, meet, come
together. (cf. hitpul).
tpung, To be equal to, to equal, to be
neither superior nor inferior. Nagatpung
sil sa kataasn. They are equal in height.
Nagatpung gid ang la nga palangakan.
Their authority or office is the same. They
are equal in authority or office. Ang ya
pagkamangin-almon matupngan
yhan, pang daw sa nd malabawn.
His learnedness can perhaps be matched,
but scarcely surpassed.
tupng, Equal (of size, capacity, wealth,
colour, strength, etc.). Tupng gid ang la
nga duh nga panuign. They are both of
the same age. Dl tupng in sa is. This is
not equal to that other one.
tups, (B) To suffer, stand, bear, have to,
put up with, have to be content or satisfied
with. Nagatups lang kam kang ginams,
hay war kam ti ibakl kang sd nga
lb-as. (Nagaagwnta lang kam sang
ginams, kay wal kam sing ibakl sang
lb-as (mayo) nga sd). We have to eat
salt fish, as we have no money to buy fresh
fish. (cf. agwnta, bats, ntus, ro).
tur, (B) The remains or remnants of a
meal, scraps of food, what is left on the
table after a meal. (cf. saln, bhag, biln).
tr, To shake to and fro, excite by
shaking (a cock, etc.). The form turtr is
mostly employed.
turgsik, (B) See tulgsikto chirp, etc.
trag, turg, To trample down, step
over, walk over, put ones foot in, etc. See
tdag, tdag, trag, tsag, ldag.


Visayan-English Dictionary
Tumurg lang si sa hulumyan. He just
cut across the rice-field.
turm-os, See turn-os, rm-os, tulmos.
turn-os, (B) See talm-os. Nagaturnos (Nagaturuturn-os) ang urn.
(Nagatamptmpu ang uln). It is
rainingat intervals,in little showers.
turapk, (B) A passing shower of rain, a
squall, a fit, jerk, start; at intervals, with
interruptions, now and again, off and on,
by fits and starts; to do with interruptions,
by fits and starts. Urn nga turapk. (Uln
nga tulpok). A shower of rain. A squall of
very short duration. Turapk nga
pangabdlay. Work done by fits and starts.
Desultory, interrupted, not steady or
continuous work. Ri nga to turapk sa
bisn an nga orobrhon. (In nga to
matalk-on sa bisn nno nga olobrhon.
Ang olobrhon nya sin nga to
dugydugy nya ginabiyan). Whatever
this man does he does by fits and starts.
This mannever works long at any job,
gets soon tired of any kind of work. (cf.
turray, See tullay. Also: Criticism,
fault-finding; to criticize, disparage, find
fault with. Natilawn na nya ang turray
ni Fulno. He has drawn down upon
himself the censure (criticism) of Mr. N.N.
tursok, To take a short cut through
fields, over grass, etc.; to pass, go over or
enter without ceremony, interview, call to
account, tax with, burst upon, go for.
Gintursok lang nmon ang talmnan,
tunk (dgi), etc. We simply cut across the
field, tramped over the thorny shrubs, etc.
Ind mo pagturaskon ang pagsuld sa
kon kwrto, knd manktok ka gid
nay. Dont enter my room
unceremoniously, but knock first. Sang
pagkabat nya sin dyon gid lang ya
gintursok si Fulno. As soon as he heard
this, he at once went for (had an
interview with, expostulated or
remonstrated with) N.N. (cf. trag, tsak,
ldag, lktud, kurgmang).
tur-tr, To shake (swing) to and fro,
excite by shaking. Ang mank
ginaturtr tbtub nga magsmpok. The
cock is shaken to and fro till it fights or gets
up a fighting spirit. Ginturturan nya
ak sang yang kamt. He shook his hand
at me. Ginturtr nya sa kon ang ph,
pang wal man nya pag ihtag. He
waved the mango before me, but did not
give it to me.
turwik, turawk, A squeal, squeak,
shrill cry or sound; to squeal, squeak, etc.
(cf. talawk, torawk, iwk, iygak,
tingak, tibaw, siagt).
tray, To prattle, prate, talk about,
censure, find fault with, criticize, harp on,
cavil at. (cf. mlay, hkay, br, turray).
turayw, (B) To shout, rail at, speak in a
loud voice, vociferate (in anger or passion).

Ind mo tna pagturayawn. (Ind mo si

pagsinggitn). Dont shout at him. Bisn
magturayw kaw man din nd man
tkon magsaht kanmo. (Bisn
magsinggtan ka man dir nd (man) ak
magsapk sa mo). You may get angry and
shout as much as you like, but I wont listen
to you. (cf. snggit, pugas, pamyas, etc.).
turngan, See tulngana kind of fish.
tring, turng, (B) See tulngthe very
ripe lmboy-fruit.
turrok, (B) To apply oneself with zeal, be
diligent, be assiduous, go at with a will.
Turirki ang mga buruhatn mo. (Pisni
(Ukri) ang mo mga buluhton). Be
diligent in the performance of your work
(duties). Throw yourself into your work.
Turirka ang (Pisni ang) pagpanah,
pagsult, etc. Sew, study, etc. diligently
(assiduously, with application). (cf. turrop,
psan, kud, tl-id, d-id).
turrop, (B) See turrok.
turn, (Sp. turron) Nougat, almond paste,
a sweetmeat mixed with pistachio nuts, etc.
turng, To upturn, turn up (ones eyes);
to shut (close) the eyes in death. (cf. dors,
trong, To turn round, revolve, whirl,
pirouette, spin round, rotate, gyrate, twirl.
Sa dalyon nga pagtrong sang mga
tinig. In the ever turning wheel of
Fortune. In the course of years. As
the years keep (kept) coming round.
(cf. tyub, byung).
tros, See blas.
turs, To sip, suck, imbibe, absorb, drink
in small draughts, draw in with the mouth.
Turos lang ang tlog sa olokab. Just
suck the egg from its shell. Sn-o ang
nagturs sang sabw? Who has been
sipping the sauce? (cf. hgop, spsop,
syup, ypyup, ltgot, sso).
trsi, (Sp. torcer) To turn, twist, swing
round, deviate. (cf. wrik).
turbok, (B) A pin. (cf. tubk, sibt,
alpilr, kirkol).
turd, (B) Fore-finger, index. (cf.
truk, (B) To see, etc. See tluk. (cf.
truk, To enter, penetrate the ground
(said of roots, or the like); to form roots,
take root.
turk, (H) Deep, penetrating, etc. See
turukdon, (B) Ascent, uphill. See
tolokron, takldon.
turks, To interview, call to account,
expostulate with, investigate, ask for an
explanation. Turuksu si. Call him to
account. Ask him for an explanation. (cf.
turk-truk, (B) Dim. and Freq. of
trukto look, see.
turk-turk, (B) Full of small holes or
indentations, said of worm-eaten wood, of

Visayan-English Dictionary
fruit, of a pitted or pock-marked skin, etc.
(cf. tohktohk, hatkhatk).
turuln-on, (B) Vegetables, etc. See
ulutann, tan, lswa, lalaswhon;
laswhon, tla, tla).
turtud, A toy-whistle. See tortot,
turtuk, Hammer, knocker. (cf. tutk).
turtuk, A toy-whistle. See turtud).
turtut, See tortot, turtud, banttut.
tryal, turyl, (Perhaps from the Sp.
trillar or torear) To beat, thrash, punish
severely, drub, chastise thoroughly. (cf.
tartri, tortro, bakbka, lab, lmpus,
hnot, etc.).
ts, See patsto insist, be insistent.
ts-an, From tusto mark, etc.
tsay, Wild gesticulation, spar; to make a
spar at, gesticulate wildly, move the hands
wildly, saw the air with ones hands, swing
the arms, etc. preparatory to a fight, to get
ready for a fight. Ang mga manogdumg
nagatsay (nagatulsay, nagatinusayy)
na. The wrestlers are getting ready for the
fight. (cf. han, laby-lbay, barumbda).
tusk, The beak, bill, of a bird; to peck
(at), bite; to eat very little. Daw nagtusk
gid lang si. He ate very little. He scarcely
touched the food. (cf. tktok, tuk).
tslok, To thrust at, poke at, make a lunge
at, jab, prod, prick, stab. Ind mo
pagitslok ang mo tdl sa ya mat.
Dont poke your finger at his eye. (cf. tslok,
tsmug, To dip (in), immerse, plunge
into, put into, a liquid; to boil bananas,
etc. in sugar. Itsmug ang tdl mo sa
tbig nga bendta. Dip your finger in the
holy water. Il na lang yanng tbig nga
tinusmugn nya sang ya mahgk nga
by. Pour out the water in which he has
dipped his dirty jacket. Mga sging nga
tinsmug (sa kalmay). Candied (Sugared)
bananas. (cf. tgmaw, tm-oy, tgnod,
tsngaw, To speak aloud, make audible,
raise ones voice so as to be audible,
intelligible, distinct, clear. Malya na gid
si nga nd na gn makatsngaw sang
ya tngug. He is very weak now; he cannot
speak audibly (intelligibly) any longer. Ind
na si katsngaw (makatsngaw). He is
too far gone to utter a word. He can no
longer make his voice heard. (cf. hmbal,
plong, bungt, tikb).
ts-on, To put a support underneath, to
put or place under, to hold, uphold,
sustain, support, shoulder. (cf. ls-on).
tsop, To bite off a piece, eat by snaps and
snatches, gnaw, nibble, pick (a bone, etc.).
(cf. p-ap, kbkib, ktkit).
tsu, See tsoto be unreliable, etc.
ttdan, From ttudto set fire to, etc.
tte, tti, (Sp. tute) A game at cards.

turuln-on tuy
tutr, (Sp. tutor) Tutor, guardian;
instructor, teacher. (cf. manugbntay,
tt, tut, See tt, tota darling (boy),
tuty, A young dog, puppy. See toty, ti,
tut, To pound, etc. See tot.
ttub, A cover; a turban or any similar
head-dress. (cf. tutb; plus, pudng).
tutb, To cover a bottle, jar, pot, basket,
etc. with a piece of paper, cloth, or the like
and fasten with a string tied round the neck
of the vessel (receptacle). Tutub (Tutub)
ang pask nga may suld nga bboy (nga
und sang bboy). Cover and close the
neck of the bamboo tube containing pork.
May ginams nga natutb. There is some
salt fish wrapped up somewhere i.e. There
is some secret behind it. There is
something that shuns the light, that should
be hidden or kept out of view. (cf.
sngsung, puts, balhos, tbon).
ttud, tutd, To set fire to, burn, destroy
(consume) by fire, make fire of, burn to
ashes. Tipna kag ttdi ang mga sgbot
(rm). Collect (Gather) the rubbish and
burn it. Tintdan nla ang sinapiyo
(sinipyo). They burned (burnt) the
shavings. (cf. snug).
tutk, To knock at a door, or the like; to
hammer. Sn na man ang nagatutuk?
Who is knocking again? Tutuk ang
ganhan. Knock at the door. (cf. tktok,
panktok, papk pp).
ttum, Reliability, trustworthiness,
faithfulness; to be or become reliable
trustworthy, brave, trusty, valiant, faithful
to ones duty (under difficulties), etc. (cf.
sug, psan, nung, mattum).
tutnlan, Throat, gullet, swallow,
oesophagus. (cf. tuln).
tuts, The form patuts is mostly used in
the meaning of: to yield, give way, back
down, submit. Ind gid si magpatuts. He
will not yield. He wont give in. He will not
relent (relax). (cf. patubk, paubg,
patubalng; sol).
tt, ttu, To be or become active,
diligent, assiduous, working with zeal or
application; be a good boy. (cf. tt, ttum,
psan, kud, patt, pant).
tud, True, veracious; to be or become
true. Kon magtud (turon, matd-an,
mamatd-an) in. If that should
(would) betrue,correct,the case,.
In that event (case, supposition,
eventuality). (cf. td-an, matod,
kamaturan, himatod; pamatud,
tudtod; tod, tod id.).
tud, A stake, post, pillar, column,
support; stud, stanchion; the stump (of a
tree, bamboo, etc.). (cf. pagtod, tok,
tus, To mark, sign, label (particularly
said of fruit, marked by the owner, so that

no one of his household may pluck it).

Nats-an inng lngk, kay paluton gid
sang tagya. This jack-fruit is marked,
because the owner wants it to ripen well.
tuwd, See tudto bend ones back, etc.
twad, To gallop, race, run very swiftly.
Ang kabyo nagatwad. The horse is
galloping. Patuwda (-ra) ang kabyo.
Gallop the horse.
twak, See takto fight to a finish. (cf.
twak, To leap, jump, plunge, spring,
bound, rush; to pitch (of a boat). Sang
pagkakt nya nga nagapalapt ang
tagya tumwak si kag lummpat sa
bintn. When he saw that the owner was
coming near he made a rush for the
window and jumped (down). (cf. lkso,
lmpat, lktin, mbak, tmb).
tuwy, See tuyclam.
tuwy-tway, The patella, kneecap. See
tuy-tay id.
tya, (B) There, over there. (cf. ddto,
dir, rgto).
tyan, To buffet, pursue, wreak ones
vengeance upon. (cf. paupk).
tyang, To waste, wear out, take it easy,
let things take their course. Daw sa dl na
makitan sing bulng ydtong lwas nya
nga natuyngan sang mga kalakasn
sang malut nya nga kaduyugn. It
seems that his body, wasted by the excesses
of his evil habits, is past cure (recovery).
(cf. patyang).
tuyn-tyan, Dim. and Freq. of tyan.
Tinuyntyan si sang malut nya nga
kapalran sbung sang lluk nga
nagautwtaw sa nagabah nga sub.
Bad luck pursued (and buffeted) him like
driftwood in a flooded river. (cf. paupk).
tuy-tya, To ridicule, tease, mock, scoff
at. (cf. tiwtaw, ulig, ulgyat).
tyaw, To weaken, tire, get exhausted.
Natyaw si. He got tired. (cf. lya, ly,
kpoy, pul, bdlay).
tuy, To plot, vow vengeance, intend to
wreak ones vengeance upon, plan to kill or
harm. (cf. panuy-, manuny,
ty, Thought, idea, plan, intention,
proposal, purpose, project, design, scheme;
to intend, think, propose, purpose, have in
mind, have in view, mean to do,
contemplate, divise, scheme, plan. An
bal ang ya ty? What then is his
intention or plan? What does he intend to
do? Sn-o ang ya ty? Whom is he
thinking about? Whom does he want? Sn-o
ang ya ginaty? Whom is he courting?
Whom does he intend to marry? Ginty
gid nya in. He intended it. He did it on
purpose, deliberately. (cf. hungd,
tinuty, katuyon).
tyo, A kind of plant.
tuy, Sleepiness, drowsiness; to make
sleepy or drowsy, cause sleep. Ginatuy


tyub ubsubs
ak. I am sleepy. (cf. katutyhon,
tyub, (B) To turn, revolve or spin round
on an axle or pivot. Nagatyub ron ang
arring. (Nagatyog na ang alling). The
wheel is turning round. Patuyba ang
arring. (Patyoga ang alling). Make the
wheel turn round. (cf. byung, trong,
tlik, trik, tog, tyog).
tuyk-tuyukn, Top, point, pinnacle,
highest part, summit, apex, peak, climax,
acme. (cf. putokputokn, alipukpukn,
pilewpilewn, tuyngtyung).
tyum, Strength; to be or become strong,
said of smells, tastes, drinks, etc. (cf.
dalsay, sug, purs).
tuyng-tyung, The tip, top of the
highest branches of a tree, the crown of a
tree. (cf. tuyktuyuknthe tip of a
bamboo, etc.).
twad, See tad, tud.
twad-balskad, Topsy-turvy, inverted,
upside down, putting the cart before the
horse; to take the wrong course, invert the
order of things, go the wrong way. (cf. sul).
twak, twlya, etc. See tak, tulya, etc.
ty, A young dog, pup, puppy. See toty,
tyg-tyg, A loafer, vagabond, etc. See

u, For the pronunciation and use of the

vowel u in Visayan see remarks made
upon the vowel o. (cf. remarks on letter
ba, Unclothed, stripped, undressed,
nude, naked, divested of; to strip, undress,
take off clothes, divest of, uncloth, doff,
bare, make bare, denude. Ubha ang by
mo. Take off your jacket or outer dress.
Ubhi si sang ya by. Take off his coat
or outer garment. Inubhan (Ginubhan)
si sang mga buyng (sang ya mga
panpton). The robbers stripped him.
Ubhi ang ya abga kag usison mo ang
ya pils. Bare his shoulder and examine
his wound. Tungd kay alnglang ang
pagba sang by sang pilasn
gingnting na lang sang manugblung. As
it was difficult to divest the wounded man
of his coat the doctor removed it by cutting
with a pair of scissors. (cf. hub, hblas).
bad, The soft core or pith of a banana
plant. (cf. budthe soft, edible core of the
upper part of a bur-palm or coconutpalm).


Visayan-English Dictionary
ubg, Only the form paubg is in general
use in the meaning of: to yield, give way,
back down, give in, submit. Ind si
magpaubg. He does not want toyield,
give way,submit. Wal sil magpaubg
sa la nga tindgan. They did not, would
not, surrender. They held their ground
(position). (cf. paspil, patubk,
ublhang, (B) Loose, unfastened, open,
not well secured, untidily arranged, said
especially of a womans skirt when it is
carelessly arranged around the waist; to be
or become loose, etc. Nagaublhang gid
lang ang patdyong na (nya). Her skirt is
quite loose (nearly falling down). (cf. buy;
lghoto drop, fall down).
ubn, Gray (grey) hair, white or silvery
ban, To become (turn, grow) gray (grey)
or white, said of hair. Nagban na ang ya
bohk. His hair has turned white. His hair
haswhitened,grown white,greyed,
turned (grown) grey. (cf. buky, put).
ubnon, Gray-haired, grey, white-haired,
covered with white hairs; old, aged. (cf.
buky, put; tiglang; ban, ubn).
ubs, Very young, immature rice prepared
as food. The ubs is still more immature
than the rice used for making lmbok.
When still in the ear this immature rice is
called ulubson and lubknon respectively.
(cf. mar, mgingrice-flower; alnyon
mature rice ready for reaping).
bas, (Sp. uva, uvas) Grapes, a bunch or
cluster of grapes.
uby, To accompany, go along with, be
with, assist, help, guide, support. Ind ka
mahdluk, kay ubayn ikw nya. Dont
be afraid, because he willaccompany
you,be with you,help (assist) you. Ang
Snta Iglsya nd gid makatlang, kay
ginaubayn sa gihpon sang Dis nga
Espritu Snto. The Church cannot fall into
error, because she is always guided by the
Holy Ghost. (cf. kabay; bylog, tytoy,
blig, tbang).
bhon, From ubto cough. (cf. olbhon,
bi, Uvi yam, yam, ubi, an edible tuber
belonging to the dioscorea family and
growing at times to a large size. There are
many varieties: the kinarabw,
kinrbaw is of great size and whitish; the
tapl has a bluish meat; the tm-is is
sweetish; the bl-og grows down deep in
the ground; the lik is a sort of twisted
bi; the bagunw grows upwards from
the ground; the hils is tap-rooted and
strikes deep into the soil; the tayab is a
kind of small bi. (cf. banyan, buhayn,
ubt, The fastening or tucking-in of a
Filipino skirt (patdyong) at the waist; to
fasten, secure or tuck in at the waist the
loose end of a patdyong. Wal (To) si
sing ubt (pangubt). She is accustomed to

secure her patdyong by tucking it in at

the left (right) side of the waist. (cf.
ulubtan, alubksan; when a patdyong is
secured carelessly or untidily it is called
buy, ublhang).
ub, Cough, coughing; to cough. See ob.
bre, (Sp. ubre) The udder, dug.
Makayon ka sang bre? Do you like to
eat the udder (of a cow)? (cf. sso).
bud, The soft, edible core or pith of the
upper part of a burpalm or coconutpalm. (cf. badthe soft core of a bananastem).
ubd-ubd, Soft bone, gristle, cartilage;
scalp. (cf. ubduburn).
ubd-ubudn, See ubd-uburn.
ubd-uburn, The hair together with
the skin of the (human) head, the scalp;
soft bone. (cf. ubdubd).
bung, Moon-ring, halo. See bong.
bus, To finish, end, use up, wear out,
swallow up, consume, spend all, exhaust,
make an and of. Ubsa lang inng tinpay.
Just finish this bread (eat it all). Nabus na
ang bno. The wine is all gone now.
Ginbus nya ang is ka gats ka
mngmang nga ginhtag ko sa ya. He
spent to the last farthing the hundred pesos
I had given him. Daw sa nd mabus inng
hener sa is ka delrgo. This cloth will
probably not be used up in the making of a
pair of trousers. Ubson mo sang kon
inng ttlo ka ph. Consume (eat up)
these three mangoes. Ind nla mabus
sang inm inng tub. They cannot finish
all this toddy. (cf. rut, tpus, sid, tt).
ubs, The lower part of a town or village,
the part near the coast, near a river bed,
lower down a slope or hill, the lower
reaches of a stream, etc. Sa ubs sang
bryo. At the lower end of the village. Sa
ubs sang. Lower down, at the bottom
(of a room, church, theatre, etc.). Dlhug
ka sa ubs sang baklod. Go down the hill.
Descend to the base of the hill. Also used as
a verb. Sa naubusn sang dlan, sang
sub, etc. At the end of the street, at the
lower reaches (near the mouth) of the river,
etc. (cf. tkas).
ubs, After, subsequently, having
finished, immediately afterwards (after).
This ubs is usually preceded by sa or
sang and followed by potential verbal
forms ma, maka, etc. e.g. Sang ubs na
matpus ang ya hmbal. After his
speech. Having had his say. Sang
ubs na si makasult tumndog si
gilayn. Having finished his writing he
stood up at once. Sa ubs mo makh ang
koryo kadto si Fulno. First fetch the mail
and then go over to N.N. Sa ubs ka
mamhaw magsg-ub ka. After breakfast
you shall fetch some water. (cf. tpus).
ubsubs, Nowand then. One
moment, at the next moment. (At)
one time, (at) another time.
Alternately, by turns, off and on. Ubs si

Visayan-English Dictionary
makabtyag sing dak nga dumt, ubs
man makabtyag sing ggma. Now he
would feel a great hatred and then he
would feel love. Ubs si malngkod, ubs
man si matndog. One moment he would
sit down and the next moment he would
stand up. By turns he would sit down and
stand up again. (cf. bulsblus).
ubs-bus, Dim. and Freq. of bus. To
come near the end of, be nearly or almost
finished, etc. (cf. urtrut, tubstbus).
ubs-ubs, Dim. and Freq. of ubs. Sa
ubsubs sang mon baly may lnaw
nga lalangyan. A little below our house
there is a swimming pool.
udg, A kind of dgmay. The proverbial
saying: Pnit sang udg ang mo (The
skin of the udg belongs to you) means:
There is nothing left for you. Late come,
late served.
udgan, Place where udg grows; full
of, covered with, udg.
udagn, Restless, lively, etc. See
harshars, hulagn, dingkalogn,
dak, To do as one pleases, as much as
one likes, to ones hearts content or desire,
to eat ones fill, or the like. Ginaudkan
lang nla ang pagkon. They are eating to
their hearts content. Inudkan si nla
sang yagut, sang tapngol, etc. They
mocked him, beat him, etc.till they had
enough of it,till they were completely
satisfied,to their hearts desire. (cf.
pagus, patyang, pasamyang, knkan).
dal, To abate, diminish, slacken,
languish, flag, dwindle, decrease, have the
edge taken off, to blunt, dull. Wal pa
pagdal ang pamaligyon sa tnda
(tinda). Selling at the market is quite brisk
still (has not slackened, grown dull, fallen
off). Wal pagdal ang ya pamatsan.
His habits are firmly rooted, difficult to
reform or to eradicate. Ind mo pagudlon
ang binngon. Dont blunt the bolo. (cf.
bhin; hbul, hdal, hdal).
udygon, See udyhon.
udyhon, Companion, friend, associate,
intimate; close, familiar. (cf. byan,
kahrup, kahmbal, upd).
dh, Waste, profligacy, prodigality; to
waste (money, etc.), be a spendthrift, be
prodigal, profligate, extravagant, lavish. (cf.
buhah, sik, uyng.)
dkan, From kudto be diligent, etc.
dlon, Wormy, worm-eaten, infested with
worms, maggoty. (cf. ulron).
udk, A young pig, piglet. (cf. urk, idk).
udt-udt, Flattery, fooling; to flatter,
trick, wheedle, cajole, etc. See odt,
odtodt, uns, uts.
d-ud, To gnaw, nibble, bite, eat. (cf. lul, l-ol).
d-ud, To sit, squat, etc. See d-od.
dyak, Delight, exultation, pleasure,
(noisy) merriment, mirth, glee; to be

ubs-bus ghoy
merry, exult, show pleasure, rejoice, delight
in, be delighted, break out in bursts of joy
or gladness, frolic, gambol, jump and dance
with joy; to smile and wriggle and writhe
with pleasure, said of babies that are not
yet able to speak. (cf. gyak, hingyaw,
sngya, sdya, dingyang, hmpang).
dyong, A sharp point, prick, prickle,
thorn, splinter; sting, pain (as caused by
the prick of anything sharp-pointed). (cf.
ngon, dalngag, syak, tunk, bslay,
dyong, See dyongtrumpet, bugle. (cf.
udyykuy, See agoykoya kind of
small crab.
ug, Dry, dried, exsiccated; seasoned (of
timber); sun-dried fish, rice, etc.; to dry,
become or make dry, to exsiccate. Nagaug
na ang mas. The corn is getting dry now.
Inng mga tp ug na. These boards are
seasoned (dry). Nagaug (Nagapaug) si
sing mas. He is drying corn. Ugah ang
humy. Dry the rice. Spread the rice in the
sun to dry. May ug kam? Have you got
any dry (dried) fish (rice, etc.)? (cf. mal,
kigs, tpa, buld).
ga, Listener, hearkener, eavesdropper.
Pangga, panggato listen, eavesdrop
(of women). (cf. go; hanglhangl,
ugd-gad, To reiterate, repeat, go over
again, keep on doing or saying the same
thing, practise often, rehearse.
Ugdugron (-don) mo in tbtub nga
masaol mo. Go over it again till you may
know it by heart. (cf. sultslit, liwnlwan,
ugi, Yet, but, all the same, in spite of,
whereas, though. (cf. gi, ibgo, ugling,
ugl, Manner, way, method, custom,
nature, property; proper, pertaining to,
natural; to be or become natural, etc. (cf.
kinaugl, kinatb, uny, batsan,
kinabatsan, etc.).
ugling, Yet, but, still, etc. See ogling.
Mapanyga na kam.Karn ugling.
Take your dinner now.Not just now, but
after a little while. (cf. gring, gi).
ugm, A disease of the tongue
manifesting itself in inflammation and
painful cracks. It makes speaking and
eating difficult and not unfrequently ends
in death; glossitis, glossophytia, blacktongue, sordes (of the tongue).
ugmid, To comprise, include, take in,
embrace, implicate, involve. Naugmid
gal ak sa ya nga sayp. Strange to
say,I became involved in his fault
(offence),I was considered to have had
something to do with his offence. (cf.
dalhig, mid, aby, dpl).
ugngan, Parent-in-law, father-in-law,
mother-in-law, (cf. umgadson-in-law;

ugnot, Small vein, artery; fibre, thread,

filament. (cf. ugt, sagn-ot, naht).
ugsip, (H) The pulp of coconut meat
after the oil (lna) has been pressed out.
(cf. gatthe juice expressed from the
coconut meat; lnacoconut oil; latkthe
dregs or sediment left after the gat has
been boiled and converted into the finished
product of lna. (cf. ursip).
ugt, Vein, artery, bloodvessel; fibre,
thread, tendon, muscle. (cf. ugnot, naht,
ugy, To ask, implore, petition, request,
importune. (cf. mp, ah, pangy,
pangaby, pakil-oy, hngy).
gay, To cherish, delight in; to fondle,
caress, treat with great affection. (cf. tgay,
dl, ngg, wli, lyag).
ugayng, A moan, groan, sigh; to moan,
groan, sigh, whimper, utter plaintive cries,
complain, groan with pain (as sick people
do). Dyon gid lang si nagaugayng sa
ya higdan. He is constantly moaning in
his bed. Inugayongn nya ak. He greeted
me with groans of pain. Wal si
paghmbal, knd nagaugayng gid
lmang. He does not say a word, but just
keeps on sighing. Nahkaw ang kon
katulgon sang ya mga ugayng. His
groans disturbed my sleep. (cf. aguyng,
hgung, pangaragy, panghkroy).
gbo, A pastime. See gbo under kbung.
gdang, Modesty, decency, delicacy,
decorum; to be or become modest, etc. (cf.
lgdong, magdang, kagdang).
ugdngan, Modest, tactful, delicate, selfrespecting. (cf. magdang, malgdong).
ugdng-gdang, Dim. and Freq. of
gdang. Also: giving oneself airs, walking
about in grand style or in a dignified way.
The form paugdnggdang is mostly used
as verb. Nagapaugdnggdang si kay
may bg-o si nga sya nga skl. She is
giving herself airs, because she has a new
silk skirt. (cf. timtm).
gdaw, To calm down, become calm or
quiet, subside, die down, abate, quell.
Naggdaw na ang kalyo, ang ya kakig,
etc. The fire has subsided now, his anger
has calmed down, etc. Paugdaw ang ya
dumt. Quell his hatred. Induce him to
quell his hatred. (cf. lgpay, twhay,
linng, hagnhgan).
gduk, A kind of eel. See gdok.
gduk, To set, drive in, plant, establish.
(cf. tgduk, tgduk, bgsok, tanm).
ghad, To hawk, clear the throat
preparatory to spitting. Ind ka magghad
(mangghad, magpangghad) kon may
nagakon. Dont hawk and spit while
others are eating. (cf. kghad).
ghay, Thrum, thrumb, the end of a
weavers warp threads. (ghay id.).
ghoy, To shout, hollo, hallo, raise ones
voice, yell, call aloud for somebody. Ughoy
si. Call for him in a loud voice. Ighoy


ugs kay
ang tngug mo. Raise your voice to a shout.
(cf. snggit, turayw).
ugs, To discolour, lose colour, fade (of
colour). (cf. ls-aw).
ugs, Partly bald, lacking hair or feathers,
showing spots bare of hair or feathers; to
become thin or fall out (of hair); to rumple
ones hair with the tip of the thumb, or the
like. Ugis si. Rumple his hair. (cf.
bungd, upw).
gkan, ugknan, See gkan,
ogknanto be tranquil, at ease, etc.
gmud, To enter deep, penetrate, go
down, push or press down, sink, descend;
to impoverish, go bankrupt. (cf. smud).
gnud, See gmud.
go, Listener, eavesdropper (of males).
See ga. The verb is panggo, panggo.
(cf. singdsingd, tingdtingd,
goy, A song, lullaby; to sing or play
softly, to lull. Ginaugyan nya ang bt.
She is lulling the baby to sleep. Ang am
nga ambahnon ginagoy sa bisn din
nga hilt sang kalibtan. That song is sung
everywhere. (cf. lylay, lnglang, yyay).
ugy-goy, Dim. and Freq. of goy.
Ugyugyi si tt sa dyan. Sing softly to
baby boy in the hammock. Lull the darling
to sleep in the hammock. (cf. ogygoy).
gpong, A bunch, bundle, cluster, parcel,
package; to tie together, make a bundle or
package of, bind together (a posy, parcel,
etc.). Ugpong ang lnot, ang khoy, etc.
Make the hemp, the wood, etc. up in
bundles. Ingpong nga mga blak. A
nosegay, posy, bunch of flowers. (cf.
pngpung, pulngpong, hgpung).
gpot, To appear, arrive, come back,
return, come, near, approach. Dgay na
nga wal gid si maggpot dir. For a long
time he has not been here at all.
Matintin umgpot man si Fulno kag
ginpamunan nmon ang sinpul. After a
short while N.N. arrived and we opened the
meeting. Ugpot si. Approach him. Go
back to him. Present yourself before him.
(cf. abt, sapt, smput, tlus, blik,
palapt, gpot).
gsad, To step on the first or lowest rung
of a ladder or on the first stair of a
staircase; full-moon; to be full-moon i.e.
applied to the moon: it makes its first step
in its ascent towards the zenith (the
horizon on which the full-moon rises being
considered its first step. (cf. paugsarn;
himatayn; lat).
gsang, To fall down on ones back with
some force as a person that in sitting down
has his (her) chair suddenly removed. (cf.
lumpa-d, tingky, sdang).
ugsarn, (H) The first stair of a staircase,
the first round or rung of a ladder. (cf.
gsod, To begin, start, commence. (cf.


Visayan-English Dictionary
gsod, (B) To utter, say, pass a remark,
mention, tell, enjoin; to prompt, teach (by
word of mouth). Naggsod tna (si) nga
mapailnglong harm-an (sa bus). He
mentioned that he was going to Iloilo
tomorrow. Wal si magbth, knd
nagton gid lang si sa gsod sang ya
ily. He did not go to school, but was
taught by his mother (at home). (cf. mno;
bk; bungt).
gsod, To push or put into (as a piece of
wood into the fire); to launch, go forth, go
out (as a boat into the water). Igsud ang
khoy sa kalyo. Put the wood into the fire.
(cf. sgnud, dpung).
gtak, To cackle. Kon sn-o ang
nagagtak am man ang nagtlog. The
one that cackles has laid the egg. (cf.
gtan, etc. From ugtto be angry, etc.
gtas, To be impatient, irritable, nettled,
vexed, angry, exasperated, enraged, fretting
and chafing. Ind ka maggtas. Dont be so
impatient. Yanng magtoton dalyon gid
lang nagagtas sa mga bt. That teacher
has no patience with the children, is always
angry or exasperated. Ginugtasn nya
kam. He was very impatient with us, was
in a bad mood or humour. Ginapagtas
nya si nnay nya. She tries the patience
of her mother to the breaking point. She is
vexing, nettling, exasperating her mother.
(cf. kig, kdom, gtom).
gtom, To press the lips and teeth
together, to clench ones teeth; to control,
check, brook, repress, suppress, keep in
check. Nagagtom si. He is clenching his
teeth. Ginagtom lang nya ang ya
kakig kag kahuy. He (with difficulty) is
keeping in check his anger and shame. (cf.
gtus, See gtasto be impatient, etc.
Also: to bear, stand. (cf. bats, ro).
ugt, Anger, exasperation, excitement,
choler, rage; to rage, be angry, be in a
passion, be wrought up (into a passion), be
furious, to fume. Ind ka magugt
(magpaugt) tungd sang ditay lang nga
butng. Dont get angry over a trifle.
Tinklod ko si sa hgdan, kay ingtan
ak. I pushed him down the stairs, for I
was exasperated (wrought up into a
passion). Ind ka magpaugt sa ya. Dont
enrage (exasperate) him. (cf. kig, sklaw,
ugt, To inherit (a trait, quality, features,
etc.), to be like, take after in colour, figure,
expression, etc. Inng bt nakaugt gid sa
ya ily, dl sa ya amy. This child takes
after its mother, not after its father. (cf.
paugt, sbl, panbl, sund).
gyak, A yell, shrill cry, loud outburst (of
joy, playfulness, etc.); a squeal, squeak; to
emit a shrill sound or cry, to yell, shout,
vociferate, squeak, squeal, to frolic, make
merry. (cf. dyak, hgyaw, syak,

gyon, To agree, concur, be of one accord,

be united, to cooperate, pull together, assist
each other, collaborate. Maggyon kam.
Be of one accord. Come to an agreement
(understanding). Pull together.
Ginugyonn nla ang pagbhat sing
dlan. They agreed to build a road. (cf.
binuligy, higyon, hilithog, hish,
haw, Thirst, drought, drouth; to cause
thirst, make thirsty. Ginahaw ak. I
thirst. I am thirsty. Inm, kay kon dl ka
maginm karn uhwon ka gid sa dlan.
Drink, for if you dont drink now you will
certainly get thirsty on the road. (cf.
uhw, Thirsty, droughty, drouthy,
parched, dry. (cf. haw).
uhy, An ear of grain (with the grain). Is
ka uhy nga humy (sang humy). An ear
of rice. (cf. hotan empty ear of grain).
ho, uh, (Probably from the Sp. ojo) An
exclamation to attract attention. Lo! See!
Look here! Behold! Uh, tan-aw in! Lo
and behold! (cf. hoy).
usit, Lucky, fortunate, happy, blessed. (cf.
ukb, To turn up (a stone, etc.), to be,
get, come, loose, flap up and down,
scale off, come off in scales. Ukab ang
bat. Turn up the stone. Ginukb nya ang
pog sa dngding. He scraped the lime off
the wall. Ang pnta naukb (nagkaukb).
The paint scaled off (came off in scales).
Ang atp ginaukb sang hngin. The roof
(of np) is flapping in the wind. Ginukb
nya ang slyo sa sbre. He peeled the
stamp off the envelope. (cf. tokb, tk-yab,
kad, Swelling, expanding; to swell,
expand, spread. Ang lan nga humy
makad kon tig-angn. Old rice swells
when cooked. Ang mga lsg (suby)
maulkad kon tandogn. The lsg-ants, if
disturbed, will spread themselves in all
directions. (cf. hubg, bang, blhong;
lpta, alplag, surumbl).
kag, Boasting, bragging, pride,
ostentation; to be or become proud, etc. (cf.
bugl; wkal, hdak, hkal, hmbog,
agrt, etc.).
ukagn, A boaster, braggart. (cf.
wakaln, etc.).
ukng-kang, To limp, halt (as one with
a splinter in his foot, etc.). (cf. ikngkang).
kap, Chaff, husk, shell, rind, pod,
covering, tegument, integument. (cf. pak,
up, tabn, pnit, balhos, puts).
ukt-kat, To repeat, do again, iterate,
reiterate; repetition. Ginuktkat nya ang
sinilng ni Fulno. He repeated N.N.s
words over and over again. (cf. liwnlwan,
liwtlwat, sultslit).
kay, To even out, level, spread. Ukya
ang bals. Even out (Level) the sand.
Ginkay ko ang humy sa amkan. I

Visayan-English Dictionary
spread the rice evenly over the mat. (cf.
sma, salma, tpan).
kay, To tousle, rumple, disturb, upset,
rouse, shake up. Ind mo pagukyon ang
mga lsg. Dont disturb the (red) ants.
Ginkay nya ang la bohk. He tousled
their hair. Inkay nya ang la mga lo. He
roused them (their heads, brains). He
disturbed (stirred) them. (cf. kosks,
labgay, pkaw).
kbaw, To lift ones head a little, peep,
look out stealthily, etc. See kbaw.
kbo, To bound, jump, rise. (cf. tmb,
lkso, lmpat).
kbo, A game and pastime. See gbo
under kbung.
kbong, End, top, tip, point, extreme
part. (cf. tbong).
kdan, From kudto be diligent. (cf.
kl, ukl-kl, To hide ones head, etc.
See kl.
kol, See kolto fondle, etc.
ukn, For konor. Uknukn.
Eitheror. Ambt kon am in ukn in.
I dont know whether it is this or that. Is
sa duh: ukn magtman ka sin ukn
siltan ikw. One of the two: either you
obey or bear the punishment.
kub, To dig ones teeth in (into), fasten
ones teeth (fangs) in, to grip with the teeth,
to bite. Andam ka, kay bs ukban ka
sang id. Take care that the dog does not
bite you,dig (bury) its teeth in your flesh.
(cf. kagt, tukb).
ukb-kub, Dim. and Freq. of kub.
ukb-ukb, (B) To like very much, be
attached to, very fond of, be passionately
addicted to, be infatuated with.
Ginaukbukubn ak kady nga bt.
(Daw kgton (kanon) ko in nga bt). I
am infatuated with, I am very fond of,
this child. I like (love) this child very much.
kud, Diligence, assiduousness, assiduity;
to be diligent, apply oneself with zeal, do
with application, do ones best. Ukri
(ukdi, kdi, dki) ang mo mga
buluhton. Be diligent in the performance
of your duties. Ginukran gid nya ang ya
pagton. He applied himself with zeal to
his books. He studied assiduously. (cf.
psan, tl-id, d-id, turrok).
k-uk, To enter deep, pierce penetrate.
See k-ok.
kut, Foolish, silly, etc. See kot.
ukt, To repeat, reiterate, etc. See okt.
kut, To crease, wrinkle, etc. See yk.
ukt, Wrinkled, creased, etc. See yok.
l, To pour out liquids, empty a vessel,
discharge, spill, pour away. Il (Ula) ang
tbig. Pour out the water. Ginl nya sa
bintn ang tbig nga sa labadr. He
poured the water in the wash-basin out of
the window. Naulan ak sing tbig sang
paglgad (paglubs) ko sa la baly. As I
passed their house some water was poured

kay ul
over me. Ginl nya ang spas. He spilled
the soup. Natmba ang bso kag ang ya
panpton naulan sing pil ka tol nga
bno. The glass tumbled over and a few
drops of wine were spilt on her dress. (cf.
bsia, bsya, tbiong, tyhong, tayn,
tgis, tgay).
ulan, Place where water, etc. is poured
out; gutter-hole, sink-hole, kitchen-sink,
channel, sewer, drain. (cf. l, lamawn).
ulb, See urbto gnaw, nibble, eat (fruit,
lag, (H) Lewdness, lust, unchastity,
incontinence, impurity, lasciviousness; to
be or become lewd, etc. (cf. rag, hgk,
lw-ay; bg)
ulgon, (H) Lewd, lustful, impure,
wanton, unchaste, lascivious, loose,
dissolute, libidinous. (cf. lag, rag,
orgon, mahgk, malw-ay, kalibutnon,
bigon, malag, maulgon).
ulhi, (Sp. olaje) Surge, surf, breakers,
seething (succession) of waves. (cf. bald).
ulalng, To weave cloth (particularly for
skirts called patdyong); to spin cotton or
wool in a primitive way by hand without a
spindle. Ulalong ang brak kang brak
(blak sang blak). Spin the cotton wool
by hand. (cf. habl, pamlung,
ulalng, Rough, botched, bungled,
careless, coarse, not well done, applied to
all kinds of work. Ulalng (Inulalng) nga
trabho. Rough or careless work. A task
that has been badly performed. (cf. bstos,
manl, patarsak)
ulalng, January. Probably because
January was formerly the month for
uln, (H) Rain, shower of rain, downpour;
to rain. May uln. There is (was) rain.
Nagauln. It is raining. Naguln kahpon
sing madmol. Yesterday it rained heavily.
Naulann kam sa dlan. We had rain on
the road. Dalgan kam, kay kon dl
maulann kam. Run orthe rain will
overtake you,you will be caught in the
rain. Ang Dis nagapasubng sang ya
dlaw sa mga mayo kag sa mga malut
kag nagapauln sa mga matrung kag sa
mga dmatrung. God maketh his sun to
rise upon the good and bad, and raineth
upon the just and the unjust. Maulan gid
man inng mga tanm sa madal kon
maulann lang. These plants will recover
(pick up) soonafter a shower of rain,if
they have (receive) some rain. Daw sa
mauln (magauln). It looks as if it were
coming on to rain. (urn id.; cf. talthi,
apkapk, tamp-tmpu, dngdung,
bnok, etc.).
ulnan, Rain, time of rain, rainy weather.
Sa ulnan kag sa intan. In rain and
fair weather. Rain or shine.
lang, Grandfather, grandmother. (cf.
yang, yong, bay, lak, etc.).

lang, To twist, thread, string together.

Inlang nga bunng. Several strands of
yarn twisted together.
ulng, (H) A kind of small shrimp, prawn.
(urng id.).
ulng, To hinder, detain, keep back, hold
up, impede, prevent, restrain. Ulang si
sang sugilnon, agd nd si makalakt.
Prevent him from going away by keeping
up a conversation with him,him in
conversation. Ginulng kam sang bah.
We were held up by the flood. (cf. pugng,
sagng, put, tpn, etc.).
ulary, To cry from pain, to cry woefully,
to moan and groan. (cf. aragy).
uls, Band, belt, particularly a
transmission belt used in machinery. Uls
sang galingn. The transmission belt of a
ulasn, Old, worn out, useless, torn (of
clothes, etc.). (cf. gubt).
law, To stop, cease (of rain, etc.). (cf.
hlaw, hraw, put).
ulwa, To risk, venture, hazard, act or
speak with some diffidence as to the
lay, Pure, virginal, virgin,
uncontaminated, unpolluted, clean, chaste,
maidenly; to purify, cleanse. Ulya ang
mo tagiposon. Cleanse (purify) your
heart. (cf. ptl, tnl, matnl, magdang).
ulyhon, To take, carry, along with,
do at the same time, combine, unite, join
with. Iulyhon mo ak sang kon malta
kon magpal ikw. Kindly take along my
handbag, when you go home. Kon magdal
ka sin ddto ulayhonn mo pagdal
sinng mga sging. When you take that
over there take with you also these
bananas. Nagulyhon lang sil dyon
pagpamista. At the same time they also
assisted at the Feast. (cf. sagibn).
ulynon, Virginal, pure, undefiled. (cf.
li, (Sp. hule) Oil-cloth. Ptson mo sa li
ang (kon) mga panpton nga ilis ko.
Wrap up my change of clothes in a piece of
ul, Toilet paper or anything used instead
of it; to use toilet paper. (cf. ulul, urul).
l, To return, give back, render, restore,
make restitution, Il sa ya ang tuln-an.
Give him back the book. Labw na sa pil
ang nal. More than double has been
returned. Bs pa lang nga maulan pa si
sing mayo nga lwas. Let us hope that he
willbe restored to health,regain his
health,recover. Ginl na sang makwat
ang ya mga kinwat. The thief has given
back the stolen goods. Naulan na si sang
ya dungg. His honour is restored.
ul, To buy at cost-price, obtain without
gain to the seller. Kon magbakl ka sing
pyong duhan mo, kay ulin ko ang is.
When you buy an umbrella, buy two, for I


ul ult
shall buy one from you at the price you pay
for it. (cf. paulto sell at cost-price).
ul, Again, a second time. Nagpakasl na
man si ul sa kay Fulna. He married
again; this time he married N.N. The
second time he married (having been
married before) Miss N.N. Nagbhat si
sin ul. He did it again. (cf. liwn, liwt).
uliann, One who is in his second
childhood. (cf. ulumnon, ayopka).
ulbay, To carry on the shoulder by means
of a sling or hook. Ulibya lang ang mo
pinuts, balon, etc. Carry your parcel,
basket, etc. over your shoulder. Sling your
parcel, basket, etc. over your shoulder
(urbay id.).
ulbhay, (B) A neck-cloth, shawl, covering
for the neck and shoulders; to put around
ones neck and shoulders (a cloth, towel,
blanket, etc.). Iulbhay (Ulibhay) ang
kpay. (Iknop ang hbul). Just put the
blanket round your neck. (cf. knop,
panimlon, panimron, ulmpay).
ulig, ulg, Ridicule, mockery, sarcasm;
to ridicule, mock, scoff at. Ginpasipalhan
nya si kag ginulig sang malut nga
mga plong. He insulted him and mocked
him with vile language. Ind mo si
paguligan. Dont scoff at him. Dont make
him the butt of your sarcastic remarks. (cf.
ulgyat, tmay, taw).
ulgyat, Mockery, jibe, sneers, contumely,
derision, ridicule, scoffing, sarcasm,
sarcastic (caustic, bitter sneering) remarks;
to mock, deride, scoff at, jeer, jibe, laugh at,
turn into ridicule, make fun of, sneer at,
hiss and hoot at, mob. Ginulgyat si sang
mga to. The menderided him,mocked
him,mobbed him. Si Herdes nagulgyat
kay Hess. Herod mocked Jesus. Ind mo
paguligyatn ang malut nya nga
kapalran. Dont make fun of his bad luck.
(cf. yagut, ulig).
ulhi, ulih, See olhi, olihlate; to be
late, etc.
ulikd, See olikdto treat well, etc.
ulmpay, (B) See ulbhay. Magulmpay
ikw ti sko, agd nd mamusngan ang
by mo. (Magknop ka sing sko, agd
nd mahigkon ang mo by). Put a sack
round your neck and shoulders or your
jacket will get dirty. Ulimpay (Iulmpay)
lang di nga tulya (ang tulya nga di).
(Iknop lang inng tulya). Put that towel
round your neck.
uln, See olnthe stern, poop, of a
boat, etc.
ling, (H) Charcoal, charred wood; to
char, burn to charcoal. Ulnga yanng
khoy, kay nagakinahnglan ak sing
ling sa kon prnsa. Burn that wood to
charcoal, for I need some charcoal for my
flatiron. Sang am nga snug naling man
ang mon baly. When that fire broke out,
our house also was burned to the ground.
(cf. urng; abashes).


Visayan-English Dictionary
ulnggan, From ulingg.
ulingd, See ulingg.
ulingg, Liking, appreciation, care,
consideration; to cherish, appreciate, take
good care of, like, take to; have regard or
consideration for. Ginaulnggan nya ang
ya bg-o nga sug. He likes (takes to) his
new lamp very much. Kon wal lang ak
pagulingg kay Fulno dgay ko na
pinadakp ang ya karabw sa kon
lagwrta kag pinadl-ong sa munispyo,
agd multahn si. If it were not out of
consideration for N.N. I would long ago
have given orders to catch his buffalo in my
garden and to take it to the municipal
building, in order to make him pay a fine.
(cf. balikd, hlak, nglin; olingg id.).
ulpon, See olponslave, etc.
ult, To joke, talk playfully, jest, say
something sportive or witty; to fool, chaff,
quiz, flatter. (cf. lahg, uns, nt, oslt).
ult-lit, ult-ult, Dim. and Freq. of
ult. (cf. lahglhog).
li, ul, To wipe a babys bottom; to use
toilet paper. Magli ka sa bt. Ulyi
(Ulih) ang bt. Wipe the babys bottom.
l, ul, (B) To live, stay, reside, have ones
home, go home. Din ikw nagaul? (Din
(Sa din) ka nagapal)? Where do you
live? Din ang ginaulan (ginaulin) mo?
(Din (Sa din) ang mo ginapaulan
(ginaestarn)? Where is your home. (cf.
pal, puy, estr, buh, lntad, amoyng).
lo, Head, nob, noddle, pate, etc. See lo.
ulobnwa, ul-bnwa, Capital,
metropolis, the principal town of a district
or province, national capital.
ulhan, ulohn, See olhan, olohn.
lpuk, To leave, go away, abandon,
relinquish, desert. (cf. haln, by, by,
ulubsan, Vineyard. (cf. bas; kaubsan
ulubson, Immature rice, rice still less
mature than the lubknon. (cf. ubs;
alnyonrice ripe for the harvest).
ulubtan, The waist; ligature, binding,
fastening of a skirt at the waist. (cf. ubt,
lud, Worm; vermin, insect, any small
obnoxious or mischievous animal. Also
verb. Pils nga indlan. A worm-infested
wound. (cf. dlon, ulron, dlon).
uld, Glans penis. See atg.
ulugbti, See alugbti.
ulugtsan, Exasperating, irritating,
nettling, rousing ones ire or indignity,
requiring much patience or control of ones
feelings. (cf. gtas).
ulugtmon, Grudge, spite, resentment,
ill-will, repressed anger, exasperation; to
have a grudge or spite, etc. (cf. gtom).
ulhan, See olhanbrainy, clever etc.
uluhn, See olohntop-end, etc. (cf.
panlong, kabesra).
ulk, Polliwog, tadpole. (olk id).

l-ul, To gnaw, bite, nibble. (cf. d-ud, lol).

l-ul, See l-olto be stiff and painful, etc.
ulul, Toilet paper or anything used
instead of it. (cf. ul, urul).
ululin, To whom something is to be
returned or to be paid back; anything for
which a return is due. (cf. l).
ululson, ululusn, Cloth, stuff,
fabrics, textiles (for dresses, etc.). (cf. uls).
ulumnon, Pertaining to second
childhood, silly, foolish, doting, childish.
(cf. uliann, urumnon, ayopka, payan,
ulmhon, Crop, harvest, produce from
fields. (cf. um).
uln, To lay or rest ones head on (upon).
Unli (Ulun) lang ang ulnan. Rest your
head on the pillow. Innlan sang bt ang
btkon nga wal sang ya ily. The baby
laid its head against its mothers left arm.
Ginnlan nla ang la mga pinuts kag
nagtlug. They used their bundles as
pillows and went to sleep. (cf. ulnan,
ulnan, Pillow, head-rest, anything to rest
ones head upon. (cf. uln).
ulungn, The shaft or handle of a lance,
spear, etc. See urungn, unungn.
ulunson, (H) Conceited, one who is
amenable to flattery or who likes to be
flattered. (cf. uns, ulutson, olodton,
ulnlan, Anything used to lay ones head
upon, a pillow. (cf. ulnan, innlan, uln).
ulunngan, A benefactor, a person
whom one is bound to love and serve out of
gratitude; attached to, united with, always
in company of, joined to. (cf. nung).
ulupngon, What is to be, should be,
can be, hindered, impeded or stopped;
preventable, capable of being checked or
restrained. (cf. upng).
ulpdon, One whose company is desired,
a person that should be one of the party;
companion, partner, associate; anything
that is to be joined to, or should go along
with, something else. (cf. upd).
ulron, Wormy, worm-eaten, infested
with worms. (cf. lud, dlon).
uls, Clothes, garments, wearing apparel,
dress. (cf. panpton, nag).
ulusison, ulusisan, What is to,
should, can, be examined or
investigated, subject to examination or
inquiry. (cf. uss).
ulusoyn, What is to, should, can,
be followed or traced; track, trail; traceable.
(cf. soy).
ult, Between, betwixt; the space between,
lying between, intervening, intermediate
(intermediary, intermedial), space; what
is or lies between, fill, filling, contents,
interposition, insertion; to lie between,
come between, to interpose, insert, put in,
interpolate, intercalate, intersect. Sa ult

Visayan-English Dictionary
(Sagintlan) sang duh ka baly.
Between the two houses. Dl na nton
makt ang alipokpokn sang bkid, kay
nagult ang is ka madmol nga gl-um.
We cannot see the top of the mountain any
longer, for a thick (dense) cloud has come
in between. Ang itm kag put tli sang
pul. Put some red colour between the
black and white. Ind ka magult sa la
nga duh, knd magpngk ka dir. Dont
take your place between those two, but sit
here. Kag lbut pa sin nga tann
nagault sa mon kag sa nyo ang
(ginatlan kam kag kam sang) is ka
dak nga kadadlman. And besides all
this, between us and you, there is fixed a
great chaos. (cf. bl-ot, sl-ot, tung,
suld, ltlut).
ulutangn, (H) Place or person to get a
loan from, or to become a debtor to; loanmonger, loan-office. (cf. tang)
ulutangn, Money (cash, funds) to be
raised, a prospective or promised loan, etc.
(cf. tang).
ulutann, (H) Vegetables, greens, potherbs, garden-stuff, squashes, gourds,
potatoes, yams, tubers, legumes, etc. (cf.
tan, lswa).
ulutson, (H) Conceited, amenable to
flattery; one who likes to be flattered. (cf.
uts, ulunson, olodton, hululanon).
ultngan, Teat, nipple, pap, dug. (cf.
ultud, A frequently used plural form of
tud. Ang mga magultud. Brothers and
sisters. Nagaultud kit nga tann sa
sntos nga pagto. We are all brothers and
sisters in the Holy Faith.
ulutwsan, (H) Loophole, escape, safetyvalve, salvation, refuge, outlet, place or
person to turn to for help or assistance. (cf.
twas, utwsan, paaliwnsan, alypan,
ulu-, -ulu-, See olo-, -olo-, e.g. ulunggid
(olonggid)a little like, a little
resembling; guluginhwa (gologinhwa)
to have a little breath, be rather
comfortably off; tulutigtiga little
vagabond; mulumg-anrather light, not
heavy; sa ulunhana little farther ahead,
just in front of, etc. etc.
ul-lu, To coax, persuade, flatter,
wheedle, cajole, talk kindly to in order to
obtain what one wants. See ollo. (cf.
paaynyon, langslngis).
uluyatn, (H) Handle, grip, haft, helve;
management, direction, power, influence.
(cf. yat, kalptan).
uluyogn, That is to, can, be
shaken, etc.; shakeable. (cf, yog).
uluyonn, That is to, should, be
liked, etc.; likeable, pleasing, pleasant,
agreeable. (cf. yon).
lway, To float, soar, hang or hover about
(as smoke, or the like). (cf. bkon; plway

ulutangn uml
lway, To protrude, project, hang out,
come out. Naglway ang mga kasdlan
sang binun. The intestines (bowels,
entrails) of the man that was stabbed were
hanging out. (cf. bgway, gway, kwal).
lya, (Sp. olla) Pot, kettle, boiler. (cf.
klon, tasn, kaldhan).
lyab, To pull, tear at, shake to and fro so
as to separate (loosen) one thing from
another, to draw or pull apart, work loose.
Ulyab ang bh tbtub nga makh mo
sa dt. Work the dibble to and fro till you
get it out of the ground. (cf. lunglng,
yog, hulghlag).
lyak, To spill, flow over, overflow; spirt,
stream out. (cf. lyak, buklw, was,
pswit, busawk, etc.).
lyak, To laugh and shout with joy, be
hilarious. (cf. dyak).
lyan, From ul for ulihn.
lyas, To spill, etc. See lyak. (cf. lwak,
lyas, etc.).
lyog, Anything that can be rocked or
swung to and fro, especially applied to a
sort of scarecrow. By pulling a string the
contrivance is made to swing noisily to and
fro thereby frightening birds, etc. off a field
or garden. Rice-fields near harvest-time are
often provided with a whole chain of such
scarecrows. (cf. yog).
um-, -um-, This syllable goes to form the
following tenses: the Active Imperative, the
Conditional Future, the Past. When the
verb begins with a vowel, um- is put before
the vowel, e.g. abtto come, becomes
umabt. When the verb begins with a
consonant, um- is put after the consonant,
e.g. halnto depart, becomes humaln.
1) Active Imperative. Bumhat ka sin. Do
it. Make it. Uminm ka na kag
pumadyon sang mo paglakt. Take a
drink and continue your journey. (bhat,
inm, padyon).
2) Conditional Future. Kon lumgad na
ang ttlo ka dlaw bayran mo ak sing
(sa) waly balbad. After three days you
must pay me without shift. Kon dumngat
ka sin. When (If) you obtain that.
(lgad, dngat).
3) The Past. In vivid narrative equivalent to
what is called the Historical Present. Sang
pagkabat nya sin sa gilayn umlis si
kag lumakt. On hearing this he at once
changes his clothes and sets out.
Tumalikd lang si kag humpus. All he
does is to turn his back saying nothing. Si
Hess naloy sa ya kag sumilng: .
Jesus had mercy on her and said: .
Tumndog na man si Nikols, Ho, may
katarngan si, sumalgbat si sang la
halambalnon. Nicolas too stands up, and
interrupting their conversation, blurts out:
Yes he is right. (lis, lakt, talikd, hpus,
silng, tndog, salgbat).
N.B. If, further, l is put after the first
vowel of the verb, we get the forms umal-,
umil-, umol-, umul-, which denote the

agent of what the root signifies, e.g.

umalgia passer-by (gi); pumililan
elector, voter (pl); tumoloa believer
(to); bumulthone who goes to school,
a student, pupil, alumnus (bth);
bumullig, bumululghelper, assistant
(blig); bumalkalbuyer, customer
(bakl); tumalnumplanter, farmer
(tanm); sumillhigsweeper (slhig);
dumalalmanager, conductor, leader,
etc. etc. (cf. inm-, mag-, nag-, manug-,
tig-, tag-).
um, See humto low, moo; the lowing
of cattle. Hum is the more usual and
correct form. (cf. ma, ma-m, im).
um, Cultivated ground, soil, field, farm,
farmland; country, country-side, rural
district, farmstead; to farm, till the soil, do
farm-work, be a farmer. Nagaum
(nagapangma) si karn kag nagapuy
(nagaamuyng) man si sa ya um. He is
at present doing farm-work and stays at his
farm. Ydtong bnglid ginum nmon
sang tig nga tinalkdan, pang karn
wal na nmon pagamha, kay lnggod
ang dt. Last year we cultivated that slope
over there, but we are not working it any
longer, because the soil is poor. Ho, kon
malyag ikw ipaum ko sa mo inng
baklod. Yes, if you like, Ill let you till this
rise. Din ikw nagapuy?Sa um.
Where do you live?In the country. In the
rural district. Ang mo um sarng
mapalpad pa gid, kon kangnon mo lang
ang tann nga mga kalangnon. Your
farmland can be increased yet to a large
extent, if you only clear by fire all the
jungles that can be brought under
cultivation. (cf. pangma, pangmhan,
umnhon, mangungma, palangmhan;
dt, lp; tubng).
umgad, Son-in-law. (cf. gad;
mangangdaughter-in-law; in some
places umgad and mangang are
used promiscuously for both son-in-law
and daughter-in-law).
umahulkan, A public crier, town-crier,
proclaimer (who, in the days before the
arrival of the Spaniards, announced to the
people the new laws, decrees, important
news, etc.). (cf. bandolro).
mal, To become old, worn out, useless, of
no use, unserviceable, applied especially to
iron tools. Nagmal na inng binngon,
bngkaw, etc. This bolo, lance, etc. is no
longer of any use (is useless, worn out).
Naumlan ak sinng sndang. This knife
is too much worn out for me. This knife of
mine is useless now. (mal id.).
uml, Worn out, old, useless, of no use,
unserviceable, said especially of pointed or
edged iron tools. Uml nga kotslyo. An
old, useless knife. Ang binngon nga
mahbul magatalm liwn kon mabid,
pang ang binngon nga uml nd na
mamt sa bairn, knd kinahnglan nga
itgyan sa manugslsal. A blunt bolo will


umalgi unw
get sharp again, if honed, but a worn out
bolo no longer answers to the hone; it must
be handed over to the blacksmith. (oml
umalgi, A passer-by, stranger; passing,
transitory, transient, temporal. Ang tann
nga mga to mga umalgi lmang sil sa
ibbaw sinng kalibtan. All men are but
wayfarers in this world. Umalgi nga
kalpay, kasub, etc. A passing pleasure,
sorrow, etc. (gi). (cf. dumulong).
umalgsa, Tenant, lessee, one who holds
land on lease. (cf. gsa, agsadr).
umalmbit, Participant, partaker,
sharer, having a part or share in. (cf.
umalamt, Contributor, subscriber.
Madm nga mga umalamt wal pa
magbyad sang la alamotn. Many
subscribers have not yet paid their
subscription. (mot).
umalmp, Intercessor, patron,
protector, helper, intermediary, one who
intercedes or makes a recommendation on
behalf of another. (cf. mp, magalmp).
umalapn, Partner, associate, helper,
assistant, supporter, backer, patron; a
party-man, siding with, taking the part of.
(cf. pin, kalyo, kablig, tigskdag,
umamlyo, A portent, prodigy, monster
of terrible aspect, a ghost that appears,
according to the superstitious, in a horrible
shape that varies from time to time. (cf.
bleu, blyo, bylo, tigbalu).
umn, (B) To repeat, iterate, do again,
reiterate; to change, alter, retract. Ind ka
na magumn sa pagpanmbag
(magpanmbag) sa bgt mo. (Ind ka na
magliwt magpanmbag a mo tud).
Dont box your brother again. Uman
(Liwan) ang pagpanktok, hay war
kabat (kay wal makabat) ang tagbaly.
Knock (the door) again, for the owner has
not heard it. Uman ang tbas kang by
ko, hay nd tkon kayon kar (kari,
kady). (Liwan ang tbas sang kon
by, kay nd ak sin makayon). Alter
(Change) the cut of my dress (coat, jacket),
for I dont like it. (cf. liwn, liwt; lan,
mang, (B) Foolish, crazy; fool, idiot,
lunatic, etc. See bang, kl, kalndong,
tampuhw, mang, etc.
umng-umng, A kind of shell-fish.
umnhon, Pertaining, belonging, to
the life on a farm or in the country; one
who lives in the country, a boor, peasant,
farmer, mountaineer. (cf. bukdnon, um).
umyaw, See amyaw, pinnpin,
alopnpinhalf-full grains (of rice).
mbak, (B) To leap or jump down.
Umbak (Lkso ka) sa tbig humaln sa
pngpang. Jump down into the water from
the bank. Umbak ang bat nga ra (ri).


Visayan-English Dictionary
(Luksoh in nga bat). Jump down on
that stone there. (cf. mbak id.).
mban, See mbanpolypus (a disease
of the nose).
umbann, See ambann.
mbo, To cede or yield to, bow down to,
not to dare (venture). Ang tann
nagambo sa ya. Ginaumbohn si sang
tann. No one dares to fight him. They are
all afraid of him. (cf. hdluk, sol, likw).
mbok, A quail, a bird that keeps its head
bent down towards the ground; hence
metaphorically used of a person that walks
about with his head covered and bent and
who does not look about him.
mid, To implicate, involve, drag in, be
implicated, be in the same boat
(figuratively). Nagaumray (day) sil.
They are recriminating each other. They
are equally implicated. Umra (da) si.
Drag him in also. Implicate him. Namid
si sa sal. He was concerned (became
involved) in the crime. (cf. dalhig,
mil, To get worn out by too much folding,
to wear through at a crease. Namil
(Nagkamil) ang by ko. My jacket is
frayed or worn out through too much
mol, The fist, etc. See mol.
uml, To be or get impatient, cross, angry.
(cf. snggud, gtas, kig, kdom, ogt).
umpring, umparng, (B) To go back
to where one came from, return to ones
starting point. (cf. blik, panumbalk).
mpaw, To restore to ones senses or to
health, recover, rally, revive, pull through,
resuscitate, bring round, regain
consciousness, comeround,to oneself,
to. Naumpawn na si. He has come to his
senses. He has recovered consciousness.
Kaby pa nga maumpawn pa si! God
grant that he may recover! Ang am nga
bulng nagpampaw sa ya. That
medicine restored him (to consciousness).
umpis, (Sp. empezar) To commence,
start, begin, enter upon, embark in.
Umpisah ang trabho. Begin the work.
Start working. (cf. sgud, pamn,
mpit, Affront, insult, act or speech of
insolence, scorn, mockery, contempt; to
affront, insult, mock, deride, scoff, ridicule.
(cf. pasipla, tamplas, tmay, ulig,
ulgyat, buyyaw, ihgihg).
mpok, To rebound, bounce off, ricochet.
Ang bla nagampok sa dngding. The
ball rebounds from the partition wall.
Ginumpokn ak sang bla. The ball
struck mein rebounding,on the
mud, See pamud, mainumron,
mapainumron. The simple mud (to
suffer, bear with) seems to be out of use.
Pamudto abstain, forbear.

umg, Dirty linen, wash, clothes to be

cleaned by washing. Bulutngan sang
umg (bulutngan-umg). Laundry
basket, basket for containing dirty clothes.
umulgyon, Partisan, adherent, partner,
cooperator, collaborator; one who agrees or
consents to. (cf. gyon).
umullang, One who (that which)
hinders or obstructs something;
obstructive, obstructionist. (cf. ulng).
umulna, Pioneer, leader, foremost, one
who goes first or leads. (cf. na).
umulpang, Hinderer, obstructer,
preventer; one who (that which) hinders,
etc. (cf. upng, umullang).
na, First, foremost, before anything else;
former, preceding, prior, previous; to do
first, do before something else, go before,
lead, guide, be in front. Am in ang na ko
nga pagbyad. This is my first payment
(instalment). Dpat ka sing na magkar
dir sa kon. You should come to me first.
Silng sang kon pagsysay sa nyo sing
na. As I explained to you at the beginning
(before). Unhon mo (ang) pagbhat sang
kha. Make the box first (in the first place).
Unha ang pagardo. First do the
ploughing. Unhi si sa pagardo. Do your
ploughing before he does his. Be before
him in ploughing. Lead him in the
ploughing. Sang na nga timpo. In
former times. In bygone days.
un, To come out first in a competition, to
outdo, excel, surpass, arrive at, reach,
the goal first. Maunahn nya ikw sa
pagabt ddto, kay madsig si maglakt.
He will arrive there before you, for he is a
quick walker. (cf. nahaun, na).
un, (B) To have difficulties in evacuating
the bowels, suffer from a hard stool or from
costiveness (constipation), be costive
(constipated). (cf. bn-a, tubl).
nab, To bathe, cleanse a wound, boil, etc.
Unbi ang ya pils. Bathe his wound. (cf.
unahn, What is in front of, lies ahead,
farther on, ahead, beyond. (cf. nhan).
unhan, See munhanquick-ripening.
unand, To like, be attached to, etc. See
unt-nat, To move about, take exercise.
(cf. bantbnat, baytbyat).
un-un, Dim. and Freq. of na. Also: to
start, begin, commence.
naw, To salt, flavour, season, put salt
into soup, or the like. Unwi ang spas,
tinla, etc. Salt the soup, the dish of
vegetables, etc. (cf. unw; asn).
unw, (B) To feel an aversion or loathing
(after having done, eaten, etc. something to
excess); to surfeit. Naunw (Nalnag na
si sang) kang pasyan. He is now averse
to eating shrimps. He is surfeited with
eating shrimps. (cf. tak, dway, sum,
sm-od, lnag).

Visayan-English Dictionary
unawn, unwan, The stone (set in
water) on which the taybong is rubbed in
the process of extracting starch and glue
from it.
unw, naw, To rid the taybong-root
(or similar roots) of juice preparatory to
making starch of it. Usually the pulpy root
is crushed by rubbing it on a stone set in
water (unawn). The pressed-out juice will
settle and thicken in the water and be then
available as glue, starch, etc. (cf. unawn).
unw, naw, Table-salt, condiment,
seasoning. Tman na bal ang unw sa
mo spas ukn dugngan ko pa? Is your
soup salt enough or shall I add salt? (cf.
nay, To please oneself, eat ones fill and
leave some over, have enough and to spare
in the way of food, etc. Naganay si sang
mga ph. He is eating as many mangoes
as he likes. Ginunyan lang nya ang mga
sging. He just ate bananas to his hearts
content. (cf. knkan, panay).
uny, Stiff, benumbed, painful; to be or
become stiff, etc. Hulghulga ang batis
(pusupusun) sang masakt, agd nd
mauny. Move (Change the position of) the
calf of the sick person, lest it should grow
stiff or become benumbed. (cf. bnhod,
palamnhod, tskug).
uny, To be close to, be near to, stay or
remain near, be attached to or within easy
reach of. Naguny si sa bullngan sing
duh ka simna. He stayed at the hospital
for two weeks. Inng mo balatan
kinahnglan nga iuny sa manugblung.
That sickness of yours should be treated
(seen to) by a doctor. An ang ginaunayn
mo ddto sa ya baly?Ang kon
talahon, agd dalin nya ang
paghumn. What is the reason of your
staying with her in the house?My dress,
in order that she should hurry up and finish
it. (cf. dyon, estr).
uny, Natural, proper, essential, inherent,
pertaining to ones nature, firmly attached
to. (cf. dun, kinatb, kinaugl,
ndag, A jolt, jolting, shaking; to jolt, roll,
shake, sway, lurch, jerk, move to and fro or
up and down. Ang kro nagandag. The
cart is jolting. Ind mo pagpaundagn ang
kro. Dont jolt the cart. (cf. limplmpa,
lumplmpa, tumbtmba, tumbtmb).
ndang, (H) To finish a meal, a bath, etc.;
to leave the dining room, rise from a meal,
leave the bathroom, leave the water after a
swim, etc. (cf. tung; tkas).
ndras, (Sp. honras) Obsequies; to toll,
knell, ring the death bell or passing bell,
ring the bells for the funeral of an adult
person. Undrasn mo ang linggnay. Ring
the death bell. Undras ang minaty. Toll
the bells for the dead. (cf. nras, plasbo).
nd, Measure, size, bulk. (cf. talksan,
solkban, kadakun, kadk-an).

unawn, unwan ntat

ung, Child, baby; follower, adherent,
dependent, hanger-on. (cf. bt;
sumulnud, ilgilg, mailgilgon).
ung, To molest, bother, excite an
aversion or loathing. Ginanghan si sang
kaghud sang mga bt. He abhors that
noise made by the boys. (cf. sol, tak).
ungb, Notched, indented, lacking a tooth
(some teeth), especially one of the front
teeth. See sungb. (cf. bingw, bingawn).
ngad, To dig or burrow with the snout,
to root. Ginangad sang bboy ang gamt
sang sging. The pig is rooting out
(digging out with its snout) the root of the
banana stem. Paungra (-da) lang dir
ang bboy. Let the pig root there. (cf.
sbok, bok).
ngal, To bark, yelp, howl (of a dog); to
voice, express, state in a loud voice or in
rather strong language. (cf. wang, tghol;
snggit, turayw, pugas).
ungs, Turned up (of the nose). See
ngas, To turn up ones nose, sniff; to
search after, look for, seek. (cf. dngas).
nghan, From ung.
ngkil, To apply a lever in succession to
another, lift by alternating or successive
levers. Ungkil ang halgi. Lift the post by
alternating levers. Ingkil ang sibkaw.
Put the piece of sebucao in as an additional
ngkil, Also used in the meaning of
knkan, dakto eat to ones hearts
content, do as one pleases, etc.
ngon, Prick, prickle, thorn, spine,
splinter. (cf. dalngag, syak, tunk, dgi).
ungt, Stuck deep (in mud, etc.); sunk in,
fixed, secured. Ang pioks ungt gid sa ya
bb. The cigar is well fixed in his mouth.
(cf. ngot).
ngot, To enter deep so as to be
removable only with difficulty, sink in (of
wheels in mud, etc.), cling or stick to. Ang
kngga nagngot sa bagnbun (lnang).
The cart sank deep in the mud.
ungy-ungy, ungy-ngoy, Poor,
low, indigent, penurious, wretched,
miserable; hard. (cf. mol, dungl,
huythyut, lapgot).
ngud, To be attached to, remain faithful
to, be united with, adhere to, to not leave or
forsake. Mangud ak sa mo tbtub sa
kamatyon. I shall remain faithful to you
till death. Abw, nagngud gid ikw sa
suglan tbtub naggb-i. Why, you did not
leave the gambling table till night-fall. (cf.
ngud, To follow suit, be able to perform
or bear as well as another. Makangud ka
sa pagpulw sing is ka simna tungd sa
nagamasakt? Can you bear the fatigue of
watching the sick person during the night
for a week? Kubs nga binlan ang ya
ginabton karn, kay ang bg-o nya nga
aglon nd makangud sa pagshol sa

ya sing mahl sbung sang ginhm sang

na nya nga aglon. At present he
receives a low monthly wage, for his new
master cannot afford to pay him as much as
his former employer. (cf. bats, sund).
ungwnto, (Sp. unguento) Unguent,
ointment, salve, liniment. (cf. halmpul,
halplas, talmbal).
ngyat, To twist, turn awry, pinch (ears,
etc.). Ungyat ang ya dalnggan. Pinch
his ears.
ngyat, See nyatto stretch, extend.
nhan, Before, in front of, ahead of,
farther on. Sa, nhan. Farther ahead.
Farther on in the direction one is looking or
walking. (cf. na, un, unahn).
nhay, Race, competition, contest; to
compete with, contest, race, try to be first.
(cf. na, un, paunun, palmb,
paindsndis, padag-nay).
unidd, (Sp. unidad) Unity, union,
agreement; to have union, be united. Wal
sil sing unidd. Wal sil magaunidd.
They are not united. They dont pull well
together. (cf. hish, hisa, higyon;
uniprmi, (Sp. uniforme) Uniform; to
wearan uniform,the regimentals.
Nagauniprmi si sing kki. He wears a
khaki uniform.
uns, To flatter, cajole, wheedle, coax.
Unis si. Coax him. Draw him by flattery.
(cf. odt, uts).
nkil, To lift by alternating levers. See
ngkil id.
nlan, etc. From ulnto rest ones head
nlog, (B) To tease, mimic, etc. See
nsa, (Sp. onza) An ounce. Unsa nga
bulwan. A Spanish doubloon.
unsta, Dim. of nsa. Fine gold; a small
(half) doubloon.
nt, (H) Oh that! Would to God that!
May it come to pass that ! Maybe! Let
us hope so, etc. Often it may be translated
as would, should (like). Malyag ak
nt magdaw sa ya, pang. I would
like to visit him, but. (cf. knt,
kuntn, untn, rad, dad).
untn, See nt. Untn mayo gid
kon. It would be very good if. It
were well if.
ntat, Stoppage, discontinuation,
discontinuance, interruption, end; to stop,
end, give over, adjourn, bring toan end,
a close, discontinue, interrupt, cease.
Nagantat na ang uln. The rain is
stopping. It is giving over to rain. Untat na
lang ang mo pagsult, pangabdlay, etc.
Give over writing, working, etc. Untat ang
ya pagsugl. Put an end to his gambling.
Nantat na si sa am nga palangakon.
He has been removed from office. (cf. put,
langn, tpn).


ntay urng
ntay, To stretch out, extend, straighten a
limb, a rope, etc. Untay ang mo btkon.
Stretch out your arm. Hold your arm out
straight. Intay ang mo til. Stretch forth
your foot. Untay si sinng kalt, kay ya
alson (pagaalson). Straighten this rope
for him, for he is going to wind it up.
Intay mo ak sinng hbul, kay madm
sing yokt. Please smooth this blanket for
me, because it is full of wrinkles. (cf.
tdlong, tning).
ntud, (B) To stop, cease, halt. (cf. dlug,
put, tyod, ntat, tpn).
ntul, To rebound, recoil; to shrink from,
avoid (labour, toil, etc.). (cf. mpok).
und, Flesh, meat, muscles (as distinct
from bones); contents, filling; to contain,
hold. Hinguli kam sa tinda sing puls
und. Buy for us in the market meat alone
(without bones). Malyag ka magkon
sing und (krne) sang bka? Do you like
to eat some beef? Kayon ikw sang und
sang bka? Are you fond of beef? Inng
botlya wal gid sing und. This bottle is
empty (has nothing in it). Inng tabungs
nagaund sing duh ka psong. This
basket holds (contains) two bushels. (cf.
krne; suld).
undnon, Fleshy, meaty, pithy; carnal,
sensual, worldly. (cf. und).
nung, To be attached to, stay with, keep
one company, remain with, share, take
part, in anothers joys, sorrows,
difficulties. Ginaunngan nya ang
masakt. He is always with the sick person,
keeps him constant company. Maganung
ak sa mo tbtub sa ka matyon. I will
(shall) remain with you till death.
Naganung gid si sa kon. He is very
much attached to me. He shares my joys
and sorrows. (cf. upd, bylog).
unungn, The shaft of a spear, lance, etc.
See ulungn, urungn.
uns, A strong wind, gale, squall, storm,
violent blast or gust of wind; a violent fit (of
nut, To fall out or off (of feathers, hair,
etc.). Nagnut ang ya bohk. His hair fell
unt, To go with, accompany. (cf. upd,
bylog, taws, nung).
nyat, To stretch lengthwise, lengthen,
draw out (an elastic band, etc.). Unyat
ang lstiko. Stretch the elastic band. (cf.
up, Chaff, especially rice-chaff separated
from the grain by pounding; bran, husks.
(cf. lbhang, lntok).
up, Food chewed before giving it to a
small child.
pag, upg, To hinder, impede, disturb,
distract, interrupt. (See upng lingw,
blag, pamalbag, dpag, lpag).
pak, (B) Peel, bark, pod, rind, husk; to
peel, shell, shuck. Upki (Panti) ang
kabgaw, ang kamti, ang mansnas, etc.


Visayan-English Dictionary
Peel the pomelo, the sweet potato, the
apple, etc. (cf. pnit, nit).
upng, To hinder, impede, put obstacles
in the way, disturb, stop, prevent,
embarrass, thwart. Nno ang nakaupng
sa mo? What has hindered (stopped,
thwarted) you? But nya magpkan
yanng smbag, pang ginupng ko si.
He wanted to cut down that tamarind tree,
but I stopped (prevented) him. Ang is ka
mapg-on nga korl am gid lmang ang
mayo nga igaupng sang pagsuld sang
mga bboy sa mo pamulkan. A strong
fence is the only means of preventing pigs
from entering your garden. Naupng ang
mayo nya nga katuyon. His good
intentions were baffled. His fine (good)
schememiscarried,was brought to
nought. Daw sa dl na maupng in. It is
now very difficult to stop or prevent it
(that). It is almost impossible to check or
thwart it. Ind gid sil magpaupng sang
la nga ginahndum. They wont allow
their aspirations (wishes, desires) to be
interfered with. (cf. balbag, pamalbag,
sblag, tblaw, tblag, put, tpn, etc.).
pas, To fight, quarrel, (especially of
horses, pigs, dogs, etc.). Tambag ang mga
kabyo nga nagaulpas. Separate the
horses that are fighting.
pas, (B) The banana-stalk, etc. See
tinb-an, bnlak, ngkag.
up, p, To chew food before giving it to
a small child. Upa ang bt. Chew the
food for the baby. Upa ang kn-on, lub,
etc. Chew the rice, the coconut meat, etc.
(cf. sup, smp).
upw, Bald, hairless, featherless; the fine
hairs growing on the neck. Upw si. He is
bald. Kuha sang nabha ang upw ko.
Shave off with the razor the small hairs on
my neck. (cf. bungd).
ups, A small coin; farthing. (cf. ops).
upk, To stand, bear, suffer, eat, etc.
something, by constraint or through the
force of circumstances. Maupk kit sang
ug, kay mahl ang sd nga lb-as. We
have to content ourselves with eating dry
fish, because fresh fish is too dear. (cf.
bats, ntus, tups).
upng, A bundle, bunch, two handfuls,
particularly applied to rice harvested with
the kayg; to arrange in bunches, etc. Pil
ka upng ang ginni mo? How many
handfuls of rice did you harvest or cut?
Upong ang inni mo. Arrange the rice
you have cut in bundles of two handfuls
pud, To burn up, consume completely.
Ang kalyo nagpud sang khoy. The fire
completely burned up the wood. Napud
na ang kon tabk. My cigar is finished,
is burned up to the stump.
upd, The remnants of burnt wood, the
stump of a cigar, etc.
upd, (H) Companion, company; to
accompany, go along with, be with. Upd

ko si. He is my companion. Sn-o ang

nagupd sa mo? Who accompanied you?
Updi si. Go along with him. Ang mga
hmbal nga wal pagapdi sang mga
ngay nga bhat wal sing puls. Words
without deeds are of no use. Papda si sa
kon. Order him to go along with me. N.B.
upd is at times also used in the
meaning: husband, lover; wife, concubine.
(cf. taws, bylog).
updan, See pdan, pudanna board
worn over the back; the back.
upd-pud, Dim. and Freq. of upd.
Also: to sympathize with, share anothers
joys and sorrows, or the like. (cf. nung;
upd-upd, A malignant ulcer or sore, a
kind of leprous disease that frequently
destroys a whole finger or toe, or even a
hand or foot.
upk, See upkto stand, bear, etc.
ups, Charred wood, remnants of wood
left after a fire, a piece of wood partly
burned; the remnant or stump of a smoked
cigar; to burn, destroy by fire. Ginups
sang kalyo ang mon baly. The fire
burned our house to ashes. (cf. ab,
ups nga sinul, A piece of wood
burned on one side and turned round so
that the other side may burn.
Metaphorically: Sang ddto na kam sa
ulunhan may nagsgid sa mon nga
nagub ang tytay, gn daw sinul lang
kam nga ups. When we had gone a little
ahead we were told that the bridge was
destroyed; so we turned back (did not
continue our march).
ur, To annoy, excite aversion, molest.
Ginaurahn na ak sang kagalng sang
kabatan. I am being annoyed with the
boisterousness of the children. (cf. tak,
sol, ung).
urb, (B) To gnaw, nibble, bite, eat (much
fruit, etc.). War (tna) ti gna magkon
(kang kn-on), hay nagsri kang urb
kang samlgi. (Wal si sing gna
magkon (sang kn-on), kay nagsgad
sang kon sang smbag). He does not
want to take food (rice, dinner), He has
spoilt his appetite, because he has eaten
(has been gnawing, nibbling) too much
tamarind-fruit (too many tamarinds). (cf.
p-ap, hng-it, kon, kbkib, ktkit).
rag, Lewdness, etc. See rag, lag.
urhab, Rattle, death-rattle; to have the
rattles, to wheeze; to breathe ones last, be
at the last gasp. (cf. ting).
uris, Dull, stupid, ignorant, uneducated,
illiterate; rough, coarse, boorish. (cf.
manl, bstos, bukdnon, kalng, bngaw,
kl, kagng).
urka, A kind of beverage; an intoxicating
urng, A prawn, shrimp. (cf. ulng).

Visayan-English Dictionary
urngul, To howl, roar, yelp, bark. (cf.
wang, ngal.
urod, ur-od, To scoop or scrape out
(coconut meat from the shell, etc.). (cf.
kokd, kdkod, tild).
urroy, An exclamation of grief or
distress; to moan, sigh, complain of pain,
or the like. (cf. aragy, ary).
ursip, See ugsipthe pulp of coconut
meat after the oil has been pressed out.
urt-urt, To wish, desire, long for,
hanker after, like. (cf. himlat, hngy,
hndum, lyag).
ray, (B) Pure, undefiled, unadulterated.
See lay, lubs, lgus, puls.
urbay, (B) See ulbayto carry in a sling
over the shoulder, etc.
urka, (B) To take good care of, manage
well, deal thoughtfully with; to be diligent,
assiduous. Urikha (Urikhi) ang patubs
ta (Tatpa (Riparha) sing mayo ang
ton patubs (pinatubs)), hay (kay) bs
kulngon kit. Take good care of what we
have harvested, for we may fall short of
what we need. (cf. ttap, ripra, mlig;
psan, kud, utitd).
urimn, Sedan-chair, litter. (cf. talabn,
tulabna stretcher).
ring, urng, (B) Charcoal. See ling.
urud, To press, push, knock, squeeze or
force against something. Inurud nya si
sa dngding. He forced (squeezed) him
against the wall. (cf. orod, bngg,
urk, (H) A young pig, piglet. (cf. udk,
urk, To take fright, shiver, tremble with
fear, as chickens when a hawk comes near.
rsa, To stand, bear, suffer, tolerate, put
up with. Ind ak karsa sinng pagkon. I
cannot stand this kind of food. Daw sa nd
na marsa ang la malut nga kagawin.
Their bad conduct can hardly be tolerated
any longer. (cf. bats, ro).
urad, (B) To eject from the mouth, spit
out. Iurad ang sb-a nga mnghod.
(Ilad ang sging nga lnghod). Spit out
the unripe banana. Ginurad na (nya)
ang katmbal, hay lm-ag (kay tm)
kakhang. He spit out the chili, because it
was too hot. (arad id.; cf. lad, d-ad).
urubtan, (B) See ulubtanwaist, line,
urudton, Conceited, one amenable to
flattery or to be flattered. (cf. ulunson,
ulutson, hululanon).
uruglon, (B) Talk, conversation, chat; to
say, speak, tell, converse. (cf. sgid,
sugilnon, hambr).
urkay, uruky, (B) Merry-making,
mirth, a joyful social gathering with singing
and dancing, etc., as often indulged in after
a marriage by the tiglalak ang tigbaba,
or the like. May urkay sa baly ni
Fulno. Nagaurkay snda sa baly ni
Fulno. (May sindya (nagasindya sil)

urngul so
sa baly ni Fulno). They are making
merry in N.N.s house. (cf. sdya, sindya,
gars, ginars, dgsing, dingsing,
hgyaw, etc.).
urul, See ulultoilet paper.
urumnon, Childish, pertaining to
second childhood, silly. (cf. uliann,
ayopka, ulumnon).
urng, To astonish, surprise, cause
admiration, shock. Naurungn si. He was
surprised. (cf. blung, tingla, kibt,
urungn, The shaft, handle (of a spear,
lance, etc.). Kpti ang urungn sang
bngkaw. Grasp the handle of the lance.
(cf. ulungn, unungn).
rut, (H) To finish, use up, get through,
make an end of, eat up completely, spend
everything, wear out completely. Narut
na ang ya kwrta. All his money is gone,
spent. Nagrut si sang gmit sang tann
nya nga kalalngan. He exhausted all his
means. He used up all his resources.
Ginrut nya sang inm ang pdo sang
kalisd. He drained the gall of bitter grief.
Ind mo pagurton sang gsto (sa
paggsto) ang bg-os mo nga binlan.
Dont spend the whole of your monthly
salary. (cf. bus, sid, tt, tpus, pus).
urutp, (B) A knife, anything with a sharp
edge for cutting, as a piece of sharp stone,
bone, tin, wood, bamboo, etc. (cf. sndang,
garans; top).
urt-rut, (H) Dim. and Freq. of rut. Sa
suld sang is ka pitudlaw maurtrut
nla sang kon inng humy. They will be
able to eat up all the rice within a week. (cf.
ury-ruy, To chat, converse familiarly,
be intimate. See odydoy.
us, Deer. (cf. lgsaw).
us, One, etc. See is id.
sa, (Sp. osa) She-bear. (so (so) nga
babye id.).
sang, Chewing; to chew, masticate.
Usnga ang krne sing mayo. Chew the
meat well. (cf. sap).
usog, (B) To go seawards, go down a
valley or river, proceed down the river.
Bg-o pa lang nagusog (tna) sa bnwa.
(Bg-o pa lang si nagpabnwa
(nagkdto, nagpakdto sa bnwa)). A very
short while ago he went down to town.
Kana gid lang but ak magusog, pay
war ak makatars, hay nagurn.
(Kana gid lang but ak magdlhug,
pang wal ak makadayn, kay
naguln). This very morning I wanted to go
down (the hill, valley, river), but did not go,
because it began to rain. (cf. sbto go up
sap, To chew, etc. See sang. (cf. gsab).
usar, Only one, one, one only, alone,
single, only. (cf. is, isar; bgtong).

us-sa, To be alone, be without

company, be all by oneself. (cf. issa).
us-sa, To open and move the eyes,
begin to see (of new-born babies, or the
us-sa, A kind of plant.
sdang, To waste, spend, squander, spoil,
throw away. (cf. uyng, sik).
sdang, To fall on ones back; to stamp
the feet on the floor (ground). (cf. gsang,
sgang; pusdpsad, pundgpndag).
sdul, To shake, tremble, quiver, quake.
(cf. kiru, tg-us, plak, lnog).
sgang, See sdangto fall on ones
back, etc.
sgon, From usgto follow, etc. Usgon
mo si. Follow him. Chase him.
sik, Waste, squandering, loss, useless
consumption or expenditure, lavishness,
prodigality, labour lost or in vain; to waste,
spoil, spill, drain, squander, fritter away,
spend or use to no purpose. Usik gid lang
in sang plak, sang mahl nga mga
tinin, etc. That is waste of money, loss of
precious time, etc. Ind ka magsik sinng
kahigaynan. Do not miss this
opportunity. Ind mo paguskan ang knon, plak, etc. Dont waste the rice, money,
etc. Ginuskan nya ang mnggad sang
ya nga aswa. He squandered his wifes
wealth. (cf. uyng, hinguyng).
uss, To examine, investigate, search,
inspect, explore, inquire into. Usison mo
in kon matod ukn butg. Find out
whether that is true or not. Ginusisan
(Nausisan (notice the accent)) (si sang)
ang ya sayp. His guilt was investigated
(proved). He was investigated (was found
slan, etc. From ulsto dress, etc.
uslt, uslitn, uslitn, See oslt,
oslitn, oslitn.
smo, To low, moo (of cattle). See m,
m-m, hum, im.
smud, To sink down, be swallowed up;
go bankrupt. See smod.
sngab, To bite, gnaw, nibble at; tear to
pieces (with the teeth). (cf. sap, sang).
sngad, To put ones nose near an object,
smell, sniff. Ginusngarn (inusngarn)
sang bboy ang id nga paty. The pig
sniffed at the dead dog. (cf. snghot,
pannghot, panimh; sngab).
sngad, To snort, blow air through the
nose, as one expelling, or trying to avoid
breathing, a bad smell, etc. (cf. psnga,
lghong; smbo).
so, (Sp. oso) Bear, (so id.).
so, (Sp. uso) use, fashion, vogue, type;
the initials of a branding iron. Am in ang
la so dir. This is their custom (way) here.
Markahn mo lang ang kon karabw
sang so. Brand my buffalo with the usual
mark. Wal kam sing bno nga
ginabalgya, knd pra so lmang. We
have no wine to sell, but (what we have is)


sog, usg utitd

for our private use only. (cf. batsan,
kinaugl, kostmbre).
sog, usg, See sug, usg.
sok, See sokpost, stake, etc.
son, usn, See son, osnheap (of
stones); ozone, etc.
soy, To trace, track, trail, follow the trace
of, follow up, follow the course of a river, or
the like. Usya (Lighot) ang makwat
tbtub nga mo madakp. Track the thief
till you catch him. Ginsoy (Gintltul) nya
ang karabw dir sa baklod, pang wal
nya makt. He trailed the buffalo there
on the hill, but did not find it. Magsoy ka
lang sa ya. (Apsa (Tultul) lang si).
Simply follow his trail. Usyon (subon,
usagon) nton ang sub. Let us follow the
river (up or down). (cf. tltul, pas, sund,
usg, lghot).
usb-sub, To stir up, encourage,
animate, rouse. Ginusbsub na man lang
nya ang ya sdto malya nga but kag
pumatb si sing kasug sa pagbtok sa
kay Fulno. He roused himself from his
former irresolution and mustered sufficient
strength to oppose N.N. (cf. sug, pasug).
sug, To rub (ones eyes). Magsug ka
sang (Usga ang) mo mat tbtub nga
maggw ang pling. Rub your eye till the
mote comes out.
usg, To trace anothers steps, follow,
look for, get on the trail of. Usga (Usug)
si. Get on his trail. Track his foot-steps.
Chase or pursue him. (cf. soy, tltul, pas,
sund, abtbat, hingabt).
usg, Witchcraft, sorcery, spell, charm; to
bewitch, cast a spell upon, cause stomachache or diarrhoea. Ginusg si, kon, ni
Fulno. His stomach-ache, they say, is due
to the witchcraft of N.N. Ind ka magyat
sang ya inuytan, kay bs kon may usg
si magasakt ang mo tin. Dont touch
what he has touched, for, if he is a sorcerer,
you may get stomach-ache. (cf. hiwt,
brang, hkaw).
usg-sug, Dim. and Freq. of usg.
Also: to brave, defy, challenge.
Ginausgsug na nya ang pagtmpad sa
(sang) may katalgman nga palaabton.
He is now braving (facing with courage or
fortitude) the future fraught with dangers.
(cf. usbsub, kyat, slung).
sung, To carry somebody in a half-lying,
half-sitting position in ones arms, a
method frequently used in carrying women
and children across rivers, or the like.
Usnga si. Carry her in your arms.
Makasung ka bal sa ya sa tabk sang
sub? Do you think you can carry her in
your arms across the river? Isung lang
ang bt. Carry the child in your arms.
Isung ak sang kon ily sa pagtabk sa
sub. Please carry my mother across the
river in your arms. Sang paglsad nya sa
sakayn dyon si nla ginsung nga
wal gid makatmban sa salg ang ya
mga til. When he left the boat they at once


Visayan-English Dictionary
took him and carried him in their arms so
that his feet never touched the ground. (cf.
kgus, klkol; ab, tbong).
sung, (B) A boaster, braggart, liar; cheat,
rogue, rascal; clown, buffoon. (From
Usung, Osonga famous and very popular
character of folk-lore who played many a
prank on high and low; (in (H) Psong,
Hun Psong)). Pausng-sungto lie,
tell stories, cheat, pretend to be very
ignorant, etc. in imitation of the exploits of
Usung. (cf. psong).
usra, (Sp. usura) Usury; the lending of
money at high interest. (cf. pagpahulm
sing plak sa laks nga tb).
usurro, (Sp. usurero) Usurer; moneylender (at excessive interest).
s-us, See s-osto slip down, etc.
swad, See swag.
swag, To step back, make room, give
(make) way; to postpone, procrastinate; to
extend, prosper, go on well, succeed,
advance, make progress. Uswag
(Magswag, umswag) kam dir. Step
back there, make room. Kon am in nd
makaswag ang ton bnwa. If things are
so then our town cannot make any
progress. Ginpaswag nla ang
kaadlwan sang la pndut. They
postponed the day of their feast. Pauswag
ang mo palatikngan. Extend your
business. (cf. idg, sol; tn-ad, snyog,
kaayohn, kauswgan).
utk, Knife, bolo. See binngon.
tan, Any kind of vegetable including
legumes, tubers, salads, etc.; to boil or cook
vegetables. Utnon mo inng dgmay,
balnggay, alugbti, etc. Cook this
dgmay, these balnggay-leaves, these
alugbti-shoots, etc. (cf. ulutann, lswa,
tla, tla, tinla, lap, tank).
tang, Debt, liability, debit, score,
account; to have a debt, be in debt, owe,
borrow, obtain a loan, run up a bill, incur
a, contract a, get into, run into,
debt. May tang si sa kon nga duh ka
pl ka psos. He owes me (has a debt to
me of) twenty pesos. Ginutngan nya si
Fulno sing is ka gats. He borrowed one
hundred (pesos) from N.N. Pautnga lang
si sing ditay nga kwrta. Just lend him
a little money. Nautngan mo ang mo
mga giniknan sang mo kabh. You owe
your life to your parents. Dl ka
magpangtang kag nd ka man
magpatang. Neither a borrower nor a
lender be. Note the accent in the following:
Bisn kon mautanggn ak. Even if I
have to get, run, into debt. (cf.
hulmto borrow).
uts, Severed, cut through, cut off; to
sever, cut off. Nauts ang ya btkon. His
arm is cut off. Uts na (Nauts) ang ya
ginhwa. His breath is broken off i.e. he is
dead, he died. (cf. pnggul, pungl, tud,
tgbas, pgut, bgras).

utut, ut-ut, To chafe, fret, wear out by

rubbing, etc. Nautut (Natas) ang kalt
kag nabgt. The rope got chafed and
broke. (cf. tas, nas).
utw-taw, Floating, drifting; to float,
drift, swim, remain on the surface of.
Nagutwtaw si sa tbig sing duh ka
tkn. He floated on the water for two
hours. (cf. lutw, kubw).
uty-uty, Retail, small quantity, little by
little; to retail, deal in small quantities, do
little by little, by little and little, in small
instalments, etc. Ginautyuty lang nya
ang pagbyad sang ya tang. He is
paying off his debt in small amounts at a
time (in (by) instalments). Mayo kon nd
mo pagtngban sang ya galasthon ang
bt mo nga nagaton sa Manl, knd
utyutayn mo lang. It is advisable (good
policy) not to give your son that is studying
in Manila the whole amount for his
expenses in a lump sum, but to let him
have it by instalments (by small
remittances from time to time). Bungkag
lang ang is mo ka manso (mno) nga
tabk kag ipautyuty, agd madal
marut sang bakl. Just undo one of your
bundles of tobacco-leaves and sell it retail
so that it may be bought up soon.
Nagabalgy si sing utyuty. He is
selling retail. He is a retail-merchant. (cf.
tbug, To rise, ascend, spread (of smoke,
dust, etc.). Bs-an mo nay sing tbig ang
salg kag ugling silhign mo, agd nga
nd makatbug ang yb-ok. First sprinkle
the floor with water and then sweep it,
otherwise the dust will rise. Ginautbugn
kit dir sang yb-ok. We are being
enveloped here in dust. (cf. alintab,
tbung, Top, tip, end, point, etc. See
utbngan, Tip, top, end; goal,
termination, consummation. (cf. tbung).
tdan, etc. From tudto cut off, etc.
ti, To be diligent, active, assiduous, do
with zeal or energy, do thoroughly. Uthi
ang pagpangh sang dalkut sa by ko.
(Uthi ang pagpamul kang barri sa uls
ko). Clean my dress thoroughly of the
barri-seeds. (cf. psan, pntok, bkas,
kud, hgud, mati, kati, kautihn).
uts, Flattery, fooling; to flatter, fool,
wheedle, cajole, coax. Utis si. Flatter
(fool, humour) him. Persuade (induce) him
by flattery. (cf. odt, uns, nt, hs).
utitd, Care, solicitude, diligence; to do or
perform with care, take charge of, cater for,
treat well, manage with zeal, apply oneself
with right good will (with an eye to ones
own interest or advantage). Utitir (-id)
si. Take care of him. Look well after him.
Malam gid si magutitd sin. He knows
very well to manage that and to look to his
own profit. Ginautitd nya sa gihpon ang
tann nga mga buluhton nya. He

Visayan-English Dictionary
habitually performs all his duties well (with
an eye to his own advantage). N.B. Utitir
si. (H) Utitid (tna). (B) has at times
also the meaning: Exact a strict account of
him. Make him pay back every centavo,
every favour received, or the like. (cf. ttap,
sagd, sappo, psan, kud).
tud, (H) Brother, sister; to be brothers or
sisters; to be of the same kind, belong to
the same class or category. Nagatud sil
(nga duh). They (The two) are brothers
(brother and sister). Nagaultud
(Nagaulultud) sil. They (if there are
more than two) are brothers and (or)
sisters. Nagaulultud ang la mga delrgo.
Their trousers are cut from the same cloth.
Ang mga magtud (magultud). Brothers
and (or) sisters. (cf. bgt, kautran).
utd, (H) See the following tud. Si gal
ang nagutd sang sang. He actually cut
off the branch himself.
tud, To cut off, sever, separate from,
break off; to cut short, interrupt, break off
abruptly (a conversation, or the like).
Utdon mo inng khoy. Cut through this
piece of wood. Gintud nya ang sang. He
cut (broke) off the branch. Gintdan si
sang manugblung sang ya pa nga
wal. He had his left leg cut off by the
surgeon. (cf. bgt, bgras, lgtas, etc.).
utd, Cut off, broken off, severed; a piece
or part of.
utd-tud, Dim. and Freq. of tudto
cut off, etc.
utd-utd, Broken, interrupted, with
interruptions, faltering; to break, be
broken, falter. Sa utdutd
(nagakautdutd) nga tngug
(pangatingg)with a broken or faltering
voice. Pagpahimynga
(Pagpahimuynga) na lang ang mo bt
kon am in nga utdutd man lang ang
ya pangeskwla. You had better keep your
boy at home, if he goes to school only by
fits and starts. Kon am in nga utdutd
ang ya pangbra nd ka sa ya magshol
sing indlaw, knd sa tgsa ka galamitn
nga ya mahumn. If he so often stops in
his work, dont pay him daily wages, but
pay him by the piece. (cf. utngutng).
utg, To be or become erect; pautgto
cause an erection (of the membrum virile).
utm, To bear, stand, suffer, tolerate; to
subdue, overcome, conquer, hold ones own
against. (cf. okm, otm).
utng-utng, Faltering, undecided,
wavering; to falter, stammer, hesitate,
waver. Nagautngutng si kon
maghmbal. He stammers. He speaks
falteringly. Suld dir, nd ka
magutngutng. Come in, dont hesitate
(to enter). (cf. utdutd).
utng, utng-tung, utng-utng,
To be prominent, stand forth, be elevated
or higher than the surroundings, to jut out,
project, said of any small elevations or

tud ysit
projections, as a tumour, wart, pimple, etc.
(cf. ultngan).
tus, To be a long time, last a long time,
remain or stay long. Nga nga nagtus ka
ddto? Why did you stay there long? Ind
mo nay pagdugson ang mga ph,
knd pautsan mo gid, kay bklon ko sa
mo sing mahl. Dont pluck the mangoes
yet, but let them remain on the tree for a
long time still (till they are thoroughly ripe)
and I shall pay you a good price for them.
uts, To extract, express, press or force
out by crushing (as the juice of sugar cane,
or the like). (cf. inuts, ntus).
t-ut, See t-otto gnaw, nibble, etc.
utt, Wind, fart; to break wind, let a fart
(colloquial). (cf. ptput).
twas, To emerge, come, rise, to the
surface, to float; to get free, escape,
extricate oneself from any difficult position.
(cf. btw, btwas; lutw, utwtaw).
utwsan, Loophole of escape, salvation,
outlet, place or person to turn to for
assistance or help. (twas).
w, See wto dribble milk, etc.
uwk, See owkthe raven, crow.
uwk-wak, See owk-wakto caw.
wak, uwk-wak, See tuk-takto
fight to a finish, etc.
wang, See wangto yelp, howl, etc.
uwy, See owyrattan.
way, See waygrandmother.
y, Fie! Pshaw! Pooh! Pish! Nonsense! An
exclamation of contempt or disgust.
ya, Plentiful; to be plentiful, abound, be
many. Kon magya ang mon kadis (Kon
uyhon ang mon kadis, kon uyhan
kam sang (sing) kadis), hatgan ko gid
si Fulno sing is ka tabungs. If there are
(If we have) plenty of cadios-peas I shall
certainly give N.N. a basketful. (cf. ya).
uy, A disease of the nose; polypus. (cf.
mban, ambann).
uyb, Wild, unruly, untamed; to run wild.
Bboy nga uyb (naguyb). A pig that has
run wild. (cf. il, hyab).
uyd-yad, See ayd-yod, iyt.
uyhan, uyhon, Plentiful, abundant,
fruitful, productive, fertile. (cf. ya, ya).
uyahn, (B) Face, feature, mien, gaze,
look. (cf. guy, nawng, panluk).
uykm, A kind of fish.
uyakp, Fine particles of rice, smaller
even than bnlud; powder, face-powder.
(cf. ypyap, plbos).
uyk-yak, Wasting, squandering; to
waste, squander, lavish, spend uselessly or
to no purpose, be a spendthrift. (cf. sik,
uyng, buhah, binuhah).
uyng, To spend foolishly, waste,
squander, expend. Dl mo paguyangn
ang kn-on, kwrta, etc. Dont waste rice,
money, etc. (cf. sik).
yang, Grandmother. (cf. lang, bay,
yap, A kind of small fish.

yap, To share, participate, have a part in.

(cf. yap, mbit).
uypad, Level ground, plain, field. (cf.
lpad, kuypad).
uyaps, An ulcer, boil, furuncle, tumour.
(cf. pgsa).
uys, (H) Grain, kernel, seed, small piece.
(cf. iys id.).
yat, To hold, keep in the hand, grasp, get
(take) hold of; to hold a child at baptism, be
godfather or godmother. Uyti ang kamt
ko. Take hold of my hand. Hold my hand.
Sn-o ang mayat (magayat) sang ya
bt? Who shall be the godfather
(godmother) of his child? (cf. kapt, kgus,
ya, y-a, Oho! Hurrah! Lo! Why! An
exclamation of surprise, joy, etc. (cf. hoy).
uy-uy, To jump up and down, bounce,
rebound; jump and dance with joy. (cf.
tumbtmb; hingyaw).
yaw, To stop, keep, hinder from going
home, detain, said of bad weather or the
like. Nayaw (inyaw) si ddto. He was
detained there (by bad weather).
yaw, A repetition of an accident or ill
fortune in the same family. Uyaw sa la in,
kay may nalnud sa la sang is ka tig
kag karn naptyan na liwn. This is
another shock for them, for last year one of
their family was drowned and now they
have lost another. (cf. mauyawn).
yaw, To be new or strange in a place or
position, be unaccustomed or not
acclimatized as yet. See mg-o id. Nayaw
ak dir. I am yet a stranger here.
uyy, (B) Slow, dull, lazy, indolent, slack,
remiss. (cf. bndul, hnay, pkok, tmad,
uyay, See uyy id.
yhaw, To cry out aloud, shout,
vociferate. (cf. snggit, turayw, pugas,
yog, To shake, swing, move to and fro,
cause to tremble or vibrate. Uyga ang
lyog. Pull the string of the scarecrow
(swinging apparatus) for scaring off birds.
(cf. lnog, ty-og).
yon, Agreeable, pleasing, to ones liking;
to like, be pleased with, be fond of, to
relish, be partial to. Ind ak makayon
sang bboy. I dont like pork. I am not
partial to (fond of) pork. Ind makayon
sang bboy ang kon solksolk. Pork
does not agree with my stomach. Pork is
bad for my stomach. Ginauynan nya gid
in. He likes that very much. He is perfectly
content with it. Mayo ang mon patubs,
kon magyon ang panahn. We shall have
a good harvest, if the weather is favourable
(nice, agreeable, propitious).
yong, Grandfather. (cf. lang, lak;
yang, imy, baygrandmother).
ysit, Fortunate, lucky, happy. See usit.
(cf. busitunlucky).


y-uy wal

Visayan-English Dictionary

y-uy, A hearty laugh, loud laughter,

guffaw; to laugh heartily, to guffaw; to
enjoy, delight in. (cf. talngkaw, ark-ik,

v, This letter does not belong to the

Visayan Alphabet. Wherever it occurs in
terms taken from other languages b is
generally substituted, e.g. vinobno;
vigiliabihlya; evangelioebanhlyo.

w, As this letter does not belong to the

Spanish Alphabet it does not occur in
Visayan literature previous to the American
Occupation; o and u were generally
used in its place. At the beginning of a
syllable its correct pronunciation is almost
identical with (or just a shade softer than)
the w in English words as wag, well, will,
woe, would, etc.. At the end of a syllable
after a it forms the diphtong aw (e.g.
daw, twtaw, swsaw, lnaw) that is
nearly equivalent to the English ou in
out, about, loud, etc.. At the end of a
syllable after e or i its correct
pronunciation is quite peculiar and can be
learned only by hearing, e.g. bagw,
barw, sirw, twbew, etc. It is to be
remarked that many Visayan words ending
in o or u lose these vowels in some
verbal forms and in terms derived from
them and take the letter w instead, e.g.
bywon, salywan, gmwan, spwan,
kaburywan, etc. (from bay, salay,
gam, sap, buy, etc.).
way, way, For wal singthere is
none, etc. Way ak kwrta. I have no
money. Way sngsing dir. There is no
ring here. Way to sa baly. Nobody is at
home. There is no one in the house. Way
sma (snglit, sbung, ikaduh, ngay,
etc.). There is no equal (peer, compeer,
second, comparable to, etc.). It is
unexampled, peerless, unprecedented,
unparalleled, extraordinary, incomparable,
matchless, or the like.
way-way, Swinging, stir, movement;
to swing or move (ones arms, etc.); to


wriggle, writhe, move ones limbs in all

directions; to stir, move about, be active.
(cf. walswlas, kisyksay, hulghlag,
way-way, To turn round, change
ones mind, be fickle or wavering. (cf. ls,
hylo, dal, daldla).
wd-an, etc. For walan and walan
from wl and wal.
wding, To be shaky or wobbly, swing to
and fro, walk with a halt, to limp; to
persuade, dissuade, induce, convince, gain
over to ones point of view. Ind gid
mawding si Fulno. N.N. cannot be
persuaded (convinced, turned from his
purpose by argument or entreaty, or the
like), (cf. dmawding, paniwding,
bawd, bayd, dag, dal, daldla,
wadng-wding, Dim. and Freq. of
wding. (cf. wandng-wnding).
wgak, To be or get loose, break asunder,
break in pieces, fall to pieces, fall down,
disintegrate, fray (of seams, book-bindings,
fruit falling from trees, or the like).
Nagakawgak ang ya srwal. His
trousers are (nearly) fallingdown,to
pieces. (cf. busag, plak, dgdag, wsag).
wagk, Broken asunder, burst, fallen to
pieces, loose, rotten, smashed, broken in
pieces, shattered. (cf. wgak).
wg-as, To spread, scatter, disperse; to
fall to pieces, disintegrate, smash, be
smashed. (cf. ws-ag, bulugas, busag,
bulblag, lpta).
wags, Gold, bullion, pure gold, solid
gold, bar-gold. (cf. bs-og nga bulwan).
wgay, To protrude, hang out, project, jut
out. Pawgayto cause to protrude, thrust
or push forward, spill. (cf. bgway).
wgklos, See wgkos, wklosbelt. (cf.
wgkos, See wgklos.
wgtang, To drop, fall down, get loose.
(cf. tngtang, tktak, dgdag).
wg-wag, wgwag, To scatter, strew,
spread, throw about, sow; to waste,
squander (money, etc.); to destroy,
demolish, undo, unmake, break down,
break in pieces. Iwgwag (iws-ag,
isbwag) ang mga blak sa salg. Scatter
the flowers on the floor. Ginwagwagn
(ginsabwagn, ginws-agn) nla ang
algyan sang prosesyn sing madm
nga blak. They scattered many flowers on
the road over which the procession passed.
Ginwgwag gid lang nya ang ya plak.
He wasted (squandered) his money.
Ginwgwag nla ang pntaw, kay but
nla ilsan sing bg-o. They broke down the
kitchen-balcony, because they want to
replace it by a new one. Nawgwag ang
puts sang ulnan kag nagguluw ang
dldul. The pillow-case broke (burst) open
and the kapok-cotton came out. (cf. ws-

ag, sbwag, sb-og, wgak; dh,

buhah; gub, busag).
whig, To turn aside, push back, clear
ones way, pull or thrust aside with a jerk or
a sudden swift movement. Wahga ang
mga kagngking. Bend back the bamboobranches. Ginwhig nya si Fulno. He
pushed (pulled, jerked, threw) N.N. aside.
(cf. tklud, tuld, btong, wslik).
wi, w-i, An exclamation of praise and
wonder (often mixed with envy or
jealousy). Wi mo! Well done! Wi nya!
He is a fine fellow! Wi nla! They are to be
congratulated! How happy they are! Also
used sarcastically: Wi mo, kay wal ka
magpti sa kon. It serves you right,
because you would not listen to me.
wi, w-i, Freedom from care or
solicitude, happiness, content; to be
carefree, be happy, be contented, live at
ease, have no worry or trouble. Wi nla,
kay manggarnon sil. They are carefree
(can live at ease, are well off or happy),
because they are rich. Wi nla sin, kay
mayo ang la kahimtngan,yr sil sa
mayo nga kahimtngan. That does not
worry them, for they are well off. Mawi
man nla kon magbalatin ak? What do
they care, if I should fall ill? It would not
affect them in the least, if I would take (if I
took) ill.
wak, The raven. See uwk.
wkal, To talk much, chatter, boast, brag,
prattle. (cf. br, hdak, ngsal, etc.).
wakaln, A great chatterbox; boaster,
braggart. (cf. wkal, buran, palahmbal,
wkha, A broker, ticket seller in the game
of huting, etc. (wkha seems to be of
Chinese origin).
wkl, To jostle, strike, push with the
elbow; to turn, push or throw back (the
ends or corners of a garment, etc.). Iwkl
ang kpa. Turn back the corners of the
cope. (cf. wslik).
wklos, Belt, girth, girdle, cincture; to
belt, gird, girdle, girth. (cf. wgkos, pha,
wkwak, A croak, crow, caw, cackle; to
crow, croak, caw, cackle. (cf. uwkwak).
wakwkan, Voice, throat, windpipe; a
croak, crow. (cf. wkwak).
wkwak, wakwkan, Witch, wizard,
sorcerer, one in league with the devil, one
who practises the black art (necromancy,
magic). (cf. pakpkan, silksilk, swang).
wal, No, not, none, no one, not any,
nothing; there is not, does not exist, there
has not been (existed); to be not, have not,
be a nonentity, to lack, be deprived of, be
not there, to disappear, be gone. Nagkdto
ka ddto?Wal (ak magkdto). Did you
go (Have you been) there?No, I did not
go (I have no been there). Wal si
pagsugl. He does not gamble. He never
gambles. Wal si magsugl kahpon. He

Visayan-English Dictionary
has not been gambling yesterday. Wal si
magasugl. He is not gambling (just at
present. May kwrta ikw?Wal. Have
you (any) money?No, I have not (none).
Wal kam sing humy. We have no rice.
Wal si dir. He is not here. Wal ak
gn sin makasyod. I really did not know
it (that). Wal nya pagtumna
(pagatumna) ang sg. Wal si
magtman (magatman) sang sg. He
did not fulfil (is not fulfilling) the order or
precept. He was (is) disobedient. Wal si
magaton sa karn nga tig. He is not
studying (schooling) this year. Nno na
lang ang mo sin sa la pagdakp, kon
wal ka sing hinangban? How can you
catch (arrest) them unarmed (without
arms, unless you have arms)? Sa wal sing
kon an. Without any apparent
reason. Suddenly. Without much
ado (fuss). Wal sing an man. Dont
mention it. It is very little (nothing). Sa
wal gid madgay umabt si. It did not
last long before he arrived. Sa wal sing
balbad (ldan). Without excuse (fail).
Ginakawalan (Ginakawd-an,
ginakawr-an) sil konkais sing
pagkon. At times they have nothing to eat
(are lacking, are deprived of, food). (cf.
way, waly, wy, war, wart, war ti;
d, dl, nd, bokn; kinawal).
wl, To deny, gainsay; to forget, forgive.
Ginawl nya ang ya tang. He denies
his debt. Wala in sa mo panumdman.
Forget it. Wipe it off your memory. Walon
(wd-on, wr-on) mo ang ya nga sayp.
Forgive (Pardon) his fault. Ang pagkawl
sang mga sal. The forgiveness of sin. (cf.
wal, himutg, patwad, pl, dl).
wal, Left, the left hand. Sa wal. To the
left. On the left hand. At the left side. Wal
si sing panglab, pangon, etc. He cuts,
eats, etc. with the left hand. Wal ang ayn
mo ukn ang to? Are you left-handed or
walgay, To protrude, stick out, hang
out, project. (cf. wgay, wlwal, bgway,
gway, gway).
wlak, To shake, vibrate, oscillate,
tremble. (cf. plak).
walk-wlak, Dim. and Freq. of
wlakto shake, tremble, etc.
walk-wlak, To shake, tousle (as a
punishment). Dkpa si kag iwalkwlak.
Catch him and tousle (shake) him.
walalhan, (H) A measure of one eighth,
especially one eighth of a bushel of rice. (cf.
wal, walhan, waralhan).
wlas, To wriggle, writhe, move about
restlessly, contort the limbs, as one who is
in great pain, or the like. (cf. hiwas,
wal sing, Nothing, nought, naught, not
any, not anything, none, nobody, no man,
no one, not a single person, not a soul;
there is (was) not, nothing, etc.; to lack, be
without, have not, nothing, etc. Wal sing

wl wog, w-og
lwan, knd. Nothing else but.
None (No one) but. No other than.
(cf. wal, sing).
wals-wlas, Dim. and Freq. of wlas
to wriggle, etc.
walwag, To scatter, sow, broadcast,
spread; to squander, waste, throw away,
spend uselessly or to no purpose.(cf.
wgwag, warwag).
wlay, To wriggle, writhe, move, etc. See
waly, waly, (H) For wal sing.
Waly sapayn. Notwithstanding,
nevertheless, though, although, in spite
of. Waly puls. No good. Useless. Of
no use. Waly to sa baly. There is
nobody at home. (cf. way, way, wy,
wart, war ti).
waly-wlay, Dim. and Freq. of
wlayto wriggle, etc. (cf. wayway).
wlda, Gesticulation, gesture; to
gesticulate, move ones hands wildly, saw
the air with ones hands, jump and dance
(with rage, out of joy, or the like).
Ginwaldahn ak nya sa kakig. In his
anger he gesticulated fiercely in front of
wald-wlda, Dim. and Freq. of wlda.
Also: to run wildly through the streets, be
very excited.
wli, Sermon, lecture; to preach, lecture,
discourse on, declaim, hold forth. Iwli mo
sa la in. Walhan mo sil sin. Preach it
(that) to them. Give them a lecture about it.
An ang ginwli sang pr kana? What
was the parish priest preaching about this
morning? Mayo si magwli. He is a
good preacher (lecturer, orator). Bus sa
ga may wli (sa) nahanungd sang
(sa). Tomorrow morning there will be a
sermon about. Ginwalhan nya kam
sang mayo nga batsan. He gave us a
lecture on right conduct. (cf. lygay).
walihn, Pulpit, tribune, platform, chair;
stump, hustings. (cf. diskurshan).
wlik, To turn or twist round or sideways,
to deflect. Walka ang ardo, sa to. Turn
the plough to the right. Ginwlik nya ang
bandehdo. He turned the dish round. (cf.
wling, See wdingto be wobbly, shaky,
wling, To turn sideways or in another
direction. See wlik.
wlis, (Sp. ojal, ojales) Button-hole.
wals, Left-handed; awkward. (cf. wal
left, left hand).
wals, To push with the elbow; to strike,
slap. (cf. sik, sikl, skdol; huyp, tap,
whig, lipt).
wal-wli, Dim. and Freq. of wlito
preach, lecture, etc.
wal, Eight.
walhan, See walalhanthe eighth part
of a given measure.
wal-wlo, A small poisonous sea-snake.

wlwal, Prattling, prating; to prattle,

prate, talk much, talk nonsense. (cf.
nglngal, br, etc.).
wlwal, wl-wal, To hang or bulge out,
protrude, project, stick out (of the tongue,
of pockets, etc.). Nagawlwal ang ya
pny. His handkerchief is hanging out.
Pawalwal lang ang pinuts. Let the
package hang out. (cf. diwl, kabtkbit,
kway, bgway).
wndang, To be open or exposed to view,
extended, spread out; to open, cut open,
dissect. Nawndang na ang bboy. The
pig is cut up. (cf. wngwang).
wnding, wandng-wnding, See
wding, wadng-wdingto be shaky, etc.
wngal, Boasting, bragging, prattle; to
talk much, prate, be a chatterbox, talk
nonsense. (cf. wkal, warngal, dkal,
wangl, A loud, indistinct cry, a groan; to
utter a loud cry, groan aloud, emit an
inarticulate sound. (cf. wngal, snggit).
wng-it, To gnaw, nibble, bite off piece
by piece. Wang-it lang ang mas nga
binog. Just gnaw (off the cob) the roast
corn (popcorn). Ang id nagawng-it sang
tl-an. The dog is gnawing the bone. Ang
mga bt malyag magwng-it sang
tub. Children like to eat sugar-cane (biting
bits off the stalk). (cf. png-os, hng-it,
wang-wng, See bang-bngto
change from side to side, etc.
wangl-wngl, To shake (the body) to
and fro, to move or strut about
ostentatiously, move the head proudly, and
the like. (cf. bid-ad, bid-bad).
wngwang, Wide open, gaping; to gape,
be or make wide open. Wngwang nga
pils. A gaping wound. Nagawngwang
ang ganghan. The door is wide open.
Wangwang ang pils, agd maggw ang
nn. Open the wound so that the pus may
flow out. (cf. wndang, bbha, wwha,
wan, (B) To change from one vessel into
another, to transfuse, transfer, translate.
Wnyon (Huarn, ihud) mo ang bno
nga din (yr) sa damahuna sa mga
botlya. Bottle the wine that is in the
demijohn. Iwan (Ihud) ak any
kadyng (sinng) lnggaw sa prsko.
Please pour this vinegar into the flask.
Sult nga winan sa iningls. A letter that
has been translated into English. (cf. hud,
wnwan, To go out, leave the room,
house, town, etc., go away, depart.
Nakawnwan na si. He has gone out. (cf.
haln, lmbus).
wnyan, etc. From wanto transfuse,
wog, w-og, To turn or twist (ones
neck and raise the head at the same time).
(cf. tikw-og, tikwa-g, tukhyaw).


wag, wa-g wlwil

wag, wa-g, Turned, awry, twisted (of
the neck, or the like).
wag-wog, wa-gw-og, Dim. and
Freq. of wog. Also adjective: twisted,
awry, turned, crooked.
war, (B) No, not, none; there is not, etc.
See wal.
waralhan, (B) See walalhan.
warngal, To prattle, talk nonsense (as
in ones sleep). (cf. nglngal, ngsal,
ngarngal, sla, wlwal, wkwak).
warng-wrang, warng-warng,
To shout angrily, vociferate, rail at, curse
and swear at. Ind mo si
(pagwarngwarangn). Dont shout at
him so angrily. (cf. ywyaw, pamuyyaw;
snggit, turayw).
wras, (B) To move, etc. See wlas.
warsag, To lie about in confusion or
disorder. See ws-ag, barsag.
wart, (B) See war ti. (cf. wal sing,
war ti, (B) There is none, does not exist,
etc. See wal sing.
warwag, To sow, spread, scatter,
broadcast. Iwarwag ang bnh sa
sabudn (saburn). Sow the seed in the
seed-plot. Sow the seed-plot with seed. (cf.
sbud, sbwag, walwag).
wrik, To turn aside, move or shift aside,
take another direction. Iwrik (Warka)
ang kngga sa wal. Turn the cart to the
left. Nagwrik (nagkawrik, nawrik)
ang manibla. The steering wheel turned
in another direction. (cf. wlik, tik, lik,
wrik, wark-wrik, See blik, balkblikto return, go or come back, return
again and again.
wros, (B) See wlasto wriggle, writhe,
ws-ag, To scatter, spread; to undo,
unmake, demolish, destroy, break in
pieces; to disintegrate, fall out or off and
spread in all directions, as grain escaping
through a hole in a sack, or the like.
Ginws-ag sang hngin ang mga dhon
nga lay sang khoy. The wind scattered
the dead (dry) leaves of the tree. Kon itkap mo ang sko ang ya suld inaws-ag.
If you shake the sack its contents will fall
out. (cf. wgwag, busag, lpta, alplag,
sbud, gub, rngg, etc.)
wsay, Hatchet, axe; to use or apply,
cut down or fell with, an axe or hatchet.
Wasya ang khoy. Use an axe for the
tree. Fell the tree with an axe. (cf. puld).
wsdak, To crumble to pieces, demolish,
wreck, shatter, fall down in a heap, collapse
(of buildings in an earthquake, etc.); to fall,
drop (as fruit from a tree, etc.). Ginwsdak
sang lnog ang mon baly. Our house was
shattered (ruined, destroyed) by the
earthquake. Hinpit sang lnt ang ya
sulultan kag nawsdak (nagkawsdak)


Visayan-English Dictionary
ang ya hult. Lightning struck his office
and wrecked his room. (cf. busag, wsag, gub, lglag, rngg).
was, To lose, drop (something
inadvertently); to disappear, get lost, fall
down (out). Usisa sing mayo ang
pinuts mo, kay bs nawas ang kahn
nga tabk. Examine your parcel well, for
maybe the box of cigars has been lost.
Amlig ang senslyo, agd dl mawas ang
ibn. Take good care of the change (coins),
so that none may be lost. (cf. wgit, dl,
wasign, Part, partition, division, panel
(of binalntak-work).
wslik, To strike backwards with a stick, a
whip, etc.; to throw or push back, turn
back. Ginwaslikn ak nya sang ya
ltigo. He struck back at me with his whip.
Iwslik sa id ang bastn. Strike the dog
behind you with your stick. Waslik si sing
lnang (lala). Throw some mud at him
from behind. (cf. wkl, wals, whig,
wswas, ws-was, To shake out
clothes, a blanket, a sack, etc.; to beat or
strike against. Iwswas ang sko, agd
maggw kag madgdag ang ya (sin
nga) suld. Shake the sack that its contents
may come out and drop down. Waswas si
sang slhig. Strike him with the broom. (cf.
ysyas, dldal, dsdas, hoh, lin).
watk-watk, Separate from others,
spaced, spread out, not joined, not
close, to others. See atkatk, putput.
wat, Equal, square, neither winning nor
losing, on a level, on an even footing. (cf.
ptas, pats, tpung, tupng).
wat-wat, (B) Unimportant, trivial, not
prominent, vulgar, common, of trifling
value, mostly said of things (not of
persons). (cf. wit-wit; gir-girthe
common folks, simple people as distinct
from the lutwthe great or prominent
members of a community).
wtwat, wt-wat, To widen or open
(as a wound in order to extract a splinter,
etc.). Watwat ang pils tbtub nga
makt ang tunk (dgi). Open the wound
so that the thorn can be seen. (cf.
wngwang, buks).
wwaw, A bark, yell, howl; to bark, yell,
howl, roar, emit a loud cry. (cf. wang;
tibaw, tingak, siagt, etc.).
wwha, A slash, gash, cut, rent, wide
hole; to slash, gash, tear or rip open. Sn-o
ang nagwwha sang kon by? Who tore
my jacket? Binun si; nawwha ang ya
klid kag bumgway (nagbgway) ang ya
tini. He was stabbed; his side was ripped
open and his bowels protruded. (cf.
wngwang, bbha, gs, ghay, etc.).
ww-waw, See wwaw,to bark, yelp,
wy, Contr. of way, way equivalent to
wal sing. Wy kapuslnan in. That is of

no use. That is no good. Wy syod in.

Thats nonsense.
wayng, An open plain, extensive
grounds, level fields in a broad valley, or
the like.
way-way, Scum, the film that forms
on liquids like vinegar, pickles, canned
(bottled) fruit, etc. (cf. ktap, klap, latb).
wyway, wy-way, To fall or hang
down, as long hair, etc. (cf. wlwal, kway,
kabtkbit, etc.).
wlga, (Sp. hulga) Strike; to go on strike,
quit work. (cf. paloy).
welgsta, One who quits, or has quit,
work, a striker.
wgit, To fall or drop down unnoticed, fall
out of a pocket, etc., get lost; to lose, drop,
let fall down, throw away. Nawigtan si
sang ya kolntas sa simbhan. She
dropped her rosary-beads in church
without noticing it. Kay sn-o bal ang
pny nga nawgit dir? Whose is the
handkerchief that has been dropped here.
Ginwgit sang babye ang pny nga ya
kinwat sang pagkakt nya nga
nagapadlong sa ya ang tagya. The
woman dropped the stolen handkerchief,
when she noticed that the owner was
approaching her. Andamn mo gid ang
mo kolntas kag pulsras, agd dl ka
sin mawigtan (agd nd mawgit). Be
very careful with your necklace and
bracelet or you may lose them (or they may
be lost). (cf. dl, was).
wit, To wry or distort the mouth, curl the
lips, pout, make (pull) a face or grimace.
(cf. kiw).
wit, Pouting, curled, distorted, twisted,
shaped in the form of a grimace, said of the
mouth, the lips, or the like. (cf. wit).
wit-wiitn, The corners of the mouth.
(cf. wiwin).
wli, Entertainment, amusement,
distraction; to entertain, amuse, distract; to
like, be pleased or delighted with, have a
liking or predilection for, take delight in.
Ginawli nya sil sang sugilnon, sang
musik, etc. He entertains them with
conversation, with a concert (music), etc.
Ginakawilhan ko gid ang pagtn-aw
sang prosesyn. I very much like to see the
procession. Nga nga nagakawli ka
ddto? Why have you such a liking for that
place there? Why do you like to be there?
Wilha ang mga dumulaw sang knta.
Amuse (distract, entertain) the visitors with
some songs (singing). (cf. lyag, bang,
wlwig, wl-wig, Nearly cut through,
hanging only by a thread, dangling; to
dangle, hang down loosely, be attached
loosely (slightly). Nabl ang ya btkon
kag nagwlwig (nawlwig, nagkawlwig).
His arm was broken and hung down
loosely. (cf. kbit, kibt).
wlwil, See wlwig id.

Visayan-English Dictionary
wir-wir, Gibberish, rapid or gabbling
talk, babble, jabber, unmeaning words,
nonsensical talk; to gibber, gabble, babble,
jabber, prattle, prate, mumble, murmur,
growl, to utter, say or speak (indistinctly).
Butg gid lang ang ya nga ginawirwir.
What he babbles (says) is a lie. Malam si
magwirwir sang latn. He knows to
gibber (a few words of) Latin.
wisk, Sprinkling; to sprinkle, besprinkle,
bedrop, scatter in drops. Wski (Wisik) si
sing tb. Sprinkle water on him. Sprinkle
him with water. Nawskan si sang
lnang. He was bespattered with mud. (cf.
lbtik, sik, lsik).
wskan, etc. From wiskto sprinkle,
wswis, ws-wis, A small tuft or lock
(as of hair, etc.). Is ka wswis nga bohk.
A lock of hair.
wit-wit, Common, ordinary, not
prominent, vulgar. Ang mga to nga
witwit. The ordinary (common) men.
Men of inferior or low origin. (cf. watwat,
wtwit, wt-wit, Rumour, report,
hearsay, whisper; to rumour, report,
whisper, tell, say. (cf. silng, sgid, kon,
mno, hudnghding, han).
wiwin, The corner (corners) of the
mouth. (cf. witwiitn).

x, The letter X is not needed in Visayan.

It occurs in foreign words that have been
incorporated in the Visayan language, but
even in these words the tendency is to write
ks instead of x, e.g. ekstraordinryo for
extraordinario, ekstremaunsyn for
extremauncin, eksmen for examen.

y, The letter Y in Visayan, as in English,

is sometimes a consonant, sometimes a
vowel. In both cases it is pronounced as in
English. As a vowel Y forms diphtongs
with a, o, u, e.g. in the words may,
ngyngoy, pypuy.
ya, For ya, nya, e.g. kadmpig yaya
kadmpig, kadmpig nya.

wir-wir ym-is
ybi, Key; to lock with a key. Yabhi ang
ganghan, bal, etc. Lock the door, the
trunk, etc. with the key. (cf. libi, lybi).
yab, To pout, etc. See ymb.
yb-ok, Dust, fine dry particles of earth or
other material; to be or become dusty. (cf.
gapgap, taptap).
yab-okn, Dusty, full of dust, covered
with dust.
ydan, An expletive or exclamation of
surprise, chagrin, disappointment or the
like. (cf. manygi, ydi, yw, lnt,
ymat, gtud).
ydi, See ydan id.
yd, (B) Worth something, useful, of use,
profitable, advantageous, serviceable; to be
worth something, be useful, etc. Panigput
nnyo ang mga bnga kang kamnsil ta;
yd pa ri bisn ibakl ta lang ti gas (ang
bil (byad) na). (Sigput nnyo ang mga
bnga sang ton kamnsil; ywat pa in
bisn ibakl lang nton sing gas (ang ya
bil (byad). Gather together all our
kamnsil-fruit (pods); they areuseful,of
use,worth something, even if only
sufficient to buy a little kerosene (with the
proceeds from their sale). (cf. ywat,
ydto, (H) That, that there; it is (was)
there (at a farther distance than implied by
dir). Ho, ydto am ang kon kl. Yes,
that is my hat there. Din si ttay mo?
Ydto sa um. Where is your father?He
is at the farm. Ginhinambitn nya ydto,
kay. He mentioned that, because.
(cf. dto, at; ddto, rgto).
ygsim, Brackishness, saltiness; to be or
become brackish, salty, disgustful,
unpalatable (said particularly of water).
yagm-at, Mockery, derision; to mock,
scoff at, deride, ridicule, jibe, sneer, scorn,
make sarcastic remarks. (cf. ulig, ulgyat,
tiwtaw, tmay).
yagut, See yagm-atto scoff at, etc.
yahng, A bowl, basin, pan, cup, goblet.
yahng-yhong, Anything that
resembles a bowl, any kind of vessel or dish
of a roundish shape, rather deep and
without handles. Also: a kind of plant.
ykal, A kind of tree and its valuable
yakt, Invitation, persuasion, inducing,
urging; to urge, induce, persuade, incite,
instigate, prevail upon, attract, allure,
entice, draw. Yakat ang bt sa
pagkdlaw. Make the baby laugh. Induce
the baby (by playing with it, or the like) to
laugh. Iyakt ak sinng bt sa
pagkasdya (sa pagkdlaw). Please do
something toentertain,amuse, the baby
(to make it laugh). Ginyakt ak nya sa
pagtmbong sa bile. He induced me to go
to the dance. Wal knt sil sing lyag sa
pagsugl, pang si Fulno sa la ang
nagyakt. Really they had no desire to
gamble, but N.N. induced them to play at

cards. Silng nla mahpus si; nd man

gal, kay ginyakt nnyo. They said he was
a quiet (silent, taciturn) man; but he is not,
as (you saw yourself when) you drew him
out (paid much attention to him). Wal gid
si sing gna sa pagtn-aw sang sni, kon
nd pagyakatn. She has no desire to go to
a moving-picture theatre; she has to be
prompted. Hingay kam sang ghud
dir! Ari si Kwan ay, nagapangyakt
(sang ghud)! Stop that noise there! But,
good (great) heavens, that fellow, whats
his name, is always so rowdy, boisterous,
inciting others to make a noise. Am gid
in ang kinaugl sin nga bt nga wal
pagkdlaw? Yakat, kay tan-awn ta. Is
that the baby without a smile? Just play
with it and let us see. (cf. hgad, gda,
tuld, s-is, galt, stsot, sdyot).
ykyak, To spread, scatter, cover with;
drop or throw on the floor, throw away,
discard; to waste, squander. Yakyak ang
dlan sing bals. Cover the road with small
gravel (sand). Ginaykyak gid lang nya
ang plak. He is throwing the money away.
He is squandering money. (cf. hmlad,
ldlad; pilk, warwag, walwag).
yalaban, Place where one prostrates
himself; altar. (cf. yab).
ymat, An expletive nearly equivalent to
yw. Ymat! Blast it! Dash it! Confound
it! Damn it! To hell with it! Ymat,
nabgt ang kalt. Hang it! The rope has
snapped! Ymat, an ang lbut mo! What
the devil is that to you! Ymat, naglupk
ang gma! Damn it, the tyre has burst! (cf.
yw, lnt, gtud, ydan).
ymb, To project the underlip, to pout,
make grimaces, pull a face (by projecting
the underlip). (cf. yab, ymid, hlhal).
yam, To be soft, etc. See ram.
yam, (H) Coldness, coolness; to be or
become cold, cool, cooled down, low (of
temperature). Nagyam na ang minaty
(bngkay). The corpse is now cold. (cf.
ym-id, Pouting; to pout, be sullen, to
thrust out the lips and avert ones face in
displeasure, disgust or disapproval. Ind ka
magym-id. Dont pout. Dont sulk (be
sullen). Ginyamirn (-idn) nya ak. He
curled his lips at me in disgust. (cf. ymb;
hlhil, hlhal; sngon, snggud).
yamg, Coldness, coolness, frigidity; to
grow (be) cold, cool, frigid. Nagyamg na
ang bngkay. The corpse is cold already.
(cf. lamg, ramg, tgnaw, bgnaw).
yming, Stick, cane, rod, cudgel; to apply
or use a stick, to beat with a stick, etc.
Andam ka; bs yamngon ka nya.
Beware of him; he may beat you with a
stick. (cf. bastn, bilogn, tagson,
lalmpus, bulunl; lmpus, bnal, hnot,
ym-is, Sweetishness; to grow sweetish,
be somewhat sweet; to be or become
mawkish, nauseous, sickly (particularly


ymo yyong
said of things that taste unnaturally sweet).
(cf. tm-is).
ymo, (Perhaps from the Sp. llamar)
Objection, complaint, remonstrance,
reclamation; to complain, grumble,
murmur, grouse, have a grievance, show
resentment, bring forward a complaint,
prefer a charge, express a wish. An (Nno)
ang ginaymo mo? What are you
complaining about? Palaymo si. He is
always complaining. He is one of those that
never are content. (cf. reklmo).
yampk-ympak, Joking, jesting,
fooling; joke, jest, hoax; to joke, etc. (cf.
lahglhog, langs, uts, odt, etc.).
yamuht, To follow ones whim, to eat,
drink, talk, etc. whenever a chance offers or
one feels inclined to, to do at all seasonable
and unseasonable times (hours), to let
oneself be guided by the promptings of
ones fancy. Ind mo pagyamuhatn ang
pagkon. Ind ka magyamuht sang kon
(sa pagkon). Dont take food whenever
your fancy prompts you. (cf. yapkyapk).
yamuhng, To dirty, stain, soil, sully. (cf.
msing, tp-ing dgt, hgk, laglag).
ymyam, ym-yam, Liking, desire,
wish; to wish, want, desire, like to, hanker
after, crave, covet, yearn for. Nagaymyam
si sa pagkdto sa Manl. He wants to go
(He is keen on going) to Manila. (cf. lyag,
lub, hkab, hndum, hngy, hingam,
yan, (H) That, that there, but not as far
away as ydto, dto, at. (cf. in, di, ri,
yanng, Contr. of yan nga. Yanng
mga panpton. Those clothes. (cf. inng).
yang, Contr. of ya nga, ya ang. (cf. ya.)
yangp-yngap, Seeking, looking for;
to seek, look for, go in search of, try to find
or obtain. Nagayangpyngap si sing
pagkon (Ginayangp-yngap nya ang
ya pagkon), kay nawd-an si sa baly.
She is going about in search of something
to eat, for she has nothing at home. (cf.
lgap, hgap, sghap, pangt,
ynggaw, Attraction, inclination,
propensity; to attract, habituate, cause a
liking for, make partial to, make (grow)
fond of. Naynggaw na si sang tub. He
now likes (He has got to like; toddy very
much. Ginaynggaw si ni Fulno sang
sut, belasyn, etc. N.N. is making him
fond of (habituating him to, introducing
him to) dancing, wakes, etc. (cf. glit, galt,
hnas, nad, bnggad, lyag, yon, wli).
ynghag, Staring, gaping; to stare, gape,
be surprised, be taken aback, be astounded,
to startle. (cf. pamalng, blung, tingla,
yangkt-yngkot, Various small items,
an assortment of trifles or small articles,
purchases, etc. Mapailnglong ak sa
bus, kay may balklon ak nga


Visayan-English Dictionary
yangktyngkot. Tomorrow I am going to
Iloilo, for I have to buy various small
articles there. Nno ang pinamakl mo?
Yangktyngkot (Mga yangktyngkot).
What have you bought?A few (Some)
miscellaneous items (articles). (cf.
pitsptse, sarsr).
yang, (B) Death-rattle; to be in the last
agony, be at the last gasp, to breathe ones
last. (cf. huyang, ting).
yng-ob, Prominent, protruding,
projecting, especially applied to the chin
and said of people whose cheeks have fallen
in on account of their having lost their
yngub, Weal, bruise, laceration; to
bruise, etc. (cf. lngub, lbhag).
yngyang, Wide open; to open, be wide
open. Yngyang ang ganhan. The door is
wide open. Ind mo pagkalipatn sa
pagyngyang (pagpayngyang) sang
tann nga mga gawng. Dont forget to
open all the doors and windows. (cf.
wngwang, buks, bri).
yno, (Sp. llano) Simple, plain, ordinary,
quiet, without much ceremony or
ostentation, not pompous, grand or
solemn. Paglubng nga yno. A simple
funeral. (cf. bunyag, pugypugy,
ynta, (Sp. llanta) Tire, tyre, hoop, wheeltyre, the iron hoop that protects the rim of
a wheel.
yapk-yapk, The doing of something in
and out of season; faultfinding; a
faultfinder; to do at all times (according to
ones whim); to carp, cavil, find fault with
(the defects or mistakes of others), take
offence very easily (at trifles). Yapk-yapk
si sing bb (bb). Her tongue is always
busy. She is an annoying chatterbox. She is
always finding fault with something or with
somebody. Masydo (Tm) sa ya
kayapkyapk. He is a caviler (caviller),
faultfinder. He is always complaining about
(criticizing) something (somebody) or
other. (cf. yamuht, hkay, mlay).
yap-yap, To speak like one that is out
of breath, to mumble, murmur indistinctly,
to be dumbfounded, be astounded or
surprised, stare and gape, endeavouring to
say something, but unable to do so, or the
ypyap, Powder, fine particles of rice
(adhering to the kallaw, etc.). (cf.
yr, (H) There; over there; there is (was),
but not as far away as ydto, dto, ddto.
(cf. r, dir, din, etc.).
yri, (H) Here; here is (are). (cf. dir, ri,
don, dnhi, rgya, etc.).
ysp, To be or become pale, pallid,
blanched, etc. See lsp, lsp, lspad, lnad.
ysyas, To beat or strike against with full
force, blow freely upon (of wind, etc.).

Ginayasyasn sang hngin ang mon

baly. Our house is being struck by the full
force of the wind. (cf. dsdas, dldal,
bntal, bngkol, smpal, smpay).
yasysan, A place open to the wind,
exposed to the full force of an impact, etc.
(cf. ysyas).
yt, An expletive used in anger or disgust.
(cf. yw, lnt, gtud, ymat, ytis).
yatng-yatng, Very lean, emaciated,
thin, spare, meagre; weak, feeble, frail; to
be or become lean, weak, etc. (cf. hgpis,
nwang, lya).
ytis, An exclamation used in anger or
disgust. See yt id.
yab, Short of teeth, lacking teeth, etc. See
yab, Prostrate; to prostrate oneself, lie
flat on ones face, bow down to the dust,
make a very deep reverence.
yw, The devil, satan, demon, fiend.
Frequently used in cursing and swearing or
as a mere expletive.
yawn-on, Devilish, satanic, demonic,
demoniac, demoniacal, fiendish, hellish.
yawon, Devilish, etc. See yawn-on.
ywat, Of use, useful, serviceable,
advantageous, worth something, profitable,
not to be thrown away; to be of use, etc.; to
go to, become the (useful) property of, or
the like. Ywat seems always to be used
with a following pa, e.g. Ywat pa in.
That is useful yet. It would be a pity to
throw it away. Bs pa lang nga iywat pa
sa mo in. That may finally be given to
you. You may yet become the proprietor of
it. (cf. yd, panginywat, pangunyd).
ywyaw, Scolding, chiding; to scold,
chide, shout at, vituperate, use strong
language, curse and swear at. (cf.
buyyaw, pyas, snggit, pamlag,
yya, A childrens nurse, dry-nurse, daynurse, nursery maid; wet nurse. (cf. siswa,
manuglbang (manug-, libng) sang mga
bt; ma).
yayt, Extendible, extensible, elastic; to
stretch, dilate, spread, extend, expand. (cf.
hayt, hnat).
yayt-yyat, Dim. and Freq. of yayt
to extend, etc.
yyay, To sit in a hammock and sing; to
sing or lull a child to sleep, to sing a lullaby.
(cf. laly, lylay, lallla, illi).
yy, yy, To open wide, lay open. See
wngwang, yngyang).
yy, yay, Wide open, laid open,
gaping. (cf. yy).
yyong, To bear, carry, transport,
something between two or more persons
(on a pole, or the like); transportation, etc.
by means of a stretcher, etc. Ginayayngan
nla ang minaty. They are bearing the
corpse. Ginyayngan si nla sa dyan.
They carried him in a hammock. (cf.
tngga, pngga, tungtang).

Visayan-English Dictionary
yayongn, A stretcher, litter, bier,
pedestal of a statue, or the like, fitted with
shafts for carrying. (cf. yyong, ndas).
ygua, ygwa, (Sp. yegua) Mare, female
horse. (cf. kabyo nga babye).
ylo, (Sp. hielo) Ice; to freeze, turn into
yso, (Sp. yeso) Gypsum, plaster cast,
chalk, pencil of pipeclay, plaster, crayon;
yeast, barm.
yk, (B) To crease, cause wrinkles,
wrinkle, furrow.Kon pungkon mo ang
by magayk. If you sit on the jacket, it
will be creased. Ind mo pagyokon ang
kon delrgo. Dont crease my trousers.
(cf. ykot, kut).
yok, (B) Crease, furrow, wrinkle;
creased, wrinkled, furrowed. Madm sing
yok ang (Dro kaukt sang) mo bestdo.
Your dress is full of creases. (cf. yokt,
ykot, To crease, etc. See yk. (cf. kut).
yokt, Fold, crease, etc. See yok. (cf.
ykyok, To bend, incline, twist, turn. (cf.
tik). Also: to take a firm stand or position.
(cf. skad).
yy, yy, To slacken, grow weak or
feeble. (cf. ly, ly, lya).
ybit, (H) Ridicule, derision, mockery,
raillery, chaff, badinage; to tease, make fun
of, ridicule, deride, laugh at, banter, rally,
chaff, poke fun at, mock, scoff at. Ind ka
magybit sa mga ping, lamn, etc. Ind
mo pagyubtan ang mga ping, lamn,
etc. Do not make fun of (Do not scoff at)
the lame, blind, etc. (cf. ygit, yagut,
yagm-at, ulig, ulgyat, tiwtaw,
yubitn, (H) A scoffer, mocker; one who
ridicules or makes fun of another; clown,
buffoon, jester. (cf. ybit, maybit,
yubn, Skull, head. (cf. bagl).
yubn-yubn, Dim. of yubn. Also the
soft front part of a childs skull. (cf.
yubn-yubonn, Fontanel, fontanelle.
See lublubon, yubnyubn).
ydyud, To pull, drag, draggle, trail along
the ground, or the like. Yudyur (-ud)
ang id nga paty sa bh kag ilubng.
Drag the dead dog to the hole and bury it.
Ginayudyurn nya ang salg sang sko
nga nasdlan sang humy. He is pulling
the sack of rice over the floor. (cf. gyud,
ygit, (B) To tease, ridicule, make fun of.
See ybit. (cf. tiwtaw).
yugitn, (B) A scoffer, etc. See yubitn.

yayongn z
ygt, To show displeasure, be annoyed,
dissatisfied, discontented, impatient, angry.
(cf. ksdong, lrong, ariwarng, sngon).
ygyug, To shake, move, swing to and
fro. (cf. yog).
yhot, To be (get or make) tough, hard,
difficult to make an impression upon. (cf.
hnit, wot, tg-a).
yuht-yhot, Dim. and Freq. of yhot.
Rather tough, hard, etc.
yuhm, A smile, laughter. (cf. kdlaw).
yhum, yuhm, To smile, laugh
pleasantly. Nagyuhm si sang pagkabat
nya sang am nga kahalam-tan. He
smiled when he heard that pleasant story.
Ginyuhumn nya ak. He smiled at me.
Yuhum ang bt. Smile at the baby. (cf.
yuhm-yhum, Dim. and Freq. of
yuhm. Ginayuhmyuhman kit karn
sang maalabab nga slak sang dlaw.
We are being smiled upon by the warm rays
(beams) of the sun.
ykb, To bend the knee, bend down,
incline. (cf. kub, sikktot).
ykd, To squat, crouch, bend down,
stoop low, stoop over (a table, etc.).
Dalyon gid sil nagayulkd sa suglan.
They are always stooping over the gambling
table, i.e. they are inveterate gamblers. (cf.
ykyuk, See ykyokto bend, etc.
yum-ym, (B) To smile, etc. See
yuhmyhum. Ginayumyuman na ak.
Nagayumym (tna) kankon.
(Nagayuhmyhum si sa kon). He is
smiling at me quite pleasantly.
ym-uk, Softness; to be or become soft,
etc. See hmok, lm-ok.
yun, Loose, not close together, not tight;
to be or become loose, etc. See hugk,
halg, tugk.
yun, To be or become unsavoury,
tasteless, insipid, flat, said of overdone
tubers, meat, fish, etc. Ang krne nagyun,
hay natm-an kang lg. (Ang krne
nagyut kay natm-an sang lg). The
meat is tasteless, because it has been boiled
too long.
yund-ynd, To play with, fondle,
divert, amuse, make smile (a baby, etc.).
Magyundynd ka sa bt. Play with the
baby. Amuse the baby. (cf. lahglhog,
hampnghmpang, dl).
yungg-yngg, See yundynd.
yngyung, To taste, experience, enjoy,
derive pleasure from. (cf. tilw, gum,
ynke, (Sp. yunque) Anvil, smithy; a
percolator for straining sugar cane juice

(inuts, ntus) previous to boiling it. (cf.

landasn; salan).
yun-yn, (B) To strut, walk with
pomposity or affected dignity, move the
head and shoulders coquettishly, or the
like. (cf. yudyod).
yud-yod, To walk with a lofty gait, to
strut, etc. See yunyn. (cf. tid).
yupk, A dimple; a dent, indentation. Kon
magyuhm si may duh ka makawiwli
nga yupk sa ya mga psngi. When she
smiles there are two pleasant dimples on
her cheeks.
ypok, To dimple, form dimples; to dent,
indent, make indentations. Naypok
(Nagkaypok) ang lta. The tin is
indented. Ind mo pagpayupkon ang lta.
Dont dent the tin (can).
ypyup, A whiff of smoke, of opium, etc.;
to inhale, suck in, imbibe. Is ka ypyup
sang as sang tabk. A whiff of tobacco
smoke. Palaypyup si sang pyan
(apyn). He is an opium smoker. Ind
kam magypyup sing pyan, kay malin
in sa lwas pti sa kalg. Dont smoke
opium, because it is bad both for body and
soul. (cf. syup, spsop).
yut, See yuntasteless; loose.
ytyut, To be sticky, viscous. (cf. pilt,
ytyut, To bend, curve, give way, sag. (cf.
aby, tboy, ly-on).
yyo, A toy in the form of a disk tied to a
string. The string is wound in a groove
round the edge of the disk, the disk is
thrown and when it reaches the end of the
string, it winds itself up again, and returns
to the hand.
yuy, To moan, groan, sigh. (cf. bkh,
yy, yy, See yy, yyto slacken,
yyum, To be or become pleasant,
pleasing, delightful, delicious, nice, sweet,
charming, beautiful. (cf. tm-is, wli,
lyag, yon, nyag, tahm, gayn).

z, This letter is not needed in Visayan.

Foreign terms containing the letter Z are
written with S in Visayan, e.g. zapato,
lazo, become sapto, lso.


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