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LeNoir 1

Joseph LeNoir
Professor Lynn Raymond
UWRT 1101-E01
Daily Writing #1
-My Parents: My parents always encouraged me to read more and let me read at my own pace.
They were also the first people to read to me and they helped me start to read and write.
-My Brother: He used to read to me when we were younger. He helped me enjoy books better
and still helps me any way he can.
-Mr. Bonds: He was my high school English teacher at West Chester East High School. As a
teacher, he taught me so many new techniques and skills as a writer. Out of all my teachers, he
pushed me the most to become a better student. He recognized that I could be a better writer and
he encouraged me to do a better job. It was in his class that I really learned: how to use the active
and passive voice, correct citations, and better sentence structure.
-Mrs. Carr: Mrs. Carr was another high school English teacher. Although I did not learn as much
in her class as Mr. Bonds, I really started to learn to be a better writer in her class. Her class
taught me the basics for the active and passive voice. Also, she started to help me with my
sentence structure and she was the start for me to become a better writer. Mrs. Carr taught me the
basics to help create the foundation of my writing career.

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