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Curriculum Plan

Title of Lesson: Corn/Beans

Targeted Domain: fine and gross motor skills

Goal: To teach children that theirs corn on farms.

Objective: for children to create a picture of corn and with beans.

Transition Plan: Talk to children about food. Whos eaten corn? Where
does corn come from?

Procedure: Give children two pieces of construction paper, one green and
one yellow. Also have the shapes traced on the paper so they can just cut
it out. Then, give children brown beans so they can just glue them on the
yellow construction paper.

Advanced Preparation: Have the correct supplies on hand.

List Materials: green and yellow construction paper with the shapes
traced, glue, scissors, and brown beans.

Developmental Benefits: cognitive, they are using their imagination to

create a corn piece.

Future Plans: Allow children to pick a different food from the farm.
Your Name: ______________________________

Curriculum Plan

Learning Center: art area

Age of Child (ren) 3-5 year olds

Your Name: ______________________________

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