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Louis Technologies


Dave Rodriquez, Vice president

David D. Kircher, Human Resources
Current Employees
November 5, 2014
Mandatory Energy reduction

In light of the recent cut backs at our company we have come up with some additional
strategies we would like to implement to reduce overhead. These strategies will help the
company meet its energy objectives. We must cut energy cost by 35 percent. This can be
accomplished in several ways.

Reduce Lighting The first thing that will start immediately is that the lighting we are
using will be reduce by half. We will be able to use more natural lighting with the new
window treatments that were installed.

Compressed work weekThe second thing that we will implement is a four day work
week. Starting on the first of next month we will work four ten hour days (MondayThursday) giving employees a three day weekend. The benefits are employees will have
three consecutive days off, and reduced wear and tear and expense from commuting.
This will enable us to reduce the energy that is being used.

Telecommute The third thing that we will start implementing is the ability to work
from your place of residents. This is available to all employee who have the computers,
faxes, and printers to accomplish this successfully.

With the new strategies being implemented we will be able to drastically reduce our
energy cost. If anyone has suggestions or questions please direct them to your immediate

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