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IELTS Academic Task One: Report Writing (20 mins +

Note 1: You are not allowed to brainstorm. (Never give
reasons for the kind of report you write about.)
Note 2: we write a report based on graphic data.
(Factual information)
Kinds of figures in Task 1:
1. Line graph: (single-line graph, double-line graph,
multiple-line graph)
2. Bar graph: (horizontal, vertical)
3. Pie chart
4. Table
5. Process diagram: (Manufacturing, Natural)
6. Maps
7. Flow chart diagrams
Task One Layout:

Introduction: (20 30 words)

A. Introductory statement:
a) the exact name of the figure
b) use present simple tense
c) paraphrase the title of the figure
d) mention location
e) Mention X-axis: (it show time of the figure)

B) Overall/General Statement: we mention the most

striking/distinctive/noticeable feature of the graph.
Note: we never go into details of the figure.
Note 2: we normally use past simple tense to
mention the overall statement.

BODY: (80 100 words)

We do in-depth analysis. (We start writing about
the details of the figure and make relevant
comparison and contrast.)
III. CONCLUSION: (20 30 words)
We sum up the overall statement.

There + to be + (a/an) + adj. + n. + in + NP

S + V + adv
S+v, which + main verb
Regarding/With respect to/ As for + NP, S+V.
S+V, and then + S+V.
Noun + to + number
Noun + in + NP
Despite/In spite of + Verb-ing, S+V

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