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Kyle Smith, Robbie Rachels, and TJ


December 14, 2010

8 Grade Journal

Fashion of the 1970s

There were many popular
songs in the 70s. one named
the eagles we very famous
and made a big impact on
the music industry. One song
they did was Hotel California
and people now-a-days still
listen to and love that song.
The 30th best on the charts in
the 70s were YMCA

The fashion of the 1970s are long pants a button up shirts. Also
bell-bottoms were worn and along with tunics, pant sets and
overalls. Famous designers were Malcolm McLaren, John Stephen,
and Perry Ellis. Popular fabrics were polyester, nylon and lather.
There was a big difference between then and now clothing. Now
people wear blue jeans and t-shirt v.s. what they wore then.

Country life v.s. city

The difference between then and
now differences of the city and
country are very similar. In the
country they make there own food.
Wore total different clothes.
Shockingly the city is safer to live
in then the country.

Cost differences
The price of everything
has gone up since the
70s til now. The prices
are still climbing. Due to
the raise in job

The Vietnam War

The war started in 1954. The war ended in
1975. Before the war Vietnam was like north
and south Korea today after the war they
came together and made on big communist


On July 1st 1971 the

email was invented. The
MRI was invented in
1975. The cell phone was
in vented in 1971 and
people still use it today.
The VCR for TVs and stuff
was invented in 1970.
The floppy disk was also
invented in 1970.

Political climates for

the 1970s
Presidents and the time were
Richard Nixon, jimmy carter,
and Gerald ford. . Richard was
from 1969 1974. Ford was
from 74-77. Carter was from 7781

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