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Kapanadze Free Energy Generator

Page first featured July 9, 2009

Tariel Kapaladze(?) with the Kapaladze free energy generator

A Georgia Republic inventor, Tariel Kapanadze, claims to have invented a 5 kilowatt

free energy generator. In a demonstration video, the device appears to produce
copious amounts of energy from no visible source.
The components apparently include a radiator buried in the ground, a wire to a water
pipe, a Tesla coil/joule thief, a spark gap, transformer, capacitors, 5 ferrite cores
from old TV HV transformers, and some other unidentified components.
In the videos below under the keyword "Kapanadze", several different iterations or
varieties are shown. Two appear to be solid state of different sizes, one in a black
box. Another is a rotating system.
On July 22, 2009, a video was posted showing a 100 kW unit being third party

1 About

1.1 Official Website

1.2 Videos

1.2.1 Kapanadze on German TV channel MDR


1.2.3 5KW free energy

1.2.4 free energy by kapanadze [booth demo]

1.2.5 Kapanadze free energy generator

1.2.6 Free Energy Kapanadze generator [Possible Circuit]

1.3 Photos

1.4 Plans

1.5 Correspondence

1.6 Independent Testing

1.7 Patents

1.8 Profiles

1.8.1 Company: TMZ Enerji (?)

1.8.2 Inventor: Tariel Kapanadze

1.9 Replications

2 Coverage

2.1 In the News

2.2 Other Coverage


2.4 Related Sites

2.5 Contact

2.5.1 Company?

2.5.2 Frolov

3 See also

Official Website - [broken] link given at the opening of one of the
Kapanadze videos posted at YouTube. "TMZ" is also shown on a sticker affixed
to the black box apparently generating the electricity. - official YouTube channel?


Kapanadze on German TV channel MDR

Here is a new video from a recent German Television channel MDR. They seem to
have visited him.

(YouTube / FreeEnergyLT Sept. 19, 2010) (backup by Overunitydotcom)

Tariel Kapanadze and his colleagues tinkering

Quoting from (08 October 2010) with

translation by Google
Tariel Kapanadze:
"This case here is the essence. It holds my circuit. From it depends how much
power we get. Now there is little, but it can be expanded infinitely. The ninevolt battery, one only needs to start. But then you get as much energy as you
want. "
Electricity is produced out of nothing. The proof is out, however, because
Kapanadze are not reveals its secret for eternal engine. He trusts no one, for
fear of being ripped off. True or fanciful? Has Kapanadze our energy problem
in his back yard already solved? One thing is clear - the Georgians celebrate
their creativity. No wonder, even 7,000 years ago they were the first poured
the human truth. And who knows, maybe they give it soon probably most
amazing invention of the millennium: infinite energy.


100 KW - PART -1
MrFreeenergy; July 22, 2009)


5KW free energy

5KW free energy generator by Tariel Kapanadze
(YouTube by AlexanderFrolov2509; April 06, 2009)


free energy by kapanadze [booth demo]

(YouTube by MrFreeenergy; June 03, 2009)


free energy generator
This one looks very different from the ones shown above, which appear
to be solid state. This one is a rotating system.

free energy mechanical generator invented by Tariel Kapanadze

(YouTube by AlexanderFrolov2509; April 06,


Free Energy Kapanadze generator [Possible

Alexander Frolov presents a circuit diagram that might be involved

possible desripion of the Kapanadze generator (YouTube by

AlexanderFrolov2509; July 03, 2009)


A few screen shots from YouTube video.


Variant by JNaudin (not Kapanadze)

See full-resolution, larger version at: [1]

On July 9, 2009, Alexander Frolov sent the following email to a number
of people:
I think you know about Kapanadze free energy generator. His team
today mailed to me with invitation to visit Turkey and discuss
investments in their technology.
I wonder if I'll find russian investor. What is interest to this technology in
your place?
How we can organize visit for you and me to Turkey for discussion with
this team on possible collaboration?
Best regards,

Alexander V. Frolov

Independent Testing
100 kW system third-party tested July(?) 2009 [2]


Electromagnetic > Kapanadze >

Kapanadze Overunity Patent Application WO 2008/103129 A1

(645 kb pdf) - "The present invention is a device both self sufficient
(self feeding) and producing ready to use electric energy, starts to
operate with the initial electrical energy received from
accumulator..., tranfering the magnetic field generated in first bobbin
to second bobbin through a frequency stabilizer, after rhythmically
stabilizing..." (FreeEnergyNews; Oct. 1, 2010)

Company: TMZ Enerji (?)

Inventor: Tariel Kapanadze

List here


Feature: Electrolysis > Hydrogen / Electromagnetic >

Hydroxy Gen and OU Replications - Michael Couch writes about

the many self charging battery system videos of various origins;
Bedini, Tesla Switch, SEC, and others showing up all over Youtube.
100% 'Looped' Hydroxy Genset, Kapanadze OU and Self Charging
Battery Systems Demoed! (PESN; July 13, 2010)

Feature: Electromagnetic > Kapanadze > Replications >

Kapagen power output measurements by JL Naudin - Using a

luxmeter and calibrating the lumens generated versus the watts
required, French replicator, JL Naudin estimates the net ouput of 14
halogen bulbs to be around 1017 Watts for his 3.3 version
replication of the Kapadnaze generator, while the input was
measured at 1089 Watts, for a total efficiency of 98%. (JNaudin;
July 1, 2010) (Thanks Mark Spowage)

Best Exotic > Electromagnetic > Kapanadze > Replications >

Kapanadze generator replication by Jean-Louis Naudin - JeanLouis Naudin has posted a page reporting on his progress in
replicating the Kapanadze electromagnetic generator that produces
420 Watts. (JNaudin; June 4, 2010) See also the extensive
replication work and documentation by Gruz. (Thanks Nuri)

Electromagnetic > Kapanadze > Replications >

Spark-Gap Generator - Mopozco seems to have simplified the

Kapanadze Free Energy Generator circuit. He took out several
components that would appear to remove objections to the
Kapanadze circuit design that relate to inductive coupling. His circuit
more closely resembles the work of Donald L Smith, who I am told
was credited by Kapanadze for his contribution to the field.
(YouTube; June 27, 2010) -- Tom Conover

In the News

Google News > Kapanadze generator - null as of July 9, 2009

Feature: Electromagnetic > Kapanadze >

Kapanadze on German TV channel MDR - "Electricity is

produced out of nothing. The proof is out, however, because

Kapanadze are not reveals its secret for eternal engine. He trusts no
one, for fear of being ripped off. True or fanciful? Has Kapanadze
our energy problem in his back yard already solved?" (PESWiki;
Oct. 15, 2010)

Electromagnetic > Kapanadze >

Kapanadze Overunity Patent Application WO 2008/103129 A1

(645 kb pdf) - "The present invention is a device both self sufficient
(self feeding) and producing ready to use electric energy, starts to
operate with the initial electrical energy received from
accumulator..., tranfering the magnetic field generated in first bobbin
to second bobbin through a frequency stabilizer, after rhythmically
stabilizing..." (FreeEnergyNews; Oct. 1, 2010)

Best Exotic > Electromagnetic > Kapanadze > Replications >

Kapanadze generator replication by Jean-Louis Naudin - JeanLouis Naudin has posted a page reporting on his progress in
replicating the Kapanadze electromagnetic generator that produces
420 Watts. (JNaudin; June 4, 2010) See also the extensive
replication work and documentation by Gruz. (Thanks Nuri)

Featured: Electromagnetic > Kapanadze >

Kapanadze's 100 kW free energy device third-party tested - A

video has been posted showing the setup of the one hundred
kilowatt free energy generator by Tariel Kapanadze's group as it is
being third-party tested, complete with large coils, arcing spark
gaps, huge capacitors and mesh screens, set atop a ~one-inchthick glass. (PESN; July 24, 2009) (Comment)

Featured: Electromagnetic / Aether >

Kapanadze Free Energy Generator - Georgia Republic inventor,

Tariel Kapaladze, claims to have invented a 5 kilowatt free energy
generator. In a demonstration video, the device appears to produce
copious amounts of energy from no visible source. Though it
appears to be extracting energy from the aether, some people think
it could be a matter of getting energy from the electrical grid through
inductive coupling. (PESWiki; July 9, 2009)

Other Coverage

Google > Kapanadze generator

YouTube > Kapanadze generator - Version 17.3

of a large eBook by Patrick J. Kelly

See Discussion page
Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel
Kapanadze - (Overunity thread commenced June 27, 2009) Russian forum

Related Sites - Russian explanation of a

related concept. PDF formating prevents copying and pasting text
into a translator. This link is given in one of the Kapaladze videos

Contact page at YouTube for user MrFreeenergy, who posted
what appears to be the official video for the company.

Alexander V. Frolov (indirectly involved)

See also



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Electrical / Electronic Devices => Tariel Kapanadze's Devices => Topic

started by: darkspeed on 2010-04-19, 18:32:28

Title: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: darkspeed on 2010-04-19, 18:32:28
:D :D :D
I havent experimented with ferrite cups, however, a ferrite rod turns into a permanent
magnet quite easy: bring a small magnet to one end and apply HV impulses (pulse) to a coil
(150 windings of -0.35) wound around the core. The remanent magnetization is
evident: tangibly attracts a screw driver (well, not a Neodymium but nevertheless). Its
preserved for a long time I checked it after two days still there. A ferromagnetic
material which is magnetized in this way can be returned in its initial state (demagnetized)
by again applying a HV impulse to the coil without this time bringing a permanent magnet
or by causing a reversal of poles by bringing the magnet to the other end. This has been
checked personally, practically, more than once.
OK, then wind on a piece of ferrite a two-step autogenerator with an inductive primary coil
(it will readily set itself in resonance in different situations) also another small coil on this

core which we will connect to the primary high-voltage transformer (no diodes, no
constant current) Then, on top of this transformer well place an inductor in the form of a
thick copper tube And well apply HV to that inductor through a meager discharger
(inductor should be placed over the coil on the correct side so that it wont coincide in phase
with the autogenerator)
What did we get Heres what we got autogenerator, by its coil, magnetizes the ferrite in
the necessary direction and here, the discharger KA-BOOM into the inductor (with the
correct direction, naturally) and the ferrite OOPS has become a S-N magnet (at that we
spent almost nothing to achieve it) now the autogen has chased the impulse in the other
direction and here, the discharger KA-BOOM into the inductor causing the MAGNET to
re-magnetize into N-S and thats how it goes cyclically (no discharges would be seen, only
a silent ARC well, at least this is how it appears)
And here wed like to obtain 50 Hz and not 500-900kHz we take the HV transformer (we
att 50Hz to the frequency of the autogenerator) that is, every KA-BOOM of the discharger
will be different in amplitude At the output there will be a miracle slapping at 50Hz
Oh, well! Theres also one more question how is to utilize this? well, correct we cant
wind on top, a pile of harmful phenomena for us! .. While its need that we glue small circles
in a column and wind on them .. while we take of the load by the Zatzarinski method
with his degenerate transformer (however, without that copper winding) and just squeeze
a thicker copper through the ferrites.
Heres an immediate question where can the necessary quantity of free charges be found
in copper to supply 5kW. What do we need ground for? (yes, any massive piece of iron;
well just push them here and there, wont take them away forever)
This Kapanadze called autoresonance of the primary and the secondary
And, do you know what the magnetic field must be created so that the ferrite becomes a
magnet without further application of external magnetic field? A rod of 8mm diameter and
2cm length needs on the order of approx. 500W !!!
And when spark is applied only 1W is needed.
The main idea is that we initiate the process from without the toroid (the column of rings)
while we take off the load inside the toroid And that isnt Zatzaricin any more we throw
out that copper winding in our case the role of output coil is taken by that thicker cable
squeezed through the rings
Without 5Hz ground isnt necessary there are enough free charges in the copper to
spread HF youll have enough lamps as load (they shine normally at HF) and to make it
self-sustaining NF needs to be rectified through diodes and decrease
You dont at all want to accept the fact that magnetic field of the inductors and the magnetic

field of the autogenerator coils have to be strictly synchronized that is, the mutual
influence in TAM transformer, on the contrary, is the reverse this is exactly what SR
wanted to tell you with his transformer experiment (applying HV) so, when the frequency
of the discharger coincides in phase somehow with the frequency of the transformer + the
domains of the transformer thats when the lamp begins to shine brighter.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: MileHigh on 2010-04-21, 22:35:38
I seem to be a party spoiler these past few days but permit me to comment here. I
am assuming that you are quoting Ted here. What he says is barely
comprehensible to me and is almost gibberish. If Ted really has something he
should post a schematic diagram and a timing diagram showing you whats
happening with respect to time for the various critical variables in the circuit. This
should be accompanied by a rational explanation. If he was really real, he should
be able to show exactly where the excess energy manifests itself in the timing
Perhaps Ted had posted schematics somewhere online. I seriously doubt that he
has any timing diagrams and I can't envision he has posted rational explanations.
One example:
that is, every KA-BOOM of the discharger will be different in amplitude

The guy has got to be kidding. Nobody that speaks seriously about electronics
would ever say anything like this, ever. The coil got some energy from somewhere,
and discharged into some sort of load. The amplitude and timing of the charging
and discharging of the coil should be explained using the proper terminology. This
stuff is understood inside-out in the time domain, the frequency domain, on the Splane, and in other ways using differential equations that model the behaviour of
the circuit.
I once had a similar debate with Doug Konzen (Konehead) about his allegedly over
unity motor. The clip must be more than ten years old by now and the motor is
nowhere in sight. I asked Doug to state where in the timing of his motor did the
extra energy manifest itself. Doug could not answer and he blew a fuse in his


Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Ken on 2010-05-12, 13:07:09

The kaboom is at a different amplitude!!! I can tell by looking at it. haha

Thanks for the laugh.
I will never understand people. If I came up with a device that seemed to be OU,
The first thing I would do is ask all of you people on here to debunk it, or help find
out where the energy is coming from. If you couldn't, then I might start to think,
hey maybe I got something here. But the case usually is, when something is
presented, there is no free energy present, once more than one mind takes a
gander at it.
Being obscure about your claim only reinforces the feeling of deception.

" How many amps does freezer circuit have running through it?"
About 12 amps
"How do you know?"
I can tell by the KABOOM!
This is going to be funny for a long time.


There is 1.27 gigawatts in the lightning bolt.

How do you know?
I can tell by the kaboom.
Did you run over a possum or an armadillo?

How do you know?
I can tell by the kaboom.
Did your wife hit you in the back of the head with a cast iron skillet or an aluminum
Cast iron skillet.
How do you know?
I could tell by the kaboom.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: szaxx on 2010-05-12, 18:19:00
Hey some here used to be with
dont guess you can tell by the mass kaboom!

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: poynt99 on 2010-10-23, 00:59:35
Tariel Kapanadze has stated that Dr. Andrei Milnichenko "was close". It appears
Milnichenko was experimenting with resonance at least as far back as 1997. I'm not
sure what else might turn up in researching Milnichenko, but we'll see.
Here's something that might be a good start for those that may be interested.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Peterae on 2010-10-23, 11:02:22
So the race is on.
3 AA energizer batteries or 4.5 V DC Input
100 Watt Bulb as load.

Frequency of operation about 1MHz

Must be a resonant system to increase the power factor and drastically cut the
input reactive resistance of an ordinary transformer.
We could call it a TPU ;D
Anyone fancy designing a circuit to try.
is it as simple as placing a cap across a mains transformer primary and secondary
and connecting the bulb across the secondary and cap

A pure reactance will not dissipate any power.

but how can you use a standard transformer if the resonant frequency is 1MHz
surely we need an air transformer like Don used

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2010-10-23, 15:18:16
Hard to say with no pictures or other data.
Going out to get a fresh haircut. Then get down to work when I get back.
EC650 is really nice!

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2010-10-24, 01:13:43
Another interesting thing about the Kapanadze coil in the garden is that the
secondary (6T) coil is spaced away from the primary by quite a distance.


Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: szaxx on 2010-10-31, 19:32:01
If you build a 'tesla' secondary then make two driver coils, one larger with
clearance like kapanadze has and another much smaller to fit inside the secondary.
Then pulse each primary one fitted at any one time, the effect on the secondary is
predictably clear.
The outer primary gives the better output, the inner drives the immediate area of
the secondary thst hard it destroys the insulation almost on the first pulse. This is
increased with a ferrite core, but that is so obvious...
Thinking on his three coil big unit, there must be some delay between each spark,
each being synchronized and driven from the preceding tower. This basically is the
standard three phase system, and the earth or neutral point is self generated. The
reports of there being no ground requirement with this unit are a good pointer. The
delay may be inherent with the way its wired, and the coil details precise
construction would be an obvious asset.
Do we know if the coils ARE centre tapped as this may help the pulse sequence?
Still some unanswered questions to replicate yet, but given time :)

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: szaxx on 2010-11-02, 02:50:35
Hi All,
Another find thats interesting.
Some more answers....? possibly.

hope this helps.


Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2010-11-22, 02:32:26
Just a thought, wanted to post it here in case I forget.
In Tariel's device what if the 'spark gap' is an 'overload' device? The spark gap in
the 'plexi-glass' unit is very inconsistent.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2010-11-22, 02:41:28
I recall reading some sort of excerpt from the garden demonstration that said that
Tariel kept checking the gap because it does not work without the spark gap. The
plexi unit may only require a slow pulse rate.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2010-11-22, 03:31:11
Quote from: Grumpy on 2010-11-22, 02:41:28
I recall reading some sort of excerpt from the garden demonstration that said that Tariel
kept checking the gap because it does not work without the spark gap. The plexi unit may
only require a slow pulse rate.

I recall that quote also. But what I'm thinking is that maybe the spark gap
empties the 'charge holder'. Recall Tesla describing his fuel-less generator, the

hydrogen and oxygen, that was separated from the water, needed to escape from
the tank to allow water to enter the tank. This kept the flow going.
Now suppose we have a steel bar under a strong electric field. One side of the bar
accumulates (-) charges the other (+) charges. If nothing changes nothing moves.
But what if we had a small spark gap from the positive side to ground. When the
charge in the bar gets to a certain point it sparks to ground allowing the positive
charges to leave the bar. This allows room for more positive charges to accumulate.
Bizarre or what.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2010-11-22, 03:41:13
It has a ground connection.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2010-11-22, 23:39:57
What is inside this coil? Looks like it is hollow for the cable that goes through, but
what is at the end?
EDIT: looks like he put something next to a small tube like a spacer to help hold it
in place and taped it in place.

Also, in second pic, the outer coil appears "open" at one end:

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2010-11-24, 04:29:49

Another interesting note is that the first winding starts off 'red' then ends up
'white'. Maybe he ran out of wire but I doubt that. Does that 'white' wire go to
ground? Anybody know that.
It's my understanding, from translation's, that is just a transformer. The real
'Meat and Potatoes' is in the green box.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: wattsup on 2010-11-24, 04:42:46
In which youtube video is Kap showing that device?

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2010-11-24, 04:50:33
There is a set of video's of the 'Green Box' device parts 1 - 7. A nice little seven
part mini series. I believe it's in part 5 or 6 where he walk's back into the house.
Also does anybody know if he is using two grounds? In this video set they are
shown burying a car radiator in the ground and also hooking up to the water pipe.
You don't see the radiator in the plexi-glass video.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2010-11-24, 06:14:13
Quote from: Core on 2010-11-24, 04:29:49
Another interesting note is that the first winding starts off 'red' then ends up 'white'. Maybe
he ran out of wire but I doubt that. Does that 'white' wire go to ground? Anybody know
It's my understanding, from translation's, that is just a transformer. The real 'Meat and
Potatoes' is in the green box.

The red and white wires at the end are just supports for the outer coil
It can't be a transformer.
It will not work if the field does not rotate around the white coil, the green box
must hold what TK thinks is a secret way to make the rotation occur.
I found this video on a Hungarian site.
Works better with two grounds, seems to have reduced conversion with only one
ground or with "less ground".

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2010-11-24, 15:47:45
has to have a ground...hint hint

this is further indication of a capacitive collector sans EM induction

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2010-11-25, 04:20:33

A couple of pic's from Tariel's 'plexi-unit' this pipe setup is interesting because it
appears to either feed or get feed from the 'spark gap'. You will see there are no
wire coils on the tube. It appears to be comprised of copper sheet rolled around a
form (PVC or Aluminum) This tube appears to be connected to the black tube on
the right.
Ultimately I believe more work is needed with electric fields.

Back side

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2010-11-25, 04:24:49
Here is another one.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: dllabarre on 2010-11-25, 16:42:34
Here's a view from the end of the glass box.
There appears to be 3 rings (something wrapped) on the small coil.
The center ring lines up with the center of the long horizontal coil.
There is a better image that shows that the center ring is exactly in the center of
the larger coil.
The large coil could be kicking the small coil or the small coil could be kicking the

large coil.
Just my observations.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: kooler on 2010-11-25, 19:44:31
Quote from: Core on 2010-11-25, 04:24:49
Here is another one.

is this a handmade capacitor in your coretariel picture

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2010-11-27, 02:21:27
I'm not convinced that anything on the 'Red' tube is a coil. The entire area is too
smooth, wires would leave ridges as seen in the horizontal coil. The only wires I see
on the vertical red tube are the 'spark gap', the 'top wire' that feeds the black tube,
and another copper strap that I believe is connected to the reflective surface behind
the coil. The spark gap is extremely irregular and leads me to believe that this is
not coming directly from the HV power supply.
My honest opinion is that this is the discharge of the accumulated energy collected
from the tube.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: dllabarre on 2010-11-27, 03:54:00
Quote from: Core on 2010-11-27, 02:21:27
I'm not convinced that anything on the 'Red' tube is a coil. The entire area is too smooth,
wires would leave ridges as seen in the horizontal coil. The only wires I see on the vertical
red tube are the 'spark gap', the 'top wire' that feeds the black tube, and another copper
strap that I believe is connected to the reflective surface behind the coil. The spark gap is
extremely irregular and leads me to believe that this is not coming directly from the HV
power supply.
My honest opinion is that this is the discharge of the accumulated energy collected from
the tube.

I agree with regards to it not looking like a wire wrapped coil.

But it could be a custom capacitor. Where each of those 3 sections could be
individually wrapped with something, creating some kind of capacitor.
How they are connected and used is a mystery.
There could be a wire on the bottom that is similar to the wire connecting on top of
this coil.
Then again maybe Tariel wrapped something over the wires of this coil to create
some special effect so we can't see the wires themselves.
All total speculation until I've tried some of these "wild" ideas and see if there is
anything to them.
Tariel is probably laughing his head off with all this talk. Maybe this coil is just
there to throw us all off :-\

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2010-11-27, 07:09:53
Maybe its all the turkey I ate but I have a bizarre theory on how the unit pulls
power. I got to admit it was influenced by CosmoLV at the OU site. Was just looking
at the 'Green Box' unit. A lot of guys have stated that there is no wire connected to
the large copper tube on the outside of the coil. But I have to say I completely
disagree. It's a little late tonight so tomorrow i'll take some screen shots to back-up
my claim.
It looks to me that there is a wire snaked 'inside' the copper tube. If you take a
close look there is a green/blue wire that enters the coil from the right side. I am
starting to think that maybe this wire is a negative high voltage lead that runs from
the box, into the inside of the copper coil and then to the spark gap. Sounds
strange indeed but if this insulated wire is a strong negative I would think that
positive ion's from the air would attach itself to the surface of the copper pipe.
The outside of the pipe is connected to the load and then see's ground. A external
magnetic field induces current flow in the copper pipe that is saturated with positive
ions. Providing the inside of the pipe is held strong negative positive ions will end
up on the outside of the copper pipe.
One thing for sure I do see a wire inside the copper pipe.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: poynt99 on 2010-11-27, 16:20:43
wavewatcher mentioned some time ago
( the
same observation of a wire inside the copper tube coil (6T coil).

It is unfortunate that no camera shots were taken to show the space between the
transformer coil and the green box.
Most assume that the spark gap is tied into the large 6T coil, but there is no video
evidence of that. The HV green lead from the SG could connect to any part of the
transformer, or even go back into the box. We just don't know.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2010-11-27, 17:22:58
Quote from: poynt99 on 2010-11-27, 16:20:43
wavewatcher mentioned some time ago (
topic=333.msg5964#msg5964) the same observation of a wire inside the copper tube coil
(6T coil).
It is unfortunate that no camera shots were taken to show the space between the
transformer coil and the green box.
Most assume that the spark gap is tied into the large 6T coil, but there is no video evidence
of that. The HV green lead from the SG could connect to any part of the transformer, or
even go back into the box. We just don't know.

Then I agree with WaveWatcher. I'm looking at the video and have some screen
shoots that give the impression that the wire coming out of the box on the right
side passes under the coil then into the copper. After that it feeds the spark gap.
To further the idea above yesterday, prior to blowing out the transistor on my ion
pack, I conducted a basic electrostatic experiment. Took a piece of 3" schedule 80
PVC pipe about 5 inches long. Cut two pieces of copper sheet (26 gauge) about 3"
in height. These pieces where cut so I could roll them, one on the inside one on the
outside of the PVC pipe. On the inside copper I connected the output of the
negative ion generator. Energizing the inside copper does create an electrostatic
charge buildup on the outside copper. I can pull a small static spark to my finger.

Naturally this is creating a capacitor.

I am under the impression that the outside copper sheet on the PVC has a positive
charge with respect to the inside copper sheet ??? Yes the theory outlined above
may be strange but I am starting to think that if we oscillate the magnetic field
below the copper pipe at the right frequency it would have to induce a current. Also
the right frequency may 'mix' the positive ion's on the pipe into the induced
voltage. Long shot..........YES.
Anyway just found some cheap ion generator transformers in the internet for
around $11.00 USD. I'll give it a shot.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Peterae on 2010-11-27, 18:35:18
in the device i am studying, there are 3 coils in series, first the middle frequency
coil clockwise wound is driven by the SG, this is in series with the lowest frequency
coil which is set at 3rd subharmonic of the primary this is wound counter clockwise,
this is then in series with the final low turn highest frequency coil which is above
3rd harmonic maybe 12th again clockwise, the low turn coil is used for output to

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: poynt99 on 2010-11-27, 19:17:31
Which device is that Peter?

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Peterae on 2010-11-27, 20:43:26

SSG, and i know this hasn't been proved OU, but it's an interesting take and may
explain why your big coil is not connected to the spark gap
Also similar in Don's
Primary is middle frequency coil, tuned secondary is lowest or same as primary,
and untuned secondary is highest, also don't forget he has probably hidden the true
function from what we see in his desktop device

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: poynt99 on 2010-11-27, 21:35:47
Quote from: Peterae on 2010-11-27, 20:43:26
SSG, and i know this hasn't been proved OU, but it's an interesting take and may explain
why your big coil is not connected to the spark gap
Also similar in Don's
Primary is middle frequency coil, tuned secondary is lowest or same as primary, and
untuned secondary is highest, also don't forget he has probably hidden the true function
from what we see in his desktop device

What is "SSG" ?
Sorry, I know it as "Simple School Girl" pertaining to Bedini's motor.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Peterae on 2010-11-27, 21:53:12
It's the device i am building right now but a solid state version

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: poynt99 on 2010-11-27, 23:30:01
The "Spark Gap Generator" SGG. ;)

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2010-12-08, 06:58:54
Found this while surfing. Looks like Tariels device was licensed to China and Korea.|
Here is another link with an interesting story|en&u= (
Core :)

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: poynt99 on 2010-12-08, 13:51:08
Hi Core.
I read that too a little while back.
I'll believe it when I see it.
I've seen similar stories in the past, and either they turn out to be false, or they are
true but nothing ever materializes from them. You would think this would be big
news by now. ???

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: darkspeed on 2011-01-10, 05:35:53

I was just reading this on stray currents and Tariel kapanadze popped into my
head.. could it be a stray current collector?

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: WaveWatcher on 2011-01-10, 15:58:05
Quote from: darkspeed on 2011-01-10, 05:35:53
I was just reading this on stray currents and Tariel kapanadze popped into my head.. could
it be a stray current collector?

I think so.
All you need is a means of decreasing the resistance of a wire ran between two
points in the ground. With the way utility companies cause ground currents it
should not be difficult to find these two points anywhere on the planet.
If the current is found on public or private (not the utility's) property it is in the
public domain.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2011-01-15, 05:27:35
As far as this device goes I am starting to consider that the reason nobody is even
close is due to tackling the challenge from the wrong angle. Consider this, the
status quo has been that you need electricity to create it. So typically people start
by creating a circuit to provide power then find ways to amplify it. This has been
the standard approach. What if this direction is completely wrong.
An air-conditioning system does not need to provide warm air in order to cool it. A
heating system does not cool the air first then re-heat it. So why should gaining
energy from the ambient require an 'input' of energy to get it? If the energy is
already there we need only to power our 'output' device. As mentioned above the
procedure has always been:
- A. Input power device
- B. Some magical transformation
- C. Output device
Assume if you would that we do away with points A & B above. This leads us to
solve only device C. Well we do not need to solve this device because Tesla has
already designed it and clearly stated it's principle. This device can be found in
Patent #685,955 and others known as 'Apparatus for utilizing effects transmitted
from a distance to a receiving device through natural media'.
It was this similar device that Tesla used to monitor lightning strikes. This device
is set up to match the impulses/vibrations of the transmitting station. Would it be
to far fetched to believe that this device can be set to vibrate at a particular
frequency that would allow 'positive' charges to accumulate on one of the plates
thus charging a capacitor? If so then the next step would be to transform this
power into a usable output.

There are some very bright people on these forums that know there electronics
well. But I am believing that points A & B above should be removed from the
equations. the impulses in the earth are already there. So when we build an airconditioner we need not have to have it blow warm air first to get cold air. The
warm air is there we just need to power our output device to remove the energy.
*Edit: I posted in another thread the letter Tesla wrote regarding his planetary
transmission. What is interesting is that Tesla was not transmitting power but using
his 'receiving' circuit to collect electrical impulses. Clearly he was collecting charges
but not from his transmitter.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: poynt99 on 2011-01-15, 05:58:12
Both Kapanadze's and SM's devices need a kick of energy to get the process going.
It's simply a means to an end, and I wouldn't fret too much about the use of a
small initializing energy source.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2011-01-15, 07:18:20
Quote from: poynt99 on 2011-01-15, 05:58:12
Both Kapanadze's and SM's devices need a kick of energy to get the process going. It's
simply a means to an end, and I wouldn't fret too much about the use of a small initializing
energy source.


No I'm not fretting about that. But something else just dawned on me. CosmoLV
stated on the OU site that the parts for a 7Kw unit would run about $50 USD give
or take. So what can you buy for $50. USD? The cost of a spool (250') of copper
stranded 14 or 16 gauge wire would already blow the budget. For $50 bucks you
can get an 'off the shelf' car induction coil 12volts, and some electronics. Basically
thats all that is needed to replicate the above Tesla patent. Yea I know talk is
I'm going to give it a shot tomorrow. I should have all the stuff lying around.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-01-21, 15:52:17
Has CosmoLV ever actually built anything or just endless ideas. I remember a
couple of years ago he was sure that the Kapanadze coil in the "garden" was wound
like Tesla's bifilar coil for electromagnets.
I see the "super troll" quarktoo is trying to peddle some idea about O1 gas with a
Meyer chaser. What an idiot.
If Kap is running at 1 MHz, then something else is doing the switching and the gap
is probably for sharpening the pulse rise time (i.e. faster rise). That actually makes

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: poynt99 on 2011-01-21, 15:58:17
Some time ago in the not too distant past, cosmolv said he was going to make a
video. I still have not seen anything unfortunately.


Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Zubber on 2011-01-24, 04:51:37
Here is is youtube account and it appears he made a video
Edited to remove useless link.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-01-24, 04:56:41
Quote from: Zubber on 2011-01-24, 04:51:37
Here is is youtube account and it appears he made a video

Nice try babytroll.

Edited to remove useless link.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: poynt99 on 2011-01-24, 05:16:14
Quote from: Zubber on 2011-01-24, 04:51:37
Here is is youtube account and it appears he made a video
Edited to remove useless link.

You won't give up many proxies are out there anyway?
What is it you want?

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-18, 00:27:33
Is anyone here still interested in Kampanadze's Devices?

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: szaxx on 2011-02-18, 00:42:37
Hi Grumps,
I'm still here but not much around at present. Some other forums that were
buzzing seem to have died too :'(
personally not got much time at present but still interested in any info.
I can't locate that hungarian site I found either.. Translating it is no problem at all.
Typical isn't it, they had some interesting ideas and were trying various coils too
giving results on their findings.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: ramset on 2011-02-21, 14:21:19
I hope you received your invites
Grumpy has something he would like to share.
Please just post a "HI" when you get here.


Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: dllabarre on 2011-02-21, 15:09:57
Thanks for the invite.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-21, 16:16:09
Quote from: ramset on 2011-02-21, 14:21:19
I hope you received your invites
Grumpy has something he would like to share.
Please just post a "HI" when you get here.

I didn't say anything about sharing anything. You told me that Mags wanted to
build my version of the TK coil, and I said sure.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: ramset on 2011-02-21, 16:23:49

Thats all I mean by sharing,He doesn't know how to do it unless you Show him?
I thought it was some kind of coil wind, pulse at a certain frequency thing?
If I missunderstood I apoligize.Things got very confusing over there,and when I
said Mags was trying to follow you on that, would you help him replicate ? thats
what I meant.
Then you said sure "ask Don and LTBolo"
Please feel free to clear up any way you wish.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-21, 16:57:51
Attached is my updated diagram:
Edit: added my coil and TK green box coil

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: LtBolo on 2011-02-21, 20:40:22
I am curious as to what you found with your coil, Grumpy. Willing to discuss

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-21, 21:41:33
Quote from: LtBolo on 2011-02-21, 20:40:22
I am curious as to what you found with your coil, Grumpy. Willing to discuss results?

I still have a lot of work to do before anything is definitive.

The basic building block is just a pulser and a coil of wire. You pulse the coil with
HV DC pulses and adjust the rate to produce an effect that increases the charge on
conductive objects. Like projecting charged particles.
When you have a ground connection, the charges are able to move to adjust the
balance. Moving charges are a current. This happens all the time with
electrostatically charged objects and devices. The difference here is that charges
are being injected into the load circuit.
Looking at the TK coil, the inside of the coil has less surface area than the outside
and the coil is wound from the inside - outward, so the polarity during a pulse is
opposite as well. Somewhat like a capacitor with a rapidly changing distance
between the plates (analogy only) that cracks the electric field like a whip.
I'm not running a load - yet. Working on another pulse controller and some means
of detecting RE.
After several years, I finally hacked through the disinformation about "RE". Radiant
elecltricity is just radiant energy that impart electrical charge to objects. Radiant
energy is just radiation. Tesla's two early patents teach the fundamentals of charge
collection, and touch on charge creation - hard as it will be to believe.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-21, 22:00:01
I posted Tesla's first two RE related patents here:

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: LtBolo on 2011-02-21, 22:27:51
Tesla is crystal clear on what radiant energy is, but less so about the real details of
creation and collection. I was shocked at how much I learned by a detailed reading
of 685958.

Given Tesla's specific calling out of X-rays and other forms of radiant energy as an
energy source and the focus of 685958, coupled with the general scientific
knowledge on how such waves are created, it seems very likely to me that coil
banging approaches are one of several that can work. I am less convinced of aether
vortex explanations, but am not completely turned off to such, just not sure that
such an exotic explanation is required.
I mentioned this on OU also, but was very interested to find some discussions on
energy transfer in ESD testing. A symposium paper suggested that ESD energy was
not transferred in proportion to the Joule strength of the discharge, but in
proportion to V*di/dt*A. Given that di/dt approaches infinity, that is a pretty big
statement, whether the author knew it or not. It was also very obvious from the
paper that the increase in energy translated into a very wide spectrum. I am
generally of the opinion that for a given discharge, the aggregate sum of energies
will be equal to the initial is possible that sum of energies from
isolated bands may be well above unity. The real secret of producing OU may be in
isolating excess energies in bands, and then aggregating. A device like TK's may
actually only be slightly OU (based on how he is gathering energy), but by building
it over time, he can drive it to high output levels. Ten percent of a big number is
still generally a big number.
Going back to the heat pump analogy...sorry Core...if you put a dozen window A/C
units in the same room, the temperature in the room will increase by the amount of
electrical energy expended to run the units...a heater running at COP < 1. Put
those same dozen units in an environment where we can capture the heat and the
cold independently, and the total available energy as expressed by a big pile of cold
and a big pile of hot, will be well over unity. The spark discharge may be creating a
lot of transient energy that once it averages out, may equal the spark's Joule
value...but the transient energy itself may be large, but occurring in a form we
aren't expecting.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-21, 22:52:38
Quote from: LtBolo on 2011-02-21, 22:27:51
Tesla is crystal clear on what radiant energy is, but less so about the real details of creation
and collection. I was shocked at how much I learned by a detailed reading of 685958.

Given Tesla's specific calling out of X-rays and other forms of radiant energy as an energy
source and the focus of 685958, coupled with the general scientific knowledge on how such
waves are created, it seems very likely to me that coil banging approaches are one of
several that can work. I am less convinced of aether vortex explanations, but am not
completely turned off to such, just not sure that such an exotic explanation is required.
I mentioned this on OU also, but was very interested to find some discussions on energy
transfer in ESD testing. A symposium paper suggested that ESD energy was not transferred
in proportion to the Joule strength of the discharge, but in proportion to V*di/dt*A. Given
that di/dt approaches infinity, that is a pretty big statement, whether the author knew it or
not. It was also very obvious from the paper that the increase in energy translated into a
very wide spectrum. I am generally of the opinion that for a given discharge, the aggregate
sum of energies will be equal to the initial is possible that sum of
energies from isolated bands may be well above unity. The real secret of producing OU may
be in isolating excess energies in bands, and then aggregating. A device like TK's may
actually only be slightly OU (based on how he is gathering energy), but by building it over
time, he can drive it to high output levels. Ten percent of a big number is still generally a
big number.
Going back to the heat pump analogy...sorry Core...if you put a dozen window A/C units in
the same room, the temperature in the room will increase by the amount of electrical
energy expended to run the units...a heater running at COP < 1. Put those same dozen
units in an environment where we can capture the heat and the cold independently, and the
total available energy as expressed by a big pile of cold and a big pile of hot, will be well
over unity. The spark discharge may be creating a lot of transient energy that once it
averages out, may equal the spark's Joule value...but the transient energy itself may be
large, but occurring in a form we aren't expecting.

The "aether" is a sea of virtual particle pairs, per Physicist Paul Dirac. (The Dirac
So, an aether vortex is rotating cloud of particles, virtual or real.
I think exotic explanations were created by people that just didn't know any better.
If you can make the "virtual particles" real, with very little energy, by some natural
mechanism, then you have the beginnings of a new power source.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: ramset on 2011-02-22, 14:56:55

The basic building block is just a pulser and a coil of wire. You pulse the coil with
HV DC pulses and adjust the rate to produce an effect that increases the charge on
conductive objects. Like projecting charged particles.
----------------I believe this is what Mags was talking about replicating/understanding?
What do you mean By "Effect"?
How do you detect this?[sounds like a good place to start]

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: ramset on 2011-02-22, 16:00:48
Also in your notes ,
"Primary coil produces Tesla's Radiant charging effect,Which can be Detected as
Tesla Indicated.
I'm gonna PM Mags again,I think peeps took your comment on "not sharing"The
wrong way!
I believe this is what Mags wanted to understand,He said he was getting into HV
Nobodies asking you to be a nurse maid here!The more fellows work together ,the
better for all!
And I don't believe for One second that Horse Shi$ post Q2 kept flashing around ,I
was right in the middle of that fiasco and sarcasm was run amuck!
The Buzz gets his jollies ,but sometimes I don't think he realizes the cost.
We have limited resources here and you are a big asset!
Any how
I'll PM Mags again
"Primary coil produces Tesla's Radiant charging effect,Which can be Detected as

Tesla Indicated.
--------------Will you help mags get to this point?[This is what I believe he was asking about]
If so I'll PM him

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-22, 17:24:19
I have spent a great deal of time hacking through the mountain of BS that others
have perpetrated to get to where I am at. This has left me a bit jaded when it
comes to sharing, discussing, and otherwise working with others. I don't really
care to post vids and all sorts of documentation. I'd like to remain rather discrete.
The radiant effect is real. I know it, and a handful of others know it. I have
explained what I think it really is and how I think it is produced. I have shared the
AVEC documentation and my hypothesis for the Kapanadze green box device.
What comes down to is wether you want to get on-board by experimenting and
building or stay behind.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: dllabarre on 2011-02-22, 17:52:46
The basic building block is just a pulser and a coil of wire.
Pulser being any old square wave generator?
You pulse the coil with HV DC pulses and adjust the rate to produce an
effect that increases the charge on conductive objects.
HV DC being in the 1-3kV range or 10kV range or more?
Frequency being 10-20 kHertz range or 200-300 kHertz range or something else?
Increase charge being increased voltage and/or amps on another coil without
increasing volts and/or Amps from the source?

Thank you for taking the time to answer these few questions.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: ramset on 2011-02-22, 18:32:21
What comes down to is whether you want to get on-board by experimenting and
building or stay behind.
-----------------------------I have Pm'd Mags again

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Magluvin on 2011-02-22, 19:03:16
Hey All
I read what ya wrote Grumpy. I understand. Like Tito, if he does know anything,
I can imagine not knowing and having the feeling of wow, who should I tell when I
know, then it gets to who shouldnt I tell once I know. Then maybe pulling back all
the way and covering tracks because he leaked that he knew and is all paranoid
I get it. But if your willing to really help, Im on board. Im just tired of the tito rain
dance. It will never rain like that. =]
At lunch, will be back this evening, and thanks for having me. ;]

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: LtBolo on 2011-02-22, 19:58:39

Quote from: Grumpy on 2011-02-22, 17:24:19
I have spent a great deal of time hacking through the mountain of BS that others have
perpetrated to get to where I am at...

Indeed. My biggest gripe is not the plethora of theories, but the things stated as
absolute that can't be backed by any data whatsoever.
My singular motivation has been to identify the devices that are credible,
characterize their source of FE, and cross link that with known data and known
science...with the ultimate goal of making theoretical predictions and developing
tests to prove or disprove them. That process has taken a while, but I feel
reasonably good about where I am now. Some of the details are still fuzzy, but
becoming clearer by the day.
The Reader's Digest summary is that sharp impulses create quantum state changes
in electrons...acceleration causing quantum increases through virtual particle
absorption, and deceleration causing quantum decreases through real particle
emission. Quantum decreases emit a range of wave/particles based on energy
level...radiant energy. Because different electrons are at different energy levels, the
resulting energy is not coherent, but broadband, and the bandwidth is closely
related to di/dt of the discharge.
Which is a fancy way of saying coil banging can work, and the higher the energy of
the banging the easier it should be to demonstrate. However...if the energy is
broadband, and it sure looks like it is...then the challenge isn't in producing it, it is
accumulating it in a form that isn't self destructive. Because of that, I have some
concerns that some of the coil banging approaches are producing radiant energy,
but not properly collecting it, and in essence behaving like the dozen window A/C
units in the single room.
You owe me no explanation whatsoever, but, I would suggest that if you are really
wanting to be honest with yourself, consider that it might not be quite as simple as
banging a coil in proximity of a large piece of metal. If on the other hand, if you
have some experimental evidence to supports that contention, I would certainly
love to add it to my increasing pile of data, and I'm sure others here would as well.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-22, 20:16:42
Quote from: dllabarre on 2011-02-22, 17:52:46
The basic building block is just a pulser and a coil of wire.
Pulser being any old square wave generator?
You pulse the coil with HV DC pulses and adjust the rate to produce an effect that
increases the charge on conductive objects.
HV DC being in the 1-3kV range or 10kV range or more?
Frequency being 10-20 kHertz range or 200-300 kHertz range or something else?
Increase charge being increased voltage and/or amps on a load without increasing volts
and/or Amps from the source?
Thank you for taking the time to answer these few questions.

Pulser as in "avalanche transistor pulser" running at 2kv or more, or another type

of switching device.
Repetition rate: start at about 2kHz and tune up looking for sweet spots.

Quote from: Magluvin on 2011-02-22, 19:03:16

Hey All
I read what ya wrote Grumpy. I understand. Like Tito, if he does know anything, I can
imagine not knowing and having the feeling of wow, who should I tell when I know, then it
gets to who shouldnt I tell once I know. Then maybe pulling back all the way and covering
tracks because he leaked that he knew and is all paranoid now.
I get it. But if your willing to really help, Im on board. Im just tired of the tito rain dance.
It will never rain like that. =]
At lunch, will be back this evening, and thanks for having me. ;]

Tito may have something, but he doesn't seem to want to help.

I watched a movie last night titled "There will be Blood" about an "Oil Man" that
started drilling when oil was first discovered and bought up land and all of the dark
business side of that. Energy sources should belong the the people, everyone, and
not to wealthy corporations. "Energy" is too important for one person, or even a
handful of people to have control over it. "Energy" from a source that can not be
owned, belongs to anyone that can harness it.
Look at Kapanadze's devices and there is a lot of work there. Working with HV
requires a few precautions. There is a good deal of support stuff that you will need
in addition to the minimal items to create the RE effect. I built resistive dividers so
I can use my scope to see what is going on and use meters to measure the HV. HV
resistors cost a few dollars each. I have built many many pulse generators and
shorted hundreds of transistors, cooked many diodes and resistors, and caused
several fires on my bench. I have been shocked several times. I have wasted
money on equipment that did not meet my needs, and on equipment that was used
and didn't work properly.
Anyone that does not want to work, does not want to get shocked, does not want to
build several things until you get it right should find a new hobbie. It takes a lot of
time and some money, just like everything else does. You are not going to strike
gold just by dropping your shovel on the ground - you have to dig for it.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-22, 20:25:00
Quote from: LtBolo on 2011-02-22, 19:58:39
Indeed. My biggest gripe is not the plethora of theories, but the things stated as absolute
that can't be backed by any data whatsoever.
My singular motivation has been to identify the devices that are credible, characterize their
source of FE, and cross link that with known data and known science...with the ultimate
goal of making theoretical predictions and developing tests to prove or disprove them. That
process has taken a while, but I feel reasonably good about where I am now. Some of the
details are still fuzzy, but becoming clearer by the day.
The Reader's Digest summary is that sharp impulses create quantum state changes in
electrons...acceleration causing quantum increases through virtual particle absorption, and
deceleration causing quantum decreases through real particle emission. Quantum decreases
emit a range of wave/particles based on energy level...radiant energy. Because different

electrons are at different energy levels, the resulting energy is not coherent, but broadband,
and the bandwidth is closely related to di/dt of the discharge.
Which is a fancy way of saying coil banging can work, and the higher the energy of the
banging the easier it should be to demonstrate. However...if the energy is broadband, and it
sure looks like it is...then the challenge isn't in producing it, it is accumulating it in a form
that isn't self destructive. Because of that, I have some concerns that some of the coil
banging approaches are producing radiant energy, but not properly collecting it, and in
essence behaving like the dozen window A/C units in the single room.
You owe me no explanation whatsoever, but, I would suggest that if you are really wanting
to be honest with yourself, consider that it might not be quite as simple as banging a coil in
proximity of a large piece of metal. If on the other hand, if you have some experimental
evidence to supports that contention, I would certainly love to add it to my increasing pile of
data, and I'm sure others here would as well.

I have explored much of what you are saying. To accelerate the particles, you have
to get them out of the confines of conductors. Even a large increase in voltage
across the wire gives only a modest increase in electron drift velocity.
Vacuum polarization has been proven and polarizing the vacuum makes the virtual
particles "real".
If you look at Eric Dollard's video where he lights bulbs with a Tesla Transformer
(pancake style), he demonstrates a broad spectrum white light from an
incandescent bulb. I suspect this is visible bremsstrahlung casue by the tungsten
filament slowing the particles (braking effect).

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: ramset on 2011-02-22, 20:56:06
Any body Know how to save a Vid??{before it gets erased?
Posts: 1
Re: Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze

Reply #5919 on: Today at 07:26:11 PM QuoteYou must check out all this
It is some first of the being published materials. They did it and more. They have
deep understanding in processes the cold or radiant ectricity from aether. And they
Operating by this energy. Destine and Dynatron. With Respect!
(Material in Russian)

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: LtBolo on 2011-02-22, 22:03:33
Quote from: Grumpy on 2011-02-22, 20:25:00
I have explored much of what you are saying. To accelerate the particles, you have to get
them out of the confines of conductors. Even a large increase in voltage across the wire
gives only a modest increase in electron drift velocity.

Per what little 'knowledge' of drift velocities is out there, I agree with the
statement. I'm not convinced that everything we 'know' is true though, particularly
in regard to flat coils of a variety of shapes, and electrostatically coupled devices.
Regardless, I think that is why most of the credible devices are driven by spark
gaps, and the ones that aren't, go to considerable extremes to make the edges
very, very sharp.
Spend one hour with a high voltage source, a spark gap, and variable amounts of
high voltage caps...using a circuit that charges the caps, then discharges through
the gap. It becomes immediately apparent that what is being dumped across the
gap is fundamentally changing with the voltage and total energy in the cap bank. It
is clear that there is a big increase in energy, and it is clear that the resulting
increase is spread over a very wide spectrum...literally DC to daylight, and probably
well beyond that. What is not clear is how to capture the energy and make it

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: dllabarre on 2011-02-22, 22:54:00

Quote from: ramset on 2011-02-22, 20:56:06
Any body Know how to save a Vid??{before it gets erased?
You must use the URL from the youtube video and not from their youtube channel.
example: for the first video in his

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: ramset on 2011-02-23, 02:41:55
Thanks DonL for the info!
now we just need a translator!

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Magluvin on 2011-02-23, 05:52:18
Hey alll
Was just checking my YT and my home page puts up vid suggestions and this was
one of them.
This guy has a few vids, and he has some interesting things. In this vid, it seems
to be showing some effects. I watched a few times and it may be an Optical Illusion
as in the camera may be funky at recording flashes. But dang its eye catching. And
the what appears to be a blown light bulb flexxin some plasma.
Im just starting to get All my stuff out of boxes and sorting some things. I had

planned on getting a second computer desk like the one I have to set up shop next
to the other one. But my acct said no, his name is Mafundsalo. ;] But tings are
getting more stable. Christmas n New years were slow, especially for a Corvette
resto shop. We do all the way frame offs. And any cars welcome.
I was messing around a while back with a xenon flash circuit as a discharge device.
It was a cheap lil dooda about 1 flash per second. I changed the discharge cap to a
smaller value, original 10uf, to speed it up, but the flash was weaker. With even
smaller values, the flashes were just branched sparks through the tube. Does
anyone know of anybody using them for spark gaps? A good police unit could do
some serious pulsing. ;] Modified!
Well I have a few coils already made that I am going to do some blastin on. I found
my larger neon transformer I had been searching for. Its similar to Don Smiths lil
one on the input but a water proof unit for automotive.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-24, 01:59:46
Regarding the use of a neon bulb as a particle detector. I'm sure that many will
say that high frequency EM fields are lighting the neon, and I'd like to rule that
out. I propose a copper mesh encompassing the entire bulb and a portion of the
leads, and the mesh connected to ground. This will act as a sort of Faraday cage,
but I can still see the light, and low energy particles that would get stuck in a solid
conductor can permeate the mesh.
(I have another idea for directional detector.)

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: ramset on 2011-02-24, 02:31:00
I know in the past you cannot see "You tube"

Is this still the case?


Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: darkspeed on 2011-02-24, 02:57:24
Quote from: Grumpy on 2011-02-24, 01:59:46
Regarding the use of a neon bulb as a particle detector. I'm sure that many will say that
high frequency EM fields are lighting the neon, and I'd like to rule that out. I propose a
copper mesh encompassing the entire bulb and a portion of the leads, and the mesh
connected to ground. This will act as a sort of Faraday cage, but I can still see the light,
and low energy particles that would get stuck in a solid conductor can permeate the mesh.
(I have another idea for directional detector.)

Sealed copper box with a partially evacuated tube and a photo detector.
Photo detectors leads insulated as they pass though the wall of the box.
High accuracy detector circuit.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-24, 03:28:57
Can you elaborate on the photo detector tube?

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: darkspeed on 2011-02-24, 04:28:57
Quote from: Grumpy on 2011-02-24, 03:28:57
Can you elaborate on the photo detector tube?

You can take a thin walled copper box ( or tube ) and insert a noble gas ampoule.
You can coat the ampoule in Phosphorescent Powder to get a slower but more

effective result.
If using a copper tube put a solid end cap one one end, on the other end drill two
small holes for the leads of a photo detector.
Mount the detector inside the cap where the leads exit holes.
Seal the tube with the modified end cap.
Measure the output of the photo detector.
Forgot to say > copper is grounded, and ampoule is insulated from copper with poly
sheet protector material or other suitable insulator.
It will work like a Tritium tube when hit with the right energy.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Magluvin on 2011-02-24, 04:49:25
Quote from: darkspeed on 2011-02-24, 04:28:57
You can take a thin walled copper box ( or tube ) and insert a noble gas ampoule.
You can coat the ampoule in Phosphorescent Powder to get a slower but more effective
If using a copper tube put a solid end cap one one end, on the other end drill two small
holes for the leads of a photo detector.
Mount the detector inside the cap where the leads exit holes.
Seal the tube with the modified end cap.
Measure the output of the photo detector.
It will work like a Tritium tube when hit with the right energy.

So the copper shields out what we dont want to measure, so just the particles we
want get in to the tube and lights it up. Nice
Someone had an idea similar that measured xrays, where you coat the photo diode
with a material then just black tape to keep ambient light out.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-24, 06:08:42
Thanks DS. We can put a neon tube in everyone's hands, but photodetectors may
be out of reach.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: darkspeed on 2011-02-24, 06:31:59
Quote from: Grumpy on 2011-02-24, 06:08:42
Thanks DS. We can put a neon tube in everyone's hands, but photodetectors may be out of

I bet you could get a result with a standard photo cell or possibly an ir detector and
a sensitive circuit to amplify the output to a meter.
Avalanche Photodetector?
Or if your pockets are deep >

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-24, 17:42:25

What is the easiest, cheapest way to prove that particles or particle-like entities are
being produced?

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Magluvin on 2011-02-24, 18:57:53
Photo Diodes are what you are looking for. Digikey seems to only have opto
Newark has them in various forms shapes and sizes of photo diodes.
Copy Location link and it takes you below where some pics are. =]

The link is a
I have done a lot of shopping at newark. They will beat others prices also. They
havnt failed me when looking for parts I cant get elsewhere. ;]
They gave me $20 off of another companies price on my wavetek meter. I love
that meter.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Magluvin on 2011-02-24, 18:59:32
Quote from: Grumpy on 2011-02-24, 17:42:25
What is the easiest, cheapest way to prove that particles or particle-like entities are being

Well, Tesla I believe use the Sensitive Device. ;]


Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-24, 22:10:48
Quote from: darkspeed on 2011-02-24, 04:28:57
You can take a thin walled copper box ( or tube ) and insert a noble gas ampoule.
You can coat the ampoule in Phosphorescent Powder to get a slower but more effective
If using a copper tube put a solid end cap one one end, on the other end drill two small
holes for the leads of a photo detector.
Mount the detector inside the cap where the leads exit holes.
Seal the tube with the modified end cap.
Measure the output of the photo detector.
Forgot to say > copper is grounded, and ampoule is insulated from copper with poly sheet
protector material or other suitable insulator.
It will work like a Tritium tube when hit with the right energy.

Tritium is beta and I would not expect beta to get through the copper tube and the
poly, but hard beta would if it was high enough.
What sort of votlage pulses were used when this detector detected the particles?
Was it several kv?

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: ramset on 2011-02-25, 01:41:48
Whats the "Sensitive device"

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: darkspeed on 2011-02-25, 02:49:37

Yes it was 15kv+

Also the cable connecting the detector to your circuit needs to be a shielded cable
and a number of feet in length to get away from the source.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Magluvin on 2011-02-25, 03:27:19
Hey Chet
Tesla used the sensitive device to detect signals. He would use granules or iron
filings inside a glass tube per say, with 2 connections into the tube where one is is
contact with the filings on one side of the glass tube, and the other on the other
side so that the fillings are the bridge from one to another. He said that the device
would have a high resistance when no signal was present, but low resistance when
a signal was present.
But how does that help us? Well maybe we dont need it or cant use it. Would just a
radiant receiver be what Tesla would use?
Or if our arrangement did produce particles, in what way would we deal with them
otherwise? How do we utilize them to make voltage current watts.
Well if we know that, then we have our receiver. If we are receiving, then we know
we have particles.
What kind of particles are we looking for again?


Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2011-02-25, 03:36:45

Just wanted to post the Hi-Res 100Kw Turkish unit picture here. Interesting thing it
doesn't look like the large blue tower has any windings on it. Also the tower in the
foreground is the only one with a solid rod on the top. With all the detail work odd
how the other two don't have it.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: darkspeed on 2011-02-25, 03:47:09
Quote from: Core on 2011-02-25, 03:36:45
Just wanted to post the Hi-Res 100Kw Turkish unit picture here. Interesting thing it doesn't
look like the large blue tower has any windings on it. Also the tower in the foreground is the
only one with a solid rod on the top. With all the detail work odd how the other two don't
have it.

I would think that there is a resonant secondary in each of those three blue tubes.
They are just trying to hide what it is.
What it looks like is a magnifying transmitter setup.
input power to low turns primary > high turns secondary > arc gap > high turns
secondary >low turns primary is the output.
Why would you do that?
Well in the Tesla lore there is supposedly and energy amplification on the receiver
side between two grounded systems.

If this can be achieved the output is then fed back to the input like a regenerative
receiver until a usable excess has been achieved.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: iceweller on 2011-02-25, 03:49:11
Good day to everyone. I'd like to post a link to an original Tesla article which should
be of interest which I uploaded here:
Furthermore, I'd like to ask what your interpretation of a proper Tesla Coil output
is: does it comply with the lumped theory model or not? Let me restate the
question; Does a properly tuned and designed Tesla coil output pulsed DC (a DC
brush or pseudo electrostatic pusles) or simply AC such as an ordinary transformer?
The answer to this question is as vital as the conversion of the ambient energy
which we may call Free Energy to electrical current or heat. The understanding of
the TC concept is fundamental.
I am taking the liberty of pointing out, based on my understandings and studies,
that any "Free Energy" conversion process involves the use of an electrostatic (HV)
*and* an electromagnetic field, a transmitter and a receiver, and in the middle, the
"conversion process".
If you read the linked article, Tesla clearly states (again) the abundance of this
energy (which he calls Primary and Secondary solar rays) and it's ubiquity. His
article on "Cosmic Rays" further relates to this. Furthermore, you can see how Tesla
considered electrostatic fields vital to the operation of devices (single wire or
wireless through ground), not electromagnetic. I believe this to be the proper
direction of research.
A further note. "Accelerating" particles or electrons needs a certain amount of
energy. Nothing is created nor destroyed in this process. What you give is what you
get back minus the conversion losses. The law of energy conservation always

applies. When you start to consider an external energy source from which you can
convert a high level energy state to a lower, usable energy state such as heat or
electricity, you can see how it is all simply a conversion process which does not
violate any conservation law. It involves a controlled redirection of this energy. This
is not "atomic" energy, or energy from matter, it is a conversion process using
principles which are not evidently taught and are cleverly occulted or at max
covered with Relativistic concepts.
I hope this will be food for thought.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: darkspeed on 2011-02-25, 03:58:09

iceweller.. a true tesla transmitter is unidirectional pulsed dc - in my opinion

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: iceweller on 2011-02-25, 04:21:01
Quote from: darkspeed on 2011-02-25, 03:47:09
I would think that there is a resonant secondary in each of those three blue tubes.
They are just trying to hide what it is.
What it looks like is a magnifying transmitter setup.
input power to low turns primary > high turns secondary > arc gap > high turns secondary
>low turns primary is the output.
Why would you do that?
Well in the Tesla lore there is supposedly and energy amplification on the receiver side
between two grounded systems.
If this can be achieved the output is then fed back to the input like a regenerative receiver

until a usable excess has been achieved.

Darkspeed, you are correct. My interpretation is the following: the three blue
cylinders are simply 3 TC tuned "receivers". The lower box below each coil contains
the primary LV coil. Each Tesla Coil is one phase of the 3 total 380V phases. The
spark tip is connected to a smaller box which hides a controlled "make and brake"
device which is fed through the smaller tube which goes down to the floor
supporting the whole spark "point" system. This is needed to modulate the output
at 50Hz, just like in TK's single phase green box setup. The source of this HV is the
center coil from where the energy is channeled though the conversion occurs during
the process ("dense" high energy state to lower energy state). Whether people
confirm it or not GROUND IS ALWAYS PRESENT as it is the return (Neutral) line of
the 3 phases (there must be a reference ground potential!). Additionally, all 3 coils
are within the center coil "nearfield" and electrostatic field which I think is a
prerequisite for the conversion process to succeed.
Related patents:

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: iceweller on 2011-02-25, 04:25:44
Quote from: darkspeed on 2011-02-25, 03:58:09
iceweller.. a true tesla transmitter is unidirectional pulsed dc - in my opinion

Exactly! And so, we can call this kind of generator a "pseudo electrostatic"
generator. It is a converter! It converts regular "AC" to pulsed or biased (negative)
HV HF DC brush discharges. Fundamental!

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-25, 05:12:55
Quote from: Magluvin on 2011-02-25, 03:27:19
Hey Chet
Tesla used the sensitive device to detect signals. He would use granules or iron filings
inside a glass tube per say, with 2 connections into the tube where one is is contact with the
filings on one side of the glass tube, and the other on the other side so that the fillings are
the bridge from one to another. He said that the device would have a high resistance when
no signal was present, but low resistance when a signal was present.
But how does that help us? Well maybe we dont need it or cant use it. Would just a radiant
receiver be what Tesla would use?
Or if our arrangement did produce particles, in what way would we deal with them
otherwise? How do we utilize them to make voltage current watts.
Well if we know that, then we have our receiver. If we are receiving, then we know we have
What kind of particles are we looking for again?

The "sensitive device" you are referring to is a coherer. I don't think it is applicable
in this case.
There are two ways that I can think of to use particles:
1. use the charge directly to power a circuit like a battery does
2. moving particles create a magnetic field, so you rotate your particles and they
induce current in a coil plus any current from the particles entering the coil

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-25, 05:26:36
There appears to be a correlation between voltage, risetime and particle energy.
There are far too many assumptions to say much without more experiments.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Magluvin on 2011-02-25, 05:38:04
Quote from: Grumpy on 2011-02-25, 05:12:55
The "sensitive device" you are referring to is a coherer. I don't think it is applicable in this
There are two ways that I can think of to use particles:
1. use the charge directly to power a circuit like a battery does
2. moving particles create a magnetic field, so you rotate your particles and they induce
current in a coil plus any current from the particles entering the coil

Use particles directly. As in if the coil had a copper shield around it, we could
extract current from the shield? What would be our reference for our new battery?
Rotate your particles. A motorized lazy susane? ;]
I wonder where we separate the difference in whether we are receiving particles, or
just inductive actions that make the transfer from coil to coil?
And we still have to work out a regen idea, one that is stable.
not for beginners and God bless the pros. ;]

This Kap setup is

I wonder if we have to worry about particles with this device.

was the first I ever read of a description of it.

I know Ottos letter


Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: darkspeed on 2011-02-25, 08:41:49

What I found , when I was doing my more painful experiments, was placing a
number of different coils in the area produced no voltage when measured between
ends of a coil, but there was a voltage between any point on the coil and ground.
There was also the annoying result of all of my tools sticking together if they were
left in the area for too long.
My results were seen as a static charge.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: ramset on 2011-02-25, 14:47:34
No Doubt its tricky business!
I wonder if the Doc is going to the Place that LtBolo describes?
Make Lots of noise ,then grab the goods??
Would love to see some detectors around the Docs Work!

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-25, 15:12:15
Just a guess at this point, but the Kapanadze Green Box Device appears to use the
particles or energy directly, has a ground connection, and the only magnetic field
that appears to be of any use is the magnetic field of the thick ground cable that
goes through the coil.
The AVEC Device (purported to be related to the TPU) has no ground and has a ring
of coils that rotate the particles/energy.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: ramset on 2011-02-25, 17:56:00
Ben says IT WORKS [Stiffler replication?]

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Magluvin on 2011-02-25, 23:56:20
Quote from: Grumpy on 2011-02-25, 15:12:15
Just a guess at this point, but the Kapanadze Green Box Device appears to use the particles
or energy directly, has a ground connection, and the only magnetic field that appears to be
of any use is the magnetic field of the thick ground cable that goes through the coil.
The AVEC Device (purported to be related to the TPU) has no ground and has a ring of coils
that rotate the particles/energy.

The Avec device, I have not seen it yet, but the has no gnd is a good thing.
Lets say that these other devices, that need a gnd, I would suppose that the
particles leaving the emitter coil to be positive and gnd negative?
If it is, then the emitter coil maybe is losing something that it regains from gnd
also? Pardon me asking, does Kaps device in any info have 2 gnds, and probably
separated from each other enough so they dont affect eachother?
So if this were the case, then our groundless gnd could be the emitter coil. But can
it emit and receive at the same time? If it is pulses, could we use a filter circuit to
change the phase of the feedback so that the emitter coil receives a delayed
feedback. Just a theory. ;]

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: ramset on 2011-02-26, 15:43:34

I will preface this post with a comment,
Grumpy I will delete Posts you feel are Off topic here
Or I won't post anything here if you wish!
And no offence will be taken [even if implied!:}
Q2 Comments on a post from Wattsup, where he made some observations on Q2
If you were not so completely ignorant and crazy, you would be conscious enough
to realize I am a lap ahead of you on this.
The foam coming out the end of the coil is the dielectric insulator. It is called a
home made HV polystyrene capacitor {deleted Nasty]
In the SR193 device and others, they are using bifilar wound coils and using the
inductive capacitance between winds as a capacitor {Same Nasty with more vitriol
When the spark gap fires, it is the same effect as explosive used the flux
compression generator just like I stated {concentrated Nasty Deleted]
I guess you were one of those people that was too stupid to notice that there is a
tan wire going into the first layer of the SR193 device on one end and it magically
comes out as a blue wire on the other end weren't you [The last Nasty in this
theme Deleted ]
I'm not going to disclose any more on how this thing works because quite frankly,
you are too stupid to work with high voltage and compressed magnetic energy and
don't deserve the help.
If you want to help, stop posting since all you do is drive the smart people away.
Yeah... Just ignore Kapanadze's finger pointing at a cold war EMP device while he
explians how it works and where he got the information... Just ignore that coper 1

turn tube running through the center of the coil... Just ignore that high voltage GTK
wire being used on his coil... just ignore the same coil shape and parts
configuration between the Russian EMP and Los Alamos devices... and instead,
believe a rumor that some idiot calling himself wattsup heard on-line... That a
magical hidden spark gap is what makes it all work.
{Deleted A gardening tip From Q2 here {Off Topic}
EDIT { edit to edit ,thats not my edit its Q2's]
I told you to read the Vladimir Utkin stuff. Maybe Wattsup was too stupid to find a
link. Here:

also I asked q2 a question His responce,

Whats A "magnetic seed"?
Home Depot doesn't seem to stock any?
Q2 quote:

You just don't know where to look. You need something to produce a magnetic field
to move the voltage field. Notice on the 3K kapanadze device how the ends of the
coil are larger? Seeds? I would look at the ferrite ring magnet section near the
Ferrite ceramic ring magnets used in speakers have coils wound around them but
do not lose their magnetic fields because they are tough like me.
The people you need to be listening to are DOLE, StiveP and a few others. I moved
on from this days ago and am back to working on another project. I just stopped in
to see what was going on and happened to notice the { a nasty deleted here] was
trying to defend his inability to back up his claim by dismissing my claim that is
backed up by Kapanadzi himself.

Here, I'll make it easy on you. Search and find this file. "free-energy.geo.avi"
Go to 90% towards the end and you see the part that was not on youtube.
Kapanadze explains how it works or where he got the idea when he apparently sold
_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_---_-_---The How its Done post
The principle of operation of the Kapanadze device is simple. You build up an
electrostatic field between windings of a bilar coil, or a steyrofoam capacitor in the
core, or many other methods. Then you blast that down the core and pickup coil
with a electromagnetic field.
If you look at that last schematic I re-posted, you see how the modulation coil
opposes the blast coil (Bloch wall) and how the blast coil is wound unidirectional
I.e., like Norm Wootan coil from years ago. (Acceleration???) Notice how SR193 has
a stack of ring magnets on the end acting as backing iron.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-26, 16:25:04
"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me"
I don't believe anything that Quarktard says. He makes posts just to stir up
people and make it loud and obnoxious. He ranks lower than IST.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-26, 18:17:03
Quote from: darkspeed on 2011-02-24, 04:28:57
You can take a thin walled copper box ( or tube ) and insert a noble gas ampoule.
You can coat the ampoule in Phosphorescent Powder to get a slower but more effective

If using a copper tube put a solid end cap one one end, on the other end drill two small
holes for the leads of a photo detector.
Mount the detector inside the cap where the leads exit holes.
Seal the tube with the modified end cap.
Measure the output of the photo detector.
Forgot to say > copper is grounded, and ampoule is insulated from copper with poly sheet
protector material or other suitable insulator.
It will work like a Tritium tube when hit with the right energy.

With solid copper sheet or foil and poly insulation, only hard beta will get through
and gamma rays.
Any thoughts on what we are dealing with here?

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: forest on 2011-02-27, 13:56:22
What is the effect IST shown us long time ago ? One frequency interrupted and a
lot of signal copies on scope...

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: ramset on 2011-02-27, 15:29:22

Unfortunately,In the "coil shorting department"

ist is the pink elephant in the room!But Grumpy always said it was "Flea farts" for
Perhaps if we get enough Fleas ?{so Ismael has harnest the power of the

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: giantkiller on 2011-02-27, 17:44:54
Alot of compelling statements here.
Some of the statements sound very much like Marco including some of the hints
and snaps.
Gardening hints / seed field
Morse code: I once had an stream of posts with Marco like this.
IST was always snapping sparks. Hmmmmm.
Quote from: ramset on 2011-02-26, 15:43:34
I will preface this post with a comment,
Grumpy I will delete Posts you feel are Off topic here
Or I won't post anything here if you wish!
And no offence will be taken [even if implied!:}
Q2 Comments on a post from Wattsup, where he made some observations on Q2
If you were not so completely ignorant and crazy, you would be conscious enough to realize
I am a lap ahead of you on this.
The foam coming out the end of the coil is the dielectric insulator. It is called a home made
HV polystyrene capacitor {deleted Nasty]
In the SR193 device and others, they are using bifilar wound coils and using the inductive
capacitance between winds as a capacitor {Same Nasty with more vitriol "deleted"]

When the spark gap fires, it is the same effect as explosive used the flux compression
generator just like I stated {concentrated Nasty Deleted]
I guess you were one of those people that was too stupid to notice that there is a tan wire
going into the first layer of the SR193 device on one end and it magically comes out as a
blue wire on the other end weren't you [The last Nasty in this theme Deleted ]
I'm not going to disclose any more on how this thing works because quite frankly, you are
too stupid to work with high voltage and compressed magnetic energy and don't deserve
the help.
If you want to help, stop posting since all you do is drive the smart people away.
Yeah... Just ignore Kapanadze's finger pointing at a cold war EMP device while he explians
how it works and where he got the information... Just ignore that coper 1 turn tube running
through the center of the coil... Just ignore that high voltage GTK wire being used on his
coil... just ignore the same coil shape and parts configuration between the Russian EMP and
Los Alamos devices... and instead, believe a rumor that some idiot calling himself wattsup
heard on-line... That a magical hidden spark gap is what makes it all work.
{Deleted A gardening tip From Q2 here {Off Topic}
EDIT { edit to edit ,thats not my edit its Q2's]
I told you to read the Vladimir Utkin stuff. Maybe Wattsup was too stupid to find a link.

also I asked q2 a question His responce,

Whats A "magnetic seed"?
Home Depot doesn't seem to stock any?
Q2 quote:

You just don't know where to look. You need something to produce a magnetic field to move
the voltage field. Notice on the 3K kapanadze device how the ends of the coil are larger?
Seeds? I would look at the ferrite ring magnet section near the fasteners.

Ferrite ceramic ring magnets used in speakers have coils wound around them but do not
lose their magnetic fields because they are tough like me.
The people you need to be listening to are DOLE, StiveP and a few others. I moved on from
this days ago and am back to working on another project. I just stopped in to see what was
going on and happened to notice the { a nasty deleted here] was trying to defend his
inability to back up his claim by dismissing my claim that is backed up by Kapanadzi
Here, I'll make it easy on you. Search and find this file. "free-energy.geo.avi"
Go to 90% towards the end and you see the part that was not on youtube. Kapanadze
explains how it works or where he got the idea when he apparently sold out.
_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_---_-_---The How its Done post
The principle of operation of the Kapanadze device is simple. You build up an electrostatic
field between windings of a bilar coil, or a steyrofoam capacitor in the core, or many other
methods. Then you blast that down the core and pickup coil with a electromagnetic field.
If you look at that last schematic I re-posted, you see how the modulation coil opposes the
blast coil (Bloch wall) and how the blast coil is wound unidirectional I.e., like Norm Wootan
coil from years ago. (Acceleration???) Notice how SR193 has a stack of ring magnets on the
end acting as backing iron.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: giantkiller on 2011-02-27, 18:28:13
I will pose this question again which never got attention.
Who are the 2 young men in the SM videos and where did they go?
With all they saw don't you think they would be here?
They look to be 25 years old or less. Their exhuberance would not be contained.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: MrMag on 2011-02-27, 19:10:55
Quote from: giantkiller on 2011-02-27, 18:28:13
I will pose this question again which never got attention.
Who are the 2 young men in the SM videos and where did they go?
With all they saw don't you think they would be here?
They look to be 25 years old or less. Their exhuberance would not be contained.

Maybe it is a scam and they are embarrassed to be associated with it.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: ramset on 2011-02-28, 02:20:04
Unless I've really missed something
This is Quite an observation by Quarktoo!
From Here
Go up to the photo of the copper coil and look at what is on the ends of the tubes
and think about it. There is you big secret and it is not complex.

Don't get too cocky girls. There is a few frames of a video I have not posted that
blows this wide open. No way in hell would you use uninsulated copper tubing with
no spacing on an inductor but Kapanadzi is using it and lots of it. So did Hubbard
and it is the mother of all free energy devices.
There is also a video that I have pointed out before of the Russian wood working
factory running on a free energy device where they are using uninsulated copper
tubing for coils. I tried to get people to notice but it went right past them.
In every instance, they try to hide the fact that they are using tightly wound
uninsulated copper tubing by covering it with tape. The cost of copper tubing far
exceeds that of wire and there is no way to use it without insulation unless they are

pulsing a gas in that tubing to produce a quick high current pulse and that is
exactly how they are pulsing this magnetic compression coil and what it requires.
That would explain why a wire goes INSIDE the tubing on one end and attaches to
the OUTSIDE on the other end.
If you think a flyback is going to magically transform into 5000 watts of power with
a earth ground and a coil, you need to study more physics and stop watching the
magical Jim and Tammy Fey show.
I could spend the next half hour posting photos of devices that use copper tubing in
coils and it is not because they are Tesla type primaries. The reason people most
likely could not get the results Tesla did back in the day is, Tesla never disclosed
what was in the tube. Note how in all the devices the tube need not be insulated?
FACT: Under the tape of those three Kapanadze inductors are two layers of
uninsulated copper tubing. Brew

tube 1.jpg (15.86 KB, 455x190 - viewed 36 times.)

Meyer gas plasma2.jpg (3.08 KB, 133x75 - viewed 35 times.)
Meyer gas plasma3.jpg (78.28 KB, 552x638 - viewed 37 times.)
tube2.jpg (9.16 KB, 412x256 - viewed 35 times.)
Logged Free EnergyRe: Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel
Reply #5990 on: Today at 12:37:40 AM Sponsored links:
Hero Member
Posts: Quote from: wattsup on Today at 12:21:18 AM@forest
In your post here;
Is it possible that the brightness is due to an internal spark gap housed inside the
coil. He then plugged the end to not show it but had to make a small hole for
aeration. I will have to take a closer look at that.

Unlike what @QT says about it being a "magnetic short". What is a magnetic short.
Nothing as usual.
Quarktoo responce

Wrap a thick band of copper around any part of an inductor and you have a
magnetic block or what I call a magnetic short. That magnetic short forces all the
magnetic energy to go in the other direction just like the EMP gun that Kapanadze
pointed to when he disclosed how it works.
Electro-magnetics 101
Logic 101
Reason 101
- Verses Your attempt to suppress this at an elementary level. Anyone with two eyes can see
that is a copper end cap. You people doing suppression are so obvious. This web
site has a reputation for being nothing more than that and that is why so many
other web sites have sprung up. It is only going to get worse if you continue to do
your thing. Logged Free EnergyRe: Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW
from Tariel Kapanadze
Rep quarktoo
Note the man standing there with the coil in his hand. Notice how the end of the
tubing is crimped closed? That is so the gas does not escape.
Normally I would not have disclosed this as I have known of gas coils for years.
That was my way of getting some payback. You push, I push back. People read this
stuff and start noticing things and thinking.
Quote from: ramset on Today at 01:08:08 AMQ2
I don't think you pushed back hard enough!
Whats the gas?
Quarktoo responce,

I call it "Ramset Gas" because it is so magnetic.
Dole is the sharpest pencil in the box. Notice how he crimped the ends of that coil
closed? Maybe he figured out the composition of Ramset gas, maybe not.
I was able to cobble together my own version of DOLE's cold electricity
demonstration. That is by far the most exciting thing I have learned in the last 5
years. If I had his address, I would send him flowers. That process needs to be
explored in full.
If this web site had any sense, it would offer DOLE money to start threads on his
projects. DOLE worries that people will get electrocuted since he uses a 10K neon
transformer and a MOT in some of his experiments. He is not only smart, he is a
decent person. A class act all the way.
Well Ramset, sorry I have to ban myself for a week or two but I need to rebuild my
gas lab left over from my Stan Meyer stuff and do some experiments. Here is a
good place to start.
Meyer's first patent is also a good reference.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-28, 17:04:31
I would not be surprised if Q2 is SM's alter ego.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: giantkiller on 2011-02-28, 20:40:00
One of the pictures shows Q2 holding a coil.
He is chubby and his hands are that of a 35 - 40 year old.
Could not be SM. SM would be in his 70s now.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-02-28, 21:16:28
Quote from: giantkiller on 2011-02-28, 20:40:00
One of the pictures shows Q2 holding a coil.
He is chubby and his hands are that of a 35 - 40 year old.
Could not be SM. SM would be in his 70s now.

post that pic

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: ramset on 2011-02-28, 21:19:50
Those pics are from The guy this thread is named after!
I don't think this Q2 is Marco or Steven!
But Lately [24 hrs] I think he's pointed in a very interesting direction!

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: ramset on 2011-02-28, 21:21:43
I named the file Buzz bomb

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: giantkiller on 2011-02-28, 22:15:39

Well what interests me is this guy Q2, amidst all the vitriolic diatribe, is posting
some very heavy nuggets.
The gas, the expanding foam of the homemade capacitor, the back iron, and more.
And that multilayer copper core build! It is either true or the guy is OU van Gogh.
Too bad he is upset or maybe that is smoke and mirrors to post clues without
getting shafted by mib-whoever.
There was a spell on OU of screaming for a while and there were alot of people who
got caught up emo about it.
Anybody who had a deaf ear and sighted eye really harvested alot of good info
then. ;)
Like Pix and myself.
The pic could also be xDole. Oh well. I read on.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: EMdevices on 2011-02-28, 22:17:33
there is a patent already on this, why are we scrutinizing the images and people in
the videos?
P.S. Chet, there is no copper pipe or any other conducting pipe inside the coil.
Just think about it, the pipe will act as a one turn shorted loop and the transformer
will not work! This is in fact an open core transformer, and if it is formed on a
conducting pipe, that pipe better be split down the middle to stop current flow.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2011-03-03, 13:56:30
In the book 'Tesla on his work with Alternating Currents' by Leland Anderson does
anybody know what device the cover diagram is for. It is pictured next to the
Magnifying transmitter but I do not think that is it. The diagram shows capacitors
charged in parallel and discharged in series. I might be missing the patent that this
one is for. Any help would be great.


Cover diagram.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: darkspeed on 2011-03-03, 14:59:01
That was the driver for the single wire primary that went around the perimeter of
teslas lab. It allowed him to walk around the lab with tuned devices that would run
off the primary discharge.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2011-03-03, 15:21:10
As far as you know is there any additional data on this? This is one of the very few
diagrams that show a core material. Also to power a tuned device would one end
need to be grounded?

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: darkspeed on 2011-03-03, 16:57:00
The first transformer with core is a low frequency step up transformer like a neon
sign transformer.
It feeds resonant charging inductors, then capacitors.

When the rotary gap fires the long single wire is in LC with the capacitors and a
high frequency is established.
No ground is needed, however a ground will increase the output of the tuned
Adding a ground allows you to use the electrostatic component between the top of
the receiver and ground

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: allcanadian on 2011-03-03, 17:27:43
As far as you know is there any additional data on this? This is one of the very few diagrams
that show a core material. Also to power a tuned device would one end need to be

This is Tesla's hairpin circuit with a mechanical break or a better term would be
rotary spark gap which disrupts the circuit. The capacitors are charged in series
through chokes to limit current from the secondary and when the break fires the
capacitors are discharged through this same path. The changing potential on the
capacitors produces a sharp impulse in the loop (a single turn coil) which induces
the device(the receiver) in the center of the loop which has a break as well fired at
a rate in proportional to the primary break. A variable inductance can also be seen
in the loop for tuning the device to resonance.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: dllabarre on 2011-03-03, 21:44:13
Quote from: Core on 2011-03-03, 13:56:30
In the book 'Tesla on his work with Alternating Currents' by Leland Anderson does anybody
know what device the cover diagram is for. It is pictured next to the Magnifying transmitter
but I do not think that is it. The diagram shows capacitors charged in parallel and
discharged in series. I might be missing the patent that this one is for. Any help would be


I found this little write up regarding the picture you posted:

"Figure 35.
Apparatus with mechanical break as installed on a large scale in the laboratory at
South Fifth Avenue and subsequently at 46 East Houston Street. Described in U.S.
Patent No. 645,576 of March 20, 1900. Application filed September 2, 1897.

This [Fig. 35] is the apparatus I had at 35 South Fifth Avenue and also Houston
Street. It shows the whole arrangement as I had it for the demonstration of effects
which I investigated.

This cable you see [square loop in top half of Fig. 35] is stretched around the
hall. These are my condensers. There is the mechanically operated break,
and that is a transformer charged from the generator. That is the way I had
it for the production of current effects which were rather of damped character
because, at that period, I used circuits of great activity which radiated
rapidly. In the Houston Street laboratory, I could take in my hands a coil
tuned to my body and collect 3/4 horsepower anywhere in the room without
tangible connection, and I have often disillusioned my visitors in regard to
such wonderful effects. Sometimes, I would produce flames shooting out
from my head and run a motor in my hands, or light six or eight lamps.
They could not understand these manifestations of energy and thought that
it was a genuine transmission of power. I told them that these phenomena
were wonderful, but that a system of transmission, based on the same
principle, was absolutely worthless. It was a transmission by
electromagnetic waves. The solution lay in a different direction. I am
showing you this [diagram] simply as a typical form of apparatus of that
period, and if you go over the literature of the present day you will find that
the newest arrangements have nothing better to show.

What was the make and break frequency that you got from that apparatus?

It was 5,000, 6,000sometimes higher still. I had two oppositely rotating discs
which I will show you and with which I could have reached, probably, 15,000 or
What wave frequencies did you develop?
I could operate from a few thousand up to a million per second, if I wanted.
What did you actually use?
In these demonstrations, which I showed these effects, these most powerful effects
that were the sight of New York at that time, I operated with frequencies from
30,000 to 80,000. At that time I could pick up a wire, coil it up, and tell what the
vibration would be, without any test, because I was experimenting day and night."

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-03-04, 01:03:33
Has the magnification mechanism of Tesla's Magnifier ever been satisfactorily

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2011-03-04, 05:27:27
Thanks for the info. Tesla's explanation is interesting because the setup is

identical to a Lecher arrangement (what people call stout copper wire). In this
setup you are creating a standing wave in the wire. It's my understanding that the
displacement currents generated will only power resistive loads. To power a motor
off this setup would be an incredible feet. I have yet to see anyone be able to do

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2011-03-04, 21:13:34
The following is a very long story so I will break it up into 'two' parts. It is a true
story it took almost a year for me to hear the second half but I witnessed the first
half. Some of you may think it's off topic but it may have some important clues as
to what we are all looking for. It may also clue us in on how Teslas Magnifying
transmitter worked.
Here is Part 1. Please keep in mind everything I say here is 100% true and

May 2010,
About that time last year in my neck of the woods we had a terrific spring storm
blow through. The kinda storm guys like and women hate. Strong lightning,
thunder and the occasional category 4 wind gust. This storm hit us pretty early
evening around 7:00 or so. I figured because of the wind we where going to lose
power and sure enough by 8:30 pm a large tree on a wooded lot came down and
took down a high tension wire.
The distance from my house to the down wire is about 175 . My neighbors house,
behind me, is about 100 from the downed power line. From the ramblings I got
from the local fire department it was estimated that this line connected NY and NJ
and was carrying about 70,000 volts or so. That figure was estimated by local
authorities at the time. The wire itself looked to me as triple zero wire (000) AWG.
I did not see the line go down but I heard it the minute smacked the blacktop. I

am sure by now everybody is familiar with of the sound of a 10,000 volt oil burner
transformer. Figure that sound times one million and a spark so large it turned
night into day. From my deck I had a clear view of the explosions at the time I
recall saying to myself This is what Tesla must have been hearing and seeing with
some of his experiments. I have to say it was very intimidating even from my point
of view.
I was intrigued so I grabbed my very dark sunglasses to take a better look at the
spark. The entire area lost power and the only light was coming from the power line
sparks. With my glasses I could see that the line would hit the ground first, then
after a few tenths of a second would be jolted into the air about four feet or so. At
times when it hit the ground it would not spark immediately it would just sit there
and growl for lack of a better term. Then out of nowhere it would fire off with
incredible force. When it did fire off a white hot flame would shoot out from the
point of contact. This went on for hours due to the confusion between the NY and
NJ utility companies as to who had jurisdiction.
I made my way over to my neighbors house, who was only 100 away from the
line, and invited them over to my house where it was safer. The sparks emitted
from the line where landing on his lawn so we moved his kids and wife, who where
terrified, and asked them to stay with my kids. I stayed behind because my
neighbor said he smelt something burning in his house.
Finally at 3:00 am the power was shut off to the line. The whole time I was with
my neighbor trying to find what was burning. We found nothing at the time but
when I went to there finished basement I could see a hazy smoke with my flash
light. The smoke appeared to be thicker in his boiler room but still I could not find
the source. It was now 4:00 am and I started to think the smoke was from the
melted blacktop. As I made my way back to my house I recall noticing that the
smell was not outdoors and only emanated from his house. Neither him nor I ever
spoke about the odd smell again ...................until yesterday.
End of Part 1


Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: darkspeed on 2011-03-05, 00:57:10

Was he getting a ground current through his basement?
That was the original problem with ( one wire ) utility power before they switched
to a ballanced two wire system

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: iceweller on 2011-03-05, 03:21:43
actually it's the opposite. Tesla first started with the poliphase AC induction
generator system by "reversing" the field. He did this even before getting to the
US, while he was in Paris working for a Marconi DC subsidiary. He assembled and
put together in his spare time the generator and the motor to demonstrate it. Later,
after he moved to the US and won the Chicago fair power and lighting band winning
effectively the "war of the currents" against Marconi, he had already moved on to a
single wire and wireless system. The Niagra Falls plant was just his first step in
harnessing "Nature's wheelwork".
Everything pretty much after 1893 and after Colorado Springs was towards a
wireless power transmission system for his ultimate goal. The plant in Colorado
Springs was the base of his Wardenclyffe project as he had discovered the
possibility of effectively using standing waves and so the possibility of his wireless
system to work. With every means, he was researching (pseudo)electrostatic
phenomena and was no longer interested in "simple" AC which he merely used in
his alternators as base for HV generation for his magnifying coils. Following this line
of research he made some other very important discoveries which he just briefly
spoke about in his latter interviews, such as the origin of Cosmic Rays and their
harnessing and the fact that there is not energy in matter other than what it
receives from the environment.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: darkspeed on 2011-03-05, 04:48:19

iceweller .. i agree with what you said but i think you misunderstood what i said.

one wire utility - was in referrence to the Edison one wire dc unbalanced utility
system - not the Tesla one wire transmission system or the Tesla poly phase
transmission system.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: iceweller on 2011-03-05, 12:22:31
right, sorry for the confusion, I agree regarding Edison's DC system.
Additionally, regarding the AC distribution system, the Neutral return wire is
actually bound to ground at transformer stations. Also in some countries they use
ground simply as the return (I believe in the Philippines for ex.) though I don't
know if this has been removed for obvious reasons (it was like this over a decade
ago or more if I recall correctly).

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2011-03-05, 15:18:15
The following day he smells the odd odor in his house. He checks downstairs and
a gray mist of smoke is evident. He walks into the un-finished part of his basement
were the boiler, washing machine and general storage area is. Here he can see that
the light gray smoke is coming from the materials on an old steel shelf. This shelf is
made out of thick steel and is well rusted from being in the un-finished area where
the humidity in the summer is high. On the bottom shelf are cardboard box that
have vinyl records in them.
Most of the records are missing there covers and are just stacked on top of
themselves. The cardboard boxes are slightly moist due the humidity in the area.
These boxes will not ignite but will smolder if you put a flame to them. The
moisture prevents full ignition kinda like trying to get damp wood to ignite.
The metal shelf is standing directly on the concrete. Along side the shelf is the

heating line that runs from ceiling to floor. This copper line is about 3 away from
the metal shelf. The center of the pipe has a bow in it and rides about from the
shelf. This copper pipe then goes into the concrete and feeds the hot water loop in
the finished basement.
The vinyl records were warped as if they where melted. Some records are fused
together from what I assume was heat. There where other toy plastic figures that
also looked like they were exposed to a heat source. It appeared to be enough to
disfigure them but not fully ignite them. The corners and ends of the cardboard
boxes were black as if they where torched with a flame.
At the time of the storm I was in that area of the basement trying to track down
the source. I did not see any flames or sparks at the time. Not one piece of
electronic equipment was damaged. All the equipment and appliances are well
grounded to the electrical panel and then to earth. The only damage was the items
on the metal shelf that stood on the concrete. I found this odd, the shelf itself is not
directly grounded there is about 5 inches of concrete it sits on.
Maybe this is something everyone else sees all the time. I have never seen this
before or have heard of something like this happening before. From this I could see
that the only way to recover the current from the earth is to have some type of
insulator or dielectric material between the earth and a conductor. This conductor
would then start to vibrate and anything attached to it would be vibrated also. In
this case the records and cardboard boxes vibrated near there ignition point.
One interesting point, there are other boxes on the floor. These boxes where not
affected at all. Only the items on the metal shelf were affected. Has anyone seen
something like this before? I cant see this being anymore then a high power sharp
impulse directly to earth. A useable reflection can only be picked up by having an
insulator or dielectric in-between earth and a heavy mass, in this case a heavy
metal shelf. This mass will then vibrate and these vibrations can be used to excite
other items.
Sorry for the long post, if the moderators believe that there is no benefit to this
story please feel free to delete it.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: iceweller on 2011-03-05, 15:50:08
this "phenomenon" has appeared very often in a small town in south of Italy
called "Caronia" near a military base. They had to eventually evacuate the town
because metallic or conductive items were catching fire because they became red
hot during day and night unexpectedly. Iron springs in materasses, unplugged
appliances would burst into flames after starting to smoke even without power in
the whole neighbourhood. Unconnected electrical cables laying on the floor would
melt but just one foot away nothing would happen. This went on for a few years
though lately everything is quiet. This did not happen during storms, just ordinary
days or nights. They thought the nearby railway could have been a cause, but they
shut it off and it still happened. The footages shown were incredible, red hot iron
and insulation from unconnected wires melting before peoples' eyes, yet they were
able to film it without problems to the people or camera's electronics just a few feet
away. Someone's parked car's tire exploded and caught fire but the rest of the car
was unharmed. The disc and ring became red hot. 2 people lost their car totally as
it stopped while they were passing by and started smoking then caught fire. They
interviewed a couple of men that mentioned seeing "white globes" going
underwater (the town is near the shore) maybe globular lightning phenomena or
something else. It is all documented, if you search and look at the couple of
footages taken by a crew and someone's phone it's impressive. The firemen were
astonished and baffled. They investigated for a long time until the military arrived
and they said not to worry as it would not happen again. A military officer
unofficially said he could not go into the details of the phenomenon - end of story.
The official report was "free flames", whatever that means.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2011-03-05, 16:38:05
Quote from: iceweller on 2011-03-05, 15:50:08
this "phenomenon" has appeared very often in a small town in south of Italy called
"Caronia" near a military base. They had to eventually evacuate the town because metallic
or conductive items were catching fire because they became red hot during day and night
unexpectedly. Iron springs in materasses, unplugged appliances would burst into flames

after starting to smoke even without power in the whole neighbourhood. Unconnected
electrical cables laying on the floor would melt but just one foot away nothing would
happen. This went on for a few years though lately everything is quiet. This did not happen
during storms, just ordinary days or nights. They thought the nearby railway could have
been a cause, but they shut it off and it still happened. The footages shown were incredible,
red hot iron and insulation from unconnected wires melting before peoples' eyes, yet they
were able to film it without problems to the people or camera's electronics just a few feet
away. Someone's parked car's tire exploded and caught fire but the rest of the car was
unharmed. The disc and ring became red hot. 2 people lost their car totally as it stopped
while they were passing by and started smoking then caught fire. They interviewed a couple
of men that mentioned seeing "white globes" going underwater (the town is near the shore)
maybe globular lightning phenomena or something else. It is all documented, if you search
and look at the couple of footages taken by a crew and someone's phone it's impressive.
The firemen were astonished and baffled. They investigated for a long time until the military
arrived and they said not to worry as it would not happen again. A military officer
unofficially said he could not go into the details of the phenomenon - end of story.
The official report was "free flames", whatever that means.

WOW great story. Hold on a minute There is a link between TK, this shore town and
my neighbors house. If you recall TK uses a water pipe in all his video's as a
ground. The radiator that they buried did not work and you can see them add water
to increase is conductivity I guess.
The water pipe that they use runs for miles so it would be close to impossible to
calculate the ground rods like Tesla did his Magnifying transmitter in Long Island. If
you recall the latest video of TK is the 10Kw unit. This is filmed on an island and
they are very close to the water so the water table where the unit is must be high.
Now in my case. I live within walking distance to a large lake, about 9 miles long
and about 2 miles at the widest point. Even in the driest of summers here I just
have to dig 18" and I can hit water. My water table here is VERY high in a normal
summer 4" and you got water. I get a lot of mountain run off that feeds the lake.
So could this just me a coincidence? Could it be possible that the energy of a
'impulse' going into the Earth energizes the water then the reflection of the impulse
adds additional energy to the water? Would this be like charging a capacitor in a
camera? With each pulse the charge accumulates?
Thanks for that info Ice. Also sounds like the military was up to something. On my
end we are heading into Spring. I would like to try to screw around with this to see

what happens during a thunder storm.


Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2011-03-05, 17:20:43
Here in this story a Tesla device is blamed.
Authorities seemed to agree that some sort of electrical anomaly was responsible, and many
experts traveled to Caronia to investigate. A few people have blamed volcanic oddities,
others speculate that someone was intentionally creating an electrical
phenomenon for nefarious ends, possibly including a con on the villagers, with a
Tesla-type Magnifying Transmitter or similar device. (Although this raises the question
of why the villagers have not heard the thunderous noise produced by it, unless it is very
well hidden indeed, and the fact that no attempt at extortion has yet been reported seems
odd.) Many aspects of the case were typical of poltergeist phenomena
The phenomenon abated, but began again in April 2004. By August, it appeared to be gone
for good. The cause remains unknown, but some electrical improvements were apparently
made to the village's power system.
A subsequent investigation led the then head of Sicily's Civil Protection Agency, Tullio
Martella, to offer: "The cause of the fires seems to have been static electric charges. What
we don't understand is why there were these static electric charges." The report went on to
suggest that the fires could have been caused by "high power electro magnetic emissions
which were not man made and reached a power of between 12 and 15 gigawatts".

Source: (

As I have seen with my own eyes, a huge pulse into the earth can create havoc.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: iceweller on 2011-03-05, 17:59:53
there is a lot of speculation on what went on there. I must tell you those people
were completely freaked out by this. They are regular people in a small (less than
200) population town. I saw first hand their faces and one of my friends who lives
in the south said that lots of people left the town after they associated the light
globes going into the sea with these phenomena, they started thinking the town
was "doomed" as they are sensitive to this stuff (a lot of talk about esoteric baloney
too). What he told me was that there is a miltary base nearby which apparently has
an underwater entrance or channel. I don't know if this is true, but the people there
often said there was military activity when this happened. I don't buy the "not man
made" phenomena, someone was surely up to something, possibly not even in that
area. I don't remember who mentioned Tesla's magnifying TX experiments but he
said this could have been a side effect or a "node" so that the whole area was a hot
spot. The source may very well have been outside the country.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2011-03-07, 23:57:36
There was some talk that Tariel was able to create the effect without using a
ground wire. In his latest video the 10kw unit he is using a ground wire. If he new
how to create the device without a ground why would he lug grounding rods to the
island and spend the time pounding them in? I think that info regarding not using
ground is false. What do you think?

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: iceweller on 2011-03-08, 01:28:07

I think that it depends on how you configure the output phases but let me expand
further. The Green Box and "Blue" Box are single phase devices (generating
modulated output HF signal "trains" @ 50Hz for obvious reasons) so you *need* a
ground or return reference. This is important for safety as you cannot have
dangerous "floating" voltage levels. For ex. in my power transmission example
using 2 TCs, the secondaries need a reference to tie one end to ground - though
their "grounds" can be interconnected at a distance (just like Tesla said, the earth
behaves as a conductor, no EM propagation or induction into the second RX coil, no
corona leakage, just "charges"). Notice that there are some ferrites at the top of
the TX coil which increase the output power by a good 25% without apparently
increasing the input current:
If we examine the 3 phase 100KW setup, the return line is the common return
path, and I'm sure it's reference is also connected to ground. It's a large reference
"tank". If you don't "grip" onto this reference well enough, you will be "lifting" it
and the output power will drastically decrease because you don't have something
steady to "pump" the charges against, hence the thick ground wire well connected
to a good ground. Maybe Tariel says a ground is not (necessarily) needed for the
device to work because for ex. get a 2 phase device, connect their "common"
reference and get their outputs in opposing phase, then you have two potential
references without needing ground, though this is dangerous as they are floating
and you know what this means for everyday appliances.
If you take the Tesla wireless power transfer example, imagine this happening in
one coil setup (I am aware of the resonance problem this would create, but let's
say it is resolved). You still need ground as reference for the output. Most important
is the understanding of the TC operation and output current and the field it creates
which in my opinion reveals a lot on the operation of TK's devices. All this relates to
Tesla's description of the "sink" effect, or creating a high energy area and a lower
one to let the environment do the rest (see Linde's air liquefier and similar
systems), but while doing this we convert one form of energy into another, which is
more efficient, thus the balance is positive and we can extract what we need until
we kill the "sink" effect. The TC coil creates a strong field but not electromagetic.
Anything in this field is a potential receiver and if it is tuned correctly we can
reconvert these "rapidly varying electrostatic charges" into electromagnetic as is
shown in the experiment, and power a load. The balance here is not yet leveraging
the efficient energy conversion mechanism as there is one thing yet misunderstood,
a key.

Of course, all this is based on my understanding of the device.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: dllabarre on 2011-03-08, 04:35:36
Never mind... I got my answer.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: ramset on 2011-03-08, 15:20:21
Well fellows
I know there are a lot of Raw nerves around about this Gentleman!
The Buzz Quote:
People have to learn the process step by step and the first step is the molecular
polarization process just as Meyer stated.
-----------------------------After posting the Above last night
The thread was locked.

A pm to me follows.................[several Relevant but nasty comments were for

mature audiances only, omitted]
Too funny. I read your comments at OUR today and see you have been reposting
my posts there. I about fell out of my chair laughing about the OU van gogh
Nope, I don't have syphilis, I am over 50 years old and not a bit over weight. I
drink 3 pots of coffe a day, smoke a pack a day and my hands were probably
swollen from winding copper tubing. I just figured out they make thin walled tubing
which is easier to bend. You find that in a different part of home depot - over by the
brass fittings. It's called an icemaker install kit. 20 feet - 20 buck and comes with a

few fittings.
The moment I started posting the gas and how to make it used in the tubing, Pirate
banned me and deleted the posts. Even when I tried under a different username to
post the info., it was deleted.

The methods and ways to build this device are ENDLESS!

Lee deforest invented the vacuum tube. He placed hydrogen in the tube and it self
ran and self destroyed. Decades later they invented the pentode tube. Again the
tube would self oscillate and self destruct. So they de-tuned it.
It is sometimes called multipacitor effect.
Utkin describes it well in his documents but leaves out the gas portion. The reverse
wind mimics the two waves that make a particle which I have written about
The gas is simple to make and I suspect there are several that will work.
Exothenilist (mis-spelled) made a post in 2008 where his girlfriend translated a
video of kapanadze. Kapanadze talked about how it made everything around the
device give off electricity, that is true.
For example - If I connect a neon to a earth ground and touch the other end to the
coil, it will not light. BUT, if my wife holds one wire and I hold the other wire, it
lights to full bright 4 feet away. If we hold hands with our other free hands, the
light is cut in half.
I could explain all kinds of weird things about this thing that make no sense at all
until you realize it is an energy sump just like Tesla stated. No meter could
measure it but I found a way to make a meter to measure it using a cheap analog
and some parts.
You saw how in the green box video when they tried to measure from the light bulb
the meter just bounced around? Yep - same thing. Nothing electronic is going to
run near that coil. If he did get an amp reading off the ground plane in that video, I
would be amazed. No wonder that is the biggest wire in the system X10. So you are
basically unable to use scopes and meters when working with it. Did you ever see a
scope or meter in a lkapanadze video? Nope - useless.

Eric Dollard stated it is "dielectric electricity". That is not true but you can not use it
without a dielectric between you and the coil from what I have figured out so far. It
is by far, the strangest thing I have ever played with.
I suspect there is another step to convert it into a current source. I have not
figured that out yet. Absolutely nothing about this electric field makes sense. I
suspect when I get the correct gas made, it will be a better current source.
I have proven that different gases at different pressures changes everything about
how it works.
The buzz bomb was so far the single best disclosure regarding this device.
The large copper coil on the end is just a kicker used to start it and is unimportant.
The inverter box that kapanadze plugged into it to start it drove that and charged a
cap inside the green box. pirate claims it is a heater coil. Ha!
Feel free to post that at OUR since I know you probably would anyway. My best to
Grump - I miss ya man.
Busy experimenting with this super strange field for now. I'll be bach.

People have to learn the process step by step

--------------------------PS I'm quite sure "theBuzz" has been deleted at OU
so no more PM's To me!

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-03-08, 17:00:01
If he misses me so much, why did he get me banned several times?
Funny thing is that we have been saying similar operating principles.
I disagree that is can not be measured.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: iceweller on 2011-03-08, 17:44:55
The voltage could not be measured because the output was not a clean sinus
output at 50Hz - this has been said and said again. I cannot measure the output of
my second coil because it's resonating at 180KHz but I can power a resistive load
fine as you can see. You would need to rectify the output with schottky diodes then
measure it in DC to avoid measuring mistakes.
The clamp ammeter works (though not stable) in the video because the HF output
is pulsed at 50 Hz so the ammeter acts as a low pass filter ignoring the HF, nothing
mysterious about it. This is also why he could place a step down transformer, with
the relevant filters (in the box) to get 12V, rectify them and close the loop.
The conversion system is a HF system (not VHF nor UHF, just HF) working in the
KHz range. This is why there is an inverter and why it is fed by DC and why the GB
input is AC, because that's where he started.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: dllabarre on 2011-03-08, 20:56:44
This explains why he hasn't responded to my PMs
I thought he was just changed to read-only and not banned.
Now I'm starting to believe he was banned because of the information he posted as
opposed to his behavior.
I found many, many videos and schematic links removed in energeticforum and
youtube when I was searching over the weekend.
Even old Stan Meyers videos being deleted.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-03-08, 21:10:18
How does a Tesla Reciever convert it to usable current?

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: tak22 on 2011-03-08, 21:24:14 (
Go to link, click Print icon, then Download and Print
In this era of energy shortages we have all daydreamed about owning a device which would
take the energy that we have and multiply it. Imagine how happy we would be if you could
simply plug in a device which would double your electricity. Numerous researchers, writers
and inventors have sought to do just that.
But scientists have cautioned that the law of conservation of energy dictates that energy is
never created nor destroyed, only converted from one form to another. None of these
schemes, they say, would ever work. They are just perpetual motion machines.
The purpose of this book is to discuss advances in electronics and materials science which
have made things possible which were not contemplated when the laws of Thermodynamics
were postulated decades ago.
Secondary electron emission is a well-known process. It is that effect which causes
additional electrons to be emitted when a substance is bombarded by a stream of electrons.
This secondary emission effect was discovered a century ago, and it has found application in
a variety of devices which are in use today.
Advances in electronics and the development of new materials have revealed new methods
and substances which make this secondary electron emission even more effective. In fact,
today the impossible is possibleone electron at a time.
If a beam of electrons is aimed at a target electrode coated with a given substance then
electrons are emitted from that target. The number of electrons emitted from the target
which has been bombarded is compared to the number of primary electrons in the original
electron beam. The electrons emitted after bombardment by primary electrons are called
secondary electrons.

The materials propensity to emit electrons after bombardment is called the secondary
electron emission coefficient. That is expressed as the number of secondary electrons
divided by the number of primary electrons.
A secondary electron coefficient of less than 1 means that the substance does not emit as
many electrons as it is bombarded with. A coefficient of greater than 1.0 means that the
substance emits more secondary electrons than bombarded it
We are interested in this book in those materials which exhibit a high coefficient of
secondary electron emission. The goal is to perfect a device which will emit more electrons
than you started out with. Some devices have been invented to minimize or eliminate
secondary electron emission, but those are not within the scope of this book.
Years of testing and research have resulted in well-known coefficients of secondary electron
emission for scores of materials. Research first focused upon basic substances such as
copper, steel, silver, gold and other metals. Then more exotic combinations and alloys were
tested, such as oxides and alkalai metal combinations. Some metals and some combination
coatings worked much better than others.
In recent years miniaturization and nanotechnology as well as chemical vapor deposition of
thin films have come up with even more effective secondary electron multipliers.
In fact todays plasma televisions and LED lights are examples of such substances and
A reference to various charts is now possible to determine at a glance exactly what the
secondary electron emission coefficient is for these materials.
But the devil is still in the details.
Two variables are of importance as to the materials. One variable is the angle at which the
primary electrons impact the target. In general it has been found that a better result is
obtained when the primary electrons graze the target material at an angle rather than
hitting straight-on. But the physics of the secondary emission process and the atomic and
molecular structure of the target materials mean that the optimum angle is different for
different materials. The second main variable is the voltage of the beam of primary
electrons. Some substances max out their secondary emission coefficient at very low
voltages and some materials reach their highest secondary emission only at much higher
voltages. This is believed to be due to the depth to which the primary electrons impinges
the material and the amount of tunneling into the substance.
Therefore care must be be paid to the research of the variables in the individual research
papers and patents and there is no magical formula which will work for all materials. The
configuration of the device used in the secondary emission process will need to vary to meet
the characteristics of the target material.

Once the primary electrons have impacted the target material and secondary electrons are
released, then the secondary electrons do not form a focused beam. Instead they tend to
just sit there in a cloud of electrons. Meanwhile the primary electrons will usually bounce off
the target at an angle equal to the angle with which they make incidence to the target. This
means that the kinetic energy of the primary electrons is greater than that of the secondary
electrons after impact. In other words the secondary electrons are indeed a larger number
of electronsbut they are of low voltage.
However numerous methods exist to increase the voltage or kinetic energy of the secondary
One process which is common in devices which employ secondary electron emission is that
of multiple impacts upon this emissive target material. The great inventor, Philo Farnsworth,
was the first to devise methods to facilitate these multiple impacts upon emissive materials.
He called his devices multipactors because of the multiple impacts they made with
secondary electron emissive material. Thus, if a target electrode had a
secondary electron emission coefficient of 2 then the number of primary electrons would
double when they hit the target electrode. If there were two successive impacts then the
primary electrons would double, and then that total would double againor be four times
the original primary electrons put into the device.
If the primary electrons were somehow sent through a series of 8 target electrodes then the
multiplication factor would become astronomical, and each of the impacts would result in an
exponential increase of electrons based upon the coefficient of secondary electron emission
from that material.
So various devices were designed and perfected to make the primary electrons impact
numerous electrodes one after another. One branch of these devices is employed by
photomultiplier tubes. Many of these devices are capable of multiplying the primary
electrons one hundred million times. Thus minute electric currents can be sensed and
multiplied so that they can register on scientific equipment. But numerous other
configurations and devices are in use today.
One method is to bounce the electrons off of two opposing electrodes over and over again,
like a game of ping pong. Another configuration would be to have the electrons strike
electrodes arranged inside a circular tube so that they impact coated electrodes over and
over again. A third method is that of forming a cascade of specially-coated electrodes and
having the primary electrons bounce off off each successive electrode until they all come
out the end.
Another genre of devices are called channel devices. In these designs the primary
electrons are sent down a waveguide or tunnel of some sort and the entire length of the
device is coated with the emissive materials. The electrons keep bouncing off the walls of
these guides until they reach the end and the repeated impacts result in a high
multiplication of the primary electrons.

One of the axioms of electricity is that current will not conduct very well when exposed to
the atmosphere because the gas acts as an insulator. Therefore most secondary electron
emission devices were made in the form of vacuum tubes. The electricity goes through the
vacuum without loss and then the impacts upon emissive material have the desired result.
However secondary emission and multipactors have been made into semiconductors and
chips. These use the process of avalanche multiplication in many instances, where the
electrons hit the emissive substance and are then multiplied and pass through a solid state
stack of materials. Sometimes the semiconductors include a tiny vacuum space and they act
in the same way as a vacuum tube.
However there is a snag or two for the use of secondary emission in chips. The first problem
is space charge. That is the effect of completely filling up a given space with electrons.
One you saturate the evacuated space with space charge then an equilibrium state is
achieved and the primary electrons will no longer multiply as desired. As you might guess,
the greater the area the more electrons will fit into the space before the space charge
saturates the area. The space charge, then, has been found to diminish as to the 4/3 power
of the area of the evacuated space. This means that, for instance, if you triple the size of
vacuum space then that would result in 3x 4/3 power= 12/3 power (or the 4th power).
Then a tripling of space would end up in shrinking the space charge by the 4th power. The
bottom line is that bigger is better.
The second drawback to micro multipactors is that the vacuums must be higher than in
vacuum tubes, and this is hard to achieve. Also many devices use sharp points as electrodes
because more electrodes will emit from sharp points than from blunt shapes. In the micro
world though the sharpness of the sharp point has to be correspondingly sharper. The finer
the point on the electrode the harder it is to fabricate and fit into the layered semiconductor
What this book hopes to achieve is not the simple multiplication of electrons to provide light
or brightness but to generate electricity on a larger scale. The aim is not to build a
generator station for thousands of people but to scale the multipactor devices to work with
individual appliances and vehicles. Thus the size and rated capacities of the components in
the proposed multipactors must be designed to be in the range of home current up to the
amount of voltage and current required to power an electric car.
At this point the discussion of secondary electron emission must include some of the math
and physics. Dont let your eyes glaze over. Everybody knows a little bit about electricity
and it is pretty simple. But there is a hazy horizon on the amount of knowledge of the basics
of electricity. The terms are VOLTAGE, AMPERAGE and
POWER. The easy rule of thumb is that VOLTAGE x AMPS = POWER.
You need to throw in the RESISTANCE into this formulabut for now we will stick with

OKso we will calculate one AMP. An Ampere involves the amount of charge, which is
calculated in terms of a COULOMB. A Coulomb is -6.24151 1018 electrons. So the process
of secondary electron emission results in a lot of electrons. The secondary electrons are not
moving very much after they are multiplied. So they have low voltagebut they DO have
AMPERAGE because of the presence of lots of electrons.
The purpose of this analysis is to point out that we have low volts and high amps from
secondary emission. When you remember volts x amps = power then you can see that we
have to have just a high enough voltage to meet the requirements of modern electrical
There are numerous well-known devices which can act as VOLTAGE MULTIPLIERS. These
devices will increase the voltage, but only at the expense of a proportional decrease in the
The end product of these multipactors can be made usable, therefore, by running these high
amperage currents through a voltage multiplier. You just fine-tune the voltage multiplier to
give the right mix of volts and amps.
In short, secondary electron emission creates NEW electrons. We put the new electrons to
use by stepping up the voltage to required levels.
In this way the laws of conservation of energy are negotiated. The multipactor creates new
electrons and THEN the energy is converted from one form into another. But there is indeed
a creation of new electrons in multipactors.
I will leave it to the scientists and inventors in their respective papers and patents to
describe the manner in which the secondary electrons are created and how the multipactor
devices are designed.
The point of my analysis is simply that the multipactors will create new electrons and the
new electrons can be made usable through voltage multipliers.
One of these voltage multipliers is a Cockroft-Walton circuit. Modern electronics has
manufactured numerous cheap transistor devices that you could get at Radio Shack or
electric supply houses. A Cockroft-Walton circuit is simply a ladder of diodes and capacitors
(pennies apiece) which double the voltage at each step of the ladder. So a multi-step ladder
creates a multiple doubling of the original voltage. Some of the older designs apply a stepup transformer to do the same thing.
So we see that there is a problem with voltage in secondary electron emission. The
inventors have figured out a method to use voltage to their advantage in the multipactor
devices. They apply the rule that opposite charges attract. This accelerates the cloud of
secondary electrons so that they will impact the next target with its emissive coating. The
electron is a negative charge. So the inventors manipulate the sluggish cloud of negative
charge by providing a positive electrode to put it into motion.

Some designs will make the next electrode one with a positive charge, so when the primary
electrons strike the first target and are multiplied then the cloud of secondary electrons is
accelerated right up to the second electrode coated with emissive materials. hen they make
a long chain or cascade of these target electrodes then they give each of them a
successively higher positive charge so that the ever-increasing cloud of secondary electrons
is accelerated one step at a time in the desired direction.
Other designs use an electrode which is positioned between the first impact target and the
second and they give that intermediate electrode a positive charge to accelerate the cloud
of secondary electrons in the desired direction. This intermediate electrode might be in the
form of a screen or grid or a tube. The positive charge, in every instance, attracts the
opposite charge on the electrons and they are suddenly accelerated through the holes in
these intermediate electrodes and then the electrons continue with their increased voltage
until they impact the coated electrode. This step may be repeated again and again.
The positive charge on these attracting electrodes is often provided by using CockroftWalton circuits. So either a single or a multi-step CW circuit may be used to multiply an
initial small current to give a charge bias of increasing strength to a series of attracting
electrodes. Oftentimes the CW circuit contains taps which tap the current at a certain step
in that multiplying step ladder. The step would then have one voltage level to apply to the
attracting electrode, and then the next step would have a higher voltage which could be
tapped at that level and applied to the next attracting electrode, and so on.
Going back the purpose of this analysis again: we are trying to get as many electrons as
possible out of the multipactor. So the gameplan is to select the coating material for
electrodes which has the highest secondary electron emission coefficient. Then the voltage
at which the primary electrons must be accelerated to achieve the optimal secondary
emission must be applied. The spatial requirements are important too because we want the
right angle and the right depth for the impact zone. So we get the highest electron
multiplication at each step. Then we take that level of electron multiplication and
exponentially multiply it by the number of impacts in the multipactor device.
Some devices, as aforestated, simply bounce the electrons back and forth between two
opposed electrodes. In these designs the electrons are moving at the speed of light, so they
hit the opposite electrode in a known length of time. Then they bounce back to the original
electrode. The desired effect is to have but one cloud of secondary electrons bouncing back
and forth, and not a lot of different clouds. Therefore the two electrodes are given opposite
charges, positive and negative, and these charges are sequentially reversed so that the
electron cloud always moves away from the first electrode after they have been multiplied
and then toward the target electrode for more multiplication. Since we know the distance
between the two electrodes and because the speed of light is known, then we can determine
the FREQUENCY at which the electric charge is reversed on these electrodes. So, take the
speed of light and divide it by the distance between the electrodes. Say, 186,000 miles per
second divided by 6 inches.

The resulting frequency is in the range of billions of cycles per second. There are modern
oscillator chips which cost pennies which can do that.
The point here is that we take the secondary electron coefficient, and lets say that this is 2
for the sake of argument. Then we apply the frequency of the impacts on these emissive
electrodesand that is perhaps one billion times per second. In this example we would then
obtain 2 to the one billionth power!
Are you beginning to get the picture?
If we make the device the right size so that the space charge does not saturate the vacuum
then we can generate sufficient electrons so that we can step up the voltage and step down
the amperes to achieve the desired power characteristics for our electric appliance or motor.
For the purposes of our last example we have a secondary emission coefficient of 2, or a
doubling of the primary electrons at each impact with the electrode with the emissive
coating. But what if the secondary emission coefficient were 10or 100or even 1000? Just
apply the math and you can see the possibilities of these multipactors.
Attached to this anthology is one of the latest research papers from Korea where scientists
have obtained a new record for the secondary emission coefficient: 22,000!
Thus reason dictates that the proper coating must be selected for the electrodes. Then the
rest of the components must be selected and positioned so that the size, frequency and
angle of impact are optimal.
I think I heard somebody say, Hey, Einsteinit still has to be hooked up to electricity to
start up and to power the attracting electrodes. What about that?
The answer lies in the principle of feedback and self-oscillation. We know that many
oscillators are known to exhibit the characteristic of self-oscillation. Once you get them
going then they tend to keep on oscillating on their own. This process works in multipactoroscillators. It just takes a little electricity to get them started and then the
internal processes take over and they self-oscillate, producing electrons without the input of
outside electricity.
Many electronic devices apply the principle of feedback, especially in audio devices. We can
remember Jimi Hendrix hitting a note on his guitar and then holding the guitar in front of his
amplifier. The amps sound creates a feedback loop with the guitar and a sound is created
which is self-sustaining without the additional input of playing another note. Numerous
transistors work with feedback loops to take the electrical output of the device and split that
output and send part of it back to the original input where it is again amplified. So the
coupling of the output to the input wires is what is required. So using either feedback or
self-oscillation or both a multipactor device can be fabricated so that it will have selfsustaining output of electrons.

That still leaves us the positive bias charge that is placed upon the attracting electrodes to
accelerate those sluggish clouds of secondary electrons.
Again, we simply split the output signal and loop part of it back to the accelerating
electrodes, and this is the positive charge remember. So the negative charge goes back to
feedback the input and the other loop goes to the voltage multiplier. A Cockroft-Walton
multiplier can be either positive or negative in chargeyou simply reverse the connection
between the diodes and capacitors and it multiplies the positive charge.
Therefore, we could use batteries to start up the multipactor and then apply common
electronics components and devices to split the output and loop it back to the input and bias
the positive electrodes. Then the battery can be shut off, and even recharged while the
multipactor runs on self-sustaining current.
That guy who used Einsteins name like a dirty word again wants to voice his opinion, Hey,
genius, this stuff is a bunch of hooey! How do we know this would work?
How do we know?
Because of TELEVISION.
These multipactor devices were invented by Philo Farnsworth when he invented television.
Just one glance at this super-egghead fellow should give you the answer. This guy was a
super-brain and he just NEEDED to have special vacuum tubes to strengthen the broadcast
signal of television from remote locations to make the picture tubes bright enough to see
so he simply invented multipactors to multiply that weak input signal.
If these multipactors work then why didnt Farnsworth take over the whole world?
The reason is related to the laws of business and not the laws of physics. Philo Farnsworth
saw the value of television and his multipactors but he had an independent streak which
caused him to form his own Farnsworth Television company with which he intended to put
RCA and GE out of business. Instead they put Farnsworth out of business by using
monopoly tactics. But Philo Farnsworth applied his principles based upon secondary electron
emission to the point that he invented a nuclear fusion reactor before he was through.
The heyday of vacuum tubes was filled with imitators of every sort. There is even an
International Patent classification which contains only Farnsworth Tubes.
Since Farnsworths day the vacuum tube was supplanted by the Japanese transistor and
then the Silicon Valley semiconductor chip. Nobody makes vacuum tubes anymore and the
vacuum tube multipactor concepts have been lost in the world of microelectronics.
But even today secondary electron emission is applied in the plasma television sets where
scores of little holes and dots are brightened by electron multiplication. Other areas such as
scintillation counters and electron detectors and night vision goggles use the process, often
in the solid-state configuration. There exists an offshoot applying vacuum tubes the sector
called PHOTONICS which use vacuum tubes to multiply light into electronic signals.
As stated above, there are several basic methods of achieving multiple impacts of electrons.

These graphs and excerpts were developed over a period of time. The more ancient the
research the lower the coefficients. As newer and newer materials were invented and tested
there is a general trend toward higher and higher coefficients. I would respectfully call your
attention to the source material in the following sections for detailed analyis of the
methodology and results of individual studies and devices with various emissive materials.
Attention should be paid to the voltage required to obtain a certain coefficient of secondary
electron multiplication. The graphs are not in parallel so they are slightly different pictures.
But they should give a general idea of how much electron multiplication could be obtained
by a particular substance.
The following chapters will discuss individual studies and patents. Some of these resource
documents contain excellent discussion of historical development of the secondary electron
emission devices. It is of note that secondary electron emission was first discovered about a
century ago, and the first patent for a vacuum tube as applied for in 1919.
The discussion also includes mention of work factor as an indicator of secondary emission
coefficient. The lower the work factor the higher the coefficient.
Another area of interest is that of negative electron affinity as an explanation for
secondary electron emission. In short, the term affinity implies that a particular substance
either likes or rejects electrons. The materials with negative electron affinity then are
predisposed to not like negatively-charged particles and thus reject them when bombarded.
Treatises on vacuum tubes have been consulted and quoted in pertinent part. Patents are
inserted to this anthology to examine their significance at particular points in time. Various
studies on the individual materials exhibiting secondary emission.
Finally, I include several of my own designs for multipactor devices to power electrical
appliances and motors.


Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: iceweller on 2011-03-08, 21:35:13
Grumpy: How does a Tesla Reciever convert it to usable current?

That's EXACTLY what you should ask yourself, because I have noticed that most

people do not know what a proper tuned TC emits. From electromagnetic to rapidly
varying electrostatic pulses and back again. But the field is not created by any
corona leakge or by the sparks, this is just a manifestation of the effect, a waste of
power. It's the intense field created by the 1/4 wave resonance tied to ground of
the secondary, and, it can be reversed as Tesla said. However, in this process it is
possible to capture and convert some external source, which is similar in nature
and also what makes it so deceptive.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-03-08, 21:55:05
Quote from: iceweller on 2011-03-08, 21:35:13
That's EXACTLY what you should ask yourself, because I have noticed that most people do
not know what a proper tuned TC emits. From electromagnetic to rapidly varying
electrostatic pulses and back again. But the field is not created by any corona leakge or by
the sparks, this is just a manifestation of the effect, a waste of power. It's the intense field
created by the 1/4 wave resonance tied to ground of the secondary, and, it can be reversed
as Tesla said. However, in this process it is possible to capture and convert some external
source, which is similar in nature and also what makes it so deceptive.

Well, it looks like Tesla creates a potential difference across the primary of the
reciever and this induces current into the secondary which has the load.
Kapanadze's green box device appears to produce a potential difference between
opposite ends of the load circuit.
As a side note: anyone ever hear of "soft gamma rays"?

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: iceweller on 2011-03-09, 00:17:53
Quote from: Grumpy on 2011-03-08, 21:55:05
Well, it looks like Tesla creates a potential difference across the primary of the reciever and
this induces current into the secondary which has the load.
Kapanadze's green box device appears to produce a potential difference between opposite

ends of the load circuit.

As a side note: anyone ever hear of "soft gamma rays"?

The Tesla wireless system consists of a transimtter coil (primary + secondary) and
a matched resonating receiver coil (Apparatus and System of transmission of
electrical energy, patents 649,621 and 645,576). The following patents (method
and system of signaling) with twin TX and RX uses an identical concept but merely
introduces selectivity using coil pairs with variants.
Kapanadze is exciting the secondary using a 5 turn primary, with no more than 35KV judging by the spark gap. What should be investigated is what effect does a
primary coil containing a dielectric have on the field as it is not a low voltage.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2011-03-09, 00:47:10
All of the Tesla coils I have seen usually are built with magnet wire or similar.
Even Tesla, on his London coil, used something like 26 gauge wire. On the TK
devices he appears to be using 14 or 16 gauge wire with good insulation. How does
the Green box unit qualify as a Tesla coil?. Also if the plexi-glass video came out
first would we be calling this a Tesla coil? This unit has no copper tube coil it looks
nothing like a Tesla device.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: dllabarre on 2011-03-09, 01:57:34
Quote from: Core on 2011-03-09, 00:47:10

All of the Tesla coils I have seen usually are built with magnet wire or similar. Even Tesla,
on his London coil, used something like 26 gauge wire. On the TK devices he appears to be
using 14 or 16 gauge wire with good insulation. How does the Green box unit qualify as a
Tesla coil?. Also if the plexi-glass video came out first would we be calling this a Tesla coil?
This unit has no copper tube coil it looks nothing like a Tesla device.

I look at Kapanadze GB device as having a Tesla Transformer (similar to coils in

cars) not a Tesla Coil.
Just my observation.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: iceweller on 2011-03-09, 02:04:50
let me clarify: I never said the TK GB coil was a proper Tesla coil. However, I said
that the Oliver Nichelson document, which was handed to TK by the fat guy and
which he said contained the key was the relevant part (which I translated and
posted on youtube for everyone).
I spoke about TX and RX coils referring to Tesla's patents as in these patents is
mentioned some important aspects of the concept (please read them) and the rest
is in the documents referred to by Oliver Nichelson (and in "The problem of
increasing human energy").
In the GB, TK uses as HV source probably a MOT or NST as I mentioned before,
obviously not a TC. In the Turkish setup, TCs are used as HV source for the field
effect and are much more effective.
Let me try to point out the differences, again based on my view:
In the GB the spark gap is tuned so that it discharges at every peak according to
the 50Hz phase input (similar to a simple TC primary SG). Every discharge is fed
through that "thick" primary which is an isolated primary with thick dielectric and

shield. Again, the point here is the field effect, not the EM induction.
In the Turkish video, the TCs create the HV HF and rapidly varying field and
discharge to the point which leads beside the RX coil to that small box which is
supported by a thin tube. The core top is more visible though still masked and you
can clearly see the lower part of the coil which reaches 1/3 of the core from the
bottom on all the RX coils. The setup is slightly different due to the use of high
power TCs.
This I believe is one of the reasons why TK used a primary coil wrapped in a thick
dielectric. Again, it is the field contained within the dielectric (the strain) that is
important which is comparable to what a tuned TC does in it's field (air is a
dielectric and is inside and outside the core...). Of course there remains the
question of the contents of the core.
All I can say is that when ran my experiment, some ferrite at the end of the core
increased the transfer and did not interfere much with the TC operation apart from
slightly reducing it's resonating frequency which is understandible. I repeat, only at
the end of the core, where there is just field. Any conductor fed through any of the
ferrite toroids inside the core would violently discharge.
So can some ferrite be at the end of that core? It can be possible. In the
dismounted coil video the core apparently is pushed more to one end (where the
red output wire is), if anyone noticed and on the other side it "slipped in", probably
when TK removed it from the white support. There appear to be rings but it's hard
to tell, it may be another material. What is certain is that there is something else in
that core where the "extraction" from the environment occurs.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2011-03-09, 02:17:08
Quote from: dllabarre on 2011-03-09, 01:57:34
I look at Kapanadze GB device as having a Tesla Transformer (similar to coils in cars) not a
Tesla Coil.
Just my observation.

One thing we should keep in the back of our minds is that TK is a architect by
trade. There main job is to create a 'focal point' in there designs. Everybody see's
that copper coil on the green box and thinks Tesla. TK affirms this by using Tesla's
name. Maybe that copper tube is just a wire chase that also makes a great focal
point in the design.
The 100kw unit, why is the wire coiled on the inside of the large tube? What is the
benefit of this? On this unit we can not see a primary on the towers but we assume
that they are Tesla coils.
Just some thoughts.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2011-03-09, 02:38:49
It's my understanding that the 100kw unit can be operated with a wire in place of
where the 12" spark is. This I heard on the site. The spark was used
as just a verification that the unit is working. Has anyone else heard this?

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-03-09, 03:58:14
Go back and look at what Feynman said about using a dielectric and lighting a neon
with two people holding it.
High energy particles such as Beta particles, and rays (photons) are attenuated

(absorbed) by certain materials, such as acrylic. This will give you a potential
difference between the opposite sides of the material if you have a conductor on
each side. Moving particles produce a magnetic field - move them very fast and
you get a very strong field. Access virtual particles with an electric field and then
rotate them like a super magnet.
Tesla's Radiant Energy Patents outline the basics for collection and some means of
production. I think Tesla discovered later that his coils were producing high energy

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: iceweller on 2011-03-09, 11:15:48
Quote from: Core on 2011-03-09, 02:38:49
It's my understanding that the 100kw unit can be operated with a wire in place of where
the 12" spark is. This I heard on the site. The spark was used as just a
verification that the unit is working. Has anyone else heard this?

Yes, this has been discussed about I believe on matrix and realstrannik forums.
The arc is itself a conductor once established but it acts also as a spark gap to let
the coils oscillate freely and reach the desired breakdown tension, so it is easier to
tune. TK mentioned the production of "sparkless" fully electronic devices, so it is

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: giantkiller on 2011-03-09, 19:02:52
In regards to the the copper pipe aside the shelf in the story:
What if is went hyperthermal? If it glowed red hot it could warp and any
surrounding weak materials would scorch or melt.
The mentioning of electrical equipment did not mention plastic cases.

The mentioning of copper pipe from below ground to roof top creates an antenna
for potential.
The conductor embedded into concrete is a grounding rod into crystalline lattice
The mentioning of high water table is very similar to the Cheops pyramid ground
water table design.
The Coral castle has these items. There used to be a copper cable running along the
tops of the walls.
From the rocker Ed could see down into the well as the water level changed. The
castle is made from a tight crystalline lattice product and it resonates.
The generator sits on a steel and iron mount into the ground.
There a a number of similarities here.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2011-03-10, 02:33:06
Quote from: giantkiller on 2011-03-09, 19:02:52
In regards to the the copper pipe aside the shelf in the story:
What if is went hyperthermal? If it glowed red hot it could warp and any surrounding weak
materials would scorch or melt.
The mentioning of electrical equipment did not mention plastic cases.
The mentioning of copper pipe from below ground to roof top creates an antenna for
The conductor embedded into concrete is a grounding rod into crystalline lattice material.
The mentioning of high water table is very similar to the Cheops pyramid ground water
table design.
The Coral castle has these items. There used to be a copper cable running along the tops of
the walls.
From the rocker Ed could see down into the well as the water level changed. The castle is
made from a tight crystalline lattice product and it resonates.
The generator sits on a steel and iron mount into the ground.
There a a number of similarities here.

I don't think the copper went Hyperthermal, the soft solder joints would of melted if
it got red hot. I walked in and out of the room many times when the power was off
with only a small flashlight. I did not see anything glowing nor did I see a 'spark'
coming off the copper line. The bend in the copper pipe was 'kid' made.
I have been thinking about this for a few days. Not one piece of electronic
equipment was damaged nor was the digital boiler control. All these components
are well grounded back to the panel. The metal shelf is not grounded. The concrete
floor has gravel plus a vapor barrier. The only thing I can think of is that the metal
shelf became one plate of a huge capacitor. Concrete, gravel and vapor barrier
became the dielectric and the earth the other capacitor plate. The high voltage line
was pounding on the blacktop. I am not sure if blacktop is conductive in any way. If
its not then we have large impulses banging into a capacitor connected to earth. On
the return side we just have another capacitor with one side to ground and the
other side open to the air.
I don't know, I am trying to put a high power discharge circuit together to create
this on a small scale.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-03-10, 04:01:21
a moving charge creates a magnetic field
a changing magnetic field induces current (eddy currents)

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2011-03-10, 13:19:45
Quote from: Grumpy on 2011-03-10, 04:01:21
a moving charge creates a magnetic field

a changing magnetic field induces current (eddy currents)

Grumpy where are you going with this? I would add, and I may be wrong with this,
that a moving charge creates a magnetic field only in a metal conductor.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-03-10, 15:57:30
Quote from: Core on 2011-03-10, 13:19:45
Grumpy where are you going with this? I would add, and I may be wrong with this, that a
moving charge creates a magnetic field only in a metal conductor.

Experiments performed by Rowland, Roentgen, and Wilson established that moving

"virtual charges" produce a magnetic field, and induce a current the same as real
charges. An important difference is that "virtual charges" do not have "mass" to
contend with.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: exnihiloest on 2011-03-11, 12:23:14
Quote from: Core on 2011-03-10, 13:19:45
I would add, and I may be wrong with this, that a moving charge creates a magnetic field
only in a metal conductor.

A moving charge always creates a magnetic field, it doesn't depend on where it is

moving. It may be a metal, a semi-conductor, an insulator (displacement current),
the vacuum or whatever else. For example, charges of electronic beams as in a CRT
generate a magnetic field, and inversely by action/reaction, can be deviated by
magnetic fields.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: exnihiloest on 2011-03-11, 12:36:43
Quote from: Grumpy on 2011-03-10, 15:57:30
Experiments performed by Rowland, Roentgen, and Wilson established that moving "virtual
charges" produce a magnetic field, and induce a current the same as real charges.

It's right but what do you exactly mean by "virtual charges"? Is it for example a
moving "hole" in a negative bath of electrons? Such a case is effectively not
distinguishable from a moving positive charge.
An important difference is that "virtual charges" do not have "mass" to contend with.

They don't have mass, but we see in the above case that "virtual charges" can be a
lack of real charges of opposite sign. More generally they can appear due to any
rearrangment in space of a pattern of real charges, but these real charges have
mass that must be accounted. So there are indirectly physical constraints on the
"virtual charges" as well as on the real charges.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: dllabarre on 2011-03-13, 04:16:01
Question withdrawn.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: exnihiloest on 2011-03-16, 16:10:32

Quote from: Grumpy on 2010-11-24, 15:47:45
this is further indication of a capacitive collector sans EM induction

Interesting scenario. I agree 100% with the description.
Now where the energy comes from?
When the negative rod is approaching, it is attracted by the positive charges of the
sphere according to the Coulomb law. There is a mechanical work provided by the
If the sphere was not connected to the ground, and you move back away the rod,
you would have to exert a force to separate the negative charges of the rod from
the positive charge of the sphere, providing the same work against the Coulomb
force, that you gained in the previous step.
Now, when the rod was near the sphere, the sphere has been connected to the
ground, so that some negative charges flowed to the ground, providing current and
Then, after being disconnected, the sphere remains more positively charged than
before. Therefore if you want to remove the rod, the Coulomb force that attracts
the rod toward the sphere will be stronger, and you will have to expend more
energy than before.
We could do the math by replacing the rod by a sphere which is of simpler
geometry than a cylinder, but we guess that the extra mechanical energy for
moving away the rod from the more positively charged sphere, will exactly match
the electrical energy that we gained with the current from the sphere to the ground
(if no losses).
If the negative charges are not carried by the rod, but provided by a generator, the
problem is exactly the same, the generator would have to provide the same amount
of electrical energy as the mechanical energy provided by the rod. So this can not
explain OU in Kapanadze's device.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-03-16, 16:40:59
Quote from: exnihiloest on 2011-03-16, 16:10:32
Interesting scenario. I agree 100% with the description.
Now where the energy comes from?
When the negative rod is approaching, it is attracted by the positive charges of the sphere
according to the Coulomb law. There is a mechanical work provided by the system.
If the sphere was not connected to the ground, and you move back away the rod, you
would have to exert a force to separate the negative charges of the rod from the positive
charge of the sphere, providing the same work against the Coulomb force, that you gained
in the previous step.
Now, when the rod was near the sphere, the sphere has been connected to the ground, so
that some negative charges flowed to the ground, providing current and energy.
Then, after being disconnected, the sphere remains more positively charged than before.
Therefore if you want to remove the rod, the Coulomb force that attracts the rod toward the
sphere will be stronger, and you will have to expend more energy than before.
We could do the math by replacing the rod by a sphere which is of simpler geometry than a
cylinder, but we guess that the extra mechanical energy for moving away the rod from the
more positively charged sphere, will exactly match the electrical energy that we gained with
the current from the sphere to the ground (if no losses).
If the negative charges are not carried by the rod, but provided by a generator, the problem
is exactly the same, the generator would have to provide the same amount of electrical
energy as the mechanical energy provided by the rod. So this can not explain OU in
Kapanadze's device.

True. Electrostatic Induction cannot explain the Kapandze Device.

Perhaps the "energy" in the Kapanadze Device is "created". We are taught that
creation of energy is impossible, and also that bumblebees cannot fly.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: MileHigh on 2011-03-16, 19:13:06

Quote from: Grumpy on 2011-03-16, 16:40:59
True. Electrostatic Induction cannot explain the Kapandze Device.
Perhaps the "energy" in the Kapanadze Device is "created". We are taught that creation of
energy is impossible, and also that bumblebees cannot fly.

I think that we were told bumblebees cannot fly before the era of supercomputers
and finite element modeling of compressible fluids. I am pretty sure that you could
prove that bumblebees can fly.
The whole flat Earth/Wright brothers argument is an overused cliche that simply
isn't true. The enlightened scientific minds where the ones that said the Earth was
round and that powered flight would be possible. The people on the "fringe" have
tried to assume ownership of these ideas and compare themselves with the
enlightened scientific minds. I don't think that they have earned the right to do

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-03-16, 19:49:40
Quote from: MileHigh on 2011-03-16, 19:13:06
I think that we were told bumblebees cannot fly before the era of supercomputers and finite
element modeling of compressible fluids. I am pretty sure that you could prove that
bumblebees can fly.
The whole flat Earth/Wright brothers argument is an overused cliche that simply isn't true.
The enlightened scientific minds where the ones that said the Earth was round and that
powered flight would be possible. The people on the "fringe" have tried to assume
ownership of these ideas and compare themselves with the enlightened scientific minds. I
don't think that they have earned the right to do this.

My point is that "laws" are only "laws" until they are disproven, then they are

Conservation of Energy resulted in the prediction of the neutron before it was
actually discovered.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2011-03-16, 21:27:55
Been spending some time reading the TK patents. I can't seem to make a link to
Tesla at all has anyone else been able to make this link? If so please explain. One
interesting word that is all over his patents is 'magnetic field' at times the words
'High magnetic field' is used. How does that relate to Tesla? From what I see if you
made a Free Energy device from a Tesla transformer or coil you would be very
original and TK would not be able to claim anything based on the fact that his
patent wording and description have nothing to do with Tesla devices.
Interesting point, in the patent it clearly states that the description is for a single
phase device and it can be increased to a maximum three phase. What kind of
free energy device has limits? Seems to me that we have been directed down the
wrong road on purpose. Funny how nobody talks about the transfer of energy from
bobbin 1 to bobbin 2 via high magnetic field as stated in the patent.
What the patent speaks of is completely different what everyone else, on all
forums, is speaking.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: EMdevices on 2011-03-16, 21:59:32
I agree Core,
His main claim is so easy to understand, here's a paraphrase:
This transformer invention 1) takes in constant energy, 2) keeps the

voltage fixed, but increases the current, 3) therefore producing more

The way it works from what I read is, the primary circuit is resonant, so the
voltage on the primary coil (-7) is higher then battery voltage (or input voltage to
the system). The secondary coil (-8) has fewer turns, so the voltage is then
reduced back down to a level comparable to the input voltage, but due to this
reduction, now we have a step down transformer that has increased the current
flow, if allowed to flow. That's what I get from this patent in general. there are
specifics that need to be investigated of course.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Grumpy on 2011-03-16, 22:16:07
Quote from: Core on 2011-03-16, 21:27:55
Funny how nobody talks about the transfer of energy from bobbin 1 to bobbin 2 via high
magnetic field as stated in the patent.

This was mentioned briefly on

The following is a similar statement regarding the TPU and AVEC devices from
The SM designs all work on the same set of principles. A pulse into a coil generates an
expanding magnetic field. The magnetic field comes into being by an underlying
patterning of the ether. It is a cascade action on the part of the ether that causes the
EFFECT of an expanding magnetic field. If you then cause a second magnetic field to
expand through the same space as the already expanding magnetic field, a specific
cascading action, a pattern is setup in the ether which is the EQUIVALENT of a
magnetic field and has many of the characteristics of a magnetic field. By this I mean it
will interact with metals, and cause the EFFECT of a current, IF the field is moving
across the metal. I will refer to this field as a COMP field from now on. But please be
clear this COMP field is in addition to the expected magnetic field. This COMP field, a
patterning in the ether, is dampened and effectively nulled by magnetic metals. This is
why if you are using an iron core in the coils named control coils you will never get a
working TPU.

I think the basic principle was discovered by Tesla, and that TK developed his own
way to use this.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: Core on 2011-03-17, 00:05:14
Quote from: Grumpy on 2011-03-16, 22:16:07
I think the basic principle was discovered by Tesla, and that TK developed his own way to
use this.

What do you think the basic principle is? When I read the patent I picture two
coils/bobbins on the same closed loop iron core. Both coils share the same
capacitor, like a tank circuit, but are switched. Both coils share the same resonate
frequency. Coil A magnetizes the iron core but lines of flux are prevented from fully
cutting coil B. Magnetic stored energy from coil A charges the capacitor, at this
point flow is switched and stored energy in the capacitor charges Coil B. This 'back
and forth' exchange of energy somehow increases magnetic field strength by
tricking the hysteresis..........Then we all hold hands and sing Kum by Ya. C.C
Anyway I also get the impression that the coil we all believe is a Tesla coil is just a
simple current amplifier such as a step down transformer.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: iceweller on 2011-03-17, 03:54:40
Tariel didn't say he copied a Tesla coil - he said he based it on one of his concepts.
He said that the "key" is in the document that the fat man in the GB video
downloaded from the internet and gave to him. He is referring to the "sink" effect in
the paper compiled by Oliver Nichelson who refers to Tesla's fuelless generator.

In the 2 patents he refers to the 2 "magnetic fields" one being stronger than the
other in the 2 coils and thus their interaction generates the gain effect. Though the
2 patent descriptions differ, this is always the same. In one patent he makes no
mention of the spark gap while in the other they are present.
The patents are very conceptual, generic and horribly compiled and reveal no
specific information on the blocks. The terms "filter" and "adjuster" can mean
anything. I find the videos more revealing, even if with evident limitations.
The GB demo is the most crude, but detailed, the aquarium box is more advanced
but short even if it is a complete, self enclosed design. The aquarium box shows no
thick coil around the core but shows additional coils with thick windings nearby, and
a spark gap that discharges much less frequently than in the GB video. In the
yellow box there is only one large coil visible. In one of the 2 patents there is
mention of a "current amplifier" which usually means converting a higher voltage
low current to a lower voltage higher current, so the source is HV.
Personally, I think Tariel tinkered with some coil configuration until he discovered
this effect and this is what he worked on. From this he moved to hydro electric or
pneumatic generators where he must have applied the same concept.
In none of Tariel's coil designs we see thin copper enameled wire as in a TC - only
thick electric isolated wire is present, even single strand and maybe even coax and
with very limited but multilayer turns. There is also a part of the core that is
protruding from one end in the GB (dismounted) and aquarium box videos. Tariel
also said he used no ferrite, though he did not say no about using soft iron so it
cannot be excluded as a core component.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: dllabarre on 2011-03-17, 15:02:36
Quote from: Grumpy on 2011-03-16, 22:16:07
This was mentioned briefly on
The following is a similar statement regarding the TPU and AVEC devices from Spherics:
If you then cause a second magnetic field to
expand through the same space as the already expanding magnetic field, a specific

cascading action, a pattern is setup in the ether which is the EQUIVALENT of a

magnetic field and has many of the characteristics of a magnetic field. By this I mean it
will interact with metals, and cause the EFFECT of a current, IF the field is moving
across the metal. I will refer to this field as a COMP field from now on. But please be
clear this COMP field is in addition to the expected magnetic field. This COMP field, a
patterning in the ether, is dampened and effectively nulled by magnetic metals.
This is
why if you are using an iron core in the coils named control coils you will never get a
working TPU.

This COMP field, a patterning in the ether, is dampened and effectively nulled by
magnetic metals
So you can not use an iron core if this is true.
You'd have to use something like aluminum correct?
The picture of the GB coil (this isn't the best picture but shows what I mean) in the
house looks like a pipe is in the end of the coil, that the black ground wire is feed
Could this be aluminum?

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: ramset on 2011-03-19, 21:00:52

Back on topic!

ST Buzz

[ Inset FAR MORE thunder and lightning than usual ]
You have shown reason, logic and a sense of humor Ramset. You alone notice that
my chosen Quarktoo was trying to help those that could not help themselves. You

alone hath shown compassion when he was spat upon by the robbers and [Edit MR
X'S]of the Earth. My precious chosen one has been crucified by the humor
challenged insecure Romans again. By the nautical named sock puppets of the
The mortals shall now deal with the God of free energy directly and I shall smite
those that defy me for eternity!
Quarktoo tried to get you to notice how the primary coil was discolored from
heating because the Kapanadze mortal did not have a vacuum pump. This left a
vacuum in the gas when it cooled and produced multipacitor effect which is key to a
magnegas generator.
Quarktoo tried to teach you to look at the color of the box so you would discover for
yourself the gas being used. When that failed, I had Cowboy (A temporary chosen
worker) post photos of the tanks. When that was ignored and smited, TheBuzz
gave up on messiah's all together.
Quarktoo tried to get you to think about the ground wire running through the
center of the coil so that you would discover the coaxial transformer. This is how
kapanadze changes the frequency from very high electrostatic to low frequency
current pulses.
Quarktoo hoped you would notice how a copper tube was hidden under the blue
tape so you would see the magnetic gas being used and the real source of energy.
Quarktoo would have taught you about a phenomena outside Faraday's law which is
basis of understanding in your Earthly mortal science. This would have allowed you
to make fuel from water, diamonds from a fire extinguisher and energy from the
Quarktoo would have given you a simple experiment that would have opened the
doors for a lifetime of experimentation and invention because it uses the half of
electricity called voltage and considered a phenomena to do work which is ignored
by the physics professors and dependtards of the Earth.

TheBuzz shall now give you your first commands.

You shall first learn about the coaxial transformer here:
You will split that transformer in half so there is not electromagnetic inductance.
This will form the coaxial autoformer of sorts which the kapanadze device is.
You shall use ferrite rings of no iron but instead plenty of ferrous oxide of low
permanency - ( < 5000 ).
You shall form a tube of 4 inches of those ferrite rings.
You shall run a wire of a resonant tank circuit (at least 50Khz) through the center of
the tube.
You shall parallel a second wire through the center of that tube connected to a
resistive load. You will note that there is zero magnetic induction on the ferrite
(Notice compass in photo below) yet nearly a complete transfer of energy between
the two circuits. This is not a 1 turn transformer! You could use rings 1 foot in
diameter and it would work as long as the length dimensions are proportional.
When you are done scratching your head in confusion, you shall continue.
Then you shall look at the kapanadze coil and note that the ground wire is not the
secondary, but the trinary of that transformer - that you blind mortals call a coil.
You shall research the magnetic properties of the gases Quarktoo noted but was
suppressed by {MR X}..
You shall build a coil of copper tube that Quarktoo showed and use the technique
Quarktoo revealed to connect to that gas when [MR X] flamed Quarktoo and
Quarktoo answered his baseless insults with factual how to information and was
banned for it. If it has been deleted or suppressed, you shall hold the {MR X}
accountable and force him to post what he hath stolen from the gentile masses.
Once you have reached that stage of human development, you shall punish the
Romans and bow your heads on bended knee in thanks and THEN... Saint Buzz

shall once again descend into the abyss of humor challenged insecure mortal fools
to help you with the rest of your quest.
At this point, two people should be able to each hold one leg of a neon 4 feet from
your copper tubing coil and it should glow to full brightness.
You should be able to attach one leg of a neon to a earthly ground and touch the
other to the copper coil and it should not glow at all.
You should be able to hold one end of the neon and start a fire with the other end
by placing a piece of paper between a hard metal object such as a razerblade and
the free end of the neon. At this point, electricity should be running backwards.
While you do these experiments you shall ignore the sock puppets If you smite me
or my chosen again, you shall be overinty THE DAMMED forever! Doomed to
wander in the desert of ignorance led by fools for another 4000 years!
Saint Buzz shall now return to the heavens and bask under the light that shines
from what is left of his many overunity golden stars after Ramset stole one of them
years ago when TheBuzz tried to teach the first step of waterfuel to the fools using
this electrostatic transformation and modulation process.
So shall it be said, so shall it be done.
NOTE - TheBuzz has not, does not, nor shall he ever give step by step monkey see
monkey do information to dependtards. Rather, TheBuzz seek to teach the masses
knowledge that cannot be suppressed by the man or his minions that drive away
smart people and promote dependtards like unwitting puppets on strings to
suppress OU for them.
Photo 1 - Shows how two wires running through a stack of FeO toroids produces
nearly 100% energy transfer of a resonant circuit WITHOUT ELECTROMAGNETIC
INDUCTANCE (note the compass pointing to true North? The white wire running
through the toroid stack with both ends going to the lamp is NOT A 1 TURN COIL as
some would wrongly claim. This is NOT the electromagnetic inductance you are
familiar with.
Notice the primary and secondary circuits overlaid on the scope. This is to show
that there is not a phase change between primary and secondary wires and nearly
This is key to understanding the ground wire running through the center of the
kapanadze coil.

The Scope hath had a slight skew to the right (no irony wasted on this defect) in
the display since the first time TheBuzz connected it to the wheelwork of nature
years ago. SaintBuss is presently poor after spending his life savings doing research
full time for the unwashed for the last ten years but the scope shot is accurate in
regard to phase.
Photo 2 - Shows overlay of primary and secondary and nearly 100% energy
transfer without phase change with no coils or inductance.
Photo 3 - Shows the injury to the finger of Saint Buzz when he took one for the
team on a lathe making the parts of his magnegas generator.
The information I provide you is far more valuable than those that are too blinded
or controlled by their insecurity to even notice. Saint Buzz hates the smell of fear.

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: leo48 on 2011-03-19, 21:55:38

Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: ramset on 2011-04-03, 16:20:39
Roll on june 20th 2011
As per Cosmolv


Title: Re: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

Post by: ramset on 2011-04-20, 02:16:00
If I may ask a question?
On the TK thread the Buzz is talking about a Light [super ,super bright] anomoly.
He's claiming that he gets this with "Cold electricity" out of some Kind of Piezo type
This same circuit is giving very high output with little input [how he determines this
I don't know].
This "Hurts your eyes " Light,............can HF cause this ? Have you ever seen or
heard of this?
As you know I don't do these experiments [completely unqualified] and as a result
he won't share the circuit specifics with me.
I would however greatly value your opinion on this " Extremely Bright light ".
Have you ever heard of this being associated with OU?
Or could it just Be HF....or HV... ??

I will gladly post your responce on the thread [or not ,if you wish]

KAPAGEN, the Tariel Kapanadze's generator

by Jean-Louis Naudin

created on may 28, 2010 - JLN Labs - Last update July 5, 2010
Toutes les informations et schmas sont publis gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont destins un usage personnel et
non commercial
All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non
commercial use.

The purpose of these series of experiments is to try to understand the working

principle of the Tariel Kapanadze generator presented in his demo video and also to
share in realtime the results of my findings through this web page.

My current Kapanadze generator v3.2 is only an attempt of replication of the

Tariel's original device based on the Nikola Tesla fuelless generator.



Due to the presence of High Voltage and the High Power output of the Kapagen,
users of this document should be very carefull and experienced in High-Voltage
electronics to try anything out ! If you do it, the risk of any result is just yours. I

take no responsibility of anything that might happen.

Testing such a device needs a lot of caution and the use of safety procedures, the
experimenter must be very skilled in the use of High Voltage at High Power...


The Worldwide Kapagen experiment


Last published replication July 2nd, 2010

July 2nd, 2010 - New measurements of the

Power INPUT of the Kapagen v3.3
June 30, 2010 - Power OUTPUT measured on the
Kapagen v3.3
June 22, 2010 - Very interesting test with the
Kapagen v3.3
June 7, 2010 - 2100 Watts of light at the output

June 5, 2010 - 1200 Watts of light at the output

June 1st, 2010 - More power with the version 3.2: up
to 420 Watts the output
May 31, 2010 - First successful test of the KAPAGEN
v3 with a 150 W halogen lamp
May 28, 2010 - begining of the Kapagen project
IMHO, I think that the working principle of the Tariel Kapanadze generator is to
suck the free electrons from the Earth. The Earth is a big capacitor which
contains free electric charges. If it is possible to create or to find a potential
imbalance between two points in the ground, it seems possible to suck additional
electrons from the ground and thus to create an increase of the current flow
through a wire connected between these two points. Early in his researches in
Colorado Springs, Nikola Tesla wanted to collect free energy from the Earth
capacitor between the ground and the ionosphere by the use of a parametric
resonance with the TMT project (read the Colorado Springs notes from 1899).
Later, Tesla has also found that it is possible to do the same process with only the
use of the ground by using the natural imbalance of the ground potential produced
by the telluric currents flow underground and Tesla has found that this can be
done by the use of an asymmetric displacement of current...

"Minimal work is done in the system due to absence of translational movement in

the displacement current. As small heat losses occurs, oscillations are maintained
by the surplus charge stored in the coil. Very low energy expenditure allows power
delivery to a load over an extended time period without an external fuel supply.
After an initial input of energy from an outside source, Tesla's new electrical
generator would operate as a fuelless device." from "The Second Law
Thermodynamics and Tesla's Fuelless Generator" by Oliver Nichelson
Today, I am not able to say if my Kapagen v3.2 is fully in line with this principle
above, because this is only the beginning of my research project, this is my main
purpose and I explore this path as long as I continue to found something
interesting, stay tuned...
To help me to find the imbalance of the ground potential on the surface of the

Earth induced by underground telluric currents, I have built and I use a kind of
surface tellurmeter (a low impedance electrometer), see a photo and the diagram
of my device...

From "The Second Law of Thermodynamics and Tesla's Fuelless Generator" by

Oliver Nichelson

All the halogen lamps are protected by surge arrestors EPCOS 230V, this avoids to
burn their tungsten filaments.

I have used halogen light bulbs with a strong tungsten filament.

The pulsed power is very strong and the use of halogen lamps is better than
common incandescent lamps.

To work properly, the Kapagen requires two earth ground connections 10 meters
The power tapped depends on the weather conditions and the underground current

The spark gap of the Kapagen (0.9 mm to 1.2 mm gap)

In the Kapagen v3.3, the spark gap has been improved and finely tuned.

The spark is very quiet and weak compared to the previous version with the
tungsten rods.

A plasma cloud is created between the gap, there is no audible sound of sparks

Power OUTPUT/INPUT measured on the Kapagen v3.3

The latest power input measurements is far more accurate than the previous, more
tests must be soon conducted...
The purpose of the Kapagen is to suck the free electrons from the Earth. The
Earth is a big capacitor which contains free electric charges. If it is possible to
create or to find a potential imbalance between two points in the ground, it seems
possible to suck additional electrons from the ground and thus to create an
increase of the current flow through a wire connected between these two points.
The Kapagen project is still under researches because its principle really worth to
be deeply explored......

Interesting documents :

The full video of the Tariel Kapanadze generator demo ( AVI 371
Mb )
The Second Law of Thermodynamics and Tesla's Fuelless Generator
by Oliver Nichelson
A Special Case of Voltage Gain by Oliver Nichelson
Nikola Tesla's Later Energy Generation Designs by Oliver Nichelson

An easy experiment which demonstrates the extra power in the

Nikola Tesla's bifilar coil.

MIT Lecture videos :

Displacement current exemple part 1

Displacement current exemple part 2

Patents :

Independant Energy Device Patent

WO2008103129A1 by Tariel Kapanadze June 8,
Publication number: WO2008103129 (A1)
Publication date: 2008-08-28
- international: H02M11/00; H02N11/00; H02M11/00;
- European: H02N11/00D

Description of WO 2008103129 (A1)

The present invention is a device both self sufficient (self
feeding) and producing ready to use electric energy, starts to
operate with the initial electrical energy received from
accumulator or similar source of energy, transferring the
magnetic field generated in first bobbin to second bobbin
through a frequency stabilizer, after rhythmically stabilizing the
magnetic field occurred between the bobbins; converts the
independent energy -received by the second bobbin from the
air- to electric energy.
Today electric energy can be generated by using various kinds
of technologies. In order to summarize some of them; electric
energy can be generated through dams, from the motion of
waves, by nuclear power plants, by using solar energy, fuel oil,
hydroelectric power plants and similar areas through using
various technologies. There are different advantages and
disadvantages among these various techniques used for
generating electric energy. The general purpose of all these
techniques is to generate energy cheaper and faster by providing
high efficiency. The present invention is improved through
using different technologies of today, by less costly way and
without harming the nature, and using a very different
technique from the above mentioned (present techniques used
The present invention receives energy externally only at first
starting phase. This mentioned energy can be easily generated
from a small accumulator or chargeable battery or similar
sources. 1 -2 seconds after the device is started, the power
switch at the energy input of the device cuts the external electric
(from accumulator or similar source of energy) off by
generating electric energy. A very few part of this electric
energy generated is used by the device to feed itself and the
most part is discharged ready to be used. As long as the device
is not shut down or no problem occurred inside, the device
generates energy consistently. By recent technology, there is no
device similar to the present invention producing energy
consistently by feeding itself.

Energy Transformer W2008103130A1 by Tariel Kapanadze August

28, 2008

This easy experiment demonstrates the extra power in Nikola Tesla's patent for

Things you'll need:

2 - 16 penny nails
about 3 feet of magnet wire - (20 to 28 gage)
1 - D Cell battery
4 - Paper Clips

Wind the first nail with 100 turns of magnet wire. Leave about 3 inches of wire on both
ends of the winding.
Wind the second nail with 100 turns of magnet wire, but in the following way. Cut two
equal length wires about 12" long each. Holding the two wires together, begin turning
50 parallel turns of magnet wire around the nail. When you have finished winding the
coil trim off the excess wire so that there are 3" of wire on both ends of the coil. Take
the two inside leads from each end and twist them together. Remember to clean the
ends of the magnet wire so they can make an electrical connection.
This is what they should look like: (click on the image for a closer view)

Two Electromagnets
Now connect the battery to the end leads of the single wound nail. This will energize
the coil and cause the nail to become magnetic. Now pick up as many paper clips with
the nail as you can.

OK, connect the battery to the ends of the bifilar wound coil. Now pick up as many
paper clips as you can with this electromagnet.
The same amount of voltage, from the same battery, produces twice as much energy in
the bifilar wound coil as in the single wound coil. This is just one of the many
techniques Nikola Tesla used to make his inventions highly efficient.

The Worldwide KAPAGEN experiment

created on may 28, 2010 - JLN Labs - Last update July 2nd, 2010
Toutes les informations et schmas sont publis gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont destins un usage personnel et
non commercial
All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non
commercial use.

Due to the presence of High Voltage and the High Power output of the Kapagen,
users of this document should be very carefull and experienced in High-Voltage
electronics to try anything out ! If you do it, the risk of any result is just yours. I
take no responsibility of anything that might happen.



Testing such a device needs a lot of caution and the use of safety procedures, the
experimenter must be very skilled in the use of High Voltage at High Power...



I would like to congratulate all the fellow experimenters which have been able to
replicate successfully my Kapagen generator...
Jean-Louis Naudin - JLN Labs
Latest published replication: July 2nd, 2010
# 1 - June 9, 2010 - Kapagen replication by dragon
I've made several attempts with different coils and this is one of the better ones. The whole thing is Tesla basics as you
can see in the diagram of the circuit. The picture's show it running a small 40 watt bulb at around 7 watts of input, the
variac is set at around 50 volts. The NST is a 120V input with a 6500 volt .02 amp output. I have 2 earth grounds on
this one but the second doesn't seem to add anything and can be removed without changing the light intensity or input
requirement. One is required.
I've found by playing with various coils and bulbs it's not so much the wattage of the bulb in as much as the resistance
of the bulb or bulbs. I have no real way of measuring the output at a wattage level, no claims are being made.... just an
interesting experiment.

Since I really don't know how JLN or Kapanadze is actually going about it I've been theroizing on my own of how to
accomplish it and came to the conclusion it's nothing more than a reverse tesla coil. Instead of putting HV low amps
into L1 and converting it to extreemly high voltage you do just the oposite... put the HV into L2 and convert it to
lower voltage and higher amps through L1. The trick is getting L1 to resonate with L2 in its reverse form.
L1 being very low inductance using the earth ground through a load creates a psudo tank in which L1 can reach high
amps. I still don't have the resonance dialed in quite right with this one although it seems to drive L1 reasonably well (
L1 being the 6 turn coil - L2 being the 90 turn coil - L3 the reversed 30 turn ). L3 is used to raise or lower inductance
to help match the two. It might even help to make this one adjustable to some degree.
Getting bulbs to light is a matter of shuffling through various resistances to achieve the correct response. I've run 175
watt mercury bulbs with it but those react like FL's and in my mind doesn't really constitute wattage in as much as a
voltage response.
I've been doing some tests with a 150 watt halogen and it lights nicely produces lots of heat but is far from full bright.
At 150 watt input it will be blindingly bright (sun like to your eyes), driving it with this set up it's bright but not
blinding and is using about 35 watts to get it there although I can get an orange glow with lots of heat at 10 watts.
I need to do more work with this coil to dial in the resonance a bit better....
Fun stuff....

# 2 - June 9, 2010 - Kapagen successful replication v1.0 by romerouk

I am using 260w in the system and output is at least 500w.The bulbs are more than fully powered. After few more
attempts I have destroyed 2 of them. I will have to get some more bulbs tommorow and see how many I can connect
and still keep full brightness.I tryed to measure voltage across one bulb and it shows 335v-ac but all my meters are
digital and I am sure it is not right.I need to get some analogic multimeters to find the amps and volts at the
output.Few minutes ago I have started the system using DC to power the system an now I can see that DC is the only
way to keep the system running for longer period of time.Using ac the spark gap becomes very hot as with dc it is
much better.Also having a capacitor 90.02mf) connected in parallel with the load, keeps the flickering under control. I
hope the picture attached will make all understand the basic of it.

# 3 - June 10, 2010 - Kapagen replication v1.1 and 1.2 by romerouk

I have posted another 2 video-clips testing circuit with high voltage AC then using DC as power source.
I am in UK, using 240vac. Every bulb is 100w and I have connected 9x100w. Sorry I forgot to show that in the
video... I will do it next time.
I get around 1.6amp using AC to power the system but when I use DC it drops to around 1.15.
tube = 5.5cm/140cm - wire 4mm stranded except the big coil = 10mm stranded MOT I have no information about it.
the tube is PVC 5mm thick
I have no connection with J L Naudin.He lives in France, I live in London - UK, foreigner not British. I have a lot of
respect for all his work. Everything he does is always well documented, tidy, showing a lot of knowledge in his work.
I am very small comparing to him, many of us here are.I think that he is not trying to prove overunity with kapanadze
replication, it is just showing proof of concept.Many applications. on J L Naudin website are proof of concept but
enough to give us a start in many directions. For J L Naudin free energy is a fact not just supposition. I am sure he has

many devices built showing extra energy.

One thing I found is that you need both earth connections directly to the ground and about 10m distance. I didn't try
longer distance as I don't have more lenght in the garden.In my first attempt I had one earth was comming from the
water supply and the other one from a copper pipe I fixed in the ground.That showed me 2.3 amps for 500w load, then
I have fixed another copper pipe in the ground at 10 m distance and I got about 1.6a for 900w load.MOT stays just a
little bit warm in my case, maybe you have a defective MOT,run it without anything connected to see if it still gets
hot, check capacitor value, if it is too high might create the problems you have.Not recommended to start the device
inside the house as it will interfere with all electrical equipment, it does in my case, I have almost destroyed the tv,
running the device in the garden.It is a lot of radio waves generated by the device and this is another problem at the
moment.Turn off all electrical appliances in the house while testing.
Kapanadze replication v1.1 used 1.7A X 240ac = 408 watts input
Kapanadze replication v1.2 used 1.16A X 240ac = 281 watts input
Success all!

# 4 - June 11, 2010 - Kapagen replication by callanan

Not as good as a variac although much smaller. It's a 1200W AC power controller or lamp dimmer. Not very clean or
linear on a transformer but at least gives some means of power control. Some is better then none...
I am using two seperate grounds spikes and not the house ground.

# 5 - June 11, 2010 - Kapagen replication by retrod

Here is my first attempt, so don't laugh . I used a large variac on the 120vac input to the MOT (not shown). I had to
work in the basement indoors so I used a copper water pipe feed for one ground and an iron floor drain pipe that leads
outside & underground for the second. The spark gap is a non resistor sparkplug with a vice grip for a heat sink. The
lamp is a 200watt 120 volt. I used the DC circuit with a small HV cap.
First results:
MOT gets very warm and the 20amp mains circuit breaker trips after 15 seconds of operation. Spark gap is electric
blue, not violet. Please be careful with this circuit the voltages present are indeed dangerous.

# 6 - June 12, 2010 - Kapagen replication by retrod

Second attempt. After this mornings smoke test I almost gave up. Then there were some encouraging posts and
advice. Here is some progress to report. I noticed on my set-up it works much better with high resistance loads. I
started with two 40w light bulbs in series and then thought to try fluro tubes. I am up to six tubes in series with the two
original 40w lamps. All the fluro tubes were removed from service a year or more ago as dim or non lighting. It
reminds me of when many of us were adding LED's in series working with Dr. Stifflers SEC, what fun!
I have no way right now to measure input current. The voltage out of the variac is 90 volts. The spark has become
very quiet with this load. I may post a short video on youtube later.

# 7 - June 15, 2010 - Kapagen replication by woopy

Hello romero and all
OK i am almost ready for a first test. I did the coil exactly as Romero that is 84 turns plus 22 turns plus 6 big turns.the
coil 1 and 2 have the same stranded wire (blue) and for the big coil (green and yellow) there is 7 strand of plain
copper, the center is made with 4 stranded copper and something torsaded for connection to one ground line, plus the
main blue wire connection to the spark gap. the mot is rated 700 watts. I will use it directly (without the cap and diode
for a first test. What do you think ? Or can i use the MO cap (0.95 micro farad and 2100 volts) and HV diode.?
I will ground it with 2 ground line conducting to 2 galvanised steel bar going 1 meter deep in the ground. and
separated about 15 meter. I intend to use a wire with 3 time 1.5 mm2 bounded ,for the ground lines . I intend to begin
with a halogen 500 watts what do you think ?
If it works, i will post the pictures of the construction of the coil step by step.
good luck at all


# 8 - June 16, 2010 - Kapagen replication by retrod

Some numbers & a video.
MOT is a OBJY2
Input Voltage : 120vac
Input current : Measured at output of variac 4.0 amps avg
Load: Six 200w 120v Lamps
Earth Grounds : First: 200ft iron pipe (water well). Second: 10 ft driven rod, copper clad
Spark Gap : Champion J-14 with neo magnet attached
Air temperature was 68 degrees Fahrenheit
MOT Temp at start 84 F
MOT Temp at end 107 F
Run time approx 4.5 minutes

# 9 - June 16, 2010 - Kapagen replication by woopy

Hi all
the rain stopped shortly , and could not prevent me to have a second test.
Took all precaution as per Stefan and 3,2,1 go
yaouuh it works very fine. The bank directly connected to the grid does simply no light at all, but with the Kapagen it
is near full brightness. i have AC current , no cap at all. I did not make any measure but the grid fuse did not even
break. another thing i have a radio on at 10 meters from the kapagen and nothing , no grrrrrbbrrkkkkkk, at all in the
OK and the rain comes again
hope that tomorrow it will be better weather to make some measurements.
just for info the bank as a resistance of 400 ohm. when i connect the bank to the grid, my clampmeter shows 130 ma at
230 volts AC just another thing the bank was on and stopped only when i switched off. but when i tried to take the
measre of resistance it was impossible. Than i checked the bulb and one was broken. I mean it seems that i probably

had the arc in the bulb which make the bulb on even if the tungsten filament is broken. What do you think?
good luck at all

June 18, 2010 - Working KAPAGEN diagram now released by JLN...

Click on the picture to enlarge

# 10 - June 21, 2010 - Kapagen successful replication by Robert
Dear Mr. Naudin,
Good news!
I got 1800W out and the MOT stays cold even the inlet power meter indicates 800W. I think thats a real sign of OU. I
have 2x150W halogen + 18x 100W bulbs (fully bright) and all serial. If I would have more lamps I think they would
shine fully too.
I observed that with the 1N5408 diode didnt work but with the BY255 it works very well just they get hot, so I
add cooler.
I dont know way you changed the coil setup but with the coil relation 22 84 6 its working quite well.
Many thanks and br.

# 11 - June 23, 2010 - Kapagen successful replication by Juju

Hi Guys!
I made a video of my setup, is my first one!
i putted some lamps of 60w others of 100w, all in series with a fan/ventilator of 100W... i putted the fan in the end of
the sequence going to ground, because it haves a capacitor of 230V, i was affraid it can blow up if it takes all the
primary voltage! 2 lamps in the video are not lighting well, but i think it was some problem with them!
this thing can feed all type of devices, not only lamps!
and it is not so spooky as at seems, when the adrenaline goes up, the fear fades! spectacular!
my output dont work well with dc, as you can see, dont used any caps!
dont took measurements because my DMM cannot read alternate current, only dc...

This vid is dedicated to the portuguese team in the worldcup, that win today 7-0 against North Korea

All my thanks specially to JLNaudin, romerouk, laurent, xenomorph, jonny and the rest of the FE
# 12 - June 25, 2010 - Kapagen successful replication by TomB-455
Dear Mr Naudin,
I have tried to replicate your coil and it works!
most of the setup is the same as yours, m.o.t. 800 watt, in dc mode. 10x150 wats halo-bulbs fully bright!!
i checkt my variac (but didn't put it on camera) and it was at 165 volts!!!
exept for the 23ccw turns on the entrance of the coil, those whre nessecery to reduce the input current.
the pictures are folowing soon. i did make a video though.. ;)

best regards,

This is an replication of J.L.Naudin's 'kapagen'.

I used for this setup; (V2)
M.O.T. 800 watt (D.C. setup),
10x150W halogen lamps(1500watt total) in series.
Variac 1,5kva.
Coil setup= prim.-88t(cw)+ 23t (ccw) , sec 7t(ccw).
The lamps are burning at 165 volts by 1.28 amps input on the 'kapagen' , these figures fluctuating
in diffrence of +/- 5%
# 13 - June 28, 2010 - Kapagen successful replication by magnetflipper

# 14 - July 1st, 2010 - Kapagen successful replication by


# 15 - July 2nd, 2010 - Kapagen successful replication by don

Hi Mr. Naudin
The best (lowest input power) I could get was 707 Watts lighting 18 x 100 watt light bulbs without
using a variac. It used 570 watts to light 9 of the 100 watt light bulbs.

I measured my power usage with a Kill-O-Meter connect to Mains over 30 feet away from my

When I first turned my Kapagen on it used over 1100 watts and the lights were approximately 5060% bright. After playing with this for a week I got the power usage down to 707 Watts and the
lights were at least 90% bright. I did this comparison by having one 100 watt light bulb connected
to Mains sitting next to one of my light bulbs from my Kapagen. I agree it's not scientific but it
was good enough for me to tell the difference.

I did find that dimmer switches and amp restrictors used more power then they were worth so I
removed my amp restrictor.
But the most important thing I found was that the ground rods/connections/Earth was the biggest
factor in lowering my power usage. I replaced my copper tube with construction grade grounding
rods, applied water to the ground around my ground rods. In my area there is 6-12" of top soil and
then under that it's all sand. Sand doesn't hold water very well.
Using Carbon rod and Copper for the spark gap lowered my input power usage by 55 watts.

Here are some pictures:

return to KAPAGEN project page


by Jean-Louis Naudin

created on may 28, 2010 - JLN Labs - Last update July 2nd, 2010
Toutes les informations et schmas sont publis gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont destins un usage personnel et
non commercial
All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non
commercial use.

The purpose of this test is to measure with more accuracy the INPUT electrical
power of the Kapagen v3.3. There are 14 x 150 W halogen lamps connected in serie
at the output of the Kapagen. I have used a Voltcraft LX-1108 Luxmeter to
measure the light intensity of one of these lamps Vs the electrical power required,
a calibration curve has been set.

The total OUPUT power for the 14 halogen lamps is calculated with the calibration
sheet, below.

To measure the electrical INPUT POWER, I have used the high end energy meter
Voltcraft Energy Logger 4000F connected at the output of the variac.

The electrical ground conditions were very poor due to the dryness. I have added
water to the ground points to improve the conductivity.

The Kapagen v3.3 Power IO results are below:

See the video of this experiment:

KAPAGEN Power OUTPUT measurements

by Jean-Louis Naudin

created on may 28, 2010 - JLN Labs - Last update July 2nd, 2010
Toutes les informations et schmas sont publis gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont destins un usage personnel et
non commercial
All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non
commercial use.

The purpose of this test is to measure the OUTPUT electrical power of the
Kapagen v3.3. There are 14 x 150 W halogen lamps connected in serie at the output
of the Kapagen. I have used a Voltcraft LX-1108 Luxmeter to measure the light
intensity of one of these lamps Vs the electrical power required, a calibration
curve has been set. So, it is easy to calculate the total power at the Kapagen
output because the measured light intensity of the lamp is directly linked to the
electrical power at the output. A calibration phase has been done with one of the
150 Watt halogen lamp used as the Kapagen load. The calibration lamp has been
placed in a black box with the luxmeter probe. The 150 W lamp is connected
directly to the Energy Check 3000 energy meter and connected to the variac (see
the photos below).

It is now easy to build up a calibration curve (see below) for one of the halogen
Then the lamp has been reconnected to the Kapagen v3.3, and the light intensity is
measured while the Kapagen is running.
The total OUPUT power for the 14 halogen lamps can now be easily calculated with
the help of a spreadsheet.

It is important to notice that I have used the same energy meter for the
calibration process than for the measuring the Kapagen power. You will also notice
that the input power to light one halogen lamp is fully in line with its original
specifications (150 Watt of power at 220 V).

The plasma discharge is quiet and stable between the spark gap.

See the video of this experiment:

See also: July 2nd, 2010 - New measurements of the Power INPUT of the Kapagen


by Jean-Louis Naudin

created on may 28, 2010 - JLN Labs - Last update July 2nd, 2010
Toutes les informations et schmas sont publis gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont destins un usage personnel et
non commercial
All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non
commercial use.

The purpose of this test is to measure with more accuracy the INPUT electrical
power of the Kapagen v3.3. There are 14 x 150 W halogen lamps connected in serie
at the output of the Kapagen. I have used a Voltcraft LX-1108 Luxmeter to
measure the light intensity of one of these lamps Vs the electrical power required,
a calibration curve has been set.

The total OUPUT power for the 14 halogen lamps is calculated with the calibration
sheet, below.

To measure the electrical INPUT POWER, I have used the high end energy meter
Voltcraft Energy Logger 4000F connected at the output of the variac.

The electrical ground conditions were very poor due to the dryness. I have added
water to the ground points to improve the conductivity.

The Kapagen v3.3 Power IO results are below:

See the video of this experiment:

Earth Battery HACKED

[link to]
This is my earth battery running a 48" (40 watt) florescent tube. It is not at full brightness
but it is lit and lit pretty well. It is much brighter than it appears on the camera. i am using
my earth battery and running the output into two 2.3, 10 Farad supercaps in parallel with
my modified Fuji joule thief circuit. The earth battery does not put out enough mA's to run
the Fuji circuit by itself. The supercaps allow it to power the Fuji joule thief. When I get a
much larger cap, I believe I can run this as long as I want to. I can charge the supercap
with the earth battery by day, and run off it and the earth battery at night. For more
information go to Overunitydotcom in the joule thief topic. Thanks.
Please Embed i dont know how
[link to]
An Earth battery is a pair of electrodes made of two dissimilar metals, such as iron and
copper, which are buried in the soil or immersed in the sea. It can act as a receiver of
Telluric radiant energy and as a water activated battery. Earth batteries are sometimes
referred to as Telluric power sources and Telluric generators.
---------------------------------------------------------You can use Metal Rods of Any Type, I use Giant Carbon Rods all rdy in the basement as
part of the foundation too the house and 1 copper plumbing pipe in the North Direction

making sure the Carbon Rods Are South too the Northern Copper Plumbing Pipes, The
Deeper into the ground the better and if you can use bigger rods or Pipes the better too. I
use a "Fuji" Board with my capacitors ,Resisters and Amplifiers on it that is helping the low
amp earth signal into a higher amp so the light actually works but it requires a Nice
capacitor, the bigger the better, this beats solar Panels Considering you dont take up space
in my view.
This is 1800's Technology and i'm told wrapping copper coil around rods increase the
Voltage and Amp's ALLOT so i'll do that next time however i will have too bury it and not
jam it into the ground with a hammer.

Earth Battery-Joule Thief Runs 48 Inch Tube (40 watts)

This is my earth battery running a 48" (40 watt) florescent tube. It is not at full brightness
but it is lit and lit pretty well. It is much brighter than it appears on the camera. i am using
my earth battery and running the output into two 2.3, 10 Farad supercaps in parallel with
my modified Fuji joule thief circuit. The earth battery does not put out enough mA's to
run the Fuji circuit by itself. The supercaps allow it to power the Fuji joule thief. When I
get a much larger cap, I believe I can run this as long as I want to. I can charge the
supercap with the earth battery by day, and run off it and the earth battery at night. For
more information go to Overunitydotcom in the joule thief topic. Thanks.

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