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By. Emma Ingle, Maggie Rogers, Carley Mancuso,

Alexandria Bryant, and Hannah Killingsworth

Founder: Hinduism is a collective term applied to the many philosophical
and religious traditions native to India. Hinduism has neither a specific
moment of origin nor a specific founder. Rather, the tradition understands
itself to be timeless, having always existed. Indeed, its collection of sacred texts
is known, as a whole, as Sanatana Dharma, "The Eternal Teaching." It is thus a
complex tradition that encompasses numerous interrelated religious doctrines
and practices that have some common characteristics but which lack any
unified system of beliefs and practices.

What is Hinduism: a major religious and cultural tradition of South Asia,

developed from Vedic religion

Basic Tenets (Beliefs)

1) Reverence for Our Revealed Scriptures

7)Yoga Guided by Satguru

2) All-Pervasive Divinity

8) Compassion and Noninjury

3) Three Worlds and Cycles of Creation

9) Genuine Respect for Other Faiths

4) The Laws of Karma and Dharma

5) Reincarnation and Liberation

6) Temples and the Inner World

Where did it Originate?

Hinduism originated in Northern India, near
the Indus river, about 4,000 years ago. It is the
oldest remaining religion in the world.

Sacred Text
Hindu ancient, sacred texts were written in Sanskrit,
the language of ancient India. The Vedas are the oldest
about 3,000 years old. They are a collection of hymns,
prayers, and magic spells.

Where is it Prevalent Now?

Hinduism, commonly referred to as Hindu Dharma by the Indic traditions
developed in the Indian Sub-continent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh,

Nepal) and today is mainly practiced in India, Nepal, parts of Pakistan,

Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, Trinidad, Mauritius, Surinam,
South Africa, Kenya, U.K., Canada and USA. Hinduism is, however,
spreading throughout the world as the result of immigration, and as people
in the west become increasingly interested in eastern religion and
spirituality.13.8% of the world population is Hindu, 80.5% of India's
population is Hindu, and 0.4% of American adults practice Hinduism

Fun Facts
Goal of life: To attain self-realization
3rd largest religion with 750 million followers
Hinduism has 330 million gods
Cows, Peacocks, Elephants, and Mice are holy animals


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