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Personal, social and emotional development

Introduction of new Makaton signs for our Moon Zoom

topic. Take part in a series of engagement days, whereby
we will be dressing up and taking on a variety of different
Activities will provide opportunities for clue finding, taking
finger prints, using role play to make emergency phone
calls, using their iPads to create alien cartoons, and much
Use circle time to develop a greater understanding of places
beyond their locality.

Knowledge and Understanding of the world

Countries with space travel.
Neil Armstrong.
First moon landing.
Space missions to other planets.
Solar system.
Draw a space map and plot routes.

Physical development
Gym large apparatus
Outdoor bats and balls, footballs
We will play games indoor and out which
use rules and team building skills.
Our gross motor activities will enable us
to move safely with increasing control
and coordination.

Communication, language and literacy

Labelling rockets, information about rockets
Writing instructions to make a rocket
Writing lists, signs and posters
Descriptive language moon poems
Postcards from the sun

Creative Development
Design and build a rocket.
Design and build a moon buggy.
Printing a rocket picture using finger
Constellation art.
Chalk pastel space window.
Weaving with hot colours.
Creating a universe in a jar.
Listening to space sound effects.
Uses instruments to create own space
Sounds to accompany space images
compose space music.

Writing fantasy story set on a planet

Guided reading and individual readers
Letters and sounds Phase 2 & 3

Mathematical development
Data handling who is happy to go into space? Favourite
treats to take to space.
Recognising coins, buying objects to take to space finding
Positional language placing rockets on space charts.
Estimating and weighing moon rocks, measuring depth of
moon dust.
Days of the week, time to the hour moon watch.
Addition and subtraction of suns and planets.
Finding half of space objects.
Counting eyes on aliens in 2s and 10s.

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