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Potential Customers
Jessica, Emma, Emily, Phoebe


What is your typical weekly exercise regime?
How do you currently monitor your exercise? (Apps, fitbit wristband etc)
Why do you use this? If you dont, why not?
What are your motivations to exercise?
Is there anything that gets in the way of your exercise routine or stops you practicing more
regularly? (e.g lack of time, no access to resources etc)

Does this sound like something that would be beneficial to you, why/why not?

J Top Potential Customers

Ben Roycroft, 18, Student
Weekly routine: football, gymnastics, wheelchair
basketball and a long run
Monitoring: occasionally looks at health apps on phone to
monitor progress
Motivations: to stay fit and in shape
Obstacles: nothing
Fabulyzer:sports student so beneficial to know which is his
optimum sport and with the hope to become a PE teacher,
having further knowledge about fat burn etc would be useful
but would not pay 200

Jess Cavendish, 20, Marketing

Weekly routine:classes 3/4 times a week, swimming and gym
Monitoring: apps to see where to improve
Motivations: to be healthy and look good
Obstacles: lack of time
Fabulyzer: thinks it sounds like a really good product and fat
burn is something she would be interested in monitoring. Very
into latest fitness trends and looking good so anything to help

J Least Potential Customers

John Lowe , 65, Retired
Weekly routine: squash twice a week,
running three times a week, cycling at
least three times a week
Monitoring: nothing
Motivations: to keep fit as he gets older
Obstacles: not much as retired
Fabulyzer: not interested in monitoring
his sports as merely exercises for fun and
to keep fit, doesnt need to lose weight

Susy White , 45, Finance

Weekly routine: netball twice a
Monitoring: Nothing
Motivations: to keep fit and feel
better about herself
Obstacles: time as works late hours
Fabulyzer: mainly plays for fun so
not interested in monitoring progress

Penny Roycroft , 52, Teacher

Weekly routine: netball twice a week,
exercise class once
Monitoring: nothing as never occured to
Motivations: to keep fit and for enjoyment
Obstacles: time and laziness
Fabulyzer: thinks the concept sounds
interesting and sees how it could be useful
but would never pay 200 when she can
monitor her weight loss in other ways

E Top Potential Customers

Charlie Pickard, 21, Student
Weekly exercise routine: Gym 3/4 times a week, netball
training 3 times a week and a netball match once a week.
Monitoring: Polar watch - measures heart rate/calories
during exercise, informs whether the heart rate is in a fat loss
zone or improving fitness zone.
Motivations: To lose weight, stress relief, enjoyment
Obstacles: University work - time management
Fabulyzer?: Loves the way it gives personalised advice about
optimising exercise for fat burn. Would not pay 200.

Simon Booth, 27, Personal Trainer

Weekly exercise routine: Trains clients 6 days a week, trains
himself 6 days a week.
Monitoring: FitBit
Motivations: For his job, health and fitness
Obstacles: Busy with clients - lack of time for himself
Fabulyzer?: Would be interested as he currently has no fat
management method, could use it to help train his clients

E Least Potential Customers

Stephanie Landi, 23, Student
Weekly exercise routine: Runs three/four
times a week Plays netball and body combat
class once a week
Monitoring: Nike Plus App whilst running
Motivations: Health, stress release and
training for an event/race
Obstacles: Lack of time, injuries
Fabulyzer?: Less bothered about fat burn
during exercise, would rather know how far
shes ran, how long it took and compare with
previous runs.

Bev Davies, 50
Weekly exercise routine: Gym 7 days
a week, mix of cardio and weights
Monitoring: Nothing, just machines at
the gym
Motivations: Health, stress release, as a
Obstacles: Lack of time
Fabulyzer?: Not interested in using
gadgets to influence her exercise, she
enjoys doing her own thing and seeing
results first hand.

Annie OBrien, 19, Student

Weekly exercise routine: Walks 40mins
a day, gym once a week
Monitoring: MyFitnessPal
Motivations: Body conscious, to keep fit
Obstacles: Gym is not close to home,
Fabulyzer?: Doesnt need to lose weight
so not interested in managing fat levels - far
too costly.

E Top Potential Customers

Amy Haines, 20, Student
Routine: Runs 4-7k 3 x a week also toning exercises
Monitoring: Information provided by the machine
Why: Use the screen to test time and distance, aims to beat
her best time
Motivations: Health, Aiming to do a half marathon and
get a good body
Obstacles: Work, meaning there
is less time
Would she buy Fabulyzer: If
training more seriously for a
marathon the product would
appeal to her. Its quite expensive
but would enjoy being told what exercise is best.

Christine McManus, 60, Teacher

Routine: 2 x 3 mile runs, 2 x exercise classes 1 x gym session
Monitoring: use a watch for split times when running
sometimes, and increase length of time on a machine, or
increase weights in gym
Why: Do this to measure and hopefully indicate improvement.
Helps motivate for next time.
Motivations: Like to feel fit and well,
makes me feel better mentally and not so
sluggish. Also, of course, to try to keep
weight down.
Obstacles: Lack of time
Fabulyzer: It does sound good but its a
lot of money and I wouldnt buy it at that
price. My scales and clothes tell me if
Im losing weight or not.

E Least Potential Customers

Tom Smith, 39, Chief Executive
Regime:MBR cycle at least every other day on Dartmoor, Park
Run on Saturdays.
M onitoring: iPhone STRAVA plus Park Run
Why/why not: Strava is good motivation to see whom is riding
locally and on what new routes. Would be lying if I said I dont
enjoy winning the occasional KOM
Motivations:To live long enough to see my children become
Obstacles:170 employees, 3 small kids, 1 wife, food & beer but
nothing gets in the way
Would Fabulyzer be beneficial: Not for me as, I am a middle
aged bloke and dont care how fat I am.

Thomas Byrne, 49, Chief Executive

Weekly exercise regime: Rugby Coaching (2hrs), Touch
Rugby (1 hr.), Cycling (Winter 1 hr. and Summer (4 hrs.), boxing.
monitoring: Only cycling via Strava a free app
Why/why not:Because its free and monitors calories, distance,
split times etc
Motivations:Weight lost / control
Obstacles: Lack of time due to work pressure and work travel
Would Fabulyzer be beneficial:This sounds good but the
cost is prohibitive as there are many free apps on the market OK
they are not sophisticated but then I am not a professional

P Top Potential Customers

Kim Sauer, 51, Journalist
Routine: Typical excise is four runs per week, two short 5k, and
two longer, 12-24k
Current Method of monitoring: Strava and MyAsics
Why: to monitor progress,
pace, calories burned, and the MyAsics give me a training program
to follow
Motivations: I do it because it keep
me vaguely fit, and it's the easiest form of exercise when travelling,
and lastly because I am training for next marathon.
Obstacles: Not much get's in the way,
sometime travel. Sometime the weather also gets in the way
Would they buy Fabulyzer: I probably
wouldn't because I don't feel the need to know how much fat I am
burning, but if fat burning was my primary goal of exercise, which I
guess it was a couple of years ago, then maybe.

Jane Hazelwood, 48, Marketing director

Routine: run 2 or 3 times a week and Boot Camp twice
Current method of
monitoring: Strava and Asics on my phone for running and
nothing for boot camp
Why: I use the apps
because I want to know how far and how fast I have run and to
monitor my progress
Motivations: To keep fit and
healthy for both my body and mind, I am always trying to lose
some weight.
Obstacles: I sometimes find that I dont
have time to do the exercise I want or I'm too tired to go.
Sometimes the weather prevents me from going out but not
very often.
Would they buy Fabulyzer: I might be
interested - I have bought gadgets in the past for a similar
amount of money. I would be interested to know how it could
help me to lose a bit more weight and I what ways I could do

P Least Potential Customers

Samantha Gray, 21, Student
Routine: Sailing team at university training 3 times a week, I
also go to gym a couple times a week
Current method of monitoring: Not currently
Why: I dont think I need it, I dont take exercising seriously
Motivations: To keep fit, I would like to lose a bit of weight but
am not particularly motivated to do so.
Obstacles: It is usually a lack of time that gets in the way; being
a student I have a lot of other things going on
Would fabulyzer be beneficial: I dont think fabulyzer would
be beneficial to me as i don't think i would have enough time to
invest in using it or even remeber to use it every time.. it seems
quite complicated to use.

Nick Bell, 22, Apprentice

Routine: Boxing 4 times a week. Football training once a week
and two matches a week.
Current Method of monitoring: None
Why: I haven't actually thought about using apps, wristbands
etc, but would look further into it
Motivations: I enjoy what I'm doing and I like to stay fit and
Obstacles: Nothing usually, occasionally have to work late
Would fabulyzer be beneficial: Personally I don't think this
will be beneficial to me as I'm not trying to burn fat but to just be
fitter in myself, but I can see the product being beneficial to many
others who are trying to lose weight.


66% of the people we questioned were not interested in the Fabulyzer mainly due to cost.
Too expensive - even some of the candidates who were interested in the
concept would not pay 200.
The 33% who were interested were generally under the age of 30 - this
seemed to be down to the fact that this generation is more body conscious
and exercise in order to look good.
Older candidates were less interested in weight loss and fat burn - exercise
to keep fit/enjoyment and therefore did not see the Fabulyzer as beneficial.
We believe that lowering the price would make the Fabulyzer much more
marketable and would more likely attract the older generations.

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