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Classical conditioning - Pavlovs dogs

Unconditioned response: Salivation

Stimulus: Food
Food = Salivation
Food + Bell = Salivation
Bell = Salivation (Now conditioned response)

Operate conditioning
Reinforcement - Strengthen behaviour
Positive reinforcement - Rewarding desired behaviour w/ positive stimulus
e.g Rat presses button (Desired behaviour) and is rewarded w/ food (Positive stimuli) therefore the
rat will increase the desired behaviour
Negative reinforcement - Rewarding desired behaviour w/ the removal of negative stimulus
e.g Rat presses button (Desired behaviour) and bright light is turned off (Removal of negative
stimuli) therefore rat will increase desired behaviour
* Negative reinforcement is not a punishment
Punishment - Weaken behaviour
Positive punishment - Behaviour results in negative stimulus
e.g Rat presses button (Behaviour) and gets and electric shock (Negative stimuli)
Negative punishment - Behaviour results in positive stimulus to be taken away
e.g Rat presses button (Behaviour) and food is taken away (Removal of positive stimuli)

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